The Runaways Report 2

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The Runaways/Amoeba Music Promotion Online, Retail and Print Campaign DMA: Los Angeles Film Sales Manager: Sean Bello

5042 Wilshire Blvd., #600, Los Angeles, CA 90036 P. (323) 939.8477 F. (323) 939.8656

Overview of Campaign •

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Campus Circle helped bring together Apparition and Amoeba Music, the most recognizable independent record store in the country to promote the release of The Runaways. To promote the film and Amoeba Music, Campus Circle utilized its online and print properties. Apparition provided a series of screenings for us to promote the film and Amoeba Music. Amoeba Music gave us postering positioning in its store and supplied gift certificates to promote the release of the film. The total value added Apparition received for this campaign was $21,886.00.

Retail Partnership with Amoeba Music Campus Circle set up a retail partnership with Amoeba Music. The partnership included poster displays for The Runaways in the store and in the parking structure. The value of the retail promotion was $2,500.00.

Retail Partnership with Amoeba Music #2

Retail Partnership with Amoeba Music #3

Website Banner Ads

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Banner ads for the film and Amoeba Music appeared on our website. The Runaways Banner Stats - 300,000 impressions/400 clicks The value of the banner ads were $3,600.00

Newsletter Banner Ads •

Banner ads for The Runaways appeared in our weekly email newsletter for 2 weeks.

Stats on the emails

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3/12 Email Sent: 28,705 Opens: 2,931

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3/19 Email (To date) Sent: 28,766 Opens: 2,905

The value of the banner ads were $900.00.

Film Screenings •

Campus Circle and Amoeba Music co-hosted 3 screenings including the premiere of the film with Apparition.

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The screening pages generated the following: Page views: 13,888 # of entries: 3,054

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Screening Attendance Century City - 100% full Hollywood - 100% Orange - 100%

The value of all 3 screening pages was $2,250.00.

Film Screening Stats Page •

For each screening page, Campus Circle had an accompanying stats/demographics page for the clients to keep track of who was rsvping to the screenings.

For example, the premiere screening demos include:

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66% - 18 to 34 58% - female 36% - Caucasian 26% - Hispanic 52% - students

Sweepstakes Page •

Amoeba Music contributed gift certificates as a grand sweepstakes prize for our The Runaways campaign.

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Entries to date: 853 Opt-ins: 71

The gift certificates were valued at $50.00 each.

The value of the sweepstakes page was $750.00.

Sweepstakes Stats Page •

As with our screening stats page, we also produce a stats page for our sweepstakes.

The Runaways sweepstakes has produced the following results.

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31% - 18 to 34 56% - female 58% - Caucasian 8% - Hispanic 34% - Students 28% - Working

Dedicated Email •

Campus Circle sent out a dedicated HTML email to promote:

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The film screenings The Sweepstakes The release of the film Amoeba Music/Coupon

The stats for the email were as follows:

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Emails sent: 28,628 Opens: 6,028 (21%) Clicks: 636 (2.2%)

Value = $1,295.00

Movie Trailer •

The trailer for The Runaways appeared on our website along with banner advertising for the film and Amoeba Music. To date, the trailer page has been viewed 256 times.

Online Editorial

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An interview with the stars of The Runaways appears on the website. Since 3/19, the interview has been viewed 500 times.

Social Media Outreach •

Campus Circle posted The Runaways interview on our Social Media page to promote the release of the film.

In addition, we posted the interview on various Kristen Stewart, Dakota Fanning and The Runaways related sites.

Value = $140.00

Cover of Campus Circle •

Print Campaign

The Runaways was featured on the cover of Campus Circle newspaper.

Campus Circle is distributed to over 800 retail outlets and 40 schools in the Los Angeles

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Readership: 90,000 Weekly Circulation: 30,000

Value = $3,768.75

Newspaper Interview •

Print Campaign

The Runaways interview that appears on our website was reprinted in our newspaper.

The newspaper layout is set-up in a way that mirrors our website layout to an extent.

The value of this full page interview was $1,657.50.

Print Ads for The Runaways •

The print ad for The Runaways appeared in our issue for the week of release. The value of the ad was $2,512.50.

Promo Ad #1 for The Runaways •

A promo ad for The Runaways appeared in Campus Circle to promote the premiere of the film. The value of the ad was $2,512.50.

Promo Ad #2 for The Runaways •

A promo ad for The Runaways appeared in Campus Circle to promote advanced screenings of the film. The value of the ad was $2,512.50.

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