The Illusionist (Sony Pictures Classics) Online, Street and Print Campaign DMA: Los Angeles/New York Project Manager: Sean Bello
5042 Wilshire Blvd., #600, Los Angeles, CA 90036 P. (323) 939.8477 F. (323) 939.8656
Overview of Campaign •
Campus Circle worked Sony Pictures Classics on promoting the release of The Illusionist in Los Angeles and NYC. Our efforts included
Street Marketing Postering retail in both DMAs
Online Marketing Banner Ads Newsletter Advertising Dedicated Emailing Social Media
Print Advertising Campus Circle Newspaper
Postering - Los Angeles
Postering - New York
Tracking Online Stats through Bitly •
Campus Circle utilized the tracking service to keep performance statistics on our online campaign. Campus Circle utilized links for our dedicated email email, banner advertising and newsletter advertising.
Collectively, all efforts results in 1,132 clicks to date.
The remaining portions of this report gives examples of our online efforts.
Banner Advertising •
Banner advertising for The Illusionist appeared on our website, The banner ads ran throughout 95% of the site. Our monthly traffic currently averages 500,000 page views and 80,000 unique visitors. The Illusionist banner ads had a combined 268K impressions and 170 clicks. The value of the banner ads was $2,680.00.
Newsletter Advertising •
Banner advertising for The Illusionist appeared in our weekly email newsletter for two weeks.
The Campus Circle weekly email newsletter reaches 30,000 members per week in the greater Los Angeles area. The banner ads had 168 combined clicks.
The total value of the banner ads over four weeks was 600.00.
Campus Circle - Calendar Listing •
A calendar listing for The Illusionist appeared on our website.
To date, the calendar listing has been viewed 106 times.
Campus Circle website traffic averages:
500,000 page views/month
80,000 unique visitors/month
Dedicated Email for The Illusionist •
Campus Circle sent out a dedicated email to promote the release of The Illusionist in Los Angeles and New York for Christmas day delivery.
• •
Emails sent: 43,000 Value = $1,720.00
Campus Circle - Print Editorial •
Print Campaign
A review of The Illusionist appeared in the 12/22 issue of Campus Circle.
Campus Circle is a weekly alternative newspaper distributed to 40 schools and over 800 retail outlets in the greater Los Angeles area. In its 20th year, Campus Circle covers film, music, events and L.A. culture.
The value of the 1/4 page article is $408.00.
Campus Circle - Online Editorial •
The Illusionist article that appeared in Campus Circle newspaper also appears on our website.
Since 12/21, the article has been viewed 307 times.
Campus Circle website traffic averages:
500,000 page views/month
80,000 unique visitors/month
The Illusionist Film Trailer on website •
The trailer for The Illusionist appears on our website. To date, the trailer page has been viewed 304 times to date.
Campus Circle - Social Media Campus Circle placed The Illusionists posts (editorial, opening info) on our Social Media pages to promote the film. The value of the Social Media outreach was $750.00.
Campus Circle - Release Date Ad (Value = $2,525.00)
Campus Circle - Week 2 (Value = $2,525.00)