Portfolio 2017.

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portfolio collection of architectural designs and creative works by camille allaman

PORTFOLIO Collection of architectural designs and creative works by Camille Allaman


Curriculum Vitae Camille allaman 21/01/1993, French ** rue Paul Dautier, 78140 Vélizy-Villacoublay camilleallaman@gmail.com +33 (0) 6 ** ** ** ** Driving licence, category B



2014-2017_ Master, ENSA-Versailles, France Master’s degree in Architecture (DEA), graduation with honours in 2017. Graduation project: "Highway Park".

2017_ Highway Park: student project selected among the best graduation works of semester 2016/2017 and displayed at ENSA-Versailles.

2016_ Master thesis, ENSA-Versailles: "Audi, l’avance par l’Architecture". 2014-2015_ TU Berlin, Germany One year European exchange programme Erasmus.

2015_ Paysages Habités: analysis displayed at the Pavillon de l’Arsenal in Paris. 2015_ Stadtbad Frankfurt: best project, studio First Prize, Fachgebiet Gebäudetechnik und Entwerfen, TU Berlin, project displayed at Frankfurt an der Oder City Hall, Germany.

2011-2014_ Bachelor, ENSA-Versailles Bachelor’s degree in Architecture (DEEA), graduation in 2014.

2013_ Corps et Espace: photo report selected and published in the ENSA-Versailles student Year Book.

2011_ High school diploma with highest honours Science stream, Lycée Gay-Lussac, Limoges, France.

2012_ Arbribus: student competition, Top 10 finalists, project displayed at Versailles City Hall.

professional Experience 2016_ Five-month internship at SPIRALE Architecture in Limoges and Paris: participation in monitoring several construction sites and involvement in many different project phases, production of building permits, creation of various documents on Archicad, Autocad, Photoshop, Indesign and execution of a competition model. 2013_ Four-week internship at TEKTE Architecture in Limoges: introduction to construction site monitoring and to different project phases (preliminary designs, building handover), document production on Autocad and Sketchup. 2012_ Two-week internship at Eiffage on a construction site in Vélizy-Villacoublay: introduction to construction management, work progress monitoring, calculations and planning studies for a residential building. 2008_ Two-week internship at the furniture company Mobalpa in Angoulême: introduction to furniture design and construction site monitoring.

skills Languages French 5/5 Fluent _ mother tongue English 4/5 Advanced German 3/5 Intermediate _ Deutsches Sprachdiplom B1 issued by the Kultusministerkonferenz in 2009. Modeling skills

5/5 Advanced

Softwares Autocad 5/5 Archicad 2/5 Rhinoceros 3D 5/5 SketchUp 2/5 Maxwell Render 2/5

Advanced Indesign 5/5 Basics Illustrator 4/5 Advanced Photoshop 4/5 Basics Ms Office 4/5 Basics

Advanced Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate

activities and interests Interests_ History, Philosophy, Cinema, Travels, Photography. Community life_ Relationship and event manager within the student association ArchiAbroad. Contact_ Seasonal involvement in the YES initiative (Yvelines Etudiants Seniors / Yvelines Students Seniors). Cinema_ One-year participation in a lecture series on cinema. Sport_ Horseriding, volleyball, jogging. Travels_ Germany, The Netherlands, Morocco, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Tunisia... Cultural exchanges with FĂźrth, near Nuremberg in Bavaria, Germany.

Summary Architectural designs URBAN LANDSCAPE Highway Park

p 4

PUBLIC buildings Activaxis République Central Stadtbad Frankfurt Centre Civique Professional work

p 10

p 24

Gîte Guilhem HOUSING

p 26

Logements Maison Courbe Maison de la Danse

CREATIVE WORKS Experimental Workshops Architectura Arbribus Co-présence d’Objets Refuge Espace Sublime ARTISTIC WORKSHOPS

p 35

p 42

Corps et Espace

PUBLICATIONS Audi, L’avance par l’Architecture Highway Park Stadtbad Frankfurt Paysages habités Corps et Espace

p 45


Architectural designs



2016-2017_ graduation project

h i ghw ay pa r k

How then to inhabit such a superstructure? This project offers to recreate links between the separated parts of the city and to generate a new centrality of public leisure activities: the urban park. It would give the inhabitants the possibility to interact with each other and with their context. The highway interchange seems to appear as a space of constraints, but perspectives can be reversed and constraints turned into opportunities. The constant noise and the huge scale of this urban cathedral allow for instance the setting-up of structures which would not find any space available in city centers because of their size or of their important sonic impact. The interchange is a structural and sculptural object, synonymous with freedom. It is the medium of an urban imagination.

