Campsmount Technology College
Learning Vision and Improvement Planning
‘Developing effective 21 st Century learners’
Our learning vision is to develop effec1ve 21st Century learners and ci1zens who are equipped with the appropriate skills and competencies to enable them to achieve in a modern and ever-‐changing world. We will achieve this by:
Exploring strategies and techniques to develop 21st Century learning
Developing our curriculum offer to meet the needs of all our learners and strive to improve standards and outcomes
Including stakeholders (staff, learners, parents, community, Trust partners etc) in the strategic direc1on of the college
Innova2ng through technology -‐ our specialism
Empowering and training staff to facilitate 21st Century learning
Strengthening the way we engage and communicate so that our vision has clarity and meaning
Maintaining our inclusive ethos -‐ ensuring that all staff and students are safe and supported