23 February 2023

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Cross the Threshold of ageing ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT HOME DIY sustainable wedding Celebration cake for any occasion Cake day! my REAL ESTATE P59 WIN! LIVING FILM PASSES CANTAILS COCKTAILS IN A CAN Get your daily news at canberraweekly.com.au UKRAINI: FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF RUSSIAN INVASION bride Wedding feature inside
Logo usage White Reversed Mono Colour Logo + image/background McNamee Writing the logo/name Ian McNamee & Partners

From the editor

Some people complain that Canberra is too quiet. As a natural introvert who challenges myself to “be more outgoing”, I find quietude to be one of the city’s charms. “How’s the serenity?” I ask myself as birdsong wakes me most mornings – whether a melodious magpie or a raucous chorus of cockatoos.

If you were among the 350,000 folk who attended the National Multicultural Festival in the heart of Canberra over the weekend, the city was anything but quiet! This fiesta is a vibrant expression of unity in diversity: “We are one, but we are many, and from all the lands on earth we come”.

For me, life in the capital can be as quiet or noisy as I choose. Sure, I’m in a privileged position to be invited to lots of things – from the launch of an alcoholic beverage or new eatery to theatre premieres and gala balls. Coming up soon are the Royal Canberra Show this weekend, and loads of free and ticketed Enlighten events – one of my all-time favourite festivals – in March. So much to do, or not.

Reasons to be grateful this past week include a remarkable night of live theatre at White Rabbit Red Rabbit at Mill Theatre, uplifting cinema at the Alliance Française French Film Festival media launch, catchups with friends, a family birthday celebration, and hot summer days drifting away … Take care,

on the cover

08 NEWS & FEATURES Dance promotes wellbeing 26 CANBERRA WEDDING GUIDE 19-page special feature 45 ON THE COVER Love cake: the wedding edition 54 THE LOOK Boho bride Regulars 08 General news 14 Fit the bill 20 Letters 23 Have you heard? 24 Social scene 25 Puzzles & stars 45 Taste 46 Time out 52 Winners 54 The look 57 Home 59 Real estate 91 Trades & services WIN 95 Living film passes 95 Cantails cocktails in a can
Love cake: Images and text from Bake My Day by Katherine Sabbath, photography by Jeremy Simons. Murdoch Books RRP $45. Flip to Taste for the recipe, page 45.
95 contents thursday 23 february 2023 Published by Newstime Media Pty Ltd (ACN 124 830 155). All content © 2016 Newstime Media Pty Ltd, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without prior written permission. All material sent to Canberra Weekly Magazine (whether solicited or not) will not be returned. Unless otherwise agreed beforehand, all rights including copyright in such material is assigned to Newstime Media upon receipt and Newstime Media may use or sell such material in perpetuity without further consent or payment. All prices and information are correct at time of printing. For full terms and conditions of competitions contact Canberra Weekly Magazine on 6175 8800. Get your daily news at canberraweekly.com.au @ Editor Julie Samaras news@canberraweekly.com.au Founder & Publisher Nick Samaras Canberra Weekly is a member of the Australian Press Council and abides by its guidelines and policies. Complaints about editorial matter should be emailed to editor@canberraweekly.com.au Suite 11, 285 Canberra Avenue,Fyshwick ACT 2609 Editorial & Advertising Enquiries T 02 6175 8800 www.canberraweekly.com.au ISSN: 2652-9297 57 59 08 23 February 2023 4 canberraweekly.com.au


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Dance enhances wellbeing in adults living with dementia

On Tuesday mornings, Weston Neighbourhood Hall comes bursting to life with the sounds of golden age Hollywood showtunes, laughter and love as the Sparks dance class takes place. Designed for people living with dementia and their carers to take together, the program is conducted by Zest: Dance for Wellbeing with the support of Dementia Australia and the legacy of a generous Canberran.

“She would want to give back in a meaningful way, she wouldn’t want me to just say ‘here, have $2’ and walk away. She would want to make a difference,” says Merle Ketley.

Merle’s mother Dilys Ketley passed away in March last year, noting three charities in her will she wanted money from her estate to be donated to. Not dictating specific amounts, Merle was left to decide how to divide the funds. She spoke to the charities and Dementia Australia mentioned they were having trouble restarting their dance program after the Covid restrictions and lockdowns.

“My dad had Alzheimer’s and she used to get a lot of support from Dementia Australia ... Somebody would come and take him out once a week for coffee and other things for

some respite for her and I think she really valued that, so she wanted to give back.”

Merle says her English mother also had dementia; when she was younger, she used to be in the BBC Holiday Fellowship and loved theatre and dance. After a foot reconstruction, she joined the Old Time Tappers, so for Merle giving to the program was a no brainer.

Sparks is one of the 12 classes run by the four members of Zest: Dance for Wellbeing across the ACT. Philip Piggin, one of the members of the organisation, comes from an education background, and had been involved with dances for variously abled people when he heard about a program designed for people with Parkinson’s. Although it originated in around 2000 in the UK and US, it took more than a decade to land in Australia, coming to Canberra in 2013. Philip undertook a short course and, wanting to know more, was awarded a Churchill Fellowship to travel abroad to study it further.

“It was looking at programs for people with Parkinson’s but also people with dementia, which was a growing phenomena worldwide,” says Philip.

Returning to Canberra after a three-month

course in mid-2015 ready to “conquer the world”, he applied to ACT Health for a threeyear dance program. At Belconnen Arts Centre, they held classes for people with three different conditions – dementia, Parkinson’s and MS. Philip says it was extraordinary to realise that the health sector saw the big picture of health.

“We really see the dance program ticks those three boxes – a workout for the body, it’s a workout for the brain, and really important for that social stimulation,” he says.

Then Covid hit and the three years of in-person classes came to an end. While they continued classes via Zoom, Philip says the dementia dance class was the only one they couldn’t really get happening again due to the fragility of participants and changes at Dementia ACT.

“I was in constant dialogue with them, they were very supportive, but they just really needed a gift from the gods to come and make this happen,” he says.

With the $10,000 donated from Dilys’s estate and an additional $5,000 donated by Merle, the program should be able to continue running for a few years. Their first class back had nine couples attend; each class is delivered for both the person with dementia and their carer or carers.

Everyone begins seated on chairs in a circle, which Philip says helps create a feeling of inclusivity, accessibility and equality. Throughout the session, instructors go through a range of movements, starting with slow gentle breathing to wake the body before progressing to more active moves.

Engaging the mind as well as the body, partners are encouraged to face each other and mirror moves made by the instructor. Philip says they will progress to more detailed hand moves as the class evolves throughout the term.

The social side is an important part of the program. For the people with dementia and their carers, it is an opportunity for them to step out of the carer/patient role and enjoy their time together. Philip says the program is an opportunity for people to connect in a safe, accepting environment, and comes knowing everyone has come with lived experience of dementia.

“Sad things happen but good things can come out of it. There’s a whole lot more that you can give to other people when something is not so happy for you, then you can live that joy again through other people,” smiles Merle. To find out more about the Zest dance program for people living with dementia, visit zestdwb.blogspot.com

To find more support if you or are loved one are living with dementia, visit dementia.org.au

8 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023 NEWS
Merle Ketley (left) and Philip Piggin demonstrate some of the moves in Sparks, a dance class for adults living with dementia in the Canberra region. Photo Kerrie Brewer

136 stalls featuring products, services and advice

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Smart Energy Hub courtesy of SolarHub and ActewAGL

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15 March 2023 Exhibition Park

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The Voice is about recognition and consultation

Australia recently marked the 15th anniversary of the Apology for the wrongs committed against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.

I remember watching as Prime Minister Kevin Rudd apologised for the government policies that inflicted so much suffering on the first people of this continent. It was a moment of sadness and reflection, but also of great hope for Australia’s journey of reconciliation.

And a watershed moment that provides inspiration as we embark on the Voice referendum this year.

Along with the Apology, the Rudd Government also pledged to close the gap – the gap in life expectancy, in educational achievement, and in economic opportunity that stubbornly exists between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australia.

There has been progress in areas such as babies born with a healthy birthweight, and children enrolled in pre-school, but we need to do better in areas like out-of-home care, imprisonment rates, and the almost decade life expectancy gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.

History teaches us that better policies are created when those affected have their voices heard. That’s why the referendum this year is so important.

When Australians go to the polls later this year, they will be asked to change the constitution to establish an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament.

The Voice is about two things: recognition and consultation. Recognition of Indigenous Australians in the nation’s birth certificate, the Constitution, and consultation, giving First Nations Australians a say in the policies that impact them.

There has been a lot of misinformation circulated already about what enshrining a Voice would mean. To be clear: the Voice will not have a veto and will not affect sovereignty.

It will be an advisory body, made up of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians chosen by their community, who will provide advice to Parliament and Government on issues affecting First Nations communities. It will deliver practical change on the ground in areas like health, housing and education.

This isn’t Labor’s plan, or that of any politician, but the request of First Nations Australians themselves.

The Uluru Statement from the Heart was a generous invitation from First Nations Australians formed after a long process of consultation.

It calls for three things – Voice, Treaty, and Truth. Labor is committed to all three elements and we invite all Australians to again join together to take the next steps towards reconciliation.

In the coming months, I look forward to facilitating opportunities for Canberrans to continue this important conversation in the lead up to the referendum.

I also encourage you all to speak with your friends, family and colleagues about how the Voice will help us recognise Australia’s First peoples and make a practical difference for their communities.

A Voice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians is a once-in-a-generation chance to address the injustices of the past and create a better future. It could be a unifying moment for our nation.

Australians can answer this generous invitation by voting Yes for the Voice.

10 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023
OPINION WITH ALICIA PAYNE MP MEMBER FOR CANBERRA From stories of noisy protest to quiet persistence, innovation and creativity … explore the many ways people have achieved social change in Australia. Be inspired to push for change free exhibition 8 December 2022 – 12 June 2023
Kings Avenue, Parkes ACT naa.gov.au |
This exhibition is supported by Visions of Australia and the National Collecting Institutions Touring and Outreach Program.

Iran embassy protests to continue until IRGC expelled from Australia

Iranian-Australian protestors outside the embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Canberra said sleepless nights, days of despair, and hours of protesting in the sun will not stop their demonstrations. Neither will the arrests of family members in Iran because of their activism.

The protests were sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini in Tehran, the capital of Iran, on 16 September 2022 following her arrest by the morality police for allegedly wearing her hijab incorrectly.

Protests across Iran have continued against their government, and Iranian-Australians are calling on the Australian government to remove Iranian officials from the embassy in Canberra.

A week after a protestor was

“slammed into the ground by a police officer” outside the Iranian embassy in Canberra on 9 February, Canberra Weekly met with the protestors on site.

A video posted to social media showed protestor Hamid Sotounzadeh and a police officer engaging in a confrontation and the officer telling Mr Sotounzadeh to “get back”.

He is then seen to be tackled and restrained by police on the ground.

Friend of Mr Sotounzadeh, Ali Beikzadeh, said he has been left with fractures in his lower back, neck, and ribs, and a subsequent video has been posted from hospital showing him in a neck brace.

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) told the AAP a person outside the embassy was detained for a short time after acting in an “aggressive manner

towards the AFP members”.

A spokesperson for the AFP said Mr Sotounzadeh was handcuffed but released after complaining of back pain and an ambulance was called.

One week after the incident, protestors Mr Beikzadeh and Deniz Toupchi said they were continuing to have a “good” relationship with the AFP.

Attacks on Australians by Iranian government

Standing with signs outside the embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr Beikzadeh and Ms Toupchi told CW they’re not only speaking out for their country, but for the safety of all Australians.

“The Islamic fascist regime has agents working here in Australia that are not only using Australia as a financial haven, a haven for finances, assets, and travel, but they’re also disseminating their radical ideology, as per the constitution of the Islamic Republic, here in Australia,” Mr Beikzadeh said.

Other Iranian activists have also claimed the Iranian government is watching Australians.

Former hostage and BritishAustralian academic, Kylie MooreGilbert, told the ABC the Iranian government has been monitoring her movements along with the activities of Australians who speak out against its human rights abuses.

Dr Moore-Gilbert said IranianAustralians attending protests across Australia are reporting that their families in Iran have been targeted by regime operatives.

Ms Toupchi told CW the claims are true in her family. Her motherin-law was arrested around a month ago in Iran, predominantly because of her and her husband’s activities in Australia.

“They [the Iranian government]

asked lots of questions about us. It’s a kind of suppression – in Australia, in a democratic country,” Ms Toupchi said.

Guard Corps (IRGC)affiliated actors have allegedly committed targeted cyber attacks on organisations in Australia. Reportedly, the aim of the attacks is to use the obtained data for extortion.

While the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has implemented a sanction regime against Iran and raised human rights concerns, it has not disclosed whether the IRGC will be listed as a terrorist organisation.

“Australia must cut all ties with the Islamic Republic regime and, until that day comes forth, we will continue our activism – no ifs or buts,” Mr Beikzadeh said.

Australian support

According to Mr Beikzadeh, social media is a “profound tool” in this case, and he has asked the Canberra community to spread awareness “as much as possible”.

“As well as that, please contact all government representatives, all Australian government representatives,” he said.

“Fight for Iran, fight for Australia, fight for humanity. Woman, life, freedom,” Mr Beikzadeh said.

- Abbey Halter Full story online.

Ali Beikzadeh (left) and Deniz Toupchi said they will continue protesting outside the embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Canberra until Iranian officials are expelled from Australia.
12 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023 Nominations open
We are looking for passionate and enthusiastic individuals to advise ACT Government on issues impacting people with disability. Find out more on the Diversity Register: www.diversityregister.act.gov.au or call 6207 1086 Applications close 3 March 2023
Photo Kerrie Brewer
for the ACT Disability Reference Group

The Child Within


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Slava Ukraini: first anniversary of Putin’s invasion

I have only ever been inside the Russian Embassy in Canberra Avenue, Griffith, once. In January 1964, a schoolmate and I decided to see how much worth of books / propaganda we could get from the three big embassies then in Canberra. We got 10 shillings and sixpence worth from the US embassy (about $1.05 in today’s prices); one pound’s worth ($2) from the British; and about £8 worth ($16) from the Russian (Soviet) embassy. Indeed, the Russian councillor said, pointing to his bookshelf: “Help yourselves, boys!” My mate and I could have walked away with the collected works of Lenin if we had wanted!

I’ve since been to a few demonstrations outside the Russian embassy (and others as well – like the South African embassy in 1971, during Apartheid). There have been Ukrainian demonstrations outside the Russian embassy since at least 1969 when an enraged Ukrainian patriot by the name of Ivan Kavelenko tried to burn the front hedge down as a protest. He failed, and copped a $400 fine for his trouble.

He subsequently stood for the seat of Canberra in 1975, and got about 400 votes (including from my father and me). It was the only time my dad and I ever voted the same way. He was ALP, and I was Liberal. However, like all good Poles, he always supported Ukrainians against Russian / Soviet imperialism.

Which brings me to this Friday, 24 February – the first anniversary of the horrific and surreal Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The local Ukrainian community and their supporters will be out in force from 10am until 5pm outside the embassy. They would love as many of you as possible to join them, even if it is only for a few minutes, to show your support for an inspirational little nation’s fight against its big bully neighbour. The people of Ukraine are fighting for our freedom as well as theirs.

