02 March 2017

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thursday 02 march 2017

COLD LIGHT Sonia Todd brings epic to life















Ross Solly

ugly parent syndrome

Canberra Weekly contents

thursday 02 march 2017

This week... There’s a passage in Liane Moriaty’s novel, What Alice Forgot, where Alice remembers a boy telling her “You’ve got a face like a pig”, during a particularly awkward adolescent year. While the boy himself was no looker, Alice was 25 “before it occurred to her that she could have insulted him back … but the rule of life was that the boys got to decide which girls were pretty”; it didn’t really matter what they looked like themselves. It’s happened to me; a boy at a party once told me he thought I was attractive until Tracy, who was a perfect 10, arrived, dropping my looks a few points in his estimation. His comment dropped him so low in my estimation, I smiled and walked away; he wasn’t worth another moment of my time. Considering Facebook’s genesis was as a tool for US college boys to rate college girls’ looks, it seems this practice continues. While we can’t control what others say, we can choose how we respond; preferably with insouciance and resilience. Reasons to be grateful this past week include scintillating evenings at Cold Light: In Conversation and the Lifeline Canberra Gala, fun weekend in Melbourne catching up with friends while catching Canberra actor Toby Francis in a lead role of Kinky Boots, and meeting our Newcastle Weekly colleagues. - Julie Samaras

Paying the penalty

On the cover Cold Light

The look Makeup for all occasions

Home Time to get organised


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Editorial & Advertising Enquiries T 02 6175 8800 | F 02 6175 8899 www.canberraweekly.com.au Since March 2009


on the cover

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Award-winning Australian actress Sonia Todd plays the lead role of Edith Campbell Berry in the stage adaptation of Cold Light at The Street Theatre, 4-18 March. Photos by Eva Schroeder. Shot on location at the Museum of Australian Democracy, Old Parliament House, Canberra. Cover story, page 33.



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Ladies in Black doubles A Few Less Men film passes HeavenLee swimwear BeefEater accessories packs

Editor Julie Samaras

Suite 11, 285 Canberra Avenue, Fyshwick ACT 2609


Paul Bongiorno

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From the editor

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Advertising Director Liz Makary

Contributing Editor Paul Bongiorno

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Published by Newstate Media Pty Ltd (ACN 124 830 155). All content © 2016 Newstate Media Pty Ltd, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without prior written permission. All material sent to Canberra Weekly Magazine (whether solicited or not) will not be returned. Unless otherwise agreed beforehand, all rights including copyright in such material is assigned to Newstate Media upon receipt and Newstate Media may use or sell such material in perpetuity without further consent or payment. All prices and information are correct at time of printing. For full terms and conditions of competitions contact Canberra Weekly Magazine on 6175 8800.

The Canberra Business Chamber believes the decision to reduce Sunday and public holiday penalty rates in the retail and hospitality industries will help make it possible for more businesses to open on a Sunday, hence increasing their levels of employment.

Community concern over penalty rates


he decision by the Fair Work Commission to cut penalty rates will increase demand for community services according to the ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS). On Thursday 23 February, the Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission decided to reduce Sunday and public holiday penalty rates in the retail and hospitality industries.

According to ACTCOSS director Susan Helyar, many people in Canberra who work in retail, hospitality and fast food outlets “are only keeping a roof over their heads, food on the table and a car on the road because of the extra pay they collect for working on Sunday”. Ms Helyar said some of the people affected by the penalty rate changes might be earning less than $40,000

per annum and will be the hardest hit. “With public transport, parking fees, utility bills and rent increasing, and now their take home pay being reduced, more people in Canberra will have even less ability to cope with the high costs of living in this city.” Ms Helyar said the decision to cut penalty rates on a Sunday is predicated on the argument that employers will offer staff more hours of work and more reliable hours. “This argument is hard to believe when what we see every day is more industries adopting insecure work arrangements to maximise flexibility for business operations and reduce financial risk to employers,” she said. However the Canberra Business Chamber hopes the decision helps create new jobs. “This is not an abolition of penalty rates, but a reduction in the Sunday and public holiday loading for the hospitality and retail sectors,” Canberra Business Chamber CEO Robyn Hendry said. The Canberra Business Chamber believes this rebalancing of penalty rates will help make it possible for more businesses to open on a Sunday, hence increasing their levels of employment. “We have an underemployment

challenge in this country and the Chamber is confident the increased Sunday trading that will stem from this decision will make more hours and jobs available,” Ms Hendry said. “It has to be noted that this decision does not come into force immediately. There will be a transition period, during which people currently employed on Sundays can talk to their employer about how the new rates will impact on them and businesses can consider what this change means for them.” The ACT Government said they strongly disagree with the decision to cut Sunday and public holiday penalty rates. The ACT Government made a formal submission to the Fair Work Commission during the award review process stressing there was no justification for a change in penalty rates. Shadow Minister for Local Business Andrew Wall said while the issue of penalty rates is a federal one, the Fair Work Commission’s decision “will no doubt be good news for many local businesses in the ACT”. “The Canberra Liberals are however focused on how we can help local businesses thrive by lessening the grip of the ACT Government; addressing issues like prohibitive red tape and exorbitant commercial rates.”

Canberrans warned about “dangerous” drug ACT Health has issued a warning to Canberrans to be aware of a dangerous and illicit substance that has been distributed to young people as an ecstasy-type MDMA drug. Calvary Hospital emergency department physician and illicit drug expert, Dr David Caldicott, said the drug contains two highly potent compounds: fluoroamphetamine, a substituted amphetamine, and 25CNBOMe, which is a dangerous hallucinogen. “The drugs are being sold in capsule form, consisting of pink and clear capsules (pictured) that contain brown coarse granular material,” Dr Caldicott said. “Every now and again we get a ‘bad batch’ of the drugs in Canberra, whether it’s ecstasy or heroin or amphetamines. However, this particular variety is of a very dangerous category of drug, which if consumed could be potentially 6

fatal or at least cause serious health problems.” Dr Caldicott said that the fluoroamphetamine is associated with several reports of severe headache, severe cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications, including intracerebral haemorrhages, and even death; while the 25CNBOMe chemical is falsely referred to as synthetic LSD, with patients being hurt or killed from both behavioural effects while hallucinating as well as the toxicological effects on the circulation. An analysis undertaken by the ACTINOS Group, a collaboration between ACT Emergency doctors, the ACT Government Analytical Laboratory and the Australian National University, found the drugs similar to those that caused multiple overdoses in Melbourne earlier this year, only with the absence of MDMA. “At this stage we do not know how

Photo taken by the ACTINOS Project, a project of the Australian Drug Observatory.

widespread the distribution of these capsules might be, but we are consulting widely with our colleagues interstate,” Dr Caldicott said. ACT Policing has warned Canberrans that there is “no such thing as safe illicit drugs”. For drug advice, people can call the Alcohol and Other Drugs Services 24 hour helpline on 6207 9977. If members of the community have any information regarding the purchasing, selling or manufacturing of illegal substances, they should call ACT Policing on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Photo Kerrie Brewer


capital hill Paying the penalty s a political tragic this week’s Newspoll tempts me to examine in detail the downward spiral that the government has been in since the election. I’d love to focus on Tony Abbott’s “sad” outburst and its consequences. But if I did I would be doing what Malcolm Turnbull accuses the media of – being distracted from the main event. And what in the Prime Minister’s view is the main event? As he told Radio 3AW last Friday, when being pressed about the Abbott view that the “government was drifting to defeat”: “I am focused on the issues like penalty rates, like energy costs that affect the lives of individual Australians.” He told his querulous interrogator, Neil Mitchell, he was focusing on his election promises “protecting families and protecting businesses”.


While there can be little doubt the 10-point lead Labor has in the Newspoll is in no small way the penalty the government is paying for looking like a disunited rabble at war with itself. Worse, that war is getting in the way of “protecting families and businesses”. The voters are on to it. A clear example, energy and climate change. Australians, including those who identify as Liberal and National voters, overwhelmingly support renewable energy as a way to ameliorate human-caused climate change. Turnbull agrees with them. His right flank doesn’t. So we have a policy mess in the name of holding the show together. Marriage equality is another – that’s a human rights issue Australians increasingly want resolved by a vote of the parliament. Turnbull agrees. Those who don’t

in the parliamentary party are threatening to blow up the place if he tries to allow a free vote. But right at the cutting edge of delivering for families is not only the tax benefit payments the government wants to abolish, but now the refusal to do anything about the pay cut handed down by the Fair Work Commission for almost one million of the lowest paid Australians. In the same radio interview the PM found it impossible to sympathise with any of them losing their weekend penalties. Instead he spent time branding Bill Shorten a liar for saying he would support the umpire’s decision only to now reject the finding and seeking to overturn it. Shorten was shocked when the Labor-appointed Commission bowed to intense government pressure and scrapped the penalty payments with


no compensation. It sets a dangerous precedent for all workers. He wrote to Turnbull saying it was never Labor’s intention that reviews of awards would lead to a cut in wages. This after all was the fatal flaw of WorkChoices. Labor moved on Monday to legislate against the decision and to strengthen the requirements that Fair Work compensate any workers by higher base pay if penalties are cut. The government refuses, branding Shorten a hypocrite. But Labor’s answer to that is likely to resonate more: “Malcolm Turnbull wants tax cuts for business and wage cuts for the lowest paid.” Not even Tony Abbott can distract from that.

political capital Problem or not, sport is no place for anger and abuse he launch in Canberra this week of a new program designed to put an end to the ‘ugly parent’ syndrome at kids’ sporting events has kicked off a very interesting debate about whether there really is a problem, and should the government be interfering? The Let Kids Be Kids program is designed to wipe out those aggressive, loud-mouthed, and sometimes foul-mouthed parents who let fly during all sorts of sporting fixtures involving their kids. They target officials, opponents, teammates, and sometimes even their own children. It’s ugly and ruins the experience for almost everyone. Interestingly the response from several Canberra sporting groups is that it isn’t really a problem in the national capital, and the government shouldn’t be sticking

its nose into these affairs. I can speak from the experience of coaching sporting teams involving both my eldest son and daughter. Perhaps not surprisingly, I rarely if ever had to have a quiet word with any of the parents involved in my daughter’s netball. But sadly the same can not be said about boys’ sport. Many parents treat each game as though their lives depend upon it. Some, who possibly never reached the sporting heights they felt they should have, are now channelling their sporting frustrations through their sons. Quite often it can be nervewracking to have to approach a parent who is making a goose of himself or herself (yes ugly parents are not just dads). They are obviously fired-up and angry, and don’t take too kindly to being told

to cool down by a coach or another parent. This is why for many concerned onlookers it is easier and much safer just to say nothing. And what happens next is the kids start to pick up on the abuse being hurled from the sidelines. They start to mouth off at officials, at opponents and teammates. It is very sad indeed to hear eightyear-olds claiming a referee is a cheat, or arguing with officials over a decision. So to my mind, every effort that is made to rid sport of this ugly stain is a good one. It is not a new problem, not by a long shot. This campaign also raises another quandary for sports officials and parents. While society needs to do everything possible to encourage kids to play and enjoy sport, how do we ensure the ‘talented’ kids are allowed to thrive?


The approach in most junior sports is to give everyone a go, and to make sure they are enjoying themselves. It is without doubt the right approach. But what often happens is the more talented kids don’t get a chance to thrive. And the consequence of that is they lose interest. Whether we like it or not, we are a sporting nation. But we are falling behind other countries, as our recent Olympic experience shows. The task for decision makers now is how do we nurture the talented young athletes, while at the same time not disenfranchising other kids who just want to have a go?

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mix it up What to choose on the weekend? KRISTEN SAYS …


What an awesome problem to have in the nation’s capital this weekend with two major events on. The Brumbies play their first home match on Saturday night then on Sunday it’s Black Opal Stakes. If you had to choose, what would you head to? Let’s be honest, I’ll be at both. However, if I HAD to choose, I would rest my feet until Sunday to strut my stuff at Thoroughbred Park for the most popular race day in the calendar. I’ve judged Fashions on the Field for a few years now; I adore seeing the fillies and fellas dolled up and walking that runway. It’s always a hoot. Local trainers, local horses, sun and a champers are a great combination. If only you could have Monday off to do all the ‘life admin’ tasks you missed while you’re at the races! This weekend is going to be MASSIVE and it’s great to see us get out and get amongst local events. The Brumbies need us like never before with many new faces running out for us. But if there’s one must do, see you at Black Opal Stakes.

Sorry thoroughbred racing fans, I prefer my horses untamed! As the seasons tick by, it can be easy to forget where our favourite teams have come from and what they stand for. It wasn’t till I was explaining to my 3-year-old daughter that we’re going to the Brumbies this week and she asked “what’s a brumby?”, that I stopped to think. I explained that “a brumby is a wild horse that runs and plays in the bush… and they don’t let people ride them”. She seemed to think that was pretty cool. I like to think she connected with the independence, defiance and free spirit of the brumby. I’ve thought about our conversation a bit over the last few days though and if there was ever a time that a squad embodies the spirit of the brumby, it’s the 2017 team. Free of expectation and defiant in the face of Super Rugby’s most decorated clubs. In a series of dramatic coincidences, some of the greatest players to have played the game aren’t calling the ACT home this year. That means, every new, returning or overlooked player of seasons past is now a genuine chance. That’s where it gets exciting… the season of opportunity. So I’ll see you at GIO Stadium for our first home game of a truly memorable 2017 season!


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 

news Andrew Kerec, pictured with his father Lud, is riding from Canberra to Humpty Doo in the Northern Territory to raise funds for Hartley Lifecare and research program Project Edge.

After taking part in the Deakin Charity House project Andrew Kerec is about to embark on a more personal project – cycling from Canberra to the Northern Territory to raise funds for Hartley Lifecare and spinal cord injury research. Andrew’s father Lud suffered a spinal cord injury in a cycling accident in early 2010. He was concerned while in hospital he would no longer be able to enjoy previous leisure activities. “One of the things that was always on my mind is that I would have loved to have gone fishing in the Territory which was an enjoyment of mine and to be able to ride a bicycle … I’ve achieved both now,” Lud said. “They were

two really important leisure activities in my life.” Lud will have the opportunity to join Andrew on his bike ride; he is planning to accompany his son at the start and then travel to the Northern Territory to participate in the last 10km as well. “All things considered, it will mean a lot,” Andrew said. “Dad’s story and his ability to recover physically and mentally … is the reason why I think things like the Deakin Charity House and this ride have been so well received.” Andrew will start the ride on 15 March travelling from Canberra to Humpty Doo. Andrew said he needs to average in the vicinity of 120 to 140km a day. While he said “it’s not

a great deal”, about 70% of the ride is on dirt. He expects the whole trip will take 60 days to complete, aiming to finish on 15 May. In addition to raising funds for Hartley Lifecare and spinal cord repair research/clinical trials (Project Edge), the ride will also provide an opportunity for Andrew to promote liveable housing design. “The biggest issue that we saw in the spinal care ward was the lack of accommodation and that being the biggest hurdle for people getting out of hospital,” he said. To find out more about Andrew’s story or make a fully tax deductible pledge, visit www.thespinetinglingride.com.au - Allison Turnbull


Community Town Hall Gai Brodtmann MP and Andrew Leigh MP invite you to a Community Town Hall with Bill Shorten, Leader of the Labor Party. We want to hear your ideas and answer your questions about Labor’s positive plans for the ACT and Australia.


6pm for a 6.30pm start Albert Hall, 100 Commonwealth Avenue,Yarralumla

www.alp.org.au/canberra_town_hall 14

Authorised by Gai Brodtmann MP, 205 Anketell Street, Tuggeranong ACT 2900


RSVP: www.alp.org.au/canberra_town_hall This event is open to all members of the public.

Photo Eva Schroeder

Andrew’s spine tingling ride

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ACT Wildlife is conducting a mange treatment trial based on a similar trial from Victoria. They are hoping for positive results such as that of Victorian wombat Tulip who is pictured with mange, and after treatment.

Treatment trial could save wombats

6pm – 8pm Weston Creek Community Centre

The Carbon Challenge is a fun way to become sustainable at home. Will you take the challenge? It’s FREE actsmart.act.gov.au

Mange in wombats has the potential to wipe out a local population but a treatment trial aims to kill the mites. The trial is being conducted by ACT Wildlife who received $19,830 in funding from the ACT Environment Grants Program to help treat mange in local wombat populations. “It is a mite infestation which causes thickening of the skin, loss of fur and ultimately a painful death. It is a horrible disease so I am pleased there has been such a high level of interest in the program,” Director, ACT Parks and Conservation, Daniel Iglesias said. “Volunteers have been provided with information on mange and how it impacts wombats before then being trained on the installation of special burrow flaps that can administer a Cydectin wash to the wombat to kill the mites.” ACT Wildlife secretary/mange project manager Dee Harmer said that much of the volunteer workload involved repairs and replacements to flaps that have been damaged and displaced by the wombats and filling the flaps with Cydectin.

Multicultural Festival recycles 10 tonnes For more information and bookings: visit actsmart.act.gov.au email actsmartadvice@act.gov.au or phone 1300 141 777 All workshops are free with limited places available. Bookings are essential.

More than 280,000 visitors managed to recycle a record-breaking 10 tonnes of mixed recycling through the yellow top bins provided through the Multicultural Festival on 17-19 February. Minister for Climate Change and Sustainability, Shane Rattenbury, said that 10 tonnes of recycling is more than double any of the previous years’ figures. In addition to the mixed recycling, 800 litres of used cooking oil was also sent for recycling, and 2,000 litres of waste water from vendors was diverted to grey water. Minister Rattenbury said the figures “are a tribute to organisers, festival goers and the Actsmart team who have together made the festival more sustainable”.

Lifeline raises money to answer life-saving calls



A number of events in the past few weeks have contributed to Lifeline Canberra being able to answer many more of their life-saving 13 11 14 crisis support and suicide prevention service calls. The Lifeline fair over 10-12 February saw 20,000 people through the doors at Exhibition Park in Canberra. Lifeline Canberra raised enough funds from the fair to answer 22,500 calls. A spokesperson said that while the majority of the queue on Friday started from 6.30am, one keen book lover camped out from 7pm the night before. Lifeline Canberra Gala Ball was held on Friday 24 February at the National Arboretum, and while the total amount raised was still being calculated at the time of print, Tuesday 28 February, the event was a sellout and welcomed over 300 guests.

Events ACT advertising moment Bring a picnic blanket and popcorn to Lights! Canberra! Action! on Friday night 10 March at the Senate Rose Gardens, Old Parliament House.

Lights! Canberra! Action! 2017 A new wave of storytelling is emerging in Canberra. Lights! Canberra! Action! champions this unique approach to sharing stories, ideas and experiences through film. Via strict competition, filmmakers are given 10 days to write, shoot and produce a seven-minute film exploring a given theme. The creativity and innovation which flows from this short film competition astounds audiences each year. Crowd favourites in past years have explored everything from what happens when you fall in love with your best friend to how the world changes when your sleeping bag becomes a time machine.

Now in its fourteenth year, Lights! Canberra! Action! will return to Enlighten with entries exploring the theme ‘right’. Right/ left, right/wrong, moral rights, your right to vote – it is anticipated that filmmakers will interpret the theme in a variety of creative ways. The top 12 films will be screened outdoors under the night sky at Enlighten, with the winning film announced on the night. Lights! Canberra! Action! will be held on Friday 10 March at the Senate Rose Gardens, Old Parliament House. There will be live music from 7pm, with films screening from 8pm. Bring some popcorn and a picnic blanket and enjoy this celebration of short films.



The fourteenth annual Lights! Canberra! Action! film festival has returned to challenge aspiring and established filmmakers to write, shoot and produce a seven minute film in ten days. Watch the top 12 films under the night sky at Enlighten, with the winning film announced on the night. Find out more at enlightencanberra.com or download the Enlighten app from the App Store or Google Play.

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New microscope films neurons firing Engineers at the Australian National University (ANU) have built an advanced microscope using barcode laser scanner technology that can film moving blood cells and neurons firing in living animals. Lead researcher Dr Steve Lee, a biomedical optics engineer, said the microscope can speed up or slow down to capture the slow moving cells in a blood stream or live neurons firing rapidly in Yongxiao Li and Dr Steve Lee with the the brain, making it much more flexible advanced microscope that they built. than other microscopes on the market. Lead author Yongxiao Li, a PhD student from the ANU Research School of Engineering, said the microscope took “about one year” to build, and involved collaboration with immunologists and neuroscientists from the John Curtin School of Medical Research (JCSMR), a microscopist at the Imaging and Cytometry Facility at JCSMR, a biomedical scientist at the University of New South Wales, and a biomedical engineer from Harvard University in the United States. The research has been published in the Journal of Biophotonics.

Study aims to prevent falls A new PhD study at the University of Canberra (UC) aims to understand how people balance and walk as they age in the hopes of anticipating and preventing potential falls. Physiotherapists currently rely on expensive ‘force-plate’ technology, involving complex equipment, to gauge how people walk. A person’s walk, or gait, is as unique as their own fingerprint. Using this, University PhD candidate Hafsa Ismail is investigating an alternative method using inexpensive video equipment to produce a new walk assessment tool that could prevent falls. The project aims to create a computer program or an app which could be used by older people to capture their own walking. Over time, it would alert them or their carers to changes in the way they walk that might indicate an increasing risk of suffering a fall. Ms Ismail hopes to see her system installed in aged care facilities, where people could be instantly assessed while walking to get their meals three times a day. To advance to the next stage of her study, Ms Ismail is looking for Canberrans aged 60 years and over to attend a 10-minute session to capture footage of their walking and balancing. The test would be repeated three months later to determine if any changes have occurred. People interested in participating in Ms Ismail’s research can contact her at hafsa.ismail@canberra.edu.au

Lions donate to fire appeal The Queanbeyan Lions Club has donated $20,000 to support those who have been devastated by the loss of their homes and possessions in the Carwoola Bushfires. The Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council thanked the Lions for the generous donation and urged other businesses, service groups and individuals to support the Carwoola Bushfire Appeal, which has so far raised over $67,000. To find out how you can donate, visit www.qcc.nsw.gov.au

Photo Jack Fox, ANU



H2OK advertising moment

HELP ensure our waterways

The Australian and ACT governments have joined forces to deliver an extensive education program called ‘H2OK: Keeping our waterways healthy’.

are H2OK Both here in Canberra and throughout the region, water is all around us. It helps define us as a desirable city to live in. We have beautiful lakes, creeks and established suburban wetlands as well the Cotter, Molonglo and Murrumbidgee Rivers. We use these waterways for recreation, for exercise and for refreshing our spirits. Unfortunately, contaminated stormwater is a big contributor to poor water quality which inevitably affects us all, including our local wildlife. Many people don’t realise that everything that goes down the stormwater drain ends up in our lakes and rivers. This includes things like rubbish,

cigarette butts, soil, chemicals, paint, pet poo, and even leaves and grass. In an effort to reduce these pollutants from going down the stormwater drain, the Australian and ACT governments have joined forces to deliver an extensive education program called 'H2OK: Keeping our waterways healthy'. The program will run until June 2019 and engage with residents and businesses in Canberra, Queanbeyan, Cooma and Yass through a range of activities such as artwork on drain infrastructure, demonstration sites that show people how they can improve the quality of water coming off their block, and industry training.

Here’s just a few ways you can help be the solution for water pollution: • Don’t be a tosser; always put litter in the bin. • Rake up leaves and grass. Leaves and grass that go down the stormwater drain decompose and release excessive nutrients into the water that may cause blue-green algal blooms. • Pick up after your pet to ensure their poo does not get washed down the stormwater drain. • Wash your car on a grassy area or at a commercial carwash, not on your driveway or footpath. Just remember, only rain down the stormwater drain. For more details on how you can help make a difference, visit www.act.gov.au/h2ok

Hanrob Pet

HOTELS CANBERRA offer customised care FOR PETS

Marielle Wilson, Pet Welfare Officer Hanrob Pet Hotels Canberra.

Hanrob Pet Hotels Canberra is now open at 88 Mugga Lane, Symonston, in a quiet, semi-rural location.

Going away? Don’t forget to plan for your pet. Whether using the day care facilities or boarding overnight, Hanrob Pet Hotels Canberra provides your furry friend a home away from home. Family-owned and operated for over 35 years, Hanrob Pet Hotels Canberra is a new addition to the pet accommodation scene. Located at 88 Mugga Lane, Symonston, Hanrob Pet Hotels Canberra officially opened on Tuesday 28 February. Offering standard and luxury accommodation for cats and dogs, Hanrob Pet Hotels Canberra is celebrating their new business with an exclusive offer – one day free (terms and conditions apply). As part of the dog boarding services, pets can enjoy bushwalks and group play, with additional options including extended half or full day plays or aromatherapy bath. Ideal for working people or those who live in apartments, Hanrob Pet Hotels Canberra also offers doggy day care, which features access to large play yards, supervision and games with the staff, interaction with other doggy play mates and nutritious treats. Pet owners can also choose from additional services to further improve their pet’s stay. “Our goal here is to make the clients, which are the cats and dogs, feel very comfortable with the boarding environment so that they are more than happy to come back,” said facility manager Colin Bates. “If you’ve got happy dogs, you have happy owners.” A major part in the success of the business is the staff and their commitment to animal care. Hanrob Pet Hotels is a Registered Training Organisation with employees educated and trained at the highest level. There is also a team member on site 24-7 to give you peace of mind that your pet is in the best hands available. For those pet owners heading off on

Hanrob Pet Hotels Canberra advertising moment

holidays, you can keep an eye on your furry friend with Hanrob Pet Hotels Canberra offering connectivity packages where you can either Skype your pet with their carer, or receive video updates and photos. The business is also set to introduce a number of new services in the coming months, such as: • Pet shuttle: This complimentary service is in partnership with vet agencies that enables you to drop off your pet at a partner vet where they will be collected by the shuttle and transferred to their accommodation. On departure, your pet is dropped back off at the vet until collection. A home pick-up and drop-off service is also on the way, available from 1 April 2017. • Dog training: Packages will be offered as part of the dog boarding stay while they also plan to hold Saturday group classes, one-on-one training and home training sessions.

Experience and commitment There is no shortage of experience when it comes to the team at Hanrob Pet Hotels Canberra, with facility manager Colin Bates having been involved in the pet industry his whole working life.

Canberra born and raised, Colin got his start in the industry working after-school at the Kingston Pet Shop, which he went on to buy when he was just 19. “That’s where I also got my early experience with pet boarding, as the pet shop owners also owned facilities I was able to work in.” Colin has long experience in animal boarding, has been involved with pet retail and is also the Pet Industry of Australia representative on the Animal Welfare Committee for the ACT Government, a role he has held for about 20 years. “Because of my involvement with animal welfare and the companion animal industry in the ACT, I was aware of the lack of quality animal accommodation especially in peak periods in Canberra,” he said. “That was my motivation to become involved with Hanrob, running this facility and the redevelopment of this facility.” Hanrob Pet Hotels will be looking to expand their offerings with the construction of a new facility planned on-site. Once complete, it will provide world-class animal boarding facilities including executive suites.

Pet lovers can trust the experienced and friendly team at Hanrob Pet Hotels Canberra to take exceptional care of your furry friends.

Contact details Hanrob Pet Hotels Canberra 88 Mugga Lane, Symonston To book, phone 1300 426 762 www.hanrob.com.au


Sideshow Alley is always a favourite for the kids.

The ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show at Exhibition Park in Canberra (EPIC) has come to a close, with a huge number of Canberrans full up from a weekend of eating fairy floss and Dagwood dogs. Royal National Capital Agricultural Society CEO Ben Copeman said that while attendance numbers hadn’t been fully counted at the time of print, Tuesday 28 February, preliminary numbers were showing that ticket sales were up 10 to 15% more than previous years. “From our point of view, these numbers are particularly pleasing,” Mr Copeman said. Previous years saw the Show average around 80,000 to 100,000 people over the three days. This year, Mr Copeman credits the “perfect” weather over Friday 24 to Sunday 26 February, as the reason for the higher attendance. He also said that online ticket sales went “absolutely berserk”, selling around 15,000 tickets online which “caught us by surprise”. According to Mr Copeman, highlights included the wood chopping in the new covered tent area, which averaged “up to nearly 1,000 people at a time”; the Canberra Weekly

Approximately 10 to 15% more people attended the ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show at EPIC from 24-26 February than previous years.

community stage where kids could have a go at performing, and the new technology hub, which was “very well frequented”. “Ultimately, we put on a community event and it only works if the community turns up, so we’re very thankful to the ACT and Canberra community for coming along and supporting the Show.” - Laura White

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Photos Kerrie Brewer

Online sales “surprise” show organisers

Mackinley Optical advertising moment


The team at Mackinley Optical is here to help

Locally owned and operated by Tep and Korina, Mackinley Optical provides two full service optometry practices at Westfield Belconnen and Petrie Plaza in the City. or the past 12 months Mackinley Optical has been at the forefront of optical care for Dry Eye Syndrome with the installation and operation of an E-Eye; a medical-grade Intense Pulse Light (IPL) device. “We’ve had a number of patients suffering from Dry Eye Syndrome,” Korina says. “There weren’t many solutions aside from a warm compress five times a day which is just not really compatible with everyday life. When the E-Eye came out, we knew we had to have it.” Subsequently, Mackinley Optical became the first optometrist in Canberra to offer the E-Eye treatment for dry eye sufferers. Patients are comfortably seated and wear protective goggles. A hydrogel is applied to the skin to protect it and a series of five flashes are applied under the lower eyelid. Four treatments are needed over the course of eight weeks, and

then a top-up treatment once every six months. “It’s not a cure, but the results are amazing,” Korina says. “It can be life-changing. “I had a patient who had a newborn grandchild overseas she had never met. She couldn’t stand to travel on a plane due to it worsening the condition of her dry eyes – it would get so bad she could hardly keep her eyes open. But after the treatment, she hopped on that plane and met her grandchild and didn’t have a single problem. Those are the kinds of results we’re seeing.” People are more susceptible to dry eyes as they age, if they wear contact lenses and if they’re constantly in the dry, windy Canberra conditions. Symptoms of Dry Eye Syndrome include watery eyes, sore, burning eyes, scratchiness, a stinging sensation, blurry vision, grittiness, red eyes, sensitivity to light and trouble with glare.

Mackinley Optical also now offers a range of cosmetics made especially for those with sensitive eyes. After experiencing sore eyes from wearing mascara, Korina’s search for an alternative led her to blinc cosmetics. Better than waterproof, their mascara is smudge-proof, fade-proof and run-proof, plus it’s vegan, gluten-free and crueltyfree – and you only need a little water to remove it. Instead of painting your lashes, blinc mascara forms tiny, no-smudge, water-resistant tubes around your lashes. Once applied, these mascara tubes bind to your lashes and cannot run, smudge, clump or flake – even if you cry or rub your eyes. “They’re perfect for contact lens wearers and those who have sensitive and dry eyes,” Korina says. If you think you might be suffering from Dry Eye Syndrome, book in for a consultation with one of the friendly team at Mackinley Optical. Korina at Mackinley Optical, leading the way for those who suffer from Dry Eye Syndrome.

Mackinley Optical 25 Petrie Plaza, Canberra City T: 6262 9183 Shop 60 Level 2 Westfield Belconnen T: 6251 3399 W: thecanberraoptometrist.com.au

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Rory Arnold attempts to evade a tackle during the Brumbies match against the Crusaders on Saturday 25 February. Arnold was the sole try scorer for the Brumbies in the 17-13 loss.

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Brumbies fall short: The Brumbies came away with a losing bonus point from their opening match of the Super Rugby season after a narrow 13-17 defeat to the Crusaders in Christchurch on Saturday 25 February. The Brumbies take on the Sharks at GIO Stadium on Saturday 4 March. Kick-off 7.45pm. Pedal power: Local cyclists Nathan Hart and Rebecca Wiasak will be vying for top honours at the 2017 Cycling Australia Track National Championship which begin today, Thursday 2 March, on Brisbane’s Anna Meares Velodrome. Wiasak was also part of the women’s endurance team that recently claimed gold in the women’s team pursuit at the Cali round of the 2016-17 Tissot UCI Track World Cup series. Racing action: The next race meeting at Thoroughbred Park is the Mercedes-Benz Canberra Black Opal Stakes Day on Sunday 5 March. It is followed by the Canberra Outlet Centre Charity Race Day supporting Marymead on Saturday 18 March. Come and try croquet: Croquet is a tactical game that also involves moderate physical activity and skill. A free come and try day is on Sunday 5 March 1pm on the lawns on the corner of Commonwealth Avenue and Coronation Drive, Yarralumla; www.canberracroquet.org.au Women’s AFL scholarship: The Australian National University Australian Football Club (ANUAFC), in partnership with ANU Sport and AFL Canberra, are offering a new AFL Women’s Leadership Scholarship in 2017. Applications close Friday 10 March; anuafc.com.au Canberra Giants: The Canberra Giants recorded mixed results in round two of the Australian Netball League. The side lost 48-50 to the Western Sting on 25 February before bouncing back to beat the Sting 56-49 in their second game on 26 February.

National Paracycling Road Series Elite paracyclists will be in action on the weekend of 4-5 March as part of the National Paracycling Road Series. The Big Canberra Bike Ride Paracycling Invitational is round two of the National Paracycling Road Series and will comprise a criterium at Stromlo Forest Park on 4 March and a road time trial on Parkes Way on 5 March as part of the Big Canberra Bike Ride 2017. The Big Canberra Bike Ride aims to raise awareness of safe cycling in the ACT. All funds raised by participants go to the Amy Gillett Foundation, a charity with one purpose - reducing the incidence of death and injury of bike riders. The event is coordinated by Pedal Power ACT. The Big Canberra Bike Ride is on Sunday 5 March and has four different rides – 5km, 35km, 68km and 120km. Late registrations can be made in person on Saturday 4 March (12-4pm) or Sunday 5 March at Rond Terrace; bcbr.gofundraise.com.au

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have you heard Op shopping Red Dove Preloved: Open from Thursday to Saturday 2-4 March 9am-1pm, at Tuggeranong Uniting Church, Comrie Street, Wanniassa. There is a car boot sale and sausage sizzle on the Saturday. Rent a space for $10. Call 0409 306 031. Hawker Coffee/Op Shop: The Anglican Church in Hawker (corner Beetaloo Street and Belconnen Way) will hold its next Coffee/Op Shop on Saturday 4 March 9am-12pm in the new Ministry Centre behind the church. Enquiries: 6254 2782. Up-Opping@Limestone: On Saturday 4 March 10am-2pm Up-Opping@Limestone, 82 Limestone Avenue, Ainslie, will hold a $5 a bag sale. There will also be books and shoes to clear to make way for their autumn/winter range.

Goulburn Rose Show

Carwoola bushfire appeal

Goulburn’s 24th Annual Rose Show will be held on the weekend of 11-12 March at the Goulburn Soldiers Club. The show features a Rose Display, which this year celebrates Goulburn’s railway heritage, the Rose & Floral Art Competition, art exhibition and sales, and stalls. More info: goulburnrosefestival.org.au or email goulburnrosefestival@gmail.com

Crowdfunding athletes The Special Olympics have announced a global sponsorship with GoFundMe which will see almost 500 GoFundMes created by teams, coaches and athletes to help get them to the Special Olympics World Winter Games in Austria this month. To donate, learn more about their stories, and view all Special Olympic GoFundMes, visit gofundme.com/specialolympics

CleanUp Mt Ainslie Help the Mt Ainslie Weeders on CleanUp Australia Day, Sunday 5 March, to clear away rubbish on the foot of the mountain behind the War Memorial. Meet at 8.30am at the lower picnic shelter behind the Memorial (Treloar Crescent, Campbell). Tools, bags and gloves will be provided, as well as morning tea to keep everybody enthusiastic. Wear gardening clothes, sturdy shoes, sun hat, sunscreen and bring some drinking water. More info: email mtainslieweeders@gmail.com

HAVE YOU HEARD? what's on

must do

must see

Hartley Hall Markets The Hartley Hall Markets are on Sunday 5 March 10am-3pm at the Hall Village Showground, just north of Canberra. Entry is by gold coin donation and all proceeds from the markets are contributed to Hartley Lifecare.

Red Nose says thanks Red Nose raised close to $75,000 from Christmas in the City 2016. With the funds raised, Red Nose in the ACT region can provide 625 counselling sessions or counselling for around 75 local families.

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Share your community event. Email news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘HYH’ in the subject field. Deadline is 10 days prior to Thursday edition date.

Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council has launched the Carwoola Bushfi re Appeal. Direct donations can be made by depositing funds into the Carwoola Bushfi re Appeal account BSB – 032724, Account No – 362257. Donations can also be made in person at Westpac branches. All funds received will be used to provide direct assistance to victims of the Carwoola bushfi re.

Pampered pooch Miss Teen Galaxy National Finalist Rosa Green has teamed up with Kent Street Veterinary Clinic for Clean up Australia’s Dogs Day on Monday 6 March 9am-1pm. Cost: $25 full bath, towel dry and cologne; nail trim only $5. All proceeds will go directly to the Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors. Bookings essential; phone 6281 5199. 25

have you heard Pre-employment program Make a difference to the life of an older person

The West Belconnen Administration Pre-Employment Program will hold an information session at Uniting Care Kippax on Thursday 9 March 10am-12pm. Starting Tuesday 21 March, the course will run for 10 weeks and provide participants with a Certificate II in Business. Call 6255 1158 for more information.

Grief and loss information session On Tuesday 14 March 7-9.30pm, Canberra Grief Centre will host a grief and loss information session for members of our community who may feel impacted by loss and grief, supporting someone who is bereaved or would simply like to learn more about this topic. Free to attend, the session will cover: what is grief and how it can affect us; what causes us to grieve the way we do; understanding the difference between ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’ grieving; how we can support ourselves and others who have experienced loss. At Griffith Neighbourhood Hall, off Stuart Street, Griffith. To register, go to the canberragriefcentre.com.au website (via workshops), phone Sonia on 0409 966 515 or Mandy on 0401 344 577.

We are seeking volunteers in Canberra and the surrounding region. Do you enjoy spending time or talking with older people? As a trained volunteer, you will be to provide support to older people in the community through our Social Support program. For more information about Volunteering with Red Cross call 02 6234 7600 or email volunteernow@redcross.org.au www.redcross.org.au



Do you have an hour a week to commit to volunteering?

National Seniors Australia The Canberra North Branch of National Seniors Australia (NSA) will hold their next meeting on Thursday 9 March 10.30am at the Raiders Club in Hardwick Crescent, Holt. Guest speaker will be David Shaw from the National Zoo and Aquarium speaking on the role of zoos in the 21st Century. Visitors welcome. Cost $4. Enquiries: Geoff or Nola on 6241 9395.

VIEW Club meetings * The next meeting of the Belconnen Day VIEW Club is a trivia day and will be held on Tuesday 14 March 11.45am at The Raiders Leagues Club, Holt. Two-course lunch $30. New members welcome. RSVP to Mary on 6242 9549 or email keithw@bigpond.net.au by Thursday 9 March. * VIEW is coming to Murrumbateman, NSW, on Wednesday 15 March 6.30pm at the Murrumbateman Country Inn function room, Barton Highway. More info: email jeroberts@y7mail.com or call Jan on 0438 405 986 by Friday 10 March.

