Letters from CAMP Rehoboth, Vol. 28, No. 14

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RB Film Festival Preview A Conversation with Cher






October 19, 2018 Volume 28, Number 14 camprehoboth.com

Inside This Issue

Speak Out ................................................................................. 4 In Brief....................................................................................... 5 CAMP Matters — The Space Between...................................... 6 CAMP Out — On My Honor........................................................ 8 President’s View — Engaging Community...............................10 Out and Proud — Senator Coons’ Civility................................ 14 View Point — Bawling and Belligerence..................................16 CAMP News — AARP, Chorus, CROP, and More......................18 Straight Talk — All in the Family............................................. 20 The Real Dirt — Garden Asleep?............................................. 22 It’s My Life — Here We Go Again............................................ 24 Eating Out — Celebrity Chef’s Beach Brunch......................... 28 Health and Wellness............................................................... 30 Intentionally Inclusive — Costume Choices............................ 38 CAMP Stories — Cure for the Common Birthday.................... 40 Volunteer Spotlight — Mike DeFlavia..................................... 44 CAMP Cheers! Ginger Breneman ........................................... 48 Remembering Joe Bowman.................................................... 54 RB Film Festival Preview......................................................... 58 CAMP Shots — Bears on the Beach, Oh My!........................... 64 Q Puzzle — Ms. Borden........................................................... 70 CAMP Interview — A Conversation with Cher........................ 80 CAMP News — Kay Cummings................................................ 82 Out and About — Out of the Felt Closet................................. 86 CAMP Critters ......................................................................... 90 CAMP Arts — The Jammies!.................................................... 94 Booked Solid — Trans Generation ........................................ 98 CAMP Dates — October 19 –December 12............................106 Letters from CAMP Rehoboth welcomes submissions. Email editor@camprehoboth.com. Photographs must be high resolution (300 dpi). Documents should be sent as attachments in Microsoft Word®. Deadline for submissions is two weeks prior to the issue release date.

On the cover

Dia de los Muertos, cover design by Mary Beth Ramsey.

Resources Serving Delaware’s Coastal Area ACLU of DE Lesbian & Gay Civil Rights Project ..................................................... 302-654-3966 AIDS Delaware New Castle County........................................................................ 302-652-6776 AIDS Delaware Kent & Sussex Counties................................................................ 302-226-3519 AIDS Hotline Delaware statewide.......................................................................... 800-422-0429 CAMP Chorus a program of the CAMP Rehoboth Community Center................... 302-227-5620 CAMP Rehoboth Community Center LGBTQ Community Service Organization ....... 302-227-5620 CAMP Rehoboth Families allows LGBTQ parents to connect.................................. 302-227-5620 CAMP Rehoboth Parents of Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Children........... 302-227-5620 CAMPsafe AIDS Education & Prevention program of CAMP Rehoboth ................ 302-227-5620 Christiana Care HIV Wellness Clinic AIDS Support Services, Georgetown............... 302-933-3420 Christiana Care LGBTQ Health Initiatives TRodden@christianacare.org................... 302-733-1227 Delaware HIV Consortium HIV Treatment & Prevention, Statewide ....................... 302-654-5471 Delaware Human Relations Commission Housing & Public Accomodation ............. 877-544-8626 Delaware Pride Community events, annual Pride Festival.................................... 302-265-3020 Delaware Transgender Resources transdelaware.net, delawarelgbtq@gmail.com Delaware Transgender Support Support for Trans Men & Women......................... 302-402-3033 Gay/Lesbian Alcoholics Anonymous Call for other schedules................................... 302-856-6452 Saturdays at 6 pm: Epworth Church, 19285 Holland Glade Rd. (Step Meeting) Saturdays at 7:30 pm: All Saint’s Church, 18 Olive Ave. (Step Meeting) Tuesdays at Noon: St. Peter’s Church, 211 Mulberry St., Lewes (Step Meeting) Thursdays at Noon: CAMP Rehoboth, 37 Baltimore Ave. (Open Discussion) Gay Men’s Support Group a program of the CAMP Rehoboth Community Center............. 302-227-5620 LGBT Student Union University of DE, Newark........................................................ 302-831-8066 Lesbian Support Group a program of the CAMP Rehoboth Community Center...............302-227-5620 Letters from CAMP Rehoboth LGBTQ Magazine...................................................... 302-227-5620 National Alliance on Mental Illness of DE (NAMI)....................................................... 302-427-0787 PFLAG - Rehoboth 2nd Tuesday, Public Library, 111 Adams Ave., Lewes............. 302-841-1339 SLAA and SAA Thursdays at 7:30 pm.................................................................... 302-745-7929 All Saint’s Church, 18 Olive Ave. (Church Hall-Lower Level), Rehoboth TransLiance of Delaware Rehoboth TransLiance meets the 4th Tuesday of every month 7 pm at MCC Church. Contact TransLiance@gmail.com


CAMP Rehoboth Mission Statement and Purpose CAMP Rehoboth is a nonprofit community service organization dedicated to creating a more positive environment in Rehoboth Beach and its related communities. We seek to promote cooperation and understanding among all people, as we work to build safe, inclusive communities with room for all. We seek to promote community well-being on all levels; to foster the development of community groups; to develop community space; to promote human and civil rights; to work against prejudice and discrimination; to lessen tensions among the community at large; and to help foster the economic growth of the area. We work toward these ends through activities such as the following: Fundraising for other organizations, such as AIDS service organizations, gay and lesbian community organizations, recycling programs, environmental projects, literacy training, and other ventures for the general betterment of the community. Networking resources and information by publishing a newsletter, and functioning as an alternative tourist bureau and information center. Promoting artistic expressions and creative thinking, and giving aid to artists and craftspeople with an emphasis on the works of lesbians and gay men. Education and outreach to the larger community, including sensitivity training seminars, and printed materials to promote positive images of gay and lesbian people and others. Promoting political awareness to build safe and inclusive community through voter information, education, and registration; and analysis of issues and candidates.

Letters 2 OCTOBER 19, 2018

EDITOR IN CHIEF Murray Archibald INTERIM EDITOR Fay Jacobs DESIGN AND LAYOUT Mary Beth Ramsey EDITORIAL ASSISTANCE Marj Shannon ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER Tricia Massella ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT Monica Parr, Barb Ralph DISTRIBUTION Tom Craft, Corky Fitzpatrick CONTRIBUTORS Murray Archibald, Sondra N. Arkin, Chris Azzopardi, Rich Barnett, Chris Beagle, Tony Burns, Wesley Combs, Stefani Deoul, Michael Thomas Ford, David Garrett, Michael Gilles, Fay Jacobs, Tricia Massella, Monica Parr, Eric C. Peterson, Mary Beth Ramsey, Richard Rosendall, Sal Seeley, Terri Schlichenmeyer, Eric W. Wahl, Debbie Woods, Doug Yetter VOLUME 28, NUMBER 14 • October 19, 2018 Letters from CAMP Rehoboth is published 15 times per year, between February and Thanksgiving, as a program of CAMP Rehoboth Inc., a non-profit community service organization. CAMP Rehoboth seeks to create a more positive environment of cooperation and understanding among all people. Revenue generated by advertisements supports CAMP Rehoboth’s purpose as outlined in our mission statement. The inclusion or mention of any person, group, or business in Letters from CAMP Rehoboth does not, nor is it intended to in any way, indicate sexual orientation. The content of the columns are the views and opinions of the writers and may not indicate the position of CAMP Rehoboth, Inc.

PRESIDENT • Chris Beagle VICE PRESIDENT • Leslie Sinclair SECRETARY • Shelley Couch TREASURER • Natalie Moss, CPA AT-LARGE DIRECTORS Jane Blue, Mike DeFlavia, Max Dick, Kathy McGuiness, Jack Morrison, Glen Pruitt, Mark Purpura, Tara Sheldon, Kathy Wiz INTERIM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR • Murray Archibald HEALTH PROGRAM DIRECTOR • Sal Seeley CAMP Rehoboth 37 Baltimore Avenue Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 302-227-5620 • Fax 302-227-5604 e-mail: editor@camprehoboth.com www.camprehoboth.com CAMP Rehoboth, Inc. is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to CAMP Rehoboth are considered charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes and may be deducted to the fullest extent of the law. A copy of our exemption document is available for public inspection. © 2018 by CAMP Rehoboth, Inc. All rights reserved by CAMP Rehoboth. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of the editor.

The Way I See It by Murray Archibald THIS IS THE NEXT TO LAST ISSUE OF OUR 28TH SEASON OF PUBLISHING LETTERS FROM CAMP Rehoboth, and I confess that I find it somewhat of a miracle that we made it through the year in as good a shape as we did. That can only be attributed to dedicated friends, family, staff, and volunteers who pitched in to provide support, encouragement, and creativity in the wake of Steve’s death. I’ve said this time and time again in recent months, this is a wonderfully supportive community, and I continue to be grateful for the love and care expressed to me and to all of us at CAMP Rehoboth.▽ NOW THAT WE ARE BACK TO PUBLISHING LETTERS ONCE A MONTH, TIMING BECOMES EVEN trickier for us. For example, the Block Party was Sunday, October 14, but this issue went to the printer the day before that—meaning that though the Block Party took place before the issue release date, it will not be covered until the November 8 issue. The same is true for the ACLU Delaware Kandler Memorial Awards Dinner on October 17. The ACLU honored Steve Elkins, Maria Matos, and Kevin O’Connell. Watch for details—and CAMPshots in November!▽ OVER THE SUMMER MONTHS, WORK ON THE NEW CAMP REHOBOTH STRATEGIC PLAN continued with individual interviews and focus groups, and on September 29, with an open community discussion and workshop at the Community Center, led by our DANA Consultant Sheila Bravo. As I am every time members of the community gather to talk about CAMP Rehoboth, I was impressed by the level of commitment and creative support from participants.▽ SINCE THE EARLY 1990S, WORLD AIDS DAY HAS BEEN OBSERVED IN REHOBOTH BEACH, AND that tradition continues on Saturday, December 1 with the Candlelight Walk and Service of Remembrance and Hope. The Walk begins at 6:30 p.m. at the Rehoboth Beach Bandstand, and ends at All Saints’ Episcopal Church on Olive Avenue for the Service—including the reading of the names of family and friends lost to AIDS. To have a name added to the list of those read at the service, call CAMP Rehoboth or go to our website at camprehoboth.com.▽ CAMP REHOBOTH HAS BEEN A SPONSOR OF THE REHOBOTH BEACH FILM FESTIVAL FOR MANY years because we believe that the Festival lives up to the CAMP Rehoboth mission of making “room for all” by celebrating diversity and exposing all of us to new ideas and perspectives. Though many of the year’s best LGBTQ+ films have now been moved to the Film Society’s Delaware LGBTQ+CINE-brations in April—in partnership with CAMP Rehoboth—this year’s Festival still features some LGBTQ films. Those films, along with other highlights from this year’s Festival, are featured in this issue of Letters.▽ CENTERLINK IS AN ORGANIZATION THAT SUPPORTS STRONG, SUSTAINABLE LGBTQ COMMUNITY centers, and now serves over 200 centers in 45 states (plus Puerto Rico, DC, and centers in Canada, China, and Australia). CAMP Rehoboth has been a member for several years, and though I was not able to join her, CAMP Rehoboth Vice-President Leslie Sinclair was able to attend the 2018 CenterLink Conference in Rochester, NY in September. Leslie says it was a “tremendous learning experience,” highlighted “by the chance to meet and network with Board members and executive leadership from the 87 community centers represented.”▽ ON OCTOBER 26, FROM 5:30-7:30 P.M., CAMP REHOBOTH IS PARTNERING WITH AARP TO HOST On Tap with Delaware AARP at the CAMP Rehoboth Community Center. Billed as a “fun evening with refreshments and hors d’oeuvres,” AARP is inviting us all to “discover exciting ways to connect”—and to find that we might be surprised by what we don’t know about AARP. Come discover how AARP is reaching out to the LGBTQ community and about some new programs coming to CAMP Rehoboth. To attend the event, please RSVP by calling 877-926-8300. ▽ IT IS BELIEVED BY MANY THAT FALL IS THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR IN REHOBOTH BEACH. Enjoy the season—and the Film Festival, Sea Witch, and Halloween. Trick or Treat? ▽

OCTOBER 19, 2018

3 Letters

SpeakOut What can we do about nefarious attempts to undermine our democracy? How can we counter cyber attacks intended to skew the facts, sow dissension, and polarize voters? Only an unprecedented turnout at the polls on Election Day, November 6, will demonstrate to the world that we will not succumb to underhanded attempts to destroy confidence in our democratic elections. Here in Sussex County, we can stand up and demonstrate our commitment to government by the people by taking time to find out who the candidates are and where they stand on issues that affect our everyday lives. Even as the votes we cast will influence the direction that the US Congress takes on critical issues such as health care, international trade, environmental protection, immigration, and social policy, our choices of candidates on the state and county levels will directly impact our quality of life. To make our votes really count, we need to know how each candidate is likely to vote on basic issues such as water quality, land use, economic development, road improvements, gun violence, funding for education, drug use and abuse, and managing the budget. Voters can find and compare the candidates’ views on key issues on the nonpartisan VOTE411.org site. Government by the people can only happen if we the people actually participate. The League of Women Voters urges everyone to consider the issues at stake, to ask questions and insist on honest answers, and to stand up to be counted on Election Day. Martha Redmond, President League of Women Voters of Sussex County On behalf of CAMP Rehoboth and the Women’s FEST team, we say “THANK YOU” to all who attended the Reunion Tour Concert on Friday September 21. The performers were overwhelmed by the welcome they received, and both the size and the warmth of the sold-out crowd. They were also thrilled by the crowd rushing to thank them after the Letters 4 OCTOBER 19, 2018

letters to letters

show and purchase their music CDs. A special thanks goes to Epworth United Methodist Church for hosting this CAMP Rehoboth event and all the volunteers who worked so hard to make it happen. Finally—and critically importantly—a big shout out to all our sponsors, including Presenting Sponsor, Olivia Travel; Karen Gustafson, Realtor for Keller Williams, Move2Rehoboth.com; Jenn Harpel, Morgan Stanley; the estate of Georgette Krenkel, in her memory; Kate McQueen; KPG Global, LLC of Lewes, DE; and Kathy Bostedo and Jo Picone. Special thanks, as well, to the Delaware Division of the Arts for their generous support. Nancy Hewish, CAMP Rehoboth Women’s FEST Committee I write this letter in support of Don Allan, candidate for State Representative, 36th District. Don is a second-generation carpenter from a family of blue collar workers, a husband, and a father. He understands firsthand how hard it is for working families to make ends meet today. Some parents work several jobs and still struggle to provide for their families, much less save for the future or plan for their children’s futures. Don understands the struggles of Delaware’s seniors, some of whom choose between food and medicine, healthcare and utility bills. Seniors who have worked hard their whole lives should live their golden years in comfort and dignity. To protect Delaware’s families, Don wants to level the playing field. For example, he supports additional personal income tax (PIT) brackets for wealthier Delawareans. Currently, Delaware has six PIT brackets, but all Delawareans making $60,000 per year or more pay the same rate. That is morally unacceptable and financially foolish, denying the state a steady long-term revenue source. Don will fight to protect Delaware’s seniors—ensuring that vital programs are not cut and are expanded. He will also stand up for the protection

and expansion of Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security. Don will also fight to protect the hard-earned rights of Delaware’s LGBT citizens, whom he supports fully and vocally. Another issue about which Don is passionate is clean drinking water. He realizes that this is a public health crisis affecting many Delawareans, especially in Sussex County. We must address the crisis now. I urge readers to learn about Don Allan and then join me in supporting him. Eric Morrison, Newark, DE

Email letters to Letters to editor@camp rehoboth.com. Letters may be edited for length and clarity.

Light a Candle on World Aids Day World AIDS Day is December 1, and the occasion will once again be observed in Rehoboth Beach with a Candlelight Walk and a Service of Remembrance and Hope (including the reading of the names of friends and family lost to the disease). To have the name of a loved one added to the list of names to be read at the service, email worldaidsday@ camprehoboth.com. The Candlelight Walk begins at 6:30 p.m. at the Rehoboth Bandstand; the Service of Remembrance and Hope begins at 7 p.m. at All Saints’ Episcopal Church on Olive Avenue. A light supper will be served following the service. ▼


news and notes

Around the World with Letters!

Fay J­­­acobs—Girl Scouts Woman of Distinction


Wedding Bells are Ringing in Rehoboth Shelley Couch and Lauren Thomas celebrated their wedding at CAMP Rehoboth on Saturday, September 24. Larry Richardson and Joe Filipek were married in a ceremony in their beautiful home overlooking Silver Lake on Saturday, October 6. ▼

Longtime Letters from CAMP Rehoboth columnist Fay Jacobs was honored on September 26 by the Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay region as the 2018 Woman of Distinction. Among those attending the award luncheon at Baywood were (from left) Rehoboth Beach Commissioner Lisa Schlosser, Bonnie Quesenberry, Fay Jacobs, Pam Kozey and CAMP Rehoboth Board Member Tara Sheldon. ▼

L.A. AIRPORT Muriel Hogan, Kathy Wiz

OLIVIA RIVER CRUISE VIETNAM/CAMBODIA Kate McQueen, Pat Nickols, Linda Kemp, Karen Anderson, Brenda Dunn

AIDS Walk Delaware 2018 Raises More than $90k in Wilmington and Rehoboth Beach The CAMP Rehoboth AIDS Walk Team: Max Dick, Thomas Urban, Sharyn Warwick, Debbie Woods, Claire Ippoliti, Jana Kamminga, Amy Nicholas, Lisa Rabigi, Leslie Sinclair, Sal Seeley, Rob Jasenski, Mark Samuels, and Murray Archibald. ▼ OCTOBER 19, 2018

5 Letters

CAMP Matters


“We hid in the closet. We hid from the world around us. We were the ones living in the space between the walls.”

Letters 6 OCTOBER 19, 2018

by Murray Archibald


very morning I walk my dog on Rehoboth Avenue. Pete loves it; so do I. Those walks give me time to appreciate where I live. In the months after Steve died, they got me out of the house. In time I began to notice the world around me again—to see the streets where I live as though looking at them for the first time. I have become fascinated by the space between buildings—some no more than narrow passageways hardly big enough to squeeze through; others the estate of garbage cans or overgrown with vines and weeds, or just empty. I want to photograph them because they are places we don’t usually see, and certainly don’t pay attention to, attracted as we are by the fancy shops and enticing window dressings on either side. I want to photograph almost invisible people inside that often unnoticed space between the walls. My mother has severe dementia and is receiving hospice care at a facility in Grove City, Pennsylvania. My brother Mark and his wife Sally— and their boys when home from their studies or time in the Peace Corps—have done a remarkable job of taking care of her. On a recent rainy weekend, my dear friends Ward and Allen (who seem to have become guardian angels for my entire family) accompanied me to Grove City for my first trip to see her since Steve died. I visited with her four times while we were there. Three of the four times, after an initial greeting she wanted to go back to sleep. The fourth and last time, she was too agitated to focus longer than a second or two on my presence. Her condition was not unexpected as I talk to Mark and Sally frequently, and I have past experience with dementia patients. I have confidence that she is well cared for, but I know from conversations with her in the past that she would hate being like this. Somehow though, she is still able to say “I love you, too,” when I tell her how I feel.

I wonder where she has gone and if she now lives in a kind of “space between” the walls. Dementia may be an extreme example but people become invisible all the time, lost in depression, addiction, grief, age, ill health, bullying, pain, discrimination, poverty, or loneliness. Rev. Jonathan Baker was the longtime pastor of Epworth United Methodist Church—first on Baltimore Avenue and again, later, at the new building on Holland Glade Road. Steve and I worked closely with Jonathan beginning with AIDS issues in the early 90s and later on laying the foundation that led to Epworth becoming the inclusive, welcoming, reconciling congregation it is today. Jonathan spoke at Steve’s funeral—and at our wedding. He remains a good friend. After retiring from Epworth a few years ago, Jonathan and his wife Donna spent much of their time working in Africa. On a recent visit to Rehoboth, he reminded me that a familiar greeting there—Sawubona—in Swahili, translates as “I see you.” The CAMP Rehoboth mission statement calls us “to work to build safe, inclusive communities with room for all.” In many ways we have been successful in living up to that mission, especially in the broad strokes it takes to define the organization, but what about one to one? Do we as individuals really take the time to see one another? People come to CAMP Rehoboth for many reasons. They come to socialize—to make connections with the community around them. They come to volunteer, to be a part of the collective effort of making this a better place to live. They come to access services, for support groups, for counseling, or an HIV test. Sometimes they come because they don’t know where else to go. In the early days of CAMP Rehoboth there were discussions about the location of the organization, and the benefits of remaining on Baltimore Avenue. Those discussions were revived when the organization made the decision to buy 39 Baltimore Avenue, and a few years

THANK YOU to our sponsors! later when it purchased 37 Baltimore Avenue and plans got underway to expand to a full service Community Center. Through it all, the choice was made to stay where we are because we needed to be visible—we wanted to be seen. For far too long the greatest weapon used against LGBTQ people was invisibility. We hid in the closet. We hid from the world around us. We were the ones living in the space between the walls. The closet allows no one to be seen for who they really are. Closets mangle the truth and twist our souls into knots. Nowadays, as we work on our strategic plans for the organization, some of those old conversations resurface, this time as they relate to creating a welcome for all people— especially during the busy summer months when parking meters and traffic congestion make it difficult for some to come downtown. We are still passionate about being a visible presence downtown, and now, we are also considering ways to carry CAMP Rehoboth “off CAMPus” as well—and to make it visible in places where LGBTQ visibility is as needed today as it was in downtown Rehoboth Beach 30 years ago. Already we have three satellite HIV testing sites and our CAMP Rehoboth Outreach Program (CROP) carries volunteers out to a wide variety of places throughout the state. All of us who work and/or volunteer at CAMP Rehoboth understand that part of our job is to welcome everyone who comes to us. When we’re in the middle of a deadline, or rushing from one meeting to another, there are simply times when we have to put all that aside and focus on the wellbeing of someone who needs us. Steve instinctively understood that, and almost every day since his death, I have been reminded of his generosity of spirit. He saw people who were hanging back in the shadows of those in between spaces—who needed to be seen, who needed a kind word, or a smile. Shortly after Steve died, I got word that the mutual friend who introduced the two of us the first time we met, had committed suicide. Oddly, I was not surprised. Nothing he ever said led me to think that he would take his own life, but his occasional communication with me seemed more eccentric than usual and his glowing reports about a recent move to Palm Springs rang less than true in the back of my mind. At the time it was all I could do to take care of Steve, but looking back I feel sure I was seeing through his “gay” façade to the real man inside. He was hurting; I was too far away. Sawubona. I see you. What a powerful thing to say to someone hiding in between the walls. ▼



[Editor's note: Murray's mother passed away as this issue was on its way to press.] Murray Archibald is an artist, CAMP Rehoboth Co-Founder, and longtime President of the CAMP Rehoboth Board of Directors. He is currently serving as CAMP Rehoboth Interim Executive Director and Editor in Chief of Letters from CAMP Rehoboth. Email Murray at murray@camprehoboth.com

For information on how to become a CAMP Rehoboth Annual Sponsor, email info@camprehoboth.com, or contact Murray Archibald at 302-227-5620.

OCTOBER 19, 2018

7 Letters

CAMP Out Fay’s Rehoboth Journal by Fay Jacobs

On My Honor, I Was So Surprised


n Wednesday, September 26, I was given the wonderful privilege of being honored as the Girl Scouts of Chesapeake Bay’s Sussex County Woman of Distinction for 2018. I want to share the remarks I made at the event with you. Good afternoon. First, thank you all so much for being here. Not so much to honor me, although I really appreciate the support of all of you, but to help raise awareness of and funds for the really good work done by the Girl Scouts. At ages five and eight, my younger sister and I were enrolled in ballet class. Within weeks, my sister showed incredible promise as a budding ballerina. Me, not so much. From the get go I was perpetually a half step behind in the Hungarian Gypsy dance, and pitched a wild hissy fit, refusing to go onstage in a tutu. My sister went on to a decade of dance, while my mother suggested I join the Brownies. I loved it, flew up to become a Girl Scout, and was introduced to some of the things that would retain my interest and spark my career over a lifetime—like a photography badge. I would stalk my sister, parents, and the babysitter, and take frightening candids with my Kodak Brownie Starflash. I learned about theatre when we did a little play about Girl Scout founder Juliet Gordon Low, who, by the way, was one tough cookie. And speaking of cookies, Death of a Salesman had nothing on me. I once sold 62 boxes at a single Passover Seder. Good thing they were marked kosher. We saw the relatives less after that. I wasn’t really good with the outdoor stuff though. One time three other fifth graders and I sat squashed into the back, rear-facing seat of a 1958 Dodge station wagon. We each had a pad of paper and a pencil and, going for our Orienteering Badge, we drew a map of where we had just been. Pretty soon, all of us got nauseous from riding backwards, and wound up sitting on the side of the road trying not to toss our Girl Scout cookies. I never got that badge but I got a great candid photo of our troop leader with an expression that said “Why me?” Likewise, I forfeited the Outdoor Explorer badge when refusing to even look at a picture of a snake, much less risking an encounter with a real one. Bugs, too, were outside my wheelhouse, even as my scouting career reached into junior high school. As our troop leader explained the value of citronella as a mosquito deterrent, I announced that the best deterrent was staying in the house. The other scouts laughed; the leader did not.

