15 January 2015

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thursday 15 january 2015


take a tea break FASHION

beat the heat

fresh start special feature p33






summer cinema heats up


Jessica Mauboy

ready to celebrate what’s great


$500 Nylex hose pack Tid by Torchlight double pass Giggle & Hoot family passes The Little Death DVDs


real estate pages open homes p118



Canberra Weekly contents

thursday 15 january 2015

From the editor (Petrol) caps and hats off to those behind the ACT Fuel Watch Facebook page which appears to be helping local motorists finally reap some of the benefits of falling crude oil prices through paying less at the bowser. While our metro capital cousins have been enjoying lower fuel prices for some time, it seemed that prices in the national capital hovered around the $1.50 mark for far longer than elsewhere.

Reasons to be grateful this past week include saffron-dipped rainclouds creating a glorious sunset, after-work refreshments with friends, convivial atmosphere at the local Asian Cup football matches, delicious Sunday brunch and great service at the Museum Café, the ACT Fuel Watch team and filling the tank for far less than it’s cost in years.


- Julie Samaras

Suite 11, 285 Canberra Avenue Fyshwick ACT 2609 Editorial & Advertising Enquiries T 02 6175 8800 | F 02 6175 8899 Since March 2009


On the cover Jessica Mauboy

Fresh start Special advertising feature

Time out Summer cinema heats up

The Look Beat the heat

Home Take a tea break

General news Have you heard? Social scene Taste Time out The look Home Real estate Open homes Motoring Services guide TV guide Puzzles Stars Favourite things

WIN 30 46 56 56

Tid by Torchlight double pass Giggle & Hoot family passes $500 Nylex hose pack The Little Death (MA 15+) DVDs


Advertising Director Liz Makary liz.m@canberraweekly.com.au I 0406 378 408

Contributing Editor Paul Bongiorno

Advertising Sales Manager Monica Schwetz

Art Director Daniel Charron Photography Gary Schafer FOUNDER & PUBLISHER Nick Samaras





Award-winning singer-songwriter and actress Jessica Mauboy is excited to be performing at the Australia Celebrates Live concert in Canberra on Sunday 25 January. See cover story, page 6.


Editor Julie Samaras

Arts Editor Diana Streak

on the cover


Regulars 04 28 31 42 43 47 53 57 118 120 128 132 136 137 138


ges Ima tty Ge

Tired of feeling ripped off, a few Canberrans launched the ACT Fuel Watch Facebook page on 4 January, which has attracted 13,000+ ‘likes’ and tens of thousands of comments in a matter of days. The organisers now credit this people power movement as helping to drive down the ACT’s average petrol price, and alerting consumers to capricious costs around town, which is a bit of a lottery. On Tuesday arvo as I write this, the Costco servo at Majura Park was selling ULP91 for under $1 a litre to members, with the nearby Caltex just about meeting the price.

06 33 43 47 53


monica.s@canberraweekly.com.au I 0406 378 673

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Published by Newstate Media Pty Ltd (ACN 124 830 155). All content © 2015 Newstate Media Pty Ltd, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without prior written permission. All material sent to Canberra Weekly Magazine (whether solicited or not) will not be returned. Unless otherwise agreed beforehand, all rights including copyright in such material is assigned to Newstate Media upon receipt and Newstate Media may use or sell such material in perpetuity without further consent or payment. All prices and information are correct at time of printing. For full terms and conditions of competitions contact Canberra Weekly Magazine on 6175 8800.


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news A snapshot of fuel prices at the Costco (far left) and Caltex Woolworths petrol stations at Majura Park around 8am on Tuesday 13 January.

Social media push for fairer petrol prices


ed up with a lack of cheaper fuel in the ACT, a group of local residents have taken to social media in a bid to bring prices down. Launched on Facebook on 4 January, A.C.T Fuel Watch monitors petrol prices in the ACT and surrounds and has already generated over 13,000 ‘likes’ as well

as 30,000 contributions. According to Ben from A.C.T Fuel Watch, the decision to launch the page stemmed from the failure of fuel companies to pass on lower oil prices to Canberra customers when other locations such as Sydney, Adelaide and Melbourne were enjoying a reduction; that is until Costco opened its petrol

station at Majura Park on 11 December 2014. “The impact was marginal at best,” Ben said. “There was an improvement next door but only during Costco opening hours… I thought that’s not fair and wrote to the ACCC (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission),” however, the ACCC’s response was that it does not control the price of fuel. “I looked at avenues to see if we could stimulate some sort of change… Facebook offered a visual medium to work with and that people could engage with,” he said. Since launching A.C.T Fuel Watch, Ben said there has been strong support from the community while they also have the support of NRMA Motoring and Services. “All of them agree that this is the biggest push for change by a community group ever,” he said, and it appears the campaign is having an effect. On Saturday 10 January, motorists were encouraged to

“vote with their feet” and source their fuel from Majura Park to put pressure on fuel prices around the ACT and, according to Ben, there was a “four cent drop across Belconnen the following day”. “It is a consumer-driven business and we think drivers could vote with their petrol tanks if they have the information,” Ben said, adding they are keen to see another drop this week. A recent post to the A.C.T Fuel Watch Facebook page said “the average price in fuel across the ACT has dropped by 5.2c per litre according to the NRMA Motoring & Services, down from 134.9c to 129.7c per litre”. A.C.T Fuel Watch also posted about the importance of continuing community support: “a price change of over 7.2c in a week would never have happened without an organised push for change and the ACT drivers made that push… that is how we will see fairer fuel prices in the ACT”. - Allison Redman

ACT tops national alcohol policy scorecard

Photo Gary Schafer

The ACT Government is the national leader for action on alcohol policy for the second year running, scoring ahead of all other Australian jurisdictions in the 2014 National Alcohol Policy Scorecard. An award recognising the ACT Government’s continued achievements in alcohol policy, and highest overall score of 48 per cent, was presented to ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr on Thursday 8 January by the National Alliance for Action on Alcohol (NAAA). “We’re very pleased the ACT Government is being recognised for its efforts to reduce alcohol4

related harm,” the Chief Minister said. “People need to know that we are not afraid to engage in debate about alcohol policy, and this is an opportunity to fuel discussion relating to the elements of this policy that include broader social problems.” The award and top mark on the scorecard was credited to the ACT’s measurable alcohol plan, drink driving laws, risk-based licensing system and commitment to improvement through its reviews of the Liquor Act. “There’s still more to be done

but we are working efficiently and closely with the local alcohol industry,” Mr Barr said. “A large part of this award is about the risk rating and recognising venues that do supply alcohol and have late trading hours each have different styles established. The second part we will be looking at is a review of the tax policy. Ultimately we want to ensure that Canberra is a safe venue and a welcoming place for people.” - Madeline Power

Dr Michael Thorn, CEO of the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) and National Alliance for Action on Alcohol (NAAA) spokesperson, presenting the award to ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr.

cover story

Getty Images

A former Northern Territory Young Australian of the Year, award-winning singer Jessica Mauboy will perform at the Australia Celebrates Live event in Canberra on 25 January where the 2015 Australian of the Year Awards will be announced.

One of Jessica’s highlights last year was performing at the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Closing Ceremony on 3 August.


Allison Redman is fortunate to ‘get a moment’ with the very talented Jessica Mauboy, who returns to Canberra to perform in the Australia Celebrates Live concert on 25 January.


he world’s spotlight shone on Jessica Mauboy in 2014 with performances at Eurovision and the closing ceremony of the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games, and this year the star is back on Australian shores and ready to sing as part of Australia Celebrates Live. Jessica joins Paul Kelly on the line-up for the concert which will be held on the lawns of Parliament House in Canberra on Australia Day eve, Sunday 25 January, and says she is looking forward to the experience. “It’s definitely a different vibe,” she says. “I always prefer to sing outside – there’s something about it. You are closer to being able to see everything, feel the breeze, see the sky and be more connected with the earth… I think a lot of my favourite performances have been outdoors.” Jessica also has a connection with the Australian of the Year Awards, having been named the Northern Territory Young Australian of the Year in 2012. Recalling the award, she says it “was definitely a very proud moment”. 6

“It’s always amazing to be able to inspire other Australians and to be sharing the stage with the people on the same journey as you.” Jessica is no stranger to Canberra. “I do have some family there. My dad’s sister lives there and every time I do events she comes with the kids and the family,” she says. “It’s always a pleasure to come and celebrate with the community.” “I always say that the big international stage is equal to being able to come home and perform for my community… without that love and support, inspiration and encouragement, I wouldn’t be in that position,” she says, adding that it was an honour to represent Australia at Eurovision and the Commonwealth Games. “It was huge. I definitely sit there and sometimes in a quiet moment pinch myself. It’s unforgettable. Those moments I felt really proud to represent our home, our people and who we are as Australians. It was nice to be welcomed there and share my music.” Since winning the inaugural Telstra Road to Tamworth competition and being named the 2006 Australian Idol runner-up, the much-loved

star has developed into a multi award-winning singer-songwriter, actress (Bran Nue Dae, The Sapphires) and television personality. She is also actively involved in charity projects with Indigenous organisations across Australia as a performer, mentor and educator. In 2013 she became the official ambassador for the Yipirinya School in her hometown of Alice Springs. In between singing, and her charity work, Jessica is still interested in pursuing further film roles. “I’ve actually been reading quite a few scripts. Nothing’s spoken to me at this point but it’s always encouraging to have scriptwriters sending you work… keeping you in the loop as a possible character you could play.” Australia Celebrates Live combines the Australian of the Year Awards and a high energy concert into one celebration on one stage. The free, family-friendly concert will be held on the lawns of Parliament House. Gates open at 3pm and the entertainment starts at 4pm. For more information, visit australiaday.org.au

Fijian students Neha Sonal Sharma and Shonal Shivneel Kumar with Rotary member Dr Padma Lal at the National Youth Science Forum being held at the Australian National University.

Science opens doors for young students his year a total of 400 young people will learn about science, technology, engineering study and career opportunities at the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) run at the Australian National University (ANU). Students travel from across

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Australia to attend NYSF and, for the first time, the Rotary Clubs of Belconnen and Canberra have funded the participation of two students from Fiji to attend the program. The advocate behind it all, Dr Padma Lal from the Rotary Club of Belconnen, says she is passionate

about science outreach programs for students. “The initiative to get students from the Pacific Islands to come to the forum was organised through our Rotary Club negotiating with the NYSF Council. In the end, they agreed and informed us that if we could raise the funds we could have two students,” Dr Lal says. The NYSF application forms were sent to schools across Fiji’s Nadi area and students who successfully addressed the selection criteria were shortlisted and interviewed by a panel via Skype. “The main reason why I felt motivated to get this initiative under way was to expose budding science career prospects and give these students from Fiji the opportunity of attending NYSF to see what’s out there,” Dr Lal says. The two students selected from the long list of applicants, Neha Sonal Sharma of Korovuto College and Shonal Shivneel Kumar of

Nadi Sangam College, are both the dux of their schools and avid science students. “When I was told I’d been selected I remember jumping around I was that excited. This is a rewarding experience meeting likeminded people and the lab tours and workshops are just great,” Neha says. Shonal was advised by his science teacher to apply for the program, saying science has been his passion since he was a small child. “This is my first time to Australia. I feel both proud and privileged to attend NYSF and I’ll be telling other students about the benefits of this forum. It’s an amazing experience to see the physical applications of science and what it’s all about, how it can be applied to real life,” he says. The NYSF operates in two sessions, the first concludes on Sunday 18 January and the second session runs from Monday 19 to Saturday 31 January. - Madeline Power

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Photo Gary Schafer


news 2015 ACT Australian of the Year Glenn Keys with his contribution to the National Museum of Australia for an exhibition on the 2015 Australian of the Year finalists. A coolamon and clap sticks is on display for 2015 Northern Territory Australian of the Year Rosalie Kunoth-Monks OAM representing her strong attachment to culture and country.

Treasured objects give insight into finalists series of seemingly ordinary objects are offering greater insight into the lives of the 2015 Australian of the Year finalists. In an inaugural collaboration with the National Australia Day Council, the National Museum of Australia (NMA) is hosting an exhibition of personal objects representing the experiences of each of the eight State and Territory recipients for the 2015

Australian of the Year Awards. Amongst the collection is Victorian anti-domestic violence campaigner Rosie Batty’s childhood doll dressed in clothes knitted by her grandmother, and a badge Tasmanian equality activist Rodney Croome AM was wearing in 1988 when he was arrested for defending gay rights. The objects on display reflect a range of experiences in the finalists’

lives such as the briefcase from South Australia’s peace campaigner, Dr Gill Hicks MBE, which she was carrying when she became a victim of the 2005 London train terrorist bombing. For 2015 ACT Australian of the Year Glenn Keys, the item he has chosen to supply for the exhibit is a candle used at his wedding and the baptism of his children. “Family is an incredibly strong

aspect of my life,” Mr Keys said. “I was trying to find something that represented a number of aspects of my life.” This is summed up perfectly in the quote on his display which reads: “As a boy I made candles and sold them as one of my first businesses. I have always liked candles and feel that they provide a sense of warmth and hope, with the flame representing light and life… Our wedding date is shown on the front, and our children’s names and their baptism dates are shown on the back”. NMA director, Dr Mathew Trinca said the 2015 Australian of the Year finalists championed issues important to all Australians. “The National Museum pays tribute to these eight extraordinary Australians and we hope that this exhibition helps showcase the important issues they represent.” The exhibition is showing in the Hall at the NMA until 28 February. Entry is free.

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news Total crime reports down across ACT ACT Policing’s latest quarterly crime statistics show a five per cent drop in crime reports across Canberra in 2014, with Belconnen leading the way. The December quarter 2014 statistics published on the ACT Policing Crime Statistics webpage showed total reports of crime were down 5.4 per cent when comparing 2014 with 2013 (excluding statistics for traffic infringement notices and collisions). Belconnen saw the steepest drop across the calendar year (down 12.1 per cent), followed by the Inner North (down 10.8 per cent), Gungahlin (down 10 per cent) and the Inner South (down six per cent). Acting Deputy Chief Police Officer Justine Gough said she

was pleased to see the continued reduction in crime across the ACT, resulting from joint ACT Government initiatives, an intelligence-led community policing model and the efforts of the ACT community. Crime report types which saw the greatest decline in 2014 compared with 2013 included Sexual Assault (down 34.7 per cent), Assault (down 11.4 per cent), Property Damage (down 16.9 per cent) and Theft (down 5.6 per cent). Reports of Burglary saw an increase of 6.6 per cent and reports of Motor Vehicle Theft increased by 9.6 per cent. The latest quarterly crime statistics are available on the ACT Policing website, police.act.gov.au

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Law reform to expunge gay sex convictions Men convicted of consensual homosexual acts in the ACT will be able to apply to have their conviction expunged, ACT AttorneyGeneral Simon Corbell announced on Friday 9 January. Until November 1976, consensual homosexual sex was illegal in the ACT. The ACT Government will introduce a Bill later this year following consultation with stakeholders about a scheme to have criminal convictions erased from a person’s record.

Toddler rescued from stormwater drain A two-year-old boy was rushed to hospital suffering from hypothermia and injuries after becoming caught in a stormwater drain in Tuggeranong on Sunday 11 January. The ACT Ambulance Service was called to the drain in Stace Street, Gordon, around 7.30pm after members of the public pulled the boy out of the drain. Intensive care paramedics treated him immediately for hypothermia as well as bumps and bruises. He was then transported to the Canberra Hospital for treatment and is in a stable condition. Paramedics were told by onlookers that the boy had kept himself afloat by using strokes he had recently learned at swimming lessons. It is understood the toddler has been diagnosed with autism and was attracted to water, leaving his family home after finding the front door unlocked.

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news Children with ADHD not using medication long-term ustralian children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are not using medical support for most of their childhood, according to a University of Canberraled study spanning 20 years. The study, published in the international Journal of Attention Disorders, found that more than one-third of children with ADHD stop medication treatment, like amphetamines, within one year of commencing, and the number of new cases of drug treatment for children with this disorder are stabilising. “When we hear of amphetamine use for ADHD skyrocketing in Australia over the last 20 years, the assumption is that children remain on these drugs long-term. Instead, many stop medication treatment within a year,” said University of Canberra

senior research fellow and project leader, Dr Brenton Prosser. “We don’t know yet the exact reasons for this, but if families can’t access non-medical treatments, such as therapies and specialists, many kids with ADHD may be growing up without support.” The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Canberra and the University of Nebraska, used NSW Ministry of Health records of ADHD drug prescription for more than 88,000 children between 1990 and 2010. “Towards the end of the study, we found that 1.24 per cent of NSW children were using psychostimulants for ADHD. This is well below official estimates of how many children have the disorder, which are closer to seven per cent.”

Slow down on the Kings Highway Drivers heading to the NSW south coast are being urged to “slow down or be caught” along the Kings Highway this summer. The warning comes as part of Kings Highway Road Safety Partnership summer campaign. With almost 300 drivers caught speeding on the Kings Highway last summer (December 2013 and January 2014), ACT Policing Officer in Charge of Traffic Operations Station Sergeant Rod Anderson said drivers speeding or driving dangerously can expect to be caught. “If you speed you will be caught and face the consequences, no matter which side of the border you’re on,” Sergeant Anderson said. “As well as driving within the speed limit, you should drive to the conditions, always wear a seatbelt and take regular rest breaks to make sure you remain alert.” Drivers are also encouraged to plan their trip before they leave including making sure their car is road-ready by checking tyres, windscreen wipers, lights and indicators and oil and water levels. During December and January 2013-14, 18 collisions occurred on the Kings Highway, with one fatality. ACT Policing along with Eurobodalla, Palerang, Shoalhaven and Queanbeyan shire councils, NSW Police, the NRMA Road Safety Trust, Roads and Maritime Services and the ACT Government Justice and Community Safety Directorate formed the Kings Highway Road Safety Partnership seven years ago with the aim of reducing road trauma on the Kings Highway by promoting safe driving behaviours.











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news Owen Leong’s performance video, Infinite Love, is a finalist in Singapore’s prestigious Asia Pacific Breweries Foundation Signature Art Prize. He was nominated by Canberra art academic, Dr Michelle Antoinette.

ANU art academic nominates Leong for prestigious prize


anberra art academic, Dr Michelle Antoinette, was behind the nomination of Australia’s only artist, Owen Leong, who is among the 15 finalists in the prestigious Asia Pacific Breweries

Foundation Signature Art Prize. Leong’s performance video, Infinite Love, stands to win the Singapore $60,000 (AU$55,000) Grand Prize or one of two Jurors’ Choice Awards worth S$15,000

when the winner is announced 22 January. All 15 artworks are in the running for a People’s Choice Award worth S$10,000 for which voting closes 21 January. Dr Antoinette, from the Centre for Art History and Art Theory at ANU, says Leong’s art practice is motivated by the human body and challenges our notions of race, gender and colour. He also explores the fluidness of “Asian-Australian” identity, often based on his personal experience of Australian “whiteness”. “The video work Infinite Love continues the artist’s corporeal engagements with whiteness and his interest in the symbolic significations of milk,” she says. It opens with a striking headshot of Leong with his eyes closed, choked to the chin in a black garment, and wearing a harsh

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dental retractor that keeps his mouth forcibly open. The video cuts back and forth between this selfportrait and a striking sculpture of a heart made from frozen milk, which is melting and dripping into his mouth. “Provocatively, the artist’s body has become a metaphorical container for this dripping milk fluid, ingesting whiteness. However, this is a messy, uncomfortable and painful transmission – a forced entry into private corporeal passages,” Dr Antoinette says. “The title of the work not only registers the intimate, private, interior world of bodies, but also the ‘loving’, romantic gesture of a melting heart which bleeds and seeps into the body of an Other.” - Diana Streak

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was really looking forward to it,” the Year 10 student says. “I was a really trusting person in middle school but I didn’t place my trust in the right places – that’s when the bullying started and I was self-conscious and had really low self-esteem.” Her mother, Erika Zorzit, watched as her daughter struggled with anxiety and depression and tried to help in any way she could. “The bullying even got to the stage where we considered moving. But then we thought that perhaps to try to boost her self-esteem we would give her something to really focus on and that’s when she began to model,” Ms Zorzit says. Ms Yves says modelling has allowed her to forge new friendships. “After developing these friendships, I found out these genuinely nice people were the same as me; I was surprised by

Erika Zorzit (right) and her daughter Paris Yves are organising the Compassion with Fashion charity event to raise funds for beyondblue to help support people going through tough times.

Sharing compassion with fashion aris Yves, a young model in Canberra, has set out to reveal the inner beauty and silent struggles many professionals in the modelling sphere have to face every day. Turning 15 next month, Ms Yves

has been modelling from the age of 12 and, through it all, has struggled with anxiety and depression brought on by school and social network bullying. “When I first started high school, I was so ready for it and

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the number of people touched by anxiety or depression,” she says. The mother-daughter duo are now organising an event to help give back to the community and support people going through tough times. The Compassion with Fashion charity event aims to raise funds for beyondblue and will be held on Saturday 21 February at the Hellenic Club, Woden. The event will also include dance and music performances. “We want to give back and show people that anxiety and depression have no boundaries. Modelling helped my daughter get through and look to the future and I appreciate the people who have supported her,” Ms Zorzit says. For more information, visit compassionwithfashion.org or the ‘Compassion with Fashion’ Facebook page. - Madeline Power

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Photo Gary Schafer


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NEW HORIZONS IS FOR YOU New Horizons is a course run by Pedal Power ACT that will improve your cycling technique and teach you the basics of looking after your bike. We’ll help you become a confident bike rider, whether you are commuting, touring or just getting out for a ride with your friends. The nine week program combines evening classroom sessions with practical workshops and weekend morning rides. You will learn about: • Basic bike maintenance • Stretching and physiotherapy • Nutrition

• Cycling gear • Lights & accessories • Loading your bike onto a bus

The rides are led by experienced cyclists using shared cycle paths and quiet roads. Distances will gradually increase over the nine week course. Hundreds of cyclists have benefited from this program. You can too!

any bike, any where, any time

Fashfest calls for models


anberra’s largest annual fashion event is on the hunt for local and interstate talent to walk the runway at Fashfest 2015 and more than 100 models are expected to enter in this year’s open model casting. The casting for the four-day fashion event will be held at the National Convention Centre on Sunday 1 February with Fashfest organisers looking for females and males of various nationalities and some plus-size models. “It’s about the perfect fit for the fashion being produced by the designers who have been selected to launch new collections at Fashfest 2015,” says the event’s co-founder Andrea Hutchinson. “No experience is necessary,

but the models must walk in front of a panel of experienced judges and be selected based on their overall presence and confidence levels.” Those who get through the model call will receive training over several sessions. A record number of over 160 models applied for the 2014 event, including several from Sydney and other interstate locations. The 2014 casting was the biggest ever for a single fashion event held in the ACT. Interested models are asked to pre-register by emailing models@ fashfest.com.au and to bring with them a pair of heels (females) and one printed head shot on the day.

Chess players vie for top spot A record number of 250 players have already entered to compete in the 2015 Australian Junior Chess Championships, with tournament organisers expecting close to 300 players to take part. The national event will be held at the Canberra Grammar School from Saturday 17 to Sunday 25 January. The tournament has attracted entries from all over Australia. In the top section, players will be competing for the title of Australian Junior Chess Champion, while there are also titles on offer in lower age categories. The Under 12 Years event has attracted the largest field with 58 players. Last held in Canberra in 2007, the competition attracted a then Australian record entry of 220 players.


THURSDAY 19TH FEBRUARY For more information and to register:

Call 02 6248 7995 or email office@pedalpower.org.au www.pedalpower.org.au 20

Canberra will host the biennial Australian Romance Readers Convention from 6 to 8 March, which will bring together romance readers, authors, booksellers and industry professionals. Organised by the Australian Romance Readers Association, the fourth convention will host international best-selling authors Helene Young, Sylvia Day, Kelley Armstrong and Victoria Dahl. Details for registration can be found at australianromancereaders.com.au

Getty Images

Close to 210,000 people passed through the SIDS and Kids ACT Christmas Lights in the City from late November through to New Year’s Eve.

Lights display raises more than $300,000 eaturing 1,194,380 lights, the SIDS and Kids ACT Christmas Lights in the City broke the Guinness World Records title for the world’s largest LED light image display and raised more than $300,000 for the organisation. Close to 210,000 people passed

through the gates during the monthlong event held in Petrie Plaza in Canberra’s CBD with SIDS and Kids ACT CEO Nathalie Maconachie delighted with the support. “I’m so grateful to the Canberra community and I’m thrilled with the number of people who travelled far

and wide to witness this magical display,” Nathalie said. “Our organisation is now in a position to grow our services and continue our world-class education program – we can’t thank the community enough.” Canberra CBD Limited CEO Jane Easthope agrees that the light display was a wonderful addition to Canberra’s City centre. It is estimated shoppers spent just shy of $8 million in Canberra’s CBD on food, accommodation, transport and other supporting services, while just over $800,000 was spent on similar services outside of the CBD in order to participate in Christmas in the City. Canberra CBD Limited is committed to a three-year partnership to ensure the light display continues in the City until Christmas 2016. Plans are currently under way for the 2015 display, which organisers hope will be even bigger and better.

Acting Judge appointed ACT Attorney-General Simon Corbell has announced the appointment of Acting Judge the Hon Anthony Whealy QC to the ACT Supreme Court. The appointment of Acting Judge Whealy is on the recommendation of the Supreme Court. “Justice Whealy is a highly qualified suitable Acting Judge to hear upcoming proceedings regarding the Eastman matter,” Mr Corbell said. Mr David Eastman has applied for a stay against the Director of Public Prosecution’s decision to re-try him for the 1989 murder of Colin Winchester. The stay application is due to be heard in 2015, currently slated for 11 February.




Tsunami’s impact still lingers in Aceh decade after the Boxing Day tsunami wiped out seaside villages across Aceh, the Indonesian province is still suffering major problems, according to aid and development expert Dr John McCarthy from the Australian National University Crawford School of Public Policy. The 2004 Boxing Day tsunami devastated Aceh’s west coast, killed at least 130,000 people and left around 500,000 people homeless. The disaster generated a massive aid and reconstruction program, with around 463 NonGovernment Organisations and agencies spending around $7.5 billion. Australian donors and the government gave more than $1 billion.

A student receives homework in January from Instructor Caitlin Thompson at Kumon North Canberra.

Kumon can assist your child get ahead in 2015. The Kumon Method is an individualised learning method designed to develop not only academic skills but also study skills students need to succeed at school. At Kumon, students develop the ability to learn independently, develop their concentration and their confidence through the individualised instruction they receive from their Kumon Instructor. Through the use of specially designed worksheets and the careful planning by your Kumon Instructor, your child will be encouraged to self-learn and advance independently. Your Kumon Instructor will tailor a program especially for your child. The worksheets have been designed in a way that allows students to figure out how to solve the problems on their own.

Dr McCarthy has done extensive research and fieldwork in Aceh, visiting villages and interviewing villagers along the West Coast in the area most devastated by the 2004 disaster. He said the benefits of much of the aid sent to Aceh were only temporary. Many aid projects did not succeed in rebuilding livelihoods and many projects fell over when aid agencies withdrew from the region.

The key to Kumon’s individualised instruction is having each child study at their own pace. By studying material that is the right level for them, each child will catch up with their school grade level and subsequently advance beyond it. Kumon focuses on your child’s own ability, without comparison to other students, to help them develop their confidence and love of learning. Kumon Centres operate all year round even through the school holidays! Make 2015 the year for your child to succeed at school. Book in for a Parent Orientation at your local Kumon Centre today.

Cotter Dam wins award

Simply visit kumoncanberra.com to find a Kumon centre near you and enrol today!


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“Many people talk of three tsunamis to hit Aceh. The first was the wave itself, the second was the flood of money and aid, and the third was when the aid agencies withdrew,” he said. “In the villages across two subdistricts where we recently carried out surveys, we found that as many as 55 per cent of those interviewed experience a hunger season each year.” The surveys revealed that insecurity was linked to the lack of cash crops, poor fish catches and the lack of off-farm work opportunities. The posttsunami aid did not reconstruct these sectors. Food security is still highly tied to rice production. Rice production is vulnerable to harvest failure, the lack of irrigation, unreliable rainfall, floods, droughts and pest infestations. “So much money was spent, and it’s a pity outcomes were not more lasting. Rebuilding infrastructure is relatively easy; recreating livelihoods is so much harder,” Dr McCarthy said. “Government and aid agencies needed to learn valuable lessons from the Aceh experience.”

The Enlarged Cotter Dam Project has received a National Civil/ Infrastructure Award at the recent Master Builders Australia National Excellence in Building and Construction Awards for 2014. The Bulk Water Alliance constructed project was up against more than 5,000 entries in MBA’s regional, state and territory awards to compete for 41 awards. The project was the single most significant infrastructure project in Canberra’s history and has increased the ACT’s water storage capacity by 35 per cent to 76 gigalitres.

What lies Beyond Q While Alfred Hitchcock needed 39 Steps to descend into a world of mystery, adventure and intrigue, at the Curtin shops, you need take only 20 steps to descend into a world that offers sex and romance, thrills, crime, humour, dastardly deeds and more. The Beyond Q bookshop, under various guises and names, has been operating in Canberra for 36 years which goes some way towards explaining the extraordinary wealth of fiction and non-fiction, magazines, comics, artefacts, curios and ephemera on offer, all of which has helped propel it onto the list of 17 of Australia’s great secondhand bookshops. It’s a treasure house. And among its treasures are the contents of the Fine and Rare room, lorded over by a wooden sentinel – the Australian Coat of Arms that once stood at the entrance of Old Parliament’s House of Representatives. Once inside, you can run your fingers across the Burley Griffin desk which owner Simon Maddox inherited from his father who purchased it from an auction of Walter Burley Griffin’s estate in Sydney back in 1968. “He was an architect and that explained the initial appeal of the desk,” says Simon. “The desk looks too small to have been used by the lanky Walter. So we assume his wife Marion used it as a drafting table and you could see the worn grooves where her feet rested before it was restored.” But while you can leave your fingerprints on the surface of the desk, you’ll need cotton gloves to examine some of the room’s highly prized riches. Customers have glanced through the pages of Pharmaeocopia Londinenis, also known as the London Dispensatory, a leatherbound medicinal companion which once belonged to the Archbishop of Canterbury and has his bookplate

on the front cover. “What is an Archbishop doing playing with a drug manual?” asks Simon, leafing through the pages gingerly. With an asking price of $20,000, it’s not a book likely to race off the shelf. Nor is the $24,000 first-edition Practice of Physick, a tome that was coauthored by Thomas Culpeper, a close friend of Henry VIII and his wife Catherine Howard until both were beheaded for treason. For less pricey but really weighty reads there are the 20 or more hefty old Family Bibles, each several kilos, that date back to the 1800s. While it’s in this room you’ll find people searching for a unique gift, it’s in the wider bookshop they peruse for pleasure. “We’ve got everything from newly released page-turners to childhood favourites,” says Simon, who has also built up the bookstore’s extensive collection of records, magazines and curios. “I’m constantly building more bookshelves because we also operate a buy-back scheme for customers who don’t want to see a really good read languish on their own bookshelf and are happy to bring in books to sell or get store credit.” Some of the books from Beyond Q are starting to make their way into detention centres such as Manus Island where asylum seekers are eager to read anything that either offers hope or a way to come to grips with Australian culture. Simon’s wife, Jenni Lawton, has also ensured the bookshop’s eclectic collection reflects her own background in Papua New Guinea with masks, totems and indigenous art scattered among the shelves and seasoning the experience of loitering in the aisles. - Keiren McLeonard


Are you looking for a hands on career? CIT’s Introduction to Massage is for you! You’ll learn massage techniques needed to work in the industry, so you can get the best start in your new career! At CIT you’ll get experience working in a real clinic and learn underpinning skills and knowledge so you can take the right steps to getting into the massage industry. Apply now – classes start in February! For more information visit cit.edu.au/massage, email infoline@cit.edu.au, or call (02) 6207 3188.

