24 March 2016

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thursday 24 march 2016

chocolate indulgence


floaty frocks to wear now

3 decadent desserts to make

autumn in the garden


pages of hot property open homes p154

school holidays feature


kids’ DVD packs Ergoflex pillows The Little Mermaid passes Spanish Film Festival tickets


the sound of colour


dangerous poll dancing







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Canberra Weekly contents

thursday 24 march 2016

This week...

Have you ever noticed how sometimes it’s the unexpected things that transform a simple moment into a memorable one? For example, while on one of our regular dog walks around the ponds, I heard a deep flapping sound and turned to witness a pair of majestic black swans making an elegant, synchronised water landing, the white flashes of their underwings painting a vivid contrast against a sapphire sky. Then they called to each other and momentarily touched their slender necks together. Aww … and awe! It was like a scene from a Sir David Attenborough nature documentary and literally stopped me in my tracks. Over the decades, I’ve found life is rich with such moments – if you’re alert to them. Priceless little gems for the memory bank. Reasons to be grateful this past week include mottled grey clouds daubed across a low-hanging sky, new season persimmons, well camouflaged grass parrots suddenly taking flight at our approach, the autumn equinox, crimson rosellas resplendent amidst grey gums, belly laughs at the ABC 666 Happy Hour Live at Canberra Comedy Festival, and last Friday’s soaking rain refreshing the garden and green spaces. Here’s wishing you all a safe and happy Easter long weekend. - Julie Samaras

Chocolate indulgence

Time out The sound of colour

The look Floaty frocks

Home Autumn in the garden

06 08 10 22 26 36 40 47 53 58 154 158 168 172 173 174 178

General news Paul Bongiorno Ross Solly Have you heard? Social scene Taste Time out The look Home Real estate Open homes Motoring TV guide Puzzles Stars Trades & services Favourite things

Editorial & Advertising Enquiries T 02 6175 8800 | F 02 6175 8899 www.canberraweekly.com.au Since March 2009


Curtis Stone’s chocolate steamed pudding with ganache. Turn to page 36 to find three great chocolate dessert recipes for Easter and beyond.


47 53

WIN 32 33 43 55

The Little Mermaid doubles Paw Patrol + Sonic Booms DVDs Spanish Film Festival passes Ergoflex pillow pair

Editor Julie Samaras

Suite 11, 285 Canberra Avenue, Fyshwick ACT 2609

on the cover


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From the editor

36 40 47 53


On the cover


Advertising Director Liz Makary

Contributing Editor Paul Bongiorno

liz.m@canberraweekly.com.au 0406 378 408

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Art Director Daniel Charron Photography Gary Schafer

Display Advertising Director Monica Schwetz

monica.s@canberraweekly.com.au 0406 378 673


58 Published by Newstate Media Pty Ltd (ACN 124 830 155). All content © 2016 Newstate Media Pty Ltd, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without prior written permission. All material sent to Canberra Weekly Magazine (whether solicited or not) will not be returned. Unless otherwise agreed beforehand, all rights including copyright in such material is assigned to Newstate Media upon receipt and Newstate Media may use or sell such material in perpetuity without further consent or payment. All prices and information are correct at time of printing. For full terms and conditions of competitions contact Canberra Weekly Magazine on 6175 8800.

YOUR Canberra clubs gave $131.6 million to local sport teams and sporting infrastructure since 2000.


$2 million upgrade to Northbourne paths


he path network along both sides of Northbourne Avenue between Greenway Street (north of Haig Park) and Barry Drive/ Cooyong Street in the city is set to receive a $2 million upgrade. The Verge Refurbishment Project

is part of the ACT Government’s Urban Renewal Strategy and will see the existing 1.2m wide path on both sides of this section of Northbourne Avenue removed and replaced with a 2.5m wide path, and existing bollards removed.

Minister for Transport and Municipal Services Meegan Fitzharris said the project also involves upgrading street lighting so there is lighting onto the footpath and not just the roads, while there will also be a 12-month trial of no bollards in the area to help develop a more cohesive public space. Following the 12 month trial, the outcomes of having no bollards will be assessed. If they are reintroduced it would be done in a way that does not impact on the new path and is more consistent than the current arrangements. “Northbourne Avenue has special significance as Canberra’s northern gateway. The ACT Government is committed to renewing Northbourne Avenue, and making it more peoplefriendly,” Ms Fitzharris said. “Footpath widening will support safe active travel in this highly urban area, providing a dedicated

space for walking and cycling away from general traffic and make this part of the city more accessible.” Ms Fitzharris said the project would not be impacted by the light rail development while the implementation of further verge improvements on Northbourne Avenue will be assessed following the first stage of works and subject to further funding. Construction is expected to start in the next four to six weeks and be completed by August or September. However, Shadow Minister for Transport Alistair Coe questioned the project given the number of individual street upgrades which are needed across the rest of Canberra. He said the Barr Government “would be better serving Canberrans by making sure it maintains suburban footpaths through a proper needs-based process”. - Allison Redman

Social enterprise starts mattress recycling scheme A mattress recycling scheme will soon be operating in the ACT which, it is hoped, will also reduce the number of mattresses being illegally dumped. “We often have people contact us about donating their mattresses but due to health risks we’re unable to accept used mattresses,” said Paul Trezise, CEO of St Vincent de Paul Society Canberra/Goulburn. “Mattresses are unfortunately regularly dumped at our Vinnies shops outside of opening hours, which our volunteers then have to remove and organise transport to landfill. This is an unpleasant and costly exercise. “We’re hoping that the new scheme will encourage people to recycle their mattresses rather than dumping them on Vinnies. In 6

particular, now there’s the option for mattresses to be picked up from your home, we’re hoping that the added convenience will discourage future dumping.” Minister for Transport and Municipal Services Meegan Fitzharris said in the ACT, mattresses are currently shredded and most of the product is disposed of in landfill. The average mattress contains 12.5kg of steel, 4kg of foam and 12kg for a wooden base, so being able to separate these materials for recycling will make a huge difference, she said. Set to come into effect on 4 April, the scheme is designed to stop more than 18,000 mattresses from going into landfill each year and will provide employment opportunities for disadvantaged Canberrans

through a new social enterprise. The new facility at the Hume Sheds will be operated by Soft Landing, a social enterprise. Ms Fitzharris said the joint ACT Government and Soft Landing project will make it possible to recycle up to 90% of mattress components while also “creating employment opportunities for people who might be finding it hard to find work”. To support this social enterprise, the ACT Government will encourage people to drop off mattresses directly to Soft Landing at the Hume Sheds on John Cory Circuit from 7.30am to 3.30pm Monday to Friday for $23 per piece. There will also be a collection service so Canberra residents can book and pre-pay $29.50 to

A new mattress recycling scheme will prevent more than 18,000 mattresses from going into landfill in the ACT each year.

have their old mattress picked up from their home, and there is an option to drop your mattress off at the Mitchell and Mugga Lane Resource Management Centres for $33 per piece. The new pricing arrangements will be introduced from 4 April.

Photo Gary Schafer

ACT Minister for Transport and Municipal Services Meegan Fitzharris with an artist’s impression of the new widened pathway along Northbourne Avenue designed to create a safer surface for pedestrians.


KID ACTIVITIES Meet the Easter Bunny, decorate an egg or join in the Easter Scavenger Hunt. Thur 24 and Sat 26 March Visit westfield.com.au/act for centre specific details.


capital hill Dangerous poll dancing


alcolm Turnbull used all the dignity of his office to make a surprise election strategy announcement. There he was in the prime minister’s courtyard flanked by two national flags and looking very serious. He was telegraphing the election date in a high risk strategy that caught his opponents somewhat on the hop. I say somewhat because Labor was convinced Turnbull wanted a double dissolution election on 2 July. They just weren’t sure how he was going to do it. The double dissolution – where all the Senate goes to the people instead of just half of it – was well and truly on the cards. After all, the prime minister did what Labor calls a “dirty deal” with the Greens to push through reform of the way in which senators are elected. The perfectly worthwhile

objective of actually allowing the voters to decide where their preferences go was contorted to be “undemocratic” and a con to entrench conservative dominance of the Senate. Armed with the new laws, Turnbull moved quickly to stage two. He loaded a gun and held it at the heads of the Senate crossbench. Part of his solemn announcement was to warn recalcitrant independents if they did not finally support two bills aimed at nobbling unions he would clean them out. They may yet cave in to save their own necks. All of them are long-term senators. They would not have to front up to voters for another four years if a half senate election was held. That would rob Turnbull of his excuse. The early indications are they are not for turning. That is his whole idea.

After six disappointing months trying to placate the militant conservatives in his own party and in the National Party, particularly under Barnaby Joyce, Turnbull has had enough. Choosing industrial relations as a major ground to fight the election was aimed as much at them as voters. In fact, voters are likely to be unimpressed. Unions are seen as an irrelevance for many for much of the time or as a safeguard against assaults on pay and conditions when the conservatives get really belligerent. That was John Howard’s experience in 2007. Make no mistake; Malcolm Turnbull paid a high price after he took government to keep the coalition together. The Nationals were threatening to pull out of the arrangement unless he agreed to sign up to all Tony Abbott’s key


prescriptions on marriage equality, climate change, water management and even the republic. That would have plunged the Liberals into minority government. At the time, Turnbull wanted a smooth transition and he sued for peace; something he’s been doing too often for many voters, if the opinion polls can be believed. He and the government have been steadily losing support since the heady days of the coup’s immediate aftermath. Turnbull’s allies and advisers are hoping that voters won’t mind his “tricky” manoeuvres to give him the chance to be the real Malcolm after the election.

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political capital Once again Brumbies in the news for the wrong reasons s there a more apt name for a sporting organisation anywhere in the world than the Brumbies? The famous Snowy Mountains version is strong but wild, and would give anyone who dares try to climb on board one heck of a rough ride. Unfortunately the same can be said about our beloved (mostly) ACT Brumbies, our Canberra-based rugby team that, in between some wonderful results on the field, have regularly found themselves in selfinflicted crisis mode. The latest drama unfolded this week when Michael Jones, the man brought in to try and sort out all sorts of problems at Brumbies headquarters, was stood down as CEO. The atmosphere down at Brumbies headquarters in recent times has been poisonous, to the extent it’s a wonder the

organisation managed to keep functioning at all. The breaking point came on the weekend when Jones gave an ill-advised radio interview on ABC Grandstand, pouring petrol on an already raging bushfire by warning he could take the ACT Brumbies down if he chose to fight back against his detractors. No doubt it was his frustrations spilling over after weeks of rumour and innuendo, but it concerned the bosses of Australian rugby so much that they made a flying visit to Canberra to try and sort out the rabble. There can be no doubt Jones has shown himself to be a ‘can do’ man since taking on the CEO role, which is exactly why he was appointed. But now we as fans are wondering – is he not up to the task, is he a troublemaker, or is it

that there are people at the club who have reason to be worried? After all, he has called in the AFP to investigate the sale of Brumbies headquarters, and has made many statements alleging wrongdoing. It’s meant the ACT Brumbies are once again making news for all the wrong reasons, and given its current financial situation, it’s publicity and an image the club can do without. The ACT Government is a sponsor, and on Tuesday Chief Minister Andrew Barr was urging other financial backers not to lose faith. But I can tell you this; if I was putting money into this organisation, and my brand was linked to the club, I’d be wanting a full and frank explanation about what is going on. Because from the outside it looks like an absolute dog’s breakfast.

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… Bravo to the sensible folk of Queensland (yes, you heard me right) who on the weekend voted in favour of fixed four-year parliamentary terms. Now can someone please have the guts to stand up and demand the same for our Federal Parliament? Because this constant speculation over when the next election will be held comes at the expense of thorough political debate and scrutiny. The arguments against fixed terms, to my mind, are an absolute nonsense. Give our Federal Governments an extra year to run the country in return for the certainty of an election date. How hard can it be?

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news ClubsACT launches community education campaign

A taste of harmony at Mawson Primary Mawson Primary School held a Taste of Harmony food festival on Friday 18 March in celebration of Harmony Day, which coincides with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on 21 March. Attending the event, ACT Minister for Education, Shane Rattenbury (centre), said it was “wonderful to join with the vibrant Mawson Primary School community to support a day that celebrates Australia’s diversity and promotes cultural respect”. Students prepared different types of cuisine with help from their parents and grandparents.


ClubsACT launched its new community education campaign, Your Canberra Clubs, on Tuesday 22 March, aiming to stimulate conversation among Canberrans about the role clubs play in the economic and social fabric of the local community. The campaign utilises strong imagery and infographics to encourage people to imagine what it would be like if there were no community clubs in the ACT. Research conducted by ClubsACT last July found many of the 200,000 club members across the region didn’t realise that Canberra clubs run on a unique, not-for-profit model which ploughs profits back into the community, or that the future of clubs is directly threatened due to an uncertain legislative environment. “Most people don’t know clubs contribute over $11 million every

year to more than 1,000 community groups and charities, have invested over $131.6 million in local sport teams and sporting infrastructure since 2000 and spent millions more to employ and train thousands of Canberrans,” Chief Executive of ClubsACT, Gwyn Rees, said. Mr Rees said that clubs provided safe, inclusive and social environments for people of all backgrounds to meet, relax, dine, celebrate special occasions, exercise, play sport and enjoy cultural activities of many kinds. Canberra clubs employ 2,300 Canberrans, maintain over 400 hectares of urban green space for sporting use and procure 80% of their supplies from local businesses. Canberrans are encouraged to get involved in a number of ways; visit www.yourcanberraclubs.com.au for more information.


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Tree removal along Northbourne

New Guide Dogs ready to work very special graduation ceremony was held in Canberra recently when six new Guide Dogs received their first harnesses. The celebration marked the end of intensive training for the Guide Dogs that will soon be matched with a person who is blind or vision impaired. Guide Dogs NSW/ACT CEO, Graeme White, said the event was a celebration of the hard work that these dogs, their instructors and volunteer Puppy Raisers have put in over the past two years. “It has taken more than $35,000 to breed, raise and train each Guide Dog to the all-important working stage of their life,” he said. According to Guide Dogs NSW/ ACT, every day in Australia 28 people are diagnosed with vision loss that cannot be corrected, including nine

New Guide Dog Juliet was presented with her first harness at the Federal Golf Club in Red Hill earlier this month.

who will become blind. “With the demand for Guide Dogs’ services increasing due to growing numbers of people having trouble getting around as a result of vision loss, we’re incredibly grateful for the support we receive from the community,” Dr White said.

Forty-two trees have been identified as either dead or decaying following a recent comprehensive assessment of the trees on Northbourne Avenue, between Alinga Street and Antill Street south. The assessment has identified 41 Eucalyptus elata (River peppermint) trees located in the median and one mature Eucalyptus mannifera (Brittle gum) in the verge that require removal for health and safety reasons. The 42 trees have been scheduled for removal in April with the work to take place outside peak hours to limit the impact on traffic movement along Northbourne Avenue. Minister for Transport and Municipal Services (TAMS) Meegan Fitzharris said the trunks of the removed trees will be reused in the Molonglo Valley “to provide new homes for some of our endangered box-gum woodland creatures including invertebrates, reptiles and birds, helping to promote increased biodiversity”. TAMS tree maintenance teams will also undertake pruning on some of the verge and median trees before the end of June to improve amenity and structure of the remaining trees. All trees along Northbourne Avenue will continue to be monitored for defects and signs of decline and further works will be scheduled as required. Minister Fitzharris said the trees on Northbourne Avenue will be replanted as part of the light rail project.


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Foundation eyes expansion of services he ability to offer respite care for children with serious illness is one of the goals the Stella Bella Little Stars Foundation is working towards. According to Stella Bella Little

Stars Foundation founder Suzanne Tunks, a local business has already offered support for “when we find the right place and location” and ideally they would like to see the centre ready by the end of next year.

The proposed centre would build on the support the foundation currently provides to the community. This includes bereavement support, palliative care support as well as over $90,000 in direct family support and $25,000 for programs for children and families such as the Little Star Beads program. Ms Tunks said direct support includes petrol vouchers, emergency accommodation and rental support so people don’t get evicted. “Support is offered on a case by case basis but it is often about the practical, necessities of life stuff,” she said. The foundation, which started in 2012, has supported about 350 families including over 200 in the

beads program. They held their first family camp at the end of last year for all the children on the beads program. “A number of the parents there told us they’d never been on a family holiday,” Ms Tunks said. Community support is integral to the organisation’s ability to provide their services and there are a number of events you can get involved with. In addition to their annual gala ball on 29 October, there is a bowls, bingo and board games event on Sunday 3 April 4pm at The RUC in Turner. Tickets cost $65 and are available from trybooking.com/KQUH. For more information about the foundation, visit stellabellalittlestars.org.au - Allison Redman

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Photo Gary Schafer

Siblings Jesse, Katiah-Ann and Sonny Tait with their beads from the Stella Bella Little Stars Foundation Little Star Beads program. The program offers seriously ill children little rewards for their medical procedures in the form of special beads.

Free guided volunteer led tours


Principal Mandy Kalyvas, founding principal Al Leece, P&C president Katrina Martin, Board member David Robertson and students cut the cake at the 40th birthday of Hawker Primary School.

Hawker Primary celebrates 40 years his year Hawker Primary School celebrates 40 years of providing quality education for the Hawker and wider Belconnen community. Old and new students alike joined in a birthday assembly on Friday 11 March where the school shared an enormous cake in the school’s colours of green and gold. Founding principal, Al Leece, attended the birthday assembly along with his

grown son, Andrew, and his two young grandchildren, Eleanor and Hunter, who have all attended Hawker Primary. Current principal, Mandy Kalyvas, congratulated the school on being a community that people stayed connected to. “The beautiful thing is there was never meant to be a school here,” Mrs Kalyvas said. Instead, Hawker Primary School grew from a small group of determined parents in 1973 to develop a preschool and primary school in the new suburb of Hawker. In 1976, Hawker Primary School opened its doors. “Hawker school is a unique open plan school,” Mrs Kalyvas said. “The warm, friendly and inviting atmosphere and positive school culture provides a strong foundation for quality learning, academic excellence and student success in a wide range of areas. The underpinning philosophy established by founding principal, Mr Al Leece, still thrives today.” The birthday assembly launched a number of anniversary celebrations throughout the year, including a fete, trivia night, open day, dinner and dance. - Laura White

McCabe resigns ACT Work Safety Commissioner Mark McCabe has announced his retirement from the position, with effect from 15 April. ACT Minister for Workplace Safety and Industrial Relations, Mick Gentleman, paid tribute to Mr McCabe. “As ACT Work Safety Commissioner for over eight years, Mark has been instrumental in transforming WorkSafe ACT into a more trusted and customer-service focused regulator,” Mr Gentleman said. “In particular I would like to thank him and commend his work on the Getting Home Safely report, which has seen major improvements on ACT construction sites, with no deaths occurring on worksites since its implementation.”

Easter fun at railway museum There is plenty on at the Canberra Railway Museum over the Easter long weekend with family steam train trips, miniature railway rides, carnival attractions and more. Steam train rides will depart the Canberra Railway Museum to Queanbeyan and back on 25-28 March at 9.45am, 12.25pm and 2.30pm. Visitors can also get up close to the Beyer-Garratt steam locomotive 6029, while on the Saturday night there is an evening trip to Bungendore and return. For more information or bookings, visit canberrarailwaymuseum.org or call 6232 6405.


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To the kind and generous supporters of the Stella Bella Little Stars Foundation, who helped us to brighten the lives of seriously ill children in Canberra in 2015 . Your contribution has made a difference in the lives of many families, at times when they needed it most.

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sport Pocock re-signs to Brumbies David Pocock has recommitted to the Brumbies and Australian Rugby until at least the next World Cup. At 27, Pocock said the structure of this deal would allow him to extend his rugby career, and he will now be with the Brumbies until 2019. Pocock will be released from Australian Rugby duties in 2017 to further his studies and personal development, before returning to Australia ahead of the 2018 Super Rugby season. In other Brumbies news, the club recorded their first loss of the season going down 31-11 to the Stormers in Cape Town, while winger Henry Speight has been ruled out for up to eight weeks after x-rays revealed he has a fractured frontal bone above his eye. The Brumbies next match is against the Cheetahs in Bloemfontein.

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Raiders draw with Knights

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The Canberra Raiders split the points with the Newcastle Knights on Saturday 19 March with the match finishing in a 24-all draw after neither side was able to secure the win during golden point. Shannon Boyd left the field in the second half with concussion but is expected to be available for selection this week. In other injury news, Blake Austin and Aidan Sezer are both due to return to more training activities this week. The Raiders take on the Gold Coast Titans at GIO Stadium on Saturday 26 March 5.30pm.

Canberra will host Australia’s premier multi-day orienteering event, the Australian 3-Days over the Easter weekend starting on Good Friday with a prologue followed by the three days of competition. The 2016 AUS 3-Days has attracted 700 entries from interstate and overseas; for the full program, visit easter2016.orienteering.asn.au/ carnival-information/ Orienteering Australia will also hold its annual awards dinner on Sunday 27 March. This year it will include the creation of an Orienteering Australia Hall of Fame, with the following inaugural members to be inducted: Athlete Membership: Grant Bluett (ACT) and Jenny Bourne (VIC) formerly of the ACT and a member of the ActewAGL ACT Sports Hall of Fame; General Membership: Tom Andrews (VIC), David Hogg (ACT), Alex Tarr (VIC) and Barry McCrae (VIC).

= $20,000+ Is this something that is acceptable to you? If it isn’t, come to our next free information night.

Tuesday 29 March Register at www.oasisdental.com.au 20

Need a tradie? Turn to our Trades & Services Guide

page 174

Cheeky Chicken advertising moment

Cheeky Chicken Early Learning centre in Hughes is a place where children feel safe, happy and enjoy lots of play time indoors and out.

Children assist in assembling and selecting their own portions at meal times.

Cheeky Chicken Early Learning: the place children want to be From humble beginnings and now celebrating their first birthday, Cheeky Chicken is the place children want to be. esigned as the perfect home-away-fromhome for the owners’ young son, it is evident that the children who attend Cheeky Chicken Early Learning centre in Hughes love to be there. From the moment you walk through the gate, you can see this not-for-profit centre is different. The children play outside, rain or shine, encouraged to learn how the weather changes and affects their own bodies, moods and minds. They follow a Scandinavian philosophy: ‘There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing’. On particularly rainy days, children and educators alike jump in puddles and make mud pies. When the sun comes out, they explore, tend to their veggie patch and look for insects in the garden. With a 1:4 ratio of educators to children across the board, children attending at all ages learn and play together. Preschoolers are able to assist with feeding the babies. The babies eagerly follow the toddlers around trying to catch up. Each acts as a role model for the next. From an early age, the children learn to share, nurture and help the others around them. Interactions between educators and children are based on consent, with the Cheeky Chicken team believing no child is too young to consent to being

held or cuddled. This teaches mutual respect from an early age, not only between the educator and the child but among the children as well. Another unique aspect of Cheeky Chicken has the children determining which educators they bond with when they first start. The model the educators follow is based on supporting primary attachment, being the family, and building strong secondary and tertiary attachments within the community of the centre. This model ensures the relationship between child and educator is built on the child’s desire to get to know that person, and over time the child’s confidence continues to build and they are able to branch out. All meals are based on a Mediterranean diet, with the children and educators eating mostly organic meals; lots of fruit and veggies, pasta, beans, legumes and a little meat and fish. Learning through play is encouraged during meal times, as children assist in cutting up fruit into halves and quarters, counting, and selecting their own portions. Comments from families touring the centre often include “I can’t believe how much it feels like home” – and that’s exactly the kind of environment the Cheeky Chicken team have strived to create. There is a sense of community, the philosophy of ‘It takes

a village to raise a child’ embedded in the model, and the renovated church offers a warm and airy environment, with modern bathroom and kitchen facilities, a separate sleep room, and plenty of space for children to explore, play, learn and create. Parents are able to join a private family Facebook group to track their child’s daily progress and even see snaps of their child in action, keeping them involved. With seven full-time staff and only 20 children per day, Cheeky Chicken is a stress-free and homely learning environment for infants through to preschoolers. The staff keep a very high standard and know that their parents expect the best – and they strive to deliver. Celebrating their first birthday this month, Cheeky Chicken has proven through the tightknit community it has built, the multiple awards it has won, and the feedback it receives from its families, that their model is working, and this may well be the future of Early Learning centres in Canberra. Contact a friendly member of the team on 0422 991 881 or 0468 771 977 and check them out on Facebook: www.facebook.com/cheekychickenbookings


Free Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Seminars

iStock Image

Whether it’s a friend, a family member or a colleague’s relative suffering from it, Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia touches us all. As part of The Tradies Community Awareness Program, Alzheimer’s Australia ACT will present ‘Your Brain Matters – A Guide to Healthy Hearts and Minds’ at The Dickson Tradies on Thursday 31 March 3-4pm and 6-7pm, and again on Thursday 12 May, same times. The seminar, which is free to Tradies members and their guests, discusses ways to keep your brain healthy and the changes

Connect with Legacy Share your community event. Email news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘HYH’ in the subject field. Deadline is 10 days prior to Thursday edition date.

Canberra Legacy is providing the opportunity for former Wards of Legacy and Junior Legatees to renew their association with Legacy. Originally dependents of widows cared for by Legacy were called Wards of Legacy, while more recently, they are called Junior Legatees. For more details, call Canberra Legacy on 2685 1800 or email executive@canberralegacy.com.au

HAVE YOU HEARD? what's on

must do

must see

Ks for Kids From the people who brought you Jeans for Genes, now comes Ks for Kids – a fun fitness challenge on Sunday 1 May to support Children's Medical Research Institute in advancing the treatments and prevention of childhood disease. Take on the scenic 30km walk or run around Lake Burley Griffin central basin or enjoy the 15km or 5km routes. Grab your family and friends and start a team or take on this challenge solo – Ks for Kids is suitable for all ages and fitness levels. Once you've completed your laps, join in with the family-friendly activities and entertainment at the Discovery Hub, including live performances on stage. To register, go to ksforkidswalk.org.au

Writing workshops Two writing classes will be held on Saturday 2 April 9am-12 noon at the Australian National Archives and 1-4pm at Queanbeyan City Library. The aim of these advanced writing workshops is to assist members of the community to prepare submissions for the November 2016 deadline in the www.peaceworks.org.au publication process. More info: visit the Peace Works! website or email peter.maywald@yahoo.com

Open cottage garden There will be a craft and writing open cottage garden event on Sunday 3 April 9am-5pm at Boab Book Cottage, 36 Crawford Street, Queanbeyan. Entitled Lives Writ in Comfort Rugs, this event will display more than 40 handwork and written pieces made over the past century and see the launch of two new public art features. Free entry. Refreshments available on the day. Funds raised from this event will support Australian Red Cross. 22

that can occur in our memory and thinking as we age. Currently at The Dickson Tradies, a group of men living with Alzheimer’s meet regularly to play pool. They chat about life, past memories, and challenge their mind by problem solving angles to sink the coloured balls. To book a spot at a seminar, call The Dickson Tradies on 6162 5656. For additional information on Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia, visit act.fightdementia.org.au or call Alzheimer’s Australia ACT on 6255 0722.

Ride for arthritis On Thursday 31 March, six riders will be departing Parliament House for nine days of cycling to Adelaide to raise funds for Arthritis Research and promote awareness of Rheumatoid Arthritis a debilitating autoimmune disease affecting around 400,000 Australians. For more information or to donate visit rheumatoidaware.com.au or find Ride for Arthritis – Canberra to Adelaide on Facebook.

Health and longevity

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Three inspiring hours of lectures followed by one hour of Q&A. Dr Michael Klaper MD is a gifted clinician, internationally recognised teacher, and sought-after speaker on diet and health. He has practised medicine for more than 40 years, and is a leading educator in applied plant-based nutrition and integrative medicine. Dr Klaper is also the author of a successful book on cholesterol-free nutrition as well as numerous health videos.

Brenda Davis, registered dietitian, is a leader in her field and an internationally acclaimed speaker. She is the lead dietitian in a diabetes research project in Majuro, Marshall Islands. Brenda is co-author of nine award-winning, best-selling books including Becoming Vegan: Comprehensive Edition (2014), The Raw Food Revolution Diet (2008), Defeating Diabetes (2003) and Dairy-free and Delicious (2001).



Date: Saturday 9 April 2016 Venue: Federation Ballroom, Hyatt Hotel Canberra Time: 1pm to 5pm Cost: $49 plus booking fee $3.08 To purchase your ticket, visit https://klaperanddavis.eventbrite.com.au or call 6175 8800 to pay over the phone

For more information about this event, please call 6175 8800 during business hours.

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aim higher… ‘Peter Ring has been working on our brand for the last seven years. Quite frankly Pete is a unique person to work with - he sees the world in a different way; a way that I can only see when he puts the solution in front of me - and then I go wow! Pete recently created a name and brand for a new start up company we are creating. Once again his unique thinking produced fresh, succinct ideas that will accelerate our engagement to new markets. Pete is a one-off - get him on your team if you can or call me on 0419 844 526 if you want to know more.’ Ed Nixon – CEO – Trilogy Funding

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Owner of Bond Hair Religion, Jenni Tarrant, is embarking on her next adventure; climbing the two highest mountains in Tanzania, Africa – Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru – to raise funds for charity. Jenni is donating all funds raised to the two charities closest to her heart, Bravehearts and Lifeline Canberra; charities which educate, empower and protect Australian children from sexual assault. With the support of the Canberra community, Jenni is hoping to raise $30,000. To learn more or to make a donation, visit gofundraise.com.au and search for ‘Jenni’s African Mountain’.

Heritage Festival events As part of the Canberra and Region Heritage Festival 2-18 April, there will be four bush events at the Kama Nature Reserve (5 April 7.30am), Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve (9 April 10am), Kinlyside Nature Reserve (14 April 10am), and Red Hill Nature Reserve (17 April 10am). More info and bookings: conservationcouncil.org.au Hall School Museum and Heritage Centre is holding an exhibition that will help visitors to rediscover the “lost” village of Ginninderra. Visit on the weekends of 2-3, 9-10 or 16-17 April, 10am-4pm. Entry is free, however a donation is appreciated. More info: museum.hall.act.au For the full festival program, visit environment.act.gov.au and search for ‘2016 heritage festival’.

Pawsitive pampering Rockabilly Boutique will be hosting a range of mini makeovers on Sunday 3 April 10am-4pm, including mini manicures, mini facials, blow dries, and shampoo, cut and blow dry, with all proceeds going to Leah’s Pawsitive Future to fund rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming of cats and kittens. There will be champagne, nibbles and lucky door prizes. Bookings are essential. Call Brooke on 0405 224 099.

Looking for a new car? Zoom to Motoring

page 158


Community festival

Weston Creek VIEW Club meets on the first Tuesday of each month for a two-course meal ($28) at the Southern Cross Club in Woden from 11.30am-2.30pm. The speaker for Tuesday 5 April will be David Kilby. To RSVP or for more information, call Lyn on 6288 7625 by Thursday 31 March.

Canberra Model Railway Expo Explore the Canberra Model Railway Expo at the University of Canberra High School Kaleen on Saturday 2 (9am-5pm) and Sunday 3 April (9am4pm). There will be 25 scale model railways plus displays and clinics, children’s U-drive, trade stands and food available for purchase. Entry: $10 adults; $5 children, seniors and concessions; $25 families.

Music concert The All Saints Ainslie Anglican Church presents a concert of music for oboe and organ on Sunday 3 April 3pm. Entry at the door $20; $12 concession. Proceeds will benefit the All Saints Music Fund, currently raising money to replace the organ blower. More info: call the church office on 6248 7420.

Epilepsy Action Australia Michel’s Patisserie stores across Australia are stocking Epilepsy Action Australia (EAA) merchandise boxes in the lead up to the charity’s biggest annual fundraising event, Purple Day, on 26 March. Customers can show their support by purchasing a pen, wristband, keyring or lapel badge from the EAA box on the counter. Purple Day is a global initiative dedicated to educating the public about epilepsy and raising much needed funds for people living with the condition. More info: epilepsy.org.au

Auto Italia Canberra A display of Italian automotive design will be held on the lawns of Old Parliament House on Sunday 3 April for Auto Italia Canberra. The event is free to attend. More info: www.autoitaliacanberra.com

media get the REAL FACTS on secure, successful property investment! With so much confusion & hype in the media get Want the REAL secure, PROPERTY INVESTMENT 101 to FACTS investon successfully successful property investment!

with security? Wed March 30 Abode Hotel Woden ACT, 6pm to 7.30pm PROPERTY INVESTMENT 101

so much confusion & hype in the You will learn: With Wed March 30 media get the REAL FACTS on secure, Should you invest interstate or local? Get a Abode Hotel successful Woden ACT, 6pm to investment! 7.30pm property complete break down on Canberra VS Interstate. You will learn: PROPERTY INVESTMENT 101 Discover the 7 reasons why Gov parties are looking Should you invest interstate or local? Get a at Negative Gearing for Wed new only. March 30 complete break down on Canberra VS Interstate. Hotelaffordable, Woden ACT, 6pm to the 7.30pm What areas areAbode the most yet have Discover the 7 reasons why Gov parties are looking You returns will learn:& growth drivers. highest rental at Negative Gearing for new only. Should you invest interstate or local? Get a What is the number 1 thing you must get right? What areas are the most affordable, yet have the complete break down on Canberra VS Interstate. That MOST PEOPLE get wrong! highest rentalDiscover returns &7growth the reasons drivers. why Gov parties are looking How investing can help pay off your home much at Negative Gearing for new only. What is the number 1 thing you must get right? sooner with a 2.5% home loan. What areas the most affordable, have the That PEOPLE getare wrong! WithMOST so much confusion & hype in yet the

Want to invest successfully with security?

highest rental returns & growth drivers.

How investing can help payFACTS off youron home much media get the REAL secure, As seen on What is the number 1 thing you must get right? sooner with a 2.5% home loan. successful property investment! That MOST PEOPLE get wrong!

How investing can As seen onhelp pay off your home much PROPERTY INVESTMENT sooner with a 2.5% home loan.101

Local Experts Wed Reveal March the Real Facts – 1 night only 30 seen on (Property Investment Advisor - As Building Consultant Abode Woden ACT, 6pm to 7.30pm FinanceHotel Strategist - Tax Depreciation Specialist)

YouLocal will learn: Experts Reveal the Real Facts – 1 night only Free information night with limited seats. (Property Investment Advisor - Building Consultant Should you invest interstate or local? Get Local Experts Reveal the Real Facts – 1anight only Finance Strategist - Tax Depreciation Specialist) Don’t miss out! To register and learn more (Property AdvisorVS - Building Consultant complete break downInvestment on Canberra Interstate. please call 02 Strategist 6162 1506 visit Finance - Tax or Depreciation Specialist) Free information night with limited seats. Discover the 7 reasons why Gov parties are looking Free nightlearn with limited prosperitygroup.com.au/30 Don’t missGearing out! Toinformation register more seats. at Negative for new and only. Don’t miss out! To register and please call 02 6162 1506 or visit learn more What areas are the please most affordable, yet have the call 02 6162 1506 or visit highest rental returns & growth drivers. prosperitygroup.com.au/30


What is the number 1 thing you must get right? That MOST PEOPLE get wrong! BUILDING FORoff YOUR FUTURE How investing canWEALTH help pay your home much sooner with a 2.5% home loan. BUILDING WEALTH FOR YOUR FUTURE


As seen on


VIEW club meeting

Want to invest successfully with security? Wantto to invest invest successfully successfully Want with security? With so much confusion & hype in the with security? iStock image

The Manuka Child Care Centre (MOCCA) Community Festival is on Saturday 2 April 10am-2pm at Flinders Way, Manuka. Children can enjoy two free shows by Mr Tim, get creative in craft corner, have their face painted, plus sit in an ACT Fire Brigade fire engine. Meanwhile adults can browse the stalls with locally handmade children’s clothing, jewellery, homewares, bags, plus second-hand books, toys and plants. There’s also live music by Ned Philpot and a silent auction.


social scene

Debby Bruce, Robyn Smith

Jacqui Ambrus-Bonazzi, Tania and Michael Rynne

John Forides, Amalia Stavreas, Maria Forides, Kerry Forides, Tina, Steve and Maria Stavreas

Brendan Smyth MLA, Gwyn Rees

Bev Clench, David Burge, Sarah Gilbert, Max Mercer

Andrew Izatt, Rachel Bielski, Lisa Mus, Craig Nadin

we were there!


Leo and Shirley Sutton

Simon Hawkins, Tim Gronow, Craig Potts


TOP Dimitries Jewellers Design Showcase, Westfield Woden. ABOVE Launch of Clubs ACT Your Canberra Clubs campaign, Southern Cross Yacht Club, Yarralumla. BELOW ABC 666 Happy Hour at the Canberra Comedy Festival, Canberra Theatre. BOTTOM Skyfire VIP Lounge, The Deck, Regatta Point.

Louise Kelly, Sarah Malone, Sean Kelly

William Skourtis, Michelle Jackson

Kaley Main, Matthew McGann, Adam Dawe, Marcus Dawe, Benjamin Wang

Vicky, John and Margaret McGrath

Martina Males, Lana Giorgi

Amanda Murphy, Michelle Robertson, Casey Madigan

Kate Cramond, Helen Way

Mark Cartwright, Lee Hodges

Elly Bowness, Erik Bernacchi, Hugo Burton

Sarah Kelly, Grant Heino, Jemma Mrdak

Robert Matheson, Christine Bassingthwaighte

Jodi Maher, Ray Whitehead

Gemma Varcoe, Megan Kenny, Jacqueline Spence, Kendall Draper

Laura Rowe, James McTavish

Michael Hugg, Scott Cameron

Mila Bartholomew, Michael Martin


VIP launch of A Canberra Story, Canberra Centre. Luton Tuggeranong client evening, Greenway.




