12 January 2023

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From the editor

It’s almost 20 years to the day since the January 2003 fire storm ripped through vast tracts of Canberra, killing four people, as well as countless wildlife and domestic animals, and destroying hundreds of homes and numerous workplaces. For those of us who experienced it, that catastrophic day will be forever etched in our memories. With the passage of time, I hope the trauma of the disaster has eased for the many victims, but that the lessons never fade, and are continually reassessed and refreshed, ready as required. (Read Nick Fuller’s story about the ACT’s bushfire management review on page 6.)

In the days and weeks following the fire, I recall a powerful sense of the Canberra community, government agencies, charities and businesses, coming together to support those survivors who had lost their homes and possessions. I later met a migrant family who decided to apply for Australian citizenship ASAP after experiencing this collective care firsthand. May our community spirit remain strong.

Reasons to be grateful these past few weeks include catching up with loved ones in Queensland, visiting places old and new, interesting experiences, sandy toes, refreshing vitamin sea dips, all those who have kept working to keep our society ticking along over the break, hours of gardening fun with our new electric hedge trimmer, and regular wheelie bin collections. All the best for 2023!

on the cover

We’re getting 2023 off to a fresh start with a little help from our adorable cover star, one-year-old Samuel (whose proud mum is our marketing manager, Bianca).

Photo by Kerrie Brewer. See our special Fresh Start advertising feature, pages 15-24.

04 NEWS Canoe polo in Canberra 15 ON THE COVER Fresh Start feature 25 TASTE Barbecue besties 30 THE LOOK Celebrity style:
Pugh 34 HOME Back to school ideas Regulars 04 General news 12 To the editor 13 Sport 14 Have you heard? 25 Taste 26 Time out 28 Winners 30 The look 34 Home 36 Real estate 57 Puzzles 58 Stars 59 Trades & services WIN 63 Byron Bay Chilli Co. packs 63 OC Naturals prize packs 63 January subscriber prize
04 contents thursday 12 january 2023 Published by Newstime Media Pty Ltd (ACN 124 830 155). All content © 2016 Newstime Media Pty Ltd, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without prior written permission. All material sent to Canberra Weekly Magazine (whether solicited or not) will not be returned. Unless otherwise agreed beforehand, all rights including copyright in such material is assigned to Newstime Media upon receipt and Newstime Media may use or sell such material in perpetuity without further consent or payment. All prices and information are correct at time of printing. For full terms and conditions of competitions contact Canberra Weekly Magazine on 6175 8800. Get your daily news at canberraweekly.com.au @ Editor Julie Samaras news@canberraweekly.com.au Founder & Publisher Nick Samaras Canberra Weekly is a member of the Australian Press Council and abides by its guidelines and policies. Complaints about editorial matter should be emailed to editor@canberraweekly.com.au Suite 11, 285 Canberra Avenue,Fyshwick ACT 2609 Editorial & Advertising Enquiries T 02 6175 8800 www.canberraweekly.com.au ISSN:
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Drop the saddle and pick up a paddle with Canoe Polo ACT

It’s time to put the horses in the paddock, ditch the mallet, and pick up a kayak. Polo has a new look. The sport of kings has been reimagined to be played in the water before, but canoe polo sees the game being played on top of the water, in a very physical variation.

“Australia was, back in the ´90s, one of the founding countries where [canoe] polo grew from; and for some reason here and New Zealand, they call it canoe polo, whereas in Europe, it’s kayak polo,” says Laura Kleinrahm, canoe polo convener for the Burley Griffin Canoe Club.

Like the traditional sport, canoe polo was born in England; a paper was captioned “Polo on the Sea” back in 1875. However, the sport as we know it now can be attributed to the demo event at the National Canoe Exhibition in London in 1970.

The canoes, actually purpose-built kayaks, are smaller, lighter, and bounce back from contact much more easily. That’s right, canoe polo is a contact sport, something many players don’t realise when they sign up.

“When I started, I was thinking you have a three-meter-long shield around you, less contact,” player Cathy Gao says. “But then you find that you’re locked into the boat … if someone hits you at the very tip of your boat, you’re gonna feel that through the rest of it.”

Cathy’s partner encouraged her to join the club in February 2022 after the pair went on a

sea kayaking trip.

Laura discovered the contact sport at just 14 years old after a friend invited her along; she fell in love with it, and has been improving her game for the past nine years. When she moved to Canberra, she was keen to find somewhere here to play.

Canoe Polo ACT falls under the banner of the Burley Griffin Canoe Club, which has around 200 members, of whom around 40 are involved with the sport. The core group of players is about 20, with 10 members regularly travelling interstate to compete.

When playing, teams consist of five players battling against their opponents to score goals in the hoops above the water. The game begins with a charge start: a member is chosen from each side to reach the ball first, often colliding or ‘tackling’. Tackling is often more strategic than just ramming someone else.

“The idea is that you have enough control that you can get under a boat, and then you can move them around. It’s not necessarily a head to head; you are trying to use some skill to get under them,” says Cathy.

The team tries to make it to their end of the field where the goalie endeavours to block the shot. The women say there are no set positions like there are in something like netball; however, some players are more drawn to the role.

In her short time with the team, Cathy has been perfecting her roll, which is used when a player

from the opposing team pushes you, flipping over the kayak.

The vigorous sport requires players to remain in shape, and the team trains all year round. During daylight saving, they play at Molonglo Reach, and then switch to Tuggeranong Pool for the cooler seasons. However, a few dedicated members can be seen practising at the Reach on cold, dark, winter nights.

“It would be cool if we could eventually get some better lighting systems up here, because we can train under the bridge for a little bit, but otherwise, it is pretty dark and miserable in winter,” Laura says. “We are definitely enjoying the long summer nights!”

There are different grades within the club. A-grade players often travel interstate for competitions. This level is mainly comprised of men, which the pair says is due to the physicality of the game.

Cathy and Laura both play B-grade, but Laura has played A-grade for a couple of interstate comps. They play local comp games each week, then during the season, they compete in seven competitions, including the nationals. The ACT men’s nationals’ team is a safe bet to be in the top three; they secured their first gold earlier this year. The women’s team used to do well in the nationals until many team members moved away.

“We’re probably the most active women’s team in Australia in terms of numbers and participation,” Laura says. “But we’re just working on the results side of things.”

The team will host the final of the summer series events on Lake Burley Griffin on 25 and 26 February. Players from across the country, from both national and developing skill levels, will battle it out for a title.

To find out more about Canoe Polo ACT, visit facebook.com/ACTCanoePolo Read an extended version at canberraweekly.com.au

Laura Kleinrock (left) and Cathy Gao play canoe polo as members of the Burley Griffin Canoe Club. Photos: Kerrie Brewer. Laura (left) and Cathy with their canoe polo kit at Lake Burley Griffin.
4 canberraweekly.com.au

ACT’s bushfire management improved, challenges remain

A report on ACT bushfire management since 2003’s inferno, published this week by the ACT Multi Hazard Advisory Council, the successor to the ACT Bushfire Council, states that bushfire management arrangements have significantly improved over the last two decades, but finds that challenges remain in bushfire management.

“If we look back at where we were 20 years ago, we’re leaps and bounds ahead,” Rohan Scott, chief officer of the ACT Rural Fire Service, said.

Twenty years ago this month, Canberra was hit by devastating bushfires that killed four people, destroyed nearly 500 homes and 23 commercial premises, burnt 70 per cent of the ACT, and caused at least $610 million in damage.

While a prolonged dry period and catastrophic fire weather caused the bushfires, the report states, the crisis was fuelled by administrative shortcomings, including people without bushfire experience in key positions, inadequate resources, ineffective tactics, and poor communication.

The ACT Government has since invested in resourcing, better technology, better training

for staff and volunteers, and better messaging for the community, Mr Scott explained – all issues that, according to the report, contributed to the 2003 bushfires.

The Emergencies ACT 2004 established the ACT Emergency Services Agency (ESA) and a strategic framework for bushfire management, now, the report states, “a truly comprehensive plan”. The Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate (EPSDD) has substantially increased bushfire risk reduction activities (fuel management, improving access for bushfire suppression) since 2003, the report finds.

“But we can’t become complacent,” Mr Scott said. “We’ve got to constantly look for new technologies, new innovations, and better ways to suppress, predict, and prepare.”

Climate change is causing longer, more frequent, more severe periods of bushfire danger, the report warns; the bushfire season is starting earlier, and lasting longer, creating long campaigns of bushfire management rather than single significant bushfires.

“Given climate change and forecast increased length, severity, and frequency of bad fire seasons, we need to take the opportunity now to think about what we need in the future,” Dr Sally Troy, the Council’s chair said.

The report makes 23 recommendations to address eight key issues, including more resourcing for the ESA and Parks and Conservation Service, which may reach the limits of their capacity; increasing the number of Community Fire Units, residents trained by ACT Fire and Rescue to protect their homes, in bushfire prone suburbs; and ensuring that homes on the urban edge are bushfire resistant.

Mick Gentleman, ACT Minister for Emergency Services, said that the government would formally respond to the report in the not-too-distant future, but that it could work through some of the recommendations now, and include them in the fifth Strategic Bushfire Management Plan (2024).

“We all need to be aware that we’re in a city in a landscape – and it’s bushfire-prone,” Mr Gentleman said.

We are hiring! Join our team as a part-time bus driver today Looking for a career change? Want a job that will take you places and contribute to the community? We’ve got the job for you! Job role applications open 28 November. Find out more at: www.transport.act.gov.au 6 canberraweekly.com.au

Summernats 35 was one for the history books. For the first time ever, car entrant numbers were capped and Saturday and Sunday spectator tickets sold out. Co-owner Andy Lopez says over the weekend (6-8 January), 125,000 people made their way through the gates.

“The crowd was great, we had people everywhere having a good time. Thousands of people at the burnouts, beautiful cars with people enjoying them,” Mr Lopez says.

However, it wasn’t all fun and games. On Saturday night, organisers closed the Cruise Circuit at EPIC to get unruly behaviour under control. In two separate areas, audience members wanted to get closer to the action and the organisers had to request the presence of ACT Policing.

“A small section of the crowd decided they didn’t want to stay off the road. We had just under 50,000 people through the gate and a small minority of people are just selfish and decided they wouldn’t follow reasonable instructions of security and

police,” Mr Lopez says.

A spokesperson from ACT Policing says the closure of the circuit resulted in a significant increase in poor behaviour within the venue, with both spectators and drivers refusing to comply with security officers’ directions. After police assisted in dispersing crowds at EPIC, a number of the privately contracted security guards left the venue, resulting in an understrength security presence.

“Events of this nature require an appropriate security response and ACT Policing is disappointed that organisers were not able to maintain good order inside EPIC. The decision to cease cruising inside the venue resulted in patrons and vehicles dispersing across the ACT in numbers that were difficult to manage,” the spokesperson says.