CRICOS No. 00001K – December 2014 – RTO Code 0101– HCS141281


Cho Young Cheol of Korea Republic scores a goal during the 2015 Asian Cup match between Korea Republic and Oman at Canberra Stadium on 10 January. Getty Images

AFC Asian Cup action More than 12,000 spectators flocked to Canberra Stadium for the first of the AFC Asian Cup 2015 matches in the ACT on Saturday 10 January. Korea Republic defeated Oman 1-0 in the match which was watched by 12,552 people. However, there was a decline in spectators for the second Canberra match on Sunday 11

Triathlon success If you are thinking of suicide

st ou tru one y some Talk to Avoid being alone Set yo urself small goals Supporting someone who is feeling suicidal n if they are Ask the perso icide thinking of su

Spend time with the person Make sure they rece ongoing su ive pport

You can recognise the signs

FOR SUICIDE PREVENTION Lifeline Ph: 13 11 14 | www.lifeline.org.au Kids Helpline Ph: 1800 55 1800 | www.kidshelp.com.au ACT Mental Health Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team – Ph: 1800 629 354 or 02 6205 1065 www.health.act.gov.au/suicideprevention

s? ed any change Have you notic Has someone you know withd rawn? Have thing they stop s tha p e d do t they enjoy ing the ?

To help those left behind

has lost end friend who To help a to suicide; be a fri someone

Listen, keep in touch Give




Up and coming para triathlete Jonathan Goerlach claimed the 2015 Oceania Para Triathlon event in the PT5 B2/3 Elite category with his guide Jack Bigmore at the recent 2015 OTU Oceania Para Triathlon Championships. As a blind triathlete, Goerlach is required to race with a guide athlete. This requires both athletes to be attached via a tether during the 750m swim, ride a tandem bike along the 20km cycle and once again be attached by a tether during the 5km run. The only time the guide is allowed in front of the athlete is during the bike where the guide is the lead person on the

January with 5,513 watching the UAE account for Qatar 4-1 in their clash. Bahrain play UAE tonight (Thursday 15 January). The remaining matches in Canberra include China PR v DPR Korea (18 January), Iraq v Palestine (20 January) and a quarter-final (23 January). For more information, visit www.afcasiancup.com

tandem bike. Meanwhile, the ACT’s Ellie Hoitink took Queenslander Sam Whiting to the wire in finishing second in the 2015 OTU Oceania Youth Triathlon Championships at the Sydney International Regatta Centre while the youthful ACT Junior Men’s team claimed third place in the team points category with outstanding performances from Corey Benham 27th, Conor Sproule 36th, Liam Sproule 37th and Conor McClusky 51st. The athletes will next compete in the ACT Sprint Triathlon Championships, at Rond Terraces, on 18 January.

More tickets for Big Bash final Additional tickets for the KFC T20 Big Bash League Final at Manuka Oval go on sale from today (Thursday 15 January) at 12pm with limited number of tickets, including general admission, reserved seating, restricted viewing and standing room tickets

to be made available. The BBL|04 Final will take place at Manuka Oval on Wednesday 28 January from 7.40pm, with all teams still in contention to make the semi-finals. The new release of BBL|04 Finals tickets for Manuka Oval will be available through Ticketek.

Does Your Child Love To Write? ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr (centre) was joined by former Australian cricket player Andy Bichel (third from left) and dignitaries from the Embassies and High Commissions of those nations that will play in Canberra for the ICC Cricket World Cup trophy tour launch on Monday 12 January.

Countdown to Cricket World Cup There is plenty to look forward to on the sporting calendar for Canberrans with the upcoming ICC Cricket World Cup in February and March. The ACT is hosting three fixtures during the event – Bangladesh versus Afghanistan (18 February), West Indies versus Zimbabwe (24 February) and South Africa versus Ireland (3 March) – and as part of the celebrations, recently hosted the ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 Trophy Tour. The tour, on from 12 to 14 January, saw the arrival of an ICC Cricket World Cup 2015-branded double decker bus,

the ICC Cricket World Cup trophy and a host of cricket-themed entertainment and interactive activities for cricket fans, families and children. Andy Bichel, a key member of the Australian cricket team during their successful 2003 Cricket World Cup campaign, was in Canberra on Monday 12 January to help launch the tour alongside dignitaries from the Embassies and High Commissions of those nations that will play in Canberra. For more information on the ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 and to purchase tickets, visit cricketworldcup.com


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ACT Meteors opening batter Katie Mack has been named in a squad of Australia’s top emerging women’s cricketers to represent the Commonwealth Bank Shooting Stars on its training camp in Sri Lanka from 16 to 24 February.

The team will play two 50-over and two T20 practice matches as part of the tour which is designed to combine a high performance training environment with valuable match-practice in subcontinent conditions.

Pitch receives FIFA approval The redeveloped synthetic football pitch at the AIS has officially received FIFA 2 Star accreditation following an inspection of the facility by the sport’s world governing body. The new generation synthetic pitch is the only one of its kind in Australia and is the same surface

used by German glamour club Bayern Munich. The surface is cooler to play on in extreme summer heat and, unlike black rubber infill synthetic systems, doesn’t produce any rubber odour.

If you are passionate about the environment then CIT’s environmental course is for you! CIT’s environmental monitoring and technology qualifications will provide you with best industry practise and knowledge. Hands-on classes in the field and laboratory will kick start your environmental science career. Apply now! For more information attend the information session on Tuesday 3 February or Wednesday 4 February, 9am – 4pm, Room D121, CIT Bruce, visit cit.edu.au or phone (02) 6207 3188.

CRICOS No. 00001K – December 2014 – RTO Code 0101– HCS141271

Mack named for Shooting Stars squad


sport being there to defend my 2013 criterium title. I got myself going again and went to Europe and the day after the Flanders race, I tore my piriformis muscle which put me out for the entire European season,” she said. “I couldn’t exercise for four months and I was really crushed by that double blow. So this is exactly what I needed.” In other results, ACT cyclist Alexandria Nicholls claimed

silver in the under 23 road race, while Kimberley Wells and fellow ACT cyclist Rebecca Wiasak were named in new professional women’s NRS cycling team, the High5 Dream Team. Part of a team of eight athletes, they have been identified as having potential to represent their nation at Commonwealth, World or Olympic level during the next few years.

Brumbies appoint new CEO Kimberley Wells re-claimed her 2013 criterium title at the 2015 Australia Road National Championships in Ballarat. Photo: Cycling Australia.

Podium finish for Wells After a difficult 12 months suffering from injury and illness, the 2013 criterium champion Kimberley Wells showed she is back to her best, out-sprinting Peta Mullens (VIC) and Lauren Kitchen (Hitec


Products) at the Australia Road National Championships in Ballarat. “At the same time last year I had pneumonia so I was really disappointed and devastated not

The Brumbies have appointed Michael Jones as the club’s Chief Executive Officer for the next three years. Jones returns to his hometown Canberra to tackle the role with the Brumbies having most recently held the Chief Executive’s position with investment banking and corporate advisory firm, Canterbury Hill Advisory in Sydney.

“Our Board and financial issues have been very public and well publicised. I’m happy the Board is now unified and focused and that we have plans to reverse our commercial trend,” Jones said. “The brand of the Brumbies and the quality of the playing group are the strengths of this organisation and are essential elements as we seek to turn this organisation around.”

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Claire Naidu & Co is a boutique law firm specialising in Family Law & Mediation.

Claire Naidu & Co is a boutique law firm specialising in Family Law.

Croker named captain Jarrod Croker is set to captain the Canberra Raiders for the 2015 season taking over from Terry Campese, who was released by the club to take up a deal with Hull KR in the English Super League.

A Goulburn junior, Croker made his debut for the Raiders in 2009 and has played 140 matches for the club, scoring 892 points in his six seasons in the NRL squad.

of the 2015 Super Rugby season. The game is being held at McDonald’s Park, Exhibition Centre, Wagga Wagga, with kickoff at 7pm. Gates open at 2.45pm. Locally, tickets are available from Brumbies HQ (Building 29, University of Canberra) or online at Eventopia. Pre-sale tickets are $10 for adults or $20 on the gate.

More signings for Eastlake Eastlake Football Club has signed ex Hills Eagles midfielder Tim Garlick for the 2015 and 2016 NEAFL seasons. Twenty-one-year-old Garlick, who originates from the Southern NSW town of Tocumwal, has spent the past three seasons at Hills Eagles after coming through the Murray Bushrangers, NSW/ ACT Rams and Giants Academy programs as a junior. The club has also signed former Queanbeyan players Jeremy Kirkwood and Kieran Shea to the NEAFL team for the next two seasons.

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Brumbies trial match Tickets are now on sale for the Brumbies 2015 trial match in Wagga Wagga against the Highlanders on Saturday 31 January. This will be the first time the Brumbies have played a trial game in Wagga since 2005, with 30 of the club’s top squad set to feature in the final trial game before the start

Here is what our clients have said about us:

Former Under 16 All-Australian representative and 2012 Queanbeyan premiership player Jeremy Kirkwood has made the move to Eastlake.

Meantime, Eastlake has resigned Michael Grace and Carli Shillito as the Eastlake women’s coaches for 2015 while Simon Pomery and Andrew McGrath have re-signed as first and second grade coaches respectively for the 2015 season.

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CRICOS No. 00001K – November 2014 – RTO Code 0101– HCS141198

“We are passionate about helping people through their family law matters including property settlements, divorce, parenting/custody orders, pre-nuptial agreements, Jarrod Croker is the new captain for the Canberra Raiders. Getty Images surrogacy and adoption.”


Jerrabomberra Wetlands Community Day Bring a picnic lunch and experience the Jerrabomberra Wetlands in its amazing urban landscape. Local experts will be on hand to give you tips on bird watching, frogs, turtles and water management and the children can enjoy the Reptile Inc handson display. The guided walks will start at

10am (hourly) and conclude at 1pm, from the Jerrabomberra Wetlands carpark at the end of Dairy Road, Fyshwick. Several options will be on offer including ranger guided walks, bird watching walks, indigenous culture and heritage walks. To book your place on one of the walks, go to jerrabomberrawetlands.org

Queanbeyan Relay For Life

Share your community event. Email news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘HYH’ in the subject field. Deadline is 10 days prior to Thursday edition date.

The Queanbeyan Relay For Life 2015 is coming to Queanbeyan Showground on Saturday 21 to Sunday 22 February. Relay For Life is a team event to raise money in the fight against cancer and an opportunity to educate the community about ways to reduce their risk of developing cancer. The volunteer committee is looking for local businesses to donate prizes, gift cards or food items for the event. The prizes will serve as incentives for participants to keep on walking, reward those who have raised the most money in the fight against cancer and participants who have come up with the most novel way to promote to others cancer smart lifestyles, thereby reducing their risk of developing cancer. Now is your chance to make a donation in the name of someone you know who has been affected by cancer. To donate, please email Natalie via qbn.rfl@gmail.com or call 0419 161 974.

HAVE YOU HEARD? what's on

Trash and Treasure Markets Organised by the Belconnen Rotary Club since 1974, the Belconnen Rotary Trash and Treasure Markets are held every Sunday from 6am to 1pm. Funds raised have gone to assist the local community. Don’t have a garage sale at your home – it is safer and more private to sell at Trash and Treasure. So come and join the fun either as a stall holder ($20 per site occupied) or as a patron of the market (entry by donation) and fi nd your treasure at Jamison Centre, Macquarie. For more information, visit belconnenrotary.org.au

must see

Imagining Gang-gangs Over 70 student artworks are on display at the Imagining Gang-gangs exhibition in Civic Library, including drawings, paintings, ceramics and collage about the Gang-gang cockatoo. The selected student artworks will be on display until Saturday 31 January, mezzanine level of Civic Library (Civic Square, London Circuit, Canberra City). Library hours: 10am-5.30pm Monday to Friday, 10am-4pm Saturday, closed Sunday.

Clean Up Australia Day Clean Up Australia Day celebrates 25 years of volunteer action in 2015. Since the national event started in 1990, Australians have donated more than 27.2 million hours taking to their streets, parks, bushland and waterways on Clean Up Australia Day, removing an estimated 288,650 tonnes of rubbish from 145,754 sites across the country. Clean Up Australia Day is on Sunday 1 March and registrations are now open. To register or to join a Clean Up site, visit cleanupaustraliaday.org.au


must do

Gang-gang pair, Lawrence Carlton, North Ainslie Primary School.

Calendar supports PetRescue Petstock, Australia’s 100 per cent locally owned and operated specialty pet retailer, is proud to support Australia-wide not-for-profit animal rescue organisation PetRescue, by donating 100 per cent of proceeds from 2015 calendar sales. The calendar is available for $2 at Petstock stores and online at petstock.com.au with funds raised helping PetRescue continue to provide free support to over 780 rescue organisations (predominantly community foster care groups) and save more than 6,000 pets every month. For more information, visit petstock.com.au or petrescue.com.au

The popular summer-time reptile display Snakes Alive! is open at the Australian National Botanic Gardens until Sunday 18 January, with this year’s theme ‘caring for our native reptiles and fishes’. People of all ages can have a close encounter with snakes, lizards, frogs, turtles, crocodiles and, for the first time, local threatened fish. In the Crosbie Morrison Building; 10am-4pm weekdays, 10am-6pm weekends. Entry: child $3, adult $6, concession $5, with proceeds going towards reptile and amphibian research. Snakes Alive! is run by the ACT Herpetological Association, whose mission is to promote and protect Australian reptiles and amphibians. For more information, visit anbg.gov.au/gardens

Hands on classes and excellent lab facilities Gain practical skills and knowledge Work in a variety of laboratory environments Apply now For more information attend the information session on Tuesday 3 February or Wednesday 4 February, 9am-4pm, Room D121, CIT Bruce, visit cit.edu.au/animal or phone (02) 6207 3188.

CRICOS No. 00001K – December 2014 – RTO Code 0101– HCS141276

Snakes Alive! at ANBG

CIT’s laboratory courses can open the door to many exciting career opportunities.

Celebrate Gungahlin festival A fun, family-friendly festival themed around Gungahlin Town Park’s iconic Bunyip sculpture, Celebrate Gungahlin will host a variety of experiences and attractions featuring a birthday cake as part of the official proceedings. Come along on the day or participate as a stallholder on Saturday 11 April, Gungahlin Town Park. For further information phone 6293 6500 or visit celebrategungahlin.org.au

Barnardos Gifts for Kids Canberra has once again displayed its generosity through the success of the Barnardos Gifts for Kids Initiative last month, which brings disadvantaged children some Christmas joy via the collection and distribution of donated toys. Service One, which has been supporting the initiative for seven consecutive years, thanks everyone who participated in the toy drive. For more information, visit barnardos.org.au




Photo The West Crete Blog

Look out for giant pine scale The ACT Government is asking residents to be on the lookout for giant pine scale (Marchalina hellenica) after the pest was detected in South Australia and Victoria late last year. Giant pine scale is an insect that lives by sucking the sap of pine trees and some other trees. The insect is covered by white, waxy, cotton-like secretions and produces a honeydew on which sooty moulds develop. From a distance, this mould can resemble a white wax. If you suspect a pest or disease in plants or trees, call the national Exotic Plant Pest Hotline on 1800 084 881. 29

have you heard Australia Day at Work

Make a difference to an older person living alone

The National Australia Day Council is encouraging people in their workplaces to come together and get into the Australia Day spirit early. It could be for a cuppa and lamingtons, Anzac biscuits or pavlova; maybe a lunchtime barbecue. The workplace events could be themed with flags and plenty of green and gold. Register online at australiadayatwork.com.au to be in line for a great prize. Get in before Monday 19 January to receive a kit which includes an inflatable cricket bat for some workplace fun.

Barbie supports RFS and SES

Become a Telecross volunteer today. To find out how you can contribute to the independence of vulnerable people living alone, or for more information about other volunteering positions in the ACT please call 02 6234 7634 or email volunteernow@redcross.org.au www.redcross.org.au





- 6pm Friday 13 • 9am 9am - 5pm Saturday 14 • am - 4pm Sunday 15 • 10 @ Exhib ition Pa

rk in Canberra

Saturday is Family Day with fun activities and a special appearance by Prime Possum! Visit www.act.lifeline.org.au to find out more. 30

Drop into Bunnings Warehouse for a sausage sizzle and support the ACT Rural Fire Service and ACT State Emergency Service this Australia Day weekend on Saturday 24 January. All money raised by the sausage sizzles, which in the ACT are being held at the Fyshwick, Belconnen and Tuggeranong stores, will help support the two services and the work they do. It’s a great way to show appreciation for these services as well as a chance to enjoy family activities, games and entertainment throughout the day.

Boomerang throwing demonstration Whether you’re an aspiring boomerang master or simply want to learn more about bush life and culture, a boomerang throwing demonstration will be held at the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve on Saturday 24 January from 11am to 12 noon. Cost is $5 per person; no bookings required. For more information, please call 6205 1233.

Discover Tidbinbilla at night Looking for a unique activity for your Friday or Saturday night? Take a Tid by Torchlight tour where you’ll have the opportunity to explore Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve at night and watch as native animals emerge from their hiding places. Dusk is the best time to visit with kangaroos, koalas, wallabies, long-nosed potoroos, emus, possums and other wildlife venturing out to feed. Tours include a dusk wildlife walk, bush barbecue and spotlight tour with a local guide to discover animals you wouldn’t normally find. Tours run every Friday and Saturday night, subject to minimum booking numbers. For more information and bookings, call 1800 032 501 or visit conservationvolunteers.com.au and search for ‘Tid by Torch’.

One lucky Canberra Weekly reader has the chance to win a double pass to the Tid by Torchlight tour on Friday 30 January (valued at $160). To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘Tid by Torchlight’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details and the answer to this question: what is your favourite native animal at Tidbinbilla? Entries close and winner drawn 9am 23 January 2015. One entry per person. Winner must be able to attend. Permit No. ACT TP 14/01017.

social scene

Yangchen Tshoko, Erin Prince and Matilda Morris

Sean Wheelahan, David Bacon and Mandy Thorpe

Faisal Al-Mdwali and Liam Kilpatrick

Christian, Frank and Michael Barresi

Abdulrahman Almutairi and Hamad Alhemeiri

Goran and Zora Todoroski with Jason and Nikki Aslimoski

Mal Tomlinson and Neil Topping

Steve Hughes and Cristal King

AFC Asian Cup match UAE versus Qatar at Canberra Stadium, Sunday 11 January.

Were you planning to go to university but think you may have missed out? Don’t panic - there are options available for you. The University of Canberra offers a number of alternative entry initiatives via the University of Canberra College (UCC), which provide access into most of our undergraduate degrees.

Think you might miss out on university?


Information about courses, support services, accommodation, and much more will be provided on the night. Visit canberra.edu.au/dontpanic for dates and times.

UOC0085/15/1 CRICOS#00212K

On Thursday evenings throughout December and January, the University of Canberra is running information sessions explaining the different pathway programs provided by UCC to help you reach your goals.


social scene

Zoe Brand and Keith Marshall

Camilla Patini, Hilde Hooper and Rosie Goldfeder

Raquel Ormella and Susannah Bourke

Rachael Peace and Sandra Murray

Sophie O'Connor and Leanne Santoro

Barnaby Florance and Jack Hubbard

Helen Tiernan and Jeremy Thomas

Sometimes there isn’t anything to get exhibition opening, Nancy Sever Gallery, Kingston.

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Trades & Services Guide

advertising feature

FRESH START Kick off 2015 with a fresh start. From wellbeing, health, fitness and beauty to personal finances or updating your home, this special feature aims to help you embrace a more positive lifestyle and achieve your New Year’s resolutions.

cwm advertising feature

SOUTHERN CROSS HEALTH CLUB Do you know your pelvic floor is an integral part of engaging your ‘core’? Rediscover the benefits of strengthening your pelvic floor; it will change or enhance your approach to strength in everyday life and in every sphere of your life experience. Empower is an eight week course that builds a greater understanding of how to approach functional strength from inside out. Call Canberra Southern Cross Health Club on 6283 7340 for more information.

CLINICAL PILATES – “THE SCIENCE BEHIND YOUR EXERCISE” Feeling sore? This might just be the tip of the iceberg. Clinical Pilates goes deeper. You might feel pain in one area, but in actual fact, the problem may be elsewhere. Clinical Pilates is run by Physiotherapists and treats the cause of your physical problems, not just the symptoms. You are given a thorough hour-long physiotherapy assessment before the program starts so that your exercises are tailored to your individual

needs. We explain what is wrong and show you how to manage it. Matwork classes are run in small groups and equipment sessions are done individually. Try Clinical Pilates. It’s fun! Clinical Pilates at Higher Function 23 Petrie Plaza, Canberra City T: 6262 9664 www.higherfunction.com.au





Healthier. Happier. TOGETHER.

Empower is an introduction to functional strength beginning with the Pelvic Floor. We train in a controlled and caring environment for women who want to improve their confidence and self-esteem at home, work and in our Health Club environment.


“I gained so much from the EMPOWER program, knowledge, strength, and a new outlook on keeping fit and healthy. Willa and Kate have explained the importance of, and demonstrated, good techniques of developing core strength. I have been able to integrate this into my regular workout and have even commenced an exercise program at home. For anyone who wants to be the best that they can be, I recommend this program.” Jennifer D, 51


60 MIN CLASS 6283 7340


FEELING STRESSED? To help you manage your response to the stress in your life see one of these businesses for an evaluation today.




Feeling sore? This might just be the tip of the iceberg. Clinical Pilates goes deeper. You might feel pain in one area, but in actual fact, the problem may be elsewhere. Clinical Pilates is run by Physiotherapists and treats the cause of your physical problems, not just the symptoms. You are given a thorough hour-long physiotherapy assessment before the program starts so that your exercises are tailored to your individual

Visual fatigue is a common occurrence in today’s computerised world. Throughout the day, the eyes feel fatigued and eye strain and discomfort can develop. At the end of the day your eyes may hurt, seem heavy and your vision blurred. Your eyes are making a lot of effort to adapt from one device

needs. We explain what is wrong and show you how to manage it. Matwork classes are run in small groups and equipment sessions are done individually. Clinical Pilates is Pilates based on the latest physiotherapy research. So if you’re thinking of getting fit but don’t know how to start or you’re in pain, come along to Clinical Pilates at Higher Function. It’s fun!

to another. Should you be experiencing any of these symptoms, you may have a vision problem. Mackinley Optical have specific lenses which will help your eyes focus more easily. This will provide you with good vision and keep your eyes comfortable until the end of the day.

23 Petrie Plaza Canberra City Ph: 6262 9664 www.higherfunction.com.au

25 Petrie Plaza, Canberra City Ph: 6248 9100 Shop 60, Level 2 Westfield Belconnen Ph: 6251 3399 www.thecanberraoptometrist.com.au



What happens when we are in the fixed flexed position for long periods of time? This fixed flexed position causes the muscles to become tired and strained. Tight, tense muscles restrict a full range of movement at our joints, cause stiffness, loss of flexibility and normal circulation, which leads to muscle weakness. Those tissues become impaired and begin to suffer the symptoms of pain and tension.

Stress can have devastating effects on your health, your relationships, and even your performance at work. Yet the latest in medical research indicates that it is your response to stress that plays the critical role – not the stressors themselves. To help you manage your response to stress, our practice offers Stress Response Evaluations, using cutting edge technology to evaluate how

Takako Mizogami Remedial, Oncology and Thai Yoga Massage and Bowen Therapy

Massage is tremendously beneficial and can reduce symptoms by relaxing the tension in the muscles, stimulating the flow of blood through the muscles, breaking down and eliminating toxins, enhancing oxygenation of the brain and relaxing the nervous system and mind. Take care of your body, it’s the only home you have to live in.

23 Petrie Plaza Canberra City Ph: 6262 9664 www.higherfunction.com.au

your nervous system responds to stress. The results of this will help us identify the problem areas and create a comprehensive plan for improving your stress response using Biofeedback and Neurofeedback. There are few things more important than your health, your relationships or your job. Come in today for an evaluation so we can help you keep them… and keep them strong.

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Take your health and fitness to a new level. It’s time to Evolve your workout. Join with a friend and receive 1 month’s free membership.

Prosperity Property is committed to providing a holistic approach to property investment. We guide you through the process of establishing and managing a carefully tailored and individual portfolio that provides you with a positive geared investment now, and prepares you for your retirement. Will your current salary and investments give you the financial freedom you need to live the lifestyle you want? Given that 86 per cent of Australians currently retire with just $16,000, the answer for most people is probably no. We can

Evo Health Club, Hotel Realm 18 National Circuit, Barton T: 6162 0808 www.evohealthclub.com.au

assist you by looking at your current situation and show you what the options are for becoming financially independent. To find out how to take control of your finances and retirement plan, contact Prosperity Property on 1300 037 769.


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. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC . Level B1 inside the Hotel Realm

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SECURE YOUR OWN INCOME The New Year is all about fresh starts, but while you’re busy setting goals to do more exercise and travel overseas, what about setting a resolution that will create the foundations for financial freedom; now and in the future? Prosperity Property is committed to providing a holistic approach to property investment. We guide you through the process of establishing and managing a carefully tailored and individual portfolio that provides you with a positive geared investment now, and prepares you for your retirement.


*A $50,000.00 return is an example of what an actual Prosperity client has made through investing in property. Although Prosperity cannot guarantee a financial return on the properties we select for investment, we do our best to work with our clients to achieve this desired result.



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Large collection of top quality Oriental and Chinese antique furniture


DISCOU IDE STOREW January Ends 24 2015

FERNWOOD Last year, Fernwood celebrated its 25th year in women’s fi tness by becoming the fi rst full-service gym to offer online programs alongside their in-club experience. All new members now receive the 28 Day Breakthru Program as part of their membership. The program has already kick-started the health and fi tness journeys of many Fernwood members with daily workouts and inspiration, full meal plans, healthy recipes and mindset sessions yielding better results than ever before.

For a limited time, when you join Fernwood you’ll pay Zero Joining Fee. Save $199! Be inspired, take back control, and feel great with Fernwood. www.fernwoodfi tness.com.au




8 Gladstone St, Unit 15 Paragon Mall, FYSHWICK . Ph 6280 9147 Open: Tue – Sat 10am – 4:30pm

Freshen up your home with some unique furniture or artworks to brighten up your space. Special attention is paid to the preservation of the original colour of the oriental furniture to restore its original brightness and gracefulness. The Chinese antique furniture is exceptional, practical

with intrinsic beauty and redolent of splendid oriental history. Best choices for high-end interior designs. Asian Art & Furniture Unit 15 Paragon Mall 8 Gladstone Street, Fyshwick T: 6280 9147

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Want a Workout That Won’t Wear You Out?

CURVES Special first time offer from Curves. Join for only $30. For a limited time only. www.curves.com.au

Don’t like to sweat it out at the gym? Callanetics is a no impact exercise technique that tightens, tones and lengthens out the muscles. You will look as if you’ve lost weight even if you’re not dieting. The secret is in ... the pulse!

10 class package $185 5 classes for $95 Classes of no more than 5 people means individual attention - you’re not lost in a crowd. Measuring and before/after photos included.

Class Harrisones in to open (more s to demaubject nd).


SIAM SENSES Do you suffer from muscle soreness or injury? Siam Senses can help relieve your pain. We are the muscle experts who specialise in therapeutic massage. www.siamsenses.com.au T: 6247 8800

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JAMISON PLAZA 8 Bowman Street, 6251 1111 WESTON Cooleman Court Shopping Centre, Brierly Street, 6288 8333 GUNGAHLIN 92 Phyllis Ashton Circuit, 6255 5916 • WANNIASSA 25 Sangster Place, 6296 7415 • QUEANBEYAN 4/183-187 Crawford Street, 6299 0344

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IN TUNE CALLANETICS Learn more about Callanetics at an introductory workshop to be held in Lyneham on Saturday 31 January, 10am to 12.30pm. Cost $45. Visit www.intunecallanetics.com for more information.

‘I want every day to be a fresh start on expanding what is possible.’ – Oprah Winfrey

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SHAPEMASTER FEEL GOOD STUDIO Assisted stretching is very beneficial; it liberates your body from tensions, restrictions and it feels incredibly good when done properly. Feeling good comes from detoxifying your body, gaining control of your movement and eliminating physical and psychological stress. Shapemaster Feel Good Studio welcomes you to try. Call us on 6247 6267.

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We are proud members of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS)






Reload business owners Ravi Sharma and Jim Andrews with signature gamethemed cocktails Sonic the Hedgehog, Miyamoto Slipper and Destiny.

The Destiny drink asks $3 more than the other cocktails, but with the planet symbolism and delicious taste, it is well worth it.

RELOAD BAR TAPS INTO NEXT LEVEL Reload Bar and Games is tapping into Canberra’s extensive gamer community to present a combination of social gaming, fun and night life.


ocated on Northbourne Avenue in the city, Reload attracts many a curious eye as casual passers-by look in to see a fusion of a games arcade and bar. Featuring colourful game-themed cocktails, gaming consoles and PCs, esports viewing screens and comfortable seating spaces to relax and connect with friends, Reload has a unique atmosphere different to other nightclubs. Business owners Jim Andrews and Ravi Sharma say they designed the space very carefully. “It has an inclusive atmosphere and people interact really well with one another here. Since opening about a month ago we’ve had nothing but positive feedback,” Ravi says. Reload has a variety of consoles and gaming facilities, including WiiU, Xbox One and 360, PS4 and PS3, a pair of custom arcade cabinets featuring fighting games, plus a bench of six high-end gaming PCs for the serious gamers out there (not to mention the PCs have table service). 42

The best part is that all of the games are free to play. “We specialise in multiplayer games, like Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart, FIFA and crowd pleaser Guitar Hero. Everyone’s on that later in the night,” Ravi laughs. He says the concept for Reload Bar was inspired by a number of factors. “Jim has been running an internet café here in Canberra for the past 10 years. I’d done a bit of nightclub promotion and have a technical background. Then I noticed a few gaming bars popping up in Europe – we figured that there is definitely a market for a gaming bar and we’ve been really encouraged by the response so far.” The game-themed cocktails are Reload’s other main attraction, with Princess Peach, Destiny, Sonic the Hedgehog, Master Chief and Los Santos Sunrise among the most popular. “Also, we’ve found there is a huge FIFA following in Canberra, which is why we’ll be holding a FIFA tournament this month to

coincide with the AFC Asian Cup,” Jim says. This month Reload will be running a FIFA and Dota 2 tournament, in addition to being the first venue in Canberra to provide spectator esports to the public and will be screening the live stream of the 2015 Starcraft II World Champion Series Oceania/Southeast Asia Qualifier on Saturday 17 January from 1pm. The owners will be introducing a virtual reality night featuring virtual reality software from late February/early March and plan to have an indie games night where they feature games created by Canberra locals. The gaming bar is available to host private functions, take reservations for birthdays or special events, as well as group events such as corporate team building. Located at 38 Northbourne Avenue, Canberra City; open Wednesday to Saturday 5pm-1am, and Sunday from 1pm til late. Visit www. reloadbar.com or phone 6257 4232. - Madeline Power

time out


Ben & Jerry’s Sundae Sessions feature live music from Canberra’s best emerging artists with free ice-cream and games such as Putt Putt.

