22 October 2015

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thursday 22 october 2015


the honeymoon continues



pages of real estate open homes p198

beauty the lowdown on BB and CC creams motoring p203


Healite LED package Meet the Chef dinner Canberra International Film Festival passes Sleeping with Other People tickets Haircare prize pack

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Canberra Weekly contents

thursday 22 october 2015

This week...

At the annual Canberra Hospital Foundation (CHF) thank-you reception at the Arboretum last week, yours truly was moved by a presentation showcasing the accumulated generosity of our local community towards the CHF. Deb Rolfe, the eminently capable and lovely Chair of the CHF Board, said all those who give their time and money to the foundation, do so with the inspired vision of making our public hospital not just the best in Australia, but the best in the world. Over the course of the year, tens of thousands of dollars are raised by local businesses, groups and individuals – from gala balls, raffles, sausage sizzles, high teas, auctions and all kinds of events – and many hours are freely given by caring people to enhance the hospital experience for patients and their loved ones. Volunteers visit patients of all ages, giving their presence and presents, and equipment is bought to help improve the lives of patients in varying ways and degrees. Truly, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Reasons to be grateful this past week include the CHF team and volunteers working together to improve the ACT’s major public hospital for patients, their loved ones and staff, Bell Shakespeare’s striking production of Hamlet, our freshly groomed dog, Rainforest Foods macadamia treats courtesy of Caz, qukes, yoga and meditation. - Julie Samaras

Suite 11, 285 Canberra Avenue Fyshwick ACT 2609 Editorial & Advertising Enquiries T 02 6175 8800 | F 02 6175 8899 Since March 2009


Paul Bongiorno Turnbull’s honeymoon continues

On the cover Silver Linings


The look Alphabet creams

Home Personalise your rental digs

Regulars 08 12 34 40 44 45 56 62 68 198 203 215 220 221 226

General news Ross Solly Have you heard? Social scene Taste Time out The look Home Real estate Open homes Motoring TV guide Stars Trades & services Favourite things

on the cover

To celebrate Tuggeranong Arts Centre’s 25th anniversary, dance experts, Frances Gray (Middle Eastern belly dancing), Swapna Thilak (Bollywood) and Kate Ticehurst (Brazilian Samba), are ready to show members of the public basic moves they can perform at the Silvery Moon Festival on 7 November. Photos Gary Schafer. See cover story, page 45.


58 Getty Images

From the editor

10 45 56 62


WIN 44 54 54 60 225

Meet the Chef dinner Canberra International Film Festival passes Sleeping with Other People tickets Healite LED package Haircare prize pack

Editor Julie Samaras

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Art Director Daniel Charron Photography Gary Schafer FOUNDER & PUBLISHER Nick Samaras

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Published by Newstate Media Pty Ltd (ACN 124 830 155). All content © 2015 Newstate Media Pty Ltd, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without prior written permission. All material sent to Canberra Weekly Magazine (whether solicited or not) will not be returned. Unless otherwise agreed beforehand, all rights including copyright in such material is assigned to Newstate Media upon receipt and Newstate Media may use or sell such material in perpetuity without further consent or payment. All prices and information are correct at time of printing. For full terms and conditions of competitions contact Canberra Weekly Magazine on 6175 8800.


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news Housing affordability a key election issue ffordable housing was in the spotlight during Anti-Poverty Week (11-17 October) with the launch of the Safe + Well Green Paper: Redefining the affordable housing crisis. The paper features voices representing Canberra’s community and private sectors, as they unite to discuss the issues surrounding the ACT housing affordability crisis. It features topics such as domestic violence and homelessness, homelessness and young people, the effects of extreme housing stress, and the links with debt and afterhousing poverty. According to Jeremy Halcrow, CEO of Anglicare NSW South, NSW West and ACT, and CoChair ACT Anti-Poverty Week Committee, the paper is designed to show that there is a range of options available to government to find sustainable solutions. Recommendations range

from diversifying the range of affordable housing options, implementing a better targeted private rental subsidy program for young people in education and training and continued funding for accommodation and support services to enable them to meet demand. ACT Minister for Housing Yvette Berry welcomed the report which “acknowledges that housing affordability is a national issue and we have to look at the big picture when it comes to housing and what the Commonwealth, local governments and community each need to do”. “In the ACT, we are currently in the process of negotiating housing funding arrangements with the Commonwealth Government and we are continuing to participate in conversations around investment taxation arrangements that have a significant impact on the efficacy

of the approaches we take at a Territory level,” Ms Berry said. The ACT Government has implemented a number of initiatives over the past eight years to address housing affordability and homelessness. Ms Berry said that while “we are seeing significant progress in this area, I acknowledge there is still work to be done so that all Canberrans can have access to safe, affordable and sustainable tenancies”. Peak bodies, ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) and ACT Shelter, believe housing and homelessness is a key issue ahead of the 2016 ACT election. The two organisations have launched a new online platform [myvoteforhousing.com.au] highlighting that Canberra has some of the highest private rents, growing demand for homelessness services as well as pockets of deep housing stress and poverty.

It aims to challenge voter assumptions about affluence in Canberra and reveal to ACT election candidates truths about the level of housing stress, homelessness and housing poverty. According to ACTCOSS Director Susan Helyar, “the real housing challenge in Canberra is the growing gap between incomes and housing costs, and the lack of diverse housing forms”. “Improving the land supply pipeline is important but focussing on land supply alone will not produce the kinds of affordable and accessible housing options we need,” she said. Travis Gilbert, Executive Officer for ACT Shelter, said homelessness is real in Canberra. “The last census in 2011 recorded an 88% increase in the number of people counted as experiencing homelessness in the ACT (1,785 up from 949 in 2006).”

Community Sleepout raises over $115,000

Mother and son team, Cindy and Hugo, have raised over $3,000 from their participation in the Canberra Community Sleepout.

More than 700 Canberrans gathered at the Australian Institute of Sport on Friday night, 16 October, for the third annual Canberra Community Sleepout in an effort to raise funds and increase awareness for homelessness in the ACT. The event invited and encouraged individuals, teams, families, friends and colleagues to 8

experience a night sleeping out to better understand homelessness and to raise funds. As at Tuesday 20 October, registered fundraisers had collected over $115,000. Donations close at the end of October. Some of the top fundraising teams include ‘Doing it for Kurt’, a group of friends who were one of the leading teams last year and have raised over $9,000 in honour of their mate and Canberra stalwart, the late Kurt Steel, who was passionate about making Canberra a better place. Another standout team includes mother and son duo, Cindy and Hugo, who have raised over $3,000. Six-year-old Hugo felt a call to action after hearing a radio segment on the Sleepout and he’s been on a roll since. His mother Cindy said, “Hugo is a very caring and conscious little boy and the support he has had from his community around this has been wonderful. Hugo has also spoken in front of about 250 kids at school to raise awareness – not bad for a kindergartener I think”. The Canberra Community Sleepout is a

partnership between Communities@Work and the St Vincent de Paul Society Canberra/ Goulburn, which both deliver services that provide immediate assistance to those experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of homelessness.

Students from Merici College were among more than 700 people who gathered at the AIS on Friday 16 October for the Canberra Community Sleepout. They have raised over $2,000 as at Tuesday 20 October.

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capital hill The Turnbull honeymoon continues othing succeeds like success. Even Liberals who stuck with Tony Abbott and are highly suspicious of Malcolm Turnbull’s lefty tendencies are beaming. WA Liberal Senator Chris Back is a prime exhibit. On the morning the Ipsos Fairfax poll had the coalition in landslide territory, 53-47, he arrived at parliament in a very jolly mood: “Well you know it’s the old story, we politicians never take any notice of the polls but you can see the smile on my face.” Turnbull has more than tripled his lead over Bill Shorten as preferred Prime Minister. He’s up there with Kevin Rudd at the height of his popularity after the 2007 election. Not so jolly one of Abbott’s closest allies, the dumped Liberal Senate Leader Eric Abetz. He is still smarting and blaming

the press gallery for mocking the Christian right and attacking the “mad monk” Tony Abbott. Labor has real concerns the runaway polls could create an unstoppable bandwagon for the Turnbull government. Front bencher, Kim Carr pointed out the results in Victoria seem very strange. He doesn’t believe the ALP’s primary vote has slumped to 28% in its strongest state. Coming months will confirm whether this is a rogue poll. Nobody doubts that Turnbull has put the coalition back in front. The argument is how far? Ipsos pollster, Jessica Elgood sounds a cautionary note: “Potentially it’s all downhill from here, because two years from similar measurements Rudd was out of office”. That will have to be at the hands of voters. The prospect of the Liberals going to a third leader

in three years is remote even if Turnbull gets the wobbles. All the signs are he has learned his lesson well from his failed leadership in opposition. That ended in tears in 2009. Government ministers are now stirring mischief for Labor by suggesting Anthony Albanese is stalking Bill Shorten. Peter Dutton, another Abbott ally embracing his shiny new leader, told ABC radio, Albanese was smarter than Shorten for not joining the attack on Turnbull’s Cayman Islands tax haven investments. Whatever the truth about Albo’s ambitions it’s hard to see anybody else having a much better chance than Shorten at bringing the Prime Minister down to earth. The continuing honeymoon strengthens Turnbull’s position not only in regard to the opposition but also to hard-line conservatives in


his own party. There was an inkling he’s growing in confidence as far as his internal critics are concerned. In parliament he referred to Abbott as his “distinguished predecessor” while at the same time happy to say many of his unpopular policies in the 2014 budget have been changed or amended. He didn’t say many thanks to the Senate. Other differences with Abbott were, he said, the shift in attitude to urban rail funding something he cheekily noted Labor even welcomed. And to rub salt into the wounds, he trumpeted commitment to science and innovation, something else Labor thought it owned. There’s certainly a new game in town.



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The 6th Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis Canberra Conversation invites Professor Barbara Norman and Dr David Hughes to deliberate the possibility of light rail in Canberra. Each speaker will make brief presentations, before opening up the conversation to the audience. The Canberra Conversation Series is a monthly event providing a neutral space to bring together experts from academia, practice and the private sectors to debate critical human interest, governance and administrative issues. It is co-convened by IGPA Professorial Fellow Jon Stanhope AO and Communications & Events Officer Ellen Grady. Thursday 29 October 2015, 12:30pm – 1:30pm, Function Room, Theo Notaras Multicultural Centre, North Building 180 London Circuit, Canberra City.



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political capital No, Janice, Islam is not a country ast week the Federal Senate once again debated free speech and, more particularly, the Racial Discrimination Act in Australia. Among those supporting a watering down of the current Act was ACT Liberal Senator, Zed Seselja. As a journalist I’m obviously uncomfortable with laws which unreasonably curtail my right to voice an opinion. But I also believe, vainly, that I am mature enough to use my rights to speak freely sensibly and without causing offence to other races and religions. In recent days we have seen two stunning examples underlining that a number of Australians aren’t mature enough to handle such responsibility, and they shouldn’t be given it. A commercial network ran an insider’s view of the feral Reclaim


Australia movement on Sunday night. While the program itself was scary enough, the online commentary after the show made my skin crawl. A steady stream of ignorant, offensive and mostly illiterate ramblings from a bunch of redneck bogans. FYI, those who took the time to insult nearly everyone who isn’t white: Islam is not a country; Aborigines were, in fact, here before white settlers; Many of those you suggest should “piss off back to there (it’s their, btw) own countries”, are in fact Australians. Strike two followed the wonderful announcement that the department store, David Jones, had appointed AFL footballer Adam Goodes a brand ambassador. Predictably, sadly, the David Jones social media pages were soon filled with racist clowns exposing their

own hatred and lack of education. So to those who want to unshackle free speech and racial discrimination laws in Australia, be very careful what you wish for. Judging by the two incidents I’ve quoted above, our laws already allow bigots and racists to spew forth their messages of hate unrestricted. … THIS TIME NEXT year, maybe, we’ll have a new-look ACT Legislative Assembly in place. On the weekend, leaders Andrew Barr and Jeremy Hanson spelled out what they believe the electiondefining issues will be and, yes, light rail will be one of them. And so it should be. It’s a big, expensive project which some in the community feel uncomfortable with. Take Arthur, for example, who told me via email he thinks trams


are outdated. “A well established transport engineer in Canberra told me that overhead transport is the only viable option for Canberra’s public transport. Autonomous cars are another transport option which will become available in the medium term,” he said. “Personally, a combination of autonomous cars for shorter trips and rapid transit for movement between town centres would be the ultimate solution, especially for commuting. My real beef is that the Govt did not do ‘due diligence’ investigations of all the options.” There are lots of other issues Canberrans should be debating as well, and let’s hope they do. Let the campaigning begin.

news ACT Greens welcome changes to medicinal cannabis CT Greens MLA, Shane Rattenbury, has welcomed the announcement that the Federal Government will remove barriers that prevent States and Territories from growing cannabis for medicinal purposes. “The details of the federal changes will be important, particularly whether they will allow the ACT Government to supply medicinal cannabis to patients, but this is still an exciting step forward,” Mr Rattenbury said. “Federal laws have always prevented the ACT from setting up a formal model for cultivation and supply of medicinal cannabis. It appears that the announced federal changes will open the door for the ACT Government to grow, and potentially supply,

medicinal cannabis.” Federal Minister for Health Sussan Ley said the government was currently in the process of finalising draft amendments to the Narcotics Drugs Act 1967 to allow the controlled cultivation of cannabis for medicinal and scientific purposes in Australia. She said the government would create a Commonwealth licensing scheme within the Department of Health to ensure cultivation meets Australia’s international obligations. The Commonwealth licensing scheme will set out the obligations and legislative framework requirements for States and Territories looking to set up agricultural industries around the cultivation of cannabis for

ANU secures second record medicinal or scientific purposes. Mr Rattenbury said while it would be preferable that a federal agency managed the supply of medicinal cannabis, the announced changes should at least remove barriers to a local scheme. “I intend to introduce legislation to the Legislative Assembly to establish an ACT scheme for cultivation and supply of medicinal cannabis, similar to the scheme already proposed by the Victorian Government,” Mr Rattenbury said. “I’d also encourage the ACT to immediately look at its options for setting up a medicinal cannabis cultivation industry. Even from an economic standpoint, it is a market opportunity we can take advantage of.”

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A national stargazing event organised by The Australian National University (ANU) has achieved a second Guinness World Record. The 21 August event set the record for the most people stargazing at the same time across multiple sites in one country. Astronomers Dr Brad Tucker and Dr Emma Kirby coordinated 7,960 people at 37 sites from Tasmania to the NT to all turn their eyes to the heavens simultaneously, beating the previous record of 3,006 people at 33 sites in Mexico. Five sites were rained out or did not meet the Guinness requirements, with the largest successful group on the ANU campus. This event attracted 1,869 people, which was awarded a world record on the night for the most people stargazing at a single site.

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news Motorcycle Awareness Week in the ACT starts on Saturday 24 October with road users encouraged to keep an eye out for JOE Rider and log their sighting for a chance to win a prize.

Be alert and watch out for JOE otorcycle Awareness Week kicks off on Saturday 24 October and road users are being encouraged to look out for JOE Rider. The JOE Rider awareness campaign features riders wearing vests with “JOE” written on the back while riding around Canberra streets. According to the Motorcycle Riders Association of the ACT (MRA ACT), it’s all about “promoting the habit when you are in another vehicle to be actively


looking out for other road users”. President of MRA ACT Jen Woods said that all too often motorcycle and scooter riders hear “sorry, I didn’t see you” from a motorist who has either hit a motorcycle rider or had a near miss. “We are all equal out there,” she said. “We are in different vehicles and have to be respectful of each other and each other’s space.” However, she said the introduction of the two-year Lane Filtering Trial which started this

year and allows riders to filter between slowing (less than 30km/hr) or stopped traffic has had a positive effect on raising awareness of motorcycle riders. In addition to raising awareness there are a number of events being held as part of Motorcycle Awareness Week in the ACT. The ACT and Region Motorcyclists’ 2015 Pink Ribbon Ride is on Saturday 24 October while on Wednesday 28 October will be a forum “What about the Cotter?”. Speakers will include representatives from the police, government, rider training organisations and local Cotter residents. The event is at the Eastlake Football Club from 6pm to 8pm and is free to attend. There is also the Bikers Breakfast from 7am on Friday 30 October in front of Old Parliament House. For more information about JOE Rider, visit www.mraact.org.au

Crime reports decrease ACT Policing’s latest quarterly crime statistics show a 2.3% decline in crime reports in Canberra when compared to the same quarter last year. The release of the July to September 2015 quarterly crime statistics show Canberra’s north experienced the steepest decline with crime reports in the Inner North down 10.1%, Gungahlin down 1.6% and Belconnen down 1.5%. Reports decreased in Tuggeranong (down 9.7%) and Woden (down 7.6%) while there was an increase in the Inner South (up 28.9%) and Weston Creek (up 7%). The emerging Molonglo district saw an increase from 23 reports to 63 reports; a trend which is expected to continue as the area populates.

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Canberra’s top pets crowned ets of every size, shape and breed competed to be crowned Canberra’s Next Top Pet on Saturday 17 October at the RSPCA ACT Shelter. Animal owners entered their pets and fundraised to become an ambassador for RSPCA ACT as Canberra’s ‘Top Dog’, ‘Top Cat’ and ‘Top Small Animal’. This year, the organisation introduced a ‘People’s Choice’ competition which was run through RSPCA ACT’s Facebook page. During the past six weeks, 123 registrants fundraised over $21,000 for RSPCA ACT to aid

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ACT finalists for Australian of the Year

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their mission to prevent cruelty to animals in the ACT. This year’s top fundraiser was Gabrielle Openshaw who fundraised over $2,800 for her three-legged foster greyhound, Lucky, who is currently looking for a new home through Greyhound Rescue. Top Cat was taken out by Robinson, a domestic short hair, Top Small Animal by Meeka who is a confident ferret, and Top Dog by Tiny, a Jack Russell cross Papillion adopted from RSPCA ACT over a decade ago.

Representing a wide cross-section of the community, 17 people have been named as the ACT’s finalists in the 2016 Australian of the Year Awards. With achievements in science, animal welfare, social entrepreneurship, medical research, charity work, human rights, music and sustainable agriculture advocacy, the Australian of the Year Awards offer an opportunity to recognise these individuals. ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr congratulated the finalists and said “our community is made far richer and stronger because of these people and I am so pleased to see them recognised on a national stage”. He will present the finalists and the recipients with their awards in a ceremony at the National Gallery of Australia’s Gandel Hall on 2 November. The recipients of the ACT Australian of the Year Awards will go on to represent the national capital in the Australian of the Year Awards which will be presented on 25 January on the lawns of Parliament House.

The 2016 ACT Award finalists are: ACT Australian of The Year: Dr Alison Taylor and Dr Michael Archinal, veterinarians; David Morrison AO, equality advocate; Dr Brendan Nelson, cultural leader; Dr Helen Watchirs OAM, human rights advocate. ACT Senior Australian of The Year: Yvonne Cuschieri OAM, cancer support pioneer; Major General the Honourable Michael Jeffery AC AO (Mil) CVO MC, sustainable agriculture advocate; Professor Chris Parish, medical researcher; Professor Greg Tegart AM FTSE, scientist and technology advocate. ACT Young Australian of The Year: Dr Kate Eisenberg, doctor, science advocate and volunteer; Sophie Hope, multidimensional volunteer; Leonard Weiss, musician; Nipuni Wijewickrema, social entrepreneur. ACT Local Hero: Peter Cursley, newborn care champion; Fiona Kirk, charity founder; David Richards, volunteer fundraiser and Christmas enthusiast; Yanping Zhang, medical researcher.

Keepin’ it safe during storm season with Luke from ActewAGL During Canberra’s storm season, there are a number of things you can do to keep you, your family and your home safe. Make sure all trees and vegetation on your property are a minimum distance of 1.5 metres away from powerlines. If they’re not, you’ll need to get an ActewAGL accredited tree surgeon to trim them. You can find the list of ActewAGL accredited tree surgeons at actewagl.com.au/accreditedtreesurgeons Create a home safety kit containing things such as a torch, batteries, battery-operated radio and first aid kit in case there’s a power outage. Never use any electrical appliances that are wet or damaged. Stay clear of fallen or low powerlines. This is particularly important if you see clashing powerlines caused by extreme wind, because they can spark, leading to fires. Report all electrical and gas infrastructure damage immediately to ActewAGL’s emergencies and faults numbers. • Electricity: 13 10 93 • Gas: 13 19 09

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ANU students Clarisse Trindade and Kota Besant (right) attempted the white cane blindfold challenge on International White Cane Day (15 October) with Orientation and Mobility instructor Chace Richardson from Guide Dogs NSW/ACT.

ould you get to work with your eyes closed? This was the question posed on International White Cane Day (15 October) as participants attempted the white cane blindfold challenge, held on campus at ANU. Hosted by Guide Dogs NSW/ACT, the challenge was designed to raise awareness of the importance of the white cane in helping people who are blind or vision impaired to live independently. Trust was a major factor, according to ANU students Kota Besant and Clarisse Trindade, who took part in the challenge on the day. “It was quite intimidating at first not being able to see and I was instinctively putting my hands out to try and feel my way,” Kota said. “It’s hard to trust the cane.” Both agreed it was a valuable experience and helped them to empathise more with people who are vision impaired. The short walk featured obstacles, such as garbage bins and bollards, and using the cane to feel for different surfaces such as concrete and carpet.

Orientation and Mobility instructor Chace Richardson from Guide Dogs NSW/ACT said the experience is “extremely valuable” for people to have as “it gives you firsthand experience of what it

is like to move around as someone who is blind or vision impaired”. Statistics show that every day, 28 Australians are diagnosed with vision loss that cannot be corrected. Last year, Guide Dogs’ Orientation and Mobility Instructors worked with almost 4,000 people of all ages across NSW and the ACT to help them achieve their mobility goals. “The ability for those who are blind or vision impaired to move safely around their community, when and how they want to, is an essential element of a person’s confidence and social inclusion,” said Dr Graeme White, CEO Guide Dogs NSW/ACT. “Thanks to mobility aids like the long cane and the latest electronic devices, with training from Guide Dogs, people with impaired vision are able to travel confidently to, from and around their workplaces.” The community can help those who are blind or vision impaired to move safely around the community by keeping footpaths clear of obstacles such as rubbish bins, ensure café and restaurant tables are placed away from the building line, trim overhanging branches, do not park cars over footpaths and be aware of cane users when sharing the footpath. - Allison Redman

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Theatre season holds promise

Emily Bronte’s classic gothic masterpiece Wuthering Heights is adapted by contemporary theatre company Shake & Stir. Photo Dylan Evans.

cabaret show La Clique which will continue on to London. Drama lovers will have plenty to choose from. Emily Bronte’s classic gothic masterpiece Wuthering Heights is adapted by contemporary theatre company Shake & Stir, Belvoir’s Helpmann Award-winning adaptation of Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie stars Pamela Rabe, and Disgraced is a witty and complex work that challenges contemporary attitudes towards religion from Sydney Theatre Company. Two of Australia’s best regarded playwrights are also in the mix. Things I Know To Be True is a newly commissioned work by Andrew Bovell (The Secret River, Lantana), and Hannie Rayson (Hotel Sorrento) explores a timeless story about conservation in Extinction. Three dance shows will step out during 2016. Sydney Dance Company’s CounterMove explores







he Canberra Theatre Centre’s 2016 season promises to be one of its best, with a rich program of drama, two of Shakespeare’s finest works, and a sprinkling of dance shows and musicals. Director Bruce Carmichael says “We’re bringing in the nation’s best theatre and dance companies to the capital for a unique program that will intrigue our patrons and attract new audiences. “We are adding a new venue experience to our season with the inclusion of The Famous Spiegeltent which will be in Civic Square next February and March. This will be an experience to rival them all and I urge you to partake in at least one of the numerous performances that will grace its stage.” Launching the season in The Famous Spiegeltent is the world premiere season of the spectacular




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humour and darkness, Bangarra Dance Theatre’s OUR land people stories explores the 1816 March of Macquarie, a historical chapter in Sydney’s Aboriginal community, and Queensland Ballet will present The Nutcracker. 2016 marks 400 years since Shakespeare’s death and Bell Shakespeare will bring a classic version of Romeo and Juliet and a gripping production of Othello. The nation’s obsession with the Lindy Chamberlain story is revisited in Alana Valentine’s gripping new work, Letters to Lindy, based on the more than 20,000 letters written to Lindy, now held by the National Library of Australia. Musical performances include Little Shop of Horrors, Opera Australia’s The Marriage of Figaro, and Country Song, a fictionalised story inspired by the life of Jimmy Little. - Diana Streak

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Priority One are Canberra based Finance Brokers looking after the distinctive needs of investors, home owners, first home buyers and businesses needing finance to build their future.

Priority One has a finance solution to meet your needs. Contact Us today for your appointment Level 3, 53 Blackall Street BARTON ACT 2600 Ph: 02 6251 0555 Fax: 02 6169 4765 www.priorityonemortgages.com.au Email: Reception@priorityonemortgages.com.au

news Pink Ribbon Day: focus on breast awareness October in Australia is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Monday 26 October is Pink Ribbon Day, a time to focus on breast awareness. Here breast cancer survivor, Raine Brand, gives a first-hand account of the importance of early diagnosis. can’t stress enough the importance of finding breast cancer early. This provides the best chance of surviving. I will tell you my embarrassing secret: I knew I had a lump but left it for several months because my schedule was too full. I was too busy. Go figure! I was in denial even though my mother died within two years of her diagnosis. She was just 41 and I was 16. And her mum also died from breast cancer. So I feared breast cancer intensely and I delayed what I knew would be a definite diagnosis until a puckering nipple knocked sense and the high probability of malignancy into me. Diagnosis day involved many mammograms and a core biopsy. The on-site pathologist relayed the results to my breast physician who relayed the results to me. I dropped the baton and, still in denial, suggested to the physician that she had made a mistake. “It is cancer,” she said loudly at point-blank, aimed at blasting me into reality. I had a lump. In fact I had three. I had felt only one, gave it a cursory nod, then got on with my busy life. I had better things to do than breast cancer. The diagnosis, even though expected, sent me into free-fall, spinning into terminal velocity as if my parachute hadn’t deployed.


A tad excessive I know but everything is disproportionate when cancer is confirmed. What followed were three operations, including a double mastectomy, seven months of chemotherapy, reconstruction, and five years of a drug no one would take by choice. It is not a great journey. It is painful, you feel lousy, and you lose your power. I felt like I was on an intimidating form of cruise control where my only choice was to overtake certain death and to do it while a multitude of curve balls were thrown at me. It’s a journey many women have to take as breast cancer remains one of the most common cancers among Australian women. Recent statistics from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare show that the incidence is increasing but survival is also improving. It is estimated that this year 15,600 women (and 145 men) will be diagnosed with breast cancer. By 2020 it is estimated that 17,210 women will be diagnosed. Survival rates continue to improve; 89 out of every 100 women diagnosed with invasive breast cancer now surviving five or more years beyond diagnosis. There are various types of breast cancer and to be fully technical some hardly require treatment and others require lots, some are lingeringly treacherous; others march on at a perilous pace,especially in younger women. So please be aware and get checked as often as your doctor recommends. especially in younger women. So please be aware and get checked as often as your doctor recommends.









Synergy Group partners: Eric Hummer, Selina Stanford, Mark Pattrick, Nigel Fredericks, Robert Kennedy and Paulette Robinson. (Absent: Patrick Quade).

Synergy Group goes from strength to strength

Since rebranding six years ago, the award-winning Synergy Group continues to experience exponential growth.

After success at the 2015 Telstra Business Awards in the Medium Business category, Synergy Group continues to go from strength to strength with their merger cementing their position as the largest Canberra-based accounting and consulting firm.


ynergy Group has integrated Moore Stephens Canberra, which will take their professional staff numbers to more than 90 when the Moore Stephens team of 12 professionals joins, expanding services in audit and assurance. The merger between the two companies was complete by mid-October. Moore Stephens Canberra’s extensive experience and market presence will combine with Synergy’s to provide the local audit and assurance market with an improved range of services and access to more highly skilled resources. “This merger combines the strengths of two Canberra focussed firms, building our capability to deliver audit and assurance services to government and the not-for-profit sector,” said 30

Synergy Group partner, Patrick Quade. “It’s incredibly exciting that we’re continuing to grow and expand using our non-traditional business model, which emphasises a flat corporate structure and gives our consultants licence to deal efficiently and directly with clients,” he said. Synergy Group has been operating since 1999 and provides a competitive alternative to many of the international consulting firms. “We rebranded about six years ago,” said Synergy Group partner Nigel Fredericks, “and since then we’ve seen exponential growth.” Mr Fredericks said a major point of difference for the firm is their “disruptor ethos” which promotes a “businesses within a business”

approach where consultants are encouraged to identify market opportunities, establish client relationships and build businesses. “We empower our consultants to make the decisions and have flexibility in what they do, whether that’s their work-life balance or working hard and being rewarded for it.” By connecting clients directly with consultants, it helps keep work moving efficiently and overheads low. Synergy Group specialises in accounting and consulting services for government agencies, covering all aspects of government management requirements from shared services, financial management, business processes, information systems, audit, governance, risk and compliance.

Synergy Group advertising moment

Operating in Canberra since 1999, Synergy Group provides a competitive alternative to many of the international accounting and consulting firms.

Synergy Group’s business model emphasises a flat corporate structure and gives consultants licence to deal directly with clients.

Synergy Group’s tangram logo symbolises team members working together to create innovative solutions in the complex world of accounting and consulting and the need to sometimes think outside the box.

Clients engage Synergy Group because of their ability to attract and retain the best consultants as well as their highly competitive rates.

Clients engage Synergy Group because of their ability to attract and retain the best consultants as well as their highly competitive rates. Synergy has a commitment to building long-term relationships with clients and staff, and a willingness and ability to transfer their knowledge to clients’ staff. As problem solvers, Synergy Group’s tangram logo is the perfect illustration for how they can help you. It represents the diversity of solutions required in the complex world of accounting and consulting, the need to sometimes think outside the box and that the skills and experience of team members can be brought together in many ways to create an innovative solution. For help putting the pieces together, contact Synergy Group on 6260 7477.

Contact details Synergy Group 55 Blackall Street, Barton Ph: 6260 7477 E: info@synergygroup.net.au www.synergygroup.net.au

sport Squad selected for PM’s XI

United stumble in season opener

strong combination of emerging talent alongside existing and former international stars has been selected for the Prime Minister’s XI clash against New Zealand on Friday 23 October. Captain Mike Hussey will be joined by his brother David in the side which will also feature the batting quartet of Cameron Bancroft, Joe Burns, Usman Khawaja and Adam Voges, who were also all recently selected for Australia’s tour of Bangladesh. Locals Ryan Carters, Jason Behrendorff and Ben Taylor (12th man) have also been included. Each began their cricket careers in Canberra with both Carters and Behrendorff now playing state cricket for NSW and WA while Taylor is representing the ACT Comets.

Brisbane Roar proved too strong in their W-League season opener against Canberra United on Sunday 18 October defeating the defending champions 2-1. Tameka Butt opened the scoring for the home side which was followed soon after with the Roar’s second when Lydia Williams fumbled a Ruth Blackburn shot into her own net. Canberra United managed to

Former Australian Test players Greg Blewett and Ryan Harris have been confirmed as head coach and assistant coach of the PM’s XI side which also features Ashton Agar, Peter Siddle and Mark Steketee. The squad for the Cricket Australia XI, who will take on New Zealand in a two-day tour match at Manuka Oval on 24-25 October, was also announced on Tuesday. Usman Khawaja will lead the squad, with four changes from the PM’s XI team. Shaun and Mitchell Marsh replace the Hussey brothers from the PM’s side, Billy Stanlake will replace Mark Steketee while Sam Whiteman will take on wicketkeeper duties, replacing Ryan Carters. Tickets to the Cricket Australia XI match are available at the gate of Manuka Oval. Tickets for the PM’s XI match are available via Ticketek.

pull a goal back before half-time through Michelle Heyman who produced a deft touch to round the Roar’s goalkeeper and calmly slot the ball home. Despite both teams having their opportunities in the second half, there was no change to the score. Canberra United host Sydney FC on Saturday 24 October at McKellar Park. Kick-off is 4pm.

Nalder named player of the year Canberra Darters import Simone Nalder has capped off an outstanding Australian Netball League season by taking out the club’s Player of the Year Award. Nalder, who was a member of the Victoria Fury ANL championship winning side from 2011-13, joined the Darters this season as one of two imports. The former AIS scholarship holder was a focal point in the

shooting circle scoring 92 goals in her seven appearances for the Darters. Other Netball ACT award winners included: ACT U17 Coaches’ Award: Zoe Haseler; ACT U19 Coaches’ Award: Maddie McCathie; ACT U21 Coaches’ Award: Keely Rodrigo; and Canberra Darters Coaches’ Award: Nardia McDonald.

Success for triathletes ACT triathlete Kerrie Muir tasted success at the 2015 International Triathlon Union World Cross Triathlon Championships in Sardinia, Italy, recently claiming silver in the female 50-54 age group. Meantime, ACT athletes returned with two gold, three silver and two bronze from the 2015 ITU World Duathlon Championships in Adelaide. Jonathon Goerlach (with guide Jack Bigmore) won gold in the World ParaDuathlon PT5 category, while Laura Wolfson

claimed the 20-24 female title. Sean Smee (35-39 Male), Angela Bateup (45-49 Female) and David Baussmann (65-69 Male Sprint) all claimed silver in their respective categories, while Rowan Walker (45-49 Male) and Adam Rudgley (U23 Elite Male) claimed bronze. The next race in the ACT Triathlon Series is the Jackie Fairweather Memorial Triathlon on 7-8 November at Rond Terraces; icanrace.com.au for more details.

Hart named in sprint team The road to the Rio 2016 Olympic Games will continue for Australia’s track cyclists in Cali, Colombia, from 30 October to 1 November, with a 15-rider team named for the opening round of 32

the 2015/16 UCI Track Cycling World Cup Series. ACT cyclist Nathan Hart has been named as part of the men’s sprint team alongside Matthew Glaetzer and Jacob Schmid.

Step Into Health Care advertising moment

Kieran Step and Stefanie Villinger have created a warm and inviting atmosphere at Step Into Health Care in Braddon, where they take a holistic approach to helping patients manage their health and wellbeing.

Osteopath couple open healing new premises


steopaths, Dr Kieran Step and Dr Stefanie Villinger, have opened their elegant new premises in Braddon – Step Into Health Care – offering a holistic approach to treating neck and back pain, sporting and occupational injuries, headaches, sciatica, tennis elbow and knee pain, among others. They designed the suite of rooms themselves and included Kieran’s passion for antiques and Canadian log cabin elements, creating a classy vintage feel. “We didn’t want a clinical look. We wanted our practice to be warm and inviting, and complement the vibe of Lonsdale Street,” says Stefanie. “We have included an area for children as we treat entire families and want people to be well educated about their bodies.” As Osteopaths, Kieran and Stefanie are dedicated to helping patients become pain free and mobile as quickly as possible from injuries and maintain their wellbeing. To be a qualified Osteopath requires five years’ university training in anatomy, physiology, pathology, general medical diagnosis and osteopathic techniques. The couple started working in Canberra in 2008. Over the past three years, they furthered

their experience practising in Tasmania for a year and then two adventurous years in British Columbia, Canada. “We always knew we would come back to Canberra,” says Kieran. “We learned a lot during our time in Canada where we worked at a remote wilderness lodge in the Rocky Mountains. The lodge was a fly in/out backcountry hiking and winter ski touring destination. In addition to practising Osteopathy, we managed injuries and were also chefs and guides.” Kieran is a former Australian cross country ski champion and was national junior champion for two years which means he has the experience and a keen interest in treating sports injuries. Stefanie has a particular interest in treating back pain and headaches as well as pregnancy care, babies and children. With over 15 years' combined clinical experience, the couple were ready to open their own holistic practice and they plan to expand to include health practitioners in other fields and a Pilates studio. Osteopathy is a form of manual medicine, which uses a variety of hands-on techniques that include massage, stretching, mobilisation and strengthening exercises to diagnose and treat

structural and biomechanical dysfunction and other conditions. Osteopaths work with patients to help support the body’s ability to heal and to improve joint mobility, reduce ligament and muscular strain and restore overall health and balance. Osteopathic treatment is recognised by most private health funds. “Osteopathic treatment uses techniques such as stretching and massage for general treatment of soft tissues (muscles, tendons and ligaments) along with mobilisation of specific joints,” Kieran says. “We like to educate our patients so they understand their bodies and can look after themselves.” For more information, contact Step Into Health Care on 6247 8000 or visit www.stepintohealthcare.com.au for online bookings.

Contact details Step Into Health Care 6/6 Lonsdale St, Braddon Ph: 6247 8000 E: info@stepintohealthcare.com.au www.stepintohealthcare.com.au Open Monday to Saturday


Family fun day The Canberra Hospital Foundation is hosting its second annual Family Fun Day at Majura Park on Saturday 1 November 10am-2pm. There will be plenty of fun activities for just a gold coin donation with jumping castles, water balls, a petting zoo, reptile demonstrations, Kenny Koala, face painting and more. Funds raised

go to the Canberra Hospital Foundation’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Last year the funds raised purchased a Giraffe – a piece of equipment that enables babies to be moved whilst still in their humidicrib – and some beautiful Diary of a Baby Wombat images for the walls of the NICU.

iStock image

Fundraising raffle Share your community event. Email news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘HYH’ in the subject field. Deadline is 10 days prior to Thursday edition date.

The ACT Branch of the Australia Alopecia Areata Foundation will be at the Canberra Home and Leisure Show (23-25 October) at Exhibition Park, raising awareness of the condition as well as fundraising to support research. Raffle prizes include a signed 2015 Raiders jersey and an autographed tennis racquet from Nick Kyrgios.

HAVE YOU HEARD? what's on

Fetes and fairs Kangara Waters Retirement Village, 2 Joy Cummings Place, Belconnen, will hold its annual fete on Saturday 24 October 9am-2pm to raise money for the village. Proceeds from previous fetes have been used to install shade sails, a pergola, and a tropical fish tank for the Dementia unit. St Michael & All Angels Church in the village of Hall (corner of Victoria and Loftus Streets) will hold an old fashioned church fete on Saturday 24 October 10am-2pm. Enjoy entertainment from Victoria Street Brass, Johnny Huckle, Dances with Dogs and Queanbeyan City Pipe Band while browsing the stalls or relaxing with a cuppa and yummy food, try your hand at gumboot throwing or the string maze. More info: Beryl 0408 488 526. The Aranda Primary Twilight Fete promises something for everyone on Saturday 24 October 3-7pm, with a petting zoo, merry-go-round, jumping castle, face painting, craft stalls, toy stalls, book stalls, plant stalls, reptile zoo, rides, photo booth and plenty of yummy food. Visit: arandafete.webs.com


must do

must see

Celebrating languages Join members of the ACT Bilingual Education Alliance and families raising children in more than one language for a picnic by Lake Ginninderra on Sunday 25 October 11am-1pm at John Knight Memorial Park. There will be free face painting and children’s activities in various languages. More info: actbilingual.weebly.com

Golden jubilee To celebrate its 50th birthday, Campbell High School will hold an Open Day on Saturday 24 October 10am-2pm, kicking off with an assembly in the hall. Past students and teachers can walk through familiar corridors, listen to the school bands, view art displays and memorabilia. A cocktail reception will be held at the Mercure Canberra (Olims) at 6pm (tickets $25). More info: campbellhigh.act.jubilee@gmail.com

Cuban Latin fiesta Celebrate the Cuban National Day of Culture on Saturday 24 October from 6.30pm at St James Church Hall, Curtin. There will be Cuban music, a Latin DJ, dancing, Cuban drinks and Latin American food, performers, musicians and more. Tickets $10, children under 15 free. All proceeds go to a hospital in Cuba for patients with special needs.

After breast cancer… On Thursday 29 October, local businesses Focus Your Money and health and fitness coach Tanya Gendle will hold an education workshop on health, fitness and money during and after breast cancer. The workshop is open to all Canberra women and their supporters touched by breast cancer. Cost is $20 with all proceeds going to National Breast Cancer Network Australia. To register: tanyagendle.com.au/workshop

Free tennis day Belconnen Tennis Club, Halloran Close, Macquarie, invites you to a Free Tennis Day on Saturday 24 October 11am-2pm with free court hire, free clinics for adults and juniors, a Hit the Target competition, barbecue, free vouchers for social tennis and tennis coaching and more! Details: Gary 0423 197 496 or tiny.cc/belconnenfreetennis

Lanyon Marketplace advertising moment

Lanyon Pharmacy aims to provide excellent customer service, timely access to pharmacists and a range of professional health services. Lanyon Pharmacy Managing Partner, Mark Leighton with retail manager, Chloe Drayton, who received the ACT Pharmacy Assistant of the Year Award in 2014 for her dedication and care.

Lanyon Pharmacy: bigger and better than ever anyon Pharmacy, part of the Life Pharmacy Group, opened its doors along with Lanyon Marketplace in November 1997 and has been providing customers with outstanding care and advice ever since. “The pharmacy has grown over the years to help accommodate the growth of the local region,” says Pharmacist in Charge and Managing Partner, Mark Leighton. Having just undertaken a major refit and rebranding, Lanyon Pharmacy is back bigger and better than ever. New additions include a dedicated medication packing area, two consultation rooms, and IT upgrades aimed at enhancing the delivery of professional programs and services. “We’ve also been listening to customer feedback and are excited about some new lines and product ranges to be incorporated into the pharmacy,” Mark says. Having worked as the Pharmacist in Charge at Lanyon Pharmacy for the past six years, Mark has an extensive background in both hospital and community pharmacies across Australia and New Zealand, and accepted the role of partner 18 months ago. He and retail manager Chloe Drayton ensure that their staff, being on the frontline of Lanyon Pharmacy, are one of the main reasons

customers return. The pharmacy employs around 35 staff members in a variety of roles, from local high school students in their first job to university students studying health courses, and a range of professional staff including intern pharmacists and pharmacy students. Chloe was employed as a high school student at 15 years of age and has a real passion for helping customers and developing team members’ skill. She was awarded the ACT Pharmacy Assistant of the Year Award in 2014 for her dedication and care. “Our staff are what helps deliver the excellent customer service and professional services here at Lanyon Pharmacy,” Mark says. “The mix of staff from different backgrounds and interests allows us to cater to the wider community.” All staff receive on-the-job training as well as additional training throughout their employment and, combined with their passion to help customers, Lanyon Pharmacy can guarantee their customer’s needs are met. As well as delivering exceptional customer service and professional advice, Lanyon Pharmacy work actively in their local community, supporting local schools and sporting groups with fundraising efforts, and hosting monthly charity donation collections. They also provide their services to do talks and health awareness to

the members of Tuggeranong Men’s Shed. Lanyon Pharmacy is focussed on providing excellent customer service, timely access to pharmacists and professional staff, and a range of professional health services including: medication management, health checks, blood pressure measurements, cholesterol testing, blood glucose testing, asthma management, weight management, absence from work certificates and smoking cessation; health clinics on sun awareness, hearing tests, heart and cardiovascular clinics, vaccination clinics and health weight consultations; sports nutrition and sports injury management; travel health; men’s and women’s health; and free home delivery.

Contact details Lanyon Pharmacy Lanyon Marketplace 4 Sydney Nolan Drive, Conder Ph: 6284 8555


have you heard “Come and talk to us about your renovation this weekend, at the Canberra Home & Leisure Show Budawang Pavilion, Exhibition Park!”

Remembrance ceremony On Monday 26 October 12.30-1.30pm at Weston Park, Yarralumla, Families and Friends for Drug Law Reform (ACT) Inc will host the 20th annual remembrance ceremony ‘for those who lose their life to illicit drugs’. Families and friends who have lost a loved one are invited to have their loved one’s name read out at the ceremony by phoning Marion on 6169 7678 or emailing mcconnell@ffdlr.org.au. Details: ffdlr.org.au

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Meet the ladies of Woden VIEW Club for a two-course luncheon on Tuesday 27 October 11.30am at the Southern Cross Club, Woden; cost $26. RSVP to Jan on 6286 1009 asap. The next meeting of the Gungahlin Day VIEW Club will be on Wednesday 28 October 11.30am at the Versatile Restaurant in the Gold Creek Village; two-course lunch $30. The speaker will be Sarah Steed from the ACT Library Service. RSVP to Catherine on 6166 2874 before noon on Monday 26 October.

The Friends of the ANU Classics Museum invite members of the public to a free lecture entitled ‘Augustus and the temple of Jupiter Feretrius’ on Thursday 22 October 8pm at the Haydon-Allen Theatre, ANU. A curator at the National Museum of Australia, Dr Lily Withycombe has completed a thesis on religious architecture and topography of Augustan and early Imperial Rome, and will offer a case study of early Augustan temple rebuilding.

Party at the Shops Come and party at the Hall Shops, Victoria Street, Hall, on 30 October from 4pm. There will be live music by Johnny Huckle and West Texas Crude, a woodchop exhibition and sand-shovelling competition, face painting and plenty of kids activities, market stalls, delicious food, vintage cars and caravans, karate demonstrations and plenty more. For more info check out the Parties at the Shops Facebook page.

I-MED Clinics turn pink To support breast cancer during October, $10 from every mammogram conducted by the I-MED Network of 160 clinics will be donated to the McGrath Foundation to help fund the placement of McGrath breast care nurses.

Synergy Chiropractic Centre advertising moment

Synergy Chiropractic Centre offers services for babies, which may assist with latching issues during feeding as well as have a positive impact on neurological development.

Synergy Chiropractic Centre helps your body be its best


ffering chiropractic care from conception to birth and beyond, the team at Synergy Chiropractic Centre provide a holistic approach to you and your family’s health. Dr Lindi Vanzwan and Dr Natasha Pragnell are qualified chiropractors who have a special interest in helping women during pregnancy, as well as families, babies and children. They provide gentle and effective chiropractic care tailored to each individual’s needs. “We both have young families ourselves and we understand how chiropractic care can impact positively on young children and families,” Lindi says.

Chiropractic care focuses on spinal health through helping to restore proper movement and function to spinal segments and remove irritation to the nervous system, which may then help other joints and areas of the body. This is teamed with postural correction and lifestyle advice. In terms of pregnancy, it aids in comfort while research suggests it may also reduce labour time. “What makes us different is we take a holistic approach,” Lindi says. “It is not just about pain and function. We are looking at your lifestyle, what you are eating, activities, posture, sleep, stress levels, everything that could impact your health.”

Dr Natasha Pragnell and Dr Lindi Vanzwan (Chiropractors) opened Synergy Chiropractic Centre in February this year, offering clients the care and tools needed to get well and stay well in a relaxed, safe environment.

