21 September 2023

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REAL ESTATE P77 WIN! SNOW CONCERT HALL TICKETS SHAYDA FILM PASSES MEREDITH APPLEYARD HQ BOOKS thursday 21 september 2023 Get your daily news at canberraweekly.com.au News Canberra’s own TV star gives chase Wellbeing Why can’t I say no? Taste Recipes for the Seoul Arts & entertainment 40 years of CAPO MEGA 37-PAGE SENIORS FEATURE P23
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“The capacity for delight is the gift of paying attention.” – Julia Cameron, The Artist’s Way

It’s helpful to be reminded of the value of things we might otherwise take for granted amidst the busyness of life, like the gift of paying attention. The morning after reading Cameron’s passage about her late grandmother’s boundless “capacity for delight” in paying attention to the world around her, my early morning walk was especially delightful, not only due to the gorgeous mild and sunny weather, but also the local birdlife. The flash of cerise as a pair of galahs land on an overhead wire. Eight vibrant king parrots noisily feasting in a silky oak tree. A chorus of magpies warbling in a gum tree across the road. A currawong’s bright yellow eyes surveilling me as I pass by. Beauty all around.

Reasons to be grateful this past week include happy vibes at the Floriade preview on Friday, walking and brunching with friends on a sunny Sunday morning, friendships – enduring and new, laughing out loud at Spamalot at The Q, a tasty bowl of laksa, spring cleaning, and gardening. Take care of yourself and one another,

4 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023 06 NEWS & COMMUNITY Canberra TV star gives chase 23 SENIOR LIVING 37-page advertising feature 62 ON THE COVER Take a trip to Oklahoma! 64 TIME OUT 40 years of CAPO From the editor thursday 21 september 2023 Regulars WIN! 06 News & community 10 Fit the bill 16 Letters 20 Have you heard? 22 Social scene 60 Puzzles & stars 61 Taste 62 Time out 70 Snow Concert Hall tickets 103 Shayda film passes 103 Meredith Appleyard HQ Books 68 Winners 70 What’s on 71 The look 74 Health & wellbeing 76 Home 77 Real estate 98 Trades & services Suite 11, 285 Canberra Avenue, Fyshwick ACT 2609 Editor Julie Samaras news@canberraweekly.com.au ISSN: 2652-9297 Sales Samantha Watson samantha@canberraweekly.com.au Phone 02 6175 8800 Founder & Publisher Nick Samaras contents 62 77 on the cover The
The Q
Photo Seven Network
Queanbeyan Players present
– Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre from
to 29
Photo courtesy of Queanbeyan Players. See cover story, page 62.
06 70 103 E N R O L L I N G N O W E d u c a t i n g b o y s f r o m Y e a r 4 t o 1 2 s i n c e 1 9 5 4 C a l l o u r E n r o l m e n t s O f f i c e r o n 6 2 3 9 0 6 6 0 V i brant Sp irit Strong Character Ta i lored Learn ing
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Canberra’s own TV star gives chase

The RUC Turner Bowls Club is the very reason why The Chase Australia’s newest ‘Chaser’, Mara Lejins (aka ‘The Smiling Assassin’), became a trivia buff and TV game show sensation.

The famous ANU alumna, who graduated with honours in Laws and International Relations, cut her teeth at the North Canberra club’s weekly trivia night. Her trivia team’s name was “Mara’s angels”.

“I want to do a shout-out to the RUC Turner, when I was at uni I used to go there every week,” Mara says over the phone from Sydney.

“It had this great trivia night with buzzers and you’d buzz in the correct answer and the faster you buzzed in the higher points you got. My friends and I used to love it. I think that honestly contributed to my keenness for The Chase.”

Mara spent five years in Canberra while studying at ANU and resided at Bruce Hall. Her family comes from the Queanbeyan and Cooma/Snowy regions, and she has spent many a sweltering family Christmas here and at Batemans Bay. We’ll claim her as a local because she was also a regular at Mooseheads Canberra night club. Oh, and Seiffert Oval in Queanbeyan is named after her great grandfather.

“My great great grandfather moved to Queanbeyan and started a farm off Sutton Road. Queanbeyan’s awesome!” Mara says. “You know John Seiffert Oval? It was named after my great grandfather, John Seiffert. He was a member for Monaro in the NSW government, and he used to be a jailor at Goulburn jail. My grandfather ran the family farm until my mum was 17 and they moved to Canberra and settled down to city life.”

Following in her parents’ footsteps – who both studied (and met) at ANU – Mara chose to study at ANU and her first part-time job in Canberra was not a tutor, as one might guess, but a security guard. Her diminutive stature (159cm) did not deter her.

“That was such a good job - on campus, no travelling - you just wandered around for five hours with a partner,” she says. “The only danger was that it was cold. All the uniforms were built for the average security guard, not a 159cm lady, so everything was massive on me - the uniform, a high-vis vest, it was glamorous.”

On a Thursday night, Mara would regularly head out to that Canberra institution, Mooseheads, which proved challenging for Friday morning classes.

“Sometimes I would have been out at

Mooseheads till 2am so I’d be feeling very tired,” she says. “When I moved out of college, I lived in Braddon. I loved it, it’s such a great place to live. My roommate and I used to go to Grease Monkey every Tuesday night for cheap Tuesday.”

One thing that Mara can’t get out of her head is the frugal uni life living at ANU’s Bruce Hall.

“They used to get the unsold Canberra Milk, flavoured milk, so whatever didn’t sell they’d give us, it might expire the next day,” she said. “But the worst part was that it was never chocolate milk or pink milk – it was Raiders lime milk. I can’t look at Raiders green milk ever again, I was so traumatised.” Her dad’s still a loyal Raiders fan.

Twenty-eight-year-old Mara says being a trivia buff on The Chase is not just about intelligence –even though she recently added a masters degree from Columbia University in New York (Mara graduated with Highest Honours; in the top two per cent).

“I think a lot of trivia is just having a good recall, like your ability to remember things that you’ve read once or that you’ve seen or heard once,” Mara says. “I‘ve always had a good recall, I noticed I was good at trivia, I had that strength. Growing up I was always doing quizzes in the paper then when I was at uni, I was doing pub trivia and I was like, ‘oh, I’m quite good at this’. My friend suggested I go on The Chase and I was like, ‘oh, this is fun’. It kind of snowballed.”

While the trivia side of things comes easy to Mara, coming up with her “Chaser” character – the Smiling Assassin – was hard.

“I was asking around friends and families to come up with a Chaser name,” Mara says. “Someone said ‘the protegé’ but the problem with the protégé is that you’re quite young, it’s a hard one to grow into when I’m older. Same thing with ‘the prodigy’. There was also ‘pink peril’. I liked the ‘nightmare’ but that’s a bit dark.

“We brainstormed together figuring out a name and figuring out an outfit. I don’t know if you can tell on the show, but I do smile a lot, and when I played tennis as a kid I was called the smiling assassin because I was always cheerful and happy but I was pretty good. So, we thought that was a good trivia name.”

Her pink outfit is a tribute to Barbie – “who doesn’t want to be Barbie?”

Mara now works as a lawyer in Sydney and still heads down the Federal Highway to Canberra regularly to visit her close uni friends and relatives

– including her proud 89-year-old grandmother who still climbs Black Mountain once a week. High achieving runs in the family.

Mara Lejins appears in The Chase Australia on the Seven Network.

- Georgia Curry

6 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
The Chase Australia’s newest ‘Chaser’, Mara Lejins (aka ‘The Smiling Assassin’) honed her trivia skills at the RUC Turner. Photo: Seven Network. While studying at ANU, the diminutive trivia buff worked parttime as a security guard.
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ACT Government crucial in creating healthy business environment

Spring is here, which brings not only improved weather and warmer temperatures (long may they last), but also two real highlights of the Canberra calendar – Floriade, and the Canberra Business Chamber’s annual State of the Territory lunch with the Chief Minister.

Both these events are important, but for different reasons.

One of the things that sets Canberra apart from many other places around Australia is the significance of government. As the Nation’s Capital, government is always going to play a central role in the life of our city; but a little-known fact is that twothirds of the jobs here are in the private sector.

Many of the private sector firms in Canberra undertake work that directly or indirectly supports the Federal Government in delivering services right around Australia. What comes as a surprise for many is the importance of the ACT Government in creating the environment that those businesses operate in.

Ultimately, the ACT Government is largely responsible for policy settings that determine whether Canberra is an easy and efficient place to

do business or becomes a tangled thicket of costly bureaucracy and regulations.

Personally, I think it’s important that it’s easy and straightforward to do business here. Successful businesses will grow. They will employ more people, be able to pay those employees more and, ultimately, drive more economic activity and pay more tax to support the provision of services here in the Territory. We want businesses to be establishing themselves here in Canberra – and continuing to operate here as they grow.

It’s really important that businesses take the time to engage with our political leaders, and I’m pleased that our politicians take the time to engage with the business community. Every year, the Canberra Business Chamber hosts a lunch where the ACT Chief Minister delivers his State of the Territory address. It’s a great opportunity to hear from the Chief, ask questions, and get insight into the thinking around the Legislative Assembly on London Circuit. If you haven’t already got your tickets, you can purchase them from canberrabusiness.com/events.

In contrast, Floriade is a much more sedate affair,

but is an equally important part of the Canberra calendar. It is Australia’s biggest celebration of the Spring season and is a major event that attracts visitors to Canberra. Now well into its third decade, it is an institution in itself, attracting half a million visitors, half from outside Canberra, and delivering $40-plus million to the local economy every year.

I’m looking forward to both events, and I hope to see you there.

8 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
opinion down to business
Floriade delivers around $40 million to the ACT economy every year.
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Some thoughts on prayer

Whether we call it prayer or not, I think most of us sometimes go to that quiet place within, where we shut out the clamour of the world and find a peace that restores us. This is a place where we can open our thought to new ideas or simply appreciate the good we already have. Humble prayer is a willingness to be receptive to a force greater than ourselves. For me, this ‘force’ is God, who is divine infinite Mind, the Creator, the Principle of the universe.

Prayer is a very individual thing. It can take many forms.

The prayer of gratitude is a good place to start. Gratitude for the good in our lives focusses our attention on the blessings already received. It shifts our thought away from the problems we seem to be facing and creates an enlarged appreciation for all that is good. Gratitude helps us to be more aware of the good in others, of the

opinion fit the bill

joy of friendship, of needs met, and even of the small things like warmth of the sun and the beauty of the sky.

In essence, gratitude is an affirmation of the good we already have. Affirmations can also be a reminder of spiritual truths. For example, reminding ourselves that God is our loving Father-Mother, who can and will meet our human needs, brings comfort. Reminding ourselves that nothing is impossible to God is reassuring.

The prayer of listening, for me, is one of the most important prayers. When a problem seems large, I go to that quiet place within and ask: What do I need to know here? Or I simply ask for help and then I put personal sense and my own wishes aside and listen. I can honestly say that the ideas that have followed this period of quiet listening have been life changing.

If you are looking for a greater sense of peace in your life, I can wholeheartedly recommend prayer.

Federal opposition should aim for uniform drug laws

I read with interest an article on Saturday by Crispin Hull, former editor of the Canberra Times, where he said the federal opposition were quite within their rights to introduce a bill to overturn the ACT Government’s dangerous decriminalisation of drugs act.

As Crispin is a good lawyer, I’ll take his word for it. However, such a bill is never going to pass given the attitude of the federal government, the Greens, and Senator David Pocock – not to mention local Liberal leader Elizabeth Lee’s opposition to it, as it infringes on the right of the territory to pass its own legislation – however stupid that legislation may be.

Zed Seselja probably lost his seat solely because of not backing territory rights.

However, there is another way. Section 109 of the Constitution states as follows: “When a law of a State is inconsistent with a law of the Commonwealth, the latter shall prevail, and the former shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be invalid.”

Illicit drugs are a problem across Australia, and there are various Commonwealth laws already in relation to them. An omnibus federal law, setting what are trafficable quantities and what would be deemed possession for own use, could well be introduced, with standard penalties and other uniform provisions, to apply across Australia. If passed, this would supersede inconsistent state and territory laws, such as the ACT law.

This would be a good approach, at any rate, and as Michaelia Cash’s valiant but futile attempt at overriding the new ACT drug laws will fail, perhaps she could look at what I have suggested. It would achieve the same political point the Coalition is trying to make; ensure local Liberal Party support, as it’s not just directed at the poor old ACT; and if it passes (probably after the 2024 federal election, if the Coalition wins), will help Australia as a whole, and not just the ACT, with national uniform legislation. Such an approach may even gain support in the more sensible Labor states.

‘Perfect opening’ to Floriade 2023

Floriade, Canberra’s annual springtime flower festival, opened on 16 September – and the beautiful weather set the scene for a perfect opening to Floriade, the ACT Government states.

More than 37,000 people came through the gates over the weekend, which was an increase on the opening weekend in 2022.

Visitors can wander in a Floral Wonderland, enjoy cabaret and circus performances, delicious food and drinks, and, during NightFest, after-dark entertainment.

“The weather is looking great again for this weekend, and we encourage Canberrans and visitors to plan ahead before they come to Floriade,” a government spokesperson said.

There are public transport options in place from the interchanges, a free shuttle around the Parliamentary Triangle, and for the first time, you can take a ferry across the lake.

All the details for transport are at floriadeaustralia.com/ getting-to-floriade/

Floriade runs until Sunday 18 October. Entry is free. Gates are open from 9.30am to 5.30pm daily.

10 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
This article was contributed by Deborah Packer, who is a member of the Christian Science community in Canberra. To find out more about prayer or Christian Science in Canberra, visit christiansciencecanberra.com.
feature Christian Science, Canberra


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Michael Long retraces Long Walk two decades on for the Voice

Former Aboriginal footballer Michael Long OAM arrived in Canberra last week, Wednesday 13 September, on his ‘Long Walk’ from Melbourne to raise support for the Indigenous Voice to Parliament.

Mr Long walked to Parliament House the next day, completing an 800 km, 19-day trek that began at Melbourne Town Hall on 27 August. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese joined Mr Long on the last leg.

Nearly 20 years ago, in November 2004, Mr Long began a walk from Melbourne to Canberra to meet with then-Prime Minister John Howard about issues Aboriginal people faced: education, employment, health, housing, and the Stolen Generations.

“In the 19 years since that meeting, the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians has not closed,” Mr Long said, reading a letter to the Prime Minister from former Labor Senator Nova Peris. “In some areas it’s widened… That’s why we set out from Melbourne again 19 days ago.

“A Yes vote in the referendum on the Voice to Parliament will give Indigenous people the selfdetermination that we asked for all those years ago. It will give this nation a new approach to closing the gap. And it will allow this nation to embrace the fullness of our history.”

The Voice referendum will be held on Saturday 14 October. Voters will be asked to vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to this

question: “A Proposed Law: to alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. Do you approve this proposed alteration?”

Mr Albanese said the Voice was “an advisory committee whose only power is the power of its ideas. If they’re good ideas, they’ll be accepted. If they’re not good ideas, they won’t be accepted by parliament and by government in order to get better results.

“Why we got behind the Voice and the Yes campaign this year is to have a Voice and to be enshrined in the Australian Constitution, to have a say on the issues that we face,” Mr Long said. “When you look at closing the gap, it’s gone on for too long, and it has to stop … This is the time as a nation we need to come together.”

Mr Long was officially Welcomed to Country on Wednesday morning by Ngunnawal elder Aunty Violet Sheridan, then met at the ACT Legislative Assembly by leaders of all three ACT political parties –ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr, Canberra Liberals leader Elizabeth Lee and ACT Greens leader Shane Rattenbury – and many MLAs.

“I acknowledge the strength of support for the Yes campaign right across the political spectrum here in the ACT,” he said. “It demonstrates the progressive community that Canberra is.”

Earlier this year, Mr Barr committed to the ACT recording the highest Yes vote in the country. He noted that the Yes campaign had

the highest proportion of volunteers from the ACT per capita than any other part of the country.

“People are here from different parties; it shows that we can come together as a nation … we want to move in the same direction,” Mr Long said.

Canberra Liberals MLA Jeremy Hanson said he would be happy to chat to Mr Long about his perspective – “It’s very important as Australians that we have a civil debate and listen to each other” –but he will vote No.

“Increasingly as Australians and Canberrans look at the proposal, that is where a lot of people are ending up,” Mr Hanson said.

The Guardian’s latest poll, published on Tuesday, shows ‘no’ voters in the majority (51 per cent) and only 41 per cent intending to vote ‘yes’ – not enough to meet the 50 per cent of the vote across Australia and in four states.

Mr Hanson estimates about half of Canberrans will vote no.

“We all want to see Indigenous disadvantage being addressed” – Mr Hanson listed the issues of health, incarceration, and education – “But [people] don’t think [the Voice proposal] will actually achieve that.”

In his opinion, the details are inadequate; he is concerned that it will lead to activists pushing for treaty and reparation; and it will create division. Several Indigenous people – including Warren Mundine AO and Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price – oppose the Voice, Mr Hanson noted.

12 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
- Nick Fuller
Former AFL player Michael Long and PM Anthony Albanese walk to Parliament House. (AAP Image/ Mick Tsikas)
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Canberrans invited to write love note to the land

As part of its 25th anniversary celebrations, Junior Landcare is inviting Australians young and old to pen a love note to our beautiful country. The winner of the school-aged letter-writing competition will receive a visit to their place of learning from Costa Georgiadis, celebrity gardener, TV personality, and Junior Landcare Ambassador.

Founded in 1986, parent organisation Landcare Australia aims to encourage people to look after the Earth through programs, groups and education.

“It really is just about people taking small steps to look after the Earth and our vital agricultural lands to ensure that we can not only survive, but we have an environment in which we thrive,” says Karen Walsh, stakeholder engagement manager with Landcare Australia.

The junior wing of the organisation hopes to engage young audiences through tangible activities designed to foster a sense of responsibility for and love of the land. As

the school holidays approach, Ms Walsh encourages parents and carers to visit the website and find an activity that encourages children to put down their devices.

When it comes to penning a love letter, there are two letter templates on the website: one for children who might need a bit of help starting, with prompts for their name, age and favourite activities to do outside; the other is blank, left open for the heart to lead the way.

Send your letter and an accompanying photo to Junior Landcare to go up on the website.

The top 50 letters will be printed in The Land newspaper, while a winner will be selected at random to receive a school visit by Costa.

Excited to be a part of the project and having penned his own letter, Mr Georgiadis says the campaign is about getting outdoors, and making time to sit and reflect on what we feel in our hearts.

“It’s an opportunity to see that it is a strength to step up and say, ‘I love this place – and

because I love it, I want to learn more about it and protect it!” he says.

Full story online.

To submit a Love Letter to the Land, visit juniorlandcare.org.au

14 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
- Jessica Cordwell
canberratheatrecentre.com.au | 02 62752700
Karen Walsh and her children write Love Letters to the Land to be sent to Junior Landcare. Photo: Kerrie Brewer. Ausdance ACT has made a Healthier Choices Canberra pledge health.act.gov.au/hcc



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ABC biased on roo cull

In its self-promotional advertising, the ABC makes itself out to be the news outlet that Australians can “trust”. Personally, I had never questioned this until I started paying attention to how the media in Canberra covers the Greens/Labor government’s horrific cull of Eastern Grey Kangaroos.

