07 April 2016

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thursday 07 april 2016




‘a cherry on the compost heap’



lifestyle recipe for health

open homes p186

photographer breaking sound barriers

pages of hot property


for your



The Proclaimers doubles Lust Have It subscription Mother’s Day film passes Daddy’s Home DVDs cookbook bundle

harp for healing music therapy strikes a chord

kids’ holiday craft ideas

Canberra Weekly contents

thursday 07 april 2016

This week...

Ever noticed how the autumn light in Canberra has a quality like no other? The harsh summer sun has given way to a gentler glow, before it yields to the crisp light of winter. I recall driving to a mothers’ group meeting in a leafy inner suburb back in the mid-1990s. As we turned into a tree-lined avenue, the morning sun was shining through the golden leaves, washing the streetscape in honey. I safely slowed to a snail’s pace to prolong the moment. And for those curious readers who asked why the word ‘fall’ was used instead of autumn in a recent gardening column, it’s because it’s apt. Rather than being an Americanism, fall is an old English term originating in the 16th century or earlier which relates to the ‘fall of the leaf’ – fitting for Canberra this time of year, don’t you think? Reasons to be grateful this past week include lunch with a friend at sunny Green Square, vibrant community spirit at the Celebrate Gungahlin Festival, a fabulous night of fundraising and fun at the Ronald McDonald House Canberra ball, sensational theatre at Playhouse Creatures at The Q, excitement in the ActewAGL box as the Giants triumphed at Manuka Oval, viewing captivating cinema (Rams) with a friend, and my parents’ happy 57th wedding anniversary. - Julie Samaras

On the cover Time out Breaking sound barriers

The look Keeping it curvy

Home Craft for kids


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on the cover

Alison Ware is a therapeutic harpist at the Canberra Hospital. Photo Rachel Crampton Smith from Dandelion Kisses Photography. See cover story, page 16.


66 63

WIN 45 52 52 61 66

Foodie book bundle The Proclaimers doubles Mother’s Day film passes Lust Have It beauty subscription Daddy’s Home DVDs

Editor Julie Samaras

Suite 11, 285 Canberra Avenue, Fyshwick ACT 2609


Harp for healing

Getty Images

From the editor

16 46 54 62


Advertising Director Liz Makary

Contributing Editor Paul Bongiorno

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news An example of one the encapsulation methods for a Mr Fluffy house in Kambah, where 102 properties have been identified as part of the demolition program.

Sale process starts for remediated Mr Fluffy blocks he first 10 Mr Fluffy blocks in the ACT are set for sale with auctions to be held on 12 and 14 April. The Land Development Agency has appointed two sales agents to

market the blocks with Independent Property Group to sell blocks in the Inner South, Inner North and Belconnen, while Ray White will sell blocks in Tuggeranong, Weston Creek and Woden.

Meanwhile, the ACT Asbestos Response Taskforce is well into its role of removing Mr Fluffy and has now safely demolished 110 houses. Currently, Kambah is a key focus for the Taskforce’s engagement activities due to the suburb having the most Mr Fluffy properties at 102 houses, including 21 clusters where there are two or more properties grouped together. There will be significant demolition activity and rebuilding occurring across Kambah from this year right through to 2020 (35 houses are being demolished in 2016, followed by 30 in 2017, 21 in 2018 and more in the outer years). In terms of the demolition process, there have been some refinements to processes

and practices. For instance, there are a number of methods in which contractors are sealing properties to create negative air environments. To date, in many circumstances neighbours would have seen plastic sheeting placed on roofs and sealing of windows and vents to create such an environment. Another method being applied is the use of shrink wrap to encapsulate the entire house. In many cases the wrap goes to ground level. Each property is different, so the method of encapsulation will vary from house to house, ranging from the roof cavity alone to the entire affected house. All methods of encapsulation meet with WorkSafe ACT requirements.

Regarded as Australia’s greatest ever women’s basketballer and one of Australia’s top athletes, Lauren Jackson announced her retirement from the “love of my life” on Thursday 31 March. Jackson leaves behind a legacy as a four-time Olympic medallist with the Opals and an MVP on four continents. Although her desire to reach the Rio Olympic Games has been thwarted, she has confidence in the team’s abilities. “I truly believe they (the Opals) will achieve amazing things in Rio and it breaks my heart that I can’t be there but I will be there supporting them in spirit,” she said. Injury was the catalyst for the 34-year-old champion’s decision to retire. “Two years ago I hurt my knee playing in China. It wasn’t a terrible injury but enough that it required surgery,” she said. “I’d never had issues with my knees before so thought I’d be back playing pretty quickly.” However, her knee ended up degenerating quickly and multiple surgeries followed in a bid to get her back on court while further injuries added to the problem. “We had a meeting last week after I had scans done in Melbourne and the doctors basically said there is no way you can play on that knee … we thought there might have been another month or 6

so to keep going but the writing was on the wall.” Jackson admits “I’m not going out the way I wanted to go and I didn’t want my career cut short … but I’m grateful I got to achieve what I did in the sport”. Opals coach Brendan Joyce paid tribute to Jackson and said “I am the unlucky coach that is not going to have her at the Olympic Games after 20 years”. Discussing how you replace a player like Jackson, he said “you don’t replace them. You can’t replace the great ones. Two or three players will have to share the responsibility as there’s only one Lauren Jackson”. Making the international Under-20s side as a 14 year old and helping Australia to a silver medal at the 1997 World Junior Championships, Jackson was first called up to the Opals squad when she was 16. She was part of the successful Opals sides that won gold at the Commonwealth Games and World Championship in 2006 while some of her other achievements include three Olympic silvers (2000, 2004, 2008) and an Olympic bronze (2012). Jackson was also a highly successful player in the WNBA after the Seattle Storm selected her as the number one draft pick in 2001. - Allison Redman

Photo Gary Schafer

Injury cruels Jackson’s Rio bid

Champion athlete Lauren Jackson announces her retirement from basketball in Canberra on 31 March.

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capital hill ‘A cherry on a compost heap’ ove him or hate him, former Prime Minister Paul Keating has a way with words. At a Labor fundraiser in the Blue Mountains, Keating told the camp followers that Malcolm Turnbull would be hard for Labor to defeat “but he’s a cherry on a compost heap.” The one-liner brought the house down. It would only be appreciated by Labor types that see the Liberal Party always and everywhere as “a compost heap”. There are plenty of Liberals who have the same view of the Labor Party. The “rusted on” always think the worst of their opponents. It makes them feel better. Many a true word is spoken in jest. The fact is Turnbull – according to the opinion polls – is widely admired among Labor voters. He is a contemporary nationalist, liberal on social

issues, a successful businessman with a generous commitment to his fellow human beings. Many are aware of Turnbull’s personal philanthropy. The ascent of the smart and articulate Turnbull to the prime ministership last September sent shudders through Labor’s parliamentary ranks. But much of the early shine has dimmed. Last week’s shemozzle over state and territory income taxing powers just the latest example of a prime minister that seems to flit from one thought bubble to the next. Much of this week has been spent backtracking and revising very recent history. Part of the revision is describing Turnbull’s offer to hand back taxing powers as a cunning plan to flush out premiers and first ministers. We are now being led to believe that it was to end the blame game

and treat the states and territories with respect. But Treasurer Scott Morrison called it a “bluff”. This at the very least suggested bad faith on the part of the prime minister. Queensland’s premier Annastacia Palaszczuk thought the lack of detail, time and preparation was a dead giveaway. She in turn is being privately accused of telling the PM she didn’t want the burden of raising income taxes anyway. Everything is now hanging on Morrison’s first Budget on 3 May. It is becoming an eleventh hour operation for the government as the polls tighten and election day nears. Backbenchers are hoping it will all come together better than the tax debate has to date. With so much on their plate, the last thing the Liberals needed was for one of their more senior MPs, the dumped Defence


Minister, Kevin Andrews, to raise the leadership issue. The party is planning to run on a campaign of restoring stability to government. A vote for Labor’s Bill Shorten would give the nation its sixth prime minister in as many years. So why on earth would Andrews say he was willing to make a run for the leadership in the right circumstances? When asked to explain on Sky News he made matters worse: “At the present time Malcolm Turnbull is prime minister and will take us to the next election.” More compost than Turnbull needs.

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political capital Train debate struggles to stay on the rails hen I saw the headline, I did briefly check to make sure it wasn’t April 1, and I wasn’t being taken for a fool. It wasn’t, so the headline “ACT wants high speed rail to run to the airport, not to the city” was a legit story. I’m not saying re-routing the Very Fast Train (VFT) route from Civic to the airport is the stuff of fantasy; I was more surprised because the VFT was back in the news again. Making the airport Canberra’s hub makes a lot of sense, and will be a lot less expensive than the four kilometre tunnel planned for Mount Ainslie under the existing system. It would also open Canberra Airport up to more international flights, especially flights landing and taking off outside the Sydney curfew hours. A 64-minute journey from

Canberra Airport to the Sydney CBD would be a very attractive option. Is it any wonder though that the public grows tired of politicians? Years of talk about a VFT, about building a second airport at Badgery’s Creek, and what do we have to show for it? I’ve lamented before our politicians’ lack of courage, and how the changing media landscape will make it even less likely any political leader will ever take the ‘bold and fearless’ approach again. Witness the recent debate about tax reform. Does anyone really think any modern-day politician would take a decision to build a Very Fast Train? … Having said that, the list of those wishing the ACT Government had been a little less bold and fearless over the light rail plan grows longer by the day.

This week it was the Grattan Institute that was questioning the economic benefits of the project. These are far greater economic minds than mine. It is worrying that so many believe the project will be a millstone around the neck of ACT ratepayers for years to come. The Institute raises questions about using wider economic benefits as part of the project’s benefit-cost ratio. It is true, these benefits are almost impossible to measure. We might not see some of these ‘benefits’ for decades to come. But for any major infrastructure project, there will always be a list of ‘externalities’. Allowing politicians to measure these externalities is always going to lead to a fair amount of rubbery accounting. Do you measure the benefit of less car parking needed in the city,

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how do you measure the benefit of less pollution? And what about the cost to the environment of the trees you remove to build the project? And then you match that up with how much extra it is going to cost ratepayers to firstly build and then run the project? I don’t know the answer. I’m pretty certain if Shane Rattenbury did not hold the balance of power this project would not be happening. It doesn’t mean it’s not a good idea. It’s just that in the current political climate, when politicians of all persuasions don’t dare make a tough decision out of fear it will affect their standing in the polls, the light rail project is, in the words of Sir Humphrey Appleby, an extremely courageous decision.

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news Bushfire season ends


ushfire season came to a close in the ACT on Thursday 31 March. The ACT Emergency Services Agency (ESA) responded to a total of 114 vegetation fires since the start of the season on 1 October 2015. During the season, two total fire ban days were also declared. ACT ESA Acting Commissioner Conrad Barr

said ACT Rural Fire Service and Parks and Conservation Service firefighters will continue to undertake a range of hazard reduction burns over winter and into spring as weather conditions allow. Unless conditions warrant a change, the ACT bushfire season will recommence on 1 October 2016.

Police target speeding ACT Policing is targeting speeding motorists during the month of April as part of its joint multi-agency road safety strategy. Last year, ACT Policing caught 6,009 drivers speeding in the ACT and saw 15 deaths on the roads. “Many fatal and serious traffic collision that occur on Canberra roads each year are directly attributable to motorists who exceed the posted speed limit,” Officer-in-Charge Traffic Operations, Station Sergeant Susie Ball said. “Sadly, in 2016 we have already seen two deaths on our roads.”

ACT Policing are actively conducting targeted operations to enforce the speed limit. Motorists caught speeding will face fines ranging from a minimum of $203 and one demerit point to more than $1,811 and six demerit points for each offence. “We are urging the community to slow down on our roads; they are not racetracks,” Station Sergeant Ball said. “Speeding is a choice. We are urging everyone to make the choice every day to adhere to the speed limit and save lives.”

Bulk billing clinic opens in Macquarie The National Health Co‐op’s (NHC) newest clinic in Macquarie was officially opened on Monday 4 April, adding four General Practitioners and a Practice Nurse to the co‐op’s expanding clinical team. The Macquarie clinic is the second of four new clinics for the Canberra region and is the result of a relationship between the NHC and Service One.

Special smoke alarms aid hearing-impaired Specialised smoke alarms will be installed for free in the homes of deaf and hearing impaired Canberrans. Minister for Police and Emergency Services Simon Corbell said that in conjunction with the ACT Deafness Resource Centre, ACT Fire & Rescue has been able to secure specialised smoke alarms that will be distributed and installed for free this month. He said up to 25 homes have been identified by the Deafness Resource Centre, whose residents aged over 65 do not qualify for support under the National Disability Insurance Scheme. The special smoke alarms have a device that is placed under a pillow or bed and when set off vibrates to wake residents, who are then further alerted by a flashing strobe light. 12

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Gungahlin celebrates

Over 5,000 people attended the Celebrate Gungahlin Festival on Saturday 2 April between 8.30am and 3pm. Gungahlin Town Park was packed with 75 stalls, up from 48 last year, and 20 different community groups and entertainers performed for the crowds throughout the day.

Transport costs a concern Research suggests increasing transport costs are blowing out the budgets of low income households in Canberra. The ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) has released its 2016 Cost of Living Report, which this year focuses on the costs of transport in Canberra. The research finds that Canberra has the second highest expenditure on transport amongst capital cities in the country. Darwin, the city with the highest transport expenditure is $233.78, with Canberra only marginally behind on $232.23. These two cities are considerably higher than the others with the average weekly figure of all capital cities being $194.44. In terms of the proportion of household income expended on transport, Canberra sits at third

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highest, spending 15.1% of weekly expenditure, behind Darwin and Melbourne. ACTCOSS Director Susan Helyar said even though some transport costs have decreased – primarily lower fuel prices and lower prices for new cars – there have been increases in the Consumer Price Index for car maintenance, spare parts and accessories. “Our research also shows that registration and insurance costs, MyWay fares and taxi fares have also all increased over the longer term. “This pattern of price changes means low income households are more likely to experience cost increases and we know they are less likely to be able to absorb these costs in an already stretched household budget.”

This year’s Ronald McDonald House Canberra charity gala ball was a resounding success with over $400,000 raised for the organisation. The masquerade ball, held at the National Convention Centre on Saturday 2 April, attracted over 900 people with the event emceed by Larry Emdur and featuring live performances by Anthony Callea. As at 12.30pm on Tuesday 5 April, $417,447 had been raised from the event with the final result still being tallied. Funds raised will go towards providing care and accommodation for families of seriously ill children at The Canberra Hospital.

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cover story A referral system is now in place for Alison Ware’s therapeutic harp services across the Canberra Hospital. Research has shown that music can alleviate anxiety, promote relaxation, provide distraction and allow deep rest. Photo courtesy the Canberra Hospital Foundation.


ich, warm musical notes fill the air, bringing with them calm and relaxation. Combined with balmy sunlight filtering through the windows, it would be easy to be lulled to sleep. As skilful fingers gently pluck harp strings, there is a healing quality to the music produced by Alison Ware, a therapeutic harpist at the Canberra Hospital.


“Music can help in all sorts of ways,” she says. “You gauge what they (the patient) may need and you know within five minutes if the music is right because they will take a breath and relax into the bed.” According to Alison, who has a background in nursing, music has the ability to reduce anxiety, enhance a hospital stay and augment

pain management. A therapeutic harpist for about eight years, Alison says her involvement stemmed from an initial interest in the harp. “I always wanted to learn the harp and never had the opportunity. I saw a ‘try a harp’ workshop in Sydney, went along and loved it.” From there, Alison found out about a harp program in hospitals and started training. “This is my work now and I am very passionate about it because I can see it makes a difference to patients,” she says. Alison’s passion for the harp also had an effect on her husband who found a new talent building them. “They were very expensive at the time (I started) and my husband said he’d have a try. He built me the most beautiful harp … and he found he was good at building them.” He has since made about 17 harps. (continued page 18)

cover story (from page 16) Alison runs the therapeutic harp program at the Canberra Hospital, which was established in 2012. The program is supported by the Canberra Hospital Foundation and benefits a wide range of patients across the health service including the Canberra Region Cancer Centre and inpatient areas, the Centenary Hospital for Women and Children, as well as patients throughout the wards at Canberra Hospital. Once a week, Alison also works with a volunteer hand and foot massage therapist, providing a special service of music and massage. Denise Lamb, Executive Director of Cancer, Ambulatory and Community Health Support at Canberra Hospital, says they are fortunate to have Alison’s services within the Canberra Region Cancer Centre and inpatient areas. “Recently Alison has commenced playing in the atrium of the Centre,

bringing her talents to a wider audience, and the music fills the Centre with a sense of calmness and serenity for patients, carers, visitors and staff,” she says. “Her aptitude of working with patients is widely appreciated and valued, and the Centre is looking to expand the reach of the program in the coming months, working in new and innovative ways to support patients and carers with new programs through the harp program.” A complementary therapy, Alison says patients have nothing to do but sit back and relax to the soothing sounds. Time spent with patients varies from as little as 10 minutes to 45 as “it depends on what the patient needs and fitting into the hospital routine”. “Sometimes we’ll talk, sometimes we’ll play music. It is really patient centred. I take cues from the person in front of me.” Alison plays four different harps

in the hospital setting, each offering different sounds and portability, with her services suitable for everyone, young and old. She says her Reverie Harp is particularly useful for patients who benefit from playing the harp themselves. “This particular harp can be used interactively or placed on the patient’s chest. It is tuned pentatonically so that whatever is played sounds soothing,” Alison explains. “It can improve dexterity as patients run their fingers over or pluck the strings. It can also be shared with a family member.” Another important part of the therapeutic harp program is to support both patients and their loved ones at end of life. Alison says her work is a privilege, often going into people’s lives at difficult times, but it has also given her greater perspective. “The value of a day it’s taught me,” she says. “Make the most of

Alison Ware is a therapeutic harpist at the Canberra Hospital. Photo Gary Schafer.

every day and it’s the little things that make a difference.” To support the program, donations can be made via the Canberra Hospital Foundation [canberrahospitalfoundation.org. au/donate-now] and directed to the Therapeutic Harp Program. - Allison Redman

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Gambling down in ACT new report from the Centre for Gambling Research at ANU has shown a dramatic decrease in gambling activity in the ACT. However, Director of the Centre for Gambling Research, Professor Bryan Rodgers, and lead researcher Dr Tanya Davidson are quick to add that problem gambling remains the same, with the majority of problem gamblers not receiving help. “There is a 15% reduction in gambling of any

activity, pretty much every type of gambling except sports betting. Everything else has dropped quite a lot,” Dr Davidson said. “Less people are gambling and those that do are gambling less often.” Dr Davidson said that when they first saw the numbers they assumed they had done something wrong, but the numbers were quickly confirmed through industry data, showing earnings from specific types of gambling. Professor Rodgers said that having access to industry data records proved them right. “The crucial thing is that taking different parts of gambling into account, there is a drop in industry data in the earnings from poker machines and the races. There is a 17% reduction in all gambling expenditure,” he said. “The decline in gambling in the ACT is steeper than other states,” Dr Davidson said. “Nationally there has been a 4% decrease and in the ACT it’s at 19%. That’s a massive difference.” The report was created using data from a survey conducted at the end of 2014, and compared with a survey conducted in 2009. For the first time in the 2014 survey, researchers

asked questions about internet gambling, so while the findings aren’t comparable to the 2009 survey, Dr Davidson did discover that 8% of ACT adults gamble using the internet and 4% use the internet to bet on sports and races and to buy lottery tickets online. “While in a sense that’s quite a significant number, it’s not huge,” Professor Rodgers said. “The important thing is not that they’re using the internet but what people use the internet for in terms of gambling; what they’re gambling on. And 86% of people who use the internet to gamble also gamble elsewhere as well as online.” “If they have an addiction, they tend to do a lot of different things and not just one form of gambling,” Dr Davidson said. “They’ll try and access it anywhere.” “Just because the numbers are down, doesn’t mean it’s good for problem gamblers,” Professor Rodgers said. “It depends on who is gambling and the sorts of gambling that continue to be problematic. The rate of problem gamblers haven’t changed and they still aren’t getting help.” (continued page 22)

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Photo Stuart Hay, ANU

Dr Tanya Davidson from the Centre for Gambling Research at ANU says gambling tends to go hand-in-hand with other health and wellbeing issues.


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news (from page 20) According to a report by the ACT Gambling Counselling and Support Service (AGCSS), 401 people in the ACT region sought help in 2014-2015 and 1,386 instances of counselling were delivered to help people address gambling related concerns. However, there are 1,300 people in the ACT who identify as having a serious gambling problem, and fewer than 20% of those are seeking help. Dr Davidson said that gambling tended to go hand-in-hand with other health and wellbeing problems, including smoking, drinking heavily, distress, stress, anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties and financial problems. “Problem gambling affects families,” Professor Rodgers said. “We do find people tend to report emotional and relationship issues ahead of financial issues, so it’s a problem that is affecting families. If a problem gambler ends up in treatment it’s often because the family has said ‘enough’.” The researchers initially spoke with 7,000 Canberrans and later focussed on 2,200 within that figure to ask detailed questions, one of which was focussed on people’s attitudes on gambling. “Turns out the public can be quite discriminate when it comes to different types of gambling, with a


particular stigma attached to poker machines,” Dr Davidson said. “Fewer people are gambling in the ACT and overall that’s better, but it’s essentially the community’s response and not policies or legislation that is making that change,” Professor Rodgers said. “One of the problems is that the signs in clubs reading ‘Gamble Responsibly’ don’t actually tell you what responsible gambling is. We know what the limits are with alcohol consumption; what a standard drink is, what the legal limit is, what you can drink and how often to be under the limit, but there is no general knowledge available about gambling.” Research from the Centre for Gambling Research has shown that people who play poker machines more than weekly and spend upwards of $40 per session are reporting difficulties. In the 2013-2014 financial year, adults lost $234 million across all types of gambling in the ACT alone. ClubsACT has recently announced a number of proactive measures and initiatives they are undertaking to reduce the rates of problem gambling, including Gambling Contact Officers appointed at each venue.

A spokesperson for ClubsACT said that a wide range of information was available on display at the venues, ensuring patrons who are aware of the risks of problem gambling know where to go to seek help. This includes a brochure provided by the AGCSS. All clubs in Canberra also contribute 0.6% of Net Gaming Machine Revenue to the ACT Problem Gambling Assistance Fund, with the majority of funds going towards the management of the AGCSS. The ClubsACT spokesperson also said that ClubsACT and the industry is moving away from the term ‘Gamble Responsibly’. According to Professor Rodgers, “a lot of people who gamble know it’s not going to make them rich, it’s not going to solve their problems, and they’re generally aware that they’re going to lose their money. But they’re still not getting help”. In addition to seeking help at the clubs, people who are concerned about their gambling can opt to self-exclude from venues to physically stop themselves from going out to gamble. The AGCSS also offer free support services to people suffering from gambling problems and to their friends and family. - Laura White

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news Theatrical program aims to prevent suicide


anberra-based community organisation Youth in Action for Suicide Prevention recently launched a new program in conjunction with national not-for-profit organisation, Mind Blank. Mind Blank aims to generate awareness and innovative education of mental health topics in young people across Australia. They use theatre as a medium to discuss mental health and wellbeing in a safe, informative and entertaining manner. By the end of the program’s first week (Friday 18 March), 510 high-school students in the Canberra region had already seen Mind Blank performances at their school. At the end of May, and with the end of the pilot program, 1,400 local students will have seen it. “In the average classroom two people will be thinking about suicide,” Youth in Action for Suicide Prevention chairperson Maddeline Mooney said. “One will seek professional help and one won’t. We have no idea of knowing who those two people are until they’re already thinking about suicide.” Chairman of Mind Blank, Adam Joy, said,


“Wouldn’t it be good to be so effective that we’re no longer required as a board or as an organisation anymore?” Mind Blank has a personal goal of delivering one show per State a day. Athlete Zac Delaney stopped playing professional basketball for mental health reasons, and wished there had been a program such as Mind Blank around when he was at school. “I feel obliged to help youth now,” Mr Delaney said. “It’s my passion. It’s okay to not be okay. Someone out there can listen. If this program was in high school when I was in high school, it would have helped me amazingly.” Mr Delaney said he believed the program was helping to save lives. “Mind Blank empowers the youth of today with knowledge and plants the seed for that future growth,” he said. “If you’re thinking about [mental health], seek help. Don’t put it off like I did for years and years and years.” The interactive theatrical program runs for 60 to 90 minutes and plays out a number of different

Actors Yee Tey, Eesha Hunjon and Samuel Moynihan form the Mind Blank theatre group for Canberra. Photo Gary Schafer

scenarios involving young people and pressures they may be under. The team encourage the audience to offer different solutions and discuss what worked, what didn’t work and how they could improve the situation. Janine Schramm, who volunteers on the Mind Blank board alongside her husband, joined after their adult son took his own life. “If Mind Blank saves one life then we are doing an amazing job,” she said. - Laura White


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news Nineteen-year-old Shara-Lee Brown and APM employment consultant Con Zagas, who helped her find work at KidCity in Mitchell.

Overcoming disability to find work fter a car accident meant that Canberra teenager Shara-Lee Brown could no longer study, disability service provider Advanced Personnel Management (APM) stepped in, helped her find work and changed her life. Shara, now 19, finished school at the end of year 10 after a car crash left her unable to study or work. Simultaneously, the teenager was looking after her mum who was going through chemotherapy, meaning that finding employment was the last thing on her mind. She also had a very limited work history, with only two

weeks’ work experience through school on her CV. Through Centrelink, Shara met with APM employment consultant Con Zagas, who determined what sort of work she could do. Shara had an interest in working with children, and after hearing about an indoor play centre in Mitchell, Con approached them. For the last year, Shara has been a valued employee of KidCity. “I was very nervous at the start,” she says. “But I love it. I’ve made lots of new friends and I’ve learnt so many new skills.” Shara works in the café, cleans, sets up the party rooms and assists with the playgroups, which has boosted her confidence to study childcare for a future career working with children. Since the Canberra office opened in 2010, APM has helped almost 600 people with disability find and maintain work in the Canberra region. “We get job seekers of all age groups,” Con says. “We help the employer and provide support to both the employer and the employee when needed. We also conduct work place assessments. We’re able to overcome any barriers with people who have disabilities finding work.” - Laura White

Masters student earns scholarship Shannon Sked, a final year Masters in Physiotherapy student at the University of Canberra, has today (Thursday 7 April) been announced as the recipient of the Gabby Robberds Student Scholarship Award 2016. When choosing a recipient for Gabby’s Scholarship, University of Canberra with the support of Cerebral Palsy Alliance, seek outstanding students who demonstrate a commitment to the field of paediatric physiotherapy and express an interest in children with disabilities. The scholarship will see Shannon work with children with cerebral palsy on a five-week clinical placement at Alstonville Therapy Centre, which will build her professional skills, knowledge and exposure to the world of disability services, and increase Cerebral Palsy Alliance’s capacity to support children and their families.

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news relative newcomer to the sport of triathlon, Kate Doughty has relocated to Canberra to give herself the best chance of competing in Rio. Kate previously represented Australia in equestrian, including at the World Equestrian Games, but made the transition to triathlon in late 2014, competing in her first paratriathlon race in January 2015. “I met my coach in January last year and he and the (training) squad (Performance Triathlon Coaching) are based in Canberra so I was doing a lot of back and forth for training,” she said. After winning an international race in Japan in May last year, Kate said she was spending more time in Canberra, as they “could see potential”. Claiming a bronze medal at the ITU Paratriathlon World Championships in September and becoming an Australian

Institute of Sport categorised athlete encouraged Kate to move to Canberra to give herself the best opportunity for Rio. Previously based in Melbourne, Kate said it was a big commitment to relocate but she was lucky in finding a job as a rehabilitation consultant with APM which allows her to work within her chosen field and provides flexibility to pursue her athletic career. Paratriathlon will make its first appearance at the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games and the event features a 750m swim, 20km bike ride and 5km run. Kate will be looking to secure a spot on the Australian team and will compete in the final Rio qualifier on 24 April in Penrith where she has to podium finish or be the first Australian in her category. “I’m not going to say I’m racing (at Rio) until I’m on the starting line. That’s when I’ll know I’m actually racing,” she said. - Allison Redman

Kate Doughty relocated to Canberra in a bid to improve her chances of qualifying for paratriathlon at the Rio Paralympic Games.

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Photo Gary Schafer

Doughty chases Paralympic selection

Everalls Wealth Management advertising moment

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A new QUT study will look at what parents in the ACT are doing to keep their kids safe when they first get their licence, with research showing parents play a vital role in encouraging young drivers to obey the road rules. QUT researchers are looking for ACT P-plate drivers and parents to take part in the study which will involve a 20-30 minute telephone interview. Participants will be reimbursed for their time with a $30 gift voucher. This study is funded by an NRMA - ACT Road Safety Trust grant. For more information, visit www.carrsq.qut.edu.au/act

The Science and Engineering Challenge has kicked off a crowdfunding campaign to raise $9,000 for an Indigenous Science Communication scholarship to help close the gap in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander STEM education. The campaign ends on Thursday 14 April; visit www.pozi.be/sciengchallenge for more information.

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egistrations are now open for the 2016 Active Kids Challenge which will run during Term 3 from 25 July to 16 September. The Active Kids Challenge is a free eight-week program offered to ACT Primary Schools which aims to support and inspire Canberra school kids to increase their level of physical activity each day. Over 21,000 students from 800 classrooms participated in the Active Kids Challenge last year, and the 2016 event is expected to attract even more schools and inspire more children to aim for the daily physical activity target of 60 minutes. Schools can register by going to paf.org.au

The Australian Tourism Export Councils’ annual industry event will be held in the ACT for the first time in November, opening opportunities to promote Canberra to international travel buyers. The event will see 400 export tourism leaders gathered to connect travel buyers and sellers while covering issues and opportunities impacting the growth of Australia’s tourism export industry. This comes on the back of Canberra recording its highest number of international visitors to the region and the announcement that Singapore Airlines will commence direct flights from Canberra to New Zealand and Singapore in September.

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Million Paws Walk registrations open The biggest day on the canine calendar is drawing near with the RSPCA Million Paws Walk to be held on Sunday 15 May in Canberra at Stage 88, Commonwealth Park. This year’s event will feature the first ever Paw-lympic Games and Mini-Paws Walk (approx. 1.5km) for those old and young paws who can’t handle the regular 5km walk. The Million Paws Walk is a family fun day designed to entertain, inform and educate the community. Funds raised will go towards vital programs, services and campaigns undertaken by RSPCA ACT. Discounted early bird registrations for the event are available until Friday 8 April. For more information or to register, visit millionpawswalk.com.au/ACT


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news Grant enables vaulters to aim high

The ACT High Vaultage Pole Squad was a recipient of last year’s Thermoskin Community Sports Fund and used the grant to purchase new equipment. Photo Dave Pease.


budding group of pole vaulters in the ACT received a welcome boost thanks to a community sports grant allowing them to purchase additional equipment. The ACT High Vaultage Pole Squad used the grant from the Thermoskin Community Sports Fund to purchase six poles targeted at the junior range. Scott Dziubinski, coach of the ACT High Vaultage Pole Squad, said there are about 20 members currently in the squad with the youngest aged 11 and the oldest around the 26 mark. “We did a come and try day and we had about 24 kids roll up but we didn’t have 24 poles let alone ones appropriate to each child,” Scott said. “The grant went a long way to getting some new poles to allow the junior athletes to progress.” Several members of the squad

recently competed in Perth at the Australia Junior National Championships with some positive results. “We had about seven athletes go away and although we didn’t get any medals, we had a couple of top five finishes,” Scott said. He said some of the athletes to watch include Simon Yung and Colby Eddowes. In terms of the appeal of the sport, Scott said “I don’t think we are doing anything special but we are providing an opportunity to do something different.” Thermoskin Community Sports Fund is a community led initiative established in 2013 to support grassroots sporting teams across Australia. Applications are open now, until 1 May. For more information, visit thermoskin.com/communitysportsfund


n h o J s i s i h T

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Playing against his former club, GWS recruit Steve Johnson gets a kick away while under pressure from Corey Enright at Manuka Oval on Sunday 3 April. Getty Images

Giants hold on against Cats The GWS Giants held on for a 13-point victory over the fast finishing Geelong Cats at Manuka Oval on Sunday 3 April. In front of a crowd of 13,656, the Giants won 13.11 (89) to 11.10 (76). The match, which was the Giants’

first win of the season, also saw Steve Johnson claim a victory over his former club at the first attempt. The Giants will be back in Canberra on Sunday 17 April to take on Port Adelaide at Manuka Oval, 1.10pm.

Chiefs topple Brumbies The top-of-the-table Chiefs proved too strong for the Brumbies, running in five tries to two in their 25-point win at GIO Stadium on Saturday 2 April. In front of 12,896 fans, the Brumbies went down 48-23 and head into their first bye of 2016 with four wins and two losses from the opening six rounds. The Brumbies’ next match will be against the Waratahs on 16 April with their next home game against the Crusaders on 24 April.


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888 ichard 6175 8 R ll a c s e ic rv .au our se To showcase y hard@canberraweekly.com or email ric 34

Raiders upset Bulldogs Boosted by the return of Blake Austin and Aidan Sezer, the Canberra Raiders proved too good for the Bulldogs on Monday night, 4 April, posting a 22-8 win. The result moves the Raiders into third on the competition ladder. They take on the Parramatta Eels on Saturday 9 April 3pm.

Students given a sporting chance Cricket ACT hosted the 2016 Lord’s Taverners Table Cricket Championships at Manuka Oval on Wednesday 30 March. Table Cricket is a specially designed game for people with a disability which involves the game being played on a table tennis table. Matt Paton, regional development manager for Cricket ACT, said this year marked a return for the event after a two-year period and said it is designed to give students an understanding of what cricket is about and encourage participation and awareness of the sport. The Lord’s Taverners ACT is a charity dedicated to helping young people to play cricket when they might otherwise not have the opportunity to do so.

Barbie and bowls Local rugby league teams, fans and players past and present are invited to join the Men of League Foundation for a barbecue and bowls day on Saturday 9 April at Queanbeyan Bowling Club. Organised by the Men of League Foundation Canberra Monaro Committee, the event is a chance for people to get together and have a fun day on the greens whilst helping to raise important funds for the Men of League Foundation and its work with men, women and children of the rugby league community. Registration starts at 11am, with lunch and guest speakers at 12pm followed by bowling at 1.15pm. The Raiders game will be shown on the big screen from 3pm. Cost: $40 per person. RSVP to Wayne Brownlie 0429 152 800, Sue Gerrard 0406 378 086 or canberramonaro@menofleague.com

Kick a goal, save a life NSW wins five in a row The 2016 Australian Sides Championships was held in Queanbeyan from 31 March to 3 April at the Queanbeyan Bowls Club and Queanbeyan RSL Memorial Bowls Club, with the NSW women’s team (pictured)

winning the Marj Morris trophy for the fifth year in a row. In the men’s competition, Victoria was the big winner breaking a 14-year dry spell to win the Alley Shield, while the Overall Champions Trophy went to NSW.

A new campaign is raising funds to support Lifeline Canberra in continuing to provide crisis support and suicide prevention services to the people of Canberra and the surrounding region. Lifeline Canberra, in partnership with Harcourts Brindabella and eight of Canberra’s National Premier League football clubs, have launched the Harcourts Kick a Goal, Save a Life campaign which will see the eight clubs participating in the campaign donate $26 to Lifeline Canberra for every goal scored by their premier league team in 2016. The clubs participating in the campaign include Belconnen United, Canberra FC, Canberra Olympic, Gungahlin United, Monaro Panthers, Tigers FC including Brindabella Blues and Cooma Tigers, Tuggeranong United, and Woden-Weston FC.

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sport Capitals appoint new coach

Celebrating inspirational women in our community Do you know an inspirational woman? Someone who has experienced adversity and come through it to do something amazing? We want to celebrate these unsung heroes, and remind them just how special they are. Nominate an inspirational woman in your life for the 2016 Women of Spirit Awards.


The rebuilding process has started at the University of Canberra Capitals with the appointment of new head coach Paul Goriss. Goriss takes on the role following the departure of head coach Carrie Graf and brings a wealth of experience. Currently the Associate Women’s Coach of Basketball Australia’s Centre of Excellence at the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS), he will start in his new role in May. Goriss said he is looking forward to this new challenge with the University of Canberra Capitals, which for years have been synonymous of success and top level performance in the ACT sport scene. “I have had success with building a high-performance culture and driving results through a commitment to continuous improvement,” he said. “Through meaningful engagement with the University’s sporting program and the Canberra community,

Paul Goriss has been appointed the new coach for the University of Canberra Capitals and will take on the role starting in May. Photo Gary Schafer

I am confident the UC Capitals will return better than ever as a leader in women’s sport and a program that Canberra is proud of.” The University of Canberra Capitals will play the 2016/17 season at their new home court, the Royal Theatre in Civic.

Change of location for roller ski

Roller Ski Australia will be hosting a free come and try day close to the bike path at Masson Street Oval, Turner, on Sunday 10 April 10am-1pm; www.facebook.com/rollerskiaustralia

Volunteer Opportunities Reconnecting socially isolated people to their community. The Red Cross MATES program assists people to expand their social networks. MATES volunteers provide friendship and support through regular social visits and outings. For more information about volunteering phone 6234 7634 or email volunteernow@redcross.org.au www.redcross.org.au 36


Highest finish for team Amped The Mont 24hour mountain bike race was held at Kowen Forest on 2-3 April, the event attracting over 1,600 riders and 300 teams. Amongst the competitors was team Amped, a team of amputees who have taken part in the event for a number of years now, and recorded their highest ever finish for the event – 24th overall in their category of 86 teams.

Circuit named after Webber The Canberra Kart Racing Club will officially name their Fairbairn Park Circuit in honour of 2015 Federation International De L’Automobile World Endurance Champion Mark Webber on 29 April. The renaming of the circuit is the first part of a $3.6 million development slated for the site. The club is undertaking a major refurbishment which includes extending the length of the track and installing state of the art viewing and club facilities that it is hoped will see Circuit Mark Webber obtain international level sanctioning. Former members of the Canberra Kart Racing Club and the public are welcome to attend the naming ceremony, which will start at 4pm on Friday 29 April.

Discover St John’s The Church of St John the Baptist (pictured) and the Schoolhouse Museum in Reid is offering tours on Saturday 9 April 12.302pm, Wednesday 13 April 10.30-12pm and Saturday 16 April 3-4.30pm to coincide with the Heritage Festival. The tours will include complimentary displays in the

schoolhouse, featuring interesting items and photographs from the museum’s collection. The cost is gold coin donation. Bookings are essential: call Diana on 6295 8732 or Jenny on 6249 8392. The schoolhouse will also be open daily during the festival [2-18 April] and on Wednesdays 10am-12pm and 2-4pm.

Share your community event. Email news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘HYH’ in the subject field. Deadline is 10 days prior to Thursday edition date.

Breast cancer survivors are invited to a dragon boating come-and-try day with Dragons Abreast on Saturday 9 April 9-10.30am. There will be an easy paddle followed by a morning tea, at Lotus Bay, Lake Burley Griffin, near the Canberra Yacht Club. A paddle and personal floatation device will be available. Call 0407 255 094 to register your interest. More info: www.dragonsabreast.com.au

HAVE YOU HEARD? what's on

must do

must see

Church tours

Make-A-Wish Gatsby Ball

As part of the Canberra and Region Heritage Festival, the beautiful sandstone Presbyterian Church of St Andrew (pictured), which dominates State Circle, and its adjoining brick manse, St Andrew’s House, will be open to the public. Both buildings will be open 10am-3pm on Saturday 9 April with conducted church tours at 10.30am, 12 noon and 1.30pm. Saturday 16 April: St Andrew’s Church open 10am1.30pm, St Andrews House open 10am-3pm, church tours 10.30am, 12 noon and 1pm.

Explore Black Mountain The Friends of Black Mountain have organised some activities as part of the Canberra and Region Heritage Festival including ‘Walk and Talk: What’s the drum about gums on Black Mountain?’ on Saturday 9 April 9.30-11.30am, meet at Frith Road, Acton. There is also ‘Talk about the birds of Black Mountain’ on Tuesday 12 April, 12.30-1.30pm, meet on the lower ground floor of Telstra Tower. Cost for each event is gold coin donation. To book, email friendsofblackmountain@gmail.com or call Linda on 0437 298 711.

The Canberra Branch of Make-A-Wish is holding a Great Gatsby themed ball on Saturday 2 July at the Hellenic Club in Woden, 6.45pm for 7pm start. Tickets are $135 per person, with tables of 8 or 10 available. More info and bookings: hellenicclub.com.au/booknow

Rediscover a ‘lost’ village

Walk-up concert The Country Music Association of Canberra’s next walk-up concert is on Friday 8 April at the Deakin Football Club. Music starts at 7.30pm. Bistro opens at 6pm. Entry $2. Singers, players and listeners are all welcome. More info: Bev on 0412 559 113.

Photo Gary Schafer

Photo Gary Schafer

Dragons Abreast come-and-try

During the Heritage Festival, Hall School Museum and Heritage Centre is holding an exhibition that will help visitors to re-discover the ‘lost’ village of Ginninderra. From the 1860s the village of Ginninderra flourished for half a century but by 1915 it was finished. Find out what happened by visiting the exhibition at the former Hall Primary School, Victoria Street, Hall. Open 9-10 and 16-17 April 10am-4pm, every Thursday morning, Hall Market Days (12-3pm) or by appointment. Entry is free but donations welcome. Website: museum.hall.act.au 37

Looking for a new car? Zoom to Motoring

page 191

aim higher…

Ed Nixon – CEO – Trilogy Funding

Another Chance Op Shop in Scullin is having a holiday madness sale with all stock half price from Monday 11 through to Saturday 16 April. Like them on Facebook for more details.

