Campbell River Families

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Families Campbell River

This guide focuses on family living in Campbell River. This full colour section includes related activities, sports, music and the arts, plus photos and articles on childcare, childcare programs and facilities, local events and activities of interest to all families with young children. Presented by:




Supplement to the Campbell River Mirror October 21, 2011

The Importance of Building Resilient Children

Campbell River Recreation has something for everyone!

Pajamarama – let your little ones play and get silly before settling down for story time at the Plex!

Family Gym – playtime for preschoolers and their grownups!

Musical Moments – come sing, move and make music with

your little one!

Baby Makes Two – bring your baby for a fun interactive workout that will get you in shape and keep you healthy!

For more program information please refer to the Recreation Guide at or call 250.286.1161 or 250.923.7911

Every Child Belongs Campbell River is an inclusive community where children of diverse abilities are welcomed, valued and supported. The Supported Child Development Program supports children so that they may actively participate in licensed child care settings. Campbell River Supported Child Development Program is a program of the Campbell River and District Association for Community Living, and funded by the Ministry of Children and Family Development. #110 1180 Ironwood Road, Campbell River, BC V9W 5P7 Tel: 250.286.0955 email:

So what is resilience anyway? In a nutshell, resilience describes a process whereby people bounce back from adversity and go on with their lives. It is a dynamic process highly influenced by protective factors. Protective factors are specific competencies that are necessary for the process of resilience to occur. Competencies are those healthy skills and abilities that the individual can access and may occur within the individual,, the interpersonal or family environment. People who are resilient can deal better with stress and adversity, overcome childhood disadvantage, and reach out to new opportunities. In addition, more than 30 years of research shows that resilient people are healthier, live longer, are more successful in school and at work, are happier in relationships, and are less prone to depression. Stress, adversity, and challenges are iinevitable h ll it bl parts t off daily life – and sometimes out of our control. However, the way we think about stress is very much in our control and makes a big difference in how we handle daily bumps in the road. Some people feel helpless in the face of stress and adversity, so they easily give up attempts to change or improve the situation. Other people hold more resilient views. They see situations as challenges or problems that can be solved if the look for options and keep trying. A resilient view is characterized by accurate and flexible

Obstacles in life

can be

For more information or to be a part of the project, contact Erin Dusdal at or (250) 202-5500. Visit our website at:

thinking, creative problem solving, the capacity to see other points of view and to adjust one’s own views, and the ability to move on with daily life despite obstacles. Resilient thinking can be learned! How we think about adversity and opportunity affects our success in school and work, our health and longevity and our risk of depression. If we can view adversity, in the road” or “bumps b challenges instead of as ch huge disruptions to our lives than we are more likely to thrive in whatever we do and handle stresses with more ease. stres Likewise, people who Likew have increased resilient thinking skills are betthink ter aable to navigate and cope with trauma, which we w will discuss in later modules. modu Teaching resilient skills Teach children can happen to ch from a very early age and can optimize the development of resilience. It makes good sense, then, to introduce resiliency-building strategies to children as early as possible in order to help them deal with inevitable adversity and inoculate them against depression. Warm, caring adults – whether they are parents, teachers, or other caregivers – who model resilient thinking in the face of daily stresses nurture children’s lifelong capacity for resilience. Role modelling is the cornerstone in resiliency building. By eight years old, for example, most

continued on page 3


How we think about adversity and opportunity affects our success in school and work, our health and longevity and our risk of depression. If we can view adversity, or “bumps in the road” as challenges instead of huge disruptions to our lives we are more likely to thrive in whatever we do and handle stresses with more ease. People who have increased resilient thinking skills are better able to navigate and cope with trauma. Teaching resilient skills to children can happen from a very early age and can optimize the development of resilience. It makes sense to introduce resiliency building strategies to children as early as possible in order to help them deal with inevitable adversity and inoculate them against depression.