Letters 8 OCTOBER 19, 2018

And finally, as an adult, I want to know who thought it was a good idea to provide a pocket knife to an inquisitive eithth grader? Favoring the screw driver function, I went home and unscrewed every screw in the house, in many cases being unable to reassemble the toaster, table lamp, and my father’s new stereo record player cabinet. On my honor, I tried. So here I am, six decades later, a Girl Scout Woman of Distinction. There are really two meanings to the word distinction. From Webster, the most common usage is “the quality or state of being distinguished or worthy.” And for that I am truly honored for this designation and celebration. The second, though, is “the act of perceiving someone or something as being not the same and often treating as separate or different.” I knew I was different from most of my friends at just about the same age as I kicked that pink tutu across the room and ran off to join the Brownies. It took almost two more decades to define that difference and muster the nerve to come out of the closet as a gay woman. From there, I continued to put to use the skills I honed in my Girl Scout youth, in high school and college, going into journalism, theatre and activism, still taking annoying candid photos. And hopefully, I’ve used my skills making a small difference, somehow for the better, in other people’s lives. And despite my failings in orienteering, camping, and stink bug collection, I have been tapped for this honor by the Girl Scout organization. It’s been my privilege to be honored in the gay community for many things—my books, my fighting for equality, and my story telling. It’s been amazingly rewarding and I am so grateful. But on my honor, I swear, that I could never have imagined, all those closeted, fearful years ago, and even a decade ago, that the Girl Scouts, as progressive as they are, would celebrate a very openly gay person as their Woman of Distinction. I’m incredibly honored by this—for me, and for my community here in Sussex County. For this incredibly meaningful honor, I thank the Girl Scouts of Chesapeake Bay very, very much. (shows antique Girl Scout pocket knife) Anybody have a screw loose? I’ve got you covered. ▼ Fay Jacobs is an author of five published memoirs. Her newest is Fried & Convicted: Rehoboth Beach Uncorked. As a humorist, she’s touring with her show Aging Gracelessly: 50 Shades of Fay. See www.fayjacobs.com

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9 Letters

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Cancer Services 10/10/18 AM OCTOBER 19, 2018 11 9:50 Letters

President’s View by Chris Beagle

Engaging Community


s this issue goes to print, our 4th annual Block Party will have come and gone and with any luck, along with some help from Mother Nature, it will have been a gorgeous fall day on Baltimore Ave. Created in celebration of CAMP Rehoboth’s 25th anniversary in 2015, the Block Party has expanded from 45 vendors that first year to just over 100 vendors and two stages of entertainment this year. It has quickly evolved into a major event not only for CAMP Rehoboth, but also for the city and region, while personifying the true meaning of “community” and creating “room for all.” Special thanks to all who attended, participated, supported, and volunteered! Staying on the topic of community, and as an update to my last column, the staff and Board of Directors continues its strategic planning initiative here at CAMP Rehoboth. After a series of four Focus Groups, we hosted a Community Conversation on Saturday September 29 to gather input, ideas, and feedback from anyone who wanted to attend. Coordinated by our contracted consulting organization, DANA (Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement), and led by its President and CEO, Sheila Bravo, a productive and tremendously helpful session resulted. Throughout the morning, I was struck by the level of passion and thoughtful contributions expressed by so many of the nearly 40 people who attended. Several statements particularly resonated and left me feeling optimistic and confident that our efforts to conduct an inclusive and collaborative effort were paying off. One such statement expressed the importance of “generational engagement,” essential for our organization to remain relevant into the future and to be able to address the needs of all segments of our diverse LGTBQ community. Another comment was shared during the segment when

Letters 12 OCTOBER 19, 2018

attendees were asked “Five years from now, what do you hope CAMP Rehoboth will be?” A long-time member and major contributor to CAMP Rehoboth replied, “I hope we will have had a profound impact on fostering a strong confident community where labels do not denigrate and where you are okay, just the way you are.” While there were many notables from the event, that single comment will undoubtedly influence this overall process. That simple and eloquent sentence spoke volumes and was a takeaway not to be forgotten. The qualitative input from this phase of the initiative will help to produce a quantitative survey that soon will be extended to the broader CAMP Rehoboth community. More information will be forthcoming shortly here in Letters, on Facebook, through Constant Contact, and at camprehoboth.com. In the next phase of the initiative, during our annual Fall Retreat in late October, DANA will facilitate a full-day strategy session with the Board of Directors. A work plan addressing accountabilities and establishing timelines will be developed on this day to help create the strategic operating plan. With clarity around where the organization wishes to focus its resources, our long range planning team will then work with DANA to develop a strategic operating plan to support our Mission and Vision. In this critical time for the organization, we are committed to seeing this process through and welcoming the resultant recommendations. I am more confident than ever that the end result will produce the plan we need to ensure organizational sustainability and a smooth and efficient transition to the next phase of leadership and staffing for CAMP Rehoboth. ▼ Chris Beagle is President of the CAMP Rehoboth Board of Directors and is a realtor at Berkshire-Hathaway-Gallo Realty in Rehoboth Beach. He can be reached at christopherbeagle1@gmail.com. rehoboth guest 28-02_Layout 1 3/30/2018 2:13 PM Page 1

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OCTOBER 19, 2018

13 Letters

Out & Proud

by Stefani Deoul

Delaware’s Senator Coons and First State Civility


ike many people, not only across the country, but throughout the world, I watched both Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh appear in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee and give their testimony. And, like many people, not only across the country, but throughout the world, I have deep, dark thoughts about that day. But this column is not about that. This column is about one man trying to be bigger than that moment, trying to be about our nation, our ideals, our differences, and in many ways, our civility. This column is about Senator Chris Coons. Our guy. Senator Coons is the man who chased a friend, not just across an aisle, but down a hallway, into a phone booth, and up and into his conscience to say, “there has to be a way for this to be more fair.” And the man who listened, Senator Jeff Flake, did so because there was history here. And no, I am not referring to the history being made in the room from which they fled, with its testimony and cameras blazing every which way. I am referring to the history of a senator willing to look for civility, even on issues he does not like. Civility. Our old friend Merriam Webster defines it as “a: civilized conduct especially: COURTESY, POLITENESS…’bemoaned the decline of civility in our politics’ b: a polite act or expression…’the men briefly exchanged civilities before the meeting began.’” Here’s how civility works. Earlier this year, Delaware Senator Chris Coons changed his committee vote from “no” to “present” on CIA Director Mike Pompeo’s nomination for Secretary of State, allowing the nomination to advance to the full Senate for consideration—even though Coons opposed him. This change, from “no” to “present,” did not change the final outcome of the vote. But it did spare his friend and colleague, Republican Senator Johnny

Letters 14 OCTOBER 19, 2018

Isakson of Georgia, from having to rush back from a close friend’s funeral services in Atlanta. And it did spare other senators from having to wait, possibly until 11 p.m., for his return. Senator Bob Corker, the Republican from Tennessee, was deeply moved when he gave a press conference following Senator Coons’ gesture, where he thanked him for, “displaying the statesmanship that I’ve been accustomed to seeing in the Senate.” Senator Susan Collins read a fortyminute speech to announce her “yea” vote for Judge Kavanaugh. There are many things one can criticize about the speech, starting with staging two other Republican women behind her. And there are many things one can hate—or love—about her decision. I respect that she came, she spoke, and she owns her decision. I also appreciate her defense of Dianne Feinstein, going on record that she believes in Dianne Feinstein’s integrity and that she believes Senator Feinstein did not leak Dr. Ford’s letter. But no matter what I thought of her vote and her speech, she should not face death threats for it. PERIOD. End of subject. Death threats are happening to her. To her family. To Dr. Ford. To her family. Instead of outrageous death threats, citizens should be registering to vote left, right, and center! Let Senator Collins be voted out if that’s what the people of Maine want. By the time you read this, Brett Kavanaugh will have been confirmed. Only time will answer whether he wishes to be a jurist of the highest order, weighing each case with respect and individual attention, and one day leave a legacy spoken about with reverence for all corners, or if he will join the small but memorable rogues gallery of justices who should never have worn those robes. As for the advise and consent process? We all know there was a lot

of screaming on both sides. But where was the civil discourse? Down a narrow hallway tucked inside a phone booth? Is that our best? We, THE PEOPLE, deserve to have a lifelong appointment vetted. We deserve to believe in our Court. And if someone comes forward at the eleventh hour with a reason this is a bad idea, we deserve representation that says, with civility, “Let’s deal with this because the wrong choice shatters a country, and that is not what our people, and their Supreme Court, deserve.” We deserve leaders who say please and thank you to each other, don’t indulge in histrionics and snide comments, use a well thought out vocabulary, believe truth and justice matter, and do not mock a woman who came forward with nothing to gain, and everything to lose. We deserve leaders capable of questioning a woman with enough statesmanship, civility, maybe even respect, that they don’t need a stand-in to do their job. We deserve leaders who don’t have to live in fear—on both sides of the aisle. It should bother every American, regardless of party, that Senator Jeff Flake, on Sixty Minutes, conceded that if he was not retiring he would not have had the courage to agree with Coons and demand, “a week’s delay to investigate must be acceptable.” So I thank Senator Coons for working to be that leader. The one we deserve. I would like to think others might join him. Before it truly is too late. ▼ Stefani Deoul is a television producer and author of the award-winning YA mystery On a LARP, with the second in the series, Zero Sum Game, to be published in November.

OCTOBER 19, 2018

15 Letters

View Point

by Richard J. Rosendall

Bawling and Belligerence in the Ruling Class Senate Republicans display their unevolved views of women


epublican Sen. Jeff Flake has spent the Trump era delivering high-minded sermons deploring the president’s crassness while mostly continuing to vote the party line. Last week he made a show of being torn over Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, only to announce on Friday that he would vote to confirm. Minutes after Flake’s announcement, Ana Maria Archila and Maria Gallagher cornered him in a Senate elevator to tell him they were sexual assault survivors and to rebuke him for falling in line despite Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s brave, compelling testimony. Flake then attended a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting, where he conferred with his friend, Democratic Sen. Chris Coons, and others. This led Flake to leverage his senatorial power, backed by Republican Senators Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, to slow the process to allow a week for an updated FBI investigation. The bipartisan breakthrough was a welcome interruption of partisan rancor. But the shift by Flake’s GOP colleagues from attacking Anita Hill in 1991 to politely dismissing or patronizing Dr. Ford today reflects a halfhearted desire to improve the optics, not growth in respect for women. At the Judiciary hearing on September 27, the Democrats were sober and professional, in contrast to the belligerent nominee and his angry defenders on the Republican side of the dais. By its end, despite overheated right-wing accusations and conspiracy mongering, my overall sense was that Democrats appeal to aspirations while Republicans appeal to resentments. Kavanaugh could have striven to show he is more than a scion of white male privilege and a dedicated partisan operative. Instead, he pouted, cried, yelled at, and insulted Democratic senators, and displayed an outraged sense of entitlement rather than anything like a judicial temperament. He left no Letters 16 OCTOBER 19, 2018

doubt regarding the narrow interests he would serve on the Court. The week showed that it matters who is at the table, who stands in the elevator doorway, and who does the reporting. As a friend who knows the Court well recently noted, Trump’s first Supreme Court nominee was “a rich white frat boy...who attended Georgetown Prep with its own Olympic size swimming pool.” For the next vacancy on the Court,

The week showed that it matters who is at the table, who stands in the elevator doorway, and who does the reporting. Trump chose “a rich white frat boy...who attended Georgetown Prep.” My friend observes, “This from a populist president who promised to drain the Washington lobbyist swamp. He can’t even drain the Georgetown Prep swimming pool.” “Why,” my friend wishes a senator had asked Kavanaugh, “should we add such a similar pea to that small pod? What do you bring to the Court’s deliberations that Neil Gorsuch doesn’t?” The answer, he suggests, is that conservative economic true believers “wanted to take no chance whatsoever on getting a rock-solid anti-redistribution, anti-regulatory fifth Justice.” (Actually, they are fine with upward redistribution to themselves.) The lack of diversity on the Court (every justice hales from Harvard or Yale) resembles that of commercial bananas, which are genetically identical to the point that a single blight could wipe out the entire world supply. Beyond their privilege blindness

regarding sexual assault, Kavanaugh’s patrons overlook the innovation and vitality that have come from immigrants and their children (see Steve Jobs). They dismiss the greater good that is served by environmental regulations. As they widen the gap between the monied class and the working class, they weaken the common cause that binds us together as a people. They rob us of the adaptability that diversity gives us in facing future challenges. In contrast, the bracing spectacle of Flake’s “elevator moment” may inspire more women to end their miscasting as props for men. Standing against the trampling of norms and decency in pursuit of power, women and their male allies can work to restore the vital center and pull America back from alienation and governmental immobility. When Senators Kamala Harris and Mazie Hirono stood with women protesters in the Hart Senate Office Building, one felt a fighting resolve stirring that will endure beyond the current battle. Had Kavanaugh been defeated, his replacement might have been scandalfree but would likely have been just as bad on constitutional issues including reproductive choice. Trump cannot be negotiated with, only defeated. Consistent civic engagement is essential if equality is to prevail. ▼ Richard J. Rosendall is a writer and activist who can be reached at rrosendall@me.com.

OCTOBER 19, 2018

17 Letters

CAMP NEWS AARP to Team Up with CAMP Rehoboth October 26

CROP’s Time of Harvest

Do you know AARP? The many things the organization does for its membership might come as a surprise. To learn more— AARP has teamed up with CAMP Rehoboth for an introductory meeting on Friday, October 26, 5:30-7:30 at the Community Center. CAMP Rehoboth and AARP invite the public to join in an early evening event with refreshments and hors d’oeuvres, to hear about expanding the possibilities in life at any age through AARP. The program is FREE, with registration requested at 877-926-8300. ▼

On September 22, CROP volunteers joined other volunteers in Grove Park and along the route to support AIDS Walk Delaware. Over $4,000 was raised for the fight against AIDS by CAMP Rehoboth’s Rainbow Unicorn Team. Thank you, teams!!

See Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice on November 3 The Delaware Shakespeare Community Tour will present a FREE performance of Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice on November 3 at the CAMP Rehoboth Community Center. This professional acting company will present Shakespeare’s masterwork, a play focusing on discrimination and marginalized communities, which is as relevant today as when it was written in the 1590s. While The Merchant of Venice is a story that focuses on the specific injustice of anti-Semitism, the company seeks to broaden the conversation, looking at root causes and similarities for other marginalized groups. Save the date—November 3, at 7 p.m. for this remarkable opportunity to see live, professional theatre at CAMP Rehoboth Community Center. ▼

CAMP Chorus Tickets Available Soon To celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the CAMP Rehoboth Chorus, a special concert called Seasons of Love is planned for February at Epworth United Methodist Church in Rehoboth. Hosted by Liane Hansen of NPR’s Weekend Special Edition, the show dates are February 15 and 16 (Friday and Saturday evenings) and February 17 (Sunday matinee). Tickets will be on sale at camprehoboth.com beginning mid-December. The CAMP Chorus shows always sell out completely, so don’t wait too long! ▼ Letters 18 OCTOBER 19, 2018

by Debbie Woods

Here’s what’s coming up for the harvest season: Saturday, October 20—Delaware Botanic Gardens, Dagsboro, 8:30 a.m. to noon

It is a great time to be outdoors. CROP returns to the Delaware Botanic Gardens in Dagsboro. Help DBG keep the momentum going as they grow and become a worldclass, inspirational, educational, and sustainable public botanic garden in southern Delaware. As an option, volunteers can bring a brown-bag lunch and have a tour of the gardens and woodland afterwards.

Saturday, November 10—Rehoboth Beach Film Festival, Cape Henlopen High School, Lewes

A highlight of the Fall season is the Rehoboth Beach Film Festival and CROP is there to help. Volunteers will assist with ticket taking and more. There will be several shifts throughout the day.

Tuesday, November 13 from 1 to 4 p.m.

CROP has a team traveling to the Food Bank of Delaware in Milford to help make sure families in need enjoy the bounty of the season. Volunteers will sort and pack a multitude of food items for distribution throughout the state just in time for Thanksgiving. This project is FULL, but there is a wait list. Many friendships and memories were made this year. Volunteers can harvest the rewards by joining CROP at one of these Fall projects. Email crop@camprehoboth.com to help! ▼ Debbie is an active volunteer with CAMP Rehoboth and also serves on the Membership Committee. She’s lived full time in Rehoboth since 2009, when she retired after a long career in the Federal Government.


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OCTOBER 19, 2018

19 Letters

Straight Talk

by David Garrett

All in the Family


he image is as clear as a bell in many people’s minds. Picture Carroll O’Connor and Jean Stapleton sitting at a piano, singing the opening theme song to the classic television show, All in the Family. “Boy, the way Glenn Miller played. Songs that made the hit parade. Guys like us, we had it made, those were the days. And you knew where you were then, girls were girls and men were men. Mister, we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again...” (Lee Adams and Charles Strouse, “Those Were the Days”). The show ran for nine seasons, was the first to be televised in front of a live audience, and broke almost every rule there was in acceptable television programming. The subjects broached by Archie and Edith, their daughter Gloria, and her husband Michael (aka Meathead) included racism, antisemitism, infidelity, homosexuality, women’s liberation, religion, rape, miscarriage, abortion, breast cancer, menopause, impotence, and the Vietnam War. Did they miss anything? The show’s title is universal. All of those issues, in some way and at some point, lie somewhere in every family. This rings especially true when the discussion turns to LGBTQ topics. A retired pastor and his wife in central Pennsylvania recently contacted me because they had heard from a friend that my daughter transitioned a few years ago. The situation they are now facing is that they have a 50-something nephew who made the decision to transition to become their niece. That would be less of a problem if not for their nephew’s/niece’s wife and children who are affected and involved. This couple wanted to know what all this transgender talk was about. They knew nothing. Sharing with them the journey I took, difficult as it was, helped them to understand that each person’s transition is unique to themselves. Journey is a very appropriate word, as those who are “all in the family” with someone who Letters 20 OCTOBER 19, 2018

is transitioning have a journey awaiting them. The road to understanding, acceptance, and advocacy can be a long and winding road indeed. There is a conservative rural church in central Delaware where members have made it clear that their pastor will not preach or teach acceptance of homosexuality. An aging congregation, almost all members of this church have their beliefs set in cement. Yet behind their veneer, there are incredible instances of family connections to gays. One outspoken leader of the church had a gay brother who died of AIDS in 1992.

The show ran for nine seasons, was the first to be televised in front of a live audience, and broke almost every rule there was in acceptable television programming. Another key person in the church has a son in his twenties who lives further north in Delaware with his partner. Yet another active couple in the congregation is involved with family members twice over. The husband of this couple— who are in their seventies—has a brother who is gay, and they share a nephew who has come out. This nephew is the same age as their own children, and the cousins spent a lot of time together as they were raised. The wife shared recently how much she loves her nephew, but still cannot accept his lifestyle. As she confided, “The Bible says….” She shared this on the verge of tears. And so the walls of separation remain firmly intact. This begs the question, can someone

“love the sinner, but hate the sin?” The question is hypothetical. We must not take the question literally, for this writer does not believe for a moment that being gay or transgender is a sin. But can someone love a gay or transgender person—be it a brother, son, nephew, sister, daughter, niece—but hate their lifestyle? If it is possible, then it is an utterly incomplete love. There is no easier or safer place to reinforce one’s biases against being gay than in a church or synagogue with fundamentalist beliefs. Eliel Cruz wrote an article for the Huffington Post on “Gays in the Family.” This was a review of a conference with the same title, conducted by a certain church group. The purpose of the event was to give church people the proper tools to enable them to “fix” the gayness out of their relatives. Cruz shares, “I read a moving letter from an older brother to his younger gay brother, who attempted suicide this last fall, overwhelmed by what the church said about him. In the letter the older brother pleads, ‘Please do not ever give up on your Jesus. You may have brothers who turn against you...and churches that can’t legally bar their doors yet still bar their hearts against you. Please do not let these people dictate the character of your Jesus.’” In only its fifth episode, All in the Family introduced television’s first openly gay character, Steve. Archie was quite disbelieving, since Steve was a former football linebacker. But Archie was left speechless when Steve told him he was gay. There are many more untold family ties to the LGBTQ community. Don’t be left speechless. Love. Simply love. It’s what families do. ▼ David Garrett is a straight advocate for equality and inclusion. He is also the proud father of an adult transdaughter. Email David Garrrett at dlgarrett4rb@gmail.com

CAMP Rehoboth Business Partners Visit the Rehoboth Beach Guide on the CAMP Rehoboth website to find links to these fine area businesses. The Guide includes: Food and Wine, Shopping, Lodging, and Services—all at camprehoboth.com. Accent On Travel Atlantic Sands Hotel & Conference Center Back Porch Café Bad Hair Day? Beach Essentials Big Fish Catering Bradley Fine, Four Seasons Investment Management Canalside Inn Carolyn Watson Photography Community Pride Financial Advisors County Bank Doggies at the Beach Dos Locos Fajita & Stonegrill Restaurant DryZone Elegant Slumming Fine Jewelry Fuqua, Willard, Stevens, & Schab P.A. Attorneys at Law General Dentistry Steven Wright, DMD & Bruce Wright, DDS Harold Marmon, Coldwell Banker, RENTALS Janet Redman, Senior Investment Advisor, Bell Rock Capital Jenn Harpel, Financial Advisor, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Karen Gustafson Long & Foster Realty Kevin J. Bliss, Coaching for Personal/Professional Development Lana Warfield - BBHS, Gallo Realty

Lee Ann Wilkinson - BBHS, Gallo Realty Lefty’s Alley & Eats Lori’s Café Lupo Italian Kitchen Luxury Motors of Rehoboth Beach Mann & Sons Realty McCrery & Harra Funeral Home Morris James, Delaware Outlet Liquors Peninsula Rehab & Sports Medicine Rehoboth Art League Rehoboth Beach Dental Rehoboth Guest House Sea Bova Associates Shademakers Eyewear Signarama Smirnoff - Breakthru Beverage Group State Farm, Eric Blondin State Farm, George Bunting State Farm, Jeanine O’Donnell Sussex County YMCA Ward Ellinger Gallery

OCTOBER 19, 2018

21 Letters


by Eric W. Wahl

The Garden Asleep?


his time of year brings thoughts of hot apple cider, mesmerizing camp fires, brilliant shades of oranges and reds, and of course a garden that appears to be dormant and dull. A complete 180 from the spring and summer months. But I am here to tell you quite the opposite. Your garden and backyard landscape are full of activity and promise during the upcoming colder months. It only takes a change of perspective to appreciate the cold weather garden. Autumn is when gardeners start the process of preparing their outdoor rooms to overwinter, and preparing for early spring blooms as well. This is, of course, the time to plant spring flowering bulbs. But it’s also the time to dig up and protect your tender summer flowering bulbs and rhizomes (root stalks). Store them somewhere safe like a garage or basement, and replant them next spring once the ground has warmed. Perennials are cut back and discarded. However, gardeners might try something different this year. Grasses and other plants with feathery plumes look quite stunning with a cover of frost or snow. Maybe leave these to be cut in very early spring so that the stems and tufts remain all winter. This is not only beautiful, but it also plays an important role in overwintering beneficial insects. Did you know that many native bees actually burrow into pithy stems of herbaceous plants and hibernate? They emerge in early spring and begin their pollinating journey once again. Some species of bees also overwinter in the ground and inside cavities of woody branches and trunks. Some even hibernate in compost. In other words, if you completely clean out your gardens of debris and cut back plants to the ground, you may be killing off some of next year’s bees and other pollinators. Caterpillars also overwinter in your garden. Some species actually drop from the native trees in your yard and fall into the leaf litter on the ground. They build a protective cocoon within the leaves and wait until spring to emerge and begin the next stage of their lives. Leaves also decompose and provide nutrients back into the soil: the carbon cycle at work. Let’s not forget about the birds. Many of the native grasses, shrubs, and trees offer food sources for birds and other wildlife. Dead stems and branches also provide material for nesting. Some of my favorite shrubs like winterberry and beautyberry provide berries throughout the fall and winter Letters 22 OCTOBER 19, 2018

months and also look amazing in the sleeping garden, especially against a backdrop of evergreen trees. It just so happens that this is the best time to divide your clumping perennials, too. In a previous article I wrote about sharing your garden with friends and family. This is a great opportunity to have a plant swap or just to say thanks for being there. Dividing plants is also healthy for them and helps to maintain their size and spread. Planting and transplanting shrubs and trees can be done now just before the plants go into dormancy. However, some trees do not like being dug out of the ground, as it can be too stressful. This is mostly a concern for nurseries when they go to “ball & burlap” a tree that has been growing in the ground: the act of injuring and pruning the roots is too much for the tree to take before going dormant. Ask your nursey about this when selecting trees—they usually have a list available that warns customers of these concerns. A potted or containerized tree should be fine if planted in the fall. Their roots will not be damaged or impacted when transplanting from the container to the ground. Just make sure they are not root-bound or girdling (encircling the tree inside the container). Finally, don’t forget to feed your garden. Autumn is an excellent time to add a light layer of compost. By doing this now, it gives you some extra time in the spring since you will not have to work the soil as much. Leaf litter makes a good mulch as well and it will help provide protection to some beneficial insects as previously mentioned. Just make sure there are no diseased leaves among the the litter. I hope I have changed your outlook on the winter landscape and that you may try some alternative practices this year, helping both your garden and wildlife mature into next year’s bounty and enjoyment. Henry Mitchell, late author of the well-known Earthman column in The Washington Post, wrote in November 25, 1984: “Turn down the noise. Reduce the speed. Be like the somnolent bears, or those other animals that slow down and almost die in the cold season. Let it be the way it is. The magic is there in its power.”  ▼ Eric W. Wahl, RLA is a landscape architect at Element Design Group and president of the Delaware Native Plant Society.












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23 Letters

It’s My Life

by Michael Thomas Ford

Here We Go Again


n Monday two weeks ago, I turned 50. That same week I watched as a bunch of mostly old, wealthy, white men ignored mountains of evidence and public outcry and advanced a completely unsuitable candidate to the highest court in the land, then gloated about it. Now, we pretty much knew this was going to happen. Still, it was hard to watch it unfold, particularly as it’s just the latest in a long string of things we’ve had to watch happen ever since the Orange Toddler broke into the White House and started soiling the carpets as he attempts to drag American society six decades back into the past. Another morning I saw an image taken by photographer Mary Mathis, who covered the Kavanaugh hearing protests for NPR. The photo is of a woman sitting on a bench, clearly distraught. Accompanying it is Mathis’s account of how the woman, when approached for permission to use her image, responded by saying, “How are we going to find the strength to keep fighting? Are we going to be out here for another 30 years? I don’t have 30 years left.” This is exactly how I feel. This is not where I expected the world I live in to be when I turned 50. I thought we were better than this. I like to think most of us are. And that’s what’s terrifying about where we currently find ourselves. If so many of us want a different world, why don’t we have it? Why are horrible, stupid, destructive people still winning? The first book that made me consider the nature of evil was Madeleine L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time. In that story, the world is under the shadow of the Black Thing, an evil force determined to consume everything. When the young protagonists ask how they can possibly fight it, they’re told to stand up to it with love, to combat darkness with light, evil with good, hate with kindness. When I read this, around the age of eight, I thought this was a lovely idea. Of course you could combat evil with good. After all, that was the theme of some Letters 24 OCTOBER 19, 2018

of my favorite stories, from Dorothy defeating the Wicked Witch of the West to the rebels battling the Imperial baddies. Good, I was conditioned to believe, would always win out, no matter the odds. I’m no longer so sure about that. Every time something awful happens, I hear the same response from people who are horrified by it: We can’t let this happen again! We have to vote! We have to make our voices heard!