ENSA-Versailles Project Processus expĂŠrimentaux Under supervision of Jean Bocabeille In collaboration with Lucie Ou-meskour (ENSA-Versailles)

This project is located in the southeast of The Hague in The Netherlands. Over the last decade, the city has faced an increasing population but with limited space available for its expansion. Therefore, The Hague must rely on the redefinition of spaces within its borders to ensure its development, such as the Prins Clausplein area. This highway interchange forms a superstructure of impressive dimensions with a strong influence on local as well as regional scales. However, it is a source of spatial division between the different neighbourhoods and between its inhabitants. The interchange and the important constraints it generates, prevent the city from having a continuous urban and social development and prevents citizens from settling there. It is an urban no man’s land.

The idea behind the urban park is to offer a place which is simply no longer a city imitation of nature. Reaching the countryside has been made easier and faster thanks to improvement of transport. A park must so become a celebration space of urbanity and urban life. A series of various functions can be established there and be adapted to this particular context. Programs are operating day and night, allowing for a permanent and safe occupation of the site. This park becomes a laboratory of urban activities. 4


Highway Park consists of a superposition of 3 grids: - Big structures. They rise above the landscape and attract local as well as regional residents. There are four of them: a tower, a Ferris wheel, a roller coaster and a dome. These objects offer a new view on the highway interchange and on the show of cars driving through. - Pedestrian traffic. It has the form of a cloud made of fine footbridges winding under the highway infrastructure. It is an alternative ground that gives access to unexplored areas. It meets a need to reconnect the different districts that are currently split up because of the interchange. - Furniture. The design of this grid is inspired by the surrounding Dutch polder pattern. It is made up of a set of cubic modules which are extremely adaptable and flexible according to programmatic needs.

the main element. A forest of pedestrian footbridgesand motorway elements stretches above it like branches. Visitors can come to skate or look at others skating. They can come to watch and be watched. - Fun Field. This festive area is dedicated to leisure and relaxation. It is a unique place in The Hague, a place centred around two of the big structures: the Ferris wheel and the roller coaster. They offer together a new original, moving and dynamic view of this area which is already in perpetual movement. - Highway Palace. It is the palace, the dome of this park. It is a gathering place for monumental exhibitions, for important festivals and conferences. It is the temple of urban culture located right at the interchange’s heart. Highway Park is a dream in motion unfolding around an extraordinary object: a highway interchange. It is a park that adapts to its users’ needs, that reconnects them to each other and that offers them a gathering place. It is a park that inhabits an extraordinary structure. Highway Park is an urban utopia.

The park is then divided into 4 areas: - District Tower. This part is focused around the surrounding neighbourhood life. The furniture consists of local shops such as a food market or cafe. The tower is the emblem. It is an observation structure that rises above the site. It is a multiplied scaffolding, an invitation to go climb and to contemplate the interchange and its surroundings. - Urban Jungle. This area is dedicated to sports and movement in the district. The skate-park is here 6











Plan ; échelle 1:200

Plan ; échelle 1:200

Fun Field

Coupe longitudinale ; échelle 1:200

Coupe longitudinale ; échelle 1:200




Plan ; échelle 1:200


Plan ; échelle 1:200


Coupe longitudinale ; échelle 1:200

Coupe longitudinale ; échelle 1:200




2014-2015_master project

a c t i v a x i s

Activaxis is situated in the district of Marzahn-Hellersdorf, in the east of Berlin (Germany). It is an unattractive neighbourhood with poor public transport, poor connections and characterized by large parking lots and long blocks of flats from the 70’s.

