The issue is respect.
Yep. We're a one-issue party.
Some say the Green Party of Canada is a one-issue party. What do you think? • We believe in respect for the political process. The Green Party supports real democracy and accountability, not circumventing election laws or the will of Canadians.
• Respect for our healthcare. The Green Party wants a system that not only cures disease but promotes healthy living.
• Respect for Canadian taxpayers. The Green Party will fight for a fairer system that taxes polluters more and people less.
• Respect for our communities. The Green Party supports our many vibrant ways of life, whether we live on farms, small towns, suburbs or big cities.
• Respect for the environment. The Green Party believes polluting the earth today hurts our children tomorrow.
• Respect for our youth. The Green Party will work for an education system that's accessible and affordable. So, are we a one-issue party? If the issue is respect, we certainly are.
On January 23rd, let's vote for the one issue that matters: Respect.
Let's vote for the Green Party. To find out more, visit: 1 866 868 - 3447