Ben & Jerry’s Openair Cinemas return to Canberra from 18 January to 22 February, this time at the Patrick White Lawns near the National Library.


Canberra’s fickle weather might discourage some outdoor activities, but for diehard film fans there is plenty to choose from over summer.


en & Jerry’s Openair Cinemas will bring music by day and movies by night to the splendid Patrick White Lawns, situated between the National Library and the lake, from 18 January to 22 February. The program includes live music from Canberra’s best emerging artists with free ice-cream and games as part of Ben & Jerry’s Sundae Sessions which features lawn games such as Putt Putt and Giant Cow Jenga. The film program kicks off with a charity screening of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1 in support of WWF Australia’s efforts to protect the Great Barrier Reef. Other films include Annie, Horrible Bosses 2, Into the Woods, Frozen Sing-a-Long, Dirty Dancing, Birdman, The Water Diviner and St Vincent. To add a touch of comfort to the night under the stars, deckchairs, bean loungers and blankets can be hired and there is a fully licensed bar, pizzas and of course plenty of ice-cream! Director of Openair Cinemas, Alex Khadra, says Canberra is the third stop of the nationwide tour which will go on to Sydney, Adelaide and Perth. “With stunning sunset views overlooking Lake Burley Griffin providing the perfect summer setting for a night at the movies for families and friends, we’re proud to present award-winning classics and the latest blockbusters right in the heart of Australia’s capital.”

For the full program and to buy tickets, see openaircinemas.com.au For something more intimate, NewActon’s Courtyard Cinema provides a groovy venue for its selection of cult classics, Canberra premieres and romantic comedies which will screen each Tuesday until the end of March. Coming up on 20 January is Rolf de Heer’s Charlie’s Country starring David Gulpilil, followed by Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films, The Double, which stars Mia Wasikowska and Noah Taylor, and Locks of Love, an anthology of 11 short films, each exploring ideas of love, by 11 Canberra-based filmmakers, which will screen on Valentine’s Day. The program was curated by Quentin Turnour who has made the most of the updated audio visual system. Screenings commence at sunset and deckchair admission is free on purchase of an A. Baker glass of wine or bottle of beer. In the event of rain, the screening will be cancelled. For the program, visit A. Baker’s Facebook page. After their successful Sunset Cinema during December, the Australian National Botanic Gardens has the Summer Sounds with The Central each Saturday and Sunday until the end of January, featuring some of Canberra’s best band talent such as Dr Stovepipe and The Fuelers. However, there is one more film event to look forward to in the beautiful gardens.

Flix in the Sticks, 31 January, is a cultural event quite unlike any other, featuring award-winning international short films, combined with live music from ARIA award-winning artists, My Friend the Chocolate Cake and comedy sensation Tripod. For those who prefer to watch films in cool, dark interiors, the National Sound and Film Archive, whose popular outdoor screenings were cancelled due to funding cutbacks, is screening Disney Classics as part of its holiday program in Arc cinema. On Friday 16 January is The Jungle Book and on 21 January is The Aristocats. There will also be screenings of The Fox and the Hound, Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin. Tickets $5. The Australian War Memorial invites Canberrans to escape the heat and watch a collection of classic films focused on the experiences of prisoners of war during its summer film screenings. This is a rare opportunity to see classics such as The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957), The Colditz Story (1955), Rescue Dawn (2006) and The Great Escape (1963) on the big screen. Films are shown at 1.30pm on Sundays in the BAE Systems Theatre. Entry is free. For more information, see awm.gov.au - Diana Streak


time out ART AND ABOUT

Photo Gary Schafer

Film action

Canberra-based director Abhijit Deonath has been filming Salt Bridge in Canberra with two of India’s biggest Bollywood stars, Rajeev Khandelwal and Usha Jadhav.

After the success of last year’s television political drama series The Code, it seems Canberra is establishing itself as a convenient and picturesque filming location. This month, Canberra-based director Abhijit Deonath was filming Salt Bridge with two of India’s biggest Bollywood stars, Rajeev Khandelwal and Usha Jadhav (pictured)

Shen Yun Returns

Next Month All New 2015 Show With Live Orchestra

Presented by Falun Dafa Association of Australia, Inc. 44

plus Chelsie Preston Crayford, who starred in The Code and won a Logie for her role in Underbelly: Razor. Deonath says all the scenes were filmed in Canberra; at private houses, the ANU campus, a Bollywood dance scene at Black Mountain Peninsula and at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve. “For me Canberra is perfect, it gives me everything,” he says. “It gives me the interiors, it gives me the cityscape and also gives me the nature not too far from the city.” And expect to see more Canberra locations on the big screen following the announcement of $100,000 of funding through the ACT Screen Arts Fund for 2015. A film adaptation of one of Canberra’s most notorious crimes, a sci-fi horror movie about dangerous Australian wildlife and a documentary about a local dragon boat racing crew were among the 11 projects. Sotiris Dounoukos received $16,220 to assist with a feature film adaptation of Helen Garner’s bestselling book, Joe Cinque’s Consolation, for which he has already received funding from Screen Australia. In 1997, ANU law student Anu Singh killed her boyfriend Joe Cinque with a lethal


dose of heroin after she laced his coffee with Rohypnol which led to one of the ACT’s most infamous murder trials. It will be interesting to see how it compares to Brendan Sloane and Scott Murden’s excruciating 2011 production, The Dinner Party, based on the same events.

Just eat it

Dash Kossmann’s Endangered Ara ambiguous.


Tickets: (02) 6275 2700 | Civic Square, London Circuit www.canberratheatrecentre.com.au

Bubble ‘n’ Squeak is M16 Artspace’s first show for the year and is an eclectic mix of paintings, objects and installation, using the metaphor of food to express aspects of living in a global consumer culture. This image by Dash Kossmann made us think of how a soufflé should be cooked, “as light as a feather”. Kossman, Michele England and Fran Meatheringham have also collaborated to present a neo-baroque installation. “This visual feast combines the remnants of consumption with a touch of glamour and telling humour,” they tell us. Opens 22 January.

DIRECT FROM THE SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE Luckiest Productions, neiL GoodinG Productions & tinderbox Productions in association with canberra theatre centre and hayes theatre co present

I don’t get it

Byrd’s zombieformalism.

M16 is not the only place that encourages emerging artists. Nancy Sever, who usually hosts impressive international artists, has kindly allowed Rosie Goldfeder to curate an exhibition of work by contemporary Canberra artists, Joel Arthur, Zoe Brand, Byrd, and Hanna Hoyne. In Sometimes there isn’t anything to get, the artists subvert art/life boundaries, elevating the familiar through their individual practices of painting, jewellery, stencilling and performance art. The title celebrates contemporary art’s accessibility, yet hints at the essential irony of conceptual jeweller Zoe Brand’s statement. Nancy Sever Gallery, Kennedy Street, Kingston, until 30 January.

NIDA in town

“Must-see.” daily review

“Don’t miss it!” sunday Telegraph

“Musical theatre doesn’t come any better than this.” sTage whispers

End of an era Joy Warren, who died last week aged 92, was a gigantic, flamboyant figure in the Canberra art scene for over 40 years and she will be deeply missed. Her Solander Gallery in Yarralumla attracted some of Australia’s most famous artists, including Arthur Boyd, Sidney Nolan, Garry Shead and Judy Cassab. A memorial service to celebrate Joy’s life will be held on 18 January at the Canberra Southern Cross Yacht Club at 3pm and attendees are invited to wear bright colours at her request.



The National Institute of Dramatic Art is bringing its popular school holiday classes to Canberra to share actor training with budding local performers. There are classes for both kids and adults, including a chance to work with professional NIDA graduates and training in how to act for TV and film. At the Canberra Theatre Centre, 19-25 January. Cost from $310 to $595. For more information, see open.nida.edu.au

Contributions to arts@canberraweekly.com.au 45



UPCOMING AUCTIONS Sunday 18 January 10.30am On Site House Contents Auction

Sunday 25 January 10.30am Antiques, Vintage & Collectables

time out FILM REVIEW Big Hero 6 (PG) Doing justice to its Marvel origins with all the heart and humor expected from Walt Disney Animation Studios, Big Hero 6 is switched on family-friendly fun. Thanks to the influence of his brilliant brother Tadashi and likeminded friends – adrenaline junkie GoGo Tomago, neatnik Wasabi, chemistry-whiz Honey Lemon and fanboy Fred – robotics prodigy Hiro focuses his genius-level talents into creating, developing and mastering the tiny but

unlimited-application, microbot. After a devastating sequence of events befalls the city of San Fransokyo, and the powerful microbots fall into the wrong hands, Hiro and friends are catapulted into the midst of a dangerous battle. Activating and adapting his brother’s high-tech legacy Baymax; a cutting-edge marshmallow-like medical assistance robot programmed to address any state of wellbeing, physical or emotional, the group

transforms into a band of hightech heroes. Yet another offering of outstanding 3D children’s animation, the innovative script cleverly combines humour, action and character development while the futuristic hybrid location and East is West character mash-up is a little distracting. The Verdict: Overall the film is easy digestible with strong moral values in the fight of good versus misinformed evil. 3 stars. - Joanna Baker


GIGGLE & HOOT IN TOWN Jimmy Giggle (pictured), Hoot and Hootabelle are coming to Canberra with their friends the Bananas in Pyjamas and Hoopla Doopla’s Zap, Mimi and Jango on 24 and 25 January, starring in the live children’s show of the year. Giggle & Hoot and Friends is a 50-minute stage spectacular with everyone’s favourite songs, dancing and of course fun and laughter. Giggle & Hoot Hoot, the multi-award winning and much loved ABC4Kids preschool program, focuses on preschoolers’ lives and routines through songs, stories, friendship, laughter and imagination. For complete tour and ticketing details, visit www.livenation.com.au

9 Wiluna Street Fyshwick ACT Ph. 6239 2095 View items on our website: www.theauctionbarn.com.au Open/Inspection Times: Weekdays 9am – 5pm Saturday 9am – 3pm and from 8am on Auction Day

Enter to WIN Canberra Weekly has 3 x Giggle & Hoot and Friends family passes for 4 (valued at $159.60 each) to the Sunday 25 January 12.30pm show to be won. To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘Giggle & Hoot’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details and the answer to this question: who is your favourite Giggle & Hoot character? Entries close and winners drawn 4pm 21 January 2015. Winners must be able to attend. One entry per person. Permit No. ACT TP 14/01017.

Looking for something to do these school holidays?

Miss Kitka’s House of Burlesque presents

Vintage Teaze without the Sleaze

Canberra Glassworks has a fun and educational school holiday program to suit all ages. Classes will be running until 25 January 2015 and will explore a variety of glass techniques. Bookings are essential. For booking and enquiries, email education@canberraglassworks.com or phone 02 6260 7005.

Register via www.bookeo.com/misskitka

11 Wentworth Ave, Kingston ACT T 02 6260 7005 @CBRGlassworks

canberraglassworks.com BEAU BEAVOIR - KOTY 2014




the look





beat the heat

Beat the summer heat and go for items that are lightweight and breathable. Look for pieces that offer some room to breathe but still give you shape. WITH FASHION EDITOR, MADELINE POWER

Freya Inferno maxi dress $99.95 03 9326 0318

Jendi paprika handbag $70 02 9565 1322

See no evil top $145 purepod.com.au

Pattern kimono $89.95 City Chic (Canberra Centre, Westfield Belconnen & Woden)

Bamboo coral bracelet orange $69 tilkah.com.au

Getty Images

Stone stud earring $7.95 Colette by Colette Hayman Poppy Delevingne looks like a boho goddess, throwing an embroidered kimono over a stunning sequined dress for this layered night look.

Cropped pant $49.95 Katies (Tuggeranong Hyperdome)

Coopers leather sandal $179.95 Wittner (Canberra Centre, Westfield Belconnen)

Textured three pack wristwear $9.95 Colette by Colette Hayman


the look

POWER SHOULDER Powerful poses and strong shoulders caught the lenses of the paparazzi on the red carpet at this year’s Golden Globe Awards. And the award for Best Power Shoulder goes to...

Kerry Washington sweeps the red carpet in this two-tone gown and heels plus patchwork clutch.


d VoteER 1 B NUMalon S

Getty Images

Catherine Zeta-Jones flaunts a fabulous red gown, toned shoulders and picture-perfect pose.

Taking it back to basics, Jennifer Aniston pulls off the popular halter style dress in black.



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Keeping with the classic red dress look on the red carpet, Viola Davis adds a touch of bling.

Naomi Watts is luminous in this yellow number offset with a statement necklace and clutch.

New yneeawr ,shoes . ! w o n n o e l a S

A winner on and off the red carpet, Amy Adams is effortlessly chic in this baby blue gown.

Red is the new black for Orange is the New Black star Taylor Schilling in this elegant Ralph Lauren gown.

Canberra Weekly competition winners The winners in Canberra Weekly’s latest round of competition draws are: Nescafé coffee machine: A. Hardge, Page. Hachette cookbook pack: N. Lucas, Weston. Strut Living Dahlia homewares: J. Kartadinata, Lyneham. Magic in the Moonlight DVDs: D. Hunter, Queanbeyan; M. Vearing, Evatt; T. Ezzy, Belconnen; A. McKenna, Wanniassa; J. Britten, Fadden.

O N T H E L AW N S M A N U K A , 2 1 B O U G A I N V I L L E S T 0 2 6 2 3 2 76 6 6 · E S C A L A S H O E S .CO M . AU


the look


Sonic system purifying cleansing brush $135 clinique.com.au

Exfoliating facial cream $29.95 botani.com.au

Feel fresh as a daisy – and smell even prettier – with some lovely detox products that will make you feel good from your head to your toes.

Mangnificent soap $6.95 LUSH (Canberra Centre)

Grown Alchemist purifying body exfoliant $33.95 David Jones, Myer

Obagi Professional-C serum $79.95 obagi.net.au

Dirty Works buttery salt scrub $7.95 (07) 5564 6767

Foot peel $15.99 theskinrepublic.com.au

Have you had your skin checked lately?

COMFORT FOOTWEAR THAT SETS YOU FREE! • Staffed by trained Pedorthists


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4/6 Montford St, Nth Lyneham 2602 | 6248 7777 | www.solesupport.com.au

ABTA advertising moment

ABTA students are trained to national and international (CIDESCO and ITEC) qualification standards, examined by CIDESCO certified therapists.

Opportunity abounds at ABTA

Broaden your range of skills by undertaking a new Diploma of Specialist Makeup at the Australasian Beauty Therapy Academy.

For Ping Gan, Principal of the Australasian Beauty Therapy Academy (ABTA), the inspiring quote ‘If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life’ is full of meaning – and one that is a main motivator for people wanting to pursue a career in beauty therapy.


his is an exciting year for ABTA; not only is it the only beauty therapy school in the ACT to offer fully accredited apprenticeships and traineeships in beauty therapy, but this year you also have the opportunity to study a Diploma of Specialist Makeup. Designed for students who wish to work as a makeup or hair stylist, special makeup effects artist or designer, this course offers passionate, specially selected tutors providing expert advice and guidance to ensure you become a highly qualified makeup specialist in your field of choice. “Our courses, both diplomas and short courses, are all about pursing something you’re passionate about. All of our diploma and short course graduates of 2014 are now either employed or self-employed in the beauty field,” Ping says. The federal government recently approved the application of VET FEE-HELP to ABTA’s diploma courses, which gives students the option to study now, pay later. “You can complete your study within a year, and I think that having this choice of VET FEEHELP will take a lot of stress away from any

financial issues. Our IPL and Laser Hair Reduction course is also available to be declared under VET FEE,” she says. The study assistance is also on offer to salon owners, a helping hand for staff wanting to learn more beauty therapy techniques and enhance their current skill set. “We also offer packaged courses. This means that if, say, someone wanted to do both the diploma of beauty therapy plus a short course in nail technology, then they would receive a discount off the total combined course price. This is particularly handy for younger people who may be towards the end of their school study who are interested in a career in beauty therapy. They can study two nights per week while studying as an apprentice at a salon,” Ping says. With a broad range of courses on offer, the opportunities are extensive. ABTA is the only institute in Canberra that teaches its students to both national and international (CIDESCO and ITEC) beauty, spa and nail qualifications. A specialist course in body piercing is now on offer. It incorporates nationally recognised units designed to ensure you understand the practice of

body piercing, the sterilisation process and crosscontamination issues that will set you up to seek employment in any such field, including tattooing. Whether you want to learn for self-interest, begin a career in beauty therapy or makeup artistry, ABTA is a welcoming place for students of all ages. Follow your passion and enjoy a career that will light up your life.

Contact details Australasian Beauty Therapy Academy 3/53 Dundas Court, Phillip Ph: 6285 4255 E: info@abtaedu.com.au www.abtaedu.com.au





Hero image: Courtesy Laura Ashley; laura-ashley.com.au


tea break

Drinking tea is reported to have many benefits and taking a tea break provides time to relax or socialise. Step it up a notch with homemade cakes and sandwiches for a high tea vibe. WITH HOME EDITOR, ALLISON REDMAN

Josette dove grey cake slice $49.95 Laura Ashley

Time for tea kit $69.95 theitkit.com.au

Set of 2 love heart teaspoons $12.95 Oxfam (Canberra Centre)

T-Duck floating tea infuser $12.95 yellowoctopus.com.au

Tea and Treats book $39.95 Oxfam (Canberra Centre) The Tea Maker $299.95 breville.com.au Tea strainer $4.95 Wheel&Barrow (Canberra Centre) Darcey spot two-tier cake stand $129 Laura Ashley (Canberra Centre, Westfield Woden)

Leaf 250ml cup and saucer $40 ketz.com.au

Madame Flavour tea $5.49 Coles, Woolworths



FRESHEN UP YOUR LIVING ROOM Named Australia’s ugliest living room, Nabila Jouni’s living room in Guildford, NSW, is barely recognisable after winning a makeover valued at $10,000 from TheHome.com.au and Haymes Paint. According to Nicki Don and Emma Blomfield, stylists at TheHome.com.au, it is easy to breathe new life into your lounge room. Just follow these tips: • Jazz up the floor or hide your outdated carpet with a large new, colourful rug. Ensure the front feet of all your sofas are on the rug rather than arranged around the rug. • Replace any furniture handles or knobs with more modern styles to breathe new life into an old favourite.


• Paint a whole wall, the bottom half or just a square with a new colour to create your own feature wall, or use chalkboard paint and let the kids decorate their own square. • Add cushions and throws to your sofa in a fresh colour palette. Many living rooms have a lack of colour and are too dark. Colours will add life to your room. • Turn your walls into a gallery by adding beautiful artwork, family photos or a favourite framed object or two. • A large potted plant always breathes some life into your space and fills forgotten corners.

Before (left) and after: Calming and fresh colours were chosen to make Nabila Jouni’s living room in suburban NSW feel lighter and brighter.

Mistakes to avoid Nicki and Emma also suggest the top interior mistakes to avoid. These include: Mixing styles: It’s normal to like more than one decorating style, but putting them together in one room is another story. Try to select pieces that have common elements to make them work together. For instance, if your sofa has rectangular arms, choose an armchair with the same style rather than rolled arms. Heavy curtains: Consider roller blinds in a neutral fabric instead of big heavy drapes. You can still have the block-out effect but in a more subtle way. Furniture placement: Furniture shoved up against all the walls makes the room look smaller rather than larger. Give the room breathing space by pulling the furniture away from the walls.

get the look

Taylor + Cloth yellow crocheted cushion $69 backstreetshopper.com.au

Delft Blue Dream canvas art print From $120 urbanroad.com.au Thar cushion cover $34.95 zanui.com.au

Hex cushion cover $65 downthatlittlelane.com.au

SUPER SALE Curtains & Blinds

30 % 30 % 30 % off






Duettes Silhouettes Luminettes

Romans Rollers Timber Blinds Venetians Awnings

Leading brand curtain fabrics


* Savings off Luxaflex RRP, not including installation

64 Wollongong St, Fyshwick 6280 4762 66 Heffernan St, Mitchell 6255 0623 65 Thurralilly St, Queanbeyan 6297 2233 55

In need of a quality shower screen or built-in wardrobe? A.C.T Shower Screens & Wardrobes is committed to providing you with outstanding workmanship and customer service. Our commitment to you extends from the initial free measure and quote, to comprehensive after sales service and support.

January Wardrobe Special

e with mirror Built-in Wardrob m $650 sliding doors fro d le al st in

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with clear Shower Screen s from as gl toughened $350 installed


NYLEX NEVER KINK Nylex has simplified gardening with the release of its new family of Never Kink hoses utilising anti-kink technology. What sets the Nylex Never Kink hose on the straight and narrow is its clever design featuring an inner layer of anti-algae PVC followed by another layer of high quality polyester reinforcing mesh. Nylex is giving Canberra Weekly readers the chance to win a $500 Nylex watering pack that includes two new Nylex Never Kink hoses as well as a range of hose accessories.

Enter to WIN To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘Nylex Never Kink’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details and the answer to this question: what is your favourite season in the garden (and why)? Entries close and winner drawn 9am 23 January 2015. One entry per person. Permit No. ACT TP 14/01017.


• Free measure & quote • Installation & service • 20 years experience in the supply and installation of shower screens, vanity mirrors & built-in wardrobes to the building industry.

Check out

www.actshowers.com.au for more designs!


Enter to WIN Five lucky Canberra Weekly readers each have the chance to win two copies of The Little Death (MA 15+) on DVD (valued at $34.95 each) – one for you, one for a friend.

Showroom: 46 Hoskins Street, Mitchell 2911 Ph: 02 6262 3007 | Fax: 02 6262 3009 56

The Little Death (MA 15+) is a truly original comedy about sex, love, relationships and taboo. In a multi-story narrative, we peer behind the closed doors of a seemingly normal suburban street to explore the secret sex lives of five ordinary couples. Laugh-outloud funny, honest and ultimately moving, The Little Death looks at how far we go in pursuit of that fleeting moment of sexual ecstasy; a moment the French call ‘la petite mort’ – the little death. Available to own on DVD, Blu-ray and Digital HD 23 January.

To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘The Little Death’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details and the answer to this question: who is one of the stars of this film? Entries close and winners drawn 9am 23 January 2015. One entry per person. Permit No. ACT TP 14/01017.

Australia lives here

Realestate Australia lives here


home of the week


open homes

Australia lives here

Australia lives here

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home of the week

Enjoy the Lawson lifestyle LAWSON ‘HILLCREST’


omprising just 44 townhouses, ‘Hillcrest’ represents a great opportunity to secure a quality townhouse in one of the most sought-after areas in Canberra. Minutes away are some of Canberra’s most prominent facilities and attractions whilst the cosmopolitan centre of Belconnen’s CBD is right on your doorstep. Balancing this urban buzz are the natural assets of Lake Ginninderra foreshore, College Creek and Reservoir Hill, complemented with an abundance of parklands, playgrounds and recreational facilities to maximise Lawson’s lifestyle opportunities. These will be completed by mid-2016.


This boutique townhouse complex offers you so much including: • Bosch appliances • Large courtyards • Lock-up garages with internal access • LED lighting • 2.7m ceilings to living areas • Smart home package upgrade available • At your doorstep are some of Canberra’s most prominent facilities including the University of Canberra, Australian Institute of Sport, Canberra Stadium and Calvary Hospital • Opportunities for healthy lifestyles and community interaction have been maximised through the development of parks, playgrounds, cycle ways, pathways, access to the lake’s foreshore, a lookout and a site reserved for a community garden.




EER: Min 6.0

Find out more

Price: From $439,900 View: By appointment Agent: Keenan Veraar 0402 914 037


Agent: Luke Dent 0435 046 964 LJ Hooker Project Marketing ACT Ph: 6249 7700

Australia lives here

Australia lives here



agent's pick

HOLDER 8/32 Coane Street

FARRER 2/120 Lambrigg Street

This beautifully presented two-level townhouse is situated in the exclusive ‘Beltana’ development. Including ducted reverse cycle heating/cooling, custom built kitchen equipped with Smeg appliances, master with ensuite and a small elevated balcony, separate powder room, European style laundry and private internal access to double basement parking and storage. Close to Stromlo High School, parks and Cooleman Court. EER 6.0

Not often does a townhouse of this quality come on the market in the highly sought-after suburb of Farrer. Situated in a tightly-held complex of four townhouses and walking distance to the popular Farrer Primary School, this is a fantastic opportunity for a family or downsizer looking to move into a renovated home. This is a rare opportunity. EER 0.0





Price: $515,000 View: By appointment Agent: Kerry Henshaw 0421 651 198 Ray White Woden Ph: 6162 0681



Price: $520,000+ View: Saturday 17 January 11-11.45am Agent: Nick Ivanic 0416 291 720 McGrath Woden Ph: 6124 2500

BUNGENDORE NSW 128 Ellendon Street

NGUNNAWAL 3 Ferguson Circuit

Conveniently located in the village of Bungendore are these large level blocks of land, approx. 1.2 km from Bungendore village’s popular cafés, galleries and shops. The 16 blocks range from 1,000sqm to a huge 1,992sqm with full town services, water, sewer and natural gas. Secure yours now as they won't last long.

This attractive family home will excite you with its abundant space, location and value. The home has formal lounge, separate dining and a family room larger than the usual, with a light and airy feel that makes for happy living. The main bedroom ensuite is segregated for your added privacy. Other benefits include ducted heating, double garage and a large block size. EER 4.5

Find out more Price: $265,000+ Agent: Jeremy Maher 0410 481 260 Agent: Karen Broadhurst 0405 404 792 Luton Properties Gungahlin Ph: 6162 4333

Australia lives here

Australia lives here




Price: $480,000+ View: Saturday 2.30-3.30pm Agent: Manuel Vlandis 0418 260 663 Australia lives here Independent Property Group Gungahlin Ph: 6209 9633

Australia lives here



Grab A Slice Of City Life Without The Fuss, Without The Hype! Along this gorgeous , green and leafy street sits a property that awaits a first homeowner, investor or downsizer. No sacrifices have been made in order to build in a premium location. A very sizeable kitchen with plenty of room to cook up a feast is spaced perfectly from the living area so formal dining and living can be separated but

close enough to keep the chef entertained. The living room is filled with natural light as it extends out to a balcony that looks onto the leafy suburb that really lets the outside in to extend the feeling of space and openness.




Auction Wednesday 4th February at 6:00pm Venue Canberra Business Event Centre, Regatta Point Price indication $300,000+ View Saturday 11:45am – 12:15pm ljhooker.com.au/Q25F9Q

Tim Russell 0416 087 834 Jeremy Julian 0423 141 529 Kaleen 6241 1922

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Braddon 8/43 Ijong Street



Bruce Location, Quality Building, Good Design Our owners have moved from Canberra and are not returning so an opportunity awaits with this first floor one bedroom apartment now available. There is a separate study that is large enough to place a bed but the room is open to the living area. As well as the bathroom/laundry there is an extra toilet which is great for guests to use.




• First floor location

Auction Wednesday 4th February at 6:00pm

• Secure building with swipe card entry

Venue Canberra Business Event Centre, Regatta Point

• Open plan living with space for dining and lounge suite • Larger design with additional storage • In ground pool available for residents • Close to UC, hospital and sporting complexes • Good sized study included

View Thursday 5:00pm – 5:30pm and Saturday 12:00pm – 12:30pm ljhooker.com.au/6CU7F92

Michael Rabey 0411 367 700 Dickson 6257 2111

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Bruce 207/9 Watkin Street



Court Ordered Sale Immaculately presented and superbly positioned this home must be sold to finalise a deceased estate. Nestled within leafy Downer and within a stone’s throw to Dickson’s vibrant shopping and restaurant precinct, rarely do homes of this calibre become available. All four bedrooms are oversize, easily accommodating queen size beds and feature built in robes while there are two bathrooms to cater for that ever present morning rush hour.



• Private front entry

Auction Wednesday 4th February at 6:00pm

• Polished timber floors

Venue Canberra Business Event Centre, Regatta Point

• Two renovated bathrooms • Laminate kitchen with electric cooking and dishwasher • Covered rear deck overlooking established gardens with garden shed • Light filled living areas

View Thursday 6pm – 6:30pm, Saturday 10am – 10:30am & 1pm – 1:30pm ljhooker.com.au/06CQ5F92

Diana Phillips 0413 883 561 Dickson 6257 2111

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Downer 15 Durack Street



Affordable Resort-Style Living Cool off in the water or with a drink in the gazebo on the pool deck. When it’s time to eat, choose between a couple of outside eating areas – they’re nearby, spacious and completely under cover. The feeling of relaxed enjoyment continues inside – spread your wings in the expansive entertainment area which surrounds your magnificent kitchen. Catering is a breeze

with 2 new full-size ovens, a bonus 2 door stainless steel refrigerator, and an Omega dishwasher. A separate formal dining or second living room, 4 flexible bedrooms, and two modern bathrooms complete your resort. How about a huge multi-purpose commercial-grade shed as well? Professional workshop, garaging, billiards, table tennis, a studio? You decide – but be quick.




Auction Wednesday 4th February at 6:00pm Venue Canberra Business Event Centre, Regatta Point View Saturday 11:00am – 11:30am ljhooker.com.au/R6RF9Q

Philip Clay 0408 128 940 Kaleen 6241 1922

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Evatt 6 Willis Street


Nicholls 20 Ibis Street


Expansive Views And Easy Living


• Formal and informal living spaces

Auction Saturday 31st January at 10:00am

• Cathedral ceilings

Venue On site

• Full length feature windows

View Saturday 1:00pm – 1:45pm

• 270 degree views of the water

and Wednesday 6:00pm – 6:30pm

• NBN connection • 3 * RC/AC, d/gas heating • Trailer parking area and in a quiet location with easy access through to the Gungahlin and Belconnen town centres

Jason Hall 0412 985 204 Gungahlin 6213 3999

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


This delightful property will appeal to a wide range of home seekers. Retirees will appreciate the level, easy care features and the serenity of the setting. The young will love the ready access to the lake and parklands. Walk, jog or ride around the lake, fish or kayak, join the golfers, take the kids to the park or watch them play in the great outdoors. Lifestyle choices abound.



