Letters from CAMP Rehoboth, Vol. 32, No. 4

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Transitions FEST Fun Healthy Minds






May 6, 2022 Volume 32, Number 4 camprehoboth.com



VOLUME 32, NUMBER 4 • MAY 6, 2022

68 The Real Dirt

4 In Brief

A Healthy Garden Makes a Healthy You

6 President’s View


The Heart of the Community WES COMBS

72 CAMP Arts

8 CAMP News


10 Community News

74 Booked Solid

12 Women’s FEST Rocked

84 Words Matter


14 The Way We Were CAMPing It Up at the Follies FAY JACOBS


Take Me to the Water

28 Health & Wellness Needles and Travel and Triggers – Oh, My! STEPHANIE BELINSKE

16 CAMP Theatre

Another Opening, Another Show MATTY BROWN

18 Guest House Chronicles


Women’s FEST Rocked! See page 12. (Photo:Beth Toney)

30 Straight Talk Magic Kingdom DAVID GARRETT

A Walk Through Paradise TOM KELCH


22 The Writing Life Page-by-Page Adventurer MICHAEL GILLES

24 CAMP Stories

Dipping My Toe in the Yoga Pond

34 Out & About

Revenge of the Uncool Kids ERIC PETERSON

36 It’s My Life

The More Things Change MICHAEL THOMAS FORD

38 Sea Salt Table Fresh Berry Pie ED CASTELLI

52 CAMPshots

88 A Butterbox Baby

56 Be a Sport


Broadwalk and More!

Play Ball!


60 Historical Headliners Living Real: Dr. Alan L. Hart ANN APTAKER



45 Dining Out Purple Parrot Grill DOUG YETTER

50 Celebrity Interview Ian Paget on TikTok Stardom MICHAEL COOK


90 We Remember

58 Q-Puzzle

42 Those Jagged Little Pills The Meds Go Round

Betsy Is Gone but Her Story Lives On

62 Visiting View Come on Down!


Nate Metz, see page 5. Photo by Murray Archibald

64 Women’s FEST Sports And the Winner Is… CONNIE FOX

66 Deep Inside Hollywood ROMEO SAN VICENTE

See page 5

Letters from CAMP Rehoboth welcomes submissions. Email editor@camprehoboth.com. Photographs must be high resolution (300 dpi). Documents should be sent as attachments in Microsoft Word®. Deadline for submissions is two weeks prior to the issue release date.

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MAY 6, 2022


Letters from CAMP Rehoboth is published 13 times per year, between February and December, as a program of CAMP Rehoboth Inc., a non-profit community service organization. CAMP Rehoboth seeks to create a more positive environment of cooperation and understanding among all people. Revenue generated by advertisements supports CAMP Rehoboth’s purpose as outlined in our mission statement.

CONTRIBUTORS: Ann Aptaker, Rich Barnett, Stephanie Belinske, Matty Brown, Ed Castelli, Wes Combs, Michael Cook, Robert Dominic, Clarence Fluker, Michael Thomas Ford, Connie Fox, JuneRose Futcher, David Garrett, Michael Gilles, Julian Harbaugh, Fay Jacobs, Tom Kelch, Tricia Massella, Eric Peterson, Mary Beth Ramsey, Nancy Sakaduski, Romeo San Vicente, Terri Schlichenmeyer, Marj Shannon, Beth Shockley, Eric Wahl, Doug Yetter

The inclusion or mention of any person, group, or business in Letters from CAMP Rehoboth does not, nor is it intended in any way, to imply sexual orientation or gender identity. The content of the columns are the views and opinions of the writers and may not indicate the position of CAMP Rehoboth, Inc. © 2022 by CAMP Rehoboth, Inc. All rights reserved by CAMP Rehoboth. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of the editor.


MISSION STATEMENT AND PURPOSE MISSION CAMP Rehoboth is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit community service organization dedicated to creating a positive environment inclusive of all sexual orientations and gender identities in Rehoboth Beach and its related communities. We seek to promote cooperation and understanding among all people, as we work to build a safer community with room for all.

VISION We create proud and safe communities where gender identity and sexual orientation are respected.

PURPOSE Promoting the health and wellness of our community through a variety of programs including HIV testing and counseling, mental health support, fitness classes, mindfulness classes, support for LGBTQ youth, and building community and support. Promoting artistic expressions and creative thinking, and giving aid to artists and craftspeople with an emphasis on the works of LGBTQ people. Advocating for our community to build a safe and inclusive community through voter information, education, and registration; and analysis of issues and candidates. Education and outreach to the larger community, including sensitivity training seminars, and printed materials to promote positive images of LGBTQ people and our allies. Networking resources and information by publishing a newsletter, and functioning as an alternative tourist bureau and information center.

PRESIDENT Wesley Combs VICE PRESIDENT Leslie Ledogar SECRETARY Mike DeFlavia TREASURER Bea Vuocolo AT-LARGE DIRECTORS Chris Beagle, Jane Blue, Pat Catanzariti, David Garrett, David Mariner (non-voting), Jason Darion Mathis-White, Natalie Moss, Tara Sheldon, and Leslie Sinclair EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR David Mariner


Can you believe it? It’s MAY already! That means we’re about to kick-off “the season”: fun in the sun at the beach. Ah, summer! But before we get all caught up in what’s to come, let’s pause to savor what just went before: Women’s FEST! What a great long weekend of fun and camaraderie that was. Nancy Sakaduski recaps it for us in her piece on page 12; Connie Fox reports out the FEST sports news on page 64. As more than one happy FEST-goer was heard to remark, “I can’t wait for FEST 2023!” Back to the upcoming season…. CAMP Rehoboth has a shift of its own as we move from spring-into-summer: Executive Director David Mariner leaves his post at the end of May. Letters wishes him the very best; it’ll be fun to see where he next fetches up. Of course, the CAMP Board has a plan in place to assure a smooth transition; see Wes Comb’s President’s View column (page 6). If you’re looking for arts-related ways to brighten spring and welcome summer, CAMP Rehoboth offers some options! Among them: the CAMP Chorus (finally!) returns to the stage with concerts on May 13, 14, and 15; meet the accompanist, Dave Zipse, in CAMP Arts. While you’re on that page, enjoy a preview of CAMP’s new gallery exhibit, 30 years in 30 Photos. Intrigued? Plan a visit to see them all—they’re on view through May 31. Maybe your love is theatre? Matty Brown gives us a glimpse into the CAMP Rehoboth Theatre Company’s upcoming season. It promises to be a timely, edgy season indeed—you won’t want to miss it! This issue’s themes are “outdoors” and “wellness.” We’ve got lots on both those topics— sometimes, simultaneously. Take our cover model, yoga instructor Nate Metz, who says, “Yoga on the beach is one of the most magical places to practice.” And Rich Barnett reports on his yoga experience these past weeks in Key West—talk about fun in the sun! For more on wellness—May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Our columnists speak poignantly to that, too. Beth Shockley recounts her lifelong challenges with maintaining her mental health. Stephanie Belinske reports on anxiety and depression. Both of these conditions are diagnosed more often among us LGBTQ folks than among heterosexual, cisgender people. Let’s be sure we take good care—of ourselves and others. As you kick-off your own season at the beach, remember: the meters reactivate in Rehoboth on May 15. So round up those quarters you’ve been collecting all year for just this purpose. Or head for the pay station with your credit card, or download the Parkmobile app. Fun has its price. If you’d care to share your comments or maybe pitch a story idea, just reach out to me at editor@camprehoboth.com. I’d love to hear from you!

CAMP REHOBOTH 37 Baltimore Avenue, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 tel 302-227-5620 | email editor@camprehoboth.com www.camprehoboth.com

CAMP Rehoboth, Inc. is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to CAMP Rehoboth are considered charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes and may be deducted to the fullest extent of the law. A copy of our exemption document is available for public inspection.

MAY 6, 2022

3 Letters

SunFestival Returns


ummer is just around the corner and CAMP Rehoboth is excited to announce that SunFestival will return Labor Day weekend! We are working on finalizing the details and will share them in the Memorial Day issue of Letters but here is a teaser... get ready to dance the night away once again at the Convention Center! In addition to the dance, we are exploring other activities during the week and on Saturday night at the Rehoboth Beach Convention Center. As most of you know, pulling off a week-long series of events is not possible without support from volunteers, sponsors, and of course those who purchase tickets. As they say, it takes a village—especially during this time of transition at CAMP Rehoboth.

If you miss the excitement of planning and executing details while having fun with other volunteers—then we’re looking for you! If you’ve got what it takes to be a committee chair or committee volunteer for Decor, Marketing/Advertising, Sponsorships, and Entertainment leading up to the event, as well as other tasks outside of these committees, and tasks at events such as ticket takers, VIP Room monitors, and more—we want to hear from you! With your help we can revel in the fun of years past, dancing to tunes throughout the time from disco to today and celebrating the end of summer—together—at SunFestival 2022. To indicate your interest in volunteering, please email SunFestival@ CampRehoboth.com. ▼

Handmade Markets Set to Return May 13


he Handmade Markets are back! Join LGBTQ/ally artists and makers in the CAMP Rehoboth Courtyard on Friday, May 13, from 5:00- 8:00 p.m. and shop local for art, trinkets, tchotchkes, and more. Don’t let superstitions surrounding the “Friday the 13th” date scare you—this market will usher in the summer season with great fun and high spirits. Plus, this will be the only Handmade Market for the next several months to enjoy free, meter-less parking—so come out and support local vendors! ▼

CAMP Rehoboth Says Good-bye to David Mariner The Board of Directors of CAMP Rehoboth announced April 13 that Executive Director David Mariner will be leaving the organization effective May 31, 2022 and wishes to thank David for his contributions to our mission. Over the next several months, David will work with the Board to help ensure a smooth transition. Beginning in 2019, David helped CAMP Rehoboth strengthen its organizational processes and improve operational efficiency through the use of technology. These advances helped CAMP Rehoboth navigate through COVID by developing a comprehensive approach to maintain dayto-day operations. David’s public policy and advocacy skills also helped CAMP Rehoboth understand and address the challenges facing the most marginalized members of our community. The Board also announces the start of a strategic planning process to carry this storied 32-year-old community service organization into its next chapter. CAMP is delivering critically important and impactful free programming to promote comLetters 4

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munity well-being on all levels; to foster the development of community groups; to develop community space; to promote human and civil rights; to work against prejudice and discrimination; to lessen tensions among the community at large; and to help foster economic growth. The Board recognizes that the pandemic has fundamentally altered the needs of our community and how we effectively deliver services. We are embracing this period of transition as an opportunity to proactively chart a course that ensures CAMP will meet the needs of today as well as the future. As part of this process, the Board will be launching a search for an Interim Executive Director to help assess the current and emerging needs of CAMP in this rapidly changing world. We will be guided through this transition process with support from partners such as the Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement. As a part of the commitment of CAMP Rehoboth’s Board of Directors to keep its members and donors fully informed, we

would like to let you know that we took the first step in implementing our solid leadership transition plan by onboarding Lisa Evans as Acting Manager. Lisa brings more than 40 years of nonprofit and government experience including most recently serving as Executive Director of the Baltimore nonprofit One House at a Time. She and her spouse have had a home in Rehoboth for 25 years, moving here fulltime in 2020, and Lisa has a history with CAMP as a volunteer including working at many iterations of Sundance. Lisa is here to serve as an additional resource to our valued staff members and to our community until we onboard an Interim Executive Director. Please feel free to drop in or call to welcome her to our home—Lisa would love to connect with you! You can also reach her at actingmanager@camprehoboth.com. As always, CAMP Rehoboth is strong because of you, our members, supporters, and friends. We look forward to working with you during this time of opportunity. ▼


Gracing the cover of this issue is Nate Metz (natemetz.com), who has been a yoga instructor for the past eight years. Nate has taught occasional classes at CAMP Rehoboth’s Yoga for Men program.

What do you like about teaching yoga? I like how you get to make a difference in people’s lives. You get to see it in front of you.

How did you first get introduced to yoga? My first introduction to yoga was part of a mental health intervention. I received private instruction on things I can be doing on my own at home to help my emotional and mental health.

Has yoga helped your mental health? Certainly, in terms of accountability and consistency with selfcare and taking care of myself and showing up for myself.

Do you enjoy yoga outdoors? Yoga on the beach is one of the most magical places to practice. You’re just out in the elements. I like being in the sand. The outdoors is nice because you have nature around you. Those are much softer, more natural inspirations. Healing is around you, versus inside. ▼

Women’s FEST Celebrates


even Women’s FEST founders and long-time CAMP staff supporters were honored at this year’s FEST weekend. Lisa Soens, a co-chair of Women’s FEST 2022, said, “I felt it important to honor not only the women who first created Women’s FEST in 2000, but also the women I would see in CAMP Rehoboth’s office each time I was in there. They seemed always to be talking about what the plans were for Women’s FEST!” Soens continued, “I wanted to honor these women who are our teachers and mentors. We are following what they brought to the women’s community and creating a Women’s FEST that offers a place for everyone. We open a space where women can create, be a part of, participate in, and lead—as well as follow—others for a weekend of sports and entertainment, and making new friends and memories. We thank those who have come before us!” Presented with awards were (left to right) Nancy Hewish, Kathy Wiz, Dottie Cirelli, Fay Jacobs, Natalie Moss, and Monica Parr. Not pictured is awardee Barb Ralph. ▼

TransLiance Says “Bon Voyage!” to David Mariner


ome out to CAMP Rehoboth on Friday, May 28, at 7:00 p.m. and help TransLiance send David off on his good voyage forward. Find out where his ship is going and how you can help fill its sails. David recently posted on Facebook, “I’m looking forward to sharing my next adventure with you in the coming months! I’ve met some truly amazing people at CAMP Rehoboth and hope to stay connected. You can email me at david@davidmariner.com.” Says Kathy Carpenter Brown, TransLiance co-founder, “May 28 will not be a typical TransLiance meeting. Rather, it’ll be a celebration. If you have been touched by David Mariner, come out and wish him safe voyage. If you’re new to the community and want to know where we go from here, come say hi. We love you, David. Bon voyage!” Kathy adds, “If you are a marginalized person or group that David has helped, please join us. If you are a community member or ally who David has touched, please join us. If you want to help Create A More Positive community, come out and support

Mr. Mariner on his journey.” TransLiance is a group for those on the gender spectrum as well as friends and family of trans folk. This is a group for open discussion and information on trans care and resources. At its typical monthly meetings, all topics are on the table. Meetings are a time—and place—to bring questions and concerns. Meetings are open to all LGBTQI+ people as well as their allies, friends, and family. They’re a great time to share stories, get feedback and advice from other members, and explore gender and sexuality. Newcomers are welcome and anyone wishing to meet prior to the meeting can do so by contacting TransLiance@gmail.com. For more information about TransLiance, go to transliance.com or meetup.com/Rehoboth-TransLiance/ or follow TransLiance on Facebook. TransLiance currently has groups in Salisbury and Havre de Grace, Maryland, and in Dover and Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. The Rehoboth group meets the last Saturday of every month at CAMP Rehoboth at 7:00 p.m. ▼ MAY 6, 2022

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President’s View BY WESLEY COMBS

The Heart of the Community


lose your eyes. It is January 1, 2023. What can you imagine is possible in your life if you can fulfill a dream in the next seven months? As an executive coach, this technique is called visioning and I use it with clients who are seeking more fulfillment in their lives by focusing on what things they want to change or what they want to achieve. According to the Co-Active Training Institute, “chances of success are better when [a person or a team] concentrate on one or two key points of change.” At this pivotal time of transition at CAMP Rehoboth, I am tapping this positive approach to help shift my perspective toward focusing on the future and what is possible rather than dwelling on the past. For me, this means not trying to reinvent the wheel but instead concentrating on a few things where the greatest impact can occur by the end of 2022. While change can be disruptive, it also provides the opportunity to reimagine a solution by envisioning a goal you want to reach. The good news is, I see examples of this optimistic thinking all around me. Outgoing Executive Director David Mariner did just that when COVID forced CAMP Rehoboth to cease in-person operations. Within a week, CAMP Rehoboth pivoted to a virtual service model enabling the staff to safely maintain a connection to our members, especially those who felt isolated and alone. The board thanks David for leveraging his knowledge of technology to rethink how CAMP Rehoboth could come to the community when it was impossible to be together in-person. Take for example the Women’s FEST committee who knew—thanks to advances in science that significantly reduced the risk of infection when around others (i.e., vaccinations, boosters, and proper mask-wearing)— people were ready and willing to attend a wide-ranging series of events as in years past. I witnessed the result

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firsthand throughout the four-day extravaganza where I met and mingled with more than 1,000 women from all over the country. As Board Vice President Leslie Ledogar stood on stage in front of more than 600 women both nights at the Convention Center concerts, a wave of

CAMP Rehoboth continues to be the heart of the community—literally and figuratively. emotion swept over us. The reason boiled down to the very essence of what CAMP Rehoboth stands for: being together with your tribe, with those who support you and welcome you unconditionally is what sustains us. The camaraderie served as a reminder why CAMP Rehoboth is so important to our community. Events like Women’s FEST help the community center Create A More Positive Rehoboth. This was echoed in remarks given by keynote speaker State Sen. Marie Pinkney, Delaware’s first openly lesbian candidate to win a seat in that chamber. Sen. Pinkney told her story about the challenges she experienced being accepted at home, at work in the private sector, and as an elected official. She said CAMP Rehoboth was always a place where she could find solace and a warm embrace when the struggle to feel valued and loved because of who she is became overwhelming. Despite the challenges organizations like CAMP Rehoboth faced over the past two years, one thing remains a constant: CAMP Rehoboth continues to be the heart of the community—literally and figuratively. In the last few weeks, a constant stream of visitors is returning to 37 Baltimore Avenue just to say hi, or to view the latest art exhibit in our gallery. Coming home never felt so good.

Having said that, the board recognizes this period of transition provides a unique opportunity to proactively chart a course that ensures CAMP will be able to meet the needs of today as well as the future. COVID has fundamentally changed our community in terms of who lives here (influx of retirees and more fulltime residents) and the types of services that are not offered elsewhere in Sussex County and beyond. Which is why we announced earlier the decision to hire an Interim Executive Director with the expertise to help assess the current and emerging needs of CAMP in this rapidly changing world and the resources which are required to cost-effectively deliver the right services. In September, the Board will start a strategic planning process that includes stakeholder engagement to carry this storied 32-year-old community service organization into its next chapter. At the conclusion of this holistic process, CAMP Rehoboth will commence a search for our next Executive Director, who will have a clear roadmap on how to achieve our goals. What lessons did we learn from the pandemic? Navigating uncertainty requires adaptability, perseverance, collaboration, and most importantly a strong sense of community. None of this will be possible without your continued support—which is something we never take for granted. When the capital campaign was launched in June 2001 to build the community center you know today, cofounder Murray Archibald spoke words that ring as true now as they did then: “We need all of you to dream the dream, to build the dream, to be the creative force that will become the heart that is at the center of the CAMP Rehoboth Community Center logo and its mission.” We invite you to join us. ▼ Wesley Combs is CAMP Rehoboth Board President.

Grow Strong Without Notice. Provide Shelter. Hang Tough Through the Storms. Emerge Renewed at the First Sign of Spring. After 30 Years Our Roots are Deep. Same Bank. New Look.


MAY 6, 2022

7 Letters

CAMPNews CROP Goes to the Farm! In honor of Women’s FEST, a CROP team of 13 headed to the farm—aka, Southern Delaware Therapeutic Riding (SDTR) in Milton on Friday, April 8. SDTR was ready for them with chores that included pasture-picking, mopping, painting, power washing, and light fixture cleaning. It was an enjoyable and rewarding day, as evidenced by several on the team who worked overtime to complete chores. (Thanks to all!!) The folks at SDTR look forward to seeing CROP every year because they value CROP’s efforts a great deal. In fact, SDTR volunteer Tom Peet, head of maintenance, said, “An amazing amount of work was accomplished in just three hours. This helps our volunteers tremendously with keeping up with our workload. Thank you so much for the continued support.” SDTR is always looking for volunteers, so please contact them at (302) 6441920 if you would like a tour or more information about their program. ▼

Steve Elkins Memorial Fellowship Awarded


he Blade Foundation has announced the winner of the fourth Blade Foundation Steve Elkins Memorial Fellowship: Jack Walker, a junior at Brown University and senior editor of multimedia at the Brown Daily Herald. Walker also serves as president of Brown’s Queer Alliance. Walker, who will spend 12 weeks reporting on LGBTQ issues while being mentored by Blade editors, will cover issues of interest to Delaware’s LGBTQ community. “I am thankful and excited for the opportunity to work with the Washington Blade and the Blade Foundation through the Steve Elkins Memorial Fellowship,” Walker said. “I have so much to learn from Delaware’s queer community, and I feel very fortunate to be getting to know it better this summer.” The fellowship is named in honor of Steve Elkins, a journalist and co-founder of the CAMP Rehoboth LGBTQ community center. Elkins served as editor of Letters from CAMP Rehoboth for many years as well as executive director of the center before his death in March of 2018. The fellowship is funded by the Foundation’s annual Rehoboth Beach summer party, being held May 20 at The Pines and featuring remarks from US Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester. ▼

YouthUp’s LGBTQ History Guide


AMP Rehoboth’s YouthUp program is excited to introduce its latest project: the LGBTQ History Guide, helmed by Julian Kay Harbaugh (they/them), Youth Peer Leader. During a brief interview with Letters, Harbaugh offered some insights into the project. What precipitated the development of the LGBTQ History Guide? We live in an age of information—but not all of that information is reliable, and information about queer history is no exception. Social media, being very accessible and entertaining, is a source of a lot of the misinformation I hear being parroted by the young people I work with. When I push back against that misinformation, I frequently get asked questions similar to those I receive when I’m discussing queer history with young LGBTQ+

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people in general. Questions like, “Where do I start?” and “What sources can I trust?” This guide is the answer to those questions. What was the process in creating the guide? Two months in the making, this guide is full of sources for queer history. The non-fiction books, databases, and the podcasts are sources for the information and inspiration behind the YouthUp history podcast, The Altern. (For more about the podcast, see page 20.) With a focus on accessibility for those new to queer history and representing the diversity of perspectives and experiences in the LGBTQ+ community, the guide offers suggestions for podcasts, non-fiction books, biographies and memoirs, movies and documentaries, and websites, databases, and archives.

Who can use the guide? This guide isn’t just for young adults—each source is labeled as appropriate for one of three age ranges: Y (youth, 10+), T (teens, 13+), and YA (young adults, 17+). (Of course, older folks are welcome to use the guide, too!) For some documentaries and most databases and websites, the rating NR (no rating) is given due to the diversity of materials provided. Whether you’re interested in queer history for research, community building, or just for fun and personal edification, there’s sure to be media in there that piques your interest. And if you have suggestions for additions to a future version of this guide, feel free to email me at julian@camprehoboth.com. ▼

Located at the south end of the boardwalk in beautiful Rehoboth Beach Full custom design center and repair service on premises, most can be completed while you’re here on vacation Exclusive home of the “Rehoboth Beach Bracelet” Official Pandora Dealer Free watch batter y replacement with mention of this ad. 15% discount with mention of this ad. 313 South Boardwalk Rehoboth Beach Delaware 19971 3 0 2 - 2 2 6 -0 6 7 5

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9 Letters

CommunityNews CAMPsafe in the Community

C Training the Cadets


n one of its most important and long-running community outreach efforts, CAMP Rehoboth conducted its annual Sensitivity Training on Saturday, April 23, in partnership with the Rehoboth Beach Police Department. This program was created in the 90s and conducted for many years by the late Steve Elkins, co-founder and former Executive Director. That tradition continued this past April with nearly two dozen summer cadets attending. Representing CAMP were Board member Chris Beagle and HIV Testing & Counseling Coordinator Amber Lee. Pictured with Chris and Amber are Police Chief Keith Banks and Lieutenant Will Sullivan. ▼

AMPsafe is CAMP Rehoboth’s program that provides HIV testing and counseling and promotes sexual health and well-being. Part of that mission includes partnering with local organizations to expand our presence. Patrick Hunt, Director of community partner Square One DE, Inc., which participates in CAMPsafe’s condom distribution initiative, had this to say about the partnership: “Square One DE, Inc. is pleased to partner with CAMP Rehoboth for its outreach initiative. With three sober-living homes serving over 30 men, we are happy to do our part in educating our residents on health and wellness, HIV and STD prevention, and promoting the available resources CAMP Rehoboth offers. We are grateful to our partners in advocacy for improving the quality of life in our communities.” ▼ Photo: Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition on Unsplash

LWV Provides School Board Election Information


n May 10, five of the six school districts in Sussex County will hold elections for school board position openings. Information about these candidates—in their own words—is now available on vote411.org. This website has been created by the League of Women Voters, a non-partisan organization. VOTE411 holds a wealth of information about voting in Delaware. All the web user has to do is enter an address, and the election districts linked to that address will be identified for further exploration. Later this year, the League of Women Voters will invite state and local candidates for other public offices to provide information to this website. The deadline for party primary elections is July 12, 2022. Go directly to vote411.org or for further information go to the League of Women Voters of Sussex County website, sussexlwv.org.▼

Letters Contributor to Sign Book at Browseabout R. Kevin Mallinson, a local author and contributing writer to Letters, will be signing his book, Alarm in the Firehouse: A Memoir of America's First Openly Gay Professional Firefighter, at Browseabout Books in Rehoboth Beach on Saturday, May 28 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. ▼


For information on how to become a CAMP Rehoboth Annual Sponsor, email development@camprehoboth.com or call 302-227-5620. Letters 10

MAY 6, 2022


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Letters 7.5 x 10

MAY 6, 2022

11 Letters

Women’s FEST Rocked


What a Weekend!


s CAMP Rehoboth Board President Wesley Combs and Vice President Leslie Ledogar took the stage the first night of Women’s FEST, hundreds of audience members cheered. “CAMP Rehoboth is at the heart of our community,” proclaimed Ledogar. Event co-chair Teri Seaton called the atmosphere “electrifying.” “The appreciation over having the event back was felt by all,” she says. “The countless people who approached me with gratitude was amazing. It was a huge win for CAMP and our community.” Fellow co-chair Lisa Soens added, “Women’s FEST was so proud to bring Wes and Leslie to the stage, as their dedication represents what CAMP Rehoboth brings to the community.” Though the pandemic forced cancellation of the event in 2020, FEST roared back to life in 2022, led by co-chairs Lisa Soens, Teri Seaton, and Hope Vella, who were joined by a committee of 20 people, as well as countless other volunteers. They managed an event that included an expo, speakers, singles mixer, silent and live auctions, sporting events and games, comedy acts, dances, concerts featuring nationally and regionally renowned entertainers, and the Broadwalk on the Boardwalk, which raised funds for the Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition. “The 2022 Women’s FEST Committee and the CAMP Board did an awesome job bringing the FEST back to life after the pandemic interruption, staff changes, and a new committee learning curve,” said Fay Jacobs. “Women’s FEST is one of the jewels in CAMP Rehoboth’s crown,” said Wesley Combs, “and none of this would have been possible without support from an amazing committee, volunteers, staff, board, and sponsors. After two years of isolation and social distancing, seeing more than 1,000 women from all around the country attend the various events warmed my heart. Thank you to everyone in our community who made the weekend a huge success.” The FEST started on Thursday, April

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7, with the Georgette Krenkle Wecome Dance, funded by and in honor of the late FEST donor. The event provided an opportunity to meet, greet, and dance to the music of DJ Jamie Fox. There was a singles lounge and a free photo booth by Fortier Photography. Music fans had many choices. Friday night, superstar Chely Wright, a country music singer and LGBTQ activist, and opener and Delaware native Christine Havrilla played for a capacity crowd. Returning to FEST by popular demand, singer/songwriter Regina Sayles also found an enthusiastic audience each time she played. “I love recording in the studio,” said Sayles, “but anyone who sees me live knows that’s where I feel most at home.” Sug Daniels, a Delaware native who enjoyed Rehoboth Beach as a youth, was “thrilled and honored” to be included in “an amazing event with such incredibly talented women.” The comedy acts were also hugely popular. “Saturday night at the convention center, comics Lisa Koch and Vickie Shaw were on fire!” said Fay Jacobs. “The audience of 800 needed to laugh and the Funny Girlz obliged.” On Saturday, the FEST Expo drew crowds of shoppers who perused vendor stands that offered tantalizing art, jewel-

ry, personal care items, tasty treats, and more. An adjoining room showcased auction items, including the coveted guitar signed by Melissa Etheridge, which was in the live auction. In addition, Olivia Travel, longtime supporter of CAMP Rehoboth, donated two luxury cruises from Greece to Israel for a raffle that was held during FEST. Hope Vella made sure that no one who wanted to attend this year’s FEST missed out. Her dedicated team worked with attendees who had accessibility needs to ensure they could take part in the events that interested them. Co-chair Lisa Soens finds it difficult to put into words how it felt to experience Women’s FEST 2022. After months of work, Soens watched as women started to roll into CAMP Rehoboth and the convention center to pick up their FEST passes. “To see their faces—when you realize it is all about to unfold…,” she recalls. And unfold it did! “When women gather at the beach for a weekend to celebrate each other, we go home with treasured memories. I can’t wait for 2023!” ▼ Nancy (Day) Sakaduski is an award-winning writer and editor who owns Cat & Mouse Press in Lewes, Delaware.