Living options for ageing Canberrans Speakers from COTA, DUO and UnitingCare will take part in a ‘Living Options for Ageing Canberrans’ seminar on Thursday 14 April 10am-3pm at St Ninian’s Uniting Church, Lyneham. The cost is $5 for a morning tea and lunch. Enquires to Marion 6169 7678 or mcconnell@grapevine.net.au or Judith 6251 2272 or jashaw@grapevine.com.au

Local dance crew J Squad Australia from Bom Funk Dance Studio are travelling to Hong Kong in April to perform at a variety of locations including Disneyland. Their final fundraising event will be a preview show and silent auction at Calwell Performing Arts Centre on Friday 8 April 6.30pm. Tickets: $20, includes drinks and nibbles; trybooking.com

Museum open day and fair

‘Peter is a gifted strategic thinker who is able to distil the essence of an organisation into concepts that can be easily understood by the public. I have drawn on his extensive marketing nous over a period of 6 years to develop successful campaigns for Australian Private Hospitals Association. His process is creative, thorough, engaging and always outcome based. Our board have very much appreciated his willingness to understand our business and our markets to achieve relevance and resonance with our brand.

Queanbeyan and District Historical Museum Society, as part of the Queanbeyan Heritage Festival, is hosting an Open Day and Fair at the Queanbeyan Museum, 10 Farrer Place, on Saturday 16 April 11am-3pm. The theme is Made by Hand. There will be demonstrations of pottery, rag rug making, lace making and placing ships in a bottle. At noon the Heritage Awards will be announced by Queanbeyan Mayor Cr Tim Overall.

Lisa Ramshaw – Director – Communications – APHA

Anxiety support

To get results like above visit altitudebrands.com.au or call 0402 136 260 for an obligation free chat.


Holiday madness sale

Dancing in Hong Kong

‘Peter Ring has been working on our brand for the last seven years. Quite frankly Pete is a unique person to work with - he sees the world in a different way; a way that I can only see when he puts the solution in front of me - and then I go wow! Pete recently created a name and brand for a new start up company we are creating. Once again his unique thinking produced fresh, succinct ideas that will accelerate our engagement to new markets. Pete is a one-off - get him on your team if you can or call me on 0419 844 526 if you want to know more.’

The free Queanbeyan Anxiety Disorder Support Group meets at 2pm on the third Saturday of each month at the Karabar Community Centre (183 Cooma St, Queanbeyan). The next meeting will be Saturday 16 April. The Support Group is open to people with anxiety disorders and their friends and family. The group is for over 18s and is not suitable for people with Schizophrenia or PTSD. For more information call Rachel on 9339 6013 or email supportgroups@wayahead.org.au


Rock swap

Need a tradie? Turn to our Trades & Services Guide 38

have you heard

page 206

The Canberra Lapidary Club’s annual rock swap will be held at Wagtail Way, Exhibition Park in Canberra, on Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 April 8.30am-5pm. Dealers and non-commercial rock enthusiasts will be selling a range of wares including jewellery, crystals, minerals, gemstones, opals, fossils and lapidary supplies. There will also be lucky dips, sapphire sieving, gold panning, sausage sizzle and more. Entry is free.

VIEW meeting Tuggeranong Day VIEW club’s next meeting is on Tuesday 19 April 11.30am-2pm at Tuggeranong Vikings Town Centre Club. Guest speakers will be ACT Senior’s Liaison Officer Lina Webber and Lee-Anne Johnston from the ACT Policing Community Safety Education Team. Cost $26 for two-course lunch. RSVP Friday 15 April to Janice on 6284 8804.

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for all stages of women’s health

Suzi Craig is a registered Acupuncturist / Chinese Medicine Practitioner with a special interest in:

iStock image

• • • • •

Digestive issues Stress/Anxiety Energy fluctuations Headaches Back and joint pain

Songkran Festival

IVF support and preparation Natural and Assisted fertility Pregnancy Menstrual issues Menopause

Suzi has worked with hundreds of women and couples throughout Canberra with a gentle and in-depth approach to each situation for maximum results.

Bilingual education A free seminar and discussion session for families, early childhood educators, teachers and others interested in bilingual education and raising children in more than one language will be held on Sunday 10 April 2-4pm, JG Crawford Building, Australian National University. Guest speaker is Dr Susanne Döpke, Melbourne-based speech pathologist and consultant on bilingualism. This is a free event. Bookings essential. More info: actbilingual.weebly.com/events.html or email canberrabilingual@gmail.com

• • • • •

You can find Suzi at 41 / 21 Wiseman Street, Macquarie (Jamison) www.synergychiropracticcentre.com.au

6251 8869

The 2016 Songkran Festival and Food Fair celebrating the Thai New Year will be held at the Thai temple, Wat Dhammadharo, 80 Archibald Street, Lyneham, on Sunday 10 April 10am-4pm. Free admission. All welcome.

Picnic for Parkinson’s Parkinson’s ACT is marking World Parkinson’s Day on Monday 11 April with a picnic and other activities at the lake near the Canberra Yacht Club. The event starts from 11am and all are welcome. Bring a picnic and something to sit on. There will also be the opportunity to see the Parkinson’s dancers in action and some of the artwork produced by the Painting with Parkinson’s group.

CWA meeting The next meeting of the Queanbeyan Evening Branch Country Women’s Association (CWA) of NSW is Tuesday 12 April in the function area, Queanbeyan Golf Club, Brown Street. Meeting starts at 7pm. New members welcome. More info: Nicole on 0409 323 569.

Tuckerbox Fun Fair On Saturdays 2-4pm, volunteers at Holy Cross Anglican Church Hackett operate Tuckerbox – a food outlet providing affordable food that otherwise would have been dumped, to support people who have limited means. On Saturday 9 April 10am-1pm, Tuckerbox will celebrate its 5th birthday with a Fun Fair. There will be: a jumping castle, face painting by Skedaddle, novelty races, sausage sizzle, morning tea, Don’s bric-a-brac and more, plus open house for people to see how Tuckerbox operates and what goods it offers clients. Corner of Antill St and Phillip Ave, Hackett.

12 filled teeth 1 extraction 4 root canal treatments 2 crowns

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social scene

Troy Cassell, Ivan Slavich, Emma and Ben Stockbridge, Dom and Bella Darmody, Eoghan O'Byrne, Karen Cassell

Leon, Sam, Laura and Sophie Buchanan, Raewyn Miners, Elizabeth Drew, Guy Williams

we were there!


Louise Bilston, Shane Rattenbury MLA, Kaylie and Ricky Stuart, Karen Furner

Kate Potter-Smith, Andrew Smith, Valeria and Troy McGuinness

Greg Clues, Dawn Skill, Ronald McDonald, Peter and Mel Ashley

Olivia and Dallas Massen, Peta and Markus Bruun


Lexus of Canberra Ronald McDonald House Charities masquerade gala ball, National Convention Centre Canberra. Photos Jodi Shepherd, Hot Shots

Angela Aezo-Jensen, Frank Jensen

Jason Jarvie, Susie Lourens

Marisa and Martin Kowalski

Maurizio Rao, Lucy Beeston

Richard Luton, James Carter

Peter and Debbie Henson

Victoria Henry, Lorin Joyce

Nick Olive, Melanie Hindson

Stephen and Margie Wightman, Silvana and Jason Gilbert

Glenn Keys, Chief Minister Andrew Barr, Robyn Hendry

Rhiannon Bach, Jess Mellor

Annette Sharpe, Vanessa de Jager, Stephen Pike

Petr Adamek, Sharyn Smith, Laura Hartley

Marwa Rida, Suzanne Kiraly, Debra Surman

Nikki Haines, Irene Roberts-Pavlekovic Holly Brocklebank, Mike Dodd, Rebecca Coleman, Michael Fiddian


Daniel Fulton, Esmarie Fulton

ACT Chief Minister State of the Territory Canberra Business Chamber address, Hyatt Hotel Canberra. Playhouse Creatures opening night, The Q – Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre.

Photos Gary Schafer. ABOVE RIGHT


social scene

The Bold Bandanas have raised over $267,000 for Relay for Life

Anna Yates, Holly Boubouras, Stefano Rankin, Michael Chalmers

Megan Chittick, Kim Louise Darbyshire, Rebecca Gates, Cathy Chan, Harry Chittick, Bowie Ryman Matthew King


Grant Turner, Luke Chadwick

Sarah Smith, Lorcan Murphy, Michelle Robertson

Pippa Harbers, Andrew Chenery, Casey Madigan, Mel Haley

Ivan Naspe, Kenny Koala, Stewart Waters, Theresia McCarron

North Canberra 24-hour Relay for Life, AIS Athletics Track. Photos Jodi Shepherd, Hot Shots Communities@Work Celebrate Gungahlin Festival, Gungahlin Town Park.




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owever, 55 years ago when the Hopewood health retreat was developed at Wallacia, (about 260km north of Canberra), this wasn’t the case. Canberra businesswoman Diana Forrester has been involved with Hopewood for over 21 years, both personally and professionally. When she was first exposed to its health philosophy, she says people’s outlook on natural therapies wasn’t as understanding. “If I go back 21 years, people thought this approach was so left field there was no way they were going to try just eating vegetables and fruit and doing cleanses,” she says. “They were definitely thinking massage was very indulgent and not necessary. “The concept that you could eat yourself to good health was considered ridiculous, but now it’s mainstream.” In the1960s, the Hopewood retreat was at the forefront of a new way of thinking in Australia and led the way for the emerging wellness industry. Visitors came from all walks of life, from really alternative to the top of the corporate ladder and even those with celebrity status. Some visited for relaxation, others to cleanse while others wanted to address their health issues. Forced with the decision about a year ago

Partners in the office and the kitchen, mother and son duo Diana and Oliver Forrester have adapted all the recipes for the Lifestyle - Hopewood’s recipe for wellbeing book in Diana’s home kitchen in Canberra.

to close the retreat, a website was developed to continue sharing the profound natural health knowledge that has accumulated for over 55 years. By 2015, the Hopewood brand had a significant following that they wanted to continue nurturing and guiding with advice and recipes. This led led to the production of the almost 300 page book, Lifestyle - Hopewood’s recipe for wellbeing. “I’ve known about the Hopewood lifestyle for a long time and at different times in my life I’ve said I’m really going to adopt some of these principles and practices,” Forrester says. “A lot of our clients lived lives like me, always in the fast lane, crazy hours and bringing up a family while not taking sufficient time to relax and do the things Hopewood recommends in this book.” As Hopewood’s marketing agent, Forrester put forward a proposal for her family business to create the book on their behalf. Eager to live up to their business model of being a ‘marketing agency with a difference’, Forrester took on the job whole-heartedly, completely adopting the Hopewood lifestyle during the 10-month journey of creating the book, which ultimately changed her from the inside out. “I gave up alcohol, stopped drinking coffee, cut out sugar, adopted vegetarianism; I thought I would only do it for a month but after the first

Photo Gary Schafer

Clean eating, meditation, regular exercise and rest, herbal remedies and natural health – a holistic approach to wellness based on the principle that the body has the ability to empower itself – are wellness tools that are mainstream today. This is largely due to a plethora of lifestyle and dietary coaching through blogs, social media and apps.

month I was feeling so energetic and happier. “I was calm, I could feel my stress levels going down even though we were just as busy, so I kept on going.” Her son and business partner Oliver had a significant input in the food aspect of the book, utilising his background in hospitality, digital marketing and photography to adapt Hopewood’s recipes from group quantities to family and individual size servings – and to look good in print. The team found local photographers and designers who loved the project and really believed in sharing the Hopewood cause. “When you went to Hopewood you were wrapped in this atmosphere of nurturing and calm and gentleness so we wanted the book to be like the brand and to make you feel like you are being looked after, like nothing is too hard.” Even after years of being familiar with the Hopewood lifestyle, Forrester has become a living example of the benefits the book has to offer having lost an impressive 20 kilos. Lifestyle - Hopewood’s recipe for wellbeing, $59.95 (+p&h), hopewoodlifestyle.com.au Free shipping for Canberra Weekly readers. Enter the coupon code: Canberra Weekly at the checkout. - Talia Liolios 43

taste HOPEWOOD’S VEGETABLE LASAGNE 500g dark pumpkin or sweet potato, thinly sliced 1 eggplant, sliced into rounds 6 tomatoes, sliced into thin rounds 2 tsp fresh basil 2 red capsicums, sliced into wide strips 2 zucchinis, sliced into rounds 2 Tbsp tomato paste 2 Tbsp tamari 350g light ricotta 200g light mozzarella cheese, grated 200g Parmesan cheese, grated pasta sheets

Place pasta sheets in boiling water for 5 minutes before layering. Cover the base of the lasagne dish with a layer of pumpkin or sweet potato, followed by a layer of eggplant, brushed with 1 tablespoon of the tamari; then one of tomatoes sprinkled with half the fresh basil. Cover this with pasta sheets, edge to edge and spread tomato paste. Top with ricotta cheese, a little mozzarella and parmesan, conserving most for the final topping. Repeat layer of pumpkin and eggplant with tamari, tomato, remaining fresh basil and capsicum; add the final layer of pasta. Top the pasta with zucchini and cover with the remaining cheeses. Cover with foil and bake in a pre-heated oven at 200°C for 45 minutes. Remove foil; reduce heat to 150°C and bake for a further 10 minutes until cheese is golden. Test pasta and vegetables with fork to ensure they are tender. Rest lasagne for 10 minutes before serving.

Belconnen Markets School Holiday Activities! roll up, roll up, introducing the warehouse circus join us in the piazza! Kickin’ off the School Holidays // Saturday 9 April (free event) Excited school’s out? Head down to the markets and join the circus! Warehouse Circus will be in the Piazza from 10am for a short performance then a one hour workshop! Petting Zoo // Saturday 16 April (free event) Our furry friends are back on Saturday 16 April come to the Piazza it is great fun for the kids.

At Belconnen Fresh Food Markets, you can B! W E D N E S D AY- S U N D AY LATHLAIN STREET, BELCONNEN







Here at the Canberra Weekly Weekly, we receive all kinds of goodies from PR agencies, publicists and businesses. This week, we’ve put together a great prize pack containing a selection cookbooks, valued at well over $150, for one lucky reader to win.

The latest in foodie news, events and products with Canberra Weekly food writer, Talia Liolios. The Foreshore’s latest addition Mövenpick brings flavours of the world to the Kingston Foreshore in what will be the Swiss brand’s first ice-cream and dessert boutique in the capital. Sold in 40 countries around the world and inspired by Swiss restaurants from the 1960s, flavours extend from classics including Caramelita and Maple Walnut to the more adventurous such as Espresso Croquant and Tiramisu.

Aussie barra lands silver Seafood company Sealord has been awarded the silver medal for excellence for their barramundi at the Sydney Fine Food Show. While over 70% of barramundi sold in Australia is imported, Sealord says its silver medal reinforces the quality and taste of King Reef barramundi, fresh from tropical Queensland.

To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘Autumn cookbooks’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details and the answer to this question: what is your favourite meal to cook in autumn? Entries close 9am 15 April 2016 and winner drawn same day. One entry per person. Permit No. ACT TP 15/05130.

Single malt Scotch William Grant & Sons recently launched the third release from the Kininvie Distillery – the Kininvie 23 Years Old Batch No.3. This single malt scotch whisky was created by William Grant & Sons’ sixth Malt Master, Brian Kinsman, from liquid taken from casks that were laid to rest in 1991. Our taste tester described the drop as “a smoky whisky with a kick”. While not the smoothest he has tried, he suggests “if you like the Speyside style of scotch, then this could be worth a try”. Available at leading whisky retailers, $210.

Sugar tax After hearing the UK government would introduce a sugar levy on soft drinks by 2018, Britain’s celebrity Chef Jamie Oliver has called on the Australian government to follow suit. The levy is designed to discourage consumption of sugary drinks and to raise revenue that can be reinvested in preventative health initiatives.

Go natural

FARMERS MARKET at Bungendore

Every Saturday 9am – 1pm Bungendore Memorial Hall www.southernharvest.net.au/market.aspx bungendore@southernharvest.net.au


Nut Delight snack bar has achieved a 4.5 health star rating, with over 70% per cent of nuts and six grams of protein per bar. Found in the health food aisle in supermarkets; $1.99.


time out


Billy, by Kate Disher-Quill.

Photo of Kate Disher-Quill by Thea McGrath.

Steph, by Kate Disher-Quill.


Exploring her own deafness and years of denial about her invisible disability inspired photographer Kate Disher-Quill to create Right Hear, Right Now, an exhibition on at PhotoAccess.


isher-Quill was diagnosed with mild to moderate hearing loss when she was three years old but she says she had never met another deaf young person until she started working on the project. “The only other person I knew who had hearing aids was my grandma,” she says. The catalyst for the project was reading about a young Adelaide photographer who had had a cochlear implant. “Until that point I was very much not connected with the fact that I had hearing loss, I just pushed it away. Only people close to me knew about it. And then I read this article and I got quite emotional as it made me realise it’s a huge part of who I am. “I was reading about this other young person who had been through the same kind of stories growing up and the anecdotes that 46

I connected with. That’s when I knew I had to do something on this. It was partly a personal journey, having to come to terms with it, and for me the best way was to create a project for other people.” For Disher-Quill the exhibition had to be so authentic that if she had seen it as a teenager, it would have changed her perception of her own situation. “It wasn’t until I was 10 years old and given my first pair of hearing aids that I realised I had a ‘problem’,” she says. “I hated the idea that I had a ‘disability’ and I simply denied it. I got through high school and university talking very little about it, and rarely wearing the five pairs of hearing aids I was given over 16 years. Rejecting my deafness and refusing to wear my hearing aids is not something I am particularly proud of, but I have been trying

to come to an understanding as to why I bottled it up and denied it for so long. And this project was my way of exploring it in the best way I know how – taking photographs and collecting stories.” The main reasons for her denial and embarrassment were the lack of representation of young people by deaf organisations and in the media, which generally portray it as an old person’s problem. Over a year, Disher-Quill photographed 35 people with a range of hearing issues; some who are mild to moderately deaf, others profoundly deaf, some who use sign language and those who are oral speakers. “There are about 30 prints, all shot on film. There are also two silent videos, one is a sign language film. There is an installation piece where the viewer sits on a chair that has different speakers

underneath that vibrate where there would normally be sound. The idea is that the viewer is immersed in a different way, much like deaf people experience sound physically through vibration. There are also some hearing aid and cochlear implant models on display. “I tried to get a sense of the person’s story and using film allowed me to be a bit more experimental,” she says. “I wanted to make the work quite beautiful and aesthetically pleasing while breaking down the stigma associated with deafness and showing the beauty that can come with each person’s story. With each image there is a quote from that subject, each of whom has some level of deafness.” Right Hear, Right Now at PhotoAccess Huw Davies Gallery, until 24 April. Artist talk Sunday 24 April 2pm. - Diana Streak

22 – 23 April 2016

6285 6290 or visit www.theq.net.au

time out


The school holidays are a great time to get your kids excited about reading. Spend an afternoon inside on the couch – or lazing around in the autumnal sun – and escape into these captivating, magical worlds.


Where the Shoreline Used to Be: Stories from Australia and Beyond,

by Susan La Marca and Pam Macintyre (editors) Penguin, $24.99

Suitable for: young adult readers A poignant, unique anthology of short fiction, poetry, lyrics and illustration from some of Australia’s finest established and emerging writers. From an encounter with a strange boy on the beach, to tales of ghosts, dogs in space, and talking whales – these are stories to inspire. A perfect collection for young, imaginative minds.


The Way We Roll, by Scot Gardner Allen & Unwin, $19.99

Suitable for: young adult readers, teen boys From the author of the awardwinning, spooky thriller The Dead I Know comes The Way We Roll – an urban ‘bromance’ about two


young boys from different parts of town. Will is from a private school, while Julian has been in a juvenile detention centre. The boys form an unlikely friendship and adventures ensue. A touching, gritty story that’s as well-written as it is interesting.


Iris and the Tiger, by Leanne Hall Text, $16.99

Suitable for: 9+ readers When 12-year-old Iris arrives in Spain – sent there on a ploy by her scheming parents to secure her eccentric aunt Ursula’s inheritance – she notices things aren’t quite ‘normal’. There’s an odd mood in the air and the wild forest surrounding the house seems to be home to a mysterious animal. Iris and the Tiger is a colourful, worldly adventure, packed with artful illustrations and enchantment.


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Son of Death, by Andrew McDonald Hardie Grant Egmont, $19.95

Suitable for: ages 10-13 years Meet Sod. He’s a ‘regular’ teenager, who one day discovers that his parents are grim reapers – and that he is, too. It’s a role that interferes with his band practice, and after neglecting his duties – guiding souls into the afterlife – for too long, he teams up with the sassy Goth Girl to make amends. Son of Death is a very funny, clever, ghoulish tale that addresses death in a refreshing and thoughtful way.


Run, Pip, Run, by J.C. Jones Allen & Unwin, $12.99

Suitable for: ages 8-12 years Run, Pip, Run is the story of a feisty 10-year-old on a mission to escape the foster-care system so that she can remain with her beloved dog Sully. With the help of a psychic cat and a canine escape artist, Pip runs across Sydney with Senior Constable Molly Dunlop hot on her tail. Exploring themes of loyalty, bravery and friendship, this book is ideal for any child whose dog is their best friend.

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time out ART AND ABOUT

Remember the Somme

Mostly hidden from public view in Canberra’s earliest church are two small but beautiful windows, which are closely linked to the Somme campaigns of the Great War.

Facts and figures

Hear about their story, and others, on a Heritage Festival Tour of St John’s Church, Reid, conducted by St John’s Schoolhouse.

The Schoolhouse is open DAILY during the Festival, from 2-4pm, and 10am-12pm on Wednesdays, and will have displays to complement the tour. Tours will be available at the following times: Saturday 2 April 3-4.30pm Wednesday 6 April 10.30am-12pm Saturday 9 April 12.30-2pm

Wednesday 13 April 10.30am & 12pm Saturday 16 April between 3-4.30pm

Note: The tour would be suitable for senior secondary students and upwards. Bookings are essential. Book at the Schoolhouse during opening hours, or phone Diana Body on 6295 8732, Jenny Garden on 6249 8392.


COST: Gold coin donation.


arts@canberraweekly.com.au There were cheers around Canberra last week as organisers celebrated excellent attendance figures for various cultural events. The National Gallery of Australia’s Tom Roberts exhibition was a great success with the final number of visitors reaching 131,878, the highest attendance for an Australian show at the Gallery. The National Museum of Australia’s Encounters which displayed Aboriginal items taken or stolen, depending on your political prism, from Cinematic, etching by Ella Chartres. the British Museum drew 98,392 visitors. The exhibition sparked a debate about whether some of the items should be returned to their communities in Australia, but under current borrowing agreements this is a remote possibility. The National Folk Festival was pleased as punch that the figures for its 50th celebration surpassed previous years at nearly 45,000 over the Easter weekend.

Rare Italian fare A selection of 35mm prints of vintage Italian films saved from a flooded basement by film collector Peter Ricketts will be screened at the National Film and Sound Archive 8-10 April. They were originally brought to Australia by Carmelo Palumbo of World Film Distributors, who imported popular mainstream cinema from Italy, Spain, France and Germany for Australia’s post-war migrants. The prints are in their original condition which should make for nail-biting excitement for the projectionists! For details, nfsa.gov.au

Smallish artworks A superb selection of works in different mediums by 20 top artists, measuring no more than 30x30cm, is on at Aarwun Gallery until 23 April. The exhibition of small, original works is titled Petits Travaux which our two French colleagues Daniel and Joris concur means “little works”. Gallery owner Bob Stephens says small works are capable of conveying all the beauty and power of their larger counterparts but possess a magic intimacy which is theirs alone. “They invite the viewer to engage with them at close range, pulling you in to appreciate their detail and technique. Small works and miniatures have always created a feeling of preciousness and tactility. Compact enough to be held in the hand like a treasured object or jewel, the skill demanded in their creation should not be overlooked.” Open daily 10am-5pm. 50

Changing horizons Canberra artist Carmel McCrow has a solo show at Nishi Gallery which captures one of Australia’s most intriguing natural features which is both the country’s lowest natural point and occasionally its largest lake. The body of work in Lake Eyre Drift, by Carmel McCrow. Horizons is a result of a trip to Lake Eyre in 2015 to document aerial views of the receding lake waters, leaving the red algae and saltpans exposed. McCrow says Lake Eyre from above gives a sense of being absorbed into sky, land and water. Her oils on canvas capture the serenity and beauty of this merging of elements. Nishi Gallery, 17 Kendall Lane, NewActon, until 24 April.

Come and have a ball!

Dancing, games, sewing, drawing, balls, music, history, symposia, fashion, promenade, singing, novels, food and more!

Thoroughly Modern


www.janeaustenfestival.com Stringy Bark Street, by Grant Hill.

Does ‘The Great Australian Dream’ still exist? That’s at the heart of Thoroughly Modern at Canberra Contemporary Art Space. The detached house on a quarter-acre block with a barbecue and hills hoist was a measure of success in the post-war 1950s and 1960s but that was a time of full employment, burgeoning wealth and urban sprawl. Thoroughly Modern focuses on art and design in a post-dream era and explores a modernist illusion where dream dissolves into a fantasy framed by harsh economic realities. Artists Janet Angus, Alex Lewis, Stephanie Wilson, Danny Wild, Matthew de Moiser and Grant Hill tackle the theme from numerous angles. Gorman Arts Centre, Braddon, until 7 May.

CHEFS OF CANBERRA FESTIVAL GALA DINNER 28 APRIL 2016 cimf.org.au 02 6230 5880

Lost village As part of the ACT Heritage Festival, Hall School Museum and Heritage Centre is holding an exhibition to help visitors to re-discover the “lost” village of Ginninderra. Ginninderra flourished for half a century from the 1860s, boasting a church, two schools, a store, police station, school of arts and hotel but by 1915 it was being abandoned. Rediscovering Ginninderra is on each weekend until 16-17 April. For details, see museum.hall.act.au

Top theatre There are two excellent productions on at the moment, loosely from the same period. Pigeonhole Theatre’s local production of Playhouse Creatures at The Q explores the experience of female actors when they were first allowed onto the stage in 17th Century London. Bell Shakespeare’s traditional take of Romeo and Juliet is a delight, with 29-year-old Kelly Paterniti utterly convincing as the 14-year-old lovestruck Juliet. When Shakespeare wrote the play, Juliet, like all the female characters would have been played by boys. 51

time out SEE THE PROCLAIMERS Scotland’s finest Celtic soul brothers, The Proclaimers, charmed the world with their consummate pop songs, like the euphoric I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) that took the band to the top of the Australian singles charts. Coming off the back of a mammoth 70-show tour of the UK, including performances at Glastonbury, T in the Park and Wychwood Festivals, The Proclaimers are heading to Canberra! The Proclaimers are renowned for their charismatic live stage shows and raucous, uplifting music. Expect to hear the classics I’m on My Way, Sunshine on Leith, Letter From America, and I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) on Wednesday 20 April at Canberra Theatre Centre. Tickets: canberratheatrecentre.com.au

Canberra Weekly has 2 x double passes (tickets $99 each) to The Proclaimers’ 20 April show to be won. To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘The Proclaimers’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details and the answer to this question: what is your favourite song by The Proclaimers? Entries close 9am 15 April 2016 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person. Winners must be able to attend. Permit No. ACT TP 15/05130.


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to Inducted in a H Psychic ll 14 of Fame 20

NOW SHOWING Zootopia (PG) A clever bunny movie – correction – buddy movie set in a modern anthropomorphic city where predators and prey live together in harmony (well mostly), Zootopia teaches us that ‘anyone can be anything’ if you just keep on trying. Determined to prove to her carrot-farming parents that anyone can do anything, a strong willed Judy Hopps (Ginnifer Goodwin) heads off to the big smoke city of Zootopia to ‘make the world a better place’ by becoming the first ever Bunny Cop. Succeeding in her goal of getting on the force is less than gratifying when relegated to the position of meter maid. But after falling for wily fox Nick Wilde’s (Jason Bateman) latest con artist scam on her first day, Judy doesn’t turn tail but adds the art of the hustle to her skills arsenal. With the support of Assistant Mayor Bellwether (Jenny Slate), Police Chief Bogo (Idris Elba) begrudgingly gives her 48 hours to complete an assignment or hand in

her badge, uncovering a conspiracy on a case with no witnesses, no leads and 14 missing mammals. Although a story about pursuing dreams may not sound new, Zootopia is quite original – even if it does batter viewers with somewhat PC-Central mangled messages about diversity, tolerance, trust and, er, human decency. While the animation gives us wonderfully entertaining characters to look at, it is the clever personality profiling that shines. Marlon Brando channelling crime lord rats, DMV bureaucratic sloths, a donut-addicted police officer cheetah, and a yoga au naturel performing elephant, all add to the fun while throwaway references, like the ‘carrot’ iPhone, bring a level of thoughtful cuteness to the proceedings. The verdict: Who would have thought a conflict management proficient bunny and a fox who hustles could be so on point. 4 stars. – Joanna Baker

Mother’s Day film passes Celebrate the Mother of all holidays with the star-studded comedy, Mother’s Day, following the very different relationships between mothers and their children. This big-hearted movie invites us to enjoy the laughter, tears and love as four families come together in the lead up to Mother’s Day. Starring Julia Roberts, Jennifer Aniston, Kate Hudson and Jason Sudeikis, and from the director of New Year’s Eve and Valentine’s Day, this delightful story intertwines poignant and hilarious tales of parenthood sure to melt your heart and make you smile. Mother’s Day is a celebration of Mothers everywhere, in cinemas nationally 28 April. More info: www.mothersdaymovie.com.au

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Enter to WIN Canberra Weekly has 10 x Mother’s Day in-season double passes (valued around $40 each) to give away. To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘Mother’s Day’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details and the answer to this question: who is one of the stars of this film? Entries close 9am 15 April 2016 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person. Permit No. ACT TP 15/05130.

time out WHAT’S ON HERITAGE FESTIVAL: The Canberra and Region Heritage Festival 2-18 April offers a mix of free and ticketed events such as tours, talks, workshops, open days, exhibitions and more at various venues. More info: go to environment. act.gov.au and search for 2016 Heritage Festival. WINE WEEK: Canberra District Wine Week is happening 4-10 April with events across Canberra, Yass, Murrumbateman, Bungendore and Lake George. More info: www.cdww.com.au THE GREAT MOSCOW CIRCUS: Edgley Attractions presents the 50th anniversary of The Great Moscow Circus at Majura Park 6-25 April. Tickets: ticketdirect.com.au THIRSTY MERC: This hard-working touring rock band brings their national tour to Canberra Southern Cross Club Woden on Thursday 7 April. Tickets $35 (+bf); cscc.com.au and Ticketek. AUTHOR TALK: Meet the authors of The Drug Law Wars, Marion and Brian McConnell on Thursday 7 April 6pm at Paperchain Bookstore, Manuka. Drinks and nibbles provided. RSVP: 6295 6723. THE LITTLE MERMAID: Free-Rain Theatre presents Disney’s The Little Mermaid at Canberra Theatre during the school holidays, 8-17 April. Tickets: $45-$75 (+bf); canberratheatrecentre. com.au, 6275 2700. ITALIAN CINEMA: The National Film and Sound Archive (NFSA) presents a weekend of Italian cinema from the 1960s and 1970s, in Arc Cinema, 8-10 April. For more info, visit the NFSA website. Tickets: free-$10, trybooking.com KEN DONE: Eat, drink and be artistic with Ken Done, who will be speaking about his new autobiography A Life Coloured In, University House Hall, ANU, Friday 8 April 7pm. Tickets: $70; book at anu.edu.au/events CINEMUSICA: Enjoy music from American Beauty, Psycho, The Shining and more with

BIZARRE GAZZARD: Be amazed by hypnotist Bizarre Gazzard and brilliant stand-up comedian and musician, Adam ‘Chicken’ Palmer, at Canberra Southern Cross Club Jamison on Friday 15 April. Dinner & show $52, show only $27 (+bf). Tickets: cscc.com.au and Ticketek.

Thirsty Merc at Southern Cross Club, Woden, 7 April.

the Australia Chamber Orchestra and Synergy Percussion at Llewellyn Hall, Saturday 9 April 8pm. Tickets: aco.com.au BLUES BROTHERS AND SOUL REVUE: 14 local musicians will pay homage to the blues, soul and Motown sounds in the staging of a Blues Brothers and Soul Revue at the ANU Bar on Saturday 9 April 8pm. Tickets: Moshtix SEASON OF SONG: Northern Lights features Christina Wilson and Alan Hicks on Sunday 10 April at the Wesley Music Centre. More info: artsongcanberra.org OH PEP!: Multi-award-winning indie-folk duo Oh Pep! will be at the Polish Club on Sunday 10 April. Tickets: ohpep.com/gigs HENRY REYNOLDS: Award-winning writer, Henry Reynolds, will be speaking about his new book, Unnecessary Wars, at the ANU on 12 April 6.30pm. Bookings: anu.edu.au/events or 6125 8415. YOU ARE HERE: The five-day festival of independent and experimental art in the CBD returns 13-17 April. Entry to festival events (except one) is free. More info: youareherecanberra.com.au LUNCHTIME LIVE: Young pianists from the studio of Marie Cull will perform works on Wednesday 13 April, 12.40-1.20pm at the Wesley Music Centre. $5 or donation, tickets at the door.

TUKA: To promote his new EP Alive Death Time Eternal, Tuka will play at the ANU Bar on 15 April. Tickets: Ticketek

Getty Images

PENNY ARCADE: The legendary Penny Arcade will bring her exuberant performance to the Street Theatre, Thursday 14 April 8pm. Tickets: thestreet.org.au or 6247 1519.

RAW PRESENTS SIGNATURE: Bringing together 30+ local emerging artists spanning fashion, music, visual and performing arts, music and more at the Belconnen Arts Centre, Friday 15 April 6.30pm. Tickets: $20 (+bf) through RAWartists. org/canberra/signature or $25 at the door. THE LLEWELLYN CHOIR: The major oratorio, Elijah, by Felix Mendelssohn on Saturday 16 April at Llewellyn Hall, ANU. Book via Ticketek. THE GO SET: This Melbourne band will stop in at Transit Bar on Saturday 16 April with their In The Streets tour. Tickets: thegoset.com/events SPANISH FILM FESTIVAL: Palace Electric Cinema hosts the 2016 Spanish Film Festival from 19 April to 8 May. Tickets: spanishfilmfestival.com JUSTICE CREW: The Aussie boy band bring their Live & Local tour to the Vikings Club Erindale on Wednesday 20 April. Tickets: theechotouring.com/event THE PROCLAIMERS: On a six-city Aussie tour, the Scottish soul twins will perform at Canberra Theatre on 20 April 8pm. Tickets: $79-$99 (+bf); canberratheatrecentre.com.au, 6275 2700. Send your free entertainment listings to: news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘what’s on’ in the subject field. Deadline is 10 days prior to Thursday edition date.


Come in spinner and win great prizes playing Two Up from 2–6pm on ANZAC Day.

Canberra Southern Cross Club, Woden

cscc.com.au 53

the look keeping it curvy





Belle Curve utility parker $69 Target

If you’re blessed with curves, the old wives’ tale of wearing oversized clothes to camouflage your body can actually make you look bigger than you are. The best thing you can do? Embrace those curves! Get to know your body shape and make the most of it. WITH FASHION & BEAUTY EDITOR, LAURA WHITE Folk dance dress $169.95 City Chic

Comedic actress Melissa McCarthy arrives at the Sydney premiere of The Boss on 21 March.

Jenny bonded biker jacket $80 BoohooPLUS by boohoo.com.au

Getty Images

Dasia curve embracer skirt $89.99 Jeanswest Sandy waist tie dress $50 BoohooPLUS by boohoo.com.au

Kirsten cardigan $199 elkacollective.com.au

Vanilla sweater $370 firstborn.net.au

flip for more

the look

Feminine blouse $69.99 ezibuy.com.au

DRESS FOR YOUR CURVES • Invest in good undergarments. Building a strong Amelia bra set $149.90 lisaslacies.com.au

foundation for your outfits can go a long way. • Wear form-fitting clothing. They will emphasise your figure. • Don’t shy away from bold colours and patterns. Experiment and learn what colours suit you, then use them to your advantage. • Eyes on the waist. Accentuate your curves by wearing dresses that nip in at the waist or cinch in floatier dresses with a belt. • Tailor to fit. Invest in a well-fitting, structured blazer. Stick with single-breasted options to minimise unnecessary bulk, and choose a shorter length.

Preppy princess dress $119.95 City Chic

Izora wrap dress $199 David Lawrence

• Choose your shoes wisely. Classic pumps or wedges can accentuate the leg, adding to the illusion of length. Stay away from anything with a heavy strap around the ankle as this cuts the line of the leg. • Alterations are your friend. If you’ve spent the money on good quality garments, consider going

Shape-enhancing jeans $38 next.com.au

that little further for some simple alterations. Sometimes that’s all it takes to take something from boxy to flattering.



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the look WHAT WE’RE TALKING ABOUT All the latest fashion, beauty and health news... Cut back added sugar The Sugar Swap Challenge, part of the ACT Government’s Good Habits for Life campaign, encourages families with children aged eight and under to recognise added sugar in their food and drinks, and to swap them out for healthier options over the month of April. More info: act.gov.au/goodhabitsforlife

Perfect match

Sash & Belle nappy bag Local handbag label Sash & Belle is taking pre-orders for a new, stylish nappy bag called ‘Perry’ through crowdfunding site Pozible. Designed for comfort and practicality, the tote features eight pockets, zipper to close, matching shoulder/stroller straps and is made from wipeable faux leather. The bag will retail for $110, but you can pre-order before 28 April on Pozible for $70 including postage; http://pozi.be/stylishbabybagyesplease

Introduction to Nia Inspired by martial arts and incorporating elements of tai chi, jazz, tae kwon do, yoga and more, Nia is a barefoot movement dance class designed to encompass mind, body and soul. Classes are run by Jen, Kerryn and Laurien on Tuesdays 6-7pm at Gorman Arts Centre, and Wednesdays 6-7pm at Belconnen Arts Centre. An introductory offer of three classes for $30 is available for newcomers. More info: niaaustralia.com.au or ‘Nia with Jen, Kerryn and Laurien’ on Facebook.

Sally Hansen is transforming the shopping experience with the new ManiMatch mobile app. Users can generate personalised-for-your-skin-tone colour suggestions on demand. Using cutting-edge, proprietary technology, the app senses and analyses the pigments in each user’s hand, then matches its polish-shade suggestions to choose the most flattering. Download it free from Apple and android stores.

Olympic uniform revealed

Stylish gents Have stylish and practical men’s grooming and style products delivered right to your door with the new Original Gent subscription box – the brainchild of a group of local young gents. For $70 per month, subscribers will receive six premium products. The first box, delivered in May, will contain a tie, socks, a pocket square, cufflinks, cologne sample and an aftershave balm grooming product. More info: originalgent.com.au

Australian lifestyle brand Sportscraft has unveiled the design for the 2016 Australian Olympic team uniform. The athletes will enter the Opening Ceremony wearing tailored green seersucker cotton blazers, finished with a gold embroidered coat of arms badge and gold Australian Olympic coat of arms buttons. Other design details include the ladies silk scarf printed with the Southern Cross, 100% extra fine Australian Merino wool knits and a green and gold knitted men’s tie. TOMS, the one-for-one company, will be providing the official team shoe.








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fi tness Trekking Kokoda I’m leaving for another Kokoda trip this weekend. I always say to everyone that I trek with that “you can never really prepare for this trek, but you will walk into it by day three”. After you’ve sorted out your pretrek training, you need to organise your kit. You’ll need things like: • A daypack • Camel pack • Water purifiers • Clothes (Skins are a must) • Spare socks • Daily snacks • Personal medications Equipment to take: • Trekking poles • Change of footwear for night in camp • Camera • Gifts for the villagers • A waterproof bag Once all that is done, you head into the jungle. And your journey begins.

TREK TRAINING When preparing for a trek, there are a few important things you need to remember. And, if you’re planning to do the Kokoda Trail, one of the world’s last wild frontiers, there are certain things you need to do to prepare yourself both physically and mentally. In your pre-trek training, you’ll need to look at certain areas like leg endurance and leg strength. You could be walking for up to 10 hours a day, depending on your group and trek goals. Another area to focus on is flexibility through your hips and legs. The steep, continual climbing

Tough in more ways than one

is a massive load on the legs, while the down track creates a heavy load on your hips, knees and ankles. You’ll also need to focus on your balance because everyone slips over! When it rains on the Kokoda Track, it truly rains – sometimes for weeks on end. So, with your pre-trek training, practise going up and down hills. When you get to the top of each hill, do 100 squats, rest for one minute, then head back down. Remember to wear the daypack you’re planning to take with you and wear the clothes and shoes you’ll be trekking in also.

Sizes 10-26

The Kokoda trek itself is one of the toughest challenges you will ever face. Apart from the physical challenge, I find it tougher mentally on everyone than any other challenge – maybe it’s the history that this track holds for us all. The unrelenting terrain is one thing – if you take your eyes off the track for even one second and lose focus, you’ll end up on your butt. The weather is another factor that may challenge a trekker: from pouring rain to 100% humidity to open fields of belting sun. But, the jungle is amazing. And the villages you pass through hold an incredible history of wartime battles and brave soldiers to be honoured. The Kokoda Trail is 92km of our living history. Train for 12 weeks to prepare yourself for this adventure and you’ll enjoy every step.

Canberra Weekly competition winners


The winners in Canberra Weekly’s latest round of competition draws are: Ergoflex pillows: T. Summerfield, Calwell.

Hello Belconnen!

The Little Mermaid: M. Gellatly, Curtin; R.M. McEntee, Wanniassa. Sonic Boom DVDs: G. Roll, Uriarra Village; N. Price, Ngunnawal; K. L’Estrange, Kingston; T. Francis, Amaroo; B. Taylor, Kambah. Spanish Film Festival: P. Boyko, Crace; A. Quinn, Woden; L. Choy, Canberra; P. Ziesing, Erindale; P. Gal’Lino, Dunlop; V. Brooke, Weston; S. Smith, Kambah; N. Trim, Dickson; L.N. Preston, Kambah; H. Bolton, Kambah.

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the look BEAUTY TO YOUR DOOR Lust it no more! Lust have it! is Australia’s leading beauty subscription service. With an annual subscription to the Women’s Beauty Box, you will be surprised and delighted every month of the year. Each month, you’ll receive a beautiful cosmetic bag filled with 5-6 samples – a different mix of beauty product types, including makeup, skincare, fragrance, body, and hair products. Lust Have It! for your outer and inner beauty. (Note: products may differ from those shown.) More info: lusthaveit.com.au or find Lust Have It on Facebook.

One lucky Canberra Weekly reader will win a Lust have it! annual subscription valued at $250. To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘Lust have it’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details and the answer to this question: what does a Lust have it! women’s beauty box contain? Entries close 9am 15 April 2016 and winner drawn same day. One entry per person. Permit No. ACT TP 15/05130.