Yass 6b Hanley Place


Exceptional Value at $565,000+



State-of-the-Art Living

• North facing with spectacular views

For Sale $565,000+

Sophisticated North-facing, 3 bedroom ensuite home with exceptional features, spectacular views. Energy efficient, low running costs, comfortable. Superb kitchen: 900mm appliances, integrated dishwasher, soft-close drawers, underslung stainless sink, sunken stainless steel food preparation plate. Beautifully designed bathrooms. In-floor hydronic heating system, RCAC, instantaneous gas hot water, polished concrete floors.

• First quality appliances and fittings

View Saturday 9:30am – 10:00am

• Energy efficient, low running costs, very effective heating (including in-floor hydronic heating system) and cooling and hot water service


• Land: 800m2, Living: 158m2, Garage: 42m2, Built to an exacting standard 2011

Naish Stormon 0488 164 426 Gungahlin 6213 3999

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


• Double glazing throughout


LAWSON Two Bedroom + Ensuite Townhouses from $439,900

Three Bedroom + Ensuite Townhouses from $469,900

50% SOLD - Don’t miss out Be the first - Lawson Townhouses


Made up of only 44 townhouses, Hillcrest represents a great opportunity to secure a quality townhouse in one of Canberra’s premier new addresses.

• Boutique development of 44 townhouses

Located only minutes away from some of Canberra’s most prominent facilities and attractions whilst the cosmopolitan centre of Belconnen’s CBD is right at your doorstep. Now is the time to find out more about living in Lawson and everything it offers.

• Bosch appliances with gas cooking • Large courtyards

Contact the Agent for more information, plans & prices Block 2, Section 40 Lawson ljhookerprojects.com.au

• Lock up garages with internal access • LED lighting • 2.7m ceilings to living areas

Keenan Veraar Luke Dent

• Smart home package upgrade available


All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


0402 914 037 0435 046 964


MACQUARIE Three Bedroom + Ensuite Townhouses from $599,900

Four Bedroom + Ensuite Townhouses from $649,900

LIMITED RELEASE Prestigious, Convienient Living


With a combination of great location, quality and lifestyle, Macquarie Park is everything Canberrans have been looking for.

• Large private courtyards

Consisting of spacious boutique townhouses conveniently located on the doorstep of Jamison Plaza, Macquarie Park is a development driven by quality and Liveability. The first release, Bowman Villas, has only 9 three and four bedroom townhouses remaining. MINIMUM EER

• Reverse cycle air conditioning • Stone bench tops

Contact the Agent for more information, plans & prices 2 Bowman Street, Macquarie macquarie-park.com.au

• Quality inclusions from Westinghouse and Reece • Two car spaces in a variety of configurations • Ample storage

Keenan Veraar 0402 914 037 Andrew Ligdopoulos 0408 488 148

• Externally ducted kitchen exhaust • Extensive landscaped communal gardens

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


ljhooker.com.au BRADDON North facing, park view apartments One Bedroom Apartments

Display Office Open Saturday & Sunday 9.00am - 3.00pm

Two Bed + Ens Apartments

24 Girrahween Street, Braddon ljhookerprojects.com.au

from $379,900 from $499,900

Three Bed + Ens Apartments from $895,000

Andrew Ligdopoulos

0408 488 148




CASEY Luxury, lifestyle & location Four Bedroom Townhouses from $495,000

Open for Inspection Saturday 12.00pm - 2.00pm Sunday 11.00am - 1.00pm Victoria Owen Cct, Casey

Rod Meates

0413 535 326



CRACE Ready & waiting for you to move in! Studio Apartment

Open for Inspection Saturday & Sunday 10am - 12pm

One Bedroom Apartment

47 Abena Ave, Crace ljhookerprojects.com.au

$265,000 $295,000

First Home Buyer’s Package*

Includes a microwave, fridge, washing machine, nespresso coffee machine & a 50” LED LCD TV.

Rod Meates

0413 535 326


GREENWAY Live local. Live SQ1 One Bedroom Apartments from $269,900

Two Bed + Ens Apartments from $375,000

Three Bed + Ens Apartments

Display Office Open Monday - Friday 12pm - 6pm Saturday & Sunday 10am - 4pm Cnr Anketell St & Limburg Way, Greenway

from $469,900



James Herbert

0400 853 501

*Subject to government criteria and conditions.

MINIMUM EER All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.

ljhooker.com.au KINGSTON Live the harbour life... Executive Penthouses from $1,600,000

Open for Inspection Saturday & Sunday 12.00pm - 1.00pm Cnr Giles Street & Eastlake Parade, Kingston quaysidekingston.com.au

Penthouse luxury display suite now open.

Rod Meates

0413 535 326


HARRISON FINAL STAGE NOW SELLING! One Bed + Study Apartments from $265,900

Two Bed + Ens Apartments from $345,900

Three Bed + Ens Terraces from $419,900

Display Office Open Saturday & Sunday 11.00am - 3.00pm Cnr Flemington Rd & Sapling St, Harrison ljhookerprojects.com.au

Andrew Ligdopoulos

0408 488 148


HARRISON Hot Prices, Selling Fast One Bedroom Apartments from $265,900

Two Bedroom Apartments from $339,900

Three Bedroom Apartments

Display Office Open Saturday & Sunday 11.00am - 3.00pm Cnr Kings Canyon Street & Nullarbor Ave ljhookerprojects.com.au

from $425,000 FHOG APPROVED*

James Nimmo

0414 332 778

*Subject to government criteria and conditions.



YARRALUMLA Attention First Home Buyers... One Bedroom Apartments from $399,900

Open for Inspection Saturday & Sunday 1.30pm - 3.30pm 41 Hampton Circuit, Yarralumla

The First Home Buyer’s Package includes a range of white goods, blinds, a coffee machine and a TV. FHOG APPROVED*


James Nimmo

0414 332 778

*Subject to government criteria and conditions.

MINIMUM EER All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.

Attention Gungahlin Residents As you have grown, we have grown with you. Due to your growing needs we needed to upgrade and expand. We have moved. To celebrate, we are giving you a $1,000 HolidayRewards voucher toward the cost of your next holiday by simply receiving a Sales or Rental appraisal with us before 31st January 2015. Visit us in our brand new location in the Coles Building, Level 1, 46 – 50 Hibberson Street, Gungahlin.

LJ Hooker Gungahlin (PH) 02 6213 3999 (E) gungahlin@ljh.com.au (W) gungahlin.ljhooker.com.au

nobody does it betterÂŽ


$770 weekly

BRADDON 149 Limestone Avenue

$480 weekly

BRADDON 4/13-15 Wise Street

• Large 1927 character cottage home • Gazebo & large in-ground pool • Open plan kitchen & dining

• Electric heating & cooling • Pets may be considered • Large garden & veggie patch

• Open plan north facing living • Large kitchen with dishwasher & microwave • North facing & secure access

Dickson 6257 2111

Dickson 6257 2111

Canberra City 6249 7700




CHARNWOOD 5 Hooke Place



$380 weekly





EVATT 35 Alderman Street

EVATT 15 Fuhrman Street

• Hidden family home • Spilt decks, great for entertaining • Single garage with extra car spaces

• Close to schools D • Transport E ASEyour door L outside • 2 large outdoor entertainment areas

• Freshly painted & carpeted throughout • Ducted evaporative cooling • Covered deck

Kaleen 6241 1922

Gungahlin 6213 3999

$520 weekly



$450 weekly




$530 weekly

Kaleen 6241 1922





FORDE 51 Helen Leonard Crescent

FORDE 8 Hooton Street

HOLT 8 Messenger Street

• Large level outdoor • Covered entertaining area • Walking distance to schools & shops

• Large 2 storey home • Outdoor entertaining area • Ducted reverse cycle air conditioning

• Close to Holt shops & Belconnen Westfield • Double glazed windows • Low maintenance gardens

Gungahlin 6213 3999

Gungahlin 6213 3999

Dickson 6257 2111

$440 weekly




$710 weekly



$420 weekly





KINGSTON 114/50 Eastlake Parade

MACGREGOR 2/7 Clode Place

NICHOLLS 19 Sue Geh Circuit

• Great location on Kingston Foreshore • Reverse cycle air conditioning • Private roof top garden

• Tri level townhouse • Open plan meals & kitchen area • Single garage with storage

• Formal & informal living areas • Designer kitchen with dishwasher & a walk-in pantry

Dickson 6257 2111

Kippax 6255 3888

Canberra City 6249 7700

$490 weekly



$320 weekly




$850 weekly





PAGE 40 Dallachy Place

REID 89/14 Boolee Street

STIRLING 27/32 Bunbury Street

• Low maintenance townhouse • Fully enclosed courtyard • Close to shops & public transport

• Fully furnished apartment • Opens out onto large balcony • Separate European style laundry

• Spacious townhouse • Private courtyard • Reverse cycle heating & cooling

Kaleen 6241 1922

Canberra City 6249 7700

Weston Creek 6288 8888



$340 weekly



$390 weekly



$385 weekly




Tenant of the week Each week LJ Hooker gives away a $250 Coles/Myer voucher to an exceptional tenant.

*Participating offices only: LJ Hooker Canberra City, Dickson, Gungahlin, Kaleen, Kippax & Weston Creek


Congratulations Emma Barclay, client of LJ Hooker Canberra City, pictured with Property Manager Michelle Gibb

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Harrison 48 Cultivation Street



Ray White Belconnen


EER: 5.0


The Very Definition of Design This sort of property won’t last long! Boasting 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, it’s positioned a 5 minute drive from Gungahlin market place and a short walk to local parks. And that’s just for starters... After a single inspection you’ll find it hard to disagree - with over 200 sqm of internal living plus a double garage there is no shortage of space.


• • • • • •

4 bedrooms all with built in robes, master with walk in robe & ensuite Dual shower in ensuite Evaporative cooling, ducted and in-slab heating NBN connected Stainless steel kitchen appliances with a 900mm gas cook top and stone bench tops Solar panels

Wed 4 February at 6pm Venue Ray White Belconnen Office View Sat 17 Jan 11.45am - 12.30pm Liam Wilson 0405 056 844 Michael Clarke 0481 100 598

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

Spence 1 Macdonald Place



Ray White Belconnen


EER: 5.0


Family Living Wonder This home in Spence is the sort of property that goes quickly. Featuring 4 bedrooms and 1 bathroom, it’s situated a 5 minute drive from Local primary schools and a 10 minute drive from Belconnen town centre. The feeling it gives you is every bit as important. Offering a generous floor plan and good sized bedrooms its the ideal home for a growing family.


• • • • • •

Ducted gas heating Evaporative cooling Rear deck Secure fencing Oversized double garage Electric awning

Wed 4 February at 6pm Venue Ray White Belconnen Office View Saturday 17 Jan 10am - 10.40am Liam Wilson 0405 056 844 Michael Clarke 0481 100 598

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

Belconnen 30 Ranken Place


Presenting a neat and tidy, 2 bedroom townhouse with open plan kitchen/dining and large lounge with reverse cycle unit. Both bedrooms with BIR’s are a generous size, 2 way bathroom plus additional separate toilet.

Quiet street and peaceful rear courtyard with established gardens and ideal place to relax with friends and family.

Ray White Belconnen


Ray White Belconnen

$385,000+ View By Appointment Scott Jackson 0411 037 137 Kunal Kumar 0408 415 054




EER: 5.5


Value for Money!

Well here’s some good news, it’s time to stop looking! Only a moments walk from Belconnen Mall, a short stroll to Lake Ginninderra and close proximity to Canberra University, this unit is ideally situated & positioned in a well regarded unit block.

EER: 3.5

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

Belconnen 18/2 Ranken Place Looking for a low maintenance unit with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom?



Convenience and Opportunity Leave the car at home and enjoy the convenience of what this perfectly located townhouse has to offer.


Offering allocated parking and lock up storage and balcony off living area.

$299,000+ View Sat 17 Jan 1.45pm – 2.15pm Liam Wilson 0405 056 844 Michael Clarke 0481 100 598

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

Ju st So ld Calwell 65 Casey Crescent

Banks 5 Milligan Street Quiet And Peaceful Location This lovely four bedroom home is situated in the higher part of Banks and enjoys extensive views from all the living areas. Spacious segregated master bedrooms, open plan design plus a separate lounge. Pergola and deck flow off the main living room onto a fully landscaped block.



EER: 4.0

Auction Sat 21 Feb 9.30am for 10am Auction View By appointment Kate Coultas 0404 857 929

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

Suitable For All Demographics



Very well presented and very charming 3 bedroom home with an ensuite. Very generous lounge, dining and family room. Flooded with natural light, gas heater, charming garden, close to transport. Room for a garage or carport.

Ray White Tuggeranong

EER: 3.0


$399 000+ Ewa Skoczek 0414 665 626

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au





Ray White Tuggeranong


Gilmore 67 Rischbeth Crescent

Conder 18 Dobell Circuit I’ve Found Your New House!


A superb four bedroom ensuite home situated in a great street. Boasts spacious living areas, double garage, updated kitchen, great size bedrooms, covered pergola and much more. Call today.

Ray White Tuggeranong




EER: 2.5

Sale $595,000 View Sat 17 January 12:30pm – 1:15pm Colin Blunden 0409 015 400

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

Just Awaiting Your Touch Are you looking for a home to make yours? This well-built north facing three bedroom ensuite home with separate living areas is on a 741 metre block. This property is in original condition, just waiting to be loved by a family or someone looking for a project.

Ray White Tuggeranong




Sale $420,000+ Kate Coultas 0404 857 929

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

EER: 3.5

Gordon 10 Thurgood Court

Gordon 8/36 Sid Barnes Crescent Location Location Location Neat 3 bedroom townhouse close to all facilities, bus stops, Lanyon Marketplace and main arterial roads. The real benefit of this property is it stands alone with small front and back gardens. Open plan living, two way bathroom & walk in robe in the main bedroom and a single garage.



EER: 4.5

Suitable For All Demographics.

Lisa Silberberg 0416 227 666

Fresh as a Daisy, beautifully presented home that will appeal to many tastes. Generous separate living areas flooded with natural light, gas heater, new carport, close to transport. High side of the street with easy care garden.

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

Ray White Tuggeranong

Sale $365,000 View Sat 17 Jan 11.30am – 12pm John Tye 0438 924 400




EER: 3.0

Sale $410 000 View Sat 17 Jan 12pm -12.30pm Ewa Skoczek 0414 665 626

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au






Ray White Tuggeranong


Greenway 9/58 Eileen Good Street Ideal Investment • • • •


• •

Large living & dining area Open plan kitchen with dishwasher & microwave included 2 bedrooms both with built-in robes Main bedroom with great sized ensuite Courtyard area off living Located on ground floor

Ray White Tuggeranong

Kambah 6 Hutchison Crescent 2



EER: 4.5

Sale $400,000+ View Sat 17 Jan 12pm – 12.30pm Colin McIntyre 0417 263 678 Brooke Coles 0416 508 108 6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

Create Your Memories • • • • • •

Separate & spacious living areas Open plan kitchen with ample space All bedrooms with BIRS & ensuite to main Ducted gas heating throughout Freshly updated – new carpet and paint Mature and easy care gardens

Ray White Tuggeranong




EER: 1.0

Sale $460,000+ Colin McIntyre 0417 263 678 Brooke Coles 0416 508 108

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

tio n Au c BANKS 44 Bellchambers Crescent Room to Move This beautiful home offers three separate living areas including a downstairs rumpus for the kids, large family room and living and dining area; so there’s plenty of room to move. Stylishly renovated featuring an immaculately presented kitchen with everything you’ll ever need.

Queanbeyan 38 Elizabeth Crescent 5



EER: 3.5

Sale $700,000+ View By Appointment Brad O’Mara 0402 343 771

This excellent three bedroom family home offers more than meets the eye. Quality inclusions throughout and an extensive list of fantastic features, this property is a must see.

6299 4333




Auction Thurs 29 January at 6:00pm, RB Smith Community Hall, Crawford St View By Appointment Brad O’Mara 0402 343 771 6299 4333



Ray White Queanbeyan|Jerrabomberra







Ray White Queanbeyan|Jerrabomberra

Queanbeyan 27 John Bull Street Massive Vehicle Accommodation If you have been looking for a home on a large block with plenty of accommodation for vehicles, then this property is a must see. This three bedroom plus RUMPUS home has been tastefully renovated with new tiled flooring, repainted, bathroom, laundry and separate toilet. CWM3039

More Than Meets The Eye

Queanbeyan 23 Muir Place 3



Auction Thurs 29 January at 6:00pm, RB Smith Community Hall, Crawford St View By Appointment Brad O’Mara 0402 343 771 6299 4333


Ray White Queanbeyan|Jerrabomberra

Quiet delight! Located in a quiet cul-de sac, this spacious neat three bedroom home is waiting for a new owner to call it home. Enjoy the lifestyle you deserve with this single-level, easy care home situated in a quiet neighbourhood! Fabulous family home featuring a separate formal lounge room.




Auction Thurs 29 January at 6:00pm, RB Smith Community Hall, Crawford St View By Appointment Brad O’Mara 0402 343 771 6299 4333


Ray White Queanbeyan|Jerrabomberra

Hughes 12 Kitchener Street Drastically Reduced Executive Residences Each residence is spread over approx 200m2, provides 4 good sized bedrooms and 2 separate living areas. The large open plan living area downstairs encompasses all the needs of modern day family living. The high quality designer kitchen seamlessly flows out to the wonderfully private courtyard.

Ray White Woden

Gordon 16/34 Sid Barnes Crescent 4



EER: 6.0

Sale $799,000+ View Sat 17 Jan 12pm – 12:30pm Nick Haider 0405 128 900 Doug O’Mara 61620681 6162 0681 rwcanberra.com.au


Great location within walking distance to Southlands and only minutes to Woden Plaza. Ground floor apartment offering a lovely spacious feel due to the extended living area. Two good sized bedrooms both with built in robes, updated functional kitchen with lots of cupboard space. Low maintenance.

Ray White Woden

3 bedroom townhouse tastefully renovated in modern, neutral tones allowing you to simply move your furniture in and just sit back and relax! Offering separate living areas, gas heating and cooking, single garage and built in robes to all bedrooms plus easy care courtyards.

Ray White Woden

Mawson 17/6m Heard Street Ideally Located

Renovated to Perfection in a Sophisticated, Modern Style!!




EER: 5.5

Sale $349,000 View By appointment Betty Wark 0408 166 833 Adrian Murray 0410 006 528 6162 0681 rwcanberra.com.au

Turner 37/52A Forbes Street 2



EER: 6.0

Sale $295,000+ View By appointment Kerry Henshaw 0421651198 kerry.henshaw@rwcanberra.com.au 6162 0681 rwcanberra.com.au

Splendid Location Fantastic opportunity to enter the market as either a first home buyer or investor. Sensational location along the proposed light rail corridor, and within walking distance to Civic. First floor apartment with 2 good sized bedrooms, large bathroom/laundry, full size kitchen opening out onto a lovely lounge/dining area.

Ray White Woden




EER: 5.5

Sale Offers over $385,000 View Sat 17 Jan 12pm - 12.30pm Terry Cooper 0417 710 772 6162 0681 rwcanberra.com.au

independent.com.au Belconnen 6209 4444 | City 6209 1700 | Inner North 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000

independent.com.au Belconnen 6209 4444 | City 6209 1700 | Inner North 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000

independent.com.au Belconnen 6209 4444 | City 6209 1700 | Inner North 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000




Giralang Offers over $370,000 2



The 750m² block provides gardens & privacy around the property, with the apricot tree in full bloom out on the entertaining area for your enjoyment. EER0

Fantastic wheelchair friendly property in the sought after suburb of Giralang. This wheelchair friendly property is filled with sun throughout, making the property feel warm & welcoming. The property would be perfect for downsizers. EER1.5

• 3 bedrooms • Study or 4th bedroom • 2 renovated kitchens • Large granny flat • Perfect investment opportunity • Sought-after location




• Reverse cycle air conditioning • Solar panels • Renovated kitchen • Large spacious bathroom • Main bedroom with BIR • Second bedroom with study nook


Thurs 5-6, Sat 10-11 & Sun 10-10.45 3/35 Kootingal Street

Sat 12-1 & Sun 11.15-12 4 Ambara Pl

PHONE Graham Bush 0427 225 823

PHONE Graham Bush

0427 225 823



Belconnen 6209 4444 | City 6209 1700 | Inner North 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000


Big 3 bedroom spacious house, perfect for the growing family, or as an investment property.

Aranda $649,000


Nicholls Offers over $600,000


Desirable location in the ’Island Estate’.


Direct frontage to the golf course for a serene outlook • Elegant 2 storey design with gracious living areas • Abundance of natural light for happy living • Segregated main bedroom is downstairs • 4 bedroom ensuite with 213m² of living space • Ducted heating & cooling • Low maintenance yard with double garage • EER4

PHONE Manuel Vlandis

Holt $279,000

Unique double storey design • 61m² of living space • Sun-filled lounge & dining area with raked ceilings • Stylish kitchen complete with stainless steel appliances • Basement parking • 2 balconies • First home buyer grants of $12,500 available to eligible purchasers • EER6


Sat 1-2 10 Krantzcke Cct

0418 260 663


Brand new apartments, complete & ready to move into.






Times TBA 13/64 Hardwick Crs

PHONE Manuel Vlandis 0418 260 663



Ngunnawal Offers over $480,000


This attractive family home will excite you with OPEN its abundant space & excellent value.

Sat 2.30-3.30 3 Ferguson Cct

4 bedroom ensuite home with the main segregated for added privacy • Formal lounge & separate dining room • Spacious family room with sunny aspect • Outdoor relaxation with paved patio • Fully established yard on a large 731m² block • Double lock-up garage with internal access • EER4.5

0418 260 663



PHONE Manuel Vlandis


Sutton Offers over $120,000



Great opportunity to get in the market.


The home features lounge/dining area, kitchen with breakfast area • 2nd bedroom could also be a study area • This property comes furnished, so all you have do to is pack your bags & move in • The property also has access to a barbecue area & a pool in the holiday park.

PHONE Graham Bush



By appointment

0427 225 823



Belconnen 6209 4444 | City 6209 1700 | Inner North 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000

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Do you want different results? Do something differently.

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106 Greg Urwin Cct Casey


e Tm N

e Tm N

e Tm N

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RE 1/60 Paul Coe Cres Ngunnawal

• • • •

Amy Taylor

5 Augustus Close Palmerston

$400 per week

$540 per week

$470 per week

$530 per week

3 bed – 1 bath – 1 car

4 bed – 1 bath – 2 car

3 bed – 2 bath – 1 car

4 bed – 2 bath – 2 car

• • • •

Golf course frontage Very private Easy care courtyard Small pet considered

For INSPECTme times, visit managemecanberra.com.au

Recently renovated Great views Generous sized kitchen Pets considered

For INSPECTme times, visit managemecanberra.com.au

• Immaculately presented • Easy care backyard • Undercover entertaining area

• 2 living areas • Outdoor entertaining area • Quiet cul-de-sac • Pet friendly yard

For INSPECTme times, visit managemecanberra.com.au

For INSPECTme times, visit managemecanberra.com.au

Transfer your Property Management to MANAGEme today, call 0418 645 095

Contact Amy today CWM3059

0418 645 095



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LUXURY LAKESIDE LIVING NOW COMES WITH FREE APPLIANCES AND WINDOW FURNISHINGS Our boutique apartment residences offer high amenity in an enviable position. Exclusively residential, Watermark includes an onsite facilities manager to take care of your property for you. Offering only 20 direct waterfront apartments featuring spacious floor plans that are as individual as you. And now, when you purchase your new Watermark apartment residence, you’ll receive a window coverings and whitegoods package including fridge and washing machine valued at $3500, absolutely free.


*Available to all purchasers that choose an apartment for purchase from Jan 8 and exchange a contract of sale by February 28, 2015.

T H E WAT E R M A R K .C O M . AU . ALEX EIMERL 040 9 0 07 313 . SAM EIMERL 040 0 022 281

Artego is an inspiring new community being brought to life with a host of lifestyle spoils. An in ground pool, shared eco gardens and bbq entertaining areas adorn the spacious living areas that spill outdoors to private courtyards. Positioned in the ever convenient locale of Harrison – Gungahlin, you’ ll experience leafy surrounds, convenient amenity, quality architecture and a choice of contemporary 2, 3 and 4 bedroom townhouses.

Display home open this weekend. Flemington Road, Harrison.

13 0 0 20 8 865 . A R T E GO.CO M . AU

GUNGAHLIN 37/1 Gungahlin Place Boutique contemporary living in the heart of Gungahlin; Aviva offers design, comfort and tranquillity through easy flow open plan living and the convenience of secure basement parking as well as fully landscaped common areas. This peaceful and private residence sits in a rear position set amongst a quiet development and includes a spacious, open plan design with study nook. Featuring private front and rear courtyards this modern apartment is positioned on the ground floor in a boutique setting.




For Sale $285,000 - $305,000 View Saturday 10.00 - 10.45 EER 5.0 Bryan Gamarra 0405 660 842 Call 6123 8000



Greg Ward Principal

CRACE 19 Errol Street With stylish light filled interiors and contemporary finishes, this beautifully presented 223sqm terrace offers an easy care lifestyle in the master planned community of Crace. With open living spaces that flow to the outdoor areas, generous sized bedrooms and a gourmet kitchen with quality appliances this home offers a versatile floorplan and seamless indoor/outdoor living. Ideal for young executives and close to all amenities that the North Side has to offer.




For Sale $489,000 View Saturday 10.30 - 11.15 EER 5.0 Jess Smith 0410 125 475 Call 6123 8000



l Sa

Forde 1 Buscombe Street - Exuding quality and style, this stunning home must be seen to be appreciated. With its passive solar design and unique features, this home boasts a modern visual appeal that stands out from the existing streetscape. The home has an open-plan living area with a modern kitchen and stainless steel appliances, stone bench tops and glass tiled splashbacks. Effortless entertaining is assured with the private outdoor patio and easycare gardens surrounding the home. Boasting a catalogue of quality inclusions, including double-glazed windows, reverse-cycle Mitsubishi split-systems, there is no doubt that you will feel instantly at home in this haven of privacy and peace. Don´t delay your inspection. Call Karen or Jeremy now for further information. EER 5.


Open Sale Call






Saturday 10.45-11.15am $750,000+ Jeremy Maher 0410 481 260 Karen Broadhurst 0405 404 792

tio uc

A n



5 Casilda Street - Situated in the newest area of Harrison is this beautifully presented, as-new four bedroom home, with large open-plan living and quality timber floors Open throughout. The home is sun-filled and north-facing with the living areas flowing out to a large entertaining area. The home boasts a gourmet kitchen with stone benchtops and Auction stainless steel appliances. All bedrooms are large with built-in wardrobes with the master having an ensuite and spacious walk-in wardrobe. The backyard is fully landscaped and the Call property features a double garage. EER 5.5.






Thursday 5.30-6pm Saturday 10.45-11.15am On site 10am, Saturday 31 January Jeremy Maher 0410 481 260 Karen Broadhurst 0405 404 792

le Sa

Bungendore 6 Falconer Place - Every once in a while we are privileged enough to view and then offer for sale exceptional homes of quality, faultless presentation and endless features, this is one such home. Behind its unassuming façade awaits an oasis of country living set on approximately 1,300m² block of land. With room for everything, this grand home will accommodate your family in spacious style. Offering four bedrooms, study, rumpus or theatre room, formal lounge room, enormous family and meals area that overlook the huge in-ground pool and a massive ’man cave’! What more could you want? The backyard offers a large dog run, water tanks, garden shed and workshop measuring approximately 6 x 12 metres in size. Don’t delay your inspection of this amazing home. Call Karen or Jeremy now for further information.



Open Sale Call






Saturday 11.45-12.15pm $720,000+ Jeremy Maher 0410 481 260 Karen Broadhurst 0405 404 792

le Sa

Belconnen 113/64 College Street - Positioned on the fifth floor, this stylish two bedroom apartment is a prime investment opportunity not to be missed. Entering the home, your light-filled open-plan living area is inviting and subtly invites relaxation. This continues seamlessly through to your generously sized covered balcony where you can just sit back and enjoy a glass of your favourite bubbly. The sophisticated kitchen is complete with Fisher & Paykel appliances that complement all levels of culinary skill. Abundant cupboard and bench space will ensure a stress-free lifestyle. Accommodation offers bedroom one with a walk-through wardrobe and the guest or bedroom two with mirrored builtin wardrobes. The lavish bathroom has a chic European-style laundry, floor-to-ceiling tiles and is fitted with elegant, modern fittings. EER 6.



Open Sale Call






By appointment $370,000+ Mark Forbes 0421 032 120

Jerrabomberra 49 Kinlyside Avenue




A Haven With Leafy Surrounds A superbly presented 4 bedroom ensuite residence set over 2 levels, offering outstanding finish, practical design plus located opposite open space.

The spacious, renovated kitchen overlooks the level grassed grounds that include a private, covered paved area and water feature.

Greeted by a huge entrance, the formal living and dining rooms are bright and airy and have a serene outlook from each window. The well lit family room is inviting and has the added bonus of attractive timber flooring.

Walk in and start living in this wonderful home where all the hard work has been completed.

Queanbeyan 2-4 Rutledge Street

There is also a large outdoor spa bath to relax in after a hard day’s work.