Come and meet some of the local Ukrainian Canberrans who have ensured there has been a presence outside the embassy Monday to Saturday every day since the invasion.

Meet the redoubtable local Ukrainian priest,

Father Michael Solomko. If you feel like it, and want to help further, ask Father Michael or any of the organisers what you can do to help Ukraine.

A highlight of Friday’s demonstration will be a group of anti-Putin Russians from Sydney, who are coming to show their solidarity with the people of Ukraine, and remind us this is very much Putin’s war, not the Russian people’s war. They will be there from 11am till noon.

We in the West cannot lose interest in Ukraine. That is what Putin is banking on. The West needs to intensify its help for Ukraine, and keep the pressure on Putin on multiple fronts, from the continued supply of weapons to further efforts to destabilise him, but at the same time show ordinary Russians that Russia’s future lies in real peace with Ukraine and the West.

Editor’s note: The opinions expressed in this column are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Canberra Weekly

14 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023
OPINION FIT THE BILL WITH BILL STEFANIAK AM RFD FORMER ACT OPPOSITION LEADER Discover how CGGS is equipping young women with the knowledge and skills to succeed inside and outside of the classroom To the young, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE *As rated by bettereducation.com.au No.1 Girls’ School in the ACT for 2021* Whole School OPEN DAY Thursday, 16 March df ELC • JUNIOR • SENIOR CGGS.ACT.EDU.AU



Parlez-vous français? As of 2023, French is the sixth most spoken language in the world, with speakers all over the globe looking to learn the language of love.

Meanwhile in Canberra, a melting pot of diplomats, expats, and travelling families, we have our own reasons for picking up the language.

CW caught up with Nabila, founder of the acclaimed Canberra French Language Institute, who shared the top three reasons why Canberrans are learning French.

1. “It’s an open world!” says Nabila. “Travel is back and learning French doesn’t just give you the opportunity to stay in France.” Did you know that there are 29 French-speaking countries all over the world? Learning French can take you to Belgium, Luxembourg, and Monaco, but also all over Africa – the continent with the most French-speaking countries – the Pacific and the Caribbean.

2. A boost in international career opportunities. “We have learnt that learning French as a second language opens up career opportunities for Canberrans – including international work postings in francophone countries.”

3. Neuroplasticity (expanding your brain). “If you want to motivate your brain, learning a second language is the way to do it,” says Nabila. “But there is also no better way to

broaden your horizons and learn about another culture than to study their language.”

It’s never too late to learn French

Other than being a classic bucket list item, becoming fluent in another language has proven to halt the symptoms of Alzheimer’s for up to five years.

Cracking into your studies later in life is no problem; at the Canberra French Language Institute, students range in age from two to 70+, with a seven-strong team of qualified teachers to accommodate for all ages and learning styles.

“We have teachers who specialise in teaching two to three-year-olds, and teachers who are experienced educating our more senior learners,” says Nabila.

“Learning French is a great way to keep the mind active, and often our seniors are our most motivated participants.”

She shared some insight into the Institute’s impressive 100 per cent satisfaction rate.

“The di erence between learning French from any native speaker and a qualified teacher, is that a teacher can provide di erent ways of teaching and tailoring the lesson to the student.”

It’s more than what a textbook (or an app) can o er.

If you’re a public servant who needs to learn French to apply for your dream posting, or a savvy traveller looking to achieve conversational fluency before

an extended trip, you require a timeline – and results.

That’s where a professional like Nabila comes in.

“When English speakers come to us to learn French, we know they are unlikely to be practising French anywhere else. So, we will sit down with them and formulate a plan.

“Are you learning French for fun or is there a specific goal? Is your target timeline one year or two?”

You may be able to jump straight into a group class, require private tuition, or a mixture of both – all of which Nabila’s school provides.

“Give us the timeline, and we’ll get you to your goal,” she smiles.

Growth prompts move to Deakin

The Institute first began as Saturday classes in Nabila’s backyard, before moving to rooms in Kingston. Having grown thanks to an overwhelmingly positive response from the community which carried it through the pandemic, they are now relocating to a light-filled o ce space in Deakin.

Nabila built the Institute to provide a student-focused, 100 per cent tailored learning experience that yields results – suitable for the

fast-paced lives of the national capital’s residents.

“Many of our students are adults, with their own careers, and their own lives. They are able to select what they need to learn from the language.

“We maintain continuous contact with the student until they reach their goal level.”

Don’t wait until next term to learn. Beginners can start at any time with one-on-one sessions with Nabila.

The Canberra French Language Institute o ers morning classes from 10am to 12pm, evening classes from 6pm to 8pm, and private tuition to fit any schedule.

Achieve results within your timeline. Visit Nabila and her team today at 1/17 Napier Close, Deakin or call 0417 182 492.

Nabila (front, left) and her talented team (from left) Marion, Muriel, Pauline and Camille, at the Canberra French Language Institute. Whatever your reasons for learning French, they are dedicated to helping you achieve your goals. Nabila says learning French can help to expand your world, your career opportunities, and your brain!

3D printing company at ANU is one of world’s top 10 startups to watch

An ANU-based startup company could put Canberra on the map for 3D printing and electronics manufacturing.

Syenta, housed in the Research School of Chemistry, declares that its multi-material electrochemical 3D printer heralds “a new era of manufacturing”, fabricating polymer, semiconductor, and metallic structures with a single device, MicroFab, at unprecedented resolution and speed.

“Most 3D printing uses heat or light to pattern plastic or material,” said cofounder Professor Luke Connal, Professor of Chemistry at ANU. “What we’re doing is quite different.”

Syenta only came out of “stealth mode” last year, but it has already interested investors and tech experts. It raised $3.7 million in seed funding from investment firm Blackbird Ventures in December, while online magazine 3DPrint.com listed it as one of the top 10 3D printing startups to watch in the world. Now, Syenta gives at least one

demo a week for local or international companies. On the morning Canberra Weekly visited, a group of Japanese businessmen were being given a demonstration.

Syenta began in 2020 as a late-night email chain between Professor Connal and Jekaterina Viktorova, then a PhD student, now Syenta’s CEO.

“We were always looking for new ways to print 3D things,” Professor Connal explained. “The email was around instead of heat or light, can we use electricity to 3D print? That was the start of the idea. It feels like the next day, Jeka had tested it out, and proven that it looked like it could work. From then on, it’s been three years of development.”

MicroFab uses electricity to solidify patterns. A small electrode provides a current and electrons to a liquid solution, producing a small-scale chemical reaction that turns a metal salt into a metal. The electrode then draws electronics with the liquid, producing the desired pattern.

The 3D printer can produce Internet of Things

sensors, electrodes for photovoltaic devices and batteries, semiconductors, antennae, and printed circuit boards.

“People are printing all sorts of things,” Professor Connal said. “You don’t have a limitation, because you can just make a computer-aided design (CAD) file on your computer, and then print it … That freedom to print whatever you want … is really cool.”

First customers, such as GreatCell Energy, manufactured solar cells using copper, a cheaper material than the silver or gold they would normally use, Professor Connal said.

Syenta claims its printer will democratise electronics manufacturing, allowing users to design and construct electronics from anywhere in the world, faster and cheaper, using less energy and fewer materials.

“Currently,” Professor Connal said, “if you want to make some electronics, you send a design off to a fabrication centre. … They would do the print and send it back to them. … You really have to wait some time to get those back to see those designs.

“In our case, the electronic designer can have [our machine] in their workshop and essentially print their design in minutes. It really enables them to iterate quickly, and then to manufacture their optimised iteration.”

Full story online.

16 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023 NEWS

Water Wombats founder wins Good Sports award

With all the splashing, loud noises, and new sensations, learning to swim can be an intimidating experience for any child. Add to the mix an additional neurological or physical need, and the experience can be overwhelming. Water Wombats is helping Canberra’s children with additional needs, anxiety, and those who just need a helping hand, to be safe around water.

Canberra mum Carol Jennings has recently been recognised at the Good Sports Awards 2022 for the work she and the Wombats team do to help children of the region. Water Wombats took home the ACT Good Sports Club of the Year award, while Ms Jennings was also announced as the runner-up for the ACT Good Sports Volunteer of the Year. The awards are organised by Good Sports, Australia’s largest community sports program, in recognition of community sporting clubs and their volunteers. Inspired after she experienced firsthand how hard a mainstream swim school could be for a child with additional needs, Ms Jennings decided to help others in the same position.

Two of Ms Jennings’ three children are on the autism spectrum. It was after the diagnosis of her eldest son that she did a deep dive into what autism was and what challenges were to be expected.

“Children with autism are three times more likely to drown than their neurotypical peers. On average, there are eight non drowning incidents every week, then there’s a lot not reported.”

Launching last year after a few years of getting her ducks in a row and doing research, Water Wombats operates three days a week at the University of Canberra Hospital’s hydro pool. The space is perfect for her students as it has a ramp, a chairlift, and a hoist, says Ms Jennings, who is grateful for the support she has received from the organisation.

“One in five people have a disability and the services for those one in five are pretty limited. That’s why we need to do more in this space,” she says.

Not a huge fan of labels, Ms Jennings understands sometimes they are necessary,

especially when it comes getting services and funding. She says the program helps children with ADHD, anxiety, neurodevelopmental disorders, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, and autism. They have recently become Puggles certified, so they can do key signs to help hardof-hearing children.

The aim of the Water Wombats program is water safety and survival strokes. When students are confident and ready, they can transition to a mainstream swimming program to develop more skills.

Success in the program looks different for each child, which is why sessions are tailormade. One parent might have the goal of knowing that their child is safe around water, while others might have a shared goal of going to the Special Olympics.

“We work with vulnerable children, who come from care and protection background, low socioeconomic backgrounds, who can’t afford programs and we sponsor them,” she says. Full story online.

Local healthcare focus: Comprehensive care in Casey

Highly regarded local GP says thorough consultations and screening are key to good health.

time needed to understand a patient’s broader health needs.

Since joining the team at Ochre Medical Centre Casey in November, Dr Khalid Shareef has enjoyed getting to know new patients, as well as re-connecting with existing patients.

Originally from Sudan, he finds that his Arabic-speaking patients in particular will move practice to follow a doctor who they can talk to comfortably in their own language. But whether they’re looking for a regular GP or just need a quick consultation for a small issue, he’ll always take the

Dr Shareef aims to take a comprehensive approach with every patient, using a tailored checklist that’s based on age and background. “That’s a key part of a GP’s role,” he says. “It’s so important to make sure patients are fully up to date on screening tests and immunisations. In just the last two years, three separate patients have all come in for a simple consultation and ultimately been diagnosed with bowel cancer after I suggested some screening tests. All three have now been treated effectively as a result of their early diagnosis. I find that enormously satisfying.”

Chronic disease is a particular focus for Dr Shareef, who helps patients to understand all aspects of their health and involves them in any decisions related to their care.

At this time of year, a particular focus is ensuring that patients with a chronic condition have taken advantage of their free

flu immunisation and that families also consider protecting themselves against what can be a serious illness. As the father of a three-year-old himself, he enjoys communicating with younger patients and supporting their parents.

As well as helping patients understand their chronic health conditions, Dr Shareef takes a keen interest in their mental

health. “I strongly believe mental and physical health are closely connected,” he says. “When I see patients, I always look for any mental health issues that may be causing or influencing the patient’s physical symptoms.”

Dr Shareef is accepting new patients at Ochre Medical Centre Casey. Bookings can be made via ochrehealth.com.au or by calling 6163 4200.

18 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023 NEWS

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For Canberra Weekly – Commercial Runs

Suited for persons who are retired or semi-retired looking for additional income.

Applicants need a driver’s license and a one tonne ute, van or equivalent.

Must be available on Thursday mornings from 8am to commence deliveries.

Bill Stefaniak (CW 2 February 2023 p8) alleges without analysis that public service pensions are “overly generous”. I was a public servant for 31 years, 25 of those years in Senior Executive Service positions (including four different Division Head positions). When I retired I received a number of unsolicited offers from the private sector offering at least three times my public service salary. I didn’t accept any of these offers, accepting instead an unpaid honorary position at the Australian National University. Many of my public service colleagues viewed superannuation as a small recompense for low remuneration. As for Bill Stefaniak’s “overly generous” allegation, after 31 years, 25 in the Senior Executive Service, my public service pension is substantially below $100,000. Perhaps Bill Stefaniak can explain why he views that as “overly generous”.

P Robinson (CW 16 February 2023 p24) draws long bows indeed in trying to make a case against the Voice. First, the high Republican and Same Sex Marriage votes in the ACT had very different outcomes on the national scene. Second, the Voice isn’t and never has been about race – or “blood” as P Robinson euphemistically declares. It is about Constitutionally recognising the people who, uniquely, were here looking after the continent long before anyone else arrived. Furthermore, it is about giving an official voice to their descendants, in the same way that millions of other Australians have a voice through their particular advisory bodies. The only difference is that Constitutional acknowledgement provides the parliament with an obligation to at least listen

on matters that may affect our First Australians. And that is something that, as plenty of evidence shows, hasn’t happened much to date. So, once again I ask, why can’t we all embrace this simple and respectful request?

Has Qantas completely lost the plot, and cares little about customer service now? From my recent experience, the evidence would have to be yes. I flew from Canberra to NZ nearly two weeks ago for a holiday, and my bag was lost due to long delays squeezing connections (one hour late leaving Canberra and another hour sitting on the runway in Sydney before I could disembark). I registered my missing bag with the Qantas Auckland baggage contractor and, after an email prompt the next day, they advised it would be in NZ that night. So far so good. Since then, I have made frequent emails and telephone calls, and registered a complaint with Qantas Customer Care on the web, and there has been complete silence. Emails to the baggage agent receive no response. Calls to the baggage agent go into a short queue and after one minute be cut off. Qantas will not accept calls to speak with agent about lost baggage. They refer you to the web page. After one week, the baggage agent answers the telephone and promises to investigate and get back to me. And guess what, silence again. Yes, there has been a storm in New Zealand, which may be contributing to delays, but is it too difficult to tell me the location of my bag and when they think it will be delivered, so I can plan accordingly? As a loyal Qantas flyer, with lifetime Gold Member status, you might think they would respond quickly.

Curtin ACT

20 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023
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Re Gentleman’s lack of parking spaces (CW 16 February 2023 p16). I agree wholeheartedly with Bill Stefaniak that this is a totally illogical plan. Apart from the issue of people needing cars for the things that Bill mentioned, what about the modern way of life where families are in different cities? I know a lot of people that come into this category. Also, parents are constantly taking the children to sport, music/dance lessons, sports days, school (not always on the bus route from their units), people needing to visit their GP’s, dentists or other medical appointments. People need their cars to do shopping, can you imagine doing a full week’s shopping and having to catch a bus? Apart from the inconvenience to the shopper, there would not be enough room in the bus luggage compartment if all the passengers had shopping. If one of the family is working and needs a car, what if the other partner needs to do other things?

I know not everyone drives, and that is their choice; maybe they accept the inconvenience of public transport, but this is not always possible. I would like to know how much of Mick Gentleman’s travel around Canberra is done by public transport. I imagine it would not be much.


