24 September 2015

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thursday 24 september 2015


fresh new trends TV guide p232 FIND A TRADIE




hello, sunshine!

spring fashions to wear now


5 new reads



pages of hot property open homes p214 35 pages of coastal & country real estate


Moko jewellery Kids' DVD bundles LCA Belconnen package Carmen Sweet doubles CoolThings Australia vouchers Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell DVDs


marching to a different beat

Canberra Weekly contents

thursday 24 september 2015

This week...

We hope you enjoy this week’s spring fashion special as much as we’ve enjoyed bringing it to you. The photos were shot in glorious sunshine at the Fitters’ Workshop in Kingston earlier this month. Special thanks to the ACT Government Property Group for arranging our access to this beautiful historic building. It provided a great canvas for this year’s Face of Fashfest, the stunning Hannah from Haus Models, to wear outfits styled by our fashion editor, Laura White, assisted by UC student Ruby Becker. Meanwhile our photographer Gary Schafer made the most of the sunlight streaming into the Fitters’ Workshop and flooding the surrounding landscape to take some striking shots. It was a quick coffee run across to a Kingston Foreshore café where sunbeams shimmered on the water like golden sequins. While you’ll find plenty of sequins in our red carpet picks from this week’s Emmy Awards (see page 66), denim, lace and florals reign in our fashion shoot. Reasons to be grateful this past week include The Wharf Revue’s hilarious, incisive political satire, inspirational recipients of the University of Canberra Distinguished Alumni Awards, Gretel Killen sharing captivating tales with attentive audiences at Floriade, the many colours of tulips, early morning birdsong, sweet and juicy golden kiwifruit, and working with our great team to bring you another 244-page Canberra Weekly this week. - Julie Samaras

Suite 11, 285 Canberra Avenue Fyshwick ACT 2609 Editorial & Advertising Enquiries T 02 6175 8800 | F 02 6175 8899 Since March 2009


Paul Bongiorno Marching to a new beat


Time out 5 new reads

On the cover Spring fashion special

Home Fresh new trends


Regulars 04 08 28 31 40 51 74 179 214 219 232 236 237 238 242

General news Ross Solly Have you heard? Social scene Taste The look Real estate Regional & coastal Open homes Motoring TV guide Puzzles Stars Trades & services My favourite things

71 66

WIN 48 48 64 64 71 71

on the cover

Hannah from Haus Models wears clothing styled by Laura White, assisted by Ruby Becker. Makeup by Kirsten Hall and hair by Brooke Varova of Rockabilly Boutique, Fyshwick. Photos by Gary Schafer, shot on location at the Fitters’ Workshop, Kingston. Spring fashion special from page 51.

Getty Images

From the editor

06 43 51 69



Carmen Sweet doubles Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell DVDs Laser Clinics Australia Belconnen package Moko jewellery Kids' DVD bundles CoolThings Australia vouchers

Editor Julie Samaras

Group General Manager John Brand



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Display Advertising Director Monica Schwetz


Art Director Daniel Charron Photography Gary Schafer FOUNDER & PUBLISHER Nick Samaras

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Published by Newstate Media Pty Ltd (ACN 124 830 155). All content © 2015 Newstate Media Pty Ltd, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without prior written permission. All material sent to Canberra Weekly Magazine (whether solicited or not) will not be returned. Unless otherwise agreed beforehand, all rights including copyright in such material is assigned to Newstate Media upon receipt and Newstate Media may use or sell such material in perpetuity without further consent or payment. All prices and information are correct at time of printing. For full terms and conditions of competitions contact Canberra Weekly Magazine on 6175 8800.


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news Addressing alcohol-related harm in the ACT


hanges to trading hours have been suggested to address alcohol-related harm in the ACT, however Canberra CBD Limited wants a solution that won’t impact the economic prosperity of the city centre. Jane Easthope, CEO of Canberra CBD Limited, said that an economic strategy and plan should be developed to grow the night-time economy rather than deplete it. “There are a number of suggestions that we have made to the government to assist in addressing alcohol-related harm without impacting the CBD economy,” Ms Easthope said. “These suggestions include a security grant enabling late night licensed premises to collectively apply for funding to allow for private security personnel moving between the premises and the police proactively supporting the safety of staff and patrons in late night food traders such as

McDonalds, while at the same time encouraging new late night traders.” However, the NSW and ACT Alcohol Policy Alliance (NAAPA) suggests that any comprehensive reform of the Liquor ACT 2010 must begin with a reduction in late night trading hours, action to address reckless discounting and promotion in both on- and off-licence venues, as well as measures governing and controlling outlet density. In its submission, NAAPA highlights that Canberrans are drinking more and at riskier levels on a single occasion than the national average. Alcohol harms are also on the increase with over 6,700 alcohol-related emergency department presentations in the ACT each year. Data suggests that over a fouryear period there has been a 32% increase in the number of alcoholrelated emergency department presentations, from 5,084 in 200910 to 6,702 in 2012-13.

Across that same period, there have been significant numbers of alcohol-related offences reported by police with an average of 85 such offences recorded across the ACT each month between 2010 and September 2013. Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education Chief Executive, Michael Thorn, said the alarming consumption and harms data makes clear that there is still much work to do in the ACT. Mr Thorn said he welcomes the ACT Government’s changes to date to address alcohol harms, including the introduction of secondary supply laws and the strengthening of the membership of the Liquor Advisory Board, but warns that much more work remains to be done. “Alcohol harms in the ACT are extensive and on the rise, driven by increased availability, excessive promotion and cheap booze. If the government is sincere and genuine about reducing those harms then

it must introduce a 3am close and a 1am lockout for on-licence venues and a 10pm close for packaged liquor, and crackdown on reckless promotions that currently sees alcohol sold for less than a dollar per standard drink,” Mr Thorn said. The submissions were made in response to the ACT Government’s issues paper addressing alcoholrelated harm. The ACT Government received 28 responses. In addition to the issues paper, ACT Attorney-General Simon Corbell has also recently approached key stakeholders regarding a range of proposals for regulatory improvements. The consultation period for these proposals closes on 2 October. “Responses from both consultation processes will be considered in detail for the purpose of determining whether further amendments should be made to the Liquor Act 2010 and whether other reforms are required,” he said.

“The aims of the project are

Science meets street art at Westside Street artists worked with young scientists from the Australian National University on Saturday 19 September to develop art inspired by student research and discoveries. Co-Lab: Science Meets Street Art was organised by Lee Constable as part of her Master of Science Communication Outreach program at ANU to engage the 4

public in science. What was originally going to be a small trial “snowballed” and with a successful grant through PARSA (Postgraduate and Research Student Association) at ANU to cover the cost of paint and support from artists and Westside Acton Park, Co-Lab: Science Meets Street Art was formed.

threefold,” Lee says. “Firstly, I hope that the collaboration gives early career scientists a chance to develop skills in communicating their research to the public and consider art as a medium for doing this. Secondly, I hope that artists will consider collaborating with scientists or using science as the focus for their future work. Thirdly, I hope this project allows Canberrans to engage with science that is being done by young people in their local community.” Canberra street artist Houl said collaborating with a scientist had been a great experience. “It’s been great to work with someone with enthusiasm for something in a completely different

field to my own,” Houl said. Catherine Ross, PhD science student at the Fenner School of Environment and Society who is doing a project on Ecosystem Engineers - Bettongs in Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve, collaborated with Houl. “I think scientists and artists have a lot in common; we both have to think creatively and look for the links between seemingly unrelated ideas. I admire the ability of artists to communicate complicated ideas and make people think,” Catherine said. The artworks are on display indefinitely at Westside Acton Park with no current plans to paint over them. - Allison Redman

Photo Eleanor Campbell

Street artist Smalls and ANU PhD student Jason Whitfield collaborated on Mapping Learning and Memory in the Brain, inspired by Jason’s work creating biosensors using Green Fluorescent Protein, first discovered in the jellyfish Aequorea Victoria.

Australia lives here

capital hill Marching to a different beat


othing tells us more about Malcolm Turnbull’s determination to give Australia a dramatically different government than his appointment of our first woman Defence Minister. Sure, he was under enormous pressure to show that, unlike the man he deposed, he got that women matter and should count for more. The first Abbott cabinet with its sole female minister was, let’s be frank, a disgrace. It sent out the message that women of merit could not be found in the ranks of the parliamentary Liberal Party. The eye-catching shock of the new Turnbull government was the job he gave Senator Marise Payne, just when everyone was speculating the giant and significant portfolio would go to one of two blokes, Christopher Pyne or Joe Hockey.

For innocent bystanders, Payne seemed to be a bolt out of the blue. But the fact of the matter is she has had an enduring interest in defence issues. She has impressed with her work on influential parliamentary committees in the areas of defence and foreign affairs. One of the first to welcome the appointment as an inspired choice was the Australian Defence Association’s Neil James. The former soldier says she is now offering the prospect of stability not seen in the past six years. The portfolio has become something of a revolving door – much like federal government itself. It’s understood she suggested the role to the prime minister who was quick to realise its worth. Like Turnbull, Payne comes from the moderate side of the NSW Liberal Party. The conservatives tried to

knock over her senate pre-selection during the Howard years. Though that prime minister was anything but a small l Liberal, he intervened to save her. He recognised her talent though left it to others to promote it. Payne is now one of five women in the 21 person cabinet. Still a long way from the 50% of the population accounted for by the opposite sex but at least a start. More impressive, for the first time Australia now has two women responsible for National Security and Defence: Julie Bishop and Payne. The appointment probably went a long way to explain why the Sunday afternoon tantrum from the minister she replaced was hardly noticed. It really was extraordinary for Kevin Andrews to pre-empt the prime minister by announcing his “offer” to serve was rejected and that Turnbull should know the


party is a broad church that should include him in its cabinet. He even claimed that while defence is meant to be a natural strength of the Liberals, during the Abbott period it had not always been. Thank-you Kevin and good-bye. Turnbull didn’t turn a hair. Instead he announced “a cabinet for the 21st century”. He wants an agile government not afraid of change and “ready to seize the opportunities in these exciting times”. The “death cult” wasn’t mentioned once nor was “stopping the boats” or “scrapping the mining and carbon taxes”. There seems to have been a change of government.

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political capital Glebe Park move for Floriade ‘bold’


’m sure there are very good economic and practical reasons why the Government would consider moving Floriade to Glebe Park from 2017 onwards. There must be. Otherwise you would have to ask: ‘Why?’ I have nothing against Glebe Park. I’ve had many a picnic there; the kids have run around there; it’s a very pleasant family park. But it’s not Commonwealth Park. And surely one of the main reasons Floriade has been such a success for so long, especially with interstate and overseas visitors, is the location. Lake Burley Griffin is the heart of the ACT, and its banks boast the best museums, galleries and library in the country. This is what we want to


showcase to our visitors. Sure, they’ve all come to see the beautiful flowers and enjoy the glorious spring weather, but as they take time out to relax with a coffee or a glass of wine, don’t we want their eyes to gaze over our other major attractions? Whether we like it or not, Civic is still a pretty drab, cold place, although that is slowly changing. I understand the attraction in allowing more businesses to tap into the Floriade action, and I’ve heard the frustration firsthand of business owners that there’s very little flow-on to them from visitors during that period. But there are three things you would hope to achieve through Floriade every year.

That visitors have a great time while they are here. 2. That they come back again. 3. That they tell their friends what a cool place Canberra is to visit (more on that shortly). I have had interstate friends visit Floriade, and without exception they loved it. They especially loved the layout and the proximity to the lake. Move the event to Glebe Park and you may well have parking issues and overcrowding; two issues that can quickly diminish one’s experience. Which would be a shame, especially in light of new research showing people’s perception of Canberra is changing. The VisitCanberra survey found



30% of respondents found Canberra a more fashionable destination, up from 20% previously. (Is it just me, or does it still seem pretty disappointing that only 30% of visitors believe our city is cool?) There were healthy increases in visitor numbers to Canberra for major events, which is a good reward for the people who have put their money where their mouths are. There are lots more great sporting and cultural events on the horizon for Canberra and the ACT. And even though we all say we like the fact Canberra is our little secret, let’s hope word continues to spread about what we have to offer.

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news A metre matters to protect cyclists


otorists will be required to provide a minimum distance when overtaking bicycles as part of new cycling rules to be trialled in the ACT from 1 November. The minimum overtaking law, also known as the ‘metre matters’ rule, will require motorists to provide a minimum distance of one metre when overtaking a cyclist in speed zones at or below 60km/h and 1.5m in speed zones above 60km/h. “The ACT will commence a two-year trial of the metre matters rule commencing on 1 November,” Minister for Justice Shane Rattenbury said. “It is important that we continue to make it easier, safer and more convenient for people to choose cycling as their preferred method of transport.” John Armstrong, Executive

Officer of Pedal Power ACT, welcomed the announcement but said it is just part of a suite of actions required to “assist a much safer environment on the bike”. “A key thing that is needed is the introduction of cycling and cycling competency and safety education at school… we want to know that every child can ride a bike, do it well and do it safely,” he said. Mr Armstrong believes the new rules will encourage greater bike use as there will be a “higher level of assurance that riders are relatively safe on the road” but the associated education campaign is key. “The education component with the overtaking distance is just as important as anything else. It helps people begin to understand how important it is to provide a safe overtaking distance.”

Amy Gillett Foundation interim CEO Belinda Clark said the trial will make bike riding safer in the ACT. “A metre matters because it provides a practical measurement for drivers when overtaking bike riders.. our mission is to achieve zero bike fatalities in Australia and this move will make a difference in achieving that goal,” Ms Clark said. “The ACT has joined Queensland as a leader in cycling safety, strengthening its position as a bicycle friendly city, and we congratulate the ACT Government for implementing the new road safety laws.” To enable drivers to provide the minimum overtaking distances on narrow roads or roads with narrow lanes, Mr Rattenbury said motorists will be allowed to cross centre lines, straddle lane-lines and drive on painted islands, “provided the driver

has a clear view of any approaching traffic and that it is safe to do so”. “On busy roads and narrow roads, cyclists can help motorists out by riding to the left of the road or bicycle lane, and riding single file.” The overtaking law will be accompanied by new laws that allow riders to remain on their bicycles when crossing at pedestrian crossings. Cyclists must ride slowly across pedestrian crossings under the conditions of the trial and must also keep to the left of the crossing and give way to any pedestrians. “One of the more important aspects of this pedestrian crossing trial is for cyclists to slow to 10km/h on the approach to the crossing, check for any approaching traffic and be prepared to stop,” Mr Rattenbury said. - Allison Redman

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DOROTHY THE DINOSAUR & FRIENDS You’re all inv ited to c ome sing, danc e and l augh w ith D orothy along w ith her f r iends Wags the D og, Henr y the Oc topus and Fair y Cl are. Tue s 2 9, We d 3 0 S ep t and T hur 1 O c t 3 0 minu t e shows a t 1 1 am and 2pm , f oll owe d by a me e t and gr e e t . We s t f iel d B elc onnen C ent r e C our t N o b o ok ings r e quir e d



news A group of about 30 students at Campbell High School have helped create the Street Hero range that is designed to encourage sun smart behaviour in young people. Photo Ross Buchanan, ACT Health.

‘Street Hero’ making sun smart cool


tudents at Campbell High School have taken up the challenge of raising awareness of being sun smart and making wearing hats ‘cool’ by creating their own range of accessories.

The Street Hero range was sold to fellow students at the school’s athletics carnival on Wednesday 16 September with 100 hats and 160 sunglasses sold by lunchtime. The initiative is a part of the It’s Your Move 2 grants for ACT

high schools to develop new and innovative solutions to improve the health of students, which can then be promoted to other high schools across the ACT. Campbell High School received a grant of $10,000 to develop and promote the ‘Street Hero’ range with support from ACT Health, Education and Training Directorate staff plus a team from Education Changemakers. Year 10 students Ruby Gambale and Aqeel Camal said it took about six months to develop the brand. They have designed it as a sustainable business model with profits to “go back into the business to keep it running” as well as to the school.

“We are hoping that a lot of other schools catch on to what we are doing here and we aim to keep new things coming such as t-shirts to keep people interested,” Aqeel said. “I think we are on the right track. We had a great response at the carnival and sold about 70 hats in the first half hour.” Teachers Daniel Flegers and Rebecca Borg supervised the students in their endeavour. “Not only are we starting to change people’s approach to being sun smart but it is a very valuable learning experience,” Daniel said. “Students learn about budgeting, outsourcing, surveying, etc. It also develops their collaborative skills.” - Allison Redman

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Oval proposal Bill to quash historical lacks support convictions

People with a conviction for a historical consensual homosexual act will be able to apply to have their conviction extinguished under new legislation. The Spent Convictions (Historical Homosexual Convictions Extinguishment) Amendment Bill 2015 recognises consensual homosexual acts have not been considered a criminal offence in the ACT since 1976. ACT Attorney-General Simon Corbell said “it is unacceptable that people could still have these now legal consensual acts still forming part of the criminal history”. “This scheme will allow a person to apply to have the conviction removed permanently from their record. If the person is deceased, an application can be made by certain people on their behalf to have the record removed,” Mr Corbell said. “This application will be an administrative process through the Justice and Community Safety Directorate and will not require a person to appear in court. People who require help to make an application under the scheme will be able to contact Legal Aid ACT for assistance.


The ACT Government will not endorse a revised proposal from the Brindabella Christian College (BCC) to build a Sports Pavilion and associated facilities on Lyneham Neighbourhood Oval due to a lack of community support. ACT Minister for Sport and Recreation, Shane Rattenbury, said survey results showed 62% of overall respondents did not support the revised proposal. “While 94% of respondents who were parents and carers from BCC supported the proposal, the level of support from within the broader Lyneham community was less than 25%,” Mr Rattenbury said. “It is clear from the survey results that there is significant community opposition to the proposal being put forward by BCC. As the proposal involves the use of public land but lacks the support of the local community, I am unable to support it proceeding.” Mr Rattenbury said some of the main issues raised by those opposed to the proposal were the loss of green open space, private use of public

land, the car park extension and increased traffic on Brigalow Street, and concern about who would have access to the pavilion. “Those in favour of the proposal cited the availability of extra facilities, improvements to parking and better amenity for the school and public”.

Draft plans for Lyneham The National Capital Authority is calling for public comment on the Draft Development Control Plans (DCP) for the Lyneham Sports Precinct and the Yowani Country Club. The Capital Metro Agency have submitted a request to the NCA to amend the current DCPs to allow for alternative access arrangements to the subject sites, which would otherwise be restricted should the ACT Government proceed with the proposed light rail development. Draft DCPs 15/05 and 15/06 will amend planning and urban design provision for the site, primarily to permit access from Northbourne Avenue. A new access/egress point is proposed at a signalised intersection, generally in line with

Maloney's Property advertising moment

Maloney’s Property principals, Sue and Peter Maloney, say there are financial and lifestyle benefits to downsizing your home when you age: “Once you get to retirement age you don’t want a mortgage”.

Plan for the future with Maloney’s Property As you age, downsizing your property can hold serious appeal – but it’s important to move smartly while maximising your financial position. he team at Maloney’s Property are passionate about helping clients transition to the lifestyle they desire but say it’s important to plan and understand the process. “It is a big lifestyle decision but people are underutilising their assets and this is about getting them to work for you,” says Maloney’s Property principal, Sue Maloney. Downsizing has many benefits including reducing your mortgage for increased cash flow, lower maintenance, as well as reducing costs for items such as energy or gardening. “The financial benefit is a very important factor,” says Sue, “but the lifestyle factor has to be considered as well… we see it here (Kingston) with people who have moved to apartments, walking around with a stress-free lifestyle.” When it comes to downsizing, there are some considerations, with clients encouraged to think about their wants, needs and if it is worthwhile to change. Obtaining a realistic appraisal of your current property is key to any future decisions. “Sue and I are happy to go through the

process with clients as every situation is different,” says Maloney’s Property principal, Peter Maloney. “If they would like to downsize and take some equity out we need to look at what we can get for their house and what the cost would be to buy a suitable property for their lifestyle.” Peter says downsizing is an opportunity for people to take some equity out of their property to fund a better lifestyle of retirement by investing back i nto superannuation or other investments, while it also provides the chance to find a property more suited to your future needs. “The good part about the process is that people have options,” says Sue. “Whether they want to go to an apartment or townhouse… you don’t need to be in an expensive location to maximise benefits. We have these decentralised locations that can afford great lifestyles.” Both Peter and Sue say it is important to plan for the future as “once you get to retirement age you don’t want a mortgage”. “Planning for the next phase in your life is

important and we do see a lot of times when people leave it too late,” says Sue. “It can be a fun and exciting part of your life and if you’ve got this great asset, why not get it working for you.” The ACT Government also offers the Pensioner Duty Concession Scheme, administered by the ACT Revenue Office, which assists eligible pensioners who move to accommodation more suited to their needs, such as moving from a house to a townhouse, by charging duty at a concessional rate. To discuss your property requirements, contact Maloney’s Property today on 6232 0100.

Contact details Maloney’s Property T: 6232 0100 E: maloneys@maloneys.com.au W: maloneys.com.au 15

JOYCE|DICKSON advertising moment

SPECIAL OFFER New SMSF clients receive a discounted first year fee, financial and strategy health check. Call JOYCE|DICKSON on 6162 2600 to find out more.

Wayne Bolin, SMSF Partner, welcomes Noelia Pinto to the JOYCE|DICKSON Chartered Accountants SMSF team.

JOYCE|DICKSON grows SMSF team JOYCE|DICKSON Chartered Accountants are pleased to announce they have recently appointed Noelia Pinto to their growing Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) team.


oelia Pinto was a former partner for eight years at a large Canberra firm, and has over 20 years’ experience in accounting and taxation generally. A Chartered Accountant, Noelia has specialised in self-managed superannuation funds for the past 11 years. She is an accredited SMSF specialist with the SMSF Association (formerly known as SPAA), and has also completed a Diploma of Financial Services (Financial Planning). JOYCE|DICKSON Chartered Accountants has a division dedicated to SMSF which enables clients to receive expert advice in all areas of self-managed superannuation. The administration service is provided on a very competitive fixed fee arrangement – so there are no surprises. Apart from the specialised qualifications, the SMSF team at JOYCE|DICKSON also has over 80 years of combined experience in assisting their SMSF clients. The strategic advice provided has helped clients not only ensure they are structured correctly but also are saving tax. According to Wayne Bolin, the SMSF Partner, “Noelia genuinely cares about her clients and has always provided a very personalised style


of service. Noelia is constantly striving for excellence and her honest and candid approach is both appreciated and refreshing”. Noelia’s experience across the three areas of business services (encompassing accounting and taxation), superannuation, and financial planning mean that the service she provides is not only holistic but also focused on how she can make your future better rather than merely reporting on the past. “It is exciting to be part of a progressive and talented team who not only want to help create a better future for their clients, but who understand the importance of building and maintaining good client relationships,” she says. Wayne adds, “We believe we have the premier SMSF service in Canberra and this has been strengthened with the addition of Noelia. So this is why we have come up with a special offer for potential new SMSF clients”. “We are offering a discounted first year fee so that new clients are encouraged to experience our service and find out how dedicated we are. We are confident that this positive experience will be enough for these new clients to be a JOYCE|DICKSON client for years to come,” he says.

Every new client also receives a financial and strategy health check relating to their SMSF. According to Noelia, “the purpose of this review is to give the members of the SMSF information as to whether there are strategic decisions they need to consider that will provide tax savings or highlight estate planning issues”. The JOYCE|DICKSON SMSF team all agree that to be leaders in the SMSF market, it is not only about having the knowledge but also to empower their clients with this knowledge. As part of their commitment to this, the SMSF team hold regular seminars and provide Super Snippets for their SMSF clients. These seminars and snippets ensure that JOYCE|DICKSON SMSF clients gain a better understanding of strategic issues involving their SMSF and also to keep them up to date with any changes in the SMSF world. It is quite obvious when talking with the team that they have a passion for what they do and want more people to experience that. If you are interested in talking about your SMSF or taking up the new client offer, phone 6162 2600 to make a no obligation, free, one hour meeting with Wayne or Noelia.

helping clients achieve their goals...

Self-Managed Superannuation Fund Special Offer – $550 fixed price For SMSF Compliance Package, which includes: • Preparation of Financial Statements • Preparation of Income Tax Return • Completion of Audit |

Why are we offering such a fantastic opportunity to new SMSF clients?

At JOYCE DICKSON we have a dedicated

We believe the SMSF service we are offering is exceptional.

structured appropriately given their situation.

We want new clients to experience this service and we believe that, as a result, you will remain a client of ours for years to come.

team of SMSF specialists who work with our clients to ensure their superannuation is Whether our clients are business owners, employees or retirees we look after all their taxation matters. Our strategic advice covers all parts of our clients financial wellbeing.


This holistic service allows our clients to truly

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This offer is for the first year of compliance only. Contact our office (details below) to book a meeting between members of the fund and Wayne Bolin or Noelia Pinto. This offer is limited to 50 SMSFs.

through superannuation.

Level 4, 53 Blackall Street BARTON ACT 2600 | Ph: 02 6162 2600 | Fax: 02 6162 2601 www.joycedickson.com.au | Email: office@joycedickson.com.au


Joe reaches sleepout target

Tina Fisk has been encouraging children to enter the Science Educators Association of the ACT Science Fair every year since 1991.

Teacher awarded for support of science


anberra teacher Tina Fisk has received a recognition award for her dedication and support of Open Investigations in Science for over 20 years. She first assisted her own children in submitting projects for the Science Educators Association of the ACT (SEA*ACT) Science Fair in 1991, and in 1992, she entered the 1st North Canberra Gumnut Guides into the Science Fair, a tradition she has continued every year since.

“I want children to have the experience of entering the Science Fair and for them to learn that science is fun. I want them to understand that science isn’t just in the classroom; it’s all around us, so when they’re outside they’re recognising patterns and investigating, exploring,” she said. Ms Fisk is also the ACT nominee for the BHP Billiton Science and Engineering Awards to be held in Melbourne in February 2016.

Joseph Frawley, an Honours student at ANU who has committed to sleeping out in his car for 15 weeks whilst completing his thesis, reached his $13,000 target several weeks early (on 3 September) largely through a generous donation by Lambert Parkhill Financial Group. “To reach my full target and be less than halfway truly shows how generous people are,” Joseph said. “To reflect the generosity of people and my gratitude in their rallying behind me, I am going to honour

that target, not increase it.” Joseph said that he was committed to continue to fundraise and that every new donation would support buying textbooks and other learning materials, and every $2,000 would put another underprivileged student through a semester of studying at the Australian Catholic University through the St Vincent de Paul Clemente program. “In this way, the focus for the remainder of my campaign is less about a target amount and more about the outcomes,” Joseph said.

Students learn about life on the land The Royal National Capital Agricultural Society’s annual Agricultural Education Day was held on Wednesday 16 September with over 150 students from Canberra and regional high schools in attendance.

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The education day seminars and workshops gave the students a taste of the diverse activities and employment options available in agricultural industries around Canberra.

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Barton Private Hospital advertising moment

Barton Private Hospital patients can recover with the highest level of nursing care and comfort at The MediHotel, located in the adjoining 5-star Hotel Realm.

Part of an exclusive medical precinct, Barton Private Hospital provides the highest quality of medical and surgical care to patients.

Barton Private Hospital: a unique model of care in 5-star accommodation


entrally located near the Parliamentary Triangle in Canberra, Barton Private Hospital (BPH) is part of an exclusive medical precinct – the Barton Medical Precinct – a one stop shop for the Canberra community. On site, you’ll find BPH, Barton General Practice, The Barton Pharmacy, Capital Pathology, Sports Care Physio, Capital Eye, A1 Dental Care, Dr Sides’s fertility and gynaecology clinic, Dr Tony Tonks’s plastic and reconstructive surgery clinic, MD Cosmedical Solutions, and the Barton Specialist Centre with medical consulting rooms for lease on a sessional or full-time basis ideal for doctors or allied health professionals. Previously known as Capital Day Surgical Centre, BPH has been operating in Canberra since October 2008. BHP CEO Jessy McGowan says, “Over 30,000 operations have been performed to date and we offer both day surgery and overnight hospital accommodation. Our 55 staff provide the best services from admission through discharge, so patients are assured of high quality care before, during and after their surgery.” BPH is fully licensed by the ACT Health protective services and accredited by Global-Mark under the AS/NZs ISO 9001-2008 incorporating the core standard for safety and quality in health. “We continue to benchmark against 20 other similar health facilities nationally to make sure our services are of the highest standard. In the last financial year, the hospital performed close to 4,000 cases. To meet the needs of our patients and surgeons, we had a recruiting campaign and recruited 15 new experienced staff including Registered Nurses, receptionists, wards men and

CSSD staff. The nurses at BPH undergo regular inservice education and accreditation to keep their skills at the forefront of the industry.” Ms McGowan says both insured and noninsured patients can access Barton Private Hospital, as long as uninsured patients are prepared to fund the surgery privately. Often the cost of surgery is not as much as the patient would expect. BPH has successfully negotiated new contracts with all private health funds and is also a provider of choice with all the health funds. “Our foundation is based on safety and commitment to excellent customer service,” she says. “Being a provider of health care services, we are constantly driven by our mission to ensure that we deliver the highest standard in patient care in a timely manner, thereby exceeding the expectations of our patients and their families. “Our surgeons practise in three operating theatres and specialise in a range of surgery: General Surgery; Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery; Orthopaedic Surgery; Urology; Fertility/ IVF; Pain Management; Ophthalmology; Gynaecology; Cosmetic; Ocular-Plastic; Vascular; Periodontal; Dental; and Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery”. Ms McGowan says BPH involves the patients in decision making and policy review via its consumer committee. The hospital has undergone many changes in the past two years, with some new and exciting initiatives planned for the coming months and years. The 10-bed ward of The MediHotel of BPH is also fully licensed by the ACT Health protective services and accredited by Global-Mark. The MediHotel offers a new model of care in a 5-star

style accommodation and a high nurse to patient ratio and a minimum of 2 nurses at all time. Our nurses at the MediHotel are very experienced in post-operative care. Meals are a la carte and are provided from Hotel Realm's in-room dining menu. Patients who stay overnight in The MediHotel ward can be accompanied by a companion at no extra cost including breakfast and dinner. This is especially useful for patients from out of town, who often have a family member with them who would have to stay in separate accommodation if they were admitted to another hospital. BPH provides this service above the contribution of the Health Funds to ensure that the post-operative experience is second to none. BPH prides themselves on their highly skilled and competent staff making the working environment effective and providing a prompt turnaround for patients. There is no waiting time; a surgeon can see a patient in his/her rooms and have them in for surgery at BPH the next day. “I am proud to lead such a committed team but also proud to be associated with the extremely high calibre of surgeons, physicians, anaesthetists, surgical assistants and others who work at BPH,” Ms McGowan said. A list of BPH surgeons can be found on the website [www.bartonprivate.com.au], along with our newsletters with the latest updates. For more information, call the friendly receptionists on 6152 8999 or email reception@bartonprivate.com.au



From table to gallery

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Alison Jackson in her studio. Photographer: Christine Pobke.


ike a true artist, Alison Jackson has the talent and tenacity to transform ordinary domestic items into a visual feast. Who would think mundane kitchen whisks could become a dainty duo of copper and sterling silver, or everyday scoops a shiny nest of bronze and silver surfaces? Jackson has a reputation for the clean lines of her geometric jewellery but her funky tableware is garnering a growing following. Table Tools at Craft ACT is her first solo exhibition and consists of three series. “The first, 10 vessels 10 days is an exploration of ideas, a three-dimensional sketch if you like. Setting a timeframe of one day to make one vessel, each is individually hand raised from a flat sheet of metal. A short film accompanies this work that illustrates one day of this project. “Then, there is a collection

of vessels and lastly a series of utensils. They are all functional and handmade using various materials including silver, brass and copper.” Jackson says she was drawn to gold and silver smithing from an early age. “I’ve always been a tinkerer. Jewellery classes throughout my high school years were my first introduction into the gold and silver smithing world. My teacher then showed me it was something you could make a career out of,” she says. “It’s been a long hard road designing and developing tableware pieces, having started with a traditional silver smithing background and moving towards products that are at a more accessible price point. But it’s really fantastic that this side of my practice is getting a lot more exposure.” Although beauty and design are her driving creative forces,

10 vessels 10 days.

Jackson says most of her work is intended for everyday use. “While the 10 vessels 10 days series is more of a threedimensional sketching style of work, the other 38 pieces in the exhibition are designed to be functional, used and enjoyed. I think they also question people’s idea of what is functional.” Mel George, curator and exhibitions manager of Craft ACT, says Jackson is “undoubtedly one of Australia’s

rising designer-maker stars”. “Alison’s dedication to her practice has enabled her to take traditional gold and silver smithing to the contemporary edge.” Jackson will present a limited edition colour catalogue documenting the works, available for purchase through the Craft ACT Gallery. - Diana Streak Table Tools is at Craft ACT until 24 October.

Have you tried Bike & Ride? With Bike & Ride facilities located across Canberra it’s easy to cycle part of the way and then catch the bus to your destination. Avoid the cost, traffic and hassles of driving. Bike & Ride is a great way to get some extra exercise into your day. Find your nearest Bike & Ride facility at transport.act.gov.au/bikeandride

Photos Angela Bakker

Whisk II + III.

ACTION will be hosting a lunchtime event in the Parliamentary Triangle on Wednesday 14 October at King Edward Terrace to celebrate National Ride to Work Day. Visit our Facebook page for more information: facebook.com/ACTIONbusesACT

Everyday Scoops.



Local author Leanne Shea Langdon signs copies of her newest children’s book, the seventh in her Cheer Chick Charlie series.

Local author gains national deal hile Cheer Chick Charlie has been dancing on ACT bookshelves for a while now, she’s about to take a much greater leap, as local author Leanne Shea Langdon introduces her spirited children’s book character to the rest of Australia. With the release of the seventh book in the Cheer Chick Charlie series, Shea Langdon was also very excited to announce a national distribution deal which will see her cheeky character on bookshelves in all good bookshops around Australia. As a successful life coach, Shea Langdon ensures there is a positive and motivational message for children in each of her books. She came up with the idea for Charlie after a brief stint in the United States had her then eight-year-old daughter obsessing over the sport of cheerleading. Upon returning

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to Australia and discovering a lack of cheerleading programs in the ACT, Shea Langdon started one at her daughter’s school – much like Charlie’s mum does in the books. “The books aren’t just about cheerleading, but encouraging kids to be cheerleaders for each other. There are so many little people out there who could use a bit of a boost,” Shea Langdon said.

“Charlie helps children with their confidence. No matter who they are or what their abilities are, they all have something special inside them.” Books 1-4 will be available nationally by Christmas, while lucky Canberrans can already find up to book seven in local bookshops. - Laura White

YWCA Canberra program recognised YWCA Canberra was named an ACT winner of the National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN) Play Your Part Awards earlier this month. The awards recognise excellence in primary violence prevention initiatives with the organisation’s Relationship Things program acknowledged for its best-practice, evidence-based approach to primary prevention education. Relationship Things aims to prevent sexual assault and gender-based violence by empowering young people of high school age to develop and maintain safe, respectful and consensual relationships. This is the second award that YWCA Canberra has received for Relationship Things, which won an ACT Partners in Prevention award in 2014.

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Active kids challenge adults s tens of thousands of ACT primary school students celebrated the end of the 2015 Active Kids Challenge, the baton has been handed to adults to get active. The 2015 Active Kids Challenge saw more than 20,000 kids from 825 classrooms at 55 ACT Primary Schools take part in the eight-week campaign, which encourages kids to get 60 minutes of activity every day in line with Australia’s Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines. “Ultimately, we want kids to develop a lifelong love of physical activity to help avoid chronic illness and disease which can flow from childhood overweight and obesity,” said Physical Activity Foundation CEO Lucille Bailie. “It’s no secret that being

active is one of the best forms of preventative health and we think challenging kids, adults and families to be active every day, whether at school, at work or at home, is a great start to a healthy, active community.” The ACT Government has partnered with the Physical Activity Foundation to present the Active Workplace Challenge 10 Minute Turn Around. The Active Workplace Challenge, similar to the Active Kids Challenge, encourages participating employees to meet the minimum recommended level of physical activity for adults, which is 30 minutes most days, or 150 minutes in total throughout the week. The 2015 Challenge starts on Monday 19 October. To register, head online to healthierwork.act.gov.au

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sport The ‘Despicable Jumpers’ (Hannah Bucklar, Hayley Turner, Kayley Simpson, Ella Winstanley) competed in the 12-14 years group and won gold for this performance as well as placed third overall in Australia, qualifying for worlds in the process.

Jumping to win Canberra’s Jazzy Jumpers co‑hosted the Australian National Skipping Championships with Skipping Australia at the AIS from 19 to 21 September which saw over 245 athletes compete. The club recorded strong results including some individuals and teams qualifying for the World Championships next year in Sweden. World individual qualifiers include Kira Muir, Carl Bradbury,


Gemma Steele, Hannah Bucklar and Kayley Simpson while Hannah Bucklar, Kayley Simpson, Hayley Turner and Ella Winstanley were successful in team world qualifiers. Kayley Simpson was also named the 13 years age champion, the second year in a row she has won her national age category, while Lucy Ovington was U7s age champion, Kira Muir 15+ age champion, and Ashleigh

Rankin and Ella Cools 11‑13 years pairs champions. Competitive events range from single speed and freestyle events, to pairs and teams speed and freestyle events, as well as double dutch events. Jazzy Jumpers run a recreational class during school terms on Mondays 5‑6pm at Amaroo School Hall. For more information, visit jazzyjumpers.org.au

Kelly wins Paratriathlon title ACT Paratriathlete Katie Kelly, with guide Michellie Jones, won gold in PT5 category at the 2015 ITU World Triathlon Championships in Chicago recently, the result also securing a valuable 2016 Rio Olympic berth in the PT5 category for Australia. Two other ACT‑based athletes also achieved positive results with Emily Tapp claiming second in the PT1 category and Jono Goerlach, with his guide Daudi Somi, finishing sixth in the PT5 category. The Australia Paratriathlon team will now take a well‑earned break before beginning their road to Rio Olympic campaign with a High Performance Training Camp at the AIS from 1 to 8 November.

Taseska, Kershaw claim top awards Hockey ACT recently held the Brophy McKay Presentation Night to honour and congratulate the best players, officials and clubs in the ACT region. The best and fairest awards went to Tina Taseska for the McKay Medal while Aaron Kershaw claimed the Brophy Medal. In CL1 competition awards, Millie Monfries (St Pats) and Thomas Deane (United) were named most improved, while Matthew Hotchkis (Central) with 24 goals and Laura Gray (Tuggeranong Vikings) with 27 goals were named leading scorers. Administrator awards went to Andrew Sutton, Tamika Bostock, Niranjan Gupte and Jeremy Hopkins; officials awards went to Jennifer Burns, Branden Fitzsimmons, Stirling Sharpe and Emily Carroll; representative awards went to Mikayla Evans, Tina Taseska, Niranjan Gupte, Stuart Shepherd, Kalindi Commerford and James Day.

Aaron Kershaw and Tina Taseska won the Brophy Medal and McKay Medal respectively for best and fairest at Hockey ACT’s presentation night. Keegan Carroll Photography.

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Help our local House and have a lot of fun by joining the Ronald McDonald House Canberra Red Wig Run and Walk on Sunday 25 October. The whole family is welcome to come along and enjoy the carnival atmosphere!

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sport ACT trio compete in Ecuador The ACT has three representatives at the 4th INAS Global Games taking place in Ecuador (21-27 September). INAS is the International Federation for sport for athletes with an intellectual disability that promotes inclusion through sport. Justin Koenig was selected for the Australian Boomerangs, while Brittany Anderson and Taylor Anderson were selected for the Australian Pearls – Australia’s national men’s and women’s basketball teams for players with an intellectual disability.

Wiasak claims winning double Kristen & Rod

Proudly supported by

Canberra cyclist Rebecca Wiasak won both stages on the final day of the National Capital Tour held from 18 to 20 September. Wiasak demonstrated her track world champion abilities by attacking just before the final stretch in both the 75.9km road race and the 30-lap criterium, to claim the wins. Fellow local Lucy Bechtel and Wiasak’s track national team colleague, Ashlee Ankudinoff, rounded out the road race podium, while Kendelle Hodges and Ruth Corset took the stage four minor lacings. In other results over the weekend, Bechtel claimed second in stage two while Wiasak also claimed third in the time trial event held at Googong.



Goalie earns Aussie selection Local ice hockey player Alexandre Tetreault has been selected in the Under 20s Australian World Championship squad which competes in Serbia in January 2016. Alexandre is the goalkeeper for the ACT Junior Brave ice hockey team who recently played in the grand final of the NSW winter competition against Liverpool, going down 3-1. A student at Narrabundah College, Alexandre has been training hard over the past three years as a goalie to get into the national team. He is looking to raise $5,000 to cover the costs of

ACT Junior Brave goalkeeper Alexandre Tetreault has been selected in the Under 20s Australian World Championship squad.

competing in Serbia. Supporters can donate online at gofundme.com/k93fyh7c

Close finish in sprint duathlon event in 1:09.23, 13 seconds ahead of Michelle Crawford, Goulburn Triathlon Club, with Angela Bateup (PTC) another 30 seconds back. Top ACT juniors claimed the novice category titles with Lauren Elliott, Vikings Triathlon Club, winning the female title and 13-year-old Taj Hutchinson (PTC), the male category. The next race in the ACT Triathlon Series is the ACT Duathlon Championships which will be held at Rond Terrace, Commonwealth Park, on Sunday 27 September. This event will also be a Team Australia qualifier for the 2016 ITU World Duathlon Championship, which will be held in Avelis, Spain.

Brumbies sign Wells The Brumbies have signed exciting young flanker Michael Wells to the club’s extended playing squad. A dynamic loose forward by trade, Wells was selected to the Australian Sevens Program for the 2014/2015 Sevens World Series. He has also represented Australian Schoolboys and

Australia at the Under 20s level and played for Northern Suburbs in Sydney’s Shute Shield for the past two years. The St Ignatius Riverview product can play in a number of backrow positions and will link with the Brumbies EPS for the 2016 Super Rugby season.

Book your end of year function at ANU Commons With something for everybody, the ANU Commons is the perfect place for your Christmas party for the office, family or social group. We have a wide variety of festive menus available, from casual canapé functions in our private courtyard, to festive buffet menus through to more formal sit down lunches and dinners. Enquire today, as spaces are limited.

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Robbie Skillman, Performance Triathlon Coaching (PTC) club, kicked off the ACT Triathlon Series with a perfectly timed race to clinch the win in one of the closest races in ACT history. Held over a 5km run, 20km cycle and 2.5km run, the Stromlo Sprint Duathlon brought together the region’s best duathletes. Skillman held on over the final 2.5km run to claim the win in 59.10 with only seven seconds separating the top three; ACT Juniors Liam Burton placed second (59.16), finishing one second ahead of Callum McCluskey (59.17). In the female race, Janet Martin from Orange Cycle and Triathlon Club won the


Living Green Festival Encouraging ‘a kinder shade of green’ for the planet, animals and humans, the 5th Living Green Festival returns to the Albert Hall, Yarralumla on Sunday 4 October 10-4pm. The festival features 80 market stalls with healthy, plant-based products and services including delicious food from around the globe. All diets are catered for, including vegan, lactose intolerant and gluten intolerant. Featured cuisines include Salvadorean, Eritrean, Malaysian, Mexican, and even Aussie pies and a traditional Aussie barbie – not to mention cupcakes plus fresh juices, smoothies, chai and ice creams. There will also be live music

and dance performances, food workshops and interesting talks on a wide range of topics including sustainable diets, bike maintenance and vegan parenting. The amazing LGF Kidzone is bigger and better than ever this year with lots of free fun for all the family! Kids (and kids-at-heart) can get active by trying the 8m rock climbing wall. There will also be kids’ yoga classes, face-painting, board games, arts and craft. Dogs are welcome too – there will be a dog café and stalls with healthy canine products and several dog rescue organisations. More info: visit lgf.org.au or the Living Green Festival Facebook page.

Handmade Canberra Share your community event. Email news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘HYH’ in the subject field. Deadline is 10 days prior to Thursday edition date.

With its upcoming big spring market on 26-27 September, Handmade Canberra continues to support a number of charities with Handmade Giving. Their September market will support Dragons Abreast, which assists people affected by breast cancer by raising awareness through participation in dragon boat racing. The market will be held at Exhibition Park in Canberra on Flemington Road, 10am-4pm each day.

HAVE YOU HEARD? what's on

Floral display and art show All Saints Anglican Church in Ainslie will welcome spring indoors with a floral display and art show on 26-28 September. There will be flower arranging demonstrations, guided tours of the heritage listed church and musical interludes during the long weekend. Details: allsaintsainslie.org.au

Walk 4 Hope It’s time to dust off your sneakers and register for the annual Walk 4 Hope on Saturday 26 September at Lake Burley Griffin. Registration is at 9am with the walk starting at 10am. All money raised will go to Huntington’s NSW, seeking to improve the quality of life for all people touched by Huntington’s Disease in NSW and the ACT. For more info: huntingtonsnsw.org.au


must do

must see

Canberra Highland Gathering Anyone with a love of all things Scottish will be rallying to the sound of the pipes and drums at the Canberra Highland Gathering and Scottish Fair on Saturday 10 October 10am-5pm at Kambah Oval. Enjoy a day of traditional Scottish events and activities including pipe band competitions, massed bands displays, highland dancing competition, Scottish food and market stalls, Scottish heavy athletics events and more. Entry is free.

Festival Indonesia 2015 The Indonesian Embassy, in cooperation with the Indonesia-Australia related communities in Canberra, will hold its annual Festival Indonesia on Saturday 10 October 11am-4pm at the Embassy grounds in Yarralumla. It’s open to the public and entry is free. There will be Indonesian food and drink stalls, handicraft bazaar, music and dance performances from traditional to modern and popular art forms, tours to the Culture Gallery and Exhibition as well as creative activities and games for kids. You’re welcome to have a picnic in the Embassy gardens while enjoying the festival. For more information, call the Indonesian Embassy on 6250 8645 or visit kemlu.go.id/canberra

Three Canberra poets – Hazel Hall, Moya Pacey and Sandra Renew – will be writing poems from 8am to 3pm on Saturday 26 September at Tilley’s Café, Lyneham, to raise money and awareness for refugees. All donations will go to Canberra Refugee Support. Donations can be made on the day or via canberrapoetathon.wordpress.com

Seed starter session Learn how to start your own veggie patch for free at 100kilos.org’s Seed Starter Session on Saturday 26 September 10am-12 noon at the Murrumbateman Village Market, Recreation Grounds. More info: 100kilos.org

Blessing of the animals In celebration of St Francis and his love for all creatures, pet owners are invited to bring their beloved pets to an outside service at the St Barnabas Parish for the Blessing of the Animals on Sunday 27 September 4pm at St Michael and All Angels, Hall. There will be plenty of animals, so please bring an appropriate form of restraint. If your pet is unable to attend, bring a picture for a blessing.

Next Top Pet The competition to see who will be Canberra’s Next Top Pet is back for a second season. Do you think your pet has what it takes to become the face of RSPCA ACT? Making your pet a star is easy. Register your cat, dog or pocket pet and start fundraising today. The top five fundraisers from each category will be invited to participate in a final runway showdown. Fundraising closes Tuesday 13 October 11.59pm. To register, visit cntp2015.everydayhero.com/au/sign-up

Lunchtime melodies A joint initiative of the Rotary Club of Ginninderra and Raiders Belconnen, lunchtime melodies is held on the second Wednesday of each month. Upcoming concerts include Warrani Chorale from U3A (14 October), the Tuggeranong Ukulele Group (11 November) and The Second Movement, Show Band (9 December). Entry by gold coin. On from 11.30am-12.30pm at Raiders Belconnen.

Pink Lady Luncheon Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) is bringing the iconic Pink Lady Luncheon Series to Canberra in 2015 for the first time. The luncheon will be held on Tuesday 13 October at the National Gallery of Australia. Held in conjunction with Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Secondary Breast Cancer Awareness Day, the Canberra Pink Lady luncheon is an opportunity to hear from inspirational speakers and to support Canberrans affected by breast cancer. All money raised through the event will go to BCNA to support their programs and services, including the My Journey Kit, a free information pack provided to people newly diagnosed with breast cancer. Tickets: $160 ($110 with $50 tax deductible donation requested). Available from bcna.org.au/news-events/pink-lady-luncheon-series

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have you heard Transport forum COTA ACT is hosting a free forum on Wednesday 7 October 11am-1pm at the Hughes Community Centre Hall on what the future holds for Canberra’s older non-drivers. The forum aims to promote a shift in the debate around the way we look at public transport solutions for people who don’t drive, especially seniors. COTA has invited representatives from Uber, NICTA, Capital Metro, Belconnen Community Services and TAMS (Flexible Bus Service) to ‘pitch’ their ideas to seniors, followed by an open panel discussion.

St Philip’s family fun day

October 16th sleepout.org.au The Canberra Community Sleepout is a partnership between Communities@Work and St Vincent de Paul Society Canberra/Goulburn, which deliver services that provide immediate assistance to those experiencing homelessness and empower people to create better futures. Proudly Supported by

This year marks 150 years since St Philip’s in Gibraltar Street, Bungendore, opened its doors and to celebrate, a family fun day is planned for Saturday 10 October 10am-3pm. There will be a jumping castle, children’s craft, old fashioned games, a prayer tree, tours of the church and more. Organisers are also looking to display baptismal and wedding clothing through the generations; old prayer and hymn books, photos and other memorabilia of past and present reflections of St Philip’s. If you have some memorabilia, and would be happy to display it for this special occasion, please contact the Parish via office@bungendoreanglican.org.au or 6238 1251.