WHAT WE’RE TALKING ABOUT Fashion fundraiser Local fashion powerhouse Things of Desire (TOD) has teamed up with M.A.C Cosmetics and the AIDS Action Council to showcase fabulous fashion and support people living with HIV in the ACT, tonight (Thursday 7 April) 6pm at 32 Lonsdale Street, Braddon. RSVP to TOD on 6260 8844 or the AIDS Action Council on 6257 2855.

InSync wellness festival InSync is celebrating the launch of its new Wellness Centre at Griffith shops with a health and wellbeing festival for the whole community. Enjoy yoga classes, meditation sessions, inspirational talks, delicious food and more – all free! The event starts at 6pm Friday 8 April and continues all day Saturday 9 April. To find out more, visit insync.com.au and register to book in for the sessions you wish to attend.

High tea for charity Join Mrs Australia Quest National Finalist Natalie Hargreaves for a special high tea on Sunday 10 April in Dunlop. Tickets are $25 and all proceeds go to Teal Wings of Hope, raising money for awareness of ovarian cancer. For tickets and more information, search ‘high tea for the girls’ on Facebook.

Boots for change Boots of any kind – gumboots, work boots, riding, cowboy, fashion and tap boots – will all feature at a special Southern Harvest Farmers Market Boots for Change market day on Saturday 9 April 9am-1pm at the Bungendore War Memorial Hall. More info: bootsforchange.org.au

Cancer Screening – a part of every woman’s healthy life Cervical cancer is one of few cancers that can largely be prevented through regular cervical screening. Currently, Pap tests every two years are still the best way to protect against cervical cancer. If you are between 20 and 69 years of age and have ever been sexually active, you need regular cervical screening – even if you have received the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine as the vaccine will not prevent all cervical cancers. Call your health practitioner to book for a Pap today.

For more information on cervical screening call 13 15 56

© Australian Capital Territory, Canberra www.health.act.gov.au | www.act.gov.au | Enquiries: Canberra 13ACT1 or 132281


This screening test could save your life Early detection is your best protection


home give tech a break STYLING



After the hustle and bustle of the busy school term, holidays offer the chance to take some time out, re-charge and re-connect.


hild psychologist Jocelyn Brewer suggests putting away digital devices and getting back to basics such as focusing on conversations and talking about things you observe in the neighbourhood, sharing stories, spending time in nature, visiting local parks, baking or cooking some healthy food. “Children connect with their siblings and parents through play. Calming craft activities that involve cutting, sticking and colouring can be totally absorbing and are a great way to enjoy family time together,” she says. They also build important fine motor skills and a sense of creativity and fun. “From designing and flying paper planes through targets, to creating collages with autumn leaves, kids’ creativity is fostered when there is space for some screen-free time and even a little bit of boredom!” To help keep the kids entertained over the school holidays, our Home editor Allison Redman has found some simple projects to keep them busy while creating their own masterpieces …

iSstock image

DIY PAINTED GLITTER POTS Making your own DIY Painted Glitter Pots is a super easy project you can complete in about 30 minutes. Project courtesy The Makers Co [www.themakerscollective.com.au]. Photos Mikaela Danvers.

What you’ll need • Terracotta pot (for this project 3 mini ones were used) • Paintbrush • Craft glue • Paint (a contrasting colour to the pot is recommended to give it a real pop, but if you’d prefer something more earthy, go for it!) • Glitter • Plant (optional. For this project tiny succulents were used because they are hard to kill and look cute, but you could use your pot to hold whatever you like)

What to do Step 1: Take your paintbrush and paint your glue onto your pot, in stripes, or however you like. TIP: If you want perfectly straight lines, use some washi or masking tape to mask off the areas you don’t want to cover with glitter or paint beforehand.

Step 2: Over a piece of paper or napkin, shake the glitter out of the container over the areas covered with glue. Don’t be afraid to use lots. You can then pour all the glitter from the paper or napkin back into the container so it doesn’t go to waste. 62

Step 4: You are done. Leave the pots to dry for an hour or so, then use them however you like.

Step 3: Wash and dry your paintbrush, then use your colour of choice to paint stripes, triangles or whatever takes your fancy onto the other areas of the pot.

CREATIVE CRAFT FOR KIDS Looking for further inspiration? Here are some simple kits to encourage creativity …

‘Fast’ wooden car $43 buildmewoodentoys.com

Make and decorate your own speakers $20.99 yellowoctopus.com.au

Scarecrow kit $29.95 Bliss Garden & Giftware

Tie dye craft kit $10 Kmart

Owl pot pet kit $24.95 Bliss Garden & Giftware


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in the garden


A native Hover Fly on Pig Face flowers. Photo Steph Bennett.

ustralia has countless wild insect pollinators that are often overlooked. European honey bees get a lot of attention because they are an adaptable, generalist forager, which means they are happy to visit almost any flower, in most climate zones. They are also a social species, so their hives are easy to domesticate and manage. However, many native insects also contribute to pollination in crops and gardens all around the country. More research is still required to identify all our insect pollinator species, understand their ecology, and how they are affected by human activities. So far, researchers have confirmed that Australia has around 2,000 native bee species, all of which are important pollinators. There are also around 2,000 butterfly, wasp, fly, moth, beetle, thrips

WITH HORTICULTURIST TRACEY BOOL traceyboolgardenwriter.com

and ant species, some of which are documented pollinators. Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot of information on the ecology of many of these insects, what flowers they pollinate, or where they are found. The Wild Pollinator Count gives members of the public an opportunity to contribute to wild insect pollinator conservation in Australia. By counting wild pollinators in your local environment, you will help dedicated researchers and educators build a database on wild pollinator activity. You can join in by watching any flowering plant for just 10 minutes during the next count week, 10-17 April. For more: wildpollinatorcount.com

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The community garden in Wanniassa run by the Canberra Organic Growers Society.

Community gardens guidelines The final guide to community gardens in the ACT has been released. Prepared by the Environment and Planning Directorate and Territory and Municipal Services, the guide provides advice to members of the public who are interested in establishing a community garden on unleased public land.

Community gardens are an increasingly popular communitybased activity for growing food collectively and locally. Community gardens provide an opportunity for many different members of a community to engage in gardening activities to grow vegetables and fruit for personal use and enjoyment with likeminded gardeners.

The Territory Plan, which is the ACT’s key statutory planning document, considers community gardens to be a type of ‘outdoor recreation facility’ and defines a community garden as: “... the use of land for the cultivation of produce primarily for personal use by those people undertaking the gardening, including demonstration gardening or other environmental activities which encourage the involvement of schools, youth groups and citizens in gardening activities”. For more: planning.act.gov.au/ topics/current_projects/studies/ community_gardens_in_the_act

Socks or herbs? My lovely sister Steph, fellow gardener and DIY extraordinaire, has discovered a novel and alternative use for the humble sock drier, as that of a drier of herbs. These cheap and cheery drying contraptions are space conscious with convenient and sturdy clips, perfect for attaching bunches of

My sister Steph’s clever alternative use for sock driers as herb driers. Photo Steph Bennett.

herbs to. They can also be hung in any number of places where conditions are favourable for this worthwhile preserving method. t

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The latest in trends, products and happenings for the home, with Home editor, Allison Redman. Change your smoke alarm battery With the recent daylight saving switch, it’s the ideal time to change the battery in household smoke alarms. ACT Fire and Rescue recommendations regarding smoke alarms include: install on or near the ceiling in bedrooms, hallways or corridors on every level of the house; regularly clean the cover and vents of smoke alarms; closely monitor ionisation smoke alarms as they near their 10-year expiry date and replace with photoelectric smoke alarms, which are better at detecting smouldering fires; replace smoke alarm batteries with lon-lasting alkaline batteries and run them through a monthly test; and ensure your smoke alarm is compliant with the Australian Standard.

Ethical textiles Founded by Tarsha Burn, Organic Bed Threads is a brand of ethical, handmade bed linen. Certified organic cotton under the Global Organic Textile Standard, it is committed to ethical and socially responsible business practices as set by the International Labour Organization. More info: www.organicbedthreads.com

Retro revival in lighting The bold colours and evocative designs of the retro era are set for a revival in interiors and lighting this year. Retro chic can be achieved by mixing vibrant colour with the opulent tones of black, brass and darkened timber. In particular, blue is set to be a dominant hue this season, according to Brilliant Lighting Interior Product Manager and Trend Forecaster, Jacqueline Hughes.

Daddy is home and he’s shaking up the family tree. Featuring the hilarious coupling of comedy legend Will Ferrell (Anchorman, Step Brothers) and box office powerhouse Mark Wahlberg (Ted, Entourage), this family escapade will have you applauding with laughter at every ridiculous act of macho one-upmanship from beginning to end. Written and directed by the humourous mastermind behind Horrible Bosses 2, We’re the Millers and Hot Tub Time Machine, Sean Anders, Daddy’s Home is one of those laugh out loud films you’ll be quoting with your friends for years to come. Thanks to Universal Sony Pictures Home Entertainment and the release of Daddy’s Home (PG) on Bluray, DVD and Digital from 7 April, you could win yourself and a friend 1 of 5 DVD packs.

Enter to WIN To enter, email competitions@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘Daddy’s Home’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details and the answer to this question: who is one of the stars of this film? Entries close 9am 15 April 2016 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person. Permit No. ACT TP 15/05130.

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Lyneham is home to one of Canberra’s major sporting precincts.

Sporting heaven


f you are a sports fan or a bike enthusiast then Lyneham is for you. There’s a sporting precinct that includes a golf course, tennis centre, gym and hockey centre, while the AIS is just over the hill. Then there’s an abundance of bike paths throughout the suburb. Luton agent Christine Shaw says Lyneham is a “fantastically eclectic” suburb that appeals to buyers in all price points. The suburb, which is only minutes to the CBD, has superb $1 million-plus properties for


prestige buyers, while the regeneration over the decades has also meant there are beautiful renovated homes on offer under the $1 million mark. “We also have the entry level red brick treasures (or ex-govies) for the renovator or knockdown/ rebuild market,” she says. “Then, of course, there are complexes like Fairway Park and The Pines that provide excellent two-bedroom investment and first home buyer opportunities so close to Civic.” Family homes are always tightly contested at auctions in the school

district, given the popularity of Lyneham High School. Shaw says there is always heightened interest in Lyneham “due to the location to shops, universities, transport and proximity to Civic and Belconnen”. She expects the light rail will “make Lyneham even more attractive” to those not wanting to have a high carbon footprint. There are shopping precincts in both Lyneham and North Lyneham, which includes the popular Tilley’s café. Duterrau Crescent, Salkauskas Crescent, Fernyhough Crescent, Wattle Street, Dryandra Street and Blackbutt Street are some of the best streets with views, she says. Development opportunities exist at the old Lyneham Flats sites and along De Burgh Street.

$555,000 2



52/12 Oliver Street $450,000+ 3



112/26 Oliver Street $360,000+ 2




property news

recent sales



Rutherford Johnston

34 Burdekin Street, Duffy



22 Mullan Street, Fadden



43a Morton Street, Queanbeyan


Peter Blackshaw

Ngunnawal 5 Gangele Street

5 Gangele Street, Ngunnawal

$1,185,000 Maria Selleck

1 Sheaffe Street, Holder


Luton Properties

120/22 Eyre Street, Kingston


Peter Blackshaw

22/71 Mina Wylie Cres, Gordon


Luton Properties

33 Melba Street, Downer


LJ Hooker

49/10 Burke Crescent, Kingston



44 Redruth Street, Crace



15 Millamurra St, Malua Bay


First National

3/3 Adventure Street, Harrison


LJ Hooker

24 Holden Crescent, Wanniassa


Luton Properties

3/133 Kelleway Avenue, Nicholls



22 Mullan Street, Fadden



15 Reader Court, Banks


Luton Properties

8 Duffy Street, Ainslie

$1,450,000 Luton Properties

21 John Bull Street, Queanbeyan


Luton Properties

73 Tempe Crescent, Googong


Luton Properties

17 Koonalda Street, Harrison


Luton Properties

29 Dunstan Street, Curtin


The Real Estate Shop Luton Properties

8 Beatrice Place, Long Beach


Bayside Real Estate

2/43 Gardiner Street, Downer


12 Morrison Street, Kambah


Luton Properties

24 Waratah Street, O’Connor

$1,020,000 Maria Selleck

1 Beadle Street, Charnwood


Rutherford Johnston

33 McBurney Cres, Richardson


Maria Selleck

8 Sturgeon Street, Conder



52 Mary Gillespie Ave, Gungahlin


LJ Hooker

13 Orange Thorn Crescent, Banks


Peter Blackshaw

27/10 Helpmann Strreet, Bonython $511,000

LJ Hooker

First National

5 Wurth Place, Chifley


One Agency


55 Golf Links Drive, Batemans Bay $267,500 14 Merriwee Ave, Malua Bay


Raine & Horne

7/45 Majura Avenue, Dickson

17 Jewell Close, Phillip


Luton Properties

4/15 John Cleland Crescent, Florey $360,000

Luton Properties

38 Wentworth Ave, Sunshine Bay


Elders Real Estate

12 Mawby Street, Gungahlin

Luton Properties



102 Totterdell Street, Belconnen


LJ Hooker

7/40 Newlop St, Ngunnawal



27 Bettington Circuit, Charnwood


Luton Properties

11 Berry Place, Surf Beach


Raine & Horne

133/64 College Street, Belconnen



1/8 Baudinette Circuit, Bruce


Luton Properties

7/700 Beach Road, Surf Beach


Raine & Horne

11/5 Carroll Street, Hughes


Cream Residential

3 Cain Place, Torrens


Maria Selleck

47 Hurrell Street, Forde



19 Beasley Street, Torrens


Maria Selleck

22 Buchan Crescent, Forde



7/18 Devonport Street, Lyons


Peter Blackshaw

16 McKeahnie Street, Queanbeyan $520,000


29 Bardolph Street, Bonython


Luton Properties

2/14 Kuppa Avenue, Malua Bay

LJ Hooker

18 Lindsay Pryor Street, Wright


Peter Blackshaw

34 Burdekin Street, Duffy



97 Macfarlane Burnett Ave, Macgregor $400,000

LJ Hooker

28/11 Howitt Street, Kingston


LJ Hooker

30 Keith Waller Rise, Casey

Luton Properties

Data is provided by agents. Source: Realestate.com.au


Management Guarantee: If after 6 months you are not delighted with our management service, we will reimburse those fees for that period. This guarrantee applies to new clients as from February 1 2015. Visit maloneys.com.au for full details.


ACT Greens’ Shane Rattenbury has lauded changes to the Territory Plan Variation of the housing development behind the Red Hill shops. The development, which had already been scaled down from six storeys to four based on concerns from residents, had lacked “clarity”, according to Mr Rattenbury. There were concerns with the lack of detail in the final Variation of the redevelopment of the ageing public housing site, he says. “This amendment will clarify that if a basement is higher than 1m above ground level, it will count as a storey,” Rattenbury says. Other amendments include a number of “character” conditions, he says, such as the arrangement of buildings to enhance solar access and high quality facades that avoid a “continuous wall” of development. “Overall I think this is a good outcome for the community that will see quality urban infill and help to revitalise the Red Hill shops,” he says. The Technical Amendment to the Territory Plan will be released for public consultation later this month. - Lyndall Larkham

proven, preferred & ‘Maloney’s give us our valuable now guaranteed! time back – time that can be better spent with our families and other more enjoyable activities. We have found their property management services to be responsive and quick to sort out any issues. 'The Griffin' Cnr. Giles & Jardine Sts, Kingston PO Box 5044, Kingston ACT 2604 They always have our best p: 02 6232 0100 interests at heart.’ e: maloneys@maloneys.com.au www.maloneys.com.au Terry Ring and Helen King Canberra’s Property Shop Pty Ltd T/A Maloney’s Lic Agent.


32 Mataranka Street, Hawker

Greens happy with Red Hill variation



property news expert advice

in the spotlight JASON ROSES Director, Licensed Agent and Auctioneer Luton Properties, Gungahlin

Before I was in real estate I had just graduated from high school and was selling Australian souvenirs at a souvenir store in the city. I also had a short working stint at an Italian restaurant. If I wasn’t in real estate I would be (ha ha) in Hollywood! George Clooney step aside … or more like Mr Bean perhaps? I’m a very talkative person and very emotional, I cry at the drop of a hat. I wear my heart on my sleeve and do anything for those close to me. I laugh loudly and cry even louder. My favourite dish is Spanish seafood paella which I can make. I learnt the recipe from my grandma. My life is a little crazy but I have my friends and family to keep me grounded. Nothing beats a beautiful dinner with friends. The person I admire most is Steve Jobs; he created a movement that changed the world forever. People don’t know this, but I have a love for American country music and listen to this when I have the time. When I was 18, I wish I knew how to save a little smarter and not spend as much!


Adam Peppinck Partner | Property Mills Oakley

Can I gain access to start renovations prior to settlement?

I wish there was more peace in the world. If people set aside their differences and were more accepting of others there would be more peace. I wish I had a flying carpet, Aladdin is my favourite Disney movie. My dream house would be Aaron Spelling’s old house in Beverly Hills, just a small home! The best people in life are those who smile more, complain less and are always positive. I have always loved Disney films. I had the time of my life when I had my stint on Big Brother; it was just an amazing experience. I wish I knew how to sing. I have always admired singers. Sometimes not all people in life will be nice to you. But don’t let them get

you down, keep being positive, keep smiling and hold your head high. Life is meant to be enjoyed. The biggest lesson I have ever learnt is never be afraid to ask someone a question. The worst someone can say is ‘no’. My motto in life is life is too short. Don’t have regrets in your life. My favourite pastime is going to the beach and swimming in the ocean. I feel so alive when I am swimming in the ocean; something so relaxing about it. I’d like to have a holiday house overlooking the water. My biggest regret was backing out of going to watch my idol Celine Dion when she came to Australia for her concert. I was one button away from paying but chickened out.

Unless the buyer and seller specifically agree otherwise, the buyer has no contractual right to access the property prior to settlement to commence renovations. The buyer must therefore obtain the seller’s prior consent to enable any such access. If the seller is willing to consent to such access (noting that many sellers will be reluctant to allow access for a purpose as intrusive as pre-settlement renovations), then this should be formally documented using a licence agreement. Such an agreement will provide the buyer with a legal right (often in exchange for the payment of a licence fee to the seller) to access the property for this purpose and will allocate risk between the parties. Amongst other things, it will impose obligations on the buyer if settlement does not proceed, and will waive rights that the buyer would otherwise have had regarding the condition of the property at settlement.


property of the week

View from above SURF BEACH NSW 21 HIGHLANDS AVENUE his stunning five-bedroom five-bathroom residence boasts panoramic views over Bateman’s Bay that are “jawdroppingly good”, according to agent Rob Routledge. “It’s the absolute top of the market,” he says. “This home is rated as one of the best on the entire South Coast.” Set on nearly five acres, this architect-designed master-built home has “never to be built out” views out to the islands. The exquisitely crafted property features cutting-edge architecture and frameless glassed living spaces to maximise its desirable location. The kitchen has a nautical feel and boasts top-of-the-range appliances, a breakfast bar and plenty of storage options, while the informal and formal living areas flow out to the gorgeous outdoor entertaining areas. The master suite boasts ocean

views from every area, while the segregated guest room has its own ensuite. There’s also a lockable purposebuilt wine cellar, home office, stables and a double garage with internal access, a freestanding triple garage and double carport. And, if that’s not enough, there’s a heated in-ground pool and spa and beautiful landscaped gardens which include a stunning water feature. Routledge says the property is located in a quality area, around 10 minutes from town and a number of beaches. “It is the high end of the market here … the ultimate prize,” he says. “The property needs to be seen to be fully appreciated.” He says the home would suit a family who require a quality residence with features plus, as well as an option of horses to be kept on the property.




Land size: 1.78 Hectares (approx 4.40 acres)

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Price: $1,750,000 View: By appointment Agent: Rob Routledge Mob: 0414 235 976


LJ Hooker - Batemans Bay Ph: 02 4472 6455 Australia lives here

Australia lives here

71 Austr


agent's choice

GUNGAHLIN 18 Evadell Street From the moment you walk through the front door of this home, you will be struck by the quality, style and craftsmanship evident in every room. This outstanding family home ticks all the boxes as the ultimate easy family living and presents in ‘as new’ condition. With loads of liveability and design features such as nine-foot ceilings, amazing kitchen with insulated walk-in pantry, segregated living spaces, stunning alfresco and outdoor living spaces you will be proud to call this property home. As well as living in an amazing home you will be only a short stroll away from Yerrabi Pond and local cafés and restaurants. The Gungahlin region is spoilt for great schools, shopping and lifestyle facilities. The owners have made the difficult decision to downsize, so please do not delay your inspection or call Kaylene or Andrew to discuss this absolute gem.




EER: 5.0 Auction: Sat 30 April 10am on site View: Saturday 11.30am-12pm, Wed 5-5:30pm Agent: Kaylene King 0409 574 178 Agent: Andrew Browne 0403 169 259 LJ Hooker Canberra City Ph: 6249 7700

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Austr Australia lives here

Australia lives here


FRANKLIN 10/293 Flemington Road Part of the popular ‘Nexus’ complex, 10/293 Flemington Road, Franklin, is an immaculate three-bedroom home, all with built-in robes and master with oversized ensuite. This stylish, dual-level terrace provides fresh interiors which emphasise the sense of light, space and privacy. The large, open plan living/dining and kitchen area offers modern inclusions with Smeg stainless steel appliances, stone benchtops, and split system on the lounge room wall plus reverse cycle heating and cooling throughout. The home can be used as an adaptable home as it was designed with spacious bathrooms, doorways and hallways. Outside presents courtyards both front and back and you will enjoy the sense of space as the complex backs onto the spacious common area.




EER: 6.0 Price: $419,000+ View: Saturday 9 April 11-11.30am Agent: Liam Wilson

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Mob: 0405 056 844 Ray White Belconnen Ph: 6173 6300

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Australia lives here




agent's choice

AMAROO 5 Phelp Court Single-level, modern three-bedroom home on a 625sqm block. The main bedroom has ensuite and walk-in robe, there is a large lounge/dining and separate meals area, plus the kitchen has been recently renovated with a seamless outdoor flow to a secluded north-facing yard. A great opportunity to buy in a quiet section of Amaroo.

alia lives here




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EER: 4.0 Price: Offers over $460,000 View: Saturday & Sunday 11am - 12pm Agent: Graham Bush Mob: 0427 225 823 Independent Property Group Inner North Ph: 6209 4019

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Australia lives here

alia lives here


O’CONNOR 10 Pedder Street With striking architectural style and immaculate attention to detail, no expense has been spared in the creation of this sophisticated home. Defined by its superior quality and workmanship, this HIA awardwinning home is spacious and contemporary in design with the highest standard of inclusions for luxury living. If you have an eye for quality and a need for space in a quiet and private location, then here is your answer. Designed for a lifetime of enjoyment and comfort, this property presents a superb selection of formal, informal and casual living areas to complement any occasion. Enjoy a lifestyle like no other – entertain, relax or swim a few laps in your pool. The list of features is endless; seeing this home is an absolute must.

alia lives here





EER: 4.0 Auction: Saturday 23 April 10am View: Thursday 6.30-7pm, Saturday 9.45-10.30am Agent: Andrew Lonsdale

Find out more

Mob: 0428 486 692 Elders Belconnen Ph: 6251 2088

Austr Australia lives here

Australia lives here

alia lives here




agent's choice

MURRUMBATEMAN NSW 19 Camp Street Nestled in a beautifully landscaped natural setting in the village of Murrumbateman is this immaculately presented, expansive family residence. Offering ducted evaporative cooling, two slow combustion wood heaters, brand new kitchen with ample storage, master bedroom with walkthrough robe and ensuite, three large additional bedrooms plus rumpus and expansive fifth bedroom/studio with private access. With separate cosy lounges and living zones showcasing its idyllic position, this home is perfectly suited to the growing family that share a love for relaxed living. Only 20 minutes to Canberra, this extremely private offering with massive alfresco entertaining area and beautifully landscaped grounds with pool is as impressive as it is rare.




View: Saturday 9 April 11.15am-12pm Agent: Nick Slater


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Mob: 0414 212 332 McGrath Estate Agents Gungahlin Ph: 6123 8000

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Australia lives here


Exclusive ‘Agents Only’ bookings app residentialreports.com.au No Pay Presale Building & Pest Inspections 6288 0402 www.residentialreports.com.au (Buyer pays on settlement)


Agents scan here for your exclusive inspections booking system


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agent's choice

BUNGENDORE NSW 17 Turallo Terrace

GORDON 24 Mina Wylie Crescent

A rare opportunity has arisen to acquire arguably one of the most significant homes in the area, and be a part of Bungendore’s vibrant and friendly community. This inspiring four-bedroom Federation-style home with generous proportions is positioned on a magnificent allotment of 2,026sqm (approx.) A rare opportunity to purchase a unique property with enduring appeal.

'Section 517' – An exclusive townhouse development site on an elevated 4,450sqm land area. Each townhouse is designer-finished, offering high ceilings in the expansive living areas, floating timber floors, gourmet kitchen with stone benchtops, AEG s/s appliances, Methven tapware, walk-in pantry, air conditioning, internal access garaging and private courtyards. EER: 6.0



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Auction: Saturday 30 April 10am on site View: Saturday 1.30-2.15pm Agent: Natasha Johnson 0434 104 556 Luton Properties Manuka Ph: 6260 8999

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Australia lives here

Australia lives here

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Price: $389,000-$399,000 View: By appointment Ivan Pavkovic 0407 703 443 Agent: Australia lives here Peter Blackshaw Real Estate Gungahlin Ph: 6241 9444

Australia lives here

Do You Want Massive Water Views?

Australia li Australia lives here

Australia lives here




Australia li


Weston 43 Folingsby Street

Ray White Woden


2 EER: 2.0

Auction Sat 23 April at 10.00am, on site View Sat 10.00 – 10.45am Margaret Reynolds 0417 486 574

Malua Bay 41 Garagarang Street In one of Malua Bay’s most sought after streets is this substantial double brick home, just a short walk from the beach. High raked ceilings, impressive water views from the main living areas, spacious rooms throughout, back to the grid solar panels, Berber carpet, suspended slabs between levels and massive beach and water views. WIWO.

View Saturday 9th April at 1pm For Sale $740,000 Contact Drew Deck 0468 340 476 Melissa Williams 0408 253 481


Suit first home buyer / investor. A much loved 3 bedroom home with pretty garden with barbeque area and rear views could soon be yours. Quiet, high position, timber floors, bookshelves, water tank, security shutters, crim safe doors and air conditioning have been installed in this very well kept home.


margaret.reynolds@rwcanberra.com.au 5/534 George Bass Drive Malua Bay NSW 2536

6162 0681 rwcanberra.com.au


First home or investor

Phone 02

4471 2283 www.southcoastps.com.au 75


agent's choice

KAMBAH 143 Learmonth Drive

FLOREY 21 Longley Place

This lovely four-bedroom ensuite home is in a convenient location close to amenities and within walking distance to the Tuggeranong Hyperdome. It offers a renovated kitchen with induction cooktop and stone benchtops, updated bathroom and ensuite, ducted heating and cooling, double garage and fantastic rear garden. EER: 1.0

First time offered for sale, this picture perfect, Louis Poxleitner built home is a captivating balance of home and garden. Offering peace and privacy, the home features a centrally located kitchen with stainless steel appliances, exposed beams and full-length windows as well as new carpet and landscaped grounds. EER: 2.5




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Price: $555,000 View: Saturday 1-1.40pm Agent: Sandy Morris 0420 380 895 One Agency Sandy Morris 6296 4252 Australia lives here

Australia lives here



Australia lives here

CASEY 14 Rattigan Street

BONNER 35 Irinyili Street

This home offers a large master bedroom and ensuite and extensive walkaround robe. The functional floor plan offers formal and informal living areas with separate large formal lounge to the front, combined family meals and kitchen area opening onto the large alfresco under roofline. EER: 5.5

This free-standing single-level home is only three years old and has been lovingly cared for by the original owners. The open plan living areas open onto a large timber deck and courtyard. A galley-style kitchen opens to the dining area and three generous size bedrooms complete this functional plan. EER: 5.0




Price: $749,000 View: Saturday 9 & Sunday 10 April 11am-12pm Agent: Nathan Giannasca 0418 479 963 Agent: David Costanzo 0455 334 324 Property Entourage 6262 4284 76


Auction: Saturday 30 April 11am on site View: Saturday 11-11.45am; Wednesday 12.30-1pm Agent: Geraldine Rutherford 0412 060 792 Australia lives here Agent: Steve Duff 0419 239 480 Rutherford Johnston Properties 6253 3333




Auction: Saturday 9 April 10am on site View: Saturday 9 April 9.30-10am Agent: Paul Sutton 0407 099 175 Agent: Robyn Sutton 0409 442 484 Paul and Robyn Sutton Properties

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Australia lives here

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More Australians use realestate.com.au than any other property site nationwide. So when it comes to finding your next home, you can maximise your chances of finding the perfect place by looking on realestate.com.au Go online or download the app today and begin your search. Source: Nielsen Unique Audience Jan’16, desktop and msite only.



Deceased Estate Asset Liquidation A family home since the 1960’s this Ainslie cottage sits on a spacious 701m2 allotment in a quiet neighbourhood just a stone’s throw from North Ainslie Primary School. If you are looking for the perfect starter to create your forever home, your search is over. The home itself is serene and welcoming, it invites you to come on in, find yourself a seat and stay for a while.

Big breezy windows allow light to flood in and the oversize lounge is not only spacious but features craftsman built-in cabinetry. All three bedrooms have built in robes and there is gas cooking and heating.



Auction Saturday 16th April at 9:30am Venue On site View Saturday 9:00am – 9:30am & 1:00pm – 1:30pm ljhooker.com.au/1DWCQCF92

Donna Pinkerton 0400 997 699 Guy Ewin 0455 556 569 Dickson 6257 2111

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Ainslie 4 McColl Street



Huge Apartment, Terrific Location First time offered for sale since new, owners downsizing.

• 144sqm of living space with easterly aspect

The owners have loved the central location and the ability to walk into the City or just stroll around the corner to local cafes and restaurants. The apartment itself is spacious with 2 segregated living spaces, huge bedrooms & loads of storage. Resort living with pool, gym & tennis court.

• Reverse cycle air conditioning throughout the apartment

• Powder room downstairs is very convenient for guests • Double covering on all windows or honeycomb blinds providing effective insulation • The carpets throughout were installed 2 years ago • 2 Car spaces + a lock up storage shed in secure basement



Auction Wednesday 20th April at 6:00pm Venue In Rooms LJ Hooker Canberra City, 182- 200 City Walk View Sat 1:30pm – 2:00pm & Tue 5:00pm – 5.30pm ljhooker.com/737066

Kaylene King 0409 574 178 Matt McCallum 0423 344 104 Canberra City 6249 7700

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Braddon 65/28 Torrens street


Charnwood 1 Edols Place


The Perfect Place To Call Home


• Three bedrooms with built in wardrobes plus an ensuite

For Sale By Negotiation

• Cosy spacious sunken lounge room with wood fire

View Saturday 10:00am – 10:30am

• A creative use of sandstone and timber throughout • High cathedral ceilings giving a sense of light • Reverse cycle air conditioning and heating throughout • Cupboard filled kitchen with pantry • Fantastic position surrounded by quality homes

Peta Barrett 0414 281 078 Kippax 6255 3888

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


High set, and located in one of the location’s most sought after cul de sacs, this privately built split level home is filled with character, has spacious open plan living areas and has been beautifully maintained. Additionally landscaped established gardens are leafy and private and the position is ideal.



Family Home - Comfortable, Bright And Happy.... If you are looking for a family home, one with new bathrooms, lounge as well as a family room and terrific outside entertaining areas then view this one as soon as possible. The street has long tern owner occupier neighbours. The home is well designed, areas can be closed off and there is space for all to enjoy.




• Well equipped kitchen with gas range

Auction Wednesday 20th April at 6:00pm

• New refurbished bathroom and ensuite • Covered rear pergola great for entertaining

Venue LJ Hooker Canberra City Level 1, 182-200 City Walk

• Formal lounge and dining

View Sat 12:00pm – 12:30pm

• 858m2 block RZ2 zone allowing dual occupancy in future


• 4.94 Solar system installed with rebates being paid

Michael Rabey 0411 367 700 Dickson 6257 2111

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Conder 1 Oddie Place



Get Yourself Some Hope For The Future! When you buy this fabulous, renovated two storey, three bedroom duplex, you’ll be getting far more than just a great place to live because this is also an absolute blue chip investment in the RZ3 redevelopment zone. The home itself is beautifully presented and located just a short walk across playing fields to the burgeoning Dickson Centre. There’s also a fantastic fully self contained studio flat at the rear and a generous lock up garage all in a fantastic location.



• Two storey, full brick character duplex

Auction Wednesday 20th April at 6:00pm

• Made over kitchen and renovated bathroom • Covered hardwood rear deck - North facing

Venue LJ Hooker Canberra City Level 1, 182-200 City Walk

• In the RZ3 redevelopment zone

View Saturday 9:30am – 10:00am

• Slow combustion fireplace


• Self contained studio flat at rear - rent it out or run your home business from it

Stephen Bunday 0416 014 431 Dickson 6257 2111

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Dickson 37 Hope Street


Easy Care Living With No Body Corporate Fees! Downsize In Style! Featuring effortless indoor and outdoor living, this is a home which is perfect for those wanting to downsize as is all one level. A home which is very low maintenance with no lawns to mow, no expensive body corporate fees, and a easily accessed bus stop through the gate in the back garden. So maybe its time to sit back, enjoy life and move into this lovely, quiet cul-de-sac which enjoys:

• Large open plan living space’s have loads of natural light and heating/cooling throughout • Internal access from the garage has plenty of shelves for extra storage • Of the three bedroom, one is segregated, extra large and has its own access to the back yard. A perfect easy rental or teenagers retreat • Two further bedrooms have their own phone lines & BIRs




Auction Saturday 16th April at 12.00pm Venue On site View Saturday 11:00 – 11:30am ljhooker.com/HN3CBF8H

Sharon Schnyder 0400 485 204 Belconnen 6251 1477

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Evatt 14 Dore Court



Amazing Sweat Equity Find! If you’re not afraid of some honest work, and you wouldn’t mind a significant capital gain, read on!

abounds inside and out, it’s solid, it’s private, and most importantly it’s in a really pick spot.

Imagine an elevated leafy spot in a quiet court in a suburb that’s increasingly sought after – decent homes and gardens and more than the usual amount of renovation activity. Some people clearly know something.

Frankly, you don’t need to be a Rhodes Scholar to see that an investment of cash and imagination here will pay very handsome dividends.

No. 10 isn’t yet as pretty as it might be, but space



Auction Wednesday 20th April at 6:00pm Venue In Room Auctions LJ Hooker Canberra City level 1, 182-200 City Walk Canberra City View Saturday 11:30am – 12:00pm

Philip Clay 0408 128 940 Kaleen 6241 1922

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Flynn 10 Holden Place



A Home For All Seasons If space, comfort and flexibility are high priorities on the shopping list for your family home, then look no further. From the moment you step inside this imposing yet intimate residence you will fall in love with the opportunity to truly create your own personal haven within the multitude of functional indoor and outdoor living spaces.



• Three spacious bedrooms

Auction Saturday16th April at 12:30pm

• Music studio or fourth bedroom

Venue On site

• Parents retreat • Double garage

View Saturday 12:00pm – 12:30am & 3:00pm – 3:30pm

• Sun terrace


• Ducted gas heating • Sauna

Donna Pinkerton 0400 997 699 Dickson 6257 2111

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Hackett 2 Kenny Place




Gross Rental Yield Of 5.61%


• Guaranteed rent every month

For Sale $635,000

• Current rent is $684.36

View By appointment

• Fixed lease runs to 20/12/2018


• 3 year option from there at DHA discretion • General maintenance done by DHA • New carpet, fresh paint and garden rejuvenation possible at end of the lease

Jason Hall 0475 983 079 Gungahlin 6213 3999

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


As secure as an investment can be with guaranteed rent every month without fail. Rented through Defence Housing Australia ( DHA ) this freestanding home is returning $684.36 per week rent and has a fixed lease until 20/12/2018 (means you can budget your rental income accordingly until this date) and general maintenance around the property is carried out by DHA. There is a 3 year option (at DHA discretion) from the 20/12/2018. The perfect set and forget investment property.



Historical Waddon Lodge. Charming, Elegant Country Residence, Large 2023m2 Block Superb cash-flow positive investment property, elegant residence

• Superb cash-flow positive investment property returning $780.00 per week free of costs

Waddon Lodge retains much of the charm its first owners intended. Double brick, 3 extensive living areas, 5 large bedrooms, hallway running the length of the North-South axis of the home providing excellent cross-flow ventilation, wide verandah on two sides. Large country kitchen, welcoming uncovered alfresco area to the rear.

• Large country kitchen and meals area complement other living areas beautifully • Could be an elegant and charming country residence • Block: 2023m2, Living: more than 320m2, 5,000L water tank, Parking: 6 cars, Aspect: S, Built 1887, extended 1975




Auction Saturday 30th April at 10:00am Venue On site View Saturday 4:00pm – 4:30pm ljhooker.com.au/1CU4GCY

Naish Stormon 0488 164 426 Gungahlin 6213 3999

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Yass 36 Grampian Street




Saturday - 10am to 3pm Sunday - 10am to 3pm Monday to Friday - 12pm to 2pm

1 BED + STUDY FROM $304,900 2 BED + ENSUITE FROM $409,900 3 BED + ENSUITE FROM $599,900

archergriffith.com.au For more information contact Keenan Veraar on 0402 914 037 or Andrew Ligdopoulos on 0408 488 148



Artist Impression

GREENWAY One Bedroom Apartments from $249,900

One Bedroom + Study Apartments from $289,900

Two Bedroom Apartments from $335,000 Artist Impression

STAGE 2 NOW SELLING Southquays most anticipated new release


Display Office Open

SQ1 East Quarter is the final stage of the exciting SQ1 development at Southquay, Greenway.

• Premium stage in the SQ1 development

Saturday & Sunday 11am - 4pm

• Close to Southquay waterfront precinct

This premium stage has been well thought out providing buyers and investors with a choice of clever floor plans, high quality designer inclusions and competitive prices.

Monday to Friday 12pm - 5pm

• Located in the Tuggeranong Town Centre

Anketell Street, Greenway

SQ1 East Quarter is set to sell fast.

• Large outdoor areas for each apartment • High quality inclusions • Fisher & Paykel Appliances


Andrew Ligdopoulos 0408 488 148 James Herbert 0400 853 501

• Designer interiors MIN EER 6

• Great views

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries. All images are artist impressions.


COOMBS Live in the Soul of Coombs Three Bedroom + Ensuite Townhouses from $435,000

Four Bedroom + Ensuite Townhouses from $515,000

Display Office Open Saturday 11am - 3pm Sunday 11am - 3pm Cnr Fred Daly Ave & Gifford Street, Coombs ljhookerprojects.com.au

Jason Watson Artist Impression



0425 366 663




Construction now complete One Bedroom Apartments from $279,900

Two Bedroom Apartments from $359,900

Open for Inspection Saturday 10am - 3pm Sunday 1pm - 3pm Windjana Street, Harrison ljhookerprojects.com.au


James Nimmo

0414 332 778

*Subject to government criteria and conditions.


LAWSON Lawson’s Best Value Apartments One Bedroom Apartments from $265,900

Two Bedroom + Ens. Apartments from $409,900

Three Bedroom + Ens. Apartments from $439,900 Artist Impression

Display Office Open Saturday 10am - 4pm Sunday 10am - 1pm Monday to Friday 5pm - 6pm Cnr Stockman & Bulletin Street, Lawson ljhookerprojects.com.au James Nimmo 0414 332 778



T GH I Ra! T s n Way I e a ov M

Contruction now complete One Bedroom Apartments from $284,900

One Bed + Study Apartments from $304,000

Two Bed + Ens Apartments from $374,500 Artist Impression

Display Office Open Saturday & Sunday 1pm - 4pm or contact James to arrange an appointment any day of the week. Philip Hodgins Street, Wright northpointwright.com.au

James Herbert


All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


0400 853 501


EVATT 45 Kinkead Street

FRANKLIN 87/104 Henry Kendall

• Two storey townhouse • Ducted heating and evaporative cooling • Renovated throughout

• Renovated Kitchen and bathroom • Ducted gas heating • Single carport plus garage

• One bedroom apartment • Stone bench tops • Split system heating and cooling

Weston Creek 6288 8888

Kaleen 6241 1922

Canberra City 6249 7700

$595 weekly



$420 weekly


FRANKLIN 21B Manning Clarke

$420 weekly


$300 weekly





GUNGAHLIN 310/48 Gungahlin Place

HARRISON 57/162 Flemington Road

• Open plan living area • Easy access to schools and shops • Spacious two bedroom apartment

$370 weekly

• Top floor apartment with lift access • Large balcony • Secure car parking

• Reverse cycle split system A/C • NBN ready • Stone bench tops

Canberra City 6249 7700

Kaleen 6241 1922

Dickson 6257 2111






$320 weekly





HARRISON 14 Megalong Crescent

HARRISON 65/1 Windjana Street

HOLT 14/68 Hardwick cres

• Ducted heating D • Easy care courtyard EASE • AlfrescoLdining

• Brand new unit • Secure lift access • Reverse cycle split system

• Open plan living • Close to shops and dining • Built in robe to bedroom

Kaleen 6241 1922

Gungahlin 6213 3999

$575 weekly

$420 weekly

Gungahlin 6213 3999





$320 weekly






KALEEN 102 Diamantina Circuit

MCKELLAR 1 Moses Place

NICHOLLS 1/8 Biddell Place

• Freshly painted • Spacious kitchen with new oven • Fully enclosed yard

• Three bedrooms • Renovated bathroom with spa • Ducted heating

• Covered outdoor entertaining • Ducted heating • Pets considered

Canberra City 6249 7700

Kippax 6255 3888

Gungahlin 6213 3999

$550 weekly



$420 weekly


O’CONNOR 5/4 Verdon Street



$450 weekly





$400 weekly

WATSON 64/20 Federal Highway

• Available furnished for $450 per week • Ground floor • Only 2.4 km from the City Centre

$340 weekly

WATSON 3/18 Whitmore Crescent

• Ground floor apartment • Large private balcony • Pool and BBQ within the complex

• Stainless steel appliances • Electric cooking • Electric heating

Dickson 6257 2111

Gungahlin 6213 3999

Dickson 6257 2111






$360 weekly




We look after our tenants. Rent with any of our participating offices and you could win a $150 Coles/Myer voucher! CWM7867-V6


*Participating offices only: LJ Hooker Canberra City, Dickson, Gungahlin, Kaleen, Kippax, Weston Creek & Woden All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.



