Subcommittees 2018

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SUBCOMMITTEEs 1. Ethics 2. Brand 3. Legislation 4. Membership 5. Conference 6. Steering Team

ethics subcommittee

brand subcommittee

Ensure AIESEC Values in Ensuring brand aligned every process, project products and material by and activity in the all the entities of AIESEC organization through the in Egypt through auditing analysis of ethical cases. and protecting it. Consisting of: - 3 LCPs - 1 MCVP - 1 ECB Chair

Consisting of: - 2 LCPs - 1 MCVP

legislation subcommittee

membership subcommittee

Manage and execute national legislative meetings, update Ensures the accountability of national compendium and put AIESEC in Egypt and enhance education system for the entity's legality & governance. plenary along with MC responsible.

Consisting of: - 1 LCP (Chair). - 1 MCVP

Consisting of: - 1 LCP (Chair). - 1 MCVP

conferences subcommittee

steering team

Providing MC feedback and Select national conferences recommendations to ensure hosting LCs, ensure execution value and usability of MC of conferences, create closing Strategies. ST becomes the reports with hosting LCs for consultancy body and the conferences, putting national strongest implementation conferences timeline and cycle channel to drive a better along with MC responsible. network management. Consisting of: Consisting of: - 1 LCP (Chair). - 5 LCPs - 1 MCVP - MCVP OD - MCP

application If you want to be part of any of the following subcommittees: Ethics, Brand, Legislation, Membership or Conferences, fill the form below: DDL: Wednesday 7th at 11:59pm

steering team application

Make a pdf answering the following quesCons with no more than 3 pages and send to 1- Personal Information: Name, LC, What are you studying, Previous Roles. 2- What motivaste you apply for the steering team and what will be your unique contribution? 3- What are the three main areas in which you have had most experience and how they will help you in your role as ST Member? 4- Evaluate this year’s strategic direction of MC Hayah for implementation. How successfully has it been implemented in your LC and why? 5- What behaviors do you see necessary in order to have successful Roadmap Implementation nationally? 6- How are we going to improve the quality of our exchange experiences nationally? DDL: Thursday Feb 9th at 11:59pm.

thank you! LCPS 2018

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