Art competition The Mulligans Friends are running their Snap-Film-Draw Spring into Nature art competition for kids until 30 October. Kids can take a photo, draw a picture or shoot a video about nature in the Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary to win great prizes including a mini iPad and family pass to Questacon. Forms and info at bettongs.org

Dragon boat regatta This year’s Dragons Abreast Canberra Corporate Regatta for Corporate and Social Crews will be held at Grevillea Park on Saturday 17 October 8am-1pm with a ‘superheroes’ theme. The annual event raises breast cancer awareness in the community and is also a major fundraiser to assist local and national groups supporting women and men on their journey following a breast cancer diagnosis. Entry is $900 per boat (20 paddles in a team, $45 per person). For more, visit dragonsabreast.com.au or email DAregatta2014@gmail.com




Looking for a new car? Zoom to Motoring

page 219

social scene

Nino Nadjib Riphat, Deputy Prime Minister Julie Bishop, Indonesian Ambassador Nadjib Riphat Kesoema

Philippine Ambassador Belen Anota, Sam Wong

Amber Anesbury, Rhiannon Govan

Elizabeth Harley, Aina Blyton

Sally Deane, Kirsten Stobbe

Jana Grilic, Serif Bedeir

Anne McConnell, Colleen Thurgar

Margaret Smith, Geoff Smith

ABOVE LEFT Independence of Indonesia 70th anniversary reception, Indonesian Ambassador’s residence, Red Hill. Photos Gary Schafer. ABOVE RIGHT Mother, Wife and the Complicated Life opening night, The Q, Queanbeyan.



social scene

Ben, Emma, Jack and Alex Stockbridge

Brendan Smyth MLA, Nicole Lawder MLA, Senator Zed Seselha, Andrew Wall MLA, Mick Gentleman MLA ABOVE LEFT

Billy Kirkwood, Chloe Kirkwood, Nicole Kirkwood, Mat Raymond

Cameron Newlands, Nicole Carmichael, Troy Fahey

Craig Moorfoot, Zoe Routh, Susie Walford

Allyson Hogan, Maryanne Gore

Lana Smith, Kim Sinclair, Lisa Dart

Rob Routh, Dave Rae, Peter Beames

Official opening of new McDonald’s Erindale family concept store, Wanniassa. Composure by Zoe Routh book launch, Ottoman, Barton.


The Federal Golf Club welcomes your organisation to celebrate this year’s Workplace Christmas Party or End of Year Gathering. The Federal Golf Club is located 2 minutes from Parliament House and can cater for small office luncheons to a night out for up to 160 colleagues. Set in beautiful bushland surrounds with grand views of the Brindabella Ranges, the Federal Golf Club is a very special place.

Gowrie Drive, Red Hill. info@fgc.com.au / 02 6281 1888 32



Check out our Google Reviews, drop down for a look or simply call the House and Events Manager Grant Fry for details on our tailored packages.

Robbie Knee, Andrew Bourandanis, Nathan Costigan

Kathryn Ghirardello, Anne-Maree Ghirardello

Aaron Severs, Brendan Bisa

Rob Imgran, Mel Imgran

Gerrit Wanganeen, Mick Malthouse, Brad Clark, Kym Lovett

Annette Ellis, Phil Clark, Shaun Haidon, Karl Maftoum

Mikela Burnham, Emily Lopilato, Tom Gosper, Leah Mannix

Stephane Urosevic, Calvin Turner


ACT AFL grand final lunch, Canberra Southern Cross Club, Woden. Photos Gary Schafer Red carpet gala screening of Everest, Dendy Canberra.





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social scene

Trish Murray, Carol Sinclair

Paula Bonfini, Rachel Thorne, Leanne Grimmett

Pauline Okai-Davies, Kabu Okai-Davies

Christian Dangaard, Kathryn Ross

Emma Dowling, Stephanie Paulissen, Aine Dowlin

Belinda Jones, Kirsty Keller, Caroline Gibbins

Shane Broadrick, Shannon Rutledge

Jyoti Nandan, Satandra Nandan, Robin Poke


Trish Murray presents ‘Power of Presence’, Premier Hotel & Apartments, Belconnen. University of Canberra Distinguished Alumni Awards, National Museum of Australia.


SUMMER ROCKS THE ROYAL! OCTOBER 2–5 LONG WEEKEND Friday 2 October Music & Poetry — call up 7.30pm Saturday 3 October Bungendore Car and Bike show — 8am to 3pm Brew’n — 12 to 2pm – out the front of the pub The Jukes — 3 to 6pm – out the front of the pub Disco — 8pm Fireworks — 7.30pm Sunday 4 October The J Waygood Band — 2pm in the beer garden Riesling Tasting — 2 to 3pm in the back bar


Monday 5 October Boppo and friends — 3 to 6pm in the beer garden


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advertising feature

mums & bubs Whether you’re expecting a new baby bundle of joy or already have your hands full, check out our special advertising feature for products and services designed just for your little one and you.


Photo Emily Davidson

cwm advertising feature

CANBERRA EARLY LEARNING BABY & KIDS MARKET Canberra’s original and largest market of its kind, the Baby & Kids Market provides quality preloved items at bargain prices – top name brands, sizes and styles from 100 stall holders. When: Saturday 21 November 9am-12pm. Where: Fitzroy Building, Exhibition Park in Canberra. www.babykidsmarket.com.au


With a focus on play, Canberra Early Learning services are creating exciting education and care opportunities for children aged from 6 weeks to 5 years. Learning is child-centred and children are offered a variety of individual learning experiences including a weekly Bush Kinder program for pre-school children held in the best classroom of all – nature. With four centres across Canberra – Oxley in Tuggeranong

and three northside (Yerrabi Ponds Gungahlin, Crace, and Springbank Rise Casey) – Canberra Early Learning centres are a locally owned and operated business with over 25 years’ experience in the childcare sector. T: 6221 9380 E: enquiries@canberraearlylearning.com.au www.canberraearlylearning.com.au

cwm advertising feature

kind, Practicing the Baby & from Kids Market quality Thurs Ainslieprovides shops (Tues, preloved items at bargain prices – top name and Scullin shops (Mon & Wed) brands, sizes and styles from 100 stall holders. When: Saturday 21 November 9am-12pm. Where: Fitzroy Building, Exhibition Park in Canberra. www.babykidsmarket.com.au

&care Fri)opportunities for children aged from 6

weeks to 5 years. Learning is child-centred and children are offered a variety of individual learning experiences including a weekly Bush Kinder program for pre-school children held in the best classroom of all – nature. With four centres across Canberra – Oxley in Tuggeranong

and three northside (Yerrabi Ponds Gungahlin, Crace, and Springbank Rise Casey) – Canberra Early Learning centres are a locally owned and operated business with over 25 years’ experience in the childcare sector.

T: 6221 9380 Contact Kingsley on 0434 083 338 for enquiries and details E: enquiries@canberraearlylearning.com.au averyacupuncture@gmail.com www.averyacupuncture.com.au www.canberraearlylearning.com.au

CWM1977 CWM1977

• Simple safe and extremely effective, easy to learn and fun! • Small group classes (max 5 couples per class) • Partner based- bring support person whom will be there during birth • Acupressure classes held in Belconnen area • Classes are 1.5 hours long CANBERRA EARLY LEARNING • KIDS Price MARKET is $150 per couple and includes With a focus on play, Canberra Early Learning BABY & instructional and of special gift services are creating exciting education and Canberra’s original andhandouts largest market its

Photo Emily Davidson

Teaching acupressure for labour-natural pain relief, promotes smooth efficient labour, helps turn breech positions, alleviates nausea, promotes partner involvement.


• Locally owned quality long education and care for babies and children up to 5 years • Bush Kinder program – dedicated time in Canberra’s Nature Reserves • Purpose built facilities • Dedicated pre-school program with a qualified early childhood teacher • All meals, nappies, bedding and sunscreen provided

Crace 6176 2899

Oxley 6210 8800

Springbank Rise 6210 8888

Yerrabi Ponds 6221 9390

www.canberraearlylearning.com.au 37

cwm advertising feature

AVERY ACUPUNCTURE Kingsley Avery, principal therapist, treats a wide range of ailments with a particular interest in musculoskeletal conditions, sporting injuries, the treatment of pain, and now offers an array of pregnancy services. He uses a modern approach to traditional healing methods, incorporating the

AQUA HARMONY best of East and West. Kingsley takes care to explain the concepts of traditional healing methods so that you have a complete understanding of your treatment. Contact Kingsley on 0434 083 338 E: averyacupuncture@gmail.com www.averyacupuncture.com.au

Aqua Harmony offers Learn to Swim classes for babies from four months old. With the parent and baby working as a team, the teacher facilitates the learning through songs and fun activities. Swim safer concepts are introduced and continue throughout the

Call 6231 0765 to fi nd out more.


• Locally owned quality long education and care for babies and children up to 5 years • Bush Kinder program – dedicated time in Canberra’s Nature Reserves • Purpose built facilities • Dedicated pre-school program with a qualified early childhood teacher • All meals, nappies, bedding and sunscreen provided

Oxley Early Learning - 220 Newman Morris Circuit, Oxley • T: 6210 8800 Director: Katie Scott • Email: oxley@canberraearlylearning.com.au 38

child’s swimming life. We believe in providing the best possible learning environment for young children to explore, experiment and challenge themselves.



KUMON We are proud to say that every child can shine with Kumon. The ability to learn is an important skill for children to develop, and if it is achieved with an enjoyment in the education experience, it will produce other benefits including improved confidence and self-esteem. To find a Kumon centre close to you go to www.kumoncanberra.com Gungahlin | Manuka | North Canberra | Tuggeranong | Woden

Kumon student Mohammed with his Instructor, Caitlin Thompson, at Kumon North Canberra

Many Canberra parents are discovering the joys Kumon can bring to students before they start Kindergarten.

NEW STALLHOLDERS WELCOME Offers a huge range of excellent quality preloved & new baby & kids goods.

Canberra’s original and biggest market of its kind.

Saturday 21 Nov Fitzroy Pavilion, Exhibition Park (EPIC), Flemington Road, Mitchell

Kumon caters for students as young as three years old, preparing them to read, write, count and add whilst developing their love of learning. Many parents find that enrolling their child in Kumon in pre school gives students a head start when they commence school. Studying with Kumon helps with the transition to school as students are already used to a classroom environment. The confidence Kumon gives children makes them feel less self-conscious and this in turn assists in their willingness to learn. Kumon develops self-assured and enthusiastic students who are interested in all subjects at school. Consider enrolling in the Kumon Program to prepare your child for Kindergarten. Enquire at your local Kumon centre today.

Kumon Education Centres are located in: Gungahlin, Manuka, North Canberra, Tuggeranong and Woden

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Now open at Acton, Ivy and the Fox offers an all-day brunch menu on weekends similar to that at Fox and Bow, its sister venue in Farrer. Photos Gary Schafer.

IVY AND THE FOX A HIDDEN GEM After helping to revitalise Farrer shops with Fox and Bow, Alex Piris is hoping for similar success with his latest offering – Ivy and the Fox. joint venture with John Stokes of the Ivy Café, Ivy and the Fox officially launched on Friday 4 September located in the heritage listed Old Canberra House at Acton. “It is just a beautiful building; it’s heritage listed and we want to complement that with the food and bring some fun to it,” Alex says. By day it’s the café for the ANU’s Crawford School of Public Policy but on the weekends visitors can indulge in an all day brunch menu on the lawns, which started on Saturday 12 September. “The style that we have is good, wholesome, fairly priced food. It’s uncomplicated, fresh and with quality ingredients,” Alex says. The café features coffee from Five Senses and Alex has been working with local wine merchant Andrew Smythe from Oak Barrel to put together a list offering reputable local and interstate wines.

“I want this place to have something for everyone,” Alex says. “I want it to be a place you come by after work on a Friday for drinks and tapas; weekend brunch on the lawns with live music and then of course there is the option of booking this place out to yourself for an event.” Hillary Olsen is the events manager for Ivy and the Fox and says the venue is a hidden gem. “It is one of the oldest buildings in Canberra but a lot of people don’t know it’s here. The views are incredible and it almost has that country feel without having to go anywhere,” she says. Ivy and the Fox is located at Old Canberra House, Acton. The café and bar is open Monday to Thursday 8am to 5pm; Fridays 8am till late with happy hour from 4.30pm and live music from 5.30pm; weekends 8am to 3pm. For more, find Ivy and The Fox on Facebook. - Allison Redman


Canberra’s most recommended caterers


Diners at Ivy and the Fox can enjoy their meal along with beautiful views at the Old Canberra House location.

Tender Loving Cuisine advertising moment

Tender Loving Cuisine’s menu includes 75 meals as well as soups, side dishes and desserts that have a real ‘homemade’ taste.

All TLC menu items are cooked fresh using quality ingredients then snap frozen to ensure the nutrition is locked in.

Award winning meal service gives the ACT some TLC Tender Loving Cuisine (TLC) are now delivering health accredited meals to retirement villages, independent living units and private homes throughout Canberra suburbs and Queanbeyan.


hey have been delivering in NSW for over 20 years as well as servicing areas in Victoria and Queensland. TLC are Australian owned and their products are made in Australia. The menu includes 75 meals as well as soups, side dishes and desserts that have a real ‘homemade’ taste. Their focus is on nutrition – offering selections that are gluten-free, dairy-free and medically low salt as well as Heart Tick Approved and Diabetes NSW reviewed. For those looking for weight management, TLC offer portion and calorie controlled selections. There are no contracts to sign and no obligation to order on a regular basis. Meals are delivered to your door and, if required, the couriers will assist with packing the delivery into the freezer. All menu items are cooked fresh using quality ingredients then snap frozen to ensure all the nutrition is locked in ready for heating either in the microwave or convection oven. The containers are BPA-free and recyclable

and meals have a 12 month ‘Best Before’ date. If you have a Senior’s Card you qualify for a 5% discount as well as further quantity discounts. There are no extra delivery charges. There are also some very good value Starter Packs available for first time customers. Although TLC has a special interest in the wellbeing of seniors in the community, they also look after the needs of busy professionals or those simply requiring a break from cooking. TLC have a trusted reputation throughout the community and with health professionals. They

have also been the recipient of a NSW Seniors Achievement Award for Health and Wellbeing as well as being voted ‘Best in NSW – Home Delivery Meal Services’. Deliveries are currently fortnightly on a Monday and orders need to be placed no later than midday on Thursday of the previous week. TLC are happy to mail you a free menu, or for further information phone their Freecall number 1800 801 200. You can also place an order over the phone or via the internet at www.tlc.org.au

For some TLC, contact Tender Loving Cuisine T: 1800 801 200 www.tlc.org.au 41


GREEN TEA ICE CREAM (MATCHA AISU ) Makes about 1L | Preparation time: 5 mins | Cooking time: 10 mins + 5 hours chilling Although green tea ice cream is now found all over Japan and in Japanese restaurants abroad, it only really became popular in the 1990s. It’s simple to make at home.

Slowly whisk the hot milk mixture into the egg mixture, then strain everything back into the saucepan and stir over medium heat until the mixture coats the back of a spoon.


Transfer to a bowl and cool first to room temperature, then in the fridge for about an hour until chilled.

400ml full-cream milk

Churn in an ice cream machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions, then set in the freezer for at least two hours.

300ml pouring cream 6 egg yolks 1/2 cup caster sugar

From Adam Liaw’s Asian Cookery School by Adam Liaw, published by Hachette Australia, $49.99

20g green tea powder (matcha)



You can make ice cream without an ice cream machine – just place the mixture in the freezer and whisk it vigorously every 30 minutes until it sets too firmly to whisk. It will take about 4 hours to freeze.

Combine the milk and cream in a small saucepan and bring to a simmer, then remove from the heat. Beat the egg yolks and caster sugar until pale and combined, then beat in the green tea powder.

Green tea powder is available from the Japanese section of Asian grocery stores. Don’t try to substitute ordinary leaf green tea.

m School Holidays at the



Markets! i



thursday 1 october

saturday 3 october

saturday 10 october

Join the Bluberries dance class for some fun on the markets Piazza stage starts at 11 am - 1pm

Noah’s Ark Petting Zoo! Pet alpacas, bunnies, goats, chickens, ducklings and pigs in a safe and friendly environment. From 10:00am - 1:00pm.

Transform your kids into a wonderful variety of beautiful creatures with Anne’s Facepainting from 11:00am-1:00pm

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time out




Our books editor, Tessa Connelly, on the best new reads out now.

1. The Secret Years by Barbara Hannay Michael Joseph, $32.99 Barbara Hannay is an internationally acclaimed Australian romance author, whose books have been translated into over 20 languages, and sold more than 12 million copies worldwide. The Secret Years is Hannay’s newest story – a

sprawling, addictive saga of love and loss that spans decades and places, from the exquisite but haunting landscape of the Australian bush to England in the throes of WWII. A riveting read for a lazy Sunday afternoon.

2. Fever of Animals by Miles Allinson Scribe, $29.99 This is the book on everyone’s lips right now. In 2014, Fever of Animals was awarded the Victorian Premier’s Literary Award for an Unpublished Manuscript, and after much anticipation, it was released this month by Scribe. Miles Allinson, a Melbourne-based artist and writer, blurs the line between fact and fiction in this original debut about a failed painter,

also named Miles, attempting to make sense of a ruined relationship and deal with grief following the death of his father. Miles, the character, uses his inheritance to embark on a journey across Europe on the trail of an obscure, surrealist Romanian painter whose work he finds deeply intriguing. Offbeat and superbly written.

3. The Story of the Lost Child by Elena Ferrante Text, $29.99 The long-awaited, fourth installment of the Neopolitan Novels by mysterious Italian writer Elena Ferrante is finally here. The powerful quartet of novels traces the friendship between Elena and Lila, from their childhood in the gritty streets of Naples through to their 30s, where the women have diverged

to lead vastly different lives. In The Story of the Lost Child, Lila returns to Naples, and to Lila, and the extraordinary narrative of a lifelong friendship between two women draws to a brilliant close.

4. Every Hill Got A Story by Men And Women of Central Australia and The Central Land Council SBS, $60 Every Hill Got a Story is an important book – it’s the first comprehensive history of Central Australia’s Aboriginal people, as told in their own words. In this monumental collection of oral histories, transcribed, 127 men and women recount their first experiences of contact, and of massacres

and forced removals, as well as revealing absorbing snapshots of everyday life – from working on pastoral stations, to attending school in rural Australia and establishing community media centres to preserve language and “teach culture through television”.

5. Falafel for Breakfast by Michael Rantissi and Kristy Frawley Murdoch Books, $49.99 Middle Eastern cuisine is widely-loved, and it’s no mystery why – commonly used ingredients like cauliflower, tahini, eggplants, broad beans, pomegranate, chickpeas and ancient grains are not only flavourful, but offer healthy meal options for the entire family. If you’re a fan of Middle Eastern food but

have never attempted it at home, Falafel for Breakfast is the book for you. Sydney-based, Israeli-born chef Michael Rantissi and his partner Kristy Frawley provide over 130 easy recipes, ranging from simple hummus to Harissa-braised lamb, pearl barley salad and a classic pistachio baklava. 43

time out ART AND ABOUT Sculpture in the Paddock


arts@canberraweekly.com.au Janet Angus’s oil paintings have a distinctly sculptural feel with their constructed, architectural worlds symbolic of internal emotion. Her paintings take the form of threedimensional constructions as a means of reflecting the structure of the human mind. Angus has an exhibition of new work at Canberra Contemporary Art Space City until 24 October. CCAS, corner of London Cct and Hobart Place. Open Monday to Saturday, admission free.

Rhino by Duncan Waugh. Photo Megan Cassidy.

With warmer weather having finally arrived, what better way to enjoy the outdoors than by taking in fabulous sculpture in a rural setting. This year’s Sculpture in the Paddock is expected to be the biggest and most inclusive since it started in the Yass Valley three years ago. Founder Al Phemister says the Yass area boasts an unusually high number of renowned sculptors and the idea was to create a local platform for their work, along the lines of the successful Sculpture by the Sea in Sydney, and attract visitors to the region. “There are 26 sculptures this year; 50 per cent of contributing artists are local and the others come from all over,” he says. This year a labyrinth will be created and there is a program to encourage young and aspiring artists whose work will appear alongside that of sculpture giants Rosemary Madigan, Michael le Grand and Wendy Teakel. Sculpture in the Paddock is open to the public Thursday to Monday 10am-4pm until 11 October at Cooma Cottage.

Cranleigh auction On the Staircase. Photo Gary Schafer

region,” Ms Burch said. Following the opening of the refurbished Ainslie Arts Centre in July, renovations at two of city arts hubs are now completed and both centres are open for business. “While Ainslie Arts Centre specialises in music, Gorman Arts Centre is dedicated to exploration and excellence across all art forms, ranging from literature, dance and theatre,” Ms Burch said.

Sculpture on canvas

Silver linings on the lake Tuggeranong Arts Centre is looking for 50 faces to create The Universe Alight, a large-scale art installation for the Silvery Moon Festival on Saturday 7 November. You can have your face cast as one of the masks that will make up the Sun sculpture at the centre of the installation. It’s part of the Centre’s Silver Linings Festival to celebrate 25 years of community arts in the Tuggeranong Valley which takes place from 28 October to 7 November. To see the program and book to take part, see tuggeranongarts.com

Little men right at home Canberra’s favourite quartet, four little men reading books On the Staircase, has been given a warm welcome at its new home at Gorman Arts Centre. Arts Minister Joy Burch visited the centre last week to unveil the $1 million upgrade to the facility as a multi-arts hub. As part of the upgrade the beloved public artwork, by Danish artist Keld Moseholm, was relocated to the internal courtyard space, from its previous site in Petrie Plaza. The $80,000 bronze sculpture had been the target of a series of vandal attacks since its installation in 2009, the first occurring just a week after its initial unveiling. “This public artwork, which is a reflection on why reading is good for the soul, is right at home near the ACT Writer’s Centre, which promotes and supports writing and writers in the ACT and 44

It’s already a significant event on the Canberra social calendar, and this year the CranleighCapital Chemist Art Show should attract even more art cognoscenti when it is opened by the director of the National Gallery of Australia, Dr Gerard Vaughan. The event, 16-18 October, will feature artworks and craft by top artists and designers from the Canberra region and funds raised will be used to equip the new Outdoor Learning Space and Sensory Garden. Cranleigh School caters for students with a range of special needs including developmental delays, autism, and moderate to severe intellectual disabilities.

CAPO art awards extended

Enjoy the silence, Janet Angus.

The cut-off date for applications for the 2015 CAPO Awards Round has been extended to 6 October. CAPO, Capital Arts Patrons’ Organisation, is a volunteer non-profit organisation that has supported the ACT region’s artists for over 30 years. A wide range of awards is on offer, from a number of $500 Emerging Artists Awards right up to the CAPO Fellowship Award worth $15,000. For details, visit capo.org.au/awards

Everyman Theatre Presents

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time out

SOUL OF FIRE, WOMAN OF PEACE Austrian actress Maxi Blaha says the inspiration for her one-woman show Soul of Fire was sparked when she picked up a copy of Bertha von Suttner’s novel, Lay Down Your Arms. von Suttner was the first woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize (1906), a relentless opponent of militarism, and a respected leader in the Suffragette movement. “I was stunned how modern her thoughts were in this book,” says Blaha, who has performed the show more than 80 times in countries as diverse as Turkey, France, Japan and Iran. Blaha says she knew von Suttner only from her picture on the Austrian schilling note but began researching her remarkable life for the show.

Despite being the daughter of a count, Bertha von Suttner endured poverty and prejudice in her early life and her troubled circumstances forced her to leave Austria for Paris where she worked briefly for Alfred Nobel with whom she retained a lifelong friendship. Mirjam Herzog, from the Cultural Affairs Department of the Embassy of Austria, says Soul of Fire, which will be performed at The Street Theatre, 2-4 October, was part of the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of WWI and debuted in the Austrian parliament. “We decided to put a focus beyond traditional battle remembrance onto a remarkable woman, who had dedicated her life to peace and understanding between people,” she says.


Maxi Blaha and Georg Buxhofer in Soul of Fire. Photo Peter Rigaud.

Blaha, accompanied by guitarist Georg Bushofer, will also present an original German version of the show and Ms Herzog encouraged German speakers to support


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it (Sunday 4 October 4pm) to encourage more productions to be shown in languages other than English. “We are very much looking forward ourselves to welcome Maxi and Georg in Canberra, as we have heard so much positive feedback from our colleagues all over the world.” Blaha says von Suttner’s story is especially relevant with the current influx of refugees into Europe. “It’s very shocking for us in Austria that we have all these refugees. I am very proud that the Austrian government and public are helping the refugees a lot more compared to other countries in Eastern Europe.” - Diana Streak



SATURDAY 26 SEPTEMBER Photography Lindi Heap

Nicholas Milton Chief Conductor & Artistic Director

IN THE MOOD Music from the big band swing era. Featuring favourites such as Don’t Get Around Much Anymore, On the Sunny Side of the Street, In the Mood, and more. Timothy Sexton Conductor Soloists from State Opera SA Kristen Hardy Gabrielle Carter Mark Oates Saturday 26 September 2.00pm, Llewellyn Hall, ANU Tickets through ticketek.com.au 1300 795 012 Or as part of a 2015 subscription CSO Direct 6262 6772 cso.org.au

cso.org.au /canberrasymphonyorchestra @cbr_symphony

The CSO is assisted by the Commonwealth Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body

time out MAGIC IS BACK With magic long since lost to England, two men are destined to bring it back: the reclusive Mr Norrell and daring novice Jonathan Strange. So begins a dangerous battle between two great minds. Directed by Toby Haynes (The Muskateers, Wallander, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Spooks), Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell is a British BBC Drama TV series adapted from Susanna Clarke’s best-selling novel. Now available in Australia on DVD and BluRay.

Enter to WIN Thanks for RLJ Entertainment, five Canberra Weekly readers can win two of these DVDs (valued at $39.99 each) – one for you, one for a friend. To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘Jonathan Strange’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details and the answer to this question: who wrote the novel on which this series is based? Entries close and winners drawn 9am 2 October 2015. One entry per person. Permit No. ACT TP 15/05130.


CARMEN SWEET AT THE Q This iconic tale of Spanish heat and gypsy passion unravels when naïve soldier Don Jose has his heart ignited by the fiery Carmen. Jose’s attempts to tame the freedom-loving beauty are futile, and when she leaves him for the famous matador Escamillo, all three are engulfed in the flames of jealousy and revenge. Carmen Sweet is not a radical re-treatment of the traditional story of Carmen. Instead, Natalie Weir focuses on the central protagonist and the different aspects of Carmen’s psyche that comprise this complex character. Carmen is a free spirit – dangerous, volatile and vulnerable – brought to vivid life by three dancers playing her different states of mind and alter egos. Bookings: theq.net.au

Canberra Weekly has 2 x Carmen Sweet double passes (valued at $98 each) to the Friday 9 October 8pm show to be won. To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘Carmen Sweet’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details and the answer to this question: how many dancers perform as Carmen in Natalie Weir’s Carmen Sweet? Entries close and winners drawn 9am 2 October 2015. One entry per person. Winners must be able to attend. Permit No. ACT TP 15/05130.

REVIEW: BAEZ LIVE Age and treachery, the saying goes, always triumphs over youth and inexperience. Treachery is not a word you’d ever associate with legendary folk singer Joan Baez, unless she’s singing about betrayal. And while she’s no longer young, she’s coupled wisdom with experience, and gave a live performance perfectly tailored to the beauty – and limitations – of her voice. And that is still a sound of wonder. A poster child of Sixties counterculture, Baez’s conviction to civil rights and liberties is as pure as it ever was, intelligent and focussed, never hectoring. Elegant, supremely cool and ideologically unbowed, she had us from when she stepped on to the Royal Theatre stage and said ‘G’Day Mate’. Her show was pared back and gimmick free, sometimes solo, or accompanied by multi‑instrumentalist and songwriter Dirk Powell, her son, Gabe Harris, on percussion, and occasionally her fine‑voiced assistant, Grace Stumberg, on backing vocals. There was her enduring Diamonds and Rust, Tom Waits’ The Day After Tomorrow, Dylan’s Don’t Think Twice, It’s Alright, there was folk and gospel, and the rousing Give Me Cornbread When I’m Hungry, Whiskey When I’m Dry, with Baez getting down to boogie and Powell on the banjo. It’s perhaps fitting that she opened her tour here, the seat of federal politics. In fact, she was on Q&A the night Abbott lost the top spot, “the goofiest TV situation ever” she told us.

Can you ride a bike, but want to build up your confidence? Can you ride to the shops but want to ride further?

Are you new to riding and need some help?

NEW HORIZONS IS FOR YOU New Horizons is a course run by Pedal Power ACT that will improve your cycling technique and teach you the basics of looking after your bike. We’ll help you become a confident bike rider, whether you are commuting, touring or just getting out for a ride with your friends. Joan Baez received three standing ovations from a rapt audience at Canberra’s Royal Theatre on Thursday 17 September.

She sings with a sincerity that goes straight to the heart. Sure, the notes don’t soar as high, but she uses her voice wisely and she has an evergreen, thrilling resonance. Her son Gabe proved quite masterful on the didgeridoo, with Joan supplying the spoken lyrics to Goanna’s Standing on Solid Rock. Woody Guthrie’s Deportees (Plane Wreck at Los Gatos) had a particular resonance and the eternally stirring Joe Hill has an added significance when Joan Baez is singing it. She got three standing ovations from a rapt audience, her final number being Eric Bogle’s And The Band Played Waltzing Matilda, which she did with achingly beautiful simplicity. Like the songs she sings, she’s growing older with grace and dignity, and she’s not losing any of the meaning. - Gillian Lord

Canberra Weekly competition winners The winners in Canberra Weekly’s latest round of competition draws are: Yates garden packs: A. Arch, Garran; S. Hopesmith, Queanbeyan; O. Cowley, Dickson; G. Butler, Yarralumla; D. Garratt, Dickson. Circus Oz doubles: K. Martain, Fadden; C. Mitchell, Queanbeyan; R. McFarland, Watson. JóMel candles: T. Rowe, Sutton; J. Young, Nicholls; D. George, Franklin; E. Prideaux, Aranda; C. Grandy, Red Hill. Lego Ninjago DVDs: N. Trim, Dickson; S. Esposito, Chapman; G. McLaren, Crestwood; L. Lennane, Ainslie; A. MacNamara, Karabar; L. Gladkis, Flynn. Lavazza Italian Film Festival passes: H. Bolton, Kambah; S. Altin, Holder; N. Lucas, Weston; L. Chua, Curtin; L Willard, Griffith.

The nine week program combines evening classroom sessions with practical workshops and weekend morning rides. You will learn about: • Basic bike maintenance • Stretching and physiotherapy • Nutrition

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WEDNESDAY 7TH OCTOBER For more information and to register:

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time out WHAT’S ON

promote their new EP, We’re All Meat And We’re Gonna Get Eat. GALLIPOLI CENTENARY: The Llewellyn Choir and the Chorale Les Alizés (from New Caledonia) will be presenting a combined concert on Saturday 3 October 7.30pm at the Chapel, Royal Military College Duntroon. Tickets: $30; $28 concession; via llewellynchoir.org.au or at the door.

LIVE AT KING O’MALLEY’S: Live music at King O’Malley’s in the City on Thursday 9pm, Friday 10pm and Saturday 10.30pm. Irish jam sessions every Tuesday 9pm and Sunday 4pm. Pub trivia every Monday 6.30pm. More info: kingomalleys.com.au/whatson THE WHARF REVUE: The Sydney Theatre Company is in town with The Wharf Revue until 26 September at Canberra Theatre Centre. Tickets: $45-$65; canberratheatrecentre.com.au or 6275 2700.

Vanishing Shapes at The Front, 3 October, and Beyond Q, 4 October.

HUMBUG: Celtic band Humbug will play at The Front, Lyneham, on Thursday 24 September 8pm. The band is also releasing their fourth CD, My Heart’s in the Highlands.

Aussie classics, RocKwiz Live! Salutes the ARIA Hall of Fame is at Llewellyn Hall, ANU, on Wednesday 30 September. Tickets: 132 849 or ticketek.com.au

FLORIADE NIGHTFEST: The eighth edition of Floriade NightFest (23-27 September) features two new pop-up venues – La Petite Grande and The Little Palais – with classy sideshows, quirky circus acts, a silent disco and a UV dance party. Tickets: ticketek.com.au

MUSIC OF TIM & JEFF BUCKLEY: A State of Grace celebrates the brilliant, complicated lives and music of Tim and Jeff Buckley, bringing together six great singers teamed with images and stories. At Canberra Theatre Centre, Wednesday 30 September. Tickets: canberratheatrecentre.com.au

CIRCUS OZ: A two-hour spectacle audiences of all ages will enjoy, Circus Oz rockets into Canberra Theatre Centre 23-26 September with their new show But Wait...There’s More. Tickets: canberratheatrecentre.com.au or 6275 2700.

THE RUBENS: This Aussie five-piece will be touring Australia with their Hoops national tour, stopping in at the ANU Bar in Canberra on Friday 2 October. Tickets: ticketek.com.au

ITALIAN FILM FESTIVAL: The 2015 Lavazza Italian Film Festival is on at Palace Electric Cinemas until 11 October with exciting and beautiful cinema from Italy. For the full program of 32 films, visit italianfilmfestival.com.au

MICHAEL CONNELL: A veteran of six Melbourne Comedy Festival shows, Michael Connell is bringing his comedy to the Uni Pub on Friday 2 October. Tickets: $20 via unipub.com.au or $22 at the door.

YACHT CLUB: Enjoy free family fun on the lawns of the Yacht Club on Sunday 27 September 12-5pm with live music from Owen Campbell and the Black Mountain String Band, face painting, jumping castles and other kids’ activities, Signature Chef food stalls and more. Details: cscc.com.au

RAW CANBERRA: Merge will bring together 30 local emerging artists spanning fashion, music, visual and performing arts and much more, for one night at the Belconnen Arts Centre on Friday 2 October 7.30pm. Tickets: $25 at the door or via RAWartists.org/canberra/merge

ROCKWIZ LIVE: Featuring some favourite Australian music legends performing their hits alongside contemporary artists interpreting

THE TOMMYHAWKS: Fremantle all-girls bluesfolk-indie-grunge quartet The Tommyhawks will stop in at The Front, Lyneham, for their debut Canberra performance on Friday 2 October to

VANISHING SHAPES: Newcastle-based experimental/progressive folk band Vanishing Shapes will be touring to Canberra on 3 October at The Front Gallery and 4 October at Beyond Q. Visit the tour event page on Facebook for details. LORD OF THE DANCE: Michael Flatley’s Lord of the Dance returns to Australia with a new show Dangerous Games, coming to Canberra Theatre Centre, 6-11 October. Tickets: canberratheatrecentre.com.au CONRAD SEWELL: Coming to Canberra for one show only on Wednesday 7 October at Transit Bar is Conrad Sewell, whose hit single Start Again reached #1 on iTunes Australia. Tickets: moshtix.com.au CHRIS RYAN: Quirky, neurotic and riddled with self-doubt, Chris Ryan is one of the funniest comedians to hit the scene with her self-deprecation and wry humour, winning her the Raw Comedy ACT crown with her first performance. Wednesday 7 October 8pm at the Civic Pub. Tickets: comedyact.com.au THIRSTY MERC: Thirsty Merc are set to hit the road as part of The Good Life Tour performing at ANU Bar on Wednesday 7 October. Tickets: ticketek.com.au SIZZLE AND MOIST: MC Krewd and Tammy Paks grace the stage together in Canberra with their absurd comical show Sizzle and Moist. At The Polish Club, Saturday 10 October. Tickets: $20/$15 at the door. Send your free entertainment listings for the guide to: news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘what’s on’ in the subject field.




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the look spring fashion special

jump into spring Peel off the layers – but keep them on hand for those slightly cooler days – because spring is here! The good news is we can swap overcoats for denim jackets and light cardigans, perfect spring staples for the current bohemian trends. We’ve styled a few key outfits that will have you embracing spring – and likely put a spring in your step. Turn the page for more... WITH FASHION EDITOR, LAURA WHITE Hannah wears: Dress $329, Cue; Suede coat $399.95, Bardot; Watch $389, Erroyl; Heels $199.95, Wittner; Bag $130, Sash & Belle.


spring fashion

hello sunshine Hannah wears: Dress $149.95, Seed; Denim jacket $49.95, Cotton On; Wedges $79.95, Novo; Necklace $14.95, Bag $54.99, Sunglasses $19.95, all from Colette.

WHAT TO LOOK OUT FOR: • Denim! Dark denim, light denim, white denim, distressed denim, double denim – the options are limitless and denim is always a wardrobe staple. • Stripes, geometrics, patterns and prints are back in force. • LLD – or the little lace dress: forget the little black dress; colour doesn’t matter when it’s lace! • Sorbet colours: softer, sweeter colours are the go this season, in particular aquamarine, tangerine, strawberry and seafoam. • Bohemian: we’re talking long dresses, suede, fringing, off-the-shoulder tops and getting creative!

Hannah from Haus Models wears outfits styled by Canberra Weekly fashion editor Laura White, assisted by Ruby Becker. Hair by Brooke Varova and makeup by Kirsten Hall from Rockabilly Boutique, Fyshwick. Photos by Gary Schafer. Shot on location at the Fitters Workshop, Kingston.


spring fashion R


ING 30

















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Camisole $19.95, Cotton On; Cardigan $109, Veronika Maine; Shorts $149.99, Review; Sandals $129.95, Wittner; Bag $49.95, Bardot; Necklace $119, Pandora; Bangles $12.95, Colette.

Top $169, Veronika Maine; Denim skirt $34.95, Cotton On; Sandals $49.95, Novo; Bag $44.99, beaded bracelets $12.95, bangles $12.95, all from Colette.


Shop 15A, 23-37 Eyre Street, Kingston Ph: 6134 6421 OPEN: Monday – Thursday 10am-5.30pm | Friday 10am – 6pm Saturday 10am – 4pm | Sunday 11am - 3pm 55

spring fashion

making tracks Hannah wears: Jeans $139.95, Bardot; T-shirt $49.99, Jeanswest; Gilet $299, Veronika Maine; Loafers $169.95, Jo Mercer; Hat $19.95, Cotton On; Necklace $12.95, Valleygirl; Bag $79, Laura Ashley.

date night Leather jacket $199.95, lace skirt $129.95, both from Portmans; Crossover tank $79, Veronika Maine; Bangles $99 each, Princess cut ring $79, Alluring ring $79, all from Pandora; Shoes $179.95, Jo Mercer; Clutch $24.95, Colette.

Hannah from Haus Models wears outfits styled by Canberra Weekly fashion editor Laura White, assisted by Ruby Becker. Hair by Brooke Varova and makeup by Kirsten Hall from Rockabilly Boutique, Fyshwick. Photos by Gary Schafer. Shot on location at the Fitters Workshop, Kingston.


spring fashion


Disc necklace $64 bodenclothing.com.au Kickback sunglasses $259.95 Oakley

Silk halter neck dress $119.95 Katies

Classic panama $14.95 Cotton On

Luminary timepeace $249 Mimco

Victoria maxi dress $89.99 Jeanswest

Gypsy top $25 Target

Denim jacket $89.95 Mink Pink Cut offs $29 Target

Emilia printed dress $249 Oxford

Envelope clutch $119.95 thedailyedited.com.au Isabel bow point $118 bodenclothing.com.au

Wrap dress $129.95 Seed Heritage

India shorts $169 rodeoshow.com.au

Lola strappy wedge $149.95 Seed Heritage


spring fashion


Hair stylist Brooke Varova of Rockabilly Boutique in Fyshwick and makeup artist Kirsten Hall offer simple tips on getting Hannah’s gorgeous spring look.

Get the hair

Get the glow

“This classic look with a bit of edge looks great with the boho look right through to elegant evening,” Brooke says of Hannah’s chignon. This is one of the simplest, elegant styles with no need for hours of curling and prepping. Best results on hair washed the night before. • Tease all of the hair in sections softly from root to tip • Gently brush out and tie in a low ponytail to one side • Tousle the hair to rough it up a little • Roll the hair into a loose roll • Pin all around the ponytail, shaping the roll as you go

“Clean, fresh-faced, luminous skin is perfect for spring,” says Kirsten. “Don’t be afraid to use a pop of colour on the cheeks! A cream blush will give you a more intense colour than a powder blush, and will last much longer.” For Hannah’s smoky eyes, Kirsten used soft browns and bronze shadows, framed with pencil liner smudged along the lash line. “A nude lip looks best with heavier eye makeup. For this look, I lightly stained the lips with a nude lip colour and lightly applied a semi-matte gloss over the top. A slightly deeper shade could be applied to take this look into the evening. Plum shades are big this spring!”

Argan oil BB cream $25.95 Physicians Formula

Sheen supreme lipstick $36 M.A.C

Aqua blush $23 Bourjois

Telluride eye palette $95 Bobbi Brown

Photo Gary Schafer

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Exclusive style and design of top label brands and accessories Come in and see our huge range, including these well known labels: Black Pepper, Extra Pepper, Slade, Toronto, Jodanne, Seven Sisters, Lorissa, Kita Ku, Mr K, Merinosnug, Sabina, R-Jay, See Saw. Also specialising in Mother of the Bride outfits.

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Spiral of Light advertising moment

Jason Irving, Director of Spiral of Light: “Our main goal is to develop self-awareness - for our clients - so they have the ability to transform their lives through conscious choice(s).”

Spiral of Light radiates healing, health and hope


piral of Light is a holistic healing centre located in Deakin. It is a place where people can go to experience nurturing, supportive care in a non-judgmental way. Spiral of Light offers multidisciplinary treatments to facilitate body, mind and spiritual wellbeing. Jason Irving created the Spiral of Light healing centre to help facilitate his own healing journey. The centre has been open for 14 years, and in its Deakin location for the past nine, and Jason now runs it with his wife, Anja, who offers soul coaching, spiritual counselling and tarot readings. While in Canada in 1997, Jason experienced spiritual healing treatments for the first time, and the following year enrolled in his first course in cranio-sacral therapy. “I just had this strong feeling it was something I wanted to do,” Jason says. He fell in love with the practice and has since completed numerous courses in Reiki, Sacred Geometry, Saviours Fire Technique, angelic healing, spiritual healing, massage, reflexology and more. In 2004, he took the next step and started teaching courses to enable others to acquire the tools to help their own self-healing. 62

“The centre teaches various courses in spirituality,” Jason says. The courses are highly experiential and give participants the opportunity to challenge old belief patterns. He ensures each course is unique to the Spiral of Light centre, creating them through his experiences with teaching and healing. Jason has also taught overseas in Slovenia. He has also led a large group meditation in Canberra with over 400 participants. He is planning another large group; details will be available on his website soon. Jason is also looking at setting up a school with a core structure; to give those interested with some more grounding. “I want to be able to provide an opportunity of self-empowerment through teaching, rather than therapy,” Jason says. “There’s a sense of personal responsibility then. You are given the tools to help yourself, and it will change the way you look at life.” Of most interest to Jason is the link with how people live their lives psychologically and how they have the power to change their lives themselves.

While he admits it is hard to frame what it is he does, as a spiritual healer his goal is to figure out who his client is, why they’ve chosen to visit him, and to get them to experience all of the feelings related to the connectedness of all things. One of Jason’s specialties is sacred geometry: a technique using shapes to work with the body, mind and spirit. It is the spiritual therapist’s belief that the universe, the planet, nature and the human body can be defined through sacred geometry. The role of the sacred geometry practitioner is to gain an understanding of how a person can get to know themselves better. Sacred geometry brings the body back into balance, symmetry and facilitates the body returning to its natural healthy state. One of the newer treatments now available is the Lucia Light – which has quickly become very popular with clients. The Lucia Light is a lamp which acts as a neurostimulator, combining a stroboscope (flickering light) with a constant light, both flexible in speed and intensity and available in different degrees of brightness. The

Spiral of Light advertising moment

computer-controlled interaction of these light sources activates different ways of experiencing an intense world of colours and shapes. While not recommended for epileptics or people who are light sensitive, the Lucia Light is perfectly safe. During a session, light enters the retina, into the pineal gland, creating a dreamscape of colours and varying light patterns of sacred geometry. The light energy supercharges the brain and offers a quick and sustainable deep relaxation, benefiting in improved quality of sleep, increased mental abilities and concentration, increased clarity and mood enhancement. Created by two Austrian doctors, the Lucia Light has helped thousands of people around the world to relieve stress and to access their third eye. Spiral of Light is the only clinic in Canberra to offer the Lucia Light treatment. Jason’s main goal as a therapist is to ensure that each and every client walks out of the Spiral of Light centre feeling as though they hold the key to their own healing. “I want them to leave feeling empowered and self-aware so they can lead their own journey in life with confidence,” Jason says. With additional therapists on staff holding a variety of different skills and specialties, Jason is confident anyone leaving his clinic will do so with the tools to heal themselves on every level – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Jason says he acts as a beacon, assessing each and every client who walks through the doors to ensure they are getting the right treatments, and pointing them in the right direction should their treatments lie elsewhere. “Canberra has such a strong range of alternative therapies,” Jason says. “Our main goal here is to ensure the client is more self-aware of what they’re doing in life and how they have the ability to change their own lives. Usually people are creating problems in their own world that are easily solved with the right tools.” Appointments with Jason are highly soughtafter and he is booked up four weeks in advance. With his extensive experience, having conducted around 15,000 sessions with clients, Jason is the go-to for spiritual healing. His message: expect the unexpected. “People never know what they are going to experience when they see me,” he says. “I use so many techniques so it’s really dependent on what you want and need.” To book an appointment with Jason, email Jason@spiraloflight.com.au or call 6282 8331.

Spiral of Light offers a range of techniques, treatments and courses to provide each client with the opportunity for self-empowerment.

Spiral of Light Unit 11/2 King St, Deakin T: 6282 8331 E: jason@spiraloflight.com.au www.spiraloflight.com.au 63

the look

GET YOUR MOKO ON The Bower Birds and Moko are giving Canberra Weekly readers the chance to win a beautiful handcrafted freshwater pearl and leather jewellery set valued at $200. Moko, a Melbourne-based family business established in 1994, specialises in handmade jewellery using semi-precious gemstones and freshwater pearls. Working in conjunction with a small team of artisans and designer Amanda Gay, Moko releases two new collections a year, reflecting the latest colours and trends. The Bower Birds has an extensive range of inspirational Moko pieces to make you look good and feel great. The lucky winner will also receive a jewellery box valued at $94 from The Bower Birds, Gold Creek Village, Federation Square, Nicholls.

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ey t i v n i d to u o sage r s p a e m r We a EE 30 min * R e for a F f your choic o ply.

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To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly. com.au with ‘Moko’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details and the answer to this question: where is The Bower Birds located? Entries close and winner drawn 9am 2 October 2015. One entry per person. Permit No. ACT TP 15/05130.

We believe “Good Things Are To Be Shared”

GLOWING SKIN Your skin is your body’s biggest organ: experience glowing skin this summer with Laser Clinics Australia (LCA), located in Westfield Belconnen, shop 224 level 1. Thanks to LCA Belconnen, one lucky Canberra Weekly reader will win an LCA Glowing Skin package valued at $290 which contains all the essential treatments for glowing skin for summer. The microdermabrasion treatment helps to make the skin’s surface smooth, soft, bright and glowing by manually exfoliating to remove dead skin cells and impurities to encourage collagen stimulation. You can see and feel results as soon as you have the treatment.

*Visit www.siamsenses.com for full details. Free massage must meet all Offer valid Monday to terms of use to be eligible. Friday only. We reserve the full right to withdraw/cancel the promotion without prior notice. Limited availability based on first come first served basis. Advance booking required else full payment will be charged.

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www.siamsenses.com.au 64

Enter to WIN To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘Laser Clinics Australia’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details and the answer to this question: why would you choose the Belconnen Laser Clinics Australia? Entries close and winner drawn 9am 2 October 2015. One entry per person. Winner must be aged 18+. Permit No. ACT TP 15/05130.

VC Lash advertising moment


Above: The VC Lash wedge facilitates easier and faster application of eyelash extensions, reducing appointment times from up to 2 hours to around 30-50 minutes.


Now based in Canberra, Juanita Shields is the Master Lash Technician for VC Lash and inventor of a revolutionary tool to expedite eyelash extension application.

