09 February 2023

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From the editor

Sometimes, bad things happen to good people. Before Christmas, an allegedly distracted driver rear-ended a family member’s ute, writing it o . In the spirit of friendship, generosity and kindness, his best mate lent him a spare ute, only to have alleged thieves break into his mate’s primary vehicle and damage it su ciently to require work – and a hefty insurance excess. Bad things, good person.

Like that time I returned a handbag found at the shopping centre toilets to its rightful owner, then next day, while watching my son’s rugby match in the rain, had my car broken into and fullyloaded handbag stolen from the boot. The thieves went on a spending spree buying cigarettes at five di erent outlets before the bank put a stop on my credit card. I had to replace all my cards, house keys and locks (they had our address details), buy a new mobile, handbag and wallet, and get a new landline number because of nuisance calls after the theft. Good person, bad things.

It would be nice if justice prevailed, if perpetrators were caught, paid restitution, and were rehabilitated, never to reo end. In the absence of that dream, I hope karma’s a thing.

Reasons to be grateful this past week include watching Australian of the Year Taryn Brumfitt’s Embrace documentary, restorative yoga, Eli’s group meditation, a relaxing weekend, and more fresh produce from Gary’s garden. Mmm, corn. Take care,

on the cover

4 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023 06 NEWS Canberrans unite for Ukraine 20 SOCIAL SCENE Googfest; Mike Cramsie Memorial Race Day 23 ON THE COVER Forget all your troubles, go Downtown 33 THE LOOK Cupid couture Regulars 06 General news 14 Fit the bill 16 Letters 16 Winners 19 Have you heard? 20 Social scene 21 Puzzles & stars 22 Taste 23 Time out 33 The look 36 Home 38 Real estate 74 Trades & services WIN 78 The Royal Canberra Show family passes 78 Linen House x Grotti Lotti prize pack 78 Alissa Callen HQ Fiction
Four of the “colours” who star in the Queanbeyan Players’ upcoming production of Downtown: The Mod Musical at Belconnen Community Theatre later this month. Photo by Kerrie Brewer. Shot at FT Studio, Beard ACT. See cover story, page 23.
36 78 33 20 contents thursday 09 february 2023 Published by Newstime Media Pty Ltd (ACN 124 830 155). All content © 2016 Newstime Media Pty Ltd, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without prior written permission. All material sent to Canberra Weekly Magazine (whether solicited or not) will not be returned. Unless otherwise agreed beforehand, all rights including copyright in such material is assigned to Newstime Media upon receipt and Newstime Media may use or sell such material in perpetuity without further consent or payment. All prices and information are correct at time of printing. For full terms and conditions of competitions contact Canberra Weekly Magazine on 6175 8800. Get your daily news at canberraweekly.com.au @ Editor Julie Samaras news@canberraweekly.com.au Founder & Publisher Nick Samaras Canberra Weekly is a member of the Australian Press Council and abides by its guidelines and policies. Complaints about editorial matter should be emailed to editor@canberraweekly.com.au Suite 11, 285 Canberra Avenue,Fyshwick ACT 2609 Editorial & Advertising Enquiries T 02 6175 8800 www.canberraweekly.com.au ISSN: 2652-9297

From noisy protest to quiet persistence, explore the many ways people have achieved social change in Australia.

Discover powerful stories of people and their actions, from the ordinary to the extraordinary. Learn about Australia’s progress in areas such as women’s rights, marriage equality, science and technological invention and much more.

Free Exhibition

8 December 2022 – 12 June 2023

National Archives of Australia Kings Avenue, Parkes ACT naa.gov.au |
This exhibition is supported by Visions of Australia and the National Collecting
Outreach Program.

Melting pot of Canberrans unite for Ukraine

Friday 24 February 2023 will mark 365 days since Russian troops crossed the border into Ukraine.

However, it will also mark 365 days since Ukrainians around the world began a crusade to bring freedom to their homeland.

In Canberra, the Ukrainian community stand outside the Russian embassy six days a week to fly their flag in the face of Russian diplomats.

Ukrainian-Canberrans say they face propaganda-fuelled vitriol from diplomats at the Russian embassy, and middle fingers from passersby, but feel empowered by the support shown by the vast majority of ACT residents.

To keep the invasion at the forefront of Canberrans’ minds, the Ukrainian community are hosting a vigil outside the Russian embassy on the one-year anniversary, 24 February, from 10am to 5pm.

Ukrainian immigrants, Marusya Jacyshyn and Andrew Liszczynsky, have stood at the frontline of local protests since day one.

There’s strength in being proud of your heritage, said Mr Liszczynsky, as he held back tears while explaining the heartfelt meaning of his latest tattoo.

Stamped on his right arm is the Ukrainian word for ‘freedom’ filled with bright yellow and blue ink.

“It’s the Ukrainian national crest. It’s called a tryzub,” he said.

“The reason I got it was because of the invasion on Ukraine. I wanted to identify and acknowledge my heritage.”

Ms Jacyshyn wears a blue and yellow watch emblazoned with the tryzub to every rally, every protest.

On the back, she has engraved 24/02/2022, with “room left for day

of victory”.

Ms Jacyshyn and Mr Liszczynsky listed over a dozen nationalities of protestors who stand and rally with them, which they said proves humanity is stronger than war.

The continued presence of Russian diplomats in Australia has made Ms Jacyshyn “terribly disappointed with the Labor Government”.

But, what about solidarity from the Australian community?

“We’ve had outstanding support from Australians,” she said.

Mr Liszczynsky and Ms Jacyshyn said it’s heartening to have a “passionate minority” of Russian Canberrans who stand with them.

The intention behind the upcoming vigil is to send a clear and direct message to Russian diplomats in Canberra: “Get out of Ukraine, and get out of Australia for that matter,” she said.

Dad was lonely in the house by himself. He was still independent but needed a little domestic help.

“Please come and support us. Be there,” he said.

The Ukrainian Vigil to mark one year since the Russian invasion of Ukraine will be held on Friday 24 February 10am-5pm outside the Russian embassy on Canberra Avenue, Griffith ACT.

Then we found The Grange Deakin Serviced Apartments. After a little encouragement Dad moved in and within days couldn’t stop thanking me. Dad has his own apartment, he’s surrounded by company and regular social activities. The household chores are no longer a burden, the apartment is cleaned, and the linen changed weekly. Plus the pressure of the building maintenance is gone. Dad’s now out doing things he loves again.

I know Dad gets breakfast delivered in the morning and two home cooked meals. For added peace of mind there is someone there 24 hours a day in case of an emergency. The Grange isn’t aged care, but I know when the time comes, I can organise external community home care support to help Dad stay independent longer.

Now when we talk it’s without the worry and nagging. Dad couldn’t be happier.

6 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023 NEWS
Members of the Ukrainian-Canberran community, including Andrew Liszczynsky (left) and Marusya Jacyshyn, will hold a vigil outside the Russian embassy in Canberra on 24 February from 10am to 5pm, and invite Canberrans to join them in solidarity. Photo Kerrie Brewer
Call 02 6282 1782 to find out more www.thegrangedeakin.com.au
“Dad isn’t ready for aged care”

SPARK an interest in construction with Ginninderry

To any Canberrans disadvantaged in the labour market and looking for a meaningful career path, Ginninderry has your back.

The SPARK JobTrainer Ginninderry Construction Taster Program is up and running for yet another year and awaits to guide you through your first steps towards employment.

Mel Lyons, SPARK Training and Employment Manager, describes the program as a “unique taster” of working in the construction industry.

“A key part of SPARK is making sure participants are prepared to take their next steps and have everything they need to transition to work experience and employment at the end of it,” Ms Lyons says.

The innovative accredited training program, jointly funded by the ACT and Australian Governments through the JobTrainer program, lets participants get their hands dirty on a live worksite and learn communication, time management, team building, and practical skills that are essential to future careers.

“Many participants go on to finish a full Certificate II in Construction,” she says.

“What’s unique, from a SPARK perspective, is that the team is there to provide support every step of the way!

“Everyone’s journey looks di erent; whether you go into employment or further study, there’s di erent avenues and pathways you can take.”

SPARK Ginninderry and the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) are hosting a two-part information session on Tuesday 21 February at UnitingCare Kippax. Canberrans seeking job opportunities and with an interest in construction are encouraged to email spark@ginninderry.com or call 1800 316 900. The friendly team will tell you more about the program and check your eligibility.

SPARK graduate testimonial

After completing college together in December 2020, Kaillum Machado and William Hills were looking for their next opportunity when their friend’s mum handed them a flyer for the SPARK JobTrainer Ginninderry Construction Taster Program.

The SPARK team first met Kaillum and William at the information session, where they were provided with an overview of the program, what they could get out of it, and the commitment they would need to make.

“I really liked how they expected something of me and that they were going to be there to support me if I needed it,” Kaillum says.

The three-day-a-week construction program ran over 10 weeks and provided participants with eight units of competency towards a Certificate II in Construction

The program was a combination of theory and practical hands-on learning, where participants had the opportunity to put their classroom learning into action through a live training site building wicking garden beds for Café Stepping Stone in Strathnairn, ACT.

“This environment was perfect for me; I learn better by doing. I also had to work with lots of di erent people, people I wouldn’t usually hang out with. My communication skills got better, and I learnt how to be more patient,” Kaillum says.

Delivered in partnership with CIT and funded through JobTrainer, a jointly funded initiative of the ACT and Australian governments, the program provides participants with accredited units, White Card training, Asbestos Awareness training and PPE, all fee free.

“I liked the CIT trainers, they were so knowledgeable and really took the time to make sure we felt confident in what we were doing, it didn’t matter where we came from or that I was young – we were all treated with respect,” William says.

SPARK programs are designed to

support participants on their journey through training and into their next pathway. They do this by providing a SPARK Relationship Manager who works alongside the participants, supporting them to establish their direction and tackle any challenges.

“SPARK gave us everything we needed to be ready for work including all our PPE! Rachel, the Relationship Manager, helped me get my L’s, she helped me with my resume, and she even prepared me for my first real job interview,” William says.

“The support o ered from SPARK also helped me along the way when I had a few little hiccups in my life,” Kaillum says. “Rachel was such a great mentor; she was always checking in on us. I felt like SPARK really cared about us as people. Even now, Rachel keeps in contact to check in on me and see how I am … this means a lot.”

Both William and Kaillum are now both working full-time for Near Me Roofing. The two young tradies are moving up through the ranks and building on their skills and knowledge, day in, and day out.

“I came out of college with no idea what to do. After doing SPARK, my work life kind of just fell together. I would 100 per cent recommend it!” William smiles.

Graduates of the SPARK JobTrainer Ginninderry Construction Taster Program, Kaillum Machado and William Hills have both secured careers in the local building and construction industry.

Ginninderry Training + Employment Initiative

JobTrainer Ginninderr

y Construction Taster Program

SPARK Ginninderry and Canberra Institute of Technology proudly support training and employment initiatives for local people.

SPARK in partnership with the Canberra Institute of Technology (RTO code:0101) and Programmed are delivering an innovative accredited training program focused on skills development, work experience and an introduction to a variety of Construction skill sets.

Territory. On successful completion this program will provide participants with the following units of competency and non-accredited training in the construction sector:

· 11084NAT - Asbestos Awareness

· CPCCBL2001 - Handle and prepare bricklaying and blocklaying materials

· CPCCBL2002 - Use brick and block laying tools and equipment

· CPCCCA2002 - Use carpentry tools and equipment

· CPCCCA2011 - Handle carpentry materials

· CPCCOM1015 - Carry out measurements and calculations

· CPCCCM2004 - Handle construction materials

employment pathway opportunities.

· CPCCJN2001 - Assemble components

· CPCCWHS2001 - Apply WHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry

· CPCCPD2011 - Handle painting and decorating materials

· CPCCWF2001 - Handle wall and

· CPCWHS1001 - Prepare to Work Safely in the Construction IndustryWhite Card

Commencing Monday 6 March 2023, this 8 – 10 week program will run 4 days per week (Mon – Thurs, 28 hours per week) and be a combination of theory, practical hands-on learning and industry work placement. All training will be delivered on a live training site at St John the Apostle Kippax, in Holt.