The cull has been undertaken every year for 15 years, and has seen over 39,000 healthy kangaroos and joeys killed in circumstances that most Canberrans would view as animal cruelty.

During the 2023 cull, the Canberra Times, Canberra Weekly, and City News published many letters to the editor opposing the cull, and also featured articles that raised concerns about the cruel treatment of Canberra’s kangaroos.

Aside from a short piece on ABC Canberra that presented a one-sided (i.e., Government’s view) on the cull, the ABC was completely silent.

How can the ABC claim to be the news Australians trust when they refuse to provide balanced and unbiased coverage on such a controversial topic?



system isn’t working

Some critics of the Voice claim that it undermines equality. To me this seems mistaken.

First, it suggests that Indigenous Australians have enjoyed the benefits of equality since the arrival of the First Fleet. They haven’t. They’ve been the victims of systemic inequality resulting in dispossession, violence, neglect, and repression over many decades. It’s a bit rich to now turn around and say we can’t give you a means to rectify the disadvantage we caused because that would be unequal.

Second, what we really need is equality of outcome. We need to ensure that Indigenous Australians are equal to non-Indigenous Australians

in terms of their life expectancy, education, employment and incarceration rates. The way to do that is to give them a way to open a dialogue with the executive government through the Voice, so that policy implementation achieves better results. The current system isn’t working.

Third, those who raise ‘equality’ as an issue would be much more convincing if they addressed other inequalities. For example, they could express their outrage at the inequality that voters in the ACT and the NT don’t have their votes counted in the ‘vote of states’. Both are likely to be strong ‘Yes’ supporters, so you won’t hear a whisper from the ‘No’ campaign about this inequality. That tells you that many in the ‘No’ campaign are not really interested in equality. They’re just cynically using it to scare people into voting ‘No’.

Give indigenous Australians a fair go. Vote ‘Yes’ in the referendum.

Legislation not referendum

Some voters are asking for a good reason to vote no in the referendum. How about scrapping the referendum for starters and legislating instead, saving taxpayers millions, as a legislated Voice will operate in a similar fashion, both being controlled by the Parliament. As polling is showing that the Voice now has little to no chance of succeeding, the Uluru Statement has shot itself in the foot by insisting that it must be enshrined in the Constitution, effectively denying the Voice from having a “trial run” should it have been legislated instead.

Uluru Statement from the Heart

Vi McGregor (CW 14 September) is quite free to come to the conclusion that only remote Indigenous people need more help from the general community and the government, as that is one of many interpretations of the available facts. She is

not free, however, to repeat the falsehood that the Uluru Statement is 26 pages long. It is one page long. I would appreciate it if your magazine would print the following statement from the responsible and thorough organisation RMIT FactLab, so that none of your readers are misled:

“False. The Uluru Statement is a one-page document comprising just 440 words, as confirmed by the statement’s authors. Papers released under FOI contain the statement, but also include 25 pages of background information, including minutes of meetings held with Indigenous communities in 2016 and 2017, which are not part of the Uluru Statement from the Heart. The claim that the FOI documents reveal that the Uluru Statement of the Heart is 26 pages long and contains policies such as reparations for First Nations peoples is false.”


Albanese needs to keep promises

Mary Coombe (CW 14 September) thinks the ‘No’ case is encouraging ignorance and says that the typical response to not knowing something is to go and find out. Is that why when Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was asked on radio if he had read the additional 25 pages to the A4 Uluru Statement, he replied he hadn’t? When elected as PM, Albanese said “On behalf of the ALP, I commit to the Uluru Statement from the Heart in full”. It talks about the Makarrata statement, which is treaty. Yet Albanese keeps telling us the Voice doesn’t involve a treaty, whilst also seen recently wearing a treaty shirt at a rock concert.

The ‘Yes’ campaign has turned to the blame game and is trying to paint opposition leader Peter Dutton as some kind of villain. Albanese’s choice of activists like Marcia Langton and Thomas Mayo to promote the ‘Yes’ vote has (continued page 18)

16 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
to the editor
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to the editor

(from page 16)

backfired miserably as previous footage has shown them calling Australia a racist, horrible country, wanting to punish politicians, abolish colonial institutions and seeking reparations for land, whilst the ‘No’ campaigners such as Jacinta Price and Warren Mundine have been calm, measured and articulate.

Maybe if Albanese had kept his election promises such as cheaper electricity bills, fixing the cost of living, and a clear and transparent parliament, as well as spending more than just a couple of hours in Alice Springs before jetting off to the tennis (Dutton and Price spent two days in Alice listening to locals), people would have more reason to believe him.

We are not all equal

In response to Vi Evans (CW 14 September), sadly, many of today’s negative attitudes are the detritus of yesteryear’s misconceptions. Worse, many, including some Indigenous high-profilers, continue to deny the facts. For starters, we are not all equal or blessed with equity. Our Constitution was founded on racism; a conviction that Australia should be exclusively white. Aborigines originally weren’t considered at all because it was seriously believed they would soon die out. The policies and sometimes barbarous actions of the past and present fully justify immediate Constitutional acknowledgement including the Voice.

So, why are we quibbling?

The government of the day will decide which advisory body recommendations it accepts, rejects or amends. The only Voice difference is that Constitutional enshrinement will ensure governments will have an obligation to explain their reasons to both the parliament and the people. And it will be the parliament (including the opposition) that decides the structure and operational responsibilities of the advisory body. Furthermore, the

most eminent legal advice is that the proposed Amendment will enable little or no legal challenge to any decision. There’ll be no floods of litigation – just as there were none with Mabo. Further, a Constitutional change need not be “permanent”.

There’s also the canard that the Voice is just a wasteful duplication of existing bodies; rather, the Voice has the potential to add significantly to their effectiveness.

Finally, is Vi serious when she points to the success of the few as evidence of no need for a new direction to help the many who still struggle under greater disadvantage than most white Australians - and they’re not only in remote areas?

Notions of Beauty

Thank you, Amy Blain, for your idea of beauty (CW 14 September) following my “shameful” observations about sad old Northbourne Avenue (24 August). Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Governments love people who do not lift the bar because it lets them continue unchallenged and not have to worry much about continual improvement. We sadly end up with a city reflecting lower values when this occurs. I’m strongly opposed to that concept!

Northbourne Avenue


I beg to differ with Amy Blain’s response (CW 14 September) to letters from John Lawrence (24 August) and Daphne Harding (31 August). Northbourne Avenue has not been enhanced by light rail stage 1 from Gungahlin to Canberra City: it has been defaced.

The native grasses planted along the route look like dry ‘feral’ grass just waiting for a careless spark or an arsonist. Weeds abound, some taller than the grass. Litter is accumulating, especially near Gungahlin centre and near the City centre.

Northbourne Avenue is no longer

a grand avenue leading into the nation’s capital city. Stage 2B to Woden threatens to destroy the leafy character of Commonwealth Avenue, Adelaide Avenue and Yarra Glen. To make matters worse, it would fail a cost-benefit analysis dismally.

Allow others to speak and be heard

For almost 200 years, white Australians had the only voice in

Want to share your opinion?

Australia, they were the only people allowed to speak and the only voice that was heard. They silenced every other voice.

It’s now time for white Australians to learn that they can and should share that voice they have held for so long and allow others to speak and be listened to. We can learn to share and we can make Australia a better place if we do learn to share and be fair to all Australians.


GymAware named as ACT Exporter of the Year

Kinetic Performance Technology (GymAware) was named the 2023 ACT Exporter of the Year and won the Advanced Technologies award at the ACT Chief Minister’s Export Awards ceremony on Monday evening.

“As the global leader of velocitybased training solutions [tracking the movement speed of an exercise with technology], GymAware is a Canberra business success story,” Chief Minister Andrew Barr said.

“A staggering 89 per cent of its sales are exports: 80 per cent of these are to the USA, 10 per cent to the United Kingdom, and 6 per cent to France and China.

“The company’s products, GymAware RS and FLEX, are designed to help coaches and athletes of all levels measure and track strength training activities in the weight room. Its technology has been a crucial component of weight training for professional athletes across various sporting disciplines, helping hundreds of teams and

individuals prepare for their careerdefining moments on the field.

“The company’s systems are used in weight rooms across 65 per cent of all professional sporting teams in the USA, all teams in élite Australian leagues like the NRL and Super Rugby, as well as esteemed international teams, such as the New Zealand All Blacks.”

Mr Barr congratulated Evan Lawton and his team at GymAware, “who for over 20 years have been delivering world-leading sport technology and are still at the top of their game”.

The category winners include Emerging Exporter – Infinity Avionics Pty Ltd; Resources and Energy – Ardexa Pty Limited; Sustainability and Green Economy – The Mullion Group (FLINTpro); Small Business – BixeLab; Professional Services – Teron Labs Pty Ltd; and ACT Promising Exporters – Catch the Sun Communications, and Science Skincare International Pty Ltd.

18 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
Email news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘To the editor’ in the subject field; include your full name, phone number, street address (NFP) and suburb. Keep letters to 250 words maximum. Note, letters may be shortened if space restrictions dictate.

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GIVIT seeks family activity vouchers

GIVIT is working with an organisation in the ACT that provides disadvantaged families with various support services. They are requesting donations of gift vouchers for movies, swimming pool entry, bowling and children’s activities for the school holidays. Generous Canberrans can donate vouchers or fund the purchase with 100% of money received by GIVIT used to purchase entertainment vouchers. To donate or fund, visit givit.org.au/whats-needed, search Category: ‘movies, swimming pool entry, bowling and children’s activities’; Location: ‘ACT’. GIVIT supports more than 400 charities and community groups across the Capital Region by matching your items with people who need them most.

Free Bicycle Fix N Ride Community Event

Hosted by Northside Community Service and Canberra Environment Centre, a free Bicycle Fix N Ride Community Event will be held at the Salthouse Community Centre, Haig Park on Wednesday 4 October 3-6pm. Bring your bike and join in this handson workshop for bicycle maintenance and repair. Discover valuable tips and tricks to keep your bike in top shape. All ages are welcome at this family-friendly event, organised by Northside as part of the Spring School Holiday program. More info: northside.asn.au/housing-engagement/youth-engagement/school-holiday-program/

Spring forward

Daylight Saving Time starts in the ACT on Sunday 1 October at 2am when clocks are turned forward one hour to 3am. (We lose an hour.) It will end on Sunday 7 April 2024. A handy mnemonic for remembering which way to turn the clock is: Spring forward, fall back.

Community Flea Market

The Gang Gang Cafe ‘Good Goodies’ Community Flea Market is on Saturday 30 September 3-6pm at Downer Shops. Art, clothes, cakes, gifts, vinyl records and more. Food and drinks available on site. More info: call 0422 130 625.

Rotary mangoes

Woden Daybreak Rotary Club is now taking orders for delicious Kensington Pride mangoes. The cost is $25 for 4.5kg of excellent quality mangoes. Visit trybooking.com/CJZML for more information or to order. Orders close Monday 16 October.

Kippax Uniting Church

Holiday Happenings, the popular craft and games days for primary school children at Kippax Uniting Church, are on again these holidays on Thursdays 28 September and 5 October 10am-2pm. Cost: $5 per child (max $10 per family); includes craft supplies and morning tea. BYO hat, lunch and water bottle. Bookings recommended; call the KUC office on 6254 1733.

View club

Weston Creek: Our next meeting will be held at Canberra Southern Cross Club, Woden on Tuesday 3 October 11.30am. Cost: $38 includes two-course meal. Guest speaker: Jaclyn Callaghan from Marymead Canberra. RSVP to Barbara on 0408 864 616 by Thursday 28 September. VIEW Clubs raise money for The Smith Family’s Learning for Life program, supporting disadvantaged young Australians. All members and guests are welcome.

Steampunk meets Colonial Ball

The first ever Steampunk meets Colonial Ball will be held on Sunday 1 October 7.30pm at St Saviours Hall, Goulburn NSW, as part of the annual Goulburn Gathering with the support of the Goulburn Lilac Festival. Live music will be provided by the Heritage Ensemble with calling by Don Richmond and Katherine Tammaro. All dances will be taught and called so no dance experience is necessary. Wear something lilac. Tickets: events.humanitix.com/lilac-festival-ball/tickets

Netball ACT

School holiday clinics are on 26-28 September 9am-12.30pm for children aged 5-12 at Solarhub ACT Netball Centre (indoor), Lyneham. Costs apply. Bookings via Humanitix. To find out more, email emma.brear@netballact.com.au

2023 Frog Census Training

ACT and Region FrogWatch invites you to join the annual frog census this October! But before you dive into collecting data and recording frog calls, hop on down to one of our training sessions. Discover the when, how, where and why of FrogWatching. No previous knowledge required. Just bundle up, grab your trusty torch and lace up those sturdy shoes. The training blends theory with oodles of fascinating frog facts and ID practice, all while strolling to a nearby frog habitat. Choose one session: 6-8pm on Tuesday 26 or Wednesday 27 September at Jerrabomberra Wetlands Office, Fyshwick, or Friday 29 September at Wildbark at Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary, Throsby. Free; registration required. Email: Anke Maria Hoefer, FrogWatch Coordinator, frogwatch@ginninderralandcare.org.au. Register and more info: events.humanitix.com/2023-frog-census-training

20 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
community noticeboard  email news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘HYH’ in the subject field
Special offers, events & your chance to WIN a $10,000 Prize. Scan here for more.

social scene

ABOVE Lifeline Canberra Bookfair Thank You Evening, Canberra Southern Cross Club, Yarralumla.

BELOW Opening night of Monty Python’s Spamalot, The Q – Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre.

22 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023

COTA ACT: Empowering Seniors and Enhancing Community Wellbeing for 50 years

In 2023, the Council on the Ageing ACT (COTA ACT) marks its golden jubilee – 50 years of dedication to empowering senior Canberrans and enriching our community. Over the decades, COTA ACT has quietly but profoundly transformed countless lives, making a substantial impact on the ACT and region.

Ageing comes with its unique challenges. That's why COTA ACT o ers support in understanding and connecting to services, active ageing, and even technology basics. The older person is at the centre of all they do –with services designed to inform and empower seniors to live their lives to the fullest.

COTA ACT is also out and about in the community to ensure that their services are accessible to seniors – no matter their location.

“Our regular outreach sessions at ACT Libraries ensure that seniors can connect with us in their location community,” says CEO Jenny Mobbs.

Every day, COTA ACT is speaking with dozens of older people – about issues ranging from housing options, accessing support, transport, connecting with government and community services, ACT Seniors Cards and more.

“We often refer to ourselves to an ‘in-person Google’ because we will answer any query we get,” Ms Mobbs says.

“We also put on a range of events throughout the year – including the ACT Seniors Expo, Chief Minister’s Seniors Concert, Seniors Achievement Awards, our monthly Midweek Matters information seminars and community workshops.”

As COTA ACT celebrates its 50th anniversary, it’s a time to salute the organisation's dedication to the belief that ageing is not a burden but an opportunity for growth, connection, and lasting impact. We look

forward to the next 50 years of their journey, where they continue to be a source of support for seniors and our community.

Hughes Community Centre, 2 Wisdom St, Hughes

T: 02 6282 3777

E: info@cotaact.org.au

W: www.cotaact.org.au

23 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
seniors feature Contact us to find out about the free and low cost programs we offer including information and support for seniors, ACT Seniors Card, housing and ageing options, digital support, active ageing and community connections and events For senior Canberrans www.cotaact.org.au 02 6282 3777 contact@cotaact.org.au

Confronting campaign about dementia and behaviours to promote support available for carers

A national campaign featuring a hard-hitting television commercial is aimed at increasing awareness about help available for people living with dementia experiencing symptoms including aggression, irritability, agitation, vocalisations, and delusions.

The “Dementia affects us all” campaign by Dementia Support Australia (DSA) has a special focus on the growing number of people living with dementia being cared for in their own homes.

Figures released earlier this year by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare show dementia is now the leading cause of disease burden for older Australians. About 70 per cent of people with the disease live at home, not residential aged care, and carers are unlikely to be aware of the services available.

The emotive television commercial created and produced in collaboration with Mindjam illustrates behaviours and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) through the story of a husband and wife who are living through the progression of the wife’s behaviours in their home and the stress it causes both before seeking help.

It also weaves in the role of the daughter, illustrating the importance that adult children often play in reaching out for support.

DSA, funded by the Australian Government and led by HammondCare, aims to improve the quality of life of people living with dementia who

are experiencing BPSD through relationship-based case management.

The free service is dealing with a soaring number of referrals, with the 8108 cases in 2018 more than doubling to 18,091 in 2022. Referrals are climbing again this year.

The service has more than 300 trained consultants nationally available 24 hours a day. To contact the helpline, call 1800 699 799.

DSA Head of Dementia Professional Services, Marie Alford said up to 90 per cent of people living with dementia will experience BPSD at some point in their journey with the illness.

“The campaign is deliberately confronting in its message to enable people to understand the importance of reaching out for help,” Ms Alford said.

“There is a growing desire in the community and within government reform for older people to be cared for in their own homes rather than go into aged care – that is a great thing.

“As part of this, the numbers of older people living with dementia at home will grow sharply.

“The aim of our campaign is to let carers know help is there when situations start to change, to reach out before you reach your limit.”

Ms Alford said proactive engagement with DSA to support changes in behaviour can reduce the risk of premature entry into hospital or residential aged care.

In conjunction with the campaign, geriatrician

and Senior Research Fellow, The Dementia Centre, Professor Sue Kurrle presents a series of video resources, available online, offering advice for carers faced with different behavioural and psychological changes.

An Australian Institute of Health and Welfare report released in February this year estimated there were up to 354,200 unpaid carers supporting people living with dementia last year. These carers were often working up to 60 or more hours a week.

Professor Kurrle said carers, who are usually women, often found themselves stressed to breaking point.

“Accelerating behavioural symptoms can be the trigger point for carers to feel that they are not coping,” she said.

“These carers need to know DSA is there to help if you need it day or night.”

BPSD refers to the impacts that many people living with dementia will experience, including aggression, delusions, agitation, depression, vocalisations, disinhibitions and night-time behavioural disturbances.

Most of these behaviours could be reasonably understood by knowing the person better, and understanding the impact of environmental, physical and social factors. A frequent trigger for these behaviours is undiagnosed pain.

Visit the Dementia Support Australia booth at the COTA Seniors Expo today, where you can speak in person with dementia consultants or visit dementia.com.au for practical resources or call 1800 699 799 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

E: dsa@dementia.com.au

W: dementia.com.au

24 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
seniors feature

Insurance for a cause with COTA

For over 60 years, COTA has been the peak body advocating for seniors’ rights and interests.

The funds raised by COTA Insurance support COTA’s work in these areas, along with programs on health and wellbeing, social connectivity, and participation of older people.

The COTA network entered the insurance business in the 1980s, with COTA Insurance being established in 1992. Today, they are the most experienced insurance agency in this area, insuring home, contents, motor, travel, caravans, and boats.