Olivia Cruise


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Christine Bowers Chris’s Dances LLC Wes Combs & Greg Albright Nancy Kennedy & Tora Washington Darlene Latta Time To Heal Diane Scobey & Jen Rubenstein Teri Seaton Barbara Snyder & Susan Kutliroff Lana Warfield - Berkshire Hathaway Gallo Realty, Legacy Sponsor


Dawn Dupree & Janey Montgomery Dupree Marilyn Hewitt & Leslie Ledogar Kim Johnson Photography Gwen Osborne & Katie Handy - Severna Park Racquetball Dawnel White & Pam Brown Bea Vuocolo

Nancy- Cat & Mouse Press Atom Irwin & Susan Walls Margie Moore & Sherre Mixell Downton Valley Guest House Buffalo Bucks Coffee Fresh Market Sue Fortier Photography Beth Toney Furniture & More Gone Coastal Yona Zucker & Renata Price Sandra Opel & Linda Freese Sue Brooker Geri DiBiase


Brandywine Valley SPCA Diageo Olivia Sea Bova Associates The Lodge

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Kim Smitas Laura Jednorski Leslie Hellstern Leslie Ledogar Leslie Sinclair Linda Fenton Linda Rikard Lisa Rabigi Lisa Soens Liz Aranza Loretta Ross Lynn Sheridan Marce McCollum-Martin Marianne Sheridan Mark Eubanks Mary Jo Tarallo Mary O’Connor Mary Rossettini Mary Spencer Maryann Martinelli Michelle Manfredi Mike DeFlavia Nan Martino-Rickman Nancy Commisso Nancy Hewish Nancy Wester Nicole Cucinotta Page Denise Pat Catanzariti Pat Nickols Patricia Stiles Patty Di Modugno Peg Wilfong Peggy Hughes Rein Vincent Renee Ejdaharian Rina Pellegrini Robertine Cale Ruthann Winterhalter Sandra Oropel Sharon Marquart Sharon Morgan Shay Almond Spencer Mac Stormy Baver Tamia Gisele Mykles Teresa C. Cason Teresa Madonna Teri Seaton Tony Sowers

Wes Combs

37 Baltimore Avenue, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 302-227-5620 | camprehoboth.com

MAY 6, 2022

13 Letters



CAMPing It Up at the Follies


f you arrived in the area after the Summer of 2008, you may have heard some folks talk wistfully about the CAMP Rehoboth Follies. Once upon a time, specifically on one long, fun, often alcohol-saturated night each July, from 2002 through 2008, CAMP Rehoboth presented its big, brassy Follies show as a fundraiser. True to our LGBTQ community’s love of campiness, musical theatre, drag, and competition, it was an amateur variety show of skits and songs. And every year it rocked the Convention Center with standing-room-only crowds as diverse as our community. Nobody wanted to miss the Follies. It was a great big, unpredictable, sometimes naughty, fabulous let’s-put-ona-show extravaganza, with jittery performers trying their best as cheering audiences provided the ovations. I don’t know what was more fun, the groups who got it fabulously right or the ones who tried so hard you wanted to hug them. There were always great performers, dropped cues, dropped wigs, and a heck of a lot going on. The original idea for the Follies came from the 1980s and 90s. Those were the years, before rental fees skyrocketed, when groups of men (and some women) rented shared houses in Rehoboth. These houses, filled with weekending gays and lesbians, took great pride in their families of choice. They held backyard parties featuring drag shows, skits, and fun. When folks wanted to raise money for AIDS charities, the group houses held massive backyard parties, with the families competing against each other with outrageous skits and music. In 2002, CAMP Rehoboth brought the idea back, producing a Follies at the convention center to raise money for the new community center. CAMP co-founder and president Murray Archibald was production manager. The teams, from the remaining group houses, or a crew of friends signing up to enter, were named for their addresses, like 212 Laurel or 7 Hickman or merely The Delmarva Divas, Letters 14

MAY 6, 2022

Bayard Street Boys or Gangs of Rehoboth—and the first all-woman team, the Power Surges. And the spirit of the house parties came out of the backyards and into the convention center—with the old traditions living on, and the Follies as a way to honor those long-ago skit participants,

In another living room rehearsal, as team Charlies Angels all raised their love flags the ceiling fan chopped the tops off. many of whom were no longer with us. The Follies grew to include almost 200 performers and technical staff in the annual effort. The groups generally had just a few rehearsals and the stories are legendary. Rehearsing in condo living rooms, one chorus stepped left and all you heard were noses hitting the sliding glass doors. In another living room rehearsal, as team Charlies Angels all raised their love flags the ceiling fan chopped the tops off. The lesbian team rehearsed “Nothing Like a Dame,” and one year, three of the teams all rehearsed the same gay Broadway anthem, “I Am What I Am” for the show. That’s show biz indeed. The judges were local celebrity entertainers, legendary bartenders, and even

city commissioners. They judged on content, creativity, and execution. There were, to borrow a phrase from Ethel Merman, the costumes, the scenery, the make-up, the props…and a lot of wigs. For first, second, and third place winners, the teams were awarded Barbie Doll Trophies, spray painted bronze, silver, and gold. The Emmy and Oscar would have been jealous. As the years went on, the show added a celebrity emcee—the remarkable female impersonator Christopher Peterson—and the production values got more extensive. Think: mega professional sound and lights, and all manner of added details. Early in the game the production staff—producers, techies, stage managers, and directors (I was one), started to refer to the Follies as ‘the F word’ for its complexity, long rehearsals, and small headaches. But we always said the F word actually stood for “fabulous fun with friends who are family.” And we meant it. From the skit “Oklahomo” and the Delmarva Divas singing for equal rights, to the men in women’s bathing suits with skirts and flowered bathing caps, there was no limit on creativity. Performing “Some Day We’ll Be Together” as a plea for marriage equality was moving and timely. Of course, it might actually have made Diana Ross cry. And not in a good way. But it was wonderful. And all the weekday accountants, lawyers, engineers, and retailers loved being on stage. There were more hams than in Smithfield. It was a blast. As for the 2009 demise of Follies— who knows what happened…. Maybe it was just easier and more lucrative to hire a big celebrity to entertain for a fundraiser, or maybe the production team was worn out, or moved on or…well, I have no idea. But it’s left a big void in campiness around here. Hey, anybody interested in a Follies revival? It’s possible, you know…. ▼

MAY 6, 2022

15 Letters

CAMP Theatre


Another Opening, Another Show


his issue, focused on the outdoors, is the perfect place to unveil the most daring aspect of the upcoming CAMP Rehoboth theatrical production in June: it will be performed outside in the CAMP Rehoboth Courtyard! The production, which will comprise two one-act comedies by Pittsburgh playwright F.J. Hartland, kicks off CAMP Rehoboth Theatre Company’s sixth season. Show dates for the two one-acts, Auto Erotic Misadventure and Ponce de Leon is Dead, are June 23, 24, and 25. Directed by Russell Stiles, the show will make special use of the courtyard (weather-permitting) between 37 and 39 Baltimore Avenue in what is sure to be one of CAMP’s most innovative productions yet. (If the weather fails to cooperate, performances will be held in the Elkins-Archibald Atrium.) Pushing the envelope like this and bringing unique perspectives forward help set CAMP Rehoboth Theatre Company apart from other local performing arts. “Our purpose, keeping in line with the CAMP Rehoboth mission statement, is promoting artistic expressions, creative thinking, giving aid to artists, and emphasizing the works of the LGBTQ community,” said Stiles. The season’s upcoming productions—Five Lesbians Eating a Quiche (September) and Burgerz (February 2023)—also center LGBTQ voices and stories. Stiles notes that this season’s shows are the most diverse ever performed by the company, in terms of subject matter, genre, and the issues facing the entire LGBTQ community. The June one-acts will run for 30-35 minutes each, with an intermission in between. The first one-act, Auto Erotic Misadventure, follows three roommates that confront the confusion of living together: Cliff is into macrame, Brandon is a DC call boy, and Norma just wants to be held. Drama and hilarity ensue. The second, Ponce de Leon is Dead, follows another entwined trio. Giselle is a rich Florida widow looking Letters 16

MAY 6, 2022

for companionship. JD is a poor male stripper. Vaughn, Giselle’s hard-working CEO son, is trying to protect the family fortune. The comic pursuit of love is never ending. Moving outdoors isn’t the only new aspect of the upcoming show. For the first time, shows will be signed by a

“You might have a plane flying overhead or you might have the next-door neighbor’s dog barking during a very serious scene.” local ASL interpreter, making these performances fully accessible to community members who are deaf or hard of hearing. Stiles notes that bringing theatre outside does present challenges. “You might have a plane flying overhead or you might have the next-door neighbor’s dog barking during a very serious scene. You never know—the mosquitoes might show up! But I think if we drink enough wine and enter into it with good spirit and good cheer, we’ll be fine.” There are just a few logistical challenges, too. After all, the courtyard typically provides seating for Lori’s Café. So, after the café closes on each performance date, the theater company will be pushing tables away and setting the performance area: a rolling stage with a backdrop, 75 chairs, and a screen divider that will block off the sidewalk. Plus, a little bar area will be set up to provide beverages. The timing is great: how better to celebrate the arrival of summer than to provide comedy for the last week of Pride month? “We really need it. I’m glad we’re doing something for our community, the CAMP family,” said Stiles.

The history of CAMP Rehoboth theatre has always brought a sense of camaraderie and familial bonds. Before the current iteration of the theatre program, performing arts enjoyed a storied history at CAMP Rehoboth. And before that, there were the CAMP Follies, as Fay Jacobs recounts on page 14. Stiles, under the influence of his late friend, Bob Hoffer, started directing shows for CAMP Rehoboth beginning with 2017’s Stop Kiss by Diana Son. “We support all the other community theaters. I volunteer and direct at some of the local theaters, but I really feel at home here at CAMP Rehoboth. It’s been a perfect match,” said Stiles. “Also, we’re able to bring in people who don’t have a lot of theater experience, maybe for their first show. That’s been a real joy as well.” One such example is Gwen Osborne, who recently played the lead role, Sugar, in November 2021’s production, Tiny Beautiful Things. Osborne will play the role of Giselle in Ponce de Leon is Dead. For Osborne, performing at CAMP Rehoboth is a thrill. “I’m excited to get out of my comfort zone and do something that is benefiting the people who are in the audience,” said Osborne. Moreover, the connection with audiences excites Osborne. “I love to make them laugh or cry or think about different situations. It’s so rewarding to have that live audience, and it’ll be really exciting to bring that connection outside for the first time.” Tickets to the June shows are $20 and support CAMP Rehoboth’s mission. To purchase tickets or for more information, please visit camprehoboth. com. ▼ Matty Brown is the Operations Administrator at CAMP Rehoboth and Editorial Associate for Letters.


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MAY 6, 2022

17 Letters

Guest House Chronicles


A Walk Through Paradise


n 1979, Herbert Koeber opened Rehoboth Beach’s very first openly gay-owned and operated gay business for gay men. The Paradise Guest House (PGH) wasn’t anything particularly special from the outside. It was apparently so unremarkable most would walk or drive right past it and never even notice it was there. In fact, just a couple decades later and almost the whole town has forgotten it even existed. However, what happened inside the property located on 40 Maryland Avenue was anything but ordinary. To truly understand the gay paradise our friend Herbert created, we need to get inside and do a walk-through…. As you walked up the front step to the porch, you would walk past Herbert’s favorite blue hydrangeas. (The accompanying photo is the only one found of the blue lacecap hydrangeas, two of which still remain on the property today.) The porch was where many first met Herbert, tending his garden or having a smoke as he sat in a large wooden rocker. He would greet visitors in his thick German accent, followed by a warm smile and firm handshake. Once inside, you entered a large room with walls made of thousands of tiny glass mirror shards pressed into white plaster, seeming to replicate a disco-ball. The room was surrounded by five rooms with doors made of curtains and was filled with lounging furniture. There were dirty magazines easily available and a small TV with a VCR. Next to it, a wide selection of 70s-style gay porn. This was where men would often meet, have drinks, and socialize. At this time (pre-HIV/AIDs pandemic), for many men this was a once-in-a-lifetime type of experience, and I ask readers to understand: there wasn’t much time for courting. The first-floor hall had more rooms down both sides; these rooms had doors. There was a small bathroom at the end of the hall, and a social room with a single payphone. Men would socialize, smoke, or have a drink while they waited for their Letters 18

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turn to use the only phone available in the house. With sometimes more than 100 men in the house and only one phone to share—these days, this scenario is unimaginable! The first floor also held a room with a big secret. Opening a trapdoor in the floor would reveal a ladder that led down into a hidden room. The hidden room had

In short, the third floor could best be described as a big pile of debauchery. candles, smelled of incense and weed, had black velvet art on the walls, and thick orange shag carpeting. In the middle of the room, hanging from the ceiling, was a sex swing made of flowy fabric and styled to match the room and times. Next to the swing was a huge chest that held a variety of naughty toys. The backyard was small, but had a porch, an outdoor shower, and a small patch of grass where often a couple tents would be pitched. Rickety stairs led up to

a very large second floor open deck area. It had a small workout area, but also had a stage area for performances, games, and shows. The second floor was entirely clothing optional and offered a dozen tiny rooms, only a few of which had doors. The rooms with windows facing the deck were highly desirable. They provided great viewing of the fun happening on either side of the glass. If you liked who was watching, or spotted someone cruising you liked, the windows provided an easy access point for a welcome visitor. The third floor was really just the attic, very large in floor space, but too low to stand in most places. Herbert put a divider down the middle, an air conditioner in a small window, and mattresses everywhere. In one corner was a strange small room only big enough for the twin mattress on the floor. In short, the third floor could best be described as a big pile of debauchery. Visitors to the PGH were not sexcrazed addicts with a mental problem. And the PGH certainly was not a brothel or sex club. This was a place of freedom and sanctuary, designed to allow these men to have a moment to truly be themselves, to meet other people like them, to make friends, and to feel even just for one tiny moment...normal and at peace. And in 1979, Herbert wasn’t aware of HIV/AIDs and the impact it was about to have on the gay community. Upcoming: some really incredible stories I learned about Herbert; readers will really start to understand why the Paradise Guest House was so special and should be considered an important part of Rehoboth’s history. Also still coming up in our story: the horror of the HIV/AIDs pandemic and its direct devastation in Rehoboth. ▼ Tom Kelch is the innkeeper and property manager of the Rehoboth Guest House.

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MAY 6, 2022

19 Letters

LGBTQ+ YA Column


The Altern Podcast


he Altern is an LGBTQ history podcast by LGBTQ young adults and for LGBTQ youth and young adults (and everyone else who wants to listen!). Our podcast has quick, under-10-minute history episodes called This Month in Queer History (TMQH), and longer-form discussions of those history episodes. Our goal is to make LGBTQ history more accessible for youth/young adults who have never taken a queer history course and might be starting with no Information, or even misinformation. That being said, we weren’t always a history podcast. This is the story of how we got here, and what we have to look forward to in the future. The idea for the podcast was born during a conversation about youth engagement in January 2021 among Barbara Antlitz (then Youth Program Leader at CAMP), Wesley Ingram of NAMI Delaware, Brent Wedman of Journey Wellness, and me. A couple ideas were thrown out—doing a zine with youth artwork, starting an Instagram page—but it was Wes who had the idea to start a podcast. Our original idea was a talk podcast: we would bring on youth and talk about relevant topics like school, coming out,

and GSAs. Alongside our talk episodes, I suggested we have mini episodes that were history focused, called This Month in Queer History (TMQH). Sandwiched in between each normal episode, these episodes would be a way to introduce some more obscure and interesting pieces of LGBTQ+ history. I suggested the name, The Altern, as a play on the words “alternative” and “subaltern.” Wes, Brent, and I would co-host. So, we started an Instagram page (@ thealternde), and by July we had our first episode out. Our early episodes included coming out, school experiences, queer language, and body image. We released regular episodes until October, when scheduling became an issue for us. Unfortunately, scheduling remained an issue for Brent, so when we regrouped and discussed the future of the podcast, we agreed that it would continue with just Wesley and me. Down a co-host, we decided to rethink the concept of the podcast. We liked the history episodes, so we concluded that we would continue with the smaller episodes for TMQH, and do longer episodes in the form of discussions of the TMQH episodes. We started releasing episodes

again in February of this year, and we’re working toward getting a regular schedule going. For now, we’re releasing episodes once every two weeks. Which brings me to the more exciting news: we’re bringing guests on to our episodes! Our episodes for the end of April and beginning of May are with Dr. Scout of the National LGBT Cancer Network, and are about the 1993 March on Washington, the largest ever queer march on the Capital. Scout was a co-chair of the march, and we discussed the exhilaration of being a part of something so groundbreaking. We had an awesome conversation, and we’re really excited to share it with you all! To keep up-to-date on new episodes, you can follow us on Instagram @ thealternde, and listen to the podcast on Google Podcasts, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and other podcast platforms.▼ Julian Harbaugh (they/them) is the Youth Peer Leader at CAMP Rehoboth. When they’re not writing, they can be found teaching their four rats new tricks, walking their dog, and roaming garage sales looking for antique philosophy books.

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Letters 20

MAY 6, 2022



Congratulations to LISA DeSTEFANO, winner of Olivia's Women's FEST Raffle, and LISA LEKAWA, winner of Olivia's 2-for-1 Trip Donation for 2022 Greece, Cyprus & Israel Luxury Cruise! OLIVIA IS A PROUD PREMIER SPONSOR OF CAMP REHOBOTH

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21 Letters

The Writing Life


Page-by-Page Adventurer The firebomb incinerated the body beyond recognition. Such a brutal murder would be a headline story in Paris any other day. But today, the whole world watched a different fire, one of historic magnitude….


hus begins The Firestarters, by local author Jackson Coppley. The story: Nicholas Foxe uncovers a guild of pyromaniacs that traces its roots to ancient Rome. Were these modern-day fire starters responsible for the fire at Notre Dame? Were they responsible for a firebombing at The London Eye? Do they now have targets in the United States? Nick finds an important clue deep in the ruins of Nero’s buried palace and realizes the firestarters’ work has just begun. That certainly makes me want to read it! So, who is Jackson Coppley? At a nice little breakfast nook the other day, Jackson pondered the question. “Who the hell am I?” he said, repeating my question (well, sort of). Jackson is a writer of stories; he became one when he didn’t need money anymore, echoing the story of many writers before and after him. Jackson was born in North Carolina, and found himself studying physics at North Carolina State University. After graduation, he moved to DC and began working at his career-long jobs at major companies such as Bell and IBM. He started out as a technical writer and somewhere along the line, began writing short stories. The seeds of a novelist were planted. Three of his novels involve the adventurer Nicholas Foxe. How did Jackson conjure him up? Well, there’s certainly a touch of Indiana Jones in him, but his main influence came from Mission Impossible. Not the Tom Cruise one that you young‘uns know, but the Peter Graves one that Jackson and I know from the 1960s. That Jim Phelps orchestrated the adventures we saw each week. Like that venerable old show, the Nicholas Foxe stories are edge-of-your-seat thrillers. Letters 22

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Hence the inimitable Nicholas Foxe. Jackson briefly moved from his Nicholas Foxe stories to examine the haunting character of Lisa Chamberlain in Leaving Lisa. In it, he asks, “What if a device could capture everything imaginable about one person, that person dies, and you could ask it anything…especially the questions

Jackson’s novels provide a glimpse of the past while pointing to the future. you neglected to ask when alive?” Jason Chamberlain’s wife, Lisa, dies and the machine, in her voice, sends him on a journey around the world to spread her ashes. Unlike the Nicholas Foxe character, which was inspired by a person on a television show, Lisa came from an idea cultivated from his years of technical background and an interest in artificial intelligence. Jackson’s novels provide a glimpse of the past while pointing to the future. He sees evolution not as a straight line but as a moving picture, from 10,000 years ago to the internet of today. That picture has many twists and turns, and we can’t ever be sure where those adventures took us and where they will move us today and tomorrow. His stories examine the trip from past to present with a taste of the many possibilities that trip avails us. As a world traveler, Jackson has devel-

oped an interest in and an understanding of cultural differences and nuances, which play an important role in his stories. So how did this world traveler move from an urban landscape to slow, peaceful Rehoboth? While he was dating his future wife and business partner, Ellen, they shared a group house here. Like so many of us émigrés, they loved the town and moved here in 2010. They attend events at CAMP Rehoboth, especially art showings, and share in the town’s many wonders. Being a novelist can be both rewarding and daunting. Of course, Jackson loves a good review, and he also likes talking to readers who say, “I stayed up all night reading your book!” Then there’s the other side of it. There is an explosion of new books, 7,000,000 out there. Only one in four of us reads books, but that translates to 80,000,000 folks out there reading. And no matter how good you are, or how well-reviewed you are, there is a constant competition for readers. That’s one of the reasons the fabulous Browseabout Books means so much to him. They carry all of his books, and celebrate his local connection. It’s another of the town’s many wonders. So, who is Jackson Coppley? In his words: I believe in the inspiration of imagination. I believe in the magic of what-if. I believe in the power of a story. There are so many ideas that entertain and amaze. I want to capture them and share with you. And that certainly makes me want to read his stories! ▼ You can find Jackson Coppley’s novels at Browseabout Books in downtown Rehoboth, at Jackson and Ellen’s publishing house, Contour Press, and on Amazon. Michael Gilles is a playwright, actor, and director from Milton, and a regular contributor to Letters from CAMP Rehoboth.

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MAY 6, 2022

23 Letters

CAMP Stories


Dipping My Toe in the Yoga Pond


t all started one morning on the green grass beside the parking lot of a Royal Farms store on Route 404 in Maryland. The pain in my lower back had become so unbearable that I had no choice but to pull over and stretch out for a while in the lawn where people walk their dogs. It wasn’t very dignified. Several people gave me odd looks as I lay there flat on my back in the sunshine, but no one said a word to me until the store manager warily approached and asked if I needed an ambulance. “No,” I replied, “but if you know where I might score some Oxy or a few Vikes, I’d be most grateful.” The store manager didn’t laugh. In fact, she frowned at my attempt at humor and walked away briskly. Suddenly concerned she might call the cops, I dragged myself into my car, downed four Aleve® caplets, and continued my drive to DC for my appointment with Dr. Feelgood, a handsome blonde pain doctor with a penchant for Hermès ties and spinal cortisone shots. Long story short: the shot to relieve the sciatica pain worked. I realized, however, that I needed to strengthen my back and improve my flexibility, or it would surely return. And that is how yours truly decided to give yoga a go. You wouldn’t know it today, but the ancient practice of yoga was slow to catch on in this country. The first yoga studio is believed to have opened in Hollywood in the 1950s. The 1960s, however, were when yoga really started to take off. A practitioner named Richard Hittleman wrote books on the subject and brought it to public television. The Beatles spent time in India and helped popularize yoga and transcendental meditation. The hippies and New Agers also took it up. According to industry trends, the global yoga market size is forecast to reach $66.2 billion by 2027. I waited until my winter sojourn in Key West to dip my toe in the yoga pool. I needed time to do my research on the many types of yoga, including hatha, vinyasa, ashtanga, and even something called “hot yoga.” Each one seems to have specialized derivations. I chose “gentle yoga” at Shakti Yoga. It’s geared to all levels and promised deep stretching. Plus, the place had a health food café and boutique selling

Will I ever attempt a Scorpion Pose or a One-Legged Crow Pose? Probably not.

