01 December 2022

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the editor

December already! With just three more weekly editions to produce this year, I’m eyeing o the finish line before the o ce shuts down on 22 December for a welldeserved two-week break.

It’s been a whirlwind week for me in what’s been another rollercoaster year for most of us. Continuing pandemic restrictions earlier this year have yielded to a “new normal”, while La Nina continues to wreak havoc across much of the country (and Canberra potholes).

It was especially heartening to attend the Canberra Region Tourism Awards’ first in-person event since 2019 last Friday night. For an industry that requires actual visitation to survive and thrive, the significance of the occasion was not lost on the several hundred attendees – and the celebrations were genuine and heartfelt. Flip to page 29 for our special 8-page feature about the 2022 awards.

Reasons to be grateful this past week include sharing the CSO Infinite Possibilities concert with friends, the annual CAPO awards presentation lakeside at Canberra Contemporary Art Space, scintillating live theatre at The Torrents at Dairy Road’s new Mill Theatre, celebrating success at the Capital Region Tourism Awards, the launch of Lifeline Canberra’s Christmas giving tree at Book Lovers Lane, delightful company, food and ambience at a ‘Grazing by the Garden’ lunch session inspired by Cressida Campbell exhibition at the National Gallery of Australia, an illuminating Season 2023 launch at The Q – Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre, and chilled watermelon. Take care,

59 10 ON THE COVER Go ‘Behind the Lines’ at MoAD 12 NEWS Top teacher at CIT 29 SPECIAL FEATURE Canberra Region Tourism Awards 39 CHRISTMAS GIFT GUIDE Special advertising feature Regulars 04 General news 08 Fit the bill 26 Letters 26 Sport 28 Have you heard? 37 Social scene 48 Taste 50 Time out 56 Winners 59 The look 66 Home 68 Real estate 104 Puzzles 105 Stars 106 Trades & services 111 Favourite things WIN 45 Fleurette Aromatherapy sets 46 Smiggle gift cards 47 The Lost King film passes 110 Pu n Books Xmas bundle 110 Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile family film passes
on the
Behind the Lines 2022 opens at the Museum of Australian Democracy (MoAD) today, 1 December, and continues through to November 2023. Image courtesy of MoAD.
cover feature, pages 10-11. From
contents thursday 01 december 2022 Published by Newstime Media Pty Ltd (ACN 124 830 155). All content © 2016 Newstime Media Pty Ltd, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without prior written permission. All material sent to Canberra Weekly Magazine (whether solicited or not) will not be returned. Unless otherwise agreed beforehand, all rights including copyright in such material is assigned to Newstime Media upon receipt and Newstime Media may use or sell such material in perpetuity without further consent or payment. All prices and information are correct at time of printing. For full terms and conditions of competitions contact Canberra Weekly Magazine on 6175 8800. Get your daily news at canberraweekly.com.au @ Editor Julie Samaras news@canberraweekly.com.au Founder & Publisher Nick Samaras Canberra Weekly is a member of the Australian Press Council and abides by its guidelines and policies. Complaints about editorial matter should be emailed to editor@canberraweekly.com.au Suite 11, 285 Canberra Avenue,Fyshwick ACT 2609 Editorial & Advertising Enquiries T 02 6175 8800 www.canberraweekly.com.au ISSN: 2652-9297 39 48 66 68 110 46 2 canberraweekly.com.au

‘Cool kids doing cool stuff’: Daydream Machine studio holds expo in Fyshwick

The young people at Daydream Machine, a music, moviemaking, and STEAM studio in Fyshwick, are neurodiverse – most have high-functioning autism, some have ADHD – but to the studio’s founder, ACT Local Hero of the Year, Luke Ferguson, these neurodivergent kids are superheroes.

They are, he says, incredibly talented: singers, musicians, artists, animators, and writers, they are winning awards, and getting paid for their work.

On Saturday 10 December, for the International Day of People with Disability (I-Day), the studio will hold a half-day Expo (10am to 3pm) showcasing the students’ creativity, and launching their businesses.

The studio has received an I-Day grant from the ACT Government; funds (and profits) will be used to stage the Expo, and as seed capital for the students’ business ideas.

For sale are designer jewellery (as worn by Emma Davidson, ACT Minister for Disability and Mental Health); up-cycled potted plants (recycled bottle tops – unscrew the cap to drain); films and animation; prints, greeting cards, and mugs featuring original artwork (swirling patterns reminiscent of Van Gogh, or bold, colourful posters featuring anthropomorphised animals); designer clothing; audio books; pride flag bracelets, and more – all made by the students. A great opportunity to buy Christmas presents and support a good cause.

The Daydream Machine musicians and stand-up comedians will perform on the day.

Daydream Machine (motto: “Cool kids doing cool stuff”) operates from a 100-square-metre studio in Fyshwick. One corner is a mixing studio, where students record their own original tunes. One wall is an enormous marble run, with four paths, designed by one of the students. There are a ping-pong table, a pinball machine, and beanbags. Shelves are full of Lego dioramas, and remote-control cats, snakes, and cars the kids are programming and coding.

As one youngster put it: “It’s Google headquarters for kids.”

Mr Ferguson set up Daydream Machine at the beginning of the year; it quickly morphed, he said, into a talent agency for the students.

“I have students that are doing graphic design, poster designs better than anyone I know. I have young musicians who are absolutely smashing it… I’ve got young spokespeople who are really passionate about being youth ambassadors for young people with disabilities.”

On the day CW interviewed Mr Ferguson, one of his students, Grace (stage name: Charlie Grace), competed in the Battle of the Bands. Only 12 years old, she has already released a song on Spotify; won an Edstart Achievement Award; received a grant

to record her album; and played at the Australian of the Year awards. Mr Ferguson can see her in five years’ time as a world-class musician.

But school was rough for Grace, Mr Ferguson says. She was the first student diagnosed with autism in her school year. She had always felt different from other children, but could never figure out why. When she was diagnosed, she hid the fact from her classmates for six months – until someone very special sent her a message: 2021’s Australian of the Year, Grace Tame.

In her video, Ms Tame revealed that she, too, had autism. “Little known fact: I also have ASD, so we’re twins in lots of ways.”

Her younger namesake promptly shared the video on her classroom group chat, breaking the news to her classmates that she had autism. That message, Mr Ferguson said, was “life-changing”. Young Grace is now far more confident, far more mature.

That, Mr Ferguson said, is why he set up the studio: “To build up these kids to realise that, yes, they may be neurodiverse, but that makes them so interesting, and gives them talents that other people don’t have. These kids are superheroes. They’re starting to realise that they are capable of incredible things.”

How many kids hold discoes with the United Nations, he asks? Daydream Machine did that in September, at one of the students’ schools. In November, their band performed a showcase gig at the University of Canberra – a paid gig, at that. A graphic designer is selling his animated GIFs; another student is selling prints. Students are receiving recognition for their work, and winning competitions.

“It’s a lightbulb moment for them that if you put the hard work in, you can get rewards for your talents,” Mr Ferguson said.

“I couldn’t be any prouder of the kids; it’s setting up realistic, exciting career pathways for kids in an area of their interest.”

Daydream Machine has been nominated for the Chief Minister’s Inclusion Award; they will find out the result three days before the expo. In October, at the ACT Children’s Week Awards, Daydream Machine won awards for Business Contribution and Community for Children; one student won the Children’s Commissioner’s Award; and three were awarded Exceptional Young Person Awards.

“It’s recognition for the kids,” Mr Ferguson said. “They can see we’re on other people’s radars. We’re tucked away here in Fyshwick doing our thing, but we’re making waves… You can just see the selfbelief in the kids growing day by day.”

- Nicholas Fuller

Daydream Machine Expo, 10/19 Kembla St, Fyshwick, Saturday 10 December 10am-3pm.

Daydream Machine founder Luke Ferguson (back, right) with some of the “cool kids doing cool stuff” at the studio in Fyshwick.
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David Pocock does his job

It is now six months since the federal election saw independent David Pocock elected to the Senate. He has largely remained true so far to his pledge to look at each issue with a critical eye, and whilst eventually capitulating to the government over the industrial relations (IR) bill, did so after extracting some concessions that can only make the bill more palatable.

The most significant change was to lift the definition of a “small business” for the purpose of exemption from multi-employer bargaining by unions, from a business with 15 employees to one of 20, and also to put the onus of proof on a union to argue that a business of between 20 and 50 has a common interest, and therefore can’t negotiate with their employees for a single enterprise agreement relevant only to that business – a big sticking point with employer groups. Employer groups wanted the figure to be 200. I think Pocock should have insisted it be at least 50, as there are ample examples of 50 being a reasonable figure before a business

can be said to be of medium size; 100 would be better still, but that was never likely.

It remains to be seen what effect this bill has. Pocock also ensured it will have to be reviewed in two years, but if the employer groups are right, it will lead to greater union power, more strikes, and job cuts. IR is a finely tuned balance between workers’ rights and the rights of businesses to get on with their job as free as possible from too much government regulation. There are fears Australia will go back to the 1970s with lots of strikes, a sluggish economy, some workers getting big pay increases, and others losing their jobs as businesses are forced under.

This vicious cycle was finally broken by then Prime Minister Bob Hawke and Treasurer Paul Keating in the 1980s with their IR reforms and accords, backed by then opposition leader John Howard. Workers’ wages, business success and profits, and Australia’s economic success on the world stage blossomed as a result. The IR

bill threatens all that progress, especially in the current world economic climate. We wait with bated breath to see what happens, but at least Senator Pocock listened to people, and made the bill a bit better. The Senate is a house of review, and it was pleasing to see Pocock take his role seriously and not just rubber stamp the bill like the Greens seem to have done.

Pocock also seems to have ensured the Territory Rights legislation will be passed soon. I’d like to see him ensure that the Albanese government keeps its promise to spend whatever it takes to ensure the Australian Defence Force is properly resourced. I heard a disturbing report recently that the Australian army is going to be forced to take cuts, contrary to Albo’s promise several weeks ago to spend whatever it takes on defence. I call on Senator Pocock to keep Albo to his promise. Editor’s note: The opinions expressed in this column are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Canberra Weekly.

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The gates of a previously padlocked Australia exploded open in February 2022, revealing an Earth once travelled by passport-happy Australians – we were once again free to come and go as we please.

After two years of a no-travel iron fist, many of us had become comfortable on our couches in isolation, and trepidation of the unknown surged through an anxious population.

This year’s iteration of Canberra’s perennially favourite Behind the Lines exhibition at the Museum of Australian Democracy (MoAD) explores the year that was in its latest theme ‘O the Planet’ – paying homage to the end of closed borders, both national and international.

Exhibition curator Amy Lay explains that at its core, ‘O the Planet’ is about remembering that feeling when Australia opened its borders and we “all exploded, wide out of our living rooms” with a sense of ‘what else is out there?’.

The world now seems “a bit alien” to some of us and an underlying hum of anxiety and uncertainly lingered through 2022.

But Lay says there was still a sense of optimism mixed with “oh no, what if it’s still there” as we cautiously peered around the corner at the end of the pandemic finish line.

“I can think of no better theme than floating out into the ether in 2022,” says Lay.

Opening ‘O the Planet’ is Political Cartoonist of the Year David Pope, whose impressive, thought-provoking and humorous work has featured across many past exhibitions.

MoAd Acting Director Andrew Harper said: “David Pope continued to impress with his highly recognisable style, in which he was able to plumb new depths of detail on characters both new and old.”

This year, there’s a plethora of new and

emerging artists who have either never been shown before or are recent contributors in the exhibition, and Lay is excited about the inclusion of less traditional mediums which give a new perspective on political cartooning.

Harper is particularly impressed by two newcomers onto the scene who both appeared for the first time in 2021 and were highly rated in the judging for 2022.

“Megan Herbert’s work included thought-provoking pieces on international issues including Roe v Wade, but also o ered levity on the new national hobby of ‘doomscrolling’,” he says.

“Nordacious’ punchy, pop-art inspired work mixes political commentary with pop culture references, which resonated with the panel.”

Two honourable mentions by Harper are Cathy Wilcox, who had another impressive year balancing humour with poignancy using her distinct style, and Fiona Katauskas, who addressed the concerns of flood-a ected voters and celebrated with families who could finally a ord to buy themselves a lettuce thanks to the wage rise.

Lay is excited for the public to see the di erent takes that may emerge from the exhibition and which cartoons resonate with visitors. Unable to choose one particular standout, she said every cartoon is interesting or will create a response, and is interested to see which will become the favourites.

A 1970s space aesthetic brings a pop of colour to this year’s exhibition, which Harper said makes us think about all the weird and wonderful things out there, and what else exists that we don’t know.

There’s been a lot of content for political cartoonists to cover this year, said Harper, with the extensive list including COVID-19, social justice issues including First Nations Australians

Amy Lay, curator of the Behind the Lines 2022 exhibition at the Museum of Australian Democracy (MoAD), says this year’s “O the Planet” theme explores the emotions swirling around Australia’s borders reopening earlier this year after two years of pandemic-induced isolation.

and workplace safety for women, international news such as war in Ukraine to political upheaval in the UK and US, natural disasters including the devastating floods at home, cost of living issues, and the federal election in May.

Any election year is big for the exhibition, but Harper said this year felt heavy and rich with more than enough content for the cartoonists to work with – not all pleasant, but content nonetheless.

“Cartooning is an important function in Australia and really celebrates the rich tradition of free speech and free expression, which are cornerstones of our democracy, and a sign of a


healthy democracy where di erent perspectives can be freely discussed in cartoon format,” said Harper.

He added the exhibition has further pushed the envelope of diversity within cartooning, both in sources and styles, noting satirical works appear in di erent forms and platforms in 2022.

“It [Behind the Lines] appeals to Australia generally because people appreciate the satirical role that it plays and the freedom that is democracy by the fact that this kind of activity

takes place and this kind of exhibition can be shown openly,” Harper said.

The o cial reopening of MoAD’s front doors and steps after they were set alight on 30 December 2021 during a protest comes just in time for the launch of the refreshed Behind the Lines exhibition, and Harper is particularly excited for the public to be welcomed back inside.

It will be exceptionally special to Lay, as it’s her first time curating the flagship exhibition for

MoAD. She said it’s the kind of show people come to year in, year out and is honoured to have the chance to be involved.

Behind the Lines – The Year in Political Cartoons 2022: O the Planet opens on Thursday 1 December from 2pm at the Museum of Australian Democracy (MoAD) at Old Parliament House and continues through to November 2023.

CIT automotive teacher named Australia’s top VET trainer

Richard Lindsay, an automotive teacher at the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT), was named VET (Vocational Education and Training) Teacher/Trainer of the Year at the Australian Training Awards in Adelaide last month.

“It’s only just starting to set in, actually,” Mr Lindsay told Canberra Weekly. “It felt like a bit of a dream, especially when there were so many good finalists… It was a very tight competition. But I feel very honoured to accept the award.”

Mr Lindsay won the award for setting up online training with simulated activities within each apprentice’s workshop to keep them learning during the COVID-19 lockdown – a program manufacturers have since adopted.

The national award follows

Mr Lindsay’s award of ACT VET Teacher/Trainer of the Year in September.

During COVID, Mr Lindsay said, a lot of his students lived interstate, in NSW, and could not come across the border to attend training, so he had to find a new way to cater for them. By the time each lockdown was over, nearly all the students were up to date with their training.

It also helped with the apprentices’ wellbeing, Mr Lindsay said. Many worried they would not have a job.

“We went through a situation where a lot of customers didn’t want to bring their cars in because they didn’t want people sitting in them with the possibility of COVID. Because of that, the workshops were very quiet.”

But Mr Lindsay kept them training and set up a mentor system within their workshops.

The program’s popularity surprised him. “I thought it was going to be hard to get off the ground, because the industry had to do a lot of work, but everyone

jumped on board, and everyone progressed.”

Now Toyota and Tesla Australia will use the program as training sessions for their employees’ personal development.

(continued page 16)
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Richard Lindsay from Canberra Institute of Technology has been named Australia’s top Vocational Education and Training teacher of the year.

50 of equipping children for the future

Where it all began

lot can change in 50 years. While Canberra may be unrecognisable today when compared to 1972, the most fundamental and essential need within our community remains the same – the need for excellent education in safe and loving schools.

This year marks Canberra Christian School’s 50th anniversary since opening its doors in 1972 to just 26 students. Now, with over 200 students under its tutelage, Canberra Christian School has grown to be a trusted member of the Mawson community in Woden over the decades.

Ephesians 22.6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go; Even when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

This was in the minds of the local Canberra Church and conference members when they made the decision back in 1970 to build a Christian School in Canberra.

They laid down foundations on the same block of land on Ainsworth Street that we know today.

The school’s doors finally opened to its first batch of students two years later in February, with 26 children beginning the year

together with their teacher and principal Anne Eggan. Most students were from families within the local Adventist Church community.

A small church was built on campus, and students would walk across the grass between to participate in chapel and lead in the church services on occasion.

Student numbers began to grow and, in 1974, Robert Flynn took over as Principal for a term of seven years. He reflected on his tenure saying, “The theme of my time here was peace. Not all workplaces are blessed in this way.

“My memory is of teamwork. School, home, and church coming

together to support their children and working together to give them a good start in life – this one and the one to come.”

In 1981, construction was underway to connect the school and the church, creating space for a craft room and resource area between them. 1988 saw the highest student numbers yet, with 83 students enrolled that year.

In 1997, under the leadership of Principal Barry Dean, the school was renamed from Mawson Adventist Primary to Canberra Christian School. Another enduring change was the introduction of a language literacy program based on the hypothesis that all children

Canberra Christian School:

can learn by utilising their individual capabilities.

This understanding – that every child comes to their learning with prior knowledge, experiences, and competencies – remains at the heart of the curriculum to this day.

Students continued to come and go, as is the transient nature of the ACT, and as a result, Canberra Christian School weathered its ups and downs.

In 2003, when the surrounding community was working to keep the school’s doors open, Canberra Christian School hosted an inter-school sports day, which led to a double-page spread in the Sunday Canberra Times

Former principal Warren Watters

fondly remembers the call he received the next day from a principal of a large neighbouring private school, asking how their school, so small in comparison, could get such impressive and extensive coverage in the local newspaper.

For 50 years, Canberra Christian School has persevered thanks to its community.

Over the last few years, it has focused on building that same community, supporting parents in their journey, and working alongside them to prioritise tailored learning for every child.

The recent renovations of the hall and sta spaces not only accommodate Canberra Christian

School’s growing sta and student numbers, but now feature a dedicated space for STEM studies.

“We want to make sure our education spaces are built for the future, to equip our children through enquiry-based learning,” says current principal Bree Hills. “Spaces to pursue individual knowledges and passions.”

Members of the Canberra Christian School community, past and present, recently attended the opening of the newly built STEM

and classroom spaces, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the school, and the start of the next half-century.

Today, the campus o ers an Early Learning Centre (with Long Day Care), Pre-School and Primary School.

Well-resourced, co-educational, with small classroom sizes so each student can be challenged to discover their particular gifts and talents, visit ccs.act.edu.au to experience the CCS di erence.


CIT teacher named Australia’s top VET trainer

(from page 12)

“It’s going gangbusters,” Mr Lindsay said. “Everyone [wants] to be part of the program.” He never wanted to start something new; he just wanted to help his students. “But in the end, it ended up going really big, and started being very successful.”