Win a VW 2016 Beetle Classic! CAR R AFFLE ON LY







To find out more about RMHC visit www.rmhc.org.au/canberra


Buy a ticket in Canberra Hospital Foundation’s car raffle for your chance to win a limited edition Volkswagen 2016 Beetle Classic. Only 1,000 tickets available at $100 each, with 100% of the raffle proceeds going to support the Adolescent Mental Health Unit at Canberra Hospital. To purchase tickets, call 6244 3542. The raffle will be drawn on Thursday 23 March 6pm at the Lennock Volkswagen Showroom, Phillip (Permit No. ACT R 16/00134). More info: canberrahospitalfoundation.org.au

Street soccer The Big Issue’s Community Street Soccer Program is held every Wednesday 2-4pm at Reid Oval, off Ellimatta Street, Reid. Coaches provide participants with more than just soccer each week, with a focus on health and social inclusion.

Events ACT advertising moment

Far Left: The Hoodoo Gurus will headline the Canberra Day concert at Stage 88 on Monday 13 March. Left: Havana Brown will get your feet moving.


Canberra Day Canberra is turning 104 this year! Join in the celebrations with a program bursting to the seams with live music and entertainment for all. Kids will dance, play and laugh as Shaun The Sheep and Trolls take to the stage. Then the air will fill with music as talented Canberra bands, String Elephants and Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers, perform. Havana Brown’s imaginative beats will get your heart pumping and your feet moving before the Hoodoo Gurus headline the concert with all your favourite songs. The stunning landscape of Commonwealth Park will provide the perfect backdrop for your family day out. Enjoy the thrill of amusement park rides or indulge in a tasty treat from local traders. Snap a cute photo after visiting the face painting station or relax with a picnic to the sound of live music. There’s something for everyone this Canberra Day. For more information please visit events.act.gov.au/CanberraDay.

What, where, when? What: Canberra Day celebrations When: Monday 13 March 2017 Time: 2pm – 7pm Where: Stage 88, Commonwealth Park







2PM – 7PM


DreamWorks Trolls © 2017 DreamWorks Animation LLC. All Rights Reserved.


13 22 81

Positions Vacant

have you heard Gala ball for HeartKids

Advertising Sales If you are interested in media sales, Canberra Weekly offers you the ideal opportunity to work across Canberra’s lucrative service and retail markets. You will be enthusiastic, energetic and your responsibilities include the following: •

Face to face client meetings

Achieving revenue targets

Market analysis across competitors

Establishing new client relationships

Excellent customer service

High attention to detail

Great people skills and the ability to juggle varying tasks under tight deadlines is a necessity. Strong written and verbal communication skills are essential. Previous experience in media sales would be an advantage. An attractive salary plus car allowance is offered. A reliable vehicle and current driver’s licence are required.

Copy Controller We are looking for an energetic and highly organised candidate with great people skills and the ability to juggle varying tasks under tight deadlines. The role presents the ideal opportunity to work within the Advertising Sales Department, in a supporting role. The successful candidate will need to possess the following requirements: • • • • • • •

Self-motivated and passionate Demonstrate high attention to detail Be highly organised and ability to multi task and adhere to deadlines Have experience working as a support role in a busy environment Be proficient in Microsoft Excel, Word and Outlook Be prepared to learn new specialist computer applications Strong written and verbal communication skills

You will also work closely with the advertising department to achieve our team goals and this role presents the foundation to develop your skills and further your career in advertising sales. Our ideal applicant is someone keen to learn all facets of the advertising sales area and who can handle multiple tasks at one time.

If you would like to be part of this dynamic team, please email your CV and relevant information to the Advertising Director at career@canberraweekly.com.au or for more information on the role, phone Liz Makary on (02) 6175 8825 or 0406 378 408. Applications for these fantasic opportunities close 5pm Friday 10 March 2017.


HeartKids Gala Ball will be held on Saturday 6 May 6.30pm at the Corinna Ballroom, Canberra Southern Cross Club, Woden. Please email Kelly.Ryan@heartkids.org.au for more information. Tickets on sale now at trybooking.com/243523

Lego displays Bricks at the Woden School will be held on the weekend of 18-19 March 9am-4pm at the Woden School (127 Denison Street, Deakin). The event will see a number of Lego displays by Canberra Lego Users Group members as well as a Lego free play area, sausage sizzle and face painting. Entry: $3 child, $5 adult, $10 family.

The English in Australia The next meeting of The English in Australia Inc. is on Saturday 18 March with guest speaker Dr Howard Ralph who will present on Southern Cross Wildlife Care. Meetings are held at the Southern Cross Club, Woden, on the first and third Saturday of the month at 10.30am. More info: 6285 1536 or 0457 745 053.

Sydney Coastrek Sally Boundy, of Garran, is among 3,700 trekkers gearing up for the Wild Women On Top Sydney Coastrek on 17 March. Stretching 60km from one iconic beach at Manly to another at Bondi, or 30km from Kirribilli to Bondi Beach, Sydney Coastrek aims to raise $2.8 million for The Fred Hollows Foundation. To support Sally and her team, go to sydneycoastrek.com.au

NSW Drs Orchestra Canberra region general practitioner Anne Bicknell and medical student Andrew Muthurajah are taking part in the annual NSW Drs Orchestra fundraising concert on 19 March. Each year the orchestra joins forces with Sydney Eisteddfod to raise funds for their instrumental scholarship and a medical charity; this year it’s Freedom Across Australia.

North Canberra Relay for Life Cancer Council ACT’s North Canberra Relay for Life will be held on 2526 March at AIS Athletics Track, Bruce. Online registrations are open at relayforlife.org.au or find North Canberra Relay for Life on Facebook for more details.

The Earth Festival Meet new people, find ethical brands and enjoy great food at The Earth Festival on 25-26 March 10am-5pm at Exhibition Park in Canberra. Guest speakers include Clare Mann, the well-known Australian vegan psychologist, and James Aspey, the man who was silent for a year for the animals and is highly involved in activism. The Earth Festival will be donating money to Sleepy Burrows Wombat Sanctuary. Tickets: theearthfestival.org

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social scene

Deb Rolfe, Susan Proctor

Samantha Fraser, Hope Fraser

Sarah Thomson, Katherine Fisher

Brandon Kelly, Sonia Catanzariti

Sean Molloy, Carrie-Ann Leeson, Richard Luton, James Carter

Jenine Woodman, Winnie Dennis, Gillian Adamson

Craig Ebeling, Ashleigh Gleeson

Brad Finnigan, Joanne Finnigan

we were there!

Janette Wojtaszak, Sofia Polak

Jason Naumann, Don Capezio, Warren Gill 30

SOCIAL SCENE 2017 Lifeline Canberra Gala, National Arboretum Canberra. BELOW Mercedes-Benz Black Opal Cocktail Party, Fyshwick. Photos Kerrie Brewer. ABOVE

Teddy Tran, Charmaine Ng

Josh Yewdall, Roanne Nadurak

Stephen Heppenstall, Bron Jamonds, Andy Jamonds

Phil Bywaters, Lauren O'Hara

Richard Bridge, Melissa Sykes, Les Boag

Caroline Stacey, Frank Moorhouse, Alana Valentine

Jo Cowley, Paula Freeman

Onela Keal, Andrew Price, Kathleen Harvey, Ayesha Razzaq, Anthony Cooke, Tony Muckle

Peter Vaughan, Christine Hagan

Jacki Thomas, Josie Smith

David Metcalf, Su McCluskey, Deanna Riddell, Steve Dobbie


Paul Walshe, Alan Tongue, Gem Tongue, Nick Samaras

Museum of Australian Democracy presents Cold Light: In Conversation, Old Parliament House. Photos Eva Schroeder. Royal National Capital Agricultural Society President’s reception, Exhibition Park in Canberra.


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Royal Canberra Show Steward Merrin Hunter oversees the judging of the cookery competitions on Thursday 23 February.

When it comes to the various homemade cake sections, judges consider for flavour, texture and consistency.


Farmers, bakers and preservers gathered in the Harvest Hall at the ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show on Thursday 23 February under the watchful eye of a group of judges more fierce than Chef Manu Feildel. Homemade, homegrown and delicious were the conditions of entry, however if you wanted to win the horticulture, produce and cookery competitions, you would have to pay close attention to detail – and have had a little luck on your side. Bright colours and aromas of fresh produce filled the room with around the 300 general cookery, 200 junior cookery and 300 jam entries on the line, ready for critiquing after a brutal summer, said steward Chris Tarlinton. “The veggies and flowers this year have taken a bit of a caning because of the weather; we normally have more fresh produce entries but the hot weather has impacted. If fruits aren’t readily available, it has a knock-on effect to the jams,” she said. While the youngsters put on a gallant display consisting of Anzac cookies, patty cakes and decorated arrowroot biscuits; their vegetable sculptures were the real standouts. ‘Kale Caesar’ was a butternut pumpkin with kale hair crossing the ‘Rubi-corn’, a button mushroom sheep named ‘Shirley,’ a ‘rock’ melon and a ‘bunch of bad apples’. In general cookery, guidelines were strict; the team of judges could sniff out a packet mix a mile away. Judge Helen Robinson said she would mark down for under mixing when creaming the sugar and butter, uneven density or flavour distribution, and cooling rack marks on the bottom of the cake. “The key is to have everything prepped and ready to go before you start with all ingredients at room temperature. The oven should be at 150160 degrees and nothing else should be in the oven at the same time.” When it came to puddings, judge Monica Dwyer said the surface must be smooth with no air bubbles. After appearance, the smell of alcohol and spice must be present but not too overpowering in taste. The next step for the judges was to cut through the middle – after all, the proof is in the pudding.



This striking creation by Mrs Renee Jarrett took out first prize in the Class 3 – Celebration Cake (Novice) section.

Photos Eva Schroeder



“They have to cut open nicely, we don’t want them too crumbly and the fruit should be evenly spread throughout with no clumping. The fruit shouldn’t drag on the knife when slicing through,” she says. Onto the orange cakes; if they weren’t oblong in shape they didn’t stand a chance. Dwyer’s top tips were to use a paper cuff when icing to avoid it spilling down the sides of the cake and stick to a plain butter icing to accompany the orange consistency. “A whole orange cake uses the rind as well; it needs to be chopped ever so finely and when the oranges are cooked it reduces the bitterness. Navel oranges are best as they have the strongest flavour,” she said. After having her crab apples, bosc pears and cherries stolen by birds, preserver Jo-Anne Cormie from Tarago was left with bulk plums and figs to enter in the jam competition. “The secret to making a good jam is the fruit you use and your patience; evenly chopping takes me two hours. Flavour is most important but the judges also want it to be nicely dispersed around the jar, and ensure the lid removes from the jar clean,” Cormie said. - Talia Liolios

time out


cover story



COLD LIGHT here is an air of excitement in Canberra in the 1950s as politicians and public servants carefully draw up plans to develop the new capital city. Edith Campbell Berry has returned from her stint in Europe working for the League of Nations, and aspires to be the first female Ambassador for Australia, however she finds herself instead working with the authority charged with designing and planning the city. Over the next 20 years, Edith struggles with the conservative nature of Canberra, the reappearance of her communist brother, and her husband Ambrose’s questionable sexuality. Of course, Edith is a fictional character, taken – somewhat surprisingly – from the intellect of renowned Australian author Frank Moorhouse. Her vivid, complex and genuine persona can confuse new readers, who often assume she’s a real historical figure. She’s so expertly laced throughout the pages alongside real people, such as Robert Menzies and Gough Whitlam, that it’s no wonder there’s an odd sense of loss

in discovering she’s a figment of Moorhouse’s imagination. His final book in the trilogy that tracks Edith’s ambitious journey through Europe and home to Australia, Cold Light, will see its world premiere on stage at The Street Theatre on Saturday 4 March in its first ever adaptation. Playwright Alana Valentine, who was tasked with adapting Moorhouse’s 700-page novel for stage, says that during her fellowship at the National Library, she would receive phone calls from people asking to see Edith’s papers. “People really do think she’s real,” she says. Veteran actress Sonia Todd is tasked with the ambitious responsibility of bringing Edith to life on stage. “It’s one thing to read something, it’s another to be inside it,” she says. From Strictly Ballroom to Police Rescue, Todd is now set to step into the no-nonsense high heels of Edith; a character Valentine describes as a “suffocated visionary” while director Caroline Stacey calls her an “unconventional iconoclast”. “We don’t see women like this

portrayed on our stages,” Stacey says. For Todd, who has been vocal about the challenge of finding strong, empowering female characters as an older actress, the role is “a gift”. “I love Edith’s style, her eloquence, her way of seeing nuance and shades of grey in things – it’s so different to the way we’re encouraged to see life today: black and white, and lockedin,” says Todd. “On the other hand, her recklessness with her relationship with Ambrose makes her human.” “Like all of us, she’s not onedimensional,” Stacey says. “She’s flawed. That’s part of what makes the character so wonderful. “We present a woman who is able to take advantage of the changes of history, but also be restrained by them. It’s actually quite sad, because Edith’s stuck in a time where she’s unable to be all that she can be, and yet she’s seeing the changes of the 1970s but she’s already at the end of her working life.” Todd says that Cold Light really puts feminism into “some kind of historical perspective” for her. Stacey’s passion project began during the Centenary of Canberra in

2013, with a grant to option the work. “It’s a huge story,” she says. “And we’re not trying to imitate the novel in any way. It’d be an impossible task – you can’t put a 700-page novel on stage. Instead, this is a wonderful distillation that allows us to focus on a particular journey that Edith has later in life.” Featuring Tobias Cole, Nick Byrne, Craig Alexander, Gerard Carroll and Kiki Skountzos in a multitude of supporting roles, Cold Light’s epic story sweeps across an important part of Canberra’s own history. Valentine challenges Canberrans to “show their pride” for the story of their past. “There are a considerable number of Canberrans making this play work,” she says. “I really hope that Canberrans will embrace the Canberra-made story about their past.” “Ultimately, this work is a call to action; to be ambitious, to live, and to make a difference,” Stacey says. Cold Light opens at The Street Theatre on Saturday 4 March and runs until Saturday 18 March. Tickets: www.thestreet.org.au - Laura White

Photo Eva Schroeder

Sonia Todd brings Edith Campbell Berry to life on stage at The Street in Cold Light, 4-18 March. Shot on location at the Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House.


time out NOW SHOWING The Great Wall (M) In ancient China, a mercenary group ride near the Great Wall in pursuit of ‘black powder’. Surviving an attack against a mysterious creature, William (Matt Damon) and Tovar (Pedro Pascal) are taken prisoner by Chinese soldiers headed by Commander Lin Mae (Jing Tian). The soldiers are part of a secretive military sect called the Nameless Order, whose sole mission is to guard the Great Wall against the very creatures the mercenaries overcame. Best known for his work in the adventure wuxia (martial arts hero) movies Hero and House of Flying Daggers, The Great Wall is director Zhang Yimou’s first Englishlanguage movie. The movie aims to meld a traditional Eastern and Western period fantasy adventure, even incorporating the services of George Lucas’s ILM and Peter


Jackson’s Weta Workshop. While the plan may have been to bridge the two audiences, the effort may have instead pushed them further apart. Western audiences are known not to embrace foreign language films to the point that Hollywood remakes are produced soon after the original’s release. This movie aims to deliver a product suited for Western audiences with characters designed for them to empathise with, with the usual flamboyant acrobatics and visual flourishes of wuxia pared back to focus on warfare. It may be that the end result is a movie without an audience, which is a shame. Verdict: Amazing visuals servicing a good old-fashioned earnest adventure. Great fun which will open the doors of Asian cinema to new audiences. 4 stars. - Luke McWilliams

Jeff Popple brings us three entertaining Australian novels for early autumn.


No Job for a Girl by Meredith Appleyard

Michael Joseph $32.99

Clare Valley author Meredith Appleyard is a popular recent addition to the growing crop of Australian rural romance writers. Her latest book is set in the SA outback at a fly-in construction camp. Leah Jackson is the new resident safety advisor and finds she must constantly prove herself as she struggles with demanding bureaucrats, injured workers, sexual tensions and unexpected love in this isolated place. This is an engaging read that mixes mild medical drama with interesting locations and romance.


Crimson Lake by Candice Fox Bantam $32.99

Also set in rural Australia is Crimson Lake by awardwinning author Candice Fox. Ted Conkaffey used to be a detective until he was falsely accused of an assault on a young girl. Now he is hiding out in the croc-infested wetlands north of Cairns. He is given a shot at redemption when a local PI asks him to help look for a missing author, but the case also threatens to reopen old wounds. This is a tough, gripping thriller that shows why Fox is one of our best crime writers. Recommended.


Winter Traffic by Stephen Greenall Text $29.99

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Set in the backstreets of Sydney in 1994, this lyrically written novel takes the reader on a dark ride through the sordid underbelly of the glittering harbour city. The story revolves around a stalled investigation into the murder of a judge, but its real focus is on the carefully crafted, deeply flawed protagonists caught up in the drama. Greenall’s unusual stylistic approach may take some getting used to, but it is well worth the effort.

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Canberra Fair DL READY CONV_Layout 1 4/05/15 10:16 PM Page 1

Deco to Retro


& VintAGe FAiR

Burlesque triptych by Wendy Sharpe, oil on linen.

BURLESQUE AS ART From small charcoal drawings to large oil paintings, discover the wonder and magic of burlesque at a new exhibition at Aarwun Gallery in Gold Creek. Sydney-based artist Wendy Sharpe’s solo exhibition Burlesque & Circus will open with a night of dance and festivities on Saturday 4 March. Acclaimed as one of Australia’s most significant and awarded artists, Sharpe has received the Archibald Prize, the Portia Geach Memorial Prize twice, and the Sulman Prize. She was also the first woman since World War II to be the Australian Official Artist to East Timor, and sat on the council at the Australian War Memorial for nine years. “Canberra has a really vibrant arts scene,” she says. “More than that, the people in Canberra are really interested in the arts.” Sharpe, who spends half of every year living in Paris, has always been drawn to the backstage of the theatre. She has worked as an artist with

Friday 3rd March to Sunday 5th March

a number of companies, from the sophistication of the Australian Ballet to the fringe of burlesque. “Burlesque, at its best, is satirical and irreverent,” Sharpe says. “When you’ve been painting for a long time, you start to see reoccurring themes in your work, and you begin to learn what your work is really about. “For me, it’s the intersection between the real and the imagined. That sounds really pretentious – but it’s not – because when you talk about the theatre, the perfect example is the backstage. Here, you have these glamorous figures in extravagant costumes doing ordinary things, like eating a burger or talking on their phone. “It’s about escapism and imagination, somewhere between reality and the dream world, where belief is suspended.” The exhibition will run until Tuesday 4 April. - Laura White

• Friday 3rd March 3pm-8pm • Saturday 4th March 10pm-5pm • Sunday 5th March 10pm-4pm The Albert Hall 100 Commonwealth Ave Yarralumla ACT 2601

Featuring genuine antiques and collectables and 20th Century design: jewellery, glass, silver, weaponry, toys, ceramics and furniture and kitsch and more. There’s something for everyone. Admission: $10 adults Accompanied children under 16 free. Online booking or buy tickets at the door

Questacon, Canberra Airport and the National Folk Festival have all won accolades at the Qantas Australian Tourism Awards held in Darwin on Friday 24 February. Questacon – The National Science and Technology Centre took home gold as winner of the Tourist Attractions category; Canberra Airport won silver for Specialised Tourism Services; and the National Folk Festival claimed silver in the Festivals and Events category.


Canberra’s attractions win big


ce: 02 4841 0440 35

SPIRAL GALLERY CO-OPERATIVE: The Cooperative celebrates its 20th year with an Anniversary Exhibition at The Q Exhibition Space in Queanbeyan, featuring artwork by 57 of its 72 past and present members, on until 18 March. GINNINDERRA: Ginninderra School House Gallery is hosting a new exhibition by Canberra artists Maria Pfohl and Siva Nathan until 30 April; 6230 9007. CSO: Canberra Symphony Orchestra play the first in their 2017 Australian Series Companion Pieces at National Portrait Gallery, tonight, Thursday 2 March 6.30pm; cso.org.au AUTONOMY: An evening of art at The Woolshed, Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary, by their artist in residence Georgia Black tonight, Thursday 2 March 6.30pm. FREE PUBLIC LECTURE: Dr Caillan Davenport will give a talk about Roman emperors and Christians tonight, Thursday 2 March 6.15pm, in the Larry Sitsky Room, ANU School of Music. SEAMUS BEGLEY TRIO: This Irish trio will be at the Ainslie Arts Centre tonight, Thursday 2 March 8pm; agac.com.au FESTIVAL OF AMBITIOUS IDEAS: On tonight Thursday 2 March 5.30-9pm at the Brindabella Conference Centre in Majura with the theme ‘The 100 Year Life’. More info: Candice on 6163 8305. ART EXHIBITIONS: Four new exhibitions will open tonight at M16 Artspace in Griffith, running until 19 March. ENLIGHTEN: On again for its seventh year, Enlighten will light up Canberra with a variety of free and ticketed events at various venues, 3-12 March; enlightencanberra.com.au THE ADDAMS FAMILY: This kooky and spooky family musical comedy will be at The Q in Queanbeyan, 3-19 March; theq.net.au

Photo courtesy Enlighten Canberra

time out WHAT’S ON Enlighten at various venues in Canberra, 3-12 March.

FOREST OPEN DAY: Drive, self-guide or tour through the southern forests usually closed to public vehicles at the National Arboretum, Saturday 4 March 12-5pm,; nationalarboreturm.act.gov.au SYMPHONY BY THE RIVER: Canberra Symphony Orchestra’s first major performance in Queanbeyan will take place on Saturday 4 March 5pm in Queen Elizabeth II Park amphitheatre. It’s free. Bring a picnic or purchase local gourmet street food.

ANU CLASSICS MUSEUM: Voluntary guides will give a free one-hour tour of the museum in the AD Hope Building on Friday 10 March 12.30pm; bookings not required. HOLLY THROSBY: This Sydney songwriter, musician and novelist will be at the ANU Bar on Friday 10 March performing songs from her new album After a Time; Moshtix FESTIVAL MUSE: A four-day festival for the brain and the belly at Muse over the 10-13 March long weekend; musecanberra.com.au

COLD LIGHT: Sonia Todd plays Edith Campbell Berry in Frank Moorhouse’s Cold Light, on at The Street Theatre, 4-18 March; thestreet.org.au

BURLESQUE IDOL: This burlesque competition comes to Canberra Theatre Centre on Saturday 11 March; burlesqueidol.com.au

CARNIVALE: Head to Queanbeyan Park on Sunday 5 March for culture, food and fun at Carnivale, 10am-4pm; qcc.nsw.gov.au

CANBERRA BALLOON SPECTACULAR: Hot air balloons take to the skies 11-19 March from the lawns of Old Parliament House. Balloons inflate from 6.15am, launch 6.30-7am, breakfast available until 10am; balloonspectacular.com.au

TENNYSON KING: Touring Australia, the Canadian musician will play at The Front Gallery, 7 March 7.30pm; tennysonking.com LUNCHTIME LIVE: Wesley Music Centre presents Piano Revolutions on Wednesday 8 March 12.40-1.20pm; donation at the door. BRIDESQUAD: The March Chrysalis Theatre presents Bridesquad at The Front in Lyneham on 8 and 15 March 7.30pm; tickets $15/$12 at the door. FREE CONCERT: The Friends of the Albert Hall will host a free music concert showcasing the rising stars of Canberra’s classical music scene on 9 March 6.30pm; Eventbrite. CANBERRA WIND SYMPHONY: Brass Sketches will offer an evening of brass chamber music in the midst of colour paintings at the Drill Hall Gallery on Thursday 9 March 7.30pm; canberrawindsymphony.com.au

BLOOD, SWEAT & TEARS TUESDAY 21 MARCH | 6pm DINNER & SHOW $113.65* Blood, Sweat and Tears deliver classic and enduring songs that live on as some of the greatest and most authentic in music history. Don’t miss the opportunity to see them live at Southern Cross Club, Woden. Show only 8pm $81.65*

Book online at cscc.com.au or call 6283 7200 36

EBB AND FLOW: This exhibition from the untethered fibre artists will be on at Belconnen Arts Centre, 10 March to 2 April.

*plus booking fee

FRONTIER LULLABY: Musician Alesa Lajana will be at The Street Theatre on Saturday 11 March; thestreet.org.au CHILDREN’S FESTIVAL: The Snowy Mountains Readers Writers Festival will host a Children’s Festival with interactive sessions, writing workshops, panel discussion plus a Teddy Bears Picnic for the little ones, Sunday 12 March 10am4.30pm at Banjo Paterson Park, Jindabyne; snowymountainswritersfestival.org MEDITERRANEAN BAROQUE: The Sydney Consort’s 2017 concert season opens with a Mediterranean baroque program on Sunday 12 March 3pm at Wesley Music Centre; trybooking.com Send your free entertainment listings to: arts@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘what’s on’ in the subject field. Deadline is 10 days prior to Thursday edition date.

the look




autumn shades



As the leaves change colour so do beauty trends.



turn overleaf for more


a fall of blush Add a little blush to your autumn tones – this season is all about warm colours. 1 New flame $47, bobbibrown.com.au 2 Mosaic powder $60, Napoleon Perdis 3 New red blush $44, Dior

Photos Kerrie Brewer

the eyes never lie A metallic gaze will upgrade your look from desk to dinner. 4 Physicians Formula shimmer strips $11.95, Priceline 5 Golden peach loose eye dust $35, Napoleon Perdis 6 Pur Cosmetics cashmere eye polish $26, Myer 7 Natural shades palette $19.95, Natio




the look 8





Your search for the right shade (under the tree) ends with a sassy dark pigmented pout. If it wasn’t a glitter lip on the runway, the models branched off into brown or plum. 8 The only 1 lipstick 780 $15.95, Rimmel 9 Matte revolution bond girl $49, charlottetilbury.com/au 10 Devine goddess Atalanta $38, Napoleon Perdis 11 Essence sheer & shine $4.10, Priceline 12 Mattetastic Marlene $38, Napoleon Perdis

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Photo Kerrie Brewer

a kiss in the dark


the look GOLD RUSH

It seems the look on the red carpet at the 89th Academy Awards, and associated parties, was to dress as an Oscars statuette itself as celebrities channelled golden glamour.

Dakota Johnson wears a Gucci gown with a front bustle.

Vicky Jeudy flaunts a gold embellished frock.

Jessica Biel shines in a form-fitting slashed sequined look.

Nikki Reed brings back brocade in this golden look finished off with a dark statement lip.

Margot Robbie shimmers in a golden scale print dress.

Getty Images

Cara Santana opts for a golden crochet dress featuring a plunging neck and front split.


Best Actress winner Emma Stone in a Givenchy Couture fringed gown.

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the look


Getty Images

Complete your look with any of these trending accessory inspirations. Top tip: don’t do them all at once!

Socks & sandals Givenchy spring/summer, Paris

Statement earrings

Proenza Schoulder spring/summer, NY

Embellished sunglasses Mulberry by Johnny Coca show, London

Metallic broad belts

Novelty bags

Chanel spring/summer, Paris

Dolce & Gabbana fall/winter, Milan


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WHAT WE’RE TALKING ABOUT All the latest in fashion, beauty and health. Cloth nappies The Canberra Environment Centre will host a free modern cloth nappy workshop on Saturday 11 March 12-1pm. Learn about a range of styles and materials to suit the needs of different budgets and bums, and be environmentally friendly. Places can be reserved via Eventbrite.

Support for International Women’s Day Esprit is teaming up with UN Women National Committee Australia to launch a signature scarf marking International Women’s Day on 8 March. Supporting the empowerment of women and girls across the globe, the accessory is available in stores now with 100% of the proceeds going to UN Women programs. In addition to the signature scarf, 20% of profits from all sales in store and online from 4-5 March will go towards the cause.


Our beautiful new Autumn ’17 collection has arrived showcasing chic and easy styles that are perfect to buy now

Body brush

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Made with natural cactus sisal bristles the Aromatherapy Associates polishing body brush promotes healthy skin circulation and removal of dead skin cells. Dry brush before showering for bright even skin tones. $42, aromatherapyassociates.com.au

Come in and treat

Fashion in the alley Support the Heart Foundation at an exclusive event featuring avant-garde fashion by local designers on Sunday 19 March at Highgate Lane, Kingston. Tickets start at $35. For bookings call the Cardiff Collective on 0455 911 140.

yourself to something new this season or visit us online. We are excited with our new collection and we hope you are too!

Read up on leadership Sally Dooley, a Canberra based leadership development facilitator, executive coach and speaker has released her first book Ignite Your Leadership: Proven Tools for Leaders to Energize Teams, Fuel Momentum, and Accelerate Results. Available on Amazon, $19.95.

Alarming ovarian cancer stats A new study commissioned by Ovarian Cancer Australia revealed that almost 70% of Australians don’t know that ovarian cancer exhibits symptoms with more than 50% incorrectly believing the pap smear can detect ovarian cancer. It has the lowest survival rate of any women’s cancer; there is an 80% chance of being alive and well five years post diagnosis if the disease is caught in its early stages however 75% of women are diagnosed in advanced stages when it is difficult to treat successfully.


Canberra Weekly competition winners The winners in Canberra Weekly’s latest round of competition draws are: ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show tickets: W. Loyd, Crestwood; R. Jalland, Macquarie; S. Reilly, Lyneham; S. Williams, Garran; G. Icely, Uriarra Village; E. Slade, Palmerston; E. Hay-Kark, Kambah; R. Atkins, Palmerston; M. Nicolazzo, Casey; J. Rosenblatt, Narrabundah. Miss Muddy passes: H. Hudson, McKellar; K. L’Estrange, Kingston. Adina Jozsef cufflinks: L. Wilson, Ngunnawal. Fiction books: C. Heritage, Latham. Oh What a Night tickets: I. Kendal, Kingston; J. Edwards, Gordon; G. Newton, Palmerston; E. Cass, Higgins; L. McGoogan, Goulburn. Constable Kenny prize packs: P. Webb, Karabar; R. Genero, Lyons; K. Burke, Watson; O. Cowley, Dickson; J. Roll, Gordon. Cookbook bundle: J. Rebecca, Nicholls.

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fi tness

It’s no surprise to me that women are the leaders in sport. Just have a look at the launch of the women’s AFL competition. It was a sell-out for the opening game (thousands of people turned back at the gates) and the TV ratings for the other games were great. Our women are getting amongst soccer, hockey, cricket, netball, basketball, swimming and won an Olympic gold medal in the women’s rugby sevens; the list goes on. The question is: if our women are conquering the world of sport in all of the above and more, why do they not get equal TV airtime and money backing the codes as is expected for male teams? I would say that female athletes, who behave with both dignity and respect, are more marketable and amazing role models for young women and men – and who doesn’t like a winner? Guys, we also need to have a look at our amazing sportsmen like Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal in the Australian Open final. They portray respect for the sport and appreciate the opportunity they have been given. We can learn a lot from dignified athletes like them. For female and male athletes alike, let’s give credit where it is deserved. Workout This week’s workout will focus on speed and power. • 10 minute warm-up jog


• Sprints (20 x 20m): 5 at 60% capacity, 5 at 70%, 10 at 100% • Frog leaps 15m (feet wide astride while squatting down and springing forward while keeping up momentum), walk back • 15m single leg hop (switch legs at each end and go back) • 10 x 10m sprint starts (explode out of the starting position) • 25 x alternate lunge jumps (start in standing up lunge position, then lower down and explode up, alternate legs in the air, avoid bouncing knee on the ground) • 15 x hamstring walk ups (standing up, bend down toward your toes and place your hands on the ground, walk them out in front of your feet until you are in a push-up position, walk your feet towards your hands until you have your feet and hands close to or touching your toes) • 25-50 push-ups (hand in line with your chest really focusing on the push action and power you can make in the up movement). Tip for the guys: Get out and have a training session with a women’s team in your chosen sport (check access first). Go there with an open mind and see the effort and hard work both females and males put in to compete.



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Win a HeavenLee swimwear pack (long sleeve rash top + boardshorts) for your child in your choice of sizing from 1, 2, 4 or 6. To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘HeavenLee’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details and what is your favourite style from HeavenLee Swim. Entries close 9am 10 March 2017 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person.

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clutter-free living Have a place for everything and everything in its place. While working to this adage will help to keep things neat and tidy, sometimes it can prove a little tough to keep clutter under control. Lack of storage can be a common problem, so it is important to declutter and organise at least once a year. While there are some creative solutions to make the most of your space, Home editor Allison Turnbull went to the experts to see what can be done to streamline your home. According to Donna Peterson, visual merchandiser and product co-ordinator for Vast Furniture & Homewares, the more surface area you can see in a room, the more calming and organised it feels. When organising your home, Donna says it’s important the daily essentials such as car keys,

mobile phones and work bags have a designated spot. An entry to the home should be welcoming to all who enter, and not just the house guests. A well-positioned entry table or console with shelving and drawers can create an inviting entrance and keep all the daily essentials organised. A bowl for the car keys and a shelf for the laptop is all that is needed. A mirror or artwork placed above the furniture piece will finish off the design detail. Donna also suggests that multi-purpose storage is a must for smaller spaces. While we all have our favourite mementos from travel and accomplishments, it’s best to limit the number of items displayed to the most recent. Any trophy or trinket that is from five years ago should be stored in a safe place. Keep only relevant and updated items on show.

TOP TIP Lucia Sharrad, from Perfect Chaos, says to think carefully when making a purchase for your home to be sure you have the space for it. “If you don’t have the space, reconsider whether you need to make the purchase or get rid of something at home to make way for the new item. Consider recycling or donating the older item to avoid sending things to landfill.”

natio organisnianl week g special Buffets are a great solution to hide away the mess we are not ready to part with. A buffet can create a certain look for the room and be a statement piece. Vogue buffet $499, Fantastic Furniture.

Nevada bookcase $799 Focus On Furniture

Wicker hamper From $29.95 Bed Bath N’ Table 2-tier stackable shoe rack $12 Kmart



ORGANISE YOUR KITCHEN Whether your kitchen is big or small, anything that frees up space is a winner. According to The Good Guys kitchenware buyer Christina Goodman, the first step to declutter your kitchen is to work out what items can be stored neatly underneath the sink and what items are essential for the top of the bench, such as cloths, sponges and dishwashing liquid. Once you have this sorted, it’s time to tackle the rest of the kitchen. Like other areas of the home, storage containers are a handy solution to keep everything neat and tidy in the kitchen or the fridge, allowing you to focus on the most important task, the cooking! Christina says having an array of different sized and shaped food containers ensures you have an orderly cupboard and fridge. • Transparent containers are a great way to save time and

money. Being able to see what’s inside each container avoids you forgetting about food and having to discard it while also letting you know what you’ve got and what you need to restock at a glance. • While storage containers are convenient when in use, if not kept in a neat and tidy order, they create chaos in the cupboard. A good way to keep shelves clutterfree is to store smaller containers in bigger containers and place all lids in one place such as in the largest container.

natio organisnianl week g special Ceramic canister set $39.95 biome.com.au

DID YOU KNOW National Organising Week is 6-12 March. Every year the Australasian Association of Professional Organisers runs a campaign to create awareness of their industry, and promote the benefits of being organised; aapo.org.au

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CHILD’S PLAY Despite constant refrains of “clean your room”, children’s bedrooms seem to accumulate clutter and mess. However, there are some simple tips to not only organise the space but to involve the kids, too. Professional organiser Amy Kennedy, from The Organising Bee, says involving your children in the decision of how they would like their toys and belongings sorted provides them with ownership of their space. They understand where to find each of their toys and it increases the chances that they may put things away and maintain their space. To help organise their belongings, Amy says to avoid large traditional style toy boxes, as they are an invitation for your child to remove every toy they own from the box to find what they are looking for. Instead, she suggests storing similar toys together in small containers (e.g. blocks, trains,

dolls). This makes it is easier for your child to find the exact toy that they would like to play with, generally encourages more creative play and is easier to pack away. As to decorating, the best place to start is the bed. According to Laura Eva, visual merchandising manager, Focus on Furniture, “consider your child’s bedroom space and measure up the room. If your child’s room is small, stick to pale, neutral colours on the walls and choose light, neutral-looking furniture”. “Bunk beds are a great option for small rooms as they provide a bed for more than one child in the same room and they can also provide functional storage solutions,” Laura says. However, if you are looking at purchasing a bunk bed for your child’s bedroom, Laura advises to check it has a product certification and meets safety standards.

Utilise the floor as much as possible with this space saving solution; Perch loft double bed $2,399, zanui.com.au

TOP TIP Label your storage. An easy method of labelling that is suitable for all ages, particularly young children who are unable to read, is to take a photo of the items stored within each toy box and stick them to the front of the container.


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QUICK TIPS: Wardrobes

national organisin week g special

Keep items that: Fit you perfectly and require no alteration; suit your lifestyle and personality; are comfortable to wear; flatter your shape and make you feel fabulous; are in great condition. Mend or alter items that: You still love and intend to wear; suit your lifestyle and personality; are in good condition; with a small or costeffective alteration, will suit you perfectly. Put these aside in a bag and set a date with your tailor (give yourself a six-week time limit). Leaving your wardrobe: These are things you know you don’t want anymore. Break this up into categories – discard, donate/give away, memory box, and things for charity, friends or the bin. - Virginia Wells and Alison Abernethy, WellSorted

Paperwork Reduce the paper flow as you go: Only keep information you really need or want; for each letter or email/text message you receive, decide if you need to action, file or don’t need it. Delete or throw out anything that doesn’t need to be kept; only keep the latest edition of newspapers or magazines. Cut out any articles you want to keep. File what you need, but only for as long as you need it: Your filing system should focus on quick retrieval of documents, safe storage and backup of critical documents, and easy removal of documents when no longer needed. - Gail Urbanski, ACT Professional Organising


Start cooking like a pro with this fantastic BeefEater BBQ pack! Win one of two packs (valued at $210.70 each). Put the polish into your barbecue food with these handy accessories from BeefEater Barbecues. Have fun creating your own gourmet BBQ pizza with this BeefEater pizza stone, paddle and wheel ($39.95). Made from high quality stainless steel, BeefEater’s three-piece tool set features a two-pronged fork, flat spatula and tongs ($39.95). The BeefEater Bugg hands-free digital thermometer ($49.95) takes the guesswork out of cooking meat. For a complete roast dinner, try the BeefEater Bugg poultry roaster with integrated vegetable tray ($39.95) and the enamel baking dish and roast holder ($40.90). Visit beefeaterbbq.com for information and recipe ideas.

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To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘BeefEater’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details and what is your favourite food to cook on a barbecue. Entries close 9am 10 March 2017 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person.


in the garden

NATURE IN ART Botanical Capital by Cheryl Hodges is a unique exhibition featuring a collection of watercolours telling stories of Canberra’s landscape history. Offcuts of vintage blotting paper given to Cheryl from Yarralumla Nursery several years ago were her inspiration. She began researching the history of the nursery, initially for five paintings on blotting paper. However, the ideas and inspiration kept coming, culminating in an exhibition of 30-plus paintings, which all in some way relate back to the nursery. Initially run by Charles Weston, Yarralumla Nursery has provided plants for Canberra since 1913. Some of Cheryl’s paintings incorporate historical items such as contour maps and nursery cards, which she has accessed through archives, and all feature botanical specimens from Canberra. Some examples of plants included are the Callistemons planted between 1917 and 1920 on Red Hill by Weston at the

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request of Walter Burley Griffin; the Himalayan Cedar from Government House, the seeds from which were used to grow trees at Green Hills, now a forest within the National Arboretum Canberra; and Grevillea ‘Canberra Gem’, cultivated at the nursery. Cheryl is a botanical artist living in Jerrabomberra, NSW. She has been painting since 2000 and exhibits locally and nationally, having won numerous awards in recent years. In 2014 she was invited to join The Florilegium Society at the Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney Inc., with her painting of Eucalyptus tereticornis being accepted to the collection in 2015. When: The exhibition is on until 24 March. Where: Yarralumla Gallery, Cottage 1, Weston Park Road, Yarralumla, ACT. Admission is free.