“It is about preventative care rather than just treating the problem,” Natasha adds. Synergy Chiropractic Centre also assists with stretches and stabilising exercises, encouraging clients to use and move their body in the optimal way to prevent injury. In November, Lindi and Natasha will also be welcoming Dr Suzi Craig to their team, an acupuncturist and doctor of Chinese medicine with a special interest in women’s health, natural and assisted fertility, and hormonal issues. Contact Synergy Chiropractic Centre on 6251 8869 today to see how they can enhance your long-term health. No referrals are required. Open Monday to Saturday.

6251 8869 for every age and stage 41 / 21 Wiseman Street, Macquarie, 2614 • Personalised to your needs 37

have you heard St John trivia night St John Ambulance Australia is holding a fundraising Ophthalmic Trivia Night to raise funds for the St John Eye Hospital Group on Friday 30 October 6.30pm at the Hellenic Club, Woden. Cost: $50, includes twocourse meal, excludes drinks. RSVP by 26 October to Kylie or Amanda on 6295 3777 or enquiries@stjohn.org.au



Hear the stories of people and organisations who make a difference for children and young people in the ACT as they are presented with their ACT Children’s Week awards at Visions Theatre, National Museum of Australia, on Wednesday 28 October 11am-12.15pm. More info: Narelle Hargreaves, President ACT Children’s Week Committee, 6254 4209.

Reclaim the Night march The annual Reclaim the Night march will be held on Friday 30 October with speeches starting in Garema Place, Civic, at 6pm. Reclaim the Night is a chance for women to walk in solidarity and demand the right to live without fear and reality of rape and male violence. The event occurs around the world. Visit: crcc.org.au/events/reclaim-the-night


Run for your Lifeline Canberra

aim higher… ‘Peter Ring has been working on our brand for the last seven years. Quite frankly Pete is a unique person to work with - he sees the world in a different way; a way that I can only see when he puts the solution in front of me - and then I go wow! Pete recently created a name and brand for a new start up company we are creating. Once again his unique thinking produced fresh, succinct ideas that will accelerate our engagement to new markets. Pete is a one-off - get him on your team if you can or call me on 0419 844 526 if you want to know more.’ Ed Nixon – CEO – Trilogy Funding

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The 2015 Icon Water Run for your Lifeline Canberra Fun Run and Half Marathon will be held on Sunday 1 November, raising funds for your local 13 11 14 Telephone Crisis Support service. The event starts on the Mt Majura Service Road and ventures down the Majura Parkway towards the airport. Register: runforyourlifeline.com.au

Twilight in the jungle Cerebral Palsy Alliance will host their annual Twilight in the Jungle cocktail party on Thursday 5 November 5.30pm at the National Zoo & Aquarium. The event will include music, auction items, food and drinks provided by St Edmund’s College hospitality students and presented by students from Black Mountain School and Canberra College, and optional animal feeding. Tickets: $75 (additional $20 for animal feeding); call 6199 0699 or 6199 0613.

Looking for a new car? Zoom to Motoring

page 203


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social scene

Jeremy Keeffe, Craig Downs

Paul Walshe, Claire Harb, Nick Samaras

Tony Lafferty, Deb Plant, Wayne Harriden

Ben McDonald, Dan Russell, Brad Robson

Richard Rolfe, Lady Cosgrove, Richard Luton, Deb Rolfe

Jenny McFarlane, Georgia Houston, Stacey Pajaczkowski, Patricia Tandy

Chris Costigan, Mick Collins, Vivienne Andrews, Chris Wilson

Lady Cosgrove, Peter Munday, Peter Axiom, George Miklas

Canberra Hospital Foundation thankyou reception, Margaret Whitlam Pavilion, National Arboretum Canberra.


Clara Monilla, Ivonne Sanchez

Craig Horley, Mark Hardy

Annabel Scholes, Gill Perkins

Mark Gordon, Marilyn Higgins

Jeremy Cox, Ollie Waldren

Peter Barclay, Michele Fisher, Jeremy Cox

Rohan Cutler, Jennifer Morris

Sonya McCarthy, Stuart Watson


Movember Canberra launch party, King O’Malley’s Irish Pub, Canberra City. Opening night of Bell Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Canberra Theatre Centre.


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social scene

Glenys Shepherd, Charise Buckley

Alfred Hearn, Kayte Flanagan

Alison Foster, Vida Rosauer

Anne Dunstan, Simon Elliot

Alison Purvis, Nick Dewan, Tim Dewan

Alex Philp, Ben Philp, Katherine Philp, Nick Philp

Patricia Triay, Rocio Melgarejo, Julia Wright, Esteban Melgarejo

Meg Brighton, Judith Hamilton


QL2 All the Things junior dance recital, Theatre 3, New Acton. Cranleigh-Capital Chemist Artshow, Cranleigh School, Holt.


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Belinda Taylor, Michael Fenn

Daniel Coliba, Mihaela Caliba

Sara Bates, John Bates, Cherie Agius, Peter Agius

Lachlan Taylor, Erik Kasir, Kristy Rhett Day, Sara Louis, Karen Sorrenti, Clayton, Andrew Chisholm, Varun Bajaj Shannon Miller, Cheng Lu

Kurt Pollard, Alisha Wigley

Javid Osman, Anita Osman, Ibrahim Saikal

Wendy Duggan, Mark Duggan, Amanda Abraham

IGA East Row House annual fundraising gala dinner dance, Canberra Southern Cross Club, Woden.



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Camille Young of Pip & Lou with one of her Loula wedding cakes: “I really put my whole heart into creating something unique and special”.



ou can’t find them in a shop, but you won’t have to look further than Instagram to get your hands on local dessert designer Camille Young’s Pip & Lou creations. It’s no secret that modern day foodies love to take to Instagram to showcase their daily meals. After uploads of selfies and pets, mouthwatering food is the next best thing to capture for your profile. Earlier this year, Manuka café Patissez had followers around the globe gaping at their Freakshakes. The craze is called #Foodporn and it’s helping Canberra locals like Camille Young turn her passion into a business. Young recalls sitting at the kitchen table as a little girl, watching her mother bake while waiting patiently

to lick the beaters. Today she shares the tradition with her own daughter who insists on licking the entire bowl. Young’s driving force to master the art of baking was so her daughter could share the same excitement she had experienced each year when picking a birthday cake for her mother to recreate. “My mum would pull out the Women’s Weekly birthday cake cookbook and we’d get to choose which one we liked. She always made them exactly the same as the picture so when I had my own little girl I was determined to do the same,” she says. Young reached out to her grandmother for some secret family recipes. She had soon mastered all the

Not sure what venue can accommodate your Christmas party? We have vacancies for end of year xmas functions in our 200 person marquee

classics and adapted some of her favourites into her own creations, then took to social media to showcase her dessert designs. "I just started out as a mum who enjoys cooking for my family and friends, and now to receive messages from followers who live interstate and overseas, expressing how much they enjoy my posts, it’s almost unbelievable," Young smiles. This response inspired Young to start her own small business called Pip & Lou so she could share her creativity with the rest of Canberra. Working from her kitchen, the more complex constructions like wedding cakes can take up to 10 hours to complete, but she says the highlight of any creation is the look on the client’s face when they take that first peek inside the box. "I strive for individuality in everything that I do and I really put my whole heart into creating something unique and special. I’m

really fortunate that most often my clients give me the creative freedom to design one-of-a-kind items tailored to their flavour specifications." Popular desserts from Pip & Lou include the Movie Night Cake, smothered with caramel popcorn pieces, and the Colour Pop Cake covered in hundreds and thousands for kids’ birthdays, and the Gia Peanut Butter Vegan Cake. Young somehow manages to find the time to bake for around 20 hours per week for her clients after her work, university and mummy duties. Pip & Lou Café & Cakery is a project she would love to commit to in the future. - Talia Liolios

Meet the Chef Win a double ticket to the Matthew Evans dinner at University House on 9 November plus a signed copy of his new cookbook Summer on Fat Pig Farm. This is Matthew’s only Canberra event so don’t miss out! Meet the Chef Dinner on Monday 9 November 6.30pm at University House, 1 Balmain Crescent, Acton. Tickets: $65-$70.

For information about this event, call 6125 5269 or visit unihouse. anu.edu.au/events/matthewevans-dinner


Enter to WIN


46 Jerrabomberra Avenue Narrabundah


p.6239 7887

To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘Meet the Chef’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details and the answer to this question: what is the name of the new Matthew Evans cookbook? Entries close and winner drawn 9am 30 October 2015. One entry per person. Winner must be able to attend. Permit No. ACT TP 15/05130

time out Dance teachers, Frances Gray (Middle Eastern belly dancing), Swapna Thilak (Bollywood) and Kate Ticehurst (Brazilian Samba), are ready to show members of the public basic moves they can perform at the Silvery Moon Festival on 7 November. Photo Gary Schafer.

TUGGERANONG SHOWS ITS SILVER LININGS “Fat and lazy” bellowed the newspaper headline, rather rudely describing Tuggeranong based on a recent ACT Heart Foundation survey. But instead of taking umbrage at such insults, the organisers of the Tuggeranong Arts Centre festival have embraced this ironically and have added a Phat and Layzee picnic on 31 October as part of its 25th anniversary celebrations which run from 28 October to 7 November. irector of the Silver Linings: 25 Years of Tuggeranong Community Arts, Julian Hobba, says there will be 11 days of fun, colour and movement for the community to get involved with to celebrate 25 years of art making

in Tuggeranong which will culminate in the Silvery Moon Festival. “There are six different styles of dance you can come and try, from Bollywood to Bushdance, with free tutorials that will


Free art making workshops will be held during the Tuggeranong Arts Centre Silver Linings Festival from 28 October to 7 November.

teach you the basic moves to a dance you can perform at our Silvery Moon Festival on Saturday 7 November,” he says. Hobba says that instead of being defensive about the “fat and lazy label” they had decided to have a bit of fun with it. The Phat n’ Layzee Picnic would put paid to “the misconception that Tuggeranong is a fat and lazy district, with drawing classes, zine making workshops and free sweets to be had to the strains of some phat beats!” “The idea is to own it and appropriate it and allow the community, through the activities we are presenting, to be a different kind of Phat and Layzee and by incorporating sports activities to show that actually there are an enormous number of sporting clubs and an enormous level of engagement in physical activities down here as there are in other parts of Canberra.” Hobba says the name Silver Linings came from his wanting to recognise the community engagement aspect TAC has done, giving people hope in times of crisis, addiction or homelessness. “These art projects sought to inspire people to a better life and create better communities and I wanted to acknowledge that.” (continued page 46) 45

time out Mr Tim and the Fuzzy Elbows will perform at the Silvery Moon Festival in Tuggeranong on 7 November.

(from page 45) He says he was also “blown away” by the silver skyline of the nearby mountains. “A fantastic film festival will further showcase the different dance cultures, with films from Brazil, Nepal, the Philippines and Israel. The culture of Bollywood is explored through a presentation by Kambah local boy G-Luv, who won the opportunity to go to Mumbai and audition for a big-time Bollywood producer.” Hobba says although there is a strong retrospective element to the festival, looking at the past 25 years, he wanted to project into the future and renew the relationship of the arts centre with its community. “We want people to participate, we want people to have fun and try things they might take further,” he says. “Tuggeranong is at a bit of a

critical moment and it’s going to develop. There are big housing developments on the lake front, apartment blocks trying to attract more flush clientele. So it’s a moment of renewal and change and we want to make sure all

the great stuff, all the great arts activity that’s given Tuggeranong a unique creative personality, continues to be fostered.” For the full program, see www.tuggeranongarts.com - Diana Streak

Silvery Moon Festival On Saturday 7 November, enjoy a program of music and dance events on the lakeside stage at Tuggeranong, plus the Universe Alight outdoor art installation which will be lit up as the light fades in the evening and the Sun and Moon Orbs come to light. 1-2pm Mr Tim and the Fuzzy Elbows, bringing fun to the lakefront for kids 2-2.30pm Local young indigenous musicians, The Gugan Band 2.30-3pm Filipino Dance 3-3.30pm Nepalese Dance 4-4.30pm Belly Dance 4.30-5pm Samba 5-5.30pm Bollywood Dance 5.30-6.30pm Cassidy’s Ceili, folk band 6.30-7.30pm Bushdance 7.30-8.30pm The Groove Kings rock into the night with blues inspired grooves, as the art installation comes into full light.

Donate | Volunteer | Participate

Communities@Work proudly supports of Tuggeranong Community Arts.

25 years

It is a pleasure and an honour to be your neighbours and allies. Looking forward to the next 25! Communities@Work has a vision for a resilient and socially inclusive community that cares for the well-being of all.


For more information about Communities@Work’s services or how to get involved, please contact 6293 6500 or visit www.commsatwork.org

SILVER LININGS: 25 YEARS OF TUGGERANONG COMMUNITY ARTS 28 OCTOBER - 7 NOVEMBER WWW.TUGGERANONGARTS.COM Get involved in dance, visual art, theatre, film, talks and workshops to begin the next quarter century of creativity.



time out



he wields drumsticks with an elegance and flair that has led to her being dubbed the “percussion sorceress” and Claire Edwardes will play a starring role in the Canberra Symphony Orchestra’s final concert for 2015. The celebrated Australian percussionist will join artistic director and chief conductor Nicholas Milton in the Rachmaninov, Llewellyn Series, 04 concert which features the CSO’s largest orchestra for the year with 68 musicians on stage. Opening with Márquez’ Danzón No.2, the CSO will be transformed into a Mexican dance band, with sensual rhythms and melancholic tunes building to an exhilarating climax. The evening concludes with Rachmaninov’s Symphonic Dances, a virtuosic showpiece for large orchestra. Edwardes will demonstrate her exquisite percussion mastery

in Australian composer Elena Kats-Chernin’s riveting work Golden Kitsch. Edwardes says she is extremely fond of the piece as she worked alongside Kats-Chernin in writing the work. “Elena and I workshopped the piece at great length. She made many visits to my studio as she was writing it and it was probably the truest collaboration I’ve ever had with a composer,” she says. “I love the piece because it is thoroughly engaging and entertaining. The percussion solo part is ever changing and off-set with a really fun orchestral part, there are loads of toy pianos featured in the work (I play one up the front and the percussion section have several), and there is even a bit where the wind section plays ratchets and other fun handheld percussion. “There’s something almost childlike about the piece and I think

the audience experience a youthful fascination as they watch and listen, all the while they are being taken on a magic carpet ride that they don’t even know they have taken until they hit the ground at the end!” Edwardes was drawn to percussion because she wanted to play with other people. “I couldn’t do that so easily on piano. I loved the physicality of it and the fact that we got to play really loud in wind band. Somehow it stuck and when I managed to get into the Sydney Con when I was 18 I was totally committed to becoming the best percussionist I could.” She says her moniker as “sorceress of percussion” was originally a newspaper quote. “Somehow it has just stuck. I like this image of me being some sort of magician or sorceress on stage. Percussion is so theatrical and involves so much movements and contrasting sound worlds – in a

Claire Edwardes. Photo Monty Coles

way all of us percussionists are musical magicians of sorts.” This is the first time she has worked with Nicholas Milton and the CSO. “I have heard the orchestra before and they are just amazing. I am really excited to be returning to Canberra after spending almost two weeks there in May for the Canberra International Music Festival.” - Diana Streak Rachmaninov, Llewellyn Series, 04 Llewellyn Hall. 4, 5 November 7.30pm. Bookings 6262 6772.

The Song Company Presents Concert Four

The all-Leunig Song Almanac Twelve composers have created with The Song Company a new musical almanac for Australia drawing on the words and works of one of our most iconic public figures, Michael Leunig. Music by Alice Chance, Drew Crawford, Gareth Farr, James Wade, Kate Moore, Kate Neal, Katy Abbott, Lachlan Skipworth, Lyle Chan, Mark Viggiani, Robert Davidson and Ruth McCall.

Saturday 7 November, 6pm Wesley Uniting Church

Booking information www.songcompany.com.au phone (02) 8272 9500 mail@songcompany.com.au


The Song Company Pty Ltd is assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body, and the NSW Government through Arts NSW.



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time out








Joseph Gordon-Levitt gives the performance of his career in The Walk.

FILM REVIEW The Walk (PG) Based on a true story about Philippe Petit, the only man ever to succeed in crossing between the 1,350-feet high peaks of the iconic – then newly constructed – Twin Towers, The Walk is a tricky balancing act between thrilling visuals and fact-based drama and daringly pulls it off with impressive panache. In 1974, daredevil tightrope walker and magician Petit (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) hatches an audacious, reckless and highly illegal plan to wire walk and reach for the clouds over the immense void between the World Trade Center towers. Aided by his mentor Papa Rudy (Ben Kingsley), with little more than sheer nerve and blind ambition, Petit and his ragtag crew overcome daunting physical obstacles, betrayals, countless

close calls and overwhelming odds to beat the system and execute their mad plan. Going from height to great height, Gordon-Levitt delivers the performance of his career… so far. The nimble score captures the film’s emotional cat-andmouse caper feel and the slightly skimmed historic storyline (including what we Aussies might consider important background being excluded, the illegal Sydney Harbour Bridge incident in 1973) flows with the drama making the film as a whole, like its subject, an extraordinary feat. The verdict: A graceful ballet of impact maximising camera angles, this is a dizzy and memorable cinematic piece that puts you right in the centre of the action. 3.5 stars. - Joanna Baker

Canberra Weekly competition winners The winners in Canberra Weekly’s latest round of competition draws are:


Paklite duffle bag: M. Bollen, McKellar. Bristlebrush Xmas ornaments: G. Kampowski, Duffy. Stamp Collecting Month: P. McKay, Fraser; W. Quinn, Civic Square; E. Grigorieva, Macgregor; G. Poole, Calwell; M. Gaskill, Spence. The Dressmaker VIP doubles: H. Austin, Waramanga; M. McInnes, Nicholls; N. Zorzi, Kaleen; F. Spottiswood, Bywong; B. Griffin, Wanniassa. Canberra Home Show passes: J. Lucas, Bonython; E. Owen, Cook; S. Ragg, Sutton; J. Widmer, Wright; S. Troth, Banks; M. Wyche, Dunlop; N. Lucas, Weston; N. Bodman, Calwell; S. Robinson, Binalong; T. McIntosh, Isabella Plains.



Photography Lindi Heap

Nicholas Milton Chief Conductor & Artistic Director

MÁRQUEZ KATS-CHERNIN MÁRQUEZ Danzón No. 2 KATS-CHERNIN Golden Kitsch RACHMANINOV Symphonic Dances Nicholas Milton Conductor Artistic patronage ActewAGL

Claire Edwardes Percussion Wednesday 4 November Thursday 5 November 7.30pm, Llewellyn Hall, ANU Free pre-concert talk at 6.45 pm

Tickets through ticketek.com.au 1300 795 012

cso.org.au /canberrasymphonyorchestra @cbr_symphony

The CSO is assisted by the Commonwealth Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body

time out ART AND ABOUT




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OPENS SAT 17 OCT 2.00 pm Join us at Gold Creek on Saturday afternoon to enjoy a rich variety of artworks. Champagne, refreshments & talks from the artists. RSVP. Untill Nov 20. 02 62302055. aarwungallery.com



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7-8 November 2015 Queanbeyan Showground • • • • • • • • • • •

Returning this year – Showjumping Reptile awareness Fireworks Saturday night Bush poets Miniature trains Brewn entertaining us Saturday night Face painting, baby animal farm yards Bull Ride returns Saturday night Men from Snowy River Sunday Yard dog trials Poultry, National Boer Goat competition, dairy goats, pavilion exhibits and sideshow alley • Winners announcement for showgirl competitions at the official opening of the Show - Saturday 1pm



See Red Axe entertainment motor bikes at this years show

Visit our Facebook page: Queanbeyan Show Inc 52

There are still two days to catch the superb Bell Shakespeare production of Hamlet, directed by Damien Ryan, at Canberra Theatre. If you really can’t make it, you can view Shakespeareinspired artworks at Parliament House. We chose this image, because we love Garry Shead’s work and because the Canberra Theatre’s 2016 season includes a production of Romeo and Juliet. In 2015, Bell Shakespeare celebrated 25 years and invited some of Australia’s leading visual artists to create a work that responds to the words of Shakespeare. Inspiration could come from a line, a speech, a particular play or a character. Examples of the 14 works include My kingdom for a horse by Lucy Culliton, Bottom! By Luke Sciberras and The Witches by Wendy Sharp, an image that has offended some sensitive pollies up on the Hill. Most vocal was Liberal MP Craig Kelly who, in rather Shakespearean terms, described it as “appalling”. “People can call me a philistine, that’s fine,” quoth he.



22 Oct-7 Nov




Garry Shead, Romeo and Juliet.

The popular Windows to the World might have closed but Canberra’s embassies run a rich program of events throughout the year. For the first time, Italian

Ambassador Pier Francesco Zazo and his wife Svetlana will open the grounds of their residence to visitors and showcase Italian culture. Music performers include the Dante Musica Viva Italian choir, the Canberra Mandolin Orchestra and Joe Sorrentino. There will be a lucky dip tree for kids, a raffle and variety of Italian food and drinks for sale. Ambassador Zazo says funds raised will be donated to the bilingual Yarralumla Primary School to purchase Italian educational resources and to Villaggio Sant’ Antonio to assist with care to the elderly. “I urge the local community to take advantage of this opportunity and come and ‘feel Italian’ for a day,” he says. 78 National Circuit, Deakin; Sunday 8 November 11am-4pm.

Auld and Winters on Form Ceramic artist Ros Auld has a new exhibition, Journey, on at Form Studio and Gallery in Queanbeyan until 1 November. Auld specialises in hand-built stoneware forms and sculptures, decorated with a “crackle” glaze, coloured slips and oxides. Her ceramic works are informed by the dynamic forces, surface textures and subtle colours of the Australian

Ros Auld, Journey.

Carole Osmotherly, The Bridge, painting on silk.

landscape. Also on at Form is Tim Winters’ Channel Country in which deft marks and shapes suggest not only an expressive calligraphy, but also a seemingly effortless, spontaneous creation of implied space. Phone 0430 359 776 for opening hours.

glass sculptural pieces and wall art alongside mixed media artists, Carole Osmotherly and Kylie Fogarty. As a cash and carry exhibition, this is a great opportunity to acquire valued pieces of art, perfect for the upcoming Christmas season. 1 Wattle Place, Lyneham.

Back to the Front Three Canberra-based artists return to exhibit at The Front Gallery and Café until 1 November. Glass artist Judy Witherdin will be exhibiting mosaic and

Little glass artists As part of Design Canberra (20-29 November) and Children’s Week (24 October to 1 November) and to celebrate the historic Kingston

GERaldine turnER TURNER's turn

Powerhouse turning 100 years, the Canberra Glassworks is asking kids to design a glasswork inspired by this iconic building. Young designers can choose the glass process or technique their work would be created with, from kiln-formed glass, cast glass or hot blown glass. There will be three age categories; 3-8 years, 9-13 years and 14-17 years. Entries due by 9 November. Phone 6260 7005 for details.

Musical offerings The Canberra Youth Orchestra’s next concert is Idyll, at Llewellyn Hall, Friday 23 October 7.30pm. Recently appointed conductor Leonard Weiss will lead the orchestra, comprised of players aged 15 to 29, through a program of Strauss, Elgar, Weber and Mendelssohn. Information and bookings at musicforcanberra.org.au A totally different kind of orchestra is the Jazzgroove Mothership Orchestra which will be in town on 4 November at The Street Theatre to kick

off their national tour with celebrated guitarist James Muller. Mixing contemporary beats with sophisticated improvisations, JMO crafts a musical experience that takes their audience from tender symphonic moments to the full force and driving power behind the 17 strong ensemble. Bookings 6247 1223. Andrew Farriss, the creative force behind iconic Australian rock band INXS, will perform with music students from ANU in a concert to celebrate his time as a visiting creative arts fellow. Farriss has spent 2015 as the HC Coombs Fellow at ANU, where he has shared his knowledge of song writing and performance with students at the ANU School of Music. His creative input will be on display at the Soundbites ACT concert, alongside talented young bands The Gypsy Scholars, the Hugo Lee Band, Eponymous, J-Block and Acousticophobia on Saturday 24 October at ANU Union Bar.

Katie noonan's vanguard Transmutant

Friday 6 November 7:30pm

Sunday 1 November 4pm

matt okine the other guy

Saturday 7 November 8pm

Jazzgroove mothership orchestra featuring james muller Wednesday 4 November 7:30pm

the joseph tawadros quartet Angel suite



NOW 53

time out SLEEPING WITH OTHER PEOPLE Thanks to Madman Entertainment, we have 10 double passes to give away to see Sleeping with Other People (CTC). Jake (Jason Sudeikis) and Lainey (Alison Brie) impulsively lose their virginity to each other in college. When their paths cross 12 years later in New York City, they realise they both have become serial cheaters. Bonding over their chronic commitment issues, they form a platonic friendship to support each other in their quests for healthy romantic relationships. This hilariously cheeky, witty and honest humour film makes a great date night flick.

Wild and unforgettable

Take your film festival expectations and give them a cool glass of wine and some spangly shoes; it’s time for the Canberra International Film Festival (CIFF). In its 19th year, CIFF is the leather-jacket wearing rebel you won’t forget. From the single-take German heist film, Victoria, and the record-breaking documentary about the Iraq war protests, We are Many, to Indigenous musical documentary Prison Songs and R18+ Ukraine film, The Tribe, these films are wild, unforgettable and piercing. Showing at the National Film and Sound Archive, Acton, 5-15 November. Bookings at www.ciff.com.au

Enter to WIN

Canberra Weekly has five $30 double passes to the CIFF to give away (excludes opening night).

To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘Sleeping with Other People’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details and the answer to this question: who is one of the stars of this film? Entries close and winners drawn 9am 30 October 2015. Winners to be aged 18+. One entry per person. Permit No. ACT TP 15/05130.

To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘CIFF’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details and the answer to this question: where is the Canberra International Film Festival showing this year? Entries close and winners drawn 9am 30 October 2015. One entry per person. Permit No. ACT TP 15/05130.






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LEE KERNAGHAN: This iconic Australian artist brings his national tour of The Songs & The Stories in Concert to Canberra Theatre on Friday 30 October 8pm. Tickets: canberratheatrecentre.com.au or 6275 2700.

LIVE AT KING O’MALLEY’S: Enjoy Oktoberfest at King O’Malley’s with German beers served in traditional German glasses: Lowenbrau, Hofbrau Oktoberfestbier, Spaten, Franziskaner. Live music Thursday 9pm, Friday 10pm, Saturday 10.30pm. More info: kingomalleys.com.au/whatson CLONE: Daramalan Theatre Company presents its original Australian musical comedy, Clone, at Daramlan College, Dickson, 21-24 October 7.30pm. Tickets: $25 adult; $18 concession; $72 family. Bookings: trybooking.com, click on ‘buy tickets’ and search for Clone. SCINIGHT: Questacon’s adults-only SciNight is on Friday 23 October 6-10pm. Experience over 200 exhibitions kid-free! Tickets $10 at the door. Details: questacon.edu.au IDYLL: The Canberra Youth Orchestra will present Idyll, the next instalment of their 2015 Llewellyn Hall concert series, on Friday 23 October 7.30pm. Tickets: musicforcanberra.org.au/events NEEL KOLHATKAR: Comedian and YouTube star Neel Kolhatkar brings his new solo outing Truth Be Told to the UC Refectory on Friday 23 October. Bookings: uclive.com.au LOUIS’ LEGACY: Based on the life of Louis XIV, Salut! Baroque presents Louis’ Legacy on Friday 23 October 7.30pm at Albert Hall, Yarralumla. Tickets: $40 adult, $35 concession; available at the door. More info: baroque.com.au

EMBASSY OF FINLAND: Eight years post his 18-year Trio Toykeat career, Iiro Rantala is at the height of his piano reputation. Iiro will perform at the Embassy of Finland on Saturday 31 October. Tickets $45 at the door. To book, email ewa.walczuk@formin.fi Ronny Chieng at Canberra Theatre, 29 October. LUNCHTIME LIVE: On Wednesday 28 October 12.40-1.20pm, the Wesley Music Centre Lunchtime Live series welcomes back two outstanding classical guitarists Andrew Blanch and Callum Henshaw from the ANU School of Music in a performance of stunning duets and solos. Tickets at the door: $5 or donation. Ph: 6232 7248. DAN PARSONS: To promote the release of his third album, Valleywood, Dan Parsons will visit The Front Gallery on 28 October 8pm. RONNY CHIENG: Multi-award winning comedian Ronny Chieng is relocating to the US to be one of three new correspondents on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah. Catch Chieng’s hit 2015 live show You Don’t Know What You’re Talking About at Canberra Theatre on Thursday 29 October. Tickets: canberratheatrecentre.com.au

BYRNE & KELLY: Award-winning singersongwriters Neil Byrne and Ryan Kelly of Celtic Thunder fame will perform at the Street Theatre on Saturday 24 October. Tickets: thestreet.org.au

RÜFÜS: Sydney trio RÜFÜS are coming to Canberra for their You Were Right tour at ANU Bar on Thursday 29 October. Tickets from Ticketek.

CHOIR CONCERT: The Australian Rugby Choir annual concert will be on Sunday 25 October 2pm at the Woden Southern Cross Club. Tickets: $25 adult, $20 concession, $10 child; available from the club.

BRITISH FILM FESTIVAL: The BBC First British Film Festival will open on Thursday 29 October at Palace Electric with Youth starring Michael Caine. The festival continues until 18 November. More info: britishfilmfestival.com.au

ALL HALLOWS’ EVE: Canberra-based women’s choir Lady’s Mantle will present A Million Nightingales, music for All Hallows’ Eve on Saturday 31 October 7.30pm at St Philip’s Anglican Church, O’Connor, featuring music by Duruflé, Fauré, Kodály and Vaughan Williams. Tickets at the door: adults $15, concession $10. THE WAIFS: To promote their new album Beautiful You, The Waifs are touring Australia and will be at the Canberra Theatre on 1 November with special guest Mia Dyson. Tickets: canberratheatrecentre.com.au AUSTRALIAN STRING QUARTET: The ASQ will be performing the last of their 2015 concerts Transcend in Canberra on Sunday 1 November 2pm at Gandel Hall, National Gallery of Australia. More info: asq.com.au PSYCHIC DINNER: Join psychics Suzy Cherub and Jo St George for a divine dining experience on Thursday 5 November 7-9pm at As You Like It Café at the Street Theatre. Attendees will receive a psychic reading and a gift bag. KATIE NOONAN: One of Australia’s most respected recording artists, Katie Noonan brings her national Vanguard tour to Canberra on Friday 6 November at the Street Theatre. Tickets: thestreet.org.au Send your free entertainment listings to: news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘what’s on’ in the subject field. Deadline is 10 days prior to Thursday edition date.

OKTOBERFEST Celebrations. King O’Malley’s will feature several amazing German beers all served in traditional German glasses. 131 CITY WALK, CANBERRA CITY WWW.KINGOMALLEYS.COM.AU | 6257 0111


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the look alphabet creams With summer on the horizon, we’ve got the lowdown on essential products for warm weather: BB creams, CC creams and tinted moisturisers. The fact is foundation is on its way out, particularly in the warmer weather when women tend to want lighter coverage with more sun protection. And with multipurpose products slowly taking over our shelves, we want a product that moisturises, evens skin tone, protects against the sun, adds a light layer of coverage and makes us look younger. Enter BB creams, CC creams and tinted moisturisers. But what’s the difference between them and what will they actually do? WITH FASHION & BEAUTY EDITOR, LAURA WHITE


CC creams

Short for beauty balm or blemish balm, BB creams are the perfect blend of skincare and makeup. Often elements vary from cream to cream, but generally BB creams work as a primer, tinted moisturiser, sunscreen and foundation, smoothing the skin for a clear, clean complexion. BB creams provide the least amount of coverage out of the ‘alphabet’ creams.

Standing for complexion corrector cream, CC creams are similar to BBs but focus on colour correction. Still offering light coverage, and packed with vitamins C and E, CC creams correct colour-related skin issues such as acne, dull skin, dark sports or redness and provide an even cover.

BB cream $47 thalgo.com.au

CC cream $19.95 Max Factor

Moisture surge CC cream $45 Clinique

BB cream $13.95 Covergirl

Tea tree flawless BB cream $19.95 The Body Shop


Bond girl Gemma Arterton shows off her dewy complexion at a London premiere of Gemma Bovery during the English summer.

BB creams

Radiance BB cream $12.95 Rimmel London



Getty Images


Age defying CC cream $26.95 Revlon

Pore minimizing CC cream $39.99 Olay

flip the page for tinted moisturisers

DD cream: Keep an eye out for DD creams, the newest cream in the alphabet craze! These ‘dynamic do-all’ creams combine the power and benefits of both a BB and a CC cream with a focus on anti-ageing.


Come and see how Hollywood’s elite achieve perfect brows in minutes!

the look

Tinted moisturisers Tinted moisturisers were the first skincare-meets-makeup product on the market and are still very popular. Lighter than a foundation, tinted moisturisers are primarily a moisturiser that offers a light tint to even out skin tone and provides a light coverage and protection from the sun. While a foundation covers the skin with a layer for flawless beauty, a tinted moisturiser blends in with the skin, creating a natural and even complexion.

Tinted moisturiser $61 Bobbi Brown

Barely there matte tint $31 Paula’s Choice

No reason to hide $50 Philosophy

Face moisturiser $14.95 Cancer Council

Getty Images

PRO TIP: When testing tinted products, the best place is your jaw or neckline as this is as close to your skin’s natural undertone as possible. Choose a colour that you think works and then select the hue directly to the left and the right of it and trial all three in a row on your neck. The best product is one that disappears against your skin. Tinted products are not meant to be seen! But make sure you test in natural light too, and not just the artificial lights of the store.

X-Men: Apocalypse star Olivia Munn puts her glowing complexion on display at an event in LA earlier this year.

Summer is here… It’s tanning time! Luscious Glow -Spray Tanning Canberra has become Canberra’s top tanning destination specialising in sensitive and allergy skins. We use solutions that are natural, organic and cruelty free suited to all skin types and conditions. 10%

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the look At different points in our lives, maturity affects our appearance in different ways. In our 20s we begin to see changes such as a decrease in skin hydration, sun damage and hormonal skin changes. Through our 30s and 40s artwork_cymkColorSeparated2.pdf 1 10/17/2015 we experience more prominent signs including decreased elasticity, broken capillaries, increased pore size, wrinkles and volume loss. By our 50s and 60s the effects on each of the layers – the skin, muscle and bone – become apparent. At Canberra Plastic Surgery we can help reverse the signs of ageing and sun damage with our range of premium skincare and non-surgical and non-invasive treatments. Call 6282 4868 for a free consultation with our Cosmetic Nurses to discuss your skin concerns.

Enter to WIN Canberra Plastic Surgery is giving one Canberra Weekly reader the chance to win a package of eight Healite LED treatments valued at $400. To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘Canberra Plastic Surgery skincare’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details and the answer to this question: what is your top tip for taking care of your skin? Entries close and winner drawn 9am 30 October 2015. One entry per person. Winner must be aged 18+. Permit No. ACT TP 15/05130.

WHAT WE’RE TALKING ABOUT All the latest in fashion, beauty and health… Collette Dinnigan Wild Hearts Australian designer Collette Dinnigan has launched a new line of lingerie at Target stores 5:22:42 PM nationwide. The 60-piece collection, entitled Wild Hearts, features soft cup feminine bras, underwear layered with lace in dove grey, blush pink and black as well as sheer camisoles and beautiful chemises, echoing a vintage boudoir feel. Wild Hearts will be available until February 2016.

Daisy clusters chemise $45 Target

Smart = sexy A survey of 1,700 singles conducted by elitesingles.com.au has discovered that 60% of singles would prefer to date a bookworm. It was found that 28% of women and 22% of men found a well-stocked bookshelf to be the most attractive household feature, and that reading for pleasure was the sixth sexiest hobby. It was also revealed that women favour men who read thrillers.

Style guide for men Author Jeff Lack is altering what it means to be a man in the 21st century with over 25 years’ experience in the fashion industry poured into his new book indul-gent; the complete style guide for the modern man. Available from all good bookstores.

Wellbeing workshop










The Canberra Centre is hosting a health and wellbeing workshop with Lola Berry, nutritionist, author and yoga extraordinaire, on Saturday 12 November 2pm. Lola will share her mantra that the most nutritious health foods can also be the tastiest in a workshop that will inspire guests to enjoy the upcoming festive season while keeping fit and healthy. Tickets: canberracentre.com.au

iStock image


fi tness

Spring Sales Lee Campbell puts Paul Walshe through his paces.


Paul’s goals Paul Walshe is one of those guys who has always had sport as part of his life – from playing cricket, AFL and the odd game of basketball to coaching his son in footy. His job as Director of Marketing and Corporate Affairs for ActewAGL is one of the busiest in the ACT region and there are also endless lunches and functions to attend. As part of the Heart Foundation Challenge, Paul has

made great leaps forward in looking after his health and fitness and factoring in some downtime. He sometimes trains twice a day and then he’s been training the house down with me. Like all the other challengers, we ask them to make some change to their lifestyle to have a healthier heart and life. With Paul, it’s been the training. Apart from loving the training, for Paul it is also downtime, away from the daily pressures. His main goals are to increase his overall strength, improve ab strength and loosen the lower back, and be able to move from one place to the next more quickly. Paul’s workout Strider 20 mins – level 20-40 (rpm 75+)

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elcome to our sixth instalment of this year’s Canberra Hearts Celebrity Challenge! Over 12 weeks, 14 Canberra personalities are participating in a fitness challenge. The goal? To become more physically active, modify their lifestyles and improve their heart health. Canberra Weekly’s fitness guru Lee Campbell is putting the challengers through their paces: with each of their individual fitness goals in mind, Lee has created a workout routine suited to them. This week’s challenger is Director of Marketing and Corporate Affairs for ActewAGL, Paul Walshe (pictured). Visit canberrahearts.org.au to donate.







Photo: Ella Leoncio for Dulux

personalise your rental property You don’t need to own your house to make it feel like home. Creating a comfortable and inviting environment can be achieved on a budget and have a remarkable impact on your happiness. WITH HOME EDITOR, ALLISON REDMAN

Craig Evans, Fantastic Furniture’s head of visual merchandising, offers some simple tips to achieve a stylish rental home on a budget: Find a centrepiece: A big ticket purchase such as a new sofa or dining table can do wonders for your rental home. Use this as your ‘theme setter’ then add smaller items to complete the look. Smart storage: Storage units and smart multi-purpose furniture are great choices for renters. Clearing clutter can create space and give your rental home a fresh, inviting look. Screens are a great way to divide a room, create study nooks or sleepover spaces, or hide clutter and can be taken with you when you move. For Emma Blomfield, interior stylist at TheHome.com.au, a large rug is a worthwhile investment. This can be used to cover rental carpet or scuffed floorboards and “will do wonders for your flooring and at the same time will help to zone and define the living space”. Emma’s other top tips include: Change the door knobs: Is your kitchen looking a little tired and dated? Head to your local hardware


store and purchase some new doorknobs to refresh your look. Keep the old ones just in case you need to swap them back before moving out. Create vignettes: The top of a buffet or chest of drawers is the perfect spot for a tray with some trinkets and knick-knacks to be displayed, or used to rest a large piece of art that can’t be drilled into the wall. Mirrors: Add some reflective light to your home without hanging heavy objects on the wall with a floor-length mirror that can lean against the wall or has a stand. Other options to consider when updating your rental property include: new curtains and blinds; create a wall of stretched canvases and prints to hide an ugly paint colour with the use of adhesive hooks; paint – if your landlord has been kind enough to give you permission – or removable wallpaper; and light fixtures.

Paint, prints or art are a simple way to add colour and personality to your rental property – but it’s important to contact your agent/landlord to find out what your options are in terms of renovations, alterations or additions. Wall colour Valspar Halcyon, Masters.

Temporary wallpaper is a quick way to fix up your space without sacrificing style and it’s easy to remove when you leave. Matrix wall mural from $519.95, thewallstickercompany.com.au

Yoko screen $99 Fantastic Furniture

TOP TIP: Before purchasing a ‘big ticket item’ such as a sofa, always measure the room. Viewing a sofa online or in a large showroom does not give a true sense of how it will look in your home.

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Vignettes are an easy way to display your favourite belongings and create a more personal look. Try varying heights, texture and colour and grouping items in odd numbers.

Finding your style When it comes to home styling, we often learn to live with what we have collected over the years but according to Marie Lynders, visual designer Dare Gallery, adopting an “out with the old and in with the new” approach to your home can be liberating. “Clutter can all too easily accumulate and often without intention, we can end up clouding our homes and our minds with a mishmash of items that really do not gel to create any sort of cohesive story,” Marie says. “Start with what no longer serves you, consider whether you have

outgrown the piece, whether it’s outdated, shabby or looks worn or tired, then clear it out to create a fresh new palette.” Opt for furniture and accessories that reflect your personality and tastes such as urban and edgy, contemporary or arty and don’t be afraid to mix and match colours and materials. “Often a touch of the eclectic can work really well,” Marie says. “What is most important is that you like it and it gives a fresh new feel in your home that you will love!”

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By Holly Jones, realestate.com.au With many people opting to live in rental properties, it is possible to have beautiful interiors without upsetting your landlord or damaging the property. But there are some important points to keep in mind. A standard tenancy agreement usually prevents any renovations, alterations or additions to the premises without the landlord’s written consent. Start by contacting your agent/landlord to find out what your options are. This will also help manage your expectations. It is also important to consider if it is worth the investment. Consider the cost of the renovations you’re looking to make. Is it worth the money and time you’re about to invest? If the problem can be fixed with some new furniture, side tables or a new rug, then consider splashing out and treating yourself. These are things you can take with you when you move and are, therefore, a better investment. While your landlord may not be keen on you tackling a new coat of paint or polishing up the floors, that’s a decision you’ll need to respect, but don’t feel downhearted. Instead, consider some temporary fixes.

October n Shower Scree Special

Showroom: 46 Hoskins Street, Mitchell 2911 Ph: 02 6262 3007 | Fax: 02 6262 3009 63


The Block’s Shaynna Blaze has collaborated with Urban Road on a range of framed and print canvases. Photography: Chris Warnes [www.chriswarnes.com.au]; Styling: Natalie Walton; Makeup and hair: Norman Gonzales [www.byNormie.com.au]; Shaynna Blaze wears: Sheike clothing and Wittner Shoes.

ra n t e e40% a u G e Pr i c ny quote by 20-

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cturer l Manufa a c o L . e ct & Sav Buy Dire

MAKE YOUR WALL A MASTERPIECE rt can easily enhance every room of your house. Whether you opt for framed photography, artistic pieces or wall stickers, there is something to appeal to every taste – but don’t be afraid to go bold. According to The Block’s Shaynna Blaze, who recently collaborated on a range of framed prints and canvases with Urban Road, artwork works in two ways: as the hero where it is the focus of the room, or in colour where it is complementary and enhances the mood of the home. Shaynna says a key consideration when buying art is “if you want to buy it for yourself or make other people happy”. “Art is very subjective. There are two ways to approach it. The safe option is to work with colours of the moment and without a bold subject,” she said. If you do choose something with a bold subject, Shaynna says don’t be put off if people “just don’t get it, as it opens discussions”. “Artwork is subjective because it makes people think. Pick a piece from your gut feeling; buy it for you.”

And don’t be afraid to think big. “People are afraid of using a large artwork in a small room but lots of small pieces can clutter a space. It has to become the focus if you are using a large piece,” Shaynna says. Shaynna offers the following advice when working with artwork: • “Artwork should be a piece that goes around a lot of rooms. If it only works in one room it’s not going to last long as you do get tired of art.” If it can be used in multiple rooms, switching it between locations can refresh a room without having to purchase a new piece. • “Always look at the subject. You’ve got to make sure the mood you want to create in the room, that the subject of the art matches that feeling.” • Don’t be afraid to create a gallery. Hallways can be used to create an interesting space. Look for inspiration on Pinterest on how to hang different pieces. • “The way that art hangs or is framed can really change it. Canvas says casual feeling but when framed makes it feel more expensive.”

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Little Bird by Alex Cherry framed print $195 mattblatt.com.au

Retro flying geese $69 set of 3 vinylcuts.com.au

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Audrey wall decal $75 Stockists: vinyldesign.com.au


Transcend - Heaven Sent From $180 framed urbanroad.com.au

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in the garden

A small part of Melliodora’s orchard landscape, which supplies the family with all their fruit each year as well as surplus for sale and barter.

Recycling at its finest: This converta-loo, along with water harvested from the family home, provides the ideal growing conditions for water-loving herbs including mint.

Iconic permaculture farm Melliodora’s outlook to residence and annual productive beds, near Hepburn Springs, Victoria.



elliodora Permaculture Gardens in Hepburn Springs, Victoria, is the stuff dreams are made of. Home of revered Permaculture co-creator David Holmgren, along with his mother, son Oliver, and exceptional partner Sue, Melliodora is a

working example of all it is to be permaculture; that is, living simply and with care. The solar-passive property is set on a one-hectare block, just minutes from the gorgeous village centre. Built in the mid 1980s, Melliodora demonstrates the potential to

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combine aesthetics with function and food production. David and his family have been living without frequenting major supermarkets for quite some time and amusingly, their wellstocked freezer has been dubbed ‘Coles’. All food and daily living supplies are either produced on the property or sourced/bartered from within the local community. The Melliodora site is a thriving example of a complex and harmonious ecosystem. Plants in this surplus-generating, self-perpetuating landscape are as diverse in their types as their uses, ranging from minute to majestic; fleeting to long-lived; native to exotic; and ‘weedy’ but invaluable. For those interested in permaculture and sustainability, I cannot recommend this

Urban Agriculture Australia open week: Urban Agriculture Australia, a dynamic and resourceful collaboration between community-based urban food farming and other environmental groups in the Canberra bioregion, is having a Spring Open Week at Canberra City Farm.

Urban Agriculture Australia’s ethos is to encourage consumers to grow some of their own produce, and to build sustainable food systems. When: 17-25 October 11am-3pm Where: The Turner Garden, corner Watson and Masson Streets, Turner For more: uaa.org.au

‘Mona’ is one of the properties you will be able to explore as part of the upcoming Braidwood Open Gardens weekend.