Get ‘lashed’ by the master Meet Juanita Shields, the Master Lash Technician for VC Lash and inventor of the revolutionary new tool for eyelash extension application. reviously a fine arts graduate and photographer, Juanita fell in love with the detail and the challenge of working in eyelash extensions nine years ago and has never looked back. “Portraits were my forte in photography and when I learnt about lash technique, I thought ‘no more Photoshop!’” Juanita laughs. “The eyes are the focus; I love the meticulous detail involved in eyelash extensions. The harder the better!” Juanita admits she loves ‘lashing’ anyone and particularly loves a challenge. “I love the result, and the rewards of making somebody feel good.” In 2013 she became internationally accredited in volume lash application. “Lash enhancements are great but they need to be done properly by a trained professional.” According to Juanita, the art of volume lashes originated in the Ukraine and was further developed in Russia. The technician fans out very, very fine synthetic lashes then places them on a single real eyelash. There can be up to 1,000 synthetic lashes per individual eyelid. “You use less glue because the lashes hug their natural lash,” she says. “The look can last up to six weeks.” With an appointment for lash extensions

lasting up to two hours, Juanita decided to invent a tool to help speed things along. “I invented it about three years ago, went through Dragon’s Den (reality TV show) in New Zealand and won two investors,” Juanita says. The tool has only just become available online this year and sold out internationally. “When you overanalyse, things will come to you,” Juanita smiles. “I did a lot of research and went through an engineering company to get the prototype just right. The tool isolates the layers of lashes on the eyelid for an easier and faster application.” The VC Lash wedge is a simple device, crafted from three different metals for the ultimate balance in the application procedure. It is engineered to sit perfectly on the cheekbones for comfort and stability, and provides individual gaps for each individual eyelash to increase the gap between the lashes for isolation and quick application. “Application time is decreased from an average of 90 minutes to between 30 and 50,” Juanita says. For professional lash technicians who want to take their skill set to another level, Juanita offers courses at the Canberra Makeup Academy with her internationally accredited manuals. “I’m always looking for experienced lash

technicians who want to upgrade into a teaching role,” she says. “Mostly I just want people to be aware of good application. And if you want to become one of the fastest lash technicians in the world with the VC Lash tool method, then there is this tool available and it’s right here in Canberra.” Contact Juanita today for beautiful lashes or to kick-start a career as one of the fastest lash technicians in the world! Email info@vclash.co.nz or call 0476 159 717.

Contact details VC Lash Juanita Shields, Master Lash Technician M: 0476 159 717 E: info@vclash.co.nz 65


Getty Images

Patterns, sequins, a mix of different textures and dark purples and plums ruled the red carpet at the 67th Emmy Awards in Hollywood on 20 September.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D actress Jaimie Alexander looks stunning in this Armani Prive sequined gown.

Clare Danes wears a vibrant striped Prada gown covered entirely with sequins and featuring chain-link straps.

Game of Thrones star Lena Headey steals the show with a studded, beaded and sequined burgundy halter-neck gown.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt actress Ellie Kemper stuns in sorbet coloured stripes with a hint of sparkle.

Maggie Gyllenhaal pairs charcoal with purple in a simple but striking strapless silk dress with sweetheart neckline.

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Authentix advertising moment

Natural wellness starts from within at Authentix Over the past two years, Shahnee Froome has created a haven of natural beauty and wellness at her salubrious salon, Authentix, in Dickson. “Everything we use in the salon, where possible, is natural and organic – even the nail polishes – and nothing is tested on animals,” Shahnee says. “This ensures our clients maintain optimal health while still achieving their desired results.” And Shahnee is adamant that the results she sees first-hand are fabulous. “You do get great results using more natural products,” she says. “I’m not sure enough people know that.” Shahnee has been a beauty therapist for the past 15 years, and introduced the closed system colon hydrotherapy system – the first and only one in Canberra – to her salon when it opened in May last year.

Shahnee Froome, owner of Authentix eco beauty and wellness centre in Dickson: “You do get great results using more natural products. I’m not sure enough people know that.”

Often our digestive systems are overworked and sluggish due to a multitude of different things in our day-to-day lifestyles, including medication, overeating, processed food, toxins, alcohol consumption and stress. These factors contribute to poor digestion which can result in symptoms such as excessive gas, bloating and constipation. According to Shahnee, colon hydrotherapy is one of the best ways to combat these symptoms. Traced back to Ancient Egypt, colon hydrotherapy was commonly used to increase health and energy and to enhance beauty. Warm, filtered water is introduced into the colon, removing waste material that the body may not be removing effectively and creating a healthy digestive environment, encouraging the growth of healthy bacteria. “It all seems to come down to gut health, and how important gut health is for everything,” Shahnee says. “Colon hydrotherapy not only cleanses your colon and detoxes your body, but also reduces digestive discomfort and can minimise the risk of bowel diseases.”

In addition, Shahnee says having regular colon hydrotherapy can assist in a wide range of other issues including depression, anxiety, poor skin health, infertility, weight management, low immune systems, disturbed sleep patterns, IBS/Crohn’s disease and concentration problems. The closed system available at Authentix means that the client has a qualified therapist with them at every step of the way. The therapist is able to identify dehydration, undigested food, plaque buildup or sighted parasites and can recommend a treatment plan. As well as colon hydrotherapy, Authentix boasts a full beauty service menu, including customised facials, skin peels, Seven Spectrum Light Therapy, hot stone and remedial massage, organic gel nail enhancements, shellac manicures and pedicures, spray tanning, eyelash extensions, eyelash lifting, lash and brow tinting, waxing and professional makeup. “Beauty starts from within,” Shahnee says. “Here at Authentix we combine the feeling of looking good and feeling good.” Shahnee and her talented team of beauty therapists believe that true beauty can be achieved naturally. Contact them now for more information or to make an appointment. Call 6257 1886.

Contact details Authentix 1B 20 Challis St, Dickson T: 6257 1886 E: info@authentix.com.au


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HEART CHALLENGE elcome to this week’s instalment of the Canberra Hearts Celebrity Challenge! Over 12 weeks, 14 Canberra personalities are participating in a fitness challenge. The goal? To become more physically active, modify their lifestyles and improve their heart health. Canberra Weekly’s fitness guru Lee Campbell is putting the challengers through their paces: with each of their individual fitness goals in mind, Lee will create a workout routine suited to them. This week’s challenger is Karen Coe (pictured) from Canberra Women in Business. Visit canberrahearts.org.au to donate. Karen’s workout Karen Coe is a busy person, so for everyone who also has a busy life, this 15-minute session is for you. Of course, you can double the time of your session – but let’s start with one minute on each exercise. The key is to take a full 60 seconds on each and after a week, increase the time on each exercise. 1. Jog on the spot 2. Squats 3. Skip 4. Toe taps 5. Frog leaps (high cardio, high impact) 6. Lunges 7. Star jumps 8. Down & ups (go to the ground then back up)


9. Jog on spot 10. Push-ups 11. Walk on spot 12. Dips 13. Rower 14. Plank 15. Standing up on a bike and pedalling with the tension up high Tip: This workout is high intensity and you need to be ready to go and give it all you have for 15 minutes. If Karen has a few minutes after her smash session, then we do some stretching. • Lower back roll (lying on your back, knees to chest, roll left to right) • Seated hamstring (left leg out straight, right leg bent into your left and run your hands down your straight leg; swap sides) • Quad stretch (lying on your left side, grab your right ankle and move it back to your bum; swap sides) • Back & shoulder stretch (on your knees, lean forward to place both your hands flat on the ground, then keeping your hands flat, sit your bottom down on your feet). Tip: Focus on your breathing while stretching.





A model walks the runway at the Holy Ghost show during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin Spring/Summer 2016. Getty Images

Bonnie and Neil for Dulux Colour Forecast 2015 – Earthwerks palette. Photo: Lisa Cohen.

runway to home As we throw open our doors and windows, it’s time to bring a little of our surroundings inside. According to Dulux, earthy browns and greens will be the hero colours for the 2015 spring season, used to create spaces where nature blends seamlessly with interiors. Rainforest cushion WITH HOME EDITOR, ALLISON REDMAN

Retro leaf flower wall clock $88 mattblatt.com.au

Chiddingfold recycled glass base $229 Drum shade 14” $109 Laura Ashley

$34.95 rapee.com.au Green palm artwork $99 Fantastic Furniture

Swirl jug $45 vivalafranki.com.au

Get Together portable audio system $249.95 thehouseofmarley.com.au

Cleo ottoman $199 Fantastic Furniture Small tree table $159 handsomepretty.com.au

Emporium laila bowl $54.95 03 9474 1300

read on for more on this trend 69


Jungle love print $20 30x40cm ketz.com.au

Styling: Bree Leech and Heather Nette King for Dulux Colour Forecast 2015; Photographer: Lisa Cohen.

SPRING AWAKENING Natural colours such as green and neutrals with green undertones will be pivotal this spring, according to Dulux Colour Expert, Andrea Lucena-Orr. The Dulux Earthwerks palette includes the range of greens you might discover in your own landscapes, forests and gardens, and explores the desire to have greenery in your home and workspace. Earthy browns and greens are predicted to be the hero colours for the 2015 spring season. And there are plenty of hues to choose from with nature-inspired greens, from soft silvery tones through to moss and sage leaf, and beautiful earthy sepia browns and ochres. To make the most of this trend, Dulux Creative Consultant and Stylist Bree Leech suggests: • Create a stylish, sophisticated and moody feel by pairing brown with a limited palette of neutrals. • Add a highlight of green to brown schemes to lift the mood and provide a point of interest. • Green and brown are great together but choose one as the hero and the other as a support. Colours can be lost when applied in equal amounts. • Brown is a nostalgic colour; keep it contemporary by mixing nostalgic pieces, such as art and antiques, with modern furniture, lighting and accessories. • Adding a touch of pink to an all-green colour scheme can give it a modern edge and draws on inspiration from spring blooms. • For a touch of luxury, add metallic highlights of gold and brass. 70

Cyprus crate $99 willowandwood.com.au Leather sling natural chair $890 fentonandfenton.com.au

Spike cushion $44.95 rapee.com.au

Replica Hans Wegner papa bear chair and ottoman $1,495 mattblatt.com.au

Marylebone cushion $69.95 Laura Ashley

TRÉS CHIC Enter this competition to win one of five $50 vouchers from CoolThings Australia. Visit them online at CoolThings.com.au/ CanberraWeekly to find a huge range of cool gifts, gadgets, gizmos and fun family activities. Winners will receive a $50 voucher code that gives them credit towards any cool gifts they purchase from CoolThings.com.au (minimum spend $50) during the month of October. You’ll also find cool brands like Minecraft, Doctor Who, Star Wars, Big Bang Theory, Harry Potter, Frozen and much more. CoolThings Australia ships all over our great nation and will even gift wrap your goodies for free. Mention the words “giftwrap” in your order comments to claim.

To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘Cool Things Australia’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details and the answer to this question: what is your favourite cool thing? Entries close and winners drawn 9am 2 October 2015. One entry per person. Permit No. ACT TP 15/05130.

ra n t e e40% a u G e Pr i c ny quote by 20-

eat a We will b

cturer l Manufa a c o L . e ct & Sav Buy Dire

NEW KIDS’ DVDS Celebrate the spring school holidays with the family in style with four exciting new titles. The pawsome travels in the Alpha & Omega 2 Movie Collection (PG) will give you double the adventure, while Curious George 3: Back To The Jungle (G) features the exploits of everyone’s favourite primate. If your kids are looking for a fright, turn off the lights and open the doors of R.L. Stine’s Monsterville: Cabinet of Souls (PG), or settle down for Yellowbird (PG), a soul-stirring tale capturing the true essence of friendship. To celebrate the release of these new titles, available on DVD from 24 September, Universal Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Australia is giving you the chance to win 1 of 5 DVD packs (valued at $79.80 each) including all 4 titles.

Enter to WIN To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘Yellowbird’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details and the answer to this question: what is your favourite family film of all time? Entries close and winners drawn 9am 2 October 2015. One entry per person. Permit No. ACT TP 15/05130.

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in the garden


WITH HORTICULTURIST TRACEY BOOL traceyboolgardenwriter.com


Common and tasty edible weed Shepherd’s Purse, a forager’s delight, is in season now.

hepherd’s purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) is a common edible weed which can be found lush and green at this time of year in local grasslands and backyards. It makes for a spicy addition to leafy green salads and tossed into stir fries after cooking. Foliage, flowers and seed heads can all be utilised, and impart a peppery taste similar to the garden staple, rocket. Interestingly, Shepherd’s Purse is also known for its ability to stop both internal and external bleeding. The best place to harvest Shepherd’s Purse is where the soil is moist and mown with some frequency, as their growth tends to be vigorous, tender and sweet as a consequence.

Voluntary organisation 100kilos. org is hosting a Seed Sowing Session in Murrumbateman on Saturday 26 September.

UPCOMING EVENTS Seed starter session Participants can start their veggie patch for free this spring at 100kilos.org’s popular Seed Starter Session, where you’ll learn the easy way to grow seeds with no fuss and get to take home your freshly planted seeds with you, as well as have the opportunity to chat about what’s happening in the productive garden at this time of year. When: Saturday 26 September 10am-12 noon Where: Murrumbateman Village Market, Recreation Grounds, Barton Highway NSW For more: 100kilos.org

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Understorey Garden in Duffy is one of the gardens opening this spring as part of the newly formed organisation Open Gardens Canberra Inc.

Canberra Open Gardens Following the recent closure of the Open Gardens Australia Scheme, the newly formed Open Gardens Canberra Inc. have three upcoming garden openings, including: • Burrimul, 14 Harcourt St, Weetangera, Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 September; • Understorey Garden, 7 Tinaroo Place, Duffy, Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 October; • Els’s Garden, 3 Ramage Place, Flynn, Saturday 31 October and Sunday 1 November. All gardens will be open 10am-4pm. For more: opengardenscanberra.org.au

September Wardrobe Special

e with mirror Built-in Wardrob m $650 sliding doors fro d le al st in

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lly framed Front & return, fu from en re sc er ow sh $550 installed

Community garden open day Members of the public are invited to attend the Railway Park Organic Community Garden for their spring open day. The garden, managed by the Queanbeyan Sustainability Group, is undergoing an upgrade, made possible with the financial support of Queanbeyan City Council and the work of volunteers. Visitors will have the opportunity to meet the gardeners and find out how the garden operates, see the different composting systems used at the garden, learn about what to plant for spring and summer, and pick up goodies including seasonal planting guides, gardening magazines and free seedlings. When: Saturday 26 September 10am-12 noon Where: Railway Park Organic Community Garden, Henderson Rd, Queanbeyan For more: qbynsustainabilitygroup.wordpress.com

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Showroom: 46 Hoskins Street, Mitchell 2911 Ph: 02 6262 3007 | Fax: 02 6262 3009 73

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You’re in good hands when selling with Karen

Call Karen Broadhurst on 0405 404 792 karen.broadhurst@luton.com.au




suburb profile


Location 174km south-east of Canberra CBD 3%

Median price

Household type

• House: $327,500 • Units: $145,000

• 73% • 27%

Median rent

Capital growth (past 12 months)

$335 p.w.


Demographics Family Groups

25% 3%

in your bracket


Couples Singles couples Singles Family Groups


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property@ canberraweekly.com.au

With access to pristine beaches and national parks, Moruya appeals to families and retirees.

Something for young and old


et on the banks of the Moruya River, Moruya is a charming country town steeped in history. Surrounded by rich farmland and mountain ranges, residents enjoy a relaxed lifestyle far removed from the pace of city life. With access to pristine beaches and national parks, the town appeals to young families and retirees, says LJ Hooker Moruya licensee Janet Donnelly. “Quite often young adults move away only to return with their new families,” she says. “Because

it is a popular place to holiday in, many people choose to retire here coming from Wagga, Canberra and Melbourne, etc.” Donnelly says properties of all description are sought “but most properties are either single-level brick homes between $300,000-$400,000 for retirees or small acreage $350,000$500,000 for the younger families”. The most popular streets are those near the hospital, she says, as there is a level walkway into town. Moruya is the administrative centre of the Eurobodalla Shire,

home to the council offices and the Moruya TAFE. Agriculture, aquaculture and tourism are the other main industries. Its historic buildings are home to an eclectic mix of specialty shops, antique and secondhand stores. There are also two supermarkets and an airport within five kilometres of the town centre. The Riverside Park is popular for all ages with a children’s playground and boat ramp. Up to 245,000 tonne of granite used in the pylons of the Sydney Harbour Bridge was quarried in Moruya and many of the town’s magnificent old buildings are also made from this local stone. Moruya is derived from an Indigenous Australian word, mherroyah, meaning “home of the black swan”.

Offers over $800,000 4



Lot 20 Cheetham Street $549,000 4



18 Princes Highway $349,000 3



Want to know the secret to selling your home for more? Contact Catherine. Catherine Halloran 0435 151 976 | catherine.halloran@luton.com.au



property news

recent sales 50 Roebuck Street, Red Hill 29 Badgery Street, Macquarie 76 Hicks Street, Red Hill 40 Dalrymple Street, Red Hill 12 Astrolabe Street, Red Hill 26 Ashton Calvert Street, Casey 25 Chance Street, Crace 46 Ambalindum Street, Hawker U13 Jacka Lawrenson Circuit, Jacka 21/19 Howitt Street, Kingston 19 Wangara Street, Aranda 57 David Fleay Street, Wright 9 Grevillea Street, O’Connor 15 Meerup Street, Amaroo 2 Allan Street, Curtin 27 Alexandria Street, Hawker 24 Inkster Street, Kambah 68/395 Antill Street, Watson 322/15 Jardine Street, Kingston 23 Halford Crescent, Page 19 Jim Bradley Cr, Uriarra Village 3/3 Burke Crescent, Griffith 27 Withnell Circuit, Kambah 7/317 Goyder St, Narrabundah 17 Bancroft Street, Dickson 101 Halloran Dr, Jerrabomberra 66 Eggleston Crescent, Chifley 4 Trigg Place, Kambah 11 Irinyili Street, Bonner 40 Bundey Street, Higgins 18 McGowen Close, Spence 66 Melba Street, Downer 33 Starcevich Crescent, Jacka 7 Serra Place, Stirling 90 Dumas Street, McKellar 8/123 Lowanna St, Braddon 2 Leveque Street, Harrison 27 Boyland Close, Spence 42 Murray Street, Queanbeyan 10 Arawang Lane, Palmerston


$1,860,000 $987,000 $925,000 $930,000 $855,000 $830,000 $830,000 $778,000 $394,900 $500,000 $815,000 $810,000 $806,000 $706,000 $857,500 $1,085,000 $625,000 $652,000 $585,000 $517,000 $730,000 $565,500 $506,000 $985,000 $785,250 $675,000 $530,009 $540,000 $516,000 $473,000 $430,000 $685,000 $588,000 $650,000 $580,000 $323,000 $885,000 $415,000 $450,000 $408,500

$1,085,000 Peter Blackshaw LJ Hooker Luton Properties Luton Properties LJ Hooker LJ Hooker Ray White Rutherford Johnston Village Building Co Luton Properties Peter Blackshaw One Agency McGrath Peter Blackshaw Peter Blackshaw Peter Blackshaw Cream Residential Luton Properties Independent Ray White Luton Properties Maloney’s Rutherford Johnston Peter Blackshaw The Real Estate Shop LJ Hooker Peter Blackshaw Peter Blackshaw LJ Hooker Ray White Ray White McGrath McGrath Luton Properties LJ Hooker LJ Hooker LJ Hooker LJ Hooker Mates Rates McGrath


27 Alexandria Street 26 Ashton Calvert Street, Casey 88 Hollows Circuit, Macgregor 8 Macdonald Place, Spence 66 Lance Hill Avenue, Dunlop 17 Warrego Circuit, Kaleen 14/29 Muriel Stewart Cct, Bonner 85 Cooma Street, Queanbeyan 37 Wilshire Street, Dickson 3 Witt Place, Wanniassa 1/28 Mowatt Street, Queanbeyan 24 Darby Street, Kaleen 4/4 Britten Jones Drive, Holt 29 Polwarth Circuit, Dunlop 2/3 Brockway Circuit, Banks 11 Gladman Close, Isaacs 1 Tishler Street, Wright 24 Darby Street, Kaleen 13/17 Helemon Street, Braddon 148 Goyder Street, Narrabundah 14 Budyan Court, Ngunnawal 71/177 Badimara Street, Fisher 2 Lark Place, Ngunnawal 74 Coomb Gifford St, Coombs 1/47 Comrie Street, Wanniassa O/AU Alderson Place, Tralee Lot 10 Boureong Dr, Gunning

$830,000 $377,500 $547,000 $551,000 $537,000 $440,000 $440,000 $710,000 $530,800 $332,500 $641,050 $362,500 $460,000 $330,000 $820,000 $950,000 $641,050 $532,500 $608,500 $345,000 $325,000 $412,500 $295,000 $270,000 $260,000 $200,000

LJ Hooker LJ Hooker LJ Hooker LJ Hooker LJ Hooker Luton Properties LJ Hooker LJ Hooker Luton Properties LJ Hooker Luton Properties Luton Properties Ray White Ray White Luton Properties Peter Blackshaw Luton Properties Sadil Quinlan LJ Hooker LJ Hooker Peter Blackshaw Peter Blackshaw Village Building Co Peter Blackshaw Village Building Co McGrath

Data is provided by agents. Source: Realestate.com.au

$810,000 Wright

57 David Fleay Street

expert advice John De La Torre Solicitor Conveyancing Canberra

Can I get an extension to the settlement date if my finance has not come through yet? Standard purchase contracts, once unconditionally exchanged, do not contain any provisions for extensions for finance. For this reason many firms insist that buyers have their finance fully approved prior to an unconditional exchange to reduce the risk of default. Contracts can be extended by mutual agreement between the parties at any time which may be an option. Once finance difficulties are identified the buyer should immediately contact their conveyancer and seek advice. A failure to settle a purchase contract by the scheduled settlement day does not allow the seller to automatically terminate the contract. In order to terminate for default, and claim the deposit, the seller must serve a notice to complete. This generally provides an additional 14 days before the contract can be terminated. The most significant impact of a termination is the loss of the deposit by the purchaser.


property news

in the spotlight

Gungahlin’s stocks set to rise

MARK MARANION Principal/Agent/Auctioneer LJ Hooker Malua Bay

My favourite pastime is getting together with close friends, around a campfire or somewhere amongst nature, a couple of acoustic guitars, sharing, laughing and singing our little hearts out! I play the bass guitar for a groovy little band called The Somedays, so I’m always travelling with my band mates and playing all over the place which is something I absolutely love. Before I was in real estate I worked in the hospitality industry: waiting tables, making coffee, pouring beer and mixing cocktails. If I wasn’t in real estate I would definitely be doing something in sales. I do enjoy the thrill of the chase and the feeling of achievement when a deal is put together. The other option would be a high paying, international rock star! Over the years I have learnt that you cannot bomb-proof your life, life will always throw that curve ball your way every now and then. It’s not about trying to avoid these situations; it’s about how you react to them. I’m very predictable when it comes to ordering my lunch. The few takeaway places around my office

always get a surprise when I’m not ordering a chicken Caesar salad. My life is very chaotic and busy at the moment which is the way I like it. In business I enjoy being run off my feet, being productive, being a bit stressed (the good kind of stress) – it means that things are ticking over and growing. The people I admire the most are my Mum and Dad. They came to Australia when I was only two, risking everything to give my brother, sister and myself the best possible chance to forge our own future in this lucky country. I bought my first house when I was 30. A modest little two-bedroom home in Malua Bay only minutes to the beach. It was a pretty late start for me to get into the property market; if only I had listened to mum in my 20s.

The best investment I made was a block of land that I bought off plan in Malua Bay in 2002 through LJ Hooker. I didn’t make any money from it, but I was introduced to the owner of LJ Hooker who was recruiting agents at the time. I applied for a position and was accepted, and that’s how I got my start in real estate. So in my mind this was a life changing investment. The biggest lesson I have learnt is money isn’t everything. I’ve been selling real estate on the South Coast for the last 12 years and for a lot of my vendors their main motivation has not been money. I’ve heard this saying a number of times during my career, but it definitely rings true with me: “Real estate is about people, not houses.”

The first high-rise apartments to be approved in the Gungahlin Town Centre are set to hit the market. Designed by internationally renowned Guida Moseley Brown Architects, the Mezzo apartments, on Gozzard Street, will feature two residential towers – one of 12 storeys and one of seven. There are 11 floor plans in the POD Projects Group development, which will include a 25-metre rooftop pool and rooftop alfresco dining with barbecues, an outdoor pizza oven and entertaining areas. The building will house 126 apartments, priced from $229,950, that will range from one-bedroom through to three-bedroom with ensuite. All will have double glazing and large tiled balconies. POD Projects Group agent Marcus Allesch says Mezzo will add even more energy to an already vibrant and thriving town centre. “The 126 homes at Mezzo will mean more residents for the town centre, and more people frequenting the local businesses,” Allesch says. This development will go on sale in the next couple of weeks. Construction will start early next year. - Lyndall Larkham Email property@canberraweekly.com.au

Christine’s weekly tip: Plan ahead and ask me to visit the year before you want to sell for tips on what to do to maximise your return. Many buyers can’t see beyond what is presented to them at sale time. If you’d like more advice and help to sell your home, please call me to experience a different type of agent. Christine Shaw 0405 135 009 | christine.shaw@luton.com.au




property of the week

A view from the top COILA NSW 4072 PRINCES HIGHWAY cean, beach, lake or headland views, this architecturally designed five-bedroom home has them all. It’s called “Pretty View” for a reason, says agent Karen Herrick. “The property is excellent quality and the location is superb with panoramic views of the lakes of Tuross all the way through to the beaches,” Herrick says. “It is a unique location because it sits high and yet can't be seen from the road, so it is very private.” Sitting proudly above the Tuross Lakes district, this immaculate residence is surrounded by 15 acres of bushland and beautiful landscaped gardens. The living room at the front of the property features lovely bay windows which capture the vista perfectly. The large open-plan kitchen, which looks out to an outdoor

entertaining area, has ample bench space and cupboards, and a large breakfast bar. There’s also a meals area and a formal dining room. Other features include a guest room, an office, a gallery and a large double garage-sized room that is currently being used as a working studio. There’s also a double garage adjacent to the house, a fivebay machinery shed and an old dairy building, a stock yard and approximately 45 head of cattle which, along with all the farm equipment, is included in the sale. Herrick says this price range on the South Coast has a very select buyer market. “It would only suit a small section of people because the land size is not for the faint hearted, although there is a self-contained unit on the property that would suit a manager,” she says.




Price guide: Interest over $2.5 million

Find out more

View: By appointment only Agent: Karen Herrick 0417 990 014 LJ Hooker - Moruya Ph: 4474 4433

Austr Australia lives here

Australia lives here




agent's choice

KALEEN 12 Callabonna Street For those looking for something with a great deal of versatility and quality finish, this beautiful piece of prime real estate at 12 Callabonna Street is sure to impress. Large in its proportions, the sweeping living area on the upper level greets you as you enter and provides a bird’s-eye view across your new estate from both inside and outside on your full-length balcony. Four bedrooms upstairs allow the daily goings on of family life to take place with ease and the fully renovated kitchen and bathrooms make that all the more enjoyable. Heading downstairs, the home opens up to a massive rumpus room that gives internal access to the garage.





EER: 0.5 Auction: Wednesday 14 October 6pm, LJ Hooker Canberra City, City Walk View: Saturday 10.45-11.15am Agent: Tim Russell Mob: 0416 087 834 LJ Hooker Kaleen Ph: 6241 1922

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Austr Australia lives here

Australia lives here


KAMBAH 37 Allchin Circuit This generously-sized, four-bedroom ensuite family home located in the sought-after area of Kambah is the perfect buy for a growing family who also likes to entertain. The main bedroom features walk-in robe and ensuite while the three remaining bedrooms feature built-in robes. There is also a generous lounge with large bay windows. Additional features include: • Ducted gas heating and evaporative cooling • Meals/family room with fireplace • Large kitchen with a double sink and breakfast bar • Main bathroom with separate toilet • Covered outdoor entertaining area




EER: 2.0 Price: $570,000+ View: Saturday 26 September 10-10.40am Agent: Colin McIntyre

Find out more

Mob: 0417 263 678 Ray White Tuggeranong Ph: 6294 9393

Austr Australia lives here

Australia lives here




agent's choice

CONDER 13 Hinton Place This beautifully presented four-bedroom plus study home is located in a quiet established street and is uniquely charming. Boasting a 1,054sqm (approx.) block and situated at the end of a private tree-lined driveway, you will be impressed by the established garden and trees that surround the home. Two spacious living areas, 9-foot (2.74m) ceilings, period cornices and panelled timber ceiling in the living room are assets to this home. The laundry is newly tiled with heaps of storage and opens to the garden which is newly fenced and provides a great area for the family to enjoy. Under-home storage is also an asset as is the double garage with remote access which adds to this amazing property.





EER: 2.0 Auction: Saturday 10 October 4pm on site View: Saturday 12.30-1.15pm Agent: Katrice Velnaar

Find out more

Mob: 0411 449 071 Luton Properties Gungahlin Ph: 6162 4333

Austr Australia lives here

Australia lives here


NICHOLLS 9 Edge Place Offering a seamless interplay of indoor and outdoor living, this impressive family residence has been crafted with exacting standards, contemporary fittings and fixtures and quality soft furnishings. Positioned in a quiet cul-de-sac, this home features a kitchen with integrated appliances and ample storage as well as a myriad of living options such as open plan family meals area, separate formal lounge dining areas and integrated study allowing for a home office/rumpus room. It offers a spacious master bedroom with ensuite and custom walk-in robe while the three remaining bedrooms are all extra large and equipped with built-in robes. An alfresco area, complete with outdoor kitchen, complements the home. This home is also positioned on a landscaped 972sqm parcel of land with double garage with room for caravan/trailer or boat. 80




EER: 3.0 Auction: Saturday 26 September 3pm on site Price: $720,000 View: Saturday 26 September 2.30-3pm Agent: Nick Slater Mob: 0414 212 332 McGrath Estate Agents Gungahlin Ph: 6123 8000

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Austr Australia lives here

Australia lives here



agent's choice

WATSON 88-98 Aspinall Street


Built by Platinum Constructions is this selection of three- and fourbedroom contemporary townhouses, located six minutes from the city, complete and ready to move in. Each townhouse has its own individual street address, a double garage with internal access and includes a fully landscaped north facing courtyard. EER: 6.0

Beautifully renovated, this is a modern family home you'll appreciate. From the entry, you'll discover an oversize lounge room, gourmet kitchen and meals zone that has access out to the private covered entertaining deck. Add a family/sun room, three double-sized robed bedrooms, a family bathroom, good size backyard with vehicle access, single garage and more.





Price: $650,000 to $720,000 View: Sat & Sun 11.30am-2pm Agent: Sam Eimerl 0400 022 281 Project Property Group Ph: 6255 6921



Auction: Saturday 24 October 10am on site View: Saturday 9.45-10.15am & 1.45-2.15pm Agent: Jason Maxwell 0416 182 379 LJ Hooker Queanbeyan Ph: 6297 1744

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Australia li Australia lives here

Australia lives here

Australia li


MACGREGOR 3 Sandes Place

On the market for the first time since being constructed by the current owners, this family residence offers all of the modern features you could want in a new home and is set in the peaceful surroundings of the Jiparu Estate Murrumbateman. Come and inspect for yourself today!

Upon entering you will appreciate this unique home designed by architect Gary Willemsen. Offering a split level layout and many striking features, this home is one of only two houses in the cul-de-sac. With direct frontage to Ginninderra Creek, this property will attract buyers wanting a home that is as unique as they are. EER: 0.5




Find out more

Price: By negotiation View: Thursday 5.30-6pm Agent: Robert Crane 0422 927 671 One Agency Crane Property Ph: 6232 7581

Australia lives here

Australia lives here




Price: Offers over $640,000 View: Sat 11.30am-12.30pm & Sun 1.30-2.30pm Agent: Sam Buchanan 0402 838 949 Australia lives here Agent: James Beaumont 0404 448 723 Independent Property Group Belconnen 6209 4444

Australia lives here

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Australia li Australia lives here

Australia lives here


Australia li

Selling your home?


agent's choice

To ensure you receive the best possible exposure to the biggest, most engaged audience, insist that your agent promotes your property in the Canberra Weekly and on realestate.com.au, Australia’s No. 1 real estate website.

MOUNT CAMPBELL NSW 31 Evans Road Stunning spacious rural home with five bedrooms and two bathrooms designed in Federation-style architecture. Open plan informal living area with direct access to the landscaped gardens and pool through French doors. Stunning kitchen with ample bench and cupboard space, walk-in pantry, stainless steel Smeg oven and timber floors.


Your property will be: • Promoted in Canberra’s only high quality glossy lifestyle and real estate magazine (you know how good it is!) • Seen by over 90,000 readers of the Canberra Weekly, of which recent research shows 33% are currently in the market to buy real estate and a further 36% are intending to purchase in the next 12 months • Accessible by a unique online audience of over 3.5 million across Australia on the country’s biggest online real estate portal – realestate.com.au - giving you increased access to interstate buyers



Auction: 10 October 12.30pm View: Saturday 1.30-2.10pm & Sunday 12-12.30pm Agent: Robert Peaker 0412 726 025 Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong Ph: 6296 7077

Find out more

Australia li Australia lives here

Australia lives here

Australia li

To maximise your chance of selling, call your agent now and insist on your


Canberra Weekly realestate.com.au marketing package

COOMBS 10 Taggart Terrace Stylish, separate title, three-bedroom home with two bathrooms, an entertaining deck and balcony, ducted heating and cooling, double garage and a range of quality inclusions. Large, enclosed front and rear courtyards are also featured. Shops, schools, parklands and childcare are just a short walk away, and just a 10-minute drive to Civic. EER: 6.4




Australia lives here

Australia lives here



Price: $499,950 View: Display home open 11am-4pm Sat & Sun Agent: Stephen Laughton 0499 364 064 POD Projects Group Ph: 6262 2525


Bruce 22 Paget Street


Stylish Low Maintenance Living



Immaculate townhouse in highly desirable location

• Spacious open plan living areas

Auction Thursday 1st October at 5:00pm

This spacious home offers open plan living downstairs with two large courtyards, perfect for entertaining. The gourmet kitchen features stone benches, gas cooktop, SMEG appliances & a massive walk-in pantry. You will love the huge sun filled master bedroom with stylish double vanity & oversize shower in the ensuite. Inspect today!

• Quality SMEG appliance range

Venue On site

• Ducted reverse cycle heating & cooling

View Saturday 12:00pm – 12:45pm

• Double glazed windows throughout


• Double garage with remote & internal access • Excellent location – close to UC, AIS & local cafes/restaurants

Patrick Kinnane 0430 435 330 Belconnen 6251 1477

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


• Private north facing rear courtyard


Casey 35 Victoria Owen Circuit Excellent 4 bed Ensuite Family Home with Rumpus Wonderful family home providing a low maintenance lifestyle in a sought-after location. Set high on the hill with views of valley, offers comfortable climate-controlled living in a peaceful and safe environment. Location is close to parkland, easy access to Gungahlin Town Centre. Rumpus and Alfresco flow from Family Room



• 4 Bedroom ensuite home. Double hand basins to ensuite

Auction Super Saturday 3rd October at 10:30am

• Omega 900mm appliances, Bosch dishwasher

Venue On site

• Ducted RCAC

View Saturday 2:15pm – 2:45pm

• 5.0kW solar panels


• 4000L water tank plumbed to house • Land: 465m2, Living: 182.6.6m2, Garage: 38.9m2 Aspect: E, Built 2013

Naish Stormon 0488 164 426 Gungahlin 6213 3999

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Adjacent to Parkland, Excellent Views over the Valley




Redevelop Here Here is a three bedroom house on an untied block of 695.1m2 located in the Dickson RZ3 zone allowing for separate title unit development on a plot ratio of .65. The home is full brick, there is a gas wall heater, a single carport and the location is close to the Dickson shopping precinct and close to Civic Centre.

• Full brick construction • Zone allows multi title unit development • Block in RZ3 zone on 695.1m2 • Two storey redevelopment possible • Gas heating included • Single car port included



Auction Super Saturday 3rd October at 10:00am Venue On Site View Saturday 11:30am – 12:00pm ljhooker.com.au/6AW9F92

Michael Rabey 0411 367 700 Dickson 6257 2111

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Dickson 11 McGowan Street



First Time Offered For Sale in 40 years! Lovingly maintained and cared for by the one family over time, you can just feel the memories that have been created here, yet it is time for a new family to move it and make their own. Perfectly set on 1019sqm of land, in a quiet cul-de-sac of family homes, the kids will love the extra room to run around. Inside boast three spacious bedrooms and a good sized

living and dining area with gas heating. We have taken care of the new carpet and paint for you so you can just move in and enjoy, but there is still plenty of scope if you would like to add your own personal touch and capitalise on a property with ‘good bones’! This home has something for everyone so don’t wait another 40 years to find a buy like this! Vendors are more than realistic so call today for your inspection to fall in love!



Auction Saturday 10th October at 11:30am Venue On site View Saturday 11:00am – 11:30am ljhooker.com/VB5F9Q

Sandra Barlow 0416 121 155 Kippax 6255 3888

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Flynn 26 Vogelsang Place


Franklin 24 Alec Hope Crescent


Rare as Hens Teeth




Tri Level Home offering over 270m living on 818m2 Block

• 4 Bedrooms, all with built ins

Auction Super Saturday 3rd Oct at 12.00pm

Fabulous family home that needs to be seen to be believed. Sprawling over three levels. Gorgeous sun drenched living spaces and 3 outdoor living choices. One level dedicated to the master bedroom with the most amazing robe and ensuite and oudoor retreat complete with spa. Quality inclusions on a large block and directly opposite a reserve complete the package.

• Master with luxurious, ensuite, dressing room that must be seen to be believed

Venue On site View Thurs 5:30pm – 6.00pm, Sun 11:00am – 11.30am, Tues 5.30pm – 6.00pm

• Study


• Multiple alfresco dining choices

Karen Lenihan 0432103953 Brodie Agnew 0450 468 843 Gungahlin 6213 3999

• Close to public transport and schools

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


• Open plan flexible living with chefs kitchen



What a Surprise! Located opposite parkland gives a great sense of wide open space and yet you are just a few minutes from the Gungahlin Town Centre. A clever floor plan provides flexibile living and the central courtyard again gives you the sense of space. Comprising of 3 bedrooms, master with walk in robe and ensuite, a well- appointed kitchen which is quite literally



the central hub of this lovely home.

Auction Saturday 3rd October at 11am

Would suite first home buyers, downsizers and investors alike – Inspection highly recommended.

Venue On site View Sunday 10:00am – 10:30am ljhooker.com.au/JVPGCY

Karen Lenihan 0432 103 953 Gungahlin 6213 3999

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Franklin 40 Elizabeth Jolley Crescent


Kaleen 12 Callabonna Street


High On The Hill!

• 4 large bedrooms + study • Renovated kitchen and bathrooms • Large rumpus room with masses of storage




• Carport at side of house for extra car accommodation

Auction Wednesday 14th October at 6:00pm

• Balcony off the top level overlooking the yard and Pool • Ducted Gas heating

Venue In room auctions, LJ Hooker Canberra City Level 1, 182-200 City Walk

• House area over 207m2

View Saturday 10:45am – 11:15am

• In ground pool complete with Cabana perfect for entertaining


Tim Russell 0416 087 834 Jeremy Julian 0423 141 529 Kaleen 6241 1922

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Positioned stately on its block this beautiful piece of prime real estate at 12 Callabonna Street is sure to impress. For those looking for something with a great deal of versatility and quality finish this home is sure to be ‘The One’!




A Home Full of Surprises This fully renovated family home is set in an elevated position in Ngunnawal and enjoys lovely views over the suburb. Upon crossing the threshold you are greeted by high vaulted ceilings, a warm inviting décor and light filled living areas that will be sure to impress family and friends. This home will tick a lot of the must have boxes!



• Sensational elevated views

Auction Saturday 3rd October at 10:00am

• Ducted Heating & Cooling

Venue On site

• High vaulted ceilings

View Saturday 11:00am – 11:30am & 3:00pm – 3:30pm

• NBN connected and Cat 5 cabling • Remote Double Garage with roller door access to the backyard


• 3000ltr water tanks & grey water system

Andy Greenberger 0400 819 650 Weston Creek 6288 8888

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Ngunnawal 1 Ferguson Circuit


Ngunnawal 3 Milari Street Wonderful Solar Passive Executive Family Home Set amidst tranquil gardens, this beautiful split level home offers great indoor and outdoor living through maximum use of aspect, light and space. Every room has a view! An upstairs lounge opens onto a spacious covered balcony where one can relax and watch the sunset over the Brindabellas. A peaceful haven.

• 4 Bedrooms, superb main bedroom with ensuite and large walk-in robe, built–ins to others • North facing dining/family and activity areas open onto an expansive deck, ideal for entertaining! • Quality appliances, gas cooktop



Auction Saturday 10th October at 10:00am Venue On site View Saturday 11:15am – 11:45am ljhooker.com.au/QHVGCY

• Ducted gas heating • Intriguing gardens with water feature • Land: 879m2, Living: 212.9m2, Garage: 46.5m2

Naish Stormon 0488 164 426 Gungahlin 6213 3999

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Sensational Views over the Valley



Rivett 2 Burgan Place Large Home with Self Contained Flat or Home Business Capacity

Positioned within a cul-de-sac is a home that has been nurtured, updated, extended and improved over the years to create a unique opportunity not often available in Weston Creek. Aside from the 4 bedrooms and generous multiple living areas, there is a 70m2 self contained room with its own entrance.

• Approximately 254m2 living plus 101m2 garaging • Renovated kitchen with stone bench, stainless steel appliances



Auction Saturday 26th September at 12.00pm Venue On Site

• Extra large rumpus room with kitchen and bathroom

View Saturday 11:30 – 12:00pm

• Ducted gas heating and air-conditioning


• Corner location with 4 driveways and multiple parking • Roller shutters, wall insulation and block-out blinds • 21m Spa Room plus outdoor BBQ area 2

Andrew Curren 0424 288 717 Tuggeranong 6293 4499

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


This beautifully maintained home suits extended or large families.




Secure Low Maintenance Lifestyle This large three bedroom townhouse in the sought after Solstice Complex has over 155m2 of living space. Located on the quiet side of the complex this townhouse, whilst not new has had only one owner who has made improvements to the property that set it apart from any other in the complex. Inside is spacious and vibrant with modern colours, recently painted walls and first class inclusions.

• Ducted reverse cycle heating and cooling • Continuous infinity gas hot water • Unobstructed views of Mount Majura • Built in display feature walls • Internal access double lock up garage with new roller door and motor • Street frontage allowing access to extra visitor parking • Newly installed NBN



Auction Super Saturday 3rd October at 11:00am Venue On Site View Saturday 11:30am – 12:00pm ljhooker.com.au/1DVS3RF92

Lisa Coombe 0412 971 635 Dickson 6257 2111

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Watson 205 Aspinall Street



Lights On The Hill



Imagine being able to call this striking landmark property home.

and it’s a real surprise. Enjoy being able to walk the kids to school and still get back early for coffee.

Auction Wednesday 14th October at 6:00pm

Look forward to real space and comfort, plenty of light, and the sort of finishes and appointments you’ve always wanted but have never really had.

Take advantage of everything the Molonglo Valley has to offer knowing there’s more to come.

Venue In room auctions, LJ Hooker Canberra City

You deserve 32 Serventy – grab the opportunity!

View Saturday 12:00pm – 12:30pm

Enjoy being just one house away from Wright’s great new central park – you can walk there in less than a minute

ljhooker.com.au/TPTF9Q Philip Clay 0408 128 940

Kaleen 6241 1922 All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Wright 32 Serventy Street





Life WAS Meant To Be Easy… Featuring a main living room plus a large open plan family meals area adjoining a modern kitchen with views out to the backyard. 4 bedrooms with ensuite and walk in robe to the master, private outdoor entertaining area, double garage, gas hot water, evaporative cooling and ducted heating as well.

Queanbeyan 24 Isabella Street

Queanbeyan 4/2 Booth Street




Hands Down the Best Unit on the Market! For Sale $567,000+ View Saturday 2:30pm – 3:00pm ljhooker.com/S0DFAN

Jason Maxwell 0416 182 379 Queanbeyan 6297 1744




Inspired contemporary pizzazz, enviable extras and a convenient location are just a few highlights of this dazzling 2 bedroom apartment. Positioned on the 1st floor, this airy abode boasts sizeable main living zone, casual meals area, fantastic modern kitchen with stainless steel appliances.

Queanbeyan 2 McInnes Street

Position, Period in Style and Potential to Suit You!

Slow Down: Family Zone Ahead

Fabulous colonial style home that oozes presence with timeless appeal, ideally located in the most sought after of streets- an easy 2 minute walk to the heart of town, river reserve and golf course. 3 bedrooms plus a study, old world charm, polished floors, high

Nestled in the sought after estate of Fairlane and capturing fantastic views over the surrounding hills this home features modern kitchen, lounge room with adjoining family room, large outdoor covered entertainment area, 4 bedrooms plus study, double garage with storage, ducted heating & evaporative cooling.

ceilings, timber windows and plenty of room to add your own style. For Sale $535,000+ View Saturday 10:30am – 11:00am ljhooker.com/RGMFAN

Jason Maxwell 0416 182 379 Queanbeyan 6297 1744

For Sale $260,000+ View Saturday 11:45am – 12:15pm ljhooker.com/S0QFAN

Jason Maxwell 0416 182 379 Queanbeyan 6297 1744




Auction 10th October at 11:20am View Saturday 12:30pm – 1pm ljhooker.com/RWHFAN

Jason Maxwell 0416 182 379 Queanbeyan 6297 1744

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Jerrabomberra 26 Unwin Avenue





Country Cottage Character filled four bedroom weatherboard cottage with a study on a huge 1,733m2 block in Michelago. Original features include timber floorboards, patterned ceilings, decorative cornices, picture rails, fire places with slow combustion fires and high ceilings.

Queanbeyan 27/41 Carinya Street




First Home…. Lasting Memories! For Sale $425,000 View By Appointment ljhooker.com/RZCFAN

Michael Dyer 0438 174 400 Queanbeyan 6297 1744




At the Top of the Hill Stylishly appointed two storey, three bedroom ensuite townhouse located at the top of the hill in the heart of Queanbeyan. Functional floor plan provides for easy entertaining downstairs in the open plan living area with the three bedrooms upstairs – all with large built-in-robes.

Queanbeyan 19 Bangalay Street This lovely 4 bedroom home has been freshly painted and has new carpet throughout. The floor plan consists of a large lounge room with gas heater, North facing kitchen with dining area, good sized bedrooms, bathroom with separate toilet and reverse cycle air conditioning.

Queanbeyan 117 Munro Road

For Sale $350,000 View By Appointment ljhooker.com/RRTFAN

Michael Dyer 0438 174 400 Queanbeyan 6297 1744




Almost Down & Out For Sale $387,500 View By Appointment ljhooker.com/S41FAN

Craig Jones 0419 492 079 Queanbeyan 6297 1744

In Crestwood Estate perched high on a hill surrounded by other quality homes, this four bedroom beauty will be popular! Requiring a complete makeover both inside and out the floor plan shows a separate lounge room, kitchen, family/dining area, built in robes to 2 bedrooms & original bathroom.

For Sale Expressions of Interest View By Appointment ljhooker.com/RCXFAN

Michael Dyer 0438 174 400 Queanbeyan 6297 1744

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Michelago 70 Ryrie Street



seller dreams of

‌ LJ Hooker Tuggeranong’s Michael Marrn sold 4 Keys Crescent in Wanniassa in 19 days, under the hammer for $567,000, with 6 registered bidders and a large audience of buyers, sellers and neighbours. If you, a family member or a friend wish to achieve a premium price for your home with the same excellent markeeng services, please call Michael Marrn . You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain...

BY michael martin sales consultant

LJ HOOKER Tuggeranong

02 6293 7312

0411 748 805

Buy an apartment at before December 31 2015 to receive

$30,000 in grants, concessions and incentives.

All you need is $1,000 to secure your apartment!

Ask us how. SQ1 Display Office Open Mon - Fri 12pm - 5pm Sat & Sun 11am - 4pm Cnr Anketell St & Limburg Way, Greenway

1300 733 007


Approved purchasers only. Terms and conditions apply.

HARRISON One Bedroom Apartments from $257,900

One Bedroom + Study Apartments from $287,900

Two Bedroom + Ensuite Apartments from $364,900

Three Bedroom Townhouses from $419,900

Artist Impression

The final stage of this popular development is selling fast! Display Apartment Now Open


Open for Inspection

Be part of the exciting Flemington Road corridor close to the Gungahlin town centre, Dickson shops and the City.

• Fisher & Paykel stainless steel appliances

Saturday & Sunday 10am - 3pm

• Views from most apartments

Cnr Flemington Rd & Sapling St, Harrison

Symphony Park is the only development in Canberra where you may qualify for over $30,000 in grants & rebates.*

• Close to future light rail link and retail hub

Another quality development from

• Reverse cycle air conditioning


• Stone bench tops • Lift access to most apartments

Andrew Ligdopoulos 0408 488 148 Keenan Veraar 0402 914 037

• Secure basement parking to most apartments MIN EER 5

*Conditions apply. Subject to government criteria and conditions.

• Award winning developer & builder

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


BRADDON A building like no other... One Bedroom + Full Study Apartments from $434,900

Two Bedroom + Ensuite Apartments (2 car spaces) from $599,900 Artist Impression

s ha ! n io ced t c n tru me s n m Co co

Display Office Open Saturday & Sunday 10am - 3pm Monday - Friday 11am - 2pm 32 Mort Street, Braddon ljhookerprojects.com.au

Keenan Veraar

0402 914 037


COOMBS Live in the heart of Coombs Two Bedroom Townhouses from $395,000

Three Bedroom Townhouses from $429,950

Four Bedroom Townhouses from $509,950 Artist Impression

Display Office Open Saturday 10am - 3pm Sunday 10am - 1pm Cnr Fred Daly Ave & Gifford Street, Coombs ljhookerprojects.com.au

Andrew Ligdopoulos

0408 488 148


GUNGAHLIN Only a few apartments remain! One Bedroom Apartments from $299,900

Two Bedroom Apartments from $369,900

Three Bedroom Apartments from $429,900

Artist Impression

Display Office Open Saturday 10am - 2pm Sunday 11am - 3pm Hinder Street, Gungahlin ljhookerprojects.com.au

Keenan Veraar

0402 914 037


HARRISON Display Apartment Now Open One Bedroom Apartments from $265,900

Two Bedroom Apartments from $339,900

Three Bedroom Apartments from $449,900 FHOG APPROVED*

Open for Inspection Saturday 11am - 4pm Windjana Street, Harrison ljhookerprojects.com.au

Andrew Ligdopoulos Keenan Veraar

*Subject to government criteria and conditions.