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3 course a-la-carte dinner for Two Fully Cooked Breakfast for Two Late Check-Out

Secure your Cuddle n Bubble Package by booking online or simply call us! www.ceahotel.com.au or 6243 8333


social scene

Nieves Murray, Peter Brady, Susan Ryan

Toby Dawson, Florence Sofield, Joyce O’Brien

Chief Minister Andrew Barr, Jay Sullivan, Tony Bradford

Amy Moon, Maverick Emmett

Rachel Barrett, Jessica Wagener, Jelissa Morris

Alistair Christie, Gwen Durham

Flo Verity, Jed Buchanan

Mindy Allen, Howard Allen, John Plum


ACT Career Check Up Expo launch, University of Canberra. Photos Gary Schafer Canberra Comedy Festival opening night gala, Canberra Theatre.




If you’re a young alumni (under 30) and feeling a little lost or need a bit of advice from a friendly mentor, why not come along and meet with Adjunct Professors and prominent alumni who are available to offer advice and guidance. We have mentors with a diverse range of backgrounds including; health, construction, political science, education, public policy, communications, business, education, management, IT, cybercrime, finance and law.

moving onto the next. You will speak with mentors throughout the night who are relevant to your career or passions.

Either individually or in small groups, you will have eight minutes with an Adjunct or alumnus before

For more information and to register visit the University of Canberra events website.


WHO: Final year students & young alumni WHAT: Speed Mentoring Event WHEN : Wednesday 6 April at 5.45pm sharp WHERE: Building 5, B55a & B55b,

University of Canberra

advertising feature

Holiday Activity Guide Check out our holiday activity guide and discover activities, attractions or hidden gems in and around Canberra that offer fun for you and all the family.

cwm advertising feature


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ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE DE CANBERRA A member of the Alliance Française network, the Alliance Française de Canberra is a not-for-profi t organisation that offers French language tuition to adults, teenagers and children with native and experienced French teachers and fl exible and modern courses; cultural activities and events; a large library/Culturethèque (magazines, newspaper online); and the only exam centre for internationally recognised French language profi ciency certifi cations DELF/DALF. T: 02 6257 6696 E: enquiries@afcanberra.com.au

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cwm advertising feature

AIS HOLIDAY PROGRAM Keep your kids active over the break by signing them up for an AIS holiday program. With a range of fun sporting and fi tness activities to choose from, they’ll never be stuck on the couch during the holidays again! Select from Tennis, Soccer, Sports Vacation, Swim Intensive or Pre-School Program. Spaces are limited. Fees apply. Bookings are essential. To book, phone 6214 1281 or visit www.experienceais.com

Australia’s premier elite sporting precinct

UNDER THE SEA … Disney’s The Little Mermaid is coming to Canberra this April school holidays! Free Rain Theatre who wowed Canberra with Mary Poppins in 2015, Legally Blonde in 2014 and Phantom of the Opera in 2013 are back with another smash hit musical. Ariel, Prince Eric, Flounder and Sebastian will be live on stage, singing all your favourite hits from the movie including Under the Sea, Kiss the Girl, and Part of Your World. Don’t miss out, get your tickets from canberratheatrecentre.com.au or by calling 6275 2700.

School holiday fun at the AIS Keep your kids active over the break — with a range of fun sporting and fitness activities to choose from, they’ll never be stuck on the couch during the holidays again! Select from Tennis, Soccer, Sports Vacation, Swim Intensive or Pre-School Program. Spaces are limited for all camps and programs. Fees apply. Bookings are essential. AIS Tours Go behind the scenes on an award-winning 90 minute AIS Tour. Daily 10am, 11.30am, 1pm and 2.30pm. Fees apply.

Leverrier Street, Canberra, ACT

Canberra Weekly has 2 x family passes for 4 to the Friday 8 April 7pm performance, including meet and greet with the cast, to give away.




ASC 34374

Phone: (02) 6214 1281 (School Holiday Programs) Phone: (02) 6214 1010 (Tours)

To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘The Little Mermaid’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details and the answer to this question: who is your favourite character from The Little Mermaid? Entries close 9am 1 April 2016 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person. Permit No. ACT TP 15/05130.

KIDS’ DVD PACKS The Paw Patrol Pups are back to conquer more snowy rescues to protect their family and friends in Paw Patrol: Meet Everest! In this latest fourth instalment, Paw Patrol recruits a new puppy pal called Everest to help them rescue their friends, protect stranded animals and guard their beloved Adventure Bay. Celebrating Sonic’s 25th anniversary, the speedy blue hedgehog gets a new look in this all-new comedy adventure as he battles a familiar foe with his ultimate sidekick Tails and pals Knuckles, Amy and Sticks. Sonic Boom ‘The Sidekick’: Season 1, Volume 1 and Paw Patrol: Meet Everest are both available on DVD from 24 March; $19.95 each.

FLY A REPLICA 737-800 Take off from your chosen destination from 22,000 places around the world, choose any weather conditions and bring three passengers along to watch. No experience needed, your fl ight will be conducted alongside an experienced instructor. Choose from 30, 60 and 90 minute fl ights. Purchase gift vouchers, pay now and book later. Purchase at: www.jetfl ightsimulatorcanberra.com.au/cw or call now to purchase 0438 834 026.

Enter to WIN Canberra Weekly has 5 x DVD 2-packs each comprising both titles to give away. To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘Sonic Boom’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details and the answer to this question: who is Sonic’s ultimate sidekick? Entries close 9am 1 April 2016 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person. Permit No. ACT TP 15/05130.


An experience to remember these school holidays!


cwm advertising feature

MOTIV8ME FOOTBALL ACADEMY Motiv8me Football Academy will host Celtic FC Academy youth coaches on 9-10 April to run coaching clinics at University of Canberra Oval 1 – a great opportunity for players to be coached the Celtic way and experience international coaching. www.motiv8mefootballacademy.com Email motiv8mefootball@gmail to register and for payment details.

BATTLE GAMES FULL DAY HOLIDAY SESSIONS An opportunity for youth (7-15 years), that is unique, healthy and really fun. Unlike any other holiday program, Battle Games V offers challenging and exciting physical and mental activities that appeal to all types of young people, whilst celebrating their individual strengths and promoting positive teamwork. If you haven’t been to a Battle Games before, now is the time. For more info and to book, visit www.bfi rm.com.au/battlegames


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The “Easter creep” starts extraordinarily early in shops; supermarket shelves start filling with chocolate eggs and bunny ears, and the aroma of hot cross buns wafts through the aisles right after Christmas. But hey, I’m not complaining! It’s time to take a break from strict diets over the long weekend and get into the Easter spirit by enjoying all things decadent and chocolate-y. Easter is the only day where chocolate for breakfast is acceptable – it would be rude to resist. WITH FOOD WRITER, TALIA LIOLIOS

No-churn chocolate and pecan ice-cream profiteroles This is a recipe from Dinner with Justine, by Justine Schofield, published by Plum, $39.99, image by Rob Palmer. Chocolate ice cream (makes 1 litre) 500ml thickened cream 1 x can condensed milk (395g) 2 Tbsp cocoa powder 50g dark chocolate (70% cocoa), coarsely grated 60g pecans, toasted and roughly chopped 3 tsp brandy (optional) Choux pastry 75g butter 3 tsp caster sugar pinch of salt flakes 125g plain flour 4 eggs Chocolate sauce 300g dark chocolate (70% cacao) 350ml cream 36

For the ice cream, combine the cream and condensed milk in a bowl and whisk until thick. Sift in the cocoa powder, add the chocolate, pecans and brandy and fold through to combine. Pour into a 1.5 litre plastic container, then cover with plastic wrap and the lid. Freeze for 6 hours or, even better, overnight. Preheat the oven to 190°C. Line two large baking trays with baking paper. For the choux pastry, place 250ml of water, the butter, sugar and salt in a saucepan and bring to the boil over medium–high heat. Remove from the heat and, using a wooden spoon, beat in the flour all at once. Return to the stovetop and continuously stir over medium heat for 1–2 minutes until a ball forms and the mixture comes away from the side of the pan. Take off the heat and transfer the dough to a large bowl. Using an electric mixer, beat in the eggs, one at a time, mixing on medium speed (use the paddle attachment if using a stand mixer) until

the dough is smooth and glossy. Pipe mounds of the choux pastry, about 5cm in diameter, onto the prepared trays, leaving 2cm between each to allow room for spreading. Wet your hands and smooth over any little points on the dough. Bake the profiteroles in the oven for 40-45 minutes until golden and dry. Remove the profiteroles from the trays and allow them to cool on a wire rack. For the chocolate sauce, break the chocolate into even pieces and place in a heatproof bowl. Bring the cream just to the boil, then pour over the chocolate. Mix with a metal spoon for 3-4 minutes until the chocolate has melted and the sauce is smooth and silky. To serve, cut the profiteroles in half, fill with a scoop (about 1 tablespoon) of the ice cream and sandwich together. Drizzle over the hot chocolate sauce and serve immediately.

cover story


Curtis Stone’s chocolate steamed pudding with ganache Recipe courtesy of Coles fresh advisor, chef Curtis Stone. For more Easter recipe inspiration visit taste.com.au

½ cup (50g) cocoa powder 1½ cups (200g) plain flour, sifted 1½ tsp bicarbonate of soda ½ tsp sea salt flakes 1½ cups caster sugar ½ cup (125ml) canola oil 2 large Coles Australian free range eggs 1 tsp pure vanilla extract 2∕3 cup (160ml) buttermilk 2∕3 cup (160ml) thickened cream 2 Tbsp golden syrup 115g dark chocolate (70% cacao), coarsely chopped

Brush the lid and inside of a nonstick metal 2 litre pudding basin with 10g of the butter. Line the base with a disc of baking paper. Brush paper and basin with 10g of the butter and refrigerate. In a small saucepan, bring 2/3 cup (160ml) of water to a simmer. Add cocoa powder and whisk for about 1 min or until mixture has thickened slightly. Set aside to cool. In a medium bowl, whisk flour, bicarbonate of soda and salt. In a large bowl, whisk sugar and oil to blend. Whisk in eggs and vanilla.

Add flour mixture in 3 additions, alternating with buttermilk. Whisk in cocoa mixture. Pour batter into prepared basin and cover with lid. Place a small upturned heatproof saucer in the base of a tall pot. Place basin on saucer. Pour enough boiling water into pot to reach halfway up side of basin. Bring water to a simmer over high heat. Cover pot, and reduce heat to low. Steam pudding, without removing lid, for 1 hour and 40 minutes or until it springs back when gently pressed and a toothpick inserted into centre of pudding comes out clean. Carefully lift basin from pot and set it on a wire rack. Let pudding cool for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, in a saucepan, bring cream and golden syrup to a simmer. Remove from heat and add chocolate. Stand for 5 minutes. Whisk until smooth. Whisk in remaining butter. Set aside. If ganache becomes too thick, gently rewarm over low heat for 30 seconds or until smooth. Invert pudding onto a cake plate. Pour over one-third of the ganache. Slice the pudding flip the and serve with page for remaining ganache. more

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80g unsalted butter, softened, divided




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Six ways to entertain the kids over the Easter long weekend.

Oxfam: Visit the Oxfam shop in the Canberra Centre this Easter with the family to pick out some chocolate alternatives for the kids. They have a range of quirky, handmade crochet toys, decorated wooden eggs, and recycled paper Easter egg hunt baskets. Closed Good Friday; open Easter Saturday, Sunday, Monday 26-28 March 10am-4pm. Fyshwick Fresh Food Markets: The Easter rabbit will be roaming the markets all weekend handing out Easter treats to little market visitors alongside live music and free tastings on offer. Easter trading hours: open 24 and 26 March; closed Good Friday (excluding seafood shops) and Easter Sunday.


Belconnen Fresh Food Markets: Visit Noah’s petting zoo Thursday 24 March 10am-1pm. Broc and Alana the banana will make an appearance Thursday 12pm-2pm and Saturday 11am1pm giving out treats for the kids. Trading hours can be seen for each individual store on belconnenmarkets.com.au Westfield: After collecting a clue sheet from the concierge, and stamps from select Westfield retailers, children can enjoy an Easter egg scavenger hunt at Westfield Belconnen and Woden, 24-28 March. There will be a roaming Easter Bunny on Thursday 24 and Saturday 26 March with free Easter eggs and chocolate prizes for kids who collect all stamps. Easter egg decorating Thursday 24 and Saturday 26 March 10am-2pm.

Rodney’s at Pialligo: Join Rodney’s Plants Plus in Pialligo on Easter Sunday 27 March for their Easter egg hunt. Starting at 10.30am there will be two hunts: one for children aged 6 and under, and another for the bigger kids aged 7-13 years. Make a reservation in the café for a special Easter breakfast and children can join the Easter egg hunt for free. Reservations for the hunt are essential; call 6257 5822. Easter in the Vines: Show your support for the Starlight ‘Make a Wish’ Foundation and attend the Easter celebrations at Shaw Vineyard Estate, Murrumbateman, on Sunday 27 March. There will be an Easter egg hunt at 11am, bacon and egg rolls, and coffee, plus a jumping castle. Tickets: $5 with all proceeds going towards Starlight; visit www.flint.net.au/events

Chocolate jelly This is an edited extract from Best Kitchen Basics, by Mark Best, published by Hardie Grant Books, $59.95, available in stores nationally, photo credit Petrina Tinslay. powder to the boil in a saucepan over medium heat.

14g gelatine leaves 140g caster (superfine) sugar 160g dark crème de cacao (or any chocolatey liqueur) 40g (1∕3 cup) dark, unsweetened (Dutch) cocoa powder Soak the gelatine leaves in iced water until very soft. Bring the sugar, 750ml (3 cups) water, the crème de cacao and cocoa

Squeeze the excess water from the gelatine leaves and whisk them into the chocolate mix until the gelatine has dissolved. Pass the mixture through a fine sieve into a jelly mould and place in the refrigerator to set, about 2-3 hours. To serve, quickly dip the mould in hot water and turn the jelly out onto a lovely antique plate.

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Ross Heathcote, Exhibition Curator, Manly Museum and Gallery, with Midnight Oil drummer Rob Hirst and songwriter/ musician Jim Moginie at Tuggeranong Arts Centre where the touring exhibition, The Making of Midnight Oil, is now on show.


It’s one of Australia’s seminal rock bands and the popularity of the touring exhibition The Making of Midnight Oil, which is on at Tuggeranong Arts Centre, has cemented its enduring legacy.


he Making of Midnight Oil explores the band’s 40-year history and showcases iconic items including stage props, musical instruments, protest banners, costumes and unseen film footage, demonstrating their intense commitment to rock music and strong social conscience. One of the events held during the exhibition is Jim Moginie’s The Colour Wheel, in which the former Oils musician and songwriter explores the relationship between colour and song. It’s a dramatic performance which explores the mysterious condition of synaesthesia, in which the senses are mingled and hearing a musical note might cause a person to see a particular colour. Moginie aims to create this emotive state for his audience with his imaginative use of space, provocative lighting, haunting guitar music and live painting. He first created The Colour Wheel during an 40

arts residence at Campbelltown Arts Centre in 2014. The multi-media performance combines music and visual art, features a live performance of orchestral music composed and performed by Moginie with his electric guitar orchestra and an ensemble of painters. “I try to induce synaesthesia in the audience. The experience of being immersed in colour can be a very emotional one and the music pieces relate to the colours,” he says. Artists apply colour to a huge canvas while the guitar orchestra is playing and intense lighting of the same colour floods the venue. “People have said to me they really cried when the green one was on, or got really pissed off when the red one was on, and purple has its own feeling as well. It’s quite an intense experience. “Sound and colour, the arts’ great abstractions, are inextricably linked. Even the terminology overlaps, including tone, brightness, darkness and composition,” he says.

Although Moginie himself doesn’t have synaesthesia, he has wanted to create the work for some time. The Colour Wheel was first performed at the Sydney Opera House in 2014 and then toured to music festivals in Ireland. “It’s good to be performing in a full blooded way again. I really enjoy playing with the guys. It’s a glorious racket and can be quite loud and very gentle.” It’s a fascinating addition to the travelling exhibition which has been well received in Sydney, Melbourne and Newcastle. It was developed by Manly Art Gallery and Museum Curator Ross Heathcote in collaboration with Midnight Oil songwriter and drummer Rob Hirst. “Rob had a lot of artefacts, or what some might call junk. We also had a storage facility in which we had a lot of equipment. After 35 years of being in the band we had collected all these weird and wonderful things. Everything was there, nothing had been thrown out and we thought it was an opportunity to bring it out.” A life-sized dingo and kangaroo along with a corrugated iron water tank decorate the set that accompanied the band on the Diesel and Dust tour. A recurring theme in the exhibition and one of the fundamental things that stood them apart from many other bands, is Midnight Oil’s significant stance on big issues. The extra-large banner, protesting the Exxon Valdez oil spill, with the wording ‘Midnight Oil Makes You Dance, Exxon Oil Makes Us Sick’ – is presented alongside the infamous ‘Sorry Suits’ that were worn in support of the National Apology to the Stolen Generations. “The response has been incredible,” Moginie says. “I think there is something in the way Rob and Ross have curated the exhibition that captures the spirit of the band. It’s quite surprising because it’s just a bunch of inanimate objects, but it’s the way it tells the story of the band. “The exhibition has been great because the people who were the fans back in the day bring their kids and their grandkids and everyone gets a sense of what it was like, even if they weren’t there in person.” - Diana Streak The Colour Wheel, Thursday 31 March 7.30pm. The Making of Midnight Oil is at Tuggeranong Arts Centre until 14 May.

Photo Gary Schafer

time out


M OZ A RT Wednesday 6 April Wednesday 6 April Thursday 7 April ThursdayLlewellyn 7 April Hall, ANU 7.30pm, Pre concertLlewellyn talk 6.45pm Hall, ANU 7.30pm, Pre concert talk 6.45pm

1603716037 Lindi Heap Lindi Photography Heap Photography

Benjamin Northey Conductor Benjamin Northey Virginia Taylor FluteConductor Virginia Taylor Flute MOZART Symphony No. 31 in D major—Paris MOZART Symphony No.Magic 31 in D major—Paris JONATHAN DOVE The Flute Dances— JONATHAN TheOrchestra Magic Flute Dances— Concerto for DOVE Flute and Concerto for Flute and NIGEL WESTLAKE OutOrchestra of the Blue NIGEL WESTLAKE Out of4the Blue TCHAIKOVSKY Suite No. in G major—Mozartiana TCHAIKOVSKY Suite No. 4 in G major—Mozartiana

The The first first ActewAGL ActewAGL Llewellyn Llewellyn Series Series concert concert for for 2016 2016 is is a a unique unique Mozart Mozart inspired inspired program program led led by by Benjamin Benjamin Northey, Northey, one of Australia’s one of Australia’s most most accomplished accomplished conductors. conductors.

If 2 or more CSO concerts appeal, purchase If 2 ortogether more CSO concerts them and save upappeal, to 30%purchase on the them together andCSO saveDirect up to 30% the single ticket price. 6262on6772 single ticket price. CSO Direct 6262 6772 Single tickets through ticketek.com.au Single tickets through ticketek.com.au cso.org.au cso.org.au /canberrasymphonyorchestra /canberrasymphonyorchestra @cbr_symphony @cbr_symphony Add this concert to your Add this concert to your 2016 subscription 2016Direct subscription CSO 6262 6772 CSO Direct 6262 6772

The CSO is assisted by the Commonwealth Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body The CSO is assisted by the Commonwealth Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body



time out ART AND ABOUT Churchers’ work on display

as ‘Betty Blockbuster’, would have been thrilled to hear that the National Gallery of Australia’s next summer blockbuster will be a selection of works from the Palace of Versailles. More than 7 million people make the journey to Versailles every year to experience a phenomenon central to French history – Louis XIV’s architectural masterpiece, the embodiment of luxury. With the support of the French Government, the NGA partnership with Versailles aims to bring to Australia a collection never before seen outside France, which will be exclusive to Canberra, opening in December 2016.

Paul in the Vines by Roy Churcher.

Auction of Joy Warren collection

Betty Churcher, the much loved director of the National Gallery of Australia from 1990 to 1997, spent 26 years living in the bush in Wamboin outside Canberra with her artist husband Roy. Their son Paul Churcher has curated a retrospective exhibition of the couple, who died within three months of each other last year. 25 Years in Wamboin includes paintings by Roy Churcher and a display of Betty’s original sketches for her final book The Forgotten Notebook. The intimate gallery space tucked away behind the family vineyard reveals a unique insight into the Churchers’ dedication, passion and love of art. Paul wanted to share the opportunity to experience the art and environment that inspired Roy’s paintings and was Betty’s sanctuary to write, sketch, educate and advocate for visual arts in Australia. “The journey to this exhibition started with a need to create an archival space for Roy and Betty’s extensive body of works including drawings, paintings, writings and poems,” he says. “I had almost completed converting half of an old rural farm shed into an archival space when I realised that before I crowded it with shelves and racks I had a great space for an exhibition. “Roy’s works in this retrospective have been produced over a 25-year period and show a fascinating engagement with the local landscape which became, upon reflection, his muse. I also wanted to share with what has been a very supportive community, some of Betty’s beautiful original sketches, which are the foundation for her last publication, The Forgotten Notebook.” 25 Years in Wamboin, 67 Merino Vale Drive, Wamboin, NSW, 27 March-3 April. For more information, email paul.churcher@bigpond.com

Another doyenne of the Canberra art landscape was Joy Warren, a dynamic, exuberant character who dedicated her life to the arts as a performer, fundraiser, patron and gallerist. She breathed life into Canberra’s cultural landscape when she arrived 40 years ago and her Solander Gallery became the city’s longest established private gallery. Mossgreen Auctions, which is about to establish a permanent presence in Canberra, is holding an auction of over 300 works from Joy’s collection which includes pieces by some of Australia’s best known artists. The Estate of Joy Warren OAM auction will be held on Sunday 10 April 2.30pm at Albert Hall, 100 Commonwealth Avenue. Viewing on 8 and 9 April 10am-5pm, and 10 April, 10am-noon, Ainslie Arts Centre, Elouera Street, Braddon.

Versailles at NGA Betty Churcher, who was affectionately known 42


arts@canberraweekly.com.au the materials themselves. There is a certain serendipity at play in her studio when two disparate objects come together to create the foundation story for one of her constructions.

Three at M16

Fugitive faith

Rick Cochrane, Sirens XXXIV.

Ecuadorean-born artist Mariana del Castillo has a new exhibition on at the Fitters Workshop in Kingston from 31 March to 3 April. Using mostly found objects, in Fugitive Faith she explores her past, the sense of anonymity in a crowd and our collective excesses as consumers. Fury, mixed media, by “What is Mariana del Castillo. discarded and what is saved is always a reflection of how society and the individual value the materials,” she says. By reusing materials that embody people’s experiences de Castillo has come to a stronger awareness of the stories and the history carried in

There are three new shows on at M16 Artspace from 24 March until 10 April. After 20 years away, painter Yanni Pounartzis has returned to Canberra with fresh eyes, overwhelmed by the foresight of Walter Burley Griffin and his wife Marion Mahony Griffin. “Even though their original intention was stifled in the final application, there is still a strong sense of geometrical forms existing within the folds of the landscape,” he says. Pounartzis’ paintings in The Lost Plans are based on the Griffins’ 1912 competition entry. Perceptions, Connections is a group exhibition by voluntary guides at the National Gallery of Australia, each of whom have focussed on a work in the collection that influences their own art practice. Rick Cochrane says he is captivated by the human form in action. “Musicians, life models or athletes all project their personality through the body language of their movement.” In Attitude he has developed a combination of dry point etching and mono-printing, seeking to retain the ‘attitude’ from his original drawings.

BEST OF SPANISH CINEMA The Spanish Film Festival comes to Canberra from Tuesday 19 April to Sunday 8 May at Palace Electric Cinema, New Acton. The diverse and entertaining lineup is now on sale and contains award-winners, lots of laughs, dramatic features, thrillers and documentaries. Start your festival with a dose of hilarity at the opening night film, Spanish Affair 2, the sequel to last year’s opening night smash hit Spanish Affair 2. After indulging in almost three weeks of films from Spain, Argentina, Chile and Mexico, experience Colombian filmmaking at its very best with the closing night selection, Embrace of the Serpent (pictured).




Canberra Weekly has 10 x Spanish Film Festival double passes (valid to any festival general session in Canberra excluding opening/closing night and special events) to be won. To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘Spanish Film Festival’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details and the answer to this question: where and when will the Spanish Film Festival be held in Canberra? Entries close 9am 1 April 2016 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person. Permit No. ACT TP 15/05130.

1-3 APRIL 2016

CANBERRA WALKING FESTIVAL Join walkers from around the world to celebrate our 25th event. The CANBERRA WALKING FESTIVAL, incorporating the Canberra Two Day Medal Walk, is a non-competitive challenge walk for all ages. This is not a race but is about fun, fitness, fellowship and personal challenge.

For more information: fb.com/aussiewalk www.aussiewalk.com.au

Entries are now open go to: bit.ly/cwf2016


In 2016, for the first time ever, we are offering a point-to-point walk along Canberra’s Centenary Trail, with free transport provided to the start of your chosen distance. Choose your distance with options from 5 - 42km.


time out NOW SHOWING Triple 9 (MA15+) In a game of cops and robbers where both the good and bad guys wear badges, Triple 9 is a clever heist flick with no heroes, only big talents. Calling on the likes of Anthony Mackie, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Casey Affleck, Kate Winslet, Woody Harrelson and the Walking Dead’s own Norman Reedus, this tailchasing, heavy-hitting lineup doesn’t quite land the knockout punch. In police lingo, “triple nine” is code for “officer down”. After pulling a bank heist that doesn’t fully satisfy the needs of their overbearing Russian mafia boss Irina (Winslet), Michael (Ejiofor) is forced to take drastic action, calling on his crooked sidekicks Marcus (Mackie) and Franco (Clifton Collins Jr.), along with ex-military Russell (Reedus) and his screw-up brother Gabe (Aaron Paul), for one more job.


Books to devour (with chocolate, preferably) over the Easter long weekend, with book reviewer Tessa Connelly.

Requiring a cop-free window for no less than 10 minutes to infiltrate Atlanta’s Homeland Security office, the group hatches a wicked plan to isolate and shoot a fellow officer and as every cop races to the crime scene, they get their 999 distraction. While Marcus might be happy to whack his dorky new partner (Casey Affleck), who has already made himself a neighbourhood target by starting a fight with a tatted gang leader, Gabe, the group’s liability, proves he might also be the only one with a moral compass.


The World Without Us by Mireille Juchau

Bloomsbury, $29.99

Published in 2015, The World Without Us recently won the 2016 Victorian Premier’s Literary Award for Fiction and has been shortlisted for the 2016 Stella Prize. This stunning novel traces the aftershocks of grief as they ripple throughout the Müller family and their transient community on the lush north coast of NSW. Juchau expertly weaves the narratives of six characters together with broader themes of natural systems and ecological degradation. The World Without Us is an original, character-driven story that’s engaging and beautifully written.


Although it’s no Reservoir Dogs and the acting abilities far surpass the project as a whole, Triple 9 is a twisty, terrific ride reminiscent of Training Day (but not as inflated).

Econobabble: How to Decode Political Spin and Economic Nonsense by Richard Denniss

Black Inc. Redback, $19.99

Econobabble is the latest instalment of Black Inc.’s excellent Redback Quarterly series. Written by author and chief economist at the Australia Institute, Richard Denniss, this short book works to decode ‘econobabble’ – the jargon and common misconceptions spouted by politicians, the media and collective society, that often obscures truthful discussion about Australia’s economy. With considerable insight and precision, Denniss cuts through the gibberish and gets to the truth of issues like unemployment, climate change and free trade.

The verdict: Compelling and gutwrenchingly intense. 3 stars. - Joanna Baker



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Canberra photographer Sean Davey was awarded Highly Commended for his portrait Asha on North Brother.

SPONTANEITY CALLS THE SHOTS The winner of the $25,000 2016 National Photographic Portrait Prize is Elizabeth Looker from WA who entered the popular competition for the first time this year. The annual prize is run by the National Portrait Gallery and is open to professional and amateur photographers. Looker’s portrait of two children, Life dancers, was captured in an abandoned garden next to her home as her niece and son frolic around a tree. Looker says her niece loves playing dress up and is wearing one of her discarded frocks and her son likes being nude. “I never plan my shots, they are spontaneous. I wait for something to happen to capture that moment.” There are half a dozen Canberra photographers among the finalists, one of whom is Sean Davey who was awarded a prize of $3,800 Highly Commended for his striking profile image, Asha on North Brother. Davey is the first Canberran to win a prize in the competition and says it was a wonderfully spontaneous moment taken with an iPhone. “Asha and I were on a few days break at Dunbogan in northern NSW. We went bushwalking up this beautiful mountain and the light was quite magical so we started to make pictures.” Davey says he is usually not an

advocate of digital photography which is emotionally flat because he loves the tactile nature of film cameras and making traditional prints. He had the photograph printed on silver gelatin paper which reflects the image wonderfully. Gallery director Angus Trumble said after nine years since the prize began, “We have built up a wonderful anthology of portrait practice photography.” This year, 49 finalists were chosen from 2,000 entries and Mr Trumble says the exhibition usually reflects Australia’s most high achieving and distinguished individuals but for the first time there were no famous faces among the finalists. “Another central part to our mission is to shine beams of light into the unremarked corners of the national life that tell extraordinary things through the ordinary. And also to take the temperature of portrait practice itself, to test the boundaries of what artists expect to achieve through photographic portraiture and how that annual snapshot of the genre is revealed.” He said the judges this year noticed a strong preoccupation with kids and animals. “Last year I remember there was an undue and striking preoccupation with tiny infants placed in unusual receptacles.” - Diana Streak


Photos Gary Schafer

Elizabeth Looker won first prize of $25,000 for the most outstanding photographic portrait for Life dancers.

young workers, students and others exploring faith


time out WHAT’S ON

autobiography A Life Coloured In, University House Hall, ANU, Friday 8 April, 7pm. Tickets are $70, booking at: anu.edu.au/events

NATIONAL FOLK FESTIVAL: Scores of local, national and international acts – such as local singer-songwriter Hayley Shone, Skipping Girl Vinegar, 2015 BBC Folk Singer of the Year Nancy Kerr, and Canadian blues artist Gordie Tentrees – will play at Exhibition Park in Canberra over the Easter long weekend, 24-28 March. Tickets: folkfestival.org.au OLD PARLIAMENT HOUSE: On Sunday 27 March, enjoy free fun at OPH with the Great Easter Egg trail featuring four new trails and 108kg of chocolate eggs, 9am-12pm; family games and activities hosted by The Gecko Gang, 9.30am-2.30pm. Sausage sizzle from 9.30am, coffee cart and more. LUNCHTIME LIVE: Every Wednesday 12.401.20pm at Wesley Music Centre, Forrest. On 30 March, Sarahlouise Owens (voice); on 6 April, Roland Peelman on piano. Entry: $5 or donation. POLIT BAR: Debut album launch party for Mags Stewart Far Away & Long Before is on Wednesday 30 March 5.30pm (free); Shaken & Stirred burlesque glamour is on Thursday 31 March 7.30pm. Tickets: $20. Book: politbar.co YOUNG AT HEART: Australia’s only film festival programmed for film lovers aged 60+ returns to Palace Electric 1-7 April. Tickets from $6; palacecinemas.com.au or box office. More info: youngatheart.net.au THE WEEPING WILLOWS: This Melbourne altcountry duo bring their national tour to Canberra at the Harmonie German Club on Friday 1 April. HERITAGE FESTIVAL: The 2016 Canberra and Region Heritage Festival on 2-18 April offers a rich mix of free and ticketed events such as tours, talks, workshops, open days, exhibitions and more at various venues. More info: go to environment. act.gov.au and search for 2016 Heritage Festival. CAFÉ WOOD WORKS: Carl Rafferty presents Gershwin and Friends, an evening of music magic

CINEMUSICA: Enjoy music from American Beauty, Psycho, The Shining and more with the Australia Chamber Orchestra and Synergy Percussion. Playing at Llewellyn Hall, Saturday 9 April, 8pm. Tickets: aco.com.au

Hayley Shone at National Folk Festival, Exhibition Park in Canberra, 24-28 March. Photo Gary Schafer.

on the grand piano with full accompaniment on Saturday 2 April 6pm. Concert and 3-course dinner $80. Bookings: 6238 1688. ANU BAR: Spanish rock star Rosendo Mercado will perform at ANU Bar Canberra on Saturday 2 April 8pm. Free entry. TUGGERANONG ARTS CENTRE: The 2016 Classical Twilight Series launches on Sunday 3 April 5pm with a recital by celebrated cellist David Pereira and pianist Wendy Lorenz. Tickets: $40 adults; $25 students; tuggeranongarts.com CANBERRA YOUTH ORCHESTRA: The Canberra Youth Orchestra present their first ever subscription series, Icon, on Sunday 3 April 7.30pm, at Llewellyn Hall at the ANU. The performance features a solo by soprano Louise Page OAM. Tickets: musicforcanberra.org.au THE BENNIES: Special guests Off With Their Heads and Hightime will perform with The Bennies at Transit Bar on Wednesday 6 April, along with local supports, Sketch Method. Tickets: thebennies.com.au THIRSTY MERC: This hard-working touring rock band introduces their new single The Grind on a national tour; at Canberra Southern Cross Club Woden, Thursday 7 April. Tickets $35 (+bf); cscc.com.au and Ticketek. KEN DONE: Eat, drink and be artistic with Ken Done, who will be speaking about his new

YOU ARE HERE: The five-day festival of independent and experimental art in the CBD returns 13-17 April. Central festival venue is The Club, 46 Northbourne Avenue. Entry to festival events (except one) is free. More info: youareherecanberra.com.au PENNY ARCADE: The legendary Penny Arcade will bring her exuberant performance to the Street Theatre, Thursday 14 April 8pm. Tickets: thestreet.org.au or 6247 1519. BIZARRE GAZZARD: Be amazed by hypnotist Bizarre Gazzard and his partner in crime, the brilliant stand-up comedian and musician, Adam ‘Chicken’ Palmer, at Canberra Southern Cross Club Jamison on Friday 15 April. Dinner & show $52, show only $27 (+bf). Tickets: cscc.com.au and Ticketek. TUKA: To celebrate the release of his new EP Alive Death Time Eternal, Tuka will be playing his new show at the ANU Bar on 15 April. Tickets: Ticketek THE GO SET: This Melbourne band will stop in at Transit Bar on Saturday 16 April with their In The Streets tour. Tickets: thegoset.com/events SPANISH FILM FESTIVAL: Palace Electric Cinema hosts the 2016 Spanish Film Festival from 19 April to 8 May. Tickets: spanishfilmfestival.com JUSTICE CREW: The Aussie boy band bring their Live & Local tour to the Vikings Club Erindale on Wednesday 20 April. Tickets: theechotouring.com/event Send your free entertainment listings to: news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘what’s on’ in the subject field. Deadline is 10 days prior to Thursday edition date.

THIRSTY MERC Back To The Grind Tour 7 APRIL | $35 per person 8pm Canberra Southern Cross Club Woden

Book at the Venue or online at Ticketek. Booking fees apply. ph 6283 7200 | cscc.com.au 46

the look





fl oaty dresses

This in-between weather is perfect for floaty dresses. Wear them with boots and a short jacket or ballet flats and a cardi. Long-sleeve floaty dresses are big for the next season too – easy to wear on their own in the warmer weather and then layer for cooler spells. Add lots of bangles and long string necklaces for a happy hippy chick look. Fall print tunic $69.95 Superdry Filigree print dress $129.95 Jag

Dolly dress $108 bodenclothing.com.au

Flared sleeve dress $99.99 Forever New

Getty Images


Dakota dress $369.95 rodeoshow.com.au

Silk bubble dress $289 Marcs

Jed flared dress $89.95 Lulu & Rose

Maxi dress $92 next.com.au

Actress Kristen Bell attends the Concert for Our Oceans in California on 28 September 2015 in a blue patterned floaty dress.


the look


Here are some of the hottest nail colour trends for autumn/winter 2016.

Dark desires nail lacquer $22 M.A.C

Miracle Gel nail polish $16.95 Sally Hansen

Essence nail polish $4.10 Priceline

Nail glitter coats $4.95 Australis Cosmetics

Gel nail polish $14.95 Witchery

Artistry nail polish $22 Mecca Cosmetica


Colour show nail colour $5.95 Maybelline New York

Colour Crush nail polish $9.95 The Body Shop


Jamberry nail wraps $22 jamberrynails.com.au

French tips have made a roaring comeback on the runway but with a twist: instead of white tips, experiment with different colours, including metallic and glitter tips.


Merlin and the Sphe

re - 30 April Light-body - 1 May

Check the website for


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the look SISTER ACTS

Getty Images

Here are a few of our favourite stylish celebrity sisters.

Model Gigi Hadid pairs various shades of cream and nude while on a boat cruise hosted by Sports Illustrated Swimsuit in February.

Bones star Emily Deschanel looks perfect for the American fall season in autumn colours at the Farm Sanctuary Gala last October.

Zooey Deschanel celebrates 100 episodes of New Girl at a party on 2 March in her signature vintage style with a pop of pink.

Actress Kate Mara looks classically chic, matching her pretty peach dress with an oversized military-style blazer at a Paris Fashion Week show on 2 March.

Rooney Mara opts for classic black as she attends the Film Independent Spirit Awards in Santa Monica on 27 February.

Contrasting her sister nicely, Bella Hadid goes all out in black at the launch of her collaborative campaign with Joe’s Jeans on 17 March.