Ulmus parvifolia ‘Yarralumla Weeper’ (Yarralumla Nursery cultivar). Image courtesy Cheryl Hodges.


The Naturalists’ Garden in Hawker, one of the upcoming open gardens as part of Open Gardens Canberra Inc. Image courtesy Open Gardens Canberra.


A number of gardens across Canberra will be open to the public on the weekend of 4-5 March, 10am-4pm each day. For some outdoor inspiration you can visit: The Naturalists’ Garden: 28 Marrakai Street, Hawker. This rambling native garden on a spectacular north-facing block is adjacent to the Pinnacle Nature Reserve. Winding paths lead the visitor through open areas for outdoor living designed around a saltwater pool. Exotic plantings of perennials, herbs, fruit trees, vegetables and roses have all been incorporated to assist with the biodiversity of the garden and attract native fauna. Isobel’s Garden: 18 Dutton Street, Dickson. This garden crosses two adjacent house blocks with varied native shrubbery and fruit trees across the front and productive gardens at the rear of each block. The back gardens comprise prepared beds with a wide

variety of vegetables, herbs and fruiting plants, as well as poultry. Sustainability features include composting systems, 24,000 litre rainwater storage and reticulation systems. Cost: $8 per garden or $25 to join Open Gardens Canberra for one year. Children u18 free when accompanied by an adult; opengardenscanberra.org.au Charnwood Community Garden: The garden, run by Canberra Organic Growers Society (COGS), consists of 45 individual plots planted with a variety of vegetables, flowers and fruit trees, and utilises many different growing methods. Garden members will be present over the weekend to share their gardening knowledge and experience with visitors. Where: On Sports Way, off Lhotsky Street in Charnwood. Cost: Entry by gold coin donation with proceeds to be donated to a local Belconnen charity; cogs.asn.au


DIY: SECOND HAND-Y STORAGE Upcycling and re-purposing old furniture is a budget-friendly, simple way to turn unwanted items into stylish and useful decorations for your home. Creating storage options with previously owned furniture is an easy and fun DIY project that can be completed over a weekend. An old ladder makes the perfect towel airer rack and, with a clean, sand and varnish, is a stylish addition to any bathroom!

How to make a towel airer Project courtesy of Bunnings

What you’ll need Tools Dustpan and brush Sandpaper Sanding block Varnish brush Materials Old wooden ladder Clear timber varnish Plastic drop sheet Dust cloth

Method Step 1: Source an old wooden ladder. You might have one gathering dust at home or you can pick one up from a second hand shop. Step 2: Clean the ladder with a brush to remove any dust, dirt or spider webs. Make sure you get right into the corners. Handy tip: Lay down a drop sheet before you start cleaning and varnishing to avoid making a mess on the floor. Step 3: Sand down the timber with fine-grain sandpaper using your sanding block. Sand with the grain of the wood, not against it and then wipe the ladder clean with a dust cloth. Step 4: Take your varnish brush and give the ladder a coat of clear timber varnish. Let it dry overnight and sand lightly the next day. Then apply at least one more coat and sand again. Handy tip: When using varnish, make sure that your work space is well ventilated so the fumes can escape. Step 5: Once you’re happy with its look, lean the ladder against a wall in your bathroom and hang your towels on it. You can also add some decorative pot plants and even use it to store your toiletries and beauty products.

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property news

Alastair Swayn’s legacy to benefit young architects


he home of one of the most influential architects to work in Canberra, Alastair Swayn, will be coming onto the market with its first exhibition on Saturday 4 March. A truly unique property settled within Canberra’s bush sanctuary Urambi Village, Libby Amiel, an executor of Alastair Swayn’s estate describes the home as a blend of style and liveability. “It’s very much a modern house with very simple clean modern design,” Amiel says. “It’s insulated, it’s double brick outside and the internal walls are brick so that it’s very slow to heat up in summer and easy to keep warm in the winter.” When Swayn passed in August 2016 it was determined in his will that his estate would be sold with the proceeds to set up a foundation for architecture students. Brian Amiel, board member of the Alastair Swayn Foundation says the aim is to “provide essentially fellowships for young architects and designers to go overseas and to learn from the best, to bring overseas experts to Australia for the same reason and to stage exhibitions to present the best Australian architecture and design”. Urambi Village was awarded by the Royal

Australian Institute of Architects for Housing in 1977. In 2002, the Institute recognised the maintenance of the integrity of its original design for 25 years. “What stands out is not just the property itself, but Urambi Village as a whole… we’ve got a very large area of open space, and effectively it’s designed so that we’re living in a park,” Libby Amiel says. “We have a community centre, a swimming pool and a ball court along with resident wombats.” Urambi Village is now on the Australian

Institute of Architects’ Register of Nationally Significant 20th Century Architecture, placing Urambi amongst Australia’s major architectural achievements of the last century.

41/87 Crozier Circuit, Kambah 4 bed 4 bath 2 garage EER: 2.0 Agent: Amanda Mutton 0412 023 497 Blue Property Marketing Contact: 6163 8888



property news

recent sales


9 Langridge Street, Wanniassa


Rutherford Johnston

1 Tobermorey Place, Hawker


Rutherford Johnston

33 Warrumbul Street, Ngunnawal


Rutherford Johnston

58/11 Wimmera Street, Harrison


LJ Hooker

9/143 Port Jackson Cct, Phillip


LJ Hooker

17 Gardiner Street, Downer


LJ Hooker

12/3 Murdoch Street, O'Connor



71 Shumack Street, Weetangera


Luton Properties

9 Banjine Street, O'Connor


LJ Hooker

11 Cooloola Street, Amaroo


Peter Blackshaw

49/23 Aspinall Street, Watson


Luton Properties

26 Hoddle Gardens, Ainslie

$1,547,000 Home. By Holly

80 Ebden Street, Ainslie

$1,365,000 Home. By Holly

45 Diamond Street, Amaroo


LJ Hooker

116/77 Gozzard Street, Gungahlin


POD Projects Group

74 Jansz Crescent, Griffith

$1,362,500 Belle Property

23 Quinane Avenue, Forde

$1,250,000 Peter Blackshaw

under the hammer


4 Reynolds Street

39 Massey Street, Evatt

$854,000 Hackett

28 Harris Street

4 Reynolds Street, Curtin

$1,150,000 Luton Properties

1 Eaglemont Retreat, Conder


Luton Properties

28 Harris Street, Hackett


Luton Properties

23 Derwent Street, Lyons


Civium Property Group

21A Cowper Street, Ainslie


LJ Hooker

16 Isabel Flick Street, Bonner


Peter Blackshaw

5 Steele Street, Hackett


Luton Properties

19 Park Street, Queanbeyan


Ian McNamee & Partners

171 Majura Avenue, Dickson



51 Louisa Lawson Circuit, Gilmore


Luton Properties

3 Hamersley Place, Fisher


Luton Properties

UG04/86 Northbourne Ave, Braddon $469,000


18 Stieglitz Circuit, Kambah



6/1 Batchelor Street, Torrens



70 Hurley Street, Mawson


LJ Hooker

76/20 Federal Highway, Watson


LJ Hooker

79 Ballarat Street, Fisher


Luton Properties

9/51 Totterdell Street, Belconnen


LJ Hooker


14 Kangaroo Close, Nicholls


LJ Hooker

4 Hattersley Ct, Nicholls

25 Hayley Crescent, Karabar


Peter Blackshaw

71 Brudenell Drive, Jerrabomberra $658,000



28 Gilruth Street, Hackett 3


DIY Sales

9 Kinkead Street, Evatt


LJ Hooker

11 Sainsbury Street, Wanniassa


Luton Properties


Belle Property

14 Maidment Place, Kambah


Luton Properties

45 Tinderry Circuit, Palmerston


LJ Hooker

16 Ern Florence Cres, Theodore


Luton Properties

10 Scotford Street, Coombs



14/3 Peron Place, Banks


Luton Properties

130 Carruthers Street, Curtin



82/40 Philip Hodgins St, Wright


McIntyre Property

13 Collyburl Cres, Isabella Plains


The Real Estate Shop

6 Peppercorn Way, Jerrabomberra


McIntyre Property

7/5 Gould Street. Turner


LJ Hooker

45 Sid Barnes Cres, Gordon


McIntyre Property

77 Whitmore Crescent, Watson


LJ Hooker Tuggeranong

40 Boronia Street, Karabar



49/23 Aspinall Street, Watson


Luton Properties

4/21 Wiseman Street, Macquarie


Luton Properties

95 Scrivener Street, O'Connor

$1,370,000 McGrath

Data is provided by agents. Source: Realestate.com.au

68 Boldrewood Street, Turner 4



Agent: Aniko and Peter Carey 0429 487 939 Luton Properties Dickson Auction: Sat 4 March 11am


Brindabella M 0410 481 260 jeremy.maher@harcourts.com.au


Agent: Nic Salter-Harding 0412 600 085 LJ Hooker Dickson Auction: Sat 4 March 10am

Sutton Real Estate

22/8 Giles Street, Griffith



Agent: Treston Bamber 0488 488 956 Ray White Belconnen Auction: Sat 4 March 12pm


property news Home ownership dream ‘evolving’

in the spotlight VINCE PINNERI Sales / Administration Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

Before I was in real estate I was looking for my true calling, which I’m happy to say I found in real estate. If I wasn’t in real estate I would be travelling the world seeing new places, learning about different cultures and expanding my mind to endless opportunities. Over the years I have learnt to do whatever it is that makes you happy. Those you care about will be happy for you. My life is great, living in the moment and making new memories with those close to you, nothing can beat that. Nothing beats spending time with family and friends and enjoying the company of those you like the most. When I was 18, I wish I knew how important it is to find a career you are passionate about. Nothing beats the feeling of waking up every day excited to get to work. I wish I had the ability to read minds. It would make life so much easier and it would be interesting to see what’s going through another person’s mind at any given time. I bought my first house early last year. I was eager to make the jump into the property market, so after finding a suitable property I

thought ‘why not?’ My dream house would be near the beach. I’d settle for any beach location, either along some European coastline or somewhere in the Americas. The best investment I made was my Italian passport. Having the ability to travel throughout Europe with no restrictions is fantastic. The best thing to eat is mum’s homemade schnitzel. If only I could eat it every day I’d be in my happy place. I have always wanted to travel to South America visiting as many countries as I possibly could and to do a safari in South Africa, getting up close and personal with the wildlife in their own habitat. I had the time of my life when I travelled through Europe in 2013 with my cousins, visiting many countries and experiencing all the different cultures. I met so many new people along the way, some that I remain in contact with to this day. I wish I had the courage to skydive; I have always wanted to try it but never worked up the courage to take the leap. Life is what you make of it. The more experiences you gain, the better you live. My favourite pastime is playing backyard and garbage bin soccer throughout the day. If only I was a little bit of a better soccer player I would have loved to have been able to play professionally.


1 Angora Street, Harrison 4



Price range: $795,000+

1 Alroy Circuit, Hawker 4



Auction: Sat 4 March

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New data from Mortgage Choice shows 87% of Australians see freestanding home ownership as no longer achievable. Earlier this year more than 1,000 Australians were asked for their thoughts and opinions on home ownership and whether or not it remains the ‘Great Australian Dream’. “The Great Australian Dream has traditionally been seen as owning a free-standing house on a quarter-acre block in the suburbs,” Mortgage Choice CEO John Flavell said. But Australians no longer consider owning a free-standing home as the ‘Great Australian Dream’. Instead, they believe the dream has evolved to include any style or type of property. The number of apartments approved for construction doubled between 2011 and 2016 with over 100,000 authorisations last year. “While a lot of Australians are happy to buy and live in an apartment, others are only choosing this property purchasing path because they believe they cannot afford the traditional dream of a free-standing home,” Flavell said. This sentiment was reflected in the data which also shows Australians fear they may never be able to buy the type of property they desire.


brand new

LIMANI Lakeside luxury imani has been designed to offer contemporary living and maximise on its waterfront position beside Lake Tuggeranong, while maintaining an unwavering focus on privacy. The Greenway development will consist of 21 high quality townhouses designed for function, offering a collection of three- and four-bedroom options all with ensuites and double garages with internal access directly into the homes. Sam Dodimead, Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong’s Head of Projects says the key benefits of Limani

Leasing or Selling? Contact: 6262 4284

are “its waterfront location, each residence having its own street frontage, and courtyards, living spaces facing the water and generously sized living spaces”. “It’s a high end development offering the residents of Tuggeranong something they haven’t had the ability to purchase for many years now,” Dodimead says. Limani offers luxury through clever open plan design, custom built kitchens featuring stone bench tops and high quality joinery, and high ceilings to give residents the feeling of an abundance of space. Upon completion it will be the

lowest density development in the area, and the only one without apartments. “It’s considerably bigger and has more luxuries than what’s currently available for buyers to look at,” Dodimead says. “Being a townhouse with a waterfront location with uninterrupted views of the water makes the development highly sought after.” The developer and builder is Living Design Projects, the development was designed by Turco and Associates and the interiors were designed by Archertec Interiors.

Configurations include four-bedrooms, one ensuite, twobathroom, two-garage; and threebedrooms, one bath, one ensuite, two-garage. The project will be completed by mid-2018 with three-bedroom townhouses starting from $673,500. 3- and 4-bedroom townhouses EER: Min 6.0 Agent: Robert Peaker 0412 726 025 Sam Dodimead 0406 226 428 Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong Contact: 1800 629 956 Web: limanigreenway.com.au

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property of the week

How’s the serenity? MURRUMBATEMAN NSW 80 MURRUMBATEMAN ROAD n iconic, secluded 46-acre (18.7ha) Murrumbateman property is being offered for the first time in 48 years. Starting with a blank canvas 48 years ago, the owners have developed the property into one of the more private sanctuaries in the Murrumbateman district, northwest of Canberra. ‘Glenlea’ offers convenience and space to a family, with four bedrooms and three bathrooms, formal dining, a two-car garage and an in-ground swimming pool. If shedding is your desire then ‘Glenlea’ has it covered with two excellent large machinery sheds with lockable areas. The estate is equipped for horses, with three brick stables, a mounting/ washing yard, a round yard, tack room with separate office complex,

a toilet and shower as well as a separate equine surgery. Local marketing agent George Southwell says ‘Glenlea’ “is a rare find due to its size and only being one minute drive from the village of Murrumbateman and 35 minutes from the Canberra CBD. The unending potential for ‘Glenlea’ is left to your imagination”. The property is currently under the plan of possible future development into 2ha parcels, which means there’s potential for a land bank investment. According to Southwell, the proposed Barton Highway extension will not impact on any portion of the property being presented to the market. ‘Glenlea’ will be auctioned on site on Saturday 11 March at 11am if not sold prior.





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Auction: Sat 11 March 11am on site Open farm tours: Saturday 4 March 11am-12pm and Wednesday 8 March 5.30-6.30pm Land size: 18.7ha


Agent: George Southwell Mob: 0429 838 345 Ray White Rural Canberra | Yass Ph: 6230 2202

Australia lives here

Australia lives here

57 Austr


on the market

BRUCE 70/120 Thynne Street As you enter, you will be instantly impressed with the presentation and condition of this modern, ground floor, one-bedroom apartment. The open plan living area opens onto a large idyllic courtyard where the leafy surroundings are perfect for entertaining or just relaxing. With an energy efficient rating of 6.0, you’ll be comfortable throughout all of Canberra’s seasons. Situated in a quiet and private location away from the main road, you will be minutes from the Australian Institute of Sport, University of Canberra, Calvary Hospital, Westfield Belconnen, public transport and local restaurants and cafés. Suitable for either an owner occupier or an investor.




EER: 6.0 Price: $289,000+ View: Saturday 4 March 10-10.30am Agent: Kerry Henshaw Mob: 0420 521 700 Civium Property Ph: 6162 0681

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LATHAM 3 Denny Street This three-bedroom home has evolved extensively from the basic property the current owners bought 17 years ago. Extended to include a huge dining and family room flowing out through the French doors onto the rear covered deck, you can just picture being the envy of your friends. A large kitchen overlooks the manicured gardens and includes a walk-in pantry and plenty of bench space. A renovated bathroom completes the picture – all you need to do is move in and enjoy. Now it’s your turn to start your memories in this well-loved family home.




EER: 2.0 Auction: Saturday 18 March 10.30am on site View: Saturday 11.30am-12pm Agent: Chris Whittingham Mob: 0408 532 799 LJ Hooker Kippax Ph: 6255 3888

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on the market

DICKSON 6/10 Randell Street Nestled away in a quiet street, yet located within walking distance to Dickson shops and a short drive into the city, this spacious one-bedroom apartment offers the best of location, convenience and value for money. Beautifully presented and offering one bedroom with built-in robe, large bathroom, spacious kitchen with granite benchtops and breakfast bar, and open plan living area opening onto a landscaped courtyard providing year round outdoor living. The current tenant is secured in a fixed term lease agreement to May 2017 at $350 per week, allowing investors to access immediate rental income with no vacancy period or the option for a live-in owner to give notice at the end of the tenancy to take occupancy.



EER: 6.0 Price: $350,000+ View: By appointment Agent: Gerard Northey


Find out more

Mob: 0438 437 790 Ray White Belconnen Ph: 6173 6300

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on the market

MONCRIEFF ‘Maison’ Construction is well underway and due for completion in July of this year. For $348k, snap up a two-bedroom townhouse north to the rear courtyard, facing the open space green common area, with 1.5 bathrooms with oversized shower, and single carport. For $429k, a lovely three-bedroom townhouse is available with 2.5 bathrooms with a full-sized bath, plus a balcony from the main bedroom and a 48sqm double garage. Situated in the highly anticipated and sought-after suburb of Moncrieff, ‘Maison’ is a boutique development, which translates to a special “welcome home”. These architecturally designed townhouses offer the highest level of comfort, where the latest technology meets innovation and environmentally smart building options.


1.5 & 2.5


EER: 6.0 Price: $348,000-$429,000 View: Sunday 5 March 12-1.30pm Agent: Jamie McDonell Mob: 0408 413 405 iNSTYLE Estate Agents Gungahlin Ph: 6188 3860

BONNER 68 Bieundurry Street Sellers really don’t get any more motivated than this – they want this home sold on or before auction. With an emphasis on flexible and functional living inside and out, this stunning five-bedroom family residence has you covered for the growing or extended family. Spanning over two levels offering multiple living zones, this clever floorplan allows you to configure the home to meet your individual needs. The possibilities are simply endless. The well-appointed kitchen is the central hub of the home and flanked by the open plan living so the family can congregate and catch up at the end of the day while the family chef prepares.





EER: 4.5 Auction: Thursday 16 March 6pm on site Agent: Karen Lenihan

Find out more

Mob: 0432 103 953 Harcourts Brindabella Ph: 6100 6525

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Australia lives here




on the market

DEAKIN 22 Carrington Street


Perched along this idyllic tree-lined Deakin street you will find number 22. Framed by lush gardens, the home is spread over two levels. The centrepiece of this feature-packed home is the grand entertaining deck, shaded from the seasons and positioned perfectly to capture an outlook to the swimming pool. EER: 2.0

Set on a generous 23 acre land holding and offering a true rural lifestyle is this landmark home. A perfect hideaway impeccably presented and fastidiously crafted for today's living, the home is a fine example of a single level, contemporary design with no expense spared.




Auction: Saturday 18 March 10am Price: $1,300,000+ View: Saturday 4 March 9.30-10.15am Agent: Mario Sanfrancesco 0412 488 027 Peter Blackshaw Manuka Ph: 6295 2433

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Australia lives here




Auction: Saturday 25 March 10am on site View: Saturday 1.30-2.30pm; Sunday 11am-12pm Agent: Michael Potter 0413 830 598 Australia lives here One Agency Michael Potter Ph: 6162 4141

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Australia li Australia lives here

Australia lives here

Australia lives here

Australia li

DUNLOP 69 Percy Begg Circuit

MILTON NSW 38 Croobyar Road

Liveability, simplicity and energy efficiency were cornerstones in the design process to build this bespoke home. Features include open plan living, with the option to close off the family room, four bedrooms set to the rear with bathroom and ensuite plus separate water closet, designer kitchen and paved outdoor area for entertaining. EER: 6.0

Built in 1872 on nearly an acre of land (3,906sqm), and offered for sale for the first time, is this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to purchase the Uniting Church and Manse (minister’s residence) in Milton.




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Auction: Saturday 18 March 3pm on site View: Saturday 11.15am-12pm; Wednesday 5.45-6.15pm Agent: Ben Oostermeyer 0417 975 375 Luton Properties Kippax Ph: 6162 0099

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Australia lives here



Price: $1,450,000 View: Saturdays 12-12.45pm Agent: Chris Coffey Australia lives here Mob: 0488 333 003 One Agency Mollymook

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SUPER AUCTION 101 BLOCKS ON OFFER Register to bid online at:


02 6162 0681

11 Reibey Place, Curtin AUCTION: Wed 8th March 2017, 6:00pm Onsite Tucked away in the tightly held pocket of Curtin sits 11 Reibey Place. With only one sale on the street in the past 15 years this is truly a unique opportunity! Placed on a quiet street and only metres from a reserve this block is suited to the buyer looking for a family home or someone looking to build a unit title dual occupancy as variation 343 applies. • • •

897m2 block Development opportunity on flat block Tightly held location

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284


Date: Tues 7th March 2017 Time: 3:00pm Venue: Apollo Room Hellenic Club Matilda St, Woden ACT 2606

3 Mokoan Place, Duffy • • •

42 Jemalong Street, Duffy • • •

613m2 block RZ2 Build new in Duffy

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181

853m2 block RZ2 Prime residential location

Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

8 Coliban Place, Duffy Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

• • •

980m2 block Variation 343 applies Siding parkland

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284


Date: Tues 7th March 2017 Time: 3:00pm Venue: Apollo Room Hellenic Club Matilda St, Woden ACT 2606

12 Mulley Street, Holder • • •

859m2 block Dual occupancy potential Corner block

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

34 Mulley Street, Holder • • •

891m2 block Variation 343 applies Build new in Holder

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284


Date: Tues 7th March 2017 Time: 3:00pm Venue: Apollo Room Hellenic Club Matilda St, Woden ACT 2606

46 Wittenoom Crescent, Stirling • • •

1067m2 block Variaton 343 applies Huge block with large north facing boundary

27 Shenton Crescent, Stirling • • •

909m2 block Variation 343 applies Two blocks side by side

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

29 Shenton Crescent, Stirling Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

• • •

893m2 block Variation 343 applies Potential for two street frontages

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

12 Frayne Place, Stirling • • •

789m2 block Variation 343 applies Flat block in quiet location

51 Bunbury Street, Stirling Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

2 Wollaston Place, Stirling • • •

948m2 block Variation 343 applies Large corner block

• • •

844m2 block Variation 343 applies Build new in Stirling

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

9 Wittenoom Crescent, Stirling Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

• • •

724m2 block Variation 343 applies Quiet loop street

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284


Date: Tues 7th March 2017 Time: 3:00pm Venue: Apollo Room Hellenic Club Matilda St, Woden ACT 2606

20 Yanda Street, Waramanga • • •

13 Tiwi Place, Waramanga • • •

840m2 block Variation 343 applies Cul-de-sac block

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181

752m2 block Flexible rebuild options Quiet street

Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

32 Gamor Street, Waramanga Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

• • •

834m2 block Dual occupancy potential Build new in Waramanga

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

12 Warrai Place, Waramanga • • •

1277m2 block Metres from reserve Huge block with development potential

6 Dalabon Crescent, Waramanga Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

48 Gamor Street, Waramanga • • •

796m2 block Dual occupancy potential North to the rear

• • •

777m2 block Flexible rebuild options Close to shops and schools

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

36 Larakia Street, Waramanga Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

• • •

752m2 block Variation 343 applies Close to schools and shops

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284


Date: Tues 7th March 2017 Time: 3:00pm Venue: Apollo Room Hellenic Club Matilda St, Woden ACT 2606

24 Bunny Street, Weston • • •

1150m2 block Large block siding reserve Development potential on popular street

97 Hilder Street, Weston • • •

1138m2 block Variation 343 applies Views to the rear

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

1 Rowell Place, Weston Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

• • •

1037m2 block Doug O’Mara Variation 343 applies 0412 485 181 Close to schools, shops and transport Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

8 Martens Crescent, Weston • • •

771m2 block Variation 343 applies Build new in Weston

4 Shirlow Place, Weston Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

38 Rubbo Crescent, Weston • • •

847m2 block Variation 343 applies Close to schools and shops

• • •

859m2 block Variation 343 applies Build new in Weston

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

1 Martens Crescent, Weston Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

• • •

923m2 block Variation 343 applies Corner block

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

1 Leist Street, Weston • • •

1422m2 block Variation 343 applies Wide street frontage backing reserve

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284


Date: Mon 20th March 2017 Time: 3:00pm Venue: Stromlo Room Woden Tradies Club Cnr Furzer St/ Launceston St

Woden ACT 2606

87 Dunstan Street, Curtin • • •

1163m2 block Variation 343 applies North facing boundary

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

13 Jenkins Street, Curtin • • •

701m2 block Variation 343 applies Close to schools, shops and transport

37 McCulloch Street, Curtin Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

27 Wilson Street, Curtin • • •

796m2 block Variation 343 applies Quiet loop street

• • •

1106m2 block Variation 343 applies Large block backing greenspace

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

8 Daglish Street, Curtin Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

• • •

695m2 block Build new in Curtin Perfect for family home

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

16 Munro Street, Curtin • • •

986m2 block Variation 343 applies Private block backing reserve

1 Colebatch Place, Curtin Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

83 Dunstan Street, Curtin • • •

1251m2 block Flexible rebuild options Wide street frontage on quiet loop street

• • •

790m2 block Residential core area Corner block

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

8 Colebatch Place, Curtin Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

• • •

682m2 block RZ2 Close to schools, shops and transport

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

9 Colebatch Place, Curtin • • •

676m2 block RZ2 Build new in established area

5 Boucaut Place, Curtin Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

21 Jennings Street, Curtin • • •

878m2 block Dual occupancy potential Enviable location

• • •

847m2 block Variation 343 applies Build new in Curtin

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

15 Kennerley Street, Curtin Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

• • •

733m2 block Variation 343 applies Build new in Curtin

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

11 Throssell Street, Curtin • • •

758m2 block Variation 343 applies Flat block

8 Kennerley Street, Curtin Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

24 O’Shanassy Street, Curtin • • •

845m2 block Variation 343 applies Build new in Curtin

• • •

746m2 block Variation 343 applies Close to schools and shops

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

7 Peake Place, Curtin Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

• • •

1030m2 block Variation 343 applies Build new in established area

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

6 O’Shanassy Street, Curtin • • •

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181

1018m2 block Variation 343 applies Close to schools, shops and transport

Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

126 Theodore Street, Curtin • • •

926m2 block Development opportunity Corner block

8 O’Shanassy Street, Curtin Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

• • •

904m2 block Variation 343 applies Build new in Curtin

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284


Date: Mon 20th March 2017 Time: 3:00pm Venue: Stromlo Room Woden Tradies Club Cnr Furzer St/ Launceston St

Woden ACT 2606

33 Lambrigg Street, Farrer • • •

22 Pridham Street, Farrer • • •

1783m2 block Variation 343 applies Large flat block

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181

1087m2 block RZ2 Close to shops and schools

Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

23 Gatton Street, Farrer Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

• • •

1005m2 block RZ2 Close to schools and shops

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

11 Gluyas Street, Farrer • • •

1163m2 block Variation 343 applies Build new in Farrer

9 Gluyas Street, Farrer Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

41 Hawkesbury Crescent, Farrer • • •

923m2 block Variation 343 applies Backs reserve in sought after street

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

• • •

834m2 block Variation 343 applies Close to schools and shops

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

11 Marshall Street, Farrer • • •

923m2 block Variation 343 applies Close to schools, shops and transport

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

8 Gluyas Street, Farrer • • •

929m2 block Variation 343 applies Build new in Farrer

37 Lambrigg Street, Farrer Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

238 Beasley Street, Farrer • • •

1106m2 block Variation 343 applies Large flat block with wide street frontage

• • •

784m2 block Variation 343 applies North to the rear

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

20 Spafford Crescent, Farrer Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

• • •

840m2 block RZ2 Build new in established area

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

36 Spafford Crescent, Farrer • • •

840m2 block RZ2 Build new in established area

57 Pridham Street, Farrer Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

18 Roseworthy Crescent, Farrer • • •

815m2 block Variation 343 applies Flat corner block with views

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

• • •

765m2 block Variation 343 applies Build new in Farrer

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

11 Gatton Street, Farrer • • •

809m2 block Variation 343 applies Close to schools, shops and transport

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284


Date: Tues 21st March 2017 Time: 3:00pm Venue: Stromlo Room Woden Tradies Club Cnr Furzer St/ Launceston St

Woden ACT 2606

3 Neilson Street, Garran • • •

13 Becke Place, Garran • • •

916m2 block Variation 343 applies Quiet location

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181

878m2 block Variation 343 applies Build new in Garran

Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

17 Rusden Street, Garran Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

• • •

1018m2 block Variation 343 applies Large corner block

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

56 Curlewis Crescent, Garran • • •

910m2 block Variation 343 applies Build new in popular location

35 Curlewis Crescent, Garran Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

5 Flanagan Street, Garran • • •

923m2 block Variation 343 applies Build new in Garran

• • •

803m2 block Variation 343 applies Close to schools, shops and transport

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

15 Curlewis Crescent, Garran Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

• • •

859m2 block Variation 343 applies Build new in Garran

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

11Quamby Furphy Place, Garran 7 Lyons • • •

803m2 block 904m Variationin343 applies Flexible rebuild Flat block place Short walkintoquiet reserve

4 Maurice Place, Garran 49 Port Arthur Street, Lyons DougO’Mara O’Mara Doug 0412485 485181 181 0412 MattShipard Shipard Matt 0412 392284 284 0412 392

21 Rusden ChappellPlace, Street, Lyons 13 Garran • • •

628m2 block 853m Flexible rebuild options Variation 343 applies Laneway Westfield Woden Quiet andto private location

• • •

803m2 block 720m Variation 343 applies Close to schools and shops Short walk to reserve, walking and cycling tracks

Doug O’Mara O’Mara Doug 0412 485 485 181 181 0412 Matt Shipard Shipard Matt 0412 392 284 284 0412 392

Launceston Street, Lyons 389Maurice Place, Garran Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

• • •

784m22 block 961m Variation 343 applies Close street to schools and shops Quiet

Doug DougO’Mara O’Mara 0412 0412485 485181 181 Matt MattShipard Shipard 0412 0412392 392284 284


Date: Tues 21st March 2017 Time: 3:00pm Venue: Stromlo Room Woden Tradies Club Cnr Furzer St/ Launceston St

Woden ACT 2606

43 Millen Street, Hughes • • •

885m2 block Flexible in rebuild options Backs nature reserve on quiet loop street

1 Jess Place, Hughes • • •

948m2 block Development potential Corner block in central location

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

51 Birdwood Street, Hughes Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

• • •

1201m2 block Dual occupancy potential Large corner block in sought after location

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

15 Goble Street, Hughes • • •

847m2 block on quiet loop street Variation 343 applies Close to walking trails

5 Wynter Place, Hughes Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

• • •

720m2 block RZ2 Build new in Hughes

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284


Date: Tues 21st March 2017 Time: 3:00pm Venue: Stromlo Room Woden Tradies Club Cnr Furzer St/ Launceston St

Woden ACT 2606

27 Derwent Street, Lyons • • •

1100m2 block Variation 343 applies Located on quiet street

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

48 Port Arthur Street, Lyons • • •

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181

2143m2 block Development potential Tightly held location

Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

9 Breona Place, Lyons • • •

872m2 block Flexible in rebuild Quiet location

35 Tarraleah Crescent, Lyons Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

• • •

891m2 block Variation 343 applies Corner block close to local ammenities

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

7 Quamby Place, Lyons • • •

904m2 block Flexible in rebuild Short walk to reserve

49 Port Arthur Street, Lyons Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

21 Chappell Street, Lyons • • •

628m2 block Flexible rebuild options Laneway to Westfield Woden

• • •

720m2 block Variation 343 applies Short walk to reserve, walking and cycling tracks

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

89 Launceston Street, Lyons Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

• • •

784m2 block Variation 343 applies Close to schools and shops

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

4 Barrow Place, Lyons

38 Burnie Street, Lyons • • •

1207m2 block Development potential Large block with great street frontage

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

5 Tarraleah Crescent, Lyons • • •

689m2 block Variation 343 applies Close to walking and cycling tracks

• • •

1144m2 block Flexible rebuild options Close to schools, shops and transport

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

49 Devonport Street, Lyons Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

• • •

765m2 block Variation 343 applies Build new in Lyons next to park/playground

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284


13 Port & 15 Arthur McCulloch Street, Curtin 49 Street, Lyons

DETAILS: • AUCTION 904m2 block Doug O’Mara • Date: Flexible in rebuild 0412 485 181 Venue: • Tues Short walk to reserve 21st March 2017 Stromlo Room Matt Shipard Woden Tradies Club Time: 0412 392 284 Cnr Furzer St/ Launceston St 3:00pm Woden ACT 2606

21 Street, Lyons 18 Chappell & 20 Sabine Close, Garran • • •

2 628m block Total of 1764m2 Flexible rebuild options Development opportunity Laneway to Westfield Woden Total of approximately 36 metres street frontage

• • •

2 1677m2 block Total of 720m block RZ2 Variation 343 applies Total of approximately 97 metres Short walk to reserve, walking and street frontage cycling tracks

DougO’Mara O’Mara Doug 0412485 485181 181 0412 MattShipard Shipard Matt 0412 392284 284 0412 392

89 & Launceston Street,Curtin Lyons 28 30 Allan Street, Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

• • •

2 block 784mof Total 1536m2 block Variation 343 applies RZ2 Closeof toapproximately schools and shops Total 55 metres street frontage

Doug O’Mara 0412 485 181 Matt Shipard 0412 392 284

Unique opportunity in the heart of Chapman Situated on one of the most desirable streets in Chapman lies the rare opportunity to purchase a delightful home on a 1113m2 block of land. Upon entering the house, the natural light flooding throughout creates a welcoming feeling which exudes warmth and character. The home is made up of the segregated master bedroom with en-suite and walk in wardrobe. The rear of the home offers a large timber deck and spacious backyard, ideal for entertaining family & friends, while the front of the house features mature gardens providing privacy from the street and neighbours. EER: 4.5

4 • • • • • • • •

Recently renovated kitchen Separate living & family room Master with ensuite & walk-in wardrobe Ducted gas heating & Evaporative cooling Double carport Large, secure backyard Walking distance to Chapman Primary School and local shops RZ2 Zoning



AUCTION Saturday 18th March 10am INSPECT By Appointment

Matt Shipard 0412 392 284 matt.shipard@civium.com.au civium.com.au



21/14 NEW SOUTH WALES CR FORREST It doesn’t get any better than the location of this near new apartment within easy walking distance to Manuka Village, Green Square, Kingston Foreshore and the Realm Precinct. Luxury finishes and beautiful aspecting make this property a ‘must see’ for both investors and live in owners. EER: 6.0




SALE $460,000+ INSPECT Thursday 1 March 5.30 – 6.00pm

Terry Cooper 0417 710 772 terry.cooper@civium.com.au civium.com.au

2/19 MAY MAXWELL CRES GILMORE This single level home is just what you have been waiting for. You’ll see the value in this well maintained home with two generous sized bedrooms both equipped with built in robes, modern bathroom, large open living space and a landscaped private courtyard. Perfect for a downsizer, first home buyer or investor. It is not often that a property of this sort becomes available so don’t miss out. EER: 1.5



SALE $420,000+ INSPECT Saturday 11.15 – 11.45am

Kerry Henshaw 0420 521 700 kerry.henshaw@civium.com.au civium.com.au

• Civium • Civium is the only is thefullonly service full service real real estate estate agencyagency in Canberra in Canberra

• Proudly • Proudly family owned family owned and operated and operated

• Local• expertise, Local expertise, experience experience and and serviceservice

• Experts • Experts in all commercial in all commercial and and residential residential property property transactions transactions


• Award • Award winningwinning managers managers of of commercial, commercial, strata and strata residential and residential property property


Ainslie 44 Raymond Place


Edible Landscape and Stunning Garden Setting


• 3 bedroom and renovated weatherboard home

Auction Saturday 18th March at 10:00am

• Edible landscape

Venue On Site

• Crimsafe screen doors & security system

View Saturday 11:00am – 11:30am

• European kitchen appliances


• Automated irrigation system • Close to Calvert Park & Mount Ainslie Nature Reserve

Stephen Bunday 0416 014 431 Dickson 6257 2111

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Nestled in a quiet cul-de-sac in a leafy corner of Ainslie, you’ll find this renovated and immaculately presented weatherboard home. The block is a whopping 959m2 and the beautifully established gardens provide privacy, shade and an abundance of food - the owners are currently picking summer vegetables, herbs and berries and the plums are oh so close to ripe! The house itself has character and charm with a welcoming wide entry hall, sun-filled, open plan living and renovated kitchen and bathroom.




Top Floor with Lake and Sylvan Views This spacious apartment spills generously over one level and will suit those looking for a well-appointed and low maintenance home in the heart of the Inner South. A sleek kitchen furnished with SMEG appliances and thick stone bench tops, generous open plan living, secure lift access, ducted reverse cycle air conditioning and being surrounded by beautifully landscaped gardens and grounds are but some of the features on offer.



• Kitchen furnished with thick stone bench tops and SMEG appliances

Auction Wednesday 15th March at 6:00pm

• Gallery style picture rails with power for spotlights

1/182-200 City Walk, Canberra City

• Ducted reverse cycle air conditioning

View Saturday 12:00pm – 12:45pm

• Easy access to Lake Burley Griffin


• Large balcony with Vergola, outdoor power point and plumbed water tap

Venue LJ Hooker Canberra City

Andy Greenberger 0400 819 650 Weston Creek 6288 8888

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Barton 14/3 Bowen Drive


From Caterpillar To Butterfly! Come On A Journey With Me The home began its life as a basic three bedroom home but just as the caterpillar becomes a butterfly this home has become so much more. Extended to include a huge dining and family room and flowing out through the French doors onto the rear covered deck you can just picture being the envy of all of your friends. A large kitchen overlooks the manicured rear gardens and includes a walk-in pantry and loads of bench space.

• Three bedrooms – all with built in wardrobes • Multiple living areas • Mature gardens on a large 707m2 block • Covered rear deck • Close to schools, shops and public transport • Ducted gas heating • Timber flooring




Auction Saturday 18th March, 10:30am, On site View Saturday 11:30am – 12:00pm, Tuesday 5:30pm – 6:00pm ljhooker.com/ZRTF9U

Chris Whittingham 0408 532 799 Kippax 6255 3888

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Latham 3 Denny Street



Elevated family home, large flexible floor plan The owners have headed off for a tree change and are hoping the next family will love their home as much as they have.