Mr Lindsay also expanded the CIT’s Toyota Network Training (TNT) Program, a Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology. Before, the course used to concentrate on Canberra and nearby NSW; now, the program is four times bigger, spanning as far as Ulladulla and Wagga Wagga.

One is now a fellow teacher in EVs at CIT.

“The good part about the automotive industry: the sky’s the limit,” Mr Lindsay said. “So, if the students really want to have a go, and if they’re constantly learning and showing their skills, they can get up the ranks very quickly.”

Mr Lindsay said he had always loved cars. His father owned an earthmoving business, so he grew up around heavy vehicles. But he preferred light vehicles.

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Mr Lindsay also set up a nation-leading electric vehicle (EV) program; a dedicated workshop opened earlier this year. Originally designed for eastern seaboard students, it grew into a national program, with students from Western Australia, and a waiting list of 1,700 people.

Mr Lindsay has been an automotive teacher at CIT for six and a half years – a job he loves.

“I’ve been able to give back to the industry after 26 years in it. I always enjoy training within the workshops that I manage. To be able to do it on a daily basis is very rewarding.”

Students tell him that the learning is fun, relevant, and going to gear them up for now and into the future.

What he most enjoys is seeing his students progress from having no knowledge of automotive to being superstars by the time they finish their apprenticeship.

“The more students say they can’t do things, the more determined I am to make sure that they can learn,” he said. “They become very knowledgeable in that field.”

His former students have now become diagnostic technicians, even foremen, in their workshops.

“It’s because I love tinkering. I love the technology change in the light vehicle industry, especially now that we’ve got the electric vehicle phase of it.”

By 2035, the ACT Government announced this year, the sale of new petrol vehicles will be banned; nearly everyone will drive a zero-emissions vehicle (electric or hydrogen). Mr Lindsay predicts that in two years’ time, EVs will have a solid foundation in Australia, especially here in the ACT.

“It’s been a steep learning course for the industry,” Mr Lindsay said. “But we’re lucky now that, with the courses that we’ve got on offer, we’re going to be able to gear them up really quickly.

“It’s hard at this particular point because the electric vehicle induction into Australia has happened so rapidly, and there are so many new technologies coming through. It’s been a lot to get our minds around. But we’ve been lucky enough to gain the latest training simulators with the latest technologies. That’s where it’s really skyrocketed us to make sure we’re at the forefront of electrical vehicle training.

“Between EV and hydrogen, we’ve got a lot of exciting stuff coming our way in the short future.”

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How a Maccas career emboldened Kirsten at age 16

Ineeded a job that would take on a young person and Maccas was the first place I thought of… I had no idea I was going to become a people person going in,” says 31-year-old restaurant manager of McDonald’s Charnwood, Kirsten Neilsen.

At 16 years of age, Kirsten left her small town of Forbes NSW to come to the national capital for love. “I had met my partner, who lives in Canberra, and moved to be with him.”

As a shy teenager in a new city, she needed to find work fast, which found her at the front of the formerly named Medina Canberra hotel in 2008, for her Maccas orientation.

“The first restaurant I ever worked at was the

McDonald’s in the lower ground food court at the Canberra Centre.

“Started on the classic fries, as everyone does,” she smiles.

“In the food court, it can die down at certain hours of the day, so there was time to learn bits and pieces throughout your shift.”

Kirsten spent those hours teaching herself all the stations of the restaurant, and within four months, she was invited to Luna Park in Sydney for a crew trainer convention.

“It was 2009, the start of Year 12, and I was promoted to crew trainer.

“Then, while I was still in college, I was promoted again into management. I remember

being really excited that I would already have that career option available to me after I graduated in November,” says Kirsten.

“In early 2010, I was sent off to what we call the ‘Hamburger University’, also known as the Charlie Bell School of Management in Sydney.”

Just two years after leaving home as a teen, Kirsten was attaining qualifications that would carry her into adulthood and, most importantly, enable her to come into her own as a leader.

“I had always been a shy person; I still am today. I enjoy people and being around them... but it takes a while to get me out of my shell,” she says.

“But working at Maccas, my people skills

Now 29, McDonald’s Charnwood restaurant manager Kirsten Neilsen has moved up the Maccas career ladder since arriving in Canberra as a 16-year-old in 2008.
The great thing about working at Maccas is that no matter which restaurant you go to, you’re going to be a part of that big Maccas family

became my strongest suit, which was totally unexpected.

“In this job you have to learn to communicate with people from all different backgrounds, ages, cultures, and in all kinds of situations,” says Kirsten.

“One of the hardest parts was being an 18-year-old in charge of 30-year-olds, but those guys were the ones that became my friends outside of work.

“The great thing about working at Maccas is that no matter which restaurant you go to, you’re going to be a part of that big Maccas family,” she says.

“I formed close work relationships, where, if I ever need anything, I know I can rely on them to help.

“Today, my management skills are definitely the best skill I’ve developed.

“I’m still a shy person outside of work, but I can shine when I’m doing my job!”

This year, Kirsten will finish her Bachelor of Accounting and mark 14 years since she first arrived in Canberra.

She has led the newly refurbished McDonald’s Charnwood for the past six months and has plans to take it to the next level.

“We’re excited to develop the store and team to the level we know it can be,” she says.

Like with any job, her career path has weathered its highs and lows.

“I’m most proud of sticking with it and seeing what McDonald’s has to offer,” says Kirsten, who made her first overseas trip in 2019, to attend a restaurant managers convention in Dubai.

“Another moment I’m proud of is watching the development of all the people I’ve hired. A lot of them are now managers themselves.

“The little 14- and 15-year-olds who grow right in front of your eyes,” she smiles.

Throughout her career, Kirsten has guided

many teens, not unlike herself back in 2008, through the Certificate program.

“The training and qualifications we offer gives everyone a chance at a long- or short-term pathway, no matter where you come from.

“Even if you don’t pursue a lifelong career at Maccas, you come away with a lot of skills and certifications that you can take anywhere.”

To find out more about career opportunities at McDonald’s, visit careers.mcdonalds.com.au

Canberra’s extreme pollen days to continue into 2023

Experts at the Australian National University predict “no real relief on the horizon” for hay fever sufferers in Canberra until January 2023, in part thanks to La Niña.

Professor Simon Haberle, Director of the Canberra Pollen monitoring program which has been counting pollen in the region since 2007, says this season is well on track to beat the 2021 record for most extreme grass pollen days in a year.

Last Monday, 28 November, was the 17th extreme pollen day in Canberra this year.

Even in the bush capital, such high levels of grass pollen are unusual, according to Professor Haberle.

“On average, we see three to five extreme days of grass pollen in a season… We’re about to exceed any past records of grass pollen in the air, both in terms of amount and number of extreme pollen days.”

He attributes this to a perfect storm of weather conditions.

“One of the reasons is La Niña. We’ve had such a long period of high rainfall through the winter and spring months and that has generated high grass

growth and strong pollen production.

“Then we have the strong winds over the last couple of months, enhancing the amount of grass pollen in the air.

“The season is extended substantially because of current weather conditions. We expect to see high levels of grass pollen into late December and even into early January.

“2021 was our record year for grass pollen, with 28 extreme days. We have reached where we were this time last year and are looking to exceed that very soon.”

As to why Canberra is a hot spot for hay fever, it comes down to one word: Grass.

“Grasslands surround the city. Grass pollen is blown from those pastures over many kilometres into the city area.

“The city itself also has a lot of plants that are relatively high in allergy properties, including cypress pines, oaks, elms, and birch trees – common species found in the streets and gardens of Canberra.”

However, Professor Haberle explains, grass

pollen dominates all other pollens as the number one culprit for wheezing and itchy eyes.

“Rye grass is the key allergy-causing grass in this region. It’s not a native species; there are very few native plants that we are aware of that cause allergies.

“Settlers saw [Rye] as a way of improving the pasture quality in the area, so they got rid of the native grasses and replaced them with introduced types.

“A rural area like Wagga Wagga has one of the longest pollen monitoring programs in Australia because of this problem.”

If you are experiencing debilitating hay fever, there are a few steps you can take: ask your GP and pharmacist for an asthma or hay fever plan to get your symptoms under control as much as possible; wear a mask to reduce pollen inhalation; and stay indoors during extreme days.

You can plan ahead by checking the grass pollen forecast at canberrapollen.com.au or downloading the Canberra Pollen app.

NEWS DONATE NOW The cost-of-living crisis is hurting many families this Christmas. Please donate to the Vinnies Christmas Appeal today. SCAN TO DONATE Please call 13 18 12 or visit vinnies.org.au/christmasappeal SERVICES: • SKIN CHECKS (full body & spot checks) • SKIN CANCER MANAGEMENT (surgical inc skin aps & grafts & non-surgical) • LUMPS & BUMPS MANAGEMENT (cysts, lipomas, skin tags, anal skin tags, any other lesions) • DERMATOLOGY (RASHES, HAIR LOSS, ALOPECIA ETC) • BOTULINUM TOXIN FOR TEETH GRINDING/ CLENCHING/JAW PAIN Dr Damien Bezzina Skin Doctor Expertise in the management of Skin Cancer, all lumps & bumps ranging from cysts, lipomas to anal skin tags and most things in between. Appointments can be made via: Ochre BRUCE 02 6180 8500 or HotDoc online QUEANBEYAN GP SUPERCLINIC 02 6297 3311 or www.qgpsc.com.au/appointments/ CWM08384AM @lbsc_clinic 20 canberraweekly.com.au

to manager secretary From

WWhat began 30 years ago as a secretarial role for Lisa Gray, 54, has grown to her becoming general manager for two Canberra

Toyota dealerships – and she has diligently climbed every step of the ladder to get there.

Working her way up to become a business and sales manager before taking maternity leave for her first child, Lisa says that Canberra Toyota has always been supportive while she juggled motherhood and a career.

Upon her return to the workplace, she was able to pick back up right where she left o . Although being a working mother is “always tricky”, Lisa says Canberra Toyota has continually encouraged and looked after her.

“I love the industry and the challenges it provides. I’m also one where I like to know everything and start from the bottom and work my way up, so you know what you’re talking about when you get to the top,” Lisa smiles.

“Canberra Toyota has always been very supportive of my home life, and it continues to be a good partnership.”

Lisa says the industry has come a long way from the old days, and women would be pleasantly surprised at the gender equality throughout the company if they have a closer look.

“My experience being a woman in a male dominated industry has always been very good. I’ve never felt ostracised or di erent or set aside or anything along those lines,” she says.

“I think Canberra Toyota’s ability to work with me being a mother shows that being a female isn’t a problem in our industry, for the right person. I’m probably very good at walking in and switching on and walking out and switching o .

“It has to be a partnership, it can’t be one sided – the company giving and me taking, or me giving and the company taking.”

In the car sales industry, Lisa says women can

really shine for two major reasons: they’re naturally more empathetic, which is something she looks for when she’s hiring, and are able to juggle many things at once without becoming overwhelmed.

Currently, Lisa is building a solid team at the Gungahlin and Belconnen dealerships, complete with many strong women at the helm.

What can people expect when they walk into Canberra Toyota?

“Our aim is to make sure that when people buy a car, it’s fun and it’s e cient. You don’t buy a brand-new car every day of the week, so it should be fun and a comfortable experience.

“Customers should feel valued, and they should get an experience that’s memorable – and that’s all the way through from sale to delivery, which currently can be years.

“People become friendly with the dealership, you become part of the Toyota Canberra family. Happy sta equals good service, and we look after our sta very well so that, in turn, our customers are well looked after, too.”

What can Canberra Toyota do for employees?

“We can provide a very fruitful career. As my journey has shown, there’s a lot of opportunity within the organisation – you don’t have to look outside the organisation to change your role,” Lisa says.

“With our newest employee, they can see where they start isn’t going to be where they finish, which is a good thing because there’s a lot of advantages staying with an employee for a long period of time.

“You can expect an employer looking after you well, longevity not boredom, and financial incentives.

“We are always looking for good people. We don’t necessarily have to have a vacancy before we start recruiting. So, if anyone was looking to get into the industry, you’re welcome to drop in and say ‘hi’ because, after all, we’re a people industry looking for good people – not just putting a bum on a seat.”

Mirko Milic, Dealer Principal and Lisa’s boss, rea rms Lisa’s sentiment regarding opportunities in the organisation. He also recommends Canberra Toyota for anyone looking to forge a long and rewarding career in a fast-paced, ever-changing industry with new car models and technologies coming at an incredible rate.

To find out more, contact Lisa Gray at Canberra Toyota in Belconnen on 6222 1700 or visit canberratoyota.com.au to find your nearest Canberra Toyota car dealership.

how Lisa Gray climbed to the top at Canberra Toyota Starting her career at Canberra Toyota as a secretary 30 years ago, Lisa Gray has risen through the ranks to be general manager of the Belconnen and Gungahlin dealerships. Lisa Gray (front), general manager of Canberra Toyota Belconnen and Gungahlin dealerships, with just some of the strong women she works with.

How Scott’s Guide Dog Dudley opened up the world for him

Six-year-old Guide Dog, Dudley, and 51-year-old Canberra man, Scott Grimley, are the best of friends. Staunchly faithful, Dudley never leaves Scott’s side while wearing his harness.

When CW met up with the pair, Scott graciously removed Dudley’s harness so we could give the ‘good boy’ a pat. Barely a minute later, the clever canine told Scott to put him back to work.

“I call Dudley ‘c’mon, harness on’ and he comes running up and puts his head through the harness and I do it up and his tail’s wagging and out we go,” says Scott.

“If his harness is off and he’s fed up with everybody patting him, he just nudges the harness.”

Which is exactly what Dudley did to CW… apparently, he had

had enough of our pats.

When Scott was 12 years old, he was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa, a condition where the retina is deprived of oxygen. He was declared legally blind in 1998, two days before his 28th birthday.

Four years ago, Dudley came into the picture as his Guide Dog and Scott says the black labrador has just opened up the world for him.

The relief he feels knowing Dudley is by his side is immeasurable, particularly compared to the struggles he faced when he walked with a cane.

“It just fills you with a little bit more confidence instead of being scared about the world and whether you’re going to trip down some stairs or walk into somebody who’s going to get cranky, or wear

somebody’s coffee … you don’t,” says Scott.

“You’re not worrying about

(continued page 24)

people kicking your cane out of your hand because they’re phone blind.
Scott Grimley, 51, and his six-year-old Guide Dog, Dudley, have been inseparable for the past four years.
22 canberraweekly.com.au
Photo Kerrie Brewer

How Scott’s Guide Dog Dudley opened up the world for him

(from page 22)

“They walk around playing with their phone and they kick your cane over your hand and it’s three metres away and they’re gone, and you can’t find your cane. Now, I’ve got Dudley.

“I just [say] ‘Come on Dudley, let’s go’ and off we go. I tell him to find the location and if we’ve been there before, he’ll take me straight to the door and I don’t have to worry. I say, ‘find work’ and he’ll take me to Platform 8, no matter where we are in the city.”

Having Ubers cancel on him, refusal of service at cafes and restaurants, and people accusing him of faking his disability so his dog can come into their business, are just some of the issues Scott continues to face.

Education and awareness are the key to solving ignorance, says Scott, and he’s always been happy to share his knowledge – and maybe shift someone’s viewpoint.

When asked why people should support Guide Dogs, he says people fail to realise they’re just one step away from joining the

“club of disability”.

“You just never know when you might need their services, or a family member might need those services. It helps to help the charities that one day might help you,” says Scott.

A small act in your day-to-day life could cause you to need a guide dog – a hereditary disease you’re unaware of, an accident walking down the street, the list goes on.

“You’re also helping people like me get out into the world,” he says.

“We’re not sitting at home, listening to the radio, doing nothing on a government pension; we’re actually getting out there and working. I work fulltime, and if it wasn’t for people like Guide Dogs showing me how to use a cane, use a mini guide, have a guide dog, I probably wouldn’t have that job now.

“I joined a new department during the lockdown, and I’ve been promoted twice. I probably wouldn’t have even stepped out the door five years ago when I didn’t have Dudley. He’s given me the confidence to get out into the

world and try.

“Then to watch people be successful, what better way of saying ‘here’s five bucks’ and knowing that your five bucks helped fund a guide dog that allows a person to have a life and not be a burden on welfare.”

Scott listed off the many reasons why someone could need a Guide Dog, and they’re far from just for blindness.

“They provide pets as therapy dogs, therapy dogs go to the courts here in Canberra, they go out to facilities, and they’re used for helping kids with autism and other mental health conditions and cognitive impairments,” he says.

“Guide Dogs are more than just blind people hanging onto a harness.”

So, if you’ve ever wondered where the coins you’ve dropped into the big Guide Dog donation dogs go, it’s to help people like Scott.

To find out more, visit guidedogs.com.au

Do the 15-minute survey online to enter the prize draw https://bit.ly/3OyROEJ (02) 6290 2166 Women’s Health Matters! New survey out now Earn a chance to win one of two $100 prizes. Help us create better healthcare for ACT women. 24 canberraweekly.com.au

From noisy protest to quiet persistence, explore the many ways people have achieved social change in Australia. Discover powerful stories of people and their actions, from the ordinary to the extraordinary. Learn about Australia’s progress in areas such as women’s rights, marriage equality, science and technological invention and much more.

This exhibition is supported by Visions of Australia and the National Collecting Institutions Touring and Outreach Program.

National Archives of Australia Kings Avenue, Parkes ACT naa.gov.au

Free Exhibition 8 December 2022
12 June 2023


Fix the potholes, not hand out parking fines

What’s going on with our lovely capital roads? Full of gigantic potholes that could almost swallow your vehicle. All this not getting fixed, and great expenses each year and damage to our vehicles. I remember when our national capital roads were premier, the best roads in Australia. Why did they

Pouch joeys clubbed to death

Documents released by the ACT government under Freedom of Information and published by Save Canberra’s Kangaroos reveal that four thousand, three hundred and two pouch joeys have been clubbed to death over the last five years in Canberra nature reserves. These deaths were not humane. Death is supposed to be delivered by a single blow to the head but, in the real world, with a terrified, struggling animal, this is virtually impossible to achieve.

This staggering number is only the number to which the government has confessed. Numerous eye witness accounts, as well as the testimony of a government-nominated “expert”,

let it all slide so far into this dilapidated sorry state? The local council seems to be much more interested to fine drivers for parking offences in the city every minute of the day rather than direct the funds and funding to get our rotten pothole-plagued roads fixed.

have confirmed that entire ghost populations of at-foot young are left orphaned by the ACT’s slaughter every year. These babies die slowly of hypothermia, dehydration, starvation, and myopathy (a particularly painful and deadly form of stress).

Even if the so-called science allegedly supporting the government’s kangaroo extermination campaign had not been utterly debunked by actual scientific research by CSIRO and actual counts of kangaroos on reserves, who, calling themselves a humane being, could possibly support such violent mass slaughters of innocents?

Want to share your opinion?

Email news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘To the editor’ in the subject field; include your full name, phone number, street address (NFP) and suburb. Keep letters to 250 words maximum. Note, letters may be shortened if space restrictions dictate.


United draw with Roar

Canberra United have played out a 1-1 draw against the Roar in sweltering conditions in Brisbane on 27 November.