To date, the Voice referendum appears to have more “unknowns” than “knowns” in its presentation, yet PM Albanese is asking all eligible voters to vote ‘yes’. That is akin to signing contract documents with blank spaces in them, which nobody in their right minds would do. As I believe that by now the majority of eligible voters have had a gut full of this meaningless Voice, and have already made up their minds, despite what small sample polls want us to believe, it’s time for the PM to stop prevaricating and to let the voters decide by initiating the referendum process

now, not as proposed at year’s end. As despite repeated requests for more information to be made public, the PM is still prevaricating and stonewalling, my advocacy is: If you are unsure or just don’t know, vote ‘no’.

For once I have to support Bill Stefaniak (CW 16 February 2023 p16), at least in his generally well-argued concerns over Labor Minister Mick Gentleman’s weird idea to restrict parking spaces in new apartment buildings. Of course, while we are all concentrating on Mr Gentleman’s disturbing lack of

fact-based and logical decision making, there’s been no mention anywhere of the matter called Cabinet responsibility; the long-established Westminster principle whereby all members of Cabinet are collectively held accountable for individual Ministerial decisions. So, rather than singling out Mr Gentleman, l suggest we ought to be including his cabinet colleagues in similar opprobrium. Perhaps Bill might like to consider this issue in a future column where he could compare Labor’s record with previous ACT Liberal Cabinets, especially those of which he was a member.

Want to share your opinion?

21 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023
Email news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘To the editor’ in the subject field; include your full name, phone number, street address (NFP) and suburb. Keep letters to 250 words maximum. Note, letters may be shortened if space restrictions dictate.

Mustang muster for charity at Viking Park

Classic and contemporary come together in the 2023 Canberra Mustang Show at Viking Park on Sunday 26 February. Cars from across the region and as far as the north and south coasts, Sydney and rural NSW, will roll their way into the park for the charity show day – with vehicles from the 1960s right through to those fresh off the production line.

“We’re hoping to have an example of just about every model that has been made and I think we’ll actually do it this year,” says John Perryman, spokesman for the ACT Chapter of the Mustang Owners Club of Australia.

Along with stunning cars, there will be coffee, cold drinks, ice cream, donuts, and trade stalls operating throughout the day, plus a special appearance from Supercar driver Thomas Randle, driver of the #55 Castrol Tickford Mustang.

The event occurs every two years and this year’s nominated charity is the Australian Federal Police Veterans Association, a cause dear to the club’s heart.

Ian ‘Jacko’ Jackson was an integral part of the club until the former policeman unexpectedly passed away in September 2021. He was passionate about his cars and mates in blue, and is dearly

missed by all who knew him.

From the time Ian and his wife Heather joined back in 2009, he took the reins organising the charity event. He was also an instrumental member in establishing the AFP Veterans Association and served as its treasurer.

Former colleague of Jacko and president of the association, David Savage, says they aim to assist former AFP members, to connect them with their community, and help them navigate the lasting impacts of their service.

“They suffer from PTSD and trying to adjust to life outside of the police, and also the life expectancy of a former AFP member is 62 and a half years. It’s really horrific,” David says.

He says the association was honoured to be nominated for the event by a club that loved their good mate Jacko as much as they did.

The 2023 Canberra Mustang Show, Viking Park, Sunday 26 February 8.30am-2.30pm; facebook.com/groups/ canberramustangshow

22 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023 NEWS
story online.
Some of the cars that will be on show at the 2023 Canberra Mustang Show at Viking Park, Wanniassa on 26 February.
Permit No. ACT R 22/00244 WIN A BRAND NEW LEXUS UX 250H 2WD LUXURY VALUED AT $59,516 DRIVE AWAY LEXUS OF CANBERRA CAR RAFFLE 2023 ONLY $20PER TICKET Help keep sick kids close to their families rmhcact.org.au
Photo Kerrie Brewer


community noticeboard  email news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘HYH’ in the subject field

Paint Canberra purple for Relay For Life

On Thursday 2 March, Cancer Council ACT is calling all Canberrans to dress up or decorate in purple to raise awareness of Relay For Life just one month before we take to the track. Relay for Life is Cancer Council ACT’s biggest fundraiser event where teams raise funds by walking in relay over 24 hours on 1-2 April, raising much needed funds for local cancer support, prevention and research. Wear something purple, decorate your school or workplace and take a photo to share your purple on social media; tag @cancercouncilact so we can reshare! Register to join us for Relay For Life: relayforlife.org.au/event/act-2023

GIVIT donation of the week: Sensory studio voucher

GIVIT is working with a not-for-profit organisation in the ACT that provides family support services to children, young people and their families. They are supporting a 10-year-old boy in foster care who experienced placement breakdown. This young boy has sensory needs so the organisation is requesting support to purchase sensory items such as chew necklaces and fidget toys to assist him during this difficult time. Vouchers for the Sensory Studio or similar are preferred. Your donation will provide comfort to this child and enable him to adjust while in temporary placement. To fund this request, please visit givit.org.au/whats-needed, search Category: keyword ‘sensory support voucher’, Location: ‘ACT’.

Fun at Tuggeranong Uniting Church

Fam@4 is a monthly event featuring creative chaos, fun and games, activities and food for young people and families. Next event is Meet to Eat with scrumptious smoked dinner on Sunday 26 February 4-6pm at Tuggeranong Uniting Church. Visit tuc.org.au to register or for more information.

Another Chance Op Shop

Another Chance has a 50% sale on all clothing till the end of February. Ross Smith Cres, Scullin. Open: Monday–Friday 10am-4.30pm, Saturday 10am-1pm. Well-stocked Op Shop; has been described as a little gem by customers. Come and see for yourself.

St Paul’s Ginninderra 50th Celebrations

Open house: Friday 3 March 5-8pm. Free BBQ and refreshments, family entertainment and displays of current activities, history and old photographs. Celebration service: Sunday 5 March 9am, led by the Bishop of Canberra and Goulburn. Our Parish Centre is in the Mt Rogers Community Centre, Curley Street entrance, Spence.

High Tea to raise funds for JDRF

Enjoy a glass of bubbles and a selection of sandwiches, scones and cakes served with tea or coffee, in an idyllic country setting at Gold Creek Station, Victoria Street, Hall on Sunday 19 March 1.30pm. Sheep dog demo, lucky door prize, raffle and silent auction. Ticket sales close Wednesday 15 March COB, for catering purposes. Tickets: $75 (includes one glass of bubbles); 10 for $650; via trybooking.com/CDSVX

Come & Try Scottish Country Dancing Ceilidh

Come and experience the fun of Scottish Country Dancing! Callers from the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society in Canberra will take you through an easy and enjoyable program of ceilidh dances. On Saturday 25 February 2-4pm, with light refreshments to follow, at Majura Community Hall, Dickson. Tickets at the door (cash only), $10 adults, $5 for 24 years and under. More info: www.rscds-canberra.org or RSCDS Canberra Scottish Country Dancing on Facebook.

ACT Budgerigar Club show

ACT Budgerigar Club Inc will hold a show at St Jude’s Primary School, Holder on Sunday 26 February. Free viewing entry to public from 10am. Hundreds of budgies on display. Some birds on sale. More info: Rita on 0417 044 023.

Preloved clothing

Next Red Dove preloved clothing monthly openings at Tuggeranong Uniting Church, Comrie St, Wanniassa, Thursday to Saturday 2-4 March, and 30 March-1 April. Lots of summer specials, women’s, men’s and kids’ items, books, linen, and bric-a-brac. Coffee and cake in cafe and a sausage sizzle on Friday. More info: Jenny 0409 306 031.

ANBG Autumn Plant Sale

The Growing Friends of the ANBG will hold their Autumn Plant Sale on Saturday 4 March 8.30-11am, unless sold out earlier, at the Banksia Centre carpark. Cashless sales by card only. All proceeds go to support the Gardens. Our plant lists will be available 2 weeks before the sale at anbg.gov.au/friends


Weston Creek: The next meeting will be held at Canberra Southern Cross Club, Woden on Tuesday 7 March 11.30am. Guest speaker: Mike Dinn, Missions in Space. Cost: $38 for two-course lunch. RSVP to Barbara on 0408 864 616 by Thursday 2 March 5pm.

Bruno Groening Circle of Friends

Film screening of The Phenomenon of Healing on Saturday 4 March 11am-5pm (3-part film, includes 2 breaks) at Currie Crescent Community Centre, Kingston ACT. Free entry; donations appreciated. More info: Linley 0402 248 391.

Belconnen Garden Club

The Belconnen Garden Club is welcoming new members and meets on the third Wednesday of each month at the Raiders Club, Kippax during the winter and out and about at gardenrelated places of interest during summer. More info: email belcogardenclub@gmail.com

Canberra Jung Society

Next meeting is on Friday 3 March 7.30pm at MacKillop House, 50 Archibald St, Lyneham (and by Zoom). At 8pm, guest speaker Theodora Volti, a qualified Gestalt therapist, will be presenting ‘Self and Ego: A personal perspective’. Costs apply. Details: 0406 375 670 or CanberraJungSociety.

Online CAP Money Course

A community budgeting and money management course online at no cost at your own computer over 3 Tuesday evenings: 7, 14, 21 March 7-9pm. This online CAP Money Course will help you to develop skills to budget, manage debt, save, and have more control of your finances. Register by Tuesday 28 February at capmoney.org.au or email capmoney@tbcchurch.com.au or ring Robert on 0402 007 551.

23 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023
24 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023 SOCIAL SCENE
White Rabbit Red Rabbit opening night, Mill Theatre at Dairy Road, Fyshwick





1 Office of the Pope (6)

4 understood by a select few (8)

9 fault (7)

11 Reindeer (7)

12 Quality of being experienced (11)

13 Determined (3)

14 Snack of bread slices (8)

16 Become liable to (5)

19 uS city (5)

20 Dying tissue (8)

22 Born (3)

24 One who studies the development of words (11)

26 tsar’s wife (7)

27 flier (7)

29 Gospel (8)

30 Biological molecular catalyst (6)


1 Boll (3)

2 Baltic region (9)

3 Made well (5)

5 f ootball (6)

6 Defeating soundly (9)

7 Picture puzzle (5)

8 fake (money) (11)

10 Jerk (6)

12 British parliament (11)

15 Making whiter (9)

17 a physical science (9)

18 Many-tiered Buddhist temple (6)

21 Electrical generator (6)

23 Cyber messages (5)

25 Commonly used edible bulb (5)

28 Cereal (3)


1 i n what sport do players use mallets?

2 i n what year was a lanis Morissette’s album Jagged little Pill released?

3 i s yeast an organism, grain or acid?

4 the 2020 movie the Dry is based on a book by which author?

5 What is the second-largest desert in africa?


pi SC e S fEB 20 – MaR 20

You’ll relish the chance to reconnect with an aspect of your past. Developments at home or with family and a reunion will bring out the best in you. Financially, you may benefit from finding a fresh way to approach spending and investment. Expert advice may be helpful.

AR ie S MaR 21 – aPR 20

It’s a good week for talks and negotiations. You can make progress with your plans by being open to people’s ideas. Ensure you put forward your own ideas, too. Make those long-awaited phone calls and plans for travel. Avoid seeing others’ problems as your own next week.

tAu R u S aPR 21 – May 21

Work and health matters will be a focus for you. If you’ve been waiting for news from a friend or organisation, it will be on its way now. You’ll enjoy socialising and there could be news of a financial boost, or the discovery of a way to better manage finances.

gemi N i May 22 – Jun 21

You can make progress with your projects, including travel plans. You’ll receive news from afar. Look for ways to boost your status and outlook, as your efforts will succeed. Keep unpredictable people and circumstances in perspective and find ways to negotiate peacefully.

CANC e R Jun 22 – Jul 22

When you find time for those you love, your life will improve, and finding the time to relax will create peace, too. This week’s events will stimulate your desire for more stability in life, and so you could find it. A persistent situation will benefit from expert help if needed.

leO Jul 23 – auG 23

This is a good week for talks both at work and with those you love. Take the time to discuss your projects with those they concern, as collaborations could excel. A shared financial situation will benefit from clarity, so be prepared for research.

vi R g O auG 24 – SEPt 23

It’s a good week to discuss your financial and work plans with those they affect. Consider seeking the advice of experts or loyal friends who can help you. Someone close, such as a business or personal partner, will have news and a little soul-searching may be necessary.

li BRA SEPt 24 – OCt 23

Keep an eye out for opportunities at work to prove yourself, and to show just how co-operative you can be. Some Librans’ personal or family life will benefit from a little more focus. You’ll enjoy a get-together or will receive key news that could boost your circumstances.

SCOR pi O OCt 24 – nOv 22

Romance and your creativity could soar, so if you’ve been planning a favourite activity, or have been meaning to ask someone out, this is it. During the week, a work or health matter will gain focus. You may be asked for help and, if you need advice, it will be available.

SAgittAR iu S nOv 23 – DEC 21

You’ll enjoy a reunion this weekend, and if you’re considering major changes at home, these are likely to work for you. If you’re travelling, be adventurous and you’ll enjoy collaborating with those you meet. A family member or friend may require some help or support next week.

CA p R i CORN DEC 22 – Jan 20

You’ll enjoy socialising and may meet someone special or enjoy a memorable occasion. A change of routine or opportunities at work will keep you busy. It’s a good week for a health appointment. You could see financial or personal success, so take the initiative.

AquAR iu S Jan 21 – fEB 19

This is a lovely time for couples to develop a deeper understanding. The arts, movies and dance will feed your soul, so be sure to organise a treat. A family or personal project will demand focus next week. You’ll gain the chance to boost your finances.

iN tHe StARS with PatSy BEnnEtt

For personal readings, contact Patsy through her website to make an appointment, or call 0448 808 333.

Facebook: facebook.com/patsybennettpsychicastrology

Instagram: instagram.com/patsybennettastrology www.patsybennett.com

25 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023 Brain busters: 1. Croquet 2. 1995 3. Organism 4. Jane Harper 5. Kalahari desert DiffiCulty RatinG  42 75 796 62 38 21 13 25 671 4 7 641 92 14 18 No. 1608 421975683 745892316 514629738 853261497 168437259 689753142 976384521 392516874 237148965
Puzzles and pagination © Pagemasters | pagemasters.com
PUZZLES & STARS CROSSwORd SUPER SUdOkU 2302 23 FEbrUArY - 1 MArch DIAMONDS MANUKA Shop 4 Manuka Arcade, Manuka | Phone 62 95 6448 | Email info@diamondsmanuka.com.au
“Where nature meets perfection”


right here


All across the country, March is a favourite month for marching down the aisle, which means in a weeks’ time, bells will ring and the sun will shine.

The dress code for wedding guests is, annoyingly, ever-changing. Luckily, Queanbeyan gem Debbie Maree’s Fashion Boutique stocks a beautifully curated range of ladies’ fashion, footwear and accessories, including bespoke headwear.

The exclusive range of Rachael Henson Millinery at Debbie Maree’s Fashion Boutique has an elegant vibe that is balanced with delicacy and a dash of boldness. Rachael’s creations can be purchased at the Boutique to complement and complete your look.

Keep an eye out for seasonal changes to the Rachael Henson Millinery

collection at Debbie Maree’s Fashion Boutique. An exciting new addition of adaptable and adjustable hats that take you from formal occasions to casual summer wear is coming soon!

Pop in today for a personalised shopping experience.

