Booklet igv

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Egypt is one of the main tourist des3na3ons in the world because its history and culture reflect how one of the earliest civiliza3ons has kept its legacy intact. From the red sea, through the desert and of course visi3ng the pyramids of Giza, you can live one of the experiences that all the young people today are called to live.

This is EGYPT!

Black&White Desert






As the largest youth organiza3on in the world we are commiBed to the engagement, educa3on and contribu3on of the Seventeen Sustainable Development Goals of the United Na3ons. Through our twenty two local offices we have a great variety of projects and on the following pages you can see the objec3ves and profiles with greater offer.

Healers These opportuni3es aim to improve the health care system in Egypt by providing interns with the chance to work as medical trainees in medical ins3tu3ons, suppor3ng their researches and medical programs.

Educators We provide interns with the chance to educate the young and the underprivileged popula3on of Egypt to decrease illiteracy and enhance quality educa3on for a promising future.

Marketers To ensure gender equality, we provide interns with marke3ng and management opportuni3es in women empowerment NGOs to spread awareness on the issue and ensure equal opportuni3es in Egypt.

Promoters We provide interns with the chance to explore Egyp3an ci3es, capture their beau3es with their own eyes and share their stories to the world to promote for tourism in Egypt.

Eco-guards By having our interns work with environmental NGOs, suppor3ng their research, recycling and eco-­‐friendly ac3vi3es, we aim to progress in our environmental issues.

All our projects here:

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