• New curtains and carpets right through the home

With a great combination of 3 segregated living spaces, great indoor outdoor flow and generosity throughout, your family will live happily and comfortably for many years. The owners have loved being able to entertain their friends while the kids play pool in the rumpus room.

• The added bonus of a huge rumpus room

• Family room and casual dining flow out to an Alfresco area big enough for your largest of gatherings • The alfresco area is tiled with insulated roof & down lights • Garage of 66sqm with rear roller door for yard access lights • Solar panels; 5 kW & 2 water tanks



Auction Wednesday 15th March at 6:00pm Venue LJ Hooker Canberra City office, 1st Floor, 182 - 200 City Walk, City View Saturday 10:00am – 10:30am & Tuesday 5:15pm – 5:45pm ljhooker.com

Kaylene King 0409 574 178 Michelle Climpson 0408 326 896 Canberra City 6249 7700

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Ngunnawal 14 Tangari Street



Ideal for large family living – 822sqm block Nestled beautifully in one of Gungahlin’s most central suburbs with all amenities close by, this single level family home offers convenience and spacious living. The sellers have owned the home since 1993 and have now committed to selling on Auction day. • Classic 5-bedroom, single level, family home • Separate lounge, dining and family room

• Family-sized kitchen with ample bench and cupboard space, walk in pantry plus gas cooking • Large backyard for children to play • Double car accommodation • Close to Gungahlin Library, Gungahlin Leisure Centre, Palmerston Primary School, Gungahlin College, Burgmann Anglican School, public transport and the Gungahlin Market Place




Auction Saturday 11th March at 11:30am Venue On site View Sat 4th March 2:30pm – 3:00pm and Mon 6th March 5:30pm – 6:00pm ljhooker.com/1jr7gcy

Hugo Mendez 0449 557 073 Nic Salter-Harding 0412 600 085 Gungahlin 6213 3999

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Palmerston 3 Painter Place


Yass 25 Irvine Drive


Architect designed and Master built




Superb Country Residence on a Grand Scale, Unsurpassed Views

• Wonderful North facing deck and pool overlooking the valley

For Sale $898,000

• Land: 8000m2

View Saturday 4 March at 10.00-10.45am

5 bed ensuite executive residence, large study with bathroom, landscaped block, beautiful pool. Gas cooktop, quality electric appliances, kitchen with a view. Sydney blue gum flooring, 2.7m ceilings, ducted gas heating and split system air-conditioner. Ample storage, wide verandahs, excellent covered deck. JUST PERFECT!!

• Living: 250m approx



• Verandah:38.6m2, Deck: 28m2 • Aspect: South • Master built 1998, UV: $275,000, Rates: $1,800pa

Naish Stormon 0488 164 426 Gungahlin 6213 3999

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


• Garage: 44m2


Queanbeyan 9/41 Carinya Street




Well presented 3 bedroom ensuite townhouse with single garage, internal access, spacious lounge and dining area. Modern kitchen with dishwasher, electric cooktop & oven. Built in robes to bedrooms, ceiling fans and serviced by main bathroom. R/C air con, ducted gas throughout. A walk to town, great investment or starter in the market.



Room For Everyone! For Sale $410,000 View Saturday 10:30am – 11:00am ljhooker.com/TVJP

Michael Dyer 0438 174 400 Queanbeyan 6297 1744

This spacious four bedroom ensuite family home is built on one level in a great location. The floor plan has a formal lounge room, separate dining area, spacious family room with a separate powder room, modern kitchen, ensuites to 3 bedrooms + robes and solar heated pool.

For Sale $630,000 View Saturday 12:30pm – 1:15pm ljhooker.com/CAB2

Michael Dyer 0438 174 400 Queanbeyan 6297 1744

Sold Queanbeyan 33 Oleria Street




Fantastic First Home Opportunity Ideally situated on a 632m2 block and being an easy stroll to schools, parks, ovals and shops it presents a fantastic option for either families or investors. Light-filled, laminate flooring, the lounge/ dining area and family room are all serviced by a recently updated kitchen with electric appliances that overlooks the backyard.


Auction Saturday 11th March at 11:30am Venue Onsite View Saturday 10:30am – 11:00am ljhooker.com/MEC9

Jason Maxwell 0416 182 379 Queanbeyan 6297 1744

Queanbeyan 12 West Avenue

Prior to Auction




Period Style Perfect Locale Beautiful double brick cottage successfully combining a great floor plan, original features and modern conveniences with an established garden to create something special. Old world charm abounds through polished floors, fireplace, decorative ceilings and cornices that is carried through to the country style kitchen that captures natural light.

Auction Saturday 18th March at 12pm Venue On site View By Appointment ljhooker.com/Q09FAN

Jason Maxwell 0416 182 379 Queanbeyan 6297 1744

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Modern Townhouse

Queanbeyan 15 Munro Road






She’s Unstoppable! Sold. LynDaniel Chambers By Gordon


LJ Hooker Alexandria “Great service, great outcome. We highly recommend Lyn as a Lorem dolor amet, consectetur standoutipsum agent. We havesitsold several houses in Canberra over adipiscing Vestibulum recent years elit. and found her to be bibendum the best agentaliquet yet. We have and will continue to recommend her to friends who are thinking sapien quis pretium. of selling.” Dave and Lesley – Latham, ACT To fifind outwhat whatLyn Daniel To nd out can do can do for you and how for you and how to get the to get the for bestyour price for best price property your property contact me contact her today. today.

0404 0418 800 661 900 980 02 02 9000 6251 0000 1477 Street Address, 21 Benjamin Way, Suburb, NSW Belconnen, ACT office@ljh.com.au lchambers.belconnen@ljh.com.au belconnen.ljhooker.com.au office.ljhooker.com.au facebook.com/ljhbelconnen facebook.com/ljhoffice twitter.com/ljhoffice linkedin.com/in/agent

Belconnen Alexandria



Sold Sold


LJ Hooker Belconnen

3 & 4 bedroom townhouses FROM $419,900 Visit the new display office now open CNR OF CAstAN st & INgOld st, COOMBs saturday 10am - 4pm | sunday 10am - 4pm

register your interest now www.ljhookerprojects.com.au/soma OR CONtACt ANdREw lIgdOpOulOs

0408 488 148

MIN EER 6 Artists Impression

StARt pAckIng!

Apartments ready to move into mid this year.

Artists Impression

OVER 75% SOLD 1 Bedroom Apartments from $269,900

Display Office Open Every Day

1 Bedroom + Study Apartments from $289,900

Anketell Street, Greenway

2 Bedroom Apartments from $295,000

Monday to Friday 12pm - 5pm Saturday & Sunday 11am - 4pm

Features • Within the Southquay Waterfront Precinct

For more information contact

• Located in Tuggeranong Town Centre

Andrew Ligdopoulos - 0408 488 148

• Large outdoor areas for each apartment

Irene Lopez - 0447 283 052

• Quality inclusions

Or visit sq1southquay.com.au

• Designer interiors • Great views • Completion mid 2017 MIN EER 5

Recent Sales Helen Kalogris

807/240 Bunda Street, City

503/165 Northbourne Avenue, Turner

166/15 Corranderk Street, City

701/165 Northbourne Avenue, Turner

To have an award winning agent get the best result for your property, contact me today. 607/240 Bunda Street, City

For an obligation free market appraisal please contact Helen Kalogris

LJ Hooker Canberra City 0410 414 872 1st Floor, 182 - 200 City Walk CANBERRA CITY ACT 2601 helen.kalogris@ljhooker.com.au canberracity.ljhooker.com.au

12/9 Wedge Crescent, Turner

Bruce 105/29 Braybrooke Street




Mortgagee In Possession If convenience is important to you – Bruce is the place to be! Located within minutes to Westfield Belconnen, University of Canberra, GIO Stadium, Australian Institute of Sport and Calvary Hospital. Just to name a few places. Enjoy an easy care home with open plan living from the top floor of ‘Eclipse.’ 2-way bathroom with full height tiling, good size bedroom and north west facing balcony. Move in and enjoy the convenient location or add to your investment portfolio.

Auction Saturday 18th March at 11am Venue On site View Saturday 4th March 12:30 - 1pm canberracity.ljhooker.com.au

Helen Kalogris 0410 414 872 Canberra City 6249 7700

RENTING WITH LJ HOOKER Property of the week

Franklin 87 Christina Stead Street




Executive Living 5 bedroom executive home in a convenient location overlooking Christina Stead Pond and park. The two level home features 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, study, rumpus room, open plan kitchen /dining /family, and formal living opening to a private courtyard. Triple garage plus off street parking.

For Rent $850 per week Lyn Fairweather Property Manager lyn.fairweather@ljh.com.au

Gungahlin 6213 3999

For Lease

Recently Let Rent



LJ Hooker office





28 Strong Place






6241 1922


28 Mobourne Street


15 Anna Morgan Circuit




1/63A Torrens Street






6213 3999


5/48 Ijong Street




6249 7700


79/10 Ipima Street



30/21 Battye Street





6257 2111


7 Paget Street


37/136 Thynne Street






6213 3999


21 Napthali Court


6 Winchester Street






6241 1922


109/16 Moore Street

24 Renwick Street






6223 2620


36 Finemore Street


6 Turbayne Crescent






6257 2111


41/289 Flemington Road


68/329 Flemington Road






6213 3999


26 Marie Pitt Street


4 Elabana Street






6249 7700


82/75 Elizabeth Jolley Cres


4/112 Baldwin Drive






6241 1922


67/13-15 Sturt Avenue


54/5 Kerridge Street






6249 7700


2 Devlin Street


2/62 Launceston Street






6189 0100


313/50 Eastlake Parade


13 Mackie Crescent






6288 8888


106 Nemarang Crescent

per week

Tenant of the week Congratulations Robyn White, client of LJ Hooker Woden, pictured with Property Manager Leah Bates.

Each week we reward an exceptional tenant with

$150 Coles/Myer voucher CWM10677-V8

*Participating offices only: LJ Hooker Canberra City, Dickson, Gungahlin, Kaleen, Kippax, Tuggeranong, Weston Creek & Woden All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


tio n Au c Aranda 60 Barada Cres



Ray White Belconnen


EER: 1.0


Huge Block – Huge Possibilities! Situated on one of the largest parcels of residential land in Aranda, is this wonderful 5 bedroom, three bathroom family home. Your family will benefit from the flexibility that this floor plan offers with huge living, family and dining rooms, internal courtyard/sunroom and various bedrooms to suit each member of the family. As an added bonus, there is a separate self contained flat which includes bedroom, kitchen, living room, bathroom and its own hot water system.


• • • •

Large elevated home on a massive Sat 18 Mar 11.30am, On site 1940m2 block backing reserve View Saturday 4th March 12.00 – 12.45pm Pavilion style lounge and dining Andrew Lonsdale 0428 486 962 room with timber lined ceilings and parquetry floors Kitchen with gas cooking, new dishwasher and skylight Low maintenance established native gardens 6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

tio n Au c CWM1124-V4

Braddon 1/59 Torrens Street




EER: 4.5

Boutique three bedroom townhouse in prime location


Privately positioned at the front of a small boutique complex of only five townhouses, is this well maintained and delightful three bedroom ensuite single level residence. The quality building provides lovely street appeal and follows a federation style whilst offering all the modern conveniences of city living. If you work in the city, simply leave your car at home and walk to work, and never pay for car parking again!

Thursday 16 March at 6pm, Belconnen Arts Belconnen

Ray White Belconnen

• • • • • •

Three bedrooms; all with built in robes Segregated and spacious master bedroom with views to Mount Ainslie Modern ensuite and main bathroom both with skylights Open plan living room, dining and kitchen Ducted gas heating throughout Leafy and private courtyard

View Sunday 5th March 10.00 – 10.45am Phyllis Tidmarsh 0439 795 369

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

tio n Au c Cook 17 Biffin Street



Ray White Belconnen


EER: 0.0


The possibilities are endless! If you have been patiently waiting for the opportunity to enter the tightly held Cook property market, then this home could be the perfect place for you to start! This three bedroom home is light, airy and in excellent original condition. With the home ready for a new buyer, you can move straight in and add your own personal touches, commence renovations or take advantage of the flat block and extend to the existing home.


• • • • • •

Excellent original condition three bedroom home; two with built in robes Open plan kitchen and dining room with views to Mt Painter Updated bathroom in neutral tones Freshly painted throughout Spacious and light filled living room Ducted RC/AC throughout

Saturday 18 March at 10:30am, on site View Thursday 2 March 6:15 - 6:45pm Sunday 5 March 11:30am - 12:15pm Phyllis TIdmarsh 0439 795 369

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

tio n Au c Evatt 9 Slater Place



Ray White Belconnen


EER: 1.0


Simply Stunning Upon entering you are greeted with beautiful floating floors leading into the spacious lounge room that offers an abundance of natural light. You will be delighted with the kitchen that features stone benchtops, stainless steel BOSCH appliances and ample storage space. The adjacent dining area opens to a large deck via double glazed sliding doors. The split level design provides 3 bedrooms, two with BIR’s and the main bedroom with its own ensuite.


• • • • • • • •

Located at the end of a Cul-De-Sac Main bedroom with Ensuite Hardwood decks front and back Ducted gas heating throughout Air conditioning to living spaces Stone bench tops, stainless steel appliances Freshly painted throughout Double carport

Sat 18 Mar 12.30pm, on site View Saturday 4th March 11 – 11.40am Liam Wilson 0405 056 844

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

tio n Au c Florey 1 Carne Place



Ray White Belconnen


EER: 2.0


Perfectly Positioned Offering single level living, separate living areas and renovated kitchen this home is ideal for all types of buyers. A generously proportioned master bedroom features walk in robe and is segregated from the other two bedrooms. Both additional bedrooms feature built in robes with accommodation being serviced by ensuite to main and two-way bathroom. At the centre of the home, the full-size renovated kitchen includes quality appliances, stone benchtops and open plan with the family/meals area.


• • • • • •

Segregated living areas Master suite with ensuite and WIR Built in robes to remaining bedrooms Renovated kitchen, quality appliances, stone benchtops Solid timber floors to kitchen and family/meals area Atrium to the lounge room, ideal for drawing natural light into the property

Sat 18 Mar 11.30am, On site View By appointment Gerard Northey 0438 437 790

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

tio n Au c Kaleen 19 Sherlock Street



Ray White Belconnen


EER: 3.0


An Abundance of Space & Opportunity! An outstanding opportunity exists to secure a welldesigned home on a generous 1,374m2 block in the highly sought after suburb of Kaleen. This delightful home consists of a 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom floor plan upstairs with a 2 bedroom self-contained flat downstairs; perfect for growing or established families who appreciate large spaces along with peaceful surrounds and Kaleen amenities. They don’t make blocks this size anymore!


• • • • • •

1,374m block – 378m living Segregated master bedroom with ensuite Updated kitchen with dishwasher Ducted gas heating throughout 2 bedroom self-contained flat downstairs with updated kitchen Mountain views 2


Thursday 16 March at 6pm, Belconnen Arts Centre View By appointment Sebastian Gutierrez 0422 184 992

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

Murrumbateman 3076 Barton Highway



Ray White Belconnen



Serene Rural Bliss On the Canberra side of Murrumbateman you’ll find this outstanding lifestyle property with immaculately presented fully renovated homestead presenting as an idyllic rural retreat. A manageable level to undulating 50 acres with a mix of native bushland and open pasture positioned well back from the road in a private and serene oasis like setting. The home is surrounded by lush green lawns and well-manicured array of evergreen foliage due to ample water supply.


• • • •

Immaculately fully renovated 4 bedroom ensuite home Rumpus/bedsitter with kitchenette, ensuite and own separate entrance Hydronic heating with wood-fire boiler & reverse cycle air-conditioning 6 stock-proof paddocks, 2 dams and excellent bore to garden irrigation

$1,350,000 to $1,480,000 View By Appointment Mark Johnstone 0414 382 093

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

tio n Au c Nicholls 162 Temperley Street



Ray White Belconnen


EER: 3.5


Family Home in a Prestige Location Located in prestigious Harcourt Hill in Nicholls, this exceptional home provides unrestricted family living with its versatile floorplan and easy care secure gardens. Enjoy the ease of living in this well thought out design which encompasses large open plan living areas and formal dining, a beautifully appointed kitchen, generous sized bedrooms and bathrooms to service all areas of the home.


• • • • • •

Large functional kitchen Spacious open plan family & meals area Generous sized master bedroom with his & hers walk in robe & ensuite In-slab heating & ceiling fans Sunroom entertaining area Double garage with internal access & remote entry

Thursday 16 March at 6pm, Belconnen Arts Centre View Saturday, 4 March 12:00 – 12:45pm Mark Johnstone 0414 382 093

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

tio n Au c Scullin 52 Hinkler Street



Ray White Belconnen


EER: 1.5


Comfort and Convenience in the Heart of Belconnen This north facing 4 bedroom ensuite home is on a large 742m2 block, with a practical floor plan, providing options to decorate to your own taste! Tradies will delight in the ample space for cars/ trucks and tools and a large backyard with plenty of space for kids and pets. Offering a spacious living room, updated kitchen overlooking the backyard, master bedroom with walk-in- robe, abundant storage spaces, freshly painted throughout, and double garage.


• • • •

Perfect orientation with north facing living areas Central lounge room and dining room Updated kitchen with new dishwasher, Omega oven and overlooking backyard Master bedroom with ensuite and walk-in robe

Saturday 25th March, On site at 11am View Sat 10.40 -11.40am Andrew Lonsdale 0428 486 692

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

tio n Au c Weetangera 1/38 Bambridge Street



Ray White Belconnen


EER: 2.0


A Rare Offering Check out this light & sunny 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom recently renovated duplex in the sought-after residential neighbourhood of Weetangera. The home offers a new kitchen with glass cooktop, and single drawer dishwasher, spacious lounge area plus a beautiful rear deck with shade cloth, perfect for entertaining in the warmer months! If you are shopping for ease of living, value and convenience come and visit the open house or call for inspection details.


• • • • •

2 large bedrooms, one both with built in robes plus 2 other built in storage cupboards Spacious open plan living area Reverse cycle air conditioning wall unit European style laundry Tri-fold doors opening onto the rear deck with shade cloth

Sat 18 Mar 9.30am – On site View Thu 5.30 – 6.00pm, and Sat 9.00 – 9.30am Treston Bamber 0488 488 956

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

Queanbeyan 5/1a Davison Street Great Investment Opportunity

Googong 115 Gorman Drive 2



This fantastic two bedroom unit Sale presents an ideal option for the $330,000 downsizer or investor. Situated in a View By appointment quiet complex and a convenient short drive to Queanbeyan CBD. The feature Ben Mills 0420 304 431 of the property would be the lock up garage, with plenty of storage space. All this situated in a well maintained 6299 4333 complex close to public transport. raywhitequeanbeyan.com.au

Ray White Queanbeyan | Jerrabomberra are delighted to present this lovely family home to the market. The has above average quality inclusions and must be seen. Waiting for the right family, this ideal four bedroom home is conveniently located within close proximity to the school, Beltana park, Club Googong and the planned Googong shopping precinct.



$660,000 – $680,000 View By appointment Brad O’Mara 0402 343 771 6299 4333 raywhitequeanbeyan.com.au

Ray White Queanbeyan|Jerrabomberra

Queanbeyan 4/19 Torpy Place

Queanbeyan 26/12 Waniassa Street

Raywhite Queanbeyan/Jerrabomberra is delighted to present this lovely 3 bedroom, two story townhouse in the ever popular Jerrabomberra. Located in a quiet cul de sac and well off main streets, this neat and tidy three bedroom townhouse has more living area than one would expect.




Sale $530,000 View Sat 12.00 – 12.30pm Ben Mills 0420 304 431 6299 4333 raywhitequeanbeyan.com.au

Ray White Queanbeyan|Jerrabomberra

Executive 3 bedroom apartmentIt is all about the lifestyle. Beautifully presented executive three bedroom apartment with panoramic views across park lands and river. Located on the North-West corner of this centrally positioned complex; this property offers peace, privacy and unbeatable scenic views.



Ray White Queanbeyan|Jerrabomberra

Low Maintenance in a Great Location


Comfortable and spacious family home awaiting You




Sale $429,000 View By appointment Brad O’Mara 0402 343 771 6299 4333 raywhitequeanbeyan.com.au

Ray White Queanbeyan|Jerrabomberra

Bonner 68 Bieundurry Street





Auction • 243m2 of flexible living zones including under cover alfresco dining • Double glazed windows with quality blinds and curtains • 5 bedrooms – 2 master suites one with separate instant HWS • Ducted Evap cooling and ducted gas heating • Well- appointed and spacious kitchen • EER 4.5

Thursday 16 March 6.00pm (On Site) View Saturday 4 March, 2.30-3pm Wednesday 8 March, 6.15-6.45pm harcourts.com.au/NGN2562

Karen Lenihan M 0432 103 953 Karen.lenihan@harcourts.com.au


Sellers have already moved out With an emphasis on flexible and functional living inside and out, this stunning family residence has you covered for the growing or extended family. Spanning over 2 levels offering multiple living zones, this clever floorplan could easily become a 6 bedroom residence, the possibilities are endless. The home exudes an abundance of natural light and lovely views across the district from the upper level where you can admire our stunning sunsets and a relaxed atmosphere.


Casey 22 Westerman Street





• Ducted gas heating and ducted evaporative cooling. • Neutral decor • Double lock up garage • Well established garden with plenty of room for the kids to play • EER 5.5

Saturday 18 March at 10am on site View Saturday 4 March 12:30 – 1pm Wednesday 8 March 5:15 – 5:45pm harcourts.com.au/NGN2567 Jeremy Maher M: 0410 481 260 @harcourts.com.au Karen Lenihan M: 0432103953 @harcourts.com.au



Easy Living, Location Plus You will be the envy of all your family and friends when you move in. Easy living with all the amenities just around the corner, a fabulous home with nothing to do accept move in and enjoy. • 3 bedrooms, master includes ensuite, WIR and balcony • Formal and informal living spaces • Inviting undercover alfresco • Well - appointed kitchen with an abundance of cupboard and bench space.


Crace 11 Digby Street





fire up the pizza oven. Envious location adjacent to the Crace park and an easy stroll to the local shopping precinct completes your family lifestyle. • Formal and informal living • Master bedroom complete with ensuite, WIR and balcony • Well- appointed kitchen with loads of cupboard and bench space • Alfresco complete with pizza oven • Ducted heating and cooling

Saturday 18the March 11.30 am on site View Saturday 4 March 1:30 – 2pm & Tuesday 7 March 6:15 – 6:45pm harcourts.com.au/NGN2565 Jeremy Maher M: 0410 481 260 @harcourts.com.au Karen Lenihan M: 0432 103 953 @harcourts.com.au



Space Comfort and Lifestyle Positioned in the thriving suburb of Crace is this impressive four-bedroom family home. With nothing to do but move in and unpack this home is captivating the moment you step foot in the door. Featuring a modern and sophisticated floorplan comprising of all living spaces downstairs and sleeping quarters upstairs with the exception of bedroom 4 located on the lower level and complimented by a two-way bathroom. The outdoor zone includes a pool to enjoy in the summer months and when it cools down, retreat to the alfresco, close the blinds and


Forde 36 Justice Kelly Street





• 4 bedrooms, master segregated and includes ensuite and WIR • Formal and informal living spaces • Rumpus with direct access to the alfresco and garden • Well - appointed kitchen with an abundance of cupboard and bench space. • Servery window from kitchen to alfresco • Ducted gas heating and ducted evaporative cooling • EER 5

Saturday 18 March, 1pm on site View Saturday 4 March, 10-10.30am Tuesday 7 March, 5.15-5.45pm harcourts.com.au/NGN2567 Jeremy Maher M: 0410 481 260 @harcourts.com.au Karen Lenihan M: 0432103953 @harcourts.com.au



Justice For The Whole Family Great location situated adjacent to Muligan’s Flat Nature Reserve and within walking distance to all the amenities Forde has to offer. If you are in the market for a spacious 4 bedroom family home, put this one to the top of your list. Positioned on a larger than usual 685m2 parcel of land, so plenty of room for the kids to play in your private and well established gardens, a tranquil space the whole family can enjoy.


Forde 25 Ray Ellis Cres





Auction formal living, light an airy open plan kitchen, family meals and flanked by not one, but 2 alfresco dining options. • Segregated master bedroom complete with ensuite and walk in robe • Remaining 3 bedrooms are large with walk in robes and study nooks • Bedroom 2 has added bonus of an ensuite • Flexible living zones • EER 5.0

Saturday 4 March 11.30am (On Site) View Saturday March 4 11am harcourts.com.au/NGN2564 Jeremy Maher M 0410 481 260 jeremy.maher@harcourts.com.au Karen Lenihan M 0432 103 953 karen.lenihan@harcourts.com.au


Auction This Weekend This stunning 4 bedroom residence located in a quiet loop street overlooking a pond and walking track provides a tranquil sense of space in the middle of suburbia. This home offers exceptional quality and spacious interiors with effortless flow inside and out. It is evident that this home has been designed with family living in mind, the floor plan is flexible and has been well executed and provides separate zones for each family member to enjoy. The central hub consists of a



One Of The Best Locations In Canberra This renovated Tocumwal home sits on a large 780sqm allotment of land located in one of Canberra’s most sought after inner north suburbs. Positioned on a quiet cul-de-sac within short walking distance to O’Connor shops and schools. This tightly held street has an amazing community feeling and part of the attraction is to become part of this friendly neighbourhood. The home offers a very versatile floorplan perfect for families or to be customized for someone who wants separate


living areas. Light filled and free flowing the home has solar passive features that ensure you will feel comfortable regardless of weather conditions. • Triple-glazed tilt and turn windows & ceiling fans • Updated and modern kitchen with gas stovetop and plenty of bench space • User friendly gardens with vegetable patches and warm outlook • Solar hot water and panels feeding back to the grid • EER 4.0




Auction Saturday 18th March at 3pm, on site View Saturday 4 March 11.00am – 11.30am harcourts.com.au/NGN2574

Kostya Logvinov M 0421 485 758 kostya.logvinov@harcourts.com.au


O’Connor 7 Busby Street

Wamboin 244 Weeroona Drive


WE ARE OUT OF HERE AND NEED TO BE SOLD Located only 30 minutes from Canberra’s CBD, it’s an equal balance between country and city life. Perched on a 15-acre parcel of land you will find a spacious and family orientated home with all the lifestyle comforts you desire. For those with horses or a business where you need to accommodate machinery and trucks, this is the one for you. This property is a must inspect for those in the market seeking to tick boxes for the whole family. Don’t


miss this fantastic buying opportunity, call Jeremy or Karen now! • Master bedroom with WIR and spa-bathed ensuite • Remaining 3 bedrooms with BIR • Spacious kitchen with an abundance of cupboard and bench space • Multple living spaces, inside and out. Pool with fabulous adjoining alfresco with fireplace • Huge shed and plenty of room for machinery • Perfect property for the horse lovers


For Sale $1,100,000 View By appointment harcourts.com.au/2523 Jeremy Maher M 0410 481 260 jeremy.maher@harcourts.com.au Karen Lenihan M 0432 103 953 karen.lenihan@harcourts.com.au


Room For Trucks, Ponies and Pool Parties


17 Buckley Place, Royalla Estate 5 |


3 |

8 |

Live in or invest – retreat A stunning country Best of both worlds! For auction For sale $735,000+


Sat 1:45-2:30pm


Scott 0417 292 733


• Built in robes in all bedrooms 3 of Royalla 3 Estate’s distinguished, 6 to one Welcome landmark homes, poised on a generous • 3rural Bathrooms 23 acre land holding and offering a true lifestyle in a location that is totally peaceful and • 2 kitchens unspoilt. • Solar heated salt water pool 17 Buckley Place is the perfect hideaway retreat and ideal for the expanding family. It • Separately metered flat is impeccably presented and fastidiously craftedgas for heating today’s living and • Ducted 0 represents a fine example of a single level, contemporary design with a no expense spared, 5 year old For saleconstruction. $735,000+The segregatedViewing Sat(480m 1:45-2:30pm 2 under roofline) are graced with quality proportions a welcoming entry on arrival, vast, separate, light-filled living areas that all flow seamlessly Contact Scott 0417 292 together, opening onto an impressive alfresco entertaining area733 which is adjacent to a refreshing, solar heated, in-ground pool. Seeing is believing!

Live in or invest – Best of both worlds!

Auction Sat 25 Mar, 10am, on site Viewing Sat 4 Mar, 1.30 – 2.30pm Sun 5 Mar, 11 - 12 noon Email michaelp@oneagency.com.au Contact Michael Potter 0413 830 598 Alisa Lawrence 0404 066 119

9 Couchman Cres, Chisholm 3 |

1 |


Outstanding Value For Money auction


This beautifully presented 3 bedroom family home is exactly what you have been looking for. Situated on a large 1157m2 block, the house consists of two separate living areas, Three good sized bedrooms with built in robes. The main living area has double stacker doors that open out to a large timber deck. Outside the features continue with a great entertaining and BBQ area, well established gardens a large Colorbond 7m x 9m, shed with studio and carport. EER: 1.5

Auction Viewing Website Contact Office

Sat 18 March 12pm, on site Sat 4 Mar 11:30am – 12:15pm www.oneagency.com.au James Fricker 0414 730 849 02 6152 8374 PO Box 313, Holt ACT 2615


39 Phillip Ave, Watson 3 |

1 |


Versatile inner north living auction


Built in 1965, this solid brick home will suit a range of buyers from those seeking a move-in ready family home to anyone looking for a property with real potential. The opportunities to add value to number 39 Phillip Avenue are endless. There’s space to extend, simply refresh the exterior or add your own personal touches throughout. If you’re looking for a forever home, the interior has been partially renovated already and features a new kitchen, vaulted high ceilings, plantation shutters, renovated bathroom and a fresh coat of paint so you can simply move in and enjoy your new home. The choice is yours. EER: 1.5

Auction Viewing

Website Contact Office

Sat 18 Mar, 11am, on site Thur 6 – 6.30pm Sat 10 – 10.45am Sun 10 – 10.30am www.oneagency.com.au June Kirk 0418 254 770 1800 261 517


Artist impression

Display home photo example only




Are you putting up with poor property management service? Are you spending your time chasing your property manager? Is your rent below market value? Are you losing money from lost rent or poor maintenance? Does your property manager change every 6 months? Do you have to wait days for a reply email or phone call?

IF YOUR ANSWER WAS YES TO ANY OF THESE QUESTIONS, YOU NEED TO TALK TO US TODAY! You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Transferring from your current property manager to One Agency Gamarra & Co has never been easier - simply contact us, and we can take over the entire process, you don’t have to do a thing. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy having a dedicated One Agency Gamarra & Co property manager do all the work!

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One Agency Gamarra & Co is committed to landlords... EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE – GUARANTEED! We are not a traditional real estate agency where our focus is predominately on sales – we are passionate about property management, and providing an industry leading service at a reasonable price. You will always receive immediate, personal, experienced service from one of the Directors - guaranteed. WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY! We don’t believe in hidden extras*. Our management fee is a simple 7.7% with no hidden charges. We don’t charge for inspections or a fee to pick up the phone and answer your call. We believe in transparency, honesty, and value for money. We also guarantee our service, if at any point you are not happy with the service received, we will refund your fees. No questions asked. WE WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR YOU Communication is key. At One Agency Gamarra & Co, we abide by a strict close of business policy - your email or call will always be answered on the same day, and we aim for a 24 hour turn around. You deal exclusively with Bryan (the Principal), therefore guaranteeing the highest level of personal service. YOUR INVESTMENT IS IN THE MOST CAPABLE HANDS As professional investors ourselves, we provide a truly unique approach to property management. Having bought, rented and sold numerous personal investments, as well as being involved in residential development, Bryan has an intimate understanding of the rental market and how to best market and manage your property. One Agency Gamarra & Co offers one of Canberra’s lowest all inclusive management fees of 7.7%, while providing an exceptional level of marketing, including professional photos as standard. Mention this offer & receive your Early Easter gift from One Agency Gamarra & Co and get 3 months FREE from any management fees. *Conditions apply

Bryan Gamarra One Agency Gamarra & Co level 9, 2 Phillip Law Street, Acton ACT 2601 Email bryang@oneagency.com.au Phone 0405 660 842 Office 02 6243 3693

ONE BIG ANNOUNCEMENT The team at ONEAGENCY Michael Potter welcomes

ALISA LAWRENCE With 12 years industry experience, suburb records and a healthy fan base, Alisa is looking forward to continuing her real estate journey with an agency that prides itself on a ONE on ONE personal service, sharp, contemporary marketing, successful sales and negotiation techniques and a client interaction that is open and honest.

Let Alisa’s passion for property be the difference to your next real estate experience.


0404 066 119 | alisal@oneagency.com.au


Suite 6, 61 Dundas Court Phillip ACT 2606 Ph: 6162 4141 www.oneagency.com.au

MANAGEme will make your goal, our goal e Ym BU

e Ym BU 2 BED – 2 BATH – 2 CAR

8/2 Adair Street, SCULLIN • • • •



Excellent investment or live in Quiet location, great views Current tenant in place EER: 6 stars

2 bed – 1 bath – 2 car

• District views of parkland • Entry level townhouse • Sought after location

For INSPECTme times, visit managemecanberra.com.au

For INSPECTme times, visit managemecanberra.com.au

Amy Taylor

e Ym BU

e Ym BU

26 Casilda Street, HARRISON • • • •

31/15 Andersch Street, CASEY

4 BED – 2 BATH – 2 CAR

1 BED – 1 BATH – 1 CAR


Lovely family home Low maintenance yard Excellent location EER: 5.5 Stars

47/11 Trevillian Quay, KINGSTON • • • •

For INSPECTme times, visit managemecanberra.com.au


Kingston Foreshore location Light filled & spacious Pool & gym in complex EER: 6 Stars For INSPECTme times, visit managemecanberra.com.au

BUYme SELLme RENTme MANAGEme Contact Amy today CWM10573-V8

0418 645 095



www.managemecanberra.com.au ACN: 167 913 724 | ABN: 27 167 913 724

D I S P L AY O P E N TH I S W E E K E N D T H Y N N E S T, B R U C E 1 0A M - 3 P M S AT & S U N






l Sa e Bonner 11 Ida West Street - Impressively positioned is this large 199m² (approx.) home directly facing reserve with a picturesque outlook. An elevated home with street appeal, ffer r Ostunning Undekitchen offering four spacious bedrooms, large living areas, a designer with large island bench top, covered alfresco and room for a trailer or boat to the side of the house. EER 5.


Open Sale Call






By appointment $730,000+ Jason Roses 0431 419 847

l Sa e City 510/19 Marcus Clarke Street - This stunningly located north-facing apartment overlooks the beautiful internal courtyard of The New Acton Precinct. An elegant and sophisticated property with designer finish, offering three generous bedrooms, three bathrooms, designer kitchen and a large spacious living area, with a total living area of 138m² (approx.). EER 6.


Open Sale Call






Saturday 12.45-1.15pm $1,050,000+ Jason Roses 0431 419 847

n io

ct Au Macquarie 49 Blackman Crescent - This delightfully charming residence is positioned in a quiet leafy street directly opposite parkland. Offering four bedrooms, plus study and ensuite, whilst being surrounded by mature and private gardens. Macquarie is highly sought-after due to his central position to many fantastic amenities. The property is also located in rare RZ2 Zoning. EER 1.5.








Saturday 12-12.30pm Wednesday 5.30-6pm Auction On site 12noon, Saturday 25 March Call Jason Roses 0431 419 847

n io

ct Au Pearce 81 Macfarland Place - A beautiful and spacious three bedroom home that has been delicately renovated throughout, exuding a stylish charm rarely seen. Positioned on prime real estate with a large 933m² (approx.) parcel of land. The perfect home to live in or even possibly extend in the near future in one of Woden’s most premium and sought-after locations, it is well worth investing in this unbelievable property. EER 0.5.








Saturday 10-10.30am Tuesday 5.30-6pm Auction On site 10am, Saturday 25 March Call Jason Roses 0431 419 847

l Sa e Bonner 90 Stanner Circuit - Elevated proudly on a peaceful and premium pocket of Bonner, comes this beautifully finished family home. Mere minutes from the Gungahlin Marketplace, great schools and newly opened shops. Displaying faultless attention to detail throughout, it offers a low-maintenance lifestyle with superb outdoor entertaining spaces and enough room to easily accommodate large and growing families. EER 5.


Open Sale Call






Saturday 11-11.45am $999,000+ Nick Paine 0421 794 404

n io

ct Au Garran 6/1 Eldridge Crescent - Nestled in a delightfully leafy complex just a stroll away from The Canberra Hospital, this engaging, light-filled, two-storey executive townhouse will please the most discerning buyers. Offering soaring light-filled living areas, three bedrooms, three bathrooms, double garage with internal access, private front courtyard and a location second to none. Close to Woden town centre, schools, main transport routes. EER 5.5.







Open Saturday 12.45-1.30pm Auction On site 10am, Saturday 25 March Call Christine & Jane 0409 042 396

n io

ct Au

n io

ct Au Dunlop 8 Godson Place Spacious and inviting, this glorious five bedroom home awaits the most discerning buyer. EER 4.








Sat 11-11.45am Wed 12.30-1.15pm Auction On site 4pm, Sat 18 March Call Adrian 0419 627 449








Sat 10-10.45am Tues 5.30-6pm Auction On site 2pm, Sat 18 March Call Kate 0417 676 169

l Sa

l Sa


e Griffith 21/8 Giles Street Spacious two bedroom, easy lifestyle apartment in a highly desirable location. EER 4.5.

Garran 45/2 Eldridge Crescent Ideally located three bedroom plus study townhouse with double garage. EER 4.


Open Sale Call






Sat 10.45-11.30am $478,000 Natasha 0434 104 556

Lyneham 5A/60 Wattle Street Bamboo flooring and marble bench top in the renovated kitchen - a must to inspect. EER 4.


Open Sale Call






Sat 9.30-10am $299,000 Christine & Jane 0409 042 396


Queanbeyan 6 Bowers Place Open Saturday 11:30am – 12:00pm Rare Opportunity – Block of 6 x 1 Bedroom Units


• • • •

Single level development on 1 title. Estimated gross annual rental income $60,320. Complex is in very good condition throughout. Ideal for self managed super fund.




• Quiet cul-de-sac position. • All units have allocated carport. • First time offered for sale since construction.