MIN EER 5 All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


0408 488 148 0402 914 037



A New Macgregor Record Sale! By Jeremy Grobben LJ Hooker Kippax

61 Inspections 15 Contracts out 8 Registered bidders 1 Record Price

Contact Pav today to ďŹ nd out how to get Jeremy the best Grobben possible result for your home!

Jeremy has qualified buyers looking in the Macgregor area and is achieving incredible sale results. Talk to him today about the sale of your property.

02 6255 3888

0412 552Pav 751

Cheimardinov | Registered Agent


LJ Hooker Kaleen

(PH) 6241 1922 (M) 0402 901 188 Unit 4, 118 Hardwick Crescent (E) pcheimardinov.kaleen@ljh.com.au Holt ACT (W) kaleen.ljhooker.com.au kippax.ljhooker.com.au

Kippax All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


BRADDON 2/13 Helemon Street

BRADDON 416/74 Northbourne Avenue

• Tiled entrance and dining area • 4 burner Gas cook top • Separate living area and large outdoor entertaining area Dickson 6257 2111

• Ensuite and private balcony from the Master bedroom • Ducted gas heating & cooling • Modern appliances, including a stainless steel dishwasher Dickson 6257 2111

• Located in the ‘Medina James Court’ apartments and just minutes to the CBD. • Well equipped ensuite off the main bedroom. Canberra City 6249 7700

$650 weekly



$570 weekly


BONNER 29 Bieundurry Street



$450 weekly





$530 weekly

BONNER 17/17 Margaret Tucker

$400 weekly

CRACE 21/50 Hillcrest Street

• Two living areas • Ducted heating and cooling • Outdoor entertaining

• Lovely 3 Bedroom townhouse with ensuite • Ducted reverse cycle heating/ cooling throughout • Enclosed courtyard to rear Kippax 6255 3888

• Beautiful brand new top floor two bedroom unit • Two secure garage spaces • Located close to the Crace shopping precinct Kaleen 6241 1922

Gungahlin 6213 3999






$380 weekly





GRIFFITH 7/22 Leichhardt Street

HARRISON 55/64 Kings Canyon Street

HARRISON 48 Moonlight Avenue

• Updated, ground floor apartment • Great location • New heating and cooling

• Ground floor apartment • Adaptable unit • Enclosed courtyard

• Ducted heating and cooling • Two storey • Walk to public transport

Weston Creek 6288 8888

Gungahlin 6213 3999

$360 weekly



$350 weekly




$480 weekly

Gungahlin 6213 3999





KALEEN 19 Bingham Circuit

KINGSTON 81/43 Eastlake Parade

MACQUARIE 35 Lachlan Street

• 4 bedroom home with ensuite • Lovely open plan sunny kitchen with dining room • Close to schools, shops and public transport Kaleen 6241 1922

• Open Plan living and water views. • Modern Kitchen with Miele oven and cooktop, Built in Fridge/ Freezer and dishwasher. Canberra City 6249 7700

• Generous sized bedrooms include built in wardrobes • Spacious living area • Main bathroom includes a separate toilet Dickson 6257 2111

$500 weekly



$500 weekly




$399 weekly





NGUNNAWAL 44 Windradyne Street

O’CONNOR 1/5 Verdon Street

PALMERSTON 6/63 Tinderry Circuit

• Large four bedroom home • Comfort of ducted gas heating • Very low maintenance courtyard

• Beautifully designed and located in the quiet cul-de-sac of Verdon St, O’ Connor. • With a short walk to O’Connor & Lyneham shopping precincts Canberra City 6249 7700

• Easy care rear courtyard • Open-plan living • Galley style kitchen with plenty of bench space and storage

$430 weekly

$360 weekly

Kaleen 6241 1922






$400 weekly


Dickson 6257 2111




Tenant of the week Each week LJ Hooker gives away a $150 Coles/Myer voucher to an exceptional tenant.

*Participating offices only: LJ Hooker Canberra City, Dickson, Gungahlin, Kaleen, Kippax & Weston Creek


Congratulations Stuart, client of LJ Hooker Canberra City, pictured with Property Manager Michelle Gibb

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Australia lives here

tio n Au c Kaleen 9 Pasmore Close



Ray White Belconnen


EER: 2.0


Picture perfect family home This well maintained home is perfect for large families, with 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, two big living areas and a rumpus room there is plenty of space for every family member and more. The kitchen is a unique and has plenty of bench space. The property comes complete with a double lock up garage and a lovely undercover entertaining area out the back to enjoy the beautiful private backyard.


• • • • • • • •

4 bedroom + rumpus + study, BIR’s to all bedrooms 646m2 block 2 garage + 2 carports Ducted gas heating 3-way bathroom - perfect for the teenage family All 3 bathrooms in great condition Paved outdoor entertaining area Big backyard with established garden beds

Wed 14 Oct at 6.00pm Belconnen Arts Centre View By appointment Jake Battenally 0413 313 676 Ben Faulks 0432 028 645

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

Lyneham 16/124-134 De Burgh Street



Ray White Belconnen


EER: 1.0


Urban comfort and convenience! Located in a tightly held complex, this two bedroom home is in a convenient central location, only moments to public transport links, Dickson and City Shopping Centre and around the corner from a future light rail stop. There is a carport located adjacent to property for ease of access. The large bedrooms have plenty of storage space. There is a very functional study nook with built-in joinery and the living area is open plan.


• • • • • •

2 bedrooms Reverse Cycle unit Freshly painted downstairs Kitchen with great footprint Open living space Powder room downstairs

By Negotiation View Sat 10.20 – 10.50am Jake Battenally 0413 313 676 Ben Faulks 0432 028 645

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

tio n Au c Macquarie 6 Roberts Street



EER: 3.5


Great Location! Positioned on a 750 m block this home features a fantastic rear deck, ideal for entertaining. Only minutes from neighbouring shops as well as the local schools, this house is perfectly situated. The large kitchen and living areas are open plan, creating an inviting atmosphere, with the family room opening onto a front entertaining area surrounded by landscaped gardens. The larger master bedroom comes with an ensuite and the three-car garage has plenty of space. 2



Ray White Belconnen

• • • • • •

750 m block (Residence: 159.6m2) Landscaped front yard Open plan living areas Ducted gas heating Master bedroom with ensuite 3 car garage 2

Wed 14 Oct 6.00pm, Belconnen Arts Centre View By appointment Scott Jackson 0411 037 137 Treston Bamber 0488 488 956

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

tio n Au c Macquarie 27 Erskine Street



Ray White Belconnen


EER: 1.5


Opportunity awaits This home offers 3 bedrooms all with built in robes and the master room with ensuite. The kitchen offers a stainless steel oven, dishwasher and walk in pantry to accommodate all your kitchen needs. A large rear entertaining area flows from the house and offers views back across Belconnen. The back yard is large and requires very low maintenance making the yard duties less chore and more time to relax and enjoy some quality personal time.


• • • • • •

3 bedrooms, all with built in robes Two minutes walk to Macquarie Primary School and Pre-School Five minutes walk to Macquarie Childcare Centre and shops Fully renovated kitchen with stainless steel ILVE gas cook top and electric oven Timber floors Laundry shoot (from upstairs)

Wed 14 Oct at 6.00pm Belconnen Arts Centre View By appointment Scott Jackson 0411 037 137 Treston Bamber 0488 488 956

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

tio n Au c Macgregor 36 Brownless Street



EER: 0.5


Lots to like! This three bedroom home on a 845m block is perfectly situated close to both the Kippax shops and the City centre, as well as being within easy distance of all the local schools. The large living area is connected to a sunroom and the kitchen is bright and modern. The porch in the large backyard is covered and there is a separate covered pergola, making it an ideal entertaining area. 2



Ray White Belconnen

• • • • • •

119m living space Close to Kippax shops and local amenities 3 bedrooms Large living area plus sunroom 1 bathroom Double carport and double car garage 2

Wed 14 Oct at 6.00pm Belconnen Arts Centre View Sat 26 11.15 – 11.35am Ben Owen 0466 671 595 Benjamin Ling 0403 041 181

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

Melba 36 Goldner Circuit


This four bedroom home is located on a 829m block that fronts onto a lovely view of the reserve, which can be appreciated from the huge deck- perfect for entertaining! The kitchen has been updated and the beautiful Brushbox flooring creates an inviting and open atmosphere. The main bedroom has an ensuite and the sunroom adds an additional entertaining area. Garaging is not a problem, including double garage with internal access plus double carport. 2



EER: 2.0


Everything you want in a home!

Ray White Belconnen


• • • • • • •

829m block 4 bedrooms 2 bathrooms Double garage with internal access Double Carport Ducted Gas heating and evaporative cooling Updated kitchen 2

Wed 14 Oct 6.00 pm, Belconnen Arts Centre View Saturday 1:30pm - 2:10pm Jake Battenally 0413 313 676 Liam Wilson 0405 056 844

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

Page 7 Luehmann Street



Ray White Belconnen


EER: 1.5


Fantastic opportunity This cosy family home sits on a generous 731sqm block and is situated in the peaceful suburb of Page – perfect for first home buyers or investors. The home offers 3 decent sized bedrooms, large living area to kick your feet up after a hard day as well as a kitchen with plenty of space to work with. With a large back yard this home perfectly accommodates for the family with young children and even the pet lovers.


• • • • • •

731sqm Block 3 Bedrooms Separate bathroom Separate laundry Ducted gas heating Mounted wall heater

Wed 14 Oct 6.00 pm, Belconnen Arts Centre View Saturday 2:15 - 2:45pm Ben Owen 0466 671 595 Scott Jackson 0411 037 037

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

tio n Au c Weetangera 5 Belconnen Way



Ray White Belconnen


EER: 0.0


Beautiful home in a great area! 3 bedroom home, master with ensuite, built-in-robe and fan, while bedroom three also has a built-in-robe. The bathroom is large, as is the laundry and separate lounge room. The separate three car garage plus double garage underneath the house offers plenty of storage.You will enjoy the wooden deck overlooking the garden complete with garden beds and fruit trees. This is a great opportunity for a developer or savvy investor to capitalise, and secure a great 1014m2 RZ2 site.


• • • • •

1014m block (138m residence) 3 bedrooms, master with ensuite, ceiling fan and split system Two reverse cycle split systems 3 car garage plus 2 car garage underneath house Master bedroom with ensuite, BIR and ceiling fan 2


Wed 14 Oct 6.00 pm, Belconnen Arts Centre View Sat 1.00 – 1.30pm & Wed 12.30 – 1.00pm Treston Bamber 0488 488 956 Scott Jackson 0411 037 137

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

Au ct ion

Karabar 35 Pindari Cres

Jerrabomberra 11 Esmond Ave Fasham Johnston designed This warm fantastic 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom home designed and constructed by Fasham Johnson. With light spilling in from all angles and a wonderful sense of space through clever design. Open plan living and meals area adjoining the stylish and perfectly proportioned kitchen.




Auction Sat 10 Oct 3.00pm, on site View Sat 11.00 – 11.30am Brad O’Mara 0402 343 771 6299 4333 raywhitequeanbeyan.com.au

Offering a versatile floor plan ideal for extended families, the home includes a large rumpus/teenage retreat downstairs complete with bathroom and fifth bedroom. Designed for a relaxed lifestyle, the easy-care tiered rear gardens feature native plants and herbs plus a sundrenched paved patio.




Sale $779,000 View Sat 12.30 – 1.10pm Brad O’Mara 0402 343 771 6299 4333 raywhitequeanbeyan.com.au

Ray White Queanbeyan|Jerrabomberra




Ray White Queanbeyan|Jerrabomberra

Elevated family home enjoying peaceful outlook

Googong 6 Dolly Street

Crestwood 35/86 Derrima Road Upper floor unit with views!


• • • • • • •

2 sizeable bedrooms each with BIR Open plan lounge/dining Fully renovated kitchen New paint/carpet & hot water unit Balcony off living with great views Own laundry (inside unit) Lift and security access to building




Auction Wed 30 Sep 5.30pm, on site View Sat 1.20 – 1.50pm Brad O’Mara 0402 343 771 6299 4333 raywhitequeanbeyan.com.au

Ray White Queanbeyan|Jerrabomberra

If you have the family – We have the home This ideal 4 bedroom family home is conveniently located close to shops, school, Beltana Park with club Googong and also the lovely dog park. Selling now off the plan for an expected completion date of early 2017 means you can really get ahead by securing at all for today’s prices.




Sale $700,000+ View By Appointment Ben Mills 0420 304 431 6299 4333 raywhitequeanbeyan.com.au

Ray White Queanbeyan|Jerrabomberra

Congratulations + Winner, Medium Residential Agency in the ACT (REIACT Awards for Excellence 2015)

Licenced Agent 18401135 ABN 45 078 085 604

Streamline SL1501569

+ Top 10 of Ray White regional offices in NSW and ACT (Ray White Australia Awards 2015)

Phone 6294 9393 Shop 8 Lanyon Market Place, Conder ACT 2906 www.raywhitetuggeranong.com.au Proudly owned and operated by Col McIntyre

Banks 4 Reader Court Immaculate presentation! Walk inside this one and WOW! This 3 bedroom home looks amazing! Fresh paint, bamboo floors, new carpet, great sized bedrooms, a reverse cycle air conditioner, single garage with internal access, a great multi purpose area (the X factor) and a stunning new gourmet kitchen...you have to see this!




EER: 1.5


Comfortable living; neat, private & ready to go! •


View Sat 12.00 – 12.45pm Colin Blunden 0409 015 400

• • • •

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

All 3 bedrooms generously sized and include built-in robes Kitchen with ample storage & bench space and a double sink Ducted r/cycle heating & cooling Single car garage, internal access Living space: 123.13m2 approx. Block size: 451.7m2

Ray White Tuggeranong




EER: 4.0

Sale $375,000+ View Sat 1.00 – 1.40pm Colin McIntyre 0417 263 678

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au




Ray White Tuggeranong

Bonython 2/33 Tenison Woods Circuit

Calwell 73 Casey Crescent Renovated family home in a great location •


• • • • • •

Main bedroom with ensuite and large walk-in robe 3 bedrooms well sized with BIR Kitchen with 2x island benches, a double sink and walk-in pantry Ducted gas heating & r/c cooling Alfresco entertaining area Living space: 171m2 approximately Block size: 726m2

Ray White Tuggeranong

Conder 2/1 Jane Price Crescent 4



Auction Sat 10 Oct 10.00am, on site View Sat 12.00 – 12.40pm Colin McIntyre 0417 263 678

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

EER: 3.0

Functionality and style You will feel welcomed the minute you arrive at this dual occupancy home. Very generous in every way with 2 gorgeous courtyards, just perfect for a downsizer or an investment. Brand new carpets & flooded with natural light. Gas cooking & heating with evaporative cooling and separate water meter.

Ray White Tuggeranong




EER: 3.5

Sale $399,000 View Sat 12.00am – 12.30pm Ewa Skoczek 0414 665 626

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

tio n

tio n

Au c

Au c Fadden 6 Bow Place

Farrer 2 Drevermann Street

Perfect family home & location




EER: 4.0

3 generous bedrooms with BIR Auction Newly renovated ensuite, main Sat 10 Oct 11.30am, on site bathroom & laundry • Spacious living, solid timber kitchen View Sat 11.00 – 11.40pm • Double garage with automatic doors, Colin McIntyre 0417 263 678 internal access and a carport • Private backyard with easy care, established gardens • Block size: 881m2 6294 9393 Ray White Tuggeranong raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

3 great sized bedrooms all with built-in robes, 2 bedrooms with ensuites • Kitchen with large walk-in pantry & ample storage and bench space • Ducted gas heating & wood fire • Double garage with automatic door and internal access • Living space: 233.5m2 approx • Block size: 906m2

Ray White Tuggeranong

Ray White Tuggeranong


EER: 1.5

Auction Sat 26 Sept 10.00 am, on Site View Sat 9.30 – 10.00am Colin McIntyre 0417 263 678

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au








Un Beautifully presented with near new everything home with Vogue style touches. Endless amount of sunlight in every room. Allergy free as there are no carpets. Delightful garden, covered pergola and generous parking. Gas heating and evaporative cooling. Near a bike path.


Gordon 18 Kellick Place

Gordon 7 Dolan Close Vogue style presentation




• •

Executive residence




EER: 1.0


All the hard work is done just move in!


• •

Ewa Skoczek 0414 665 626

• • • •

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

3 bedrooms all with built-in robes Newly renovated quality kitchen, bathroom and laundry Ducted gas heating and gas hot water system Covered entertaining area Large backyard storage shed Living: 113.3m2 appr. Block: 467m2

Ray White Tuggeranong



Sale $405,000+ Colin McIntyre 0417 263 678

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au


EER: 2.5

So ld Greenway 51 Mortimer Lewis Drive Living on the edge of the lake! • • • • • •

2 large living areas, with lake views Spacious kitchen and dining area 4 spacious bedrooms, bedrooms 1 and 2 overlooking the lake Beautiful gardens Direct access to Lake Tuggeranong 4 x split systems and in-wall gas heating

Ray White Tuggeranong

Richardson 5 Harford Street 4



EER: 1.0


This spacious 3 bedroom ensuite home is a must to see! Situated on a great sized block, this quality home provides separate living areas, an updated kitchen, large main bedroom, covered pergola and a four car garage – half of which has been converted to a multi purpose area.

Sat 3 Oct 10.00am, on site View Sat 12.00 – 12.40pm Chris Twigg 0413 188 619

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

Ray White Tuggeranong

Theodore 21/130 Lawrence Wackett Crescent Affordable and convenient living • • •


• • • •

Two bedrooms with built-in robes Main bathroom with separate toilet Kitchen with ample storage & bench space Electric wall heater & r/c system Alfresco entertaining area Fully fenced backyard Single carport with a storage shed

Ray White Tuggeranong



Don’t miss this one!




EER: 1.0

Sale $455,000+ Colin Blunden 0409 015 400

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

Property management, the comfortable choice... 1

EER: 2.0

Sale $300,000+ View By Appointment Colin McIntyre 0417 263 678

At Ray White Tuggeranong our property management team continues to excel. So our clients are comfortable in the knowledge that they will receive the best service and results, everytime. For all your Property Management needs, choose the locally owned and operated Ray White Tuggeranong. Shop 8 Lanyon Market Place, Conder ACT 2906 Phone 6294 9393 | www.raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

Proudly owned and operated by Col McIntyre

Belconnen 5 Soundy Close



Ray White Woden


EER: 4.0-6.0


Mortgagee in possession – 9 units in one line Under instructions from the Mortgagee this parcel of high quality units will be auctioned in one line. Just over two years old, the apartments, some over two levels, are finished to a high standard and are currently fully let. Water views, secure basement parking and central location will help ensure they remain an attractive rental proposition long term.


• • • • • • •

Individual units sales considered, prior to auction Units 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 12, 13, 14 & 15 All fully leased 1, 1 + study and 2 bedroom units Units rented for $350 to $450 per week 8 units with water views On site basement car parking & storage Excellent finishes

Sat 1 Oct 6.00pm, 17-23 Townshend St Phillip View Sat 12.30 – 1.30pm Terry Cooper 0417 710 772 terry.cooper@raywhite.com

6162 0681 | rwcanberra.com.au

City U31 Metropolitan 2 Edinburgh Ave Executive Living in the City


Narrabundah 19/41 Leahy Close 2


EER: 6.0


Only a few years old, this spectacularly located development is within easy walking distance of Civic, Commonwealth Park, West Basin, and the ever-trendy ‘New Acton Cultural Precinct’. This large apartment boasts open plan lounge/dining/kitchen area with by TWO balconies, well separated bedrooms & two great bathrooms.

Sat 29 Oct 6.00pm Venue 17-23 Townshend St Phillip View Saturday 2.00 to 2.45pm Terry Cooper 0417 710 772 terry.cooper@raywhite.com 6162 0681 rwcanberra.com.au

Ray White Woden

Woden For Sale:

Recent Sales:

16 Pedrail Street, Dunlop $429,000 17 Cobbadah Street, O’Malley $1,525,000 4/15 Dalman Crescent, O’Malley $1,675,000 5 Culgoa Circuit, O’Malley $1,950,000 3 Callemonda Rise, O’Malley By Neg 4 Berbet Street, O’Malley By Neg

41 Culgoa Circuit, OMalley 21 Culgoa Circuit, O’Malley 4 Akame Crescent, O’Malley 9 Story Place, Isaacs 5 William Wilkins Crescent, Isaacs 13 Winton Place, Holder

When location matters! Set in the beautiful & established “Oakmont Ridge” development, this apartment is packed with features! With a functional open plan design, the kitchen, meals & living areas open to a generous balcony offering commanding mountain views. A modern, well equipped kitchen adds to the appeal.

Ray White Woden




EER: 3.0

Auction Sat 10 Oct at 10.00am, on site View Sat 11.45 - 12.15pm Kate Coultas 0404 857 929 kate.coultas@raywhite.com

6162 0681 rwcanberra.com.au

Stop searching! searching! Your new new career career is just around around the corner. corner.

Are Are you you looking lookingto toenter enterthe theindustry industryorormaybe maybetake takeyour your existing existing real realestate estatesales salescareer careertotoaanew newlevel? level? URGENT - Homes Needed


For a free appraisal from an experienced agent call

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Margaret Reynolds 0417 486 574

We anticipate anticipate the the limited limited places placescurrently currentlyavailable availableforforcadets cadetsand andregistered registered sales sales people people in in the the ACT ACTwill willfillfillquickly. quickly.Please Pleasecontact contactusustoday todaytotoexplore explore the the possibilities. possibilities.


For details details phone phoneAlice AliceRyan Ryanon on02 026162 61620681 0681ororemail emailhr@rwcanberra.com.au hr@rwcanberra.com.au 17-23 17-23Townshend TownshendStStPhillip PhillipACT ACT2606 2606| |rwcanberra.com.au rwcanberra.com.au

Your just one call away from…

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With 20 years of exceptional property management service we know how to best protect your asset and deliver property investment peace of mind and performance.

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Call Sue Maloney on 6232 0100

LOOKING FOR YOUR FIRST HOME? CALL WATERMARK HOME FOR AS LITTLE AS $235 PER WEEK*! 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS FROM $319,000! With only 33 apartments, our boutique residences offer high amenity in an enviable position. Exclusively residential, Watermark offers an onsite facilities manager to take care of your property for you. Enjoy that special occasion with friends or a lazy afternoon on the roof top entertaining terrace overlooking the stunning backdrop of the lake, it’s foreshore and the Brindabella Mountains, or relax in the beautifully landscaped green spaces and waterfront promenades. All this only a short stroll from the established restaurants, cafes and retail shopping of the Tuggeranong Town Centre. With so many amenities on your doorstep, Watermark redefines cosmopolitan living on the south side.


*For first home buyers using a 5% ($15,950) deposit + $12,500 FHOG as contribution with a loan amount of $290,550 @ 4.19%. Conditions apply.


T H E WAT E R M A R K .C O M . AU . ALEX EIMERL 040 9 0 07 313

THEO KOUTSIKAMANIS Sell faster and celebrate sooner

Theo Koutsikamas has adopted a new approach for marketing property called a “Soft Launch”. Gone is the approach of listing your home for sale and hoping buyers see value within the early stages of a traditional sales campaign. Theo finds that his new approach is achieving great results and allows him to provide his vendors with the confidence that he has a solid understanding of market feedback. If you’re thinking of selling your home and want to secure the best possible price in the shortest possible time, contact Theo Koutsikamanis. He has the expertise, market knowledge and innovation to achieve this for you. Combined with McGrath’s unique and proven marketing strategies, he will help you to achieve outstanding results on the sale of your home. Why wait any longer? Talk to Theo Koutsikamanis today and celebrate sooner. Theo Koutsikamanis Sales Agent D 6175 0006 M 0431 543 649 E theokoutsikamanis@mcgrath.com.au

Recent sales by Theo Koutsikamanis

Forde 49 Doris Turner Street

Crace 89 Samaria Street

Crace 2 Maranunga Crescent

Amaroo 43 Tarrabool Street


SOLD $1,225,000

SOLD $1,180,000

SOLD $800,000

SOLD $725,000

Crace 48 Drooka Street

Crace 40 Lanaba Street

Crace 9 Ivory Street

Jacka 33 Starcevich Crescent

SOLD $1,215,000

SOLD $892,000

SOLD $765,000

SOLD $588,000

Campbell 50 Jacka Crescent

Crace 22 Langtree Crescent

Crace 21 Langtree Crescent

Crace 36 Vandyke Crescent

SOLD $1,200,000

SOLD $875,000

SOLD $740,000

SOLD $575,000

BYWONG 91 Millynn Road Only five years old, this home caters for people who love to entertain or have an expanding family. Located in a lovely grazing valley, the home offers plenty of living space, indoor and outdoor entertaining areas and work from home opportunities. The main home has modern quality inclusions and plenty of space for all the family. The shed offers a variety of opportunities and is comfortably fitted out with a bar and an overflow of accommodation. The paddocks are suitable for horses and other livestock.




For Sale $1,295,000 View Saturday 11.30 - 12.15 Ross Hincksman 0417 687 379 Call 6262 5122


FRANKLIN 20 Petherick Street Sleek contemporary design, coupled with an exceptional sense of space and light create an immediately inviting haven in this separate title villa. Flowing interiors offer contemporary living spread over two levels, quality kitchen with gas cook top & dishwasher, ducted gas heating throughout. Superb private and north facing outdoor entertaining area, established low maintenance native gardens. Positioned on a quiet local traffic street, it is well equipped for an effortless lifestyle.




For Sale over $389,000 View Saturday 11.00 - 11.45 EER 6.0 Adam Jones 0407 777 601 Call 6123 8000


GUNGAHLIN 26 Mary Gillespie Avenue Nestled into a quiet neighbourhood in a tightly held section of Gungahlin, this home is rich in the little things that count. It includes ducted cooling and in floor heating that will keep you comfortable all year round, as well as generous bedrooms with built in robes, triple garaging with work benches and access from rear lane and a secure backyard for pets and children to play in. Only a short stroll to Gungahlin Marketplace and convenient access to public transport means this home will meet your requirements.




For Sale over $630,000 View Saturday 9.15 - 9.45 EER 5 Ross Hincksman 0417 687 379 Call 6262 5122


HARRISON 6 Anchorage Street Enviably positioned in the popular ’Harrison Park Estate’ this inviting four bedroom, double garage family residence presents a clever floor design with multiple living areas and a seamless indoor outdoor flow to the covered entertaining and tranquil inground salt water pool. The property enjoys a peaceful street setting in a fantastic neighbourhood set on a 526sqm block close to park, schools, public transport and the thriving Gungahlin town centre. Take advantage of this popular and convenient location today.




For Sale Over $625,000 View Saturday 3.20 - 4.00 EER 4.0 Justin Taylor 0414 701 465 Jess Smith 0410 125 475 Call 6123 8008


HARRISON 16 Sphinx Street With immense street appeal and stunning presentation throughout, this high calibre four bedroom plus rumpus home provides generous proportions with designer feel and high quality finishes. Offering light filled living spaces, dedicated to indoor/outdoor areas, this superb property has been intuitively crafted to create a supreme property of style and privacy. The single level residence is complemented by the idyllic outdoor facilities all on a beautifully maintained 622sqm block.



Auction Saturday 17th October 12.00pm * View Saturday 12.45 - 1.30 EER 4.5 Justin Taylor 0414 701 465 Jess Smith 0410 125 475 Call 6123 8008 *On site



HARCOURT HILL 6 Dive Place Occupying a premier position in what is undoubtedly one of Nicholl’s most exclusive enclaves, this superb five bedroom plus rumpus home with 279sqm of total living provides a unique sanctuary of style with a great sense of light, space and privacy. Enjoying multiple living options combined with fantastic outdoor entertaining spaces, all on a 1,078sqm block backing Golf Course, this commanding property has appeal for every home buyer and is the perfect home for the larger family. Take advantage of this sought after locale today.



Auction Saturday 10th October 1.00pm * View Saturday 2.00 - 2.40 EER 5.0 Justin Taylor 0414 701 465 Nick Slater 0414 212 332 Call 6123 8008 *On site



WATSON 12 Wade Street In a superb position along a tree lined street is this lovely family home. You will appreciate the separate living areas, good sized bedrooms and the sunny rear deck - the perfect place to sit and relax after a hard days work. The home offers reverse cycle air conditioning to keep you comfortable all year round and the kitchen has plenty of bench and storage space. Located only a short stroll to preschools and Majura Primary and the Watson shops are just down the road.





Auction Saturday 10th October 10.00am View Sat 10.00 - 10.45 & Wed 5.00 - 5.45 EER 2 Christopher Dixon 0414 819 377 Alexandra Charley 0417 407 249 Call 6175 0014 / 6175 0022

YASS 16 Mckenna Avenue This immaculate family home offers comfort and affordability to those looking for a residence that displays a sense of prestige living. The modern light filled interiors comprise of two generous living spaces, pristine kitchen, superb bathrooms and segregated bedrooms. Electric reverse cycle air conditioning keeps you comfortable all year round and the large rear yard is perfect for the children to run and play. The home is also within close proximity to the town centre and Yass schools.




For Sale over $539,000 View Saturday 1.30 - 2.15 Christopher Dixon 0414 819 377 Alexandra Charley 0417 407 249 Call 6175 0014 / 6175 0022


NICHOLLS 10/49 Freda Bennett Circuit Tastefully updated, immaculate three bedroom Villa in tightly held Cottonwood Park estate. Boasting separate living spaces, mirror sliding robes in each well proportioned bedroom, floating timber flooring through the lower level, oversized internal access garage and delightful private rear courtyard. All this just moments to Gungahlin Centre and located in one of Canberra’s best regarded suburbs with ease of access to main arterial roads. Soon to be vacant with motivated seller, best be quick as this one’s sure to not last long.




For Sale over $399,000 View Saturday 11.10 - 11.50 EER 6 Grant Loiterton 0419 715 736 Call 6175 0015


COOK 1 Dugdale Street Positioned in a tightly-held complex, close to every essential, this outstanding townhouse presents modern easycare living. Showcasing a spacious indoor/outdoor design, it boasts bright renovated interiors that open to reveal private alfresco entertaining.




For Sale View by appointment EER 1.5 Peter Morrell 0466 778 730 Call 6124 2509


34 Eggleston Crescent, Chifley 17 Gleadow Street, Evatt 38 Basedow Street, Torrens 7 Robinia Place, Jerrabomberra 9 Edge Place, Nicholls mcgrath.com.au


Wallaroo 55 Briarwood Lane Saturday 26 September 1pm - 2pm, Sunday 27 September 1pm - 2pm




“BRIAR HILL – A Dream Property”


Situated just minutes from Hall Village, 40 acre “Briar Hill” stands out as a prestige rural property. Stylishly presented, the architecturally designed homestead oozes character and quality featuring raked ceilings and split level living areas. Solar passive design provides all year round comfort and you’ll be stunned by the views. The professionally landscaped gardens are perfectly balanced with park like setting, courtyard areas and magnificent mix of spectacular exotic trees. • Five bedrooms plus large study. Segregated Master bedroom with WIR and large ensuite. 6m X 9m rumpus room with kitchenette • Modern kitchen adjoining meals area and step down to family room, all north facing overlooking magnificent back gardens • Full size fenced and floodlit tennis court. 2 paddocks plus house paddock, stock proof fencing, 2 dams, 2 bores

Mark Johnstone 0414 382 093 Web Id 8326512


ELDERS BELCONNEN, Suite 4, Bank Building, Jamison Centre, Macquarie ACT 2614, 02 6251 2088 This business is independently owned and operated by Hall & Barlow Pty Limited Lic Agent ACN 062 305 177 ABN 52 062 305 177.

l Sa e

Casey Plimsoll Drive - Welcome to ´Benchmark Waters´. Set right at the water´s edge, this boutique development of only ten is set to become one of the most sought-after releases that Casey has seen. Magnificently designed floor plans spread over three levels that offer an outstanding water outlook with all the conveniences of luxury modern living. With two great styling packages to choose from, you can truly make this home your own. EER 6.


Open Sale Call






Sat 12.30-1.30pm Tues 12.30-1.30pm Thurs 12.30-1.30pm & 5.30-6pm $550,000-$595,000 Jeremy Maher 0410 481 260



ct Au

Casey 3 Cartledge Street - Set in one of Casey´s most elevated and sought-after locations, this builders own four bedroom ensuite home will be sure to tick every box. Featuring separate living areas on a split level design with generously sized rooms both for living and for the bedrooms, gourmet kitchen with glass splashback and Bosch appliances, raised ceiling in master bedroom and a private alfresco area. Don´t miss this opportunity. EER 5.







Open Sat 10.45-11.15am Auction On site 2pm, Saturday 10 October Call Jeremy Maher 0410 481 260



ct Au

Conder 13 Hinton Place - This beautifully presented four bedroom plus study home is located in a quiet, established street and is uniquely charming. Located on a huge 1,054m² (approx.) block with an amazing north-facing deck. Featuring nine foot ceilings, period cornices and modern kitchen. Double garage and loads of storage. A must to inspect. EER 2.







Saturday 12.30-1.15pm Open Auction On site 4pm, Saturday 10 October Call Katrice Velnaar 0411 449 071

l Sa e Bungendore 2 Simms Drive - In an elevated position backing reserve sits this impressive family home. Situated on an enormous 1,585m² (approx.) block, this near-new four bedroom plus study home is truly a must see on your list. Spread over two levels with living and entertaining downstairs and bedrooms and rumpus upstairs, this home provides the perfect balance for family life.


Open Sale Call






Saturday 3-3.30pm $690,000+ Karen Broadhurst 0405 404 792

n io

ct Au Macquarie 44 Lachlan Street - Belconnen heartland - RZ2 core area. Ideally located for young families, walking distance to the local primary school, great shopping options nearby. This spacious three bedroom ensuite home awaits a new family to enjoy all-year-round comfort with ducted gas heating and reverse-cycle air conditioning. Appealing design with a flowing plan, the kitchen/family area adjoins the formal dining room and a study. EER 1.5.








Saturday & Sunday 11-12pm Auction On site 6pm, Thursday 8 October Call Charles Blackney 0409 136 867

l Sa e Richardson 24 Kiddle Crescent - Inspirational renovations created this very impressive home! Ideally set, the residence is north-facing in a quiet street and on a substantial block of approximately 890m². Contemporary and stylish throughout, open-plan, superb kitchen and bathrooms, ducted heating and cooling. Brilliant entertainment areas with two pergola’s, boy´s den and mini golf! Close to shops, offices and schools. EER 0.5.


Open Sale Call






Saturday 1.30-2.15pm Tuesday 5-5.45pm $495,000+ Aniko and Peter Carey 0429 487 939

l Sa

l Sa


e Amaroo 3 A 2 B 3/3 Barrington Crescent - Open Sat 12-12.45pm Ducted gas heating, Sale $410,000+ evaporative cooling, rear Call Stephanie courtyard, 24m² (approx.) 0404 491 413 garage conversion. EER 2.

l Sa

n io ct Au


Casey 12 Fricker Place - 495m² block, positioned in an excellent location at the heights of Casey. Must be sold on auction day!

Bonner 4 A 2 B 2 C 25 Ida West Street Open Sat 10-10.30am Family home with an Sale $635,000+ excellent outlook, offers four Call Jason bedrooms, master bedroom 0431 419 847 with ensuite. EER 6.

Open By appointment Auction On site 1pm, Wed 7 Oct Call Jason 0431 419 847

Kaleen 4 A 1 B 2 C 11 Tweed Place - Glorious Open Sat 11-11.30am renovated four bedroom Sale $580,000+ home with lovely formal and Call Michael & Jenny informal living and delightful 0419 688 034 outdoor areas. EER 3.

30 Lambrigg Street, Farrer 6 3

3 2

3 1

Live in&orSevitt invest- sun – Pettit Best of both worlds! filled summer days For sale sale by $735,000+ For auction

• • • • • •

BuiltRenowned in robes in visionaries all bedrooms in design style and quality, Pettit 3 Bathrooms & Sevitt homes have stood the test of time, evoking the 2 kitchens qualities searched for by today’s educated and savvy Solarpurchaser heated salt waterfor pool looking something that offers a differing Separately metered flat slant on today’s living styles. Ducted gas heating EER 0


Wednesday, 14 October 2015 on site @ 6.00pm


Saturday 11.15-12.00 noon Sunday 10.00-10.40am

suburb of Farrer, you find yourself on ViewingIn the Satdesirable 1:45-2:30pm the bus route and only minutes to Southlands Shopping and Woden Plaza, and you’re walking distance ContactCentre Scott 0417 292 733 to the local hang out ‘Fox & Bow’ cafe at the Farrer shops. What more could you want? EER 0.5




Scott Crossman 0417 292 733

207 Bicentennial Drive, Jerrabomberra 6 5



Live in or Feeling ofinvest space – Beststyle of both worlds! and For sale sale $940,000+ $735,000+ For

in an elevated position, this modern five bedroom • Set Built in robes in all bedrooms architectural • 3 Bathroomsresidence has had no detail overlooked. five distinct living areas including a formal lounge/ • Boasting 2 kitchens open plan kitchen/family/meals, rumpus, covered • dining, Solar heated salt water pool & downstairs alfresco area. The upper level of • balcony Separately metered flat the home features three bedrooms, a powder room, a full • Ducted gas heating EER 0 bathroom & a master suite with walk-in-robe & luxurious Viewing Sat 1:45-2:30pm ensuite. The lower level of the home accommodates the fifth bedroom, a bathroom, laundry & generous sized rumpus. Contact Scott 0417 292 733 Many extras include ducted gas heating, ducted reverse cycle air conditioning & an additional convection heater in the rumpus, new carpets & triple garage with auto doors.


Saturday 10.00am - 10.45am Wednesday 5:15pm - 6:00pm




Andrew Thorpe 0402 017 912



Artist impression

Display home photo example only

Meet the property manager of your dreams at One Agency Gamarra & Co.



Are you putting up with poor property mangement service? Are you spending your time chasing your property manager? Is your rent below market value? Are you losing money from lost rent or poor maintenance? Does your property manager change every 6 months? Do you have to wait days for a reply email or phone call?

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One Agency Gamarra & Co is committed to landlords... EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE - GUARANTEED! We are not a traditional real estate agency where our focus is predominately on sales - we are passionate about property management, and providing an industry leading service at a reasonable price. You will always receive immediate, personal, experienced service from one of the Directors - guaranteed. WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY! We don’t believe in hidden extras. Our management fee is a simple 8.8% with no hidden charges. We don’t charge for inspections or lease preparations. We don’t charge a statement fee, or a fee to pick up the phone and answer your call. We believe in transparency, honesty, and value for money. We also guarantee our service, if at any point you are not happy with the service received, we will refund your fees. No questions asked. WE WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR YOU Communication is key. At One Agency Gamarra & Co, we abide by a strict close of business policy - your email or call will always be answered on the same day, and we aim for a 24 hour turn around. You deal exclusively with Bryan (the Principal), therefore guaranteeing the highest level of personal service. YOUR INVESTMENT IS IN THE MOST CAPABLE HANDS

Just sit back, relax, and enjoy having a dedicated One Agency Gamarra & Co property manager do all the work!

As professional investors ourselves, we provide a truly unique approach to property management. Having bought, rented and sold numerous personal investments, as well as being involved in residential development, Bryan has an intimate understanding of the rental market and how to best market and manage your property. One Agency Gamarra & Co offers one of Canberra’s lowest all inclusive management fee of 8.8%, while providing an exceptional level of marketing, including professional photos as standard.

Visit www.oneagency.com.au


Bryan Gamarra One Agency Gamarra & Co P.O. Box 5159 . Braddon ACT 2612 Email bryang@oneagency.com.au Phone 0405 660 842 Fax 02 6161 7279

79 Sullivan Crescent, Wanniassa 33

3 2

Live in or Location invest – Premium Best of both worlds! Auction For sale $735,000+

• • • • • •

Built in robes in all bedrooms An outstanding opportunity has arisen to secure a pre3 Bathrooms mium address in one of Wanniassa’s best streets. This 2 kitchens lovely home comes equipped with dual frontage street Solar heated salt water pool position allowing optimum potential in the near future. Separately metered flat The home is situated on an approximate 941sqm parcel Ducted gas heating EER 0 of land and offers a split level living arrangement with excess living space for the growing family, with a rumpus Viewing Sat 1:45-2:30pm and games room. Contact Scott 0417 292 733


17 October at 11:30am, on site


Saturday 11am - 11:45am




Bryan Gamarra 0405 660 842 bryangamarra@oneagency.com.au



One ACTIVE TEAM Recent results from Sales & Property Management Teams:

OneAgency Michael Potter OneAgency Scott crossman OneAgency Blewitt Properties OneAgency crane Properties OneAgency Sandy Morris OneAgency Don McPherson




OneAgency Andrew Thorpe OneAgency Mark Mccann OneAgency Steve Lowe OneAgency gamarra & co

Meet your team at: www.oneagency.com.au





New industrial warehouse in boutique

310sqm unit with purpose clause that includes;

a 4 year lease in place with multi-national tenant.*

endless oportunities.

development with air conditioned office and




office, food and bulky goods retailing. Offering


QUEANBEYAN $3,550,000

1,100sqm building on a 2,145sqm block with

60% of property leased, which would

Sensational opportunity.

Occupy the rest, or lease out!

wide street frontage and large secure yard.


currently cover the interest on the borrowings.


* Agents interest

On site 10am, Saturday 10th October




This large family home is right in the heart of everything! Chisholm Village Shopping Centre, senior & primary schools, an indoor sports centre, parks & playing fields. What more could you ask for? EER 2

Page Auction On site 10am, Saturday 3rd October Like hen’s teeth, this home is rare. North-east facing • Single level open plan design • Segregated main bedroom with ensuite & walk-in-robe • Built-in-robes to bedrooms 2 & 3 • Ducted reverse cycle heating & cooling • Gas wall heating • Double garage with internal access • Off-street parking for 2 cars • Extra built-in storage • Gated access from private rear courtyard • Close to community park • EER5




Sat 1.30-2.30 & Sun 3-4 15/9 Earle Pl

PHONE Sam Buchanan 0402 838 949 James Beaumont 0404 448 723



• 5 well-proportioned bedrooms • Main bedroom with luxury ensuite • 2 separate living areas • Open plan kitchen with gas cooking • Pergola off the kitchen/family room • Outdoor entertainment area


Sat 10.30-11.30 47 Kirkcaldie Cct


The home in which to raise a family, in an unbeatable location.

Chisholm Auction

PHONE Gordon Blatch 0476 279 779



Macgregor Offers over $640,000 Gary Willemsen designed home, fronting Ginninderra Creek. Segregated living areas with raked ceilings • Segregated main bedroom • Multi-purpose room • Split level design throughout • Ducted gas heating • Living size: 174m² approx. • Off-street parking • Oversized garage 54m² approx. • Block size: 942m² approx. • Quiet cul-de-sac location • EER0.5




Sat 11.30-12.30 & Sun 1.30-2.30 3 Sandes Pl

PHONE Sam Buchanan 0402 838 949 James Beaumont 0404 448 723



Belconnen 6209 4444 | City 6209 1700 | Inner North 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000


Casey Offers over $470,000 Sensational single level free standing home - available right now Northerly aspect to rear of home • Spacious kitchen with stainless steel appliances • Ducted heating & cooling • Main bedroom segregated from other 2 • Large laundry with stone benches • Large open plan living areas • Paved rear entertaining area • Enclosed rear yard with lawn & garden beds • EER5.5


Separate, sunlit living areas • Functional, single level design • 2-way bathroom with separate toilet • Private gardens with entertainer’s deck & shade sail • Side gate access to backyard • Pleasant street presence • Peaceful neighbourhood • Separate title - no body corporate • Nearby local schools & shops • EER4.5


By appointment

PHONE Mark Larmer 0403 215 246 Aaron Hess 0407 121 412


Ngunnawal Offers over $370,000 Separate title home tucked away in a quiet, family friendly street which backs the golf course.






Sat 11-11.45 37 Barunga St

PHONE Andrew Potts 0404 895 162



Palmerston Offers over $395,000



Spacious, low maintenance townhouse in central OPEN & convenient position.

By appointment 11/45 Weddin Cct

Separate living areas • North-facing lounge room • Spacious family/meals area • Updated stainless steel kitchen appliances • Segregated bedrooms • Established low maintenance gardens • Reverse cycle heating & cooling to lounge & main bedroom • Double garage with internal access • Alarm system • EER2

0404 895 162

PHONE Andrew Potts


Bruce Offers over $340,000 Dual purpose unit with residential or commercial options. Feels like new - unit has never been lived in • Ground floor corner unit • Windows on 3 sides • Modern kitchen with stainless steel appliances • Updated carpets • Large east-facing courtyard • 2nd enclosed courtyard off bedroom 2 • 9 foot/2.7m high ceilings • Built-in-robes in both bedrooms • EER5






Thur 5.45-6.15 1/21 Battye St

PHONE Aaron Hess 0407 121 412 Mark Larmer 0403 215 246



Belconnen 6209 4444 | City 6209 1700 | Inner North 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000

independent.com.au Belconnen 6209 4444 | City 6209 1700 | Inner North 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000

independent.com.au Belconnen 6209 4444 | City 6209 1700 | Inner North 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000

independent.com.au Belconnen 6209 4444 | City 6209 1700 | Inner North 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000

independent.com.au Belconnen 6209 4444 | City 6209 1700 | Inner North 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000

4 2 2 Framed by attractive native gardens, this distinctive, spacious four bedroom, single level, ensuite residence is sure to impress families seeking a strong sense of community spirit combined with an extra-large backyard and a family friendly floor plan. Formal and informal living areas are bathed in sunlight and connect well with the kitchen and family room which act as the hub of the home with expansive views across the large level rear yard. All bedrooms are a good size, with the main bedroom offering a large walk-through robe and ensuite. In addition, two of the secondary bedrooms have large built-in-robes. Storage is generous throughout. A large entertaining deck is the ideal haven for entertaining with friends and family while the landscaped above ground pool will make your home the kids’ choice for weekend sleepovers. Where your family lives is important - so inspect this lovely home. EER 4 4 bedroom ens with 208m² approx. living

Reverse cycle heating/cooling

Large kitchen with ample cupboard space

Close to Hawker shopping centre

Private backyard with established trees

Remote control gar & back to base security

DGH & instantaneous gas hot water

Large level backyard with above ground pool

Quiet tree lined family friendly street

Auto watering system - lawn & vege garden

Solar panels and new front gutters

Landscaping & covered rear terrace

Open Sat 1:15 - 2pm


Belconnen 6251 9111

Gungahlin 6241 9444

Manuka 6295 2433

Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra South Molonglo 6297 0005 6175 7440

Tuggeranong Woden & Weston Creek 6296 7077 6282 4488

5 3 7 This magnificent residence was designed by architect Dominic Romano. With fantastic views back over Canberra including Telstra Tower, this superb five bedroom family residence truly is one of a kind. As you enter the front door you are greeted with views straight through to the back entertaining area, fully equipped with a lap pool and water features. The designer kitchen has stone benchtops as well as two self-cleaning Miele ovens. Set on a massive 1,113m² block, this huge family home has all the creature comforts you would expect from a home of this quality. The garage is designed with steel support beams, allowing seven cars to fit inside. Off the garage is a wine cellar capable of holding 1,000 bottles. Downstairs from the main residence is a fully equipped granny flat with a kitchenette, bathroom and private courtyard - being totally secluded, this is a rare offering and is sure to impress. The location of this property cannot be overstated; being close to arterial roads into Canberra you have the best of both worlds, quiet suburban living and access to town, right outside your doorstep. There are double glazed windows throughout the property which makes for fantastic heating and cooling efficiency as well as eliminating any external noise. To the side of the property there is a ample space for campers, boats or trailers.

Open Sat 2 - 2:45pm & Wed 5 - 5:45pm


Belconnen 6251 9111

Gungahlin 6241 9444

Manuka 6295 2433

Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra South Molonglo 6297 0005 6175 7440

Tuggeranong Woden & Weston Creek 6296 7077 6282 4488




Stunning spacious rural home with five bedrooms + two bathrooms designed in Federationstyle architecture. Formal lounge off the entry has been completed with magnificent stained glass. The informal living area is open plan with direct access to the landscaped gardens through French doors. The beautiful kitchen has ample bench & cupboard space, walk-in pantry, stainless steel Smeg oven & timber floors. The segregated main bedroom has French doors leading to a beautiful courtyard garden. Both bathrooms come complete with claw foot tub, wooden vanity & brass fittings. All other bedrooms have built-in-robes, lovely garden views & easy access to the rumpus room.