Burra Open Gardens Five stunning rural gardens will be on display at the annual Burra Open Gardens on Saturday 31 October and Sunday 1 November, raising funds for the Queanbeyan Lions Club to continue their good works in the community. Enjoy displays and sales of plants, quilting, art, garden ornaments and furniture, including works by Myles Gostelow and Al Phemister, as well as talks by landscape architect, Michael Bligh (Saturday only) and local permaculturalist,


Annabel Schweiger. Refreshments will be available for purchase in two gardens. Entry for all five gardens: $25; concession $15; under 15s free. When: 31 October and 1 November 10am-5pm Entry: $10 per garden, $5 concession, under 15s free For more: burra.org.au


Riversdale garden fair Riversdale National Trust, Twynam Drive, North Goulburn, will host the annual Rare Plants and Growers Fair on Sunday 1 November. Enjoy plant and produce stalls, talks about birds and bees, history of the garden tours, food and wine, access to the historic Georgian homestead and an amazing heritage garden. When: Sunday 1 Nov 10am-3pm Entry: $10, concession $7, under 18s free For more: riversdale@nationaltrust.com.au


Greening Australia plant sale Greening Australia’s native plant sale and open day will be held on 24 October 1-4pm at their Aranda nursery. A range of trees, shrubs and wildflowers will be available for sale, including eucalypt species, she-oaks, tea trees, wattles as well as local wildflowers. Take a tour of the facilities, hear from experts in revegetation and environmental management and learn more about Greening Australia. When: Saturday 24 October 1-4pm Where: 1 Kubura Place, Aranda For more: greeningaustralia.org.au

Sat 31 Oct & Sun 1 Nov 10am-5pm • Five stunning rural gardens on display. • Plant, garden ornament & furniture displays and sales - works by Myles Gostelow & Al Phemister • Talks by landscape architect, Michael Bligh (Saturday only) and local permaculturalist, Annabel Schweiger • Quilting and art displays and sales • Refreshments available for purchase in two gardens ENTRY: $25 for 5 gardens. Concession card holders $15. Fund-raiser for the Queanbeyan Lions Club CWM13939

Braidwood Open Gardens Six Braidwood gardens – each as impressive as they are diverse – will be opening their gates to the public for the Braidwood Open Gardens on the weekend of 31 October and 1 November. The event, a fundraiser for Braidwood’s community-run preschool, will provide visitors with a rare glimpse into a unique part of the town’s rich history. Properties to be featured include Wynlen House, 116 Wallace St, Mona, Warrambucca Gardens, 14 Solus Street and Bedervale. There will be lots of children’s activities as well as a series of speakers including ABC Radio gardening guru Graham Williams, renowned landscape architect Michael Blighe, and author and Australian Children’s Laureate Jackie French. When: 31 October and 1 November 10am-4pm Entry: $5 per garden, under 18s free For more: braidwoodgardens.com.au

See www.burra.org.au or www.myopengarden.com.au for an overview map and more information on the garden locations and activities


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Realestate BANKS 2906

suburb profile in your bracket

Location 29km south of CBD

Median price

Household type

• House: $520,000 • Units: $377,000

• 75% owner occupiers • 25% renters

Median rent

Capital growth (past 12 months)

$450 p.w.






Family Group Couples Singles 78%

Singles couples Groups Family


$649,000 5

Photo Gary Schafer

property@ canberraweekly.com.au

The elevated location of many Banks properties offers residents great views.

A view from the top oasting undulating views of Lanyon Valley across to the Brindabella mountain range and Mount Tenant, Banks is Canberra’s southern-most suburb. Ray White Tuggeranong agent Lisa Silberberg says Banks forms part of Lanyon Valley, a strong community comprising three suburbs. It is surrounded by beautiful walking and fire trails and provides the residents with easy access to the Murrumbidgee River. There have been 14 sales in the past month; 60% of the

sales were houses. The suburb is becoming increasingly popular, Silberberg says, due to its versatility in housing options coupled with outstanding lifestyle advantages. “The suburb appeals to young and established families, downsizers and investors alike,” she says. “Interest and demand for properties is strong, purchasers are always looking for homes for both upsizing and downsizing… At this time we are experiencing a greater demand for more three- and

four-bedrooms homes.” Given the elevated location of many Banks properties, Silberberg says most residents would call their street the “best street”. “As a resident of Banks myself I like to call it ‘God’s country’ as it’s a peaceful suburb, with many joys on its fringe (livestock, homestead, Murrumbidgee River).” Lanyon Marketplace is the main shopping centre nearby, however there is a small shopping centre on the main internal road, Pocket Avenue, that includes an IGA and takeaway. Banks has 12 parks covering nearly 9% of the total area. Named after Sir Joseph Banks, the botanist who accompanied Captain James Cook to Botany Bay in 1770, and street names have a botany or natural history theme.



5 Opal Street $485,000 4



2 Peron Place $350,000+

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property news expert advice

recent sales 10 Benalla Crt, Jerrabomberra

$1,905,000 Peter Blackshaw

9 Pasmore Close, Kaleen


Ray White

6 Bonney Street, Ainslie

$1,570,000 Luton Properties

16 Sphinx Street, Harrison



18 Heney Place, McKellar

$1,210,000 Ray White

106 Rob Riley Circuit, Bonner


LJ Hooker

4 Kaeppel Place, Isaacs

$1,100,000 LJ Hooker

56 Cooley Crescent, Casey



13 Ingamells Street, Garran

$1,000,000 McGrath

46 Henry Williams St, Bonner


Peter Blackshaw

19 McAlpine Place, Farrer

$1,150,000 One Agency

39 Fidge Street, Calwell


Peter Blackshaw

14 Collicott Circuit, Macquarie


Rutherford Johnston

26 Mary Gillespie Ave, Gungahlin



50 Broadsmith Street, Scullin


LJ Hooker

10 Frew Close, Nicholls


LJ Hooker Peter Blackshaw

16/41 Halford Crescent, Page


LJ Hooker

168 Langtree Crescent, Crace


8 Disney Court, Belconnen


LJ Hooker

139 Powell Drive, Carwoola

$1,160,000 Peter Blackshaw

17 Lyndon St, Kaleen


LJ Hooker

17 Greenvale Street, Fisher


Luton Properties

9 Solus Place, Palmerston


Peter Blackshaw

59/21 Aspinall Street, Watson


The Real Estate Shop

14 Moroak Street, Hawker


Peter Blackshaw

5 Caldwell Street, Hackett


Luton Properties

14 Maranunga Cres, Crace


LJ Hooker

42 Julia Flynn Avenue, Isaacs


One Agency

7 Naismith Place, Kambah


Luton Properties

4 Officer Crescent, Ainslie



21 Degraves Cres, Wanniassa


Luton Properties

6/4 Hodgson Place, Pearce


The Real Estate Shop

24 Krantzcke Circuit, Nicholls


Peter Blackshaw

19 Tarraleah Crescent, Lyons


Peter Blackshaw

11 Tweed Place, Kaleen


Luton Properties

4 Pyke Place, Wanniassa


LJ Hooker LJ Hooker

43 Buckmaster Cres, Dunlop


Luton Properties

23 Louisa Briggs Circuit, Bonner


22 Alan Watt Cres, Casey


Peter Blackshaw

4/24-28 Telopea Park, Kingston

$1,210,000 Peter Blackshaw

57 Weddin Circuit, Palmerston


Ray White

27 Dyett Circuit, Theodore


LJ Hooker

6 Roberts Street, Macquarie


Ray White

2/81 Monaro Cres, Griffith


Peter Blackshaw

12/5 Harry Hopman Cct, Gordon


Hodgkinson Real Estate

94 Beasley Street, Torrens


Peter Blackshaw

35 Scarlett Street, Melba


Ray White

26 Mary Gillespie Ave, Gungahlin



20 Charlton Crescent, Gordon


Luton Properties

20 Mackennal Street, Lyneham



7 Luehmann Street, Page


Ray White

7 Crossley Close, Melba


Ray White


Ray White

28 Withnell Circuit, Kambah


Ray White

36 Brownless Street, Macgregor

5 Belconnen Way, Weetangera


Ray White

Data is provided by agents. Source: Realestate.com.au

16 Mary Hall Circuit, Dunlop


LJ Hooker

136 Knoke Avenue, Gordon


Ray White

15 Ansett Street, Gungahlin


Ray White

9 Davice Place, Chisholm


Luton Properties

24B Bangalay Cres, Rivett


Luton Properties

93 Twamley Cres, Richardson


Ray White

4 Ruse Street, Dickson


LJ Hooker

4 Dunlop Street, Hackett


Luton Properties

32/18 Austin Street, Griffith

$1,515,000 Peter Blackshaw

36 Goldner Circuit, Melba



Ray White

suburb record $1,210,000 McKellar

18 Heney Close

ADAM PEPPINCK Partner Mills Oakley

Can I change the conditions of sale at an auction? Prior to an auction, a bidder may negotiate amendments to the contract for sale with the seller, generally via the agent and/or the seller’s solicitor. Such amendments typically include, for example, a shorter or longer settlement period than the one specified in the contract, or a smaller deposit than the one specified in the contract. More substantial amendments are less commonly accepted, and any amendments must not be inconsistent with the statutory standard auction conditions. Where such an approach is taken, the amendments should be agreed in writing prior to the auction, so there is clarity regarding the basis on which the bidder is then bidding at the auction. If the bidder is ultimately successful, the agreed amendments should then be recorded by hand in the contract that is signed and exchanged with the seller immediately following the auction.


property news Agency clearance rates top 90%

The Brindabella Residences will comprise 31 townhouses and 144 apartments spread over 1.3 hectares. The half-acre garden, which is the centrepiece of the development, is inspired by some of the world’s most beautiful gardens.

Crafted to be Canberra’s ‘best’


eaturing uninterrupted views to the Brindabella mountain range, the Brindabella Residences will be the “best new precinct in all of Canberra”, according to developer Matt James. Designed by developer Crafted and AMC architects, the project is centred on principles of design and sustainability and comprises 31 townhouses and 144 apartments spread over 1.3 hectares. Located in Greenway, in the heart of Tuggeranong’s Town Centre, the residences will feature a palette of lime-washed timber, concrete and glass and boast oversized balconies/courtyards, double glazed windows and an

average Energy Efficiency Rating of 7.7 stars. With Scandinavian inspired interiors, natural materials and neutral palettes, James says the “architecture is beautiful and elegant”. “We are so proud of the project and believe it will be one of the best new precincts in all of Canberra,” he says. “There isn’t anything else like it in the market.” There are two- and threebedroom townhouses with their own garages, and also one-, twoand three-bedroom apartments with secure basement car parking. The half-acre garden, which is the centrepiece of the development,

is inspired by some of the world’s most beautiful gardens, including those of Notting Hill and the gardens of Prince Charles at Highgrove. James says his company, which developed The Prince on Kingston Foreshore, is committed to creating projects of excellence. “We are contributing to the changing face of Canberra, and we owe it to our fellow Canberrans to create places we can all be proud of.” Prices range from $309,900 for a 68sqm one-bedroom apartment to $649,000 for a 204sqm threebedroom townhouse. Building will commence early to mid next year.

Ray White Belconnen had its best auction night on record last week with a clearance rate of 90%. While some results far exceeded expectations, the jewel in the crown was the sale of 18 Heney Close, McKellar, for $1,210,000 - the suburb record. The executive five-bedroom home attracted over 145 groups and sold for $160,000 above the reserve. Agent Treston Bamber was overwhelmed with the result. “I was confident we would reach the reserve price,” Bamber says, “but not in our wildest dreams did we expect someone to spend over $1.2 million for the home.” The sale of 9 Pasmore Close, Kaleen, also attracted heavy interest with 78 groups through, selling for $741,000, which was $41,000 above the reserve. Ray White Selling Principal Ben Faulks says demand at the top end of the four-bedroom Belconnen market has been far greater than expected. “Mr Fluffy continues to contribute to buyer demand, without the additional supply of those buyers bringing their homes onto the market,” he says. - Lyndall Larkham Email property@canberraweekly.com.au

What are all the factors you should consider when selling your apartment or townhouse? We can deliver the answers, show you the processes involved in selling in the ACT, provide marketing options to consider and show you where you property sits in the current marketplace. Contact me for a confidential discussion that will assist you to ask the right questions,


make an informed decision and prepare properly before you choose your agent.

Kaye Leigh Green 0412 720 937 klgreen@canberraapartmentcentre.com.au Ground Floor, AMP Building, 1 Hobart Place, Canberra City ACT 2601|02 6162 0002 71


property of the week

For the growing family CALWELL 73 CASEY CRESCENT his newly renovated four-bedroom house in Tuggeranong’s south has everything a small or growing family needs. Behind the attractive front facade is a “great family home with a modern twist”, says agent Colin McIntyre. Situated on a generous 726sqm block, the home’s lounge, kitchen and main bathroom have recently been renovated. McIntyre says the new kitchen is “to die for”. It’s well laid out, with two large island benches, ample storage and bench space, walk-in pantry, double sink and soft-closing drawers. “Through sliding doors you can access the entertaining area – perfect for family barbecues and entertaining guests,” he says. The bedrooms are spacious, filled with natural light and have built-in wardrobes. The master

bedroom has a large walk-in robe offering plenty of storage space with built-in shelves as well as an impressive ensuite with shower and two vanities. The main bathroom is well designed with modest bath and shower space. There’s also a study upstairs. The entire home wired for home hub, internet, Foxtel and TV in all rooms and living areas, he says. Other features include low-maintenance, landscaped gardens, gate access at both sides of the home, and a security system at the front gate and door. In the backyard you will also find a large double metal garage with manual doors fitted with power and electricity for secure parking. The location is close to public transport, walking distance to local shops and public and private schools and close to main arterial roads.



EER: 3.0



Find out more

Price: $600,000+ View: By appointment Agent: Colin McIntyre Mob: 0417 263 678


Ray White Tuggeranong Ph: 6294 9393 Australia lives here

Australia lives here




agent's choice

REID 64 Coranderrk Street Located on the very fringe of the City yet in the quietest of wide, tree-lined streets, you'll find this beautifully renovated 1927 Heritage character home. Nestled on a block of 1,027.7sqm (approx.) amongst cottage gardens, you'll want to picnic in your own front yard every Sunday! If you are into history and love the feel of early Canberra architecture then the extra high ceilings, picture rails, timber sash windows, broad polished hardwood floors and old fireplaces will hold huge appeal. Both the extensions and renovations are sympathetic to the original home. This home also features: four bedrooms, main with ensuite; formal and informal living areas, and outdoor entertaining options; four-car garage, workshop storage, three phase power and automatic doors; automatic gates; and lots of off street parking.




EER: 3.0 Auction: Saturday 24 October 10.30am on site Agent: Stephen Bunday

Find out more

Mob: 0416 014 431 LJ Hooker Dickson Ph: 6257 2111

Austr Australia lives here

Australia lives here


DOWNER 2 Berry Street Positioned in a quiet, tree lined street, you will feel embraced by the warmth and style of this wonderful family home. Encircled by landscaped gardens featuring daphne, camellias, azaleas and iris, the box hedging defines meandering paths which beckons towards the porch. Beyond the front door, be welcomed into the foyer which leads to the two distinct, yet open plan, living areas. Exceptionally light, both generous spaces flow seamlessly, allowing flexibility of uses. With a northerly aspect to the sunroom or music room, this could also provide a fourth bedroom with its own ensuite bathroom. The sunny eat-in kitchen invites cosy gatherings with family or friends and there are ample cupboards and bench-space. All bedrooms are generous in size, with their large windows guaranteeing sunlit rooms, each overlooking wonderful gardens.




EER: 0.0 Auction: Saturday 7 November 1pm on site View: Saturday 10.15-11am, Tuesday 5-5.45pm Agent: Aniko Carey

Find out more

Mob: 0429 487 939 Luton Properties Dickson Ph: 6230 0005

Austr Australia lives here

Australia lives here




agent's choice

GREENWAY 43/58 Cowlishaw Street

O’CONNOR 2 Faunce Crescent

This apartment in The Vue is set in an ideal location on the doorstep of the Tuggeranong business district, within walking distance to the Hyperdome, bus interchange, lake – the list goes on. Just two years old, this twobedroom apartment also features the bonus of two car accommodation. EER: 6.0

Created as a unique family sanctuary on the Turner side of O'Connor, this residence includes 330sqm of living and makes a statement in style and sophistication with a superb living and entertaining environment. Flowing proportions, light-filled interiors and a high quality of finish all combine to provide an exceptional rare retreat. EER: 6.0




Price: $384,000 View: By appointment Agent: Betty Wark 0408 166 833 Ray White Woden Ph: 6162 0681

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Australia lives here

Australia lives here



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Australia li Australia lives here

Australia lives here

Australia lives here

Australia li

NGUNNAWAL 13 Colleano Street

GRIFFITH 16 Lockyer Street

‘Hunter's Hill’ is a romantic gem in an upmarket prime location and set in a peaceful leafy street. This quality split-level residence showcases three great bedrooms, sunken formal lounge with picturesque views, separate dining room, well-equipped kitchen, family room and entertaining alfresco area with deck, gardens and an over-sized garage. EER: 4.0

An elegant and charming 1930s home in a distinctive historic precinct, the aesthetic appeal of both home and garden is rare to behold. This is a home for future generations – to dream their dreams, to live within and enjoy – a home and garden reminiscent of poetry in its purest form. EER: 2.5




Find out more

Price: Offers over $590,000 View: Sat 2-2.40pm Agent: Elizabeth Jancewicz 0408 219 148 Peter Blackshaw Real Estate Gungahlin Ph: 6241 9444 74


Price: $1.8m+ View: By appointment Maree van Arkel 0419 624 766 Agent: Australia lives here McGrath Dickson Ph: 6262 5122

Australia lives here

Australia lives here




Auction: Saturday 14 November 11am on site View: Sat 12.15-1pm, Wed 5-5.45pm Agent: Luke Revet 0418 101 213 Australia lives here Agent: Njoud Mohammad 0418 820 258 Independent Property Group 6209 4000

Australia lives here

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Australia li Australia lives here

Australia lives here

Australia li


agent's choice

MACGREGOR 6 Herring Place

WRIGHT 12 Philip Hodges Street

Looking to purchase a quality property in Macgregor under $390,000? Your search is over. This neat and well-presented separate title near-new three-bedroom townhouse could be just what you are searching for, whether you are starting out, downsizing or seeking a quality residential investment in a great suburb. EER: 6.0

This executive residence is available on a split contract (subject to approval). Offering approx 34.5 squares (320sqm) in total area, it is guaranteed to accommodate the largest of families. Features include spacious formal and informal living areas, gourmet kitchen with walk-in pantry and a north-facing alfresco dining area. EER: Not built yet




Price: $380,000+ View: Saturday 24 October 1-2pm Agent: Josh Morrissey 0437 799 234 PRD nationwide Canberra Ph: 6262 5232

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Australia lives here

Australia lives here




Price: By negotiation View: Block and plans by appointment Paul Sutton 0407 099 175 Agent: Australia lives here Agent: Robyn Sutton 0409 442 484 Paul and Robyn Sutton Properties

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Australia li Australia lives here

Australia lives here

Australia lives here

Australia li

HARRISON 32 Eric Mawson Street

TORRENS 10 Parsons Street

Lovingly designed with an amazingly high attention to detail and no expense spared, this four-bedroom ensuite home in Harrison is the perfect choice for the growing family. Step inside and discover this inviting home, bathed in natural light with easy flow floor-plan and huge list of inclusions that need to be seen to be believed. EER: 6.0

This well thought-out design provides plenty of options. Offering four bedrooms and a possible fifth, there is also a two-bedroom studio at the rear of the home with separate access. Single-level homes of this nature are hard to find. Renovated throughout with three living areas that cater for the kids. EER: 0.5




Auction: Saturday 7 November 10am on site View: Saturday 24 October 10-10.45am Agent: Symon Badenoch 0412 898 690 Badenoch Real Estate Ph: 6264 0900

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Australia lives here




Auction: Wednesday 11 November 6.15pm on site View: Saturday 11-11.40am Agent: Scott Crossman 0417 292 733 Australia lives here Agent: Kerry Henshaw 0421 651 198 ONE AGENCY Scott Crossman 6161 1011

Australia lives here

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Australia li Australia lives here

Australia lives here


Australia li

BSA Elders CWOct



agent's choice

WALLAROO NSW 55 Briarwood Lane Situated just minutes from Hall Village, this architecturally designed homestead oozes character and quality featuring: five bedrooms plus large study; segregated rumpus room with kitchenette; double garage plus triple carport and workshop; 3 hectare vineyard - recently awarded ‘Gold Medal’ Riesling; two paddocks plus house paddock, two dams, two bores.

QUEANBEYAN 130 Munro Road


Auction: On site Saturday 31st October @ 10:30am Open: Friday 23rd October 5:30pm – 6:30pm Contemporary 4 bed home, only 2 years old. Split over 3 levels with stunning open plan living taking advantage of the panoramic views through to Canberra. Gourmet kitchen with WIP & large island bench. Dbl glazed windows, ducted R/C. Elevated alfresco perfect for entertaining. 4 car garage with drive through access + WC. Secure 522m2 block situated in a well established & sought-after location.


Jon Stumbles 0418 162 701


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Price: Offers over $1,400,000 View: Sunday 25 October 11.45am-12.45pm Agent: Mark Johnstone 0414 382 093 Elders Real Estate Belconnen Ph: 6251 2088

Australia li Australia lives here

Australia lives here

Australia li


500m2 – 700m2 BLOCKS READY TO BUILD upmarketcanberra.com.au NOW IN CASEY, LAWSON, HARRISON



5.3 x 3.5



4.2 x 4.9m


5.3 x 3.5

Kitchen 4.7 x 2.7 Alfresco

5.3 x 3.0

4.0 x 2.8m



4.7 x 4.0


Ensuite 2.5 x 2.1

Bed 4


Garage Powder rm WC

WIR 2.1 x 2.1


Bed 3 3.7 x 3.8

Living space

Bed 4

4.7 x 3.8m

- Ground floor - First floor


1.7 x 3.0

Lounge 4.7 x 4.6 Fire

Entry Porch



1.7 x 3.0

Bed 2


3.2 x 4.6

5.0 x 4.6


3.3 x 2.2m

- 170m2 - 88m2 - 44m2 - 302m2

Powder rm 2.5 x 1.6m





Bed 2

Alfresco Porch

- 22m2 3.5 x 4.5m - 4m2 - 26m2


- 328m2


First floor over

Laundry 4.0 x 1.7m



4.5 x 4.0m

4.5 x 5.2m


WIR 2.1 x 2.4m


Bed 3

Bed 2 Lounge

3.2 x 4.6

5.0 x 4.6 3.5 x 4.5m

2.5 x 2.4m

First floor over

6.2 x 6.1m


Bed 2 Living



- 605m2 Site Area POS (Min 60%-50m2) - 313m2 POS (Min size 6 x 12.8m)- 76.7m2 - 36m2Ensuite PPOS (Min 6m x 6m)


4.0 x 2.8m

4.1 x 3.7m





Main Bed

5.0 x 2.4m

4.6 x 3.6m

2.5 x 1.6m3.7 x 3.8

Storage Bed 4 3.4 x 4.0 UP




5.3 x 2.6m



Powder rm BedWC 3wc


6.2 x 6.1m


4.7 x 4.6


4.2 x 4.9m


6.1 x 6.1


Family 5.3 x 3.7m

Linen 4.0 x 1.7m First floor over

x 4.0 2.5 x 2.4m 3.4WIR 2.1 x 2.4m


6.1 x 6.1 Passage





Kitchen 4.7 x 2.7

Main Bed



4.1 x 3.7m

Laundry Powder rm WC

WIR 2.1 x 2.1


Main Bed


Passage Ensuite 2.5 x 2.1

6.0 2 Total area: 304.80m Meals 5.3 x 2.6m Length: 21.65m Width: 13.31m Garage: 38m2


4.8 x 4.7

4.7 x 4.0


EER: 6.0 Total area: 328m2 Ground: 170m2 First: 88m2 Porch: 4m2 Alfresco: 22m2 Garage: 44m2

Alfresco EER:

5.3 x 3.0

Main Bed

The Burberry

The Fitzroy


4.8 x 4.7


5.3 x 3.7m








4.5 x

Lounge 4.5 x 5.2m



3.3 x



Ground Floor Owner

Upper floor Plan


1 No.

1 : 100 Description


Project Name

Upper floor Plan

The Fitzroy


1 : 100 6247 3570 sales@upmarketcanberra.com.au Project number

Project Number

Description Date CallNo.0429 309 299



Drawn by

Checked by

The Fitzroy Issue Date


Project number Checker

A102 Sasha Trpkovski 1 : 100 Upmarket Homes A102 Copyright

Project Number Scale

upmarketcanberra.com.au Date

Project Name

Drawn by

Checked by



Issue Date





1 : 100


Ground Floor

Builders Lic No ACT. 200112555 NSW:159042C 1 1 : 100 The Fitzroy - Floor Plans Upmarket Constructions Pty Ltd 25 083132101 Project number Date Drawn by Checked by



.. Allen Sasha


1 : 100

20/11/2014 2:08:10 PM


7/11/2014 2:50:43 PM



7/11/2014 2:50:43 PM


First floor over



2 Date


Upm Copy



ives here

ives here

Belconnen 4 Morell Close


A Star Studded Home



Downsize in style!

• 12 solar panels keep bills to a very minimum

Auction Saturday 14th November at 3.00pm

A very rare property to come to the market. Throw away your checklist as this beautiful family home will not disappoint. If you’re looking at downsizing, or simply appreciate a home with no Strata, easy care living and within walking distance to the Belconnen Precinct, then look no further.

• A beautiful outdoor sauna house

Venue On site

• Two large living areas that can be segregated off or opened out

View Saturday 11:30am – 12:00pm ljhooker.com.au/HN23FF8H

• Alarm system, vacuum system, remotes off a double garage • The inclusions are endless- Don’t miss out!

Sharon Schnyder 0400 485 204 Belconnen 6251 1477

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


• Four large bedrooms, the main with spa and walk in robe, two others with their own access and courtyards


Bonner 18 Eugene Vincent Street


Surprising Splashes of Colour

North facing to the front, 128m2 of open plan living, RC/AC to main bedroom, ducted gas heating, large 42sqm garage and secure & private backyard.


Additional Liveability Features

For Sale $489,000 – $509,000

• Climate zone for this property

View Saturday 11:00am – 11:30am

• Efficient heating and cooling devices

ljhooker.com.au/ U14GCY

• Shading or sun control • Cross-ventilation • Orientation • Density of building materials

Jason Hall 0475 983 079 Darren Beer 0432 113 088 Gungahlin 6213 3999

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


If quiet family living is what you desire, then this threebedroom beauty is for you. Standing proudly on a corner block, this two-storey property with its landscaped frontage has masses of street appeal.



Casey 56 Alan Watt Crescent


Just Like Brand New

Some features: • Separate Lounge • Quality Kitchen / Family / Dining Area • Covered entertainment deck


• Double garage with auto doors and internal access

Auction Saturday 14th November 9:00am

• Back to base security system

Venue On site

• NBN connected

View Saturday 1:30pm – 2:15pm

• Ducted RCAC


• Ducted VAC • Easy care gardens This is a must see home on a fantastic street in Casey. Call me to see today!

Robert Murphy 0414 734 185 Belconnen 6251 1477

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


What an exquisite home with a superb floor plan that maximizes useable space with functionality. This four bedroom single level home is stunning!



Dunlop 3 Lads Place


Auction This Saturday!



Moving Overseas – Must Be SOLD!

• Quiet cul-de-sac

Auction Saturday 24th October at 10:00am

This pleasant family home in a quiet cul-de-sac is conveniently located in a tightly held street, in a slightly elevated location and on a good size 761m2 block. Perfect for all of the family with open plan living , good size bedrooms, beautiful floors in the living areas and spacious outdoor area perfect for entertaining. Only a short stroll to the local Woolworths, parks, playgrounds for the kids to enjoy and easy access to public transport.

• Good size bedrooms, all with built-in robes

Venue On site

• Open plan living with tasmanian oak floors

View Saturday 9:30am – 10:00am

• Spacious outdoor area for entertaining


• Close to bus stops

Helen Kalogris 0410 414 872 Canberra City 6249 7700

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


• Short stroll to local shops and parks


Gordon 3 Revell Close


Separate Title – Easy Care Living


• No body corporate

For Sale $379,000+

• North to rear

View Saturday 24th October 1:30pm – 2:00pm

• Low maintenance home


• Carport with access to yard • Close to public transport

Helen Kalogris 0410 414 872 Canberra City 6249 7700

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


This delightful home in a quiet cul-de-sac sits on an easy care block, a blank canvas with lots of space to make your own. Enjoy the sunny northerly aspect to the living areas at the rear of the home and timber laminate floors. Three lovely bedrooms, 2 with built-in robes and all with elegant vertical sheer blinds, allowing for light filled rooms, while maintaining privacy.




Spectacular Family Living in Yerrabi Estate Proudly positioned in a Blue Ribbon Location with a peaceful and private setting on one of Gungahlin’s finest Streets, here you will find all your needs and more! 22 Wunderlich Street boasts pure luxury and every finish is of the highest quality. As you enter the home, you will immediately fall in love. This is a rare opportunity to purchase an immaculate custom designed family home with 300sqm of just living in the exclusive Yerrabi precinct.



• Tomi Milin Custom Architecture

Auction Saturday 14th Nov at 1:00pm

• Pristine chef’s kitchen, stone benchtops, 900mm standalone range, breakfast bar, walk in pantry

Venue On Site

• Ducted reverse cycle heating and cooling throughout, for year round comfort plus wood fire heater and 8 person spa in enclosed alfresco • Double garage with internal and remote access

View Saturday 11:30am – 12:15pm & Wednesday 6:00pm – 6:30pm

Hugo Mendez 0449 557 073 Madeleine Sanfrancesco 0433 150 312 Gungahlin 6213 3999

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Gungahlin 22 Wunderlich Street


Higgins 15B Lutwyche Street


Easy-Care Living at its Best!



Downsize in style- you deserve it!

Step in to enjoy:

For Sale $329,000+

Showcasing immaculately renovated interiors this appealing home is perfect for young families, those wanting to downsize or a first home buyer who appreciates an established suburb close to the very heart of Belconnen. With an EER of 5, no unapproved structures and close to local schools, shops and sporting ovals, this is a must to inspect.

• Heating and cooling throughout

View Sunday 11:45am – 12:15pm

• A brand new stylish kitchen is light and bright with gas cooking, glass splash backs and granite bench tops


• Two good sized bedrooms are serviced by a beautifully tiled new bathroom

Sharon Schnyder 0400 485 204 Belconnen 6251 1477

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


• The whole of the home is freshly painted with new carpets and curtains throughout


Karabar 8/49-51 Donald Road The charm of yesterday with the polish of today



• Two courtyards

Auction Saturday 14th November at 10:00am

• 1.5 car secure/enclosed carport with automatic door

Venue On site

• Gas hot water and heating

View Saturday 2:45pm - 3:30pm

• Security screens to all doors and windows • Large open large kitchen/lounge/dining • Low body corporate rates and pet friendly

Jason Hall 0475 983 079 Darren Beer 0432 113 088 Gungahlin 6213 3999

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


This home has excellent street appeal and all the benefits of a traditional home. – high ceilings, original hardwood polished floors and ornate cornices – but was fully renovated in 2009 to bring it into this century. Close to schools, local shops & minutes from the central Queanbeyan shopping centre.



This Opportunity Of Luxury And Lifestyle Won’t Last Long! Enjoy the best of the inner north lifestyle; whether it’s breakfast, lunch or dinner at one of Dickson café’s or restaurants or a sporting week of hockey, football, cricket, netball, tennis, gyms or swimming - it’s all at your front door. Did we mention you are within walking distance to the Yowani Country Club? If it’s a quiet weekend at home you can enjoy the morning papers on your wrap around balcony, work out in the downstairs gym, relax in the

heated pool then fire the BBQ in one of the complexes entertaining areas. • Three large bedrooms (main with walk through robe and ensuite) • Reverse cycle air conditioning • Open plan living • Gas cooktop/electric oven





Auction Wednesday 4th November at 6:00pm Venue LJ Hooker Canberra City, City Walk, Canberra City View Saturday 11:00am – 11:30am & 1:30pm – 2:00pm ljhooker.com.au/1DVSCQF92

Andrew Browne 0403 169 259 Donna Pinkerton 0400 997 699 Dickson 6257 2111

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Lyneham 160/1 Mouat Street


Ngunnawal 3 Milari Street Wonderful Solar Passive Executive Family Home – Spectacular Sunsets Set amidst tranquil gardens, this beautiful split level home offers great indoor and outdoor living through maximum use of aspect, light and space. Every room has a view! An upstairs lounge opens onto a spacious covered balcony where one can relax and watch the sunset over the Brindabellas. A peaceful haven!



• 4 bedrooms, superb main bedroom with large walk-in robe and ensuite, built–ins to others

For Sale $790,000+

• North facing dining/ family and activity areas open onto an expansive deck, ideal for entertaining!


View Saturday 10:00am – 10.30am

• Quality appliances, gas cooktop • Ducted gas heating • Intriguing gardens with water features • Land: 879m2, Living: 212.9m2, Garage: 46.5m2, EER: 4.0

Naish Stormon 0488 164 426 Gungahlin 6213 3999

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Intriguing low-maintenance gardens and water features



Palmerston 13/25 Namadgi Circuit


What a lovely easy way to live!



For Sale $395,000+

• 115m2 of living

View Saturday 1:30pm – 2:00pm

• Ducted heating and cooling • New carpet and paint • Alfresco covered deck • Oversize single lock-up garage with internal access and storage to the rear

Jason Hall 0475 983 079 Darren Beer 0432 113 088 Gungahlin 6213 3999

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


This spacious 3 bedroom townhouse is the perfect first home, downsizer or investment property. This is a great opportunity to enter this market in a home that will make you proud to call it your own. Features under house storage, NBN is connected, has an extra car space, 2 large living spaces & only a walk to public transport, Palmerston school & shops.



Michelago 2 Mount View Road

Queanbeyan 34/44-64 Carrington St

A Huge Block

Inspect Now!!

Queanbeyan 14 Early Street

For Sale $206,000 View By appointment ljhooker.com/S8KFAN

Michael Dyer 0438 174 400 Queanbeyan 6297 1744




Classic Beauty with a Modern Twist Fall in love at first sight with this gracious family home adorned with all the trimmings. Beyond the fence and low maintenance garden, a modern interior awaits with 3 bedrooms, renovated bathrooms and open plan living. Sought after location, walking distance to park, high schools, shops and restaurants.

Auction Saturday 7th Nov at 1:00pm Venue On site View Saturday 9:00am – 9:30am & 4:00pm – 4:30pm ljhooker.com/S01FAN

Jason Maxwell 0416 182 379 Queanbeyan 6297 1744

Stunning ensuite townhouse in immaculate condition with spacious lounge and dining, ultra-modern kitchen with dishwasher, double garage with internal access and an extra powder room downstairs. Low maintenance courtyard and on the upper level, gallery area, 3 bedrooms, huge main bathroom.

Queanbeyan 24 McIntosh Street



For Sale $390,000+ View Saturday 10:30am – 11:15am ljhooker.com/QQAFAN

Michael Dyer 0438 174 400 Queanbeyan 6297 1744




Timeless Appeal... Polished floorboards, high ceilings, natural décor and abundant natural light complement the large open planned living area overlooking a private rear garden. Spacious well-equipped kitchen, adjacent dining area, 3 queen sized bedrooms, study/4th bedroom & central bathroom.

Auction Saturday 7th November at 11:00am Venue On site View Saturday 9:40am – 10:10am & 2:30pm – 3:00pm ljhooker.com/S10FAN

Jason Maxwell 0416 182 379 Queanbeyan 6297 1744

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Located in the popular village of Michelago you will find this 2,034m2 level block of land ready for your dream home and ready to build on with phone and power available. Michelago is approximately 50km’s South of Canberra and is a very popular rural village with country benefits.


A new outlook... One Bedroom Apartments from $269,900 Two Bedroom Apartments from $349,900

Close to completion. Move in first quarter 2016.

1300 733 007

northpointwright.com.au MIN EER 5

Northpoint Display Office Open Saturday & Sunday 11am - 4pm John Gorton Drive, Wright James Herbert - 0400 853 501

Buy an apartment at before December 31 2015 to receive



1 bed + balcony + secure parking



2 bed + ensuite + secure parking

SQ1 Display Office Open Monday - Friday 12pm - 5pm Saturday & Sunday 11am - 4pm Cnr Anketell St & Limburg Way, Greenway James Herbert - 0400 853 501

$30,000 in grants, concessions and incentives*

All you need is $1,000 to secure your apartment!

1300 733 007


*Approved purchasers only. Terms and conditions apply.


HARRISON One Bedroom Apartments from $257,900

One Bedroom + Study Apartments from $287,900

Two Bedroom + Ensuite Apartments from $364,900 Artist Impression

The final stage of this popular development is selling fast! Display Apartment Now Open


Open for Inspection

Be part of the exciting Flemington Road corridor close to the Gungahlin town centre, Dickson shops and the City.

• Fisher & Paykel stainless steel appliances

Saturday & Sunday 10am - 3pm

• Views from most apartments

Cnr Flemington Rd & Sapling St, Harrison

Another quality development from

• Close to future light rail link and retail hub


• Stone bench tops • Reverse cycle air conditioning • Lift access to most apartments

Andrew Ligdopoulos 0408 488 148 Keenan Veraar 0402 914 037

• Secure basement parking to most apartments MIN EER 5

• Award winning developer & builder

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.



Artist Impression

COOMBS Three Bedroom + Ensuite Townhouses from $429,950

Four Bedroom + Ensuite Townhouses from $509,950 Artist Impression

Live in the heart of Coombs 3 & 4 bedroom townhouses now selling!


Display Office Open

Kardia is located in the heart of the popular new suburb of Coombs.

• North facing townhouses

Saturday & Sunday 10am - 3pm

• AEG appliances

First home buyers, downsizers and investors will all be catered for with a wide range of smart designs. The efficient use of space coupled with a strong emphasis on maximising the winter sun will make these properties great to live in while offering exceptional value.

Cnr Fred Daly Ave & Gifford St, Coombs

• Stone bench tops

Kardia will maximise your lifestyle!

• Minutes to the City


• Double glazing option


• Reverse cycle air conditioning • Private courtyards • Close to local shops

Andrew Ligdopoulos 0408 488 148 Luke Dent 0435 046 964

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries. All images are artist impressions.



HARRISON One Bedroom Apartments from $265,900

Two Bedroom Apartments from $339,900

Three Bedroom Apartments from $449,900 Artist Impression

Nearing Completion NEW Display apartment now open!


Open for Inspection

Hudson Square is Harrison’s newest and most exciting addition, with 83 apartments and a mix of retail, commercial and residential use.

• Architecturally designed

Saturday & Sunday 11am - 4pm

• Stone bench tops & stainless steel appliances

Cnr Kings Canyon Street & Nullarbor Ave

Within close proximity to the Gungahlin Town Centre and Civic, Hudson Square puts all the amenities you need at your doorstep.

• Secure lift access

• NBN ready • Reverse cycle split system A/C • Public transport at your doorstep


Andrew Ligdopoulos 0408 488 148 James Nimmo 0414 332 778

• Easy access to GDE & Federal HWY MIN EER 5 All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


COOMBS Single level living at it’s best! Three Bedroom + Ensuite Townhouses from $545,000

Four Bedroom + Ensuite Townhouses from $595,000

Artist Impression

New Project Display Centre Saturday & Sunday 9am - 1pm Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm Level 1, 182 - 200 City Walk, Canberra City ljhookerprojects.com.au

Andrew Ligdopoulos

0408 488 148


GUNGAHLIN OVER 90% SOLD One Bedroom Apartments from $299,900

Two Bedroom Apartments from $369,900

Three Bedroom Apartments from $429,900

Artist Impression

Hinder Street, Gungahlin ljhookerprojects.com.au

Keenan Veraar

Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm Saturday & Sunday 9am - 1pm


Level 1, 182 - 200 City Walk, Canberra City (next to the carousel)



Premium & Popular One Bed + Study Apartments from $291,000

Two Bedroom Townhouses from $415,000 from $475,000

Four Bedroom Townhouses Artist Impression

from $535,000

New Project Display Centre Saturday & Sunday 9am - 1pm Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm Level 1, 182 - 200 City Walk, Canberra City

Three Bedroom Townhouses


Andrew Ligdopoulos


All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


0402 914 037


Exhibition Centre Now Open Everyday


Display Office Open Saturday 1pm - 4pm Sunday 9am - 3pm

0408 488 148


BRADDON 10/4 Angas Street

BRADDON 58 Currong Street

• New evaporative cooling system installed • Underfloor heating in the family room • Walk to local schools Gungahlin 6213 3999

• Tiled entrance and dining area • 4 burner Gas cook top • Double lock up garage Dickson 6257 2111

• Just streets away from the Canberra Centre • Huge secure back yard • New carpet and fresh paint throughout Dickson 6257 2111

$510 weekly



$610 weekly




$650 weekly




$650 weekly

DOWNER 5/87 Antill Street

$455 weekly

DUNLOP 79 James Harrison Street

• Brand new, spacious apartment • All of the bedrooms feature built-in wardrobes • Fantastic outdoor terrace area

• Allocated underground parking space • Private outdoor entertaining area • Gas cook top and dishwasher

• Four bedroom home with very large open plan dining area and family room. • Great covered alfresco area.

Canberra City 6249 7700

Dickson 6257 2111

Kaleen 6241 1922

BRADDON 107/51 Mort Street






$550 weekly





HARRISON 6 Encounter Street

HARRISON 37 Kings Canyon Drive

HARRISON 2/70 Kings Canyon Street

• Two living areas • Ducted heating and cooling • Close to schools and transport Gungahlin 6213 3999

• Three bedroom house with formal lounge & living areas • The comfort of reverse cycle heating & cooling Kaleen 6241 1922

• Ascot is a Stylish complex situated in Harrison • Private balcony. • With an easy commute to the CBD Canberra City 6249 7700

$600 weekly



$450 weekly




$350 weekly





HARRISON 55/64 Kings Canyon Street

HARRISON 48 Moonlight Avenue

HOLT 46 Kellerman Close

• Ground floor apartment D • Adaptable unit EASE • EnclosedLcourtyard Gungahlin 6213 3999

• Ducted heating and cooling • Two storey • Walk to public transport Gungahlin 6213 3999

• Three bedroom townhouse • Comfort of reverse cycle air conditioning • Low maintenance courtyard

$350 weekly

$480 weekly

$380 weekly

Kippax 6255 3888










KINGSTON 311/50 Eastlake Parade

MCKELLAR 5 Bednall Place

O’CONNOR 19/41 David Street

• Located in the recently completed Quayside complex • Versatile kitchen with stone bench tops

• Three bedroom house with modern kitchen • Ducted gas heating throughout • Low maintenance gardening

• Located on the second floor • It has been renovated throughout Canberra City 6249 7700

Canberra City 6249 7700

Kaleen 6241 1922

$410 weekly



$500 weekly




$300 weekly





Tenant of the week Each week LJ Hooker gives away a $150 Coles/Myer voucher to an exceptional tenant.

*Participating offices only: LJ Hooker Canberra City, Dickson, Gungahlin, Kaleen, Kippax & Weston Creek


Congratulations to Andrew Clients of LJ Hooker Kaleen pictured with Executive Property Manager Aspa Markakis

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Looking to buy, sell or rent? Our app is always open for inspection. When you’re on the hunt for property, start your search with the realestate.com.au property app. Download it today on the App Store. realestate app



ct Au

Bywong 1516 Bungendore Road - With breathtaking grandeur, a sumptuous and rare six bedroom, three bathroom contemporary extravagance awaits on this absolutely stunning undulating 20 acre (approx.) country estate. The commanding presence of this estate residence becomes evident from the sweeping drive, as the poised and subliminal beauty of the landscape unfolds and the magnificent residence is unveiled. Agent interest.







Open Saturday 3.30-4pm Auction On site 4pm, Saturday 24 October Call Stephanie Hendry 0404 491 413 Jeremy Maher 0410 481 260

l Sa e

Carwoola 1684 Captains Flat Road - Located within an easy fifteen minute drive to Queanbeyan or Bungendore, this 70 acre (approx.) property offers supreme privacy. The home provides 310m² (approx.) of living, and has four large bedrooms (main with ensuite and walk-in wardrobe). The Canadian maple kitchen features a walk-in pantry, dishwasher and Bosch appliances. A five bay steel shed houses three garage and two carport spaces.


Open Sale Call






Saturday 2.15-2.45pm By negotiation Jeremy Maher 0410 481 260



ct Au

Crace 7 Langtree Crescent - This contemporary masterpiece flows over three levels and totals 660m² (approx.) under the roof line. Impeccably presented, the accommodation consists of formal and informal living areas, home theatre, games room, sitting room and wine cellar. At the heart of the home is the stunning kitchen with a 3m island bench and butlers pantry. On the lower level there is room for up to 10 cars plus storage areas. EER 4.








Saturday 3-3.45pm Wednesday 5.30-6pm Auction On site 2pm, Saturday 31 October Richard Keeley 0418 620 735 Call



ct Au

Curtin 8 Service Street - Location and convenience. This well presented three bedroom home offers great views across to Hughes Hill. Tastefully renovated with solid hardwood timber floors and an open-plan living area that flows through to the large timber decks, both front and back. Enjoy an updated kitchen with modern gas cooker, oven and dishwasher. The solid timber yurt out the back provides a unique extra bedroom, studio or retreat. EER 1.







Open Saturday 11.30-12pm Auction On site 2pm, Saturday 7 November Call Jeremy Maher 0410 481 260



ct Au

Isaacs 4 Rowntree Crescent - A substantial property boasting four bedrooms, study, three designer bathrooms, fully enclosed rumpus room with kitchen, three gas feature fireplaces, commercial double glazed windows, triple garage, two entertaining areas and a 12.5m lap pool just to name a few of the stunning features within this one of kind, resort-style home. Built over 350m² (approx.) of high quality inclusions this home is stunning. EER 6.








Open Saturday 2.15-2.45pm Auction On site 10am, Saturday 7 November Call Jason Roses 0431 419 847

l Sa e

Merimbula 8 Marine Parade - Located on Fishpen Peninsula, Merimbula´s incredibly popular tourist precinct, this superb self-contained 23 room accommodation property with 10 car parks, offers a rare opportunity for a community or educational focused organisation to establish a significant presence on the South Coast, or may suit as a B&B. Merimbula´s location is approximately halfway between Sydney and Melbourne, with easy access to Canberra.

Sale Call

$1,350,000 Greg Hedger 0427 214 337 Sails Real Estate Steve Haslam 0487 697 245

n io

ct Au Cook 91 Lyttleton Crescent - Positioned in a super convenient location, this terrific, light and bright, single level home features beautiful and colourful cottage gardens. Two separate living areas as well as the master bedroom all flow out to the north facing, private and protected central courtyard. Magnificent, mature and colourful, yet easy-care gardens encircle the home. EER 1.