COTA Insurance earns commissions on the policies they provide. As a notfor-profit, all surplus funds that are generated after deducting costs are returned to COTA to support their great work. Your COTA insurance policy goes beyond protecting you and your assets.

The online services provide a great option for some customers. However, they know many people value talking directly with their wonderful staff. The team are insurance specialists who enjoy talking to people about their insurance needs.

COTA Insurance policies are backed by leading insurers, who have worked together to offer insurance products tailored to the needs of the market. Find out how to get the most from your insurance at cota.com.au

Northside Community Service Care Finders can help

Care Finders support older people who would not be able to arrange aged care services without intensive support and do not have a family member or friends who can help.

Care Finders are funded by the Government to help. A Northside Care Finder can help people understand what aged care services are available, set up an assessment, and find and choose services.

Not everyone is eligible for the Care Finder service. If you, or someone you know, needs extra support with the aged care system, call Northside Community Service on (02) 6171 8000 to check your eligibility. Care Finder is supported by funding from Capital Health Network.

T: 02 6171 8000

26 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023 seniors feature
Call us to find out more 1300 1300 50 cota.com.au Insurance and Membership Services Limited ABN 59 057 159 743, AR 246235 trading as COTA Travel Insurance is an authorised representative of nib Travel Services (Australia) Pty Ltd, ABN 81 115 932 173, AFS Licence No 308461and act as nib’s agent and not as your agent. This is general advice only. Before you buy, you should consider your needs, the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), Financial Services Guide (FSG) and Target Market Determination (TMD) available from us. This insurance is underwritten by Pacific International Insurance Pty Ltd, ABN 83 169 311 193. *Coverage is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions for each policy, as contained in the PDS. CT030323 Cover for some COVID-19 related events* Finding help as an older citizen when you need it can be hard. Care Finder Call (02) 6171 8088 to see if you are eligible for this free service.

Unlock the Optimal Retirement with Next Steps Retirement Coaching

Are you ready to embrace the next and best chapter of your life called retirement? Next Steps Retirement Coaching is your essential companion to make this transition smooth, fulfilling, and thoroughly enjoyable.

What is Retirement Coaching?

Your personal guide to help you navigate the exciting journey into retirement. Whether you’re thinking about retirement at some time in the future, about to retire, or have already taken the leap, retirement coaching provides you with access to someone who has “been there and done that” and who knows which questions to ask.

Lifestyle bliss: Dreaming of a wonderful retirement lifestyle? I will help you to identify your goals, passions, and dreams, ensuring that every day feels like a well-placed step to fulfilment.

Social connections: Don’t want to miss out on social connections? Let’s work together to help you to build new friendships, nurture existing

relationships, and ensure you stay socially active.

Health and wellness: Prioritise your wellbeing by discovering how to stay healthy, active, and vibrant in your retirement years.

Time management: Make the most of your newfound free time by mastering time management and maintaining a balanced retirement schedule.

Why Choose Retirement Coaching?

Tailored solutions: Your retirement goals are unique, and so are your solutions. I will help you to discover a personalised plan just for you.

Emotional support: Retirement can bring a whirlwind of emotions. I provide a safe space for you to express your feelings and support you to manage any challenges that arise.

Legacy and purpose: Discover new passions, leave a legacy, and find your purpose in retirement with my support.

Confidence and fulfilment: Gain the confidence to live your retirement with status

and fulfilment.

Why leave your retirement to chance? Invest in your future happiness and wellbeing with personalised retirement coaching. Embrace the possibilities, fulfil your dreams, and enjoy the damn best and perhaps longest years of your life!

Ready to Start Your Retirement Journey?

Contact me today to embark on this remarkable retirement adventure together. Your optimal retirement is waiting, and I’m here to help you to help yourself to succeed.

Next Steps Retirement Coaching, PO Box 6028, Kingston ACT 2604

T: 0421 582 055

E: nextsteps@iinet.net.au

W: nextstepsretirementcoaching.com.au

27 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023

Open Mobility: Empowering Independence Through Exceptional Service

For more than two decades, Open Mobility (formerly Riverina Scooters) has stood as a beacon of excellence in the realm of assistive technology equipment and services. With an unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, the company has established itself as a trusted provider of mobility solutions in NSW and the ACT. From mobility scooters to lift chairs, beds and daily living aids, Open Mobility offers a comprehensive range of products that empower individuals to lead independent lives.

Under the visionary leadership of Managing Director Michael Standley, Open Mobility has consistently delivered on its promise to prioritise customer needs.

“Our top priority is to ensure our customers’ satisfaction and we take pride in our ability to listen and understand their needs,” Mr Standley affirms. This customer-

centric approach has propelled the company’s growth and reputation as a reliable partner in enhancing mobility and accessibility.

Open Mobility’s dedication extends beyond its seven showroom locations, which include Belconnen and Tuggeranong in the ACT, as the company serves surrounding areas through pop-up events, and community gatherings. This approach not only highlights the company’s commitment to accessibility but also reflects their genuine effort to foster a sense of community while ensuring individuals have access to the right mobility solutions.

Open Mobility is a registered NDIS provider of assistive technology and works directly with the NDIS participant or their Occupational Therapist. As an NDIS-registered provider, Open Mobility adheres to the rigorous standards and guidelines set by

the Australian government to ensure the best possible care and support, enabling greater independence and community access for the participant.

In the spirit of continuous improvement, Open Mobility has embraced modern convenience by offering an easy-to-navigate ecommerce website. Customers can now shop from the comfort of their homes, benefiting from the same quality service and delivery options as in-showroom purchases.

Open Mobility holds NDIS registration as an accredited provider of assistive technology and collaborates closely with NDIS participants or their Occupational Therapists. Our commitment to being an NDIS-registered provider underscores our dedication to upholding the stringent standards and guidelines established by the Australian government. This dedication ensures the

delivery of top-tier care and support, ultimately empowering participants to achieve enhanced independence and improved community access.

Exciting news abounds as Open Mobility presents the Spring Scooter Sale, featuring substantial savings across their scooter range. With a staggering $500 off every scooter, coupled with a minimum $500 trade-in offer*, the sale presents an opportunity to access cutting-edge mobility solutions at unmatched value.

32 Cohen St, Belconnen ACT

T: 02 6251 4470

E: belconnen@openmobility.com.au

Tuggeranong Square, Unit 6-7, 310 Anketell Street, Greenway ACT

T: 02 6108 3899

E: tuggeranong@openmobility.com.au

W: openmobility.com.au

28 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
Belconnen seniors feature
Snowy Hillclimber Freebody Ultra Freedody (also available in Junior) Afikim S Afikim C Brandon NEW & EXCLUSIVE Ride It, Love It or Return It Come in to your local showroom and see our full range 7 Day Return Policy Service Second to None Free delivery in our service area Belconnen 32 Cohen St, ACT 02 6251 4470 Tuggeranong Tuggeranong Square Unit 6-7, 310 Anketell St ACT 02 6108 3899

ACT Deafness Resource Centre: Helping Seniors on their Hearing Loss Journey

Over the past 30 years, ACT Deafness Resource Centre has been advising seniors on how best to manage their hearing loss, says Executive Officer Joe Symons (pictured).

“I’ve been working at the centre for nearly three years now, recently promoted into the Executive Officer role,” he says.

“I have had moderate/severe hearing loss since birth, which allows me to bring lived experience to the centre. There’s no course you can do that will teach you that.”

Joe says the Centre offers important education, information, guidance and referrals.

“We’re a not-for-profit so our services are free,” he says. The Centre relies on grants and funding streams to offer the services to seniors and the greater community.

“One in six Australians has some form of hearing loss, and for people aged over 65 it’s one in four, so it’s important to have the necessary information.”

The Centre also does information sessions and talks at retirement villages and community groups.

Joe says the ACT Deafness Resource Centre specialises in Assistive Technology to help people with a hearing loss, such as, alerting systems, captioned videophones, hearing loops, personal microphones, tailored headphones and TV listening devices.

Joe has a sound knowledge about different funding options for seniors and the greater community. If you have My Aged Care, DVA or NDIS funding you can purchase these products. The Centre also has donated hearing aids and Assistive Technology for people who can’t afford devices and systems to help with their hearing loss.

Joe will be at the COTA Seniors Expo, feel free to come and have a chat to him about how you can be well equipped when it comes to hearing loss.

Grant Cameron Community Centre, Level 1b, 27 Mulley Street, Holder ACT

T: 6287 4393

E: hearinghelp@actdrc.org.au

W: www.actdrc.org.au

• One on one consultation

• Information, Resources and Referrals

• My Aged Care, DVA, and Home Care Packages

• NDIS Registered Provider (Provider # 4-3LLK-379)

• Assistive Listening Devices, Sales and Installations

• Talks and Presentations to Retirement Villages and Community Groups

• Hearing Aiders Program in Aged-Care facilities

• Donated Hearing Aids and Assistive Technology



(02) 6287 4393

30 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
seniors feature
ACT Deafness Resource Centre
Supporting You On Your Hearing Loss Journey

Capital Region Community Services: Helping Canberra’s seniors stay INVOLVEd in their community

Here in the heart of our nation, seniors form an integral part of our diverse community. Their invaluable experiences and wisdom have helped shape Canberra into the vibrant city it is today. We owe it to Canberra’s 62,000 seniors to ensure they are recognised and included in our communities.

With a third of all senior Australians living alone, there is a vital need to improve social connections for our older community members. Social inclusion is a matter of dignity and wellbeing. It is also a health issue: ensuring social connection can prevent some serious mental and physical health impacts.

Focusing on friendship, adventure and independence, Capital Region Community Services’ (CRCS) Involve program offers a safe and friendly environment where seniors can meet

people, learn new skills and have unforgettable experiences. It provides opportunities to build enduring friendships, nurture personal growth and feel a sense of belonging.

The CRCS Involve program offers a diverse schedule of activities and events driven by the interests of its members. Regular activities include gym and exercise programs tailored to various fitness and mobility levels, music groups to soothe your soul, creative arts and crafts projects to ignite your creativity, workshops where you can acquire new skills, and relaxed social groups to catch up over a cuppa.

For those seeking entertainment with like-minded people, there are book and movie clubs to share your thoughts and perspectives.

If you prefer the great outdoors, Involve has a regular walking

group, and there are day trips to attractions across the wider Capital Region. These are perfect opportunities to make new friends and explore some of the most amazing destinations in Australia.

The Involve program is open to all seniors and can be accessed through eligible Commonwealth Home Support Packages or Home

Care Packages.

Regardless of your background or circumstances, there’s a welcoming space for you within the Capital Region Community Services family.

23 Swanson Ct, Belconnen ACT

T: 02 6264 0200

E: contact@crcs.com.au

W: www.crcs.com.au

31 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023

Madison Lifestyle Communities: A Unique but Limited Opportunity

‘The Gardens at Monash’ is a unique opportunity to begin the next chapter of your life. A boutique, aged-qualified, small community of single-level homes in North Tuggeranong that is about to be built, it will be a beautiful place to call home, with residents immersed in nature and surrounded by convenience.

Unlike other retirement communities, that are mostly owned and operated by corporate organisations, ‘The Gardens at Monash’ belongs to its residents. In what is a first for Canberra, making ‘The Gardens at Monash’ so unique, is there are no costly exit or deferred management fees and the owner will retain all capital growth when the dwelling is eventually sold – unlike all the other age focused villages.

Because of this unique ownership structure, residents of ‘The Gardens at Monash’ will create the kind of community they want.

You can say goodbye to the constant grind of a high-maintenance home and upgrade your lifestyle, where you can feel free to experience life without compromising on the important things.

With seven di erent plan type options to choose from, each single-level home o ers a standard of amenity that will make life enjoyable. There are three interior designed colour schemes as well as purchaser upgrade options to choose from, so you have the opportunity to decide on the look and feel of your home. High quality inclusions and

sustainable design elements will ensure an energy e cient home with the added option to easily adapt your home for solar panels and electric car charging should you wish to do so.

Highly considered landscaping has been a cornerstone of Madison’s previous ‘Gardens’ developments and ‘The Gardens at Monash’ will be no di erent. A refined selection of mature well-developed plants will quickly establish into a lush backdrop designed to reflect and enhance the already picturesque setting. A community garden will be provided for residents with an orchard, and residents will each have their own individual raised garden beds for ease of use. A petanque court with covered seating is also part of the community area for all to share, along with a covered BBQ area that includes table and seating.

The remarkable location of these singlelevel homes places its residents in a secluded setting with Isabella Pond and Tuggeranong Creek in your backyard. Within one of Tuggeranong’s most convenient suburbs, ‘The Gardens at Monash’ o ers superb amenity. Nearby shopping facilities such as the Erindale Centre and South.Point Tuggeranong are only moments away, while Woden is just over the hill and ease of access to the city is straightforward via the Monaro Highway or Tuggeranong Parkway.

The developer, Madison, has won four ‘Medium Density Project of the Year’ awards for communities just like ‘The Gardens at Monash’.

Madison are Canberra owned and have been developing properties in Canberra since 1986 with over 3000 dwellings completed to date, for which they have received more than 20 industry awards.

‘The Gardens at Monash’ o ers singlelevel living, with generous living spaces and bedrooms, lock-up garaging, private courtyards, and superbly landscaped communal areas in a secluded location. With just 17 homes in the development, contact us now to enquire about what is available and how you can secure your place in this very special community.

Sales Consultants

Independent Property Group

Woden & Weston Creek

Nicholas Jacob

T: 02 6209 5023

M: 0432 177 449

E: Nicholas.Jacob@independent.com.au

Mark Wolens

T: 02 6209 5002

M: 0418 632 711

E: Mark.Wolens@independent.com.au

32 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
seniors feature

Honour and celebrate end-of-life at Canberra Memorial Parks

Canberra Memorial Parks is there for you to celebrate and honour the life of a loved one and find them a beautiful resting place, or to plan your endof-life options with one of our dedicated customer service team members.

“Canberra Memorial Parks offers a wide range of cremation, traditional burial, natural burial and memorialisation options to honour and celebrate community members across three beautiful parks in Woden, Gungahlin and Hall,” says CEO Kerry McMurray.

“We also assist those who would like the remains of loved ones to be buried or scattered elsewhere, in a place of personal significance.

“We recognise the diversity of Canberra and are committed to personalising services to our community. Our facilities and experience allow us to facilitate a wide range of religious, cultural and family traditions in your end of life planning.

“We keep abreast of traditional and emerging burial choices, like natural burials, and strive to honour the life of a loved one in a way that reflects their personal needs and wishes.”

Canberra Memorial Parks has recently released Olive Grove, a new area to consider for that final resting place at Gungahlin Cemetery.

“Olive Grove is nestled amongst the lawns of the cemetery with plantings of olive trees that will mature over time. Families have the option of choosing their preferred position in the area,” says Mr McMurray.

“The area consists of a long red granite beam with burial allotments either side. Each allotment has its own area for the placement of a bronze plaque, and family can have input on the design and wording of the plaque.

“Gungahlin Crematorium features a private viewing room accommodating up to 25 people, ideal for intimate services or cultural preferences.

“Our modern technology and practices at Gungahlin Crematorium ensure loved ones are always handled with care and respect.

“There is also a wide range of options available for the interment of ashes at each of our three memorial parks, with some new options planned for Gungahlin being designed.”

Gungahlin Cemetery also offers natural burials in a beautiful bushland environment which allows people's remains to decompose sustainably and return to nature.

“By choosing a natural burial, people are choosing a burial method that has a lower environmental impact,” says Mr McMurray.

“Families and friends select a small shrub from a list of approved natives for cemetery staff to plant at their loved one’s grave location post-burial.

“Gungahlin Cemetery opened its natural burial area in late 2015, and since then 101 burials have been completed. The area was expanded earlier this year to accommodate more Canberrans who are looking towards natural burials.

“We are happy to also announce that we are continuing to expand our services, with the planning and development of the new Memorial Hall and Condolence Lounge at Gungahlin Cemetery underway. We have extensively engaged with local community groups, religious and cultural partners on the design.

“The facility will combine a connection to the environment with state-of-the art furnishings and services. It is anticipated to be open in 2025.”

The team at Canberra Memorial Parks are a caring, considerate group of people who are committed to supporting the Canberra community when they need it most.

“The services we offer are facilitated by our expertly trained and considerate customer service people, who help you navigate what option best suits your personal needs and wishes or cultural tradition,” says Mr McMurray.

“Staff are available to conduct tours of the grounds at Woden, Gungahlin and Hall cemeteries and assist you with finding a beautiful resting place.

“We look forward to meeting the Canberra community at the COTA Senior’s Expo 2023 to share more information on the services we provide.”

Keep an eye on our website for future crematorium tours or take a virtual tour of Gungahlin Crematorium with Michelle Dariol and feel free to contact us via our online enquiry form with any questions or enquiries you have.

Canberra Memorial Parks, phone 6207 0000 or visit www.canberramemorialparks.act.gov.au

T: 02 6207 0000

E: canberramemorialparks@act.gov.au

W: www.canberramemorialparks.act.gov.au

34 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
seniors feature

Canberra Memorial Parks provides Canberrans with a choice in honouring and celebrating life

• Our natural burial area at Gungahlin Cemetery offers a burial with a lower environmental impact.

• Gungahlin Crematorium at Gungahlin Cemetery, the first publicly owned crematorium in the ACT, offers a wide range of services including a private viewing room - ideal for intimate services.

• Eternity Memorial Garden, Woden Cemetery, is a beautiful space where ashes can be laid-to-rest and loved ones memorialised.

• The new Olive Grove development at Gungahlin offers a premium lawn burial option to complement our range of burial products.


To make an appointment to explore end-of-life options for yourself or your loved ones, contact Canberra Memorial Parks on (02) 6207 0000.

It’s time to LiveUp

Staying independent and remaining at home is an important goal for many older people. While tired stereotypes about ageing and older people have created a culture of dependence, most people want to continue to look after themselves whilst living at home.

A lot of people think you can’t control how you age, but it’s proven that when it comes to ageing – it’s in your hands.

There are many myths and stereotypes when it comes to getting older, but the truth is only 25 per cent of how we age is due to our genetics, which means 75 per cent is purely down to lifestyle choices.

LiveUp is a free, healthy ageing guide funded by the Federal Department of Health and Aged Care, designed to help people maintain their independence and social connections as they age through healthy ageing approaches.

What is healthy ageing?

Healthy ageing is a term coined by the World Health Organization,

and is an emerging concept aimed at helping people maintain their independence and social connection as they age. It encompasses several health and lifestyle factors that are within our control.

These are exercise, social connection, and assistive products. Making informed decisions about how and when you exercise, how often you spend time with others out in your community, and which products you use to help you with daily tasks can help you age well. Around half of the common barriers many older people face when tackling daily activities can be addressed by finding and using assistive products. There are many helpful products available from wellknown retailers, and reliable online stores in Australia.

How can LiveUp help you?

On the LiveUp website, older people can complete a quick quiz that will provide personalised suggestions for low-cost assistive

products and equipment to help with everyday living.

Once people enter their postcode, they will find locally relevant activities and networks based in their Local Government Area or online, focused on keeping them physically active and socially connected.