Tuesday 21 Februar y 2023, 11:00am – 12:30pm

It is mandatory that all individuals seeking to be on the program attend this session.

This is a two-par t session broken into:

1 An information presentation followed by;

2. A selection session for eligible par ticipants.

To check your eligibility and book a place, please contact Shayla at Ginninderry on

1 80 0 316 90 0 or spark@ginninderr y.com


UnitingCare Kippax

Corner of Luke Street and Hardwick Crescent, Holt, 2615


This program was made possible through JobTrainer and is a jointly funded initiative of the ACT and Australian Governments. Eligibility criteria applies.


316 900 ginninderry.com
ode 0101 CRIC
Now enrolling

Kiaps: Time to recognise their service

Papua New Guinea and Australia enjoy a close relationship. Partly this is a consequence of geographic proximity. But, more importantly, it is a consequence of our shared history. Our shared history spans a century of Australian administration and includes the drama and heroics of the Second World War. During Australia’s long administration of the territories that would become the nation of Papua New Guinea, government policy and organisation was exercised by district officials who were popularly known as Kiaps. They frequently travelled to very remote regions, and were responsible for delivering government assistance, building infrastructure, overseeing the exercise of justice, and generally acting to improve the capacity of communities. They were roving administrators, magistrates, and project managers. Kiaps were Australian public servants who were recruited and trained here, and then sent over to Papua New Guinea to serve and work with local communities. Given the significant diversity of Papua New Guinea, the job was certainly a difficult one.

Unlike in other colonial exercises around the

world, Kiaps were public servants in the sense that we understand that term today, working to help local communities and not to impose foreign rule. This is demonstrated by the respect with which Kiaps are held today in Papua New Guinea, with their role in nation-building highly praised. Indeed, many of the foundations of the important local civic infrastructure necessary for the ongoing success of Papua New Guinea as a nation were put in place by Kiaps.

Of the 2,000 Kiaps who worked during Australia’s administration of Papua New Guinea, 88 died. It was dangerous work; there were accidents, violence, and, of course, the Second World War to endanger the Kiaps. Despite this sacrifice, and their enormous contribution to both Papua New Guinea and Australia, no memorial exists to the Kiaps. This is an extraordinary omission.

I have been familiar with the story of the Kiaps for many years, having met many former officers and their families. Since becoming the Member for Bean, it has been my privilege to meet many more former Kiaps and hear their

remarkable stories. A group of former Kiaps have come together to advocate for the construction of a permanent memorial to their work and sacrifice. The memorial would be situated here in Canberra, ideally within Commonwealth Park. The proposed location of the memorial in that park is both deliberate and appropriate. Within Commonwealth Park, Australians have the opportunity to pay their respects at the police memorial, the merchant navy memorial, and the workers memorial. It is fitting and appropriate that a memorial to Kiaps and their contributions be established. I know many other members of parliament from different political parties share my view and support the Kiap memorial.

In a few years, it will be the 50th Anniversary of the independence of Papua New Guinea. This will be an important milestone for both Australia and Papua New Guinea. It would be fitting to have the memorial completed by this anniversary. Kiaps played an essential role in Papua New Guinea’s journey to independence, and it is important that their service and sacrifice be remembered.

10 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023
Forums David SMITH MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR BEAN Bean Friday 10 February 2023 10–11 30am Tuggeranong Community Centre 245 Cowlishaw Street, Greenway Friday 17 February 2023 2 30–4 30pm Woden Seniors 12 Corinna Street, Phillip David
one of
For more information, to RSVP or to request a copy of the new information booklet go to: INVITATION FOR SENIORS & RETIREES LIVING IN BEAN Authorised by David Smith, ALP, Greenway, ACT, 2900 www davidsmith org au/retirees or by calling 6293 1344
Retiree and Seniors
Smith MP, Federal Member for Bean, invites seniors and retirees living in the Bean electorate in Canberra's south to join him and a range of service
two Bean retiree and seniors forums to launch the Bean Information Booklet for Retirees and Seniors

Giraffe Treehouse Jungle Bungalow

Locals: A rare discount opportunity!

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It’s the Voice, try and understand it

Now, I don’t think there would be any political issue Senator Lidia Thorpe and I would agree on. If the Greens are quasi-Marxists in the Australian political spectrum, she would be akin to a Trotskyite – possibly almost an anarchist – as she is to the left of the Greens.

However, in resigning from the Greens, she has done the logical thing, and can now in all conscience pursue her own ideals free from that party’s interference, especially on the question of the Voice.

I will express no definitive view on the Voice. Suffice to say we really don’t know enough about it, and the PM can’t just say: “Trust me, I’m a politician and we will work out the details later.” The proposal is to amend the Constitution, and once we do that, there is no going back, even if some real practical problems arise (such as an unexpected High Court interpretation of what it all means that no one intended). If we are to have it, we need to get it right. We need to know what we are voting for.

I would suggest to Albo that he take a

leaf out of former ACT Chief Minister Jon Stanhope’s book.

Jon announced that he was going to press ahead with ALP policy and introduce an ACT Human Rights Act. (Unnecessarily, in my view.)

However, he had a draft bill for people to look at, and his eminent committee of academics held six public meetings throughout Canberra. Everyone was welcome to attend and have their say.

A total of 120 did, some of them twice or more. The smallest meeting had four people, and the largest more than 30. Still, the process was clear and democratic, even if no one was really interested.

I would suggest to the PM he should follow his old Labor colleague Jon Stanhope’s example, and hold a series of public meetings around the country to nut out an appropriate model and form of words to put to a referendum. People would be crazy to take it on trust with no detail. The actual form of words in the amendment to the Constitution needs to be agreed on before

putting it to the people.

The basic arguments against the principle of a voice are twofold: 1. It will make no difference to Indigenous issues – e.g., look at Alice Springs; 2. A voice for only one section of the community is inherently racist in itself.

I would also suggest the PM be open to all suggestions as to what should go in the amendment to the Constitution. I personally would like something in the preamble. (This makes it hard for the High Court to stuff it up.) Fundamentally, the voice is about recognition of Indigenous Australians. I would like something along the lines of “Preamble – Australia is a democratic country founded on a rich Indigenous culture and history going back over 60,000 years, British institutions, and a rich multicultural society” – or words to that effect. That gives recognition to Indigenous and indeed all Australians, and sums us up as a nation perfectly. Editor’s note: The opinions expressed in this column are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Canberra Weekly.

14 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023


Predictors of safe driving in older adults

Scientists at the Australian National University (ANU) are conducting research examining the cognitive processes associated with safe driving in older adults, and you are invited to participate.

Participation involves completing computer-based visual and cognitive tasks for about 2 hours (including rest breaks).

The research will take place in the Psychology Building (Building #39) at the ANU.

COVID-19 protocols will be in place for your safety.

As a token of appreciation for their time, participants will be provided with $30.

In order to participate you need to:

• Be 60 years of age or older

• Have normal or corrected-tonormal vision (glasses OK)

• Be free from any medical condition affecting your cognition

• Currently hold a valid driver’s licence and be actively driving

To organise a time, please contact David on 0448 908 533 or David.Denniston@anu.edu.au

The ethical aspects of this research have been approved by the ANU Human Research ethics Committee (protocol number: 2022/714)

Re letter from D Steley (CW 26 January 2023) regarding Australia Day.

I think you have answered your own question about what is the worst possible consequences of changing the date by simply inverting the question and asking what are the worst possible consequences of leaving it on the 26/1? If people do not want to celebrate Australia day, that is their choice, but for the people that find it important to leave at the 26/1 because that is the day the first fleet landed, that is their right. The first fleet was the start of this great nation and it should be celebrated on that day. The Indigenous Australians are free to celebrate it with us or not. I think you will find a lot of Indigenous do celebrate it on that day, which is evident by the fact they perform their traditional music and dance ceremonies at the gatherings.

I am sure people like yourself have anniversaries or birthdays that are celebrated – would you or they change those dates? People celebrate New Year, Ramadan, Christmas, Easter, St Patrick’s Day, Chinese New Year, Pramuka day to name just a few. They do not change their dates because they have no meaning to a lot of the population and nobody asks them to. In fact, most people join in those celebrations.

Re electric vehicles. I see the biggest problem being the charging infrastructure – phone apps don’t work away from metropolitan areas, too many middle people between the driver and the power! Just a national network and pay by credit card direct would make buying EVs worthwhile.

After seeing the pictures of Canberrans celebrating Chinese New Year in last week’s magazine I was hoping to see pictures of Canberrans celebrating Australia Day in the latest magazine. I guess your magazine is too ashamed, too embarrassed or too scared to show pictures of Australians celebrating their national day. No problems though of celebrating a country that has an appalling human rights record to this day, unleashed a lethal virus on the world and tried to cover it up and is planning a war with western countries. You call yourselves Australians.

[ Editor’s note: The social photos in our 26 January edition were of Lunar New Year celebrations; while we didn’t include Australia Day social photos in our 2 February edition, it included a story about the Australia Day awards and the editor’s column was about the celebrations.

Want to share your opinion?

Email news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘To the editor’ in the subject field; include your full name, phone number, street address (NFP) and suburb. Keep letters to 250 words maximum. Note, letters may be shortened if space restrictions dictate.


Predictors of safe driving in older adults

16 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023

ENRICH program helps local cancer survivors post-treatment

More than 50 Canberrans have accessed free support after cancer treatment through Cancer Council ACT’s ENRICHing Survivorship Program, a number that CEO Verity Hawkins hopes to double in 2023.

Since October 2021, the program has seen cancer survivors from all backgrounds gather to find the peer support that enriches life after remission.

Sessions run for two hours per week over eight weeks and include information on nutrition and exercise, led by an accredited dietician and exercise physiologist, a spot of yoga, and the chance to connect with others who understand a cancer journey isn’t over once you’re given the all-clear.

ENRICH will be piloting new evening sessions in February, for

survivors who have returned to work or otherwise require flexibility.

Local woman Vickie HingstonJones was a past participant of the ENRICH program who has since come onboard as a peer support leader.

She was diagnosed with breast cancer in June 2020, during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic.

A highly active, clean eater prior to her diagnosis, Vickie said, “Having cancer isn’t just a physical thing. It’s a very, very emotional life-changing illness. You tend to let go of the things that you once really held onto in your life.”

She described coming out of treatment as exiting into a vacuum.

“People think at the end of your active treatment, ‘It’s finished now. You’re okay. You’re back to normal.’

“But you’re not. You’re still getting scans, you’re still taking medication, and this can go on for years and years. You have to remould your life to embrace that.

“The program was like the bridge between treatment and what life was going to be like from now on.”

She described the “exhale” that followed her first time being in a room full of other survivors. As fatigue can last for months or even years after finishing treatment, diet and exercise are often placed on the back burner.

“And when you do start thinking of exercise, your body’s changed. You don’t want to try that out in a gym in front of people.

“Here [at ENRICH], they do all these little exercises, and it gives you a really good basis for what your

body can do.”

Vickie and her peers worked on regaining balance, building back muscle, and working with different centres of gravity, “but a lot of it is just getting your confidence back. And being a bit brave,” she smiled.

“I got my confidence back here and was able to re-join the gym… Those little things I did made a big difference in putting structure back into my life.”

Find out more at actcancer.org/ support/enriching-survivorshipprogram

18 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023 NEWS
ENRICHing Survivorship program volunteer Vickie Hingston-Jones. Photo Kerrie Brewer


community noticeboard  email news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘HYH’ in the subject field

GIVIT donation of the week: Single Pram

GIVIT is working with an organisation in the ACT that provides health, development and learning support programs and services to parents and young children. This organisation is currently assisting a young family with a mother who has suffered from a serious injury and requires lengthy rehabilitation. They are requesting a single, lightweight pram that is easy to carry and manoeuvre, preferably a Bugaboo Butterfly model or something similar. This will allow the mother to easily move around while her partner is at work and attend appointments with her child. Your donation could really help ease this family’s burden while the mother is healing from her injury. To donate or fund, visit givit.org.au/whats-needed; search Category: Single Pram; Location: ACT. After you pledge the item, you will be contacted by the relevant organisation to arrange pick-up, post or drop-off.