Playing in 35°C heat, United grabbed the lead in the 23rd minute through New Zealand international Grace Jale.

Canberra held onto the lead into the half-time break, but Brisbane star Larissa Crummer levelled the score in the 53rd minute.

United’s next match is a home contest at McKellar Park against the Wellington Phoenix on Saturday 10 December; canberraunited.com.au

FOR YOUR FESTIVE SHOPPING CWM09193AB Allyou need Open 7 days | Free parking Spoilt FOR CHOICE Over 30 Specialty Stores

Dainere’s Rainbow Christmas Lights

The annual Dainere’s Rainbow Christmas Light Display at Delma View, Gungahlin this year celebrates a decade of the display which was originally the tireless work of Dainere and her special dream to bring the Christmas spirit, joy and hope to the Canberra community. The lights are on every night from 1 to 24 December and will include Dainere’s original vision of a beautiful large gift stall. The stalls will be on each Friday and Saturday evening from 1 December and nightly on 19-24 December. By visiting the Dainere’s Rainbow Christmas Light Display and stalls you will be giving the gift of hope for children in Canberra and around Australia diagnosed with brain cancer.

Canberra Canine Christmas

Free bike library community event

Hosted by Northside Community Service, Canberra Environment Centre and Taylor Mingle, a free bike library community event will be held at Taylor on Friday 9 December 3.30-5.30pm. Come learn how to repair and maintain your bicycle from the experts and hire bikes at no cost. Lots of maintenance tips and tricks to learn. A free, fun activity of riding, fixing, and BBQ at Margaret Hendry School. More info: visit the Facebook Event Page: https://fb.me/e/28cZgi3dd

Christ Church Hawker Christmas Fair


Local charity, Rainbow Paws Program, presents the Canberra Canine Christmas Markets on Saturday 3 December 10am-1pm on the lawns next to Belconnen dog park, Diddams Close, Belconnen. There will be food and drink, selfies with Santa, best dressed competition, live music, plus 13 charities attending including RSPCA ACT, The Orangutan Project, ACT Rescue & Foster, and 18 local businesses. It’s a perfect opportunity for pet owners to get their fur kids their Christmas gifts while also helping local businesses and charities; rainbowpaws.org

Christ Church Hawker, corner Beetaloo Street and Belconnen Way, Hawker, will hold their annual Christmas Fair/Coffee/Op Shop on Saturday 3 December 9am-12.30pm. We have our huge ‘Aladdin’s Cave’ (Trash & Treasure), books, pre-loved clothes and jewellery, a cake stall with lots of Christmas treats (including gingerbread houses), a Christmas gift stall and our usual free tea/coffee! There will also be children’s activities including a jumping castle and face painting. More info: Jenny 0428 266 658

Share your community event. Email news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘HYH’ in the subject field. Deadline is 10 days prior to Thursday edition date.

Pearce Community Centre Christmas Markets


Crows Christmas Fundraiser

Find that elusive gift at the Pearce Community Centre Christmas Markets on Saturday 3 December 10am-2pm – rain, hail or shine! Coordinated by the Rotary Club of Woden Daybreak and in conjunction with the Pearce Crafters Market, you will find a wonderful range of stalls, in and out of doors. There will be quality bric-a-brac, a wide variety of arts and crafts, selections of plants from seeds to pots, and refreshments including the ever-popular Rotary BBQ and coffee! All profits from the Pearce Community Centre Markets support local, regional and international community projects. More info: find @RCWD.PCC.Markets on Facebook or email wodendaybreak_markets@outlook.com.au

Tarago Ute & Boot Sale

Come for a drive in the countryside to the Tarago Ute & Boot Sale, including Kite Flying as an added attraction for the young and young at heart. On Sunday 4 December 9am-1pm at Tarago Showgrounds, 1894 Braidwood Road, Tarago NSW. There will be a coffee trailer on site and catering from the CWA and Show Society. Gold coin donation entry. $20 a site; to book, email TaragoUteBoot@gmail.com

Arthritis Pain Support

Find out why laughter helps us to feel better and be healthier. Laughter yoga is for people of all ages and fitness levels, incorporating laughing exercises with yoga breathing. Presented by local Laughter Yoga leader, Spaceman Africa. Join Arthritis Pain Support for this free Zoom talk with laughter on Tuesday 6 December 5.30-6.30pm. Register via 6251 2055.

Crowajingalong Scout Group is selling fresh cut Christmas trees – pre-order only for local pickup or delivery (conditions apply) on Saturday 10 December, orders close Monday 5 December. Also selling gingerbread house kits (Australia-wide delivery); puzzles, brainteaser and gift sets (local pickup or Australia-wide delivery). For more information or to order, email fundraising.crowajingalong@scoutsact.com.au or visit forms.gle/eFdJoc5RhHPamR1n8

North Canberra Nativity Festival 2022

The North Canberra Nativity Festival, sponsored by the local Anglican, Uniting and Catholic churches, will be held between Friday 9 December 12pm and Monday 12 December 5pm at St Margaret’s Hall, cnr Antill St and Phillip Ave, Hackett. Find North Canberra Nativity Festival on Facebook.

Expo of Christmas Nativity Artwork: Featuring around 200 displays from 45+ countries, the exhibition highlights the cultural diversity of the Christmas story around the world, including Australian Indigenous artwork from Arrernte country in Central Australia and from Wiradjuri country in NSW.

Free Christmas Concert, Sausage Sizzle & Carols by Candlelight: Looking Glass

Percussion: Join members of the Canberra Symphony Orchestra and others for a free Christmas concert on Saturday 10 December 5.30pm at Holy Cross Anglican Church, Antill St, Hackett. On Sunday 11 December 6.30pm, a community sausage sizzle (and Nativities viewing) will be followed at 7.30pm by Carols by Candlelight at St Margaret’s and Holy Cross Church grounds, Hackett.


Belconnen Day: The next meeting is on Tuesday 13 December 11.45am at Raiders League Club, Holt. Cost: $32 for lunch. Entertainment by Bryan Butler, a singer/ entertainer. RSVP to Mary on 0414 529 563 or email keitha2bigpond.net.au by Thursday 8 December 12 noon.

what's on  must do  must see
28 canberraweekly.com.au


Major Sponsor


The Canberra Region Tourism Awards celebrate the success and achievement of individuals and businesses in the tourism industry. The Awards make a positive contribution to Canberra’s ongoing development as a world class tourism destination.

Congratulations to this year’s awards entrants and for their commitment to be part of the Tourism Awards journey. The submission process provides the opportunity for entrants to generate a greater understanding of their tourism operation and is a valuable business development tool.

Entering the COVID-19 pandemic, the ACT visitor economy was thriving – valued at over $2.5 billion. This year, our tourism sector is showing positive signs of recovery, enabled by a resilient industry and the tireless efforts of all those who are part of it.

In recent months, hotel occupancy rates have been strong, including the winter period. In July 2022, we saw occupancy rates very close to pre-pandemic levels.

Leisure, business and education travel are back. Canberra is also now connected by air to 13 domestic destinations, nearly double what was available pre-COVID. This is helping diversify our visitor base and is making it cheaper and easier to get here.

Canberra continues to see new investment in our hotels, attractions, restaurants, wineries, breweries, bars and cafes. Events are also proving to be strong motivators for travel. Floriade returned to its traditional format in Commonwealth Park this year, showcasing some of the best products from our region and attracting more than 427,000 people.

The services and experiences delivered by the tourism industry differentiate the Canberra region from other destinations and provide compelling reasons for people to visit. Tourism businesses play a key role in defining our city brand, the way visitors perceive us, and ultimately contribute to making Canberra an even better place to live.

As we come together to acknowledge our collective efforts and accomplishments, I would like to thank the National Capital Attractions Association for delivering this year’s awards program and all the sponsors that provide invaluable support to enable the Awards to be staged each year.


annual Canberra Region Tourism Awards provide an opportunity to showcase the best of our region’s tourism operators as well as promote, encourage and reward tourism excellence. Make sure you put these awardwinning tourism destinations on your must-do list soon.

TALLAGANDRA HILLS WINERY Tourism Wineries, Distilleries and Breweries ALIVIO TOURIST PARK Caravan and Holiday Parks JAMALA WILDLIFE LODGE Unique Accommodation JAMALA WILDLIFE LODGE Tourism Restaurants & Catering Services LITTLE NATIONAL HOTEL 4-4.5 Star Deluxe Accommodation PIALLIGO ESTATE Excellence in Food Tourism WINNER WINNER WINNER WINNER WINNER WINNER DYNAMIC MOTIVATION Adventure Tourism CANBERRA & REGION VISITORS CENTRE Visitor Information Services WINNER WINNER
MARKET Canberra Region Resilience & Innovation Huge congratulations go to the National Zoo and Aquarium and Jamala Wildlife lodge who swept this year’s local awards, winning in an unprecedented three separate categories. WINNER COMMENDATIONS NATIONAL FOLK FESTIVAL Festivals and Events GALLERY OF SMALL THINGS Tourism Retail & Hire Services VAN DU VIN Tour & Transport Operators MERCURE CANBERRA 3-3.5 Star Accommodation MICHAELA CATELIN | HOTEL KURRAJONG Young Achiever Award PIALLIGO ESTATE Canberra Region Resilience & Innovation THANKS TO OUR HOST DAN BOURCHIER


Tina plays an essential role in the Queanbeyan-Palerang Region Council, promoting the region a destination and supporting its tourism industry development. The Young Achiever Award recognises individuals, 30 years of age or younger, for their contribution to the development of a successful and professional Canberra or region tourism and events industry.


Each year, we recognise those who have gone above and beyond with their contribution to the local and regional tourism industry through our Outstanding Contribution by an Individual Award. This year, a very deserved winner was awarded for their longstanding leadership and support of the tourism industry.



Jodie Cunningham, Peter de Deckker, Marilyn Gray Lucy Alexander, Lea Durie Julie Bradley, Graham McDonald, Nicola Dickson Penny Jurkiewicz, Sandra Bruce, Trent Birkett Dan Toua, Alexander Boynes, Betsy Dixon Arthur Gray, Katrina Wybrow, Ian Barrass Nick Samaras, Molly Kamenz, AJ America Cristy Chamberlain, Lara Morgan ABOVE Capital Arts Patrons’ Organisation Awards Night, Canberra Contemporary Art Space, Parkes. Photos: Ayu Srimoyo BELOW Canberra Region Tourism Awards 2022, Australian Parliament House. Photos: Ayu Srimoyo Emma Drummond, Sarah McDougall Mary McAvoy, David Faulks Carol Cartwright, Marylou Pooley, Martin Venn Tracey Dickson, Lorne Cummings, Lisa Morisset Michael Liu, Justine Barsley, Julie Nichols, Rosalind Grace, Ella Nichols, Taylah Cunningham Meredith Trinko, Josephine Curtin, Meg Shakeshaft, Leigh McVey, Fran Appuhamy
37 canberraweekly.com.au
Shraddha Dave, Jasjeet Singh, Nitya Reddy, Mike Galvez, Bikas, Vedang Dave, Ming Liu
Sophie Gibson, Lorna Cuneo, Brenda Brown, Margot Firth Ben Farinazzo, Louise Morris, Archie Tsirimokos Jenine Woodman, Melissa Breen, Carrie-Ann Leeson, John van Beurden, Sarah Walsh, Andrew Moorhead, Adam Miller, Sara Boje Ben Farinazzo, Matt Millwood, Louise Morris, Carrie-Ann Leeson John van Beurden, Sarah Walsh, Andrew Moorhead Gabrielle De Ramos, Max Astner, Cooper Shaw Cheryl Hebda, Jodi Shepherd, Ruth Funnell Helen Rimanic, Lee J Collier Heather Reid, Dorelle Macdonald, Lorraine Wile, Jenny Blake Karla Maganto, Catherine Rider-Aichholzer Lesley Malcolm, Alison Welsh, Anne Taylor, Margaret Flett, Gillian Stead Peter Funnell, Phil Major Sue Dinnison, Sue Owens Valerie Whitford, Betty Rolls, Jodi Shepherd, Joan Swale, Fay Gray, Margaret Meier ABOVE Bosom Buddies fundraiser, Canberra Labor Club, Belconnen. Photos: Kerrie Brewer.
38 canberraweekly.com.au
BELOW Launch of Lifeline Canberra Christmas Giving Tree sponsored by Morris Legal Group, Book Lovers Lane, Fyshwick.

Put the ho! ho! ho! into the holiday season with this week’s nifty Christmas gift guide featuring inspired ideas from some of our region’s finest businesses. We’ve got Christmas covered.

39 canberraweekly.com.au


Whether you’re treating someone special or creating your own wish list, Colleen's Lingerie and Swimwear stocks an array of exquisite, supportive lingerie – perfect for the festive season.

Finding the right bra can be a daunting experience; we get it, we’ve been there too!

Found the perfect dress for your Christmas party but your bra is letting you down? No problem. Need to get summer-ready and update your bras for strappy dresses and T-shirts? We've got you.

At Colleen’s, our highly experienced staff will help you find your perfect fit, no matter your cup size!

With extended trading hours in December, and gift vouchers available, jump online and book a fitting, and let us help make bra shopping an uplifting experience.

Proudly stocking Elomi lingerie; styles to express who you are and feel confident in tackling your day (and night!).

Visit Colleen’s at 22 Garran Place, Garran or online at colleens.com.au


Christmas is fast approaching, so don’t delay; order a beautiful, framed artwork from awardwinning Australian landscape photographer Scott Leggo, today.

Scott’s impressive gallery of world-class Australian landscape photography traverses the entirety of our great southern land, from the snow-capped Snowy Mountains to bright sunny beaches, red deserts, tropical rainforests, idyllic rural scenery and iconic Canberra landmarks.

The breadth of his portfolio means his work caters to a plethora of tastes and interests and can be ordered in a range of sizes to suit any home or office space. His unique photography features incredible detail and must been seen in person to be appreciated.

A former Air Force officer and Iraq veteran, when you buy from Scott, you can feel good about buying local, high-quality, and Australian made artworks. Order online or in-store at Scott Leggo Gallery in Kingston, open 7 days. 45 Jardine St, Kingston | W: scottleggo.com | T: 6179 7422

advertising feature Elomi range available in cup sizes D-K @ The Garran Shops Call us 6285 1311 www.colleens.com.au 40 canberraweekly.com.au


Celebrated Canberra business, B Eco Family, has newly opened at Cooleman Court. With twice the space and twice the offering, it’s twice as convenient to find the perfect gift for new or expecting mums, babies, and children.

Explore their unique range of Montessori toys for children up to 12 years of age, and wooden toys suitable for ages 0-3.

“Our Headu toys are eco-friendly from the inside out,” says head of the B Eco Family, Olga Imbriano. “No plastic is used in the toys or packaging. They are fun, educational, and best of all, not breakable.

“As our kids grow up, it’s important to be eco-conscious with our gift giving, choosing quality pieces that won’t end up in landfill next month.”

Supporting the environment, and the community on all levels, B Eco Family has over 100 brands on offer this gift-giving season.

Call 6101 5661 or visit becofamily.com.au

WWW BECOFAM ILY COM AU Cooleman Court Shopping Centre Weston, ACT f Eco friendly products, nappies and gifts or m um , bub and beyond. Sustainability made easy and cute! Canber r a's 1st Baby Eco Shop Chr istmas gifting with our p lanet in mind. Paradiso Ceramics brings the colour and dolce vita of Italy to you through exquisite products, hand cra�ted by Italian artisans. 9 Diamond Road, Crookwell, NSW (showroom) 0414 860 034 info@paradisoceramics.com paradisoceramics.com.au 41 canberraweekly.com.au


If you’re looking to buy a considered, premium quality gift this Christmas, look no further than the National Museum of Australia’s museum shop for a wide range of exquisite products. Whether buying for him, her or children, The Museum Shop has something for everyone.

Indulge your chocolate lover with Koko Black, beach towels and boardshorts for your beach goer, a new local brand Gilles Bros Distillery for your cocktail connoisseur and, from 8 December, the exhibition shop for Feared + Revered: Feminine Power through the Ages we will have a wide selection of jewellery, crystals, books, candles and much more celebrating all things women.

If sending gifts across the country or even the world, buying through the museum shop online allows you to circumvent the local post office by mailing presents out directly – Christmas order cut-off dates can be found on the museum shop’s website. W: shop.nma.gov.au | T: (02) 6208 5222

The Adventurer:

Waterproof Playing Cards

$20; Mini LED Flashlight

$24; Green Felted Dinosaur Ornament $24.95; Rechargeable Flashlight

$16; Bicycle Repair Kit

$25; 17-in-1 Bicycle Tool & Carabiner $45; Mini MultiTool Pen $19


The Fyshwick Markets has you covered for all-ages activities leading up to Christmas.

This Saturday, 3 December, from 11 am to 2 pm, decorate your own Christmas bauble to hang on the tree with pom poms, sequins, and Christmas characters; oh my!

If you would rather get creative with something you can eat, visit the Markets on Saturday, 17 December, from 11 am to 2 pm to get your hands on fresh gingerbread cookies to decorate – and you don’t need to wait until Christmas to eat them!

For the grownups, Saturday, 10 December, will hold gin masterclasses with Phillip Jones (aka The Martini Whisperer).

All these events are completely free; registrations are required via the Markets website.

Extended Christmas Trading Hours: Shop local this festive season at the Fyshwick Markets. A one-stop shop for everything you need for your end-of-year celebrations.

Wednesday, 21 December: Open 6 am – 5:30 pm Thursday, 22 December: Open 6 am – 5:30 pm Friday, 23 December: Open 5.30 am – 5.30 pm Saturday, 24 December: Open 5 am – early close Visit fyshwickmarkets.com.au for more information.

advertising feature Open 9am – 5pm daily (closed Christmas Day) | Acton Peninsula, Canberra | Freecall 1800 026 132
a wide range of Australian
and designed
children’s toys and much more. 42 canberraweekly.com.au
jewellery, books,


Dazzle with a gift from Canberra Glassworks treasure trove of beautiful, handcrafted, Australian glass. Whether it is a gift under the tree, an eye-catching feature to your Christmas spread, or a special treat just for you, you’ll find it amongst the extensive range at Canberra Glassworks.

plenty more. Shop instore Wednesday to Sunday 10am-4pm. Extended trading from 21 to 23 December 9am-5pm. 11 Wentworth Avenue, Kingston T: 6260 7005 Shop handcrafted Australian glass

EXTENDED TRADING Wed 21st to Fri 23rd Dec 9am to 5pm Reopening 5th Jan 2023 treasure trove of beautiful glass 11 Wentworth Ave Kingston ACT 2604 e contactus@canberraglassworks.com w canberraglassworks.com t (02) 6260 7005

Dazzle with a gift from our 43 canberraweekly.com.au

Choose from their delightful range of signature Christmas baubles, Keith Rowe’s tranquil summer Seafoam vases, Ngaio Fitzpatrick’s jewel-like and eco-conscious Gaia Bowls – and Keith Rowe’s blown glass ‘Seafoam’ vase collection available at Canberra Glassworks. Q. WHAT KIND OR MOTORBIKE DOES SANTA RIDE? A. A HOLLY DAVIDSON.