Open 6 days:

Monday-Friday 9.30-5.30 | Sunday 10-3 234 Crawford Street,

T: 6299 3335

Debbie Maree’s Fashion Boutique

26 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023
@debbiemareesfashion DEBBIE
Check out the advertisers in our special 19-page wedding guide, who will help take the stress out of planning your big day and make it one to remember, with love ... Wedding FEATURE
@debbiemareesfashion 234 CRAWFORD ST, QUEANBEYAN 02 6299 3335 Weekdays 9.30am - 5.30pm Saturday 10am - 3pm Sunday Closed @debbiemareesfashion Rachael Henson Millinery’s exclusive range at Debbie Maree’s Fashion Boutique. Wear your best this wedding season with


No other venue says “Canberra” quite like Old Parliament House; renowned for its uniqueness as much as it is for its beauty. Join us on Thursday 2 March to see why many choose us to start one of their most significant chapters in their life.

Bring along your loved one, your best mate or parents and enjoy an evening out to get excited for the big day. Sip on a sparkling, taste a Capital Brew or enjoy a refreshing gin and tonic and try some delicious canapes whilst you wander the corridors of this historical venue.

It is not just about talking through the venue and catering – meet and talk with our recommended suppliers for all your wedding needs (full list below).

Our experienced team are here to answer all your questions – from our Head Chef to Operations, and not forgetting your Wedding Coordinator, all will be available to talk about your vision for your special day and how we can make it a reality.

A fun night to be had with prizes to win and exclusive o ers available, not to mention our new look

wedding packages now available.

Every couple will receive a take home goodie bag filled with all the information you need for the big day.

A big thank you to our vendors: Alex Pasquali Photography; Altina Drinks; Capital Brewing Co; CaraVan Morrison; Chicago Charles; Frank Madrid; Julie Rattenbury Celebrant; Love Boats Canberra; MellaBella Gelato Cart; Show Pony Events; Sweet Pea & Poppy;

Underground Spirits.

We can’t wait to see you there!

Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House, 18 King George Terrace, Parkes ACT

T: 02 6261 7200

E: moadophevents@restaurantassociates.com.au

W: restaurantassociates.com.au

27 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023
Explore the beauty of Old Parliament House as a wedding venue at the Restaurant Associates Wedding Open Night on Thursday 2 March. Photo Mel Hill Photography

Are you looking for the perfect venue to tie the knot?

Look no further than Petrichor Farm! Our luxe barn style wedding venue, with exclusive access and peaceful country vibe is exactly what you need to make your special day stress-free.

Located just 30 minutes

from Canberra in Gundaroo, Petrichor Farm has it all – two ceremony spaces, on-site couple accommodation, the beautiful barn style venue space, cows and sheep in the paddocks, and the wonderfully romantic sunsets. On top of that, Haley and Darren and their friendly and helpful sta have years of event experience to help make this special day your best day ever.

And let’s not forget about the delicious, authentic and abundant

share style food – prepared by our catering partner Dave Young, head Chef of Temporada fame.

All of us at Petrichor Farm are committed to making sure your big day turns out perfectly.

Plus, we understand that each couple has their own needs –whether it’s accommodation for getting ready, styling, and ceremony pieces, or custom menu options. You can have complete confidence knowing that we have all those

details taken care of so that you can focus on being in the moment and celebrating with your loved ones without a care in the world.

Visit us online today and start planning your dream wedding at Petrichor Farm now.

89 Haskins Way, Gundaroo NSW 2620 - by appointment only.

M: 0412 492 192

E: events@petrichorfarm.com.au

W: www.petrichorfarm.com.au

28 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023
Enjoy the abundance of delicious food served in the beautiful barn style venue at Petrichor Farm. Image by The Beautiful Collective. Petrichor Farm will take care of the details so you, your wedding party and guests can relax and enjoy your special day. Image by Corinna and Dylan. The experienced team at Petrichor Farm are committed to ensuring your big day turns out perfectly. Image by Margan Photography.
Your destination wedding venue close to home 89 HASKINS WAY, GUNDAROO, NSW, 2620 Visit our website for more info |petrichorfarm.com.au CWM00009AA @petrichor.farm
Image by Lauren Sutton Photography


My name is Kirsten Sachs and I’m a relaxed civil celebrant who loves to work with in-love couples, like you, to create vibrant and authentic marriage ceremonies that are all about YOUR relationship, YOUR love, YOUR sense of commitment and totally YOUR style.

I chose this path to enable you to have the choice of how you wish to marry. Whether your wedding is going to be the biggest celebration of your life, a backyard barbecue or a sneaky romantic getaway, your ceremony should be an epic celebration of the two of you and the decision you’ve made to spend your lives together!

It’s my job to make it happen – here’s how we’ll do it …

Have fun planning your wedding ceremony and have a great day full of wonderful memories.

Your ceremony should reflect your personalities

and taste and be just what you want.

Ceremonies can be traditional and formal, relaxed, fun, romantic, exotic and thematic. But most of all, we make sure that your ceremony is memorable and that you have a great day.

I live in Canberra and as a Marriage Celebrant, I service the ACT and surrounding areas. I will happily

travel further, just discuss your needs with me. Contact me and we can discuss how to make this happen.

M: 0401 335 240

E: info@acelebrantintime.com

W: www.acelebrantintime.com

30 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023
Wedding FEATURE A CELEBRANT IN TIME Whether your wedding is going to be the biggest celebration of your life, a backyard bbq or a sneaky romantic getaway, it’s my job to make your ceremony an epic celebration. P 0401 335 240 E info@acelebrantintime.com W acelebrantintime.com
Marriage Celebrant, Kirsten Sachs from A Celebrant in Time, will make sure your ceremony is memorable and you have a great day. Photo: Couture Photography.

It's a nice day for a white wedding! Or a red wedding, or a rainbow wedding, whatever takes your fancy with Weddings of Canberra.

Weddings of Canberra is your one-stop shop for Canberra-based wedding vendors. If you’ve just become engaged or are planning to tie the knot, Weddings of Canberra has a whole range of local vendors just waiting for you to give them a call.

Another season, another reason to check them out all year round at weddingsofcanberra.com.au, where there are more vendors being added every month. Their online plethora of suppliers in the ACT region provides room for you at every step of the wedding planning journey.

Want a wedding that is pet-friendly or child-free? Don’t worry, they have people for that. From cakes, catering, celebrants, live music, venues or what to wear, Weddings of Canberra puts all this and more right at your fingertips.

Weddings of Canberra’s goal is to make wedding planning more fun and less stressful. From traditional to outrageous, Summer to Spring, supporting local vendors does not have to come at the expense of your dream wedding.

With Weddings of Canberra, you can create a wedding that is uniquely you and support the local

wedding industry.

Traditional or quirky, grand or intimate, you can find the local vendors you require at weddingsofcanberra. com.au

Weddings of Canberra makes planning your wedding fun and stress free!

Jump online today! www.weddingsofcanberra.com.au

31 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023
Wedding FEATURE LOCALSUPPORT Just got engaged? Planning a wedding? Visit Canberra’s own big, bright, bold, and inclusive wedding supplier directory! WEDDINGSOFCANBERRA.COM.AU Start planning today
Weddings of Canberra is your online portal to all sorts of wedding vendors in the ACT region.


We’ve heard it time and time again, “planning a wedding is a full-time job – maybe we should just elope!”

Thanks to the rising cost of living and the pandemic, more Aussie brides and grooms are choosing to elope, or opting for micro weddings of five people.

Logistically, eloping is much easier than planning a full-blown wedding.

The opinions of your family and friends don’t enter into the planning; you and your partner get to call all the shots, and then promptly ride o into the sunset where your honeymoon awaits.

Still, eloping requires some preparation, especially if you are considering it to be your legal wedding.

Local Religious Marriage Celebrant and provider of “legal only weddings”, David Campbell, shares the top things to consider for even the most scaled-back of nuptials.

If you’re seeking an intimate and a ordable wedding experience, it’s a good idea to find an authorised and experienced celebrant like David. That way, your celebrant can square away all the legal requirements, and you two can focus on each other.

Whether your wedding has five guests, or a guest list of 500, a marriage celebrant like David can keep the actual ‘marriage’ part to four simple steps:

1. Confirm availability

2. Provide Notice of Intended Marriage

3. Do a marriage interview

4. Show up to the ceremony

Many people use the terms ‘o ciant’ and ‘marriage celebrant’ interchangeably. However, if you’ve watched YouTube videos of #weddingfails, then you know just how important it is to have a professional who is legally qualified to conduct marriages and to steer the ceremony. In Australia, you must be married by a legally registered Celebrant.

After serving in the Royal Australian Navy for many years, and now running his own business, a marriage celebrant like David won’t crack under pressure (meddling wedding guests won’t have any sway here).

With eight years of experience, and about to perform his hundredth wedding, he can provide answers to questions you didn’t even know you had (another must).

There are other reasons to hire a trained marriage celebrant: Privacy, confidentiality, and knowledge to draw upon in the planning process. But most of all, you know you are getting the best professional service when celebrating your special day.

Even if you’re eloping, you want someone who understands the importance of ceremony.

“It’s never as simple as ‘come in and sign the document’,” says David.

“I always aim to provide a wedding that you can look back on and remember, no matter the size.”

What do you still need to consider before you elope?

1. We’ve all seen The Graduate – running away just

the two of you is super romantic – but you can’t get married without a celebrant. “Don’t put the cart before the horse,” says David. “A lot of brides and grooms spend months on the trimmings: finding the location, booking the flowers and the photographer. Then, about a month beforehand, they realise they haven’t booked anyone to marry them!”

2. You have to give one month’s notice. In Australia, that’s the law. Doesn’t matter if you’re eloping or having a micro wedding, you need to provide a Notice of Intended Marriage at a minimum, a month before the nuptials. “There is a flip side,” says David. “The notice is valid for 18 months.” So, don’t wait too long to walk down the aisle.

3. Make sure you have all of your identity documents ready. “Particularly with short-notice weddings that are happening in a month’s time, it’s best to have those documents ready to go.” This is especially important if either of you has been married before, as you will need o cial proof the previous marriage has ended.

4. It’s YOUR wedding. Have an idea of what you want it to look like, and let your celebrant know. “Just because it’s micro, doesn’t mean it can’t be special,” says David. Sure, you don’t want a big guest list. But do you want to toss rose petals? Do you want music? Do you want to read from that obscure poem that only the two of you know?

And that’s it! Book a celebrant greater than one month out, have your important documents ready, and make the ceremony your own. Wham, bam, you’re married. David also makes the beautiful handmade timber pen you will use to sign your wedding documents, as your first gift as a married couple.

If that’s a bit too minimalist for you, do we have good news!

Sign up for a full-size wedding with David Campbell, and you can receive free accommodation at the honeymoon destination of your choice!

The voucher includes up to seven nights’ accommodation (conditions apply), with 100+ locations available in every state in Australia, as well as New Zealand, Bali, Thailand, Fiji, Europe, and India.

Whether you want to elope or have a big fairy-tale wedding, there’s no downside to getting married by David Campbell.

M: 0413 602 459

E: David@ddkcampbell.com.au

W: www.religiouscelebrant.com.au

32 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023
Local Religious Marriage Celebrant, David Campbell, can keep the ‘marriage’ part of your wedding to four simple steps: confirm availability, provide Notice of Intended Marriage, do a marriage interview, and show up to the ceremony.
Photo Couture Photography
GETTING MARRIED? For a marriage celebrant with a difference, choose David Campbell. Simply book in my Traditional Wedding Package & you’ll be gifted a: FREE Honeymoon/Holiday Voucher valued up to $1,000! Choose up to 7 nights accommodation in your choice of over 100+ destinations across the globe! CWM00001AA SPOTS ARE LIMITED! 0413 602 459 david@ddkcampbell.com.au www.religiouscelebrant.com.au

Love is sweet with Love is sweet with The Bunched Co. The Bunched Co.


Make a statement with a donut tower

Make a statement with a donut tower

Canberra’s original donut bouquet company now offers event centrepieces. Oversized, soft donuts with an unforgettable taste, arranged in a vertical tower or stacked style.

Let us help you create a lasting impact. Contact us now: info@thebunchedco.com.au 0432 114 566 @thebunchedco www.thebunchedco.com.au

Looking for a non-traditional wedding cake? Canberra’s original donut bouquet company is now o ering event centrepieces. Choose from a vertical tower style, stacked style, or hire one of their custom-built stands. Oversized, soft, melt in your mouth delicious donuts, arranged to give a lasting impact.

The Bunched Co. has been servicing Canberra and surrounds for over fi ve years, and prides itself on quality products and excellent customer service. Owner/operator Jorja Wallace is committed to delivering a first class experience for her customers.

“We understand our customers are looking for something di erent and memorable, and we love working with them to make their vision come to life,” says Ms Wallace.

Their signature donut bouquet range is also a popular product for proposals and anniversaries.

“We’ve seen our bouquets used for bridesmaid and groomsmen proposals, anniversaries, engagements – you name it! Reading the personalised messages as they come through is the most exciting part.”

Further, The Bunched Co. o ers a broad range of dessert boxes perfect for pre-wedding get- togethers.

“Our Nutella dessert boxes are a fan favourite,” says Ms Wallace. “We also o er customised dessert boxes if our range doesn’t suit your theme or palate.

“We strive to make our products beautiful, delicious and fun, creating desserts that deliver a wow factor for our customers.”

The Bunched Co. operates Monday through to Saturday, and o ers free next day delivery on their standard range to all of Canberra

plus some surrounding NSW towns, including Murrumbateman, Queanbeyan, Jerrabomberra and Googong. Event orders require a minimum of fi ve days’ notice.

Contact The Bunched Co. using the below details to discuss your event needs today.

M: 0432 114 566

E: info@thebunchedco.com.au

W: www.thebunchedco.com.au @thebunchedco

34 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023
The Bunched Co. creates desserts that deliver the wow factor their customers are looking for.


Timeless sophistication and art-infused elegance combine to create an unforgettable wedding experience at the National Gallery, one of Canberra’s most iconic venues.

The Gallery’s spectacular gardens and iconic Brutalist architecture will provide a memorable and dramatic backdrop for your big day.

Home to the largest and most valuable collection of art in Australia, the Gallery is committed to sharing and celebrating art from Australia and the world.

From saying ‘I do’ among incredible works of art in the Sculpture Garden to celebrating in one of the versatile spaces, the National Gallery is ideal for your special occasion.

Set on the southern shores of Lake Burley Gri n with spectacular views, the Lakeside Sculpture Garden features over 20 works of art and beautiful native Australian flora. A ceremony in the Sculpture Garden boasts an iconic backdrop and immersive setting that promises to create stunning memories for


you and your guests.

Curate your perfect reception in one of the Gallery’s memorable and diverse venues, that can cater from 80 to 900 guests. Choose from the grand Gandel Hall with its floor to ceiling glass doors opening out onto the Skyspace Garden terrace, the elegant Dining Room with soaring ceilings and spectacular views of the Lakeside Sculpture Garden, or the intimate Sculpture Garden Pavilion nestled in the gardens.

Our dedicated events team and in-house wedding coordinator will work with our curated list of suppliers to craft a memorable wedding that reflects your style. Get in touch to start planning your perfect Gallery wedding.

T: +61 2 6240 6711

E: events@nga.gov.au

W: nga.gov.au

35 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023
Image supplied by www.willowand.co featuring Bert Flugelman, Cones, 1982, National Gallery of Australia, Kamberri/Canberra, commissioned 1976. Purchased 1982.
A BESPOKE WEDDING AT THE NATIONAL GALLERY MEANS TIMELESS SOPHISTICATION AND ART INFUSED ELEGANCE 2023 dates are still available Contact us to arrange your private venue tour National Gallery Wedding of Hannah and Jeremy, National Gallery of Australia, Kamberri/Canberra, image courtesy of Keepsakephoto by the


Congratulations on your engagement!