LiveUp also features regularly updated healthy ageing articles written by allied health professionals, designed to provide information and downloadable resources for various age-related topics such as preventing falls and getting a better night’s sleep.

If you prefer to speak to someone over the phone, LiveUp offers a free personalised Navigation service to help you understand and explore your healthy ageing options.

Whether you need a little guidance, want to talk to someone about your next steps, or need

a healthy ageing map to follow, LiveUp’s friendly Navigation team can help. This service is free and completely confidential. Contact a Navigator on 1800 951 971 or at support@liveup.org.au.

If you’re ready to throw out tired stereotypes about getting older, try new interests, or take up some old ones, LiveUp can help you get started. Take the quick quiz for personalised advice about assistive products and tailored suggestions for strength and exercise, and social and cognitive activities, all in your local area or online.

Let’s add life to years, not just years to life! Welcome to the upside of ageing. Visit liveup.org.au

T: 1800 951 971

E: support@liveup.org.au

W: liveup.org.au

36 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
seniors feature

maintain your independence and social connections.

LiveUp provides the impartial expert advice, personalised support, and community connections you need to age your way.

Funded by the Department of Health and
Care, LiveUp is a free healthy ageing guide designed to help you
Welcome to the upside of ageing Talk to a Navigator for free on 1800 951 971 or discover more at liveup.org.au

Inspired Outcomes: Seniors Relocation Services

Inspired Outcomes, developed and started in 2013 by seniors advocate Margaret Warren, provides a “beautifully companioned” service to assist people to downsize from their family home to a resort, retirement village or nursing home.

As each step required is personally provided for or supervised by a senior consultant, seniors can enjoy a stress-free service in making one of the biggest decisions of their lives.

Margaret would like to walk you through Inspired Outcomes’ onestop shop for downsizing.

Margaret Warren

T: 0448 201 884

E: Margaret@inspiredoutcomes.net.au

W: www.inspiredoutcomes.net.au

Goodwin – The better life choice

Goodwin has been caring for Canberra and the surrounding NSW region since 1954. We are the ACT’s largest aged care provider, and we’re proud of our reputation as an industry leader.

We understand how life changes, and we’re here to guide you through it.

From fully independent retirement communities through to 24/7 round-theclock care, Goodwin o ers a wide range of high-quality services to meet and grow with your needs.

We’re not-for-profit and owned by our members, most of whom are Goodwin residents. We’re not a liated with any other business, property developer, political or religious body.

We’re just here to o er the best services possible. Whatever stage you’re at in your retirement or aged care journey, talk to us. We’re here to help.

T: 02 6175 5100

E: info@goodwin.org.au

W: www.goodwin.org.au

We’re proud of our reputation. Built on innovation,honest hard work and excellence. Not only for providing superior care, but helping seniors live happier, healthier and connected lives.

38 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023 seniors feature
Our services:
Residential Care
Home Care • Retirement Living
Wellness Centre Celebrating age since 1954 Talk to our experienced team to find out more 02 6175 5100 info@goodwin.org.au goodwin.org.au are you ready for your lifestyle We can provide assistance and suppor t with: • We help with selling your current home • Assistance with packing, moving and unpacking • Introduction to professional advice including Lawyer, Accountant and Financial Advisor Inspired Outcomes can help you navigate the complexities of transitioning to a retirement lifestyle that suits your needs. 0448 201 884 Call Margaret today for a free, no obligation consultation on: www.inspiredoutcomes.net.au

What is an End-of-Life Doula?

Estella Hutchinson explains that an End-of-Life Doula is a non-medical, non-clinical support person, guide and companion for individuals, their families and carers as they navigate the end of life. End-of-Life Doulas (sometimes referred to as Death Doulas) use an integrated approach that considers the mind, body, spirit and emotions of clients and their families. Estella is quick to highlight that End-of-Life Doula do not replace your medical or care team, rather they complement it and can provide a continuity of care.

Estella says that at Your Sunset End of Life Services, we strive for a world where everyone has choice, capacity, and control at end of life. There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to end of life, but not everyone knows what their options are. That’s where we come in, to assist you to learn what options are available to you in your circumstances, then to help you to fully understand your options and how to access them.

The statistics are clear – 100 per cent of people will die; and to support you as you prepare for the end, our services include end-of-life planning (advance care plans, power of attorney, wills, digital legacy plans), support to die in your own home, after death care in the home, independent funeral planning, family led funerals, funeral celebrancy, grief counselling, along with workplace and corporate grief and death literacy training.

We hold monthly Brunch with Death events where you can ask all those questions you’ve been scared to ask out loud, or your family don’t want to hear. The next will be held in Deakin on Saturday 30 September.

Your Sunset End of Life Services – servicing Canberra and surrounds via mobile service.

T: 0474 307 584

E: hello@yoursunset.com.au

W: yoursunset.com.au

We provide end of life plan reviews in the comfort of your own home, we have a look at what plans and documents you already have, what needs updating, what you still need and provide no obligation options on how to get your plans up to date.

Appointment are up to 90 minutes. We answer your questions and make recommendations suitable to your circumstances. If you go on to use any of our planning services, you’ll received a $75 towards that service. 0474 307 584

Brunch with Death

0474 307 584

39 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
Estella Hutchinson of Your Sunset End of Life Services.
I t ' s time tospringclean your endofl i f e pl a n s ! Joinintheconversation...
Spaces Limited - Booking Essential www.trybooking.com/CLDOO more info: yoursunset.com.au/brunch-with-death Come along to learn, share and ask the big questions in these facilitated monthly discussions.
$20 (brunch and refreshments at own
10.00am - 12.00pm at EQ Bakehouse, Deakin 30th Sept - End of Life Planning 28th Oct - Funeral Options 18th Nov - Your Digital End of Life EOL Plan Reviews Learn more about end of life planning at www.yoursunset.com.au/eol-planning
spring we’ll conduct your End of
life plan review for only $75pp!

seniors feature

Hepatitis ACT: Knowledge about prevention, testing and treatment

Join us at the Seniors Expo for a deep dive into two critical health topicshepatitis B and hepatitis C. Our feature event is designed to equip seniors with vital knowledge about prevention, testing, and treatment for these liver infections.

Date: Thursday 21 September 9.30am –3pm at Exhibition Park in Canberra (EPIC). Our team of experts will guide you through the nuances of hepatitis, sharing the latest breakthroughs in testing and offering practical advice. Take charge of your health by connecting with educators who are dedicated to your wellbeing.

For more information and to reserve your spot, reach out to Hepatitis ACT at 1800 437 222 or info@hepatitisact. com.au. Together, let’s ensure a brighter and healthier future for our community. Don’t miss this opportunity for insight, support, and empowerment!

36 David Street, Turner ACT 2612

T: 1800 437 222

E: info@hepatitisact.com.au

W: hepatitisact.com.au

Where Community and Compassion combine

Right at Home offers everything from companion care, to do some shopping, support to get out in the garden, to personal care, which helps with things like showering, dressing and medication prompts. We offer domestic assistance with household duties, all the way through to skilled nursing.

With an open-door policy, care plans developed by skilled nurses, zero package management fees, zero daily basic fees and client-directed service, Josh & Niesa are committed to bridging the gap between quality care and the comfort of home. Why not switch to better care?

Right at Home ACT & Queanbeyan is a 24/7 service, call us at anytime on 02 5127 5198 or you can visit us in person at 1/68 Dacre St, Mitchell Monday to Friday 8.30am-5pm. We offer free in-home visits. For more information, visit www.rightathome.com.au


• 24/7 On Call & 24/7 Care Service

• Supervised, Individual Care Plan

• Approved Home Care Package Provider Levels 1-4

• No Home Care Package Management Fees

40 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
Right at Home are leaders in quality home care and support, delivering services that allow our clients to remain safe and independent in their own home. Your local ACT & Queanbeyan Right at Home family are ready to look after yours when you can’t.
Transport P 02 5127 5198 E care.actq@rightathome.com.au 1/68 Dacre Street, Mitchell ACT, 2911 www.rightathome.com.au The Right Care, Right at Home TM
• Complex Nursing Care • Disability & NDIS Support • Flexible, Reliable, Certified Carers • Post-Operative Care • Palliative Care Support • Personal & Companion Care • Domestic, Shopping,

ACT Human Rights Commission: Protecting rights of older Canberrans

Are you concerned about how you’ve been treated by family, carers or a service provider? Or are you concerned about an older person who is a friend, relative or neighbour?

The ACT Human Rights Commission can help. Every year we help older Canberrans with concerns and complaints about:

• Retirement villages and inhome support services

• Health services and health practitioners

• Age discrimination at work, or discrimination in accessing services or accommodation

• Abuse, neglect or exploitation of someone over 60 or a person with a disability. This includes financial abuse, when someone forces you to give them money or access to your accounts; and other abuse, like controlling where you live, services you use or your decisions

• Services for victims of crime

• Services like banking

• ACT government services

You can talk to us anonymously or confidentially while we work out the best way to address

your concern. We can explain your options or help you make a complaint. We usually try and resolve concerns and complaints quickly and informally. Sometimes we organise a conciliation meeting with everyone present. After conciliation, people may receive an apology, a promise that the same thing won’t happen to anyone else, or compensation.

We know sometimes people are worried about raising a concern with the Commission even where the issue affects their day-to-day life. People who wish to talk to someone at the Commission can do so anonymously or confidentially. The Commission’s complaint handling service is also safe, accessible and free.

If a complaint is one the Commission does not have the scope to deal with, we are able to still discuss other options and make referrals to an appropriate service.

Talk to one of our team members today about your concern and how we can help resolve it.

T: 02 6205 2222

E: human.rights@act.gov.au

W: hrc.act.gov.au

41 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
Protecting the rights of older Canberrans Are you concerned about a service for an older person? Get in touch. If you’re concerned about a health service, a retirement village in the ACT, or another service for older people, talk to one of our team. We can explain your options, help you make a complaint & work with you to resolve the problem. AC T Human Rights Commission DISCRIMINATION, HEALTH SERVICES, DISABILI TY AND COMMUNIT Y SERVICES COMMISSIONER PH 02 6205 2222 human.rights@act.gov.au hrc.act.gov.au GET IN TOUCH, OR SCAN TO MAKE A COMPLAINT:
Human Rights Commission staff at a recent Seniors’ Expo.

Book in your next visit to Access Canberra

If a visit to Access Canberra is on your to-do list, you’re in luck. Bookable appointments are now available at all Service Centres.

Bookable appointments were first introduced at the Dickson Service Centre in 2022.

After positive feedback from community members, appointments were introduced in the Belconnen, Gungahlin, Woden and Tuggeranong Service Centres at the end of July.

Since opening across all centres, more than 2,000 Canberrans have opted for bookable appointments. All visitors who have left feedback have given the service a five out of five. Some of the comments left by customers include:

“The appointment system is excellent.”

“The appointment was great, no waiting.”

“5 stars.”

You can book an appointment up to two weeks in advance, and most centres will have appointments available within a couple of days from booking.

Bookings can be made by visiting the Access Canberra website or by calling 13 22 81. You will also be able to find out what paperwork you will need to complete your transaction.

By booking an appointment in advance, you can save time and streamline your visit to Access Canberra.

Both customers and staff have found they are better prepared for a transaction when it has been booked.

Once you’ve booked your appointment, you’ll receive confirmation via text and email. If you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment, you can use the confirmation text or email to do this.

Customers are reporting that their main reasons for booking an appointment are for convenience and to receive extra assistance. Many of those choosing a booking are Canberra’s seniors or those needing additional support to complete a transaction.

It’s just another way Access Canberra is making it easier for our community to access

our services.

You can continue to visit Service Centres at Belconnen, Gungahlin, Woden and Tuggeranong without an appointment, you may just have to join a queue.

It is recommended that you check wait times on the Access Canberra website before you plan your visit.

Remember, you can do most Access Canberra transactions online, including car rego renewal, paying parking fines, applying for a birth or marriage certificate, and much more.

The only transactions that need to be done in person are registrations that require a photo – driver’s licence, proof of identity, or working with vulnerable people card – or for vehiclerelated transactions such as new or transfer of registration.

Book your visit to Access Canberra now: www.accesscanberra.act.gov.au

T: 13 22 81

W: www.accesscanberra.act.gov.au

42 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
seniors feature

Visiting Access Canberra?

Save time and book an appointment online

The importance of getting checked for type 2 diabetes

As people age, they become more susceptible to a range of health conditions, including type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is the fastest growing chronic condition in Australia and there are currently over 750,000 Australians living with diabetes aged 65 years and over.

Sadly, an estimated 500,000 Australians are living with silent, undiagnosed type 2 diabetes.

Over time, the impact of diabetes can lead to a range of long-term and short-term health complications including heart, kidney, eye and foot damage.

The earlier a person is diagnosed with diabetes, the sooner they can get the right

support to manage and live well with the condition and prevent or delay many of the potential complications associated with diabetes.

There are some well understood factors that make someone at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, including both genetic factors and modifiable lifestyle factors. The risk increases as people age and so it’s important to understand the risk, keep an eye out for symptoms, and get checked regularly.

You can find out your personal risk by using the risk calculator on the Diabetes Australia website: diabetesaustralia.com.au/riskcalculator

Could you be at risk of developing type 2 diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is the fastest growing chronic condition in Australia. An estimated 500,000 Australians are living with silent, undiagnosed type 2 diabetes.

Talk to your GP about getting checked or complete our short risk calculator.

Need support?

Diabetes Australia in NSW and ACT is here to help.

Call us on 1800 177 055 or 02 6248 4500 for more information.

It’s also important to aware of the symptoms, which include increased thirst and tiredness. However, some people only experience very mild or no symptoms at all. That’s why it’s

so important to know your risk and talk to your GP about regular checks as you get older. For more information, visit diabetesaustralia.com.au or call 1800 177 055.

44 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
seniors feature diabetesaustralia.com.au

Carers ACT offers versatile respite to support you and the person you care for

Aged care respite supports carers and the people they care for, giving you both a break for a short period of time. It can give you both time and space to do things independently, or help carers attend to travel, work or other commitments by ensuring the person they care for is in good hands. Carers ACT offer several respite services to ensure carers can continue to support their loved one longer, in a way that is positive, balanced and sustainable.

Cottage respite

We provide a home-away-from-home environment for the person you care for when things get complicated, difficult or a carer encounters something unexpected. You can

take a break knowing our service providers are looking after the person you care for. Planned respite care can also help you plan for regular breaks to rest and recharge.

Tour the Cottages online at www.carersact.org.au/see-ourrespite-cottages/

Aged Care Respite Booking Service

If you care for someone with a respite care code from My Aged Care, we can do this leg work for you and take the stress out of finding a short-term respite bed for people who are frail aged.

Our respite booking service provides you with a single point of contact for aged care facilities across Canberra and Queanbeyan,

so you don’t have to call around to find a respite vacancy. We can also connect you with support for at-home care after a respite stay.

“Carers ACT found Dad a respite placement at a really difficult time over Christmas ... I had spent hours ringing multiple facilities ... but none had actual availability – we thought he would have to go back to hospital for Christmas. Luckily, one of the facilities I rang gave me the Carers ACT number. Julie found 2 respite

options for us within a couple of days. My recommendation would be – phone Carers ACT first!” –Heather, carer for her father

To book frail aged respite or enquire about our own cottage respite service, call (02) 6296 9900 or speak to a local Carer Gateway care planner on freecall 1800 422 737.

To see all respite services available, go to our website www.carersact.org.au/news and select the “Respite” category.

45 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023

Five things you need to know before moving into a retirement village

It’s a big decision to downsize into a retirement village, and you might be wondering what the lifestyle will be like, how much it costs, or what the differences are compared to a private residential sale. Here are five golden nuggets you’ll be glad you knew before making the move.

Retirement villages are an increasingly popular option for retirees, offering a strong sense of community, the peace of mind that comes with living in a safe and secure environment, and the ability to free up cash and enjoy doing things you’ve always wanted to do.

BaptistCare has served retirees in Australia for more than 75 years, supporting thousands of people to achieve their dream retirement plans amongst beautiful communities in NSW and the ACT.

1. Pricing can be tailored to suit your personal circumstances

Unlike in a private sale where you pay the market value of the property upfront, the amount you pay when buying into a retirement village (entry payment) can be potentially reduced and tailored to suit your personal circumstances.

When you leave the retirement village, this payment is returned to you, minus a departure fee, also known as a Deferred Management Fee (DMF).

2. There's a cooling-off period after the move

Most retirement villages offer a cooling off period after the move so that residents can familiarise themselves and decide if it’s for them. At BaptistCare, our residents can enjoy a 90-day money-back

guarantee whilst they settle in.

3. Village rules help to maintain a peaceful environment

Retirement communities usually have a set of village rules which apply to both residents and management, upholding the peaceful, comfortable, and relaxed setting that is so attractive to retirees. Village rules differ depending on the community, but it’s important to be aware of what they are before you move in, and make sure that they fit your lifestyle and expectations.

Village rules might be associated with:

• Noise restrictions during certain hours

• Garbage disposal

• Designated parking areas

• Keeping a pet

The rules will always be prepared in consultation with the resident community and are never altered or amended without residents’ consent; however, they may evolve over time.

4. You have certain rights and obligations as a village resident

If you’re seriously considering moving into a retirement community, learning about your rights as a village resident is a key aspect of your preparations. Retirement villages in Australia must adhere to their State or Territory’s trading legislation, providing residents with certain rights and obligations. Some of these might include the right to:

• Exercise self-reliance and autonomy in your personal, domestic and financial affairs

• Live in a village that is safe and secure

• Have requests for repairs and maintenance responded to within a reasonable time

• Have input into financial decision making

5. The

key differences to general residential living

More affordable: The 2021 Retirement Living Census found that retirement village homes cost significantly less than the median house price in the same postcode. Prospective residents might expect their retirement village home to be valued at around 80 per cent of a similar property in the local housing market.

Feeling part of a community: Many of our village residents feel a great sense of belonging when they move into a village environment, surrounded by people at a similar stage of life who often share a similar mindset.

Resort-style facilities: Village residents often tell us that retirement living feels like a permanent vacation, with facilities like swimming pools and gyms, beautifully manicured gardens, bowling greens and walking tracks.

Freedom from ongoing maintenance: One of the many benefits of downsizing into a retirement community is relinquishing the responsibility of home and garden maintenance.

Planning for your future needs: BaptistCare offers home care services to support residents in their homes as well as easy access to residential aged care should you ever need it.

Visit baptistcare.org.au/retirement-living to find a retirement village near you or call us on 1300 275 227.

T: 1300 275 227

E: ask@baptistcare.org.au

46 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
seniors feature

The Butler Canberra: Home Care, At Your Service

Nestled in the heart of Canberra, The Butler Canberra is a distinguished home care service provider owned by a dedicated local family with over two decades of invaluable industry experience.

Our local presence in Canberra is more than just a geographic location; it’s a testament to our dedication to the community we serve. We know the right people to connect with, and the best avenues to navigate. Our extensive network includes esteemed professionals in healthcare, medicine, and social services.

One of the defining features that sets The Butler Canberra apart is the unwavering commitment to being on-site and accessible to you. Unlike distant call centres that can leave you feeling disconnected and frustrated, we believe in faceto-face interactions and direct communication. We welcome you to visit our office with any questions or concerns you may have.

