Team Player A team player can be associated to any type of profession a person participates. The dictionary defines team players as a number of people associated together in work or activity. Team players are the type of people with a tremendous personality who contribute and motivate themselves in many areas. They include the military, sports, work, and families. However, there are a few things team players are not. Let us explore these aspects closer. A team player must have a tremendous personality to be successful. A tremendous personality includes being friendly, tactful, and diplomatic. A friendly personality is good to help keep the other players in harmony. It is imperative to have a friendly personality so others more content...
When a team player gives time to other members of the team, other team members hold him in high praise. This will affect team members putting forth additional effort. Sometimes team players will contribute money if it helps the team reach its goal. Overall, team players contribute their ideas, time, and money to bring the morale of the whole team to the highest possible level. A tremendous personality and contribution will lead to positive motivation on a team. Motivation is the key to why team players try so viciously. A team player motivates the people around him/her by always having a positive attitude. Being recognized as a leader, he/she must set forth a good example. There are two ways a team player can show motivation. They are always striving for mission accomplishment and constantly wanting the team to be successful. A team player strives for mission accomplishment by showing no concern for his/her own individual needs. This will make the team want to work together as one until a particular task is accomplished. As a result, the team will be successful and show great pride and dignity in whatever missions that may arise in the future. Therefore, a team that achieves mission accomplishment and team success will produce many team players where everyone is a leader. Team players can be found in different types of groups. They are in the military service, on sports teams, in the work place, and inside of families. In the military, they are usually the leaders
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Language is the primary source of communication for humans and is used to convey thoughts, feelings, intentions, and desires to others (Bonvillain 2008:1). Many rules are taken into account when forming a language. According to Bolton, language is arbitrary and is unrepresentative of the objects they represent (Bolton 1996: 63). The study of Semantics allows us to identify the meaning of words and phrases in their literal sense, and helps us to make meaning out of arbitrary sounds and phrases. It has been contributed to by both linguists and philosophers. Linguists used lexical decomposition to understand the features that comprise words and the categories in which the words fit. Philosophers dealt more with the meanings of sentences more content...
Another occurrence is synonymy, which is when more than one word has the same meaning. An example of this would be sick and ill. These two words both refer to feeling less than normal, but to some these two words may have different connotations. By that I mean that some may see ill as being worse than sick or vice versa. This can create a misunderstanding between speakers or readers. Another example according to Parker and Riley is big and large. Referring to your sister as big or large can make a big difference in how people view her; they could see her as being older than you or as bigger in size (2010:30). Synonymy can also have differences based on formal and informal settings such as the words woman and lady. This forces readers and writers of English to choose their words carefully to make sure that the right meaning is conveyed and understood. Yet another aspect is hyponyms. These are collections of words that go from general to specific terms. This allows us to use terms to our liking and not necessarily in the most effective way for the reader or listener to understand us. An example would be to say, "Please hand me a screwdriver." This sentence is too ambiguous to elicit a precise action because there are many different types of Get more content

What is religion? Each person's definition of religion is different. Each person's faith is different. This is a question that has been asked for centuries, and regardless of the answer given there is no right or wrong answer. Religion can be defined as a group of people who have shared beliefs who feel their life has purpose or meaning. This feeling or belief that their life has meaning can come from outside of themselves, as well as within. Taking this one step further, these shared beliefs put into action in the form of worship, can be easily identified because they happen regularly. It can be said the Primal religions were in fact not religions. Some may argue Confucianism is not areligion. Others may say Taoism is not more content...
They are teachings learned by previous generations then passed down, they are not always actions. The fifth feature of religion is grace. Grace is defined by Smith as "the belief and assurance that reality is on our side and can be counted on." Lastly there is mystery. For this there is no exact definition, but it is all of what a religion cannot explain, it is all that the human mind cannot grasp, it is the certain "higher power" that religion offers. Of these six features, there are three that are present in most all religions, they are: authority, tradition, and mystery. Authority, tradition, and mystery further explore and define religion when looking specifically at Primal Religions, Confucianism, and Taoism. Primal Religions are often mistaken to be the religion of the primitive man, often thought to be unintelligent. There is a definition of "primal" that is better suited than unintelligent or primitive. Primal in terms of religion, refers to the lack of exposure to technology, it is not "knowing" the state of consciousness given to many by the technological environment. Primal religions preceded organized religion as we know it today by thousands of years, in some cases millions, but are still present in the world today; we now call them tribal religions. Within primal religions there are people who are knowledgeable about life, who are knowledgeable about Defining Religion–4 traditions, and who are Get more content

The definition of literature has been discussed and argued over time and there is no precise answer to be given. Any reader or author can define literature as whatever they wish it to be defined as. This is more of an opinion of how one views certain pieces of work or writings and whether or not they feel that is actually literature or not. Literature is any type of creative writing such as fiction or poetry, for example. Literature is also any form of body of written works of language, which could be from the English era or even as far back as the Shakespearean or Elizabethan era. It is also work from a specific period or culture defining key elements or somehow relating to and/or expressing how it is exactly from that time. more content...
