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Cover photo by: Spencer Patton Back page photo by: Ashlee Carr
EDITORS NOTE The Campus Note will introduce you to our students and college town opportunities. I hope you’re inspired to go out and find your own favorite spots in Durant. Sometimes it’s hard to remember to enjoy life when finals are approaching. Don’t get lost in it. Devour, Feel, Listen, Breathe, and See the world around you! In the Holiday Edition, we’re sleighing all things Thanksgiving and Christmas. We decked the pages with Black Friday Hacks, Christmas concerts, and mistletoe movies. Happy Chrimus, is Chrismus, Merry crisis, Merry Chrysler, and Merry Christmas from our family to yours.
Ashlee Carr
Photo by Michaela Rule Photography
09 SEE
Photo by Amy Ethridge
By Amy Ethridge
Callie Bryant is a senior Biology and Chemistry major from Idabel, Oklahoma. Callie is a Residence Assistant. She serves on the e x e c u t i v e t e a m f o r Tr u e B l u e Ambassadors and actively participates in the Student Bible C e n t e r, P r e - M e d c l u b , a n d t h e Pr i de o f So u t h e as tern Ma rc h in g and Concert bands.
1. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? “I would love to take a train around Europe stopping in Norway, Denmark, Finland, Spain, and Croatia. My family houses foreign exchange students. We have housed students from each of these countries. Plus, my sister-in-law is from Barcelona, and her whole family still lives there.” 2. What would you say to your younger self? “Hey, young Callie, why don’t you pick a major that doesn’t make you want to rip your hair out and stress cry every 20 minutes?” 3. What’s your favorite Christmas tradition? “Our Danish exchange student introduced a new tradition to my family. We make a cold rice porridge dessert with chopped almonds. There is one whole almond in the porridge. Whoever finds the whole almond in their bowl gets to open the first present.” 4. Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob? “I’m Team Edward. He never did anything for selfish gain. Unlike Jacob in New Moon, who let Edward believe Bella was dead to win her over. I’m still kind of bitter about the whole thing…” 5. What’s your favorite holiday tune? “I adore any Pentatonic Holiday song. I will NEVER skip over their cover of “That’s Christmas to Me”.”
Photo by Amy Ethridge
Holiday Crossword
Across 2. Thanksgiving bird 4. Jewish holiday lasting eight days 7. What does the turkey say? 8. I saw mommy kissing Santa under this 9. Famous Thanksgiving parade 10. A fruit that is made into a sauce 12. Another name for corn 13. A decorative ring hung on doors
Down 1. ‘How the _____ stole Christmas’ 3. The name of the pilgrim’s boat 5. Name of the snowman that comes to life 6. ‘You’ll shoot your _____ out’ 8. Way to prepare potatoes 11. All the other reindeer laughed and called him names
Photo by Jihyun Park
Taste of the Nations is a monthly dinner hosted by the International Student Ministry affiliated with the BCM. Each month, a different nation’s culinary specialties are shared by international and local Southeastern students. The purpose of these events are to foster friendships and a support system for international students during their transition to the U.S. Students have an opportunity to share their cultures and bond through meals and games. The next Taste of the Nations is on November 16 at 7:15 PM. For Thanksgiving, American food will be served. Celebrate Thanksgiving year-round and make new friends with Taste of the Nations. For more information contact Kevin Martinez: cellphone & Whatsapp # +1-580-916-1873. By Jihyun Park
B l a c k F r i d a y ( N o v. 2 3 )
S h o p S m a l l S a t u r d a y ( No v. 2 4 )
H a c k 1 : Go to the store ahead of
S h o p S m a ll S a t u r d a y is p e r f e ct fo r
time and locate your targets. You
those who love to shop local. In
ca n th e n b e a t al l t he B l ac k Fri da y
Durant, all the stores on Main Street
cr az ie s (yo u k now the ones ) to s ea l
o ff e r d e a l s . C a n I g e t a n A M E N ?
those steals. Hack 1: Ask if the store stacks H a c k 2 : G o e a r l y. M a n y s t o r e s o ff e r
s t u d e n t d is c o u n t s o n t o p o f th e
free (yes, I said FREE) products to
existing sale for extra savings.
the first people in line. D o y o u r res ea rch fo r st or e s offeri ng freeb i es
Hack 2: Make sure to stop by Durant
near you.
M a in S t r e e t o ff ic e f o r a F REE ( m y favorite F word) tote bag and visit
H a c k 3 : Wa n t d e a l s o n c l o t h e s ?
the shopping lounge.
JC Pe nny. Looking for kids toys from “Santa”?
Hack 3: Don’t forget about pop-up
K ohl’s .
s h o p s in t h e P la z a ! T h e y ’r e p e r fe ct i f
Looking for small appliances that
y o u ’r e lo o k in g t o t r e a t y o - s el f w ith
yo ur mo m wi l l l ov e? Mac y ’s.
unique items you can’t get from
A ll of th ese sto r es hav e rew ards
A m a z o n . E v e r y o n e lo v e s a g o o d p o p -
programs AND give out coupons like
up shop.
ca ndy. Yo u ca n s tac k the c oupon s on top of the Black Friday deals!