We believe in the importance of recruiting, hiring, and training our own caregivers, ensuring

that their values align perfectly with ours. This approach enables us to maintain the highest standards of care and ensures that our clients receive the compassionate and dedicated support they deserve.

Our comprehensive range of services is tailored to meet your unique needs, prioritising your wellbeing and comfort. Whether you opt for our services through a Home Care Package or choose our convenient fee-for-service option, we are here to simplify your life.

Our offerings are diverse, encompassing personal transport services to ensure you never miss an appointment or a cherished outing. Whether it’s garden maintenance to household chores or meal preparation services, we have got you covered.

Medication management becomes hasslefree with our qualified nurse, allowing you to focus on what you love. Our experienced healthcare professionals provide clinical care, whether short-term or long-term. Safety

modifications to your home, IT assistance, and assistive technology support are among the many ways we enhance your quality of life at The Butler Canberra.

We stand as a beacon of excellence in redefining the standards of home care services in the region, committed to enabling you to embrace a longer, fulfilling life in the comfort of your own homes.

94 Fullagar Crescent, Higgins ACT

T: 02 5134 5982

E: hello@thebutlercanberra.com.au

W: www.thebutlercanberra.com.au

48 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
seniors feature

Nurse Next Door: There is No Place Like Home

In the heart of Australia’s capital city, Canberra, residents have access to a team of qualified and compassionate caregivers and nurses through Nurse Next Door Home Care Services who believe, deeply, that ageing is something we should celebrate!

Underpinned by their philosophy of care known as ‘Happier Ageing’, Nurse Next Door Home Care Services focus on enhancing your life so you can continue to lead one that is filled with Positivity, Possibility and Purpose. This approach fosters emotional wellbeing and social engagement, ultimately leading to a happier, healthier you.

Nurse Next Door Home Care Services is deeply embedded in the Canberra community. They understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with

Happier Ageing,

providing care. They are not just a service provider but a partner in the wellbeing of the community. They actively engage with local organisations and support groups to ensure residents in Canberra receive the care and attention they deserve.

Nurse Next Door Home Care Services’ team in Canberra understands that home is where the heart is, and they strive to help people in the local community maintain their independence and quality of life while staying in the comfort and safety of their own home. Caregivers and nurses are carefully chosen for their empathy and commitment, ensuring a positive and nurturing experience for clients.

From assisting with daily activities to providing companionship, Nurse Next Door

Home Care Services covers a wide range of services tailored to individual needs. Whether it’s help with medication management, meal preparation, or simply offering a friendly chat, their caregivers are there to make a meaningful difference in the lives of their clients.

your own home, on your own terms. From companionship to 24/7 nursing, our talent is

In Canberra, Nurse Next Door Home Care Services shines as a beacon of compassionate care, ensuring that every person is treated with dignity, and respect. After all, love is in the details.

49 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
T: 1300 600 247 W: nursenextdoor.com.au nursenextdoor.com.au
1300 600 247

New bus timetable from 9 October 2023

A new Transport Canberra bus timetable will be implemented from Monday 9 October to align with the start of the school Term 4.

The timetable features more frequent weekday bus services, most of which will run at least every 30 minutes throughout the day.

A return to 30-minute daytime frequencies will ensure improved o -peak services can be provided between 9.30am and 3.30pm, while maintaining reliability. The increased frequency has resulted in changes to the first and last service times for some bus routes.

Some refinements have also been made to 14 school services based on school and community feedback and to align with updated school bell times.

The new timetable does not include changes to weekend bus services and there are no changes to light rail frequency.

Visit the Transport Canberra webpage (www.transport.act.gov. au) for more information or scan the QR code on the opposite page to be taken directly to all the details.

Transport benefits for seniors

Did you know ACT Senior Card holders are eligible for discounted travel on buses and light rail?

Simply link an ACT Seniors Card with a MyWay account and enjoy discounted concession fares and free o -peak travel on all Transport Canberra services.

That’s free travel between 9.00am and 4.30pm, and after

6.00pm Monday to Friday and free travel during weekends and public holidays.

Over 70? ACT residents aged 70 and older are eligible for free travel all the time no matter what day it is.

Seniors aged 70 and over are also eligible for Transport Canberra’s free ‘flexible bus service’. This service can be booked by appointment to assist with getting to and from appointments and errands.

Call 6205 3555 to make a booking at least two days prior to your engagement.

Rethink your routine

With the cost of living going up and infrastructure improvements ramping up across Canberra, there’s no better

time to change up your commute and use public transport.

Using buses and light rail, or getting active by walking, riding or scooting is a great way to build better habits.

It’s also a great way to save money on parking while reducing fuel consumption and carbon emissions.

Whether you are new to public transport or a seasoned traveller, Transport Canberra has everything you need to get started or back into the groove.

Maps are available for every region of the ACT and show all the public transport and active travel connections available to you.

Plan your journey at www.transport.act.gov.au

50 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
FROM 9 Oct 2023 New bus timetable in place PLAN AHEAD Rethink your routine www.transport.act.gov.au or call 13 17 10

People come to Arthritis, Pain Support & ME/CFS for many reasons, but mostly because they are looking for some help. Often, people aren’t really sure what that help is and are quite surprised when they hear what we have to o er.

Arthritis, Pain Support and ME/ CFS o er a full range of allied health services.

“People come to us initially to, say, see the physio, and then find themselves joining group exercise classes such as strength and balance, joining a support group for people living with chronic pain, attending a mindfulness program for people living with chronic pain, and joining in on education programs to learn ways of making their lives healthier and more fulfilling,” says Rebecca Davey, CEO.

“The nicest thing we see is when people attending our group programs become friends, and

we get told of the morning teas, lunches, even trips to the coast that they do together.

“There is no age limit for attending our programs, however, we do largely have a larger cohort of service users,” says Rebecca.

As a membership organisation, Arthritis, Pain Support & ME/CFS do o er lower cost services to the community. There is also the added extras of membership that are attractive to many.

“We provide an online exercise program that is led by our EP’s three days a week that is at no cost to our members,” says Rebecca.

At least a couple of times a month, Arthritis, Pain Support & ME/CFS will provide information talks on anything related to chronic pain and debilitating fatigue, including utilising all kinds of experts who operate in our wider community to give our members

a better understanding of what supports there are out there that can make their lives better.

Arthritis and Pain Support will help you in practical ways such as:

• Physiotherapy – including the GLAD program for hip and knee osteoarthritis. We have our physio Linda who runs a ‘Mindfulness for Chronic Pain’ Program that is delivered online in your home. Our physios also run falls prevention workshops as well as provide regular physiotherapy treatment.

• Exercise physiology –including individual exercise prescriptions and small group classes. Our Strength and Balance Program operates out of Weston Creek, Pearce and Bruce, and we o er Pilates,

Tai Chi and hydrotherapy classes as well.

• Occupational Therapy – Our OT is qualified to undertake driver assessments and assist your car modifications if needed. He also provides assistance with home modifications.

• Hydrotherapy across Canberra and we can provide you with your own program to undertake in your own hydrotherapy setting.

• Dietetics – meal planning, weight management, food intolerance support.

• Group or individual education on the root causes of pain and how to improve your quality of life.

T: 1800 011 041

E: info@arthritisact.org.au

W: www.arthritisact.org.au

52 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
seniors feature
Arthritis ACT: There is no pain that is too little or too big for us to help you with
Arthritis, Pain Support & ME/CFS ACT are here to assist you with any chronic pain or fatiguing condition There is no pain that is too little or too big for us to help you with. Arthritis and Pain Support will help you in practical ways such as: • Physiotherapy – including the GLAD program • Exercise physiology - including individual exercise prescriptions and small group classes. • Occupational Therapy • Hydrotherapy • Dietetics – meal planning, weight management, food intolerance support. • group or individual education on the root causes of pain and how to improve your quality of life Arthritis and Pain Support offers individual appointments with all our allied health practitioners, and we welcome people who utilise the NDIS, DVA and My Aged Care. Give us a call today 1800 011 041 www.arthritisact.org.au info@arthritisact.org.au

David Smith MP: Supporting Pensioners and Retirees

The Albanese Labor Government has committed to helping older Australians. We are helping people by giving more older Australians access to the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card, delivering cheaper medicines, and topping up the Age Pension work bonus income bank.

We’ve also put an end to the Morrison Government’s neglect of aged care, to make sure older Australians are treated with the respect they deserve.

I understand that our local community of Canberra has been built on the hard work of our older Australians. Locally and at the national level, we have an ageing population, and it’s important we have policy that best supports you.

In our Budget, I was proud to see the Government extend eligibility for the existing higher rate of JobSeeker Payment to those aged 55 to 59; support independent living at home with an additional 9,500 Home Care Packages; increasing the maximum rates of Commonwealth Rent Assistance by 15 per cent; providing energy bill relief; and investing $3.5 billion to triple the bulk billing incentive.

Amongst other indexation changes that are coming into effect on September 20, recipients of the Age Pension will receive an increase to their payments. The single pension rate will increase by $32.70 to $1096.70, and the rate for couples combined will increase by $49.40 to $1653.40. These figures

include Pension Supplement and Energy Supplement.

Income limits for Commonwealth Seniors Health Card recipients will also be indexed, increasing by $5400 to $95,400 per annum for singles and by $8640 to $152,640 per annum for couples combined.

I am always here to help you in any way I can — including connecting you to local services and supports. Please do not hesitate to call my office if we can be of any assistance.

We also produce a pensioner and retirees kit that that has a range of useful information relating to the

payment rates as well as information relating to services, community networks and general safety tips.

The Albanese Government is proud to continue the strong Labor tradition of support for older Australians. We are committed to treating all older Australians with the respect you deserve.

David Smith MP, Government Whip 205 Anketell St, Greenway ACT

T: 02 6293 1344

M: 0427 544 368

E: david.smith.mp@aph.gov.au

W: davidsmith.org.au

Information for Retirees and Seniors

I am looking forward to joining you at the Seniors Expo. Drop by my stand to raise any Federal Parliamentary matters that are important to you I can also assist with:

Government department inquiries, including pensions, Medicare and and My Aged Care

54 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
seniors feature David SMITH MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR BEAN Authorised by David Smith, ALP, Greenway, ACT, 2900 Can’t make it, but would like to request a co of the 80 page booklet? Go to: davidsmith.org.au/retirees or call 6293 13 Arranging congratulatory message
General and Prime Minis
Pick up a copy of my popular booklet: Information for Retirees and Seniors in Bean Supported Connected Informed

Take Control – Live Well: a FREE program for people with chronic conditions

Do you have a chronic condition?

Are you struggling to make changes? Take Control – Live Well can help!

Over three weeks, you will learn about:

• Living with chronic conditions

• How to make positive changes and achieve your health goals

• The mind-body connection

• How to get the most out of your health appointments

• Local services available to you You will get helpful resources, your own health action plan, and connect with others in a safe and welcoming space. The next programs will start:

• Online on Wednesday 4 October 2023 at 5pm

• In Kambah, on Wednesday 8 November 2023 at 9.30am

T: 02 5124 9977

E: SelfManagement@act.gov.au

W: canberrahealthservices.act.gov.au

Take Control – Live Well

“When you are trying to find your feet and don’t know what to do, the skills and connection with others in the program really helps.” – past participant.

Only 2 more programs for the rest of 2023.

January Health Foods: Your GlutenFree, Dairy-Free, and Vegan Haven

Discover a world of delicious options tailored to your dietary needs at January Health Foods!

If you’re living with coeliac disease, gluten intolerance, or choose a dairy-free and vegan lifestyle, we’ve got you covered. Our shelves are stocked with a delightful range of gluten-free staples, dairy-free alternatives, and mouthwatering vegan delights. Variety, quality and your wellbeing are our top priorities, ensuring you enjoy each bite worry free. Visit us in-store where our knowledgeable staff is ready to assist you.

At January Health Foods you can enjoy the freedom of gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegan living without reading the labels.

Shop 2A/1 Chandler Street, Belconnen ACT

T: 0433 834 427

E: hello@januaryhealthfoods.com.au

W: januaryhealthfoods.com.au All

55 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
your gluten free, dairy free and vegan needs in one location Explore the Range 0433 834 427 Shop 2a, 1 Chandler Street, Belconnen
| www.canberrahealthservices.act.gov.au Book your FREE spot today!
a chronic
3 week Take Control
5124 9977
condition? Our
- Live
gives you the skills
confidence to take control.

Hindmarsh Retirement:

Like so many empty nesters on the cusp of retirement, Colleene Sheridan and her husband Bryan had never really thought much about retirement villages. But a friend got her thinking.

“We went to Marigal Gardens just to have a look and we really liked the look and the idea of it,” says Colleene.

Before they moved, the couple heard a lot of concerns around the financial costs of a village.

“Everyone says, what about the exit fees? But we’re doing our kids a favour because they’re not going to have to worry about us.”

For Colleene, one of the most important benefits of living at Marigal Gardens is the sense of safety and security she feels, both physically and financially. But she also loves the freedom she and her husband have now, to live life to the full, without the demands of household maintenance.

Colleene takes full advantage of the amenities and activities and she’s “so excited” about the new pool, which is due second half of 2024.

Her advice to anyone thinking of a retirement village move. Don’t wait. “It’s the best thing we ever did,” she says.

Carol Taylor and her husband David have led exciting lives travelling the globe. So, when it came to downsizing, they wanted a comfortable ‘forever home’ that would offer the right support they may need as they get older.

Carol and David chose The Grange in Deakin.

Carol appreciates that The Grange is ideally situated. There is a host of medical specialists in walking distance, as well as shops and cafes. It’s easy to access everything she needs.

Carol and David also love the ‘village feel’ of The Grange.

“With its established trees and pretty gardens and villas built in a circle, we enjoy a unique village atmosphere here where we can stop for a chat with neighbours if we wish or be private if we prefer.”

One of the biggest myths, according to Carol, is that “you’re going to be surrounded by a whole lot of doddering old folk who are boring”.

“We have just made so many wonderful friends. I think that’s very best thing about it.”

There are many reasons people choose to move into a retirement village, however, the consensus is the old cliché, ‘it was the best decision we/I ever made’.

“I have watched friendships flourish in all our villages, with many finding new friends they travel with now, whilst still enjoying the friendships outside the village. It’s great to see our residents find groups with the

same interests which they pursue together,” says Michaela Howard, Sales Manager.

“The reasons people choose to move to a retirement village really do vary. One resident wanted the peace of mind that someone would be there to change the lightbulb for her if her husband passed. This might sound silly to some, but our villages give some people peace of mind,” Michaela says.

“Each of our villages are unique, which means there is usually a village to suit everyone’s needs. They are all well located, offer great facilities, and have a varied selection of floorplans.”

Hindmarsh Retirement have three villages across South Canberra: the Grange in Deakin, Bellerive Village in Lyons, and Marigal Gardens in Kambah.

Marigal Gardens is halfway through construction of its new apartments which provide an excellent opportunity to plan your move.

T: 1300 884 784

E: micheala.howard@hindmarsh.com.au

W: www.hindmarshretirement.com.au

56 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
‘Don’t wait until you’re too old’
People worry about what it’s going to cost, but they don’t think about what you gain while you’re here. And that’s the most important thing."
One of the things you hear about old age generally is loneliness. There’s no way that David or I are ever going to be lonely here."

Planning to downsize?

Brand new 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments selling now. We believe a home is more than just bricks and mortar. It’s a place where you feel you belong. At Marigal Gardens, you’ll enjoy access to great facilities and feel part of an already established and thriving community, exclusive to over 55s. Where family and friends are always welcome.

When you’re ready to unwind or entertain in the privacy of your own home, you’ll enjoy:

• generous open plan living areas designed to be practical and inviting

• well-appointed kitchens with all the modern conveniences

• reverse cycle air-conditioning

• double glazing

• abundant light and ingenious use of space

• sophisticated neutral palette and subtle textures create a timeless canvas to add your own personal touch

• internal access to a secure car space

• 24-hour emergency assistance at the push of a button. Experience convenient and comfortable living, many with breathtaking views, in your choice of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments at Marigal Gardens.

Display Suite open. Book a private tour or join us at our Open for Inspections every Wednesday, 10am to 2pm.

OVER 70% SOLD 21
Renders are for illustrative purposes only. Details are correct at time of printing and subject to change. August 2023
Snodgrass Crescent, Kambah ACT 2902 P: 1300 884 784 | www.marigalgardens.com.au

You deserve better, fair compensation for injured Canberrans

Maliganis Edwards Johnson (MEJ) has been protecting the rights of injured Canberrans since 1985. We have been trusted by Canberrans for decades, and are proud to support people from across the region.

MEJ are legal specialists in personal injury and understand the complexity of the laws that govern compensation in the ACT.

Being injured can have a traumatic e ect on your life and on your family. You shouldn’t have to live with a physical or psychological injury because of someone else’s negligence or abuse. That’s why when it comes to awarding you compensation, we believe you deserve better.

The experienced team know that without the right legal advice and representation, you can miss out on fair compensation and incur unnecessary costs. We provide services in the following areas:

• Public liability

If you or someone in your family has su ered injury due to the negligence of a person, organisation or a company, then you may be entitled to compensation.

• Motor vehicle accidents

If you’ve been involved in a motor vehicle accident, our team can help you understand what comes next.

• Workplace injuries

The ACT Workers Compensation system is designed to protect you, MEJ can assist if you

su er injuries at work.

• Construction site accidents

Construction sites can, by their nature, be dangerous workplaces. However, many construction site accidents could have been prevented if proper safety procedures were followed.

• Medical negligence

Canberra o ers some of the best levels of healthcare in the world – but instances of negligence can still occur.

• Estate disputes

It is hard when someone close to us dies. This time can be made even more challenging if you believe you have been treated unfairly or left out when it comes to inheritance and distribution of the deceased’s estate. We can help.

• Wrongful death and compensation to relatives

If someone close to you dies due to the negligence of another, we can take care of the complexity at this di cult time.

• Institutional abuse

Our team has the compassion and experience to support victims of abuse. Compensation can’t change the past, but it can empower your future.

How we work

We understand that taking legal action at such a stressful time can be daunting. That is why we walk hand in hand with our clients to guide you through

the process every step of the way.

MEJ’s philosophy is simple—if you’ve been injured through someone else’s fault then you deserve fair compensation. However, it’s important that you act quickly to achieve the best possible result. We o er a free initial consultation and work on a ‘no win – no fee’ basis.

What is a ‘no win – no fee’ costs agreement?

At Maliganis Edwards Johnson, a ‘no win – no fee’ costs agreement gives you access to justice regardless of your financial circumstances. Typically, you will only need to pay us after your case is settled, or otherwise decided, and only if you are successful.

We understand that many people can’t a ord to pay legal costs up-front or on a ‘pay as you go’ basis. This is even more so if you cannot work and face mounting medical bills after being injured though someone else’s negligence.

A ‘no win – no fee’ agreement shows our commitment to you and demonstrates our confidence in our ability to win.