Open Sat 1:30 - 2:10pm & Sun 12 - 12:30pm


Belconnen 6251 9111

Gungahlin 6241 9444

Manuka 6295 2433

Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra South Molonglo 6297 0005 6175 7440

Tuggeranong Woden & Weston Creek 6296 7077 6282 4488



Distinctive from the street & offering an expansive outlook over parkland, this 3 bedroom residence is destined to impress first home buyers & younger families who place an importance on where they live. A cleverly designed floor plan provides segregated light-filled living areas while the updated kitchen features ample bench space & plenty of cupboard space. The enchanting large rear yard is perfect for children’s activities & exploration, and the side deck is ideal for entertaining. The double detached garage converted into a work studio can easily be transformed back to its original purpose. Create lasting memories enjoying life in this tightly held suburb. EER 2.5

Open Thu 5:15 - 5:45pm, Sat 10 - 10:30am & Wed 5:15 - 5:45pm







Perfectly positioned within a modern well-kept complex close to Curtin Shopping Centre, bus routes, schools, childcare facilities and churches. This spacious first floor apartment with sunny outlooks from front and rear will be on top of the list for buyers searching for location and modern living. The apartment has been upgraded with many changes from the original. EER 4

This surely is one of the Canberra region´s finest homes. Set high on the hills of Jerrabomberra with expansive views to Black Mountain tower, this beautifully designed and crafted resort-style residence offers an indoor heated pool, full sized tennis court, gymnasium and sauna room. A visit is the only way to truly appreciate this incredible property.

Open Sat 12:30 - 1pm

Open by appointment


Belconnen 6251 9111

Gungahlin 6241 9444

Manuka 6295 2433

Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra South Molonglo 6297 0005 6175 7440

Tuggeranong Woden & Weston Creek 6296 7077 6282 4488

2 20 00 m O V ER BL O C K S 4



Exclusive property with realistic vendors = amazing buy! Perfect for the family & entertainers. Elevated 3 level home in prime location with views & offering: formal lounge, dining, 4 large bedrooms plus study, spacious family/meals leading to a divine garden & huge covered deck ideal for relaxing & entertaining. Set close to bus stops, shops, schools & Belconnen. Do not miss. EER 2

Located in the peaceful rural village of Michelago just 20 mins south of Tuggeranong, these spacious village building blocks are easy to build on with excellent views to the Brindabellas and Tinderry mountains. On average four times bigger than most new blocks in Canberra or Queanbeyan and the blocks range in size from 2,000m² to 2,435m² and are priced from $199,000 to $230,000.

Open Sat 12:20 - 1pm

Open Sat 1 - 2:30pm







Alluring views across the valley and hills and on an elevated block backing reserve. Large formal and informal living with extensive outdoor living options. This well established, fully renovated home in the beautiful hilltop area of Theodore has everything you could ask for presenting as a new home. The segregated living is ideal for families. EER 3.5

This luxury residence is a must see for those seeking a quiet location providing easy access to a lifestyle of leisure & convenience, only footsteps from Lake Burley Griffin. This generously proportioned townhouse in a tightly held development has been updated to reflect class & quality. It boasts an uplifting sense of light & space & is perfectly complemented by the indoor & outdoor entertaining areas. EER 2

Open Sat 11:15am - 12pm

Open Sat 2:45 - 3:30pm


Belconnen 6251 9111

Gungahlin 6241 9444

Manuka 6295 2433

Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra South Molonglo 6297 0005 6175 7440

Tuggeranong Woden & Weston Creek 6296 7077 6282 4488


Geraldine Rutherford

For Sale: By Negotiation View: Sat 26 Sept 11:00am-12:00pm

Geraldine Rutherford 0412 060 792 or Steve Duff 0419 239 480

Rutherford Johnston Properties

Ph: 6253 3333

Steve Duff



3 2 2 2 Rosewood Place Behind the secluded atrium entry is a family residence that can be savoured all year round. This spacious home will take you through happy family times to a contented retirement. Features include generous segregated living rooms, a stylish kitchen with quality appliances and granite benches where the chef will never feel isolated. Spill out from the sun-kissed family room to a large covered deck ideal for outdoor entertaining. An enclosed salt water in-ground pool is set to one side of the home for use in the warmer months. Set on a level block with a north-easterly aspect, this home is a certain family pleaser. Thoughtfully designed with comfort in mind and meant to be appreciated throughout the whole year. EER 4.0


54/6-10 Eyre Street




This gorgeous 2-bedroom, first-floor apartment embraces the area’s cosmopolitan atmosphere and suits a wide range of demographics. Between its two balconies is a superb floorplan including a wide living area, an attractive kitchen, family room, bathroom/laundry and two bedrooms, both with built-in robes and one with an ensuite. There’s also a secure parking space but, with everything so close, you’ll be tempted to walk. EER: 5.0 $539,000 - $569,000 View: Sat 26 Sept 12:45pm-1:30pm

Scott Isaacs

Scott Isaacs 0422 201 027


14 Collicott Circuit





Bright, airy and freshly renovated with modern finishes throughout, this property will suit those looking for single level living, with no body corporate fees, no work to do and the convenience of a great location. Only a short walk to Jamison Centre, a walk or bike ride to Belconnen Town Centre saving heaps on parking fees and a pool, gym and club facilities nearby, all awaiting your pleasure. An absolute gem! EER 2.0 For sale: By Negotiation View: Sat 26 Sept 10:00am-10:40am

Geraldine Rutherford

Steve Duff

Geraldine Rutherford 0412 060 792 or Steve Duff 0419 239 480

Rutherford Johnston Properties

Ph: 6253 3333


MANAGEme will make your goal, our goal e Ym BU

e Ym BU

4 BED – 2 BATH – 2 CAR

3 BED – 2 BATH – 2 CAR

21 Inglewood Street, GUNGAHLIN • • • •


2 separate living spaces Low maintenance courtyard home Great family location EER – 5 Stars

144 Bill Ferguson Circuit, BONNER • • • •

For INSPECTme times, visit managemecanberra.com.au


2 separate living spaces Energy efficient solar panels installed Spacious kitchen EER – 5 Stars For INSPECTme times, visit managemecanberra.com.au

e Em G A N A M

e Ym BU 3 BED – 2 BATH – 2 CAR

14 Clement Place, MACGREGOR • • • •


2 separate living areas Large enclosed backyard Set in a quiet cul-de-sac EER – 0 Stars For INSPECTme times, visit managemecanberra.com.au

Are you considering selling your home? Contact MANAGE me today for an obligation free appraisal of your property

Mention this advertisement and receive complimentary professional photography when you list your sale with MANAGEme, call 0418 645 095

Contact Amy today CWM5038

0418 645 095



www.managemecanberra.com.au ACN: 167 913 724


ABN: 27 167 913 724

The best results for your rental property Minimise the hassle, Manage the asset, Maximise your income, giving you Peace of Mind MANAGE me operates across all suburbs of Canberra, Queanbeyan and surrounds Professional photography on all properties to showcase your home to market A secure online portal provides 24/7 access to your property details and documents via a computer or mobile device Competitive management fees, no lock in contract or penalty fees if you choose to terminate your agency agreement

Do you want different results? Do something differently.

Talk to MANAGE me today.

Amy Taylor e Em G A N A M

RE e Tm N 3 BED – 3 BATH – 2 CAR

7/73 Dalkin Crescent, Casey

$460 per week

• Two level townhouse • Conveniently positioned • Easy care courtyard

Advertise your property here Contact MANAGE me today for an obligation free appraisal of your property

For INSPECTme times, visit managemecanberra.com.au

Transfer your Property Management to MANAGEme today, call 0418 645 095

Contact Amy today CWM3440-V30

0418 645 095



www.managemecanberra.com.au ACN: 167 913 724

| ABN: 27 167 913 724

WAT S O N Brand New Luxury Townhouses

3 & 4 bedroom townhouses

Raised ceiling heights

High quality inclusions

Spacious separate living areas

Stylish bathrooms

Double garages

Stunning designer kitchens

Ducted air-con & heating

Fully landscaped




04000 222 81 L AW S O N






1 Bedroom - Lightrail Special

259 950

1 Bedroom, 1 Carpark

279 950

1 Bedroom + Big Study, 1 or 2 Carparks

329 950

2 Bedrooms, 2 Carparks

359 950

2 Bedrooms Ensuite, 2 Carparks

$ $ $ $ $



REGISTER TODAY mezzogungahlin.com.au Marcus Allesch 0424 409 873 marcus@podprojectsgroup.com.au


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Artego is an inspiring new community being brought to life with a host of lifestyle spoils. An in ground pool, shared gardens and bbq brought entertaining living Artego is an inspiring newecocommunity being to lifeareas withadorn a hostthe of spacious lifestyle spoils. areas spill outdoors private courtyards. An in ground pool, shared ecothat gardens and bbq to entertaining areas adorn the spacious living

that spill outdoors to private courtyards.you’ ll experience leafy Positioned in the everareas convenient locale of Harrison – Gungahlin, surrounds, convenient amenity, quality architecture and a choice of contemporary townhouses. Positioned in the ever convenient locale of Harrison – Gungahlin, you’ ll experience leafy surrounds, convenient amenity, quality architecture and a choice of contemporary townhouses.

Display suite open this weekend. Saturday and Sunday 12:30pm -2:30pm Flemington Road, Harrison








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Upmarket inclusions Award-winning architect 3Push home automation Solar ready Townhouses priced from $346k

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Gungahlin Town Centre


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13km to Belconnen

Crace Hig

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16km to City


1300 208 865 maisonmoncrieff.com.au

Monash 20/170 Clive Steele Avenue






This much loved family home is ready for its new owner to call home! Upon entry you will find the sun filled living area. Make your way through to the open plan family/kitchen area with space for the whole family. The kitchen features ample storage space plus gas cooking and breakfast bar. The family area has sliding door access to the rear courtyard as well as internal access to the single garage. Make your way upstairs to both bedrooms featuring built-in robes and each with reverse cycle split system. The huge bathroom has 2-way access to the main bedroom. Outside enjoy the paved rear entertaining area….the ideal place to wine and dine with family and friends. EER: 4.0 View: Contact Symon or Natalie for Saturday’s open times




THE PERFECT START! $355,000 This delightful 3 bedroom home located in the ever popular suburb of Dunlop is ready for its new owner to call home. Upon entry you will find the spacious living area with reverse cycle air conditioning system for year round comfort. Make your way through to the meals area and spacious kitchen featuring dishwasher, gas cooking. EER: 5.0 View: Contact Symon or Natalie for Saturday’s open time

Belconnen 49/20 Beissel Street




EER: 5.5 View: Contact Symon or Natalie for Saturday’s open time

64/1 Beissel Street, Belconnen ACT 2617

P: 02 6264 0900 F: 02 6264 0999 E: bre@badenoch.com.au

Natalie Kokic Schmidt

(Cnr Beissel St and Emu Bank)


0435 921 229


Situated in the ever popular ‘Shores’ complex is this sleek 2 bedroom apartment. Modern interior complete with neutral tones & quality fittings. Two separate balconies and courtyard, a spacious living area, large master bedroom with 2 way bathroom, quality kitchen complete with dishwasher — all for your convenience.

0412 898 690

Symon Badenoch


For more information on all these properties and to view all our listings, please visit badenoch.com.au/buy


Dunlop 8 Kilburn Close

f mariaselleck.com.au Isaacs | Stunningly Renovated Home with a Separate Title

3 bed | 2 bath | 2 car

28A HANSEN CIRCUIT Situated in a highly sought after area, this beautifully renovated one-level residence offers a flawless combination of style, quality, location and a balance between formal and informal areas. Renovated to the highest standard and featuring a harmonious blend of light and space, accommodation includes three generous-sized bedrooms including master bedroom with an ensuite and walk-in-robe, an exquisite new kitchen with European stainless-steel appliances overlooking the family room, formal living room, new laundry and a double garage with remote control doors. Glass doors ensure an effortless transition from light-filled decor interiors to outdoor entertaining areas with an easy-care garden. A stunning home, perfect for the retiree wanting to downsize without compromising style and location, or the executive family needing to purchase in a highly desirable area close to Canberra Hospital, schools and shops. One not to be missed. EER 5.0

By Negotiation

Contact f Maria Selleck 0417 258 803

Casey | A Secret Oasis

10 BEANLAND STREET With magical views across Canberra from its unique elevated position, this expansive property has been privately built to be the epitome of luxurious family living. From its striking streetscape bordering vast stretches of parkland, the home opens to reveal spaciously appointed living areas flowing across two storeys from formal to casual and finally to specialty areas including; a theatrette, study, enormous rumpus with an in-ground spa, and a billiards room with private utilities. Uncompromising in detail, the home features an incredible kitchen with waterfall stone benches and gas cooking, and an intelligently designed open-plan living area, subtly separated by feature walls and a two-way fireplace at its centre. Accommodation includes four large bedrooms, with segregated master bedroom and fourth bedroom, both with ensuites. Ideally suited to a family with teenagers, this lifestyle home, is ready and waiting to become your family oasis. EER 5.5

By Negotiation

Contact f Maria Selleck 0417 258 803

Winner REIA National Award for Excellence 2013 REIA National Finalist Awards for Excellence 2012, 2011 & 2010

call on 6162 1234 | 0417 258 803

Winner Small Agency of the Year 2015, 2012, 2011, 2010 & 2009

Winner Hall of Fame in 2012 Small Residential Agency of the Year f mariaselleck.com.au

f mariaselleck.com.au

Winner Business Woman of the Year 2011 Winner Best New Business 2010

24th of September, 2015

4 bed | study | theatrette | 4 bath | 2 car


JERRABOMBERRA 18 ELM WAY Single level living at its very best

“Results built on relationships”





ISABELLA PLAINS 23 MARENGO PLACE Nothing to do but move in and enjoy...




Nestled in a quiet loop street, this stunning single level residence is set on a flat block and is conveniently located only a short stroll from local shops and Jerrabomberra Primary School. It has been thoughtfully designed to blend with its surroundings, while providing all the features demanded by contemporary living. Generous accommodation includes sundrenched formal lounge and dining rooms, 4 large bedrooms with segregated master, spacious family room and meals area.

Located in a quiet cul-de-sac this fantastic single level home offers sunny open plan living areas and a very convenient location. Pristinely presented it offers 3 bedrooms, spacious living and dining room and triple carport. Features include large modern kitchen, reverse cycle heating & cooling, updated laundry and timber flooring in the living areas. The entertaining area could also be utilised as a double carport for those seeking additional car, boat or van storage. EER 0.5

Auction: 10.00am Saturday 10 October on site

Auction: 10.00am Saturday 17 October on site

View: Saturday 26 September 1.15 - 2.00pm

View: Saturday 26 September 2.30pm - 3.15pm


L r o

s ea


LYNEHAM 3 DE BURGH STREET 3 1 1 1 Renovate or land bank for future development - 803.3 m2 (approx) block RZ4 Zoning

TURNER 52 MACLEAY STREET - THE GEORGE APARTMENTS Selection of Brand New 1 & 2 bedroom Apartments Available An opportunity presents itself to lease a brand new cutting edge apartment in a boutique nineunit development in Canberra’s Inner North precinct. Located close to the CBD with its offices, restaurants, nightspots and fabulous shopping facilities, walking distance to the Australian National University and is surrounded by beautiful tree lined streets and open spaces. These apartments showcase high quality appliances, reverse cycle air conditioning, double glazing, courtyards or balconies and secure car parking. They are ready to occupy now. Rent: $370 - $580 per week

A well-presented 3 bedroom home on a large 803.3 m2(approx) block zoned RZ4 in popular Lyneham presents a very rare offering. Within walking distance to the iconic O’Connor shops, ANU and the CBD, this original 3 bedroom home is in a very convenient location. Accommodation includes formal lounge and dining area, sunroom, master bedroom and 2 additional bedrooms. Inspection is highly recommended. EER 0.0 Auction: 10.00am Saturday 24 October on site

View: Thurs 24 September 12.00 - 12.30pm, Sat 26 September 11.00 - 12.00pm

Paul Sutton 0407 099 175

Robyn Sutton 0409 442 484





View: Saturday 26 September 10.00 - 10.45am

Information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable, however we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided and interested parties should solely rely on their own enquiries.

Renting with Homefinders Real Estate COMING SOON!

Brand new apartment in exciting development in The Creswell, Campbell 1 bed/1 bathroom/1 car

Register your interest, enquire now! Call 6248 0000 or email rentals@homefinders.net.au BRADDON - 73 Limestone Avenue

CAMPBELL - 3 Ryrie Street

• Located within an easy flat stroll to the Canberra City • Fully furnished with quality linen and a fully equipped kitchen • Rent includes a gardener and water

• Set on a 715m2 block • Renovated provincial style kitchen with stone benchtop • Spacious living areas and outdoor entertaining area

$510 per week Avail 25 Sept BED








$680 per week BED



Avail NOW CAR 2

CAMPBELL - 18 Ryrie Street

CAMPBELL - 42 Savige Street

• • • • •

• Amazing views over Canberra • Offers a whopping 290m2 (approx) of living space on an elevated 1202m2 block • Self-contained living area downstairs

Positioned on a large block Double brick with covered pergola Built-in robes in both bedrooms Fantastic easy care back garden Reverse cycle heating and air conditioning

$460 per week BED




Avail 5 Oct CAR


$860 per week BED






CAMPBELL - 24/14 Chauvel Street

CHIFLEY - 1/4A Pell Place

• Light and airy one bedroom unit is located on the top floor of quiet complex • Located opposite the Campbell Shopping Centre and public transport • Communal laundry

• Nestled in the fantastic suburb of Chifley in a quiet cul-de-sac • Generous sized L-shaped lounge/dining room • The three bedrooms all have built in wardrobes

$280 per week Avail 29 Sept

$450 per week













CAMPBELL - 56 Blamey Crescent

CITY - 8/1 Gordon Street

• Great value for money duplex • Separate lounge and dining rooms with polished timber flooring • Renovated kitchen with fridge and dishwasher

• Two bedroom apartment in the popular Metropolitan complex • Kitchen with island bench, overlooking generous living areas • Reverse cycle air conditioning unit

$520 per week

$520 per week




Call us 02 6248 0000










rentals@homefinders.net.au www.homefinders.net.au Licensed Agent ACN 008 662 502



Macleay Street

This upcoming boutique development at the northern end of Macleay Street includes just nine exclusive properties for the lucky purchasers. There hasn’t been a project like Macleay Street Terraces offered to the market before in the Inner North of Canberra and will be due for completion by mid-2016. • Double-glazed windows and doors throughout • Custom profile internal doors • Reverse cycle ducted heating and cooling • 30 mm marble benchtops in the kitchens and bathrooms • Beautiful stainless steel Miele appliances • Detailed exquisitely designed bathrooms • Full 12-month maintenance guarantee

TURNER 775,000+ 3


2 EER 7.0

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Accelerating success.

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16 Escape Place, Malua Bay, NSW

PRIME INNER CITY DEVELOPMENT Receivers’ & Managers appointed


EOI closing Wed 27 Nov


Scout Legal is an incorporated legal practice providing services specifically tailored to assist people to buy or sell property:


Scout Legal Conveyancing $990 (inc. GST and disbursements) Scout HomeTM – full service buyer’s agent* FIRB Application Service $495 (inc GST)^ Tucked in the 4.5-star picturesque town of Floor space: away Net Income: 60 carseaside parks 287 2.068 million Malua Bay, this largeEnergy 4NABERS bedroom brick veneer family rating

home provides the ultimate coastal lifestyle with all the benefits of city living. In addition the property colliers.com.au/432StKilda also provides an exceptional DA development opportunity.



*Property search and acquisition service, includes conveyancing. Available Australia wide. Sellers will love Scout Home Buyers – because they’re ready. Be prepared for your property acquisition – get a Scout Home buyer’s agent working for you. Buyer’s advocate, advisor and negotiator. ^100% refunded if application not approved. © 2015 Scout Legal Pty Ltd ACN 605 771 944.

The 6,085m² (approx) site is ready to go with DA approval for a 6 lot subdivision with flexible R2 Low Density Residential zoning.


Name Surname 0400 000 000 Name Surname 0400 000 000 Name Surname Large 4 0400 000 000 Name Surname bedroom 0400 000 000


Close to beaches & shops

Conjunctional Logo

DA approved for 6 resi lots

AUCTION Saturday 17 October at 11am

By Appointment

Geoff Payne 0418 428 398


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2. Kim@ Regal Homes will arrange for you

to have the soil report and contour plans produced (Please note: These reports are required so your new home plan can be approved as well as providing accurate information when quoting for your project)

3. Based on the above information, an

obligation free estimate will be produced.

4. When satisfied with the estimate, Kim@Regal

Homes will arrange a meeting with our home designer at absolutely no cost to you.

5. Following payment of your design fee, our designer will continue to work with you in finalising your unique home design (our estimator will monitor the progress of the design work to ensure that it keeps within your budget.

6. When design work is completed to your satisfaction, our estimator will prepare a detailed formal quotation.

7. Following acceptance of our quotation and

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Total Area: 258.4m2 (27.8 sqr)

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Unit 9, 41-45 Tennant Street, FYSHWICK 2609 Builders licence ACT 19915681 — NSW 135491C

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Total Area: 204.3m2 (22 sqr)




3.2 X 3.0


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E kim@regalhomes.com.au A division of Regal Homes (Aust) PTY/LTD The regions most trusted builder since 1973

Unit 9, 41-45 Tennant Street, FYSHWICK 2609 Builders licence ACT 19915681 — NSW 135491C


3.6 X 3.6


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regional & coastal

NAROOMA NSW 235 Old Highway This stunning country home just oozes character and was built with quality in mind. Located five minutes out of town on a sealed road with town water, this home boasts two levels of spacious living with six bedrooms, two bathrooms and four toilets, a parents’ retreat downstairs, gourmet kitchen and formal lounge. All bedrooms are exceptionally large and there is so much storage space you will never be short of wardrobe space again. Features include: solid timber doors, Sydney Blue Gum floors, granite kitchen, ASKO dishwasher and double Nobel oven, pure wool carpets, solar hot water, large dam for irrigation, 22,000L rainwater tank, large industrial shed plus two carports and a double lockup garage.




Price: Offers over $800,000 View: By appointment Agent: Brian Hastie

Find out more

Mob: 0490 084 877 Century 21 At The Wharf Ph: 4476 5400

Austr Australia lives here

Australia lives here


MORUYA NSW 1 Parkland Close

COOMA NSW 1 Cromwell Street

Single-level, sprawling four-bedroom home loaded with character of days gone by. As you enter the property you know by the agapanthus lined driveway that this is a home that has been well loved. Two living areas, full bathroom ensuite, covered entertaining area, triple bay garage and three large water tanks are just some of the features.

A rare opportunity exists to purchase this truly beautiful home that dates back to the late 1800s. Recent extensive renovations lift it back to the former glory of yesteryear. Cromwell House is located in the centre of Cooma, in a quiet position, not far from the main street shops and eateries. DA approved for a B&B inn, a restaurant and functions.




Price: $625,000 View: By appointment Agent: Karen Herrick 0417 990 014 LJ Hooker Moruya Ph: 4474 4433

Find out more

Australia lives here

Australia lives here




Price: $695,000 View: By appointment Agent: Steve Allen 0418 223 000 Australia lives here Boller & Company Ph: 6452 4155

Australia lives here

Find out more

Australia li Australia lives here

Australia lives here


Australia li

“Clontully� BYWONG

Views, 20 acres, residence & cottage! 723 Bungendore Rd, Bywong

Just outside Bungendore offering rural lifestyle within easy 15 minute commute to Canberra and the school bus stops at the front gate. Comfortable family home offering 3 living areas and a covered substantial outdoor entertaining area.

Three bedrooms with BIR and 2 way bathroom. A double garage with separate workshop. Sustainable home with great views, includes vineyard, orchard, olive trees, vegetable beds, and 9 acre pine plantation. There are two large dams with an extra 105,000 litres of water tanks. Easily configured for livestock, horses or alpacas. Stromlo cottage is a separate residence which currently provides rental return or guest accommodation.

Price $795,000 Inspect 1:45 to 2:30pm Saturday or By Appointment


6 2 5

Ben Stevenson - 0467 046 637


The Village Square, Bungendore NSW

6238 0911


Private studio in great location! 18 Forster St, Bungendore

Located within walking distance to Village centre. On 720m2 of land, timber clad ceilings and a well equipped kitchen make this one bedroom cottage cosy and inviting. A slow combustion fire adds to the ambience.


One bedroom with ensuite and built in laundry. Perfect for first home buyers or someone wanting to build a new home whilst living on site. The 720 sqm is set amongst an easy care garden and provides lots of sun with north facing rear yard.


1 1 1

Price $329,000 Inspect 12:00 - 12.30pm Saturday or By Appointment Ben Stevenson - 0467 046 637

Immaculate 3 bedroom cottage! 268 Foxlow St, Captain’s Flat

Lovely 3 bedroom home on a quiet street in Captains Flat. A large 721m2 block backing onto Crown Land, it’s the luxury of living in a great country town with major towns a short drive away.

Recently renovated with a new kitchen and new bathroom you are immediately impressed with the standard of this Cottage. Slow combustion fire, master bedroom with BIR, freshly painted, new curtains and carpets. Low maintenance gardens, chook pen and vegetable garden enhance the lifestyle.


3 1 1

Price $265,000 Inspect By Appointment Ben Stevenson - 0467 046 637

The Village Square, Bungendore NSW

6238 0911


‘Pound Hill’, Murrumbateman, NSW We’ve Bitten Off More Than We Can Chew! • Tennis court, landscaped gardens • Spectacular Brindabella views • Three car garage • Securely fenced, bore, garden watering system • 20min* north of Canberra on the Barton Highway

Dramatically changed circumstances have brought forward the opportunity for you to buy this very prestigious property on the doorstep to the nations capital. ‘Pound Hill’ has got it all covered from privacy, entertaining, acreage for the animal lover and above all else location. Clear instructions — “It must be sold”.

Auction Thursday 22 October 2015 6pm Venue Ray White Auction Rooms, Phillip, ACT View Open Homes, Saturday, 26 September and 3, 10 and 17 October, 11am - 12pm sharp George Southwell 0429 838 345 02 6230 2202 raywhiterural.com

Ray White Rural Canberra/Yass

Property ID SAY8719433



• Grand six bedroom, five bathroom home • Picturesque 16.26ha (40* acres)

READY TO BUILD? Best Buy Land Sale

900m2 – 1350m2 from $220,000

Hills Park at Beautiful Bungendore Village 30 minutes to Canberra CBD



Call 6238 1600 to inspect



Unique & Flexible Assets Available Now!

1141 & 1421 Yass Valley Way YASS NSW Commercial/Industrial Premises - Surplus NSW Government asset - Vacant possession - Large land area - 10,633m2* - 45 minutes to ACT* - Zoned B5 (Business Development) - 2 titles available - Land size 4,047m2 - 1141 Yass Valley Way* - Land size 6,586m2 - 1421 Yass Valley Way* - 3km to Hume Highway interchange* - 2km to Yass CBD* - Offices with number of storage sheds


25 Waroo Street YASS NSW Commercial/Residential Opportunity - Surplus NSW Government asset - Vacant possession - Zoned R1 General Residential - Land size 613.7m2* - 2 street frontages - Close to Yass CBD


Online Auction Commencing 14.10.15

www.auctionworksonline.net.au Michael Gray 0409 311 127

Andrew Hunter 0418 222 522

Rebecca Roberts 0478 087 144


02 6452 4155 www.bollerco.com.au

THE ULIMATE SNOWY MTNS PROPERTY “CHERRY TREE” – Bobundra Rd Cooma $545,000 37 acres (approx. 14.9ha) BED 3 BATH 2

4 RURAL BLOCKS Tuross Road Kybeyan via Nimmitabel $138,000 $155,000

• Spacious elegant weatherboard homestead containing three main bedrooms, 2 bathrooms • and fully self-contained (2) bedroom sleep out, set amongst old pines and rock garden formations • Relaxing entertaining /games room. Built 1890’s. • Quality late 1800’s home features old polished floors. Period windows and 18m x 14m verandah. • “Country” kitchen with log fire and wing used as back entry/cloakroom/mudroom. • Large old timber barn, (4) bay lock up farm shed, meat house and milkshed. • Set on 37 acres of grazing land, approx 20kms from Cooma & 3kms off the road. • On any clear winters day look out to the snow-capped mountains and farmlands. View: By Appointment Graeme Boller 0402 470 422

Lots 1 & 4 Comprising 80 acres & 123 acres $138,000 per block Lots 3 & 5 Comprising 120 acres & 190 acres $155,000 per block • Four choices of Tuross River blocks 40km East of Cooma in the Kybeyan Valley – Countegany district, 45 mins district drive from Cooma. • Road frontage, power and phone facilities all available. Council building entitlement (STCA). • Undulating open grazing to sheltered timber belts. Quiet, peaceful valley area. Lots1 & 4 have Tuross River frontage • Lot 5 has Greens Creek frontage. Lot 3 has 2 dams View: By Appointment Graeme Boller 0402 470 422

COOMA NSW - THE HOUR TOWN! YALLAKOOL ESTATE SUBDIVISION Land from $89,500 H&L Packages from $398,000


• Planning is near complete on “Yallakool Estate”, located on the north/east sunny side of the township. • Approx 60 rural orientated blocks averaging 1800m2,varying from 1600m2 up to 4000m2. • Just minutes drive to the town centre. Semi rural setting with services including power, town water & sewerage. School bus run too. • Enjoy the best at Cooma, “The hour town” – approx. one hour to South Canberra and NSW snowfield, 1½ hrs to Sapphire Coast beaches. • Starting from $89,500.00 and also offering house & land deals from $398,000.00 (subject to variation). • Register your interest today. View: By Appointment Graeme Boller 0402 470 422

The perfect opportunity has arisen to secure one or both of these immaculate units in the Platypus Gardens complex on the northern fringe of Cooma. These units will appeal to live-in owners and investors alike, both with a single lockup garage. Both units offer spacious, single-level living, open plan lounge and dining area and excellent storage. Communal established gardens. Unit 12 is an immaculate 2 bedroom Unit, currently returning a rent of $110.00 per week. Asking $98,000. Unit 18 is a renovated huge 1 bedroom unit, with a large contemporary kitchen, and currently returning a rent of $150 per week. Asking $98,000. Buy one, or both units. View: By Appointment Steve Allen 6452 4155

BOLLER & COMPANY – 168 Sharp Street, Cooma Our Values: Fair, Ethical, Integrity, Honesty and Truthfulness


Property management, rural & residential sales


Bungendore 4 Moses Street



Privately and conveniently located, ‘’Kilkee’’ is a rare offering of 53 acres, with good pasture and plenty of water – easy access to nearby greenways and the school bus as well. The federation style brick and cedar home is spacious with beautiful views and many personalised details such as the stain glassed Waratah entrance.


Family living at it’s best


Sale $1,040,000+ View Sat 11.15 – 11.45am Ellie Merriman 0402 117 877 6238 0700 raywhitebungendore.com.au facebook.com/raywhitebungendore

Ray White Bungendore


79 Spring Street, Crookwell





Spacious home, large block, quiet street & priced to sell…. Perfect for family living or those who like to entertain, this bright and airey home must be seen to be appreciated. Fresh paint, multiple living spaces & a huge outdoor entertaining area.

$619,000 View Sat 10.45 – 11.15am Ellie Merriman 0402 117 877 6238 0700 raywhitebungendore.com.au facebook.com/raywhitebungendore

Ray White Bungendore

62 Addison Street, Goulburn


Easy care home, country town living

Classic home, central location, quality renovation

Fully renovated, three bedroom Crookwell home.

Fully tiled bathroom.

Lounge, sunroom, separate laundry.

Attractive, double-brick, 1920’s ‘Californian Bungalow’.

New wiring, plumbing, ceiling bats and gyprock.

Large, fully enclosed rear yard.

Large kitchen with granite bench tops.

Corner block position in a quiet neighbourhood.

Newly-completed, professional renovation.

Retained period features include high ornate ceilings, picture rails,

Three good-sized bedrooms, two with built-in wardrobes.

Close to schools and the hospital.

Contact Rowan Begg 0412 458 621 INSPECTION BY APPOINTMENT ONLY




polished timber floors, lead-light feature windows, window boxes and two fireplaces.

Contact Helen Cheetham 0418 655 403 INSPECTION SAT 26 SEPT 10-11AM






T: 02 4821 6022 | Tronn: 0412 T: 02625 4821 350 6022 | Helen: | Tronn: 0418 0412 655625 403350 | Helen: 0418 655 403 378 Auburn Street Goulburn 378 | Auburn E: tronn@tronnalstergren.com Street Goulburn | E: tronn@tronnalstergren.com www.tronnalstergren.com www.tronnalstergren.com


Wamboin 123 Woolshed Lane


Lilli Pilli - Lilli Pilli Grove Estate Lilli Pilli Grove

• Peaceful location in the coveted suburb of Lilli Pilli

• Minutes drive from a variety of some of the South Coast’s most pristine beaches • Local supermarket, gym, post office, and take away shops are all close by

For Sale Please contact Mark Maranion for block prices View By appointment

• 10 blocks only recently listed, and they are sure to go quick


• Block sizes range from 778m2 - 2695 m2

Mark Maranion 0404 257 888 Malua Bay 4471 2344

• Prices range from between $140,000 - $210,000

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Come and be a part of Lilli Pilli’s newest estate, “Lilli Pilli Grove”. With a natural outlook and a gentle slope, these blocks will cater for most styles of homes. Fully serviced with underground power, block sizes range from 778m2 - 2695m2. Some blocks will have the potential to further sub-divide (STCA) and extended settle terms offered. So make your move quick to stake your families claim in Lilli Pilli’s newest address at “Lilli Pilli Grove”


Potato Point 7 Borang Street Unforgettable… In Every Way




• Immaculate 3 bedroom + study home

For Sale $459,000

• Top quality kitchen Smeg appliances & Caesarstone bench tops

View By Appointment



• Danish top of the line combustion fire • Beach at the end of your street • Surrounded by National Park • Lagoon frontage. Block size 607m²

Moruya 300 Pollwombra Road 8 Hectare of Pure Bush Bliss

Karen Herrick 0417 990 014 Moruya 4474 4433




• 8ha (19.334 acres) pretty bushland

For Sale $379,000

• Tar road to block entry

View By Appointment

• Power, septic, water tanks, carport & storage room


• Existing structure, perfect holidayer

• Panoramic distant ocean views

Karen Herrick 0417 990 014 Moruya 4474 4433

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


• Only a few minutes drive from Moruya & approx. 20 minutes from Batemans Bay


Broulee 2/25 Zanthus Drive


Calling All Investors



• 2 bedrooms with built-in-robes

For Sale $285,000

• Single garage & park bay

View By Appointment

• Low maintenance


• Large enclosed courtyard • Single level perfect for retiree • Easy access to beaches & shops

Lexie Nunn 0411 051 100 Broulee 4471 5100

Malua Bay 39 Illabunda Drive


Pretty Point Auction



• Located diagonally across from Pretty Point Beach, picturesque views all year round.

• This property is recently renovated, feels fresh and presents beautifully.

Auction Saturday 3rd October at 11:00am

• Prestigious location; direct beach views, and a ten minute walk to popular McKenzie’s beach

• Fantastic potential as a holiday property, and perfect as your dream retirement location.

Venue On site

• Short, 5 minute drive to Malua Bay Beach, local supermarket, bottle shop, takeaway, and much more

• Vendors are motivated and are willing to listen to pre Auction offers

ljhooker.com/ DJHF9Z

• 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, single lock-up garage and single car port.

View By Appointment

Mark Maranion 0404 257 888 Malua Bay 4471 2344

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


• Close to school & daycare


Moruya Heads 16 Charles Moffit Drive Cape Cod Style




• Immaculate beach house in fantastic condition

• Short walk to patrolled beach

For Sale $499,000

• 4 bedroom and 2 bathroom

• Great fishing, surfing & boating

View By appointment

• Open plan interior with vaulted ceilings and timber features

• Low maintenance


• Beautiful sunsets and views up the river • Around the corner to National Park

Janet Donnelly 0428 742 090 Moruya 4474 4433

Tuross Head 217 Hector McWilliam Drive Elegant Living




• Beautiful quality home set among tastefully landscaped gardens

• Large feature timber kitchen with marble benchtops and excellent storage

For Sale $850,000

• Elevated position with excellent ocean and lake views


• Large open plan living/dining with woodfire and large music/games room

• Large double garage with internal access which is accessed via rear right of carriageway plus single garage with internal access lower level

• Covered wrap around verandah to enjoy views

• Very elegant and functional home low on maintenance • Close to local beaches and shops

View By appointment

Gary Robertson 0435 008 465 Tuross 4473 6600

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


• Complete with “Juliette” balcony


Tuross Head 23 Foam Street


Lake Views • Fantastic coast home with stunning northerly lake views • Immaculately maintained house and grounds • Located in quiet cul-de-sac right on Coila Lake with boat launch site and cyclepath/walkpath to shops and beaches

• Extensively landscaped grounds with colour bond garden shed and expensive stamped concrete driveways and parking bay • Perfect holiday home to sit and enjoy water views or get out on the water



For Sale $398,000 View By appointment ljhooker.com.au/ ZCH8R

• 3 way spilt RC/AC inverter

Gary Robertson 0435 008 465 Tuross Head 4473 6600

Bermagui/Akolele 27 Flower Circuit Modern contemporary living with ocean & lake views • Panoramic Wallaga Lake and ocean views. • The house is spacious yet homely and the large gourmet kitchen is the heart of the home and huge rumpus room comes with a full size billiard table • Built from reclaimed timber and double glazing outdoor entertaining and an extensive deck.




• There is a work shop and a studio above the double garage which has 3 phase power.

For Sale $887,000

• With the lake and ocean across the road great opportunities for snorkelling, kayaking and scuba diving, water skiing, boating and great fishing.



View By appointment

Dee Cramb 0415 519 449 Narooma 4476 1000 All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


• Front and rear decks with lake views


Tuross Head 34 Coral Crescent

Land 1,136 sqm

Superb Location Vacant Land

• Northerly aspect with ocean and lake views

For Sale $229,000

• Superb location in prestige cul-de-sac

• A great spot to build your dream home

View By appointment

• Stunning views overlooking golf course to Coila Beach

• A short drive to beautiful Tuross beaches


• Large 1136m² block in an elevated position

• Great value block

• Surrounded by quality homes

Gary Robertson 0435 008 465 Tuross Head 4473 6600


Once in a Lifetime



• These 2 adjoining blocks along Tallawang Avenue are the last of the large, cliff top holdings in Malua Bay, and our vendors are offering to sell both as one parcel.

• The owners have created some special memories holidaying in this humble, yet very comfortable 2 bedroom home.

For Sale Expressions of Interest Sought

• With panoramic ocean views, combined land size of 3,883m2 and 2 titles, the potential for development is plain to see.

• There is ample parking space on the property for any cars and boats that you may have.


• Block Number 61 is 1,796m2, while Block Number 63 is 2,087m2

• The blocks have been amalgamated to reduce the cost of council rates, but could easily be separated again if it were to suit the new owners.

View By appointment

Mark Maranion 0404 257 888 Malua Bay 4471 2344

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Malua Bay 61-63 Tallawang Avenue


Narooma 50 Rainforest Parkway


Eagle Eye View • Small acreage (2.79acres – approx.1.12ha) perched high overlooking Narooma Inlet, the ocean, Montague Island, Mount Dromedary and beyond . • The property has a welcoming feel and has been designed to maximise light and bring the amazing views from the outside in.

• The home itself offers spacious open plan living areas which merge onto the front verandah and also a covered patio, giving you so many options for entertaining and enjoy your eagle eye view.



For Sale $775,000 View By appointment ljhooker.com/6THMM

• Comfortable living all year round with sea breezes, airconditioning and slow combustion heater.

Dee Cramb 0415 519 449 Narooma 4476 1000


Country Manor



• Reminiscent of converted farm building

• Fully fenced

For Sale $529,000

• Unique modular design 3 bedroom

• 7 minutes from town

View By Appointment

• Quaint outdoor bath house in secluded courtyard

• Very private


• 2ha with landscaped gardens and dam

• Great overall atmosphere

Janet Donnelly 0428 742 090

Moruya 4474 4433 All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Moruya 82 Pollwombra Road


Moruya Lots 273 & 276 Yaccaba Drive


Give Me Land • 1x 7.86ha bush block & 1x 7.59ha bush block

For Sale $259,000 each

• 1 block has 2 small dams on it

View By Appointment

• Close to schools, shops, hospitals & clubs


• Flat house pad areas • Strong horse riding community around these blocks • Mostly tarred road to property

Karen Herrick 0417 990 014 Moruya 4474 4433

Tuross Head 48 Trafalgar Road


Retire With Income

• Originally a school retreat, the property now contains an elegant & spacious two bedroom home upstairs • Downstairs has eight separate bedrooms with bathroom facilities provided

• Main residence features high ceilings, formal living/ dining, wood fire, large kitchen, spa/shower in main bathroom & full length games/family room • Solar hot water, 4kw back to grid solar electric system


For Sale $785,000 View By Appointment ljhooker.com/XOF1G

• Hugh three car garage and three phase power • Three separate land titles • A quality home with potential for future income

Gary Robertson 0435 008 465 Tuross Head 4473 6600

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


• Charming “Old World” property sitting on a unique, leafy 4875m² block in highly sought after “Old Tuross”


ljhooker.com.au 2

Moruya 12/30 Anderson Street



Under Instructions Auction Saturday 26th Sept at 1:00pm

• Under instructions from NSW Trustee & Guardian

Venue On Site

• 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom

View Saturday 12:30pm – 1:00pm

• Sunny north facing yard


• End unit, single level

Karen Herrick 0417 990 014 Moruya 4474 4433


Tuross 49 Forest Lake Close



Paradise by the Lake • Vendors highly motivated to sell

For Sale Offers Over $670,000

• Lake front with shared jetty

View By Appointment

• 3837m² (almost 1 acre)


• 3 bedroom + study, ensuite & large sunny deck

Karen Herrick 0417 990 014 Moruya 4474 4433


Moruya 5 Heffernan Place



Brick and Tile, Buy with a Smile • 3 bedroom + study

For Sale $349,000

• North facing back covered verandah

View By Appointment

• Garage + 3 carports


• R/C air-con + dishwasher

Karen Herrick 0417 990 014 Moruya 4474 4433 Land 952.7sqm

Maloneys Beach 5 Balangay Court Like the Beach? Love this block! • 952.7m² flat cleared land

For Sale $429,000

• Directly across from beach in culde-sac

View By Appointment ljooker.com/5JYGT2

• Water views

Karen Herrick 0417 990 014 Moruya 4474 4433

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


• Previously held D.A for 3 bedroom duplex

ljhooker.com.au Bodalla 288 Bodalla Park Drive




Love at First Sight • 1.07ha (2.64 acres) fully fenced land & town water (rare)

For Sale $529,000

• Unique 4 bedroom home, double garage & wide verandahs


View By Appointment

• Exposed beamed ceilings • Ducted air-con, combustion fire & solar hot water

Surf Beach 14 Timber Way

Karen Herrick 0417 990 014 Moruya 4474 4433




Neat and Tidy quality home • 3 double size bedrooms with ensuite off main

For Sale $399,000

• Ducted air-con & timber floors


View By Appointment

• Large undercover deck, low maintenance yard & outside spa • Close to popular Surf Beach, Denhams Beach & Lilli Pilli Beach

Catalina 20 Yarrabee Drive

Karen Herrick 0417 990 014 Moruya 4474 4433




Beautiful, Sunny and Spacious Residence • Located in a top quality street amongst other inspiring residences, exuding understated elegance and quality that will impress. • Elevated with a northerly aspect, this home is flooded with natural light both upstairs and downstairs.

Rosedale 21 Yowani Road

For Sale $529,000 View By Appointment ljhooker.com/E26F9Z

Mark Maranion 0404 257 888 Malua Bay 4471 2344




Auction North Rosedale

• Located in beautiful North Rosedale, and only a five minute flat walk to beautiful Rosedale Beach • This property currently commands $1,700 per week as a holiday home

Auction Saturday 3rd October at 1:00pm Venue On Site View By Appointment ljhooker.com/ DYEF9Z

Mark Maranion 0404 257 888 Malua Bay 4471 2344

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


• Own your own piece of paradise with this spacious, open plan design home nestled amongst the trees

ljhooker.com.au 3

Surfside 2/71 Karoola Crescent



Attention Investors / First home Buyers • This gorgeous townhouse, with fresh paint and a brand new kitchen, is the perfect first home or investment property for the astute buyer. • This beautiful residence enjoys a northerly aspect, flooding the living and dining areas with natural sun for most of the day.

For Sale $329,950 View By Appointment ljhooker.com.au/ E1YF9Z

Mark Maranion 0404 257 888 Malua Bay 4471 2344


Malua Bay 78 Iluka Avenue



Garden Bay Bliss • Imposing architecturally designed family home overlooking beautiful Garden Bay Beach • This stunning beach-front home has immediate access to a natural wonderland via its own private gateway.

For Sale $1,290,000 View By Appointment ljhooker.com.au/ E1QF9Z

Mark Maranion 0404 257 888 Peter Forbes 0418 688 080 Malua Bay 4471 2344


Guerilla Bay 32 Beach Parade



Absolute North Facing Waterfront • This property showcases why Guerilla Bay continues to be the most desired location in the Eurobodalla • Unobstructed, waterfront views amongst the trees from your entertaining deck

Moruya 78 Queen Street

Auction Saturday 24th Oct at 1:00pm Venue On Site View By Appointment ljhooker.com.au/E3FF9Z

Mark Maranion 0404 257 888 Malua Bay 4471 2344




• Commercial or residential

For Sale $389,000

• 1022m² block with B5 zoning

View By Appointment

• Comfortable home with entertainment room


• Very central location, walk to everything

Janet Donnelly 0428 742 090 Moruya 4474 4433

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Mixed Uses

ljhooker.com.au Malua Bay 80 Tallawang Avenue




Secure Million Dollar Views • Enjoying an elevated position at the apex of Tallawang Avenue and offering million dollar views for half the price. • Stunning headland and beach views that will never be built out. • Featuring open plan living area and a back deck with flawless views.

Batemans Bay Units 3 & 6 Pacific Street

Auction Saturday 24th Oct at 11.00am Venue On site View By Appointment ljhooker.com/ DYVF9Z

Mark Maranion 0404 257 888 Malua Bay 4471 2344




Nearly New • Choice of 2 in small complex

For Sale $375,000

• As new, 3 bedroom 2 bathroom

View By Appointment

• Excellent return of $350.00 per week


• Convenient location security building • Security parking • Large balcony

Meringo 41 Woodlands Way

Janet Donnelly 0428 742 090 Moruya 4474 4433




Dressed to Impress • Quality brick home

For Sale $559,000

• Track to Mullimurra Point

View By Appointment

• 5000m² block with large dam


• 3 bedroom, large outdoor entertainment • Low maintenance

Moruya Heads 19/26-28 Native Way

Janet Donnelly 0428 742 090 Moruya 4474 4433




Near the Beach • Townhouse style unit

For Sale $229,000

• 3 bedroom 2 bathroom

View By Appointment

• Near beach and river


• Good complex

Janet Donnelly 0428 742 090 Moruya 4474 4433

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


• Good rental return or holiday

ljhooker.com.au Tuross Head 29 Jutland Avenue




Cosy Coast Cottage • Fantastic holiday cottage, investment property or future development block

For Sale $345,000

• Hardiplank construction, large kitchen and slow combustion woodfire


• Large 1024m² block in sought after “Old Tuross” with northerly sunny aspect

Garry Robertson 0435 008 465 Tuross Head 4473 6600

Moruya Lot 4 Hawdon & Albert Street

View By Appointment

Land 5.5ha

Develop or Enjoy • 5.5ha zoned R5

For Sale $790,000

• Suitable for senior housing

View By Appointment

• Pleasant rural valley views


• Develop or enjoy as is • Subdivision allowed

Bingie Lot 19 Arinya

Janet Donnelly 0428 742 090 Moruya 4474 4433 Land 2ha

Nature’s Retreat • Unique coastal acreage – 2ha

For Sale $359,000

• Walk to pristine beaches & National Park

View By Appointment ljhooker.com.au/45DGT2

• Cleared with stands of trees • Ulitmate privacy – 15 minutes to Moruya

Janet Donnelly 0428 742 090 Moruya 4474 4433 Commercial

Moruya Corner of Church & Ford Street • Commercial CBD 2352m²

For Sale $1,800,000 incl. GST

• Warehouse 550m² onsite parking

View By Appointment

• Carpark credits allow full development


• Busy corner close to park & river

Janet Donnelly 0428 742 090 Moruya 4474 4433

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Commercial - Central Location

ljhooker.com.au Tuross Head 3 Winston Place

Land 1,349 sqm

Big Block • Great sized block – 1349m2 in an elevated position adjoining Tuross Lakefront Reserve • Cul-de-sac location surrounded by quality established permanent homes • Filtered views of Tuross Lake • Excellent spot for retirement home or coastal getaway

Narooma 2A Willis Boulevard

For Sale $169,000 View By Appointment ljhooker.com.au/E8H8R

Garry Robertson 0435 008 465 Tuross 4473 6600 Land 1,024 sqm

Build your dream home amongst the gum trees • Sloping block of 1024sqm is situated in a quiet but central location.

For Sale $137,500

• A short stroll to Surf Beach, Narooma Plaza and backs onto the Narooma Golf Course.


• Not many blocks left in such a central location.