Saturday 1.45-2.30pm Tuesday 12.30-1.15pm Auction On site 9am, Saturday 7 November Call Aniko 0429 487 939

n io

ct Au Downer 101 Atherton Street - Dream no longer. This well appointed home with quality finishes offers two living areas, segregated master suite and stunning bathrooms. The pergola covered deck overlooks the pool and gardens. Dickson shops are close by and proximity to the Inner City. EER 1.








Saturday 9.30-10.15am Wednesday 4.30-5.15pm Auction On site 4pm, Saturday 7 November Call Aniko 0429 487 939

n io

ct Au Downer 2 Berry Street - Bathed in sunlight, with an inviting ambience, this beautiful family home offers comfortable living. Boasting two distinct, yet open-plan living areas, the generous sun-room offers flexibility as a fourth bedroom with ensuite, plus three double bedrooms. The pergola entertainment area and home are surrounded by picturesque gardens. Moments to the park, a short stroll to the Dickson shops and close to schools. EER 0.








Saturday 10.15-11am Tuesday 5-5.45pm Auction On site 1pm, Saturday 7 November Call Aniko 0429 487 939

n io

ct Au Crace 14 Fingal Street - If you’re looking for the best quality available in the marketplace today, stop and take a look at the incredible amount of precision, energy and craftsmanship which has been injected into this home. From top to bottom this property is flawless and contains some of the best features and inclusions available. Placed on a 462m² block (approx.) and offering 224m² (approx.) of high quality living space. EER 5.







Open By appointment Auction On site 10am, Saturday 14 November Call Gerardo Penna 0413 126 291

l Sa e Duffy 1-16/93 Burrinjuck Crescent - Completed and ready to move in, these two bedroom ensuite, architecturally designed apartment provide all the luxuries of modern day living at a affordable price. Featuring quality Fisher & Paykel appliances, front and rear balconies/ courtyards, secure remote access basement car parking, intercom access to basement and lobby. EER 6.


Open Sale Call






Saturday & Sunday 10.30-11.30am $379,000-$425,000 Gerardo Penna 0413 126 291

l Sa e Forde 7 Pahlman Street - The first thing you notice about this beautiful home is how sun-filled it is. Opposite parkland and brilliantly located only minutes´ walk to various FER parks, playground ER OF ND and the school awaits this wonderful family home. Sited U on a large 602m² block (approx.) the split-level design is definitely suited to the growing family with its spacious living areas and large back yard ample for swing sets and the like. EER 4.5.


Open Sale Call






By appointment $690,000+ Karen Broadhurst 0405 404 792

l Sa e Giralang 99 Baracchi Crescent - This solid, privately built home is packed with potential; some simple cosmetic changes could add loads of future value. With mountain views, 159m² (approx.) of living and located on one of Giralang’s most popular streets, there is so much scope to capitalise on your investment. Featuring ducted in-floor heating, renovated ensuite and conveniently located, this is a must see for your short-list. EER 1.5.


Open Sale Call






By appointment $575,000+ Catherine Halloran 0435 151 976

n io

ct Au Phillip 11/85 Port Jackson Circuit - Capturing plenty of natural light is this large three bedroom apartment. Well positioned in a super convenient location, being just minutes stroll to Woden, CIT and the Hospital, this property is sure to impress both investors and owner occupiers. EER 1.







Open Saturday 12-12.45pm Auction On site 10am, Saturday 7 November Call Anthony McCormack 0425 283 588

n io

ct Au Reid 54 Euree Street - Nestled in a beautiful tree-lined street is this thoughtfully renovated and extended family residence. Combining a glorious position, a tranquil streetscape and a land holding of approx. 945m², 54 Euree Street offers formal and informal living areas, a functional kitchen, four bedrooms, two bathrooms, high ceilings, solid timber floors, ducted gas heating, rear entertaining deck, plus a double garage and storage. EER 0.5.








Saturday 1.30-2pm Wednesday 12.45-1.15pm Auction On site 12noon, Saturday 31 October Call Richard Keeley 0418 620 735

n io

ct Au

n io

ct Au Greenway 12/108 Athllon Drive Location, location, location. Modern-contemporary apartment, two balconies, double garaging. EER 6.







Sun 1.30-2.15pm Open Auction On site 1pm, Sat 7 Nov Call Steph Hendry 0404 491 413







Sat 11.45-12.30pm Open Auction On site 11am, Sat 7 Nov Call Christine Shaw 0405 135 009

l Sa e

n io

ct Au Ngunnawal 3 A 1 B 18 Mulleun Close - Lovely, Open Sun 10-10.45am three bedroom, one bathroom, Wed 5.30-6pm separate title home. Golf Auction On site 3pm, Sat 7 Nov course estate, near Ngunnawal Call Steph Hendry shops. EER 4. 0404 491 413

Griffith 140 La Perouse Street Opportunity to renovate lovely home of another era or knock down rebuild on this perfect site. EER 1.

Wamboin 4 A 2 B 3 C 8 Reedy Creek Place Open Sat 2.15-3pm Four bedroom, Sale $725,000+ architecturally designed Call Jason Roses home. North aspect and 0431 419 847 solar passive design. EER 0.

n io

ct Au

n io

ct Au Kambah 5 McBeath Place Tastefully renovated three bedroom home. Appointed for stylish, contemporary living. EER 1.







Sat 9.30-10.15am Open Auction On site 12noon, Sat 7 Nov Call Christine 0428 139 969

n io

ct Au Wanniassa 40 Halfrey Circuit - Views forever with two living areas and multiple rooms outside. Parent’s retreat, bedroom five or home office. EER 1.







Open Sat 10-10.45am Auction On site 1pm, Sat 7 Nov Christine Shaw Call 0405 135 009

Mckellar 4 A 2 B 2 C 23 Buggy Crescent Open Sat 1.15-2pm Split-level with multiAuction On site 9am, purpose room that could be Sat 7 Nov bedroom five/rumpus plus Christine Shaw Call home office. EER 1.5. 0405 135 009

Casey 8 Maris King Street



EER: 5.0


Ticking all the boxes! Three bedroom home on a 330m block offering main bedroom with ensuite and walk-in-robe, along with built-in-robes in bedrooms 2 and 3 plus ducted gas heating and evaporative cooling throughout. The low maintenance backyard has a covered area perfect for entertaining and a water tank. The separate living areas allow for a private area away from children or a separate entertaining area. 2



Ray White Belconnen

• • • • • • •

330m block, 111m living 3 bedrooms Ducted gas heating and evaporative cooling 2 Bathrooms Single garage Water tank EER 5.0 2


$459,000+ View By Appointment Liam Wilson 0405 056 844 Lisa van Niekerk 0467 977 708

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

tio n Au c Dunlop 50 Tarrant Crescent



EER: 3.0


Lovely home in quiet area!



Located in the ever popular suburb of Dunlop you will find this easy care low maintenance home. The 4 bedroom home is on a good sized block that offers drive through access to take care of your trailer & or boat storage needs. The master bedroom has an ensuite and a walk-in-robe, while all the other bedrooms have built-in-robes. There are two separate living areas, which provide a versatile floorplan that will suit a large variety of families.

• • • • •

Ray White Belconnen

514m block (140m residence) 4 bedrooms Double garage 2 bathrooms Master bedroom with ensuite and WIR Ducted gas heating and evaporative cooling Water tanks 2


Thurs 12 Nov 6.00pm, Belconnen Arts Centre View Sat 11.00 – 11.40am Jake Battenally 0413 313 676 Liam Wilson 0488 488 956

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

tio n Au c Macregor 26 Archdall Street



Ray White Belconnen


EER: 0.5


Great views on plenty of space! This house is an entertainers dream combining functionality, style and a 270-degree view of the mountains to fully exploit the magnificent sunsets for which Macgregor is so popular for. The bedrooms are all of an excellent size and have buildin-robes, while the master bedroom features an ensuite and a walk-in-robe the size of a small bedroom. The updated kitchen includes top of the line appliances, making every inch of the home absolutely immaculate.


• • • • • •

1035m block (186.10m residence) Master bedroom with ensuite and WIR Double garage Large deck with bar and BBQ Yard has veggie patches Ducted gas heating and evaporative cooling 2


Thurs 12 Oct 6.00pm, Belconnen Arts Centre View Sat 12.30 – 1.00pm Ben Owen 0466 671 595 Treston Bamber 0488 488 956

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

tio n Au c Wamboin 110 Hogan Drive


• • •


Ray White Belconnen



Rural property with wonderful outlook Elegantly set on 5 acres of rolling hills and woodlands, this family home showcases picturesque rural living with city convenience. Situated only a short drive from Canberra CBD this represents the perfect opportunity for families or professionals who want tree change lifestyle with city convenience.


Versatile living and large lounge spaces and separate formal areas Child-friendly home yard & gardens, including ornamental pond and dam Extensive covered outdoor entertaining area with north westerly aspect. Modern kitchen equipped with quality high end appliances

Thursday 5 Nov 6:00pm, Belconnen Arts Centre View By appointment Ben Faulks 0423 028 645

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au


eco rb r




s new

Ray White_Know How to sell your property for more 18 Heney Close, McKellar Sold for $1,210,000 A NEW RECORD FOR MCKELLAR 112 Inspections_7 Offers prior to Auction_14 Registered Bidders

If you are looking for an agent who is passionate, highly experienced and determined to achieve a premium result for his clients contact Treston Bamber for an obligation free chat about what your home may be worth in the current market place.


Mob: 0488 488 956 E: treston.bamber@raywhite.com Ray White Belconnen

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

Jerrabomberra 4 Dora Street


You will be impressed from the entrance through to the rear and side gardens. There is plenty of light filled living space with the separated formal lounge and dining room, an open family room off the kitchen that has all practicality a family needs. Sit back under the covered entertaining area and relax in the established tranquil grounds, a proven place for entertaining guests. This property is ideal for the family upgrading or for a downsizer with a low maintenance garden.

• • • • • • •

4 bedrooms plus study Segregated Master Modern Open Kitchen & Family Room Ducted Gas Heating & Reverse cycle/ heating cooling DLUG with storage Beautiful private garden. Next to ovals.

Ray White Queanbeyan|Jerrabomberra

Googong 6 Dolly Street


This ideal 4 bedroom family home is conveniently located close to shops, school, Beltana Park with club Googong and also the lovely dog park. Selling now off the plan for an expected completion date of early 2017 means you can really get ahead by securing at all for today’s prices.



Relaxing family home

If you have the family – We have the home


$639,000 View Sat 2.00 – 2.40pm Brad O’Mara 0402 343 771

6299 4333 raywhitequeanbeyan.com.au

Jerrabomberra 7 Darmody Place 4



Sale $700,000 View By appointment Ben Mills 0420 304 431 6299 4333 raywhitequeanbeyan.com.au

Ray White Queanbeyan|Jerrabomberra

Family orientated three bedroom home! This lovely three bedroom ensuite home offers built in 2 bedrooms and a walk-in robe in the main bedroom. There is a separate lounge room which includes a beautiful wood fire to keep you cosy within the colder months & a spilt system for the warmer part of the year.




Sale $549,000 View Sat 2.00 – 2.40pm Brad O’Mara 0402 343 771 6299 4333 raywhitequeanbeyan.com.au

Ray White Queanbeyan|Jerrabomberra

r ffe rO

tio n



Au c Queanbeyan 19 Agnes Avenue A cottage that must be seen Located overlooking Ross Park and just a short walk to the Queanbeyan CBD this circa 1950s renovated classic cottage on a level spacious 696m2 allotment is a superb home for a first home buyer or downsizer. There is simply nothing to do but to move straight in.

Queanbeyan 4/11 Barracks Flat Drive 3



Auction Sat 24 Oct 10.00am, on site View Sat 9.30 – 10.00am Brad O’Mara 0402 343 771 6299 4333 raywhitequeanbeyan.com.au

This well-presented single level townhouse is situated in a popular quiet complex with easy access to public transport. Featuring a separate kitchen, a sunny living area, and an extra large courtyard, you have your choice of an indoor or outdoor lifestyle.




Sale $320,000 Brad O’Mara 0402 343 771

6299 4333 raywhitequeanbeyan.com.au

Ray White Queanbeyan|Jerrabomberra




Ray White Queanbeyan|Jerrabomberra

Single level tidy townhouse!

Queanbeyan 56 Hellmund Street Calling all First Home Buyers & Smart Investors


This solid 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom family home is ideal for a small family or for the first home buyer. Close to all amenities and shops. Great sized deck area for those summer dinners or entertaining family and friends.

Queanbeyan 59 Thorpe Avenue 3



Sale $429,000 View Sat 10.50 – 11.20am Ben Mills 0420 304 431 6299 4333 raywhitequeanbeyan.com.au

Ray White Queanbeyan|Jerrabomberra

Quiet Location - Well Maintained - Nothing to Spend ! This solid 3 bedroom double brick home is ready for the right family to move in. There is a large living area for that family time. A good sized kitchen with new flooring. The extra-large double garage with great storage and/or workshop.




Auction Sat 14 Nov 3.00pm, on site View Sat 12.30 – 1.00pm Ben Mills 0420 304 431 6299 4333 raywhitequeanbeyan.com.au

Ray White Queanbeyan|Jerrabomberra

tio n Au c Queanbeyan 36 Donald Road



Ray White Woden



Classic heritage charm Like an oasis in the desert, this charmingly renovated period cottage is sited on over 850m2 of private gardens, providing an ‘away from it all’ feeling of privacy. Lovingly restored and renovated, the home retains all the allure of a bygone era, but combines a modern kitchen and open plan design with faithful retention of the fuel fireplace, high ceilings and picture rails, plus leadlight windows and detailed doors. The gardens are well fenced providing a sanctuary for the kids and pets. Inspection a must!


• • • • • • • •

A piece of history Modern inclusions Large private block New kitchen Ducted gas heating Open plan living High ceilings Large verandah

Sat 14 Nov 10.00am, on site View Sat 24 October 10.00 – 10.45am Terry Cooper 0417 710 772

6162 0681 | rwcanberra.com.au

tio n Au c Richardson 6 Austral Place


EER: 0.5



Vendor committed elsewhere - must sell at auction! Tucked away at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac, 3 Austral Place Richardson is an absolute delight. With approx 122sqm of living this 3 bed room home features a separate lounge, dining room, spacious kitchen, large family room, bathroom, plus separate toilet and laundry. Outdoors, the massive steel pergola runs the length of the home and car accommodation is a huge 9m x 6m double steel garage with power and plenty of room for storage or workshop.


Thu 29 Oct 6.00pm • • • • • •

Ray White Woden

Must sell at auction Free standing dwelling on 1 level Carpet and paint in excellent condition Separate Lounge, dining, family rooms Massive covered entertaining area 9m x 6m steel garage

17-23 Townshend Street, Phillip View By appointment Adrian Murray 0410 006 528




6162 0681 | rwcanberra.com.au

Belconnen 5 Soundy Close

Banks 17 House Circuit Price Guide - $445,000+


Don’t miss this perfect opportunity to own a modern designed home that maximises space and creates comfortable everyday living. 4 good sized bedrooms, separate lounge, upgraded kitchen, open plan family/ dining, floors and paint in very good condition throughout.

Ray White Woden




EER: 4.5

Auction Thu 29 Oct 6:00pm 17-23 Townshend Street, Phillip View By appointment Adrian Murray 0410 006 528

6162 0681 rwcanberra.com.au

Clear instructions to sell! Under instructions from the Mortgagee 3 units are initially offered for individual purchase. Just over two years old, the apartments all offer lake views from the living area, are over-sized and beautifully designed, with high quality finishes and fixtures – U5 $480,000+, U4 & U14 $380,000+

Ray White Woden



1-2 EER: 6.0

Sale From $350,000 View Sat 12.15 – 12.45pm Terry Cooper 0417 710 772 terry.cooper@raywhite.com

6162 0681 rwcanberra.com.au

tio n

tio n

Au c

Au c

Macarthur 7 Body Place

City U31 Metropolitan 2 Edinburgh Ave Stylish executive city living Only a few years old, this spectacularly located development is within easy walking distance of Civic, Commonwealth Park, West Basin, and the ever-trendy ‘New Acton Cultural Precinct’. This large apartment boasts lovely open plan lounge/dining/kitchen area serviced by TWO balconies, well lighted bedrooms, and two great bathrooms.



EER: 6.0

Auction Thur 29 Oct 6.00pm Ray White Woden 17-23 Townshend Street, Phillip View Sat 11.15 – 11.45am Terry Cooper 0417 710 772 6162 0681 rwcanberra.com.au

ONLY property for sale in Macarthur!! Upmarket Macarthur – where very little ever comes to the market is where this great little gem can be found in a lovely quiet culdesac. 3 bedrooms, ensuite, large covered entertaining deck and upgraded kitchen and bathrooms add to the appeal.

Ray White Woden




EER: 0.0

Auction Thur 29 Oct at 6:00pm In Room Ray White Woden 17-23 Townshend St Phillip View By Appointment Betty Wark 0408 166 833 Betty.wark@raywhite.com 6162 0681 rwcanberra.com.au




Ray White Woden


Ngunnawal 29-31 Anakie Court Choose from two new family homes


Craftsman built by Renaissance Homes, these two brand new executive family residences will not disappoint. Featuring luxury finishes and fixtures, the designs take full advantage of the elevated locations.

Ray White Woden

Reid 16/3 Allambee Street 4



EER: 6.0

Sale $655,000 to $665,000

View Sat 1.15 – 1.45pm Terry Cooper 0417 710 772

6162 0681 rwcanberra.com.au

Opportunity to own one of these tightly held apartments!! Set in iconic Argyle Square where these apartments rarely come up for sale, this is an opportunity not to be missed. Extensively renovated throughout with huge living areas and both North and South facing full length balconies. Inspection recommended!!

Ray White Woden




EER: 3.5

Auction Thur 29 Oct at 6:00pm In Room Ray White Woden 17-23 Townshend St Phillip View By Appointment Betty Wark 0408 166 833 Betty.wark@raywhite.com 6162 0681 rwcanberra.com.au

Au c

tio n

Woden For Sale:

Recent Sales:

16 Pedrail Street, Dunlop Auction 29th Oct 17 Cobbadah Street, O’Malley $1,525,000 4/15 Dalman Crescent, O’Malley $1,675,000 5 Culgoa Circuit, O’Malley $1,950,000 3 Callemonda Rise, O’Malley By Neg 4 Berbet Street, O’Malley By Neg 9 Culgoa Circuit, O’Malley By Neg

41 Culgoa Circuit, OMalley 21 Culgoa Circuit, O’Malley 4 Akame Crescent, O’Malley 9 Story Place, Isaacs 5 William Wilkins Crescent, Isaacs 13 Winton Place, Holder

Stirling 30 Wittenoom Crescent Ready to Sell on Auction Day!!


Looking just lovely from the street, set in a great location in Weston Creek is this great 3 bedroom ensuite home. Large living areas, remote controlled roller shutters, solar panels & established gardens with room to improve & end up with valuable real estate.

Ray White Woden




EER: 1.5

Auction Thurs 29 Oct 6.00pm, In Room, Ray White Woden, 17-23 Townshend St, Phillip View By Appointment Betty Wark 0408 166 833 betty.wark@raywhite.com


You have to see this little gem. Totally re-painted in pristine white, new carpets, blinds and 2 new split systems to keep you comfortable. Attached carport, room to add an ensuite. Close to transport.

Ray White Tuggeranong

For a free appraisal from an honest and experienced agent call

Margaret Reynolds 0417 486 574 margaret.reynolds@rwcanberra.com.au

6162 0681 rwcanberra.com.au

Banks 32 Wiburd Street Immaculate presentation

URGENT - 4 Woden Homes needed for Buyer

Bonython 2/18 Derrington Crescent 3



EER: 4.5

Sale $390,000 View Sat 11.00 – 11.30am Ewa Skoczek 0414 665 626

Quiet location near reserves, shops and schools • • • • • •

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

3 great sized bedrooms Newly renovated kitchen Double lock up garage Quiet location opposite a nature reserve Fully established vegetable gardens Enclosed entertaining area off living room

Ray White Tuggeranong




EER: 1.0

Sale $390,000+ View Sat 24 Oct 11.00 – 11.40am Chris Twigg 0413 188 619

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au


tio n


Au c Fisher 27 Andamooka Street Fantastic Family Home with Spectacular Views • • •

All 3 bedrooms are well sized with built-in robes Main bedroom with a walk-in robe and ensuite Kitchen with walk-in pantry, ample storage space as well as breakfast bar

Ray White Tuggeranong

Gordon 136 Knoke Avenue 4



EER: 2.0

Auction Colin McIntyre 0417 263 678

It may look bland outside but wait until you see the inside! Renovated and updated there is nothing to do. Ideally set up to supervise small children from the kitchen. Safe undercover rear entertaining/play area. Ducted heating and cooling. 4 car garage. Nothing needs doing!

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

Ray White Tuggeranong

Sat 7 Nov 10:00am, on site View Sat 2.00pm – 2.40pm

Gordon 12 McKivat Close Tastefully renovated, room to relax and picturesque gardens • • • •


3 spacious bedrooms Renovated kitchen with high end appliances New bamboo flooring Picturesque gardens to front and rear New split system and ducted gas system

Ray White Tuggeranong

Perfect Family Home




EER: 3.0

Sale $530,000+ Peter Campbell-Wood 0458 726 579

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

Gordon 19/13 Riddle Place 3




EER: 3.0

A pleasant surprise

Chris Twigg 0413 188 619

Outside this may look like any other unit, but inside is different. Beautifully presented and meticulously maintained, all you have to do is move in ! It offers two segregated bedrooms and two separate living areas and is surprisingly spacious.

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

Ray White Tuggeranong

$439,950 View Sat 10.00 – 10.40am




Sale $340,000+ View Sat 11:00 – 11:40am Peter Campbell-Wood 0458 726 579

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

EER: 2.5

Gordon 77 Woodfull Loop Large family home with plenty of room for toys! • • • • • •

4 spacious bedrooms, main with walk-in robe and ensuite Spacious 212m2 living, 853m2 block Large kitchen with walk-in pantry Indoor / outdoor sunroom Double garage with auto doors Huge 4 car garage




EER: 3.0


Yearning for space? This one is for you! •

$595,000+ View Sat 24 Oct 1.00 – 1.40pm

Chris Twigg 0413 188 619 •

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

Ray White Tuggeranong



EER: 1.5

Sale $720,000+ View Sat 11.00 – 11.40am Colin McIntyre 0417 263 678


6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au


ct Au CWM5890-V2

Immaculate in presentation we offer a 4 bedroom ensuite abode, large block, end of a cul de sac & by a reserve. The main living areas have a northerly aspect & large tinted windows, your new kitchen has been fully renovated & overlooks the split level lounge & dining rooms.


Yarralumla 10 Turner Place

Latham 12 Horne Place All about location

4 bedrooms, 2 with ensuite’s & 3 with built-in robes Kitchen with ample bench & storage space including a breakfast bar & walk-in pantry Wood fireplace, ducted gas heating and evaporative cooling throughout home

Ray White Tuggeranong


Ray White Tuggeranong

Kambah 6 Rudder Place




EER: 0.5

Auction Thurs 29 Oct 6.00pm, on site View By appointment John Tye 0438 924 400

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

Knock Down Re-Build Opportunity!



1 EER: 0.0

3 bedrooms, main bedroom with Sale built-in robe $880,000+ • Living room with gas fireplace & Colin McIntyre reverse cycle system • Kitchen with a double sink and ample 0417 263 678 storage & bench space • Alfresco covered entertaining area • Single metal garage with manual door 6294 9393 Ray White Tuggeranong raywhitetuggeranong.com.au •

List with us before Christmas and receive a


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Michael Slaven


Linda Lockwood Sales Agent

LATHAM 9 McArthur Place Superbly appointed throughout and perfectly positioned in a tightly held enclave of Latham. This well presented four bedroom family home offers gracious interiors, generous master with ensuite and built in robe. Spacious new kitchen, gas cooktop and walk in pantry, ducted gas heating and evaporative cooling. Double garage with ample storage, ample living areas which flow easily to a secluded 939sqm backyard oasis and is opposite parks, close to schools, shops and transport and only moments to everyday essentials.





Guide over $550,000 Auction Saturday 31st October 11.00am* View Saturday 10.00 - 10.45 EER 1.5 Nick Slater 0414 212 332 Matt Harmer 0428 681 270 Call 6123 8000 *on site

NGUNNAWAL 32 Kurrama Close Ideally placed for a lifestyle of convenience, and peacefully backing Gungahlin Lakes Golf course, this flawlessly presented home offers spacious interiors, multiple living areas and a seamless outdoor flow. Boasting a private outdoor entertaining area, spacious kitchen, huge master suite with oversized walk in robe, reverse cycle air con and in-slab heating The perfect residence for those seeking peace and tranquility, it was designed to radiate a relaxed effortless lifestyle while remaining close to local shops, schools & public transport.





Guide over $590,000 Auction Saturday 7th November 4.00pm View by appointment EER 2.5 Nick Slater 0414 212 332 Call 6123 8000

HARRISON 46 Kalianna Street Highly private with excellent outdoor entertaining spaces and deluxe modern appointments throughout, this immaculate four bedroom home provides a life of superb privacy, tranquillity and convenience. Its flexible layout has a choice of relaxing living areas and plenty of possibilities for varying lifestyle needs. Encompassing 181.54sqm of internal living and set in a peaceful position in the popular ’Harrison Park Estate’, and only moments to Gungahlin town centre, this stunning property represents a quality buying opportunity.




For Sale over $665,000 View Saturday 12.40 - 1.20 EER 4.5 Justin Taylor 0414 701 465 Jess Smith 0410 125 475 Call 6123 8008


GRIFFITH 102 Janz Crescent Embracing the timeless appeal of this modernly designed home with a versatile floor plan, this residence has been lifted with it’s impeccable craftsmanship and the finest of inclusions throughout. Reflecting the needs of a contemporary household this exquisite family home offers a lifestyle of luxury on a block of approximately 772sqm. Located in one of Griffith’s most sought after tree lined streets and within a short walk to local parks, schools and Manuka shops.





Auction 14th November 10.00am View Saturday 11.00 - 11.45 EER 5 Theo Koutsikamanis 0431 543 649 Call 6175 0006

CRACE 142 Langtree Crescent


Offering a superior family lifestyle with an emphasis on entertaining, combining both indoor and outdoor living with sun-filled rooms and modern finishes. This immaculately presented four bedroom three bathroom home offers easy care living. Impeccably appointed and generously laid out, this impressive contemporary family home is situated in the popular estate of Crace. Within walking distance to local shops, cafes, restaurants and parks and just a short drive from schools and the Gungahlin Marketplace.



Auction 14 November 2.00pm View Sat 2.30 - 3.00 & Thurs 5.30 - 6.00 EER 6 Theo Koutsikamanis 0431 543 649 Call 6175 0006


HARCOURT HILL 13 Donnan Street Flawlessly presented across a versatile single level design and combining many modern comforts, sits this exquisite four bedroom family oasis in a peaceful location. Enhanced by a highly desirable aspect amongst tranquil garden surrounds on a idyllic 799sqm block.




For Sale over $785,000 View by appointment EER 3.5 Justin Taylor 0414 701 465 Nick Slater 0414 212 332 Call 6123 8008

2 9 Hirst Avenue, Queanbeyan 57 Boronia Drive, O’Connor 60 Rivett Street, Hackett 40 Don Dunstan Drive, Bonython mcgrath.com.au

FF ER O ER D U N 3 2 2 Located in the popular ’Fusion’ complex is this spacious, first floor 3 bedroom ensuite apartment. Conveniently positioned close to Gungahlin Town Centre that features an array of shops, cafes and restaurants right at your doorstep. Offering 107m² of open plan living, with a large walk-in-robe and ensuite to the main bedroom, huge main bathroom, study nook to bedroom 3 and an east facing covered balcony ideal for soaking up the morning sun. A perfect opportunity for first home buyers looking to move into their new home before Christmas and an easy care investment with a potential rental return of approx. $430 to $450 per week. EER 6

107m² internal living

Lift access & storage unit Plenty of morning sun

Access to balcony from bedrooms 1, 2 & family room

Reverse cycle air conditioning

16.8m² balcony overlooks pool & BBQ area Strata levy fees $908.24 per qtr

Available to move into late November

2 restricted access car spaces underneath

Fisher & Paykel appliances


Open by appointment


Belconnen 6251 9111

Gungahlin 6241 9444

Manuka 6295 2433

Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6297 0005

South Molonglo 6175 7440

Tuggeranong Woden & Weston Creek 6296 7077 6282 4488

3 2 2 Romantic gem in ’Hunter’s Hill’, with panoramic views, style & enchanted gardens in a premium, elevated location. Architecturally designed & set in a peaceful leafy street among other quality homes appears this splendid residence, sure to impress a number of buyers. The property is conveniently located metres from public transport, local shopping, schools, college, parks & golf course. This quality split level residence showcases: welcoming front entrance, sunken formal lounge with high ceilings & picturesque views, separate large dining room, great bedrooms, main with ensuite, walk-in-robe & access to the garden, well equipped kitchen & family room with access to a massive entertaining alfresco deck. With quality inclusions & convenient prime location close to the Gungahlin Marketplace with all its convenience - this immaculately freshly painted home represents a fabulous buy & viewing is a must. EER 4 Terrific large block of 706m²

NBN connected

Central ducted gas heating

Freshly painted & ample storage space

Approx 195m² under roofline

Ample parking space

Evaporative ducted cooling

Spa bath in main bathroom

Functional split level design

’Slimline’ rainwater tank

Ducted vacuum system

Security system

Open Sat 2 - 2:40pm


Belconnen 6251 9111

Gungahlin 6241 9444

Manuka 6295 2433

Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6297 0005

South Molonglo 6175 7440

Tuggeranong Woden & Weston Creek 6296 7077 6282 4488




Immaculately presented and maintained home in a superbly elevated position. Established on a perfectly manicured and generous sized block of approximately 862m², the home is graced with 188m² (approx.) of living space, northerly aspect and stunning views from the living room, deck and main bedroom. It offers a ’Carmody by Design’ renovation and a thoughtfully designed floor plan which comprises numerous entertaining options both inside and out, making it perfect for all times of the day and year. Outside the beautifully established and groomed garden hosts a variety of pockets and corners that will delight and serenade your soul. Come and experience it all for yourself. EER 4

Open Sat 12 - 12:45pm




Set on a large elevated block with extended views over the Brindabella ranges, this certainly is a place where you can expect the unexpected. The versatile 240m² floor plan offers flowing living spaces, a segregated main bedroom suite and a well-appointed renovated kitchen. Entertaining will be second nature with the outdoor covered area including a built-in barbeque. The enclosed patio off the rumpus room is perfect for guests; fitted with a fully plumbed bar including beer tap and fridge, a separate quarter for multi-purpose use and a shower room with an additional toilet. Why not inspect today to see why the owners are so sad to be leaving such a beautiful home. EER 3

Open Sat 12:30 - 1:15pm


Belconnen 6251 9111

Gungahlin 6241 9444

Manuka 6295 2433

Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6297 0005

South Molonglo 6175 7440

Tuggeranong Woden & Weston Creek 6296 7077 6282 4488




Freshly renovated, spacious & realistically priced, 3 bedroom property positioned within a small up-market complex set in a peaceful leafy street metres to local shops, schools, public transport & walking distance to the Gungahlin Marketplace. Featuring timber flooring throughout, large bright lounge & dining, renovated kitchen with stainless steel appliances & spacious lounge/dining room that leads to a low maintenance private courtyard. This area is ideal to relax in or entertain & is safe for children to play. The 3 good sized bedrooms with built-in-robes, renovated bathroom, laundry & single garage complete the picture. Unbeatable value. EER 5

Open Sat 12 - 12:30pm




Set back from the road & tucked behind a sunny north-facing courtyard, this solid family home has been faithfully maintained & periodically enhanced by the original owners since 1972. The 4 good-sized bedrooms (2 with BIRs) are supported by an updated bathroom & kitchen, a spacious L-shaped lounge room with ornate fireplace & an enclosed veranda that makes for the perfect place to sit & relax or entertain with family & friends. This inviting & character-filled home represents spacious (128m² approx. living) & comfortable family accommodation you could move straight in to; or a solid foundation with a number of attractive extras from which to build upon. EER 1.5

Open Sat 10:45 - 11:30am


Belconnen 6251 9111

Gungahlin 6241 9444

Manuka 6295 2433

Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6297 0005

South Molonglo 6175 7440

Tuggeranong Woden & Weston Creek 6296 7077 6282 4488




Positioned for a great lifestyle with lake views and an immaculately light-filled interior, this two bedroom and two bathroom apartment will instantly impress upon entry. The spacious open plan living area opens out to the balcony, creating enjoyable living with the bonus of beautiful views. There is R/C heating & cooling, ensuite, floating timber flooring and 1 allocated car space. EER 6

Open Sat 3:15 - 4pm






Ideally positioned within the highly sought-after suburb of Campbell is this 2 level, 4 bedroom + studio home set on a 958m² approx block. The welcoming light-filled & extensively renovated interiors will instantly impress you upon entry. The galley style kitchen features quality Smeg appliances & Caesarstone benchtops. There is also ducted heating & cooling + an entertainment deck. EER 2

Proudly positioned on a private & expansive block of land; 88 Dominion Circuit is a stylish & spacious property offering 5 bedrooms + study, large formal & casual living areas, all opening onto beautiful gardens. Recently renovated & extended with gracious family living in mind, offering resort-style accommodation in a blue chip area. 1911m² block complete with heated pool. EER 3

Open Sat 12:15 - 1pm & Sun 12:45 - 1:15pm

Open Sat 11:30am - 12:15pm & Wed 5:30 - 6pm


Belconnen 6251 9111

Gungahlin 6241 9444

Manuka 6295 2433

Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6297 0005

South Molonglo 6175 7440

Tuggeranong Woden & Weston Creek 6296 7077 6282 4488







This fabulous 4 bedroom ensuite family home offers beautiful spacious interiors & a big level backyard. Highlighted by large windows & garden outlooks, there is a lounge, dining, large family room with study corner & newly refurbished main bedroom with ensuite. Superb covered timber deck with built-in BBQ, fireplace & bistro blinds, 2 separate garages, carport & parking space. EER 2.5

Striking TT Architecture designed home set back from the street and in an elevated position offering a quiet, peaceful lifestyle surrounded by bushland. Set on a substantial block of approximately 2151m², the home is graced with 268m² (approx.) of living space, multiple entertaining options, northerly aspect to the rear and stunning views over Canberra and Jerrabomberra.

Open Thur 5 - 5:30pm, Sat 12 - 12:45pm & Sun 11 - 11:45am

Open by appointment







Superbly presented family home with flexible plan. Positioned on a substantial & private parcel of land 1083m² (approx.). Formal lounge & dining rooms capture mountain views through feature leadlight windows. Expansive family room overlooks a saltwater pool. Updated kitchen with stone & glass finishes ideal for entertaining. Main complete with WIR & ens. Dble garage, handy 2nd driveway + storage.

If quality is high on your requirements list, this property is a must see. No expense was spared to produce a home with beautiful hardwood flooring, designer Miele kitchen, well proportioned lounge & dining, 3 lovely large bedrooms, 2 with built-in-robes & a striking new bathroom. Double garage to the rear, landscaped grounds & north facing paved entertaining area. EER 1.5

Open by appointment

Open by appointment


Belconnen 6251 9111

Gungahlin 6241 9444

Manuka 6295 2433

Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6297 0005

South Molonglo 6175 7440

Tuggeranong Woden & Weston Creek 6296 7077 6282 4488







Perched high, facing north & with leafy panoramic vistas, this gorgeous, character packed red brick home is bright, light, & has a wonderful flow from inside to out. Lovely sun filled lounge room & adjoining dining room, renovated eat-in kitchen with centralised island bench spilling onto a large back deck via cedar French doors. So lush & green; the gardens enhance every outdoor space. EER 1.5

In a private and elevated position on a large 1978m² (approx.) block, sits this generous family designed home constructed in 1964. Flooded with natural light, multiple spaces for entertaining and a location close to local shops and popular schools, 43 Endeavour Street will entice those looking for a family-friendly home in a highly sought-after location. EER 1.5

Open by appointment

Open by appointment







Spacious full brick home in near original condition with four/five bedrooms & two bathrooms. Popular location close to reserve plus excellent shopping & schooling options. 1248m² block perfect for renovation or redevelopment. Large living room, formal dining, family room & rear terrace. Generous bedrooms - all with built-in-robes. Oversized garage, room for three cars and workshop area. EER 2

Postioned to enjoy the lifestyle of the peaceful ’Soltice’ complex is this 3 bedroom & 2 bathroom townhouse. Offering open plan living that flows out to an entertainment courtyard, great for entertaining all year round. The galley style kitchen features quality Miele appliances. There is ducted reverse cycle air conditioning, segregated main bedroom & double lock up garage. EER 5

Open by appointment

Open Sat 10 - 10:45am & Sun 11 - 11:30am


Belconnen 6251 9111

Gungahlin 6241 9444

Manuka 6295 2433

Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6297 0005

South Molonglo 6175 7440

Tuggeranong Woden & Weston Creek 6296 7077 6282 4488

MANAGEme will make your goal, our goal RE e Tm N

e Ym BU

11 Stanner Circuit Bonner 4 BED – 2 BATH – 2 CAR

50 Sunshine Loop, DUNLOP • • • •


$430 per week 3 bed – 2 bath – 1 car

• 2 separate living spaces • Set over 2 levels • Close to shops & schools

Great family home Low maintenance backyard 3 separate living spaces EER – 5 Stars For INSPECTme times, visit managemecanberra.com.au

For INSPECTme times, visit managemecanberra.com.au

e Em G A N A M

Recent Sales Results • 8/87 Antill Street, DOWNER


• 59 Moonlight Avenue, HARRISON


Amy Taylor

• 65 Francis Forde Boulevard, FORDE SOLD • 6 Greenough Circuit, KALEEN


• 14 Clement Place, MACGREGOR


• 21 Inglewood Street, GUNGAHLIN


• 8/2 Belconnen Way, PAGE


We have registered buyers who may be interested in your home. Call 0418 645 095

Advertise your property here Contact MANAGE me today for an obligation free appraisal of your property

Mention this advertisement and receive complimentary professional photography when you list your sale with MANAGEme, call 0418 645 095

Contact Amy today CWM3440-V33

0418 645 095



www.managemecanberra.com.au ACN: 167 913 724

| ABN: 27 167 913 724

On site 11am, Saturday 31st October




Peacefully nestled within leafy surrounds in one of the most soughtafter suburbs in Canberra. This centrally located spacious dual occupancy is a brilliant, free-standing residence perfectly suited to professional couples or those searching for a spacious home with little to no exterior maintenance. EER5.5

• 118m² sun drenched cottage • Lock up garage with internal access • Updated spacious kitchen • Main bedroom with walk-in-robe • Low maintenance garden • Private courtyard • Moments to the Yarralumla shops • A gentle stroll to the lake


Sat 11-11.45 & Thu 5-5.45 22A Novar St

PHONE Luke Revet 0418 101 213 Njoud Mohammad 0420 820 258



Belconnen 6209 4444 | City 6209 1700 | Inner North 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000


Enjoy an extraordinary lifestyle - mere minutes from the Lake.

Yarralumla Auction

Simply sublime, elegant and charming 1930s home in distinctive historic precinct.

Griffith Auction

On site 11am, Saturday 14th November




Sat 12.15-1 & Wed 5-5.45 16 Lockyer St

PHONE Luke Revet 0418 101 213 Njoud Mohammad 0420 820 258





This is a home for future generations - to dream their dreams, to live within and enjoy - a home & garden reminiscent of poetry in its purest form. The aesthetic appeal of both home & garden, with the seamless symmetry of these two quite different mediums is rare to behold. 223m² residence on 1114m² block. EER2.5

• Spacious formal lounge & dining • Solar oriented family living room • Chef’s delight renovated kitchen • Modernised main bathroom • Magnificant entertaining deck • Half sized tennis court • Landscaped European style garden • Triple car accommodation

Belconnen 6209 4444 | City 6209 1700 | Inner North 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000

On site 1pm, Saturday 14th November




If you´ve been searching for a house of substance with potential plus in a wonderful street, in an extremely sought-after suburb - then you may have just hit the jackpot. Opportunity knocks for the fortunate few - be inspired, create your own memories within this well-loved home. 160m² living on 694m² block. EER0.5

• Formal living & a separate dining • Sun drenched generous family room • Retro-style kitchen • A fully enclosed entertaining deck • Breathtaking views of bushland • A healthy vibrant garden • Lengthy tandem garage • Separate office or studio, wine cellar


Sat 1.45-2.30 & Tue 5-5.45 19 Marulda St

PHONE Luke Revet 0418 101 213 Njoud Mohammad 0420 820 258



Belconnen 6209 4444 | City 6209 1700 | Inner North 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000


Reap the rewards of property transformation in this wonderful bushland suburb.

Aranda Auction

Dual occupancy residence, perfect for downsizing or first home.

Kaleen Auction

On site 1pm, Saturday 7th November




Thur 5-6 Sat & Sun 1-2 40 Liffey Cct

PHONE Cheryl Reid

0404 727 999





This lovely 4 bedroom home is a real delight & will impress from the moment you arrive, with its modern rendered exterior & excellent street appeal setting the scene. EER2.5

• 121m² of living space • Contemporary kitchen • Stylish courtyard garden • Quality appliances • Off-street parking • Close to UC & Calvary Hospital

Evatt Auction On site 2pm, Saturday 31st October


Fully renovated & lovingly cared for home in quiet OPEN loop street. Flat 750m² land component • North aspect to 3 bedrooms & both living areas • Updated kitchen with stainless steel appliances • Luxurious & light filled, fully renovated bathroom • Over-sized shower with rainfall head & dual vanities • New paint & carpets throughout • Vacant possession & flexible settlement • EER1.5



Sat 12.30-1.15 36 Cutlack St

PHONE Mark Larmer 0403 215 246 Aaron Hess 0407 121 412



Cook Auction On site 5.30pm, Wednesday 4th November




Single level living in this tightly held location, OPEN tastefully renovated throughout.

Thu 5.30-6.15 & Sat 11.15-12 48 Dexter St

Renovated kitchen with oak benchtops, stainless steel appliances • Open plan living with spotted gum timber flooring • Freshly painted throughout • Private rear courtyard with low maintenance entertaining area • Boutique development of 12 • EER0.5

Aaron Hess 0407 121 412

PHONE Mark Larmer 0403 215 246



Belconnen 6209 4444 | City 6209 1700 | Inner North 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000

Traditional style & modern elegance combine OPEN with this charming family residence. Separate, spacious living areas • Sunlit kitchen & family room with a northerly aspect • Contemporary kitchen with quality appliances • Segregated main bedroom • Stylish ensuite with bath, double hand crafted basin & rainfall shower • Beautiful courtyard gardens • Separate, multi-purpose studio • 190m² living area • EER2.5

Great location just moments from shops & school • Pleasant street frontage • Spacious living areas • Updated kitchen with plenty of cupboard space • Renovated main bathroom • Studio to lower level with separate access & bathroom • Double garage with automatic doors • 249m² living area • 838m² block • EER1.5


Sat 1-1.45 34 Jarrah St

PHONE Andrew Potts 0404 895 162 Maddy Watts 0422 023 283


Farrer Auction On site 10am, Saturday 14th November Generous family home with surrounding beautiful gardens in a quiet loop street.







Sat 2.15-3 23 Hagelthorn St

PHONE Andrew Potts 0404 895 162



Dunlop Auction On site 3pm, Saturday 7th November


The complete package tucked away in the quiet & OPEN family friendly ’Dunlop Hills’ estate.

Sat 9-9.45 9 Hedger St

Pleasant street frontage • Separate living areas • Well-appointed kitchen with breakfast bar • North-facing family room & rumpus room • Generous main bedroom with walk-in-robe & ensuite • Covered outdoor area • Double garage with internal access • Additional single garage • 161m² living • 979m² block • EER3.5

0404 895 162

Spacious single level home on a huge block in a quiet cul-de-sac • Oversized 4 bedrooms plus study • Renovated bathrooms • Updated kitchen with freestanding 900mm oven • Outdoor kitchen & covered pergola entertaining area • Separate formal & informal living areas • EER4


PHONE Andrew Potts


Amaroo Auction On site 2pm, Saturday 14th November Fantastic free-standing home with 227m² internal living & 41m² entertaining space.







Sat 1.45-2.45 3 Reeve Cl

PHONE Mark Larmer 0403 215 246 Aaron Hess 0407 121 412



Belconnen 6209 4444 | City 6209 1700 | Inner North 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000


O’Connor Auction On site 12pm, Saturday 7th November


Bonner Offers over $600,000


Thoughtfully designed & neatly presented family OPEN home with rumpus room. Separate, north-facing living areas • Versatile floor plan • Modern kitchen with quality, stainless steel appliances • Segregated main bedroom with walk-in-robe & ensuite • Designer bathroom fittings • Low maintenance gardens • Entertainers’ deck with covered pergola • Rear lane access to double garage • EER4



Thur 6-6.30 & Sat 3.45-4.30 31 Mabo Blvd

PHONE Andrew Potts 0404 895 162



Kingston Offers over $350,000 Located in the highly sought-after Kingston Foreshore precinct, vacant & ready now. Single level on floor 3 • Large, elevated balcony with external light & power • Modern kitchen with stone benchtops • Large bedroom with built-in-robes • Convenient & usable study nook • Reverse cycle air conditioning • Minutes to the Kingston Foreshore • EER6




Sat 9.45-10.30 24/47 Wentworth Ave

PHONE Mark Larmer 0403 215 246 Aaron Hess 0407 121 412



Belconnen 6209 4444 | City 6209 1700 | Inner North 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000


On-site display suite open Saturday & Sunday from 10am to 4pm (or by appointment) at 77-79 Gozzard St. Gungahlin Town Centre.