In her poem, "Dylan" in lines 4 and 5, she writes, "Her hair was a halo of warm light / and color dripped off her tongue" (23). The reader can interpret just from those two lines the creativity and imagination not only in that one poem, but also in all poetry. The description of hair being a halo of warm light allows the reader to use his or her own imagination to perceive that image in whichever way they would like. Creative writing can be determined by many other things not only image or structure of how the poem is set into stanzas, but what is left up to the reader for interpretation. Jewel writes in "Cautious" in lines 23–29, "an open vessel / whose function it was / to be filled / until my consciousness / could return and / spit out / the bad seeds" (18). After reading these lines the reader can be left with different feelings and emotions that vary from disgust or simplicity. This is just another example of how poetry is creative writing. According to the American Heritage Dictionary, literature is defined as being the body of written works of a language, period, or culture. An author of any specific type of writing or works can include certain details pertaining to language or other details, which allow the reader to develop a sensory image of that specific period or culture. If the reader had no prior knowledge to the language, period, or culture of the writing he or she would be reading, upon reading and analyzing
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Definitions of health
It is fairly difficult to define health as there are no agreements between scholars. This is why many sociologists focus their research on the different issues and problems of ill health.
Positive definition of health: positive health looks at the physical, emotional, intellectual aspects of a person's wellbeing. This is in the way that they do not have any diseases or ailments.
An example of the positive definition of health in a health and social care is a nurse in who is working in a hospital can say to one of their patients that have recently started exercising to become more 'healthier' 'you look very healthy'.
Positive health looks at what aspects of health are there and which ones make us more content...
An example of holistic health could be that a psychologist's client may have bipolar disorder and the psychologist would still focus on all of the other aspects of their client's life and not just on the symptoms the client is experiencing of bipolar disorder. Holistic health looks as everything as a whole and never different aspects of health individually.
World Health Organisation definition of health: the World Health Organisation defines health as "not merely an absence of disease, but a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well–being."
(2013 K Pritchett Class Notes)
An example of health defined by the World Health Organisation in a health and social care setting could be that in order for a patient of a doctors surgery to be healthy they would have to have a complete state of physical, mental, spiritual and social well–being. This means that if a patient was in a wheel chair they could never be seen as healthy as they do not have a complete state of physical well–being. The World Health Organisation thinks that people must have all complete aspects to be completely healthy.
The Clinical Iceberg'The Clinical Iceberg' is a term used to call the levels of illnesses that are found from official statistics. This is because some people do not always seek medical attention when they become ill therefore these official statistics may not be correct and showing the 'true' levels of
To define such a universally experienced phenomena as consciousness may seem on the most superficial level rather unnecessary. Yet a more scientific, and at times philosophical, investigation into the phenomena demands some sort of confirmed interpretation which supercedes any such common understanding. For our purposes the content of consciousness may be deemed those things of which one is aware and thus can report. Thinking, as well, and the higher–level mechanisms associated there in may also be components of this consciousness. While additionally an individuals' conception that the way in which she experiences the world comes from more than just the neuronal activity of her brain can be understood as a more content... Certain individuals who have experienced extensive damage to those cortical areas related to sight may report an inability to perceive visual stimuli. In some cases, when presented with a moving spot of light, such individuals who claim to have witnessed no optical occurrence whatsoever will subsequently "guess", well above chance level, the direction of the lights' movement (1). In this phenomena of blindsight it would be the individual's "on–line system" (or "I–function") which provokes the claims that he perceives no stimuli while clearly the "seeing system" has, though on an unconscious level, seen something (1).