Supplement to the Campbell River Mirror October 21, 2011

Resilient Children continued.... children have developed a thinking style, or habitual way of responding to stressors. Even children two and three years old are able to mimic the thinking styles of caregivers around them. Just as children develop language in a “language-rich” environment, so they will develop the skills of resilience in a “resilience-rich” environment. Here are a few things people can do with children every day that will help build resiliency: 1. Support Emotional Regulation (being in charge of our emotions enough to stay calm under pressure and being able to express our emotions in ways that will help rather than hurt a situation). • Model being in control of your own emotions. • Talk out loud when you’re managing your emotions. “Wow, that was frustrating. I think I need to take three deep breaths and sit back for a second. Ok, now let’s try again.” • Listen to and validate their struggle before you make suggestions. 2. Support Impulse Control (for example, when we are angry and we want to shout and argue, but instead we step back and think about what would help the situation). • Get them to use words to express emotions. • Help children come up with alternative solutions to a

problem and not just do the first thing that comes into their head. Brainstorm with them, give options and allow them to make a choice. • Help children think about why they’re upset by asking them, afterwards figure out what they can do about it. 3. Support Causal Analysis (being able to take a step back and assess problems objectively and decide what is accurate in a particular situation). • Try not to make mountains out of molehills. • Help Hel them realize when a situation is temporary sit and affects only a specific part of their life and not their whole life. For t example a response to exam “I never ne get to go first!” could be “I can see you are frustrated right now. Remember yesterday when you went first w twice in a row? I know you haven’t been first this time, but you will get your y turn again.” • Help them to discuss the problem and come up with things they can do about it 4. Promote Realistic Optimism (the ability to maintain belief that a brighter future is possible. This is not about seeing only the positive things in life and turning a blind eye to the negative, but about seeing things as they are and working at creating the future you want to have).


Resources For Early Childhood Development

• Speech & Language Services • Infant Development Program • Physical Therapy Services • Occupational Therapy Services • Family Resource Program

Are you worried about your preschooler’s development? Did you know you can call us with questions?

Call 250-286-0955 #110-1180 Ironwood Street, Campbell River, BC V9W 5P7 » Fax: 250-287-2676

Discovery Planet 3X2.5 Child-Care Centre 1260 Greenwood St., Campbell River DISCOVERY PLANET (Between Ricky’s and ICBC)

continued on page 4

Learning is Fun!

Thank you Coastal Eyecare for helping us grow!


Willow Point Optometry Clinic

(Sunrise Resources is administered by Campbell River & District Association for Community Living)

#5-2380 S. Island Hwy., Campbell River Ph: (250) 923-1635 • Fax: (250) 923-1639 1-866-778-2020 (Campbell River)

• Year Round Preschool and Daycare • American Sign Language • Pre-Literacy and Phonics • Pre-Mathematics Ph. (250) 286-6580 or (250) 830-3971 Email:



Supplement to the Campbell River Mirror October 21, 2011

HALLOWEEN HOWL EVENTS Halloween Fun Swim Friday, October 28th – 6:30-8:00 pm

Vampire & Werewolf Themed Skating Party Saturday, October 29th – 6:00-9:00 pm Free Admissions for those in Costumes on Monday, October 31

Trick or Treat Tot Skating Party 3:00-4:00 pm Free Skate & Scare 4:00-6:00 pm

VIHA: 1-877-370-8699

Resilient Children continued.... • When a negative situation arises, help them keep working at a solution instead of giving up. • Point out successes even if they struggle or fail sometimes. • Identify when circumstances occur outside their control. • Acknowledge that things may not be working for them right now, but things do work out for people – use concrete examples (“I know you didn’t win this game but you worked really hard and had some great plays. Last weekend you did win and I’ll bet that you win again in the future too.”) 5. Empathy (the ability to understand the feelings and needs of another person; to “walk in their shoes”). • Help them recognize their own feelings “You look happy about doing that all by yourself.” • Help them recognize others’ feelings “Jenny’s face looks sad. I wonder if she misses playing with her friend today.” • Being understood and understanding others are important to the growth of empathy. 6. Self-Efficacy (the feeling of being effective in the world, making a difference and having an impact. It is the belief

w we do matters). that what Se • Self-efficacy is rooted in actua experience. actual He children experience • Help comp competence by giving them choic that allow them to choices influ influence decisions that affec them, for example, “it’s affect cold outside, do you want to wear your hat or pull up your hood hood?” Giv them opportunities to • Give succe succeed, but still feel challenge increases confidence. lenged, Re 7. Reaching Out (the ability ta on new opportunities to take that life presents – see things le as learning opportunities, and take a risk sometimes). He them try new things • Help p by pointing out “No one is perfe and “everyone makes perfect” mistakes. It is part of how we learn.” • Model making mistakes and fixing them “Remember when I forgot to read the story yesterday? Today, I’m going to read two stories.” • Remind them of what they have already accomplished, so that they see that they are indeed growing and learning every day. • Role model that it is ok to ask for help and emphasize that we all need support from others sometimes. – Erin Dusdal, Imagine Campbell River, 250-202-5500

