I went to Toronto with dread. The occasion was the GPC Council retreat held there last October. The Council knew that I was a prominent member of New Green Canada, considered by some as an irritating group of dissident Greens and ex-Greens. I felt that I was putting my head into the lion's mouth. I had come to realize that in my strong beliefs in the duty of social as well as environmental caring, I had found myself on the left wing extreme of the party. We opened with a round table introduction and it was here that I began to feel at home. As everyone spoke I realized that my fellow Council members were a group of people who really care about what is happening on this planet and who are very hard working. Much of the retreat was spent discussing how to restructure the GPC into a more efficient model, according to which Council would free itself up from managing details and instead concentrate on defining our Mission, our Strategy and our Message. We have grown very rapidly and we need to conduct ourselves as if we were a large well-organized party. I am personally very glad to be on this Council.
Le Conseil national du PVC s'est doté d' un nouveau modèle de gouvernance lors de sa réunion tenue à Toronto voici un mois. Ce modèle devrait libérer les membres du conseil de tâches reliées au jour à jour. Ainsi ces membres pourront mieux se concentrer sur les enjeux stratégiques du Parti, tels que la formulation de sa Mission, de sa Stratégie et du Message qu'il voudrait que les Canadiens et Canadiennes entendent. Immédiatement après la réunion, le Conseil a créé une Équipe de Préparation de la Campagne Électorale (EPCE). Celle-ci est composée de membres-clés du Conseil national, tels que le Chef et les Présidents des fonctions Organisation, Communications et Levée de Fonds. Le Conseil dirigera l'EPCE et recevra d'elle les informations nécessaires pour prendre des décisions de longue portée. En même temps, le Conseil deviendra un lieu de réflexion qui agira au nom des membres tout en répondant à leurs attentes.
Roger Benham, Secretary
Roger Benham, Secrétaire
Le Conseil fédéral du Parti Vert du Canada souhaite combler les postes de représentant(e)s provinciaux et territoriaux suivants : - Nouveau-Brunswick - Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador - Territoires du Nord-Ouest (Remarque : une candidature est déjà à l'étude pour une nomination par intérim.) - Québec (à partir du 31 octobre 2004) - Yukon Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec le bureau du Parti à La date limite pour poser une candidature est le vendredi 31 décembre 2004 à minuit (heure normale del'Est). Dans l'éventualité où : (a) un poste reçoit une seule candidature, le Conseil étudiera la possibilité de nommer cette personne à titre intérimaire pour une durée de 90 jours; (b) un poste reçoit deux candidatures ou plus, le président déclenchera une élection dans les plus brefs délais au sein de la province ou du territoire.
VACANCIES ON GPC COUNCIL GPC Federal Council has the following Provincial/Territory Representatives vacancies: New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Northwest Territories (Note: an applicant is currently being considered for an interim appointment.) Québec Yukon For further information, please contact Applications will be accepted up to Friday, Dec 31, 2004 midnight EST. If there: a) is only one applicant for a position, Council will consider appointing that per son as an interim representative for 90 days. b) are two or more applicants, the Chair will call an election within the province/ territory at the earliest possible date.
8 Green Canada Vert
Green Party Of Canada Someday is now!
Parti Vert du Canada L'avenir c'est maintenant!
Nous sommes plus forts, Green Canada Vert
et c’est grâce à vous!
Automne 2004 / ISSN 1490-0777 / Fall 2004
We are growing stronger and it’s all thanks to you!
I thank the 583,000 Canadians who voted for the Green Party this year: there were six times as many of you as in 2000! And the effects of our stunning success continue to reverberate throughout Canada:
Je remercie les 583,000 canadiens et canadiennes qui ont
☛ Recent Ipsos-Reid polls have established public support for the Ontario and BC provincial parties at their highest ever level, 8% and 18% respectively
☛ Des sondages récents de la compagnie Ipsos-Reid révèlent que les partis verts de Colombie Britannique et de l'Ontario ont un appui respectifs de 18% et 8%.