I really want to believe that this is the last gasp of a desperate group of people who are quickly becoming the minority and soon will be rightfully extinct. Well, some of us did vote. Some of us did make our voices heard. And look what we got. The corruption currently eating away at the heart of this country is not a Black Thing that can be beaten back by love and light. It’s immune to reason, to justice, to kindness and righteous anger, and to all of the things we’ve been told will vanquish it. It’s like the monster in a bad B-movie that keeps coming back again and again and again for one more kill. Now, the good news is that, eventually, those monsters always do die. And this one will as well. I really want to believe that this is the last gasp of a desperate group of people who are quickly becoming the minority and soon

will be rightfully extinct. I want to believe that the wave of change that started with the primaries will grow into a November tsunami that will wipe the slate clean (or at least slightly cleaner) and keep on going. But like the woman on the bench in Mary Mathis’s photo, I am tired. There are days when I want to disappear and leave the world to end the way it will. Then there are days when I think it’s still worth fighting for. The problem is, those latter days are getting fewer and farther between. And I’m running out of ideas. After the Kavanaugh confirmation vote, my social media immediately began filling up with the frustrated cries of people feeling as I do. Women in particular are outraged, as once again their experiences have been discounted, their opinions shunted aside for the political gain of men who care nothing about them. My anger is rage-inducing, and I cannot even imagine what theirs feels like. Many have fought for years to be heard, to be treated with respect, to gain some measure of equality. This is not the world they fought for. It is not the world they wanted to leave to the next generation. Many of them feel as if they’re starting over, only now against even more insurmountable odds. My hope is that this, finally, is the last straw; that even though we are weary and tired of trying, this will be the thing that gets us all to turn to our worn-out compatriots and say, “Yeah, I know. But what else have we got to do today but try to change the world?” See you on the battlefield.  Michael Thomas Ford is a much-published Lambda Literary award-winning author. Visit Michael at michaelthomasford.com

OCTOBER 19, 2018

25 Letters

Letters 26 OCTOBER 19, 2018


Chris Beagle 215.262.6209


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! g in ot v or f s k n a h t lt fe t Hear


27 Letters

Dining  Out

by Fay Jacobs

Celebrity Chefs Shine at Meals on Wheels Brunch


Chef Hari Cameron

...one of the most popular meetand-greet, dining, and beverage fests of the year. Letters 28 OCTOBER 19, 2018

n a gorgeous Sunday morning, October 7, the bayside Rusty Rudder in Dewey swarmed with sponsors, donors, and foodies reveling in the sunshine and divine tastes from some of the finest chefs in the area. The event was the 16th annual Meals on Wheels Celebrity Chefs’ Beach Brunch fundraiser and included tastings by top beach chefs, craft beer, wine, and brunch cocktails, along with a silent and live auction plus the outstanding music of the Bettenroo duo. While raising money for the much-needed Meals on Wheels program here in Sussex County, the by no means secondary intent was to be one of the most popular meet-and-greet, dining, and beverage fests of the year. One short column is no match for the expansive kitchen and distillery talent on display that morning, but I have to mention the ones I found to be the most inventive and delicious. But don’t get me wrong, everybody there, cooking, working, tasting, organizing deserves the kudos. My first stop, mimosa in hand, as I sought a breakfast entry, was Crust and Craft, serving Butternut Squash Whole Wheat Flapjacks. No mere pancakes, they were topped with wet walnuts and whipped cream. Decadent. Kill me now; I had two. From there I found Bluecoast’s exquisite deviled egg, served with a bit of scrapple and deliciously divine seasonings. It was so good I enjoyed the scrapple. A first for me. Following a few peeks at the auction items, a tune or two from Bettenroo and DJ Nan, plus lots of socializing, lunch tastes appealed to me. grandpa (MAC)’s/a(MUSE)’s offering, by chef Hari Cameron, fit the bill, with his new take on old fashioned chicken and dumplings. Hari calls it New Delaware Style, made with heirloom chicken, stoned wheat dumplings, parsley, and a bit of egg yoke. It’s from Hari’s entry in America: The Cookbook, and it’s amazingly brand new and familiar at the same time. JAM Bistro (East of Eden)—I love that descriptor! I can only rave so much about their duck pastrami with Gruyere cheese without seeming like a crazy person. It was amazing, inventive, and the taste station was mobbed. And last, but by no means least on my Best Of list, comes Fork and Flask at Nage with their Duck Rilette on sourdough crostini with whipped goat cheese. Oh my. I could go on, but I need room for pictures! Check out these wonderful restaurants and breweries who were so generous to Meals on Wheels. And that includes Lefty’s Alley and Eats, Dogfish Head, Matt’s Fish Camp, and so many more. ▼



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OCTOBER 19, 2018

29 Letters

health+wellness CAMP Rehoboth Offers Variety in Fall Programs


t CAMP Rehoboth, the Health and Wellness programs cover more than HIV prevention, education & testing—they cover a full gamut of health programs to help the community live full and productive lives. Wellness programs focus on preventive care, improving socialization, and support. All Health and Wellness programs are organized by Salvatore Seeley; many require registration, many are free, and all are presented by thoughtful experts in their fields.

Here is a round-up of programs available through CAMP Rehoboth this Fall. For a day-by-day listing of programs sponsored by CAMP Rehoboth, either onsite or elsewhere, check out the CAMP Calendar on the website. Silver Pride CAMP Rehoboth, October 25 at 2 p.m. Network, socialize and learn at the Silver Pride group at CAMP Rehoboth. This monthly group provides an opportunity for community members ages 55+ to come together to discuss and learn about issues that impact their lives. Each month a different speaker brings important information to the community. The October 25 speaker/topic is Cadbury at Home. Cadbury at home is a program that uniquely combines the most important features of long-term care into one complete plan. Their members live independently at home for as long as possible. If you would like to attend this meeting—please RSVP to 302-3607179 or info@cadburyathome.org. Letters 30 OCTOBER 19, 2018

PrEP Education Comes to CAMP In the past five years, medications with the generic title PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) have become one of the most highly effective ways of stopping the spread of HIV. It consists of one pill taken once a day—i.e., easy to use! PrEP is an effective prevention strategy for reducing HIV acquisition risk by 90-99% if taken as prescribed. For this reason, CAMP Rehoboth is leading the way to provide coordinated services in Delaware for referrals and resources regarding PrEP. In September, CAMP Rehoboth hosted service providers from around the state who wanted to learn about PrEP and how to integrate screening, resources, and referrals into existing programs. The goal of this workshop was to educate service providers so community members who would benefit from PrEP would get the most accurate and up-to date information. PrEP is recommended for men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, transgender men and women, and heterosexual adults who are at high risk for HIV infection. Tai Chi Wednesdays CAMP Rehoboth. Upcoming Classes: October 24, 31; November 7, 14 at 1 p.m.

Salvatore Seeley at CAMP Rehoboth (302-227-5620) or email salvatore@ camprehoboth.com.

Stressed Out? Anxious? Unbalanced? Tai Chi may be the answer. Classes are every Wednesday and are open to the public. Classes are free but freewill giving is encouraged. For more information, contact Salvatore Seeley at CAMP Rehoboth (302-227-5620) or email salvatore@camprehoboth.com.

Gay Men’s Discussion Group Epworth United Methodist Church. October 24 and November 17 at 7 p.m.

Parents of Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Children Discussion Group CAMP Rehoboth, last Tuesday of each month, October 30 at 6 p.m. This group enables parents to network with other families who are going through similar experiences while raising a transgender or gender nonconforming child. The goal of the group is to provide parents a safe space to discuss issues important to them. They can raise questions, share resources, network, and listen to the experiences of other parents whose children are gender diverse. Issues explored include school, legal matters, privacy, siblings, extended family, and medical considerations. For more information, please contact

This group is a safe and welcoming place to talk about what matters most in your life. The group is half social/ half discussion, and talks about issues that relate specifically to the LGBTQ+ community and how they impact daily lives. Epworth UMC is at 19285 Holland Glade Road. Contact Salvatore Seeley at CAMP Rehoboth (302-227-5620 or email salvatore@camprehoboth.com) with any questions. Medicine Wheel Journey CAMP Rehoboth, Last Sunday of each month. October 28 at 5 p.m. Gather around the stone circle in a sacred space to track personal evolution during this shamanic healing circle. All are welcome. Dress comfortably. Bring a notepad and writing utensil to record notes for personal reference. Art materials and supplies will be provided. For more information contact Nate Metz at nate@natemetz.com with any questions.

Women’s Coffee Chat CAMP Rehoboth. Next meeting: November 3 at 10 a.m. All women are invited to this first and third Saturday morning gathering at CAMP Rehoboth to get together, encourage one another, and share life’s ups and downs. The group is professionally facilitated. Beginners Genealogy Workshop: Who Are My Peeps? CAMP Rehoboth, November 14 & 15, 6-8 p.m. This two-evening workshop will introduce participants to the fun—and benefit—of creating a family tree. Creating such a tree can be important for a variety of reasons, including insights into your family history, a broader cultural appreciation, and valuable medical history information. (That last might even lead to an exploration of genetic genealogy through DNA testing!) Developing a family tree also allows family facts and stories to be passed to future generations. Alzheimer's Caregivers Group CAMP Rehoboth, second Wednesday of each month. November 14 at 6:30 p.m. Caring for someone with Alzheimer's disease or a related disorder can be super stressful for the caregiver. This caregivers support group, facilitated by an Alzheimer’s specialist, encourages members to share information and to give and receive mutual support. For more information or to sign-up for the group, please contact Ruth Pryor at RFCpryor@gmail.com.

FREE HIV Testing­­— Whenever you need it. CAMP Rehoboth offers FREE HIV rapid testing at multiple sites in Sussex County. If you would like testing at one of our sites or if you’re looking for testing early morning or evening hours, contact Salvatore Seeley at CAMP Rehoboth (302-227-5620) to make an appointment.

CAMP Rehoboth Membership Dollars at WORK


events/workshops/ discussion groups serving

1,100+ individuals

Help us continue to support programs by becoming a Member of CAMP Rehoboth. Upgrade your current membership or rejoin if you have not recently renewed. Your sustaining commitment serves as our foundation. VISIT camprehoboth.com and click JOIN NOW CALL 302-227-5620 Or just stop by to say hello and sign up!

OCTOBER 19, 2018

31 Letters


! s u Join Become a Member Today Join With Others to Continue Our Mission of Celebrating Diversity and Building a Strong Sense of Community for All People! Join CAMP Rehoboth as a Rainbow Member

Membership has benefits! • Advance Ticket Sales to CAMP Rehoboth Sponsored Events • Discount on CAMP Rehoboth Event Tickets for Levels Green and Above. • Recognition in Letters from CAMP Rehoboth • Free Health Screenings, Counseling Services, and Support Groups • Support for Services, Programs, and Outreach • Plus so much more! It’s easy to join! Go to camprehoboth.com and click on Join Now or call 302-227-5620 or visit us at 37 Baltimore Avenue. Join Today!

CAMP Rehoboth Annual Membership To become a member of CAMP Rehoboth please select one of the membership levels listed below, and the type of payment. All members will receive a Basic Membership Package which includes: CAMP-enotes email hot list, a listing in the membership list, a red house logo sticker, and annual membership card(s). Rainbow Levels (Orange Level and above), will receive the Basic Membership package, plus the premium(s) associated with their level and are for individuals or couples/families. ò Purple Level* ò $200 per month or ò $2400 annually Purple level includes: 25% discount on CAMP Event Tickets, and a quarter page ad run one-time in Letters from CAMP Rehoboth. ò Indigo Level* ò $100 per month or ò $1200 annually Indigo level includes: 20% discount on CAMP Event Tickets. ò Blue Level* ò $75 per month or ò $900 annually Blue level includes: 15% discount on CAMP Event Tickets. ò Green Level* ò $50 per month or ò $600 annually Green level includes: 10% discount on CAMP Event Tickets. ò Yellow Level

ò $25 per month or

ò $300 annually

ò Orange Level

ò $15 per month or

ò $180 annually

ò Basic Membership ò Individual, $50 annually or ò Couple/Family, $85 annually *Where discounts apply, use annual membership card to purchase your own event tickets.

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ò Recurring Monthly or ò Annual Membership fee to: ò Visa

ò American Express ò MasterCard

Credit Card Number Expiration Date ò Enclosed is my check payable to CAMP Rehoboth for the full annual amount.



CAMP Rehoboth, 37 Baltimore Avenue, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 Letters 32 OCTOBER 19, 2018

CAMP Rehoboth Membership 2018 PURPLE LEVEL Sondra N. Arkin* Aaron, Heather, Gia & Joe Book* Karen Brause & Kim Sheaffer Carol Bresler & Carolyn Billinghurst* Tony Burns* Edward Joseph Chrzanowski & Talmage Wesley Sykes Skip Dye & Steven King* Randy Gross Window Treatments* Diane Huber Allen Jarmon & Ward Ellinger* James W. Johnson & Matthew H. Shepard* Christine Lay* Diane & Chris Martin* Richard Morgante & Edward McHale* Beth Pile & S.A. White* Mark Purpura* Jennifer Rubenstein & Diane Scobey* Evie Simmons & Barb Thompson* Leonard Smith* The Robert V. Hauff & John F. Dreeland Foundation Jennifer Walker & Mary Ann Veitch Renee & Steven Wright DMD PA*

INDIGO LEVEL Murray Archibald & In Memory of Steve Elkins* Wesley Blickenstaff* Jane Blue & Louisa Watrel* Joe Brannen & John Klomp* Mark Bromley & David Salie* Tom Brown* Elizabeth Carl & Tori Hill* Pat Catanzariti & Carole Ramos* Richard Coss & Mike Hull Donna Davis & Gail Jackson* Lou Fiore & Jim Burke* Jim & Tom Flower* Gary Gajewski David & Marti Garrett Frederick Harke* Tom Holmes & Mario Rocha* Holly Horn & Kathleen Garrity* Claire Ippoliti* Maureen Keenan & Teri Dunbar* Jerry Kennedy & Robert Quinones* Russell Koerwer & Stephen Schreiber* Laurie Kuebler Curtis J. Leciejewski, DDS, PA* Stephen Manos* Edward Miller & Edwin Hotaling* Thom Morris & Jim Slusher Natalie Moss & Evelyn Maurmeyer* Rick Mowery & Joe Conn* Tom Negran & Marc Anthony Worosilo* David Nelson & William McManus* John Newton & Mowry Spencer* Mark Niehaus & Brooks Honeycutt*

Kathleen Nilles* Jeanine O'Donnell - State Farm* Gwen Osborne & Katie Handy Signarama* Patrick Pearsall & Mitchell Reich Richard Perry Deborah Qualey & Karen Gustafson* Keith & John Riley-Spillane* Chris Rinaldi & Brian Powers* Mark Roush & Dave Banick* Gary Seiden & Ah Bashir* Leslie Sinclair & Debbie Woods* Diane Sweeney & Kelly Ballentine* Susan Tobin & Cathy Martinson Amanda & Deb Townsend Frank Vitrano* Brian Ward & Michael Smith Lana Warfield & Pamela Notarangelo* Karen West & Melissa Clement* Ronald Wetzel & Nathan Hench Brian Yanofchick Chris Yochim Karl Zoric & Mark Pipkin

BLUE LEVEL Linda Balatti & Shirley Gilmer* Ronald Bass & George Robbins* Beau Bogan Foundation Teresa Bolduc & Kim McGeown Andrew Byrd Coleen Collins & Berdi Price* Richard Gamble & Paul Lindsey Sparky Jones & Lee Chrostowski Irene & Lou Katz Melissa & Amanda Kaufman* Nancy Kennedy & Tora Washington* Paul & Anne Michele Kuhns* Jason LeBrun & Jason Dixon Porter-Gordon Family Chris Rouchard* Carl Schloegel Michael Shaffer & Benjamin Wilson*

GREEN LEVEL Brenda Abell & Nancy Kettell Amylynn Karnbach - One Day At A Time Gifts, LLC Sharon Bembry & Lois Powell Alex Benjamin & Pete Grover* David Bower* David W. Briggs & John F. Benton* Charlie Browne & Rod Cook* Cheryl Buxton Stephen & Charles Campbell-King Jay Chalmers & John Potthast* Paul Christensen & Dennis Morgan* Beth Cohen & Fran Sneider* Don Corin & Tim Dillingham* Virginia Cubberley* Drexel Davison - Bad Hair Day?* Mike DeFlavia & Tony Sowers* Max Dick* Joe DiSalvo

Maureen Dolan & Karen McGavin* Ann Evans* Cynthia Flynn & Deirdre Boyle* Gail Gormley* Perry Gottlieb & Tim White Richard Green & Asi Ohana* Wendy Grooms & Barbara Fishel* Wesley Hacker & David Block* David Hagelin & Andy Brangenberg Harris Holden Terry Hollinger Steve Hoult & Rick Bane* Ernie Johnson Jocelyn Kaplan & Idalie Adams* Linda Kemp* Deborah Kennedy & Beth Yocum* Nan Martino* Alice & Robert Mazur Susan Morrison* Dennis Neason & Steve Bendyna Kim Nelson & Lori Simmons* Don Peterson & Jeff Richman Keith Petrack & Michael Fetchko* Anne Pikolas & Jean Charles* Stephen Pleskach* Gail Purcell & Sandy Kraft Sandy Roberts & Deirdre Duddy* Scott Shaughnessy & John Hassell* William Snow & Richard Pagnotta* Dee Speck & Linda Kauffman* Joseph Steele & Chris Leady Angie Strano & Cindy Gruman David Streit & Scott Button David Theil & Ken Lanza* Lauren Thomas & Shelley Couch Terry Vick & Billy Pat Clamp J.P. Wickert Margaret Wilkins* Kathy Wiz & Muriel Hogan* Jon Worthington & Bryan Houlette Doug Yetter & Mark Horne Lisa Zimmerman*

YELLOW LEVEL Guy Abernathey* Ramona Albert Keith Anderson & Peter Bish* Mary Archibald Dale Aultman & Paul Gibbs* Mike Ballenger & Martin Thomas Matthew Barager & Jeffrey Shores Miriam Barton* Chris Beagle & Eric Engelhart* Gerry Beaulieu & Bill Fuchs Bud Beehler & Robert Schuster Abby Bernstein & Karen Frank Kathleen Biggs & Maria Campos Boland Family - In Memory of Michael J. Kelly Nancy Bouse & Norma Morrison* Michael Boyle & Greg Murphy* John Brady Russ Capps & Ken Yazge* David Carder Kathy Casey & Jean Burgess* Kate Cauley & Pat Newcomb Bob Chambers*

Jim Chupella & Jim Wigand Dottie Cirelli & Myrna Kelley* Betsy Cohen Gary Colangelo & Gerald Duvall* Thomas Conway & Thoth Weeda* Mitch Crane & John Workman* Kay Creech & Sharon Still* Lewis & Greg Dawley-Becker Viki Dee & Aileen D In Memory of Frank Dell'Aquila Marianne DeLorenzo & Linda Van de Wiele Fred DiBartolo & Steve Wood* Donna Dolce* Frank Dorn & Edward Schumacher* Kevin Doss & Arie Venema Ken Drerup & Jeff Eiselman* Albert Drulis & Scott Silber* Sandy Duncan & Maddy Ewald Susan Eig & Ellen Schiff* Karen & Lisa Faber Alice Fagans & Ruth Ann Mattingly* John Farley & Dennis Wilson* Dee Farris Ellen Feinberg & Lesley Rogan* Nancy Fisher & Diane Debus* Kathy & Corky Fitzpatrick* Monica Fleischmann & Lona Crist* Connie Fox Fulton National Bank* John Furbush & Tom Feng Jerry Gallucci & Conrad Welch Jill Gaumer LCSW* Susan Goudy* Bill Graff & Jeff Schuck* Ken Green & Joe Kearney* Michael Green & Robert Schwerdtfeger* John Hackett & Tom Newton Pete & Joanne Harrigan* David Herring & Karl Hornberger Carol Holland - Holland Jewelers* John Holohan & William Ensminger* Larry Hooker* Caroline Huff & Brenda Robertson* Pete Jakubowski* Robert Jennings Philip Johnson* Thomas Jones & Scott Schamberger Greg Kubiak* Carol Lazzara & Sheila Maden* Leslie Ledogar & Marilyn Hewitt* Monica Lewis & Ann Zimmerman* Frank Liptak & Joe Schnetzka* John Mackerey & Donald Filicetti Patricia Magee & Anita Pettitt* David Mangler & Michael Thompson Guy, Sorin and Summer Martin* Jill Masterman & Tammy Jackson Kathleen McCormick & Elizabeth Fish* Kevin McGovern & Dan Schoch Mickie McManamon* Howard Menaker & Patrick Gossett*

Ray Michener & Tom Carlson* Linda Miniscalco & Jeanne Drake* Gaylon Morris & Rick Kinsey* Jack Morrison & Bob Dobbs* Robert Nowak & David Bergman* Fran O'Brien & David Gifford Judy Olsen & Joanne Kempton* Maggie Ottato* Marilyn Pate & Dorothy Smith* Peninsula Gallery - Tony & Carol Boyd-Heron* John Piccirillo & Jonathan Rose Denny Pintello & Coke Farmer* Jim Poole & Tim Link Tom Poor & Tom Bachmann Bin 66 Fine Wine* Roni Posner* Jim Pressler* Sam Profeta* Pierce Quinlan & Ginny Daly Joie Rake & Nan Flesher* Jay Raksin Barb Ralph* Nancy Ramundo & Jane Soreth Marty Rendon & John Cianciosi* Carolyn Robinson Gene Roe* Thomas Rose & Thomas Sechowicz* Lucien Rossignol & Tom Harris John Sabo & Alan Harmon* Mark Saunders & Bob Thoman* Betsy Schmidt & Beth Greenapple* Sheryl Schulte & Jeanne LaVigne* Douglas Sellers & Mark Eubanks Marc Silverman & John Campbell Mary Ann Slinkman & Sharyn Santel Susan Soderberg & Terri King* John Michael Sophos & Miss Dot Sophos* Diane Sozio & Patricia Hutchinson* Mary Spencer & Kathy Lingo* Libby Stiff & Bea Wagner* Russell & Patricia Stiles Caroline Stites & Elizabeth Coit* Lenny Stumpf & John B. Pitchford Brett Svensson & Bill Quinn Dust Doctors LLC Deb Vitkova & Susan Smith Cal Weible & Daniel Halvorsen* Michael Weinert* Douglas Werner & JD Pryor John Wood & Mike Roob Tony Wright & Mary Jo Bennett* Jean Young* Larry Zeigler* John Zingo & Rick Johnson

ORANGE LEVEL Donna Adair Marge Amodei* Gwen Atwell & Marla Hoon Shannon & Sarah Avery John D. Baker Pamela Baker & Diane Dixson* Ronald Barisano Michael Beigay

OCTOBER 19, 2018

33 Letters

Jeri Berc Joel Berelson & Charles Maples* Sherry Berman & Deb Hamilton* Deborah Bosick Linda Bova & Bridget Bauer The Sea Bova Associates* Chris Bowers* Wendy Bromfeld* Barry Bugg Ronald Butt & Steve Cannon* Sara Cavendish & Wendy Bunce Jean Chlastawa & Susan Griesemer Steve Clayton & Brad Lentz Michael Clement & Mac Gardner* Charlie Codacovi* Community Bank Delaware* Mark Conheady Lois Cortese & Jill Stokes* Donald Crowl* Kenneth Currier & Mike Tyler* John D'Amico* Scott & Donna de Kuyper Hotel Blue Robert Defendis & Ronald O. Dempsey Linda DeFeo* J. Lynne Dement & Lisa J. Snyder Tony DiMichele & Jeff Smith Karen & Frances Doctor Martin Durkin & Chetan Patel* Jeanne Embich* Fred Episcopo & Jim DiLalla* Gary Espinas & Daniel Sherlock Maureen Ewadinger* Jerry Filbin Keven Fitzsimmons & Jeff Stroud Sara Ford & Anne Donick* Chris Galanty & Jim Apistolas Anne Geary Stephen Georgalas & Angelo Andreatos William Gluth & Channing Daniel Ed Gmoch* Mike Gordy & Ed Brubaker Joe Gottschall & Scott Woody Angela Grant & Zoe Fitzpatrick Deborah Grant & Carol Loewen Michele Grant & Michelle Meyers* Richard & Frances Grote Bill Hillegeist* Mary Anne Hoopes & Dianna Johnston John Hulse Mary Huntt & Angela Creager Jeff Hurdle & Brendan Walsh* Janet Idema & Patricia Higgins* Valerie Johns Ellis Kalmeyer Jana Kamminga & Niki Nicholson Sharon Kanter & Cyndy Bennett* Marilyn Kates & Laura Glenn* Anne Kazak & Chris Coburn* Mark Kehoe* Maryl Kerley & Pat Sagat* Shawn Kingure Bonnie Kirkland & Wanda Bair* Jay Kottoff & Mark Matey* Roger Kramer Rob & Jean Krapf Barbara Lang & Diane Grillo Jen Leonard & Claire McCracken Jim Lesko Joshua Levie Jonathan & Karlyn Lokken* Cindy Lukenda & Mary Backstrom