A Day at the Lake

Royal Life Saving NSW/ACT is hosting A Day at the Lake – a free community water safety event at Black Mountain Peninsula on Sunday 12 February 10am-2pm. People of all ages and backgrounds are encouraged to build on their awareness and safety skills by joining the practical demonstrations on offer, such as hands-on CPR demonstrations and dryland rescues. More info: drowningprevention.org.au

Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS)

Mums of young kids, aged 0-5 years, are invited to join Tuggeranong MOPS, meeting at the Good Shepherd Community Church, Chisholm, on Wednesday fortnights 9.30-11.30am. Next meeting 22 February. Contact: mops@tpc.org.au


Queanbeyan Evening: Our next dinner meeting is our AGM on 15 February 6pm at Vanilla Pod, Riverside Plaza, Queanbeyan. Cost: $35 for two-course dinner and raffles. RSVP to Sue on nasforbes@bigpond.com or 0448 427 237 by 12 February.

Tuggeranong Day: Our next meeting is on Tuesday 21 February 11am2pm at Town Centre Vikings Club, Greenway. Cost: $33 for two-course lunch. Guest speaker: Dr Brad Tucker, an ANU astrophysicist speaking on space exploration and the space race. RSVP: Jan on 6193 5398 or maleyjan@yahoo.com by Friday 17 February.

Woden: The next meeting is on Tuesday 28 February 11.30am at Canberra Southern Cross Club Woden. Cost: $34 for two-course meal. Guest speaker: Amanda Heal speaking about resilience and building courage. RSVP: Maureen on 0427 383 343 by 22 February.

Silver Soles Cloggers Inc.

Come and try a Clogging class; it’s a bit like Tap dancing, but easier to learn. No partner required, and we can lend you some shoes to start. Mondays at 6pm, Torrens Community Hall. Children $85 term, Adults $10 per class. More info: Louise 0411 270 410.

Free Valentine’s Day Dance

Monaro Folk Society will host a free dance on Valentine’s Day, 14 February 7.30-9.30pm, Baptist Church Hall, 17 Condamine Street, Turner. Come and try bush dancing with or without your Valentine. More info: monarofolk.org.au

Tarago Book Sale

The Dynamite Book Sale will be held on Saturday 11 February 11am-4pm at the Loaded Dog Hotel, Tarago NSW. Good condition books can be dropped to the hotel bar during opening hours. Proceeds will go to local community groups; any unsold books will be donated to Lifeline for their next sale. Brought to you by The Tarago Page Turner’s Book Club & The Loaded Dog Hotel, Tarago.

Dragonboating for Women

Diamond Phoenix, Canberra’s only all-women Dragon Boat Club, is hosting a come and try event on Saturday 18 February 10-11.30am at Grevillea Park, Menindee Drive, Barton. Please wear quick-drying clothes and covered shoes that you don’t mind getting wet, bring your water bottle, sunscreen, hat, and a towel. Paddle and life jackets are provided. All women from 13 years up are welcome! More info: revolutionise.com.au/diamondphoenix/home/ or email membership@diamondphoenix.com.au

Canberra Mustang Car Show

On Sunday 26 February 8.30am-2.30pm, the Mustang Owners Club of Australia (NSW/ACT) will host the biennial Canberra Mustang Car Show at Viking Park, Erindale - A ‘Show and Shine’ featuring some of the region’s best Ford Mustang vehicles 1964-2022. This year, we will be supporting the Australian Federal Police Veterans Association (AFPVA) by raising money for the Ian ‘Jacko’ Jackson Welfare Fund, which provides relief and assistance to AFP Veterans.

19 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023
20 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023
Kate Harrison, Mark Hughes, Regan Harrison, Peter MacDonald Ann Bourne, Trent Bourne, Natasha Junakovic, Simon Junakovic Mareeta Grundy, Julie Hicks Penny Nowlan, Tina Kelly Liam Rowley, Jimmy Pabanaui Pauline Segerr, Tish Darmody, Helen Jewell, Sarah Dunkerley Dan Woodford, Sharon Tutt-Lyons, Chenice Jordan, Rachael Fowler, Martina Woodford, Sasha Blom, Danni Madson, Tara McGowan, Kathy Jones, Doug Jones Peter Leemhuis, Mel Hayward, Karyn O’Brien, Mick O’Brien Ken McGregor, Brent Lamont, Jamie Lucas, Josh Parsons
ABOVE Mike Cramsie Memorial Race Day, Thoroughbred Park. Photos: Ayu Srimoyo. BELOW Googfest music festival, Rockley Oval, Googong NSW. Images supplied.



AquAR iu S JAn 21 – fEB 19

Personal and financial matters will deserve careful focus. Avoid making long-term decisions based on other people’s experiences or expectations. Do your research and trust your gut instincts. This will help avoid mistakes both financially and in your personal life.

pi SCES fEB 20 – MAR 20

This is a romantic time and you could make progress both within your personal life and with your projects. But if you’ve been seeing life through rose-coloured glasses, you may get a reality check. Be practical and avoid committing to limiting options.

AR i ES MAR 21 – APR 20

This is a busy week, and full of distractions. In addition, the VenusNeptune conjunction may lead you to be a little idealistic or nostalgic, especially regarding a change in your usual routine. Be positive, as a change at work, socially or in your status will kickstart a fresh chapter.


1 Who was Henry VIII of England’s sixth and final wife?

LE O Jul 23 – AuG 23

This is a very creative time for you and the nature of art, romance and creativity is that it can be fleeting. Avoid trying to force things as a commitment to a person or a project can be made without pressure. If you’re considering a contract, read the fine print.

vi R g O AuG 24 – SEPt 23

You’ll appreciate the opportunity to spend time with people and activities you love. Love can certainly blossom, but you must be down-to-earth and practical too. A realistic approach is the key to success at work and could gain you more time for fun in your spare time.

L i BRA SEPt 24 – oCt 23

Your sign’s ruler, Venus, will align with Neptune. You may feel super-inspired, creative and artistic, but must keep an eye on practicalities, too. These stars suggest St Valentine’s Day will be one to remember but you must avoid overspending.


1 Solar deity (myth) (5)

4 learning; erudition (9)

9 Slavic language (7)

10 African nation bordering the Mediterranean (7)

11 Dutch city (9)

12 Japanese dish (5)

13 Biological blueprint (abb) (1,1,1)

14 Excessive grief (11)

16 Question (11)

19 Minor falsehood (3)

21 file (5)

23 the Eu ’s second capital (9)

25 learned (7)

26 Breach of law (7)

27 therapy (9)

28 Clip (5)


1 top uS university (7)

2 Impervious (9)

3 Seasoning (5)

4 Realm (7)

5 Hassock (7)

6 Visible features of an area (9)

7 CDs (5)

8 Dodging (7)

14 thief (9)

15 Pull (9)

16 Investigation into an unexplained death (7)

17 Indecent (7)

18 Plane hub (7)

20 Cause of annoyance (7)

22 Dodge (5)

24 Puts through a sieve (5)

2 What is South Australia’s largest island?

3 the 1894 novel trilby by which author indirectly inspired the name of the trilby hat?

4 Calista flockhart won a Golden Globe for her role in which television show?

5 Aloe vera is broadly believed to have originated in what part of the world?


TAu R u S APR 21 – MAy 21

Developments may stretch your belief in someone, so you must find out where you stand. A friend or organisation may present new ideas that seem counterproductive, so aim to work out the reality of the situation. As a result you may make a key decision.

g E mi N i MAy 22 – Jun 21

A trip, change of environment or changes in the way you share duties or even space at home will put a new perspective on your decisions. It may be time to make a commitment, especially with a long-term decision or a change of status. A wish could come true so take the initiative.

CANCER Jun 22 – Jul 22

Be sure to trust your instincts now; look at the details of your plans and projects, and avoid focussing only on an outcome. If you’ve been looking for a commitment, you may obtain it now, but the terms may require attention.

SCOR pi O oCt 24 – noV 22

You’ll enjoy indulging in your favourite activities and people. But you must avoid being superidealistic and gambling. A change of environment will be refreshing, or could provide more stability at home. Someone close may preoccupy your thoughts.

SAgi TTAR iu S noV 23 – DEC 21

Be practical this week as you could accomplish a great deal, especially at home, with family and/or in your environment. A romantic phase may predispose you to making rash decisions regarding your home or property, so be inspired but avoid being swept up in the mood.

CA p R i CORN DEC 22 – JAn 20

A reunion or journey will be rejuvenating even if logistics require attention. Be decisive with finances or personal matters as this will help you to gain stability. Ensure you have all the facts, and look at the longterm consequences of your actions.

iN THE STARS with PAtSy BEnnEtt

For personal readings, contact Patsy through her website to make an appointment, or call 0448 808 333.

Facebook: facebook.com/patsybennettpsychicastrology

Instagram: instagram.com/patsybennettastrology www.patsybennett.com

21 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023 Brain busters: 1. Catherine Parr 2. Kangaroo Island 3. George du Maurier Ally4.  McBeal 5. Arabian Peninsula DIffICulty RAtInG  27 439 19264 672 53 79 26 82 96 38 59 36 17 No. 1606 216754398 179523684 967215843 798132456 843961275 481379562 534896721 625487139 352648917
No. 2843
Puzzles and pagination © Pagemasters | pagemasters.com
CROSSwORd SUPER SUdOkU 0902 9 FEbrUArY - 15 FEbrUArY DIAMONDS MANUKA Shop 5 Manuka Arcade, Manuka | Phone 62 95 6448 | Email info@diamondsmanuka.com.au
“Where nature meets perfection”

Recipe to fall in love with

Adorned with jewel-like cubes of Turkish delight, these mini cakes are sure to win hearts! The best part is you can share a piece with your Valentine, or the whole decadent lot with your Galantines.

Rose and fi g love cakes

Serves 8

200g unsalted butter, chopped into chunks

200g good quality white chocolate, chopped

2/3 cup (150g) firmly packed dark brown sugar

1 cup (250ml) hot water

2 Tbsp honey or golden syrup

2 tsp vanilla extract

2 large eggs, at room temperature

1 cup (150g) self-raising cake flour or self-raising flour

2 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp ground ginger

1 tsp ground cardamom

2 cups (200g) almond meal

Preheat the oven to 160°C. Grease the holes of an 8-capacity (230ml) mini loaf tin and line the base and sides of each cavity with baking paper.

Place the butter, chocolate, sugar, water, honey or golden syrup, and vanilla into a large heavy-based saucepan. Stir the ingredients over medium–low heat with a silicone spatula for 5 minutes, or until the chocolate melts completely and the mixture is smooth. Set aside for at least 20 minutes to cool, then transfer to a mixing bowl.

Add the eggs to the chocolate mixture one at a time and beat in well using a hand-held mixer or whisk. Sift in the flour and spices and mix until well combined. Fold in the almond meal until well combined.

Fill each cavity to tree-quarters full. Bake for 30 minutes, or until a wooden skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Leave in the tin to cool completely.

Cold tip: You can speed up the process of cooling your cakes by placing the whole tray in the refrigerator, covered with a clean tea towel, for an hour or so.

For the rose cream cheese

500g cream cheese, at room temperature

100g unsalted butter, chopped, at room temperature

1 cup (125g) icing sugar, sifted

1/2 tsp rosewater

2 tsp lemon juice

3–4 drops pink food colouring

2/3 cup (170ml) thick (double) cream, whipped

Using a hand-held mixer or a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat the cream cheese, butter, icing sugar, rosewater, and lemon juice on high for 2–3 minutes, or until pale and flu y. Add the food colouring until the desired colour is achieved, stirring to combine thoroughly.

Gently fold in the whipped cream until combined and then cover and set aside until needed.

Cold tip: If your filling appears to be too soft to pipe neatly onto your cakes, place it in the refrigerator for 20–30 minutes to firm up to a more workable consistency.

To assemble

Large piping bag lined with a star nozzle

1 cup (130g) crushed pistachios

40g Turkish delight, chopped into small cubes

3 fresh figs, sliced into wedges

Edible gold leaf (available from cake decorating stores; optional)

Pipe the rose cream cheese in swirls onto each mini loaf. Adorn each cake with crushed pistachios, a scattering of Turkish delight cubes and segments of fresh fig. If you like, add a decadent lustre to the topping by decorating with a scattering of gold leaf.