You have found the PERFECT Wedding gown and the PERFECT bridal lingerie set. You get to have photos in your gorgeous dress all day, but when it comes to your amazing lingerie, after all that searching for the perfect outfit, it really doesn’t get much time being celebrated, does it? Please enter the room – Bridal Boudoir.

This is such an exciting time in your life and having this experience with your bridal lingerie is one way to add that element of surprise to your partner and a fabulous way to remember your dream Wedding day! Imagine having your portraits in your lingerie and veil, and gifting a luxurious album of your photos to your partner on your Wedding night – or Wedding morning if you want to leave them in suspense!

What is a Bridal Boudoir Experience?

Boudoir portraits are not just “photo sessions”, they are so much more than that. It’s an experience, where you start your day o being pampered by a professional Hair and Makeup Artist. We then move in to the studio and take the most stunning photos of you in your bridal lingerie. You might like to bring your veil, your Wedding heels and garter, and anything else that you feel is significant for your photos. You get to see yourself transform from your everyday to your inner Bridal Goddess – a powerful transformation where you leave feeling di erent to when you arrived.

You are, of course, welcome to bring additional lingerie sets to have photographed as well, because, why not!? You will then get to see all of your photos and choose the ones you love right on the spot! In the following days, the final editing touches are added and ordering of your printed options happens – a deluxe album or stunning image box and, of course, the uploading of your digital gallery.

When to book?

It is important to plan your booking date ahead of time, to allow for your stunning digital photos and beautiful handmade products to be delivered before your Wedding. No later than five weeks before your Wedding date is suggested but, of course, earlier than that is perfect!

Who is Katrina Burgers Photography?

I’ve been a Professional Photographer in Canberra for the last 10 years, with my range of experience spanning across Maternity, Newborn, Family, Women’s Glamour and Boudoir. I always deliver high quality imagery, digital galleries, and archival quality printed products to my amazing clients.


“You were right, I left feeling di erent to when I arrived. I can’t believe that those photos are me! I’m even wearing my hair di erently at work today!” - Ash

“I’d never had a boudoir photo shoot before and I was so nervous thinking there was no way I could do it because I do not see myself as sexy, but we had such

a fun time doing the session. Katrina made me feel so at ease and we laughed and laughed and laughed! I just can’t believe how good Katrina is, she just knows all the right things, lighting, getting you to smile or just the right pose.” - Jodie

Katrina Burgers

E: info@katrinaburgers.com.au

W: www.katrinaburgers.com.au

36 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023
Katrina Burgers Photography celebrates your “inner Bridal Goddess” with her Bridal Boudouir Experience. Hair and Makeup: Mynx Beaute.
BRIDAL BOUDOIR EXPERIENCE Contact Katrina Burgers and book today. info@katrinaburgers.com.au | www.katrinaburgers.com.au Add that element of surprise to your partner. Experience a day of pampering by a professional Hair and Makeup Artist. Take the most stunning photos of YOU.


If you’re looking to have the most incredible hens party that will be remembered forever (for all the RIGHT reasons!), then look no further!

It takes so much time to find venues, catering, activities, check availability, compare prices, book in AND make sure the group is happy (and don’t even get us started on dietary requirements). We know your to-do list is already long.

ENTER: Simply the Best CBR, your event planner bestie for hens parties in Canberra!

We’ve done all the hard work so you can be certain you’ll have the perfect weekend of fun, without the stress of planning and organising everything. We know all the hidden gems and experiences across Canberra and its surrounds that’ll make your hens party extraordinary. PS: We only recommend the businesses we’ve tried out personally. Tough job!

Looking to plan your own night? We o er exclusive access to our knowledge bank to plan an epic party in

Canberra through the Canberra Hens Party Bible.

The Party Bible is the only directory you will need to plan your own hens party. With over 150 listings to choose from, you will find business deets, direct links to websites, socials and contact details – no more online forms to complete to never receive a response! And all businesses listed have the hens party tick of approval.

Maybe you don’t have the time or the brain capacity to organise the hens party. Then select from one of our pre-planned amazingly fun party packages. Or we can fully customise a package so you can have your dream hens party. The only thing you will need to do is choose an outfit and show up!

Are you halfway through planning or don’t know where to start? Another option we have is a Quick Party Starter Chat: here to help you to keep planning moving and ensure you have the perfect itinerary.

Whatever your jam, we got you! There’s something for everyone with Simply the Best CBR to give YOUR bride the hens party she deserves.

M: 0459 605 379

E: hello@simplythebestcbr.com.au

W: simplythebestcbr.com.au

38 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023
Simply the Best CBR takes the stress out of hens party planning in Canberra so you can relax and enjoy yourselves.


Planning a wedding can be overwhelming, but with Vintage Events Hire, creating a unique and memorable atmosphere for your special day is e ortless. Specialising in vintageinspired decor and furniture, Vintage Events Hire o ers a wide range of unique and one-of-a-kind items that will add a touch of nostalgia and charm to any event.

From vintage lounges and armchairs to rustic timber trestle tables and wine barrels, every piece is carefully selected to create a truly unique and memorable setting for your celebration. Based in the NSW Southern Highlands, Vintage Events Hire services the Sydney and Canberra regions, providing a personalised experience for each and every event.

What truly sets Vintage Events Hire apart is their passion for helping couples create a truly memorable experience for their special day. They take the time to get to understand your event needs, o ering suggestions to work with you to bring your vision to life. Their experience and expertise mean they can help you achieve any style you’re looking for, whether you’re after a rustic, country-inspired feel or a chic, vintage look. Their dedication to creating a physical, tangible space where you and your loved ones can gather and celebrate is what makes them truly special. With Vintage Events Hire, you can create a space that reflects your personal style and values. A story of your love, your family, and your

memories that will last a lifetime. In a world where so much of our lives are spent online and on screens, there’s something truly special about creating a physical, tangible space. If you’re looking to add a touch of nostalgia and charm to your special day, look no further than Vintage Events Hire. Their expertise, passion,

and unique collection of vintageinspired decor and furniture will help you create an unforgettable event that will be cherished for years to come.

Camden St, Wingello NSW 2579

M: 0418 567 937

E: Info@vintageevents.com.au

W: www.vintageevents.com.au

39 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023
The passionate team at Vintage Events Hire will help you create an unforgettable event that will be cherished for years to come.


Celebrate your wedding in the beautiful surroundings of the National Portrait Gallery, Canberra. The gallery is located next to the magnificent gardens of the parliamentary triangle, the perfect spot for your wedding photography. Your cocktail reception may begin in the stunning Gordon Darling Hall, featuring stone from every state and territory in Australia and westerly views into Reconciliation Place. Or it could be in the external Forecourt, an all-weather venue ideal for cocktails. The gallery team will then invite your guests into the Gordon Darling Hall or the Terrace Room overlooking Lake Burley Gri n where guests can enjoy a seated dinner followed by speeches, cake

cutting and dancing. The gallery’s exclusive catering partner, The Fresh Collective, delivers exceptional event experiences and signature menus for the National Portrait Gallery and can provide bespoke menus for any style of wedding – from a seated lunch, or cocktail reception with grazing tables, to a decadent dinner with dancing. Let us help you to create the perfect day that you and your guests will remember forever.

The National Portrait Gallery, King Edward Terrace, Parkes ACT

T: 02 6102 7000

E: hello@thefreshcollective.com.au

W: thefreshcollective.com.au/venues/ canberra/national-portrait-gallery

+61 2 8399 3055

40 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023
The National Portrait Gallery’s exclusive catering partner, The Fresh Collective, can provide bespoke menus for any style of wedding.
National Portrait Gallery –Celebrate your wedding day at one of Canberra’s most iconic venues.
hello@thefreshcollective.com.au thefreshcollective.com.au


Traditionally, photographers were hired to take those posed photographs at a wedding … You know, the ones where you’re standing sti y next to Great Aunt Mildred who you haven’t seen since childhood whilst staring awkwardly into a lens held by someone you don’t know. And what you’re left with is just that, an uneasy looking photograph and an uncomfortable memory. For the most part, I’ve loathed having my photo taken because I know this experience all too well. This was one of the reasons I was inspired to become a photographer.

My approach is to create a comfortable space for you to be the most authentic version of yourself. To share stories and create amazing memories during your special moments. The photos should be a wonderful by-product of these times, capturing the tears, joy, little glances or touches you share with your loved ones. I am a storyteller.

Here are 7 things I think are really important when choosing the person to tell your story:

1. Have a chat, find someone you vibe with and you trust to be with you in those intimate moments. You want someone who’s going to feel like a best friend, comfortable and supportive.

2. They should be experienced and be able to help answer your questions and talk you through the process.

3. Make sure they can put you at ease and be a calming influence amongst the chaos.

4. Find someone who can help your find your best angle and give you ‘unposed’ activities so you can forget about the camera and really enjoy your time.

5. They should be observant and have an eye for detail, someone who’s going to see those fleeting moments and unique facial expressions that others may miss, and capture them authentically.

6. They should be able to see and bring out the best in everyone by taking beautiful images with creativity and imagination.

7. Someone with passion for what they do and someone who’s completely committed to telling your story.

Hello Ro Photography creates a comfortable space to capture your special moments.

Have you booked a storyteller for your wedding yet?

E: ro@hellorophotography.com

W: www.hellorophotography.com @hello.ro.photography

M: 0421 959 558

41 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023


At Mawson Dental Care, we strive for excellence and pride ourselves on our commitment to preventative care and individually tailored maintenance of our patients. We endeavour to keep experiences positive, conservative, and trustworthy.

Due to our large patient base and heavy demand for services, Mawson Dental Care has had a recent expansion of our practice, with state-of-the-art technology, and some of the best practitioners in the industry.

Along with excellence in preventative care, Mawson Dental Care o ers simple to complex restorative treatment, endodontic/root canal treatment, crown, bridge and implant restorative treatment, implant surgery, and cosmetic makeovers.

The essence of our work involves enhancing our patients’ lives through improving their confidence. This confidence often comes in the form of a smile. It is said that our smile represents the beauty of our

wish to enhance your life by improving your smile, contact us at Mawson Dental Care.

3/142-152 Mawson Place, Mawson ACT

T: 02 6290 0055

W: www.mawsondentalcare.com.au



Whether it’s the sweeping views, forest spaces or the award-winning architecture of the National Arboretum Canberra that your dreams are made of, the team at The Ginger Group bring expert knowledge to create your perfect day.

Intimate gathering or opulent reception, they know that every celebration is as unique as the two of you. They have a dedicated team of industry professionals who have perfected the planning and execution

process to ensure your dream day becomes a reality.

Step into the fairy tale with a range of magical indoor and outdoor wedding locations, fantastic food and beverage o erings, and dedicated Coordinators to assist you the whole way.

National Arboretum Canberra, Forest Drive, Weston Creek ACT 2611

T: 02 6273 4366

E: hello@thegingergroup.com.au

W: thegingergroup.com.au/weddings

I am a celebrant who focuses on YOU and getting to know YOU personally so I can plan the ceremony of your dreams. I love helping couples work out what it is they want. You don’t know what you don’t know – and weddings are my passion!

I’ll work with you to create a unique and memorable ceremonies that will have your guests saying, ‘it was perfectly you’. Email me, Debbie Taylor via debbie@tayloredcelebrations.com.au or

call (0412 885 167) to arrange an obligation free meeting.

On my website www.tayloredcelebrations. com.au is all the information you need, and what some of my couples who have given me the pleasure of being their celebrant have said about me.

M: 0412 885 167

E: debbie@tayloredcelebrations.com.au

W: www.tayloredcelebrations.com.au

43 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023 Wedding FEATURE
The Ginger Group’s dedicated team of professionals will ensure your dream day becomes a reality. Marriage celebrant Debbie Taylor, of Taylored Celebrations, loves working with couples to create a unique and memorable ceremony. Photo Alex Pasquali
Life’s milestones should be celebrated in a meaningful, personal way, and I am ready to help you! Create a unique and memorable ceremony that will have your guests saying, ‘it was perfectly you’. Email or call to arrange an obligation free meeting. debbie@tayloredcelebrations.com.au 0412 885167 www.tayloredcelebrations.com.au
Photo Chris Dickson Photos
Photo Joshua McTackett (JM Photography)


Not your average wedding venue, Midnight Hotel, Autograph Collection champions originality and authenticity, o ering stylish, highly designed event spaces to suit your celebration. Say ‘I do’ in the central Atrium, where the hotel’s architecture forms the ultimate backdrop for your wedding ceremony. Dine with decadence in The Conservatory, a completely customisable space to host your wedding reception. Continue the celebrations at the exclusive Midnight Bar, with an unforgettable afterparty for you and your closest guests.


Complete with thoughtfully curated food and beverage menus, and exceptional service, whether an intimate dinner or cocktail party, your wedding at Midnight Hotel will be the perfect celebration of love.

1 Elouera St, Braddon ACT 2612 W: midnighthotel.com.au/#weddings

T: 02 6220 0000

I believe that your ceremony should be just that – YOURS. I would be honoured to be part of your special day. l will listen to you and your story, so that, together, we can craft a ceremony that truly reflects who you are and what you would like, whether it is a short and simple ceremony, one that is fun or serious, or one that is longer or more formal.

Every significant occasion in your life deserves a ceremony. Talk to me about yours.

Eileen Dunstone, J.P.

Authorised Marriage Celebran

M: 0411 332 963

T: 6251 4323

E: celebranteileen@bigpond.com

W: www.canberracelebranteileen.com.au @canberracelebranteileen

44 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023 Wedding FEATURE
Midnight Hotel in Braddon o ers the perfect venue for your unforgettable wedding celebrations.
Bruce 2617 ACT 0411 332 963 | 6251 4323 celebranteileen@bigpond.com www.canberracelebranteileen.com.au canberracelebranteileen Every significant occasion in your life deserves a ceremony. Together, let’s craft a ceremony that truly reflects who you are and will be as a couple. I would be honoured to be part of your special day; talk to me about yours. Eileen Dunstone Canberra Celebrant CWM00005AA Say ‘I do’ at Midnight Hotel, Autograph Collection. Image Credit: Photographer: Bel Combridge Photography Stylist: Sweet Little Sunday | Flowers: Joanne Flowers of Manuka CWM09786AA Visit www.midnighthotel.com.au and create your dream wedding with a difference.
Authorised marriage celebrant, Eileen Dunstone J.P., invites you to talk with her about creating the ceremony your special day deserves.


Love cake: the wedding edition

In the ancient tale of the ‘Love Cake’, the cake is baked as a romantic gesture to charm a prince … what better lucky charm to serve up to guests on your special day.

Serves 40

For the strawberry & lemon meringue buttercream

2 cups (440g) caster sugar

12 large egg whites (or pasteurised egg whites), chilled

750g unsalted butter, softened to a spreadable consistency

2 tsp vanilla bean paste

40g freeze-dried strawberry or raspberry powder (available from cake decorating stores or online)

1/2 cup (175g) lemon curd

Pink gel paste food colouring (optional)

Place the sugar and egg whites in a heatproof glass bowl. Set the bowl over a saucepan of gently simmering water and whisk until the sugar has dissolved and the egg whites are slightly warm to the touch (at least 40°C). (You can omit this step entirely if you are using pasteurised egg whites, and instead, simply place the sugar and egg whites directly into the mixer.)