ACT Policing says that attendees moved from EPIC to Braddon where police engaged with drivers seeking to breach closed roads and block residential access to the area. They say a significant number of offices were called to the location to manage the

crowd, while others were sent to manage vehicles and people gathered in Fyshwick, Majura and Hume.

Over the weekend, ACT Policing issued 18 traffic infringement notices and two cautions, and seized seven vehicles for driving offences. Both ACT Policing and Mr Lopez say they will work together to debrief on the situation and on plans for future Summernats events.

“These few people don’t represent Summernats and the people of Street Machine. There are plenty of safe places when you come here, you don’t have to get on the road and act like an idiot,” Mr Lopez says.

Summernats 35 leaves Canberra’s pockets full and roads branded
Crowds lined Northbourne Avenue on Thursday 5 January to watch the Summernats 35 City Cruise.
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Photo Jessica Cordwell
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The future of farming in Canberra: Tanbella Orchard

Canberra may be the political heart of Australia, known for its population of public servants and influx of politicians, but unbeknown to many, the national capital is also home to a diverse and passionate farming community. To build Canberra’s agricultural landscape, the ACT Government is preparing the Capital Food and Fibre Strategy, with an aim to launch farming in the ACT onto the national stage. So, what is the future of farming in Canberra? CW journalist Abbey Halter reports.

Nestled in Canberra’s original food bowl near the Molonglo River at Pialligo, Tanbella Orchard was first planted in the 1970s with red and gold Delicious and Granny Smith apples.

Today, it’s an agritourism hub and one of the handful of ‘pick your own fruit’ farms in the region.

Owner Chris Reid credits tying in tourism as the reason Tanbella was able to become a viable business.

Along with picking the fruit,

Tanbella Orchard has a coffee cart, a picturesque lawn where visitors can sit, and an ice-cream station (apple flavour, of course). It’s a lovely outing for families – and affordable.

Tanbella Orchard is bringing the community closer to where their food comes from and connecting the public with farmers, whom they most likely wouldn’t think too much about. Visitors can pluck apples straight off the trees and take a bite of the fresh

fruit at the Orchard.

“[The disconnect] is one of the reasons, to be honest, that for years this didn’t make any money,” reveals Chris.

“But when you have groups come in with their kids, and a little kid will come up to you and go ‘I’ve had the best day of my life!’ – they’ve never seen fruit growing on trees … it’s delightful to see how much people enjoy it, and value it and how much pleasure it gives them.”

What would you like to see in the Capital Food and Fibre Strategy?

Chris’ son, Brydon Davidson, is currently helping her on the Orchard, and is passionate about agriculture.


He says this negates the problem for people who have limited land access or live in an apartment and could create a social hub for the community where there are opportunities for connection, and education, along with fresh food.

What do you hope the future of farming and agriculture in Canberra will look like?

“I hope that something like this place will be around into the future, for sure,” says Chris.

“Looking at what’s going on, just generally watching all the other apple orchards close, I’m not going to be here forever.

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He shares his hopes for the Food and Fibre Strategy, saying he’d most like to see an increase in government support for education and campaigns for Canberrans to start growing their own food.

“I think in Canberra in particular, people have quite large backyards, quite large plots, and if there was an interest and education around it or maybe a general culture of doing this, something like leafy greens, you can for sure be growing on scale,” says Brydon.

More community gardens around Canberra planted by the ACT Government is another of Brydon’s suggestions for the

“So, you’d hope that a place like this might be protected. This is a rural lease, but it doesn’t mean that the next person that comes along doesn’t find it viable; when you consider the investment they’ll have to make in this land, that they might go ‘a car park will be better’.

“I think probably the future in farming around Canberra rests more with what Brydon was talking about: small scale, intense, and bringing it in to the suburbs and getting more people actively involved.

“And whether that means that people farm just more for themselves – growing veggies … I think it’s going to be a combination,” she says.

Chris Reid (centre), her partner Stelios Piakis (right), and her son Brydon Davidson have revitalised Tanbella Orchard into a viable business through agritourism.
Photo Kerrie Brewer
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Original Christianity


What would Christianity of the kind that Jesus, the original Christian, lived be like if it were practised today? Original Christianity simply loved; it loved gently, powerfully, universally. It met the human need right where that need was without judgement or limitation. It acted with the deepest, genuine humility – Jesus said, ‘Of my own self I can do nothing.’ It was not political. It had no robes, rituals or riches.

It loved with a divine love so transforming that it healed, or solved the human need, no matter what that need was – poverty, sorrow, sickness. It gave us an understanding of God

“Dad isn’t ready for aged care”


that was not humanistic. ‘God is Love’ lifts our sense from a limited, masculine, judgemental, far-off, traditional concept, to one that envelops us in a feeling of infinite closeness and care. To truly practise Christian worship, we must live love, for Love is the law of life that will bring ‘on earth peace, good will to men’. This is the type of worship that is at the core of Christian Science practice. Real love reduces fear and that is

the love that is most needed right now. It is needed for the current economic and public health crisis as well as global concerns about racial

Dad was lonely in the house by himself. He was still independent but needed a little domestic help.

injustice. Anyone in need of some love and prayer is welcome to come and visit. We are at the corner of Macquarie and Bligh Streets in Barton. Log onto christiansciencecanberra.com for details.

Then we found The Grange Deakin Serviced Apartments. After a little encouragement Dad moved in and within days couldn’t stop thanking me.

Dad has his own apartment, he’s surrounded by company and regular social activities. The household chores are no longer a burden, the apartment is cleaned, and the linen changed weekly. Plus the pressure of the building maintenance is gone. Dad’s now out doing things he loves again.

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Now when we talk it’s without the worry and nagging. Dad couldn’t be happier.

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
John 4: 7, 8)
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11 canberraweekly.com.au


We are seeking an experienced Media Sales Executive to work across our media platforms with a strong focus on our printed publications. The successful application must fit our growing and dynamic team, be motivated to grow, and develop your sales career, be enthusiastic, and able to work independently whilst in a team environment.

As a Media Sales Executive, you will be responsible for generating and establishing new customer relationships and maintaining these customer’s long term. You will be a motivated individual required to develop and retain clients through selling our full range of publications by creating solutions to our client’s marketing needs.

The successful applicant must have a proven ability to develop customer contacts from cold calling and looking for sales opportunities and prospects in the marketplace. A proven track record of achieving sales targets, meeting budgets and KPI’s. developed selling, influencing and negotiation skills are essential. Your primary goal is to identify sales opportunities and provide solutions to achieve successful customer outcomes.

If you believe you have what it takes to succeed in sales and help businesses achieve their advertising goals, please send your resume to Samantha Watson at samantha@canberraweekly.com.au

Time for change?

Canberra, the once admired fully designed city with glowing international reputation, seems at this time to show signs of free-fall. Our experiment with “big Commonwealth style” government has not delivered an equal of a city council, which is now seen by some as a preferred model. It begs the question if City Councils function well in Townsville, Cairns, Brisbane, Newcastle, Sydney, Wollongong, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin and elsewhere across this nation, why not Canberra? Maybe it’s time for a re-think and debate needs to occur.

- J Lawrence, Canberra

Summernats brats

While Summernats isn’t my scene, I appreciate the economic boost it brings to the ACT in the otherwise slow time of early January. It’s a pity the hard work of organisers to provide fun and safe times for festivalgoers is spoiled by the reckless, sometimes illegal and intimidating behaviour of unsavoury fringe elements. I trust the organisers and police will review what went wrong this year (not for the first time) and implement strategies to minimise or prevent future wrongdoings.

- Anonymous, Braddon

Quest for knowledge

I am searching for any local knowledge or information about earliest settlers/squatters in the Lake George/Bungendore/ Queanbeyan area, and Aboriginal original occupants, tribes, clans, research and confirmation of facts. Any known

publications or references? Note: All will be acknowledged.Many established homesteads, cattle runs, farms in the (Lake George / Bungendore) area; when droughts occurred here and in Monaro NSW, they searched for greener pastures, ventured south to Gippsland, Victoria, helping to establish sheep and cattle futures. I am writing ‘Gippsland’s Rich Tapestry of Lives, Interwoven with History’. This information will marry into early surveyors with old mining towns, cattle runs to occupancy, Monaro NSW cattlemen into Victoria. I believe it to be of important archival significance. I write Gippsland history to better understand our rich rural and cultural heritage. Please email tony.lambides@outlook. com (Korumburra and District Historical Society, Past President 2022).

- A Lambides-Turner, Korumburra, VIC

Gas belongs to Australians

Apparently, gas industry CEOs are outraged that the Australian Government is protecting the Australian people and not their massive profits and their own massive bonuses. These huge profits are made because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and not through any skills or hard work of the gas industry. These CEOs seem to forget: It’s our gas. It’s not their property, it belongs to the people of Australia. All they do is remove it from the land that all Australians own and supply it back to us. They can charge a fee for doing that, but our gas still belongs to ALL Australians.

- D Steley, Heyfield VIC

Want to share your opinion?

Email news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘To the editor’ in the subject field; include your full name, phone number, street address (NFP) and suburb. Keep letters to 250 words maximum. Note, letters may be shortened if space restrictions dictate.

12 canberraweekly.com.au

Rowers vs Raiders: Canberra’s elite compete

In a test of strength versus stamina, the Canberra Raiders vied with the World Champion Australian Rowing Team this week in some good-old-fashioned friendly rivalry.

On Monday 9 January, the teams huddled into the Canberra Raiders training facility and were challenged by each other’s skill sets – a 1500m race on the rowing machine and a goal kicking competition.

The Rowing Team unsurprisingly thrashed the NRL players in the rowing race, but Tokyo Olympics gold medalist Alex Purnell said they weren’t 100 per cent confident they’d come out on top.

“That really short-burst effort really plays in the Raiders’ hands. So, they’re very, very big strong boys and we’re more aerobic endurance athletes,” Purnell said.

Conversely, in the goal kicking competition, the Rowing Team thought some of the boys showed some technique, but the Raiders easily cleaned up.

The collaboration between the elites brings two professional sport teams based in Canberra together, in an effort to unite as athletes and learn

from one another’s unique skill sets.

Tokyo Olympics bronze medalist Caleb Antill said there’s some “die-hard” Raiders fans in the Rowing Team and it’s a sea of green during their ‘Footy Jersey Friday’.

“It’s been awesome to have two of Canberra’s professional sporting teams come together and network and share ideas and have a look at their awesome facility here,” Antill said.

“Being a Canberran, and growing up in Canberra, I’ve always been a big Raiders supporter, so it’s been great to come and meet some of the fellas and learn a thing or two from them.”

Purnell is one of the self-proclaimed Raiders fans on the Rowing Team, and during the last few moments of Olympic final in Tokyo he could be heard yelling “do it for the Raiders!” to his teammates – seconds before they won gold.