Our ‘no win – no fee’ agreement applies to the vast majority of our cases, but there are some more complex claims (such as challenging medical law issues) that may require a contribution to the upfront cost of investigating your claim. Our team will make sure you are aware of any costs before you sign up to be our client.

You deserve better.

T: 6257 2999

E: mail@mej.com.au

W: mej.com.au

58 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
seniors feature
You deserve better. You shouldn’t have to live with a physical or psychological injury because of someone else’s negligence or abuse. That’s why when it comes to awarding you compensation, we believe you deserve better. Suffered from negligence or abuse? You deserve better. Don’t delay. Call MEJ. 02 6257 2999 mej.com.au





1 Fertile spot (5)

4 Religious devotion (9)

9 Affliction (7)

10 Discussion group (7)

11 Set of stairs (9)

12 Expand (5)

13 French for 'me' (3)

14 Large African antelopes (11)

16 Limitation (11)

19 United Arab Republic (1.1.1)

20 US actor Willem – (5)

22 Spices used to add flavour (9)

25 Funk (7)

26 Foes (7)

27 Those appointed to act on behalf of another (9)

28 With cunning (5)


1 Gems (5)

2 Deliverance from harm (9)

3 Show contempt (5)

4 Snare (7)

5 Bawdy (7)

6 University divisions (9)

7 Muppet partner of Bert (5)

8 A person who takes defeat poorly (4,5)

13 Round nut (9)

14 Shrivelling (9)

15 Lack of intelligence (9)

17 Harsh in manner (7)

18 Tidies (7)

21 Photographic items (5)


1 Which is larger: a megabyte or a terabyte?

2 The name of what form of massage comes from the Japanese words for finger and pressure?

3 What is the only even prime number?

4 Emma Thompson plays which character in the Harry Potter films?

5 How many time zones are there in Russia?



This is a good week to deepen connections with those you love as it’s a romantic and creative time. News from the past may be unexpected. Someone may need your help and if you need advice, it will be available.


Workers will experience a busy but also lucrative time. You may reunite with someone and domestic matters will flourish. Someone close may have unexpected news. It’s a good week for health appointments and to gain advice from an expert.


A trip or social event will appeal, and you will enjoy the company of those you love. You may also receive good news from a friend, a group or an organisation, which could boost your status. Just avoid over-tiring yourself.


You’ll enjoy outgoing and upbeat developments in connection with the company you keep and, for some, financially. It is possible to advance in your work or career so do take the initiative. A personal matter is best approached sensitively next week.


You can make a great deal of progress within your career and financially. You will also gain the opportunity to make positive steps domestically and in your love life, especially this weekend, when a therapeutic development will be a focus.


You will reap the benefits of your past hard work, as you’ll gain traction at work. A shared project or venture can blossom. Health and beauty can also flourish. Just ensure communications are super clear to avoid misunderstandings.


You will enjoy socialising and networking and will appreciate the company of like-minded people. You may experience a breakthrough financially, but must avoid overspending as a result. It’s a good time to talk and for negotiations, so be bold.


You may experience a financial or a work boost this week. A creative and personal venture can steam ahead too, so be sure to take the initiative. Romance could blossom, but someone – or you – may be feeling vulnerable, so tread softly.


Make space for what you love; a trip to the coast or simply catching up with friends and someone special will boost morale. You may receive good family or personal news next week. It’s a good time for a health appointment.


Productive talks, get-togethers and feeling that you’re appreciated will certainly boost your feel-good factor. You’ll enjoy a trip or news from a friend or organisation next week. A domestic matter will make progress after a delay or stall.


You’ll enjoy socialising or a romantic get-together. You may make considerable progress either at work or financially next week. A personal project will require patience and, as a result, you’ll make progress. An expert or advisor may be helpful.

LEO JUL 23 – AUG 23

You could make great progress with your work and health, so be sure to be proactive in these areas. A trip, a reunion and the chance to indulge in your favourite activities will appeal. Just avoid overspending if already in debt.


Puzzles and pagination © Pagemasters | pagemasters.com

“Where nature meets perfection”

60 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023 Brain busters: 1. A terabyte 2. Shiatsu 3. Two 4. Professor Trelawney 5. 11 DIFFICULTY RATING  91 54 9 72 56 67 9 721 34 83 7 85 3 84 572 26 7 No. 1638 697152348 465297183 173925864 312846759 721583496 549618237 854379621 938461572 286734915
23 Starts (5) 24 Windy (5) 2875
CROSSWORD SUPER SUDOKU 2109 21 SEPTEMBER - 27 SEPTEMBER DIAMONDS MANUKA Shop 5 Manuka Arcade, Manuka | Phone 62 95 6448 | Email info@diamondsmanuka.com.au
For personal readings, contact Patsy through her website to make an appointment, or call 0448 808 333. Facebook: facebook.com/patsybennettpsychicastrology Instagram: instagram.com/patsybennettastrology www.patsybennett.com

Recipes for the Seoul

With the announcement that K-pop idols Twice will become the first female group to headline a stadium in Australia, coming to Melbourne on 4 November, we are all feeling the Korea-boom.

Korean fried chicken

Serves 4 | Prep 15 mins

Rest 20 mins | Cook 20 mins

700g chicken breasts, skin on

150ml (generous 1/2 cup) milk

2 tsp salt

1 tsp mild paprika

1 tsp mild yellow curry powder

2 tsp garlic powder

1 litre (4 cups) neutral vegetable oil

3 crushed almonds (or peanuts)

For the Korean fritter batter

300g plain flour

1 egg

1 tsp salt

100ml (scant 1/2 cup) beer

200ml (generous 3/4 cup) water

To make the batter, place the flour, egg, salt and beer in a bowl. Stir in the water gradually while mixing. The batter should be smooth and free of lumps.

Matcha and white chocolate hotteok pancakes

Makes 6 | Prep 15 mins

Rest 2 hours | Cook 1 hour

200ml (generous 3/4 cup) water

5g dry baker’s yeast

25g white (granulated) sugar

50ml (scant 1/4 cup) milk

2 Tbsp matcha green tea powder

200g plain (all-purpose) flour

70g glutinous rice flour

1 tsp salt

Neutral vegetable oil

For the filling

50g white cooking chocolate

30g hazelnuts

1⁄3 tsp vanilla powder

Warm the water, add the yeast and white sugar, then mix together. Stand for 5 minutes. Warm the milk, add the matcha powder and mix. Mix the matcha milk with the sweetened water with the yeast.

Tip the plain flour, glutinous rice flour and salt

into a bowl. Pour in the water and matcha milk mixture gradually, stirring after you pour in each third. Put on a pair of gloves and oil them liberally with the neutral oil, then mix the dough using your hands. The dough must be smooth and sticky. Cover and allow to stand for 2 hours at room temperature.

Cut the white chocolate into pieces and crush the hazelnuts. Combine the chocolate, hazelnuts and vanilla powder.

In a 9cm diameter frying pan, heat a layer of vegetable oil. Put on gloves and oil them liberally. Take a generous handful of dough in your hand. Spread it out slightly, make an indent in the middle and add a heaped tablespoon of the hazelnut-chocolate filling. Close by stretching the edges of the dough upwards to cover the filling.

Place the filled dough in the frying pan. Press gently with an oiled metal pusher (or use an oiled spatula) to obtain a round shape without piercing the dough. Turn over halfway through cooking or after about 5 minutes. Both sides should be nicely golden brown. Make 6 pancakes in total, perhaps serving with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream and some berries.

Cut the chicken breasts into roughly bite-sized pieces. Pour the milk over the chicken pieces. Cover and leave to rest for 20 minutes.

Drain the chicken using a colander. Place the chicken pieces in a bowl with the salt, paprika, curry and garlic powders. Massage the spices into the chicken. Mix with the fritter batter. Heat the oil to 170°C. To check the temperature, let a drop of batter fall into the oil: if it immediately rises to the surface, the temperature is correct. Ensure each piece of chicken is well coated with batter and drop them into the oil. The chicken pieces should not stick to each other in the oil. Fry for around 5 minutes. Take the chicken out and let it drain for 5 minutes on a wire rack. Fry again for 3 minutes and allow to drain for 5 minutes.

For the Yangnyeom sauce recipe, visit canberraweekly.com.au

61 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
Images and text from Korean Home Cooking by Jina Jung, photography by Akiko Ida. Murdoch Books RRP $49.99.

Queanbeyan Players take a trip to Oklahoma!

A golden haze on the meadow welcomes a beautiful morning as Oklahoma! takes the stage, first opening on Broadway 80 years ago. Since then, the musical has seen numerous revivals, a film, and countless iterations by school, amateur and semi-professional theatre groups. Closer to home, the Queanbeyan Players will perform the beloved work at The Q –Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre on 13-29 October.

Based on the play Green Grow the Lilacs by Lynn Riggs, the classic tale is set at the dawn of the 20th century in the Oklahoma territory. At a time when local farmers and cowboys were at odds, farm girl Laurey must choose between cowboy Curley and farm hand Jud.

“You’ve got that boy meets girl, or boy has kind of known girl for a long

time but hasn’t had the opportunity or the ability to ask her out on a date. You’ve got your protagonist, Jud, who comes in and he’s a little bit different,” says Belinda Hassall, co-director and co-choreographer.

Recreating the play as a musical, the original production earmarked a number of firsts. Often referred to as the first Golden Age musical, Oklahoma ditched comic gags or novelty acts, marked the first collaboration of Richard Rogers and Oscar Hammerstein II, and used dance numbers for a greater purpose.

“This was the first musical where the choreography was actually used to progress the story. Previous to that, it had just been kind of a little bit of entertainment, an interlude to

Working on the project since 2019, the pandemic put a halt on the 2021 production. Now, the volunteer team is excited to see it preparing to take the stage next month. New to directing, both women come from strong dance and choreography backgrounds and appreciate how the craft is used in the production.

“There’s a dream ballet towards the end of Act One and in that we really get to see some insight into Laurey and how she feels towards both men who are courting her,” says Ms Philipp.

Infused with drama, a classic love tale, and moments of comedy, the co-directors say there is something for everyone in the play, including some adult themes. They recommend parental/adult discretion when considering bringing underage viewers.

Full story online.

Experience the charms of Oklahoma! at The Q – Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre, 13-29 October; queanbeyanplayers.com

62 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
Queanbeyan Players present Oklahoma! at The Q – Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre, 13–29 October. Photo supplied.
time out cover story Egg-Straordinary
7 October - 10am and 12.30pm The Q - Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre Parenting... how hard boiled can it be?

Heartbreaks and homecomings fly in Rosieville

Dealing with heartbreak, break-free birds and life continuing, Canberra Youth Theatre (CYT) presents Rosieville at Canberra Theatre Centre from 29 September to 8 October.

Commissioned by CYT and written by Mary Rachel Brown, the play looks inside a Belconnen cul-de-sac where the neighbours are waiting for a homing pigeon to return to its coop. The free-flying bird that may never come home exposes how everyone is waiting for something.

“Everyone has an unfulfilled expectation … Although most people hide it well, everyone usually has something they want that they don’t quite have yet,” says Ms Brown.

The play focuses on Rose, a teen who encounters her first heartbreak and the challenges and family issues that come along with it. Ms Brown wanted to focus on the ways we keep going during times of difficulty, saying heartbreak is an experience that is both unique and universal.

“The job of theatre is to give voice to the

things that we find hard to talk about. In general, when people feel a bit lost or heartbroken a lot of the time they try and hide it.”

If you want to know yourself a bit better, Ms Brown says there is nothing better than heartbreak to aid in the introduction. However, the experience is always a bit easier with a friend of a different species.

“There’s something about the relationship with an animal that’s just so simple and easy that it’s a really beautiful thing,” she says.

In her dreams, Rose is helped by a feathered friend – the pigeon is a representation of her subconscious. Initially disappointed, Rose expected her totem animal would be a bit fancier. The persistent and clumsy bird strives to guide Rose; knowing both the ground and the sky, it sees everything from a different viewpoint.

“The pigeon presents Rose’s inner world and what she’s choosing to hide from other people,” Ms Brown says.

Originally choosing the homing pigeon as a

metaphor to keep going when you’re feeling lost, she soon found herself becoming a fan of the once noble birds.

Full story online.

See Rosieville at Canberra Theatre Centre from 29 September to 8 October; canberrayouththeatre.com.au

Canberra’s greatest psychic fair is back!

Browse through a great selection of stalls featuring crystals, handmade, jewellery, tarot cards, books, handmade, soaps and candles, clothing, or photography, psychic, artists, wicca, and witchy products.

Psychic or mediumship readings will be available from 10 of the best psychics around Australia.

Come join us for a weekend of all things spiritual!

Where: Vikings Club Tuggeranong

When: 7th – 8th October 2023 | 10am – 5pm each day

Admission: $5 per person | Kids under 16 FREE ENTRY


63 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
Claire Imlach and Imogen Bigsby-Chamberlin in Rosieville Photo Canberra Youth Theatre

Paint the Town Red with CAPO this November

For the past 40 years, the Capital Art Patrons’ Organisation, aka CAPO, has been helping Canberra region creatives achieve their dreams through its annual grants program. Raising funds through its annual Auction Gala, CAPO celebrates its ruby anniversary at Albert Hall on Friday 10 November with an event that is set to ‘Paint the Town Red’.

“We’ve got our red carpet on loan from the National Portrait Gallery, we’re holding it at Albert Hall, which has got its own red carpet as well. So, there’s extra red carpet. We secured the presence of the Governor-General and his wife, who were invited to attend,” says CAPO president, Penny Jurkiewicz.

Spend the evening sipping delightful drops, dining on canapes from Kitchen Witchery, and soaking up the lively ambience. Live entertainment will be provided by pianist Tony Magee early in the evening before DJ Sam Tingey calls everyone to the dancefloor.

“We have a brilliant raffle and a door prize,” says Ms Jurkiewicz. “The raffle’s got five prizes … first prize is a bespoke set of vases created for us by Fink, in red; we have a framed original cartoon by Geoff Pryor, beautiful glassware donated by private donors and the Glassworks, and Capital Chinese Medicine is giving us a package.”

Explore the exhibition of almost 100 works donated by artists for sale on the evening, ahead of the auction being opened by CAPO patron Bree Pickering, director of the National Portrait Gallery.

“We fundraise our money by running a gala event, where we have all the artworks which are donated by very generous artists and other businesses … All of the money stays

in Canberra, in the region, it doesn’t go anywhere else,” says CAPO executive officer, Marilyn Gray.

Back in 1983, a group of local socialites with an interest in the arts decided to start an organisation dedicated to the local arts scene, fundraising through balls and events based on a model used in the American Midwest. Over the years, the different CAPO members and supporting business and community members have raised $4 million for artists and projects in our region.

“To apply, they needed to have had a connection with Canberra in some way – whether they went to school here or university, training, worked here, lived here,” says Ms Jurkiewicz.

“They could be in Braidwood or Bungendore or Goulburn or somewhere like that. The project they apply for has to have some benefit that relates to Canberra,” adds Ms Gray.

CAPO operates with a board of 15 members who have strong links to the local and national arts scene, and are all passionate about supporting the arts in Canberra. Receiving no government assistance, CAPO invests every dollar they raise back into the local arts community.

The array of grants and awards they allocate each year are presented to emerging, mid-career, and established artists. CAPO also has educational programs to support students, such as the EASS Program at the ANU School of Art; and this year is supporting a graduate from the CIT to host their first exhibition.

“The 22 grants that we give as well that are donated by the local businesses in the main and some philanthropists, those artists are given a leg up,” says Ms Jurkiewicz.

Local businesses and

philanthropists nominate the amount they are willing to donate, ranging from $500 to $7,500. Some grants have a specific purpose, for example, the Mandy Martin Art and Environment Award goes to an artist pursuing a creative response to climate change.

The highly sought-after CAPO Fellowship, valued at up to $15,000, is awarded to an established artist to enable them to focus solely on their project for up to one year.

“The fellowship is our flagship grant and the money for the fellowship comes from the sale of the objects and artworks at our annual auction gala,” says Ms Jurkiewicz.

Last year, CAPO received 63 grant applications, which is decided by a panel of experts from different fields.

Mariana del Castillo was awarded the fellowship last year. Previous fellows include Canberra composer Michael Sollis, now Artistic Director of the National Folk Festival, who was awarded the honour in 2021 for completing his astrological-inspired musical piece, . Canberra artist Marie Hagerty used the fellowship to fund travel to New York and exhibit her paintings in the Olsen Gruin Gallery.

“F!NK, the aerodynamic jugs …

They got a starting grant from CAPO 20 years ago to buy some particular machinery to help with creating these jugs and they’ve gone on to international success,” says Ms Jurkiewicz.

Beyond the funding, the chosen fellow is an ambassador for CAPO during the grant period, promoting the work the organisation does.

Also dedicated to promoting CAPO are the patrons, who over the years have included notable names such as Paul McDermott, Patricia Piccinini, Michael Bryce AM, and Karen Quinlan AM.

“We managed some of the funds that were associated with [Piccinini’s] the Skywhale to make that happen, so we’re quite well recognised in what we have been doing in the community,” says Ms Gray.

“We’ve been lucky in having some top people support us, who have often supported us for five or six years,” says Ms Gray.

Joining CAPO nearly 25 years ago, Ms Gray is an avid music and arts lover. She brings a career’s worth of administration and secretarial experience to the board, including as an executive officer at the Canberra School of Art where she established a great network in

64 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
CAPO president Penny Jurkiewicz (left) and executive officer Marilyn Gray. Photo: Kerrie Brewer.
time out

the ACT’s arts community.

“I think it’s been good for CAPO and for me, too. I have a lot of connections with artists and people in the arts environment in Canberra.”

With extensive experience in the arts, Ms Jurkiewicz evolved from arts teacher to arts advisor to Speaker of the House, Harry Jenkins, and project officer at Canberra Museum and Gallery. The art enthusiast joined CAPO 16 years ago and has been president for the past eight.

“I’ve always been involved with the arts in some way, shape or form,” she says. “I’m a Sunday artist myself; I do watercolours when I’ve got the time.”

Ms Jurkiewicz’s husband has spent a lifetime in the music industry; together, they have deep connections to creatives close to home and across the nation. She admits she has no hesitations in reaching out to people who might be able to support the CAPO mission, particularly those further afield.

“We used to have a fairly finite


radius of people within Canberra, but we are extending beyond that because a lot of Canberra artists are moving,” Ms Jurkiewicz says. “We needed to extend our radius of where we’re going to draw artists from because you can’t keep asking the same people all the time.”

Putting these connections and skills to good work, the CAPO president has been busy securing incredible pieces and talent for the upcoming auction.

“Wendy Sharpe is an Archibald prize winner; she is donating again for a second time. Cherie Hood, another Archibald Prize winner, is donating for the third time. Andrew Gaynor, an art auctioneer in Melbourne, comes up and runs the auction for us as his donation to CAPO,” she says.

