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WINNER'S JOURNAL No. 2 Wednesday April 20th 2011
Director: Alejandro Medina Villarreal Editor: Merab Tello Tirado Translator: Paola Álvarez Reporter: Lisbeth Antonio Sánchez Desing: Estela Hayasaka Reyes Expresión Joven Uxmal 431, Col. Narvarte 03020 México, D. F. Tel.: (55) 5687-0941
THE GIANTS? • Alejandro Medina V. In the Bible, the term “giants” is translated from nephilim that comes from the world naphal, which literally means “the one who falls”. And it is associated with those that have “apostatized or left the true religion”. The Septuagint (Greek version of the Old Testament) translates the original word used for “giants” as “earth-born”. We usually use the world “giants” to refer to a person of exceptional size, but in the biblical context, the word is used for establishing a clear distinction between the sons of God and
the sons of men: the righteous and unrighteous. It is more likely that the word “giant” makes reference, generally speaking, to people of vast knowledge, violent, brave or evil, and not necessarily to people of great height, as it is frequently used. In fact, most of the people at that time were very tall. But, what made the giants different? Well, giants were individuals of great strength, and great intellectual capacity whose audacity and temerity had taken them to assume the social leadership. Those giants were everywhere. They were admired, venerated and considered to be like gods. Their opinions and points of view established the way people should live. They decided what was “right” and what
was “wrong”, they pointed out to people the path they had to follow. Nobody dared to contradict them, or question their perspectives. Of course, there was no place in their world for a Creator. The giants felt they have the world at their feet. They subjugated the world. But one day a giant-conqueror appeared. His name was Noah, and he did not fear their arrogant words or their pretentious knowledge. On the contrary, Noah honored the name of God and announced the end of the supremacy of the giants. Would you like to be a giant-conqueror like Noah? (Adapted from Vencer en tierra de gigantes, GEMA EDITORES, 2011).
“Keep a song in my heart”. This is one of the rules of the Pathfinders law. This should identify us with David, the giant-conqueror. We don't need to be artists, composers or musicians to have a song in our hearts. I invite you to take the theme song of this camporee as the song of your heart. Conquering giants, fighting the battles, I am sure that God won’t let me down. No, God never let us down, and in the same way David defeated the giant, He will give us the victory. I believe this theme song to be true. I have kept songs in my heart since I was a little kid. And I have experienced what the music and the lyrics can do to the heart and the mind. I encourage you to have your own and exclusive song with God. So when you have to “walk through the darkest valley” you won't be afraid, you won't go back, you won't give up your values. Find the strength in the song you chose. Go to the battle with a song in your heart!
Your friend, Benjamín Carballo C. Youth Ministry Director / Inter-American Division