Technische Universität Berlin Project Under supervision of In collaboration with

Activity & the City Christine Nickl-Weller Laurens de Lange (Tu Delft, Netherlands)

The first idea is to intervene at a local scale by creating a network of axes dedicated to pedestrians and cyclists. It reconnects the different areas of the neighbourhood and generates a series of new spaces: parks, gathering and activity spaces for the residents. The project then focuses on the creation of a particular ensemble: a sports complex. The building consists of two entities that are intersected. Each is distinguished by its specific program, with different uses, needs and materialities. The ground floor volume is defined as an open space, transparent in order to maintain a visual continuity with the outside. The second volume, opposed to the other one, is more private, closed and opaque. 10





Roof Ventilation valve Gutter Kalzip Insulation Trapezoidal sheet metal IPE 240 steel profile Truss Roller blinds Fascia Perforated suspended ceiling

Faรงade Laminated glass 6+6mm Mullion 210x70mm Ventilated cavity 700mm Mullion 210x70mm Double glazing 8+10+8mm Column ROR 193,7

Floor Galvanized grating Natural ventilation grille Convector Floor heating Insulation 120mm Structural concrete Air duct




2015-2016_master project

république c e n t r a l

République Central is a new train station, a new centrality and urban interface on the Place de la République in Paris (France). The shape and location of this tower are defined through an iterative process which consists of reading the underground networks and flows. This project meets three main objectives, each defining three universes:


- Mobility. It is a singular object that vertically connects all the traffic flows and where they all converge. It is a Piranesian space where possibilities of movement are endless. - Profitability. A series of free open spaces provides an economic solution to this project's huge costs by adding profitable programs like shops or offices. - Activities. The Place de la République is only partially used despite its highly symbolic value. New functions are created to diversify and densify this area. An extension is generated where activities are included in volumes that are then inserted into top parts of the tower. The project condenses public space programs.

Project République Central Station Under supervision of Ido Avissar In collaboration with Rémi Boubonneux (ENSA-Versailles)

This emblematic square and its furniture remain as unchanged as possible. République Central is an object focused on density, compactness and finally does not change the existing boundaries of the Place de la République, reasserting them instead. 14





2015_master project

s t a d t b a d f r a n kf u r t

Located in the border town of Frankfurt an der Oder (Germany), the Lichtspieltheater der Jugend has experienced many changes before being transformed into a cinema after World War II. This typical GDR-style building was finally abandoned in the 2000s and is now a forgotten space, degraded and functionless.

Technische Universität Berlin

The idea is to offer an innovative program in order to reconnect the city and its inhabitants with their past, but also to create a place of exchange and sharing for all: an aquatic centre. The project consists of creating various extensions, housing pools and relaxation areas as well as technical and sanitary facilities. The new parts are offering a different materiality in order to contrast with the old ones. The building is furthermore based on a gradation system between public and private spaces, transparency and opacity, cold and warm pools.

Project Z u g a b e Under supervision of Claus Steffan In collaboration with Manfred Eriksson (Lund Universitet, Sweden)

A lot of the original elements, such as the galleries, were preserved with the aim of protecting the architectural heritage. 18





2013-2014_bachelor project

c e n t r e c i v i q u e

Thanks to its location in Meudon (France) on a high altitude and uneven area, the Centre Civique enjoys a large view of Paris.

ENSA-Versailles Project Under supervision of

This project consists of creating various functional and autonomous buildings: a town Hall, a cultural Centre, a sports Complex and an office block. Each has its own internal organization.

Équipement public Benjamin Colboc

These four different and independent entities are split up, distributed on the site and connected through an underground gallery referring directly to the ancient history of this place: chalk quarries were originally located on this site. An important network of galleries remains today. 22





0 33

5 4

x 18



3 2 1


2016_professional work


This project consists of the renovation and transformation of an old water mill into a Bed & Breakfast for a dozen persons in the Glane valley near Limoges (France). Only few parts of the original structure remain, as a large part of it collapsed. In order to ensure compliance with local construction standards, no extension is possible. The new house has therefore to be built within the limits of the old mill.

SPIRALE Architecture Project Under supervision of

Maison d’hôtes Nicolas Balmy

The architect’s wish is to preserve as much as possible the traditional spirit of the place by re-using the dry stone walls that are still standing. A volume made of local wood is then inserted. It is made taller than the former construction in order to create a second level that houses the night spaces. The house is mostly open towards the river thanks to large bay windows, enabling a wide view of the countryside. A vast terrace stretches towards the water and invites visitors to relax. 24



2014_bachelor project


This project is located near the limits of an imaginary city, on a plot divided into four strips. Density is imposed there. Two typologies are coexisting on each strip. The first one is the two-storey building with its low density that enables the creation of a little town atmosphere, a town with modest dimensions. The second one is the block of flats which protects with its size the lower parts from the nuisances of the highway located on the edge of the site.

