Samsung Galaxy Challenge Tour Report

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Samsung Galaxy Challenge Print, Street and Online Marketing Campaign Project Manager: Sean Bello

Campus Circle - 5042 Wilshire Blvd., #600, LA, CA 90036 P. (323) 939.8477

Samsung Galaxy Challenge Dates and Schools

Overview of Campaign •

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This report recaps Campus Circle’s efforts to help promote the Samsung Galaxy Challenge at 13 colleges across the country. The campaign included: Print Advertising Multiple print ads (Pre-event and event specific) were placed in the college newspapers to promote the tour. Kiosk Advertising Poster displays appeared in the newspaper stand kiosks at UCLA. This additional marketing component added great exposure to the tour at the school. Postering Campus Circle street team layered mini posters at the schools to promote the tour. Posters were placed in school classroom buildings, administrative building and other high trafficked areas where students frequented. Banner IP Targeting A banner ad campaign targeted students who were searching the internet through the school internet servers. Dedicated Emailing Dedicated Emails were sent out to students promoting the tour. Campus Circle, Inc. We utilized our free newspaper, Campus Circle; our website, and our database to promote the UCSD, UCLA and USC dates for the tour.

Samsung Challenge @ UCLA UCLA set a Samsung tour record with a 1,000 students registering in one day for the challenge.

PRINT ADVERTISING Multiple ads for the Samsung Challenge were placed in college newspapers at the schools where the tour was taking place. The schools newspapers are very targeted publications that are distributed heavily on campus and are well read by students.

Print Ads in College Newspapers Ex. Battalion School – Texas A&M Enrollment – 48,702 Circulation - 16,000

Print Ads in College Newspapers Ex. Daily Targum School – Rutgers Enrollment – 37,366 Circulation - 18,000

Print Ads in College Newspapers Ex. Daily Toreador School – Texas Tech Enrollment – 30,049 Circulation - 12,000

Print Ads in College Newspapers Ex. College Times School – ASU Enrollment – 68,064 Circulation – 30,000

KIOSK ADVERTISING Poster displays appeared in the newspaper stand kiosks at UCLA. This marketing component added great exposure for the tour at the school. The displays appeared at multiple high trafficked areas.

Map of the Kiosk locations at UCLA

Kiosk Advertising @ UCLA #1 Select pictures from our on campus campaign

Kiosk Advertising @ UCLA #2 Select pictures from our on campus campaign

Kiosk Advertising @ UCLA #3 Select pictures from our on campus campaign

Kiosk Advertising @ UCLA #4 Select pictures from our on campus campaign

POSTERING Campus Circle street team members layered mini posters at the schools that were part of the Samsung Galaxy tour. Posters were placed in school classroom buildings, administrative buildings and other high trafficked areas on campus where students frequented.

Postering on Campus USC

Postering on Campus USC 2

Postering on Campus Berkeley

Postering on Campus Rutgers

Postering on Campus Texas A&M

Postering on Campus Texas A&M 2

Postering on Campus Miami

Postering on Campus Kansas

BANNER IP TARGETING A banner ad campaign targeted students who were searching the internet through the school servers. Thus, if a student was in his dorm room and was searching/reading online, Samsung Galaxy tour event banners would be served up to the student based on his profile of being from a targeted university that was part of the tour.

Banner Advertising – Ip Target 1 Example of campaign

Banner Advertising – Ip Target 2 Example of campaign

DEDICATED EMAILING Dedicated Emails were sent out to students at all schools that were part of the Samsung Galaxy Challenge tour. The emails linked back to the event specific facebook invite pages to help generate interest for the tour at each school.

Dedicated Emailing Ex. - USC A dedicated email promoting the Samsung Galaxy Challenge was sent out to 26,000+ college students in Southern California promoting the event at USC.

Dedicated Emailing Ex. - UCLA A dedicated email promoting the Samsung Galaxy Challenge was sent out to 26,000+ college students in Southern California promoting the event at UCLA.

Dedicated Emailing Ex. - UCSD A dedicated email promoting the Samsung Galaxy Challenge was sent out to 26,000+ college students in Southern California promoting the event at UCSD.

Facebook Page - USC The dedicated emails linked to the Samsung Galaxy Challenge event facebook page. The emails were tracked through bitly and clicked on 134 times.

Facebook Page - UCLA The dedicated emails linked to the Samsung Galaxy Challenge event facebook page. The emails were tracked through bitly and clicked on 92 times.

Facebook Page - UCSD The dedicated emails linked to the Samsung Galaxy Challenge event facebook page. The emails were tracked through bitly and clicked on 76 times.

CAMPUS CIRCLE, INC We utilized our free newspaper, Campus Circle; our website,, our weekly email newsletter and generated original content to help promote the tour at USC, UCSD and UCLA. Campus Circle circulates 30,000 issues and a readership of 90,000.

Campus Circle Distribution Select images of retail drops featuring the Samsung “All Campus� ad on our cover.

Campus Circle on An online magazine viewing community Publication Page Views To Date – 2,495

Print ad in Campus Circle - UCLA Circulation – 30K Readership – 90K Distribution – 500 retail outlets and schools in L.A.

Banner Advertising - USC Banner advertising for the tour appeared on our website, The banner ads had a 95% ROS. Campus Circle’s monthly traffic currently averages 519,000 page views and 140,000 unique visitors. Impressions – 85K. Clicks – 85.

Banner Advertising - UCLA Banner advertising for the tour appeared on our website, The banner ads had a 95% ROS. Campus Circle’s monthly traffic currently averages 519,000 page views and 140,000 unique visitors. Impressions – 100K. Clicks – 81.

Campus Circle Newsletter for the USC event Emails – 25,733 Opens – 2,900 Total Samsung Clicks – 30

Campus Circle Newsletter for the UCLA event Emails – 25,738 Opens – 3,100 Total Samsung Clicks – 45

Online Content Page Views – 503 Website Traffic Page Views – 519,000/month Unique Visitors – 140,000/month

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