Letters 24 MAY 6, 2022

smoothies, kombucha, candles, bells, and scented unguents and oils, among other things. I wanted full woo-woo. At my first session I was a fish out of water starting with the fact that I was the only male in the class and the only person who could not touch my toes with legs straight. Even the octogenarian who came in brandishing a cane could do that. Thankfully, I had placed my mat in the back of the room where I could struggle with my lack of flexibility away from the pitying eyes of the more limber. I was also dressed inappropriately. My bright white Starboard “drinks well with others” t-shirt, for example, stood out like a sore thumb among the subdued color pallet of blacks, grays, teals, and buddha golds. And going commando in a pair of 7-inch inseam camo shorts wasn’t a wise choice when stretching out the inner thigh and groin.… It took several sessions before I felt acclimated and able to focus on the yoga asanas (poses) and pranayama (breathing techniques). I didn’t feel so self-conscious with my lack of flexibility nor with chanting the OM at the beginning and end of each session. The vibrations created from chanting, I learned, create an energy that connects body and mind and stimulates various chakras in the body. After a few weeks, my body felt freer and loose. More importantly, it no longer took 60 minutes to get moving in the morning. I was so with the flow that I purchased a jar of blue sea moss gel. The woo-woos at the yoga studio suggested mixing it with one’s morning coffee. I even bought a silver chain with a peace sign medallion. Okay, perhaps that was inspired more by the hot, shirtless surfer artist sporting a man bun and low-slung Vuori shorts than by the yoga per se, but who cares? Will I ever attempt a Scorpion Pose or a OneLegged Crow Pose? Probably not. Seriously, look them up. Honestly, I’d be happy if I can master a Half Standing Fold. But I think as one—ahem— ages, it’s important to stay active. So, I plan to continue with yoga in Rehoboth this summer. For should I ever find myself again on the green grass at a Royal Farms store, at least I’ll be able to extend into a Downward-facing Dog Pose with all the other canines. ▼ Rich Barnett is the author of The Discreet Charms of a Bourgeois Beach Town, and Fun with Dick and James.

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MAY 6, 2022

25 Letters

The reviews are in!

“My husband and I were very pleased with your clear and informative webinar.” ~Robert M. “Thank you for the information session. It was well presented and I learned a lot.” ~S.N.

There’s No Place Like Home For over 22 years, Springpoint Choice has enabled others like you to safely and comfortably remain in their home and age in place. This membership-based program is for healthy, active adults, ages 55 and older, who want to plan for their future. With Springpoint Choice, you can: • Plan for long-term care so you can remain in your own home as long as possible • Avoid being a burden to your loved ones regarding your long-term care needs • Access quality long-term care and advocacy, if ever needed • Preserve and protect your financial assets

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All monies raised go directly to Immanuel located in Rehoboth Beach, Sussex County, DE.

MAY 6, 2022

27 Letters



Needles and Travel and Triggers—Oh, My!


ince the start of the COVID pandemic to last Christmas, I hadn’t traveled at all. In fact, I found I was the happiest in my house— never leaving even to live, work, or play. But recently, I’ve been traveling farther and farther away from my “safe zone.” My commute to the office, which has partially resumed, is an hour oneway. This past Christmas, I went on a week and a half vacation with my family to Florida which included Disney and Clearwater Beach. As I write this, I’m sitting in Phoenix, Arizona. One might think that I missed travel, given that chronicle of the past couple months, and potential plans to go to Maine this summer and Disney again next winter. But the opposite is true. I really dislike the process of traveling. So why do it? Well, besides liking the destinations (sometimes), I find it’s important to push myself outside of my comfort zone. If there are compelling enough reasons, I’m all too happy to shrink my world into about 2,000 square feet. My early twenties were particularly hard for me, and I found myself dealing with a number of triggers. At about 26, I decided I needed help managing stress and triggers. I found a professional to help me understand my anxiety and help me manage it. Technically, I have generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). I also have experienced episodes of panic, but it’s been years since I experienced a panic attack. In the past decade and a half, I’ve learned a lot. My therapist has taught me how to reframe situations, manage difficult emotions such as frustration and anger; I’ve even experienced self-paced exposure therapy. Now I’m in my forties and much better equipped to deal with triggers—but I still have to deal with them. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in America, with approximately 18 percent of the adult population affected each year. Notably, women are more likely to be diagnosed with

Letters 28 MAY 6, 2022

an anxiety disorder than men. Anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety, panic disorders, social anxiety disorder, and specific phobias. It is also common for those with an anxiety disorder to also be diagnosed with depression. Risk factors for anxiety include trauma, stress, other mental health disorders,

... anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in America, with approximately 18 percent of the adult population affected each year. and having a close family member with a mental health condition. Often, depression is diagnosed at the same time as anxiety. According to the National Institute of Mental Health in 2020, 8.4 percent of US adults had a major depressive episode in the past year. The incidence of depressive episodes was highest among adults aged 18-25 (17 percent) and lowest among adults aged 50 and older (5 percent). Like anxiety, incidence of a major depressive episode was higher among women compared to men (10.5 percent vs. 6.2 percent). These trends are consistent with the Delaware Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (DE BRFS).

According to the DE BRFS, 15.6 percent of Delaware adults reported ever being told they had any form of depression. As with national trends, women had a higher prevalence compared to men. Most national surveys either do not capture data regarding sexual orientation and gender identity or, if they do, the sample is too small to report out findings. However, the National Alliance for Mental Illness reports that lesbian, bisexual, and gay individuals are twice as likely as their heterosexual counterparts to report a mental health condition. Transgender individuals are four times as likely to report having a mental health condition compared to cisgender individuals. The good news is that there are many resources available to help manage different mental health conditions. There are a variety of different professionals including licensed social workers, psychologists, and psychiatrists. Different therapies can help someone manage their symptoms and triggers. If you are looking for a professional, it’s important to interview them. It’s okay to ask hard questions and to find out their therapy philosophy. It’s a relationship—and for therapy to be successful, the relationship has to be built on shared values and goals. For me, I found that exposure therapy was very effective in overcoming my fear of needles (trypanophobia). I no longer faint at the prospect of a blood draw. For my generalized anxiety, I’ve worked with a psychologist to identify triggers, reframe stressful situations, and better cope with daily stress. This process has given me a sense of empowerment and control over my life. There’s still work to be done. This is a lifelong journey, and I’m a better person for tackling the challenge. ▼ Stephanie Belinske is an epidemiologist and a public health doctoral student at Johns Hopkins University. Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Classes & Events For more information about any of these events, please visit camprehoboth.com or call us at 302-227-5620. Zoom links (when applicable) can be found on our website or in the weekly e-mail newsletter. Unless indicated otherwise, in-person meetings take place at CAMP Rehoboth. Weekly Events

Bi-weekly & Monthly Events



Free rapid HIV testing at CAMP Rehoboth. Get your results in 15 minutes. No appointment needed during this time. To schedule an appointment for another day or time please contact amber@ camprehoboth.com.

Women in Circle is a gathering of LGBTQ women. The circle is a welcoming, inclusive, and positive place to meet, connect, and share with other women. Each week a different topic opens the circle for women to discuss, learn from, and support each other. This group meets on the first and third Saturdays of each month.

Mondays 12:00-4:00 p.m.

MORNING MINDFULNESS Tuesdays 8:00 a.m. (Zoom)

Start your Tuesdays off with CAMP Rehoboth! Erin will lead a mindful exercise or morning meditation for 30 minutes.

May 7/May 21, 10:00 a.m. (In-person)

connected community. This group typically meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays each month. For more information, contact William Dye at william.z.dye@gmail.com. YOUTHUP MONTHLY SOCIAL May 13, 6:30 p.m. (in-person)

Join us for the YouthUp Monthly Social taking place Friday, May 13, 6:30-8:30 p.m. This event is designed specifically for 10- to 19-year-old LGBTQ+ youth. Email amber@camprehoboth.com for location. YOUTHUP MONTHLY OUTING May 21, 12:00 p.m. (in-person)

In this class Erin guides you to synchronize conscious breath with mindful movement. The sequence of poses is designed to energize and strengthen, as well as relax and lengthen muscles.

Join us for a fun outing! Currently we are bowling! We meet the third Saturday of the month, 12:00-2:00 p.m. This event is designed specifically for 10- to 19-year-old LGBTQ+ youth. Contact amber@camprehoboth.com for more information.




Tuesdays 9:00 a.m. (Zoom)

Saturdays 8:45 a.m. (in-person)

Join us for our weekly yoga class. All levels are welcome, and everyone will be given the opportunity to modify or advance their practice, based upon their preferences.


May 9, 6:30 p.m. (in-person)

Flaming Knitters provides a thoughtful and engaging space for working, conversing, connecting, showing off, sharing resources, and supporting fiber-related crafts/projects in a queerand trans-affirming space. MEN’S DISCUSSION GROUP

May 11/May 25, 7:00 p.m. (in-person)

The Men’s Discussion Group is a safe and nurturing space for GBTQ men to start conversations important to our community. We celebrate who we are, promote respect and understanding, and we accept each other’s differences with the intention of building a more

May 23, 5:30 p.m. (Zoom)

The CAMP Rehoboth Book Club is a queer-facilitated discussion group dedicated to reading novels about queer topics and/or books by queer authors that tackle a variety of interests and subject matters.▼ COFFEE TALK

May 28, 10:00 a.m. (in-person), Pavilion at Five Points, across from Arena’s Cafe

Coffee Talk is a place where the LGBTQ community can come together in a positive, non-judgmental atmosphere to share our thoughts and perspectives on a topic and dare to think outside the box.▼

MAY 6, 2022

29 Letters

Straight Talk


The Outrageous and the Unrighteous


id your Sunday evenings include the television show Walt Disney’s Wonderful World of Color? There would be a terrific movie hosted by the man himself, and later by the Walt Disney Company. At each commercial break, the Disney castle would be lit up, Tinker Bell would fly out, circle around, and touch the screen with her magic wand, turning everything into bright colors of the rainbow. Do you remember those classic Super Bowl games, where the scoring went back and forth between teams, then one quarterback threw a touchdown pass in the closing minute to win? He came off the field, and the first words he spoke were: “I’m going to Disneyworld!” Disneyland in California and Walt Disney World in Florida have given the world a lot of inspiration, excitement, and time to stew while in line for the next ride. Of course, Disney—the company—has always been a commercial enterprise. Ever since Walter Disney drew his original Mickey Mouse in 1928, the business of animation and cartoons has had its place in American society. Unjustly accused of anti-Semitism and racism in the mid-20th century, Mr. Disney has long established a personal legacy of tolerance and inclusion. After his death in 1966, he was described as a man whose films are “considered valuable in American Christian society,” and “include individualism, decency... love for our fellow man, fair play and toleration.” It is no surprise, then, that in the 21st century this reputation continues to exist in the business operations that follow him. Now fast forward to 2022. The Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, has been on a streak of enacting ultra-conservative policies through his state legislature. Anti-abortion, antipublic education, anti-voting rights and, of course, anti-LGBTQ all describe the recent and upcoming legislation

Letters 30 MAY 6, 2022

overseen by this Governor. The innocuous-sounding “Parental Rights in Education” bill prohibits teachers from engaging in any discussion of sexual orientation or gender identity for grades K-3, and higher grades if the material being discussed is not “age appropriate.”

DeSantis has come down hard on Disney for its opposition to the Don’t Say Gay bill. This legislation quickly became known as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. If any parent gets word of such discussion in his/her child’s classroom, they are encouraged to bring it to the attention of school administrators. Disney’s reaction to this was muted at first. The initial press release from Bob Chapek, Disney CEO, took an apolitical tack. Not wanting to handle the political hot potato, Chapek was lackluster in his response to the bill. Disney employees immediately reacted strongly, offended that he had taken such a hands-off approach. They voiced their concern to the point that Chapek issued a followup statement the next day. “It is clear that this is not just an issue about a bill in Florida, but instead yet another challenge to basic human rights. You needed me to be a stronger ally in the fight for equal rights and I let you down. I am sorry.” Chapek then decided that Disney Corporation would cease making any political contributions to any person who supported the bill, as they have done over the years. DeSantis is not pleased. In turn, he has promised to revoke the Special Tax District status that has been in place since 1967. Disney received this favorable arrangement from the state

and has been able to be an independent municipal entity for over 60 years. To paraphrase an old adage, “Hell hath no fury like a…Governor scorned.” DeSantis has come down hard on Disney for its opposition to the Don’t Say Gay bill. At the Governor’s behest, the state legislature has already passed a bill eliminating all tax districts that were established prior to 1968. The fallout from this action will be interesting to follow. The Disney property, the largest private employer in the state, will no longer be a self-sustaining tax district. It will be rolled into both Orange and Osceola County governments. The jobs of the 300 employees of the tax district, including many first responders, will be in jeopardy. The billion-dollar debt load currently carried by Disney will be assumed by the two counties and passed on to residents there. DeSantis is using his Governor’s desk and pen as authoritarian instruments to wield power not typically seen at the state level. There is a movement afoot among progressive parents to use the Parental Rights in Education bill to call out teachers and school districts that use heterosexual and cisgender examples of families in their classrooms. The bill itself only states that teachers cannot instruct their students about sexual orientation or gender identity. This can work both ways, according to these progressives. As the push-pull struggle continues between DeSantis and Disney, it remains to be seen how it will play out. Disney is sticking to its policies of inclusion, acceptance, and equality. And that, my friend, is what makes it the Magic Kingdom. ▼ David Garrett, a CAMP Rehoboth Board member, is a straight advocate for equality and inclusion. He is also the proud father of an adult trans daughter. Email David Garrett at davidg@camprehoboth.com.

MAY 6, 2022

31 Letters


Pop the Question [

What’s your favorite thing to do outdoors?

Hot tubbing on a chilly night ... [ . . .

Walking through city neighborhoods

Enjoy calm breezes and cool conversations



... [ ...


Walk my dog on the beach

GOING FOR A WALK ... [ ...

Bask in the sun and read—surprised?


... [ ...

... [ .. .


Night swimming (trunks or no trunks) ... [ ...



Ride my bike with my husband ... [ ... TOM KELCH



Letters 32 MAY 6, 2022

... [ ...



Enjoy my beautiful gardens ... [ ...



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EOE | 424 Savannah Rd, Lewes, DE 19958 | www.facebook.com/beebecareers MAY 6, 2022

33 Letters

Out & About


Revenge of the Uncool Kids


chadenfreude is one of my favorite words. Derived from the German, Merriam-Webster defines it as “enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others,” which admittedly, sounds awful. Except when said others really have it coming. I recently fired up the Netflix machine to watch a documentary called White Hot: The Rise and Fall of Abercrombie & Fitch. For those who are unfamiliar with 90s mall culture, Abercrombie & Fitch was a popular chain that popped up in malls across America at about the same time your humble columnist was peeking out of the closet. The stores were dark and reeked of their signature cologne, and the front doors were often flanked by shirtless college boys, paid to look gorgeous and bored. I never had the nerve to actually visit an A&F store more than once or twice as a young man. I instinctively knew that I was not part of their “lacrosse bro” target market, and that wearing any of their clothing (which was wholly unremarkable, but usually featured a huge logo, turning its wearer into a walking advertisement) would only highlight the distance between myself and the bronzed, six-packed, nearly naked models that peopled all their advertising. Those ads were the reason why, although I was never a customer, Abercrombie & Fitch was ubiquitous in my young gay life. Consisting almost solely of well-built, collegiate white boys photographed mid-frolic in black-andwhite by photographer Bruce Weber, I couldn’t take my eyes off them. On the one hand, the ads—easily the most homoerotic images I’ve ever seen outside of pure pornography—were fertile soil for my young gay imagination. On the other, the exquisite rush of seeing those beautiful naked men (one of the interview subjects in White Hot called attention to the irony of selling clothes with a marketing campaign featuring hardly any garments at all) Letters 34 MAY 6, 2022

was nearly always followed by a familiar sense of dejection. At the time, I never faulted Abercrombie & Fitch for this. Like all of us with less-than-perfect bodies in an appearance-obsessed culture, the blame was usually aimed inward. It never occurred to me that the chief executive officer of a clothing store chain was trying to make me feel hideous on purpose. After all, I didn’t know his name and he certainly didn’t know mine. And yet, that’s exactly what was happening. Not only to me, of course, but yes, making most of America feel awful was exactly the counter-intuitive strategy that made Abercrombie & Fitch a towering success—for a time.

It never occurred to me that the chief executive officer of a clothing store chain was trying to make me feel hideous on purpose. In a 2006 profile of A&F CEO Mike Jeffries in Salon magazine, he’s quoted as saying, “In every school there are the cool and popular kids, and then there are the not-so-cool kids. Candidly, we go after the cool kids.” And he said a lot more, but it basically boiled down to the idea that one way to excite your target customer is to alienate everyone else. In other words, exclusion sells. And it did, for more than a decade. But all bad things must come to an end. First there was a 2004 class action suit brought by several people of color who were discriminated against or denied employment altogether because of their race (many of the plaintiffs are

featured in White Hot). This suit ended with a settlement and an accompanying consent decree, but no admission of guilt. Later, they were sued by Samantha Elauf, born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma, who was denied employment because of a headscarf (Elauf is Muslim). This time, A&F doubled down and allowed the case to be taken all the way to the Supreme Court, who ruled in Elauf’s favor, 8-1. The documentary also explores other interesting questions, such as whether a company with the exclusionary ethos of A&F could survive in the age of social media, or if legal remedies like consent decrees can really change a corporate culture with no interest in transforming. Long story short (and you should definitely watch the documentary for more), Jeffries resigned in 2014. While he was given a payout worth tens of millions, he will primarily be remembered for his failed leadership, illegal business practices, and (it must be said) horrendously bad plastic surgery, proof that the eternal youth he was selling is, in fact, not real. Long story short, Mike Jeffries’ legacy isn’t about youth, or sex appeal, or money. It’s about racism and cruelty. That’s what people will remember. And after all he did to make so many people feel terrible about themselves, that isn’t just enjoyable—it’s schadenfreudelicious. ▼ Eric Peterson is a Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) educator; co-host of The Rewind Project, a new podcast about old movies; and is the author of a new novel, Loyalty, Love & Vermouth.

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MAY 6, 2022

35 Letters

It’s My Life


The More Things Change


n 1994, I wrote an article for the industry magazine Publishers Weekly about the increase in the number of books with LGBTQ themes being produced for children and teenagers. This was big news then. In the years since the publication of the first gay YA novel (John Donovan’s I’ll Get There. It Better Be Worth the Trip, released in 1969) there had been only a handful of others. But things were changing, and publishers were starting to put out more books with queer themes. Not everybody was happy about this. I was invited to talk about my article on a radio show. I remember very clearly the woman who called in to say that there should not be books about gay people written for children and that books like that absolutely should not be available in schools and public libraries. “Why?” I asked her. “What are you afraid of?” “I’m afraid that if my children see books about gay people, they’ll want to be gay,” she answered. This was not the answer I was expecting, but it perfectly summed up what the majority of people who did not want their children—or any children— reading about queer people really meant. Quite simply, they didn’t want them to know that we exist. Now, almost three decades later, there are lots of books for young adult and middle grade readers with LGBTQ characters and themes. And once again, some people are unhappy about it. We’re seeing demands to remove them from schools and public libraries. We’re seeing threats against librarians who prominently display them or direct their young patrons to them. In 1992 I published the book 100 Questions & Answers About AIDS. It was one of the first books about the AIDS crisis written for young people, and as such it ended up in pretty much every library across the country. It also quickly became one of the most contested books in the country. Why? Because the Letters 36 MAY 6, 2022

book contained frank information about sex and information on how to more safely engage in sexual activity, as well as how to sterilize needles used in drug activity. Some people feared that knowing how to protect themselves from HIV infection would make kids less afraid of the virus and encourage them to participate in risky activities. “Why can’t you just tell them not to do these things and leave it at that?” I was asked on more than one occasion, presumably by people who had never encountered any actual teenagers. My queer-themed novels for young people are also in libraries. Librarians are some of my favorite people. A few

“I’m afraid that if my children see books about gay people, they’ll want to be gay…” years ago, I received a message from a librarian at a school where two students, in separate incidents, attempted suicide. In both cases, a copy of my YA novel Suicide Notes was found in the student’s backpack. The principal of the school, assuming a correlation between reading my novel (which he himself had not read) and the suicide attempts, demanded that the book be removed from the school library, as if it was a how-to guide. The librarian, who had read it and knew that it is, in fact, a book about all the reasons suicide is not the answer, asked for my help in talking to him about reversing his decision. Thankfully, I had a stack of letters from kids telling me how my book had helped them make the decision not to attempt suicide. I scanned them and sent them to the librarian, who took

them to the principal and successfully argued for keeping the book in the library. Suicide Notes was published more than a decade ago, but I get more letters from readers now than I ever have. Why? Because thanks to books about LGBTQ people being more available than ever, young people are discovering who they are. If anyone thinks that you can stop someone from being who they are by pretending that thing doesn’t exist and hoping they won’t notice, well, that’s never worked. I read thousands of books about non-queer people when I was a kid. And yet it never once occurred to me, “Hey, maybe I should try this liking girls thing. It sounds cool.” Instead, I just thought I was the only boy who liked other boys. This increase in attempts to ban books in the name of protecting children is just part of an overall increase in attempts to silence, control, and shame people in ways we thought we’d settled long ago. Reproductive rights, marriage equality, and protections for LGBTQ people are all under attack. Again. It’s dispiriting and exhausting. I thought we’d moved beyond these issues as a society. My librarian and teacher friends are tired too. Some wish they could retire or move into fields where they don’t face daily battles over fundamental rights to exist. But there’s too much at stake. So, we write more books. We help one more young person understand that they aren’t alone. When I lived in New York City in the ‘90s I was involved in ACT-UP. One of my favorite chants we used was, “We’re here! We’re queer! Get used to it!” Did I expect to be chanting it 30 years later? No. But I will. Louder than ever. ▼ Michael Thomas Ford is a much-published Lambda Literary award-winning author. Visit Michael at michaelthomasford.com.

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37 Letters

The Sea Salt Table


Fresh Berry Pie


t’s finally May! Which means I can’t help but get excited for Memorial Day. The unofficial start to summer, and the kickoff of our most patriotic season. I’m an over-the-top aficionado for all things red, white, and blue (RWB). Always have been. To the point you’d swear I was swaddled in stars and stripes. Here in Bethany Beach, the RWB fairies will soon be bunting, garlanding, and swagging in force. This is step one in the buildup to the season’s climax, the downtown Independence Day parade. By then, even the lifeguard stands and porta potties sport RWB. A quiet resort’s Americana extravaganza! I could piddle just thinking about it. One year for a Memorial Day gathering, I set out to make every food item on our buffet RWB. Some of our so-called friends were quick to point out that cranberries and blue cheese over salad greens didn’t cut it. Mean gurls. But this pie, oh boy! My good friend Nancy gave it to me many moons ago, and we’ve enjoyed it every summer since. It’s got the red of strawberries, the white of whipped cream, and blueberries in all the nooks. No one can deny this is a home run on the RWB scale. And it tastes like summer on a fork. Let’s get started, shall we?

 Prepare one baked pie crust in a 9" plate, cooled

(premade, or your favorite "blind baked" single crust recipe)

 In a 2-quart saucepan, mix: 1 cup plus 2 tbsp. white sugar 3 tbsp. white corn syrup (Karo) 3 tbsp. cornstarch dissolved in 1.5 cups of water Bring this to a boil over medium high heat, stirring until very clear and rather thick. Off heat, mix in: 3 tbsp. strawberry Jell-O powder Allow this mixture to cool completely. It will continue to thicken.

 Meanwhile, line your pie crust with: 1.5 to 2 quarts strawberries, trimmed, washed, and dried Keep the berries whole or cut in half. If you want to be fancy, go for concentric circles. I’m more of an “everything looks rustic” kind of cook. So, I arrange whatever way they fit. Regardless, mound them a little higher in the center. Then, in all the nooks, add: 0.5 to 1 pint of blueberries

 Slowly pour the cooled Jell-O glaze over the pie, starting in the center and working your way towards the edges. The idea is to coat all the berries. This will seal and help preserve them. I use a brush to ensure every berry gets some.

 Chill the pie until set, at least 8 hours. Serve with whipped cream.

Letters 38 MAY 6, 2022

Be careful adding the Jell-O glaze. Depending on the size of your berries, you might have a little extra. Allow time for it to seep into all the crannies, else it might overflow.


• You can get 2 pies out of a 3 oz. box of Jell-O. • The glaze is very forgiving, adding a lot of flavor to early summer berries that aren’t always the greatest. That said, do try to find the best, ripe-yet-firm berries you can. • This pie is rather perishable and is best eaten within two days. • This pie should cut like a dream. If your servings fall apart a little, point to the sunset and yell “look over there,” as you top each with more whipped cream. ▼

Ed and his husband Jerry split their time between homes near Harrisburg Pennsylvania and Bethany Beach. Ed builds websites to pay the bills but loves to cook, garden, hike, and dote on their dog Atticus.

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MAY 6, 2022

39 Letters

There has never been a more exciting time to buy or sell your home at the beach!

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Letters 40 MAY 6, 2022

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statefarm.com® State Farm Fire and Casualty Company, State Farm General Insurance Company, Bloomington, IL State Farm Florida Insurance Company, Winter Haven, Florida State Farm Lloyds, Richardson, TX 1706445 MAY 6, 2022

41 Letters



The Meds-Go-Round


K, I’m coming out of the closet—I have mental illness. It’s time to say it loud and proud, seeing as it’s Mental Health Awareness Month. It’s part of me, part of my identity, and always has been. I hope that my experience coming out in these pages might help others. You can call me crazy; I don’t take offense. Like the word “queer,” I have taken the word “crazy” back and wear it proudly. But many others don’t feel that way. The stigma against mental illness is still so strong in our society. So, consider how—and with whom—you use that label. Mental illness runs in my family, as it does in many families. My mother had it (undiagnosed) and others in my family live with it as well. For me, it currently manifests in three ways, with three diagnoses: bipolar 1, PTSD, and panic disorder. I see a psychiatrist, take medication to manage the worst of the symptoms, and work with a therapist to help manage the rest. This enables me to function fairly normally at work and elsewhere. Not always, but most of the time. Like many, I did not have a happy childhood. Throw in some severe traumas, not as bad as some, but worse than most, and ones that exacerbated an already fragile emotional state. At 13, I began withdrawing from things I had previously enjoyed, like sports. I started smoking cigarettes, drinking, and doing drugs. Anything to calm the roiling inner turmoil I felt. That backfired spectacularly later, but that’s another story. While this was happening, I also came to know that I was different and that I liked other girls—something that in 1973 was not acceptable in my family. I presented as “normal,” meaning I got good grades in school and rarely got in trouble with school authorities. It all came to an ugly head when I was 16. I started having auditory hallucinations, first just inside my head. A running commentary about what people were thinking. But when I started hearing the voices (with British accents, no less) outside my head, I finally told my mother. To her credit, she started taking me to see my town’s only psychiatrist. I underwent batteries of tests, mainly to make sure it wasn’t schizophrenia (it wasn’t). Seeing him was unhelpful—I was sure he would report most of his findings to my mother, and I was right. I had no intention of telling him what was going on with me.