Peter Stumbles 0418 630 002 Jon Stumbles 0418 162 701

Elders Queanbeyan, 20 Monaro Street, Queanbeyan 02 6297 3333


Saturday 4 March at 12:00pm, On site


Belconnen 6251 9111

Gungahlin 6241 9444

Manuka 6295 2433

Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6297 0005

South Molonglo 6175 7440

Tuggeranong 6296 7077

Woden & Weston Creek 6282 4488


Belconnen 6251 9111

Gungahlin 6241 9444

Manuka 6295 2433

Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6297 0005

South Molonglo 6175 7440

Tuggeranong 6296 7077

Woden & Weston Creek 6282 4488


Belconnen 6251 9111

Gungahlin 6241 9444

Manuka 6295 2433

Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6297 0005

South Molonglo 6175 7440

Tuggeranong 6296 7077

Woden & Weston Creek 6282 4488



Belconnen 6251 9111

Gungahlin 6241 9444

Manuka 6295 2433

Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6297 0005

South Molonglo 6175 7440

Tuggeranong 6296 7077

Woden & Weston Creek 6282 4488


2 2

Belconnen 6251 9111

Gungahlin 6241 9444

Manuka 6295 2433

Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6297 0005

South Molonglo 6175 7440

Tuggeranong 6296 7077

Woden & Weston Creek 6282 4488

Belconnen 6251 9111

Gungahlin 6241 9444

Manuka 6295 2433

Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6297 0005

South Molonglo 6175 7440

Tuggeranong 6296 7077

Woden & Weston Creek 6282 4488



io ct

“Results built on relationships”


CITY 1205/19 MARCUS CLARKE STREET Chic 2 Bedroom Apartment in NewActon South - 12th Floor with sweeping views





Investors and live in owners be quick to inspect and purchase this executive 2 bedroom apartment in the very popular and sought after New Acton South Complex, showcasing inner-city living at its very best and taking full advantage of a northerly aspect with City and Mountain views. NewActon South is arguably one of Canberra’s best located, most thoughtfully designed and exquisitely fitted-out complex. Featuring high level inclusions such as top-end Miele appliances, wireless internet access, high-level security, including basement car parking for two cars and environmentally responsible features throughout. The apartment is spacious and well designed with large built-in robes, a luxurious ensuite, double vanity, bath and separate shower. Generous sized dining and living areas flow onto a spacious balcony which is ideal for indoor outdoor living and entertaining. EER 6 Auction Saturday 18th March 10:00am, on site View: Saturday 4th March 11:30am - 12:15pm


io ct


CURTIN 54 JAMES STREET Builder’s Family Home





First time offered, this impressive builder’s residence has been in the one family for over 50 years. Built with love and beautifully maintained over the years, it has a rich and timeless character that exudes warmth and tranquility. Set in a quiet loop street with a blue ribbon address, it is conveniently located close to all the wonderful amenities that the area has to offer including local shops, schools, transport, restaurants, parks, bike paths, bushland, Woden Plaza and the Canberra Hospital, just to name a few. Thoughtfully extended over the years, the very flexible floor plan boasts formal and informal living areas, 4 bedrooms, segregated master bedroom with ensuite, downstairs studio, storeroom/wine cellar, lockup garage with huge workshop area and several additional storage areas, ideal for the large family. EER:1.5 Auction Saturday 11th March at 10:00am, on site, open 30 minutes prior to auction View: Saturday 4 March 10:00am - 10:45am & Wednesday 8 March 5:30pm - 6:00pm

Paul Sutton 0407 099 175

Robyn Sutton 0409 442 484





Information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable, however we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided and interested parties should solely rely on their own enquiries.

22 Tanderra Crescent Ngunnawal 4 Beds 3 Baths 2 Cars

Occupying a premier position in one of the areas most exclusive enclaves, this superb four bedroom plus rumpus home with over 495sqm of total living provides a unique sanctuary of style, space and privacy. Enjoying oversized living combined with fantastic entertaining spaces, all sited on an elevated 1,187sqm block with great views.

For sale price guide over $1.25m View Saturday 1.45pm-2.30pm Agent Justin Taylor 0414Â 701Â 465 Belconnen/Gungahlin office 6123 8000 EER 2.5





14 Robertson St




Queanbeyan Quality family home in a great location

Guide $580,000

This wonderful four bedroom home is nestled in a great position just off Lanyon Drive, with easy

Jeremy Francis 0418 429 470

access to major arterial roads that offer a direct drive into Canberra, Fyshwick, Hume and the

Ph: 6185 0900

airport. Located in the very central Queanbeyan West area, you will only be minutes walk to a


number of parkland areas and local primary and high schools, as well as just a short drive into Queanbeyan’s central shopping precinct.

Exchange contracts Now on $0 and move in this year!** Special offer $3,500 worth of fridge, washing machine & window coverings! Call Jamie McDonell from iNSTYLE Estate Agents on 0408 413 405 / 1300 208 865 jamie@instyleagents.com.au Call Alex Eimerl from Project Property Group on 0409 007 313 / alex@projectpropertygroup.com.au


Visit the 3PG Display suite Saturday: 1.45pm – 3pm Sunday: 12pm – 1.30pm Mirrabei Dr Moncrieff. Maison maisonmoncrieff.com.au

*Available to 3 bedroom purchasers that choose a townhouse for purchase from 23rd February and exchange a contract of sale by 31st March 2017 **5% deposit due on or before April 28th 2017

Construction Underway

Resort Style Living, everyday…

2, 3 & 4 Bedroom Townhouses

DA APPROVED = Peace of Mind Viewing Suite NOW OPEN

Saturday: 1.45pm – 3pm

Sunday 12pm – 1.30pm Mirrabei Drive Moncrieff Maison 2nd Edition

Call Jamie McDonell from iNSTYLE Estate Agents on 0408 413 405 / 1300 208 865 jamie@instyleagents.com.au


Call Alex Eimerl from Project Property Group on 0409 007 313 alex@projectpropertygroup.com.au

rt of Living 329

Opus is the perfect boutique development in FROM

NOW SELLING NOW SELLING NOW SELLING Award winning architect NOW– DNA Lock up garages SELLING

$ k $329k $329automation ktownhouses art home » droom $329k y design » a’s fastest growing and most sought after areas $329 k Canberra’s ngs » best natural NOW The Art of Living NOW $ 329 kthe SELLING $ 329 k ment in which to start next chapter of NOW playground on your doorstep NOW DAyour l SELLING ar EER, some with The NOW $ 329 k of Living 2, 3 & 4Art bedroom townhouses SELLING APPROVED $ 329 k SELLING $ 329 k $ 329 $ 329 k k SELLING $ 329 k reen credentials The » 12kms to the city, 7kms to Wode oftownhouses Living 2, 3 & 4Art bedroom FROM FROM FROM





Situated in Coombs, one of Australia’s fastest growing and most sought after areas, Opus is the perfect boutique development in which to start the next chapter of your life.

Site Situated in Coombs, one of Australia’s fastest growing and most sought after areas, Excavation 2, 3 & 4 bedroom townhouses Opus is the perfect boutique development in which to start the next chapter of your life.

den courtyards

» 3PUSH smart home automation »

» Award winning architect – DNA Situated in Coombs, one of Australia’s fastest growing and most sought after areas, Alex Eimerl Solar ready design » Lock up garages Opus is the perfect boutique development in which to start the next chapter of your life. 0 409 0 0 7 313

t – DNA » » » » » » » »

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Situated » Solar ready design excellent green credentials

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Luxury fittings » Canberra’s best natural VIEWING SUITE OPEN 3PUSH smart home automation » Award winning architect – DNA 11AM TO 1PM playground on your doorstep Sam Eimerl 7.5 to 8 Star EER,Situated some with in Coombs, one of Australia’s fastest growing and most sought after areas, Alex Eimerl Cnr John Gor ton Dr Solar ready design » Lock up garages 0 00 022 81 excellent green credentials » 12kms to the city, 7kms to Woden Harold White Ave, 0 40 409 0 7 2313 Opus is the perfect boutique development in which to start the next chapter of your &life. Coombs Luxury fittings » Canberra’s best natural Private garden courtyards » Local school and parklands nearby V I E WING SUITE OPEN 3PUSH smart home automation Award winning architect – DNA 1 1 A M TO 1PM playground on your doorstep Sam Eimerl 7.5 to 8 Star EER, some with Situated in Coombs,Alex oneEimerl of Australia’s fastestCnr growing and Solar ready design » Lock up garages John Gor ton Dr most sought a 0 40 0 022 2 81 excellent green credentials » 12kms to the city, 7kms to Woden & Harold White Ave, 0 409 0 0development 7 313 Opus is the perfect boutique in which Coombs to start the next chapte Luxury fittings » Canberra’s best natural Private garden courtyards » Local school and parklands nearby V I E1W U I T1 E OPEN 3PUSH home automation » Award winning architect – DNA 1 AI NMG TS O PM playground doorstep Sam Eimerl 7.5Marketed to 8 smart Star EER, with by some Developed by on your

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to Woden

»» 3PUSH smartdesign home automation Solar ready ready design 3PUSH smart home automation Luxury fittings » Solar 3PUSH smart home automation » Marketed by automation 3PUSH smart home Luxury fittings Solar ready design 7.5 to 8 Star EER, some » Solar ready design with » Solar ready design excellent green to 8 fittings Star EER,credentials some with Luxury » 7.5 Luxury fittings » Luxury fittings excellent green credentials Private garden courtyards 7.5 to 8 Star EER, some with » 7.5 to 8 Star EER, some with » 7.5 to 8 garden Star EER, some with Private courtyards excellent green credentials excellent green credentials excellent green credentials » » Private garden courtyards Private garden courtyards » » Private garden courtyards Marketed by »» » »» » » »» » »

ands nearby

Sam Eimerl ˆ opuscoombs.com.au 0 40 0 022 281 Saturday & 0409 007 313 Saturday

» winning 3PUSH smart home automation » Award winning architect – DNA Developed by VIEWING SUITE OPEN » Award architect – DNA playground on your doorstep Sam Eimerl » 7.5 to 8 Star EER, some with Alex Eimerl Alex Eimerl VIEWING SUITE OPEN Alex Eimerl » Solar ready design » Lock up garages approval. UITE0 Oto P EDA N0 »» Award winning architect – DNA Lock up garages 40 022 excellent green credentials » 12kms to the city, 7kms to Woden V I E W I N G SSubject 0 409 0 0 7 281 313 0Alex 409 Eimerl 0 0best 7 313 »upwinning Luxury fittings » Canberra’s natural Sunday V I E W I N G S U I T E O P E N » Lock garages Award architect – DNA » Canberra’s best natural Private garden courtyards Local school and parklands nearbySaturday V I E W I N G11AM S U I T TO E& O1PM PEN 3PUSH smart »» 3PUSH homesmart automation home » Award winning architect – automation DNA » Award winning »» Award architect winning – DNA architect – DNA Developed by toon8 architect playground your doorstep 0Alex 409 0 0on 7 313 V I E 1W1 A I NM G T SU T1EP M OSam PEN » Award –some DNA with Eimerl OIEimerl Eimerl Sam Eimerl »upwinning 7.5 Star EER, playground your doorstep Sam Eimerl Sunday Alex Eimerl Alex Alex Eimerl » » Canberra’s best natural Lock garages Saturday &DA&approval. Sunday Solar ready » up Solar design ready design Lock garages » Lock up»garages Lock up Eimerl garages toDr Saturday Alex Cnr John Subject Gor ton 0 40 0 022 excellent green credentials » 12kms to the city, 7kms to Woden 0 409 0 0 7 313 »» Lock up garages Saturday & 1 1 A M T O 1 P M 0Sam 40 0 Eimerl 022 playground oncity, your doorstep 12kms to the 7kms to Woden 0 409 0 0 72 81 313 0 409 0 0 0 7 409 313 0 0 7 281 313 11AM TO 12:30PM & Sunday Harold White Ave, » Canberra’s best natural Sunday Luxury fittings » Luxurybest fittings » Canberra’s natural » Canberra’s » Canberra’s natural natural 0best 409 0 0best 7and 313 Coombs Cnr John Gor ton Dr » Private garden courtyards » Local school parklands nearby Sunday Canberra’s best natural 1Harold 1A M T O 1 P M 0 40 0 022 2 81 »» 12kms to the city, 7kms to Woden playground on your doorstep Local school and parklands nearby Cnr John Gorton Dr Sam Eimerl & White Ave, 1Sam 1 A M TEimerl O 1 PSam M playground onStar your doorstep playground on Sam your doorstep on your doorstep Ric Hambrook Eimerl Eimerl Marketed by Developed by 7.5 to 8 Star » 7.5 EER, to EER, with some with playground & THarold Ave, Coombs 1 1 AJohn M O 1ton P MWhite Cnr Gor Dr playground on8some your doorstep Sam Eimerl Cnr John Gor ton Dr 0 40 07kms 2Woden 81 » » Local school and parklands nearby 12kms to the city, 7kms toto Woden Coombs Harold White Ave, Subject to DA approval. 0 40 022 27kms 81 to Woden &Cnr 0 40 0 022 0 40 281 0 022 281 excellent green excellent credentials green credentials 12kms to the city, 7kms Woden » 12kms to» the 12kms city, to0022 the to city, Gor ton Dr & John Harold White Ave, Coombs 0 40 0 022 2 81 » 12kms to the city, 7kms to Woden & Harold White Ave, Coombs » Local school and parklands nearby ˇ Private garden » Private courtyards garden courtyards » Local school and parklands nearby » Local school » Local and school parklands andnearby parklands nearby Coombs Jamie McDonell » Local school and parklands nearby Developed by Developed byMarketed by

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0400 022 281

Marketed by

Developed by

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Developed byby Developed Marketed Marketed by by Developed by

0409 741 703


opuscoombs.com.au 0408 413 405


DevelopedDeveloped by by

opuscoombs.com.au opuscoombs.com.au opuscoombs.com.au opuscoo opu opuscoombs.com.au

opuscoom Subject to DA approval.

Subject to DA approval.

Subject to DA approval. Subject to DA approval. Subject to DA approval.

Exhibition times Sat & Sun Exhibition times 9am – 11am & 2pm – 4pm

Special FREE Offer see below

iNSTYLE Estate Agents On site Intersection of Anthony Rolfe Ave and Horse Park Drive

House and land packages available in one of Canberra’s most sought after new addresses from $559,000





Floor plans

Dream home

Exchanged contracts on or before 24/03/17 for your choice of 1 of the 3 options below; 1* - FREE Stamp Duty 2* - FREE Whitegoods package (Fridge, Washing Machine, Clothes dryer & window coverings) 3* - FREE inclusions upgrades


Developed by:

Marketing by:


Contact Instyle Estate Agents: Jamie McDonell 0408 413 405 Ric Hambrook 0409 741 703

6294 9393

Shop 8 Lanyon Market Place

mcintyreproperty.com.au Licenced Agent 18401135 ABN 45 078 085 604

BANKS: 25 Alison Ashby Crescent

BANKS: 20 Kettlewell Crescent


286m2 (approx.) of living area plus garage 11.7 x 6.4 (approx.). 4 massive bedrooms, study, large rumpus, two bathrooms, ensuite, spacious living areas, stunning outdoor entertaining area, backs to reserve, immaculate, views to die for, so much more!!! WOW! Call today! EER: 3.0








Saturday 4 March 12.00pm, On site OPEN: Sat 11.30am – 12.00pm CONTACT: Colin Blunden 0409 015 400

BONYTHON: 17 Burgoyne Street fer f rO e d Un

Location, Convenience & Lifestyle • Four bedrooms, main includes a walk-in robe and ensuite, two bedrooms include built-in robes • Kitchen ample storage and bench space, large island bench, gas stove and electric oven








• Expansive covered outdoor entertaining areas








• Three versatile living rooms • Decks and screening for privacy • Gas cooking, instant hot water, ducted heating • 713m2 block 160m2 home 40m2 garage •

EER 4.0

Sought after location! Overlooking Bonython ponds and only a short stroll to the Tuggeranong shopping and business district lies this outstanding 3 bedroom ensuite home in the highly sought after “New Bonython”. Downsizers, investors and first home buyers will love the North facing open plan living room flowing seamlessly from the modern kitchen to the outdoor entertaining area overlooking the low maintenance well planned yard.

• Covered entertaining area with remote controlled roller blinds • 10 x 1.8kw solar panels installed June 2010 – rebate $0.50 per kw • EER 4.0

• Bedrooms with built in robes



CONTACT: Lisa Silberberg 0416227666

BONYTHON: 13 Shylie Rymill Street

• Ducted gas heating and evaporative cooling

• Living space: 162.2m2 approximately & Block size: 413m2

Your own private oasis

CONTACT: Col McIntyre 0417 263 678

Enjoy coming home to the neutral fresh paint, new carpet and modern kitchen and bathrooms in this 10 year old home. This house is ready for you to move in relax and call home. EER: 5.0








Saturday 4th March at 3.00pm On Site OPEN: Sat 2.30pm– 3.00pm CONTACT: Daryl Gough 0416 197 136



6294 9393

Shop 8 Lanyon Market Place

mcintyreproperty.com.au Licenced Agent 18401135 ABN 45 078 085 604

BONYTHON: 14/10 Helpmann Street

First home buyers! Investors! Here’s one you should have a look at! This is an attractive two bedroom ensuite townhouse situated in a complex that is close to Tuggeranong Town Centre. Boasting open plan living, spacious kitchen, massive bedrooms, single garage, designated car space, pergola, ducted reverse cycle air conditioning and more, this one won’t last long! EER: 5.5








• Two bedrooms well sized with built-in robes • Living area is spacious and includes a split system air-conditioner • Kitchen has double sink, dishwasher, gas cooking and ample storage and bench space • Large covered entertaining area with stencilled concrete floor • Currently rented for $410 per week on a periodic tenancy • Living space: 89m2 approximately & Block size: 1226m2 • EER 1.0

• Four bedrooms, all include built-in robes, the main bedroom has a walk-in robe & ensuite • Kitchen with double sink, gas stove, electric oven, dishwasher, storage and bench space










• Ducted Brivis heating

OPEN: Sat 1.15 – 2.00pm

• Great location within walking distance to local shops, ponds, parks and public transport

OPEN: Sat 3.15 – 4.00pm

CONTACT: Colin Blunden 0409 015 400

• Body corporate approximately: $413.34 per quarter

CONTACT: Col McIntyre 0417 263 678

CHISHOLM: 25 Couchman Crescent

Great place to start, extend or add to your investment portfolio!

Invest or move straight in and enjoy!

• Living space: 141.12m2 approximately - EER 5.0

FADDEN: 13 Coyne Street









Stunning Home with Self Contained Flat • Extremely spacious family home with new carpet throughout • Upstairs is the main living areas, large kitchen, 4 bedrooms, bathroom and an ensuite • Downstairs is the 5th bedroom with its own entrance, kitchen & bathroom








Saturday 4 March 10.30am, On site

OPEN: By appointment

• Also downstairs is a huge rumpus room with a wet bar and a powder room

OPEN: Sat 10.00 – 10.30am

CONTACT: Col McIntyre 0417 263 678

• Double garage with internal access, carport & heaps of off street parking - in a sought after suburb

CONTACT: Betty Wark 0408 166 833

• EER: 1.0


Modern and immaculate

BONYTHON: 10/14 Burgoyne Street

6294 9393

Shop 8 Lanyon Market Place

mcintyreproperty.com.au Licenced Agent 18401135 ABN 45 078 085 604

ISABELLA PLAINS: 24 Rushbrook Cct

ISABELLA PLAINS: 33 Kadina Crescent

fer f rO e d Un


Located in one of Isabella Plains best streets, is this beautiful 3 bedroom, ensuite family home with ducted heating, RCAC, upgraded kitchen and bathrooms and amazing presentation. Full length covered outdoor entertaining area, double car accommodation, landscaped, secure gardens and so much more!! EER 1.0 •

Spacious, separate living areas

Upgraded bathroom and ensuite

Upgraded kitchen and appliances








CONTACT: Col McIntyre 0417 263 678

KAMBAH: 50 Maxworthy Street

Heart-achingly beautiful sunsets • • • • • •

Undulating mountain views Bedrooms with built-in-robes and ensuite in the main Solid timber floorboards throughout Freshly painted interior Ducted heating, gas cooking, gas hotwater 798m2 block 136m2 house

So Much More Than Just Another House! • • • • • • • • • •

Perfectly maintained & presented 3 Distinctly separate living areas Ducted gas, RCAC & ceiling fans Amazing rear yard with mature plantings Full length paved and covered pergola Studio + workshop both with light and power House size: 119.5sqm (approx. 13 square) Garage: 22.6sqm, Pergola: 41.2sqm Year Built: 1987 EER 3.0







Under Offer

CONTACT: Betty Wark 0408 166 833

MACQUARIE: 8/46 Catchpole Street








$575,000+ OPEN: Saturday 11.00 – 11.40am CONTACT: Lisa Silberberg 0416 227 666

Convenience, lifestyle & space • Main bedroom includes built – in robe and ensuite, all other bedrooms include built-in robes • Updated kitchen with electric cooking, double drawer dishwasher, ample storage and bench space and breakfast bar • Ducted reverse cycle system throughout • Large garden room with internal and external access and wood fire heater • Body Corporate: $544 approximately per quarter • Living space: 157m2 approximately incl. sunroom








$560,000+ OPEN: Sat 3.20 – 4.00pm CONTACT: Col McIntyre 0417 263 678


Something Extra Special!!


3 BED | 2 BATH | 2 CAR | EER 6.0

Stylish Contemporary Living


Rod Meates 0413 535 326


Saturday 11 March at 11am, on site


Saturday 12:15 – 1pm & Tuesday 6:30 – 7pm


Rod 0413 535 326


This impressive architect designed freestanding 3 bedroom town house exudes style and sophistication from the exterior face brick and rendered finishes to the spacious, light-filled interiors. Tastefully decorated in neutral tones, the open plan living area has Tasmanian Oak flooring and a dramatic 5 metre ceiling with clerestory windows and sliding doors on two sides leading to a generous and very private garden and deck. Double lock up garage and internal access.


Scott Isaacs

For Sale: $749,000-769,000 View: Sat 4 March 10:00 - 10:45am

Scott Isaacs 0422 201 027

Rutherford Johnston Properties

Ph: 6253 3333



4 2 2 18 Renouf Street If you’ve ever dreamed of owning an architecturally designed home that looks like it’s out of the pages of a glossy magazine, then this is the home for you. Or if the thought of building your dream home scares you, embrace this fantastic opportunity to own a home with all the hard work completed! One of the best and most unique homes to come onto the market this year, the interior joinery showcased throughout the home has been creatively and thoughtfully-designed to ensure the WOW factor! The quality craftsmanship of this home will be truly appreciated, from the gourmet kitchen to the built-in cabinetry in the master bedroom. So if you’re looking to stylishly downsize to a single level home with very little garden to maintain, then this is one. EER 5.0


Vicki Johnston

Tenille McPaul

For Sale: Offers Over $975,000 View: Sat 4 Mar 1:00pm – 1:45pm & Tue 7 Mar 5:00 – 5:30pm

Vicki Johnston 0414 910 798 & Tenille McPaul 0438 318 606

Rutherford Johnston Properties

Ph: 6253 3333



4 2 6 18 Burn Place Perfectly positioned in a tightly held cul-de-sac, this gorgeous four bedroom ensuite home has been beautifully renovated inside & out. Showcasing an open plan kitchen with quality cabinetry, island bench with breakfast bar & huge walk-in pantry. The adjoining living & dining room features stylish timber floors, floor to ceiling windows, skylights & huge sliding doors out to the enormous covered timber deck. This expansive area feels like an outdoor living room and can be used all year round. The 104m2 six car garage has plenty of storage & would make an excellent games room or teenagers retreat. Ducted gas heating & ducted evaporative cooling, renovated bathrooms & immaculate presentation throughout. Land Value: $541,000. EER 1.5

S C A N D I N AV I A N S T Y L E & E L E G A N C E









R E G I S T E R YO U R I N T E R E S T T O D AY SAM EIMERL 04000 222 81



d by e t c u r t s ly con Proud

BRENDEN BLEWITT 0419 289 574





Narrabundah •





Located in a very sought after location you will find this stylish townhouse that is surrounded by lush gardens and has views over the golf course. The property boasts a large north facing formal lounge with its own north facing balcony, this area then flows onto the open plan kitchen and family room that also has its own south facing balcony that looks over the golf course. The main bedroom has built-in robes, access to the south balcony and an ensuite with corner bath. Bedroom 2 has built-in robes and overlooks the north balcony. Bedroom 3 provides versatility, it is an amazing loft space making it ideal for a range of options including an ideal work from home office, rumpus or bedroom with retreat.

For sale:



Saturday 4 March, 10.20 - 11.00am

Full details:


BRENDEN BLEWITT 0419 289 574



Royalla •







This grand country residence is surrounded by 6 manicured acres and has been built to capture 360 degree views. Having 323m2 of living plus a large studio provides endless room for all the family. The property boasts an impressive entry that leads you to the large formal lounge and dining or the massive open plan family kitchen area. The kitchen has stone benches, fantastic storage and a double fridge/freezer. The master bedroom is more like a master retreat with an amazing sized room featuring a walk-in robe and ensuite that offers a corner spa to relax in. The 6th bedroom or study is next to the main bedroom but the remainder of the bedrooms are all king size with built-in robes and located at the other end of the home. Outside you will find the stunning inground swimming pool, large covered entertaining area, oversized 5 car garage with remote roller doors and attached studio or rumpus room. For sale:



Saturday 4 March, 1.00 - 1.40pm

Full details:


41/87 Crozier Cct Kambah AUCTION Sat 25 March at 11:00am on site

AN ARCHITECTURAL LEGACY Conceived and constructed as an innovative design in the mid-1970s, Urambi has the feeling of a small rural village in the heart of Kambah, including a central meeting hall with a BBQ courtyard, a large communal swimming pool and half-court tennis facilities. Unit 41 sits on the northern boundary, warmed by northern sunlight and overlooking the fairway of a local golf course. It’s single-level floor plan features four bedrooms, including a master with ensuite, a casual meals area , a superb kitchen and a large open-plan living/ dining room – all with pleasant views through large windows or sliding glass doors.


From above, the home can be viewed as a L-shape with the master bedroom and a vast ensuite occupying the north-eastern arm. The central living area and dining room are just off

02 6163 8888

the entry and include an open fireplace as well as an entire wall of glass windows. Bedroom two is positioned in the front corner while the two remaining family bedrooms are at the rear; all three are adaptable as sleeping areas, an office, study or hobby room. Between them is the casual meals area and a kitchen featuring glossy splashbacks and plenty of storage as well as beautiful benches and an enormous oven/cooktop. The home’s bathroom/laundry offers a shower, bath and toilet as well as a dedicated space for a washing machine. The home’s previous owner was the eminent ACT architect Professor Alastair Swayn, who commissioned Harris Hobbs to complete the home’s landscaping. Dotted with carved stepping stones and surrounded by plants, it’s a garden to inspire restfulness and contemplation.

FEATURES: • Four bedrooms, including a master with ensuite • Open plan living dining area • Beautiful kitchen and casual meals area • All main living areas overlook a central courtyard • Positioned at the edge of a golf course • Superb bush surrounds and paths • Community centre nearby with swimming pool and sports facilities • Landscaping by Harris Hobbs CONTACT:

Amanda Mutton 0412 023 497

Proceeds from this sale will go to the Alastair Swayn Foundation, which supports education for young architects and designers and fosters good housing and office design in Australia. EER: 2.0


86 Northbourne Ave Braddon

independent.com.au Belconnen 6209 4444 | Inner North & City 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000

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Regal Homes (AUST) Pty Ltd. 9/41-45 Tennant St, Fyshwick ACT 2609 Builders License ACT 19915681 NSW 135491C


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Own your new home sooner in Moncrieff CHC’s newest offering in Moncrieff provides you the opportunity to purchase a brand new 2 or 3 bedroom home under the Land Rent Scheme, allowing you to achieve your home ownership goals sooner.

Releasing 18 March

Find out how CHC can assist you to: Achieve home ownership Reduce your upfront costs Purchase within your budget Only pay land rent upon completion Understand the Land Rent Scheme

Register your interest today on 1300 208 888 or at sales@chcaustralia.com.au. MIN EER 6.0






years offering a sensational lifestyle for a busy family. If you love to entertain, then you will be spoilt for choice with the formal and informal entertaining areas, including a stunning north facing screened garden room. Set on a spacious 725m2 parcel of land in a quiet loop street, this home has loads to offer!

EER 1.0


Auction Saturday 18 March at 10.00am Open Saturday 4 March 10.45 – 11.30am Jane Kusetic 0408 662 119 Chris Wilson 0418 620 686





EXECUTIVE ENTERTAINER’S HOME WITH SENSATIONAL VIEWS In the most prestigious area of Jerrabomberra and just 15 minutes from Canberra centre, is this stunning executive entertainer’s home. The highly elevated position offers spectacular and uninterrupted views to the Brindabella Mountain Range and across the Canberra region. Solidly built and offering

quality and style throughout, this residence has been designed to offer a relaxed and versatile home for easy living and in/outdoor entertaining. Don’t miss this opportunity to acquire a substantial residence of distinction and enjoy a dream lifestyle.

02 6281 0822



Auction Saturday 18 March at 3.00pm Open Saturday 4 March 1.15 – 2.00pm Jane Kusetic 0408 662 119 Chris Wilson 0418 620 686



After many happy years in this home, the current owners now have a new adventure ahead and this superb residence in a tranquil pocket of Curtin is now available for a lucky family. With fresh carpet and fresh paint, this character filled home across 183m2 of living has been renovated and extended over the


02 6281 0822





PRIVACY, STYLE AND ELEGANCE ON SHACKLETON Privately positioned, this stylish and elegant free-standing Willemsen townhouse offers the lucky new owner a tranquil lifestyle. Across just one level, this stunning residence is spacious and light filled with large windows letting in gorgeous views of the gardens as well as beautiful natural light. Boasting north facing formal and informal entertaining areas

plus two private garden courtyards, this property is ideal for year round entertaining. If you are looking for a tranquil sanctuary to call home, then don’t miss this opportunity to be the lucky new owner of a stylish and elegant residence in an exclusive enclave in the heart of the Woden Valley.


EER 2.0


Auction 18th March 12:00pm On Site Open Saturday 11.50am – 12.30pm Jane Kusetic 0408 662 119 Chris Wilson 0418 620 686



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• 3 bedrooms with built-in robes, an ensuite and walk-in robe to the main • Kitchen with double sink, gas stove, electric oven and walk-in pantry • Split system in dining, bed 1 & 3 and a gas wall heater in the lounge • Large study upstairs that would also make for a great teenagers retreat • Great size deck with wood fire place




Great entertainer in the heights of Theodore

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YASS 2 Morton Ave

House & land packages

Price Guide: from $379,000

Finally, some new house and land packages priced affordably. • Brick veneer on slab • Colourbond “Woodland grey” roof • Insulation: R2 walls, R3 roof • Landscaped • Omega appliances in kitchen • Kitchen doors & drawers polytec laminate, gas cook top, electric oven

• • • • •

Aluminium framed windows and sliding doors Posh tapware in kitchen and bathroom Paint: Three coat system. Wattyl “Winter Mushroom” to walls Semi-gloss paint finishes to architraves and doors Bathroom with shower and bath, vanity, separate wc, towl rail mirror • Instantaneous gas hot water system • Eight house types and lot sizes to choose from in stage 1

79 Comur Street, Yass, NSW 2582


3 Bed | 1 Bath | 1 or 2 Car View By appointment Contact Andrew Curlewis 0429 669 635 Property ID 17557025

02 6226 6331




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Boxes Are Packed... We’re Going! ‘Glenlea’, Murrumbateman, NSW • Comfortable 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom brick home with formal dining and 2 car garage • Private grounds encompassed by Cypress tree hedge • Excellent water with storage via tanks and 2 dams • Infrastructure includes machinery sheds, cattle yards • Well fenced into 7 paddocks with laneway system

• 3 brick stables, mounting / washing yard, round yard, tack room with separate office complex A rare opportunity to secure a large holding within Murrumbateman with quality infrastructure and country, leaving the potential to the imagination. With the owners relocating the property needs to be sold and every offer prior to auction will be seriously considered.

Ray White Rural Canberra / Yass

Auction (Prior offers considered)

Saturday 11 March 2017 11am Venue On-site View 4 March 11am to 12noon sharp and 8 March 5.30 to 6.30pm sharp George Southwell 0429 838 345 Simon Southwell 0427 755 997 raywhiterural.com Property ID 1609571



• 18.7ha* (46* acres), 35min* from Canberra CBD

Price Guide $625,000


R&H Young 02 6382 3333

11 Rules Road, Young Private & spacious living with benefits of elevated panoramic views.


By appointment


Bernadette Edgerton 0412 092 006 bernadette.edgerton@young.rh.com.au

Three acres with town and tank water – manicured gardens. An immaculate four bedroom family home, master with ensuite & W.I.R. Formal & casual living, family room with high vaulted timber ceilings with amazing views of the town.




Ducted evaporative cooling and wood heating. Spacious double auto garage with internal access onto a lovely covered out door area. 9m x 6m Shed built especially for the Van plus a very handy 6m x 3m garden shed.

Price $765,000


R&H Young 02 6382 3333 View

By appointment



Price $570 000


57 Edwards Street, Young ‘THE MANSE’

R&H Young 02 6382 3333

51–53 Edwards Street, Young SUBSTANTIAL BLOCK CLOSE TO CBD

Stained glass leadlight front entranceway + balcony verandahs


By appointment


Jim Cusack 0428 867319

Rare to the market located in a prime position in the thriving rural township of Young. An impressive 4153.8sqm block with rear lane access overlooking the CBD, on two titles that could be sold separately zoned R1 residential potential for development of units and villa’s STCA. There are two units and a 18m x 14m shed returning approximately $20,000 per year. Young is located in the Hilltops region of southern NSW with all major retailers and a diverse range of industries only 1.5 hours to Canberra/ Wagga Wagga and 4.5 hours to Sydney.

Sprawling open plan kitchen and light filled casual living areas Agent

Graeme Schneider 0417 251 795

Formal lounge, dining and sitting rooms Al fresco shady pergola and a sun-drenched paved courtyard Sparklingly pristine in-ground swimming pool Granite stone coach house studio room + 1 br self-contained flat Currently operating professional business from studio




38 Croobyar Rd, Milton 2

New beginnings For Sale


• Historic Uniting Church and Manse (minister’s residence). • Built in 1872 on nearly an acre of land 3906m2. • Sandstone church features cathedral ceiling and leadlight windows. • Character filled 4+brm residence plus huge hall and meeting room. • Both properties are on one title and are to be sold as one.

Price Viewing Website Contact

$1,450,000 Sat 12.00 – 12.45pm www.oneagency.com.au Chris Coffey 0488 333 003 chris.coffey@oneagency.com.au


4 |


Batehaven 1b Observation Avenue


Open Saturday 4th March at 2pm



Views, Views and More Views

Sublime is the only word to describe this sensational clifftop offering with all embracing sea views. With a north facing aspect and designer steps down to a small sandy beach, this luxury town house gives you sea views from every room bar one, even from the shower recess. The superb kitchen folds into dining which in turn folds out onto a covered terrace with aroma drifting across from the mature frangipani. Move into the relaxed living area to continue the dream. Sleek timber floors adorn the main traffic areas while vaulted ceilings add to sense of space and there is an oversupply of storage.


John & Caryl Haslem 0418 514 399 Web Id 10928004

Wednesday 15 April at 12pm, on site

Elders Batemans Bay, Shop3/6 North Street, Batemans Bay

02 4472 1488




Sth Coast Malua Bay 50 Iluka Avenue


Almost like being @ The Hamptons ... Stroll to the Beach!! For Sale $645,000 View Saturday 2:30pm – 3:00pm ljhooker.com/QEDF8F

Karen Van Der Stelt 0413 221 504

Batemans Bay 4472 6455 Cnr Beach Rd & Orient St, Batemans Bay

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.




Mortgagee in Possession


Metres to the beach. Virtually brand new. 3 spacious living rooms, 9ft ceilings, 2 x decks, granite benchtops in modern kitchen, open plan living, side access and no back/ side neighbours.


Opportunity to secure your own piece of Australian Coastline.

Auction Saturday 25 March, 1pm onsite

This clifftop position boasts unsurpassed ocean, headland and beach views and offers direct beach access to private Garden Bay Beach. UCV – $576,000 (2014).


View Saturday 1:00pm – 1:45pm Rob Routledge 0414 235 976 Mark Maranion 0404 257 888

Batemans Bay 4472 6455 Cnr Beach Rd & Orient St, Batemans Bay

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Surfside Sth Coast 34 Wallarah Street


open homes – for sale

provided by For a free open homes listing, speak to your agent today.