Dunlop 3 Gasking Close



Ray White Belconnen


EER: 5.0


Beautiful first home or investment The light filled 3 bedroom home with open plan dining/living area is this designed for the modern family with gas wall furnace, fan, and split system. The modern kitchen in the hub of the home with lots of cupboard space. Featuring a covered outdoor entertainment area surrounded by easy care gardens, summertime entertaining will be easy! With single garage, and garden there is nothing to spend, just move in and enjoy!


• • • • • • • •

Three bedrooms, all with built in robes Gas wall furnace Split system air conditioning Open plan living areas Easy care gardens Covered outdoor entertainment area Single lock up garage Close to neighboring school and shops

$399,000+ View Sat 10.30 – 11.00am Ben Owen 0466 671 595 Jake Battenally 0413 313 676

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

tio n Au c Hawker 45 Tanumbirini Street



Ray White Belconnen


EER: 1.0


Family Treehouse Sanctuary With its unique “home among the treetops” feel this four bedroom family home offers three well equipped bedrooms upstairs along with the formal dining, lounge & verandah. The generous kitchen has loads of storage and downstairs and you’ll find another bathroom, the fourth bedroom and a second living room area complete with kitchenette. Flow out through the glass doors and you’ll find yourself overlooking the largest of timber alfresco entertaining decks with a sparkling pool as the backdrop.


• • • • • • •

Glass atrium to meals area Unique treetop outlook Optional teenagers retreat or granny flat downstairs Ducted gas heating & evap. cooling Large double garage with storage & workshop area Prized north easterly aspect Extensive outdoor timber decking entertaining area

Sat 23 April at 11.30am on site View Sat 11.00 – 11.30am Treston Bamber 0488 488 956 Scott Jackson 0411 037 137

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

Macgregor 37 Archdall Street


This delightful, elevated 4 bedroom home offers 922m block with two living areas, renovated kitchen with dishwasher, stainless steel oven and built in shelving plus newly polished hardwood timber floors, fresh paint throughout, evaporative cooling and ducted gas heating. Upon entry you will notice the fully landscaped two tiered front yard, and your own area to sit, relax and take in the views. And the backyard features a large grassed area plus under-house storage. CWM0716-V3

Ray White Belconnen


EER: 1.5


Ideally positioned home with Brindabella views 2


• • • • • • •

Set on a 922m block with views Updated kitchen with dishwasher and stainless steel oven 4 bedrooms, 2 with built in robes Evaporative cooling and ducted gas heating Red Australian hardwood timber floorboards Low maintenance gardens Close to schools and shops 2

By negotiation View By appointment Ben Owen 0466 671 595 Nathan Wood 0432 228 630

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

r ffe rO de Un Ngunnawal 10 Anakie Court



Ray White Belconnen


EER: 5.5


Spacious and spectacular - The perfect entertainer! The home is a modern design with a classical twist and with 176m2 of living + 39m2 of garage this 3 bedroom home is the same size as most 4 bedroom homes. Designed with an eye for detail the home comprises of a formal lounge room where you can sit on your lounge and enjoy some family living or the perfect space for formal entertaining.


• • • • • • •

Built by Blackett Homes Security system Large north facing windows Split level Daikin central cooling/heating system Access to the yard for a boat, trailer or another car Lots of storage Custom made cabinets and soft close draws

$595,000+ View By Appointment Sebastian Gutierrez 0422 184 992

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

Spence 16b Clark Close



Ray White Belconnen


EER: 5.5


Character and Charm If you are looking for a relaxed peaceful lifestyle then you need look no further. This private single level low maintenance townhouse will impress upon first inspection and is located walking distance from the newly refurbished Spence shops. The charming home features 2 bedrooms, one bathroom plus separate toilet and an open plan living area that comes with a character filled pot belly fire place for those cold Canberra winters.


Once you step outside the home you enter your own secret garden that is both private and low maintenance. This unique free standing townhouse is great for first home buyers, investors, downsizers and anybody looking for relaxed living.

$345,000+ View By Appointment Sebastian Gutierrez 0422 184 992

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

tio n Au c Weetangera 39 Bambridge Street



Ray White Belconnen


EER: 1.5


Fine Family Living This immaculate four bedroom home exemplifies contemporary Australian style and easy family living. A board walk through mature gardens leads to a charming entrance foyer. A functional floor plan with multiple living areas is framed by a rambling country cottage garden. Floating timber floors compliment the east facing family room which adjoins a modern kitchen. The huge covered timber deck is accessed by double glass doors from the living areas.


• • • • • •

Renovated kitchen with stone benchtop, glass splashback, gas stove and quality appliances Floating floor boards in living areas Ducted gas heating & evap. cooling Multiple spacious living areas Double glass doors open onto huge covered deck Contemporary bathroom and ensuite

Sat 30 April at 11.00am, on site View Saturday of 9.45 – 10.30am Treston Bamber 0488 488 956 Scott Jackson 0411 037 137

6173 6300 | raywhitebelconnen.com.au

Calwell 3 Linton Place


3 bedrooms all well sized and include built- in robes, main bedroom fitted with ensuite Well sized living and dining area Ducted gas heating throughout the home Kitchen with double sink, ample storage space and electric cooking Family room with outside access to deck area + access from bedroom 3 to deck

• • • •

EER: 0.5



Lovely family home nestled in a quiet cul-de-sac! •


• • •

Great size covered entertaining $470,000+ area with built-in sink View Sat 11.00 – 11.40am Living space: 137m2 approximately Colin McIntyre 0417 263 678 2 Block size: 793m

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au






Ray White Tuggeranong

Conder 29 Kohlhagen Street

Bonython 11 Tarlton Place


Pretty as a picture




EER: 1.0

An immaculate three bedroom ensuite Sale home situated in a quiet cul de sac $520,000+ location. It has been beautifully renovated. Colin Blunden 0409 015 400 The kitchen, bathroom, modern ensuite…all stunning. Other features include ducted heating and cooling, large covered entertainment area, single garage and an awesome backyard. 6294 9393 Ray White Tuggeranong raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

Generously sized & well-presented family home • • • •

4 great sized bedrooms with built-in robes except the main with ensuite & walk-in robe Separate well sized living areas Kitchen includes ample storage and bench space a double sink, gas stove and electric oven Ducted gas heating & evaporative cooling

Ray White Tuggeranong




EER: 3.0

Sale $590,000+ View Sat 11.00 – 11.40am Colin McIntyre 0417 263 678

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

Gordon 11 Flegg Crescent This garden is enchanting

Greenway 13 Clamp Place 3



EER: 2.0

Stunning single level townhouse

Situated in a verdant oasis this home Sale exudes charm & tranquillity. The main $559 000+ bedroom is segregated and has access View Sat 11.00 – 11.40am to a delightful, covered pergola. In stage Ewa Skoczek 0414 665 626 1 of Gordon the location speaks for itself. The kitchen, family room & dining room are open plan. The rumpus/office is another surprise.

Ray White Tuggeranong

Ray White Tuggeranong

• •



EER: 3.0

Sale $550,000+ View Sat 3.00 – 3.40pm Colin McIntyre 0417 263 678 Kimberly Kelly 0416 508 108 6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au




6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

• • •

All four bedrooms generously sized, bedroom 2 & 4 include built-in robes Main bedroom with ensuite and WIR 2 separate living areas Main bathroom updated with stylish features and built-in storage Ducted gas heating Living space: 140.4m2 approx.


Views, location & so much more! • • •

4 great sized bedrooms, 3 with built-in robes and the main with a walk-in robe and ensuite Well-designed dining room with spotted gum flooring Kitchen updated with ample storage and bench space, double sink, soft close drawers and a breakfast bar

Ray White Tuggeranong


Macarthur 1 Kater Close 2


EER: 1.5

Auction Sat 16 Apr 10.00am, on site View Sat 1.00 – 1.40pm Colin McIntyre 0417 263 678 Kimberly Kelly 0416 508 108 6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

Treasured family home in a sought after location • • • •

3 bedrooms include built-in robes (two include built-in desks) Main bedroom with a WIR & ensuite Kitchen with ample storage and bench space, electric cooking and breakfast bar Ducted gas heating and evaporative cooling throughout

Ray White Tuggeranong




EER: 2.5

Sale $630,000+ View Sat 1.00 – 1.40pm Colin McIntyre 0417 263 678 Kimberly Kelly 0416 508 108 6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au


Macarthur 171 Jackie Howe Crescent


tio n


Au c

rO de Un Monash 9 Cowdery Place

Monash 34 Harkness Street

Quality home – outstanding views




EER: 2.0

Unique opportunity for a spectacular, large family home

Renovated throughout this home is ready Sale for you to move straight in. $470,000 Excellently located near shops, schools Peter Campbell-Wood 0458 726 579 and transport it would equally well suit peter.campbell-wood@raywhite.com young families, young couples, older people downsizing or investors. It enjoys a large sunny backyard backing onto the park and a double garage.

• • •

Ray White Tuggeranong

Ray White Tuggeranong



EER: 1.0

Auction Sat 16 Apr at 11.30am on site View Sat 2.00 – 2.40pm Colin McIntyre 0417 263 678 Kimberly Kelly 0416 508 108

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au






6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

Four great sized bedrooms with BIR Main bedroom with WIR and ensuite Kitchen with ample storage, bench space, double sink & breakfast bar Ducted gas heating and evaporative cooling Large covered entertaining area as well as a fenced pool & Bali hut


Waramanga 56 Badimara Street

• • • • •

4 bedrooms, 3 with built-in robes and the main includes an ensuite Kitchen with double sink, gas stove and electric cooking as well as a breakfast bar Large backyard and block, fully fenced and an entertaining area Living space: 181m2 approximately Block size: 1043m2

Ray White Tuggeranong




EER: 0.5

Under Offer Colin McIntyre 0417 263 678 Kimberly Kelly 0416 508 108

At Ray White Tuggeranong our property management team continues to excel. So our clients are comfortable in the knowledge that they will receive the best service and results, everytime. For all your Property Management needs, choose the locally owned and operated Ray White Tuggeranong. Shop 8 Lanyon Market Place, Conder ACT 2906 Phone 6294 9393 | www.raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

6294 9393 raywhitetuggeranong.com.au

Proudly owned and operated by Col McIntyre


Large family home in a sought after location!

Property management, the comfortable choice...

Ngunnawal 44/46 Paul Coe Crescent Ground floor apartment with golf course frontage


Here is an opportunity to secure this lovely apartment fronting Gungahlin Lakes GC, with not a cent to spend. This home has been re-painted and re-carpeted, features 2 living areas and all bedrooms have built ins, with ensuite to main. This soughtafter complex also features a swimming pool and is sited in one of the most highly regarded neighbourhoods in Ngunnawal.


Ray White Woden

O’Malley 12 Pindari Crescent




EER: 5.5

View Sat 2.45 – 3.30pm Terry Cooper 0417 710 772

6162 0681 | rwcanberra.com.au


A timeless residence


This grand home provides a lifestyle that suits a multitude of uses – a spacious family home, hosting weddings, Ambassadorial functions, and both formal and informal entertainment that will create memories that will last generations.180 degree views from Tuggeranong to Black Mountain. All bedrooms have ensuites, also 4 powder rooms. Well-proportioned rooms are a combination of formal north areas and informal family and rumpus. A pool house for casual meals on a Brazilian barbecue after a swim. This one is worth inspection!

By Negotiation

Ray White Woden




EER: 2.5

View Sat 11.30 – 12.15pm Margaret Reynolds 0417 486 574 margaret.reynolds@rwcanberra.com.au

6162 0681 | rwcanberra.com.au

tio n Au c Bungendore 7 Scott Street Enough room for the whole family! Inside this lovely family home is a well presented floorplan featuring four good sized bedrooms, a modern kitchen and a great layout with separate living, dining and family areas. There is an ensuite plus a full main bathroom and internal laundry. The floor plan is functional and flowing, through the living areas to the outdoor area.




Sale $590,000 View Sat 10.00 – 10.40am Brad O’Mara 0402 343 771

Move right in!


Sat 16 Apr 2.00pm, on site View Sat 11.00 – 11:40am Brad O’Mara 0402 343 771 6299 4333 raywhitequeanbeyan.com.au

Ray White Queanbeyan|Jerrabomberra

Queanbeyan 4/13-15 Morisset Street

Queanbeyan 3/9 Morton Street

Ray White Queanbeyan|Jerrabomberra is delighted to offer this executive style apartment in the heart of Queanbeyan CBD. This executive style apartment is perfect for the down sizer or investor. Don’t miss out on the fabulous lifestyle in Queanbeyan.




Sale $375,000 View Sat 11.20 – 11.50am Ben Mills 0420 304 431 6299 4333 raywhitequeanbeyan.com.au

Ray White Queanbeyan|Jerrabomberra



Have you been looking for a home where you can simply move in and not have the worry and stress of renovating? Then you must put this home on your open schedule for this weekend!

6299 4333 raywhitequeanbeyan.com.au


Ray White Queanbeyan|Jerrabomberra

Executive lifestyle at its best


Queanbeyan 17 Alfred Street

Magnificent townhouse minutes from Queanbeyan’s CBD You just can’t beat a good location! This is the ultimate easy-care lifestyle awaiting you within minutes of Queanbeyan’s CBD. It is the perfect place to enjoy the city’s many convenient amenities. You will discover this relaxing lifestyle once you have become accustomed to this spacious 3 bedroom townhouse.




Sale $415,000 View Sat 11.30 – 12.00am Mike Boyle 0425 544 664 6299 4333 raywhitequeanbeyan.com.au

Ray White Queanbeyan|Jerrabomberra


RIVETT 97 Darwinia Terrace This immaculately presented 121sqm residence offers a great family lifestyle with bright interiors, a generous layout and spacious outdoor areas. Boasting an expansive floorplan with combined open plan living and meals area. A refreshed kitchen and renewed interiors through out the entire house. Expansive front and rear gardens with level lawns and covered entertaining area overlooking safe and secure rear yard. Conveniently located close to parklands, schools, Weston Creek and Woden shopping precincts.





Guide over $570,000 Auction Saturday 23rd April 10.30am* View Saturday 1.00 - 1.45 EER 2.0 Jess Smith 0410 125 475 *on site

AMAROO 12 Ashbrook Street Occupying a premier position in what is undoubtedly one of Amaroo’s most exclusive enclaves, this superb 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom, plus rumpus home with over 437sqm of total living provides a unique sanctuary of style with a great sense of light, space and privacy. Enjoying oversized living throughout combined with fantastic outdoor entertaining spaces, all sited on an elevated 832sqm block with great views, a huge triple garage, additional storage and cellar, this commanding property has appeal for every home buyer.




For Sale over $1,125,000 View Saturday 3.00 - 3.40 EER 2.0 Justin Taylor 0414 701 465 Call 6123 8008


BONNER 38 Bieundurry Street With immense street appeal, stunning presentation, and supremely positioned on an elevated block, this impressive four bedroom family sanctuary with designer feel, reveals flowing living spaces, soft elegant interiors and many sophisticated modern touches. A great home for the growing family, this impeccable split level residence is complimented by the idyllic outdoor facilities. It is placed for easy convenience to a great choice of schools, local buses and urban amenities. Inspection of this quality property is highly recommended.




For Sale over $610,000 View Saturday 1.40 - 2.20 EER 4.0 Justin Taylor 0414 701 465 Call 6123 8008


HARRISON 34 Casilda Street Embrace a superior family lifestyle with the comfort and a convenience this progressive floor plan offers. Exceptionally finished throughout, the home features stylish fittings and finishes from the timber floors to the recessed feature lighting. Offering the open plan living rooms on the ground floor capturing an abundance of natural light, truly creating a seamless fusion of indoor and outdoor living. Set on a generous block, this sophisticated home commands such street appeal with unique industrial materials.





Auction Saturday 30th April 1.30pm View Saturday 1.30 - 2.00 EER 5 Theo Koutsikamanis 0431 543 649 Call 6175 0006

FORREST 3 Melbourne Avenue Positioned on the corner of Somers Crescent is this thoughtfully designed, resort inspired boutique estate of six generously sized executive residences. Single and multi-storey options provide private elevators, private pools, triple internal access garages and separate living spaces. Luxury items include gourmet kitchen with Miele appliances and 80mm stone benches, double glazed windows, solid timber flooring, under tile heating, ducted reverse cycle heating, outdoor kitchenettes, cedar lined alfresco’s and separate street numbers.




For Sale over $1,640,000 View by appointment EER 7 Grant Loiterton 0419 715 736 Call 6175 0015


RED HILL 4/9 Borrowdale Street Brand new architect designed four bedroom ensuite home ideally positioned amongst quality privately built homes at the Parliamentary Triangle’s doorstep. Boasting ground floor master bedroom, two storey ceiling height lounge room, gourmet kitchen with butler’s pantry, 40mm stone benches and Smeg appliances. Family room over-looking large secure yard, designer bathrooms with under tile heating, double auto garage. Luxury items include double glazed windows, ducted heating and cooling throughout, timber floors, alarm.




For Sale $1,049,500 View Saturday 11.35 - 12.20 EER 6.2 Grant Loiterton 0419 715 736 Call 6175 0015


FORDE 7 Tom Nicholas Crescent Set in an idyllic locale this superb residence has been intuitively crafted to create a supreme property of style and privacy. Complementing the spacious dual level layout is separate living areas, contemporary fittings and fixtures and sunlit courtyards and balconies. Featuring gas cooking, dishwasher, stone bench tops and ducted heating through out. Positioned so close to the many lifestyle spoils of the Forde Shopping Village, parks and ponds. Inspection of this quality property is highly recommended.




For Sale over $499,000 View Saturday 11.30 - 12.00 EER 4.0 Jess Smith 0410 125 475 Call 6123 8000


QUEANBEYAN 3/11 Adams Street Boasting well maintained and stylishly presented interiors, this near new dual level townhouse offers an easycare modern lifestyle. The layout features spacious open plan lounge/dining with glass sliding doors opening to private entertaining deck and low maintenance lawn. The modern gas kitchen contains stainless steel appliances while all bedrooms have built-ins, the master with a shower ensuite. Additional highlights include a study nook, air conditioning, ducted gas heating and a double lock-up garage.




For Sale View Saturday 11.30 - 12.00 Greg Ward 0413 503 312 Call 6124 2507


MANAGEme will make your goal, our goal UN D ER of r fe 4 BED – 2 BATH – 2 CAR

115 Rob Riley Circuit, BONNER • • • •


Great family home 2 separate living spaces Large enclosed backyard EER – 5.5 Stars

MANAGE me is turning 2 Present this advertisement & receive $1000 of free marketing when you list your property for sale* (*valid to 30th April 2016)

For INSPECTme times, visit managemecanberra.com.au

Call Amy Taylor for a FREE market appraisal today

RE e Tm N

e Ym BU

12/200 Baldwin Drive Giralang 4 BED – 2 BATH – 2 CAR

11 Annie Douglas Street, CASEY • • • •


$590 per week 4 bed – 2 bath – 2 car

• Family home; 2 living areas • Mediterranean style courtyard • Views across parkland

Quality inclusions throughout 2 separate living spaces Sought after location EER – 5 Stars For INSPECTme times, visit managemecanberra.com.au

Amy Taylor

For INSPECTme times, visit managemecanberra.com.au

Advertise your property here Contact MANAGEme Today for an obligation Free appraisal of your property

Mention this advertisement and receive complimentary professional photography when you list your rental with MANAGEme, call 0418 645 095

Contact Amy today CWM7068-V13

0418 645 095



www.managemecanberra.com.au ACN: 167 913 724

| ABN: 27 167 913 724

YOU’RE WORTH MORE There is ONE company offering you more. Feel like you have done your real estate apprenticeship? Are you ready to be paid what you are worth? Would you like to have more work flexibility to choose your own hours? Are you tired of endless meetings? As an experienced agent you can expect more and we are willing to offer more. Expect all of this plus 70% of your commissions and no franchise fees Substantial welcome bonuses for the right candidates Contact us today for a confidential chat.

Robert Crane E: robertc@oneagency.com.au M: 0422 927 671


6 Cropper Retreat, Gordon 4 |

2 |


A gem in a private, secluded setting For sale by auction


A unique, contemporary style family home that exudes warmth and charm and designed to maximise light, privacy and comfort. Characterised by a glorious northerly aspect with sunny separate living areas, striking décor and colour tones throughout plus stylish, ultra-modern bathrooms, renovated ‘chef’s delight’ kitchen and stunning hardwood timber flooring. EER 2

Auction Sat 30 Apr, 11am, on site Viewing Sat 9 Apr, 11-11.40am Wed 13 Apr, 5.45-6.15pm Website www.oneagency.com.au Contact Michael Potter 0413 830 598

52 Sheaffe Street, Holder 4 |

1 |


Private, secure entry level home For sale by auction


Privately built and tucked away on an easy care, level block in a quiet, peaceful location with established gardens and a tree lined street. Features include a renovated kitchen, updated bathroom, meals/ dining area and a light filled lounge room. In addition ducted gas heating, evaporative cooling, security awnings, security system and large single metal garage. EER 1

Auction Sat 23 Apr, 10am, on site Viewing Sat 9 Apr, 12-12.40pm Website www.oneagency.com.au Contact Michael Potter 0413 830 598


2 Huon Place, Lyons 4|

2 |

2 |

Family home that must be sold! Auction


4 large bedrooms make up the sleeping quarters, the master suite is complete with an updated ensuite. The main bathroom has also been renovated along with the kitchen, with enough room for the whole family. Split level design will have you separated from the kids with your own living/lounge space off the main suite, complete with a fireplace and air-conditioning for year round comfort. EER 2.0


Sun 1st May, 11am, on site


By appointment




Pav Cheimardinov 0402 901 188 Jeremy Grobben 0412 552 751

Rose Street Murrumbateman 8 minutes could save you $300,000! For sale $270,000 to $330,000


Fairley Estate is offering bigger blocks for up to $300,000 less than recent land sales in Gungahlin while Google maps tells us it is only 8 minutes further from Civic.


$270,000 to $330,000


By appointment



Enjoy a village lifestyle with a rapidly growing shopping centre just over half an hour from the City centre. We have NBN, town water, sewerage, underground power, and room to breathe.


Greg Henderson 0404 880 834 One Agency Crane Properties


18 Noonan Street, Queanbeyan 3 |

1.5 |


Stunning in every way For sale

Situated in an elevated position within a quiet street sits this stunning home. It has been lovingly renovated to include a state of the art modern kitchen, new carpet and paint throughout, new blinds and two private entertaining areas. All bedrooms have built-in robes and the main bedroom has a two-way spa bathroom.




Sat 9 Apr, 2 – 2.40pm




Brenden Blewitt 0419 289 574

This entire home has been freshly painted and has new designer curtains and blinds throughout, the new flooring and modern colour scheme make this property a real stand out. The private garden is divided up into lawn area, vegetable gardens and an entertaining with a covered pergola. The home backs and sides reserve which means this property only has one direct neighbour. EER 6.0




Sat 9 Apr, 11.40 – 12.20pm




Brenden Blewitt 0419 289 574

46 Reader Court, Banks 3 |

1 |


Perfectly presented in a quiet setting For sale

blewitt properties

24/97 Clift Crescent, Chisholm 3 |

1 |


Townhouse with a massive yard For sale

This beautifully presented 3 bedroom townhouse boasts an open plan living area with full length windows, fully renovated bathroom, updated kitchen as well as new paint and carpet throughout. The private backyard includes a massive covered entertaining area, large lawn and a garden shed. To put it simply all you need to do is move in and put your feet up. EER 4.0




Sat 9 Apr, 10 – 10.30am




Brenden Blewitt 0419 289 574

Immaculately presented is this 3 bedroom home that has been renovated to absolute perfection with a new kitchen, bathroom, flooring, carpets, curtains and paint. This home is fully landscaped with the backyard having a large covered outdoor entertaining area, kids play area, vegetable gardens and level lawn. Completing the picture is the ducted reverse cycle air-con and a single lock-up garage. EER 6.0




Sat 9 Apr, 12.40 – 1.20pm




Brenden Blewitt 0419 289 574

1 Zeitz Court, Banks 3 |

1 |


Just like new For sale

blewitt properties


ACT’s Most Recommended Agent!



Call Sandy for a sales or rental appraisal and tap into her award winning knowledge and service.


0420 380 895 sandymorris@oneagency.com.au



Single-level, modern 3 bedroom ensuite home on a 625m² block.

Offers over 460,000

This great opportunity to buy is in a quiet section of Amaroo, close to schools & shops. It contains a modern kitchen, storage, gas cooktop, electric oven, dishwasher and a north-facing, private backyard perfect for kids & pets. For ´gamers´ it has an IT hardwired network for NBN and Foxtel ready connections. EER4




Sat & Sun 11-12 5 Phelp Crt

PHONE Graham Bush 0427 225 823 Tina Majstorovic 0408 999 567





• Large lounge/dining room • Renovated kitchen with meals area • Walk-in robe to master • Hardwired for NBN & Foxtel • Inslab, zoned heating • Covered alfresco area • Extra-large double garage • Close proximity to Yerrabi Ponds

Belconnen 6209 4444 | City 6209 1700 | Inner North 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000

independent.com.au Belconnen 6209 4444 | City 6209 1700 | Inner North 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000



Resort-style living in the heart of rapidly emerging urban lifestyle on offer in the town centre.


Braddon Offers over $410,000 1



This 3 bedroom apartment features 120m² of modern & spacious light-filled living that complements views expanding across the town centre & onto Altitude’s own pool & barbeque area. EER 6

Enjoy the social life with the abundance of cafes & restaurants literally on your doorstep. Located in the vibrant & rapidly evolving suburb of Braddon & in the heart of hipsterville, discover this single-level apartment in the popular ´Arte´ development. EER 6

• 3 bedroom apartment on 2nd floor • Bosch stainless steel appliances • Segregated bedrooms • High-quality bathroom fittings • Reverse-cycle air conditioning • 2 allocated car spaces




• Kitchen features stone benchtops • Includes dishwasher & microwave • Reverse cycle air conditioning • Fully-covered 13m² balcony • Vacant possession, move in now • Low body corporate levies


Sat 9.15-10.15 20/10-12 Lonsdale St

Fri 12-2 & Wed 5-6 8/39 Chandler St

PHONE Oskar Janczewski 0430 006 460

PHONE Aaron Lewis 0407 121 412

Mark Larmer 0403 215 246



Belconnen 6209 4444 | City 6209 1700 | Inner North 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000


Belconnen $609,900

Turner Offers over $535,000 2


This executive apartment should suit retirees, investors, busy professionals or international students. With long-term security in mind, residing in this ´royal’ apartment is especially enjoyable. EER6

• 120m² sun-drenched apartment • Gallery-style kitchen • Separate study area • 32m² wrap around balcony • Heated indoor lap pool & gym • Prime location & storage cage


Sat 11-11.45 114/12 David St

PHONE Luke Revet 0418 101 213 Njoud Mohammad 0420 820 258





The ’Monarch’ of The Glen is this stunning apartment.

Dickson Auction On site 11am, Saturday 23rd April 2-storey townhouse in the ever-popular ’The Coventry’ building. Unique 2-storey design with 100m² of living • Courtyard overlooking parkland • Ensuite & built-in-robes in both bedrooms • Stylish galley-style kitchen with stainless steel appliances • Located in the heart of Dickson, near to cafes, bars & public transport • EER3.5




Sat 11-12 59/12 Challis St

PHONE Grahame O’Brien 0418 625 437



Kambah Auction On site 10am, Saturday 23rd April



Fantastic potential with magnificent views, this OPEN home has a separate 2 bedroom flat.

Sat 12.30-1.15 43 Maxworthy St

• Substantial family home in a quiet location • 2 double-sized bedrooms, updated kitchen and bathroom to flat • Huge double garage fits workshop & an extra car, with internal access • Easy access to schools & public transport • Large formal lounge/dining area • All bedrooms with built-in robes • EER1

Eliana Rojas 0432 659 790


PHONE Joe Condi 0409 797 058



Belconnen 6209 4444 | City 6209 1700 | Inner North 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000

Perfect for the growing family with optional 5th bedroom, rumpus or teenager retreat. Elevated 1004m² block (that´s a quarter of an acre) • Primarily single-level floor plan •Separated formal & informal living areas • Brand new flooring throughout • Updated kitchen • Ducted reverse-cycle heating & cooling • Open, paved entertaining area • Enclosed, pergola-covered entertaining area • EER1.5


Single-level with 202m² of living plus 46m² garage • 759m² block • Freshly painted • Quality bamboo flooring • Kitchen with gas cooking & large double ovens • New Bosch dishwasher • Elevated timber deck • Separate formal & informal living areas • Ducted gas heating • Ducted evaporative cooling • EER3


Sat 1.30-2.30 38 Foskett St

PHONE Mark Larmer 0403 215 246 Aaron Lewis 0407 121 412


Nicholls Auction On site 12.30pm, Saturday 23rd April Ideal family home positioned in a quiet loop street, just metres to the lake.







Sat 2.45-3.45 20 Gorman Cres

PHONE Mark Larmer 0403 215 246 Aaron Lewis 0407 121 412



Lyneham Auction On site 11.30am, Saturday 23rd April


The choice is yours. Renovate or rebuild - either OPEN way you win with this great block.

Sat 1-2 23 Lambert St

Single carport • 890m² block • Stainless steel appliances • Split system to living area • Ducted gas heating • Elevated position • Large front & rear yard • Under-house store room • Front elevated entertaining area • Rear pergola & paved area • Close proximity to Dickson, Lyneham & O’Connor shops • EER1.5

Michael Wang 0402 552 186

15m² balcony overlooks internal courtyard • Single-level floorplan with segregated bedrooms • Kitchen has stone benchtops & stainless steel appliances • Dishwasher & dryer included in sale • Complex includes 2 pools & bbq facilities • Study nook outside 2nd bedroom • Security intercom for guests • EER6


PHONE Peter Fitzpatrick 0413 430 296


Turner Offers over $500,000 Situated on the 5th floor. Quiet & peaceful outlook with no traffic noise.






Sat 9.15-10.15 120/77 Northbourne Ave

PHONE Mark Larmer 0403 215 246 Aaron Lewis 0407 121 412



Belconnen 6209 4444 | City 6209 1700 | Inner North 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000


Fraser Auction On site 5pm, Saturday 23rd April


Boutique apartment only 5 minutes’ walk to the OPEN Woden Town Centre. Boutique apartment • Polished timber flooring • Generous-sized rooms with built-in robes • North-facing lounge room • Separate laundry • Great investment opportunity • Walking distance to cafes, shops, restaurants & government offices saving you time & money • Storage cage • 2 separate balconies • EER6



Sat 10-11 13/10 Tasman Pl

PHONE Jonathan Warren 0431 797 891 Tom Carola 0420 682 397



Chifley $292,500 This two bedroom, first floor apartment is just the right one to get started with. • Updated first-floor apartment • 65m² of living area • Open plan living • Allocated undercover car space • Lockable storage space on the ground floor • Full-length 18m² balcony with fly screens • EER3.5




Sat 2.45-3.30 38/7 Medley St

PHONE Fred Skerbic 0414 387 690



Belconnen 6209 4444 | City 6209 1700 | Inner North 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000


Lyons $398,000

independent.com.au Belconnen 6209 4444 | City 6209 1700 | Inner North 6209 4000 | Gungahlin 6209 9666 | Tuggeranong 6209 7777 | Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6299 4400 | Woden & Weston Creek 6209 5000

FREE Building Seminar


What you need to know BEFORE you purchase a block of land, start designing or building.

Brendan McCoullough Licensed Builder

Moncrieff Denman Prospect Throsby

Your home, your way, your block, your selections …… Today’s Homes proven BuildCare process gives you the assurance needed to achieve the home you have always wanted. Since 2008, Today’s Homes have won the HIA ACT & Sth NSW Professional Builder award. We believe it’s due to our tried and tested BuildCare approach to custom home design and construction. BuildCare provides total flexibility in designing your home, and personalising your selections to suit your site, style, budget and lifestyle. Today’s Homes thank their many satisfied clients for their design inspiration and award winning custom designs.

To view a range of award winning custom designs - go to todayshomes.com.au Building a home should be an organised and enjoyable experience. You will gain the knowledge needed to achieve this at our free BuildCare seminar. See what past attendees have to say: “Thanks, we didn’t realise what we didn’t know, you opened our minds, and gave us lots of new design ideas”. “We have been researching our selections and looking at pictures in magazines, but we now realise there is so much more to building a home”. “What impressed us was the NO surprises mentality and the open and honest communication that Today’s Homes provided”.

Tuesday 19th April 2016 5:50 pm for a 6:00 pm start (seminar runs for approx 1.5 hours)

Master Builders Association cnr of Newcastle & Iron Knob St

FYSHWICK (entry off Iron Knob Street car park)

Have you recently purchased, or are looking to purchase a block of land in a new development? Come and talk to us about the lease and development conditions that could apply to your block. Do you know where and what service easements are on your block? What are the service access requirements? Are there any environmental protection requirements? Is there cut and/or fill on your block? Are you allowed to have courtyard walls? Are there specific requirements for corner blocks? Do you have to use specific materials on your home? Are there solar requirements, landscaping requirements or specific colour and design elements that must be met? The questions are endless, but you must comply with all requirements. If you don’t know where to start, come and see us and we’ll answer all of your questions. Don’t get caught buying a block before you know you can comply with the endless development conditions. Book an Initial Design Meeting with us and put your mind at ease. The Builder and Architect will provide you with ‘no-obligation’ expert advice to make an informed purchasing decision. Book your free Initial Design Meeting online at

ACT BLN 200313229 ABN 92 065 174 889 1/7 Beaconsfield St, FYSHWICK ACT www.todayshomes.com.au or call (02) 6188 4559


View the homes we have designed and built, and download our industry leading inclusions.

todayshomes.com.au or call 02 6188 4559

n io

ct Au Banks 2 Perrin Circuit - If you are looking for a fantastic family home, an abundance of garaging and off the street parking, this elegant, spacious home is definitely worth a look. On a huge block of 1,201m² (approx.) with room for up to 8+ cars this home was designed with space and privacy in mind, and an outstanding covered entertaining area. EER 4.5.







Saturday 12.30-1.15pm Open Auction On site 11am, Saturday 16 April Call Rex Purcell 0411 781 863

n io

ct Au Bungendore 17 Turallo Terrace - A rare opportunity has arisen to acquire arguably one of the most significant homes in the area, and be part of Bungendore´s vibrant and friendly community. This inspiring four bedroom Federation style home with generous proportions is positioned on a magnificent allotment of 2,026m² (approx.). A once in a lifetime opportunity to purchase a unique property with enduring appeal.







Open Saturday 1.30-2.15pm Auction On site 10am, Saturday 30 April Call Natasha Johnson 0434 104 556

n io

ct Au 29 Morrow Street, Dunlop Beautifully presented and offering a large kitchen, versatile living areas, segregated master bedroom with ensuite and walk-in wardrobe that could also ideally be used as a nursery. There are three additional bedrooms with built-in wadrobes and a study providing access to the double car garage. EER 4.








Saturday 1-1.30pm Wednesday 5-5.30pm Auction On site 1pm, Saturday 16 April Dan Cooper 0412 773 938 Call

n io

ct Au Franklin 74 Patrick White Circuit - The D+S house, by 4thD Planning & Design, is modern and sleek. It has been has designed with entertaining, privacy and comfort in mind. The property has a welcoming atmosphere and showcases an array of quality inclusions, raked ceilings and natural light. The versatile floor plan features a modern open-plan design, separate formal lounge and mezzanine-style master suite. EER 5.







Open Sat 12.30-1pm Auction On site 11am, Saturday 23 April Call Samantha Hague 0431 846 866

Aerial photo - Google 2016 Boundary line approximate

n io

ct Au Griffith 15 Carstensz Street - If you have been waiting for a perfect blank canvas on which to build the home you have planned and visualised for so long, this property may well be the one. The current, bright 3 bedroom cottage is situated on a prime level block of 916m² (approx.) in a leafy, peaceful street. All the benefits of the Inner South lifestyle can be enjoyed here, just a short walk to schools and Manuka shopping precinct. EER 1.5.








Tuesday 5-5.45pm Wednesday 12-12.45pm Auction On site 5pm, Thursday 21 April Aniko Carey 0429 487 939 Call

l Sa e Jacka 1/71 Lawrenson Circuit - This modern two storey townhouse offers two large bedrooms as well as a spacious living area and study nook. Both bedrooms have ensuites and the master has a walk-in wardrobe. It is conveniently located just a short stroll from the new Amaroo local shops (currently under construction) and both of the Amaroo schools. EER 6.


Open Sale Call






Saturday 1.15-1.45pm $370,000+ Karen Broadhurst 0405 404 792

n io

ct Au Scullin


5 Dallas Place - You need to see it to believe what is on offer here. We are calling a specific market who are looking for a fantastic three bedroom family home plus a fully functional self-contained two bedroom flat with bathroom, kitchen and living area downstairs. This home caters for more than just your average family. EER 2.

n io

ct Au Lyons 4 Eldon Place - A rare opportunity to purchase an outstanding property in a prime location close to all amenities. EER 0.5.







Open Sat 10-10.30am Auction On site 3pm, Sat 30 April Call Natasha 0434 104 556






Open By appointment Auction On site 10am, Saturday 16 April Call Michael Martin 0411 748 805

n io

ct Au

n io

ct Au Queanbeyan 25 Kathleen Street - A haven of space, light and contemporary luxury. Flawlessly renovated, a unique lifestyle opportunity.







Open Sat 12-12.45pm Auction On site 1pm, Sat 30 April Call Natasha 0434 104 556

n io

ct Au Stirling 4 A 2 B 2 C 6 Dale Place - Cul-de-sac Open Sat 2-2.45pm backing reserve, great Auction On site 11am, floorplan, quality renovations Sat 30 April and an oasis with privacy Call Christine assured. EER 1.5. 0405 135 009

Spence 12 Scattergood Place Stunningly renovated, a 1,127m² (approx.) block, opposite reserve in a quiet cul-de-sac. EER 1.5.







Sat 8.30-9am Open Auction On site 9am, Sat 9 Apr Call Ben 0438 258 379

Future proof your life.

FREE appliance & window furnishing package*

Contact Instyle Estate Agents on 1300 208 865 or visit the 3PG mobile display suite 11:15am to 4pm Saturday and Sunday on Mirrabei Dr Moncrieff.


Developed by:

Marketing by:

Situated in the highly sought after suburb of Moncrieff, Maison incorporates state-ofthe art technology and intelligent design to future-proof the home of your dreams. Designed by multi-award winning architects, DNA Architects, your new home will come jammed packed with high tech features. 3PUSH home automation technology allows you to control your life at the press of a button. All townhouses are solar ready, have an EER of 6.5 to 7 stars and are pre-wired for Cat 6 cabling. And with luxury inclusions throughout, spacious light-filled designs and a community alfresco entertainment and BBQ area, Maison represents amazing for potential residents and investors alike. And now when you exchange on your property this autumn, you’ll receive a window coverings and whitegoods package, including a fridge and washing machine valued at $3,500, absolutely free! * Available to all purchasers that choose a townhouse for purchase from 17 March and exchange a contract of sale by 31 May 2016.

Dulcie Holland Cres. Moncrieff

2, 3 4 bedroom townhouses from $299K.


Belconnen 6251 9111

Gungahlin 6241 9444

Manuka 6295 2433

Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6297 0005

South Molonglo 6175 7440

Tuggeranong 6296 7077

Woden & Weston Creek 6282 4488


Belconnen 6251 9111

Gungahlin 6241 9444

Manuka 6295 2433

Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6297 0005

South Molonglo 6175 7440

Tuggeranong 6296 7077

Woden & Weston Creek 6282 4488


Belconnen 6251 9111

Gungahlin 6241 9444

Manuka 6295 2433

Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6297 0005

South Molonglo 6175 7440

Tuggeranong 6296 7077

Woden & Weston Creek 6282 4488



Belconnen 6251 9111

Gungahlin 6241 9444

Manuka 6295 2433

Queanbeyan & Jerrabomberra 6297 0005

South Molonglo 6175 7440

Tuggeranong 6296 7077

Woden & Weston Creek 6282 4488


c Au


“Results built on relationships”



BONNER 35 IRINYILI STREET Stylish Single Level Residence




io ct


GRIFFITH 27/13 STURT AVENUE 3 “Staffordshire Terrace” 3 Bedroom Apartment



This free standing single level Interior designer’s home showcases impeccable style and taste. Only 3 years old it has been lovingly cared for and maintained by the original owners. Sundrenched open plan living areas gather the northern sun and open onto a large timber deck and courtyard which effectively extend the living areas creating room and space for the largest of entertaining occasions. A stunning galley style kitchen opens to the dining area and 3 generous size bedrooms complete this very functional family orientated plan. A long list of quality inclusions throughout. EER 5.0 Auction: 10.00am Saturday 9 April on site. Open 30 minutes prior to auction.

This spacious 3 bedroom apartment presents a great opportunity to move into sought after “Staffordshire Terrace” and enjoy a great inner south lifestyle close to the Griffith, Manuka and Kingston cafes, restaurants, and entertainment. Spacious living areas include separate formal and informal living areas, generous sized bedrooms, master with ensuite and study/nursery area and functional kitchen. “Staffordshire Terrace” is surrounded by established mature gardens, providing shade and privacy. There is secure underground parking and a sparkling in ground pool. EER 4.0 Auction: 12.30pm Saturday 9 April on site. Open 30 minutes prior to auction.

View: Saturday 9 April 9.30 to 10.00am

View: Saturday 9 April 12.00 to 12.30pm

l d Price o S d

c Re


l d Price o S d


c Re




ANOTHER TWO RECORD PRICES ACHIEVED BY PAUL & ROBYN SUTTON If you are thinking of selling your home, or if your home has been on the market for longer than expected please phone us for an obligation free market appraisal. We are a highly experienced boutique agency ready to sell your home please phone Robyn Sutton 0409442484 or Paul Sutton 0407099175.