Jerrabomberra/Canberra 6 Limestone Drive

Price: Exhibition: Rates approx: Block size: Living area:

$659,000+ Sunday 11:00-11:45am $2476.00 per annum 604m2 210m2 + 40m2 garage

Contact: Lou Baldan 0403 604 888 l.baldan@mcnamee.com.au

your local agent

5 Sage Close, Chisholm 6 3



Live in or invest Secluded family – Best of both worlds! entertainer

• • • • • •

Built in robes in all bedrooms Situated within a quiet cul-de-sac you will 3 Bathrooms find this spacious family home with separate 2 kitchens formal lounge and dining rooms, large open Solar heated salt water pool plan kitchen family room and three generous Separately metered flat bedrooms all with built in robes. Ducted gas heating EER 0


Saturday 10:00 - 10:40am




Brenden Blewitt 0419 289 574

kitchen is quite simply huge and as it is the ViewingTheSat 1:45-2:30pm hub of the home it provides a great space to up a storm for all your family and friends. ContactcookScott 0417 292 733 The property has been freshly painted throughout and offers natural light. EER .5

For sale sale $390,000+ $735,000+ For

Sandy Funston 0414 629 996

26 Clarkson Street, Pearce 5




Options a plenty in this spacious home For sale by auction


Looking for the complete family home with lots of extras then look no further! Space, size, and lots of accommodation are key features with Mount Taylor at your door step, excellent schools within walking distance. 5 bedrooms, segregated main suite and downstairs apartment provide plenty for all family options. A beautifully manicured yard with a workshop under the home and double garage complete this spacious residence. EER 1.5


7th of February at 10:00am on site


Sat 11:00-11:45am Sun 10:00-10:45am




Scott Crossman 0417 292 733

Scott Crossman 0417 292 733 / 61611011 scottc@oneagency.com.au


4 2 1 18 Goessling Place A beautifully presented family home with loads of extras. Considered great value for money, this updated property is located in a quiet cul-de-sac in an elevated position. Features ducted heating and cooling, ceiling fans and built-in robes. The galley style kitchen that adjoins the dining and family area has a dishwasher, gas cooking facilities and a pantry. There is an ensuite for the spacious and segregated main bedroom. The family area progresses though a sliding door to a large timber deck, bringing the outside in, as an electric awning provides shelter from heat or showers. Great for those who like to entertain or just extra space for family outdoor living. Generous paved, off-street parking areas. EER: 1.5


Offers over $550,000 Saturday 17th January 11:00am-12:00pm

Geraldine Rutherford 0412 060 792 & Steve Duff 0419 239 480

Rutherford Johnston Properties

Ph: 6253 3333





Offers Over $540,000 View Saturday 17 January 11:15am – 12pm

Vicki Johnston 0414 910 798 & Tenille McPaul 0438 318 606

Rutherford Johnston Properties

Ph: 6253 3333




3 2 2 14/9 Crisp Circuit This beautifully presented 143m2 single level villa is perfectly positioned in sought after “Gossan Gardens”. Offering a flexible floor plan with a spacious living room, formal dining room, open plan kitchen, generous family room, segregated master with ensuite and beautifully renovated main bathroom. The gorgeous private established gardens wrap around the property and include a covered entertaining area and garden shed. Additional features are ducted evaporative cooling, reverse-cycle air-conditioning, ducted vacuum and a double garage. Freshly painted throughout and well maintained by the same family for 19 years, this is a perfect opportunity for anyone looking to downsize or investors wanting to secure a highly desirable location. EER 1.0

LIVE THE LIFESTYLE YOU DESERVE Start every day with amazing water and mountain views from your luxurious home at Waterfront Coombs. With a unique, north facing, waterfront location in Coombs, these beautiful, separate title residences will have a quality and sophistication rarely seen in new homes. The spacious, innovative, light filled floor plans are sure to please, as are the stylish outdoor entertaining areas and lavish inclusions. All homes will have four bedrooms, double glazing, auto double garages, two entertaining decks, and most will have three bathrooms.





1 Amazing water and mountain views 1 Luxurious separate title waterfront homes

1 Huge stunning kitchens with stone bench tops and walk in pantry

1 4 bedrooms, 2 or 3 bathrooms, 2 car garage, 2 entertaining decks

1 Zoned ducted heating and cooling 1 Security alarm and video intercom

1 Spacious, innovative, light filled floor plans

1 Built in gas barbecue to entertaining deck

1 Perfect north aspect

1 Low maintenance front & rear courtyards

1 High ceilings

1 Automatic garage doors

1 Double glazing

1 Quality carpets and tiles included

1 Prestigious location

1 Full landscaping included

1 900mm SMEG cooktop, oven and rangehood

1 EER average 6.7 stars

REGISTER NOW! Paul O’Donnell: 0408 630 826





Absolutely immaculate 3 bedroom home in a nice location and only a minute’s walk to Yerrabi Ponds. Featuring: separate generous living areas, over-sized master bedroom with walk-in robe and ensuite style bathroom, well-appointed kitchen with an abundance of cupboard space. All year round comfort is assured with ducted gas heating and reverse cycle air conditioning. There is also a fantastic covered entertaining deck to the rear of the home and the house is surrounded by gorgeous manicured gardens. My vendors are committed elsewhere and are open to offers prior to auction. Be first to inspect and purchase this lovely home. EER 4.5

By appointment







Stylish 4 bedroom plus study home with views. All bedrooms are over-sized & the master bedroom includes its own walk-in robe & ensuite, large elevated lounge with adjoining study & a massive covered entertaining deck. The property has low maintenance gardens & also has a built-in Jacuzzi. Immaculately presented throughout & also located minutes from Gungahlin Lakes Golf Club & Gungahlin Drive Extension. EER 3

Situated in a quiet complex close to local schools, shops and bus stops, is this single level freestanding, 3 bedroom ensuite townhouse. Offering segregated living areas, electric heating and cooking, a north facing courtyard and a double garage. Ideal for first home buyers and keen investors. Investors note - month to month tenancy in place at $440 per week. Tenant is happy to sign a 12 month lease at settlement. EER 2.5

By appointment

By appointment


Belconnen 6251 9111

Gungahlin 6241 9444

Manuka 6295 2433

Tuggeranong 6296 7077

Woden & Weston Creek 6282 4488

Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6297 0005

Rental Properties Wanted EXCELLENT TENANTS WAITING! • Defence families • Diplomats • IT, Corporate & Business Consultants All seeking clean, good quality properties


Contact us today

www.canberrarentals.com.au | 02 6162 1144 | hello@canberrarentals.com.au Ground Floor AMP Building, 1 Hobart Place (GPO Box 654) Canberra City ACT 2601

©Cudos Investments Pty Ltd Licensed Agent




2 $655,000+

Downer 24 Phillip Avenue




2 $580,000+

Situated in a quiet cul-de sac, this contemporarily designed home has amazing attention to detail that will be sure to impress! Exquisite gourmet kitchen with stone bench tops. Serene outlook on to mountain scape from living areas with front balcony. High ceilings throughout and electronic highlight lofted windows provide the home with a great sense of space and light. Beautifully landscaped gardens.

On offer for the first time in 43 years is this 4 bedroom home located on a large 801sqm block in one of Canberra’s most popular suburbs! The huge block presents enormous potential for extension or knockdown rebuild project. In an enviable position close to shops, schools, trendy cafés and restaurants in Ainslie, Watson and Dickson alike.

EER: 3.0 View: Sat 17 Jan 10-10.45am

EER: 1.0 View: Sat 17 Jan 2-2.45pm

Belconnen 20/1 Beissel St




2 $359,000

Macquarie 56/20 Bindubi St




1 $420,000

On offer is this fantastic 2 bedroom ensuite apartment with study located in the heart of Belconnen, which is definitely worth your time! The modern kitchen overlooks the open plan living area which opens out on to the balcony. Situated in ‘Waterside’ complex and located high up on the fourth floor. The apartment is perfectly situated next to a huge array of amenities….there is no better place to be.

As new 2 bedroom plus study apartment located in the heart of Macquarie. One of the bigger 2 bedroom apartments at 91sqm, this apartment boasts an open plan living dining area, huge gourmet kitchen with access to balcony with outlook. Set up your own comfortable study area in the study off the living area. This property is ideally located close to Jamison Town Centre and Westfield Shopping Centre.

EER: 6.0 View: Sat 17 Jan 12.15-12.45pm

EER: 6.0 View: Sat 17 Jan 1.05-1.35pm

Symon Badenoch 0412 898 690

64/1 Beissel Street, Belconnen ACT 2617

Natalie Kokic Schmidt

P: 02 6264 0900 F: 02 6264 0999 E: bre@badenoch.com.au

(Cnr Beissel St and Emu Bank)


0435 921 229


Amaroo 3 Vasse Place


agent's pick TUGGERANONG

AMAROO 3 Vasse Place

a great sense of space and light, mountain views from front balcony, and main bedroom features spacious walk-in robe plus modern ensuite. EER 3.0




Price: $655,000+ View: Saturday 17 January 10-10.45am Agent: Symon Badenoch 0412 898 690 Badenoch Real Estate Ph: 6264 0900

Wanniassa 8 Curtain Place A Delightful Tranquility


Perfectly positioned in a quiet cul-de-sac and located on a good sized block, this neat 1978 home offers spacious and comfortable living for the whole family. • Induction cooktop & dishwasher • Ducted r/c heating & cooling • Matured & easy care gardens • Block Size: 1106m2 and Living Space: 184.18m2



EER: 1.0

Sale $560,000+ View By appointment Colin McIntyre 0417 263 678 6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au


Situated in a quiet cul-de-sac, this contemporary home boasts amazing attention to detail, exquisite gourmet kitchen with stone bench tops, Bosch appliances, breakfast bar and trendy wine glass racks. High ceilings throughout and electronic highlight lofted windows provide the home with

Ray White Tuggeranong


When Only the Best Will Do – Broadview Estate! This year old home provides contemporary living, space and superior quality. Comprising of a formal lounge room with views of Telstra Tower, meals area and family room that flows seamlessly out to the year round entertaining area complete with mountain views. EER 6.0

Ray White Belconnen

Scullin 16 Boulton Street 3



Sale By Negotiation View By appointment Scott Jackson 0411 037 137 Kunal Kumar 0408 415 054 6173 6300 raywhitebelconnen.com.au

Perfectly Renovated This immaculately maintained townhouse focuses on easy indoor/outdoor living. Downstairs features a functional custom built kitchen, open plan living and meals area. Outside presents an easy care garden, with entertainment area and a single garage with drive through access to the yard. EER 2.0

Ray White Belconnen




Sale $385,000+ View By appointment Scott Jackson 0411 037 137 Kunal Kumar 0408 415 054 6173 6300 raywhitebelconnen.com.au


Ngunnawal 13 Maiya Street


BE INSPIRED - create the home you’ve always wanted Register at www.todayshomes.com.au for a FREE Site Inspection What we include:

Design Meeting

> Industry leading inclusions > Custom designer kitchens > Stone bench tops > Creative custom bathrooms > Solar hot water systems > Back to grid electricity > Zoned ducted gas heating > Evaporative cooling

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ONLY $330* gets you started

No hidden costs - full transparency before you sign off on your new home. Your price will be inclusive of site costs, connection of services, 6 star energy rating, ACT approval and compliance, with a fixed construction time.

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Our Architect has over 12 years experience creating best practice energy efficient functional homes for Canberra clients. Together, you will design the home you have always wanted. Only $330* gets you started.

Our Expertise

Deal directly with the Builder. A Canberra family business with a proven history of delivering individual award winning custom homes. It’s important to future proof your home against rising utility prices and create a healthy home. Talk to us about green living building techniques and innovative sustainable custom designs.

Great Value

Building a lasting impression - we believe this is about great value, without compromising quality. All of our homes are built to award winning standards using superior Canberra contractors and suppliers.


*$330 for single storey - concept only. For a limited time, as at 10/12/2014, T&C’s apply.

ACT Builders Licence Number 200313229 ABN 92 065 174 889 1/7 Beaconsfield St, FYSHWICK ACT www.todayshomes.com.au or call (02) 6188 4559

THINKING OF BUILDING IN 2015? THINK 360! 360 Building Solutions were a first time entrant into the HIA awards last year and won CUSTOM BUILT HOME $350,001-$500,000. Dean, the director of 360 Building Solutions is a qualified carpenter by trade who has worked for numerous builders around gaining invaluable experience. His desire to provide the complete (360) building solution, lead Dean to becoming a fully qualified builder himself and starting his own business. Dean says that he was “surprised and quite overwhelmed at receiving this award - to receive an award for your good work is very pleasing. Our company works hard to achieve a high quality result. We are prepared to listen and work with our clients from the design through to the construction process.” “We want our clients to love their new home, to be proud to show it off to their family and friends – we couldn’t ask for better advocacy. This is why we choose to work with like minded architects and trades - people we trust and have worked with for years who can offer the complete (360) solution to your needs” Dean and the team at 360, build high quality homes in Canberra and surrounding regions and can quote on your existing plans or work with you in designing and building the highest level of innovative Energy Efficient home. • • • •

Phone 0415 493 912 dean@360building.com.au

www.360building.com.au Builders Licence Number 2009711 • ABN 721 520 958 99

Building new homes Knock-down rebuilds Environmentally sustainable homes Renovations and extensions

DISPLAY HOME 34 Casilda Street HARRISON Viewing by appointment


Specialises in:

Hills Park www.hillsparkbungendore.com.au Canberra Regions Best Value New Release in beautiful Bungendore Enjoy the best of a relaxed country lifestyle and build your dream home with an easy commute to Canberra. Lot 6a 960m2

Lot 7 1080m2

Lot 8 1110m2

Lot 6b 900m2


Lot 3 1000m2

Lot 12 1040m2


Lot 1 1005m2

Lot 13 1000m2


Lot 14 1000m2

Call 6238 1600 to inspect

Build your dream home with a house and land package from our range of award winning builders or choose your own. The choice is yours, with no time limit to build.





Lot 2 1010m2

Lot 10 1005m2




Lot 11 940m2

Lot 4 1005m2

Lot 15 1470m2

6 block already s s under o old / er! Hurry!

Lot 9 995m2

0. 0



Lot 16 1350m2

Lots sizes ranging from 900m2 to 1470m2





GOULBURN New Listing

‘Hill View’


SUE BELL 0414 085 783

Henry Parkes Road GOULBURN

5 BED | 2 BATH | 1 ENSUITE | 2 CAR

02 4845 1162 82 Yass Street, Gunning NSW


Milton Lot 45 Woodstock Road Rare as Hens Teeth Prime Dairy Country

• Approx 23 acres

Auction Sat 7 February 2015 at 1pm

Approx 23 acres with stunning lake & rural views. Bare acres of this size are rarely seen so close to Milton. Only 5km on sealed road from Milton township, close enough to feel the ocean breeze & watch the sunrise each morning. Don’t miss this opportunity to build your very own country cottage on this special parcel of land.

• Town water & Power

Venue On site

• 400m of road frontage just newly fenced

View Sat 1pm – 1:30pm

• Only 5km to the vibrant Village of Milton with its cafes, restaurants, boutiques, galleries & theatre.


Gary Cox 0400 684 655 Ulladulla 02 4455 1000



Price $839,000 A rare opportunity to purchase a part of the pioneering history in the Goulburn area. 100 picturesque acres with a grand and modern 2 storey homestead set beside two original settlers cottages from the 1800’s, a pise house from the 1920’s, original sheds and historic orchard. The main homestead, built in the 90’s consists of 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and a double garage with internal access and has a self-contained flat. Meticulously designed and constructed with quality finishes throughout This unique property has bitumen road frontage and is only 10 minutes from Goulburn and 50 minutes to Canberra. Please call Sue Bell on 0414 085 783 to book your inspection today.

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Lake Edge Holiday Units Here is a rare opportunity to secure a relaxed lakeside lifestyle with income potential at the same time. Just 3 hrs from Sydney and 2.5 hrs from Canberra, Lake Edge is conveniently located 100 meters from the Princes Highway and Burrill Lake local shops, 4 km south of Ulladulla on the southern shores of beautiful Burrill Lake.The property comprises 7 fully self contained holiday units (3 one bedroom and 4 two bedroom) as well as a four-bedroom, plus study, managers’ residence, guest laundry and double-garage-sized workshop/storage area. The site would be suitable for further development, subdivision or re-development SCTA.An opportunity also exists to share the lakeside lifestyle. Unit 7, which is closest to the residence, is a larger two-bedroom unit with its own internal laundry and would be ideal for in-law or extended family accommodation.Lake Edge occupies a large 2,707 square meter, absolute-waterfront site which affords picturesque water and village views, easy boat access and a variety of fishing options. Land - 2707m2 110







Auction: Saturday 7 February at 3.00pm on site View: By Appointment Contact: Nick Mostyn 0449 160 550

02 4455 6988 tuckerrealestate.com.au 4/85 Tallwood Avenue, Mollymook



“Springview & Magnolia Cottage” Offered for sale for the first time in more than 20 years, “Springview” is an immaculate and picturesque 25 acre property located just a short drive from both Conjola and Milton townships. A property of truly unmatched quality, every square inch has been thoughtfully developed into what can only be described as a blissful country retreat. The main residence is architecturally designed offering a large master suite with ensuite and walk in robe, large guest bathroom, sun filled open plan living areas plus 2 king size guest bedrooms both with ensuite’s offer further accommodation. The immediate grounds to the main residence are fully landscaped and feature an in ground solar heated saltwater pool. A separate and fully self contained single bedroom with ensuite, guest quarters/pool cabana sits aside the pool and is finished to the same quality and standards as the main residence. Land - 8.43ha (20.83 acres)







For Sale: $1,250,000 View: By Appointment Contact: Nick Mostyn 0449 160 550

02 4455 6988 tuckerrealestate.com.au 4/85 Tallwood Avenue, Mollymook


CONJOLA 40 Martins Ridge Road



Mollymook Beach 6 Mitchell Parade


With five bedrooms, two bathrooms and a double garage, it offers an opportunity for someone to acquire a renovator’s dream.

sneak down to the water edge for an early morning swim.

Sat 24 January at 12pm unless sold prior

Only a brief stroll to the cafés, Golf Club, golf course, surf club and shops.

View Sat 11am – 11:30am or by appointment

Can you imagine living right on the beach? This could be your last opportunity to sit on your verandah and watch the sunrise or

Janet Creech 0427 553 925

99 Princes Highway, Ulladulla NSW 2539

Mollymook Beach 171 Mitchell Parade





The Magic Of Bannisters Point - Ocean Frontage Fantastic ocean front, clifftop position with north east aspect 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, sauna, ducted air conditioning Newly renovated, spacious living, dining, relaxing Huge rear deck offering privacy, ocean views Full security on gates and interior

Venue On site

02 4454 1333 | raywhiteulladulla.com.au

Ray White Surfside Properties Ulladulla

• • • • •



‘Position, Position, Position - Beach Frontage Position is everything and this property certainly has a prime position. Direct access onto beautiful Mollymook Beach, it will be a surfer’s paradise.


• •

Situated only a stroll from famous Rick Stein @ Bannisters and the groovy pool bar Genuine vendor wants to sell at auction if not beforehand

Sat 24 January at 2pm unless Sold Prior Venue On site View Sat 12pm – 12:30pm, Wed 5pm – 6pm or by appointment David Matthew


0459 553 930

Ray White Surfside Properties Ulladulla

02 4454 1333 | raywhiteulladulla.com.au 99 Princes Highway, Ulladulla NSW 2539

Price $1,825,000


R&H Batemans Bay 02 4472 6055

27 Sproxtons Lane, Nelligen Arguably One Of The Bays Most Prestigious Properties


By Appointment


Aristotle Stavros 0408 612 914

• Set on the edge of the Clyde River, this deep water frontage property offers lifestyle living rarely found for sale in the Batemans Bay area. • The 5 bedroom architecturally designed home is flanked by spectacular outdoor living areas, epitomizing style & elegance in design, complimenting this exclusive residence. • Fully landscaped gardens, your own wharf, pontoon, boat shed & slipway. • Heated in-ground swimming pool is showcased from the large entertaining areas. • No expense has been spared in creating an oasis of personal achievement, a home to be proud of, a lifestyle to be enjoyed!






4455 2002 4455 2525

5 Beachway Avenue, Berrara Beach Living at Berrara This stunning coastal home has been designed with the entertainer in mind. Two levels of living encompasses a thoughtfully designed and beautifully crafted home, with highest quality finishes and European appliances. The imposing open plan living space has a fabulous Ironbark floor, floor to ceiling windows and a curved facade offering ocean views. Only 60m from Berrara Cove, the choice of saltwater pool or beach will be difficult. With minimal change, the downstairs portion of this gorgeous home could easily be converted to a bed & breakfast accommodation, which could offer a relaxed beach lifestyle with a passive income. The triple car garage and rear shed provides plenty of space for all the toys you will need for the quintessential coastal lifestyle this residence embodies.

For Sale - $899,000 Inspect: Sunday 25 January 2015 - 11am - 12 noon Contact: Lee Manning 0400 888 820



3 BATH |


8 Loriket Close, Bawley Point LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION!

Shop 1/105 Princes Highway Milton (Opposite IGA)

4455 2002

AUCTION ONSITE (UNLESS SOLD PRIOR) Saturday 24 January at 11:00am Inspect: Saturday 11:00am-11:45am or By Appointment Contact: Jo Humphries 0417 276 793 or Tracey Magnusson 0407 918 620

3 BED |

2 BATH |




So the real estate rule goes... and you wont go wrong here! This very rare find is nestled in one of the most established and sought after streets in ‘Old Bawley’ the prestigious Loriket Close. Situated in a private cul-de-sac, just minutes from Willinga Lake and beautiful Bawley Beach. Houses hardly ever come on the market in this exceptional location! This amazing home is designed by award winning architect Robert Simeoni, and has to be seen to be believed. This cedar clad home has 3 large bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, one an ensuite. The 2 light filled living areas both open on to sun-filled decks. With a comfortable, modern feel this property ticks all the boxes. Sensitively designed to compliment the natural landscape. With nothing to do and low maintenance, just sit back and enjoy your trouble free lifestyle.

Shop 11/80 Tallwood Avenue Mollymook

4455 2525

Up Au co ct m i i o ng n


NSW South Coast Batehaven 25 Joseph Street Batehaven’s Best! If you’re looking for a fabulous family home with all the extras, a big ocean view and set in a highly sought after location: STOP looking, we have found it!!




Auction Saturday 14 February at 11.30am Venue Batemans Bay Soldiers Club View Saturday 17 & 24 Jan 12 to 12.30pm ljhooker.com/N9ZF8F

Anthony Hartshorn 0437 279 842 LJ Hooker Batemans Bay 4472 6455 Cnr Beach Road & Orient St, Batemans Bay




er ci


This immaculate large family home has it all. From the moment you walk through the door you will notice the quality of this home. The spacious lounge opens onto a huge covered deck with stunning water views. Entertaining family and friends will be a delight on this deck with a front row view of the carnival and fireworks over summer.

Generous modern kitchen with water views, two separate living areas, dining area, a separate self-contained room/4th bedroom downstairs, two full bathrooms and three very good sized bedrooms. It even has its own Art studio/study. Fully fenced low maintenance back yard set on a large 784m² block. Located within close proximity to local public schools and less than 150m to Batehaven shopping centre and Corrigans Beach. It’s only once in a blue moon that a home of this quality and in this location.


NSW South Coast Mogo 30 Sydney Street Invest in Your Sea Change Freehold property for sale sitting on 1005sqm. There is a fully leased commercial property at the front (leased for 300 per week) with a very tidy three bedroom residential home at the rear.

The house is currently vacant but would rent for $300 per week easily. Plenty of off street parking you could run your own business in the future and live at the rear or just rent it all and collect. Perfect for the super fund or owner occupier.




For Sale $489,000 View By appoiontment ljhooker.com/NWPF8F

Michael Skuse 0411 029 300 LJ Hooker Batemans Bay 4472 6455 Cnr Beach Road & Orient St, Batemans Bay

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.







at 1


For Sale By Public Tender

For further details please contact Robert McBride on 0412 413 727

Web id: 7289655

Tender closes 2pm Thursday 26 February 2015 View By Apointment Contact Robert McBride 0412 413 727

Elders Real Estate Batemans Bay Property Management Team

Ja n



• Princes Highway frontage • Ripe for re-development • Number 63: 719m2. Number 65: 749m2 = Total 1,468m2 • Parking at front • Zoned IN1


Let us take the worry out of renting your investment property. • • •

We manage your investment like a small business We focus on getting the best possible return for you Landlord and Tenant portals - What’s This?

Long Beach 115 Northcove Road CLIFFTOP AUCTION


This property is now looking for a new family to enjoy its spoils. Ideal location, redevelop or potential for dual occupancy (STCA). The home itself offers a step back in time with older style deco, simple kitchen, 3 bedrooms, the master with built in robes and taking in the stunning views.

Auction Sat 31 January, on site at 1pm

View Saturday 17 January 1pm Contact Bec Shepheard 0413 580 309

Web id: 6180701 3 BED | 1 BATH | 1 CAR

Call us 02 4472 1488

ELDERS Real Estate | 02 4472 1488 Shop 3/6 North St, Batemans Bay




Burrill Lake 7 Honeysuckle Close





Only The Best Will Do • • • • •

Waterfront reserve location Formal lounge and dining areas Covered outdoor entertainment area Pristine in presentation 1195.00 m2 block

Saturday 31 January at 11am Onsite Unless Sold Prior View Saturdays 11am – 11:30am and Wednesdays 6pm – 6:30pm Kevin Cooper 0427 553 923 Megan Pollock 0427 553 928 Ray White Surfside Properties

Ray White Surfside Properties Ulladulla

02 4454 1333


Batemans Bay Hincksman Lifestyle BATEHAVEN 306-308 Beach Road


This modern lake side home is located in a quiet cul-desac with true value in a prime location. Expansive open plan living, dining and entertaining areas. The kitchen is a cook’s delight with clean white cabinetry and granite tops. Four spacious bedrooms, 3 upstairs, main with ensuite, shoe cupboard, his and hers built in robes. 3 bathrooms plus powder room and 2 car garage. An enviable position that has been tightly held.





• Only 300 metres to Batehaven cafés, shops and medical centre

• This house holds a special place in Batemans Bay local history • Enjoy a sun-drenched entertaining area overlooking Corrigans Beach • Four spacious well appointed bedrooms, three having water views • Superb landscaped gardens

1 North Street Batemans Bay


For Sale $795,000 Inspect By Appointment Contact Don Green 4472 5566 or 0407 726 677

4472 5566


A statement in sophistication, this architecturally designed home is set on 1549m2, showcasing stunning water views, multiple entertaining areas and designed by renowned Sydney architect the late John Brogan.


Realestate BELCONNEN


open homes – for sale Fri 11:00-16:00 U24, Aspect at Jacka Village Building Co Lawrenson Cct, Jacka

0404891155 BD2 $322k+

Mon11:00-16:00 U25, Creekside 11 Starcevich Cres

Village Building Co

0404891155 BD2 $329k+ 0404891155 BD3 $373k+

Rutherford Johnston Properties

0412060792 BD2 $380k+

Fri 11:00-16:00 U17, Aspect at Ja Village Building Co Lawrenson Cct, Jacka

0404891155 BD3 $389k+

Sat 10:00-10:30 8/19 Totterdell St

Mon11:00-16:00 U23 Aspect Lawrenson Village Building Co Cct

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0410414872 BD1 $260k+

Fri 11:00-16:00 U15, Aspect at Ja Village Building Co Lawrenson Cct, Jacka

0404891155 BD3 $392k+

Sat 11:00-11:30 21/2 Ranken Pl


Maloney's The Estate Agent - Kingston

0407715244 BD2 $265k+

Sat 10:00-16:00 U39, Aspect at Jacka Village Building Co Lawrenson Cct, Jacka

0404891155 BD2 $329k+

Sat 11:00-11:30 12/31 Disney Ct

Elders Real Estate Belconnen

0414807170 BD2 $330k+

Sat 10:00-16:00 U29, Aspect at Jacka Village Building Co Lawrenson Cct, Jacka

0404891155 BD2 $327k+

Sat 11:00-11:30 1/57 Totterdell St

0404891155 BD2 $322k+

Luton Properties - Weston Creek

0411878587 BD2 $419k+

Sat 10:00-16:00 U24, Aspect at Jacka Village Building Co Lawrenson Cct, Jacka Sat 10:00-16:00 U17, Aspect at Ja Village Building Co Lawrenson Cct, Jacka

0404891155 BD3 $389k+ 0404891155 BD3 $392k+ 0417676169 BD3 $499k+

Sat 12:00-12:30 34/1 Beissel St

BRUCE Sat 09:30-10:00 72/10 Thynne St

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0404857929 BD2 $395k+

Sat 10:00-16:00 U15, Aspect at Ja Village Building Co Lawrenson Cct, Jacka

Sat 09:30-10:00 106/1 Braybrooke St

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BD1 $270k+

Sat 12:30-13:00 63 Bill Ferguson Cct

Sun 12:00-12:30 40/21 Braybrooke St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0417676169 BD2 $375k+

Sun 10:00-16:00 U39, Aspect at Jacka Village Building Co Lawrenson Cct, Jacka

0404891155 BD2 $329k+

Sun 10:00-16:00 U29, Aspect at Jacka Village Building Co Lawrenson Cct, Jacka

0404891155 BD2 $327k+

Sun 10:00-16:00 U24, Aspect at Jacka Village Building Co Lawrenson Cct, Jacka

0404891155 BD2 $322k+

Sun 10:00-16:00 U17, Aspect at Ja Village Building Co Lawrenson Cct, Jacka

0404891155 BD3 $389k+

CHARNWOOD Sat 10:00-10:30 32/42 Lhotsky St

Luton Properties - Dickson

Fri 11:00-16:00 20/208 Gudamang St Village Building Co

0448891000 BD2 $339k+

Fri 11:00-16:00 10/205 Burrumarra AveVillage Building Co

0448891000 BD3 $419k+

Sat 10:00-10:45 6 Gamban Square

0402761634 BD3 $399k+

Elders Real Estate Belconnen

Sat 10:00-16:00 20/208 Gudamang St Village Building Co

0448891000 BD2 $339k+

Sat 10:00-16:00 10/205 Burrumarra AveVillage Building Co

0448891000 BD3 $419k+

Sat 10:30-11:00 3/61 Maynard St

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0450584630 BD3 $364k+

Sat 11:45-12:15 6/6 Burrumurra Ave

Luton Properties - Dickson

0418961556 BD3 $429k+

Sun 10:00-16:00 20/208 Gudamang St Village Building Co

0448891000 BD2 $339k+

Sun 10:00-16:00 10/205 Burrumarra AveVillage Building Co

0448891000 BD3 $419k+

Mon11:00-16:00 20/208 Gudamang St Village Building Co

0448891000 BD2 $339k+

Mon11:00-16:00 10/205 Burrumarra AveVillage Building Co

0448891000 BD3 $419k+

Maloney's The Estate Agent - Kingston

0407715244 BD3 $340k+

Elders Real Estate Belconnen

0409560539 BD3 $410k+

Elders Real Estate Belconnen

0407808717 BD2 $390k+

Sun 10:00-16:00 U15, Aspect at Ja Village Building Co Lawrenson Cct, Jacka

0404891155 BD3 $392k+

Sat 09:30-10:15 18/2 Sexton St

Elders Real Estate Belconnen

0487088122 BD2 Neg

Mon11:00-16:00 U39, Aspect at Jacka Village Building Co Lawrenson Cct, Jacka

0404891155 BD2 $329k+

Sat 10:00-11:00 63 Dugdale St

Mon11:00-16:00 U29, Aspect at Jacka Village Building Co Lawrenson Cct, Jacka

0404891155 BD2 $327k+


0402761634 BD3 $490k+

Mon11:00-16:00 U24, Aspect at Jacka Village Building Co Lawrenson Cct, Jacka

0404891155 BD2 $322k+

Sat 09:00-15:00 24 'Evoque' GirrahweenLJ Hooker - Canberra City St

0408488148 BD1 $379k+

Elders Real Estate Belconnen

0404891155 BD3 $389k+

Sat 09:00-15:00 24 'Evoque' GirrahweenProject Marketing (ACT) St Canberra

0408488148 BD1 $379k+

Mon11:00-16:00 U17, Aspect at Ja Village Building Co Lawrenson Cct, Jacka

Sat 10:30-11:30 30 Lonsdale St

PRDnationwide - Braddon

0423465805 BD1 $427k+

Sat 10:00-10:30 73 Owen Dixon Drv

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0408128940 BD3 $429k+

Mon11:00-16:00 U15, Aspect at Ja Village Building Co Lawrenson Cct, Jacka

0404891155 BD3 $392k+

Sat 10:30-11:00 11/123 Lowanna St

Luton Properties - Belconnen 0404491413 BD1 $349k+

Sat 11:00-11:30 6 Willis St

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0408128940 BD4 Auct


Elders Real Estate Belconnen

0409560539 BD3 $385k+

Sat 11:00-11:30 5 Victoria Owen Cct

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0412773938 BD5 $699k+

Sat 13:15-14:00 216/74 Northbourne Ave

Luton Properties - Weston Creek

0411878587 BD1 $339k+

Sat 13:15-14:00 2 Levine St

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0416087834 BD4 $615k+

Sun 09:00-15:00 24 'Evoque' GirrahweenLJ Hooker - Canberra City St

0408488148 BD1 $379k+

Sat 13:00-13:30 6 Winchester St

PRDnationwide - Braddon

0423465805 BD5 $889k+

Sun 09:00-15:00 24 'Evoque' GirrahweenProject Marketing (ACT) St Canberra

0408488148 BD1 $379k+

Sat 10:00-12:00 47 Abena Ave 'Abena LJ Hooker - Canberra City North'