Jump in the pilot’s seat of our realistic replica of a Boeing 737 jet aircraft. Ably assisted by a qualified pilot and sim instructor, you’ll take off from and land at your choice of 24,000 airports around the world. Explore the sophisticated navigational features, or simply fly off into the sunset over a tropical paradise. A fantastic educational and entertaining experience.

You can also try our new VR Paraglider simulator. With technology developed in the Netherlands, the VR Paraglider brings professional level coaching to Canberra. You’ll learn how to use a thermal to increase your altitude, to soar over coastal sand dunes, or try to land as close to the marker as you can.

Our ICAROS Active Virtual Reality is another unique Canberra experience. An unforgettable Virtual Reality experience for novices and experts with this blend of healthscience and gaming technology. Visit jetflightsimulatorcanberra.com.au or call 0438 834 026.


The magic of handcrafted Italian ceramics, with their vibrant colours and beautiful designs, is on display at Paradiso Ceramics.

Buying the pottery directly from the makers and stocking a wide range of items from tableware, decorative plates and lamps to volcanic stone tables, Paradiso proudly presents the largest range of Italian ceramics in Australia.

Usually open by appointment only, you can call into the Crookwell showroom 9am-5pm daily from 17 to 24 December, so you and your loved ones can cherish one-of-a-kind, authentic Italian gifts this Christmas. Or shop online at paradisoceramics.com.au anytime. 9 Diamond Road, Crookwell NSW 2583 | T: 0414 860 034 E: info@paradisoceramics.com | W: paradisoceramics.com.au

Q. WHAT ARE SANTA’S LITTLE HELPERS CALLED? A. SUBORDINATE CLAUSES. advertising feature B737 Jet Simulator You be the pilot. You fly the plane. ICAROS Active Virtual Reality Shift your body to guide your craft High Flying Fun for Everyone • Qualified instructor assists your flight • Range of durations and packages • No experience needed • Ideal for groups and parties • Buy now, book later • Personalised gift certificates Great Gift Idea Three ways to fly at Canberra’s only flight education and entertainment centre VR Paraglider Soar over dunes. Catch a thermal. Jet Flight Simulator Canberra jetflightsimulatorcanberra.com.au 0438 834 026 info@jetflightsimulatorcanberra.com.au Use code CWX22 for Canberra Weekly discount 44 canberraweekly.com.au


Fleurette Aromatherapy is coming to Handmade Canberra from 9 to 11 December! We have new self-care and home scent products that we can’t wait to share with you.

Be inspired to relax, unwind and recover with Fleurette Aromatherapy

Pamper Collections made to soothe nervous tension and help with stress related conditions such as anxiety, insomnia and emotional distress. Each pamper collection contains a room mist, bath soak, hand balm and pulse point – all made in small batches in the beautiful Hunter Valley, NSW using pure essential oils.

Pop by our stand at Handmade Canberra, 9-11 December, to give the gift of wellness this Christmas!

CW has 4 x Fleurette Aromatherapy Pamper Collections (RRP $60 each) to be won.




Now is the time of year to consider a new pair of shoes. With Christmas shopping, holiday get-togethers, and end of year activities, the demands on our feet are at an annual high.

During periods of downtime, especially during summer, we tend to opt for minimalist footwear or go bare foot, causing our feet to tire and ache after prolonged periods.

Podiatrist-owned shoe store, Happy Fit Footwear, recommends shoes and sandals with support. Here you can find footwear which not only looks good but will be comfortable straight out of the box.

Happy Fit Footwear stocks a large range of shoes, from walkers to sandals, men’s shoes, and comfortable work shoes, as well as hard-to-find women’s sizes.

Give the gift of happy feet this Christmas with a Happy Fit Footwear gift voucher! Available instore or online at happyfitfootwear.com.au 10/146 Scollay St, Greenway | T: 5123 1285

to win
enter, visit canberraweekly.com.au and click on the ‘Entertainment’ tab to ‘Competitions’, find this competition and follow the entry instructions. Entries close 9am Friday 9 December 2022 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person per giveaway. Entrants must be aged 18+.
...and more! GIVE THE GIFT OF HAPPY FEET 45 canberraweekly.com.au

There is plenty of fantastic gift giving to be done at Smiggle – every store is bursting with awesome gifts to make this the best festive season ever!

For a start, there are the classical Smiggle stationery gifts and kits that everyone loves, brand-new bath and body goodies, amazing tech, plus plenty of stocking stuffers.

This is your chance to win a Smiggle Gift Card which you can spend on new gear from the Smiggle Christmas collection, or anything else you fancy instore. To see the whole range in the Smiggle Christmas Workshop, pop in to your nearest Smiggle store or online at www.smiggle.com CW has 4 x $50 Smiggle gift cards to be won.

Enter to win

To enter, scan the QR code or visit canberraweekly.com.au and click on the ‘Entertainment’ tab to ‘Competitions’, find this competition and follow the entry instructions. Entries close 9am Friday 9 December 2022 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person per giveaway. Entrants must be aged 18+.


Still going strong for over seven years, Total Body Contouring continues to be Canberra’s most trusted non-surgical weight loss clinic.

Get in touch ahead of the holidays to book a consultation with the Total Body specialists, offering an unmatched selection of the best treatments on the market for targeting fat or cellulite.

Among their unique range is Europe’s number one Cellulite and skin tightening device: The Onda. This three-time worldwide multi award-winning machine targets stubborn cellulite like no other.

If you’re tired of not getting the results you’re looking for, visit the familyowned business that prides itself on being obsessed with excellence.

“We stand out in Canberra for offering nothing but the best,” says owner, Suzie. “With fat freezing treatments as low as $350 an application, it would be impossible to find similar quality for a better price.

“We’ve perfected our craft and now invite you to let us indulge you with our hospitality and treatment offerings.” Visit totalbodycontouring.com.au to learn more.

46 canberraweekly.com.au
WIN! SMIGGLE GIFT CARDS advertising feature

to tell this extraordinary true story. In cinemas Boxing Day, 26 December. CW has 10 x The Lost King in-season double passes to be won.

Enter to win

To enter, scan the QR code or visit canberraweekly.com.au and click on the ‘Entertainment’ tab to ‘Competitions’, find this competition and follow the entry instructions. Entries close 9am Friday 9 December 2022 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person per giveaway. Entrants must be aged 18+.


Christmas trading hours have been set, trucks have been serviced and summer sta rostered – FishCo Fish Market is fully stocked and gearing up to help thousands of customers choose their fresh fi sh and seafood for their summer celebrations!

Along with FishCo’s great range of fresh fi sh and seafood, customers will find fresh fruit and veggies, fresh baked bread, and shelves upon shelves of condiments and packaged groceries.

With fresh fi sh and seafood arriving daily, FishCo typically sells fi ve to seven tonnes of fresh seafood every Christmas. We pride ourselves on supplying a variety of fresh prawns and oysters – and even encourage customers to taste our fresh oysters and cooked prawns before buying.

FishCo have extended trading hours for Christmas, opening 5am on Christmas Eve. Go to our website for more information and follow FishCo on Facebook for recipes, product information and competitions. 19 Dalby Street, Fyshwick | T: (02) 6239 6415 | W: fi shco.com.au

*Subject to COVID safety rules.

Fish and Seafood Tips

• A firm bladder area is the best indicator of a fresh whole fish. Please note that contact with ice can dull the eyes of whole fish, even when very fresh.

• Fresh fish should have a pleasant fresh ocean smell.

• Never store fillets in direct contact with ice. Always remove packaging, cover and refrigerate. Cook and eat within two days.

changed daily. Cook and eat within two days.

• Always defrost fish and seafood in a covered bowl, in the fridge.

• Cover Oysters and Smoked Trout with wet paper, then seal in a container or with wrap and refrigerate.

• Caution: Even ‘boneless’ fish may contain bones. Take care before eating and check carefully before feeding to children.

WIN! THE LOST KING FILM PASSES 6239 6415 �ishco.com.au 19 Dalby St, Fyshwick
Inspired by true events, The Lost King (M) is the story of Philippa Langley, an amateur historian, whose unrelenting research leads to the discovery of the remains of King Richard III. Led by two British greats, Sally Hawkins and Steve Coogan and directed by Stephen Frears, The Lost King is the first film
CWM08436BN Ask for Free Ice! Best Fresh Fish & Seafood in the ACT. Try Before You Buy!* FishCo Fish Market delivers the best variety and quality of fresh fish and seafood at the best prices. We encourage all customers to always try cooked prawns and oysters before buying.* Ask our friendly staff for advice about flavours and cooking methods!
The fi rmness of uncooked prawns can be an indicator of freshness. However, some
softer than others.
• Uncooked prawns should be stored in a bowl of ice
water, in the fridge. The ice and water should be
Celebrate with Seafood Q: What did Santa say at the start of the race? A: Ready, Set, Ho-Ho-Ho! Extended Christmas Trading: Thu 22 Dec 8am – 6pm Fri 23 Dec 6am – 6pm Xmas Eve 5am – 4pm 25/26/27/28 Dec CLOSED Thu 29 Dec 9am – 6pm* Fri 30 Dec 8am – 6pm* NY EVE 7am – 1pm* 1/2/3 CLOSED Wed 4 Jan 9am – 6pm Thu 5 Jan Resume Normal Trade *Subject to stock availability 47 canberraweekly.com.au

Here’s to an Aussie summer

It is, at least officially, summer and no matter how overcast it may be in Canberra, 1 December marks the beginning of end-of-year prep and anticipation for the holidays. Here’s to hoping for summer-fruit-on-the-Christmas-table kind of weather!

Curried sausage rolls + mango chutney

Makes 16 | Prep + Cook 30 mins

Vegetable oil, for greasing

280g store-bought gluten-free puff pastry

1 egg, beaten

3 Tbsp nigella seeds

Mango chutney, to serve

For the filling

300g pork mince or gluten-free sausage meat

2 tsp garlic-infused oil

1 1/2 Tbsp cornflour

1 tsp minced ginger paste

1/2 tsp dried chilli flakes

Pinch each of salt and black pepper

1 1/2 tsp mild curry powder

2 tsp finely chopped fresh coriander

Preheat your oven to 220°C. Lightly grease a large baking sheet and line with non-stick baking parchment.

Put the filling ingredients into a large bowl and give it all a good mix until evenly combined.

Unroll the pastry on a work surface with a long side closest to you. Use a pizza cutter to cut in half horizontally, so you have 2 equal strips.

Divide the filling between each pastry strip in a long line, slightly below the middle of each strip. Brush the smaller side of the exposed pastry with beaten egg. Fold the larger side of the pastry over the filling. Using your fingers, gently form the pastry around the filling to compact it and remove any gaps. Crimp the pastry all along the seam using a fork to securely seal it shut. Use a large, sharp knife to cut into 4cm mini sausage rolls, then transfer to the prepared baking sheet. Brush each sausage roll with beaten egg, then sprinkle over the nigella seeds.

Bake in the oven for 10 minutes, or until the pastry is golden, then cover loosely with foil and cook for a further 7–10 minutes. Remove from the oven and place on a wire rack to cool for 10 minutes. Serve with mango chutney as a dip and enjoy hot, warm, or cold.

Pineapple upside down cake

Serves 6-8 | Prep 15 mins | Cook 35 mins

50g butter, softened

50g (1/4 cup) light brown sugar

5–6 canned pineapple rings in syrup, drained

Handful of glacé cherries

For the cake

100g (1/2 cup) golden caster sugar

100g butter

100g (3/4 cup) gluten-free self-rising flour

1 tsp gluten-free baking powder

1 tsp vanilla extract

2 medium eggs

1 Tbsp maple syrup or 1 Tbsp syrup from the pineapple tin

Preheat your oven to 180°C.

In a medium bowl, cream together the softened butter and sugar, either with an electric hand mixer or by hand. Spread the mixture over the base and slightly up the sides of a round 20cm cake tin.

Arrange the pineapple rings on top. If you have gaps you can cut up some of the rings to fit. Place glacé cherries in the rings, and extra dotted around if you wish.

Place all the cake ingredients in a bowl and mix using an electric whisk until light and fluffy. Spoon the mixture evenly into the tin, on top of the pineapple rings, and bake in the oven for about 35 minutes. Remove from the oven and leave to cool slightly before turning out onto a plate.

48 canberraweekly.com.au
This is the edited extract from Quick and Easy Gluten Free by Becky Excell, published by Quadrille Books RRP NZ$45. Photography by Hannah Hughes.


L ife

You’ve heard of the 12 days of Christmas … how about the eight gins of Christmas?

Local Canberra spirits distiller, Underground Spirits, makers of handcrafted vodka and gins and the spirit of Canberra, has really got you covered this Christmas with eight amazing and equally distinctive gins.

Underground’s current range offers the perfect match for every gin lover in your life this festive


Raiders Spirit is the gin for every sports-mad fan. Made in collaboration with the Canberra Raiders to celebrate their 40-year anniversary, this season’s batch is almost out, so make a run for it.

For the foodie friend, try The Estate Gardener’s Gin. Made in collaboration with Pialligo Estate, it boasts raspberries, blackcurrants, fig leaves, lavender and fennel pollen.

Gardening gurus will love the Ad Crescendum var Flosferam, a wild native gin which sees part of the proceeds from every bottle sold going back into conservation work at the Australian National Botanic Gardens.

Underground Spirits’ POP Canberra Sweet Sun Soaked Gin captures golden summer days with lashings of mango, and art lovers will admire the Magnum Opus Gin made in collaboration with the National Capital Art Prize.

Their newest collaborative gin, WIC Gin,

honours women across technology industries and exhibits the spirit of what supported women can do. It offers one of Underground’s most interesting flavour profiles with Australian native gumbi gumbi (native apricot), Tahitian lime, strawberry and paperbark.

And, of course, for the gin purists there’s the popular Signature Gin and Shiraz Gin with Tasmanian Pepperberries – the latter a lovely red hue due to the gin going into wine barrels collected from Canberra District wineries, a beauty for the Christmas table.

Stock up with a local drop this festive season, buy for your friends, colleagues and loved ones to brighten up their bar shelves or create deliciously fresh summer cocktails. And with free postage on all orders over $100, you can treat yourself this Christmas too!

For more information and to order Underground Spirits, visit www.undergroundspirits.com.au




Underground Spirits range is now available in cute mini bottles, and just in time for Christmas! Find all your favourites in miniature size, featuring vibrant metallic labels to add a touch of festive cheer.

Pick and Mix your favourites in cute boxes, or buy them individually.



A smorgasbord of performance at Canberra alternative arts hub

Fire breathing, belly dancing, burlesque … showstopping Rachel Reid, or Jazida as she is better known, has many tricks up her sleeve. Jazida brings the biggest international and homegrown alternative performers to Canberra in her burlesque variety nights, Decadence and Debauchery; the latest instalment hits Belconnen Arts Centre on Saturday 10 December.

Born in Saudi Arabia to Filipino and English missionary parents, Jazida moved a lot while growing up. She says the family spent the majority of her childhood in Cambodia, where the poverty was all encompassing; not only were there no roads, there were no cars. The family home was split into two floors with the bottom floor used as a drop-in centre where her mother and father would teach locals English for free.

“That sense of community, upskilling people, and building connections with others is really ingrained in me. Maybe that’s part of why I’m so driven in the way I am,” she smiles.

While it isn’t the bible or English, she is helping people learn. Jazida is passionate about the way arts can transform a life and completely

change who someone is; something she knows from firsthand experience. It all began after she left her parents to attend university in Albury Wodonga.

“I was like, well, this is a small country town, therefore, it will be less of a culture shock. What I didn’t realise is, small towns in Australia are not as exposed to people of colour or different people. So, yeah, it was a bad decision.”

After finishing her degree, Rachel packed her bags and headed to Canberra. Not long after arriving, she enrolled in belly dancing classes and started performing in restaurants, stopping when she had her children as the schedule was too hard to maintain.

She went on the hunt for something new and found it in burlesque classes, which she believes were actually more cabaret than burlesque – but that is where things started to change. Meeting a producer who suggested she enter a local competition, she thought why not give it a go. Much to her surprise, she won Burlesque Idol in 2015.

This prompted a wave of interstate

performance bookings and, wanting to bring some of her new friends to the capital, Jazida began producing small variety nights. People of all abilities hit the stage and participated in upskilling workshops. The shows quickly grew in popularity, and soon 300 people were attending Jazida’s event.

“I looked up during the competition … and I realised that more than 50 per cent of the people I was seeing on that stage were either trans or nonbinary,” she says.

It was at this moment Jazida realised she was doing more than hosting variety nights; she was creating a safe place for people to express themselves freely. She took a leap of faith and quit her public service job, refinanced her house, and set up her alternative arts hub, Flazeda.

The space at the hub is limited to a 70-person capacity. Flazeda tends to host their intimate shows there like the monthly Burlesque Brunch and all-ability variety show, Bangarang, with the funds raised going towards a different charity. They also run scholarship and mentorship programs as they don’t want anyone to feel like they can’t access the arts.

“We want to ensure that everybody is represented on the stages, we’re trying to remove the barriers so we’re hearing all of the stories within our culture that deserve to be told,” Jazida says.

Flazeda’s premier night is still Decadence and Debauchery; this time the interstate performers are welcomed by Adelaide’s Victoria Falconer as emcee. The performers showcase a wide array of talents including an aerial songstress, and a burlesque swing couple, while local performers eat fire, dancers float in martini glasses or mesmerise with fans.

Jazida says the night promises to be a magnetic, magnificent extravaganza.

“All art is good art. Funded or unfunded genres are actually just as valid and have just as much to say; they’re just as interesting,” she says.

Live Stream Dream Team ensures people who can’t attend the event in person can enjoy it from the comfort of their own homes; head to the Flazeda hub website for more details.

The day after the show, the performers share their secrets in a number of workshops. Learn how to defy gravity in an aerial workshop, swing your partner with Kelly Ann Doll and the tasteless gentleman, or take a masterclass in cabaret with Vicki Falconer.

Decadence and Debauchery at Belconnen Arts Centre, Saturday 10 December 8pm. Find out more about Flazeda at flazedahub.com

Jazida, aka Rachel Reid, brings Decadence and Debauchery to Belconnen Arts Centre on 10 December. Photo: Kerrie Brewer.
TIME OUT 50 canberraweekly.com.au
Proudly supported by Commun i t y Commu n i t y S ATU R DAY 1 0 D E CE M BER 202 2 CR AW F O R D S T R EE T Queanbeyan Community Christmas Car ols Th u r s day 1 5 D e c em b e r 2 0 2 2 Q ue a n b e ya n Par k 6 - 9 p m For m o r e i n f or m a t io n v i s i t ww w . q p r c.nsw. go v. a u / event s

Handel’s Alcina will enchant Canberra audiences

The great Australian soprano Joan Sutherland was hailed as ‘La Stupenda’ after a 1960 Venice production of Alcina, Handel’s 1735 spellbinding opera of magic and love.

Next month, Canberra audiences can hear an all-Australian cast, led by Emma Matthews in the title role, in National Opera’s production, a tribute to the late Sutherland and her widower, conductor Richard Bonynge.

Like Circe, Alcina is a beautiful enchantress, living on a magic island, who seduces men and turns them into beasts, rocks, and plants. But her sorcery comes undone when she falls in love with the knight Ruggiero…

Alcina is a very special piece, with gorgeous music and great singing, says National Opera’s artistic director, Peter Coleman-Wright.

