Canarias online nº8 english

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Canarias online


Celso Albelo report A special Christmas on route Barranco de masca

Nยบ8 November-December

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Celso Albelo




Dear Friends of Canarias online We continue to wander through the seven of the Canary Islands,

A special Christmas

now with Christmas Time in our hearts. We have prepared a special menu for this time of the year. Let’s start with the main protagonist: for us it is an honor to present one of the most important international tenors, Celso Albelo from Tenerife, of


whom we are very proud and who made room for us in his busy agenda to tell us all about his trajectory and professional future.

Nativity scenes

Also, we offer you ‘the feature of the features’, in which many of the people who have been represented our pages throughout all these months are united in a one article to share their Christmas plans with you. Pages full of theatrical and musical events, with personal growth and handmade projects… We promise you fantastic content that you can take advantage of. Furthermore, we have had the pleasure to interview one of the most important art Street artists in the world: 3TTMAN has left samples of his work in streets and exhibitions all around the world and he now lives in the Canary Islands. And we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Theatre Company Clownbaret, a referent in the Island world of clowning with a lot to offer. We complete the magazine with: the cliff of Masca, a tour of Nativity Scenes with the kids and the reports from our collaborator Domingo J. González, together with a recipe for Canarian ‘polvorones’ in the section ‘Potatoes and Sauce’. We hope you enjoy it from beginning to end.



Editorial department:

Layout and Design: Cover photograph: Vicente Bosch Translation: Sherri Wood

ISSN 2341-1090 Canarias online does not necessarily share the opinions expressed in its publication. © The copyright of the articles and photography belongs to Vasos Comunicantes. They may be shared, linked or reproduced electronically, without alteration and citing the origin of same. For reproduction in printed publications the authorization of the authors must be requested.


I like

The Solrayo Team takes the 18 Open Fotosub Island of El Hierro team edition The Solrayo team obtained

team has the ex champion

by the models Carmen López

first prize in the 18 Open

of Spain in Underwater

and Abigail Martín.

Fotosub Island of El Hierro

Photography (2013),

The Yubarta team took second

Team Edition, by presenting

Marc Giménez as their

place in the championship

the best collection of

maestro, and the renowned

with David Barrio, the current

underwater photographs

underwater photographers

champion of submarine

(25 photos), from the

Yeray Delgado y Miguel

photography, as team leader,

judges of this year’s edition,

Ángel Márquez as their

while the Zifios team came in

who were the prestigious

leaders. The rest of the team

third with Portuguese Rui Guerra

submarine photographers

includes photographers

as their maestro and Maroma,

Carlos Villoch, José Antonio

Javier Ferrer, Alberto Iglesias

headed by the champion in this

García and Julio Díaz.

and Ángel González, who

Open Competition, Arturo Telle,

The Solrayo

were assisted



1. David Barrio’s best closeup or macro shot. 2. The award-winners of the Open Fotosub, Island of El Hierro 3. Tenerife Bluetrail 2014. 4. Tenerife Bluetrail 2014.

The UEC offers a unique postgraduate course in the Canary Islands The European University of the Canary Islands is offering, for the


first time, a postgraduate 240-hour course in Expert in Publicity Management, on their campus in La Orotava. The course begin in November of 2014 and last through June of 2015. The objective

Saturday 18th October,

of the course is to establish a true bridge between the advertiser,

organized by the Island

the media and the agency, delving into the theoretical-practical

Council of Tenerife, and in

knowledge of correct work flow, interpretation of briefings,

which about 1600 runners

PPMs (Pre-Production Meetings, negotiation with media,

of 23 nationalities took part.

adjustment of budgets to the

Hernando completed the 94

needs of the advertiser,

km of the Ultra event which

configuration of audio

linked Los Cristianos (Arona)

visual publicity

and Puerto de la Cruz –and

requirements, working

which included the Teide in

with branding,

its course - in barely more

diffusion and mediation

than 11 hours (11:08:08),

with communication

whereas Trigueros crossed

media, etc.

the finish line atl Lago Martiánez after running


High rate of Participation in Tenerife Bluetrail 2014 2

about 14 and a half hours (14:29:23). Daniel Tristany and Miriam Guillot (Trail), Antonio Arce and Carole Philomin (Medium) and

Runners Luis Alberto Hernando and Silvia Trigueros were proclaimed

Rolf Mertens (Adapted)

the winners of Tenerife Bluetrail 2014, the highest mountain race

were the winners of their

in Spain and second highest in Europe, and which was held on

respective events.



Goodbyes and Recognitions Culture in the Canary Islands went back to school this autumn with sad news: the death of the poet Arturo Maccanti brought us back abruptly from our holidays to the crudest reality. However, in these two months there has been time and space for much more. For energetic new events such as the Sitio Festival, for the return of established events such as Keroxen , and for those that are on their way to becoming established, such as the Galdar FIC or Tenerife Shorts. And also for recognition for Canarian creators outside our borders; it’s only fair to make space for them, too.


11th September

Texts: Domingo J. González



Island Prize for Literature, but

National Prize for Dance, as

Death of Arturo Maccanti

above all he was loved for being

was Nazareth Panadero from

The Canary Islands concluded the

so approachable and for his

Madrid. The judges recognized

summer with some unfortunate

excellent conversation. May he

Abreu “for the creation of his

news, the decease of one of our

rest in peace.

own universo nourished by an

most cherished poets, Arturo

20th October

original, innovative and daring

Maccanti. Born on the island of

National Prize for Dance

code”. His trajectory includes

Gran Canaria and adopted by

Daniel Abreu of Tenerife

such creations as Fish Eyes,

La Laguna, he won the Canary

was awarded this year’s

Dog, Animal and Silence.

And furthermore…

23rd October Ampuyenta, like new After years of restoration, the historical centre of Ampuyenta, in Fuerteventura, is ready for visits. Within a few metres, you can see various sites of historical importance , such as the Museum-Home of Doctor Mena, the hermitage of San Pedro de Alcántara the

was victorious vence in the Visual XIV New Cinema festival held in Majadahonda, Madrid. This prize can be added to his record along with prizes at the IBAFF (Murcia) and the LPA Film Festival, as well as having been selected for festivals such as those of Tesalónica, Oaxaca and Dubai.

5 4

house of Brother Andresito. Together they form part of the network of Centres and Museums of Island Council of Fuerteventura. 27th October Slimane, unstoppable Slimane, the debut in full-length film of Jose A. Alayón of Tenerife,

(1).Plaque in homage to Arturo Maccanti, in La Laguna. (2).Daniel Abreu captured for an instant during his show Cabeza. (3).Hermitage of San Pedro Alcántara, Ampuyenta (Fuerteventura). Photo: Frank Vincentz-CC. (4).One of the sessions of the second edition of Tenerife Shorts.