Michael Marion & DiMitri Guy* Marsha Mark & Judy Raynor Vicki Martina & Nancy Hewish* Marie Martinucci & Pam Kozey* Tom McCafferty In Memory of John Sousa Kevin McDonald & Sean McClafferty Kathy & Steve McGuiness Kate McQueen James Mease & Philip Vehslage* Julia Monaghan & Carissa Meiklejohn Sherril Moon & Louise Montgomery Margaret Moore & Sheree Mixell* Marie Murray & Deb Ward* Debbie & Frank Navecky Robert Neighbour & Andrew Dan Sandy Neverett & Pam Cranston* Pat Nickols Megan O'Donnell & Wendy Deppe Dan O'Flaherty & Mario Flores* Donna Ohle & Susan Gaggiotti* Sandra Oropel & Linda Frese* Carolyn Ortwein & Ann Barry* Dotti Outland & Diane Mead* Rutland Paal & Robert Mittleman Sandra Pace & Barbara Passikoff* Stephen Pape & Jerry Clark Steve Parker Ellen Passman Emilie Paternoster & Monica Parr Colleen Perry & Jane Kuhfuss* Russ Phipps & Stephen Jacobs Joanne Picone & Kathy Bostedo Peter Pizzolongo & Carlos Prugue* Lee Ann Porter Pat Powell Renata Price & Yona Zucker* Lisa Rabigi & Bea Vuocolo Thomas Ramsey & Chris Murray Charlotte Reid & Polly Smale* Susan Reinagel Pat Renninger & Tammy Plumley* Judy Rosenstein & Elva Weininger* Katherine Sams* Richard Sargent Rosemarie Schmidt & Carolyn Horn* Laurie Schneider & Margie Ripalda* Frank Schockley & Arthur Henry Michael Seifert & Harvey Holthaus* Craig Sencindiver & Gary Alexander* Troy Senter & Stacey Chan* Christine Stanley & Joyce Rocko* Matthew Stensrud & Michael Cohen Robert Stoltzfus & Gerald Warhola* Brian Straka* Sandra Sullivan & Lorie Seaman* Gordon Tanner & Robert Patlan Thrasher's French Fries James Tucker & In Memory of Dennis Murphy* Tama Viola Don Wainwright & Tom Jamison* Elizabeth Way & Dorothy Dougherty William Wheatley

Letters 34 OCTOBER 19, 2018

Ralph Wiest & Anthony Peraine* William Cross Foundation Terry Wise & Beth Shank* Sherri Wright & Dick Byrne* Joanne Yurik Niki Zaldivar MD* Helaine Zinaman & Roselyn Abitbol*

BASIC COUPLE/FAMILY Adrienne & Kim Stephani Allison & Judith Gorra* Lois Andreasen & Jean McCullough Wanda Armwood & Illona Williams Jack Ay & James Krebsbach Gale & Jim Ayres June Baker & Marcella Townsend* Ruth Ball & Mary Ellen Jankowski* Romulus Barba & Dean Yanchulis* Michael Barnes & Scott O'Neill Brian Bartels Eric Barton & Greg Nagel Beebe Medical Foundation Mike Behringer & Nelson Correa Sheryl Bender & Doreen DiLorenzo Suzanne Bennethum & Deborah Smith Norman Bennett Stephen & Michael Bennett Christine Bielenda & Karen Feuchtenberger* Deb Bievenour & Susan Shollenberger Robin Bond & Leanna Johannes* Sheri & Carl Borrin Darice Bowles & Gerry Sue Davis* Deni Boyer & Loretta Imbrogono Brian Boyle & Larry Gee* Kelly Brennan & Susan McVey William Briganti & Gary Moore Diane Bruce & Annie Sorvillo Belinda Buras & Linda Simeone Geoffrey Burkhart & Bruce Williams Mary Jean Burns & Novalyn Winfield Rob Burns & Cris Hamer* Randy Butt & Emerson Bramble* Debbie Cali & Maddie Cunningham Ingrid Callmann & Karen Askins* Leslie Calman & Jane Gruenebaum* John Carr & Billy Cox* Linda Chaney & Irene Lawlor* Helen Chang & Pat Avery Sherry & Bruce Chappelle Anthony Chiffolo & Rusty Hesse Dan Childers & Ted Hernandez* Tom Childers & John Hall* Curt Christensen & Ellen Heald* Ronnie Contreras & Brian Casey Bill Cooley & Ken Watkins, DVM* Richard Cooper & Vincent Saporito Lois Corson & Mary Murdoch Mary Costa & Kris Nygaard Martha & Richard Coyle Wendy Cramer & Carolyn Baranowski Thomas Crisp & Biff Piner Theresa-Ann Crivelli & Angela Murray Howard Cyr & Lynn Ashley*

Marsha Davis & Bev Lesher* Kathy Davison & Ruth Dickerson* Linda Dean & Donna Whiteside* Scott Dechen & James Maino John & Richard Decore Claire Dente & Leslie Campo Karen DeSantis & Carol Brice Nancy DeToma & Meg Smith Geri Dibiase Photography* Mary Dipietro & Wendy Schadt* Deb Dobransky & Ketty Bennett Andy Dorosky & Greg Oliver* Debbie & Karen Dorris* Arlyce Dubbin & Kathleen Heintz* Susan Dube & Diana Patterson Deanna Duby & Carol Bruce Andrew & Bram Emily-Adkins Dent Farr & Erick Lowe Susan Farr & Joanne Pozzo Rene Fechter & Cynthia Smith Larry & Ro Fedorka Virginia Fessler & Chris Patton Jayne & Ro Fetterman Irene & Edward Fick* Joe Filipek & Larry Richardson* Mark Finkelstein & Michael Zeik Paul Finn & Joseph Porporino Gary Fisher & Josh Bushey David Flohr & Steven Kuschuck* Anthony Forrest & Glyn Edwards Roland Forster & David McDonald Phil & Marylea Franz* Billiemichelle & Evelyn Friel* Neil Frock & Bob Harrison* Robert Furman & Paul Grecay Lorraine Gaasche & Jill Mayer* Frank Gainer & Ramon Santos* Lynn Gaites & Faye Koslow* Karen Gantz & Jeanie Geist Lisa Gaunt & Deborah Harrell* Nora & Marie Gentile Jordan Gipple & Paul Weppner* Ron Glick & Tien Pham* Jamie Glidewell & Shelby Sears Dave Gold* Milton Gordon & Bill Hromnak* Anita Gossett & Ronnie Smith Amy Grace & Karen Blood Paul R. Grant & Marc Watrel John Grillone & Paul Schlear Jr* Mark & Sheldon Gruber-Lebowitz Marie & Ken Haag* Jay Haddock & Hector Torres* Siobhan Halmos & Beth McLean* Rodney Hamer & Jay Farrelly David Harrer & Floyd Kanagy* Pat Harte & Nancy Sigman John & Mary Havrilla* John Hawkins & Silvia Ritchie Brook Hedge & Bonnie Osler Leslie Hegamaster & Jerry Stansberry* Mary Helms & George Beckerman* Robert Holloran & Ed Davis Brad Holsinger & Ed Moore Mod Cottage* Mollyne Honor & Shelley Garfield Tom Horvath & Pete Drake James Hospital & Jack Faker Vance Hudgins & Denny Marcotte Ron Hughes & Ben Cross Batya Hyman & Belinda Cross Fay Jacobs & Bonnie Quesenberry* Robert Jasinski* Andrea & Steven Jaskulsky

Sue Jernberg & Chris Hunt Chip Johnson & Joseph Lachac Dorsey Johnson & Kay Jernigan* Cynthia Johnston & George Meili Richard Jolly & Charles Ingersoll* Sue Jones & Dottie Stackhouse Nola Joyce & Brenda Eich Darleen Kahl & Susan Poteet Daphne Kaplan & Steve Scheffer Sharon Kaplan & Pamela Everett* Denise Karas & Katherine Bishop Peter Keeble & Tom Best Margaret Keefe & Dianne Conine* Ruth Keipp & Marilyn Mills John Kelly & Randy Sutphin* Karin Kemper & Isabel Lavadenz Ned Kesmodel & Matt Gaffney* Ruth Kloetzli & Lisa Scholl Eric Korpon & Steven Haber* John Kort & Hung Lai Myra Kramer & John Hammett* Karen Kreiser & Beth Nevill Susan Kutliroff & Barbara Snyder Adam Lamb & Eli Martinez Mathilda Laschenski & Kathy Heacock* Ruth Lauver & Judy Wetzel* Jon Leeking & Dieulifete Jean Edmund LeFevre & Keith Wiggs Marsha Levine & Susan Hamadock* Bill Lipsett & Eric Bolda Eleanor Lloyd & Celeste Beaupre George Long & Brian Johnson* James Lucas & Karen Davis* Don Lund & Ed Noyalis* Wendy Maclay & Sheree Davis Duncan MacLellan & Glenn Reighart* Bernadette Maher & Cheryl Tarlecky Stephanie Manos & Reber Whitner* Robb Mapou & Mike Zufall Charles Marino & Alan Berman John & Lorraine Marino Diane Markey & Randi Snader* Sam & Diane Markman Harold Marmon & Robert Hill* Bill Martin & Scott Freber* James Mastoris & Edward Chamberlain* Joe Matassino & Tim Murray John Matthews & Nick Polcini* Michael & Stephan Maybroda Clifton McCracken & Wolfgang Sander Kathleen McGinley & Diane Heydt Ellen McKeon & Kay Cummings Karen McNamara & Rebecca Della-Rodolfa* Jim & Bruce McVey-Back Metropolitan Community Church of Rehoboth* Jeffery Michael & Edward Smith Alicia Mickenberg & Kathleen Fitzgerald Melissa Milar & Vicki Williamson Alicia Miller & Shawn Noel* Lisa & Alisha Miller Marilyn K. Miller & Candice Zientek Marvin Miller & Dan Kyle* Stan Mills & Marcia Maldeis* Rosemary Mirocco & Debbie Magliette Joan Misencik

Andrea Monetti & Karen Petermann* Teri Moore & Barb Kulbaba* Thomas Moore & Richard Bost Pearl Morris & Cindy Lins Rebecca Moscoso & Maggie Kilroy* Donna Mulder & Denise Delesio* Robbin Murray & De Raynes Kathleen Nagle & Susan Blazey James Newkirk & Leon Wilkowsky Arletta Nicholl & Mary Anderson Chuck Oakes & Robert Dellanoce* Debbie O'Keeffe & Christine Fisher Lisa Orem & Debby Armstrong* Linda Palmer & Lana Lawrence Carol Patterson & Carol Hughes* Wesley & Connie Paulson Patricia Pawling & Jennifer Butz* Michelle Peeling & Wendy Adams* Thom Pemberton & Dean Donovan* Al Perez & Gary Kraft Marianne Perry & Jeanette Laszczynski Grace Pesikey & Janet Urdahl Peggy Phillips & Norma McGrady* William Pittman & William Marvin Claire Pompei & Dolores Yurkovic* Sue Potts & Karen Kohn Jean Rabian & Ralph Hackett* Elaine Raksis & Maxine Klane* Linda Rancourt & M. Sue Sandmeyer* Bill Rayman & Frank King* Carolyn Redmon & Nancy Allen* Lynne & Priscilla Reid Ken Reilly & Tony Ghigi* Virginia Reime & Gene Tadlock Jeff Reinhart & Jack Miller* Thomas Resh & Jeffrey Meyers* Deborah Reuter & Deborah Bea* Sandie Riddell & Eileen Siner* John & Jane Robbert William Robbins & Gary Ralph Lori & Renee Rocheleau John & Susan Roehmer* Jeanne Rogers & Barbara Black* Debbie Ronemus & Peggy Sander* Deborah & Charles Ross* Barb Rowe & Pat Hansen* Kelly Sabol & Erin Reid Joe & Nancy Sakaduski* Cindy Sanders & Donna Smith Stephanie Savage & Jesse Enless Richard Scalenghe & Thomas Panetta Lisa Schlosser & Sherri Brown Peter Schott & Jeffrey Davis* Trudy Schuyler & Jane Greenwell* Mona Schwartz & Joanne Tramposch Rich Schwarz & Bill Sarvey* Carol Scileppi & Valerie McNickol David Scuccimarra & Dorothy Fedorka* Clifton C. Seale & Charles A. Gilmore Kelly Sheridan & Debra Quinton George Shevlin & Jack Suwanlert* Terry Simon & Marcia Kass Joanne Sinsheimer & Margaret Beatty* Sandra Skidmore & Jonathan Handy*

Harlan Joe Smith & Dustin Abshire* Robert & Andrea Smith Rosanne Smith & Brenda Butterfield* Sandra Sommerfield & Cindy Scott* Lorraine Stanish & Beverly Miller* Vanessa Stanley & Kristin Peters Vicky Starnes & John Ewald Greig Stewart & Jake Hudson* Allison Stine & Pete Jamieson David Svatos & Chris McMackin Matt Swalga & Bill Woody John Swift & Ron Bowman* Gail Tannenbaum & Wendy Walker Ronald Tate & Jacob Schiavo* Anne Tracy & Mary Gilligan Cheryll & Bill Trefzger Jeffrey Trunzo & Herman Goodyear* Abby Tschoepe & Pat Dunn Matt Turlinski & Jerry Sipes* Judy Twell & Cheri Himmelheber Thomas Urban & Marc Samuels* Debra Van Dyke & Gussie Jones* James Vernicek & Jeff Dailey* V. James Villareale & Dale Ebert* Scott Wagner & John Sohonage David Wall & Robert Houck* Barbara & Richard Warden Troy Watson & Dennis Wolfgang* Debbie Webber & Terry McQuaid Sue Weimer & Neilson Himelein* Kathy Weir & Lynn Finaldi* Steve White & Wayne Williamson* Thomas White & Robert Freeman* Sarah Whitney & Julie Edkin PJ Widerman & Vicki Sjolander Phil & Stephanie Wikes Daryle Williams & Steven Fretwell Lynn & Robert A. Wilson Stephanie Wingert & Carla Avery Carol Woodcock & Carol Lewis* Robert T. Wright & Jack Lim Marjorie Wuestner & Catherine Balsley* Jim Zeigler & Sam Deetz* Phyllis Zwarych & Sheila Chlanda*

BASIC INDIVIDUAL Anonymous Jan Atwell Karen Beck Lisa Beske Peter Bezrucik* Thomas Biesiadny* Lorraine Biros Jason Blachek Carol Blair Eric Blondin - State Farm Insurance Rehoboth Beach* Annabelle Boire Laura Borsdorf Beth Bozman Brandywine Valley SPCA Debora Brooke * Lyn Brown Marilyn Bryant Barbara Butta U.S. Senator Thomas R. Carper Linda Christenson* Terry Clark Nancy Commisso* Peter Crawford

Lauren Cross Richard Culver Michael Decker* Stefani Deoul* Dawn Devries Richard Dietz Lin Dixon Romana Dobbs Robert Donato Debra Doricchi Frances Doyle* Barry Dunkin Sue Early* Pamela Elliott W. Kay Ellis Eddie Engles Walter Fenstermacher Karen Ferguson Daniel Foskey John J. Foster Jr. Beebe Frazer* Phil Fretz Nina Galerstein Jerry Garmany Mindy Gasthalter* Joan Glass* Jane Godfrey* Mel Goldberg Lisa Graff* Charles Graham Linda Gregory Kenneth Grier Steve Groh Carol Gross* Arnold H. Grossman* Michael Guerriere Mary Gunning Todd Hacker Sharon Hansen* Diane Hanson Pat Hauptman Janece Hausch* Daniel F.C. Hayes Gail Hecky* Matthew Hennesey Connie Holdridge* Penni Hope Kenneth Horn Frank Hornstein* Robert Hotes* Donald Howat Sue Isaacs* Debbie Isser Beverly S. Johnson Donna Johnson* Ken Johnson Jim Johnston D J Jones Rob Jones Bob Kabel Alan Keffer* Donald Kelly* John Kennedy C. David Kimmel Matt King Daniel Kinsella* Deborah Knickerbocker Stephen Kopp Marcia Kratz Nanette Lalime Mary Lenney* Kim Letke Barbara Lilien* Pat Loughlin* Debbie Lupton Diane Lusk* P. Michael Lutz*

Maggie Lyon Scott Mackenzie Christopher Magaha* Loretta Mahan* Nancy Maihoff* Kathy Martin Linda Martinak Lewis Maurer Elizabeth McGee Jeffrey McGuire Jamie Middelton* Michael Morrison Catherine Murray Cynthia Myers Aina Nergaard-Nammack* Ronald Nicholls Konrad Noebel, MCAT, LMT* Rich Norcross Susan O'Brien Richard O'Malley Julia Orza Kathy Osterholm Sharon Owens Peggy Paul* Lucille & Dan Payne Beverly Peltz PFLAG-Rehoboth Beach Arleen Pinkos Janice Pinto* Jo Pokorny* Glen C. Pruitt* Sarajane Quinn* Lewis Rathbone* Thomas Rebuck Joanna Reed Rehoboth Art League* Gloria Richards Patricia Ridge Linda Roberts Peter Rosenstein* Joan Rubenstein* Herbert Russell Mary Ryan Rykard Family Margaret Salamon Lenore Savage Kim Schilpp* Holly Schneider Linda Schulte Carol Schwartz* John Scotti Tamara Seeker Nancy Bradley Seibert* Shirley Semple* Marj Shannon* Tara Sheldon Joanne Sheppard Andrew Silva Jeffrey Slavin* Carol Smith Peg Smith* Tina Snapp Sandy Souder - Unity of Rehoboth Beach Debra St Charles Catrina Stiller, LPCMH, NCC Terry Stinson Dr. Frederick C. Stoner Judy Stout* Michael Stover* Dave Thomas* David Tiburzio Patricia Truitt Rose Wagner Eric Wahl Marianne Walch* Robert Warmkessel*

Jack Warren* Sharyn Warwick* Davidson Watts Belle Webb KarIn Westermann Franklin Wilkins* Edward Williams Jim Williams* Bradley Wojno David Wolanski Janet Yabroff Linda Yingst John Zakreski* Carol Zelenkowski* Lorraine Zellers * Names with an asterisk (*) have been members for five years or more Names in bold are new or upgraded members as of September 24, 2018

OCTOBER 19, 2018

35 Letters

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Letters 36 OCTOBER 19, 2018


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EOE | 424 Savannah Rd, Lewes, DE 19958 | www.facebook.com/beebecareers OCTOBER 19, 2018

37 Letters

Intentionally Inclusive

by Wesley Combs

Is She Really Wearing a Sexy Border Control Costume?


few weeks ago, I turned on the television and a panel on the Megyn Kelly Show was discussing Christine Blasey Ford’s recent sexual harassment allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh. At the end of the segment, host Megyn Kelly segued into a discussion about the brouhaha surrounding a sexy ‘brave red maiden costume’ based on the Hulu series, The Handmaid’s Tale. In full disclosure, I have not seen this highly popular show but have followed its meteoric rise in the media and on award shows. For those who have not seen it, the show is based on author Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel where women who have committed gender and religious crimes (e.g., adultery; being a lesbian) are required to work for the men who govern them. One group, the Handmaids, are forced to have sex with their “Commanders” in order to produce children for women who are infertile. Yes, someone thought it was a good idea to create a costume based on a show whose subject matter is disturbing to many in today’s #MeToo environment. But it was the design of the costume which was generating all of the buzz on social media. As People Magazine described it, “The retailer recreated the bodyconcealing red clothing handmaids wear in Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel (that has been adapted into an Emmy award-winning TV show) by shortening the hem via a red mini dress, adding a cape with slits along the front and side, and topping off the look with fishnet tights.” While most of the panelists agreed this was the wrong costume at the wrong time, Ms. Kelly had a different point of view. In her mind, The Handmaid’s Tale was really about female empowerment, so why all the fuss about this lessconservative version? My jaw dropped. I sat there incredulously wondering why an outspoken victim of sexual harassment like Ms. Kelly felt that creating sexy versions of abused

Letters 38 OCTOBER 19, 2018

characters was not only appropriate but also funny. The discouraging news is that despite widespread media coverage of individuals who continue to make poor choices when selecting costumes, we continue to witness co-workers and friends donning costumes that are, at a minimum, insensitive (i.e., dressing as a Native American) or downright offensive (i.e., coming as a convicted sex offender like Jerry Sandusky or Bill Cosby). On the flip side, increasingly there

I sat there incredulously wondering why an outspoken victim of sexual harassment like Ms. Kelly felt that creating sexy versions of abused characters was not only appropriate but also funny. is a price to pay for those who fail to understand how their actions negatively impact others. The Hindu community was quick to denounce Heidi Klum, creator of the hit reality show Project Runway, when she dressed up as Hindu goddess Kali for Halloween one year. For Hindus, Goddess Kali is highly revered and meant to be worshipped in temples, not used for publicity stunts, or thrown around loosely for dramatic effect. Dancing with the Stars’ judge Julianne Hough faced a raft of negative publicity when she appeared in black face while depicting Crazy Eyes from Orange is the New Black. But, becoming infamous (for the wrong reasons) can happen in an instant

for anyone thanks to pictures posted on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. In 2013, a woman dressed as a Boston Marathon bombing victim was subsequently fired from her job. If you were hoping I would provide a checklist of dos and don’ts to help guide your selection of this year’s costumes to avoid your becoming the next internet celebrity for the wrong reason, I am afraid you will be disappointed. Just like many of the other topics I discuss in this column, my hope is that you will pause and take a moment to ask yourself whether your costume idea is as brilliant as you believe or if some people might be surprised or shocked when you walk into the room. Do I know anyone who might take offense to my costume? If the answer might be yes, ask others what they think. If you are uncertain, perhaps adjusting the costume or going in another direction makes sense. When all else fails, Google your costume idea. You may be surprised to learn that your brilliant idea is just the opposite. What might others think about me because I wore this costume? Like it or not, people make snap judgments about others based on how they present themselves in different situations. Ask yourself, if you were at a party and saw someone come in the room wearing your costume, how would it make you feel? Also, if your boss or members of your family were in the room, what do you think they would say? Remember, everyone’s perspective is influenced by their personal experience in life. If you were born in Mexico and someone else showed up dressed in a sombrero and poncho, how would that make you feel? ▼ Wesley Combs is a diversity and inclusion expert and a passionate social justice advocate. He is the founding Principal of Combs Advisory Services, working with clients who share his values of enabling equity, equality and opportunity in the workplace and community.

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OCTOBER 19, 2018

39 Letters


By Rich Barnett

No Cure for the Common Birthday


raise the Lord and pass the biscuits! I finally figured out I can suppress that annoying Facebook birthday notification feature. Every day on my computer I was receiving little messages with gift package images reminding me it was so-and-so’s birthday. Facebook even populated my calendar with these same birthday reminders. Great, I’d think, now I’m expected to send a happy birthday greeting or else walk around all day feeling guilty. You know damn well the birthday boy or girl is aware his or her friends all received the notice so he or she knows exactly who can’t take the 30 seconds it takes to pen a little note or hit the “like” button. I don’t know about you, but I sure as hell don’t need any more guilt and pressure in my life. As you might surmise, I’m not a birthday enthusiast. It has nothing to do with growing older, which I don’t mind at all. And I don’t suffer from fragapanophobia, which is the irrational fear of birthdays. No, my apathy stems from my upbringing, where kids did not rule the roost. In my family, Thanksgiving and the Florida-Georgia football game were big deals; children’s birthdays, not so much. Adult birthdays were never mentioned. I’m certain my brothers and I had lovely little birthday parties when we were young. I just can’t remember them. I do remember my 18th birthday and boldly walking into Ducks, a rundown gas station and convenience store on old Route 11 on the outskirts of town to buy beer as a legal adult in the State of Virginia. No more worrying about whether or not I’d be carded or if the fake ID was good enough or if someone’s parents walked in and saw me. Unlike Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, I didn’t just study in high school…. For decades, I declined to celebrate my birthday until I agreed to a very small party for my 50th but only because it coincided with a trip to New Orleans. There was a cake, lots of 25-cent martinis, and a nice lunch at Commander’s Palace restaurant. It was over in three hours and life returned to normal. Now I don’t begrudge anyone celebrating a birthday. It’s a free country. But I can’t keep my eyes from rolling whenever I hear about someone going on and on about their special day. Are they aware that on a planet of 9 billion people it’s likely that 19 million others share the same special day? And don’t get me started on the concept of birthday weeks or months. I once had an employee get pissy with me because a complicated assignment had to be completed during his “birthday week.” Puh-leeze…. I told him I realized the celebration of Christmas now started before Thanksgiving, but in the spirit of one Ann Richards, he was no baby Jesus and there’s a

reason it’s called a birthday. His only response: who was Ann Richards? While I don’t give a hoot about birthday celebrations, I am interested in the history behind them. Cultural historians say the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Chinese all celebrated birthdays with bread cakes and gifts to ward off evil spirits. Naturally, early Christians associated birthdays with paganism— until the Immaculate Conception. Germans in the fourteenth century began the practice of putting one candle on a sweet cake to celebrate each year of a person’s life and giving birthday gifts. But this was only popular among the very wealthy until the Industrial Revolution led to the mass production of affordable sweet cakes and candles. Then there’s the “Happy Birthday” song. As I understand it, two American educators in Louisville, Kentucky—Mildred and Patty Hill—wrote a song titled “Good Morning to All” in 1893. It was geared for young school children and it quickly spread across the country. Someone unknown later added the happy birthday verse we know and sing today. The Clayton F. Summy Company published the song in a book of songs for children in 1924. The company claimed the Hill sisters gave them the rights to the original song in exchange for a cut of the profits. However, the company didn’t copyright the song until 1934 after it showed up in a couple of popular movies. You can see the problem. Who added the happy birthday lyrics and who really owned the copyright to them? Summy Company sold its copyright to a company that was eventually bought by the company that became Warner Music and Time Warner, which collected some royalties on it when it was used in commercials, TV shows, and movies. The battle simmered along until a court ruled in 2016 that the copyright origin was unclear and the “Happy Birthday” song is a free public work. Damn! Now there’s no way to stop birthday singing in restaurants. In fact, there seems to be no cure at all for all this birthday hoopla. It’s worse than the common cold. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to wrap up this column, fix a Bloody Mary, and figure out how to manipulate my Facebook account to hide yours truly’s upcoming birthday. ▼

Damn! Now there’s no way to stop birthday singing in restaurants.

