Spread (Anchor Bay Films) Print and Online Campaign DMA: Los Angeles Film Sales Manager: Sean Bello sean.bello@campuscircle.net
5042 Wilshire Blvd., #600, Los Angeles, CA 90036 P. (323) 939.8477 F. (323) 939.8656
Print Ad: A full page 4 color promotional ad appeared in Campus Circle (CC). Partnership: CC brought in Crossroads Trading Company as a retail partner for the film. Crossroads provide space for window displays in their stores and gift certificates.
Sweepstakes - The print ad directed readers to our online film sweepstakes page where entrant information is databased for the promotion.
Advance screenings - Campus Circle co-hosted an advance screenings of the film in Los Angeles using our online RSVP ticketing system.
Guests at the Spread Screening
Guests at the Spread Screening
Stats/Demographics - Film clients can track stats and demographics for Campus Circle film screening events and sweepstakes. Key information includes - age, gender, ethnicity, status, entries and opt-ins.
Stats/Demographics - Film clients can track stats and demographics for Campus Circle film screening events and sweepstakes. Key information includes - age, gender, ethnicity, status, entries and opt-ins.
Retail Partnerships - Campus Circle set up a retail partnership with Crossroads Trading Company (CTC) which has 5 stores in the Los Angeles Area. Allied Advertising, Public Relations set up the displays in the store fronts.
Ex. CTC (Hollywood)
Retail Partnerships - Campus Circle set up a retail partnership with Crossroads Trading Company (CTC) which has 5 stores in the Los Angeles Area. Allied Advertising, Public Relations set up the displays in the store fronts.
Ex. CTC (Santa Monica)
Retail Partnerships - Campus Circle set up a retail partnership with Crossroads Trading Company (CTC) which has 5 stores in the Los Angeles Area. Allied Advertising, Public Relations set up the displays in the store fronts.
Ex. CTC (Silverlake)
Retail Partnerships - Campus Circle set up a retail partnership with Crossroads Trading Company (CTC) which has 5 stores in the Los Angeles Area. Allied Advertising, Public Relations set up the displays in the store fronts.
Ex. CTC (Studio City)
Retail Partnerships - Campus Circle set up a retail partnership with Crossroads Trading Company (CTC) which has 5 stores in the Los Angeles Area. Allied Advertising, Public Relations set up the displays in the store fronts.
Ex. CTC (West Hollywood)
Banner Advertising for the film appeared on campuscircle.com Web-site Traffic: 50,000 unique visitors/month, 415,000 page views/month. SOV: 1/3 to 100%. Banners appear on 95% of the website.
Newsletter Advertising: Banner ads for the film appeared in our weekly event calendar. Reaches: 28,000+ Campus Circle members in L.A. DMA Banner Ad sizes: 300 x 250, 468 x 60 or 234 x 60
Print Ad: Full page 4 color Release Date ad - Appeared in Campus Circle (8/12/09) Circulation: 30,000 Readership: 90,000 Distribution: Retail outlets and schools in Los Angeles