Raquel Martín Caraballo of Santa Cruz won the Poetry gana con el Premio de poesía won the Pedro García Cabrera Poetry Prize, in the competition organized by the CajaCanarias Foundation, with A Tree in Rodmell. Butter Lamp, by Hu Wei and The Mass of Men, by Gabriel Gauchet were awarded prizes by the judges and the public, respectively, in the second edition of Tenerife Shorts. This year this short film festival changed its site and took over the Guimerá Theatre in the capital of Tenerife. En Gran Canaria, At the Galdar FIC in Gran Canaria, the short film Ficción, by Miguel Ángel Cárcano, was awared the prize by both the judges and the public. Selfish, by Dennis García, was the best Canarian film. The Circle of Fine Arts of Santa Cruz de Tenerife faces a new era under the presidency of Dulce Xerach, who formerly headed the cultural división of the Tenerife Island Council and who was a vice-Minister for the Canary Island government. On her Cultura del Cabildo y ex viceconsejero del Gobierno de Canarias. Working with her will be many well-known faces related to the Canary Island cultural scene. We will be watching her.



Celso Albelo The tenor from La Laguna tells us about his career in a very personal interview which he granted uAs from his second home in Italy, where he is enjoying his recent paternity. It was a pleasure to share this space in Canarias online with one of the greats who wears his Canary Island heart with pride. We hope you enjoy it.

“What characterizes my work is seriousness and discipline”

another magnificent singer, Leo Nucci. Between the two of them, they offered me a great opportunity. Carlo Santi , that of debuting in the Opera of Zurich with Don Pasquale, and then Leo Nucci asked me for

» You trained at the Higher

» When was the first

my data.. and today I am still

Conservatory of Music in

opportunity you had to really

working with the same people.

Tenerife. What would you

demonstrate the talent you

» What is characteristic about

highlight about those first


the voice of Celso Albelo?

years of professionalization?

Well, after I finished the stage

I always reply to that type of

My first singing teacher was Pilar

at the Conservatory, I went

question by saying that this

Castro Palazón of La Laguna. I

to study at the Reina Sofia in

is something other people

spent a few years working with

Madrid and then I went to Italy.

and critics who observe from

her and then went on to the

I went there looking for one

the outside have to answer.

Conservatory. Both in La Laguna

last chance, because things

I can, however, tell you

and in Santa Cruz they were

had not gone quite as I had

what characterizes my work,

years in which I was approaching

thought, and there I met the

and that is seriousness and

music as a hobby parallel to

great maestro Carlo Santi and

discipline when doing any

my studies in

kind of repertory.

Art History. I

I’m a person who

remember that

pays attention, who

time as being

is attentive to the

wonderful because

vocal demands

it was the time when

of the last few

you make friends

years. The body

forever, truly good

changes, the


demands are



different and I’m a person who works on that basis. » And your artistic personality, do you believe that also should be appraised by others, otherwise what is your own perception of yourself? Fortunately, when it comes to interpreting and we pick up a libretto, it not only contains the music but also the development of the characters. This development is described in the librettos. We have the music, but we also have a text in which

to the work that makes the role

Singing isn’t easy, it may look

there are cues that indicate a

evolve. Nowadays the roles have

as if it is, but it isn’t. I work

certain direction to take. When

invaded the singers, and it’s

a repertory where I have to

you take part in a production,

truly stimulating, because at the

sing in a very high range, for

you spend 20 or 30 days

same time I sing, for example,

example here in Palermo with

rehearsing not only the musical

Don Rigoletto or Don Pasquale,

the famous Ah! Mes amis, quel

part, but the acting part as well.

whereas it’s true that there is a

jour de fête! I have to hit nine

Often we have scenic directors

common base which we might

high ‘C´s in a single aria. But

who help us to bring out even

call the essence of Celso Albelo,

then, you see, the difficulty in

more the view initially proposed

I always attempt to work on

singing is not simply a matter

by the author and depending

certain elements which contribute

of reaching the high notes or

upon the endeavours of the

to the character.

not, but of rather reaching the

musical director, the scenic

» What is the most difficult

audience, of transmitting a

director and the singer, we

repertory you have ever

series of emotions. And that

tend to look for an approach


is the root of the difficulty

because hitting a high note strongly at a certain point, we might say it is an “easy” way to appeal to the audience, but what actually often emerges are emotions, emotions conveyed by a certain manner of breathing, by a pause or by certain words in the text. That’s why I tell you that singing, finding the connexion with the sensation of emotional vibration in order to achieve this, and not only in singing but in any type of art in general, is truly complicated. That’s why art is not always easy. » How do you think the audience should approach your work so as to benefit most from your voice? That is a pretty delicate question. El audience is public and they can address the opera as they please, the important thing is that they go. There are people who approach the opera out of curiosity, but in general people are less and



less curious not only about art,

in depth, everything remains

transformed my way of life.

but also about learning. Let’s

more or less banal. In my case,

Often when you have too much

say that the we have syndrome

I remember the first time I saw

information, you carry a series

of a full closet, since we have

an opera, I was 29 years old,

of prejudices. Then it’s difficult

so much information at the

and it seemed magic to me.

to find a balance between one

tip of our fingers, that often

Once the magic had faded and

thing and another. Then there

we don´t go into certain things

I started to study it in depth, it

are the people who think that

» ¿How will you be facing the next season? Actually our season starts after the summer. Now, with my recent paternity, I cancelled some summer events such as La Traviata in Israel or Rigoletto in China. Now I’m here in Palermo doing La fille du régiment, then I’ll go to Vienna to do Roberto Devereux, from Vienna to Berlin, then a stop in Las Palmas to do the concert in homage to Alfredo Krauss. From Las Palmas to Valencia, where I’m doing Luisa Fernanda with Plácido Domingo and then I return to the turmoil that constitutes the life of a singer, and which I try to make compatible with that of a father. Fortunately my child is tiny and we travel together. And everything from the past is

It’s complicated to try to find a

the truth is that I am really very

better, and that’s like trying

virtuous quality in your audience,

pleased. Happy, to be explicit.

to understand the Mona Lisa

the important thing is that they

» ¿How is the concert in

outside of its historical context.

go, and even if they don’t like it,

homage to Alfredo Kraus

It’s a bit meaningless;, nowadays

the most important thing is that

looking? What does it mean

opera productions are different,

not leave them indifferent. That

to you to perform in your own

they are much more dynamic.

is what artists strive for.




