127 Hours (Fox Searchlight Pictures) Online, Retail and Print Campaign DMA: Los Angeles Project Manager: Sean Bello sean.bello@campuscircle.net
5042 Wilshire Blvd., #600, Los Angeles, CA 90036 P. (323) 939.8477 F. (323) 939.8656
Overview of Campaign •
Campus Circle worked with Allied Integrated Marketing on promoting the release of 127 Hours in the L.A. DMA. Our efforts included
A Retail Partnership Big 5 Sporting Goods (50 locations)
Online Marketing Banner Ads Newsletter Advertising Dedicated Emailing A Film Screening Sweepstakes hosting Social Media
Print Advertising Campus Circle Newspaper
Retail Partnership - Big 5 Sporting Goods Campus Circle brought in Big 5 Sporting Goods as a retail partner for the release of 127 Hours. The partnership included 127 Hours poster and counter card displays in fifty Big 5 store locations in the Los Angeles DMA. The value of the retail partnership was $25,000.00.
Tracking Online Stats through Bitly •
Campus Circle utilized the Bit.ly tracking service to keep performance statistics on our online campaign. Campus Circle utilized bit.ly links for our dedicated email email, banner advertising and newsletter advertising.
Collectively, all efforts results in 2,743 clicks to date.
The remaining portions of this report gives examples of our online efforts.
Banner Advertising •
Banner advertising for 127 Hours appeared on our website, campuscircle.com. The banner ads ran throughout 95% of the site. Our monthly traffic currently averages 500,000 page views and 80,000 unique visitors. The 127 Hours banner ads had a combined 300K impressions and 340 clicks. The value of the banner ads was $3,600.00.
Newsletter Advertising •
Banner advertising for 127 Hours appeared in our weekly email newsletter for four weeks.
The Campus Circle weekly email newsletter reaches 30,000 members per week in the greater Los Angeles area. The banner ads had 142 combined clicks.
The total value of the banner ads over four weeks was $1,500.00.
Campus Circle - Calendar Listing •
A calendar listing for 127 Hours appeared on our website.
To date, the calendar listing has been viewed 239 times.
Campus Circle website traffic averages:
500,000 page views/month
80,000 unique visitors/month
Film Screening - 127 Hours Campus Circle screening pages are an eticketing platform that includes information about the film (trailer, website links, editorial) as well as our retail partners. As a retail partner, Big 5 Sporting Goods had banner advertising on the 127 Hours screening page. The 127 Hours screening page was viewed 2,194 times in one week. The value of the sweepstakes page is $750.00.
Film Screening - 127 Hours E ticket Campus Circle etickets provide information about the screening for the recipient as well a vehicle to promote a retailer partner. In this case, a 20% off coupon for Big 5 Sporting Goods was available for film goers to download off our website.
Film Screening Stats Page • For the 127 Hours screening page, Campus Circle had an accompanying stats/demos page for the clients to keep track of who was rsvping to the screenings. • For example, the 127 Hours screening demos include: • • • • • •
67% - 18 to 34 54% - Male 30% - Hispanic 32% - Caucasian 13% - Asian 06% - African American
Big 5/127 Hours Coupon • Campus Circle hand to hand distributed 500 Big 5/127 Hours coupons at the film screening at the ARCLIGHT.
Sweepstakes - 127 Hours Campus Circle sweepstakes pages provide information about the film as well a vehicle to promote a retailer partner. Once again, the Big 5 20% off coupon for Big 5 Sporting Goods was featured on the page along with information about the film including the movie trailer, a link to the official website and editorial. The 127 Hours sweepstakes page has been viewed 2,563 times to date. The value of the sweepstakes page is $750.00.
Dedicated Email promoting 127 Hours •
Campus Circle sent out a dedicated email to promote the 127 Hours sweepstakes.
The stats for the email were as follows:
• •
Emails sent: 30,150 Clicks: 2,236 (7.4%)
Value = $1,200.00
Sweepstakes Stats Page For the 127 Hours sweepstakes page, Campus Circle had an accompanying stats/demos page for the clients to keep track of who was entering the sweepstakes. For example, the 127 Hours sweepstakes demos include: • • • • • •
41% - 18 to 34 53% - Female 15% - Hispanic 48% - Caucasian 11% - Asian 03% - African American
Campus Circle - Print Editorial •
Print Campaign
An interview with James Franco apppeared in the 11/3 issue of Campus Circle.
Campus Circle is a weekly alternative newspaper distributed to 40 schools and over 800 retail outlets in the greater Los Angeles area. In its 20th year, Campus Circle covers film, music, events and L.A. culture.
The value of the 1/2 page article is $830.00.
Campus Circle - Online Editorial •
The 127 Hours article that appeared in Campus Circle newspaper also appears on our website.
Since 11/3, the article has been viewed 409 times.
Campus Circle website traffic averages:
500,000 page views/month
80,000 unique visitors/month
127 Hours Film Trailer on website •
The trailer for 127 Hours appears on our website. To date, the trailer page has been viewed 308 times.
Campus Circle - Social Media Campus Circle placed 127 Hours posts (editorial, screening, sweepstakes) on our Social Media pages to promote the film. The value of the Social Media outreach was $1,000.00.
Campus Circle Outreach - Print •
Campus Circle printed full page 4 color ads for 127 hours in 4 issues of our publication.
A cover strip ad for the film ran on the cover of our November 17 issue.
Campus Circle is distributed to 40 schools and 800 retail outlets in the Los Angeles DMA
• •
Circulation: 30,000 Readership: 90,000
The value of all the print ads was $10,050.00.
Campus Circle - Promo Ad
Campus Circle - Release Date Ad
Campus Circle - Week 2
Campus Circle - Week 3
Total Campaign Numbers for all of Campus Circle’s outreach (1) Dedicated Email (Emails Sent) - 30,150 Emails Email - Tix Purchase at The Landmark - 137 Clicks Email - Editorial - 224 Clicks Email - 127 Hours Big 5 Coupon - 327 Clicks Email - Movie Trailer - 257 Clicks Email - Sweepstakes - 946 Clicks (2) Official Website Clicks (Combined) Email, Banner, Newsletter - 852 Clicks (3) Website 127 Hours Related Page Views Calendar Listing - 239 Page Views Film Screening Page - 2,194 Page Views Sweepstakes Page - 2,563 Page Views Online Editorial - 409 page views Film Trailer - 308 page views Total Page Views - 5,713 (4) Retail Partnership Big 5 Promotion - 127 Hours Postering/Counter Card Displays - 50 Store locations in Los Angeles DMA (5) Street Marketing Flyer Distribution at screening - 500 handouts (6) Print Advertising Promotional Ad - 30,000 Circ/90,000 Readership Release Date Ad - 30,000 Circ/90,000 Readership Week 2 Ad - 30,000 Circ/90,0000 Readership Week 3 Ad/Cover Strip - 30,000 Circ/90,000 Readership