Canberra Raiders winger James Schiller was impressed by the rowers’ world-class skills and vowed he won’t be challenging them to another race anytime soon.

“When they started, the bloke next to me was

going – he was just pacing, no problem in the world and we’re all there nearly snapping the thing; I fell off my seat about seven times,” laughed Schiller.

The potential for future combined training and coaching sessions seems to be on the horizon for the two teams, and Schiller said it’s only fair the Raiders visit the Rowing Team’s training centre next.

The Canberra Raiders and Rowing Australia collaborated in a networking event to bring two Canberra-based elite sports teams together.
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Photo Kerrie Brewer


GIVIT donation of the week: Cinema vouchers

GIVIT is working with a therapeutic accommodation service in Canberra for children aged 8-15 years at risk of homelessness due to family conflict. They are providing assistance to vulnerable families over the holidays to keep them entertained and supported. This organisation is requesting the donation of cinema vouchers to provide these families with something positive to do together. To donate or fund, visit givit.org.au/whats-needed , search Category: ‘Cinema vouchers; Location: ‘ACT’. After you pledge the item, you will be contacted by the relevant organisation to arrange pick-up, post or drop-off.

Folk Dance Canberra

Folk Dance Canberra is offering a free ‘Come and Try’ afternoon to experience traditional, modern, energetic and easy dances from countries around the world, on Saturday 21 January 2.30-4.30pm at Folk Dance Canberra Hall, 114 Maitland Street, Hackett. To register, email folkdancecanberra@gmail.com or call 6286 6401 (Lesley). More info: folkdancecanberra.org.au

School holiday activity

Kippax Kids Holiday Happening will be on Thursday 19 January 10am-2pm at Kippax Uniting Church, Holt. Craft and games for children who were in primary school in 2022. BYO hat, lunch, and water bottle. Still only $5 per child. Bookings: call 6254 1733.

Snakes Alive! at ANBG

Snakes Alive! presented by the ACT Herpetological Association in partnership with the Australian National Botanic Gardens, is on at the Gardens until Sunday 15 January. This is a strictly ticketed event; bookings via parksaustralia.gov.au/botanic-gardens. Three sessions per day. Funds raised help the Association support regional conservation issues such as the Northern and Southern Corroboree Frog breeding programs, and other projects furthering reptile and amphibian protection and recovery, education, training, and research.


Yerrabi: The next meeting is on 19 January 11.30am at Eastlake Gungahlin. Guest speaker: Andrew Bradbury, a physiotherapist from the SportsTec Clinic. If you would like to attend and then join us for lunch at the Bistro afterwards, please contact Dorothy on 0419 698 091 or dotric65@gmail.com by 16 January.

Dancing in the Park

The Monaro Folk Society’s annual summer bush dancing series, Dancing in the Park, returns on Monday evenings at Stage 88, on 16 January and 6, 13, 20 and 27 February. No prior dance knowledge or experience needed. Dancing starts at 6.45pm and goes to dusk (about 8.15pm). Entry by gold coin donation. More info: monarofolk.org.au

Bereaved by Suicide Support Group

This support group is a partnership between Lifeline Canberra and The Canberra Grief Centre.

The bereaved by suicide support group provides a safe and supportive space for participants to share their common grief experience The group provides a forum for emotional support

It is a closed group meaning you will go through this journey with the same people over a period of 6 sessions

The program is for adults over 18 years of age who are between 3 months and 3 years bereaved

The cost of the program is a one-off donation of $26 to Lifeline Canberra The cost of a life-changing call to 13 11 14

what's on  must do  must see
New Group beginning: Tuesday 7 February 2023 To register your interest please contact: Rosie Phelan@act lifeline org au or call us on 6171 6313 14 canberraweekly.com.au


Have you decided that 2023 is the year you say YES to prioritising your wellbeing?

I want to ask you a question.

What would better sleep, improved stress management, higher energy levels and more mobility mean for you and your quality of life?

My name is Jessica Read from Inspired Life

Collective (ILC), I am an Alternative Therapist, Life and Wellbeing Coach and I may just have the technology that will support your goal to prioritise your wellbeing, right here in Canberra!

FLOWpresso® is a breakthrough, non-invasive natural therapy and I am thrilled to be introducing this revolutionary bodysuit experience as currently the only FLOWpresso® technician in the ACT.

So how does it work?

FLOWpresso® enhances overall health and wellbeing with a unique full bodysuit that brings together compression, thermodynamic heat and deep pressure for a three-in-one sensory treatment that supports your body to release toxins and return to a ‘rest and repair’ nervous system state – your optimum state for the body’s healing processes.

Our modern world is busy. It’s loud, overstimulating and it doesn’t switch o . This can lead to living in a state of fight or flight (survival mode) on a daily basis which can take a toll on your long-term holistic health.

other symptoms). Perhaps, this has even been your “normal” for a while now.

What if it didn’t have to be?

FLOWpresso® clients and clinicians have reported benefi ts such as:

• Increased relaxation

• Improved sleep quality

• Improved energy

• Decreased stress response

• Faster recovery and better endurance in sport

• Faster healing in health

• Weight loss

• Better mobility

I would love to invite you to try FLOWpresso® for yourself and remind your mind and body what rest, recovery and rejuvenation feels like.

Scan the QR code below to learn more and make a booking.

Perhaps you recognise this state in yourself? It may look like stress, anxiety, overwhelm, burnout, feeling run-down or di culties sleeping (among

I was so relaxed during the process. The music through the headphones was perfect and I had the best night sleep afterward.

I will definitely go back again. Jessica is a beautiful soul doing great things in the world to enhance people ’ s experience of themselves. Highly recommend.

Anna K

Learn more

Canberra Weekly readers exclusive o er Simply quote the special code word ‘Rejuvenate Me’ when booking a three-session package to receive your third session free (saving $85). O er expires 30 January 2023. @jessica.read.ilc

15 canberraweekly.com.au
I found it to be amazing


Celebrating a decade as one of the leading global eyewear companies, homegrown Bailey Nelson recently opened its second Canberra store in Westfield Belconnen as it grows its retail footprint to over 100 stores globally.

Founded in Sydney in 2012, Bailey Nelson is known for offering high-quality, stylish frames, sunglasses and personalised eyecare at fair prices – ‘eye care without compromise’ they call it. The company began as a two-man, self-funded startup selling custom frames at the Bondi Markets. By 2014, the company had grown to 20 stores, and since then has expanded locally and internationally.

Customer service is a key differentiator for the business and with a few awards under their belt already, they are clearly doing something right.

They recently won the Canstar Blue award for most satisfied customer and were rated best optical retailer on Product Review with a score of 4.8/5.

Bailey Nelson CEO and co-founder, Nick Perry, says staying true to who they are, whilst continuously improving, has been their recipe for success.

“Our model resonates with consumers of all ages. We are proud to have made buying eyewear a joyful experience that’s accessible to everyone, no matter their budget,” Nick says.

The other key areas of focus of the business is producing high quality, affordable frame options for a wide range of customer requirements. They recently bolstered their core range offer by 100 styles to ensure they were catering to all the different faces that come through their doors and their unique requirements. This, balanced with their fashion focused seasonal drops, means there really

is a frame for every face.

The two Canberra locations at Westfield Belconnen and Canberra Centre offer bulk billed eye tests at least five days a week. Both stores are also equipped with OPTOS machine, one of the most sophisticated imaging tools available that allows the optometrist to view the back of the eye at a resolution 4 x greater than a traditional retinal camera, which can only examine around 20 per cent of the retina.

To find out more, visit www.baileynelson.com.au or your nearest Bailey Nelson store.

About Bailey Nelson: Bailey Nelson is a direct-toconsumer eyecare brand with the mission of making incredible glasses incredibly affordable for every face. Founded in 2012 in Sydney, Australia, Bailey Nelson now has over 100 stores across Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the UK.

Bailey Nelson operates two stores in the ACT, at Canberra Centre and Westfield Belconnen. You’ll find a frame for every face at Bailey Nelson.
Fresh Start 16 canberraweekly.com.au
Making incredible glasses incredibly affordable for every face, Bailey Nelson offers ‘eye care without compromise’.




Looking for a summer holiday destination away from the crowds?

Located only a three-hour drive from Canberra, Tanja Lagoon Camp is a place apart. The camp borders the Mimosa Rocks National Park and each of the 4 glamping tents and 2 Eco-cabins enjoys a view of the bush and lagoon. Each Luxury Safari Tent and Eco-cabin is fully self-contained with a full kitchen, barbecue, ensuite bathroom (some with luxurious bathtubs!) and comfortable queen size bed with all the trimmings. Two of the rooms are accessible. Kids are welcome during the holidays to sleep in a traditional Australian bush swag!

Once you arrive, there is plenty to do onsite or only a short drive away. Take a short walk or kayak to nearby Middle Beach, pristine and beautiful with hardly any other people around. Enjoy your evenings toasting marshmallows by the campfire. Bring or hire a mountain bike and ride some of the 52km of trails in nearby Tathra or use the camp's canoes and kayaks to explore the lagoon at your own pace.

Tanja Lagoon Camp is advanced eco-tourism and climate action certified by Ecotourism Australia.

The camp is solar powered, has a worm farm waste management system, uses rain and dam water, and welcomes electric vehicle overnight trickle charging.

If you stay between now and the end of summer, you can book in for 3 nights and only pay for 2.

Online review from 18 December 2022:

“TLC is my favourite place on the South Coast of NSW. Comfortable, glamping tents in a tranquil bush setting on a picturesque lagoon – all within cooee of

glorious beaches and bush walks. The tents are very well equipped with excellent kitchen and bathroom facilities, a dining deck, outdoor picnic table and fire pit. If the weather is chilly there is also a heater which keeps the tent very cosy. What more could be desired! The resident mob of kangaroos and bird life are a joy.”

Visit tanjalagooncamp.com.au to find out more.

Fresh Start Tanja Lagoon Camp Luxury Safari tent accommodation on the Sapphire Coast, NSW Located on the edge of a wild coastal lagoon, surrounded by the spotted gum forests of Mimosa Rocks National Park. This is the place to immerse yourself in nature and relax in one of our luxury self-contained safari tents or exquisite eco-cabins. Summer promotion Stay 3 nights and only pay for 2 valid until 28 Feb 2023 18 canberraweekly.com.au


Today, SCENAR Therapy is recognised all over the world and millions of patients have benefited from this technology. SCENAR is used for pain relief and faster recovery in various diseases and injuries. Who can be treated? Anyone can be treated even babies, young children, elderly patients, and animals because it is non-invasive and painless. Help yourself and people you love!

Call us today on 0409 078 066 or visit www.yogaforposture.com.au

Our address: 66 David Fleay St, Wright, ACT Better posture, better life!