Letters 40 OCTOBER 19, 2018

Rich Barnett is the author of The Discreet Charms of a Bourgeois Beach Town, and Fun with Dick and James.

OCTOBER 19, 2018

41 Letters

IN THE Community

Boos, Brews & Booze!

The Lewes Historical Society will be hosting the Boos, Brews & Booze fundraiser on October 27 from 7-10 p.m. to benefit the soon-to-open Children’s Discovery Center at the Lewes History Museum. The event will feature spooky views of the historic campus, food, and local spirits. Visit historiclewes.org for tickets and information. ▼

Do the Hop for Food Pantry The Milton Community Food Pantry is holding their Second Annual Sock Hop Fundraiser on October 20 from 7-10 p.m. The event is at the Milton Fire Hall, 116 Front Street in Milton. DJ Mary ‘WooWoo' Buchness will play hits from the 50s, 60s, and beyond. Each ticket will include a chance to win a 32-inch TV and there will be prizes for Best Dressed and Best Twist! There will also be food for sale. Tickets are $15 for singles and $25 for couples. Tickets are on sale now; call Barbara Wright at 302-684-8901 or email MCFP.Delaware@gmail.com. ▼

Your volunteer efforts benefit you and others. Find out about opportunities with CAMP Rehoboth and other area non-profits today. Call 302-227-5620 for more information. Letters 42 OCTOBER 19, 2018

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3 MILES TO BEACH! Location is everything! This one level living home has a full walkout basement with a wall of sliding doors facing the woods and just waiting for you to put your finishing touches on it! Featuring wood floors throughout the living areas, formal LR & DR and a great room kitchen /FR. Large side screened porch with vaulted ceiling and decks overlooks the woods behind you or your private waterfall pond in front. Tons of recessed lights for setting the mood! Granite top island and stainless appliances round out the efficient and updated kitchen. Spacious Master BR with bath that has tiled shower and soaking tub. Split BR floor plan for privacy. Literally walk to grocery store, and take the bike trail to either Lewes or Rehoboth! Asking $365,000

REHOBOTH Single family home w/out the maintenance! This beautiful one level home was remodeled in 2015 w/ a new luxury kitchen, hardwood floors and more! With probably the best location in the community, this woods-abutting home offers an open floor plan with multiple living areas, split bedrooms and large rear awning covered composite deck. Just over 3 miles to Rehoboth Beach and in a convenient location to shopping, etc, Best of all, condo fee covers all exterior maintenance. All you need to do is go home and relax! Conditioned crawl space gives you plenty of room for storage. Relax on your rear deck, or go enjoy the community pool! Better yet, the beach and downtown Rehoboth restaurants are just minutes away! This turn-key home is just waiting for you to call it “HOME�! $329,900

RBY&CC Beautiful cleared corner pond front lot in desirable newer phase of RBYCC. Surrounded by high end homes, this lot backs to pond for beautiful views. Easy access to Rehoboth Beach and less than 3 miles to the boardwalk. Ready and waiting for you to build your new home in this low tax area! Well priced at $275,000!

OCTOBER 19, 2018

43 Letters

CAMP Volunteer Spotlight by Monica Parr

Michael DeFlavia


ichael DeFlavia was raised in Levittown, Pennsylvania, a planned community built by William Levitt outside Philadelphia. His parents were the original—and only—owners of a house built in the late1950s until 2012, when it was sold. Mike attended Catholic schools for 16 years, graduating from LaSalle University in Philadelphia. Mike says, “Although not a practicing Catholic, I do believe there is a higher power in the universe.” He is a Vice President at Lautman Maska Neill & Company, a consulting firm specializing in direct response fundraising for non-profits. Mike and his partner Tony Sowers, together for 18 years, originally met at Cloud 9, now G Cask, on July 4, 2000. They began dating the following October. Currently, their permanent residence is in Washington, DC’s Capitol Hill neighborhood, although they spend as much time as they can at their home in Rehoboth Beach. They are currently exploring how to make Rehoboth their permanent—or at least permanent summer—home within the next few years. When Mike is not working at his day job as a non-profit fundraising consultant, he volunteers for CAMP Rehoboth, where he serves as a Board Member. He also enjoys relaxing by his pool with friends, and traveling. He is looking forward to next November when they hope to visit South Africa. When did you start volunteering at CAMP Rehoboth? My first exposure to CAMP as a volunteer was either 2001 or 2002, helping spread the love about the July 4th LOVE Dance. I met some great people helping promote the event on the beach and throughout town. What events/activities have you been involved with as a volunteer? In addition to LOVE for a couple of years, I participated in a beach clean-up, Sundance, the bachelor/ette auction, Letters 44 OCTOBER 19, 2018

and various other events in whatever capacity I could help. Of the many events held by CAMP Rehoboth, which is your favorite? I like the big dance events like the previously mentioned LOVE Dance. It would be great to see that reprised—although I know how much work is involved in making it a success. And, I couldn’t mention dance events without giving proper accolades to Sundance. I love seeing all parts of the community come together for a night of fun, dancing, and revelry. What’s your best volunteer memory? It would have to be in my current capacity as a Board member, organizing entertainment events. It’s great being able to offer experiences for people to come together and have a great time. Name a childhood mentor or someone who influenced you while growing up. Honestly, there is not one person that stands out. Everyone from whom I’ve had the privilege of learning has influenced who I am today. If you could go back to the age of 18, what do you know now that you wish you knew then? That my friends and family would have accepted me for who I was. I never had a big “coming out” moment. Rather, I let my being gay come out naturally in conversation. Not one person even batted an eye or treated me differently. What is your favorite season here at the beach? Fall. While I love the summer and all the excitement it brings, the fall weather is perfect. And the crowd is still sizable enough and fun. Do you have an LGBTQ hero? I’d have to say Jim Obergefell, et al (see Supreme Court case Obergefell v. Hodges) for their courage to fight for what is right—equality—and stand on the right side of history!

The LGBTQ community has made significant progress in the fight for equality. Did you expect to see this in your lifetime? I did. While often pessimistic (perhaps as a defense mechanism), I was optimistic in this arena. I had hope that those fighting the good fight, both individuals and organizations such as Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the ACLU, and countless others, would charge forward and succeed in securing marriage equality. We still have a long way to go for full equality for all, in all arenas. We’ll get there. Given the current political climate, are you concerned about the possible loss of rights for the LGBTQ community? I am certainly concerned. We’re seeing it play out on a daily basis with attacks on equal rights at every level of government with more than 100 anti-LGBTQ bills. And there are still 30 states where LGBTQ people are at risk of being fired simply for who they are. But we’re making strides every day, including right here in Delaware with the recent passage of SB 65—legislation protecting Delaware’s LGBTQ youth from the dangerous and debunked practice of so-called “conversion therapy.” What is your favorite holiday? Christmas. Regardless of the hubbub about saying Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, everyone is in the holiday spirit. What advice would you give to the younger LGBTQ community? Do you. Be you. Look toward those who have come before you and learn from them. Don’t be an ageist toward those older than you. God willing, you’ll be old one day too.

How long have you been coming to Rehoboth? My first time in Rehoboth was a weekend in 1998 with my friend Ken P. It happened to be the weekend of Cliff Lassahn’s (and others’) Delmarva Swimsuit Pageant house party. Needless to say, I was overwhelmed—but hooked on Rehoboth! The next couple of years, with some friends, we rented a house for the week. Then, in 2001, I joined a summer share with Tony (Sowers) and his friends who also threw big, themed house parties. After a couple of years as a share, we bought a house and continued throwing a party. Only this time, it was a pool party…during July 4 week. Next year will mark our 15th—and perhaps final. We’ll see what happens. Our dear friends and housemates are instrumental in pulling the party together. And, well, we ain’t spring chickens anymore. Since you began coming to Rehoboth, name the biggest change(s) you’ve seen. The biggest one is the development behind our house. When we bought our house in 2002, the area behind it was a corn field. Now it’s houses, condos, and townhouses. The benefit: Hebron Road, which allows us to get into town without going on Route 1. What is your favorite U.S. city, and why? New York City. It needs no answer to why. What are you most thankful for? That I have my friends, family, health, and job. Especially the latter. I love helping non-profits and it’s allowed me to afford a place in Rehoboth, our little slice of paradise. And, our condo in Mexico, our winter escape. Mike, we look forward to the time when you and Tony will be living here on a full time basis. Thank you for being a part of the CAMP Rehoboth family, and putting forth all of the hours volunteering. Without volunteers like you we would not be able to do what1we do. I hope we will continue to have you Project1_Layout 4/1/2018 4:49 PM Page 1 helping us, going forward. ▼

thank you to all the CAMP Rehoboth Community Center Volunteers for the period: September 13 – October 11 COMMUNITY CENTER Sondra Arkin David Carder Ron Childress Max Dick Ann Evans Corky Fitzpatrick Kathy Fitzpatrick Jack Morrison Natalie Moss Sandra Skidmore Patricia Stiles Russell Stiles CAMP MAINTENANCE Eric Korpon LETTERS MAILING TEAM Andy Brangenberg David Carder David Hagelin Nancy Hewish Grant Kingswell Vickie Martina Fran Sneider Russell Stiles Linda Yingst GRANTS COMMITTEE Kate Cauley Liz Coit Rebecca Moscoso Pat Newcomb Lois Powell Leslie Sinclair

MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Jane Blue Ann Evans Rich Grote Pat Newcomb Glen Pruitt Debbie Woods RAINBOW THUMB CLUB Chris Bowers Carol Brice Linda DeFeo Karen DeSantis Ward Ellinger Monica Fleischmann Carolyn Ortwein Kim Schilpp Diane Scobey Ed Shockley Frank Shockley Theresa Shockley Barb Thompson Jeffrey Trunzo Evie Simmons Elva Weininger REUNION TOUR Carla Avery Rose Barcelona Lorraine Biros Carol Brice Dottie Cirelli Shelley Couch Karen DeSantis Deb Doricchi Dee Farris

Nancy Hewish Linda Kemp Liz Malverson Missy Mehring Anne Morillon Rebecca Moscoso Gwen Osborne Dotti Outland Monica Parr Emilie Paternoster Rina Pellegrini Barb Ralph Tama Viola Stephanie Wingert VOLUNTEER DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Dusty Abshire Pat Catanzariti Donna Dolce Jaye Laszcynski Michael Safina Leslie Sinclair Angie Strano WOMEN’S FEST COMMITTEE Dottie Cirelli Fay Jacobs Nancy Hewish Pam Kozey Margie Moore Rebecca Moscoso Gail Tannenbaum Kathy Wiz

OCTOBER 19, 2018

45 Letters

ThanksLiving November 18, 2018 Dr. Will Tuttle - 5 PM at CAMP Rehoboth Dinner at a(MUSE.) before or after Dr. Tuttle is a visionary speaker, educator, author, and musician. His writings, music, and presentations focus on compassion, creativity, intuition, and the intersection of social justice, animal liberation, and environmental, health, spiritual, and peace issues.

Tickets $35 VegRehoboth.org

Letters 46 OCTOBER 19, 2018


OCTOBER 19, 2018

47 Letters

CAMP Cheers! BARTENDER’S FAVORITE Ginger Breneman, from Fork and Flask at Nage

CAMP Rehoboth Volunteer Opportunities OCTOBER 20 CAMP Rehoboth Outreach at Delaware Botanic Gardens, Dagsboro

NOVEMBER 8 Volunteer Opportunities Meeting and Dinner* (please RSVP)

NOVEMBER 10 CAMP Rehoboth Outreach at Rehoboth Beach Film Festival Cape Henlopen High School

NOVEMBER 13 CAMP Rehoboth Outreach at Food Bank of Delaware, Milford

Ginger has been behind the bar there for two and a half years now. This flask beverage is one of her favorites.

DECEMBER 1 World AIDS Day Event

FEBRUARY 15-17, 2019

Passionfruit Margarita Flask 2 oz. Tequila 1 oz. Triple Sec 1 oz. Lime juice 1.5 oz. passionfruit simple syrup 1 oz. water

Mocktail Strawberry Mint Flask Crushed strawberries 1.5 oz simple syrup 4 oz. club soda Mint

Letters 48 OCTOBER 19, 2018

CAMP Rehoboth Chorus Events * The Volunteer Opportunities Meetings (Breakfast and Dinner) provide information for all volunteers to learn the details of upcoming opportunities and sign up for specific events. RSVPs are required so an appropriate amount of food can be prepared. Please RSVP to volunteer@camprehoboth.com.

To volunteer, contact Monica Parr at

volunteer@camprehoboth.com FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT


OCTOBER 19, 2018

49 Letters

Letters 50 OCTOBER 19, 2018

OCTOBER 19, 2018

51 Letters

Letters 52 OCTOBER 19, 2018

EXPERIENCE SOMETHING NEW at the Milton Theatre! October 19 - NIGHT OF THE LIVING DRAG with Magnolia Applebottom | 8PM October 20 - MILTON ZOMBIE FEST | 12-10PM October 25 - Transcendental Jam Session: KIRTAN | 6PM October 27 - DIVINE HAND ENSEMBLE | 8PM October 29 - Disney's COCO | 3PM November 1 - EIGHTH GRADE (film) | 7PM November 2 - LARRY XL COMEDY | 8PM November 8 - SORRY TO BOTHER YOU (film) 7PM November 9 - THINK PINK FLOYD | 8PM November 10 - Jesse Garron's TRIBUTE TO ELVIS 8PM November 11 - DISNEY KID'S CABARET | 6PM

www.MiltonThea tr e.com 302.684 .3038


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SUSSEX FAMILY YMCA 20080 Church Street, Rehoboth, DE 19971 (302) 296-9622 | www.ymcade.org/sussex

OCTOBER 19, 2018

53 Letters

FASHION & FINE ARTS PHOTOGRAPHER September 11, 1945 – December 12, 2017

Estate of Photographer Joe Bowman Gifts CAMP Rehoboth


he executor of the estate of photographer and Rehoboth friend Joe Bowman has gifted two of Joe’s favorite pieces to CAMP Rehoboth in recognition of the well-known Philadelphia photographer’s love for Rehoboth Beach. Signed and numbered, Horse Play and Miami Palms are valuable black and white fantasy works of art that fuel the imagination with highoctane fun. Bowman, who died in 2017, was a frequent Rehoboth visitor in between his photo shoots in such hot spots as 1980s New York, L.A., P-town, London, San Juan, and South Beach.

(Top to bottom) Joe Bowman’s Horse Play 1993, 10" x 15", and Miami Palms 1999, 6.5" x 10"

Letters 54 OCTOBER 19, 2018

Remembering Joe Bowman 1945-2017


espite Bowman’s legions of fans throughout the City of Brotherly Love, Steve McLerran of Rehoboth initially thought Joe was “a pushy photographer hounding me to book him to shoot my fashion campaigns.” But he soon learned that Joe Bowman was the ambassador for the Philly community with an “uncanny knack for connecting people who shared his free-spirited, artistic, maybe-a-littletwisted take on life.” According to McLerran, “After all, I am Mr. Philadelphia,” was a frequent non-sequitur Joe Bowman “shamelessly inserted into many conversations. It was another crowning badge of honor, and he made certain you would not forget it!” McLerran says, “Although he proclaimed the guest room at our house was the Joe Bowman Suite, he didn’t need Larry and me to introduce him to the joys of our little beach town. Long before we were buying cocktail party paté at the long-gone Company Store, Joe and his posse were regulars on Poodle Beach, North Shores, and the club circuit frenzy here in Sussex County. (Yes, there was one.)” Even as health and age started to dim his spotlight, Bowman would answer his phone with “Do you have any gossip for me?” On December 12, 2017, Bowman passed away. Almost a year later, on Friday, October 19, the William Way Center in Philadelphia hosted the Joe Bowman Cocktail Party—with tributes from his infamous Rolodex of friends sharing their own “back in the day” stories about Joe. Many guests also contributed to the newly established Bowman Legacy Fund for ongoing preservation and conservation of images that captured gay life in the big city. In addition to the photographs the estate has gifted to CAMP Rehoboth, Joe’s estate is also awarding some of his pieces to New York’s Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art, where his artwork has been exhibited over the years. ▼

OCTOBER 19, 2018

55 Letters

R E H OB OT H RETAI L SHOPS All Dried Up, 149 Rehoboth Avenue, Suite 6b..............484-667-7122 Atlantic Jewelry, 313 S. Boardwalk...............................302-226-0675 Beach Essentials, 33 Baltimore Ave..............................302-227-5210 Critter Beach, 156 Rehoboth Ave..................................302-226-2690 Elegant Slumming, 33 Baltimore Ave............................302-227-5551 Gallery 50, 50 Wilmington Ave......................................302-227-2050 Gidget’s Gadgets, 123 Rehoboth Ave...........................302-227-3959 Mod Cottage, 247A Rehoboth Ave...............................302-227-7277 New Wave Spas, 20660 Coastal Hwy...........................302-227-8484 Pelican Loft, 149 Rehoboth Ave....................................302-226-5080 M.G.T. & Company, 39 Baltimore Ave............................302-567-5976 Rehoboth Breeze, 117 Rehoboth Ave...........................302-226-5720 Salty Paws, 149 Rehoboth Avenue, Suite 6a................484-667-7122 Shademakers, 33 Baltimore Ave...................................302-226-2222 Sterling Optical, 19287 Miller Rd, Unit 12....................302-226-8800 The Linen Outlet, 19269 Coastal Hwy..........................302-727-5362 Unfinished Business, Rt. 1 behind Panera Bread.........302-645-8700 Ward Ellinger Gallery, 39 Baltimore Ave.......................302-227-2710 Wooden Indian, Ltd., 25 Baltimore Ave.........................302-227-8331 One Day At A Time Gifts, 46-B Baltimore Ave...............302-212-5632


L5 L4 L1






81 110



120 105



54 31 47 66 82 4 53 88 3

At Melissa’s B&B, 36 Delaware Ave..............................302-227-7504 Atlantic Sands Hotel, Boardwalk & Baltimore Ave........302-227-2511 Atlantis Inn, 154 Rehoboth Ave.....................................302-227-9446 Breakers Hotel, 105 2nd St & Baltimore Ave................302-227-6688 Canalside Inn, 34 6th St................................................866-412-2625 Rehoboth Guest House, 40 Maryland Ave....................302-227-4117 Sea ‘n Stars Guest Suites, 44 Delaware Ave.................302-226-2742 The Shore Inn, 37239 Rehoboth Ave Ext......................302-227-8487 Summer Place Hotel, First St & Olive Ave......................302-226-0766

LEW E S F OOD & DRI NK 114 •• •• L3

Go Brit, 18388 Coastal Hwy..........................................302-644-2250 Fish On!, Village of 5 Points...........................................302-645-9790 Plate Catering, Village of 5 Points.................................302-644-1200 The Buttery, 102 Second St...........................................302-645-7755


•• •• •• ••

Bluecoast Seafood, 1111 Hwy One, Bethany...............302-539-7111 Catch 54, 54 Madison Ave, Fenwick.............................302-436-8600 Matt’s Fish Camp, North Bethany.................................302-539-CAMP Matt’s Fish Camp, Hwy One, Lewes.............................302-539-CAMP


100 83

82 104
















Ave .


- GL


90 97



S ERVIC ES AT T HE B EAC H AUTOMOBILE SALES & SERVICE L1 Auto Gallery, 1144 Savannah Rd., Lewes.....................302-645-5353 75 Luxury Motors, 20575 Coastal Hwy..............................302-226-2100 BUILDING/CLEANING/REMODELING/LANDSCAPING •• A.G. Renovations...........................................................302-947-4096 96 Boardwalk Builders, behind Big Fish Grill.....................302-227-5754 •• DryZone.........................................................................866-771-9658 •• Mason Companies.........................................................302-227-2750 •• Randy’s Custom Window Treatments............................302-226-3244 CHURCHES/SYNAGOGUES 2 All Saints Episcopal, 18 Olive Ave.................................302-227-7202 98 Epworth UMC 19285 Holland Glade Rd........................302-227-7743 112 M.C.C. of Rehoboth, 19369 Plantation Rd....................302-645-4945 93 Seaside Jewish Community, Holland Glade Rd............302-226-8977 •• Unitarian Universalist, 30486 Lewes-G’Town Hwy ......302-313-5838 •• Unity of Rehoboth, 98 Rudder Rd., Millsboro...............717-579-2612 24 Westminster Presbyterian, King Charles Ave................302-227-2109 COUNSELING/THERAPY/LIFE COACH •• Dr. Michael Hurd, Rehoboth Beach...............................302-227-2829 83 Kevin J. Bliss, Personal/Professional Coaching.............302-754-1954

Letters 56 OCTOBER 19, 2018








Aqua, 57 Baltimore Ave.................................................302-226-9001 Back Porch Café, 59 Rehoboth Ave .............................302-227-3674 Bin 66, 20729 Coastal Hwy..........................................302-227-6161 Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave........................................302-227-6515 Café Azafran, 18 Baltimore Ave....................................302-227-8100 Café Papillon, Penny Lane Mall.....................................302-227-7568 Cilantro, 122 A Rehoboth Ave.......................................302-226-1000 Coffee Mill, Rehoboth Mews, 127 Rehoboth Ave ........302-227-7530 Diego’s Hideaway, 37298 Rehoboth Ave.....................302-227-0818 Dos Locos, 208 Rehoboth Ave......................................302-227-3353 Eden, 23 Baltimore Ave.................................................302-227-3330 Go Fish, 24 Rehoboth Ave.............................................302-226-1044 Iguana Grill, 52 Baltimore Ave.......................................302-727-5273 JAM Bistro, 21 Baltimore Ave........................................302-226-5266 Java Jukebox, 37169 Rehoboth Ave Ext......................302-440-5282 Just In Thyme, 38163 Robinsons Dr.............................302-227-3100 Lori’s Café, 39 Baltimore Ave........................................302-226-3066 Lupo Italian Kitchen, 247 Rehoboth Ave.......................302-226-2240 Palate Bistro, 19266 Coastal Hwy................................302-249-8489 Purple Parrot Grill, 134 Rehoboth Ave..........................302-226-1139 Rigby’s, 404 Rehoboth Ave...........................................302-227-6080 Shorebreak Lodge, 10 Wilmington Ave........................302-227-1007 Snyder’s Candy, 60 Rehoboth Ave................................302-226-3994 The Pond, First & Rehoboth Ave....................................302-227-2234


71 12 70 27 7 15 44 38 •• 61 6 14 35 6 91 70 29 74 108 45 80 17 16 22


121 20 26 47 26 56 41 74 95 33 29 42 121 26 103 107 110 29 5 7



DOCTORS/DENTISTS/REHAB/HOME CARE L4 Beebe Healthcare, 26744 J.J. Williams Hwy, Lewes....302-645-3300 101 Curtis Leciejewski, DDS.................................................302-226-7960 L5 Griswold Home Care, 16698 Kings Hwy, #D, Lewes....302-644-6990 •• Interim Healthcare, 17298 Coastal Hwy, Lewes...........302-322-2743 105 Shore Community Medical, 18947 JJ Williams Hwy....302-827-4365 120 Steven B. Wright, D.M.D. & Bruce B. Wright, D.D.S.......302-645-6671 ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES •• DJ Nan...........................................................................240-593-7704 EVENT PLANNING/CATERING •• Big Fish Catering...........................................................302-226-5500 •• Flair................................................................................302-930-0709 •• Plate Catering................................................................302-644-1200 FINANCIAL SERVICES •• Bell Rock Capital, 19606 Coastal Hwy #101................302-227-7608. •• Community Pride Financial............................................302-227-2939 97 County Bank, 19927 Shuttle Rd....................................302-226-9800 90 Fairway Mortgage, 37156 Rehoboth Ave Ext...............302-227-5626 •• Jenn Harpel, Morgan Stanley........................................302-644-6620 FLORISTS 89 Bayberry Flowers, 715 Rehoboth Ave..........................302-227-5725 96 Windsor’s Florist, 20326 Coastal Hwy..........................302-227-9481







77 80

75 79





33 121

38 41

33 69

62 61









12 22 23




6 8



16 19

13 14

15 17






FUNERAL SERVICES •• McCrery & Harra............................................................302-478-2204 •• Parsell Funeral Homes & Crematorium.........................302-645-9520 HAIR SALONS/TATTOO & PIERCING 72 Bad Hair Day? 20 Lake Ave............................................302-227-HAIR 62 Beach Cuts, 214 Rehoboth Ave................................... 302-226-ROBB •• Salon Milton, 517 Chestnut St., Milton..........................302-684-1880 99 Gregory Meyers Hair Studio, 20245 Bay Vista Rd & Rt 1.................................................................................302-727-5331 INSURANCE 100 George Bunting, State Farm..........................................302-227-3891 109 Jeanine O’Donnell, State Farm......................................302-645-7283 109 Eric Blondin, State Farm................................................302-644-3276 LEGAL/ACCOUNTING/TRUST SERVICES 79 Lawson Firm, 402 Rehoboth Ave..................................302-226-3700 79 Morris James, 402 Rehoboth Ave.................................302-260-7290 •• Fuqua, Willard, Stevens, & Schab, PA, 26 The Circle, Georgetown...................................................................302-856-7777 MASSAGE THERAPY/FITNESS 72 Bad Hair Day? 20 Lake Ave............................................302-227-HAIR •• Jeffrey Socorso, LMT.....................................................302-227-0731 8 Konrad Noebel, LMT, 26 Baltimore Ave........................302-226-8833

111 33 •• ••

Midway Fitness & Racquetball, Midway Center............302-645-0407 One Spirit Massage, 169 Rehoboth Ave.......................302-226-3552 Rehoboth Massage/Alignment......................................302-727-8428 Sixth Sense Bodywork/Tommy Gibson..........................302-604-1233

