Experience mapping vol3

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Egyptian Experience Mapping

Egyptian Experience Mapping 1








This phase is the EPs journey from the moment he’s approved till the first day of the realization, which includes all standards he should take during this period.

This phase is the Ep’s journey during his first week of realization – from the moment he arrives till his first day of work - and all standards delivered to him during this period.

This phase is the EP’s journey after his first day of work till the end of his internship in the hosting country, including all standards delivered to him in this period.

This phase is the EP’s journey from the moment he finishes his internship till he comes back and closes his experience fully, including all standards delivered to him in this period.

development phase job



working hours


development phase As we have seen in the previous week, the intern has already attended their first day of work and has attended the first development space with the enabler which aligns their Personal goals with the Job Description and a detailed plan to measure their progress in work. Now what needs to happen is the fulfillment of three important standards which were previously communicated to the intern as we have seen in the Approval phase. Yes, we are talking about standards 10, 11 & 12 which are Job Description, Duration and Working Hours respectively. Your job is simple, you need to ensure that the enabler is providing the EP with the Job Description as communicated, Working hours per day and the entire duration of the internship. This can be done via the means of simple sensing with the intern on a biweekly/monthly basis and communicating to the enabler in case it is not being fulfilled.

development phase lead So, as you know, LEAD is defined as hosting spaces where an individual can reflect, introspect, understand themselves better to enhance their leadership by making them Learn, Engage, Act and Develop. There are three things you need to be aware of LEAD which are the LEAD content, LEAD Facilitation and LEAD environment. You are already aware of the fact that every intern takes their LDA and comes to the internship with an assessment, your primary responsibility is to cater to this requirement by the means of facilitating one of the 12 elements of LEAD elements which is relevant to the intern based on their LDA. The content for these elements along with other details can be found here: http://www.aies.ec/lead After this LEAD based on LDA has been delivered, we further recommend you to deliver 3 LEADs through the tenure of the internship to ensure that all the 4 major elements are covered. To help you understand which LEAD should be delivered when, we suggest you to go through this document: bit.ly/XPmapping and refer to the example stated here.

to be continued...

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