22 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023
Images and text from Bake My Day by Katherine Sabbath, photography by Jeremy Simons. Murdoch Books RRP $45.
Valentine’s Day A Perfect Catch! 6239 6415 �ishco.com.au 19 Dalby St, Fyshwick Q: What’s Cupid’s favourite music band? A: Kiss! FRESH Salmon Fillets FRESH King Prawns FRESH Shucked Oysters - ooh la la! Follow us on Facebook for simple and delicious recipes!

Forget all your troubles, go Downtown

If you’re looking to find out where a society is at regarding social values, expectations, and standards, then look no further than its music and advice columns. Queanbeyan Players’ upcoming production, Downtown: The Mod Musical, combines these two things with bright fashion and big hair to create a show that will leave you feeling on cloud nine.

Set in swinging London at the start of the 1960s, the musical revolves around five women in their early to mid-20s, known only by their colours. We follow them on a journey of self-growth in a changing world.

“All of a sudden you had a choice, and that came through in the music of the era. The music was joyful and questioning, and protest songs fought – and the lyrics, because of that, they’re just amazing; they tell stories,” says director, Anita Davenport.

Blue, Green, Orange, Red and Yellow write into Shout Magazine for advice from Agony Aunt to help them navigate issues in their lives. Davenport says when we first meet the young women, they are naïve, accepting the column’s advice as gospel truth.

“Your husband is coming home late at night and you don’t know why, but what you really should



do is just find a new house coat, clean just a little bit better,” she says.

Davenport believes audiences will be quick to relate to the characters: Green is who you go to when you want some excitement; Orange is the mother hen type; Blue is a strong ‘It Girl’; Red is enthusiastic; while Yellow is an American who’s come to London to meet (stalk) Paul McCartney.

As the world around them evolves, so do the women, and their Agony Aunt’s once-trusted advice “starts to become outdated as the roles of women change throughout the decade,” she says.

On stage with the lead actresses is a chorus, a live band, and an incredible set inspired by the work of renowned British designer, Mary Quant.

“It’s those very geometric shapes, colour against a very stark black background to really make that pop,” Davenport says.

The story arcs are reflective of the time, with some of the colours going through personal life changes that wouldn’t have been possible at the turn of the 1950s. The director says a decade can change a lot of things.

“Especially in the most pivotal years from sort of 20 to 30, or 25 to 35, your priorities change … you become more secure in yourself,” she says.

Davenport says the show is two hours of guilt-free escapism and will have you looking up a 1960s playlist to listen to on the way home.

See Downtown: The Mod Musical at Belconnen Community Theatre, 24 February-5 March; queanbeyanplayers.com

Enjoy a light lunch

Dining Room, Lower Ground

Fri, Sat & Sun until 19 Feb 2023 11.00am–2.30pm

View menu and book tickets

Walk-ins welcome

23 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023
Four of the “colour” girls of Queanbeyan Players’ production of Downtown: The Mod Musical, coming to Belconnen Community Theatre, 24 February-5 March.
Photo Kerrie Brewer
Cressida Campbell, After lunch (detail), 2002, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Gift of the Margaret Hanah Olley Art Trust 2009, image courtesy Art Gallery of New South Wales © Cressida Campbell

Dragon Boat ACT and DeafACT paddle towards inclusivity

An exciting new collaboration is seeing the Canberra water sports scene become more inclusive. Dragon Boat ACT and DeafACT have been working together to integrate the deaf and hard-of-hearing community into the sport and will showcase their hard work in Regatta 5 at Grevillea Park on Saturday 11 February.

The program began a few years ago when Dragon Boat ACT applied for a government grant to increase inclusiveness and cater to the deaf and hard-of-hearing community. However, the pandemic saw things put on hold until resuming last year.

“We had quite a lot of numbers interested; we have 14 in total. We’re really excited about the program and looking forward to the competition,” says Jacob Clarke, a DeafACT board member and previous president. Jacob says that board member Kathe O’Brien being a paddler was an integral part of the collaboration. Kathe is a Child of Deaf Adults (CODA), and Auslan was her first language.

She joined the DeafACT Board last year and heard about the grant through the dragon boat

community. The Board has worked with the Dragon Boat ACT to shape the program, using the grant money to make a video teaching hearing paddlers Auslan signs for the sport. In an Australian first, they created signs specifically for dragon boating.

“We didn’t have those dragon boat signs – for example, paddles flat – we wouldn’t have had that in Auslan, so that is something we made up,” says Kathe.

They created signs for stop the boat, slow the boat, hold, easy, sweep, and drummer. Kathe says not only has it been great for the deaf and hard-of-hearing paddlers, but the hearing paddlers are becoming more aware of Auslan, too.

“We are really pleased about accessibility and inclusion and we have an interpreter as Kathe is a dragon boater,” says DeafACT member Chloe Nash-Shannon.

Being part of the dragon boat community has encouraged them to get out of their comfort zone, out of the house, and meet new people. Both Choe and Jacob agree that this inclusivity will positively impact the mental health of those involved.

“The activity is a really good activity for the deaf community for our mental health and wellbeing,” says Chloe.

Find out more about DeafACT at deafact.org.au or visit dbact.com.au if you want to try your hand at dragon boating.

Read an extended version at canberraweekly.com.au

24 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023
Chloe Nash-Shannon (left) and Jacob Clarke are two of the members from DeafACT to join the dragon boating program. Photo Kerrie Brewer
The presentation of this exhibition is a collaboration between the British Museum and the National Museum of Australia. ‘Queen of the Night’ relief, Iraq, about 1750 BCE. ©Trustees of the British Museum, 2022.

Family F

Live entertainment in the MainArena Friday & Saturday Nights

Free Public Transport to the Royal Canberra Show

Pre-Purchase your tickets today from our website ww w.canberrashow.org.au

A different journey down the rabbit hole at Mill Theatre

On a set with only a ladder, two glasses of water, a spoon, and a script, an actor enters the stage to discover their role for the night in front of an intimate live audience.

White Rabbit, Red Rabbit is a unique theatre experience that an actor can play only once in their lifetime. It comes to Mill Theatre at Dairy Road, Fyshwick later this month for five performances, each featuring a different actor.

Written to see the world when its author could not, Nassim Soleimanpour is forbidden to leave his home country, Iran. Instead of the playwright travelling to theatres and destinations around the globe, in his place is a sealed envelope.

“You can’t have performed the work. You’re not allowed to have seen the work. You’re not allowed to have researched the work. So, I only know what I’ve been permitted to know,” says P.J. Williams.

Williams has been a constant presence on Canberra stages as an actor, director, and general theatre person for the past few decades. The first of the five actors to bring the script to life at Mill Theatre, Williams is looking forward to taking on the role, which he describes as a novel concept.

“It’s a very unusual play. As an actor, you come to it knowing pretty much as the audience does. It’s a play that relies on immediacy and improvisational skills,” he says.

Williams began his career in improvisation in Sydney, a skill he has carried with him throughout the years, even co-founding Impro Theatre ACT in 2005. However, what makes the play different from improv is that there will be a script, so it will be more about reacting to what is in front of him, he says.

“It is about discovering the work in the moment with the audience … to respond and act honestly, moment to moment.”

He says an actor needs to be confident to shift, change, and interpret on the spot. While improvisation is best known for comedic roles, Williams says the same principles apply to dramatic improvisation. It is about reacting to an offer that is made in the moment, no matter what form it comes in.

“You respond to the offer that’s in front of you and that may be a word alone in the scripted direction. You have to actually just commit to the moment.”

Following Williams, who opens the short season,

are two Canberra-based actors, Sarah Haddock-Carroll and Elliot Cleaves, and two interstate performers: from Melbourne, Professor of Creative Arts at Griffith University, Julian Meyrick; and from Sydney, renowned director, writer and producer, Jay James Moody.

Bringing the play to the Mill Theatre is Ezekiel Chalmers, the venue’s technical manager who is stepping into a co-producer role for the first time.


26 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023
P.J. Williams is one of the actors to take on the unknown in White Rabbit Red Rabbit at Mill Theatre at Dairy Road, 15-24 February.
Photo Kerrie Brewer
in Political Cartoons 2022
the Planet On Now
The Year

Chalmers says the work is interesting in the way it is presented, with minimal requirements from the actors before the show, cutting down on hundreds of hours of rehearsal times. However, that also presents new challenges an actor wouldn’t have with any other play, admitting any script presented in this way would be a challenge for an actor.

“I’ve picked something that is very audacious and very postmodern to do as my first work and it’s been working really well so far,” he says.

Trust is vital with this play – the audience trusting the actor, the actor trusting the producer – and the Mill Theatre, with its intimate layout, is the perfect place to stage it.

“You’re sitting across from the actor, eye to eye with them … there are no barriers between you and the audience,” he says.

Co-producer Lexi Sekuless says she wants Mill Theatre, which she runs, to be a place where Canberra

creatives can have some breathing room and be able to step up and test out a different role. Her vision of the theatre is a place where creatives have courage and trust those around them for support, and that White Rabbit Red Rabbit involves both those things.

Putting his trust in the producers and not one to shy away from a challenge, Williams says he thinks people should come along and take a chance on a new work, in a new space.

“I’m humbled to be part of this project. I suspect that there will be moments of humour and there will be moments of drama, and it’s yet to be discovered,” Williams smiles. Secure your seat for one or more performances of White Rabbit Red Rabbit at Mill Theatre at Dairy Road, 15-16, 18 and 23-24 February; lexisekuless.com/ mill-theatre-at-dairy-road

27 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023
10AM – 4PM Multicultural Festival 5 March 2023 Queanbeyan Park

Film, games and culture collide in Mirage

The diverse sounds of cinema, video games and far-reaching cultures come together in one powerhouse performer, Hayat Selim. The Egyptian-born composer, vocalist, and songwriter travels to Australia for the first time with Mirage, coming to The Street Theatre on Thursday 16 February.

Mirage is a collection of original works from Selim’s impressive career with pieces she has composed for film, video games, and museum immersion, as well as covers. The musician beautifully and seamlessly flows through languages like Arabic, English, ancient Egyptian, Spanish, Italian, and old Irish in this deep, rich performance.

“The songs have many messages on the subjects of women’s rights and empowerment, the importance of tolerance, diversity, and inclusion, solidarity with conflict-affected countries, odes and appreciation to old empires such as Ancient Egypt,” says Selim.

A love of music has followed Selim throughout her life, being the one activity she was constantly drawn to. Her school put a strong emphasis on the importance of music, with classes being mandatory

until high school. The songstress began composing and songwriting in her teens turning poems she had written into musical odes.

“I was told that as a baby I would be very intrigued by music and rhythm and automatically would start dancing,” she says.

Beginning an engineering degree, Selim never stopped creating music, and in 2011 decided that would be her profession. She continued with her science studies but added composition, music theory, singing, and piano. Torn between singing and composition, a bout of illness saw Selim pursue film scoring, something that would ultimately open many doors, including singing opportunities.

“It has been a very interesting journey that taught me so much about being flexible and having faith that the right thing will happen at the right time,” she says.

Bringing Selim to Canberra is Music Theatre Projects, led by Canberra multi-disciplinary performer and creative, Diana Nixon. Thrilled to bring the performer to her only Australian stop, Nixon will accompany Selim on the piano in Mirage. She says it is great to see Canberra leading the way with this kind

of performance.

“Her career is very, very unique in that she’s making her way as a female in the composition world for film and game, which I’m sure you can imagine is a male-dominated industry,” Nixon says.

Hayat Selim and Diana Nixon perform Mirage at The Street Theatre, Thursday 16 February 7.30pm; thestreet.org.au

28 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023
Hayat Selim brings a fusion of cinematic sounds and world music to The Street Theatre on 16 February.
- Jessica Cordwell

Now showing

The Whale (PG)

A young man (Ty Simpkins) disembarks a bus and enters an unclean apartment to see the morbidly obese Charlie (Brendan Fraser) experiencing severe chest pain. Charlie begs the young man to read him a short essay about Moby Dick to help calm him down.

