The Winner's Journal

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WINNER'S JOURNAL No. 2 Wednesday April 20th 2011

Director: Alejandro Medina Villarreal Editor: Merab Tello Tirado Translator: Paola Álvarez Reporter: Lisbeth Antonio Sánchez Desing: Estela Hayasaka Reyes Expresión Joven Uxmal 431, Col. Narvarte 03020 México, D. F. Tel.: (55) 5687-0941



THE GIANTS? • Alejandro Medina V. In the Bible, the term “giants” is translated from nephilim that comes from the world naphal, which literally means “the one who falls”. And it is associated with those that have “apostatized or left the true religion”. The Septuagint (Greek version of the Old Testament) translates the original word used for “giants” as “earth-born”. We usually use the world “giants” to refer to a person of exceptional size, but in the biblical context, the word is used for establishing a clear distinction between the sons of God and

the sons of men: the righteous and unrighteous. It is more likely that the word “giant” makes reference, generally speaking, to people of vast knowledge, violent, brave or evil, and not necessarily to people of great height, as it is frequently used. In fact, most of the people at that time were very tall. But, what made the giants different? Well, giants were individuals of great strength, and great intellectual capacity whose audacity and temerity had taken them to assume the social leadership. Those giants were everywhere. They were admired, venerated and considered to be like gods. Their opinions and points of view established the way people should live. They decided what was “right” and what

was “wrong”, they pointed out to people the path they had to follow. Nobody dared to contradict them, or question their perspectives. Of course, there was no place in their world for a Creator. The giants felt they have the world at their feet. They subjugated the world. But one day a giant-conqueror appeared. His name was Noah, and he did not fear their arrogant words or their pretentious knowledge. On the contrary, Noah honored the name of God and announced the end of the supremacy of the giants. Would you like to be a giant-conqueror like Noah? (Adapted from Vencer en tierra de gigantes, GEMA EDITORES, 2011).

“Keep a song in my heart”. This is one of the rules of the Pathfinders law. This should identify us with David, the giant-conqueror. We don't need to be artists, composers or musicians to have a song in our hearts. I invite you to take the theme song of this camporee as the song of your heart. Conquering giants, fighting the battles, I am sure that God won’t let me down. No, God never let us down, and in the same way David defeated the giant, He will give us the victory. I believe this theme song to be true. I have kept songs in my heart since I was a little kid. And I have experienced what the music and the lyrics can do to the heart and the mind. I encourage you to have your own and exclusive song with God. So when you have to “walk through the darkest valley” you won't be afraid, you won't go back, you won't give up your values. Find the strength in the song you chose. Go to the battle with a song in your heart!


Your friend, Benjamín Carballo C. Youth Ministry Director / Inter-American Division




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Let me tell you


XXX This past Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, Six Flags Mexico received more than 10,000 pathfinders from all over our InterAmerican Division. You could see throughout the theme park, pathfinders from the North, South and Central part of Mexico, as well as, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and other countries that form the IAD. We saw some pathfinders repeating Psalm 23 before riding on the Batman! Others were very excited on the slot machines; another group did not care if they get wet on the water rides, but the brave ones, got on; the Superman, the Medusa, the Boomerang and the Kilauea. Nevertheless, the best attractions of all were the Dolphins. Several pathfinders got close enough so the dolphins could say hello with a big splash! Another good attraction was the Batman Show; some advisers even got to participate live on the show, at the end of the play all pathfinders applauded the actors, for it was world class show. Throughout these past three days, Six Flags Mexico was honored with the presence of delegates for the 3rd Camporee of the Inter-American Divison.