We hold so much tension in our bodies and faces. This can affect how we look and how we move at any age. Only in our private studio in Wright and in Red Hill we offer Face Yoga and Yoga for Posture classes. Book today!

Contact Elena Amani on 0409 078 066 or visit www.yogaforposture.com.au

Fresh Start 19 canberraweekly.com.au


France has never been closer to you, thanks to the Alliance Française of Canberra in Turner – find yourself immersed in a world of French gastronomie, culture and language! Enrol now for a French course and learn one of the world’s arguably most beautiful languages. With over 2,000 enrolments each year, the Alliance Française of Canberra is the go-to French language school in the ACT for students of all ages and abilities. Whatever your level or goal, our native French teachers will guide you through your language learning journey. All teachers have post-graduate qualifications in linguistics and language and so are best equipped to meet your specific needs!

Pick a course that suits your personal timetable, level and curiosity, from a range of online or in-person courses, from two to four hours a week. Our small class sizes with between 9 and 15 students will help you perfect your conversational skills and give you the opportunity to actively participate for an optimal learning experience.

At the Alliance, French up your life with our cultural program – we run film screenings, wine tastings, cooking workshops, French markets and art exhibitions.

Celebrate the key French national events with us – Fête de la musique, Beaujolais Nouveau, Bastille Day... and get ready for a year filled with events à la française!

In March, don’t miss the annual French Film Festival, with over 260 screenings featuring this year’s best French movies. On top of these, we’re offering special events throughout the festival, giving you a chance to enjoy some French appetizers and drinks before your screening.

The Alliance Française of Canberra is a part of the fabric of Canberra’s cultural scene having now provided French language tuition and cultural events

for over 70 years to tens of thousands of Canberrans. As a non-for-profit organisation, we are part of a global network of 813 Alliances that spans the world across five continents. We share a mission to promote not only the French language but also French and Francophone cultures.

We look forward to seeing you and sharing our little bit of France with you at the Alliance Française of Canberra!

Alliance Française de Canberra 66 McCaughey Street, Turner T: 6257 6696 | E: enquiries@afcanberra.com.au


Fresh Start
DE CANBERRA Live the culture Learn the language Bo ur!onjou 20 canberraweekly.com.au


If you’re looking to lose fat, build some muscle or turn the clock back a few years in the new year, My Genesis Skincare clinic may have just the treatments for you.

Founded by Specialist Plastic Surgeon Dr Alastair Taylor (MBBS|FRACS) as a part of the CAPS Clinic, My Genesis has been on the forefront of new and revolutionary skin and body treatments for decades. Their latest treatments, the fat-burning muscle-building EMsculpt NEO and the anti-aging EMface, promise to be just as revolutionary as fat freezing, which My Genesis first introduced to Canberra in 2014.

If you’re looking to lose more than just stubborn fat and build muscle at the same time, the EMsculpt NEO is the best way to start the new year! A significant upgrade over the original EMsculpt, the NEO adds fat-burning Radiofrequency on top of muscle-building HIFEM. This

2-in-1 treatment delivers 25 per cent muscle growth and 30 per cent fat reduction with no downtime, over the EMsculpt’s 16 per cent and 19 per cent respectively. This makes the EMsculpt NEO substantially more effective than other methods of body sculpting, such as fat freezing.

Want to turn back time with no scalpels, no needles and no downtime? The EMface is the perfect treatment to let you look how you feel in 2023. A revolutionary anti-aging treatment, the EMface uses HIFES energy to strengthen facial muscles, and Radiofrequency that targets the dermis and stimulates collagen and elastin fibres. This results in a remarkable reduction in wrinkles and tighter skin on the face and neck, producing similar results to a facelift with no invasive surgery or needles!

“We’re always on the lookout for new advances, but we only adapt them if we’re confident the technology works, is safe, and offers our clients genuine value

for money,” says Cheryl Taylor, CAPS Clinic CEO. “The EMsculpt NEO and EMface are some of the most exciting technological advances we’ve seen in years, and the new year is the perfect time to experience them for yourself!”

Due to the medical-grade nature of the EMsculpt NEO and the EMface, these treatments are exclusive to the My Genesis clinic in Canberra.

Experience the next generation of body and facial sculpting for yourself in the new year!

Visit www.genesis-neo.com.au to learn more or call 6282 1155 to book in

a free consult, where our highly-trained and experienced Dermal Clinicians and Therapists will create a personally tailored treatment plan to achieve the best result for you.

Fresh Start 21 canberraweekly.com.au


Start the year getting fit and healthy in mind and body. Yoga Bloom has a range of weekly yoga classes suitable for people of all ages. We offer a learning process ranging from beginners to more advanced classes. Whether it is fitness you want or more rest in your body, our timetable is extensive.

The warm, peaceful environment of our studio welcomes a calmness in mind and tranquility away from the everyday. Join us at Yoga Bloom; for term one, you will re-anchor in your body and in your life.

Book online at www.yogabloomoconnor.com.au. We would love to see you.


Free ’Come and Try’ afternoon, experiencing traditional, modern, energetic and easy dances from countries around the world. Folk Dance Canberra is a unique and welcoming community providing physical and social well-being through world dance. When: Saturday 21 January 2.30-4.30pm Where: Folk Dance Canberra Hall, 114 Maitland Street, Hackett ACT 2602 Please register by emailing folkdancecanberra@gmail.com or phoning 6286 6401 (Lesley). An opportunity to ‘come and try’ before classes begin! Beginner classes start the following week from Wednesday 1 February, 7.30-9pm, and Thursday 2 February, 10.30am-12pm ($10.50 per class, discount for term payment). Website: https://folkdancecanberra.org.au/

Folk Dance Canberra Hall


Dancing to wonderful music from countries around the world!

Travel the world of exotic music and dance. Suitable for all ages, and all levels of dance experience, Beginner classes offer a wonderful pathway into dance cultures across the globe. We are a unique and welcoming community providing physical and social well-being through world dance. No partner necessary.

Cost: $10.50 per class (discount for term payment).

Evening and day classes starting from 1 February 2023:

Wednesday Evenings 7.30–9pm Ph. 6286 6401 (Lesley)

Thursday Mornings 10.30am–12noon Ph. 0420 524 412 (Rebecca)

114 Maitland Street, Hackett folkdancecanberra.org.au | folkdancecanberra@gmail.com

Fresh Start
info@yogabloomoconnor.com.au | 0400 636 995 31 Coolibah Cres, O’Connor | www.yogabloomoconnor.com.au BLOOM into the NEW YEAR RECONNECT AND REDISCOVER YOURSELF AT YOGA BLOOM TODAY. We invite you to come find your perfect class, suitable for people of all ages and skill level. 22 canberraweekly.com.au




Why Aesthetics is Canberra's leading female doctor-led cosmetic injectable clinic, handling all things non-surgical when it comes to beauty and anti-ageing. Led by founder, Dr Maria Comyns, the clinic focuses on understanding the needs of each client in order to deliver the best possible results.

“Our main mission is to work with our clients to figure out exactly what it is they want to improve on, focusing on their ‘why?’,” says Dr Comyns. This approach ensures that every client receives personalised advice and treatments that are tailored to their individual needs and goals.

Aesthetics’ doctors and nurses on their team, working than telling them what they need.

Maria. “There aren’t many places

where you can talk about your concerns without feeling judged or in the dark. We want you to feel safe and confident as we go on the journey together.”

So, if you’re looking to delay the effects of ageing or improve your skin’s appearance, Why Aesthetics is the perfect choice, whether it’s your first time, or you’re continuing a journey. With our commitment to your satisfaction, combined with experienced staff and tailored treatments, we will have you looking your best in no time.

Beauty and wellness can go hand in

Y o u r f a c i a l a e s t h e t i c j o u r n e y i s u n i q u e t o e a c h p e r s o n a n d h e r e a t W h y A e s t h e t i c s , w e c a r e a b o u t Y O U R W H Y

B e a u t y a n d w e l l n e s s c a n g o h a n d i n h a n d T h e r e i s a r a n g e o f s e r v i c e s a v a i l a b l e t o s u i t a n y n o n - i n v a s i v e c o s m e t i c r e q u i r e m e n t s y o u h a v e C o m p l i m e n t a r y a n d o b l i g a t i o n - f r e e i n i t i a l a s s e s s m e n t s a l l o w f o r a p r o p e r m e d i c a l a n d f a c i a l a s s e s s m e n t F

l l o w u s o n I n s t a g r a m f o r w e e k l y

Fresh Start
s CALL TODAY ON 6257 1814 follow us @why aesthetics www whyaesthetics com Aging is inevitable, looking old is not. 23 canberraweekly.com.au
s p e c i a l


In 2023, Curves Jamison will continue to be trendsetters in the Curves community, following the introduction of our state-of-the-art body scanning and the Myzone tracking system. Our core business is an efficient, fast and safe 30-minute workout especially designed for women. We also offer so much more!

The Classes on offer include: Essentrics, Pilates, Yoga, Pound, Gymsticks, Hiit Training, and Punch Fit, Dance and more!

We have an exclusive six-week Summer Serenity Package on offer (expiring 16 January) with only 10 spots left.

To see the results for yourself, book your first free guided workout at curves.com or call us on 6251 1111 or SMS Anita 0414 471 654.



Seeking new direction? Or would you perhaps like to connect with a group and a dedicated tutor and enquire into how to find deeper purpose and meaning in your life? The School of Practical Philosophy has been running courses for over 50 years that explore where true wisdom is found; what holds us back? What sets us free?

The ‘Wisdom Within’ course aims to guide you to a greater understanding of yourself, your states of awareness and how justice is relevant to a meaningful life. Discover the benefits of philosophy as a way of life. 10-week courses commence in February in Deakin. Call 0418 244 654

Visit practicalphilosophyaustralia.org.au/courses/wisdomwithincourse/

Fresh Start Create your new routine with Curves Jamison. WITH OVER 30 YEARS OF RESEARCH & RESULTS, WE HAVE THE PROVEN PROCESS, WITH A HOLISTIC SYSTEM THAT BUILDS STRENGTH. Contact us by calling 6251 1111 or scan the QR code START YOUR IN 2023 FITNESS JOURNEY Be your best with the support of the experienced team at Curves Jamison. We are more than a gym! We are women supporting women, as a community.
2023 with a Joining fee for ONLY $20.23*
spots available. *Plus membership 24 canberraweekly.com.au
Kicking o
O er is only available for January 2023. Get in quick 10

Barbecue besties

In my humble opinion, the sides are the best part of any summer barbecue – adding some colour to the table and making those flavours sing. Plus, if you’ve decided to go plant-based for the new year, these easy-to-make barbecue besties are a great place to start.

Plant-based garlic bread

Serves 6-8 | Prep 10 mins | Cook 15 mins

1 baguette Oil, for rubbing

For the garlic butter

1/2 cup coconut cream (thick white part only, not the clear liquid)

8 cloves garlic, crushed and roughly chopped

1/3 cup nutritional yeast

Handful of parsley, roughly chopped Black pepper, to taste 1 tsp sea salt

Preheat the oven to 190°C.