0413535326 BD1 $265k+

Sun 10:00-12:00 47 Abena Ave 'Abena LJ Hooker - Canberra City North'

0413535326 BD1 $265k+

Sat 14:15-15:15 8 Dangar Pl


DUNLOP Sat 11:00-11:45 4 Grove Pl


FLOREY Sat 10:00-10:30 38/15 John Cleland Cres

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0409574178 BD3 $360k+

Sat 13:30-14:15 31 Winchester St

Sat 12:00-13:00 40 Barnard Cct

Elders Real Estate Belconnen

0409560539 BD4 $580k+


Sat 12:00-12:30 21 Shakespeare Cres LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0408128940 BD3 $390k+


Sat 13:30-14:00 8 O'Dea Pl

Luton Properties - Dickson

0417676169 BD3 $395k+

KALEEN Sat 10:45-11:45 10 Bingham Cct

Elders Real Estate Belconnen

0407808717 BD4 Auct


Sat 09:45-10:15 19/329 Flemington Rd Elders Real Estate Belconnen

0407808717 BD1 $270k+

Sat 14:30-16:30 IVAR Henry Kendall St Luton Properties - Dickson

0418961556 BD2 $341k+

HARRISON Sat 11:00-15:00 162 Flemington Rd 'Hudson Square'

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0414332778 BD1 $265k+

Sat 11:00-15:00 162 Flemington Rd 'Hudson Square'

Project Marketing (ACT) Canberra

0414332778 BD1 $265k+

Sat 09:00-17:00 2 Macquarie Park Bowman St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0408488148 BD2 $599k+

Sat 09:00-17:00 2 Macquarie Park Bowman St

Project Marketing (ACT) Canberra

0408488148 BD2 $599k+

Sun 11:00-15:00 162 Flemington Rd 'Hudson Square'

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0414332778 BD1 $265k+

Sun 09:00-17:00 2 Macquarie Park Bowman St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0408488148 BD2 $599k+

Sun 11:00-15:00 162 Flemington Rd 'Hudson Square'

Project Marketing (ACT) Canberra

0414332778 BD1 $265k+

Sun 09:00-17:00 2 Macquarie Park Bowman St

Project Marketing (ACT) Canberra

0408488148 BD2 $599k+

JACKA Village Building Co

0404891155 BD2 $329k+

Fri 11:00-16:00 U23 Aspect Lawrenson Village Building Co Cct

0404891155 BD3 $373k+

Sat 10:00-16:00 U25, Creekside 11 Starcevich Cres

Village Building Co

0404891155 BD2 $329k+ 0404891155 BD3 $373k+

Village Building Co

0404891155 BD2 $329k+

Sun 10:00-16:00 U23 Aspect Lawrenson Village Building Co Cct

0404891155 BD3 $373k+

MELBA Sat 11:15-12:00 3/1 Goldner Cct

Fri 11:00-16:00 U25, Creekside 11 Starcevich Cres Elders Real Estate Belconnen

0487088122 BD3 $365k+


BONNER Fri 11:00-16:00 U39, Aspect at Jacka Village Building Co Lawrenson Cct, Jacka

0404891155 BD2 $329k+

Sat 10:00-16:00 U23 Aspect Lawrenson Village Building Co Cct

Fri 11:00-16:00 U29, Aspect at Jacka Village Building Co Lawrenson Cct, Jacka

0404891155 BD2 $327k+

Sun 10:00-16:00 U25, Creekside 11 Starcevich Cres


AINSLIE Sat 11:15-12:15 67 Wakefield Ave

Dwyer Dunn Property Consultants - Kingston

0418623324 BD3 Neg





Sat 09:15-09:45 1411/240 Bunda St

Luton Properties - Manuka

0417513896 BD1 $495k+

Sat 09:30-10:00 2 Akuna St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0410414872 BD1 $210k+

Sat 10:00-10:30 76/3 London Cct

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0423876287 BD1 $459k+

Sat 10:00-10:30 602/2 Akuna St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0410414872 BD2 $380k+

Sat 10:00-10:30 302/2 Akuna St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0410414872 BD2 $399k+

Sat 11:00-11:30 1503/240 Bunda St

Maloney's The Estate Agent - Kingston

0407715244 BD2 $630k+

Sat 11:00-11:30 12/2 Edinburgh Ave

Luton Properties - Manuka

0417513896 BD1 $395k+

Sat 14:30-15:00 307/19 Marcus Clarke St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0400819650 BD1 $500k+

Sun 14:30-15:00 307/19 Marcus Clarke St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0400819650 BD1 $500k+

Luton Properties - Dickson

0418961556 BD1 $344k+

Sat 10:00-10:30 15 Durack St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0262572111 BD4 Auct

Sat 13:00-13:30 15 Durack St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0262572111 BD4 Auct

Sat 13:00-14:00 35-37 'Jandura' Berrigan Cres

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0400819650 BD1 $379k+

Sat 13:00-14:00 35-37 'Jandura' Berrigan Cres

Project Marketing (ACT) Canberra

0400819650 BD1 $379k+

Sun 13:00-14:00 35-37 'Jandura' Berrigan Cres

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0400819650 BD1 $379k+

DICKSON Sat 10:45-11:15 2/11-13 Majura Ave



Realestate Sun 13:00-14:00 35-37 'Jandura' Berrigan Cres

Project Marketing (ACT) Canberra

0400819650 BD1 $379k+

Luton Properties - Manuka

0417513896 BD3 $639k+

REID Sat 10:00-10:45 2/5 Gooreen St

TURNER Sat 11:00-11:30 7/33 Moore St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0410414872 BD2 $495k+


DEAKIN Sat 14:00-14:30 405/2 Grose St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0413535326 BD1 $525k+

Sun 14:00-14:30 405/2 Grose St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0413535326 BD1 $525k+

FORREST Sat 11:00-11:30 624/5 Empire Cct

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0409574178 BD2 Auct

open homes – for sale Sat 13:30-15:30 41 Hampton Cct 'Form' LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0402914037 BD1 $399k+

Sat 13:30-15:30 41 Hampton Cct 'Form' Project Marketing (ACT) Canberra

0402914037 BD1 $399k+

Sun 13:30-15:30 41 Hampton Cct 'Form' LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0402914037 BD1 $399k+

Sun 13:30-15:30 41 Hampton Cct 'Form' Project Marketing (ACT) Canberra

Sat 11:00-11:30 16/3 Burke Cres

Ray White - Kingston

0418266698 BD1 $389k+

Sat 11:45-12:15 35/13-15 Sturt Ave

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0409574178 BD3 Auct

Tue 17:00-17:30 35/13-15 Sturt Ave

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0409574178 BD3 Auct

Wed12:30-13:00 73/6-10 Eyre St

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BD1 $319k+

CHAPMAN Sat 11:00-11:40 30 Sidaway St

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0409446289 BD4 $829k+

Sun 11:00-11:40 30 Sidaway St

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0409446289 BD4 $829k+

Sat 14:00-14:45 9 Cordeaux St

Century 21 Capital FORREST

0418487497 BD3 $625k+

Sat 16:15-16:45 1 Blowering St

Cream Residential - Hughes

0418620686 BD4 $499k+

Sat 10:00-10:30 7 Damala St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412488027 BD3 $615k+

Sat 10:00-10:45 41 Larakia St

Cream Residential - Hughes

0418620686 BD3 $485k+

Sat 10:00-10:30 2 Waramanga Pl

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0413796486 BD3 Neg

Sat 10:15-10:45 1/24 Damala St

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BD2 $339k+

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0407715244 BD3 $490k+



CALWELL Sat 10:30-11:00 4/6 Beazley Cres

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

Sat 11:30-12:00 43 Carter Cres

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate 0431250627 BD5 $649k+ Tuggeranong - WANNIASSA

Sun 12:15-12:45 4/6 Beazley Cres

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong



BD3 $330k+


BD3 $330k+

GILMORE Sat 12:30-13:00 6/17 Luffman Cres


0402914037 BD1 $399k+


Luton Properties - Weston Creek

0411878587 BD2 $399k+

Sat 11:30-12:00 6 Pullar Pl

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong


BD3 Auct

Sun 11:00-11:30 6 Pullar Pl

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong


BD3 Auct



WESTON Sat 13:15-13:45 10 Ironside St




Sat 11:15-11:45 10 McRae Pl

Peter Blackshaw Manuka MANUKA

0412488027 BD4 $599k+

Sat 11:30-12:15 30 Dawes St

Sat 11:45-12:15 29/25 Pinkerton Cct

Luton Properties - Weston Creek

0411878587 BD2 $329k+


Sat 15:15-16:00 9/10 Ashby Cct

Century 21 Capital FORREST

0418487497 BD3 $395k+

Sat 10:30-11:00 114 Kitchener St

PRDnationwide - Braddon

0423465805 BD4 $600k+

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0404857929 BD3 $389k+

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0411049242 BD3 Auct

Dwyer Dunn Property Consultants - Kingston

0418623324 BD3 Neg

NARRABUNDAH Sat 10:00-10:45 6 Lumeah St

Ray White - Kingston

0418266698 BD3 Auct

Sat 13:15-13:45 16/40 Leahy Ct

Maloney's The Estate Agent - Kingston

0407715244 BD2 $379k+

Sat 13:45-14:30 3/51 Leahy Ct

Cream Residential - Hughes

0418620686 BD3 $450k+

YARRALUMLA Sat 12:45-13:15 71 Novar St Sat 12:45-13:15 71 Novar St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka MANUKA

0412488027 BD4 $1.5M+

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412488027 BD4 $1.5M+

0418623324 BD4 Neg

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BD4 $1.0M+

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BD3 Auct

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0413535326 BD3 $699k+

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BD2 $499k+

Sat 11:45-12:15 15/1 Port Jackson Cct Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BD2 $375k+

Sat 11:00-11:45 29 Kitchener St


RICHARDSON Sat 12:45-13:15 21 Rohan St

Dwyer Dunn Property Consultants - Kingston


MONASH Sat 15:00-15:45 120 Sturdee Cres

Sat 09:45-10:45 38 Wilson St

Sat 10:00-10:45 1/31 Hurley St


THEODORE Sat 11:45-12:30 6/12 Tewksbury Cct

Sat 11:00-11:30 31/98 Corinna St

BRUCE 14/9 Crisp Circuit

COOMBS Waterfront Coombs, Edgeworth Parade

Beautifully maintained by the same family for the past 19 years, this immaculate 143sqm single level villa is perfectly positioned in the heart of Bruce. The flexible floor plan offers formal living and dining, family room, segregated master with ensuite, renovated bathroom and has been freshly painted throughout. Gorgeous established gardens and a delightful covered entertaining area complete the picture. EER: 1.0

These unique, separate title, north-facing waterfront homes offer amazing water and mountain views, spacious living and innovative floor plans. Stylish outdoor entertaining areas and lavish inclusions offered include zoned ducted heating and cooling and a built-in barbecue to the entertaining deck. Located just minutes from Canberra City Centre, Molonglo River, Mt Stromlo and all nature has to offer. EER: 6.7




Price: $540,000+ View: Saturday 17 January 11.15am-12pm Agent: Vicki Johnston 0414 910 798 Rutherford Johnston Properties Ph: 6253 3333

Find out more

Australia lives here

Australia lives here




Price: $599,950 View: Display suite open Sat & Sun 11am-4pm, John Gorton Drive, Coombs Agent: Australia lives herePaul O’Donnell 0408 630 826 POD Projects Group Ph: 6262 2525

Australia lives here





Features include: • Seven seats • Satellite navigation • Rear camera • Xenon headlights • LED daytime driving lights • Convenience key

Price: $79,990 drive away Engine: 3.0TDi Turbo Diesel Transmission: Tiptronic Audi Centre Canberra Ph: 6281 1000 audicentrecanberra.com.au


Features include: • All-wheel drive • Bluetooth streaming audio • Climate control A/C • Reverse camera • Daytime running LED lights

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Overseas model shown

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Overseas model shown

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melroseautomobiles.com.au 118-120 Melrose Drive, Phillip 2606 | 6282 2311 LMD 17000268 120


about Genesis and the intelligence behind its creation at hyundai-genesis.com.au


CITROËN C3 EXCLUSIVE Automatic. MY14 Model. From: DRIVE $ †



6 Year/Unlimited km Warranty 6 Years Capped Price Servicing Satellite Navigation Rear View Camera USB & Bluetooth Automatic Transmission *Combined cycle, using ADR 81/02. †Conditions apply, visit citroen.com.au for more information.









¹Driveaway price includes registration, dealer delivery and government charges. Price does not include metallic paint. 2Prices may vary between dealers. Capped price servicing is for 5 years or 75,000km, whichever comes first. See your Peugeot dealer for terms and conditions.

melroseautomobiles.com.au 118-120 Melrose Drive, Phillip 2606 | 6282 2311 LMD 17000268



When you drive the all-new 308, you’ll appreciate the meaning of quality. With 4 million km of test-driving, an efficient and powerful turbocharged petrol or diesel engine, and the revolutionary Peugeot i-Cockpit, the stylish 308 delivers a driving experience like no other. No wonder 58 judges from 22 countries awarded it 2014 European Car of the Year.


Audi Centre Canberra Open Haus Open Doors. Open Negotiations. Sales Event now on.

Let the conversation begin with financial incentives across the entire Audi range.

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Visit Audi Centre Canberra to talk about your new Audi.

132 Melrose Drive, Phillip | Tel: (02) 6281 1000 audicentrecanberra.com.au

Audi Mark of Excellence Award Dealer of the Year 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 & 2011

* Complimentary stamp duty, registration and CTP offer applies to new Audi stock vehicles and Audi demonstrator vehicles purchased and delivered between 1 December 2014 and 31 January 2015. While stock lasts. +Complimentary stamp duty offer available on all Audi Approved :plus (pre-owned) vehicles purchased and delivered between 1 December 2014 and 31 January 2015. ^ Finance offers available to approved credit applicants of Audi Finance (a trading name of Volkswagen Financial Services Australia Pty. Limited ABN 20 097 071 460, Australian Credit Licence Number 389344). Ends 31 January 2015. Stock vehicles only. Full conditions available on application. *+^ Offers not available to fleet, gov’t or rental buyers, or with any other offers. Audi Australia reserves the right to modify or extend all offers.DL17000532





$22,490 DRIVE AWAY*










Buy a stylish new Renault today and you’ll make dazzling savings on some of our most popular models. OFFERS END SOON. SEE MORE OFFERS AT ROLFE RENAULT.

ROLFE RENAULT 152 MELROSE DR, PHILLIP PH: (02) 6282 8000 www.rolferenault.com.au *Recommended drive away prices for Clio Expression petrol EDC (auto) and Mégane Hatch GT-Line petrol EDC (auto), each with non-metallic paint and Koleos BOSE ® 4x2 petrol CVT (auto) in non-metallic or metallic paint. Valid for vehicles ordered between 01/01/2015 & 28/02/2015 while stocks last. Renault reserves the right to vary, extend or withdraw this offer. Offer not available for Govt. buyers. 5 years unlimited km warranty applies to all new Renault passenger vehicles and to all new Renault Sport models where order, purchase and delivery are all after 1 July 2014. Demonstrator vehicles receive balance of new vehicle warranty. Roadside Assistance terms and conditions apply. Call our Customer Service Team on 1800 009 008 or view the Terms and Conditions statement at www.renault.com.au/drivingpeaceofmind for details. ♦Scheduled services capped at $299 per service for 3 years or 45,000km (whichever comes first) on new or demonstrator passenger models. Offers based on standard scheduled servicing from new and normal operating conditions. If the vehicle is not presented within three (3) months of the due date for the scheduled service, the vehicle forfeits the right to that DL17000532 capped-price service under the program.




SELECTION OF CURRENT DEMONSTRATOR OPPORTUNITIES Impreza 2.0i Sedan, Auto, 2014, Satin White, S11785 Liberty 2.5i Premium Sedan, Auto, MY12, Ice Silver, S10648

WAS $25,990

NOW $23,490

SAVE $2,500

WAS $45,199

NOW $32,490

SAVE $12,709

XV, Auto, MY13, Sat Nav, Sunroof, Venetian Red, S11538 XV 2.0S, Manual, MY13, Sat Nav, Leather, Sunroof, Satin White Pearl, S11563 BRZ Coupe, Manual, MY13, Dark Grey, S11378 Forester 2.0i Diesel, Manual, MY13, Ice Silver Metallic, S11583

WAS $38,341

NOW $34,490

SAVE $3,851

WAS $38,431

NOW $34,490

SAVE $3,941

WAS $38,650

NOW $35,990

SAVE $2,660

WAS $40,123

NOW $37,390

SAVE $2,733

Forester 2.5S, Auto, MY13, Marine Blue Pearl, S11592 Forester 2.5S, Auto, MY13, Ice Silver Metallic, S11748 Liberty 3.6R Premium Sedan, Auto, MY12, Satin White, S10723 Liberty 3.6R Premium Sedan, Auto, MY12, Graphite Grey Metallic, S10751 Forester 2.0 XT Premium, Auto, MY13, Ice Silver Metallic, S11564

WAS $48,221

NOW $43,990

SAVE $4,231

WAS $48,221

NOW $43,990

SAVE $4,231

WAS $58,864

NOW $47,656

SAVE $11,208

WAS $58,864

NOW $47,656

SAVE $11,208

WAS $55,201

NOW $49,990

SAVE $5,211



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*Drive away price for the XC60 T5 Kinetic. ^Drive away price for the V40 D2. *^Available for new stock vehicles purchased and delivered between 1 January 2015 and 28 February 2015. While stocks last.



FuelFuel card card supplied supplied by by

1 1 $500 $500 FUEL FUEL CARD CARD onon the the Mirage Mirage Sedan Sedan && Hatch Hatch range. range. 1 1 on on the the Lancer Lancer and and ASX ASX range. range. $1000 $1000 FUEL FUEL CARD CARD 1 1 1on the Mirage Sedan & Hatch range. $500 FUEL CARD on Outlander, Outlander, Challenger && Pajero. Pajero. $2000 $2000 FUEL FUEL CARD CARD $500 FUEL CARDon on the MirageChallenger Sedan & Hatch range.

Fuel card supplied by


Fuel card supplied by


1 on theLancer Lancer and ASX range. $1000 FUEL CARD 2014 2014 plated plated stock, stock, excluding excluding Outlander Outlander PHEV PHEV & Triton &and Triton models. models. on the ASX range. $1000 FUEL CARD 1on the Mirage Sedan & Hatch range. $500 FUEL CARD $500FUEL FUEL CARD Mirage Sedan & Hatch range. on Outlander, Challenger & Pajero. $2000 onthe Outlander, Challenger & Pajero. $2000 FUELCARD CARDon

Fuel card card supplied supplied by by Fuel


1 1


1 1 on the the Lancer and ASX range. $1000 FUEL CARD on Lancer ASX range. $1000 FUEL CARD 2014 plated stock, excluding Outlander PHEV & Triton models. 2014 plated stock, excluding Outlander PHEV &and Triton models. 1 1 on Outlander, Challenger & Pajero. $2000 FUEL CARD 1 on Outlander, Challenger & Pajero. $2000 FUEL CARD $500 FUEL CARD on the Mirage Sedan & Hatch range. 2014 plated plated stock, stock, excluding excluding Outlander Outlander PHEV & & Triton models. models. 2014 PHEV 1 on theTriton Lancer and ASX range. $1000 FUEL CARD $2000 FUEL CARD1 on Outlander, Challenger & Pajero.

Fuel card supplied by

2014 plated stock, excluding Outlander PHEV & Triton models.







2 2

1 1 1


2 2 2





2 2









2 2





2 2





1 1 1

1 1

1 1 1














Phone 6173 9900


1 1




























44 4 55 5 5 4

5 5 4 4 55



31 Yass Road Queanbeyan


The NEW way to buy Mitsubishi


See mitsubishi-motors.com.au for further information. Participating Mitsubishi dealers only. While stocks last. Mitsubishi Motors Australia reserves the right to extend or modify these offers. Offers available on new vehicles purchased & delivered between 1 January and 18 February 2015. Business & Fleet sales by special arrangement. See participating dealers for full terms and conditions. 1. Excludes Govt. & Rental Fleet buyers. Excludes Outlander PHEV & Triton models. Free Caltex Star Card (Fuel card) by redemption via mitsubishi-motors.com.au/freefuel, up to 6 weeks delivery. Terms & conditions apply. See your dealer for full details 2. Excludes Govt. & Rental Fleet buyers. Manual. Recommended Drive Away selling price, including 12 months registration, CTP insurance, Stamp Duty & Dealer Delivery. Premium paint $495 extra. DIAMOND ADVANTAGE: † 14.5MY Lancer, Outlander, Challenger, 14MY Pajero, Triton and 14MY Mirage - 5 year or 130,000km New Vehicle Warranty (whichever comes first). 15MY Pajero, 15MY Lancer, 15MY Mirage, 15MY ASX, Outlander PHEV and i-MiEV - 5 year or 100,000km New Vehicle Warranty (whichever comes first).

See mitsubishi-motors.com.au See mitsubishi-motors.com.au for further forapply. further information. Participating Participating Mitsubishi Mitsubishi dealers only. While only. While stocks stocks last. Mitsubishi last. Mitsubishi Australia Australia reserves reserves the right the“Maintenance toright extend to extend or modify modify these these offers.offers. Offers Offers available available on new onvehicles newinvehicles purchased purchased & delivered & delivered between between 1 January 1 January and 18and February 18 February 2015. 2015. Business Business Fleet&sales Fleet by sales special by special arrangement. arrangement. participating Seeconditions participating dealers dealers for for terms full terms and conditions. and conditions. Service conditions *4information. years or 60,000km Capped Pricedealers Servicing (whichever occurs first). Covers allMotors itemsMotors specified under the standard forornormal operating conditions” scheduled detailed the service and warranty booklet. Additional service/repair items (if required) are at&additional cost. ^1 year Roadside AssistSee (Service apply). Forfull purchases of new See mitsubishi-motors.com.au for further information. Mitsubishi only. While stocks last. Australia reserves the extend modify these offers. Offers on new vehicles purchased & 112.in January 18 February 2015. & Fleet by See participating dealers for full terms and conditions. 1. Excludes 1. Excludes Govt. &Govt. Rental & Rental Fleet buyers. Fleet buyers. Excludes Outlander Outlander PHEV &PHEV Triton &Participating Triton models. models. Free Caltex Free Star Card Star Card card) (Fuel by card) redemption byMitsubishi redemption mitsubishi-motors.com.au/freefuel, via recent mitsubishi-motors.com.au/freefuel, up toforor weeks tovehicle 6 weeks delivery. delivery. Terms &anavailable conditions & conditions apply. See your See dealer your dealer for full for details full details 2. Excludes Excludes Govt.and &Govt. Rental & these Rental Fleetitems, buyers. FleetBusiness Manual. Manual. Recommended Recommended Drive Away selling selling price, price, including including 12 months 12to months registration, CTP insurance, CTP insurance, Mitsubishi vehicles, your Excludes initial 12 roadside assist will be extended forCaltex adealers period of(Fuel 12 months from the date ofvia theMotors most eligible Capped Priceto that performed atTerms authorised Mitsubishi dealer. Roadside assist, ifbetween extended accordance with isbuyers. available for a sales maximum ofDrive up arrangement. toAway 5 years. Conditions apply. Offer subject change without notice. See mitsubishi-motors.com.au for month further information. Participating Mitsubishi dealers only. While stocks last. Mitsubishi Motors Australia reserves the right right toService extend or6up modify these offers. Offers available onapply. new vehicles purchased & delivered delivered between January and 18 February 2015. Business & Fleet sales by special special arrangement. See participating dealers for full terms registration, and conditions. 1. Excludes Govt. & Fleet buyers. Excludes Outlander PHEV Triton Free Caltex Star Card (Fuel redemption mitsubishi-motors.com.au/freefuel, to delivery. Terms & apply. See your full Excludes Govt. & Fleet Manual. Recommended Drive price, including months registration, CTP insurance, StampStamp Duty &Duty Dealer & Dealer Delivery. Delivery. Premium paint $495 paint extra. $495 extra. DIAMOND DIAMOND ADVANTAGE: ADVANTAGE: 14.5MY Lancer, Lancer, Outlander, Outlander, 14MYby Pajero, Pajero, Tritonvia Triton and 14MY and 14MY MirageMirage - 5 year - 5oryear 130,000km orup 130,000km New Vehicle New Vehicle Warranty (whichever (whichever comes comes first). 15MY first). for 15MY Pajero, Pajero, 15MY2. Lancer, Lancer, 15MY Mirage, Mirage, 15MY 15MY ASX, Outlander ASX, Outlander PHEV and PHEVi-MiEV and -Away 5 year -selling 5oryear 100,000km or 100,000km New12 New Vehicle Warranty Warranty (whichever comescomes first). first). Excludes Government, Rental and National Fleet customers. MIT0717/NSW/DT 1. Excludes Govt.Premium & Rental Rental Fleet buyers. Excludes Outlander PHEV †& & 14.5MY Triton† models. models. Free Caltex StarChallenger, CardChallenger, (Fuel card) card) by14MY redemption via mitsubishi-motors.com.au/freefuel, up to 66 weeks weeks delivery. TermsWarranty & conditions conditions apply. See your dealer dealer for full details details 2.15MY Excludes Govt.15MY & Rental Rental Fleet buyers. buyers. Manual. Recommended Drivei-MiEV Away selling price, including 12Vehicle months registration, CTP(whichever insurance, Stamp Duty & Dealer Delivery. Premium paint $495 extra. DIAMOND ADVANTAGE: † 14.5MY Lancer, Outlander, Challenger, 14MY Pajero, Triton and 14MY Mirage 5 year or 130,000km New Vehicle Warranty (whichever comes first). 15MY Pajero, 15MY Lancer, 15MY Mirage, 15MY ASX, Outlander PHEV and i-MiEV 5 year or 100,000km New Vehicle Warranty (whichever comes first). ServiceService conditions conditions apply. apply. *4 years *4 &years orDealer 60,000km orDelivery. 60,000km Capped Capped Price Servicing Price Servicing (whichever (whichever occurs occurs first). Covers first). Covers all items all items specified specified under under the standard the standard “Maintenance “Maintenance normal for normal operating conditions” scheduled scheduled detailed detailed in the(whichever in service the service and warranty and warranty booklet. booklet. Additional Additional service/repair service/repair items 15MY items (if required) (if required) are at are additional at additional cost. ^1Roadside year Roadside AssistNew Assist (Service (Service conditions conditions apply).apply). For comes purchases For purchases Stamp Duty Premium paint $495 extra. DIAMOND ADVANTAGE: † 14.5MY Lancer, Outlander, Challenger, 14MY Pajero, Triton andfor 14MY Mirage - 5operating yearconditions” or 130,000km New Vehicle Warranty comes first). 15MY Pajero, 15MY Lancer, 15MY Mirage, ASX, Outlander PHEV and cost. i-MiEV^1 - 5year year or 100,000km Vehicle Warranty (whichever first).of newof new Service conditions apply. *4roadside years or 60,000km 60,000km Capped Price Servicing (whichever occurs first). Covers allof items specified under the standard standard “Maintenance forforvehicle normal operating conditions” scheduled detailed indealer. the service service and warranty booklet. Additional service/repair items (if required) are at additional cost. ^1ofyear year Roadside Assist (Service conditions apply). For purchases of new newwithout Mitsubishi Mitsubishi vehicles, vehicles, your initial yourconditions 12 initial month 12 apply. month roadside assist assist will bewill extended be extended for a period for a period of 12 months of 12 months from the from date the ofdate theall most the recent most recent eligible eligible Capped Capped Price“Maintenance Service Price Service for that that vehicle performed performed at an authorised at an authorised Mitsubishi Mitsubishi dealer. Roadside Roadside assist,assist, ifbooklet. extended if extended in accordance inservice/repair accordance with these with these items, items, is available is at available for a maximum forcost. a maximum up Roadside to of 5upyears. to 5Assist years. Conditions Conditions apply. apply. Offerapply). subject OfferFor subject topurchases change to change without notice.notice. Service *4 years or Capped Price Servicing (whichever occurs first). Covers items specified under the for normal operating conditions” scheduled detailed in the and warranty Additional items (if required) are additional ^1 (Service conditions of Mitsubishi vehicles, your initial initial 12 12 month month roadside roadside assist assist will will be be extended extended for for aa period period of of 12 12 months months from from the the date date of of the the most most recent recent eligible eligible Capped Capped Price Price Service Service for for that that vehicle vehicle performed performed at at an an authorised authorised Mitsubishi Mitsubishi dealer. dealer. Roadside Roadside assist, assist, ifif extended extended in in accordance accordance with with these these items, items, is is available available for for aa maximum maximum of of up up to to 55 years. years. Conditions Conditions apply. apply. Offer Offer subject subject to to change change without without notice. notice. Mitsubishi your Excludes Excludes Government, Government, RentalRental andvehicles, National and National Fleet customers. Fleet customers. MIT0717/NSW/DT MIT0717/NSW/DT Excludes Government, Government, Rental Rental and and National National Fleet Fleet customers. customers. Excludes

LMD 21246



See mitsubishi-motors.com.au for further information. Participating Mitsubishi dealers only. While stocks last. Mitsubishi Motors Australia reserves the right to extend or modify these offers. Offers available on new vehicles purchased & delivered between 1 January and 18 February 2015. Business & Fleet sales by special arrangement. See participating dealers for full terms and conditions. 1. Excludes Govt. & Rental Fleet buyers. Excludes Outlander PHEV & Triton models. Free Caltex Star Card (Fuel card) by redemption via mitsubishi-motors.com.au/freefuel, up to 6 weeks delivery. Terms & conditions apply. See your dealer for full details 2. Excludes Govt. & Rental Fleet buyers. Manual. Recommended Drive Away selling price, including 12 months registration, CTP insurance,

See mitsubishi-motors.com.au for further information. Mitsubishi dealers last. Mitsubishi†Motors reservesChallenger, the right to14MY extend or modify these offers. Offers available on new New vehicles purchased deliveredcomes between January and15MY 18 February 2015.Mirage, Business & Fleet sales by special arrangement. See dealers forWarranty full terms and conditions. Stamp DutyParticipating & Dealer Delivery. Premium paint only. $495While extra. stocks DIAMOND ADVANTAGE: 14.5MYAustralia Lancer, Outlander, Pajero, Triton and 14MY Mirage - 5 year or 130,000km Vehicle Warranty &(whichever first).1 15MY Pajero, Lancer, 15MY 15MY ASX, Outlander PHEV and i-MiEV - 5 year or participating 100,000km New Vehicle (whichever comes first). 1. Excludes Govt. & Rental Fleet buyers. Excludes Outlander PHEV & Triton models. Free Caltex Card (Fuel card) by redemption mitsubishi-motors.com.au/freefuel, up to 6 weeks delivery. Terms & conditions apply. See your dealerin for details Excludes Govt.Additional & Rentalservice/repair Fleet buyers.items Manual. Recommended Drive Away selling price, including 12 months registration, CTP insurance, Service conditions apply. *4 years or 60,000km CappedStar Price Servicing (whichever occurs first).viaCovers all items specified under the standard “Maintenance for normal operating conditions” scheduled detailed the full service and2. warranty booklet. (if required) are at additional cost. ^1 year Roadside Assist (Service conditions apply). For purchases of new vehicles, your initial 12 month roadside assist will beOutlander, extended for a period of14MY 12 months from the date the most recent Capped Price Service that vehicle performed at an authorised Mitsubishi assist, if15MY extended in accordance withOutlander these items,PHEV is available for a maximum of up to 5 years. New Conditions apply. Offer subject to change without notice. Stamp Duty & Dealer Delivery. Premium paintMitsubishi $495 extra. DIAMOND ADVANTAGE: † 14.5MY Lancer, Challenger, Pajero, Triton andof14MY Mirage - 5eligible year or 130,000km New for Vehicle Warranty (whichever comes first). 15MY dealer. Pajero,Roadside 15MY Lancer, Mirage, 15MY ASX, and i-MiEV - 5 year or 100,000km Vehicle Warranty (whichever comes first). Excludes Government, Rental and National Fleet customers. MIT0717/NSW/DT Service conditions apply. *4 years or 60,000km Capped Price Servicing (whichever occurs first). Covers all items specified under the standard “Maintenance for normal operating conditions” scheduled detailed in the service and warranty booklet. Additional service/repair items (if required) are at additional cost. ^1 year Roadside Assist (Service conditions apply). For purchases of new Mitsubishi vehicles, your initial 12 month roadside assist will be extended for a period of 12 months from the date of the most recent eligible Capped Price Service for that vehicle performed at an authorised Mitsubishi dealer. Roadside assist, if extended in accordance with these items, is available for a maximum of up to 5 years. Conditions apply. Offer subject to change without notice. Excludes Government, Rental and National Fleet customers. MIT0717/NSW/DT


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Contact Joanna Baker 6175 8888 E joanna@canberraweekly.com.au

Contact Joanna Baker 6175 8888 E joanna@canberraweekly.com.au

Trades & Services Guide CONCRETING


New or Repairs


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Trades & Services Guide GARDEN MAINTENANCE



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January 16 – 22

PICK OF THE WEEK Hitchcock Saturday, ONE, 8.30pm, M (2012) This enjoyable pop-art biopic focuses on the master of suspense, Alfred Hitchcock (Anthony Hopkins, left) and the making of his seminal classic, Psycho. Also central to the plot is Hitchcock’s fascinating relationship with his wife Alma Reville (Helen Mirren), who acted as his chief adviser. Both Mirren and Hopkins – who still doesn’t look much like Hitchcock, despite a fat suit and an excellent makeup job – are at the top of their games in this intriguing glimpse into a slice of cinema history.


