Neil Young Journeys Postering Campaign

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Neil Young Journeys (SPC) Street, Online, Social Media and Print Campaign DMA: Los Angeles, NYC, San Francisco, Portland Project Manager: Sean Bello

Campus Circle - 5042 Wilshire Blvd., #600, LA, CA 90036 P. (323) 939.8477

Overview of Campaign This report recaps our marketing efforts including: â€˘â€ˆ Postering/Postcards Our street team reps layered posters and postcards in retail stores in designated areas in Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco and Portland.

Street Marketing Los Angeles Images of postering and postcard distribution in this DMA

Street Marketing Los Angeles 2 Images of postering and postcard distribution in this DMA

Street Marketing New York Images of postering and postcard outreach in this DMA

Street Marketing New York 2 Images of postering and postcard outreach in this DMA

Street Marketing San Francisco Images of postering and postcard outreach in this DMA

Street Marketing San Francisco2 Images of postering and postcard outreach in this DMA

Street Marketing Portland Images of postering and postcard outreach in this DMA

Street Marketing Portland2 Images of postering and postcard outreach in this DMA

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