Thu 17:00-17:30 218 Osburn Drv

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0410633247 BR4 Auct

Thu 17:00-17:30 18 Whitelegge Cl

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0418661980 BR4 Auct

Sat 08:30-09:00 218 Osburn Drv

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0410633247 BR4 Auct

Sat 09:15-09:45 18 Whitelegge Cl

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0418661980 BR4 Auct

Sat 09:00-09:30 63 Osburn Drv

Luton - Dickson

0409300065 BR3 $539k

Sat 10:00-10:30 8/9 Lidgett Pl

McGrath - Woden

0418624913 BR2 $375k

Sat 10:00-10:30 17 Heighway St

LJ Hooker Kippax

0437309680 BR3 $470k

Independent - Inner North & City0407121412 BR2 $400k

Sat 12:00-12:30 2 Fielder Pl

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0418661980 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30 30 Constance Stone St Luton - Holt

0410626731 BR3 $360k

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

Sun 11:00-11:30 2 Fielder Pl

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0418661980 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:15-11:00 36 Heighway St

0414538348 BR3 Auct

ARANDA Sat 12:00-12:45 60 Barada Cres

Ray White - Belconnen

0428486692 BR5 Auct

BELCONNEN Fri 12:15-13:15 13/34 Morell Cl Sat 09:00-09:30

B35/97 Eastern Valley Way

0416087834 BR2 $479k

Sat 10:00-10:30 120 Eastern Valley Way Independent - Inner North & City0427225823 BR2 $469k Sat 10:15-11:00 72B/9 Chandler St

Rutherford Johnston

0412060792 BR2 $375k

Sat 10:30-11:30 27/39 Benjamin Way

Value Properties

0411466077 BR2 $559k

Sat 10:30-11:00 30/31 Disney Crt

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0400485204 BR3 $299k

Sat 12:00-12:30 18/39 Benjamin Way

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0416087834 BR1 $339k

Sat 12:30-13:15 42/39 Benjamin Way Edge Eric Heng & Shan Gao

0475078888 BR2 $435k

Sat 12:30-13:15 224/41 Chandler St

0400281395 BR1 $365k

Key Real Estate ACT

Sat 15:45-16:45 20/41 Chandler St

Value Properties

0411466077 BR1 $294k

Sun 15:45-16:45 27/39 Benjamin Way

Value Properties

0411466077 BR2 $559k

Thu 13:00-13:30 5/15 Braybrooke St

Bentham Residential

0415045648 BR0 $265k

Sat 08:30-09:00 13/35 Crisp Cct

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0400485204 BR2 Auct

Sat 13:30-14:00 133/140 Thynne St

Independent - Inner North & City0407466199 BR4 $920k LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0410755200 BR1 $290k

Sat 11:15-11:45 19 Hilda Kincaid Cres LJ Hooker Kippax

0499044028 BR4 $599k 0422201027 BR2 $318k

Sat 11:15-11:45 19 Spalding St

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0430280840 BR4 $599k

Sat 11:15-12:00 5/7 Clode Pl

Rutherford Johnston

Sun 11:30-12:15 12 Dobinson Pl

Key Real Estate ACT

0418778648 BR5 $689k

Sat 14:00-15:00 141 Osburn Drv

Independent - Inner North & City0431797891 BR3 Neg

Wed17:00-17:45 36 Heighway St

Luton - Weston Creek

Trusted Realtors

0497565143 BR5 Neg

FRASER Sat 11:00-11:30 30 Nott St

GIRALANG Sat 12:00-12:30 8 Tucana St

Harcourts Brindabella

0421485758 BR4 Auct

HAWKER Sat 13:30-14:00 7C/4 Beetaloo St

0414538348 BR3 Auct

MACQUARIE Sat 10:45-11:15 4/71 Bennelong Cres Rutherford Johnston

0414910798 BR2 $475k

Sat 12:00-12:30 49 Blackman Cres


0431419847 BR4 Auct

Sat 15:20-16:00 8/46 Catchpole St

McIntyre Property

0417263678 BR3 $560k

Wed17:30-18:00 49 Blackman Cres


0431419847 BR4 Auct

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0430280840 BR2 $255k

Thu 17:15-17:45 9 Nicholls Pl

LJ Hooker Kippax

0412907002 BR3 Auct

Thu 17:30-18:30 20 Rohan Rivett Cres

Stuart James Real estate

0414249449 BR4 $775k

Sat 12:00-12:30 25 Edwards St

One Agency Kippax

0414720532 BR3 $475k

Sat 11:00-12:00 20 Rohan Rivett Cres

Stuart James Real estate

0414249449 BR4 $775k

Sat 15:00-15:45 6 Kriewaldt Cct

Luton - Dickson

0429487939 BR3 Auct


Sat 15:30-16:00 132 Pennefather St

Ray White - Belconnen

0439795369 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:45

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0430280840 BR3 Auct

Tue 17:00-17:30 6 Kriewaldt Cct

Luton - Dickson

0429487939 BR3 Auct

PAGE Luton - Belconnen

0421032120 BR4 Auct

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0410755200 BR4 Auct



Sat 09:30-10:15 9 Clews Pl


Luton - Weston Creek


162 Kingsford Smith Drv

Sat 13:45-14:15 10/1 Eardley St

Luton - Tuggeranong

0428139969 BR3 $425k

Sat 14:15-15:00 3 Clews Pl

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0413621131 BR3 Neg

Sat 11:45-12:30 111 Petterd St

Sat 15:30-16:00 7/1 Eardley st

PRDnationwide - Braddon

0412851139 BR2 $360k+



Sat 10:00-10:30 40 Boote St

Sat 11:00-11:45 33 Garrad Crt

Morrissey Property

0433622600 BR4 $435k


Sat 11:30-12:00 4 Kingham Pl

First National - Capital

0408408603 BR4 $415k

Thu 17:30-18:15 19 Mayo St

Ray White - Belconnen

0428486692 BR5 Auct

Thu 17:30-18:00 1/38 Bambridge St

Ray White - Belconnen

0488488956 BR2 Auct

Sat 09:00-09:30 1/38 Bambridge St

Ray White - Belconnen

0488488956 BR2 Auct

Sat 13:00-13:30 19 Mayo St

Ray White - Belconnen

0428486692 BR5 Auct

COOK Thu 12:15-13:00 3 Ellis St

Peter Blackshaw - Woden

0412152607 BR3 Auct

Thu 18:15-18:45 17 Biffin St

Ray White - Belconnen

0439795369 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 1/2 Sexton St

Ray White - Belconnen

0439795369 BR3 Auct

Sat 14:30-15:15 3 Ellis St

Peter Blackshaw - Woden

0412152607 BR3 Auct


Sun 11:30-12:15 17 Biffin St

Ray White - Belconnen

0439795369 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:30-11:00 74 Shoalhaven Ave

Ray White - Belconnen

0439795369 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:45 17 Paterick Pl

Luton - Holt

0413832535 BR2 Neg

Luton - Holt

0413832535 BR2 $375k

One Agency Crane Properties 0422927671 BR3 Auct


DUNLOP Thu 17:00-17:30 72 Hanrahan Cres

1300 483 562

Sat 11:00-11:45 8 Godson Pl

Luton - Belconnen

0419627449 BR5 Auct

Sat 11:15-12:00 69 Percy Begg Cct

Luton - Holt

0417975375 BR4 Auct

Sat 11:15-11:45 5 Beaurepaire Cres

Sat 12:15-13:00 200 Kerrigan St

Luton - Holt

0417975375 BR3 $385k

16/131 Britten-jones Sat 13:00-13:30 One Agency Kippax Drv

0414720532 BR3 $490k

Sat 13:15-14:00 1 Pomeroy St

Luton - Holt

0417975375 BR4 Auct

Sat 14:00-14:30 13/2 Postle Cct

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0418661980 BR2 Auct

Sat 14:00-14:30 72 Hanrahan Cres

Ray White - Belconnen

0439795369 BR3 Auct

Sun 10:00-10:30 13/2 Postle Cct

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0418661980 BR2 Auct

0417975375 BR3 $385k

Luton - Holt

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0416087834 BR3 $519k

Sat 10:15-10:45 52 Roy Marika St

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR5 Neg

Sat 11:00-11:45 90 Stanner Cct


0421794404 BR4 $999k

Sat 11:00-11:30 12/3 Fernando St


0421794404 BR3 $429k

Sat 13:00-14:00 18 Essie Coffey St

Air Realty

0411672812 BR5 Neg

Sat 13:45-14:15 104 Stanner Cct


0431419847 BR4 $780k

Sat 14:30-15:00 68 Bieundurry St

Harcourts Brindabella

0432103953 BR5 Auct


Sat 11:00-11:45 18/31 Moyes Cres

Mon17:15-17:45 200 Kerrigan St



Sat 14:30-15:00 2/1 Burnum Burnum Cl Luton - GUNGAHLIN

0431419847 BR3 $530k

Air Realty

0411672812 BR5 Neg

Harcourts Brindabella

0432103953 BR5 Auct

Wed12:30-13:15 8 Godson Pl

Luton - Belconnen

0419627449 BR5 Auct

Sat 11:15-12:00 36 Diamantina Cres

Luton - Dickson

0409300065 BR3 Auct

Sun 13:00-14:00 18 Essie Coffey St

Wed17:00-17:30 1 Pomeroy St

Luton - Holt

0417975375 BR4 Auct

Sat 13:00-13:30 19 Sherlock St

Ray White - Belconnen

0422184992 BR6 Auct

Wed18:15-18:45 68 Bieundurry St

Wed17:45-18:15 69 Percy Begg Cct

Luton - Holt

0417975375 BR4 Auct

Wed17:00-17:30 36 Diamantina Cres

Luton - Dickson

0409300065 BR3 Auct


EVATT Sat 09:00-09:30 17/2 McClure St

Luton - Holt

0410626731 BR1 $289k


Sat 10:00-10:45 18 Renouf St

Rutherford Johnston

0422201027 BR4 $749k

Sat 09:45-10:15 11 Stretton Cres

0408532799 BR5 $499k

Sat 12:00-12:30 44/16 David Miller Cres Luton - GUNGAHLIN

0421794404 BR2 $335k

0408532799 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 10 Gourgaud St

0421794404 BR4 $729k

0431419847 BR3 $599k

LJ Hooker Kippax LJ Hooker Kippax


Sat 10:00-10:40 19 Sproule Cct

Ray White - Belconnen

0405056844 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:30-12:00 3 Denny St

Sat 11:00-11:40 9 Slater Pl

Ray White - Belconnen

0405056844 BR3 Auct


Sat 12:30-13:00 22 Westerman St

Harcourts Brindabella

0410481260 BR3 Auct

Wed17:15-17:45 22 Westerman St

Harcourts Brindabella

0410481260 BR3 Auct

Belle Property

0401005282 BR4 $1.1M+

Sat 11:30-12:00 4 Jaques Pl

Luton - Belconnen

0401097568 BR4 Auct

Sat 13:45-14:15 81/2 Rouseabout St

Sat 11:30-12:00 39 Massey St

Ray White - Belconnen

0488488956 BR4 Auct


0401097568 BR4 Auct

Thu 16:45-17:15 19 Hilda Kincaid Cres LJ Hooker Kippax

Sat 12:15-12:45 115 Owen Dixon Drv

Luton - Belconnen


CRACE 0499044028 BR4 $599k

Sat 02:45-03:15 43 Keewong St


open homes – for sale

provided by For a free open homes listing, speak to your agent today. 34/4 Bernard Heinze Ave

Sat 11:15-11:45 5 Fingal St

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR4 Neg

Sun 11:00-15:00

Sat 13:00-13:30 68 Langtree Cres

McGrath - Belco/Gung

0410125475 BR4 Neg

Sat 13:30-14:00 11 Digby Cct

Harcourts Brindabella

0410481260 BR4 Auct

15/4 Bernard Heinze Sun 11:00-15:00 Ave Sun 11:00-14:00 129 Slim Dusty Cct

Tue 18:15-18:45 11 Digby Cct

Harcourts Brindabella

0410481260 BR4 Auct Sun 11:00-15:00

FORDE Sat 08:30-09:00 3 Arndt St

Luton - Weston Creek

0402337287 BR5 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30 36 Justice Kelly St

Harcourts Brindabella

0410481260 BR4 Auct

Sat 11:00-11:30 25 Ray Ellis Cres,

Harcourts Brindabella

0410481260 BR4 Auct

Sat 11:30-12:00 1 Allnutt Cres


0405404792 BR4 $790k

Sat 12:15-12:45 31 Neil Harris Cres


0405404792 BR4 $790k

Tue 17:15-17:45 36 Justice Kelly St

Harcourts Brindabella

0410481260 BR4 Auct

29/4 Bernard Heinze Ave

Sat 11:00-11:30

Peter Blackshaw

0412726025 BR4 $539k

Sat 11:00-11:30 702/17 Dooring St

LJ Hooker - Weston

0400819650 BR1 $348k

Impact Properties

0416280224 BR0 $245k+

Sat 11:15-11:45 201/53 Mort St


0431419847 BR1 $420k

Peter Blackshaw

0412726025 BR3 $484k

NGUNNAWAL Sat 10:00-10:30 14 Tangari St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0409574178 BR4 Auct

0437799234 BR1 $415k

Sat 11:15-11:45 52/19-25 Fawkner St LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0409574178 BR1 Auct

Sat 11:45-12:15 7/11 Wise St

0402507902 BR2 $495k

Luton - Dickson

403/74 Northbourne Sat 12:00-12:30 Luton - GUNGAHLIN Ave

0431419847 BR3 $435k

Sat 12:30-13:00 35/19 Ijong St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0410755200 BR3 Auct

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0400485204 BR3 $465k

Sat 15:00-15:30 1 Akma Pl

Harcourts Brindabella

UG05/86-88 0421485758 BR3 $410k+ Sat 13:30-14:00 Northbourne Ave


0418453950 BR2 $469k

Tue 17:15-17:45 14 Tangari St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0409574178 BR4 Auct

Ray White - Belconnen

0439795369 BR3 Auct


Sat 09:00-09:30 12/81 Kelleway Ave

LJ Hooker - Gungahlin

0475983079 BR3 $515k

66/75 Elizabeth Jolley Sat 10:00-10:30 LJ Hooker - Gungahlin Cres

0419296458 BR2 $344k

Sat 09:00-09:30 5 Decima Cct

Luton - Woden

0425283588 BR4 $730k+ Thu 12:00-14:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International

0414812344 BR3 $760k+

Sat 09:30-10:00 10 Hendry Cl

LJ Hooker Kippax

0437309680 BR5 Neg

Thu 12:00-14:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International

0414812344 BR4 $1.1M+

Sat 11:15-11:45 37/329 Flemington Rd Luton - Holt

0415104200 BR1 $285k

Sat 10:00-10:45 65 Tazewell Cct

Morrissey Property

0438529297 BR3 $619k

Thu 12:00-14:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International

0414812344 BR2 $475k+

Sat 12:30-13:00 124/49 Nullarbor Ave Harcourts Belconnen

0401536362 BR2 $375k+

Sat 11:30-12:00 24/35 Edie Payne Cl

Homefinders Real Estate

0419212044 BR3 $819k

Thu 12:00-14:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International

0414812344 BR1 $385k+

Sat 13:45-14:30 76 Gwen Meredith LoopPeter Blackshaw - Manuka

0412631763 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:45 162 Temperley St

Ray White - Belconnen

0414382093 BR4 Auct

Fri 12:00-14:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International

0414812344 BR4 $1.1M+

Sat 15:00-15:30 3/297 Flemington Rd Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0412631763 BR2 Auct

Sat 12:30-13:00 16 Paisley St


0418453950 BR4 $590k

Fri 12:00-14:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International

0414812344 BR2 $475k+


Sat 13:00-13:30 47 Sue Geh Cct

Luton - Belconnen

0401097568 BR5 $1.4M

Fri 12:00-14:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International

0414812344 BR3 $760k+

Thu 16:00-18:00 47/77 Gozzard St

POD Projects Group

0499364064 BR1 $309k

Sat 16:00-16:30 2/119 Kelleway Ave

Harcourts Brindabella

0421485758 BR3 $479k

Fri 12:00-14:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International

0414812344 BR1 $385k+

Thu 16:00-18:00 115/77 Gozzard St

POD Projects Group

0499364064 BR1 $319k


Sat 10:30-11:00 19/135 Blamey Cres

Homefinders Real Estate

0419212044 BR0 $270k

Thu 17:30-18:00 3 Painter Pl

LJ Hooker - Gungahlin

0449557073 BR5 Auct

Sat 10:30-11:00 12A Cobby St

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0414623876 BR5 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30 12/5 Tiptree Cres

RE/MAX Capital - Qbn

0419497584 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:00-15:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International

0414812344 BR4 $1.1M+

Sat 10:00-10:30 3 Tinderry Cct

LJ Hooker - Gungahlin

0475983079 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:00-15:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International

0414812344 BR2 $475k+

Sat 14:30-15:00 3 Painter Pl

LJ Hooker - Gungahlin

0449557073 BR5 Auct

Sat 11:00-15:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International

0414812344 BR3 $760k+

Sat 11:00-15:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International

0414812344 BR1 $385k+


Sat 12:00-12:45 25 Jacka Cres

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0413621131 BR3 Auct

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0418797718 BR2 $610k

Thu 16:00-18:00 13/77 Gozzard St

POD Projects Group

0499364064 BR2 $379k

Thu 16:00-18:00 48/77 Gozzard St

POD Projects Group

0499364064 BR2 $439k

Thu 16:00-18:00 50/77 Gozzard St

POD Projects Group

0499364064 BR1 $320k

Thu 16:00-18:00 63/77 Gozzard St

POD Projects Group

0499364064 BR1 $289k

Thu 16:00-18:00 61/77 Gozzard St

POD Projects Group

0499364064 BR1 $284k

Thu 16:00-18:00 28/77 Gozzard St

POD Projects Group

0499364064 BR2 $359k

Sat 13:30-14:00 4/2 Mundawari Cct

101/104 Northbourne PRDnationwide - Braddon Ave

0412726025 BR2 $347k

Peter Blackshaw


Sun 10:00-10:45 1/59 Torrens St

Wed17:15-17:45 52/19-25 Fawkner St LJ Hooker - Canberra City


0409574178 BR1 Auct


Sat 10:00-10:30 27/80 Gozzard St

Peter Blackshaw - Gungahlin

0433338429 BR2 $331k

Thu 17:45-18:30 86 Edgeworth Pde

Independent - Tuggeranong

0407245177 BR4 $799k

Sat 15:15-15:45 9/143 Blamey St

Sat 10:00-10:30 23/80 Gozzard St

Peter Blackshaw - Gungahlin

0433338429 BR2 $340k

Thu 18:30-19:00 81 Annabelle View

Luton - Weston Creek

0411878587 BR4 Auct

Sun 09:45-10:15 25 Jacka Cres

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0413621131 BR3 Auct

Colliers International

0414812344 BR3 $760k+

Sat 10:30-11:00 8 Elliman St


0418453950 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:45 15 Janine Haines Tce

Irwin Property

0421040082 BR4 $880k+ Sun 11:00-15:00 81 Constitution Ave

Sat 11:00-11:45 67/10 Hinder St

Edge Eric Heng & Shan Gao

0457038888 BR2 Neg

Sat 10:45-11:30 20 Haviland St

One Agency Don McPherson

0418822144 BR5 $1.1M

Sun 11:00-15:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International

0414812344 BR1 $385k+

0401097568 BR4 $789k

Sun 11:00-15:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International

0414812344 BR4 $1.1M+

Sun 11:00-15:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International

0414812344 BR2 $475k+

Wed17:30-18:00 25 Jacka Cres

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0413621131 BR3 Auct

Thu 10:00-18:00 260 City Walk

Colliers International

0432109538 BR3 $919k

Thu 10:00-18:00 260 City Walk

Colliers International

0432109538 BR0 $499k

Thu 10:00-18:00 260 City Walk

Colliers International

0432109538 BR2 $549k

Thu 11:00-16:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR2 $649k+

Fri 10:00-18:00 260 City Walk

Colliers International

0432109538 BR2 $549k

Fri 10:00-18:00 260 City Walk

Colliers International

0432109538 BR0 $499k

Sat 11:00-11:30 1/30 Bembrick St

LJ Hooker - Gungahlin

0449557073 BR3 Auct

Sat 14:00-14:30 25 Stan Davey Rise

Luton - Belconnen


HARRISON Sat 11:15-11:45 18 Cudgewa Ln


0411449071 BR5 $830k

Thu 17:30-18:00 14 James Mcauley CresLuton - Weston Creek

0411878587 BR4 Auct

Sat 11:20-12:00 1 Angora St

Peter Blackshaw - Gungahlin

0408219148 BR4 $795k

Sat 10:00-10:30 6/40 Philip Hodgins St Luton - Holt

0415104200 BR1 $325k

48/144 Flemington Sat 11:30-12:00 road

Harcourts Belconnen

0401536362 BR1 $275k+ Sat 11:00-12:00 154/45 Catalano St

Sat 12:30-13:00 47 Tanami St

Luton - Dickson

0402507902 BR5 Auct

Sat 16:00-16:30 103 Nullarbor Ave

McGrath - Belco/Gung

0410125475 BR5 Neg

Sat 12:00-13:00 23/11 Starcevich Cres Leader Capital

0421463218 BR1 $290k

Sat 14:15-15:00 32 Lindsay Pryor St

PRDnationwide - Braddon

0412851139 BR4 Auct

Peter Blackshaw

15/4 Bernard Heinze Ave

Peter Blackshaw

0412726025 BR4 $539k

29/4 Bernard Heinze Thu 17:30-18:30 Ave

Peter Blackshaw

0412726025 BR3 $484k

0412726025 BR2 $347k

Thu 12:00-12:30 44 Raymond Pl

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0416014431 BR3 Auct

Fri 10:00-18:00 260 City Walk

Colliers International

0432109538 BR3 $919k

Sat 11:00-11:30 103 Duffy St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0412600085 BR3 $835k+ Fri 11:00-16:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR2 $649k+

Sat 11:00-11:30 44 Raymond Pl

0416014431 BR3 Auct

Sat 09:00-09:30 146/15 Coranderrk St Luton - Canberra City

0413974912 BR1 $439k

Sat 09:00-10:00 53/3 London Cct

McGrath - Woden

0429990197 BR1 $369k

Colliers International

0432109538 BR0 $499k


0431846866 BR2 $469k

Sat 10:00-15:00 260 City Walk

Sat 09:00-09:30 58/10 Ipima St

RE/MAX Capital - Qbn

0419497584 BR1 $420k

Sat 10:00-15:00 260 City Walk

Colliers International

0432109538 BR2 $549k

Sat 10:00-10:45 709/53 Mort St

Luton - Tuggeranong

0449234646 BR1 $390k

Sat 10:00-15:00 260 City Walk

Colliers International

0432109538 BR3 $919k

Sat 10:30-11:00 6/28-30 Lonsdale St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0412600085 BR2 $499k

Sat 11:00-11:45 404/16 Moore St

Independent - Inner North & City0407466199 BR2 $469k

Sat 10:30-11:00 605/51 Mort St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0418632279 BR1 $460k

Sat 11:00-16:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

34/4 Bernard Heinze Ave

Peter Blackshaw

0412726025 BR2 $347k

Sat 11:00-15:00

15/4 Bernard Heinze Ave

Peter Blackshaw

0412726025 BR4 $539k

Sat 11:00-15:00

29/4 Bernard Heinze Ave

Peter Blackshaw

0412726025 BR3 $484k


LJ Hooker - Dickson


0416280224 BR0 $245k+ Thu 14:00-14:30 84/10 Ipima St

Sat 11:00-15:00

0429487939 BR5 $1.1M


Impact Properties

Sat 10:30-14:00 129 Slim Dusty Cct

Luton - Dickson


34/4 Bernard Heinze Ave

Thu 17:30-18:30

Luton - Weston Creek

0404011163 BR2 $370k

MONCRIEFF Thu 17:30-18:30

0466507766 BR2 $409k

Sat 12:00-12:30 108/51 Catalano St

Sun 12:45-13:30 12 David Fleay St


Impact Properties


0424165567 BR2 $649k+

open homes – for sale

provided by For a free open homes listing, speak to your agent today.

Sat 11:30-12:15

1205/19 Marcus Clarke St

Paul and Robyn Sutton Properties

0407099175 BR2 Neg


Sat 13:45-14:30 36 Empire Cct

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0412488027 BR6 Auct

Sat 10:45-11:30 21/8 Giles St

Luton Properties - Manuka

0434104556 BR2 $478k

Sat 12:30-13:00 43/76 Leichhardt St

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0410633247 BR2 $550k

Sat 13:30-14:00 34 Walker Cres

Belle Property

0414517658 BR4 $1.4M

Sat 13:45-14:30 7 Bannister Gardens

Luton Properties - Manuka

0410750413 BR2 Auct

Sat 15:45-16:30 32 Barrallier St

Peter Blackshaw - Woden

0412152607 BR5 $1.8M

Tue 12:45-13:15 7 Bannister Gardens

Luton Properties - Manuka

0410750413 BR2 Auct

Thu 16:00-18:00 71/29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR2 $580k

Thu 16:00-18:00 29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR2 $550k+

Thu 16:00-18:00 76/29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR2 $440k

Thu 16:00-18:00 87/29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR1 $410k

Thu 16:30-17:00 34 Currong St South


0434973987 BR4 Auct


Sat 11:15-11:45 23 Anzac Park


0434973987 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:45 11 Elimatta St


0434973987 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:30-13:15 40/1 Allambee St

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0414623876 BR3 Auct

Tue 17:30-18:00 23 Anzac Park


0434973987 BR3 Auct

Sat 13:45-14:15 813/25 Edinburgh Ave Luton - GUNGAHLIN

0431419847 BR3 $1.7M+ Tue 18:00-18:30 11 Elimatta St


0434973987 BR4 Auct

Sun 10:00-15:00 260 City Walk

Colliers International

0432109538 BR0 $499k

Wed17:00-17:30 40/1 Allambee St

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0414623876 BR3 Auct

Sun 10:00-15:00 260 City Walk

Colliers International

0432109538 BR2 $549k


Sun 10:00-15:00 260 City Walk

Colliers International

0432109538 BR3 $919k

Sat 10:30-11:00 68 Boldrewood St

Luton - Dickson

0429487939 BR4 Auct

Sun 11:00-16:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR2 $649k+ Sat 12:00-12:45 11/14 Macleay St

Sat 11:30-12:00 51/45 West Row Sat 12:00-12:30 210/16 Moore St Sat 12:45-13:15 Sat 12:45-13:15

LJ Hooker - Canberra City LJ Hooker - Dickson

604/19 Marcus Clarke St


510/19 Marcus Clarke St


Tue 12:00-12:45 146/15 Coranderrk St Luton - Canberra City

0410755200 BR2 $790k 0412600085 BR2 $499k+ 0431419847 BR2 $799k 0431419847 BR3 $1.0M+

0413974912 BR1 $439k


Sat 14:00-14:45

Independent - Inner North & City0418625437 BR2 $480k

145/77 Northbourne Edge Eric Heng & Shan Gao Ave

0475078888 BR2 $520k



Thu 17:00-17:45 2-6/2 Hope St

McGrath - Dickson

0414819377 BR3 $615k+ Thu 18:00-18:30 22 McCawley St


0434973987 BR5 Auct

Thu 16:00-18:00 96/29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR2 $620k

Sat 10:00-10:30 2/26 Stockdale St

PRDnationwide - Braddon

0437799234 BR1 $ 375k+ Thu 18:00-18:30 39 Phillip Ave

One Agency Kippax

0418254770 BR3 Neg

Thu 16:00-18:00 15/29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR1 $340k

Sat 12:00-12:30 12/32 Stockdale St

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR1 $380k

Sat 10:00-10:45 39 Phillip Ave

One Agency Kippax

0418254770 BR3 Neg

Thu 16:00-18:00 57/29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR2 $430k

Sat 10:15-10:45 53/35 Tay St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0416014431 BR2 $349k

Thu 16:00-18:00 25/29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR3 $700k

Thu 16:00-18:00 9/29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR1 $420k

Thu 16:00-18:00 26/29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR2 $580k

Thu 17:30-18:00 17A/43-51 Giles St

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0402230057 BR2 Auct

Sat 10:00-16:00 15/29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR1 $340k

Sat 10:00-15:00 4 Trevillian Quay

Colliers International

0414812344 BR3 $1.2M

Sat 10:00-16:00 26/29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR2 $580k

Sat 10:00-16:00 25/29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR3 $700k

Sat 10:00-16:00 9/29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR1 $420k

Sat 10:00-16:00 29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR2 $550k+

Sat 10:00-16:00 87/29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR1 $410k

Sat 10:00-16:00 76/29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR2 $440k

Sat 10:00-16:00 96/29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR2 $620k

Sat 10:00-16:00 71/29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR2 $580k

Sat 10:00-16:00 57/29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR2 $430k

Sat 10:30-11:00 4/8 Howitt St

Belle Property

0414517658 BR2 Auct

Sat 11:00-11:30 22/77 Leichhardt St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0418632279 BR2 $455k

Sat 11:15-11:45 34/20 Eyre St

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0411244874 BR2 $599k

Sat 11:15-12:00 10/11 Trevillian Quay

Key Real Estate ACT

0400281395 BR2 $595k

DOWNER Thu 17:30-18:00 96 Melba Pl

Luton - Dickson

0429487939 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:15-10:45 438 Antill St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0416014431 BR3 $480k

Sat 08:30-09:00 38 Banfield St

Luton - Dickson

0429487939 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:00-11:15 38/25 Aspinall St

LJ Hooker Kippax

0437309680 BR1 $260k+

Sat 09:30-10:00 11 Tardent St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0416014431 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:15-11:45 50/21 Aspinall St

Luton - Dickson

0409300065 BR2 $310k

Sat 09:45-10:15 11 Fenton St

Luton - Dickson

0429487939 BR3 $820k

Sat 12:00-12:30 21/23 Tay St

Luton - Dickson

0409300065 BR2 $335k

Sat 11:00-11:30 4/65 Melba St

One Agency Kippax

0414720532 BR1 $240k

Sat 12:30-13:00 139 Knox St

Luton - Dickson

0409300065 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:30-13:00 412 Antill St

Luton - Dickson

0409300065 BR3 $468k

Sat 12:45-13:15 4/27 Ian Nicol St

Luton - Dickson

0409300065 BR2 $335k

Sun 10:00-10:30 39 Phillip Ave

One Agency Kippax

0418254770 BR3 Neg

Wed12:00-12:30 412 Antill St

Luton - Dickson

0409300065 BR3 $468k

Wed17:00-17:30 139 Knox St

Luton - Dickson

0409300065 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:30-13:00 25 Blacket St

Luton - Dickson

0429487939 BR3 Auct

Sat 13:00-13:45 18 Burn Pl

Rutherford Johnston

0414910798 BR4 $975k

Tue 17:00-17:30 18 Burn Pl

Rutherford Johnston

0414910798 BR4 $975k

HACKETT Sat 09:30-10:00 28 Gilruth St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0412600085 BR3 Auct

Sat 09:45-10:15 22 Selwyn St

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0416087834 BR5 Auct

Sat 10:30-11:00 17 Dunlop St

Luton - Dickson

0409300065 BR5 Auct


BARTON Thu 12:30-13:00 61 Darling St

LYNEHAM Sat 09:00-09:45 46 Medworth Cres

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0413621131 BR2 Auct

Sat 09:30-10:00 5A/60 Wattle St

Luton - Dickson

0405135009 BR2 $299k

Sat 10:15-10:45 338/1 Mouat St


0431419847 BR1 $360k

Sat 10:30-11:00 6 Medworth Cres

McGrath - Woden

0429990197 BR5 Neg

Sat 11:45-12:30 16/44 Medworth Cres Rutherford Johnston

0414910798 BR2 $450k

Tue 17:00-17:30 46 Medworth Cres

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0413621131 BR2 Auct

Thu 18:00-18:30 7 Busby St

Harcourts Brindabella

0421485758 BR4 Auct

Sat 09:00-09:30 17 Quandong St

Belle Property

0412997894 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30 8 Lilley St

McGrath - Dickson

0419624766 BR3 Neg

Sat 10:30-11:00 14 Burt St

McGrath - Dickson

0419624766 BR3 Neg

Sat 11:00-12:00 6/4-6 Berrigan Cres

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0412488027 BR3 $689k

Sat 11:30-12:00 2/48 Miller St

McGrath - Dickson

0419624766 BR3 Neg


Luton - Weston Creek

0421463218 BR1 $395k

Sat 16:30-17:00 10/15 Berrigan Cres

Cream Residential - Hughes

0408662119 BR1 $399k

0414629996 BR2 $700k

Sat 10:00-10:45 18/1 Sydney Ave

Key Real Estate ACT

0400281395 BR1 $479k

Sat 10:00-10:30 6/3 Burbury Cl

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0407715244 BR1 $454k

Sat 10:00-10:30 61 Darling St

Harcourts Kingston/Manuka

0414629996 BR2 $700k

Sat 10:30-11:15 12/21 Brisbane Ave

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0402230057 BR2 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 14/3 Bowen Drv

LJ Hooker - Weston

0400819650 BR2 Auct

Sat 12:15-13:00 82/15 Darling St

Ray White - Kingston

0418266698 BR2 $520k+

Sat 12:30-13:15 48/40 Honeysett View Independent - Inner North & City0408999567 BR1 $460k

DEAKIN Sat 09:30-10:15 22 Carrington St

Sat 13:00-13:30 5/15 Berrigan Cres

Harcourts Kingston/Manuka

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0412488027 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 27 Beauchamp St

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0411244874 BR6 Auct

Sat 12:15-12:45 7 Canterbury Cres

Luton Properties - Manuka

0410750413 BR4 $2.4M

Sat 12:30-13:00 71 Newdegate St

Luton - Weston Creek

0402337287 BR3 Auct

FORREST Thu 17:30-18:00

21/14 New South Wales Cres

Sat 10:30-11:00 42 National Cct Sat 10:45-11:15

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0412488027 BR4 Auct

Sun 11:00-12:00 6/4-6 Berrigan Cres

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0412488027 BR3 $689k

Sat 11:15-12:00

LJ Hooker - Manuka

9/14 New South Wales Luton - Tuggeranong Cres

Sat 11:00-11:30 15/5 Empire Cct

Sun 10:30-11:15 25 Quandong St

Civium Property Group

52/16 New South Wales Cres

McGrath - Woden

0417710772 BR1 $460k

Sat 13:00-13:30 6/9 Jardine St

Luton Properties - Manuka

0410750413 BR2 $1.2M

Sat 13:15-14:00 32/53 Eyre St

Ray White - Kingston

0418266698 BR2 $520k

Sun 10:00-16:00 76/29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR2 $440k

Sun 10:00-16:00 15/29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR1 $340k

Sun 10:00-15:00 4 Trevillian Quay

Colliers International

0414812344 BR3 $1.2M

Sun 10:00-16:00 26/29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR2 $580k

Sun 10:00-16:00 87/29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR1 $410k

Sun 10:00-16:00 9/29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR1 $420k

Sun 10:00-16:00 96/29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR2 $620k

0466724039 BR5 Auct 0428139969 BR1 $449k 0418624913 BR1 $375k

Sun 10:00-16:00 25/29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR3 $700k

Independent - Inner North & City0427225823 BR2 $529k

Sun 10:00-16:00 57/29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR2 $430k

Tue 17:00-17:45 6/4-6 Berrigan Cres

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0412488027 BR3 $689k

Sat 13:30-14:00 10/19 State Circle

Luton Properties - Manuka

0413974912 BR1 $515k

Sun 10:00-16:00 29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR2 $550k+

Wed17:00-17:30 5/15 Berrigan Cres

Luton - Weston Creek

0421463218 BR1 $395k

Sat 13:30-14:00 42A Bougainville St

Luton - Canberra City

0413974912 BR4 $1.8M

Sun 10:00-16:00 71/29 Dawes St

POD Projects Group

0424409873 BR2 $580k


open homes – for sale

provided by For a free open homes listing, speak to your agent today.

NARRABUNDAH Sat 09:30-10:00 46 Nimbin St

Luton - Dickson



0405135009 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:30-11:15 20 Handasyde St

Luton - Tuggeranong

0409446289 BR4 Auct

Thu 17:45-18:30 5 Macknight Pl

One Agency Andrew Thorpe

0402017912 BR6 Neg

Sat 12:00-12:30 10/31 Tallara Parkway Belle Property

0401005282 BR2 Auct

Sat 11:00-11:30 7 Olinda Pl

One Agency Andrew Thorpe

0402017912 BR4 Neg

Sat 09:30-10:00 5 Macknight Pl

One Agency Andrew Thorpe

0402017912 BR6 Neg

Sat 12:45-13:15 8/41 Leahy Cl

Luton - Tuggeranong

0428139969 BR2 $359k

Sat 11:30-11:50 1 Ingham Pl

Peter Blackshaw - Tuggeranong0404857929 BR4 $579k

Sat 12:00-12:40 6 Starritt Pl

McIntyre Property

0417263678 BR3 $600k

Sat 15:15-16:00 3 Nimbin St

Luton - Holt

0417975375 BR2 Auct

Sat 13:40-14:10 4/2 Jane Price Cres

McGrath - Woden

0418624913 BR3 $370k

Sat 12:45-13:15 7 Max Henry Cres

Peter Blackshaw - Tuggeranong0404857929 BR4 Auct

Mon17:15-17:45 3 Nimbin St

Luton - Holt

0417975375 BR2 Auct

Sun 10:30-11:15 20 Handasyde St

Luton - Tuggeranong

0409446289 BR4 Auct

Tue 13:15-13:45 46 Nimbin St

Luton - Dickson

0405135009 BR3 Auct


Thu 17:30-18:00 13 Coyne St

McIntyre Property

0408166833 BR5 Auct



Sat 12:00-12:45 10/18 Kenyon Cct

Sat 09:30-10:00 45 Endeavour St

Luton Properties - Manuka

0417646417 BR4 Auct

Sat 09:00-09:30 13 Decker Pl

Luton Properties - Manuka

0410750413 BR4 $1.1M

Sat 09:45-10:15 1/78 Hicks St

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0414553835 BR2 $360k

Sat 10:00-10:30 13 Coyne St

McIntyre Property

0408166833 BR5 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:45 80 Monaro Cres

Luton Properties - Manuka

0417513896 BR3 Auct


LJ Hooker - Manuka

0466724039 BR2 $389k

Sat 12:00-12:30 4 Catts Pl

Peter Blackshaw - Tuggeranong0404857929 BR6 Auct

Sat 11:30-12:00 2/108 Mugga Way

Luton Properties - Manuka

0423761461 BR3 Auct

Sun 11:00-11:30 9 Arden Pl

Property Now

Tue 18:00-18:45 80 Monaro Cres

Luton Properties - Manuka

0417513896 BR3 Auct


YARRALUMLA Thu 17:00-17:30 7 Drummond Row

Belle Property

0401005282 BR5 Auct

Sat 09:00-09:30 7/51 Hampton Cct

Luton - Dickson

0409300065 BR1 $269k

Sat 09:30-10:15 7/4 Hooker St

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0412488027 BR4 $1.1M

Sat 10:30-11:00 12 Schomburgk St

Peter Blackshaw - Woden

0411414624 BR5 Auct

Sat 11:00-12:00 75 Schlich St

Philip Kouvelis

0412622420 BR4 Neg

Sat 11:00-11:40 79 Schlich St

One Agency Sandy Morris

0420380895 BR4 Neg

Sat 11:15-12:00 11 Hunter St

Luton - Woden

0418198891 BR4 Auct

Sat 13:30-14:00 7 Drummond Row

Belle Property

0401005282 BR5 Auct

Sat 14:15-14:45 3 Bidwill Cl

Belle Property

0412997894 BR4 Auct

Sun 10:30-11:10 79 Schlich St

One Agency Sandy Morris

0420380895 BR4 Neg

Wed17:00-17:30 11 Hunter St

Luton - Woden

1300815051 BR6 $599k

Sat 10:30-11:00 37 Clem Hill St

Luton - Tuggeranong

0428139969 BR4 $800k

Sat 11:00-11:30 16 McVilly Cl

Peter Blackshaw - Gungahlin

0403941366 BR3 $520k

Sat 11:45-12:45 21 Flegg Cres

Luton Properties - Manuka

0417676169 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:15-13:15 19 Woodfull Loop

Independent - Inner North & City0431797891 BR4 Neg

Sat 13:30-14:00 7/7 Justice Pl

Luton Properties - Manuka

0423761461 BR3 Auct

Sun 10:00-10:45 37 Clem Hill St

Luton - Tuggeranong

0428139969 BR4 $800k

Wed17:30-18:00 21 Flegg Cres

Luton Properties - Manuka

0417676169 BR3 Auct


Sat 09:30-10:00 1 Van Pelt Pl

First National - Capital

0408408603 BR4 Auct

One Agency Sandy Morris

0420380895 BR3 $550k

Sat 12:00-12:30 22 Kiddle Cres

One Agency Sandy Morris

0420380895 BR4 Neg

Sat 12:45-13:30 34 Vidal St

PRDnationwide - Braddon

0412851139 BR4 Auct

Sat 14:20-15:00 44 Deamer Cres

McIntyre Property

0409015400 BR3 $445k

Thu 17:30-18:00 20 Chippindall Cct

Ian McNamee & Partners

0402419927 BR3 $525k

Sat 10:00-10:30 20 Chippindall Cct

Ian McNamee & Partners

0402419927 BR3 $525k

Sat 10:00-10:30 40 Conlon Cres

McGrath - Belco/Gung

0410125475 BR4 $599k

Sat 12:00-12:40 3 Callister Cres

McIntyre Property

0417263678 BR3 $530k

217 Newman-morris Cct




Sat 13:30-14:15 42 Mackerras Cres

Luton - Tuggeranong

0449234646 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:45 5 Matthews Pl

Mon17:30-18:00 42 Mackerras Cres

Luton - Tuggeranong

0449234646 BR4 Auct

0418198891 BR3 Auct

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0412488027 BR3 $775k

Sat 09:30-10:00 6/12 Clamp Pl

Luton - Tuggeranong

0412624412 BR3 $524k

Thu 17:00-17:30 42 Tytherleigh St

Luton - Woden

Sat 11:30-12:00 16/6 Dods Pl

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0412488027 BR3 Auct

Sat 09:00-09:30 51 Sullivan Cres

Independent - Inner North & City0431797891 BR4 Neg

Sat 12:45-13:15 68/1 Limburg

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0418632279 BR2 $379k

Sat 09:30-10:00 42 Tytherleigh St

Luton - Woden

0418198891 BR3 Auct

McGrath - Woden

0419695569 BR3 Neg



0428139969 BR3 $380k Sun 12:15-12:45 6/12 Clamp Pl

Sat 09:40-10:10 36 Bellchambers Cres Peter Blackshaw - Tuggeranong0404857929 BR4 $599k Sat 09:45-10:15 40 Forsythe St