When you come home, you

marks you, and when you

always take advantage of the

receive recognition from

opportunity, you see your

your homeland, and they

whole family… and in this case

give you the gold medal,

it’s a concert that is emotionally

well it was especially

charged. In this case we are

thrilling for me, “wearing”

doing a tribute to a universal

the name of the Canaries

Canary Islander such as Alfredo

all over the world and

Kraus, who was one of the

realizing that you are

greatest of the past century

considered a personage

and in the history of music in

of culture, particularly at

general. For me, doing this

my age when I can be

homage makes me proud.

a point of reference for

» What does it mean to you

young people. This sort

to have received the Gold

of thing may sound

Medal of the Canaries and

banal, but I hold a

the awards you received prior

great affection and

to that: the prize for Modern

truly appreciate those

Opera 2008, the Lyrical Oscar

people who saw me as deserving

themselves. I wouldn’t like

from the Fondazione Arena di

these honours, and I consider

to offend anyone, but as a

Verona (2010-2012) and the

them to be a responsibility.

Lagunero… Do you know those

Campoamor Prize for Lyrical

» The magazine Canarias

winter afternoons in La Laguna

Theatre, 2010 y 2012?

online writes about all the

when there are not many

Every time I read about those

islands, their culture, their

people about, and I can cover

I’m a bit overwhelmed, but the

heritage... we would like to

up a bit and take a walk under

truth is that the one from the

know what is your favourite

an umbrella through the streets

Canaries… well, I am a universal

corner in the Canary Islands.

in the centre of La Laguna?

performer, but my roots are in the

There are so many… the

Well, investigate that ambiance,

Canary Islands. Being an Islander

Canaries are a corner in

which is so fulfilling for me.



A special Christmas‌ ‌ With those who have been part of Canarias online This feature has a special meaning for Canarias online. We want to thank all the people who have shared the pages of our magazine with us in one way or another, for their participation and for the trust they put into us to convey to you their work, their experiences and the different paths they follow. We asked them to tell us what special plans they have for Christmas and we have collected a huge variety of exciting experiences. We didn’t get news from all of them, but here you have what we did get. And those who did not include their plans are also in our hearts during the festive season. We are all a part of Canarias online.

Our theatre: Mari Carmen Sánchez Mari Carmen Sánchez shared with us, back in May, the pages of our main interview to talk about her professional trajectory and what it means to her to be an actress in one of the most successful series in Spanish television: Time between needlework. In this special feature she tells us what is she is going to do during these holiday: she has a Christmas project with Camino Viejo Producciones, Christmas Without Seeing You, that will bring her to Guiniguada Theatre in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (21st and 22nd November): “This Christmas music returns and with it, nostalgia, in a story written on Christmas postcards that travel from hand to hand and touch your heart. A mother who misses her child, a grandmother who is waiting to see her grandson, friends who hold a special place in our hearts and the eagerness to sit around a dinner table together to celebrate and makes toasts. Music is the best company for December nights, to celebrate the reunion, because this year will be different, there can’t be another Christmas without seeing you”.

Musical Premiere: Olga Cerpa, Mestisay She came to our pages with a beautiful project: ‘Looking for Valentina’. Now we asked her to share her plans for Christmas with us and she tells us how she intends to celebrate the coming of the New Year: “Although we usually hold a concert at Christmas, this year we have postponed it till the end of January, as we couldn’t find a good date over Christmastime in a Canary Island theatre; the only possibilities were too expensive. So we will see you in the Cuyas Theatre the 23th and 24th of January and in the Leal Theatre the 30th and 31st, if you’d like accompany us in the presentation of our new album, Lisboa Station. And here’s a a big kiss for all of those who created this magazine and for its readers.”


article Music and Changes: Bloko del Valle Bloko del Valle says goodbye to this year with smashing new: Drums for Coexistence extends its project to Cape Vert. “We traveled to Cabo Verde to prepare another group and spread out this project, which basically is a proposal for creation of percussion groups on the five continents, respecting the culture of each, but with some common bases that will allow them to join up at any place of the planet, to live together, get to know each other, learn from each other and play all together. We believe that any profound change has to start with children. If they know each other, all the cultural and religious differences, social conditions and race prejudices disappear and music is the closest and most immediate vehicle for that.” Doesn’t it sound great? Bloko del Valle’s project

starts this Christmas in Cape Vert with a group composed mainly of girls and with a clear objective:; their participation in the World Conference: “Uma Crianza, Un Cidadao” which will be held in November 2015 in Praia, Cape Vert to demand and give visibility to children’s rights.

Reggae canario: Ruths & La Isla Music This Canarian group will end this this year the same way they started, editing what is going to be their next single: It’s time to fight. This is the fourth single from their last LP, Everything is going to be fine: After You beat my Body, The ‘Manisero’ (peanut seller) and Everything is going to be fine. It’s time to fight speak of the interior force of all human beings in this time of darkness that seems to affect everything that surrounds us, finding support in family and those people who give us everything good in our lives. Together with this new single there’ll be a video clip developed by la Pecera Estudio that gives that visual touch to the music of Ruts & La Isla Music. More information in

Ecological Style: What’s in a dress She tells us that this winter we are going to dream of summer. The fashion collection for the summer season is the main project to occupy these winter months. “We already have the fabrics! They are lovely ecological cotton with stripes (a summer classic)”. And the sketches are ready, although we will have to wait a bit to see them completed. “But we are also working on other projects. Christmastime is coming and we are preparing a workshop where we will use the nicest of the many remnants left from our clothing to make Christmas ornaments. We hope that our next projects will be as welcomed as our previous ones. We look forward eagerly to to sharing our news on Facebook as soon as possible”.