For the garlic butter, place all the ingredients in a bowl and mix until everything is well combined.

Using a serrated knife, slice the baguette into thick slices

widthways, but don’t cut all the way through. (This will prevent the garlic butter from seeping through the bottom of the baguette when it’s in the oven.)

Using a small teaspoon, add a generous amount of garlic butter into each crevice, spreading it around the inside surface of each slice. Use a cooking brush (or your hands) to rub some oil over the whole outside of the baguette.

Wrap the whole baguette in tin foil and place on a baking tray. Cook for 5 minutes then remove the tray and carefully peel the tin foil away from the baguette. Place the tray back in the oven with the uncovered baguette and cook for a further 10 minutes.

Enjoy straight from the oven. Leftovers will keep in an airtight container for up to 3 days. Simply reheat in the oven.

1 tsp sea salt

Pinch of chilli flakes

2 tsp pomegranate molasses

For the herb oil

Couple of big handfuls of herbs, roughly chopped 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil

Zest and juice of 1 lemon 1 clove garlic, crushed 120g rocket, to serve

Cook the pappardelle according to the packet instructions.

Heat the oil in a pan over a high heat. Add the onion, garlic, cherry tomatoes and sea salt and sauté over a high heat for about 5 minutes,

or until the tomatoes start to split. Add the chilli flakes and pomegranate molasses and cook for another couple of minutes.

For the herb oil, place all ingredients in a blender and blitz to form a vibrant green oil.

Place the pasta in a bowl, spoon over most of the herb oil and gently toss together. Add the tomato mixture and the rocket and gently toss everything again.

Transfer the pasta to one large serving bowl or individual bowls and drizzle with the remaining herb oil. Leftover pasta will keep in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days and leftover herb oil will keep in a jar in the fridge for up to 7 days.

This is an edited extract from Simple Fancy by The Two Raw Sisters RRP $30.99, published by Allen & Unwin New Zealand, out now.
Pomegranate tomatoes, herbs + pappardelle
Serves 3 | Prep 10 mins | Cook 11 mins 250g pappardelle 2 Tbsp oil 1 brown onion, thinly sliced into rounds 6 cloves garlic, crushed with the back of a knife and skin removed 250g cherry tomatoes
Happy 2023! 6239 6415 �ishco.com.au 19 Dalby St, Fyshwick Q: Did you hear the one about the Jelly�ish? A: It was a real no-brainer! OPEN 7 DAYS CW0643 8am - 1pm Australia Day FRESH Prawns! FRESH Oysters! FRESH Fish! FRESH Fruit & Veg! PLUS MORE! 25 canberraweekly.com.au

Tradition to continue at National Folk Festival

The Easter long weekend is significant to Christians and means a couple of extra days off work, time with family, and a bunny that brings chocolate eggs. However, in Canberra, we have another reason to be excited about the four-day break, as it means one of the country’s favourtie cultural events is back. The National Folk Festival (NFF) returns to Exhibition Park this year on 6-10 April.

President of the National Folk Festival, David Gilks, was appointed to the top position last year after being involved in various positions for the past 15 years. He says he has kept coming back each year as it offers more than your standard festival experience, which he believes is why it also has a loyal following.

“It’s about creating an environment to learn and to practice; it isn’t about massive reinvention and change. It’s continuing to put on what we think is the best festival in Canberra and one of the best events in Australia,” Gilks says.

One of the biggest drawcards of the four-day event is the musical entertainment organisers

bring to the stage. For 2023, the festival has secured UK’s Billy Bragg and Aussie legends The Waifs as the headliners. Canberra’s Fred Smith is set to perform, while others will travel from across the sea, including Canada’s Tony McManus, USA’s Brittany Haas, Greece’s Apodimi Compania, and UK’s Chris White & Julie Matthews. Joining them is a number of other artists making waves in the folk scene; Gilks says folk is more than just the music.

“Folk is something that is deeply personal, the telling and sharing of stories. Most people have in their minds the stereotypical image of folk … It [NFF] shows how broad it is and how much it is then one form of music,” he says.

Along with the great tunes, good eats, and quirky stalls, the festival offers the opportunity to get hands-on and learn more about creative endeavours. Gilks believes the workshops are a big part of the welcoming community organisers have worked to create in the 50 years of the Festival.

Running from the afternoon to the early hours

of the morning, the workshops encourage guests to pick up an instrument for the first time and learn some tunes, or share their skills and use their voices to share poetry and songs.

The National Folk Festival returns to Exhibition Park in Canberra, 6-10 April; folkfestival.org.au

National Folk Festival co-directors Dave O’Neill and Jo Cresswell.
The presentation of this exhibition is a collaboration between the British Museum and the National Museum of Australia. ‘Queen of the Night’ relief, Iraq, about 1750 BCE. ©Trustees of the British Museum, 2022. FEMININE POWER THROUGH THE AGES FROM THE BRITISH MUSEUM Major Partners NOW SHOWING NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AUSTRALIA, CANBERRA nma.gov.au/feared-and-revered 26 canberraweekly.com.au

Book talk Now showing

A Man Called Otto (M)

In a cul-de-sac apartment community, the old and grumpy widower Otto Anderson (Tom Hanks) fastidiously maintains the neighbourhood’s needs. Before resolving to join his recently late wife, Otto is distracted by a new family noisily moving in next door.

This awards season ushers in several movies that include stories celebrating Hollywood’s golden years and industry (The Fabelmans, Empire of Light and Babylon), those that ridicule it (Triangle of Sadness), and remakes of a safe bet. This movie is a remake of the Oscar-nominated 2015 Swedish film and, at first, seems like a lazy rehash of Ebenezer Scrooge’s character growth, especially given the recent season. From the outset, however, the movie establishes itself with a very dark sense of humour: Otto is frequently interrupted in his quest to join his long-lost love by

simple occurrences of life.

The vivacious Marisol (Mariana Treviño) is an explosion of colour, whipping into Otto’s life and sharing parts of hers through simple dishes that spark a small light in Otto. Through flashbacks, we learn exactly where Otto came from and what he went through to end up where, and who, he is. Conversely battling to end his life and the neighbouring estate’s gradual takeover of the community Otto had once helped build, this Grinch slowly awakens to the small moments of life that surround him and, like Up, discovers that perhaps a life of his own can go on too.

Verdict: A satisfying and surprisingly touching character study of a grump. 4 stars.

- Luke McWilliams themovieclub.net Viewed at Palace Cinemas

This week, Michael Popple dives into an intriguing Australian crime fiction debut to start off 2023. You can find more of Michael’s book reviews on his blog: unseenlibrary.com

Headland by John Byrnes

Scribe, $35

New Australian author John Byrnes starts strongly with a compelling thriller debut, Headland, that takes readers on a dark and captivating journey.

Detective Constable Craig Watson is a young cop fleeing from the mistakes of his past. Exiled to the small beachside town of Gloster, Watson battles his demons while getting to grips with his new beat. When constant rain causes the river to flood, Watson finds himself trapped in the abandoned town with two fellow constables and a desperate killer stalking them.

This is an impressive novel from Byrnes that readers will have an incredible time getting through. Headland has a fast-paced and intense narrative that forces a drug-addled young police officer to find the secrets of his new town, while also trying to deal with his own past traumas. Byrnes does a fantastic job in quickly and effectively raising the tension of the novel, and the reader is soon drawn into an excellent read that blends realistic action scenes and bleak character moments with a clever mystery.

The real strength of Headland lies in its complex central protagonist and point-of-view character, Detective Constable Craig Watson. Watson is an emotionally traumatised cop who self-treats his emotional issues with a series of illegal drugs. Caught in a vicious spiral of self-loathing and abuse, Watson is a powerfully written character who you cannot help but cheer on as he attempts to solve the terrible case before him, especially when parts of it parallel his life. Watson is a very effective centre for this narrative, and the emotional dive into his past works well within the main narrative.

With this impressive debut, Byrnes has set himself up as an exciting and distinctive new Australian crime fiction talent who has a very bright future. Headland is an outstanding read and is highly recommended.

Canberra Weekly competition winners

The winners in Canberra Weekly’s latest round of competition draws are: My Soda Blonde: M Badowski, Royalla; S Russoniello, Ngunnawal; A Kendal, Kingston; K Hosking, Waramanga. The Amazing Maurice: S Jiggins, Nicholls; S Kraeh, Gordon; G Norton, Deakin; J Bumaat, Griffith; J Young, Nicholls; J Kartadinata, Lyneham, S Walkom, Crace , O Butler, Lyons; L Chang, Curtin; L Catelli, Amaroo. Janet Gover novels: J Mylan, Kambah; L Bermingham, Richardson; L Vanhala, Kingston; D Larter, Nicholls. Emily film passes: F Chivas, Ainslie; N Preston, Kambah; G Norton, Deakin; W Davidson, Jerrabomberra; A Boyd, Kambah; J Triggs, Bruce; E Solari, Evatt; S Matthews, Curtin; S Stevenson, Ainslie; J Wood, Gordon. Good Change Store: M O’Donnell, Ngunnawal; M Lobastov, Queanbeyan; S Gye, Forde; B O’Brien, Gordon. Harlequin historical fiction: M McKenzie, Fisher; P Cunningham, Ainslie; A Quinn, Woden; E Karakotas, Yass.

28 canberraweekly.com.au

what’s on


The newest exhibition to come to Canberra Glassworks, Net Worth brings together four emerging glass artists’ work as they navigate the concept of identity, societal stereotypes, and technology.

Canberra Glassworks, 12 January-26 February; canberraglassworks.com


Canberra’s beloved Old Bus Depot Markets return Sunday 15 January for their first event of 2023 with a special Summer Market. Vendors are restocked and refreshed, so you can shop for handmade jewellery, homewares and goods then grab a bite, baked treat or summer fruit and enjoy the talented performers.

Old Bus Depot, Kingston, Sundays 9.30am-2.30pm; obdm.com.au


Soak up the rich Vietnamese Buddhist culture with a calligraphy exhibition, folk games, food and New Year gifts as Sakyamuni Buddhist Centre celebrates Lunar New Year of The Water Cat. The free annual community and family festival includes a tasty vegetarian dinner and showstopping cultural performances including lion dancers, music and crackers. Sakyamuni Buddhist Centre, Lyneham, Saturday 21 January 6pm; for more details contact thicquangba@gmail.com


Like a salty sea breeze, SummerSalt music festival blows into the capital for one day only with a smashing line-up featuring Angus and Julia Stone, Ben Harper, and City & Colour. An afternoon for the whole family to enjoy, bring a picnic rug, and grab some food while you soak up the chill vibes and great tunes.