OTHER •• Ocean Boulevard Furniture, 18467 Coastal Hwy.........302-645-2626 PET SERVICES •• Parsell Pet Crematorium................................................302-645-7445 REAL ESTATE 77 Allen Jarmon, RE/MAX, 317 Rehoboth Ave...................302-227-4800 18 Bill Peiffer, Patterson Schwartz, 18958 Coastal Hwy, Suite C...................................................................302-703-6987 87 Chris Beagle, Berkshire Hathaway, 37230 Reh Ave.....302-227-6101 77 Debbie Reed Team, 319 Rehoboth Ave........................800-263-5648 •• Eric Atkins, Patterson-Schwartz Real Estate, 18958 Coastal Highway.........................................................................302-727-1456 108 Eva Monteagudo, Keller Williams Realty.......................862-588-1342 81 Jim McAlister, Mann & Sons, 414 Rehoboth Ave..........302-227-9477 18 John Black, Patterson Schwartz, 18958 Coastal Hwy, Suite C...................................................................302-703-6987 90 Karen Gustafson, Long & Foster, 37156 Reh Ave.........302-227-2541 87 Lana Warfield, Berkshire Hathaway, 37230 Reh Ave...302-227-6101

•• 69 69 69 96 91 69 •• 81

Lee Ann Wilkinson Group, 16698 Kings Hwy................302-645-6664 Lingo Realty, 246 Rehoboth Ave...................................302-227-3883 McGuiness Group, 246 Rehoboth Ave..........................302-227-3883 Randy Mason/Shirley Kalvinsky, Lingo Realty...............302-227-3883 Sea Bova Associates, 20250 Coastal Hwy, #3.............302-227-1222 Steve Janosik, Maggio Shields, 37169 Reh Ave...........302-226-3770 Suzanne Landon, Lingo Realty, 246 Rehoboth Ave......302-227-3883 Thompson Communities...............................................302-450-8147 Troy Roberts, Mann & Sons, 414 Rehoboth Ave...........302-228-7422

TRAVEL & TRANSPORTATION 87 Accent On Travel, 37156 Rehoboth Ave.......................302-278-6100 28 Jolly Trolley, Rehoboth-Dewey Shuttle from Rehoboth Ave & Boardwalk. Call for schedule.........................................302-644-0400 POPULAR LGBTQ BEACHES Poodle Beach: south end of the Rehoboth Boardwalk Cape Henlopen State Park: Ocean Dr north to Cape Henlopen State Park. Daily parking rate in effect March - November

OCTOBER 19, 2018

57 Letters

21st Annual Rehoboth Beach Film Festival Returns November 1 - 11


his year marks the 21st anniversary of the Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival. For eleven days (November 1-11) the Festival presents dozens of American and international features, documentaries, and shorts. This is the oldest and largest event of its kind in the State of Delaware. Screenings will take place at the Rehoboth Beach Film Society’s Cinema Art Theater on Route One, the large Cape Henlopen High School Theater in Lewes, and the comfortable sanctuary at the Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware on Route 9. An expanded Festival program for 2018 presents a total of six IN DEMAND schedule slots on Sunday (November 11), designated for encore screenings of films that are popular and/or highly rated by audiences. The films selected for these slots will be announced at 3 PM on Saturday, November 10 on the Rehoboth Beach Film Society’s website and at the Box Office. Tickets will available for online purchase at the same time. As always, the Festival offers a diverse selection of film subject matter for a variety of interests. Looking ahead, in April 2019 the Film Society will present Delaware LGBTQ+ CINEbrations, in partnership with CAMP Rehoboth. The Rehoboth Beach Film Society’s strategy, according to

Letters 58 OCTOBER 19, 2018

Executive Director Sue Early, is “to save the best LGBTQ+ films for that event, but three very good films are programmed into November’s Festival.” The following are only some of the independent films on tap for the 2018 Festival. Many, many more include a biographical comedy about the secret life of writer Emily Dickinson, a tribute to Hal Ashby, and a suspenseful thriller. Get information about films, the screening schedule, and instructions on how to purchase tickets at rehobothfilm. com. Tickets may be purchased easily online or, for those into risk-taking, try the Rush Ticket Sales option. There are plenty of volunteer opportunities during this event as well. To schedule a shift, please call the Main Film Society Office at 302-645-9095. Great films await at the Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival, November 1-11. This coastal area tradition gets bigger and better every single year. Happy viewing! ▼

November 1 - 11

LGBTQ+ FILMS 1985 Inspired by the award-winning short film of the same name, 1985 follows Adrian (Cory Michael Smith, Gotham), a closeted young man returning to his Texas hometown for Christmas during the first wave of the AIDS crisis. Burdened with an unspeakable tragedy in New York, Adrian reconnects with his brother (Aidan Langford) and estranged childhood friend (Jamie Chung), as he struggles to divulge his dire circumstances to his religious parents (Virginia Madsen and Michael Chiklis). [Dir. Yen Tan, 2018, USA, 85 minutes. Rating: NR]

Mapplethorpe An intimate portrait of the celebrated yet controversial photographer Robert Mapplethorpe (Matt Smith—Dr. Who, The Crown). The film explores Mapplethorpe’s life photographing his friends, including artists and musicians, socialites, film stars, and members of the S&M underground. Mapplethorpe’s work displayed eroticism in a way that had never been examined or displayed before to the public. The film explores the intersection of his art, sexuality, and struggle for mainstream recognition. [Dir. Ondi Timoner, 2018, USA, 102 minutes. Rating: NR]

The Lavender Scare This film documents the story of an unrelenting campaign by the federal government to identify and fire all employees suspected of being homosexual. In 1953, President Eisenhower declared gay men and lesbians to be a threat to the security of the country and unfit for government service. In doing so, he triggered the longest witch hunt in American history. In 1957, after thousands had lost their jobs, a Harvard-trained astronomer named Frank Kameny became the first to fight his dismissal. This is a compelling story of one man’s fight for justice. [Dir. Josh Howard, 2017, USA, 77 minutes. Rating: NR]

Bathtubs Over Broadway For all audiences, this year’s Festival has a unique selection of very appealing documentaries. For example, did you know there was a whole world of corporate musicals which sustained the lives of Broadway stars and well-known song writers? Well, Bathtubs Over Broadway is the film that reveals this unknown treasure. While scouring bargain bin vinyl to use on a segment of Late Night with David Letterman, comedy writer Steve Young stumbled upon bizarre cast recordings of Broadway-style musical shows about some of the most recognizable corporations in America. His find led him to an unexpected, decades-spanning obsession. This comedic music documentary features David Letterman, Martin Short, Chita Rivera, Susan Stroman, Jello Biafra, Florence Henderson, and more. [Dir. Dava Whisenant, 2018, USA, 87 minutes. Rating: NR]

Brewmaster Beer lovers will enjoy Brewmaster, the story of craft beer as told through a young New York lawyer who dreams of opening his own brewery and a Milwaukeebased beer educator trying to pass the Master Cicerone exam. Helping tell the story of beer are some of the best-known personalities in the industry, including Sussex County’s own Sam Calagione. [Dir. Douglas Tirola, 2018, USA, 95 minutes. Rating: NR]

Three Days of Glory And yes there is a film for wine enthusiasts—Three Days of Glory. Les Trois Glorieuses (Three Glorious Days) is the name of the world’s greatest wine celebration in the most legendary of wine regions. This documentary offers a glimpse into aspects of Burgundy never filmed before. Home to the most renowned wines on the planet, a series of difficult years in the 20s and 30s led to the creation of a wine festival. This is the story of that festival, its origins, and the small-estate winemakers of today who have faced a string of brutal years that threatens their very survival. [Dirs. David Baker and Scott Wright, 2018, USA, 72 minutes. Rating: NR] OCTOBER 19, 2018

59 Letters


The Parting Glass Who can pass by a good dysfunctional family story, especially if the cast includes Ed Asner, Cynthia Nixon, Melissa Leo, and Denis O’Hare? The film is The Parting Glass. After the death of their beloved sister Colleen (Anna Paquin), three siblings (Melissa Leo, Cynthia Nixon, Denis O’Hare) and their father (Ed Asner) travel to her home to uncover the truths of her death and reminisce about a lifetime of memories. [Dir. Stephen Moyer, 2018, USA, 95 minutes. Rating: NR]

Bel Canto Fans of Julianna Moore and opera lovers who enjoy the voice of Renée Fleming must see Bel Canto, based on the best-selling novel by Ann Patchett. Julianna Moore portrays a worldrenowned opera singer who becomes trapped in a lengthy hostage situation when she’s invited to perform for a wealthy industrialist in South America. Unexpected bonds are forged in the standoff that ensues. Opera star Renee Fleming provides vocals for Moore’s character. [Dir. Paul Weitz, 2018, USA, 102 minutes. Rating: NR]

On Borrowed Time And for some humor, you must see On Borrowed Time. When an elderly man in Dubai suddenly inherits countless millions, he and his three friends plot an escape from their monotonous lives in a senior home. The men embark on an adventure that forces them to face their fears and uncover secrets. Throughout the streets of Dubai, they follow their forgotten dreams on a journey of selfdiscovery, forgiveness, and fun. [Dir. Yasir Al Yasiri, 2018, UAE, 95 minutes. In Arabic with English subtitles. Rating: NR]

For information about films, the screening schedule, and instructions on how to purchase tickets visit rehobothfilm.com.

Letters 60 OCTOBER 19, 2018

November 1 - 11

November 1 - 11 Featuring the best American and International independent feature, documentary, and short films.

Featuring the best American and International independent feature, • 11 days of films documentary, and short films.

• Online ticket sales in real time 11 days of films • 3 screening locations Online ticket sales in real time • Rush ticket sales at 3 screening locationsthe door • 6 festival pass levels Rush ticket sales at the door

• • • • • 6 festival pass levels

Visit our Cinema Art Theater throughout the Visit our Cinema Art Theater year for great independent 17701 Dartmouth Drive Lewes, DE throughout the year for great films and more! RBFS is Standards for Excellence accredited, having met all the l

independent films and more! ®

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This organization is supported, in part, by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on www.DelawareScene.com.

OCTOBER 19, 2018

61 Letters

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Letters 62 OCTOBER 19, 2018


OCT 20, 2018


ACTIVITIES 1k walk for the animals Fun zone obstacle course for dogs Disc dogs demo Pet psychic Inflatables & kid games




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OCTOBER 19, 2018

63 Letters


SCENES FROM REHOBOTH BEACH Bears on the Beach, Oh My! Rehoboth Beach Bear Weekend, The Reunion Tour, and More! THIS PAGE 1) Eloy Del Toro, Michael Rafferty, Michael Thanner, Tom Negran, Daniel Ferguson, Justin Terry-Smith, and Kristopher Davis at Rehoboth Beach Bear Weekend at Aqua. 2) Steve Wildasin, Peter Pizzolongo, Tom Selby, Carlos Prugue, Ron Butt, Steve Cannon, Sean Scott, Chris Ogilvie, John Hulse, and Michael Wray at RB Bear Weekend at Diego’s Hideaway. 3) Bob Suppies, Scott Bradley, Bryan Hecksher, Steve Trevisan, and Michael Morrison at RB Bear Weekend at CAMP Rehoboth. OPPOSITE PAGE 4) Kenny Mahan, Edward Chrzanowski, and John Lucas at RB Bear Weekend at CAMP Rehoboth. 5) Adrian Medina, Justin Terry-Smith, Daniel Ferguson, Kristopher Davis, Danny Kaylor-Hawkins, John Zinmeister, Steve Wildasin, Rob Cee, David Stabile, George Casdpescha, Michael Tod Good, Michael Douglas, and Duwayne Litz at RB Bear Weekend at Gordon’s Pond. 5) Rich Beterbaugh, Joe Mancuso, Joe Cupelli, Charles Wilt, Jamie Middleton, Bryan Hecksher, John Lucas, and Shawn Clifford at RB Bear Weekend at the Tailgate Party at Atlantic Sands. 7) Tara Sheldon, Janet Redman, Kim Courtney-Hunter, Shelley Couch, Lauren Thomas, Brenda Clarke, Niki Nicholson, and Francine Taylor at Shelley & Lauren’s Wedding Reception at CAMP Rehoboth. 8) Tom Waugh, Craig Simmons, Max Dick, Anthony Chiffolo, Scott Brooks, Joseph Dress, J.S. Adams, and Sondra Arkin at the Opening of Scratched at CAMP Rehoboth. 9) Sallie Otenasek, Ed McGann, and Dale McGann at Gallery 50.


Photos by Murray Archibald, Tony Burns, Max Dick, and Tricia Massella.


3 Letters 64 OCTOBER 19, 2018






9 OCTOBER 19, 2018

65 Letters




4 Letters 66 OCTOBER 19, 2018



7 more CAMPshots...


OPPOSITE PAGE 1) Kathy Wiz, Muriel Hogan, Lillian Rubin-Berenberg, Harvey Grider, John Blackman, Eric Korpon, Tanya Sneed, Walt Meding, Tom Bank, Deanna Savage, Cole Jackson, Rocky Bible, Ernie Johnson, Tom Curry, Tom Collins, Jeff McGuire, Michael Morrison, David King, Mariam Barton, and David Hagelin at the Rehoboth AIDS Walk 2018. 2) Barb Ralph, Rose Barcelona, Linda Kemp, Carla Avery, Stephanie Wingert, Karen DeSantis, Carol Brice, Nancy Hewish, Teresa Trull, Cris Williamson, Barbara Higbie, Mary Morgan, Ellen Feinberg, Beth Fitton, and Leslie Rogan at CAMP Rehoboth Women’s FEST Reunion Tour at Epworth. 3) Jonathan Sheldon, Tony Burns, Matty Allen, Carol Moyer, Scott Kincaid, Richard Looman, David Herchik, Amanda Ritter, Devon Cornett, Russ King, Dominic Mannello, Jackie Woinarski, and Magnolia Applebottom at Blue Moon. 4) Missy Norton, Betsy Schmidt, Sue Early, Tony Burns, and Allen Stafford at RB Film Society’s Catch Festival Fever Event. THIS PAGE 5) Tuan Huynh, Rich Norcross, Nick Leffler, Richard Thibodeau, David Carder, Hugh Fuller, and Ronal Garcia at Iguana Grill. 6) RB Police Chief Keith Banks, Cheryl Crowe, Diane Scobey, Jennifer Rubenstein, Ava Cannon, Edward Chrzanowski, RB Commissioner Dick Byrne, Karen Falk, RB Commissioner Lisa Schlosser, RB Mayor Paul Kuhns, and RB Commissioner Stan Mills at the Rehoboth Main Street Open House. 7) Suzanne Krupa, Theresa McQuaid, April Deer, Shelia Savaliski, Kelly Sabol, Laura Reitman, Erin Reed, Laura Hutchins, and Lynne Shifren at the Summer Bonfire Party. 8) Tamai Gisele Mykles, Anna Rexia, Cece Alexander, Monique L’Amor, Regina Cox, George Stakias, Dale McGann, Matty Allen, Pamala Stanley, and Jeremy Bernstein at Goolee’s Grill. CAMPshots Continued on page 94 OCTOBER 19, 2018

67 Letters

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Letters 68 OCTOBER 19, 2018

OCTOBER 19, 2018

69 Letters

Q Puzzle Ms. Borden

Solution on Page 107 ACROSS 1 Loads 5 Like a fairy tale brother? 9 Revealing a small opening 13 Iago, notably 14 Pink shade 15 Dis and dat, in Queens 16 Really a fan of 17 Web surfer 18 Happy sounds in bed 19 She plays Ms. Borden in the 2018 movie Lizzie 22 Modern Family adoptee 23 It goes with a cock 24 Push forward 27 Many have come out of them 31 ___ a soul 32 Be active in B&D 34 Film noir classic 35 She plays Ms. Borden's lover in Lizzie 38 It spreads its limbs 39 Fit to be tied 40 Spirited stallion 41 Repeat 43 Like a mosquito bite 44 Folksinger Williams 45 Go almost to orgasm and stop 47 Comment on Ms. Borden's bad reputation? 52 "Like a Virgin," for one 53 It may be junk

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54 Score in Bend It Like Beckham 56 "Rule, Britannia" composer Thomas 57 Nick was his master 58 Passé preposition 59 Margaret who studied people 60 Part of GPS (abbr.) 61 Untouchable head DOWN 1 Disney prince 2 Mod Squad character 3 Scout's promise to be "morally straight" 4 They go clang, clang, clang 5 Oliver wanted more of it 6 Portia de ___ 7 "That makes sense" 8 Griffin of game shows 9 "Love conquers all," and more 10 Crossdressing saint, to the French 11 Pale gray 12 Lawyers' thing 20 Tin Man's request 21 Optimistic words 24 Covered with 51-Down 25 A woman named Thomas 26 Temperamental diva, e.g. 27 Camelot's "___ Moi" 28 Musical prop in Hamlet

29 Temple text 30 Just watched 32 She plays Lena's wife on The Fosters 33 Aerosmith's "Love ___ Elevator" 36 Diana's accessory 37 Shower rod? 42 Sized up 43 Parting words, old style 45 Cuts Leaves of Grass? 46 Self-contradictory bra size? 47 Time of Camelot 48 Big e-tailing season, for short 49 Cole Porter's "You'd Be So ___ to Love" 50 Skye of Say Anything 51 Skin designs, briefly 52 Pianist at Rick's Café Americain 55 The "L" of L.A.

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71 Letters


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OCTOBER 19, 2018

73 Letters

Letters 74 OCTOBER 19, 2018

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OCTOBER 19, 2018

75 Letters

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OCTOBER 19, 2018

77 Letters

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Letters 78 OCTOBER 19, 2018

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OCTOBER 19, 2018

79 Letters


by Chris Azzopardi

Love and Understanding: A Conversation with Cher


her is so low-key about being Cher that calling her is like calling your mom. “Hi,” she purrs with signature simplicity when I phone her presidential suite in late August. We are speaking matter-of-factly about gay things, political things, about going to Walgreens. This seems so very…normal? Certainly, Cher is the most multi of multi-hyphenates—fiery human rights activist, Auto-Tune pioneer, a unicorn, the phoenix—but no, not at all normal. Not from down here, where we’ve basked in the long-reigning diva’s treasure trove of film and music and bedazzled Bob Mackie costumes, and admired her ability to get down, do a five-minute plank (seriously), and somehow get back up again. That motion is the time-tested signature of Cher’s enduring six-decade career. It’s where grit meets guts meets glitter. She has three Golden Globes, a Best Actress Oscar (Moonstruck), a Grammy (“Believe”), and an Emmy (Cher: The Farewell Tour). And in December, she’ll be the recipient of the prestigious Kennedy Center Honor for her indelible contributions to culture. But Cher’s superheroine, Hollywood-royalty sheen isn’t without genuine normal-person realness. In July, she did her gay icon due diligence by helicoptering onto the set of Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again to play the role she’d been playing in front of the world, most discernibly to generations of baby-gays and grown-up gays: maternal pillar. The night we spoke, Cher was laid-back, reflective, and full of hearty chuckles as she talked about that Walgreens detour, kissing Silkwood costar Meryl Streep, the breadcrumbs of her legacy, and not only her long-standing influence on the LGBTQ community, but our influence on her.

Cher, it’s 2016, you’re at a Walgreens in Flint, Michigan, on Halloween. You were campaigning for Hillary and some shoppers told you they loved your Cher costume. Yes! Oh my god! Wasn’t that, like, the weirdest experience at the Walgreens?!

Are you frequently mistaken for a Cher impersonator? Because, I mean, how often would the real Cher be at a Walgreens? Right? And in Flint! Well, probably not often. Ha! But you know, the minute I start talking, they pretty much know it’s me.

When were you first aware that the LGBTQ community identified you as a gay icon? I don’t think I was when I was with Sonny. I don’t know how that happens. I mean, how does it Letters 80 OCTOBER 19, 2018

happen? I have no idea! It’s just like, we made a pact and we’re a group and that’s it.

But you were seeing more of the LGBTQ community come out at some point? There was a switch?

Yeah, there was a change, there was definitely a change. But I always had gay friends. I actually almost got arrested at a party with my best friend at school. He was gay but he couldn’t let anybody know, and he wanted me to go with him to a party and the party got raided. And we jumped out the bathroom window!

Do you recall the moment that galvanized you to stand up as an LGBTQ ally?

I really don’t know if there was a moment…. I just feel that, probably, there was a moment where guys thought I was just one of you. Gay men are very loyal. Look, I had a friend, (makeup artist) Kevyn Aucoin—he’s dead now—but he told me when he was young, he was growing up in some place in Louisiana, and he said how horrible it was to have to hide and be frightened. He said he loved listening to Cher records. I think that’s a dead giveaway! Haha! If you want to hide being gay, do not buy Cher records!

When in your life have you felt like the LGBTQ community was on your side when the rest of the world maybe was not?

Always. I remember when I was doing (the play) Come Back to the Five and Dime (in 1976) and we had standing room only before we got reviewed, and after we got reviewed nobody came except the community—the community, and little greyhaired old women who came to matinees. We managed to stay open until we could build back up the following. Also, the gay community, they just don’t leave you, they stay with you; that’s one thing that always keeps you going.

At the Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again premiere, you and Meryl Streep kissed on the lips. Was that meant to be the Silkwood reunion the internet wanted it to be? Haha! No! We were just thinking it was stupid! It was so dumb! Meryl came behind me and I didn’t know it, and then we turned to each other, she looked up at me and she said, “You weren’t this tall yesterday!” And we laughed. And we just kissed! I have to tell you something: She is funny. She is wicked funny! And I don’t know that she gets to show that side all that often, but she’s

wicked funny and she just will do anything for a lark. She’s got a really great serious side, but she’s got this really hysterical side too.

How do you hope your role as the mother of a trans son, Chaz Bono, has influenced other parents of LGBTQ kids?

Look, I didn’t go through it that easily. Both times. When I found out Chaz was gay, I didn’t go through that easily; when I found out Chaz was (transitioning).... there’s such a fear of losing the child you love, and what will replace that child? I think it’s about the fear, mostly. I felt, who will this new person be? Because I know who the person is now, but who will the new person be and how will it work and will I have lost somebody? And then I thought of something else: I thought, my god, if I woke up tomorrow and I was a man, I would be gouging my eyes out. And so I know that if that’s what you feel then that must be so painful that it doesn’t make any difference what anyone else feels or what anyone else thinks. Chaz is so happy now and we get along better than ever.

There seems to be a fair amount of homophobes who you end up calling out.

Yeah. I mean, I don’t know what they are. There’s just so much phobia of everybody. You’ve gotta be the same color, you’ve gotta like the same things, you’ve gotta be the same religion. It’s like if you’re not one of them, you’re an enemy.

I’ve been thinking a lot about how we interpret an artist’s legacy, like after Aretha passed, and every time an icon passes on. Do you think about yours?

You know, I don’t really think about it. The only provision I’ve made is: I want all my friends and family to go to Paris and have a big party. Also, what’s really great is there’s music left behind and there’s film left behind, you know? I’m gonna leave a trail. I’ll leave breadcrumbs. ▼ As editor of Q Syndicate, the international LGBTQ wire service, Chris Azzopardi has interviewed a multitude of superstars, including Meryl Streep, Mariah Carey, and Beyoncé. Reach him via his website at chris-azzopardi. com and on Twitter @chrisazzopardi.

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Check out our website to see a complete listing of entertainment! 302-227-6515 35 Baltimore Avenue Rehoboth Beach, DE BlueMoonRehoboth.com OCTOBER 19, 2018

81 Letters


by Michael Gillies

Kay Cummings Brings Her Theatrical Talent to Baltimore Avenue


he has played leading roles off-Broadway, in national tours, stock, repertory theater, television soaps, series, and commercials, and has appeared in major motion pictures. She has created and directed works performed at venues such as the Joseph Papp Public Theater, Lincoln Center’s Serious Fun, and Off-Off-Broadway’s legendary La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club. While that’s quite the resumé, there’s more! She has written and performed a series of highly acclaimed one-woman cabarets and her work has been featured on Alive from Off Center on PBS. And yes, there’s more. Kay Cummings was the dance curator for New York’s Symphony Space for ten years and served another ten years as the Chair of the Department of Dance of New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. She continued to teach choreography and acting there as well as being the Associate Chair until she retired in 2016. She founded the Tisch Dance Summer Residency Festival. She was also awarded the NYU Distinguished Teaching Medal. The great news is that now-local resident Kay Cummings is bringing this headlining background and experience to CAMP Rehoboth! So how did Kay end up living in Lewes, sharing her talents as an actor, director, choreographer, singer, dancer, pianist, and educator with the community? This transplanted New Yorker bought a home in Lewes six years ago with then long-time partner (and now wife) Ellen McKeon. They split time between New York and Lewes before Kay retired, eventually settling in Delaware full-time along with their beloved Yorkie. Since moving to Lewes, Kay has taken up acting again. At the 2016 Baltimore Avenue Block Party, Kay met Russell Stiles, director of Stop Kiss, to be performed the following spring at CAMP Rehoboth. He cast her in the play and their friendship grew. Her experience in Stop Kiss led to a role in Last Summer at Bluefish Cove, and a special relationship with CAMP Rehoboth. She is now teaching an acting class at the community cen-

Letters 82 OCTOBER 19, 2018

ter, bringing the same sensibility to her classes here that she had at NYU. Her class welcomes anyone who wants to learn. Kay started her theater journey as a child in or around the New York area. She sang or acted as a baby (yes, an actual baby), and has never stopped. She continued on through high school and college, and suddenly her fun endeavors became a full-time career. Always a small but formidable presence, WNYU radio described her as “a small lady with boundless energy, and a dramatic range that is so wide it’s all but intimidating.” The magazine Michael’s Thing said, “The lady has guts and good humor.” After spending time with her, this author can verify all. In Kay’s view of the world, teachers teach what they’ve learned from their own experience, so that what resonates in them ends up resonating in others. This results in a circle of learning that can last literally for a generation. And for Kay, it means that she can only become a better artist. While the acting classes are going on this fall, Kay’s next project is directing the play In the Wake, by well-known playwright Lisa Kron. Produced by CAMP Rehoboth, the play is a funny, passionate, and ultimately searing script illuminating the assumptions that lie at the heart of the American character, the blind spots that mask us from ourselves, and how the past sows the seeds of our present reality. Kay found the play after reading over 50 scripts to determine her next project. She was looking for something about the world now. It didn’t have to be about gay people or straight people. It needed to have a sensibility toward all kinds of people, because, in her words, “life is that.” The Associated Press called the play “formidable.” That makes it even more fitting for the human dynamo that is Kay Cummings. ▼ Editor’s Note: Auditions for In the Wake will be November 27 and 28 at 7 p.m. Auditions will consist of a cold reading and short interview. Performances are in mid-to-late February; rehearsals begin in January.