By Zoe Cardenas
Photos by Spencer Patton
‘Tis the Season to be Rockin’
By Kirsten Piatt
Winter is coming, and Concerts are coming to town. As a concert enthusiast, I have developed a system for an unforgettable experience. The Funds-‐ Concerts aren’t cheap. Take $20 a month out of your paycheck and put it in a concert fund. (That’s only 4 coffees.) The site-‐ My Go 2 sites are StubHub and Ticketmaster. Aggressively stalk the seating map. It’s a gamble because the tickets get cheaper a few days before the event. However, the venue could sell out. The outfit-‐ Concerts are an opportunity to wear your specialty pieces. Take risks and go glam. Go Early-‐ Get to the venue before the doors open. You’ll have time to buy merch and mingle. The Insta-‐ If possible take pictures before the concert. During the performance, set the phone down and take in the performance. Dance, sing, and make memories among the melodies.
Mistletoe Movies
Photo by Ashlee Carr
Is it even “the holidays” without the ritualistic watching of the classics? Do you have a case of
FOMO for the X-Mas movies you’ve never heard of? Since ELF gets old after the 10th re-run, here are 5 overlooked holiday favorites for your binge-watching list! 1. Scrooged- Starring Bill Murray, this 80’s holiday comedy is a spin-off of “A Christmas Carol.” 2. Christmas Vacation- Another 80’s flick, but this one focuses on a man who wants his family
Christmas to be perfect. Everything is great until the family shows up. 3. Love Actually- This movie showcases nine intertwined stories connected through the power
of love. Get ready for all the feels with the Rom Com of the season. 4. Die Hard- In 1988, Christmas was a little different with this action movie. Nothing crashes a
party like a hostage situation. 5. Trapped in Paradise- This movie follows three bank robbers, trapped in a small town covered
in snow after a Christmas Eve heist.
By Ieysha Cheney
W i n t e r B a l l i s j u s t a r o u n d t h e c o r n e r. U n f o r t u n a t e l y, w e ’ r e a l l B R O K E . S o i n s t e a d of dropping $300 you don’t have, check out the dress section at Goodwill. Browse the skirt aisle for more formal options. Don’t forget to check the coats and accessories to finish your look. S h o p p i n g Ti p : G o e a r l i e r i n t h e w e e k f o r a
fresh selection.
Photos by Kirsten Piatt
Merry Mainstreet “‘Twas the month of Christmas and all through Durant, the stores were getting ready for something extravagant. The decorations were hung from the lamppost with care, in hopes that shoppers would soon be there. ”
On December 4th, join Durant Main Street in the Downtown Christmas Tree Lighting Celebration on the Market Square. There will be ornament decorating, caroling, and hot cocoa, of course! The festivities will begin at 6:00 pm; the tree is to be lit at 6:30 pm. At 7 pm, the Christmas parade will be making its way downtown. This year’s theme is “Sounds of the Season.” Organizations and businesses will deck the floats with classic Christmas accessories. Santa will be bringing a ho-ho whole lot of Christmas cheer. Be good kids. By Josie Harbin Photos by Durant Mainstreet
Are you having bad luck winning a Campus Note T-shirt? Color me and DM a picture to @SE Campus Note on Instagram or Twitter for a chance to win a free Campus Note Tshirt. Be creative kids.
AD PR ENTREPRENUERS The Campus Note's mission is to help you explore and discover the "best 4 years of your life." The Campus Note is created by Montgomery + Dunlap-- Southeastern's student-run Advertising and Public Relations Agency- Temporarily housed in the Classroom Building. The Campus Note is a content development and AD/PR entrepreneurship project. Ashlee Carr, Public Relations Manger, is a sophomore Ad/PR major. Ieysha Cheney, Sales Manager, is a sophomore Ad/PR major. Kirsten Piatt, Web Manager, is a sophomore Art Education Major. Spencer Patton, Creative Visual Director, is a sophomore Ad/PR major. Amy Ethridge, Ad Sales/ Content Specialists, is a senior Ad/ PR major. Josie Harbin, Ad Sales/ Content Specialist, is a junior Ad/ PR Major. Zoe Cardenas, Content Specialists/ Host of Healthy Hacks with Zoe, is a sophomore Nursing major. Jihyun Park, Content Specialist, is a senior Marketing Major. Dr. Shannon McCraw, Chair of the Department of Art, Communication, and Theatre, advises Montgomery + Dunlap. If you are a writer, designer, or photographer, and interested in advertising and public relations find us in CB 124---- temporarily the home of Montgomery + Dunlap-- Southeastern's student-run Advertising and Public Relations Agency.
The Campus Note It snow joke