But the work has not been performed in Australia since a 2007 Sydney production.

Coleman-Wright has assembled a talented cast who, he says, “perform the incredibly difficult roles with great aplomb”.

Handel specialist Graham Abbott will conduct the

Canberra Symphony Orchestra. An ex-NIDA designer from Sydney will transform Llewellyn Hall into Alcina’s island.

Alcina has two famous arias: “Di’, cor mio” (Act I) and “Ah, mio cor” (Act II), and Emma Matthews is excited about her part; she is “raring to go”.

“They are the sort of arias that you hold your breath in as a listener, because the beauty of the writing is so incredible,” Matthews says. “The arias are all just little gems; they’re like grand paintings of composition.”

Handel, she discovered as a young singer, suits her voice. She recorded albums of Handel arias early in her career, and has sung four Handel operas, including Alcina (in the secondary role of Morgana).

Matthews looks forward to the challenge of playing an unsympathetic character. “I tend to play characters that the audience love; there’s not much about her that you can love… But she really deserves everything she gets. She’s not a nice person, and she chews and spits out men. I’m used to being liked, but I am looking forward to the power of her.”

“Handel is one of those composers who really

understood human nature,” Coleman-Wright believes. “Alcina is intrinsically about deep human emotions: passion, jealousy, revenge, love, sadness… Handel could do that through his music almost better than anyone. When you get to know the arias well, whatever the emotion he’s expressing is done with such truth and honesty, matched with beautiful harmonies, gorgeous music and orchestral writing.”

The production is dedicated to Sutherland and Bonynge – he will attend the opening night – and Matthews says she is honoured to follow in ‘La Stupenda’s’ footsteps.

Coleman-Wright urged the public to come to Alcina, not just for the beauty of the work, or to hear great singing, but for the company’s future.

“They need to come primarily to support this opera company that belongs to Canberra; we really need the support of the people very much,” he said.

Handel’s Alcina will be performed at the Llewellyn Hall, ANU School of Music, on Thursday 8 and Saturday 10 December. For more information, visit nationalopera.org.au/alcina/

Christmas Shopping Morning Bungendore Village 10 December 2022 10am - 12pm 52 canberraweekly.com.au

Take 5 with Hayley Jensen

Canberra girl Hayley Jensen has come a long way since Australian Idol 2004, nominated as Female Artist of the Year at the 2022 Golden Guitar Awards and teaming up with Canadian country rock royalty, Clayton Bellamy, to write festival banger Four Boots

This Sunday 4 December, Hayley is playing the Royal Hotel in Queanbeyan to celebrate 18 years in the music industry, in the place it all began.


Do you remember when you first fell in love with country music?

Country music wasn’t on my radar at all growing up. It wasn’t until I started writing Past Tense & Present Peace, I remember listening to a lot of Miranda Lambert and Carrie Underwood.

Then I started looking around the Australian country music scene and, all of a sudden, discovered this whole industry separate to anything that I had been a part of before.

There are radio networks, festival circuits and touring scenes behind Australian country music, separate to the mainstream music industry that’s just thriving – it’s amazing.


Does the inspiration behind Four Boots come from a personal place?

I always like to blame it on the co-writers when I talk about this song. Like, I would never have done anything like this.

But nah, I certainly have had my times in between relationships, when you’re moping at home on the couch and your friends go ‘let’s just get out of the house, do some karaoke, maybe play some pool’. And it’s like ‘ugh fine, alright. But I’m going to be a sad sap.’ Then you get there and… (laughs). The world has different possibilities.

A lot of these songs are often written from the man’s perspective, too. I thought it’d be fun to give it that little bit of a spin and tell it from the girl’s perspective.


What was it like producing your album during the pandemic?

We wrote and recorded the whole album during lockdown. All of my vocals were actually recorded in my cupboard.

It was pretty cool being able to record your album in your ugg boots. But the really cool thing is that I recorded my parts here, Clayton recorded his parts in Canada, and the producer of the whole album is based in Canada as well.

I’m always amazed every time I hear it, how well it came together given we weren’t in the same country, let alone the same room.

4 Are you looking forward to coming to Canberra?

I am! I’m originally a Canberra girl, I grew up on a property just outside of Canberra and I went to school in Canberra.

5 Has the Canberra community influenced your music career?

If it wasn’t for Canberra, I would never have made it through on Australian Idol, that’s for sure. They voted for me, got behind me every single week, I’ve never seen anything like it. I remember coming home and there were banners all around the streets, it was just incredible.

I would love for Canberra to come out this weekend; it’s an all-ages show, so bring the family and come help me celebrate these awesome years.


Dive into the world of psychics

Whether you are a believer or not, there’s something intriguing about the world of psychics, mind readers, and mediums. Journalist and author Gary Nunn spent two years trying to uncover the truth about the influence these people hold, sharing his findings in The Psychic Tests. The book tour comes to Smith’s Alternative in Canberra on 6 December.

After the sudden death of their father in 2015, Nunn’s sister turned to psychics to try and feel a connection with him again. Worried that his sister was being exploited while at her most vulnerable, he decided to investigate these people further.

Nunn was already curious after covering the biggest stockbroking collapse since the financial crisis, where it was revealed the executive chairman had a psychic on the books. The psychic advised the chairman on where to invest stocks and influenced hiring and firing.

“My new hunch was the people who sought out psychic counsel were not vulnerable and fragile, maybe they were, in fact, like him – which is powerful, authoritative, and responsible,” Nunn says.

This hunch took him on a journey into the quirky world of believers and their equally quirky

counterparts, the skeptics. Both are treated with equal respect.

Each chapter takes a new approach to answer questions such as ‘can people speak to the dead; can psychics see into the future?’ Nunn seeks the services of mediums, psychics and tarot readers – even training to be one himself – and shares his experience.

He considers why people seek out psychics: is it more than trying to reach the dead or predict the future; do they alleviate loneliness or help depression? On the flip side, he also asks if they could be causing harm.

“Why seemingly intelligent, rational-minded people, why they need to believe, this exploration of faith and connection,” he says.

It is also the story of Nunn and his sister trying to understand each other better, see the world through each other’s eyes. Nunn tried to be less condescending while his sister stopped seeing mediums and hired a grief counsellor.

“I used to laugh and think they were less intelligent and foolish … by doing the book it taught me to nip that in the bud,” he says.

Nunn brings a guest from the book along on the night; Melanie Obeid, the one psychic who managed to completely transfix him. She will be joining Nunn on stage to answer questions, and will offer some free readings.

Uncover the truth in The Psychic Tests book launch at Smith’s Alternative, Tuesday 6 December; smithsalternative.com

Journalist Gary Nunn brings his The Psychic Tests book tour to Canberra on 6 December. Image supplied.
TIME OUT Join National Opera with the Canberra Symphony Orchestra | 8 and 10 Dec 2022 Bookings: www.nationalopera.org.au/alcina Peter Coleman -Wright AO (Director) Graham Abbott Emma Matthews Rachelle Durkin Featuring 54 canberraweekly.com.au

Now showing

Margrete: Queen of the North (MA15+)

In 1402, Margrete (Trine Dyrholm), Queen of Denmark, summons the leading magnates of the kingdoms of Denmark, Norway and Sweden together to Kalmar Castle to witness her adopted son’s betrothal to the daughter of King Henry IV of England in an effort to form a strong military alliance. Soon however, the Queen is advised that her presumed long-dead son is in fact alive and is enroute to the castle!

Before Game of Thrones, The Tudors, The Man in the Iron Mask, Dungeons and Dragons and even Shakespeare was horrible, brutal and bloody European history! Stories of battles for power, love, honour and treachery: nothing is as hard-hitting as the real thing. Through a lot of pain, suffering and struggle, Margrete united the three kingdoms under her rule as the

Kalmar Union, successfully bringing a decade of peace. Margrete’s power, however, is derived from her adopted son whom she crowned King of the kingdoms. On the precipice of extending her power further for the protection of her regions, the possible return of her bloodline comes at a precarious time, especially when the King is looking to establish his own independence.

Is the stranger the truthful heir or an imposter, and is his appearance at this particular time just a coincidence?

The cinematography is epic and costumes authentic. Lead Trine Dyrholm is stoic, strong but fallible as she becomes increasingly emotionally conflicted between her responsibilities of her (possible) son and the good of her people.

Verdict: An incredibly intriguing, authentic and brutal historical conspiracy. 4 stars. - Luke McWilliams, themovieclub.net

Viewed at Palace Electric Cinemas

GOLDILOCKS & THE THREE BEARS 1 51 8 D e c e m b e r 55 canberraweekly.com.au

Book talk

This week, Michael Popple recommends three books that would make perfect gifts for Christmas. You can find more of Michael’s book reviews on his blog: unseenlibrary.com

Retribution by Sarah Barrie HQ,


Those who enjoy powerful Australian fiction will love to have Retribution by Sarah Barrie in their stocking. The sequel to last year’s fantastic release, Unforgiven, Retribution sees former vigilante Lexi Winter officially become a police officer. However, she is still playing by her own rules, and Lexi’s hunt for her notorious nemesis leads her to take on a deadly Sydney crime family, while also investigating several linked murders. Barrie has produced an impressive and fast-paced crime thriller with Retribution. Following complex protagonists across several compelling investigations, this is an awesome read that is guaranteed to keep readers on their toes.

Death to the Emperor by Simon Scarrow Headline,


A history lover’s favourite gift this year might be Simon Scarrow’s impressive Death to the Emperor. AD 60. Prefect Cato and Centurion Marco are attempting to live quietly in Britannia, desperate to avoid attention. However, chaos always seems to find them, particularly when the British tribes start to rebel, following the lead of Queen Boudica. Forced into a new war, can Cato and Marco survive the upcoming slaughter? Scarrow continues to show why he is one of the best historical fiction authors with this epic novel. Loaded with a ton of exciting battles and brilliant historical detail, this fantastic novel comes highly recommended.

Desert Star by Michael Connelly

Allen & Unwin, $32.99

All crime lovers are guaranteed to want the latest Michael Connelly book, Desert Star, for Christmas. Renée Ballard is back in the LAPD, leading her own cold case squad. Recruiting her mentor, Harry Bosch, Ballard needs to solve a vicious murder from the past to keep her job. However, Bosch is obsessed with the murder of a whole family that he never solved, and both cases will take the detectives to the very edge. This is another outstanding crime fiction novel from Connelly that combines an interesting series of murder mystery cases with some intense character work to create an excellent story.

Canberra Weekly competition winners



winners in Canberra Weekly’s latest
of competition draws
Cressida Campbell tickets: K Franze, Gowrie; J Malcolm, Kambah.
Hape toys: O Cowley, Giralang; J Abbs, Bruce; P Reyne, Palmerston.
beer advent calendar: M O’Donnell, Ngunnawal.
Your local, independent bookshop in Kingston Canberra’s newest independent bookshop - stocking a large range of quality new books for readers of all ages. We sell pages for all ages 56 canberraweekly.com.au
Eggs: An African Rescue: P Hyatt, Dickson; R Wheeler, Forde; W Ovchynik, Monash; F Rubama Snikdha, Weston; D Speldewinde, Holder. Tabu: D Spain, Banks; N Bolton, Kambah; P Morrissey, McKellar.

Torrential applause for Canberra’s newest theatre

Canberra’s newest stage venue, the Mill Theatre at Dairy Road, Fyshwick, opened on Wednesday night, 23 November, with a sold-out performance of a forgotten Australian classic, Oriel Gray’s The Torrents (1955), performed by actor-director Lexi Sekuless’s newly formed theatre company, the Dairy Road Players.

The Mill is unlike any other theatre space, its owner, Ms Sekuless says. The L-shaped studio theatre, seating 67 people, is “incredibly intimate”. There is no proscenium arch, no curtain, and no blackout until the end of the show. It is ‘half in the round’: the audience surrounds the stage on two sides, so close to the actors we could touch them; we make eye contact with the performers.

That gives the performers more licence to play, to experiment, but also requires more confidence and fearlessness, Ms Sekuless says.

Other independent or fully professional venues focus on brand new works – the development of the writing; the Mill focuses on the development of the storytellers – the actors and backstage creatives, she explains.

Hitherto, Ms Sekuless believes, there has been little chance for Canberra actors to develop their craft; they must leave town to establish themselves. But her Players will grow their talent over the several plays she has planned – Shakespeare, modern Broadway hits, and a locally written play will follow next year –while The Torrents’ stage-manager will co-produce the next play with Ms Sekuless.

There are massive variations of experience in the cast, she says. The company of 10 – all women or non-binary actors – includes a former Playboy bunny model, a WAAPA graduate, an impro performer, and a musical theatre performer.

The Torrents is a delightful start to Ms Sekuless’s venture. Part-His Girl Friday, part-Shaw, it is a “progressive screwball comedy” set in the newspaper office of a Victorian mining town during the Gold Rush. On the microlevel, Ms Sekuless argues, it is about the role of women in the workplace; on the macrolevel, it is about a community that needs to consider its economic and environmental future.

Ms Sekuless plays J. G. Milford, a newly

engaged journalist who – to general consternation – turns out to be a woman, Jenny; the rest of the staff don’t think ladies have any place in journalism. (Much has changed since the 19th century, for the better – Canberra Weekly’s editor and three-quarters of the journalists are women.) Meanwhile, there is conflict between those who fear the town’s gold is running out, and want to invest in agriculture instead, and those who don’t want things to change.

Ms Sekuless said she always wanted the first play to be a work by a female playwright; in her opinion, Gray is one of Australia’s best yet least-known playwrights. The Playwrights’ Advisory Board voted The Torrents best play of 1955, with Ray Lawler’s Summer of the Seventeenth Doll, but unlike the latter, it has seldom been performed.

Oriel Gray’s family attended the opening night; Ms Sekuless was “chuffed” that they loved it.

The Torrents runs at the Mill Theatre at Dairy Road, Fyshwick until 3 December.

Full story online.

Create your FREE couple’s profile and start planning today! WEDDINGSOFCANBERRA.COM.AU You and your fiancé hate photos and are mega awkward in front of the camera. Ok. Don’t worry. We have people for that. At Weddings of Canberra, you can search for local wedding vendors that match your unique style, and find resources and tips to help make wedding planning a breeze. 57 canberraweekly.com.au


PHOTO ACCESS: Pop-up ecological exhibition onsite at Bluetts Block, Uriarra Rd, Denman Prospect, Thursday 1 December 6pm; photoaccess.org.au

THE TORRENTS: A comedy with an all-female cast takes you back to a local newspaper in the 1890s, Mill Theatre at Dairy Road, until 3 December; events.humanitix.com

SUNSET CINEMA: Returns to the ANBG with their signature mix of new release blockbusters, classics and family favourites; Wednesday-Sunday until 25 February 2023; sunsetcinema.com.au/canberra

TRAVELLING DANCE HALL: Finucane & Smith bring legends of burlesque, cabaret and variety to Tuggeranong Arts Centre, until 3 December; trybooking.com

EMILIA: This powerful historical drama features an all-female creative team, Canberra Theatre, 1-4 December; canberratheatrecentre.com.au

DIRTY JANES: Extended trading hours to 6.30pm Thursdays in December, with free gift wrapping, 80B Collie St, Fyshwick; dirtyjanes.com

A STELLAR LINE-UP: Launches The Stellar Company as a new and inclusive voice in the community arts scene, Belconnen Arts Centre, 2-3 December; belcoarts.com.au

ISLA PATTERSON: Open studio 2-4 December 10am-4pm, 10 Mainoru Place, Hawker.

PICTURES OF YOU: Empowering and representing people with disabilities through art, Belconnen Arts Centre, opens 2 December 6pm, ends 5 February; belcoarts.com.au

ALAN CARR: The English comedian brings his brand-new stand-up show to Canberra Theatre, Friday 2 December 7.30pm; canberratheatrecentre.com.au

SYDNEY COMEDY FESTIVAL: A showcase of some of the festival’s hottest acts hits the stage for two hours of laughs, Queanbeyan Bicentennial Hall, 2 December 8pm; theq.net.au

CAPITAL REGION FARMERS MARKET: Fresh seasonal produce and gourmet goods at EPIC, Saturdays 7-11.30am; capitalregionfarmersmarket.com.au

THE LITTLE BURLEY MARKET: Lakeside Christmas markets at Elizabeth Terrace, Saturdays 3, 10, 17 and 24 December 9am-1.30pm; thelittleburleymarket.com.au

KIM YANG: Before heading overseas for a few years, the Canberra-based singer-songwriter hosts a farewell show at Smith’s Alternative, Saturday 3 December 12-2pm; smithsalternative.com

CANBERRA NARA CANDLE FESTIVAL: Nara Peace Park at Lennox Gardens comes alive with light, music, food and culture, 3 December 4-9pm; events.canberra.com.au

CANBERRA CHORAL SOCIETY: Celebrates the festive season with Handel’s Messiah, Llewellyn Hall, ANU, 3 December 7.30pm; ticketek.com.au

A VERY CANBERRA COMEDY FESTIVAL CHRISTMAS: A night packed with laughs to get you into the festive spirit, Canberra Theatre, 3 December 7.30pm; canberracomedyfestival.com.au

DESPERADO: The Eagles Show celebrates the major hits of the iconic band, Southern Cross Club Woden, 3 December 8pm; cscc.com.au

SUMMER MAGIC: Maruki Community Orchestra’s next concert features works by Mozart, Gounod, Beethoven and Haydn, Sunday 4 December 3-5pm, Albert Hall, Yarralumla; marukicommunityorchestra.org.au

HAIG PARK CHRISTMAS MARKETS: Haig Park Village Markets get into the festive spirit on Sundays 4, 11 and 18 December 8.30am-2pm; haigparkvillagemarkets.com.au

OLD BUS DEPOT MARKETS: The much-loved markets continue at the Old Bus Depot in Kingston, Sundays 9.30 am-2.30pm; obdm.com.au

THE PSYCHIC TESTS: Ginger Gorman hosts Gary Nunn’s Canberra book tour event, which includes a psychic or two, Smith’s Alternative, 6 December 7pm; smithsalternative.com

WESLEY MUSIC SCHOLARS: Present On the Road to Christmas concert, Wednesday 7 December 12.40pm, Wesley Music Centre, Forrest; wesleycanberra.org.au/music

WINGING IT! THE MUSICAL: Lightbulb Improv will thrill you with songs made up on the spot to create a full musical, Canberra Theatre, 8-10 December; www.canberratheatrecentre.com.au

NATIONAL OPERA: Perform Handel’s Alcina at Llewellyn Hall, ANU, 8 & 10 December; nationalopera.org.au

MIDLAND: The US country music trio bring The Last Resort tour, with special guest Travis Collins, to UC Refectory, 8 December; midlandofficial.com

HANDMADE MARKETS: A special festive edition of the iconic Markets, in time to tick off your gift list, EPIC, 9-11 December; handmadecanberra.com.au

Send your free entertainment listings to: arts@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘what’s on’ in the subject field. Deadline is 10 days prior to Thursday edition date.