Like the word “queer,” I have taken the word “crazy” back and wear it proudly.

Letters 42 MAY 6, 2022

It remains the worst psychiatric treatment experience I ever had. He put me on powerful drugs—anti-psychotics, barbiturates, tranquilizers, and anti-depressants. The only good result was that the voices went away and I was able to stay in school. How, I don’t really remember, but I kept my grades up, managed to graduate, took my SATs, and got into college. Things got better at school, especially since I was 600 miles away from home and could start exploring my sexuality. But it was up and down (literally). I made the Dean’s List my first two semesters but nearly flunked out my sophomore year. I fell in love for the first time, got my heart broken, and made good use of the helpful campus health center counselors. I switched majors, got into journalism, and was already employed in the field by the time I graduated. My work took me from college in South Carolina to DC, then to New York, the city I always wanted to live in. But in each case, my mental illness stuck with me. No matter how hard I’ve worked on what seems like the same, frustrating issues, I take me with me wherever I go. In every city, with every new shrink and psychopharmacologist, I get a new diagnosis and new medications. I’ve been on almost every psychotropic drug they’ve invented, from MAO inhibitors to tricyclic anti-depressants, from SSRIs and SNRIs to mood stabilizers and everything in between. I call it the meds-go-round. They usually work for a while, then they don’t. Right now, the meds regimen I’m on helps well enough. For how long, I don’t know. One of the best things that has happened is the therapist I found in New York in 1993. We have stuck together for most of the intervening years. Sandra has been my lodestar. She tells me I am resilient, and I finally believe it. At nearly 62, I realize that my mental illness is not likely to be cured. I always imagined that if I worked hard enough, or found the magic pill, it would go away, like the voices did. I would peel away those layers of the onion one by one until there were no more. I know now that this will probably never happen. I’ve had a pretty great life despite my mental illness, and I’ve been quite fortunate to have had the means to deal with it. For now, things are working. And for that, I’m grateful. ▼ Beth Shockley is a public affairs specialist and a former editor of Letters.


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GETTING STARTED IS EASY! Just sign up for an orientation at: bvspca.org/volunteer

Georgetown: 302-307-9736 • 22918 Dupont Boulevard, Georgetown, DE 19947 MAY 6, 2022

43 Letters







ati bo r Co lla




Artistic Director •


music by America’s greatest 20th-century songwriters.












U nforgettable



s r ti




an mp





May 13, 14 @ 7pm May 15 @ 3pm


Epworth United Methodist Church 19285 Holland Glade Rd • Rehoboth Beach, DE


June 12 @ 3pm

Sussex Academy 250 Airport Rd • Georgetown, DE

CAMP Rehoboth Chorus is supported, in part, by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on DelawareScene.com.

Letters 44 MAY 6, 2022



Dining Out


Purple Parrot Grill


urple Parrot Grill is one of those places everyone goes when they want to have fun. It’s a great place after a day on the beach, or for a beer on a rainy afternoon. It’s open late—even in the dead of winter, and the joint is always entertaining, whether they have paid entertainment or not. Spend an evening drinking at picnic tables in the Biergarten or come to sing karaoke. We parked on Wilmington Avenue and entered through the Biergarten, which was surprisingly full for a not-so-warm April evening. Though the restaurant and bar were brimming with folks of all ages, we were seated without a wait, and our waitress, Kristina, took our drink order within a minute of being seated. I started with the Crab & Artichoke dip, served with an assortment of colorful tortilla chips. The succulent dip was covered with a melted cheese (Cheddar jack and Parmesan), and the chips were sturdy enough to hold a good-sized serving of the dip. (I warmed up my leftovers for lunch the next day, adding a dash of creole seasoning—yum!) My husband, Mark, had the Crab Balls—a smaller version of their very popular crabcake—and he finished the basket of five in nothing flat.

I found the promise of “The Best Key Lime Pie outside the Keys!” irresistible. I ordered the Pork Schnitzel as my main course—one of a few German favorites still on the menu to honor owner Hugh Fuller’s heritage—served with mushroom gravy, red cabbage, and steak fries. The fries were crispy and seemingly homemade, though Kristina admitted they are frozen pre-seasoned. Don’t discount the joys of a good fry no matter what it was doing before it hit your table. Mark indulged in the Parrot’s Famous Jumbo Wings served Asian style, which he reported were “meaty with a nice kick.” You can also have them Teriyaki,

Plain Jane, Old Bay, or Buffalo Hot. For dessert, there’s Key Lime pie, Cheesecake, and a Chocolate Lava Cake. Mark ordered the cheesecake drizzled with chocolate and finished every delectable morsel. I found the promise of “The Best Key Lime Pie outside the Keys!” irresistible. And, indeed, the in-house creation was one of the tastiest I’ve had in the area with exactly the right proportions of tangy key lime juice and zest to custard, with a sturdy graham cracker crust, and three large dollops of sweetened whipped cream. Pandemic supply chain shortages have hit food suppliers particularly hard. But the paucity of certain foods seems to have worked to the Parrot’s advantage as they were forced to pare their extensive menu to a more (ahem...) digestible size. Notably missing is their infamous “Parrot Poop Dip” (spicy black beans and avocado)—something my children always loved when they were young. Their weekly specials continue to be popular, from their Sunday Brunch (9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.) to the Prime Rib special starting at 5:00 p.m. Mondays are Meatloaf & Taters ($7.75) or their “Famous One-Pound Burger with Fixings Bar” ($8.75). I’ve heard good things about their Friday $10 Fried Fish Sandwich, and Thursday $9.75

Prime Rib Sandwich. The new menu features 10 appetizers, from a basket of those delicious fries, coconut shrimp, peel-and-eat shrimp (halfand full-pound), a veritable cornucopia of nachos, as well as jumbo clam strips, and The Big Helga—a giant German pretzel with horseradish cheese sauce. If you leave the Parrot hungry, it’s not their fault. There’s a nice assortment of soups, salads, quesadillas, and sandwiches and wraps, including Fish Tacos, a Triple-Decker Rueben, Key West Shrimp BLT, French Dip Sub, and a half-pound crabcake sandwich. There are eight burgers—from the half-pound Wimpy, a Teriyaki Glazed Turkey Burger, and the Hangover with a fried egg, bacon, and American cheese—and “Biggest Weenie on da Beach”—a half-pound beef hot dog. Full dinners range from Chicken Parm to two Jumbo Crabcakes, with Blackened Grouper, Meatloaf, Ribeye Steak with a Bleu Cheese Wedge, and Shepherd’s Pie rounding out the choices. If you want to have a good time, complete with a few rowdy folks at the bar and tasty, well-priced food, the Parrot is where you want to be. Visit their website: ppgrill.com or call (302) 226-1139. They’re open 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. weekdays, and open at 9:00 a.m. on weekends. ▼ MAY 6, 2022

45 Letters

Letters 46 MAY 6, 2022

MAY 6, 2022

47 Letters

CAMP REHOBOTH BEACH GUIDE BEACH AREA LODGING Atlantic Sands Hotel, Boardwalk & Baltimore Ave.........................302-227-2511 Atlantis Inn, 154 Rehoboth Ave.....................................................302-227-9446 Breakers Hotel, 105 2nd St & Baltimore Ave.................................302-227-6688 Canalside Inn, 34 6th St.................................................................866-412-2625 Rehoboth Guest House, 40 Maryland Ave.....................................302-227-4117 Sea ‘n Stars Guest Suites, 44 Delaware Ave.................................302-226-2742 Summer Place Hotel, 1st St & Olive Ave........................................302-226-0766 The Shore Inn, 37239 Rehoboth Ave Ext.......................................302-227-8487

LEWES FOOD & DRINK Go Brit, 18388 Coastal Hwy...........................................................302-644-2250 Harbour Waterfront Dining, 134 West Market St...........................302-200-9522 Matt’s Fish Camp, 34401 Tenley Ct...............................................302-644-2267

Visit the Beach Guide Directory on the CAMP Rehoboth website to find links to these area businesses in BOLD. The Guide includes: Food and Wine, Shopping, Lodging, and Services—all at camprehoboth.com.

OTHER AREA FOOD & DRINK Bluecoast Seafood, 1111 Hwy One, Bethany................................302-539-7111 Catch 54, 54 Madison Ave, Fenwick..............................................302-436-8600 Matt’s Fish Camp, 28635 Coastal Hwy, Bethany...........................302-539-2267

SERVICES AT THE BEACH REHOBOTH RETAIL SHOPS New Wave Spas, 20660 Coastal Hwy............................................302-227-8484 Unfinished Business, Rt. 1 behind Panera Bread..........................302-645-8700

REHOBOTH ART | GALLERIES | MUSEUMS Caroline Huff, Fine Artist ...................................................www.carolinehuff.com Gallery 50, 50 Wilmington Ave......................................................302-227-2050 Philip Morton Gallery, 47 Baltimore Ave........................................302-727-0905 Rehoboth Art League, 12 Dodds Ln...............................................302-227-8408 Rehoboth Beach Museum, 511 Rehoboth Ave..............................302-227-7310

REHOBOTH FOOD & DRINK 1776 Steakhouse, Midway Shopping Center................................302-645-9355 Aqua, 57 Baltimore Ave................................................................ 302-226-9001 Back Porch Café, 59 Rehoboth Ave...............................................302-227-3674 Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave........................................................302-227-6515 Café Azafrán, 18 Baltimore Ave.....................................................302-227-8100 Café Papillon, Penny Lane Mall......................................................302-227-7568 Coho’s Market & Grill, 305 Rehoboth Ave......................................302-227-2646 Diego’s Bar Nightclub, 37298 Rehoboth Ave................................302-227-1023 Dos Locos, 208 Rehoboth Ave.......................................................302-227-3353 Freddie’s Beach Bar & Restaurant, 3 South First St.......................302-527-1400 Go Fish, 24 Rehoboth Ave..............................................................302-226-1044 Goolee’s Grille, 11 South 1st St.....................................................302-227-7653 Indigo, 44 Rehoboth Ave.............................................................. 302-212-5220 Just In Thyme, 38163 Robinsons Dr..............................................302-227-3100 Lori’s Café, 39 Baltimore Ave.........................................................302-226-3066 Loves Liquors, LLC, 305c Rehoboth Ave........................................302-227-6966 Lupo Italian Kitchen, 247 Rehoboth Ave.......................................302-226-2240 Purple Parrot Grill, 134 Rehoboth Ave...........................................302-226-1139 Rigby’s, 404 Rehoboth Ave............................................................302-227-6080 Shorebreak Lodge, 10 Wilmington Ave.........................................302-227-1007 The Pines, 56 Baltimore Avenue....................................................302-567-2726

Letters 48 MAY 6, 2022


A.G. Renovations ...........................................................................302-947-4096 bsd, 18412 The Narrow Rd, Lewes...................................... 302-684-8588 Randall-Douglas.............................................................................302-245-1439


All Saints’ Episcopal, 18 Olive Ave.................................................302-227-7202 Epworth UMC, 19285 Holland Glade Rd.......................................302-227-7743 Grace of God Lutheran, ELCA, 20689 Shoppes at Long Neck.......302-947-1044 M.C.C. of Rehoboth, 19369 Plantation Rd.....................................302-645-4945 Seaside Jewish Community, 18970 Holland Glade Rd..................302-226-8977 St. Peter’s Episcopal, 2nd & Market Sts, Lewes.............................302-645-8479 Unitarian Universalist, 30486 Lewes-G’Town Hwy........................302-313-5838 Unity of Rehoboth, 98 Rudder Rd, Millsboro.................................717-579-2612 Westminster Presbyterian, 301 King Charles Ave.........................302-227-2109


AARP of Delaware (age 50+)..........................................................866-227-7441 ACLU of DE—Lesbian & Gay Civil Rights Project............................302-654-3966 CAMP Rehoboth Chorus—Program of CAMP Rehoboth................302-227-5620 CAMP Rehoboth—LGBTQ Community Service Org........................302-227-5620 CAMP Rehoboth Families—LGBTQ parents connect......................302-227-5620 CAMP Rehoboth Parents of Transgender & Gender Non-conforming Children............................................302-227-5620 Cape Henlopen Senior Center—Rehoboth (age 50+)....................302-227-2055 CHEER Centers of Sussex County (age 50+)..................................302-515-3040 Delaware Aging & Disability Resource Center...............................800-223-9074 Delaware Human Relations Commission Housing & public accommodation............................................877-544-8626 Delaware Information Line............................................................................2-1-1 Delaware Pride—Community events, annual Pride Festival..........302-265-3020 Delaware Transgender Resources—transdelaware.net, delawarelgbtq@gmail.com Delaware Transgender Support.....................................................302-402-3033

Gay/Lesbian Alcoholics Anonymous—add’l schedules..................302-856-6452 Saturdays 6 pm: Epworth UMC, 19285 Holland Glade Rd (step meeting) Saturdays 7:30 pm: All Saints’ Church, 18 Olive Ave (step meeting) Tuesdays noon: St. Peter’s Church, 211 Mulberry St, Lewes (step meeting) Thursdays noon: CAMP Rehoboth, 37 Baltimore Ave (open discussion) Sundays 9 am: CAMP Rehoboth, 37 Baltimore Ave (open discussion) Tuesdays 8 pm: CAMP Rehoboth, 37 Baltimore Ave (Young Persons) Gay Men’s Discussion Group—Program of CAMP Rehoboth.........302-227-5620 Lesbian Support Group—Program of CAMP Rehoboth..................302-227-5620 Lewes Senior Activity Center (age 50+).........................................302-645-9293 LGBTQ Student Union—University of DE, Newark.........................302-831-8066 Meals on Wheels Lewes-Rehoboth................................................302-645-7449 PFLAG-Rehoboth—3rd Tuesdays, Public Library, 111 Adams Ave, Lewes SLAA and SAA—Thursdays, 7:30 pm, All Saints’ Church 18 Olive Ave ............................................................................302-745-7929 Social Security Administration—Lewes office................................800-772-1213 TransLiance of DE—Rehoboth—4th Tuesdays at 7 pm, MCC of Rehoboth; contact: TransLiance@gmail.com


Jewish Family Services........................................................ 302-478-9411 Karen Abato, ATR-BC, LPAT, Licensed Art Psychotherapist... 302-232-5330 Kevin J. Bliss, Personal/Professional Coaching.............................302-754-1954 Time to Heal Counseling & Consulting, Lewes ............................302-574-6954


Silver Electric..................................................................................302-227-1107


Flair................................................................................................302-930-0709 Plate Catering.................................................................................302-644-1200


County Bank, 19927 Shuttle Rd.......................................... 302-226-9800 Jenn Harpel, Morgan Stanley.........................................................302-644-6620


Bayberry Florist..............................................................................302-227-5725 Windsor’s Florist, 20326 Coastal Hwy...........................................302-227-9481


Parsell Funeral Homes & Crematorium................................ 302-645-9520


Beach Cuts, 214 Rehoboth Ave...........................................302-226-ROBB Gregory Meyers Hair Studio, 20245 Bay Vista Rd & Rt 1..............302-727-5331 Stephan & Co Salon & Spa, 19266 Coastal Hwy................... 302-260-9478


AIDS Delaware – Kent & Sussex Counties.....................................302-226-3519 AIDS Delaware – New Castle County............................................302-652-6776 AIDS Hotline – Delaware statewide...............................................800-422-0429 Brandywine Urology Consultants...................................................302-824-7039 Beebe Healthcare, 26744 J.J. Williams Hwy.................................302-645-3300 CAMPsafe AIDS education & prevention program of CAMP Rehoboth ..................................................................................................302-227-5620 Christiana Care HIV Wellness Clinic ..............................................302-933-3420 Christiana Care LGBTQ Health Initiatives.......................................302-733-1227 Delaware HIV Consortium - Statewide..........................................302-654-5471 Delaware Hospice..........................................................................800-838-9800 Delaware Total Foot & Ankle Center.................................... 302-297-8431 National Alliance on Mental Illness of DE (NAMI)...........................302-427-0787 Rehoboth Beach Dental, 19643 Blue Bird Ln....................... 302-226-0300 Steven B. Wright, D.M.D., 18912 J.J. Williams Hwy............. 302-645-6671 The Aesthetic Center......................................................................302-827-2125


Eric Blondin, State Farm...................................................... 302-644-3276 George Bunting, State Farm................................................ 302-227-3891 Jeanine O’Donnell, State Farm............................................ 302-645-7283


Lawson Firm, 402 Rehoboth Ave...................................................302-226-3700 PWW Law LLC, 1519 Savannah Rd, Lewes................................... 302-703-6993 Steven Falcone CPA, Taxes & Planning..........................................302-644-8634


Rock Lock/Robin Rohr/Your Community Locksmith.......................302-386-9166


Midway Fitness & Racquetball, Midway Center.............................302-645-0407 One Spirit Massage, 169 Rehoboth Ave........................................302-226-3552 Rehoboth Massage/Alignment.......................................................302-727-8428


Critter Beach, 156 Rehoboth Ave..................................................302-226-2690 Pet Portraits by Monique................................................................717-650-4626


Brandywine Valley SPCA, 22918 Dupont Blvd, G’twn.......... 302-856-6361 Delaware Humane Association, 18675 Coastal Hwy........... 302-200-7159 Parsell Pet Crematorium, 16961 Kings Hwy, Lewes............ 302-645-7445


Allen Jarmon, NextHome Tomorrow Realty...................................302-745-5122 Bill Peiffer, Patterson Schwartz, 18958 Coastal Hwy....................302-703-6987 Chris Beagle, Berkshire Hathaway, 37230 Rehoboth Ave............302-227-6101 Debbie Reed Team, 319 Rehoboth Ave.........................................800-263-5648 Donna Whiteside, Berkshire Hathaway, 16712 Kings Hwy...........302-381-4871 Hugh Fuller, Realtor........................................................................302-745-1866 John Black, Patterson Schwartz, 18958 Coastal Hwy...................302-703-6987 Lana Warfield, Berkshire Hathaway, 37230 Rehoboth Ave...........302-227-6101 Lee Ann Wilkinson Group, 16698 Kings Hwy....................... 302-645-6664 Lingo Realty, 246 Rehoboth Ave....................................................302-227-3883 McGuiness Group, 246 Rehoboth Ave...........................................302-227-3883 McWilliams Ballard, Kevin McDuffie.................................. kmcduffie@mcwb.com McWilliams Ballard, Justin Orr.....................................................jorr@mcwb.com Randy Mason/Shirley Kalvinsky, Lingo Realty................................302-227-3883 Sea Bova Associates, 20250 Coastal Hwy........................... 302-227-1222 Troy Roberts, Mann & Sons, 414 Rehoboth Ave............................302-228-7422


Springpoint Choice, 17028 Cadbury Cir, Lewes............................302-313-6658 The Lodge at Truitt Homestead, 36233 Farm Ln.................. 302-232-6372


Accent On Travel, 37156 Rehoboth Ave.............................. 302-278-6100 CHEER Transportation (age 50+)....................................................302-856-4909 ITN Southern Delaware (age 60+ or disabled)...............................302-448-8486 Jolly Trolley Shuttle from Rehoboth Ave & Boardwalk...................302-644-0400 Olivia Travel...........................................................800-631-6277 ext. 696


Poodle Beach, south end of the Rehoboth Boardwalk Cape Henlopen State Park, Ocean Dr north to Cape Henlopen State Park. Daily parking rate in effect March-November.

MAY 6, 2022

49 Letters

Celebrity Interview


Ian Paget on TikTok Stardom


volution in life is crucial but evolving on social media is practically a necessity. For Ian Paget, amassing well over two million TikTok followers has required evolution, honesty, and some absolutely killer dance moves. While his entertainment career has not been without its heartbreaking pitfalls, hitting the red carpet for this year’s Academy Awards is one of the sweetest rewards yet. I sat down with Ian for an extensive chat where we discussed his love for 30 Rock and RuPaul’s Drag Race, and he got brutally honest about mental health challenges for the LGBTQ community and we manifested a little on his amazing future plans. MICHAEL COOK: You’ve gone from the becoming one of the biggest names on TikTok to the red carpet of the Academy Awards! What was it like to attend the hottest night in Hollywood? IAN PAGET: WOW—kinda crazy and so amazing for me. Vanessa Hudgens did a lot of the interviewing for ABC and we were all in the background. We were right at the spot where after press and before the theater, the stars turned the corner. To feel that kid-like energy from nominees was amazing; you really feel it. MC: I think that is a very accurate description of yourself, from you. From an outsider perspective, you do have a very disarming quality of sorts, which definitely translates to your viewers, I am sure. IP: I love that. It’s funny—my friends have asked, “If you had a superpower what would it be?” And mine is that I make people very comfortable around me. I think I go straight to “okay tell me about you.” My way is saying something like, “I see there is this thing that you do, do you know that you do that?” It is a way that I am connecting with you to say, “I see you.” MC: Social media for so many people is a launching pad to bigger and better things. What comes next for you? I’m a guest on my friends Zak and Letters 50 MAY 6, 2022

Sloan’s podcast called Mummy Dearest. That show started off as a fan reviewing of the film The Mummy with Brendan

I think my way of handling that is that I go to therapy and talk about it with my friends. Fraser and Rachel Weisz. They realized that they couldn’t just talk about one film for 17,000 episodes, so now they talk about other movies as well. We had such a great rapport that we created a new podcast titled It’s Giving Share and we are pretty proud of it. Hopefully, the show will be a place where people can come and hear a longer form version of things that I am going through and things I want to help people feel better about. MC: The shame in the LGBTQ community regarding mental health continues, with many people turning to substance abuse or alcohol v. getting assistance for their issues. What do you think it is about mental health that still

has such a stigma, even in this day and age? IP: I think it is because we are scared to tackle it in ourselves. What we hate that we do, we avoid in ourselves. Therefore, when we see it on other people we either don’t want to hear about it and/or deny that it’s true. You don’t want to be faced with the mirror in front of yourself, because then you would have to deal with it. Instead, we pooh-pooh it and shame other people about it. I feel like in 2022, there is a huge shift in terms of mental health being really important. There is such support for people going through things, with people coming in droves behind you saying, “thank you for sharing, I can totally relate to that.” I think a lot of people are...scared to share. I am an ever-evolving human with many things that I think are a mess that I don’t want the world to know about and that I avoid. I think my way of handling that is that I go to therapy and talk about it with my friends. MC: What is something that you want to manifest for yourself right now? IP: First, I love this question. It scares me because you have to think of something that you really want. I think of that Marianne Williamson quote that says, “our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.” Six months from now, I would love to be on a sitcom. And maybe my podcast has blown up—that would be so cool! ▼ Follow Ian Paget on Instagram: instagram.com/ianpaget/?hl=en Michael Cook has been a part-time resident of Rehoboth Beach for over a decade. He is currently a contributor to Instinct Magazine, World of Wonder’s WOW Report, and South Florida Gay News.














51 Letters



A Sure Sign of Spring! CAMP Rehoboth Women’s FEST is Back! THIS PAGE (left to right) 1) at CAMP Rehoboth Women’s FEST 2022: Kim Witmer, Merri-Ellen James, Jamie Forshey, Mary Jenkins, Laura Reitman, Julia Orza, Laura Matthews, Rene Toney, Beth Toney, Laura Reitman, Ann Garvey, Allison Rosenberg, Chely Wright, Teri Seaton, Mariah Burton Nelson, Regina Sayles, Beth Peritte, Lisa Lekawa, Tama Viola, Lisa Faber, Rina Pellegrini, MerriEllen James,

OPPOSITE PAGE 2) at CAMP Rehoboth Women’s

FEST 2022: Bee Buras, Karen Dorris, Kathy Moore, Vera McNair, Jodi Foster, Carol Pellicano, Terry McQuaid, Debbie Webber, Debbie Woods, Kim Smitas, Rina Pellegrini, Lita Weiss, Eva Wyatt; 3) at Diego’s Bar and Grille: Chris Grabowski, Manny Tejeda, Richard Morey, Eddie Adam; 4) at Back Porch Café: Bee Neild, Dmitry Shubich, John McLaughlin, Tony Burns; 5) at The Pond: Will Stipeter, Ed Gmoch, Ron Butt, Al Snyder; 6) at Coastal Concerts: Sinta Quartet: Dan Graser, Zack Stern, Danny Hawthorne-Foss, Joseph Girard; 7) at The Pines: Tara Austin.


Letters 52 MAY 6, 2022

(More CAMPshots page 54)






7 MAY 6, 2022

53 Letters


3 (Continued from page 53)


THIS PAGE (left to right) 1) at Broadwalk on the Boardwalk: Jennifer

Rubenstein, Diane Scobey, Laura Reitman, Selisse Berry, Ann Garvey, Anita Broccolino, Beth Toney, Lori Griggs, Linda Wieser, Tama Viola; 2) at Theo’s Restaurant: Frank Surprenant, Chris Rouchard, Robert Mittleman, Rut Paal; 3) at Kitty Cole RB Memories Movie at Boardwalk Plaza Hotel: George Cole, Kitty Cole, Paul Lovett, Sallie Forman, RB Commissioner Susan Gay; 4) at The Pines: Beth Yocum, Deb Kennedy.