1 Bedroom, 1 Carpark

279 950

1 Bedroom + Big Study, 1 or 2 Carparks

329 950

2 Bedrooms, 2 Carparks

354 950

2 Bedrooms Ensuite, 2 Carparks

$ $ $



Marcus Allesch 0424 409 873


Inner North Terraces

80% SOLD! This upcoming boutique development at the northern end of Macleay Street includes just nine exclusive properties for the lucky purchasers. There hasn’t been a project like Macleay Street Terraces offered to the market before in the Inner North of Canberra and will be due for completion by mid-2016. • Double-glazed windows and doors throughout • Custom profile internal doors • Reverse cycle ducted heating and cooling • 30 mm marble benchtops in the kitchens and bathrooms • Beautiful stainless steel Miele appliances • Detailed exquisitely designed bathrooms • Full 12-month maintenance guarantee • Due for completion by mid-2016







OPEN ON SITE SATURDAY & SUNDAY 10AM - 2PM ANDREW EARLY 0423 465 805 | andrew.early@prd.com.au CHRIS BURKE 0498 012 795 | chris.burke@prd.com.au

7/32 Lonsdale St, Braddon 6262 5232 www.prdcanberra.com.au


Terrace Park - Separate title homes


Don’t miss out on the final release of “Terrace Park”. Separate title courtyard homes starting from $435,000. Terrace Park offers lifestyle balance between work and recreation, nature and fast access to city attractions. This superbly coordinated project has been carefully designed for your comfort, convenience and flexibility. It’s location in Coombs is a wonderful opportunity to live in Canberra’s newest residential region, the beautiful Molonglo Valley. EER 6.0





3 bedroom 1 bath single garage $435,000

3 bedroom 1 bath double garage $445,000

2 storey 3 bedroom ensuite single garage $514,000

2 storey 3 bedroom ensuite double garage $524,000

No body corporate

Fully landscaped

Stunning views

Completion December 2015

SCOTT GARDINER 0414 962 066 | scott.gardiner@prd.com.au CHRIS BURKE 0498 012 795

| chris.burke@prd.com.au



Sydney Ave BARTON, ACT 2



SAT 24TH OCT, 12.30PM-1.00PM



2 bedroom, 2 bathroom premium 4th floor apartment

Euro style kitchen with Miele appliances

Direct access to a Winter Garden

Cafes, bars & Lake Burley Griffin at the door step

Established complex gardens

EER 6.0


0418 429 470 | jeremy.francis@prd.com.au

PRDnationwide Property Showcase!



Henry Williams Street BONNER, ACT 4



SAT 24TH OCT, 11.15AM-11.45AM



Great 4 bedroom home on 525m2 block

Close to Mulligans Flat nature reserve

Well appointed living and kitchen areas

Easy care outdoor area

Previously tenanted at $600/week

EER 4.0

SCOTT GARDINER 0414 962 066 | scott.gardiner@prd.com.au

PRDnationwide Property Showcase! 153


Scott Isaacs Auction: Sat 14 Nov at 11:00am Venue: On site View: Sat 24 Oct 11:00am-11:45am

Scott Isaacs 0422 201 027

Rutherford Johnston Properties

Ph: 6253 3333



3 1 2 29 Hope Street Rendered, renovated and ready, this delightful home in the heart of Dickson is much more than just a pretty facade. Inside you’ll find a living/dining room leading out to a gorgeous timber deck framed by double-glass windows and with a northern aspect overlooking the grassed rear yard. The lower level also includes a study area as well as a kitchen, laundry, toilet and an under-stairs cellar or storage. Upstairs there’s a renovated bathroom plus three excellent bedrooms, including a master with a private balcony. Outside is a fully enclosed metal garage plus a garage-fronted carport. Located directly across from a tennis court and park, it’s only moments from Daramalan College or the Dickson shops. Internal delights, external convenience! EER 2.5


Scott Isaacs

Sale: $499,000 - $529,000 View: Sat 24 Oct 12:30pm-1:15pm

Scott Isaacs 0422 201 027

Rutherford Johnston Properties

Ph: 6253 3333



4 2 2 36 Battersby Circuit Perched on an enormous corner block, this home provides a definite wow factor that complements its amazing surrounds. An open-plan living/dining area and kitchen create a warm social area and extend out to a wrap-around timber deck overlooking the yard. The master bedroom has an enormous ensuite and the remaining floor plan could adapt for multiple options and family changes, including a home office, study or rumpus. The rear yard is astonishing, with ample room for pets, children and casual living that will tempt you into BBQs, al fresco dining or family play. There’s also a large garage and shed, a dedicated carport and a broad circular driveway to cater for numerous vehicles as friends drop by. EER 2.5


4 2 3 5 Anningie Place Families will love this beautiful home in a quiet location. Features generous living areas, a modern designer kitchen, attractive timber flooring and solar panels. Comfort is ensured with ducted heating and cooling, a reverse cycle unit and an open fire. Secure grounds are landscaped with computerised watering in place. Schools are nearby with no roads to cross. EER 0.0 Auction: Sat 31 Oct 10:00am On site View: Sat 24 Oct 12:00pm-12:45pm

Geraldine Rutherford

Steve Duff

Geraldine Rutherford 0412 060 792 or Steve Duff 0419 239 480






16 Elkedra Circuit




This delightful property is perfect for those starting out, down-sizing or as an investment. With a northerly aspect to the living area and the bedrooms, the home has a private, spacious grassed yard with a deck and a front courtyard for entertaining. Only a short distance from all of the facilities that Hawker Shopping Village has to offer, as well as buses, walking tracks and schools. EER 1.5


12 Castley Circuit

Rutherford Johnston Properties



A serene haven with a focus on modern living and indoor/outdoor flow. Leafy landscaped gardens provide the backdrop for the resort style heated pool and covered entertaining deck, with an outdoor kitchen and wall mounted TV. To add to the resort feel the master bedroom has an open-style ensuite with spa bath. The versatile study and 2nd living area provide the kids with their own space or even a 5th bedroom. EER 1.0

For sale $420,000

Geraldine Rutherford 0412 060 792 or Steve Duff 0419 239 480


Auction: Sat 31 Oct at 1:30pm On site View: Sat 24 Oct 1:30pm-2:15pm

Steve Duff 0419 239 480 or Geraldine Rutherford 0412 060 792

Ph: 6253 3333




1 Juwin Street




Beautifully maintained inside & out by the same original owner for 47 years. Located in the quietest of cul-de-sacs, this immaculate north facing four bedroom, two bathroom home exudes charm with elegant front & rear gardens. Offering formal living, family room & rumpus, ducted heating & evaporative cooling, covered pergola & gardening room/artist’s studio. Peaceful position opposite parkland with a 955m² block: UV $550,000. A rare find! EER 2.0


1/2 Goldman Street




Offered in pristine, picture perfect condition, this gorgeous two bedroom ensuite townhouse offers spacious living and dining rooms, gourmet kitchen and family room. New carpet and paint in 2014, ducted gas heating throughout & evaporative cooling upstairs, entertaining area with BBQ, second courtyard with garden shed & double garage with internal access. Virtually free-standing – a must see. EER 4.0

Offers over $820,000 View: Sat 24 Oct 1:45pm-2:30pm

$499,000 View: Sat 24 Oct 12:45pm-1:30pm

Vicki Johnston 0414 910 798 or Tenille McPaul 0438 318 606

Vicki Johnston 0414 910 798 or Tenille McPaul 0438 318 606


5 Edwards Street




Nestled on a quiet street, this north facing three bedroom home offers a sunny living room with timber floors, separate dining room & kitchen with new stove. The rear yard is a good size & has a covered deck for entertaining. With an affordable price tag this home is perfect for anyone willing to bring along a paint brush and a bit of imagination to unleash its potential & reap the benefits of this lovely location. EER 1.0


2/71 Bennelong Crescent




A wonderful opportunity to purchase a brand new, centrally located townhouse only minutes from Jamison shopping centre & local amenities. The flowing floor plan offers an open plan kitchen, dining & living room, two bedrooms, spacious bathroom plus a single garage & reverse-cycle air-conditioning. Beautifully finished in neutral tones throughout & perfectly positioned within a boutique complex of six. EER: 6.0

$399,000 View: Sat 24 October time 11:30am-12:15pm

$425,000 View: Sat 24 Oct 10:30am-11:15am

Vicki Johnston 0414 910 798 or Tenille McPaul 0438 318 606

Vicki Johnston 0414 910 798 or Tenille McPaul 0438 318 606

Rutherford Johnston Properties

Ph: 6253 3333




Brand new 1 &2 bedroom apartments & 2 bedroom townhouses



» Prices From $269,000


Display Suite Now Open SATURDAY 12:00 - 4:00PM & SUNDAY 12:00 - 4:00PM 47-49 MOWATT STREET QUEANBEYAN


Queanbeyan/Googong Jerrabomberra/Tralee/Canberra 2-4 Rutledge Street 6 Limestone Drive

your local agent


Queanbeyan’s most hip and exciting development The Cubby Housez have been created for the sophisticated urban dweller. The innovative symbiotic design gives the purchaser flexible living arrangements to suit today’s diverse lifestyles.

Visit the display cubby Saturday & Sunday 10:30am - 12:30pm 18-20 Richard Avenue, Queanbeyan

Price Range $335,000 to $417,500 8 Stylish Residences with private courtyards & terraces - 1 x 1 Bedroom design - 7 x 2 Bedroom designs with double garaging, ensuites to both bedrooms & panoramic views For more information contact Adam Jackson 0437 226 740

Queanbeyan/Googong Jerrabomberra/Tralee/Canberra 2-4 Rutledge Street 6 Limestone Drive

your local agent

FIR HU RE ST HRRY DU OM ! N. S.W CE S3E B U s 1 t D YE. $15,0 E C RS 00 EM GR BE AN R2 T 015


At Collins Crossing you will love living just minutes from everything Queanbeyan has to offer. The CBD is only a short walk from your door with its vibrant café’s, restaurants, bars and retail precinct • • • • •

Timber veneer flooring to living areas Ducted heating throughout (3 bedroom design) Kitchens with stone bench tops and Baumatic stainless steel appliances Ensuite to master bedroom (3 bedroom design) Private courtyards


For more details Adam Jackson 0437 226 740 or a.jackson@mcnamee.com.au

Queanbeyan/Googong Jerrabomberra/Tralee/Canberra 2-4 Rutledge Street 6 Limestone Drive

your local agent

Harrison 32 Eric Mawson Street





Auction Sat 7th Nov, 10.00am on site

Lovingly designed with an amazingly high attention to detail and no expense spared, this 4 bedroom ensuite home in Harrison is the perfect choice for your growing family. Enjoy modern comforts throughout and live at ease with each member of your family catered for. Step inside and discover this inviting home, bathed in natural light with easy flow floor plan and huge list of inclusions that need to be seen to be believed. The family of this amazing home are sad to say goodbye but this allows you a great opportunity to simply move in and enjoy! EER: 6.0 View: Sat 24th Oct 10.00-10.45am

Monash 20/170 Clive Steele Avenue






This much loved family home is ready for its new owner to call home! Upon entry you will find the sun filled living area. Make your way through to the open plan family/kitchen area with space for the whole family. The kitchen features ample storage space plus gas cooking and breakfast bar. The family area has sliding door access to the rear courtyard as well as internal access to the single garage. Make your way upstairs to both bedrooms featuring built-in robes and each with reverse cycle split system. The huge bathroom has 2-way access to the main bedroom. Outside enjoy the paved rear entertaining area‌.the ideal place to wine and dine with family and friends.

0412 898 690

64/1 Beissel Street, Belconnen ACT 2617

P: 02 6264 0900 F: 02 6264 0999 E: bre@badenoch.com.au

Natalie Kokic Schmidt

(Cnr Beissel St and Emu Bank)


Symon Badenoch

0435 921 229

For more information on all these properties and to view all our listings, please visit badenoch.com.au/buy


EER: 4.0 View: Sat 24th Oct 11.15am-12.00pm




5 Star service It is all about you.

We’re here to help you NARRABUNDAH 39 Jerrabomberra Avenue


CLEARING! – 2 x 1 Bed Apartments Unit 14 Vacant 58.3m2 Living – 65.5m2 Living


FOR SALE – 1 x 1 Bed Townhouse 1 x Vacant Townhouse (Unit 38)

Freehold Standard Residential Land Blocks - 4 AVAILABLE

72.2m2 Living


Courtyard blocks 330m2 from $245,000

Larger blocks 600m2 +

EER 5.0

from $275,000 to $295,000

Open Fri, Sat & Sun 2.30pm – 5pm

NGUNNAWAL Broadview Park


AFFORDABLE QUALITY OFF THE PLAN 3 BED HOMES 7 AVAILABLE EER 6.0 Secure your future home NOW for only $1,000 in the newest Gungahlin release. 117.4m2 – 139m2 Living 3 bedroom + ensuite + double garage


$281,000 - $351,000

ATTENTION ALL BUILDERS Land blocks - 8 available Ready to build: November 2015 • 450m2 - 496m2 : $275,000 - $281,000 • 543m2 - 612m2 : $306,000 - $321,000 • 684m2 - 691m2 : $350,000 - $351,000

NGUNNAWAL 46 Hughes Crescent


UNIQUE 3 BEDROOM HEXAGON + HOBBY STORE GOOD ENERGY IN TUNE WITH NATURE EER 5.5 North facing – Beautiful Views backing Reserve MINDFUL & RADIATES WITH ALL DAY SUNLIGHT 136m2 Living with inner Sanctum 36m2 Hobby Store - 728m2 Block

TO VIEW OR RECEIVE PLANS Contact Brent Dayton 0400 0400 63

www.australisrealty.com.au e: sales@australisrealty.com.au

Call 6161 7827 or 6161 HSTARH Mobile 0400 0400 63


Open Sat & Sun 12.30pm – 1.30pm

ial c e p g S home atd n i r p S new g an

prin your Buy go this sceive the e Arte u will re USH homr yo ive 3P starte s * n exclutomatio FREE r au ack fo p

Artego is an inspiring new community being brought to life with a host of lifestyle spoils. An in ground pool, shared gardens and bbq brought entertaining living Artego is an inspiring newecocommunity being to lifeareas withadorn a hostthe of spacious lifestyle spoils. areas spill outdoors private courtyards. An in ground pool, shared ecothat gardens and bbq to entertaining areas adorn the spacious living

that spill outdoors to private courtyards.you’ ll experience leafy Positioned in the everareas convenient locale of Harrison – Gungahlin, surrounds, convenient amenity, quality architecture and a choice of contemporary townhouses. Positioned in the ever convenient locale of Harrison – Gungahlin, you’ ll experience leafy surrounds, convenient amenity, quality architecture and a choice of contemporary townhouses.

Display suite open this weekend. Saturday & Sunday 12pm - 1:30pm Flemington Road, Harrison


Developed by:

Developed by: Marketed by:



Marketed by:




13 0 0 20 8 865 Security




*Conditions apply.

13 0 0 20 8 865


Welcome home.

maisonmoncrieff. com.au

2 Bedroom Townhouses

3 Bedroom Townhouses





Contact Instyle Estate Agents on 1300 208 865 or register your interest at maisonmoncrieff.com.au

Marketing by:

Developed by:

Dulcie Holland Cres. Moncrieff

Exchange at our exclusive pre-release and receive a bonus early bird package valued at 5,000.

Situated in the highly anticipated and sought after suburb of Moncrieff, Maison is an outstanding boutique development that epitomises the fundamental feeling of home thanks to: ·

State-of-the-art technology including 3PUSH smart home automation


Environmentally advanced features including an Energy Efficiency Rating of 6.5 and 7 stars


Spacious and light filled design by multi-awardwinning architects, DNA Architects


Luxury inclusions throughout


A community alfresco entertaining and BBQ area


Solar ready homes


2 and 3 bedroom townhouse options



04000 222 81 L AW S O N


WAT S O N Brand New Luxury Townhouses

3 & 4 bedroom townhouses

Raised ceiling heights

High quality inclusions

Spacious separate living areas

Stylish bathrooms

Double garages

Stunning designer kitchens

Ducted air-con & heating

Fully landscaped



“Results built on relationships�

WAMBOIN - KARRALIKA 670 NORTON ROAD Luxurious homestead with Yass River frontage & sweeping views





Sitting majestically on 10 pasture improved acres (4.1 ha approx) with panoramic views this modern 4 bedroom homestead has all the comforts of modern living and is sure to impress. A sun drenched plan features segregated master bedroom with parents retreat, formal living room & spacious family room leading to a large outdoor entertaining area with magnificent valley views beyond. Comprehensive infrastructure includes 5 paddocks, cattle yards, cattle crush, tack shed, washroom/milking shed, water troughs, 3 sheds, a covered orchid and covered vegetable garden. The main shed has 6 large bays with shelving and a mezzanine level. The Yass River, bore, 7 large rain water tanks & reticulated irrigation system ensure an abundance of fresh water. This impressive infrastructure has been used for cattle and cheese making though is easily adapted to horses. For those seeking a hobby farm showcasing an endless list of quality features this property has to be seen to be believed. Price by negotiation View Sunday 25 October 12:45pm - 1:45pm

Paul Sutton 0407 099 175

Robyn Sutton 0409 442 484





Information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable, however we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided and interested parties should solely rely on their own enquiries.


“Results built on relationships”

GORDON 11 TALLON PLACE A treasured home. Not just a house




This unique and much loved fully renovated & exquisitely finished throughout single level family residence presents like new. Nestled in a quiet cul-de-sac it is conveniently located only a short stroll away from local shops, Supermarkets, Primary School, Point Hut Pond, parks, and Gordon Adventure Playground. Homes of this standard are often sought but seldom found in this very popular area. Exuding style & quality throughout, a well thought out open floor plan boasts spacious formal lounge and dining areas, new state of the art kitchen with caesarstone bench tops, stainless cooktop and rangehood, 3 good sized bedrooms, designer bathroom, Spotted Gum wooden flooring, gas heating, LED lighting and single carport. A large shed in the backyard is perfect for the home handyman. Well established, private and easy to maintain gardens include a magnificent outdoor entertaining area with a large covered pergola framed by a beautiful hedge and feature garden. EER5.0 $420,000+ View: Sunday 25 October 10.00 to 10.45am

WARAMANGA 8 TIWI PLACE Nothing to do - Just move in




This stunning 4 bedroom residence is nestled in a quiet cul-de-sac, has great street appeal and is perfectly suited for the growing family. Boasting a very convenient central location, it is only a short drive to Canberra’s CBD, Woden Plaza, Tuggeranong Town Centre and Canberra Hospital. A flexible floor plan offers an abundance of accommodation and showcases formal lounge, family room, large master bedroom and gourmet kitchen. Features stainless steel gas hotplates and oven, caesarstone bench tops, new bathroom, ducted reverse cycle air conditioning, solid lime washed timber flooring, and fresh paint. This is a great opportunity to secure a large family home that is in easy walking distance to parks, playing fields, schools, local shops & reserve walking trails. Inspection highly recommended. EER2.5 Auction 10.00am Saturday 7 November on site View: Saturday 24 October 3.30 to 4.15pm and Wednesday 28 October 5.30 to 6.15pm

Paul Sutton 0407 099 175

Robyn Sutton 0409 442 484





Information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable, however we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided and interested parties should solely rely on their own enquiries.

9/60 Hansen Circuit, ‘Pine Grove’, Isaacs 4



Presents ‘as new’

• • • • • •

High quality renovation Townhouse size: 210m2 North facing living areas Ducted heating/cooling Manicured irrigated gardens High energy rating EER 5

For sale by auction


Saturday 10.00-10.40am

Sat, 7 November 2015 on site @ 2.00pm


Scott 0417 292 733 Kerry 0421 651 198

9/15 Mansfield Place, Phillip 2


Perfectly located For sale $379,000+


• • • • • •

17 Rymill Place, Mawson 4



Live in or invest For sale $525,000+

• • • • • •

Self contained separate studio New carpets Freshly painted Double tandem garage Under house tool shed and storage Separate title EER 1


Saturday 10.00-10.40am


Scott 0417 292 733 Kerry 0421 651 198

10 Parsons Street, Torrens

Freshly painted throughout New floor coverings throughout 2 separate living areas 2 generous bedrooms with BIR Single lock up garage Close to amenities EER 1.5




Large, renovated single level home

• • • • • •

Separate studio with 2 bedrooms Private block Home office alternative Large Bedrooms Renovated bathrooms and kitchen 4 car garage EER 0.5


Saturday 12.45-1.30pm

For sale by auction


Saturday 11.00-11.40am


Scott 0417 292 733 Kerry 0421 651 198

Wed, 11 November 2015 on site @ 6.15pm


Scott 0417 292 733 Kerry 0421 651 198





O’Connor 13 Swainsona Street


Saturday 9:15am – 10:00am

An Original Gem

Whether you’re looking for an opportunity to further renovate an original gem, rebuild in a quiet inner north location or invest wisely, this charming 1960’s three bedroom red brick home has got to be on your list to inspect. With a functional floor plan providing separate dining room off the living area, built in robes in all bedrooms and polished solid timber floors throughout, this well presented home is ready for you or your tenant to move in immediately. EER 1.0

Mark Johnstone 0414 382 093

Palmerston 27 Tiptree Crescent Saturday 12.00pm – 12.45pm “Neat as a Pin”


Located for convenience on a large elevated block, this neat four bedroom single level home will delight. Generous sized bedrooms complete the fine living package and your all year round comfort is assured with ducted heating and cooling. Freshly painted throughout and new carpets laid, you’ll enjoy moving in with nothing more to do. EER 4.0

Mark Johnstone 0414 382 093

• • • • • •



Double brick construction Updated bathroom Living and dining rooms Ducted gas heating Polished timber floors Large veranda for entertaining


Saturday 31 October 3:00pm, On Site




Features include: • bedroom with walk in robe and ensuite • Open plan kitchen/family room • Formal lounge and dining rooms • Ducted gas heating, evaporative cooling and ducted vacuum • Double garage with auto roller doors


Saturday 7 November 11:00am, On Site

ELDERS BELCONNEN, Suite 4, Bank Building, Jamison Centre, Macquarie ACT 2614, 02 6251 2088 This business is independently owned and operated by Hall & Barlow Pty Limited Lic Agent ACN 062 305 177 ABN 52 062 305 177.



Andersch Street CASEY, ACT 1



SAT 24TH OCT, 12.00PM-12.45PM

FROM $299,000

Spacious contemporary townhouses

Reverse cycle heating and cooling

Easy care outdoor areas

Low outgoings

EER 6.0


SCOTT GARDINER 0414 962 066 | scott.gardiner@prd.com.au

PRDnationwide Property Showcase! Canberra

fully leased investment

Freestanding Building At Gowrie Shops


• Part Farrer Shopping Centre • Five Tenancies • Staggered Lease Profile • Income (approx.) $113,367 p.a. + GST

Gowrie 7 Jeffries Street

For More Information Contact: Gavin Obst | 0408 490 066 | gavin.obst@mmj.com.au MMJ Canberra (02) 6260 6970 174



for sale $1,495,000

• • • • •

Busy suburban shopping centre 240sqm* single title building 830sqm* site with dedicated onsite parking 154sqm* vacant in Jan 2016 Ideally suited for medical / paramedical

Sale $730,000 plus GST (if applicable) Troy McGuinness 0413 499 735 rwcanberra.com.au



Capital Harrison 44 De Bortoli Street


Presenting resort-style living at its finest, this architecturally designed and meticulously maintained residence is situated on arguably the best street in Harrison. Flowing, open-plan living extends throughout the residence offering informal and formal living zones, each enjoying a northerly aspect. Entertainers galley style kitchen with 44mm thick Caesarstone waterfall benchtops, a generous 120 x 90 x 300cm island bench and premium European stainless steel appliances. Breathtaking from the first moment, this stunning residence offers warmth, space and a brilliant design that blends lavish interiors with exquisite exteriors.

1/124 Crawford Street, Queanbeyan, NSW 2620

02 6297 9191



EER: 5.5

For Sale By Negotiation View Saturday 12.15pm – 1.00pm Dewi Radyanto 0451 940 603 dewi.radyanto@remaxcapital.com.au For more details visit remaxcapital.com.au


Each office is independently owned and operated.


Premium resort-style living

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Open Sat & Sun 11am - 3.30pm


7 STEPS STRESS FREE PROCESS your financial advisor and kim@RegalHomes.

2. Kim@ Regal Homes will arrange for you to have the soil report and contour plans produced (Please note: These reports are required so your new home plan can be approved as well as providing accurate information when quoting for your project)

3. Based on the above information, an obligation free estimate will be produced.

4. When satisfied with the estimate, Kim@Regal Homes will arrange a meeting with our home designer at absolutely no cost to you.

Regal Homes Unit 9, 41-45 Tennant St, FYSHWICK 2609 Builders licence ACT 19915681 — NSW 135491C



Canberra’s most trusted builder since 1973

5. Following payment of your design fee, our designer will continue to work with you in finalising your unique home design (our estimator will monitor the progress of the design work to ensure that it keeps within your budget.

6. When design work is completed to your satisfaction, our estimator will prepare a detailed formal quotation.

7. Following acceptance of our quotation and payment of the plan preparation fee, your contract will be prepared and made ready for signing as well as for formal finance approval. Regal Homes does not include the provisional sum clause in their contract, so you know exactly what you are getting for your money.

REGAL HOMES BUILDING TIP Before buying your piece of Australia, talk to a builder about construction costs including soil classification, EER, BAL, possible site costs and developers conditions, all of which may have an impact on the total cost of your project.


1. Establish a realistic budget by consulting with




Total Area: 193.7m2 (20.8 sqr)



Total Area 262m2 (28.2 sqr)

LOT 25


Total Area 204.32m2 (22 sqr)




KIM WARE 0409 846 506 kim@regalhomes.com.au

Colorbond Roof drained to Rainwater Tank 22,500 Ltr Rainwater Tank Boundary Fencing (½ share) Stone Bench Tops to Kitchen Dishwasher Provision Floor and Window Coverings

9/41-45 Tennant St FYSHWICK

DISPLAY HOME FOR SALE 1 Engel Street, Coombs

Open Fri to Mon 11am - 5pm





Stylish, sophisticated, signature style! Are all the hallmarks of this magnificent display home located in one of Canberra’s most central locations- Coombs in the Molonglo Valley. This home has been beautifully enhanced with superb finishes and craftsmanship creating a true portrait of excellence in styling whilst the masterfully designed floor plan provides seamless connection between all living areas catering for a wide range of lifestyles. This home oozes charm and character from the solid timber floors to the flickering flames of the fireplace whilst panoramic views of Black Mountain and the Arboretum through to the Mount Stromlo Observatory are a unique feature for this home. This 4 bedroom and ensuite home features a formal lounge with feature windows, the core hub of the home has the kitchen, dining, family and home theatre rooms all integrating with each other whilst the king sized butlers pantry has it’s own wine rack. A fine blend of décor and inclusions have certainly put this display home out in front from the quality floor covering and window furnishings through to the impressive kitchen. We are offering a guaranteed rent back until May 2017 allowing you to claim some negative gearing, so make a time and inspect this home, to truly absorb it’s splendid character and sensational floor plan.


• • • • •

3 bedrooms & ensuite 5% depo no m sit Separate living areas comore until pletio n 455m2 block Carpets and tiles Stainless steel appliances

GOOGONG $595,000

• • • • •

GOOGONG $650,000

4 bedrooms & ensuite 5% depo no m sit Separate living areas comore until pletio n Home Theatre room Alfresco area Carpets & tiles

• • • • •

4 bedrooms & ensuite 5% depo no m sit o Separate ling areas compre until letion Rumpus room Alfresco area Carpets & tiles


For more information phone 0438 225 212


GR8 Construction Pty Ltd PO Box 1241 Fyshwick ACT 2609 Phone 02 6248 0588 Fax 02 6248 0599

You deserve a GR8 home! ACN 105 581 646 / ACT Builders Licence 2006695 / NSW Builders Licence 208218C


regional & coastal

BUNGENDORE NSW 79 The Mountain Road

YASS NSW 9 Discovery Drive

Sitting privately in an elevated bush setting, this residence features stunning natural stone walls and is surrounded by lovely gardens. An entertainers’ delight inside and out, this property is enchanting and magically nestled in the forest‌ it will be the forever home.

This four-bedroom ensuite home with segregated master features spacious formal lounge and dining, and a well equipped kitchen with stone benchtops. The kitchen overlooks the main family room and towards a second family/media entertaining area. A secure gate leads you to the rear garden and in-ground pool.




Auction: Saturday 14 November 12pm View: Saturday 12-1pm Agent: Ben Stevenson 0467 046 637 Estaterealty Ph: 6238 0911

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Australia lives here

Australia lives here



Australia lives here

COOMA NSW 35 Victoria Street

MOLLYMOOK NSW 38 Seaview Street

Located in an ideal position opposite Cooma Hospital, a short distance to Cooma's CBD and walking distance to the Cooma creek walking tracks. Features include: spacious level parcel of land with rear lane access, solid rendered block constructed home, north-facing combined kitchen, dining area, new kitchen and flooring.

This rare offering features a design to capture summer breezes and mornings in the sun along with 180-degree sea views. The property boasts a large 1,069sqm land parcel overlooking popular Collers Beach and the golf course. The beauty and sunny disposition of this home will never fade.




Find out more

Price: $225,000 View: By appointment Agent: Shannon Fergusson 0429 788 143 Fergusson Real Estate & Property Ph: 6452 7004 182


Price: $475,000+ Agent: Deb Johnson Mob: 0427 394 481 Australia lives here Yass First National Ph: 6226 3338

Australia lives here

Australia lives here




Auction: Sat 24 October 2pm on site View: Sat 1-2pm Agent: Lauren Morris 0427 553 921 Australia lives here Ray White Surfside Properties Ulladulla Ph: 4454 1333

Australia lives here

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Australia li Australia lives here

Australia lives here

Australia li

Magical Storybook Property 79 THE MOUNTAIN ROAD BUNGENDORE

79 The Mountain Rd is beautiful. Sitting privately in an elevated bush setting, the residence features stunning natural stone walls and is surrounded by lovely gardens. An entertainers delight inside and out, this property is enchanting and magically nestled in the forest... it will be the forever home. Come home to comfort and style. A pebbled driveway through the

trees and exotic garden colours the storybook-like residence. Standing amongst gardens, the home is comfortable and functional. Although a large home, it is not overpowering, “maybe it’s the bush setting and large trees that humble the house”. Located less than 10 minutes from Bungendore and a short 15 minute drive to Canberra. On the Bywong/Bungendore border.

Auction Saturday 14 November 12.00pm Inspect 12.00pm to 1.00pm Saturday or By Appointment Agent Ben Stevenson – 0467 046 637 or Dan Woodford – 0414 264 441


5 3 1

Watch the video here


The Village Square, Bungendore NSW

6238 0911


Private studio in great location! 18 Forster St, Bungendore

Located within walking distance to Village centre. On 720m2 of land, timber clad ceilings and a well equipped kitchen make this one bedroom cottage cosy and inviting. A slow combustion fire adds to the ambience.


One bedroom with ensuite and built in laundry. Perfect for first home buyers or someone wanting to build a new home whilst living on site. The 720 sqm is set amongst an easy care garden and provides lots of sun with north facing rear yard.


1 1 1

Price $295,000 Inspect 1:45 - 2.15pm Saturday or By Appointment Agent Ben Stevenson – 0467 046 637 or Dan Woodford – 0414 264 441

Family treasure!

8 Day Cct, Bungendore This 4 bedroom family home is positioned in Elmslea Estate and just a short walk from the Elmslea ponds and playing fields. At 1259 square meters, the back yard is freshly landscaped with side access.


The home is spacious and bright. The living areas are open plan with a great size lounge room come cinema/ library. All bedrooms have built in wardrobes and the master has WIR. As well as these internal areas there is a fantastic covered outdoor entertaining space.


4 2 3

Price $635,000 Inspect 2:30pm – 3pm Saturday or By Appointment Agent Ben Stevenson – 0467 046 637 or Dan Woodford – 0414 264 441

The Village Square, Bungendore NSW

6238 0911


Langdale – Elegant Country


3830 Kings Highway, Bungendore

Only 8 minutes from Bungendore, this beautiful home combines with uninterrupted valley views to offer elegance, proximity and lifestyle. Established evergreen gardens surround the home with various entertaining


areas for all occasions. The residence has four sizeable bedrooms, each with built in robes, a study, two bathrooms and open plan kitchen, family room and lovely dining room.


5 2 6

Price $1,060,000 Inspect By Appointment Agent Ben Stevenson – 0467 046 637 or Dan Woodford – 0414 264 441

Shady Rest

42 Nummerak Close, Carwoola Shady Rest is a working farmlet with amazing distant hinterland views. 10 minutes to Queanbeyan, and 20 Minutes to Canberra airport. There is a comfortable 4 bedroom home with enclosed verandah, sit back and


watch the sun set after playing with horses or some livestock. As you enter the property you cross a beautiful big dam, 1.8m high fencing surrounds the entire farm. Perfect for keeping in any livestock and odd resident kangaroo.


4 1 4

Price $825,000 Inspect By Appointment Agent Ben Stevenson – 0467 046 637 or Dan Woodford – 0414 264 441


The Village Square, Bungendore NSW

6238 0911


Yass Hincksman Lifestyleyassfirstnational.com.au YASS 7 Glover Drive RIVER FRONTAGE! Often sought and rarely found is this exciting property of some 7.9ha (19 acres) with excellent horse facilities and approximately 80 metres of water frontage to the Yass River Weir. A substantial country style residence which includes 4 bedroom home with supersized bedrooms, segregated master with ensuite and walk in robe. Spacious elegant formal and informal living areas. Polished hardwood floors throughout plus wrap around verandah with wonderful vista towards the river and beyond, whilst established trees give you privacy & seclusion from the neighbours.

Also for the horse enthusiast is an American style barn with 2 large loose boxes and room for another two. The barn also has its own toilet, shower & hot water service. Auction Sat 31 October 11.00am On-site View Sun 24 October 12.15 – 1.00pm Contact Bernie Johnson 0427 394 482 bernie@yassfirstnational.com.au Ph 6226 3338

There are 6 paddocks - 4 with shelters, 1 with river frontage and the other is suitable for hay cutting. The


BINALONG Carters Lane

YASS 43-45 Dutton Street

YASS 12 Olden Crescent




• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

2 vacant lots both 6.53 hectares each Separate title & Building entitlements Very clean with good soil Quiet & peaceful

3 bedroom ensuite townhouses 10 to choose from, 4 different floor plans Spacious & sunny living areas Garage with internal access

4 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms Separate dining, spacious family Country kitchen, ducted heating Double carport, single garage

Auction Sat 31 October 1.00pm On-site

Sale $426,000

Sale $515,000+

Contact Deb Johnson 0427 394 481

View Sat 24 October 1:00 - 1:45pm

Contact Deb Johnson 0427 394 481


Contact Deb Johnson 0427 394 481




paddocks range in size from 4,000m2 to 2 hectares.


3 135 Comur Street Yass NSW 2582






02 6226 3338


Yass Hincksman Lifestyleyassfirstnational.com.au YASS 73 Church Street

YASS 2/37 Dutton Street

YASS 48a Ford Street




• Entire unit complex for sale • 4 x 2 bedroom units, 1 x 1 bedroom unit • Each unit has own carport • Front verandah, easy care gardens Sale $649,000 Contact Deb Johnson 0427 394 481

• 2 bedroom townhouse • Sunny lounge & dining • North facing courtyard • Single lockup garage Sale $320,000 View Sat 24 Oct 1.00 - 1.30pm Contact Deb Johnson 0427 394 481

• 3 bedrooms, recently renovated • Large lounge, RC/AC, stylish kitchen • Undercover parking for 6 cars • Sparkling new in-ground pool Sale $417,500 View Sat 24 Oct 12.15 - 12.45pm Contact Deb Johnson 0427 394 481








YASS 36 Hume Street

YASS 31A Lead Street

YASS 6 Martin Close




• 3 bedroom ensuite home • Open plan dining & family room • Gourmet kitchen with butlers pantry • Double garage with internal access Sale $419,000 View Sat 24 Oct 2.00 - 2.30pm Contact Deb Johnson 0427 394 481

• 3 good sized bedrooms • Spacious lounge/dining, 2 toilets • Flat easy care garden • Single lockup garage Sale $310,000+ Contact Deb Johnson 0427 394 481

• Huge 1682m2 town block • Cul de sac blue ribbon location • Opposite Yass Golf Course • Surrounded by other quality homes Sale $225,000+ Contact Deb Johnson 0427 394 481










YASS 5 Mount Street

YASS 41 Shaw Street

YASS 4/9 Victoria Street




• 2 spacious bedrooms, • Cosy lounge with gas heating • Covered rear verandah • Recently re-cladded, single garage Sale $310,000 View Sat 24 Oct 12.15 - 12.45pm Contact Deb Johnson 0427 394 481

• 3 bedrooms, main with ensuite • Separate lounge, large sitting room • Ducted gas heating, sunny dining • Rear entertaining area Sale $435,000+ View Sat 24 Oct 11.30 - 12.00pm Contact Deb Johnson 0427 394 481

• Two bedrooms plus study • Open plan living, large bathroom • Easy care gardens, water tank • Elevated position in small complex Sale $307,500 View Sat 24 Oct 11.30am - 12.00pm Contact Deb Johnson 0427 394 481




135 Comur Street Yass NSW 2582








02 6226 3338

COOMA Unit 2/5 Hawkins Street


Absolute quality without exception Recently built this modern, spacious townhouse is located in a prime position that boasts privacy and easy level access into Cooma’s CBD. This property has been constructed with the utmost quality and is ideally suited to those looking for low maintenance living on a level surface both inside and out. Alternatively this property will also prove ideal for those looking for a high quality investment, with excellent returns and depreciation available.

• Built to ensure low maintenance level living • Full brick construction, double brick internal wall insulated between cavity • Full roof insulation, double glazed tilt & turn European windows • Large, sun filled open plan lounge dining and kitchen • The kitchen and 2 bathrooms finished to a high class modern taste


Auction Saturday 31st October 10:00am Venue On site View Saturday 24th October 10-10:30am or by appointment with selling agent

Shannon Fergusson 0429 788 143 shannon@fergussonrealestate.com.au


4 bed

1 bath

1 car

1 Dalley Street, Junee • • • • •

Contained on a 1800m2 block. 2hrs 30min (221.4 km) to Canberra. Incredibly convenient position. Character & charm of the 1920’s. Modern touches, Gas heating, evaporative cooling, modern kitchen.

Real Estate

• • • •

4 spacious bedrooms. Large living areas. Extensive verandahs. Immerse yourself in the country lifestyle.


Auction Saturday 7 November 2015, 1:00pm ON SITE View Saturday’ s 12:30 – 1:00pm Contact Robert Barrett 0418 693 996 rbarrett@prdjunee.com.au

6 bed

2 bath

4 car

3820 Olympic Highway, Junee • 8.09 hectares (20 acres) minutes to Junee. • 30min 40km to Wagga wagga. • Spacious North facing lounge & dining room flows from the inviting front verandah. • 6 bedrooms, each with its own highlight of either a mantelpiece, French doors or built-in robes.


Real Estate

• Fabulous ensuite complete with claw foot bath. • Town water & an 8 panel 2kw solar system. • Fantastic views over the established gardens & surrounding acreage. • This home is a fine example of space and sophistication that will steal your heart.

02 6924 1371 83 Lorne Street, | JUNEE, NSW 2663 | Australia www.prdnationwidejunee.com.au

Auction Saturday 31 October 2015, 12:00pm ON SITE View Saturday’s 11:00 – 12:00pm Contact Robert Barrett 0418 693 996 rbarrett@prdjunee.com.au

Real Estate


Contemporary meets livability A genuine designers home, generous living areas, architect designed and clever features throughout. Strine’s design reflects the best in efficient solar passive living ensuring your lifestyle is light and bright whilst minimising your footprint. This home offers style, design, comfort and ease of living.

Ray White Bungendore

Bungendore 12 Forster Street 4




Sale $835,000 View Saturday 1:30 – 2:00pm Doug Merriman 0419 999 001 6238 0700 raywhitebungendore.com.au facebook.com/raywhitebungendore

Character house, pool, ½ acre block!


Rarely does a property like this come on the market - It is environmentally friendly whilst being extremely comfortable and has been built with style, love and attention to detail. Private setting, guest / pool house & established gardens.

Ray White Bungendore



Sale Offers above $640,000 View Saturday 10:45 – 11:15am Ellie Merriman 0402 117 877 6238 0700 raywhitebungendore.com.au facebook.com/raywhitebungendore


Bungendore 86 Gibraltar Street

206 Comur Street, YASS

6226 1922


• Exclusive community owned river corridor providing Yass River access for all lot owners to enjoy, Zoned E4 (Environmental Living) • NSW Freehold Title, No time limit to build, Delayed settlement opportunity, Block sizes from 3.6ha to 11ha • 240v transformed power, Telstra, Non-potable water allocation 350,000lt per lot, full boundary fencing & entries • Community Management scheme, Fair asset protective covenants

View: By appointment

$270,000 - $475,000 YASS 14 YASS RIVER ROAD Michael Gray


Lorraine Gray

Adrian Carey

Edwina Brown


Agent Michael Gray 0409 311 127


‘Hazelgrove’- Immaculate home, village lifestyle 6028 sq m, three separate titles, village centre. Charming, beautifully presented, architect designed home; quality construction. Private, established garden. Lounge and dining open

Tronn Alstergren 0412 625 350 INSPECTION Sat 24 Oct 2:30 – 3:30pm

Rural lifestyle on 2ha on the edge of town

to wide, north-facing verandah; kitchen and family to stunning, protected, outdoor entertaining. Huge, upstairs, multi-purpose space. Goulburn 31 kms, Canberra Airport 59 kms.




5 Rifle Range Rd, Goulburn


Spacious home in beautiful condition. Panoramic views, quality construction. Open-plan living; stunning elevated verandah. Huge master bedroom suite. Three further double bedrooms.

Helen Cheetham 0418 655 403 INSPECTION Sat 24 Oct 1 – 2pm

Large 5th bedroom/games/home business. Rear patio, 28X6m, covered, level vehicle access to house. Double garage, underhouse storage. 2 paddocks.Town services. Five minute drive to CBD.




T: 02 4821 T: 02 4821 60226022 | Tronn: | Tronn: 0412 0412 625625 350 350| Helen: | Helen:0418 0418 655 655 403 403 | Rowan: 0412 458 621 T: 02 4821 6022 | Tronn: 0412 625 350 | Helen: 0418| 655 403 378 Auburn Street Goulburn E: tronn@tronnalstergren.com www.tronnalstergren.com www.tronnalstergren.com



10 Murray St, Collector

BINALONG 5 Monteagle Street

140 Comur Street Yass NSW 2582 | 6226 7000

Country living in town MURRUMBATEMAN 188 Isabel Drive - Two Homes on 86 Acres OPEN FOR INSPECTION Sun 25 Oct, 1:00 - 2:00pm Sat 31 Oct, 1:00 - 2:00pm

Block size: 86 Acres For Sale: $1,250,000 Contact: John Lennie 0407 417 783 john.lennie@elders.com.au


A rare opportunity exists to view one of Murrumbatemans most private and secluded properties. Two separate homes poised in a peaceful, unspoilt location await the extended family, perfect to accommodate the in-laws, open a farm-stay or offset your mortgage via rental return. Approximately 86 Acres of native bushland is 35% cleared and divided into 8 secure paddocks. The main dwelling includes three large bedrooms with potential for a fourth. The second dwelling includes two large bedrooms. Both residences enjoy beautiful outlooks across the property, large open plan living areas and outside entertaining facilities. Both homes are securely enclosed within a mature native garden including established lawns, enclosed swimming pool, vegetable gardens, a small dam, bore, four garden sheds and two separate garages.

• All rooms offer ceiling fans, including the garage • Lovely open plan kitchen opening to dining room with polished floor boards, double sink, breakfast bar and gas cooking • Large family room with RCAC and carpet • Family bathroom with shower • Three street frontages, large covered deck area • Rain water tank (22,500 L) plus town water • Double car garage, lined & insulated with bathroom (4,500 L tank off garage)

$393,000 3 Bed | 2 Bath | 2 Car 8094m area View By Appointment Contact Andrew Curlewis 0429 669 635

02 6226 6331 79 Comur Street, Yass, NSW 2582

yassvalleyproperty.com.au 191

02 6452 4155


12 Wooran Street, Cooma BED 3




Steve Allen 0418 223 0000

Comprising 1160 sqm of land with large industrial shed and 2 other loading/storage bays. Good parking facilities. Secure fencing. Solar power back to grid.

Agent June Sheard 0419 846 372 Barry Sorensen 0432 226 244 R&H Narooma 02 4476 2169



Views, Construction Certificate, Position!

Just Perfect for Everybody

Batehaven 12 Corrigan Crescent

Malua Bay 25 Warragai Place Expected reserve around $250,000. Pre-Auction Offers invited. Auction Saturday 21 November 11am Venue On Site Contact Carlene Franzen 0438 712 283

5/534 George Bass Drive Malua Bay NSW 2536 Phone 02 4471 2283 Email info@southcoastps.com.au 192


BOLLER & COMPANY – 168 Sharp Street, Cooma

Ideal position for a four unit development with Construction Certificate available. (can be modified with council approval). Behind the Batehaven shops and almost across the road from Corrigan’s Beach. Gently sloping , fantastic views if building 2 story. 682 sqm. Ideal for developers to complete and sell, or for security minded property investors. Zoned R3 Medium Density Residential.


3 Murphy Place, Narooma

This property offers the market with a great opportunity for buyers who essentially are looking for a blank canvas which will allow for them to add their own style. The property features a large open plan lounge room, three bedrooms, family bathroom and a functional kitchen. The home is orientated towards north-west which guarantees good light throughout the day. Outside you will enjoy the north facing wrap-around verandah, a fully fenced yard and a single lockup garage. View: Saturday 24 October 11.00am



Auction Friday 13 Nov at 2.00pm


Auction 28 Nov at 1pm onsite

Perfect for a holiday or retirement home or for first home buyers. Spotlessly presented and just waiting for you. Open plan, north facing and the living area leads out to an ample sized deck. Three way bathroom, reverse cycle a/c, under floor insulation, 5000 gal water tank, detached carport. Close to walkway leading to Boat Ramp and By the Beach Café.






Saturday 24 October 11am For Sale $349,000 Contact Carlene Franzen 0438 712 283 CWM5922

Property management, rural & residential sales

Au c

tio n


Conjola 52 Fishermans Paradise Road





ESCAPE TO THE COUNTRY! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to have your own hidden Rural Estate North East of Milton. Upon entering the gates of Woodlands Estate you will be pleasantly surprised by the uniqueness that surrounds this very scenic Rural Property. Situated high on the hill with a commanding presence on just over 45 hectares of sprawling rural land you will find three extraordinary residences.


• • • • • • • •

Ray White Surfside Properties Ulladulla

7 paddocks 5 yards for horses Electrified fencing Town water Great mobile reception Ducted air conditioning Organic vegetable patch Fruit orchard and more

Sat 24 Oct 11.00am, on site View Sat 10.00 – 11.00am & By Private Appointment Lauren Morris 0427 553 921 lauren.morris@raywhite.com 02 4454 1333 | raywhiteulladulla.com.au 99 Princes Highway, Ulladulla NSW 2539

Au c

tio n


Milton 14 Princes Highway





Milton Village Motel A fantastic opportunity to purchase this extremely well presented, and very popular motel located at the entrance to Historic Milton township. Situated on 3 separate titles, contains 9 guest rooms, owner’s 1 bedroom apartment comprising office, delightful living, cooking and relaxation areas. All rooms are in beautiful condition with balconies overlooking Milton’s rich pastures and ocean views to Jervis Bay. Only minutes walk to Historic Milton’s wonderful shops, cafes, hotels, theatre


and restaurants and only a short drive to world famous Mollymook and Narrawallee beaches. The same resident owners for 17 years are now retiring. Showing excellent gross income. Hugely popular motel. Winner of major hospitality awards.