To find out more about CAPO or to secure tickets to the Auction

Gala at Albert Hall on Friday 10 November 6.45pm, visit capitalartspatronsorganisation.org


10 November

Tickets: capitalartspatronsorganisation.org

65 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
Photo Hilary Wardhaugh Photography CAPO life members: Bob Nattey, Rob Little, Suzie Beaver, Lyn Cummings, Neil Doody, Robert Boynes, Marilyn Gray, Deborah Clark, Ren Pryor, and Tony Magee. CAPO 2021 Arts grant recipient of the Canberra Weekly award, Tom Buckland with Nick Samaras.
CAPO Patron: Bree Pickering Director, National Portrait Gallery Gala
2023 Art
Albert Hall Proudly exhibited at 100 Commonwealth Avenue, Yarralumla
Robert Boynes Heartbeat
Luke Chiswell Good Luck

Mr Burns takes you on a journey through art and society

What happens to art and pop culture in a post-apocalyptic world? The National University Theatre Society (NUTS) explores what we turn to when there is nothing else, in Mr Burns: A Post-Electric Play at Kambri Drama Theatre, ANU on 27-30 September.

In the not-so-distant future, the world has been stripped of electricity, leading to the collapse of civilization. In the aftermath, we meet the survivors left with nothing – certainly no technology to keep them entertained. Harking back to the entertainment of days gone, someone starts to act out a story they can all recognise, an episode of The Simpsons

Written by Anne Washburn, the play studies the power of art and storytelling while asking questions about why some stories stick with us and the role of art in society. Turning to art and pop culture in times of duress is nothing new; throughout the recent pandemic, streaming services, book sales and online entertainment boomed.

“They’ve got nothing else to do, they’ve been forced to slow down and to stop. So, what do we turn to? Things that can entertain us, things that can bring that joy, that sense of passion back into our lives,” says Lachlan Houen, co-director.

Told in three acts, the play showcases different styles and

genres of theatre, echoing the idea that art really does shape the lives we lead. Mr Houen says that the role of artists in society is often underestimated, especially now when their future is being questioned more than ever.

“We can live without art, this is true, but I think that life that we live becomes a whole lot more bland when we do,” he says.

Jump forward seven years and theatre troupes move across America to perform episodes of

The Simpsons, including the commercials that would have been screened. Mr Houen says this is the new Netflix and almost a currency in the new world, asking audiences to contribute lines to the episodes and commercials.

Full story online.

Explore the power of art in Mr Burns: A Post-Electric Play at Kambri Drama Theatre, 27-30 September; facebook.com/anugoesnuts

66 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
time out Open daily until end of November Gandel Atrium, National Museum of Australia Acton Peninsula, Canberra Freecall 1800 026 132 | nma.gov.au/dyara
The National University Theatre Society presents Mr Burns: A Post-Electric Play at Kambri Drama Theatre, 27-30 September. Photo: Jack Dent. IMAGE Janganpa Jukurrpa (Brushtail Possum Dreaming) (detail), 2019 by Janelle Napurrurla Wilson, Warlukurlangu Artists
now open
The Dyara Indigenous Arts Hub features a wide range of handmade products sourced from around Australia. Dyara is the Ngunnawal word for bowerbird – a name chosen to reflect the hub’s eclectic collection of items. You’ll find paintings, jewellery, weavings, sculpture, homewares and fashion by First Nations artists and designers, including Judy Watson, Cedric Varcoe and Alma Nungarrayi Granites. Come and explore the range today.

Join the CSO for a glamourous night of fine food, music and connection.

Purchase a table to support your orchestra and enjoy networking opportunities, exquisite chamber performances and the chance to win a range of exciting prizes.

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Hosted by Sir Angus Houston, Chair of the CSO

Canberra Symphony Orchestra



Supported by

Scan the QR code, visit cso.org.au/gala or call 02 6262 6772 (weekdays 10am–3pm)


time out

Book talk

This week, Michael Popple checks out exceptional recent releases from three top authors. You can find more of Michael’s book reviews on his blog, unseenlibrary.com

Holly by Stephen King

Hodder & Stoughton, $34.99

When a young woman disappears, private investigator Holly Gibney is hired to find her. However, the case becomes complicated when Holly discovers that other people have also gone missing in similar circumstances. Holly soon crosses paths with two elderly academics whose dark secrets and disturbing appetites might be more then she can handle. Stephen King continues to show why he is the master of thrills and chills with this incredible novel. Holly is moving, dark and brilliant in all the right ways, and you will be unable to stop reading no matter how gruesome things get. One of the best books of 2023.



The Last Devil to Die by Richard Osman

Viking, $34.99

Elizabeth, Joyce, Ibrahim and Ron are the Thursday Murder Club, four retirees who use their unique skills and insights to solve murders. Their latest case sees them investigate the death of an old friend in the antiques business and the disappearance of a strange package. But they soon encounter new dangers and terrible consequences that will throw even these canny veterans. This is an outstanding addition to one of the cleverest and funniest murder mystery series currently going. Loaded with great characters, a fantastic story and unbeatable charm, this is another amazing novel from Osman that comes very highly recommended.

Starter Villian by John Scalzi

Tor, $34.99

After Charlie Fitzer’s mysterious uncle dies, he finds himself unexpectantly thrown into a strange hidden world when he inherits a massive supervillain business. Now forced to deal with secret island lairs, strange super science, sentient cats and unionising dolphins, Charlie needs to get to grips with his new life before a cohort of deadly rivals succeeds in killing him. This is an outrageous and hilarious standalone science fiction novel that proves near impossible to stop reading. Scalzi delivers a fantastic and compelling story in Starter Villain and you will fall in love with his unique take on classic

Canberra Weekly competition winners

The winners in Canberra Weekly’s latest round of competition draws are: GreenPan: P Burke, Casey.

68 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023

Walk for seriously ill children this October

Join as a team or individual. Set your active goal for the month. Spread the word and start walking. Get support for families with sick kids! Walk from anywhere!


what’s on


The acclaimed Southern Sons singer and guitarist celebrates his return to music and a new acoustic album.

Tallagandra Hill Winery, Gundaroo NSW, 23 September 7pm; tallagandrahill.com.au


Canberra Rep Theatre presents a tragicomedy in this tale of family loyalties, social expectations and choosing a life partner.

Canberra Rep Theatre, Acton, 7-23 September; canberrarep.org.au

Find more listings at canberraweekly.com.au

To advertise here, contact Samantha on 0423 355 536 or samantha@canberraweekly.com.au


Tim Freedman’s altcountry project The Whitlams Black Stump Band sees Tim and long-time drummer Terepai Richmond joined by an A team of roots musicians, reconstructing the best of The Whitlams’ repertoire with a smattering of new songs and classic Americana. The five-piece band features Rod McCormack and Matt Fell, two CMAA Producers of the Year, on banjo and bass.

The Basement, Belconnen, Friday 29 September 7pm; thewhitlams.com, thebasementcanberra.com.au

Now showing

The Equalizer 3 (MA15+)

In a secluded winery in Sicily, a crime enforcer faces down with retired US Marine and DIA operative Robert McCall (Denzel Washington). After being injured, McCall is rescued by a local police officer who takes him to a remote coastal Italian town to be nursed back to health. Soon McCall recuperates, falls in love with the town, and meets the local mafia.

Liam Neeson’s Taken revitalised the older gent revenge action thriller genre that started with 1970s Death Wish; a lone urban samurai/ cowboy figure righting the wrongs for those who can’t fight for themselves. The Equalizer (1985), like The Incredible Hulk (1978) and The Fugitive (1963), used its episodic structure for its protagonist to assist others using a particular set of skills acquired from a shady past.

This chapter aims to wrap up the

cinematic franchise after John Wick’s fourth entry; a series that evolved to the point that it would be unfathomable to go any further in terms of character, plot, and action set pieces. After the excellent Part 2, this chapter wisely calls it a day, finding a place for Robert to finally call home.

While the vigilante action sequences are pared back, Robert is played more sadistically, perhaps to add more shades to a cypher character. Dakota Fanning’s presence as a CIA officer is puzzling, but comes together by the closing act.

Verdict: A sound ending to the franchise which does not measure up to the emotional, thriller, or action heights of its predecessor. 3 stars.

- Luke McWilliams themovieclub.net

Viewed at Dendy Cinemas.


Spectrum Big Band bring to life the essence, charm and pizzazz of the troublesome trio, Sammy Davis Jr, Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin, in a show that’s as timeless and magical. The Rat Pack Show – five singers, two sets and one hot band in a night you’ll never forget.

Harmonie German Club, Saturday 30 September 7pm; eventbrite. com.au/e/the-rat-pack-showtickets-673592442127


Bungendore Wood Works Gallery presents an exhibition of works by South Coast sculptor Ian Bell, along with prominent Australian artists, Helen Fitzgerald, Helen Cottle, Ebony Bennett, and Lyn Cooke. The pieces are a celebration of our avian friends. Exhibition continues until 30 November in our Octagon Art Space. Bungendore Wood Works Gallery, until 30 November; bwoodworks.com.au

WIN! Snow Concert Hall tickets

Snow Concert Hall is set to host world-renowned artists, violinist Daniel Röhn and pianist Simon Tedeschi, who will perform showpieces and classics from the golden era of the 1920s and 1930s for Canberrans on Saturday 7 October.

The pair will perform compositions by Kreisler, Korngold, Debussy, Gershwin, and more. Canberrans can expect to be transported back in time to a world of jazz, silent films, and creative explosion, said Snow Concert Hall International Series Artistic Director Ana de la Vega. Tickets are available at snowconcerthall.com

Thanks to the Snow Concert Hall International Series, CW has 2 x double passes to the 7 October concert to be won.

Enter to win

To enter, scan the QR code or visit canberraweekly.com.au and click on the ‘Entertainment’ tab to ‘Competitions’, find this competition and follow the entry instructions. Entries close 9am Friday 29 September 2023 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person per giveaway. Entrants must be aged 18+.

70 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
See The Rat Pack Show at Harmonie German Club on 30 September. The Whitlams Black Stump Band come to The Basement, Belconnen on 29 September.
Flights of Fancy Feather at Bungendore Wood Works Gallery until 30 November.
23 SEP 29 SEP 30 SEP time

Which cult lip moisturisers are

worth it?

The change in season is often hard on the lips, especially when this Canberra weather can’t seem to make up its mind. Curious to which cult lip balms and masks are worth the investment? Here is my honest review for eight of them.

Lanolips 12 Hour

Overnight Lip Mask

$19.95, Mecca

As with most Lanolips products, the tiniest amount goes a long way. This lip mask may not come in an iconic range of scents, à la Laneige, but it was the most e ective out of the bunch at clearing up the chronically dry corners of my mouth.

Rare Beauty


Vulnerable glossy lip balm, $35, Sephora Score 1 for the Rare Beauty cult! This formula hydrates like a balm but shines like a gloss. I love a good lip stain, but as they can be drying, this is what I apply on top for comfort and a flawless no-makeup makeup look.

Summer Fridays

lip butter balm

$38, Mecca

1 2

Let’s face it, $38 is a pretty penny for a lip balm. If you ask me, the hype around the insanely viral Summer Fridays lip butter is explained by its unique brown sugar scent, the cushy gel applicator, and of course, the handbag appeal.

INIKA organic

tinted lip balm, $32 inikaorganic.com

Those outside of the vegan makeup sphere may never have heard of this award-wining Aussie brand. As with all INIKA products, their tinted lip balm is organic, sustainable, and animal crueltyfree.

Jojoba lip balm, $9.95


Cold-pressed Jojoba oil has some promising studies suggesting it’s a safe moisturiser for eczema-prone skin, which is why this balm has become a go-to for those with Atopic Cheilitis (eczema on the lips). I’ve been trying to reach for this instead of my cortisol cream wherever possible.

Sun Bum SPF 30

Sunscreen Lip Balm

$5.49, Priceline I ate this lip balm up. Literally. I burned through multiple tubes last summer and will be repurchasing for this one. Mega creamy and oh-so yummy, it is no wonder this humble pharmacy find has been named the best SPF lip balm of 2023.


Australis lip glaze

$8.50, Big W


Holy moly was this the dark horse! The Aussie makeup brand that everyone wore in high school has undergone a major makeover, now selling pretty convincing substitutes for viral beauty products – in this case the Dior Lip Oil that retails for a cool $62.

Laneige lip sleeping mask

$31, Sephora

One of the most viral beauty products of 2022-23, I do understand the hype of the Laneige lip sleeping mask. Not only do you wake up with luxuriously soft lips, you can retire your lip balm for the rest of the day. I also found this to be sensitive-skin friendly, despite being so deliciously scented.






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71 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
the look

Emily Ratajkowski’s red carpet street style


Emily Ratajkowski has never shied away from naked, ever since she burst into the public eye with next to no clothes on. While paralyzingly good looks never hurt, she truly won the public’s a ectionate nickname, ‘Emrata,’ with her metamorphosis from ‘that chick in the Blurred Lines music video,’ to actress and supermodel, to feminist and steadfastly sex-positive author. All the while, her uber-sexy style has never wavered, whether it be on the red carpet or the streets of New York.

At this year’s Met Gala, she injected a dose of her natural bombshell glamour by wearing a plunging Tory Burch gown, inspired by vintage Chanel, as a tribute to the night’s honoree, Karl

72 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
Lagerfeld. While she had been to a couple of Met Galas before, Emrata first became a regular on best dressed lists after the 2019 Met: Celebrating Camp, in this ethereal nearly naked dress by Dundas – although it would have been better suited to the ‘Heavenly Bodies’ theme the year before. One of the first faces to appear when you search ‘model-o -duty look’, Emrata’s street style is just as iconic as her red carpets, bringing a certain sensuality even when she’s covered head-to-toe. Other than a bra top and structured jacket, Emrata’s street style uniform is a figurehugging slip dress and knee-high boots. She paired Burberry checks with black cowboy boots and leather shoulder bag from The Row. Recently the My Body author showcased an elegant twist on risqué dressing, wearing a velvet and crystal-embellished LBD to the British Vogue X Self-Portrait party. The anklelength dress is, naturally, Self-Portrait. When walking her enormous dog in Tribeca, the Gone Girl actress often pairs a midribearing bralette under a double-breasted blazer – this one from Havre Studio is made of two vintage blazers stitched together.
As an NYC native, few have channelled Carrie Bradshaw quite like Emrata in this halter neck newspaper dress designed by Miaou.
the look

What we’re talking about

All the latest in fashion, health and beauty.

The Parliament Shop is now open for business after undergoing its first refresh in 27 years. Reopened by the President of the Senate, Senator Sue Lines, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Milton Dick MP, the ethos of the Parliament Shop has also been revamped to reflect a focus on Australian designed and made products.

“This ethos also extends to supporting First Nations artists,” says Senator Lines. “When you buy Indigenous artwork or products, you can be sure that the product is authentic, and that the artist will receive a direct benefit from the sale.”

Canberra’s Braddon base for local makers, POP Canberra, isn’t showing any signs of slowing down, recently reopening its doors to showcase a new ‘POPiverse’ shop makeover.

“Canberra definitely punches way above its weight when it comes to fabulous makers, creators and artists,” says Gabe Trew, founder of POP Canberra. “At POP, one single door opens to over 250 local makers – it’s like a portal into a local shopping experience.”

The store was closed for a week while the makeover was underway. Its latest glow-up includes hot pink floors, walls adorned with psychedelic illustrations, and a mural at the shop’s entrance featuring a bright red heart vomiting rainbows onto the newly painted floor. The words SHOP LOCAL are emblazoned for all who enter.

The Department of Parliamentary Services has collaborated with artisans and designers from across the country to source unique products from suppliers in every state and territory of Australia. Some notable new items include Chamber Socks by Canberra artist Estelle Briedis, honey soap by Googong‘s Honey and Glow made with parliament hive honey, and LEGO chamber puzzles created by QPuzzles on the Gold Coast. The Shop’s operating hours are 9am to 5pm daily, extending to 5.45 pm on sitting days.

For more information, visit parliamentshop.com.au

(upper & lower combined)

“We’ve always been loud and proud, and our space has just had a glow-up to make it even brighter, more vibrant and a more fun place to shop,” says Gabe. POP Canberra’s newly renovated space can be found at 27 Lonsdale Street, Braddon. Open 7 days a week, with late night shopping from Thursday to Saturday.

Visit popcanberra.com.au for more information.

73 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
Newly refurbished, The Parliament Shop stocks suppliers from across the country. Photo: 5 Foot Photography.
a FREE GLO Science Professional whitening kit valued at $550 when you book into the following:
The new ‘POPiverse’ is louder and prouder than ever before, says POP founder Gabe Trew. Photo: Pew Pew Studio.
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Why can’t I say no?

It’s one of the first words we learn as infants. In fact, as parents, we actively encourage our infants and children to be able to say ‘No’. “Do you want this to eat? – No”. “Do you want to play with this? – No”. “Do you want to do this? – No”.

So, why is it so hard as adults to say no? My clients constantly tell me that they are feeling overwhelmed and over committed because they can’t say no. Common things such as agreeing to do things we don’t want to do, to see people we don’t want to spend time with, to go to events we don’t want to attend. It can be frustrating, stressful, and anxiety-inducing. My clients commonly say, “I want to say no but I feel that I can’t”.

Why do we do this? It can be for several reasons. One is that we don’t like to deal with negative emotions like

people being upset with us or disappointed. Another can be the need to be liked and approved of. Sometimes it’s because we like to feel needed. Other times it can be that we don’t want to make someone angry. Or maybe we feel we ‘should’ say yes.

What’s the consequence of not saying no?

By not saying no when we don’t want to do something or overcommitting to things, we neglect our own needs and cause ourselves extra stress. We can also worry about saying no and the consequences.

However, if you always say ‘yes’ to everyone, people will continue to ask and expect you to agree. We are saying, “I will always put other’s needs first at the expense of my own needs.” This makes us unhappy in the

long-term. We may resent others, and feel they are taking advantage of us.

When we constantly try to please others, we are not listening to our own needs. Saying no does not make us selfish – this is a common worry –rather, it helps us preserve our resources for things that are really important to say yes to.

How do we learn to say no? Well, we have to practise!

Practise saying no to easier things. For example, saying no to options a person might give, such as a food or outings choice.

Start telling people what you do want and make your needs clearer. Your needs are just as valid as anyone else’s. Remember the metaphor of putting your own oxygen mask on first before you can help others.

Remind yourself that you can’t please everyone and not everyone will like you. As uncomfortable as this thought is, we have to stop people pleasing at the expense of our own needs. This is not selfish, it’s about self-preservation!

Lastly, if you feel caught off guard with a request, tell the person you’ll get back to them or you’ll have to think about it. That gives you time to work out your ‘no’ response.

74 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
Put your own oxygen mask on first.
@jessica.read.ilc Learn
I was so relaxed during the process. The music through the headphones was perfect and I had the best night sleep afterward.
I will definitely go back again. Jessica is a beautiful soul doing great things in the world to enhance people ’ s experience of themselves. Highly recommend.
Anna K
I found it to be amazing

The serious side of poo: What you need to know

Bowel motion regularity is the sort of topic that most people would rather avoid. However, constipation overlooked can lead to a host of health issues, ranging from digestive distress, bacterial overgrowth and skin breakouts to premature ageing, warns Australian nutritionist, Emma Sgourakis.

“Not many people are aware of the dangers of constipation, and that a bowel motion, meaning a substantial bowel emptying, less than once a day, constitutes constipation,” Sgourakis explains.