In an attempt to determine the location of the neuronal correlate of consciousness Crick and Koch conducted research that used images characterized by their bistable precepts. Such visual stimuli (ex: the Serendip – directional arrows) present a constant visual input which results in two possible subject precepts – which tend to alternate in conscious perception. An experimental determination is subsequently made as to which neurons in the brain are attending to the input and which to the precept (whichever is being conceived at that moment). This type of investigative procedure has been preformed on the macaque visual system and results from research published in 1989 by Logothetis indicated that monkeys (non–human primates) and humans perceive such bistable inputs in
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The Meaning of Life
My few years on this planet have been a bit confusing. I have learned of many aspects of life from which one can draw meaning, if indeed such meaning can be drawn. I have also learned that there can be no singular meaning of life to stand for us all, or even any one of us. What I have learned above all is that trying to put words to the meaning of life is a task of absolute absurdity. This is not to be confused with the idea that life has no meaning, for life certainly has meaning. However, there is no single meaning of life to be defined – life is different for us all. Therefore, rather than define life for an entire planet, I shall try to explain what life means as I perceive it, and why it means more content...
Life is a complicated twist of suffering, laughing, and learning all merging to tell a great story – or great many stories. Based on this view, "it is not the end goal or outcome of life that gives life meaning but rather the quality of the story, the quality with which one lives out and develops his or her role."
At the time, this event seemed rather insignificant and did not merit remembrance. However, its catastrophic effects on my attitude that evening may have helped to mold me into the person I have become. I learned that suffering through such an event, as childish as it was, is quite necessary in any life. Such pains are part of an interminable cycle and only generate balance in one's life (p. 62, 'Life as Suffering'). Despite my horrid time spent that evening, the laughter brought since the incident is a worthy tradeoff. Laughter is an all too necessary function of life, just as suffering and the wide range of other emotions. "Some thinkers would emphasize the importance of sophistication in humor, but others would say that laughter itself is what is important." Whatever the case may be, laughter is an important ingredient in life, and must not be taken for granted nor ignored.
Despite such emotional ties to life, I have also learned that life is not only about emotions. Those emotions are generated from the chain reactions created endlessly in

What is home? If one looks in a dictionary the answer would come out to be, "The place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household." However, for anyone who has had an actual home, they would know that such a term goes much beyond its concrete description. It is an impassioned aspect filled with values and foundation of nurturing. A home is not just an abode built to live in; in fact, that is just a definition of a house. Home is a place where one not only feels comfortable, but a place they look forward to opportunely live in every day. A home is built not by bricks or wood, but with the bond of family. A home is a place that reminds aperson of countless memories and values when he walks through more content...
Family is what makes a house a home; this statement is undeniably precise. A person could have every material entity in the entire world, but it would mean nothing if he does not have someone to share it with. In other words, home is also semantically related to sharing the happiness, grief, and material things with one's family. A home gives people a place to care about the people that mean the most to them. It is a place to tell amusing tales, a good story, or make memorable memories with one another. Furthermore, home is more than a place; it is a feeling. It is a feeling of contentment and happiness that they share with the ones they love. Moreover, home is when one knows they are with people that can drive them insane in a second, and the same people can make them happy in a second as well. Home means that no matter what one is going through, no matter how challenging life gets, there will be someone looking out for them. One knows that a place is their home when they are comfortable enough to present a true description of themselves, because they know that they will receive definitive acceptance. It is a sanctuary for them where they can do anything they please and not be judged afterwards. It is where one can share the absurdity of their day without any remorse or repercussions. The reason why people say that a person only has one true home is because one will
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A community is established when more than two people share the same values and through time this personal connection evolves into a fellowship governed by rituals, traditions, and a particular form of communication that when taken together makes a group of individuals whether living in a specific geographical area or connected by ideals so distinct that their distinguishing marks allow them to stand out from among the crowd. They do not just believe in something like an organization but they need each other to survive and thrive. A good example is the Old Order Amish Mennonite community wherein the community serves as source of identity, strength and provides the reason why they should sustain the community's way of life. more content...
Communities are affected, and in a sense defined by, forces that affect community members and their space. The forces can range from outside organizations such as the government and large corporations ... These components of the community vary infinitely, and thus no two communities are the same; even a given community is not the same over time (Cnaan & Milofsky, p. 1)
Based on this definition it is interesting to note that the Old Order Amish Mennoite community satisfies the requirements of place, interests and communion. Aside from being a perfect example of a community the Amish people exemplify what it means to be a part of a community that it is their source of identity, strength, and sustainability. Each individual exists for the community but as a whole the community nurtures each member and therefore it is unthinkable for an Amish man or woman to leave their community behind. On the other hand many Americans feel they must "get involved." In public life as well as in private, we can discern the habits that sustain individualism and commitment as well as what makes them problematic. (Bellah, p.74) For the Amish Mennonite community the purpose of the community is very clear. First, it provides them a sense of identity, not only who they are as of the present but also helps them to trace their origins and the reason for their
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