Cancer Screening – a part of every woman’s healthy life Cervical cancer is one of few cancers that can largely be prevented through regular cervical screening. Currently, Pap tests every two years are still the best way to protect against cervical cancer. If you are between 20 and 69 years of age and have ever been sexually active, you need regular cervical screening – even if you have received the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine as the vaccine will not prevent all cervical cancers. Call your health practitioner to book for a Pap today.

For more information on cervical screening call 13 15 56

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All the latest fashion, beauty and health news, with fashion & beauty editor, Laura White.

The Canberra Centre has launched a new digital live art installation, entitled A Canberra Story (pictured), that takes you on a journey through some of Canberra’s famous landmarks such as Telstra Tower, the Arboretum and Lake Burley Griffin. Experience the magic on Level 1 of the Canberra Centre, outside the Apple Store.

Happy Autumn Promotion

Zonta’s preloved fashion sale Visit the Zonta Club of Canberra Breakfast preloved fashion sale on Friday 1 April (preview night 5.30-8.30pm, tickets $20 through Eventbrite) or on Saturday 2 April 9am-3pm at the ATSI Centre on Lady Denman Drive. There will be a large range of designer and vintage clothing at great prices.

Pelvic floor workshop Women of all ages are invited to attend a free workshop presented by Health Professionals from ACT Health Directorate. This workshop on Tuesday 12 April 1-4pm at Belconnen Community Health Centre will provide information, education and self-help strategies for women who are experiencing continence problems or wishing to prevent them. Bookings essential; call the Community Health Intake Team on 6207 9977.

Free Hot Stone upgrade on all 90-minute oil massage Advance booking required. Visit siamsenses.com.au for terms and conditions.

Choosing a maternity bra Finding the perfect maternity bra means that you’ve got one less thing to worry about during an extremely busy time of your life. Triumph Bra Stylist, Paula Svoboda, has three tips to consider when purchasing a maternity bra: • Get fitted as soon as possible, around the three-month mark. This will allow you to determine your breast size and get the most out of a bra that fits your body correctly. • Ditch the wire. As your body changes, there’s nothing comfortable about a wire. Triumph’s maternity range is entirely wire-free and still offers optional support and comfort both during and post-pregnancy. • Allow some room. Your breasts are going to grow, there’s no stopping them, so opt for a bra that will accommodate for natural changes in bust size during and post-pregnancy. Triumph’s maternity bras have six adjustment levels to accommodate for this growth.

The fit busy mum A new book The Fit Busy Mum: Seven habits for success by author, speaker and fitness expert Rosemary Marchese has hit the shelves this month, to inspire and empower mums to make their fitness a priority. The book shares Marchese’s knowledge and passion for health and fitness with a group of people she knows often struggle to keep fit and put themselves first – mums. It contains lots of tips, workouts and stretches, and focuses on the seven core habits of fit, busy, successful and ultimately happy mums. Available for $29.95 from www.fitbusymum.com.au


6247 8800 Shop 5, Jolimont Centre, Canberra Corner Rudd St & Northbourne Ave Open 7 days 10am-10pm



Photo Gary Schafer

A Canberra Story



In most sports, the faster you can sprint the better. In football for example, it will help you get away from an opponent or be the first to the ball.


SAVE $100

SAVE $100





• Your breathing technique – this is very important. • One of the most critical things about sprinting is your posture: standing correctly through your sprinting action is crucial.

This week’s workout Leaping and bounding (like the Easter Bunny!) 1. Single leg hops x 20 metres, both left and right legs, repeat x 10. 2. Frog leaps: squatting down and leaping forward as far as you can x 20 metres. 3. Squat jumps – feet shoulderwidth apart, squat down until your thighs are at a 90-degree angle, jump up, repeat x 20. 4. Starts: get down in the starting position, then run over 10 metres at 70-80% effort, then explode out like a race for the final burst. 5. Run for 30 metres at 80% effort on a set time. Time the first one, then do it on that time over 10-20 sprints. Have a safe and happy Easter break!

BOOK before 2 April 2016

Canberra Weekly competition winners The winners in Canberra Weekly’s latest round of competition draws are: The Witch film passes: S. Green, Franklin; D. De Alwis, Amaroo; K. Smith, Harrison; R. Zagas, Macgregor; S.J. Leech, Greenleigh; M. Trafford, Lyons; C. Christopher, Reid; K. Farrelly, Harrison; G. Marra, Manuka; R. White, Macgregor.


Flickerfest doubles: L.N. Preston, Kambah; L. McGoogan, Goulburn; C. Farrelly, Jamison; K. Pfitzner, Civic Square; P.Gorton, Crestwood.



Yates packs: C. Quade, Queanbeyan; D. Stevens, Theodore. Sunburst Outdoor: J. Rayner, Macgregor; W. Loyd, Queanbeyan. Dulux Aquanamel voucher: R. Pelle, Queanbeyan.

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printing is an explosive action: it takes raw power and a good style to be fast and to maintain great form. To help you be a better sprinter and to get faster, work on your start: this is your explosive action, off the blocks. Also work on your top-end speed, which will help you maintain your running form. And finally, if you can work on having a “kick” – where you reach for just a little bit extra at the top of your speed for a short distance – you will blow your opponents away. With sprinting, the longer you can hold your top-end speed, the better it is and the more achievable it is to run someone down or accelerate away from them. When training for sprinting, start with shorter distances, 20-30 metres is ideal to work on your form and running action. Doing this distance for 20 minutes at a time is a good place to start. Then you can build up to a longer distance and longer training times. Another way to improve your form is a running coach. They can help you with things like: • How your foot hits the ground and how you are driving through your hips and legs. • Are you driving your arms through the action enough? • How to get the most out of your natural running action.

home autumn




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Autumn is a brilliant time to get out into the garden as temperatures are milder, making it more comfortable for both plants and gardeners. Look to grow delicious herbs and vegies, plant new trees and shrubs and prepare for winter and spring, whether you have a large space or just a few pots. WITH HOME EDITOR, ALLISON REDMAN

Worx Air Turbine 20V cordless leaf blower $229 Stockists: worx.com

Australian Gardener’s hand soap $10.95 Stockists: annabeltrends.com Hortex handy leaf scoops $6.98 Bunnings

Quantum bypass pruner P100 $69.99 Stockists: fiskars.com.au

Diamond pot moon purple $59.95 Bliss Garden & Giftware Splice pot 27cm $12 Kmart

Long sleeve gardening gloves $25.95 Stockists: annabeltrends.com Silver Sonnet gumboots $49.95 mozi.com.au

Rover jet blower $269 Masters

read on for more autumn gardening tips

Tuscan Path terracotta rose bowl From $14.98 Bunnings




Update your backyard by giving your fence a new coat of paint. You can also draw attention to one area of the backyard by creating a feature fence with decorative wall art or plant a climbing vine to cover it.

he Easter long weekend is the perfect time to tick a number of DIY projects off the to-do list. Whether it’s updating the look of your backyard fence or refreshing the landscaping with new plants, a four-day weekend provides plenty of time to make instantly noticeable improvements. Here are four project ideas from Modular Wall Systems to inspire DIYers this long weekend: Fresh paint: It’s amazing what a fresh lick of paint can achieve, particularly to a tired looking fence. Update the backyard by giving the fence a new coat of paint across all boundaries. Get building: Build a cubby house for the kids or a dog house for the pooch. It can become a fun activity that involves the entire family,


from sketching out the drawings to painting. Most parts can be found in the local hardware store, too. It’s also a good way of using up miscellaneous leftover materials or fence panels that may be lying around the backyard. Declutter your yard: Remove unwanted items hanging around the patio, shed and other outdoor entertaining spaces. Leaves and debris can accumulate quickly in Australian backyards so sweep and hose down surfaces and remove weeds that can be slip hazards in between paving. Once dry, reposition the outdoor furniture and pot plants. Give your garden some TLC: Mow the lawn, trim hedges and add colour with new seasonal plants or sow an edible garden.


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Sleep well with Ergoflex

Part-time pets

New exhibition

Dogshare.com.au has made having a parttime pooch possible with the launch of a free borrowing feature which allows people to get a pet-fix by providing walks or dog sitting for time-poor dog owners in their local area. No money exchanges hands, simply the companionship of man’s best friend. Borrowers can offer to cover dog walking, overnight or vacation stays, assist with dog appointments or simply check in on the dog while its human companions are at work.

Launching in June 2016, Factory Design District is a new threeday exhibition and event that will connect makers and manufacturers to a wider audience while uncovering the process of creation, from inception to realisation. The event is on from Friday 3 June to Sunday 5 June in Erskineville, Sydney; factorydesigndistrict.com

Timeless designs

Enjoy comfort and support with Ergoflex memory foam pillows, designed to provide full support for the neck and head and a supremely comfortable sleeping experience. The pillows have the same removable, washable outer cover as the Ergoflex mattress and are designed to fit inside a standard size pillowcase. The Ergoflex deluxe ergonomic pillow comprises a fully moulded core of ‘soft touch’ ACPT visco-elastic foam. Ergoflex Australia is one of

Showcasing northern hemispheric designers in Australia is Norr:Design. Explore the beautiful minimalist offerings by Danish designer Kristina Dam Studio, Finnish label Verso Design, and Israeli textile designer Mika Barr. Products are available for preorder with May release dates; norrdesign.com.au

Australia’s leading online mattress brands. Since 2010 (and since 2006 in the UK) Ergoflex has consistently topped consumer polls with hundreds of 5 star ratings from existing users across Australia. More info: www.ergoflex.com.au

Enter to WIN One lucky Canberra Weekly reader will win a twin pack of Ergoflex memory foam pillows valued at $300. To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘Ergoflex’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details and the answer to this question: what is the moulded core of an Ergoflex deluxe ergonomic pillow made of? Entries close 9am 1 April 2016 and winner drawn same day. One entry per person. Permit No. ACT TP 15/05130.

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The latest in home trends, news and happenings with Home editor, Allison Redman.

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in the garden


Autumn is a busy and bountiful time in the preserving kitchen. Drying and bottling are just a few of the techniques used for extending the shelf-life of delectable homegrown produce.

WITH HORTICULTURIST TRACEY BOOL traceyboolgardenwriter.com

Autumn is a busy, productive and immensely satisfying season for cool climate gardeners. The following is some of the fun stuff to be carried out in your botanical sanctuary over the following months: Harvest and preserve now • Harvest the last of your summer veggie crops such as tomatoes, zucchini and cucumbers. Continue picking multi-season gems such as lettuce, Chinese style cabbage varieties, radishes and leafy greens. Crops requiring a longer growing season including red capsicums, chillies and eggplants, can be left for a few more weeks to ripen before picking. • Traditionally mature pumpkins are harvested after the first frost, although I haven’t found this necessary, providing you pick the vegetable with a good-sized piece of stem attached, and also cure them for several weeks before storing. • Popular and reliable root crops – potatoes and Jerusalem artichokes – can be harvested and devoured now. Potatoes can be stored in a cool, dry place for future use; Jerusalem artichokes, however, are better off being dug up and consumed as required due to their fleeting shelf life. • Fruit, fruit and more fruit – what a bumper fruiting season we have had this year. I have found apricots, plums, quinces, citrus and figs to be exceptional in both quality and volume. Most fruits can be devoured fresh, dried, frozen, bottled and used in jams and preserves. • Save seed from your favourite crops for future use and to help maintain genetic diversity and resilience. t

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Both cool and in-between season veggie seedlings ready for transplanting.

Things to plant • With warm soil temperatures and rejuvenating rainfall, autumn is the ideal time for planting many annuals, perennials, natives, exotics and edibles. • On the veggie front, gardeners can continue to transplant annual seedlings such as lettuce, spring onions and those from the brassica family (broccoli, cauliflower, etc.). • Green manure crops can also be sown now to rejuvenate tired soils, keep weeds at bay and provide food for beneficial insects and other valuable critters, both above and below ground. • Autumn is the time for taking semi-hardwood cuttings of many plants and digging up and dividing strappy-leafed grasses, amongst others.

Maintenance to be carried out • Compost, compost, glorious compost – there is no such thing as too much of this amazing garden resource, so get busy people! If you find

Maintenance pruning of deciduous trees and shrubs can be carried out in autumn after leaf fall. This includes lifting trunk heights, thinning out the canopy and removing dead, diseased and dying growth (amongst others).

it difficult to accumulate enough materials for this gardening nonnegotiable, extra ingredients can be collected from the community at large and may include: shredded paper and kitchen scraps from your workplace, used coffee grinds from your favourite café/s, and fresh lucerne and other green goodies from local roadsides. • Autumn is soil top dressing, mulching and fertilising time: top dress with well-rotted organic materials (preferably homemade or from known local sources); add a light covering of organic mulch to garden beds to protect the soil and ensure a more constant soil temperature is maintained; and fertilise with a mix of slow release and quick fix fertilising products, teas and brews. • Practice the three Ds of pruning – remove dead, diseased or dying growth. Tip pruning can also be carried out after flowering, and trunk raising and thinning of deciduous shrubs and trees is generally carried out after leaf fall.

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property@ canberraweekly.com.au

Narooma boasts stunning coastal scenery and one of the most spectacular entrances on the NSW South Coast.

A lifestyle choice early 1800s, appeals to holiday goers, retirees, families, golfers and fishermen. “We have a high level of interest in permanent housing and holiday properties, mostly under $500,000,” she says. “Currently we are experiencing a high buyer interest.” The best streets are those in the “Golden Triangle”, she says, which is the section around the well-known hill of the golf course near the ocean or any with water views. Views of the spectacular Wagonga Inlet, ocean and Montague Island are sought after.

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arooma may be a holiday destination, but agent Dee Cramb says it is now becoming a lifestyle choice of many. Situated on the NSW far South Coast, Narooma is nestled between Mount Gulaga and the Tasman Sea. Fittingly, its name is derived from the Aboriginal word Noorooma which means “clear, blue water” as the town boasts one of the most spectacular entrances on the South Coast, and stunning coastal scenery. Cramb, from LJ Hooker, says Narooma, which dates back to the

“Narooma is well known for one of the clearest prestige waters you will see on Australia’s coastline,” she says. The local industries include fishing, oyster farming, dairy and, of course, tourism. The town is well serviced, with two supermarkets, banks, chemists, a post office and a selection of cafés, some boasting gorgeous views. Montague Island, only eight kilometres from the mainland, is famous for its historic lighthouse, as well as its colonies of seals, little penguins and sea birds. The waters surrounding the island are popular with fishermen. Locals and tourists also frequent Narooma Golf Course, rated among Australia’s top 50 public access courses, with views of the island to the east and Glass House Rocks to the south.




property news

recent sales


121 Shakespeare Crescent, Fraser $435,000

Rutherford Johnston

41 Levien Street, Scullin


Rutherford Johnston

6/41 Ern Florence Cres, Theodore



7/16 De Burgh Street, Lyneham




34 Hutchins Street

34 Hutchins Street, Yarralumla

$1,585,000 LJ Hooker

2/12 Andado Place, Hawker


LJ Hooker

75A Theodore Street, Curtin


Peter Blackshaw

19 Westall Place, Dunlop



73 Ross Smith Cres, Scullin


One Agency

22 Patrick Brick Crt, Queanbeyan E $465,000


6 Mentha Place, Rivett


One Agency

41/25 Aspinall Street, Watson


LJ Hooker

5 Withers Place, Weston


Peter Blackshaw

36/36 Fink Crescent, Calwell


Ray White

5 Godson Place, Dunlop



13 Frater Crescent, Lyneham


Luton Properties

14 Sidaway Street, Chapman


Peter Blackshaw

26 River Drive, Karabar



15 Chevalier Street, Weston


Peter Blackshaw

116 Essie Coffey St, Bonner



7 Legge Street, Downer


Paul & Robyn Sutton

1/66 Ebden Street, Ainslie



37 Carr Crescent, Wanniassa



6 Revill Place, Gilmore


The Real Estate Shop

109 Marchant Circuit, Dunlop


Luton Properties

35 Dunn Street, Queanbeyan



5 Ogligby Crescent, Page


LJ Hooker

37 Tyson Street, Ainslie


LJ Hooker

4 Keartland Street, Page


LJ Hooker

3 Barron Street, Deakin


Luton Properties

41 Flos Greig Street, Watson



1/1 Rowe Place, Phillip


Luton Properties

5 Gangele Street, Ngunnawal

$1,185,000 Maria Selleck

10 Eric Wright St, Forde

$1,270,000 Peter Blackshaw

42/146 Ellerston Ave, Isabella Plains $370,000 14 Borrowdale Street, Red Hill

Luton Properties

$1,130,000 Luton Properties

42 Michell Street, Monash



32/66 Allara Street, City



15 Phillip Avenue, Watson


Luton Properties

19 Harricks Crescent, Monash



1/3 Hayter Place, Page


One Agency

2/33 Eggleston Cres, Chifley


Peter Blackshaw

2/3 Hayter Place, Page


One Agency

16 Waite Place, Farrer

$1,060,000 Peter Blackshaw

16 Hodgkinson Street, Griffith

$1,250,000 Peter Blackshaw


LJ Hooker

2/8 Murruba Place, Jerrabomberra $620,000

32/2 Ranken Place, Belconnen


36 Denovan Circuit, Calwell


Luton Properties

109/116 Easty Street, Phillip

The Real Estate Shop

3 Whitington Street, Franklin


LJ Hooker


44/219A Northbourne Ave, Turner



10 Packham Pl, Charnwood


LJ Hooker

2 Box Place, Latham



104 Hugh Mckay Cres, Dunlop


LJ Hooker

22A Larakia St, Waramanga



420/240 Bunda Street, City


Century 21

41/25 Aspinall Street, Watson


LJ Hooker

33 Durack Street, Downer



77 Alice Jackson Cres, Gilmore



35 MacPherson Street, O’Connor



3 Bayly Place, Macarthur



5 Hull Place, Hackett


Luton Properties

3/6 O’Neill St, Queanbeyan East



36 Irinyili Street, Bonner


LJ Hooker

12/21 Cleeve Place, Gordon


One Agency

9/10 Wilkins Street, Mawson



27 Airey Crescent, Fadden



14 Hayward Street, Macgregor


LJ Hooker

5 Pelloe Place, Richardson



9 Euroka Place, Jerrabomberra


LJ Hooker

11/17 Majura Avenue, Dickson



Data is provided by agents. Source: Realestate.com.au


ACT tops clearance rates Canberra has again topped the national capital city auction clearance rates, according to realestate.com.au. A healthy 76% of properties sold at auction in Canberra on the weekend, followed by 75% in NSW, 72% in Victoria and 69% in South Australia. LJ Hooker auctioneer Frank Pompeani says the Canberra market is “active”. “Most properties are attracting multiple interested parties, in particular residential properties that are stand-alone over body corporate properties,” he says. Pompeani says the market is active throughout the Canberra and Queanbeyan region. Open home numbers are up over 50% from the last year, he says, driven by consumer confidence, low interest rates and affordability over other capital cities. “The number of homes on the market at the moment are low, with higher demand than supply,” he says. “We should see more homes come to the market from April so sellers and buyers can complete their transaction prior to the end of the financial year.” - Lyndall Larkham


property news expert advice

in the spotlight MARIA SELLECK Principal/Director Maria Selleck Properties

Before I was in real estate, I spent most of my working life as a federal public servant where I had the privilege of working with and knowing great people in diplomatic missions overseas and in various agencies in Canberra. Through successive overseas postings with my husband, I was fortunate enough to be able to travel to and live in different countries. This is an experience which I always will treasure. People don’t know this, but I was born in Malta (pictured) where I spent most of my childhood and I was educated in both Malta and Australia. My father was in the Royal Navy during and following WWII; he was shipwrecked on a minesweeper in the Mediterranean and later worked for Lord Mountbatten when he was stationed in Malta. I am married to Gordon, who I met in Malta while he was posted there. We have two beautiful adult daughters Sarah and Rebecca. We now have two beautiful grandchildren, Eleanor and Harvey. One of the people I most admire is my very talented cousin who, at the age of 39, became the second youngest Maltese Prime Minister.

Thomas Duffy Principal Canberra Property Buyer Solutions

What are the benefits of using a buyer’s agent?

Nothing beats spending time with my family and friends. One of my greatest pleasures, which we endeavour to do at least once annually, is the opportunity to visit family and friends in the beautiful historic Malta. My favourite pastimes are playing Bridge, cooking for family and friends, reading biographies and, of course, travel. I have always called myself “a water baby” as I love being near or looking at water, whether in the form of a lake, ocean or swimming pool. There is nothing more tranquil and relaxing than listening to the sound of waves. Sometimes we see the success of others as “luck” but in reality the harder and smarter you work, the more “luck” you

are likely to have! There is no substitute for enthusiasm, passion, commitment and sheer hard work. My motto in life, since my teens, has been based on Winston Churchill’s quote: “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; and an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty”. I have always displayed this in my workplace. “The power of an idea is in its implementation!” Over the years I have learnt that, as is very true in any personal endeavour, it is very easy to sit up and take notice. However, what can be more challenging is standing up and taking action or being successful in a venture. In success, there is no substitute for enthusiasm, commitment and sheer hard work.

It saves a lot of time and money, but you also save yourself a lot of hard work. Searching for the right place, filtering all the options, analysing the merits of potential candidates, then bidding or negotiating for “the one” can be a complex and sometimes intimidating process. A buyer’s agent understands it all implicitly, and can apply their experience and knowledge to every aspect so you get the result you want. A buyer’s agent isn’t emotionally connected to the purchasing decision, so is better able to coolly negotiate the best possible price. If you’re dealing with a professional sales agent, trained and driven to entice buyers into paying the highest price for a property, why wouldn’t you want a skilled property consultant and negotiator to stand up for your best interests? It makes sense to turn to a property expert for perhaps the biggest purchasing decision of our life.



property of the week



oasting uninterrupted 270-degree views of Woden and surrounds, this outstanding six-bedroom residence is “a magnificent masterpiece” positioned on the cliff face at O’Malley. Boasting more than 700sqm of living space, agent Jason Roses says the property is one of Canberra’s largest homes. “It offers a grand presence yet understated privacy and seclusion,” he says. The executive property, constructed with double brick both downstairs and upstairs, was “built to withstand the ages”. Renovated by award-winning Better Building Services, there’s a vast main ballroom and adjacent billiard/theatre room (which could easily accommodate 200 guests), and a guest suite that comprises two bedrooms and separate bathroom.

An additional sitting room could be converted into a sixth bedroom. The upper level includes a sumptuous master suite plus two additional double sized bedrooms. There’s also the formal lounge, dining and drawing rooms. The gourmet kitchen is beautifully renovated with island bench, stone bench tops and wine fridge. Other features include a full size tennis court with flood lighting and adjacent 400sqm (approx) pavilion, a 20m indoor pool and a gym room/ guest quarters (135sqm approx). There’s also a triple car garage plus private onsite parking for 12 cars. Roses says the stunning home sits in a dress circle location, close to many of Canberra's most prominent diplomatic residences, Canberra Hospital, Woden town centre and some of Canberra’s best schools. It is currently rented for $130,000 per annum.




EER: 0.5


Find out more

Price guide: By negotiation Land size: 3,400sqm Living area: 741sqm (approx.) View: By appointment


Agent: Jason Roses 0431 419 847 Luton Properties - Gungahlin Ph: 6162 4333

Australia lives here

Australia lives here




agent's choice

PALMERSTON 2 Laptz Close The owners are relocating and are sad to say goodbye to this truly charming home, however this is your opportunity to secure a delightful home in an area of high demand. The three bedrooms are generous in size and all have built-in wardrobes. The combined lounge and dining room is convenient to all areas of the home, with direct access to the kitchen and backyard. There is a double automatic garage with work bench and storage, as well as an entertaining courtyard and plenty of space for keen gardeners. This is an exceptional home, located in a prime Palmerston position. The sellers have prepared the home and are ready to sell on auction day.




EER: 4.5 Auction: Saturday 2 April 10am View: Thursday 6-6.30pm; and Saturday 11-11.45am Agent: Hugo Mendez

Find out more

Mob: 0449 557 073 LJ Hooker Gungahlin Ph: 6213 3999

Austr Australia lives here

Australia lives here


QUEANBEYAN NSW 21 John Bull Street All the hard work has been done – just enjoy and relax! This fantastic home has been stylishly updated and will impress those searching for an appealing family home or those looking to downsize. Offering three bedrooms, all have built-in robes and easy access to the family bathroom. The kitchen has quality appliances, including gas cook top, electric oven and dishwasher, and has been designed to flow effortlessly to the dining and lounge rooms or to the large rear pergola. A large steel garage with roller door provides space for one car plus storage or work area as well as a separate workshop at the rear that could also be utilised as a gym. The backyard is securely fenced for children and pets to play and has an established easy-care garden.




Auction: Saturday 16 April 11am on site View: Wednesday 5.30-6.15pm and Saturday 12.45-1.30pm Agent: Andrew Campbell

Find out more

Mob: 0429 123 423 Luton Properties Tuggeranong Ph: 6293 2323

Austr Australia lives here

Australia lives here




agent's choice

OXLEY 24 Hammond Close This stunning family home offers immaculate accommodation and inviting indoor and outdoor living, including a covered poolside retreat. The home offers plenty of room for the whole family with a formal living and dining area, a large family room and a separate rumpus. It also includes a granite kitchen with stainless steel appliances, master bedroom with a walk-in robe and ensuite, three additional bedrooms, ducted heating and evaporative cooling. With sought-after features and quality inclusions, this property is located close to schools, shops, parks and transport.





EER: 3.0 Auction: Saturday 16 April 10.30am on site View: Saturday 26 March 11-11.40am Agent: Cameron Whitnall

Find out more

Mob: 0418 624 913 McGrath Estate Agents Ph: 02 6124 2505

Austr Australia lives here

Australia lives here


KINGSTON 10/29 Cunningham Street

FARRER 7 Cameron Street

Penthouse living at its best; proudly perched on the top floor of Verity is this stunning three-bedroom apartment. There is an abundance of natural light, open plan living and full-length wraparound balconies ideal for soaking up morning sun, plus a large, functional kitchen with stone benchtops, glass splashbacks and Smeg appliances. EER: 5.0

Set on the high side of the street and offering a huge amount of both indoor and outdoor living options, this well-maintained family home is an opportunity not to be missed. Ideally located, you’ll be sure to enjoy the central location and having the school and shops only moments away. EER: 1.0




Price: $745,000 View: Open by appointment Agent: Michael Braddon 0408 446 793 Matt Sebbens 0402 064 504 Peter Blackshaw Real Estate Gungahlin 6241 9444 64

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Australia lives here

Australia lives here




Auction: Saturday 2 April 1.30pm on site View: Thurs 24 & 31 March 6-6.45pm Agent: Andrew Potts 0404 895 162 Australia lives here Maddy Watts 0422 023 283 Independent Property Group 6209 9666

Australia lives here

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Australia li Australia lives here

Australia lives here

Australia li


agent's choice

LAWSON Jumbuck Crescent

BONNER 115 Rob Riley Street

Architecturally designed to offer the best in contemporary living, spacious floor plans make an effortless connection with the outdoors and open out onto beautifully landscaped courtyards in Sebae’s luxurious range of 2and 3-bedroom townhouses. Positioned directly next to a nature reserve, most townhouses are north-facing. EER: 7.0

Surrounded by quality family homes, is this near new four-bedroom home including two separate living rooms. A central kitchen with walk-in pantry, gas ducted heating, reverse cycle air conditioning, remote controlled double garage with internal access are some of the great features on offer in this beautiful home. EER: 5.5




Price: $469,000+ View: By appointment Agent: Sam Eimerl Mob: 0400 022 281 Agency Project Property Group 6255 6921




Price: $630,000+ View: Contact agent Agent: Amy Taylor Mob: 0418 645 095 Manage Me – Property Sales

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Australia li Australia lives here

Australia lives here

Australia li

Next Day Reports residentialreports.com.au No Pay Presale Building & Pest Inspections 6288 0402 www.residentialreports.com.au (Buyer pays on settlement)

Agents scan here for your exclusive inspections booking system


Ask your real estate agent… they’ll know who we are



agent's choice

COOMBS 56 Edgeworth Parade

MOLLYMOOK NSW 71 Lockhart Avenue

This incredible, separate title home has something to please every member of the family with a clever design blended seamlessly through space and functionality. Views abound through extra-high ceilings and double glazing with space that is replicated throughout this magnificent home. You cannot afford to miss this opportunity! EER: 7.1

Embrace the coastal lifestyle and the potential for dual living in this twostorey north-east facing home. Move in and embrace a lifestyle of luxury and convenience with an amazing palatial master bedroom, ensuite, spa bath, walk-in robes and private balcony. The breezy formal dining area flows from the main living space out to the entertaining deck with ocean glimpses.







Price: $1,250,000 View: By appointment Agent: Andrea Tucker 0402 487 887 Tucker Real Estate Ph: 02 4455 6988

Price: $785,000 View: Saturday and Sunday 10-11am Agent: Steve Laughton 0499 364 064 POD Projects Group Ph: 6262 2525

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Australia li Australia lives here

Australia lives here

HALL 22 Palmer Street This 207sqm split level home features good sized bedrooms, segregated master with walk in robe and ensuite, a substantial living room, large dining room. An excellent open plan family, meals and kitchen area opens to a paved alfresco area, ducted heating, four car garage plus double carport.

mcgrath.com.au/295655 66

Australia li

WINDELLEMA NSW 3396 Windellema Road 6


For Sale $1,115,000 View Saturday 2.30 - 3.00 EER 1 Maree van Arkel 0419 624 766 Megan van Arkel 0424 381 307 Call 6175 0011 / 6175 0018


This small farm of approximately 111 acres (44.9 Ha) at Windellama, via Goulburn, is basically weed-free, has excellent fences, sheep and cattle yards and a 4-bay shed with bathroom and power. There are three dams and permanent water holes in the creek. The farm is currently running 250 sheep with potential for growth.



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Price: $470,000 View: By appointment Agent: Rowan Begg 0417 000 000 Tronn Alstergren Real Estate Ph: 0248 216 022

Australia li Australia lives here

Australia lives here

Australia li


More Australians use realestate.com.au than any other property site nationwide. So when it comes to finding your next home, you can maximise your chances of finding the perfect place by looking on realestate.com.au Go online or download the app today and begin your search. Source: Nielsen Unique Audience Jan’16, desktop and msite only.

tio n Au c Dunlop 19 Polilight Street


Perfectly positioned on a 727m block high up in the popular suburb of Dunlop is this large 2 storey 4 bedroom plus study family abode with sweeping views of the district and Brindabella’s beyond. This home has been cleverly designed with the growing family in mind, offering the segregation and space for all members of the family to relax, enjoy and entertain.


Ray White Belconnen


EER: 4.0


Spacious and elevated large family home 2


• • • • • • •

Segregated master with ensuite and walk in robe Ensuite with spa bath and separate double shower 3 bedrooms with built in robes Study and 2 living areas Spacious rumpus with bathroom Oversized double garage with plenty of storage Zoned to Fraser Primary school

Thu 7 April at 6.00pm Belconnen Arts Centre View Tuesday 6.00 – 6.30pm Jake Battenally 0413 313 676 Lisa Van Niekerk 0467 977 708

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

Macgregor 35 Wunderly Court


This three bedroom, north facing home is located on a 465m elevated block in a quiet street, conveniently located close to local schools and shops. This home offers great mountain views and beautifully landscaped gardens. There is one large and open living area which flows into a covered entertaining area, ideal for entertaining and involving the chef in the conversation. The master bedroom has an ensuite and walk in wardrobe and also split system, what more could you ask for. 2



EER: 6.0


Mountain views

Ray White Belconnen


• • • • • • • • •

465m elevated block with great views By negotiation 118m2 of living space View By appointment Floating timber floorboards Ben Owen 0466 671 595 Covered entertaining area Jake Battenally 0413 313 676 Fans to all rooms Walk in wardrobe and ensuite in master bedroom Built-in robes in 2nd and 3rd bedroom Double block out blinds Gas wall furnace and 2 split systems 6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au 2

tio n Au c Mckellar 173 William Webb Drive



Ray White Belconnen


EER: 1.0


Grandeur in Mckellar Situated in one of Belconnen’s most sought after locations is this grand family estate that is both grandeur and understated, all set on a large 834m2 elevated block opposite reserve. Upon entrance to the home you will feel the warmth and history this home has endured over its 32 years of life, both lovingly maintained and perfectly presented by the owners who have decided to move on to their next stage in life.


• • • • • • • •

Formal lounge & dining Large open plan kitchen, family and meals area Enclosed carport Master with ensuite Large main bathroom Laundry 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom granny flat with kitchen family and meals Elevated position

Thu 14 April at 6.00pm, on site View Wednesday 6.10 – 7.00pm Jake Battenally 0413 313 676 Lisa Van Niekerk 0467 977 708

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

Melba 15 Miranda Place



Ray White Belconnen


EER: 1.0


Peaceful and private family home in Melba Positioned at the end of a quiet cul de sac next to a leafy reserve in the sought after location of Melba you will find this hidden gem awaiting for you and your family to move in and enjoy. The enormous master bedroom retreat boasts a large walk through wardrobe, built in robes, spacious ensuite complete with a shower and spa and has direct access to the backyard and covered verandah.


• • • • •

Spacious master/parents retreat Large ensuite with shower and spa Main bathroom and separate toilet Slow combustion fireplace In-ground swimming pool

Thu 7 April 6.00pm, Belconnen Arts Centre View Wednesday 5.15 – 5.45pm Jake Battenally 0413 313 676 Lisa Van Niekerk 0467 977 708

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

Belconnen 58/101 Hennessy Street


Convenient and perfectly located


UniGardens is ideally located in the heart of Belconnen, with public transport at your front door although you may not require it with most amenities including Canberra University, Belconnen Town Centre, Belconnen Markets and CISAC all within walking distance.




EER: 6.0

View By appointment Liam Wilson 0405 056 844 Benjamin Ling 0403 041 181

The studio style room offers modern kitchen, and bathroom, open plan living with split system heating and cooling, ceiling fans, inbuilt study and secure parking. 6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au




Ray White Belconnen


Florey 11 Priestley Place




EER: 4.0

Amazing family home


Wonderfully located in a peaceful & high set cul de sac with views to the Brindabella , this spacious tri-level home offers a private haven showcasing spacious and elegant design and flawless attention to detail with leafy established gardens and so much more. Presently 4 large bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 4 car accommodation, multiple living areas, renovated kitchen and bathroom, balconies and various entertaining options.

Thurs 7 April 6.00pm, Belconnen Arts Centre

Ray White Belconnen

View By appointment Benjamin Ling 0403 041 181 Scott Jackson 0411 037 137

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

Banks 9 Lesueur Place Well maintained family home in a great location! • • •

3 bedrooms all well sized with builtin robes, main bedroom including an ensuite Study/media room is a multifunctional room with potential to convert back to a 4th bedroom Kitchen with double sink, electric cooking, ample storage and a breakfast bar




EER: 3.0

Sale $500,000+ View By appointment Colin McIntyre 0417 263 678 Kimberly Kelly 0416 508 108

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

Pretty as a picture




EER: 1.0

An immaculate three bedroom ensuite Sale home situated in a quiet cul de sac $520,000+ location. It has been beautifully renovated. View Sat 10.00 – 10.45am The kitchen, bathroom, modern Colin Blunden 0409 015 400 ensuite…all stunning. Other features include ducted heating and cooling, large covered entertainment area, single garage and an awesome backyard.

Ray White Tuggeranong

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au



Ray White Tuggeranong

Bonython 11 Tarlton Place

New kitchen

Chisholm 26 Heagney Crescent 3



EER: 3.5

Filled with ample natural light this home SOLD which offers 123m2 of living will create a lot Ewa Skoczek 0414 665 626 of interest. Semi-open plan with generous living, dining area and family room. Freshly painted with a good size private backyard. As new gas furnace and split system ensuring all year comfort. Secure single carport with off street parking. 6294 9393 Ray White Tuggeranong raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

Three bedroom home in an unbeatable location!




EER: 0.5

1099m2 block, side access Sale Easy access to main arterial roads $520,000 3 bedrooms, two with BIRs + retreat View By appointment Separate family and lounge areas Retreat with kitchenette + bathroom Lisa Silberberg 0416 227 666 Abundance of off-street parking Close to public transport, schools and shops 6294 9393 Ray White Tuggeranong raywhitetuggeranong.com.au • • • • • • •


Calwell 65 Casey Crescent

Conder 42 John Russell Circuit All the hard work is done - just move in! • • • • • •

3 bedrooms well sized; 2 of which include built-in robes Renovated kitchen with walk-in pantry, new appliances, soft close drawers Ducted gas heating throughout Large covered entertaining area Double garage converted to single garage plus a salon/home office Living: 109m2 approx; Block: 756m2




EER: 1.5

Sale $450,000+ View By Appointment Colin McIntyre 0417 263 678 Kimberly Kelly 0416 508 108 6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

This garden is enchanting




EER: 2.0

Situated in a verdant oasis this home Sale exudes charm & tranquillity. The main $559 000+ bedroom is segregated and has access View By Appointment to a delightful, covered pergola. In stage Ewa Skoczek 0414 665 626 1 of Gordon the location speaks for itself. The kitchen, family room & dining room are open plan. The rumpus/office is another surprise.

Ray White Tuggeranong

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au






Ray White Tuggeranong

Gordon 11 Flegg Crescent

Macarthur 1 Kater Close

Stunning single level townhouse • • • • • •

All four bedrooms generously sized, bedroom 2 & 4 include built-in robes Main bedroom with ensuite and WIR 2 separate living areas Main bathroom updated with stylish features and built-in storage Ducted gas heating Living space: 140.4m2 approx.