The Stellar Company at Belconnen Arts Centre, 2-3 December. Photo: Andrew Sikorski.
TIME OUT 58 canberraweekly.com.au


Cristina Silvestri

2022’s Miss Teen Diamond International, Butterfly Foundation Pathfinder, and born and raised Canberra girl, Cristina Silvestri, shares her five essentials, and a peek of what goes on beneath the skin.

On days that I don’t feel confident: “I try to practise self-gratitude and shift my central focus to what is most important… we only have one life and one body, so it is imperative to always be kind to it. Everyone has bad days and insecurities, but it’s important to remember that our flaws are what make us human. Also, confidence is your best accessory.”

An insecurity that I’ve had to overcome: “I have battled eating disorders on and o for several years. There was a time in my life where my self-worth depended solely on a number on the scales. It took lots of growth to understand that perfection does not exist and tearing yourself apart to attain it will ultimately leave you unhappy and unsatisfied. I chose happiness.”

Something I find beautiful in others is: “Beauty comes from within the heart and soul. There is nothing I value more than kind-hearted and genuine people; a person who isn’t afraid to be their raw, authentic self. It costs nothing to be kind.”

1 Something local…

I love getting a fresh set of acrylic nails done at Idaisy’s Nails and Spa in Casey. Daisy always goes above and beyond, providing the most amazing service, and completely exceeding my expectations every single time. My favourite colour is red, to bring out my bold personality.

2 Something free…

In my spare time, I love volunteering at di erent schools and dance centres in the Canberra community. Empowering and shaping the minds of our youngest generation is truly one of the greatest and most rewarding gifts in life.

3 Something I always keep on me…

My Pandora Butterfly charm. The Butterfly Foundation, which is Australia’s national charity for eating disorders, saved my life. I carry my butterfly charm on me everywhere I go, as a reminder of the impact they have had on my life, and how far I’ve come.

omething I splurge on/like to invest in… Good quality makeup. I love wearing makeup and accentuating my natural features. My favourite product right now is the 24-hour Estee Lauder Double Wear Matte Foundation. It’s got SPF and comes in 40 di erent skin tones.

4 S

5 Something for days when I don’t feel the best…

My net-worth is my network. Meaning that, on days when I don’t feel my best, I reach out to my family and friends for support and guidance. They are my biggest inspiration and motivation in life, always there to lift my spirits and brighten my day!

WITH FASHION & BEAUTY EDITOR, ANJA DE ROZARIO Estée Lauder Double Wear Stay-In-Place Makeup, $65, Mecca
59 canberraweekly.com.au

3 Christmas markets to hit up

Imagine if you will, the chaos of Christmas stuck inside a shopping centre… Kids screaming, stressed parents, no parking – No Thanks!

Local Christmas markets are in no short supply in Canberra during the most magical time of the year, o ering unique gifts and supporting local makers. Here are just a few worth checking out.

Christmas at The Little Burley Market

When: Saturdays in December 9am-1.30pm

Where: Queen Elizabeth Terrace, Parkes After opening in September, The Little Burley Market will run its inaugural Christmas markets every Saturday until Christmas Eve for the exceptionally last-minute shoppers.

Grab brunch or lunch after a stroll or bike ride around the lake, then wander through more than 60 stalls o ering one-of-a-kind items from local foodies, farmers and makers.

Free parking is available and festive activities will run each Saturday to keep the little ones entertained in the lead up to Christmas. To find out more, visit thelittleburleymarket.com.au

Handmade Canberra Christmas Market

When: Friday 9 December 5-9pm, Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 December 10am-4pm

Where: EPIC, Flemington Rd, Mitchell Handmade Canberra’s Christmas Market will host over 250 stallholders onsite this year, and for the first time, will include a low-sensory Christmas shopping hour for customers with sensitivities.

Shop for original works across fashion, jewellery, skincare, homewares, food and drinks, arts and more, all brought to you by local and regional makers.

Following the success of Handmade Canberra’s new low sensory shopping hour, the Christmas Market will open from 9am on Sunday only, prior to the general public opening at 10am. Lighting, sound, and smells will be reduced for this specific time period. For more information, visit handmadecanberra.com.au/low-sensory-shopping/ Handmade Friday night will also run during the Christmas weekend, for shopping after work, followed by a bite in the food hall or a drink in the bar area. Visit handmadecanberra.com.au for more information.

Christmas Village Markets

When: Sundays 4, 11 and 18 December 9am-2pm Where: Haig Park, Braddon

At the Haig Park Village Markets, you can find a Summer Festive Drinks Garden, local talents carolling, and festive stalls to delight your senses.

Browse an enticing selection of culinary delicacies, Christmas trees, fresh produce, Christmas hams, mince pies, handmade jewellery, decorations, puddings, and more – a Christmas scene set amongst the pines of Haig Park.

Kids can craft their own gingerbread ornaments to hang on the tree or meet the big man in red himself.

To learn more, visit haigparkvillagemarkets.com.au

The Little Burley Christmas Markets provide a fresh-air shopping experience. Image supplied.
60 canberraweekly.com.au
CWM01206AJ June and the team wish all their loyal clients a happy and safe Christmas. We look forward to styling you in 2023
Bentleys of Canberra, Jamison Plaza Shop A07, Jamison Centre Macquarie ACT 2614

What do you do for fun?

Am I imagining it, or did we have an easier, more natural relationship with fun in years past? Cast your mind back to the pre-pandemic days and, as you remember those simpler times, can you feel the tension lifting across your shoulders and the corners of your mouth curling upwards into a carefree smile? Admittedly, I have no research data to back me up, however, I suspect there’s a collective need to reboot the fun centres in our brains. Are you with me?

Fun isn’t an indulgence

Having fun reduces stress, improves sleep, boosts energy levels, reduces loneliness and depression, and gives you more energy, amongst other things. We know this instinctively; however, like many good habits, when we stop doing something, even something that makes us feel good, there can be some resistance to getting back into it.

You do you

You might love going to art galleries but the

mere thought of going to a football match drains all the life force from your body. Within the busy life you probably have, it’s important to ensure that you make your free time really count. In fact, carving out more time for fun might require doing less of the things you don’t like, to free up the necessary space in your day. It may also take a bit of reflection on what really brings you joy. Reflect on what makes ‘time fly’ and has you absorbed in the moment and feeling enlivened.

What’s fun can change

Maybe you used to love rock climbing, but you’ve now developed a fear of heights. It’s only natural that what feels like fun can change over time. So ‘go back to the well’ and revisit an activity that has previously brought you joy, but if it’s no longer lighting you up, then perhaps it’s time to try something new.

Schedule it

It may seem like the perfect way to kill the vibe but considering the busy lives we lead, you

If fun seems more elusive now than in years past, start by scheduling in time for your favourite activities, then work on the confidence to make it up as you go along.

might just have to put ‘time for fun’ in the diary to make sure it happens. Of course, spontaneity is its own kind of wonderful and is definitely a kindred spirit of fun, however, let’s start with locking in the fun, then you can work on the confidence to make it up as you go along.

62 canberraweekly.com.au

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Referential red carpets

What makes a red-carpet outfit more than just a pretty dress? Whether subtle or overt, fashion iconography that connects past to present can make an outfit ... well, iconic. At the premiere of the fifth season of The Crown, Aussie actress Elizabeth Debicki sartorially referenced her role as Princess Diana, who herself referenced Grace Kelly. Here are some other red carpet references you may have missed.

Indeed, Elle Fanning’s olive Gucci gown, worn to the 2019 premiere of Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, is dripping in floral appliqués, perfect for a Disney princess. But did you notice that her gloves are embroidered with drops of blood from pricking her finger on the spindle?

Elizabeth Debicki wore a diaphanous Christian Dior strapless gown –an echo in black of the scarf dress worn by Princess Diana to the 1987 Cannes Film Festival. Dior took the X-shaped design on the latter’s skirt and updated it for the times to a cross bodice with cut outs. Princess Diana’s iconic ice-blue dress was worn on the La Croisette red carpet alongside then-husband, Prince Charles. She worked with designer Catherine Walker to create a dress inspired by actress-turned-princess Grace Kelly, as Frances Stevens in To Catch a Thief
234 CRAWFORD ST, QUEANBEYAN 02 6299 3335 Weekdays 9.30am - 5.30pm Saturday 10am - 3pm Sunday Closed @debbiemareesfashion Carefully curated clothing for the modern woman. Foil Blazer Valia Pants – Proudly Australian Made! Bresley Shoes 64 canberraweekly.com.au

At the 2019 Cannes Film Festival, Margot Robbie paid homage to her role as Sharon Tate in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood The four bohemian braids framing her face was a style first popularised by Tate at Cannes in 1968.

Yara Shahidi’s 2021 Met Gala look honoured African American fashion icon, Josephine Baker. The Grown-ish actress’s modern Dior gown and gloves were made in the image of a custom Dior garment that Baker wore to perform in 1951.

Much like Shahidi and Dior, Kendall Jenner’s 2021 Met Gala look was created by modernday Givenchy, in the likeness of a Givenchy gown worn by Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady – albeit a clear (or shall we say sheer) difference.

At first glance, Sarah Jessica Parker’s crinoline skirt generally pays homage to 19th century ‘Gilded Glamour’, but this 2022 Met Gala look is actually a reference to the designs of 1860s seamstress, author, philanthropist and social activist, Elizabeth Hobbs Keckley.


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CW19577-V17 We also provide telephone, skype and video appointments. Specializing in the treatment of Hand Dermatitis 65 canberraweekly.com.au
Luke Clews

Wrap yourChristmas gifts the furoshiki way

Adding a personal touch to Christmas gift wrapping is a simple way to delight your loved ones and show them how much you care. One cost-effective, environmentally-friendly and beautiful way to get crafty this year is with furoshiki wrapping.

Step 1

Step 1: Choose a fabric to fit the size of your gift. Many common items can be used: napkins, tablecloths, tea towels, scarves, fabric scraps or pillowcases are just a few easy-to-source options.

Step 3

Step 3: Draw up the fabric on either side of the longest edges and tie in a double knot at the top. Repeat the process with the other 2 sides and tie over the top of the previous knot.

DIY craft project supplied by Pillow Talk.

Step 2 Step 4

Step 2: Lay your fabric flat with the decorative side face down (if your fabric has a pattern). Place your item diagonally in the centre of your fabric.

Step 4: Now that your gift is wrapped, you can personalise and decorate your gift with tags, greenery sprigs, flowers, twine, and ribbon.

Furoshiki: Japanese wrapping cloths traditionally used to wrap goods, not generally used to present formal gifts.
66 canberraweekly.com.au

2023 interior colour forecast

The annual Dulux colour forecast has arrived for 2023. According to the experts at Dulux, it reflects “our collective desire to spend more time connected to nature and bonding with the communities and people we love”. Including warm, earthdrawn neutrals and natural textures, along with an array of uplifting brighter hues, Dulux colour and communication manager, Andrea Lucena-Orr, and colour forecaster and stylist, Bree Leech, combined trend reports, fashion catwalks, product design launches and trends across the UK and Europe to bring us two of their top interior colour trends for 2023.


“Balance is very much inspired by a ‘less is more’ philosophy, with minimal detailing and a restrained approach to decorating. Instead, the focus is on immersive colour and the beauty of complex, structured patterns found in nature, such as a simple seashell or fern frond,” says Ms Leech.


“Pairing retro influences with futuristic features, such as pixel patterns and digital art, the Revive palette cleverly merges the past and present. And with its colourful, look-at-me accent walls and statement seating, it creates the perfect Instagrammable moment,” says Ms Lucena-Orr.

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Premier entertainer

Tastefully designed with enticing features and framed by striking gardens, 3 Couvreur Street in Garran is a showstopping family home.

From the second you walk over the threshold, you’ll adore the inviting feel of the property and love the versatile and cohesive floorplan that embraces the spotlessly presented interior. The light-filled interior living spaces capture the scenic panoramas of the Woden Valley skyline, along with the outdoor covered alfresco which boasts a sparkling inground pool and exceptional entertainment area.

Agent Michael Potter describes the home as perfect for those families wanting plenty of segregation and a style that’s designed to take on majestic views.

“My favourite parts of the property would have to be the gardens, backyard, and outdoor entertaining area with lovely outlooks,” Mr Potter said.

“I love the solid timber flooring, the isolated living

spaces, and the fantastic master bedroom.”

Nestled just a short drive to the Woden Town Centre and the Red Hill outdoor trails just a stone’s throw away, Mr Potter describes the location as central and convenient.

“It’s arguably in one of Woden Valley’s best streets and in an elevated location just a short walk to Canberra Hospital and Garran shopping centre,” he said.

The long list of extra features includes R4 roof insulation replaced in 2014, Daikin heating and cooling system and alarm, venetians and honeycomb blinds, heated towel rails, 5m by 10m inground saltwater pool, and a well-equipped timber kitchen with granite benchtops.

Extremely well presented and move-in ready to the next fortunate owner, this great property has been well cared for over the years and immaculately maintained.

4 3 2 1
0.5 Price $1,695,000
View Sat 3 Dec 11-11.40am Sun 4 Dec 11-11.40am Tue 6 Dec 5.30-6.10pm
Agent Michael Potter Mob 0413 830 598
Agent Alisa Lawrence Mob 0404 066 119
Michael Potter Real Estate Woden 6162 4141 Garran 3 Couvreur Street
REAL ESTATE PROPERTY OF THE WEEK canberraweeklyrealestate.com.au 68 canberraweekly.com.au

17 Investigator Street, Red Hill $2,060,000 Hive

66 Widgiewa Rd, Carwoola $1,850,000 Estate Realty

5 Rothera Street, Denman Prospect $1,825,000 Confidence

25 Catalano Street, Wright $1,735,000 Impact

17 Millen Street, Hughes $1,675,000 Independent

7 Lindwall Place, Nicholls $1,655,000 Stone

14/3 Ovens Street, Griffith $1,550,000 Belle

307 Antill Street, Watson $1,525,000 Luton

15 Arkwookerum Street $1,450,000 Confidence

24 Taylor Place, Greenleigh $1,420,000 Ward

7 Poynton Street, Hughes $1,375,000 Blackshaw

114 Wattle Street, Lyneham $1,345,000 Auction Advantage

5 Utz Street, Coombs $1,300,000 Belle

5 Edna Thompson Crescent, Casey $1,275,000 Luton

9 Scottsdale Street, Lyons $1,260,000 LJ Hooker

54 Groom Street, Hughes $1,250,000 Sutton

29 Clianthus Street, O'Connor $1,225,000 Home by Holly

16 Perkins Place, Torrens $1,220,000 McIntyre

26 Winnecke Street, Ainslie $1,200,000 Maloneys

26 Fernyhough Crescent, Lyneham $1,180,000 Maria Selleck

108 Pro Hart Avenue, Strathnairn $1,110,000 Confidence

19 Embley Street, Holder $1,030,000 Home by Holly

32B Carbeen Street, Rivett $1,010,000 Belle

2 Ahmatt Street, Ngunnawal $990,000 Luton

7 Stow Place, Watson $987,500 Home by Holly

106 Allchin Circuit, Kambah $960,000 Michael Potter

44 Lorraway Street, Holt $925,000 Stone

4 Samson Place, Kambah $810,000 My Morris

2/35 Lochbuy Street, Macquarie $790,000 LJ Hooker

3 Magarey Place, Kambah $790,000 LJ Hooker 5/21 Thunder Circuit, Harrison $775,000 Home by Holly

94 Blackwood Terrace, Holder $775,000 LJ Hooker

3/2 Cunningham Street, Griffith $765,000 LJ Hooker

28 Salisbury Street, Casey $762,500 Stone

39 Quong Tart Avenue, Denman Prospect $756,000 Independent 64/2 Rouseabout Street, Lawson $750,000 LJ Hooker

1 Tipping Place, McKellar $725,000 LJ Hooker

35 Jimmy Clements Crescent, Bonner $720,000 Independent 45 Bingle Street, Flynn $702,000 LJ Hooker 3/135 Limestone Avenue, Braddon $696,000 Blackshaw 406/241 Northbourne Avenue, Lyneham $695,000 Independent 18 Guginya Crescent, Ngunnawal $680,000 Luton 37/1 Cowlishaw Street, Greenway $662,500 LJ Hooker 5/147 Keverstone Circuit, Isabella Plains $638,000 Luton 36/63 Hurtle Avenue, Bonython $630,000 LJ Hooker

55 Wilshire Street, Dickson 3 2 1 Agent Maree Van Arkel 0419 624 766 Ray White Canberra Auction Sat 3 Dec 9.30am 13 Berenice Street, Taylor 4 3 2 Agent Sam McGregor 0401 097 907 MARQ Property Auction Sat 3 Dec 12pm under the hammer $1,525,000 307 Antill Street Watson Luton REAL ESTATE RECENT SALES canberraweeklyrealestate.com.au 69 canberraweekly.com.au

‘Landmark’ Civic office block completed New Googong development gets green light

Canberra’s newest office building, Civic Quarter 2, is being referred to as a “landmark project” by the Colliers Project Leaders team as they delivered on its practical completion in November.

The building is a 12-storey tower complete with two basements in the heart of Canberra City, along with some of the Territory’s highest environmental credentials, and market-leading amenities.

A large central atrium in the base of the building provided natural light on every level, and the fit-out consisted of 32,789sqm across levels 2 to 12.

Colliers national director project leaders, Iain Davidson, said he’s proud to ensure the building was delivered in accordance with contractual conditions and milestone dates.

Consisting of 33,000sqm and secured as a Commonwealth pre-commitment in December 2019, Civic Quarter 2 is one of Colliers’ more significant projects and the longest running to date.

According to Colliers, Civic Quarter is the leading workplace precinct in Canberra with its business-class amenities, intelligent technology, and sustainable practices.

Googong is set to grow after receiving development approval for three new neighbourhoods – Googong West, South, and East.

The combined three new neighbourhoods will span across 235 hectares accommodating 2,100 homes, three new local centres, a synthetic athletics track, eight new local parks, and a new road connection to Old Cooma Road. Googong West will be the first to be developed.

Googong North and Central are already home to more than 6,500 residents and have both completely sold out.

Googong Project Director Malcolm Leslie said: “This level of forward planning will ensure a

smooth delivery of lots and services for the township over the next decade. It means we can quickly respond to demand for land and housing in Googong, which has been exceptionally high over recent years.

The newly developed roads will be surfaced with asphalt incorporating recycled plastics and printer cartridges, and the capacity of Googong’s Integrated Water Cycling system will be doubled to meet population growth.

A third major entry into Googong will be created via Bunyip Drive to enhance traffic flow and extensive amenities have been planned for all neighbourhoods to utilise.

The population of the township is expected to grow to over 18,000 at its completion.

REAL ESTATE PROPERTY NEWS canberraweeklyrealestate.com.au Civic Quarter 2 was delivered by Colliers in November. 1800 28 77 77 @bradymarcs.canberra Canberra’s new breed of Buyers Agents We’re your dedicated Buyers Agent team changing the way you buy homes for the better. Genuine, experienced and passionate about property. Our vision is to help you make well-informed decisions, purchase the right property, pay the right price and enjoy the home you deserve. Hi Canberra. 70 canberraweekly.com.au



and benefits of Design 1123:

• EER of 7.5

• Gross Floor Area 54sqm

• Thermally Broken Windows or Triple Glazed Windows & Doors

• Select your desired wall cladding

• Live in while we extend with an average build time of 20 weeks

• 1 bedroom with ensuite and walk-in wardrobe

• Living room

• Laundry

• Split Levels - manage sloping blocks or transition to ground level

• Cathedral Ceilings - maximises space, natural light and ventilation – 4m high

• Heritage Precinct - This design was created to meet the requirements of a specific Heritage Code within the ACT.