After having been a consistent fan favourite for the better part of the 1990s and early 2000s, Brendan Fraser faded from the public eye for some time. Fraser’s easy going and likeable nature had grabbed audiences for his comedies and matinee actioners, while eventually guiding them over to his more dramatic fare. It is due to a recent online movement that his star has shone again, even more so with this role that holds parallels to Fraser’s

explores a character who is incredibly self-destructive. Whereas The Wrestler’s protagonist risks it all for his love of his sport, and the Black Swan similarly does so to achieve perfection in her art form, Charlie’s self-destruction is a mixture of grief, punishment, and potential redemption. A failed partner, husband, and parent, Charlie puts it all on the line to ensure that his estranged daughter (Sadie Sink) knows just how much she matters and is loved.

Through his online university writing classes, Charlie searches for honesty and authenticity in a world filled with those who choose to hide behind masks, emotional barriers, and religious dogma.

Verdict: A tour-de-force by Brendan Fraser, who demonstrates both the painfully destructive and beautifully transcendent effects of pure empathy.

4.5 stars.

Sunday 26th & Monday 27th February 2023

Canberra Southern Cross Club 92-96 Corinna St, Woden ACT 10am-3pm daily | FREE ADMISSION

On display will be the latest resort style developments as well as established villages from many different organisations, all offering a wide range of services & facilities, sizes, prices and locations. This is a wonderful opportunity to ask questions and gather information about many different retirement villages and over-50s resorts all under one roof.


29 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023
Don’t miss this life changing event!
The Canberra Retirement Village & Resort Expo

Book talk

Jeff Popple reviews three Australian books for St Valentine’s Day. More of Jeff’s reviews can be found on his blog: murdermayhemandlongdogs.com

The Last Love Note by Emma Grey

Michael Joseph, $32.99

The Last Love Note by Canberra author Emma Grey is this year’s must-read St Valentine’s Day novel. Inspired by Emma’s own experience, The Last Love Note is a deeply moving story about sole parent Kate Whittaker’s path to new love, following the way too early death of her husband two years before. Mixing sadness and real emotion with wit and humour, it is an easy flowing romance novel that quickly draws the reader in and keeps them happily engaged until the end. The writing is mature and confident, and very amusing at times, as Emma captures the chaos of life. Recommended.

Dear Lover edited by Samuel Johnson

Hachette, $24.99

Also full of emotion and fun is Samuel Johnson’s Dear Lover

This charming collection of love letters from a diverse range of notable Australians is a quick, enjoyable read. Included among the contributors are Turia Pitt, Jacqui Lambie, Georgie Parker, Samuel Johnson himself, and dozens of other well-known figures. The letters range from the amusing to the moving, and vary in length from four words to a couple of pages. If you have ever owned a pet, Pia Miranda’s letter will bring you to tears, while Stuart Coupe’s letter is heart-warming and honest. A great gift that will also help fund cancer research.

The Matchmaker by Saman Shad

Penguin, $29.99

Saman Shad brings an enjoyable multicultural feel to romance this St Valentine’s Day with The Matchmaker. Saima is a 33-year-old professional Sydney matchmaker who mainly services the local Desi community. Her business is doing well, but her own love life is in a mess. Things get further complicated when she is hired by the parents of the attractive Kal to find his perfect match, without him realising what is going on. This is a vibrant, entertaining novel that mixes romance and humour with interesting insights into the Australian Desi community. A polished and engaging read.

30 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023
TIME OUT ACT SPEEDWAY will be holding a night event on the 11th of March For more information please visit our FB page or go to www.actspeedway.org.au

On this weekend!

Come & join us at our EPIC February Bookfair! Featuring books & so much more...

• textbooks

• puzzles, console & board games

Book lovers unite this

• cd’s, records & sheet music


• computer software & games

Come & join us at our EPIC February Bookfair! Featuring books & so much more...

• talking books

• DVD’s & blu-ray

• calendars & postcards

• textbooks

• lego, war gaming, models & miniatures

• textbooks

• puzzles, console & board games

• magazines, pamphlets & comics

• note books & diaries

• cds, records & sheet music

• cd’s, records & sheet music

• talking books

• puzzles, console & board games

• computer software & games

• maps & atlases

• computer software & games

• lego, war gaming, models & miniatures

• collectables & rare books

• lego, war gaming, models & miniatures

• magazines, pamphlets & comics

• maps & atlases

• maps & atlases

• collectables & rare books

• bookmarks, posters & prints

• talking books

• DVDs & blu-ray

• stamps & trading cards

• DVD’s & blu-ray

• calendars & postcards

• calendars & postcards

• note books & diaries

• sets & encyclopaedias

• note books & diaries

• bookmarks, posters & prints

• magazines, pamphlets & comics

• stamps & trading cards

• bookmarks, posters & prints

• stamps & trading cards

• sets & encyclopaedias

• sets & encyclopaedias

Friday 8 Feb9am - 6pm

Friday 10 Feb

9am - 6pm

Saturday 9 Feb9am - 5pm

Friday 8 Feb9am - 6pm

Saturday 11 Feb Donations will be accepted

Sunday 10 Feb10am - 4pm

Saturday is Family Day with fun activities for the kids

Sunday 12 Feb 9am - 4pm 9am - 5pm

Saturday 9 Feb9am - 5pm

Sunday 10 Feb10am - 4pm

Exhibition Park in Canberra

Saturday is Family Day with fun activities for the kids

Exhibition Park in Canberra

Coorong & Budawang Pavilions Gold coin donation entry

Exhibition Park in Canberra (EPIC) Cnr Northbourne Av & Flemington Rd, Mitchell ACT 2911 Gold coin donation entry

Coorong & Budawang Pavilions Gold coin donation entry

what’s on


Guests are invited to a dinner between two lovers; over the evening you gain insight into modern love and question whether things are as they seem.

ACT HUB, Kingston, 9-11 February; acthub.com.au


Celebrate the incomparable songstress, Barbra Streisand, in this 80th birthday event with the Canberra Symphony Orchestra and some of the biggest names in musical theatre.

Canberra Theatre Centre, 10-11 February; canberratheatrecentre.com.au


Royal Life Saving NSW/ ACT are hosting a free water safety day to help build awareness and safety skills with practical demonstrations, a BBQ lunch, prizes and discounts at the Canberra Aqua Park.

Black Mountain Peninsula, 12 February 10am- 2pm; drowningprevention.org.au


Will you participate?

Will you be manipulated? Will you listen? Will you really listen?

With no rehearsals, no director, a different actor each night, and a script waiting in a sealed envelope on stage, internationally acclaimed White Rabbit Red Rabbit, by Iranian writer Nassim Soleimanpour, is an audacious theatrical experiment and a potent reminder of the transgressive and transformative power of theatre.

Mill Theatre at Dairy Road, Fyshwick; nightly 7.30pm; 15 Feb – P.J. Williams; 16 Feb –Stefanie Lekkas; 18 Feb – Jay James-Moody; 23 Feb – Elliot Cleaves; 24 Feb – Zsuzsi Soboslay; www.milltheatreatdairyroad.com


Two exhibitions come to an end, Tom Moore’s Abundant Water features works from one of the country’s leading glass artists, and renowned jeweller Blanche Tilden’s ripple effect - a 25 year survey.

Canberra Museum + Gallery, until 12 February; cmag.com.au

Find more listings at canberraweekly.com.au

To advertise here, contact Samantha on 0423 355 536 or samantha@canberraweekly.com.au

32 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023
Playwright Rebecca Duke (left) and Thea Jade bring At Dinner to ACT Hub, 9-11 February. Discover the unknown in White Rabbit Red Rabbit at Mill Theatre at Dairy Road, 15-24 February.
12 FEB
Tom Moore, Mega Daphne, 2020, hot joined blown and solid glass, 550 x 220 x 240 mm.
Photo Kerrie Brewer
15-24 FEB 9-11 FEB 10-11 FEB TIME OUT
Photo Grant Hancock
NATIONAL GALLERY Only in Kamberri/ Canberra Book now
Photo Martin Ollman Cressida Campbell, Nasturtiums (detail), 2002, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Gift of Margaret Olley 2006, image courtesy the Art Gallery of New South Wales © Cressida Campbell, Image © Art Gallery of New South Wales

Cupid couture

Whether it’s out for dinner, drinks or dessert, we have you covered for Valentine’s Day looks to fall in love with.

(continued page 34)

33 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023
5 6 4 2 1
1 Severine underwire bra, $89.95, au.ditavonteeselingerie.com;
2 Suspender, $99.95, au.ditavonteeselingerie.com; 3 Matilda crop, $259, onefellswoop.net; 4 Justice pants, $289, cazincthelabel.com.au; 5 Mimco mod circle bag, $499, David Jones; 6 Perle drop earring, $55, Debbie Maree’s fashion boutique
34 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023 THE LOOK
9 7
7 Jamila corset dress, $169, bardot.com; 8 Fenty Icon lipstick, $24, Sephora; 9 Poppy bag, $399, Arpelle; 10 C Zampatti Sun RX 22, Two pairs from $199, Specsavers
8 10 (from page 33) NEW SEASON STYLES IN STORE NOW happyfitfootwear.com.au ...and more! GORGEOUS NEW ARRIVALS
Booksmart actress Beanie Feldstein and producer Bonnie Chance Roberts got engaged in 2022. Getty.

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Struck by Cupid’s arrow

36 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023
HOME Whether you celebrate Valentine’s, Galentine’s or Palentine’s Day, Cupid’s arrow and Saint Valentine are ready to spread their annual dose of romance. In honour of this day dedicated to love, CW has curated some Valentine’s Day inspo to help you spoil the ones you adore. WITH HOME EDITOR, ABBEY HALTER 6 5 4 3 2 1
1 Strawberry platter, $300, fentonandfenton.com.au; 2 Heart design candlestick, $95, Paradiso Ceramics, Crookwell NSW; 3 The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks, $22.99, The Book Cow, Kingston; 4 Spread love not chocolate HeartKids card, $10, sweetheartday.org.au; 5 Champagne bucket, $410, Journey Home Interiors, Manuka; 6 Hearts by Tim Shaw from $64, Coloured Vase by Ruth Allen $286, Carved Bowl by Hugo Curtis $400, Tulipan Vase $350 and Neckrings $330 by Peter Nilsson, all available at Canberra Glassworks, Kingston
Decore r for he

Shake up your home style in 2023

Refresh and rejuvenate your home sanctuary in 2023 with a brand new mood that’s tailored specifically to your individual style. Luxaflex shares their top design trends for 2023 that capture the essence of popular interior design to help bring your dream home to life.

Sunset Villa

Warm, arid tones, like turmeric and rouge, are a staple for this theme, bringing to life waxed and distressed woods surrounded with grasses and reeds.

Natural Elevation

This strong, modern style combines warm woods with textured neutrals, robust shapes, and artisanal accessories. To add a contemporary touch, use tones of brown – rust, caramel, bone –with highlight touches of ruby.

Rural Contemporary

Highlighting symmetry, texture, and classic patterns, this contemporary country farmhouse style is showcased through colours of antique white and muted grey. Soften the look with linen textiles and tonal layering.


While coastal vibes are always evolving, one thing for sure is the style is here to stay. Lean into your ‘coastal grandmother’ era with crisp white and blue accents, rattan and bamboo materials, alongside touches of green-based blues.

37 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023


38 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023
Magnificent mid-century modern SEE PAGE 39

Weetangera 6 Davis Street

Featuring the original 1970s low-slung late-modernist lines, 6 Davis Street in Weetangera is an impeccably designed property, part of the original Sydney architect John Playoust’s display village of architecturally designed homes.

Maintaining the heritage of the home, natural materials are exhibited through the timber doors and window frames, and slate flooring creates a mellow ambiance that speaks to the vibe of the time. The kitchen, ensuite, and third bathroom have received bright updates over the years, but the family bathroom holds most of its original glory, including the earthy

green penny tiles. More recently, this home received a fantastic addition of an elevated deck off the family room offering a quintessential indoor-outdoor lifestyle. The picturesque garden exudes a serene essence, wrapping around the eastern and northern sides of the home.

Agent Bradley McDowell describes this rare and stylish home as “easy family living” with a beautiful backyard “where core memories are yet to be made”.

The generously sized bedrooms and easy-to-entertain spaces are standout features of the property, Mr McDowell said.

In a fabulous location, it’s “so close to the reputable Weetangera Primary School and local facilities, plus easy access in and out of the suburb in a quiet loop street”, he said.