Ray White Tuggeranong




EER: 3.0

Sale $550,000+ View By Appointment Colin McIntyre 0417 263 678 Kimberly Kelly 0416 508 108 6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

Treasured family home in a sought after location • • • •

3 bedrooms include built-in robes (two include built-in desks) Main bedroom with a WIR & ensuite Kitchen with ample storage and bench space, electric cooking and breakfast bar Ducted gas heating and evaporative cooling throughout

Ray White Tuggeranong




EER: 2.5

Auction Sat 2 Apr 10.00am, on site View Sat 12.00pm – 12.40pm Colin McIntyre 0417 263 678 Kimberly Kelly 0416 508 108 6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au


Greenway 13 Clamp Place


tio n


Au c

rO de Un Monash 9 Cowdery Place Quality home – outstanding views

Monash 34 Harkness Street 3



EER: 2.0

Unique opportunity for a spectacular, large family home

Renovated throughout this home is ready Sale for you to move straight in. $470,000 Excellently located near shops, schools Peter Campbell-Wood 0458 726 579 and transport it would equally well suit peter.campbell-wood@raywhite.com young families, young couples, older people downsizing or investors. It enjoys a large sunny backyard backing onto the park and a double garage.

• • •

Ray White Tuggeranong

Ray White Tuggeranong

• •



EER: 1.0

Auction Sat 16 Apr at 11.30am on site View Sat 11.00 – 11.40am Colin McIntyre 0417 263 678 Kimberly Kelly 0416 508 108

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au






6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

Four great sized bedrooms with BIR Main bedroom with WIR and ensuite Kitchen with ample storage, bench space, double sink & breakfast bar Ducted gas heating and evaporative cooling Large covered entertaining area as well as a fenced pool & Bali hut


Waramanga 56 Badimara Street

Lovely home on a great block! • • • •

3 bedrooms well sized, main with built-in robe & split system Generous sized living/dining room with a split system & gas fire heater Updated kitchen with ample storage space, double sink, gas stove and electric oven & a large island bench Large covered entertaining area/deck

Ray White Tuggeranong




EER: 1.0

Sale $450,000+ View By Appointment

Large family home in a sought after location! • •

Colin McIntyre 0417 263 678 Kimberly Kelly 0416 508 108 6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

• • •

4 bedrooms, 3 with built-in robes and the main includes an ensuite Kitchen with double sink, gas stove and electric cooking as well as a breakfast bar Large backyard and block, fully fenced and an entertaining area Living space: 181m2 approximately Block size: 1043m2

Ray White Tuggeranong




EER: 0.5

Auction $630,000+ Colin McIntyre 0417 263 678 Kimberly Kelly 0416 508 108

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au


Richardson 26 Vidal Street


Stirling 4 Logue Place


• • • •

Spacious, open plan, tiled living & central kitchen Large two way bathroom plus a second toilet Well placed reverse cycle heating & cooling Internal access from double carport (easily enclosed)

Ray White Woden


Tue 12 April 7.30pm, Ray White Woden In Rooms Betty Wark 0408 166 833 Betty.wark@rwcanberra.com.au




EER: 0.0


Deceased estate – must be sold!

Ray White Woden

EER: 4.5

6162 0681 | rwcanberra.com.au

Weston 44 McInnes Street You can choose whether you decide to completely renovate throughout or to just do some cosmetics to bring it up to a standard that you are comfortable with. Whichever way you go, you will end up with a very well located property which will only continue to grow in value. 3 bedrooms, open plan living, original timber floors, ducted gas heating, a lovely large block of land, double car accommodation all set in a fantastic street quick and easy access out of the suburb!



Bring your paintbrush! In need of a little love and attention, this fantastic 3 bedroom home has so much to offer. At 123 sqm, the living areas are simply huge and wrap around the functional, central kitchen which you are certain to want to reface. There is a 2 way bathroom attached to the main bedroom and a second toilet located near the rear door. There is internal access from the double carport and it is all set so privately from the street. Fabulous Property!! Privately located in a quiet cul-de-sac in New Stirling


• • • •

Fantastic Opportunity Awaits the astute buyer Open plan living areas to the front of the home Split level to bedrooms at the rear of the home Ducted gas heating and feature central gas heater

Tue 12 April 7.30pm , Ray White Woden In Rooms View By Appointment Betty Wark 0408 166 833 Betty.wark@rwcanberra.com.au

6162 0681 | rwcanberra.com.au

Bungendore 7 Scott Street Enough room for the whole family! Inside this lovely family home is a well presented floorplan featuring four good sized bedrooms, a modern kitchen and a great layout with separate living, dining and family areas. There is an ensuite plus a full main bathroom and internal laundry. The floor plan is functional and flowing, through the living areas to the outdoor area.

Googong 27 Montague Place 4



Sale $590,000 View Sat 12.45 – 1.30pm Brad O’Mara 0402 343 771 6299 4333 raywhitequeanbeyan.com.au

This is a rare opportunity to secure a lifestyle many desire, but only a lucky few can achieve! This gently undulating house with exceptional rural living is situated on a 8.0H block set amongst native trees, gardens and hills with uninterrupted views. This could be your kids’ perfect playground, creating memories that will last a lifetime.




Sale $1,100,000 View By appointment Ben Mills 0420 304 431 6299 4333 raywhitequeanbeyan.com.au

Ray White Queanbeyan|Jerrabomberra




Ray White Queanbeyan|Jerrabomberra

Country charm that awaits you

Queanbeyan 26 Albert Street Charming cottage with character


This charming cottage is a renovated three bedroom home that is superbly located close to Queanbeyan Park and CBD. The home has been tastefully renovated with new decking and landscaping, a modern kitchen with an island bench and plenty of extra storage space.

Queanbeyan 18 O’Hanlon Road 3



Auction Sat 9 Apr 2.00pm, on site View Sat 10.00 – 10.40am Brad O’Mara 0402 343 771 6299 4333 raywhitequeanbeyan.com.au

Ray White Queanbeyan|Jerrabomberra

Renovated 1950’s home filled with character Nestled in a quiet, well kept street with easy access to schools, shops and ovals sits this recently renovated 1950’s charismatic, solid red brick, 3 bedroom home that suits an array of buyers ranging from singles, couples, down sizer’s and the astute investor.




Sale $539,000 View Sat 11.00 – 11.40am Brad O’Mara 0402 343 771 6299 4333 raywhitequeanbeyan.com.au

Ray White Queanbeyan|Jerrabomberra



Top Of The World... The views are outstanding from the living areas in the lounge room and the home has a joyful feel about it! That is created through the open plan living that flows from the lounge and dining right through to the fabulous family room which in turns opens onto the rear paved entertaining area, perfect for entertaining friends and family. This stylish yet practical home has room for all with

plenty of storage space. The owners having completed the project have set their sights on doing it all again, They are wanting to rebuild but can only do so once they are sold here. If you are looking for something special, something with loads of space and with those extra features that only come with a quality home then view this one you will not be disappointed.



Auction Wednesday 6th April at 6:00pm Venue LJ Hooker Canberra City Level 1, 182-200 City Walk View Saturday 12:00pm – 12:30pm ljhooker.com.au/1DWCJFF92

Michael Rabey 0411 367 700 Dickson 6257 2111

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Conder 79 Charterisville Avenue


Forrest 25 Furneaux Street


Rare Opportunity In Blue Chip Location



In the heart of Forrest & just a few metres from Manuka Village

• 1317sqm block

Auction Saturday 9th April at 10:00am

• The home is well proportioned and flooded with light

Venue On site

This classic piece of Canberra’s history presents beautifully with original features like the high ceilings, timber sash windows, picture rails and 2 fireplaces. The kitchen and bathrooms have been modernised and the block is large and flat, the perfect canvas for future extension. Pop in to the open home or call me today!

• Ducted reverse cycle air conditioning

View Saturday 11:15am – 11:45am & Wednesday 5:00pm – 5:45pm

• Enjoy the ambiance of open fire places in both the living & dining rooms


• Quality public & private schools within walking distance

Kaylene King 0409 574 178 Canberra City 6249 7700

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


• Walk easily to Manuka Village or the Parliamentary zone


Palmerston 51 Bimberi Crescent


4 Bedroom Family Package – 783sqm Block


• Fantastic Street in Palmerston, prime location!

Auction Thursday 31st March at 6:30pm

• Separate spacious living areas and family sized kitchen

Venue On site

• Ducted gas heating and evaporative cooling throughout

View Wednesday 30th March 2:00pm – 2:30pm

• Double garage with internal and remote access

Thursday 31st March 6:00pm – 6:30pm

• Large entertaining pergola

Hugo Mendez 0449 557 073 Madeleine Sanfrancesco 0433 150 312 Gungahlin 6213 3999

• Block = 783sqm, Land value = $305,000

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


This pleasant single-level, family friendly home is situated less than 10km outside of the CBD in a peaceful street and proves why this area of Palmerston is so tightly held. Offering enough space for a growing family, with the desirable ambiance of the prized location, together with fantastic entertaining spaces, this home offers the chance for a relaxed lifestyle.



Palmerston 2 Laptz Close


Charming Single Level Home


• Immaculately presented, single level living throughout

Auction Saturday 2nd April at 10:00am

• Separate spacious living areas

Venue On site

• Stainless steel appliances in the kitchen

View Thursday 24th March 6:00pm – 6:30pm

• Gas heating in the family room plus evaporative cooling throughout

Saturday 26th March 11:00am – 11:45am

• Double garage with internal and remote access • Gazebo, great entertaining space!

Hugo Mendez 0449 557 073 Madeleine Sanfrancesco 0433 150 312 Gungahlin 6213 3999

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


This is your opportunity to secure a delightful home in an area of high demand. The three bedrooms are generous in size and all have built in wardrobes. The combined lounge and dining room is convenient to all areas of the home, with direct access to the kitchen and backyard for convenience. There is a double automatic garage with work bench and storage, as well as offering a great entertaining courtyard; there is plenty of garden space for keen gardeners.





Saturday - 10am to 3pm Tuesday to Friday - 12pm to 2pm

1 BED + STUDY FROM $304,900 2 BED + ENSUITE FROM $409,900 3 BED + ENSUITE FROM $599,900

archergriffith.com.au For more information contact Keenan Veraar on 0402 914 037 or Andrew Ligdopoulos on 0408 488 148


BRADDON A building like no other... Display Office Open Saturday 10am - 2pm

One Bedroom + Full Study Apartments from $434,950



NOW OPEN Artist Impression


32 Mort Street, Braddon ljhookerprojects.com.au

Two Bedroom + Ens. Apartments (2 car spaces)

Keenan Veraar James Nimmo

from $599,900

0402 914 037 0414 332 778




Live in the Soul of Coombs Display Office Open Saturday 11am - 3pm

Three Bedroom + Ensuite Townhouses from $435,000

Cnr Fred Daly Ave & Gifford Street, Coombs

Four Bedroom + Ensuite Townhouses


from $515,000

Artist Impression

Andrew Ligdopoulos Jason Watson

0408 488 148 0425 366 663


COMING SOON... To register your interest visit sq1southquay.com.au Visit the display office on Anketell Street, Greenway or contact James Herbert on 0400 853 501


LAWSON Change is in the air... One Bedroom Apartments from $265,900

Two Bedroom + Ens. Apartments from $409,900

Three Bedroom + Ens. Apartments from $439,900 Artist Impression

Display Office Open Saturday 10am - 4pm Tuesday to Friday 5pm - 6pm Cnr Stockman & Bulletin Street, Lawson ljhookerprojects.com.au

James Nimmo


All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


0414 332 778

Naish Stormon Sales and Marketing Consultant With LJ Hooker Gungahlin • • • • •

Results focused. Professional, hard-working, dedicated. Cares about his clients & their needs. Comfortable with all methods of sale – recent Auctions have achieved great results in short order. Strong negotiator who works for the best possible price.

Talk to Naish today about the sale of your property.

Naish Stormon LJ Hooker Gungahlin 0488 164 426 46 - 50 Hibberson Street Gungahlin ACT 2912 gungahlin.ljhooker.com.au naish.stormon@ljhooker.com.au


19 Hattersley Court Nicholls 18 days on market

16 Hamlet Place Florey 23 days on market

EER 3.5

Owners Delighted


13/24 Ijong Street Braddon 21 days on market

EER 2.0

Owners Delighted

EER 6.0

Owners Delighted



BRADDON 3/80 Henty Street

BRUCE 13/101 Kincloch Circuit

• Ducted gas heating • Brand new carpet • Separate studio to rear of property

• Stainless steel appliances • Reverse cycle air conditioning • One lockable storage cage

• • • •

Dickson 6257 2111

Dickson 6257 2111

Canberra City 6249 1477

$740 weekly



$485 weekly


BONNER 87 Murrijenelle Circuit



$340 weekly


Light filled living area Close to UC and The AIS Large modern kitchen Available 5th April




$395 - $425 weekly

HARRISON 57/162 Flemington Road

$320 weekly

NGUNNAWAL 6/76 Wanganeen Avenue

• Open plan living • Low maintenance courtyard • Built in robes to all bedrooms

• Stone bench tops • Reverse cycle split system A/C • Secure lift access

• Two large open plan living areas • Heating and cooling • Pets considered

Gungahlin 6213 3999

Dickson 6257 2111

Gungahlin 6213 3999






$360 weekly





NICHOLLS 57 Tazewell Circuit

HARRISON 14 Megalong Crescent

RIVETT 1 Lomatia Place

• Two separate living areas • New carpet and fresh paint • Covered entertaining area

• Ducted heating • Easy care courtyard • Alfresco dining

• Two storey townhouse • Reverse cycle heating and cooling • Courtyard

Gungahlin 6213 3999

Gungahlin 6213 3999

$560 weekly



$585 weekly




$415 weekly

Weston Creek 6288 8888





WATSON 1/20 Federal Highway

FRANKLIN 80/329 Flemington Road

NGUNNAWAL 4/12 Nangi Place

• Open plan living and dining • Reverse cycle heating & cooling • Modern kitchen with dishwasher

• Ground floor unit • Private courtyard • Secure car park

• Three bedroom townhouse • Gas heating • Single garage and car space to the front

Weston Creek 6288 8888

Kaleen 6241 1922

$379 weekly



$320 weekly




$370 weekly

Kaleen 6241 1922





LATHAM 4 Mcarthur Place

FRANKLIN 18/20 Clare Burton Street

BRADDON 1/20 Ijong Street

• Three Bedroom • Reverse cycle air conditioning and gas heating • Entertaining area

• Four bedrooms. main bedroom with ensuite • Low maintenance courtyard. • Available 28th March

• Modern one bedroom New York style apartment • Plenty of natural light • Available 23rd March

Kippax 6255 3888

Canberra City 6249 7700

Canberra City 6249 7700



$410 weekly



$525 weekly



$370 weekly




Tenant of the week Each week LJ Hooker gives away a $150 Coles/Myer voucher to an exceptional tenant.

*Participating offices only: LJ Hooker Canberra City, Dickson, Gungahlin, Kaleen, Kippax & Weston Creek


Congratulations Don, client of LJ Hooker Gungahlin, pictured with Property Manager Jessica Cook

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


MANAGEme will make your goal, our goal e Ym BU 4 BED – 2 BATH – 2 CAR

115 Rob Riley Circuit, BONNER • • • •


Great family home 2 separate living spaces Large enclosed backyard EER – 5.5 Stars

MANAGE me is turning 2 Present this advertisement & receive $1000 of free marketing when you list your property for sale* (*valid to 31st March 2016)

For INSPECTme times, visit managemecanberra.com.au

Call Amy Taylor for a FREE market appraisal today




e Tm N

e Tm N

e Tm N 12/200 Baldwin Drive Giralang

2/40 Templeton Street Cook

21/53 McMillan Cres Griffith

$590 per week

$450 per week

$370 per week

4 bed – 2 bath – 2 car

4 bed – 1 bath – 1 car

2 bed – 1 bath – 1 car

• Family home; 2 living areas • Mediterranean style courtyard • Views across parkland

• New kitchen & bathroom • Large living room • Large enclosed yard • Pets considered For INSPECTme times, visit managemecanberra.com.au

• Renovated throughout • Level one apartment • Secure entry • Great location For INSPECTme times, visit managemecanberra.com.au

For INSPECTme times, visit managemecanberra.com.au

Amy Taylor

Advertise your property here Contact MANAGEme Today for an obligation Free appraisal of your property

Mention this advertisement and receive complimentary professional photography when you list your rental with MANAGEme, call 0418 645 095

Contact Amy today CWM7068-V11

0418 645 095



www.managemecanberra.com.au ACN: 167 913 724

| ABN: 27 167 913 724



ct Au

Amaroo 27 Bizant Street - This superb executive residence sits in a prime area, giving a commanding street presence in this dress-circle location. The light-filled interiors capture the striking and calming views by the surrounds of Yerrabi Ponds and the abundant open parkland. EER 4.







Open Saturday 10-10.30am Auction On site 10am, Saturday 2 April Call Samantha Hague 0431 846 866

n io

ct Au Banks 35 Wilson Crescent - First home buyers and investors pay attention. This fantastic four bedroom home has been listed for sale and the sellers have made immediate arrangements to move interstate. This family home offers amazing features, with a flowing floor plan to match and an abundance of car accommodation. A home to fit all your needs awaits your discovery. EER 1.5.







Open By appointment Auction On site 11am, Saturday 9 April Call Michael Martin 0411 748 805

n io

ct Au Scullin 5 Dallas Place - You need to see it to believe what is on offer here. We are calling a specific market who are looking for a fantastic three bedroom family home plus a fully functional self-contained two bedroom flat with bathroom, kitchen and living area downstairs. This home caters for more than just your average family. EER 2.







Open By appointment Auction On site 10am, Saturday 16 April Call Michael Martin 0411 748 805

n io

ct Au Gordon 57 Oxenham Circuit - A beautifully appointed home in a wonderful enclave in Gordon. Offering spacious accommodation, consisting of four bedrooms with multiple living areas and a fully-fitted kitchen. Direct access to the rear paved yard with pond and water tank. Double car accommodation with remote, security doors and shutters, solar panels. Great proximity to Lanyon Market Place, various schools and Tuggeranong Hyperdome. EER 4.







Open By appointment Auction On site 10am, Saturday 16 April Greg Hedger 0427 214 337 Call Sam Granter 0402 507 902

n io

ct Au Harrison 17 Koonalda Street - Expect to completely lose yourself in this exquisite, executive family residence with a floor area of 231m² (approx.), on a 473m² (approx.) parcel of land. This is one of those very special, extravagant entertainers, with an over-sized kitchen and the terrace under the roof-line. You are invited to experience the magnificence of this home as the rooms unfold and the size and the floor plan is gently introduced to you. EER 5.








Monday 1-1.45pm Tuesday 6-6.30pm Auction On site 9am, Saturday 2 April Call Steph Hendry 0404 491 413

n io

ct Au Latham 11 Want Place - Located in a quiet cul-de-sac is this lovely home offering space, warmth and beautiful gardens. The property offers multiple living areas including formal lounge, dining and a huge family room. Parts of the home offer beautiful high raked ceilings. There are two bedrooms both offering ensuites, with the master bedroom perfectly segregated. EER 1.5.








Saturday 10-10.30am Wednesday 5.30-6pm Auction On site 1pm, Saturday 9 April Call Jason Roses 0431 419 847

n io

ct Au Macquarie 38 Castlereagh Crescent - Versatile design by ’Hancock Courtney & Renfree’. Currently configured as a two bedroom home, however the 183m² (approx.) of living allows for easy conversion to a 3, 4 or even a 5 bedroom home. The soaring roofline and floor-to-ceiling windows combine with a northerly aspect, melding the private outdoors with the spacious interior bathed in light. A style apart from the hum drum of conventional suburbia. EER 0.





Open Saturday 11-11.30am Auction On site 12noon, Saturday 16 April Call Charles Blackney 0409 136 867

n io

ct Au Chapman 4 Sorlie Place - Located in one of the most desirable streets in all of Chapman lies this delightful four bedroom home offering master bedroom with ensuite, in a quiet cul-de-sac location. The owners are moving to Ulladulla and looking to sell what has been their family home for over 25 years. EER 2.5.








Saturday 12.30-1pm Wednesday 5.30-6pm Auction On site 11am, Saturday 9 April Call Jason Roses 0431 419 847

n io

ct Au Rivett 47 Carbeen Street - A wonderful home that provides endless options offering four bedrooms (all with built-in wardrobes), a home that is ready for a for a growing family or astute investor. Positioned on a large 755m² (approx.) block, this home has oodles of potential, ready for someone to make their own touches. EER 0.5.







Open Saturday 11-11.30am Auction On site 10am, Saturday 9 April Call Jason Roses 0431 419 847

n io

ct Au Queanbeyan West


21 John Bull Street - This fantastic home has been stylishly updated and will impress those searching for an appealing family home or those looking to downsize to a wonderfully comfortable low input lifestyle. Offering three bedrooms, all have built-in wardrobes, a stunning family bathroom and superb kitchen with quality appliances, including gas cook top, electric oven and dishwasher.







Wednesday 5.30-6.15pm Saturday 12.45-1.30pm Auction On site 11am, Saturday 16 April Call Andrew Campbell 0429 123 423

n io

ct Au Spence 12 Scattergood Place Stunningly renovated, a 1,127m² (approx.) block, opposite reserve in a quiet cul-de-sac. EER 1.5.

n io

ct Au Casey 4 A 2 B 2 C 23 Renfree Street Mon 11-11.45am Open Absolutely stunning. Wed 6.30-7pm Sophisticated contemporary Auction On site 6pm, floor plan, elegant outdoor Wed 6 April living rooms. EER 4.5. Call Steph 0404 491 413







Sat 11.30-12.15pm Open Auction On site 9am, Sat 9 Apr Call Ben 0438 258 379

Ainslie 18 Paterson Street




AUCTION Sat 16 Apr 10am on site

Set amongst established gardens in an enviable location on Paterson Street is this Heritage listed home of circa 1925. A light filled haven set on a 696sqm block with views to Mt Ainslie and located in Ainslie’s tightly held area close to Corroboree Park. Full of character filled charm of days gone by, the owners are sad to say goodbye to their much loved family home of many years. Opportunity beckons for those with an appreciation for location and quality.

EER: 2.0 View: Contact Agent




1 $400,000+

Latham 38 Faucett Street




2 $490,000+

Located in the ‘Landmark’ complex is this fantastic 1 bedroom apartment close to Parliamentary Triangle, Lake Burley Griffin, Kingston Foreshore, and government departments. Spacious open plan living dining areas plus kitchen which features stone bench tops, dishwasher and ample cupboard space.

Step inside and be welcomed by this beautifully renovated 3 bedroom home with a well-lit open plan living area with timber floors throughout. You will be impressed with the huge kitchen boasting stone benchtops, dishwasher, gas cooktops, plenty of bench space.

EER: 6.0 View: Contact Agent

EER: 2.5 View: Contact Agent

Symon Badenoch 0412 898 690 Natalie Kokic Schmidt 0435 921 229

64/1 Beissel Street, Belconnen ACT 2617 (Cnr Beissel St and Emu Bank)

P: 02 6264 0900 E: bre@badenoch.com.au


For more information on all these properties and to view all our listings, please visit badenoch.com.au/buy


Barton 24/41 Blackall Street



Justin Taylor Principal | Sales Agent

HARRISON 14 Villaret Street A remarkable offering in terms of light, space and location, this superb four bedroom plus study and rumpus home showcases stylish interiors with an emphasis on entertaining. Flowing over 256sqm of total living, this high-calibre property offers plenty of room for the larger family. Ideally placed on a child friendly 567sqm block, this flawlessly presented property was designed to radiate a relaxed, effortless lifestyle. Close to local shops, schools and public transport and only a short drive to Dickson and the City.




For Sale over $738,000 View Saturday 11.40 - 12.20 EER 4.5 Justin Taylor 0414 701 465 Call 6123 8008


BEMBOKA 191 Yankees Gap Road Set across 300 acres of prime dairy country, this tranquil home enjoys modern appointments and lush sweeping outlooks. Tightly-held for 150 years, with a permanent creek this quality parcel of land presents a rare opportunity. The property is fully fenced with eight paddocks and dairy sheds. Features include three generous bedrooms with built-ins plus a study, a large tiled contemporary bathroom as well as ceiling and wall insulation. Only three kilometres from Bemboka and an easy commute to Tathra Beach and Bega.




For Sale $890,000 View by appointment Cameron Whitnall 0418 624 913 Call 6124 2505

FARRER 31 Pridham Street Here lies an outstanding opportunity for the astute buyer to secure a well rejuvenated family home in the humble suburb of Farrer. Located on a quiet, leafy street this property is within moments from local schools, shops and Woden Town Center.




Auction Saturday 2nd April 4.30pm View Saturday 12.15 - 12.45pm EER .5 Theo Koutsikamanis 0431 543 649 Call 6175 0006


BRUCE 113/8 Baundinette Circuit Representing a lifestyle of comfort and convenience is this oversized ground floor apartment in the modern "Verve" complex. Perfect for entertaining, with spacious sun filled open plan living and dining area flowing seamlessly onto the private courtyard.


DOWNER 25B Bradfield Street This light filled home showcases a unique opportunity featuring stylish interiors throughout. The home truly has an emphasis on indoor and outdoor entertaining with northerly sun filled family/dining areas flowing seamlessly out to the outdoor alfresco and private back garden.




Auction Saturday 2nd April 12.00pm View Saturday 2.00 - 2.30pm EER 6 Theo Koutsikamanis 0431 543 649 Marissa Ellison 0406 253 235 Call 6175 0006





For Sale View by appointment EER 6 Theo Koutsikamanis 0431 543 649 Marissa Ellison 0406 253 235 Call 6175 0006 / 6262 5122

AMAROO 34 Tarrabool Street Positioned in the sought after suburb of Amaroo, is this single level four bedroom home, ideal for the growing family. Offering a flexible floor plan with generous open plan living rooms as well as the sun soaked entertaining deck overlooking the lap pool and landscaped gardens.





Auction Saturday 16th April 3.00pm View Sat 3.00 - 3.30pm & Wed 5.45 - 6.15pm EER 4 Theo Koutsikamanis 0431 543 649 Call 6175 0006

Spacious & comfortable family home on 1,514m² RZ2 redevelopment block.

On site 1.30pm, Saturday 2nd April




Gungahlin Auction

Beautifully presented & low maintenance inside & out, just move in & relax.

On site 11.30am, Saturday 9th April



Set on the high side of the street & offering a huge amount of both indoor & outdoor living options, this well-maintained family home is ideally located & undoubtedly an opportunity not to be missed. EER 1


Perfectly positioned with the tranquil waters & walkways of Yerrabi Pond on one doorstep & the extensive facilities of Gungahlin Town Centre on the other; this single level home is a must see. EER 4.5

• RZ2 redevelopment opportunity • Large kitchen with great storage • Storage shed/workshop/garage • Large bedrooms with built-in robes • Multiple outdoor living options • Big block with front & rear yards




• 175m² of living & 462m² block • Formal & informal living areas • New timber-look flooring • New paint & carpets • Ducted gas heating & cooling • Large kitchen with breakfast bar


By appointment

Thu 6-6.45 7 Cameron St

PHONE Andrew Potts 0404 895 162 Maddy Watts 0422 023 283

PHONE Mark Larmer 0403 215 246

Jessica Usback 0401 281 113



Belconnen 6209 4444 | City 6209 1700 | Inner North 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000


Farrer Auction




Direct water views overlooking the boat harbour from both the living room & bedroom. Enjoy the perfect waterfront lifestyle as you watch the boats come in to dock from your living room as well as the direct street access from your courtyard to the harbour & boardwalk. EER 7.3

• ’The Prince’ development • Large kitchen with dishwasher • Timber flooring in all living areas • Reverse-cycle heating & cooling • Walk-through robes & high ceilings • Double glazed windows


By appointment

PHONE Mark Larmer 0403 215 246

Jessica Usback 0401 281 113



Belconnen 6209 4444 | City 6209 1700 | Inner North 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000


Kingston Offers over $470,000

independent.com.au Belconnen 6209 4444 | City 6209 1700 | Inner North 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000

independent.com.au Belconnen 6209 4444 | City 6209 1700 | Inner North 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000


Belconnen 6251 9111

Gungahlin 6241 9444

Manuka 6295 2433

Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6297 0005

South Molonglo 6175 7440

Tuggeranong 6296 7077

Woden & Weston Creek 6282 4488


Belconnen 6251 9111

Gungahlin 6241 9444

Manuka 6295 2433

Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6297 0005

South Molonglo 6175 7440

Tuggeranong 6296 7077

Woden & Weston Creek 6282 4488


Belconnen 6251 9111

Gungahlin 6241 9444

Manuka 6295 2433

Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6297 0005

South Molonglo 6175 7440

Tuggeranong 6296 7077

Woden & Weston Creek 6282 4488



Belconnen 6251 9111

Gungahlin 6241 9444

Manuka 6295 2433

Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6297 0005

South Molonglo 6175 7440

Tuggeranong 6296 7077

Woden & Weston Creek 6282 4488



io ct

“Results built on relationships”


WRIGHT 73 ULYSSES CIRCUIT “Seventy Three” - Stylish and Sophisticated





Arguably one of Wright’s finest homes conveniently located only a few minutes drive to Woden Plaza and Canberra’s CBD. Sitting majestically on a large 664m2 elevated block this stunning residence has been carefully sited to gather the northern sun to the living areas and capture spectacular views to Mount Stromlo and the timeless Brindabella Mountains. Architecturally designed it reflects innovative and contemporary styling and is packed with all the comforts of modern living. A spacious flexible floor plan offers formal living and informal living areas, family room with meals area, 5 generous sized bedrooms, segregated master bedroom, rumpus room, home theatre room, 2nd ensuite and double garage with internal access. A spacious alfresco dining area extends the internal living areas bringing the outside in and provides the perfect spot to entertain on a grand scale. EER 5.5 Auction: 9:30am - 10:00am Saturday 2 April, on site Open 30 minutes prior to auction View: Thursday 31 March 6:00pm to 6:45pm, open 30 minutes prior to Auction


io ct

n Au

BONNER 35 IRINYILI STREET Stylish Single Level Residence



io ct


GRIFFITH 27/13 STURT AVENUE 3 “Staffordshire Terrace” 3 Bedroom Apartment





This free standing single level Interior designer’s home showcases impeccable style and taste. Only 3 years old it has been lovingly cared for and maintained by the original owners. Sundrenched open plan living areas gather the northern sun and open onto a large timber deck and courtyard which effectively extend the living areas creating room and space for the largest of entertaining occasions. A stunning galley style kitchen opens to the dining area and 3 generous size bedrooms complete this very functional family orientated plan. A long list of quality inclusions throughout. EER 5.0 Auction: 10.00am Saturday 9 April on site. Open 30 minutes prior to auction

This spacious 3 bedroom apartment presents a great opportunity to move into sought after “Staffordshire Terrace” and enjoy a great inner south lifestyle close to the Griffith, Manuka and Kingston cafes, restaurants, and entertainment. Spacious living areas include separate formal and informal living areas, generous sized bedrooms, master with ensuite and study/nursery area and functional kitchen. “Staffordshire Terrace” is surrounded by established mature gardens, providing shade and privacy. There is secure underground parking and a sparkling in ground pool. EER 4.0 Auction: 12.30pm Saturday 9 April on site Open 30 minutes prior to auction

View: Wednesday 30 March 5:30pm to 6:15pm & Saturday 2 April 11:30am to 12:15pm

View: Thursday 31 March 12:00pm to 12:45pm & Saturday 2 April 12:15pm to 1:00pm

Paul Sutton 0407 099 175

Robyn Sutton 0409 442 484





Information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable, however we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided and interested parties should solely rely on their own enquiries.

23 Bambridge Crescent WEETANGERA

Thinking of downsizing? This stunning boutique development on Bambridge Crescent includes just three exclusive properties for the lucky purchasers. The design is brilliant, featuring double-storey homes with 4 large bedrooms, bathroom and ensuite, two car garage. The largest home is over 181m2, with the master bedroom on the ground floor. • Double-glazed windows and doors throughout • Fully landscaped and ready to move into • Reverse cycle ducted heating and cooling • Large family rooms with separate lounge • Two residences have the Master Bedroom on the lower level Register your interest now!

Call Justin Ingram 0431 116 399 or justin.ingram@prd.com.au

from $795,000



2 EER 6.0




701/21 Marcus Clarke St ACTON




Set in the uber chic precinct of NewActon, this top floor two bedroom executive apartment captures expansive views of the Canberra cityscape to provide a feeling of unparalleled luxury. Upon entering you will be impressed by the high ceilings with polished concrete, the open plan living, and the modern kitchen with marble bench-tops. The spacious living room flows effortlessly onto the balcony so that the city views can be enjoyed from the comfort of your living room, even on a cold winter’s day. Both bedrooms are generously sized and feature large built in wardrobes. The master suite boasts an additional study nook and a spectacular marble ensuite. EER: 6.0

JUSTIN INGRAM 0431 116 399 | justin.ingram@prd.com.au

B R A ND NEW 2 B E D RO O M A PA RT M ENT S & 2 B E D ROOM + ST UDY TOWN HO U SE S I N QUEA NBEYA N FRO M $3 5 0 ,000 - $399, 000 FOR M ORE DETA I LS W W W . L I V E I N E LY S I U M . C O M . A U

CATHER INE M C GE AC H Y 0 41 0 7 74 82 1


We would like to welcome

Mark Higgs to our sales team

Mark has been a high performance sporting figure for many years in both Queanbeyan & Canberra and has now transitioned those skills into his real estate career. If you want a high performance experience when selling your home then contact Mark on 0402 419 927.

Queanbeyan/Googong Jerrabomberra/Tralee/Canberra 2-4 Rutledge Street 6 Limestone Drive

your local agent

Relax by the pool or swim a few laps, the choice is yours. Barbecues and seating are available to entertain your friends and family. Stunning location for weekend or after work drinks.

The 25 metre roof top pool at Mezzo is like no other in Canberra. Enjoy amazing mountain and water views while you swim.

The rooftop firepit will be a popular meeting point for residents and their guests. This area also features a barbecue, outdoor pizza oven, seating area and residents library.

A selection of 1 & 2 bedroom apartments from $269,950 On-site display suite open Saturday & Sunday from 12pm to 4pm, Wednesday 4pm to 6pm (or by appointment) at 77 Gozzard St. Gungahlin Town Centre.

mezzogungahlin.com.au Steve Laughton 0499 364 064

Lawson’s largest and most exciting floor plans with double garages and huge courtyards. Stunning townhouses & villas from just $449,950. CONSTRUCTION COMMENCED Gateway boasts Lawson’s largest floor plans with double garages and huge courtyards, so if it is a spacious, attractive, good quality home you desire then look no further. These deluxe, trendy, multilevel townhouses and villas are beautifully designed with features rarely seen in this price range. The unique floor plans, 2.7m ceilings, double glazed windows and huge courtyards provide that important point of difference that will ensure exceptional value both now and for resale into the future.


2,3 & 4 bedroom homes


Ducted heating and cooling


All homes have 2 living areas and 2.5 bathrooms


Huge, sunny landscaped courtyards


8 different, innovative floor plans in total


Tiled entertaining areas with pergolas


Double garages with internal access & loads of storage


Spacious bathrooms and ensuites with designer fittings


2.7m ceilings to all living areas and bedrooms

Low body corporate fees Double glazing, average EER 7.7


Large, stunning kitchens

à à à

DA Approved



Marcus Allesch 0424 409 873 marcus@podprojectsgroup.com.au


IS W E LL AY UNDER W Artègo is a new community being brought to Artego an inspiringand new changing community being brought to life with aliving host of lifestyle spoils. life inisHarrison what townhouse can mean.

• •

An in ground pool, shared eco gardens and bbq entertaining spacious living Artego is an inspiring new community being broughtareas to lifeadorn with athehost of lifestyle spoils. areas that outdoorsand to courtyards. Be inspired by the in-ground designer pool and spill alfresco • private Be entertaining inspired by the revolutionary 3PUSHliving home An in ground pool, shared eco gardens bbq areas adorn the spacious BBQ area, and enjoy the spoils of shared eco areas gardens. automation that will transform everything you that spill outdoors to private system courtyards. Positioned in the ever convenient locale of Harrison – Gungahlin, you’ ll experience leafy know about convenience and connectedness. Be inspired by the convenient location just minutes surrounds,Positioned convenientinamenity, architecture and a choice of contemporary townhouses. the ever quality convenient locale of Harrison – Gungahlin, you’ ll experience leafy from Gungahlin andsurrounds, the inner north with ample • And be inspired by the DA approved Final Release, convenient amenity, quality architecture and a choice of contemporary townhouses. public transport. available now. Stage 1 and 2 sold out fast, so get in quick to enjoy the truly inspired townhouse living at Artègo. Display suite open Saturday & Sunday 11:15am – 4pm Corner of Collaroy Street and Flemington Road, Harrison Contact Instyle Estate Agents on 1300 208 865 or visit the 3 Property Group Sales Suite on Flemington Road Harrison


Full sized 3 Bedroom, 2.5 Bathroom Townhouses FROM ONLY

$439,000 Developed by:

Developed by: Marketed by:


*Conditions apply.

13 0 0 20 1380 0865 20 8 865

Marketed by:


2, 3 4 bedroom townhouses from $299K. Contact Instyle Estate Agents on 1300 208 865 or visit the 3PG mobile display suite 11:15am to 4pm Saturday and Sunday on Mirrabei Dr Moncrieff.