OPPOSITE PAGE 5) at Peninsula Gallery: Joe Stewart, Carol Boyd-Heron, Lewes

4 Letters 54 MAY 6, 2022

Mayor Ted Becker, Jennifer Kahn Barlow; 6) at the Rehoboth Beach Museum: Doug Wingate, Trish Vernon; 7) at Rehoboth Art League: John Fitzpatrick, Nick Serratore, Kate Fitzpatrick, Courtney Hart, Brandon Hart; 8) at Eden: Bernie James, Cary Chavis, Artez West, Jeremy Clark, Matt Rice, Blair Cappucio, Jason Evans; 9) at The Pines: Dave Gonce, Christy Brown, Marc Anthony Worsilio, Jim Villareale, Tom Negran, Matthew Murchio, Dixon Charles, Clay Andrews, John Derrick, Wayne Hodge, John Meng, Mark Fernstrom, Eric Engelhart, Brian Fisher, Jeff Enck, Chris Beagle, Brian Buebel, Brian Sparrow, Kevin Stansbury; 10) at Purple Parrot: Greg Berman, Mary Buchness, Bruce Chambers, Patrick Gallagher. (More CAMPshots page 70)

Broadwalk and More!






10 MAY 6, 2022

55 Letters



Play Ball!


t’s the swing of the bat, the thrill of a soaring line drive, and the dramatic double play that keeps many women coming back every summer to the diamonds of the Rehoboth Little League for hotly contested and highly competitive softball games. When senior women’s softball organized many years ago in central Sussex County at Sports at the Beach, two teams attracted women over 50. Over the years they became the catalyst for softball players of all walks of life to recapture the love of the game. Maureen Moore of Greenwood, Delaware, was one of the first players to join the Alley Cats in 2006. Though many years had passed since she played softball for the Beebe Medical Center in the 1980s, she was eager to run the bases and catch a ball just the same. The second team was the Delaware Diamonds, also made up of many working professionals and women with softball pedigrees. The teams would scrimmage and play against teams from New Castle County. As the word spread about organized softball for women who may have “retired” from competitive softball, native, long-time, and new Delaware residents eagerly founded teams and added to the overflowing rosters. With creative team names like SeaGals, founded my Marcia Howe, who coached girls little league in New Castle County, and Blue Herons, reigning 2021 Delaware Senior Olympics Gold Medal team, the league has been thriving for nearly a decade. All women who meet the age requirement (45, dropped down from 50) are always welcome to join. The lower age requirement was meant to the expand the rosters and encourage diversity and competition. Team members travel across Delaware—and Delmarva—for two hours of camaraderie and to satisfy their love of the slow pitch game. Several teams from the Rehoboth Women’s Senior Softball League fill the diamonds weekly on Tuesdays. And there is no shortage of hot plays and home runs in slow pitch play. The Delaware Senior Olympics has been host to annual slow pitch softball tournaments for many years. It has led the initiative to bring in squads from Maryland and Connecticut to challenge the Delaware teams to the very best of senior

women’s softball. The SeaGals, Blue Herons, and Rebels (full disclosure: I play on the Rebels) have been fixtures in the state tournaments and have consistently—though not at all surprisingly—defeated these tournament teams. The program awards winning teams with a Delaware championship gold or silver medal. The summer season of 2019, the Rebels produced a mighty squad and won three out of four games with a hybrid team of women from several teams. The state tournaments across the United States are designed as qualifiers for the US Senior Olympics. This month, the Blue Herons and Rebels will be competing in the national program in Florida. No doubt, there will be big softball news in Delaware very soon. Historically, the Blue Herons have led the league with phenomenal infield defense. More recently, the Alley Cats have excelled at winning strategies, hitting, and fielding; they defeated the Blue Herons in the very last game of the 2021 season. Members of the Alley Cats’ superior outfield will join the Rebels at the competition, as the Blue Herons squad has a fortress for infield defense, hot throwing arms, and the fastest base runners for women over the age of 50. Though many tournament teams have been playing together for decades—some since collegiate softball—and sport All-American softball pedigrees, our Delaware teams have formidable defense and offense equal to if not greater than many teams. With the energy of competitive slow pitch softball and many cheering fans on hot (and often steamy) summer evenings, the Rehoboth Little League diamonds are the home for women’s softball—for the love, and the thrill, of the game. ▼

Team members travel across Delaware— and Delmarva—for two hours of camaraderie and to satisfy their love of the slow pitch game.

Letters 56 MAY 6, 2022

JuneRose (aka JR) Futcher is a native of Delaware, a lifelong sailor and certified private sailing instructor, an award-winning photographer, and a community and arts activist Photo: JR Futcher

MAY 6, 2022

57 Letters

Q Puzzle Wanda-ful Words

Solution on Page 92 ACROSS 1 Start of a quote from Wanda Sykes 9 Scrolls at Beth Chayim Chadashim 15 Carefully distributed 16 All worked up 17 And the Band Played On actor 18 The Raven maiden 19 Money piece for a lesbio 20 One who sticks their nose in 21 Whoopi, in The Lion King 24 Brothers & Sisters producer Ken 25 More of the quote 30 Italian well 31 It can cut leaves of grass 32 His mother made him a heterosexual 35 Is a pain in the ass to 40 Good place to store your nuts 41 More of the quote 42 Partner of doom 44 Fairy tale start 45 More of the quote 49 Tended the boilers 51 Like Ursula in The Little Mermaid 52 Chiang Kai-___ 53 Most homophobic, e.g.

We are open Wednesday - Sunday

Dinner 4:30pm - 9pm

54 58 59 60

End of the quote Tickles pink Female rubber Where priests come together 61 Belonging naturally DOWN 1 Stole at the Oscars, e.g. 2 In the pink 3 Schedule guesses, briefly 4 Bean’s team 5 Cannot bear 6 Mosaics, e.g. 7 Impatient, with “up” 8 Childcare writer LeShan 9 Q to a Scrabble player 10 Like a straight line, for short 11 Part of RAM 12 Handsome Greek god 13 Contract adverb 14 Rears to your first mate 20 Of Human Bondage author 22 Bette Davis feature of song 23 Head movement 25 Mick Jagger has a pair of them 26 Dr. Jones’s nickname 27 What either bride may wear

28 Dike problem 29 Ancient European language 30 Drag queen’s favorite snake? 33 Like a Boston terrier 34 Dots for Marlene Dietrich 36 More chilling 37 Way to get to gay.com 38 Suffix with exist 39 Timetable, for short 41 He comes between Larry and Curly 43 Takes too much, for short 45 Sheila Kuehl’s The Many ___ of Dobie Gillis 46 Wild Nights with ___ 47 Locale of Da Vinci’s Last Supper 48 A minute before noon 49 “Zip it!” 50 Like a nervous Nellie 52 He was just Jack 54 ASCAP alternative 55 Who, for Renee Vivien 56 Org. for your first mate 57 Hosp. scan

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MAY 6, 2022

59 Letters

Historical Headliners


Living Real: Dr. Alan L. Hart


ust when we thought we could relax a bit, even if only a tiny little bit, now that we’ve achieved marriage equality and a few other long-fought-for rights and protections, renewed attacks on the health, happiness, and rights of the LGBTQ+ community are once again nipping at our tushies. The fearful, the narrow-minded, the I-don’tknow-what-the-hell-bothers-them crowd is busy wringing their hands in hysteria about how we raise our children, what goes on in our bedrooms, and what’s hanging―or not―between our legs. And while the entire LGBTQ+ community is in the crosshairs of this renewed oppression, our trans brothers and sisters are often the first to be targeted. The courage of the trans community in the face of such belligerence is, frankly, heroic. It was ever thus. In the case of Dr. Alan L. Hart, his choice to live as a trans man in the early days of the twentieth century was not just heroic personally, it was heroic in his contribution to medical science and the saving of lives. Dr. Hart was born Alberta Lucille Hart in Halls Summit, Kansas, on October 4, 1890. After her father died when Alberta was two years old, her widowed mother moved with her toddler daughter to Albany, Oregon. According to later texts and interviews, little Alberta Lucille felt more like a boy than a girl, and by puberty was sexually and romantically attracted to other girls. She was also brilliant. She graduated salutatorian from high school, and after one year in Albany College she transferred to Stanford University. Upon graduation in 1917, Hart enrolled in the University of Oregon Medical School, an unusual and not always welcome step for women at the time. But her brilliance could not be denied, and she graduated first in her class. Moreover, she won the prestigious Saylor Medal for graduating as the top student in every one of the medical school’s departments. Though Alberta Lucille Hart was acknowledged for her brilliance, this was Letters 60 MAY 6, 2022

still the early twentieth century, a period still in the grip of the Victorian/Edwardian faux-morality of looking upon brainy women with suspicion. Bad as that was, Sapphic women were subject to ridicule, and gender non-conforming women (and men, for that matter) were held in utter contempt.

After surgery, Alberta Lucille Hart was now Alan L. Hart. Under these circumstances, Hart sought psychiatric help from Dr. J. Allen Gilbert. Initially desirous to rid herself of her male tendencies in order to fit in with the world, as time went on Hart called a halt to the therapy. Her inner identification as male was just too strong and, it was later reported by Dr. Gilbert in his 1920 case study, Hart was afraid the therapy would indeed work and she would lose her male identity, a future she found intolerable. Fortunately, and unusually for the time, Dr. Gilbert was sympathetic and supportive. The conversion therapy ended. Hart’s desire to rid herself of her internal female biology led Dr. Gilbert to arrange a hysterectomy for his patient. After surgery, Alberta Lucille Hart was now Alan L. Hart. And what a life he led! Though there was plenty of disparagement and hatred

thrown his way, including dismissals from various hospitals where he practiced medicine, Dr. Alan L. Hart nonetheless persevered in his pursuit of a medical career. He went on to earn degrees in radiology and public health, the latter from Yale University, and thus to a distinguished and important career. Hart’s expertise in radiology led to his breakthrough development of using X-ray technology to actually detect tuberculosis, a dread and highly contagious disease, before symptoms appeared. This invaluable knowledge allowed doctors to separate early tuberculosis patients from other patients in their hospitals, thus preventing the spread of the disease. Literally thousands of lives were saved. Hart remained in Connecticut until his death at age 71 due to heart disease. He married, and practiced public health medicine as a valued doctor with Connecticut’s Department of Public Health. After years of bouncing from hospital to hospital, Dr. Alan L. Hart had finally found a home. Today, Dr. Alan L. Hart is celebrated in the medical profession for the development of practices which stopped the spread of one of the early twentieth century’s most horrible scourges. He is also an inspiration in the struggle for trans rights and dignity. Now acknowledged as the first female-to-male patient in the United States to have a hysterectomy in service to gender identity, Hart’s courage can be summed up in a March 1918 interview he gave to the Albany (Oregon) Daily Democrat following his public outing by a Stanford student: “I have been happier since I made this change than I have ever been in my life and I will continue this way as long as I live…I came home (to Albany) to show my friends that I am ashamed of nothing.” ▼ Ann Aptaker’s Cantor Gold crime/mystery series has won Lambda Literary and Goldie Awards. Her short stories appear in numerous publications and anthologies.

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61 Letters

Visiting View


Come on Down!


merica is on shaky ground these days. Ron DeSantis won’t let Floridians say gay. Congress is filled with corrupt, lying, cheating, racist homophobes like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Madison Cawthorne, and Matt Gaetz. And what’s worse is there are no repercussions for their actions. Tucker Carlson is the number one news show nightly. Biden is doing a stand-up job, probably the best job of any president in recent memory, yet half of America refuses to acknowledge it. Recently a dozen people were shot by a madman in the Brooklyn subway. As I write this, there have been 145 mass shootings in the USA—THIS YEAR. And it’s only April. Yes, things are pretty bad right now. I will admit watching the news endlessly only depresses and stresses me out. I try to limit my news to Good Morning America and The View. Friends love to tell me those are “not news shows,” lol. These are the same friends who watch CNN and MSN on an endless loop. Every time I stop over at their apartment there is always news on. Hours and hours of pundits giving their opinions on whatever topic is being discussed. To each their own, but for me, my television viewing needs to be light and fun. Emily in Paris, Bridgerton, The Other Two—you get the gist. Throw in some reality TV—Survivor, Project Runway, Top Chef—and game shows. Truth be told, I am very competitive. Love a good game night with friends. Cards Against Humanity. Taboo. Also love competing in 5k races, and obstacle course races. Not to toot our own horns, but my friend Noah and I placed second in the SunFestival Cornhole Tournament last year, and almost took the crown! I have always loved game shows: Wheel of Fortune, $100,000 Pyramid. But the one that constantly fills me with joy and makes me smile endlessly for an hour is The Price Is Right. For me, The Price Is Right represents the America we strive to be. First and foremost, anyone and everyone can participate. Older, younger, middle-aged, white, Black, Latin, gay, straight, trans, Muslim, Jewish, overweight, skinny, blonde, brunette, smart, dumb. The audience looks like a melting pot of every type of American in our great country. The inclusivity of The Price Is Right is the goal America should be working toward. Taking the inclusivity a step forward, no longer are the models all female. TPIR has vaulted into the 21st

The inclusivity of The Price Is Right is the goal America should be working toward.

Letters 62 MAY 6, 2022

century and employs two gorgeous male models to show off the luxurious prizes. There is a rotating cast of six models, two male and four female. Manuela was born in Colombia and she is stunning. James hails from Australia, and if he wasn’t straight and married, would be the man of my dreams—he is that hot. Devin, an African-American hunk, played college football, and Amber was a former Miss Washington Teen USA. Each of them is likable, personable, and interacts with host Drew Carey throughout the show. Again, the representation and inclusivity in this hour are hard to top. Next, you would be hard-pressed to find a more joyful, exuberant, happy group of people. I mean why wouldn’t you be—you have the chance to win pretty amazing prizes: trips, cars, boats, cash. Even better— the entire audience cheers for everyone. High fives happen regularly, with strangers cheering on other strangers. You get outbid in contestant’s row (aka bidder’s row) by a dollar? Yeah, that sucks, but it’s the name of the game. Even the games themselves inspire raucous applause. Raising the curtain to see the beloved Plinko board? You would think Lady Gaga just walked out on the stage. The Mountain Climber is also a much-loved favorite. My favorite games are Ten Chances, the Clock Game, and the Race Game. I love going on a cruise or group trip where we have matching shirts celebrating a birthday or a hometown. Last Atlantis Cruise for the white party, 12 of us wore our homemade “I LOVE NY” shirts. That being said, the group/matching t-shirts in TPIR audience give me life! Some homemade, some bought from the show store. (Drew is not a fan of the t-shirts with his face plastered all over them.) Popular ones include “I called in sick to work to come on TPIR,” or “I am ready to COME ON DOWN.” Jack MacFarland in an episode of Will and Grace suggested a game show for the new all-gay network he started working at: The Price Is Right AND GAY! Perfect for my t-shirt when I am called down to contestant’s row. If you are looking for an hour of non-stop joy and happiness, give The Price is Right a try. You won’t be disappointed. COME ON DOWN, Letters from CAMP Rehoboth! ▼ Robert Dominic splits his time between Brooklyn and Rehoboth Beach. He writes for publications including Instinct Magazine and his own blog, The Gays of Our Lives.

MAY 6, 2022

63 Letters

Women’s FEST Sports


And the Winner Is ...


an you have a Women’s FEST weekend where hundreds of lesbians gather, without sports? Clearly not, as several hundred women participated in the 18-hole golf, 9-hole golf, pickleball, and cornhole tournaments throughout the weekend. The sports at FEST began on Thursday with an 18-hole scramble. Twenty-one teams were registered, but rain and cold weather prompted three teams to cancel. Those remaining toughed it out earning prizes for the first and second place team. First place winners were Carol Miller, BJ Ferguson, Mary Ann DeLorenzo, and Linda De Wick, at six under par. Just behind them, at five under, were Erin Reed, Beth Petite (more on her later), Lisa Lekawa, and Lori Guitson (more on her later, too). And, at four under par, was the team of Barb Thompson, Joann Yurik, Lisa Dillon, and Diane Statina (also more on her later). Even more winners at the 18-hole event included four “closest to the pin” contests, won by Ann Reed, Barb Lewis, Clare Kennedy, and Kathryn Martin. Longest drive was won by Lori Guitson (even more on her later). The contest that might be called “straightest” drive, but this event calls it “closest to a line down the fairway,” was won by Deb Bievenour. On Friday morning, the first-time 9-hole golf scramble teed off. Claiming first place was the team of Lisa Mosley, Robin Esham, Jen Leonard, and Lisa Balestrini Faber. Second place went to Fran Panzo, Suzanne Furman, Anita Broccolino, and Ann Garvey. Closest to the pin contests were held on two holes and were claimed by Barbara Lewis and Nancy Commisso. Also on Friday morning, 74 women began play in a three flight (sorted by ability levels), round-robin pickleball tournament. Each flight finished with top scorers in a single elimination championship bracket, and recognized winners in first, second, third, and fourth places. In Flight C: first place was Diane Scobey and Carolyn Horn; second place was Cynthia Channguris and Lori Baron. Yona Zucker and Letters 64 MAY 6, 2022

Diane Statina (yes, she placed in both golf and pickleball) took third place, and Diane Pasetieri and Karen Jorgensen (more about this team later) placed fourth. In the B flight, the top place was claimed by Katie Rickards and Susan Martyn, while second place went to Mary Jo Tolliver and Maddie Cunningham. Terry Koff and Claire McCraken took third place, while Michelle Steadman and Stacey Hannhoe finished fourth.

…several hundred women participated in the 18-hole golf, 9-hole golf, pickleball, and cornhole tournaments throughout the weekend. In the A flight, the toughest of the competition, the first-place finishers were Karen Faber and Alexa Rupnik in a hardfought game against second-place finishers Kathy Dougherty and L’Oreal Endy. Taking third were Lori Guitson and Beth Petite (a double win for this team, golf and pickleball). Rounding out the fourth place were Diane Sweeney and Cindy Murphy. On Saturday, the final competition of the weekend was held. For the first time, the cornhole tournament was played on the beach. Thirty-two two-player teams battled it out for the championship. In first place were Carol Pellicano and Jody Foster. Second place was claimed by Karen Jorgensen and Diane Pasetieri (this very

athletic team also placed in pickleball). Third place finishers were Beth Toney and Molly Quinn. While all these women were winners in their respective events, it is also fair to say that all participants were winners. There were reconnections with old friends, meeting new friends, seeing some amazing play, and mostly just having fun. And the list of volunteers for each event is almost as long as the list of champs. None of those events would have happened without the tireless help of the volunteers setting up, scoring, and generally keeping things moving. Big kudos to those women! In addition to the volunteers, there were also women who gave gifts of balls, bags, snacks, prizes, medals, and more. These sponsors made a huge contribution to the event. Big thank you to Sue Brooker (First State Pickleball), Dawn Dupre and Megan Keating (Dupre Keating Group, Morgan Stanley), Linda Frese, Sandy Oropel, Jennifer Rubenstein, Diane Scobey, Lana Warfield (Berkshire Hathaway), and Yona Zucker. Shout out to the facilities who rented us their spaces for our tournaments and made everyone feel so welcome: American Classic Golf, Dave Marshall Tennis, and The Rookery. And finally, each sport was coordinated by women who spent weeks and months working with the venues, arranging pairings for play, and keeping it all running smoothly. The event coordinators are the biggest winners of all: Barb Thompson in 18-hole golf, Nan Martino in 9-hole golf, Mary Rossetini and Sandy Oropel in pickleball, and Rina Pellegrini in cornhole. You made the weekend a huge success. Here’s to all the winners! Connie Fox is a retired university administrator and sports coordinator for Women’s FEST. Pictured, left to right: Diane Scobey, Carolyn Horn. Photo: Jennifer Rubenstein


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MAY 6, 2022

65 Letters

Deep Inside Hollywood


Ironheart Set to Introduce Transgender Character

Jerrod Carmichael Goes Victorian in Poor Things

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has another superhero tie-in narrative coming to the Disney+ streaming network, and it’s called Ironheart. It’s based on a Marvel Comics character who debuted in 2016, a teenage genius inventor named Riri who creates an advanced power suit that leaves Iron Man’s in the dust. Tony Stark learns of it and seeks her out to collaborate and set her on the path to superhero status. Dominique Thorne (Judas and the Black Messiah) is set to star as Riri, but little else has been known about the project and details have been kept under wraps until now. Marvel announced that the series will also include a transgender character, unnamed so far, and that the show is looking to cast, according to the POC Culture site, a “Black, Latina, or Afro-Latina transgender woman who is around 18-22 years old…” and that the “character will be smart, confident, and with a mystical bent and unique sense of humor.” We’re thrilled by this development, because now that the MCU has fully infiltrated all of our waking and sleeping lives, and lagged behind those real lives in terms of queer representation, we’re happy to see steps in the right direction for queer actors. And if you fit the bill, call your agent and get that audition.▼

He just went publicly gay in the new HBO standup special Rothaniel, and now Jerrod Carmichael will be seen in the latest film from Yorgos Lanthimos. The filmmaker, best known for The Favourite, and The Lobster, is the most well-known director from what is sometimes called the “Greek Weird Wave,” and the new film Poor Things, adapted from Alasdair Gray’s 1992 novel of the same name, looks like it will hew to that same unsettling vibe. It’s the story of a drowned Victorian-era woman named Belle (Emma Stone), whose scientist father (Willem Dafoe) decides to revive her with a brain transplant. Carmichael will play Harry Astley, one of Belle’s suitors, alongside a supporting cast that includes Mark Ruffalo, Margaret Qualley, Christopher Abbott, Kathryn Hunter and Ramy Youssef. While we’re waiting for Carmichael’s own directorial debut, On the Count of Three, to find its way from its Sundance 2021 origins into theaters, we’ll be digging into this Frankenstein-ian tale sometime later in 2022. ▼

Kristen Stewart Committing Crimes for Cronenberg You won’t have to wait much longer to see more Kristen Stewart on the big screen. She’s already wrapped the latest David Cronenberg project, Crimes of the Future. The 79-year-old Canadian auteur hasn’t directed a movie since 2014’s Map to the Stars and hasn’t directed one like his legendarily disturbing sci-fi films—see Scanners, The Brood, or the wildly divisive Crash—in even longer. Crimes of the Future, shot in Greece in 2021 and wrapped and primed for film festival bows this year for a possible year-end theatrical release, should restore that balance. Set in a future where human beings can quickly evolve new organs, it’s the story of an artist who turns organ removal into theater. In addition to Stewart, Viggo Mortensen stars as Saul Tenser, the artist, alongside Scott Speedman and French actress Lea Seydoux (No Time to Die). Cronenberg has already gone on record as calling the film potentially shocking, so brace yourself, arthouse fans.▼

Queer Teen Romance Crush Hitting Hulu It’s spring, which means people are feeling the evolutionary drive to get a little romance going. And Hulu is about to drop the teen rom-com Crush, starring queer actresses Rowan Blanchard (Girl Meets World) and Auli’I Cravalho (Moana), in case you’re too lazy to get off the couch and find a little love yourself. Blanchard plays high school art student Paige, who has a crush on track star Gabriella (Isabella Ferreira). Paige joins the track team to woo her intended love interest, but winds up falling for Gabriella’s sister AJ (Cravalho) along the way. From a queer creative team including director Sammi Cohen and writers Casey Rackham and Kirsten King, the story hits the teen rom-com story notes you expect while being unapologetically about girls finding their way to lesbian love, and there still aren’t enough of those to go around. Added bonus: Megan Mullally giving much-needed Megan Mullally energy. No more translating those vintage John Hughes movies into fan-fictiony queer narratives; the real deal started streaming on April 29. ▼ Romeo San Vicente has sprung into spring.

Letters 66 MAY 6, 2022

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MAY 6, 2022

67 Letters



A Healthy Garden Makes a Healthy You


his issue is all about outdoors and wellness. There is a definite correlation between being outside in a “nature bath” and living a healthier and better life. In fact, recent studies show a great improvement for both physical and mental health. This is probably why many hospitals and institutions that deal in healthcare are proposing therapeutic gardens as a type of wellness and a healthy approach to rehabilitation. Gardens most assuredly help to decrease anxiety and promote bliss. A simple walk in a park or nature preserve will elevate your mood. It’s also been documented that students perform better on tests if given exposure to green space simply by viewing from classroom windows. Fortunately, it only takes a little green space to make a happier you. No matter the size of your yard or even if it’s a patio or balcony, adding plants to your spaces will result in numerous benefits. Let’s take a look at some of my favorite plants, from perennials to shrubs to trees. The specifics of your location, sun availability, soil condition, and space needs, will determine what you plant.

For big impact with little effort, I recommend black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta or fulgida) as an excellent, low-maintenance perennial. A cluster of these flowers will brighten any spot from early summer through fall. They make excellent cut flowers too, so you can bring a bit of that sunshine into the home. As a companion plant, try Joe Pye weed (Eupatorium), which will attract tons of butterflies to your space. There is a compact variety called ‘Little Joe’ that is perfect for smaller gardens. Both these plants make good additions to rain gardens as well. For shrubs, consider fothergilla (Fothergilla gardenia). This flowering shrub blooms in spring with a display of bottle-brush type flowers. During the growing season, lush green leaves will give way to brilliant orange-red coloring in autumn. A true three-season plant. Another favorite is beauty berry (Calicarpus sp.). Its arching branches are full of purple berry clusters up and down the stem in fall. Beauty berry can take a hard pruning after fruiting in the winter, and still make a magnificent shrub in the garden the following year. In our local region, beach plum (Prunus maritima) makes a wonderful flowering and fruiting shrub for the

edible garden. White flowers in spring fade to pink after pollination and small marble-sized fruit are produced in early autumn. At home along the dunes, beach plum loves sandy, well-drained soil.