Paul Sutton 0407 099 175

Robyn Sutton 0409 442 484





Information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable, however we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided and interested parties should solely rely on their own enquiries.

23 Bambridge St WEETANGERA Thinking of downsizing? This stunning boutique development on Bambridge Street includes just three exclusive properties for the lucky purchasers. The design is brilliant, featuring double-storey homes with four large bedrooms, bathroom and ensuite, two car garage. The largest home is over 181m2, with the master bedroom on the ground floor. • Double-glazed windows and doors throughout • Fully landscaped and ready to move into • Reverse cycle ducted heating and cooling • Large family rooms with separate lounge • Two residences have the Master Bedroom on the lower level Register your interest now!

Contact Justin Ingram 0431 116 399 or justin.ingram@prd.com.au

from $795,000



2 EER 6.0








Peter Baum 0412 851 139

peter.baum@prd.com.au PERSONAL - PROFESSIONAL - RESULTS

We would love to help you with your rental property. We guarantee call backs by the end of the day. We offer a personal service backed by one of Australia’s largest real estate brands.

When you have the right team, you get the right results.

We service every suburb of Canberra. We offer professional photography and marketing. We guarantee our services year after year.

Get in touch with Andrew Early about your property management needs, call 0423 465 805 PH: 02 6262 5232 Ӏ FAX: 02 6103 9149 Ӏ E: andrew.early@prd.com.au


Aranda 28B Bindel Street Saturday 11:50am – 12:50pm, Sunday 11:40am – 12:10pm




Location! Lifestyle! Luxury!


The ultimate lifestyle opportunity in a prestigious location is now on offer in Aranda! This sophisticated free standing detached dual occupancy offers the perfect combination of quality living and convenient location. This property is perfectly suited to those seeking a stylish stand-out home in excellent condition, in a highly desirable location. Well proportioned and with an abundance of natural light, this luxury home has a wonderful sense of space and includes all the extras; two separate living areas, high ceilings, hi-spec kitchen with stone benches, double glazed windows and doors throughout, floating hardwood floors, master bedroom with walk-in-robe and large ensuite, separate third toilet, ducted vacuum, ducted reverse cycle heating and cooling, video intercom, gas hot water, ample off street parking, under stair storage and large double garage with high roof. You really must come and have a look to truly appreciate this stunning home. EER: 5.5

Andrew Lonsdale 0428 486 692


Saturday 30 April at 11:00am, on site

Elders Belconnen, Suite 4, Bank Building, Jamison Centre, Macquarie

02 6251 2088


Aranda 14 Gingana Place Saturday 10:50am – 11:50am, Sunday 11:00am – 11:30am




Renovate, Rent Or Build Your Dream Home!


Quietly tucked away in a cul-de-sac of only 8 homes is this unique Aranda home with options galore! This property presents an exciting prospect for a variety of buyers looking for a home with excellent potential to modernize. Families looking for a flat to accommodate parents/in-laws or as an investment property will love this home and the central suburb that it sits in. Currently utilised as a three bedroom home with an attached 2 bedroom flat, this home can be opened up to be a five bedroom ensuite home with 2 separate living areas. The property also has a carport, garage/workshop, laundry and an extra bathroom too! Be sure to inspect this property to visualize what you would love to do. This is your answer to convenient living in one of Canberra’s most central and sought after suburbs. EER: 2.5

Andrew Lonsdale 0428 486 692


Saturday 30 April at 10am, on site

Elders Belconnen, Suite 4, Bank Building, Jamison Centre, Macquarie

02 6251 2088


Cook 39 Atkinson Street Thursday 5:15pm – 6:00pm, Saturday 1:00pm – 2:00pm, Sunday 12:20pm – 12:50pm




Ideally Located – Walk To Everything


You simply can’t go past this one! Here is a golden opportunity to live in a central location and a long established community. This renovated 3 bedroom home ticks all the boxes for families looking for the right environment for their children to grow up in. Living here will provide you with easy access to excellent local schools, Jamison Shopping Centre, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Town Centre and the city. Nestled amongst leafy surrounds, this light and bright family home offers privacy and peaceful surrounds including native birds. Features include renovated kitchen with quality appliances, large double glazed windows/doors off dining and kitchen, stylish new bathroom, floating timber floors, bespoke cabinetry and built-in desk in main living area, ducted gas heating, evaporative cooling, external awnings, north facing backyard, large covered deck with mains gas outlet and irrigated native gardens. EER: 0.5

Andrew Lonsdale 0428 486 692


Saturday 30 April at 1pm, on site

Elders Belconnen, Suite 4, Bank Building, Jamison Centre, Macquarie

02 6251 2088


O’Connor 10 Pedder Street


Open Thursday 6.30pm - 7.00pm, Saturday 9.45am - 10.30am



When You Care Enough To Have The Very Best!


With striking architectural style and immaculate attention to detail, no expense has been spared in the creation of this sophisticated home! Defined by its superior quality and workmanship, this HIA Award Winning home is spacious and contemporary in design with the highest standard of inclusions for luxury living. This residence is perfect for families looking for a home in a premium location with absolutely no work to do. If you have an eye for quality and a need for space in a quiet and private location then here is your answer! Designed for a lifetime of enjoyment and comfort, this property presents a superb selection of formal, informal and casual living areas to complement any occasion. Enjoy a lifestyle like no other‌entertain, relax or swim a few laps in your pool! The list of features is endless; you absolutely must see this home! EER: 4.0

Andrew Lonsdale 0428 486 692


Saturday 23 April at 10am, on site

Elders Belconnen, Suite 4, Bank Building, Jamison Centre, Macquarie

02 6251 2088



Welcoming the newest member of The Entourage

Frank Kendrick With Vast Experience, Knowledge, Ethics and a proven track record of positive Results, we are proud to welcome Frank Kendrick to our successful team.

“My key focus in life is about helping people make informed decisions, achieving their goals and improving their lives through real estate ... I am really excited to be part of such an ethical team and innovative model, I’m looking forward to assisting you in the future”

Should you need advice regarding marketing and selling an existing property or if you are planning to build a new home in the future, I am here to help!

For a friendly chat or general real estate advice, please feel free to contact me today!


Ph: 6262 4284 | E: info@propertyentourage.com


Ph: 6262 4284 | M: 0475 434 988 | E: frank@propertyentourage.com



Block 2/37, 28 Gussey Street MONCRIEFF



4 BED | 2 BATH | 2 CAR | EER 6.0

4 BED | 2 BATH | 2 CAR | EER 6.0

Build your dream home in 2016

Home & Land Package

This modern, energy efficient and spacious designer home boasts: 4 bedrooms, meals, family and formal lounge areas as well as a central kitchen with walk-in pantry and a large alfresco area.

Located on a large block the residence reflects a contemporary style providing enhanced visual interest to the buildings form whilst promoting expansive and functional open plan living.

VIEW Visit the Moncrieff on-site sales office - O’Keefe Avenue today! David Costanzo 0455 334 324 Frank Kendrick 0475 434 988

VIEW Visit the Moncrieff on-site sales office - O’Keefe Avenue today! David Costanzo 0455 334 324 Frank Kendrick 0475 434 988

Block 15, Section 45, 44 Bellhouse Cres MONCRIEFF

Block 19, Section 67, 36 Limb Cres MONCRIEFF





4 BED | 2 BATH | 2 CAR | EER 6.0

4 BED | 2 BATH | 2 CAR | EER 6.0

Property with punch

Spacious Family Home With Views

This double storey home and land package includes a 4 bed, 2 bathroom double garage home sitting on an almost level block within the great new suburb of Moncrieff.

This Home is nestled opposite an open space. It offers spacious family living, great views and is located close to the Amaroo School. The home will comprise a double storey with 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and double garage.

VIEW Visit the Moncrieff on-site sales office - O’Keefe Avenue today! David Costanzo 0455 334 324 Frank Kendrick 0475 434 988

VIEW Visit the Moncrieff on-site sales office - O’Keefe Avenue today! David Costanzo 0455 334 324 Frank Kendrick 0475 434 988


Ph: 6262 4284 | E: info@propertyentourage.com


12 Bronhill Street MONCRIEFF


MARKETING 39 Victoria Owen Cct Springbank Rise CASEY


RESULTS 111 Ulysses Circuit WRIGHT


4 BED | 2 BATH | 2 CAR | EER 5.0

5 BED | 3.5 BATH | 2 CAR | EER 6.0

Outstanding Family & Entertainers Retreat

Spectacular Lifestyle Opportunity

This beautiful single story home is situated within one of Canberra’s most sought after community developments, Springbank Rise, Casey and was designed and built by the long established and well-respected building company Masterton Homes.

Offering a unique floorplan the design boasts expansive living and lifestyle amenities, with formal and informal living areas, Rumpus, guess bedroom with ensuite, large alfresco with outdoor kitchenette and BBQ. The inclusions list is endless.

VIEW By Appointment Nathan Giannasca 0418 479 963 David Costanzo 0455 334 324

VIEW By Appointment Nathan Giannasca 0418 479 963 David Costanzo 0455 334 324

24 Vellacott Street Denman Prospect ACT 2611

30 Vellacott Street Denman Prospect ACT 2611



3 BED | 2 BATH | 2 CAR | EER 6.0

4 BED | 2 BATH | 2 CAR | EER 6.0

Nestled Between Culture, Recreation and Work

Cultured Living & Entertainment

This modern, energy efficient and spacious designer home boasts, 3 bedrooms, meals, family and Living areas. A central kitchen and a large alfresco area. Home & land package.

This modern, energy efficient and spacious designer home boasts, 4 Bedrooms, Meals, Family and Living areas. A central Kitchen and a large alfresco area. Home & land package.

VIEW By Appointment David Costanzo 0455 334 324 Frank Kendrick 0475 434 988

VIEW By Appointment David Costanzo 0455 334 324 Frank Kendrick 0475 434 988


Ph: 6262 4284 | E: info@propertyentourage.com












Need a reliable Property Manager? Contact the Entourage TODAY for a PROFESSIONAL, PERSONALISED and RELIABLE service you can TRUST! For the BEST results, contact Katerina Katerina Czaplinski Senior Property Manager

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13 Bott Crescent CASEY $550pw

13 Maris King Street CASEY $445pw

28 Joyce Bull Lane CASEY $400pw

4 BED | 2 BATH | 2 CAR

3 BED | 2 BATH | 1 CAR

2 BED | 2 BATH | 1 CAR

We are currently experiencing high demand for rental properties in the Gungahlin region


For an obligation free rental appraisal contact Katerina on Ph: 6262 4284 | M: 0497 699 442 | E: katerina@propertyentourage.com


Alpine Gables an investment your family will thank you for. Individual New York loft style apartments for sale. For more information, visit: www.investinalpinegables.com/whiterhinoproperty

02 6255 8836 • 19/2 Yallourn Street, Fyshwick • www.whiterhinoproperty.com.au

Service this good is almost extinct! Apartments range from $110K for the standard range, and move through to $155k for the luxury New York Loft style. You can take the apartment in a standard condition, or choose the renovation package and add another $40k and have the apartment transformed to a modern upgraded version. All properties are 1 bedroom lofts and sleep 4-6 guest depending on size and layout. • Starting at $110,000 unrenovated (back lofts sleeps 4) • $135,000 unrenovated front with courtyard (sleeps 6) only a few left • $40,000 for renovation package on top • And $195,000 renovated upstairs front view lake views (sleeps 6)

Please note these apartments are selling fast, two have already exchanged and four are under offer. Chances are these will be sold before winter comes round.

Alpine Gables Resort Jindabyne Iconic Alpine Gables is selling as individual New York loft style apartments. These brilliantly located boutique apartments are in the heart of Jindabyne and just across the road from lake Jindabyne. They offer exceptional living, an ideal aspect and views within a truly inspirational setting. These New York style loft apartments offer a stylish fusion of historic charm and contemporary flair. Dramatic ceilings, a flexible dual level layout and designer interiors create a unique space to holiday and entertain in unbeatable location. In addition to enjoying luxury linens, quality toiletries and charming authentic vintage, art deco & industrial furnishings, your apartment includes full use of the private sauna to enjoy after a big day skiing on the mountain or wakeboarding on the lake in summer.

SALE View Call Gavin to book an inspection If you would like to know more about this truly fantastic investment opportunity, please visit www. investinalpinegables.com/ whiterhinoproperty or call Gavin van Zyl 0429 269 260

02 6255 8836 • 19/2 Yallourn Street, Fyshwick • www.whiterhinoproperty.com.au

Service this good is almost extinct!

If you are looking for an agent that achieves great results quickly please don’t hesitate to call me today.

GAVIN VAN ZYL M: 0429 269 260 P: 02 6255 8836 E: gavin.vanzyl@whiterhinoproperty.com.au


S 3



Queanbeyan 35 Derrima Road


S 3



Karabar 31 Ingleside Road


S 3



Jerrabomberra 21 Parkview Cres


S 4



Karabar 2 Meehan Close


S 3



Jerrabomberra 10/5 Brudenell Drive


S 2



02 6255 8836 • 19/2 Yallourn Street, Fyshwick • www.whiterhinoproperty.com.au


Queanbeyan 12 Hellmund Street

Service this good is almost extinct!

Belconnen 102/57 Benjamin Way

EER 6.0

Resort Lifestyle in Belconnen’s Heart Nestled in the popular development ‘The Oracle’ is this modern and spacious one bedroom + study apartment, situated on the third floor. A light filled open plan living area opens out to a generous balcony. The kitchen is well designed with a dishwasher and plenty of storage. The complex offers a swimming pool, gymnasium, spa and sauna! Close to shops, restaurants, AIS, Calvary Hospital, CISAC, University of Canberra and a short drive to the city.




SALE $299,000 View Sat 10.15 – 10.30am Gavin van Zyl 0429 269 260

Bruce 107/10 Thynne Street Neatly Presented in Fantastic Location This neatly presented unit is a fantastic property to get yourself into the market. The property offers an open plan kitchen which provides a great space with breakfast bar, dishwasher, electric cooking and plenty of cupboard space. The generous sized balcony offers a great area to relax in those warm summer months. The property is centrally located to the Belconnen Town Centre, University of Canberra, AIS, Canberra Stadium, CIT and Calvary Hospital.

EER 5.0




SALE $349,000 View Sat 10:15 – 10:30am Gavin van Zyl 0429 269 260





Greenway 77 Florence Taylor Street Separate Title, No Body Corporate Fees! This three bedroom ensuite townhouse offers calming views looking across beautiful parkland and onto the lake! Full of light, this impressive, single level, separate title home captures both parkland and uninterrupted lake views. Positioned to benefit from peace, privacy, a stunning verdant lawn and water outlook, you will find this unique setting difficult to beat!

EER 2.5


SALE $550,000 Gavin van Zyl 0429 269 260


X 2

Watson 137/395 Antill Street Ultimate outdoor entertaining area This immaculately appointed ground floor apartment in the sensational ‘Solstice’ complex offers a great lifestyle plus 3 generous bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The bright open-plan living and dining areas extend to a delightful low maintenance garden and entertaining area buyers will love. This tranquil garden gives you a sense of space and privacy the whole family will enjoy. This property is a must see as opportunities to purchase in this sort after location don’t come around often.

EER 4.0 X.X




SALE $595,000 View Sat 1.00 – 1.30pm Gavin van Zyl 0429 269 260

02 6255 8836 • 19/2 Yallourn Street, Fyshwick • www.whiterhinoproperty.com.au






Capital Broadview, 213 Jabanungga Avenue


Commanding a supreme corner position within one of Broadviews’ most idyllic streets, this immaculately designed residence presents an attractive facade with beautifully manicured easy care front garden and a north-easterly aspect ensuring year round sunshine. Past the segregated formal lounge room, the spacious interior boasts an open plan layout incorporating a feature wall in every room; with a large living and dining area opening on to a beautiful kitchen. The stunning kitchen includes state-of-the-art stove, island stone benchtops and plenty of preparation and storage space. Flowing from the living area through a sliding glass door you are drawn to a large undercover alfresco entertaining area. The home offers three generously sized bedrooms with built-in storage, the master bedroom with walk in-robe and ensuite with double vanity. Additional features to note include modern bathroom with separate toilet, laundry with plenty of cupboard space, large linen cupboard and double remote garage with internal access. Situated opposite park with playground and a short drive to primary school and shopping centre. This delightful home is perfect for the downsizer, first home-buyer or savvy investor looking for modern living as its finest.

1/124 Crawford Street, Queanbeyan, NSW 2620 Each office is independently owned and operated.

02 6297 9191



EER 5.5

View Saturday 12.00pm – 12.45pm For Sale By Negotiation Dewi Radyanto 0451 940 603 dewi.radyanto@remaxcapital.com.au For more details visit remaxcapital.com.au




Immaculately designed

FUL LY COM P L E T E D BR A ND NE W 2 BED ROO M A PA RT ME N TS & 2 BED RO O M + ST U DY TOWN H OUS E S IN Q U E A N BE YA N FROM $35 0 ,0 0 0 - $ 399 , 0 0 0


CATHERINE M C GEACHY 0410 7 74 821



Queanbeyan/Googong Jerrabomberra/Tralee/Canberra 2-4 Rutledge Street 6 Limestone Drive

your local agent

Your Own Private Piece Of The World 7 Aspen Rise, Jerrabomberra This uniquely designed home is sure to impress and tick all the right boxes. Contemporary in style but exuding character and charm, the home sits effortlessly on a large bushland block surrounded by easy care native gardens and reserve that attracts a variety of birds and provides a beautiful backdrop with sweeping views to Canberra. Architecturally designed, the home has been built to provide an abundance of space and natural light with high, square set ceilings and feature windows throughout.

4 Price: View: Contact:



$999,000 By appointment - Contact agent Lou Baldan 0403 604 888 Darren Bennett 0418 633 806

Queanbeyan/Googong Jerrabomberra/Tralee/Canberra 2-4 Rutledge Street 6 Limestone Drive

your local agent











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3 2 2 21 Longley Place Picture Perfect. Taking the indoors out or bringing the outdoors in - from either perspective this enticing Louis Poxleitner built home is a captivating balance of home and garden. The photos tell the story. From the moment you walk into this beautifully presented single level property, the north facing floor to ceiling windows allow the full glory of the garden to greet you. Offering peace and Geraldine Rutherford Steve Duff privacy, the thoughtfully and consistently up-graded home resonates quality, comfort and style. Auction: Sat 30 Apr 11:00am Separate living areas open through sliding doors to the vine covered pergola and paved area, ideal Venue: On site for casual entertaining. Creatively landscaped grounds with spaces for quiet moments in a secure, View: Sat 9 Apr 11:00am-11:45am private environment, this is indeed a wonderful choice. EER 2.5 & Wed 13 Apr 12:30pm-1:00pm

Geraldine Rutherford 0412 060 792 or Steve Duff 0419 239 480

Rutherford Johnston Properties

Ph: 6253 3333





2/47 Slessor Crescent




Quietly tucked away in a peaceful complex this delightful home is a downsizers delight. Immaculately presented & offering a range of thoughtful extras that add up to an extremely comfortable, low maintenance lifestyle, the single level property offers 2 living areas, a well-equipped kitchen, generous bedrooms with BIRs, ducted gas, fabulous covered enclosed patio, double garage & more. Close to shops & medical centre. EER 4.0


77 Ross Smith Crescent




Full of potential, engagingly different & rented for over 6 years, here’s a fabulous chance to increase investors’ portfolios or live-in buyers to personalise a tired but inspiring home. There’s formal & informal living areas, functional kitchen, main bathroom, shower room, atrium, secure backyard, double garage, carport & more. When location, size & layout are as good as this - grab your chance to create a masterpiece! EER 0.0

Offers Over $495,000 View: By appointment

Auction: Saturday 23 April 2016 at 1.00pm, On site View: Saturday 9 April 10.30-11.15am

Geraldine Rutherford 0412 060 792 or Steve Duff 0419 239 480

Jane Ahern 0409 042 396 or Loreen Clarke 0408 515 545


3/30 Kinleyside Crescent




Near new, spacious, free-standing, three bedroom ensuite home positioned at the back of a boutique development of only three. Offering formal living room plus enormous north facing combined family room, dining room & state of the art kitchen. Contemporary bathrooms, ducted heating & cooling, high ceilings & private low maintenance gardens. Built November 2012. Living 169m2 plus double garage with internal access. EER 3.5 CWM0712-V2

Offers Over $670,000 View: Saturday 9 April 2015 11:45am - 12:30pm

Vicki Johnston 0414 910 798 or Tenille McPaul 0438 318 606

Rutherford Johnston Properties

Ph: 6253 3333


Ainslie 18 Paterson Street




AUCTION Sat 16 Apr 10am on site

Set amongst established gardens in an enviable location on Paterson Street is this Heritage listed home of circa 1925. A light filled haven set on a 696sqm block with views to Mt Ainslie and located in Ainslie’s tightly held area close to Corroboree Park. Full of character filled charm of days gone by, the owners are sad to say goodbye to their much loved family home of many years. Opportunity beckons for those with an appreciation for location and quality.

EER: 2.0 View: Contact Agent




2 $435,000+

Narrabundah 58 Caley Crescent





This 3 bedroom home set in one of Holt’s most enviable locations will suit first home buyers and downsizers alike! Set back from the street and in this quiet pocket of Coverdale Street, you will not want to miss the opportunity to secure this home!

Rarely does a property come on the market as unique as this one! We have on offer a 3 bedroom home which is currently separated into a 2 bedroom home with an attached 1 bedroom flat at the rear. This means you can earn two incomes at once or have a place for family and friends to stay!

EER: 5.0 View: Contact Agent

EER: 1.5 View: Contact Agent Auction: Sat 16 April 11.30am on site

Symon Badenoch 0412 898 690 Natalie Kokic Schmidt 0435 921 229

64/1 Beissel Street, Belconnen ACT 2617 (Cnr Beissel St and Emu Bank)

P: 02 6264 0900 E: bre@badenoch.com.au


For more information on all these properties and to view all our listings, please visit badenoch.com.au/buy


Holt 17 Coverdale Street

Latham 38 Faucett Street




2 $490,000+

Ready and waiting for you to call home is this beautifully renovated 3 bedroom home which has had everything done from head to toe for you. Step inside and be welcomed by the well-lit open plan living area with timber floors throughout. Straight away you will be impressed with the huge kitchen boasting stone benchtops, sunken stainless steel double basin, dishwasher, gas cooktops, stainless steel oven and plenty of bench space for the family and entertaining. For Canberra’s upcoming cold winters enjoy ducted gas heating throughout and reverse cycle air conditioning in the living room.

EER: 2.5 View: Contact Agent




YOUR MAIN CHOICE FOR YOUR NEXT HOME $485,000+ Treat yourself with this fully renovated home in Chisholm with loads of storage space throughout! From the moment you walk in the door you will feel welcomed by the neutral tones and dĂŠcor throughout. See for yourself that you are the only thing missing from this home! EER: 2.5 View: Contact Agent

Symon Badenoch 0412 898 690 Natalie Kokic Schmidt 0435 921 229

Bruce 8/115 Lampard Circuit




LIFESTYLE AND LOCATION $525,000+ This single level townhouse is located within the Shalimar complex in Bruce and is perfectly suited to downsizers (no stairs!), first home buyers and young families alike. The property is free-standing with no joining walls making you feel like you are in your own private haven. EER: 4.5 View: Contact Agent

64/1 Beissel Street, Belconnen ACT 2617 (Cnr Beissel St and Emu Bank)

P: 02 6264 0900 E: bre@badenoch.com.au


For more information on all these properties and to view all our listings, please visit badenoch.com.au/buy


Chisholm 18 Main Close




Light rail is coming soon! Be part of a sustainable and modern city and enjoy light rail convenience to the Canberra City Centre. The light rail terminal will be in Gungahlin Place, just a few minutes walk from Mezzo.

With three major supermarkets, two department stores, many specialty shops plus the retail and hardware giants Bunnings and Home Hardware, you really will find everything you need in Gungahlin.

FITNESS & LEISURE Stay active with a wide choice of fitness and leisure options in and around the Gungahlin Town Centre. Right next door to Mezzo is the world famous Gold’s Gym, and a little further down the road is the Gungahlin Leisure Centre with its swimming pools and gym. There are many more to choose from.

YERRABI POND Traverse a path to Yerrabi Pond and jog, walk or cycle around its footpaths, make use of the soon to be installed outdoor fitness stations, or just relax amongst the local bird life.



Whether it’s a casual coffee with friends, or fine dining for that special occasion, there are a myriad of dining options in the Gungahlin Town Centre, and on the Waterfront at Yerrabi Pond.

Highly regarded private and public schools are within walking distance or a short drive from Mezzo. All levels from early childhood, including childcare, right through to college level education are available in Gungahlin.



No need to go to Civic for a night out when you have Siren Bar & Restaurant within walking distance. Live entertainment, excellent food and beverages and a huge outdoor deck to enjoy in all weather. Come and see why Siren is Gungahlin’s favourite venue.

The ACT Government office block opened recently within the Gungahlin Town Centre, complete with an Access Canberra shopfront. The office employs 650 people which has created local employment in Gungahlin.

A selection of 1 & 2 bedroom apartments from $269,950 Display suite open Saturday/Sunday 12 to 4pm & Wednesday 4 to 6pm. Follow signs from Anthony Rolfe Ave to Gribble St, Gungahlin Town Centre

mezzogungahlin.com.au Steve Laughton 0499 364 064

Lawson’s largest and most exciting floor plans with double garages and huge courtyards. Stunning townhouses & villas from just $449,950. JUST RELEASED, ONE THIRD SOLD! Gateway boasts Lawson’s largest floor plans with double garages and huge courtyards, so if it is a spacious, attractive, good quality home you desire then look no further. These deluxe, trendy, multilevel townhouses and villas are beautifully designed with features rarely seen in this price range. The unique floor plans, 2.7m ceilings, double glazed windows and huge courtyards provide that important point of difference that will ensure exceptional value both now and for resale into the future.


2,3 & 4 bedroom homes


Ducted heating and cooling


All homes have 2 living areas and 2.5 bathrooms


Huge, sunny landscaped courtyards


8 different, innovative floor plans in total


Tiled entertaining areas with pergolas


Double garages with internal access & loads of storage


Spacious bathrooms and ensuites with designer fittings


2.7m ceilings to all living areas and bedrooms

Low body corporate fees Double glazing, average EER 7.7


Large, stunning kitchens

à à à

DA Approved




Marcus Allesch 0424 409 873 marcus@podprojectsgroup.com.au


04000 222 81 L AW S O N


Most trusted builder 43 years strong

DISPLAY HOME OPEN 8 Amaryllis St. Wright Sat & Sun 11.00am – 3.30pm Kim 0409 846 506 / kim@regalhomes.com.au



Sat & Sun 11am to 1pm

Total area 110.5m2 (11.9 sq)

Kim Ware 0409 846 506 / kim@regalhomes.com.au Graceland Homes - A division of Regal Homes (Aust) Pty Ltd.


Total area 325.52m2 (35 sq)

KNOCKDOWN & REBUILD WITH REGAL HOMES? Phil & Clare from Hackett did!

Living Alfresco Porch Total area

173.3m2 22.0m2 2.8m2 198.1m2

We first learned about Regal when looking for a builder to do our knock down rebuild. We were impressed with their solid history as a Canberra builder, and liked the elegant, classic style of many of their designs. We also wanted to choose a company that didn’t employ provisional sums. We are now living in our Regal home and extremely pleased both with the process and the result. We found the team – including Kim, Sandy, Justin, Sam, Kylie and Mark – to be extremely courteous, professional and results driven. The company clearly enjoys a good relationship with its excellent network of tradespeople and there were no hidden price hikes. And we are thrilled with our new home! We are extremely grateful to the team at Regal and would recommend them to anyone.


For a limited time only, Regal Homes are pleased to offer select clients the opportunity to meet with our qualified architect designer for a one-hour ONE ON ONE meeting to discuss your requirements, development of your custom floor plan and most suitable siting options for your new home (conditions apply). Contact Kim for details and to arrange a suitable appointment time.

Kim Ware 0409 846 506 / kim@regalhomes.com.au

Most trusted knockdown & re-build builder operating consistently since 1973.

LOT 158 552m2 $287,000 Secure your block at 2015 prices Pay stamp duty only on land $1,000 secures your package


• 1

• 2

• 2

• 2

Member of the Googong Builders Guild

LUXURY IN GOOGONG BLD Homes are pleased to present this spacious 4 bedroom split level design on a large 552m2 block. • Ideal location only a short stroll to Connolly Vale Park and Aprasia Park. • 3 metre high ceilings to the kitchen, family room, living room and theatre room. • Segregated master bedroom with WIR and ensuite. All other bedrooms a generous size with built in robes. • Spacious kitchen with stone benchtops, pantry and plenty of cupboard space. • Plan can be modified to suit your needs.


• We have land available from $249,000.

For more information please contact Andre on 0400 043 474

OPEN SAT & SUN 11am to 4pm

t 02 6280 4190 e andre@bldhomes.com.au www.bldhomes.com.au Builders Licence No. / ACT 200212712 / NSW 127479C


Display Home 7 Engel Street Coombs

We are confident of our service and we stand by it. We are very pleased to announce that Robin Marks has joined with Vantage Strata in the position of Senior Strata Manager.

For a confidential and obligation free conversation please call our: Managing Director - Chris Miller on 0400 376 208 info@vantagestrata.com.au Senior Strata Manager - Robin Marks on 0467 7000 97 robin.marks@vantagestrata.com.au PO Box 4259, Kingston ACT 2604


superior strata management, now open for business.

02 6281 0822





Immaculately presented, this sensational home offers loads of natural light and a highly functional floorplan. The contemporary design boasts spacious entertaining areas inside and out, and will appeal to a fastidious buyer wanting to simply unpack the boxes and enjoy the relaxed family living & entertaining on offer. Positioned on a




EER 3.5

Auction 9th April 12.00pm On Site

712m2 block, the 186m2 home offers formal and Open Sat 11.30-12.00pm informal entertaining areas. Featuring a stunning Jane Kusetic kitchen, rumpus room, covered deck and spa 0408 662 119 bath this home is ideal for entertaining family and friends. Don’t miss this opportunity to secure a low maintenance home in a convenient and sought Johnathan Davis after location close to schools, shops and transport. 0437 309 680



Are you looking at buying a property in Canberra? At Haigh Homes, we specialise in providing consultancy services to assist Canberra home buyers and investors. We offer one-on-one pre purchase walk-throughs so you know what you’re buying. We will: »

inspect the property with you


review the building report


discuss any required remedial work with you


discuss renovations or other desired work and any potential issues


identify any structural concerns


provide you with a summary document

Call us now on 0422 292 186 to discuss or submit an enquiry via our website

www.haighhomes.com.au facebook.com/HaighHomes 177


n Ave


nar oH






fro Ins Un m t ru de Li ct r qu io id ns at or


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13,509m2 BLOCK







t aS




pa hep

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tre e



Multi Purpose Warehouse Complex




Huge Block - Excellent Tenants

Fyshwick Lithgow and Wiluna St Corner Expressions of Interest

Hume 28 Sheppard Street

• • • • •

• • • •


80% leased to long term tenants Fully leased income $560,000* Site strata titled with single owner 13,509m2 block / 5,150m2 building

Expressions of Interest Closing 2.00pm Thursday 28 April 2016 Andrew Smith 0409 600 471 John Price 0412 266 194 rwcanberra.com.au




Closing 2pm Thursday 21 April 2016 Andrew Smith 0409 600 471 John Price 0412 266 194 rwcanberra.com.au

Ray White Commerial Canberra C 2016 Ernst & Young Real Estate Pty Limited. Liability Limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.


Areas marked are indicative only.

Areas marked are indicative only

Vacant Possession, former Paragon Printers site 13 Wiluna St, 2,916m² block + 2,113m² buildings 15 Wiluna St, 3,050m² block + 1,833m² buildings Buy in one line or individually Easy access to Canberra Ave and Monaro Highway

r ona

Is your home loan still right for you? If your circumstances have changed, or you aren’t sure your home loan is still suitable for you, RAMS can help you decide with a free, no-obligation home loan health check. Whether you’re downsizing, upsizing, renovating, or just not getting the service you need, talk to the home loan experts at RAMS.

For a free home loan health check, talk to your local RAMS home loan experts today. Jo Minnis RAMS Home Loans ACT South 6295 9440 | 0427 820 732 jo_minnis@rams.com.au

Martyn O’Connor RAMS Home Loans ACT North 6230 7000 | 0414 575 492 martyn_oconnor@rams.com.au

More Information: Credit criteria apply. RAMS Financial Group Pty Ltd ABN 30 105 207 538, AR 405465 Australian Credit Licence 388065. Credit Provider & issuer of RAMS Deposit Products: Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. 16197/0316



206 Comur Street, YASS

6226 1922

www.yassrealestate.com 3 BED


2 BATH |


“WOODS END” • Hampton style home situated on approximately four hectares, perfect for equestrians & lifestyle living • Open plan living, spacious kitchen, main bedroom plus bathroom on ground floor, sitting room/office, two double bedrooms and bathroom are located on the upper floor • Slow combustion wood heater, RC/AC and verandahs provide year round comfort • Fully enclosed stable block, 3 WIWO boxes with pipe clay yards, tack room & wash bay • Over height carport suitable for horse float, Olympic sized dressage arena & multiple paddocks complete the equine facilities

View: By appointment Edwina Brown 0429 327 059






CHARMING HOME • Delightful four bedroom home with detached two bedroom, kitchen, open plan living, combined bathroom & laundry and RC/AC cottage • The home has period features, high ceilings, pattern cornices, picture rails, polished floor boards • Two spacious living areas, country style kitchen, family bathroom, laundry with 2nd shower & w.c. • Slow combustion wood heater plus RC/AC for year round comfort • Charming cottage gardens, single garage with work shop area • Situated short distance from the main street, schools and shops

View: By appointment Edwina Brown 0429 327 059

$495,000 CWM0694


Lorraine Gray

Adrian Carey

Edwina Brown

FOR AUCTION: FARM HOUSE CLEARANCE – CHOICE OF 2 – BOTH MUST BE SOLD! Each property has approx 300m of magnificient Yass river frontage.

Price Guide $550,000 - $600,000


Country Lifestyles

Lot 54 Scanes Road, YASS 36 Acres with Circa 1950’s 4 Bedroom home

Contact agent


Land: 36acres

Auction Saturday 23rd April, 11.15am on site

• Yass river frontage

• Lucerne flats


• Water irrigation licences

• 45 Minutes to Canberra

• Fully fenced

• Within 3 hrs of Sydney

Matt Blanch 049 89 89 880 matt @rhns.com.au

Ring or email NOW for an info pack.

• Dams

Price Guide $275,000 - $300,000


Country Lifestyles

Lot 100 Scanes Road, YASS 30 Acres with original farmers cottage


Contact agent

Auction Saturday 23rd April, 11am on site Agent

Matt Blanch 049 89 89 880 matt @rhns.com.au

Ring or email NOW for an info pack.

Agent interest


Land: 30acres

• Yass river frontage

• Lucerne flats

• Water irrigation licences

• 45 Minutes to Canberra

• Fully fenced

• Within 3 hrs of Sydney

• Dams





Recent renovations

21 Hope Drive, Bungendore NSW Here’s the perfect rural lifestyle. A large family home on a 2-acre block with a private circular driveway, large established trees, and wrap around verandah. Plus, new carpets, paint and renovated bathrooms.

Open plan living provides generous spaces. A great entertaining property with rumpus, bar, covered alfresco, formal lounge/dining, kitchen/ dining and a huge master bedroom suite. From the kitchen you walk out onto a north facing verandah and enjoy the distant rural views from beyond your private backyard.

Price $819,000 Inspect Saturday 9th 12-12.45pm and Saturday 16th 11.15-12pm

Space and Lifestyle – All offers considered

11 Scott Street, Bungendore, NSW Completely renovated 3-bedroom family home in a quiet parkland street. 3 large living areas, alfresco

Price $565,000 Inspect Saturday 11:15 – 11:45am


4 3 2 1 1

Dan Woodford Sales Agent 0414 264 441

entertaining, double gate side access to the rear yard, veggie patch, reverse cycle a/c, garden shed, internal access from DLUG. Fabulous open plan family room with nth windows overlook the rear yard and alfresco area. Spacious kitchen bench tops and plenty of storage with quality appliances also feature. New carpets and paint. Easily converted into a 4 bedroom.


3 2 2 1

Ben Stevenson Principal 0467 046 637


The Village Square, Bungendore NSW

6238 0911



Pr ice


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Bungendore 29 Trucking Yard Lane 4

Constructed from brick, cedar and colourbond steel this delightful home feels airy & the large expanses of glass allow the garden to be viewed from all rooms. There are raked timber panelled ceilings in a number of rooms adding to the ambient feel of the home.

Ray White Bungendore


2 2751sqm

Sale $709,000 View Sat 10.00 – 10.30am Ellie Merriman 0402 117 877 6238 0700 raywhitebungendore.com.au facebook.com/raywhitebungendore

Prime potential & promise

9 acres

This prominent 3.69 Ha block is on the Southern border of Bungendore Township. Whilst development is subject to approval by Council and the current LEP, good planning and some civil works would unlock the enormous potential and promise inherent in this location.


Ray White Bungendore

$800,000 View By Appointment Doug Merriman 0419 999 001 6238 0700 raywhitebungendore.com.au facebook.com/raywhitebungendore


Long Beach 76 Fauna Avenue


Narooma 11 Taylor Street

Land 647 sqm

Virtually Beachfront.....Build your Dream Home !!

Live Here In Paradise

It doesn’t get much better than this!!

For Sale $349,000

Absolutely lovely block with panoramic ocean views only a hop, skip and jump to the beachfront. Flat area suitable for single or double storey home.


• Architecturally designed home with a modern floor plan & 180 degree of breathtaking water views.

View By Appointment


Cnr Beach Rd & Orient St, Batemans Bay

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.



For Sale $665,000 View Call to inspect

• Minutes walk to the Wagonga Inlet, cafes and boat sheds.

Karen Van Der Stelt 0413 221 504

Batemans Bay 4472 6455


• Mooring available on inlet where you can watch your boat from your front deck.

Dee Cramb 0415 519 449 Narooma 02 4476 1000


Village oasis


Bungendore 76 Ellendon Street

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.



ct io



North Batemans Bay 11584 Princes Highway Vendor Liquidating Prime Investment!! ...House on 2.03ha (5.01 acres)




3mins to Batemans Bay CBD....One of the best acreage properties.

• Three generous sized bedrooms

Auction Saturday 23rd April at 2:00pm

• Verandah off the spacious living room with great views

Venue On Site

2.03Ha of mostly cleared land with a substantial dam where you can do your own fishing. Great family home or holiday home. All offers considered prior to auction on-site 2pm Saturday 23rd April, 2016. Only minutes to schools, day-care, CBD, foreshores & marina. Currently tenanted on a periodic lease.

• Two bathrooms • Large rumpus/teenager’s retreat/potential granny flat

View Saturdays 12:30pm – 1:00pm prior to auction

• Single lock up garage, fully fenced yard


• Storage room or workshop

Karen Van Der Stelt 0413 221 504 Batemans Bay 4472 6455

• Internal laundry & downstairs toilet





Cnr Beach Rd & Orient St, Batemans Bay

Batemans Bay 272 Egans Road Must Sell, Motivated Vendors Are Moving On!!.... ‘Running River’




16ha (40acres) with Beautiful Residence & extra selfcontained accommodation.

• 4 Bedrooms (main with walk in robe & ensuite)

Auction Saturday 23rd April at 11:00am

• Open plan kitchen with modern appliances

Venue On Site

Private sandy beach & picnic area on the pristine Buckenboura river. Extra power to the property to accommodate future possibility of Eco Cabins.

• Dining room with full length glass windows with stunning views opening onto 2 x decks

View Saturdays 2:00pm – 3:00pm prior to auction

• 2 x living rooms with wood heater


• Potential for granny flat/studio downstairs

Karen Van Der Stelt 0413 221 504 Batemans Bay 4472 6455

• 16Ha (40acres)... 8 Paddocks approx. 65% Cleared... Self-watering troughs

Cnr Beach Rd & Orient St, Batemans Bay

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


Approx. 20mins to Batemans Bay CBD, Marina & Foreshores. Call for an inspection today. Offers considered prior to auction!! Saturday 23rd April, at 11:00am on site




Nelligen 1, 2, 3 & 4 Kings Highway Inspect By Appointment

Thinking of a waterfront acreage lifestyle?

Here’s your chance to secure yourself a 42.339 Ha (104 acre) block with Clyde River and Kings Highway Frontage. Encompasses 4 Titles with a building permit and direct highway access, situated so close to the CBD yet still feel miles away. Zoned Rural 1A proposed RU1 Potential uses (S.T.C.A) include: Boat sheds, Camping grounds, Recreation facilities, Helipad, Air transport, Boarding kennels, Highway service centers, Dual occupancys and so much more.


Robert McBride 0412 413 727 Web Id 9427065

Saturday 23 April at 12pm, on site




Lots 46 & 99 Runnyford Road Inspect By appointment

Properties are to be sold separately. *NOTE: Land does not have dwelling entitlement but you can build a shed.


Lot 46 (19.02 Ha = Approx 47 Ac): 500m river frontage to Runnyford River, motorable at high tide. Spectacular location with ideal camping sites. Mostly bush with some cleared river flats. Includes bush camping shack. Lot 99 (16.19 Ha = Approx 40 Ac): 410m river frontage, motorable at high tide. Very private location. Would make an ideal weekender. Camping sites.

Robert McBride 0412 413 727 Web Id 9352308


Bidding expected around $150,000 Saturday 9 April at 1pm, on site

Elders Batemans Bay, Shop3/6 North Street, Batemans Bay

02 4472 1488

open homes – for sale

provided by For a free open homes listing, speak to your agent today.