A mid-century modern masterpiece, this family abode is a fabulously stylish place to call home.

EER 2.0

Auction Thu 16 Feb 5pm

View Sat 11 Feb 12.45-1.15pm

Agent Andrew Lonsdale

Mob 0428 486 692

Agent Bradley McDowell

Mob 0447 622 702

Ray White Canberra | 6173 6300

1 9 9 C h e w s L a n e B e n d i c k M u r r e l l N S W

w a l k i n r o b e a n d e n s u i t e , a l l w i t h o p e n

f i r e p l a c e s a n d a c c e s s o n t o t h e w r a p a r o u n d v e r a n d a

L a r g e 1 5 m i n g r o u n d l a p p o o l w i t h e n t e r t a i n i n g a r e a

S u f f i c i e n t w a t e r w i t h a f u l l y e q u i p p e d b o r e , M u r r i n g o c r e e k , a m p l e r a i n w a t e r s t o r a g e , w e l l , o n e d a m a n d p o p - u p s p r i n k l e r s a s w e l l a s a c o m b i n e d 7 k w s o l a r s y s t e m

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N e a t 5 0 - a c r e p a s t u r e i m p r o v e d p a d d o c k , a n d s t o c k p r o o f f e n c i n g

39 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY OF THE WEEK canberraweeklyrealestate.com.au
4 2 2
C H A R M , A C R E A G E , O L D W O R L D F i v e s p a c i o u s b e d r o o m s , m a i n w i t h
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e l y A G

Independent, community centric living in the heart of Weston Creek

Araluen Weston Creek Retirement Village.

A rare opportunity has arisen in one of Canberra’s best retirement villages. Own your own home and live life at your pace. We currently have one residence available:

• Spacious, open plan living

• Secure, private courtyard

• North-facing

• Be part of an active and supportive community

• Abundant on-site amenities

• Freedom to renovate and personalise your home

• Single level and easy access

Now Selling

2 Bed, 1 Bath, 1 Car By Negotiation

Open Thurs, 9th Feb at 12:00pm to 2:00pm Sat 11th Feb at 10:00am to 10:30am and 2:15pm to 2:45pm 89/177 Badimara Street, Fisher

For More Information Contact Nic Salter-Harding, 0412 600 085

LJ Hooker Dickson 6257 2111

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries. MIN EER 6

Open the door to award-winning property management

LJ Hooker Kippax offers a complete property management service for property investors - Led by international award-winning Property Manager Jodie Cross, backed by marketing services, uniform and consistent systems, and professional training.

Our promise to you

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We know what it takes. NOBODY DOES IT BETTER…..Still! It’s a strong rental market at the moment. If you’re a landlord and have a sneaking suspicion you might not be getting the best return from your investment, it’s time to talk to the best trained property management team in the business. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries. Contact your local Participating LJ Hooker Office LJ Hooker Belconnen 6251 1477 LJ Hooker Canberra City 6249 7700 LJ Hooker Dickson 6257 2111 LJ Hooker Gungahlin 6213 3999 LJ Hooker Kaleen 6241 1922 LJHooker Kippax 6239 5551 LJHooker Queanbeyan 6297 3333 LJ Hooker Tuggeranong 6189 0100 LJ Hooker Weston 6288 8888 LJ Hooker Woden 6288 8888 Landlords. It’s never been harder to be a landlord! Are you seeing a return? Want better?

GORDON 4 Sturrock Place






Sat 4/3/2023, 10am onsite

Sat 11/2/23, 10-10.40am

Sun 12/2/23, 10-10.40am

Tue 14/2/23, 5.30-6pm

CONTACT Alisa Lawrence 0404 066 119

Family living at its finest

Perfectly positioned in an elevated location, this welcoming split-level family home combines a versatile floorplan with tasteful design features. The renovated kitchen combines quality appliances, a large island bench and an abundance of storage.

With three distinct living areas, a segregated master suite, covered entertaining area and stunning rural views - this home is an absolute winner. EER 3

visit us at mpotter.com.au

You Can’t Buy Experience

38 Years Industry Knowledge

With a combined 38 years industry knowledge, Michael and Alisa have the experience, especially in changing markets, to assist you with a successful sale or purchase.


- effective communication, marketing and negotiating techniques

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- a ‘one stop shop’ offering a complete project management service to have your property ‘market ready’

- a long list of advocates and referrals. buying, selling or just want some honest market advice, reach out - we are here to assist!

A ‘Blue Ribbon’ Experience

We just wanted to say, Michael & Alisa, what a great job you do. We completely underestimated the stress of selling a house and just wanted to say how the genuine effort you have put into this for our family has been so sincerely appreciated and reassuring. You are all doing so much for us. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

We cannot speak highly enough of Michael and the team! They have made the process stress free and achieved a phenomenal outcome for us which has changed our lives. Do yourself a favour and enlist the best to sell your real estate!

A note of appreciation for the outstanding and personal service we received from you, and Alisa with the sale of our apartment at Deakin. Communication with each of you, as the occasion required, was always prompt, concise and efficient. We were delighted with the result and after sales service. We would be happy to recommend you and your team.

alawrence@mpotter.com.au - 0404 066 119 mpotter@mpotter.com.au - 0413 830 598

15 Timbarra Crescent O’Malley

Rejuvenate of an evening in the spa on the rear patio while watching the evening lights and admiring the Black Mountain view! This substantial residence in the diplomatic suburb offers a large home for extended family, space for a home business or an entertainer’s delight!

Entry is stunning with chandelier, high ceiling, 3 living rooms, a spacious dining opening to rear north patio. There is a preparation kitchen with 1 upright stove with oven, 2 separate ovens, 3 dishwashers and 2 fridges.

Upstairs: Accessible by stairs or lift, all 5 bedrooms are very large with robes and ensuites in each and master with spa ensuite and 3 walk-in-robe.

Basement: there is a 5 car garage with car hoist plus a huge showroom for entertainment or car enthusiast. Also a 1-2 bedroom flat for guest or maid.

UVC: $1,666,000 Land: 2,044m² Living Space: 841m² EER: 4.0

EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST Open Home Saturday 11th February 2023 at 10:30-11:30am
8 15 Margaret Reynolds margaret.reynolds@civium.com.au
0417 486 574
It’s more than a home, it’s a community Located in the heart of Deakin, just 300m from the shops and close to medical facilities, The Grange retirement village offers you independent living in your own private home without the hassle of the building maintenance, and the security of knowing staff are onsite 24 hours a day in case of an emergency. Join the vibrant and welcoming community where you can live life your way. Enjoy lunch or dinner in the private dining room. Take part in the many social activities or interest groups in the village. Keep fit at one of the regular exercise classes, the indoor pool or the many walking tracks nearby including Red Hill. Indulge your passion for culture at the many museums and galleries close by. Join us for Tea and Tours, Friday between 10am-2pm or call 02 6282 1782 to book a private tour Our 2 bedroom homes are beautifully renovated and come with: • A spacious kitchen with granite benchtops • Open plan living and dining areas opening onto spacious balconies • Master bedrooms with plenty of storage • Modern bathrooms • Reverse cycle air conditioning/heating • Good sized internal laundries with dryer Call 02 6282 1782 to find out more www.thegrangedeakin.com.au Homes starting from $655,000 buildingNostampdutyorinsurancerequired


• Located in the vibrant heart of Manuka and on the doorstep of some of Canberra’s best restaurants shops and amenities

• Only a select number apartments are now remaining. 1 bedroom apartments from $420,000 and 2 bedroom apartments from $690,000

• 1 car space with each apartment

• 5% deposit and 6 month settlement options available

• No stamp duty, strata fees, rates or water payment

• High quality inclusions

• Independent living at its best

• 90% now sold

Melissa Martin-Smith

0412 765 198


Take a dip in the pool

While someone else does the mowing and weeding. Display Suite open Monday to Friday. Book a private tour or join us at our Open for Inspections every Wednesday, 10am to 2pm.

Embrace the ease of a low maintenance brand new 1, 2 or 3 bedroom apartment, selling now.

Over 50% Sold

We believe a home is more than just bricks and mortar. It’s a sanctuary that allows you more time to do the things you love. At Marigal Gardens retirement village, you’ll enjoy access to fabulous facilities and services at your doorstep, and an already established and thriving community.

And, when you’re ready to unwind or entertain in the privacy of your own home, you’ll enjoy:

• generous open plan living areas designed to be practical and inviting

• spacious balconies or courtyards to enjoy the paper and a coffee, or dabble in some gardening

• well-appointed kitchens with all the modern conveniences

• reverse cycle air-conditioning for all year round comfort

• double glazing

• abundant light and ingenious use of space

• sophisticated neutral palette and subtle textures that create a timeless canvas to add your own personal touch

• internal access to a secure car space with a storage cage

• 24-hour emergency assistance at the push of a button for peace of mind. Experience convenient and comfortable living, where someone else mows the lawns and takes care of the extensive village gardens there for your enjoyment.

21 Snodgrass Crescent, Kambah ACT 2902 www.marigalgardens.com.au | 1300 884 784 Renders are for illustrative purposes only. Details are correct at time of printing and subject to change. November 2022.

One Bedroom Home Coming Soon

We have a modern one-bedroom apartment available soon. This home comes with:

•Generous open plan living space opening onto a balcony

•Modern kitchen with stone benchtops and user friendly appliances

•Large master bedroom

•Reverse cycle air conditioning to keep you comfortable all year round

•A accessible bathroom

•Internal laundry

•Smart metering and community solar electricity to reduce you energy footprint, and cost of living

Our residents love calling Bellerive Village home – and you will too.

Our relaxed, contemporary retirement village makes it easy for you to make the most of every day. Ditch the mower and enjoy the social community, neighbours you know, and your own home without the time-consuming maintenance. We’ll even change the lightbulbs.

For your day-to-day needs, Bellerive’s conveniently located close to the Canberra Hospital and the heart of Woden, home to Westfield, the bus interchange and many of Canberra’s premier clubs.

Call Donna Blackwell on 02 6169 3669

now 15 Burnie Street, Lyons
to book a tour
ACT 2606
It’s more than a home

1/9 Orient Street

Batesmans Bay NSW 2536


Remarkable modern masterpiece

Masterfully built on a generous block 2.5km to the centre of town in Moruya, this four-bedroom, three-bathroom family home effortlessly blends luxurious modern living with laidback rural charm.

10km to Moruya Heads, 6 Swan Ridge Place represents an unmissable opportunity to immerse yourself in the coastal lifestyle you’ve been dreaming of.

The home features alfresco area, high-end lighting, high gloss tiles, plush carpet, new blinds and shutters, master with walkin-robe/study and ensuite, second bedroom with ensuite, third and fourth bedrooms with built-in-robes, fans in master and alfresco, ducted air conditioner in four zones, 2.9 ceiling height in the front, crystal chandelier in dining, smeg appliances in kitchen, including 900mm gas cooktop and oven, 40mm stone bench top, large walk-in pantry, large theatre room with projector, established gardens, fully fenced and security motion sensor system and alarms.

$1,069,000 - $1,169,000

21 Timber Barge Lane Nelligen

Down by the Riverfront

Acreages on the river are always in demand only around 5.5 klms off the Kings Highway at Nelligen this one is conveniently located, private with its own timber wharf to tie the tinnie up to or just catch a flattie from your backyard life doesn’t get much better than this. Well-presented single level home with shedding and other infrastructure.

Price Range $1.4 to $1.5 Mill

View Contact Agent Agent Rob Routledge 0414 235 976

15 Cullendulla Drive Long Beach

Live the Long Beach Lifestyle

With room to move this mainly cleared level 8.5-acre property is the lifestyle you have dreamt about, close to the beach and town with the National Park trails right at your back gate it’s perfect for horse owners, nature lovers or maybe an organic veggie farm the options are endless, large single level home with shedding.