☛ A Green Party of Nova Scotia is about to be formed (see article page 5)
☛ Un parti vert est en train de s'établir en Nouvelle-Écosse (voir article page 5)
☛ Our General Meeting in Calgary was the most successful ever. David Suzuki received five standing ovations, and said that the Green Party is the only party that understands that there are limits to growth. He even called us “eco-heroes.”
☛ La convention que nous avons tenue à Calgary a été très réussie. David Suzuki y a reçu cinq ovations et il nous a dit que seul le Parti vert comprend qu'il y a des limites à l'expan sion. Il nous a même appelés des “éco-héros.”
Thanks to the 308 candidates who devoted five weeks of their lives to the election, we have had a staggering impact. For example, a June 26 Ekos poll showed the Green Party to be the second choice of 1.5 million actual voters - highlighting our incredible growth potential. And in fact, an August poll shows that this pool of potential support has grown to over 3.7 million actual voters.
Grâce aux 308 candidat(e)s qui ont consacré cinq semaines de leurs vies à l'élection, nous avons eu un impact formidable. Par exemple, nous étions le deuxième choix parmi 1.5 million d'électeurs le 26 juin. Depuis, un autre sondage a indiqué que ce nombre avait grimpé à 3.7 millions en août.
As a result, I predict that the Liberal government will present what they will call a “Green” budget - highlighting the incredible impact we are having in defining the national political agenda.
voté pour le Parti vert cette année: vous avez été six fois plus nombreux qu'en 2000. Et les effets que vous avez provoqués continuent à se réverbérer à travers le Canada:
Ainsi je prédis que le gouvernement libéral présentera un budget “vert” qui démontrera à quel point nous commençons à définir l'agenda politique de la nation.
Finally, let's not forget that we will now receive over $1 million of funding every single year. Thus, our success in this election increased our party's resources over 40-fold!
Finalement, n'oubliez pas que nous allons recevoir un peu plus d'un million de dollars chaque année. Ce montant est 40 fois plus grand que le financement annuel précédant du bureau central. Imaginez donc les possibilités ...
I propose these goals for the next election: 1. Win seats & Double or triple our vote 2. Run candidates in all 308 ridings while achieving gender parity 3. Included in the televised leaders debate 4. Recruit 30 high profile candidates, and ensure that a quarter of our candidates are under the age of 30.
Je vous propose ces buts pour la prochaine! 1. Gagner des sièges et doubler, voire tripler nos votes 2. Avoir 308 candidats tout en nous assurant d'attein dre la parité femme/homme 3. Être inclus dans les débats télévisés 4. Obtenir 30 candidat(e)s de haut profil, et recruter un quart de nos candidat(e)s parmi les jeunes
Has there ever been a more exciting time for the Green Party!
Y a-t-il une meilleure époque pour le Parti vert du Canada?
Jim Harris, Leader
Jim Harris, Chef Green Canada Vert 1
Imagine a group of people, all creative, visionary, outspoken, determined, individualistic and knowledgeable, united by one vibrant factor - a Green philosophy. This is your Federal Council. These characters, however, have no concept of speaking briefly. Staying on topic is another challenge. In this group, the word “process” is meaningless. So, you may ask, “Why would anyone want to Chair such a group?” Well, building a process is challenging and rewarding, as in the current project of writing a Handbook containing Council policies and procedures. Not expressing an opinion (for the first time in my adult life) is also enjoyable. As Chair, I decided not to debate or vote. My focus is to encourage full participation, mutual understanding, and the creation of inclusive decisions. In our first meeting, a 3 hour teleconference, we kept quorum and approved all items by consensus. At our second meeting, a twoday retreat, only one item went to vote, the remainder consensed. A personal goal over the next two years is to have at least 75% of Council decisions made by consensus. In future months, your Council of Characters will keep on being creative, visionary, outspoken, determined, individualistic and knowledgeable. They will persist in speaking at length, roaming off topic, and denying the need for process. Most importantly, as united Greens, Council will continue to help build a viable GPC. Bruce Abel, GPC Chair
Editor's note: When will the chair publish his memoirs?
