Pacific Life Pac-10 Tournament / AEG LIVE

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Pacific Life Pac-10 Tournament/AEG LIVE Online and Print Campaign DMA: Los Angeles Project Manager: Jon Bookatz

5042 Wilshire Blvd., #600, Los Angeles, CA 90036 P. (323) 939.8477 F. (323) 939.8656

Overview of Campaign •

Campus Circle promoted the 2011 Pacific Life Pac-10 Tournament by doing the following:

Utilizing Campus Circle’s online/print/editorial assets

Online Sweepstakes

Dedicated HTML email

Print Advertising Placements •

Campus Circle placed a print ad in our publication for one week - Los Angeles DMA. These placements included:

1/4 page / (b/w) ad

• •

Circulation: 30,000 Readership: 90,000

Distribution: Retail outlets and schools in Los Angeles

1/4 page (B/W) ad March 9 issue of Campus Circle • Campus Circle printed one 1/4 page (b/w) ad in our publication for the month of March. • Campus Circle is distributed to 40 schools and 800 retail outlets in the Los Angeles DMA. • 88% of the readership of the publication is 18 to 34. • The value of all the print ads was $525.00.

Campus Circle - Dedicated Email •

Campus Circle sent out a dedicated HTML email to promote the Pacific Life Pac-10 Tournament.

The stats for the email were as follows:

• • •

Emails sent: 31,142 Opens: 3,231 Click thru’s: 149

Value = $1,310.00

Campus Circle - Banner Advertising •

Banner advertising for the Pacific Life Pac-10 Tournament appeared on our website, The banner ads ran throughout 85% of the site. Our monthly traffic averages 515,000 page views and 75,000 unique visitors. The Pacific Life banners had a combined 445,016 impressions and 188 clicks. The value of the banner ads was $2,400.00.

Campus Circle - Newsletter Ads •

Banner advertising for the Pacific Life Pac-10 Tournament appeared in our weekly email newsletter for two weeks. The Campus Circle weekly email newsletter reaches 31,000+ members per week in the greater Los Angeles area. The total value of the banner ads over two weeks was $700.00.

Campus Circle - Calendar Listing •

A listing for the Pacific Life Pac-10 Tournament appeared on our website in our calendar section.

To date, the calendar listing has been viewed 486 times.

Campus Circle website traffic averages: 5 million hits/month

550,000 page views/month

75,000 unique visitors/month

Campus Circle - Social Media •

Campus Circle posted our giveaway of tickets to the Pacific Life Pac-10 Tournament that appeared online to our Social Media pages to promote the event.


The value of the Social Media outreach was $1,000.00.

Campus Circle Sweepstakes •

An online sweepstakes was hosted on for two weeks.

Four pairs of tickets were given to lucky readers of Campus Circle.

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