The King’s Speech

Fight Club Tuesday, GO!, 9.30pm, AV15+ (1999) Based on the scorching novel by Chuck Palahniuk, this premillennium masterpiece from David Fincher (The Social Network) is pure rock ’n’ roll cinema: subversive, destructive, wicked and sexy. A disillusioned white-collar worker (Edward Norton) – known only as “Jack” or “the Narrator” – takes drastic measures toward self-fulfilment after befriending the free-thinking Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt, above). Sporting an unstoppable visual energy and a twist to die for, you won’t know what hit you.

Sunday, PRIME7, 8.30pm, M (2010) Tom Hooper’s tale about the little-known relationship between King George VI and an unorthodox Australian speech therapist is a feel-good tale wrapped up in royal intrigue. Colin Firth (right) delivers a powerhouse performance as the stammering king, struggling to overcome his impediment in order to present an eloquent figure to the English public as World War II breaks out. Equally inspiring is Geoffrey Rush, whose quirky, cheeky Lionel Logue bounces brilliantly off the reserved, austere royal he is trying to help.

January 16

12pm News. 1.00 Asian Cup: Australia. 1.30 Adam Hills Tonight. (PG) 2.30 Catalyst. 3.00 Family Confidential. (PG) 3.30 Midsomer Murders. (PG) 5.00 News: Early Edition. 5.30 Aust Story. 6.00 Eggheads. 6.30 The Checkout. (PG) 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30 Summer. 8.00 QI. (PG) 8.30 Midsomer Murders. (PG) 10.00 Asian Cup: Australia. 10.30 News. 10.40 Whitechapel. (M) 11.30 Rage. (MA15+)

12pm MOVIE: Read It And Weep. (2006, G) 2.00 The Daily Edition: Summer Series. (PG) 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News At 4. 5.00 Deal Or No Deal. 5.30 Million Dollar Minute. 6.00 News. 7.00 Better Homes And Gardens Summer. 8.30 MOVIE: Phenomenon. (1996, PG) 11.00 World’s Wildest Police Videos. (M) 12am Desperate Housewives. (M)

12pm WIN’s All Australian News. 1.00 Extra. 1.30 Cricket. One Day International. Australia v England. Game 1. Afternoon session. 6.00 News. 6.10 WIN News. 6.30 Cricket. One Day International. Australia v England. Game 1. Evening session. 10.00 MOVIE: The Sentinel. (2006, M) 12.15am WIN News.

12pm Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 Everyday Gourmet. 1.30 Ent. Tonight. 2.00 The Doctors. (PG) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 The Home Team. 4.00 Ben’s Menu. 4.30 Bold. 5.00 News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 The Living Room. (PG) 8.30 NCIS. (M) 9.30 NCIS: Los Angeles. (M) 10.30 The Graham Norton Show. (M) 11.30 The Project.

1.30pm Inspector Rex. (PG) 2.25 Silvia Colloca: Made In Italy Bitesize. 2.30 NITV News Week In Review. 3.00 France 24. 3.30 Al Jazeera. 4.00 Journal. 4.30 PBS News. 5.30 Motor Racing. Dakar Rally. Stage 11. Salta to Termas De Rio Hondo. Highlights. 6.00 Rick Stein’s Far Eastern Odyssey. 6.30 News. 7.30 World’s Most Dangerous Roads. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Kill Bill: Vol. 2. (2004) 11.20 MOVIE: Mulholland Drive. (2001)

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.40 Peppa Pig. 5.45 Octonauts. 6.00 Grandpa In My Pocket. 6.15 Charlie And Lola. 6.25 Maya The Bee. 6.35 Peter Rabbit. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 That ’70s Show. (PG) 7.50 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 8.40 Playing It Straight. (M) 9.30 Catfish: The TV Show. (M) 10.20 Red Dwarf. 10.45 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 11.30 That ’70s Show. (PG) 11.50 The Hoarder Next Door. (PG)

12pm RSPCA Animal Rescue. 12.30 Tennis. Apia International. Day 6. From Sydney Olympic Park Tennis Centre. Kooyong Classic. Day 4. From Kooyong Stadium, Melbourne. 6.30 Escape To The Country. 7.30 Tennis. Apia International. Night 6. From Sydney Olympic Park Tennis Centre. 11.00 Waking The Dead. (AV15+) 12am Murder In Mind. (MA15+)

12pm The Bachelor. (PG) 2.00 Auction Hunters. (PG) 3.00 Extra. 3.30 Power Rangers Super Megaforce. (PG) 4.00 Max Steel. (PG) 4.30 The Tom And Jerry Show. 5.00 Ben 10: Omniverse. (PG) 5.30 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 6.00 MOVIE: All-Star Superman. (2011, PG) 7.30 MOVIE: Joe Somebody. (2001, PG) 9.30 MOVIE: Mama’s Boy. (2007, M) 11.30 Anger Management. (PG) 12am Beware The Batman. (M)

1.30pm MasterChef Australia. 2.30 The Longest Day. (PG) 3.30 Totally Wild. 4.00 Get Smart. (PG) 4.30 Reel Rock. (PG) 5.00 iFish Summer Series. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Megastructures. 8.30 Cops: Adults Only. (M) 9.30 Basketball. NBL. Round 15. Perth Wildcats v Adelaide 36ers. From Perth Arena. 11.30 The Home Team.

12pm WorldWatch. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Italian News. 1.35 German News. 2.05 Spanish News. 3.05 Greek News. 4.05 Iron Chef. 4.55 Knife Fight. 5.20 The Office. 6.10 Community. 6.35 MythBusters. 7.30 If You Are The One. 8.30 Ali G: Remixed. 8.55 Nathan For You. 9.20 Sex In The World’s Cities. 10.20 @midnight. 10.50 Miss Pole Dance Australia: Blood, Sweat And Sequins. 11.50 Him & Her. 12.20am PopAsia.

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.05 Numb Chucks. 5.20 The Aquabats Super Show! 5.45 The Dukes Of Broxstonia. 5.50 Leonardo. 6.25 Slugterra. 6.50 The Jungle Bunch: To The Rescue! 7.00 Operation Ouch! 7.30 The Adventures Of Merlin. (PG) 8.15 Good Game: SP. 8.40 Astro Boy. 9.00 Lanfeust Quest. (PG) 9.25 Deltora Quest. 9.50 Voltron: Defender Of The Universe. 10.10 Close.

12pm Motor Mate. 1.00 Dream Car Garage. (PG) 1.30 Phineas And Ferb. 2.30 So Random! 3.30 Ultimate Spider-Man. 5.00 Star Wars Rebels. (PG) 5.30 MOVIE: Dudley Do-Right. (1999, G) 7.15 MOVIE: Coraline. (2009, PG) 9.15 MOVIE: That’s My Boy. (2012, MA15+) Adam Sandler. 11.45 MOVIE: Air America. (1990, M)

12pm Hot In Cleveland. (PG) 1.00 MOVIE: Will Any Gentleman…? (1953, G) 2.50 Alive And Cooking. 3.20 Human Planet. (PG) 4.30 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 5.30 Hot In Cleveland. (PG) 6.30 Friends. (PG) 7.30 Border Force. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Michael. (1996, PG) John Travolta, William Hurt, Andie MacDowell. 10.30 MOVIE: Being There. (1979, M)

12pm Charmed. (PG) 1.00 JAG. (PG) 2.00 Clueless. (PG) 2.30 Brady Bunch. 3.00 Infomercials. (PG) 3.30 Cheers. (PG) 4.00 King Of Queens. (PG) 4.30 Laverne & Shirley. (PG) 5.00 Happy Days. 5.30 Becker. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 Raymond. 7.30 American Idol. (PG) 9.30 Snog, Marry, Avoid? (PG) 10.50 Sex And The City. (MA15+) 11.30 Movie Juice. 12am Raymond.

12pm News. 6.00 News. 8.30 One Plus One. Jane Hutcheon chats with Israeli chef, writer and restaurant owner, Yotam Ottolenghi. 9.00 News. 9.30 7.30 Summer. 10.00 The World. National and international news. 10.30 #TalkAboutIt. 11.00 News. 11.30 The World This Week.

ABC (ch 2)

ABC2 (ch 22)

ABC3 (ch 23)

PRIME7 (ch 6)

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

WIN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 80)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS1 (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)

Classifications: (P) Pre-school (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence Programs are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by the networks.



January 17

12pm Time Team. 1.00 Asian Cup: (ch 2) Australia. 1.30 Movie: Dangerous Mission. (1954, PG) 3.00 Basketball. WNBL. Round 13. Sydney Uni Flames v Melbourne Boomers. 5.00 Inspector George Gently. (PG) 6.30 Attitude. (PG) 7.00 News. 7.30 Death In Paradise. (PG) 8.30 Call The Midwife. (PG) 9.30 Miranda. (PG) 10.00 Soccer. AFC Asian Cup. Match 17. Australia v South Korea. 12am Rage Retro Month. (MA15+)

12pm World’s Strictest Parents. (PG) 1.00 Movie: Frenemies. (2012, G) 3.00 Surf Patrol. 3.30 Great Migrations. (PG) 4.30 Better Homes And Gardens. 5.30 Sydney Weekender. 6.00 News. 7.00 MOVIE: Nim’s Island. (2008, PG) 9.00 MOVIE: 16 Blocks. (2006, M) 11.00 World’s Wildest Police Videos. (M) 12am GCB. (M)

12pm Discover Downunder Summer Series. 12.30 The Middle. (PG) 1.00 Suburgatory. (PG) 1.30 Animal Emergency. 1.55 Movie: Soul Surfer. (2011, PG) 4.00 Convoy 2014: Celebrating 10 Years. 5.00 News. 5.30 Customs. (PG) 6.00 News. 7.00 MOVIE: Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium. (2007, G) 9.00 MOVIE: Pay It Forward. (2000, M) 11.30 Movie: White Oleander. (2002, M)

12pm The Talk. (PG) 1.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. 1.30 Weekend Feast. 2.30 The Home Team. 3.00 Highlands 101. (PG) 4.00 What’s Up! Downunder. 4.30 Escape With ET. 5.00 Eyewitness News. 6.00 Miguel’s Feasts. 6.30 Modern Family. (PG) 7.00 Cricket. T20 Big Bash League. Game 29. Sydney Thunder v Melbourne Stars. 10.30 Movie: Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps. (2010, M) Michael Douglas.

12pm WorldWatch. 1.00 Orfeo Ed Euridice. 2.25 Bone, Wind And Fire. (PG) 3.00 Hermitage Revealed. 4.00 A Season At The Juilliard School New York. (PG) 4.30 PBS News. 5.30 Motor Racing. Dakar Rally. Stage 12. Termas De Rio Hondo to Rosario. Highlights. 6.00 Trawlermen. (PG) 6.30 News. 7.30 Silvia Colloca: Made In Italy Bitesize. 7.35 Underground Britain. 8.30 Movie: Cold Mountain. (2003, MA15+)

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.45 Peppa Pig. 5.55 Octonauts. 6.05 Pingu. 6.15 Charlie And Lola. 6.25 Maya The Bee. 6.35 Children’s Programs. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. 7.30 Winter Wipeout. 8.30 Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow. (PG) 9.15 Fiona O’Loughlin’s Greatest Hits. (M) 10.40 The Inbetweeners. (M) 11.10 Plebs. (MA15+) 11.40 Hustle. (PG)

12pm Globe Trekker Specials. (PG) 1.00 Creek To Coast. 1.30 Sydney Weekender. 2.00 Queensland Weekender. 2.30 Great South East. 3.00 Nick Knowles’ Original Features. 4.00 Front Of House. 4.30 Tennis. Apia International. Day 7. Kooyong Classic. Day 5. 10.00 Waking The Dead. (AV15+) 12am Murder In Mind. (M)

12pm Kitchen Whiz. 12.30 Tenkai Knights. (PG) 1.00 Green Lantern. (PG) 1.30 Danoz Direct. 2.00 Fishing Australia. 2.30 Search4hurt. 3.00 The Crew. (PG) 5.00 Adventure Time. (PG) 5.30 America’s Got Talent. (PG) 7.30 MOVIE: Free Willy: Escape From Pirate’s Cove. (2010, PG) 9.30 MOVIE: Catwoman. (2004, M) 11.40 Movie: Batman: Under The Red Hood. (2010, M)

12pm My Surf TV. 12.30 Temporary Australians. 1.00 Motor Racing. World Series Sprintcars. 2.00 Megastructures. 3.00 The Offroad Adventure Show. 3.30 Sport Science. (PG) 4.30 Adventure Angler. 5.00 M*A*S*H. (PG) 6.00 Get Smart. (PG) 6.30 The Biggest Loser USA. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Hitchcock. (2012, M) 10.30 Touch. (M)

12pm Chinese News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 The Witch Doctor Will See You Now. (PG) 2.00 Toughest Place To Be A… (M) 3.00 Arctic With Bruce Parry. (PG) 4.00 Departures. 5.00 Years Of Living Dangerously. (PG) 6.00 Movie: Asterix And Obelix: Mission Cleopatra. (2002, PG) 7.55 If You Are The One. 9.00 Don’t Tell My Mother I’m In… (PG) 9.50 No Limit. (M) 10.55 Movie: Viva Riva! (2010, AV15+)

12pm Children’s Programs. 4.40 Detentionaire. 5.00 Nowhere Boys. (PG) 5.30 Deadly 60. 6.00 Dragons: Riders Of Berk. 6.25 The Adventures Of Figaro Pho. 6.30 The Haunting Hour. (PG) 6.55 Wizards Vs Aliens. 7.25 Wolfblood. 7.50 The Aquabats Super Show! 8.10 Good Game: SP. 8.35 Astro Boy. 8.55 Lanfeust Quest. (PG) 9.20 Deltora Quest. 9.45 Voltron: Defender Of The Universe. 10.05 Close.

12pm Mighty Structures. 1.00 Iceberg Hunters. (PG) 1.30 Swamp Men. (PG) 2.30 American Stuffers. (PG) 3.30 Swamp People. (PG) 4.30 Turtleman. (PG) 5.30 Gator Boys. (PG) 6.30 Billy The Exterminator. (PG) 7.00 Movie: Coming To America. (1988, PG) 9.30 MOVIE: 30 Days Of Night. (2007, AV15+) Josh Hartnett, Melissa George. 12am Movie: 30 Days Of Night: Dark Days. (2010, AV15+)

12.40pm MOVIE: The Crimson Pirate. (1952, G) 2.50 MOVIE: Doctor Zhivago. (1965, PG) 6.30 Sun, Sea And Bargain Spotting. 7.30 Antiques Roadshow. 8.30 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. (M) 9.30 CSI: NY. (M) A body is washed up on shore. 10.30 Cold Case. (M) 11.20 Marshal Law: Texas. (M) 12.20am Movie: The Crimson Pirate. (1952, G)

12pm Charmed. (PG) 1.00 Taxi. (PG) 1.30 Cheers. (PG) 2.00 Brady Bunch. 3.00 Infomercials. (PG) 3.30 Raymond. 4.00 90210. (PG) 5.00 Happy Days. (PG) 5.30 Becker. (PG) 6.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. 7.30 Movie: Glee: The Concert Movie. (2011, PG) 9.10 Sex And The City. (MA15+) 10.30 Sex And The City. (M) 11.10 The Loop. (PG)

12pm News. 12.30 Big Ideas. (PG) 1.00 Press Club. 2.00 News. 2.30 AusBiz Asia. 3.00 News. 3.30 Save Your Life Tonight. 4.00 News. 4.30 The World This Week. 5.00 News. 5.30 One Plus One. 6.00 News. 6.30 Foreign Corre. 7.00 News. 7.30 The Mix: Remixed. 8.00 Four Corners. 8.45 The Quarters. 9.00 News. 9.30 State To State Summer. 10.00 News. 10.30 Landline. 11.00 News. 11.30 AusBiz Asia.

12pm Landline. 1.00 Soccer. AFC Asian Cup. Match 17. Australia v South Korea. Replay. 3.00 The Mix. 3.30 Not Quite Art. 4.00 I Want To Dance Better At Parties. (PG) 4.30 Myf Warhurst’s Nice. (PG) 5.00 Midsomer Murders. (PG) 6.30 Save Your Life Tonight. 7.00 News. 7.40 Antiques. 8.40 Sherlock. (M) 10.10 Asian Cup: Australia. 10.40 Paul Kelly: Stories Of Me. (MA15+) 12.15am Ben Lee: Catch My Disease. (MA15+)

12pm Malibu Country. (PG) 12.30 The Paleo Way. 1.00 Movie: The Pink Panther 2. (2009, PG) 3.00 Prince Harry At 30. (PG) 4.00 Property Ladder. (PG) 5.00 The Chase. 6.00 News. 7.00 Inside Queen Mary 2. 8.00 Border Security: International. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: The King’s Speech. (2010, M) Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush. 11.00 Cougar Town. (PG) 12am Property Ladder.

1.30pm Cricket. One Day International. Australia v India. Game 2. Afternoon session. From the MCG. 6.00 News. 6.30 Cricket. One Day International. Australia v India. Game 2. Evening session. From the MCG. 10.00 Cycling. Tour Down Under. People’s Choice Classic. Highlights. 11.30 CSI. (M)

12pm The Talk. (PG) 1.00 The Offroad Adventure Show. 1.30 iFish. 2.00 Basketball. NBL. Round 15. Adelaide 36ers v Wollongong Hawks. 4.00 Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution. (PG) 5.00 News. 6.00 Gold Coast Cops. (PG) 6.30 Attenborough’s Living With Dinosaurs. (PG) 7.30 Modern Family. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Little Fockers. (2010, M) 10.30 NCIS: New Orleans. (M) 11.30 Movie: Unstoppable. (2010, M)

12pm WorldWatch. 1.00 Al Jazeera. 1.30 Costa’s Garden. 2.00 Speedweek. 4.00 Football Asia. 4.30 FIFA Ballon D’Or. 5.30 Motor Racing. Dakar Rally. Final stage. Rosario to Buenos Aires. Highlights. 6.00 Grand Tours. 6.30 News. 7.30 Rebuilding The Trojan Horse. (PG) 8.30 The Great Australian Race Riot. (M) 9.30 Movie: Hawking. (2004, PG) 11.10 Mad Men. (M) 12.05am Movie: Someone I Loved. (2009, M)

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.20 Octonauts. 5.45 Peppa Pig. 5.55 Octonauts. 6.05 Pingu. 6.15 Charlie And Lola. 6.25 Maya The Bee. 6.35 Peter Rabbit. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Stan Lee’s Superhumans. (PG) 8.15 Swamp Brothers. (PG) 8.40 Japan Tsunami: How It Happened. (PG) 9.25 The Miracle Hunter. (M) 10.15 Catfish: The TV Show. (M) 11.05 Playing It Straight. (M) 11.50 Restrepo. (M)

12pm Treks In A Wild World. (PG) 1.00 Travel Oz. (PG) 2.30 The Hook & The Cook. (PG) 3.00 Mighty Structures. 4.00 Life After People. (PG) 5.00 Command Center. (PG) 6.00 Fawlty Towers. (PG) 7.30 Escape To The Country. 9.30 Nick Knowles’ Original Features. 10.30 Four Rooms. (PG) 11.30 Alaska Wing Men. (PG)

12pm Tenkai Knights. (PG) 1.00 Green Lantern. (PG) 1.30 Danoz. 2.00 Sports Star Challenge. 3.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 4.00 Max Steel. (PG) 5.00 Adv Time. (PG) 5.30 Scooby-Doo! (PG) 6.30 Movie: The NeverEnding Story II: The Next Chapter. (1990, G) 8.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 9.30 Movie: The Whole Ten Yards. (2004, M) 11.40 Anger Management. (M) 12am The Bachelor. (PG)

1.30pm Football’s Greatest Teams. 2.30 Sport Science. (PG) 3.30 Fit ‘N’ Flexed. 4.00 My Surf TV. 4.30 Reel Rock. (PG) 5.00 What’s Up Down Under. 5.30 Get Smart. (PG) 6.00 Cops. (PG) 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Robson’s Extreme Fishing Challenge. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Mission: Impossible. (1996, M) Tom Cruise, Jon Voight. 10.45 48 Hours. (PG) 11.45 The Home Team.

12pm WorldWatch. 1.00 Kung Fu Kitchen. 1.30 Kung Fu Kitchen. 2.00 Foodie Planet. 3.00 Jimmy And The Giant Supermarket. 4.00 Rhod Gilbert’s Work Experience. 4.30 Parks And Recreation. 5.25 Bollywood Star. 6.25 India’s Dancing Superstar. 7.30 If You Are The One. 8.30 South Park. 9.30 Danger 5. 10.00 Extra Time: Asian Cup Highlights. 11.00 In Her Skin. 11.55 Free Radio. 12.20am 24 Hours In Emergency.

12pm Children’s Programs. 2.25 Leonardo. 2.50 Blue Zoo. 3.20 Kobushi. 3.25 WAC: World Animal Championships. 3.55 Studio 3. 4.00 Sorry, I’ve Got No Head. 4.30 Roy. 4.55 Studio 3. 5.00 Life With Boys. 5.30 Bushwhacked! 6.00 Dragons: Riders Of Berk. 6.20 The Adventures Of Figaro Pho. 6.30 Nowhere Boys. 6.55 Wizards Vs Aliens. 7.25 Wolfblood. 7.55 Move It Mob Style. 9.00 Stoked. 9.30 Rage. (PG)

12pm Around The World In 80 Ways. (PG) 1.00 Mighty Structures. 2.00 Engineering Connections. (PG) 3.00 NFL Game Day. (PG) 3.30 Take It All. 4.30 Ultimate Factories. (PG) 5.30 Mounted In Alaska. (PG) 6.30 Doomsday Preppers. (PG) 7.30 Outback Truckers. (PG) 8.30 America’s Hardest Prisons. (M) 9.45 MOVIE: Sleepy Hollow. (1999, M) 12am MOVIE: Repo Men. (2010, AV15+)

12pm ST: Next Gen. (PG) 2.00 Infomercials. (PG) 2.30 Neighbours 30th Anniversary Year First Peep. 2.35 Neighbours. 5.00 90210. (PG) 6.00 Raymond. 7.00 The Simpsons. 7.30 Futurama. (PG) 8.00 The Simpsons. 8.30 MOVIE: Napoleon Dynamite. (2004, PG) Jon Heder. 10.25 King Of Queens. (PG) 10.55 Plonk. (PG) 11.25 Raymond. 12.25am ST: Next Gen. (PG)

12pm News. 12.30 Big Ideas. (PG) 1.00 News. 1.30 #TalkAboutIt. 2.00 News. 2.30 State To State. 3.00 News. 3.30 Inside Edge. 4.00 News. 4.30 Compass. (PG) 5.00 News. 5.30 The Mix: Remixed. 6.00 News. 6.30 Aust Story. 7.00 News. 7.30 Kitchen Cabinet. 8.00 A Country Road: The Nationals. 9.00 News. 9.30 One Plus One. 10.00 News. 10.30 The Mix: Remixed. 11.00 News. 11.30 Big Ideas. (PG)


ABC2 (ch 22)

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WIN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 80)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS1 (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)

January 18

ABC (ch 2)

ABC2 (ch 22)

ABC3 (ch 23)

PRIME7 (ch 6)

PRIME7 (ch 6)

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

WIN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 80)

1.10pm Getaway. (PG) 2.10 MOVIE:

Exodus. (1960, PG) 6.30 River Cottage: Summer’s Here. (PG) 7.30 The Great British Bake Off. The bakers make pies and tarts. 8.45 MOVIE: The Reader. (2008, M) Kate Winslet, Ralph Fiennes, David Kross. 11.10 Person Of Interest. (M) 12am Getaway. (PG)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS1 (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)



January 19

12pm News. 1.00 Asian Cup: (ch 2) Australia. 1.30 Adam Hills Tonight. 2.30 Catalyst. 3.00 Family Confidential. 3.30 Midsomer Murders. 5.00 News: Early Edition. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Eggheads. 6.30 The Checkout. (PG) 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30 Summer. 8.00 Grand Designs. 8.45 Sounds Like Teen Spirit: triple j At 40. 10.00 Asian Cup: Australia. 10.30 News. 10.40 Mad Dogs. 11.25 The Slap. 12.20am The Cut.


12pm News. 1.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 2.00 Extra. 2.30 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 News Now. 4.15 News. 5.30 Hot Seat. 6.00 News. 7.00 WIN News. 7.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 8.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 8.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 9.00 MOVIE: What Happens In Vegas. (2008, M) Ashton Kutcher. 11.00 Love Child. (M) 12am WIN News.

12pm Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 Everyday Gourmet. 1.30 Ent. Tonight. 2.00 The Doctors. (PG) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Everyday Gourmet. 4.00 Ben’s Menu. 4.30 Bold. 5.00 Eyewitness News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 Cricket. T20 Big Bash League. Game 30. Melbourne Renegades v Adelaide Strikers. 11.00 NCIS. (M) 12am David Letterman. (PG)

2pm The Hunt For AI. 3.00 France 24. 3.30 Al Jazeera. 4.00 Journal. 4.30 Massive Moves. 5.00 Global Village. 5.30 Motor Racing. Dakar Rally. Stages 1 to 13. Highlights. 6.00 Rick Stein’s Far Eastern Odyssey. 6.30 News. 7.30 James May’s Toy Stories: Action Man. 8.35 Commando School. (M) 9.30 Uncle. (M) 10.05 Man Down. (M) 10.30 News. 12.10am MOVIE: Heaven, Hell… Earth. (2009)

12pm White Collar. (PG) 1.00 Talkin’ ’Bout Your Generation. (PG) 2.00 MasterChef Australia. 3.00 Totally Wild. 4.00 Get Smart. (PG) 4.30 Reel Rock. (PG) 5.00 Adventure Angler. 5.30 iFish Summer Series. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Undercover Boss. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Mission: Impossible II. (2000, M) Tom Cruise, Thandie Newton. 11.05 48 Hours. (PG)

12pm Chinese News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Italian News. 1.35 German News. 2.05 Spanish News. 3.05 Greek News. 4.00 Iron Chef. 4.50 Urban Freestyler. 5.00 Extra Time: Asian Cup Highlights. 6.00 Community. 6.30 MythBusters. 7.30 If You Are The One. 8.30 Derren Brown: Hero At 30,000 Feet. (M) 9.30 Lost Girl. (PG) 10.25 @midnight. 10.55 In Her Skin. 11.50 Life Support. 12.20am Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

WIN (ch 8)

TEN (ch 5)

SBS1 (ch 3)

12pm Children’s Programs. 6.25 Maya The Bee. 6.35 Peter Rabbit. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 That ’70s Show. (PG) 7.50 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 8.30 The Miracle Hunter. (M) 9.20 Holidays In The Danger Zone: Places That Don’t Exist. (PG) 9.50 The Trail Of Genghis Khan. (PG) 10.20 Arrested Development. (M) 10.55 Red Dwarf. (PG) 11.25 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 12.10am That ’70s Show. (PG)

Melbourne Park. 11.00 Waking The Dead. (AV15+) Someone tries to steal vital DNA evidence from the lab to cover up a horrific murder from 20 years ago. 12am Life After People. (PG) A hypothetical examination of what might happen to the world if humanity was to suddenly disappear.