Stage 88 Commonwealth Park, 27 January 4pm; summersaltmusic.com.au


MoAD’s new interactive exhibition, Blueprint, offers guests the chance to dive deep into the political system that is uniquely Australian, uncovering how democracy has helped shape our nation. Discover if you would have been able to vote 30 years ago and hear the voices of Australians past, present, and future.

Museum of Australian Democracy, open 9am-5pm daily; moadoph.gov.au

Louis Grant, someday when you leave me, 2022, Kiln formed glass.
Discover when you could have voted in
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Old Bus Depot Markets reopens on Sunday 15 January with a special Summer Market.
Australian elections in Blueprint at MoAD.
Brenton McGeachie/MoAD
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Photo Brenton McGeachie


Despite only having been in the spotlight for a few years, Florence Pugh has already won hearts for her style alone – separate from her phenomenal acting chops. On and o the red carpet, she toes the line between soft and romantic, and a sleeker edge that elevates every look.


Pugh attended the red-carpet premiere of Don’t Worry Darling at the 79th Venice International Film Festival in this stunning sheer black gown from Valentino’s Fall 2022 couture collection.

She made her o cial debut as a Valentino girl at the fashion house’s Fall 2022 couture show held in Rome last July, donning a diaphanous gown in their signature Barbiecore pink. Her post-lockdown sartorial debut at 2021 Paris Fashion Week captures Pugh’s style, pairing a gauzy floral set from Dior with combat boots, dipdyed hair, and layered jewellery.
Pugh: THE LOOK Soft with edge Getty (continued
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next page )

Pugh’s style evolution has traversed more towards vintage, as she continues to prove her talent as a period piece actress. At the 25th British Independent Film Awards, she wore a blush slip dress and cape from Rodarte, in honour of her newest period film, The Wonder

Arriving ahead of the Venice International Film Festival, Pugh demonstrated her take on celebrity airport style, in a vivid purple loungewear-inspired set from (you guessed it) Valentino.

The sequinned column dress by Galvan worn to appear on Jimmy Kimmel Live back in January 2020 was one of our first introductions to Pugh’s style, hitting the mark between bold stripes and romantic shimmer.

on Hurry in today - Only while stock lasts 32 canberraweekly.com.au

She also wore a vintage lingerie-inspired gown to the UK premiere of The Wonder at the 66th London Film Festival. The coral Valentino gown was paired with chandelier earrings and Pugh’s signature septum piercing. Getty 26 Garema Place, Canberra City 6247 9104 www.frawleysshoes.com.au

Hitting the spotlight at a young age can be difficult for anyone, but to have your body scrutinised by millions of people on top of it can be agonising. It is a pain Australian Idol 2004 winner, Casey Donovan, knows all too well, taking out the singing competition at just 16.

“One time I was quoted saying I had a can of Coca Cola and a Snickers for breakfast and that just bled through all of the media outlets. Everyone has had a comment on my weight, whether it be from that young age or still now, it is a very hot topic,” she says.

The narrative surrounding Donovan’s weight has shifted into a more positive light, as the artist has for the first time in her adult life hit the scales at under 100kg. Last August, Donovan started a new health journey with weight management company Jenny Craig and lost 15kg in 12 weeks. She says after dieting on and off, she always ended up putting the weight back on, so wanted to approach things differently this time.

“Health being the main focus and the weight being the bonus and that is exactly what it was. Just re-educating and getting the tools that Jenny Craig has given me to be able to be on the road and still eat healthy and look after me and be the best very version of myself.”

Donovan says without the stigma of the scales and the intense focus on whether the number has been going up or down, she has found the experience to be a more pleasant one. Switching the focus onto a lifestyle change, one you can take with you forever, has her feeling the best she ever has.

“It’s making everything so much lighter and brighter. I am beaming, everyone says so; it must be doing something right,” she smiles.

The singer is getting ready for a busy year with new tracks and big gigs coming her way. She takes the stage at the 26 January concert in Sydney, a role in the Shakespeare-meets-pop production, & Juliet, and emcee duties on the

opening night of Sydney WorldPride. As a proud Gumbaynggir and Dungari woman, she is thrilled to perform at the First Nations pride event, Blak & Deadly. She says the busy program is looking even better with her new lifestyle.

Read an extended version at canberraweekly.com.au

Health, not weight, the
Casey Donovan in 2023
focus for
Casey Donovan is heading into 2023 with a new health program and feeling refreshed.
Fibroblast Plasma is a revolutionary non-surgical skin tightening procedure that tightens and shrinks excess skin. It is a great alternative treatment to many cosmetic surgery procedures with results lasting around 2 years. Cheek lift & Marionette lines....$500 Jowls.........................................................$500 Above lip lines....................................$350 Under chin...........................................$500 Under eye.............................................$300 Crows feet............................................$350 Entire Eye area package..............$1000 Upper Eye lid lift..............................$1000 Frown lines..........................................$350 Forehead...............................................$500 Brow lift................................................$420 Top half of the Face........................$1750 BOSS COSMETIC TATTOOING & BEAUTY www.bossctb.com.au | E: Bossctb@outlook.com | P: 0403 596 446 @boss_ctb | @BOSSCosmeticTattooingandBeauty Fibroblast Plasma for Canberra Weekly Readers, Valid until 31 March 2023 20 off % 33 canberraweekly.com.au
Photo Catherine Black

It’s that time of year again – back to school for 2023! If you’re looking for some inspiration for the school year ahead, Canberra Weekly has you covered for the essentials.

Access help for the parts of decorating you need. We take your style, then pull it all together so you can move forward. Avoid big ticket mistakes and achieve the stylish, classic, forever home you deserve.

Scan to learn more about ‘Choose your Own Adventure Decorating Services’ www.journey-home.com.au

As queen Dolly would say: Workin’ 9 to 5, what a way to make a livin’. As the work year begins for 2023, why not set yourself up for success with a new home workspace to help maximise your potential?

6 3 1 Mambo backpack 4-piece set, $45, Big W; 2 Book labels, $6, Spotlight; 3 Eddie Woo’s Magical Maths, $19.99, The Book Cow, Kingston; 4 Hardtop stationery gift pack, $39.95, Smiggle; 5 Bahama desk, $2,686, Journey Home Interiors; 6 Lång äll conference chair, $199, Ikea; 7 2023 desk calendar, $9, Kmart
Can’t seem to pull your home together?
34 canberraweekly.com.au

Inside & out

The latest in news, trends and happenings for the home, with CW Home editor, Abbey Halter.

Revamp of The Oaks Ranch

Tucked into the idyllic haven of Mossy Point on the NSW South Coast, The Oaks Ranch is back in business after a retro Spanish meets Palm Springs renovation. The boutique hotel reopened to guests late last year and is just a two-hour drive from Canberra – perfect for a weekend summer getaway. Never fear, the original rustic appeal of the property remains but now includes a contemporary upgrade to the Spanish Mission architecture, potted cacti scattered around the outdoor spaces, and a luxurious pool.

Bookings available at oaksranch.com.au

No more mozzie madness Mosquito season is set to last longer than usual this year thanks to La Nina’s persistence. With their zone repellent technology –Thermacell E55 – Thermacell Repellents can help you avoid the mozzies this summer. Enjoy 12 hours of unscented, smoke-free liquid repellent.

Available in-store at Bunnings

Whimsical imagination

The imagination of children can be a magical world of their own

innovation, and The Wish Pixies’ sustainably manufactured toys are made to enhance their creativity. The Pixie Tree Houses aim to connect children to the ‘superpowers’ of kindness, positivity, and self-belief through imaginative play. Kids can fill the tree house with a cobblestone fireplace, a leaf sofa, a mushroom table lamp, and one of the 12 Wish Pixies for some fairy-infused fun.

Available at thewishpixies.com

35 canberraweekly.com.au


36 canberraweekly.com.au

Kaleen 1 Mitta Place

Sundrenched, stylish, and secluded, from the second you step across the threshold of 1 Mitta Place in Kaleen you’ll be mesmerised by its encapsulating sensory delights.

Visible from every window, serene bushland backdrops the private, three-bedroom property. Courtyards adorn both sides of the abode boasting gorgeous scenery, perfect for the avid entertainer.

Across the delightful single-level home, the bedrooms are privately placed for the whole family’s convenience, the large galley-style kitchen features induction cooking, while sleek timber flooring flows throughout. Outside, picturesque,

drought-tolerant native gardens surrounding the perimeter are home to an array of vibrant bird life, fresh herbs, and a vegetable patch.

Agent Tim Russell says he loves the way the property flows and its excellent use of the floor space. He says the design is “unique and individual”.

Mr Russell describes the design of the property as “modern bespoke living” in a superb location; quiet, elevated, and just a short drive to Belconnen and local shops.

“This is a beautifully designed and light-filled home. It is relaxing and easy-care, making it perfect for both entertaining and just plain old


sitting around and having a cuppa while reading a book,” he says.

Extra features of the property include ducted gas heating, evaporative cooling, secure double car accommodation, and double-glazed windows.

With an EER of 3.5, this Kaleen home oozes comfort and ambience, and offers almost boundless potential for the lucky new owners.

EER 3.5

Auction Sat 4 Feb 1pm

View Sat 14 Jan 10-10.30am, 12.15-12.45pm

Agent Tim Russell Mob 0416 087 834

Agent Eoin Ryan-Hicks Mob 0424 042 419

LJ Hooker Kaleen | 6241 1922

ACT to lose 93 affordable rental homes in 2023

More than 6,600 affordable homes are set to be wiped nationally throughout 2023, under the scrapped National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS).

The latest figures from the Federal Government show the ACT will lose 93 NRAS properties this year, plunging the Territory deeper into rental stress.

NRAS homes in Bruce will be reduced by 41, Bonner by 16, Gordon by 12, Harrison by 11, Jacka by 10, Narrabundah by two, and Throsby by one.

Community Housing Canberra Ltd will have 81 fewer affordable homes in 2023 and UnitingCare NSW/ACT will lose 12.

From 2022 to 2026, the ACT will lose a total of 1,083 affordable rental homes.

National spokesperson for Everybody’s Home, Maiy Azize, said

the loss of the additional rentals comes on top of an already massive shortfall in social and affordable housing in Australia.

“Australia already has a social housing shortfall of 500,000 homes, and the rental market has never been tougher,” Ms Azize said.

“These figures show that we’re losing even more affordable rentals at a time when Australians can least afford it.

“With thousands of affordable rentals set to disappear, we need the Federal Government to step up and take action.”

Everybody’s Home is calling on the government to build 25,000 new social homes every year in order to “help end this crisis”.

Ms Azize said the increase in social housing would lift Australians

out of rental stress and open up the market for people who need affordable rentals.

“Many Australian suburbs have hit record high rents and thousands of tenants are in rental stress,” she said.

“The government can start changing that from this year if it’s ambitious enough.”