Developed by:

Marketing by:

Situated in the highly sought after suburb of Moncrieff, Maison incorporates state-ofthe art technology and intelligent design to future-proof the home of your dreams. Designed by multi-award winning architects, DNA Architects, your new home will come jammed packed with high tech features. 3PUSH home automation technology allows you to control your life at the press of a button. All townhouses are solar ready, have an EER of 6.5 to 7 stars and are pre-wired for Cat 6 cabling. And with luxury inclusions throughout, spacious light-filled designs and a community alfresco entertainment and BBQ area, Maison represents amazing for potential residents and investors alike. And now when you exchange on your property this autumn, you’ll receive a window coverings and whitegoods package, including a fridge and washing machine valued at $3,500, absolutely free! * Available to all purchasers that choose a townhouse for purchase from 17 March and exchange a contract of sale by 31 May 2016.

Dulcie Holland Cres. Moncrieff


Future proof your life.

FREE appliance & window furnishing package*


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2 Mauldon Street, Chifley 3 |

2 |


Extra large block, lovely location For sale by auction

Situated on a great block in a quiet location, this home has loads of appeal and scope to do so much. Elevated with views, all in a lovely garden setting, it is ready for your personal touches. Large rooms, lots of light and great space under the home make this an inviting proposition for family living. With well over 1,000m2, you can extend if need be. EER 2

Auction Tues 29 Mar, 6.30pm on site Viewing Sat 26 Mar, 11-11.30am Website www.oneagency.com.au Contact Scott Crossman 0417 292 733

5 Wurth Place, Chifley 3 |

2 |


Location, setting and space For sale by auction

Backing reserve, large block, views. Sound like you? Well, welcome to Wurth Place. Maybe your prayers have been answered. Elevated, views to Black Mountain and backing Mt Taylor should tick most of the boxes for an excellent new home site. Nearly 1150m2 (approx) awaits your dream home on this special parcel of land. Here to be sold. EER 0


Auction Wed 30 Mar, 6.30pm on site Viewing Sat 26 Mar, 10-10.30am Website www.oneagency.com.au Contact Scott Crossman 0417 292 733

Looking for a Property Manager? Want to win a night at Jamala Lodge?

WIN! Meet Chelsea and Gavin van Zyl

We are offering new clients the chance to go into the draw to win a night at Jamala Lodge*

Call us today on 02 6255 8836 *Whether you are looking for a property manager, or considering a switch, now is the perfect time to see what White Rhino Property can do for you. The boutique real estate agency is offering new clients who use their property management services the opportunity to win a night at Jamala Lodge at the National Zoo and Aquarium.

Resort Lifestyle in Belconnen’s Heart Nestled in the popular development ‘The Oracle’ is this modern and spacious one bedroom + study apartment, situated on the third floor. A light filled open plan living area opens out to a generous balcony. The kitchen is well designed with a dishwasher and plenty of storage. The complex offers a swimming pool, gymnasium, spa and sauna! Close to shops, restaurants, AIS, Calvary Hospital, CISAC, University of Canberra and a short drive to the city.

EER 6.0




SALE $299,000 View Sat 12.15 – 12.45pm Gavin van Zyl 0429 269 260

Greenway 77 Florence Taylor Street Separate Title, No Body Corporate Fees! This three bedroom ensuite townhouse offers calming views looking across beautiful parkland and onto the lake! Full of light, this impressive, single level, separate title home captures both parkland and uninterrupted lake views. Positioned to benefit from peace, privacy, a stunning verdant lawn and water outlook, you will find this unique setting difficult to beat!

EER 2.5




SALE $550,000 View Sat 10.00 – 10.30am Gavin van Zyl 0429 269 260

02 6255 8836 • 19/2 Yallourn Street, Fyshwick • www.whiterhinoproperty.com.au


Belconnen 102/57 Benjamin Way






EER 3.5

Auction 9th April 12.00pm On Site

Having extremely strong street and suburb sales records in the last six months, Jane now has an overabundance of qualified buyers in the 2605 postcode. With 20 years’ experience in real estate, Jane knows how to achieve the highest result possible for her sellers and will always help buyers in finding their dream home. If you too would like to be achieving the highest result for your property, call Jane for a complimentary market appraisal.

6281 0822 or 0408 662 119 e: jane.kusetic@creamresidential.com.au

02 6281 0822






St 46 re Fi et tc , G he ar tt ra n

St 71 re Br et er , G et ar on ra n


1 Pl 3 S ac te e, ph G e ar ns ra n



712m2 block, the 186m2 home offers formal and Open Sat 11.15-12.00pm & Tues 4.30-5.00pm informal entertaining areas. Featuring a stunning Jane Kusetic kitchen, rumpus room, covered deck and spa 0408 662 119 bath this home is ideal for entertaining family and friends. Don’t miss this opportunity to secure a low maintenance home in a convenient and sought Johnathan Davis after location close to schools, shops and transport. 0437 309 680

4 St 1 In re g et a ,G m ar ells ra n

Immaculately presented, this sensational home offers loads of natural light and a highly functional floorplan. The contemporary design boasts spacious entertaining areas inside and out, and will appeal to a fastidious buyer wanting to simply unpack the boxes and enjoy the relaxed family living & entertaining on offer. Positioned on a


$1 BY SOL .73 ST D mi EV ! llio E n

Would making an extra $330,000 be important to you?

This property initially taken to auction with another agent - passed in at $1.4 million

64 Coranderrk St, Reid


$1 OL ,34 D 7,5 ! 00

Stawell St, Turner

Jansz Cres, Griffith

$1 SO .65 L mi D! llio n Schlich St, Yarralumla

$1 SO .57 L 5m D illi ! on


$1 O .5 LD mi ! llio n

Other key sales

Prendergast St, Curtin

If you want a better result call Steve for a friendly chat and free appraisal

Steve Thomas • 0419 888 026 • steve@edge.com.au Licensed Agent 18401262 McLaren Crescent Pearce



Friday – Sunday 10am – 4pm

Cnr John Gor ton & Cotter Road Wright, ACT

Friday – Sunday 10am – 4pm Cnr John Gor ton & Cotter Road Wright, ACT

DISPLAY SUITE NOW OPEN Friday – Sunday 10am – 4pm


Cnr John Gor ton & Cotter Road Wright, ACT

Most trusted builder 43 years strong

DISPLAY HOME OPEN 8 Amaryllis St. Wright Sat & Sun 11.00am – 3.30pm Kim 0409 846 506 / kim@regalhomes.com.au



Sat & Sun 11am to 1pm

Total area 110.5m2 (11.9 sq)

Kim Ware 0409 846 506 / kim@regalhomes.com.au Graceland Homes - A division of Regal Homes (Aust) Pty Ltd.


Total area 325.52m2 (35 sq)

KNOCKDOWN & REBUILD WITH REGAL HOMES? Phil & Clare from Hackett did!

Living Alfresco Porch Total area

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We first learned about Regal when looking for a builder to do our knock down rebuild. We were impressed with their solid history as a Canberra builder, and liked the elegant, classic style of many of their designs. We also wanted to choose a company that didn’t employ provisional sums. We are now living in our Regal home and extremely pleased both with the process and the result. We found the team – including Kim, Sandy, Justin, Sam, Kylie and Mark – to be extremely courteous, professional and results driven. The company clearly enjoys a good relationship with its excellent network of tradespeople and there were no hidden price hikes. And we are thrilled with our new home! We are extremely grateful to the team at Regal and would recommend them to anyone.


For a limited time only, Regal Homes are pleased to offer select clients the opportunity to meet with our qualified architect designer for a one-hour ONE ON ONE meeting to discuss your requirements, development of your custom floor plan and most suitable siting options for your new home (conditions apply). Contact Kim for details and to arrange a suitable appointment time.

Kim Ware 0409 846 506 / kim@regalhomes.com.au

Most trusted knockdown & re-build builder operating consistently since 1973.

FREE Building Seminar


What you need to know BEFORE you purchase a block of land, start designing or building.

Brendan McCoullough Licensed Builder

Moncrieff Denman Prospect Throsby

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To view a range of award winning custom designs - go to todayshomes.com.au Building a home should be an organised and enjoyable experience. You will gain the knowledge needed to achieve this at our free BuildCare seminar. See what past attendees have to say: “Thanks, we didn’t realise what we didn’t know, you opened our minds, and gave us lots of new design ideas”. “We have been researching our selections and looking at pictures in magazines, but we now realise there is so much more to building a home”. “What impressed us was the NO surprises mentality and the open and honest communication that Today’s Homes provided”.

Tuesday 19th April 2016 5:50 pm for a 6:00 pm start (seminar runs for approx 1.5 hours)

Master Builders Association cnr of Newcastle & Iron Knob St

FYSHWICK (entry off Iron Knob Street car park)

Have you recently purchased, or are looking to purchase a block of land in a new development? Come and talk to us about the lease and development conditions that could apply to your block. Do you know where and what service easements are on your block? What are the service access requirements? Are there any environmental protection requirements? Is there cut and/or fill on your block? Are you allowed to have courtyard walls? Are there specific requirements for corner blocks? Do you have to use specific materials on your home? Are there solar requirements, landscaping requirements or specific colour and design elements that must be met? The questions are endless, but you must comply with all requirements. If you don’t know where to start, come and see us and we’ll answer all of your questions. Don’t get caught buying a block before you know you can comply with the endless development conditions. Book an Initial Design Meeting with us and put your mind at ease. The Builder and Architect will provide you with ‘no-obligation’ expert advice to make an informed purchasing decision. Book your free Initial Design Meeting online at

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View the homes we have designed and built, and download our industry leading inclusions.

todayshomes.com.au or call 02 6188 4559



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discuss any required remedial work with you


discuss renovations or other desired work and any potential issues


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provide you with a summary document

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Private SALE

JERANGLE 3060 Jerangle Road

N AGENCY THAT CARES Don’t get lost in the crowd, we are a boutique independent agency that puts your property first. Experience the difference that Pinnacle Real Estate Agency can offer you. With a high staff to property portfolio ratio we can guarantee your property gets the care it deserves. So make the switch to an agency who cares and ask us how to get your first 3 months management fee for FREE!*

02 6162 1908

Country Living on 45 acres



• Quality double brick English style country residence. • Modern open plan design & very spacious. 3 double, 1 single bedrooms. • Double garage & workshop. Vendors moving overseas. • Enjoy snow in winter. Idealic rural location 1 hr to ACT 50 mins to Queanbeyan & HQJOC.

Sale $539,000+ Contact

Justin Marriott 0414 239 682 or 0264 543 090 Bedroom: 4

Bathroom: 2

Garage: 2

*Conditions apply

The Old Kialla Schoolhouse •

Charming, mid-Victorian, stone cottage and adjacent schoolhouse. 2 acres of private, picturesque gardens. Borrowed rural outlook. Idyllic country escape.

Many original features retained

Auction Sat 16 April 2pm

9 Hercules St, Goulburn

and restored- fireplaces, high ceilings, 6” floorboards. New, eat-in country kitchen, mud/utility room. Two lounge rooms, large rumpus, study. Hydronic central heating, 3 fireplaces, gas heating. Solar hot water (electric backup). Grid connected solar 1.5 KW system.

Historic home and micro-farm

Contact Helen Cheetham 0418 655 403 INSPECTION SAT 26 MAR 1-2PM




• 1860 home built to high standard; painstakingly renovated. New kitchen, bathroom. Separate lounge, dining. Sunny, north-facing terrace. Thick stone/double brick walls, original baltic pine/ local hardwood floorboards, high ceilings. •


1,012 sq m block with fully sustainable micro-farm. Vegetable gardens, poultry housing, worm farm, green-house, sheds, workshop. 12,000 l rainwater. Lovely shade trees, roses, heavenly white wisteria. Charming street; easy walk to CBD.

Contact Helen Cheetham 0418 655 403 INSPECTION BY APPOINTMENT



T: 02 4821 T: 02 4821 60226022 | Tronn: | Tronn: 0412 0412 625625 350 350| Helen: | Helen:0418 0418 655 655 403 403 | Rowan: 0412 458 621 T: 02 4821 6022 | Tronn: 0412 625 350 | Helen: 0418| 655 403 378 Auburn Street Goulburn E: tronn@tronnalstergren.com www.tronnalstergren.com www.tronnalstergren.com




345 Kialla Rd, Crookwell



LOT 5 1000m2 $257,000 LOT 4 1000m2 SOLD

LOT 1 1000m2 $245,000

LOT 2 1000m2 $253,000

LOT 3 1000m2 $260,000

Blocks For Sale in Bungendore •


Large Blocks Town services

• •

2016 settlement DA approved

Contact Dan Woodford 0414 264 441



02 6452 4155 www.bollerco.com.au

Property management, rural & residential sales


NUMERALLA RIVER FRONTAGE – 170 ACRES 1210 Dangelong Road, Cooma NSW $670,000 BED 4 BATH 2 CAR 4

PRIME LUCERNE PRODUCTION Cooma / Bunyan NSW Auction LAND SIZE 120 acres – 48.4ha (approx)

Offering a very special property which has many unique features including 2kms of Numeralla River frontage (with 15 m/l licence) and 170 acres of both grazing and pretty Australian bushland. Old diggings, old stock yards and sheep shed, divided into three paddocks. Custom built ultra-modern 206m2 stone house with four bedrooms, two bathrooms, verandah with outstanding views to the river and distant ranges. Excellent water structure (150,000 litres), four bay “colorbond” shed with living quarters, greenhouse and fowl run. Set on a private road, it may also be a weekend farm stay attraction. Inspect today and be impressed.

Location - Water - Top Quality Flats

View: By Appointment

View: By Appointment

RURAL ASPECT 36 Scotts Road, Cooma NSW $369,000 BED 4 BATH 1


Top quality lucerne hay & fat lamb production Heavy black loam creek flats Double Cooma Creek frontage (1/2 km) Sealed road access Two haysheds with 800sq bale capacity A set of sheep yards

Graeme Boller 0402 470 422


6-acre hobby farm for the lifestyle you’ve always wanted! Including a welcoming modern brick home with in-slab floor heating, kitchen which is a pleasure to cook in. Large family bathroom. Huge double carport allowing undercover access to the home via the lovely long back verandah which looks out to the wellestablished rose gardens and shrubbery. Large lockup garage/workshop with heating for those winter days, additional carport, animal feed shed and chook yard. Only 60 minutes to Canberra – makes for an easy commute. Its everything you have dreamed of and it’s got the space to expand your dreams even further.

EOI CLOSES THURSDAY 28th APRIL 2016 • 942m2 block, plenty of off street parking. • Approximately 380m2 gross building area. • Located in main street, 150 meters from CBD. • Two ground floor shops. • Two upstairs one bedroom units. • Zoned 3B Commercial Core.

View: By Appointment

View: By Appointment

Graeme Boller 0402 470 422

• Divided into four paddocks • Fenced Auction Friday 13th May 2016, commencing at 2 pm at the Cooma Ex-services Club, Cooma. For more information, contact the selling agent.

In conjunction with MMJ Canberra Nick George 0419 205 619 nick.george@mmj.com.au

Graeme Boller 0402 470 422

BOLLER & COMPANY – 168 Sharp Street, Cooma Our Values: Fair, Ethical, Integrity, Honesty and Truthfulness


Graeme Boller 0402 470 422

• • • • • •








Bywong 281 Macs Reef Road

Village oasis Constructed from brick, cedar and colourbond steel this delightful home feels airy & the large expanses of glass allow the garden to be viewed from all rooms. There are raked timber panelled ceilings in a number of rooms adding to the ambient feel of the home.

Ray White Bungendore



2 2751sqm

Sale $725,000 View By Appointment Ellie Merriman 0402 117 877 6238 0700 raywhitebungendore.com.au facebook.com/raywhitebungendore

WEE JASPER 70 Caves Road

Period features




This solar passive home has floor to ceiling windows and is positioned on 23 acres of pasture improved land. Particularly appealing to the horse enthusiast, there are 7 stables, tack/ feed room, a 55m x 30m sand arena (Needs a spray and harrowing) and a large machinery shed.

Ray White Bungendore

19 Leake St, BOWNING



2 9.23Ha

Sale $995,000 - $1,035,000 View By Appointment Ellie Merriman 0402 117 877 6238 0700 raywhitebungendore.com.au facebook.com/raywhitebungendore

Private SALE

Expression of interest

Open plan family room opens through French doors to the veranda overlooking the valley. Chiminees Philippe fireplace. Open plan dining with bay window to mountain views. All four bedrooms have French doors opening onto the verandah, pressed metal ceilings, feature fireplaces and now unprocurable King Billy Pine timber floorboards. Wee Jasper stone bench tops, tiles & main steps. Western Red Cedar garage - three bays with mezzanine, electricity & concrete floor. Stunning and established gardens. River and Dam frontage.

02 6226 6331 79 Comur Street, Yass, NSW 2582

“Belle View� by name & by nature


Bungendore 76 Ellendon Street

4 Bed | 2 Bath | 1 Car 40 acres View By Appointment Contact Andrew Curlewis 0429 669 635 Property ID 14589855

Rural living 50 minutes from Canberra Huge 3115m2 block in Bowning village Living area 123m2 Garage 42m2 Energy: 5 star rating, solar hot water, ducted heating and cooling Media room: TV wall mounting, surround sound cabling, NBN available Kitchen: Smeg appliances, marble benchtops, pantry Main bedroom: ensuite, WIR. Beds 2 & 3: BIR Alfresco: Stacker doors, retractable fans Ducted vacuum, fruit trees, vegetable garden

Bowning village: local shops, cafes, primary school and pub. 10 minutes to Yass

Sale $490,000 View By appointment Contact Graeme 0439 672 880

Lynette 0413 172 826

Bedroom: 3

Bathroom: 2

Garage: 2 CWM0888


regional & coastal

MORUYA HEADS NSW 31c The Anchorage

DALMENY NSW 38 Maculata Circuit

Off the beaten track, but only four minutes to town and beach. Huge 3,010sqm block with subdivision potential. Very comfortable home with lovely outlook, landscaped gardens, nothing to do but move in and enjoy. Garage plus studio. Keen vendors.

This property is ideal for the builder/handyman or renovator. Four bedrooms, two bathrooms, large block with bushland views and close to the beach, pre-school and shops. It does need work, this is reflected in the price. Investors take note. Long-term tenants in place.



Find out more


Price: $429,000 View: By appointment Agent: Janet Donnelly 0428 742 090 LJ Hooker Moruya Ph: 4474 4433

Australia lives here

Australia lives here




Price: $280,000 View: By appointment June Sheard 0419 846 372 Agent: Australia lives here Raine & Horne Narooma Ph: 4476 2169

Australia lives here


Batemans Bay Hincksman Lifestyle Broulee 2/101 Coronation Drive





1 North Street Batemans Bay

timber floors, state of the art residential lift, stylish kitchen with stone benchtops & Meile appliances, fully ducted reverse cycle air cond to both levels, remote controlled Louvretec awning, master bedroom upstairs with large twin vanity ensuite, separate powder room with 3rd toilet & basin, two more bedrooms and bathroom downstairs.


Sale $999,500 Inspect By Appointment Contact David Hayes-Williams 0411 525 808

4472 5566


Enter the world of sophisticated coastal style and enjoy beautiful ocean and coastline views from the upper level of this brand new architecturally designed residence. Built to the most exacting standards with quality fittings and fixtures, sure to please the most discerning buyer. Features include: Spacious open plan living with hardwood




Only 2 blocks left! No plans for further releases

This is your last chance to buy in Bay Ridge Lot 121 2,755m² Lot 131 1,572m²

$157,500 $167,000

So take another look at Bay Ridge, Batemans Bay. For more information visit bayridge.com.au or call Michael Skuse at LJ Hooker Batemans Bay on 0411 029 300.




Moruya Lot 3/300 Pollwombra Road

Land 8 ha (19.33 acres)

8 Hectares Of Pure Bush Bliss The most beautiful 8 ha (19.334 acres) of stunning and private bush. Has previously had a DA for an architecturally designed home (which may still be current), septic, water tanks, gas and electricity connected.

Also has the added bonus of sensational distant panoramic ocean views. This is a stunning block of land that will not last.

For Sale $359,000 View By Appointment ljhooker.com/5ZDGT2

Moruya 4474 4433 Shop 3 & 5, 55 Vulcan Street, Moruya All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Karen Herrick 0417 990 014


ct io



North Batemans Bay 11584 Princes Highway Vendor Liquating Prime Investment!! ...House on 2.03ha (5.01 acres)




3mins to Batemans Bay CBD....One of the best acreage properties.

• Three generous sized bedrooms

Auction Saturday 23rd April at 2pm

• Verandah off the spacious living room with great views

Venue On Site

2.03Ha of mostly cleared land with a substantial dam where you can do your own fishing. Great family home or holiday home. All offers considered prior to auction on-site 2pm Saturday 23rd April, 2016. Only minutes to schools, day-care, CBD, foreshores & marina. Currently tenanted on a periodic lease.

• Two bathrooms • Large rumpus/teenager’s retreat/potential granny flat

View Saturdays 12:30pm – 1:00pm prior to auction

• Single lock up garage, fully fenced yard


• Storage room or workshop

Karen Van Der Stelt 0413 221 504 Batemans Bay 4472 6455

• Internal laundry & downstairs toilet





Cnr Beach Rd & Orient St, Batemans Bay

Batemans Bay 272 Egans Road Must Sell, Motivated Vendors Are Moving On!!.... ‘Running River’




16ha (40acres) with Beautiful Residence & extra selfcontained accommodation.

• 4 Bedrooms (main with walk in robe & ensuite)

Auction Saturday 23rd April at 11am

• Open plan kitchen with modern appliances

Venue On Site

Private sandy beach & picnic area on the pristine Buckenboura river. Extra power to the property to accommodate future possibility of Eco Cabins.

• Dining room with full length glass windows with stunning views opening onto 2 x decks

View Saturdays 2:00pm – 3:00pm prior to auction

• 2 x living rooms with wood heater


• Potential for granny flat/studio downstairs

Karen Van Der Stelt 0413 221 504 Batemans Bay 4472 6455

• 16Ha (40acres)... 8 Paddocks approx. 65% Cleared... Self-watering troughs

Cnr Beach Rd & Orient St, Batemans Bay

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Approx. 20mins to Batemans Bay CBD, Marina & Foreshores. Call for an inspection today. Offers considered prior to auction!! Saturday 23rd April, at 11:00am on site


View from the master bedroom.

Denhams Beach 10 Barbara Crescent The One You Were Waiting For Architect designed and Master built residence only 6 years old!



• 2nd floor open plan living area

For Sale $1,100,000

• Designer kitchen with all the best appliances and walk in pantry

View By Appointment ljhooker.com.au/PQDF8F

• Large outside alfresco area with great ocean views • Large master suite with ocean views, private balcony, large robe area and ensuite • Double garage, purpose built ‘boat shed’ with 3 metre clearance

Rob Routledge 0414 235 976 Batemans Bay 4472 6455 Cnr Beach Rd & Orient St, Batemans Bay






Sitting on the high side of one of the most desirable streets in Batemans Bay. This home features 3 bedrooms downstairs one with ensuite & walk-in robe, European laundry & linen with a large living area opening onto an easy care rear yard with a purpose built double garage.


Moruya Heads 1/2-4 Constable Street Holiday Heaven




Looking for a quality townhouse?

• 2 large living areas

For Sale $495,000

Only a hop skip and a jump from South Head main beach (200m) this quality home would fit the bill.

• 3 large bedrooms

View Saturday 26 March 12:45pm – 1:15pm

• 2 Lock up garages


Two living areas, three sized bedrooms, main with an ensuite. Private outside space and double lock up garage. Use as a holiday home or live in a sought after area.

• Reverse Cycle air-conditioning

Batemans Bay 4472 6455 Cnr Beach Rd & Orient St, Batemans Bay All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Rob Routledge 0414 235 976



Ho u



Broulee 2/50 Smith Street


Investor’s Delight



This neat 2-bedroom ground floor unit is only 100m from the sweeping curve of Broulee’s superb North Beach.

With its lock up garage and proximity to shops and public transport it is the perfect little beach retreat, holiday rental or coastal investment.

For Sale $240,000

The unit has been maintained in immaculate condition by an excellent tenant.

Properties in this location do not last long so act fast before it’s too late.


View Saturday 26 March 11:00am – 11:30am

Lexie Nunn 0411 051 100 Broulee 4471 5100 1/23-25 Grant Street, Broulee

Lilli Pilli Grove Lilli Pilli Grove Estate

Land: 9 lots

Fully serviced with underground power, block sizes range from 778m2 - 2695m2. Some blocks will have the potential to further sub-divide (STCA). Prices have been slashed and Builders Terms are now being offered - Secure a block for $5,000 with longer settlement terms available.

Lot 71: Lot 79: Lot 80: Lot 81: Lot 82: Lot 83: Lot 84: Lot 85: Lot 86:

2695m² 902m² 1318m² 1892m² 1590m² 2326m² 2297m² 778m² 1072m²

OLD $170,000 $150,000 $170,000 $180,000 $180,000 $200,000 $195,000 $130,000 $160,000

NEW $89,000 $115,000 (U/O) $129,000 $115,000 $115,000 $119,000 $119,000 $120,000 $130,000

For Sale From $89,000* (* Average price $116,777) ljhooker.com.au/E4GF9Z

Mark Maranion 0404 257 888 Malua Bay 4471 2344 1/530 George Bass Drive, Malua Bay

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Back On The Market With Prices Slashed! With a natural outlook and a gentle slope, these blocks will cater for most styles of homes.


Broulee 8 Clarke Street


Beautiful Coastal Home And So Much More Spacious 4 bedroom residence plus 2 X 2 bedroom selfcontained units. Only a short walk to North Broulee Beach and minutes from South Broulee Beach. This immaculately presented residence has been extended, renovated and refurbished both inside and out by local licensed builder to provide a haven of style and privacy. Open plan kitchen/ dining and living room, rumpus room and large 1.5 garage with more than adequate storage throughout. The home has quality finishes, a large kitchen with new timber

flooring, window shutters, new tiling in large entrance, carpeted stairs, under cover alfresco entertaining area opening onto a very large enclosed private back garden, timber decks front and back with lovely open outlook. The two 2 bedroom units each have their own private courtyard, air conditioning, brand new modern kitchens/living combined, bathroom and laundry. The units are separately metered and can be rented out for holiday or short term rental or simply used for guests and family members.

Moruya Heads 24 Brown Close


For Sale $699,000 View By Appointment ljhooker.com.au/EEHFQ

Lexie Nunn 0411 051 100 Broulee 4471 5100 1/23-25 Grant Street, Broulee


Why Settle For Average?




• Spacious 4 bedrooms, 3 bathroom home

• Combustion fire, large timber kitchen

For Sale $539,000

• 5001m² of land (over an acre)

• Sensational property that is close to beaches, boat ramp and only short drive to Moruya

View By Appointment

• High Ceilings, massive double garage


Moruya 4474 4433 Shop 3 & 5, 55 Vulcan Street, Moruya All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Karen Herrick 0417 990 014


Moruya 273 Yaccaba Drive

Land 7.86ha

Give Me Land • 7.86ha block

For Sale $259,000

• Elevated with potential for lovely views.


• Nice flat areas for building • Only minutes from town

Karen Herrick 0417 990 014 Moruya 4474 4433




Shop 3 & 5, 55 Vulcan Street, Moruya

Broulee 3/2 Massey Street


For Sale $340,000

• Freshly painted throughout, new floor coverings

View Sat 26 Mar 10:00am – 10:30am




• Short stroll over the dunes to South Broulee Beach

Malua Bay 598 The Ridge Road


Lexie Nunn 0411 051 100 Broulee 4471 5100 1/23-25 Grant Street, Broulee




Coastal Hobby Farm or Horse Haven 2.02 Hectares with Ocean Views from the Front Verandah. Rural dwelling on the edge of suburbia; fully fenced with a large vegetable patch and separate workshop. Mountain views from the kitchen window and ocean views from the front verandah.

For Sale $739,000 View Sat 26 Mar 10:00am – 10:45am ljhooker.com.au/DYGF9Z

Mark Maranion 0404 257 888 Malua Bay 4471 2344 1/530 George Bass Dr, Malua Bay

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


en Op

• 3 Bedroom townhouse

• Private well established courtyard



Prime Location

• Functional and stylish new kitchen



ljhooker.com.au Batemans Bay 4 Marlin Avenue





High Quality And Space • 4 bedrooms plus games room and outside extra accommodation currently being lease by a business • Stunning kitchen with top of the line soft close cabinetry; Caesar stone bench tops, integrated dishwasher, 2x ovens, 5 burner gas cooker

Long Beach (Lot 2 & 9) 4 Gibraltar Way

For Sale $630,000 View Sunday 27 Mar 3:00 – 3.30pm ljhooker.com/684GT2

Karen Herrick 0417 990 014 Moruya 4474 4433 Shop 3 & 5, 55 Vulcan Street, Moruya

Lot 2= 7,831sqm – Lot 9= 5,046sqm

Strict Instructions Must Sell !! Acreage With Ocean Views !!

Long Beach

See the Ocean.... Hear the Ocean.... Metres to the Beach

For Sale Lot 2 = $329,000 + GST and Lot 9 = $229,000 + GST

Only 2 left available from the Developer. Blocks like this are impossible to find. All connections to Blocks. Lot 2 with water views. Present offers!


Lot 2 = 7,831sqm / Lot 9 = 5,046sqm

Karen Van Der Stelt 0413 221 504 Batemans Bay 4472 6455 Cnr Beach Rd & Orient St, Batemans Bay

Lot 1: 5,100sqm – Lot 2: 9,100sqm Lot 3: 5,964sqm Moruya Lots 1/207, 2/207 & 3/207 Araulen Road

This is a one off you won’t want to miss • Cleared with beautiful rural outlook

For Sale $225,000 each

• Elevated building envelopes and access to town water


• Acreage blocks that are almost in town

Karen Herrick 0417 990 014

• Lot 1 = 5100m² Lot 2 = 9100m² Lot 3 = 5964m²

Moruya 4474 4433

Tuross Head 44 Hawkins Road

Shop 3 & 5, 55 Vulcan Street, Moruya




Beach House Views • Large family holiday home

For Sale $639,000

• Stunning ocean and coast views

View By Appointment

• Two living areas/covered decks


• Large double shed • Fenced 930m2 block

Garry Robertson 0435 008 465 Tuross Head 4473 6600 Shop 15/38-50 Evans Road, Tuross Head

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


• Stroll to shops and beach

ljhooker.com.au Tuross Head 9 Beatty Crescent




Outstanding Residence • Stunning architect designed home

For Sale $895,000

• Privacy and beautiful ocean views

View By Appointment

• Advanced energy efficiency features


• Three living areas/mezzanine office • Fully fenced landscaped grounds • 1088m2 block

Garry Robertson 0435 008 465 Tuross Head 4473 6600 Shop 15/38-50 Evans Road, Tuross Head

Tuross Head Lot 10 Trafalgar Road

Land 803 sqm

Vacant Block – Scenic Position • Large 803m2 block

For Sale $365,000

• Stunning views of Tuross Lake

View By Appointment

• Short drive to shops/beaches


• Elevated, gentle slope • Adjoining restaurants/boatshed • Ideal site for holiday home

Garry Robertson 0435 008 465 Tuross Head 4473 6600 Shop 15/38-50 Evans Road, Tuross Head

Long Beach 76 Fauna Avenue

Land 647 sqm

Virtually Beachfront.....Build your Dream Home !! It doesn’t get much better than this!!

For Sale $349,000

Absolutely lovely block with panoramic ocean views only a hop, skip and jump to the beachfront. Flat area suitable for single or double storey home.

View By Appointment ljhooker.com.au/PUKF8F

Karen Van Der Stelt 0413 221 504 Batemans Bay 4472 6455 Cnr Beach Rd & Orient St, Batemans Bay

Moruya 144 Meadows Road





Lifestyle & Income • Education & Training facility on 10.4ha rural setting

For Sale $1,100,000

• Stone structure with 100m² auditorium


• Reception, 2 rooms, kitchen, 4x W/C & 2 showers • Double garage, large parking area

Janet Donnelly 0428 742 090 Moruya 4474 4433 Shop 3 & 5, 55 Vulcan Street, Moruya

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


• Natural light with tranquil bush look

View By Appointment

Substantial Water Views


Narooma Lot 48 Woodlands Drive



Land size: 1.65ha

1.65 ha of Complete Serenity

Malua Bay 63 Illabunda Drive ljhooker.com/ACHGR

Monique Craig 0433 770 800 Dalmeny 02 4476 7100 Shop 6, 1 Noble Parade, Dalmeny

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.

This very roomy family home is all about location. It features polished timber floorboards, 2 levels of decking, 2 living areas and very generous bedrooms and bathrooms. This home epitomises seaside living within easy walking distance to McKenzies Beach, and gorgeous views over Pretty Bay. This is a very comfortable home in sought after Malua Bay.

View Saturday 26th March at 3pm For Sale $695,000 Contact Drew Deck 0468 340 476 Melissa Williams 0408 253 481


For Sale $178,900


The owner of this beautiful scenic partially cleared 4 acre bush setting block has done all the research for you! Located in the prestigious Ringlands Estate only 1km to Ringlands Bay and 4kms to Narooma Plaza.


5/534 George Bass Drive Malua Bay NSW 2536 Phone 02

4471 2283 www.southcoastps.com.au


Tomakin Cabin 4/55 Sunpatch Parade Holiday Heaven • Beautifully presented 2 bedroom cabin

• Garden Shed

• Spacious open plan living area

• Located in a quiet area of the park this holiday cabin must be on your inspection list

• Large covered entertainment deck



For Sale $85,000 View By Appointment ljhooker.com/FFHFQ

• Extra storage in bathroom alongside separate laundry that has external access

Lexie Nunn 0411 051 100 Broulee 4471 5100


• Both bedrooms with built in cupboards

1/23-25 Grant Street, Broulee All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Price Guide $550,000


R&H Batemans Bay 02 4472 6055

410 Beach Road, Sunshine Bay NSW 2536 Extremely Rare Opportunity


Boasting green play areas, a tidal creek bordering the near 3/4 acre (2800m2) property, creating a peaceful and tranquil setting. Ideal for groups, school retreats, health farms, the opportunities are endless. This retreat sleeps 70 with a full commercial kitchen and function/community hall, self-contained flat, ensuite rooms, family rooms and bunk/dormitory room. Also on the property is a full 3 bedroom managers residence to separate work from pleasure. The beach is 100 metres away and you can walk to all of Batehaven’s amenities. The bones and structure are all there, the possibilities are endless, needs some modernizing but limitless opportunity awaits.

Auction Thursday 2 April 3pm, 29 Beach Road, Batemans Bay NSW 2536 Agent

Aristotle Stavros 0408 612 914 aristotle@rhbatemansbay.com.au




By Appointment




R&H Batemans Bay 02 4472 6055

2/2A Pacific Street, Batemans Bay Magnificent Views, Timeless Stunning Design


• Architecturally designed and constructed to a standard far above industry expectations ensures that this luxurious apartment is as substantial and solid as it is aesthetically beautiful.

Auction Saturday 2 April, 3pm Raine & Horne Auction Rooms 29 Beach Road, Batemans Bay Agent

Bronwyn Geppert 0405 109 877



• Abundant natural light from the ceiling to floor windows. • Situated in a private complex of just three apartments, each one encompassing one entire floor. • Generous open concept floor plan which flows out to a large north facing terrace and private garden with sparkling 180 degree water views.


Saturday 26 March, 12pm



Price $995,000


R&H Batemans Bay 02 4472 6055

28 Ocean Road, Batehaven Commanding Home With 180 Degree Ocean Views


Saturday 26 March at 3pm


Aristotle Stavros 0408 612 914

This spacious and modern home offers generous open plan living areas that flow seamlessly onto the huge outdoor living areas taking advantage of the spectacular panoramic ocean views.





Drive through double garaging provides plenty of space for the cars and all the toys. Complete with heated in-ground pool, chef’s kitchen, rumpus room and quality fixtures and fittings throughout. This is a rare opportunity to secure arguably one of Batehaven’s most prestigious homes.

rhbatemansbay.com.au 147


R&H Batemans Bay 4472 6055 View

Christine Ewin 0409 719 158



Saturday 26 March 11am





126 Northcove Road, Long Beach This Is A First

R&H Mollymook/Milton 02 4455 3800

48 Kings Point Drive, Kings Point

First time to market and first time I have introduced a home on 4.77HA to the market this close to the beach. Down the driveway, invisible from the street or neighbour opens up into a clearing of flat, fully fenced acreage with farm-shed & olive trees. Open plan design with gorgeous deck overlooking the bush. Hearing the ocean from the seclusion of acreage is hard to comprehend. But it’s real and it’s special.


STOP THE PRESS! Do you want a waterfront masterpiece that you can add your personality too? Then go no further than this built to lock up 3 bedroom majestic lakeside home. From the ground up, nothing has been spared in this sophisticated contemporary build to date. On completion this home will be the envy of the neighbourhood. Designed with focus on light, space and entertaining.

Saturdays 12–12:30pm

Auction Saturday 9 Apr 2pm On site Agent

Robert Granger 0448 175 761


Price $700,000


Waterfront Haven



Price $745,000


R&H Batemans Bay 02 4472 6055

6 Derribong Avenue, Catalina Vendors Moving Interstate- Keen To Sell!


Saturday 26th March, 2pm

Architecturally designed & sure to impress!


Aristotle Stavros 0408 612 914

• Offering 3-4 bedrooms or study & panoramic water views from most of the home.




• Huge living areas consist of formal lounge, spacious dining & family room plus downstairs rumpus. • Large double garage & huge under home storage area. • A must to inspect for those looking for liveability with a view that is second to none.

rhbatemansbay.com.au 148


• Enjoy 180 degree views from the enclosed sunroom, lounge room and wrap around balconies.

this view is only streets away



Lots 46 & 99 Runnyford Road Inspect By Appointment

View Agents Discretion Agent June Sheard 0419 846 372 Barry Sorensen 0432 226 244 R&H Narooma 02 4476 2169


Good sized block in quiet street, only minutes walk to pristine beaches. Ideal start for the discerning buyer.