Veuillez imaginer
des gens créatifs, déterminés et autonomes avec une
chose en commun - une philosophie verte. Ces gens sont votre Conseil fédéral. Mon rôle
GPC COUNCIL / CONSEIL DU PVC Bruce Abel, Chair Jim Harris, Leader Roger Benham, Secretary John Anderson, CFO Elio Di Iorio, International Ken Ashdown, Communications Kevin Colton, Organizing Kathryn Holloway, Fundraising Melanie Jeanne Ransom, Administration Steve Kisby, Membership Lise Racicot, Treasurer Sheila Richardson, Nova Scotia Jeremy Stiles, PEI Mike Nickerson, Ontario Catharine Johannson, Manitoba David Greenfield, Saskatchewan Chris Chypyha, Alberta Dave Ferguson, BC Nedd Kenney, Nunavut
Vacant: Provincial and Territorial Representatives for Newfoundland and Labrador, Québec, New Brunswick, Northwest Territories, Yukon Council members can be contacted by email. Each email is composed of the position title followed by “” For example, Nedd Kenney's email is .
NATIONAL OFFICE P.O./C.P. 997 Station B Ottawa (Ontario) K1P 5R1 Toll-free/Sans-frais 1-866-868-3447 Ottawa-Gatineau 613-562-4916 Fax/Télécopieur 613-482-4632
comme président du conseil est d'encourager les discussions et de les diriger vers une décision par consensus.
Become a Member Now! Help support the Green Party of Canada
This past June, in the middle of a general election, I embarked on a campaign for the leadership of the GPC, with great pride in what the Green Party is and what it has to offer to Canadians. In my travels from Halifax to Victoria and many places in between, I met hundreds of people dedicated to the sustainable future of a green society, people with great skills and knowledge, and especially with much warmth and passion in their heart. I sincerely thank the many individuals who welcomed me into their community, offered me a bed and hospitality, and shared with me their concerns and hopes for the Green Party. I greatly appreciate the support that I received from so many people. I thank my friends and supporters for their help in the campaign.
GREEN CANADA VERT The official newsletter of the Green Party of Canada Le bulletin de nouvelles officiel du Parti Vert du Canada Raphaël Thierrin, Managing editor, Rédacteur en chef Ana Germán, Designer, Mise en page Submissions and comments welcome! Vos soumissions et commentaires sont toujours appréciés!
I congratulate the GPC members who offered their services and volunteer time as candidates in the recent elections to GPC Council. It shows courage and determination to come forward. I express my sincere support to Jim Harris, reelected Leader of the GPC. We need his drive as we continue to build the Party for another 2 years and especially in preparation for an imminent snap election. John Grogan also deserves our congratulations for coming forward on matters of principle and helping the Party in its critical self evaluation.
C'est un grand honneur pour moi de participer à la rédaction de Green Canada Vert.
I look forward to working with the GPC as an active advocate in the shadow cabinet. I remain deeply involved in the development of our platform issue 2005. I look forward to meeting the members in person and otherwise.
Notre prochaine édition paraîtra en mars 2005 et aura comme thème le premier principe de la Charte globale des Verts, la “Sagesse environnementale.”
Contact ou
Thank you. Tom Manley, Agriculture & Food Advocate
Editor's note: Since writing these words, Tom Manley has been appointed by Council as Co-Chair of the 2005 Platform Development Process. Two other Co-Chairs are needed, one from Western Canada and one from Québec or Eastern Canada. And at least one of the three Co-Chairs must be a woman.
It is an honour for me to manage Green Canada Vert. Our next issue will come out in March 2005 and its theme will be the first principle from the Global Greens Charter, “Ecological Wisdom.” Raphaël Thierrin
If you know someone who is interested in getting involved in the Platform development, please ask her or him to email Michael Pilling at ideas@greenparty.
Chers amis verts, Je remercie tous ceux et celles qui m'ont accueillis chaleureusement lors de ma campagne à la chefferie du PVC. Je donne mon appui à Jim Harris, qui a été réélu chef. Nous aurons besoin de toute son énergie pour continuer à bâtir le parti tout en étant prêt pour une élection soudaine. J'aimerais féliciter John Grogan pour sa
2 Green Canada Vert
campagne, qui a encouragé le parti à se regarder dans le miroir.
