Pina - Academy Awards Best Documentary Nominee Recap Report DMA: Los Angeles Project Manager: Sean Bello
5042 Wilshire Blvd., #600, Los Angeles, CA 90036 P. (323) 939.8477 F. (323) 939.8656
Overview of Campaign
Campus Circle worked on the marketing for the Los Angeles release of PINA. This report recaps our efforts on multiple levels including:
Campus Circle set up partnerships to promote PINA with Los Angeles Ballet and the Marat Daukeyev School of Ballet.
Online Marketing through including banner Ads, newsletter advertising, dedicated emailing and sweepstakes hosting.
Social Media - Campus Circle utilized its own social media channels to promote PINA. We disseminated original content for the show through our social media channels.
Campus Circle - Print advertising for PINA ran in our free alternative newspaper.
Campaign stats from Campus Circle’s outreach • Banner Advertising - 261,554 impressions, 88 clicks (Value = $2,615.00) • Dedicated Email - 28,712 sent, Total clicks 1,245 clicks. Page views - 4,292 ($1,200.00) • Newsletter Banner Ad - 1 week, 29K+ emails per week, Page views - 3,200; Clicks - 90 ($300.00) • Sweepstakes hosting - 2,072 page views, 1,093 entrants. (Value = $750.00) • Trailer Pg - 205 page views (Value = $100.00) • Social Media - Campus Circle channels: Facebook - 8,089; Twitter- 2,359. ($200.00) • Print Ad - 1/2 page BW ($850.00) • Print Stats - 30k circ., 90k readership, 800 retail/40 schools. • Postering/Flyering - L.A. ($1,500.00) • Partnerships - LA Ballet/Marat Daukeyev ($1,000.00) • • • • • •
Total Impressions - 261,554 Total Dedicated Emails - 28,712 Total Page Views - 9,769 Total Clicks - 1,423 Total Print Circulation - 30,000 Total Value = $8,515.00
Banner Advertising ď Ź
Banner advertising for PINA appeared on our website. The banner ads ran throughout 95% of the site. Our monthly traffic currently averages 640,000 page views and 80,000+ unique visitors. The banner ads had a combined 261,554 impressions and 88 clicks. The value of the banner ads was $2,615.00.
Newsletter Advertising #1
Banner advertising for PINA appeared in our weekly email newsletter for 1 week.
The Campus Circle weekly email newsletter reaches 29,000+ members per week in the greater Los Angeles area. The banner ad had 90 clicks.
Total page views above the fold: 3,200
The total value of the banner ad was $300.00
Newsletter Advertising - Banner Stats
Dedicated Email Campaign
Campus Circle sent out a dedicated email to promote the PINA.
The stats for the email were as follows: Emails sent: 28,712 Total Opens = 4,292 Total Clicks = 1,245 Value = $1,200.00
Campus Circle - Pina Sweepstakes
Campus Circle hosted a PINA sweepstakes on our website. The sweepstakes promoted the release of the film in Los Angeles and a partnership with the LA Ballet company
The sweepstakes page generated the following results
2,072 Page views to date. 1,093 entries to date.
The value of the sweepstakes page is $750.00
Campus Circle - Sweepstakes Entrant Demos
Campus Circle is able to capture information about sweepstakes entrants in real time. The PINA sweepstakes entrants had the following demographics:
51.5% of entrants were between 18-34 years of age. 31% of entrants were working professionals 64% of entrants were female. 47% of entrants were 35+ years of age.
Campus Circle - Sweepstakes Entrant Demos
Campus Circle - Sweepstakes Entrant Demos
Campus Circle - Sweepstakes Entrant Demos
Campus Circle - Iris Trailer Page ď Ź
Campus Circle hosted a PINA trailer on the video page of our website. To date, the trailer has been viewed 205 times.
ď Ź
The value of the trailer page is $100.00
Campus Circle - Social Media
Campus Circle utilized its own Social Media channels to promote PINA. We disseminated original content through our Facebook and Twitter pages along with various other efforts of outreach. The following pictures recaps some of our approach. Facebook Likes: 8,089 Twitter followers: 2,359 Total Value = $200.00
Campus Circle - Social Media 2
LA Ballet Social Media Posts #1
Campus Circle partnered with Los Angeles Ballet to promote PINA. LA Ballet included PINA in social media posts and gave away tickets to see Swan Lake.
LA Ballet Social Media Posts #2
Marat Daukayev School of Ballet Campus Circle partnered with the Marat Daukayev School of Ballet to promote Pina. The school’s email newsletter reaches 3,000 families.
Postering/Flyering #1 (Los Angeles)
Postering/Flyering #2 (Los Angeles)
Postering/Flyering #3 (Los Angeles)
Postering/Flyering #4 (Los Angeles)
Postering/Flyering #5 (Los Angeles)
Campus Circle - Print Ad
Print Ad Campaign - A 1/2 page ad ran in 1 issue of Campus Circle promoting the film.
Campus Circle is an alternative newspaper distributed to 40 schools and over 800 retail outlets in the greater Los Angeles area. In its 22th year, Campus Circle covers film, music, theatre, events and L.A. culture.
The value of the 1/2 page print ad is $850.00. Circulation: 30,000 Readership: 90,000