Artisan Style: Claudia Kuzweil The Claudia Kurzweil brand, joyas&diseño, after presenting its new 2015 spring-winter collection at the International Fashion and Complement Hall: MOMAD Metrópolis, Madrid in September, brings its new masculine line ‘Pour Hommes’ to Christmas. It’s adapted to the personal style of the brand, presenting elegant and refined pieces, combining the lightness of aluminium with materials such as ebony, oak, leather and semiprecious stones, applying design and textures in tie clips, cufflinks, bracelets, rings and pendants. You can enjoy the presentation in La Laguna, from 2nd to 5th January, in the Christmas Market, organized by Tenerife’s Town Council, in Adelantado square. Also, part of the collection for her and him can be seen from October in MarVick Gallery in San Vicente Ferrer 54, Santa Cruz de Tenerife. If you want a preview: : http://



Recycling and paper: Maru Our favorite artisan working with recycled paper and paper maché makes really amazing objects with these materials. In February she made the jump to fashion, participating in Tenerife Fashion’s First Professional Show of Craftwork and in September she participated in the International Fashion Hall and Complements MOMAD Metrópolis, Madrid. For the Christmas season she is preparing something very special: “Small Houses to keep small things”. Made with carton and recycled paper paste, these are containers of secrets and treasures, perfect to give as gifts.. All this and much more…

Photography: ziREjA Irene Sanfiel is still taking photos of nature, but this time from a different point of view. She tells us about her most recentproject: Mamis & Mimos (Moms & Caresses). “It’s a creative photography project that began in 2013 as a result of the pregnancies of some of my friends. My photography has always been linked to women and on my birthday, the 23rd of March, I decided to start out on this new path, to make it professional. Although I spent a lot of time in photography,here I wanted to offer my services to women and men who appreciate the natural and unique beauty of each individual woman, as well as to highlight specific characteristics of each of the women I photograph in this special moment of their lives.. In November I will launch my new website, where I try to emphasize the direct, human, personal and professional relation that characterized the way I connect with my clients:” With this work Irene will advise and help you through process of creating a very special session of photos, exclusive for each person. Also, through her web and blog to which you can subscribe, you can learn photography tips and read about the experiences of other mothers who, like yourself, are living or have lived this experience.

Travelling through the Canary Islands: Canary Islands Project It all arose from an idea of two Canary Island youngsters who asked for help in order to film a documentary to tell the story of a group of young people who start a trip in an auto-caravan around the seven Canary Islands. Dani Millan tells us about his project that has become a reality: “We see each other in 40 days! The 4th November, Octavio Barrera and I started on a path by road and sea to rediscover the Canary Island Archipelago during 40 days, taking the most alternative routes. Our intention is to record a documentary over 40 days that shows important aspects in the Canary Islands: a different way to travel; to attract an alternative and different tourist who wishes to avoid the massive hotel-type tourism, to show the world people who live ‘outside society’ in small caves or tiny villages and who still work in a traditional way or who simply have an important story to tell. And finally, we would like to share with everyone the paradisiacal landscape contrasts we have in such a small territory”. Don’t you think it’s interesting? We will be watching them.

Personal Developmentand Horses: Alexis Díaz Alexis Díaz gave us one of the most wonderful features, one which had a great impact on many of our readers. His work, usual in its originality, together with his generosity and dedication, touch us. Assisted therapy with horses continues to help many people learn to know and to improve

themselves, and over Christmas he will continue

with this effort. For children between 6 and 15 years, who are at home over the holidays, he offers the possibility of attending a Christmas Campus, an original, fun and productive way, spend time outside of the house, enjoying a superlative experience. Also, he will go on with his workshops of personal growth assisted with horses, as well as the excursions he offers each Sunday of about 4-6 hours of time for all levels and in the center of Gran Canaria: Teror, Valleseco, Firgas… If you can, don’t miss out on this experience that will give you a very special Christmas memory.



Fighting anemia We’d like to suggest some meals with a high level of iron to end your battle with anemia. Anemia is the worst enemy of your energy. Those who have suffered from it know that an iron deficiency is a burden that leaves us feeling practically defeated. An erroneous diet, associated with bad habits fomented somehow by the speed at which we live our daily lives, are some of the causes that set it off. Women, who are the most affected by anemia, know perfectly well what we are talking about.

because they are powerful energy givers. Eaten with or breatfeeding women) we

caution they will give us

should not ingest too many

iron, especially almonds and

dairy products as they, too,

hazelnuts, which will also will

inhibit the absorption of iron

give our body vitamin E and

into our system.

B1 and proteins as well. But,

There are some foods that will

above all, nuts are the ones

help us to prevent and fight

that will provide us more iron in

We start out with some bad

anemia. So first of all let’s talk

the diet.

news: if you are an early

about spinach, which will be

Finally, we are going to talk

riser: you will have to say no

our best friend in this battle.

about meat. In severe cases of

to coffee and yes to juices.

Not just spinach, but also all

anemia we need high doses of

We know that’s a dirty trick,

the dark green vegetables such

protein and that is what meat

but coffee complicates the

as parsley, chard or cabbage,

gives us. It’s a more difficult for

absorption of iron in the body,

have high iron levels.

vegetarians but we can give

so if you have low levels of

And of course, lentil soup.

them other options such as tofu

iron, we have to advise you

There’s an expression in Spanish:

or soy. The important thing

against it. However, citric

if you don’t eat them, leave

is to call the doctor if we feel

juices: lemon, orange and

them. Well, it’s definitely much

sick, have tachycardia or suffer

grapefruit, rich in vitamin C,

better to eat than to leave them.

from heat or dizziness, because

are really recommended for

Legumes are rich in iron and

in severe cases of anemia

anemia, as they facilitate the

that’s why they are a good ally

additional iron content will be

absorption of iron. If we have

against anemia, in its prevention

necessary. So, the doctor will

a tendency towards anemia,

and in fighting against low iron.

be the one who recommends

and especially if this is a result

Beans and chickpeas will give

the diet we should follow.

of a reduction in iron levels

our diet all the iron we need.

Eating well and healthily and

(for example women in the age

Let’s talk about snacks: dried

keeping a balanced diet, is the

for reproduction, or pregnant

fruits and nuts are on our list

clue to feeling really good.


Ideas for Christmas presents Zoe

Costume jewelry and accesories shop. We design and manufacture some of our products such as: necklaces, pendants, bracelets, shirts, …, etc • Address: La Rosa, 30. Santa Cruz de Tenerife • Phone: 691 380 489 • Facebook: Zoe complementos de moda

Oë Gafas by Lutheria

Oë Glasses are handmade, one by one, finding the perfect fusion between tan innovative technique and the most noble and sustainable material: wood. With Essilor lenses • Phones: 617 022 065/ 652 181 852 • Mail: • Web: • Facebook:

Kokoa Shop

Cool, youthful and contemporary fashion and accesories. The portal of the canary island designers. Our strong point? A very close relationship with our clients. • Address: Heraclio Sánchez 27, Galaxia Building, local 35. La Laguna, Tenerife • Phone: 922 630063 • Facebook: kokoa online • Correo:

Kiki Karam

Kiki Karam Studio&DesignShop and Arquitectas is a new concept that mixes Architecture, Decoration, Design and Fashion. We work the image integrally to get the most out of your space, your business or your personal look. Also, we offer objects and unique and personalized accessories, all of them handmade in our exclusive workspace. • Address: Parque Bulevar 2nd floor. Local 68E Santa Cruz de Tenerife • Phone: 695 254 372 • Mail: • Web:

Christmas DO La OrotavaValley


From a vineyard that is unique in the world, with the form of plaited lace, is the way DO La Orotava Valley wines is presented. White, red, fruity, cask and foamy and with Tenerife’s traditional varieties. Shop address: Parque Recreativo El Bosquito, Urb. La Marzagana, La Orotava • • Phone: 922 309 922 / 608 172 121 • Mail: • Web:

Txula is an artisanal atelier where unique handmade pieces are created with carded sheep wool. It fuses the traditional process with new techniques and contemporary designs. Objects made by hand and with the heart in mind. Their Woolance vases change the classical role of the vase, in this case the vase is the flower. • Phone: 822 042 060 • Mail: • Web: • Facebook:

La Habitación de RaCo (RaCo’s room)

La Habitación de RaCo is a brand that arose from the curiosity of its designer, self-taught Raquel Riveri, whose creations are exclusive and artisanal. After designing accesorites, she goes one step beyond this to present hair ornaments, handbags, hats and textile goods in her collection MESTIZAJE (BLENDING) • Phone: 626 997 548 • Facebook: La Habitacion de RaCo • Mail:

LodeLeila Creations

Handmade costume jewelry from the Canary Islands. Creative, unique and original accessories made by hand with fun, colorful and sustainable materials. Decide what you need and LodeLeila will create it for you. Unique and personalized pieces such as necklaces, bracelet, rings, brooches, hair ornaments, belts, earrings, etc. • Mail: • Facebook: LodeLeila Creaciones


on route

The Cliffs and Ravines of Masca In this issue we take you to one of the most beautiful spots on the island of Tenerife, the town of Masca, and we will guide you along its cliffs and gullies until we reach the ocean. A path that is awe-inspiring because of its landscape, its colours, its slopes, its hidden nooks and crannies, and then, the stunning view of the ocean, between the greenery and the black rocky cliffs.

The usual way of reaching Masca is to start at the port of Los Gigantes, next to which you will find a taxi stand and you can share a taxi with others to get to Masca at a reasonable price. These taxi drivers are so accustomed to the winding mountain road that it will seem like a simple excursion to them. Once you have reached the small village that is Masca, you will start your adventure. This is a very picturesque spot where you will doubtless want to take photos, and which give us a sense of how lovely our route will be from beginning to end. Our trail starts just behind the church of the Immaculate Conception. We want to take the path that goes to the left, which is marked, and continue going down until we cross the wooden bridge that will take us to the opposite side of the ravine.. The trail is well marked, you follow the numbers which will indicates where you are. We


on route

continue past a wide, open

the end, enjoy each scene,

and fall back gently on your

landscape with the sea at on

each seemingly endless rocky

backside, This is a unique and

the horizon and find ourselves

wall, each cave. Imagine our

magnificent place, spend time

entering an ever-deepening

ancestors seeking refuges in

here, stop and look around

ravine full of surprises and

these nooks and crannies, and

you, take pictures, take delight

hidden corners. Waterfalls, palm

jumping with their lances from

in your surroundings

trees, cacti, indigenous plants

rock to rock. Be cautious. It’s

You will realize that you are

such as tabaibas and verodes,

not a difficult hike, but we have

reaching the end of the trail

and butterflies will accompany

to look out for obstacles. And

when you hear the sound of

us all along our path.

if you are a particularly athletic

the sea and find that there

Relax and enjoy it

person, don’t be ashamed

are pebbles covering the

Don’t be in a hurry to get to

to grab hold with your hand

ground. The view when you

Before you start > Check the weather forcast. If rain is predicted, it’s not a good idea to do this hike.. Start early, so as not to have problems finding a taxi that will take you to Masca. > Calculate three hours for the hike down from Masca to the ocean, or a little more if you want to enjoy your hike with leisure. > Arrange to take the boat for the

arrive at the end of the path is

must not miss. With a

return to Los Gigantes. That way

impressive. The sea, an intense

little luck, you’ll meet

you avoid having to climb back

blue, is waiting for us to take a

up with dolphins - it’s

up. In addition, there is a good

restorative and refreshing dip.

not at all unusual

chance of sighting dolphins

The tiny port to our right is a

to see them in

There are several companies

narrow strip leading into the

these waters. And

which offer the return trip to

ocean and behind it the cliff

that surely is the

Los Gigantes in kayak; if you are

which shelters and protects it. It

best way to say

adventurous, this may be your

is here where the boat will come

goodbye to one of

best option.

to take us back to Los Gigantes.

the loveliest spots

> Take plenty of water with you,

Even the trip back, with its view

on the island of

as well as dried fruits and nuts

of the cliffs, is something you


for energy.


with children

Nativity scenes A perfect plan for a family visit Every year, in the Canary Islands still carries on with this beautiful tradition of the creation of nativity scenes that give us the opportunity to visit them with our children. They are made with a huge dose of love and considerable skill. It’s time to celebrate with the family, and it’s impossible not to enjoy them.

build their own at home. Both associations do everything possible to maintain this tradition. In Tenerife we spoke with Taoro Nativity Scenes Asociation, whose main objective is to “Promote and keep the beautiful tradition in La Orotava of creating a nativity scene to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ”. La Orotava is an emblematic town where you can discover wonderful landscapes and visit this fantastic show of nativity scenes that surprise us every year: “This route is located in La Orotava’s historical center and is composed of about 6 Almost every township in the

find the proposed routes but

different nativity scenes. They

Canary Islands celebrates

Canarias online wants to give

vary each year. For example

Christmas with a tradition that

you an overview of some of the

the association makes one in

includes competitions amongst

most traditional ones.

a Neapolitan style, which is

amateurs and routes to visit, to

In the Canary Islands there are

the starting point of the route.

visit different construtions of

two associations dedicated to

From there, people can take a

creative nativity scenes. In the

the creation and construction

short walk around the historical

month of December you can

of Nativity Scenes, and there

center of La Orotava, without

consult township websites to

are numerous amateurs who

taking the car”.


with children

In Tenerife, we can visit the

created by Andrés Fulgencio,

brotherhood… amongst others

nativity scenes in: Finca España;

a well-known lover of nativity

Another suggestion we offer

the Bishopric See in La Laguna;

scenes in La Laguna (www.

comes from San Juan de Dios

Tenerife’s Town Council;


Nativity Scene Association of

CajaCanaria’s nativity scene

es); The Canary Islands

the Canary Islands, in Gran

in Santa Cruz de Tenerife; the

University Hospital; La Paz’s

Canaria. From the month of

municipal office in Tenerife; one

Choral Society; San Lazaro’s

October they work on their

own nativity scene and they invite help everyone is wishes to assist them. They are located in the association local at number 8, Toledo Street, Vegueta. Also in Gran Canaria you can visit: Gran Canaria University Hospital Dr. Negrín; San Juan de Dios; Gran Canaria Town Council; Casas Consistoriales; San Telmo Park; Santa Ana’s Cathedral, Nazarenas… Don’t forget to consult this year’s routes when December comes around:



Photo: Ayto. La Laguna

Saint Sylvester Or ending the year with a run What better way to see out the old year than getting exercise in a fun environment? New Year’s resolutions are put into practice a day ahead of time, by running the last race of the year, which for many is a tradition that must be kept before eating twelve grapes at midnight.

race just before going home to eat their grapes.