In comparison to the ACT,

Queensland will be the hardest hit by the NRAS phase-out and will see the loss of 2,499 affordable houses this year.

Victoria is set to lose 1,356 allocations and Western Australia will lose 1,110.

South Australia will have 806 homes removed while NSW will lose 605.

REAL ESTATE PROPERTY OF THE WEEK canberraweeklyrealestate.com.au
3 2 2
The ACT will lose 93 affordable homes in 2023 due to the scrapping of the National Rental Affordability Scheme.
37 canberraweekly.com.au
File photo Kerrie Brewer


Renovated home located a short walk to beach & easy access to NaroomaDalmeny bike/walking path.

ocean views.

Downstairs - a self-contained apartment with kitchen/laundry. Single garage.


In the elite Ringlands Estate. As you enter this gated & fully fenced property with manicured, landscaped gardens, you tour past the tennis court & arrive at the circular drive to this unique residence.

Infrastructure includes a substantial size double garage including bathroom and solar power, a double carport and several water tanks.


This is a rare opportunity to accommodate the largest of family dynamics, create a bed & breakfast, or provide accommodation for your workers.

Downstairs has 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms & separate living room with kitchenette.

Upstairs is main living, kitchen & dining, master bedroom with WIR & ensuite + 2 further bedrooms.


Centrally located in the heart of Narooma.

This home that overlooks Walker Park has undeniable charm. Renovated galley kitchen & a spacious dining area. The rear deck area, through French doors & adjacent to the dining, is a great extension for more entertaining and living space.

Enjoy the freedom of walking to local cafes, markets & the Wagonga Inlet.


All bedrooms enjoy either lush garden or stunning Inlet views. Master includes a double sized ensuite and spacious walk-in robe. The kitchen features an island bench and an enormous walk-in pantry.

Open plan living, and dining areas boast bi-fold doors that open to an extensive deck with outdoor kitchen.

NAROOMA 9 Oyster Lane NAROOMA 24 McMillan Road NAROOMA 130B Rainforest Parkway KIANGA 52 Sunset Boulevard NAROOMA 13 Clarke Street NAROOMA 62 Old Highway 4 bed | 2 bath | 1 car 8 bed | 4 bath | 3 car 4 bed | 3 bath | 2 car 3 bed | 3 bath | 2 car 3 bed | 1 bath | 2 car 6 bed | 3 bath | 3 car
PARADISE FOUND From the initial gated & private sealed access road with manicured grass verge & bounded by rainforest reserve, there is a sense of relaxation & resort style living. Perfectly sited in an elevated position on the stunning
with direct access to the water, this modern on trend residence is truly special. View: By Appointment Contact: John Murray or Bryan Coughlin 02 4476 2699 View: By Appointment Contact: John Murray 02 4476 2699 View: By Appointment Contact: John Murray 02 4476 2699 View: By Appointment Contact: John Murray 02 4476 2699 View: By Appointment Contact: John Murray 02 4476 2699 View: By Appointment Contact: John Murray 02 4476 2699 $2,295,000 $895,000 $2,850,000 $895,000 $1,395,000 Contact Agent 02 4476 2699 sales@whalecoastrealty.com.au whalecoastrealty.com.au 34 Princes Highway, Narooma NSW
Wagonga Inlet

We believe a home is more than just bricks and mortar. It’s a sanctuary that allows you more time to do the things you love.

At Marigal Gardens retirement village, you’ll enjoy access to fabulous facilities and services at your doorstep, and an already established and thriving community.

And, when you’re ready to unwind or entertain in the privacy of your own home, you’ll enjoy:

• generous open plan living areas designed to be practical and inviting

• spacious balconies or courtyards to enjoy the paper and a coffee, or dabble in some gardening

• well-appointed kitchens with all the modern conveniences

• reverse cycle air-conditioning for all year round comfort

• double glazing

• abundant light and ingenious use of space

• sophisticated neutral palette and subtle textures that create a timeless canvas to add your own personal touch

• internal access to a secure car space with a storage cage

• 24-hour emergency assistance at the push of a button for peace of mind.

Experience convenient and comfortable living, where someone else mows the lawns and takes care of the extensive village gardens there for your enjoyment.

21 Snodgrass Crescent, Kambah ACT 2902 www.marigalgardens.com.au | 1300 884 784 Renders are for illustrative purposes only. Details are correct at time of printing and subject to change. November 2022. Ditch the mower and the weeds Over 50% Sold Embrace the ease of a low maintenance brand new 1, 2 or 3 bedroom apartment, selling now. Display Suite open Monday to Friday. Book a private tour on 1 1300 884 784

Located in the heart of Deakin, just 300m from the shops and close to medical facilities, The Grange retirement village offers you independent living in your own private home without the hassle of the building maintenance, and the security of knowing staff are onsite 24 hours a day in case of an emergency.

Join the vibrant and welcoming community where you can live life your way. Enjoy lunch or dinner in the private dining room. Take part in the many social activities or interest groups in the village. Keep fit at one of the regular exercise classes, the indoor pool or the many walking tracks nearby including Red Hill. Indulge your passion for culture at the many museums and galleries close by.

Call 02 6282 1782 to book a tour

Call 02 6282 1782 to find out more www.thegrangedeakin.com.au

It’s more than a home, it’s a community
2 bedroom homes are beautifully renovated and come with:
A spacious kitchen with granite benchtops
and dining areas
onto spacious balconies
Open plan living
bedrooms with plenty of storage
Modern bathrooms
air conditioning/heating
Reverse cycle
Good sized internal laundries with dryer
Homes starting from $670,000

One Bedroom Home Coming Soon

We have a modern one-bedroom apartment available soon. This home comes with:

• Generous open plan living space opening onto a a balcony

• Modern kitchen with stone benchtops and user friendly appliances

• Large master bedroom

• Reverse cycle air conditioning to keep you comfortable all year round

• A accessible bathroom

• Internal laundry

• Smart metering and community solar electricity to reduce you energy footprint, and cost of living

It’s more than a home

Our residents love calling Bellerive Village home – and you will too.

Our relaxed, contemporary retirement village makes it easy for you to make the most of every day. Ditch the mower and enjoy the social community, neighbours you know, and your own home without the time-consuming maintenance. We’ll even change the lightbulbs.

For your day-to-day needs, Bellerive’s conveniently located close to the Canberra Hospital and the heart of Woden, home to Westfield, the bus interchange and many of Canberra’s premier clubs.

15 Burnie Street, Lyons ACT 2606 www.bellerivevillage.com.au

Call Donna Blackwell on 02 6169 3669 to book a tour now

Strata (6)

Above the eyebrows (8)

Or else (9)

Actor’s parts (5)

Hang over (5)

Distribute (food) (5,2)

Deflect (6)

f ormer kingdom in northern Germany (7)

Meddle (9)

Heckles (7)

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family name (7)

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What does a fletcher make?

What city is known as the 'City of Light'?

In mathematics, is the value of pi closest to: 5.23, 4.12 or 3.14?

Which of Henry VIII's wives gave birth to Elizabeth I?

A game of tenpin bowling consists of how many frames?

Who wrote the 1960s poems Ariel, Daddy and Tulips?

Miranda is a moon orbiting which planet in our solar system? 8. Valkyries are supernatural figures from what mythology? 9. Mr. Mistoffelees is a character in which musical? 10 Under the karate coloured belt ranking system, is blue above or below green?

ANSWERS 1. Arrows 2. Paris 3. 3.14 4. Anne Boleyn 5. 10 6. Sylvia Plath 7. Uranus 8. Norse 9. Cats 10. Above DiffiCUlty RAtiNG  DiffiCUlty RAtiNG  to solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: each of the nine vertical columns, each of the nine horizontal rows and each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes. Remember no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box. 13 15 39 31 86 25 84 45816 2 7 51269 79 56 74 61 7 94 26 1 49 63 32 4 79 37 76 1 98 35 1201 No. 1601 No. 1602 No. 1602 No. 1601 652413978 281934657 825369741 479682513 593176284 364751892 138597426 746825139 917248365 126497853 641573928 367285491 539826174 295618347 458169732 784351269 873942516 912734685 ACROSS 1 Seek something (6) 4 from Egypt (8) 9 Sit on a perch
10 Small figurine
11 f inished
12 i nherited from one’s family
13 Sequence of songs
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A drinker (9)
brain busters

12 January – 18 January 2023

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celebrity birthday

Liam HemswortH , January 13, 1990

actor Liam Hemsworth’s ability to tap into people’s feelings and to portray these on film continues to prove successful as his earthy charisma is magnified on screen. m oving forward, Liam is likely to be drawn into new and progressive artforms and projects, potentially even magnifying his interest in humanitarianism. Charity work and bringing attention to humanitarian issues could not only transform others’ lives, but also his own.

CAPRICORN dec 22 – Jan 20

You may be surprised by an impromptu development that requires careful handling. Be strong and maintain a calm attitude while changes unfold. For some, developments will revolve around finances, and for others, family. d evelopments midweek will remind you of your priorities.

AquARI us Jan 21 – F e B 19

You may feel restlessness and sense change is afoot. avoid feeling distracted and find purpose in your activities as you could excel. a personal, domestic or work matter may seem to take you a few steps back but a healthy schedule will keep emotions in perspective and enable progress.

PI s C es F e B 20 – mar 20 links with your past may include a surprise. Factor in extra travel time this weekend to avoid delays as much as possible. a group or social setting could bring something exciting into your life. The end of next week will be good for communications. Just avoid conflict and appearing intense.

ARI es mar 21 – apr 20

You may need to re-assess a situation or alter your perspective. avoid attempting a broad sweep; be selective and focused. You may be surprised by developments. Be sure to take things one step at a time midweek as news regarding travel, status, ventures or your general direction arrives.

TAu R us a pr 21 – maY 21 a change of schedule will need careful adjustment. Be clear about your priorities with communications and things will fall in place. You may be surprised by news from the past or by an impromptu get-together. Intense emotions, or a situation that requires focus, may arise midweek.

gem INI maY 22 – J un 21 e vents in your life will change direction. n ews this weekend and/or midweek may be unexpected and this will kick-start a fresh link with someone. Your involvement with a friend or organisation requires careful handling. a joint initiative may cause intense feelings, so think carefully.

