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Focus (Warner Bros.) Online Marketing/Print Advertising/Retail/PartnershipSocial Media DMA: Los Angeles Project Manager: Sean Bello

Campus Circle - 5042 Wilshire Blvd., #600, LA, CA 90036 P. (323) 939.8477

Overview of Campaign 1.  2.  4.  5.  6.

This report recaps our marketing efforts for FOCUS. Our outreach included the following: Banner Advertising – Hosted on for Mobile/Desktop Dedicated Emailing – To CC members in LA Social Media Outreach – Content posts on FB (10.6K+ likes)/Twitter (30K+) Newsletter Ads/Calendar Listing/Trailer Post – Promoting film release Sweepstakes – Pages hosted on Retail Partnership – With District La Brea (Aether, Bonobos) – Set up a shopping spree and dinner for two at this hip retail district of Los Angeles.

The campaign has 1,739 clicks (includes 891 bitly clicks), 14,941 content related page views and 87 social media interactions to date.

Banner Advertising Banner advertising for the film appeared on our website, The banner ads had a 95% ROS. Campus Circle’s monthly traffic currently averages 733,000 page views and 466,000 unique visitors. Imp. – 100K+ to date. Clicks – 120 to date

Mobile Banner Screen Shots Banner ads appearing in the Campus Circle Content feed and article pages.

Print Advertising

Dedicated Email #1 Delivered – 21K+ Opened – 2,320 Total Clicks - 437

Dedicated Email #2 Delivered – 76K+ Opened – 2,256 Total Clicks - 386

Campus Circle Newsletter #1 Emails – 21,687 Opens – 2,100 Est. Weekly Newsletter Campaign Clicks– 25 Est.

Calendar Listing Page Views – 56 Website Traffic 733,000/month Unique Visitors – 466,000/month

Film Trailer Page Views – 213 Website Traffic Page Views – 733,000/month Unique Visitors – 466,000/month

Social Media #1

Social Media #2

Social Media #3

Screening Page - LA Page Views– 2,241 SM Interactions - 29 Website Traffic Page Views – 733,000/month Unique Visitors – 466,000/month

Screening Page - OC Page Views– 4,155 SM Interactions - 37 Website Traffic Page Views – 733,000/month Unique Visitors – 466,000/month

Screeing Passes – LA/OC ONE (1)

ONE (1)





AETHER / BONOBOS / DISTRICT LA BREA Date and Time: February 24, 2015 7:30 PM

Location: AMC Orange 30 20 City Blvd. W. Orange, CA 92868 888-262-4386

Will Smith stars as Nicky, a seasoned master of misdirection who becomes romantically involved with novice con artist Jess (Margot Robbie). As he's teaching her the tricks of the trade, she gets too close for comfort and he abruptly breaks it off. Three years later, the former flame - now an accomplished femme fatale - shows up in Buenos Aires in the middle of the high stakes racecar circuit. In the midst of Nicky's latest, very dangerous scheme, she throws his plans for a loop... and the consummate con man off his game.

CAST: Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Rodrigo Santoro, Gerald McRaney

AETHER / BONOBOS DISTRICT LA BREA Date and Time: February 24, 2015 7:30 PM

Location: AMC Century City 15 10250 Santa Monica Blvd., 2000 Los Angeles, CA 90067 888-262-4386

Bring this pass with you to the event. IDs will be checked at the door. Pass must be used by passholder.


Will Smith stars as Nicky, a seasoned master of misdirection who becomes romantically involved with novice con artist Jess (Margot Robbie). As he's teaching her the tricks of the trade, she gets too close for comfort and he abruptly breaks it off. Three years later, the former flame - now an accomplished femme fatale - shows up in Buenos Aires in the middle of the high stakes racecar circuit. In the midst of Nicky's latest, very dangerous scheme, she throws his plans for a loop... and the consummate con man off his game.

CAST: Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Rodrigo Santoro, Gerald McRaney

Bring this pass with you to the event. IDs will be checked at the door. Pass must be used by passholder.


Not Yet Rated

Not Yet Rated


ARRIVE EARLY! SEATING IS FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED, except for members of the reviewing press. Theatre is overbooked to assure a full house. Theatre is not responsible for overbooking. This pass does not guarantee seating and must be surrendered upon demand. No one will be admitted without a screening ticket and no one will gain admittance after screening begins except reviewing press. This pass is the property of Warner Bros. Pictures who reserves the right to refuse, revoke, or limit admission at the discretion of an authorized studio/theatre representative at any time. Duplicate passes will not be accepted. Screening passes are non transferable. This ticket is NOT for resale. Reselling of tickets is strictly prohibited and punishable by law. All those found in violation will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Warner Bros. owns or controls rights in and to the screening program and the contents thereof and Warner Bros. expressly reserves all such rights. MPAA - No Recording. This screening will be monitored for unauthorized recording. By attending, you agree not to record the film (video or audio) and you consent to physical search of your belongings and person for any recording device. If you attempt to use a recording device* to record the film, you consent to your Immediate removal from the theater and forfeiture of the device. Nothing contained in this notice shall limit the available remedies Warner Bros. may have against you. Unauthorized recording will be reported to law enforcement and may subject you to criminal and civil liability (including damages up to $150,000). *This includes, by way of example only, smart phones and mobile phones with photo or video capture capabilities.

ONE (1)


ARRIVE EARLY! SEATING IS FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED, except for members of the reviewing press. Theatre is overbooked to assure a full house. Theatre is not responsible for overbooking. This pass does not guarantee seating and must be surrendered upon demand. No one will be admitted without a screening ticket and no one will gain admittance after screening begins except reviewing press. This pass is the property of Warner Bros. Pictures who reserves the right to refuse, revoke, or limit admission at the discretion of an authorized studio/theatre representative at any time. Duplicate passes will not be accepted. Screening passes are non transferable. This ticket is NOT for resale. Reselling of tickets is strictly prohibited and punishable by law. All those found in violation will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Warner Bros. owns or controls rights in and to the screening program and the contents thereof and Warner Bros. expressly reserves all such rights. MPAA - No Recording. This screening will be monitored for unauthorized recording. By attending, you agree not to record the film (video or audio) and you consent to physical search of your belongings and person for any recording device. If you attempt to use a recording device* to record the film, you consent to your Immediate removal from the theater and forfeiture of the device. Nothing contained in this notice shall limit the available remedies Warner Bros. may have against you. Unauthorized recording will be reported to law enforcement and may subject you to criminal and civil liability (including damages up to $150,000). *This includes, by way of example only, smart phones and mobile phones with photo or video capture capabilities.

ONE (1)

Sweepstakes Page Page Views– 1,600 Entries – 718 to date SM Interactions - 21 Website Traffic Page Views – 733,000/month Unique Visitors – 466,000/month

Sweeps Demo - Age

Sweeps Demo - Gender

Sweeps Demo - Ethnicity

Sweeps Demos - Status

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