History: Maybe you didn’t know that the first Saint Sylvester race took place in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 1925. A journalist, using as his Photo: Ayto. La Laguna

Photo: : Antonio Aranaz Photo: Antonio Aranaz

point of reference the nocturnal New Year’s race which was held in Paris and whose participants ran with torches, organized the first Sao Silvestre in history. On this occasion, the event commenced just prior to midnight on the last day of the year and concluded

Photo: Ayto. La Laguna

on the first of January 1926. It was only in 1945 that it became

And the Saint Sylvester race is

internationally renowned and

Running is in style, running gets

one of the addictive ones.

some of the best runners in the

you hooked and if you don’t

Every year in our country, over

world started to participate.

believe it just ask the millions

200 races are held on the 31st

The race came to Spain in 1961,

of enthusiastic runners in the

of December. These events are

when the first New Year’s Eve

world. These aficionados are set

spread out all over the geographic

race was held, the New Year’s

into motion all over the globe

extension of Spain and the

Eve Circuit in Galdákano, Vizcaya,

by the major events of this sort:

Canaries are no exception. There

although it did not become a

marathons, half-marathons,

is an old tradition here, and there

regular event until 1973. The

nocturnal races, races through the

are many Canary Island runners

most well-known of the Spanish

city or through the mountains.

who never fail to show up for the

Saint Sylvester races is the one



held in Vallecas, which also holds

participants, making it without

the honour of being the one

doubt the most highly attended

which attracts the largest number

of all the sports competitions

of runners. It was held for the first

held in the city. On the island of

time in 1964, under the auspices

Tenerife the most popular race

of a sports promoter from Galicia

with runners is the one in San

named Antonio Sabugueiro who

Cristobal de la Laguna, which will

was without doubt inspired by

hold this year its Saint Sylvester

the original Brazilian race.

Race number XXIII , and which is distinguished by the fact that the

A fun way to see out the old

circuit runs through the center


of the beautiful World Heritage

In the Canaries, the races have

city, making it a double festivity.

been multiplying and now there

In both cases there is also a race

are many places which invite

for children which plants seeds

runners to participate, so you

to convert the little ones into

can choose where you prefer

future runners..

to celebrate the New Year by

When we ask the loyal runners

running. The atmosphere is more

of the Saint Sylvester races why

festive than competitive. People

they like to participate, they

participate wearing costumes or

reply decisively, “ because it’s

wigs, dressed like Santa Claus or

a special race, because of the

wearing other Christmas-inspired

day it is held and because it

outfits, which makes it fun not

leaves your body and your mind

only for the runners themselves

relaxed to face the dinner ahead

but also for those who prefer to

and the beginning of the New

watch from the sidelines.

Year�. Are you ready to join in?

Last year the Saint Sylvester race

Fuente: http://hemeroteca-paginas.mundodeportivo.

in Las Palmas attracted 6000


Photos: Antonio Aranaz



El Hierro. Photograph: José Luis Rodríguez. Https://

El Cedro, La Gomera. Photograph: Luisi Chinea Marichal.

La Gomera from the south of Tenerife. Photograph: Goretty Gutiérrez.

Erjos’ Pond. Photograph: Santiago Atienza.

Photograph Hideout Do you like photography? Are you one of those people who can’t stop using Instagram? If you’ve taken your own pictures of the Canary Islands and would like to see your favorite one n this section, send it with your personal information to:

Fuerteventura salt mine. Photograph: Vicente Bosch.


potatoes and sauce

‘Gofio Polvorones’ (crumbly shortbread with roasted maize) You know by now that ‘gofio’ is one of the symbols of identity of the Canary Islands. Canary Islands kids are raised with gofio in their milk bottles and many adults can’t conceive of a breakfast without their milk and gofio. Gofio accompanies stews of fish or meat, we also make it into a dessert by mixing it with almonds and honey, or by putting it into a mousse or ice cream. And as the Christmas season is drawing near, we decided to share with you the seasonal way of enjoying it: Polvorones, a sort of crumbly shortbread ball, typical of the Christmas season throughout Spain, but made in the Canaries with gofio.

Elaboration For a more Canarian Christmas

Are you ready to shape

with homemade ‘gofio polvorones’,

the polvorones? Preheat

you just have to mix in a bowl: the

the oven 200ºC and prepare an

gofio, the almonds, the sugar and

oven tray with parchment cooking

the cinnamon. Some people add

paper. Roll out the dough with

a bit of orange zest to enrich it;

a rolling pin, to a thickness of

you just have to be careful not to

about a finger and a half (or about

zest the white part of the orange

2 cm). With a cutter, shape the

because it will make it bitter. We

dough into oblong forms about

> 200 gr. wheat or corn gofio (or

blend it and then cut in the butter.

4 cm long, place them on the

to taste)

Then we knead the mixture to

oven tray and put them into the

> 100 gr. ground almonds

obtain a dough which is easy to

oven. After 10 minutes we take

> 90 gr. icing sugar and a bit

handle, neither too soft nor too

them out and leave them in the

more to sprinkle on top

dry. Wrap the dough in transparent

tray without touching them. Once

> 100 gr. lard

film and let it set for half an hour

they’ve cooled, we can sprinkle

> salt (to taste)

in the fridge.

with icing sugar and serve.

> 1 ½ tsp. cinnamon.



canary island style


Photo: Blanco Sartén.

“Philippe Gaulier is my master, my theatre guru. That man changed my life, and I will be thankful to him forever” The director of Clownbaret, Brian Rodríguez, gives us an overview of the world of the clown, of which he and his theatre company form part, as they celebrate the 10 year anniversary of this amazing project. We hope you enjoy it and don’t forget to take advantage of this celebration to enjoy the events they have prepared for you. Photo: Tranquilo... los he visto peores.