Price Range $1.35 to $1.45 Mill

View Contact Agent Agent Rob Routledge 0414 235 976


72 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023 (02) 4479 0229 myagentteam.com.au
View By Appointment Only Agent Megan Goucher 0410 582 875 Office My Agent Team CWM09692AA
All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.
6 Swan Ridge Place MORUYA
bath 2 car
LJ Hooker Batemans Bay
02 4472 6455
2.3H 3.45H 4 4 2 2 4 4

Batesmans Bay NSW 2536

Country Feel With Coastal Appeal

Set on a sprawling pasture improved 27 acres, this is a genuine once-in-a-lifetime property in a magnificent, peaceful setting. This four-bedroom home is a perfect combination of simplicity and style.

Featuring a huge quadruple garage with separate roller doors and an enormous hanger style shed big enough to house boats, caravans, tractors and more. Ideal for those who may have their own business.

The homestead has a north-facing aspect, and some features include fully fenced (suitable for horse or cattle), dam, horse round yard, sealed road, 3 phase power, solar panels 13.5 kw, heated bathroom floors and towel rails, master suite with large walk-in-robe and ensuite, ducted air-conditioning and much more.

An ideal location just 13 minute drive to Batemans Bay and 8 minute drive to South Broulee Beach.

a Prime Riverside

Incorporating a magnificent parcel of 33 prime riverside acres and two fully approved dwellings including a gorgeous three bedroom farmhouse style home and an entirely separate three bedroom cottage, secluded country living at its absolute finest. The main homestead is north facing with a wraparound verandah some features include master suite with ensuite and walk-in robe, hardwood flooring, lofted ceilings. The beautiful cottage comes complete with separate access, bathroom, laundry with second toilet, kitchen and combined lounge room. Each property contains a fenced yard, landline, solar hot water, air conditioning, open fires, and are separately metered for electricity.

Additional features include fully fenced, 6 paddocks, 4 dams, 3 garden sheds, big workshop, stables, new cattle yards, chook house, dedicated veggie area and irrigated orchard and all located just 9.1 km to Batemans Bay CBA.

For Sale $2,700,000 - $2,900,000 View By Appointment Only Agent Megan Goucher 0410 582 875 Office My Agent Team For Sale $2,600,000 View By Appointment Only Agent Megan Goucher 0410 582 875 Office My Agent Team
RUNNYFORD 4 bed 2 bath 4 car 6 bed 3 bath 4 car + sheds CWM09692AA (02) 4479 0229 myagentteam.com.au #boutiqueisbetter 1/9 Orient Street
Pristine and Peaceful in 109 Old Mossy Point Road 1991 Runnyford Road
74 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023 INDEX Air Conditioning/Heating 74 Arborist 74 Bathroom Maintenance 74 Bathroom Renovations 74 Bathrooms & Kitchens 75 Builders 75 Building Design 75 Carpenters & Joiners 75 Carpet Laying 75 Cleaning Service 75 Commercial Cleaning 76 Decks 76 Electrical 76 Gardening 76 Gutter Cleaning 76 Handyperson 77 Home Renovations 77 Lawns & Turf 77 Locksmiths 77 Mechanics 77 Painting 77 Plumbing & Gasfitting 77 Roofing 78 Solar Cleaning 78 Tiling 78 A I R CO N D I T I O N I N G/H E AT I N G ARBORIS T A I R CO N D I T I O N I N G/H E AT I N G CWM00085AA Enviro Trees Arboricultural Solutions 0488 009 293 • Tree Pruning • Tree Removals • Stump Grinding • Qualified Arborist • Full Insurance B AT H R O O M M AINT E NAN C E B AT H R O O M R E N O VATI O N S To get your business listed in the Trades & Services Guide, call Shannay on 0406 378 673 ATTENTION TRADIES 89% of readers will use a tradie in the next 12 months. Be seen when they look for you! Call Shannay on 0406 378 673 or email trades@canberraweekly.com.au Trades & Services Guide Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au Exclusive finance partner Call 0480 099 204 We are Fully Licensed & Insured, with a Lifetime Workmanship Warranty and a 100% Service Satisfaction Guarantee 4.9 star 1000+ Reviews @ alliancecc.com.au Alliance Climate C o n t r o l COMPLETE TREE SERVICES REMOVAL, PRUNING, HEDGING Expertise in power-line clearing, pruning, optimizing form and function with a clean finish. for advice and free quote QUALIFIED . EXPERT . RELIABLE Call IAN 0412 028 245 CWM0940 BATHROOM RENOVATIONS POOL RENOVATIONS AND GENERAL TILING Complete Project Management All Trades Free Quotes ABN: 62973049707 Rob: 0412 017 832 | Shane: 0412 942 041 email: downie100@ozemail.com.au www.dcbathrooms.net • Bathroom & laundry renovations • Project management • plumbing • Installations • blocked drains • Leaking taps & toilets • gasfitting • Hot water units • drainage Mark Summerfield LICENSED PLUMBER 0431 882 229 mark@renewplumbingandbathrooms.com.au www.renewplumbingandbathrooms.com.au ABN 53 193 697 032 LIC NO 200015959 Replace your inefficient heating & replace it with efficient reverse cycle air-conditioning UPGRADE & SAVE with the ACT Sustainable Household Scheme Talk to one of our Energy Specialists today! Call 02 6280 0994 energypeople.com.au Work performed by licensed contractors CWM09734AA INTEREST FREE LOAN UP TO 10 YEARS • 10 year interest FREE loan • Borrow up to $15,000 • Concession Card rebates available • Terms and conditions apply
75 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023 30+ years building experience No job Too Small Decks - Pergolas - General Maintenance Painting - Tiling - Plastering ABN: 98 240 579 704 rb.carpentry@iinet.net.au Richard Brennan 0412 161 312 CWM0009 B AT H R O O M R E N O VATI O N S • Tile & Grout cleaning experts • Detect/Fix leaking showers • Stone & Slate sealing • Pressure & Acid wash cleaning services • Grout/Colour matching & advice • All products used by us are Mould and mildew resistant • 12 years warranty • 10% pensioner discount DIRTY TILES/GROUT NEW IN NO TIME CALL BRENT FOR FREE QUOTES & INSPECTION 0416 910 119 • 0452 538 503 STOP LEAKING SHOWERS B AT H R O O M S & K I TC H E N S CWM00151AA LACHLAN WARD FOUNDER & BUILDER 0423 220 166 lachlan@highlandcraftrenovations.com.au www.highlandcraftrenovations.com.au BUIL D E R S BUILDING DESIGNER Drafting & Construction DARRELL MOLYNEUX BAppSc (Environmental Design) FREE CALL Occupation Builder Licence: 19946873 Class-B anenvironmentaldesign.com 1800 815 150 BUIL D I N G D ESI G N CARPENTER/ HANDYMAN Call Rob - 0438 307 796 Alterations, Repairs, Prompt Services CWM0681 C AR P EN T E R S & J O I N E R S C AR P EN T E R S & J O I N E R S • Renovation & Repairs • All Home Improvements incl. Plastering • Decks & Pergolas • Extensions • Fully Qualified Call or Email Daniel teksaw@yahoo.com.au CARPENTER 0404 490 460 CWM0257 EXPERT CARPET PERFORMANCE! • Carpet Laying • Carpet Repairs • Commercial and Domestic • Supply & Install New Carpets • Laying Second Hand Carpets CARPET SERVICE GT Call GARY 0414 863 195 gary@pcug.org.au C A R P E T L AYI N G P 6259 3200 / 6241 0857 M 0407 263 812 www.monarchcleaningservices.com.au Monarch Cleaning Services ABN 29 073 101 768 Window Cleaning From Average 3 BR Home + Free Flyscreen & Tracks Clean $220 C L E ANI N G S ERVI C E ATTENTION TRADIES 89% of readers will use a tradie in the next 12 months. Be seen when they look for you! Call Shannay on 0406 378 673 or email trades@canberraweekly.com.au Give your business a boost! Register today in the Trades & Services Guide, call Shannay on 0406 378 673 or email trades@canberraweekly.com.au STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD Trades & Services Guide Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au
76 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023 CALL NOW info@instacleaning.com.au ins.tacleaning /Insta-Cleaning-Services OUR SERVICES • Residential & Commercial cleaning • Weekly/Fortnightly/Monthly cleaning • End of lease cleaning • Office cleaning • Carpet steam & Oven cleaning • Window cleaning • Emergency cleaning • Upholstery & Airbnb cleaning • Construction cleaning / after building 0432 597 029 C L E ANI N G S ERVI C E P 6259 3200 / 6241 0857 M 0407 263 812 www.monarchcleaningservices.com.au Monarch Cleaning Services ABN 29 073 101 768 Covid Prevention Cleaning | Approved Australian Products Staff Security Clearances for Government Leased Buildings Corporate Offices • Childcare Centres • Aged Care Facilities FREE QUOTE SUMMER IS HERE Timber Decks & Pergolas METAL PERGOLAS has you covered! BH CARPENTRY ACT Call BrendAn 0407 763 597 D E C K S PHONE DANIEL ON 0418 419 383 OR EMAIL PRIME1Q@OUTLOOK.COM Phone Daniel on 0418 419 383 or email prime1q@outlook.com E L E C T R I C A L CWM0128 Baya’s Backyard Ph/Fax: 6241 9413 Mob: 0413 088 908 • Mowing / Edging • Pruning / Odd jobs • Rubbish Removal • Gutter Cleaning • Tree Services • Small landscaping Garden & Tree Services G A R D EN I N G CWM0352 Al Gardner For ALL your gardening needs. Covering all suburbs. Lawn Mowing•Pruning•Trimming•Weeding•Rubbish removal Gutter cleaning•Mulching •All maintenance Fully equipped INSURED-Guaranteed. Well presented after completion. 10% Pensioner discounts 0449 898 527 • GARDEN MAINTENANCE • LAWN MOWING • GENERAL CLEAN UP • RUBBISH REMOVAL • REGULAR or CASUAL SERVICES • ALL SUBURBS • FULLY INSURED Call Peter on 0419 289 886 peter.wurth@hotmail.com CWM0116 EZY PROPERTY MAINTENANCE WE MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU Mowing & Edging Pruning & Mulching Hedge Trimming Weed Control Fertilisation A WELL MAINTAINED GARDEN ADDS VALUE TO A PROPERTY Kaushik Makwana Qualified Horticulturist CALL: 0430 582 821 Free no obligation quotes Fully insured Customer service from a company you can trust Garden Cleanup Rubbish Removal Gutter Cleaning Regular Maintenance Commercial or Domestic CG CULTURED GARDENS Garden Care and Maintenance Pruning / Garden Cleanups Lawn Mowing / Hedge Trimming High Pressure Cleaning Commercial/Domestic • Fully Insured • Horticulturalist INFO.CULTUREDGARDENS@GMAIL.COM 0438 477 462 CWM00349AA REECIE M’OWEN Regular or One Off Options Available Call Reece 0422 761 238 pickandshovel5@hotmail.com GARDEN MAINTENANCE MOWING MULCHING – PRUNING – HEDGING SMALL TREE REMOVAL MINOR LANDSCAPING & PAVING PAVING REPAIRS – DECK & PAVER RESEALS PRESSURE WASHING RUBBISH & GREEN WASTE REMOVAL G A R D EN I N G Gutter Clean The gutter vacuum specialist Pergola repairs 0421 193 553 All areas Free estimates gutter_clean@hotmail.com CWM0812 G U T T E R C L E AN I N G Want clean gutters? Want clear downpipes? Want safe work practices? “Clean. Safe….Easy” ANY HEIGHT - OH & S COMPLIANT 0407 701 135 e: act@guttervac.com.au w: www.guttervac.com.au CWM0126 We are still operating and observing Social Distancing COMMERCIAL CLEANING To get your business listed in the Trades & Services Guide, call Shannay on 0406 378 673 To get your business listed in the Trades & Services Guide, call Shannay on 0406 378 673 ATTENTION TRADIES 89% of readers will use a tradie in the next 12 months. Be seen when they look for you! Call Shannay on 0406 378 673 or email trades@canberraweekly.com.au Trades & Services Guide Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au
77 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023 Quality Roo� Paintin� Paintin� � Plasterin� Flat Pack Furniture General Repairs �� �� �� �� �� Call Patrick Free Quote Work ... and more We create ART with daylight! (02) 6280 9901 | daylight_artistry Premier Dealer for Proud installer of SKYLIGHTS H O M E R E N O VAT I O N S Even the magpies think it’s real... CW0348 Even the magpies think it’s real... • Synthetic grass stays green all year round • Easy low maintenance & water free • Family owned business with 14 years experience • Landscaping & paving services available • Australian made product Call David 0410 682 457 Or Nancy 0410 081 771 Keeping it green .com.au The synthetic grass solution L AW N S & T U R F We supply high quality Artificial Turf and install. Call Us Today 0435 039 350 0402 708 203 info@capitaloutdoors.com.au www.capitaloutdoors.com.au Seniors discount available Our Services: - Stylish Deck - Artificial & Synethetic Turf - Landscaping & Lawns - Pergolas Over 30 years experience securing the Canberra Community Locks changed & keyed the same ‘Locked out’ service Dead locks & window locks supplied & fitted Keys made to locks & locks repaired Screen door locks, repaired and replaced Servicing domestic & commercial clients Master licence #17501928 Seniors discounts CWM0231 Phone: 0458 786 727 www.highsecuritylocksmiths.com.au LO C K S M I T H S Mechanical | Metal Fabrication | Mobile Welding Tyres | Brakes | ACT/NSW Regos | & more Monteleone Car Works & Metal Fabrication Ph: 02 6241 0222 Mobile: 0438 469 138 Unit 6, 91-93 Grimwade Street Mitchell CWM1051 M E CHAN I C S CALL 0417 255 869 Exterior Painting from $1300 special! offer! Unbeatable (INCLUDES FASCIA, GUTTER, EVES AND DOWNPIPES) ALL HANDYMAN SERVICES ALL WORK GUARANTEED CEILINGS, WALLS & CORNICES (MIN 3 ROOMS) /ROOM ONLY 2 COAT APPLICATION QUALITY PAINTS Dulux $300 CANBERRA’S LEADING PAINTING EXPERTS FOR OVER 25 YEARS FOR A free ONTHESPOT QUOTE MONET PAINTING PAINT I N G DREW’S PAINTING SERVICES REFERENCES PROVIDED ON REQUEST PH: 0427 004 411 | E: drewburgin69@gmail.com HOUSE PAINTING INTERIORS & EXTERIORS OUTSIDE PRESSURE CLEANING RUST REMOVAL PAINT I N G www.bonzapainting.com.au 0405 588 540 • Internal Paintings Services • External Paintings Services • Residential & Commercial Painting Service • House Paintings Services • Over 15 years experience • Fully Insured Lic No 358952c BONZA PAINTING Free Quotes Seniors discount available. 0451 031 550 | info@taqwapainting.com.au ABN: 39617453237 Taqwa Painting With 10 years experience, we’re the ones you’ve been looking for. $80 OFF WHEN YOU QUOTE THIS AD ANY SERVICES *CONDITIONS APPLY Taps And Toilets Hot Water/Solar Blocked Drains Gas Fitting Burst Pipes Bathroom Renovations Roofing/Guttering • Local Professional Service • Seniors Discount • No Call Out Fee • All Work Guaranteed • Support Local Business • 24/7 Emergency service Phone 0421 038 243 Web capitalpd.com.au Email: admin@capitalpd.com.au Plumbing Lic 2013728 ABN: 53193588524 PLUMB I N G & GA S F ITT I N G To get your business listed in the Trades & Services Guide, call Shannay on 0406 378 673 ATTENTION TRADIES 89% of readers will use a tradie in the next 12 months. Be seen when they look for you! Call Shannay on 0406 378 673 or email trades@canberraweekly.com.au Call Shannay on 0406 378 673 to get your business listed HAN DYPERSON Trades & Services Guide Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au