Home of the coyotes


a fabulous day visiting the gardens, cafés, museums, bookstores and markets. The name Coyoacan comes from the Nahuatl word coy_huac_n, «a place of coyotes», and was too a very important town for the pre-Hispanic peoples. Its fertile grounds allowed for a rich agricultural activity and its location offered refuge during the frequent flooding of Lake Texcoco -that made • Alvin Maya A. staying in Tenochtitlan impossible. Later during the colonial period, rich families build there their holiOne of the most tradiday homes. In the center of Coyoacan you can tional places in Mexico find one of the first churches built in New Spain, City is Coyoacan, where as well as the old city council building that was the you can witness the residence of Hernan Cortez, though he never actucolonial legacy of the ally lived there. Coyoacan also offers the opportucity as in no other nity to witness the best crafts and cuisine in the place. Each stroll by the country. There is always something there for every neighborhoods there is taste and preference. a pleasure. It allows you to admire the beautiful architecture of New Did you know…? Hernan Cortez wanted the Spain mixed with colorcapital of New Spain to be definitely ful and contemporary established in Coyoacan but was never able buildings. You can have to do so.




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PASTOR GILBERT R. CANGY WORLD YOUTH DIRECTOR OF THE GENERAL CONFERENCE What are the giants that What tools can the Adventist youth must Pathfinders Clubs overcome? provide to conquer Every corner of the world, every these giants? generation and every young person has had, has and will have their own giants to face. They come to us in different shapes and forms; some are global and some are strictly personal; but they have the same source and the same intent; our enemy the devil wants to occupy, distract and confuse our minds and eventually discourage and destroy us.

Pathfinder Ministries is about leading young people to trust in Jesus as leaders share with them not only the stories of the Bible, but the stories of victories over their own giants in the name of Jesus. Pathfinder ministries teaches us to develop skills to build up our armor, make the right decisions and leads us to understand and experience that life with Jesus is the best.

Why do they need to be defeated?

Who is the best example for defeating giants?

The giants have already been Jesus, of course. defeated; Jesus has defeated them all. If we place ourselves under his banner, not only do we gain freedom from and victory over our giants, but we can join Him in rescuing our friends who are being tormented by their own giants.

What armor do you recommend for defeating these giants? In the name of Jesus. By taking the full armor of God; all the weapons hat God ha placed in our hands: the Bible, prayer, faith, truth, righteousness.





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People around “Cuidad Deportiva” are starting to notice that something big is happening. They see an endless amount of buses arriving, tents are everywhere, hundreds of young people have filled the streets of the entire complex with their suitcases, and if that was not enough, they have interesting accent, some even speak other languages. There is no doubt that this has intrigue the locals, but they have seen nothing yet!

• Merab Tello T./Raúl Lozano Benjamín García



COLPAC COLPAC is a vegetarian company own by the Seventh Day Adventist Church, they are in charge of feeding all the Pathfinders and their crews, they are also in charge of providing all the cleaning supplies so Pathfinders can keep their camp sites clean. More than 100 people will be working on the different booths of COLPAC; 2 stores will be located in doors number 5 and 6, the cafeteria, and the advertising both will be located in the “Plaza de las Armas”.

COLPAC signed 60 contracts in which they agree to feed 38 national clubs and 21 international clubs, plus each of the clubs staff. Besides, those who submitted their menus on time got a 10% discount; you should know that 90% of the clubs who did this are from the South Union of Mexico. Pathfinders, be prepare! The COLPAC mascot, Foxyn, will soon appeared with lots of surprises!

Volunteers 848 volunteers from Mexico and other countries form the Inter-American Division accepted the invitation to come to help, in order to do this: “They have to be invested Master Guides, they had to fill an application, and collect the signatures from their pastor or local elder and from the youth director of their conference”, Ursula Sors, associate director of the youth ministries of the Mexican South Union, explains. The volunteer's job is: to be maintain the restrooms clean, to help in the booths, help with the registration, to keep the order and the security in the entrances and exits of the camp, etc. They can be easily identified with their fluorescent vests. Cooperate with them, and don't hesitate to ask for help.

Water ¡Water, water, water! Rain water, water for showers, drinking water, spiritual water, we will need water each form mentioned previously. We have estimated use, while the camporee last, 500,000 liters of water daily. For such an important element to be present, Pastor Raul Gonzalez, of the Central Mexican Union, is in charge to provide drinking water for everyone, so don't waste it!

You can see the photos of the Camporee in the Flickr of IAD Live transmision of the Camporee

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