ARANDA Sat 10:50-11:50 14 Gingana Pl

Elders - Belconnen

0428486692 BR5 Auct

Sun 11:00-11:30 14 Gingana Pl

Elders - Belconnen

0428486692 BR5 Auct

BELCONNEN Thu 12:00-14:00 39 Benjamin Way Thu 12:00-14:00 39 Benjamin Way

Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $539k

Colliers International

0435659746 BR3 $629k

Thu 12:00-14:00 116/39 Benjamin Way Colliers International

0435659746 BR1 $369k

Thu 17:00-17:30 62/68 College St

Leader Capital - HARRISON

0404011163 BR2 $424k

Sat 10:00-10:40 1/34 Morell Cl

Peter Blackshaw - Gungahlin

0417194699 BR3 $480k

Sat 10:45-11:15 50 Lance Hill Ave

LJ Hooker Kippax - Holt

0414281078 BR4 $639k

Sun 10:30-15:00 143 Stockman Ave

Maxima Project Marketing

0409007163 BR2 $449k

Sat 11:00-11:30 12 Triton St

Peter Blackshaw - Belconnen

0431994107 BR4 $560k

Sun 10:30-15:00 34 Narrambla Tce

Maxima Project Marketing

0409007163 BR3 $564k

Sat 11:30-12:00 75 Shoobridge Cct

First National - Capital

0408408603 BR3 $530k

Sun 10:30-15:00 123 Stockman Ave

Maxima Project Marketing

0409007163 BR2 $509k

Sat 12:45-13:30 6/14 Fairlight St

First National - Capital

0421485758 BR3 $395k

Sun 10:30-15:00 54 Narrambla Tce

Maxima Project Marketing

0409007163 BR3 $569k

Sat 13:00-13:30 29 Morrow St

Luton - Tuggeranong

0412773938 BR4 Auct

Sun 10:30-15:00 48 Narrambla Tce

Maxima Project Marketing

0409007163 BR3 $549k

Sat 14:15-14:45 12 Higham Pl

Luton - Holt

0417975375 BR3 $438k

Sun 10:30-15:00 1 Pipeclay St

Maxima Project Marketing

0409007163 BR1 $329k

Sat 15:15-15:45 13 Favco Pl

Luton - Holt

0417975375 BR4 $509k

Sun 11:00-14:00 1 Jumbuck Cres

0407777601 BR3 $659k

Wed17:00-17:30 12 Higham Pl

Luton - Holt

0417975375 BR3 $438k

McGrath - Belconnen/ Gungahlin

Wed17:00-17:30 29 Morrow St

Luton - Tuggeranong

0412773938 BR4 Auct

Sun 11:00-14:00 13 Bulletin St

McGrath - Belconnen/ Gungahlin

0407777601 BR1 $339k

Sun 11:00-14:00 17 Bulletin St LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0400485204 BR3 Auct

McGrath - Belconnen/ Gungahlin

0407777601 BR2 $425k

Sat 11:00-11:30 14 Dore Crt

LJ Hooker ACT

0402914037 BR2 $489k

'The Vanguard'/1 Stockman Ave

LJ Hooker ACT

0402914037 BR3 $619k

Sat 11:15-11:45 37 Archdall St

Ray White - Belconnen

0466671595 BR4 Neg

Sat 12:00-12:30 28 Hilda Kincaid Cres

EthicsReal Estate.com. au - Weston

0403246800 BR4 $475k


5 'Soho Apartments' Sat 10:00-10:30 Soundy Cl

Ray White - Woden

0417710772 BR1 $380k

Sat 13:15-13:45 12 Sayer Pl

Luton - Weston Creek

0411878587 BR3 $649k

'The Vanguard'/1 Sun 13:00-16:00 Stockman Ave

Sat 10:00-10:30 59/101 Hennessy St

Ray White - Belconnen

0405056844 BR1 $220k

Sat 15:00-15:45 33 Gleadow St

Independent - City

0403215246 BR4 $650k

Sun 13:00-16:00

Sat 10:00-10:45 62/68 College St

Leader Capital - HARRISON

0404011163 BR2 $424k

Sat 10:00-10:30 58/101 Hennessy St

Ray White - Belconnen

0405056844 BR1 $220k

FLYNN LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0408128940 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:45-11:15 3/132 Totterdell St

Elders - Belconnen

0432365184 BR3 $430k.

Sat 11:00-15:00 39 Benjamin Way

Colliers International

0435659746 BR2 $539k

Sat 11:00-15:00 116/39 Benjamin Way Colliers International

0435659746 BR1 $369k

Sat 11:00-11:45 109/41 Chandler St

Maxima Project Marketing

0409007163 BR2 $499k

Sat 11:00-15:00 39 Benjamin Way

Colliers International

0435659746 BR3 $629k

Sat 11:00-12:00 114/41 Chandler St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0418463872 BR2 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 62/57 Benjamin Way

Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Weston Creek

0411414624 BR1 $275k

Sat 12:00-12:45 15/41 Chandler St

Maxima Project Marketing

Sat 13:00-14:00 296/80 Chandler St

Sat 11:30-12:00 10 Holden Pl



Thu 17:00-17:45 38 Foskett St

Independent - City

0403215246 BR4 Auct

Sat 13:30-14:30 38 Foskett St

Independent - City

0403215246 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:45-13:15 10 John James Loop

Ray White - Belconnen

0466671595 BR3 $399k

Sat 14:20-15:00 42 Foskett St

Elders - Belconnen

0428486692 BR4 $570k

Sat 13:30-14:00 14 Ron Hoy St

Ray White - Belconnen

0466671595 BR3 $370k


Sat 15:00-15:30 6 Holland St

Ray White - Belconnen

0466671595 BR3 Neg

Sat 10:00-10:45 51 Erldunda Cct

Peter Blackshaw - Belconnen

0418628043 BR5 Auct

Tue 17:45-18:15 35 Wunderly Cct

Ray White - Belconnen

0466671595 BR3 Neg

Sat 10:15-10:45 5/153 Murranji St

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0416087834 BR2 $250k


0409007163 BR2 $474k

Sat 11:00-11:30 45 Tanumbirini St

Ray White - Belconnen

0488488956 BR4 Auct

Thu 17:00-17:45 5 Nepean Pl

Elders - Belconnen

0407808717 BR3 Auct

Independent - Belconnen

0418480099 BR1 $299k

Sun 10:00-10:45 51 Erldunda Cct

Peter Blackshaw - Belconnen

0418628043 BR5 Auct

Maxima Project Marketing

0409007163 BR2 $524k


0414910798 BR2 $412k

Sat 13:00-13:45 87/41 Chandler St

Rutherford Johnston Sat 10:45-11:15 2/71 Bennelong Cres BELCONNEN

Sat 13:15-13:45 2/20 Solly Pl

Luton - Holt

0413832535 BR2 $310k

Sat 13:15-14:00 5/3 Lochbuy St

0418266698 BR1 $350k+

Sat 10:30-11:15 36 Griffiths St

Dwyer Dunn - Kingston

0418623324 BR3 Neg

100/99 Eastern Sat 14:15-15:00 Valley Way

Ray White - Kingston

0418266698 BR1 $305k

Sat 15:30-16:00 14/26 Chave St

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0411092990 BR3 $350k


Sat 15:00-15:30 65b/9 Chandler St

Peter Blackshaw - Belconnen

0431994107 BR2 $369k


Sat 15:45-16:15 32a/17 Chandler St

Peter Blackshaw - Belconnen

0431994107 BR1 $259k

Sat 11:30-12:00 31 Onkaparinga Cres Luton - Dickson

Sat 15:45-16:15 9/86 Totterdell St

Luton - Dickson

0418961556 BR2 $364k


Sun 11:00-11:45 109/41 Chandler St

Maxima Project Marketing

0409007163 BR2 $499k

Sat 11:00-11:45 25 Pohlman St

Sun 11:00-12:00 114/41 Chandler St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0418463872 BR2 Auct


Sun 11:00-15:00 116/39 Benjamin Way Colliers International

0435659746 BR1 $369k

Sun 11:00-15:00 39 Benjamin Way

Colliers International

Sun 11:00-15:00 39 Benjamin Way

Colliers International

Sun 12:00-12:45 15/41 Chandler St

Maxima Project Marketing

Ray White - Kingston

Sat 11:00-11:40 173 William Webb Drv Ray White - Belconnen 0409300065 BR4 $680k

Peter Blackshaw - Belconnen

0414962066 BR3 $490k

Thu 17:00-18:30 123 Stockman Ave

Maxima Project Marketing

0409007163 BR2 $509k

0435659746 BR3 $629k

Thu 17:00-18:30 54 Narrambla Tce

Maxima Project Marketing

0409007163 BR3 $569k

0435659746 BR2 $539k

Thu 17:00-18:30 143 Stockman Ave

Maxima Project Marketing

0409007163 BR2 $449k

0409007163 BR2 $474k

Thu 17:00-18:30 1 Pipeclay St

Maxima Project Marketing

0409007163 BR1 $329k

0413313676 BR5 Auct

MELBA Sat 13:15-13:45 9 Charvin Crt

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0416014431 BR2 $365k

Sat 14:00-14:30 7 Linger Pl

Luton - Holt

0411878587 BR4 $620k

PAGE Sat 13:15-14:00 4/14 Earle Pl


0404491413 BR2 $400k

Wed17:30-18:00 4/14 Earle Pl


0404491413 BR2 $400k

Sat 10:00-10:30 9/7 Keith St

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0400485204 BR2 $270k+

Rutherford Johnston BELCONNEN

0409042396 BR4 Neg


Sun 13:00-13:45 87/41 Chandler St

Maxima Project Marketing

0409007163 BR2 $524k

Thu 17:00-18:30 48 Narrambla Tce

Maxima Project Marketing

0409007163 BR3 $549k

Sat 10:30-11:15 77 Ross Smith Cescent

Mon17:00-17:30 1/34 Morell Cl

Peter Blackshaw - Gungahlin

0417194699 BR3 $480k

Thu 17:00-18:30 34 Narrambla Tce

Maxima Project Marketing

0409007163 BR3 $564k

Sat 12:00-12:30 1/21 Barlow St

Elders - Belconnen

0414807170 BR2 $380k

Wed17:15-17:45 2/20 Solly Pl

Luton - Holt

0413832535 BR2 $310k

Sat 10:00-16:00

LJ Hooker ACT

0414332778 BR3 $439k

Sat 14:00-14:30 4/9 Keith St

Peter Blackshaw - Belconnen

0414962066 BR2 Neg

Sat 14:00-14:40 5 Dallas Pl

Luton - Tuggeranong

0411748805 BR5 Auct

Luton - Holt

0438258379 BR5 Auct

Sat 14:30-15:15 1 Vest Pl

Peter Blackshaw - Belconnen

0418628043 BR3 Auct

Sun 14:30-15:15 1 Vest Pl

Peter Blackshaw - Belconnen

0418628043 BR3 Auct


Sat 10:00-16:00

Sat 10:00-10:45 33/8 Baudinette Cct

Morrissey - GUNGAHLIN

0433622600 BR1 $335k

Sat 12:45-13:15 6/10 Fidler Crt

Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Weston Creek

0411414624 BR2 $485k

Sun 10:00-10:30 17/132 Thynne St

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0408694917 BR1 $310k


'Zephyr'/Block 1 Section 44 'Zephyr'/Block 1 Section 44

LJ Hooker ACT

0414332778 BR1 $265k

Sat 10:30-15:00 34 Narrambla Tce

Maxima Project Marketing

0409007163 BR3 $564k

Sat 10:30-15:00 123 Stockman Ave

Maxima Project Marketing

0409007163 BR2 $509k

Sat 10:30-15:00 54 Narrambla Tce

Maxima Project Marketing

0409007163 BR3 $569k

Sat 10:30-15:00 48 Narrambla Tce

Maxima Project Marketing

0409007163 BR3 $549k

SPENCE Sat 08:30-09:00 12 Scattergood Pl


Thu 18:00-18:30 1 Dean Pl

Luton - Holt

0417975375 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:30-15:00 1 Pipeclay St

Maxima Project Marketing

0409007163 BR1 $329k

Sat 10:00-10:30 1 Edols Pl

LJ Hooker Kippax - Holt

0414281078 BR3 Neg

Sat 10:30-15:00 143 Stockman Ave

Maxima Project Marketing

0409007163 BR2 $449k

Sat 11:00-12:00 27 Jauncey Crt

Independent - Belconnen

0402838949 BR3 $439k

Sat 11:00-14:00 1 Jumbuck Cres

McGrath - Belconnen/ Gungahlin

0407777601 BR3 $659k

McGrath - Belconnen/ Gungahlin

Sat 13:30-14:00 27 Bizant St


0431846866 BR5 $1.0M+

Sat 11:00-14:00 17 Bulletin St

0407777601 BR2 $425k

Sat 15:00-15:30 34 Tarrabool St

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR4 Neg

Sat 11:00-14:00 13 Bulletin St

McGrath - Belconnen/ Gungahlin

0407777601 BR1 $339k

BONNER Sat 09:15-10:15 8 Maza Pl

Elders - Belconnen

0432365184 BR3 Auct

Sat 09:30-10:00 35 Irinyili St

Paul & Robyn Sutton - Canberra 0407099175 BR3 Neg

Sat 11:00-11:30 17 Eumarrah St


0418453950 BR3 $399k

Sat 12:00-12:30 92 Bieundurry St

McGrath - Dickson

0414819377 BR5 $459k

Sat 13:15-13:45 125 Ida West St

LJ Hooker Kippax - Holt

0414281078 BR4 Neg

Sat 13:30-13:45 41 Essie Coffey St

EthicsReal Estate.com. au - Weston

0425841671 BR4 $735k

COOK Thu 17:15-18:00 39 Atkinson St

Elders - Belconnen

0428486692 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:15-13:15 9 Templeton St

Elders - Belconnen

0407808717 BR4 Auct

Sat 13:00-14:00 39 Atkinson St

Elders - Belconnen

0428486692 BR3 Auct

Sat 13:00-13:45 2 Tilden Pl

Peter Blackshaw - Belconnen

0414962066 BR2 Auct

Sun 12:20-12:50 39 Atkinson St

Elders - Belconnen

0428486692 BR3 Auct


'The Vanguard'/1 Stockman Ave

LJ Hooker ACT

0402914037 BR2 $489k

Sat 14:00-16:30

'The Vanguard'/1 Stockman Ave

LJ Hooker ACT

0402914037 BR3 $619k

'Zephyr'/Block 1 Section 44

LJ Hooker ACT

Sun 10:00-13:00

Thu 17:00-17:30 1 Millicer Pl

Luton - Holt

0417975375 BR3 Auct

Fri 17:00-17:30 12 Triton St

Peter Blackshaw - Belconnen

0431994107 BR4 $560k


Sat 14:00-16:30

'Zephyr'/Block 1 Sun 10:00-13:00 Section 44

LJ Hooker ACT

0414332778 BR3 $439k 0414332778 BR1 $265k



open homes – for sale

provided by For a free open homes listing, speak to your agent today.



Mon09:00-15:00 3 Gifford St

Village Building Co - Mitchell

0404891155 BR3 $444k

Sat 10:30-11:00 13 Meroula St

Southern Property - MITCHELL 0400509262 BR4 Neg

Thu 18:15-19:00 20 Gorman Cres

Independent - City

0403215246 BR4 Auct

Mon09:00-15:00 46 Gifford St

Village Building Co - Mitchell

0404891155 BR2 $441k

Sat 11:00-11:45 28 Ashton Calvert St


0421794404 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30 2 Acacia Pl

Luton - Dickson

0409300065 BR3 $529k


Luton - Dickson

0418961556 BR4 $815k

Sat 11:20-12:20 16 Hattersley Crt

First National - Capital

0419698899 BR6 Neg

Sat 12:00-17:00 1 John Gorton Drv

First National - Capital

0419698899 BR3 $570k

Sat 11:30-12:00 89 McClelland Ave

Peter Blackshaw - Belconnen

0418628043 BR3 Auct

LJ Hooker ACT

0400853501 BR2 $269k+

Sat 13:00-13:45 8 Wendy Ey Pl

McGrath - Dickson

0414819377 BR5 $1.2M

1 Northpoint Philip Sat 13:00-16:00 Hodgins St Sat 14:30-15:15 32 Serventy St

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0408128940 BR5 $935k

Sat 13:00-13:30 11 Bilby Pl

Peter Blackshaw - Belconnen

0418628043 BR3 Auct

Sun 12:00-17:00 1 John Gorton Drv

First National - Capital

0419698899 BR3 $570k

Sat 14:15-14:45 14/21 Krantzcke Cct

Peter Blackshaw - Gungahlin

0402064504 BR3 $569k

Sat 14:45-15:45 20 Gorman Cres

Independent - City

0403215246 BR4 Auct

1 Northpoint Philip Sun 13:00-16:00 Hodgins St

LJ Hooker ACT

0400853501 BR2 $269k+

Peter Blackshaw - Gungahlin

0408219148 BR5 $880k

Sat 12:30-13:15

39 Edna Thompson Cres

Sat 13:00-13:45 27 Chilton St

Morrissey - GUNGAHLIN

0433622600 BR4 $620k

Sat 14:30-15:15 14 Selleck St

Ray White - Kingston

0418266698 BR4 Auct

CRACE Sat 10:00-10:30 21 Fairfield St

Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Weston Creek

0419593517 BR3 $520k

Sat 10:30-11:00 42 Vandyke St

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR4 $770k

Mon18:00-18:30 44 Westbury Cct

Sat 10:30-11:00 17 Zanci St

McGrath - Belconnen/ Gungahlin

0410125475 BR3 $538k


Sat 10:45-11:15 32 Abena Ave

Luton - Dickson

0409300065 BR4 $659k

Thu 18:00-18:30 51 Bimberi Cres

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0449557073 BR4 Auct

Sat 13:45-14:15

Sat 12:00-12:30 126 Langtree Cres

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR4 Neg

Sat 11:30-12:00 51 Bimberi Cres

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0449557073 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:30-13:15 7 Ultimo St

Independent - City

0407121412 BR2 $480k

Sat 13:30-14:00 16 Redcliffe St

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0449557073 BR3 Auct


Sat 14:45-15:30 85 Zanci St

Paul & Robyn Sutton - Canberra 0407099175 BR5 Neg

Sat 15:15-16:00 41 Abena Ave

Elders - Belconnen

0428486692 BR3 $540k

FORDE McGrath - Belconnen/ Gungahlin

0410125475 BR3 $499k

Sat 12:00-12:45 23 Aida Ball Cct

One Agency Gamarra

0405660842 BR4 $695k+

Sat 12:00-12:30 70 Zakharov Ave

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0408694917 BR5 Auct

Sat 12:45-13:15 5 Hooton St

Luton - Dickson

0429487939 BR5 $785k



COOMBS Fri 12:00-15:00 46 Gifford St

Sat 11:30-12:00 7 Tom Nicholas Cres

NORTH CANBERRA 503/19 Marcus Clarke St

Luton - Tuggeranong

0428139969 BR1 $599k

Sat 09:00-09:30 4 McColl St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0400997699 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:45 18 Paterson St

Badenoch Real Estate Belconnen

0435921229 BR3 Neg

Wed17:30-18:00 4 McColl St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0400997699 BR3 Auct

Village Building Co - Mitchell

0404891155 BR2 $441k

Fri 12:00-15:00

31/Horizon at Coombs Village Building Co - Mitchell Gifford St

0404891155 BR3 $517k

Thu 12:00-12:30 20/10-12 Lonsdale St Independent - City

0407121412 BR1 $410k

Fri 12:00-15:00

20/Horizon at Coombs Village Building Co - Mitchell Gifford St

0404891155 BR3 $449k

Thu 12:00-14:00 51-53 Mort St

Colliers International

0457882700 BR1 $410k+

0404891155 BR1 $274k

Fri 12:00-14:00 51-53 Mort St

Colliers International

0457882700 BR1 $410k+

Fri 12:00-15:00 70 Gifford St

Village Building Co - Mitchell



Sat 09:15-10:15 20/10-12 Lonsdale St Independent - City

0407121412 BR1 $410k

Sat 09:30-10:00 8/43 Ijong St

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0416087834 BR1 $320k

Sat 11:00-12:00 IVAR Henry Kendall St Luton - Dickson

0418961556 BR2 $389k

Sat 11:00-11:30 10/293 Flemington Rd Ray White - Belconnen

0405056844 BR3 $425k

25-29 Palko Sat 10:00-14:30 Lonsdale St

LJ Hooker ACT

0402914037 BR1 $479k+

0431846866 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:00-14:30 32 'Yamaroshi' Mort St LJ Hooker ACT

0402914037 BR1 $429k+

0431543649 BR4 Neg

Sat 10:15-10:45 9/43 Ipima St

0416014431 BR1 $340k

Sat 12:30-13:00 74 Patrick White Cct Sat 12:45-13:15 22 Mavis Latham St

Luton - GUNGAHLIN McGrath - Dickson

GUNGAHLIN Sat 11:00-11:30 10 Hollingsworth St

Independent - City

0403215246 BR4 Auct

Sat 11:30-12:00 18 Evadell St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0409574178 BR5 Auct

Sat 11:30-12:15 2 Tuffin Ln

Southern Property - MITCHELL 0400509262 BR4 $569k

Sat 13:00-13:30 5/90 Gozzard St

Luton - Weston Creek

LAWSON’S BEST VALUE Visit www.zephyrlawson.com.au or contact James Nimmo on 0414 332 778

0411878587 BR2 $329k

LJ Hooker - Dickson

201/104 Northbourne Sat 11:00-11:30 Maloney's - Kingston Ave

0418797718 BR1 $410k

Sat 11:00-15:00 51-53 Mort St

Colliers International

0457882700 BR1 $410k+

Sat 11:30-12:00 405/51 Mort St

Maloney's - Kingston

0418797718 BR1 $441k

Sat 11:45-12:15 202/17 Dooring St

Dwyer Dunn - Kingston

0418623324 BR1 $325k

Sat 14:00-14:45 1/90 Gozzard St

Independent - Queanbeyan

0410606401 BR2 $349k

816/17 Dooring St Sat 12:00-12:30 'Valonia'

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0416087834 BR1 $330k

Wed17:00-17:30 18 Evadell St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0409574178 BR5 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 12/43 Ijong St

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0410633247 BR1 $330k

Sat 12:15-13:00 34/28 Mort St

Independent - DICKSON

0418101213 BR1 $385k

Sat 13:15-13:45 43/35 Torrens St

Luton - Tuggeranong

0429123423 BR1 $379k

Sat 13:30-14:00 65/28 Torrens St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0409574178 BR3 Auct

Sat 14:45-15:15 16/43 Ipima St

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR1 $339k


Fri 12:00-15:00 3 Gifford St

Sat 12:00-12:45 3 Alexandra St

Elders - Belconnen

0414382093 BR5 $1.1M

Sat 12:15-12:45 22 Palmer St

McGrath - Dickson

0419624766 BR6 $1.1M

HARRISON Thu 17:15-18:00 21 Helby St 162 Flemington Rd Sat 10:00-15:00 'Hudson Square'

Stuart James LJ Hooker ACT

0414249449 BR4 Neg 0414332778 BR1 $265k

Village Building Co - Mitchell

0404891155 BR3 $444k

Sat 09:00-15:00 70 Gifford St

Village Building Co - Mitchell

0404891155 BR1 $274k

Sat 09:00-15:00 3 Gifford St

Village Building Co - Mitchell

0404891155 BR3 $444k

20/Horizon at Coombs Sat 09:00-15:00 Village Building Co - Mitchell Gifford St

0404891155 BR3 $449k

31/Horizon at Coombs Village Building Co - Mitchell Gifford St

0404891155 BR3 $517k

Sun 10:00-14:00

Village Building Co - Mitchell

0404891155 BR2 $441k

Sat 09:00-15:00

Sat 09:00-15:00 46 Gifford St

Sun 10:00-14:00 32 'Yamaroshi' Mort St LJ Hooker ACT 25-29 Palko Lonsdale St

0402914037 BR1 $429k+

LJ Hooker ACT

0402914037 BR1 $479k+

Sat 10:30-11:00 60/64 Kings Canyon St LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0408128940 BR1 $265k

Sun 11:00-15:00 51-53 Mort St

Colliers International

0457882700 BR1 $410k+

Sat 11:00-11:30 2/1 Oberon Cl

Luton - Weston Creek

0414538348 BR1 $299k+

Sat 11:00-15:00

Block 1 Section 28 Kardia

LJ Hooker ACT

0408488148 BR4 $510k

Tue 17:00-17:30 65/28 Torrens St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0409574178 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:00-12:00 21 Helby St

Stuart James

0414249449 BR4 Neg

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR4 Neg

LJ Hooker ACT

0408488148 BR4 $430k


Sat 13:30-14:00 34 Casilda St

Block 1 Section 28 Sat 11:00-15:00 Kardia

Thu 12:00-14:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International

0414812344 BR3 $760k+

Sat 14:00-15:00 67 Katommba St

Independent - Woden & Weston 0412064620 BR4 Neg Creek

Thu 12:00-14:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International

0414812344 BR2 $475k+

Thu 12:00-14:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International

0414812344 BR4 $1.1M+

Thu 12:00-14:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International

0414812344 BR1 $385k+

Sat 11:00-15:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International

0414812344 BR2 $475k+

Sat 11:00-15:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International

0414812344 BR3 $760k+

Sat 11:00-15:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International

0414812344 BR4 $1.1M+

Sat 11:00-15:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International

0414812344 BR1 $385k+

162 Flemington Rd Sun 13:00-15:00 'Hudson Square'

LJ Hooker ACT

0414332778 BR1 $265k

Sun 09:00-15:00

31/Horizon at Coombs Village Building Co - Mitchell Gifford St

0404891155 BR3 $517k

Sun 09:00-15:00

20/Horizon at Coombs Village Building Co - Mitchell Gifford St

0404891155 BR3 $449k

Sun 09:00-15:00 46 Gifford St


Sun 09:00-15:00 3 Gifford St

Village Building Co - Mitchell Village Building Co - Mitchell

0404891155 BR2 $441k 0404891155 BR3 $444k

Sat 09:30-10:15 124 Wanganeen Ave

McGrath - Belconnen/ Gungahlin

0414212332 BR3 $399k

Sat 09:30-10:00 27 Lanley Square

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0408128940 BR3 $365k

Sat 10:00-10:30 79 Yumba Ave


0418453950 BR3 $399k

Sat 11:30-12:00 49 Daramoolen St


0431846866 BR2 $349k

Sun 11:00-15:00

Sat 12:00-12:30 16 Gang Gang Crt

Peter Blackshaw - Gungahlin

0418215878 BR3 $349k

Mon09:00-15:00 70 Gifford St

Sat 12:15-12:45 7 Honyong Cres

Luton - Weston Creek

0411878587 BR3 $445k

0404891155 BR3 $449k

Sat 14:45-15:30 44/46 Paul Coe Cres

Ray White - Woden

0417710772 BR3 $359k

20/Horizon at Coombs Mon09:00-15:00 Village Building Co - Mitchell Gifford St

Sun 11:00-11:45 13 Anakie Crt

For Sale By Owner Australia

0437588960 BR4 $630k

31/Horizon at Coombs Village Building Co - Mitchell Gifford St

0404891155 BR3 $517k

Sun 09:00-15:00 70 Gifford St

Village Building Co - Mitchell

0404891155 BR1 $274k

Block 1 Section 28 Sun 11:00-15:00 Kardia

LJ Hooker ACT

0408488148 BR4 $430k

Block 1 Section 28 Kardia

LJ Hooker ACT

0408488148 BR4 $510k

Sat 12:00-12:30 48 Holmes Cres

Luton - Dickson

0409300065 BR4 Auct

Village Building Co - Mitchell

0404891155 BR1 $274k

Sun 11:00-15:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International

0414812344 BR2 $475k+

Sun 11:00-15:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International

0414812344 BR1 $385k+

Sun 11:00-15:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International

0414812344 BR3 $760k+

Sun 11:00-15:00 81 Constitution Ave

Colliers International

0414812344 BR4 $1.1M+



open homes – for sale

provided by For a free open homes listing, speak to your agent today.



Thu 10:00-18:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR3 $865k+

Sat 09:30-10:00 32 Carrington St

Dwyer Dunn - Kingston

0412620009 BR4 Auct

Thu 10:00-18:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR2 $625k+

Sat 10:30-11:00 11 Hotham Cres

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0401005282 BR5 Auct

Thu 10:00-18:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR1 $445k+

Sat 12:30-13:15 102 Buxton St

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0418628641 BR4 $1.2M

Fri 13:00-13:30 701/2 Akuna St

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0411092990 BR1 $305k

Sat 15:00-15:30 4/51 Newdegate St

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0401005282 BR2 $419k

Sat 10:00-15:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR1 $445k+


Sat 10:00-15:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR3 $865k+

Sat 09:30-10:00 20/9 Fitzroy St

Maloney's - Kingston

0407715244 BR2 $590k

0434973987 BR2 $625k

Sat 09:30-10:00 25 Furneaux St

LJ Hooker - Canberra City

0409574178 BR3 Auct

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0430061501 BR2 $615k

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0414623876 BR2 $520k

Sat 10:00-10:45 133/15 Coranderrk St Luton - Dickson Sat 12:30-13:00 807/2 Akuna St

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0411092990 BR1 $260k

Sun 10:00-15:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR1 $445k+

Sun 10:00-15:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR3 $865k+

Sun 10:00-15:00 45 West Row

Colliers International

0424165567 BR2 $625k+

DICKSON Thu 17:00-17:30 59/12 Challis St

Independent - DICKSON

0418625437 BR2 Neg

Sat 09:30-10:00 37 Hope St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0416014431 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:00-11:30 16/110 Davenport St

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0402842291 BR1 $280k

Sat 13:15-13:45 15 Dumaresq St

Maloney's - Kingston

0418632279 BR4 Auct

Sat 14:30-15:00 11/14 Randell St

One Agency Don McPherson

0418822144 BR1 $379k

DOWNER Thu 17:00-17:30 4 Edkins St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0413883561 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30 4 Edkins St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0413883561 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:45-13:15 2/63 Melba St

Luton - Dickson

0429487939 BR1 $220k

Thu 17:30-18:00 2 Kenny Pl

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0400997699 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30 72 Rivett St

Luton - Dickson

0409300065 BR3 $930k

Sat 12:00-12:30 2 Kenny Pl

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0400997699 BR3 Auct

Sat 14:00-14:30 16 Grayson St

Maloney's - Kingston

0418632279 BR2 $479k

Sat 10:30-11:15

34/14 New South Wales Cres

Sat 12:30-13:00 13/10 Dominion Cct Sat 12:30-13:00 3/20 Dominion Cct

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0412411422 BR2 $592k

Sat 12:45-13:15 24 Ducane St

Luton - Manuka

0427214337 BR4 $1.3M

Sat 13:30-14:00 3/9 Fitzroy St

Philip Kouvelis - Garran

0418285797 BR2 $549k


Sat 11:00-11:45 23/9 Jardine St

Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Weston Creek

0412152607 BR2 EOI

Sat 11:30-12:00 13/3 Tench St

Maloney's - Kingston

0407715244 BR2 $665k

Sat 12:00-12:30 17/19 Leichhardt St

Wright Dunn - AINSLIE

0439780301 BR2 $689k

Sat 13:00-13:30 97/61 Giles St

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR2 $549k

Sat 13:00-13:30 147/67 Giles St

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR2 $549k

Sat 15:30-16:00 119/15 Tench St

Luton - Manuka

0417513896 BR2 $535k

Sat 15:45-16:15 19/12 Howitt St

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0401005282 BR2 $499k

Sun 10:00-14:00

'Northshore'/11 Kerridge St

LJ Hooker ACT

0402914037 BR2 $599k

Sun 10:00-14:00

'Northshore'/11 Kerridge St

LJ Hooker ACT

0402914037 BR1 $419k

Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Sun 12:45-13:30 86/11 Trevillian Quay Weston Creek

NARRABUNDAH Sat 09:30-10:00 12/34 Leahy Cl

Wright Dunn - AINSLIE

0439780301 BR3 $579k

Sat 10:00-10:45 56 Tallara Parkway

Ray White - Kingston

0418266698 BR3 Auct

Luton - Manuka

0417513896 BR3 Auct

Thu 17:30-18:00 1 Landsborough St

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0430061501 BR5 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30 48 Warramoo Cres

Sat 10:00-10:30 27/8 Giles St

Maloney's - Kingston

0418632279 BR2 $420k

Sat 11:00-11:30 103 Captain Cook Cres LJ Hooker - Manuka

0419497584 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:45 24/47 Mcmillan Cres

Maureen Dwyer YARRALUMLA

0418226109 BR1 $293k

Sat 11:00-11:45 13 Sprent St

Ray White - Kingston

0418266698 BR4 Auct

Sat 13:00-13:45 42 Brockman St

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0412411422 BR3 Auct

Sat 13:15-13:45 10/40 Leahy Cl

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0401005282 BR2 $379k

Sat 13:15-13:45 41 Finniss Cres

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0412997894 BR3 Auct

Tue 17:30-18:00 48 Warramoo Cres

Luton - Manuka

0417513896 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:00-11:45 15 Carstensz St

Luton - Dickson

Sat 11:00-11:30 3/99 Canberra Ave

Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Weston Creek

0429487939 BR3 Auct 0411414624 BR2 $450k



Sat 09:45-10:00 9/30 River St

Sat 12:00-12:45 54 Endeavour St

Ray White - Kingston

Sat 13:45-14:30 159 La Perouse St

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0418628641 BR5 Auct

Wed12:30-13:00 159 La Perouse St

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0418628641 BR5 Auct

Ray White - Kingston

0418266698 BR5 Auct

Luton - Tuggeranong

0411781863 BR1 $109k

Sat 09:45-10:30 2 Loftus St

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BR6 Auct

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0412488027 BR4 Auct

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR3 Auct

Sat 09:30-10:00 3/15 Fox Pl

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0430280840 BR1 Auct

Wed17:30-18:00 54 Endeavour St

Sat 12:00-12:30 34/15 Fox Pl

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0400485204 BR1 Auct


Sat 12:30-13:00 112/26 Oliver St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0416014431 BR2 $360k

Thu 17:15-17:45 20 Miller St

McGrath - Dickson

0419624766 BR5 Neg

Thu 18:30-19:00 10 Pedder St

Elders - Belconnen

0428486692 BR4 Auct

Sat 09:00-09:45 24/50 Bluebell St

First National - Capital

0421485758 BR1 $345k

Sat 09:45-10:30 10 Pedder St

Elders - Belconnen

0428486692 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:15-13:00 18 Wongoola Cl

McGrath - Dickson

0419624766 BR5 Neg

Sat 09:30-10:15 20/7 Canberra Ave


120/77 Northbourne Independent - City Ave LJ Hooker - Manuka

0403215246 BR2 $500k 0418626254 BR3 $699k


Sat 12:00-12:30 27/13 Sturt Ave

Paul & Robyn Sutton - Canberra 0407099175 BR3 Neg

Sat 11:30-12:00 3 Hutt St

Sat 12:30-15:00 109 Canberra Ave

Colliers International

Sat 15:00-15:30 24 Irwin St

Peter Blackshaw - Belconnen

0424165567 BR1 $351k 0410750413 BR1 $399k

Sat 13:30-14:00 105/107 Canberra Ave Maloney's - Kingston

0407715244 BR2 $490k


Sun 12:30-15:00 109 Canberra Ave

Colliers International

0424165567 BR1 $351k

Sat 09:00-09:30 25 Perrin Cct

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BR3 Auct

Tue 17:00-17:45 15 Carstensz St

Luton - Dickson

0429487939 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:30-11:00 35 Wilson Cres

Luton - Tuggeranong

0411748805 BR4 Auct

Wed12:00-12:45 15 Carstensz St

Luton - Dickson

0429487939 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:00-11:45 20 Olive Pink Cres

Luton Properties - Woden

0412635019 BR5 $785k

Sat 11:00-11:45 17 Thomas Hart St

Lovell Residential - Canberra

0409225486 BR3 $415k

Sat 11:00-11:40 5A Mattingley Crt

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0458726579 BR3 $350k

Sat 11:00-11:40 2 Stead Pl

Luton - Tuggeranong

0409446289 BR4 $619k

Sat 11:40-12:20 46 Reader Crt

One Agency Blewitt

0419289574 BR3 $405k

Sat 12:30-13:15 2 Perrin Cct

Luton - Tuggeranong

0411781863 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:45-13:15 2 West Pl

Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Weston Creek

0411414624 BR3 $390k

Sat 13:00-13:40 1-8/94 Pockett Ave

Luton - Tuggeranong

0415735777 BR3 $445k

Sat 14:45-15:30 10 Troughton St

One Agency Sandy Morris

0420380895 BR4 $490k

Sun 11:00-11:40 2 Stead Pl

Luton - Tuggeranong

0409446289 BR4 $619k

KINGSTON 'Northshore'/11 Kerridge St

LJ Hooker ACT

'Northshore'/11 Thu 12:00-14:00 Kerridge St

LJ Hooker ACT

0402914037 BR2 $599k

'Northshore'/11 Kerridge St

LJ Hooker ACT

0402914037 BR2 $599k

'Northshore'/11 Kerridge St

LJ Hooker ACT

0402914037 BR1 $419k

Cream Residential - Hughes

0408662119 BR2 Auct

0414962066 BR1 $220k

0402914037 BR1 $419k

Sat 10:00-10:30 32 Mary Kitson St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0412971635 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:15-10:45 42/15 Aspinall St

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0416087834 BR2 $360k

Sat 10:30-11:00 58/20 Federal Hwy


0431846866 BR2 $349k

Sat 10:45-11:15 28 B Molesworth St

LJ Hooker - Dickson

0412971635 BR3 $600k

Fri 12:00-18:00

Sat 11:00-11:30 118/20 Federal Hwy

Luton - Dickson

0409300065 BR2 $339k

Sat 09:00-09:30 32/9 Eastlake Pde

Sat 12:15-12:45 6/20 Federal Hwy

Maloney's - Kingston

0418632279 BR2 $345k

Sat 13:00-13:30 23 Kerferd St

Luton - Dickson

0409300065 BR3 $650k

Sat 10:00-10:30 51/53 Dawes St

Cream Residential - Hughes

0437309680 BR2 $530k

Sat 13:15-13:45 88/215 Aspinall St

McGrath - Dickson

0419624766 BR3 $595k

Sat 14:00-14:30 21 Bettie McNee St

McGrath - Dickson

0419624766 BR3 $550k

'Northshore'/11 Sat 10:00-14:00 Kerridge St

LJ Hooker ACT

0402914037 BR2 $599k

Sat 10:00-10:30 114/11 Trevillian Quay

Peter Blackshaw - Queanbeyan 0409191177 BR1 $465k & Jerrabomberra


BARTON Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BR2 Auct

Sat 11:00-11:30 15/43 Blackall St

Luton - Manuka

0434104556 BR3 $959k

Sun 12:00-13:00 6/47 Blackall St

Philip Kouvelis - Garran

0412622420 BR1 Neg


Fri 12:00-18:00

Sat 09:00-09:30 8/14 Currie Cres

Sat 10:00-14:00

Sat 09:00-09:30 8/11 Bourke St


Sat 13:30-14:00 2/18 Captain Cook CresLuton - Manuka

Thu 12:00-14:00

Sat 10:00-10:30 3b/109 Knox St

0418266698 BR5 Auct


TURNER 131/77 Northbourne Sat 14:00-14:30 Ave

RE/MAX Capital - Queanbeyan 0429843777 BR2 Neg

Red Hill


Sat 09:15-10:15

0411414624 BR2 $799k

'Northshore'/11 Kerridge St

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR3 Auct

LJ Hooker ACT

0402914037 BR1 $419k

Sat 10:00-10:30 18 Gosse St

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:00-11:45 85/33 Wentworth Ave

Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Weston Creek

0404066119 BR2 $519k

BONYTHON Sat 15:30-16:00

8/35 Tenison-Woods Peter Blackshaw - Manuka Cct

0401005282 BR3 $418k

CALWELL Sat 09:30-10:00 11/22 Duggan St

Ray White - Belconnen

0466671595 BR2 $350k+

Sat 11:00-11:30 29/22 Duggan St

Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Weston Creek

0411414624 BR3 $380k

Sat 11:30-12:00 44 Carter Cres

Cream Residential - Hughes

0408662119 BR4 Auct

open homes – for sale

provided by For a free open homes listing, speak to your agent today.

