Campsmount News Feb 2011

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Campsmount News

‘A good school with outstanding care, guidance and support’ OFSTED Dec 2010

In this issue: New Build update 6th form in New York Skiing in the French Alps Important dates

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Feb 2011

‘ The Wire’ (Reminders, information and important dates) NEW BUILD. The new build work has started! Wates Construc6on began to set up their site on Tuesday 15 February 2011 so that work can begin on the new building as soon as possible. The first phase of work, star6ng with the iconic entrance, should be completed in the Summer Term. Make sure you keep checking the website for more informa6on, pictures and opportuni6es that this exci6ng project will offer to our y o u n g p e o p l e a n d t h e w i d e r community. (A 3D ‘fly-­‐through’ video is available on NON-­‐UNIFORM DAY – THURSDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2011. In support of World Orphan Week (a contribu6on of 50p. is requested for this very worthy cause.) As part of this ini6a6ve Mr Mankin and our students will also be working with two other schools in the North of England on a project being led by The Co-­‐opera6ve College, one of our Trust Partners. TRAINING DAY, FRIDAY 18 FEBRUARY 2011. School will close for students at 3.00 p.m. on Thursday 17 February and open again on Monday 28 February. UNIFORM. Can I please ask that students are sent to school in the correct uniform. We are ge[ng the occasional case of students arriving out of uniform (for example trainers, inappropriate sweatshirts and boots etc) and would like to stop this straight away. Therefore, if students come to school ‘out of uniform’ they will be sent home immediately to get changed. School uniform is; school sweatshirt, white shirt or blouse, school 6e, plain black trousers or knee length skirt and dark, sensible shoes. Mr Sprakes

‘ The


(Recent news, events and achievements)

Y11 & 6th form trip to New York Nobody is quite sure where the name ‘ The Big Apple’ came from but some year 11 and 13 students took a giant bite of New York City last week when they went on a business studies trip. Balancing visits to see billions of dollars worth of gold at the Federal Reserve Bank, seeing The Empire State Building and The Statue of Liberty were only part of the experience. Whatever they were doing, they did it like 2

New Yorkers and with strudels of enjoyment. Here’s what some of them said: ‘New York – the concrete jungle – where dreams are made. It seemed like there was nothing we couldn’t do. You hear about the typical life of New Yorkers, going on the ‘sub’, seeing steam rising from sidewalks and hailing a yellow cab. Well, we had all of that and more.’ ‘You can’t appreciate how amazing the city is un6l you are experiencing it. Each person had their own ‘favourite part’ of the trip; from ska6ng in Central Park to shopping on 5th Avenue. But each experience was easily the most memorable thing of our lives. We met some amazing people and experienced wonderful things and had some great laughs. It’s so difficult to put into words how much of an amazing experience it was for all of us. We want to go back and do it all again.’

Ski trip to the French Alps 3:00 am Saturday 28 January saw the college ski team depart from a cold, damp Campsmount to abend their annual week long training camp, led by the frankly over-­‐excited Mr Mckie and rather giddy Miss Levy. The team, ranging in age from year 8 to year 13, sebled into their execu6ve seats on the coach to begin what is now for some an annual migra6on to fulfil their need for a snow fix, whilst for others it was a totally new experience, having never skied, flown or been on a trip without their parents. This year the des6na6on was Le Corbier in the French Alps. This was a keenly an6cipated des6na6on as the team had not skied together in France before and Miss Levy was keen to prac6ce her French skills. The skiing was simply brilliant. Although there was some grass poking through the snow on the mountains the snow machines did a great job of ensuring the pistes were ideal for safe, fun skiing every day. On Tuesday all of the team were skiing from the top of the mountains providing breathtaking views with clear blue skies every day. The resort provided a fantas6c range of pistes to allow all abili6es to progress really quickly. The ski school was fantas6c with very friendly and helpful instructors. Although the lack of fresh snow meant that off-­‐piste skiing was rare, the jump park provided plenty of challenge for all of the team (check out the college website for video 3

evidence of Mr Mckie ge[ng it all wrong.) As the week progressed the speeds increased, beginners were prac6sing parallel techniques and the advanced skiers were honing their high speed carving turns. Planning for next year’s training camp has already begun, places will be limited to a maximum of 24, so make sure you have the informa6on you need if you are interested. All students are welcome to join the team, as are all ski abili6es. For more informa6on and video tasters check out the college website amer half term.

World Orphan Week This week is World Orphan Week and, to raise awareness of this, Campsmount will be having a non-­‐uniform day on Thursday. Students will be asked to give a minimum dona6on of 50p. The money raised will be used to help out with two projects that are already underway as we strive as a school to develop our links with Interna6onal Schools and help make students aware of some of the issues faced by less fortunate young people within our global, mul6-­‐cultural community. Since 2007 we have sponsored an orphan school and village in Malawi through the charity SOS Children. Soon the school’s newsleber will be available to view on the school website. Some of the money raised will go towards this annual sponsorship payment. Since September 2010, the school is now involved with a project led by Year 8, which centres on helping to support three schools in South Africa, together with help from two other schools within Yorkshire who have recently visited Campsmount (see photo). Some of the money will go towards this project. Watch this space for more details amer half-­‐term, as we look to officially launch this exci6ng project within the community!

‘ The


(What to look out for in the future)

CAMPSMOUNT ON TOUR – Our Netball trip to Dubai departs on Thursday 7 April 2011, followed by the Football trip to Spain on Saturday 9 April 2011. Good luck and enjoy to both par6es. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Wednesday 9 March 2011 Thursday 24 March 2011 Friday 25 March 2011 Wednesday 30 March 2011 Friday 8 April 2011 Tuesday 26 April 2011 Thursday 28 April 2011 Tuesday 3 May 2011

Year 10 Parents’ Evening (4.00 p.m. 6ll 6.00 p.m.) Year 12/13 Parents’ Evening Year 9 History Trip to Holocaust Centre Partnership Group New Build Mee6ng at 5.30 p.m. in the mee6ng room. Trust members welcome to abend School closes for Easter School re-­‐opens School closes for the extended Bank Holiday School re-­‐opens 4

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