Transfer the mixture into the bowl of

a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment. Whisk on high speed until the mixture has formed stiff and glossy peaks, around 10–15 minutes.

Switch to the paddle attachment. Add the butter in thirds and beat on high speed after each addition until incorporated. Don’t be alarmed if the buttercream appears curdled – it will become light and fluffy again with continued beating for around 2–3 minutes. Add the vanilla bean paste and beat until just combined. Now add the strawberry powder and lemon curd and beat until fluffy. Add the pink colouring and beat until the desired shade is achieved.

Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and set aside at room temperature in a cool, dry environment until needed.

2 3/4 cups (685ml) hot water

1/2 cup (175g) golden syrup or honey

1 1/4 Tbsp vanilla bean paste

6 large eggs, at room temperature

3 cups (450g) self-raising flour

3 Tbsp cinnamon

2 Tbsp ground ginger

4 1/2 cups (450g) almond meal

Preheat your oven to 170°C. Grease a 23cm round cake tin and a 15cm cake tin, at least 6cm deep. Line the bases and sides with baking paper. Ensure the baking paper creates a collar around 5cm higher than the cake tins to allow the cakes to rise.

Place the butter, chocolate, sugar, water, golden syrup, and vanilla bean paste in a large, heavy-based saucepan. Stir the ingredients over medium–low heat with a silicone spatula for 5 minutes, or until the chocolate melts completely and the mixture is smooth. Set aside for at least 30 minutes to cool.

Transfer the melted chocolate mixture to a large mixing bowl. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating after each addition using a hand-held mixer or whisk until combined.

Sift the flour and spices over the chocolate mixture and mix in until combined. Fold in the almond meal until combined.

Pour the cake mixture into the tins and bake for 1 hour 10 minutes– 1 hour 20 minutes for the 23 cm cake, and 45 minutes for the 15 cm cake, or until a wooden skewer inserted into the centre comes out almost clean. Remove the cakes from the oven and allow them to cool for at least 2 hours, before turning them out onto a baking rack to cool completely. Once completely cooled, you may choose to trim the outside of the cake layers to remove any darker brown patches. Using a cake leveller or a long, thin knife, carefully divide your cakes into three even layers each. Cover the cake layers in plastic wrap and set aside in the refrigerator until it’s time to assemble the cake.

To find out how to put it all together, visit canberraweekly.com.au

For the spiced caramel & almond mudcake

600g unsalted butter, chopped into chunks

600g good quality white chocolate, chopped

2 cups (440g) firmly packed dark brown sugar

45 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023
Images and text from Bake My Day by Katherine Sabbath, photography by Jeremy Simons. Murdoch Books RRP $45.
FRESH Fish & Seafood 7 Days! 6239 6415 �ishco.com.au 19 Dalby St, Fyshwick Q: What do you call a �ish with no legs? A: A �ish! Daily Arrivals of FRESH Stock Largest variety in the ACT FREE cleaning of whole �ish! FREE tasting of Prawns & Oysters! PLUS FRESH Fruit & Veg, pasta, nuts, sauces, dry goods, Dom’s Wood�ired Bread & more! Follow us on Facebook for recipes, product info and the chance to win a $50 voucher monthly!

Cross the Threshold of ageing with Judith Clingan

For many women over a certain age, old is a dirty word, however, renowned Canberra multidisciplinary artist Judith Clingan believes it shouldn’t be. Combining her lived experience and that of other women, she created Threshold, a music, art, and theatre production, coming to the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture on 4-5 March.

“Most young people can’t yet envisage what it will feel like. I know that when I was not this age, I had no idea the number of things that would be tricky; no idea at all,” says Clingan.

Originally meant to hit the stage last year, the artist was inspired by a video for International Women’s Day 2020 of a woman discussing feminist issues through word and song. Clingan loved the format and wanted to create something in a similar vein, which spoke to a topic that wasn’t mentioned in media as much – what happens to women as they age.

permitted, with input from peers and submissions from other artists and women. Scattered around the country, all the women who shared their experiences were over 70.

“I thought of all the angles that are relevant and important and I wrote down a big list that touched on the ageing process and death itself and sent it to over 100 women that I knew,” Clingan says.

Divided into two parts, the first covers the experience of ageing – what it is like when your body parts stop working, the way your life may change, and how other people start to look at you differently.

“You are sort of fighting the word a bit, you’re not especially wanting to think it applies to you. By the time you get to 70, you sort of have to accept the fact people will look at you and say ‘there’s an old person’,” she says.

With humour, a touch of flippancy and heartfelt honesty, in the second part, the four women spread across the stages discuss what

happens when life comes to an end. Looking at it through different lenses, they touch on the moment of death, what it means to be dead, what it feels like when you’ve lost someone, and remembering someone who went before you.

The stage is set like a café, which Clingan says, allows friends to sit together and between moments, discussing their experiences and ideas, something the research suggests most women want to do.

See Judith Clingan’s Threshold at the Chapel, Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, 4-5 March; judithclingan.net.au

Sunday 26th & Monday 27th February 2023

On display will be the latest resort style developments as well as established villages from many different organisations, all offering a wide range of services & facilities, sizes, prices and locations. This is a wonderful opportunity to ask questions and gather information about many different retirement villages and over-50s resorts all under one roof.

46 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023
Judith Clingan sparks conversations on ageing and the end of life in her new work, Threshold, at the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, 4-5 March. Photo Kerrie Brewer
Canberra Retirement Village & Resort Expo Don’t miss this life changing event! C M Y CM MY CY CMY K
Canberra Southern Cross Club 92-96 Corinna St, Woden ACT 10am-3pm daily | FREE ADMISSION The

Bask in the moonlight with Canberra Philo’s Cats

The Jellicle moon is shining bright in the night sky; like a call to arms, the mouse hunters are heading southside. Uncover the secret lives of felines in Canberra Philharmonic Society’s production of Cats the Musical at Erindale Theatre, 2-18 March.

The famous Andrew Lloyd Webber musical, based on a collection of T.S. Eliot poems, is known for not having much of a plot. It follows the Jellicle clan as they participate in a ritual that will conclude with one feline ascending to the Heaven side layer. Macabre as it may seem, the play relies on theatrical spectacle more than plot, which has been historically well received; Cats is the fourth longest-running Broadway production in history.

“They do this 12-minute dance number, which goes through 10 different dance styles; they’re lifting each other up and doing backflips,” says musical director Alexander Unikowski.

Presenting a classic version of the beloved show, Unikowski says the amateur theatre society wanted to come back from Covid in a big way. With an enormous cast, the musical gives them the opportunity to showcase their performers

through big song and dance numbers.

“It’s going to be like all the shows that Philo’s done but on steroids. There are different costumes, pyrotechnics, people flying … to create a really big spectacle,” he says.

The production promises to amaze with a custom-made set transforming the stage into a cat’s perspective of an alleyway, including dumpsters to hide and jump, shoes big enough for hats, and a trolley to push each other around. The makeup and costume designers have worked with the cast to create the perfect hand-crafted look for each role.

“We want our cats and the personalities and character that they’ve developed to come through, not just in their performances, but in their makeup looks and in their costumes,” he says.

According to Unikowski, most of the cast and crew have a fond memory of the play, whether it was seeing it on stage or one of the first productions they were part of in their school days. He first played Old Deuteronomy in a primary school production.

“It’s one of those ones that you want it under your skin, it’s a part of your background as a performer; it never really leaves you,” he smiles.

The Canberra Philharmonic Society presents Cats the Musical at Erindale Theatre, 2-18 March; philo.org.au

- Jessica Cordwell

48 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023
Canberra Philharmonic Society presents Cats the Musical at Erindale Theatre, 2-18 March. Photo: Ben Appleton| Photox - Canberra Photography Services.
TIME OUT Queanbeyan 10AM – 4PM Multicultural Festival 5 March 2023 Queanbeyan Park





22/23 March 2023 I Llewellyn Hall


Iain Grandage Dances with devils percussion concerto

Surveillance, foes, and the digital world

Canberrans are invited to go underground into the deep dark depths of the digital world of surveillance and data, when I Have No Enemies, presented by Bare Witness Theatre Co., comes to Gorman Arts Centre next month, 1-11 March.

Technology has opened the world with too many advantages and conveniences to list, however, we rarely stop and consider how the constant posting into the void has affected the way we live. The play delves into the systems we aren’t in control of, and how they track, surveil and alter our behaviour and sense of identity.

Claire Edwardes

To book, scan the QR code, go to cso.org.au or call 02 6262 6772 (weekdays 10am–3pm)

Beethoven Music from Creatures of Prometheus

Supported by

“It’s with full acknowledgement that we’re lazy about passwords, and we don’t know anything really about encryption and really, just by making this show, we’re probably on a whole lot of government watch lists,” says Christopher Samuel Carroll, artistic director of Bare Witness Theatre Company and director of I Have No Enemies

Developed by Carroll and three

other performing artists and writers, Rachel Pengilly, Ash Hamilton and Brendan Kelly, the play came together through improvisation, workshops, and a touch of traditional theatre writing. Carroll says the process left them with an organic, surprising, and potentially chaotic play they are excited to share with audiences.

“It’s probably the most hilarious show you’ll ever find about surveillance and data collection. I’ll go out on a limb and say that,” he smiles.

The seed for the play was planted when Carroll was working a side gig at a transcription company. One voicemail message had him relistening as he tried to record all the bizarre and personal details the man was sharing, leaving the director wondering why he was being told this information.

“I’m a sort of subcontractor for a subcontractor for this company that pays me peanuts. There’s no accountability, and it kind of tapped into those underlying anxieties that I have myself,” he admits.

50 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023
I Have No Enemies at Gorman Arts Centre, 1-11 March. Photos: Novel Photographic. Presented by the Canberra Symphony Orchestra with guest conductor Dane Lam and percussion virtuoso LLEWELLYN SERIES Music from The Fairy’s Kiss

Carroll says while he and the other actors are playing characters, they are also heightened versions of themselves. Events are drawn from true experiences; then, he says, in the way the internet does, lines between true and fake news become blurred quite fast.

Kelly represents the type that shutdowns paranoia, downplaying things, perhaps to his own detriment. Hamilton is the glue that holds the group together, a fun and upbeat gamer obsessed with a phone game called Tortoise Run, while Pengilly is a tech whizz who has developed her own encrypted, closed system, fire wall-protected automated assistant that works in the dark web.

Like Carroll, his character is more cautious about the power technology can have for surveillance, sharing his experience of getting his first phone as a teen. While most kids his age would have been thrilled to get their first taste of freedom in the Nokia 3210, he was horrified.

“I just felt like this was a violation, they just got it for me so they could keep tabs on me, they could call me

and I refused to use it or turn it on,” he says.

Quickly he discovered that he could call girls without having to do it over the communal landline and gave in to the convenience of technology. While paranoid, he’s also lazy and doesn’t want to revert to the days of trying to read a map. Falling into the system like many of us do, the system that is explored in the I Have No Enemies

The play was originally meant to hit the stage last year but an unfortunate string of Covid cases saw it postponed. But Carroll says it wasn’t all bad, giving them more time to work on the show and incorporate some more technical elements. With the help of SilverSun Pictures, audiences will be immersed in the digital world, with glimpses of what is going on with the crew and maybe a game or two of Tortoise Run.

Bare Witness Theatre Co. presents I Have No Enemies, at Gorman Arts Centre, Braddon, 1-11 March; ainslieandgorman.com.au

Simply magnifique, French Film Festival returns

Stuck in Canberra when your heart is in Paris? A smorgasbord of movies for the Francophile, cinephile, and culturally curious hits the capital next month. The 2023 Alliance Française French Film Festival screens at Canberra’s Palace Electric for four weeks from 9 March.

From the nation that brings us fine wine, cheese, and the language of love, the film festival offers 39 feature-length films telling tales of resilience and limitless hope. Several of the highlights have received critically acclaimed recognition, with selection for Cannes Film Festival and the 2023 Academy Awards.

From family films to high stake thrillers and dramas, the line-up offers something for every movie-goer. Hit comedy, L’Innocent (The Innocent), follows a man struggling to accept his mother wanting to marry an inmate at the prison where

she is teaching. The film has received the highest number of nominations at the 2023 César Awards.

Dive into drama with Masquerade, the opening night visual feast, and official Cannes Festival 2022 selection. An aspiring dancer has his dreams crushed when an injury sees him off the stage; he then falls back on his looks as he seduces older women to support his lifestyle.

Bring the family together for Tempête (Ride Above); travel to Normandy, and follow a young girl in her dreams of being a jockey like her father. Based on a true story, it’s a feel-good film for all ages.

The 2023 Alliance Française French Film Festival at Palace Electric, New Acton, 9 March-5 April; affrenchfilmfestival.org


51 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023

Now showing

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (M)

Trapped in the subatomic Quantum Realm, Janet van Dyne (Michelle Pfeiffer) meets the exiled time-travelling and multi-world conquering Kang (Jonathan Majors), who seeks her help to return to his villainous ways. Flashing forward 30 years, Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) bails his teenage daughter Cassie (Cathryn Newton) out of prison, where she is quick to send an experimental transmission to the mysterious and dangerous Quantum Realm.

With a plot ripped straight from Tron: Legacy (2010), the movie is the 31st in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and is the first of the MCU’s Phase 5 which focuses on the multiverse; a key unifying gimmick that allows the studio greater control over its actors and storylines. Recastings and errors in continuity and logic can now be easily explained away with reference to an alternate timeline.

Book talk

While the previous Ant-Man movies were relatively small in scope with their kitsch design and quirky sense of humour, Quantumania is ironically epic in scale: a modern take on Journey to the Centre of the Earth, building worlds filled with imagery from electron microscope photography, Heavy Metal magazine and the sci-fi-fantastical designs of Mœbius. In further building the MCU, like Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, the main legacy characters take a backseat to accommodate the launch of future spinoff characters and storylines, especially in the growing threat of Kang, who is poised to dominate future phases.

Verdict: While the fantastical designs are amazing, the emotional stakes have been softened to homogenise a serviceable entry into the MCU mould. 2.5 stars.

- Luke McWilliams, themovieclub.net

Viewed at Canberra Dendy Cinemas

Jeff Popple reviews three important new books about politicians, humanitarianism, and making it meaningful. More of Jeff’s reviews can be found on his blog: murdermayhemandlongdogs.com

Political Lives by Chris Wallace

Newsouth, $39.99

In 2011, Canberran journalist and political commentator Chris Wallace, cancelled her contract to write a biography of the then prime minister Julia Gillard, because she was concerned that elements of the biography could be unfairly used against Gillard by her political enemies. In Political Lives, Wallace uses that experience as the backdrop for her fascinating investigation of Australia’s prime ministers and their relationship with their biographers. From Menzies’ ‘missing’ biography to the true story behind Blanche d’Alpuget’s controversial account of Bob Hawke, Wallace provides an interesting insight into how biographies can help and hinder serving politicians. Recommended.