Luton - Tuggeranong

Sat 10:45-11:15 7 Tregellas Cres

Peter Blackshaw - Tuggeranong0404857929 BR3 $459k

0428139969 BR3 $439k

Luton - Tuggeranong

0412624412 BR3 $524k

ISABELLA PLAINS Sat 11:15-11:45 26 Collyburl Cres

Luton - Tuggeranong

0428139969 BR4 $690k

Sat 12:00-12:30 31/59 Cromwell Cct

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0418797718 BR3 $410k

Sat 11:30-12:00 25 Alison Ashby Cres McIntyre Property

0409015400 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:45-13:30 13 Paperbark St

McIntyre Property

0414665626 BR3 $590k

Sat 13:00-13:40 3 Hill Pl

McIntyre Property

0416227666 BR2 $390k


Sat 14:00-14:45 4 Betty Maloney Cres McIntyre Property

0417263678 BR4 $559k

Thu 12:30-13:00 8 Malcolm Pl

Luton - Woden

0425283588 BR3 Auct

Sun 11:00-11:45 30 Galbraith Cl

0418215792 BR6 $950k

Sat 09:30-10:15 15 Rounsevell St

Luton - Tuggeranong

Luton - Tuggeranong

0418822144 BR2 $395k


Sat 13:30-14:00 17/14 Florence Taylor StPeter Blackshaw - Tuggeranong0404857929 BR3 $479k+ Sat 10:15-10:45 14 McWhae Cct Luton - Tuggeranong

0449234646 BR4 Neg

0418198891 BR4 Auct

TUGGERANONG Sat 09:00-09:30 2 Littler Pl

Sat 12:00-12:45 15/166 Clive Steele AveOne Agency Don McPherson

Sat 13:50-14:30

Sat 11:30-12:00 4/182 La Perouse St

Luton - Tuggeranong


Sat 12:30-13:15 6 Wolfingham Pl

Luton - Tuggeranong

0411049242 BR4 $680k

Sat 10:30-11:30 49 Mcwhae Cct

Independent - Inner North & City0431797891 BR3 Neg

Sat 11:00-11:30 1 Shackell Pl

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0412773938 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 26 Longmore Cres

Luton - Tuggeranong

0428139969 BR4 $535k


CHAPMAN Sat 09:30-10:00 9 Gavin Pl

Peter Blackshaw - Woden

0414775137 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:15-11:45 170 Ston Drv

RE/MAX Capital - Qbn

0419497584 BR4 Neg

0411781863 BR4 $670k

Sat 11:15-12:00 26 Percy Cres

Peter Blackshaw - Woden

0411414624 BR5 $920k

Sat 12:30-13:00 108 Perry Drv

Luton - Woden

0418198891 BR5 Auct

Sat 10:30-11:15 8 Malcolm Pl

Luton - Woden

0425283588 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:15-10:45 4/114 Barr Smith Ave Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0411244874 BR3 $449k

Sat 11:00-11:40 50 Maxworthy St

McIntyre Property

0416227666 BR4 $575k+ Sat 13:30-14:00 20 Perry Drv


0405404792 BR4 Auct

Sat 13:00-13:40 5 Puddy St

McIntyre Property

0417263678 BR4 $649k

Sat 11:00-12:00 41/87 Crozier Cct

Blue Property Marketing

0412023497 BR4 Neg

Sun 14:00-14:30 20 Perry Drv


0405404792 BR4 Auct

Sat 13:15-14:00 14/10 Helpmann St

McIntyre Property

0409015400 BR2 $455k

Sat 12:50-13:20 1 Eales Pl

McGrath - Woden

0418624913 BR3 $430k


Sat 15:15-16:00 10/14 Burgoyne St

McIntyre Property

0417263678 BR4 $540k

Sat 13:00-13:40 4 Vansittart Cres

One Agency Sandy Morris

0420380895 BR4 $550k

Thu 17:00-17:30 97 Somerset St

Luton - Weston Creek

0411878587 BR3 Auct

Sat 13:15-14:00 64 O'Halloran Cct

Peter Blackshaw - Woden

0408848622 BR4 Auct

Sat 09:30-10:00 97 Somerset St

Luton - Weston Creek

0411878587 BR3 Auct

Sat 13:30-14:00 186 Boddington Cres LJ Hooker - Dickson

0412773938 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:30-11:00 29 Serpentine St

Luton - Weston Creek

0411878587 BR4 Auct

Sat 14:30-15:00 57 Ivo Whitton Cct

Luton - Weston Creek

0411878587 BR4 $969k

Sat 12:00-12:30 30 Tullaroop St

Luton - Weston Creek

0411878587 BR4 $949k

Sat 15:00-17:00 5/87 Morrison St

For Sale By Owner Australia

0437588960 BR3 $425k

Sun 09:30-10:00 2 Jemalong St

Peter Blackshaw - Woden

0411414624 BR4 Auct

CALWELL Sat 12:15-12:45 44 Fink Cres Sat 12:30-13:00 74 Pennington Cres

iNSTYLE Estate Agents Inner South LJ Hooker Woden - WODEN

0403221667 BR3 $525k 0411367700 BR4 Auct

CHISHOLM Sat 11:30-12:15 9 Couchman Cres

One Agency Kippax

0414730849 BR3 Neg

Sat 16:10-16:50 1 Hepburn Pl

One Agency Sandy Morris

0420380895 BR3 $530k


Sat 11:45-12:30 29 Swanton St

Luton - Tuggeranong

0409446289 BR3 Auct

Sun 10:30-11:00 64 O'Halloran Cct

Peter Blackshaw - Woden

0408848622 BR4 Auct

Sat 09:00-09:30 18/177 Badimara St

Peter Blackshaw - Woden

0408848622 BR2 $339k

Sat 14:15-15:00 44 Dalyell St

One Agency Don McPherson

0418822144 BR3 $500k

Sun 11:30-12:00 4 Vansittart Cres

One Agency Sandy Morris

0420380895 BR4 $550k

Sat 10:30-11:15 10 kalgoorlie St

Dwyer Dunn Property

0412149513 BR3 $710k

Sun 11:45-12:30 29 Swanton St

Luton - Tuggeranong

0409446289 BR3 Auct

Wed17:00-17:30 41/87 Crozier Cct

Blue Property Marketing

0412023497 BR4 Neg

Sat 12:00-12:30 28 Chillagoe St

McGrath - Woden

0418624913 BR4 Neg


open homes – for sale

provided by For a free open homes listing, speak to your agent today.

Sat 12:00-12:30 2/12 Araluen St

Luton - Weston Creek

0414538348 BR3 $309k


Tue 17:30-18:00 45/2 Eldridge Cres

Luton Properties - Manuka

0417676169 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 4/19 Torpy Pl

Ray White - Queanbeyan

0420304431 BR3 $530k

Wed17:00-17:30 21/2 Eldridge Cres

Philip Kouvelis

0412622420 BR2 $515k

Sat 12:15-12:45 11 Sycamore St

Harcourts Kingston/Manuka

0414629996 BR4 $780k+

Sat 13:00-13:45 1 Teak Pl

Luton - Tuggeranong

0409446289 BR6 $950k+

Philip Kouvelis

0418285797 BR3 Neg

Sat 13:15-13:45 50 Brudenell Drv

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0412600085 BR4 $690k+

Sat 23:15-23:45 22 Govett Pl

Luton - Weston Creek

0421463218 BR2 Neg


Tue 16:30-17:15 22 Govett Pl

Luton - Weston Creek

0421463218 BR2 Neg

Sat 09:30-10:00 152 Kent St

Sat 13:50-14:00 55 Halloran Drv

Cream Residential - Hughes

0408662119 BR4 Auct

Sat 08:30-09:00 4 Bangalay Cres

Luton Properties - Manuka

0423761461 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:30-13:15 12 Reddall Cl

Peter Blackshaw - Woden

0439952857 BR4 Auct

Sat 14:15-14:45 139 Halloran Drv

Luton - Weston Creek

0411878587 BR4 $919k

Sat 11:30-12:00 10 Epacris Pl

Luton - Woden

0439282508 BR3 Auct

Wed12:30-13:00 12 Reddall Cl

Peter Blackshaw - Woden

0439952857 BR4 Auct

Sat 14:30-15:00 12 Hudson Pl

Luton - Woden

0412635019 BR5 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:40 124 Ston Drv

One Agency Sandy Morris

0420380895 BR4 Neg


Sat 14:30-15:15 17 Myrtle Cl

McGrath - Woden

0429990197 BR5 Neg

Sat 14:45-15:15 24 Brudenell Drv

Peter Blackshaw - Queanbeyan 0419683599 BR5 $759k



STIRLING Sat 10:30-11:00 89 Fremantle Drv


Thu 17:00-17:45 5 Glenorchy St

Independent - Inner North & City0418625437 BR2 Neg

0432714230 BR2 $335k+ Sat 10:45-11:30 5 Glenorchy St

WARAMANGA Sat 13:30-14:00 37 Nemarang Cres

Peter Blackshaw - Woden

0411414624 BR3 Auct


Independent - Inner North & City0418625437 BR2 Neg

Sat 15:30-16:00 66 Woodhill Link

Peter Blackshaw - Queanbeyan 0419683599 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:30-13:15 3A Olympus Way

Peter Blackshaw - Woden

0411414624 BR4 Auct

Sun 14:30-15:00 15 Stringybark Drv

Luton - Dickson

Sat 13:45-14:15 50/5 Burnie St

Luton - Woden

0425283588 BR2 $385k



Sat 12:15-13:00 32 Lycett St

Peter Blackshaw - Woden

0412152607 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:40 25/6 Wilkins St

McIntyre Property

0409015400 BR1 $199k

Sat 12:30-13:00 36/22 Namatjira Drv

Philip Kouvelis

0402082886 BR3 $575k

Sat 11:50-12:20 1/58 Shackleton Cct

Cream Residential - Hughes

0408662119 BR4 Auct

Sat 14:30-15:15 44 Hilder St

Luton - Tuggeranong

0409446289 BR3 Auct


Sun 13:00-13:45 44 Hilder St

Luton - Tuggeranong

0409446289 BR3 Auct

Thu 12:00-12:30 8/40 Culgoa Cct

Luton - Woden

0418198891 BR4 Auct

Sat 14:30-15:00 4/15 Dalman Cres

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0412488027 BR4 Auct

Sat 15:15-16:00 49 Akame Cct

One Agency Don McPherson

0418822144 BR4 $1.4M


CHIFLEY Thu 12:30-14:30

108-112 Eggleston Cres

Sat 11:45-12:15 46/7 Medley St

One Agency Gamarra and Co

0405660842 BR3 $679k+ Sun 12:00-12:45 8/40 Culgoa Cct

Luton - Woden

0418198891 BR4 Auct

Luton - Tuggeranong

0428139969 BR2 $285k

Tue 17:00-17:30 8/40 Culgoa Cct

Luton - Woden

0418198891 BR4 Auct


CURTIN Thu 12:30-13:00 79 Theodore St Sat 09:00-09:30 2/83 Carruthers St Sat 09:30-10:00 7 Elmslie St

Belle Property Peter Blackshaw - Woden Cream Residential - Hughes

0401005282 BR3 $685k 0411414624 BR3 Auct 0418620686 BR4 Auct

Sat 09:30-10:00 13 Hodgson Cres


0434973987 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30 81 Macfarland Pl


0431419847 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:30-12:00 19/6 Kemsley Pl

Luton - Weston Creek

0411878587 BR2 $429k

Sat 11:30-12:00 21/6 Kemsley Pl

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0414243406 BR2 $450k

Sat 10:00-10:45 54 James St

Paul and Robyn Sutton Properties

0407099175 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:45-13:15 29 McLaren Cres

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0412488027 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:30-11:00 10 McLean Pl

Luton - Dickson

0405135009 BR4 Auct

Sat 15:15-16:00 2/1 Mcgee Pl

Edge Eric Heng & Shan Gao

0457038888 BR2 $330k

Mon17:00-17:30 13 Hodgson Cres


0434973987 BR3 Auct

Tue 17:30-18:00 81 Macfarland Pl


0431419847 BR3 Auct

Peter Blackshaw - Woden

0411414624 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:45-11:30 16 Robertson St

Cream Residential - Hughes

0408662119 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 11 Argyle Pl

Peter Blackshaw - Woden

0411414624 BR4 Auct


Sat 12:00-12:30 127 Theodore St

Luton - Woden

0437998509 BR4 $790k

Sat 15:00-15:30 30 Parsons St

Sat 16:00-16:45 29 Morehead St Sun 11:00-11:45 29 Throssell St Wed17:30-18:00 54 James St

Peter Blackshaw - Woden Peter Blackshaw - Woden Paul and Robyn Sutton Properties

0411414624 BR4 Auct 0411414624 BR3 Auct 0407099175 BR4 Auct

FARRER Sat 10:15-10:45 56A Longerenong St

Luton - Weston Creek

0421463218 BR3 Auct


CRESTWOOD Thu 17:00-17:30 12/86 Derrima Rd

Impact Properties

0407211954 BR2 $225k+

Sat 10:20-10:50 8/1a Davison St

Ray White - Queanbeyan

0433612772 BR2 $336k

Sat 11:30-12:30 12/86 Derrima Rd

Impact Properties

0407211954 BR2 $225k+

Sat 11:30-12:00 21/86 Derrima road

PRDnationwide - Braddon

0412851139 BR2 $255k+

Sat 08:30-09:00 55 Pindari Cres

Peter Blackshaw - Queanbeyan 0419683599 BR5 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30 11 Rusten St

Peter Blackshaw - Queanbeyan 0419683599 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:30-11:15 7 Rusten St

Ray White - Queanbeyan

Sat 11:30-12:00 33 Nimbus Pl

Peter Blackshaw - Queanbeyan 0419683599 BR4 $729k

Sat 13:15-13:45 29 Oleria St


0411449071 BR3 $400k+

Sat 09:00-09:30 9 Graham Pl

LJ Hooker - Queanbeyan

0416182379 BR5 Auct

Sat 09:00-09:30 2/74 Crest Park Pde

McGrath - Woden

0413503312 BR2 $429k

Sat 09:30-10:00 8/7 Brook St

Ray White - Queanbeyan

0420304431 BR2 $190k+

Sat 09:45-10:15 33 O'Hanlon Rd

LJ Hooker - Queanbeyan

0416182379 BR3 $529k

Sat 10:00-10:30 2/111 Uriarra Rd

RE/MAX Capital - Qbn

0404891591 BR2 $320k

Sat 10:00-10:30 27/7-11 Stornaway Rd Ian McNamee & Partners

0410774821 BR2 $380k

Sat 10:15-11:00 47 Antill St

No Agent Property

1300850855 BR4 $575k+

Sat 10:20-10:50 2/1a Davison St

Ray White - Queanbeyan

0420304431 BR2 $270k+

Sat 11:00-11:30 11/11 Donald Rd

RE/MAX Capital - Qbn

0404891591 BR2 $329k

Sat 11:00-11:30 34/13-15 Morisset St Ray White - Queanbeyan

0415735777 BR2 Neg

Sat 11:00-11:30 1/104 Henderson Rd

RE/MAX Capital - Qbn

0416291720 BR2 $239k

Sat 11:00-11:40 5/15 Henderson Rd

Ray White - Queanbeyan

0425544664 BR3 $390k

Sat 11:00-11:30 68/39-41 Crawford St Ray White - Queanbeyan

0420304431 BR1 $265k

Sat 11:00-11:30 6/16 Broughton Pl

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417299826 BR2 $272k

Sat 11:00-11:30 15a/17 Uriarra Rd

Ian McNamee & Partners

0410774821 BR2 $245k

Sat 11:00-11:30 3/27 Yass Rd

LJ Hooker - Queanbeyan

0438174400 BR1 $299k

Sat 11:00-12:00 19/7 Brook St

Independent - Queanbeyan

0410606401 BR2 $229k

Sat 11:30-12:00 4/3A Stornaway Rd

Ray White - Bungendore

0419999001 BR2 $315k+

Sat 11:30-12:00 2/31 Ross Rd

LJ Hooker - Queanbeyan

0438174400 BR3 $435k+

Sat 11:45-12:15 21/4 Ross Rd

Ray White - Queanbeyan

0415735777 BR2 $330k+

Sat 12:30-13:15 15 Munro Rd

LJ Hooker - Queanbeyan

0438174400 BR4 $630k

Sat 13:00-13:30 18/46 Trinculo Pl

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417299826 BR1 $169k

McGrath - Woden

0429990197 BR5 Neg

Independent - Queanbeyan

0410583048 BR3 $445k

Luton - Tuggeranong

0418215792 BR4 Auct


Sat 14:30-15:00 13 Wenholz St

Luton - Woden

0425283588 BR4 $799k

Fri 17:15-17:45 11 Christie St

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR5 $775k

Sun 13:30-14:15 4 Crane Pl

Luton - Tuggeranong

0418215792 BR4 Auct

Sat 11:15-11:45 5 Pollack St

Harcourts Kingston/Manuka

0414629996 BR4 $750k+ Sat 13:15-13:45 33 Gilmore Pl

Tue 18:00-18:30 56A Longerenong St

Luton - Weston Creek

0421463218 BR3 Auct

Thu 13:00-13:30 37 Flanagan St

Luton - Woden

0418198891 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:45 45/2 Eldridge Cres

Luton Properties - Manuka

0417676169 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:45-13:30 6/1 Eldridge Cres

Luton - Dickson

0405135009 BR3 Auct

Sun 11:30-12:00 44/1 Eldridge Cres

Peter Blackshaw - Woden

0412152607 BR3 $572k

Sun 13:00-13:45 37 Flanagan St

Luton - Woden

0418198891 BR4 Auct

Tue 12:15-12:45 6/1 Eldridge Cres

Luton - Dickson

0405135009 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:30-12:15 21 Bonarba Link

Independent - Queanbeyan

Sat 13:45-14:15 22 Aitken St

Peter Blackshaw - Queanbeyan 0419683599 BR4 $795k

Sat 14:30-15:30 54 Beltana Ave

LJ Hooker Tuggeranong TUGGERANONG

0424288717 BR4 $770k

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR5 $775k

Sat 14:30-15:00 11 Christie St

0410606401 BR4 $689k

JERRABOMBERRA Sat 11:00-11:45 43 Halloran Drv

iNSTYLE Estate Agents Inner South

0403221667 BR5 Auct

0407096599 BR4 $529k


Sat 13:30-14:15 4 Crane Pl


0429487939 BR4 $679k

Sat 14:00-15:00 4/13 Gerald St

QUEANBEYAN EAST Sat 12:00-12:30 24/22 Mowatt St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0402419927 BR1 $139k

Sat 12:00-12:30 44/85 Derrima Rd

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418611044 BR2 $209k

QUEANBEYAN WEST Sat 12:00-12:30 101 Tharwa Rd

RE/MAX Capital - Qbn

0404891591 BR3 Neg

Sat 15:00-15:40 1/9 Telopea Pl

One Agency Sandy Morris

0420380895 BR4 $465k




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March 3 – 9

PICK OF THE WEEK Brokeback Mountain Friday, SBS, 8.35pm, M (2005) With a stunning backdrop, a master director in Ang Lee and commanding performances from Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal, this controversial cowboy yarn is near flawless. Lee’s classic begins in 1963, when a relationship blooms between a pair of Wyoming cowboys (Ledger and Gyllenhaal). As the summer ends, both men quickly marry, but their time at Brokeback Mountain proves too strong to forget and the pair try to sustain their relationship over the ensuing two decades.


The Nutty Professor Sunday, 9GO!, 7.40pm, PG (1996) A remake of the 1963 Jerry Lewis comedy classic with Eddie Murphy playing overweight Professor Sherman Klump and his sex-crazed, foul-mouthed alter ego Buddy Love. Flawless make-up and special effects dominate the show as Murphy works the fat suit with ease, while the transformation into the charming and slim Love is quite amusing. Murphy’s multi-role performance is frequently amazing, demonstrated best in the dinner table sequences where he plays the entire Klump family.

Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius

Sunday, 9GO!, 6pm, G (2001) Not quite up to scratch with the Pixar group’s offerings, nonetheless this is a modest animated fantasy from Nickelodeon, about a super nerdy gradeschooler (voiced by the improbably named Debi Derryberry) capable of stupendous inventions who must travel into deep space to rescue his town’s adult population from aliens. Simple and very silly, this may be purpose-built kids’ fodder, but it still packs enough good-natured fun to draw some appreciation from older, though not necessarily more mature, audiences.

March 3

12pm News. 1.00 Murder, She Wrote. (M) 2.25 The Bill. (M) 2.50 The Cook And The Chef. 3.15 Father Brown. (PG) 4.00 Antiques Roadshow. 5.00 News. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Pointless. 6.45 One Plus One. 7.00 News. 7.30 The Link. 8.00 QI. (M) 8.30 Broadchurch. (M) 9.20 Miniseries: Black Work. (M) 10.10 The Weekly. (M) 10.40 Lateline. 11.10 The Business. 11.25 Planet America. 11.55 Rage. (MA15+)

12pm MOVIE: Jack Reed: A Search For Justice. (1994, M) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Better Homes And Gardens. 8.30 MOVIE: The Help. (2011, M) Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer. 11.30 Bride And Prejudice: The Forbidden Weddings. (M)

12pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 1.00 Travel Guides. (PG) 2.00 House Husbands. (PG) 3.00 News Now. 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 Nine News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Rugby League. NRL. Round 1. South Sydney Rabbitohs v Wests Tigers. From ANZ Stadium, Sydney. 10.30 Lethal Weapon. (M) 11.30 MOVIE: Cheech And Chong’s Next Movie. (1980, M)

Clipsal 500. Qualifying. 5.00 TEN Eyewitness News. 6.00 WIN News. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 The Living Room. 8.30 The Graham Norton Show. (M) 9.30 To Be Advised. 10.10 To Be Advised. 11.10 The Project. 12.10am WIN News.

12pm Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 PBS News. 2.00 Barunga Or Bust. 3.00 Tales From The Bush Larder. (PG) 3.30 Floyd’s Fjord Fiesta. 4.05 Thai Street Food. 4.35 Jonathan Phang’s Gourmet Express. 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Food Safari. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 Great British Railway Journeys. 8.35 MOVIE: Brokeback Mountain. (2005, M) 11.05 SBS News. 11.35 MOVIE: Hemel. (2012, MA15+)

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.40 Peppa Pig. 5.45 Dinosaur Train. 6.00 Ben And Holly. 6.15 The Hive. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.35 Peter Rabbit. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Dirty Jobs. (PG) 8.20 Gruen Rewind. (PG) 8.30 Catfish: The TV Show. (M) 9.10 My Trans American Road Trip. (M) 10.05 Gruen Planet. (PG) 10.40 Penn & Teller: Fool Us. (PG) 11.20 Special Forces: Ultimate Hell Week. 12.15am Hair.

12pm Dr Oz. (PG) 1.00 Better Homes. 2.00 The Real Seachange. 3.00 Auction Squad. 4.00 Deal Or No Deal. 5.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 5.30 60 Minute Makeover. (PG) 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Wild Planet: North America. 8.30 Escape To The Country. 9.30 Property Ladder UK. (PG) 10.30 Building Dream Homes. 11.00 Before And After. 11.30 Bargain Hunt. 12.30am Deal Or No Deal.

12pm Steven Universe. 12.30 Thunderbirds Are Go. 1.00 Adv Time. 1.30 Regular Show. 2.00 Rabbids Invasion. 2.30 Beyblade Burst. 3.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! 3.30 Regal Academy. 4.00 Kids’ WB. 4.05 The Looney Tunes Show. 4.30 Scooby-Doo! 5.00 Ben 10. 5.30 Teen Titans. 6.00 MOVIE: Alvin And The Chipmunks. (2007) 7.50 MOVIE: Kung Fu Panda. (2008) 9.35 MOVIE: Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me. (1999) 11.35 Late Programs.

12pm WIN’s All Australian News. 1.00 Cheers. (PG) 2.00 Nash Bridges. (M) 3.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 MacGyver. (PG) 8.30 Walker, Texas Ranger. (M) 10.30 Highlander. (M) 11.30 Nash Bridges. (M)

12pm MOVIE: Anything For Her. (2008, M) 1.45 My Father’s Truck. (PG) 2.05 Gaycation. (PG) 3.00 News. 3.30 The Feed. 4.00 Space Dandy. (PG) 4.30 MythBusters. (PG) 5.30 If You Are The One. 6.30 VICE. (PG) 7.00 VICE News Tonight. 7.30 Soccer. A-League. Round 22. Sydney FC v Melbourne Victory. 10.15 Hate Thy Neighbour. (M) 11.10 Gaycation. (M) 12am Noisey.

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.40 Kobushi. 5.50 Winston Steinburger And Sir Dudley Ding Dong. 6.00 Fangbone! 6.15 Dragons: Defenders Of Berk. 6.35 The Next Step. 7.00 Operation Ouch! 7.30 Officially Amazing. 7.55 BtN Newsbreak. 8.05 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (PG) 8.25 Heartland. (PG) 9.10 Girl Vs Boy. (PG) 9.35 Lanfeust Quest. 10.00 Kamisama Kiss. (PG) 10.20 K-On! 10.45 Close.

12pm T.J. Hooker. (PG) 1.00 Police Woman. (M) 2.00 Marvel’s Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. (M) 3.00 Beverly Hills Pawn. (PG) 3.30 Wipeout USA. (PG) 4.30 Billy The Exterminator. (PG) 5.00 MythBusters. (PG) 6.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 7.30 MOVIE: Spider-Man 3. (2007, PG) 10.15 MOVIE: Rambo. (2008, MA15+) 12am Ink Master. (M)

12.10pm MOVIE: Cage Of Gold. (1950, PG) 1.50 Hairy Bikers Everyday Gourmets. (PG) 3.00 Heartbeat. (PG) 4.10 Heartbeat. (M) 5.20 Absolutely Fabulous. (PG) 6.00 Friends. (PG) 7.00 As Time Goes By. 7.30 Monarch Of The Glen. (PG) 8.40 MOVIE: Unforgiven. (1992, M) 11.20 Dalziel And Pascoe. (M) 12.20am Friends. (PG)

12pm Judging Amy. (PG) 1.00 WIN News. 2.00 Becker. (PG) 3.00 Raymond. (PG) 4.05 King Of Queens. (PG) 5.00 Frasier. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.05 Malcolm In The Middle. (PG) 7.30 How I Met Your Mother. (PG) 8.00 The Simpsons. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Pride. (2014, M) 10.55 Sex And The City. (MA15+) 11.35 James Corden.

12pm ABC News. 3.00 ABC News Afternoons. 6.00 ABC News Evenings. 6.30 The Drum. 7.00 ABC News Evenings. 8.00 ABC News Evenings With The Business. 9.00 Planet America. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 ABC National News. 11.30 The Link.

ABC (ch 2)

ABC2 (ch 22)

ABC ME (ch 23)

PRIME7 (ch 6)

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

NINE (ch 5)

9GO! (ch 53)

9GEM (ch 52)

WIN (ch 8)

12pm Motor Racing. Supercars Championship.

ONE (ch 81)

ELEVEN (ch 82)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS VLND (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)

Classifications: (P) Pre-school (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence Programs are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by the networks.



March 4

12pm QI. 12.30 Broadchurch. (ch 2) 1.20 Miniseries: Black Work. 2.05 The Great Australian Fly. 3.00 Who’s Been Sleeping In My House? 3.30 Landline. 4.00 The Link. 4.30 Inspector George Gently. 6.00 Compass. 6.30 Gardening Australia. 7.00 News. 7.30 Death In Paradise. (M) 8.30 Call The Midwife. (M) 9.30 New Tricks. (PG) 10.30 Newton’s Law. 11.30 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. 12.10am Rage: Mardi Gras Special.

12pm To Be Advised. 1.30 Horse Racing. Australian Guineas Day and Randwick Guineas Day. 5.00 Seven News At 5. 5.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG) 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 MOVIE: King Kong. (2005, PG) 10.40 To Be Advised. 11.40 The Goldbergs. (PG) 12.10am Fat, Sick And Nearly Dead. (PG)

12pm Hot In Cleveland. (PG) 12.30 Fish’n With Mates. 1.00 Who Do You Think You Are? (PG) 2.00 Married At First Sight. (PG) 5.00 News: First At Five. 5.30 Getaway. (PG) 6.00 Nine News. 7.00 MOVIE: Grown Ups. (2010, PG) 9.00 MOVIE: The Wedding Ringer. (2015, MA15+) 11.00 Movie: Get Shorty. (1995, MA15+)

6pm Bondi Rescue. (PG) 6.30 MOVIE: Ice Age 2: The Meltdown. (2006, PG) 8.20 MOVIE: Night At The Museum: Secret Of The Tomb. (2014, ) Ben Stiller, Robin Williams, Owen Wilson. A New York City security guard embarks on an epic journey in order to save a magical tablet. 10.20 To Be Advised. 11.00 48 Hours. (M)

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.40 Peppa Pig. 5.45 Dinosaur Train. 6.00 Ben And Holly. 6.15 The Hive. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.35 Peter Rabbit. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Penn & Teller: Fool Us. (PG) 8.10 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8.40 Live At The Apollo. (M) 9.30 Comedy Next Gen. (MA15+) 10.30 The Killing Season. (M) 10.55 Catherine Tate’s Nan. (M) 11.55 Archer. (M) 12.15am Louie. (M)

12pm Room For Improvement. 12.30 WA Weekender. 1.00 The Great Day Out. 1.30 Out Of The Blue. 2.00 Creek To Coast. 2.30 Qld Weekender. 3.00 The Great Australian Doorstep. 3.30 Sydney Weekender. 4.00 No Reservations. 5.00 Wild Planet: North America. 6.00 Animal Airport. 6.30 Air Crash Investigation. 7.30 Mighty Cruise Ships. (PG) 8.30 Movie: Unbroken. (2014, M) 11.20 Citizen Khan. 11.50 No Reservations.

12pm Move It. 12.30 SpongeBob. 1.00 Sonic Boom. (PG) 1.30 Power Rangers Dino. (PG) 2.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 2.30 Clarence. (PG) 3.00 Gumball. 3.30 Movie: Pokémon Ranger And The Temple Of The Sea. (2006, G) 5.30 Movie: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III. (1993, PG) 7.30 Movie: Shrek The Third. (2007, PG) 9.20 MOVIE: Hostage. (2005, MA15+) 11.35 Gotham. (MA15+)

12pm Jake And The Fatman. 1.00 Diagnosis Murder. 2.00 Monster Jam. 3.00 MacGyver. 4.00 Seafood Escape With Andrew Ettingshausen. 4.30 M*A*S*H. 5.30 iFish Summer. 6.00 Freddie Flintoff: Lord Of The Fries. 7.00 David Attenborough’s Madagascar. 8.00 The Greatest Wildlife Show On Earth. 9.00 Attenborough’s Animal House. 10.00 Countdown To Murder. 11.00 Car Crash Global: Caught On Camera.

A-League. Round 22. Sydney FC v Melbourne Victory. Replay. 2.10 Ninja Warrior Sweden. 3.00 The Last Lesbian Bars. 3.30 Inhuman Kind. 4.00 The Internet Ruined My Life. 5.00 Bollywood Star. 6.00 A Good Day To Die. 6.25 The Mindy Project. 7.15 If You Are The One. 8.30 Movie: Fruitvale Station. (2013, M) 10.05 Movie: Rampart. (2011) 12am Hate Thy Neighbour.

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.30 Numb Chucks. 5.40 Kobushi. 5.50 Winston Steinburger And Sir Dudley Ding Dong. 6.00 Fangbone! 6.15 Dragons: Defenders Of Berk. 6.35 The Next Step. 7.00 Operation Ouch! 7.30 Officially Amazing. 7.55 The New Adventures Of Figaro Pho. 8.05 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (PG) 8.25 Heartland. (PG) 9.10 Girl Vs Boy. 9.35 Close.

12pm Dream Car Garage. 12.30 The Next Level. (PG) 1.00 Motor Racing. Outlaw Nitro Funny Cars. 2.00 Gator Boys. (PG) 3.00 Turtleman. (PG) 4.30 BBQ Pitmasters. (PG) 5.30 Grilled. (PG) 6.30 AFL Women’s Pre-Game Show. 7.00 Football. AFL. Women’s. Round 5. Adelaide v Brisbane Lions. 9.15 MOVIE: Jaws. (1975, PG) 11.45 Ink Master. (M)

12.30pm Hairy Bikers Everyday Gourmets. (PG) 1.35 Movie: The Sundowners. (1960, G) 4.20 Movie: Greystoke: The Legend Of Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes. (1984, PG) 7.00 Netball. Super Netball. Round 3. Collingwood Magpies v Giants. 8.45 Netball. Super Netball. Round 3. Melbourne Vixens v NSW Swifts. From Hisense Arena, Melbourne. 10.45 Movie: W.E. (2011, MA15+)

12.30pm Charmed. (PG) 1.30 Rules Of Engagement. (PG) 2.30 Becker. (PG) 3.30 Raymond. (PG) 4.30 King Of Queens. (PG) 5.30 Frasier. (PG) 6.30 Raymond. (PG) 7.00 Last Man Standing. (PG) 7.30 Malcolm In The Middle. (PG) 8.00 Speechless. 8.30 Fresh Off The Boat. (PG) 9.00 The Great Indoors. (PG) 9.30 How I Met Your Mother. (PG) 10.00 Sex And The City. (M) 10.40 Sex And The City. (MA15+) 11.20 The Loop.

12pm News. 12.30 The Link. 1.00 News. 1.30 Landline. 2.00 News. 2.30 The Mix. 3.00 News. 3.30 Planet America. 4.00 News. 4.30 The Drum Weekly. 5.00 News. 5.30 One Plus One. 6.00 ABC News Weekend. 6.30 Australian Story. 7.00 ABC News Weekend. 7.30 The Mix. 8.00 Four Corners. 8.45 One Plus One. 9.00 ABC News Weekend. 9.30 Australia Wide. 10.00 News. 10.30 Back Roads. 11.00 News. 11.30 One Plus One.

12pm Landline. 1.00 Gardening Australia. 1.30 Dream Gardens. 2.00 Secrets Of The Mona Lisa. 3.00 The Mix. 3.30 Australia Wide. 4.00 Australian Story. 4.30 Death In Paradise. (PG) 5.30 Becoming Superhuman. (PG) 6.00 Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery. (PG) 6.30 My Year 12 Life. (PG) 7.00 News. 7.40 Grand Designs. (PG) 8.30 Vera. (M) 10.00 Strike A Pose. 11.30 The Tunnel. (MA15+) 12.20am Rage. (MA15+)

12pm Kochie’s Business Builders. (PG) 12.30 The Franchise Show. (PG) 1.00 To Be Advised. 4.00 Better Homes And Gardens. 5.00 Seven News At 5. 5.30 Sydney Weekender. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 My Kitchen Rules. (PG) 8.30 Sunday Night. 9.30 The Blacklist. (MA15+) 10.30 The Blacklist. (M) 11.30 To Be Advised.

1.30pm Surfing. Australian Boardriders Battle. Highlights. 2.00 Married At First Sight. (PG) 3.30 Rugby League. NRL. Round 1. Manly Sea Eagles v Parramatta Eels. 6.00 Nine News. 7.00 Married At First Sight. (PG) 8.30 60 Minutes. 9.30 Lethal Weapon. (M) 10.30 Outback Wrangler. (PG) 11.30 Better Late Than Never. (PG) 12.30am Murder In The First. (M)

6pm Family Feud: Sunday. 6.30 Bondi Rescue. 7.00 I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! (PG) Hosted by Julia Morris and Dr Chris Brown. 8.40 Bull. (M) The founder of a trial consulting firm uses psychology and technology to win cases for his clients. 9.40 24: Legacy. (M) 10.40 Homeland. (M) 11.30 48 Hours. (M)

12pm Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 Strip The Cosmos. 2.00 Speedweek. 3.00 Basketball. NBL. Grand Final Series. Game 3. 5.00 Small Business Secrets. 5.30 Churchill’s German Army. (PG) 6.30 SBS World News. 7.35 The Lost Tribes Of Humanity. 8.30 Sydney Gay And Lesbian Mardi Gras. 10.25 Movie: The Adventures Of Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert. (1994, M) 12.20am Japan’s Tsunami: Lost & Found.

12pm Children’s Programs. 4.50 Hoopla. 5.00 Thomas And Friends: The Great Race. 6.00 Ben And Holly. 6.15 The Hive. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.35 Peter Rabbit. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 River Monsters. (M) 8.20 Gruen Pitch Rewind. (PG) 8.30 Stolen Seas. (M) 10.00 Louis Theroux’s LA Stories. (M) 11.00 My Trans American Road Trip. (M) 11.50 Live At The Apollo. (M)

1pm The Great Australian Doorstep. 1.30 No Reservations. 2.30 Travel Oz. 4.00 Annabel Langbein: The Free Range Cook. 4.30 Malaysia Kitchen. 5.00 Moveable Feast. 5.30 Homes Under The Hammer. 6.30 Dog Patrol. 7.00 Border Security: International. 7.30 Border Security USA. 8.00 Border Patrol. 8.30 Escape To The Country. 10.30 Original Features. 11.30 Dog Patrol. 12am The Free Range Cook. 12.30 Psychic TV.

12pm Yo-Kai. (PG) 12.30 SpongeBob. 1.00 Sonic Boom. (PG) 1.30 Power Rangers Dino. (PG) 2.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 2.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 3.00 Gumball. 3.30 We Bare Bears. (PG) 4.00 Justice League Unlimited. (PG) 5.00 Ben 10. (PG) 5.30 Batman. (PG) 6.00 Movie: Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius. (2001, G) 7.40 Movie: The Nutty Professor. (1996, PG) 9.30 Movie: 22 Jump Street. (2014, MA15+) 11.45 Adult Swim. 12.15am The Venture Bros.

12.30pm World Sport. 1.00 Moments Of Impact. (PG) 2.00 Car Crash Global: Caught On Camera. (PG) 3.00 Freddie Flintoff: Lord Of The Fries. (PG) 4.00 David Attenborough’s Madagascar. 5.00 What’s Up Down Under. 5.30 iFish Summer. 6.00 Family Feud: Sunday. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.00 Movie: M*A*S*H: Goodbye, Farewell And Amen. (1983, PG) 9.30 Movie: Set Up. (2011, MA15+) 11.15 VF Confidential. (MA15+)

12pm News. 1.00 Dead Set On Life. 1.30 The Island With Bear Grylls USA. 2.25 VICE Does America. 2.55 United Shades Of America. 3.45 Billy On The Street. 4.15 Cyberwar. 4.40 Community. 5.30 Long Shot. 5.55 Larping Saved My Life. 6.25 Vs Arashi. 7.20 If You Are The One. 8.30 VICE. 9.05 VICE. 9.35 Hate Thy Neighbour. 10.25 Gaycation. 11.15 VICE. 11.50 VICE.