Lot 46 (19.02 Ha = Approx 47 Ac): 500m river frontage to Runnyford River, motorable at high tide. Spectacular location with ideal camping sites. Mostly bush with some cleared river flats. Includes bush camping shack. Lot 99 (16.19 Ha = Approx 40 Ac): 410m river frontage, motorable at high tide. Very private location. Would make an ideal weekender. Camping sites.

Robert McBride 0412 413 727 Web Id 9352308


Properties are to be sold separately. *NOTE: Land does not have dwelling entitlement but you can build a shed.



Auction 9 Apr at 11am onsite Land: 556 sqm Kianga 12 Baldwin Avenue Count down is on – Land with views

Bidding expected around $150,000 Saturday 9 April at 1pm, on site

Elders Batemans Bay 02 4472 1488 Shop 3/6 North Street, Batemans Bay


Nelligen 1, 2, 3 & 4 Kings Highway Inspect By Appointment

Thinking of a waterfront acreage lifestyle?


Here’s your chance to secure yourself a 42.339 Ha (104 acre) block with Clyde River and Kings Highway Frontage. Encompasses 4 Titles with a building permit and direct highway access, situated so close to the CBD yet still feel miles away. Zoned Rural 1A proposed RU1 Potential uses (S.T.C.A) include: Boat sheds, Camping grounds, Recreation facilities, Helipad, Air transport, Boarding kennels, Highway service centers, Dual occupancys and so much more.

Robert McBride 0412 413 727 Web Id 9427065

Elders Batemans Bay, Shop3/6 North Street, Batemans Bay


Saturday 23 April at 12pm, on site

02 4472 1488 149



Batemans Bay 1A & B Herarde Street Open Anytime - Vacant Land

Prime development site

One of the last remaining development sites this close to the heart of Batemans Bay - ‘Canberra’s Summer Suburb’. Plenty of development opportunities, including modern living apartments and hotel/motel accomodation STCA. Street frontage on 3 sides and only a short walk to Batemans Bay CBD and surrounding ammenities: Shops, Golf Club, Hospital and Pool.

Greig McFarlane 0412 725 505 Web Id 9137783

Land Area: 4,340sqm Zoning: R3 Medium Density Permittable Building Height: 15m


Saturday 9 April at 3pm, on site


Lilli Pilli 220 – 222 George Bass Drive Open Saturday 26 March 12pm-12:45pm




South Coast ultimate seaside hideaway


The luxury in this property is not so much in the dwelling itself but rather the way it melds into its exquisite 4312 sq m of natural environment and its easy beach access. Nestled at the end of a long rustic driveway amongst tall spotted gums is this absolute treasure with superb beach cove and ocean views. Conjuring up memories of the one-time simplicity of beach holidays, this compact four bedroom house with interesting architectural features has a charming upstairs lounging room with a generous north facing balcony. Here, you feel alone in the world so protective are the natural surrounds. The fully equipped, open and convivial kitchen/dining area folds onto a paved courtyard which leads to a short bush track walk to a delightful beach cove. As well the larger Lilli Pilli Beach is just minutes away. In one family for forty years, this offering is almost the last of a generational change which has been occurring over the past 24 months in old Lilli Pilli and so very worthy of your consideration.

John and Caryl Haslem 0418 514 399 Web Id 9222164

Elders Batemans Bay, Shop3/6 North Street, Batemans Bay


Saturday 2 April at 12pm , On site

02 4472 1488


Mollymook 84 Golf Avenue





The epitome of style and location Enjoy, Indulge, Relax. Both pleased and excited to offer this property to the market for sale the fastidious owners present this property with a flare, style and attention to detail that will impress the most discerning buyer. A relaxed modern beach theme throughout the home and grounds have you believing and feeling that you could be somewhere else. Boasting panoramic golf course and ocean vistas with access to Collers beach and the famous ‘Golf Course’ reef for surfers. Entering this home


you will soon begin to feel like you don’t want to leave. Two totally self contained studio apartments with golf course views provide an opportunity for income and/or visitor/ family accommodation. Owners will consider offers prior to auction.

Ray White Surfside Properties Ulladulla

Sat 2 Apr 1.00pm, on site, unless sold prior View Saturdays 12.00 – 1.00pm Kevin Cooper 0427 553 923 kevin.cooper@raywhite.com Megan Pollock 0427 553 928 megan.pollock@raywhite.com

4455 2002 4455 2525

48 James Crescent, Kings Point Magnificent Lakefront Residence This North facing home is absolute Lake front Reserve. If you want a home with a view and lifestyle to match don’t go past this magnificent home. It is immaculate throughout with generous living areas, open plan kitchen dining and lounge room with amazing views of the lake and the mountain ranges. All living areas and bedrooms on one level with indoor swimming pool below. You have direct Lake access from your backyard with your own mooring pole with option to add your own jetty (subject to approval). Boat ramp next door and an abundance of bird life. 3 good size bedrooms with built in robes, main with ensuite, plenty of storage throughout and a large double garage with internal access. This is a fantastic home offering low maintenance living, in a spectacular position on the lakes edge of Burrill Lake.

For Sale - $930,000 Inspect: Saturday 26 March at 11:00am - 11:45am or By Appointment Contact: Tracey Magnusson 0407 918 620



2 BATH |


23 Rennies Beach Close, Ulladulla Breathtaking For Sale - $1,175,000 Inspect: Saturday 26 March at 11:00am-11:45am Contact: Christine Martin 0458 412 381

3 BED |

Shop 1/105 Princes Highway Milton (Opposite IGA)

4455 2002

2 BATH |




This absolutely stunning renovated home is to die for! Located directly across from beautiful Rennies Beach, this home embodies the essence of the life on the beach. Distinctive, gorgeous and clever are words that you will use to describe the decor of this home. The fabulous design features and high quality fixtures will impress as you wander through this wonderful residence. Thoughtful landscaping, great storage and garaging are all added extras, but the coastal lifestyle this extraordinary home promises is why you should inspect without delay.

Shop 11/80 Tallwood Avenue Mollymook

4455 2525

Charming home on 2036m2 close to the beach Just a couple of hundred metres from the southern end of Mollymook Beach you will find this amazing home positioned on half an acre! Steeped in history the character home was the original homestead for the old dairy farm that occupied this property and the surrounding land years ago. Renovations were updated to the main house and the rear cottage in the mid-late 1980’s and the home has been lovingly well maintained over the years. Quality carpets and blinds, high ceilings, ornate ceilings and spacious living rooms and bedrooms feature throughout the home. Large windows and wide verandahs allow plenty of natural light to radiate through the home. This is a unique property on the largest block in the street and one of the largest so close to the beach. Spacious easy care relatively flat yard with established gardens and fruit trees.







Auction: Saturday 30th April at 10:00am Venue: On site View: Saturday 2nd April at 11:00am - 11:30am Chris Coffey 0488 333 003

tuckerrealestate.com.au 4/85 Tallwood Avenue, Mollymook


MOLLYMOOK 37 Golf Avenue

open homes – for sale

provided by For a free open homes listing, speak to your agent today.



ARANDA Tue 18:40-19:10 38 Banambila St

Sat 10:15-10:45 92 Davidson St Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0413621131 BR4 Auct

BELCONNEN Colliers International - Canberra 0435659746 BR3 $629k

Thu 12:00-13:30 114/41 Chandler St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

Thu 12:00-14:00 39 Benjamin Way

Colliers International - Canberra 0435659746 BR2 $539k

0418463872 BR2 Auct

Thu 12:00-14:00 116/39 Benjamin Way Colliers International - Canberra 0435659746 BR1 $369k Sat 10:00-10:30 3/132 Totterdell St

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0432365184 BR3 $430k

Sat 10:30-11:15 2/20 Solly Pl

Luton Properties - Holt

Sat 11:00-15:00 39 Benjamin Way

Colliers International - Canberra 0435659746 BR3 $629k

Sat 11:00-11:30 84/13 Chandler St

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0413832535 BR2 $310k

0400485204 BR5 $598k

Wed18:10-19:00 173 William Webb Drv Ray White - Belconnen

0418623324 BR3 Neg

Sat 10:00-10:45

154 Kingsford Smith Drv

Luton Properties - Holt

0438258379 BR4 $769k

Sat 14:00-14:30 9 Charvin Crt

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0416014431 BR2 $365k

Sat 09:00-09:30 2 Campaspe Cct

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0416087834 BR3 Auct

Wed17:00-17:30 7 Linger Pl

Luton Properties - Holt

0411878587 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30 19 Woronora St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0416014431 BR3 Auct

Wed17:15-17:45 15 Miranda Pl

Ray White - Belconnen

0413313676 BR4 Auct

Sat 11:15-11:45 109 Diamantina Cres LJ Hooker - Dickson

0416014431 BR6 $800k


Sat 13:00-13:30 12 Neales St

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0411092990 BR4 Auct

Wed17:00-17:30 12 Neales St

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0411092990 BR4 Auct


0414734185 BR3 $480k Thu 17:00-18:00

'Zephyr'/Block 1 Section 44

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0414332778 BR1 $265k

Thu 17:00-18:00

'Zephyr'/Block 1 Section 44

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0414332778 BR3 $439k

Sat 10:00-16:00

'Zephyr'/Block 1 Section 44

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0414332778 BR3 $439k

Colliers International - Canberra 0435659746 BR2 $539k

Thu 18:00-18:30 4/14 Earle Pl

Luton Properties - GUNGAHLIN 0404491413 BR2 Auct

Mon14:45-15:30 4/14 Earle Pl

Luton Properties - GUNGAHLIN 0404491413 BR2 Auct

Tue 09:00-09:30 4/14 Earle Pl

Luton Properties - GUNGAHLIN 0404491413 BR2 Auct

SCULLIN Thu 12:00-12:30 9/7 Keith St

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0400485204 BR2 Auct

Sat 09:30-10:00 9/7 Keith St

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0400485204 BR2 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 31 Holyman St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0412971635 BR3 Auct

Luton Properties - Tuggeranong 0411748805 BR5 Auct

Sat 11:30-12:30 296/80 Chandler St

Independent Property Group

0418480099 BR1 $299k

Sat 12:00-12:30 102 Totterdell St

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0402842291 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:40 5 Dallas Pl

Sat 13:15-14:00 7/39 Benjamin Way

Independent Property Group

0402838949 BR2 $445k


Sat 11:15-11:45 17/132 Thynne St

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0408694917 BR1 Neg

Sat 12:00-12:30 76/1 Braybrooke St

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0408694917 BR2 $355k

Wed17:00-17:30 12/5 Tauss Pl

Rutherford Johnston Properties 0414910798 BR3 $500k


Sat 11:30-12:15 12 Scattergood Pl

CHARNWOOD Sat 12:00-12:45 27 Jauncey Crt

Independent Property Group

0402838949 BR3 $439k

Thu 18:00-18:30 19 Polilight St

Ray White - Belconnen

0413313676 BR4 Auct

Tue 18:00-18:30 19 Polilight St

Ray White - Belconnen

0413313676 BR4 Auct

Sat 14:45-15:15 7 Kinkead St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0416014431 BR3 $415k

Mon17:30-18:15 33 Gleadow St

Independent Property Group - City

0403215246 BR4 Auct

Wed17:45-18:15 12 Sayer Pl

Luton Properties - Weston Creek

0411878587 BR3 Auct

FLOREY Ray White - Belconnen

LAWSON’S BEST VALUE Visit www.zephyrlawson.com.au or contact James Nimmo on 0414 332 778

Sat 12:00-12:45 9 Rochford St

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

Sat 11:45-12:30 2 Comet St

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0428486692 BR4 $710k

Sat 14:20-15:00 61 Diamond St

McGrath - Belconnen/ Gungahlin

0414701465 BR5 $855k

Sat 15:00-15:30 34 Tarrabool St

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR4 Neg

Paul and Robyn Sutton Prop

0407099175 BR3 Neg

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0414332778 BR1 $265k

Wed17:30-18:15 35 Irinyili St

Sat 11:00-13:00 13 Bulletin St

McGrath - Belconnen/ Gungahlin

0407777601 BR1 $339k


Sat 11:00-13:00 17 Bulletin St

McGrath - Belconnen/ Gungahlin

0407777601 BR2 $425k

Sat 09:00-09:30 2/50 Victoria Owen Cct LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0450468843 BR3 $450k

Sat 11:00-13:00 1 Jumbuck Cres

McGrath - Belconnen/ Gungahlin

0407777601 BR3 $659k

Sat 09:30-10:00 30 Bym Porter Ln

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0408694917 BR2 $360k

Sat 13:20-14:00 6 Rockwood St

McGrath - Woden

0418624913 BR3 $430k

Mon11:00-11:45 23 Renfree St

Luton Properties - GUNGAHLIN 0404491413 BR4 Auct

Wed17:00-17:30 9 Cartledge St

Harcourts Brindabella

Wed18:30-19:00 23 Renfree St

Luton Properties - GUNGAHLIN 0404491413 BR4 Auct

Sat 13:00-16:00

'The Vanguard'/1 Stockman Ave

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0402914037 BR2 $489k

Tue 17:00-18:00

'Zephyr'/Block 1 Section 44

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0414332778 BR3 $439k

Tue 17:00-18:00

'Zephyr'/Block 1 Section 44

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0414332778 BR1 $265k


'Zephyr'/Block 1 Section 44

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0414332778 BR3 $439k


'Zephyr'/Block 1 Section 44

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0414332778 BR1 $265k

0400485204 BR3 $349k

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0428486692 BR4 Auct Rutherford Johnston Properties 0408515545 BR3 $579k

MACGREGOR Sat 10:00-10:30

23/85 Macfarlane Burnet Ave

Sat 11:00-11:30 19 Rag Holmes St

HAWKER Thu 17:00-17:30 16/8 Beetaloo St

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0430280840 BR2 $249k

Sat 10:00-10:30 16/8 Beetaloo St

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0430280840 BR2 $249k

Luton Properties - Holt

0415104200 BR2 $320k

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0414382093 BR3 $415k


0410481260 BR4 Auct

CRACE Sat 09:45-10:15 95 Langtree Cres

McGrath - Dickson

0417687379 BR4 $799k

Sat 10:55-11:30 41 Abena Ave

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0428486692 BR3 $550k

FORDE Thu 17:00-17:30 80 Hibberd Cres

Leader Capital Real Estate

0404011163 BR4 $649k

Sat 11:30-12:00 5 Hooton St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0429487939 BR5 $800k

Thu 17:30-18:15 38 Castlereagh Cres

Luton Properties - Belconnen

0409136867 BR2 Auct


Luton Properties - Belconnen

0409136867 BR2 Auct

Sat 13:15-14:00 3 Alexandra St

Elders Real Estate - Belconnen 0414382093 BR5 $1.2M

Luton Properties - Belconnen

0409136867 BR2 Auct

Sat 13:15-13:45 22 Palmer St

McGrath - Dickson

Sat 10:00-10:30 5/153 Murranji St

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0416087834 BR2 $250k

Sat 11:00-11:30 38 Castlereagh Cres

Sat 11:00-11:45 1 Anningie Pl

Luton Properties - Holt

0415104200 BR4 Neg

Tue 17:30-18:15 38 Castlereagh Cres



'Zephyr'/Block 1 Sat 10:00-16:00 Section 44

0403041181 BR4 Auct

FRASER Sat 10:00-10:40 42 Foskett St

0438258379 BR5 Auct



118/15 John Cleland Sat 09:30-10:00 Cres

Luton Properties - Holt



Thu 17:15-18:00 11 Priestley Pl

0413313676 BR5 Auct

MELBA Dwyer Dunn Property Consultants


Sat 11:00-15:00 116/39 Benjamin Way Colliers International - Canberra 0435659746 BR1 $369k Sat 11:00-15:00 39 Benjamin Way

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

HOLT Sat 10:30-11:15 36 Griffiths St

Thu 12:00-14:00 39 Benjamin Way


0419624766 BR6 $1.0M

open homes – for sale

provided by For a free open homes listing, speak to your agent today.


25-29 Palko Lonsdale St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0402914037 BR1 $479k+


0414332778 BR1 $265k

Sat 10:00-14:00 32 'Yamaroshi' Mort St LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0402914037 BR1 $429k+

Thu 17:00-17:30 1/82 Dooring St

PRDnationwide - Braddon

0498012795 BR3 $610k+

0412600085 BR2 $285k+

Sat 10:30-11:00 19/28 Torrens St

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0400485204 BR2 $419k

Sat 09:30-10:15 13A Hope St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412152607 BR3 Auct

0414701465 BR4 $698k

816/17 Dooring St Sat 10:45-11:15 'Valonia'

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0416087834 BR1 $330k

Sat 10:00-10:30 1/82 Dooring St

PRDnationwide - Braddon

0498012795 BR3 $610k+

0400545343 BR4 $668k

Sat 11:00-15:00 51-53 Mort St

Colliers International - Canberra 0457882700 BR1 $410k+

Sat 11:00-11:30 16/110 Davenport St

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0402842291 BR1 $280k

Wed12:15-13:00 13A Hope St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412152607 BR3 Auct

Thu 17:00-17:30 33 Melba St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0413883561 BR4 Auct

Sat 09:15-09:45 33 Melba St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0413883561 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:30-11:00 2/63 Melba St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0429487939 BR1 $220k

Sat 14:00-14:30 25B Bradfield St

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR4 Neg

Wed17:00-17:30 33 Melba St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0413883561 BR4 Auct

Sat 11:30-12:00 3/15 Fox Pl

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0430280840 BR1 Auct

Sat 13:00-13:30 112/26 Oliver St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0416014431 BR2 $360k

Tue 12:30-13:00 71/22 Archibald St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0405135009 BR2 $340k

Sat 10:00-14:00

162 Flemington Rd Sat 10:00-12:45 'Hudson Square'

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

Sat 10:30-11:00 44/11 Wimmera St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

Sat 13:00-13:40 12 Anchorage St

McGrath - Belconnen/ Gungahlin

Sat 14:00-14:30 13 Brumby St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

Mon13:00-13:45 17 Koonalda St

Luton Properties - GUNGAHLIN 0404491413 BR4 Auct

Sat 11:30-12:00

Tue 18:00-18:30 17 Koonalda St

Luton Properties - GUNGAHLIN 0404491413 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:15-12:45 405/51 Mort St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0418797718 BR1 $441k

Sat 12:30-13:00 13/43 Ijong St

LJ Hooker - Weston Creek

0262888888 BR1 $338k

Mon12:30-13:00 13/43 Ijong St

LJ Hooker - Weston Creek

0262888888 BR1 $338k

NGUNNAWAL Sat 14:20-15:00 14 Maiya St

McGrath - Woden

0418624913 BR4 $550k


201/104 Northbourne Maloney's The Estate Agent Ave

0418797718 BR1 $410k


Sat 12:00-12:45 89 McClelland Ave

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0418628043 BR3 Auct

Thu 00:00-14:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International - Canberra 0414812344 BR2 $475k+

Sat 12:00-12:30 20 Arthaldo Crt

LJ Hooker Kippax - Holt

0416121155 BR5 Auct

Thu 12:00-14:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International - Canberra 0414812344 BR4 $1.1M+

Sat 13:15-14:00 11 Bilby Pl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0418628043 BR3 Auct

Thu 12:00-14:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International - Canberra 0414812344 BR1 $385k+

Mon12:00-12:45 89 McClelland Ave

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0418628043 BR3 Auct

Thu 12:00-14:15 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International - Canberra 0414812344 BR3 $760k+

Mon13:15-14:00 11 Bilby Pl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0418628043 BR3 Auct

Sat 09:00-09:30 86 Waller Cres

Cream Residential - Hughes

Tue 17:00-17:30 94 Lexcen Ave

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0409574178 BR5 Auct

0408662119 BR3 Auct




PALMERSTON Thu 18:00-18:30 2 Laptz Cl

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0449557073 BR3 Auct

Thu 17:15-17:45 20 Miller St

McGrath - Dickson

0419624766 BR5 Neg

Sat 11:00-11:45 2 Laptz Cl

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0449557073 BR3 Auct

Sat 09:30-10:00 39/8-18 Correa St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0418797718 BR1 $239k

Sat 10:30-11:00 101 Miller St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0411367700 BR4 $1.3M

Sat 15:00-16:00 10 Dryandra St

Independent Property Group

0402838949 BR4 $960k

Sat 12:15-13:00 42 Amaroo St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0434973987 BR4 Auct

Tue 17:30-18:00 42 Amaroo St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0434973987 BR4 Auct

Thu 17:30-18:00 28 B Molesworth St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0412971635 BR3 $600k

Sat 09:30-10:00 32 Mary Kitson St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0412971635 BR4 $875k

Sat 10:15-10:45 42/15 Aspinall St

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0416087834 BR2 $360k

Sat 10:15-10:45 28 B Molesworth St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0412971635 BR3 $600k

Sat 11:00-11:30 57/21 Aspinall St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0412971635 BR2 $360k

Sat 12:15-12:45 20 Molesworth St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0416014431 BR3 Auct

Sat 13:15-13:45 6/20 Federal Hwy

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0418632279 BR2 $349k


COOMBS Block 1 Section 28 Sat 11:00-15:00 Kardia

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0408488148 BR4 $430k

Block 1 Section 28 Kardia

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0408488148 BR4 $510k

Sat 11:00-15:00


WRIGHT Sat 10:00-11:00 9 Ulysses Cct

Independent Property Group

0412256461 BR4 $750k

Sat 11:00-15:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International - Canberra 0414812344 BR2 $475k+

Sat 11:00-16:00 1 John Gorton Drv

Independent Property Group

0412256461 BR2 $384k+

Sat 11:00-15:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International - Canberra 0414812344 BR3 $760k+

Sat 11:00-16:00 61 John Gorton Drv

Independent Property Group

0412256461 BR3 $424k

Sat 11:00-15:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International - Canberra 0414812344 BR1 $385k+

1 Northpoint Philip Hodgins St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0400853501 BR2 $269k+

Sat 11:00-15:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International - Canberra 0414812344 BR4 $1.1M+

Sun 13:30-15:00 1 John Gorton Drv

Independent Property Group

0412256461 BR2 $384k+

Sat 13:00-13:30 10 Savige Pl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0413621131 BR5 Auct

Sun 13:30-15:00 61 John Gorton Drv

Independent Property Group

0412256461 BR3 $424k

Sat 14:15-15:00 27 Jacka Cres

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0418628641 BR4 Neg

Tue 17:00-17:30 13 Waller Cres

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0413621131 BR4 Auct

Tue 17:40-18:10 10 Savige Pl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0413621131 BR5 Auct

Sat 13:00-16:00




Sat 09:30-10:00 60 Raymond St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0434973987 BR3 Auct


Sat 10:00-10:45 18 Paterson St

Badenoch Real Estate

0412898690 BR3 $800k

Thu 10:00-18:00 45 West Row

Colliers International - Canberra 0424165567 BR2 $625k+

Sat 10:15-11:00 44 Ebden St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0434973987 BR4 Auct

Thu 10:00-18:00 45 West Row

Colliers International - Canberra 0424165567 BR3 $865k+

Tue 16:45-17:15 60 Raymond St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0434973987 BR3 Auct

Thu 10:00-18:00 45 West Row

Colliers International - Canberra 0424165567 BR1 $445k+

Wed12:00-12:30 44 Ebden St

Luton Properties - Dickson

0434973987 BR4 Auct

Thu 13:00-13:30 701/2 Akuna St

LJ Hooker - Manuka

Sat 10:00-15:00 45 West Row

Colliers International - Canberra 0424165567 BR2 $625k+



0411092990 BR1 $305k

BARTON Sat 13:00-13:30 8/11 Bourke St

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BR2 Auct

Sat 09:00-11:00 24-26 Gawler St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418633806 BR3 $1.4M+

Sat 12:45-13:45 102 Buxton St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0418628641 BR4 $1.2M


Thu 12:00-14:00 51-53 Mort St

Colliers International - Canberra 0457882700 BR1 $410k+

Sat 10:00-15:00 45 West Row

Colliers International - Canberra 0424165567 BR1 $445k+


Sat 09:30-10:00 8/43 Ijong St

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0416087834 BR1 $320k

Sat 10:00-15:00 45 West Row

Colliers International - Canberra 0424165567 BR3 $865k+

Thu 12:30-13:00 3/20 Dominion Cct

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412411422 BR2 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30 23/28 Mort St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0410414872 BR1 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 807/2 Akuna St

LJ Hooker - Manuka

Sat 11:00-11:30 13/10 Dominion Cct

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0414623876 BR2 $520k

0411092990 BR1 $260k


open homes – for sale

provided by For a free open homes listing, speak to your agent today.

Tue 12:30-13:00 3/20 Dominion Cct

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412411422 BR2 Auct


Tue 17:00-17:45 25 Furneaux St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0409574178 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:30-12:15 3 Hutt St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412488027 BR4 Auct

Thu 12:00-17:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0408488148 BR1 $269k

Wed13:00-13:30 35/38 Canberra Ave

Ray White - Belconnen

0413313676 BR3 $799k

Sat 11:30-12:00 77 Schlich St

Dwyer Dunn Property Consultants

0418623324 BR3 Neg

Thu 12:00-17:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0408488148 BR2 $359k

Tue 17:30-18:15 3 Hutt St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412488027 BR4 Auct

Sat 11:00-16:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0408488148 BR2 $359k

Sat 11:00-16:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0408488148 BR1 $269k

Sat 12:00-13:00 69 Watermark

McGrath - Belconnen/ Gungahlin

0409007313 BR2 $319k 0409007313 BR2 $339k

GRIFFITH Thu 12:30-13:00 B1/2 Currie Cres

Maria Selleck Properties Manuka

Thu 12:30-13:00 C6/2 Currie Cres

Maria Selleck Properties Manuka


0417258803 BR2 Neg 0417258803 BR2 $745k



Sat 00:30-15:00 109 Canberra Ave

Colliers International - Canberra 0424165567 BR1 $351k

Thu 17:00-17:40 35 Wilson Cres

Luton Properties - Tuggeranong 0411748805 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:00-13:00 94 Watermark

McGrath - Belconnen/ Gungahlin

Sat 10:00-13:00 115 Canberra Ave

Independent Property Group

Sat 09:30-10:00 25 Perrin Cct

Luton Properties - Woden

Sun 12:00-13:00 69 Watermark

McGrath - Belconnen/ Gungahlin

0409007313 BR2 $319k

Sun 12:00-13:00 94 Watermark

McGrath - Belconnen/ Gungahlin

0409007313 BR2 $339k

Tue 12:00-17:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0408488148 BR1 $269k

Tue 12:00-17:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0408488148 BR2 $359k

Wed12:00-17:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0408488148 BR1 $269k

0418632711 BR1 $344k+

0418620735 BR3 Auct

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0418632279 BR2 $420k

Sat 11:00-11:45 20 Olive Pink Cres

Luton Properties - Woden

Sat 11:30-12:00 105/107 Canberra Ave Maloney's The Estate Agent

0407715244 BR2 $490k

Sat 12:00-12:40 2 Stead Pl

Luton Properties - Tuggeranong 0409446289 BR4 $619k

Sat 12:15-12:45 1 Durville Cres

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BR4 Auct

Sat 14:00-14:40 35 Wilson Cres

Luton Properties - Tuggeranong 0411748805 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:30-14:00 18 Austin St

Independent Property Group

0418632711 BR3 $1.2M+

Wed17:00-17:30 40 Betty Maloney Cres Harcourts Brindabella

Sun 11:00-12:30 18 Austin St

Independent Property Group

0418632711 BR3 $1.2M+


Sat 10:30-11:00 27/8 Giles St

0412635019 BR5 Auct

0410481260 BR3 $469k

Wed12:00-17:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0408488148 BR2 $359k


Sat 11:15-12:00 44 Carter Cres

Cream Residential - Hughes

0408662119 BR4 Auct


1800422606 BR3 $549k

'Northshore'/11 Thu 12:00-14:00 Kerridge St

Address available on Wed12:00-14:00 request

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0402914037 BR2 $599k

Tue 16:30-17:00 44 Carter Cres

Cream Residential - Hughes

0408662119 BR4 Auct


Thu 12:00-12:30 330/15 Jardine St

Luton Properties - Manuka

0417646417 BR3 $649k

Sat 14:00-14:30 3 Sassafras Pl

'Northshore'/11 Thu 12:00-14:00 Kerridge St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0402914037 BR1 $419k


Thu 13:00-13:30 39/15 Howitt St

Independent Property Group

0418632711 BR2 $395k

Thu 16:30-17:00 8/14 Currie Cres

LJ Hooker - Manuka

'Northshore'/11 Sat 10:00-14:00 Kerridge St 'Northshore'/11 Sat 10:00-14:00 Kerridge St

One Agency Don McPherson

0418822144 BR3 $450k

Thu 17:00-17:30 124 Livingston Ave

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0430435330 BR3 $389k

0418626254 BR3 Auct

Thu 17:30-18:00 10B Connor Pl

LJ Hooker - Weston Creek

0262888888 BR4 $589k

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0402914037 BR1 $419k

Thu 17:45-18:15 39 Studley St

One Agency Sandy Morris

0420380895 BR4 Neg

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0402914037 BR2 $599k

Sat 10:00-10:40 1 Ind Pl

McGrath - Woden

0418624913 BR4 $495k

Sat 10:00-15:00 #NAME?

Independent Property Group

0418632711 BR2 $625k+

Sat 10:00-10:45 56 Gallagher St

Independent Property Group

0413909158 BR4 Neg

Sat 10:30-11:00 2/33 Dawes St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0407715244 BR2 $419k

Sat 10:30-11:00 10B Connor Pl

LJ Hooker - Weston Creek

0262888888 BR4 $589k

Sat 10:45-11:30 23/9 Jardine St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412152607 BR2 EOI

Sat 11:00-11:30 53 McConnel Cres

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0411092990 BR4 $549k

Mon10:30-11:00 10B Connor Pl

LJ Hooker - Weston Creek

0262888888 BR4 $589k

Luton Properties - Weston Creek

0411878587 BR4 Auct

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0417263678 BR4 Auct

Sat 11:50-12:30 85/33 Wentworth Ave Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0404066119 BR2 $530k

Sat 13:00-14:00 184/8 Jardine St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0418628641 BR2 $530k

Sat 14:00-14:45 18/35 Eastlake Pde

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0418628641 BR2 $770k

'Northshore'/11 Tue 12:00-14:00 Kerridge St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0402914037 BR2 $599k

'Northshore'/11 Kerridge St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0402914037 BR1 $419k

Tue 12:00-14:00 Wed12:00-14:00

'Northshore'/11 Kerridge St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0402914037 BR1 $419k


'Northshore'/11 Kerridge St

LJ Hooker Project Marketing

0402914037 BR2 $599k

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR3 Auct

Wed12:30-13:00 18 Gosse St

NARRABUNDAH Thu 12:30-13:00 103 Captain Cook Cres LJ Hooker - Manuka

0419497584 BR3 Auct

Wed12:30-13:00 103 Captain Cook Cres LJ Hooker - Manuka

0419497584 BR3 Auct

OAKS ESTATE Sat 10:00-10:25 9/30 River St

CHISHOLM Thu 17:00-17:30 92 Hambidge Cres

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0413621131 BR4 Auct

Tue 17:00-17:30 3 Cremin Cl

Sat 11:45-12:15 21 Enid Lorimer Cct

One Agency Don McPherson

0418822144 BR5 $680k


Sat 13:15-13:45 20 Wedgwood Cl

One Agency Don McPherson

0418822144 BR3 $455k

Sat 12:00-12:40 1 Kater Cl


CONDER Sat 11:15-11:45 1 Freeman St

Luton Properties - Tuggeranong 0402225405 BR5 Auct

Sat 09:30-10:00 47 Clive Steele Ave

Sat 12:00-12:30 79 Charterisville Ave

LJ Hooker - Dickson

Sat 10:00-10:30

Wed17:30-18:00 1 Freeman St

Luton Properties - Tuggeranong 0402225405 BR5 Auct

0411367700 BR4 Auct



22/30 William Hudson One Agency Don McPherson Cres

Sat 10:45-11:15 6 Ashcroft Cres

One Agency Don McPherson

0418822144 BR4 $635k

Sat 11:00-11:40 34 Harkness St

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0417263678 BR4 Auct

Luton Properties - Tuggeranong 0402225405 BR3 $450k


Sat 10:30-11:00 6 Penton Pl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0402230057 BR5 $620k

Thu 17:00-17:30 30 Cuthbertson Cres

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412488027 BR4 Auct

Sat 14:45-15:30 2/57 Alice Jackson

Independent Property Group

0412064620 BR2 $379k

Sat 11:00-11:40 24 Hammond Cl

McGrath - Woden

0418624913 BR4 Neg

Thu 17:30-18:00 1/31 Charlton Cres

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0417263678 BR3 $390k

Sat 12:30-13:15 17 Harford St

Dwyer Dunn Property Consultants

0418623324 BR3 Neg

Sat 09:00-10:00 15 Kellick Pl

Independent Property Group

0402838949 BR3 $399k

Sat 12:30-13:00 75 Fullerton Cres

One Agency Don McPherson

0418822144 BR3 $500k


Sat 10:00-11:00 159 La Perouse St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0418628641 BR5 Auct

Sat 10:30-11:00 2/3 Cripps Pl

Luton Properties - Tuggeranong 0412281735 BR3 Auct


Sat 11:30-12:30 3 Supply Pl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0430061501 BR5 Auct

Sat 10:30-11:15 1/3 Lappin Pl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

Thu 17:30-18:15 56 Vonwiller Cres


0418822144 BR3 $399k

Sat 10:30-11:00 2 Gellatly Pl

GORDON RE/MAX Capital - Queanbeyan 0429843777 BR2 Neg

Luton Properties - Tuggeranong 0411748805 BR4 $515k

0404066119 BR3 $360k

Luton Properties - Tuggeranong 0429123423 BR3 $470k+

open homes – for sale

provided by For a free open homes listing, speak to your agent today.