United Way Central and Northern Vancouver Island 3X5”


Proud supporter of

3156 Barons Rd., Nanaimo, V9T 4B5 » 250-729-7400

Supplement to the Campbell River Mirror October 21, 2011

Listen Listen to your children at bedtime. You will hear them talk about the events of the day and their dreams for tomorrow. Moments like this make a child feel cherished. Listen to the feelings behind children’s words and actions and discuss them by name. Children will learn a language known the world over the language of feelings. Listen to children and they will feel understood and

learn to understand others. This is one way empathy develops. Listen to babies’ babble and respond in “baby talk.” Babies might not understand your words but they will understand the feelings behind them.

Invest In A Brighter Future... Start the School Year off with Success!

Listen to children with all your attention - with your ears, eyes, body and heart. They will feel your respect. Mary Gordon, The Early Years: The Precious Years

Sunrise Learning Centre offers individualized tutoring programs for all grade levels in math, reading, writing and study skills. Register today to ensure the best start for your child!

#102-250 Dogwood Street Campbell River


Changing Grades. Changing Lives.

Campbell River Literacy Now C is a proud supporter of: • Books for Babies • Children’s Health Fairs • Literacy Backpacks • Family Literacy Day


CHILDREN ddeserve a goodd start in life.


Swimming produces a wide array of health and social benefits for kids of all ages. It provides children with a fun aquatic activity that also promotes good health and social development skills.

fe, d a sa able e e n rt ren Child and comfot where n secure nvironme laugh, e , home y can play row. the rn and g lea Erica Chan-Lafrance, CA and Shelly Boates, CA of CNB are both members of the Success by Six Community Council of Partners.

980 Alder Street, Campbell River 250-286-0744


Chris Koopmans 250-914-1214


Supplement to the Campbell River Mirror October 21, 2011 Fall 2011

A world exists, outside of your home, where your3X5” child is precious. Your child will spend valuable time with adults who truly enjoy their company ...with adults who listen to your child’s ideas and stories ...with adults who turn and look your child in the eyes when they are speaking. We believe this is how children grow.




Laichwiltach Family Life – 441 – 4th Ave. 250 –286 – 3430 (to

Community Kitchen for Parents 11 am - 12:30 pm

Parent & Child Drop-in 11 am – 12:30 pm

attend you must have Aboriginal ancestry or be in a relationship with an Aboriginal

@ Laichwiltach

@ Laichwiltach

believes in the power of child care programs to support and enrich the lives of families and the development of children. We are proud of our practices and live our motto:

487 – 10

394 Leishman Road, Campbell River, BC V9W 3V6


am – 1:30 pm

(for moms & 0-3 yrs olds)

11:30 am – 1:30 pm



@ Laichwiltach

Creating Healthy Families Drop-in

(0-9 months)

Prenatal Drop-in 11:30 am - 1:30 pm

Updates available online @

Campbell River Child Care Society

Postnatal Drop-in .11:30


School District 72 Free Drop-in programs for children 0-6 yrs. and their caregivers


@ The Gathering Place #49 – 300 Robron

250 – 287 –2421


Child Care - We Care ...... for over 40 years..

Parents & Child Cultural Drop-in 11 am –12:30 pm

12:30 – 2 pm

Family Services th


Health & Wellness Drop-in For parents, grandparents and those expecting (0 to 6yrs)


CR CHILD The CampbellCARE River Child Care SOCIETY Society


Interactive Play Group (for moms and children 0 –6 yrs old)

11:30 am – 1 pm

Dad’s Drop-in 2 Thursday evenings/mon.

Phone for info.

Cedar Elm. 8:45 am –11:30 am

Georgia Park Elm. 8:30 am – 11:15 am

Cedar Elm. 8:45 am –11:30 am

Geargia Park Elm. 8:30 am – 11:15 am

Geargia Park Elm. 8:30 am – 11:15 am

Gathering Place 8:30 am – 11:15 am.