Sat 12:00-12:30 58 Wettenhall Cct

Luton - Tuggeranong

0418215792 BR3 $420k

Tue 17:30-18:15 16 Jondol Pl

Sat 13:15-13:45 14 Carpenter Cl

Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Weston Creek

0419593517 BR3 $365k


CHISHOLM Sat 10:45-11:15 20 Wedgwood Cl

One Agency Don McPherson

0418822144 BR3 $440k

Sat 13:15-13:45 20 Maclean St

One Agency Don McPherson

0418822144 BR3 $470k

Sun 10:45-11:15 20 Wedgwood Cl

One Agency Don McPherson

0418822144 BR3 $440k

Sun 11:30-12:00 95 Beattie Cres

Luton - Tuggeranong

0438627772 BR3 $485k

Sun 13:15-13:45 20 Maclean St

One Agency Don McPherson

0418822144 BR3 $470k

CONDER Sat 10:00-10:40 16 Banyule Grove

One Agency Michael Potter

0413830598 BR5 $659k

Sat 10:00-10:40 25 Montefiore Cres

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0409015400 BR4 $495k

Sat 11:00-11:30 1 Freeman St

Luton - Tuggeranong

0402225405 BR5 Auct

Sat 11:30-12:10 81 Charterisville Ave

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate 0419208353 BR4 $780k Tuggeranong

Sat 12:00-12:30 1 Oddie Pl Sun 13:30-14:00 2/2 Jane Price Cres

LJ Hooker - Dickson Ray White - Tuggeranong

0411367700 BR4 Auct 0409015400 BR3 $350k

FADDEN Sat 15:00-15:40 11 Crtice Cl

0411049242 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:30 9 Masters Pl

Lovell Residential - Canberra

0409225486 BR4 $550k

Sat 10:00-10:40 6 Lempriere Cres

One Agency Sandy Morris

0420380895 BR4 $929k

Sat 10:30-11:00 3 Cremin Cl

Luton - Weston Creek

0411878587 BR4 $925k

Sat 10:50-11:30 1 Ind Pl

McGrath - Woden

0418624913 BR4 $495k

Sat 11:00-11:45 39 Studley St

One Agency Sandy Morris

0420380895 BR4 $619k

Sat 11:30-12:00 9B Hepburn Pl

Luton - Tuggeranong

0411781863 BR3 $550k

Sat 12:00-12:40 6 Rudder Pl

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0417263678 BR4 $720k

Sat 12:15-12:45 124 Livingston Ave

LJ Hooker - Belconnen

0430435330 BR3 $389k

Sat 12:30-13:00 2 Curtis Pl

Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Weston Creek

0419593517 BR3 $479k

Sat 12:50-13:30 2 Eales Pl

McGrath - Woden

0418624913 BR4 $545k

Sat 13:00-13:30 78/25 Pinkerton Cct

LJ Hooker - Kaleen

0408128940 BR2 $295k

Sat 13:30-14:00 53 McConnel Cres

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0411092990 BR4 $549k

Sat 14:00-14:30 12 Rudder Pl

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR4 Auct

McGrath - Woden

0418624913 BR3 $625k

Luton - Tuggeranong

0402225405 BR3 $450k Sat 10:00-10:30


Sat 09:30-10:00 40 Tytherleigh St

Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Weston Creek

0411414624 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:30-11:00 5/50 Embling St

Luton - Dickson

0409300065 BR3 $459k

Sat 11:45-12:15 42 Langridge St

Luton - Holt

0401079087 BR3 $469k

Sat 12:45-13:20 44 Gaunson Cres

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate 0419208353 BR5 Neg Tuggeranong

Sun 11:00-11:30 44 Gaunson Cres

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate 0419208353 BR5 Neg Tuggeranong



0431419847 BR4 Auct

Sat 11:00-11:45 1 Darrell Pl

Bertram Ellis Real Estate Champan

0412622006 BR6 $1.1M

Sat 12:15-13:00 4 Lincoln Pl

Bertram Ellis Real Estate Champan

0412622006 BR4 $1.5M

Sat 13:30-14:00 134 Perry Drv

McGrath - Dickson

0419624766 BR4 $695k

Sat 14:15-15:00 54 Monkman St

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0412488027 BR4 Auct

Thu 17:30-18:00 14 Paloona Pl

McGrath - Woden

0466778730 BR4 $680k

Sat 11:00-11:30 14 Paloona Pl

McGrath - Woden

0466778730 BR4 $680k

0411748805 BR4 $515k

Sat 11:30-12:00 1 Tantangara St

Luton - Weston Creek

0411878587 BR4 Auct

0418822144 BR3 Neg

Sat 13:00-13:30 12/18 Glenmaggie St One Agency Sandy Morris

DUFFY 0417263678 BR4 Auct

MONASH Thu 17:30-18:00 47 Clive Steele Ave


Thu 17:30-18:00 4 Sorlie Pl

MACARTHUR Sat 13:00-13:40 171 Jackie Howe Cres Ray White - Tuggeranong

GILMORE Sat 12:45-13:15 2 Gellatly Pl

Luton - Tuggeranong

Luton - Tuggeranong

22/30 William Hudson One Agency Don McPherson Cres

0420380895 BR2 $239k

Sat 14:00-14:45 6 Wuruma Pl

Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Weston Creek

0421593602 BR3 Auct

Thu 17:00-17:30 156 Knoke Ave

One Agency Mark McCann

0423900640 BR4 $495k

Sat 10:45-11:15 2/3 Cripps Pl

Luton - Tuggeranong

0412281735 BR3 $454k

Sat 14:30-15:15 14 Burrendong St

Philip Kouvelis - Garran

0412622420 BR5 Neg

Sat 10:45-11:15 2/3 Justice Pl

Luton - Tuggeranong

0412281735 BR3 $485k

Tue 17:00-17:30 1 Tantangara St

Luton - Weston Creek

0411878587 BR4 Auct

Sat 11:00-11:45 11 Flegg Cres

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0414665626 BR3 $559k


Sat 12:00-12:30 9/9 Ferry Pl

Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Weston Creek

0411414624 BR2 $335k

Sat 09:30-10:00 3 Kapunda St

Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Weston Creek

0410121601 BR5 Auct

Sat 12:30-13:15 3 Sharman Pl

Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Weston Creek

0439952857 BR3 $399k

Sat 09:30-10:00 7 Andamooka St

Luton - Weston Creek

0421463218 BR3 Auct

Independent - Belconnen

One Agency Michael Potter

0413830598 BR4 Neg

Thu 17:00-17:40 97 Darwinia Tce

McGrath - Belconnen/ Gungahlin

0410125475 BR4 $570k

Sat 11:15-11:45 137 Darwinia Tce

Luton - Weston Creek

0411481096 BR3 Auct

Sat 13:00-13:45 97 Darwinia Tce

McGrath - Belconnen/ Gungahlin

0410125475 BR4 $570k

Luton - Weston Creek

0411481096 BR3 Auct

Luton - Dickson

0405135009 BR4 Auct

Sat 10:45-11:15 34 Nemarang Cres

Luton - Weston Creek

0411878587 BR3 Auct

Tue 17:30-18:00 34 Nemarang Cres

Luton - Weston Creek

0411878587 BR3 Auct

Sat 09:00-09:30 7/8 Watling Pl

Luton - Weston Creek

0411878587 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:00-10:45 43 Folingsby St

Ray White - Woden

0417486574 BR3 Auct

Sat 13:45-14:30 32 Buvelot St

Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Weston Creek

0414775137 BR4 Auct

Sat 13:45-14:15 51 Wakelin Cct

Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Weston Creek

0411414624 BR4 $680k+

Sat 14:15-14:45 37 Mcinnes St

Harcourts Brindabella

0410481260 BR3 Neg

Sat 15:00-15:45 18/1 Evergood Cl

Cream Residential - Hughes

0418620686 BR2 Auct

Tue 17:00-17:30 37 Mcinnes St

Harcourts Brindabella

0410481260 BR3 Neg

Wed17:00-17:30 7/8 Watling Pl

Luton - Weston Creek

0411878587 BR3 Auct

0402838949 BR3 $410k


Sat 13:15-13:45 1/14 Harry Hopman Cct Harcourts - KINGSTON

0414629996 BR3 $365k

Sat 12:00-12:40 52 Sheaffe St

Sat 14:00-14:40 1/31 Charlton Cres

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0417263678 BR3 $375k


Sat 14:00-14:40 8/71 Mina Wylie Cres One Agency Sandy Morris

0420380895 BR3 $300k

Sun 12:30-13:15 41 Sherwood Cct

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0409015400 BR4 $540k

Sun 14:15-14:45 6/15 Oxenham Cct

Ray White - Tuggeranong

0409015400 BR3 $390k

McGrath - Dickson

0417238945 BR3 $569k

Sat 13:00-14:00 15 Kellick Pl

GOWRIE Sat 09:00-09:45 84 Castleton Cres


Sat 11:00-11:30 41/174 Clive Steele Ave Luton - Tuggeranong

0428139969 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:00-11:30 3/174 Clive Steele Ave Luton - Tuggeranong

0412281735 BR3 $419k

Sat 12:30-13:00 47 Clive Steele Ave

Luton - Tuggeranong

0411748805 BR4 $515k

Wed17:30-18:00 137 Darwinia Tce

Sat 13:15-13:45 37 Charleston St

Cream Residential - Hughes

0408662119 BR3 $575k


Ray White - Tuggeranong

0417263678 BR4 Auct

Sat 14:00-14:45 6 Dale Pl

0418822144 BR3 Neg


Thu 12:00-17:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker ACT

0408488148 BR1 $269k

Sat 14:00-14:40 34 Harkness St

Thu 12:00-17:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker ACT

0408488148 BR2 $359k

Fri 12:00-17:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker ACT

0408488148 BR2 $359k

22/30 William Hudson Sun 10:00-10:30 One Agency Don McPherson Cres

Fri 12:00-17:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker ACT

0408488148 BR1 $269k

Sat 11:00-13:00 69 Watermark

McGrath - Belconnen/ Gungahlin

0409007313 BR2 $329k

Sat 11:00-16:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker ACT

0408488148 BR1 $269k

Sat 11:00-13:00 94 Watermark

McGrath - Belconnen/ Gungahlin

0409007313 BR2 $339k

Sat 11:00-16:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker ACT

0408488148 BR2 $359k

Sat 14:00-15:00 7 Maconochie Cres

Sun 11:00-16:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker ACT

0408488148 BR2 $359k


Sun 11:00-13:00 94 Watermark

McGrath - Belconnen/ Gungahlin

0409007313 BR2 $339k

Sun 11:00-13:00 69 Watermark

McGrath - Belconnen/ Gungahlin

0409007313 BR2 $329k

Sun 11:00-16:00 304 SQ1 Anketell St

LJ Hooker ACT

0408488148 BR1 $269k


OXLEY Thu 17:00-17:30 7 Maconochie Cres

First National - Capital

0421485758 BR4 Neg

Fri 13:30-14:00 7 Maconochie Cres

First National - Capital

0421485758 BR4 Neg

Sat 11:00-11:30 30 Cuthbertson Cres

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0412488027 BR4 $540k

Sat 11:50-12:30 24 Hammond Cl

McGrath - Woden First National - Capital

0418624913 BR4 Neg 0421485758 BR4 Neg

Sat 11:15-11:45 9 Grimshaw St

Luton - Tuggeranong

0415735777 BR4 $474k

Sat 12:45-13:30 17 Harford St

Dwyer Dunn - Kingston

0418623324 BR3 Neg

Sat 13:00-13:45 25 Deamer Cres

Southern Property - MITCHELL 0400509262 BR4 $529k



Sat 09:30-10:00 8 Chippindall Cct

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0408694917 BR4 Auct

Thu 17:15-17:45 64 Maharatta Cct

Luton - Tuggeranong

0415735777 BR3 Auct

Sat 10:30-11:00 56 Vonwiller Cres

Luton - Tuggeranong

0429123423 BR3 $470k+

Sat 10:00-10:30 42 Moonbi Cres

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0412488027 BR4 $639k

Sat 11:15-11:45 17 Tregear Cl

Luton - Tuggeranong

0429123423 BR4 $420k+


Sat 12:00-12:30 64 Maharatta Cct

Luton - Tuggeranong

0415735777 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:30-12:00 31 Chippindall Cct

Luton - Tuggeranong

0412281735 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:00-11:30 35/17 Medley St

Ray White - Woden

0417710772 BR1 $225k

Sat 13:30-14:15 16 Jondol Pl

Luton - Tuggeranong

0411049242 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 84 Chippindall Cct

Luton - Tuggeranong

0429123423 BR3 $415k

Sat 13:50-14:30 22B Threlfall St

McGrath - Woden

0418624913 BR3 $575k

Sat 16:45-17:15 18 Tumbleton Pl

Cream Residential - Hughes

0418620686 BR3 $430k+

Sat 14:30-15:30 27 Fairley Cres

Independent - Belconnen

0402838949 BR4 $699k

Sat 14:00-14:30 2/1 Thomson St

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0401005282 BR3 Auct



open homes – for sale

provided by For a free open homes listing, speak to your agent today.

Sat 16:00-17:00 9/13 Charteris Cres

Century 21 Capital - Fyshwick 0418487497 BR3 $694k+

Sat 16:00-17:00 3/15 Charteris Cres

Century 21 Capital - Fyshwick 0418487497 BR4 $835k

CURTIN Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Weston Creek

0411414624 BR3 $949k

Sat 11:00-11:30 24 Colebatch Pl

Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Weston Creek

0411414624 BR3 Auct

Sat 11:30-12:30 34 MacAlister Cres

Blue Property Marketing Braddon

0261638888 BR4 Neg

Sat 12:15-12:45 15 Allan Pl

Luton - Weston Creek

0411878587 BR4 $749k

Sat 12:30-13:00 63 Morgan Cres

Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Weston Creek

0411414624 BR3 Auct

Sun 10:15-10:45 33 Cockburn St

Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Weston Creek

0411414624 BR3 $760k

Sun 11:00-11:30 7/2 Walsh

Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Weston Creek

0421593602 BR1 $250k

Blue Property Marketing Braddon

0261638888 BR4 Neg

Sat 10:00-10:30 9B Ryan St

Wed17:00-17:30 34 MacAlister Cres



CRESTWOOD Thu 16:30-17:00 8/15 McKeahnie St

Ray White - Queanbeyan/ Jerrabomberra

0420304431 BR2 $300k+

Sat 10:00-10:30 8/15 McKeahnie St

Ray White - Queanbeyan/ Jerrabomberra

0420304431 BR2 $300k+

Sat 10:30-11:00 6/68-70 Derrima Rd

Harcourts - KINGSTON

0414629996 BR2 $390k+

Sat 10:40-11:10 28/85 Derrima Rd

Ray White - Queanbeyan/ Jerrabomberra

0420304431 BR2 $229k

Sat 10:45-11:15 50 Henderson Rd

Ray White - Queanbeyan/ Jerrabomberra

0425544664 BR3 $385k

Sat 11:00-11:30 2/10 McKeahnie St

Peter Blackshaw - Queanbeyan 0419683599 BR3 $375k & Jerrabomberra

Sat 11:15-11:45 55/5 Crest Rd

Harcourts - KINGSTON

0414629996 BR2 $239k

Sat 11:30-12:00 3/9 Morton St

Ray White - Queanbeyan/ Jerrabomberra

0425544664 BR3 $415k

Sat 12:00-14:00 1-8/2-4 McKeahnie St Independent - Queanbeyan

0410583048 BR3 $429k+

Sat 12:00-12:30 1/1 Davison St

Luton Properties - Woden

0418620735 BR2 $330k+

Harcourts - KINGSTON

0419650993 BR2 $240k

Thu 17:20-17:50 6 Dolly St

Ray White - Queanbeyan/ Jerrabomberra

0420304431 BR4 Neg

Sat 11:00-11:30 1548 Old Cooma Rd

Hodgkinson Real Estate Tuggeranong

Thu 18:00-18:30 31 Pridham St

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR3 Neg

Sat 13:45-14:15 21/9 Crest Rd

Sat 09:30-10:00 31 Pridham St

McGrath - Dickson

0431543649 BR3 Neg


Sat 12:30-13:00 196 Beasley St

McGrath - Woden

0466778730 BR2 $350k


0429122700 BR5 $985k

QUEANBEYAN Thu 16:30-17:30 9/9 Stornaway Rd

Independent - Queanbeyan

0410606401 BR1 $298k

Thu 16:30-17:00 17/2 Donald Rd

Pinnacle - MAWSON

(02)61621908BR1 $154k

Thu 16:30-17:30 45 Fergus Rd

Independent - Queanbeyan

0410606401 BR4 Neg

Sat 10:00-10:30 10/29 High St

McGrath - Woden

0413503312 BR3 $365k

Ian McNamee & Partners Sat 10:00-10:30 40/39-43 Crawford St Queanbeyan

0418611044 BR1 $279k

Sat 10:00-10:30 2/36 Uriarra Rd

Ray White - Queanbeyan/ Jerrabomberra

0425544664 BR2 $219k

Sat 10:00-10:45 24/56 Henderson Rd

Ian McNamee & Partners Queanbeyan

0418832091 BR1 $155k

LJ Hooker - Queanbeyan

0419492079 BR4 $550k

Sat 10:00-10:30

91 Thomas Royal Gardens

Sat 10:00-14:00 . Gorman Drv Googong Independent - Queanbeyan

0410583048 BR2 $339k+

Sat 10:30-11:00 5/26 Carrington St

Peter Blackshaw - Queanbeyan 0419683599 BR2 $339k+ & Jerrabomberra

Sat 10:45-11:15 4/25 Uriarra Rd

McGrath - Woden

0413503312 BR3 $435k

Sat 11:00-12:00 45 Fergus Rd

Independent - Queanbeyan

0410606401 BR4 Neg

Sat 11:20-11:50 4/13-15 Morisset St

Ray White - Queanbeyan/ Jerrabomberra

0420304431 BR2 $375k

Sat 11:30-12:00 17/2 Donald Rd

Pinnacle - MAWSON

(02)61621908BR1 $154k

Sat 11:30-12:00 3/11 Adams St

McGrath - Woden

0413503312 BR3 $459k

Sat 11:30-12:00 3/9 Telopea Pl

Peter Blackshaw - Queanbeyan 0419683599 BR4 $435k & Jerrabomberra

Sat 13:30-14:00 22/15 Eldridge Cres

Philip Kouvelis - Garran

0412622420 BR2 $488k

Sat 14:15-15:00 37 Fitchett St

Cream Residential - Hughes

0408662119 BR4 Auct

Sat 11:30-12:00 93 Campbell St

Ian McNamee & Partners Queanbeyan

Sat 14:45-15:15 11/1 Eldridge Cres

Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Weston Creek

0411414624 BR3 $560k

Sat 12:00-12:30 12 Beard St

Peter Blackshaw - Queanbeyan 0419683599 BR4 $604k & Jerrabomberra

Sat 12:00-16:00 47-49 Mowatt St

Ian McNamee & Partners Queanbeyan

0437226740 BR1 $350k+

Sat 12:00-12:45 25 Kathleen St

Luton - Manuka

0434104556 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:15-13:30 9/9 Stornaway Rd

Independent - Queanbeyan

0410606401 BR1 $298k

Sat 12:30-13:00 81 Cooma St

Ian McNamee & Partners Queanbeyan

0418611044 BR3 $410k

Sat 12:30-13:00 35 Hellmund St

Ian McNamee & Partners Queanbeyan

0418611044 BR4 $395k

Sat 13:00-13:30 4 Steel Pl

McGrath - Woden

0413503312 BR4 $479k

Sat 13:00-13:30 9 Throsby Cl

Luton - Tuggeranong

0415735777 BR4 $489k

Sat 13:00-13:30 9/10 Stornaway Rd

Ray White - Queanbeyan/ Jerrabomberra

0402343771 BR2 $264k

Sat 13:00-13:30 20/17 Campbell St

Harcourts - KINGSTON

0419650993 BR2 $230k

Sat 14:00-14:45 18/90 Derrima Rd

Independent - Queanbeyan

0410606401 BR1 $289k

Sat 14:00-14:30 161 Cooma St

Ian McNamee & Partners Queanbeyan

0435451997 BR3 $382k+

Sat 14:45-15:15 159 Cooma St

Ian McNamee & Partners Queanbeyan

0403604888 BR3 $382k

Sat 15:30-16:00 14D/17 Uriarra Rd

Luton - Tuggeranong

0411748805 BR1 $235k

HUGHES Sat 09:30-10:00 15 Mcnicoll St

Philip Kouvelis - Garran

0418285797 BR3 Neg

Sat 11:00-11:30 32A Glynn Pl

Philip Kouvelis - Garran

0418285797 BR2 Neg

Sat 13:15-14:00 63 Webster St

Ray White - Kingston

0418266698 BR3 Auct

Sat 16:00-16:30 83/27 Coxen St

Cream Residential - Hughes

0418620686 BR1 $220k

Sun 11:45-12:30 1 Webster St

Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Weston Creek

0411414624 BR6 Auct

ISAACS Sat 12:15-12:45 2/88 Julia Flynn Ave

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR3 $539k

LYONS Sat 10:00-10:30 4 Eldon Pl

Luton - Manuka

Sun 10:00-10:45 5 Ossa Pl

Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Weston Creek

0411414624 BR3 Auct

Luton - Manuka

0434104556 BR5 Auct

Tue 17:00-17:30 4 Eldon Pl

0434104556 BR5 Auct

MAWSON Sat 10:30-11:00 9 Colbeck St

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0450468843 BR4 Auct

Sat 14:30-15:00 55/3 Heard St

Maloney's - Kingston

0407715244 BR3 $530k

O'MALLEY Sat 11:30-12:15 12 Pindari Cres

Ray White - Woden

0417486574 BR6 Neg

PEARCE Sat 14:00-14:30 35 McLaren Cres

McGrath - Woden

0466778730 BR5 $790k

Sat 14:45-15:15 23/6 Kemsley Pl

Luton - Tuggeranong

0428139969 BR2 Auct

Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Weston Creek

0411414624 BR2 $320k

Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Weston Creek

0411414624 BR2 $320k

Sat 10:30-11:00 83/98 Corina St

First National - Capital

0408408603 BR3 $649k

Sat 11:00-12:00 103/121 Easty St

Independent - Belconnen

0425910842 BR1 $335k

Sat 11:30-12:00 28/12 Albermarle Pl

LJ Hooker - Manuka

0418626254 BR3 $447k

PHILLIP Thu 17:30-18:00 16/34 Bootle Pl Sat 10:00-10:30 16/34 Bootle Pl

Sat 13:15-13:45 8/54 Chaseling St

Cream Residential - Hughes

Sat 14:00-14:30 9/140 Port Jackson Cct Cream Residential - Hughes


Sat 12:10-12:40 6 Dolly St

Ray White - Queanbeyan/ Jerrabomberra

0420304431 BR4 Neg

Sat 12:15-13:00 21 Bonarba Link

Peter Blackshaw - Woden & Weston Creek

0412152607 BR4 $695k

Sat 13:00-13:30 27 Montague Pl

Ray White - Queanbeyan/ Jerrabomberra

0420304431 BR4 $1.1M

JERRABOMBERRA Thu 17:15-17:45 9 Minda Pl

LJ Hooker - Gunghalin

0432103953 BR4 $870k

0437309680 BR2 $320k+

Sun 10:00-14:00 . Gorman Drv Googong Independent - Queanbeyan

0410583048 BR2 $339k+

Sun 12:00-16:00 47-49 Mowatt St

Ian McNamee & Partners Queanbeyan

0437226740 BR1 $350k+

Wed17:30-18:00 25 Kathleen St

Luton - Manuka

0434104556 BR3 Auct

Sat 08:30-09:00 33 Woodhill Link

Peter Blackshaw - Manuka

0401005282 BR4 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:30 11 Palm Crt

Ian McNamee & Partners Queanbeyan

0418633806 BR3 $579k

Sat 12:30-13:00 18/27 Elm Way

Luton - Tuggeranong

0412281735 BR2 $359k

Ian McNamee & Partners Queanbeyan


Sat 14:00-14:30 12 Lawson Pl

0418633806 BR5 $829k

Sat 10:30-11:15 6/52-54 Trinculo Pl

Independent - Queanbeyan

0410583048 BR2 $249k

Sat 10:45-11:15 3/20 Mowatt St

Ian McNamee & Partners Queanbeyan

0418611044 BR2 $385k

Sat 12:00-12:30 3/5 Mowatt St

Ray White - Queanbeyan/ Jerrabomberra

0402343771 BR2 $220k

Sat 13:00-13:45 15/13-15 Mowatt St

Ian McNamee & Partners Queanbeyan

0410774821 BR2 $245k

Tue 15:30-16:00 52/22 Mowatt St

Ray White - Queanbeyan/ Jerrabomberra

0402343771 BR1 $145k

Sat 14:00-14:30 8 Tooroonga Cres

McGrath - Woden

0413503312 BR4 $670k


0437309680 BR2 $295k+

0418611044 BR6 Auct

Sat 10:15-11:00 10 Gillman Pl

RE/MAX Capital - Queanbeyan 0429843777 BR4 Neg

Sat 10:30-11:30 12 Binaburra Pl

Independent - Queanbeyan

0434391943 BR5 $780k

Sat 11:00-11:40 17 Alfred Pl

Ray White - Queanbeyan/ Jerrabomberra

0402343771 BR3 Auct

Sat 12:00-12:40 27 Waratah St

Ray White - Queanbeyan/ Jerrabomberra

0402343771 BR4 $450k

Sat 12:30-13:15 11 Rusten St

Ray White - Queanbeyan/ Jerrabomberra

0425544664 BR3 $495k

Sat 12:40-13:10 4/16 Hakea St

Ray White - Queanbeyan/ Jerrabomberra

0402343771 BR2 $320k

QUEANBEYAN WEST Sat 11:30-12:00 15 Marril St

RE/MAX Capital - Queanbeyan 0429843777 BR4 $650k

Sat 12:20-12:50 6/10 Nimmitabel St

Ray White - Queanbeyan/ Jerrabomberra

0402343771 BR2 $295k

Sat 15:15-15:45 1/13 Cassidy St

Harcourts - KINGSTON

0419650993 BR3 $410k



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• • • • • •

Limited Edition model Adaptive Cruise Control Convenience key Sat Nav & rear camera Xenon headlights Save over $15,000 off new car price


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April 8 – 14

PICK OF THE WEEK Magic Mike Saturday, GO!, 9.45pm, MA15+ (2012) Channing Tatum (left) harks back to his reallife past in this Steven Soderbergh flick by playing a stripper. Channing bares some impressive skin in a moving performance as the titular Mike, who has aspirations in the furniture business, but for now is happy mentoring promising nightclub newcomer Adam (Alex Pettyfer). The real star of the show is Matthew McConaughey, as the boys’ over-the-top boss. Soderbergh teeters into melodrama territory, but that is part of the film’s charm.


Iron Man

Aliens Wednesday, SBS2, 8.30pm, M (1986) A complementary sequel to Ridley Scott’s 1979 sci-fi masterpiece, written and directed by James Cameron, with Sigourney Weaver (left, with Carrie Henn) reprising her hard-as-coffinnails space trooper character. After 57 years, Ripley (Weaver) awakes from her hibernation to lead a band of derring-doers and dead-beats on a mission that will reacquaint her with the goodrooling aliens. The set-up takes a while to kick into gear, but the final hour is one of the most relentless, heart-stopping finales you’ll ever see.

Saturday, PRIME7, 7pm, PG (2008) Robert Downey Jr was an unlikely superhero when the first Iron Man came out. Very different to the young, buff actors we’ve come to expect in these roles, Downey brought a sense of cheekiness wrapped up in his crime-fighting persona. In this first instalment, playboy industrialist Tony Stark (Downey, right) escapes from kidnappers using an armoured suit and quickly uses its creation to fight crime. Directed by Jon Favreau (Elf), this is fast-paced, entertaining and a lot of fun.

April 8

12pm News. 1.00 Broadchurch. (M) 1.50 The Bill. (M) 2.15 Antiques Roadshow. 3.15 The Bill. (PG) 4.10 Murder, She Wrote. (PG) 5.00 News. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Antiques Roadshow. 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Tony Robinson’s Time Walks. 8.30 Grantchester. (M) 9.15 Silent Witness. (MA15+) 10.20 Lateline. 10.50 The Business. 11.05 It’s A Date. (M) 11.35 Rage. (MA15+)

12pm MOVIE: Revenge Of The Middle-Aged Woman. (2004, M) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Better Homes And Gardens. 8.30 Swimming. Australian Championships. Day 2. From SA Aquatic & Leisure Centre, Adelaide. 10.30 To Be Advised. 12am Bates Motel. (MA15+)

12pm WIN’s All Australian News. 1.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 2.00 Extra. 2.30 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 News Now. 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.30 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 Nine News. 7.00 WIN News. 7.30 Rugby League. NRL. Round 6. South Sydney Rabbitohs v Sydney Roosters. 10.10 MOVIE: Last Man Standing. (1996, M) 12.10am WIN News.

12pm Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 The Living Room. (PG) 2.00 Ent. Tonight. (PG) 2.30 Everyday Gourmet. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Ben’s Menu. 4.00 GCBC. 4.30 Bold. 5.00 News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 The Living Room. 8.30 The Graham Norton Show. (M) 9.30 MOVIE: Hancock. (2008, M) 11.25 The Project. 12.25am The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG)

2.30pm Colour Theory. 3.00 The Point Review. 3.30 Shane Delia’s Spice Journey. (PG) 4.00 Shane Delia’s Spice Journey. 4.30 Who Do You Think You Are? 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Italian Food Safari. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 Rome: The World’s First Superpower. (PG) 8.25 Mummies Alive. (PG) 9.20 Rise Of The Machines. 10.15 SBS World News Late Edition. 10.50 MOVIE: Lan Kwai Fong 3. (2014)

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.35 Hey Duggee. 5.40 Peppa Pig. 5.50 Go Jetters. 6.00 Peg + Cat. 6.15 Peter Rabbit. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.40 Ben And Holly. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Doctor Who. (PG) 8.20 Doctor Who: Confidential. 8.30 First Dates UK. (M) 9.20 Songs To Have Sex To. (M) 10.00 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 10.45 Hunted. (M) 11.30 Tattoo Disasters UK. (M) 11.55 I’m Having Their Baby. (PG)

12pm Better Homes. 1.00 Dealers. (PG) 2.00 House Doctor (Inside And Out) 3.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 3.30 RSPCA Animal Rescue. 4.00 Surf Patrol. (PG) 4.30 60 Minute Makeover. (PG) 5.30 Homes Under The Hammer. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Escape To The Country. 9.30 To Build Or Not To Build. 10.30 Front Of House. 11.00 Before And After. 11.30 Homes Under The Hammer.

12pm Ben 10. (PG) 12.30 Batman. (PG) 1.00 Power Rangers. (PG) 1.30 Yo-Kai. (PG) 2.00 Yu-GiOh! (PG) 2.30 SpongeBob. 3.00 Wild Kratts. 3.30 Rabbids Invasion. (PG) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 Looney Tunes. 4.30 Batman. (PG) 5.00 Ben 10. (PG) 5.30 Teen Titans. (PG) 6.00 MOVIE: Kung Fu Panda 2. (2011, PG) 7.45 MOVIE: The Mask. (1994, PG) 9.45 MOVIE: The Green Hornet. (2011, M) 12am The Originals. (MA15+)

12pm Matlock. (M) 1.00 Nash Bridges. (M) 2.00 MacGyver. (PG) 3.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.00 Star Trek: Voyager. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Cops. 8.30 Walker, Texas Ranger. (M) 9.30 MOVIE: Universal Soldier. (1992, MA15+) Jean-Claude Van Damme. 11.30 Motor Racing. Formula 1. Round 2. Bahrain Grand Prix. H’lights.

12.05pm Hindi News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Urdu News. 1.30 Tamil News. 2.00 Thai News. 2.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 3.00 Bangla News. 3.30 Armenian News. 4.00 The Feed. 4.30 Dara Ó Briain: School Of Hard Sums. 5.25 Urban Freestyler. 5.30 House Hazards. 6.00 None Of The Above. 6.30 MythBusters. 7.25 Soccer. A-League. Round 27. Melbourne City v Adelaide United. 10.00 Orphan Black.

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.10 Slugterra. (PG) 5.30 Annoying Orange. 5.45 News On 3. 5.50 Good Game: SP. 6.20 Mortified. 6.45 Matilda And Me. 6.50 News On 3. 7.05 The Adventures Of Merlin. (PG) 7.45 Deadly 60. 8.15 Adv Time. 8.35 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (PG) 9.00 Heartland. (PG) 9.40 Miraculous Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir. 10.05 Lanfeust Quest. 10.30 Ouran High School Host Club. (PG) 10.50 Close.

12pm S.W.A.T. (PG) 1.00 T.J. Hooker. (PG) 2.00 Turtleman. (PG) 2.30 Wipeout USA. (PG) 3.30 Alaska Wing Men. (PG) 4.30 Canadian Pickers. (PG) 5.30 Classic Car Rescue. (PG) 6.30 Drug Bust. (PG) 7.00 AFL Pre-Game Show. 7.30 Football. AFL. Round 3. Port Adelaide v Essendon. From Adelaide Oval. 11.00 Friday Front Bar. (M) 11.30 1000 Ways To Die. (MA15+)

12pm Secret Dealers. (PG) 1.00 MOVIE: The Last Days Of Dolwyn. (1949, G) 3.00 Come Dine With Me UK. (PG) 3.30 To Catch A Smuggler. (PG) 4.30 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 5.30 Gilmore Girls. (PG) 6.30 Friends. (PG) 7.30 A Current Affair. 8.00 As Time Goes By. 9.20 MOVIE: The Enforcer. (1976, M) 11.20 MOVIE: Once Upon A Time In The West. (1968, M)

12pm Judging Amy. (M) 1.00 JAG. (PG) 2.00 Becker. (PG) 2.30 How I Met Your Mother. (PG) 3.00 Infomercials. (PG) 3.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG) 4.00 King Of Queens. (PG) 5.00 Frasier. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 The Simpsons. 7.30 How I Met Your Mother. (PG) 8.00 Rules Of Engagement. (PG) 8.30 To Be Advised. 9.30 Bondi Ink Tattoo. (M) 10.30 Sex And The City. (MA15+) 11.30 James Corden. (PG)

12pm News. 1.00 ABC News With Capital Hill. 2.00 ABC News. 3.00 ABC News Afternoons. 4.00 ABC News With The Business. 5.00 ABC News With Grandstand. 6.00 ABC News. 6.30 The Drum. 7.00 ABC News Evenings With Grandstand. 8.00 ABC News With The Business. 9.00 Planet America. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 News. 11.30 7.30.

ABC (ch 2)

ABC2 (ch 22)

ABC3 (ch 23)

PRIME7 (ch 6)

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

WIN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 83, 88)

GEM (ch 82)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)

Classifications: (P) Pre-school (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence Programs are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by the networks.



April 9

12pm Restoration Man. (M) 12.50 (ch 2) Who’s Been Sleeping In My House? 1.20 Grantchester. (M) 2.05 Antiques Roadshow. 3.05 Tony Robinson’s Time Walks. 3.30 Wide Open Road. (PG) 4.30 Landline. 5.00 Vera. (PG) 6.30 Gardening Australia. 7.00 News. 7.30 Father Brown. (PG) 8.20 DCI Banks. (M) 9.05 Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery. 9.35 Janet King. (M) 10.35 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. 11.20 Luke Warm Sex. 11.55 Rage.

Championships. Day 2. 5.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG) 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 MOVIE: Iron Man. (2008, PG) 9.30 Swimming. Australian Championships. Day 3. From SA Aquatic & Leisure Centre, Adelaide. 11.00 Movie: Killer Elite. (2011, MA15+)

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.50 Go Jetters. 6.00 Peg + Cat. 6.15 Peter Rabbit. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.40 Ben And Holly. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Highway Thru Hell. (PG) 8.15 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8.45 Mock The Week Looks Back At. (M) 9.15 The Trip To Italy. (M) 9.45 Live At The Apollo. (M) 10.30 Scrotal Recall. (M) 11.00 Episodes. (M) 11.30 Peep Show. (M) 11.55 Five Broken Cameras. (M)

12pm Creek To Coast. 12.30 Qld Weekender. 1.00 WA Weekender. 1.30 Sydney Weekender. 2.00 Melbourne Weekender. 2.30 Surf Patrol. 3.00 Rugby Union. Shute Shield. Nth Suburbs v Eastwood. 5.00 Surf Patrol. 5.30 RSPCA Animal Rescue. 6.00 Motorway Patrol. 7.00 Secret Location. 8.00 To Be Advised. 9.00 Swimming. Aust C’ships. Day 3. 9.30 Original Features. 10.30 Air Crash Investigation. 11.30 Late Programs.

12.20pm Children’s Programs. 2.35 House Of Anubis. 3.00 Absolute Genius. 3.25 Officially Amazing. 3.55 Studio 3. 4.00 Good Game: SP. 4.25 Camp Lakebottom. 4.50 The Flamin’ Thongs. 5.00 Grojband. 5.25 Roy. 5.55 Little Lunch. 6.10 Thunderbirds Are Go. 6.35 Horrible Histories. (PG) 7.05 Yonderland. (PG) 7.25 Deadly 60. 7.55 Open Heart. (PG) 8.40 Open Heart. 9.00 Heartland. (PG) 9.45 Close.

12pm Motor Racing. Ultimate Sprintcar C’ship. 12.30 Motorcycle Racing. Aust Superbike C’ship. 1.30 Catching Hell. (PG) 2.30 Doomsday Castle. (PG) 3.30 Doomsday Preppers. (PG) 4.30 Football. AFL. Round 3. Sydney v GWS. 7.20 Football. AFL. Round 3. Gold Coast v Carlton. From Metricon Stadium, Qld. 10.30 MOVIE: Transporter 3. (2008, M)


ABC2 (ch 22)

ABC3 (ch 23)


PRIME7 (ch 6)

12pm Horse Racing. The

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

12pm Hot In Cleveland. (PG) 12.30 Dr Lisa To The Rescue. 1.00 Fish’n With Mates. (PG) 1.30 The Wild Life Of Tim Faulkner. 2.00 Married At First Sight. (M) 3.20 Married At First Sight. (PG) 4.30 The Garden Gurus. 5.00 News: First At Five. 5.30 Getaway. (PG) 6.00 Nine News. 7.00 Movie: Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa. (2008, PG) 8.45 MOVIE: Transformers. (2007, M) 11.45 Movie: Gang Related. (1997, MA15+)

12pm All 4 Adventure. (PG) 1.00 People Of The Vines. (PG) 1.30 The Doctors. (PG) 2.30 Everyday Gourmet. 3.00 Long Lost Family. (PG) 4.00 What’s Up Down Under. 4.30 Escape Fishing With ET. 5.00 News. 6.00 Jamie’s Thirty Minute Meals. 6.30 Bondi Vet. (PG) 7.30 Movie: Mr. Peabody & Sherman. (2014, PG) 9.20 To Be Advised. 11.20 48 Hours. (M)

12pm Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 PBS News. 2.00 Figure Skating. ISU World Championships. Men’s short program and free skate. 3.30 Who Do You Think You Are? 4.35 Massive Moves. 5.30 The Hunt For Pirate Treasure. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 Who Do You Think You Are? 8.40 Movie: Born On The Fourth Of July. (1989) 11.25 RocKwiz. (M) 12.25am Miniseries: New Worlds. (MA15+)

12pm Moments Of Impact. 1.00 Undercover Boss. 2.00 Aust V8 Ute Racing Series. Round 2. 3.00 Aust GT C’ship. Round 1. 4.00 M*A*S*H. 4.30 Merv Hughes Fishing. 5.00 David Attenborough’s Planet Earth. 6.00 Last Man Standing. (PG) 6.30 Monster Jam. 7.30 ST: Next Gen. (PG) 8.30 The X-Files. (M) 9.30 Cops: Adults Only. (M) 10.30 World Class Bartender Of The Year. 11.30 Bellator MMA.

12.05pm Hindi News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Soccer. A-League. Round 27. Melbourne City v Adelaide United. Replay. 3.00 Motorcycle Racing. Superbike World C’ship. Round 3. 4.00 The Brain: China. 6.05 Movie: The Secret Of Kells. (2009, PG) 7.30 If You Are The One. 8.30 The Raft. (PG) 9.20 Survive Aotearoa. 10.20 Orphan Black. (M) 11.10 Orphan Black. (MA15+)

(1960, PG) 2.15 MOVIE: War And Peace. (1956, G) 6.30 Heartbeat. (PG) 8.45 Silent Witness. (MA15+) Leo and Nikki investigate the murder of a man who seems to have been buried alive. 11.00 Dalziel And Pascoe. (M) 12.05am Movie: The Horror Of Frankenstein. (1970, M)

12.05pm Neighbours. 2.35 Charmed. (PG) 4.30 Family Ties. (PG) 5.00 Cheers. (PG) 6.00 Becker. (PG) 6.30 MOVIE: Team Hot Wheels: The Origin Of Awesome! (2014, G) 8.00 Cristela. (PG) 8.30 The Graham Norton Show. (M) 9.30 To Be Advised. 10.30 The Loop. (PG)

12pm News. 12.30 Landline. 1.00 News. 1.30 Planet America. 2.00 News. 2.30 The Mix. 3.00 News. 3.30 Foreign Corre. 4.00 News. 4.30 The Drum Weekly. 5.00 News. 5.30 One Plus One. 6.00 News. 6.30 Australian Story. 7.00 News. 7.30 The Mix. 8.00 Four Corners. 8.45 One Plus One. 9.00 ABC News. 9.30 Australia Wide. 10.00 News. 10.30 World This Week. 11.00 News. 11.30 One Plus One.

12pm Netball. ANZ Championship. Round 2. Adelaide Thunderbirds v Melbourne Vixens. 2.00 Everyday Gourmet. 2.30 The Offroad Adventure Show. 3.00 iFish. 3.30 RPM GP. 4.00 RPM. 5.00 News. 6.00 Family Feud: Sunday. 6.30 Scorpion. (PG) 7.30 Modern Family. (PG) 8.30 The People V. OJ Simpson. (M) 9.30 NCIS: New Orleans. (M) 10.30 Limitless. (M) 11.30 The Graham Norton Show. (M)

12pm Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 The World Game. 2.00 Speedweek. 4.00 Cycling. Tour Of Flanders. Highlights. 5.00 InCycle. 5.30 1916: The Irish Rebellion. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 Egypt’s Lost Queens. 8.30 Vietnam: The War That Made Australia. (M) 9.30 Inside Heston’s World. (M) 10.30 Terror In Little Saigon. 11.30 Movie: Bitter Victory. (2009, M)

WIN (ch 8)

12pm Kitchen Whiz.

GO! (ch 83, 88) 12.30 SpongeBob.

1.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 1.30 Yo-Kai. (PG) 2.00 Fishing Australia. 2.30 Little Charmers. 3.00 Power Rangers Dino. (PG) 3.30 Sonic Boom. (PG) 4.00 Problem Solverz. (PG) 4.30 Ben 10. (PG) 5.00 Justice League Unlimited. (PG) 5.30 Movie: Uptown Girls. (2003, PG) 7.30 Movie: What A Girl Wants. (2003, G) 9.45 MOVIE: Magic Mike. (2012, MA15+) 12am Arrow. (M)

GEM (ch 82)

12pm MOVIE: The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn.

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)

April 10

12pm Landline. 1.00 Gardening Australia. 1.30 The Mix. 2.00 Born To Fly: Elizabeth Streb Vs Gravity. 3.00 When Bjork Met Attenborough. 4.00 Myf Warhurst’s Nice. 4.30 The Checkout. 5.00 One Plus One. 5.10 Father Brown. 6.00 Australian Story. 6.30 Compass. 7.00 News. 7.40 David Attenborough’s Great Barrier Reef. 8.40 Call The Midwife. 9.40 Stephen Fry: Out There. 10.45 The Weekly.

1.00 To Be Advised. 5.00 Seven News At 5. 5.30 Sydney Weekender. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 My Kitchen Rules. (PG) 8.30 Sunday Night. 9.30 The Blacklist. (M) 10.30 Odyssey. (M) 11.30 Royal Pains. (M)

1pm MOVIE: The Frisco Kid. (1979, PG) 3.30 Rugby League. NRL. Round 6. Newcastle Knights v Wests Tigers. 6.00 Nine News. 7.00 You’re Back In The Room. 8.15 60 Minutes. 9.15 MOVIE: Man On Fire. (2004, M) Denzel Washington, Radha Mitchell, Dakota Fanning. 12.15am Major Crimes. (M)

12pm Children’s Programs. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.40 Ben And Holly. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Seconds From Disaster. 8.20 Dream Build. 8.30 Charlie Pickering: Live At The Time Of Recording. (MA15+) 9.35 Bodyshockers: Nips, Tucks And Tattoos. (M) 10.25 Louis Theroux: Law & Disorder In Lagos. (M) 11.25 Buzzcocks. (M) 11.55 Mock The Week. (M) 12.25am Build A New Life In The Country.