» ¿What is Clownbaret?

we have tried not only to create

to Sigrid Ojel (Macarroni) who

Clownbaret is a project created

works to please our audience

has become part of all the

through my passion for the

but also to learn through our

shows and is the other motor

world of clowns. It’s a theatre

experiences. We are theatrical

of creation and construction

company, but also it’s a machine

but have explored different

(literally) of the shows with me.

that creates other activities

languages in each of our

Marcos Ruiz (Señor Rui) is the

related to the world of clown,

productions. The street, coffee-

second person on the list but

such as clown workshops,

bar theatre and the theatre

his multitasks and the needs

The Clownbaret International

stage are all very different

of the company have pushed

Festival, the documentary

places to perform and the

us to adapt into small formats

New Shoes, Today’s Clowns

audience is also very distinct;

and that is the reason why

in Europe or the specialized

so we have produced different

he in the scenario less often.


shows at the same time, but

Actually a lot of actors have

» ¿10 years as a Company…

always with the same type of

been part of the company

Are there many differences

humor. Sometimes it’s more

at one time or another; I am

between Clownbaret in 2004

gestural, visual or poetic and

grateful to all of them for

and today’s Clownbaret?

others more verbal, but always

their dedication and I would

We have changed the format

with a common sense of play

be pleased to have them in

of the shows as well as having

and humor.

another staging. Finally, I have

polished up our experience

» Who is Clownbaret?

to mention our technician

and sense of humor, now a

The company starts with

Daniel Badal, who is the only

recognizable trademark of the

Guacimara Gil and Marta Viera

persona who has been in the

company. I think that in every

as my partners. Now that

company the same number of

show we learn something new;

level of implication belongs

years as myself.


canary island style

» What are the main highlights

with which we still have a busy

in your trajectory?

programme and several festivals

There are a lot; the first one is

ahead of us.

with no doubt, the premier of

» Woody and Macarroni are

our first play: Saturday morning

a referent for clowns in the

of 1987 (for example...)”. It was like an experiment that I really believed in… but there was some skepticism: A play created and written bars! At some point in the premier we looked at each other and realized that it was a success, the public, our teachers now converted into critics, our friends and family, all of them were surprised and delighted. Then there is the evolution of the Clownbaret International Festival, thanks to the producer Cesar Cadenas. I brought something that I had participated in and marveled at in Barcelona here to my

Photo: Payasos y Clównbate.

own city… It still gives me goosebumps. And I can mention two more things: firstly, our experience working with people with physical and cognitive disabilities in the Unity Festival in Wales and secondly, our visit to the Sahrawi refugee camps with The University of La Laguna. Those are life-changing experiences. » What do you anticipate for the coming season? My head is reeling with ideas. I am working on a show on my own “¡Oh sólo mío!” that should be ready for next year

Canary Islands, What kind of shows does Clownbaret develop? AS Woody and Macarroni we above all do shows and sketches of the classical type, some of them created by and for us and others that have become a part of the clown tradition over the years. They are familiar clown performances and they are for both kids and their parents, who also enjoy the show along with us. As a matter of fact, through observation we have discovered that every adult who comes alone, enjoys him or herself as much as the children do, or more.

and two more plays together with Sigrid that are in progess. Also, we are still touring with our current shows: Blanco Sartén, Clównbate and Tilín, Tilín, Telón, Photo: El día que yo nací.

Photo: Payasos y Clównbate.

Photo: Blanco Sartén.

Photo: El día que yo nací.

Clownbaret Anniversary Schedule at Leal Theatre in La Laguna: > 14/01- 18/01: Clownbaret’s Pictures and Photographs Exhibition. > 16/01: 10 Years of Clownbaret Adult Gala with Friends’ theatre companies > 17/01: Master Class in Clown, by Brian Rodríguez free of charge with limited forum. > 18/01: 10 Years - Family Gala.

Sigrid Ojel > What has Clownbaret offered you professionally? In the company I have learned to turn the ideas I acquired in the Actor’s School of Tenerife into a real show, working together with my partners. Brian makes us a proposal and from that point we start to create together. I think I have developed into a better actress and a more secure clown, with more personality and definitely more insolent. > Can you tell us what is the most special moment that you remember in your experience with Clownbaret? The most special moment I remember is the first time Brian, Marcos and I created something. We were nervous, my feet were trembling, but in that show something magic happened: we were really very closely tuned to each other, playing our hearts out and the warmth coming from the audience was extraordinary. In one of the sketches Dani, our technician, came on the stage as an inflated Santa Claus; when I looked at him, he was crying with laughter and I was incapable of continuing to act. Suddenly I realized that how quite absurd it all was and I started laughing and couldn’t stop.


canary islander by adoption 1. Atlanta Mural for Living. Walls festival 2013. 2. Painting in the Studio, Bajamar, Tenerife. 2014



Under the pen name of 3TTMAN is hidden Louis Lambert, a versatile artist who came to Tenerife from France and the rest of the world. His works have been exhibited in such important places such as the Tate Modern (Street Walking Tour in 2008) and ARCCO 2012 (representing El País). He has also developed a mosaic wall of 30 meters, an order from the Spanish Embassy in Hanoi (2010), he has painted enormous murals in Kiev, with the French Embassy and in Almería with Greenpeace. And he has also left his tracks in the streets all around the world. He says that the creative pleasure is part of the process. He enjoys working and this is reflected in his particular style: dynamic, colorful, cheerful and authentic. lives in Spain from

has always been my passion

2001. His character,

and I have always very clear I

who started to

want to dedicate my life to it.

paint Lille’s Street in

» London, Vietnam, Madrid,

1999, represent the

Atlanta… the whole world…

profound complexity

How have you reached the

of the human being

top of this artistic movement

and the different

that is urban art?

point of views that one situation could create. »What is the reason why you decided to develop this works? The real thing is that I have never thought » Who is 3TTMan?

about dedicate my life to

3TTMAN is Louis Lambert’s

other things. I’m drawing and

alter ego, a French artist who

painting since I was a child. It



canary islander by adoption

A detail of the mosaic developed in Hanoi for the Spanish Embassy. 2010

Painting ‘Maharaja and the Tiger” Acrylic under clothing. 2014.

You have to dedicate it your

has reached its peak and

the support of institutions that

whole life.

institutions are beginning to

gives the opportunity to paint

» Some years ago, graffiti

recognize it. As an addition, the

under higher walls and in better

was an artistic movement

muralism is another movement

conditions. The artist can express

in development. From your

that is strongly reappearing in

better and the public appreciate

point of view, what is the

the artistic scene.

it better. Everybody likes to see

moment this art is living

» In the beginnings people

a pic of color in their street.


don’t understand this way

Many times the urban artist tries

It’s important not to confuse

of expression; it seems that

to make public part of its art and

graffiti and urban art. Graffiti

as times goes by they have

people thank it.

starts more than 40 years ago

learnt to appreciate it, what

» How do you define your job?

and it’s a consolidated artistic

do you think?