Taking Sides by Sherine Tadros

Scribe, $32.99

Sherine Tadros was an award-winning war correspondent who bravely covered the conflict in the Gaza Strip and the chaos of the Arab uprisings. She tried to use her position to make a difference in people’s lives, but was continuously frustrated by the demands of commercial television. Finally, following a personal crisis, she left the media industry and moved to her current role at Amnesty International where she helps to lobby governments on human rights. A natural storyteller, Tadros’s story of her time as a reporter and an activist is readily readable, insightful, interesting and deeply moving. A powerful memoir.

Make It Meaningful by Debbie Haski-Leventhal

Simon & Schuster, $34.99

Australian Debbie Haski-Leventhal also used a personal revelation to change her life and help others. After a childhood spent in a cult, she escaped and is now a leading academic and authority on work and meaningfulness. Her book, Make It Meaningful, is an engaging examination of the importance of finding meaningfulness in life, and an useful guide to how we can all make our lives and work more valuable. In a time when dissatisfied people are quitting their jobs in record numbers, Haski-Leventhal’s book provides timely and useful advice on how to pursue passion and purpose in life.

Canberra Weekly competition winners

The winners in Canberra Weekly’s latest round of competition draws are:

Linen House: L Osenieks, Wright.

The Royal Canberra Show: I Yusoff, Belconnen; K Blok, Harrison; E Kearns, Waramanga; M Tee, Palmerston.

Snowy Mountain books: A Moller, Garran; B Collins, Oxley; D Neale, Scullin; E Reith, Belconnen; I McKenzie, Fisher; H Cobuccio, Fisher; D Gozzard, Ngunnawal, L Wilson, Ngunnawal.

52 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023

what’s on


The family-friendly event returns for three jam-packed days with demonstrations to delight, animals to pat, rides to thrill, and food and drink options to suit all tastes. Grab a show bag and enjoy the fireworks.

Exhibition Park, 24-26 February; canberrashow.org.au


Experience an evening full of some of the greatest musical hits of modern times, as three of the country’s best tribute acts take on the sounds of Neil Diamond, Elton John, and ABBA, at the Arboretum. National Arboretum Canberra, 25 February 5pm; stickytickets.com.au


Are you or a loved one approaching 50 and looking for a new home? Perhaps you’re already over 50 and looking for a holiday destination? Find out more about the newest and most sought-after options at the Canberra Retirement Village & Resort Expo.

Canberra Southern Cross Club, Woden, 26-27 February; retirementexpo.com.au


The ACT Chapter of the Mustang Owners Club of Australia holds its biennial charity show with over 120 beautiful cars, plus trade stalls, food and drinks. All profits raised will be donated to the Australian Federal Police Veterans Association.

Viking Park, Erindale, 26 February 8.30am-2.30pm.


The Queanbeyan Players take you through the highs and lows of the 1960s with the colour girls as Agony Aunt gives them life advice; featuring your favourite hit songs of the era.

Belconnen Community Theatre, 24 February-5 March; trybooking.com

Find more listings at canberraweekly.com.au

To advertise here, contact Samantha on 0423 355 536 or samantha@canberraweekly.com.au

53 23 February 2023
The Royal Canberra Show offers entertainment for kids and kids at heart at Exhibition Park, 24-26 February. The Canberra Mustang Show at Viking Park, 26 February. Downtown: The Mod Musical at Belconnen Community Theatre, 24 February-5 March.
File image
Photo Kerrie Brewer
25 FEB 26 FEB 26-27 FEB 24-26 FEB 24-05 FEB MAR
Photo Kerrie Brewer

Boho bride

2022 was the year of weddings, following a twoyear pause from celebrations due to the pandemic. Bohemian-style weddings came out on top as the most popular theme, with 154 million views on TikTok. The mix of eclectic styles with natural elements is having a resurgence in 2023, but really, feeling freer than a bird on your wedding day never went out of style.

54 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023 THE LOOK
1 Abigail earrings, $219, alissab.com.au; 2 Emoii Lily sandal, $234.99, Happy Fit Footwear; 3 Daphne dress, $399, roohcollective.com; 4 Murkani Sahara earrings, $159, Bijoux Jewellers; 5 Cariela Maxi dress, $149.95, showpo.com; 6 Tanner gold anklet, $59, armsofeve.com WITH FASHION & BEAUTY EDITOR, ANJA DE ROZARIO
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Bad dreams and sleep hygiene with Dr Vivienne Lewis

The internet is saturated with ‘Dreams you shouldn’t ignore’, but what does psychology say about signs that dreams should be addressed in reality?

Dr Vivienne Lewis, practising Clinical Psychologist and academic at the University of Canberra, discusses how stress and anxiety can play out while we sleep.

The truth is, we all dream every night, whether the dreams are remembered or not. Oftentimes, we only remember our dreams if we are stirred while having them, or if we have a nightmare.

Dr Lewis says that if dreams are distressing and repetitive, it may be time to address them.

“For example, if we keep replaying and re-imaging something traumatic that has happened.

“Helping a person address and learn coping strategies for dealing with traumatic events can help them sleep better with less stress and anxiety, and therefore less nightmares.”

It’s not unusual for bad dreams to be a symptom of anxious periods in our lives. Dr Lewis says her clients frequently talk about having nightmares when under stress or when thinking about past negative events.

“I see it particularly in clients who have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) where a person has experienced something traumatic such as being in a car accident, experiencing a natural disaster, loss of a loved one, sexual assault, or military trauma.

“These dreams require addressing worries and concerns, and learning to relax and cope.”

Outside of PTSD, recurring dreams can still be distressing, such as dreaming of infidelity in your relationship.

According to Dr Lewis, recurring dreams about cheating don’t necessarily mean that you or your partner have cheated in reality.

“These dreams can occur due our past negative experiences with previous partners. They can also symbolise mistrust of our partner,” she says.

“We can have recurring dreams which might signal that something is unresolved for us.

“It’s not unusual and sometimes we don’t need to do anything to change this. But if the recurring dreams are distressing, a psychologist can help a person gain insight into why they are having such dreams and how they might change this.”

How do we address our dreams?

“For some people, it might be about learning to relax before bed, so your brain is less active and quieter,” says Dr Lewis.

“Good sleep hygiene helps with this, such as going to bed when tired, staying off devices before bed, using the bed only for sleeping, and not working before bed.

“Those who might have PTSD may need specialised treatment such as EMDR Eye Movement Desensitising and Reprocessing, which is a type of psychological therapy that helps a person deal with the traumatic memories they have, making them less intrusive, especially when sleeping.”

Good sleep hygiene means having both daily routines and a sleeping environment that promotes consistent, uninterrupted sleep.

Other than removing your electronics from the bedroom, this can include making your sleep space quiet, dark, and a comfortable temperature, avoiding big meals, coffee, and alcohol before bedtime, and being physically active during the day, so that sleep comes easier at night.

56 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023

DIY sustainable wedding

It’s wedding season, Canberra! Love is in the air, couples are saying ‘I do’, and knots are being tied all around. If you’re about to become a newlywed and looking for sustainable DIY wedding ideas to make your big day memorable, Bunnings shares with CW all the inspiration you need.



What you’ll need

• Craft paper rope

• Two fence posts

• Mallet

• Mini craft pegs

• Paper cones

• Rose petals

• Safety equipment

• Spray paint

• Spray paint primer


1. Wear a mask and gloves and work in a well-ventilated area to apply spray primer onto the fence posts and leave to dry.

Then apply two coats of spray paint, leaving to dry after each.

2. Position the posts about a metre apart and tap them at least 150mm into the ground with a mallet.

3. Thread craft rope between the holes of the posts, and knot. Fill the paper cones with petals and attach to the ropes with mini pegs.

Pro tip: Rose petals are an eco-friendly alternative to foil or paper confetti.

All items available from Bunnings. Images courtesy of Bunnings.


What you’ll need

• 1800mm x 900mm wire mesh panels x 2

• 200mm x 4.6mm black cable ties

• 240cm black fence posts x 2

• Flowers and foliage

• Mallet


1. Attach the wire mesh panels together vertically using cable ties.

2. Drive the fence posts into the

ground in position using a mallet and prop the panels against them.

3. Secure panels to the fence posts using cable ties threaded through the top holes.

4. Thread flowers and foliage through the mesh, grouping together densely for maximum impact. For a really packed floral display, attach florists’ foam bricks to the panel with cable ties, then insert flowers into the foam bricks.


57 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023
HOME SECONDS SALE SATURDAY 4 MARCH, 9am–4pm 25 Endurance Avenue, Queanbeyan T 02 6298 1884 | mail@finkdesign.com finkdesign.com | finklighting.com

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What you’ll need

• Garden arch

• Florists foam bricks


• Florals of your choice


1. Thread single stems through the sides of the arch.

2. Pack blooms into florists’ foam bricks to devise a beautiful floral base.


What you’ll need

• Leaves (we recommend magnolia leaves)

• White Sharpie paint marker


1. Write each guest’s name on a leaf with the white marker.

58 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023
Decore r for he

REAL ESTATE Family home on


Reid 6 Gooreen Street

Nestled in Reid on Canberra’s city fringe, 6 Gooreen Street is an ideal property with an abundance of fabulous features to suit any family’s needs.

Agent Antony Damiano says this home ticks every box a buyer is looking for – a big entertainer’s kitchen, multiple living areas, separate study and office space, superbly manicured gardens, and entertaining courtyard. The list goes on!

“This home just screams character and charm, and it’s what plenty of buyers are looking for in a

home. As soon as you cross the threshold and walk down the oversized hallway, you get the feeling this home has been loved,” Mr Damiano says.

“It truly caters for all, making entertaining friends and family a breeze, generous living areas and the perfect backyard boasts lush gardens for entertainers and keen gardeners alike. Its functionality is unparalleled and doesn’t compromise on features and has all the trademarks of a superb family home to raise a family and make memories.”

He describes the property as

“unique” and whilst it’s not heritage listed, it has the same feel and appeal as a period style home.

“Reid is perfectly positioned for you to take advantage of the best Canberra has to offer. This home is close to a range of quality schools, both public and private, and plenty of walking, running or bike trails are at your doorstep, along with the iconic Mount Ainslie and Reid Oval just around the corner.”

8/27 Cunningham Street, Kingston $850,000 Maloneys

2 Enid Lorimer Circuit, Chisholm $835,000 LJ Hooker

16/45 Stockdale Street, Dickson $795,000 Independent

12 Jevons Place, Page $775,000 Blackshaw

5 Mack Street, Richardson $775,000 Property Collective

2/11 Yass Road, Queanbeyan East $755,000 LJ Hooker

13 Pirani Place, Evatt $750,000 Belle

75 Hibberd Crescent, Forde $745,000 Confidence

4 3 2

EER 1.0

Auction Sat 25 Feb 11.30am

View Thu 23 Feb 6-6.30pm

View Sat 25 Feb 11-11.30am

Agent Antony Damiano

Mob 0473 444 666

Agent Sam Walker Mob 0434 962 490

LJ Hooker Canberra City 6249 7700

4 Malcolm Cole Terrace, Whitlam $1,120,000 Edge 19 McClure Street, Evatt $1,095,000 Home by Holly

115 Limb Circuit, Moncrieff $1,070,000 New Door

6 Karney Street, Kambah $992,000 Property Collective

7 Daplyn Close, Weston $950,000 Luton

9 Rosewood Glen, Jerrabomberra $908,000 Belle

10 Pambula Street, Kaleen $885,000 LJ Hooker

50 Balfour Crescent, Wanniassa $880,000 McCann

14 Griffiths Street, Holt $880,000 Home by Holly

46 Macfarlane Burnet Avenue, MacGregor $863,333 Independent

2 Gibbs Place, Kambah $860,000 McIntyre

60 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY OF THE WEEK canberraweeklyrealestate.com.au
4 Willcock Place, Curtin $2,875,000 Independent 69 Elimatta Street, Braddon $2,250,000 Home by Holly 56 Bambridge Street, Weetangera $1,800,000 Blackshaw 6 Cambage Street, Yarralumla $1,795,000 Blackshaw 4 Pelham Place, Chapman $1,560,000 Belle 40 Raymond Street, Ainslie $1,450,000 Home by Holly 14 Feakes Place, Campbell $1,430,000 Home by Holly 14 Dalrymple Street, Red Hill $1,420,000 Belle 8 Shortland Crescent, Ainslie $1,297,500 LJ Hooker 27 Leon Street, Googong $1,280,000 Belle 48B Du
49 Wakool Circuit, Kaleen
Faur Street, Mawson $1,250,000 Hayman Partners
$1,245,950 Hive 3 Selfe
Downer $1,226,000 LJ Hooker
Proud Street, Forde $1,200,000 Stone 19 Bean Crescent, McKellar $1,150,000 Home by Holly 11 Allambee Street, Jerrabomberra $1,140,000 LJ Hooker
9 Zincke Close, Calwell $738,000 McIntyre 23 McLuckie Crescent, Banks $730,000 Property Collective 88/15 Irving
Phillip $730,000 Hayman
8 Foley Place, Holt $725,000 LJ
Street, City $696,000 Independent 43 Rockwood Street, Casey $696,000 Distinct 42A Proctor Street, Chisholm $685,000 Property Collective 18/31 Eastlake Parade, Kingston $680,000 Belle 4/38 Watson Street, Turner $676,500 MARQ 11 Allott Place, Belconnen $660,000 Home by Holly 29/14 Marr Street, Pearce $660,000 LJ Hooker 49/41 Eastlake Parade, Kingston $654,000 Belle 9 Kerr Place, Charnwood $620,000 Canberra Real Estate 2/13 Chardonnay Place, Queanbeyan West $610,000 LJ Hooker 33/11 Howitt Street, Kingston $590,000 Maloneys $1,297,500 8 Shortland Crescent, Ainslie LJ Hooker
1312/6 Grazier Lane, Belconnen $590,000 Independent 42/158 Starke Street, Holt $586,500 LJ Hooker 335/34 Eyre Street, Kingston $562,500 Edge 85/64 College Street, Belconnen $550,000 Confidence 124/55 Burkitt Street, Page $545,000 Upside 18A/21 Beissel Street, Belconnen $530,000 LJ Hooker 9/15 Charles Street, Queanbeyan $520,000 LJ Hooker 5/5 Sydney Avenue, Barton $517,000 Someday 309/1 Mouat Street, Lyneham $510,000 LJ Hooker 5/48 Henty Street, Braddon $490,000 Independent 25/11 Felstead Vista, Denman Prospect $485,000 Someday 315/55 Currong Street North, Braddon $482,500 LJ Hooker 7/6 Guthrie Street, Dickson $433,000 LJ Hooker 129/64 College Street, Belconnen $410,000 MARQ 81/10 Hinder Street, Gungahlin $394,500 Independent
Anketell Street, Greenway $370,000 Independent
Waterloo Street, Queanbeyan East $350,750 Ray White
Broughton Place, Queanbeyan $350,000 LJ Hooker
Swain Street, Gungahlin $285,000 LJ Hooker Data is provided by agents. Source: Realestate.com.au
2 Bungaree Crescent, Ngunnawal $725,000 Luton 13/35 Oakden Street, Greenway $700,000 LJ Hooker 24/128 Flemington Road, Harrison $700,000 Badenoch 31 Cavanough Street, Phillip $700,000 Michael Potter 44/15 Coranderrk
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It’s more than a home, it’s a community Located in the heart of Deakin, just 300m from the shops and close to medical facilities, The Grange retirement village offers you independent living in your own private home without the hassle of the building maintenance, and the security of knowing staff are onsite 24 hours a day in case of an emergency. Join the vibrant and welcoming community where you can live life your way. Enjoy lunch or dinner in the private dining room. Take part in the many social activities or interest groups in the village. Keep fit at one of the regular exercise classes, the indoor pool or the many walking tracks nearby including Red Hill. Indulge your passion for culture at the many museums and galleries close by. Join us for Tea and Tours, Friday between 10am-2pm or call 02 6282 1782 to book a private tour Our 2 bedroom homes are beautifully renovated and come with: • A spacious kitchen with granite benchtops • Open plan living and dining areas opening onto spacious balconies • Master bedrooms with plenty of storage • Modern bathrooms • Reverse cycle air conditioning/heating • Good sized internal laundries with dryer Call 02 6282 1782 to find out more www.thegrangedeakin.com.au Homes starting from $655,000 buildingNostampdutyorinsurancerequired

MAWSON 3/50 Enderby Street - ‘LIGHT’




AUCTION Sat 18/3/2023, 10am on site

VIEWING Thur 23/2/2023, 5.30-6pm

Sat 25/2/2023, 11-11.40am

Sun 26/2/2023, 11-11.40am

Wed 1/3/2023, 5.30-6pm

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Over 50% Sold

At Marigal Gardens retirement village, you’ll enjoy access to fabulous facilities and services at your doorstep, and an already established and thriving community.