ENSA-Versailles Project Logements : offre et complexitĂŠ Under supervision of Augustin Cornet & Javier Arpa

The East strip is a consideration on mass and space, on insertion of closed and autonomous objects into open free spaces. These objects are sometimes used as structural elements or sometimes become removable modules with minimum dimensions. This way, the inhabitants obtain an important freedom in organising their living space. 26




2012-2013_bachelor project

m a i s o n c o u r b e

The Maison Courbe is situated in the city centre of Versailles (France), at the intersection of two streets. It is a project that consists of an individual and buried house.


A series of curves is created from the shape of the building plot. Their combination defines the house and its different parts. Rooms are turning their back to the street and revolve around the central patio. This courtyard is facing south to guarantee a maximum amount of sunshine.

Project Morphogénèse d’une maison Under supervision of Pierre Devernois


09 maison danse

2012_bachelor project


la Created in partnership with the City of Music and the Conservatoire Nationale de Musique et de Danse de Paris, the Maison de la Danse is a project that takes place in the 19th arrondissement of Paris (France). It is a semi-public building with mixed programs designed for dancers. It consists of three connected entities offering public functions on their ground floors. First floors are dedicated to housing for dancers. These studios are designed as small independent and cubic units that are interconnected through a system of collective terraces.

ENSA-Versailles Project Under supervision of

Espace, ville, paysage Benjamin Drossart




Creative Works




2012_bachelor workshop

A r ch i t ec t u r a

The term "architecture" comes from the ancient Greek αρχιτεκτων composed of αρχι (head, manager) and τεκτων (builder, carpenter), transformed into the Latin words arche meaning the "beginning" and tectum meaning the "roof".

ENSA-Versailles Project Under supervision of

Genèse de l’espace Richard Scoffier

This cycle of short projects questions the origins and definition of Architecture through the theories ventured by Gottfried Semper in his 1851 book Die vier Elemente der Baukunst. He determined the four components of Architecture as being the hearth, the enclosure, the roof and the mound. The idea was here to interpret these four elements through a physical model. The result was a global reflection on the concept of volume. 35


2012_bachelor competition


This competition was organized in collaboration with the city of Versailles (France), some manufacturers and professionals from different sectors.

ENSA-Versailles Project Under supervision of In collaboration with

This is a prospective study on the future, the program and the execution of a specific object: the bus shelter.

L’Abribus Elizabeth Lermercier Camille PoÍzevara Pauline Audebert (ENSA-Versailles)

The presented prototype is above all an artistic research questioning form and structure. It is a consideration on the bus shelter as a piece of art in the city. The Arbribus is an arborescent and unlimited system that can be adapted to various situations and in which street furniture is independently settled. 36


2013_bachelor workshop

co-présence d ’ o b j e t s

This studio proposes to question the metropolis through an imposed concept: the "co-presence d’objet".


It is defined by the research team as being the connection between ordinary, simple and standardized elements and as the choice of a small scale. These modular objects are arranged on an orthogonal grid which is considered as the basic scenario.

Project La densité dans la métropole Under supervision of Ido Avissa In collaboration with C.Bergaud / H.Courcol Y.Hwang / C.Hans C.Jovial / C.Marie-Calixte (ENSA-Versailles)

The project does not offer any program and claims a functional neutrality. Modules all benefit of a reciprocal and equally intense influence. They have an equivalent value. It is their specific arrangement that generates a tension. 37


2014_bachelor workshop

r e f u g e

The selected project for this experimental studio is the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe from P. Eisenman in Berlin (Germany). The idea here is to question the place of the memorial in the city and its necessity in a society that more and more turns to digital technologies and in which memory becomes virtual.

ENSA-Versailles Project Un bâtiment, combien de vie ? Under supervision of Richard Scoffier In collaboration with CÊcile Bergaud Lucile Paumier (ENSA-Versailles)

The memorial is transformed into a shelter for homeless people. A stele is chosen as a basic module and is transformed into a room with minimum dimensions. It contains only what is strictly necessary. These temporary shelters are then stacked on top of each other while still adhering to the orthogonal plan. 38



2014_bachelor workshop

e s p a c e s u b l i m e

What is “the Sublime�? What is a sublime space? This is the question raised in this studio. The Sublime is an installation that brings the visitor to experience the loss of his bearings. He is disoriented, losing his consciousness and his reason in aid of his stunned imagination. An organization, an order are pushed into crisis.