Ray White Surfside Properties Ulladulla

Sat 31 Oct 1.00pm, on site View By appointment David Matthew 0459 553 930

02 4454 1333 | raywhiteulladulla.com.au 99 Princes Highway, Ulladulla NSW 2539


Ulladulla 59 Deering Street


extensive games room for your snooker table. Double garage beautifully gated front entrance.

Ray White Surfside Properties Ulladulla

Kings Point 48 James Crescent




Master built double brick home Welcome to this expansive Master Built 4 Bedroom home boasting central CBD location. Positioned on a large 1018M2 block of land, easy maintenance gardens, with fruit trees, lawns & shed, plus is fully fenced. The large living areas leading out to verandah give a Northerly aspect out to the distant Ocean. Downstairs we have the opportunity to have a separate living areas for parents, grown children or the possibility to have an


Sat 14 November 1.00pm, On site View Sat 1.00 – 1.30pm Kevin Cooper 0427 553 923 kevin.cooper@raywhite.com Janet Creech 0427 553 925 janet.creech@raywhite.com 02 4454 1333 | raywhiteulladulla.com.au 99 Princes Highway, Ulladulla NSW 2539




Aqua grand – A rare offering


Architecturally crafted and master built to capture the stunning lake and rural views this outstanding north facing waterfront residence is positioned for an impressive life style. The spectacular panorama provides an exceptional backdrop to the vast living areas, indoor heated pool area and manicured lawn to the water’s edge. A sophisticated home that is unmatched in location and quality.

Sat 14 November 3.00pm, On site

Ray White Surfside Properties Ulladulla

View Sat 3.00 – 3.30pm Kevin Cooper 0427 553 923 kevin.cooper@raywhite.com Megan Pollock 0427 553 928 megan.pollock@raywhite.com 02 4454 1333 | raywhiteulladulla.com.au 99 Princes Highway, Ulladulla NSW 2539


Catalina NSW 124 Vista Avenue Open Saturday 24 October at 3.00pm & Saturday 31 October at 3.00pm




Privacy, Quality, Comfort, Views

With fabulous uninterrupted mountain views, this quality built two storey house is set in a quiet cul de sac. The upper level offers two bedrooms, large office/study, and a large open plan living area taking in 180 degree views from floor to ceiling windows and doors opening onto a spacious tiled wrap around deck. The lower level provides two double sized bedrooms and a very large leisure room with kitchenette opening onto a covered tiled patio.

Caryl Haslem 0488 996 791

From $850,000

Web Id 8101590

Batehaven NSW 1a Ocean Road Open Saturday 24 October at 12.30pm




Love the Location and Lifestyle


A modern kitchen and living room flow onto a stylish balcony that offers views. A very large side yard for boats, cars, or even a big shed with room to play, large bedrooms with built in robes makes this place ideal.

Greig McFarlane 0412 725 505 Web Id 8657754


Saturday 31 Oct at 12:30pm, On-site

Lilli Pilli NSW 64 Grandfathers Gully Road Open Saturday 24 October at 11.00am




No expense spared in this build!

This is a huge home with spacious living areas sitting atop a sloping 2 hectares. Plenty of room for parking with a barn style shed. Sitting in a desirable location, only a few minutes to the beach and within an easy drive to Batemans Bay CBD.

Chris McDermott 0401 182 409 Web Id 8232502

ELDERS Batemans Bay, Shop3/6 North Street, Batemans Bay


Saturday 31 Oct at 11.00am, On-site

02 4475 1488

se Ho u










PREMIER RELEASE Acreage from $153,000* All remaining blocks have very good water views There are no plans for the near futue so don’t miss this opportunity. Visit bayridge.com.au or call Michael Skuse 0411 029 300. *Average price $167,250


Sth Coast Catalina 9 Gannet Place




Motivated Vendor!! “Make and Offer” Located in a quiet Cul-de-sac, this perfectly presented home is like new. • Freshly painted Exterior & Interior • Two x 9000ltr Water Tanks • Solar Panels, A/C, Tinted Windows • Fully fenced 767m² block • Overlooking a peaceful reserve ... this home has all the boxes ticked.

For Sale $319,000 View Sat 24 Oct 1.30 to 2pm Sat 31 Oct 12.45 to 1.15pm ljhooker.com/P4EF8F

Karen Van Der Stelt 0413 221 504 Batemans Bay 4472 6455 Cnr Beach Rd & Orient St, Batemans Bay

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.



Breathtaking Guerilla Bay Auction this Saturday 32 Beach Parade is a beautiful home exuding tranquillity and serenity as soon as you step through its doors. This property will help you un-wind as you soak up the sun and watch the water glistening through unobstructed waterfront views. With a large entertaining deck, open plan living and only a short walk down a private path to Guerilla Bay Beach.



• Close to coveted Guerilla Bay Beach

Auction Saturday 24th October at 1:00pm

• 3 Great Size Bedrooms

Venue On Site

• Large Entertaining Deck

View Saturday 12:00pm

• Open Plan Living


Mark Maranion 0404 257 888 Malua Bay 4471 2344


Guerilla Bay 32 Beach Parade

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


open homes – for sale

provided by For a free open homes listing, speak to your agent today.





Sat 10:00-10:45 33 Wearing St

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0402761634 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 66 Southwell St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

Sat 11:15-11:45 3A & 3B Castieau St

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0437398774 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:35-13:35 26 Abernethy St

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0428486692 BR4 Auct

Sun 12:30-13:00 26 Abernethy St

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0428486692 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:45 49/20 Beissel St

Badenoch Real Estate

0412898690 BR2 $359k

Sat 10:45-11:15 10/31 Disney Crt

Ray White - Belconnen

0466671595 BR3 $260k

Sun 11:45-12:15 15B Lutwyche St

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0400485204 BR2 $329k

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0437398774 BR4 Auct

Sat 11:00-11:45 17/1-9 Totterdell St

Badenoch Real Estate

0412898690 BR2 $295k

Sun 12:00-12:30 3A & 3B Castieau St

Sat 11:15-11:45 32/2 Ranken Pl

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0402842291 BR2 $299k


Ray White - Woden

0417710772 BR1 $380k

Sat 12:15-12:45

5 'Soho Apartments' Soundy Cl

BRUCE Thu 17:30-18:00 9/17 Mugglestone Pl

Luton Properties

0404491413 BR4 Auct

Thu 17:30-18:00 12/4 Dines Pl

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0437398774 BR3 Auct

Fri 16:00-16:30 154/1 Braybrooke St

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0422207178 BR1 $249k

Sat 10:00-10:30 66/8 Baudinette Cct

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0408694917 BR1 $333k+

Sat 11:00-11:30 69/1 Braybrooke St

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0414734185 BR2 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 9/17 Mugglestone Pl

Luton Properties

0404491413 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:45 12/4 Dines Pl

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0437398774 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:15-12:45 25/29 Thynne St

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR3 Neg

Sat 13:30-14:00 154/1 Braybrooke St

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0422207178 BR1 $249k

Sat 13:50-14:35 4/55 Crisp Cct

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0428486692 BR3 Auct

Sat 14:00-15:00 45/101 Kinloch Cct

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0425366663 BR3 $550k

Sat 14:00-15:00 13/101 Kinloch Cct

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0425366663 BR1 $320k

Sat 14:00-15:00 26/101 Kinloch Cct

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0425366663 BR2 $450k

CHARNWOOD Sat 09:30-10:30 21 Kerrigan St

Independent Property Group

0427225823 BR2 $340k

Sat 11:00-11:45 7 Weaver Pl

Morrissey Property Pty Ltd

0433622600 BR3 $375k

COOK Thu 18:00-18:30 17 Grylls Cres

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0439795369 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:15-11:15 44 Atkinson St

Independent Property Group

Sat 13:15-14:00 17 Grylls Cres

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0439795369 BR4 Auct

0407466199 BR3 Auct

Sat 13:45-14:30 91 Lyttleton Cres

Luton Properties - Dickson

0429487939 BR3 Auct

Sat 14:15-15:00 40 Redfern St

Luton Properties - Manuka

0418198891 BR3 Auct

Tue 12:30-13:15 91 Lyttleton Cres

Luton Properties - Dickson

0429487939 BR3 Auct

Thu 17:00-17:30 43 Marchant Cct

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0431994107 BR3 Auct

Sat 09:00-09:45 9 Hedger St

Independent Property Group

0404895162 BR4 Auct

Sat 09:30-10:00 43 Marchant Cct

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0431994107 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30 36 Evelyn Owen Cres

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0437398774 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30 3 Lads Pl

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0410414872 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:30-11:00

4/21 Gordon Withnall Luton Properties Cres

Sat 16:15-17:00 93 Lance Hill Ave

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0414382093 BR4 Neg

Sun 11:00-11:30 36 Evelyn Owen Cres

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0437398774 BR4 Auct

Luton Properties - Belconnen

0401097568 BR3 Auct

EVATT Sat 11:00-11:30 100 Copland Drv

FLOREY Sat 10:45-11:30 8 Playoust Pl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

Sat 12:45-13:15 4/15 John Cleland Cres Luton Properties - Dickson

0403041181 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:30-11:00 3/2 Lander Cres

PRDnationwide - Braddon

0414962066 BR3 $375k

0416121155 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:05-12:45 4/2 Lander Cres

Badenoch Real Estate

0412898690 BR3 $369k

Wed18:00-18:30 4 Bunton Pl

LJ Hooker Kippax - Holt

0416121155 BR3 Auct


Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

Luton Properties - Dickson

Sun 10:00-10:30 25 Dulverton St

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0262133999 BR3 $480k

Sun 14:00-14:30 4 Wellesley St

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0262133999 BR4 $600k

Sat 11:00-11:30 33 Glenelg St

McGrath - Dickson

0419624766 BR5 Neg


Sat 11:30-12:00 17 Pasmore Cl

Luton Properties - Dickson

0409300065 BR4 Auct

Thu 18:00-18:30 31 Mabo Bvd

Independent Property Group

0404895162 BR4 $600k

Mon17:30-18:00 12 Sanford Pl

Luton Properties - Dickson

0434973987 BR5 Auct

Thu 18:00-18:30 5 Eugene Vincent St

Luton Properties

0418453950 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30 38 Irinyili St

Luton Properties

0431419847 BR3 $399k

Thu 17:15-17:45 24 Macfarlan Pl

LJ Hooker Kippax - Holt

0412907002 BR2 $369k

Sat 10:45-11:15 25 Ida West St

Luton Properties

0431419847 BR4 $625k 0475983079 BR3 $489k+

Thu 17:30-18:00 12 Horne Pl

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0438924400 BR4 Auct

Sat 11:00-11:30 18 Eugene Vincent St

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

Sat 09:30-10:00 21 Cleland St

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0439795369 BR4 Auct

Sat 11:15-11:45 35 Henry Williams St

PRDnationwide - Braddon

0414962066 BR4 $599k

Sat 10:00-10:40 12 Horne Pl

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0438924400 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 2 Essie Coffey St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0402064504 BR4 $769k

Sat 10:00-10:45 9 McArthur Pl


0414212332 BR4 $550k

Sat 12:30-13:00 5 Eugene Vincent St

Luton Properties

0418453950 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:30-11:00 24 Macfarlan Pl

LJ Hooker Kippax - Holt

0412907002 BR2 $369k

Sat 15:45-16:30 31 Mabo Bvd

Independent Property Group

0404895162 BR4 $600k

Sat 11:00-11:30 10/48 Dalley Cres

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0418628043 BR2 $299k

CASEY Thu 12:30-13:30 0 Plimsoll Drv

Luton Properties

0410481260 BR4 $550k+

Sat 11:00-16:00 Request address

MAXIMA Project Marketing

0409007163 BR2 $449k

Sat 09:30-11:30 0 Plimsoll Drv

Luton Properties

0410481260 BR4 $550k+

Sat 11:00-16:00 32 Narrambla Tce

MAXIMA Project Marketing

0409007163 BR3 $549k

Sat 10:00-10:40 89 Rockwood St

McGrath - Woden

0418624913 BR3 $448k

Sat 11:00-16:00 5 Pipeclay St

MAXIMA Project Marketing

0409007163 BR1 $319k

Sat 10:00-10:30 4 Ashton Calvert St

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0475983079 BR3 Auct


Sun 11:00-16:00 32 Narrambla Tce

MAXIMA Project Marketing

0409007163 BR3 $549k

Sat 10:00-10:30 10 Fricker Pl

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0449557073 BR4 $689k

Sun 11:00-16:00 Request address

MAXIMA Project Marketing

0409007163 BR2 $449k

Sat 10:30-11:00 31 Winchester St

Luton Properties - Manuka

0418697844 BR5 $845k

Sun 11:00-16:00 5 Pipeclay St

MAXIMA Project Marketing

0409007163 BR1 $319k

Sat 12:00-12:45 3 Walter Crocker Cres Southern Property - MITCHELL 0400509262 BR4 $640k

MACGREGOR Thu 17:30-18:00 9 Prevost Pl

0414281078 BR3 $409k

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0411096269 BR5 $600k

Sat 09:00-09:30 28 Constance Stone St LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0400485204 BR3 $345k

Sat 09:30-10:15 18 Graham St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0410633247 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:45-12:15 13 Fiaschi St

Ray White - Belconnen

0466671595 BR3 Auct

MACQUARIE Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0439795369 BR3 Auct


Sat 12:00-12:45 18/170 Plimsoll Drv

PRDnationwide - Braddon

Sat 12:00-12:30 38 Liz O'Neill St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0408446793 BR3 $495k

Sat 12:30-13:00 3 Meroula St

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0400485204 BR4 $569k

Sat 13:00-13:45 8 Skermer St

Independent Property Group

0402552186 BR5 $715k

Sat 13:30-14:15 3 Annie Douglas St

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0402761634 BR2 $410k

Sat 13:30-14:15 56 Alan Watt Cres

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0414734185 BR4 Auct

Sat 14:15-15:00 3 Bev Lawson St

Independent Property Group

0402552186 BR4 $738k

Sat 15:15-16:00 27 Winchester St

Independent Property Group

0402552186 BR4 $784k

Sun 10:00-12:00 0 Plimsoll Drv

Luton Properties

0410481260 BR4 $550k+ 0262133999 BR3 $460k

Sun 15:00-15:30 13 Lansdown Cres

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

LJ Hooker Kippax - Holt

0412552751 BR4 $675k

Tue 12:30-13:30 0 Plimsoll Drv

Luton Properties

0410481260 BR4 $550k+

Sat 10:00-10:30 9 Lovekin Pl

LJ Hooker Kippax - Holt

0412552751 BR4 $675k

Wed12:00-13:00 24 Grosvenor St

Luton Properties

0410481260 BR4 $769k


Sat 10:45-11:15 157 William Webb Drv Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0410633247 BR4 Neg

Sat 13:15-14:00 23 Buggy Cres

Luton Properties - Dickson

0405135009 BR4 Auct

Wed17:30-18:00 23 Buggy Cres

Luton Properties - Dickson

0405135009 BR4 Auct

Sat 14:30-15:00 142 Langtree Cres

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR4 Neg

0412552751 BR3 $420k

Sat 15:00-15:45 7 Langtree Cres

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BR5 Auct

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BR5 Auct

Thu 16:45-17:15 81 Cocoparra Cres

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR4 $899k

Thu 17:30-18:00 142 Langtree Cres

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR4 Neg

Sat 09:00-09:30 3 Stralia Pl

LJ Hooker Kippax - Holt

0412552751 BR3 $420k

Wed17:30-18:00 7 Langtree Cres

Sat 12:30-13:00 17 Sherwin Pl

McGrath - Dickson

0417687379 BR4 Neg

Sat 12:30-13:00 28 Carandini St

LJ Hooker Kippax - Holt

0416121155 BR4 $599k


Mon18:00-18:30 17 Sherwin Pl

McGrath - Dickson

0417687379 BR4 Neg

Sat 11:45-12:15 7 Hooton St

Luton Properties

0405404792 BR4 $750k

0405135009 BR4 $449k

Sat 15:00-15:45 15 Octoman St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0418628043 BR5 Auct

Luton Properties

0405404792 BR5 Auct

Sat 13:45-14:30 28 Dunbar St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412152607 BR4 Auct


Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412152607 BR4 Auct

Sat 09:00-09:30 45 Hannaford St

Luton Properties - Dickson

Thu 17:30-18:00 42 Spica St

Ray White - Belconnen

0408415054 BR3 Auct

Sat 09:30-10:15 51 Canopus Cres

Morrissey Property Pty Ltd

0433622600 BR1 $287k

Sat 13:00-13:30 5 Baracchi Cres

LJ Hooker - Manuka

Wed18:00-18:30 46 Smalley Cct

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

Sat 11:00-11:30 14 Denoon St

Luton Properties

0405404792 BR5 Auct

Sat 11:00-12:00 3 Volpato St

Stuart James Real estate

0414249449 BR4 $749k

Sat 10:00-10:30 40/100 Chewings St


0428681270 BR3 $355k

Wed17:30-18:00 14 Denoon St

Sat 10:30-11:00 11/14 Earle Pl

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0400485204 BR2 $370k


Sat 11:00-11:30 4 Ogilby Cres


0428681270 BR4 Neg

0411092990 BR3 $670k+

Sat 12:00-13:00 Request address

For Sale By Owner Australia

0437588960 BR3 $550k

0402901188 BR4 Auct


HAWKER Sat 11:00-11:30 6/3 Bonrook St

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

Sat 11:30-12:00 13/153 Murranji St

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0432365184 BR2 $258k

0422207178 BR2 $249k

0414962066 BR3 $425k

Thu 18:00-18:30 9 Lovekin Pl

Tue 17:30-18:15 28 Dunbar St


0434973987 BR5 Auct


LJ Hooker Kippax - Holt


0400509262 BR3 $460k 0405135009 BR4 $705k

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0414382093 BR3 Auct

Thu 17:00-17:30 3 Stralia Pl

0408446793 BR4 $675k

Southern Property - Mitchell Luton Properties - Dickson

Sat 10:00-10:45 12 Sanford Pl


Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0407808717 BR4 Auct

Sat 13:15-14:00 1/4 Sophia St Sat 14:30-15:00 15 Lander Cres

Sat 10:45-11:30 45 Wakool Cct

0417259599 BR3 $420k+

FRASER Sat 12:00-12:40 3 Nish Pl

Ray White - Belconnen LJ Hooker Kippax - Holt

0409300065 BR3 $375k

FLYNN Sat 10:45-11:30 42 Spalding St

Sat 11:00-11:30 117 Starke St Sat 11:30-12:00 4 Bunton Pl

Sat 11:15-12:00 20 Bathurst Pl 0404491413 BR4 Auct



Thu 16:00-16:30 50 Hilda Kincaid Cres BarrettELTON - Canberra


0418628043 BR4 Auct

Thu 17:15-18:00 177 Oodgeroo Ave

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0262133999 BR5 $875k

Sat 11:00-11:45 41 Oodgeroo Ave


0407777601 BR4 $660k

Sat 12:00-12:45 20 Petherick St


0407777601 BR2 $389k

Sat 09:30-10:00 13 Mollison St

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0414807170 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:40 138 Oodgeroo Ave

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0408219148 BR5 Auct

Sat 10:45-11:15 7/7 Keith St

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0432365184 BR1 $195k

Sat 15:00-15:30 24 Alec Hope Cres

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0262133999 BR4 $1.1M

Sat 14:30-15:15 22 Barlow St

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0439795369 BR3 offers

Sun 11:00-11:30 177 Oodgeroo Ave

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0262133999 BR5 $875k

open homes – for sale

provided by For a free open homes listing, speak to your agent today.


Sat 10:00-15:00

Sat 09:45-10:30 32/1 Gungahlin Pl

Independent Property Group

0418632217 BR1 $285k

Sat 11:45-12:30 330A Gundaroo Drv

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0429125492 BR5 $690k

Sat 13:00-16:00 Uptown Hinder St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0402914037 BR1 $259k+

Sat 13:00-13:30 3/350 Gundaroo Drv

Badenoch Real Estate

0412898690 BR2 $354k

Sun 09:00-15:00 Uptown Hinder St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0402914037 BR1 $259k+

Sun 13:00-13:30 8 Swain St

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0262133999 BR5 $899k

HARRISON Sat 09:30-10:00 45/144 Flemington Rd Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0410633247 BR2 $289k

Sat 10:00-10:45 32 Eric Mawson St

Badenoch Real Estate

0412898690 BR4 Auct

2 Symphony Park Sat 10:00-15:00 Sapling St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0408488148 BR2 $257k+

1 Symphony Park Sapling St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0408488148 BR1 $257k

162 Flemington Rd 'Hudson Square'

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

Sat 10:00-15:00 Sat 11:00-16:00

0414332778 BR1 $265k

2 Symphony Park Sun 10:00-15:00 Sapling St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0408488148 BR2 $257k+

1 Symphony Park Sun 10:00-15:00 Sapling St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0408488148 BR1 $257k

162 Flemington Rd Sun 11:00-16:00 'Hudson Square'

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0414332778 BR1 $265k

JACKA Sat 12:30-13:00 6 Ouaida St

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0402842291 BR4 $584k

Sat 10:00-10:45 33 Toppano St

Stuart James Real estate

0414249449 BR3 $560k

Sat 10:00-10:45 16 Yamma Way

Stuart James Real estate

0414249449 BR4 $599k

Sat 10:00-10:45 37 Toppano St

Stuart James Real estate

0414249449 BR4 $594k

Sat 10:00-10:45 61 Malton Way

Stuart James Real estate

0414249449 BR4 $610k

Sat 11:00-13:00 0 Block P Section A5

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0402761634 BR3 $475k+

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0408488148 BR4 $510k

Sat 13:15-13:45 17 Ken Tribe St

EthicsReal Estate.com.au

0425841671 BR4 $875k

Sat 13:30-15:00 Request address

PRDnationwide - Braddon

0414962066 BR3 $435k

Sat 13:30-15:00 25 Chanter Tce

PRDnationwide - Braddon

0414962066 BR4 $635k

Sat 13:30-15:00 34 Arthur Blakeley Way PRDnationwide - Braddon

0414962066 BR3 $524k

Thu 17:30-18:00 13 Riley Cl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0433338429 BR3 $389k

Luton Properties - Dickson

0409300065 BR3 $439k

Sat 10:00-10:30 3 Milari St

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0488164426 BR4 $790k

Sat 10:30-11:30 67/42 Paul Coe Cres

Southern Property - MITCHELL 0400509262 BR3 $369k

Sat 11:10-11:40 13 Riley Cl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0433338429 BR3 $389k

Sat 11:15-11:45 8 Carara Cl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0418215878 BR3 $380k

Sat 12:30-13:30 46 Hughes Cres

Australis Realty - GRIFFITH

0261617827 BR3 $554k

Sat 13:00-13:40 36/54 Paul Coe Cres

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0408219148 BR2 $329k

Sat 13:00-13:30 20 Burraly Crt

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR3 $459k

Sat 14:30-15:00 16 Cobby St

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR4 Auct

Sun 12:45-13:15 52 Rosenthal St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0413621131 BR4 Auct

Sun 11:00-13:00 Request address

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0409574178 BR5 Auct

Wed18:00-18:30 43 Waller Cres


Sun 11:15-12:00 7 Janine Haines Tce

0411414624 BR3 Auct

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

WRIGHT LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0429125492 BR6 $792k

Sat 11:00-16:00

Sat 10:30-11:00 24 Argus St 1 Northpoint Philip Hodgins St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0400853501 BR2 $269k+

Sun 11:00-16:00

1 Northpoint Philip Hodgins St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0400853501 BR2 $269k+

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0408128940 BR5 Auct

Wed18:00-18:30 32 Serventy St


ACTON 313/19 Marcus Clarke St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0407715244 BR3 $975k

Visit us at one of our display offices ljhookerprojects.com.au AINSLIE 0414819377 BR3 $680k

Wed12:00-12:30 10A Ebden St

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BR4 Auct


0428681270 BR3 $500k

BRADDON Thu 11:00-14:00 32 'Yamaroshi' Mort St LJ Hooker - Canberra City Thu 11:00-14:00

Sat 13:15-14:00 30 Freda Bennett Cct

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0414382093 BR4 Auct

Sat 14:30-15:00 4/107 Lexcen Ave

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BR3 $485k

Sat 16:00-16:40 5 Waine Pl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0408219148 BR4 Auct

PALMERSTON Thu 17:30-18:15 31 Kosciuszko Ave

Luton Properties - Belconnen

0424276109 BR4 Auct

Sat 09:00-09:45 3 Arid Pl

Luton Properties - Dickson

0434973987 BR5 Auct

25-29 Palko Lonsdale St

0402914037 BR1 $429k+

Sat 11:00-15:00 6-8 Cape St

Independent Property Group

0418632217 BR2 $424k+

Sat 13:30-14:00 2 McGowan Pl

StepInside - CANBERRA

0408868511 BR0 $359k+

Sat 13:45-14:15 29 Wilshire St

Wright Dunn Real Estate

0418623352 BR3 Neg

Sun 11:00-13:30 6-8 Cape St

Independent Property Group

0418632217 BR2 $424k+

Sun 11:00-13:30 6-8 Cape St

Independent Property Group

0418632217 BR1 $344k+

Sun 11:00-13:30 6-8 Cape St

Independent Property Group

0418632217 BR3 $569k+

Tue 12:45-13:15 29 Wilshire St

Wright Dunn Real Estate

0418623352 BR3 Neg

Thu 17:00-17:45 3/84 Blacket St

McGrath - Dickson

0414819377 BR3 Neg

Thu 17:00-17:45 2 Berry St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0429487939 BR3 Auct

Thu 17:00-17:30 31 Legge St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0413883561 BR5 $770k

Sat 09:30-10:15 101 Atherton St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0429487939 BR4 Auct

Sat 09:30-10:00 2/63 Melba St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0429487939 BR1 $245k

Sat 10:15-11:00 2 Berry St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0429487939 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:00-11:45 32 Cadell St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0414623876 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:15-12:00 24 Edkins St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0429487939 BR3 Auct

Sat 13:30-14:00 102 Melba St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0409300065 BR4 Auct

Sat 13:30-14:00 145 Antill St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0429487939 BR3 Auct

Mon16:45-17:30 24 Edkins St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0429487939 BR3 Auct

Tue 16:00-16:45 145 Antill St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0429487939 BR3 Auct

Tue 17:00-17:45 2 Berry St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0429487939 BR3 Auct

Wed16:30-17:15 101 Atherton St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0429487939 BR4 Auct

Wed17:00-17:30 32 Cadell St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0414623876 BR3 Auct

Wed17:30-18:00 24 Edkins St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0429487939 BR3 Auct


Thu 19:00-19:30 160/1 Mouat St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0403169259 BR3 Auct

Sat 09:30-10:00 3 De Burgh St

Paul and Robyn Sutton Prop

0407099175 BR3 Neg

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0402914037 BR1 $479k+

Sat 10:00-15:00

25-29 Palko Lonsdale St

0409300065 BR2 $495k

Sat 12:00-12:30 6/211 Kosciuszko Ave LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0475983079 BR2 $319k

Sat 10:00-15:00 32 'Yamaroshi' Mort St LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0402914037 BR1 $429k+

Sat 12:00-12:30 2/4 Flora Pl

0433338429 BR3 $360k

Sat 10:00-10:30 408/51 Mort St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0262320100 BR1 $395k

608/74 Northbourne Sat 11:00-12:00 Ave

Luton Properties - Dickson

0418961556 BR2 $444k

0408488148 BR4 $430k

0418632217 BR3 $569k+

0425544664 BR2 $400k

0262320100 BR1 $441k

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0418632217 BR1 $344k+

Independent Property Group

Ray White

Luton Properties - Dickson

Block 1 Section 28 Kardia

Independent Property Group

Sat 09:45-10:15 15/28-32 Torrens St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

Sat 10:00-15:00

Sat 11:00-15:00 6-8 Cape St Sat 11:00-15:00 6-8 Cape St

0402914037 BR1 $429k+

Sat 10:00-10:30 27/16 Doonkuna St



Fri 11:00-14:00 32 'Yamaroshi' Mort St LJ Hooker - Canberra City

Sat 10:00-10:30 405/51 Mort St


0417710772 BR2 Auct 0412898690 BR2 $645k

0402914037 BR1 $479k+

25-29 Palko Lonsdale St

0449557073 BR3 $348k

0434973987 BR5 Auct

Ray White - Woden Badenoch Real Estate

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

Fri 11:00-14:00

0424276109 BR4 Auct

Luton Properties - Dickson

Sat 11:15-11:45 31/2 Edinburgh Ave Sat 14:00-14:30 89/2 Edinburgh Ave

0410633247 BR1 $340k

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

Tue 17:30-18:00 3 Arid Pl

0431543649 BR2 $630k

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

Luton Properties - Belconnen

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0414382093 BR4 Auct

0431543649 BR2 $630k

McGrath - Dickson

0402914037 BR1 $479k+

Sat 10:00-10:30 4/21 Halifax Cl

Sat 12:00-12:45 27 Tiptree Cres

McGrath - Dickson

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

303/86-88 Thu 16:45-17:10 Northbourne Ave

Sat 11:15-12:00 31 Kosciuszko Ave

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

Fri 12:00-12:30 722/240 Bunda St Sat 10:00-10:30 722/240 Bunda St


0418620735 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:15-12:45 11 Ibis St

0413621131 BR4 Auct

0414962066 BR3 $435k

Luton Properties - Woden


0418626254 BR4 Auct

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0414962066 BR3 $524k

McGrath - Dickson

0261617827 BR3 $554k

LJ Hooker - Manuka

PRDnationwide - Braddon

Sat 14:00-14:30 10A Ebden St

Australis Realty - GRIFFITH

Thu 12:30-13:00 16 Cobby St Sat 12:15-13:00 52 Rosenthal St

Sun 11:00-13:00 34 Arthur Blakeley Way PRDnationwide - Braddon

Sat 15:00-15:30 125 Hannan Cres

Sun 12:30-13:30 46 Hughes Cres


0414962066 BR4 $635k

0417710772 BR4 $655k

0429487939 BR3 $389k

0402914037 BR1 $479k+

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

PRDnationwide - Braddon

0417710772 BR4 $665k

Luton Properties - Dickson

0402914037 BR1 $429k+

25-29 Palko Sun 10:00-15:00 Lonsdale St

Sun 11:00-13:00 25 Chanter Tce

Ray White - Woden

Sun 10:30-11:00 1/23 Tipiloura St

Sun 10:00-15:00 32 'Yamaroshi' Mort St LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0408488148 BR4 $430k

Ray White - Woden

0408219148 BR3 $590k

0418198891 BR1 $345k

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

Sat 13:15-13:45 31 Anakie Crt

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0428486692 BR1 $310k

Block 1 Section 28 Sun 10:00-15:00 Kardia

0408488148 BR4 $510k

Sat 13:15-13:45 29 Anakie Crt Sat 14:00-14:40 13 Colleano St

Luton Properties - Manuka

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

NGUNNAWAL Sat 10:00-10:30 19 Mundang Cres

Sat 14:15-14:45 8/60 Henty St Sat 16:00-16:30 917/17 Dooring St

Block 1 Section 28 Kardia

Sun 10:00-15:00

Sat 10:45-11:15


Block 1 Section 28 Kardia

Sat 11:00-11:30 94 Mackenzie St

Wright Dunn Real Estate

0439780301 BR4 Neg

Sat 11:00-11:30 60 Rivett St

McGrath - Dickson

0414819377 BR3 Neg

Tue 17:00-17:30 94 Mackenzie St

Wright Dunn Real Estate

0439780301 BR4 Neg

LYNEHAM Sat 11:00-11:30 160/1 Mouat St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0403169259 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:00-12:15 26 De Burgh St

Independent Property Group

0404895162 BR2 $379k+

Sat 11:00-11:30 132 Wattle St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0411367700 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 9 Lewin St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0411367700 BR4 Auct

Thu 12:30-13:00 1 Tate St

McGrath - Dickson

0419624766 BR4 Neg

Thu 17:00-17:45 13 Swainsona St

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0414382093 BR3 Auct


Sat 11:00-11:30 10/50 Lowanna St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0408219148 BR2 Neg.

Thu 17:30-18:00 10 Scrivener St

One Agency Crane Properties 0422927671 BR4 Neg

Sat 11:00-11:45 36/43 Ijong St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0411414624 BR3 Auct

Sat 09:00-09:30 73 Boronia Drv

LJ Hooker - Manuka

Sat 13:00-13:30 40/28 Mort St

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0488164426 BR1 $395k

Sat 09:15-10:00 13 Swainsona St

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0414382093 BR3 Auct

Sat 09:30-10:00 57 Boronia Drv

McGrath - Dickson

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0410633247 BR1 $340k

Sat 10:00-10:30 10 Scrivener St

One Agency Crane Properties 0422927671 BR4 Neg

Sat 13:20-13:45

303/86-88 Northbourne Ave

0418626254 BR3 Auct

0419624766 BR3 Neg


open homes – for sale

provided by For a free open homes listing, speak to your agent today.

Sat 11:30-12:30 12 Blackbutt St

Independent Property Group

0404895162 BR5 Auct

Wed17:30-18:00 88 Dominion Cct

Sat 12:00-12:30 12 Blackbutt St

Independent Property Group

0404895162 BR5 Auct


Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0400545343 BR5 EOI

Sat 12:00-12:30 11/16 Macpherson St Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0412622420 BR2 $420k

Sat 13:00-13:45 34 Jarrah St

Independent Property Group

0404895162 BR5 Auct

Sat 14:00-14:30 24/4 Verdon St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0439952857 BR2 Auct

Sat 10:30-11:00 30/23 State Circle

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0412622420 BR2 Neg

Sun 12:00-12:30 1 Tate St

McGrath - Dickson

0419624766 BR4 Neg

Sat 11:00-11:30 3/5 Arthur Circle

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0402943191 BR3 $1.5M+

Wed17:30-18:00 73 Boronia Drv

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR3 Auct

REID Thu 17:45-18:30 64 Coranderrk St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0416014431 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30

9/14 New South Wales Luton Properties - Tuggeranong 0428139969 BR1 $469k Cres

Sat 11:00-11:30 9A Ducane St

Luton Properties - Tuggeranong 0428139969 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:45 22 Tennyson Cres

Luton Properties - Manuka

0418198891 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:45 9 Dampier Cres

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0401005282 BR5 Auct

0405135009 BR5 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30 64 Coranderrk St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0416014431 BR4 Auct


Sat 13:30-14:00 54 Euree St

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BR4 Auct

Thu 12:30-13:00 140 La Perouse St

Luton Properties - Dickson

Wed12:45-13:15 54 Euree St

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BR4 Auct

TURNER Thu 12:00-12:30 52 Macleay St Thu 12:15-13:00

Paul and Robyn Sutton Prop

0407099175 BR1 Neg

18/219a Northbourne Peter Blackshaw Real Estate Ave

0412152607 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:50-11:20 17 Hackett Gardens Sat 11:00-11:45 45 Nicholson Cres

McGrath - Dickson

0419624766 BR3 Neg

Your Hot Property - Caringbah 0280880757 BR3 $1.0M

Sat 09:00-09:45 9 Bass Gardens

Luton Properties - Manuka

0418697844 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:15-10:45 1/11 Giles

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0418632279 BR2 $395k

Sat 10:30-11:00 16 Landsborough St

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:45-12:30 140 La Perouse St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0405135009 BR5 Auct

Sat 11:45-12:15 66/6-10 Eyre St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0262320100 BR2 $420k

Sat 13:00-13:30 76 La Perouse St

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR4 Auct

Sat 13:15-14:00 6/72 Canberra Ave

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0413621131 BR2 $575k

Sat 11:15-12:00 18 Masson St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0413621131 BR3 Auct

Sat 15:00-15:45 120 La Perouse St

Ray White - Kingston

0418266698 BR5 Auct

Sat 11:30-12:30 52 Macleay St

Paul and Robyn Sutton Prop

0407099175 BR1 Neg

Sat 16:00-16:30 12/9 Oxley St

Ray White - Kingston

0418266698 BR2 $410k+

Sat 12:00-12:30 52 Macleay St

Paul and Robyn Sutton Prop

0407099175 BR1 Neg

Tue 12:30-13:00 140 La Perouse St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0405135009 BR5 Auct

Sat 12:30-13:00

18/219a Northbourne Peter Blackshaw Real Estate Ave

0412152607 BR3 Auct

Tue 12:30-13:00 9 Bass Gardens

Luton Properties - Manuka

0418697844 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:30-13:00

103/77 Northbourne Ave

Pinnacle Real Estate

0447009505 BR1 $350k

Sat 12:30-13:00

143/77 Northbourne Ave

Pinnacle Real Estate

0447009505 BR1 $355k

Sat 13:00-13:30 7 Macleay St

Wright Dunn Real Estate

0418623352 BR4 Neg

Sat 14:15-14:45 30/3 Towns Cres

Ray White - Woden

0417710772 BR1 $399k

Sun 12:00-12:30 18 Masson St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0413621131 BR3 Auct

Tue 12:00-12:30 7 Macleay St

Wright Dunn Real Estate

0418623352 BR4 Neg

Tue 12:00-12:30

18/219a Northbourne Peter Blackshaw Real Estate Ave

KINGSTON Thu 17:30-18:15 65/11 Eastlake Pde

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412152607 BR2 Auct

WATSON Thu 17:30-18:00 20 Simpson St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0410633247 BR4 Auct

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0413621131 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30 119 Knox St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0409300065 BR3 $630k

Sat 10:45-11:15 44/21 Aspinall St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0409300065 BR2 $319k

Sat 11:00-11:30 32/35 Tay St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0416014431 BR1 $293k

Sat 11:45-12:15 31 Blair St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0434973987 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 76 Irvine St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0412971635 BR3 Auct

68/39 Jerrabomberra Ray White - Kingston Ave

Sun 11:00-11:30 8/21 Keira St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0261617827 BR1 $299k 0418266698 BR1 $385k+ 0408446793 BR2 $599k

Sun 14:30-16:00 39 Jerrabomberra Ave Australis Realty - GRIFFITH

0261617827 BR1 $375k

Sun 14:30-16:00 39 Jerrabomberra Ave Australis Realty - GRIFFITH

0261617827 BR1 $299k

Tue 18:00-18:30 51 Warramoo Cres

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0402943191 BR3 Auct

Wed17:30-18:00 21 Vaughan Gardens

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR3 Auct

RED HILL Thu 12:30-13:00 121 Monaro Cres

Luton Properties - Manuka

0418198891 BR5 Auct

Sat 11:00-11:45 18 Beagle St

Ray White - Kingston

0418266698 BR4 Auct

Sat 11:15-12:00 179 Monaro Cres

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412631763 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:30-12:00 17 Charlotte St

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:30-13:00 7 Roebuck St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412631763 BR4 Auct

Sat 13:00-13:45 43 Endeavour St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412488027 BR4 Auct

Sat 13:00-13:45 121 Monaro Cres

Luton Properties - Manuka

0418198891 BR5 Auct

Sat 14:00-14:45 8/180 Monaro Cres

Cream Residential - Hughes

0418620686 BR3 $565k+

Sat 14:15-15:00 1/35 Esperance St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0418632279 BR3 $1.0M

Sat 15:30-16:00 26 Fishburn St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412411422 BR5 Auct

Tue 17:30-18:00 18 Beagle St

Ray White - Kingston

0418266698 BR4 Auct

Wed17:00-17:30 179 Monaro Cres

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412631763 BR3 Auct

SYMONSTON Sat 14:30-15:00 68 Banksia Drv

0412152607 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:45 106/215 Aspinall St

Sat 14:30-16:00 39 Jerrabomberra Ave Australis Realty - GRIFFITH Sat 16:00-16:30

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0432365184 BR3 $248k

YARRALUMLA Fri 11:00-11:30 8 Kintore Cres

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0408662119 BR5 Neg

Sat 09:30-10:00 11 MacDonnell St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412726025 BR4 Neg

Sat 10:15-10:45 4/65 Musgrave St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0401005282 BR3 $1.4M

Sat 11:00-11:45 22A Novar St

Independent Property Group

0418101213 BR3 Auct

Sat 13:45-14:30 1/62 Schlich St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0414623876 BR3 Auct

Sat 14:30-15:15 5/65 Musgrave St

Luton Properties - Manuka

0418697844 BR4 Auct

Sat 15:30-16:00 49 Bailey Pl

Luton Properties - Manuka

0418697844 BR5 Auct

Mon17:00-17:30 49 Bailey Pl

Luton Properties - Manuka

0418697844 BR5 Auct

Tue 17:00-17:30 5/65 Musgrave St

Luton Properties - Manuka

0418697844 BR4 Auct

Wed12:30-13:00 1/62 Schlich St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0414623876 BR3 Auct

Wed16:30-17:00 49 Bailey Pl

Luton Properties - Manuka

0418697844 BR5 Auct


BANKS Fri 13:00-13:30 37/11 Trevillian Quay

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR2 $589k

Thu 17:10-17:40 1 Hall Pl

BarrettELTON - Canberra

0414281078 BR3 $310k

Sat 11:00-11:30 32 Wiburd St

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0414665626 BR3 $390k

Sat 12:45-13:15 27/21 Aspinall St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0412971635 BR2 $330k

Sat 09:30-10:00 36/9 Howitt St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0418632279 BR2 $399k

Sat 12:00-12:30 17 House Cct

Ray White - Woden

0410006528 BR4 Auct

Sat 14:15-14:45 6 Higinbotham St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0409300065 BR5 $935k

Sat 10:00-10:45 32/10 Burke Cres

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418832091 BR1 $369k

Sat 13:30-14:00 2/7-9 Troughton St

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0418215792 BR2 $299k 0412773938 BR3 $400k

Sat 15:15-16:00 20 Simpson St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0410633247 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:30-11:00 2/31 Giles St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412488027 BR3 Auct

Sat 14:00-14:30 7/41 Bellchambers CresLJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

Sun 11:00-11:30 106/215 Aspinall St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0413621131 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:00-12:15 77 Leichhardt St

Independent Property Group

0404895162 BR1 $454k

Sat 15:30-16:15 16 Mathews Pl

Cream Residential - Hughes

0437309680 BR4 Auct

Wed18:00-18:30 76 Irvine St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0412971635 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:00-11:30 49/10 Burke Cres

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0418632279 BR1 $389k

Sun 12:30-13:00 2/7-9 Troughton St

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0418215792 BR2 $299k



BARTON Sat 10:00-10:45 64/14 National Cct

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412631763 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:45-11:15 45/3 Burbury Cl

Luton Properties - Manuka

0417646417 BR2 $595k+

Sat 11:15-12:00 6 Young St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412152607 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 27/1 Sydney Ave

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0401005282 BR2 $819k

Sat 12:30-13:00 10/7 Sydney Ave

PRDnationwide - Braddon

0418429470 BR2 $615k

Wed12:30-13:15 64/14 National Cct

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412631763 BR3 Auct

DEAKIN Thu 12:00-12:45 22 Beauchamp St

Ray White - Kingston

0418266698 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:45 22 Beauchamp St

Ray White - Kingston

0418266698 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30 15 Lawley St

Luton Properties - Manuka

0419208244 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:30-12:15 88 Dominion Cct

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0400545343 BR5 EOI

Sat 13:00-13:30 4/51 Newdegate St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0401005282 BR2 $429k

Sat 11:45-12:15 10/6 Howitt St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0407715244 BR3 $530k

Sat 12:00-12:30 63/21 Dawes St

Wright Dunn Real Estate

0418623352 BR1 $485k

Sat 14:15-14:45 71/11 Trevillian Quay

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR2 $895k

Sat 14:30-15:00 20/18 Currie Cres

Luton Properties - Manuka

0419208244 BR2 $619k

Sat 15:15-16:00 65/11 Eastlake Pde

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412152607 BR2 Auct

Sun 12:45-13:30 54 Kennedy St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0411414624 BR3 Auct

NARRABUNDAH 0412997894 BR3 Auct

Thu 17:00-17:30 28 Tenison Woods Cct LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0409574178 BR3 Auct

Sat 09:00-09:30 24/38 Ebenezer St

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BR3 $449k

Pinnacle Real Estate

0447009505 BR2 $310k

Sat 11:00-11:40 2/18 Derrington Cres

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0413188619 BR3 $390k

Sat 13:00-13:30 40 Don Dunstan Drv

McGrath - Dickson

Sat 10:00-10:45

8/15 Tenison-woods Cct

Wed18:00-18:30 28 Tenison Woods Cct LJ Hooker - Canberra City

Thu 17:00-17:45 64 Caley Cres

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

Sat 10:00-10:30 19/41 Leahy Cl

Ray White - Woden

0410006528 BR2 Auct

Sat 10:15-10:45 21 Vaughan Gardens

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:45 2 Cathie Pl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0410633247 BR4 $700k

Sat 11:00-11:45 5/31 Tallara Parkway

Luton Properties - Manuka

0417513896 BR3 Auct

Sat 13:00-13:30 67 Duggan St

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0438924400 BR3 $445k

Sat 11:30-12:15 23/21 Keira St

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0418285797 BR3 Neg

Sat 12:00-12:45 44 Finniss Cres

Ray White - Kingston

0418266698 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:15-13:00 36 Bungonia St

Luton Properties - Manuka

0417513896 BR2 Auct

CALWELL Sat 13:00-14:30 12 Langlands Cl

Independent Property Group

0418622566 BR3 $369k

Sat 13:30-14:00 2 Carpenter Cl

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0430435330 BR4 Auct

Sun 13:30-14:30 12 Langlands Cl

Independent Property Group

0418622566 BR3 $369k

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0412773938 BR3 Neg

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0417259599 BR5 Auct

Sat 14:00-14:30 89 Newdegate St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0401005282 BR4 Auct

Sat 13:00-13:00 36 Bungonia St

Luton Properties - Manuka

0417513896 BR2 Auct


Sat 15:30-16:00 21 Macartney Cres

Luton Properties - Manuka

0418697844 BR3 Auct

Sat 13:00-13:45 51 Warramoo Cres

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0402943191 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:30-13:00 23 Laughton St

Sun 12:30-13:00 34/29-31 State Circle LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0400485204 BR2 $570k

Sat 13:00-13:45 20 Tallara Parkway

Ray White - Kingston

0418266698 BR4 Auct


Tue 17:00-17:30 21 Macartney Cres

0418697844 BR3 Auct

Sat 14:30-16:00 39 Jerrabomberra Ave Australis Realty - GRIFFITH

0261617827 BR1 $375k

Thu 17:30-18:00 1 Loureiro St


Luton Properties - Manuka

0419715736 BR5 Neg 0409574178 BR3 Auct

open homes – for sale

provided by For a free open homes listing, speak to your agent today.