Dee Cramb 0415 519 449 Narooma 4476 1000

Moruya Lot 22 Meadows Road

View By appointment




Lifestyle & Income • Tranquil 10.4ha rural setting

For Sale $1,100,000

• Stone structure with 100m2 auditorium

View By appointment ljhooker.com.au/602GT2

• Commercial use Licensed for 50 people • Eco friendly and D.A for 3 bedroom residence

Moruya 3-9 Noads Drive

Janet Donnelly 0428 742 090 Moruya 4474 4433




Rural Heart • 20.81 ha farm; 5 paddocks, 2 dams

For Sale $780,000

• Substantial 4 bedroom home

View By Appointment

• 10m indoor solar heated pool


• Currently running cattle

Janet Donnelly 0428 742 090 Moruya 4474 4433

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


• Plenty of water and minutes to town

ljhooker.com.au 5

Broulee 35 Grant Street



Home or Business – You Decide • Home plus self contained flat

For Sale $659,000

• Close to Beach and shop

View By appointment

• Successful Holiday Rental


• Stylish renovation

Lexie Nunn 0411 051 100 Broulee 4471 5100


Moruya Lot 20 Cheetham Street



Not What it Seems At All • 3.673ha (9.076 acres) bush block

For Sale $549,000

• Massive decks with great privacy

View By appointment

• Combustion fire, sunken spa, high exposed beam ceilings


• 4 bedroom, 3 living areas, 3 bathrooms

Karen Herrick 0417 990 014 Moruya 4474 4433


Malua Bay 8 Iluka Avenue



Absolute North Facing Waterfront • Iluka Avenue is one of Malua Bay’s premier cliff top streets, running between Mosquito Bay and Garden Bay Beach • This gorgeous property offers separate self-contained living and stunning waterfront views both upstairs and down

Narooma 4 Sheaffe Street

For Sale $795,000 View By appointment ljhooker.com.au/E3UF9Z

Mark Maranion 0404 257 888 Malua Bay 4471 2344 Land 885 sqm

Less than 400 steps to the water’s edge

• One street back from the ocean and captures ocean views • A short stroll to Narooma town centre, primary school, clubs and the famous Narooma golf course

For Sale $240,000 View By appointment ljhooker.com.au/4RHMM

Dee Cramb 0415 519 449 Narooma 4476 1000

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


• Large gently sloping corner block situated in the “Golden Triangle” the sought after area of central Narooma

ljhooker.com.au Malua Bay 10 Waroo Crescent




Potential and Northerly Views • Stunning northerly views across Malua Bay Beach with huge potential for further modernising • Currently rented at $350.00 per week on a month-to-month basis; Perfect as an investment or holiday home • On the water side of Malua Bay, only minutes walk to Malua Bay Beach

For Sale By negotiation View By appointment ljhooker.com.au/ E3QF9Z

Mark Maranion 0404 257 888 Malua Bay 4471 2344

2 Narooma Villa 3/169 Princes Highway



Calling All Investors Or Downsizers • Convenient quiet location, walk to the beach and Narooma Plaza

For Sale $289,000

• Large bedrooms, open plan living and no stairs


View By appointment

• Well-built Villa, storage under house. • Currently rented for $250 per week on a periodical lease.

Moruya 52 Evans Street

Dee Cramb 0415 519 449 Narooma 4476 1000 Land 2,024 sqm

Rare Find • Massive residential block 2024m²

For Sale $129,000

• Near level, pleasant outlook

View By appointment

• Walk to all schools including TAFE


• Very convenient location • Town services • Near golf course

Dalmeny 1 Attunga Street

Janet Donnelly 0428 742 090 Moruya 4474 4433




A Versatile Floorplan To Suit Numerous Situations • An extensive property that can be used as a 3 bedroom and a separate 1 bedroom both self-contained home, or a large 4 bedroom home with 4 separate living areas

For Sale $399,000

• Live in one and rent the other

Dee Cramb 0415 519 449 Narooma 4476 1000


All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


• Fantastic paved entertaining area and low maintenance landscaped gardens

View By appointment

ljhooker.com.au Dalmeny 24 John Reilly Street




Unbelievable 180 degree water views • Panoramic views of the ocean, mountains and the inlet and close to beach, lake, club, shops and cafes • So much on offer here with potential for separate living upstairs and down • This one has potential plus, a fantastic location and unbelievable views!

Narooma 18 Canty Street

For Sale $510,000 View By appointment ljhooker.com.au/4VHGR

Dee Cramb 0415 519 449 Narooma 4476 1000 Commercial

Large Commercial Property In The Town Centre • Central business location with inlet and ocean views

For Sale $649,000

• Floor space is 409sq, a manual goods lift and loading area at the front entry


• Kitchen & staff amenities, shelving and shop fittings on both levels, counter/customer service

Dee Cramb 0415 519 449 Narooma 4476 1000

Batemans Bay 4 Marlin Avenue

View By appointment




VIP - Very Impressive Property • 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, office & games room • Ducted air-con, security • Dressing room off master with double shower and claw foot bath • Kitchen to die for; stainless steel appliances, double oven and integrated dishwasher

Dalmeny 8 Dulip Close

For Sale Offers over $650,000 View By appointment ljhooker.com.au/684GT2

Karen Herrick 04017 990 014 Moruya 4474 4433




Top Quality & Brand New • Put your stamp on this newly built home and if you’re a first home buyer you may be eligible to get your stamp duty back plus a $15,000 grant available to approved purchasers

For Sale $595,000

• High standard finishes use throughout his property

Dee Cramb 0415 519 449 Dalmeny 4476 7100


All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


• Luxurious master suite with water views

View By appointment

ljhooker.com.au 5

Dalmeny 3 Myuna Street



On the shores of Mummaga Lake • Location location! With fabulous rare water frontage, where you can fish from your backyard. • It’s just waiting for a make-over to capture its full potential • Can be used as 2x two bedroom self-contained houses or as a large four bedroom family home.

Tuross 22 Gould Street

For Sale Offers over $499,000 View By appointment ljhooker.com.au/8PHGR

Dee Cramb 0415 519 449 Narooma 4476 1000




Cottage Charm • Charming timber cottage with two bedrooms each with ensuite • Quiet location only short walk to cycleway/walkway to beach and shop • Polished floorboards, leadlight windows, spacious design with covered verandahs to front and rear • Carport and under house storage

For Sale $280,000+ View By appointment ljhooker.com.au/W7F1G

Gary Robertson 0435 008 465 Tuross Head 4473 6600

2 0 Narooma Surf Beach Caravan Park site 42


On Site Caravan and Annex • Ocean views, sleeps 6 people and has a large timber deck

For Sale $18,000

• The park backs onto Surf Beach and the famous Narooma Golf Course and the club


• Close to onsite amenities, BBQ and also the children’s playground

Dee Cramb 0415 519 449 Narooma 4476 1000

Dalmeny 1A Mort Avenue

View By appointment




House and Separate Commercial Premises

• Business opportunities to work from home with separate access to block • Great location, full main road exposure and in close vicinity of other local business, shops, café, club and beach

For Sale $485,000 View By appointment ljhooker.com.au/62HGR

Dee Cramb 0415 519 449 Dalmeny 4476 7100

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


• Huge industrial shed with a mezzanine office and a large home with four bedrooms and an office

Ne w

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NSW South Coast Malua Bay 1405 George Bass Drive A Beachside Retreat with Ultimate Privacy and Tranquillity Sitting on 25 acres (10.117ha) with direct access to McKenzies Beach, this is a rare opportunity indeed. The two adjoining large holdings have not traded in more than 20 years – people just don’t normally sell this kind of property. The extensive, chalet-style house features loads of room for extended families and large groups.

It would be perfect as a health or yoga retreat STCA, with multiple private and self-contained living spaces. If you’re looking to escape the hustle and bustle, this property is just a 40 minute flight from Sydney or a 90 minute drive from Canberra. North facing, with stunning sea and bush views, the long driveway affords absolute privacy.




For Sale Buyers around $2 million should enquire. View By appointment ljhooker.com/MB7F8F

Michael Skuse 0411 029 300 LJ Hooker Batemans Bay 4472 6455 Cnr Beach Road & Orient St, Batemans Bay

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.



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Sth Coast Surfside 68 Palana Street




Excellent Value for Money ... Ocean Views!! Huge solid brick 2 storey home!!

For Sale $369,000

Would be perfectly suited for a Holiday Home, or move in yourself. 2 large living areas and kitchen all with views of the bay. Separate dining room with another deck off the back. Minutes to Batemans Bay Foreshores, Marina, Shopping and Beaches. Invest in your family’s future.

View Sat 26 September 1.30 to 2pm ljhooker.com/P84F8F

Karen Van Der Stelt 0413 221 504 Batemans Bay 4472 6455 Cnr Beach Rd & Orient St, Batemans Bay

Sth Coast Catalina 9 Gannet Place




Motivated Vendor!! “Make an Offer” Located in a quiet Cul-de-sac, this perfectly presented home is like new. • Freshly painted Exterior and Interior • Two x 9000ltr Water Tanks • Solar Panels, A/C, Tinted Windows • Fully fenced 767m² block • Overlooking a peaceful reserve ... this home has all the boxes ticked.

For Sale $319,000 View By appointment ljhooker.com/P4EF8F

Karen Van Der Stelt 0413 221 504 Batemans Bay 4472 6455 Cnr Beach Rd & Orient St, Batemans Bay

B AT E M A N S B AY *In current stage

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.

Ne Au w ctio Lis n tin g


Milton 14 Princes Highway





Milton Village Motel A fantastic opportunity to purchase this extremely well presented, and very popular motel located at the entrance to Historic Milton township. Situated on 3 separate titles, contains 9 guest rooms, owner’s 1 bedroom apartment comprising office, delightful living, cooking and relaxation areas. All rooms are in beautiful condition with balconies overlooking Milton’s rich pastures and ocean views to Jervis Bay. Only minutes walk to Historic Milton’s wonderful shops, cafes, hotels, theatre


and restaurants and only a short drive to world famous Mollymook and Narrawallee beaches. The same resident owners for 17 years are now retiring. Showing excellent gross income. Hugely popular motel. Winner of major hospitality awards.

Ray White Surfside Properties Ulladulla

Sat 31 Oct 1.00pm, on site View By appointment David Matthew 0459 553 930

02 4454 1333 | raywhiteulladulla.com.au 99 Princes Highway, Ulladulla NSW 2539

Factory complex in Narooma’s Industrial Estate, plenty of land to develop the site further with an extension to existing building or have a very large hardstand area. Office areas upstairs and downstairs, storage and mezzanine. Great access with sliding external doors. Kitchen/lunchroom and bathroom facilities. Secure six foot fencing. VIEW By appointment PRICE $375,000

NAROOMA Mill Bay Jetty Unique opportunity to secure a well maintained jetty right on the Wagonga Inlet at Narooma. This IS the best jetty in the Narooma area. Plenty of car parking, 45.5m2 berthing area. Berthing for 1 boat up to 12m in length. On the eastern side of the bridge with easy access to the ocean. Commercial use permitted. Includes 30m2 jetty, power, water, fish cleaning table with salt water pump. Very low annual licence fee and rates. VIEW By appointment

AGENT Brian Hastie 0490 084 877

PRICE $195,000

LAND SIZE 1843m2

AGENT Brian Hastie 0490 084 877



NAROOMA 7/4-6 Princes Highway Recently refurbished 3 bedroom apartment at the Boardwalk Apartments. Internal access from garage. Located on the first floor. Large balcony overlooking park. Dishwasher. European appliances, reverse cycle air conditioning. Body Corporate will be repainted in modern colours externally in the next few months. Security complex. Short stroll to cafe’s, shops and of course the beautiful Boardwalk.

DALMENY 23 Yabbarra Drive Ocean views to Montague Island from this elevated block. Good quality homes in street, Water connected. Walking distance to the beach and shops. Priced to sell. VIEW Anytime PRICE $135,000 AGENT Brian Hastie 0490 084 877 LAND SIZE 686m


VIEW By appointment PRICE $415,000 AGENT Brian Hastie 0490 084 877




BODALLA 19 Kookaburra Place This property has it all. A sparkling salt water pool, tennis court, separate guest accommodation and beautifully landscaped gardens. Have a putt on the first hole complete with sand bunker. Rainforest bush walk at the rear of the property. Entertain on the large verandah and watch the kids play in the cubby. Sit around the fire pit with your friends. European appliances, plenty of storage space. VIEW By appointment PRICE $525,000 AGENT Brian Hastie 0490 084 877 LAND SIZE 1.3 Ha (3.25 acres)




NAROOMA 7 Alexander Place


All the hard work is done. Fully renovated spacious open plan home with great views of Montague Island and Carters Beach. Tastefully decorated. Modern kitchen with stainless steel appliances, large island bench. polished timber floors and access to the large covered balcony plus large north facing deck at the rear of the home just perfect for outdoor entertaining. VIEW By appointment PRICE $479,000 AGENT Brian Hastie 0490 084 877 LAND SIZE 556 m²




Dalmeny 7a Mort Avenue

Magnificent Master Built exquisite split level home located in prime position, overlooking the pristine waters of the Wagonga Inlet and Lewis Island with stunning water vistas. Perfect family living with 3 spacious living areas with an abundance of natural light. Separate guest accommodation downstairs, with a living area and ensuite completely private from the main residence. 1842m2 of resort style gardens. VIEW By appointment PRICE $1,295,000 AGENT Brian Hastie 0490 084 877 LAND SIZE 1842m2


KIANGA 20 Sunnyside Crescent


Plenty of land for a vegetable garden or for kids to kick a ball around. family home with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and large rumpus downstairs, garden shed. Nice views across to the park on Mummaga Lake. VIEW By appointment PRICE $ 395,000 AGENT Brian Hastie 0490 084 877 LAND SIZE 1104 m²







NAROOMA 68 Glasshouse Rocks Rd

Once in a lifetime to purchase 39 acres of bush fronting Lake Brunderee. Close proximity to beautiful secluded beaches, great fishing and boating and access via Black Fellows Point Road to your hideaway. This land is zoned Rural 1a. There are no building entitlements associated with the land. It’s use must comply with what you are permitted to build on a rural property (a shed). This property is pristine for the nature lover. VIEW By arrangement with agent PRICE $159,000 AGENT Brian Hastie 0490 084 877 LAND SIZE 38.72 acres

NAROOMA 7512 Princes Highway 51 acres of land (50% cleared). Suitable for cattle and horses, dam. Great opportunity to generate income from approved dual occupancy whilst maintaining your privacy and rural lifestyle. From elegant vistas to raw bush and wildlife - you will have it all. 3 bay agricultural shed, House 1 is 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom , double garage plus studio and second newer home is 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom with a pool. VIEW By appointment PRICE $850,000 AGENT Brian Hastie 0490 084 877 LAND SIZE 51 acres


NAROOMA 26 Costin Street

Here is the opportunity of a life time. Lifestyle and income and plenty of scope to grow this business in the tourist mecca - Historic Central Tilba. Lucrative Post Office with 185 Boxes plus 50 counter delivery customers, ATM, historic general store with fuel sales, 3 guest suite B & B with further potential to build more guest accommodation at the rear of the property. Spacious owners residence. 2 couples in this business with separate accommodation. Approved DA to build a 3 car garage at the rear. VIEW By appointment PRICE $1,195,000 (Freehold) AGENT Brian Hastie 0490 084 877 LAND SIZE 4351m2

797m bush block located in town close to Plaza Shopping Centre, Narooma Golf Course and Narooma Surf Beach. The block would suit construction of a home to suit this quiet treed block. At $85,000 this block represents excellent value. 2

VIEW Anytime PRICE $85,000 AGENT Brian Hastie 0490 084 877

KIANGA 44 Montague Avenue Immaculate home on large 879m2 block in Kianga. Rare level block. Ocean views from the rear. New bathroom, recently refurbished with laminate flooring throughout. Second bathroom in laundry. 2 big bedrooms and 2 living areas. Currently tenanted. This is an ideal retirement home. Short walk to the beach. Plenty of off street parking. VIEW By appointment PRICE $329,000 AGENT Brian Hastie 0490 084 877 LAND SIZE 879 m2




DALMENY 24 Attunga Street Sprawling 80 square home overlooking Mummaga Lake, large swimming pool, large living areas on 3 levels, wine cellar, fully screened outside entertainment area upstairs and large tiled area down stairs overlooking the pool. Potential for another 2 bedrooms downstairs. Super large kitchen with dishwasher, games room. Solar power panels back to grid. Freshly painted, new blinds. Set up as an income generating property to accommodate 16 people. VIEW By appointment PRICE $950,000 AGENT Brian Hastie 0490 084 877 LAND SIZE 750m2



3 Properties Zoned B2 Local Centre MORUYA 49-53 Shore Street 3 homes side by side currently rented. Land size 2225.8m2 zoned for commercial or mixed residential/commercial. Concept plans available for a proposed unit and commercial project. Hold these properties for future re-development or develop now. Views over Moruya River and parkland. Right in town close in Central Business District. No’s 51 and 53 available separately for $850,000.

VIEW By appointment PRICE $1,300,000 AGENT Brian Hastie 0490 084 877 LAND SIZE 2225.8m2


BODALLA Lot 81 Horse Island Road





3 bedroom home with study and rumpus room, separate formal dining area plus meals area, modern kitchen with appliance cupboard and plenty of storage, 2 drawer dishwasher, wool carpets, lovely rear covered deck with a view of the ocean. Double garage with remote control door and internal access. Ensuite plus 3rd bathroom in laundry downstairs. Fully fenced back yard for pets or children. VIEW By appointment PRICE $440,000 AGENT Brian Hastie 0490 084 877 LAND SIZE 980m2



MORUYA HEADS 24 Brown Close


Very large 1046m2 blocked zoned lowdensity residential. Ocean views possible from the rear of the block at 2 storey level. Walking distance to shops and Yabbarra and Josh’s Beaches. It is possible to build a dual occupancy on a block of this size.

MANAGING AGENT 02 4476 5400

VIEW By appointment PRICE $207,500 AGENT Brian Hastie 0490 084 877 LAND SIZE 1046m2



Spacious family home set in quiet street facing North. Very private from neighbours, high ceilings, big bedrooms, gourmet chefs timber kitchen and very open plan living area. Large entertainment deck with outdoor kitchen. Study, large garage plus carport, dishwasher, polished hardwood floors in living areas, approved plans for a pool. Walking distance to local beaches, boat ramp, fishing, surfing and the Moruya river. Currently tenanted at $435 per week. VIEW By appointment PRICE $550,000 AGENT Brian Hastie 0490 084 877 LAND SIZE 5001m2


DALMENY 85 Noble Parade


CENTRAL TILBA 18 Bate Street Unique opportunity to buy a popular, successful, well established bakery in the historic National Trust Village of Central Tilba. The bakery is 20 years old, built in heritage style. Currently trading 5 days a week. The bakery specialises in pies and pastries, with some bread including sourdough. Great lifestyle, only a few kilometres from the ocean and national parks, in one of the most pristine areas on the south east coast of Australia. Rent $400/week plus GST. Reasonable genuine offers considered. Long lease available. VIEW By appointment PRICE $140,000 plus Stock at Valuation AGENT Brian Hastie 0490 084 877

NAROOMA 11 Loader Parade

EUROBODALLA Lot 180 Eurobodalla Rd

Affordable 784m2 building block. Great for first home buyer or investor. Very close to Narooma Plaza Shopping Centre, Narooma Surf Beach and the Golf Club. Leafy location with established homes in street. This is a great opportunity not to be overlooked.

Build your bush retreat here on this bush block close to Bodalla township and fronting the Tuross River on one boundary. Zoned Rural 1a/RU1 which permits a multitude of uses.

VIEW Anytime

PRICE $150,000

PRICE $100,000

AGENT Brian Hastie 0490 084 877

AGENT Brian Hastie 0490 084 877

LAND SIZE 57.2 acres

VIEW By arrangement with the agent


DALMENY 45 Cresswick Parade



COBARGO 57a Princes Highway

Neat and tidy little 2 bedroom house, built-in wardrobes in rooms. Private front yard enclosed by bush hedges, and a large backyard with space for the kids playhouse, or the family dog. Newly carpeted with Air Conditioning, Gas heating, and open plan living, dining and kitchen. A double carport, and a garden shed for storage. Only a minutes walk from the shops, cafes, and post office. VIEW By appointment PRICE $250,000 AGENT Kezia Crome 6493 6222 LAND SIZE 1566m2



COBARGO 1468 Cobargo Bermagui Rd


VIEW By appointment PRICE $2,600 per month + GST AGENT Brian Hastie 0490 084 877


Built in the 1900’s this very tidy 3 bedroom home has a spacious living area and large eat in kitchen with front and rear verandahs, orchard, cattle yards and loading ramp, fenced area suitable for goats/alpacas, divided into four paddocks pump water from the creek, 10,000 gal./45460 litres rainwater tank, irrigation water tank. Close to town and short drive to the beach. VIEW By appointment PRICE $425,000 AGENT Kezia Crome 6493 6222 LAND SIZE 14.04 acres


The famous “Train Cafe” in the main street of Cobargo is ready for someone to come in and make it their own. Lease includes the outdoor seating area and all the business plant and equipment associated with the business. Perfect for a chef looking to be their own boss.


COBARGO 252 Wandella Road Two separate dwellings under the one roof. One consists of 4 bedrooms, an upstairs 2nd lounge room/game room/5th bedroom which has elevated views of the countryside, and a spa bath in the bathroom. The second is a 2 bedroom flat with one bathroom and an open living-dining area., 100,000 water tank, fruit trees, large workshop, sheds, dams, and so much more. You must see this dream home! VIEW By appointment PRICE $725,000 AGENT Kezia Crome 6493 6222 LAND SIZE 5.88 Ha (14.7 acres)


KAMERUKA 424 West Kameruka Road This beautiful home has spectacular views of the surrounding Bega Valley. The property is divided into 6 paddocks with a large dam and large creek frontage which has never been dry. Large machinery shed/workshop with power. Would make an ideal Bed and Breakfast or a large family home with room for quad bikes, cattle, and horses. Walk amongst the low maintenance rose gardens and the orchard which has citrus and stonefruit trees. VIEW By appointment PRICE $950,000 AGENT Kezia Crome 6493 6222 LAND SIZE 107.24 acres




COBARGO Lot 20 Gillespie Street



COBARGO 47-49 Princes Highway Long established supermarket situated right on the busy Princes Highway in Cobargo with core customers being a combination of local residents, passing traffic and local tourists. Easily run with a full scanning system with two in-shop scanning stations which are run by a back office computer. Air conditioning and heating, and a back up generator. There is plenty of opportunities to grow the sales for this business by focusing on customer demands and needs for the local area. Ideal family run business. Part of the IGA buying group. VIEW By appointment PRICE $110,000 plus stock at valuation AGENT Brian Hastie 0490 084 877

This gently undulating block is one of two adjoining, identical blocks that are only seconds away from the main street of Cobargo and are ready for the taking. Elevated views of Cobargo, the nearby hills and Narira Mountain. Seize the opportunity to own a piece of this historical village. Second block available next door for same price should you want more land area. VIEW By arrangement with agent PRICE $45,000 AGENT Kezia Crome 6493 6222 LAND SIZE 1618.5m2

COBARGO 30 Hoyer Street This lovely 3 bedroom home with a cosy wood fire in the lounge room, is just a short stroll to all the amenities of the historic town of Cobargo. Close to schools, transport and only a 20 minute drive to the beach, it has the best of both rural and coastal worlds. This home also has a double garage which could be used as a work shop which would be ideal for the handyman/woman. VIEW By appointment PRICE $299,000 AGENT Kezia Crome 6493 6222 LAND SIZE 1214m2







COBARGO 4 Bega Street



Eden Cove 38 Marlin Avenue

GIPSY POINT LODGE Sensational lifestyle with income in a pristine fisherman’s paradise. Sensational lifestyle & accommodation opportunity set on 3 acres with private jetty, boat ramp & boat hire. Established business. Comfortable residence, large lodge with 7 en-suite guest rooms, 3 Self-contained cottages, liquor licence, lanscaped grounds. Approximately 3.5 Hours from Canberrra.

SAPPHIRE COAST ECO MASTERPIECE Asking $850,000 Neg. View: By appointment Craig Smith 0400 155 995 craig@edenrealty.com.au

Striking and modern; this architecturally designed eco-friendly residence is located in a prime waterfront position, fronting Lake Curalo reserve with direct access to Aslings Beach. Many solar passive features, native landscaped gardens and never-to-be-built-out views towards the beautiful Pacific. If you are searching for the ultimate lifestyle home on the coast, look no further!


View: By appointment Craig Smith 0400 155 995 craig@edenrealty.com.au

3 BED | 2 BATH | 2 CAR CWM0293

EdenRealty | 02 6496 1999 | 132 Imlay Street, Eden NSW

4455 2002 / 4455 2525

192 Mitchell Parade , Mollymook Beach Blue Ribbon Location room/extra accommodation and 2nd bathroom. It has established low maintenance gardens and a generous sized rear deck overlooking the back yard. And if all this isn’t enough you have the added bonus of perfect north east aspect and located directly opposite the award winning Bannisters.

Shop 1/105 Princes Highway Milton (Opposite IGA)

4455 2002 212

For Sale: $995,000 Inspect: By Appointment Contact: Christine Martin 0458 412 381







When location is important, not to mention the 180 degree ocean views you will need to look no further. The home boasts lovely open plan living upstairs with 2 bedrooms and main bathroom, modem open plan kitchen, dining and family areas, leading out onto the magnificent balcony where you can relax and take in the beautiful ocean views. Downstairs has large rumpus

Shop 11/80 Tallwood Avenue, Mollymook


4455 2525



Batemans Bay


A modern kitchen and living room flow onto a stylish balcony that offers views. A very large side yard for boats, cars, or even a big shed with room to play, large bedrooms with built in robes makes this place ideal.

Web Id 8657754

Saturday 31 October at 12:30pm, On-site

Greig McFarlane 0412 725 505 Web Id 8543375

ELDERS Batemans Bay, Shop3/6 North Street, Batemans Bay

Spectacular Home on 5 acres






Saturday 26 September, On-site

02 4475 1488







View By appointment with agent For Sale $1,095,000 Contact Melissa Williams 0408 253 481 Drew Deck 0468 340 476 CWM5304

Malua Bay 19 Blackbutt Lane Captivating style, quality of build, colour palette and elegance. Fabulous features exude, and only 5 mins from the beach. Extensive inclusions‑ timber floorboards, Tas. Oak staircase, TV and internet wiring throughout, rev. cycle a/c, insulated roof and walls, galley kitchen, induction cooktop, spectacular deck and pool. Immaculately manicured lawns and new dog proof fence.


This two bedroom unit with lock-up garage is only a few minutes’ walk to town. Enjoy the benefits of not finding a car park, just leave the car at home and walk to the CBD. Ideal investment or even a great holiday or permanent living.


Greig McFarlane 0412 725 505


5/13 Bent Street Contact agent



1a Ocean Road Contact agent

• Located on the waterfront side of the exclusive Spinnaker Reach development is apartment number 3 with it’s expansive water views and sun drenched courtyard. View 11am Sat 26th September Agent Bronwyn Geppert 0405 109 877 R&H Batemans Bay 02 4472 6055



5/534 George Bass Drive Malua Bay NSW 2536 Phone 02 4471 2283 Fax 02 4471 2913 Email info@southcoastps.com.au


rhbatemansbay.com.au 213

open homes – for sale

provided by For a free open homes listing, speak to your agent today.



Sat 10:00-10:30 35/29 Thynne St

Independent Property Group

0404895162 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:30-13:00 17 Lyndon St

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0437398774 BR5 Auct

Sat 10:30-11:00 3/75 Lampard Cct

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0412971635 BR3 $530k

Sun 10:30-11:00 17 Lyndon St

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0437398774 BR5 Auct

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0414685011 BR4 Auct

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0408128940 BR3 $450k

Sat 11:00-11:45 6 Pink Pl

Morrissey Property Pty Ltd

0433622600 BR3 $419k

Sat 11:00-11:45 9 Prevost Pl

Elders Real Estate

0411096269 BR5 $600k

22/85 Macfarlane Sat 12:45-13:15 Burnet Ave

Ray White - Belconnen

0466671595 BR2 Neg

Sat 13:30-14:00 64 Hollows Cct

Ray White - Belconnen

0466671595 BR3 $409k

Sat 13:45-14:15 7 Hazelton St

Luton Properties

0431419847 BR3 $405k

Sat 10:00-10:45 4 Bell Pl

Luton Properties

0418198891 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:45-11:30 1/24 Lachlan St

Elders Real Estate

0439795369 BR3 Auct

Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $539k

Sat 10:30-11:00 113/8 Baundinette Cct McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR1 $299k

Sun 11:30-12:15 3 Fitzmaurice St

Thu 12:00-14:00 240/39 Benjamin Way Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $479k

Sat 10:30-11:00 2/4 Tauss Pl

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0414734185 BR4 Auct


Thu 12:00-14:00 146/39 Benjamin Way Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $524k

Sat 11:00-12:00 47/8 Baudinette Cct

Independent Property Group

0418633208 BR1 $337k

Sat 10:30-11:00

Thu 12:00-14:00 238/39 Benjamin Way Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $499k

Sat 12:00-12:45 22 Paget St

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0430435330 BR3 Auct

Fri 12:00-14:00 238/39 Benjamin Way Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $499k

Sat 12:00-12:45 61/126 Thynne St

Key Real Estate ACT Pty Ltd

0400281395 BR1 $289k

Fri 12:00-14:00 240/39 Benjamin Way Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $479k

Sat 13:00-13:30 154/1 Braybrooke St

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0422207178 BR1 $249k

Fri 12:00-14:00 39 Benjamin Way

Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $539k

Sat 13:00-13:30 201/9 Watkin St

McGrath - Belconnen

0414212332 BR1 $320k

Fri 12:00-14:00 146/39 Benjamin Way Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $524k

Sat 14:30-15:00 26/101 Kinloch Cct

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0425366663 BR2 $450k

Thu 12:00-14:00 39 Benjamin Way

Sat 10:00-10:30 29/2 Ranken Pl

Elders Real Estate

0432365184 BR1 $255k

Sat 10:30-11:00 30 Howie Crt

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0434484393 BR3 $379k

Sat 11:00-14:00 41 Chandler St

Maxima Property Group

0409007163 BR1 $359k

Sat 11:00-14:00 5/39 Chandler St

Maxima Property Group

0409007163 BR2 $489k

Sat 11:00-15:00 240/39 Benjamin Way Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $479k

Sat 11:00-14:00 3/41 Chandler St

0409007163 BR2 $479k

Maxima Property Group

Sat 11:00-15:00 238/39 Benjamin Way Colliers International Maxima Property Group

0409007163 BR3 EOI

Sat 11:00-14:00 122/41 Chandler St

Maxima Property Group

0409007163 BR2 $499k

Sat 11:00-15:00 146/39 Benjamin Way Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $524k

Sat 11:00-14:00 32/35 Chandler St

Maxima Property Group

0409007163 BR0 $459k

Sat 11:00-15:00 39 Benjamin Way

Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $539k

Sat 12:00-12:30 237/41 Chandler St

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR3 $799k

Sat 12:05-12:35 49/20 Beissel St

Badenoch Real Estate

0412898690 BR2 $359k

Ray White - Woden

0417710772 BR1 Auct

Badenoch Real Estate

0412898690 BR2 $365k

5 'Soho Apartments' Soundy Cl

Sat 12:45-13:15 22B/21 Beissel St Sun 11:00-15:00 39 Benjamin Way

Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $539k

Sun 11:00-14:00 3/41 Chandler St

Maxima Property Group

0409007163 BR2 $479k

Sun 11:00-14:00 122/41 Chandler St

Maxima Property Group

0409007163 BR2 $499k

Sun 11:00-14:00 32/35 Chandler St

Maxima Property Group

0409007163 BR0 $459k

Sun 11:00-14:00 41 Chandler St

Maxima Property Group

0409007163 BR1 $359k

Sun 11:00-15:00 240/39 Benjamin Way Colliers International

Sat 10:00-10:30 16 Crowley Crt

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0418632279 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:30-13:00 23/42 Lhotsky St

Luton Properties

0431419847 BR2 $310k

Wed12:30-13:00 16 Crowley Crt

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0418632279 BR3 Auct

COOK Sat 11:00-11:30 37 Lyttleton Cres

Luton Properties - Dickson

0429487939 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:00-11:30 1 Dugdale St

McGrath - Woden

0466778730 BR4 $645k

0435659746 BR2 $499k

Sat 11:00-14:00 99/41 Chandler St

Sat 12:30-13:30


0435659746 BR2 $479k

Sun 11:00-15:00 146/39 Benjamin Way Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $524k

Sun 11:00-14:00 5/39 Chandler St

Maxima Property Group

0409007163 BR2 $489k

Sun 11:00-14:00 99/41 Chandler St

Maxima Property Group

0409007163 BR3 EOI

Sun 11:00-15:00 238/39 Benjamin Way Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $499k

Mon12:00-14:00 39 Benjamin Way

Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $539k

Mon12:00-14:00 146/39 Benjamin Way Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $524k

Mon12:00-14:00 238/39 Benjamin Way Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $499k

Mon12:00-14:00 240/39 Benjamin Way Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $479k

Tue 12:00-14:00 39 Benjamin Way

DUNLOP Sat 09:30-10:00 23 Simonetti St

Ray White - Belconnen

0488488956 BR4 $549k

Sat 10:00-10:30 16 Mary Hall Cct

LJ Hooker Kippax - Holt

0416121155 BR4 $499k

Sat 11:20-11:50 8 Kilburn Cl

Badenoch Real Estate

0412898690 BR3 $355k

Sat 13:00-13:30 57 Tarrant Cres

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0402064504 BR3 $445k

EVATT Thu 17:00-17:30 17 Gleadow St


0414212332 BR3 $435k

Thu 17:15-17:45 19 Gollan St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0417194699 BR3 Auct

Thu 18:00-18:30 40 Carlile St

Ray White - Belconnen

0405056844 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30 19 Gollan St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0417194699 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:30-11:00 17 Gleadow St


0414212332 BR3 $435k

Wed17:15-17:45 19 Gollan St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0417194699 BR3 Auct

FLYNN Sat 10:30-11:30 23 Hooper Cres

Luton Properties - Holt

0415104200 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:00-11:30 26 Vogelsang Pl

LJ Hooker Kippax - Holt

0416121155 BR3 Auct

Wed18:00-18:30 23 Hooper Cres

Luton Properties - Holt

0415104200 BR3 Auct

142 Macfarlane Burnet Ave


Sat 10:45-11:45 48 Lachlan St

Elders Real Estate

0407808717 BR3 Auct

Wed17:00-17:30 4 Bell Pl

Luton Properties

0418198891 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:45-12:30 18 Heney Cl

Ray White

0488488956 BR5 Auct

Sat 13:45-14:30 74 Dumas St

Maria Selleck Properties

0417258803 BR5 Neg

Thu 17:30-18:00 28 Carandini St

LJ Hooker Kippax - Holt

0416121155 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:45 12/30 Chinner Cres

Elders Real Estate

0409560539 BR2 $299k

Sat 12:00-12:30 28 Carandini St

LJ Hooker Kippax - Holt

0416121155 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:20-13:00 21 Goldner Cct

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0408219148 BR4 Auct

Thu 18:00-18:30 14 Macadam St

Ray White - Belconnen

0466671595 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 37 Petterd St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0417194699 BR3 Auct

Thu 17:30-18:00 42 Ulm Pl

Luton Properties - Dickson

0405135009 BR5 Auct

Sat 09:30-10:15 22 Barlow St

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0439795369 BR3 $395k +


PAGE SCULLIN SPENCE Thu 18:00-18:30 42 Baddeley Cres

Ray White - Belconnen

WEETANGERA Sat 15:00-15:40 157 Springvale Drv

GIRALANG Sat 09:30-10:15 51 Canopus Cres

Morrissey Property Pty Ltd

0433622600 BR1 $289k

Sat 12:45-13:15 5 Baracchi Cres

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0411092990 BR3 $670k+

0405056844 BR3 Auct

Century 21 Capital - FORREST 0418487497 BR5 Neg


AMAROO Sat 09:45-10:15 4/2 Lander Cres

Badenoch Real Estate

0412898690 BR3 $369k

Sat 12:00-12:45 3/3 Barrington Cres

Luton Properties

0404491413 BR3 Auct

Thu 17:30-18:00 3 Eugene Vincent St

Luton Properties

0418453950 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30 25 Ida West St

Luton Properties

0431419847 BR4 $625k

Sat 10:45-11:15 18 Numiari St

Luton Properties

0431419847 BR4 $645k

0432365184 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:45-11:15 38 Irinyili St

Luton Properties

0431419847 BR3 $410k

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0429125492 BR4 $727k

Luton Properties

0418453950 BR4 Auct

HAWKER Sat 09:00-09:30 13/153 Murranji St

Elders Real Estate

0432365184 BR2 $258k

Sat 10:00-10:30 6/3 Bonrook St

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0422207178 BR2 $249k

Sat 12:30-13:00 6 Epenarra Cl

Hodgkinson Real Estate

0412381102 BR3 Neg

Sat 13:15-14:00 14 Moroak St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0417194699 BR4 Auct


Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $539k

Tue 12:00-14:00 238/39 Benjamin Way Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $499k


Tue 12:00-14:00 146/39 Benjamin Way Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $524k

Thu 17:30-18:00 8 Trumper St

Tue 12:00-14:00 240/39 Benjamin Way Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $479k

Sat 10:30-11:00 59/68 Hardwick Cres

LJ Hooker - Weston Creek

0423876287 BR1 $225k

Sat 11:45-12:45 30 Louisa Briggs Cct

Wed12:00-14:00 238/39 Benjamin Way Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $499k

Sat 11:00-11:30 55 Lindrum Cres

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0448476818 BR4 Auct

Sat 13:00-13:30 3 Eugene Vincent St

Wed12:00-14:00 146/39 Benjamin Way Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $524k

Sat 13:15-14:00 6 Boyle Pl

Luton Properties - Holt

0415104200 BR3 $425k

Sat 13:15-13:45 17/15 Bill Ferguson Cct LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

Wed12:00-14:00 39 Benjamin Way

Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $539k


Wed12:00-14:00 240/39 Benjamin Way Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $479k

Thu 16:30-17:00 17 Lyndon St

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0437398774 BR5 Auct

Thu 12:00-12:30 56 Cooley Cres


0410125475 BR4 $639k

Sat 10:00-10:30 47 Gascoyne Cct

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0416087834 BR4 Auct

Thu 12:30-13:30 1-10 Plimsoll Drv

Luton Properties

0410481260 BR4 $550k+

Sat 10:45-11:15 12 Callabonna St

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0416087834 BR4 Auct

Fri 12:00-12:30 56 Cooley Cres


0410125475 BR4 $639k

Sat 11:30-12:15 3 Fitzmaurice St

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0414685011 BR4 Auct

Sat 09:30-10:00 5/16 David Miller Cres LJ Hooker - Kaleen

BRUCE Fri 17:00-17:45 66/8 Baudinette Cct Sat 09:45-10:15 9 Lange Pl


LJ Hooker - Gunghalin LJ Hooker - Dickson

0408694917 BR1 $339k 0412971635 BR4 $705k

Elders Real Estate

0488164426 BR3 Neg


0408128940 BR2 $340k

open homes – for sale

provided by For a free open homes listing, speak to your agent today.

Sat 09:45-10:15 7 Plimsoll Drv


0410125475 BR4 $555k

Sat 11:00-12:30 51 Mummery Tce

Stuart James Real estate

0414249449 BR4 $584k

Sat 11:00-11:30 4 Officer Cres

Maloney’s The Estate Agent

0418632279 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:00-11:45 9 Skermer St

Leader Capital Real Estate

0404011163 BR4 Neg

Sat 11:00-12:30 48 Crackerjack Way

Stuart James Real estate

0414249449 BR4 $580k

Wed12:30-13:00 190 Duffy St

Sadil Quinlan & Associates

0414631607 BR4 Neg

Sat 11:00-11:30 31 Winchester St

Luton Properties - Manuka

0418697844 BR5 $845k

Sat 11:00-12:30 46 Crackerjack Way

Stuart James Real estate

0414249449 BR4 $565k


Sat 12:30-13:30 1-10 Plimsoll Drv

Luton Properties

0410481260 BR4 $550k+


Thu 11:00-13:00 27 Lonsdale St

Luton Properties

0431419847 BR1 $449k

Sat 12:30-13:15 56 Cooley Cres


0410125475 BR4 $639k

Thu 12:00-12:45 67/42 Paul Coe Cres

Southern Property

0400509262 BR3 $379k

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0402914037 BR1 $479k+

Sat 12:45-13:15 1 Tippett St

Luton Properties

0411878587 BR4 $589k

25-29 Palko Thu 11:00-14:00 Lonsdale St

Sat 11:00-11:30 1 Ferguson Cct

LJ Hooker - Weston Creek

0400819650 BR4 Auct

Sat 14:00-14:30 38 Liz O'Neill St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0408446793 BR3 $495k

Sat 11:15-11:45 3 Milari St

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0488164426 BR4 Auct

Sat 14:15-14:45 35 Victoria Owen Cct

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0488164426 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 8 Carara Cl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0418215878 BR3 $385k

Sat 14:45-15:30 10 Beanland St

Maria Selleck Properties

0417258803 BR4 Neg

Sat 12:15-12:45 15 Patten St

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0488164426 BR3 $395k

Sat 15:30-16:15 15 Lansdown Cres

One Agency Gamarra and Co

0405660842 BR3 $455k + Sat 14:30-15:00 3 Windich St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0411414624 BR3 $389k

Sun 11:00-11:45 9 Skermer St

Leader Capital Real Estate

0404011163 BR4 Neg

Tue 12:30-13:30 1-10 Plimsoll Drv

Luton Properties

0410481260 BR4 $550k+

Wed12:00-13:00 24 Grosvenor St

Luton Properties

0410481260 BR4 $769k


NICHOLLS Thu 17:30-18:00 12 Westbury Cct

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0408219148 BR4 Auct

Fri 12:30-13:00 5 Midwinter Pl

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0416014431 BR5 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30 4/107 Lexcen Ave

Sat 12:45-13:15 81 Cocoparra Cres

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR4 $899k

Sat 13:30-14:00 9 Maranunga Cres

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR4 Neg

FORDE Sat 10:00-10:30 3B Deeble St

First National Real Estate

0419698899 BR2 $395k

Sat 10:00-10:30 51 Beveridge Cres

Luton Properties

0405404792 BR5 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 11/1 Jack Ryan St

Luton Properties

0405404792 BR4 Auct

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BR3 $485k

Thu 11:00-14:00 32 'Yamaroshi' Mort St LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0402914037 BR1 $429k+

Thu 12:30-13:30 5/59 Lowanna St

Pinnacle Real Estate

0447009505 BR2 $450k

Thu 15:30-17:30 51-53 Mort St

Colliers International

0457882700 BR2 $660k

Thu 15:30-17:30 51-53 Mort St

Colliers International

0457882700 BR1 $415k+

Thu 15:30-17:30 51-53 Mort St

Colliers International

0457882700 BR2 $685k

410/89-88 Fri 09:30-10:00 Northbourne Ave

Independent Property Group Dickson

0407466199 BR2 $457k

Fri 11:00-14:00 32 'Yamaroshi' Mort St LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0402914037 BR1 $429k+

Fri 11:00-13:00 27 Lonsdale St

Luton Properties

0431419847 BR1 $449k

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0402914037 BR1 $479k+

Sat 11:00-12:00 22 Ebeling Crt

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0412622420 BR4 $895k

25-29 Palko Fri 11:00-14:00 Lonsdale St

Sat 13:00-13:30 5 Midwinter Pl

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0416014431 BR5 Auct

Fri 15:30-17:30 51-53 Mort St

Colliers International

0457882700 BR1 $415k+

Sat 14:30-15:00 9 Edge Pl


0414212332 BR4 $720k

Fri 15:30-17:30 51-53 Mort St

Colliers International

0457882700 BR2 $685k

Sat 15:45-16:30 2 Oldershaw Crt

Maria Selleck Properties

0417258803 BR4 $799k

Fri 15:30-17:30 51-53 Mort St

Colliers International

0457882700 BR2 $660k

Sat 09:30-10:00

401/102 Northbourne McGrath - Dickson Ave

0431543649 BR1 $409k

Sat 10:00-15:00

25-29 Palko Lonsdale St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0402914037 BR1 $479k+

0262133999 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:00-15:00 32 'Yamaroshi' Mort St LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0402914037 BR1 $429k+

0262133999 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30 40/28 Mort St

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0488164426 BR1 Neg

Sat 11:00-11:30 79 Gwen Meredith LoopLuton Properties

0424276109 BR4 Auct

25-29 Palko Sat 10:00-15:00 Lonsdale St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0402914037 BR1 $479k+

Sun 10:00-10:30 40 Elizabeth Jolley Cres LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0262133999 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:15-10:45 904/17 Dooring St

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR2 $450k

Sun 11:00-11:30 24 Alec Hope Cres

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0262133999 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:30-11:00 43/35 Torrens St

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0424288717 BR1 $385k

Tue 17:30-18:00 24 Alec Hope Cres

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0262133999 BR4 Auct

Sat 11:00-15:00 51-53 Mort St

Colliers International

0457882700 BR1 $415k+

Sat 11:00-15:00 51-53 Mort St

Colliers International

0457882700 BR2 $685k

Sat 11:00-11:40 10/50 Lowanna St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0408219148 BR2 $528k

Sat 11:00-15:00 51-53 Mort St

Colliers International

0457882700 BR2 $660k

FRANKLIN Thu 16:30-17:00 40 Elizabeth Jolley Cres LJ Hooker - Gunghalin Thu 17:30-18:00 24 Alec Hope Cres

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

Wed17:15-17:45 79 Gwen Meredith LoopLuton Properties

0424276109 BR4 Auct


Visit us at one of our display offices ljhookerprojects.com.au

Sat 09:15-09:45 26 Mary Gillespie Ave McGrath - Dickson

0417687379 BR4 $630k

Sat 10:00-14:00 Uptown Hinder St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0402914037 BR1 $259k+


Sat 10:30-11:15 15 Ansett St

Ray White - Belconnen

0488488956 BR5 Auct

Sat 12:30-13:15 16 Wambo Cl

Sat 10:30-11:00 3/350 Gundaroo Drv

Badenoch Real Estate

0435921229 BR2 $360k

Sat 12:30-13:00 18 Winarlia Ln

LJ Hooker - Dickson

Sun 11:00-15:00 Uptown Hinder St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

Sat 12:00-12:30 408/51 Mort St

Maloney’s The Estate Agent

0262320100 BR1 $395k

0439952857 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 405/51 Mort St

Maloney’s The Estate Agent

0262320100 BR1 $441k

Sat 14:30-15:15 80 Mainwaring Rich CctLJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0449557073 BR3 Auct

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0410633247 BR1 $350k

0412971635 BR2 $445k

Sat 15:20-15:50 18 Tinderry Cct

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0433338429 BR5 Auct

303/86-88 Sat 12:10-12:30 Northbourne Ave

0402914037 BR1 $259k+

Wed17:00-17:30 16 Wambo Cl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0439952857 BR3 Auct

HARRISON Sat 10:00-15:00

2 Symphony Park Sapling St

Sat 10:00-10:45 101A Moonlight Ave

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

MOLONGLO VALLEY LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0408488148 BR2 $257k+

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0411096269 BR4 $565k

COOMBS Block 1 Section 28 Sat 10:00-15:00 Kardia

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0408488148 BR4 $430k

Sat 10:00-15:00

1 Symphony Park Sapling St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0408488148 BR1 $257k

Sat 10:00-15:00

Sat 11:00-16:00

162 Flemington Rd 'Hudson Square'

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0408488148 BR1 $265k

Sat 13:45-14:15 28 Ken Tribe St


0410125475 BR3 $590k

Sun 10:00-13:00

Block 1 Section 28 Kardia

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0408488148 BR4 $510k

0408488148 BR1 $265k

Block 1 Section 28 Sun 10:00-13:00 Kardia

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0408488148 BR4 $430k

Sat 11:15-11:45 45/144 Flemington Rd Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0410633247 BR2 $289k


2 Symphony Park Sun 10:00-15:00 Sapling St

0408488148 BR2 $257k+

Sat 11:30-15:00

Sat 11:00-11:45 133 Nullarbor Ave 162 Flemington Rd Sat 11:00-16:00 'Hudson Square'

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

Block 1 Section 28 Kardia

1 Northpoint Philip Hodgins St

Sun 10:00-15:00

1 Symphony Park Sapling St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0408488148 BR1 $257k

Sat 12:00-12:30 32 Serventy St

Sun 10:00-15:00

2 Symphony Park Sapling St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0408488148 BR2 $257k+

Sun 13:30-16:00

1 Symphony Park Sun 10:00-15:00 Sapling St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0408488148 BR4 $510k

Luton Properties

0431419847 BR4 $950k

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0400853501 BR2 $269k+

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0408128940 BR5 Auct

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0400853501 BR2 $269k+


0408488148 BR1 $257k


MONCRIEFF Sat 11:00-12:30 61 Malton Way

1 Northpoint Philip Hodgins St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

Stuart James Real estate

0414249449 BR4 $610k

Sat 10:15-10:45 3 & 3A Toms Cres

Sun 10:00-15:00 32 'Yamaroshi' Mort St LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0402914037 BR1 $429k+

25-29 Palko Sun 10:00-15:00 Lonsdale St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0402914037 BR1 $479k+

25-29 Palko Sun 10:00-15:00 Lonsdale St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0402914037 BR1 $479k+

Sun 11:00-15:00 51-53 Mort St

Colliers International

0457882700 BR2 $685k

Sun 11:00-15:00 51-53 Mort St

Colliers International

0457882700 BR2 $660k

Sun 11:00-15:00 51-53 Mort St

Colliers International

0457882700 BR1 $415k+

Mon15:30-17:30 51-53 Mort St

Colliers International

0457882700 BR1 $415k+

Mon15:30-17:30 51-53 Mort St

Colliers International

0457882700 BR2 $660k

Mon15:30-17:30 51-53 Mort St

Colliers International

0457882700 BR2 $685k

Tue 15:30-17:30 51-53 Mort St

Colliers International

0457882700 BR1 $415k+

Tue 15:30-17:30 51-53 Mort St

Colliers International

0457882700 BR2 $660k

Tue 15:30-17:30 51-53 Mort St

Colliers International

0457882700 BR2 $685k

Wed15:30-17:30 51-53 Mort St

Colliers International

0457882700 BR1 $415k+

Wed15:30-17:30 51-53 Mort St

Colliers International

0457882700 BR2 $685k

Wed15:30-17:30 51-53 Mort St

Colliers International

0457882700 BR2 $660k

Luton Properties - Manuka

0427214337 BR4 Auct

CAMPBELL LJ Hooker - Dickson

0416014431 BR5 $1.3M+

Sat 09:45-10:30 16 Ferdinand St


open homes – for sale

provided by For a free open homes listing, speak to your agent today.