Win an Ultimate Family Pass to The Royal Canberra Show! Your prize will include entry for 2 adults and 2 children, on either the Friday 24, Saturday 25 or Sunday 26 February, Free Parking Pass, 4 Showbag Vouchers and 4 Ride Vouchers. To win, simply email us your favourite memory of The Royal Canberra Show over its 96 years.

CW has four Ultimate Family Passes to The Royal Canberra Show 2023 to be won.

WIN! Linen House x Grotti Lotti prize pack

Iconic Australian homewares brand, Linen House has launched an exciting collection in partnership with ultra-talented Australian creator and artist, Grotti Lotti, also known as Casey Manson.

The Linen House x Grotti Lotti collection, which follows Casey’s signature loose and colourful contemporary style, features three incredible pieces of work from Grotti Lotti, comprising of quilt cover sets and European pillowcases, as well as feature cushions; available from linenhouse.com, myer.com.au and in-store at Myer.

One lucky CW reader has a chance to win a luxe prize pack from one of the three Linen House x Grotti Lotti designs, including a quilt cover, 2 standard and 2 European pillowcases, valued at more than $400.

WIN! Alissa Callen HQ Fiction

HQ Fiction has 8 copies of Snowy Mountains Promise to give away in this edition of Canberra Weekly.

A town scandal. A kelpie chaperone. A winter ball. The bush telegraph has never had so much to talk about ... A delightfully charming rural story about love and healing from bestselling Australian author Alissa Callen.

Enter for a chance to win this month’s

Enter to win

To enter, scan the QR code or visit canberraweekly.com.au and click on the ‘Entertainment’ tab to ‘Competitions’, find the competition you wish to enter and follow the entry instructions. Entries close 9am Friday 17 February 2023 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person per giveaway. Entrants must be aged 18+.

78 canberraweekly.com.au 09 February 2023
For more information,
NO HOT WATER? Call us for fast and reliable hot water repairs and replacement. Express replacement ser vice Systems to suit all needs 24/7 emergency ser vice Work performed by licensed contractors. 6280 0994 energypeople.com.au TS01217AA PLUMB I N G & GA S F ITT I N G • Roof maintenance both tile and colourbond • Roof leaks • Roof restorations • New roofs Ph: 0473 536 741 R O O F I N G TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR ROOF Call us for an obligation free quote: • Roof repairs • New roofs • Extensions • Re-roofs • Gutters cleaned • Ridge-capping IS YOUR ROOF LEAKING OR IN NEED OF REPAIR? 0407 789 258 TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR ROOF IS YOUR ROOF LEAKING OR IN NEED OF REPAIR? Call us for an obligation free quote: • Roof repairs • New roofs Extensions • Re-roofs • Gutters cleaned • Ridge-capping prideroofingcanberra.com.au 0407 789 258 YEARSFULLYEXPERIENCE INSURED Lic. No. 252440C CWM0353 www.prideroofingcanberra.com.au PH: 0427 004 411 | E: DREWBURGIN69@GMAIL.COM SOLAR PANEL CLEANING GENTLE & EFFECTIVE CLEANING TO REMOVE DIRT, DUST & BIRD DROPPINGS FROM YOUR SOLAR PANELS S O L A R C L E ANI N G LOCAL TILING ACT Call Alex today 0475 000 528 localtilingact@hotmail.com All suburbs For all your tiling needs: CWM0477 Bathroom, Laundry and Kitchen tiling Walls and oors tiling Bathroom Renovations No job too big or small Water proo ng shower leaks TIL I N G WIN! The Royal Canberra Show ultimate family pass Trades & Services Guide Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au
soughtafter women’s fiction title.


event visit

Flying Scotsman Outback Adventure Commemorative

Few locomotives have achieved the Flying Scotsman’s iconic status. Launched in 1922, the LNER locomotive 4472, better known as Flying Scotsman, became an enduring symbol of the golden age of steam. Fast, dependable and the last word in high performance, its apple-green livery set hearts racing along its famous Edinburgh to London route and beyond as Flying Scotsman became the most admired locomotive in the world.

Australia holds a unique and envied place in the Flying Scotsman’s illustrious history. In October 1988, the locomotive was brought to Australia to help celebrate the Bicentenary year. It thrilled thousands of Australians who came to see its magnificent silhouette hurtling across the nation. More records fell on its epic journey Down Under. Over the next year, it travelled more than 28,000 miles, finishing with a return transcontinental run from Sydney to Perth via Alice Springs in which it became the first steam locomotive to travel on the recently built standard gauge Central Australia Railway. On 8th August 1989, Flying Scotsman set another record en route to Alice Springs from Melbourne. In a 422 mile journey from Parkes to Broken Hill, Flying Scotsman achieved the longest non-stop run by a steam locomotive ever recorded.

An event of the magnitude of Flying Scotsman’s 1988 tour created a host of unforgettable memories and lay the foundation of a special relationship between Flying Scotsman and Australia, now uniquely celebrated in the “Flying Scotsman Outback


Adventure Commemorative”. Struck to a high specification and layered in pure 24-carat gold, only 4,999 numbered issues will ever be minted and includes a genuine segment of Flying Scotsman metal incorporated into its design. It is available now for only $39.99 – a saving of $50.00 – plus $9.99 postage and handling.


Flying Scotsman thundering towards to Alice Springs and another record Available now for just $39.99, plus P&H

sell out of the “Flying Scotsman Outback Adventure Commemorative.”

Each commemorative is individually numbered, meaning no two are alike. Yours is the one and only issue of its kind – the ultimate collector’s item

Due to this extreme limitation, only the earliest responders will successfully secure this proof coin for future generations to enjoy. A Certificate of Authenticity detailing important provenance information pertaining to the coin will be issued with the coin. Peak collector interest is all but assured for this celebration of Flying Scotsman in Australia and with it the potential of a swift, early

The earliest applications will receive the lowest edition numbers. For this reason applications will be processed on a strictly first-come, first-served basis and are limited to one per Australian household. Order the “FlyingScotsmanOutbackAdventureCommemorative’’ now for just $39.99 (plus $9.99 postage and handling). By ordering now, you will have priority access to further coins in the Flying Scotsman Icon of Steam Commemorative Collection which are available for $89.99 (plus $9.99 P&H) and will be shipped to you at regular intervals. You’re under no obligation. Collect as many as you wish and you may cancel at any time. All purchases are covered by The Bradford Exchange 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee.

The obverse of the coin is inlayed with a segment of genuine Flying Scotsman metal

YES, Please reserve the Flying Scotsman Icon of Steam Commemorative Collection for me as described in this advertisement, beginning with Issue One “Flying Scotsman Outback Adventure Commemorative’’. I understand I need pay nothing now.

to order: Call: (02) 9841 3311
allow between 2-10 business days for delivery. All sales subject to product availability and reservation acceptance. Credit criteria may apply. Our privacy policy is available online at www.bradford.com.au. You must be over 18 years old to apply. From time to time, we may allow carefully screened companies to contact you. If you would prefer not to receive such offers, please tick this box. q
Open 8.00am-5.00pm AEDT Mon-Fri QUOTE REFERENCE 129457
Reserve yours online now: www.bradford.com.au/trains Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Address Phone Email Signature Postcode First Name Surname COMPLETE AND SEND THIS APPLICATION FORM IN AN ENVELOPE TO: THE BRADFORD EXCHANGE, REPLY PAID 86369 PARRAMATTA NSW 2124
YING SCOTSMAN ON OF STEAM M M E M O R AT I V E C O L L E C T O N NTURE R AT V FICATE OF AUTHENT C TY 26-DMS01-00075-OC Outback v1_Royal cert 01/05/2015 16:12 Page 1
A.B.N. 13 003 159 617 403-COM69.01
An elegant, high gloss case to display the coin will also accompany a future delivery and is your FREE as part of your collection. Shown with a Certificate of Authenticity. The Bradford Exchange Ltd. Produced under licence from SCMG Enterprises Ltd. Flying Scotsman trade marks ® SCMG and designs © SCMG. Flying Scotsman is a National Railway Museum locomotive. Every purchase supports the museum www.nrm.org.uk/flyingscotsma This fine collectable is not legal tender and bears no monetary face value During the year-long visit, Flying Scotsman travelled 28,000 miles, setting new speed records
Authentic Flying Scotsman metal in a 24K gold coin thrills
thousands $39.99 + $9.99


Limited release of 10 premium lots.

Spacious and tranquil rural lots with stunning views towards the Yass River and surrounding farmland. An ecologically sensitive development located just 20 minutes to the CBD. Construction has commenced and settlements are anticipated in late 2023.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to secure your dream block in the region’s most desirable rural setting.

Site inspections are now available and expressions of interest are closing soon.

The land will be sold by Expression of Interest closing 27th February. Find out more by attending an inspection day or at:


Exclusive Sales Agent


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