A ‘nature bath’ is a wonderful term to use to describe immersing ourselves in nature. Flowering trees for the home garden and within perimeter buffers include Eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis) and serviceberry (Amalencheir canadensis). Sweetbay magnolia (Magnolia virginiana) and flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) are two more amazing native flowering trees. These trees do best in an understory condition, that is to say, they like to be in the dappled shade conditions produced by taller shade trees. However, they tend to flower more profusely when grown in full-sun conditions. The trees listed bloom in spring, however the magnolia is on the later edge of bloom time, and will bloom sporadically through summer. The serviceberry produces fruit typically in June hence their other name, juneberry. These berries are edible and are used in pies and jellies. Imagine these plants in and around your own backyard. Just stepping out into your landscape will sap those negative feelings away and replace them with balance and harmony. A ‘nature bath’ is a wonderful term to use to describe immersing ourselves in nature. Wellness may be only a short journey away, so go on and take that first step. ▼ Eric W. Wahl, Landscape Architect at Pennoni Associates, and President of the Delaware Native Plant Society Photo by Kelsey Weinkauf on Unsplash

Letters 68 MAY 6, 2022

MAY 6, 2022

69 Letters



(Continued from page 55)


THIS PAGE (left to right) 1) at Blue Moon: Magnolia Applebottom, Roxy Overbrooke, Garret Gacusana, RB Commissioner Edward Chrzanowski, Jerry Chrzanowski, Rick Perry, Kathy Chrzanowski, Allan Ragpa, Mark Magliocco, Brian Shook, Derek Thomas; 2) at Aqua: Pam Lynn, Doug Lynn, J. B. Fields, Rick Hardy, Dave Lyons, Bobby Drecher, Tony Coelho, Dave McCarthy, Walt Cassell. OPPOSITE PAGE: 3) at Aqua: Bob Kaplan, Jeff Davis, Mike Moleksy, Jim D’Orta, Paul Smedberg; 4) at Freddie’s Beach Bar and Grille: Paul Frene, Dennis Diaz, Tanner Holt, Shawn Donovan, Linda Balatti, Shirley Gilmer, Paul Christensen, Dennis Morgan, Jerry Sipes, Matt Turlinski, Merle McCann, Pamala Stanley, David Franco, Jazaron Minara, Josie Frances, Kathy Carpenter Brown.▼

Letters 70 MAY 6, 2022



MAY 6, 2022

71 Letters





CAMP Rehoboth Puts Art at the Heart of Our Community IN THE CAMP REHOBOTH GALLERY

30 Years in 30 Photos


s it possible to capture 30+ years of CAMP Rehoboth history in 30 photographs? From May 4-31, you can judge for yourself through CAMP’s newest exhibition. Visitors can reflect on CAMP’s story as well as acquire a one-ofa-kind piece of its history. Framed photos will be available for bidding in an online auction beginning May 5. CAMP Rehoboth co-founder Murray Archibald curated over 300 photographs from CAMP’s extensive archives, and the team of Joyce Felton, Steve Hoult, and Carolyn Watson had the challenge of selecting the 30 photographs for the exhibition. Murray stated, “It is less a history than it is a stone skipping across the surface of a pond and touching down here and there to reveal a particular moment.” “We are honored to host this retrospective,” says CAMP Rehoboth Board President Wes Combs. “When I first started coming to Rehoboth in 1987, it was a refuge for LGBTQ people where we could escape discrimination and rejection to find serenity alongside others going through the same thing.” The photos in this exhibit “harken back to the reason CAMP Rehoboth was founded: Creating A More Positive Rehoboth.” Join us for an exhibit reception on Saturday, May 21 (4:00-6:00 p.m.) to socialize, view the photos, and continue bidding. Proceeds will support CAMP Rehoboth’s vital programs. Visit camprehoboth.com for more information.

This program is supported, in part, by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on www.DelawareScene.com. Letters 72

MAY 6, 2022

arts+entertainment As I See It…from Kodachrome to iPhone Local favorite Geri Dibiase brings a onewoman show of her fabulous photography to the CAMP Rehoboth Gallery—June 4 to July 2—with an Artist’s Reception Sunday, June 5 (2:00-4:00 p.m.). ▼

CAMP REHOBOTH highlights our community’s unique history and culture, and serves to further diversity, equity, and inclusion, by building unity and understanding. Exhibits may be viewed Monday-Friday (10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.) and Saturday (10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.). View and purchase art on the CAMP Rehoboth website under “SHOP.” Doug is the Artistic Director of CAMP Rehoboth Chorus and Minister of Music at Epworth UMC. You can contact him at dougyetter@gmail.com.

artist SPOTLIGHT DAVID ZIPSE With the long-awaited CAMP Rehoboth Chorus concert just around the corner (May 13-15), I decided to introduce you to the chorus’s accompanist—David Zipse. Did you come from a musical family? When Mom played the piano I’d always ask, “How do you do that?” So, she taught me for a while, then I studied piano, clarinet, and sax. I started playing jazz in junior high, classical music in high school, and have a degree in composition from Shenandoah College & Conservatory of Music. My teachers there were of the philosophy that composers need to create something new and different. Why write like Bach or Beethoven? I wrote a lot of serious contemporary music, but my heart was into pop, rock, and jazz. After college I only composed occasionally. The pandemic changed that, and I have written over 100 songs in the past year and signed many over to publishers. Who are your biggest musical influences? Oscar Peterson, Herbie Hancock, Chick Corea, and the rock keyboard players who used to be surrounded by keyboards—Keith Emerson, Rick Wakeman, and of course, George Gershwin. You’re not just a brilliant accompanist, you also arrange the band charts. Where did you learn to do that? I started to learn in jazz workshops in Wilmington, briefly studied with Don Sebesky and others, and had courses in jazz arranging at the conservatory. How does music influence your life? I don’t listen to music for enjoyment—I listen to learn. I study what is current, and what makes it sound current. How does your life influence your music? I get inspired to write through life experiences and playing

a lot—and I mean A LOT. It has made me a better musician, better performer, and better able to express myself through my music. What’s your favorite part of being a musician? Least favorite? Favorite? Bringing joy to people. Talent is a gift, and what you do with it is your gift back. Least favorite? People asking, “What’s your day job?” This is my job! You said your work has been positively affected by the pandemic? When my performing gigs dried up, I found other ways to make money making music. I learned to stream for a friend’s virtual CD release party and began streaming our church services; and it got me back into composing. I released a jazz CD in 2020, and I’ve written hundreds of songs and collaborated with artists across the world. This is what I’ve always wanted to do—a dream I set aside for too many years. Finally, how do you define success as an artist? Success is being able to make a living doing what you love: your art. ▼ MAY 6, 2022

73 Letters


by Terri Schlichenmeyer

BOOKED SOLID Hello, Molly! A Memoir by Molly Shannon

c.2022, Ecco $27.99, 304 pages

The audience roars. That’s music to a performer: the best you can ask from a group of people expecting to be entertained is approval for your efforts. Laughter, for a comedy. Gasps for a drama. Tears for a tragedy and tapping toes for a musical, that’s what you want. But remember: as in Hello, Molly, the new memoir by Molly Shannon, not all of life’s a stage. For most of her life, Molly Shannon’s mother stood off to one side, a main character with a big role but few lines. She was killed in a car accident when Shannon was just four, as if she made a cameo appearance and then was off the script. But not entirely. With the help of family and friends, Shannon’s father, Jim, raised Shannon and her sister, Mary, to remember their mother and to seize life in every way possible, encouraging his girls to be bold and “wild.” Once, when Shannon was 13 and her best friend was 11, Shannon’s father planted the idea in her head to hop a plane. The girls ended up stowing away in plain sight on a flight from Cleveland (near their hometown) to New York City. He paid for their trip back home. And yet, being Jim Shannon’s daughter wasn’t all fun and games. He was an alcoholic, as was his father and his father-in-law. When he was sober, Shannon recalls parties,

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spontaneous trips, loving encouragement, and permission to skip school. When he was drunk, she says that she and her sister were always watchful for his mercurial moods and his propensity for a different kind of “wild” behavior. She couldn’t wait to leave home. And yet, through college, a fledgling career, and a popular spot on Saturday Night Live, her father was always there. Always a touchpoint for her past but also an irritation; enormously proud of her, but with a short wall between them. It wasn’t until she was well into her adulthood that Shannon realized he harbored a secret, and then everything made sense.... You don’t expect a terrible, gasp-worthy accident to be the foundation for a funny story, but there it is, the opening number in Hello, Molly. Quickly-quickly, though, author Molly Shannon pulls readers in—somewhat awkwardly, at first, but in the same excited way that your fourth-grade BFF did when there was something important or interesting that you simply had to see. That, in fact, is the feel you’ll get in the first part of this book: like you’ve been taken by the hand and pulled toward something that was going to make this the best day ever. As you read on, that’s not much hyperbole. If you like Shannon’s work, you’re going to adore this memoir, which appears a lot like her skits: hectic, heartfelt, hold-your-sides hilarious, honest, and always, always arms-wide charming. Bring your sense of humor here—but bring tissues, too. So, take a look, fellas. Here’s what you want in a book, fellas. Hello, Molly! is gonna make you roar. ▼ Terri Schlichenmeyer has been reading since she was three years old and never goes anywhere without a book. Always Overbooked, she lives on a hill in Wisconsin with two dogs and 15,000 books.



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Nat Adderley Jr. Quartet

Minas Music • Getz/Gilberto Show

Webb T’s Superband

THE Independent Straight Ahead Jazz Festival

Columbia Jazz Big Band

A 501(c)3 Non-Profit MAY 6, 2022

75 Letters

OUR SUPPORTERS MAKE IT HAPPEN PURPLE LEVEL Greg Albright & Wes Combs  X Sondra N. Arkin  X Aaron, Heather, Gia & Joe Book* Catherine & Katie Brennan Carol Bresler & Carolyn Billinghurst  X Pat Catanzariti & Carole Ramos* Edward Joseph Chrzanowski & Talmage Wesley Sykes* Skip Dye & Steven King* Judy & Carole Jesiolowski James W. Johnson & Matthew H. Shepard* Wesley Lin & Brian Chapman Sherril Moon & Louise Montgomery* Fred Munzert & J.P. Lacap Beth Pile & S.A. White  X Mark Purpura & Matthew Adams* Chris Rinaldi & Brian Powers  X Mary Rossettini & Kathleen Taylor Jennifer Rubenstein & Diane Scobey  X Gary Seiden & Ah Bashir  X Evie Simmons & Barb Thompson  X Leslie Sinclair & Debbie Woods  X Diane Sweeney* Hope Vella William Cross Foundation Steven Wright DMD PA*

INDIGO LEVEL Murray Archibald & In Memory of Steve Elkins  X James Beal & In Memory of David Van Patter Wesley Blickenstaff* Jane Blue & Louisa Watrel  X Joe Brannen & John Klomp  X Tom Brown  X Chris & Richard Cahill  X Elizabeth Carl & Tori Hill  X Richard Coss & Mike Hull* Elbert Leroy Dage Lou Fiore & Jim Burke* Gary Gajewski - In Memory of Dr. John A. Boscia Richard Gamble & Paul Lindsey* David & Marti Garrett* Harry Hallock Fred Harke - In Memory of Robert Rougeau  X Holly Horn & Kathleen Garrity  X Claire Ippoliti  X Peter Karsner  X Melissa & Amanda Kaufman  X Maureen Keenan & Teri Dunbar  X Russell Koerwer & Stephen Schreiber  X Roger Kramer* Susan Kutliroff & Barbara Snyder* Christine Lay  X Curtis J. Leciejewski, DDS, PA  X Thom Morris & Jim Slusher Natalie Moss & Evelyn Maurmeyer  X Rick Mowery & Joe Conn  X Tom Negran & Marc Anthony Worosilo  X John Newton & Mowry Spencer  X Mark Niehaus & Brooks Honeycutt  X Jeanine O’Donnell - State Farm* Gwen Osborne & Katie Handy  X The Pearsall Family* Porter-Gordon Family* Deborah Qualey & Karen Gustafson  X

Letters 76

MAY 6, 2022

John Roane & Doug Lingenfelter In Memory of Jeff Hosley Lori & Renee Rocheleau Mark Roush & Dave Banick* Mark Schweizer & Robert Voelker Susan Tobin & Cathy Martinson* Terry Vick* Mel W. & Linda Lee M. Weller Ronald Wetzel & Nathan Hench Brian Yanofchick

BLUE LEVEL Ronald Bass & George Robbins  X Rocky Bible & Kevin Bosley In Memory of Jackie Morris Teresa Bolduc & Kim McGeown* Chris Bowers* Karen Brause & Kim Sheaffer* Tony Burns  X Donna Davis & Gail Jackson  X Scott Davis & Chris Shaheen* Connie Fox & Donna Adair* Tom Galloway & Les Diggs Perry Gottlieb & Tim White* John Holohan & William Ensminger* Irene & Lou Katz* Nancy & Tora Kennedy* Paul & Anne Michele Kuhns* Glenn Lash & Mark Paugh Bob Mancuso & Doug Murray Marvin Miller & Dan Kyle  X Chris Rouchard  X Michael Shaffer & Benjamin Wilson  X Frank Surprenant, DDS & Chris Wisner  X

GREEN LEVEL Sharon Bembry & Lois Powell* Alex Benjamin & Pete Grover* David Bower* David W. Briggs & John F. Benton  X Charlie Browne & Rod Cook  X Barry Bugg* Cheryl Buxton* Stephen Corona Lewis & Greg Dawley-Becker* Robert Defendis & Ronald O. Dempsey* Mike DeFlavia & Tony Sowers* Ann DeLazaro & Annette Potemski Marianne DeLorenzo & Linda Van de Wiele* Max Dick* Diane Dragositz Kathy & Corky Fitzpatrick  X Keven Fitzsimmons & Jeff Stroud  X Cynthia Flynn & Deirdre Boyle  X Lisa Gilley Richard Green & Asi Ohana  X Joe Greenhall & Tom Klingler Bob Gurwin & John Rourke David Hagelin & Andy Brangenberg* Jo Hamilton & Donna Voigt* Terry Hollinger & Mike May Steve Hoult & Rick Bane  X Karen Hugues & Cathy McCallister  X Anthony Incalcatera & James Buswold Nola Joyce & Brenda Eich* Jocelyn Kaplan & Idalie Adams  X Linda Kemp* Deborah Kennedy & Beth Yocum* Jerry Kennedy & Robert Quinones  X Eric Korpon & Steve Haber* Lee Lambert

Leslie Ledogar & Marilyn Hewitt* John J. MacDonald & Douglas James Susan Morrison* Dennis Neason & Steve Bendyna* Kim Nelson & Lori Simmons  X Fran O’Brien & David Gifford* Keith Petrack & Michael Fetchko* Anne Pikolas & Jean Charles  X Gail Purcell & Sandy Kraft* Tony Purcell & In Memory of Daniel Espejel Marty Rendon & John Cianciosi* Douglas Sellers & Mark Eubanks* Scott Shaughnessy & John Hassell* William Snow  X Mary Spencer & Kathy Lingo* Joseph Steele & Chris Leady David Streit & Scott Button* Anne Tracy & Mary Gilligan* Peter Trost & John Worek Cal Weible   X Kathy Wiz & Muriel Hogan  X Jon Worthington & Bryan Houlette  X

YELLOW LEVEL Brenda Abell  X Ria Allman Keith Anderson & Peter Bish  X Gwen Atwell & Marla Hoon Dale Aultman & Paul Gibbs  X Shannon & Sarah Avery* Pamela Baker & Diane Dixson* Linda Balatti & Shirley Gilmer  X Susie Ball & Susan Delaney  X Mike Ballinger & In Memory of Martin Thomas* Miriam Barton* Chris Beagle & Eric Engelhart* Tom Beall Barbara Beavers & Kathy Carrell Sherry Berman & Deb Hamilton  X Abby Bernstein & Karen Frank  X Michael Boyle & Greg Murphy  X David Carder Kathy Casey & Jean Burgess  X Kate Cauley & Pat Newcomb Bob Chambers* Jean Chlastawa & Susan Griesemer* Paul Christensen & Dennis Morgan* Jim Chupella & Jim Wigand* Steve Clayton & Brad Lentz* Gary Colangelo & Gerald Duvall  X Nancy Commisso* Thomas Conway & Thoth Weeda* Billy Cox & John Carr* Drexel Davison - Bad Hair Day?* Anthony Delacruz & Ronald Mangano Fred DiBartolo & Steve Wood  X Maureen Dolan & Karen McGavin* Albert Drulis & Scott Silber* Sandy Duncan & Maddy Ewald Karen & Lisa Faber* Alice Fagans & Ruth Ann Mattingly* John Farley & Dennis Wilson  X Dent Farr & Erick Lowe* Dee Farris* Jerry Filbin* Cecily Fisher & Loretta Higgins Diane Fisher & Kharma Amos Metropolitan Community Church of Rehoboth* Monica Fleischmann & Lona Crist  X John Flournoy & Jim Chrobot John Furbush & Tom Feng* Gail Gormley*

CAMP REHOBOTH MEMBERSHIP 2022 Susan Goudy* Ken Green & Joe Kearney* Renee Guillory & Melissa Vila-Guillory Mary Gunning Wesley Hacker & David Block* Harbor Healthcare* Pete & Joanne Harrigan* Robert Henthorne & Roger Bolduc David Herring & Karl Hornberger Carol Holland - Holland Jewelers  X Caroline Huff & Brenda Robertson* Nan Hunter & Chai Feldblum Pete Jakubowski* Dorsey Johnson & Kay Jernigan* Philip Johnson* Dee Dee Jones & Julie Blake Frank Jump & Vincenzo Aiosa* Bob Kabel* Marilyn Kates & Laura Glenn* Andy Kite & Karl Martin Rose Korten & Brenda Pinkney* Greg Kubiak* Carol Lazzara & Sheila Maden* Edmund LeFevre & Keith Wiggs  X Greg Lehne Monica Lewis & Ann Zimmerman* David Lindeman & Andrew Phipps Frank Liptak & Joe Schnetzka* Jim Lonsdale & Bryan Hoffman John Mackerey & Donald Filicetti Teresa Madonna & Stacey Mazzacco Patricia Magee & Anita Pettitt  X John Marson Jill Masterman & Tammy Jackson* Tony Mazzarella Michael McCarthy & Lars Kontz In Memory of Vickie Stapleton Mickie McManamon* Howard Menaker & Patrick Gossett  X Phil Merola & Rocco Scutaro Ray Michener & Tom Carlson* Sandy Neverett & Pam Cranston  X Robert Nowak & David Bergman  X Judy Olsen & Joanne Kempton  X Maggie Ottato  X Dotti Outland & Diane Mead  X Peninsula Gallery - Tony & Carol Boyd-Heron* Joanne Picone & Kathy Bostedo* Frank Pirhalla Stephen Pleskach  X Jim Pressler  X Sam Profeta  X Lisa Rabigi & Bea Vuocolo* Gene Roe  X Thomas Rose & Thomas Sechowicz  X Lucien Rossignol & Tom Harris* Mark Saunders & Bob Thoman* Richard Scalenghe & Thomas Panetta* Sheryl Schulte & Jeanne LaVigne* Troy Senter & Stacey Chan* Mary Ann Slinkman & Sharyn Santel* Polly Smale - In Memory of Charlotte Reid* David Smith & Kenn Williams Susan Soderberg & Terri King  X John Michael Sophos & Miss Dot Sophos* Diane Sozio & Patricia Hutchinson* Dee Speck & Linda Kauffman  X Russell & Patricia Stiles* Robert Stoltzfus & Gerald Warhola* Lenny Stumpf & John B. Pitchford*

Jackie Sullivan & Sharon Padbury Brett Svensson & Bill Quinn - Dust Doctors LLC* Thrasher’s French Fries* Don Wainwright & Tom Jamison* Lana Warfield & Pamela Notarangelo  X Elizabeth Way & Dorothy Dougherty* Michael Weinert  X Justin Weitz William Wheatley* Joseph & Diane Wood Tony Wright & Mary Jo Bennett  X Steven Wunder & Rod Hastie Jean Sutliff Young* Joanne Yurik* Larry Zeigler  X John Zingo & Rick Johnson*

ORANGE LEVEL Ruth Ball & Mary Ellen Jankowski* Romulus Barba & Dean Yanchulis* Paul Barbera & Joseph Nolan Nancy Bearss & Jenni Lindsay Kathleen Biggs & Maria Campos Janet Blaustein Kathy Board & Jackie Maddalena Boland Family - In Memory of Michael J. Kelly* Richard Bost & Thomas Moore* Linda Bova & Bridget Bauer The Sea Bova Associates* Victor Branham & Mark Clark William Briganti & Gary Moore* Anita Broccolino - In Memory of Cathy Fisher Wendy Bromfeld* Ronald Butt & Steve Cannon* William Byron & Ali Lazur Ingrid Callmann & Karen Askins* Helen Chang & Pat Avery Charlie Codacovi* Beth Cohen & Fran Sneider  X Community Bank Delaware* Mark Conheady* Lois Cortese & Jill Stokes  X Kay Creech & Sharon Still* Kenneth Currier & Mike Tyler  X John D’Amico* Julie A Danan Linda DeFeo  X J. Lynne Dement & Lisa J. Snyder* Jim DiLalla & In Memory of Frederick Episcopo* Tony DiMichele & Jeff Smith* Donna Dolce* Kevin Doss & Arie Venema Arlyce Dubbin & Kathleen Heintz* Brenda Dunn & Karen Anderson Richard Egler Susan Eig & Ellen Schiff  X Jeanne Embich* Robin Esham Maureen Ewadinger* Ellen Feinberg & Lesley Rogan  X Barbara Fitzpatrick & Denise Centinaro Sara Ford & Anne Donick* Roland Forster & David McDonald Deb Fox & Deb Bonneau Charles Gable Christopher Galanty & James Apistolas Ron Glick & Tien Pham* William Gluth & Channing Daniel* Ed Gmoch* Continued on page 78

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MAY 6, 2022

77 Letters

Continued from page 76

Mike Gordy & Ed Brubaker* Joe Gottschall & Scott Woody Charles Graham* Deborah Grant & Carol Loewen* Robert Grant & Chris Cossette Todd Hacker Siobhan Halmos & Beth McLean* Sharon Hansen  X Pat Harte & Nancy Sigman Tracey & Erica Hellman Nancy Hewish & Vicki Martina* Bill Hillegeist  X Mary Anne Hoopes & Dianna Johnston* Vance Hudgins & Denny Marcotte* John Hulse  X Mary Huntt & Angela Creager Janet Idema & Patricia Higgins* Anne Kazak & Chris Coburn  X Maryl Kerley  X Bonnie Kirkland & Wanda Bair  X Jay Kottoff & Mark Matey* Rob & Jean Krapf  X Barbara Lang & Diane Grillo* Chip Logan Dale & Sue Lomas* Duncan MacLellan & Glenn Reighart* Marsha Mark & Judy Raynor* James Mastoris & Edward Chamberlain  X Jonathan Mattner & Chad Rinker Michael & Stephan Maybroda Kathy & Steve McGuiness* James Mease & Philip Vehslage* R Moore Carol Morris & Ann Abel Lisa Mosley Pat Nickols* Donna Ohle & Susan Gaggiotti  X Lisa Orem & Debby Armstrong* Sandra Oropel & Linda Frese* Carolyn Ortwein & Ann Barry* Rutland Paal & Robert Mittleman* Sandra Pace & Barbara Passikoff  X Steve Parker* Ellen Passman  X Marilyn Pate & Dorothy Smith* Patricia Pawling & Jennifer Butz* Rina Pellegrini Colleen Perry & Jane Kuhfuss* Marianne Perry & Jeanette Laszczynski* Deena Pers  X Grace Pesikey & Janet Urdahl* Russ Phipps & Stephen Jacobs* Peter Pizzolongo & Carlos Prugue* Pierce Quinlan & Ginny Daly* Susan Reinagel & Dawn Henderson* Pat Renninger & Tammy Plumley  X Joseph Rively & Ty Hoffman Bill Rogers & Jeff Wilkinson Judy Rosenstein & Elva Weininger  X Deborah & Charles Ross  X Michael Safina & Tim Bean Katherine Sams* Richard Sargent* Gary Schell & Jim DiRago Laurie Schneider & Margie Ripalda* Carol Scileppi & Valerie McNickol* Teri Seaton & Rena Frampton-Seaton Michael Seifert & Harvey Holthaus* Craig Sencindiver & Gary Alexander* Tara Sheldon Frank Shockley & Arthur Henry* Anita Smulyan Tina Snapp & Susan Leathery Christine Stanley & Joyce Rocko* Matthew Stensrud & Michael Cohen* Greig Stewart & Jake Hudson* Caroline Stites & Elizabeth Coit  X

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MAY 6, 2022

Brian Straka* Sandra Sullivan & Lorie Seaman* Terrence Sullivan Trudie Thompson Susan Thornberg Jeffrey Trunzo & Herman Goodyear* James Vernicek & Jeff Dailey* Joseph Vescio Tama Viola Patricia Walker Shawn Walker Don Wessel Ralph Wiest & Anthony Peraine* Daryle Williams & Steven Fretwell Terri Windlan Melanie Wolfe & Monica Niccolai Robert T. Wright & Jack Lim* Sherri Wright & Dick Byrne* Niki Zaldivar & Cecil McNeil  X Kathryn Zimmerman Helaine Zinaman & Roselyn Abitbol  X

RED LEVEL Guy Abernathey  X Dale Adams Adrienne & Kim* Jim Affonco  X Mark Aguirre & Wayne Gleason  X Terry Albarella Bill Alldredge  X Chris Allison Stephani Allison & Judith Gorra  X Marge Amodei* Alan Anderson  X Daniel Anderson & Greg Melanson Andrea Andrus & Maggie Shaw  X Peter Antolini  X Patricia Antonisse  X Wanda Armwood & Illona Williams Terry & Gayle August Josh Bach & Edward Ginley Kathleen Bailey  X Christine A. Baker John Baker & Richard Latham  X June Baker* Sarah Barnett Curtiss Barrows  X Brian Bartels* Eric Barton & Greg Nagel Barbara Bastow & Margaret McHale John Batchelor  X Karen Beck* Beebe Medical Foundation* Pat Beebe Mike Behringer & Nelson Correa* Alex Belano Sheryl Bender & Doreen DiLorenzo* George Benes & Michael Mallee  X Suzanne Bennethum & Deborah Smith* Joe Benshetler & Kurt Angell Jeri Berc  X John Berdini  X Joel Berelson & Charles Maples* James C. P. Berry & Matthew Stanislao Lisa Beske - In Loving Memory of Steve Elkins* Christine Bielenda & Karen Feuchtenberger* Thomas Biesiadny  X Deb Bievenour & Susan Shollenberger* Beatrice Birman & Mary Malgoire Lorraine Biros* Cathin Bishop & Laura Simon  X Ann Black & Kaye Wachsmuth  X Carol Blair* Eric Blondin - State Farm Insurance Rehoboth Beach  X Jacquelyn Blue  X Rev. Dr. Tom Bohache & Tom Laughingwolf Simmons  X