Sat 10:15-10:45 7 Ampt Pl

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:30-12:00 33 Cockburn St

Sat 10:30-11:15 27 Fairley Cres

Independent Property Group

0402838949 BR4 $699k


Sat 14:45-15:15 8 Chippindall Cct

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0408694917 BR4 Auct

Thu 17:00-17:30 31 Pridham St

Tue 17:30-18:15 56 Vonwiller Cres

Luton Properties - Tuggeranong 0429123423 BR3 $470k+


Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

McGrath - Dickson

Sat 10:15-11:00 50 Henderson Rd

0404895162 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:15-12:45 31 Pridham St

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR3 Neg


0413909158 BR4 Neg

Sat 09:30-10:00 14 Snowgum Pl

Mates Rates Real Estate QUEANBEYAN

0413884408 BR3 $485k

Sat 10:00-10:30 1B Peppercorn Way

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418633806 BR3 $539k

Sat 11:00-11:30 12 Lawson Pl

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418633806 BR5 $829k

Sat 11:00-11:30 12 Lawson Pl

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418633806 BR5 $829k

McGrath - Woden

0413503312 BR4 Neg

Sat 11:45-12:30 42 Langridge St

Luton Properties - Holt

0401079087 BR3 $469k


Sat 12:00-12:30 24 Holden Cres

Luton Properties - Tuggeranong 0412281735 BR4 Neg

Wed17:00-17:30 15 Boothby Pl

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate - Garran

0417459427 BR3 Neg


DUFFY Thu 17:30-18:15 6 Wuruma Pl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0421593602 BR3 Auct

Sat 09:00-09:40 53 Burdekin St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412997894 BR3 $775k

Sat 10:00-10:30 6 Wuruma Pl

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0421593602 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:15-12:00 3 Burdekin St

Independent Property Group

0413909158 BR4 Neg

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0410121601 BR5 Auct

0425544664 BR3 $395k

Independent Property Group

Sat 12:30-13:15 167 Hawkesbury Cres Independent Property Group

Luton Properties - GUNGAHLIN 0431419847 BR4 Auct

Ray White - Queanbeyan

Thu 18:00-18:45 7 Cameron St

0408848622 BR4 $629k

Thu 17:30-18:00 4 Sorlie Pl

0431543649 BR3 Neg

Independent Property Group Sat 22:00-23:00 1-8/2-4 McKeahnie St Queanbeyan

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate




Sat 11:00-11:40 42 Halfrey Cct


0411414624 BR3 $760k

0410583048 BR3 $429k+

Sat 10:00-10:30 3 Wisdom Pl

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:30-12:00 8 Tooroonga Cres

Sat 11:00-11:45 15 Mcnicoll St

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate - Garran

0418285797 BR3 Neg


Sat 12:00-12:45 32A Glynn Pl

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate - Garran

0418285797 BR2 Neg

Sat 11:00-11:40 27 Waratah St

Ray White - Queanbeyan

0402343771 BR4 $450k

Sat 12:15-12:45 1 Webster St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0411414624 BR6 Auct

Sat 11:30-12:00 4/16 Hakea St

Ray White - Queanbeyan

0402343771 BR2 $320k

Sat 12:30-13:15 63 Webster St

Ray White - Kingston

0418266698 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:30-12:15 11 Rusten St

Ray White - Queanbeyan

0425544664 BR3 Auct

Sat 13:00-13:30 4 Michael Pde

Ray White - Queanbeyan

0402343771 BR3 $410k

Wed17:30-18:00 11 Rusten St

Ray White - Queanbeyan

0425544664 BR3 Auct

Sat 09:15-09:45 11 Kaye Pl

McGrath - Woden

0413503312 BR3 Neg

Sat 10:00-10:30 9/10 Stornaway Rd

Ray White - Queanbeyan

0402343771 BR2 $264k




Sat 10:00-11:00 3 Kapunda St

HOLDER Thu 17:00-17:30 7/61 De Graaff St

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate - Garran

0412622420 BR2 $350k

Sat 10:30-11:00 14D/17 Uriarra Rd

Luton Properties - Tuggeranong 0411748805 BR1 $235k

Sat 11:30-12:00 62B De Graaff St

LJ Hooker - Weston Creek

0262888888 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:30-11:00 6/21 Morton St

Mates Rates Real Estate QUEANBEYAN

0413884408 BR2 $279k

Mon11:30-12:00 62B De Graaff St

LJ Hooker - Weston Creek

0262888888 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:45-11:15 4 Steel Pl

McGrath - Woden

0413503312 BR4 $479k

Sat 11:00-11:40 18 O'Hanlon Rd

Ray White - Queanbeyan

0402343771 BR3 $539k

Luton Properties - Weston Creek

0411878587 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:15-11:45 6/35 High St

Mates Rates Real Estate

0413884408 BR2 $329k

Sat 11:30-12:00 20 Maloney St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418633806 BR3 $535k

WARAMANGA Tue 17:30-18:00 34 Nemarang Cres

WESTON Sat 10:00-10:40 47 Buvelot St Sat 10:30-11:00 44 McInnes St

Cream Residential - Hughes Ray White - Woden

Thu 16:30-17:00 45/6 Wilkins St

Cream Residential - Hughes

0437309680 BR1 $189k+

Sat 10:15-11:00 49 Wilkins St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0412488027 BR4 Auct

0408662119 BR4 Auct 0408166833 BR3 Auct



CHIFLEY Thu 17:30-18:00 2 Mauldon St

One Agency Scott Crossman

0417292733 BR3 Neg

Thu 17:45-18:15 29 Charteris Cres

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR4 Neg

Thu 18:15-19:00 3a Board Pl

One Agency Michael Potter

0413830598 BR3 $699k

Sat 10:00-10:30 5 Wurth Pl

One Agency Scott Crossman

0417292733 BR3 Neg

Sat 11:00-11:30 2 Mauldon St

One Agency Scott Crossman

0417292733 BR3 Neg

Sat 10:00-10:45 23/6 Kemsley Pl

Luton Properties - Tuggeranong 0428139969 BR2 Auct

Sat 11:15-11:45 11 Leighton St

Luton Properties - Woden

Independent Property Group Sat 12:00-14:00 . Gorman Drv Googong Queanbeyan

0410583048 BR2 $339k+

Sat 12:00-13:30 18 Richard Ave

Ian McNamee & Partners

0410774821 BR2 $320k+

Sat 12:00-12:30 63 Derrima Rd

Mates Rates Real Estate

0413884408 BR2 $375k

Sat 14:00-14:30 26/36 Antill St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418611044 BR2 $389k

Sat 14:15-14:45 7/33-35 Crawford St

Mates Rates Real Estate QUEANBEYAN

0413884408 BR2 $215k

0418620735 BR3 Auct

PHILLIP Sat 10:00-16:00 1 Surprize Pl

Independent Property Group

0418632711 BR1 $299k+

Sat 11:00-12:00 103/121 Easty St

Independent Property Group

0425910842 BR1 $335k

Sat 12:45-13:15 8/54 Chaseling St

Cream Residential - Hughes

0437309680 BR2 $295k+ 0437309680 BR2 $340k+

Independent Property Group Sun 10:00-14:00 . Gorman Drv Googong Queanbeyan Wed17:30-18:15 21 John Bull St

Sat 10:00-10:40 3/5 Mowatt St

Ray White - Queanbeyan

Sat 11:00-11:30 40/64 Carrington St

RE/MAX Capital - Queanbeyan 0429843777 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 12/1 Mowatt St

RE/MAX Capital - Queanbeyan 0404891591 BR2 $221k

Sat 12:00-12:40 22B Threlfall St

McGrath - Woden

0418624913 BR3 $595k

Sat 13:00-13:30 29 Charteris Cres

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR4 Neg

Sun 10:00-16:00 1 Surprize Pl

Independent Property Group

0418632711 BR1 $299k+

Mon12:00-12:30 3a Board Pl

One Agency Michael Potter

0413830598 BR3 $699k

Wed12:00-12:30 17/21 Alsop Cl

Luton Properties - Manuka

0413974912 BR2 $399k

Tue 18:00-18:30 2 Mauldon St

One Agency Scott Crossman

0417292733 BR3 Neg


Wed18:00-18:30 5 Wurth Pl

One Agency Scott Crossman

0417292733 BR3 Neg

Sat 10:00-10:40 14 Duncan St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0408848622 BR3 Auct


Sat 13:00-14:00 46 Gouger St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0417080460 BR4 Auct

Wed17:30-18:00 14 Duncan St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0408848622 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:45-11:15 9B Ryan St

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate

0411414624 BR3 $949k

Luton Properties - Tuggeranong 0429123423 BR3 Auct


Sat 13:30-14:00 9/140 Port Jackson Cct Cream Residential - Hughes


0410583048 BR2 $339k+

0402343771 BR2 $220k

QUEANBEYAN WEST Sat 10:45-11:15 6/10 Nimmitabel St

Ray White - Queanbeyan

0402343771 BR2 $295k

Thu 16:00-16:30 107 Valley Drv

Luton Properties - Manuka

0417646417 BR6 Auct

Mon11:00-11:45 107 Valley Drv

Luton Properties - Manuka

0417646417 BR6 Auct




• Turbo diesel 4x2 manual • Hard to find Space Cab with low km • With a 10 year 200,000km warranty and free roadside assist (conditions apply) Price: $21,990 Year: 2010 Km: 70,417 Engine: 3.0td Transmission: manual John McGrath Auto Group - Queanbeyan Isuzu Ph: 6166 1111 Web: mcgrathautogroup.com.au


• • • •

Bluetooth Rear camera Rear park sensors Save over $5,000 off new car price Price: $42,990 drive away Engine: 1.4TFSi petrol 158


Transmission: S tronic Reg: AUD 105 Year: 2016 Km: 155 Audi Centre Canberra Ph: 6281 1000 Web: audicentrecanberra.com.au


• Sensus 3D sat navigation • Premium Harman Kardon sound system with subwoofer • Active bending Bi-Xenon headlights with washers • R-Design Sport Nappa leather upholstery seats


Price: $69,950 drive away Engine: 3.0L, 6 cylinder 242kW 480Nm Transmission: 6 speed auto Rolfe Motors - Volvo Ph: 6208 4500 Web: rolfemotors.com.au

Queanbeyan & Goulburn






$36,990 $36,990





39,990 $39,990 DRIVE AWAY1


















Participating Mitsubishi dealers only. While stocks last. Mitsubishi Motors Australia reserves the right to extend or modify these offers. Offers available on new vehicles purchased and delivered between 1 March and 31 March 2016. Excludes Government, Rental & National Fleet buyers. See participating dealers for full terms and conditions. 1. Recommended DRIVE AWAY selling price, including 12 months registration, CTP insurance, Stamp Duty & Dealer Delivery. Excludes Government, Rental & National Fleet customers. 2. Free auto upgrade from manual to automatic transmission on ASX LS 2WD Petrol, Triton GLX and GLS Dual Cab 4x4 3. $500 free Genuine Mitsubishi accessories on Outlander includes fitment labour and must be redeemed at point of sale. DIAMOND ADVANTAGE: †NEW VEHICLE WARRANTY: 5 years or 100,000km (whichever occurs first). Service conditions apply. * CAPPED PRICE SERVICING: 4 years or 60,000km (whichever occurs first). Covers all items specified under the standard “Regular Service Table” for normal operating conditions detailed in the service and warranty booklet. Additional service/repair items (if required) are at additional cost. ^ROADSIDE ASSIST (Service conditions apply). For purchases of new Mitsubishi vehicles, your initial 12 month roadside assist will be extended for a period of 12 months from the date of the most recent eligible Capped Price Service for that vehicle performed at an authorised Mitsubishi dealer. Roadside assist, if extended in accordance with these items, is available for a maximum of up to 5 years. Conditions apply. See mitsubishi-motors.com.au for further information.


Phone 6297 6333 $46,990-Phone 4823 1000 $54,990 31 Yass Road Queanbeyan 128-130 Hume St Goulburn T E S T D R I V E T O D A Y. INTRODUCING THE ALL-NEW





$46,990-$54,990 DRIVE AWAY

The NEW way to buy Mitsubishi


www.mcgrathautogroup.com.au T E S T D R I V E T O D A Y.



With Quadra Trac 4x4 system, adaptive cruise control and panoramic sunroof, the Jeep Grand Cherokee range has everything you need for all-terrain performance, the only thing missing is somewhere to drive it. So, when you test drive a Grand Cherokee between March 6 and April 30, 2016, you could go in the draw to WIN your own piece of land.*

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Rolfe Motors Jeep Ph: 6208 4500 29 Botany Street, Phillip ACT 2606. rolfejeep.com.au LMVD 17000346 *Prize includes land up to the value of $100,000 from a selection of land available on http://grandland.jeep.com.au, plus conveyancing & legal fees and services of a property agent. Carport or garage not included. SA Permit Number T16/294, NSW Permit Number LTPS/16/01465, ACT Permit Number ACT TP 16/00371. For details on how to enter and full terms & conditions, visit http://grandland.jeep.com.au. Test drive and entry to be completed between March 6 and April 30, 2016. Promotion is conducted by FCA Australia Pty, Ltd, 437 Plummer Street, Port Melbourne, VIC, 3207. Draw will be conducted at SL Interactive; 1/22 Buchanan Rd, Brooklyn, VIC, 3012 at 12.00 (AEST) on 18th May 2016. The Prize Winner will be published in the public notes section of The Australian newspaper within 30 days of drawing the winner. ˆ $6,000 Diesel Discount offer is applicable only to selected V6 variants and based on Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price, excludes dealer delivery and government charges. Offer excludes Grand Cherokee Laredo 4x2 and Grand Cherokee Summit. Offer available to Retail Customers Only, excludes Fleet and Government buyers. Offer available on new vehicles purchased, paid for and delivered between 1 March 2016 – 30 April 2016. Jeep® is a registered trademark of FCA US LLC. DACM0321.






Tablet display with touch screen 7 seats with 3rd row climate control Rated as Europe’s safest large SUV 2015



17" alloy wheels Bluetooth® connectivity City Safety auto braking





17" alloy wheels Leather upholstery City Safety auto braking

VOLVO XC90 INSCRIPTION D5 2015 AWD SUV $65,000 - $125,000

Powered tailgate City Safety auto braking Integrated child booster cushions

TEST DRIVE THE XC90 D5 INSCRIPTION – 2015 BEST AWD SUV $65,000 – $125,000

Rolfe Motors Volvo Ph: 6208 4500 29 Botany Street, Phillip ACT 2606. rolfevolvo.com.au Driveaway price for new stock vehicles purchased and delivered between 01/03/2016 and 31/03/2016. *While stocks last. Not available to fleet, gov’t or rental buyers or with any other offers. Volvo Car Australia may change or extend this offer.






Hurry, ends March 31, well that’s a nice surprise!

For ABN Buyers 5 years unlimited KM warranty 5 years Roadside assistance 3 scheduled services

3 years / 200,000 KM warranty3 3 years Roadside assistance3 3 scheduled services1

Across the entire Renault Passenger, rt range. SUV and Sport

On award-winning Kangoo, Trafic d Master vans. and

Renault CLIO

Expression Auto o from



* drive


Includes metallic paint

Renault CAPTUR Expression Auto from



* drive


Renault R Re e en nault MEGANE GT-Line G T-Line Auto ffrom



* drive


Includes metallic paint

Includes two tone non metallic paint



For ABN Buyers2

3 FREE scheduled services1

Renault R lt KANGOO


For ABN Buyers2

3 FREE scheduled services1 Extended 5 Year Warranty

Renault R enaul MASTER


For ABN Buyers2

3 FREE scheduled services1


152 Melrose Drive, Phillip, ACT 2606 / Ph: (02) 6282 8000 15 Josephson Street, Belconnen, ACT 2617 / Ph: (02) 6213 1250


*Recommended drive away price for the Clio Expression Auto, Megane GT-Line Auto with metallic paint and Captur Expression Auto with non metallic two tone paint valid for vehicles ordered between 1/1/2016 and 31/3/2016 or while stocks last. Offers exclude fleet and government buyers. Renault reserves the right to vary, extend or withdraw this offer. #$2,000 off current recommended drive away price shown. Offer applies to all new and demonstrator passenger and Renault Sport vehicles sold between 5/2/16 and 31/3/16. Not available in conjunction with any other offer. Excludes fleet and govt buyers. Renault reserves the right to vary or extend this offer. ◊0% p.a. comparison rate available for new Clio, Megane, Captur and Koleos models ordered between 1/1/16 and 31/3/16 and delivered by 30/4/16 to approved personal applicants and 0% annual percentage rate available to approved business applicants of Renault Financial Services (Australian Credit License Number 391464) only; 36 month term. No deposit for approved applicant only. Excludes Government, Rental and National Fleet customers. Terms, conditions and fees apply. WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the example given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate. Comparison rate for the purpose of the National Credit Code is based on a 5 year secured loan of $30,000 although this offer relates to a 36 month term only. Renault reserves the right to vary, extend or withdraw this offer. Not available in conjunction with any other offer. †5 years unlimited km warranty applies to all new Renault passenger vehicles. Demonstrator vehicles receive balance of new vehicle warranty. Roadside Assistance terms and conditions apply. Call our Customer Service Team on 1800 009 008 or view the Terms and Conditions statement at www.renault.com.au/drivingpeaceofmind for details. ^First 3 scheduled maintenance services capped at $299 per service on new and demonstrator passenger models (excluding Renault Sport), based on standard scheduled servicing from new and on normal operating conditions. Scheduled maintenance services required every twelve (12) months or 15,000km (whichever occurs first). If vehicle is not presented within three (3) months of when the scheduled service is required, right to that capped-price service under the program is forfeited. (1)Offer applies to Kangoo, Trafic and Master (Cab Chassis & Bus excluded) models sold from 1/2/16 to 31/3/16. First three scheduled maintenance services free on new & demonstrator commercial vehicles, based on standard scheduled servicing from new & on normal operating conditions. If vehicle not presented within three (3) months of when scheduled service is required, right to that free service under offer is forfeited. Whilst current Australian stocks last. (2) Offer is available to approved ABN registered business applicants of Renault Financial Services. (Australian Credit Licence Number 391464) and for business purposes only. Conditions, fees and charges apply. Maximum term 60 months. Offer available on new Kangoo, Trafic and Master Van models purchased between 1/3/16 and 31/3/16. Excludes Government, Rental and National Fleet customers. Renault reserves the right to vary,extend or withdraw this offer. (3) 3 years 200,000 km warranty applies to all new Renault commercial vehicles. Demonstrator vehicles receive balance of new vehicle warranty. Roadside Assistance terms and conditions apply. DL: 17000532


Progress is intense. The all-new Audi A4.

Feel the intensity of the all-new Audi A4 – progressive, agile and visually striking. From intuitive, cutting-edge technology to class-leading safety and assistance systems, the all-new Audi A4 is out of this world. To experience the power of progress, book a test drive today at Audi Centre Canberra. 132 Melrose Drive, Phillip | Tel. 6281 1000 | audicentrecanberra.com.au Overseas model shown. 17000532




















2014 FIAT FREEMONT Auto 8,991Kms Premium Paint YJV52S

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Drive Away



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The new home of Fiat & Alfa Romeo

Valid from February 29th to March 31st 2016. Private buyers only, not available with any other offers. Rolfe Fiat Alfa reserves the right to change or extend all offers.



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4X4 SX CREW P/UP AUTOMATIC • Keyless Entry • Electric Adjustable Side Mirrors • 6 Speaker Premium Audio w/“Sky Sound”

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SAVE $6,504

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41 Yass Road, QUEANBEYAN Phone 6166 1111 Cnr Melrose & Hindmarsh Drive, PHILLIP Phone 6122 2222 125 Flemington Road, MITCHELL Phone 6201 1800 5-star ANCAP safety rating on 4x4 D-MAX Crew Cab models built from November 2013 onwards, 4x2 D-MAX Crew Cab High Ride models built from November 2014 onwards and all MU-X models. ^5 years/130,000km whichever occurs first, for eligible customers. Excludes trays and accessories. >The Capped Price Servicing Program applies to eligible Isuzu UTE vehicles with a warranty start date after 1 January 2015. The program covers the first 6 scheduled services in line with the scheduled service intervals. Program price subject to change. For full terms & conditions and current pricing visit isuzuute.com.au/service-plus. +3.5 tonne braked towing capacity on all 4x4 D-MAX models and 3.0 tonne braked towing capacity on all MU-X models when fitted with an optional genuine Isuzu UTE tow bar kit. ~Includes economy alloy tray fitted at motorpool. #ADR 81/02 laboratory tests (combined cycle) for D-MAX models built from 5 November 2014 onwards and MU-X models built from 6 November 2014 onwards. §Leather on body contact areas of the seats. *Private and ABN holders only on 2015 build plate models. Excludes government, fleet, rental & non-profit buyers. Includes one year business vehicle registration, CTP insurance, dealer delivery and statutory charges. Metallic/mica/pearl paint $396 extra. Only at participating Isuzu UTE Dealers from 1/1/16 until 31/3/16 unless extended, varied or while stocks last. †Unless varied or extended in writing, offer is limited to standard items contained in the first Scheduled Service (6 Months/10,000km whichever occurs first) on 2015 build plate D-MAX & MU-X models sold & delivered between 1/1/16 and 31/3/16, to private & ABN holders only. Excludes demonstrators. Offer is only applicable to the standard items in the first Scheduled Service as listed in IUA Warranty and Service Booklet and is not transferrable to other Scheduled Service/Make-up Scheduled Service, any additional service requirements are at owner’s expense. Only at participating Isuzu UTE Dealers. Not available with any other offer excluding the $1,000 free accessories where offered. ‡Genuine Isuzu UTE accessories on 2015 build plate 4x4 D-MAX & 4x4 MU-X models sold & delivered between 1/1/16 and 31/3/16, unless varied or extended, to private & ABN holders only. Excludes demonstrators. Only at participating Isuzu UTE Dealers. Not available with other offers.

What’s 80,000km? That’s twice around the world, and how long Cooper Tires are guaranteed to last.


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onlY AVAilABle froM AuThorised Cooper Tires reTAilers Goodyear Autocare:Gungahlin: 6255 4955 phillip: 6282 3366

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*Terms and conditions apply. Open to Australian residents only who buy a set of Cooper tyres between 9am 01/03/16 and 5pm 10/04/16. The travel bag picture is for illustration purposes only. ETD will aim to deliver a bag of the same characteristics to the one displayed. However, the final product may look different in colour, size and shape. Prize pool for the ‘win one of two round the world trips’ is $20,000 for two prizes in total. Each prize is a $10,000 Flight Centre ‘round the world package’ voucher. For full terms and conditions visit www.winwithcooper.com.au. *Mileage warranty varies depending on tread pattern, ask a sales consultant for details.

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March 25 – 31

PICK OF THE WEEK A Series Of Unfortunate Events Sunday, GO!, 6.30pm, PG (2004) Based on the first three in Daniel Handler’s Lemony Snicket series of children’s books, this densely stylised piece of bleak gothic fun has something of the nastiness of a Roald Dahl story. Jim Carrey (pictured middle) is in madcap form as the vile Count Olaf, who tries to swindle the wealthy Baudelaire children (Emily Browning, left and Liam Aiken, right) out of their inheritance after their parents are killed in a fire. A worthy tale for children and adults alike.


The King’s Speech

Emma Monday, PRIME7, 12pm, PG (1996) There is certainly something to be said for the beguiling Gwyneth Paltrow’s (left) effortless immersion into meaty roles. Wonderfully costumed, photographed, scored and acted, this comely adaptation of Jane Austen’s novel is romantic comedy in full bloom. Paltrow is both radiant and assured as the title’s impudent Cupid character and an invigorating support cast including Jeremy Northam, Toni Collette and Ewan McGregor (again sporting bad hair extensions) appear to be having a ball.

Friday, PRIME7, 8.30pm, M (2010) Tom Hooper’s moving tale about the relationship between King George VI and an unorthodox speech therapist is a feelgood tale wrapped up in royal intrigue. Colin Firth delivers a powerhouse performance as the stammering king, struggling to overcome his impediment in order to present a composed, eloquent figure to the English public as World War II breaks out. Equally inspiring is Geoffrey Rush, whose quirky, cheeky Lionel Logue bounces brilliantly off the reserved, austere royal he is trying to help.

March 25

12pm News. 12.30 Easter In Jerusalem With Geraldine Doogue. 1.00 Being Poirot. 1.55 Antiques Roadshow. 2.50 The Cook And The Chef. 3.20 The Bill. (PG) 4.10 Murder, She Wrote. 5.00 News. 5.30 Agatha Christie’s Marple. (PG) 7.00 News. 7.30 Antiques Roadshow. 8.30 The Doctor Blake Mysteries. (M) 9.30 Silent Witness. (M) 10.30 Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries. (M) 11.25 It’s A Date. (M) 11.55 Rage. (MA15+)

12pm MOVIE: The Sting. (1973, PG)

3.00 The Chase. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Better Homes And Gardens. 8.30 MOVIE: The King’s Speech. (2010, M) Colin Firth, Helena Bonham Carter, Geoffrey Rush. 11.00 To Be Advised. 12am Revenge. (M)

12pm WIN’s All Australian News. 1.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 2.00 Extra. 2.30 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 News Now. 3.30 Rugby League. NRL. Round 4. South Sydney Rabbitohs v Canterbury Bulldogs. 6.00 Nine News. 7.00 WIN News. 7.30 Rugby League. NRL. Round 4. Brisbane Broncos v North Queensland Cowboys. 10.30 MOVIE: Lethal Weapon 4. (1998, M)

12pm Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 The Living Room. (PG) 2.00 Ent. Tonight. 2.30 Everyday Gourmet. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Ben’s Menu. 4.00 GCBC. 4.30 Bold. (PG) 5.00 News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 The Living Room. (PG) 8.30 The Graham Norton Show. (M) 9.30 MOVIE: Step Brothers. (2008, MA15+) 11.30 The Project.

3pm The Point Review. 3.30 Shane Delia’s Spice Journey. 4.00 Shane Delia’s Spice Journey. (PG) 4.30 Who Do You Think You Are? 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 French Food Safari. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 MythBusters. (PG) 8.30 Lost Kingdoms Of South America. (PG) 9.30 MOVIE: The Fifth Element. (1997) 11.50 MOVIE: Hostage Of An Illusion. (2012)

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.00 Curious George. 5.25 Sarah And Duck. 5.35 Hey Duggee. 5.40 Peppa Pig. 5.50 Fireman Sam. 6.00 Charlie And Lola. 6.15 Peter Rabbit. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.40 Ben And Holly. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. 7.30 Doctor Who. (PG) 8.15 Doctor Who: Confidential. 8.30 First Dates. (M) 9.15 The Queen Of Versailles. (PG) 10.55 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 11.35 Hunted. (M)

12pm Better Homes. 1.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 1.30 RSPCA Animal Rescue. 2.00 Surf Patrol. 2.30 Dealers. (PG) 3.30 Property Ladder. (PG) 4.30 60 Minute Makeover. (PG) 5.30 Homes Under The Hammer. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 The Indian Doctor. (PG) 8.30 Escape To The Country. 9.30 The House That 100K Built. 10.45 Front Of House. 11.15 Before And After. 11.45 Bargain Hunt.

12pm Ben 10. (PG) 12.30 Batman. (PG) 1.00 Power Rangers. (PG) 1.30 Yo-Kai. (PG) 2.00 Yu-GiOh! (PG) 2.30 SpongeBob. 3.00 Wild Kratts. 3.30 Rabbids. (PG) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 Looney Tunes. 4.30 Batman. (PG) 5.00 Ben 10. (PG) 5.30 Teen Titans. (PG) 6.00 MOVIE: Scooby-Doo And The Goblin King. (2008, G) 7.30 MOVIE: Raise Your Voice. (2004, PG) 9.40 MOVIE: Save The Last Dance. (2001, M) 12am The Originals.

12pm Motor Racing. Formula 1. Round 1. Aust Grand Prix. Race day. Replay. 2.00 MacGyver. (PG) 3.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.00 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Cops. (PG) 8.30 Walker, Texas Ranger. (M) 9.30 MOVIE: Pound Of Flesh. (2015, MA15+) 11.40 Operation Repo. (PG)

12.05pm WorldWatch. 2.00 Thai News. 2.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 3.00 Bangla News. 3.30 Armenian News. 4.00 The Feed. 4.30 Dara Ó Briain: School Of Hard Sums. 5.25 Notes On Biology. 5.30 House Hazards. 6.00 None Of The Above. 6.30 MythBusters. 7.25 A-League. Round 25. Melbourne Victory v Western Sydney Wanderers. 10.00 MOVIE: Little Big Soldier. (2010) 11.50 MOVIE: Ichi. (2008)

12.15pm Children’s Programs. 5.10 Good Game: SP. 5.40 Little Lunch. 6.00 Fungus The Bogeyman. (PG) 6.45 Matilda And The Ramsay Bunch. 7.00 Wallace And Gromit: A Grand Day Out. 7.25 The New Adventures Of Figaro Pho. 7.30 Deadly 60. 8.00 Adv Time. 8.25 Open Heart. (PG) 8.45 Great Big Adv. 9.00 Heartland. 9.45 K-On! 10.10 Lanfeust Quest. (PG) 10.35 Children’s Programs. 10.55 Close.

12pm Swamp People. (PG) 3.00 Construction Zone. (PG) 3.30 Canadian Pickers. (PG) 4.30 Wipeout USA. (PG) 6.30 MythBusters. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Raw Deal. (1986, M) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kathryn Harrold, Sam Wanamaker. 10.40 MOVIE: Wild Things. (1998, MA15+)

12pm Secret Dealers. (PG) 1.00 MOVIE: Home At Seven. (1952, PG) 2.50 Come Dine With Me UK. (PG) 3.20 David Attenborough’s The Blue Planet. (PG) 4.30 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 5.30 Gilmore Girls. (PG) 6.30 Friends. (PG) 7.30 A Current Affair. 8.00 Cricket. ICC Twenty20 World Cup. Super 10. Group 2. Match 26. Pakistan v Aust. 11.40 MOVIE: Hard To Kill. (1990, MA15+)

12pm Judging Amy. (PG) 1.00 JAG. (PG) 2.00 Becker. (PG) 2.30 How I Met Your Mother. (PG) 3.00 Infomercials. (PG) 3.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG) 4.00 King Of Queens. (PG) 5.00 Frasier. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 The Simpsons. 7.30 How I Met Your Mother. (PG) 8.00 Rules Of Engagement. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Saturday Night Fever. (1977, M) 10.55 Bondi Ink Tattoo. (M) 11.55 James Corden.

12pm News. 12.30 Australia Wide. 1.10 IQ2 Debate: The Nuclear Deal With Iran. 2.00 News. 2.30 One Plus One. 3.00 News. 3.30 Tonic. 4.00 News. 4.30 Landline. 5.00 News. 5.30 World This Week. 6.00 News. 6.30 The Drum. 7.00 News. 7.30 The Mix. 8.00 ABC News. 8.30 Tonic. 9.00 ABC News. 9.30 One Plus One. 10.00 News. 10.30 Landline. 11.00 News. 11.30 Tough Ride.

ABC (ch 2)

ABC2 (ch 22)

ABC3 (ch 23)

PRIME7 (ch 6)

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

WIN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 80)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)

Classifications: (P) Pre-school (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence Programs are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by the networks.



March 26

12pm Restoration Man. (PG) 1.00 (ch 2) Who’s Been Sleeping In My House? 1.30 Jillaroo School. (PG) 2.00 Antiques Roadshow. 3.00 Agatha Christie’s Marple. (PG) 4.30 Landline. 5.00 Vera. (M) 6.30 Gardening Australia. 7.00 News. 7.30 Death In Paradise. (M) 8.30 Cuffs. (M) 9.30 Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery. (PG) 10.00 Janet King. (M) 10.55 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. 11.45 Luke Warm Sex. (M) 12.15am Rage. (MA15+)

12pm I Dream Of Jeannie. 12.30 Horse Racing. Western Sydney Legends Day. 5.00 Seven News At 5. 5.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG) 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 MOVIE: Hop. (2011, G) 9.00 MOVIE: Bedtime Stories. (2008, G) 11.00 To Be Advised. 12am Bates Motel. (M)

12pm Hot In Cleveland. (PG) 12.30 Dr Lisa To The Rescue. 1.00 Fish’n With Mates. (PG) 1.30 The Wild Life Of Tim Faulkner. 2.00 Reno Rumble. (PG) 4.30 The Garden Gurus. 5.00 News: First At Five. 5.30 Getaway. (PG) 6.00 Nine News. 7.00 Movie: Wild Wild West. (1999, PG) 9.10 MOVIE: The Family. (2013, MA15+) 11.30 Movie: Code Name: The Cleaner. (2007, M)

12pm Ben’s Menu. 12.30 Healthy Homes TV. 1.00 People Of The Vines. (PG) 1.30 The Doctors. (PG) 2.30 Everyday Gourmet. 3.00 The Home Team. 3.30 Weekend Feast. 4.00 What’s Up Down Under. 4.30 Escape Fishing With ET. 5.00 News. 6.00 Jamie’s 15-Minute Meals. 6.30 To Be Advised. 7.30 To Be Advised. 9.30 MOVIE: The Internship. (2013, M) 11.55 48 Hours. (M)

12pm Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 PBS News. 2.00 Equestrian. FEI Jumping World Cup. Western European League. Fourth competition. Highlights. 3.00 Who Do You Think You Are? 4.05 Food Lovers’ Guide To Australia. 4.35 Massive Moves. 5.30 The Quest For Noah’s Ark. (PG) 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 Who Do You Think You Are? 8.40 MOVIE: Schindler’s List. (1993, M) 11.55 Borgen. (M)

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.50 Fireman Sam. 6.00 Charlie And Lola. 6.15 Peter Rabbit. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.40 Ben And Holly. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Highway Thru Hell. (PG) 8.15 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8.45 Mock The Week Looks Back At. (M) 9.15 Comedy Up Late. (M) 9.45 Live At The Apollo. (M) 10.30 Scrotal Recall. (M) 10.55 Episodes. (M) 11.25 Peep Show. (M) 11.55 Facing Ali. (M)

12pm Creek To Coast. 12.30 Qld W’ender. 1.00 WA W’ender. 1.30 Sydney W’ender. 2.00 Melbourne W’ender. 2.30 Surf Patrol. 3.00 Rugby Union. Shute Shield. West Harbour v Southern Districts. 5.00 Horse Racing. Western Sydney Legends Day. Replay. 6.00 Motorway Patrol. 6.30 Secret Location. 7.30 Fantasy Homes. 8.30 Escape To The Country. 9.30 Original Features. 10.30 Air Crash Investigation. 11.30 Secret Location.

12pm Kitchen Whiz. 12.30 SpongeBob. 1.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 1.30 Wild Kratts. 2.00 Fishing Australia. 2.30 Little Charmers. 3.00 Power Rangers Dino. (PG) 3.30 Sonic Boom. (PG) 4.00 Yo-Kai. (PG) 4.30 Ben 10. (PG) 5.00 Tom And Jerry. 6.00 Batman: The Brave And The Bold. (PG) 6.30 Movie: Dennis The Menace. (1993, PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Green Lantern. (2011, M) 10.45 Movie: Mortal Kombat. (1995, M)

12pm Operation Repo. (PG) 12.30 Driven Not Hidden. 1.00 Motor Racing. World Series Sprintcars. 2.00 M*A*S*H. (PG) 2.30 Moments Of Impact. (PG) 3.30 Making Of David Attenborough’s Africa. 4.30 Fishing With Merv. 5.00 Adventure Angler. 5.30 Attenborough’s Battle To Save The Tiger. 6.30 Monster Jam. 7.30 ST: Next Gen. (PG) 8.30 The X-Files. (M) 9.30 Ripper Street. (M) 10.35 Rush. (M) 11.30 Bellator MMA.

12.05pm Hindi News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 A-League. Round 25. Melbourne Victory v Western Sydney Wanderers. Replay. 3.00 Benidorm Bastards. 3.20 Charley Boorman’s Extreme Frontiers: South Africa. 4.20 The Brain: China. 6.05 Movie: Kirikou And The Sorceress. (1998) 7.30 If You Are The One. 8.30 The Raft. 9.20 Commando School. 10.15 Movie: Gangster No. 1. (2000) 12.05am Movie: Inside Ring. (2009)

12.15pm Children’s Programs. 3.00 Hank Zipzer. 3.25 Studio 3. 3.30 Good Game: SP. 4.00 Camp Lakebottom. 4.20 Grojband. 4.45 The Flamin’ Thongs. 5.00 Roy. 5.30 Little Lunch. 6.00 Fungus The Bogeyman. (PG) 6.45 Matilda And The Ramsay Bunch. 7.00 Wallace And Gromit: A Matter Of Loaf And Death. 7.30 Deadly 60. 8.00 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (PG) 9.00 Heartland. (PG) 9.45 Close.

12pm Motor Racing. Ultimate Sprintcar C’ship. 12.30 Motor Racing. Aust Drifting Grand Prix. 1.30 Football. AFL. Round 1. Melbourne v GWS. 4.30 Doomsday Castle. (PG) 5.30 Doomsday Preppers. (PG) 6.30 AFL Pre-Game Show. 7.00 Football. AFL. Round 1. Sydney v Collingwood. 10.30 MOVIE: Street Fighter. (1994, M)

1.00 Postcards. (PG) 1.05 MOVIE: Spencer’s Mountain. (1963, G) 3.45 MOVIE: Band Of Angels. (1957, PG) 6.30 MOVIE: Ben-Hur. (1959, PG) Charlton Heston, Stephen Boyd, Haya Harareet. 10.50 Dalziel And Pascoe. (M) 12am Movie: Spencer’s Mountain. (1963, G)

12.05pm Neighbours. 2.05

Charmed. (PG) 4.00 Family Ties. (PG) 5.00 Cheers. (PG) 6.00 MOVIE: The Croods. (2013, PG) 8.00 Cristela. (PG) Felix and Alberto bond with Trent. 8.30 The Graham Norton Show. (M) 9.30 To Be Advised. 10.30 The Loop. (PG)

12pm News. 12.30 Landline. 1.00 Press Club. 2.00 News. 2.30 The Mix. 3.00 News. 3.30 Foreign Corre. 4.00 News. 4.30 The Business. 5.00 News. 5.30 One Plus One. 6.00 News. 6.30 Australian Story. 7.00 News. 7.30 The Mix. 8.00 Four Corners. 8.45 One Plus One. 9.00 ABC News. 9.30 Australia Wide. 10.00 News. 10.30 World This Week. 11.00 News. 11.30 One Plus One.

12pm Running To America. 1.00 Gardening Australia. 1.30 The Mix. 2.00 Dr Sarmast’s Music School. 2.25 Peter Sculthorpe: The Quartets. 3.45 Myf Warhurst’s Nice. 4.10 Restoration Man. 5.00 Death In Paradise. 6.00 Australian Story. 6.30 Compass. (PG) 7.00 News. 7.40 Doc Martin. (PG) 8.30 Call The Midwife. (PG) 9.30 Joanna Lumley’s TransSiberian Adventure. 10.20 The Weekly. (M) 10.50 Redfern Now. 11.50 Luther.

12pm To Be Advised. 4.00 Better Homes And Gardens. 5.00 Seven News At 5. 5.30 Sydney Weekender. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Sunday Night. 8.00 Border Security: International. (PG) 8.30 The Blacklist. (M) 9.30 Odyssey. (M) 10.30 Odyssey. (M) 11.30 Royal Pains. (M)

1.30pm Surfing Australia TV. 2.00 The Wild Life Of Tim Faulkner. 2.30 Endangered. 3.30 Rugby League. NRL. Round 4. St George Illawarra Dragons v Penrith Panthers. 6.00 Nine News. 7.00 60 Minutes. 8.00 Brett: A Life With No Arms. (M) 9.00 To Be Advised. 11.30 Major Crimes. (M)

12pm The Doctors. (PG) 1.00 iFish. 1.30 GCBC. 2.00 Everyday Gourmet. 2.30 The Offroad Adventure Show. 3.00 Car Torque. 3.30 RPM GP. 4.00 RPM. 5.00 News. 6.00 Family Feud: Sunday. 6.30 Scorpion. (PG) 7.30 Modern Family. (PG) 8.30 The People V. OJ Simpson. (M) 9.30 NCIS: New Orleans. (M) 10.30 Limitless. (M) 11.30 The Graham Norton Show. (M)

12pm Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 The World Game. 2.00 Speedweek. 4.00 Cycling. Australian Mountain Bike Championships. 5.00 InCycle. 5.30 Great War Stories. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 The Story Of Egypt. (PG) 8.35 MOVIE: The Eichmann Show. (2015, ) 10.20 Netanyahu At War. 11.25 Jesus Town, USA.