• Build Price: $206,761.30

• Planning Costs: $25,394.70

• Siteworks: $16,686.14

• Total investment, including GST: $248,842.14


“I like that it’s future-proofed us in this wonderful setting. It has really set the house up for our family and I love that we’ve managed to stay true to the original plan of the house.” - Mal and Lisa, Kaleen

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Join the trend to extend We still have availability to build in 2023 100+ priced designs online


17 Challinor Crescent

An amazing opportunity in one of Belconnen’s best suburbs. 17 Challinor Crescent is a beautifully maintained four-bedroom home just waiting for a new owner to sweep it off its street.

Set on the family-friendly and very quiet Challinor Crescent, you will find this charming and spacious gem. This home offers four great sized bedrooms all with built-in wardrobes

and the master bedroom with its own ensuite. You have a spacious formal lounge at the front and a great sized open plan kitchen with so many possibilities to put your own spin on it.

4 2 3

EER 0.5

Price $899,000+

View Sat 3 Dec 9.30-10am

Agent Maxwell Jensen Mob 0402 778 603

LJ Hooker Kaleen 02 6241 1922


6 Crockett Place

6 Crockett Place is one of the most unique offerings to come to the market in a long time … and will be the last of its kind for a while after. It has all the offerings the market has been crying out for. Single level, renovated entirely throughout and separately titled which means there is no body corporate. If you are

looking to enter the market or downsize, this home could not be more perfect.

The owner acquired the services of the highly regarded Melis and Melis building company who have done some of Holt’s nicest homes in recent times. They have cleverly converted a two-bedroom house into

a three-bedroom ensuite home that exudes space, and easy-care living topped off with high-end finishes. Everything inside and outside the house has been renovated – new kitchen, bathrooms, paint, carpet, roofing, and landscaping is awaiting first time use. It is truly a ‘move in and enjoy’ home.

3 2 2

EER 3.0

Auction Wed 21 Dec 6pm

View Sat 3 Dec 10-10.30am

Agent Jeremy Julian Mob 0423 141 529

LJ Hooker Kippax 02 6255 3888 canberraweeklyrealestate.com.au REAL ESTATE ON THE MARKET 72 canberraweekly.com.au
Jane Kusetic now Jane Macken Jane Macken Franchise Owner | Licensend Agent | Auctioneer LJ Hooker Woden | Weston 0408 662 119 Same great agent, great new last name.

GARRAN 3 Couvreur Street

Sat 3/12/2022, 11-11.40am

Sun 4/12/2022, 11-11.40am

Tue 6/12/2022, 5.30-6.10pm CONTACT Michael Potter 0413 830 598

Showcasing a perfect fusion of a dress circle location, magical, scenic views and complete family comfort.

Extremely inviting and graced with tasteful design features, quality updates and plenty of segregation. The floorplan embraces spotless presentation with an ‘everything in its place’ interior and front row seats that capture scenic Valley panoramas. Framed by striking, established gardens, a wonderful covered alfresco entertaining area and sparkling, inground pool. EER 0.5

PRICE GUIDE Offers above
$1,695,000 VIEWING
4 BEDROOMS 3 BATHROOMS 2 CAR SPACES POOL Pristine presentation, grandstand views mpotter@mpotter.com.au
visit us at mpotter.com.au SALE
www.impactproperties.com.au Premium Home across from the Town Centre! Surrounded by quality homes in a quiet cul-de-sac location you will find this wonderful family home boasting three living areas, three cars garaging space plus four car parking space, amazing backyard with sensational swimming pool and jacuzzi to enjoy living daily. The large formal lounge and formal dining opens onto a spacious covered balcony to enjoy lake and mountain views. This stunning large home plus a separate studio room with its own bathroom property presents a rare opportunity in a tightly held pocket of Monash. Price by Negotiation CWM09047AH Monash 10 Thompson Place 5 | 4 | 3+4 | EER: 0.5 shi@impactproperties.com.au Shaun Iqbal 0416 135 270 Inspection: Sat, 3rd Dec 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Updated Home near Gungahlin Town Centre

! In highly desirable location, this renovated property invites all aspects of cosmopolitan living near Gungahlin town centre. Light-filled throughout with separate living areas, a wealth of space is provided to help you relax in comfort or entertain in a massive backyard among family and friends. Well designed with practical layout of this home offers a peaceful setting for you & your family to enjoy living near the town centre. At this great location, this home is to be most popular with home buyers and investors alike. With great access to both the Gungahlin town centre, arterial roads and the light rail, commuting is a breeze.

Price guide: $929,000+ CWM09047AR Gungahlin 379 Gundaroo Drive 3 | 2 | 2 + 4 | EER: 3.5 shi@impactproperties.com.au Shaun Iqbal 0416 135 270 Inspection: Sat, 3rd Dec 10:15am - 11:00am
1&2/12 Heradale Street Batemans Bay NSW Duplex....Two Properties for the Price of One!! Zoned R3 (Medium density residential) the duplex is situated in a prime location. With lovely tenants on both sides who have looked after the property for many years. Combined potential rental income $800/wk. Unit 1 (Fully self-contained): * 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms and carport Unit 2 (Fully self-contained): * 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guaran tee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries. For Sale $790,000-$850,000 View By Appointment (tenants need 48hrs notice) Agent Karen Van Der Stelt 0413 221 504 batemansbay.ljhooker.com.au/ LJ Hooker Batemans Bay 02 4472 6455 5 3 2 This is an exceptional opportunity to purchase a premium rural holding on the outskirts of Tarago Village with surrounding views. Situated on Cullulla Road, sits this 100 acre allotment within a true rural setting, peaceful, quiet and yet only 6 minutes to Tarago, 30 minutes to Goulburn, 1hr to Batemans Bay or Canberra and 2hrs to Sydney. 100 Cullulla Road TARAGO NSW, 2580 FOR SALE: $1,695,000 VIEW: CONTACT AGENT. Dan Woodford 0414 264 441|02 6238 0999 dan.woodford@prd.com.au Rachael Fowler 0406 575 472|02 6238 0999 sales.bungendore@prd.com.au 1 2 Land: 100 Acre PREMIUM LIFESTYLE PROPERTY LOOKING FOR AN AFFORDABLE INVESTMENT IN A TIGHT RENTAL MARKET? CAN’T AFFORD TO KEEP RENTING IN CANBERRA? WANT TO BUY YOUR OWN VILLA FOR HALF THE PRICE OF PURCHASING IN CANBERRA? PHONE MARK TO ARRANGE AN INSPECTION 0477446908 • NEW MODERN BATHROOM REMODELLED FOR FUNCTIALITY AND LOW MAINTENACE; • SPACIOUS 73M2, SINGLE LEVEL; • LOWEST PRICED IN THE MARKET; • WELL MAINTAINED SO IN GREAT CONDITION; • GOOD TENANTS IN PLACE; • WALK TO CITY CENTRE; • CARPORT & VISTOR PARKING; • RATES AND BODY CORPORATE FEES UNDER $5,000.00 P/A PER VILLA (INCLUDING STRATA MAINTENANCE OF GROUNDS AND EXTERNAL BUILDING STRUCTURE); • ALWAYS BEEN ABLE TO RENT ON THE SAME DAY AS 1ST EXHIBITION; • BY PRIVATE SALE; AND • IN QUIET AREA OF BATEMANS BAY; UNIT 8/15 CROWN STREET FREE STANDING 3 BEDROOM VILLA ONLY $430,000.00! 99 canberraweekly.com.au

Lot 4 Bunderra Circuit

Lyrebird Hill Malua Bay


Rarely does such a private acreage, close to both Malua Bay Beach and shops and the private Lilli Pilli Beach, present to the market. Connected to water, sewer, underground power and NBN, this block is reached via private sealed road access. With ocean views, to reinforce your proximity to the beach you can just hear the waves breaking on the beach.


For Sale $695,000

View Contact Agent Agent Rob Routledge 0414 235 976

50 Wattlebird Way Malua Bay

Homes in this location tend to sell quickly so if a good sized 3 bed 2 bath 2 car home is on your list this may be the one, with garaging and workshop space under and the rest of the home all on one level with a great private entertaining area to the back it ticks many of the boxes. With around 335sm of floor area, large master suite and separate living areas it’s a great family home with the bonus of a back to grid solar system to keep the costs down.

740sqm 3 2 2

For Sale $975,000

View Contact Agent Agent Rob Routledge 0414 235 976

79 Ridge Street Catalina


Feeling like you have been priced out of the market? Well, this well priced 2-bedroom home might just be the one for you! For the investor there is a good single tenant ready to sign a new lease if you are looking for a return, or maybe it’s a foot in the door for a first home buyer!

2 1 1

For Sale $635,000

View Contact Agent Agent


With 360m of floor space this Masterton built mansion is nearly twice the size of the average homes in the area, built in one of the best streets in Long Beach it offers Bay and mountain views from the top floor the is close by with Batemans Bay CBD us around a 12-minute drive away. The round floor with high ceilings offers a large fifth bedroom, a generous study, wide entry hall, and a media room. If a home bigger than the average in a great position is on your list this one won’t disappoint. It’s ready to move into and enjoy your new lifestyle.

1 5 2.5 2

For Sale $1,050,000

View By Appointment Agent Rob Routledge 0414 235 976

LJ Hooker Batemans Bay 02 4472


Rob Routledge 0414 235 976 All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.
72 Courtenay Crescent Long Beach

We have a modern two-bedroom apartment available now. This home comes with a:

• Generous open plan living space opening onto a large balcony

• Modern kitchen with stone benchtops and user friendly appliances

• Large master bedroom

• Reverse cycle air conditioning to keep you comfortable all year round

• Wide corridors

• An accessible bathroom

• Internal laundry

• Smart metering and community solar electricity to reduce your energy footprint, and your costs of living.

Our relaxed, contemporary retirement village makes it easy for you to make the most of every day. Ditch the mower and enjoy the social community, neighbours you know, and your own home without the time-consuming maintenance. We’ll even change the lightbulbs.

For your day-to-day needs, Bellerive’s conveniently located close to the Canberra Hospital and the heart of Woden, home to Westfield, the bus interchange and many of Canberra’s premier clubs. Call Donna Blackwell

Our residents love calling Bellerive Village home – and you will too.
on 02 6169 3669
book a tour now 15 Burnie Street, Lyons ACT 2606 www.bellerivevillage.com.au
Two Bedroom Home Available Now

Located in the heart of Deakin, just 300m from the shops and close to medical facilities, The Grange retirement village offers you independent living in your own private home without the hassle of the building maintenance, and the security of knowing staff are onsite 24 hours a day in case of an emergency.

Join the vibrant and welcoming community where you can live life your way. Enjoy lunch or dinner in the private dining room. Take part in the many social activities or interest groups in the village. Keep fit at one of the regular exercise classes, the indoor pool or the many walking tracks nearby including Red Hill. Indulge your passion for culture at the many museums and galleries close by.

Call 02 6282 1782 to book a tour

Call 02 6282 1782 to find out more www.thegrangedeakin.com.au

It’s more than a home, it’s a community
2 bedroom homes are beautifully renovated and come with:
A spacious kitchen with granite benchtops
and dining areas
onto spacious balconies
Open plan living
bedrooms with plenty of storage
Modern bathrooms
air conditioning/heating
Reverse cycle
Good sized internal laundries with dryer
Homes starting from $670,000

Take a dip in the pool

While someone else does the mowing and weeding.

Display Suite open Monday to Friday. Book a private tour or join us at our Open for Inspections every Wednesday, 10am to 2pm.

Embrace the ease of a low maintenance brand new 1, 2 or 3 bedroom apartment, selling now.

We believe a home is more than just bricks and mortar.

Over 50% Sold

It’s a sanctuary that allows you more time to do the things you love. At Marigal Gardens retirement village, you’ll enjoy access to fabulous facilities and services at your doorstep, and an already established and thriving community.

And, when you’re ready to unwind or entertain in the privacy of your own home, you’ll enjoy:

• generous open plan living areas designed to be practical and inviting

• spacious balconies or courtyards to enjoy the paper and a coffee, or dabble in some gardening

• well-appointed kitchens with all the modern conveniences

• reverse cycle air-conditioning for all year round comfort

• double glazing

• abundant light and ingenious use of space

• sophisticated neutral palette and subtle textures that create a timeless canvas to add your own personal touch

• internal access to a secure car space with a storage cage

• 24-hour emergency assistance at the push of a button for peace of mind. Experience convenient and comfortable living, where someone else mows the lawns and takes care of the extensive village gardens there for your enjoyment.

21 Snodgrass Crescent, Kambah ACT 2902 www.marigalgardens.com.au | 1300 884 784 Renders are for illustrative purposes only. Details are correct at time of printing and subject to change. November 2022.

Whistleblower, Edward — (7)

Old sailor (coll) (4)

Accept reluctantly (9)

Kitchen utensil (7)

Part of a target (5)

u se of false, but clever arguments (9)

Woman’s calf-length clothing (4)

Indigestion (9)

Transformer (9)

Designers of goods and structures (9)

In support of (2,3,2)

f ish (5)

Of sound waves (5)

fuel cut from bogs (4)

1 From what cereal is pumpernickel made? 2 Who did Monica Bellucci play in The Passion of the Christ? 3 What comic strip did Jim Davis work on before Garfield? 4 The endocrine system is a system of what in the human body?

5 What is the term for a baby ferret? 6 What colour is the element cadmium? 7 The Nobel Prize was established in 1895 in which country? 8 Who released the 2004 single Coin-Operated Boy? 9 And to what musical genre is it said to belong? 10 In computer data storage, if you are striping, are your disks in RAID 0 or RAID 1?

Brain busters: 1. Rye 2. Mary Magdalene 3. Gnorm Gnat 4. Glands 5. Kit 6. Bluish-white 7. Sweden 8. The Dresden Dolls 9. Dark cabaret 10. RAID 0 DIffIculTy RATInG  DIffIculTy RATInG  To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: each of the nine vertical columns, each of the nine horizontal rows and each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes. Remember no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box. 326 486 3 32 59 6 7 1426 9316 7 75 93 2 2 537 843 25 248 41 3 597 57 4 31 6 972 28 3 0112 n o. 1589 n o. 1590 n o. 1590 n o. 1589 762894531 274183695 627438159 491356782 815629347 358971426 583217964 936745218 149562873 268437951 914326875 649278513 471859632 832745196 387514269 593162748 756981324 125693487 ACROSS 1 Tinned meat (4) 3 c ollection and study of data (10) 10 fluids (7) 11 Make a big profit (5,2) 12 Manliness (8) 13,
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1 december – 7 december 2022

WITh paTsY benneTT


for personal readings, contact p atsy through her website to make an appointment, or call 0448 808 333.

facebook: facebook.com/patsybennettpsychicastrology

Instagram: instagram.com/patsybennettastrology

sagittarius nov 23 – dec 21

Key talks and meetings will be decisive, so be prepared to negotiate or even to make compromises. Romance could blossom, especially if you were born mid- d ecember. This weekend, you’ll appreciate the chance to focus on health. This is an excellent week to look for financial security.

capricorn dec 22 – jan 20

You’ll appreciate a change of pace or of place and will enjoy socialising and connecting with family or friends. Key talks to do with your daily routine, health and work may test your resolve, so be prepared to de-stress when you can, especially towards next Thursday’s full moon.

aquarius jan 21 – feb 19

You can progress with your favourite projects, but if you are getting mixed messages from someone, this could be a complex time. a get-together this weekend will feel uplifting but if the opposite occurs, you’ll be glad to find out the facts. f ocus is the key to success; avoid distractions.

pisces feb 20 – ma R 20

You’ll discover if you’re on track in your career and general direction, or if you’ll need more help or must adopt a diligent approach. You may feel drawn to freedom, or to a sense of possibility through travel, study and progress. b e spontaneous, but avoid impulsiveness, as it could backfire.

aries ma R 21 – ap R 20

You’ll work your way through key communications and matters to do with study, travel or even legal matters. Keep on top of complex communications to avoid upsets and make choices based on facts. a therapeutic aspect this weekend will boost energy levels, so make time to unwind.

taurus a p R 21 – maY 21 f inancial and personal matters will take your focus and you’re best to avoid gambling in both departments. a n agreement may be reached. Keep communications on an even keel this weekend for best results. You may be asked for help and, if you need advice or support, it will be available.

celebrity birthday

Tim Cahill 6 December 1979

Socceroos icon Tim Cahill combines an intuitive approach to life with a practical one, and together with his natural gifts, enables him to make the most of opportunities. Combine this with his strong work ethic, and his work commitments will change over coming years as he progresses through his career. a nd, as he unearths fresh skill sets, he will gain opportunities to build a strong foundation both for himself and his family.

gemini maY 22 – jun 21

You may receive conflicting information or news from someone you are collaborating with, either on a business or a personal level. If you feel under pressure with communications, ensure you are super-clear for best results, especially this weekend and on Tuesday. avoid snap decisions.

cancer jun 22 – jul 22 a change in your usual daily routine will deserve focus as you’ll enjoy a trip or activity this weekend, and it may have a therapeutic quality. a work or health decision will benefit from expert advice. Romance could blossom for all c ancerians, but you must avoid making rash decisions.

le o jul 23 – aug 23

You’ll enjoy getting together with someone special, and romance could blossom. j ust ensure you’re on the same page to avoid disappointment. This is a good weekend for a garden or home working bee. s omeone will prove helpful. Keep an eye on communications to avoid mix-ups.

virgo aug 24 – sep T 23

a change at home or at work could be significant. You’ll enjoy a trip or a visit. Key talks will kick-start a refreshing new chapter, especially if you’re flexible with people in your environment or plan to enjoy a change of scenery. b e tactful, especially this weekend and on Tuesday.

libra sepT 24 – oc T 23 d evelopments are best navigated step by step to avoid mistakes, especially regarding finances and your personal life. d iscussions this weekend and on Tuesday will be fruitful, and could provide solutions to problems. a trip, project or exciting venture will catch your eye. avoid impulse buys.

scorpio oc T 24 – nov 22 m eetings and discussions will be productive, but you must avoid second guessing someone. You’ll get the opportunity to make changes to some of your existing agreements. b e prepared to negotiate to make solid progress financially and in your personal life. Romance could ignite, so plan a treat.