Annabelle Boire* Carl Bomberger & Mike Rhoads Robin Bond & Leanna Johannes* Bob Bonitati  X Joy Boone & Marina Simmers  X Randall Borgerson  X Pete Borsari  X Laura Borsdorf  X Nancy Bouse & Norma Morrison  X David & Donna Bowman  X Deni Boyer & Loretta Imbrogono Brian Boyle & Larry Gee  X Beth Bozman* Jim Brady & Mike Hays  X John Brady  X Kelly Brennan & Susan McVey* Susan Brinsfield & Barbara Devenport Debora Brooke * Kevin Brown  X Lyn Brown & Winsome Boyd Matthew Brown Diane Bruce & Annie Sorvillo* Daniel Bruner & Tim Beymer Jack Bucchioni Carol Buck Al Bulliner  X Belinda Buras & Linda Simeone Geoffrey Burkhart & Bruce Williams* Lyn Burleson & Sharon Werner* Carol L. Burnett  X Mary Jean Burns & Novalyn Winfield Stephen Burt & Michael Jones Timothy B. Bush  X Sherry Butler Randy Butt & Emerson Bramble* James Byrnes  X Robertine Cale Debbie Cali & Maddie Cunningham Leslie Calman & Jane Gruenebaum* Pat Campagna & Debra Sansoucie Terri Campbell & Victoria Smith Michele Campisi & Julie A. Slick  X Joe Canter Matt Carey  X Jim Carlo  X Justine Carpenter  X Shirley Carpenter & Mary Coldren  X Deborah Carroll & Jill Steiner Alice Casey & Anthony Codella Jo Cason & Peggy Neidlinger Teresa Cason & Lynda Schepler  X Sara Cavendish & Wendy Bunce  X Denis Chandler & Sebastion DiMauro Linda Chaney & Irene Lawlor* Dr. Harvey J. Chasser  X Mike Chateauneuf  X Dan Childers & Ted Hernandez* Tom Childers & John Hall  X Sandra Chinchilla & Michelle Holmes  X Curt Christensen & Ellen Heald* Billy J. Christian  X Dennis Chupella & Rob White  X Dottie Cirelli & Myrna Kelley  X James Clark Norma K. Clark  X Rob Cline Barbara Clipper Amy Clouse & Betty Long  X Julie Cockley Anne Cole & Sandy Freeman Carolyn Cole & Sandy McDevitt  X Stuart Comstock-Gay  X Inez Conover  X Blanche Cook & Clare Coss Bill Cooley & Ken Watkins DVM  X Josh Cooper & Steve Rathburn Jeffery A. Coover  X Michael Cornell  X Lois Corson  X Mary Costa & Kris Nygaard* Becky & Tom Craft  X

Wendy Cramer & Carolyn Baranowski* Theresa-Ann Crivelli & Angela Murray* Robert Crocetti  X Bill Cross & David McCall  X Donald Crowl* Mark Cunningham & Ken Tattersall  X Rich Custer Jamie Cuthbert & KT Tinney Howard Cyr & Lynn Ashley* Ellen Dahl Charles Daniels William T. Darley  X Denise Davis & Jeanne Bilanin Jeremiah Davis Marsha Davis & Bev Lesher  X Patricia Davis Kathy Davison & Ruth Dickerson  X Frederick Dean & Steven Swierzy  X Linda Dean & Donna Whiteside* Penny Lee Dean Scott Dechen & James Maino* Michael Decker & Arley Jaimes  X Michael DeGraffenreid Susan Deise & Jerri Budzinski Maureen Delaney & Madonna Aldrich Bernie Delia  X Frank Dell’Aquila  X Claire Dente & Leslie Campo* Tracy Denton & Brenda Welsh Karen DeSantis & Carol Brice* Nancy DeToma & Meg Smith* David DeVargas & Steven Champion  X Carolyn DeVito Dawn Devries & Helen Krum Henry & Marcia DeWitt  X Romy Diaz & Dennis Bann Julie Dickson  X Richard Dietz Mary Dipietro & Wendy Schadt* Deb Dobransky & Ketty Bennett* Arthur Dochterman  X David & Lizann Dockety  X Peg Dolan & Mary McDevitt  X Mary & Polly Donaldson Millie Donnell Debbie & Karen Dorris* Kathryn Downs Frances Doyle  X Paul Dradransky  X Zita Dresner Michael Driscoll & Ben McOmber  X Susan Dube & Diana Patterson* Deanna Duby & Carol Bruce* Barry Dunkin Gene Dvornick  X Sue Early  X Frank Echols & Robert Robinson David Edelman Eden Restaurant  X Claire Edmondson & Louise Bylicki Brad Edwards Gail Elliott & Bea Hickey* Pamela Elliott W. Kay Ellis* Ann Evans* Lisa Evans & Joann Gusdanovic Susan Farr & Joanne Pozzo Jane Farrell Alexis Faust Larry & Ro Fedorka* Karen Ferguson* Virginia Fessler * Jayne & Ro Fetterman* Irene & Edward Fick* Ben Ficks & Bob Angell Allen Fred Fielding  X Joe Filipek & Larry Richardson  X Mark Finkelstein & Michael Zeik  X Paul Finn & Joseph Porporino* Rick Fischer  X

Barbara Fischetti & Janet Thoden Gary Fisher & Josh Bushey* James Fitzsimmons & Brian Burdelle Chuck Flanagan  X Paul Florentino & Chris Pedersen  X Sandra Fluck & Beverly Morgan* Mary Ford & Judy Hedrick  X Beebe Frazer  X Phil Fretz  X Billiemichelle & Evelyn Friel* Neil Frock & Bob Harrison* Bill Fuchs* Marilyn Fuller & Teresa Marigliano Susan Furman Lorraine Gaasche & Jill Mayer* Frank Gainer & Ramon Santos* Lynn Gaites & Faye Koslow  X Nina Galerstein* Charles Gallagher & James Day Marcia Gallo & Ann Cammett Jerry Gallucci & Conrad Welch* Kathryn Gantz & Kathryn Gehret Don Gardiner  X Cheri Garnet & Cynthia Arno Patricia Garrison Mindy Gasthalter* Wilson Gates  X Charles George & Dennis Rivard  X Tracey Gersh & Amy Johnson Gary Gillard  X Michael Gilles Jordan Gipple & Paul Weppner* Angela & Cheryl Gladowska Joan Glass  X Karen Glooch  X Ronald Gluck* Jane Godfrey* Randall Godwin  X Jackie Goff & Mary Vogt  X Katherine Goff Dave Gold & In Memory of James Yiaski  X Robert Gold  X Suzanne Goldstein & Dana Greenwald  X Cindy Gonzalez Milton Gordon & Bill Hromnak  X Teresa Gordy & Barb Ford  X Dan Goren & Peter Robinson  X Anita Gossett & Ronnie Smith* Robert Gotwalt & Norman Jones Amy Grace & Karen Blood* Bill Graff & Jeff Schuck* Lisa & Raymond Graff* Angela Grant & Zoe Fitzpatrick* Paul R. Grant & Marc Watrel* Cheryl Graves Harvey Grider Kenneth Grier* Richard Grifasi  X John Grillone & Paul Schlear Jr.  X Joseph Gritz  X Wendy Grooms & Barbara Fishel  X Carol Gross  X James Gross  X Richard & Frances Grote* Paula Grubbs  X Christopher Guidone Helene Guilfoy  X Lori Guitson Bill Gunning & Joe Greoski  X Marie & Ken Haag* Carolyn Haas & Debbie Williams Jay Haddock & Hector Torres* Gerard M. Haley & George D. Zahner  X Cynthia Hall  X Barbara Hals & Sharon Dyke Mark Hare & Mike Newman  X Kelley Harp  X David Harrer & Floyd Kanagy* Thomas F Harris II Mary Hartman & Laurie Nelson Continued on page 80

windsor's 28-02_windsor's 14-15.qxd 3/30/2018 2:26 PM Page 1

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MAY 6, 2022

79 Letters

Continued from page 78

Jeff Haslow  X Janece Hausch* John & Mary Havrilla* Nancy Hawpe Daniel F.C. Hayes* Helen Healy & Lisa Whitehouse Gail Hecky* Barb & Len Hedges-Goetti Leslie Hegamaster & Jerry Stansberry* Linda Heisner  X Matthew Hennesey* David Herchik & Richard Looman  X Fred Hertrich  X Howard Hicks & Stephen Carey  X Helen Hilderbrandt Barbara Hines & Nancy Froome  X Howard C. Hines, MD  X Karen Hinman Janel Hino & Patricia Ann Scully  X Cynthia Hogue David Hogue & Michael Utasi Harris Holden  X Connie Holdridge* Robert Holloran & Ed Davis* Brad Holsinger & Ed Moore Mod Cottage* Chris Holt & Emory Bevill  X Mollyne Honor & Shelley Garfield Larry Hooker  X Penni Hope* James T. Hopkins  X Elaine Horan & Debbie Sciallo  X Frank Hornstein & Mark Henckel  X James Hospital & Jack Fraker* Robert Hotes  X Peggy Ann Hughes Kaz Huston & Sylvia Daniels Ellan Hylton Batya Hyman & Belinda Cross* Thomas Ingold  X Chris Israel & John Stassi  X Debbie Isser & Fran Leibowitz* Geoffrey Jackson & Will Delany  X Fay Jacobs & Bonnie Quesenberry  X Sharon Janis  X Rich Snell  X Steve Janosik  X Kathy Jantzen & Debi Cunn Allen Jarmon & Ward Ellinger  X Robert Jasinski* Mary Jenkins & Laura Reitman Susan Jimenez & Cathy Benson  X In Memory of Joseph Lachac* Donna A. Johnson* Ken Johnson  X Randi Johnson Tara Johnson Jim Johnston Richard Jolly & Charles Ingersoll  X D. J. Jones* Gay Jones & Barb Bartels Glenn Jones  X Sparky Jones Tom Jones  X Wayne Juneau  X Mick Kaczorowski  X Darleen Kahl & Susan Poteet* Bob Kaplan & Jeff Davis  X Daphne Kaplan & Steve Scheffer* Sharon Kaplan & Pamela Everett* Kevin P. Kaporch  X Amylynn Karnbach - One Day At A Time Gifts, LLC Peter Keeble & Tom Best Margaret Keefe* Alan Keffer* Mark Kehoe  X Donald Kelly* John Kelly & Randy Sutphin  X Michael J. Kelly  X Ann Kemper

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John Kennedy Rosemary Kerwin & C Robinson Hunter Kesmodel  X Ned Kesmodel & Matt Gaffney  X Tom Ketterman Marge Keyes & Julie Arenstein  X C. David Kimmel* Charlotte King Spencer Kingswell  X Daniel Kinsella* Ilene Klein Jane Knaus & Cindy Myers Stephen Kopp John Kort & Hung Lai* Robert Kovalcik & Bob Howard  X Myra Kramer & John Hammett* Marcia Kratz* Karen Kreiser & Beth Nevill* Kathleen Kress Kevin W. LaBarge  X Adam Lamb & Eli Martinez Cheryl Landry & Lisa Corrado Peter Lanzaro & Frank Bodsford  X Dr. Mathilda Laschenski & Dr. Kathleen Heacock  X Ruth Lauver & Judy Wetzel* Kate Lavelle  X Jim Lawrence & Bob Palandrani Charlie Lee  X Nicholas Lee Jon Leeking & Dieulifete Jean* Sherry Leichman & Keith Snyder Kim Leisey & Kathy Solano Lisa Lekawa Jen Leonard & Claire McCracken Jill Leonard Marsha Levine & Susan Hamadock  X Arlene & Ginny Levy-Balmforth Barbara Lewis Barbara Lilien* Alexander Lincoln Cindy Lins & Diane Milam Duwayne Litz  X Eleanor Lloyd & Celeste Beaupre Jonathan & Karlyn Lokken* Robert E. Long  X Pat Loughlin* Cynthia Lowe & Rae von Doehren Debbie Lupton & Romana Dobbs Diane Lusk  X P. Michael Lutz* Minda Lynch Becky Lyons & Ebie Hamrick  X Christopher Magaha* Joe Maggio  X Loretta Mahan* Bernadette Maher & Cheryl Tarlecky* Jack Maher  X Nancy Maihoff  X Eddie Major  X Bruce Majors  X Harvey Manchester  X Domenic Mannello  X Stephanie Manos & Reber Whitner  X Anyda Marchant  X Charles Marino & Alan Berman* Diane Markey & Randi Snader* Harold Marmon & Robert Hill* Sharon Marquart Michelle Marsh & Barb Sann Colleen Martin Norma Martin  X Linda Martinak & Susan Baker Nan Martino & Patty Rickman* Marie Martinucci* Joe Matassino & Tim Murray* Jason Darion Mathis Nancy Mathis John Matthews & Nick Polcini* Eric Matuszak  X Linda Mazie & Terry Koff Donna McCabe & Mac Ignacio  X Marcia McCollum

Edward McCord Kathleen McCormick & Elizabeth Fish  X Mary McElhone & Nancy Kaiser  X Sherri McGee & Kris Aulenbach Thomas McGlone  X Kathleen McGrath Ellen McKeon & Kay Cummings* Joe McMahon  X Joseph McNally & Terry Jones  X Charlotte McNaughton Chuck McSweeney & Michael Clay  X Jim & Bruce McVey-Back* Mary Medlock & Susan Russell Buck Melton  X John Messick  X Joseph & Thomas Michael-Ryan Alicia Mickenberg & Kathleen Fitzgerald* Jamie Middelton* Dr. Phyllis J. Mihalas  X Melissa Milar* Alicia Miller & Shawn Noel* Bruce R. Miller & Dean D. LaVigne  X Frank Miller  X Marilyn K. Miller & Candice Zientek* Robin Miller Shelly Miller Todd A. Miller & Michele Frame  X Trixie Miller Chris & Joann Miller-Marcin Doreen Millon Lee Wayne Mills  X Stan Mills & Marcia Maldeis  X Linda Miniscalco & Jeanne Drake* Martha Monell Andrea Monetti & Karen Petermann* Sue Monismith  X Jamie Moore Margaret Moore & Sheree Mixell  X Teri Moore & Barb Kulbaba* Mary Morgan & Beth Fitton  X Meg Morgan & Susan Lynham  X Richard Morgante & Edward McHale* Bob Morris & James Weygandt Pearl Morris* Jack Morrison & Bob Dobbs* Rebecca Moscoso* Barry Moshinski & Robert Ponzini Andrew K. Moss & Richard Blevins  X Donna Mulder & Denise Delesio* Brent Mundt  X Mary Murdoch  X Joanie Murphy Marie Murray & Deb Ward  X Robbin Murray & De Raynes* Cynthia Myers Kathleen Nagle & Susan Blazey Marta Nammack & Francis Murphy Marc Nasberg & Howard R. Nelson  X Keith Neale  X Cindy Necaise & Debbie Cole  X David Nelson & William McManus  X Lee Ann Nelson  X Darrell Netherton & Robert Wheeler  X James Newkirk & Leon Wilkowsky* Janet Newkirk  X Arletta Nicholl & Mary Anderson Scott Nickle Konrad Noebel, MCAT, LMT & Brian Cox* Teri Noel* James Nolan Janet Nosal Paul Nye & Jerry Hofer Chuck Oakes & Robert Dellanoce* Susan O’Brien* Terry O’Bryan & Jack Musser James O’Dell  X Megan O’Donnell James O’Malley  X Richard O’Malley  X

Missy Orlando & Patty Violini  X Jeffrey & Lisa Osias  X Kathy Osterholm Randy Overbaugh  X Sharon Owens & Doreen Halbruner Sally Packard & Dinah Reath  X Denise Page Richie Pagnotta  X Bud Palmer  X Fran Panzo Stephen Pape & Jerry Clark Fred Parham Diane Pasatieri Emilie Paternoster & Monica Parr  X Carol Patterson & Carol Hughes* Tim Patterson & Harvey Sharpe  X Peggy Paul  X Wesley & Connie Paulson* Lucille & Dan Payne Michelle Peeling & Wendy Adams* Caroline Pellicano & Jodi Foster Beverly Peltz* Roy Perdue  X Al Perez & Gary Kraft* Susan Petersen & Luz Cruz Don Peterson & Jeff Richman  X Eric Peterson  X Elizabeth Petitte & Erin Reid Bruce Pfeufer  X PFLAG - Rehoboth Beach* Peggy Phillips & Norma McGrady* Frank Pileggi & Jon Blackman  X Arleen Pinkos* Janice Pinto & Lori Swift* Terry Plowman  X Jo Pokorny* Claire Pompei & Dolores Yurkovic* Mary Lu Pool Roni Posner  X Sue Potts & Karen Kohn  X Pat Powell* Renata Price & Yona Zucker* Timothy Price & Gerard Sealy  X Sarajane Quinn* Jean Rabian & Ralph Hackett  X Joie Rake & Nan Flesher  X Elaine Raksis & Maxine Klane* Barb Ralph  X Rob Ramoy  X Bob & Mary Beth Ramsey  X Linda Rancourt & M. Sue Sandmeyer* Lewis Rathbone* Nancy Ratner Carole Redman Janet Redman  X Carolyn Redmon & Nancy Allen* Randy Reed  X Rehoboth Art League* Peter S. Reichertz  X Ken Reilly & Tony Ghigi  X Virginia Reime & Gene Tadlock* Jeff Reinhart & Jack Miller* Patricia Remeis & Maureen Kane Thomas Resh & Jeffrey Meyers  X Judith Retchin & Elyse Wander  X Deborah Reuter & Deborah Bea* Sarah Reznek & Babette Pennay Sandie Riddell & Eileen Siner* Marion Ridley & Mark Lundy  X Linda Rikard & Mary Jo Tarallo Keith & John Riley-Spillane  X Joel Robbins & Michael Linder  X Sandra Robbins  X William Robbins & Gary Ralph* Sandy Roberts   X Rob Robertson & Carlos Taylor  X Teri & Amy Robinson-Guy Craig Rocklin  X Tim Rodden & Randy Clayton  X John & Susan Roehmer* Jeanne Rogers* Roy Rollins  X Lauren Romig  X Debbie Ronemus & Peggy Sander*

Ed Rose & Sandra Robbins  X Michael Rose & David Le Sage Allison Rosenberg Peter Rosenstein  X Larry L. Ross  X Ellen & Terry Roth Perreault  X Barb Rowe  X Ski Rowland & Gary Mosher  X Joan Rubenstein  X Mary K. Ryan* Steve Sage & Thom Swiger  X Chris Sailer & Min Mancini Joe & Nancy Sakaduski* Margaret Salamon* Cindy Sanders & Donna Smith* Sanford & Doris Slavin Foundation  X Kim Schilpp* Nancy Schindler & Eric Youngdale Michael Schlechter & Kevin Sharp  X Lisa Schlosser & Sherri Brown Rosemarie Schmidt & Carolyn Horn  X Sharon Schmitt* Holly Schneider & Linda Haake Jaime Schneider & Glenn Randall  X Peter Schott & Jeffrey Davis* Carol Schwartz  X Craig Schwartz & William Pullen  X Mona Schwartz & Joanne Tramposch* Diane Schwarz Diane Scobey  X John Scotti & Greg Landers* David Scuccimarra & Dorothy Fedorka* Clifton C. Seale & Charles A. Gilmore* Shirley Semple* Janet & Elaine Shaner & Elizabeth Taylor Marj Shannon* Dale Sheldon & Pat Coluzzi  X Banner Sheppard & Marlin Hubler Kelly Sheridan & Debra Quinton* Lynn Sheridan & Melissa Imbergamo David Sherman  X George Shevlin & Jack Suwanlert* William Shively & TD Stanger Davis Short & Beverly Castner Francine Siedlecki Frank Silverio  X Marc Silverman & John Campbell* Kelly Simon Ann Singleton & Twila McDonough Joanne Sinsheimer & Margaret Beatty* Sandra Skidmore  X Ken Skrzesz  X Jeffrey Slavin  X Anne Smith & Lisa Taylor Carol Smith* Harlan Joe Smith & Dustin Abshire* Leonard Smith  X Marty Smith & F. Price Connors Robert Smith Rosanne Smith & Brenda Butterfield* Shannon Smythe & Kevin Subers Claire & Mikki Snyder-Hall Sandra Sommerfield & Cindy Scott  X Sandy Souder - Unity of Rehoboth Beach* Lynda Sowbel Stephanie Specht Jim Spellman  X Lorraine Stanish & Beverly Miller* Ginger Stanwick Christy Steer  X Frank Sterner  X Shelley Stevens & Joanne Locke Lisa Stewart  X Libby Stiff & Bea Wagner  X Continued on page 83

MAY 6, 2022

81 Letters

clear space theatre company

20 Baltimore Ave. (Beach Block) RB, DE 19971

Tickets On Sale Now!

May 66 ---- 22 22 May Clear Space is requiring patrons to show their COVID-19 vaccination card along with a government-issued ID or physical proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours of the performance and a government-issued ID in order to enter the theatre. Masks are required for everyone while inside the building. No food or beverages allowed inside the theatre. For complete show schedules & tickets, please visit:

www.ClearSpaceTheatre.org Or call Letters 82

MAY 6, 2022


This program is supported, in part, by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on www.DelawareScene.com. Clear Space Theatre Company, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Continued from page 80

Milindi Stifler Allison Stine & Pete Jamieson* Terry Stinson* Tracy Stith & Laura McCarthy Dr. Frederick C. Stoner * Michael Stover* Christine Strauss  X Lois Strauss  X Trish Sullivan & Sandy Hudson Jill Sungenis & Nicole Bano John Swift & Ron Bowman  X Melanie Szvitich Gail Tannenbaum & Wendy Walker* Ronald Tate & Jacob Schiavo  X Suzie & Robert Taylor - In Memory of Richard Bonnet Micaela Tedford  X Martin Thaler David Thomas & David Tiburzio  X The Hon. Henry E. Thomas IV & John-Kevin Litschgi  X Thomas Tibbetts  X Otto F. Tidwell  X Linda Toggart & Jane MacDonald Cassandra Toroian  X Manny Tortosa  X Steve Touzell & Marshall Scott Beadle Cheryll & Bill Trefzger* Carol Trenga & Cheryl Harding Steve Triglia  X Roz Troupin & Mary Harris  X Patricia Truitt* Abby Tschoepe & Pat Dunn* Matt Turlinski & Jerry Sipes  X Ed Turner & Steve Baker  X Judy Twell & Cheri Himmelheber Bruce Uliss  X Thomas Urban & Marc Samuels* Donna Valla Debra Van Dyke* Jennifer Varone V. James Villareale & Dale Ebert* Gail Vitale & Carmen Garrett Beverly Vogt & Waneeta Mack  X Patrick Wadsworth & Mike Converse  X Scott Wagner & John Sohonage* Eric Wahl & Eric Coverdale Marianne Walch  X Jennifer Walker & Mary Ann Veitch  X Paula Walker & Gayle Dumonceaux David Wall & Robert Houck* Kenneth E. Walz & Robert G. Ward, Jr.  X Garold Wampler  X Michael E. Ward  X Robert Warmkessel  X Jack Warren* Sharyn Warwick  X Ellen Watkins  X Troy Watson & Dennis Wolfgang* Barbara Weatherly Debbie Webber & Terry McQuaid* Kathy Weir & Lynn Finaldi* West Side New Beginnings Donna West Gary West & Jay Seitz - In Memory of Richard Pagnotta Patricia West Carl R. Wetzel  X Liz Wheeler & Ruth Morse  X Steve White & Wayne Williamson  X Thomas White & Robert Freeman  X Phil & Stephanie Wikes* Steven Wildasin Keith Wilkinson  X Diane & Ken Williams Edward Williams* Jim Williams* Rich Williams  X Kelly Williamson & J Ellis

Lynne Wilmer & Jeannie Marsh Donna L. Wilson & Laurie R. Levin  X Lynn Wilson* Patricia Wojnas David Wolanski* Max Wolf  X Carol Woodcock & Carol Lewis* Cody Woodfin & Rich Morgan Michael Wray Robert B. Wright  X Marjorie Wuestner & Catherine Balsley* Janet Yabroff Alexander G. Yearley  X James E. Yiaski  X Linda Yingst* Jay York Vickie York  X Sheila & Tim Young James Zeigler & In Memory of Sam Deetz* Carol Zelenkowski* Lorraine Zellers Karl Zoric & Mark Pipkin  X Phyllis Zwarych & Sheila Chlanda**

X Founders’ Circle 10+ years * Members five years or more Names in bold are new or upgraded members as of April 19, 2022 Founders’ Circle designation has been added to our Membership roster. Please send kudos, questions, or listing updates to membership@ camprehoboth.com.


• Basic Membership Package - Advance ticket sales to CAMP Rehoboth events - Recognition in Letters from CAMP Rehoboth - Rainbow level colored Member window cling(s) - Weekly “What’s Happening at CAMP” email • Discount on CAMP Rehoboth Event Tickets for Levels Green and above (as noted) • Free Health Screenings, Counseling Services, and Support Groups • Youth, Adult and Senior Programs, Services and Outreach • The satisfaction of knowing you are helping others!