Sat 10:00-10:30 14/8 Edmondson St

Wright Dunn Real Estate

0418623352 BR1 $270k

Sat 14:00-16:00 26 De Burgh St

Independent Property Group

0404895162 BR1 $329k+


Sat 12:00-12:45 50 Blamey Cres

Paul and Robyn Sutton Prop

0407099175 BR5 Neg

Sun 14:00-15:00 26 De Burgh St

Independent Property Group

0404895162 BR1 $329k+

Sat 09:30-10:00 10 Carrington St

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0411244874 BR2 Auct

Tue 16:45-17:15 16 Ferdinand St

Luton Properties - Manuka

0427214337 BR4 Auct


Sat 10:00-10:30 1/6 Chermside St

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR2 $399k

Wed16:30-17:00 16 Ferdinand St

Luton Properties - Manuka

0427214337 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:30-13:15 206 Dryandra St

Maria Selleck Properties

0417258803 BR4 Tender

Sat 13:00-13:45 13 Northcote Cres

Luton Properties - Manuka

0418198891 BR4 $2.5M

Sat 12:45-13:15 22/50 Bluebell St

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BR1 Auct

Sat 14:15-15:00 21 Grey St

Luton Properties - Manuka

0419208244 BR3 Auct

CITY Thu 10:00-18:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR2 $625k+


Thu 10:00-18:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR3 $865k+

Sat 15:45-16:15 42 Allambee St

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR3 $950k

GRIFFITH Sat 10:00-13:00 109 Canberra Ave

Colliers International

0424165567 BR1 $351k

Thu 10:00-18:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR1 $445k+

Wed18:00-18:30 52 Booroondara St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0434973987 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:30-11:00 36/8 Giles St

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0411092990 BR2 $429k

Sat 12:00-12:30 4 Leichhardt St

Dwyer Dunn Property Consultants - Kingston

0418623324 BR2 $630k

Sat 12:40-13:10 48/9 Oxley St

Ray White - Woden

0404857929 BR2 $395k

Sat 13:00-13:30 66/6-10 Eyre St

Maloney’s The Estate Agent

0262320100 BR2 $420k

Sat 13:00-13:30 12/13-15 Sturt Ave

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0408662119 BR2 $430k

Sat 13:30-14:00 40 Stuart St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412997894 BR4 Auct

0416087834 BR1 Neg

Sun 10:00-13:00 109 Canberra Ave

Colliers International

0424165567 BR1 $351k

0408868511 BR1 $370k


Thu 13:00-13:30 722/240 Bunda St

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR2 $630k


Fri 10:00-18:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR2 $625k+

Thu 12:00-12:30 52 Macleay St

Paul and Robyn Sutton Prop

0407099175 BR1 Neg

Fri 10:00-18:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR3 $865k+

Sat 11:00-12:00 52 Macleay St

Paul and Robyn Sutton Prop

0407099175 BR1 Neg

Fri 10:00-18:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR1 $445k+

Sat 11:00-11:30 26/28 Watson St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0410414872 BR2 Neg

Sat 09:45-10:15 722/240 Bunda St

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR2 $630k

Sat 11:00-11:45 23/54 Moore St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0402230057 BR2 $460k

Sat 10:00-15:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR2 $625k+

Sat 11:30-12:00

Sat 10:00-15:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR3 $865k+

Sat 10:00-15:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR1 $445k+

Thu 12:00-14:00 9-11 Leichhardt St

Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $535k+

Independent Property Group Dickson


Sat 11:15-11:45 33/1 Gordon St

0407466199 BR1 $370k

Sat 10:00-10:45 12 Wade St

McGrath - Dickson

0414819377 BR4 $750k

Thu 12:00-14:00 9-11 Leichhardt St

Colliers International

0435659746 BR1 $475k+

Sat 12:00-12:30 166/15 Coranderrk St LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0410414872 BR2 Neg

Sat 11:30-12:00 205 Aspinall St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0412971635 BR3 Auct

Fri 11:00-15:00 1 Honeysett View


0261548960 BR1 $379k

Sat 12:15-12:45 1519/25 Edinburgh AveLJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR3 $1.4M

Fri 11:00-15:00 1 Honeysett View


0261548960 BR3 $840k

Sun 10:00-15:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR3 $865k+

Fri 11:00-15:00 1 Honeysett View


0261548960 BR2 $665k

Sun 10:00-15:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR2 $625k+

Fri 12:00-14:00 9-11 Leichhardt St

Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $535k+

Sun 10:00-15:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR1 $445k+

Fri 12:00-14:00 9-11 Leichhardt St

Colliers International

0435659746 BR1 $475k+

Mon10:00-18:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR2 $625k+

Sat 10:30-11:00 49/10 Burke Cres

Maloney’s The Estate Agent

0407715244 BR1 $389k

Mon10:00-18:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR1 $445k+

Sat 11:00-15:00 9-11 Leichhardt St

Colliers International

0435659746 BR1 $475k+

Mon10:00-18:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR3 $865k+

Sat 11:00-11:30 63/21 Dawes St

Wright Dunn Real Estate

0418623352 BR1 Neg

Tue 10:00-18:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR2 $625k+

Sat 11:00-15:00 1 Honeysett View


0261548960 BR1 $379k

Tue 10:00-18:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR3 $865k+

Sat 11:00-15:00 9-11 Leichhardt St

Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $535k+

Tue 10:00-18:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR1 $445k+

Sat 11:00-11:30 32/10 Burke Cres

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418832091 BR1 $369k

Wed10:00-18:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR2 $625k+

Sat 11:00-15:00 1 Honeysett View


0261548960 BR2 $665k

Wed10:00-18:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR3 $865k+

Sat 11:00-15:00 1 Honeysett View


0261548960 BR3 $840k

Wed10:00-18:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR1 $445k+

Sat 11:00-12:15 77 Leichhardt St

Independent Property Group

0404895162 BR1 $454k

Sat 11:15-11:45 37/11 Trevillian Quay

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR2 $589k

Sat 12:00-12:30 21/22 Leichhardt St

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR2 $399k

Sat 12:20-12:50 10/6 Howitt St

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0416087834 BR3 $520k

Sat 13:30-14:00 17/17 Trevillian Quay

Luton Properties - Manuka

0418697844 BR2 $739k

Sat 14:30-15:30 24/7 Eastlake Pde

McGrath - Dickson

0417238945 BR3 EOI

Sun 11:00-15:00 1 Honeysett View


0261548960 BR3 $840k

Sun 11:00-15:00 1 Honeysett View


0261548960 BR2 $665k

DICKSON Sat 10:00-10:30 3/6 Guthrie St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0410414872 BR1 $340k

Sat 11:00-16:00 6-8 Cape St

Independent Property Group

0418632217 BR2 $424k+

Sat 11:00-16:00 6-8 Cape St

Independent Property Group

0418632217 BR3 $569k+

43/219A Northbourne LJ Hooker - Kaleen Ave

Sat 11:50-12:30 7/77 Northbourne

Step Inside

Independent Property Group Dickson

0431797891 BR4 Neg

Sat 11:45-12:30 56/215 Aspinall St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0413621131 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 141/215 Aspinall St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0416014431 BR2 Auct

Sat 11:30-12:00 26 Mary Kitson St


BARTON Thu 12:00-14:00 101/30 Blackall St

Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $649K

Thu 12:00-14:00 30 & 32 Blackall St

Colliers International

0435659746 BR1 $345k+

Sat 11:00-16:00 6-8 Cape St

Independent Property Group

0418632217 BR1 $344k+

Sat 11:00-11:30 2 McGowan Pl

Step Inside

0408868511 BR0 $359k

Sat 11:30-12:00 11 McGowan St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0411367700 BR3 Auct

Fri 12:00-14:00 101/30 Blackall St

Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $649K

Colliers International

0435659746 BR1 $345k+

Sun 11:00-15:00 1 Honeysett View


0261548960 BR1 $379k

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0401005282 BR2 $819k

Sun 13:00-15:00 9-11 Leichhardt St

Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $535k+

Sun 13:00-15:00 9-11 Leichhardt St

Colliers International

0435659746 BR1 $475k+

Sat 13:30-14:00 45 Lowrie St

Independent Property Group

0407121412 BR4 Auct

Fri 12:00-14:00 30 & 32 Blackall St

Sun 13:30-16:00 6-8 Cape St

Independent Property Group

0418632217 BR2 $424k+

Sat 11:45-12:15 27/1 Sydney Ave

Sun 13:30-16:00 6-8 Cape St

Independent Property Group

0418632217 BR3 $569k+

Sat 12:00-15:00 101/30 Blackall St

Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $649K

Sun 13:30-16:00 6-8 Cape St

Independent Property Group

0418632217 BR1 $344k+

Sat 12:00-15:00 30 & 32 Blackall St

Colliers International

0435659746 BR1 $345k+

DOWNER Sat 10:00-10:30 5 Lucas Pl

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0413883561 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:00-11:45 31 Legge St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0413883561 BR5 Auct

HACKETT Step Inside

0402067963 BR2 $320k

Sat 13:15-13:45 7/11 Tyron St

First National Real Estate

0408408603 BR1 $195k

LYNEHAM Sat 11:00-11:45 6/17 Fernyhough St


Colliers International

0435659746 BR1 $345k+

Sun 12:00-15:00 101/30 Blackall St

Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $649K

Mon12:00-14:00 101/30 Blackall St

Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $649K

Mon12:00-14:00 30 & 32 Blackall St

Sat 10:00-10:45 15/131 Rivett St

Sat 10:00-10:45 3 De Burgh St

Sun 12:00-15:00 30 & 32 Blackall St

Paul and Robyn Sutton Prop First National Real Estate

0407099175 BR3 Neg 0421485758 BR3 $490k

Colliers International

Sun 14:00-15:00 77 Leichhardt St

Independent Property Group

0404895162 BR1 $454k

Mon12:00-14:00 9-11 Leichhardt St

Colliers International

0435659746 BR1 $475k+

Mon12:00-14:00 9-11 Leichhardt St

Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $535k+

Tue 12:00-14:00 9-11 Leichhardt St

Colliers International

0435659746 BR1 $475k+

Tue 12:00-14:00 9-11 Leichhardt St

Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $535k+

Wed12:00-14:00 9-11 Leichhardt St

Colliers International

0435659746 BR1 $475k+

Wed12:00-14:00 9-11 Leichhardt St

Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $535k+

0435659746 BR1 $345k+

Tue 12:00-14:00 30 & 32 Blackall St

Colliers International

0435659746 BR1 $345k+

Tue 12:00-14:00 101/30 Blackall St

Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $649K

Wed12:00-14:00 30 & 32 Blackall St

Colliers International

0435659746 BR1 $345k+

Wed12:00-14:00 101/30 Blackall St

Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $649K

NARRABUNDAH Thu 17:00-17:30 19/41 Leahy Cl

Ray White - Woden

0404857929 BR2 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30 10 Johnston St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412152607 BR4 Auct

open homes – for sale

provided by For a free open homes listing, speak to your agent today.

Sat 11:30-12:00 26 Caley Cres

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412997894 BR4 Auct


Sat 11:45-12:45 19/41 Leahy Cl

Ray White - Woden

0404857929 BR2 Auct

Sat 15:30-16:00 27 Bruxner Cl


MONASH LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0412281735 BR4 Auct


Sat 10:00-10:30

3/30 William Hudson Cres

Badenoch Real Estate

0412898690 BR3 $390k

Sat 10:00-10:30 3 Harkness St

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0424288717 BR4 $730k

Sat 10:00-10:30 37 Alabaster St

Luton Properties

0411878587 BR4 Auct

Sat 09:45-10:30 9 Borrowdale St

McGrath - Dickson

0419715736 BR4 $1.1M

Thu 11:30-12:15 7/40 Florence Taylor St Independent Property Group

0434391943 BR3 $399k

Sat 10:30-11:00 252 La Perouse St

Luton Properties - Manuka

0419208244 BR5 Auct

Thu 12:00-17:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0408488148 BR2 $359k

Sat 11:30-12:00 1/35 Esperance St

Maloney’s The Estate Agent

0407715244 BR3 $1M+

Thu 12:00-17:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0408488148 BR1 $269k

Sat 11:00-11:40 33 Kneeshaw St

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0417263678 BR3 $560k

Thu 12:00-17:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0408488148 BR1 $269k

Wed17:00-17:30 37 Alabaster St

Luton Properties

0411878587 BR4 Auct

Fri 12:00-17:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0408488148 BR2 $359k


Fri 12:00-17:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0408488148 BR1 $269k

Sat 10:45-11:15

15/77 Newman Morris Cct

Luton Properties

0411878587 BR2 $379k

Sat 12:00-12:30

149 Newman Morris Cct

Luton Properties - Tuggeranong 0449234646 BR4 Auct

YARRALUMLA Sat 10:15-10:45 6 Blakely Row

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR4 $1.5M

Sat 14:30-15:30 10 Turner Pl

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0417263678 BR3 $880k

Sat 14:45-15:30 4/65 Musgrave St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0401005282 BR3 Auct


BANKS Sat 11:00-11:30 44 Wiburd St

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0412281735 BR3 $359k

Sat 12:00-12:45 4 Reader Crt

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0409015400 BR3 $420k

Sat 14:00-14:30 7/41 Bellchambers CresLJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0412773938 BR3 $400k

Sat 14:30-15:00 17 House Cct

0410006528 BR4 $450k

Ray White - Woden

BONYTHON Sat 13:00-13:40

2/33 Tenison Woods Cct

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0417263678 BR3 $375k

Sat 10:00-10:45 83 Downard St

Maria Selleck Properties

0417258803 BR5 Tender

Sat 10:30-11:15 46 Fink Cres

Key Real Estate ACT Pty Ltd

0400281395 BR4 $590k

Sat 11:00-11:45 130 Outtrim Ave

Luton Properties

0414538348 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:40 73 Casey Cres

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0417263678 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 67 Duggan St

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0438924400 BR3 $445k

Sat 12:30-13:00 40/32 Were St

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0412281735 BR3 $335k

Sat 13:30-14:10 21 Casey Cres

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0412281735 BR4 $499k

Sat 09:00-09:20 26/58 Eileen Good St LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0424288717 BR4 $499k

Sat 10:00-10:30 223/142 Anketell St

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BR1 $269k

Sat 10:15-10:45 43/58 Cowlishaw St

Ray White - Woden

0404857929 BR2 $384k

182 Newman Morris Sat 12:00-12:30 Cct

Sat 11:00-13:00 61 Watermark


0409007313 BR3 $599k


Sat 11:00-16:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0408488148 BR1 $269k

Sat 11:00-13:00 94 Watermark


0409007313 BR2 $339k

Sat 11:00-13:00 26 Watermark


0409007313 BR3 $489k

Sat 11:00-13:00 69 Watermark


0409007313 BR2 $319k


Sat 13:45-14:15 36 Denovan Cct

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0411049242 BR3 Auct

Sat 14:45-15:15 10/92 Casey Cres

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0408662119 BR3 Auct

Tue 17:00-17:30 130 Outtrim Ave

Luton Properties

Sat 12:45-13:30 7 Proctor St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0407766717 BR3 $490k

Sun 11:00-16:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0408488148 BR1 $269k

Sun 11:00-13:00 61 Watermark


0409007313 BR3 $599k

Sat 09:30-10:00 4 Plante Pl

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0424288717 BR3 $445k

Sun 11:00-16:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0408488148 BR1 $269k

Sat 11:00-11:30 67 James Smith Cct

Ray White - Woden

0410006528 BR3 $420k

Sun 11:00-13:00 26 Watermark


0409007313 BR3 $489k

Sat 11:45-12:15 10 Darebin Pl

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0412281735 BR4 $529k

Sun 11:00-13:00 94 Watermark


0409007313 BR2 $339k

Sat 12:00-12:30 2/1 Jane Price Cres

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0414665626 BR3 $399k


Sat 13:00-13:30 1 Curlew Pl

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0414665626 BR4 $499k

Sat 11:00-11:40 6 Bow Pl

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0417263678 BR3 Auct

Sat 13:00-13:30 9 Hilton Cl

Maloney’s The Estate Agent

0407715244 BR3 $600k

GORDON Sat 09:30-10:00 7 Woodfull Loop

Ray White - Woden

0404857929 BR4 $599k

Sat 09:30-10:00 83 Jim Pike Ave

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0416227666 BR3 $380k+

Sat 10:00-10:30 10 McKivat Cl

Ray White

0402343771 BR3 $400k

Sat 13:45-14:15 58 Woodfull Loop

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0412281735 BR4 Auct

0400545343 BR3 $487k

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0400545343 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:30-13:00 37 Goldfinch Cct

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0411414624 BR3 $540k

Sat 13:30-14:00 27 Dyett Cct

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0409446289 BR3 Auct

17/67 Ern Florence Sat 14:00-14:30 Cres

Wright Dunn Real Estate

0418623352 BR3 $365k

Wed16:00-16:30 8 Eltham Pl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0400545343 BR4 Auct

Thu 17:30-18:30 21 Maltby Cct

For Sale By Owner Australia Pty 0437588960 BR4 Neg Ltd - Balaclava

Sat 09:30-10:00 3 Strachan Pl

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

Sat 09:30-10:15 21 Degraves Cres

Luton Properties - Tuggeranong 0428139969 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 4 Pyke Pl

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0409446289 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:45-13:15 10/17 Ashley Drv

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0409446289 BR1 $399k 0418623324 BR3 Neg

0415735777 BR3 Auct

0409446289 BR3 Auct

0409007313 BR2 $319k

Luton Properties - Tuggeranong 0449234646 BR4 Auct

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

Sat 11:15-12:00 8 Eltham Pl

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong


Sat 10:00-10:30 13 Richter Cl

Sat 10:30-11:00 13 Christmas St

Wed17:30-18:00 4 Pyke Pl

Sun 11:00-13:00 69 Watermark


0412624412 BR3 $342k

0418623324 BR3 Neg

0434391943 BR3 $399k

0419208353 BR4 Neg

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

Dwyer Dunn Property Consultants - Kingston

Sat 13:15-14:15 7/40 Florence Taylor St Independent Property Group

0412281735 BR2 Auct

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

Sat 09:00-09:30 1/12 Burdett Cres


Wed12:30-13:00 4 Riddell Crt

0415735777 BR4 $549k

Sat 16:30-17:00 12 Muskett Pl

0402230057 BR4 $595k

Sat 13:45-14:30 4 Riddell Crt

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0412281735 BR4 Auct

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

Sat 15:15-15:45 37 Twamley Cres

0413188619 BR4 Auct

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0402225405 BR5 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:40 51 Mortimer Lewis Drv Ray White - Tuggeranong

Sat 12:30-13:00 28 Lort Pl

Sat 14:45-15:15 15 Kohlhagen St

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

Dwyer Dunn Property Consultants - Kingston

Sat 11:30-12:00 55 Rose Scott Cct


0412898690 BR2 $369k


0414538348 BR3 Auct


Sat 10:45-11:30 20/170 Clive Steele AveBadenoch Real Estate


DUFFY Thu 17:30-18:00 21 Kallara Cl

Luton Properties

0411878587 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:45 31 Cargelligo St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0411414624 BR4 $969k

Sat 10:00-10:45 27 Chillagoe St

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:15-10:45 205A Badimara St

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR2 Neg

Sat 11:30-12:00 28 Kambalda Cres

Bertram Ellis Real Estate Champan

0417295755 BR4 Auct

Sat 13:30-14:15 14/5 Hyndes Cres

Bertram Ellis Real Estate Champan

0403953056 BR4 Neg

Bertram Ellis Real Estate Champan

0403953056 BR4 Neg


Sat 14:00-14:30 26 Kerkeri Cl

Maloney’s The Estate Agent

0418632279 BR3 $400k

Sat 14:30-15:15 23 Marengo Pl

Paul and Robyn Sutton Prop

0407099175 BR3 Neg

Thu 17:00-17:30 46 Maxworthy St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0434973987 BR4 Auct

Thu 17:00-17:30 7 Naismith Pl

Luton Properties - Manuka

0427214337 BR5 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:40 37 Allchin Cct

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0417263678 BR4 $570k

Sun 11:00-11:30 14/5 Hyndes Cres

Sat 10:30-11:00 4 Downward Pl

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0409446289 BR3 Auct


Sat 11:00-11:00 4 Downward Pl

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0409446289 BR3 Auct

Thu 13:00-13:30 22 Nelumbo St

Luton Properties

0411878587 BR4 $599k

Sat 11:45-12:15 36/25 Pinkerton Cct

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0409574178 BR2 $319k

Sat 11:00-11:30 31 Angophora St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0419593517 BR4 $539k

Sat 14:30-15:15 54 Eagle Cct

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0430435330 BR4 $535k

Sat 11:30-12:00 2 Burgan Pl

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0424288717 BR4 Auct

Sat 16:00-16:30 6 Toole Pl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412726025 BR3 Neg

Sat 11:45-12:15 22 Nelumbo St

Luton Properties

0411878587 BR4 $599k




open homes – for sale

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Sat 10:30-11:00 15 McCubbin St

Independent Property Group

0407245177 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30 14/1 Port Jackson Cct Luton Properties - Manuka

0417513896 BR2 $340k



CHIFLEY Sat 09:00-09:30 34 Eggleston Cres

McGrath - Woden

0413503312 BR4 Neg

Sat 09:30-10:00 58/17 Medley St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0419593517 BR1 $250k

Sat 12:00-12:45 94 Beasley St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412152607 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 38 Basedow St

McGrath - Dickson

0414819377 BR4 Neg


Sat 09:30-10:00 30 Stonehaven Cct

Mates Rates Real Estate

0413884408 BR3 $509k

Sat 09:45-10:15 5/46 Carrington St

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0402378655 BR2 Neg

Sat 10:00-10:30 60 Molonglo St

Ray White

0402343771 BR4 $485k

Sat 10:00-10:30 37B Thurralilly St

One Agency Mark McCann

0411665503 BR3 $350k

Sat 10:00-10:45 11/78 Derrima Rd

McGrath - Woden

0429990197 BR3 $460k

Sat 10:00-10:30 29/86 Derrima Rd

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417299826 BR2 $220k

Sat 10:15-10:45 5/48 Charteris Cres

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0419593517 BR2 $439k


Sat 13:00-13:30 49 Maclaurin Cres

Wright Dunn Real Estate

0418623352 BR4 Neg

Sat 12:00-12:45 250 Badgery Rd

Luton Properties

0427214337 BR2 $699k

Sat 10:15-10:45 30/86 Derrima Rd

Mates Rates Real Estate

0413884408 BR2 $219k

Sat 13:30-14:00 4/102 Eggleston Cres Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0411414624 BR2 $500k

Sun 14:00-15:00 178 Williamsdale Rd

Property Now

1300815051 BR4 EOI

Sat 10:15-10:45 12B/17 Uriarra Rd

Ian McNamee & Partners

0410774821 BR3 $350k

Sat 15:00-15:45 28/7 Medley St

0411049242 BR2 $279k


Sat 10:30-11:00 102 Uriarra Rd

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0419683599 BR2 $357k

Sat 10:30-11:00 37 McIntosh St

RE/MAX Capital

0404891591 BR3 $365k

Sat 11:00-11:30 3/23 McKeahnie St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0437998509 BR2 $335k

Sat 11:00-13:00 1-8/18 Richard Ave

Ian McNamee & Partners

0437226740 BR2 $350k+

Mates Rates Real Estate

0413884408 BR2 $225k

Independent Property Group

0410583048 BR3 $269k

Sat 11:15-11:45 36/39-43 Crawford St Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0419683599 BR1 $265k

Sat 11:20-11:50 41 Alanbar St

LJ Hooker - Queanbeyan

0416182379 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:30-12:00 8/6 Adams St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0419683599 BR4 $379k

Sat 11:40-12:10 11/12 Waniassa St

Ray White

0402343771 BR2 $300k

Sat 11:45-12:15 67 Campbell St

Mates Rates Real Estate

0413884408 BR2 $460k

Sat 12:00-16:00 47-49 Mowatt St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0437226740 BR1 $269k+

Sat 12:00-12:30 44 Lorn Rd

Ian McNamee & Partners

0403604888 BR3 $389k+

Sat 12:15-13:00 2/16 Derrima Rd

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418832091 BR2 $235k

Sat 12:15-12:45 44 Hellmund St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0419683599 BR3 $429k

Sat 12:30-13:00 54 Donald Rd

Mates Rates Real Estate

0413884408 BR4 $360k

Sat 12:30-13:00 4 Anne St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418611044 BR3 $349k

Sat 13:15-14:00 45 Rusten St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418611044 BR3 $569k

Sat 13:15-13:45 4/8 Killard St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0425366663 BR2 $290k


Sat 14:45-15:15 5/5 McKeahnie St

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR3 $429k

Sat 11:00-11:30 11 Esmond Ave

Ray White - Queanbeyan

0402343771 BR4 Auct

Sat 15:00-15:40 13-15 Morisset St

Ray White

0402343771 BR3 $540k

Sat 11:45-12:15 18 Dora St

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BR3 $509k

Sat 15:00-15:40 13-15 Morisset St

Ray White

0402343771 BR1 $288k+

Sat 13:00-13:30 7 Robinia Pl

McGrath - Woden

0413503312 BR4 Neg

Sat 15:00-15:40 13-15 Morisett St

Ray White

0402343771 BR2 $345k+

Sat 13:00-13:30 35 Forest Drv

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418633806 BR4 $699k

Sat 15:00-16:00 5/5 Waterloo St

McGrath - Woden

0429990197 BR2 $399k

Sat 13:15-14:00 18 Elm Way

Paul and Robyn Sutton Properties

0407099175 BR4 Neg

Sun 11:00-13:00 1-8/18 Richard Ave

Ian McNamee & Partners

0437226740 BR2 $350k+

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong


Thu 16:30-17:30 1-8/2-4 McKeahnie St Independent Property Group

0410583048 BR3 $429k+

Sat 09:30-10:00 20 Reynolds St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412631763 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:45 15 Agnes Ave

Luton Properties - Manuka

0419650993 BR4 $449k

Sat 11:00-11:30 3 Champ Pl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0411414624 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:00-12:00 5 Northcott St

McGrath - Woden

0429990197 BR4 $525k

Sat 12:30-13:00 9/1 Waddell Pl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0400545343 BR2 $409k

Sat 13:20-13:50 35/86 Derrima Rd

Sat 12:30-13:00 7/89 Allan St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0411414624 BR2 Auct

Sat 14:00-15:30 1-8/2-4 McKeahnie St Independent Property Group

0410583048 BR3 $429k+ Sat 11:00-11:30 9/11 Mckeahnie St

Sat 12:30-13:00 89 Allan St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0411414624 BR2 $429k+

Wed17:30-18:00 35/86 Derrima Rd

Ray White - Queanbeyan

0402343771 BR2 Auct

Sat 12:45-13:15 57/3 Waddell Pl

Luton Properties

0411878587 BR2 $279k

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418633806 BR4 $1.1M+

FARRER Ray White - Tuggeranong

0417263678 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30 16 Molineaux Pl

Bertram Ellis Real Estate

0412622006 BR4 Auct

Sat 08:30-09:00 7 Sabine Cl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0400545343 BR5 Auct

Sat 11:15-12:00 13 Stephens Pl

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0408662119 BR4 Auct

0402343771 BR2 Auct

GOOGONG Sat 10:00-10:45 51 Evans Rd

Sat 09:30-10:00 2 Drevermann St

Ray White - Queanbeyan


HUGHES Sat 11:45-12:30 7 Colvin St

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:15-13:00 10 Glynn St

Luton Properties - Manuka

0418697844 BR3 Auct

Tue 11:30-12:00 10 Glynn St

Luton Properties - Manuka

0418697844 BR3 Auct

ISAACS Sat 11:15-12:00 28A Hansen Cct

Maria Selleck Properties

0417258803 BR3 Neg

LYONS Sat 10:00-10:45 8 Longford St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0411414624 BR3 $585k

Sat 11:00-11:30 60/5 Burnie St

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BR2 $454k

Sat 11:00-11:30 80/179 Melrose Drv

Ray White - Woden

0404857929 BR2 $279k

Sat 11:30-12:00 10/18 Devonport St

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0411092990 BR1 $350k+

Sat 12:20-13:00 13 Deloraine St

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0408662119 BR3 Auct

Sat 14:00-16:00 9/5 Burnie St

Independent Property Group

0407245177 BR2 $495k

Sun 14:00-16:00 9/5 Burnie St

Independent Property Group

Sat 10:30-11:00 69 Hurley St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0411367700 BR3 $629k

Sat 10:45-11:15 31/10 Wilkins St

Hodgkinson Real Estate

0437357855 BR2 $279k

Sat 10:45-11:15 36/10 Wilkins St

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BR2 $299k

Sat 11:00-11:30 3 Rymill Pl

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR3 Neg

Ray White - Woden

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0410633247 BR4 $895k

Sat 15:00-15:45 18 Beltana Ave

Independent Property Group

0412136603 BR4 $579k

0407245177 BR2 $495k


Sat 13:00-13:30 17/6 Heard St

Sat 13:15-13:45 19 Mcintyre Cres

0410006528 BR2 $285k


Sat 14:00-14:45 70 Carolyn Jackson Drv Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0419683599 BR5 Neg

Sun 12:00-16:00 47-49 Mowatt St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0437226740 BR1 $269k+

Sat 14:00-14:30 145 Bicentennial Drv

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418633806 BR6 $899k

Wed16:00-16:45 1-30/20 Lowe St

LJ Hooker - Queanbeyan

0438174400 BR1 $295k

Sat 14:15-15:00 10 Benalla Crt

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412488027 BR7 Auct


Wed17:00-17:45 70 Carolyn Jackson Drv Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0419683599 BR5 Neg

KARABAR Sat 10:50-11:20 4/11 Barracks Flat Drv Ray White

0402343771 BR2 $320k

Sat 11:00-11:45 67 Candlebark Rd

0419650993 BR4 $749k

Sat 12:30-13:10 35 Pindari Cres

Sat 12:45-13:15 7/44 Dalman Cres

Luton Properties

0431419847 BR4 $1.6M

Sat 12:45-13:30 55 Culgoa Cct

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BR6 Tender


Luton Properties - Manuka Ray White

0402343771 BR5 $779k


Sat 09:15-10:00 34 Thurralilly St

RE/MAX Capital

0404891591 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:40-12:10 10/12 Waniassa St

Ray White

0402343771 BR3 $350k

Sat 12:00-12:30 40/64 Carrington St

RE/MAX Capital

0429843777 BR3 Auct

Sat 13:15-14:00 15/13-15 Mowatt St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0410774821 BR2 $243k

Sat 13:45-14:30 3/6 O'Neill St

Independent Property Group

0412136603 BR3 $439k

Thu 16:30-17:30 47-49 Mowatt St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0437226740 BR1 $269k+


Thu 17:00-17:30 35/64 Carrington St

Luton Properties

0404491413 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:45 2/16 Telopea Pl

Luton Properties - Manuka

0419650993 BR3 $435k+

Sat 14:10-14:40 11/13-15 Gilmore Pl

Ray White

0402343771 BR1 $139k

Sat 13:30-14:00 21/6 Kemsley Pl

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0408128940 BR2 $400k

Thu 17:00-17:45 31 Fergus Rd

RE/MAX Capital

0429843777 BR2 Auct

Sat 14:00-14:45 16/78 Hodgson Cres

One Agency Gamarra &Co

0405660842 BR2 $285k

Sat 09:30-10:00 20/1-7 Thurralilly St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0410774821 BR1 $320k


Sat 11:00-12:00 5/13-17 Carinya St



Last chance to save $20,000 Save $20,000 on retail drive away price – this is the last one we have available at this price. Features include: • New Drive-E engine with 8 speed gear • Harman Kardon premium sound with Sensus 3D Sat Nav • Active bending Bi-Xenon headlights with jet washers • Sport leather R-Design seats with R-Design full décor Price: $59,950 Engine: 2.0L 180kW 350Nm Transmission: Auto Rolfe Motors Ph: 6208 4500 Web: rolfemotors.com.au


• • • • • • •

16” alloy wheels Bluetooth connectivity Reverse camera Audio system 6 speakers Parking sensors Side and rear window demister Leather heated seats


Price: $19,490 Year: 2013 Km: 8,639 Engine: 2.0 litre, 4-cylinder DOHC Mivec Aspirated Transmission: 5-speed manual John McGrath Queanbeyan Ph: 6297 6333 Web: mcgrathautogroup.com.au


• • • • • •

Colour touch screen Reversing camera Keyless entry and start Bluetooth and USB 7 airbags Optional 18” alloys


Price: $29,990 Year: 2014 Km: 9,529 Engine: 2.0L petrol Transmission: CVT automatic Registration number: CTV 18H Melrose Automobiles Ph: 1300 217 015 Web: melroseautomobiles.com.au 219



2012,SX Automatic 2.2L Turbo Diesel 7-seater Wagon, well maintained Vehicle. Priced to Go


2012 VW Amorok Dual Cab manual 2.0 Turbo Petrol fitted with sliding storage compartment in the tub with only about 62,000 kms on the clock. Ready for work for just





2012 Toyota Aurion Automatic sedan a low kms vehicle in great condition for only

Red Kia Cerato Hatchback perfect little small for the first car buyers with only 62,000km

2011 1.8L Automatic Hatch, Low Kms, great first car or the round about town car. A very reliable car which can be yours for







2010, High Roof Jumbo Van 6spd Manual 2.4L Turbo diesel, Ready for Work for

2012 Automatic Ti wagon 3.5L Petrol, in great condition perfect vehicle if you are looking to upsize. Can be yours for

2014 Ecoboost Sedan 6spd Automatic, with full leather trim, GPS, rear sensors with very low kms price at




133 Flemington Road, Mitchell 6201 1800 DN 17000349

Also available Queanbeyan, Goulburn and Woden










$29,990 Driveaway $21,990 Driveaway (ABN Holders)

Powered by a 2.8L Cummins turbo diesel engine and 2.5T towing limit, tyre pressure management system and a 5 Speed Manual Transmission.

Powered by a 2.8L cummins turbo diesel engine.






(ABN Holders)

2.0L Turbo Petrol 6 speed Automatic ZF Transmission fitted with rear camera and Dual sliding side doors.


Driveaway (ABN Holders)

2.4L Turbo diesel 5 speed manual, alloy rims, tub-liner.

2.0L turbo Petrol 6 speed Automatic ZF Transmission fitted with rear camera, dvd and rear sensors.





2.0L Turbo Diesel Engine, 6 speed automatic Transmission fitted with rear sensors.


$59,385 Driveaway


$29,990 Driveaway

3.0L Intercooled Turbo Diesel Engine, 5 speed transmission fitted with an Eco Alloy Tray.

3 Year 100,000km


3.2L 5cyl Turbo diesel engine, 6 speed automatic transmission, fitted with sports bar, tow pack and rear sensors.


133 Flemington Road, Mitchell 6201 1800 DN 17000349

Also available Queanbeyan, Goulburn and Woden





$ $ $ $ $ $ ,990 ,990 ,990 ,990 ,990 ,990 ,990 ,990 ,990 42 42 42 39 39 39 25 25 25

$ $ $

































$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ , ,,990 50 990 42 990 36 ,990 , ,990 ,990 ,990 50 50990 990 4242 36 36

$ $ $ $, , , , DRIVE AWAY
















41 Yass Road, QUEANBEYAN . Phone 6166 1111 Cnr Melrose & Hindmarsh Drive, PHILLIP . Phone 6122 2222 125 * Flemington Road, MITCHELL . Phone 6201 1800








36,990 DRIVE AWAY *

5-star ANCAP safety rating on 4x4 D-MAX Crew Cab models built from November 2013 onwards, 4x2 D-MAX Crew Cab High Ride models built from November 2014 onwards and all MU-X models. ^5 years/130,000km whichever occurs first, for eligible customers. Excludes trays and accessories. >The Capped Price Servicing Program applies to eligible Isuzu UTE vehicles with a warranty start date after 1 January 2015. The program covers the first 6 scheduled services in line with the scheduled service intervals. Program price subject to change. For full terms & conditions and current pricing visit isuzuute.com.au/service-plus. +3.5 tonne braked towing capacity on all 4x4 D-MAX models and 3.0 tonne braked towing capacity on all MU-X models when fitted with an optional genuine Isuzu UTE tow bar kit. ~Includes economy alloy tray fitted at motorpool. #ADR 81/02 laboratory tests (combined cycle) for D-MAX models built from 5 November 2014 onwards and MU-X models built from 6 November 2014 onwards. §Leather on body contact areas of the seats. *Private and ABN holders only. Excludes government, fleet, rental & non-profit buyers. Includes one year business vehicle registration, CTP insurance, dealer delivery and statutory charges. 5-star ANCAP5-star safetyANCAP rating5-star safety on 4x4ANCAP rating D-MAXsafety onCrew 4x4rating Cab D-MAX models onCrew 4x4built Cab D-MAX models fromCrew November built Cab from models 2013 November built onwards, from2013 4x2 November onwards, D-MAX 2013 Crew 4x2onwards, Cab D-MAX HighCrew 4x2 RideCab D-MAX models HighCrew Ride builtCab models from High November built Ride from models 2014 November built onwards from2014 and November onwards all MU-X2014 and models. onwards all MU-X ^5 years/130,000km and models. all MU-X ^5 years/130,000km models. whichever ^5 years/130,000km occurs whichever first, for occurs whichever eligible first,customers. for occurs eligible first, Excludes customers. for eligible traysExcludes customers. and accessories. traysExcludes and accessories. >Thetrays Capped and >The accessories. PriceCapped Servicing >The Price Program Capped Servicing applies Price Program Servicing to eligible applies Program to eligible applies to eligible Metallic/mica/pearl paint $396Isuzu extra.UTE Only at participating Isuzu Dealers from 1/7/15 until unless extended, orscheduled while stocks last. ‡Genuine UTE Towbar on 4x4 D-MAX models toservice private & ABN only. Must takeFor delivery of For vehicle beforepricing participating Dealers untilbraked 30/9/15 unless varied oronextended. 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Sept 25 – Oct 1

PICK OF THE WEEK Rise Of The Guardians Sunday, GO!, 6.30pm, PG (2012) Think of The Avengers, then substitute Santa Clause for Iron Man, the Easter Bunny for Thor and the Tooth Fairy for the Hulk, throw in the Sandman and you have The Guardians. It’s another classic tale of good and evil, the latter being a character called Pitch Black (voiced by Jude Law) intent on stealing the faith the children of Earth have for Santa and co, using fear to do so. DreamWorks again hit the nail on the head, with an entertaining adventure movie the kids will love. Includes the voices of Hugh Jackman.


Burton and Taylor

The Heat Wednesday, TEN, 8.30pm, M (2013) Melissa McCarthy’s free-wheeling brand of humour and Sandra Bullock’s understated physical comedy are perfectly matched in this odd-couple cop movie. FBI special agent Sarah Ashburn (Bullock) is uptight, clean-cut and gets her crooks by the book. Boston cop Shannon Mullins (McCarthy) prefers to rough them up and scare the bejeezus out of them. Both are top cops but work best on their own, so when they are paired to bring down a ruthless drug lord, it starts badly and gets worse fast.

September 25 12pm News. 1.00 Antiques. 2.00 New PRIME7 (ch 6)

Saturday, ABC1, 8.30pm, M (2013) Cast aside those traumatic memories of Lindsay Lohan taking on the role of Elizabeth Taylor in Liz & Dick and surrender yourself to this smart biography. An almost unrecognisable Helena Bonham Carter and the handsome Dominic West (both pictured) take the lead as cinema’s golden couple of the ’60s. Burton and Taylor captures the end of the duo’s doomed love affair, when the ex-husband and wife prepare for a 1983 theatrical production of the play Private Lives. Bonham Cater is almost haunting in her portrayal, devastatingly depicting Taylor’s breaking heart.

Inventors. 2.25 Catalyst. 2.55 Poirot. (PG) 4.30 Eggheads. 5.00 News: Early Edition. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Antiques Roadshow. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Midsomer Murders. (PG) 9.30 Line Of Duty. (MA15+) 10.30 Lateline. 11.00 The Business. 11.20 Maximum Choppage. (M) 11.50 Rage. (MA15+)

12pm MOVIE: Point Last Seen. (1998, M) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 News. 7.00 Better Homes And Gardens. 8.30 MOVIE: The Dilemma. (2011, M) Vince Vaughn, Kevin James, Winona Ryder. 11.00 To Be Advised. 12am Missing. (M)

12pm WIN’s All Australian News. 1.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 2.00 Extra. 2.30 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 News Now. 4.00 News. 5.30 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 News. 7.00 WIN News. 7.30 Rugby League. NRL. First preliminary final. Brisbane Broncos v Sydney Roosters. 10.00 MOVIE: Live And Let Die. (1973, PG)

12pm Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 Jamie’s Thirty Minute Meals. 1.30 Ent. Tonight. (PG) 2.00 The Doctors. (PG) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Good Chef Bad Chef. 4.00 Ben’s Menu. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. 5.00 Eyewitness News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 The Living Room. (PG) 8.30 To Be Advised. 11.00 Have You Been Paying Attention? (M) 12am The Talk. (PG)

12pm Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 NITV News Week In Review. 1.30 France 24. 1.45 Journal. 2.00 PBS News. 3.00 Al Jazeera. 3.30 Salvage Hunters. 4.30 Britain’s Best Drives. 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Classic Floyd: Floyd Around The Med. (PG) 6.30 World News. 7.30 The Classic Car Show. 8.30 Sinatra: All Or Nothing At All. (M) 10.35 News. 11.10 MOVIE: We 3. (2011, M)

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.10 Fireman Sam. 5.25 Peppa Pig. 5.30 Octonauts. 5.45 Peg + Cat. 6.00 Ben And Holly. 6.10 Peter Rabbit. 6.25 Dinosaur Train. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Total Wipeout. (PG) 8.30 Catfish: The TV Show. (M) 9.20 Outsiders With Darren McMullen. (M) 10.10 Second Chance. (M) 10.20 Jimmy Fallon. (M) 11.00 Celebrity Rehab With Dr Drew. (MA15+) 11.45 Total Wipeout. (PG)

12pm Packed To The Rafters. (PG) 1.00 Air Crash Investigations. (PG) 2.00 Dr Oz. (PG) 3.00 RSPCA Animal Rescue. 3.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. 4.00 Bewitched. 4.30 60 Minute Makeover. (PG) 5.30 Homes Under The Hammer. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Motorway Patrol. (PG) 8.30 Escape To The Country. 10.30 Best House On The Street. (PG) 11.30 Best Houses Australia. 12am Homes Under The Hammer.

12pm The Batman. (PG) 12.30 Green Lantern. (PG) 1.00 Young Justice. (PG) 1.30 Looney Tunes. 2.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 2.30 Sonic Boom. (PG) 3.00 SpongeBob. 3.30 Rabbids. (PG) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 Looney Tunes. 4.30 ScoobyDoo! (PG) 5.00 Ben 10. (PG) 5.30 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 6.00 MOVIE: Spy Kids 4: All The Time In The World. (2011, PG) 7.50 MOVIE: Megamind. (2010, PG) 9.50 MOVIE: Just Friends. (2005, M) 12am MAD. (M)

12pm The Living Room. (PG) 1.00 White Collar. (PG) 2.00 Megastructures. 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 4.00 Whacked Out Sports. (PG) 4.30 Operation Repo. (PG) 5.00 iFish. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Moments Of Impact. (PG) 8.30 Cops. (PG) 9.30 MOVIE: Double Team. (1997, M) 11.30 Bellator MMA. (M)

12pm Hindi News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Italian News. 1.35 German News. 2.05 Spanish News. 3.05 Greek News. 4.00 The Feed. 4.30 India’s Dancing Superstar. 5.35 American Ninja Warrior. (PG) 6.30 If You Are The One. 7.30 Friday Feed. 8.00 Brain Games. 8.30 Close Up Kings. (M) 9.25 12 Monkeys. (MA15+) 10.15 MOVIE: Cowboy Bebop: The Movie. (2002, M) 12.20am Friday Feed.

12pm Children’s Programs. 4.50 Nerds And Monsters. 5.00 The New Adventures Of Figaro Pho. 5.10 Doodles. 5.15 Roy. 5.40 Canimals. 5.50 Dixi. 5.55 House Of Anubis. 6.20 Spooksville. (PG) 6.50 News On 3. 7.00 Horrible Histories. 7.30 Operation Ouch! 7.55 Deadly 60. 8.30 Degrassi. (PG) 8.50 Kobushi. 9.00 K-On! (PG) 9.25 Kamisama Kiss. (PG) 9.45 Puella Magi Madoka Magica. (PG) 10.10 Close.

12pm The Amazing Race. (PG) 1.00 Dog Patrol. (PG) 1.30 Border Patrol. (PG) 2.00 Charlie’s Angels. (PG) 3.00 Turtleman. (PG) 3.30 Wipeout USA. (PG) 4.30 Dynamo: Magician Impossible. (PG) 5.30 Swamp Men. (PG) 6.00 Swamp People. (PG) 7.00 SCU: Serious Crash Unit. (PG) 7.30 AFL Pre-Game Show. 8.00 Football. AFL. First preliminary final. Fremantle v Hawthorn. 11.30 MOVIE: Centurion. (2010, AV15+)

12pm Secret Dealers. (PG) 1.00 MOVIE: Hue And Cry. (1947, G) 2.50 Agatha Christie’s Poirot. (PG) 4.00 Alive And Cooking. 4.30 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 5.30 Gilmore Girls. (PG) 6.30 Friends. (PG) 7.30 A Current Affair. 8.00 Kings Cross ER. (M) 8.30 MOVIE: The Green Berets. (1968, PG) 11.30 MOVIE: Cross Of Iron. (1977, AV15+)

12pm Caroline In The City. 12.30 Sabrina. 1.00 JAG. 2.00 Charmed. 3.00 Infomercials. 3.30 Raymond. 4.00 Frasier. 5.00 King Of Queens. 5.30 Becker. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.25 Neighbours. 7.00 Raymond. (PG) 7.30 New Girl. (PG) 8.30 Dating Naked. (M) 9.30 MOVIE: Patch Adams. (1998, M) 11.50 Movie Juice. 12.20am The Late Show With Stephen Colbert.

12pm News. 1.00 Capital Hill. 2.00 News. 4.00 News With The Business. 5.00 News With Grandstand. 6.00 News. 6.30 The Drum. 7.00 News With Grandstand. 8.00 News With The Business. 9.00 News. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 News. 11.30 7.30.

ABC (ch 2)

ABC2 (ch 22)

ABC3 (ch 23)

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

WIN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 80)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)

Classifications: (P) Pre-school (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence Programs are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by the networks.



September 26

12pm Restoration Australia. (PG) 1.00 (ch 2) Antiques. 2.00 Midsomer Murders. (PG) 3.30 Australia: The Time Traveller’s Guide. 4.30 Landline. 5.00 Inspector George Gently. (PG) 6.30 Gardening Aust. 7.00 News. 7.30 New Tricks. (PG) 8.30 Movie: Burton And Taylor. (2013, M) 9.55 Old School. (M) 10.50 The Chaser’s Media Circus. (PG) 11.30 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. (PG) 11.55 Rage. (MA15+)

12pm To Be Advised. 4.30 Better

Homes And Gardens. 5.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG) 6.00 News. 7.00 MOVIE: Gnomeo & Juliet. (2011, G) 8.40 MOVIE: Real Steel. (2011, M) Hugh Jackman, Dakota Goyo, Evangeline Lilly. A former boxer trains a robot fighter. 11.15 Movie: Inside Man. (2006, AV15+)

12pm Movie: War Of The Buttons. (1994, PG) 1.50 Celebrity Apprentice. (PG) 3.00 House Husbands. (PG) 4.00 Adam’s Pasta Pilgrimage. 4.30 Getaway. (PG) 5.00 News. 5.30 Fishing Australia. 6.00 News. 7.00 Rugby League. NRL. Second preliminary final. Melbourne Storm v North Queensland Cowboys. 10.00 MOVIE: The Call. (2013, AV15+) 12am Movie: Appaloosa. (2008, M)

12pm The Talk. (PG) 1.00 Just Go. 1.30 Good Chef Bad Chef. 2.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. 2.30 Movie Juice. (PG) 3.00 iFish. 4.00 What’s Up Down Under. 4.30 David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities. 5.00 Eyewitness News. 6.00 Bondi Vet. (PG) 7.00 MOVIE: Rio. (2011, ) 8.55 MOVIE: Star Trek. (2009, M) 11.30 Scorpion. (PG)

12pm Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 PBS NewsHour. 2.00 Zumbo. 2.30 Marco Pierre White’s Kitchen Wars. (PG) 3.25 Monster Moves. (PG) 4.25 History Cold Case. (PG) 5.30 The Plantagenets. (PG) 6.30 World News. 7.30 Britain’s Secret Treasure Islands. 8.30 MOVIE: The Constant Gardener. (2005, M) 10.50 Movie: Little Fish. (2005, MA15+)

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.10 Fireman Sam. 5.25 Peppa Pig. 5.30 Octonauts. 5.45 Peg + Cat. 6.00 Ben And Holly. 6.10 Peter Rabbit. 6.25 Dinosaur Train. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 The Hoarder Next Door. (PG) 8.20 The Home Show. 9.10 Live At The Apollo. (M) 9.55 The IT Crowd. (PG) 10.20 Sexy Beasts. (M) 10.50 Archer. (M) 11.15 Celebrity Rehab With Dr Drew. (MA15+) 11.55 The Call Centre. (M)

12pm Creek To Coast. 12.30 Sydney Weekender. 1.00 Qld Weekender. 1.30 WA Weekender. 2.00 Horse Racing. Underwood Stakes Day. Featuring the Group 1 $400,000 Underwood Stakes (1800m) and George Main Stakes (1600m). Ladies Day. 5.30 Coastwatch. 6.00 Motorway Patrol. 7.00 Movie: While You Were Sleeping. (1995) 9.00 Movie: The Net. (1995, M) 11.00 Body Of Proof. 12am Wire In The Blood.