12pm Children’s Programs. 3.00 Sunday Sessions. 3.30 Children’s Programs. 5.50 Winston Steinburger And Sir Dudley Ding Dong. 6.00 Fangbone! 6.15 Dragons: Defenders Of Berk. 6.35 The Next Step. 7.00 Operation Ouch! 7.30 Officially Amazing. 7.55 The New Adventures Of Figaro Pho. 8.05 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (PG) 8.30 Heartland. 9.15 Girl Vs Boy. 9.40 Rage. (PG)

12pm Pro Bull Riding Greatest Hits. 1.00 Restoration Garage. (PG) 2.00 Classic Car Rescue. (PG) 3.00 Combat Dealers. (PG) 4.15 Seinfeld. (PG) 6.15 MOVIE: The Karate Kid. (1984, PG) 8.45 MOVIE: Armageddon. (1998, M) Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Liv Tyler. 12am Ink Master. (M)

12pm Family Ties. (PG) 1.00 Becker. (PG) 2.00 Rules Of Engagement. (PG) 3.00 I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! (PG) 4.30 The King Of Queens. (PG) 5.00 Frasier. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 Movie: How To Train Your Dragon 2. (2014, PG) 8.30 The Graham Norton Show. (M) 9.30 How I Met Your Mother. 10.30 Sex And The City. 11.00 Party House. 12am James Corden. (PG)

12pm News. 12.30 The Drum Weekly. 1.00 News. 1.30 Planet America. 2.00 News. 2.30 One Plus One. 3.00 News. 3.30 Offsiders. 4.00 News. 4.30 The Mix. 5.00 News. 5.30 World This Week. 6.00 ABC News Weekend. 6.30 Australia Wide. 7.00 ABC News Weekend. 7.30 The Link. 8.00 Insiders. 9.00 ABC News Weekend. 9.30 One Plus One. 10.00 News. 10.30 Planet America. 11.00 News. 11.30 Conflict Zone.


ABC2 (ch 22)

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9GO! (ch 53)

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ONE (ch 81)

ELEVEN (ch 82)

12pm Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 PBS NewsHour. 2.00 Small Business Secrets. 2.30 Figure Skating. ISU Four Continents Championships. Pairs competition. 3.30 Twilight Of Civilisations. 4.30 Secrets Of The Castle. 5.30 Going Places With Ernie Dingo. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.35 The Supervet. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Borat. (2006, MA15+) 10.00 Undressed. 11.00 Soccer. EPL.

SBS (ch 3)

SBS VLND (ch 32)


ABC 24 (ch 24)

March 5

ABC (ch 2)

ABC2 (ch 22)

ABC ME (ch 23)


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NINE (ch 5)

9GO! (ch 53)

9GEM (ch 52)

1pm Getaway. (PG) 1.30 MOVIE:

Vera Cruz. (1954, PG) 3.30 MOVIE: A Distant Trumpet. (1964, PG) 6.00 Antiques Roadshow. 7.00 Agatha Christie’s Marple. (M) 9.00 Major Crimes. (M) 10.00 Rizzoli & Isles. (M) 11.00 The Closer. (M) 12am The Paradise. (PG)

WIN (ch 8)

ONE (ch 81)

ELEVEN (ch 82)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS VLND (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)


March 6

12pm News. 1.00 Vera. (M) 2.30 The (ch 2) Bill. (M) 2.55 The Cook And The Chef. 3.10 Father Brown. (PG) 4.00 Antiques Roadshow. 5.00 News. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Pointless. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Australian Story. 8.30 Four Corners. 9.20 Media Watch. (PG) 9.35 Q&A. 10.40 Lateline. 11.10 The Business. 11.30 Golf. USPGA Tour. Mexico Championship. 12.25am Randling. (M)

12pm MOVIE: The Assault. (2014, M) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 My Kitchen Rules. (PG) 9.00 Bride And Prejudice: The Forbidden Weddings. (M) 10.10 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell. (M) 11.10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA. (M) 12.30am Shopping.

12pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 1.00 Extra. 1.30 Married At First Sight. (PG) 3.00 News Now. 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 Nine News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Married At First Sight. 9.00 House Husbands. (PG) 10.00 Botched. (M) 11.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. (MA15+) 12am Rizzoli & Isles. (M)

12pm Dr Phil. 1.00 I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! (PG) 2.30 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 The Home Team. 4.00 Bold. (PG) 5.00 News. 6.00 WIN News. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! (PG) 9.00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? Australia. (M) 9.40 Life In Pieces. (PG) 10.10 Life In Pieces. 10.40 The Odd Couple. (PG) 11.40 WIN News.

12pm WorldWatch. 2.00 Dean Semler’s Road To Hollywood. (PG) 2.55 SBS Flashback. (PG) 3.05 The Missing Evidence. (PG) 4.00 Dogs: Their Secret Lives. 5.00 Living Black. 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Food Safari. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 Michael Mosley: Trust Me, I’m A Doctor. 8.30 Greece With Simon Reeve. (PG) 9.35 Bear Grylls: Britain’s Biggest Adventures. (PG) 10.30 SBS News. 11.00 The World Game.

12pm Children’s Programs. 4.50 Hoopla. 5.00 Sarah And Duck. 5.10 Peg + Cat. 5.25 Charlie And Lola. 5.40 Peppa Pig. 5.45 Dinosaur Train. 6.00 Ben And Holly. 6.15 Go Jetters. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.35 Peter Rabbit. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. 7.30 Dirty Jobs. (M) 8.20 Gruen Rewind. (PG) 8.30 Louis Theroux’s LA Stories. (M) 9.30 Extreme South Africa. (PG) 10.30 Gruen Planet. (M) 11.05 Stolen Seas. (M)

12pm The Dr Oz Show. (PG) 1.00 Annabel Langbein: The Free Range Cook. 1.30 Malaysia Kitchen. 2.00 Homes Under The Hammer. 3.00 Auction Squad. 4.00 Deal Or No Deal. 5.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 5.30 60 Minute Makeover. (PG) 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Rosemary & Thyme. (PG) 8.30 Foyle’s War. (M) 10.30 Saved. (PG) 11.30 Bargain Hunt. 12.30am Deal Or No Deal.

12pm Steven Universe. 12.30 Thunderbirds Are Go. 1.30 The Powerpuff Girls. 2.00 Rabbids Invasion. 2.30 Beyblade Burst. 3.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! 3.30 LEGO Friends. 4.00 Kids’ WB. 4.05 The Looney Tunes Show. 4.30 Scooby-Doo! 5.00 Uncle Grandpa. 5.30 Teen Titans. 6.00 Regular Show. 6.30 Adv Time. 7.00 The Middle. 7.30 Science Of Stupid. 8.00 Top Gear. 9.10 MOVIE: I Am Legend. (2007) 11.10 Airplane Repo. 12.05am Late Programs.

1pm Cheers. (PG) 2.00 Nash Bridges. (M) 3.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Undercover Boss. 8.30 MOVIE: Sahara. (2005, M) 11.00 Super Rugby Extra Time.

12pm MOVIE: BangBang Wedding! (2008) 1.40 Gaycation. 2.30 Cyberwar. 3.00 News. 3.30 VICE. 4.05 Do Or Die. 4.35 MythBusters. 5.35 If You Are The One. 6.40 The Mindy Project. (PG) 7.00 VICE. (PG) 7.30 The Feed. 8.00 South Park. (M) 8.30 F*ck That’s Delicious. 9.00 Dead Set On Life. 9.25 MOVIE: The Adventures Of Baron Munchausen. (1988, PG) 11.45 MOVIE: The Fourth State. (2012)

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.50 Winston Steinburger And Sir Dudley Ding Dong. 6.00 Fangbone! 6.15 Dragons: Defenders Of Berk. 6.35 The Next Step. 7.00 Operation Ouch! Hospital Takeover. 7.30 My Year 12 Life. (PG) 8.00 BtN Newsbreak. 8.05 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (PG) 8.30 Heartland. (PG) 9.15 Girl Vs Boy. (PG) 9.40 Rage. (PG) 10.40 Close.

12pm T.J. Hooker. (PG) 1.00 Motorway Patrol. (PG) 3.30 Wipeout USA. (PG) 4.30 Billy The Exterminator. (PG) 5.00 MythBusters. (PG) 6.00 American Pickers. (PG) 7.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 7.30 World’s Most Amazing Videos. (M) 8.30 Prospectors. (PG) 9.30 Klondike Gold Fever. (M) 10.30 America’s Hardest Prisons. (M) 11.30 Jail: Las Vegas Jailhouse. (M) 12am Heroes Reborn. (M)

1.30pm As Time Goes By. 2.00 Antiques Roadshow. 3.00 Heartbeat. (PG) 4.10 Heartbeat. (M) 5.20 Absolutely Fabulous. (PG) 6.00 Friends. (PG) 7.00 As Time Goes By. 7.40 Trek: Spy On The Wildebeest. (PG) 8.50 Weird Wonders Of The World. (PG) 10.00 Stephen Fry In America. (M) 11.20 Little Britain. (M) 12am The Closer. (M)

12pm Judging Amy. (PG) 1.00 WIN News. 2.00 Becker. (PG) 3.00 Raymond. (PG) 4.05 King Of Queens. (PG) 5.00 Frasier. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.05 Malcolm In The Middle. (PG) 7.30 How I Met Your Mother. (M) 8.00 The Simpsons. (PG) 8.30 The Simpsons. 9.00 The Simpsons. (PG) 9.30 Supernatural. (M) 10.30 The Strain. (MA15+) 11.30 James Corden. 12.30am Dexter. (MA15+)

12pm ABC News. 3.00 ABC News Afternoons. 6.00 ABC News Evenings. 6.30 The Drum. 7.00 ABC News Evenings. 8.00 ABC News Evenings With The Business. 9.00 ABC National News. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 ABC National News. 11.30 7.30.

12pm News. 1.00 Newton’s Law. (M) (ch 2) 1.55 Scott & Bailey. (M) 2.45 Eggheads. 3.15 Father Brown. (PG) 4.00 Antiques Roadshow. 5.00 News. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Pointless. 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Brian Cox: Life Of A Universe. 8.30 The Indian Dream Hotel On Tour. 9.30 Project Lazarus. 10.25 Lateline. 11.00 The Business. 11.15 Q&A. 12.20am Randling. (M)

12pm MOVIE: Presumed Dead In Paradise. (2014, M) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 My Kitchen Rules. (PG) 9.00 800 Words. (PG) 10.00 Bones. (M) 12am Grey’s Anatomy. (M)

12pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 1.00 Extra. 1.30 Married At First Sight. 3.00 News Now. 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 Nine News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Married At First Sight. 9.00 Travel Guides. (PG) 10.00 Schwarzenegger The Celebrity Apprentice. (PG) 12am Mike & Molly. (M) 12.30 20/20.

12pm Dr Phil. 1.00 I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! (PG) 2.30 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 The Home Team. 4.00 GCBC. 4.30 Bold. (PG) 5.00 News. 6.00 WIN News. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! (PG) 8.40 NCIS. (M) 9.40 NCIS: Los Angeles. (M) 10.40 To Be Advised. 11.40 WIN News.

12pm WorldWatch. 2.00 Off The Record. 2.30 Good Listening. 3.00 Lost Songs Of St Kilda. 3.30 SBS Flashback. 3.35 Into The Universe. 4.30 Wild Burma: Nature’s Lost Kingdom. 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Food Safari. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 Great Continental Railway Journeys. 8.30 Insight. 9.30 Dateline. 10.00 SBS News. 10.30 Miniseries: The Heavy Water War. (M)

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.25 Charlie And Lola. 5.40 Peppa Pig. 5.45 Dinosaur Train. 6.00 Ben And Holly. 6.15 Go Jetters. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.35 Peter Rabbit. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Dirty Jobs. (PG) 8.20 How To Be A Fan With Hex. (M) 8.30 Trillion Dollar Island. 9.30 Mountjoy Prison. (M) 10.15 Archer. (M) 10.35 Gruen Planet. (PG) 11.15 Extreme South Africa. (PG) 12.10am Hunted. (M)

12pm The Dr Oz Show. (PG) 1.00 Air Crash Investigation. (PG) 2.00 Mr Selfridge. (PG) 3.00 Auction Squad. 4.00 Deal Or No Deal. 5.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 5.30 60 Minute Makeover. (PG) 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Kingdom. (PG) 8.30 Judge John Deed. (M) 10.30 I Shouldn’t Be Alive. (M) 11.30 Bargain Hunt. 12.30am Mr Selfridge. (PG)

12pm Steven Universe. 12.30 Thunderbirds. 1.00 Adv Time. 1.30 Regular Show. 2.00 Rabbids Invasion. 2.30 Beyblade Burst. 3.00 Yu-GiOh! 3.30 Ninjago: Masters Of Spinjitzu. 4.00 Kids’ WB. 4.05 The Looney Tunes Show. 4.30 Scooby-Doo! 5.00 Uncle Grandpa. 5.30 Teen Titans. 6.00 Regular Show. 6.30 Adv Time. 7.00 The Middle. 7.30 RBT. 8.30 Big Bang. 9.00 MOVIE: American Sniper. (2014) 11.40 South Beach Tow. 12.05am Late Programs.

12pm WIN’s All Australian News. 1.00 Cheers. (PG) 2.00 Nash Bridges. (M) 3.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 4.00 Super Rugby Extra Time. 5.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 48 Hours. (M) 8.30 Countdown To Murder. (MA15+) 9.30 VF Confidential. (M) 10.30 The Americans. (MA15+) 11.30 Gang Related. (MA15+)

12pm MOVIE: Dumas. (2010, M) 2.00 RuPaul’s Drag Race. (M) 2.50 Short Film. 2.55 VICE. (PG) 3.25 The Feed. 4.00 Do Or Die. (PG) 4.30 MythBusters. (PG) 5.30 If You Are The One. 6.35 The Mindy Project. (PG) 7.00 News. 7.30 The Feed. 8.00 South Park. (M) 8.30 Noisey. 9.20 Atlanta. (M) 10.15 Desus And Mero. 10.45 MOVIE: I Am Love. (2009, MA15+)

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.45 The Dukes Of Broxstonia. 5.50 Winston Steinburger And Sir Dudley Ding Dong. 6.00 Fangbone! 6.15 Dragons: Defenders Of Berk. 6.35 The Next Step. 7.00 Operation Ouch! Hospital Takeover. 7.30 My Year 12 Life. (PG) 8.00 BtN Newsbreak. 8.05 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (PG) 8.30 Heartland. (PG) 9.15 Girl Vs Boy. 9.40 Rage. (PG) 10.40 Close.

12pm T.J. Hooker. (PG) 1.00 Police Woman. (M) 2.00 Marvel’s Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. (M) 3.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 3.30 Wipeout USA. (PG) 4.30 Billy The Exterminator. (PG) 5.00 MythBusters. (PG) 6.00 American Pickers. (PG) 7.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 7.30 Highway Patrol. (PG) 8.30 World’s Toughest Trucker. (PG) 9.30 Ice Road Truckers. (PG) 10.30 Counting Cars. (PG) 11.30 Car Chasers. 12am Ink Master.

12.10pm MOVIE: Circus Of Fear. (1966, PG) 1.50 Hairy Bikers Everyday Gourmets. (PG) 3.00 Heartbeat. (M) 5.20 Absolutely Fabulous. (PG) 6.00 Friends. (PG) 7.00 As Time Goes By. 7.30 New Tricks. (M) 8.40 Midsomer Murders. (PG) 10.50 Cold Case. (M) 11.50 Scott & Bailey. (M)

12pm Judging Amy. (M) 1.00 WIN News. 2.00 Becker. (PG) 3.00 Raymond. (PG) 4.05 King Of Queens. (PG) 5.00 Frasier. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.05 Malcolm In The Middle. (PG) 7.30 How I Met Your Mother. (M) 8.00 The Simpsons. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. (2001, M) 10.30 How I Met Your Mother. (M) 11.30 James Corden. 12.30am King Of Queens. (PG)

12pm ABC News. 3.00 ABC News Afternoons. 6.00 ABC News Evenings. 6.30 The Drum. 7.00 ABC News Evenings. 8.00 ABC News Evenings With The Business. 9.00 ABC National News. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 ABC National News. 11.30 7.30.


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NINE (ch 5)

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ONE (ch 81)

ELEVEN (ch 82)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS VLND (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)

March 7


ABC2 (ch 22)

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NINE (ch 5)

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WIN (ch 8)

ONE (ch 81)

ELEVEN (ch 82)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS VLND (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)



March 8

12pm News. 12.30 Press Club. 1.30 (ch 2) The Book Club. 2.00 Scott & Bailey. 2.45 Eggheads. 3.15 Father Brown. 4.00 Antiques Roadshow. 5.00 News. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Pointless. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery. 8.30 The Weekly. 9.00 Walliams And Friend. 9.30 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. 10.15 Catastrophe. 10.40 Lateline. 11.10 The Business. 11.25 Four Corners. 12.15am Media Watch. 12.30 The Weekly.

12pm MOVIE: Hannah’s Law. (2012, M) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 My Kitchen Rules. (PG) 9.00 Murder Uncovered. (MA15+) 10.00 Surveillance Oz. (PG) 10.30 Surveillance Oz: Dashcam. (PG) 11.00 Blindspot. (M) 12am It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia. (M) 12.30 Shopping.

12pm Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 1.00 Extra. 1.30 Married At First Sight. 3.00 News. 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.00 Hot Seat. 6.00 Nine News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Planet Earth II. (PG) 8.40 Murder Calls. 9.40 Mafia Women With Trevor McDonald. (M) 10.50 Chicago Med. (M) 11.50 The Mysteries Of Laura. (M)

12pm Dr Phil. 1.00 I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! (PG) 2.00 Ent. Tonight. 2.30 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 The Home Team. 4.00 GCBC. 4.30 Bold. (PG) 5.00 News. 6.00 WIN News. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! (PG) 8.40 This Is Us. (M) 9.40 Madam Secretary. 10.40 Hawaii Five-0. 11.40 WIN News.

12pm Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 PBS News. 2.00 Who Do You Think You Are? 3.00 Dateline. 3.30 Insight. 4.30 Wild Germany. (PG) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Food Safari. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 Tony Robinson Down Under. (PG) 8.35 The Eighties. 9.35 Vikings. 10.25 Gangland Undercover. (MA15+) 11.20 SBS News. 11.50 MOVIE: Paris-Manhattan. (2012, PG)

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.45 Dinosaur Train. 6.00 Ben And Holly. 6.15 Go Jetters. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.35 Peter Rabbit. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. 7.30 Dirty Jobs. (PG) 8.20 Gruen Pitch Rewind. (PG) 8.30 Bodyshockers: Nips, Tucks And Tattoos. (M) 9.20 Special Forces: Ultimate Hell Week. 10.20 Gruen Planet. (PG) 10.50 Hunted. (M) 11.45 Catfish: The TV Show. (M) 12.20am Hair. (PG)

12pm The Dr Oz Show. (PG) 1.00 I Shouldn’t Be Alive. (M) 2.00 Kingdom. (PG) 3.00 Auction Squad. 4.00 Deal Or No Deal. 5.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 5.30 60 Minute Makeover. (PG) 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Jonathan Creek. (M) 8.30 Inspector Morse. (M) 10.30 I Shouldn’t Be Alive. (M) 11.30 Bargain Hunt. 12.30am The Dr Oz Show. (PG)

12pm Steven Universe. 12.30 Thunderbirds Are Go. 1.00 Adv Time. 1.30 Regular Show. 2.00 Rabbids Invasion. 2.30 Beyblade Burst. 3.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! 3.30 Ninjago: Masters Of Spinjitzu. 4.00 Kids’ WB. 4.05 The Looney Tunes Show. 4.30 Scooby-Doo! 5.00 Uncle Grandpa. 5.30 Teen Titans. 6.00 Regular Show. 6.30 Adv Time. 7.00 The Middle. 7.30 BattleBots. 8.30 MOVIE: Transformers: Age Of Extinction. (2014) 11.45 Late Programs.

12pm WIN News. 1.00 Cheers. (PG) 2.00 Nash Bridges. (M) 3.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.00 ST: Next Gen. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 8.00 To Be Advised. 8.30 David Attenborough’s Africa. 9.30 Shark Tank. (PG) 10.30 Undercover Boss. 11.30 Second Chance.

12pm MOVIE: Lol. (2008) 1.50 RuPaul’s Drag Race. 3.00 News. 3.30 The Feed. 4.00 Do Or Die. 4.30 MythBusters. 5.35 If You Are The One. 6.40 The Mindy Project. 7.05 News. 7.30 The Feed. 8.00 South Park. 8.30 Woman With Gloria Steinem. 8.55 Woman With Gloria Steinem. 9.50 Woman With Gloria Steinem. 10.15 Woman With Gloria Steinem. 10.40 Woman With Gloria Steinem.

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.30 Numb Chucks. 5.40 The Dukes Of Broxstonia. 5.50 Winston Steinburger And Sir Dudley Ding Dong. 6.00 Fangbone! 6.15 Dragons: Defenders Of Berk. 6.35 The Next Step. 7.00 Operation Ouch! Hospital Takeover. 7.30 My Year 12 Life. (PG) 8.00 BtN Newsbreak. 8.05 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (PG) 8.30 Heartland. (PG) 9.15 MY:24. (PG) 9.40 Rage. (PG) 10.40 Close.

12pm T.J. Hooker. 1.00 Police Woman. 2.00 Marvel’s Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. 3.00 Pawn Stars. 3.30 Wipeout USA. 4.30 Billy The Exterminator. 5.00 MythBusters. 6.00 American Pickers. (PG) 7.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 7.30 Highway Patrol Special. (PG) 8.30 Pawn Stars Australia. (PG) 9.00 Aussie Pickers. (PG) 10.00 American Pickers. (PG) 11.00 Hardcore Pawn. 11.30 Hardcore Pawn: Behind The Deal. 12am Ink Master.

12pm MOVIE: Barnacle Bill. (1957, G) 1.50 Hairy Bikers Everyday Gourmets. (PG) 3.00 Heartbeat. (M) 5.20 Absolutely Fabulous. (PG) 6.00 Friends. (PG) 7.00 As Time Goes By. 7.30 Death In Paradise. (M) 8.40 Agatha Christie’s Poirot. (PG) 9.50 Silent Witness. (MA15+) 11.00 House Of Cards. (M) 12.20am Are You Being Served? (PG)

12pm Judging Amy. (M) 1.00 WIN News. 2.00 Becker. (PG) 3.00 Raymond. (PG) 4.05 King Of Queens. (PG) 5.00 Frasier. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.05 Malcolm In The Middle. (PG) 7.30 How I Met Your Mother. (M) 8.00 The Simpsons. (PG) 9.00 Futurama. (PG) 9.30 Son Of Zorn. (M) 10.00 Bob’s Burgers. (M) 11.00 Duckman. (M) 11.30 James Corden. 12.30am King Of Queens. (PG)

12pm News. 12.30 National Press Club Address. 1.30 ABC News. 3.00 ABC News Afternoons. 6.00 ABC News Evenings. 6.30 The Drum. 7.00 ABC News Evenings. 8.00 ABC News Evenings With The Business. 9.00 ABC National News. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 ABC National News. 11.30 7.30.

12pm News. 1.00 Adam Hills: The (ch 2) Last Leg. 1.40 The Kumars. 2.10 Walliams And Friend. 2.40 Eggheads. 3.15 Father Brown. 4.00 Antiques Roadshow. 5.00 News. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Pointless. 6.55 Clarke And Dawe. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Dream Gardens. 8.30 Newton’s Law. 9.30 No Offence. 10.20 Lateline. 10.50 The Business. 11.05 Judith Lucy Is All Woman. 11.35 The Trip To Italy.

12pm MOVIE: Outlaw Prophet: Warren Jeffs. (2014, M) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 8.30 Mighty Trains. (PG) 9.30 The Investigator: A True Crime Story. (M) 10.30 Autopsy. (MA15+) 11.30 Grimm. (MA15+) 12.30am Shopping.

12pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 1.00 Travel Guides. (PG) 2.00 House Husbands. (PG) 3.00 News Now. 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 Nine News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Rugby League. NRL. Round 2. Sydney Roosters v Canterbury Bulldogs. From Allianz Stadium, Sydney. 9.50 The NRL Footy Show. (M) 11.30 The AFL Footy Show. (M)

12pm Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! (PG) 2.00 Ent. Tonight. 2.30 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 The Home Team. 4.00 GCBC. 4.30 Bold. (PG) 5.00 News. 6.00 WIN News. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! (PG) 8.30 Gogglebox. 9.30 Law & Order: SVU. (M) 10.30 Blue Bloods. (M) 11.30 WIN News. 12.30am The Project.

12pm Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 PBS News. 2.00 Persons Of Interest. (PG) 3.00 Living Black. 3.30 Neil Oliver: The Search For Alfred The Great. 4.30 Churchill: A Giant In The Century. (PG) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Food Safari. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 Great British Railway Journeys. 8.05 Destination Flavour Singapore. 8.35 Sugar Free Farm. 9.35 Deutschland 83. (M) 11.20 SBS News. 11.50 Atlanta. (M)

12pm Children’s Programs. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.35 Peter Rabbit. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Dirty Jobs. (PG) 8.20 Gruen Pitch Rewind. (PG) 8.30 The Weekly. (M) 9.00 Black Books. (PG) 9.25 Catherine Tate’s Nan. (M) 10.00 Broad City. (M) 10.20 The Katering Show. (MA15+) 10.35 Gruen Planet. (M) 11.10 Comedy Next Gen. (MA15+) 12.15am Alan Carr: Chatty Man. (M)

12pm Dr Oz. (PG) 1.00 I Shouldn’t Be Alive. (M) 2.00 Jonathan Creek. (M) 3.00 Auction Squad. 4.00 Deal Or No Deal. 5.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 5.30 60 Minute Makeover. (PG) 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 The Vicar Of Dibley. (PG) 8.00 Vicious. (PG) 8.30 Murdoch Mysteries. (M) 10.30 Some Mothers Do ’Ave ’Em. 11.00 One Foot In The Grave. (PG) 11.30 Bargain Hunt. 12.30am Psychic TV. (M)

12pm Children’s Programs. 2.00 Rabbids Invasion. 2.30 Beyblade Burst. 3.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! 3.30 Ninjago: Masters Of Spinjitzu. 4.00 Kids’ WB. 4.05 The Looney Tunes Show. 4.30 ScoobyDoo! 5.00 Uncle Grandpa. 5.30 Teen Titans. 6.00 Regular Show. 6.30 Adv Time. 7.00 The Middle. 7.30 Survivor: Game Changers. 9.30 MOVIE: The Craft. (1996) 11.30 South Beach Tow. 12am Thunderbirds Are Go. 12.30 Adv Time.

12pm WIN’s All Australian News. 1.00 Cheers. (PG) 2.00 Nash Bridges. (M) 3.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Car Crash Global: Caught On Camera. (M) 8.30 Cops: Adults Only. (M) 9.00 MOVIE: Delta Force II. (1990, M) 11.15 Graceland.

12pm MOVIE: At World’s End. (2009) 1.50 RuPaul’s Drag Race. 2.45 So Very Cute. 3.00 News. 3.30 The Feed. 4.00 Do Or Die. 4.30 MythBusters. 5.35 If You Are The One. 6.35 The Mindy Project. (PG) 7.05 News. 7.30 The Feed. 8.00 Full Frontal. (M) 8.30 Cyberwar. (PG) 8.55 Fursonas. (MA15+) 10.30 UEFA Champions League Highlights. 11.30 MOVIE: Big Bad Wolves. (2013)

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.30 Numb Chucks. 5.40 The Dukes Of Broxstonia. 5.50 Winston Steinburger And Sir Dudley Ding Dong. 6.00 Fangbone! 6.15 Dragons: Defenders Of Berk. 6.35 The Next Step. 7.00 Operation Ouch! Hospital Takeover. 7.30 Officially Amazing. 7.55 BtN Newsbreak. 8.05 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (PG) 8.30 Heartland. (PG) 9.15 MY:24. (PG) 9.40 Rage. (PG) 10.40 Close.

12pm T.J. Hooker. (PG) 1.00 Police Woman. (M) 2.00 Marvel’s Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. (M) 3.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 3.30 Wipeout USA. (PG) 4.30 Billy The Exterminator. (PG) 5.00 MythBusters. (PG) 6.00 American Pickers. (PG) 7.00 Beverly Hills Pawn. (PG) 7.30 American Dad! (M) 8.30 Family Guy. (M) 9.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 11.30 Hardcore Pawn. (M) 12am Ink Master. (M)

12pm MOVIE: Hue And Cry. (1947, G) 1.50 Hairy Bikers’ Bake-ation. 3.00 Heartbeat. (M) 5.20 Absolutely Fabulous. (PG) 6.00 Friends. (PG) 7.00 As Time Goes By. 7.40 RPA. (M) 8.40 Embarrassing Bodies. (M) 10.40 Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners. (PG) 11.40 Little Britain. (M) 12.20am Friends. (PG)

12pm Judging Amy. (M) 1.00 WIN News. 2.00 Becker. (PG) 3.00 Raymond. (PG) 4.05 King Of Queens. (PG) 5.00 Frasier. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.05 Malcolm In The Middle. (PG) 7.30 How I Met Your Mother. (M) 8.00 The Simpsons. (PG) 8.30 Bondi Ink Tattoo Crew. 9.30 Dating Naked. (MA15+) 10.30 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. (M) 11.30 James Corden. 12.30am King Of Queens. (PG)

12pm ABC News. 3.00 ABC News Afternoons. 6.00 ABC News Evenings. 6.30 The Drum. 7.00 ABC News Evenings. 8.00 ABC News Evenings With The Business. 9.00 ABC National News. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 ABC National News. 11.30 7.30.


ABC2 (ch 22)

ABC ME (ch 23)


ABC2 (ch 22)


7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

NINE (ch 5)

9GO! (ch 53)

9GEM (ch 52)

WIN (ch 8)

ONE (ch 81)

ELEVEN (ch 82)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS VLND (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)

March 9


ABC ME (ch 23)

PRIME7 (ch 6)

PRIME7 (ch 6)

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

NINE (ch 5)

9GO! (ch 53)

9GEM (ch 52)

WIN (ch 8)

ONE (ch 81)

ELEVEN (ch 82)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS VLND (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)


Brain Busters 1. Rama IX was the monarch of which country?

2. Marcel Proust’s In Search of Lost Time

super sudoku To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: each of the nine vertical columns, each of the nine horizontal rows and each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes. Remember no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box.

(Remembrance of Things Past) is a novel in how many volumes?

3. Bernie Sanders represents which state in the US Senate?

4. The Otways is a national park in which state?

5. Which musician released the 1978 album Blue Valentine?

6. Who is the current captain of the Socceroos?

7. From which country was South American revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara?

8. Which two noble English houses fought in the War of the Roses?

9. Which movie character said the line: “In France they call it a Royale with Cheese.”

10. What kind of stone is used in the printing technique lithography?

No. 998


Crossword No.3537


ACROSS 1 Samples the flavour of 8 Making articles by joining wool yarn 11 Spicy food 14 Tidy 15 Grasps clearly 16 Occasion where goods are offered at lower prices 18 Linear aperture 19 Joint 20 Type 21 Belonging to a person (3'1) 23 Relative (informal) 24 Tribal leader 26 Number 27 One who has received a degree (informal) 28 Strikes 30 Run away 32 Taken by mouth 33 Meagre 34 Relating to the work of an office clerk 36 Impolite 38 Possession

39 Official surveys to count populations 40 Make certain to occur DOWN 2 Approachable 3 Clothing manufacturer 4 Winter sport accessories 5 Devoured 6 Giant 7 Consent 9 Crazy 10 Duties 12 Saintly rings of light 13 Rubbish 17 Maker of laws 21 Uneven 22 Mistakes 25 Jousting poles 26 Area 27 Biological class 29 Comes up 30 Cinema film (informal) 31 Merits 35 Lack of difficulty 37 Excavated

No. 997

No. 998


Solve a sudoku, crack a crossword, test your trivia



SOLUTION: 1 Thailand. 2 Seven. 3 Vermont. 4 Victoria. 5 Tom Waits. 6 Mile Jedinak. 7 Argentina. 8 York and Lancaster. 9 Vincent Vega (Pulp Fiction). 10 Limestone.

No. 997


Celebrity Birthday

2-8 MARCH 2017




For personal readings, phone Francis on 9673 6321. Credit cards welcome. Francis Bevan direct 1902 264 063 or 24 hour line 1902 267 040 $5.50 per minute (higher pay-phone or mobile)..


The next 12 months represents the closing of a cycle for Eva, one that started nine years ago. It is a year where she needs to sort a number of things out for herself, both in her work life and personal affairs. It may not be an easy year, for many unexpected problems connected to the past may unexpectedly raise their heads. Music, writing, the arts, nature and her intuition will all bring comfort and pleasure. Travel will also be a great joy.





Communication is the name of the game; it will enhance all your relationships. You could have a really enjoyable chat to a friend or you could sit and talk things over with your lover. A trip to the theatre or a riotous night out will be right up your alley.

Venus the planet of love goes retrograde on 5 March, which should put you in the mood to get your finances in order. Apart from mere money, this aspect encourages an examination of what makes you feel worthy. You’ve got a few weeks to get your priorities sorted out.

Venus is retrograde in Aries on 5 March indicating that something concerning relationships must be tackled over the next few weeks. You and your lover may have some issues which need discussing before you can move forward with plans for the future.

Venus retrograde indicates that younger members of the family may cause some kind of problems and they could turn the home into a temporary battlefield. You may feel that one of your children is being manipulated by an older youngster.


LEO JUL 23 – AUG 23


The Sun in Pisces casts a glow over your artistic potential. Your talents should shine this month, so have some belief in yourself and what you can offer the world at large. Of course, if art and literature leave you cold, you might feel more inclined towards romance.

Your love life is looking up when a charming and flirtatious mood takes hold. You’ll be extremely seductive and win admiration with ease. Whether you’re warming up a new relationship or re-heating an old one, this month’s planetary aspects will help you to get things going in the right direction.

You may have some kind of inspired idea which helps you to find an easy way through an awkward problem. A friend may help out at work or at home and, in addition to this, any help that you give others will be greatly appreciated.

A romantic date will give your heart a lift and singles, a simmering attraction could gather exciting momentum. Fun places and encounters will keep you smiling; going further afield or catching up with a friend from afar will be stimulating. An exciting personal or professional project will progress well.




Neptune in Pisces indicates you could meet someone who sets your heart aflutter, as romance seems to be in the air. Travel may be the trigger to meeting someone new or you may stay firmly put, only to find the one you fancy is a fascinating stranger from afar.

This is a wonderful time for putting your ideas across to others. If you want to speak of how you feel or to make others understand what makes you tick, you will find just the right language. Be easy on yourself, you don't need to store up stressful problems.

You will be able to zip through the chores at home this month and, if you work from home, you will be able to achieve greater success than normal. This is a good time to buy something that uses water for example, a washing machine or dishwasher.


PISCES FEB 20 - MAR 20 You are likely to receive thoughtful gifts which will set the scene for better things to come. Singles, a tantalising attraction could intensify. Good financial deals will please you and a beautiful new possession will enhance your happiness, but an expensive purchase or undertaking may dent the budget.

Getty Images

in the

5 March 1974

Trades & Services Guide INDEX


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197 197 197 197 197 197 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 199 199 199 199 199 199 200 201 201 201 201



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Asbestos Removal . . . . . . . Awnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bathrooms & Kitchens . . . . Bathroom Renovations . . . Car Detailing . . . . . . . . . . Carpet Laying . . . . . . . . . Cleaning Services . . . . . . . Concrete & Related Services Decks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . Garden Care . . . . . . . . . . . Gardening . . . . . . . . . . . . Home Maintenance . . . . . . Home Organisers . . . . . . . Landscaping & Design . . . . Locksmiths . . . . . . . . . . . Painting . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plastering & Gyprock . . . . . Plumbing . . . . . . . . . . . . Roofing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rubbish Removals . . . . . . Self Storage . . . . . . . . . . . Tree Services . . . . . . . . . . Water Tanks . . . . . . . . . . .

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Call Richard on 6175 8888



Contact Richard 6175 8888 E richard@canberraweekly.com.au

Trades & Services Guide LOCKSMITHS


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Contact Richard 6175 8888 E richard@canberraweekly.com.au

Trades & Services Guide RUBBISH REMOVALS




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To book, call Richard on 6175 8888




In the hilarious sequel to the worldwide hit A Few Best Men, a destination wedding goes horribly wrong when Luke gets drunk and falls off a cliff. David (Xavier Samuel), Tom (Kris Marshall) and Graham (Kevin Bishop) take off to transport their friend’s corpse back to London but when their jet crash-lands in the bush they must carry the body across the treacherous landscape, dodge a machete-wielding mother and handle a mix-up with a giant gold penis. Will they all survive… intact? A laugh-outloud romp across Australia, also starring Shane Jacobson and Ryan Corr, A Few Less Men (MA15+) crashes into cinemas nationally 9 March.

Ladies in Black is a toe-tapping fairytale with all the shine and sparkle of Broadway. Sydney, 1959: A city at the crossroads between the stuffy repression of the 1950s and the glorious liberation of the 1960s, bright-eyed, bookish school leaver Lisa steps through the doors of the city’s most prestigious department store dreaming of a life of passion and poetry. Unknown worlds open up as she befriends the colourful denizens of the Ladies Cocktail Frocks Department. This sparkling production is the work of internationallyacclaimed director Simon Phillips and writer Carolyn Burns, with original music by Tim Finn. At Canberra Theatre 27 March – 2 April; canberratheatrecentre.com.au

Enter to WIN Canberra Weekly has 10 × in-cinema double passes to this film to be won. To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘A Few Less Men’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details and one of the stars of this film. Entries close 9am 9 March 2017 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person.

Enter to WIN Canberra Weekly has 2 × double passes (valued at $178 each) to the Wednesday 29 March 7.30pm show to be won. To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘Ladies in Black’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details and who wrote the music for this production. Entries close 9am 10 March 2017 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person. Winners must be able to attend.


MOUNTAIN BIKE A fan of mountain biking, David has been riding for about 15 years and reckons Canberra has “got to be one of the best places in the world” for mountain biking.

My favourite things FAMILY HISTORY This sign is the name of the farm near Tamworth David lived on as a young boy. “This hung on the farm gate … I was young at the time but I like having it around as a reminder of that time.”


CABINET “My wife and I were in Beijing and had dinner at a courtyard restaurant … it was one of those perfect evenings. They had this beautiful piece of furniture there and we saw one in a marketplace so we bought it and shipped it home.”

David played trumpet a lot when younger and said he once had dreams of being a jazz musician. “I still do love jazz and getting it out (the trumpet) and having a muckaround whenever I can.”

David Speers David Speers is political editor at Sky News and anchor of PM Agenda and Speers Tonight on Sky News Live. A Walkey Award winning journalist, David has lived in Canberra for about 18 years and says “it is well and truly home for us”. Prior to joining Sky News, he worked as a political reporter for a number of radio stations in Canberra and at NSW Parliament in Sydney. Even while still at school he was fascinated by politics and the world and knew a career in journalism was what he always wanted to do. “It’s a real privilege for me to sit there and ask what I want of people running the country,” he says. - Allison Turnbull 202

CARAVAN According to David, the caravan is “like a cubby house on wheels” for his two young daughters but it also provides an opportunity to get away. “I just love the South Coast. Every time you go there you feel instantly relaxed.”

Photos Kerrie Brewer




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