Radiance @ The Geffen Playhouse

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Radiance @ The Geffen Playhouse Recap Report DMA: Los Angeles Project Manager: Sean Bello sean.bello@campuscircle.net

5042 Wilshire Blvd., #600, Los Angeles, CA 90036 P. (323) 939.8477 F. (323) 939.8656

Overview of Campaign 

Campus Circle worked on the marketing for the World Premiere of Alan Alda’s play, Radiance at The Geffen Playhouse. This report recaps our efforts on multiple levels including:

Online Marketing through CampusCircle.com including Banner Ads, Newsletter Advertising, Online Editorial Postings, Sweepstakes Hosting and calendar listings.

• Film Screenings - Campus Circle promoted Radiance by integrating advertising for the play in two film screenings for Tower Heist, a film starring Alan Alda. 

Social Media - Campus Circle utilized its own social media channels to promote the play. We disseminated original content for the play through our social media channels.

Campus Circle - A review of Radiance along with two 1/4 page 4C ads for the play ran in our free alternative newspaper.

Campaign stats from Campus Circle’s outreach • Banner Advertising - 626,000 impressions, 139 clicks (Value = 6,260.00) • Dedicated Email (2) - 59,408 sent, Total clicks 153 clicks. Page views - 10,136 ($2,376.00) • Newsletter Banner Ad - 2 wks, 29K+ emails per week, Page views - 5,281 Clicks - 105 ($600) • Social Media - Campus Circle channels: Facebook - 8,084; Twitter- 2,350. ($500.00) • Sweepstakes page - 2,241 page views ($750) • Screening Page - LA - 2,126 pg views ($750) • Screening Page - OC - 1,403 pg views ($750) • Calendar Listings - 318 page views ($75.00) • Online Editorial - 544 page views • Print Ads- Two 1/4 page 4C ads ($2,760.00) • Print Editorial - 1/4 page Review ($500.00) • Print Stats - 30k circ., 90k readership, 800 retail/40 schools • • • • • •

Total Impressions - 626,000 Total Dedicated Emails - 59,408 Total Page Views - 22,049 Total Clicks - 397 Total Print Circulation - 30,000 Total Value = $15,321

Banner Advertising ď Ź

Banner advertising for Radiance appeared on our website, campuscircle.com. The banner ads ran throughout 95% of the site. Our monthly traffic currently averages 500,000 page views and 80,000 unique visitors. The banner ads had a combined 626,000 impressions and 139. The value of the banner ads was $6,260.00.

Newsletter Advertising #1 

Banner advertising for Radiance appeared in our weekly email newsletter for 6 weeks

The Campus Circle weekly email newsletter reaches 30,000 members per week in the greater Los Angeles area. The banner ads had 105 combined clicks.

The total value of the banner ads over 6 weeks was $1,800.00

Newsletter Advertising #2

Newsletter Banner Stats

Dedicated Email Campaign #1 

Campus Circle sent out two dedicated emails to promote the Tower Heist Screenings and Radiance.

The stats for the email were as follows: Emails sent: 29,757 Total Clicks related to Radiance: 60 Value = $1,190.00

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Dedicated Email Campaign #2 

Campus Circle sent out a second dedicated email to promote Radiance.

The stats for the email were as follows: Emails sent: 29,651 Total Clicks: 93 Value = $1,186.00

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Calendar Listings ď Ź

Campus Circle listed Radiance as a calendar event on our website. The listing generated 318 page views.

Sweepstakes ď Ź

The Tower Heist/Radiance sweepstakes page was viewed 2,241 times and generated 1,055 entries. The age demographic for entrants can be found on the following page.

Sweepstakes Stats ď Ź

The age demographic for the Tower Heist/Radiance entrants skewed older. 72% of entrants were over 35 years of age.

Campus Circle - Online Editorial #1 

Campus Circle created original Radiance content for our website and newspaper. The content was used as a marketing tool to promote Radiance.

The Radiance article was viewed 554 times. Campus Circle website traffic averages: 500,000 page views/month 80,000 unique visitors/month

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Los Angeles Film Screening 

Campus Circle hosted two screenings of Tower Heist starring Alan Alda. Radiance was a sponsor of these screenings.

Through these screenings, we promoted Radiance at The Geffen Playhouse by hosting banner ads on the screening pages and listing information about the play along with a special discount offer.

The L.A. screening page had 2,126 page views.

L.A. Screening E-ticket ď Ź

Campus Circle members who won tickets to see Tower Heist received an eticket that included information about a special discount offer to see Radiance.

L.A. Screening - Banner Thank You Page 

After entering to win tickets to see Tower Heist a “Thank You” page appears in the entrants browser which included banner advertising for Radiance along with a special discount offer.

L.A. Screening - Age/Demographics 

Campus Circle offers our clients the opportunity to view the demographics of entrants in real time.

For the L.A. screening the demos were as follows:

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697 Entries 54% (18 to 34) 45% (35 to 65) 51% Male 30% Caucasian 29% Working Prof 41% College

Orange County Film Screening • The O.C. Tower Heist screening page had 1,403 page views.

O.C. Screening E-ticket • Campus Circle members who won tickets to see Tower Heist in O.C. also received an eticket that included information about a special discount offer to see Radiance.

O.C. Screening - Banner Thank You Page

O.C. Screening - Age/Demographics 

Campus Circle offers our clients the opportunity to view the demographics of entrants in real time.

For the O.C. screening the demos were as follows:

      

522 Entries 55% (18 to 34) 45% (35 to 65) 49% Male 31% Caucasian 28% Working Prof 43% College

Campus Circle - Social Media

Campus Circle utilized its own Social Media channels to promote Radiance. We disseminated original content through our Facebook and Twitter pages along with various other efforts of outreach. The following pictures recaps some of our approach. Facebook Likes: 8,041 Twitter followers: 2,350 Total Value = $500.00

Campus Circle - Social Media 2

Campus Circle - Print Editorial #1 

Print Ad Campaign - Two 1/4 page ads for Radiance ran in two issues of Campus Circle.

The Radiance review that appeared on our website also was reprinted in our publication.

Campus Circle is an alternative newspaper distributed to 40 schools and over 800 retail outlets in the greater Los Angeles area. In its 21th year, Campus Circle covers film, music, theatre, events and L.A. culture.

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The value of the article is $500. Circulation: 30,000 Readership: 90,000

Print ads in Campus Circle #1

Print ads in Campus Circle #2

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