Freestyle Motocross/Conejo Valley Days

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Conejo Valley Days/Freestyle Motocross Online, Street and Print Campaign DMA: Los Angeles Project Manager: Jon Bookatz

5042 Wilshire Blvd., #600, Los Angeles, CA 90036 P. (323) 939.8477 F. (323) 939.8656

Overview of Campaign •

Campus Circle promoted the 2011 Conejo Valley Days & Freestyle Motocross by doing the following:

Utilizing Campus Circle’s online/print/editorial assets Street Marketing Film Screenings Dedicated HTML email

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Event Marketing Campus Circle hand to hand distributed Freestyle Motocross flyers at two a movie screenings we hosted in Hollywood. These screenings are a perfect venue to reach our audience and prime demo for the Conejo Valley Days & Frestyle Motocross.

Print Advertising Placements •

Campus Circle placed print ads in our publication for three weeks - Los Angeles DMA. These placements included:

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Two 1/4 page (b/w) ads One 1/2 page / full color ad

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Circulation: 30,000 Readership: 90,000

Distribution: Retail outlets and schools in Los Angeles

1/2 page / Full color ad April 27 issue of Campus Circle • Campus Circle printed one 1/2 page four color ad in our publication for the month of April. • Campus Circle is distributed to 40 schools and 800 retail outlets in the Los Angeles DMA. • 88% of the readership of the publication is 18 to 34. • The value of all the print ads was $2,770.00

1/4 page (b/w) ads April 13 & 20 issues of Campus Circle • Campus Circle printed two 1/4 page (b/w) ads in our publication for the month of April. • Campus Circle is distributed to 40 schools and 800 retail outlets in the Los Angeles DMA. • 88% of the readership of the publication is 18 to 34. • The value of all the print ads was $2,770.00.

Campus Circle - Dedicated Email •

Campus Circle sent out a dedicated HTML email to promote Freestyle Motocross at the Conejo Valley Days.

The stats for the email were as follows:

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Emails sent: 31,679 Views: 1,888

Value = $1,310.00

Campus Circle - Banner Advertising •

Banner advertising for the Freestyle Motocross appeared on our website, Our monthly traffic averages 515,000 page views and 75,000 unique visitors. The Freestyle Motocross banner received 318,603 impressions and 114 clicks. The value of the banner ads was $3,600.00.

Campus Circle - Newsletter Ads •

Banner advertising for the Freestyle Motocross appeared in our weekly email newsletter for two weeks.

The Campus Circle weekly email newsletter reaches 31,000+ members per week in the greater Los Angeles area.

The total value of the banner ads over two weeks was $700.00.

Campus Circle - Online Editorial •

Campus Circle listed online editorial about the Freestyle Motocross in our Recurring Events Section.

Campus Circle website traffic averages: 5 million hits/month

515,000 page views/month

75,000 unique visitors/month

Campus Circle - Calendar Listing •

A listing for the Freestyle Motocross appeared on our website in our calendar section.

To date, the calendar listing has been viewed 94 times.

Campus Circle website traffic averages: 5 million hits/month

515,000 page views/month

75,000 unique visitors/month

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