STREET Restaurant Online, Print and Social Media Camapign DMA: Los Angeles Manager: Sean Bello
5042 Wilshire Blvd., #600, Los Angeles, CA 90036 P. (323) 939.8477 F. (323) 939.8656
Overview of Campaign •
Capitalizing on chef/owner Susan Feniger’s appearance on Bravo’s Top Chef Masters, Campus Circle set out to promote her STREET restaurant to college students at USC and UCLA. In order to promote STREET, Campus Circle utilized its online, print and social media properties. STREET supplied us with print ads, banner ads and gift certificates for the restaurant.
Print Ads for the Campaign UCLA Version
USC Version
Street Ads in Campus Circle •
Print ads for the STREET campaign appeared in two issues of Campus Circle. The value of the ads was $2,250.00.
Website Banner Ad
• • •
Banner advertising for STREET appeared on our website. Banner Stats - 260,000 impressions/352 clicks The value of the banner ads were $2,400.00
Newsletter Banner Ads •
A banner ad for STREET appeared in our weekly email newsletter multiple times during the course of the campaign.
The value of the newsletter banner ad is $300.00/week.
Total value = $1,200.00
Dedicated Email •
Campus Circle sent out a dedicated HTML email to promote STREET:
The stats for the email were as follows:
• • •
Emails sent: 28,589 Opens: 2,380 Clicks: 221
Value = $1,144.00
Website Video Page •
The video gallery page for STREET has had 103 page views to date.
Website Special Offer Page
Sweepstakes Page •
Campus Circle is currently hosting a sweepstakes for Street on our website. The first half of the sweepstakes campaign was dedicated to USC while the second half is dedicated to UCLA.
To date, 300 people have registered for this sweepstakes promotion.
Online Editorial •
A restaurant review for STREET appeared on our website. Since 4/30, the article has been viewed 361 times.
Newspaper Review •
Print Campaign
The article on STREET that appears on our website was reprinted in our newspaper.
The newspaper layout is setup in a way that mirrors our website layout to an extent.
The value of this half page article is $823.75.
Social Media Outreach •
Campus Circle posted the STREET article on our Social Media pages (Twitter, Facebook, Myspace) to promote the restaurant.
In addition, we posted the article on various restaurant related websites.
Value = 1,150.00