Green Canada Vert 3
“Let's get busy”
"QUESTION OF DIRECTION" RESOLUTION PASSES AT 2004 CONVENTION Times have changed, but not the goal upon which public decisions are based remains the expansion of human activity. For thousand of years, this goal helped us to stand our ground and improve our lot, amid the other lifeforms thriving all around us. Today we have grown so large and so powerful that we are pressing other life forms off the planet and stressing the systems upon which life depends. The problems resulting from our enormous civilization will not be solved by more growth. Should public policy continue to be based on the goal of expansion? The Green Party says no! Our plans recognize the need to stabilize the human presence, in balance with ecological reality. At the Party convention in August, members voted to support the "Question of Direction" initiative. It provides materials to enable individuals and Green Party units to explain that there is a fundamental difference between the Greens and all the other parties; that we offer a new goal. We are encouraging anyone interested in attracting more people to the Green cause to request free sample materials. The various items, introducing the goal of sustainability and encouraging thought, can be customized, at cost, with local contact information. The results of distribution are new members, donations and votes to advance the Green goal and the political will to pursue it. Goals are the seeds from which the future grows. Mike Nickerson, Ontario rep.
Mike Nickerson, 7th Generation Initiative (613) 259-9988 challenge-and-goal.html
Notre société change, mais le but autour duquel sont conçus les décisions politiques reste le même: assurer l'expansion des activités humaines. Au récent congrès du PVC, les membres ont donné leur appui au projet “Une question de direction.” Ce projet offre une trousse d'outils qui permettra aux membres de démontrer à d'autres que le but du PVC est fondamentalement différent de celui des autres partis politiques.
BC Greens are gearing up for the provincial election which will take place on May 17, 2005. With the BC Green Party hovering between 12 and 18 percent in the polls in a seriously polarized political scene, this election is looking like a tough battle; hopefully the GP will prosper by staking out the high ground. In addition the voters of BC will be asked by referendum whether they will use some form of Single Transferable Vote in its next election. My role on Council is to represent the interests of British Columbia to Council and to represent the interests of Canada to British Columbia. This is no mean task–the population of BC is most diverse, thus I look for synergies between the GPBC and the GPC. I also sit on the GPBC Council as its External Liaison Officer--the only BC Green currently doing double duty on both Councils. I was gratified at the recent Council retreat in Toronto that we are finally dealing with how to craft a million dollar plus budget and to develop an organizational structure that reflects the needs of a major Canadian political party. Success brings many challenges. Crisis embodies both danger and opportunity. All of the world's crises--war, oil depletion, climate change, floods, hurricanes--that we Greens have been warning about for the past 40 years are coming home to roost. Our recent electoral success comes from people finally realizing that we are right and have solutions to ecological problems. The struggle will not be easy, but it is the struggle for which we have been working, so let's get busy.
Les Verts de Colombie Britannique se préparent en vue de l'élection provinciale, qui aura lieu en mai 2005. Ce sera un combat politique serré, vu la polar-
Dave Ferguson, BC Representative
Nova Scotia Greens like to be first. In the June 2004 election, Nova Scotia was the first province to have a full slate of candidates officially nominated on the ballot. Then it was the first to file all its returns to Elections Canada.
Fonds pour les Partis fédéraux
Le Parti recevra un peu plus d'un million de dollars grâce au récent scrutin. Nous allons bénéficier de la loi fédérale qui donne $1,75 par vote aux partis obtenant plus de 2% des suffrages.
And now Nova Scotia Greens want their own party! NS Provincial representative Sheila G. Richardson tells us that her province “is currently organizing meetings to form a provincial party which could be ready for an expected Spring election, in 2005.”
Beaucoup d'encre a coulé quant à la distribution de ces fonds. Le Conseil national a approuvé le plan “1/3” d'après lequel un tiers irait au parti central, un deuxième aux organisations provinciales du PVC et le dernier aux associations de comtés. Plusieurs propositions sont à l'étude, sous l'égide d'un comité de Partage des revenus présidé par Andy Shadrack. Le Parti espère renseigner ses membres à ce sujet en début 2005.