Cedar Elm. 8:45 am-11:30 am

Gathering Place 8:30 am – 11:15 am.

Sandowne Elm.

Sandowne Elm.

8:45 am - 11:30 am.

8:45 am - 11:30 am.

Georgia Park Elm. 11:45 – 2:30 pm

Sandowne Elm.

Georgia Park Elm. 11:45 am – 2:30 pm

Sandowne Elm.

Cedar Elm. 11:45 pm – 2:30 pm

12- 2:30 pm.

8:45 am - 11:30 am.

Sandowne Elm. 12- 2:30 pm.

Cedar Elm. 11:45 am – 2:30 pm

C. R. Parks, Rec. & Culture see Rec. Guide

Family Gym –

Family Gym *

Family Gym

for full programs list & L.I.F.E. Prog. for help with fees

Downtown Com. Centre

Downtown Com. Centre

Sportsplex – S. Alder

10:30 am – 11:30 am FREE

10:30 am – 11:30 am

10:30 am – 11:30 am

* $3./1 child, $5./2+ sibs


Parenting Tip:

Offering several programs at 3 centres:

Allow time for activities that have no “map”. Unlike some toys that are designed to be used a certain way, materials like boxes, water, pots, and any art material, can be used imaginatively. Rather than telling your child what to do, how to do it or what it should look like, try letting your child’s curiosity be the guide. Adapted from

• Hemlock Early Learning and Care Centre • Leishman Early Learning and Care Centre • Willow Point Children's Centre

Active Kids Tip:

The benefits of daily physical activity include greater respect for others and property, improved general alertness, better attitudes towards study and an enhanced self-concept.

Are you someone who:

Humpty3X2.5 Dumpty Nursery School HUMPTY DUMPTY


Loves children? Is nurturing? Is interested in starting a home-based business? Is currently caring for children and would like some support?

We offer: Support

Training Resources, Toys, Equipment & Theme Packs Access to Enhanced Child Care Subsidy payments Access to low-cost business liability insurance Referrals to parents who are looking for child care 250-756-2022 or 1-888-480-CARE

Humpty Dumpty is a non-proÀt, licensed cooperative preschool facility for children three & four years old. It is a co-operative pre-school owned and operated by a group of families on a non-proÀt, non-sectarian and inter-racial basis. Together with Professional Early Childhood Educators, parents provide their children with a safe, happy and stimulating environment in which to grow and develop. Enriching C.R. Preschoolers since 1973. Special thanks to the United Church for renting the facilities to Humpty Dumpty Preschool and to BC Gaming for providing much needed funding.

415 Pinecrest Road, Campbell River

Call for more info or to register your child:

Family Dentistry Funded by the Province of British Columbia


Dr. John Krell BSC, DDS, F.A.D.I

• New patients welcome • Saturday appointments available • Aesthetic dentistry available

202-250 Dogwood Street, Campbell River, BC


Supplement to the Campbell River Mirror October 21, 2011

"Early Childhood Educators: the heart of quality early care and learning."

Fall 2011



Family Place (C.R. Family Services) funded by the

Min. of Children and Family Development with partnerships with VIHA, CR Child Care Society, Parks, Rec. & Culture, Sch.Dist.72., MISA, Sunrise Resources, Success by 6, Literacy Now




Willow Point Neighbourhood Morn.

Discovery Passage Family Place

@ W.P. Out of Sch. Prog. corner Larwood & Eardley

@ Discovery Pass. Elm.

8:30 am – 11 am

8:30 am – 11 am

WEDNESDAYS 1048 A Hemlock Street

(crawling –2 yrs.) 1048 A Hemlock Street

9 am – 11:30 am Baby Time

10 am – 11:30 am

1 pm – 3 pm

@ Downtown Community C

Multicultural Family Place (Sept – April)

Teen Centre Family Night

1 pm – 3 pm

@ Robron Centre

@ Downtown Community C

@ Oyster River Elm. Sch.