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83 Letters

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85 Letters

Out & About

by Eric C. Peterson

Coming Out of the Felt Closet


t’s been difficult to keep up with all the news in pop culture this month, what with the Deputy Attorney General maybe getting fired, the circus surrounding the Supreme Court nomination, and a burgeoning love affair between the North Korean dictator and the President of the United States. So you’ll be forgiven if you somehow missed that during September 2018, a couple of Muppets came out of the closet…again. The question of whether irascible Bert and goofball Ernie are more than roommates is not a new one. Back in 1994, the New York Times broached the question in an op-ed entitled, “Are Bert and Ernie Gay?” It was written in response to a bunch of homophobic parents who wondered if the creators of Sesame Street were somehow plotting to homosexualize a generation of American children. And now, almost a quarter of a century later, we’re asking the question again. But this time, it’s the gay community which is proudly embracing their fellow felt friends of Dorothy. This time around, it started with an interview on the LGBTQ website Queerty, in which former Sesame Street writer Mark Saltzman, an out gay man, recalled basing most of the interactions between Ernie and Bert on his own relationship. “Without a huge agenda, when I was writing Bert and Ernie, they were [a couple],” he said. “I didn’t have any other way to contextualize them. The other thing was, more than one person referred to Arnie [Glassman, Saltzman’s late partner] and me as ‘Bert and Ernie.’” So Saltzman never really said that Bert and Ernie were gay, just that the dynamic between them was very much like the dynamic in his own homosexual relationship. But it was enough to send the gay world aflutter. On Buzzfeed, Allie Hayes wrote a terrific piece called, “So Bert and Ernie Were Based On an IRL (In Real Life) Couple and My Little Queer Heart Is Screaming.” Predictably, within days, the Children’s Television Workshop took to Twitter (where all important news

Letters 86 OCTOBER 19, 2018

is made these days) to issue a bland denial which ended with, “they remain puppets, and do not have a sexual orientation.” Before I go too much farther, let me be clear. I don’t require Bert and Ernie to be queer. I’m 47 years old, I’ve been to therapy, and I’ve seen Angels in America twice. I have enough validation in my life to be at peace with my fabulous gay self without the aid of two adorable puppets. All the same, the blanket denials that Bert and Ernie could be gay have filled me with a surprising and frightening amount of rage. Let’s take the arguments one at a time, shall we?

Because someone should probably tell Miss Piggy, who is a screaming heterosexual with a distinct amphibian fetish. But nobody thinks that’s too much for kids to handle. “Why limit Bert and Ernie this way?” Look, if you believe that gay people are simply bipedal, anthropomorphized genitalia, grow up and join the 21st century. Gay people have career aspirations, favorite foods, migraine headaches, pets, homes, and automobiles just like straight people do. We are just as complex, glorious, and flawed as any garden variety heterosexual. “Puppets don’t have a sexual orientation!” Really? Because someone should probably tell Miss Piggy, who is a screaming heterosexual with a distinct amphibian fetish. But nobody thinks that’s too much for kids to handle. Next question.

“Why are you making them gay? This is a show for children!” Okay, first of all, there are children who are gay. Additionally, there are kids out there with gay parents, and lots of kids who go to school with kids of gay parents. There are kids whose parents have gay friends. There are many, many lesbian aunties and gay uncles. The idea that innocent children should be protected from the dastardly influence of potentially gay puppets in a world where children of all ages are meeting real-life same-sex couples all the time is absurd. If a child asks about a gay couple they’ve met, what follows is typically not a detailed description of sexual positions, but a simple, “well, they love each other, just like [point to the nearest straight couple],” and that’s that. And if that’s good enough for reality, why say anything different if a kid asks you if two of their favorite puppets are more than good friends? If a child doesn’t know any gay couples, it’s just good education. If they do, especially their own parents, then it’s not only healthy, but vital for these kids to see their own lives reflected on screen in this way, somewhere. No one is asking the Children’s Television Workshop to let them lead a Pride Parade down Sesame Street (although that would be fabulous; admit it), but to simply let them be exactly who they are—and if a child (or an adult) sees themselves or someone they love in these adorable characters, to just be quiet and let that happen. Because that’s healing, and it’s wonderful, and it’s actually necessary. ▼ Eric Peterson is a diversity and inclusion educator living in Washington D.C. and cohost of a weekly podcast about pop culture. Visit him at www.poperationroom.com.

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87 Letters




4 Letters 88 OCTOBER 19, 2018






the last CAMPshots... OPPOSITE PAGE 1) Karen Gebhart, Chris Ligato, Dorsey Johnson, Kathy Bostedo, Jo Piccone, Bev Lesher, Claire McCracken, DJ Jones, Angie Strano, Jen Leonard, Janece Hausch, Sandy Sullivan, Sharon Miken, and Lorie Seaman at CAMP Rehoboth Women’s Golf League. 2) Brian Richardson, Larry Richardson, Glen Pruitt, Joe Filipek, Michael Filipek, Ken Davies, Rod Cook, Charlie Browne, Michael Fetchko, Karl Zoric, Keith Petrack, Mark Pipkin, Ella Richardson Thompson, Tim Dillingham, Pamala Stanley, and Don Corin at Joe & Larry’s Wedding. 3) Dan Truitt, Mark Queen, Mark Purpura, Eric Engelhart, Chris Beagle, Dan Kindle, Tom Willenducher, John Uychocjde, Todd Hoffman, Alberto Rivera-Rentas, and Phil Brandt at Purple Parrot. 4) Sam Gerbino, Brian Helsdon, Mit Patel, George Stakias, Dinitar Petrov, Jo Brown, and Chuck McSweeney at Dos Locos. 5) Walt Cassell, Megan Kee, and Dave McCarthy at Houston-White.


THIS PAGE 6) Monica Parr, Marilyn Kates, Arlyce Dubbin, Katie Heintz, Emilie Paternoster, Phil Vehslage, Jack Morrison, Bob Dobbs, Susan Reinagel, and Dawn Henderson at Jack & Bobs Fall Equinox Party. 7) AJ Hemphill, Katie Lyell, Amy McGilliduddy, and Eric Gannon at Aqua. 8) Bill McManus, Melissa Clink, David Nelson, and Chris Gleason at At Melissa’s. 9) Kathy Davison, Laura Mason, Carl Schloegel, Jeanine O’Donnell, Melanie Bradley, Chris Weilminster, Dave Button, Dawn Weilminster, Wesley Paulson, RB Mayor Paul Kuhns, RB Commissioner Pat Coluzzi, RB Commissioner Dick Byrne, RB Commissioner Lisa Schlosser, DE Speaker of the House Pete Schwartzkopf, RB Commissioner Kathy McGuiness, Karen West, Melissa Clement, Rick Stellhorn, and Annette Stellhorn at Bowtie & Barefoot Benefit. 10) Michael Cohen, Ryan Crippen, Colin Brewer, Zack Tyler, and Matthew Stensrud at Michael & Matthew’s Open House. OCTOBER 19, 2018

89 Letters

CAMPCritters Three Seaside! FUN FACT This trio, along with their human, Valerie, all love salt water life far better than their former winter wonderland of Syracuse, NY Interested in having your critter featured in Letters? Send a high resolution picture (300 dpi) along with their name(s) and one fun fact to editor@camprehoboth.com. Our roaming photographer will also take photos in the courtyard all year long.

#buddiesonthebeach Pike (black lab), Luna (golden), and Connor (collie) are all rescues, and they all love the beach

WE’RE AT THE BEACH! DHA has moved into our storefront Adoption Center, in Rehoboth Beach, at the Midway Shopping Center! We have plenty of new furry friends waiting to find their forever homes and get a chance to get their paws sandy! Stop by today and “Make a friend for life!” Midway Shopping Center 18765 Coastal Hwy Suite 8 Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 302-200-7159 delawarehumane.org/Rehoboth

Letters 90 OCTOBER 19, 2018








Looking for legal help? A legal aid agency may be able to help! DELegalHelpLink.org

PUBLIC BENEFITS community pride financial 28-02_Layout 1 3/30/2018 1:38 PM Page 1

randy mason 28-02_Layout 1 3/30/2018 2:08 PM Page 1


Complete Financial Planning Services for our Community Alexander G. Yearley, CFP 72 Glade Circle East Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 Tel 302.227.2939 Fax 302.227.2398 E-mail:alex@communitypridefinancial.com


Registered Representative. Securities offered through Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., a Broker/Dealer, Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment Advisor Representative, Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor. Community Pride Financial Advisors, LLC and Cambridge are not affiliated.

246 Rehoboth Avenue Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 302-227-3883

Shirley Kalvinsky 302-236-4254


Randy Mason



Top-Producing REALTORS representing both BUYERS and SELLERS.

Partner with Success www.HomesOfRehoboth.com OCTOBER 19, 2018

91 Letters

Letters 92 OCTOBER 19, 2018

Did you know that CAMP Rehoboth provides • Community Space, Meeting Rooms, Public Courtyard • Diversity Training for City & Park Police •Advocacy for LGBTQ & Other Human Rights Issues • Sexual Health Counseling (Couples & Individuals) • Health Testing (partnership/Beebe Medical Center) • HIV Prevention, Education & Testing • CAMP Rehoboth Chorus • Support Groups • Safe Haven for Youth • Grief Counseling • Public WiFi • Information Resources on Area Services • Tourist Information Services • Gallery & Performance Space for Artists • Fundraising Assistance for Other Area Non-Profits • Ticket Sales for Other Organizations • Women’s FEST Weekend • Promotion for Local Non-profit Events

37 Baltimore Avenue Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 302 227-5620 www.camprehoboth.com

OCTOBER 19, 2018

93 Letters



CAMP Rehoboth Puts Art at the heART of Our Community

THE JAMMIES by Doug Yetter


n a recent dream, my subconscious produced an award show to recognize the artistic achievements in Sussex County. After noticing that everyone was wearing their nightclothes, I discovered the awards were called the “Jammies.” Geez! Bad puns even in my dreams. Hosting the event were Oprah and Tom Hanks. An attractive young woman asked me to follow her backstage, as I was to receive a Jammie for Life-Time Achievement. As I waited, I heard Oprah and Tom joking about that “loser,” and how his biggest achievement was “Baltimore’s Best Piano Bar”—in 1998! I was about to be exposed as the fraud I had always known I was. Well! I wasn’t about to be humiliated in my own dreams. When I awoke, I found myself pondering my artistic legacy. A handful of small-cast musicals which will never see the light of day again (one was produced off-Broadway), co-founding three theaters (one still exists), a pile of vocal arrangements which will only be sung by groups I direct and—not to compare myself to Noel Coward—a talent to amuse. What I realized is that despite not having a shelf full of awards, or the ability to live off my royalties, I’m pretty darned happy, and pray that my music has brought some joy into a few lives over the years. Hopefully, some of the artists listed below will win that Jammie one day! I’ll just wear mine. All locations are Rehoboth Beach unless otherwise noted.▼

Letters 94 OCTOBER 19, 2018




Summer may be over, but the CAMP Rehoboth Gallery has a great line-up of art exhibitions throughout the fall and into the winter months. Head into town to see the art, or better yet, attend the receptions, meet the artists, and celebrate the arts. Parking is free now and much more plentiful!

Visually Disrepaired: Paintings and Drawings by Scott G. Brooks November 3-28 | Artist’s Reception: Saturday, November 10 (4-6 p.m.)

Those who saw the Bears art show last month, may recall the burly ginger bear featured on the entry wall. We’re thrilled to announce that the creator of that work, Baltimore artist Scott G. Brooks, will return to CAMP Rehoboth for a solo show, where he will be exhibiting a variety of new and older work, prints, and more. His artworks are figurative and range from simple portraiture to intricate narratives. Says Brooks, “I create work based on the figure. It is a language that is accessible and facilitates communication. Like dance, a narrative is created without words. The stories are told in the infinite number of faces, gestures, and bodies that inhabit my work.” Brooks’ art incorporates social, psychological, and political issues, usually infused with a dark sense of humor. “Even in my most severe pieces, humor exists on some level, if only as a reminder not to take

ourselves too seriously.” ▼

CAMP REHOBOTH HOURS Monday-Friday: 9 am - 5 pm | Saturday: 9 am - 4 pm

Images: (top to bottom) Leda and the Swan, Mixed media on paper, 10" x 13" The Shaming, Oil on canvas, 18" x 24"

arts+entertainment events: 1: Eighth Grade; 2: Larry XL Comedy (18+); 3: Heathers (Clear Space); 8: Sorry to Bother You; 9: Think Pink Floyd; 10: Jesse Garron’s Tribute to Elvis; 15: Robert Redford’s All Is Lost; 16: Magicians Trick Trio; 17: The Funsters (Benefit Dance Party); 18: The Greatest Showman.


December 1-29 Artists’ Reception: Saturday, December 8 (2-4 p.m.) Something magical happens when multiple generations come together to make art. The act of creation gives a powerful voice to artists of any age and builds a sense of shared community pride. CAMP Rehoboth’s December art exhibition, Generations!, will combine the talents of emerging, established, the young, and the “young at heart” by showcasing the work of high school student artists and artists who are 55+ years of age. Creative high school students and 55+ artists who wish to have work considered for this show should email artshow@camprehoboth. com and the art team will respond with details. Deadline for entry is November 7.

PERFORMING ARTS CAMP Rehoboth Chorus (37 Baltimore Avenue; 302-227-5620; camprehoboth. com) is in rehearsal for their February 15-17, 2019 presentation of Seasons of Love—celebrating their first decade of making music. Make a note to get tickets for the concerts the second they go on sale.

Cuban Attitude, by Dottie Teixeira, Rehoboth Art League.

Epworth UMC (19285 Holland Glade Road; 302-227-7743; eumcrb.org/ mercyswell/) has a special Veteran’s Day celebration Saturday, November 10 (7-9 p.m.), with a terrific quintet of musicians and soloists to entertain you with the memorable music of the Korean War. Mark your calendars for their annual Christmas Spectacular—Yule Love It...Again! December 8 (7 p.m.) featuring Epworth’s Music Department, the CAMP Rehoboth Ensemble, and several surprise guests, including the big guy in red!

Capital Ringers (capitalringers.org) are rehearsing for Celebrate the Season— their 2018 holiday tour runs November 18-December 15.

Possum Point Players (441 Old Laurel Road in Georgetown; 302-856-4560; possumpointplayers.org) presents A Night of Motown Hits on October 27 (7:30 p.m.) and October 28 (2 p.m.). A fundraiser for Possum’s lobby refurbishment, it also features a 50/50 raffle, silent auction, Chinese auction, and baked goods. It’s a Wonderful Life will warm your hearts from November 30-December 9.

Clear Space Theatre Company (20 Baltimore Avenue; 302-227-2270; clearspacetheatre.org) produces Heathers—the “killer” musical based on the classic 1989 film (October 19-31). Their Spotlight on Young Performers group presents Willy Wonka (November 9-11), followed by A Well-Strung Christmas (November 17-18), and ends the year with A Christmas Carol (November 23-December 9).

Premier Centre for the Arts at Milton Theater (110 Union St. in Milton; 302-684-3038; miltontheatre.com) “keeps Milton weird”! October events— 18: Revival House film They Live; 19: Magnolia Applebottom’s Night of the Living Drag; 20: Milton Zombie Fest (matinee) / Rocky Horror Picture Show (evening); 25: Kirtan: Transcendental Jam Session; 26: Dynamo; 27: Divine Hand Ensemble; 28: Coco; November

Rehoboth Beach Film Society (17701 Dartmouth Drive (Lewes), 302-3134032; rehobothfilm.com) screens the best new Independent films at their Cinema Art Theatre. The Met: Live in HD - Saint-Saëns’ Samson et Dalila (October 27 & 29); Puccini’s La Fanciulla del West (November 17 & 19). National Theatre Live: The Madness of George III (December 8-11). Get your tickets for the 21st Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival—November 1-11! Second Street Players (2 South Walnut Street in Milford; 302-422-0220/800838-3006; secondstreetplayers.com) prepares for their holiday offering Miracle on 34th Street (November 23– December 2). The theatre will be closed for renovations through March 2019, and they celebrate the event with Bryan Clark on December 7. Southern Delaware Chorale (P.O. Box 444; 302-260-7022; southerndelawarechorale.org) performs Handel’s Messiah on December 2 (3 p.m.) at Cape Henlopen High School under the direction of Dr. Colin Armstrong. Hidden Queen 2 (detail), painting by Terrance Vann, CAMP Rehoboth Gallery.

OCTOBER 19, 2018

95 Letters

arts+entertainment VISUAL ARTS Abraxas Studio of Art (515 Federal Street, Lewes; 302-645-9119; abraxasart. com) features the oil portraits and landscape paintings of Abraxas and his own style of illuminated reality. Anna Hazzard Museum (17 Christian Street, 302-2261119) is a captivating look at the early history of Rehoboth Beach as a religious retreat. The museum is housed in one of the original “tent” houses from Rehoboth’s 1870s camp-meeting era and is named for former owner and civic leader, Anna Hazzard. The Brush Factory on Kings (830 Kings Highway, Lewes; 302-745-2229; Facebook@ brushlewes) is an artist/craft co-op: furniture, art, clothing, antiques, and more. They’re currently in a “pumpkin state of mind”! CAMP Rehoboth Gallery (37 Baltimore Avenue; 302-2275620; camprehoboth.com) on display through October 31: Imagine: New Works by Terrence Vann. Opening November 3: Visually Disrepaired: Paintings and Drawings by Scott G. Brooks. Cape Artists Gallery (110 W. 3rd Street, Lewes; 302-6447733; capeartists.org) represents two dozen artists, with much of their work focusing on beach scenes. Delaware Art Gallery (239 Rehoboth Avenue; 302-8535099; kevinfleming.com) offers new and classic Delaware photographs by Kevin Fleming as well as lovely coffee table books of his work. Letters 96 OCTOBER 19, 2018

Gallery 50 Contemporary Art & Frame Shop (50 A-B Wilmington Avenue; 302227-2050; gallery50art.com) features a variety of artworks in painting, jewelry, glass, sculpture, ceramics, mixed media, and mobiles. A new show featuring the works of Constance Costigan and Michael Krausz runs through November 1. Heidi Lowe Gallery (328 Rehoboth Avenue; 302-2279203; heidilowejewelry.com) has beautiful and unique hand-made pieces (including wedding rings!) and offers classes in jewelry making. Catch her Art in the Yard with the Dewey Artist Collaboration on Friday, October 27 (5–8p.m.) during the Sea Witch Festival. Her fantastic annual Earrings Galore is on view through December. Painting with a Twist (17723 Coastal Highway; 302-3135769; paintingwithatwist. com/lewes/) offers painting classes and “pARTies” for all occasions. Visit their website for details. Peninsula Gallery (520 E. Savannah Road, Lewes; 302-645-0551; peninsulagallery.com) presents Mutual Interests with work by Richard Calvo, Howard Port Mahon Beach, painting by Steve Rogers, Peninsula Gallery Gallery.

Eberle, and Steve Rogers through October 31. Opening November 3: On the Road Again—four artists who often travel together to paint or enter the same plein air competitions—featuring Lynn Mehta, Gray Dodson, Bernard Dellario, and Meg Walsh. Rehoboth Art League (12 Dodds Lane, Henlopen Acres; 302-227-8408; rehobothartleague.org) has a fantastic schedule of classes—pottery, to pen and ink technique, to jewelry making…something for everyone. Current exhibitions: About Face–A Members’ Showcase Exhibition (through October 31); Beach Blowout–Juried Members’ Showcase Exhibition (through December 30). Their 34th Annual Holiday Fair is November 3 & 4 (10a.m.–4p.m.) rain or shine! Check their website for a complete schedule of exhibits, salons, and gallery talks. Rehoboth Beach Museum (511 Rehoboth Avenue at the Canal, 302-227-7310; rehobothbeachmuseum.org) has completed renovations to their second floor and revamped their permanent collection exhibits, and is OPEN! Check their website for some great walking tours of the area and fascinating lectures. The Studio on 24 (20231 John J. Williams Highway, Lewes; 302-6444424; thestudioon24.com) is open by appointment only, but worth it to visit with owner and artisan Deb Appleby and view her custom-made glassware or have her make something special just for you.

Chasing Waterfalls, painting by Sallie Otenasek, Gallery 50.

Tideline Gallery (111 Rehoboth Avenue; 302-227-4444; tidelinegallery.com) offers unique gifts, jewelry, pottery, and art glass. Ward Ellinger Gallery (CAMP Rehoboth Courtyard, 39 Baltimore Avenue; 302-2272710) features art in different mediums by abstract expressionist Ward Ellinger and Sondra N. Arkin. ▼ Doug is the Artistic & Musical Director for CAMP Rehoboth Chorus, Director of Music Ministries at Epworth UMC, and co-founder and Artistic Director emeritus of the Clear Space Theater Company. Contact Doug at dougyetter@gmail.com if you want to add your events to the calendar. Check out CAMP Arts on our website at camprehoboth. com for links to all the listed theatres, galleries and museums.

This program is supported, in part, by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on www.DelawareScene.com.

World AIDS Day 2018 December 1

The Rehoboth Beach Candlelight Walk and Service of Remembrance and Hope W












Dec 1 - 6:15-6:30 PM Pre-Walk gathering and candle lighting at the Rehoboth Beach Bandstand, Rehoboth Avenue at the Boardwalk
















Dec 1 - 7:45 PM Light supper at All Saints' Episcopal Church

Dec 1 - 6:30 PM Candlelight Walk begins at the Rehoboth Beach Bandstand and proceeds down Rehoboth Avenue, ending at All Saints' Church, 18 Olive Avenue in Rehoboth Beach

To volunteer or to have the name of a family member or friend who has died from AIDS added to the list of names to be read at the service, call the CAMP Rehoboth Community Center 302-227-5620 or email worldaidsday@camprehoboth.com. For more information visit the CAMP Rehoboth Web site at camprehoboth.com.

Dec 1 - 7:00 PM Service of Remembrance and Hope—including the reading of the names at All Saints' Church, 18 Olive Avenue in Rehoboth Beach


OCTOBER 19, 2018

97 Letters

arts+entertainment BOOKED SOLID

The Trans Generation: How Trans Kids (and Their Parents) are Creating a Gender Revolution by Ann Travers

c.2018, New York University Press, $25.00/higher in Canada, 261 pages


Boy or girl? That’s a common enough question, if you’re an expectant parent. You might even have wondered it yourself: will you need pink things or blue, and what name will you choose? For generations, it’s been an exciting decision for prospective parents, but Ann Travers asks in The Trans Generation if it’s a prudent one. Maybe letting the child decide would be a better choice. Fifty-six years ago, when Travers was born, their (Travers’ preferred pronoun) mother’s doctor unwittingly caused a lifetime of hurt: “It’s a girl,â€? he said, and Travers spent years trying to untangle what it meant. That, they said, is part of what drives this book. The other part is the desire to improve the lives of trans kids through understanding. Getting to that point is harrowing: Ninety-five percent of transgender kids in one study felt unsafe in their schools. Many report that physicians misunderstand kids who are gender-nonconforming. Trans kids attempt suicide and/or self-harm at very high rates and, says Travers, â€œâ€Śmany grow up hating their bodies‌.â€? Most employ several kinds of coping mechanisms to live their lives. In writing this book, Travers says, they interviewed a wide variety of trans kids from the U.S. and Canada—19 in all, ages 4 to 20, plus 23 parents. The children mostly came from middle-class families, which allowed them privileges such as better access to medical care and chances to change schools if they needed to do so.

by Terri Schlichenmeyer

Other children Travers interviewed lived in poverty, their stories illustrating how being a trans kid can be socially and medically isolating, and how lack of access to needed resources can affect their well-being. Parents, of course, can affect that well-being, too. But as Travers notes, it takes a â€œâ€Śphenomenal amount of care, advocacy, and activism‌to push back against cisgendered environments,â€? such as schools, sports, binary-only bathrooms, social activities, medical facilities, and politics. It takes a willingness to learn, listen, and lean in. Not just for parents, but for teachers, advocates, and loved ones, The Trans Generation is one heavy-duty book. Writing with a bit of a scholar’s voice and occasional, relatively advanced science and law studies, Travers also offers readers plenty of eye-opening chats with trans kids, which turn out to be the most helpful, useful, and even entertaining parts of this book. From the mouths of babes, as they say, those interviews give insights that adults will find wise and thoughtful, even monumental. They’re also heartbreaking. But considering the kids readers are introduced to, and the singular interview with a 16-year-old who made her own hormone treatments in her high school’s laboratory, they’re a good indication of hope for the future. While you could be forgiven for skipping to those case studies, you’d be missing out. The thicker parts of The Trans Generation are worth reading and reflection and are deeply instructive on pronouns, on gender fluidity, and on being trans in a cisgender-based society. They are also serious and weighty but that kind of rock-solid information could make this book the right choice. ▟ Terri Schlichenmeyer has been reading since she was three years old and never goes anywhere without a book. Always Overbooked, she lives on a hill in Wisconsin with two dogs and 15,000 books.

• • • • • ff •  � • � � �

Letters 98 OCTOBER 19, 2018

OCTOBER 19, 2018

99 Letters

Women’s Coffee Talk A POSITIVE TOPIC GROUP 1st & 3rd Saturday | 10am Facilitator: Mary Brett (All are welcome) CAMP Rehoboth 37 Baltimore Avenue Rehoboth Beach Letters 100 OCTOBER 19, 2018

Yes, I/we would like to make an end-of-the-year contribution to support the work of CAMP Rehoboth! ò$5,000 ò$2,500 ò$2,000 ò$1,500 ò$1,000 ò$500 ò$250 ò$100 ò$50 ò$25 ò Other ò I’d like to make this gift ò in memory of ò in honor of: __________________________________________

ò My company will match my contribution. ò I/we are interested in learning about CAMP Rehoboth’s Planned Giving Program and would like a CAMP Rehoboth representative to contact us.

37 Baltimore Avenue, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 302-227-5620 | camprehoboth.com

Make a Gift!