CANC e R J un 22 – J ul 22

a change of circumstance will ask that you are better organised or that you research circumstances. Focus on good communication skills. a disagreement is worth handling carefully and you must try to see another’s point of view. Strong emotions will arise midweek. romance could thrive.

leO J ul 23 – aug 23

a change of routine will boost your mood, but you must have a plan of action to adapt to the new. a financial or work boost could be on the way and a work or health matter will draw your focus and may bring out strong emotions. Someone close may have surprising news midweek.

v IR g O aug 24 – S ep T 23 a s an earth sign, you like to take your time to make careful choices and to adapt to circumstances. a nd yet this weekend, you may need to make a snap judgement. avoid allowing intense emotions to lead you astray midweek. a close friend or family member may preoccupy your thoughts.

l I b RA S epT 24 – oc T 23

You may be surprised by someone’s reactions to events. avoid being swayed by someone’s inconsistencies. a change in your domestic circumstances or your family will benefit from care and attention. avoid allowing strong feelings to boil over: find a safety valve, especially midweek.

s CORPIO oc T 24 – nov 22 a change of routine or of environment may be exciting, but could also be tiring or require extra focus, so be sure to plan ahead. d evelopments may include a trip to your past, but rest assured you will be making progress. a n event or get-together will bring like-minded people together.

sAg ITTARI us nov 23 – dec 21 a change of pace or a surprise will test your mettle. If some circumstances are unclear or require change, do your research, as you’ll negotiate and progress more easily. m idweek, be prepared to deal with a financial or personal matter carefully and to make decisions based on facts, not feelings.

nature meets perfection”

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INDEX Air Conditioning/Heating 59 Arborist 59 Bathrooms & Kitchens 59 Bathroom Maintenance 59 Bathroom Renovations 59 Builders 60 Building Design 60 Carpenters & Joiners 60 Carpet Laying 60 Cleaning Service 60 Commercial Cleaning 60 Decks 61 Electrical 61 Fencing 61 Gardening 61 Gutter Cleaning 61 Handyman 61 Home Renovations 61 Lawns & Turf 61 Locksmiths 62 Mechanics 62 Painting 62 Plumbing & Gasfitting 62 Roofing 62 Solar Cleaning 63 Tiling 63 Give your business a boost! Register today in the Trades & Services Guide, call Shannay on 0406 378 673 or email trades@canberraweekly.com.au STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD A I R CO N D I T I O N I N G/H E AT I N G Exclusive finance partner Call 0480 099 204 We are Fully Licensed & Insured, with a Lifetime Workmanship Warranty and a 100% Service Satisfaction Guarantee 4.9 star 1000+ Reviews @ alliancecc.com.au Alliance Climate C o n t r o l A I R CO N D I T I O N I N G/H E AT I N G COMPLETE TREE SERVICES REMOVAL, PRUNING, HEDGING Expertise in power-line clearing, pruning, optimizing form and function with a clean finish. for advice and free quote QUALIFIED . EXPERT . RELIABLE Call IAN 0412 028 245 CWM0940 ARBORIS T CWM00085AA Enviro Trees Arboricultural Solutions 0488 009 293 • Tree Pruning • Tree Removals • Stump Grinding • Qualified Arborist • Full Insurance • Tile & Grout cleaning experts • Detect/Fix leaking showers • Stone & Slate sealing • Pressure & Acid wash cleaning services • Grout/Colour matching & advice • All products used by us are Mould and mildew resistant • 12 years warranty • 10% pensioner discount DIRTY TILES/GROUT NEW IN NO TIME CALL BRENT FOR FREE QUOTES & INSPECTION 0416 910 119 • 0452 538 503 STOP LEAKING SHOWERS B AT H R O O M S & K I TC H E N S BATHROOM RENOVATIONS POOL RENOVATIONS AND GENERAL TILING Complete Project Management All Trades Free Quotes ABN: 62973049707 Rob: 0412 017 832 | Shane: 0412 942 041 email: downie100@ozemail.com.au www.dcbathrooms.net B AT H R O O M M AINT E NAN C E 30+ years building experience No job Too Small Decks - Pergolas - General Maintenance Painting - Tiling - Plastering ABN: 98 240 579 704 rb.carpentry@iinet.net.au Richard Brennan 0412 161 312 CWM0009 B AT H R O O M R E N O VATI O N S To get your business listed in the Trades & Services Guide, call Shannay on 0406 378 673 Trades & Services Guide Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au Replace your inefficient heating & replace it with efficient reverse cycle air-conditioning UPGRADE & SAVE with the ACT Sustainable Household Scheme Talk to one of our Energy Specialists today! Call 02 6280 0994 energypeople.com.au Work performed by licensed contractors CWM09051AH INTEREST FREE LOAN UP TO 10 YEARS • 10 year interest FREE loan • Borrow up to $15,000 • Concession Card rebates available • Terms and conditions apply 59 canberraweekly.com.au
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E L E C T R I C A L GLENN’S BRUSH FENCING REPAIRS GLENNMADDEN@ICLOUD.COM | 0412 636 880 OVER 30 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED BEFORE AFTER F E NCI N G CWM000183AA FOR ALL YOUR GARDEN AND HORTICULTURE NEEDS T 0449 997 551 E neilgibbons991@gmail.com All Good Gardens • Mowing & Edging • Hedge Trimming • Tree Pruning • Mulching • Irrigation Repairs & Installation • Fully Insured • Regular Maintenance Programs • Ride-on Mowing G A R D EN I N G CG CULTURED GARDENS Garden Care and Maintenance Pruning / Garden Cleanups Lawn Mowing / Hedge Trimming High Pressure Cleaning Commercial/Domestic • Fully Insured • Horticulturalist INFO.CULTUREDGARDENS@GMAIL.COM 0438 477 462 CWM0128 Baya’s Backyard Ph/Fax: 6241 9413 Mob: 0413 088 908 • Mowing / Edging • Pruning / Odd jobs • Rubbish Removal • Gutter Cleaning • Tree Services • Small landscaping Garden & Tree Services CWM0352 Al Gardner For ALL your gardening needs. Covering all suburbs. Lawn Mowing•Pruning•Trimming•Weeding•Rubbish removal Gutter cleaning•Mulching •All maintenance Fully equipped INSURED-Guaranteed. Well presented after completion. 10% Pensioner discounts 0449 898 527 G A R D EN I N G • GARDEN MAINTENANCE • LAWN MOWING • GENERAL CLEAN UP • RUBBISH REMOVAL • REGULAR or CASUAL SERVICES • ALL SUBURBS • FULLY INSURED Call Peter on 0419 289 886 peter.wurth@hotmail.com CWM0116 EZY PROPERTY MAINTENANCE WE MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU Mowing & Edging Pruning & Mulching Hedge Trimming Weed Control Fertilisation A WELL MAINTAINED GARDEN ADDS VALUE TO A PROPERTY Kaushik Makwana Qualified Horticulturist CALL: 0430 582 821 Free no obligation quotes Fully insured Customer service from a company you can trust Garden Cleanup Rubbish Removal Gutter Cleaning Regular Maintenance Commercial or Domestic Want clean gutters? Want clear downpipes? Want safe work practices? “Clean. Safe….Easy” ANY HEIGHT - OH & S COMPLIANT 0407 701 135 e: act@guttervac.com.au w: www.guttervac.com.au CWM0126 We are still operating and observing Social Distancing G U T T E R C L E AN I N G Gutter Clean The gutter vacuum specialist Pergola repairs 0421 193 553 All areas Free estimates gutter_clean@hotmail.com CWM0812 G U T T E R C L E AN I N G Quality Roo� Paintin� Paintin� � Plasterin� Flat Pack Furniture General Repairs �� �� �� �� �� Call Patrick Free Quote Work ... and more H A N DYM A N We create ART with daylight! (02) 6280 9901 | daylight_artistry Premier Dealer for Proud installer of SKYLIGHTS H O M E R E N O VAT I O N S Even the magpies think it’s real... CW0348 Even the magpies think it’s real... • Synthetic grass stays green all year round • Easy low maintenance & water free • Family owned business with 14 years experience • Landscaping & paving services available • Australian made product Call David 0410 682 457 Or Nancy 0410 081 771 Keeping it green .com.au The synthetic grass solution L AW N S & T U R F FREE QUOTE SUMMER IS HERE Timber Decks & Pergolas METAL PERGOLAS has you covered! BH CARPENTRY ACT Call BrendAn 0407 763 597 D E C K S Trades & Services Guide Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au 61 canberraweekly.com.au
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To enter, scan the QR code or visit canberraweekly.com.au and click on the ‘Entertainment’ tab to ‘Competitions’, find this competition and follow the entry instructions. Entries close 9am Friday 20 January 2023 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person per giveaway. Entrants must be aged 18+.

WIN! Byron Bay Chilli Co. ultimate chilli packs

To celebrate Australia Day 2023, Byron Bay Chilli Co., known for its delicious award-winning salsas and sauces, is giving two lucky CW readers the opportunity to win the ultimate Byron Bay Chilli Co. pack, perfect for Australia Day BBQs.

The Ultimate Chilli Pack, valued at around $100, contains eight Byron Bay Chilli Co. salsas and sauces and six packs of its recently released line of 100% plant-based corn chips.

Using all natural ingredients, Byron Bay Chilli Co. prides itself on providing delicious, healthy, wholesome food, perfect for entertaining and enjoying throughout the year. All products are gluten- and preservative-free.

Discover a zesty taste of Byron Bay at www.byronbaychilli.com

WIN! OC Naturals prize packs

Australian made and family-owned brand, OC Naturals, is giving away six sustainable hair and bodycare prize packs valued at over $40 each. Each prize pack will include a selection of OC Naturals plant-based, vegan and certified cruelty free hair and bodycare goodies, including: OC Naturals and Australia Zoo’s limited edition Body Washes, where every purchase goes to supporting the zoo’s Adopt an Animal program, OC Naturals Antibacterial & Lemongrass Ginger Hand Wash, OC Naturals Kids 3-in-1 Conditioning Shampoo & Body Wash in Berry Bliss and Fruit Blast and OC Naturals Silky Smooth Shampoo and Conditioner.

For more information, visit ocnaturals.com.au

Subscribe in January to win a prize

Enter to WIN

To enter, visit canberraweekly.com.au and click on the ‘Entertainment’ tab to ‘Competitions’, find this competition and follow the entry instructions. Entries close 12.01am 1 February 2023 and winner drawn same day. One entry per person. Entrants must be aged 18+.

Subscribe to a Canberra Weekly digital newsletter during the month of January for your chance to win a great bundle of books (total value over $150). It’s free to subscribe. Choose from our Breaking news, AM edition, PM edition, competitions – or all. Current subscribers are eligible to enter. PH: 0427 004 411 | E: DREWBURGIN69@GMAIL.COM SOLAR PANEL CLEANING GENTLE & EFFECTIVE CLEANING TO REMOVE DIRT, DUST & BIRD DROPPINGS FROM YOUR SOLAR PANELS S O L A R C L E ANI N G LOCAL TILING ACT Call Alex today 0475 000 528 localtilingact@hotmail.com All suburbs For all your tiling needs: CWM0477 Bathroom, Laundry and Kitchen tiling Walls and oors tiling Bathroom Renovations No job too big or small Water proo ng shower leaks TIL I N G Call Shannay on 0406 378 673 to get your business listed Trades & Services Guide
the trades & services team 6175 8888
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