10 – 11:30 am

A wealth of local information is yours at Super Saturdays C.R. Art Gallery Drop-in art activities By donation For information about specific activities call


(Vancouver Island Health Authority – north)

Prenatal Classes

Healthy Pregnancy – book as early in pregnancy as possible – Wednesday evenings 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm Labour and Delivery – birthing process – 4 – 6 weeks prior to due date – Saturday classes 9 am – 4 pm

Breastfeeding – to be attended prior to birth of baby – Wednesday evenings 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm All classes are held at the Health Unit, upstairs, Tyee Plaza

Registration required. Phone the Public Health Unit for dates 250–850-2110 (ext.0)

The services include: the Pregnancy Outreach Program, which provides assistance and support to high-risk pregnant women; the New Beginnings Program, which offers support, information, advocacy and referrals to young parents and the Creating Healthy Families Program which provides group and individual support to families with children aged 0-6 years. The Triple P parenting program, is a 6 week educational program offered on a regular basis for parents of children 0 to 5 years of age. Family Place is a casual drop in program for parents and their children offered in various locations in the community. This program is offered in partnership with the District of Campbell River Parks & Recreation Department. Services To Children & Youth: Many services are available to children, youth and their families on an individual or group basis. Services are provided both ‘in’ office and on an ‘out-reach’ basis. Call for more information.

Helping families with every step!

Campbell River Public Library Toddler & Preschool

Story Times

Phone 250 287-3655 to pre-register

Let’s join hands and circle round As we watch the leaves fall down. See them twirling, here and there. See them dancing, everywhere. Move your hands like falling leaves, Watch them twirling, in the breeze. – Jean Warren

Time for a change? 3X5”

Do you desire a Christ-centred, biblically-based education for your children? Have you considered enrolment at CRCS?

Early Years Services: A variety of services are available to parents of young children including one-to-one support, support groups and parenting classes.


7 pm – 10:30 pm

Play Group Drop-in

Tune: “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”


9:30 am – 11:30 am

1 pm – 3 pm


Campbell River

(1 – 3 yrs) @ Downtown Community C

Family Place

@ Downtown Community C 740 Robron Rd

Toddler Time

Campbell River Family Network – “ Building family friendly communities ”


program ideas are being worked on

6:30 pm – 8 pm


Phone: 250-287-2421 Fax: 250-287-4268

9:30 am – 11:30 am

Stay tuned – new

Family Place

Robron Family Place

FRIDAYS Creepin’ Crawlers

(birth – crawling) @ Downtown Community C

Family Gym – @Downtown Com. Centre 10:30 am – 11:30 am


Hemlock Family Place

Black Creek Rec.& Comox Valley Family Services

Campbell River Family Ser vices Society 487 10th Avenue, Campbell River, BC V9W-4E4


Campbell River Christian School exists to assist Christian parents to fulfill their God-given mandate to raise, educate and train their children to live vital and active Christian lives. We Offer: • Computer Studies • Concert Band & Jazz Band Programs • International Student Opportunities (Including English Language Learning) • Community and Cross Cultural Service Opportunities • Scholarship Opportunities • School Bus Service • Sports Programs There are still spaces available for the 2011-2012 school year. Applications are available at the CRCS office or by email request.

CR CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Campbell River Christian School Established 1983 Providing education for Grades K-12 250 S. Dogwood Street Campbell River, BC V9W 6Y7

For more information, contact CRCS at 250-287-4266


Supplement to the Campbell River Mirror October 21, 2011


Giving children the best for their education and future.



A FREE, school-based early learning program for children from 0 to 6. Cedar StrongStart Cedar Elementary School 261 Cedar Street Tel: (250) 287-8335 For program hours, pick-up a calendar from the Cedar School office.

Sandowne & Gathering Place StrongStart Sandowne Elementary School 699 Sandowne Drive Tel: (250) 923-4248 For program hours and locations, pick-up a calendar from the Sandowne School office.

Georgia Park StrongStart Georgia Park Elementary School 678 Hudson Street Tel: (250) 923-0735 For program hours, pick-up a calendar from the Georgia Park School office.

Sayward StrongStart Sayward Elementary / Jr. Secondary School 690 Kelsey Way, Sayward Tel: (250) 282-3314 For program hours, pick-up a calendar from the Sayward School office.

Open to all. Just drop-in!

The Campbell River StrongStart Centres are supported by the Ministry of Education and School District 72.

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