Sat 12:45-13:15 67 James Smith Cct

Ray White - Woden

0410006528 BR3 $420k

Mon12:00-14:00 Request address


1800422606 BR2 $389k

Sat 10:00-10:45 6 Cope Pl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0404066119 BR3 Auct

Sat 13:15-13:45 20 Loureiro St

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0412773938 BR4 Auct

Mon12:00-14:00 Request address


1800422606 BR3 $649k

Sat 10:00-10:45 40 Halfrey Cct

Luton Properties - Dickson

0405135009 BR4 Auct

Sat 14:00-14:45 1 Loureiro St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0417259599 BR5 Auct

Mon12:00-14:00 Request address


1800422606 BR3 $545k

Sat 11:00-11:30 25/50 Embling St

One Agency Mark McCann

0423900640 BR2 $350k

Wed17:30-18:00 20 Loureiro St

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0412773938 BR4 Auct

Tue 12:00-14:00 Request address


1800422606 BR2 $389k

Sat 11:00-11:30 10/17 Ashley Drv

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0409446289 BR1 $399k

FADDEN Sat 13:00-13:30 9 Hilton Cl

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0407715244 BR3 $600k

GILMORE Sat 13:15-13:45 2/12 Penton Pl

Luton Properties

0410481260 BR3 $499k


Tue 12:00-14:00 Request address


1800422606 BR1 $309k

Sat 12:00-12:30 13 Adamson Cres

One Agency Mark McCann

0423900640 BR4 $630k

Tue 12:00-14:00 Request address


1800422606 BR2 $509k

Sat 13:20-14:00 1/26 Longmore Cres

McGrath - Woden

0418624913 BR4 $360k

Tue 12:00-14:00 Request address


1800422606 BR3 $649k

Tue 12:00-14:00 Request address


1800422606 BR3 $545k

Wed12:00-14:00 Request address


1800422606 BR3 $545k

Wed12:00-14:00 Request address


1800422606 BR1 $309k

Thu 17:30-18:15 11 Tallon Pl

Paul and Robyn Sutton Prop

0407099175 BR3 $420k

Wed12:00-14:00 Request address


1800422606 BR3 $649k

Thu 17:30-18:00 18 Mina Wylie Cres

One Agency Sandy Morris

0420380895 BR4 Neg

Wed12:00-14:00 Request address


1800422606 BR2 $389k

Sat 10:00-10:40 12 McKivat Cl

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0413188619 BR3 $439k

Wed12:00-14:00 Request address


1800422606 BR2 $509k

Sat 10:00-10:30 8 Price Pl

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0418215792 BR4 Auct


Sat 11:00-11:40 19/3 Riddle Pl

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0458726579 BR2 $340k

Sat 12:00-12:45 83 Jim Pike Ave

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0416227666 BR3 $380k+

Sat 12:00-13:00 11 Favell Pl

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0414807170 BR4 Auct

Sat 13:00-13:40 77 Woodfull Loop

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0413188619 BR4 $595k

Sat 13:30-14:00 9/9 Ferry Pl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0411414624 BR2 Auct

Sat 14:00-14:45 16 Clem Hill St

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0416227666 BR5 $690k

Sat 15:00-15:30 26 Preddey Way

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0408662119 BR3 Auct


Sun 10:00-10:45 11 Tallon Pl

Paul and Robyn Sutton Prop

0407099175 BR3 $420k


Thu 17:00-17:45 46 Keverstone Cct

Cream Residential - Hughes


CHAPMAN Sat 10:30-11:00 1 Rene St

Cream Residential - Hughes

0418620686 BR3 Auct

Sat 13:00-13:40 37 Kathner St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0408848622 BR5 Auct

Sat 14:30-15:30 2 Tauchert St

Independent Property Group

0420682397 BR4 Auct

Sun 11:00-12:00 2 Tauchert St

Independent Property Group

0420682397 BR4 Auct

Sun 14:00-14:45 54 Monkman St

Luton Properties - Manuka

0419208244 BR4 $1.6M

Tue 12:30-13:00 37 Kathner St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0408848622 BR5 Auct

0437309680 BR3 $405k+

Wed17:30-18:00 37 Kathner St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0408848622 BR5 Auct


Sat 11:00-11:40 197 Ellerston Ave

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0411748805 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:45-13:15 26 Kerkeri Cl

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0418632279 BR3 $400k

Sun 10:00-10:45 23 Marengo Pl

Paul and Robyn Sutton Prop

0407099175 BR3 $415k

Sun 11:00-11:40 197 Ellerston Ave

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

0411748805 BR4 Auct

Sat 11:00-11:30 6 Tong Pl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0402064504 BR5 $615k

Sat 11:00-11:40 6 Rudder Pl

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0417263678 BR4 $720k

Sat 11:15-11:45 5 Chirnside Pl

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0438924400 BR4 Neg

Sat 12:00-12:40 37 Allchin Cct

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0417263678 BR4 $589k

Sat 11:00-11:30 16 Burdekin St

Luton Properties

0411878587 BR3 Auct

Sun 11:00-11:30 31 Cargelligo St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0411414624 BR4 $920k

Tue 17:00-17:30 16 Burdekin St

Luton Properties

0411878587 BR3 Auct

FISHER Thu 17:30-18:00 8 Maranboy St

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0428486692 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:40 39 Rossarden St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

Sat 11:15-12:15 8 Maranboy St

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0428486692 BR3 Auct

0408848622 BR4 Auct

Thu 12:00-14:00 Request address


1800422606 BR1 $309k

Thu 12:00-17:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0408488148 BR1 $269k

Sat 14:00-14:40 27 Andamooka St

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0417263678 BR4 Auct

Thu 12:00-14:00 Request address


1800422606 BR3 $649k

Sat 15:30-16:00 205A Badimara St

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR2 $459k

Thu 12:00-14:00 Request address


1800422606 BR2 $509k

Sun 11:30-12:00 8 Maranboy St

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0428486692 BR3 Auct Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

Thu 12:00-14:00 Request address


1800422606 BR2 $389k

Tue 17:30-18:00 39 Rossarden St

Thu 12:00-14:00 Request address


1800422606 BR3 $545k


Thu 12:00-17:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0408488148 BR2 $359k

Sat 10:00-10:30 3 Winton Pl

McGrath - Dickson

0419624766 BR3 Neg

Fri 12:00-17:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0408488148 BR1 $269k

Sat 14:45-15:15 1/9 Winton Pl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0401005282 BR3 Auct

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0401005282 BR3 Auct

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0419593517 BR4 $520k

Fri 12:00-17:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0408488148 BR2 $359k

Wed17:30-18:00 1/9 Winton Pl

Fri 12:00-14:00 Request address


1800422606 BR3 $545k


Fri 12:00-14:00 Request address


1800422606 BR1 $309k

Fri 12:00-14:00 Request address


1800422606 BR2 $389k

Fri 12:00-14:00 Request address


1800422606 BR3 $649k

Fri 12:00-14:00 Request address


1800422606 BR2 $509k

Sat 10:00-16:00 Request address


1800422606 BR2 $389k

Sat 10:00-16:00 Request address


1800422606 BR2 $509k

Sat 10:00-16:00 Request address


1800422606 BR3 $545k

Sat 10:00-16:00 Request address


1800422606 BR3 $649k

Sat 10:00-16:00 Request address


1800422606 BR1 $309k

Sat 09:30-10:00 31 Angophora St


Sat 12:00-12:45 11 Moseley Pl

One Agency Sandy Morris

0420380895 BR4 $550k

Sat 13:45-14:30 12 Dinnison Cct

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0418628043 BR4 Auct

Sat 14:15-14:45 150 Boddington Cres

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0402943191 BR3 $429k

Sat 14:30-15:15 54 Bullock Cct

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0411414624 BR5 Auct

Mon17:00-17:30 12 Dinnison Cct

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0418628043 BR4 Auct

Sat 11:00-16:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0408488148 BR2 $359k

Sat 11:00-16:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0408488148 BR1 $269k

Sat 11:00-11:45 11 Clamp Pl

Pinnacle Real Estate

0447009505 BR3 $530k


Sat 12:30-14:30 69 Watermark


0409007313 BR2 $319k

Sat 11:15-12:00 20/170 Clive Steele Ave Badenoch Real Estate

Sat 12:30-14:30 61 Watermark


0409007313 BR3 $599k


Sat 12:30-14:30 94 Watermark


0409007313 BR2 $339k

Sat 12:30-14:30 26 Watermark


0409007313 BR3 $489k

Sat 09:45-10:15

15/77 Newman Morris Cct

Sat 14:00-14:30 17/14 Florence Taylor StLuton Properties - Manuka

0418697844 BR3 Auct

Sat 15:30-16:15 25 Connibere Cres

Sun 10:00-16:00 Request address

1800422606 BR2 $389k



Sun 10:00-16:00 Request address


1800422606 BR3 $545k

Sun 10:00-16:00 Request address


1800422606 BR2 $509k

Sun 10:00-16:00 Request address


1800422606 BR1 $309k

Sun 10:00-16:00 Request address


1800422606 BR3 $649k

Sun 11:00-13:00 69 Watermark


0409007313 BR2 $319k

Sun 11:00-16:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0408488148 BR2 $359k

Sun 11:00-13:00 61 Watermark


0409007313 BR3 $599k

0408848622 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:30-13:00 20 Namatjira Drv

Luton Properties

0411878587 BR4 Auct

Tue 12:15-12:45 20 Namatjira Drv

Luton Properties

0411878587 BR4 Auct

WARAMANGA Thu 18:20-18:50 5 Nemarang Cres

One Agency Sandy Morris

0420380895 BR3 Neg

Sat 15:30-16:15 8 Tiwi Pl

Paul and Robyn Sutton Prop

0407099175 BR4 Neg

Wed17:30-18:15 8 Tiwi Pl

Paul and Robyn Sutton Prop

0407099175 BR4 Neg

WESTON Sat 11:00-11:45 6 Withers Pl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0407766717 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 1 Minns Pl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0411414624 BR4 $660k


0412898690 BR2 $357k

CHIFLEY Luton Properties Cream Residential - Hughes

0411878587 BR2 $379k 0418620686 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:00-11:30 6 Austral Pl

Ray White - Woden

0410006528 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:00-11:40 9/32 Fullerton Cres

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0417263678 BR3 $340k


Sat 10:00-10:30 114 Eggleston Cres

Luton Properties - Woden

0425283588 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:00-11:30 82 Eggleston Cres

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR4 $630k

Sat 11:10-11:50 13 McDonald St

One Agency Michael Potter

0413830598 BR5 Neg

Sat 11:30-12:00 4/102 Eggleston Cres Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0411414624 BR2 $500k

Sat 13:45-14:15 5/48 Charteris Cres

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0419593517 BR2 $439k

Sat 14:00-14:30 34 Eggleston Cres

McGrath - Woden

0413503312 BR4 $899k


Sat 09:50-10:50 47 Callister Cres

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0428486692 BR3 Auct

Sat 09:00-09:45 89 Allan St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0411414624 BR2 $419k+

Sat 12:15-12:45 1/12 Burdett Cres

LJ Hooker - Tuggeranong

Sat 09:30-10:00 4 Parker St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0411414624 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:30-13:00 37 Goldfinch Cct

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

Sat 13:00-13:30 17/67 Ern Florence CresWright Dunn Real Estate

Sun 11:00-13:00 94 Watermark


0409007313 BR2 $339k

Sun 11:00-16:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0408488148 BR1 $269k

Sun 11:00-13:00 26 Watermark


0409007313 BR3 $489k


Mon12:00-14:00 Request address


1800422606 BR1 $309k

Thu 17:00-17:30 37 Sullivan Cres

One Agency Mark McCann

Mon12:00-14:00 Request address


1800422606 BR2 $509k

Sat 09:15-09:45 45 Harbison Cres

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

Sun 10:30-11:00 47 Callister Cres

0412624412 BR3 $337k 0411414624 BR3 $540k

Sat 09:50-10:10

11/141- 145 Carruthers St

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0408662119 BR2 $319k

Independent Property Group

0413909158 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:30-11:00 9/1 Waddell Pl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0400545343 BR2 $395k

Sat 11:00-11:45 32 Munro Pl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0411414624 BR4 Auct

0423900640 BR5 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:45 18 Munro St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0411414624 BR4 Auct

0401005282 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:30-13:00 36/3 Waddell Pl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0438437790 BR1 $249k+

0418623352 BR3 $365k

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0428486692 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30 44 Robertson St


open homes – for sale

provided by For a free open homes listing, speak to your agent today.

Sat 12:30-13:15 18 Macalister Cres

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0439952857 BR3 Auct

Sat 14:00-14:45 73 Barnet Cl

Sun 11:45-12:15 11 Storey St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0411414624 BR4 Auct

Wed17:00-17:30 18 Macalister Cres

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0439952857 BR3 Auct


FARRER Thu 17:00-17:30 186 Beasley St Sat 12:00-12:45 186 Beasley St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0402230057 BR4 Auct 0402230057 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:30-13:00 4 Werribee Cres

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0408662119 BR4 $799k

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0417263678 BR3 $699k

Sat 13:15-14:00 30 Pridham St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0411414624 BR3 Auct

Sat 14:15-15:00 23 Hagelthorn St

Independent Property Group

0404895162 BR5 Auct

Sun 11:00-11:45 186 Beasley St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0402230057 BR4 Auct

GARRAN Thu 12:30-13:15 3 Brady Pl

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0418285797 BR5 Neg

Thu 17:00-17:30 5 Brereton St

Luton Properties - Manuka

0418198891 BR4 Auct

Thu 17:30-18:00 10 Gilmore Cres

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0418661980 BR4 Auct

Sat 09:30-10:00 5 Brereton St

Luton Properties - Manuka

0418198891 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30 20 Robson St

Luton Properties

0411878587 BR4 Auct

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0418661980 BR4 Auct

Sat 11:15-12:00 17 Richardson St

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0408662119 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:45-13:30 3 Brady Pl

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0418285797 BR5 Neg

Sat 14:30-15:15 36 Flanagan St

Luton Properties - Manuka

0418697844 BR4 Auct

Tue 11:45-12:15 36 Flanagan St

Luton Properties - Manuka

0418697844 BR4 Auct

Tue 16:30-17:00 17 Richardson St Wed17:00-17:30 20 Robson St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0418620686 BR2 Auct

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0408662119 BR4 Auct

Luton Properties

0411878587 BR4 Auct

Luton Properties - Manuka

0418198891 BR4 Auct

Hodgkinson Real Estate

Sat 14:15-14:45 155 London Bridge Rd Hodgkinson Real Estate

0408662119 BR3 Auct

Mates Rates Real Estate

0413884408 BR3 $529k 0416182379 BR3 Auct

Sat 09:30-10:00 19 Agnes Ave

Ray White

0402343771 BR3 Auct

Sat 09:40-10:10 24 McIntosh St

LJ Hooker - Queanbeyan

0416182379 BR4 Auct

Sat 09:45-10:15 20 Marril St

LJ Hooker - Queanbeyan

0416182379 BR6 Auct

Sat 09:45-10:15 12B/17 Uriarra Rd

Ian McNamee & Partners

0410774821 BR3 $350k

Sat 10:00-10:30 83 Stornaway Rd

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0419683599 BR3 $412k

0410583048 BR3 $429k+

Sat 10:00-10:30 14 Kinsella St

McGrath - Woden

0413503312 BR3 $499k 0429990197 BR3 $385k

0429122700 BR4 $660k 0429122700 BR4 Tend

Thu 17:45-18:15 5 Northcott St

McGrath - Woden

0429990197 BR4 $515k

Sat 10:00-10:40 11/78 Derrima Rd

McGrath - Woden

Fri 17:30-18:30 130 Munro Rd

Elders Real Estate

0418162701 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:00-11:00 21/67 McQuiod St

Spackman Real Estate

0403419132 BR2 Neg

Sat 11:00-11:30 3 Railway Ave

RE/MAX Capital - Queanbeyan 0404891591 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:30-12:30 1-8/18 Richard Ave

Ian McNamee & Partners

0437226740 BR2 $335k+ 0418162701 BR1 $125k

Sat 11:45-12:15 5 Northcott St

McGrath - Woden

0429990197 BR4 $515k

Sat 10:30-11:00 18/5 Charles St

Elders Real Estate

Sat 12:00-12:45 1 Corin Pl

Elders Real Estate

0418162701 BR7 Auct

Sat 10:30-11:00 10/43 Antill St

LJ Hooker - Queanbeyan

0419492079 BR3 $415k

0410583048 BR3 $429k+

Sat 10:30-11:00 4 Anne St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418611044 BR3 $349k

Sat 10:30-11:00 14/90 Derrima Rd

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0419497584 BR1 Auct

0418162701 BR4 $609k

Sat 10:30-11:15 34/44-46 Carrington StLJ Hooker - Queanbeyan

0438174400 BR3 $390k

Sat 10:45-11:15 3/65 Macquoid St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0419683599 BR2 $220k

Sat 13:00-15:00 1-8/2-4 McKeahnie St Independent Property Group

GOOGONG Thu 10:30-16:30 2 Ridings St

Elders Real Estate

Thu 10:30-16:30 1 Yates Way

Elders Real Estate

0418162701 BR4 $549k

Fri 10:30-16:30 1 Yates Way

Elders Real Estate

0418162701 BR4 $549k

Sat 11:00-11:30 5/5 Waterloo St

McGrath - Woden

0429990197 BR2 $399k

Fri 10:30-16:30 2 Ridings St

Elders Real Estate

0418162701 BR4 $609k

Sat 11:00-11:40 8 Montebar Row

Ray White

0425544664 BR3 $405k

Sat 10:30-16:00 2 Ridings St

Elders Real Estate

0418162701 BR4 $609k

Sat 11:00-11:45 2/16 Derrima Rd

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418832091 BR2 $225k

Sat 10:30-16:00 1 Yates Way

Elders Real Estate

0418162701 BR4 $549k

Sat 11:00-11:30 7/11-15 Campbell St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0437998509 BR2 $299k

Sun 10:30-16:00 2 Ridings St

Elders Real Estate

0418162701 BR4 $609k

Sat 11:15-11:45 6/8 Furlong Rd

LJ Hooker - Queanbeyan

0416182379 BR4 $485k

Sat 11:15-11:45 2/2 McIntosh St

Elders Real Estate

0418162701 BR2 $330k

HUGHES Sat 11:00-11:45 17 Millen St

0416182379 BR3 Auct

LJ Hooker - Manuka

LJ Hooker - Queanbeyan

CRESTWOOD Thu 16:30-17:30 1-8/2-4 McKeahnie St Independent Property Group

LJ Hooker - Queanbeyan

Sat 09:30-10:00 46 Rusten St

BURRA Sat 13:15-13:45 825 Burra Rd

Sat 09:00-09:30 14 Early St Sat 09:00-09:30 14 The Cres

Sat 09:30-10:00 5 Laura Pl

0411414624 BR3 Auct

GREATER QUEANBEYAN Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

Sat 13:00-13:40 2 Drevermann St

Sat 10:00-10:30 10 Gilmore Cres

Sat 12:15-13:00 46 Kavel St

Cream Residential - Hughes

Sat 11:15-12:00 21 Kathleen St

Ray White

0402343771 BR4 Auct

Sat 11:20-11:50 12/46 Carrington St

LJ Hooker - Queanbeyan

0419492079 BR2 $310k

Sat 12:30-13:15 11/5 Carroll St

Cream Residential - Hughes

0418620686 BR2 $270k+

Sat 11:30-12:00 122 Tharwa Rd

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0419683599 BR3 $335k

Sat 12:30-13:15 19 Conyers St

Cream Residential - Hughes

0418620686 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:40-12:10 8 Camellia Pl

Ray White

0402343771 BR4 $499k

Wed17:00-17:30 17 Millen St

Luton Properties - Manuka

0418198891 BR4 Auct

Sat 11:45-12:20 13 Urila St

LJ Hooker - Queanbeyan

0438174400 BR4 $535k

Sat 12:00-12:40 33 Christopher Cres

Ray White

0425544664 BR3 $425k

ISAACS Sat 10:00-10:40 9/60 Hansen Circ

One Agency Scott Crossman

0417292733 BR4 Auct

LYONS Thu 17:00-17:30 10/18 Devonport St

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0411092990 BR1 $350k+

Sat 10:00-10:30 7/18 Devonport St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0411414624 BR2 $499k

Sat 10:45-11:15 15/61 Launceston St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0411414624 BR3 $635k

Sat 11:15-11:45 7 Lutana St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412488027 BR3 Auct

Sat 13:00-13:30 8b/30 Glenorchy St

Ray White - Woden

0417486574 BR1 $219k

Sat 14:30-15:15 25 Deloraine St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0419593517 BR5 Auct

Sun 10:00-10:45 46 Olympus Way

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0411414624 BR4 Auct

Sun 10:00-10:45 6 Burnie St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0411414624 BR3 Auct

MAWSON Thu 17:30-18:00 38 Enderby St

Luton Properties - Woden

0413486386 BR3 Auct

Thu 17:30-18:00 12 Blake Pl

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0402082886 BR3 Neg

Thu 17:30-18:00 42 Enderby St

Luton Properties - Woden

0416017072 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:45 12 Blake Pl

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0402082886 BR3 Neg

Sat 11:00-11:30 38 Enderby St

Luton Properties - Woden

0413486386 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 42 Enderby St

Luton Properties - Woden

0416017072 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:20-13:00 16/84 Mawson Drv

McGrath - Woden

0418624913 BR2 $470k

Sat 13:00-13:45 61 Hurley St

McGrath - Woden

0429990197 BR4 Neg

Sun 10:30-16:00 1 Yates Way

Elders Real Estate

0418162701 BR4 $549k

Sun 11:00-11:30 19 Mcintyre Cres

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0410633247 BR4 $895k


Ian McNamee & Partners

0437998509 BR2 $329k

Ray White

0402343771 BR5 $779k

Sat 12:10-12:40 17/1 Mowatt St

LJ Hooker - Queanbeyan

0419492079 BR2 $257k

Sat 12:15-12:45 43 Brereton St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0419683599 BR4 $499k

Sat 12:30-13:00 59 Thorpe Ave

Ray White

0402343771 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:50-13:20 9 Garrong Ave

LJ Hooker - Queanbeyan

0416182379 BR3 $455k

Sat 12:50-13:20 2/32 Doeberl Pl

LJ Hooker - Queanbeyan

0416182379 BR3 $425k

Sat 13:00-15:00 1-30/20 Lowe St

LJ Hooker - Queanbeyan

0438174400 BR1 $295k

Sat 13:00-13:30 5 Morgan Pl

LJ Hooker - Queanbeyan

0419492079 BR4 $790k

Sat 13:00-13:40 12 Hambly Pl

Ray White

0425544664 BR4 $575k

Sat 10:00-10:30 6 Robinia Pl

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418633806 BR4 $835k

Sat 13:00-13:40 35 Bendora Ave

Ray White

0402343771 BR4 Auct

McGrath - Woden

0413503312 BR4 $699k

Sat 13:15-13:45 7/26 Carrington St

Ray White

0420304431 BR2 $344k

Sat 11:00-11:30 145 Bicentennial Drv

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418633806 BR6 $899k

Sat 13:30-13:55 31 Fergus Rd

RE/MAX Capital - Queanbeyan 0429843777 BR2 $348k

Sat 11:20-12:00 263 Bicentennial Drv

LJ Hooker - Queanbeyan

0416182379 BR5 Auct

Sat 13:45-14:15 24 Isabella St

LJ Hooker - Queanbeyan

Sat 11:30-12:00 2 Johanna Moore Ave McGrath - Woden

0429990197 BR4 Neg

Sat 14:00-14:30 290 Crawford St

LJ Hooker - Queanbeyan

0416182379 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 179 Waterfall Drv

0418633806 BR4 Neg

Sat 14:00-14:45 45 Rusten St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418611044 BR3 $559k

0416182379 BR3 $535k

Sat 12:30-13:00 7/47 Walker Cres

Luton Properties - Manuka

0418697844 BR2 $369k

Sat 14:30-16:00 29-31 Morton St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0410774821 BR3 $330k+

Sat 13:00-13:45 10 Elouera Crt

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418611044 BR4 $890k

Sun 10:30-12:30 1-8/18 Richard Ave

Ian McNamee & Partners

0437226740 BR2 $335k+ 0418611044 BR3 $349k

Ray White - Woden

0410006528 BR2 $285k

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR3 Neg

Sun 13:00-14:00 61 Hurley St

McGrath - Woden

0429990197 BR4 Neg

Sat 11:30-12:15 3 Callemonda Rise

Ray White - Woden

0417486574 BR4 $210k+

Sat 12:00-12:30 30 Pindari Cres

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412488027 BR5 $1.9M+

Sun 13:00-13:45 10 Elouera Crt

Sat 13:00-13:30 26 Unwin Ave

LJ Hooker - Queanbeyan

0416182379 BR4 $567k

Sun 10:30-11:00 4 Anne St

Ian McNamee & Partners

Sat 13:30-14:00 7 Aspen Rise

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412488027 BR4 Auct

Sun 12:00-16:00 47-49 Mowatt St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0437226740 BR1 $269k+

Sat 14:00-14:30 6 Woodhill Link

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418633806 BR4 $749k

Sun 14:00-14:45 45 Rusten St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418611044 BR3 $559k

Sat 14:00-14:40 7 Darmody Pl

Ray White

0402343771 BR3 $549k

Sun 14:30-16:00 29-31 Morton St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0410774821 BR3 $330k+

Sun 11:20-12:05 18 Elm Way

Paul and Robyn Sutton Prop

0407099175 BR4 $700k

Wed16:00-16:45 1-30/20 Lowe St

LJ Hooker - Queanbeyan

0438174400 BR1 $295k

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418611044 BR4 $890k

Wed17:30-18:00 14/90 Derrima Rd

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0419497584 BR1 Auct

Wed18:00-18:30 56 Morisset St

LJ Hooker - Queanbeyan

0416182379 BR2 Auct


Sat 12:45-13:30 40 Blackburn St

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:30-11:00 17/6 Doeberl Pl

Sat 13:15-13:45 8/78 Hodgson Cres

Luton Properties - Woden

0416017072 BR2 $299k



Sat 12:00-12:30 3/23 McKeahnie St Sat 12:10-12:40 35 Pindari Cres

Sat 10:30-11:00 7 Robinia Pl

Sat 14:30-15:00 17/6 Heard St


0418633806 BR3 $359k 0437226740 BR1 $269k+

Luton Properties - Manuka

Sat 16:30-17:00 3 Rymill Pl


Ian McNamee & Partners Ian McNamee & Partners

Sat 09:45-10:30 12 Magnolia Cl

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417513896 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:45 63 Fergus Rd Sat 12:00-16:00 47-49 Mowatt St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0402230057 BR3 $399k

QUEANBEYAN EAST Sat 12:00-12:30 34 Thurralilly St

RE/MAX Capital - Queanbeyan 0404891591 BR3 Auct

Thu 18:10-18:25 Request address

For Sale For Lease - PRAHRAN 1300622300 BR2 $279k

Sat 13:00-13:30 53/22 Mowatt St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417299826 BR1 $140k

Sat 11:20-12:00 10/1 Port Jackson Cct McGrath - Woden

0418624913 BR2 $330k

Sat 08:30-09:00 9 Hirst Ave

McGrath - Woden

0413503312 BR3 $670k

Sat 13:00-13:30 15/13-15 Mowatt St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0410774821 BR2 $243k

Sat 13:15-14:00 89 Hallen Cl

0412622420 BR3 Neg

Sat 09:00-09:30 20/1-7 Thurralilly St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0410774821 BR1 $320k

Sat 14:00-14:30 82 Macquoid St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0409300065 BR4 $499k


Philip Kouvelis Real Estate


Price: $64,760 Year: 2015 Km: 2,970 Engine: 150TDi Transmission: Auto Rego: YKP97Q Lennock Volkswagen Ph: 6282 2022 Web: lennockvolkswagen.com.au

Features include: travelled only 2,970km; fitted with Sat-Nav, rear view camera, Bi-Xenon lights, heated leather seats, tinted windows and more. Recommended retail price $75,436; Lennock VW driveway price $64,760.

LMD 302

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Dynamic design meets advanced safety. Audi A4 1.8 TFSI petrol S line plus – Final edition. From $51,990 drive away.*

The Audi A4 1.8 TFSI petrol S line plus combines dynamic sports styling with advanced safety technology. Striking Audi Sport 18” alloy wheels, chrome grille and Xenon plus headlights add to its head-turning looks. Including features, such as Audi active lane assist, blind spot warning system and Adaptive cruise control with Autonomous Emergency Braking, which put safety front and centre.

Strictly limited availability. Visit Audi Centre Canberra to book a test drive. 132 Melrose Drive, Phillip | Tel. 6281 1000 | audicentrecanberra.com.au

$51,990 is the drive away price for the Audi A4 1.8 TFSI petrol S line plus. Available for new stock vehicles purchased and delivered between 1/10/15 and 31/10/15. While stock lasts. Includes metallic paint. Not available to fleet, gov’t or rental buyers, or with other off ers. Audi Australia reserves the right to change or extend this off er. 17000532



Rolfe Renault



Captur Dynamic WAS $32,790 1.2L EDC (INC METALLIC PAINT)

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152 Melrose Drive, Phillip, ACT 2606 / Ph: (02) 6282 8000 15 Josephson Street, Belconnen, ACT 2617 / Ph: (02) 6253 5551


*Offer is for an additional $1,000 saving on all in stock Captur vehicles sold and delivered before 30th November. Private buyers only. Whilst stocks last. †5-years unlimited km warranty and Roadside Assistance both apply to all new or demonstrator Captur models ordered between 1/07/2015 & 31/10/2015 while stocks last. Warranty & Roadside Assistance valid for 5 years from new. Demonstrator vehicles receive balance of new vehicle warranty & Roadside Assistance. Renault reserves the right to vary, extend or withdraw this offer. Offer not available for fleet & Govt. buyers. Roadside Assistance terms and conditions apply. Call our Customer Service Team on 1800 009 008 or view the Terms and Conditions statement at www.renault.com. au/ownership/terms-conditions for details. ^First 3 scheduled maintenance services capped at $299 per service on new and demonstrator Captur models only, based on standard scheduled servicing from new and on normal operating conditions. Scheduled maintenance services required every twelve (12) months or 15,000km (whichever occurs first). If vehicle is not presented within three (3) months of when the scheduled service is requires, right to that capped-price service under the program is forfeited. DL: 17000532


An amplified driving experience with savings you will never experience again! The S60 & V60 boasts a sophisticated suspension, sharp steering, and gearshift paddles for faster, more precise manual shifting. Great handling, natural driving dynamics, and legendary Volvo comfort—in a thrillingly elegant form. Everything we do is designed around people, so every innovation we make is designed to simplify and improve your life. We're especially proud of our advances in efficient power, connectivity and safety. We call our thinking in these areas: Drive-E, Sensus and CitySafety.

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DL: 17000532



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2011 NISSAN PATROL ST 3.0L TURBO DIESEL WAGON Fantastic looking 4wd Wagon, this truck is loaded with accessories and ready to go anywhere. One owner, Canberra car with full service history. Travelled only 103,000 km and has been looked after by a meticulous owner. This Patrol has been fitted with Steel ARB Bull Bar, Ironman Winch, Brush Bars, H/Duty Tow Bar, Anderson Plug, Sidesteps, Deluxe Roof Rack, Awning, Custom Rear Bumper, Jerry Can Holder, Snorkel, Light Bars, Spotlights, Side and Reverse lights, Dual Battery system Inc. Volt Meter, After market intercooler with Thermo Fan, 3� Exhaust System, Air Compressor + 9 liter air tank, ARB Front Air Locker Diff with dedicated air compressor, Airbag Suspension, 45 lt stainless steel water tank Inc. in cab plumbing, Inverter + 240V outlet, Oil catch can, Water watch, Turbo Timer, Polaris Reverse Camera, UHF Radio, GPS with off road mapping and much more. As with all of our vehicles, this car has been fully workshop tested. Easy finance is available TAP and we can even assist with all your insurance needs as well. All trade ins are welcome. Please don’t hesitate to contact us to arrange a test drive today. A must see!!


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Melrose Automobiles. 118-120 Melrose Drive Phillip ACT 2606. TEL 1300 217 015. www.melroseautomobiles.com.au

*Offer from ALPHERA Financial Services (a division of BMW Australia Finance Ltd, Australian credit licence 392387) on vehicles ordered and delivered between 1/9/15 and 31/10/15. Maximum finance term is 36 months with no residual (balloon) payment. Terms, conditions & approval criteria apply. Comparison rate based on monthly repayments for a 5 year secured consumer loan of $30,000. WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the example given & may not include all fees & charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate. †For warranty details go to http://www.peugeot.com.au/other-offers/2008-finance/

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MELROSE AUTOMOBILES. 118-120 Melrose Drive Phillip ACT 2606. TEL 1300 726 491. www.melroseautomobiles.com.au




December 2015, only at participating dealers. Limit of one complimentary Technology pack to choose from per purchase of a Citroën Grand C4 Picasso. Customers can only choose from the predetermined Technology pack. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.



New Jaguar XE is here. Our most advanced, efficient and refined sports saloon ever. Born from the DNA of the F-TYPE, its sporting intent is clear. Beneath the taut, aerodynamic design XE has Aluminium Intensive Architecture and cutting-edge technologies at its heart.



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Go to Jaguar.com.au for more details.


126 Melrose Drive, Phillip | Ph (02) 6282 2022 | www.lennocklandrover.com.au * Recommended driveaway price for Jaguar XE 20t Prestige petrol automatic (white car shown). Metallic paint at $1,300 extra. Premium metallic paint at $2,600 extra. At participating dealers while stocks last.



DISCOVERY TDV6 – Includes 7 full size seats – 3.0L Turbo Diesel engine – 8 Speed Automatic Transmission – 3500kg towing capacity

126 Melrose Drive, Phillip | Ph (02) 6282 2022 www.lennocklandrover.com.au *Recommended driveaway price for Discovery TDV6 $79,990. Metallic Paint at $1,800 extra. Offer applies to vehicles ordered between 1/9/15 – 31/10/15 at participating dealers while stocks last. Land Rover finance is provided by St.George Finance Limited ABN 33 007 457 Australian credit licence 233714 to approved customers only. Credit criteria, fees, charges and terms & conditions apply.


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October 23 – 29

PICK OF THE WEEK The Bourne Ultimatum Friday, PRIME7, 8.30pm, M (2007) Thinking person’s action hero Matt Damon returns as Jason Bourne (left), the renegade spy with a serious grudge against his former CIA employers. Director Paul Greengrass returns for the third in the series and mounts a heartpounding thrill ride that will leave you gasping for breath as the amnesiac assassin travels from the rooftops of Tangiers to the streets of Manhattan in his ongoing quest for exoneration. This Oscar-winning, adrenalin-pumped adventure is possibly the finest of the trilogy.


The Dark Knight

The Vow Saturday, GEM, 6.30pm, PG (2012) Rachel McAdams (left) charms in this predictable chick flick about a married couple whose love is tested. Paige (McAdams) is in a car crash and awakens from a coma with no memory of her loving husband, Leo (a syrupy Channing Tatum, Magic Mike). Believing she is still engaged to her sleazy former fiancé (Scott Speedman), and with her parents (Sam Neill and Jessica Lange) happy to see the back of him, Leo has a big job ahead to rekindle their once perfect life. Prepare for a cascade of tear-jerker moments.

Sunday, GO!, 8.30pm, M (2008) Heath Ledger’s portrayal of The Joker cemented his place as one of Hollywood’s greats. The Dark Knight sees Gotham’s rising superhero (Christian Bale, pictured with Ledger) making progress in his vigilante quest, with the help of Lt Jim Gordon (Gary Oldman) and newly appointed District Attorney Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart). That is, until the appearance of psychopathic mastermind The Joker. Director Christopher Nolan and his coscreenwriter brother Jonathan Nolan (Memento) have created what could be one of the best superhero movies ever made.

October 23

12pm News. 1.00 Antiques. 2.00 Adam Hills In Gordon St Tonight. (PG) 3.00 Midsomer Murders. (PG) 4.30 Eggheads. 5.00 News: Early Edition. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Caroline Quentin’s Restoration Home. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Antiques Roadshow. 8.30 Agatha Christie’s Partners In Crime. (M) 9.30 Secret State. (M) 10.15 Lateline. 10.45 The Business. 11.05 Tattoo Tales. (M) 11.35 Rage. (MA15+) 12pm Children’s Programs. 6.25 Dinosaur Train. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Total Wipeout. 8.25 The Checkout. (PG) 8.30 Catfish: The TV Show. (M) 9.10 Ladyboys: The Band. (M) 9.55 Second Chance. 10.05 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 10.45 Celebrity Rehab With Dr Drew. (MA15+) 11.25 Hebburn. (PG) 11.55 Friday Night Dinner. (PG) 12.20am Friday Night Dinner. (M)

ABC (ch 2)

ABC2 (ch 22)

12pm Children’s Programs. 4.40 News On 3. 4.45 Studio 3. 4.50 Nerds And Monsters. 5.00 The New Adventures Of Figaro Pho. 5.10 Doodles. 5.15 Roy. 5.45 World’s End. 6.20 The Next Step. 6.50 News On 3. 7.00 Horrible Histories. 7.30 Bushwhacked! 7.55 Deadly 60. 8.20 Figaro Pho. 8.30 Ready For This. 8.55 Kobushi. 9.00 K-On! 9.25 Kamisama Kiss. (PG) 9.50 Puella Magi Madoka Magica. (PG) 10.10 Close.

ABC3 (ch 23)

12pm Quantico. (M) 2.00 The Daily Edition.

3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 News. 7.00 Better Homes And Gardens. 8.30 MOVIE: The Bourne Ultimatum. (2007, M) Matt Damon, Julia Stiles, David Strathairn. 11.00 The Blacklist. (M)

12pm WIN’s All Australian News. 1.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 2.00 Extra. 2.30 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 News Now. 4.00 News. 5.30 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 News. 7.00 WIN News. 7.30 David Attenborough’s Life Story. (PG) 8.40 MOVIE: Die Another Day. (2002, M) 11.20 MOVIE: Jackie Chan’s First Strike. (1996, M)

12.30pm Dr Phil. (M) 1.30 The Talk. (PG) 2.30 Ent. Tonight. (PG) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 GCBC. 4.00 Ben’s Menu. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. 5.00 Eyewitness News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 The Living Room. (PG) 8.30 The Graham Norton Show. (M) 9.30 Have You Been Paying Attention? (M) 10.30 MOVIE: The Cable Guy. (1996, M)

12pm WorldWatch. 2.00 Dire Straits: Alchemy Live. (PG) 3.00 WorldWatch. 3.30 Salvage Hunters. 4.30 Secrets Of The Irish Landscape. 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Rick Stein’s Far Eastern Odyssey. 6.30 News. 7.30 Shane Delia’s Moorish Spice Journey Bitesize. 7.35 The Classic Car Show. 8.30 MOVIE: Killing Them Softly. (2012, MA15+) 10.15 News. 10.50 MOVIE: Vampyros Lesbos. (1971) 12.25am MOVIE: Sin Nombre. (2009)

12pm To Be Advised. 1.00 Storage Hoarders. (PG) 2.00 Homes Under The Hammer. 3.00 SCU. (PG) 3.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. 4.00 Bewitched. 4.30 60 Minute Makeover. (PG) 5.30 Homes Under The Hammer. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 How Britain Worked. (PG) 8.30 Escape To The Country. 10.30 To Build Or Not To Build. (PG) 11.00 Best Houses Australia. 11.30 Hotel Secrets. (M)

12pm The Batman. 12.30 Green Lantern. 1.00 Young Justice. 1.30 Looney Tunes. 2.00 Yu-GiOh! 2.30 Sonic Boom. 3.00 SpongeBob. 3.30 Rabbids. 4.00 Kids’ WB. 4.05 Looney Tunes. 4.30 Tom And Jerry. 5.00 Ben 10: Omniverse. 5.30 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 6.00 MOVIE: Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted. (2012, PG) 7.50 MOVIE: Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban. (2004, PG) 10.40 MOVIE: Daredevil. (2003)

12pm The Living Room. (PG) 1.00 Mr & Mrs Murder. (M) 2.00 Megastructures. 3.00 iFish. 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.00 Operation Repo. (PG) 5.30 Whacked Out Sports. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Moments Of Impact. (PG) 8.30 Cops. (PG) 9.00 Cops: Adults Only. (M) 9.30 MOVIE: True Justice: Lethal Justice. (2011, M) 11.30 Bellator MMA. (M)

12.05pm Hindi News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Urdu News. 1.30 Tamil News. 2.00 Thai News. 2.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 3.00 Bangla News. 3.30 Armenian News. 4.00 The Feed. 4.30 Monster Moves. 5.30 Do Or Die. 6.00 Brain Games. 6.30 MythBusters. 7.30 Soccer. A-League. Round 3. Newcastle Jets v Melbourne Victory. 10.00 MOVIE: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. (2000) 12.10am Space Dandy.

12pm Days That Shook The World. (PG) 1.00 Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners. (PG) 2.00 Cricket. Matador BBQs One-Day Cup. Elimination final. Afternoon session. 5.30 Friends. (PG) 6.00 Cricket. Matador BBQs One-Day Cup. Elimination final. Evening session. 9.30 MOVIE: The Long Kiss Goodnight. (1996, AV15+) 12am MOVIE: Quick Change. (1990, M)

12pm Medium. (M) 1.00 JAG. (PG) 2.00 Judging Amy. (PG) 3.00 Infomercials. (PG) 3.30 Raymond. (PG) 4.00 Frasier. (PG) 5.00 King Of Queens. (PG) 5.30 Becker. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.25 Neighbours. 7.00 Raymond. (PG) 7.30 The Simpsons. (PG) 8.00 Futurama. (PG) 8.30 Bondi Ink Tattoo. (PG) 9.30 Dating Naked. (M) 10.30 Gogglebox. (M) 11.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG)

12pm News. 1.00 Capital Hill. 2.00 News. 4.00 News With The Business. 5.00 News With Grandstand. 6.00 News. 6.30 The Drum. 7.00 News With Grandstand. 8.00 News With The Business. 9.00 News. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 News. 11.30 7.30.

PRIME7 (ch 6)

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

12pm Banged Up. (M) 1.00 Starsky &

Hutch. (PG) 2.00 T.J. Hooker. (PG) 3.00 Married With Children. (PG) 4.00 Wipeout USA. (PG) 5.00 Tricked. (MA15+) 6.00 Dynamo: Magician Impossible. (PG) 7.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 9.30 MOVIE: Godzilla. (1998, PG) 12.15am MOVIE: Two Hands. (1999, AV15+)

WIN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 80)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)

Classifications: (P) Pre-school (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence Programs are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by the networks.



October 24

12pm Restoration Australia. 1.00 (ch 2) Caroline Quentin’s Restoration Home. 2.00 Antiques Roadshow. 2.30 Kangaroo Mob. 3.30 The Years That Made Us. 4.30 Landline. 5.00 Midsomer Murders. 6.30 Gardening Aust. 7.00 News. 7.30 New Tricks. 8.30 Miniseries: Cilla. 9.20 Miniseries: Fleming: The Man Who Would Be Bond. 10.05 The Beautiful Lie. 10.45 Agony Aunts. 11.10 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. 11.35 Rage.

12pm Horse Racing. Spring Racing Carnival. Cox Plate Day. Featuring the Group 1 $3 million WS Cox Plate (2040m), and four Group 2 races, the $250,000 Gold Cup (2500m), $200,000 Crystal Mile (1600m), $200,000 Fillies Classic (1600m). 6.00 News. 7.00 Movie: Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope. (1977, PG) 9.45 Movie: 30 Minutes Or Less. (2011, MA15+) 11.25 The Goldbergs. (PG) 12am Movie: Take Me Home Tonight. (2011, MA15+)

12pm Hot In Cleveland. (PG) 12.30 The Middle. (PG) 1.00 Movie: Free Willy. (1993, G) 3.20 Celebrity Apprentice. (PG) 4.30 Getaway. (PG) 5.00 News. 5.30 Fishing Australia. 6.00 News. 7.00 MOVIE: Crocodile Dundee. (1986, PG) 9.00 MOVIE: Moonraker. (1979, PG) 11.35 Movie: Funny Games. (2007, MA15+)

Vet. (PG) 7.30 David Attenborough’s Madagascar: Island Of Marvels. Part 1 of 3. 8.30 MOVIE: X-Men. (2000, M) Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen. Two groups of mutants struggle for supremacy, one trying to save humanity, the other trying to change it. 10.40 MOVIE: Wild Card. (2013, M)

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.45 Humpty’s Big Adventure. 5.50 Puffin Rock. 6.00 Ben And Holly. 6.10 Peter Rabbit. 6.25 Dinosaur Train. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. 7.30 Penn & Teller: Fool Us. (PG) 8.10 The Home Show. 9.00 Live At The Apollo. (M) 9.45 The IT Crowd. (PG) 10.10 Inside Amy Schumer. (MA15+) 10.30 Red Dwarf. 11.00 Red Dwarf. (PG) 11.30 Red Dwarf. 12.25am Red Dwarf. (PG)

12pm Creek To Coast. 12.30 Sydney Weekender. 1.00 Qld Weekender. 1.30 WA Weekender. 2.00 Melbourne Weekender. 2.30 Intolerant Cooks. 3.00 Malaysia Kitchen. 3.30 Restaurant Australia. 4.30 To Build Or Not To Build. 5.00 Mr Selfridge. 6.00 Horse Racing. Spring Racing Carnival. Cox Plate Day. 6.30 Animal Squad. 7.00 Movie: Mamma Mia! (2008) 9.20 Movie: The Iron Lady. (2011) 11.40 Animal Squad.

12pm Kitchen Whiz. 12.30 SpongeBob. 1.30 Danoz. 2.00 Fishing Australia. 2.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V. 3.00 Green Lantern. 3.30 Ben 10. 4.00 Thunderbirds Are Go. 4.30 Sonic Boom. 5.00 Tom And Jerry. 5.30 Looney Tunes. 6.00 Movie: Over The Hedge. (2006) 7.40 Movie: Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son. (2011) 9.40 Movie: The Hangover Part III. (2013) 11.50 Anger Management. 12.20am GO Surround Sound.