Interim provincial party leader Michael Oddy revealed his innovative thinking when he wrote that “NS Greens intend to get 25 signatures each from every riding, as part of the process of finding people to form 52 local riding associations and of recruiting 52 provincial candidates in the next election.” Oddy has become a celebrity during the recent municipal elections in Nova Scotia. Believe it or not, this province is the “last” North American jurisdiction where Sunday shopping is not allowed. A referendum organized as part of the recent province-wide municipal election might have changed this, but Oddy's passionate statements convinced voters “to vote no and keep Nova Scotia from becoming just another community dedicated to consumerism 24/7,” according to NS GPC organizer Michael Marshall. This first political victory by the Nova Scotia Greens augurs well for the future ... Will Nova Scotia be the first province to elect a Green?
S. Richardson, Nova Scotia rep.
2004 CONVENTION UPDATE CONSTITUTION REVIEW COMMITTEE In keeping with a resolution passed at our August convention, the Green Party of Canada is establishing a twenty-five person committee to review the current constitution. Some of the issues the committee may face include: how to balance central and regional power within the party, how to balance the need for efficient decision-making with the need for deep grass roots democracy, and how to build a party that avoids the trap of favouring privileged groups.
Une révision de la constitution du Parti va bientôt être
Ken Colton, Organisation
The 4.3% of the vote we won during the election means we will receive a little more than $1 million per year in federal funding thanks to the law that distributes $1.75 per vote to parties which win more than 2%.
There has been much discussion on how to distribute these funds. Council had approved the "1/3 plan" whereby funds would be split equally between the central party, the GPC provincial organizations and the ridings, but alternative proposals were presented at the Calgary convention. A Revenue Sharing committee has been struck to reconcile all of these plans. A decision will be announced in early 2005.
commencé par un groupe de vingt cinq bénévoles choisis parmi les membres. Les buts de cette révision sont de s'assurer que le Parti de la Nouvelle-Écosse, qui n'ont guère eu de puisse bien fonctionner à l'échelle répit depuis l'élection fédérale de juin! Non seulement ont-ils été les premiers à comnationale tout en maintenant nos pléter leurs rapports d'Élections Canada mais ils sont également très occcupés en ce principes de démocratie, équité et moment à organiser un parti provincial, en vue des élections prévues en 2005. imputabilité.
Félicitons les Verts
isation actuelle de cette province.
4 Green Canada Vert
Green Canada Vert 5
Global Green Network counts on Canada
I joined the Green Party of Canada in November 2003 on the heels of my own successful municipal campaign and the political high left me open to a new challenge. I strongly believe that the Green Party of Canada has a tremendous opportunity to take a leadership role in the Global Green movement. Green Parties in Europe, Mexico and Oceania have been players in their respective national scenes for some time now and there is a wealth of experience and best practices available to us to download into our organizational consciousness. At the same time, there is a sense that support from a strong Canadian Green Party will provide a shot in the arm for the entire Global Green Network. In June of this year, I attended the U.S.A. Green Party Convention in Milwaukee where delegations from six continents were in attendance. It was a fascinating experience as the international contingent came together and connected on profound levels. It was clear to me that my colleagues had an underlying expectation that Canada would show much needed leadership. The respect with which people spoke of Canada was humbling. And I felt an urgency to ensure that our party act in a way so as not to fall short of our potential. Much is expected of us and rightly so. Elio Di Iorio, International Secretary
Le Parti vert du Canada peut jouer un plus grand rôle dans le mouvement vert mondial. L'été dernier, j'ai rencontré des Verts de six continents lors du congrès du Parti vert des E.-U. et j'ai remarqué qu'ils souhaitent eux aussi notre plus grande participation. Je serai à la réunion des Verts européens en Irlande lorsque vous lirez ces lignes et je partagerai avec vous ce que j'y apprendrai.
Thanks to the members who voted for me. The Treasurer is a non-voting position, so I sit on the sidelines, observing and listening. The recent federal election was a watershed for the GPC. However, if we wish to really move forward, we will need to establish a better governance model within Council and within the Party.