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INDEX Air Conditioning/Heating 106 Arborist 106 Bathrooms & Kitchens 106 Bathroom Maintenance 106 Bathroom Renovations 106 Builders 107 Carpenters & Joiners 107 Carpet Laying 107 Cleaning Service 107 Commercial Cleaning 107 Crane Hire & Car Removal 107 Decks 108 Electrical 108 Fencing 108 Gardening 108 Gutter Cleaning 108 Handyman 108 Home Renovations 108 Lawns & Turf 109 Locksmiths 109 Mechanics 109 Painting 109 Plumbing & Gasfitting 109 Roofing 110 Rubbish Removals 110 Tiling 110 Upholstery 110 To get your business listed in the Trades & Services Guide, call Shannay on 0406 378 673 Give your business a boost! Register today in the Trades & Services Guide, call Shannay on 0406 378 673 or email trades@canberraweekly.com.au STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD A I R CO N D I T I O N I N G/H E AT I N G Exclusive finance partner Call 0480 099 204 We are Fully Licensed & Insured, with a Lifetime Workmanship Warranty and a 100% Service Satisfaction Guarantee 4.9 star 1000+ Reviews @ alliancecc.com.au Alliance Climate C o n t r o l A I R CO N D I T I O N I N G/H E AT I N G COMPLETE TREE SERVICES REMOVAL, PRUNING, HEDGING Expertise in power-line clearing, pruning, optimizing form and function with a clean finish. for advice and free quote QUALIFIED . EXPERT . RELIABLE Call IAN 0412 028 245 CWM0940 ARBORIS T CWM00085AA Enviro Trees Arboricultural Solutions 0488 009 293 • Tree Pruning • Tree Removals • Stump Grinding • Qualified Arborist • Full Insurance • Tile & Grout cleaning experts • Detect/Fix leaking showers • Stone & Slate sealing • Pressure & Acid wash cleaning services • Grout/Colour matching & advice • All products used by us are Mould and mildew resistant • 12 years warranty • 10% pensioner discount DIRTY TILES/GROUT NEW IN NO TIME CALL BRENT FOR FREE QUOTES & INSPECTION 0416 910 119 • 0452 538 503 STOP LEAKING SHOWERS B AT H R O O M S & K I TC H E N S BATHROOM RENOVATIONS POOL RENOVATIONS AND GENERAL TILING Complete Project Management All Trades Free Quotes ABN: 62973049707 Rob: 0412 017 832 | Shane: 0412 942 041 email: downie100@ozemail.com.au www.dcbathrooms.net B AT H R O O M M AINT E NAN C E • Bathroom & laundry renovations • Project management • plumbing • Installations • blocked drains • Leaking taps & toilets • gasfitting • Hot water units • drainage Mark Summerfield LICENSED PLUMBER 0431 882 229 mark@renewplumbingandbathrooms.com.au www.renewplumbingandbathrooms.com.au ABN 53 193 697 032 LIC NO 200015959 B AT H R O O M R E N O VATI O N S Trades & Services Guide Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au CONCESSION CARD REBATES AVAILABLE Locally owned and operated for over 20 years On replacement or installation of new Ducted Reverse Cycle Air-Conditioning System FREE FUEL CARD $500 On replacement or installation of Reverse Cycle High-Wall Split Air-Conditioning System FREE FUEL CARD $200 SUMMER SPECIAL FROM THE ENERGY SPECIALISTS Talk to one of our Energy Specialists today! Call 02 6280 0994 | energypeople.com.au Work performed by licensed contractors CWM09051AK INTEREST FREE LOAN UP TO 10 YEARS 106 canberraweekly.com.au
B AT H R O O M R E N O VATI O N S 30+ years building experience No job Too Small Decks - Pergolas - General Maintenance Painting - Tiling - Plastering ABN: 98 240 579 704 rb.carpentry@iinet.net.au Richard Brennan 0412 161 312 CWM0009 CWM00151AA LACHLAN WARD FOUNDER & BUILDER 0423 220 166 lachlan@highlandcraftrenovations.com.au www.highlandcraftrenovations.com.au BUIL D E R S • Renovation & Repairs • All Home Improvements incl. Plastering • Decks & Pergolas • Extensions • Fully Qualified Call or Email Daniel teksaw@yahoo.com.au CARPENTER 0404 490 460 C AR P EN T E R S & J O I N E R S CWM0257 EXPERT CARPET PERFORMANCE! • Carpet Laying • Carpet Repairs • Commercial and Domestic • Supply & Install New Carpets • Laying Second Hand Carpets CARPET SERVICE GT Call GARY 0414 863 195 gary@pcug.org.au C A R P E T L AYI N G P 6259 3200 / 6241 0857 M 0407 263 812 www.monarchcleaningservices.com.au Monarch Cleaning Services ABN 29 073 101 768 Window Cleaning From Average 3 BR Home + Free Flyscreen & Tracks Clean $220 C L E ANI N G S ERVI C E P 6259 3200 / 6241 0857 M 0407 263 812 www.monarchcleaningservices.com.au Monarch Cleaning Services ABN 29 073 101 768 Covid Prevention Cleaning | Approved Australian Products Staff Security Clearances for Government Leased Buildings Corporate Offices • Childcare Centres • Aged Care Facilities ALEXANDER CRANE’S Crane Truck Hire and Unwanted Car Recycling Servicing the ACT for the last 17 years with a perfect safety record CALL ANDREW on 0427 545 613 Removal of scrap cars Nuckel boom crane hire for Airconditioner lifts to rooftops at competitive rates Delivery of building materials. Also lifting everything from boats to pianos Car removal services included cash for unwanted cars and difficult access removal Free battery/car parts pickup service Cash for old trucks, motorcycles, machinery, cars. CA$H for unwanted CARS CRA N E HIRE & CAR R E M O V A L COMMERCIAL CLEANING Give your business a boost! Register today in the Trades & Services Guide, call Shannay on 0406 378 673 or email trades@canberraweekly.com.au STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD Call Shannay on 0406 378 673 to get your business listed To get your business listed in the Trades & Services Guide, call Shannay on 0406 378 673 Trades & Services Guide Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au 107 canberraweekly.com.au
FREE QUOTE SUMMER IS HERE Timber Decks & Pergolas METAL PERGOLAS has you covered! BH CARPENTRY ACT Call BrendAn 0407 763 597 D E C K S E L E C T R I C A L GLENN’S BRUSH FENCING REPAIRS GLENNMADDEN@ICLOUD.COM | 0412 636 880 OVER 30 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED BEFORE AFTER F E NCI N G CWM00118A GENERAL GARDENING P T S 0417 421 274 Trees/Weeds/Grass Tip Runs + Removals Southside enquires only G A R D EN I N G CG CULTURED GARDENS Garden Care and Maintenance Pruning / Garden Cleanups Lawn Mowing / Hedge Trimming High Pressure Cleaning Commercial/Domestic • Fully Insured • Horticulturalist INFO.CULTUREDGARDENS@GMAIL.COM 0438 477 462 CWM0128 Baya’s Backyard Ph/Fax: 6241 9413 Mob: 0413 088 908 • Mowing / Edging • Pruning / Odd jobs • Rubbish Removal • Gutter Cleaning • Tree Services • Small landscaping Garden & Tree Services G A R D EN I N G CWM0352 Al Gardner For ALL your gardening needs. Covering all suburbs. Lawn Mowing•Pruning•Trimming•Weeding•Rubbish removal Gutter cleaning•Mulching •All maintenance Fully equipped INSURED-Guaranteed. Well presented after completion. 10% Pensioner discounts 0449 898 527 CWM000183AA FOR ALL YOUR GARDEN AND HORTICULTURE NEEDS T 0449 997 551 E neilgibbons991@gmail.com All Good Gardens • Mowing & Edging • Hedge Trimming • Tree Pruning • Mulching • Irrigation Repairs & Installation • Fully Insured • Regular Maintenance Programs • Ride-on Mowing • GARDEN MAINTENANCE • LAWN MOWING • GENERAL CLEAN UP • RUBBISH REMOVAL • REGULAR or CASUAL SERVICES • ALL SUBURBS • FULLY INSURED Call Peter on 0419 289 886 peter.wurth@hotmail.com CWM0116 EZY PROPERTY MAINTENANCE WE MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU Mowing & Edging Pruning & Mulching Hedge Trimming Weed Control Fertilisation A WELL MAINTAINED GARDEN ADDS VALUE TO A PROPERTY Kaushik Makwana Qualified Horticulturist CALL: 0430 582 821 Free no obligation quotes Fully insured Customer service from a company you can trust Garden Cleanup Rubbish Removal Gutter Cleaning Regular Maintenance Commercial or Domestic Want clean gutters? Want clear downpipes? Want safe work practices? “Clean. Safe….Easy” ANY HEIGHT - OH & S COMPLIANT 0407 701 135 e: act@guttervac.com.au w: www.guttervac.com.au CWM0126 We are still operating and observing Social Distancing G U T T E R C L E AN I N G Gutter Clean The gutter vacuum specialist Pergola repairs 0421 193 553 All areas Free estimates gutter_clean@hotmail.com CWM0812 Quality Roo� Paintin� Paintin� � Plasterin� Flat Pack Furniture General Repairs �� �� �� �� �� Call Patrick Free Quote Work ... and more H A N DYM A N We create ART with daylight! (02) 6280 9901 | daylight_artistry Premier Dealer for Proud installer of SKYLIGHTS H O M E R E N O VAT I O N S To get your business listed in the Trades & Services Guide, call Shannay on 0406 378 673 Call Shannay on 0406 378 673 to get your business listed Trades & Services Guide Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au 108 canberraweekly.com.au
We supply high quality Artificial Turf and install. Call Us Today 0435 039 350 0402 708 203 info@capitaloutdoors.com.au www.capitaloutdoors.com.au Seniors discount available Our Services: - Stylish Deck - Artificial & Synethetic Turf - Landscaping & Lawns - Pergolas L AW N S & T U R F Even the magpies think it’s real... CW0348 Even the magpies think it’s real... • Synthetic grass stays green all year round • Easy low maintenance & water free • Family owned business with 14 years experience • Landscaping & paving services available • Australian made product Call David 0410 682 457 Or Nancy 0410 081 771 Keeping it green .com.au The synthetic grass solution Over 30 years experience securing the Canberra Community Locks changed & keyed the same ‘Locked out’ service Dead locks & window locks supplied & fitted Keys made to locks & locks repaired Screen door locks, repaired and replaced Servicing domestic & commercial clients Master licence #17501928 Seniors discounts CWM0231 Phone: 0458 786 727 www.highsecuritylocksmiths.com.au LO C K S M I T H S Mechanical | Metal Fabrication | Mobile Welding Tyres | Brakes | ACT/NSW Regos | & more Monteleone Car Works & Metal Fabrication Ph: 02 6241 0222 Mobile: 0438 469 138 Unit 6, 91-93 Grimwade Street Mitchell CWM1051 M E CHAN I C S Seniors discount available. 0451 031 550 | info@taqwapainting.com.au ABN: 39617453237 Taqwa Painting With 10 years experience, we’re the ones you’ve been looking for. PAINT I N G www.bonzapainting.com.au 0405 588 540 • Internal Paintings Services • External Paintings Services • Residential & Commercial Painting Service • House Paintings Services • Over 15 years experience • Fully Insured Lic No 358952c BONZA PAINTING Free Quotes DREW’S PAINTING SERVICES REFERENCES PROVIDED ON REQUEST PH: 0427 004 411 | E: drewburgin69@gmail.com HOUSE PAINTING INTERIORS & EXTERIORS OUTSIDE PRESSURE CLEANING RUST REMOVAL CALL 0417 255 869 Exterior Painting from $1300 special! offer! Unbeatable (INCLUDES FASCIA, GUTTER, EVES AND DOWNPIPES) ALL HANDYMAN SERVICES ALL WORK GUARANTEED CEILINGS, WALLS & CORNICES (MIN 3 ROOMS) /ROOM ONLY 2 COAT APPLICATION QUALITY PAINTS Dulux $300 CANBERRA’S LEADING PAINTING EXPERTS FOR OVER 25 YEARS FOR A free ONTHESPOT QUOTE MONET PAINTING PAINT I N G COMPLEXITY PLUMBING 24 X 7 Emergency service • Leaking Taps & Toilet • Blocked Drains • Hot water Services • General Plumbing • Local & Licenced Business • Professional & Reliable • Seniors Discount $100 terms & conditions apply OFF Phone: 0467 448 812 Email: complexityplumbing@gmail.com Lic No: 2019590 ABN: 81 558 056 919 PLUMB I N G & GA S F ITT I N G NO HOT WATER? Call us for fast and reliable hot water repairs and replacement. Express replacement ser vice Systems to suit all needs 24/7 emergency ser vice Work performed by licensed contractors. 6280 0994 energypeople.com.au TS01217AA Give your business a boost! Register today in the Trades & Services Guide, call Shannay on 0406 378 673 or email trades@canberraweekly.com.au STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD Trades & Services Guide Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au 109 canberraweekly.com.au

WIN! Puffin prize pack

Christmas is almost here, and to celebrate the silly season, we’re giving one lucky winner the chance to win a bumper book pack full of Christmasthemed stories, plus a giant Puffin rug! Featuring festive books to get you in the spirit, including offerings from beloved characters like Bluey, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and Spot, the little ones in your life will love these new additions to their bookshelves.

One lucky CW reader will win this mega prize pack, valued at $675 RRP.

WIN! Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile family passes

When the Primm family moves to New York City, their young son Josh struggles to adapt to his new school and new friends. All that changes when he discovers Lyle, a singing crocodile who loves baths, caviar and great music, living in the attic of his new home. The two become fast friends, but when Lyle’s existence is threatened by evil neighbour Mr Grumps, the Primms must band together with Lyle’s owner to show the world that family can come from the most unexpected places and there’s nothing wrong with a big singing crocodile with an even bigger personality.

In cinemas Boxing Day, 26 December.

CW has 5 x Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile (G) in-season family (admit 4) passes to be won.

Enter to WIN
enter, scan the QR code or visit canberraweekly.com.au and click on the ‘Entertainment’ tab to ‘Competitions’, find the competition
wish to enter and
the entry instructions. Entries
December 2022 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person per giveaway. Entrants must
close 9am
be aged 18+.
$80 OFF WHEN YOU QUOTE THIS AD ANY SERVICES *CONDITIONS APPLY Taps And Toilets Hot Water/Solar Blocked Drains Gas Fitting Burst Pipes Bathroom Renovations Roofing/Guttering • Local Professional Service • Seniors Discount • No Call Out Fee • All Work Guaranteed • Support Local Business • 24/7 Emergency service Phone 0421 038 243 Web capitalpd.com.au Email: admin@capitalpd.com.au Plumbing Lic 2013728 ABN: 53193588524 TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR ROOF Call us for an obligation free quote: • Roof repairs • New roofs • Extensions • Re-roofs • Gutters cleaned • Ridge-capping IS YOUR ROOF LEAKING OR IN NEED OF REPAIR? 0407 789 258 TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR ROOF IS YOUR ROOF LEAKING OR IN NEED OF REPAIR? Call us for an obligation free quote: Roof repairs • New roofs • Extensions • Re-roofs Gutters cleaned • Ridge-capping YEARSFULLYEXPERIENCE INSURED Lic. No. 252440C CWM0353 www.prideroofingcanberra.com.au R O O F I N G • Roof maintenance both tile and colourbond • Roof leaks • Roof restorations • New roofs Ph: 0473 536 741 PLUMB I N G & GA S F ITT I N G Phone: 0412 571 575 Skip Hire (2, 3, 4.5, 6, 8)m3 Google Service Rating ABN 13 552 013 712 R UBBI S H R E M O VA L S LOCAL TILING ACT Call Alex today 0475 000 528 localtilingact@hotmail.com All suburbs For all your tiling needs: CWM0477 Bathroom, Laundry and Kitchen tiling Walls and oors tiling Bathroom Renovations No job too big or small Water proo ng shower leaks TIL I N G CWM00002AC Sometimes in today’s modern world we can forget the beauty in artisanal craftsmanship. Get in touch to start your dream project today. ✓ Re-Upholstery & Restorations ✓ Custom-Made Furniture ✓ Commercial Fit-Outs ✓ Bedheads and Wall Upholstery Call or email us today! 0422 073 665 / 6181 3511 toni@twinstitchupholstery.com.au U P H O LST E RY R O O F I N G Call Shannay on 0406 378 673 to get your business listed Trades & Services Guide Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au 110 canberraweekly.com.au

My favourite things

2022 ACT Local Hero

Canberra-based youth support worker, Luke Ferguson, was named the 2022 ACT Local Hero and awarded the 2019 Excellence in Support at the Chief Minister’s Inclusion Awards and the 2021 Outstanding Youth Worker at the Youth Coalition Awards for his work in this field with the students of The Woden School. At the start of this year, Luke opened Daydream Machine, a music and movie-making studio in Fyshwick, running programs to support young neurodivergent people (aged 10–18 years) living with disability to explore their interests and talents in music, arts, and technology. Daydream Machine, which is a finalist in this year’s Chief Minister Inclusion Awards and the Youth Coalition YOGIES Awards, provides defined, exciting career pathways for its participants. Luke has been involved in the music industry for 25 years, supporting the likes of Beastie Boys and INXS, and playing the Big Day Out with his ’90s Canberra indie-rock band, the Hammonds. He also performs in a kids’ hip-hop band, Battlebird, with his son, nieces and nephews. Battlebird has released two albums through ABC Music.


I have amassed a collection of around 50 boomboxes that I’ve picked up at trash and treasure over the years. Not many of them are in working order, but I just love the look of them! I’m an ’80s kid so I’ve got a strong connection (my students call it an obsession) with old-school music-technology … the boomboxes take pride of place at Daydream Machine!


I picked up a 1970s ‘Big Show’ Pinball recently for my students at the studio. None of them had played before, but in their words, it’s “way more interactive and fun than video games”… Ha, my work is done then! I love the fact that while you’re playing pinball, the game is the only thing that matters in that moment. It’s my favourite way to switch o .


With the FIFA World Cup kicking o last week, I definitely need that co ee and caramel slice hit to get me through the early morning games. Watching with my son the Socceroos (and my beloved Manchester United) play brings me such great joy … and anguish. Yep, the joys of being a football fan … wouldn’t change a thing.


OK, I couldn’t separate these two, they really do go perfectly together! It’s no secret my days are ca eine-fuelled; the first co ee of the day is hands down one of my favourite things … ever. One of my students and I are on the search for the perfect caramel slice, and have sampled over 55 caramel slices around Canberra this year alone. Stay tuned for the results!


I am a music-obsessive, whether listening, playing or reading about it… Being in the position now to transform kids’ lives through the power of music at Daydream Machine is quite possibly my proudest achievement. Music is magic.

Luke Ferguson
Photo Kerrie Brewer
02 6287 8400 frontdesk@nationalzoo.com.au 999 Lady Denman Drive, Canberra ACT The world’s best present?! From $375 for 10 kids & 2 adults* - entry included! Catering packages and tours available. Numbers are limited so book now! Party! Party! Party! *Additional guests extra Give a Christmas Gift voucher as a special present or book yourself in (or both)! Jamala Wildlife Lodge offers guests luxurious accommodation with an unparalleled experience of the wildest kind! Located within the grounds of the National Zoo and Aquarium, Jamala Wildlife Lodge provides a variety of opulent safari style suites and bungalows that not only boast sublime African art and décor, but are also surrounded by some of the world’s most magnificent and endangered animals. Gourmet dinner with fine wines and Moet Champagne included. Bookings available for all room types from 23 December. OR STAY YOURSELF! 02 6287 8444 | www.jamala.com.au | info@jamalawildlifelodge.com.au At the zoo... where else?! WINNER! Canberra’s top Major Tourist Attraction 2022 WINNER! Canberra Tourism Awards 2022 Best Unique Accommodation AND best Tourism Restaurant

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