ENSA-Versailles Project Espaces sublimes, anti-sublimes Under supervision of Susanne Stacher In collaboration with C.Bergaud / N.Bonniol L.Geneau / E.Mouchel / L.Valladier (ENSA-Versailles)

This workshop is a consideration on the denaturalization of a structural element, which is the column. It loses here its load-bearing function and is transformed into light. An infinite space, immense and without any landmarks appears. 40



2013_bachelor workshop

c o r p s e t e s p a c e

This photographic report launches a series of interrogations about the connection existing between body and space:

ENSA-Versailles Project Under supervision of In collaboration with

What is space? Expression plastique Pierre Antoine A.Huet / A.Rault A.Buon (ENSA-Versailles)

This is a concept that changes from one culture to another and that evolves according to the personal relationship we have with our own body. What generates, defines and delimits space? What is the place and the role of the body in this space? How does this body react to the space that surrounds it? 42





2015-2016_master thesis

audi, l’a v a n c e pa r l’architecture ENSA-Versailles Project Under supervision of

Architecture commerciale Denyse Rodriguez Tomé

This MA thesis attempts to answer the various questions raised by the use of an architectural policy in the case of a brand like Audi, while also offering an analysis of the relationship existing between city, Architecture and automobile. What are the specificities and constraints of a car retail space? Is Architecture a central element of promotion at Audi? How does the brand appropriate our visual environment? Does this change our perception from the road? Why create model concepts? What is the purpose of such standardization? What are the logics of adaptation and execution in France and Germany? Ref: ALLAMAN Camille, Audi, l’avance par l’Architecture, Prof. Denyse Rodriguez Tome (dir), Mémoire d’initiation à la recherche, master en Architecture, ENSA-V, 2016. 46


2016-2017_ graduation project

h i ghw ay pa r k ENSA-Versailles Project Processus expĂŠrimentaux Under supervision of Jean Bocabeille In collaboration with Lucie Ou-meskour (ENSA-Versailles) Highway Park was selected to be part of an exhibition gathering the best graduation projects of semester 2016/2017 at ENSA-Versailles. Exhibition from the 20th to the 31st of March 2017. 48


2015_master project

s t a d t b a d f r a n kf u r t Technische Universität Berlin Project Z u g a b e Under supervision of Claus Steffan In collaboration with Manfred Eriksson (Lund Universitet, Sweden) This project won the First Prize of the jury from the Fachgebiet Gebäudetechnik und Entwerfen (TU Berlin) and was displayed during an exhibition at Frankfurt an der Oder City Hall (Germany). Exhibition from November to December 2015. 50


2014_bachelor workshop

p a y s a g e s h a b i t é s ENSA-Versailles Project Logements : offre et complexité Under supervision of Emmanuel Combarel This work was displayed at the Pavillon de l'Arsenal in Paris (France). It analyses the set of HLM housing designed by Jean Balladur and JeanBernard Tostivint in the late 1960s, in the 14th arrondissement of Paris. “Paysages Habités presents research works of 137 students for 137 housing buildings. It was based on the same criteria and same modes of representation in order to make comparable characteristics that show how housing produces the city and induces modes of living. This work analyses a century of metropolitan production, of its landscape manufacturing through the housing process. Housing moulds more than any other program our urban landscapes, because of its predominancy in the constitution of our cities. The housing environment is therefore the genesis of the city: assemblage and nesting of units, spaces and forms.” —Emmanuel Combarel Exhibition from the12th of February to the 20th of April 2015. Ref: COMBAREL Emmanuel, "Paysages Habités, Travaux des étudiants de l’École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Versailles", Pavillon de l'Arsenal, http://www.pavillon-arsenal.com/fr/expositions/9951-paysages-habites.html. 52


2013_bachelor workshop

c o r p s e t e s p a c e ENSA-Versailles Project Under supervision of In collaboration with

Expression plastique Pierre Antoine A.Huet / A.Rault A.Buon (ENSA-Versailles)

This photo report was selected and published in the ENSA-Versailles student yearbook. Ref: Archibooké Association, Huit, annuel des étudiants de l’École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Versailles, Versailles, ENSA-Versailles, Janvier 2014. 54


Camille Allaman ** rue Paul Dautier, 78140, VĂŠlizy-Villacoublay France camilleallaman@gmail.com +33 (0) 6 ** ** ** **

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