12pm Better Homes. 12.30 Secret Location. (PG) 1.30 Original Features. 2.30 Storage Hoarders. 3.30 Escape To The Country. 4.30 World’s Strictest Parents. (PG) 5.30 Air Crash Investigation. (PG) 6.30 Motorway Patrol. (PG) 7.30 The Great Train Robbery. (PG) 8.30 Swimming. Aust C’ships. Day 4. 10.30 Escape To The Country. 11.30 Before And After. 12am World’s Strictest Parents. (PG)

12pm Sonic Boom. 12.30 SpongeBob. 1.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! 1.30 Yo-Kai. 2.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! 2.30 Little Charmers. 3.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! 3.30 Teen Titans. 4.00 Problem Solverz. 4.30 Power Rangers Dino. 5.00 Justice League Unlimited. 5.30 Ben 10. (PG) 6.00 Batman. (PG) 6.30 Movie: Escape From Planet Earth. (2013, PG) 8.30 Movie: Ocean’s Eleven. (2001, M) 11.00 Two And A Half Men. 12am The Magaluf Weekender.

12.30pm Undercover Boss. (PG) 1.30 ST: Next Gen. (PG) 2.30 World Sport. 3.00 Moments Of Impact. (PG) 4.00 Megastructures Breakdown. 5.00 What’s Up Down Under. 5.30 Adventure Angler. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 CSI: Cyber. (M) 8.30 Charles Darwin And The Tree Of Life. 9.30 Movie: Over/Under. (2013, M) 11.30 World Sport.

Dutch News. 1.00 MOVIE: The Secret Of Kells. (2009, PG) 2.25 Duck Quacks Don’t Echo. (PG) 3.15 Lily Cole’s Art Matters. (PG) 4.05 Iron Chef. 5.40 Battle For Money. 7.30 If You Are The One. 8.30 Cycling. Paris-Roubaix. From France.

12.25pm Children’s Programs. 2.35 House Of Anubis. 2.55 Absolute Genius. 3.25 Officially Amazing. 3.55 Studio 3. 4.00 Good Game: SP. 4.25 Camp Lakebottom. 4.50 The Dukes Of Broxstonia. 5.00 Grojband. 5.25 Roy. 5.55 Little Lunch. 6.10 Thunderbirds Are Go. 6.35 Horrible Histories. 7.05 Yonderland. (PG) 7.25 Deadly 60. 7.55 Open Heart. (PG) 9.00 Heartland. (PG) 9.45 Good Game: Pocket Edition. (PG) 9.55 Rage. (PG)

12pm Hook, Line And Sinker. (PG) 12.30 The AFN Fishing Show. (PG) 1.00 Fishing Western Australia. (PG) 1.30 Mark Berg’s Fishing Addiction. (PG) 2.30 AFL Pre-Game Show. 3.00 Football. AFL. Round 3. Western Bulldogs v Hawthorn. 6.00 Prospectors. (PG) 6.30 MOVIE: Despicable Me. (2010, PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Shooter. (2007, M) 11.05 Family Guns. (M) 12am Eagle Vision.

12pm The Garden Gurus. 12.30 Getaway. (PG) 1.00 Movie: The Cheyenne Social Club. (1970, PG) 3.00 Movie: Captain Horatio Hornblower. (1951, G) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. 6.30 Frozen Planet. (PG) 7.30 RBT. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: The Hunt For Red October. (1990, PG) 11.10 Rizzoli & Isles. (M) 12.05am Getaway. (PG)

12pm Family Ties. (PG) 1.00 Cheers. (PG) 2.00 Frasier. (PG) 3.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. 4.00 King Of Queens. (PG) 5.00 Becker. (PG) 5.30 Angel From Hell. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud: Sunday. 6.30 Rules Of Engagement. (PG) 7.30 Futurama. (PG) 8.00 The Simpsons. 8.30 Movie: Morning Glory. (2010, M) 10.40 Everybody Loves Raymond. 11.10 Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG) 11.40 King Of Queens. (PG)

12pm News. 12.30 The Drum Weekly. 1.00 News. 1.30 Landline. 2.00 News. 2.30 One Plus One. 3.00 News. 3.30 Offsiders. 4.00 News. 4.30 The Mix. 5.00 News. 5.30 Catalyst. 6.00 News. 6.30 Foreign Corre. 7.00 News. 7.30 Australia Wide. 8.00 Insiders. 9.00 ABC News. 9.30 One Plus One. 10.00 ABC News. 10.30 Planet America. 11.00 News. 11.30 Conflict Zone. (PG)

ABC (ch 2)

ABC2 (ch 22)

ABC3 (ch 23)

PRIME7 (ch 6)

12pm The Amazing Race. (PG)

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

WIN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 83, 88)

GEM (ch 82)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

12.05pm Hindi News. 12.30

ABC 24 (ch 24)



April 11

12pm News. 1.00 Broadchurch. (ch 2) (M) 1.50 David Attenborough’s Great Barrier Reef. 2.50 The Cook And The Chef. 3.20 The Bill. (PG) 4.10 Murder, She Wrote. (PG) 5.00 News. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Antiques Roadshow. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Australian Story. 8.30 Four Corners. 9.20 Media Watch. (PG) 9.35 Q&A. 10.40 Lateline. 11.10 The Business. 11.30 Played: Inside Australia’s Failed World Cup Bid. (PG)

12pm MOVIE: In The Line Of Duty: Smoke Jumpers. (1996, PG) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 My Kitchen Rules. (PG) 9.00 Swimming. Australian Championships. Day 5. 11.00 Grey’s Anatomy. (M) 12am Harry. (MA15+)

12pm WIN’s All Australian News. 1.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 2.00 Extra. 2.30 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 News Now. 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.30 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 Nine News. 7.00 WIN News. 7.30 Married At First Sight. (M) 8.30 Reno Rumble. (PG) 10.00 Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners: Country House Rescue. (PG) 11.00 I Am Innocent. (M) 12am WIN News.

12pm Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 All-Star Family Feud. 2.00 Ent. Tonight. 2.30 Everyday Gourmet. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Ben’s Menu. 4.00 GCBC. 4.30 Bold. (PG) 5.00 News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 All-Star Family Feud. 8.30 Melbourne International Comedy Festival Great Debate. 10.00 To Be Advised. 11.00 Elementary. (M) 12am Stephen Colbert. (PG)

12pm Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 Al Jazeera. 2.00 André Rieu: Gala – Live In Amsterdam. 3.00 The Lakes. 3.30 The World From Above. 4.00 Coast. 5.00 Living Black. 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Italian Food Safari. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 The Brain With David Eagleman. (PG) 8.35 Royal Navy School. 9.35 Sex Diaries. (M) 10.30 SBS World News Late Edition. 11.00 Romanzo Criminale. (MA15+)

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.50 Go Jetters. 6.00 Peg + Cat. 6.15 Peter Rabbit. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.40 Ben And Holly. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Doctor Who. (PG) 8.20 Doctor Who: Confidential. 8.30 Louis Theroux: The Ultra Zionists. (M) 9.30 Ross Kemp: Extreme World. (PG) 10.15 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 10.55 Charlie Pickering: Live At The Time Of Recording. (MA15+) 12.05am Doctor Who. (PG)

12pm Dr Oz. 1.00 Dealers. 2.00 House Doctor (Inside And Out) 3.00 Medical Emergency. 3.30 RSPCA Animal Rescue. 4.00 Surf Patrol. 4.30 60 Minute Makeover. 5.30 Homes Under The Hammer. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Cities Of The Underworld. (PG) 8.30 Prime Suspect. (M) 10.30 Air Crash Investigation. (PG) 11.45 Medical Emergency. 12.15am Homes Under The Hammer.

12pm Ben 10. 12.30 Batman. 1.00 Power Rangers. 1.30 Yo-Kai. 2.00 Gumball. 2.30 SpongeBob. 3.00 Wild Kratts. 3.30 Power Rangers Dino. 4.00 Kids’ WB. 4.05 Looney Tunes. 4.30 Batman. 5.00 Ben 10. 5.30 Teen Titans. 6.00 Regular Show. 6.30 Adv Time. 7.00 The Middle. 7.30 Auction Hunters. (PG) 8.00 Top Gear. (PG) 9.30 MOVIE: RoboCop. (1987, MA15+) 11.30 Two And A Half Men. 12am Beware The Batman.

12pm White Collar. (PG) 2.00 MacGyver. (PG) 3.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.00 Star Trek: Voyager. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Undercover Boss. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Sahara. (2005, M) 11.00 The Comedians. (MA15+) 11.30 Super Rugby Extra Time.

12.05pm Hindi News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Urdu News. 1.30 Tamil News. 2.00 Thai News. 2.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 3.00 Bangla News. 3.30 Romanian News. 4.00 Dara Ó Briain: School Of Hard Sums. (PG) 4.40 Vs Arashi. 5.35 If You Are The One. 6.30 Flight 920. 7.30 The Feed. 8.00 Phone Shop Idol. (PG) 8.35 UnREAL. (M) 9.25 MOVIE: Metro Manila. (2013, MA15+) 11.30 MOVIE: The Devil’s Double. (2011, MA15+)

12.15pm Children’s Programs. 4.20 Miraculous Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir. 4.40 Studio 3. 4.45 Endangered Species. 4.55 Danger Mouse. 5.10 Slugterra. (PG) 5.30 Annoying Orange. 5.45 News On 3. 5.50 Roy. 6.20 Mortified. 6.50 News On 3. 7.00 The Adventures Of Merlin. (PG) 7.45 Deadly 60. 8.15 Adv Time. 8.35 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (PG) 9.00 Heartland. (PG) 9.40 Rage. (PG) 10.45 Close.

12pm S.W.A.T. (PG) 1.00 T.J. Hooker. (PG) 2.00 Turtleman. (PG) 2.30 SlideShow. (PG) 3.30 Wipeout USA. (PG) 4.30 American Restoration. (PG) 5.30 American Pickers. (PG) 6.30 MythBusters. (PG) 7.30 Pawn Stars. (PG) 8.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 9.30 Family Guy. (M) 10.30 American Dad! (M) 11.00 Tattoo Nightmares. (M) 12am Talking Footy.

12pm Antiques Roadshow. 1.00 MOVIE: Rich And Strange. (1931, PG) 2.50 Come Dine With Me UK. (PG) 3.20 Frozen Planet. (PG) 4.30 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 5.30 Gilmore Girls. (PG) 6.30 Friends. (PG) 7.30 A Current Affair. 8.00 Who Do You Think You Are? (PG) 9.00 RPA. (PG) 10.00 Embarrassing Bodies. (M) 11.00 Supersize Vs Superskinny. (M) 12am Friends. (PG)

12pm Family Ties. (PG) 1.00 JAG. (PG) 2.00 Becker. (PG) 2.30 How I Met Your Mother. (PG) 3.00 Infomercials. (PG) 3.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG) 4.00 King Of Queens. (PG) 5.00 Frasier. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 The Simpsons. (PG) 7.30 How I Met Your Mother. (M) 8.00 Fresh Off The Boat. (PG) 8.30 Supernatural. 9.30 Damien. (MA15+) 10.30 Medium. (M) 11.30 James Corden. (PG)

12pm News. 1.00 Capital Hill. 2.00 ABC News. 3.00 ABC News Afternoons. 4.00 ABC News With The Business. 5.00 ABC News With Grandstand. 5.55 ABC Open. 6.00 ABC News. 6.30 The Drum. 7.00 ABC News Evenings With Grandstand. 8.00 ABC News With The Business. 9.00 ABC News. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 News. 11.30 7.30.

12pm News. 1.00 The Straits. (M) (ch 2) 1.55 Antiques Roadshow. 2.55 The Cook And The Chef. 3.20 The Bill. (PG) 4.10 Murder, She Wrote. (PG) 5.00 News. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Antiques Roadshow. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Catalyst. (PG) 8.30 Keeping Australia Alive. (PG) 9.30 Foreign Correspondent. 10.00 Meet The Mavericks. 10.30 Lateline. 11.00 The Business. 11.20 Q&A. 12.25am Australia On Trial.

12pm MOVIE: Flirting With Forty. (2008, PG) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 My Kitchen Rules. (PG) 9.00 Swimming. Australian Championships. Day 6. From SA Aquatic & Leisure Centre, Adelaide. 11.00 Quantico. (M) 12am Hannibal. (MA15+)

12pm WIN’s All Australian News. 1.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 2.00 Extra. 2.30 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 News Now. 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.30 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 Nine News. 7.00 WIN News. 7.30 Married At First Sight. (M) 8.40 Reno Rumble. (PG) 9.50 Beauty And The Beach. 11.50 Extra. 12.10am WIN News.

12pm Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 1.30 Territory Cops. (PG) 2.00 Ent. Tonight. 2.30 Everyday Gourmet. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Ben’s Menu. 4.00 Good Chef Bad Chef. 4.30 Bold. (PG) 5.00 News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 Bondi Rescue. 8.00 Territory Cops. 8.30 NCIS. (M) 9.30 NCIS: Los Angeles. 10.30 NCIS: LA. (M) 11.30 The Project.

12pm Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 PBS News. 2.00 Britten’s Endgame. 3.00 Destination Flavour Bitesize. 3.05 Tracks And Trails. 3.35 Is Sugar The New Fat? (PG) 4.30 Wildest Islands. (PG) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Italian Food Safari. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 Great Continental Railway Journeys. (PG) 8.30 Insight. 9.30 Dateline. 10.00 SBS World News Late Edition. 10.30 Mammon. (M)

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.35 Hey Duggee. 5.40 Peppa Pig. 5.50 Go Jetters. 6.00 Peg + Cat. 6.15 Peter Rabbit. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.40 Ben And Holly. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Doctor Who. (PG) 8.15 Doctor Who: Confidential. 8.30 Good Game. (M) 9.00 The Checkout. (PG) 9.30 Banged Up Abroad. (M) 10.15 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 11.00 Ross Kemp: Extreme World. (PG) 11.45 The Audience. (M)

12pm Dr Oz. (PG) 1.00 Dealers Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is. (PG) 2.00 House Doctor (Inside And Out) 3.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 3.30 RSPCA Animal Rescue. 4.00 Surf Patrol. 4.30 60 Minute Makeover. (PG) 5.30 Homes Under The Hammer. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Pie In The Sky. (M) 8.30 The Last Detective. (M) 10.10 Air Crash Investigation. (PG)

GO! (ch 83, 88) Batman. 1.00 Power

Rangers. 1.30 Yo-Kai. 2.00 Gumball. 2.30 SpongeBob. 3.00 Wild Kratts. 3.30 Problem Solverz. 4.00 Kids’ WB. 4.05 Looney Tunes. 4.30 Batman. 5.00 Ben 10. 5.30 Teen Titans. 6.00 Regular Show. 6.30 Adv Time. 7.00 The Middle. 7.30 Storage Hunters UK. (PG) 8.00 Auction Hunters. (PG) 9.00 MOVIE: Lord Of War. (2005, MA15+) 11.30 South Beach Tow. 12am Beware The Batman.

12pm Star Trek: Voyager. 1.00 White Collar. (PG) 2.00 MacGyver. (PG) 3.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 4.00 Super Rugby Extra Time. 5.00 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 48 Hours. 8.30 MOVIE: Heat. (1995, MA15+) Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Val Kilmer. 11.55 Tyrant. (M)

12.05pm Hindi News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Urdu News. 1.30 Tamil News. 2.00 Thai News. 2.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 3.00 Bangla News. 3.30 Nepali News. 4.00 The Feed. 4.30 Urban Freestyler. 4.40 Vs Arashi. 5.40 If You Are The One. 6.40 Flight 920. 7.30 The Feed. 8.00 Brooklyn NineNine. (PG) 8.30 Stacey Dooley Investigates. (M) 9.35 Vikings. 10.30 Skint. 11.25 South Park. 11.55 The Feed. 12.25am Lost Girl.

12.15pm Children’s Programs. 4.20 Miraculous Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir. 4.40 Studio 3. 4.45 Endangered Species. 4.55 Danger Mouse. 5.10 Slugterra. 5.30 Annoying Orange. 5.45 News On 3. 5.50 Eve. 6.20 Mortified. 6.50 News On 3. 7.00 The Adventures Of Merlin. (PG) 7.45 Deadly 60. 8.15 Adv Time. 8.35 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (PG) 9.00 Heartland. (PG) 9.40 Rage. (PG) 10.45 Close.

12pm S.W.A.T. (PG) 1.00 T.J. Hooker. (PG) 2.00 Turtleman. (PG) 2.30 SlideShow. (PG) 3.30 Wipeout USA. (PG) 4.30 American Restoration. (PG) 5.30 American Pickers. (PG) 6.30 MythBusters. (PG) 7.30 Highway Patrol. (PG) 8.00 Motorway Patrol. (PG) 8.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 9.30 Hardcore Pawn. (M) 10.30 Counting Cars. (M) 11.30 1000 Ways To Die. (MA15+) 12am Friday Front Bar. (M)

12pm RPA. (PG) 1.00 MOVIE: The Syndicate. (1968, PG) 3.00 Come Dine With Me UK. (PG) 3.30 Who Do You Think You Are? (PG) 4.30 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 5.30 Gilmore Girls. (PG) 6.30 Friends. (PG) 7.30 A Current Affair. 8.00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot. (PG) 9.10 Death In Paradise. (PG) 10.20 Catching History’s Criminals: The Forensic Story. (PG) 11.30 Death Row Stories. (M)

12pm Family Ties. 1.00 JAG. 2.00 Becker. 3.00 Infomercials. 3.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. 4.00 King Of Queens. 5.00 Frasier. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 The Simpsons. 7.30 How I Met Your Mother. (PG) 8.00 Rules Of Engagement. (PG) 8.30 The Graham Norton Show. (M) 9.30 Love Island. (MA15+) 10.30 Sex And The City. (M) 11.10 Sex And The City. 11.50 James Corden.

12pm News. 1.00 Capital Hill. 2.00 ABC News. 3.00 ABC News Afternoons. 4.00 ABC News With The Business. 5.00 ABC News With Grandstand. 5.55 ABC Open. 6.00 ABC News. 6.30 The Drum. 7.00 ABC News Evenings With Grandstand. 8.00 ABC News With The Business. 9.00 ABC News. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 News. 11.30 7.30.


ABC2 (ch 22)

ABC3 (ch 23)


ABC2 (ch 22)


7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

WIN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 83, 88)

GEM (ch 82)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)

April 12


ABC3 (ch 23)

PRIME7 (ch 6)

PRIME7 (ch 6)

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

WIN (ch 8)

12pm Ben 10. 12.30

GEM (ch 82)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)


April 13

12pm News. 12.30 Press Club. 1.30 (ch 2) Jennifer Byrne Presents. 1.55 Antiques Roadshow. 2.55 The Cook And The Chef. 3.20 The Bill. 4.10 Murder, She Wrote. 5.00 News. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Antiques Roadshow. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery. 8.30 The Weekly. 9.00 Luke Warm Sex. 9.30 Would I Lie To You? 10.00 Comedy Up Late. 10.30 Lateline. 11.05 The Business. 11.20 Four Corners.

12pm MOVIE: The Patron Saint Of Liars. (1998, PG) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 My Kitchen Rules. (PG) 9.00 Swimming. Australian Championships. Day 7. From SA Aquatic & Leisure Centre, Adelaide. 11.00 Marvel’s Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. (M) 12am Parenthood. (M)

12pm WIN’s All Australian News. 1.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 2.00 Extra. 2.30 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 News Now. 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.30 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 Nine News. 7.00 WIN News. 7.30 The Big Bang Theory. 8.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 8.30 The NRL Footy Show. (M) 10.30 Fugitive: Black Ops. (M) 11.30 Extra. 12am WIN News.

12pm Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 Long Lost Family. (PG) 2.00 Ent. Tonight. 2.30 Everyday Gourmet. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Ben’s Menu. 4.00 Good Chef Bad Chef. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG) 5.00 TEN Eyewitness News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 Long Lost Family. 8.30 Madam Secretary. (M) 9.30 The Good Wife. (M) 10.30 Hawaii Five-0. 11.30 The Project.

12pm WorldWatch. 2.00 Martin Amis On Britishness. (PG) 3.00 Dateline. 3.30 Insight. 4.30 Wild Burma: Nature’s Lost Kingdom. 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Italian Food Safari. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 The Story Of China. 8.30 Untold Australia: Indian Wedding Race. (M) 9.30 Vikings. 10.25 SBS World News Late Edition. 11.00 ISIS: British Women Supporters Unveiled. (M) 11.55 MOVIE: Farewell. (2009)

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.35 Hey Duggee. 5.40 Peppa Pig. 5.50 Go Jetters. 6.00 Peg + Cat. 6.15 Peter Rabbit. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.40 Ben And Holly. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Doctor Who. (PG) 8.15 Hunted. (M) 9.05 Bodyshockers: Nips, Tucks And Tattoos. (M) 9.55 Tattoo Disasters UK. (M) 10.25 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 11.05 Banged Up Abroad. (M) 11.50 Five Broken Cameras. (M)

12pm Dr Oz. (PG) 1.00 Dealers. (PG) 2.00 House Doctor (Inside And Out) 3.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 3.30 RSPCA Animal Rescue. 4.00 Surf Patrol. 4.30 60 Minute Makeover. (PG) 5.30 Homes Under The Hammer. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Jonathan Creek. (M) 8.30 Lewis. (M) 10.30 Air Crash Investigation. (PG) 11.30 Homes Under The Hammer.

12pm Ben 10. 12.30 Batman. 1.00 Power Rangers. 1.30 Yo-Kai. 2.00 Gumball. 2.30 SpongeBob. 3.00 Wild Kratts. 3.30 Problem Solverz. 4.00 Kids’ WB. 4.05 Looney Tunes. 4.30 Batman. 5.00 Ben 10. 5.30 Teen Titans. (PG) 6.00 Regular Show. (PG) 6.30 Adv Time. (PG) 7.00 The Middle. (PG) 7.30 Baggage Battles. 8.00 Storage Hunters. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Wayne’s World 2. (1993, PG) 10.30 MOVIE: Meatballs. (1979, PG)

12pm Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 1.00 White Collar. (PG) 2.00 MacGyver. (PG) 3.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.00 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 David Attenborough’s Planet Earth. (PG) 8.30 Megastructures Breakdown. 9.30 Moments Of Impact. (PG) 10.30 Gordon Ramsay’s Hell’s Kitchen. (MA15+) 11.30 Sons Of Anarchy. (MA15+)

12.05pm Hindi News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Urdu News. 1.30 Tamil News. 2.00 Thai News. 2.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 3.00 Bangla News. 3.30 African News. 4.00 The Feed. 4.30 Butterflies. (PG) 4.40 Vs Arashi. 5.40 If You Are The One. 6.40 10,000 BC. (PG) 7.35 The Feed. 8.05 Brooklyn Nine-Nine. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Aliens. (1986, M) 11.00 MOVIE: eXistenZ. (1999, M)

12.15pm Children’s Programs. 4.40 Studio 3. 4.45 Endangered Species. 4.55 Danger Mouse. 5.10 Slugterra. 5.30 Annoying Orange. 5.45 News On 3. 5.50 Gortimer Gibbon’s Life On Normal Street. 6.10 The Dukes Of Broxstonia. 6.20 Mortified. 6.50 News On 3. 7.00 The Adventures Of Merlin. (PG) 7.45 Deadly 60. 8.15 Adv Time. 8.35 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (PG) 9.00 Heartland. (PG) 9.40 Rage. (PG) 10.45 Close.

12pm S.W.A.T. (PG) 1.00 T.J. Hooker. (PG) 2.00 Turtleman. (PG) 2.30 SlideShow. (PG) 3.30 Wipeout USA. (PG) 4.30 American Restoration. (PG) 5.30 American Pickers. (PG) 6.30 MythBusters. (PG) 7.30 World’s Craziest Fools. (PG) 8.00 Surveillance Oz. (PG) 8.30 Storage Wars. (PG) 9.30 Baggage Battles. (PG) 10.30 Barter Kings. (PG) 11.30 Beverly Hills Pawn. (PG) 12am Bizarre ER. (M)

12pm The Dog Rescuers. (PG) 1.00 MOVIE: Carry On Jack. (1963, PG) 2.50 Come Dine With Me UK. (PG) 3.20 Agatha Christie’s Poirot. (PG) 4.30 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 5.30 Gilmore Girls. (PG) 6.30 Friends. (PG) 7.30 A Current Affair. 8.00 New Tricks. (M) 9.10 Midsomer Murders. (M) 11.20 The Mysteries Of Laura. (M) 12.20am Absolutely Fabulous. (PG)

12pm Family Ties. 1.00 JAG. 2.00 Becker. 2.30 How I Met Your Mother. 3.00 Infomercials. 3.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. 4.00 King Of Queens. 5.00 Frasier. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 The Simpsons. (PG) 7.30 How I Met Your Mother. (PG) 8.00 Futurama. (PG) 8.30 The Simpsons. 9.00 Bordertown. 9.30 Futurama. (PG) 10.00 Bob’s Burgers. (PG) 11.00 Duckman. 11.30 James Corden.

12pm News. 12.30 Press Club. 1.30 Capital Hill. 2.00 News. 3.00 ABC News Afternoons. 4.00 The Business. 5.00 Grandstand. 5.55 ABC Open. 6.00 ABC News. 6.30 The Drum. 7.00 ABC News Evenings With Grandstand. 8.00 ABC News With The Business. 9.00 ABC News. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 News. 11.30 7.30.

12pm News. 1.00 The Straits. (M) 1.55 (ch 2) Antiques Roadshow. 2.55 The Cook And The Chef. 3.20 The Bill. (PG) 4.10 Murder, She Wrote. (PG) 5.00 News. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Antiques Roadshow. 6.55 Clarke And Dawe. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 The Checkout. (PG) 8.30 Janet King. (PG) 9.25 Utopia. (M) 9.55 Upper Middle Bogan. (M) 10.25 Lateline. 10.55 The Business. 11.10 Frantic Family Rescue. 12.10am Agony Uncles. (M)

12pm MOVIE: Living Proof. (2008, PG) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 My France With Manu. (PG) 8.30 Swimming. Australian Championships. Day 8. From SA Aquatic & Leisure Centre, Adelaide. 10.30 The Goldbergs. (PG) 11.30 Parks And Recreation. (PG) 12am Grey’s Anatomy. (M)

12pm WIN News. 1.00 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 2.00 Extra. 2.30 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 News Now. 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.30 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 Nine News. 7.00 WIN News. 7.30 Rugby League. NRL. Round 7. Manly Sea Eagles v Parramatta Eels. From Brookvale Oval, NSW. 10.10 The AFL Footy Show. (M) 12.10am WIN News.

12pm Dr Phil. 1.00 To Be Advised. 2.00 Ent. Tonight. 2.30 Everyday Gourmet. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Ben’s Menu. 4.00 GCBC. 4.30 Bold. (PG) 5.00 TEN Eyewitness News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 Modern Family. 8.00 Modern Family. 8.30 Gogglebox. (M) 9.30 Law & Order: SVU. 10.30 Blue Bloods. (M) 11.30 The Project.

2pm Simon Schama: Shakespeare And Us. (PG) 3.10 Living Black. 3.45 Bazaar. 4.15 Destination Flavour Bitesize. 4.20 The Secret History Of Our Streets. (PG) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Italian Food Safari. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 Destination Flavour Scandinavia. 8.00 Gourmet Farmer. 8.30 Inside Heston’s World. (M) 9.30 The Last Panthers. (M) 10.30 SBS World News Late Edition. 11.55 MOVIE: Oldboys. (2009)

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.35 Hey Duggee. 5.40 Peppa Pig. 5.50 Go Jetters. 6.00 Peg + Cat. 6.15 Peter Rabbit. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.40 Ben And Holly. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Doctor Who. (PG) 8.15 Doctor Who: Confidential. 8.30 The Weekly. (M) 9.00 Episodes. (MA15+) 9.30 Buzzcocks. (M) 10.00 Scrotal Recall. (M) 10.25 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 11.05 Live At The Apollo. (M) 11.50 Raw Comedy 2013. (M)

12pm Dr Oz. (PG) 1.00 Dealers. (PG) 2.00 House Doctor (Inside And Out) 3.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 3.30 RSPCA Animal Rescue. 4.00 Surf Patrol. (PG) 4.30 60 Minute Makeover. (PG) 5.30 Homes Under The Hammer. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 The Vicar Of Dibley. (PG) 8.00 Keeping Up Appearances. 8.30 Murdoch Mysteries. (M) 10.30 Air Crash Investigation. (PG) 11.30 Homes Under The Hammer.

12pm Ben 10. 12.30 Batman. 1.00 Power Rangers. 1.30 Yo-Kai. 2.00 Gumball. 2.30 SpongeBob. 3.00 Wild Kratts. 3.30 Rabbids Invasion. 4.00 Kids’ WB. 4.05 Looney Tunes. 4.30 Batman. 5.00 Ben 10. 5.30 Teen Titans. 6.00 Regular Show. 6.30 Adv Time. 7.00 The Middle. 7.30 Big Bang. (PG) 8.30 Survivor: Kaôh Rong. (PG) 9.30 MOVIE: Horrible Bosses. (2011, MA15+) 11.30 South Beach Tow. 12am Beware The Batman.

12pm Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 1.00 White Collar. (PG) 2.00 MacGyver. (PG) 3.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.00 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Epic Meal Empire. (PG) 8.30 Brumbies TV. (PG) 9.05 MOVIE: Welcome To The Jungle. (2013, MA15+) Jean-Claude Van Damme. 11.05 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG)

12.05pm WorldWatch. 1.00 Urdu News. 1.30 Tamil News. 2.00 Thai News. 2.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 3.00 Bangla News. 3.30 Somali News. 4.00 The Feed. 4.30 Urban Freestyler. 4.40 Vs Arashi. 5.35 If You Are The One. 6.40 10,000 BC. 7.30 The Feed. 8.00 Adam Ruins Everything. 8.30 MythBusters. 9.30 Death Row. 10.30 UEFA Champions League Highlights. 11.30 Legally Brown. 12am League Nation Live.

12.15pm Children’s Programs. 4.40 Studio 3. 4.45 Endangered Species. 4.55 Danger Mouse. 5.10 Slugterra. (PG) 5.30 Annoying Orange. 5.45 News On 3. 5.50 Little Lunch. 6.05 Matilda And The Ramsay Bunch. 6.20 Mortified. 6.50 News On 3. 7.00 The Adventures Of Merlin. (PG) 7.45 Deadly 60. 8.15 Adv Time. (PG) 8.35 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (PG) 9.00 Heartland. (PG) 9.40 Rage. (PG) 10.45 Close.

12pm S.W.A.T. (PG) 1.00 T.J. Hooker. (PG) 2.00 Turtleman. (PG) 2.30 SlideShow. (PG) 3.30 Wipeout USA. (PG) 4.30 American Restoration. (PG) 5.30 American Pickers. (PG) 6.30 MythBusters. (PG) 7.30 Tattoo Nightmares. (M) 8.00 Tattoo Nightmares Miami. (M) 8.30 Ink Master. (M) 10.15 America’s Hardest Prisons. (M) 11.30 Operation Repo. (M) 12am Ice Pilots. (M)

12pm Secret Dealers. (PG) 1.00 MOVIE: Please Turn Over. (1960, PG) 2.50 GEM Presents. (PG) 3.00 Come Dine With Me UK. (PG) 3.30 The Dog Rescuers. (PG) 4.30 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 5.30 Gilmore Girls. (PG) 6.30 Friends. (PG) 7.30 A Current Affair. 8.00 To Catch A Smuggler. (PG) 9.00 MOVIE: City Slickers. (1991, PG) 11.30 Blackadder II. (PG) 12.10am Secret Dealers. (PG)

12pm Family Ties. (PG) 1.00 JAG. (PG) 2.00 Becker. (PG) 2.30 How I Met Your Mother. (PG) 3.00 Infomercials. (PG) 3.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG) 4.00 King Of Queens. (PG) 5.00 Frasier. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 The Simpsons. (PG) 7.30 How I Met Your Mother. (PG) 8.00 New Girl. (M) 8.30 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. (PG) 9.30 Empire. 10.30 Sex And The City. (MA15+) 11.50 James Corden. (PG)

12pm News. 1.00 Capital Hill. 2.00 ABC News. 3.00 ABC News Afternoons. 4.00 ABC News With The Business. 5.00 ABC News With Grandstand. 5.55 ABC Open. 6.00 ABC News. 6.30 The Drum. 7.00 ABC News Evenings With Grandstand. 8.00 ABC News With The Business. 9.00 ABC News. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 News. 11.30 7.30.


ABC2 (ch 22)

ABC3 (ch 23)


7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

WIN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 83, 88)

GEM (ch 82)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)

April 14


ABC2 (ch 22)

ABC3 (ch 23)

PRIME7 (ch 6)

PRIME7 (ch 6)

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

WIN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 83, 88)

GEM (ch 82)

TEN (ch 5)

ONE (ch 50)

ELEVEN (ch 55)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS 2 (ch 32)

ABC 24 (ch 24)



Brain Busters

super sudoku To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: each of the nine vertical columns, each of the nine horizontal rows and each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes. Remember no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box.


What was Batman’s father’s full name?


What is the world’s most southerly capital city?


Which Australian cricketer played his final One Day International against New Zealand in the 2015 Cricket World Cup?


What is the third day gift in The Twelve Days of Christmas?


Which mythological creature was comprised of parts of a man, a lion and a dragon?


Marie Antoinette was the wife of which French king?


Which instrument did John Bonham play in Led Zeppelin?


Albert Einstein was offered the presidency of which country in 1952?


Ursine means to be like which animal?

10. What is the chemical symbol for lead?

No. 904


Crossword No.3490



Children’s Vision Clinic Now Open Did you know? 1 in 4 children have an undetected vision problem


ACROSS 1 Wearing footwear 5 Vernacular speech 10 Items 11 Desire 12 Snow vehicle 13 Twists on its axis 15 Keen 17 Melt 19 Soft mineral 20 Body of matter 22 Aggressive 24 Title of respect in India 26 Devastation 27 Railway carriage 30 Soreness 31 Cry of a goose 32 Rude person 35 Pardon 36 Challenges (someone) defiantly 38 Muslim leader 40 Chock 41 Body of ecclesiastical law 42 Brown hue 43 Historical Germanic invader

DOWN 2 Commotion (informal) 3 A single 4 Having a tendency to lecture others 6 Affirmative 7 Semi-aquatic salamander 8 Wound 9 Meteorological phenomenon 13 Stops a flow (of blood) 14 Not as much 16 Referee (informal) 18 Bookkeeper 21 Silence 23 The practice of sailing boats 25 Feathery scarf 28 Land measure 29 Enclose 32 Cry vigorously 33 Balance of probability 34 Fury 37 Salesperson (informal) 39 Animal sound

No. 903

No. 904


Solve a sudoku, crack a crossword, test your trivia



SOLUTION: 1 Thomas Wayne. 2 Wellington. 3 Michael Clarke. 4 Three French Hens. 5 Manticore. 6 Louis XVI. 7 Drums. 8 Israel. 9 Bear. 10 Pb.

No. 903

Symptoms Include: Not reading at grade level Poor hand - eye coordination Difficulty staying on task or focused We want to ensure that all children are given the best tools to get the best out of life. Call now to book a vision assessment. Westfield Belconnen: (02) 6251 3399 Canberra City: (02) 6248 9100

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The new moon in your sign on 7 April indicates that it's a good time for visiting clubs and making friends with new people. This naturally is rather easy for an Aries, as you have a highly gregarious nature. Your spending habits need to be reviewed.

The new moon on 7 April is the ideal time to organise a social gathering with close relatives, long-term friends and acquaintances. A stroke of good fortune will boost the kitty and an exciting purchase or gift for the home will be a treasure.

The new moon on 7 April is an ideal time to focus on improving your intimate relationships, so lower your inhibitions and let your sense of humour shine. April is also an ideal month to focus on improving your diet and fitness by discipline and commitment.

With Neptune in Pisces you’re bound to have some interesting encounters which could lead to romance or friendship. The 7 April new moon allows you to make fresh starts involving your working life. Thoughtful assistance from a friend or colleague will help you to achieve a special goal.

LEO JUL 23 – AUG 23


Take life a little more slowly, be kind to yourself and don’t over-crowd your program. If you ignore this advice don't be surprised if you upset some important people. The 7 April new moon is the ideal time to buy a new car, mobile phone or computer.



Reconciling differing ways of doing things with a relative or colleague will be an interesting exercise. Other people's ideas will trigger your imagination and then your projects will know no bounds. The 7 April new moon is the ideal time to rest and spoil yourself. Your soul will thank you!

The new moon on the 7th is an ideal time to plan something fun with friends and any lingering differences between yourself and another can be happily resolved. In your love life, be open and honest and avoid playing games or you'll only be courting trouble.

There may be something on a health level that you’re going to need to see a specialist about. You also need to take some time out to indulge in your favourite pastimes. The new moon on the 7th is an ideal time to come up with some brilliant


cash strategies.

with family members will need sorting out carefully.

CAPRICORN DEC 22 – JAN 20 The 7 April new moon is the ideal time to invest some emotional energy into your career. If you’re looking for work, this is the right time to step up your efforts even if this means rewording your resume. April is a good month to resolve any family issues.

AQUARIUS JAN 21 – FEB 19 If you’re buying or selling property you have excellent planetary conditions for doing so during April. The new moon on the 7th indicates that a unique personal or career goal will call for innovative ideas, bold decisions and perseverance.



The new moon on 7 April indicates that an overdue get-together could be emotional and nostalgic. A fun activity may challenge your stamina or adventurous side. This is the ideal time to be socialising and enjoying yourself. A tangle of arrangements

The new moon on 7 April indicates exciting action with a bold new project will boost your confidence and enthusiasm. On the relationship front, you need to be careful of raking over old coals if you wish to turn a challenging situation around.

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A fortuitous encounter with a colleague will bring timely guidance with a confusing career matter for Saoirse. This is a particularly good month for Saoirse to get rid of old insecurities that have been holding her back. This is the ideal time for her to focus on improving her intimate relationships, so she needs to let go of her inhibitions and let her sense of humour shine.

Getty Images

in the

12 April 1994


Trades & Services Guide INDEX


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Bathrooms, Laundries, Shower Screens, Wardrobe Doors

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Unit 1, 37 Townsville St, Fyshwick ACT 2609


Do you have a leaking shower? Have you noticed any problems, such as mouldy silicone or grout, cracked joints or water damage?



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Asbestos Removal Bathrooms & Kitchens Bathroom Maintenance Bobcat & Tipper Car Detailing Carpenters & Joiners Carpet Cleaning Computer & IT Concreting & Related Service Electrical Fencing Flooring Garden Care Gardening Guttering Irrigation Landscaping & Design Locksmiths Mobile Mechanic Office Furniture Painting Pest Control Plaster & Gyprock Plumbing Roofing Self-Storage Tree Services Water Tanks Windows

Contact Richard 6175 8888 E richard@canberraweekly.com.au

Contact Richard 6175 8888 E richard@canberraweekly.com.au

Trades & Services Guide BOBCAT & TIPPER


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Contact Richard 6175 8888 E richard@canberraweekly.com.au

Trades & Services Guide IRRIGATION




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Give your business a boost... Register today in the Trades & Services Guide

Call Richard on 6175 8888 209

DAINTY DOGS “My two little Havanese, Daisy and Honey. My son was desperate to get a puppy. I wasn’t so keen. Now I am completely, embarrassingly, besotted with them.”

My favourite things


Photo Gary Schafer

“I originally moved to Canberra straight out of school to attend The Canberra School of Music. I was a cellist. While the studying didn’t stick, Canberra certainly did. I hadn’t played cello for a number of years when the composer for Playhouse Creatures asked if I would play live onstage. I’ve been practising for hours a day now and it feels like I’ve found a little piece of my soul.”

THEATRE “In 2005, my theatre company, Centrepiece Theatre, which I started with my husband Jim and our good friend Matt Thomas, had its first season. Our first show was Moliere’s The Miser. It was my first gig as a director, and I loved it. I still love getting on stage from time to time, but I think I can comfortably call myself a theatre director now. I’m hooked.”


The wealth of local theatrical female talent led Jordan Best to found a new company, Pigeonhole Theatre, which is dedicated to providing professional productions with great roles for women on and off the stage. Best has always loved the theatre and has been directing for 12 years, mostly with Centrepiece, the company she owns with her husband, and describes it as a “passion as well as a profession”. She has directed a wide variety of musical theatre, drama and children’s productions. Jordan’s latest production Playhouse Creatures, the 1993 period play by English dramatist April De Angelis about the first women to take to the stage under the reign of Charles II, is at The Q until 9 April. “For the women in London who felt that passion, the moment when they were allowed on to the stage for the first time must have felt extraordinary, like finally being given a chance to live.” Tickets from theq.net.au or 6285 6290. - Diana Streak 210

MY SON WILLIAM “He’s funny, and smart, empathetic, handsome and loving. I’m very lucky.”

BAKER’S DELIGHT “I love to bake. It’s a reasonably new skill because I have always struggled with following recipes. I baked my sister’s wedding cake a couple of years ago – six tiers – and I made her house from gingerbread to go on the top. I’d never done anything like that before. It was really challenging and very satisfying.”


2015 ZONE





Models shown: XV 2.0i, Liberty 2.5i, Impreza 2.0i, Outback 2.0D

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30% OFF



30% OFF

Bedshed Fyshwick’s Grand Opening, Saturday 9 April Join us as we celebrate the Grand Opening of our Fyshwick store with 30% off storewide. Bring this ad with you and get a further 10% off sale prices. Plus, HOT 104.7fm will be broadcasting live from the store and there’ll be lots of special offers on the day.















Bedshed Fyshwick 78 Barrier Street Ph: 6280 7101, fyshwick@bedshed.com.au

Savings are off recommended retail price (RRP). Some items may have been sold at some Bedshed stores at less than RRP as Bedshed encourages its stores to offer its products at competitive prices. Sale prices available from Monday 4th April until Sunday 17th April 2016, or while stocks last and exclusive to Bedshed Fyshwick. Mattresses and accessories are not included unless stated. Ensembles are pictured for illustration purposes only. Bedshed attempts to accurately represent furniture in their photography; however there may be colour variation to in-store product on occasion. Finance and lay-by not available on selected sales stock.

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