Neo Primitive.

movement. Because it’s illegal

I think that the most of people

» Your artistic production

it isn’t as much accepted for

still don’t understanding what

isn’t just urban art, you move

the institutions as urban art

conventional graffiti is. What I

yourself through another

is, that it has existed for some

think is happening is that the

artistic disciplines: sculpture,

years but in the last years

returning of muralism, with

mosaic, photography… What

Sculpture ‘Endless love 2’. Ceramic developed in Moscu. 2014

do you feel more comfortable

international awarded artist

Laguna and in Bajamar some


to come live here?

things in the village. I have

Sculpture, mosaic,

To answer your question, I have

just come from Moscú where I


come here after living 11 years in

participate in the biennial of art

» What do you feel more

Madrid to have my baby because

Artmossphere. Now I’ll go to

comfortable with?

my wife is from La Laguna and

Mexico DF where I have a show

The one I feel more affection for

we thought it was the best place

in ARTO Gallery and at the

is Vietnam’s mosaic wall; because

to raise our kid. I’m pleased with

end of November I’m going to

of what that journey represented

life here. The weather, the food,

paint a huge mural in Madrid.

in that moment of my life. The

the sea, the surf… The quality of

» Because this is a tourist

one I feel more proud of is

life is incredible!

magazine, Could you please

Atlanta’s wall because of its

» In the Canary Islands where

recommend a special place for

dimensions and also of the

can we enjoy your work?

you to the people who visit us?

Room in the Occupied Village

In Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife,

Dos Hermanos, at the end of

that was a very hard job.

I made a mural for MUECA

Punta del Hidalgo’s road, in

What do you think Canary

Festival in May 2014, I have

Tenerife. It has a very special

Islands have for an

two murals in San Benito, in La



relax Premieres

Magic in the Moonlight Dir.: Woody Allen Woody Allen continues with his good habit of offering us a new film each year. The latest one is this film that seems to be what some have labeled a ‘minor work’ or ‘pure entertainment’. But even that, with Allen, means so much more. Colin Firth (The King’s Speech) and Emma Stone (The Amazing Spiderman) play the main characters in a love story set in the 20s in France. You know the formula: love, humor, jazz and, this time, magic and The Blue Coast as an incomparable setting. Have a taste of it all.

DVD for sale


How I met your mother(TV Show)

Perspectiva caballera

After nine seasons the mystery

(Gentlemanly Perspective)

was solved: we discovered

Sr Chinarro

No estamos solos (We are not alone)

who was the mother of the

Antonio Luque of Malaga is the

El Gran Wyoming

children of Ted Mosby, the main

human being behind the vocal

These days, when Gran Wyoming

character in one of the most

artist Sr Chinarro. Almost 25

has become a well-known public

popular sitcoms on television.

years being the standard for a

image who confronts the current

Now the show has been edited

Spanish indie and his new CD

Spanish economic crisis and

as a perfect Christmas gift,

demonstrates that he is in fine

ongoing political corruption,

so that we can re-live all of

form. Some of the best lyrics in

the popular humorist puts his

Ted, Barney, Robin, Lily and

Spanish music have come out

signature on books like this. With

Marshalls’ adventures.

of his head, and he continues to

this sequel to No estamos locos

prove it with his songs: Droguerías

(We are not crazy), which

y Farmacias (Chemists and

was a huge success last

Pharmacies) o La Canción de Amor

year, Wyoming attempts

de Turno (The Typical Love Song) .

to gain recognition for


those who carry on an everyday battle for social change.

Texts: Domingo J. González

Cinema The Wound closes Encounters with Cinema SC de Tenerife, november 13rd Encounters with cinema, the Santa Cruz Goverment’s OAC activity, closes its first season with an excellent choice. The filmmaker Fernando Franco will visit the Guimerá Theatre to present his opera prima The Wound, the film for which he was awarded the Goya for Best Novel Direction and who main female character Marian Alvarez won the best actress award. The debate after the film will be moderated by the critic Jorge Gorostiza.




Extremoduro closes their tour in Canary Islands

It’s time for The Nutcracker

Days of vinyl in La Regenta

LLPP de GC december 8

LLPP de GC. Until

LLPP de GC November 7th

December is time of The

January 10th

SC de Tfe November 8th

Nutcracker. The famous ballet

“A genealogy of the relations

Extremoduro will close their ama-

composed by Tchaikovsky will be

between contemporary art and

zing tour Para todos los públicos

performed many times, but this

pop music”. This is the path

(For all types of audiences) in the


that this exhibit attempts to

Canary Islands. For 2 hours, the

is certainly one

follow through more than 800

Rove Iniesta group will perform

is the most

record covers from the 50s of

both their most recent and their


the XX century - because there

classic songs such as Prometeo,

The Moscow

was a time when even the

Jesucristo García o Salir. Their

ballet will

most famous contemporary

next performance will be in

perform this

artists represented their

Gran Canaria’s stadium and the

work at the

creations in the front cover of a

following day in Tenerife on the

Alfredo Kraus Concert Hall in

vinyl record.

grounds next to the Concert Hall.

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, with the protagonismo of the vocal soloists Cristina and Alexei Terentiev.

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We adore lists and at oddee. com they are experts on them: 10 photoshoots gone terribly wrong; 10 strangest things to happen during surgery; 10 creepy clowns.. It’s a very strange web, for weird people but aren’t we all a bit weird? We love this idea.

Have you bought a camera and don’t know how to start using it? Well, have a look at this Pinterest site to find good ideas. We have found it very helpful; it offers very useful tips to help you start familiarizing yourself with your camera’s options and take different shots that will change your perspective.

We are impressed with the make-up of this Tumblr author. And because it enchants us we are sharing the site in the hope you too will enjoy it. If you want to experiment and send us your own picture, we would be delighted to publish it.

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We still have the FIC’14 reeling in our senses and now we are inviting you to the Instagram site of Clownbaret. If you want to enjoy all the images of FIC’14 and share yours, this is the perfect occasion.

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For those who love physics and space we take you directly to NASA’s Facebook page. Photographs and information about every single one of its missions, which are so important for our universe. It’s said that we are closer than ever to discovering alien life… Could it be true?


One of the most closely followed twitters in Spain is that of Inma Cuesta. If you want to discover why, here you have the address. We’ll look forward to hearing your impressions about it. She is a very talented girl, of that we are certain.

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