People power needed to cycle the GPC forward
Tout d'abord, je remercie tous ceux et celles qui ont voté pour moi. En tant que trésorière, je n'ai pas le droit de voter lors des réunions du Conseil, mais j'observe et j'écoute beaucoup. Grâce à l'élection de juin 2004, le Parti vert est entré dans une nouvelle ère! Nous ne sommes plus seulement des “tree huggers”, nous sommes maintenant un Parti visionnaire. En plus de démontrer un grand respect envers l'environnement, notre parti a maintenant l'occasion de changer la façon par laquelle un parti politique agit. Mais avant de changer le monde, nous devons nous assurer d'avoir une fondation très solide. Je crois fermement que le Conseil du PVC peut faire bien des choses grâce aux bases déjà acquises. Nous devons cependant être vigilant et établir de bonnes gouvernance, imputabilité et transparence, pour inspirer la confiance tant chez nos membres que chez les citoyens et citoyennes du Canada. De plus, nous devons mettre sur pied un processus d'évaluation du conseil et des comités afin d'éliminer ce qui n'est pas efficace et raffermir ce qui marche bien.
Despite its financial windfall, the GPC is still largely people-powered. There are many ways to support the party - by liaising with other organizations, donating, finding and training potential candidates, organizing fundraising events and workshops, and so on. We need lots of helpers to make our party successful. If you would like to get involved and don't know how, don't hesitate to contact your provincial or territorial representative on council, or contact the national office.
Given its organization and the numbers of people it has attracted from other parties, I believe that our party is much closer to influencing federal decisionmaking. This will fulfill my personal hope, that the decisions made by the Canadian Parliament are environmentally sound.
Meanwhile, here are a few other opportunities if you seek a role beyond your electoral district. Several GPC committees are actively seeking volunteers.
However, the party will require continued and sustained volunteer support to ensure that we are able to elect Green MP's.
Each committee seeks to achieve gender equity and regional balance. You may apply by sending a CV describing a personal history of your interest and experience in the area to the appropriate contact. Votre application peut être dans la langue officielle de votre choix. COMMITTEE
Nine members with an interest in Green politics at an international level
Elio Di Iorio
Seven members to advise the fundraising chair to initiate and facilitate fundraising efforts. 4-6 hours of work per month. Regional sensitivity needed to ensure that the GPC's needs are balanced and coordinated with the needs of provincial green parties around provincial election times.
Kathryn Holloway
Communications Members and Volunteers in all areas of communications: video, writing, web coding, graphic design. Original illustrations, photos and articles also needed.
Now that we have had a nice break from the big election (except for all those fabulous official agents who toiled and filed campaign reports), please keep in mind that we need to begin preparing now for the next election. When you do your 'New Year Resolutions' for 2005, I encourage you to put the Green Party on your list, as it will be on mine. As Administration Chair, I am undertaking these projects: o Making our conventions more effective o Developing a conflict of interest policy for council members
Ken Ashdown
P.s. Et merci également à tous ceux et celles qui ont voté pour moi!
Malgré les fonds dont bénéficiera le Parti grâce aux résultats du dernier scrutin, notre force réside dans les personnes qui, comme vous et moi, veulent bien contribuer quelques
Lise Racicot, Trésorière
heures de bénévolat de temps en temps, ou de manière régulière. Cet article donne une vue d'ensemble quant aux projets et postes de bénévoles les plus utiles en cette conjoncture de notre montée. Il est évident que votre association de comté aura besoin de votre soutien et de votre énergie. En plus, trois comités sollicitent également l'intérêt de membres voulant travailler à un niveau régional, national ou international, ceux de Levée de fonds, des Affaires internationales et des
In conclusion, I would like to thank our staff for their dedication and professionalism during the past year.
Melanie Ransom, Administration Chair
Mon espoir personnel est que les décisions du Parlement canadien reflètent des valeurs environnementales. Nous y sommes presque mais il faudra malgré tout accroître nos efforts de bénévolat. Je vous encourage à insérer le Parti vert dans la liste de vos 'Résolutions pour 2005.'
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