12pm Kitchen Whiz. 12.30 SpongeBob SquarePants. 1.30 Danoz Direct. 2.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal. (PG) 3.00 Green Lantern: The Animated Series. (PG) 3.30 Thunderbirds Are Go. (PG) 4.30 Sonic Boom. (PG) 5.00 The Tom And Jerry Show. 5.30 The Looney Tunes Show. 6.00 Movie: Happily N’Ever After. (2006, G) 7.50 MOVIE: Valiant. (2005, G) 9.30 MOVIE: The Italian Job. (2003, M) 12am Movie: I Love You Too. (2010, M)

12pm River To Reef. 12.30 Bondi Boys, Outback Adventure. 1.30 Daryl Beattie Adventures: The Simpson Desert. 2.00 Aust GT Series. 3.00 The Offroad Adventure Show. 3.30 Megastructures. 4.30 Whacked Out Sports. 5.00 Into Water And Beyond. 5.30 Extreme Fishing. (PG) 6.30 Scorpion. (PG) 7.30 Shark Tank. (PG) 8.30 CSI: Cyber. (M) 9.30 Graceland. (M) 10.30 Have You Been Paying Attention? (M) 11.30 Movie Juice.

12pm Hindi News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Bunk. (PG) 1.30 Streetosphere. (PG) 2.00 Planet Sport. (PG) 3.00 The World Of Jenks. (PG) 3.50 Departures. (PG) 4.45 Dare 2 Dance. 5.50 Julian. 6.05 Celebrity Chef. 7.30 If You Are The One. 8.30 Survive Aotearoa. 9.30 MOVIE: Shame. (2011, MA15+) 11.20 Movie: Bullhead. (2011, MA15+)

12pm Children’s Programs. 2.10 Big Babies. 2.25 Sorry, I’ve Got No Head. 3.00 Deadly 60. 3.25 WAC. 3.55 Studio 3. 4.00 Pixelface. 4.25 The Aquabats Super Show! 4.50 Slugterra. 5.10 SW: Clone Wars. (PG) 5.40 Operation Ouch! 6.10 The Penguins Of Madagascar. 6.30 Horrible Histories. (PG) 7.00 Nowhere Boys. (PG) 7.30 Officially Amazing. 8.00 Deadly 60. 8.30 Good Game: SP. 9.00 Degrassi. (PG) 10.45 Close.

12pm Ultimate Factories. (PG) 1.00 Motor Racing. Aust Drifting Grand Prix. Round 1. Replay. 2.00 Shannon’s Legends Of Motorsport. (PG) 3.00 The Border. (PG) 5.00 Bid America! (PG) 6.30 AFL Pre-Game Show. 7.30 Football. AFL. Second preliminary final. West Coast v North Melbourne. From Domain Stadium, Perth. 11.00 Movie: Lock Up. (1989, M)

12.30pm River Cottage Bites. (PG) 12.40 Postcards. 1.10 Duncan’s Thai Kitchen. 1.40 Rapid Response. (PG) 2.10 Movie: Bombers B-52. (1957, G) 4.10 Movie: North By Northwest. (1959, PG) 7.00 MOVIE: Miss Congeniality 2: Armed And Fabulous. (2005, PG) 9.30 MOVIE: Going The Distance. (2010, MA15+) 11.35 Movie: Triangle. (2009, AV15+)

12.30pm 90210. 1.30 90210. 2.30 ST: Next Gen. (PG) 3.30 ST: Next Gen. 4.30 Becker. (PG) 5.00 So You Think You Can Dance. (PG) 7.00 Raymond. (PG) 8.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. 8.30 The Graham Norton Show. (M) 9.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. 10.30 The Late Late Show With James Corden. (PG) 11.30 The Loop. (PG)

12pm News. 12.30 Landline. 1.00 Press Club. 2.00 News. 2.30 The Mix. 3.15 News. 3.30 World This Week. 4.00 News. 4.30 The Drum Weekly. 5.00 News. 5.30 One Plus One: The Road To Alice. 6.00 News. 6.30 Foreign Corre. 7.00 News. 7.30 The Mix. 8.00 Four Corners. 8.45 The Quarters. 9.00 News. 9.30 Australia Wide. 10.00 News. 10.30 World This Week. 11.00 News. 11.30 One Plus One.


ABC2 (ch 22)

ABC3 (ch 23)


PRIME7 (ch 6)

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

September 27 12pm Landline. 1.00 Gardening PRIME7 (ch 6)

WIN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 80)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)

Australia. 1.30 The Mix. 2.00 Hannah Gadsby’s OZ. (PG) 2.30 A Law Unto Himself. (PG) 3.00 Parkinson: Masterclass. 4.00 Outback Choir. 5.00 New Tricks. (PG) 6.00 Would I Lie To You? 6.30 Compass. 7.00 News. 7.40 Doctor Who. (PG) 8.30 Vera. (PG) 10.00 Silent Witness. (M) 11.00 Silk. (M) 12am Movie: Manhattan. (1979, M)

12pm The Paleo Way. 12.30 Border Security USA. (PG) 1.00 Air Crash Investigations. (PG) 2.00 Movie: The Day Of The Jackal. (1973, PG) 5.00 News. 5.30 Sydney Weekender. 6.00 News. 7.00 The X Factor Live. (PG) 9.30 MOVIE: Pitch Perfect. (2012, M) 11.50 The Goldbergs. (PG)

1pm Surfing. World League. Men’s Championship Tour. Round 7. Billabong Pro Teahupoo. Highlights. 2.00 Wild Life Of Tim Faulkner. 2.30 Movie: Innerspace. (1987, PG) 5.00 News. 5.30 Customs. (PG) 6.00 News. 7.00 The Block. (PG) 8.30 60 Minutes. 9.40 The Boy With The World’s Biggest Hands. 10.40 World’s Worst Holiday Horrors. (PG) 11.40 Person Of Interest. (M)

12pm To Be Advised. 1.00 iFish. 1.30 The Offroad Adventure Show. 2.00 Rally Australia ARC Event Review Pt 1. 3.00 The Bolt Report. 4.00 RPM. 5.00 Eyewitness News. 6.00 Family Feud: Sunday. 6.30 Scorpion. (PG) 7.30 TBL Families. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Star Trek Into Darkness. (2013, M) 11.05 Movie: Chronicle. (2012, M)

12pm Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 The World Game. 2.00 Speedweek. 4.00 Motorcycle Racing. Superbike World Championship. Round 11. Highlights. 4.30 Football Asia. 5.00 The Bike Lane. 5.30 Himmler And The Holy Grail. (PG) 6.30 World News. 7.35 Ultimate Tutankhamun. (PG) 8.35 Sinatra: All Or Nothing At All. (M) 10.55 Mr Dynamite: The Rise Of James Brown. (PG)

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.30 Olivia And The Treasure Hunt. 5.50 Peppa Pig. 6.00 Ben And Holly. 6.10 Peter Rabbit. 6.25 Dinosaur Train. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Wild Things With Dominic Monaghan. (PG) 8.15 Good Game: Pocket Edition. (PG) 8.30 Six Million Dollar Conman. (PG) 9.45 Outsiders With Darren McMullen. (M) 10.45 Louis Theroux. (PG) 11.35 Clothes To Die For. (M)

12pm Under The Covers. (PG) 1.00 Melbourne Weekender. 1.30 A Place To Call Home. (PG) 7.30 Escape To The Country. 9.30 Escape To The Continent. A look at homes in Pointou-Charentes, France. 10.30 Best Houses Australia. Hosted by Gary Takle. 11.00 Command Center. (PG) 12am Escape To The Country.

12pm Sonic Boom. (PG) 12.30 SpongeBob SquarePants. 1.30 Danoz Direct. 2.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal. (PG) 3.00 Green Lantern: The Animated Series. (PG) 3.30 Young Justice: Invasion. (PG) 4.30 The Batman. (PG) 5.30 Thunderbirds Are Go. (PG) 6.30 Movie: Rise Of The Guardians. (2012, PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Batman Returns. (1992, M) 11.00 Car SOS. (PG) 12am The Originals. (AV15+)

12pm Undercover Boss. (PG) 1.00 Moments Of Impact. (PG) 2.00 Whacked Out Sports. (PG) 2.30 Just Go. 3.00 4x4 Adventures. 4.00 Adv Angler. 4.30 Operation Repo. (PG) 5.00 What’s Up Downunder? 5.30 iFish. 6.00 Family Feud: Sunday. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Cops. (PG) 8.30 Bondi Ink Tattoo. (M) 9.30 Motorcycle Racing. MotoGP. Race 14. Aragón Grand Prix. 11.00 World Sport. 11.30 The Americans. (AV15+)

12pm Hindi News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Celebrity Chef. 2.20 Duck Quacks Don’t Echo. (M) 3.10 The Tim Ferriss Experiment. (PG) 3.35 The Doors: Mr Mojo Risin’. (PG) 4.40 The Pitch. (PG) 5.30 Vs Arashi. 6.25 Dare 2 Dance. 7.30 If You Are The One. 8.30 Drunk History. (M) 9.30 South Park. (MA15+) 10.00 Ali G: Remixed. (M) 10.25 Sex Toys: Frisky Business. (MA15+) 11.20 Naked News: Uncovered! 11.50 In Her Skin.

12pm Dani’s House. 12.30 Really Me. 1.55 House Of Anubis. 3.00 Deadly 60. 3.25 WAC: World Animal Championships. 3.55 Studio 3. 4.00 Roy. 4.30 Hank Zipzer. 4.55 Big Babies. 5.10 Life With Boys. 5.35 Sadie J. 6.10 The Penguins Of Madagascar. 6.30 Horrible Histories. 7.00 Nowhere Boys. (PG) 7.30 Officially Amazing. 8.00 The Haunting Hour. (PG) 8.50 Wolfblood. 9.15 Good Game: Pocket Edition. (PG) 9.20 Rage. (PG)

12pm Sound FX. 12.30 Turtleman. (PG) 1.00 Mark Berg’s Fishing Addiction. (PG) 2.00 Hook, Line And Sinker. (PG) 3.00 Wipeout USA. (PG) 5.00 MOVIE: Nim’s Island. (2008, PG) 7.00 MOVIE: Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World’s End. (2007, PG) 10.30 MOVIE: Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels. (1998, AV15+)

12pm Cycling. National Road Series. National Capital Tour. H’lights. 12.30 The Garden Gurus. 1.00 Getaway. (PG) 1.30 Movie: Shalako. (1968, PG) 3.50 Movie: Khartoum. (1966, G) 6.30 Movie: National Lampoon’s European Vacation. (1985, PG) 8.30 Rugby Union. World Cup. Aust v Uruguay. From Villa Park, Birmingham, England. 11.00 Movie: Convoy. (1978, M)

12pm 90210. 1.30 90210. 2.30 Neighbours. 5.00 Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud: Sunday. 6.30 The Simpsons. (PG) 7.00 Futurama. (PG) 7.30 The Simpsons. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Flashdance. (1983, M) 10.25 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (M) 11.25 House Of Lies. (M) 12am James Corden. (PG)

12pm News. 12.30 The Drum Weekly. 1.00 News. 1.30 Landline. 2.00 News. 2.30 One Plus One. 3.00 News. 3.30 Offsiders. 4.00 News. 4.30 The Mix. 5.00 News. 5.30 Australia Wide. 6.00 News. 6.30 Aust Story. 7.00 News. 7.30 The World This Week. 8.00 Insiders. 9.00 News. 9.30 One Plus One. 10.00 News. 10.30 The Mix. 11.00 News. 11.30 The Drum Weekly.

ABC (ch 2)

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WIN (ch 8)

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GEM (ch 80)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)



September 28

12pm News. 1.00 Ice Age Giants. 2.00 (ch 2) New Inventors. 2.30 Catalyst. 3.00 Vera. (PG) 4.30 Eggheads. 5.00 News: Early Edition. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Antiques Roadshow. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Australian Story. 8.30 Four Corners. 9.20 Media Watch. (PG) 9.35 Q&A. 10.40 Lateline. 11.10 The Business. 11.30 Keating: The Interviews.

12pm MOVIE: Big Daddy. (1999, PG) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 World’s Most Extreme Airports. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Now You See Me. (2013, M) 11.05 Surveillance Oz. (PG) 11.35 Hannibal. (AV15+)

12pm WIN News. 1.00 Ellen. (PG) 2.00 Extra. 2.30 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 News Now. 4.00 News. 5.30 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 News. 7.00 WIN News. 7.30 The Block. (PG) 8.40 House Husbands. (PG) 9.40 MOVIE: The Adventures Of Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert. (1994, M) 11.50 Extra. 12.10am WIN News.

12pm Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 The Talk. (PG) 2.00 Ent. Tonight. (PG) 2.30 Jamie’s Thirty Minute Meals. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 GCBC. 4.00 Ben’s Menu. 4.30 Bold. 5.00 News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 TBL Families. (PG) 8.30 Have You Been Paying Attention? (M) 9.30 NCIS: New Orleans. (M) 11.30 The Project.

12pm WorldWatch. 1.00 André Rieu: Welcome To My World. 1.55 James Taylor: Beacon Theatre. 3.00 WorldWatch. 3.30 Make Hummus Not War. (PG) 4.30 The Dales. 5.00 21st Century Railway. 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Nigella Express. 6.30 News. 7.30 Cats Uncovered. (PG) 8.30 The Wonder Of Dogs. 9.30 Hunters Of The South Seas. (M) 10.30 News. 11.05 Bosch. (M) 12am MOVIE: The Red Riding Trilogy: 1983. (2009)

12pm Children’s Programs. 4.45 Grandpa In My Pocket. 5.00 The Hive. 5.10 Fireman Sam. 5.25 Peppa Pig. 5.30 Octonauts. 5.45 Peg + Cat. 6.00 Ben And Holly. 6.10 Peter Rabbit. 6.25 Dinosaur Train. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Total Wipeout. (PG) 8.30 Doctor Who. (PG) 9.20 Peaky Blinders. (MA15+) 10.20 Jimmy Fallon. (M) 11.00 Six Million Dollar Conman. (PG) 12.15am Doctor Who. (PG)

12pm Packed To The Rafters. (PG) 1.00 Air Crash Investigations. (PG) 2.00 Dr Oz. (PG) 3.00 Neighbours At War. (PG) 3.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. 4.00 Bewitched. 4.30 60 Minute Makeover. (PG) 5.30 Homes Under The Hammer. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Cities Of The Underworld. (PG) 8.30 A Touch Of Frost. (M) 10.10 Wire In The Blood. (AV15+) 12.10am Bargain Hunt.

12pm Batman. 12.30 Green Lantern. 1.00 Young Justice. 1.30 Looney Tunes. 2.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! 2.30 Sonic. 3.00 SpongeBob. 3.30 Thunderbirds. 4.00 Kids’ WB. 4.05 Looney Tunes. 4.30 Scooby! 5.00 Ben 10. 5.30 Titans! 6.00 Regular Show. 6.30 Adv Time. 7.00 Mike & Molly. 7.30 Big Bang. 8.00 Auction Hunters. 8.30 Top Gear. 9.30 MOVIE: RoboCop 3. (1993) 11.50 Anger Management. 12.20am GO Surround Sound.

12pm The Living Room. (PG) 1.00 White Collar. (PG) 2.00 David Attenborough’s Charles Darwin And The Tree Of Life. 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 4.00 Whacked Out Sports. (PG) 4.30 Operation Repo. (PG) 5.00 iFish. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Undercover Boss. (PG) 9.30 Motor Racing. Formula 1. Race 14. Japanese Grand Prix. H’lights. 10.30 MOVIE: Money Train. (1995, MA15+)

12pm Hindi News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Italian News. 1.35 German News. 2.05 Spanish News. 3.05 Greek News. 4.00 The Bike Lane. 4.30 India’s Dancing Superstar. 5.40 American Ninja Warrior. (PG) 6.30 If You Are The One. 7.30 The Feed. 8.00 Hipsters. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Garden State. (2004, MA15+) 10.20 MOVIE: Upstream Color. (2013, M) 12.05am The Feed.

12pm Children’s Programs. 4.50 Nerds And Monsters. 5.00 The New Adventures Of Figaro Pho. 5.10 Doodles. 5.15 Bushwhacked! 5.40 MY:24. 5.50 Dixi. 5.55 House Of Anubis. 6.20 Spooksville. (PG) 6.50 News On 3. 7.00 Horrible Histories. 7.30 Operation Ouch! 7.55 Deadly 60. 8.30 Degrassi. (PG) 8.50 Total Drama Island. 9.15 Good Game: SP. 9.40 Rage. (PG) 10.40 Close.

2pm NFL. NFL. Week 3. Arizona Cardinals v San Francisco 49ers. Replay. From University of Phoenix Stadium, Glendale, Arizona. 5.00 Seinfeld. (PG) 6.30 MythBusters. (PG) 7.30 AFL Brownlow Red Carpet Arrival. (PG) 8.15 AFL Brownlow Medal. 11.15 Talking Footy. (PG) 12.15am SportsFan Clubhouse. (PG)

12pm Secret Dealers. (PG) 1.00 MOVIE: Some People. (1962, G) 3.00 Alive And Cooking. 3.30 Obese USA. (PG) 4.30 Ellen. (PG) 5.30 Gilmore Girls. (PG) 6.30 Friends. (PG) 7.30 A Current Affair. 8.00 RPA. (PG) 9.00 Kings Cross ER. (M) 9.30 Embarrassing Bodies. (M) 10.30 Amazing Medical Stories: Boys Joined At The Head. (PG) 11.30 Absolutely Fabulous. (PG) 12.05am Obese USA. (PG)

12pm Caroline In The City. (PG) 12.30 Sabrina. (PG) 1.00 JAG. (PG) 2.00 Charmed. (PG) 3.00 Infomercials. (PG) 3.30 Raymond. 4.00 Frasier. (PG) 5.00 King Of Queens. (PG) 5.30 Becker. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.25 Neighbours. 7.00 Raymond. 7.30 Rules Of Engagement. (PG) 8.30 The Simpsons. (PG) 9.00 The Simpsons. 9.30 Scream Queens. (MA15+) 11.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert.

12pm News. 1.00 Capital Hill. 2.00 News. 4.00 News With The Business. 5.00 News With Grandstand. 5.55 ABC Open. 6.00 News. 6.30 The Drum. 7.00 News With Grandstand. 8.00 News With The Business. 9.00 News. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 News. 11.30 7.30.


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September 29 PRIME7 (ch 6)

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ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

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SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)

12pm News. 1.00 Antiques. 2.00 (ch 2) Adam Hills In Gordon St Tonight. (PG) 3.00 Midsomer Murders. (PG) 4.30 Eggheads. 5.00 News: Early Edition. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Antiques Roadshow. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Catalyst. (PG) 8.30 Restoration Australia. (PG) 9.30 Deception By Design. (PG) 10.30 Lateline. 11.00 The Business. 11.20 Mad Dogs. (M) 12.05am Randling.

12pm To Be Advised. 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 The X Factor Live. (PG) 8.40 800 Words. (PG) 9.40 MOVIE: Mr Deeds. (2002, M) 11.40 Behind The Blacklist III. (M) 12.10am Red Band Society. (M)

12pm WIN News. 1.00 Ellen. (PG) 2.00 Extra. 2.30 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 News Now. 4.00 News. 5.30 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 News. 7.00 WIN News. 7.30 The Block. (PG) 8.40 David Attenborough’s Life Story. (PG) 9.50 Footy Classified: NRL Finals. (M) 10.50 CSI. (M) 11.45 Extra. 12am WIN News.

12pm Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 The Talk. (PG) 2.00 Entertainment Tonight. (PG) 2.30 Jamie’s Thirty Minute Meals. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Good Chef Bad Chef. 4.00 Ben’s Menu. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. 5.00 Eyewitness News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 TBL Families. 8.30 NCIS. (M) 9.30 NCIS: Los Angeles. (M) 11.30 The Project.

12pm Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 The World From Above. 1.30 France 24. 1.45 Journal. 2.00 PBS News. 3.00 Al Jazeera. 3.30 Countdown To A Catastrophe. (PG) 4.30 My Life As A Turkey. (PG) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Nigella Express. 6.30 News. 7.30 Who Do You Think You Are? (PG) 8.30 Insight. 9.30 Dateline. 10.00 World News. 10.30 Sinatra: All Or Nothing At All. (M)

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.10 Fireman Sam. 5.25 Peppa Pig. 5.30 Octonauts. 5.45 Peg + Cat. 6.00 Ben And Holly. 6.10 Peter Rabbit. 6.25 Dinosaur Train. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Total Wipeout. 8.30 Good Game. 9.00 The Chaser’s Media Circus. (PG) 9.40 Inside Solitary Confinement. (M) 10.35 Archer. (MA15+) 10.55 Jimmy Fallon. (M) 11.40 Peaky Blinders. (MA15+)

12pm Packed To The Rafters. (PG) 1.00 Air Crash Investigations. (PG) 2.00 Dr Oz. (PG) 3.00 Neighbours At War. (PG) 3.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. 4.00 Bewitched. 4.30 60 Minute Makeover. (PG) 5.30 Homes Under The Hammer. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 The Indian Doctor. (PG) 8.30 Foyle’s War. (M) 10.30 Downton Abbey. (M) 11.30 Bargain Hunt.

12pm The Batman. 12.30 Green Lantern. 1.00 Young Justice. 1.30 Looney Tunes. 2.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! 2.30 Sonic Boom. 3.00 SpongeBob. 3.30 Thunderbirds Are Go. 4.00 Kids’ WB. 4.05 Looney Tunes. 4.30 Scooby-Doo! 5.00 Ben 10. 5.30 Teen Titans Go! 6.00 Regular Show. 6.30 Adv Time. 7.00 Mike & Molly. 7.30 Auction Hunters. 8.30 Storage Hunters. (PG) 9.30 Ghost Town Gold. 10.30 South Beach Tow. 11.30 Cops Uncut. 12am MAD.

12pm The Living Room. (PG) 1.00 White Collar. (PG) 2.00 Diamond Divers. (PG) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 4.00 Whacked Out Sports. (PG) 4.30 Operation Repo. (PG) 5.00 iFish. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Lands Of The Monsoon. (PG) 8.30 Nature’s Misfits. (PG) 9.30 48 Hours. (M) 10.30 The Killing. (MA15+) 11.40 Operation Repo. (PG)

12pm Hindi News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Italian News. 1.35 German News. 2.05 Spanish News. 3.05 Greek News. 4.00 The Feed. 4.30 India’s Dancing Superstar. 5.35 American Ninja Warrior. 6.30 If You Are The One. 7.30 The Feed. 8.00 The Office. (PG) 8.30 The Notorious. (M) 9.00 Superstar DJs With Annie Mac. (M) 9.30 Holland’s Hope. 10.30 12 Monkeys. 11.25 South Park. 11.55 The Feed. 12.25am The Story Of Film.

12pm Children’s Programs. 4.15 Odd Squad. 4.40 News On 3. 4.45 Studio 3. 4.50 Nerds And Monsters. 5.00 The New Adventures Of Figaro Pho. 5.10 Doodles. 5.15 Hank Zipzer. 5.40 Dixi. 5.45 World’s End. 6.20 Spooksville. (PG) 6.50 News On 3. 7.00 Horrible Histories. 7.30 Operation Ouch! 7.55 Deadly 60. (PG) 8.30 Degrassi. (PG) 8.50 Total Drama Island. 9.15 Good Game: SP. 9.40 Rage. (PG) 10.40 Close.

12.30pm Charlie’s Angels. (PG) 1.30 Starsky & Hutch. (PG) 2.30 Who’s The Boss? (PG) 4.30 Married With Children. (PG) 5.00 Seinfeld. (PG) 6.30 MythBusters. (PG) 7.30 Highway Patrol. (PG) 8.00 Motorway Patrol. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Pitch Black. (2000, M) 10.45 Bomb Hunters. (PG) 11.45 Stupid Suspects. (M) 12.15am The Chosen Few 2: Life Of An AFL Captain. (PG)

12pm Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners. (PG) 1.00 MOVIE: The Captain’s Paradise. (1953, G) 2.50 GEM Presents. 3.00 Alive And Cooking. 3.30 RPA. (PG) 4.30 Ellen. (PG) 5.30 Gilmore Girls. (PG) 6.30 Friends. (PG) 7.30 A Current Affair. 8.00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot. (PG) 9.10 Midsomer Murders. (M) 11.20 Days That Shook The World. (PG) 12.20am GEM Presents.

12pm Caroline In The City. (PG) 12.30 Sabrina. (PG) 1.00 JAG. (PG) 2.00 Charmed. (PG) 3.00 Infomercials. (PG) 3.30 Raymond. (PG) 4.00 Frasier. (PG) 5.00 King Of Queens. (PG) 5.30 Becker. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.25 Neighbours. 7.00 Raymond. 7.30 Rules Of Engagement. (PG) 8.30 Bondi Ink Tattoo. 9.30 Empire. 10.30 Tattoos After Dark. (M) 11.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert.

12pm News. 1.00 Capital Hill. 2.00 News. 4.00 News With The Business. 5.00 News With Grandstand. 5.55 ABC Open. 6.00 News. 6.30 The Drum. 7.00 News With Grandstand. 8.00 News With The Business. 9.00 News. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 News. 11.30 7.30.


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WIN (ch 8)

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GEM (ch 80)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)


September 30

12pm News. 12.30 Press Club. 1.30 (ch 2) Chris Humfrey’s Wild Life. 2.00 Adam Hills In Gordon St Tonight. (PG) 3.00 Midsomer Murders. (PG) 4.30 Eggheads. 5.00 News: Early Edition. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Antiques. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 How Not To Behave. (PG) 8.30 Gruen. (M) 9.05 Utopia. 9.35 Lie To You? 10.05 It’s A Date. (M) 10.35 Lateline. 11.05 The Business. 11.25 Sporting Nation. (PG) 12.20am Four Corners.

12pm MOVIE: Crazy On The Outside. (2010, PG) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 Caught On Dashcam. (PG) 8.30 Heroes Reborn. (M) 9.30 Heroes Reborn. (M) 10.30 Aquarius. (M) 11.30 Bates Motel. (M)

12pm WIN News. 1.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 2.00 Extra. 2.30 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 News Now. 4.00 News. 5.30 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 News. 7.00 WIN News. 7.30 The Block. (PG) 8.40 Celebrity Apprentice. (PG) 10.00 Global Citizen Festival: The Launch Of The Global Goals. 11.20 The Mysteries Of Laura. (M) 12.10am WIN News.

12pm Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 The Talk. (PG) 2.00 Entertainment Tonight. (PG) 2.30 Jamie’s Thirty Minute Meals. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Good Chef Bad Chef. 4.00 Ben’s Menu. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. 5.00 Eyewitness News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 The Bachelorette Australia. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: The Heat. (2013, M) 10.50 Hawaii Five-0. (M) 11.50 The Project.

12pm Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 Dateline. 1.30 France 24. 1.45 Journal. 2.00 PBS News. 3.00 Al Jazeera. 3.30 Insight. 4.30 Luke Nguyen’s United Kingdom Bitesize. 4.35 Jimmy’s Forest. 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Nigella Express. 6.30 News. 7.30 Great Continental Railway Journeys. (PG) 8.30 24 Hours In Police Custody. 10.20 News. 10.50 The Lockerbie Bombing. (PG) 11.50 MOVIE: Kandahar. (2001, PG)

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.00 The Hive. 5.10 Fireman Sam. 5.25 Peppa Pig. 5.30 Octonauts. 5.45 Peg + Cat. 6.00 Ben And Holly. 6.10 Peter Rabbit. 6.25 Dinosaur Train. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Total Wipeout. 8.30 The Men Who Made Us Spend. 9.20 The 12 Year Old Shopaholic. (PG) 10.10 Jimmy Fallon. (M) 10.50 The Call Centre. (M) 11.50 Why Poverty? (PG)

12pm Command Center. (PG) 1.00 Air Crash Investigations. (PG) 2.00 Dr Oz. (PG) 3.00 Neighbours At War. (PG) 3.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. 4.00 Bewitched. 4.30 60 Minute Makeover. (PG) 5.30 Homes Under The Hammer. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Rosemary & Thyme. (PG) 8.30 The Inspector Lynley Mysteries. (M) 11.30 I Shouldn’t Be Alive. (M)

12pm The Batman. 12.30 Green Lantern. 1.00 Young Justice. 1.30 Looney Tunes. 2.00 Yu-GiOh! 2.30 Sonic Boom. 3.00 SpongeBob. 3.30 Rabbids. 4.00 Kids’ WB. 4.05 Looney Tunes. 4.30 Scooby-Doo! 5.00 Ben 10. 5.30 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 6.00 Regular Show. (PG) 6.30 Adv Time. (PG) 7.00 Mike & Molly. (PG) 7.30 Troy. (PG) 8.30 Big Bang. (PG) 9.30 Tattoo Fixers. 10.30 Tattoo Fixers. (MA15+) 11.30 2 Broke Girls. 12am MAD.

12pm The Living Room. (PG) 1.00 White Collar. (PG) 2.00 Undercover Boss. (PG) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 4.00 Whacked Out Sports. (PG) 4.30 Operation Repo. (PG) 5.00 iFish. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Megastructures. 8.30 Cops. (PG) 9.30 Hell’s Kitchen. (MA15+) 10.30 Bikie Wars: Brothers In Arms. (M) 11.30 Operation Repo. (PG)

12pm Hindi News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Italian News. 1.35 German News. 2.05 Spanish News. 3.05 Greek News. 4.00 The Feed. 4.30 India’s Dancing Superstar. 5.35 American Ninja Warrior. (PG) 6.30 If You Are The One. 7.30 The Feed. 8.00 The Office. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Jacob’s Ladder. (1990, MA15+) 10.35 MOVIE: Sid And Nancy. (1986, MA15+)

12pm Children’s Programs. 4.15 Odd Squad. 4.40 News On 3. 4.45 Studio 3. 4.50 Nerds And Monsters. 5.00 The New Adventures Of Figaro Pho. 5.10 Doodles. 5.15 Little Lunch. 5.40 Dixi. 5.45 World’s End. 6.20 Spooksville. (PG) 6.50 News On 3. 7.00 Horrible Histories. 7.30 Operation Ouch! 7.55 Deadly 60. 8.30 Degrassi. (PG) 8.50 Total Drama Island. 9.15 Good Game: SP. 9.45 Rage. (PG) 10.45 Close.

12.30pm Charlie’s Angels. (PG) 2.30 Starsky & Hutch. (PG) 3.30 Who’s The Boss? (PG) 4.30 Married With Children. (PG) 5.00 Seinfeld. (PG) 6.30 MythBusters. (PG) 7.30 Beverly Hills Pawn. (PG) 8.30 Hardcore Pawn. (M) 9.30 Pawn Stars. (PG) 11.00 Rude Tube. (M) 12am Stupid Suspects. (PG)

12pm Secret Dealers. (PG) 1.00 MOVIE: It’s In The Air. (1938, G) 2.50 Agatha Christie’s Poirot. (PG) 4.00 Alive And Cooking. 4.30 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 5.30 Gilmore Girls. (PG) 6.30 Friends. (PG) 7.30 A Current Affair. 8.00 New Tricks. (PG) 9.10 Major Crimes. (M) 10.10 Rizzoli & Isles. (AV15+) 11.10 CSI. (M) 12.05am The Mentalist. (M)

12pm Caroline In The City. 12.30 Sabrina. 1.00 JAG. 2.00 Charmed. 3.00 Infomercials. 3.30 Raymond. 4.00 Frasier. 5.00 King Of Queens. 5.30 Becker. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.25 Neighbours. 7.00 Raymond. 7.30 The Simpsons. 8.00 Futurama. (PG) 8.30 The Simpsons. (PG) 9.00 Cleveland. (M) 9.30 Scream Queens. 10.30 Bob’s Burgers. (M) 11.00 Duckman. 11.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert.

12pm News. 12.30 National Press Club Address. 1.30 Capital Hill. 2.00 News. 4.00 News With The Business. 5.00 News With Grandstand. 5.55 ABC Open. 6.00 News. 6.30 The Drum. 7.00 News With Grandstand. 8.00 News With The Business. 9.00 News. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 News. 11.30 7.30.


ABC2 (ch 22)

ABC3 (ch 23)


PRIME7 (ch 6)

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

October 1 PRIME7 (ch 6)

WIN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 80)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)

12pm News. 1.00 Antiques. 2.00 (ch 2) Adam Hills In Gordon St Tonight. (PG) 3.00 Midsomer Murders. (PG) 4.30 Eggheads. 5.00 News: Early Edition. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Antiques. 6.55 Clarke And Dawe. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 The Chaser’s Media Circus. (PG) 8.35 The Real Mary Poppins. (PG) 9.35 The Honourable Woman. (M) 10.35 Lateline. 11.05 The Business. 11.25 Dirty Laundry. (M) 12.10am Rev. (M)

12pm MOVIE: Can’t Be Heaven. (2000, PG) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 8.00 Border Security: International. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: About Time. (2013, M) 11.10 Grimm. (AV15+) 12.10am Zero Hour. (M)

12pm WIN’s All Australian News. 1.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 2.00 Extra. 2.30 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 News Now. 4.00 News. 5.30 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 News. 7.00 WIN News. 7.30 RBT. (PG) 8.00 Kings Cross ER. (PG) 8.30 The NRL Footy Show. (M) 10.45 The AFL Footy Show. (M)

12pm Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 The Talk. (PG) 2.00 Entertainment Tonight. (PG) 2.30 Jamie’s Thirty Minute Meals. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Good Chef Bad Chef. 4.00 Ben’s Menu. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. 5.00 Eyewitness News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 The Bachelorette Australia. 8.30 Gogglebox. 9.30 Law & Order: SVU. (M) 10.30 Blue Bloods. (M) 11.30 The Project.

12pm WorldWatch. 1.00 Greece! The Islands. 1.30 WorldWatch. 3.30 Henry VIII’s Enforcer: The Rise And Fall Of Thomas Cromwell. (PG) 4.35 The Sixties. (PG) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Nigella Express. 6.30 News. 7.30 Luke Nguyen’s France. 8.30 Ainsley Harriott’s Street Food. 9.30 Masters Of Sex. (M) 10.30 News. 11.00 Adam Looking For Eve. (MA15+) 11.50 MOVIE: Headhunter. (2009)

12pm Children’s Programs. 4.45 Grandpa In My Pocket. 5.00 The Hive. 5.10 Fireman Sam. 5.25 Peppa Pig. 5.30 Octonauts. 5.45 Peg + Cat. 6.00 Ben And Holly. 6.10 Peter Rabbit. 6.25 Dinosaur Train. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Winter Wipeout. 8.30 Gruen. (M) 9.05 The IT Crowd. (M) 9.35 Utopia. 10.00 Sexy Beasts. (M) 10.30 Jimmy Fallon. (M) 11.15 Good Game. 11.45 Live At The Apollo. (M)

12pm Command Center. (PG) 1.00 Air Crash Investigations. (PG) 2.00 Dr Oz. (PG) 3.00 Neighbours At War. (PG) 3.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. 4.00 Bewitched. 4.30 60 Minute Makeover. (PG) 5.30 Homes Under The Hammer. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Doc Martin. (PG) 8.30 Judge John Deed. (M) 10.30 To Be Advised. 11.30 Bargain Hunt.

12pm The Batman. 12.30 Green Lantern. 1.00 Young Justice. 1.30 Looney Tunes. 2.00 Yu-GiOh! 2.30 Sonic Boom. 3.00 SpongeBob. 3.30 Rabbids. 4.00 Kids’ WB. 4.05 Looney Tunes. 4.30 Scooby-Doo! 5.00 Ben 10. 5.30 Teen Titans Go! 6.00 Regular Show. 6.30 Adv Time. 7.00 Mike & Molly. 7.30 Big Bang. 8.30 Survivor. 9.30 MOVIE: Into The Blue. (2005) 11.50 Anger Management. 12.20am GO Surround Sound.

12pm The Living Room. (PG) 1.00 White Collar. (PG) 2.00 Moments Of Impact. (PG) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 4.00 Whacked Out Sports. (PG) 4.30 Operation Repo. (PG) 5.00 iFish. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Last Man Standing. (PG) 8.30 The Millers. (PG) 9.00 Melbourne International Comedy Festival Supershow. (M) 11.15 Blokesworld. 11.45 The League. (MA15+)

12pm Hindi News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Italian News. 1.35 German News. 2.05 Spanish News. 3.05 Greek News. 4.00 The Feed. 4.30 India’s Dancing Superstar. 5.35 American Ninja Warrior. 6.30 If You Are The One. 7.30 The Feed. 8.00 Gadget Man. 8.30 MythBusters. (PG) 9.30 TT: Closer To The Edge. (M) 11.25 UEFA Champions League Highlights. 12.25am The Feed.

12pm Children’s Programs. 4.15 Odd Squad. 4.40 News On 3. 4.45 Studio 3. 4.50 Nerds And Monsters. 5.00 The New Adventures Of Figaro Pho. 5.10 Doodles. 5.15 Mortified. 5.40 Dixi. 5.45 World’s End. 6.20 Spooksville. (PG) 6.50 News On 3. 7.00 Horrible Histories. 7.30 Operation Ouch! 7.55 Deadly 60. (PG) 8.30 Degrassi. (PG) 8.50 Total Drama Island. 9.15 Good Game: SP. 9.40 Rage. (PG) 10.40 Close.

12.30pm The Amazing Race. (PG) 1.30 Charlie’s Angels. (PG) 2.30 Starsky & Hutch. (PG) 3.30 Who’s The Boss? (PG) 4.30 Married With Children. (PG) 5.00 Seinfeld. (PG) 6.30 MythBusters. (PG) 7.30 What Went Down. (PG) 8.30 Ink Master. (M) 9.30 Tattoo Nightmares. (M) 10.30 America’s Hardest Prisons. (M) 11.45 Operation Repo. (M) 12.15am SportsFan Clubhouse. (PG)

12pm Countryfile. (PG) 1.00 MOVIE: Carry On Jack. (1963, PG) 2.50 New Tricks. (PG) 4.00 Alive And Cooking. 4.30 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 5.30 Gilmore Girls. (PG) 6.30 Friends. (PG) 7.30 A Current Affair. 8.00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot. (PG) 9.10 New Tricks. (PG) 10.20 To Be Advised.

12pm Caroline In The City. 12.30 Sabrina. 1.00 JAG. 2.00 Charmed. 3.00 Infomercials. 3.30 Raymond. 4.00 Frasier. 5.00 King Of Queens. 5.30 Becker. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.25 Neighbours. 7.00 Raymond. 7.30 The Simpsons. 8.00 Futurama. (PG) 8.30 The Simpsons. 9.00 MOVIE: Stand By Me. (1986, M) 10.55 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. 11.55 James Corden.

12pm News. 1.00 Capital Hill. 2.00 News. 4.00 News With The Business. 5.00 News With Grandstand. 5.55 ABC Open. 6.00 News. 6.30 The Drum. 7.00 News With Grandstand. 8.00 News With The Business. 9.00 News. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 News. 11.30 7.30.


ABC2 (ch 22)

ABC3 (ch 23)

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

WIN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 80)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)



Brain Busters

super sudoku To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: each of the nine vertical columns, each of the nine horizontal rows and each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes. Remember no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box.


Who created Winnie the Pooh: Reverend W. Awdry, Kenneth Grahame or A A Milne?


In chemistry, the citric acid cycle is also known as the what cycle?


What movie features the characters Jimmie Dimmick, The Wolf and Captain Koons?


What is the English translation of the French dessert compote?


The Stanley Cup is a championship trophy awarded annually in which sport?


Coping and tenon are types of which hand tool?


K-9 is the name of several robotic dogs in which sci-fi TV series?


How many Horsemen of the Apocalypse are summoned in the last book of the New Testament?


Located in Hawaii, what is Mauna Loa?

10. The Jog Falls plunge waterfall is in which country? DIFFICULTy RATING 

No. 852


Crossword No.3464


DOWN 2 Expire 3 Amounting to the same as 4 Smooths 5 Rough 6 As much as will fit in a bag 7 Assented 9 Rewards such as lollies 10 Staff 11 At liberty 12 Aquatic respiratory organ 16 In what place 18 Divides 19 Nonconformist 21 Observe 22 Somewhat elderly 23 Disembodied spirits 24 Recommendation 25 Erase 26 Division 27 Drink flavour 29 Discontinue 30 Major light source 34 Sick

SOLUTION: 1. A A Milne. 2. Krebs. 3. Pulp Fiction. 4. Mixture. 5. Ice hockey. 6. Saw. 7. Doctor Who. 8. Four. 9. Volcano. 10. India.

ACROSS 1 Stick fast 5 Venomous snake 8 Power to reverse board decision 10 Shelter 13 Senior Girl Guide 14 Characterised by higher rainfall 15 Resides 17 Make certain 20 Hades 21 Mentally prepared for a challenge 22 Military manoeuvres 23 Magnificently 26 Speed 28 Surrounded by a bushy enclosure 29 Christmas songs 31 Generous 32 Glows 33 Achieve 35 Demonstrative pronoun 36 Calf leather 37 Without difficulty

No. 851

No. 852


Solve a sudoku, crack a crossword, test your trivia


No. 851





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For personal readings, phone Francis on 9673 6321. Credit cards welcome. Francis Bevan direct 1902 264 063 or 24 hour line 1902 267 040 $5.50 per minute (higher pay-phone or mobile)..

Librans can be rather confusing; Hilary can be shy and lacking confidence whilst being strong and determined with definite leadership qualities. A typical Libran, she is known for her charm, sophistication and diplomatic behaviour. Jupiter is moving through her 12th house during the next 12 months highlighting her inner world of imagination. She will be aware of any hurdles that face her, however her insight will provide the clues to overcome them.

Getty Images

in the

28 September 1987





The Full Moon in your own sign on the 28th indicates it is time to move on from someone or something which is obviously doing you no good. The more you cling onto something you have outgrown, the harder the release will be. Things are good at work.

The Full Moon on the 28th indicates it’s time to rethink your work/life balance. Your career might be an exciting rollercoaster but there’s more to life than worldly ambitions. You seem to be getting a better grip on your finances and there should be some extra money in the offing.

The Full Moon on 28 September sees you moving on from an important relationship, personal or professional. It is the right time to do so and once these ties are cut, they will be final. Issues of privacy are very important and you will certainly be keeping secrets.

The 28 September Full Moon indicates you may be taking on too much responsibility for others. Making others responsible for their own lives isn’t selfish – it makes you a better parent, offspring, partner and person. It’s a good time to take an interest in spiritual matters.


LEO JUL 23 – AUG 23



The 28 September Full Moon is the ideal time to declutter your home, your car and your life. You need to let go of any mindsets and habits that are stunting your personal growth. This isn’t likely to be a wonderful time on the work front, so pace yourself.

The 28 September Full Moon indicates that patience really is a virtue, so for the best results breathe through any frustrations. Owing to the Sun’s favourable aspect with Jupiter, you could find that you will be better off financially, no matter how unlikely that prospect seems.

The Full Moon on the 28th indicates a problem will need to be resolved at work before you can continue in a happy and peaceful frame of mind. Friends will have a powerful influence on your future prospects and the Sun’s harmonious angle gives you optimism and vitality.

The Full Moon on the 28th warns you to be careful when driving as accidents are likely, also expect your mobile phone and computer to act rather strangely. Financial events should be beneficial and you may well have an impromptu celebration to mark the occasion.





The Full Moon on 28 September indicates that issues with friends are likely and you need to ditch time wasters so you can spend more time doing what you enjoy. With the sun moving through the most domestic area of your chart, the home and family are your main interests.

The Full Moon on the 28th indicates you need to be careful of thieves and tricksters. Expect complications when dealing with financial paperwork, so be certain to read everything before signing. Some sought-after goals will come to fruition in the coming year.

The Full Moon on the 28th in your house of romance indicates an inconvenient truth may cause waves. Uncomfortable as it seems, facing reality will let you make room for something fresh. This situation calls for tact; if you get frazzled you’ll risk coming across as brash.

The Full Moon on 28 September indicates that people who owe you money may delay payment, there may also be some unexpected charges on your bank statements so be certain to check them carefully. If things have been difficult in a partnership, this is your chance to resolve things.


Trades & Services Guide INDEX

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Asbestos Services





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Asbestos Removal Automotive Bathrooms and Kitchens Bobcat and Tipper Builders Business Sales Carpet Laying Cleaning and Home Help Computer Repairs Concreting Electrical Fencing Flooring Garden Maintenance Guttering Handyman Landscape and Design Office Furniture Oven Repairs and Cleaning Painting Plastering and Gyprock Plumbing Property Maintenance Tiling Self-Storage Water Tanks Whitegoods Windows


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To get your business listed in the Trades & Services Guide,

call Heidi on 6175 8888 or email heidi@canberraweekly.com.au 239




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Advertise in our TRADES & SERVICES GUIDE Reach over 90,000 potential clients each week!

Call Heidi on 6175 8888 241

My favourite things

COOKING “I am a foodie and I just love to cook… I became an accidental chef during my student year while I was working in an Indian restaurant in Melbourne and since then, I can’t resist if I see a pan and a spatula.”

Photos Gary Schafer

FAMILY HOLIDAYS “I love to take my family on overseas vacations. It is the best education for young children. You can learn, see and experience more of a country and its culture in a single day than by reading a novel about that country.”


A finalist in the 2015 India Australia Business and Community Awards in the Community Services Excellence Award, Deepak-Raj Gupta prides himself on his contribution to the community. President of the Australia India Business Council, ACT Chapter, Deepak-Raj was the ACT Multicultural Advocate of the Year in 2012 and helped start India in the City as part of the National Multicultural Festival – a role he is still actively involved in. He has also helped organise a number of community events like Diwali celebrations, Baisakhi Mela (Indian harvest festival) and was also involved in the inaugural World Curry Festival, held in Garema Place during Skate in the City. - Allison Redman 242

SPORT AND SOCIALISING “Socialising and sport are my favourite hobbies. I love meeting people, which I get to indulge in abundance through my role as president of the Australia India Business Council ACT Chapter. Sport is something I enjoy watching now, especially cricket and tennis in summer.”

PETS “Dogs have been man’s best friend for up to 40,000 years, and I have three of them – Sky, Tank and Jimmy. It is so refreshing to experience their love and affection every day, every time… they drag me out of the house to take them to the oval and for walks.”

COMMUNITY SPIRIT “Since my childhood, I have always been passionate about being involved in community work. Even during my school days, I used to go to charity organisations, temples and local community groups to lend a helping hand. I met so many wonderful people through such engagements and I still cherish their friendship and good company.”

iStock images

AFTERNOON SIESTA “A weekend afternoon between 3pm and 5pm is my no-talk zone. Near and dear ones know not to call me during this time. It is the best way to give back your body those sleeps that you miss on those early mornings and late nights.”

Rolfe Fiat & Alfa Romeo DL17000532 152 Melrose Drive Phillip ACT 2606. Tel. (02) 6232 4333 www.rolfeďŹ atalfa.com.au

The new home of Fiat & Alfa Romeo

*Offer free CTP (12mths), Rego (12mths), stamp duty and dealer delivery on every new Fiat or Alfa Romeo sold and delivered by Rolfe Fiat and Alfa Romeo during September 2015. Private buyers only. Not available in conjunction with any other offer. Whilst stocks last. Rolfe Fiat and Alfa Romeo reserve the right to change, withdraw or extend this offer at anytime.


SS15 Style workshop with Tash Sefton and Elle Ferguson Style workshop

with Tash Sefton and Elle Ferguson Join Tash and Elle, of blog They All Hate Us, as they share their fashion advice for the season, including how to accessorise your summer style.

Join Tash and Elle, of blog They All Hate Us, as they2pm share their fashion advice for the season, Saturday 26 September – 3.30pm including how to accessorise your summer style. Level 1, near Country Road

Saturday 26 September 2pm – 3.30pm

Cost: $50, redeemable for a $50 Canberra Centre Gift Card, includes a style bag. 1, Places strictly limited, bookings Level near Country Road essential. Purchase tickets at canberracentre.com.au.

Cost: $50, redeemable for a $50 Canberra Centre Gift Card, includes a style bag. Places strictly limited, bookings essential. Purchase tickets at canberracentre.com.au.


CANB0709 SS15 Collective Season Nicole Warne Fashion Poster_FA.indd 1

2/09/2015 8:53 am

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