12pm River To Reef. 12.30 Car Torque. 1.00 Monster Jam. 2.00 Operation Iceberg. 3.00 Attenborough’s Life In The Undergrowth. 4.00 Megastructures. 5.00 Into Water And Beyond. (PG) 5.30 Extreme Fishing With Robson Green. (PG) 6.30 Monster Jam. 7.30 Scorpion. (PG) 8.30 CSI: Cyber. (M) 10.30 Have You Been Paying Attention? (M) 11.30 Movie Juice.

12.05pm Hindi News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Soccer. A-League. Round 3. Newcastle Jets v Melbourne Victory. Replay. 3.00 Benidorm Bastards. (PG) 3.20 The World Of Jenks. (PG) 4.10 Departures. (PG) 5.05 Dare 2 Dance. 6.10 Celebrity Chef. 7.30 If You Are The One. 8.30 Survive Aotearoa. (PG) 9.30 Movie: Dredd. (2012, MA15+) 11.15 Movie: Lesbian Vampire Killers. (2009, MA15+)

12pm Children’s Programs. 2.10 Big Babies. 2.25 Sorry, I’ve Got No Head. 3.00 Deadly 60. 3.25 WAC. 3.55 Studio 3. 4.00 You’re Skitting Me. 4.25 The Aquabats Super Show! 4.50 Slugterra. 5.10 SW: Clone Wars. (PG) 5.40 Operation Ouch! 6.10 Riders Of Berk. 6.30 Horrible Histories. 7.00 Nowhere Boys. (PG) 7.30 Officially Amazing. 8.00 Deadly 60. 8.30 Good Game: SP. 9.00 Degrassi. 9.20 Degrassi. (PG) 10.00 Degrassi. 10.25 Close.

12.30pm Ultimate Factories. 1.30 Motor Racing. Aust Drifting Grand Prix. 2.30 Shannon’s Legends Of Motorsport. (PG) 3.30 Meguiar’s MotorEx. (PG) 4.30 Wipeout USA. (PG) 5.30 MOVIE: Casper. (1995, PG) 7.30 MOVIE: Gnomeo & Juliet. (2011, G) 9.10 MOVIE: Surrogates. (2009, M) 11.00 Movie: The Punisher. (2004, AV15+)

(1954, G) 2.10 MOVIE: A Fine Madness. (1966, PG) 4.20 MOVIE: The Crimson Pirate. (1952, G) 6.30 MOVIE: The Vow. (2012, PG) 8.35 MOVIE: Dear John. (2010, M) Channing Tatum, Amanda Seyfried, Richard Jenkins. 10.45 Movie: Remember Me. (2010, M)

12.30pm TBL Families. (PG) 2.30 Star Trek:

The Next Generation. 4.30 Star Trek: The Next Generation. (PG) 5.30 Becker. (PG) 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG) 8.30 The Graham Norton Show. (M) 9.30 Sex And The City. (M) 10.50 James Corden. (PG) 11.50 American Horror Story. (AV15+)

12pm News. 12.30 Landline. 1.00 Press Club. 2.00 News. 2.30 The Mix. 3.00 News. 3.30 World This Week. 4.00 News. 4.30 The Drum Weekly. 5.00 News. 5.30 One Plus One. 6.00 News. 6.30 Foreign Corre. 7.00 News. 7.30 The Mix. 8.00 Four Corners. 8.45 The Quarters. 9.00 News. 9.30 Australia Wide. 10.00 News. 10.30 World This Week. 11.00 News. 11.30 One Plus One.

12pm Landline. 1.00 Gardening Aust. 1.30 The Mix. 2.00 Soccer. W-League. Round 2. Melbourne City v Melbourne Victory. 4.30 Miranda. (PG) 5.00 New Tricks. (PG) 6.00 Lie To You? 6.30 Compass. 7.00 News. 7.40 Doctor Who. (PG) 8.30 The Beautiful Lie. (M) 9.30 Humans. (M) 10.15 The Ex-PM. (M) 10.45 Rake. (M) 11.40 Movie: The Godfather: Part II. (1974, MA15+)

12pm Bewitched. 12.30 The Paleo Way. 1.00 Movie: Descendants. (2015, PG) 3.30 Better Homes And Gardens. 4.30 The Long Weekender. 5.00 News. 5.30 Sydney Weekender. 6.00 News. 7.00 Sunday Night. 8.00 Beach Cops. (PG) 8.30 Quantico. (M) 9.30 Castle. (M) 11.30 Royal Pains. (M)

12.15pm Wild Life Of Tim Faulkner. 12.45 Movie: Loch Ness. (1996, G) 2.50 Movie: Soul Surfer. (2011, PG) 5.00 News. 5.30 Customs. (PG) 6.00 News. 7.00 The Block. (PG) 8.30 60 Minutes. 9.40 Events That Changed The Noughties. (M) 10.40 The Verdict. (M) 11.40 Person Of Interest. (M)

12pm RPM. 12.30 Motor Racing. International V8 Supercars Championship. Round 11. Gold Coast 600. Qualifying and Race 27. 6.00 Family Feud: Sunday. 6.30 Scorpion. (PG) 7.30 TBL Families. 8.40 Limitless. (M) 9.40 NCIS. (M) 11.40 48 Hours. (M)

12pm WorldWatch. 1.00 The World Game. 2.00 Speedweek. 4.00 Motorcycle Racing. Superbike World Championship. Final round. Highlights. 4.30 Voxwomen Cycling. 5.00 The Bike Lane. 5.30 Going To War: Napoleon To Hitler. (PG) 6.30 News. 7.35 The Other Pompeii: Life And Death In Herculaneum. (PG) 8.40 The Seventies. (M) 10.20 George Harrison: Living In A Material World. (M)

12pm Children’s Programs. 4.25 Mister Maker. 4.45 Grandpa In My Pocket. 5.00 Fireman Sam: Heroes Of The Storm. 6.00 Ben And Holly. 6.10 Peter Rabbit. 6.25 Dinosaur Train. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Mega Builders. 8.15 Good Game: Pocket Edition. 8.30 Deep Water. (PG) 10.05 Ladyboys: The Band. (M) 10.50 Louis Theroux. (M) 11.50 Extreme Russia With Reggie Yates. (M)

12pm Travel Oz. (PG) 1.30 Lyndey Milan’s Taste Of Australia. 2.00 World’s Strictest Parents. (PG) 3.00 Animal Squad. (PG) 4.00 Animal Squad. 4.30 The Border. (PG) 5.30 Mighty Planes. 6.30 New Zealand From Above. 7.30 Escape To The Country. 9.30 Escape To The Continent. 10.45 Best Houses Australia. 11.15 Mighty Planes. 12.15am Escape To The Country.

12pm Sonic Boom. (PG) 12.30 SpongeBob SquarePants. 1.30 Danoz Direct. 2.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V. (PG) 3.00 Basketball. NBL. Round 3. Illawarra Hawks v Perth Wildcats. 5.00 The Batman. (PG) 5.30 The Looney Tunes Show. 6.00 Thunderbirds Are Go. (PG) 6.30 MOVIE: Wild Wild West. (1999, PG) 8.30 MOVIE: The Dark Knight. (2008, M) 11.30 Car SOS. (PG)

12pm Netball. International Test Series. Game 3. Aust Diamonds v Silver Ferns. 2.00 Temporary Australians. 2.30 Driven Not Hidden. 3.00 Bolt Report. 4.00 Adv Angler. 4.30 iFish. 5.00 Daryl Beattie Adventures: The Simpson Desert. 5.30 Motorcycle Racing. MotoGP. Race 17. Malaysia Grand Prix. 7.00 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Russell Coight’s All Aussie Adventures. (PG) 8.30 Operation Iceberg. 9.30 Movie: Paycheck. (2003, M)

12.05pm Hindi News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Celebrity Chef. 2.30 Duck Quacks Don’t Echo. 3.20 The Tim Ferriss Experiment. 3.45 London Calling. 4.40 The Pitch. 5.30 Vs Arashi. 6.25 Dare 2 Dance. 7.30 If You Are The One. 8.30 South Park. (M) 9.00 Drunk History. (M) 9.25 South Park. 9.55 Ali G: Remixed. (M) 10.20 Naked: Diary From Porn Valley. (MA15+) 11.15 Watch With Mother. 11.40 In Her Skin.

12pm Dani’s House. 12.30 The Next Step. 2.25 Sorry, I’ve Got No Head. 2.50 Handball Heroes. 3.00 Deadly 60. 3.25 WAC. 3.55 Studio 3. 4.00 Roy. 4.30 Hank Zipzer. 4.55 So Awkward. 5.25 Little Lunch. 5.35 Sadie J. 6.10 Dragons: Riders Of Berk. 6.30 Horrible Histories. 7.00 Nowhere Boys. (PG) 7.30 Officially Amazing. 8.00 The Haunting Hour. (PG) 8.50 Wolfblood. 9.15 Good Game: Pocket Edition. (PG) 9.20 Rage. (PG)

12pm Fishing The Wild. (PG) 12.30 Big Angry Fish. (PG) 1.30 Mark Berg’s Fishing Addiction. (PG) 2.40 Hook, Line And Sinker. (PG) 3.40 Al McGlashan’s Fish’n With Mates. (PG) 4.10 Movie: Scott Pilgrim Vs The World. (2010, PG) 6.30 Big Bang. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Back To The Future Part III. (1990, PG) 10.55 Movie: Jackass: The Movie. (2002, AV15+)

1.30pm Cycling. National Road Series. Melbourne To Warrnambool Classic. H’lights. 2.00 Cricket. Matador BBQs One-Day Cup. Final. Afternoon session. 5.30 Secret Dealers. (PG) 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 RBT. (PG) 8.30 Death Row Stories. (M) 9.30 MOVIE: Primal Fear. (1996, AV15+) 12am Getaway. (PG)

12pm The Bachelorette Australia. (PG) 2.30 Neighbours. 5.00 Dr Quinn. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud: Sunday. 6.30 The Simpsons. 7.00 Futurama. (PG) 7.30 The Simpsons. 8.30 Tattoos After Dark. (M) 9.30 Movie: 30 Nights Of Paranormal Activity With The Devil Inside The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. (2013, MA15+) 11.15 House Of Lies. (MA15+) 11.55 Nurse Jackie. (M) 12.25am The Crazy Ones. (M)

12pm News. 12.30 The Drum Weekly. 1.00 News. 1.30 Landline. 2.00 News. 2.30 One Plus One. 3.00 News. 3.30 Offsiders. 4.00 News. 4.30 The Mix. 5.00 News. 5.30 Australia Wide. 6.00 News. 6.30 Aust Story. (PG) 7.00 News. 7.30 The World This Week. 8.00 Insiders. 9.00 News. 9.30 One Plus One. 10.00 News. 10.30 The Mix. 11.00 News. 11.30 The Drum Weekly.


ABC2 (ch 22)

ABC3 (ch 23)


ABC2 (ch 22)


7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

WIN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 80)

12pm MOVIE: Seven Brides For Seven Brothers.

TEN (ch 5)

6pm Modern Family. (PG) 6.30 Bondi

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

12pm Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 PBS News. 2.00 Tales From The Bush Larder. 2.30 Italy Unpacked. (PG) 3.35 Monster Moves. (PG) 4.30 Alexander’s Lost World. (PG) 5.30 Hundred Years’ War. (PG) 6.30 World News. 7.30 Wild Germany. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: The Last King Of Scotland. (2006, MA15+) 10.45 Movie: The Angels’ Share. (2012, MA15+)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)

October 25

ABC (ch 2)

ABC3 (ch 23)

PRIME7 (ch 6)

PRIME7 (ch 6)

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

WIN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 80)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)


October 26

12pm News. 1.00 The School. (M) 2.00 (ch 2) Call The Midwife. (M) 3.00 Midsomer Murders. (PG) 4.30 Eggheads. 5.00 News: Early Edition. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Antiques. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Australian Story. 8.30 Four Corners. 9.20 Media Watch. (PG) 9.35 Q&A: ABC On The Road In Toowoomba. 10.40 Lateline. 11.10 The Business. 11.30 Golf. PGA Tour. Highlights. 12.20am MOVIE: The Godfather: Part III. (1990, M)


12pm Children’s Programs. 5.25 Peppa Pig. 5.30 Octonauts. 5.45 Humpty’s Big Adventure. 5.50 Puffin Rock. 6.00 Ben And Holly. 6.10 Peter Rabbit. 6.25 Dinosaur Train. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. 7.30 Doctor Who. (PG) 8.15 Alan Partridge’s Mid-Morning Matters. (PG) 8.30 Louis Theroux. (M) 9.30 Peaky Blinders. (MA15+) 10.15 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 10.55 Deep Water. (PG)

12pm MOVIE: Adopting Terror. (2012, M) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 The X Factor Live. (PG) 9.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 9.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 10.00 Grey’s Anatomy. (M) 11.00 How To Get Away With Murder. (M) 12am Resurrection. (M)

ABC2 (ch 22)

12pm Children’s Programs. 3.50 Dragons: Defenders Of Berk. 4.10 Totally Rubbish. 4.40 News On 3. 4.45 Studio 3. 4.50 Camp Lakebottom. 5.00 Endangered Species. 5.15 Bushwhacked! 5.45 World’s End. 6.20 Ready For This. (PG) 6.50 News On 3. 7.00 Horrible Histories. 7.30 Bushwhacked! 7.55 Deadly 60. 8.20 Figaro Pho. 8.30 Degrassi. (PG) 8.50 Total Drama Action. 9.15 Good Game: SP. 9.40 Rage. (PG) 10.40 Close.

7TWO (ch 62)

12pm Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 The Talk. (PG) 2.00 Ent. Tonight. (PG) 2.30 Everyday Gourmet. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 GCBC. 4.00 Ben’s Menu. 4.30 Bold. 5.00 News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 TBL Families. 8.30 Have You Been Paying Attention? (M) 9.30 Homeland. 10.30 NCIS: New Orleans. (M) 11.30 The Project.

1pm Awaken. 2.00 Sol3 Mio Down Under. (PG) 2.35 Andreas Ottensamer: A Portrait. 3.00 Tracks And Trails. 3.30 Poh & Co. Bitesize. 3.35 The Spice Trip. (PG) 4.30 The Dales. 5.00 Living Black. 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Rick Stein’s Far Eastern Odyssey. 6.30 News. 7.30 Shane Delia’s Moorish Spice Journey Bitesize. 7.35 Dogs: Their Secret Lives. 8.30 Worst Place To Be A Pilot. (M) 9.30 Rise Of The Machines. 10.25 News.

12pm Dr Oz. (PG) 1.00 Revenge. (M)

12pm The Batman. 12.30 Green Lantern. 1.00 Young Justice. 1.30 Looney Tunes. 2.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! 2.30 Sonic Boom. 3.00 SpongeBob. 3.30 Thunderbirds Are Go. 4.05 Looney Tunes. 4.30 Tom And Jerry. 5.00 Ben 10: Omniverse. 5.30 Teen Titans Go! 6.00 Regular Show. 6.30 Adv Time. 7.00 Big Bang. 7.30 Auction Hunters. 8.00 Top Gear: Africa. 9.30 MOVIE: The Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell Of Fear. (1991) 11.30 Late Programs.

12pm The Living Room. (PG) 1.00 Mr & Mrs Murder. (M) 2.00 Attenborough’s Life In The Undergrowth. 3.00 iFish. 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.00 Operation Repo. (PG) 5.30 Whacked Out Sports. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Undercover Boss. (PG) 9.30 Motor Racing. Formula 1. Race 16. United States Grand Prix. H’lights. 10.30 MOVIE: Fatal Attraction. (1987, M)

12.05pm Hindi News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Urdu News. 1.30 Tamil News. 2.00 Thai News. 2.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 3.00 Bangla News. 3.30 Romanian News. 4.00 The Bike Lane. 4.30 Brazil’s Next Top Model. 5.25 Urban Freestyler. 5.35 American Ninja Warrior. 6.30 If You Are The One. 7.30 The Feed. 8.00 The Office. 8.30 MOVIE: Saw. (2004) 10.20 MOVIE: Rabies. (2010) 12.05am Watch With Mother.

3pm Seinfeld. (PG) 3.30 Trash To

12pm Secret Dealers. (PG) 1.00 MOVIE: Rattle Of A Simple Man. (1964, M) 3.00 Alive And Cooking. 3.30 Antiques. 4.30 Ellen. (PG) 5.30 Gilmore Girls. (PG) 6.30 Friends. (PG) 7.30 A Current Affair. 8.00 RPA. (PG) 9.00 Kings Cross ER. (M) 9.30 Embarrassing Bodies. (M) 11.30 Absolutely Fabulous. (PG) 12.05am Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners. (PG)

12pm Medium. (M) 1.00 JAG. (PG) 2.00 Judging Amy. (M) 3.00 Infomercials. (PG) 3.30 Raymond. (PG) 4.00 Frasier. (PG) 5.00 King Of Queens. (PG) 5.30 Becker. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.25 Neighbours. 7.00 Raymond. (PG) 7.30 Rules Of Engagement. (PG) 8.30 Supernatural. 9.30 American Horror Story: Hotel. 10.30 Scream Queens. (M) 11.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG)

12pm News. 1.00 Capital Hill. 2.00 News. 4.00 News With The Business. 5.00 News With Grandstand. 5.55 ABC Open. 6.00 News. 6.30 The Drum. 7.00 News With Grandstand. 8.00 News With The Business. 9.00 News. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 News. 11.30 7.30.

12pm WIN’s All Australian News. 1.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 2.00 Extra. 2.30 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 News Now. 4.00 News. 5.30 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 News. 7.00 WIN News. 7.30 The Block. (PG) 8.40 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 9.10 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 9.40 MOVIE: The Castle. (1997, M) 11.30 Extra. 12am WIN News.

12pm Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 The Talk. (PG) 2.00 Ent. Tonight. (PG) 2.30 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Good Chef Bad Chef. 4.00 Ben’s Menu. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. 5.00 Eyewitness News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 TBL Families. 8.30 NCIS. (M) 9.30 NCIS: Los Angeles. (M) 11.30 The Project.

12pm Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 PBS News. 2.00 Classical Destinations. 3.00 Wainwright Walks. 3.30 Greeks Of The Sea. (PG) 4.30 Wildest Latin America. (PG) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Rick Stein’s Far Eastern Odyssey. 6.30 News. 7.30 Who Do You Think You Are? (PG) 8.30 Insight. 9.30 Dateline. 10.00 News. 10.30 The Seventies. (M) 12.05am Raymond Blanc: The Very Hungry Frenchman.

12pm The Living Room. (PG) 1.00 Mr & Mrs Murder. (M) 2.00 Diamond Divers. (PG) 3.00 iFish. 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.00 Operation Repo. (PG) 5.30 Whacked Out Sports. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Hidden Kingdoms. 8.30 Attenborough’s Life In The Undergrowth. 9.30 48 Hours. (M) 10.30 The Americans. (AV15+) 11.40 Operation Repo. (PG)

12.05pm WorldWatch. 2.00 Thai News. 2.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 3.00 Bangla News. 3.30 Nepali News. 4.00 The Feed. 4.30 Brazil’s Next Top Model. 5.25 Urban Freestyler. 5.35 American Ninja Warrior. 6.30 If You Are The One. 7.30 The Feed. 8.00 The Office. 8.30 Reality Trip. 9.20 Skint. 10.15 Lip Service. 11.20 Watch With Mother. 11.45 The Feed. 12.15am Him & Her.

12pm Medium. (M) 1.00 JAG. (PG) 2.00 Judging Amy. (PG) 3.00 Infomercials. (PG) 3.30 Raymond. (PG) 4.00 Frasier. (PG) 5.00 King Of Queens. (PG) 5.30 Becker. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.25 Neighbours. 7.00 Raymond. (PG) 7.30 Rules Of Engagement. (PG) 8.30 The Graham Norton Show. (M) 9.35 Empire. (M) 10.30 New Girl. (PG) 11.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG)

12pm News. 1.00 Capital Hill. 2.00 News. 4.00 News With The Business. 5.00 News With Grandstand. 5.55 ABC Open. 6.00 News. 6.30 The Drum. 7.00 News With Grandstand. 8.00 News With The Business. 9.00 News. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 News. 11.30 7.30.

3.00 Animal Squad. 3.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. 4.00 Bewitched. 4.30 60 Minute Makeover. 5.30 Homes Under The Hammer. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Strip The City. (PG) 8.30 A Touch Of Frost. (M) 10.45 Vera. (M)

ABC3 (ch 23)


12pm WIN’s All Australian News. 1.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 2.00 Extra. 2.30 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 News Now. 4.00 News. 5.30 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 News. 7.00 WIN News. 7.30 The Block. (PG) 8.40 Married At First Sight UK. (M) 9.40 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. (M) 11.35 Extra. 12am WIN News.

PRIME7 (ch 6)

7MATE (ch 63)

Treasure. (PG) 5.30 Swamp People. (PG) 6.30 MythBusters. (PG) 7.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) Sheldon has a falling out with Amy. 9.00 Storage Wars. (PG) 10.00 Barter Kings. (PG) 11.00 Baggage Battles. (PG) 12am SportsFan Clubhouse. (PG)

WIN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 80)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)

October 27

12pm News. 1.00 Antiques. 2.00 (ch 2) Call The Midwife. (M) 3.00 Midsomer Murders. (PG) 4.30 Eggheads. 5.00 News: Early Edition. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Antiques Roadshow. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Catalyst. 8.30 Making Families Happy. (M) 9.30 Breaking The Silence. (M) 10.30 Lateline. 11.00 The Business. 11.20 Mad Dogs. (MA15+) 12.05am Randling. (PG)


12pm MOVIE: Christmas In Conway. (2013, M) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 The X Factor Live. (PG) 8.40 800 Words. (PG) 9.40 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA. (M) 10.40 Chicago Fire. (M) 11.35 Mistresses. (M)

PRIME7 (ch 6)

WIN (ch 8)

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.45 Humpty’s Big Adventure. 5.50 Puffin Rock. 6.00 Ben And Holly. 6.10 Peter Rabbit. 6.25 Dinosaur Train. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Total Wipeout. (PG) 8.25 The Checkout. (PG) 8.30 Good Game. 9.00 The Chaser’s Media Circus. (PG) 9.35 Juvenile Lifers. (M) 10.35 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 11.15 Peaky Blinders. (MA15+) 12.15am Misfits. (MA15+)

3.00 Animal Squad. (PG) 3.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. 4.00 Bewitched. 4.30 60 Minute Makeover. 5.30 Homes Under The Hammer. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Pie In The Sky. (PG) 8.30 Foyle’s War. (M) 10.30 Vera. (M)

12pm The Batman. 12.30 Green Lantern. 1.00 Young Justice. 1.30 Looney Tunes. 2.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! 2.30 Sonic Boom. 3.00 SpongeBob SquarePants. 3.30 Rabbids. 4.05 Looney Tunes. 4.30 Tom And Jerry. 5.00 Ben 10: Omniverse. 5.30 Teen Titans Go! 6.00 Regular Show. 6.30 Adv Time. 7.00 Big Bang. 7.30 Container Wars. 8.00 Auction Hunters. 8.30 Storage Hunters. 9.30 Swamp Hunters. 10.30 Cops Uncut. 11.00 South Beach Tow. 12am MAD.

12pm Children’s Programs. 3.50 Dragons: Defenders Of Berk. 4.10 Totally Rubbish. 4.40 News On 3. 4.45 Studio 3. 4.50 Camp Lakebottom. 5.00 Endangered Species. 5.15 Hank Zipzer. 5.45 World’s End. 6.20 The Next Step. 6.50 News On 3. 7.00 Horrible Histories. 7.30 Bushwhacked! 7.55 Deadly 60. 8.20 Figaro Pho. 8.30 Degrassi. (PG) 8.50 Total Drama Action. 9.15 Good Game: SP. 9.40 Rage. (PG) 10.40 Close.

12pm T.J. Hooker. (PG) 1.00 Cellblock: Female Lockup. (M) 2.00 Married With Children. (PG) 3.00 Seinfeld. (PG) 3.30 Trash To Treasure. (PG) 5.30 Swamp People. (PG) 6.30 MythBusters. (PG) 7.30 Highway Patrol. (PG) 8.00 Highway Cops. (PG) 8.30 Ice Road Truckers. (M) 9.30 Counting Cars. (PG) 10.30 Strip N’ Rip. (PG) 11.30 Car Chasers. (PG)

12pm Countryfile. (PG) 1.00 MOVIE: Every Home Should Have One. (1970, M) 3.00 Alive And Cooking. 3.30 RPA. (PG) 4.30 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 5.30 Gilmore Girls. (PG) 6.30 Friends. (PG) 7.30 A Current Affair. 8.00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot. (PG) 9.10 Midsomer Murders. (PG) 11.20 Days That Shook The World. (M) 12.20am Blackadder Goes Forth. (PG)

ABC2 (ch 22)

ABC3 (ch 23)

TEN (ch 5)

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

12pm Dr Oz. (PG) 1.00 Private Practice. (M)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 80)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)



October 28

12pm News. 12.30 Press Club. (ch 2) 1.30 Jennifer Byrne Presents. 2.00 Call The Midwife. 3.00 Midsomer Murders. 4.30 Eggheads. 5.00 News: Early Edition. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Antiques. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Kitchen Cabinet. 8.30 Gruen. (M) 9.05 The Ex-PM. (M) 9.35 Sammy J And Randy In Ricketts Lane. (M) 10.00 How Not To Behave. 10.30 Lateline. 11.00 The Business. 11.20 The Thick Of It. 11.50 Four Corners.

12pm MOVIE: A Wife’s Nightmare. (2014, M) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG) 8.00 Highway Patrol. (PG) 8.30 Blindspot. (M) 9.30 The Blacklist. (M) 10.30 The Player. (M) 11.30 Heroes Reborn. (M)

12pm WIN’s All Australian News. 1.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 2.00 Extra. 2.30 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 News Now. 4.00 News. 5.30 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 News. 7.00 WIN News. 7.30 The Block. (PG) 8.40 Celebrity Apprentice. (PG) 10.00 Extreme Phobias: Spiders. (PG) 11.00 The Mysteries Of Laura. (PG) 12am WIN News.

12pm Dr Phil. (M) 1.00 The Talk. (PG) 2.00 Ent. Tonight. (PG) 2.30 Everyday Gourmet. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 GCBC. 4.00 Ben’s Menu. 4.30 Bold. 5.00 Eyewitness News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 Modern Family. (PG) 8.00 Modern Family. (PG) 8.30 Madam Secretary. 9.30 The Good Wife. 10.30 Hawaii Five-0. (M) 11.30 The Project.

12pm Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 PBS News. 2.00 Contact. (PG) 2.30 Photo. (PG) 3.00 Dateline. 3.30 Insight. 4.30 The Great British Countryside. 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Rick Stein’s Far Eastern Odyssey. 6.30 News. 7.30 Great Continental Railway Journeys. (PG) 8.30 24 Hours In Emergency. (M) 9.30 Fargo. 10.30 News. 11.00 Bushfires: Inside The Inferno. (PG) 12am MOVIE: Wild Blood. (2008, M)

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.45 Humpty’s Big Adventure. 5.50 Puffin Rock. 6.00 Ben And Holly. 6.10 Peter Rabbit. 6.25 Dinosaur Train. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Total Wipeout. (PG) 8.25 The Checkout. (PG) 8.30 I Think I’m An Animal. (PG) 9.30 Extreme Russia With Reggie Yates. (M) 10.25 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 11.10 Juvenile Lifers. (M) 12.05am The Undateables. (M)

12pm Dr Oz. (PG) 1.00 Vera. (M) 3.00 Animal Squad. (PG) 3.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. 4.00 Bewitched. 4.30 60 Minute Makeover. 5.30 Homes Under The Hammer. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Rosemary & Thyme. (PG) 8.30 The Inspector Lynley Mysteries. (M) 10.30 I Shouldn’t Be Alive. (PG) 11.45 Bargain Hunt.

12pm The Batman. 12.30 Green Lantern. (PG) 1.00 Young Justice. (PG) 1.30 Looney Tunes. 2.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 2.30 Sonic Boom. (PG) 3.00 SpongeBob. 3.30 Rabbids. (PG) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 Looney Tunes. 4.30 Tom And Jerry. 5.00 Ben 10. (PG) 5.30 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 6.00 Regular Show. (PG) 6.30 Adv Time. (PG) 7.00 Big Bang. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Jumper. (2008, M) 10.30 MOVIE: Species. (1995, AV15+)

12pm The Living Room. (PG) 1.00 Mr & Mrs Murder. (M) 2.00 Undercover Boss. (PG) 3.00 iFish. 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.00 Operation Repo. (PG) 5.30 Whacked Out Sports. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Megastructures. (PG) 8.30 Cops. (PG) 9.30 Hell’s Kitchen. (MA15+) 10.30 Bikie Wars: Brothers In Arms. (M) 11.30 Moments Of Impact. (PG)

12.05pm WorldWatch. 2.00 Thai News. 2.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 3.00 Bangla News. 3.30 African News. 4.00 The Feed. 4.30 Brazil’s Next Top Model. 5.25 Urban Freestyler. 5.35 American Ninja Warrior. 6.30 If You Are The One. 7.30 The Feed. 8.00 The Office. 8.30 MOVIE: Child’s Play. (1988) 10.05 MOVIE: The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. (1974) 11.40 Watch With Mother. 12.05am The Feed.

12pm Children’s Programs. 4.40 News On 3. 4.45 Studio 3. 4.50 Camp Lakebottom. 5.00 Endangered Species. 5.15 Gortimer Gibbon’s Life On Normal Street. 5.45 World’s End. 6.20 The Next Step. 6.50 News On 3. 7.00 Horrible Histories. 7.30 Bushwhacked! 7.55 Deadly 60. 8.20 Figaro Pho. 8.30 Degrassi. (PG) 8.50 Total Drama Action. 9.15 Good Game: SP. 9.40 Rage. (PG) 10.40 Close.

12pm T.J. Hooker. (M) 1.00 Cellblock: Female Lockup. (M) 2.00 Married With Children. (PG) 3.00 Seinfeld. (PG) 3.30 Trash To Treasure. (PG) 5.30 Swamp People. (PG) 6.30 MythBusters. (PG) 7.30 Cajun Pawn Stars. (PG) 8.30 Pawn Stars. (PG) 9.30 Hardcore Pawn. (M) 10.30 Hardcore Pawn. (PG) 11.00 Beverly Hills Pawn. (PG) 12am Bizarre ER. (M)

12pm Secret Dealers. (PG) 1.00 MOVIE: All Creatures Great And Small. (1975, G) 2.50 Poirot. (PG) 4.00 Alive And Cooking. 4.30 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 5.30 Gilmore Girls. (PG) 6.30 Friends. (PG) 7.30 A Current Affair. 8.00 New Tricks. (PG) 9.10 Major Crimes. (M) 10.10 Rizzoli & Isles. (M) 11.10 CSI. (M) 12.05am The Mentalist. (M)

12pm Medium. 1.00 JAG. 2.00 Judging Amy. 3.00 Infomercials. 3.30 Raymond. 4.00 Frasier. 5.00 King Of Queens. 5.30 Becker. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.25 Neighbours. 7.00 Raymond. 7.30 The Simpsons. 8.00 Futurama. (PG) 8.30 The Simpsons. 9.00 The Simpsons. (PG) 9.30 Bob’s Burgers. (M) 10.00 Bob’s Burgers. 10.30 Cleveland. 11.00 Duckman. 11.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert.

12pm News. 12.30 National Press Club Address. 1.30 Capital Hill. 2.00 News. 4.00 News With The Business. 5.00 News With Grandstand. 5.55 ABC Open. 6.00 News. 6.30 The Drum. 7.00 News With Grandstand. 8.00 News With The Business. 9.00 News. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 News. 11.30 7.30.


ABC2 (ch 22)

ABC3 (ch 23)


7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

October 29 PRIME7 (ch 6)

WIN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 80)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)

12pm News. 1.00 Antiques. 2.00 (ch 2) Call The Midwife. (M) 3.00 Midsomer Murders. (PG) 4.30 Eggheads. 5.00 News: Early Edition. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Antiques. 6.55 Clarke And Dawe. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 The Chaser’s Media Circus. (PG) 8.35 The Musketeers. (M) 9.30 Please Like Me. (M) 10.00 The Agony Of… (M) 10.30 Lateline. 11.00 The Business. 11.15 Dirty Laundry. (MA15+) 12.05am Rev. (PG)

12pm MOVIE: Every Woman’s Dream. (1996, M) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 8.00 Dog Patrol. (PG) 8.30 Mighty Cruise Ships. (PG) 9.30 What Really Happens In Thailand. (M) 10.30 The Amazing Race. (PG) 11.30 Grimm. (AV15+)

12pm WIN News. 1.00 Ellen. (PG) 2.00 Extra. 2.30 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 News Now. 4.00 News. 5.30 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 News. 7.00 WIN News. 7.30 RBT. (PG) 8.00 RBT. (PG) 8.30 The Verdict. (M) 9.30 I Am Innocent. (M) 10.30 Killing Spree. (M) 11.30 Extra. 12am WIN News.

12pm Dr Phil. (M) 1.00 The Talk. (PG) 2.00 Ent. Tonight. (PG) 2.30 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Good Chef Bad Chef. 4.00 Ben’s Menu. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. 5.00 Eyewitness News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 Jamie’s Super Food. 8.30 Gogglebox. (M) 9.30 Joel Creasey’s Comedy Offensive. 10.30 Blue Bloods. (M) 11.30 The Project.

12pm WorldWatch. 2.00 A Season At The Juilliard School New York. (PG) 2.30 BAFTA: A Life In Pictures. 3.00 Living Black. 3.30 The Dark Ages: An Age Of Light. 4.30 JFK. 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Rick Stein’s Far Eastern Odyssey. 6.30 News. 7.30 Destination Flavour: Japan. 8.00 Shane Delia’s Moorish Spice Journey. 8.30 Italy Unpacked. 9.35 Masters Of Sex. (M) 10.40 News.

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.45 Humpty’s Big Adventure. 5.50 Puffin Rock. 6.00 Ben And Holly. 6.10 Peter Rabbit. 6.25 Dinosaur Train. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. 7.30 Total Wipeout. 8.25 The Checkout. (PG) 8.30 Gruen XL. (M) 9.15 The IT Crowd. (M) 9.40 Buzzcocks. (M) 10.15 Inside Amy Schumer. (M) 10.35 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 11.15 Penn & Teller: Fool Us. (PG) 12am Good Game.

12pm Dr Oz. (PG) 1.00 Air Crash Investigations. (PG) 3.00 Animal Squad. (PG) 3.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. 4.00 Bewitched. 4.30 60 Minute Makeover. 5.30 Homes Under The Hammer. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Doc Martin. (PG) 8.30 Judge John Deed. (M) 10.30 Mr Selfridge. (PG) 11.30 Bargain Hunt.

12pm The Batman. 12.30 Green Lantern. 1.00 Young Justice. 1.30 Looney Tunes. 2.00 Yu-GiOh! 2.30 Sonic Boom. 3.00 SpongeBob. 4.00 Kids’ WB. 4.05 Looney Tunes. 4.30 Tom And Jerry. 5.00 Ben 10: Omniverse. 5.30 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 6.00 Regular Show. (PG) 6.30 Adv Time. (PG) 7.00 Big Bang. (PG) 7.30 Survivor: Cambodia. (PG) 8.30 Big Bang. (PG) 9.30 MOVIE: Blood Diamond. (2006, AV15+)

12pm The Living Room. (PG) 1.00 Mr & Mrs Murder. (M) 2.00 Cops. (PG) 3.00 iFish. 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.00 Operation Repo. (PG) 5.30 Whacked Out Sports. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Last Man Standing. (PG) 8.30 The Last Man On Earth. (M) 9.00 Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll. (MA15+) 9.30 Coverband. (M) 10.00 MOVIE: The Phantom. (1996, PG)

12.05pm Hindi News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Urdu News. 1.30 Tamil News. 2.00 Thai News. 2.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 3.00 Bangla News. 3.30 Somali News. 4.00 The Feed. 4.30 Brazil’s Next Top Model. 5.25 Urban Freestyler. 5.35 American Ninja Warrior. 6.30 If You Are The One. 7.30 The Feed. 8.00 Gadget Man. 8.30 MythBusters. (PG) 9.30 Cutback. 10.45 Exit Through The Gift Shop. 12.15am Watch With Mother.

12pm Children’s Programs. 3.50 Dragons: Defenders Of Berk. 4.10 Totally Rubbish. 4.40 News On 3. 4.45 Studio 3. 4.50 Camp Lakebottom. 5.00 Endangered Species. 5.15 So Awkward. 5.45 World’s End. 6.20 The Next Step. 6.50 News On 3. 7.00 Horrible Histories. 7.30 Bushwhacked! 7.55 Deadly 60. 8.20 Figaro Pho. 8.30 Degrassi. (PG) 8.50 Total Drama Action. 9.15 Good Game: SP. 9.40 Rage. (PG) 10.40 Close.

12pm T.J. Hooker. (M) 1.00 Cellblock: Female Lockup. (M) 2.00 Married With Children. (PG) 3.00 Seinfeld. (PG) 3.30 Trash To Treasure. (PG) 4.30 Swamp People. (PG) 6.30 MythBusters. (PG) 7.30 World’s Craziest Fools. (PG) 8.30 Storage Wars. (PG) 9.30 Family Guy. (M) 10.30 American Dad! (M) 11.30 Rude Tube. (M) 12am SportsFan Clubhouse. (PG)

12pm Countryfile. (PG) 1.00 MOVIE: Sands Of The Desert. (1960, G) 2.50 New Tricks. (PG) 4.00 Alive And Cooking. 4.30 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 5.30 Gilmore Girls. (PG) 6.30 Friends. (PG) 7.30 A Current Affair. 8.00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot. (PG) 9.10 New Tricks. (PG) 10.20 MOVIE: Bronco Billy. (1980, M)

12pm Medium. 1.00 JAG. 2.00 Judging Amy. 3.00 Infomercials. 3.30 Raymond. 4.00 Frasier. 5.00 King Of Queens. 5.30 Becker. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.25 Neighbours. 7.00 Raymond. (PG) 7.30 The Simpsons. (PG) 8.00 Futurama. (PG) 8.30 The Simpsons. (PG) 9.00 Futurama. (PG) 9.30 MOVIE: I Know What You Did Last Summer. (1997, AV15+) 11.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert.

12pm News. 1.00 Capital Hill. 2.00 News. 4.00 News With The Business. 5.00 News With Grandstand. 5.55 ABC Open. 6.00 News. 6.30 The Drum. 7.00 News With Grandstand. 8.00 News With The Business. 9.00 News. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 News. 11.30 7.30.


ABC2 (ch 22)

ABC3 (ch 23)


PRIME7 (ch 6)

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

WIN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 80)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)


Brain Busters

super sudoku To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: each of the nine vertical columns, each of the nine horizontal rows and each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes. Remember no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box.


What chemical element has the symbol Nb?


In which country is Balmoral Castle?


Concorde, Conference, and Louise Bonne of Jersey are cultivars of what fruit-bearing plant?


Who was Australia’s longest-serving prime minister?


What is the capital of Algeria?


What is generally considered the tallest breed of dog?


Peter Habeler and Reinhold Messner were the first climbers to reach the summit of what mountain without supplemental oxygen?


What was the name of the hurricane that hit New York City on October 29, 2012?


Natalie Portman won the Academy Award for Best Actress for which film?

10. What is the name of the character played by Peter Dinklage in Game of Thrones? DIFFICULTy RATINg 

No. 860


Crossword No.3468


DOWN 2 Singles 3 School subject (US) 4 Nonvenomous snake 5 Performing troupe 6 Big cats 7 Raised 8 Study of the supposed influence of stars 10 Puts out 11 Alcoholic beverage 16 Relating to sight 17 Cause to be selected in a haphazard way 20 Possessive pronoun 21 Fellow 22 Purpose 23 Single (prefix) 25 Chest 27 Lines of poetry 28 Removed noxious plants from the garden 29 Modify 31 Excellent (informal) 32 Christmas (in carols) 34 Donated 35 Narrow valley

SOLUTION: 1. Niobium. 2. Scotland. 3. Pear. 4. Robert Menzies. 5. Algiers. 6. Irish Wolfhound. 7. Mount Everest. 8. Sandy. 9. Black Swan. 10. Tyrion.

ACROSS 1 Densely 9 Negative vote 10 Ages 12 Epistle 13 Thaw 14 Be quiet! 15 Contemplate 18 Highs 19 In the presence of 22 Habitual 24 Soiled 26 Manning (a ship) 29 Interjection of surprise 30 By hand 33 Ovum 36 Sacred representation 37 Military decorations 38 Look for 39 Period immediately before 40 Commander-in-chief

No. 859

No. 860


Solve a sudoku, crack a crossword, test your trivia


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For personal readings, phone Francis on 9673 6321. Credit cards welcome. Francis Bevan direct 1902 264 063 or 24 hour line 1902 267 040 $5.50 per minute (higher pay-phone or mobile)..





The Full Moon on the 27th indicates

The Full Moon on the 27th warns you to be careful of offending close friends and colleagues. There's also a strong feeling that someone will try to undermine you at work and unfortunately you won't get a great deal of help from superiors, so watch your back!

The Full Moon on 27 October indicates that financially, it may be two steps forward, one step back. You need to be smart with your money and stick to your budget. You’re also likely to be feeling somewhat vulnerable and you need to be careful of fatigue.

A challenging new enterprise or interest will be an enlightening experience. The 27 October Full Moon indicates that you will be caught between a rock and hard place in your personal life; by pinpointing the facts and priorities you will instinctively know how to resolve this matter.

LEO JUL 23 – AUG 23



The 27 October Full Moon indicates that aiming high with a financial or business venture will challenge you to stretch your resources. Partnerships of all kinds will need a bit of extra effort to make them work and you may find that your other half or boss is irritable.

You need to make extra time for rest as your work schedule will be bulging at the seams. The 27 October Full Moon indicates that a close relationship or friendship may be coming to an end; by letting go you will actually gain something of much higher value.

The Full Moon on the 27th indicates that if you were expecting a peaceful time at home, then you need to think again! Anything could happen – unexpected visitors, a sudden need to call a handyman or an urge to redecorate. Just go with the flow and take it all as it comes!




This is an ideal time to spend some quiet time at home. The Full Moon on the 27th indicates that any travel plans are going to be beset by challenges, delays and setbacks of all types so be certain to double check all arrangements and be patient on the road.

Mars in your 10th house allows you to focus on your career and some hard-earned extra money coming your way. The Full Moon on the 27th indicates that a problem with a long and detailed project at work or home is likely as unexpected hitches reveal themselves.

Health and beauty pursuits will gather momentum and you’ll feel and look better for them. The Full Moon on 27 October warns you to be careful of having slight accidents whilst driving, so slow down and don't let frustrations get to you! Money tensions could flare up.

that money is the root of all evil, but it’s worse still not having any! You need to put a new budget in place to sort this dilemma out. An opening at work will be your chance to make your mark.

TAURUS APR 21 – MAY 21 The 27 October Full Moon indicates that plans with a loved one may bring bonding experiences, but they could be expensive. Don't let irritations get under your skin; being patient will achieve more. People who are in positions of authority will be pleased with your work.

GEMINI MAY 22 – JUNE 21 Your love life looks up when a charming and flirtatious mood takes a hold. The Full Moon on 27 October indicates that a challenging discussion will touch emotional nerves, so keep your cool for positive results and don’t allow your insecurities to get the better of you.


Just like all Scorpios, Caitlyn has tremendous endurance, inner strength and is well equipped to handle the challenges life deals up. Caitlyn has great pride, very high personal standards and would consider herself spineless if she walked away from the transformation that her life has recently gone through. Jupiter is moving through her 11th house during the next 12 months and friends will have a powerful influence on her prospects of success and happiness. Her optimism and vitality will increase.

Getty Images

in the

28 October 1949

Trades & Services Guide INDEX



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Air-Conditioning/Heating Asbestos Removal Automotive Bathroom & Kitchen Bobcat & Tipper Carpet Laying Cleaning & Home Help Computer Repairs Concreting Electrical Fencing Furniture Garden Maintenance Gardening Guttering Handyman Ironing Services Landscaping & Design Locksmiths Office Furniture Oven Repairs & Cleaning Painting Plastering & Gyprock Plumbing Property Maintenance Roofing Self-Storage Signs & Signwriting Tiling Water Tanks Website Design Windows


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Contact Heidi 6175 8888 E heidi@canberraweekly.com.au

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call Heidi on 6175 8888 221

Contact Heidi 6175 8888 E heidi@canberraweekly.com.au

Trades & Services Guide CONCRETING


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Trades & Services Guide HANDYMAN




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To book your space, call Heidi on 6175 8888 or email heidi@canberraweekly.com.au 223

Contact Heidi 6175 8888 E heidi@canberraweekly.com.au

Trades & Services Guide PLUMBING






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To book your space, email heidi@canberraweekly.com.au

Contact Heidi 6175 8888 E heidi@canberraweekly.com.au

Trades & Services Guide TILING



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Walls and floors tiling



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Here at the Canberra Weekly, we receive all kinds of goodies from PR companies, publicists and businesses. We’ve put together a great prize pack containing a selection of haircare products valued at well over $100 for one lucky reader to win.

Are you in the guide? Hurry! Our readers are heading there now for home help. To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘October haircare’ in the subject field. Tell us your name,

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full contact details and the answer to this question: what’s your favourite beauty tip for great hair? Entries close and winner drawn 9am 30 October 2015. One entry per person. Permit No. ACT TP 15/05130.


FAMILY “Where would you be without the love and support of your family? Life’s pretty good. On one side some days can be crazy in this household but with all the stress and whatever is going on in life, it’s so nice to come home to family.”

My favourite things

THE WIZARD OF OZ A fan of the song Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Lisa says she also loves the fact the film teaches you to be grateful for what you have. “It teaches that life lesson that happiness is in your own backyard, you don’t have to search for things.”


Photo Gary Schafer

“I feel so blessed to be able to work for an organisation that’s there for people that are experiencing a tragic time and we can help support them through that. The other side of that, we are also there at the most amazing time of parents with their first bub offering education on safe sleeping.”

VIETNAM “I fell in love with the place and the people when I backpacked there for three weeks. I just love the food and everything about it.”


A popular former radio presenter, Lisa Ridgley was a longtime breakfast presenter on MIX 106.3 before transitioning her career. Now working as CEO for SIDS and Kids ACT, Lisa says it was her work with radio that led to her move to the organisation due to the level of community involvement. “That was the best part about the job, knowing how much you could support the community and fundraise”. Originally from Brisbane, radio brought Lisa to Canberra where she has lived for the past 10 years. - Allison Redman


DUMPLINGS “I love them so much. I was determined to taste Shanghai dumplings while in Shanghai and lined up for 2.5 hours.”

SEASIDE “Lots of people have that affinity with water. If and when we ever move, it will have to be near water. There is something so calming about the sound of the ocean and looking at the water.”


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