And, when you’re ready to unwind or entertain in the privacy of your own home, you’ll enjoy:

• generous open plan living areas designed to be practical and inviting

• spacious balconies or courtyards to enjoy the paper and a coffee, or dabble in some gardening

• well-appointed kitchens with all the modern conveniences

• reverse cycle air-conditioning for all year round comfort

• double glazing

• abundant light and ingenious use of space

• sophisticated neutral palette and subtle textures that create a timeless canvas to add your own personal touch

• internal access to a secure car space with a storage cage

• 24-hour emergency assistance at the push of a button for peace of mind. Experience convenient and comfortable living, where someone else mows the lawns and takes care of the extensive village gardens there for your enjoyment.

21 Snodgrass Crescent, Kambah ACT 2902 www.marigalgardens.com.au | 1300 884 784 Renders are for illustrative purposes only. Details are correct at time of printing and subject to change. November 2022.

8153 Monaro Highway, Bombala

Rare rural lifestyle opportunity close to town!

“Merriwee” is a golden opportunity for those wanting a country lifestyle with the convenience of being minutes from town.

The property is located only 5 minutes from Bombala and features 57.23ha/141.415ac of rich open grazing country, well subdivided into manageable paddocks with 2 dams for stock water. Merriwee lends itself to a smaller grazing

opportunity allowing purchasers to enjoy an idyllic life on the land, whilst earning a solid additional income.

The homestead features 4 spacious bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, formal lounge room, living room, family friendly farmhouse kitchen complete with all mod cons, home office, external laundry, single car garage/shed, circular

4 2 1 57.23ha

driveway and established gardens and trees. This comfortable country home has reverse cycle air conditioning but also offers the charm of slow combustion heaters and an open fireplace.

Additional improvements include a large 1 stand shearing/machinery shed - with timber sheep/cattle yards and established orchard.

Virtual Online Auction

Tuesday 14 February at 11am, unless sold prior Conditions apply.

Christine McIntosh M 0427 584 004


Nutrien Harcourts Bombala


89 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023

15 Cullendulla Drive

Long Beach


Situated only 6km to the Batemans Bay CBD, this property is ideal for agisting horses with 2 fenced paddocks, a dam, and an additional separate yard. Completely stairless, this home offers a functional floorplan offering a newly renovated ensuite and walk-in robe. With a double garage and internal access, plus an additional double shed, and a leanto on the side of the house, you will have room for all toys needed to suit your lifestyle

For Sale

$1,350,000 - $1,450,000 View By Appointment

Agent Rob Routledge 0414 235 976 ljhooker.com/10AWF8F

2581 Kings Highway



The block is 11.65ha, 2 parcels either side of the highway.

Solar power system, water tanks and onsite treatment system. Plenty of room and feed for horses. Large 22m x 7.2m agricultural shed as well as various other smaller sheds, cattle race, chook pen, vege garden. Currowan is around 34 kms east of Braidwood and 27kms to the CBD of Batemans Bay.

For Sale


Agent Rob Routledge 0414 235 976 ljhooker.com/11ACF8F

59B Karoola Crescent


Perfect for the downsizer, investor or a first home buyer.

Being only two there is no strata, Single level with minimal steps. The main has ensuite. Open plan living and R/C air conditioner.

Kitchen has a walk-in pantry. single 7.1 x 4.4m garage is a good size. There is also a covered patio area.

For Sale

$690,000 View

By Appointment

Agent Rob Routledge 0414 235 976 ljhooker.com/11A2F8F


21 Timber Barge Lane


Privately located home on 2.31ha (around 5.7 acres) 5.5kms from the Kings Highway at Nelligen and around 7kms from Batemans Bay.

2 all purpose garages - 6m x 3.5m the other 7.7m x 6m

The area is known for large mud crabs and good sized flatties. Direct water access to the Clyne Mallows Small dam and pump.


By Appointment

Agent Rob Routledge 0414 235 976 ljhooker.com/113HF8F

4 3 9
4 2 2
4 2 2
3 2 1 All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided.Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.
LJ Hooker Batemans Bay 02 4472 6455
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93 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023 CWM0257 EXPERT CARPET PERFORMANCE! • Carpet Laying • Carpet Repairs • Commercial and Domestic • Supply & Install New Carpets • Laying Second Hand Carpets CARPET SERVICE GT Call GARY 0414 863 195 gary@pcug.org.au C A R P E T L AYI N G P 6259 3200 / 6241 0857 M 0407 263 812 www.monarchcleaningservices.com.au Monarch Cleaning Services ABN 29 073 101 768 Window Cleaning From Average 3 BR Home + Free Flyscreen & Tracks Clean $220 C L E ANI N G S ERVI C E CALL NOW info@instacleaning.com.au ins.tacleaning /Insta-Cleaning-Services OUR SERVICES • Residential & Commercial cleaning • Weekly/Fortnightly/Monthly cleaning • End of lease cleaning • Office cleaning • Carpet steam & Oven cleaning • Window cleaning • Emergency cleaning • Upholstery & Airbnb cleaning • Construction cleaning / after building 0432 597 029 P 6259 3200 / 6241 0857 M 0407 263 812 www.monarchcleaningservices.com.au Monarch Cleaning Services ABN 29 073 101 768 Covid Prevention Cleaning | Approved Australian Products Staff Security Clearances for Government Leased Buildings Corporate Offices • Childcare Centres • Aged Care Facilities COMMERCIAL CLEANING FREE QUOTE SUMMER IS HERE Timber Decks & Pergolas METAL PERGOLAS has you covered! BH CARPENTRY ACT Call BrendAn 0407 763 597 D E C K S RENO DECKS ✓ Pergolas ✓ Renovations ✓ Painting ✓ Bathrooms ✓ Kitchens FRIENDLY | RELIABLE | LICENSED 0431 163 015 renodecks1@gmail.com PHONE DANIEL ON 0418 419 383 OR EMAIL PRIME1Q@OUTLOOK.COM Phone Daniel on 0418 419 383 or email prime1q@outlook.com E L E C T R I C A L CWM0128 Baya’s Backyard Ph/Fax: 6241 9413 Mob: 0413 088 908 • Mowing / Edging • Pruning / Odd jobs • Rubbish Removal • Gutter Cleaning • Tree Services • Small landscaping Garden & Tree Services G A R D EN I N G CWM0352 Al Gardner For ALL your gardening needs. Covering all suburbs. Lawn Mowing•Pruning•Trimming•Weeding•Rubbish removal Gutter cleaning•Mulching •All maintenance Fully equipped INSURED-Guaranteed. Well presented after completion. 10% Pensioner discounts 0449 898 527 • GARDEN MAINTENANCE • LAWN MOWING • GENERAL CLEAN UP • RUBBISH REMOVAL • REGULAR or CASUAL SERVICES • ALL SUBURBS • FULLY INSURED Call Peter on 0419 289 886 peter.wurth@hotmail.com G A R D EN I N G CWM0116 EZY PROPERTY MAINTENANCE WE MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU Mowing & Edging Pruning & Mulching Hedge Trimming Weed Control Fertilisation A WELL MAINTAINED GARDEN ADDS VALUE TO A PROPERTY Kaushik Makwana Qualified Horticulturist CALL: 0430 582 821 Free no obligation quotes Fully insured Customer service from a company you can trust Garden Cleanup Rubbish Removal Gutter Cleaning Regular Maintenance Commercial or Domestic CG CULTURED GARDENS Garden Care and Maintenance Pruning / Garden Cleanups Lawn Mowing / Hedge Trimming High Pressure Cleaning Commercial/Domestic • Fully Insured • Horticulturalist INFO.CULTUREDGARDENS@GMAIL.COM 0438 477 462 CWM00349AA REECIE M’OWEN Regular or One Off Options Available Call Reece 0422 761 238 pickandshovel5@hotmail.com GARDEN MAINTENANCE MOWING MULCHING – PRUNING – HEDGING SMALL TREE REMOVAL MINOR LANDSCAPING & PAVING PAVING REPAIRS – DECK & PAVER RESEALS PRESSURE WASHING RUBBISH & GREEN WASTE REMOVAL Give your business a boost! Register today in the Trades & Services Guide, call Shannay on 0406 378 673 or email trades@canberraweekly.com.au STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD Call Shannay on 0406 378 673 to get your business listed Trades & Services Guide Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au
94 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023 Gutter Clean The gutter vacuum specialist Pergola repairs 0421 193 553 All areas Free estimates gutter_clean@hotmail.com CWM0812 G U T T E R C L E AN I N G Want clean gutters? Want clear downpipes? Want safe work practices? “Clean. Safe….Easy” ANY HEIGHT - OH & S COMPLIANT 0407 701 135 e: act@guttervac.com.au w: www.guttervac.com.au CWM0126 We are still operating and observing Social Distancing Quality Roo� Paintin� Paintin� � Plasterin� Flat Pack Furniture General Repairs �� �� �� �� �� Call Patrick Free Quote Work ... and more HAN DYPERSON We create ART with daylight! (02) 6280 9901 | daylight_artistry Premier Dealer for Proud installer of SKYLIGHTS H O M E R E N O VAT I O N S Even the magpies think it’s real... CW0348 Even the magpies think it’s real... • Synthetic grass stays green all year round • Easy low maintenance & water free • Family owned business with 14 years experience • Landscaping & paving services available • Australian made product Call David 0410 682 457 Or Nancy 0410 081 771 Keeping it green .com.au The synthetic grass solution L AW N S & T U R F We supply high quality Artificial Turf and install. Call Us Today 0435 039 350 0402 708 203 info@capitaloutdoors.com.au www.capitaloutdoors.com.au Seniors discount available Our Services: - Stylish Deck - Artificial & Synethetic Turf - Landscaping & Lawns - Pergolas Over 30 years experience securing the Canberra Community Locks changed & keyed the same ‘Locked out’ service Dead locks & window locks supplied & fitted Keys made to locks & locks repaired Screen door locks, repaired and replaced Servicing domestic & commercial clients Master licence #17501928 Seniors discounts CWM0231 Phone: 0458 786 727 www.highsecuritylocksmiths.com.au LO C K S M I T H S Mechanical | Metal Fabrication | Mobile Welding Tyres | Brakes | ACT/NSW Regos | & more Monteleone Car Works & Metal Fabrication Ph: 02 6241 0222 Mobile: 0438 469 138 Unit 6, 91-93 Grimwade Street Mitchell CWM1051 M E CHAN I C S CALL 0417 255 869 Exterior Painting from $1300 special! offer! Unbeatable (INCLUDES FASCIA, GUTTER, EVES AND DOWNPIPES) ALL HANDYMAN SERVICES ALL WORK GUARANTEED CEILINGS, WALLS & CORNICES (MIN 3 ROOMS) /ROOM ONLY 2 COAT APPLICATION QUALITY PAINTS Dulux $300 CANBERRA’S LEADING PAINTING EXPERTS FOR OVER 25 YEARS FOR A free ONTHESPOT QUOTE MONET PAINTING PAINT I N G DREW’S PAINTING SERVICES REFERENCES PROVIDED ON REQUEST PH: 0427 004 411 | E: drewburgin69@gmail.com HOUSE PAINTING INTERIORS & EXTERIORS OUTSIDE PRESSURE CLEANING RUST REMOVAL www.bonzapainting.com.au 0405 588 540 • Internal Paintings Services • External Paintings Services • Residential & Commercial Painting Service • House Paintings Services • Over 15 years experience • Fully Insured Lic No 358952c BONZA PAINTING Free Quotes Give your business a boost! Register today in the Trades & Services Guide, call Shannay on 0406 378 673 or email trades@canberraweekly.com.au STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD Call Shannay on 0406 378 673 to get your business listed Trades & Services Guide Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au

Taqwa Painting

WIN! Living film passes

Living (PG) is the story of an ordinary man, reduced by years of oppressive office routine to a shadow existence, who at the eleventh hour makes a supreme effort to turn his dull life into something wonderful.

1953. A London shattered by WWII is still recovering. Williams (Bill Nighy), a veteran civil servant, is an impotent cog within the city’s bureaucracy as it struggles to rebuild. Buried under paperwork at the office, lonely at home, his life has long felt empty and meaningless. Then a shattering medical diagnosis forces him to take stock – and to try and grasp fulfilment before it goes beyond reach.

In cinemas 16 March.

CW has 5 x Living (PG) in-season double passes to be won.

Enter to win

To enter, scan the QR code or visit canberraweekly.com.au and click on the ‘Entertainment’ tab to ‘Competitions’, find the competition you wish to enter and follow the entry instructions.

Entries close 9am Friday 3 March 2023 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person per giveaway. Entrants must be aged 18+.

WIN! Cantails cocktail in a can

Australia’s love for cocktails has been celebrated with the launch of premium cocktail company, Cantails. Available in three delicious flavours: Spicy Margarita, Appletini and Espresso Martini, Cantails allow you to bring the high-end cocktail bar into your home conveniently.

Being both an Australian made and owned brand, Cantails is available in Dan Murphy’s and BWS stores nationwide, so cocktail lovers around the country can treat themselves wherever they are. Cantails recipes are tailored to classic mixologist-created cocktails utilising only the finest spirits and ingredients.

Available in a four-pack for $45.

Two CW readers will each win a bundle of three Cantails four-packs (one of each flavour).

95 canberraweekly.com.au 23 February 2023
Seniors discount available. 0451 031 550 | info@taqwapainting.com.au ABN: 39617453237
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Call Shannay on 0406 378 673 to get your business listed Trades & Services Guide Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au
Find out why the National Zoo & Aquarium and Jamala Wildlife Lodge are rated the BEST!! 02 6287 8400 | frontdesk@nationalzoo.com.au 999 Lady Denman Drive, Canberra ACT www.nationalzoo.com.au Best Major Tourist Attraction* Plus People’s Choice Award Best Favourite Family Friendly Entertainment* Best Unique Accommodation* PLUS Best Tourism Restaurant* 02 6287 8444 info@jamalawildlifelodge.com.au www.jamalawildlifelodge.com.au *ACT Tourism awards November 2022

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