12pm Children’s Programs. 6.15 Peter Rabbit. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.40 Ben And Holly. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Gok’s Teens: The Naked Truth. (PG) 8.15 Dream Build. 8.30 Movie: March Of The Penguins. (2005, G) 9.20 Bodyshockers: Nips, Tucks And Tattoos. (M) 10.35 The Most Hated Family In America. (M) 11.40 Buzzcocks. (M) 12.10am Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures. (PG)

12.30pm Fantasy Homes By The Sea. 1.30 Escape To The Country. 2.30 Original Features. 3.30 Storage Hoarders. (PG) 4.30 World’s Strictest Parents. (PG) 5.30 Air Crash Investigation. (PG) 6.30 Motorway Patrol. (PG) 7.00 A Very British Airline. (PG) 8.30 Escape To The Country. 9.30 Escape To The Continent. 10.45 Before And After. 11.15 World’s Strictest Parents. (PG) 12.15am Air Crash Investigation. (PG)

12pm Sonic Boom. (PG) 12.30 SpongeBob. 1.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 1.30 Wild Kratts. 2.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 2.30 Little Charmers. 3.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 3.30 Teen Titans. (PG) 4.00 Yo-Kai. (PG) 4.30 Power Rangers Dino. (PG) 5.00 Ben 10. (PG) 5.30 Tom And Jerry. 6.00 Batman. (PG) 6.30 Movie: Lemony Snicket’s A Series Of Unfortunate Events. (2004, PG) 8.45 MOVIE: Sucker Punch. (2011, M) 11.00 Movie: Dorian Gray. (2009, MA15+)

12pm Moments Of Impact. (PG) 1.00 Undercover Boss. (PG) 2.00 4WD Touring Australia. 3.00 World Sport. 3.25 Star Trek: The Next Generation. (PG) 4.25 Megastructures Breakdown. 5.30 Adventure Angler. 6.00 Family Feud: Sunday. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 CSI: Cyber. (M) 8.30 Meganature. 9.30 MOVIE: Legendary. (2010, )

12.05pm Hindi News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Movie: Kirikou And The Sorceress. (1998) 2.25 A Cautionary Tail. 2.40 Benidorm Bastards. 3.30 Lily Cole’s Art Matters. 4.30 We Are Young. 5.35 The Brain: China. 7.30 If You Are The One. 8.30 Fameless. (PG) 8.55 Drunk History. (M) 9.20 South Park. (M) 9.50 Uncle. (M) 10.25 Scarlet Road: A Sex Worker’s Journey. (M) 11.25 Sex: An Unnatural History. 11.55 In Her Skin.

12.15pm Children’s Programs. 4.00 Camp Lakebottom. 4.25 Grojband. 4.45 The Flamin’ Thongs. 5.00 Roy. 5.30 Little Lunch. 6.00 Fungus The Bogeyman. (PG) 6.45 Matilda And The Ramsay Bunch. 7.00 Wallace And Gromit: A Close Shave. 7.30 The New Adventures Of Figaro Pho. 7.40 Deadly 60. 8.05 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (PG) 9.10 Heartland. (PG) 9.55 Good Game: Pocket Edition. (PG) 10.05 Rage. (PG)

12pm Hook, Line And Sinker. (PG) 12.30 The AFN Fishing Show. (PG) 1.00 Fishing Western Australia. (PG) 1.30 Mark Berg’s Fishing Addiction. (PG) 2.30 AFL Pre-Game Show. 3.00 Football. AFL. Round 1. Port Adelaide v St Kilda. 6.00 MOVIE: Jaws 2. (1978, PG) 8.30 MOVIE: K-19: The Widowmaker. (2002, M) 11.30 Family Guns. (M)

12pm The Garden Gurus. 12.30 Getaway. (PG) 1.00 Movie: The Anniversary. (1968, PG) 3.00 Movie: Never So Few. (1959, PG) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. 6.30 Are You Being Served? (PG) 7.10 As Time Goes By. 8.30 MOVIE: My Big Fat Greek Wedding. (2002, PG) 10.30 Rizzoli & Isles. (M) 11.25 Absolutely Fabulous. (PG) 12.05am Getaway. (PG)

12pm Family Ties. (PG) 1.00 Cheers. (PG) 2.00 Frasier. (PG) 3.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG) 4.00 King Of Queens. (PG) 5.00 Becker. (PG) 5.30 Angel From Hell. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud: Sunday. 6.30 Rules Of Engagement. (PG) 7.30 Futurama. (PG) 8.00 The Simpsons. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Baggage Claim. (2013, M) 10.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG) 11.30 King Of Queens. (PG)

12pm News. 12.30 The Drum Weekly. 1.00 News. 1.30 Landline. 2.00 News. 2.30 One Plus One. 3.00 News. 3.30 Australia Wide. 4.00 News. 4.30 The Mix. 5.00 News. 5.30 Catalyst. 6.00 News. 6.30 Foreign Correspondent. 7.00 News. 7.30 Australia Wide. 8.00 IQ2. 9.00 ABC News. 9.30 One Plus One. 10.00 News. 10.30 The Mix. 11.00 News. 11.30 Conflict Zone. (PG)


ABC2 (ch 22)

ABC3 (ch 23)


7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

WIN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 80)

12.30pm Come Dine With Me UK. (PG)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)

March 27

ABC (ch 2)

ABC2 (ch 22)

ABC3 (ch 23)

PRIME7 (ch 6)

PRIME7 (ch 6)

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

WIN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 80)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)



March 28

12pm News. 1.00 The Royal (ch 2) Edinburgh Military Tattoo. 2.50 The Cook And The Chef. 3.20 The Bill. (PG) 4.10 Murder, She Wrote. (PG) 5.00 News. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Antiques Roadshow. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Australian Story. 8.30 Four Corners. 9.20 Media Watch. (PG) 9.35 Q&A. 10.40 Lateline. 11.10 The Business. 11.30 Golf. PGA Tour. Puerto Rico Open. Highlights. 12.25am Miniseries: Labyrinth. (M)

12pm MOVIE: Emma. (1996, PG) 2.30 The Zoo. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 My Kitchen Rules. (PG) 9.00 Downton Abbey. (PG) 10.00 Castle. (M) 11.00 Grey’s Anatomy. (M) 12am World’s Strictest Parents. (PG)

12pm WIN News. 1.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 2.00 Extra. 2.30 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 News Now. 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.30 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 Nine News. 7.00 WIN News. 7.30 Reno Rumble. (PG) 9.00 Tyke: Elephant Outlaw. 10.00 Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners: Country House Rescue. (PG) 11.00 Underbelly: Squizzy. (M) 12am WIN News.

12pm Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 To Be Advised. 2.00 Ent. Tonight. 2.30 Everyday Gourmet. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Ben’s Menu. 4.00 Good Chef Bad Chef. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG) 5.00 TEN Eyewitness News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 All-Star Family Feud. 8.30 2015 Melbourne International Comedy Festival Gala. (M) 10.30 Elementary. (M) 11.30 The Project.

12pm Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 Al Jazeera. 2.00 André Rieu: Live In Maastricht 2015. 3.00 The Lakes. 3.30 The World From Above. 4.00 Coast. (PG) 5.00 Living Black. 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Food Safari. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 The Brain With David Eagleman. (PG) 8.35 Royal Navy School. 10.35 SBS World News Late Edition. 11.05 Romanzo Criminale. (MA15+)

12pm Children’s Programs. 6.00 Charlie And Lola. 6.15 Peter Rabbit. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.40 Ben And Holly. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. 7.30 Doctor Who. (PG) 8.15 Doctor Who: Confidential. 8.30 The Most Hated Family In America. (M) 9.30 Ross Kemp: Extreme World. (M) 10.15 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 11.00 Movie: March Of The Penguins. (2005, G) 11.50 Doctor Who. (PG) 12.20am Doctor Who: Confidential.

12pm Dr Oz. (PG) 1.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 1.30 RSPCA Animal Rescue. 2.00 Beach Volleyball. Asian C’ships. Men’s and women’s final. 4.00 Surf Patrol. 4.30 60 Minute Makeover. (PG) 5.30 Homes Under The Hammer. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Cities Of The Underworld. (PG) 8.30 A Touch Of Frost. (M) 10.30 Waking The Dead. (M) 11.45 Bargain Hunt.

12pm Ben 10. 12.30 Batman. 1.00 Power Rangers. 1.30 Yo-Kai. 2.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! 2.30 SpongeBob. 3.00 Wild Kratts. 3.30 Power Rangers Dino. 4.00 Kids’ WB. 4.05 Looney Tunes. 4.30 Batman. 5.00 Ben 10. 5.30 Teen Titans. (PG) 6.00 Regular Show. (PG) 6.30 Adv Time. (PG) 7.00 The Middle. (PG) 7.30 Auction Hunters. (PG) 8.00 Top Gear. (PG) 9.20 MOVIE: Body Of Lies. (2008, MA15+) 12am Beware The Batman.

12pm RPM GP. 12.30 RPM. 1.30 World Sport. 2.00 MacGyver. (PG) 3.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.00 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Undercover Boss. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: The Peacemaker. (1997, M) 11.00 The Comedians. (M) 11.30 Super Rugby Extra Time.

12.05pm Hindi News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Urdu News. 1.30 Tamil News. 2.00 Thai News. 2.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 3.00 Bangla News. 3.30 Romanian News. 4.00 Dara Ó Briain: School Of Hard Sums. 4.40 Vs Arashi. 5.35 If You Are The One. 6.35 Flight 920. 7.30 The Feed. 8.00 Phone Shop Idol. 8.35 UnREAL. 9.20 Starting From… Now! 9.50 MOVIE: Safety Not Guaranteed. (2012) 11.25 MOVIE: A Teacher. (2013)

12.15pm Children’s Programs. 4.20 Endangered Species. (PG) 4.30 Danger Mouse. 4.45 Studio 3. 4.50 Slugterra. 5.10 Roy. 5.40 Little Lunch. 6.00 Fungus The Bogeyman. (PG) 6.45 Matilda And The Ramsay Bunch. 7.00 Wallace And Gromit: The Wrong Trousers. 7.30 The New Adventures Of Figaro Pho. 7.40 Deadly 60. 8.05 Adv Time. 8.30 Open Heart. (PG) 8.50 Heartland. (PG) 9.35 Rage. (PG) 10.40 Close.

12pm Athletics. Stawell Gift. 2.30 AFL Pre-Game Show. 3.00 Football. AFL. Round 1. Geelong v Hawthorn. 6.00 American Restoration. (PG) 6.30 MythBusters. (PG) 7.30 Pawn Stars. (PG) 8.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 9.30 Family Guy. (M) 10.00 American Dad! (M) 10.30 Tattoo Nightmares. (M) 12am Talking Footy.

12pm Antiques Roadshow. 1.00 MOVIE: Isn’t Life Wonderful! (1954, G) 2.40 Come Dine With Me UK. (PG) 3.10 As Time Goes By. 4.30 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 5.30 Gilmore Girls. (PG) 6.30 Friends. (PG) 7.30 A Current Affair. 8.00 Border Rico. (PG) 8.30 David Attenborough’s Secrets Of Wild India. 9.30 Southern Justice. (M) 10.30 Death Row Stories. (M) 11.30 Spooks. (M)

12pm Frasier. (PG) 1.00 JAG. (PG) 2.00 Becker. (PG) 2.30 How I Met Your Mother. (PG) 3.00 Infomercials. (PG) 3.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG) 4.00 King Of Queens. (PG) 5.00 Frasier. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 The Simpsons. 7.30 How I Met Your Mother. (PG) 8.00 Fresh Off The Boat. (PG) 8.30 Supernatural. 9.30 Damien. (MA15+) 10.30 Medium. (M) 11.30 James Corden.

12pm News. 1.00 Capital Hill. 2.00 ABC News. 3.00 ABC News Afternoons. 4.00 ABC News With The Business. 5.00 ABC News With Grandstand. 5.55 ABC Open. 6.00 ABC News. 6.30 The Drum. 7.00 ABC News Evenings With Grandstand. 8.00 ABC News With The Business. 9.00 ABC News. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 News. 11.30 7.30.

12pm News. 1.00 Broadchurch. (M) (ch 2) 1.50 Antiques Roadshow. 2.50 The Cook And The Chef. 3.20 The Bill. (PG) 4.10 Murder, She Wrote. (PG) 5.00 News. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Antiques Roadshow. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Catalyst. (PG) 8.30 Keeping Australia Alive. (PG) 9.30 Foreign Correspondent. 10.00 Creatives. (M) 10.30 Lateline. 11.00 The Business. 11.20 Q&A. 12.25am Australia On Trial. (M)

12pm MOVIE: Vows Of Deception. (1996, M) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 My Kitchen Rules. (PG) 9.00 Seven Year Switch. (M) 10.00 Best Bits. (PG) 10.30 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell. (M) 11.30 Quantico. (M)

12pm WIN’s All Australian News. 1.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 2.00 Extra. 2.30 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 News Now. 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.30 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 Nine News. 7.00 WIN News. 7.30 Reno Rumble. (PG) 8.40 MOVIE: Knight And Day. (2010, M) 11.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. (M) 12am WIN News.

12pm Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 To Be Advised. 2.00 Ent. Tonight. 2.30 Everyday Gourmet. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Ben’s Menu. 4.00 GCBC. 4.30 Bold. (PG) 5.00 TEN Eyewitness News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 8.00 Territory Cops. (PG) 8.30 NCIS. 9.30 NCIS: Los Angeles. (M) 11.30 The Project.

12pm WorldWatch. 2.00 Wagner’s Ring: A Tale Told In Music. 2.40 Bruce Lee Played Badminton Too. 3.00 Tracks And Trails. 3.30 Pleasure And Pain. (PG) 4.30 Wildest Islands. 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Food Safari. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 Great Continental Railway Journeys. (PG) 8.30 Soccer. FIFA World Cup 2018 Qualifier. Australia v Jordan. 11.15 SBS World News Late Edition. 11.30 Miniseries: The Heavy Water War.

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.35 Hey Duggee. 5.40 Peppa Pig. 5.50 Fireman Sam. 6.00 Charlie And Lola. 6.15 Peter Rabbit. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.40 Ben And Holly. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Doctor Who. (PG) 8.15 Doctor Who: Confidential. 8.30 Good Game. 9.00 Peep Show. (M) 9.25 Banged Up Abroad. (MA15+) 10.15 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 10.55 Ross Kemp: Extreme World. (M) 11.40 The Audience.

12pm Dr Oz. (PG) 1.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 1.30 RSPCA Animal Rescue. 2.00 Surf Patrol. 2.30 Dealers. (PG) 3.30 Property Ladder. (PG) 4.30 60 Minute Makeover. (PG) 5.30 Homes Under The Hammer. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Pie In The Sky. (PG) 8.30 The Last Detective. (M) 10.10 Blue Murder. (M) 11.25 Bargain Hunt. 12.25am Homes Under The Hammer.

12pm Ben 10. 12.30 Batman. (PG) 1.00 Power Rangers. (PG) 1.30 Yo-Kai. (PG) 2.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 2.30 SpongeBob. 3.00 Wild Kratts. 3.30 Rabbids. (PG) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 Looney Tunes. 4.30 Batman. (PG) 5.00 Ben 10. (PG) 5.30 Teen Titans. (PG) 6.00 Regular Show. (PG) 6.30 Adv Time. (PG) 7.00 The Middle. (PG) 7.30 Auction Hunters. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Maverick. (1994, PG) 11.00 To Be Advised. 12am Beware The Batman.

12pm Matlock. (M) 1.00 Nash Bridges. (M) 2.00 MacGyver. (PG) 3.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 4.00 Super Rugby Extra Time. 5.00 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 48 Hours. (M) 8.30 MOVIE: A Few Good Men. (1992, M) 11.15 Tyrant. (MA15+)

12.05pm Hindi News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Urdu News. 1.30 Tamil News. 2.00 Thai News. 2.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 3.00 Bangla News. 3.30 Nepali News. 4.00 The Feed. 4.30 Bino. (PG) 4.45 Vs Arashi. 5.40 If You Are The One. 6.40 Flight 920. 7.30 The Feed. 8.00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine. (PG) 8.30 50 Ways To Kill Your Mammy. 9.20 Vikings. 10.15 Skint. (MA15+) 11.10 South Park. 11.35 The Feed. 12.05am Lost Girl.

12pm Children’s Programs. 3.55 Dragons: Riders Of Berk. 4.20 Miraculous Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir. 4.40 Studio 3. 4.45 Endangered Species. 4.55 Danger Mouse. 5.10 Slugterra. 5.30 Annoying Orange. 5.45 News On 3. 5.50 Eve. 6.20 Mortified. 6.50 News On 3. 7.00 The Adventures Of Merlin. (PG) 7.45 Deadly 60. 8.15 Adv Time. 8.35 Open Heart. 9.00 Heartland. (PG) 9.40 Rage. (PG) 10.45 Close.

12pm S.W.A.T. (PG) 1.00 T.J. Hooker. (PG) 2.30 Alaska Wing Men. (PG) 3.30 Canadian Pickers. (PG) 4.30 American Restoration. (PG) 5.30 American Pickers. (PG) 6.30 MythBusters. (PG) 7.30 Highway Patrol. (PG) 8.00 Motorway Patrol. (PG) 8.30 Counting Cars. (PG) 9.30 American Daredevils. 10.30 Strangest Weather On Earth. (PG) 11.30 1000 Ways To Die. (MA15+) 12am Alaska Wing Men. (PG)

12pm Big Body Squad. (PG) 1.00 MOVIE: Warlords Of Atlantis. (1978, PG) 3.00 Come Dine With Me UK. (PG) 3.30 David Attenborough’s Secrets Of Wild India. 4.30 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 5.30 Gilmore Girls. (PG) 6.30 Friends. (PG) 7.30 A Current Affair. 8.00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot. (PG) 9.10 House Of Cards. (M) 11.30 Silent Witness. (MA15+)

12pm Judging Amy. 1.00 JAG. 2.00 Becker. 2.30 How I Met Your Mother. 3.00 Infomercials. 3.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. 4.00 King Of Queens. 5.00 Frasier. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 The Simpsons. (PG) 7.30 How I Met Your Mother. (PG) 8.00 Rules Of Engagement. (PG) 8.30 The Graham Norton Show. (M) 9.30 Love Island. (M) 10.30 Sex And The City. (M) 11.50 James Corden.

12pm News. 1.00 Capital Hill. 2.00 ABC News. 3.00 ABC News Afternoons. 4.00 ABC News With The Business. 5.00 ABC News With Grandstand. 5.55 ABC Open. 6.00 ABC News. 6.30 The Drum. 7.00 ABC News Evenings With Grandstand. 8.00 ABC News With The Business. 9.00 ABC News. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 News. 11.30 7.30.


ABC2 (ch 22)

ABC3 (ch 23)


ABC2 (ch 22)


7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

WIN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 80)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)

March 29


ABC3 (ch 23)

PRIME7 (ch 6)

PRIME7 (ch 6)

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

WIN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 80)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)


March 30

12pm News. 12.30 Press Club. 1.30 (ch 2) Jennifer Byrne Presents. 2.00 Antiques Roadshow. 3.00 The Cook And The Chef. 3.20 The Bill. 4.10 Murder, She Wrote. 5.00 News. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Antiques Roadshow. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery. 8.30 The Weekly. 9.00 Luke Warm Sex. 9.30 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. 10.20 Lateline. 10.50 The Business. 11.10 Four Corners. 11.55 Media Watch.

12pm MOVIE: Sudden Terror: The Hijacking Of School Bus #17. (1996, M) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 My Kitchen Rules. (PG) 9.00 Criminal Minds. (M) 10.00 Blindspot. (M) 11.00 Marvel’s Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. (M) 12am Parenthood. (M)

12pm WIN’s All Australian News. 1.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 2.00 Extra. 2.30 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 News Now. 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.30 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 Nine News. 7.00 WIN News. 7.30 Reno Rumble. (PG) 8.40 The NRL Footy Show. (M) 10.40 Fugitive: Black Ops. (M) 11.35 Anger Management. (M) 12am Cricket. ICC Twenty20 World Cup. First semi-final.

12pm Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 To Be Advised. 2.00 Entertainment Tonight. 2.30 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Ben’s Menu. 4.00 Good Chef Bad Chef. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG) 5.00 TEN Eyewitness News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 Long Lost Family. 8.30 MOVIE: The Heat. (2013, M) 10.50 Hawaii Five-0. (M) 11.50 The Project.

12pm WorldWatch. 1.00 Soccer. FIFA World Cup 2018 Qualifier. Australia v Jordan. Replay. 3.00 Being Elmo. 4.25 Hummingbirds: Jewelled Messengers. 5.25 Letters And Numbers. 5.55 Food Safari Fire: Bitesize. 6.00 Food Safari. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.35 Walking Through History. 8.30 24 Hours In Emergency. (M) 9.30 Vikings. 10.25 SBS World News Late Edition. 12.05am MOVIE: The Road. (2009)

12pm Children’s Programs. 6.00 Charlie And Lola. 6.15 Peter Rabbit. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.40 Ben And Holly. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Doctor Who. (PG) 8.15 Doctor Who: Confidential. 8.30 Hunted. (M) 9.20 Bodyshockers: Nips, Tucks And Tattoos. (M) 10.10 Tattoo Disasters UK. (M) 10.30 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 11.15 Banged Up Abroad. (MA15+) 12am Don’t Just Stand There, I’m Having Your Baby. (M)

12pm Dr Oz. (PG) 1.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 1.30 RSPCA Animal Rescue. 2.00 Surf Patrol. 2.30 Dealers. (PG) 3.30 Property Ladder. (PG) 4.30 60 Minute Makeover. (PG) 5.30 Homes Under The Hammer. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Jonathan Creek. (M) 8.30 Lewis. (M) 10.30 Air Crash Investigation. (PG) 11.30 Bargain Hunt.

12pm Ben 10. 12.30 Batman. 1.00 Power Rangers. 1.30 Yo-Kai. 2.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! 2.30 SpongeBob. 3.00 Wild Kratts. 3.30 Rabbids. 4.00 Kids’ WB. 4.05 Looney Tunes. 4.30 Batman. 5.00 Ben 10. 5.30 Teen Titans. (PG) 6.00 Regular Show. (PG) 6.30 Adv Time. (PG) 7.00 The Middle. (PG) 7.30 Baggage Battles. (PG) 8.00 Storage Hunters. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: The Legend Of Hercules. (2014, M) 10.30 MOVIE: Get Carter. (2000, M)

12pm Matlock. (M) 1.00 Nash Bridges. (M) 2.00 MacGyver. (PG) 3.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.00 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 David Attenborough’s Planet Earth. (PG) 8.30 Megastructures Breakdown. 9.30 Moments Of Impact. (PG) 10.30 Gordon Ramsay’s Hell’s Kitchen. (MA15+) 11.30 Sons Of Anarchy. (MA15+)

12.05pm Hindi News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Urdu News. 1.30 Tamil News. 2.00 Thai News. 2.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 3.00 Bangla News. 3.30 African News. 4.00 The Feed. 4.30 Urban Freestyler. 4.40 Vs Arashi. 5.40 If You Are The One. 6.40 10,000 BC. (PG) 7.35 The Feed. 8.05 Brooklyn Nine-Nine. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Into The Night. (1985, M) 10.40 MOVIE: Red Dawn. (1984, M)

12pm Children’s Programs. 4.20 Miraculous Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir. 4.40 Studio 3. 4.45 Endangered Species. 4.55 Danger Mouse. 5.10 Slugterra. 5.30 Annoying Orange. 5.45 News On 3. 5.50 Gortimer Gibbon’s Life On Normal Street. 6.20 Mortified. 6.50 News On 3. 7.00 The Adventures Of Merlin. (PG) 7.45 Deadly 60. 8.15 Adv Time. (PG) 8.35 Open Heart. (PG) 9.00 Heartland. 9.40 Rage. (PG) 10.45 Close.

12pm S.W.A.T. (PG) 1.00 T.J. Hooker. (PG) 2.00 Alaska Wing Men. (PG) 3.00 Auction Kings. (PG) 3.30 Canadian Pickers. (PG) 4.30 American Restoration. (PG) 5.30 American Pickers. (PG) 6.30 MythBusters. (PG) 7.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 8.30 Pawn Stars. (PG) 9.30 Hardcore Pawn. (M) 10.30 Barter Kings. (PG) 11.30 Beverly Hills Pawn. (PG) 12am Alaska Wing Men. (PG)

12pm 16 Kids And Counting. (PG) 1.00 MOVIE: The Big Job. (1965, G) 2.50 Come Dine With Me UK. (PG) 3.20 Agatha Christie’s Poirot. (PG) 4.30 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 5.30 Gilmore Girls. (PG) 6.30 Friends. (PG) 7.30 A Current Affair. 8.00 New Tricks. (M) 9.10 Midsomer Murders. (M) 11.20 The Mysteries Of Laura. (M) 12.20am Friends. (PG)

12pm Judging Amy. 1.00 JAG. 2.00 Becker. 2.30 How I Met Your Mother. 3.00 Infomercials. 3.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. 4.00 King Of Queens. 5.00 Frasier. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 The Simpsons. (PG) 7.30 How I Met Your Mother. (PG) 8.00 Futurama. (PG) 8.30 The Simpsons. (PG) 9.00 Bordertown. (M) 9.30 Futurama. (PG) 10.00 Bob’s Burgers. (M) 11.00 Duckman. 11.30 James Corden.

12pm News. 12.30 Press Club. 1.30 Capital Hill. 2.00 News. 3.00 ABC News Afternoons. 4.00 The Business. 5.00 Grandstand. 5.55 ABC Open. 6.00 ABC News. 6.30 The Drum. 7.00 ABC News Evenings With Grandstand. 8.00 ABC News With The Business. 9.00 ABC News. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 News. 11.30 7.30.


ABC2 (ch 22)

ABC3 (ch 23)


PRIME7 (ch 6)

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

WIN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 80)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)

March 31

12pm News. 1.00 Broadchurch. (M) (ch 2) 1.50 Antiques Roadshow. 2.50 The Cook And The Chef. 3.20 The Bill. (PG) 4.10 Murder, She Wrote. (PG) 5.00 News. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Antiques Roadshow. 6.55 Clarke And Dawe. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Hatch, Match And Dispatch. 8.30 Janet King. (M) 9.30 No Offence. (MA15+) 10.20 Lateline. 10.50 The Business. 11.05 Kids On Speed? (M) 12.05am Comedy Up Late. (MA15+)

12pm MOVIE: Murder At My Door. (1996, M) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 8.30 Great Gardens Of The World. (PG) 9.30 MOVIE: Bad Teacher. (2011, M) 11.30 The Goldbergs. (PG) 12am Grey’s Anatomy. (M)

12pm WIN’s All Australian News. 1.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 2.00 Extra. 2.30 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 News Now. 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.30 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 Nine News. 7.00 WIN News. 7.30 Rugby League. NRL. Round 5. Manly Sea Eagles v South Sydney Rabbitohs. 10.30 Top Gear. (PG) 12am Cricket. ICC Twenty20 World Cup. Second semi-final.

12pm Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 To Be Advised. 2.00 Ent. Tonight. 2.30 Everyday Gourmet. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Ben’s Menu. 4.00 GCBC. 4.30 Bold. (PG) 5.00 TEN Eyewitness News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 8.00 Territory Cops. (PG) 8.30 Law & Order: SVU. (M) 9.30 Law & Order: SVU. 10.30 Blue Bloods. (M) 11.30 The Project.

2pm Acting Class Of 1977. (PG) 3.00 Living Black. 3.30 Henry VIII’s Enforcer: The Rise And Fall Of Thomas Cromwell. (PG) 4.30 The Secret History Of Our Streets. (PG) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Food Safari. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 Destination Flavour Scandinavia. 8.00 Gourmet Farmer. 8.30 Inside Heston’s World. (M) 9.30 The Last Panthers. (M) 10.30 SBS World News Late Edition. 11.55 MOVIE: Undertow. (2009)

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.40 Peppa Pig. 5.50 Fireman Sam. 6.00 Charlie And Lola. 6.15 Peter Rabbit. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.40 Ben And Holly. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Doctor Who. (PG) 8.20 Doctor Who: Confidential. 8.30 The Weekly. (M) 9.00 Episodes. (MA15+) 9.30 Buzzcocks. (PG) 10.00 Scrotal Recall. (M) 10.25 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 11.10 Live At The Apollo. (M) 11.55 The Audience.

12pm Dr Oz. (PG) 1.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 1.30 RSPCA Animal Rescue. 2.00 Surf Patrol. 2.30 Dealers. (PG) 3.30 Property Ladder. (PG) 4.30 60 Minute Makeover. (PG) 5.30 Homes Under The Hammer. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 The Vicar Of Dibley. (PG) 8.15 Keeping Up Appearances. (PG) 8.45 Murdoch Mysteries. (M) 10.45 Air Crash Investigation. (PG) 11.45 Bargain Hunt.

12pm Ben 10. 12.30 Batman. 1.00 Power Rangers. 1.30 Yo-Kai. 2.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! 2.30 SpongeBob. 3.00 Wild Kratts. 3.30 Rabbids. 4.00 Kids’ WB. 4.05 Looney Tunes. 4.30 Batman. 5.00 Ben 10. 5.30 Teen Titans. (PG) 6.00 Regular Show. (PG) 6.30 Adv Time. (PG) 7.00 The Middle. (PG) 7.30 Big Bang. (PG) 8.30 Survivor: Kaôh Rong. (PG) 9.30 MOVIE: Species. (1995, MA15+) 11.40 Two And A Half Men. 12.10am Beware The Batman.

12pm Matlock. (M) 1.00 Nash Bridges. (M) 2.00 MacGyver. (PG) 3.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.00 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Epic Meal Empire. (PG) 8.30 Brumbies TV. (PG) 9.05 MOVIE: Fright Night 2: New Blood. (2013, MA15+) 11.05 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG)

12.05pm Hindi News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Urdu News. 1.30 Tamil News. 2.00 Thai News. 2.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 3.00 Bangla News. 3.30 Somali News. 4.00 The Feed. 4.30 Polarised. 4.40 Vs Arashi. 5.40 If You Are The One. 6.40 10,000 BC. (PG) 7.30 The Feed. 8.00 Travel Man. 8.30 MythBusters. (PG) 9.30 Death Row. (M) 10.30 Murder Rap: Inside The Biggie And Tupac Murders. (M)

12pm Degrassi. (PG) 12.45 Girls In Love. 2.25 Children’s Programs. 3.30 Nerds And Monsters. 3.45 Flamin’ Thongs. 3.55 Dragons. 4.20 Ladybug. 4.40 Children’s Programs. 4.45 Endangered Species. 4.55 Danger Mouse. 5.10 Slugterra. 5.30 Annoying Orange. 5.45 News On 3. 5.50 Little Lunch. 6.05 Matilda. 6.20 Mortified. 7.00 Merlin. (PG) 7.45 Deadly 60. 8.15 Adv Time. 8.35 Open Heart. (PG) 9.00 Heartland. (PG) 9.40 Rage. (PG) 10.45 Close.

12pm S.W.A.T. (PG) 1.00 T.J. Hooker. (PG) 2.00 Alaska Wing Men. (PG) 3.00 Auction Kings. (PG) 3.30 American Restoration. (PG) 4.30 American Pickers. (PG) 6.30 MythBusters. (PG) 7.30 World’s Craziest Fools. (PG) 8.00 Surveillance Oz. (PG) 8.30 Storage Wars. (PG) 9.30 Baggage Battles. (PG) 10.30 America’s Hardest Prisons. (M) 11.45 Alaska Wing Men. (PG)

12pm Secret Dealers. (PG) 1.00 MOVIE: So Little Time. (1952, PG) 2.50 GEM Presents. 3.00 Come Dine With Me UK. (PG) 3.30 Amazing Medical Stories: World’s Heaviest Man Gets Married. (PG) 4.30 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 5.30 Gilmore Girls. (PG) 6.30 Friends. (PG) 7.30 ACA. 8.00 David Attenborough’s The Blue Planet. (PG) 9.10 MOVIE: Navy Seals. (1990, M) 11.30 Blackadder II. (PG) 12.10am Secret Dealers. (PG)

12pm Judging Amy. 1.00 JAG. 2.00 Becker. 2.30 How I Met Your Mother. 3.00 Infomercials. 3.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. 4.00 King Of Queens. 5.00 Frasier. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 The Simpsons. (PG) 7.30 How I Met Your Mother. (PG) 8.00 New Girl. (M) 8.30 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. (PG) 9.30 Empire. 10.30 You’re The Worst. (MA15+) 11.00 Sex And The City. 11.40 James Corden.

12pm News. 1.00 Capital Hill. 2.00 ABC News. 3.00 ABC News Afternoons. 4.00 ABC News With The Business. 5.00 ABC News With Grandstand. 5.55 ABC Open. 6.00 ABC News. 6.30 The Drum. 7.00 ABC News Evenings With Grandstand. 8.00 ABC News With The Business. 9.00 ABC News. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 News. 11.30 7.30.


ABC2 (ch 22)

ABC3 (ch 23)

PRIME7 (ch 6)

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

WIN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 80)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)



Brain Busters 1.

Australian Formula One racing driver Daniel Ricciardo was born in which capital city?


Strangeways, Here We Come is the fourth and final studio album by which English band?


What is the fourth and final Sherlock Holmes novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle?


In physics, plasma is known as the fourth fundamental state of what?


The first human to journey into outer space was Russian cosmonaut Yuri who?

super sudoku To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: each of the nine vertical columns, each of the nine horizontal rows and each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes. Remember no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box.


The Brown Lady is a famous what?


From which country do the Smurfs originate?


What is the name of the epic poem describing Dante’s journey through Hell, Purgatory and Paradise?


Which Australian musician has released the albums Get Out While You Can and Blackbird?

10. Journalists and members of the press are referred to as members of the fourth what? No. 900


Crossword No.3488 ACROSS 1 Gipsies 9 Misaligned 10 Lend money at interest 12 Tiny spots 13 Consequently (Latin) 14 Be quiet! (interjection) 15 Lift 18 Pitch 19 Most savage 22 Small job 24 Versify 26 Place in quarantine 29 Emmet 30 Topmost joint of arm 33 Commercials (informal) 36 Cut (past participle) 37 Moved in a circular way 38 Aid in wrongdoing 39 Night 40 Commander-in-chief



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DOWN 2 Exclamation after error 3 Colours 4 Engraved

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No. 899

No. 900


Solve a sudoku, crack a crossword, test your trivia



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For personal readings, phone Francis on 9673 6321. Credit cards welcome. Francis Bevan direct 1902 264 063 or 24 hour line 1902 267 040 $5.50 per minute (higher pay-phone or mobile)..

Focus is Jessie J’s key word this year so she shouldn’t let herself be distracted by other people. Jessie needs to concentrate on doing one job at a time and she will surprise herself with all she accomplishes by May. Her best business and career months are May, June, August and October. On the love front Jessie will be heading for passion, she could very well meet her match after a passionate lunar eclipse in March.

Getty Images

in the

27 March 1988





Mars and Saturn are both in fiery, impulsive Aries and in favourable aspect with Uranus in Aries until 27 May. For the next few months, life will become exciting and adventurous. Now is the ideal time to tend to your diet and get plenty of rest.

When it comes to your romantic life, pay attention to small details and don't leave anything to chance as you make your next move towards love. Assume nothing. Remain meticulous as you woo with purpose.


LEO JUL 23 – AUG 23

As March is a universal number 3 month, it is a very busy and social time. Three is the number of creativity, ideas, discussions and communications. This is the right time resolve issues at work or at home. If you feel exhausted, take a good break away.

Don't let anxieties and jealous behaviour get out of control. The more tightly you hold onto a loved one, the more likely they are to long for freedom and independence. Even though change can be frustrating, it also opens up different perspectives that might never have crossed your mind.

With March being a universal number 3 month, bright colours are associated with the number 3 so listen to your creative instincts especially if you want to renovate your home or change your clothes and wardrobe. It’s also a great time to treat yourself to live theatre or music.

All throughout March, which is a very busy and social month, there are opportunities aplenty to get to know relatives and friends better and to allow you to cultivate new contacts and broaden your networks. Thoughtful gestures and kind favours from loved ones will mean the world to you.


Mars squares Neptune indicating a need to be careful of your temper, as any resentments with loved ones or colleagues will be more obvious than you'd like. Mars is a red hot planet and quickens your pace so be very careful of rushing around to avoid accidents.


Venus squares Saturn indicating that procrastination is dangerous. Taking your work problems out of the office will only lead to disruption of your much-needed harmony at home. Tackle issues before the end of the day. Be sure to consult your partner before making any radical changes to your home.

SAGITTARIUS NOV 23 – DEC 21 Mars in Sagittarius indicates a need to de-escalate any conflicts or at least put them off until tomorrow or even later! You've got the sense that people need to chill right now or things might get really bad. Uranus will provide unexpected breakthroughs.

PISCES FEB 20 – MAR 20 With the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Neptune in Pisces squaring off against sombre Saturn, this is the right time to sort out and fix any and all mistakes. Venus has aligned with Saturn and Pluto, presenting you with situations that require the utmost in patience and perseverance.

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There will be study and travel in the life of many this month; it will also be auspicious for meeting new people, discussing new ideas, being sociable and friendly with siblings, neighbours and relatives. A catch-up with people you rarely see will be a joy.


When Mars and Uranus align, romance becomes a no-holds-barred event. If you've ever needed the courage to do something especially romantic, this is your month! Planning for the future could slip into overdrive, but leave space for unexpected developments.



Trades & Services Guide INDEX

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My favourite things

PETER RABBIT “I love reading Beatrix Potter’s stories about that naughty little rabbit and the adventures he and his friends get into.”

TRAVELLING “I’m lucky because I get to travel all around the world for my job and visit lots of different places. I do love the beach though!”


Easter Bunny A folkloric figure, the Easter Bunny is a symbol of Easter. He brings children Easter eggs – but only if they’ve been good – for when they wake up on Easter Sunday. The Easter Bunny can be a bit tricky and loves to hide the coloured eggs around the house or garden for children to collect in their baskets. CHILDREN “Children are always so excited for me to visit! I usually keep out of the way, but it’s a lot of fun to watch them look for the Easter eggs I hide.”


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“I love to bring chocolate eggs to children – and sometimes I have one or two for myself as well! But don’t forget to brush your teeth after.”

CARROTS “Carrots are my favourite food. I love carrot cake, carrot stew, carrot dip – or even just munching on a fresh carrot straight from the garden!”


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