In the spirit of the holiday season, please consider making an end-of-the-year gift to CAMP Rehoboth. name partner’s name address city


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CAMP Rehoboth is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All contributions are tax deductible in accordance with IRS regulations.

OCTOBER 19, 2018

101 Letters

Letters 102 OCTOBER 19, 2018

Bad decisions have a way of cascading. Yielding to temptation in the heat of the moment might seem like a good idea at the time, but if someone suggests that you forego a condom for some extra fun, that’s a concession you can’t afford. The stakes are too high. Sometimes abstinence or something non-penetrating is a better choice.…Have fun. Play smart. Sponsored by CAMPsafe. © 2009 CAMP Rehoboth, Inc. For more information, call CAMP Rehoboth at 302-227-5620 or the CDC hotline at 1-800-232-4636. Funding provided through a contract with the Delaware Division of Public Health. CAMPsafe is a program of CAMP Rehoboth. Photography by Alexander Vasiljev | www.alexandervasiljev.com

Plan Your Stimulus


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ads@camprehoboth.com OCTOBER 19, 2018

103 Letters

Letters 104 OCTOBER 19, 2018

ward ellinger gallery 27-14_Layout 1 3/30/2018 2:47 PM Page 1

Ward Ellinger located in the camp rehoboth courtyard

works by ward ellinger at the ward ellinger gallery 39 baltimore avenue, rehoboth beach For more information, call 302-227-2710 or visit our Facebook page at Ward Ellinger Gallery

baltimore avenue • rehoboth beach, de phone: 302-227-2710 • facebook: ward ellinger gallery 39

MGT & Co 28-02_Layout 1 3/30/2018 2:03 PM Page 1


in the camp rehoboth courtyard • 39 baltimore avenue • (302) 567-5976 • instagram mgt_co_ • facebook mgtandcompany

OCTOBER 19, 2018

105 Letters




• Brunch w/Pamala Stanley. Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave. 10 am. 302-227-6515

• John Flynn. Shorebreak Lodge, A Restaurant, 10 Wilmington Ave. 5 pm. 302-227-1007

• Karaoke. Rigby’s Grill, 404 Rehoboth Ave. 9 pm. 302-227-6080

• Alcoholics Anon. Open Discussion. CAMP Rehoboth Community Center, 37 Baltimore Ave. 9 am

• 3rd Sunday. Drag Brunch. Goolee’s Grille, 11 S. 1st St. 1-3 pm. 302-227-7653 • T-Dance. Diego’s Hideaway, 37298 Rehoboth Ave. 3 pm 302-227-1023 • 4th Sunday. Healing Circle. CAMP Rehoboth Community Center, 37 Baltimore Ave. 5 pm. • Ed Mills. Rigby’s Grill, 404 Rehoboth Ave. 5 pm. 302-227-6080 • Pamala Stanley. Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave. 6 pm. 302-227-6515 • Last Sunday of each month. TransSocial of Delaware. Metropolitan Community Church, 19369 Plantations Rd., Lewes. 7 pm. Visit meetup.com/RehobothTransLiance • Karaoke. Diego’s Hideaway, 37298 Rehoboth Ave. 9 pm. 302-227-1023 • Games w/Magnolia. Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave. 9:30 pm. 302-227-6515 • The Birdcage Bad Girls Drag Show. Purple Parrot Grill, 134 Rehoboth Ave. 10 pm. 302-226-1139


• Insight Meditation. St. Peters, Mulberry St, Lewes. 4 pm. 302-644-2514 • Pamala Stanley. Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave. 6 pm. 302-227-6515 • Bandeoke! Karaoke with a Live Band. Murph’s Beef & Ale, 37169 Rehoboth Ave. 7 pm. 302-212-5355


• 2nd Tuesday. PFLAG. Lewes Library, 111 Adams St. 6 pm. pflagrehobothbeach@ gmail.com • 3rd Tuesday. Kent County LGBT Dover Support and Social Group. Christ Episcopal Church, 523 South State St., Dover. 7 pm. lgbtdover_kent@yahoo.com • Young People’s AA. CAMP Rehoboth Community Center, 37 Baltimore Ave. 8 pm

• Tai Chi. CAMP Rehoboth Community Center, 37 Baltimore Ave. 1 pm. 302-227-5620

• 2nd Wednesday. Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group. CAMP Rehoboth Community Center, 37 Baltimore Ave. 6:30 pm. 302-227-5620

• Karaoke. Purple Parrot Grill, 134 Rehoboth Ave. 9 pm. 302-226-1139

• Alt. Wednesdays. Men’s Discussion Group. Epworth United Methodist Church, 19285 Holland Glade Rd. 7 pm. 302-227-5620

• Legends. Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave. 9:30 pm. 302-227-6515

• Showcase w/Mona Lotts. Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave. 9:30 pm. 302-227-6515


• Alcoholics Anon. CAMP Rehoboth Community Center, 37 Baltimore Ave. 12 noon. 302-856-6452 • Cathy Gorman. Diego’s Hideaway, 37298 Rehoboth Ave. 5-8 pm. 302-227-1023 • Holly Lane w/John Flynn. Café Azafran, 18 Baltimore Ave. 7 pm. 302-227-8100 • SLAA/SAA Meeting. All Saints Church Hall, Lower Level, 18 Olive Ave. 7:30 pm. 302-745-7929 • Lower Case Blues. Murph’s Beef & Ale, 37169 Rehoboth Ave Ext. 7:30 pm. 302-212-5355 • Karaoke. Rigby’s Grill, 404 Rehoboth Ave. 8 pm. 302-227-6080 • Karaoke. Purple Parrot Grill, 134 Rehoboth Ave. 9 pm. 302-226-1139 • Karaoke with the Blue Moon Divas. Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave. 9:30 pm. 302-227-6515


• 1st Friday. FURst Friday Bear Happy Hour. The Pond, 3 S. First St. 302-227-2234 • John Flynn. Shorebreak Lodge, A Restaurant, 10 Wilmington Ave. 5 pm. 302-227-1007 • Karaoke. Rigby’s Grill, 404 Rehoboth Ave. 8 pm. 302-227-6080 • Karaoke. Purple Parrot Grill, 134 Rehoboth Ave. 9 pm. 302-226-1139

• Loco Tuesday w/DJ Eddie. Diego’s Hideaway, 37298 Rehoboth Ave. 9 pm. 302-227-1023

• Fantasy Friday w/DJ Biff. Diego’s Hideaway, 37298 Rehoboth Ave. 9 pm. 302-227-1023

• Bingo w/the Blue Moon Divas. Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave. 9:30 pm. 302-227-6515

• Spotlight Show. Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave. 9:45 pm. 302-227-6515

Letters 106 OCTOBER 19, 2018

• 1st & 3rd Saturdays. Women’s Coffee Talk. CAMP Rehoboth Community Center, 37 Baltimore Ave. 10 am. 302227-5620

• ManDance. Diego’s Hideaway, 37298 Rehoboth Ave. 9 pm. 302-227-1023

OCTOBER 19 • Heathers the Musical. Clear Space Theatre, 20 Baltimore Ave. 7 pm. 302-227-2270. Tickets: clearspacetheatre.org/buy-tickets • Magnolia Applebottom. Milton Theatre, 110 Union St. 302-684-3038. 8 pm. Tickets: miltontheatre.com

OCTOBER 20 • Milton Zombie Fest. Milton Theatre, 110 Union St. 12 pm. 302-684-3038. Tickets: miltontheatre.com • Heathers the Musical. Clear Space Theatre, 20 Baltimore Ave. 302-2272270. 7 pm. Tickets: clearspacetheatre. org/buy-tickets

OCTOBER 21 • Heathers the Musical. Clear Space Theatre, 20 Baltimore Ave. 3 pm. 302-227-2270. Tickets: clearspacetheatre.org/buy-tickets

OCTOBER 24 • Ghosts of Delaware presented by CAMP Rehoboth. CAMP Rehoboth Community Center, 37 Baltimore Ave. 7 pm

OCTOBER 25 • Heathers the Musical. Clear Space Theatre, 20 Baltimore Ave. 7 pm. 302-227-2270. Tickets: clearspacetheatre.org/buy-tickets

• Heathers the Musical. Clear Space Theatre, 20 Baltimore Ave. 302-2272270. 7 pm. Tickets: clearspacetheatre. org/buy-tickets

OCTOBER 27 • Mirabelle Storytime. Browseabout Bookstore, 133 Rehoboth Ave. 302-226-2665. 9 am • 28th Annual Seawitch Festival Parade. Rehoboth Avenue. 10 am • Heathers the Musical. Clear Space Theatre, 20 Baltimore Ave. 7 pm. 302-227-2270. Tickets: clearspacetheatre.org/buy-tickets

OCTOBER 28 • Heathers the Musical. Clear Space Theatre, 20 Baltimore Ave. 3 pm. 302-227-2270. Tickets: clearspacetheatre.org/buy-tickets

OCTOBER 29 • 4th Annual Southern Delaware Wine, Food, Music Festival. Independence Clubhouse, Millsboro. $75 pp. Tickets: sodelfest.com

OCTOBER 31 • Bubbles and Bites Halloween Bingo to benefit Immanuel Shelter. Rehoboth Beach Convention Center, 229 Rehoboth Ave. 6-9 pm. Tickets: immanuelshelter.org • Heathers the Musical. Clear Space Theatre, 20 Baltimore Ave. 7 pm. 302-227-2270. Tickets: clearspacetheatre.org/buy-tickets

NOVEMBER 1 – 11 • Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival

NOVEMBER 3 • 3rd Annual Delaware Resorts 55+ Expo. Cape Henlopen High School. Free Admission. 9 am


• 28th Annual Seawitch & Fiddlers’ Festival

• Volunteer Opportunities Meeting. CAMP Rehoboth Community Center, 37 Baltimore Ave. 6 pm. RSVP 302-2275620



OCTOBER 26 – 28

• On Tap with AARP. CAMP Rehoboth Community Center, 37 Baltimore Ave. 5:30-7:30 pm. RSVP Required 877-926-8300

• Delaware Resorts Fall Home Expo. Rehoboth Beach Convention Center. 9 am-5 pm. Free Admission




• Delaware Resorts Fall Home Expo. Rehoboth Beach Convention Center. 10 am-3 pm. Free Admission

• A Christmas Carol the Musical. Clear Space Theatre, 20 Baltimore Ave. 3 pm. 302-227-2270. Tickets: clearspacetheatre.org/buy-tickets

NOVEMBER 18 • ThanksLiving w/Special Guest Dr. Will Tuttle presented by VegRehoboth. CAMP Rehoboth Community Center, 37 Baltimore Ave. $35. Tickets: www.vegrehoboth.org

• A Christmas Carol the Musical. Clear Space Theatre, 20 Baltimore Ave. 7 pm. 302-227-2270. Tickets: clearspacetheatre.org/buy-tickets



• Southern Delaware Choral presents G.F. Handel’s Messiah. Cape Henlopen High School. 3 pm. Tickets: southerndelawarechorale.org

• A Christmas Carol the Musical. Clear Space Theatre, 20 Baltimore Ave. 11 am. 302-227-2270. Tickets: clearspacetheatre.org/buy-tickets

• A Christmas Carol the Musical. Clear Space Theatre, 20 Baltimore Ave. 3 pm. 302-227-2270. Tickets: clearspacetheatre.org/buy-tickets



• A Christmas Carol the Musical. Clear Space Theatre, 20 Baltimore Ave. 7:30 pm.302-227-2270. Tickets: clearspacetheatre.org/buy-tickets

• A Christmas Carol the Musical. Clear Space Theatre, 20 Baltimore Ave. 7 pm. 302-227-2270. Tickets: clearspacetheatre.org/buy-tickets



• A Christmas Carol the Musical. Clear Space Theatre, 20 Baltimore Ave. 7 pm. 302-227-2270. Tickets: clearspacetheatre.org/buy-tickets

• World AIDS Day Walk & Remembrance

• A Christmas Carol the Musical. Clear Space Theatre, 20 Baltimore Ave. 7 pm.302-227-2270. Tickets: clearspacetheatre.org/buy-tickets

DECEMBER 8 • A Christmas Carol the Musical. Clear Space Theatre, 20 Baltimore Ave. 7 pm. 302-227-2270. Tickets: clearspacetheatre.org/buy-tickets


• Rehoboth Beach Christmas Parade

• A Christmas Carol the Musical. Clear Space Theatre, 20 Baltimore Ave. 3 pm. 302-227-2270. Tickets: clearspacetheatre.org/buy-tickets




• 87th Lewes Christmas Parade. Savannah Road, Lewes. The parade starts at 5 pm followed by Tree-lighting & Caroling in Zwaanendael Park. Information: leweschamber.com


• A Christmas Carol the Musical. Clear Space Theatre, 20 Baltimore Ave. 9:30 am. 302-227-2270. Tickets: clearspacetheatre.org/buy-tickets

• CAMP Rehoboth Holiday Extravaganza Bus Trip to Winterthur and Longwood Gardens. 11:30 am-10:30 pm. $70 pp. Tickets: campholidayextravaganza. eventbrite.com

saved souls 28-02_Layout 1 3/30/2018 2:15 PM Page 1

gay Women of Rehoboth ®

Join Us At

www.meetup.com/Gay-Women-Rehoboth Learn about women’s activities, dances, discussion groups and singles events in the area.


OCTOBER 19, 2018

107 Letters

All Saints’ Episcopal Church

Westminster Presbyterian Church

18 Olive Avenue Rehoboth Beach (302) 227-7202 SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 & 10:00 a.m. Holy Communion 9:00 a.m. Breakfast in the Parish Hall


St. George’s Chapel, Rt. 23 - 20274 Beaver Dam Rd., Harbeson at 9:30 a.m.

Thursday Service • 11:30 a.m. Holy Communion and Healing

A friendly and fully inclusive parish. www.allsaintsandstgeorges.org

Seaside Jewish Community an unaffiliated, egalitarian congregation

18970 Holland Glade Road Rehoboth Beach, Delaware www.seasidejewishcommunity.com 302-226-8977 Mailing address: P.O. Box 1472, Rehoboth, DE 19971

Shabbat services, 7:30 pm first Fridays; 10 am third Saturdays. Weekly summer services. Holiday services. Educational programs, social events, school.

First Street • 4 blocks south of Rehoboth Avenue 302-227-2109

Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. (Summer 8:30 and 10:00 a.m.) We invite you to make us your church family!

hĹśĹ?ƚLJ ŽĨ ZĞŚŽÄ?ŽƚŚ ĞĂÄ?Ĺš Discover Your Path to Spiritual Living

{ / { h . . / I 98 Rudder Road a 59 Â?Â? Millsboro, DE 19966 Â? Â? Â?

If you need a referral for a doctor, lawyer, spiritual advisor, or just a place to hang out, call CAMP Rehoboth at 302-227-5620. We’re here to help! Letters 108 OCTOBER 19, 2018

MERR 28-02_Layout 1 3/30/2018 2:01 PM Page 1

The Marine Education, Research and Rehabilitation Institute, Inc. is a non-profit stranding response and rehabilitation organization dedicated to the conservation of marine mammals and sea turtles in Delaware.

call: 302.228.5029 or join on our website at merrinsittue.org

Senior Adult Resources ADVOCACY

AARP of Delaware ............................................................... 302-498-6511


Delaware Senior Services Help Line ................................... 800-223-9074 Delaware Information Line .......................................................... Dial 2-1-1


Meals on Wheels ................................................................. 302-856-5187


CAMP Rehoboth................................................................... 302-227-5620 Cape Henlopen Senior Center - Rehoboth Beach .............. 303-227-2055 Cheer Center of Sussex County .......................................... 302-856-5187 Lewes Senior Center ........................................................... 302-645-9293


Delaware Department of Health and Social Services ........ 302-856-5586 Social Security ..................................................................... 866-864-1803


Delaware Hospice ............................................................... 800-838-9800


Cheer Transportation ........................................................... 302-856-5187 ITN Southern Delaware ....................................................... 302-448-8486

For more info, call CAMP Rehoboth, 302-227-5620 OCTOBER 19, 2018

109 Letters

AD INDEX 1776 Steakhouse ..............................................52 AARP...................................................................41 Accent On Travel................................................17 AG Renovations .................................................47 Allen Jarmon, Realtor.........................................43 Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group...............78 Atlantic Jewelry ...................................................9 Bad Hair Day......................................................47 Beach Cuts Hair Salon........................................76 Beach Tans & Hair Designs ...............................62 Beagle Real Estate Group..................................27 Beebe Healthcare..............................................11 Beebe Healthcare Career Opportunities...........37 Bell Rock Capital ...............................................47 Biggs Museum....................................................77 Blue Moon .........................................................81 Boardwalk Builders .........................................109 Boom Box Party Bus ........................................100 Brandywine Valley SPCA....................................63 Breakthru Beverage...........................................49 Browseabout Books...........................................98 Bubbles & Bites Benefit .....................................69 Café Azafran.......................................................21 CAMP Rehoboth Annual Premier Sponsors.........7 CAMP Rehoboth Beach Guide Business Partners..............................................................21 CAMP Rehoboth Community Center..................93 CAMP Rehoboth End Of Year Campaign .........101 CAMP Rehoboth Families...................................78 CAMP Rehoboth Holiday Grief & Loss Group...104 CAMP Rehoboth Letters Subscription................68 CAMP Rehoboth Membership............................32

CAMP Rehoboth Mental Health........................104 CAMP Rehoboth Silver Pride Seminar................55 CAMP Rehoboth Tai Chi...................................104 CAMP Rehoboth Trans Discussion...................104 CAMP Rehoboth Volunteer Opportunities ........48 CAMPSafe.........................................................110 CAMPsafe #2....................................................103 Clear Space Theatre - Heathers.........................52 Community Pride Financial Advisors..................91 Congratulations Sharon Lynn.............................74 Country Lawn Care.............................................84 County Bank.......................................................10 Crowley Associates Realty, Inc...........................78 Delaware Hospice .............................................79 Delaware Humane Association..........................90 Delaware Legal Health Link...............................91 Delaware Resorts Fall Home EXPO....................26 Diego’s Hideaway..............................................71 Dos Locos...........................................................75 Easy As Pie, Delaware HIV Consortium.............73 Epworth Gingerbread Contest.........................102 Eric Atkins, Realtor.............................................68 Fuqua, Willard, Stevens & Schab, PA...............100 Gay Men’s Group..............................................103 Gay Women of Rehoboth Meet-Up..................106 General Dentistry ..............................................62 Go Fish/GoBrit....................................................68 Gods Greyts Senior Greyhounds ......................78 Gregory Meyers Hair Studio...............................78 Harrison House of Georgetown.........................27 HIV Testing.........................................................79 Houses Of Worship...........................................108

Iguana Grill.........................................................51 Immanuel Shelter...............................................68 Jack Lingo, Realtor.............................................87 Jenn Harpel, Morgan Stanley ............................62 John Black, Bill Peiffer, Realtors ........................52 Jolly Trolley......................................................100 Just In Thyme Restaurant...................................27 Lana Warfield, Realtor........................................10 Lee Ann Wilkinson Group, Realtors....................70 Lori’s Café..........................................................83 Luxury Motors.....................................................15 M.G.T. & Co Toggery Shop................................105 MERR Institute .................................................109 Midway Fitness & Racquetball.........................111 Milton Theatre....................................................53 Mirabelle..........................................................100 Morris James LLP...............................................13 Murph’s Beef & Ale.............................................76 Nancy Sakaduski................................................70 Olivia Travel........................................................23 One Day At A Time Gift Shop.............................62 One Spirit Massage............................................26 Paint and Patches Handyman Service ..............29 Palate.................................................................39 Pet Portraits by Monique....................................26 Philip Lowe, Prudential Insurance......................36 Photo Restoration..............................................46 Purple Parrot......................................................50 Randall Douglass................................................72 Randy Mason/Shirley Kalvinsky, Realtors..........91 Randy’s Custom Window Treatments................85 Rehoboth Art League.........................................83

Rehoboth Beach Bears, Thank you....................99 Rehoboth Beach Dental.....................................83 Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival......61 Rehoboth Beach Museum..................................72 Rehoboth Guest House......................................12 Rehoboth Massage & Alignment........................72 Ron’s Repairs .....................................................12 Salty Paws .........................................................84 Saved Souls Animal Rescue.............................107 Sea Bova Associates, Realtors.........................112 Senior Adult Resources....................................109 Shademakers.....................................................15 SoDel Concepts .................................................25 Southern Delaware Chorale ..............................92 State Farm - Eric Blondin & Jeanine O’Donnell....39 State Farm - George Bunting.............................10 SUN Behavioral - Delaware ...............................84 Sussex Family YMCA..........................................53 ThanksLiving .....................................................46 The Lawson Firm................................................76 Troy Roberts, Realtor..........................................47 Unfinished Business...........................................42 Union Home Mortgage.......................................36 Volunteer Thank You .........................................45 Ward Ellinger Gallery........................................107 Windsor’s Flowers .............................................78 Women’s Coffee Talk .......................................100 World AIDS Day..................................................97

Tests for HIV and other STDs are easy, fast, and confidential. Before you hop between the sheets with someone, make sure that you know and share your status. Knowing the truth about your HIV status puts everything in balance, minimizes risks, and gives you a huge increase in returns. Have fun. Play smart. Sponsored by CAMPsafe. © 2009 CAMP Rehoboth, Inc. For more information, call CAMP Rehoboth at 302-227-5620 or the CDC hotline at 1-800-232-4636. Funding provided through a contract with the Delaware Division of Public Health. CAMPsafe is a program of CAMP Rehoboth. Photography by Alexander Vasiljev | www.alexandervasiljev.com

Plan Your Stimulus

Letters 110 OCTOBER 19, 2018

FREE with MeMbership: 24 Hour Access Access to All Equipment All Classes Racquetball WiFi Coffee Towel Service Sauna (available during staffed hours)

Midway’s PERsonal TRainERs are some of the best in the area. Stop in today to meet our trainers and check out our competitive training rates! (Locals – Receive one fRee week membership!) no gimmicks, no hidden fees, & no attitude Commitment to Member Satisfaction

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PM OCTOBER 19, 201810/2/18 111 3:44 Letters










VILLAGES of OLD LANDING - Rehoboth. 3BR/3BA rancher features 1st-floor living w/ bonus space in the finished basement. Approx. 2,700sf. Many upgrades. 5 miles to beach. $409,900 (1001894604)


MATLINDS EST - Milford. Custom-built 2015 home. 3,402sf 5BR/3.5BA on 1-ac corner lot w/fencing. 1st- & 2nd-floor master BRs. Loaded w/upgrades. 20 miles to Lewes beach. $349,990 (1002770550)

+$8,000 Seller’s Help

1st Floor Villa

RIVER ROCK RUN - Milton. New Construction. 3BR/2BA on 3/4 acre has all-1st-floor living w/bonus room over 3-car garage. +2,700sf. w/ sunroom & screen porch. 8 miles to beach. $419,990 (1001940540)

WOODS COVE - Rehoboth. 2015 2BR/2BA 1st-floor Villa w/2-car garage is 1,382sf. Split BR plan. Kitchen has granite & tile backsplash. 3-Season porch. 5 miles to beach. $289,900 (1002772144)

KINGS CREEK COUNTRY CLUB - Rehoboth Beach. Stunning custom built Courtyard-style home makes you feel like you’ve been transported to West Palm Beach, Florida. Gorgeous finishes & appointments throughout the property. Main house is 3BR/2.5BA. Courtyard has 1BR/1BA suite for your visitors, in-laws or au pair. 2-car & separate 1-car garage. In-ground pool w/hot tub. E.P. Henry paver driveway & Courtyard patio. Outdoor kitchen. Great room w/FP, formal dining & elegant kitchen w/ high-end appliances. $1,100,000 (1001573482)

Walk to the Beach



+$10,000 Seller’s Help WOODS COVE - Rehoboth. 2,411sf 4BR/4.5BA 2-story townhome w/2-car garage. New Construction - Fall Delivery! Still time to pick out some finishes. 5 miles to beach. $329,990 (1002308550)

SLAUGHTER BEACH - Milford. 0.29 acre lot. 200 yards to Slaughter’s public beach, tennis, basketball & playground. Near public boat launch, too. Public water avail. & your own septic. $89,900 (1001565990)

PINEY GLADE - Rehoboth. 1976 3BR/2BA. LV & family room. Screen porch. Outdoor shower. Fenced, corner lot is 0.28 acres. 4 miles to beach & near State Park trail. $269,990 (1002006228)

FIELDWOOD - Rehoboth. 1977 3BR/2BA home. Sun room & family room w/elec FP. Newer HVAC. 1/3 acre. Shed + oversized 1-car garage. East of Hwy 1 & 4 miles to beach. $214,500 (1001569000)

RIVER ROCK RUN - Milton. 1-Year Young! 3BR/2BA is a ranch-style home with a 2ndfloor bonus room over the oversized 2-car garage. 2,042 sq. ft. Screen porch. 1 acre. $379,000 (1002244006)

6 Miles to the Beach

PINEY GLADE - Rehoboth. 0.29-acre cleared lot located east of Hwy 1 & less than 4 miles to boardwalk. Public water & sewer w/impact fees already paid. Shed. $150,000 (1001966148)

LOVE CREEK PARK Lewes. 1984 2BR/2BA home is across from the playground. Partially furnished. Big shed. Marina community w/boat ramp & slips for rent. $27,000

WHISPERING PINES Lewes. 1998 3BR/2BA. Split bedroom plan. 3-Season porch. Stainless steel appliances. 1 block to community pool. 5 miles to beach. Furn. $45,000

ASPEN MEADOWS Rehoboth. 1987 3BR/2BA. Open floor plan w/solid hardwood floors. Split BR plan. 4 miles to beach. Community pool. $99,500

(1001938826) Lot Rent $515/mt.

(1002295080) Lot Rent $546/mt

(1002335822) Lot Rent $710/mt

20250 Coastal Highway - Suite 3, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971


- 302.227.1222  TOLL FREE - 877.SEA.BOVA  EFAX - 888.SEA.BOVA  EMAIL – RealEstate@SEABOVA.com Office Independently Owned & Operated by SBA, Inc. Prices, promotions, and availability subject to change without notice.

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