PURPLE LEVEL ☐ $2400 annual or ☐ $200 monthly Basic + 25% ticket discount and one 1/4 page ad in Letters from CAMP Rehoboth

INDIGO LEVEL ☐ $1200 annual or ☐ $100 monthly Basic + 20% ticket discount


☐ $900 annual or ☐ $75 monthly

Basic + 15% ticket discount

☐ $600 annual or ☐ $50 monthly GREEN LEVEL Basic + 10% ticket discount


☐ $300 annual or ☐ $25 monthly


☐ $180 annual or ☐ $15 monthly


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☐ Basic Dual/Family, $85 annual PARTNER/SPOUSE NAME









☐ Enclosed is my check payable to CAMP Rehoboth for the full annual amount. ☐ Please charge my Recurring Monthly or Annual Membership fee to: CREDIT CARD NUMBER











RATHER JOIN ONLINE? Go to camprehoboth.com/membership Call 302-227-5620 or visit us at 37 Baltimore Avenue. MAY 6, 2022

83 Letters

Words Matter


Take Me to the Water


ontrary to what many would assume, the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen on a beach is not a man. Hard to believe, I know. I am known for identifying and gazing at the beauty of men even from great distances. I like to think of it as a gift. Almost like a superpower. But not as powerful as the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen at the beach. Several years ago, I had the privilege of traveling to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It was at the top of the list of places around the world that I just knew I had to see and experience for myself. I dreamed of going there for almost a decade. Time after time my plans of going were botched for one reason or another. Finally, one September afternoon I buckled my seatbelt and took off. My dream was becoming a reality. Once I stepped foot on Ipanema Beach, I knew exactly why it was so special and adored by people around the globe. Each day with a chair, umbrella, beach bag, and book I’d make my short trek from the hotel to the beach. I’d sit there all day soaking in the sun and the energy. One afternoon I put my book down and observed that a family had made a place for themselves a few yards from where I was sitting. It was a mother, father, a daughter, and a son. They looked to be enjoying each other’s company. Talking, laughing, smiling, creating a picture-perfect moment to etch in their memories for years to come. Later the father made his way to the water and took a swim. The daughter soon followed, and they played in the water together. They both returned to their place on the beach and dried off. They sat down and continued chatting with the rest of the family. Some time passed and that’s when I saw it. The daughter stood up and placed herself in front of her brother. She lifted him from his wheelchair and positioned his body so that it would be easier for her to carry him. He beamed and my eyes got bigger. She nodded at her mom and dad, turned her back to them, and started walking toward the ocean. This young girl, probably no more than 15 or 16 years old, was carrying her brother to the

I’ve gone to the beach to grieve and cry. I’ve made my way there to celebrate and play. I’ve gone searching there for myself and God.

Letters 84

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water because he couldn’t walk there on his own. They arrived at the place where the water meets the sand, and she smoothly adjusted their stance so that she could allow his feet and ankles to be in the water. I could hear his laughter and squeals of excitement. I am pretty sure that I felt them too. In the days prior I had seen gorgeous men and stunning sunsets but none of that compared to what my eyes were watching. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen at that beach or any other. It was the superpower of love and connection. I was overwhelmed with emotion, and I almost shed a tear. I’ve noticed since then that I’m even more mindful of how I cherish my time at the beach with friends. Be it Ipanema, Rehoboth, or the Inkwell, when I arrive to the beach, I am cognizant that there by or in the water, is an opportunity to deepen connection. When we go there alone or with others, it can serve as portal connecting us to whatever our spirit needs most. Love and joy. Peace and comfort. Healing and atonement. I’ve gone to the beach to grieve and cry. I’ve made my way there to celebrate and play. I’ve gone searching there for myself and God. And I have found both. I am grateful for the mental and spiritual benefits of the outdoors and privileged to have access to sit with myself and with others near bodies of water, or sometimes go out on the water with them for times of reflection and connection. As temperatures begin to warm up and summer approaches, I invite you to head to a beach and do something or share in something beautiful with others too. ▼ Clarence J. Fluker is a public affairs and social impact strategist. Since 2008, he’s also been a contributing writer for Swerv, a lifestyle periodical celebrating African American LGBTQ+ culture and community. Follow him on Twitter: @CJFluker or Instagram: @Mr_CJFluker

Bombay Hook, Smyrna

Powerful Philanthropy

A donor advised fund at the DCF helps you make a difference in Delaware. Natural habitats. Beautiful beaches. Clean water. Stunning state parks... Preserving and enjoying Delaware’s beautiful open spaces is an investment in all of our future. If you’re passionate about Delaware’s environment — whether you’re focused on preserving open space, protecting wildlife or ensuring access to our gorgeous parks and beaches — you can make a difference through a donor advised fund (DAF) at the Delaware Community Foundation. A DAF is a charitable fund that brings you tax advantages while growing tax-free and helping you support the charities you care about — forever. It’s a smart way to be generous. Talk with us about how your DAF can make what you love about Delaware even better.

To learn more, visit delcf.org/daf or contact Mike DiPaolo, Vice President for Southern Delaware, at 302.856.4393 or mdipaolo@delcf.org.

MAY 6, 2022

85 Letters



FURst FRIDAY: Top of The Pines 56 Baltimore Ave Starting at 6pm Letters 86

MAY 6, 2022

MAY 6, 2022

87 Letters



Betsy Is Gone but Her Story Lives On


will miss Betsy Schmidt and her wonderful stories. The most amazing of which was the puzzle of her birth. Betsy Schmidt, of Rehoboth, was a retired teacher, Pittsburgh Symphony French horn player, and competitive sailor with the Lewes Yacht Club. She just passed away (see We Remember) and her story bears retelling. After 20 years of searching for her birth certificate and heritage, facing dead ends, cover-ups, and shocking revelations, Betsy learned why she was drawn to the beach. She was born at the edge of the sea in East Chester, Nova Scotia, part of a tragic adoption scandal so appalling it took two federal governments and 40 years to unlock the mystery. Betsy’s journey started in the 1980s when her adoptive parents passed away and Betsy felt free to search for her birth parents. Besides, with no real birth certificate, she couldn’t get a passport. So, Betsy started to dig. First, she found her mother’s letters from a Nova Scotia attorney assisting with adoptions. She reached out to US and Canadian agencies but the search proved frustratingly non-productive and she gave up. She first came to Rehoboth working the lights for a theatre company performing atop the Henlopen Hotel. Betsy wound up staying in several in-town Rehoboth cottages and lived here part-time when she discovered sailing. It became a passion. Her search began again when she applied for Social Security, having paid into the system for years, but not having the requisite birth certificate to apply. In 2008 she contacted Canadian immigration authorities but got no answers. “I felt there was something they weren’t telling me.” Then, in 2009, out of the blue, a relative called with news of a friend adopted from Nova Scotia. When Betsy called the woman, asking about their adoptions, the whole story tumbled out. Betsy learned she was one of about 300 babies who survived what was called the Butterbox Baby Scandal at Chester’s Ideal Maternity Home, a misnomer if Letters 88

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ever there was one. It was only ideal for its cruel and greedy owners who ran an illegal home for unwed or poor mothers in the rural Canadian province. Many babies died in infancy and survivors were sold to American couples on the black market in the 1930s and 40s.

“It was no wonder that Canadian authorities did not want to talk to me about this. The truth was too awful.” Back then, most US adoption agencies were run by Christian charities, and laws forbade cross-religious adoptions. Many babies like Betsy, from the squalid maternity home, went to Jewish families. The home provided these desperate people illegal adoptions, charging up to $10,000 for a baby. But the adopted babies were the lucky ones, as hundreds of the facility’s children died at birth or succumbed to neglect, or worse, at the home. The lost babies were buried behind the home in boxes in which the local dairy delivered butter. Hence the Butterbox Baby Scandal. The Ideal Maternity Home operated from the late 1920s through the late 1940s. When conditions there finally came to light, the owners were tried and convicted of crimes including manslaughter. “Imagine finding all this out more than 60 years later. It was completely overwhelming,” Betsy told me at the time. “It was no wonder that Canadian authorities did not want to talk to me about this. The

truth was too awful.” But a book and documentary film finally revealed the story. Sitting and reading the book in her cozy Rehoboth home, Betsy was blown away. “I found my name in the book. It said Kathleen Elaine Kennedy, who went to live with the Schmidts of Pittsburgh. I was reading and crying; it was overwhelming,” she said. There had to be some way to turn this shocking discovery into something affirming. And Betsy did. Betsy learned of a Canadian adoptee hosting “Butterbox Baby reunions,” and traveled to Nova Scotia to meet with other survivors. She recalled, “When I arrived, I was hugged and welcomed. It wasn’t sad, it was joyous, turning something horrible into a celebration.” She also met with officials who investigated the scandal, authors writing about it, and many US adoptees who survived the horrendous conditions. “It was the most emotionally draining week of my life, but also the most wonderful.” But Betsy wanted to know more. Did she have siblings? What happened to her mother? As it turned out, yes, she had siblings. Tragically, her mother had been told her baby died, and mourned her. And her mother passed away just before Betsy learned of her existence. But she met all her siblings and their offspring and inherited a whole new family. Many trips to Nova Scotia later, Betsy delighted in telling the stories of her visits. “Certainly, my mother and father raised me with a lot of love, in a happy household, but I felt there was always a piece missing. And I got to solve the puzzle,” Betsy told me in 2010. Indeed. She will be missed. But her story will live on in history. ▼ Fay Jacobs is the author of five published books and is touring with her one-woman sit-down comedy show, Aging Gracelessly. Her reports on Rehoboth’s LGBTQ history can be heard on RadioRehoboth, 99.1.

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89 Letters

WE REMEMBER Betsy A. Schmidt


etsy A. Schmidt, 76, of Rehoboth Beach, passed away March 27, 2022. She was born September. 4, 1945, in Nova Scotia, Canada. Betsy was a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, where she earned a music degree. She taught instrumental music in the Pittsburgh public school system for 33 years. Betsy loved the theater and spent summers working in summer stock productions as a lighting director and

Eugene Chap contributed her talents and experience to the community theater group Possum Point Players. She was a member of the Lewes Yacht Club and participated locally, nationally, and internationally in Sunfish regattas. Memorial contributions may be made in Betsy’s honor to Possum Point Players, P.O. Box 96, Georgetown, Delaware; Delaware SPCA, 22918 DuPont Blvd., Georgetown, Delaware, bvspca.org; or a favorite charity of choice. ▼

Horace “Harris” Holden


orace Herman Holden, 62, passed away on February, 26, 2022. A native of Oconee County, South Carolina, Mr. Holden was the son of the late Joe H. and Lana Sue Hood Holden. He was an information technology specialist and worked for the IRS. He was a member of College Street Baptist Church. Mr. Holden is survived by his sisters: Anita Stancil (Steve) of Walhalla, South Carolina, and Tanya Mize of Fair Play, South Carolina; and his aunts: Carolyn Sher and Candace Falardeau (Rick), both of Seneca, South Carolina, and Dell Holden, of Crystal River, Florida. Horace, known to many friends as Harris, lived many years in Washington, DC. He began visiting Rehoboth in 1990 and fell in love with the community. He contributed to the Rehoboth community by sponsoring Sundance every year, volunteering with fundraisers, and becoming a CAMP Rehoboth Founders’ Circle designee and a lifelong member of CAMP Rehoboth. Harris enjoyed all that Rehoboth life offered, in both summer and winter, and moved to Rehoboth full time in 2020. Time with friends and family were always his most valued memories. His loving smile and warm embrace will be missed by all who knew him. ▼


r. Eugene “Gene” Joseph Chap was born on September 1, 1936, in Olean, New York, to the late Bennie J. and Sophie Anna (Padlo) Chap. He departed this life on January 11, 2022. Dr. Chap graduated summa cum laude from St. Bonaventure University in 1957. He attended what is now the Medical College of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, graduating with his Medical Doctor degree in 1961. He completed three years of Internal Medicine residency in Buffalo, New York and Washington, D.C. Dr. Chap entered the US Army in 1966 while working as a physician at Walter Reed. He served in Vietnam, earning several medals, including the Combat Medics Badge and Commendation Medal. Following his honorable discharge in 1968, Dr. Chap began private practice in Washington, DC and continued for 15 years. He then spent 15 years as a physician at the World Bank, retiring in 1998. After retirement, he moved from his home in North Chevy Chase, Maryland, to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Dr. Chap is survived by his life married partner of 48 years, Randolph C. Smith, along with a host of cousins and dear friends. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Wednesday, May 11, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. at St. Edmond Roman Catholic Church, in Rehoboth Beach. Friends may visit beginning at 10:00 a.m. ▼

Dennis Edward Crowley


ennis Edward Crowley, 72, of Rehoboth Beach, passed away April 3, 2022. He was born February. 10, 1950, in Wilmington, son of the late Joseph and Bernice (Kern) Crowley. Dennis attended the University of Delaware and earned a master’s degree in education in 1976. Dennis then began a career in education, teaching biology at Caesar Rodney High School in Dover. From there, he became a champion for educators as a lobbying representative for the Delaware State Education Association, where he found a new passion for comLetters 90

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puters. After spending time as the default office “computer guy,” Dennis decided to pursue his passion and created his own company, Prism Web Designs. His love for the beach and the Rehoboth community compelled him and the business to move there a few years later. While in Rehoboth, he was a tireless advocate for the LGBT community and local charities; he owned an LGBT magazine and website. Retiring recently, he was able to focus on his true loves: his dogs, cooking, his summer garden, and the Philadelphia Eagles.

Dennis was a wonderful father, grandfather, and friend. He will be deeply and genuinely missed by all who knew him. In addition to his parents, Dennis was preceded in death by his daughter, Kristin; the mother of his children, Patricia (Begley) Crowley; and his sister, Deanna Robinson. He is survived by his children, Kerry Hudson (Bryan), Timothy Crowley, Kelly Crowley, and Caitlin Crowley; and his seven grandchildren. A celebration of life will be held at a later date. Donations in Dennis’s memory may be made to the ASPCA. ▼

WE REMEMBER Lois J. Nickerson and Janet M. Bendrick


ois J. Nickerson died March 6, 2022. She was born June 15, 1930, in Massachusetts. Her partner of 52 years, Janet M. Bendrick, died Monday, January. 3, 2022. Janet was born on December. 15, 1938. They are survived by a niece and her husband, Linda and Thomas Connelly; and a nephew, the Hon. Gary Nickerson and his wife, Karen. Ms. Nickerson graduated from Temple University’s Horticultural College. She spent her early career teaching in the Philadelphia area. Ms. Bendrick graduated from Temple Hospital School of Nursing. She spent her early career working as an administrator in Temple’s School of Nursing and Medical School. Later, after she met Jan, Lois owned and operated a thriving landscape business, Heritage Landscaping, in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, where they both worked, along with 12 employees. Eventually, a florist shop was added. Starting in the mid-1990s, Lois and Jan lived in a house they had built in Pinewater Farms. They lived there for 14 years, making many friends. They were one of the first to move to a cottage at the newly finished Cadbury in Lewes which later became The Moorings. St. George’s Chapel was their spiritual home, and they both were active members of Episcopal Church Women. Lois and Jan walked lightly on the earth, with love and respect for each other and those around them. They requested contributions to either Brandywine Valley SPCA, Georgetown, or St. George’s Chapel, Harbeson. ▼

Lois Margaret Corson


ois Margaret Corson, 86, of Millsboro, passed away March 23, 2022. She was born May 16, 1935, in Staten Island, New York, daughter of the late Frank and Margaret Adelaide (Schaefer) Corson. Lois obtained both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the College of New Jersey. She taught health and physical education in Middletown, New Jersey-area schools for 37 years. Lois was an avid traveler whose journeys took her to Tanzania, Egypt, China, Ireland, Scotland, Italy, and Russia. She also enjoyed taking cruises. Lois is survived by her wife of 32 years, Mary Kae; her cousin, Kelli Spadavecchia (Nick) and her family; her many nieces and nephews; and her numerous friends. Lois was a loving and devoted wife, cousin, aunt, and friend. She will be deeply missed by all who knew her. All services are private. Donations may be made to the Arthritis Foundation, P.O. Box 96280, Washington, DC 20077. ▼

Clifton Earl Waters


lifton Earl Waters was born in Salisbury, Maryland on November 25, 1970. He lived between the two homes of his mother, Shirley V. Waters, and Howard and Emily Wright. He was educated in the Wicomico County school system, graduating from Parkside High School in 1988. Clifton furthered his education by attending Salisbury State University, studying psychology. Clifton’s smile was simply captivating and drew everyone to him. He will be remembered for that smile and his bubbly and direct personality. Clifton was a sounding board to many and loved reading, dancing, and performing. He was also one of the most sought-after cosmetic artists in the area. He was also a “Mother,” and conveyed to everyone the importance of being true to oneself. He will be missed by many, and never forgotten. Clifton is survived by his loving mother, Shirley V. Waters; sisters, Keisha Ballard, Tiffany Thaxton-Hyman (Dwight), and Dichelle Wiggins; brother/cousin, Willie J. Waters, Jr. (Jacqueline); many extended family; his godchildren; and many, many friends.▼

Christopher M. Wagner


hristopher M. Wagner, 40, of Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, passed away April 13, 2022. He was born on December 27, 1981, in Ephrata, Pennsylvania, son of Marie A. (Szymanski) and the late Gregory L. Wagner. Chris graduated from Delaware Technical Community College in May of 2017, earning his associate degree in nursing. He worked at Beebe Healthcare in the emergency department, where he made countless friends and left an impression on all he encountered. Chris was an avid fishing and surfing enthusiast. He earned his captain’s license and was proud to fish with his family and friends aboard the Marie Ann. Chris was a wonderful and dedicated husband, son, brother, uncle, and friend. Loved by many, he will be deeply and genuinely missed by all who knew him. Chris is survived by his wife, Julie Cullen, of Rehoboth Beach; his mother, Marie Wagner, of Rehoboth Beach; his brother, Nicholas Wagner (Bryana) of Newmanstown, Pennsylvania; many extended family; and his fur babies: Lola and Bodhi. Per Chris’s wishes, the family plans a future celebration of life with the intent of raising money to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations in Chris’s memory to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. ▼ MAY 6, 2022

91 Letters



Letters 92

MAY 6, 2022

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CAMP Rehoboth Volunteer Opportunities


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Don’t miss a thing. 13 issues of LETTERS from CAMP Rehoboth by first class mail.


July 26, 2019 Volume 29, Number 10 campreho both.com

CAMPSHOTS PHOTOGRAPHERS We are looking for photographers for Letters CAMPshots. Volunteers may use their camera or iPhone, or may sign out the CAMP Rehoboth office camera. More guidelines for photos will be shared with interested volunteers.

SOCIAL MEDIA VOLUNTEERS Tech savvy volunteers needed to take charge of posting and scheduling CAMPshots found in Letters to CAMP’s Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts. Must have some social media experience.




Volunteers needed to help set up, break down, and staff information tables at the monthly Handmade Markets in the CAMP Rehoboth Courtyard, beginning May 13.





Send your check for $40 to CAMP Rehoboth, 37 Baltimore Ave., Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971. If you prefer to use your Visa, MasterCard or American Express call 302-227-5620.

Your volunteer efforts benefit you and others. — PLEASE VISIT — camprehoboth.com/volunteers to register as a volunteer and to sign up for available opportunities.

thank you to all the CAMP Rehoboth Community Center volunteers for the period: Mar. 16 - Apr. 22, 2022


Grant Kingswell Stephen Palmer Doug Sellers Hannah Simone ARTS TEAM

Logan Farro Jane Knaus Lois Powell Leslie Sinclair Patricia Stiles Debbie Woods CAMP COMMUNITY CENTER

Ann Evans Natalie Moss Sandra Skidmore Alan Spiegelman CAMP LIBRARY

Glenn Lash Kim Nelson


Eric Korpon


Barbara Breault Kenneth Currier Lynn Eisner Ron Gluck Jim Mease Kim Nelson Pat Powell Kathy Solano Patricia Stiles Russell Stiles Joe Vescio CAMPSHOTS PHOTO VOLUNTEERS

Tony Burns David Camorali Wes Combs Laura Reitman


Matt Brown Bill Fuchs Dianna Johnston

Dave Minges Judy Olsen Dave Scuccimarra Sandra Skidmore



Lauren Dobey Todd Hacker Mary Ellen Mannion Kim Schlipp

Cathy Brown Karen DeSantis Karen Docter Kay Ellis Sandy Freeman Kathy Gantz Diane Grillo Karen Laitman Jill Masterman Dotti Outland Margaret Tobin Jan Tricarico Debbie Woods

Ronald Dempsey



David Hagelin Nancy Hewish Grant Kingswell Vicki Martina Stephen Palmer Russell Stiles Linda Yingst


Jane Blue David Carder Ann Evans


Chris Beagle Karen Laitman Jim Mease Rina Pellegrini Leslie Sinclair John Michael Sophos Debbie Woods


Leslie Calman Kate Cauley David Garrett John Roane Leslie Sinclair

MAY 6, 2022

93 Letters

AD INDEX Accent On Travel........................................................ 17 AG Renovations.......................................................... 19 Aqua Bar & Grill.......................................................... 51 Atlantic Jewelry.............................................................9 Beebe Healthcare...................................................... 11 Beebe Healthcare Career Opportunities................... 33 Brandywine Urology Consultants............................... 15 Brandywine Valley SPCA............................................ 43 bsd.............................................................................. 57 Café Azafrán............................................................... 27 CAMP Chorus The Great American Song Book.......... 44 CAMP Rehoboth Letters Subscription........................ 93 CAMP Rehoboth Premier Sponsors........................... 10 CAMP Rehoboth Women’s FEST Thank You............... 13 Caroline Huff, Artist.......................................................7 Cat & Mouse Publishing............................................. 39 Chris Beagle Group, Realtors..................................... 39 Clear Space Theatre................................................... 82 Coho’s Market & Grill.................................................. 35 Country Lawn Care..................................................... 94 County Bank..................................................................7 Delaware Community Foundation............................. 85 Delaware Hospice...................................................... 89 Delaware Humane Association ................................. 67 Delaware Pride........................................................... 81 Dogfish Head............................................................. 77

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Donna Whiteside, Realtor.......................................... 20 Elegant Slumming Help Wanted................................ 92 Fifth Avenue Jewelers................................................ 27 Freddie’s Beach Bar & Restaurant............................. 95 Gay Women’s Meet Up............................................... 67 Go Fish Go Brit........................................................... 79 God’s Greyts Senior Greyhounds............................... 67 Harbour Waterfront Dining......................................... 58 Hugh Fuller, Realtor.................................................... 46 Immanuel Shelter....................................................... 27 Jack Lingo, Real Estate.............................................. 65 Jenn Harpel, Morgan Stanley..................................... 19 Jolly Trolley................................................................ 79 Just In Thyme Restaurant........................................... 39 Lana Warfield, Realtor................................................ 61 Lee Ann Wilkinson Group, Realtors............................ 40 Lori’s Café.................................................................. 23 Maplewood Dental Associates................................... 61 McWilliams Ballard Real Estate.................................. 25 MERR Institute............................................................ 41 Milton Theatre............................................................ 59 New Wave Spas.......................................................... 87 Olivia Travel................................................................ 21 Port 251..................................................................... 69 Purple Parrot.............................................................. 47 PWW Law.................................................................... 89

Randy Mason/Shirley Kalvinsky, Realtors.................. 19 Rehoboth Art League................................................. 87 Rehoboth Beach Bears............................................... 86 Rehoboth Beach Dental............................................. 67 Rehoboth Guest House.............................................. 19 Rigby’s Bar & Grill....................................................... 63 Saved Souls Animal Rescue....................................... 87 SDARJ Chantels Fundraising Concert........................ 31 Sea Bova Associates, Realtors................................... 96 Seaglass at Rehoboth Beach..................................... 23 Springpoint Choice..................................................... 26 State Farm - George Bunting..................................... 35 State Farm - Jeanine O’Donnell/Eric Blondin............. 41 Sussex Family YMCA.................................................. 79 The Lawson Firm........................................................ 61 The Lodge at Truitt Homestead.................................. 61 The Pines.................................................................... 37 Time to Heal Counseling & Consulting...................... 74 Troy Roberts, Realtor.....................................................7 True Blue Jazz............................................................ 75 Unfinished Business................................................... 41 Village Volunteers...................................................... 32 Volunteer Opportunities............................................. 93 Volunteer Thank You.................................................. 93 Windsor’s Flowers...................................................... 79

MAY 6, 2022

95 Letters









HOLLY OAK - Lewes. New Construction – Summer Delivery!!! 3BR/2BA home is a 1,506 sq. ft. one-level rancher with an oversized 2-car garage. Open concept floor plan. Great room opens to the kitchen and dining area. There is also a sliding glass door leading out to the big 12’x16’ deck. Main bedroom suite has a walk-in closet & elegant bath with a 5’x4’ tiled “curbless” shower. Split bedroom plan with a tub/shower in 2nd bath. Bamboo floors. Stainless steel kitchen appliances. W&D included. Low HOA. $449,900 (2016730)


FIELDWOOD - Rehoboth. Cleared 0.31-acre lot already has a well, sewer connection & electric service. East of Hwy 1 & near State Park hike/bike trail. 4 miles to the boardwalk & beach. $250,000 (2017644)

WEBBS LANDING - Lewes. 6BR/5BA home is +3,300 sq. ft. with an In-Law Suite at the rear, a 2-bed/1-bath unit upstairs, an en suite bedroom off of the family room, plus a 1st-floor main suite with a large bath with soaking tub & shower, plus another 1st-floor bedroom next to the full bath in the hall. Living room opens to the kitchen. Family room has a wood-burning fireplace & dining area. All of this on a 1-acre parcel with its own basketball court. Community pier on Love Creek. HOA just $200/yr. $669,000 (2019326)

HEARTHSTONE MANOR - Milford. 2016-built 3BR/2BA home is in “like new” condition. Rear-load, oversized 2-car garage. Great room has cathedral ceiling, bamboo floors & a natural gas fireplace. The Great room opens to the dining area and the beautiful kitchen. Upgraded kit. cabinetry, tumble-marble subway tile backsplash, Ogeeedged granite counters & SS appliances. Big main bedroom suite. Split bedroom plan. Fenced yard with hot tub. HOA $142/qtr. Community pool & clubhouse. $385,000 (2020638)

MARINERS COVE - Millsboro. 2011 3BR/2BA home. Split bedroom plan. Nicely updated. Part. furnished. Community pool. Marina. 15 miles to the boardwalk. $169,900 (20065361) Lot Rent $638/mt.


SUSSEX EAST - Lewes. 1992 3BR/2BA doublewide. LV & family room. Split BR plan. Screened porch & shed. 55+ community w/indoor pool. 6 miles to beach. $129,000 (NEW) Lot Rent $532/mt.

SUSSEX EAST - Lewes. 2000 3BR/2BA doublewide w/den is a “fixer upper.” 55+ community w/indoor pool. State Park trail is right behind the home! 6 miles to bch. $89,900 (2019752) Lot Rent $529/mt.


CAMELOT MEADOWS Rehoboth. 1979 2BR/2BA w/sun room. Nice interior upgrades. Newer HVAC. Part furn. 3.5 miles to beach. Community pool. $79,900 (2018480) Lot Rent $810/mt.


CAMELOT MEADOWS Rehoboth. 1971 2BR/1BA w/4-season room. Really nicely updated interior! Community pool. 3.5 miles to the boardwalk. $96,900 (2019510) Lot Rent $665/mt.

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