12pm The Bachelor. (PG) 2.00 Car SOS. (PG) 3.00 Extra. 3.30 The Crew. (PG) 4.00 Looney Tunes. 4.30 The Tom And Jerry Show. 5.00 Ben 10. (PG) 5.30 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 6.00 Regular Show. (PG) 6.30 Adventure Time. (PG) 7.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 7.30 Car SOS. (PG) 8.30 Top Gear Top 41. (PG) 9.30 MOVIE: A View To A Kill. (1985, PG) 12.10am Top Gear Top 41. (PG)

12pm Hank Zipzer. 3.55 Vic The Viking. 4.05 The Jungle Bunch: To The Rescue! 4.20 Wacky World Beaters. 4.45 Studio 3. 4.50 Nerds And Monsters. 5.00 Numb Chucks. 5.20 Horrible Histories. 5.50 Leonardo. (PG) 6.25 Total Drama Island. 6.50 The Jungle Bunch: To The Rescue! 7.00 Operation Ouch! 7.30 The Adventures Of Merlin. (PG) 8.15 Outnumbered. 8.40 Detentionaire. 9.00 Stoked. 9.30 Rage. (PG) 10.30 Close.

1.30pm Construction Zone. (PG) 2.00 Mighty Structures. 3.00 Dream Car Garage. (PG) 4.00 Pimp My Ride. (PG) 5.00 MythBusters. (PG) 6.00 Tennis. Aust Open. Day 1. 7.00 Seinfeld. (PG) 7.30 Pawn Stars. (PG) 8.30 American Restoration. (PG) 9.30 American Pickers. (PG) 10.30 Auction Kings. (PG) 11.30 Combat Dealers. (PG)

12pm Hot In Cleveland. (PG) 1.00 MOVIE: The Titfield Thunderbolt. (1953, G) 2.45 The Great British Bake Off. 4.00 Alive And Cooking. 4.30 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 5.30 Hot In Cleveland. (PG) 6.30 Friends. (PG) 7.30 A Current Affair. 8.00 Who Do You Think You Are? (PG) 9.00 Midsomer Murders. (M) 11.10 Days That Shook The World. (M) 12.10am World’s Worst. (PG)

12pm Charmed. 1.00 JAG. 2.00 Clueless. 2.30 Brady Bunch. 3.00 Infomercials. 3.30 Cheers. 4.00 King Of Queens. 4.30 Laverne & Shirley. 5.00 Happy Days. 5.30 Becker. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 Raymond. (PG) 8.00 Futurama. (PG) 8.30 The Simpsons. (PG) 9.00 The Simpsons. 9.30 American Horror Story. 10.30 Medium. (M) 11.30 King Of Queens. 12am Raymond.

6.00 News. 8.30 Goalposts. Part 1 of 2. 9.00 News. 9.30 The Drum. 10.00 The World. National and international news. 10.30 Australian Story: Forget Me Not. 11.00 News. 11.30 7.30 Summer.

6pm News. 7.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Night 2. From Melbourne Park. Commentary from Bruce McAvaney, Jim Courier, Todd Woodbridge, John Newcombe, John Fitzgerald, Roger Rasheed, Sam Smith, Rennae Stubbs, Alicia Molik, Nicole Bradtke and Henri Leconte. 12.30am Harry’s Practice.

12pm Extra. 12.30 Cycling. Tour Down Under. Stage 1. Tanunda to Campbelltown. 3.00 News Now. 4.15 News. 5.30 Hot Seat. 6.00 News. 7.00 WIN News. 7.30 RBT. (PG) 8.00 Kalgoorlie Cops. (PG) 8.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 10.00 2 Broke Girls. (M) 10.30 Mom. (M) 11.00 Cycling. Tour Down Under. Stage 1. Tanunda to Campbelltown. Highlights. 12am WIN News.

12pm Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 Everyday Gourmet. 1.30 Ent. Tonight. 2.00 The Doctors. (PG) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Everyday Gourmet. 4.00 Ben’s Menu. 4.30 Bold. 5.00 News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 Modern Family. (PG) 8.00 Modern Family. (PG) 8.30 NCIS. (M) 9.30 NCIS: Los Angeles. (M) 11.30 The Project.

12pm Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 Celtic Thunder: Voyage. 2.00 Tommy Fleming: Behind The Voice. 3.00 France 24. 3.30 Al Jazeera. 4.00 Journal. 4.30 PBS News. 5.30 Global Village. 6.00 Rick Stein’s Far Eastern Odyssey. 6.30 News. 7.30 Who Do You Think You Are? 8.30 Spider House. 9.30 Years Of Living Dangerously. (PG) 10.30 News. 11.00 Rectify. (M) 11.50 MOVIE: Love And Rage. (2009, M)

6pm Tennis. Aust Open. Night 2. From

1.30pm MasterChef Australia. 2.30 Orang-utans: People Of The Forest. 3.30 Totally Wild. 4.00 Get Smart. (PG) 4.30 Reel Rock. (PG) 5.00 Adventure Angler. 5.30 iFish Summer Series. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Cops. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Vanilla Sky. (2001, M) 11.15 Movie Juice. 11.45 Cops. (PG)

12pm Chinese News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Italian News. 1.35 German News. 2.05 Spanish News. 3.05 Greek News. 4.05 Iron Chef. 4.55 Knife Fight. (PG) 5.20 The Office. (PG) 6.20 Community. (PG) 6.45 American Ninja Warrior. (PG) 7.30 If You Are The One. 8.30 American Weed. (M) 9.30 MOVIE: The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet’s Nest. (2009, MA15+) 12am @midnight. (M)

12pm Charmed. 1.00 JAG. 2.00 Clueless. 2.30 Brady Bunch. 3.00 Infomercials. 3.30 Cheers. 4.00 King Of Queens. 4.30 Laverne & Shirley. 5.00 Happy Days. 5.30 Becker. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 Raymond. 7.30 Rules Of Engagement. 8.30 New Girl. 9.00 New Girl. 9.30 Sex And The City. 10.10 House Of Lies. 10.50 King Of Queens. 11.20 Raymond. 11.50 Becker. 12.20am Frasier.

ABC2 (ch 22)

ABC3 (ch 23)


7TWO (ch 62)

6pm Tennis. Aust Open. Night 1. From

7MATE (ch 63)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 80)


PRIME7 (ch 6)

WIN (ch 8)

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.45 Octonauts. 6.00 Grandpa In My Pocket. 6.15 Charlie And Lola. 6.25 Maya The Bee. 6.35 Peter Rabbit. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 That ’70s Show. (PG) 7.50 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 8.30 Glamour Model Mum, Baby & Me. (PG) 9.30 Buzzcocks. (M) 10.00 Siblings. (M) 10.30 Red Dwarf. (PG) 11.00 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 11.45 That ’70s Show. (PG) 12.05am Being Human. (M)

Melbourne Park. 11.00 Waking The Dead. (M) When Felix is gassed by a device meant for Spencer, the Anti Terror Squad takes over the base. 12am Harry’s Practice. Dr Harry visits a cat who can not stay out of the bin. Discover some native treasures which can be found in the backyard.

12pm The Bachelor. (PG) 2.00 Car SOS. (PG) 3.00 Extra. 3.30 The Crew. (PG) 4.00 Looney Tunes Classics. 4.30 The Tom And Jerry Show. 5.00 Ben 10: Omniverse. (PG) 5.30 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 6.00 Regular Show. (PG) 6.30 Adventure Time. (PG) 7.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 7.30 Man And Machine. (PG) 8.00 Top Gear. (PG) 9.30 MOVIE: Fight Club. (1999, AV15+)

12pm Hank Zipzer. 1.40 Numb Chucks. 3.55 Vic The Viking. 4.05 The Jungle Bunch: To The Rescue! 4.20 Wacky World Beaters. 4.45 Studio 3. 4.50 Cricket Smackdown! 5.05 Numb Chucks. 5.20 Roy. 5.50 Leonardo. 6.25 Deadly 60. 7.00 Operation Ouch! 7.30 The Adventures Of Merlin. (PG) 8.15 Degrassi – The Next Generation. (PG) 8.40 Detentionaire. 9.00 Stoked. 9.30 Rage. (PG) 10.30 Close.

12pm Motor Mate. 1.00 T.J. Hooker. (PG) 2.30 Engineering Connections. (PG) 3.30 Dream Car Garage. (PG) 4.00 Pimp My Ride. (PG) 5.00 MythBusters. (PG) 6.00 Tennis. Aust Open. Day 2. 7.00 Seinfeld. (PG) 7.30 MythBusters. (PG) 8.30 Family Guy. (M) 9.00 American Dad! (M) 9.30 Family Guy. (M) 10.30 American Dad! (M) 11.30 1000 Ways To Die. (MA15+)

12pm WIN’s All Australian News. 1.00 Alive And Cooking. 1.30 Cricket. One Day International. England v India. Game 3. Afternoon session. 6.00 Friends. (PG) 6.30 Cricket. One Day International. England v India. Game 3. Evening session. From the Gabba. 10.00 MOVIE: City Heat. (1984, M) 12am World’s Worst. (PG)

ABC2 (ch 22)

ABC3 (ch 23)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)

12pm News. 5.55 ABC Open.

January 20

12pm News. 1.00 Asian Cup: (ch 2) Australia. 1.30 Adam Hills Tonight. (PG) 2.30 Catalyst. (PG) 3.00 Family Confidential. (PG) 3.30 Midsomer Murders. (PG) 5.00 News: Early Edition. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Eggheads. 6.30 The Checkout. (PG) 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30 Summer. 8.00 QI. (PG) 8.30 Rise Of The Animals. 9.30 Lie To You? (PG) 10.00 Asian Cup: Australia. 10.30 News. 10.40 The Pillars Of The Earth. (MA15+)


6pm News. 7.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Night 1. From Melbourne Park. Commentary from Bruce McAvaney, Jim Courier, Todd Woodbridge, John Newcombe, John Fitzgerald, Roger Rasheed, Sam Smith, Rennae Stubbs, Alicia Molik, Nicole Bradtke and Henri Leconte. 12.30am Harry’s Practice.

PRIME7 (ch 6)

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GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 80)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS1 (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)

12pm News. 5.55 ABC Open.

6.00 News. 8.30 Goalposts. Part 2 of 2. 9.00 News. 9.30 The Drum. 10.00 The World. National and international news. 10.30 Foreign Correspondent. 11.00 News. 11.30 7.30 Summer.


January 21

12pm News. 1.00 Asian Cup: (ch 2) Australia. 1.30 Adam Hills Tonight. 2.30 Catalyst. 3.00 Family Confidential. 3.30 Midsomer Murders. 5.00 News: Early Edition. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Eggheads. 6.30 The Checkout. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30 Summer. 8.00 QI. 8.30 Human Universe With Brian Cox. 9.30 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. 10.15 Soul Mates. 10.40 News. 12.20am MOVIE: New York, New York. (1977)


12pm Children’s Programs. 5.45 Octonauts. 6.00 Grandpa In My Pocket. 6.15 Charlie And Lola. 6.25 Maya The Bee. 6.35 Peter Rabbit. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. 7.30 That ’70s Show. (PG) 7.50 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 8.40 The Hoarder Next Door. (PG) 9.30 Scrappers. (PG) 10.00 Story Club. (M) 10.30 Red Dwarf. 11.00 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 11.40 That ’70s Show. (PG) 12.05am Stan Lee’s Superhumans. (PG)

ABC2 (ch 22)

12pm Children’s Programs. 4.20 Wacky World Beaters. 4.45 Studio 3. 4.50 The ABC3 Tennis Smackdown! 5.05 Numb Chucks. 5.20 Sorry, I’ve Got No Head. 5.50 Leonardo. 6.25 Good Game: SP. 6.50 The Jungle Bunch: To The Rescue! 7.00 Operation Ouch! 7.30 The Adventures Of Merlin. (PG) 8.15 Degrassi – The Next Generation. (PG) 8.40 Detentionaire. 9.00 Stoked. 9.30 Rage. (PG) 10.30 Close.

ABC3 (ch 23)


7TWO (ch 62)

6pm Tennis. Australian Open. Night 3.

From Melbourne Park. 11.00 Jonathan Creek. (M) A former newspaper colleague of Maddy’s asks Jonathan and her to investigate an old mystery at a house called Ghost’s Forge. 12am Harry’s Practice. Dr Harry helps a dog who refuses to play fetch. 12pm Motor Mate. 1.00 T.J. Hooker. (M) 2.00 Style In Steel. 2.30 Mighty Structures. 3.30 Construction Zone. (PG) 4.00 Pimp My Ride. (PG) 5.00 MythBusters. (PG) 6.00 Tennis. Aust Open. Day 3. 7.00 Seinfeld. (PG) 7.30 Beverly Hills Pawn. (PG) 8.30 Hardcore Pawn: Behind The Deal. (M) 9.00 Hardcore Pawn. (M) 10.00 Car Chasers. (PG) 11.00 Last Car Standing. (M) 12am Repo Games. (M)

7MATE (ch 63)

January 22 PRIME7 (ch 6)

12pm News. 1.00 Robyn Beeche: (ch 2) A Life Exposed. 1.30 Adam Hills Tonight. 2.30 Catalyst. 3.00 Family Confidential. 3.30 Midsomer Murders. 5.00 News: Early Edition. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Eggheads. 6.30 The Checkout. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30 Summer. 8.00 QI. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: A Mother’s Son. (2012, M) 10.00 Asian Cup: Australia. 10.30 News. 10.40 Please Like Me. 11.10 Derek. 11.35 Rev. 12.05am Jandamarra’s War.


6pm News. 7.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Night 3. From Melbourne Park. Commentary from Bruce McAvaney, Jim Courier, Todd Woodbridge, John Newcombe, John Fitzgerald, Roger Rasheed, Sam Smith, Rennae Stubbs, Alicia Molik, Nicole Bradtke and Henri Leconte. 12.30am Harry’s Practice.

PRIME7 (ch 6)

6pm News. 7.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Night 4. From Melbourne Park. Commentary from Bruce McAvaney, Jim Courier, Todd Woodbridge, John Newcombe, John Fitzgerald, Roger Rasheed, Sam Smith, Rennae Stubbs, Alicia Molik, Nicole Bradtke and Henri Leconte. 12.30am Harry’s Practice.

12pm WIN’s All Australian News. 1.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 2.00 Extra. 2.30 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 News Now. 4.15 News. 5.30 Hot Seat. 6.00 News. 7.00 WIN News. 7.30 Customs. (PG) 8.00 To Catch A Smuggler. (PG) 9.00 MOVIE: The Vow. (2012, PG) 11.00 Cycling. Tour Down Under. Stage 2. Unley to Stirling. Highlights. 12am News.

12pm Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 Everyday Gourmet. 1.30 Ent. Tonight. 2.00 The Doctors. (PG) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Everyday Gourmet. 4.00 Ben’s Menu. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. 5.00 Eyewitness News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 Cricket. T20 Big Bash League. Game 31. Melbourne Stars v Perth Scorchers. 11.00 Hawaii Five-0. (M) 12am Movie Juice.

12pm Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 Wildest Africa. 2.00 How To Go To War. (PG) 3.00 France 24. 3.30 Al Jazeera. 4.00 Journal. 4.30 PBS News. 5.30 Global Village. 6.00 Rick Stein’s Cornish Christmas. 6.30 World News. 7.30 Walking Through History. 8.30 WWII Air Crash Detectives. (PG) 9.30 Rectify. (M) 10.25 World News. 11.00 MOVIE: Il Divo. (2008, AV15+)

12pm The Bachelor. (PG) 1.30 Top Gear. (PG) 3.00 Extra. 3.30 The Crew. (PG) 4.00 Looney Tunes. 4.30 The Tom And Jerry Show. 5.00 Ben 10. (PG) 5.30 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 6.00 Regular Show. (PG) 6.30 Adventure Time. (PG) 7.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 8.30 The Umbilical Brothers: The Rehearsal. (M) 10.30 Little Britain. (M) 12am Darren Sanders. (M)

12pm White Collar. (PG) 1.00 Talkin’ ’Bout Your Generation. (PG) 2.00 MasterChef Australia. (PG) 3.00 Totally Wild. 4.00 Get Smart. (PG) 4.30 Reel Rock. (PG) 5.00 Adventure Angler. 5.30 iFish Summer Series. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Cops. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Collateral. (2004, M) 10.55 The Glades. (M) 11.55 Cops. (PG)

12pm Chinese News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Italian News. 1.35 German News. 2.05 Spanish News. 3.05 Greek News. 4.05 Iron Chef. 4.55 Knife Fight. (PG) 5.20 The Office. (PG) 6.15 Community. (PG) 6.40 American Ninja Warrior. (PG) 7.30 If You Are The One. 8.30 MOVIE: An American Werewolf In London. (1981, AV15+) 10.20 MOVIE: The Blob. (1988, MA15+) 12am Robot Chicken. (M)

12pm World’s Worst. (PG) 1.00 Alive And Cooking. 1.30 Cycling. Tour Down Under. Stage 2. Unley to Stirling. 4.00 My Crazy Obsession. (PG) 4.30 Ellen. (PG) 5.30 To Be Advised. 6.30 Friends. (PG) 7.30 A Current Affair. 8.00 The Dog Rescuers. (PG) 8.30 RPA. (PG) 9.30 Embarrassing Bodies. (M) 10.30 Step Dave. (M) 11.30 Southland. (MA15+)

12pm Charmed. 1.00 JAG. 2.00 Clueless. 2.30 Brady Bunch. 3.00 Infomercials. 3.30 Cheers. 4.00 King Of Queens. 4.30 Laverne & Shirley. 5.00 Happy Days. 5.30 Becker. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 Raymond. 7.30 The Simpsons. 8.00 Futurama. 8.30 The Simpsons. 9.00 Futurama. 9.30 The Simpsons. 10.00 Cleveland. 10.30 Bob’s Burgers. 11.00 Cheers. 11.30 King Of Queens. 12am Raymond.

6.00 News. 8.30 One Plus One. Jane Hutcheon chats with Bali bombing survivor Peter Hughes. 9.00 News. 9.30 The Drum. 10.00 The World. National and international news. 10.30 Landline. 11.00 News. 11.30 7.30 Summer.

12pm News. 1.00 Ellen. (PG) 2.00 Extra. 2.30 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 News Now. 4.15 News. 5.30 Hot Seat. 6.00 News. 7.00 WIN News. 7.30 Getaway. (PG) 8.30 Kings Cross ER. (M) 9.00 AFP: Australian Federal Police. (M) 9.30 Inside Story. 10.30 To Be Advised. 11.00 Cycling. Tour Down Under. Stage 3. Norwood to Paracombe. Highlights. 12am News.

12pm Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 Everyday Gourmet. 1.30 Ent. Tonight. 2.00 The Doctors. (PG) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Everyday Gourmet. 4.00 Ben’s Menu. 4.30 Bold. 5.00 Eyewitness News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 Cricket. T20 Big Bash League. Game 32. Sydney Sixers v Sydney Thunder. 11.00 Blue Bloods. (M) 12am David Letterman. (PG)

12pm WorldWatch. 1.00 Lions On The Move. 2.00 The Burrowers. 2.55 Silvia Colloca: Made In Italy Bitesize. 3.00 France 24. 3.30 Al Jazeera. 4.00 Journal. 4.30 PBS News. 5.30 Global Village. 6.00 Rick Stein’s Cornish Christmas. 6.30 News. 7.30 Gourmet Farmer. (PG) 8.00 Made In Italy. 8.30 Destination Flavour Down Under: Best Bites. 9.30 Vikings. (MA15+) 10.25 News. 11.00 Frisky Business. (MA15+)

1.30pm MasterChef Australia. (PG) 2.30 Kakadu Invasion. 3.30 Totally Wild. 4.00 Get Smart. (PG) 4.30 Reel Rock. (PG) 5.00 Adventure Angler. 5.30 iFish Summer Series. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Talkin’ ’Bout Your Generation. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Tropic Thunder. (2008, M) 10.30 Fast Forward. (M) 11.05 Blokesworld. 11.35 Would You Rather? (M)

12pm Chinese News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Italian News. 1.35 German News. 2.05 Spanish News. 3.05 Greek News. 4.05 Iron Chef. 4.55 Knife Fight. 5.20 The Office. 6.15 Community. 6.40 American Ninja Warrior. 8.25 19 Reasons To Love If You Are The One: Bitesize. 8.30 South Park. (M) 9.00 Danger 5. (MA15+) 9.30 Death Row. (M) 10.30 @midnight. 11.00 Gunther’s ER. 11.55 Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

12pm Charmed. (PG) 1.00 JAG. (PG) 2.00 Clueless. (PG) 2.30 Brady Bunch. 3.00 Infomercials. (PG) 3.30 Cheers. (PG) 4.00 King Of Queens. (PG) 4.30 Laverne & Shirley. (PG) 5.00 Happy Days. 5.30 Becker. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 Raymond. (PG) 8.00 The Simpsons. 8.30 MOVIE: Saturday Night Fever. (1977, M) 11.00 Sex And The City. 11.40 King Of Queens. 12.05am Raymond.

WIN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 80)

WIN (ch 8)

12pm Children’s Programs. 6.15 Charlie And Lola. 6.25 Maya The Bee. 6.35 Peter Rabbit. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 That ’70s Show. (PG) 7.50 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 8.40 Mock The Week Looks Back At. (M) 9.05 The Inbetweeners. (M) 9.30 Plebs. (M) 9.55 Arrested Development. (M) 10.25 Red Dwarf. (PG) 10.55 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 11.35 That ’70s Show. (PG) 12am Misfits. (M)

From Melbourne Park. 11.00 Front Of House. Designer Oliver Heath is on a mission to transform dull and unimaginative house fronts. 11.30 I Shouldn’t Be Alive: Lost On A Volcano. (M) Tells the story of a businessman who became lost and disorientated after he decided to take a night hike in Hawaii.

12pm The Bachelor. (PG) 3.00 Extra. 3.30 The Crew. (PG) 4.00 Looney Tunes Classics. 4.30 The Tom And Jerry Show. 5.00 Ben 10: Omniverse. (PG) 5.30 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 6.00 Regular Show. (PG) 6.30 Adventure Time. (PG) 7.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 7.30 Auction Hunters. (PG) 8.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 9.30 MOVIE: Assassins. (1995, M) 12am Search4hurt. (PG)

12pm Children’s Programs. 4.20 Wacky World Beaters. 4.45 Studio 3. 4.50 Beach Soccer Smackdown! 5.05 Numb Chucks. 5.20 Life With Boys. 5.50 Leonardo. (PG) 6.25 Nowhere Boys. 6.55 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab: The Experiments. 7.00 Operation Ouch! 7.30 The Adventures Of Merlin. (PG) 8.15 Degrassi – The Next Generation. 8.40 Detentionaire. 9.00 Stoked. 9.30 Rage. (PG) 10.30 Close.

12pm Motor Mate. 1.00 T.J. Hooker. 2.00 Engineering Connections. 3.00 Style In Steel. 3.30 Dream Car Garage. 4.00 Pimp My Ride. 5.00 MythBusters. 6.00 Tennis. Aust Open. Day 4. 7.00 Seinfeld. (PG) 7.30 Man V Food. (PG) 8.00 Man V Food. 8.30 Ink Master. (M) 9.30 Tattoo Nightmares Miami. (M) 10.00 Operation Repo. (M) 11.00 South Beach Tow. 11.30 Lizard Lick Towing. 12am South Beach Tow.

12pm RPA. (PG) 1.00 Alive And Cooking. 1.30 Cycling. Tour Down Under. Stage 3. Norwood to Paracombe. 4.00 The Dog Rescuers. (PG) 4.30 Ellen. (PG) 5.30 To Be Advised. 6.30 Friends. (PG) 7.30 A Current Affair. 8.00 Human Planet. (PG) 9.10 New Tricks. (M) 10.20 Dalziel And Pascoe. (AV15+) 11.30 Cold Case. (M)

ABC2 (ch 22)

ABC3 (ch 23)

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

6pm Tennis. Australian Open. Night 4.

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 80)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS1 (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)

12pm News. 5.55 ABC Open.

SBS1 (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)

12pm News. 5.55 ABC Open.

6.00 News. 8.30 One Plus One. Weekly interview program, hosted by Jane Hutcheon. 9.00 News. 9.30 The Drum. 10.00 The World. National and international news. 10.30 Landline. 11.00 News. 11.30 7.30 Summer.



Brain Busters

super sudoku To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: each of the nine vertical columns, each of the nine horizontal rows and each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes. Remember no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box.


On which continent is the Republic of Benin located?


Starburst is a subsidiary of which confectionery conglomerate?


In which Australian city is the Moonee Valley Racecourse?


“Blepharis” is the Greek word for: eyelash, ankle, chin or belly button?


What is the collective noun for sheep?


What is the religious persuasion of former US presidential candidate Mitt Romney?


What is the name of the North Queensland Cowboys’ home stadium?


English actress Lily Loveless played the role of Naomi Campbell on which British TV show?


Which cartoon character famously said “Purple is a fruit”?

10. Who created the characters Ali G and Bruno, among others?


No. 780

Crossword No.3428 ACROSS 1 Cried feebly 9 Top pilot 10 Simulated 12 Dress 13 Minerals 14 Single 15 Bushy-tailed American mammals 18 Expression of reproof 19 Maintain oneself at a minimal level 22 Conifer 24 Parts of plants below the ground 26 Very moral person 29 Poisonous snake 30 Items kept in readiness for use in case of need (5-3) 33 Taxi 36 Hit hard 37 Called 38 Exclamations of wonderment 39 Corruption 40 Small sculpture


DOWN 2 Aura 3 Venerated painting 4 Measuring instruments 5 Puts forth (effort) 6 Throw out 7 Edible plant of the Pacific islands 8 Diminishing 10 Items of nourishment 11 Know-how 16 Post-mortem examination of a body 17 Strong black coffees 20 Interjection meant to startle 21 Possessive pronoun 22 The gas we breathe 23 Favourite 25 Armoured combat vehicles 27 Conclusion 28 Cut into 29 Cease prematurely 31 As well 32 Pain 34 Landed 35 Corrupt (informal)

No. 779

No. 780


Solve a sudoku, crack a crossword, test your trivia



SOLUTION: 1. Africa. 2. Mars. 3. Melbourne. 4. Eyelash. 5. Flock. 6. Mormon. 7. 1300SMILES Stadium. 8. Skins. 9. Homer Simpson. 10. Sacha Baron Cohen.

No. 779

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For personal readings, phone Francis on 9673 6321. Credit cards welcome. Francis Bevan direct 1902 264 063 or 24 hour line 1902 267 040 $5.50 per minute (higher pay-phone or mobile)..

Zooey can be a complex mixture of steely ambition and emotional sensitivity and occasionally her life gets a little bit out of balance. The best thing for her to do is to take a step back, review her situation and allow her intuition to guide her. This is the ideal time to look carefully at her financial affairs and to consider buying and selling property.





The Sun is in your 10th house in January placing the focus on career and finances. This is an extremely busy time where professional matters are concerned but be careful of neglecting your loved ones. Embrace change and allow someone you trust to introduce you to uncharted territory.

Saturn is creating a nose to the grindstone period for you at work. While there won't be much excitement, you'll be energetically tackling projects and jobs that have been put off for months. You’ll find co-workers will be willing to pitch in and help.

In 2015 you'll have plenty of good ideas and you mustn't hesitate to present them to those in positions of influence. That grey matter is positively thriving and it needs plenty to occupy it, so any work which fulfils this need will be swiftly and impressively dealt with.

Your health and vitality is the main focus as stressful situations could take their toll. Don’t be your own worst enemy by overdoing it otherwise this behaviour will lay you low. It’s time to re-evaluate your relationships. Is anger pushing you away from people you love?


LEO JUL 23 – AUG 23


Your career is set to advance and Saturn helps give you the confidence and grounding required, especially to those involved with sports, children or the leisure industry. You’ll be mixing pleasure with business, for ulterior motives such as getting to know the boss or a rival better.

The focus is on building up a nest egg. There will be a strong desire to take control of your life and not to let anyone interfere with your plans. Health matters will dominate your mind and many of you will be drawn to do community work.



This is a particularly fortunate time if you are self-employed, in a position of influence or for dealing with those in the position of power. Financially you will be focused on getting your affairs in order. Responsibility is the name of the game.

Having Saturn in your 8th house means it's a good time to deal with government bodies, big financial companies, insurance issues, the tax office or the stock exchange. Paperwork will be of the utmost importance. In 2015, when it comes to important forms don't procrastinate.

GEMINI MAY 22 – JUNE 21 Saturn in your opposite sign of Sagittarius is giving you a clear indication that you mustn't insist on having your own way in any area of life; instead you must consider other people, their needs and desires. It's time to prioritise your health.

Saturn increases your responsibilities on the home and family front. It may be necessary to take care of an older family member whose health is waning. If there have been any issues seething below the surface with loved ones, it's time to bring them out into the open.


Getty Images

in the

17 January 1980

Sometimes you can be aloof without knowing it, so try being more affectionate with loved ones. The focus is on networking which is good news for the self-employed and those seeking new friendships. Time spent with more mature or powerful people will be most rewarding.

PISCES FEB 20 – MAR 20 Saturn is in the career sector of your chart making this an extremely challenging, hard-working year. Avoid becoming obsessed with achieving your goals. If you don’t have someone special in your life it’s permissible to be so focused, but if you have loved ones expect complaints.


SNOW “Snow is one of the most beautiful things on Earth. I have spent much of life living in and visiting the Snowy Mountains so have experienced a huge spectrum of snow from gentle falls of giant soft flakes through to raging ice blizzards in 100km/h-plus winds.”

Thinkstock image

My favourite things GREEN THUMB “Berries are possibly the healthiest food on earth. They are also damn yummy. There is a huge variety of berries we never use in our diet and I am working on getting some of the more unusual ones available to more people through our berry farm in the Snowy Mountains.”

MASTERCHEF “Our pizza oven produces delicious meals. Many of our gatherings with family and friends now involve the oven.”


Damian De Marco

“I have designed gardens for 25 years and love creating beautiful places for people to live. For the last 11 years I have been creating a 14-acre garden for my family at Wallaroo and it is just starting to show its bones. Watching it emerge from a sheep paddock has been a great pleasure.”


- Allison Redman 138

ART ESCAPE “There are times when I paint where I can get consumed by the thrill of creating an image. It’s as if the picture becomes an extension of me.”

Photos Gary Schafer

Acknowledged for his work as a child sexual assault campaigner, Damian De Marco is the 2015 ACT Local Hero. Described as “a symbol of courage for child abuse victims and their families”, Damian has spent four decades fighting to prevent other children from sharing his experience. He says “family and friends are what I love most in life. I am fortunate to have a large number of people of a wide range of ages whom I consider close friends” and is pictured with his wife Renai and daughters Aimee and Katie (right). Damien also has a love of the environment including the Olegas Truchanas Huon Pine Forest in Tasmania: “Huon pine is like the jewel in the necklace of Tasmania. It is such a special plant in so many ways including one tree holding the title of the oldest living thing on earth”.





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