“The fact of the matter is that when the bowels accumulate waste, this can create a backlog that creates toxicity back through the intestinal tract, putting additional strain on the liver, too.

“This systemic toxicity is linked to premature ageing and increased stress in the body.

“Having a clean gut with healthy intestinal motility means not only that your gut health is in a better state, but also that your entire body is under less stress and can function its best on every level.”

Toxins, fillers and additives in processed foods and supplements

According to Sgourakis, most supplement industries use additives that are chosen primarily for the ease of manufacture, to increase shelf life, and to boost their profit margins, rather than to benefit the consumer.

“For example, gums, fillers, silica, stabilisers and flow agents are increasingly common additives that, at best, serve no nutritional value, and at worst, wreak havoc in your digestive tract,” she says.

These additives damage the gut

lining, triggering inflammatory cascades, stress and immune responses.

“Our innate immune systems generally should be able to handle normal stress-induced exposure to bacterial endotoxins.

“However, it’s the accumulation of the backlog of waste, along with unnecessary additives, indigestible foods, and other problematic substances such as unstable fats that leads to the system being overwhelmed,” explains Sgourakis.

“Ageing and stress further increase inflammation occurring in our gut, subsequently compromising the barrier function of the bowel wall, allowing bacterial toxins to enter the bloodstream. This accelerates the ageing process in our bodies.

“The remedy to all this is to practise daily habits that support bowel regularity, while encouraging daily bowel emptying with a non-irritating, natural laxative,” says Sgourakis.

Her recommended gentle laxative is

a well-aged cascara (coffee cherry tea).

“Unlike common laxatives, cascara energises the smooth muscle of the bowel wall, rather than irritating it.

“We should move and empty our bowels at least once a day, so if your digestive system needs a bit of help moving things along, taking high quality, well-aged cascara will encourage the regular emptying of bowels, with some additional health benefits.”

75 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
Helping women to reclaim their self confidence We can help you move with confidence 02 5119 3898 contact@rclinic.com.au free consultation www.femmeaesthetics.com.au 4 Grazier Lane, Belconnen ACT 2617 femme aesthetics by the r clinic Urinary incontinence Sexual dysfunction Pelvic floor weakness Peri and Postmenopausal symptoms Changes in appearance of intimate area Dryness, itching and reduced elasticity Are you suffering with any of these symptoms?
Certified nutritionist and co-founder of Saturée, Emma Sgourakis.

Colour forecast predicts warm showers and earthy tones

The 2024 Dulux Colour Forecast has been unveiled, drenched in rich golds, olive greens, and reddish browns that reveal a collective yearning for warm and nurturing home environments.

It’s the 25th anniversary of the Forecast, which has thus far been on the money in predicting the reign of ‘Millennial Pink’ in 2019, and the ‘Greige’ minimalism of 2017.

“We can see yellow and rich gold becoming more prominent in this year’s palettes … The zesty green and clay brown shades that we saw coming through in the 2023 Colour Forecast are transitioning to a warmer space, featuring yellow and

subtle red undertones,” says colour forecaster Bree Leech.

“The majority of shades are mid-tone with darker shades predominantly used for small accents. The warmth we’re seeing across each of the 2024 Colour Forecast palettes is the answer for consumers who are looking to add positivity by adding colour in their homes.”

According to Leech, pastels and bright hues are out, and while the nostalgic references to design eras past can stay, they must be “sophisticated”.

The feature wall is also being left behind in 2024. Dulux colour and

communications manager Andrea Lucena-Orr says mid-tones are best used on all four walls, particularly in bedrooms and living spaces.

And without further ado, introducing the on-trend trio of 2024 colour palettes:


within a mix of faded and soft textured furnishings and handmade pieces including painted wicker,” says Lucena-Orr.


Solstice is a toasty palette of rich browns, clay and warm neutrals with a sun loving yellow as an accent, designed to evoke a comforting and familiar feeling.

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“This trend embodies a harmonious blend of cosy and calm styling elements, with captivating material highlights like natural stone, ceramic and highly textured fabrics,” Lucena-Orr explains.

According to Leech, Solstice starts with inspiration from the pared back Scandi style but adds a Mediterranean and desert influence.


The Journey palette is inspired by a lockdown-fuelled desire to be worldly vagabonds who still manage to have a gorgeous homebase filled with eclectic souvenirs.

“Olive greens and mustard yellow shades are prominent hues within the Journey palette, with dusty blues and rich burgundy acting as accents

Heavily influenced by the nostalgia of the postmodern era, with a particular emphasis on the 1970s, the Dulux Muse palette is a celebration of modernising the free-spirited styles of the past.

“The Muse palette is a colourful array of hues predominantly in the mid-tone with warm brown and rich tans, accented with deep blues and soothing greens, to create a distinctly modern interior that has been fused with nostalgic design references reminiscent of the ‘60s to the ‘80s, in addition to the textures and glamour from the ‘70s.”

76 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
Solstice features rich browns, clay and warm neutrals. Styling Bree Leech Photos Lisa Cohen Muse is a colourful array of mid-tone browns and tans, accented with greens and blues.
seem to pull your home together?
The Journey palette features olive greens and mustard yellows, with accents of burgundy and dusty blues.

property of the week real estate

Top floor city penthouse

Reid 1207/81 Cooyong Street

This top floor three-bedroom penthouse offers an unrivalled location just a stone’s throw from the Canberra City Centre.

Agent Tahmeed Towfiq’s favourite aspects of the property include the floor-to-ceiling double glazed windows. “It’s like living in your own viewing platform at the City Centre’s doorstep,” he says. “And with heritage listed buildings to the north, these views are guaranteed, too.”

The penthouse features panoramic views of Mount Ainslie and the surrounding cityscape, with north and east facing windows that offer iconic Canberra sunrises and sunsets. The complex is divided into three buildings, each offering different amenities including a barbecue area (Building 1), children’s playground (Building 2), and rooftop pool (Building 3).

When it comes to lifestyle, the convenient central location speaks for itself. “Situated right across the road from the City Centre and within walking distance to beloved Braddon, if you want food, shopping, or a walk in the park, it’s all there!” says Tahmeed.

A penthouse apartment in the heart of the city is a rare gem in Canberra, particularly one that offers such an ideal floor plan. “The main bedroom is east facing, so you get that beautiful sunrise to wake up to first thing in the morning. Then you can enjoy your breakfast looking out at Mount Ainslie. The two other bedrooms can be turned into an art studio, music/ reading room or an office,” Tahmeed says.

“Then in the afternoon, you can enjoy the amenities or go across the road to the city or the park. You won’t have a boring day living here!”

3 2 2

EER 6.0

Price $1,300,000+

View Contact agent

Agent Tahmeed Towfiq Mob 0469 706 586

LJ Hooker Canberra City 6249 7700

77 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023

58 Sprent Street, Narrabundah $2,850,000 Belle

21 Bisdee Street, Hughes $1,710,000 Cream Residential

10/85 Lowanna Street, Braddon $1,630,000 Independent

22 Goulburn Street, Macquarie $1,430,000 Home by Holly

6/1 Coolac Place, Braddon $1,400,000 Independent

180 Robin Boyd Crescent, Taylor $1,290,000 Confidence

72 Mt Vernon Drive, Kambah $1,280,000 Independent

3 Emanuel Place, Conder $1,205,000 Ray White

26 Ben Blakeney Street, Bonner $1,200,000 Property Collective

18 & 18a Sentry Crescent, Palmerston $1,195,000 Raine & Horne

6 Sholl Place, Kambah $1,195,000 Independent

17 Phantom Street, Harrison $1,124,000 LJ Hooker

1 Cedrela Place, Rivett $1,115,000 Edge

75 Cultivation Street, Harrison $1,100,200 Stone

42 Julius Street, Pearce $1,100,000 LJ Hooker

18 Spowers Circuit, Holder $1,070,000 Ray White

1 Pasley Place, Wanniassa $1,050,000 McCann

13 Frearson Street, Strathnairn $1,050,000 Stone

8 Bage Place, Mawson $1,025,000 Luton

5 Burgan Grove, Jerrabomberra $980,000 Belle

47 Hesba Brinsmead Street, Franklin $975,000 Morrissey

8 Weipa Place, Fisher $971,000 Home by Holly

8 Cudgewa Lane, Harrison $960,000 Edge

24 Wellington Road, Yass $960,000 Independent

1 Clements Street, Florey $957,000 Michael Potter

3 Poole Place, Latham $905,000 Stone

37/101 Kinloch Circuit, Bruce $890,000 Belle

18 Newland Street, Flynn $885,000 Ray White

E45/0 Summerfield Close, Denman Prospect $860,000 Independent

28 Petterd Street, Page $851,000 LJ Hooker

41 Nambucca Street, Kaleen $846,000 Ray White

3/88 Julia Flynn Avenue, Isaacs $820,000 Blackshaw

31/2 Bulletin Street, Lawson $800,000 LJ Hooker

4 Lindrum Crescent, Holt $795,000 Independent

56 Oxalis Crescent, Tralee $790,000 Canberry

10 Hunt Place, Crestwood $755,000 LJ Hooker

8 Brill Place, Gowrie $750,000 Blackshaw

58 Ashkanasy Crescent, Evatt $750,000 LJ Hooker

31/18 Kennedy Street, Kingston $740,000 Luton

70 Chauncy Crescent, Richardson $735,000 Ray White

6 Gonzaga Place, Richardson $721,000 LJ Hooker

9 Lanley Square, Ngunnawal $720,000 Blackshaw

17/4 Jardine Street, Kingston $715,000 Blackshaw

34/363 Mirrabei Drive, Moncrieff $710,000 Luton

24/20 Pumpurs Crescent, Taylor $705,500 MARQ

3/51 Blackwood Terrace, Holder $701,000 MARQ

6 Amadio Place, Melba $700,000 LJ Hooker

5 Best Place, Charnwood $670,000 Ray White

7/16 Blackett Crescent, Greenway $667,000 Ray White

1 Paget Street, Bruce $665,000 Ray White

1 Connor Place, Kambah $662,000 MARQ

13/63 Tinderry Circuit, Palmerston $653,000 Blackshaw

4 Pogney Place, Richardson $610,000 Ray White

1 Mallee Crescent, Karabar $608,000 Ray White

$1,205,000 3 Emanuel Place Conder Ray White

46/2 McMichael Terrace, Denman Prospect $590,000 Ray White

23/69 Morrison Street, Kambah $575,000 Independent

62/148 Flemington Road, Harrison $575,000 Ray White

54/217 Northbourne Avenue, Turner $555,000 MARQ

116/12 Provan Street, Campbell $538,000 Blackshaw

191/140 Thynne Street, Bruce $535,000 Ray White

243/325 Anketell Street, Greenway $519,000 LJ Hooker

2/38 Bootle Place, Phillip $505,000 Luton

16/2 Kerridge Street, Kingston $495,000 Independent

37/3A Stornaway Road, Queanbeyan $480,000 LJ Hooker

316/43 Arthur Blakeley Way, Coombs $470,000 Ray White

10/11-13 Majura Avenue, Dickson $437,000 Luton

707/8 Gribble Street, Gungahlin $430,000 Edge

27/28 Watson Street, Turner $415,000 LJ Hooker

132/8 Baudinette Circuit, Bruce $400,000 LJ Hooker

73/57 Benjamin Way, Belconnen $400,000 Suburbia

31/311 Flemington Road, Franklin $400,000 LJ Hooker

18/8 Baudinette Circuit, Bruce $378,000 Blackshaw

5/46 McMillan Crescent, Narrabundah $265,000 LJ Hooker

Data is provided by agents. Source: Realestate.com.au

78 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
Get $3,000 when you switch to us. The grass is greener at RAMS. Effective 01/09/23. Must settle within 120 days. Min loan amount 250K. Excl owner occupier interest only. Offer can be varied or withdrawn at anytime. T&C’s and exclusions apply. More Information: Credit criteria, fees and charges apply. RAMS home loans are not available for foreign borrowers residing outside Australia. Offer is current as at 1 September 2023 and may be varied or withdrawn at any time. Must settle within 120 days. Min Loan $250k per property refinanced. Offer available on the Essential Home Loan, Full Feature and Fixed rate home loan products (excludes Line of Credit) Owner Occupier with Principal and Interest repayments and Investment Loans. Only 1 rebate per settled application with the predominant purpose is refinance will be paid regardless of the number of loans involved. This offer is not available in conjunction with the New Purchase Buyer $1,000 Rebate. Excludes Line of Credit Loans, switches and refinances of home loans within the Westpac Group which include St.George, Westpac, Bank of Melbourne, BankSA. Offer not available for Owner Occupier Interest Only loans or residential lending originated under family or company trusts. Not available to company and trust borrowers. The offer is limited to one rebate per eligible application. Split loans are counted as one settled home loan regardless of the number of splits. Rebate will be automatically deposited into the home loan account within 60 days after settlement. If the home loan has a fixed interest rate, the rebate will count towards the prepayment threshold. Tax consequences may arise from this promotion for investors and customers should seek independent advice on any taxation matters. RAMS Financial Group Pty Ltd ABN 30 105 207 538, AR 405465 Australian Credit Licence 388065. Credit Provider & issuer of RAMS Deposit Products: Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. 23399/0923
real estate recent sales

Townhouses from $749,900

Now selling, modern terrace style living in the heart of Gungahlin.

Enjoy the lifestyle of inner-city connectivity in a townhouse you could call home. Designed for low-maintenance modern living, 2 & 3-bedroom on a variety of two or three-storeys. With front and rear private open spaces for entertaining and direct garage access.

Walking proximity to Gungahlin Town Centre and adjacent to a nature reserve means you can truly have it all.

Secure off-the-plan terrace-style townhouses with only a 5% deposit.

Construction has commenced with completion in early 2025.


ARTIST’S IMPRESSION MIN EER 5.1 James Herbert 0400 853 501 Troy Thompson 0408 694 917
blvddenman.com.au The final stage at Boulevard in Denman Prospect is releasing this August. Get ready for more breathtaking views and resort-style amenities from the Molonglo Valley’s leading property developers. This new release of 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apartments with high-end features, modern conveniences, and mid-century charm can be enjoyed with uninterrupted views to over 50% of apartments. Take the leap and invest in your future self, live on the Boulevard and discover the good life. 1 bed from $429,900 1 bed + study from $489,900 2 bed 2 bath from $632,900 3 beds from $989,900 Minimum EER 6.0 ARTIST’S IMPRESSION For more information contact James Herbert 0400 853 501 Saving the best until last. Now is the right time to buy. Move in 2024.

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102 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023 Give your business a boost! Register today in the Trades & Services Guide, call Jen on 6175 8813 or email jen@canberraweekly.com.au STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD jen@canberraweekly.com.au ATTENTION TRADIES 89% of readers will use a tradie in the next 12 months. Be seen when they look for you! Call Jen on 6175 8813 or email jen@canberraweekly.com.au 89% of our readers will seek trades and services 95% average pick-up rate 85% of our readers read the advertisements each week Call Jen on 6175 8813 to get your business listed today! Your one-stop destination for quality services with over 50 years of experience. ABN: 28645386054 ACN: 645386054 Sean Thompson Director 0431 403 465 cranky-and-sons@protonmail.com www.cranky-and-sons.com.au @crankynsons Contact Sean for a Free Quote Quality Plastering & Painting PLASTERING & PAINTING CWM00445AA Call your local plumber Shane 0411 591 615 or email lucidplumbingandroofing@gmail.com Plumbing: • Installation • Repairs & Maintenance • Blocked drains • Water Heaters • Gas Fitting Roofing: • All aspects of Colourbond & Tiled • Repairs & Maintenance • Gutter & Roof Cleaning • Tiling & Sealing $100 terms and conditions apply OFF 24/7 emergency services PLUMB I N G & GA S F ITT I N G NO HOT WATER? Call us for fast and reliable hot water repairs and replacement. Express replacement ser vice Systems to suit all needs 24/7 emergency ser vice Work performed by licensed contractors. 6280 0994 energypeople.com.au TS01217AA PLUMB I N G & GA S F ITT I N G $80 OFF WHEN YOU QUOTE THIS AD ANY SERVICES *CONDITIONS APPLY Taps And Toilets Hot Water/Solar Blocked Drains Gas Fitting Burst Pipes Bathroom Renovations Roofing/Guttering • Local Professional Service • Seniors Discount • No Call Out Fee • All Work Guaranteed • Support Local Business • 24/7 Emergency service Phone 0421 038 243 Web capitalpd.com.au Email: admin@capitalpd.com.au Plumbing Lic 2013728 ABN: 53193588524 Need a Plumber? 0489 925 595 HolyMess Pty Ltd www.holymessrepairs.com.au License: NSW 450570C ABN: 31666327813 ALPHA ROOFING CANBERRA Our services for both Metal and Tiled roofs include but are not limited to: • Rebedding & Repointing • New Roofs • Roof Insulation • General ongoing roof maintenance • Leak Detection & Repair • Guttering • Gutterguards • Fascias • Full roof restoration ABN 156 905 615 00 CALL/TEXT: 0458 807 882 E: admin@alpharoofingact.com.au Your local roofing experts R O O F I N G • Roof maintenance both tile and colourbond • Roof leaks • Roof restorations • New roofs Ph: 0473 536 741 TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR ROOF Call us for an obligation free quote: • Roof repairs • New roofs • Extensions • Re-roofs • Gutters cleaned • Ridge-capping IS YOUR ROOF LEAKING OR IN NEED OF REPAIR? 0407 789 258 TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR ROOF IS YOUR ROOF LEAKING OR IN NEED OF REPAIR? Call us for an obligation free quote: • Roof repairs • New roofs • Extensions Re-roofs Gutters cleaned • Ridge-capping prideroofingcanberra.com.au 0407 789 258 YEARSFULLYEXPERIENCE INSURED Lic. No. 252440C CWM0353 www.prideroofingcanberra.com.au Trades & Services Guide Contact the trades & services team 6175 8827 jen@canberraweekly.com.au

WIN! Shayda film passes

An Iranian mother living in Australia, Shayda finds refuge in a women’s shelter with her frightened six-year-old daughter, Mona. Having fled her husband, Hossein, and filed for divorce, Shayda struggles to maintain normalcy for Mona.

Buoyed by the approach of Nowruz (Persian New Year), she tries to forge a fresh start with new and unfettering freedoms. But when a judge grants Hossein visitation rights, he re-enters their lives, stoking Shayda’s fear that he’ll attempt to take Mona back to Iran.

Shayda (CTC) in cinemas 5 October.

Thanks to Madman Entertainment, CW has 10 x Shayda (CTC) in-season double passes to be won.

Enter to win

To enter, scan the QR code or visit canberraweekly.com.au and click on the ‘Entertainment’ tab to ‘Competitions’, find the competition you wish to enter and follow the entry instructions. Entries close 9am Friday 29 September 2023 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person per giveaway. Entrants must be aged 18+.

WIN! A Meredith Appleyard book pack

HQ Fiction has 4 Meredith Appleyard fiction book packs to give away in this edition of Canberra Weekly. The pack includes the new release, Daisy and Kate, and Becoming Beth

Becoming Beth is a deeply felt, acutely observed novel about mothers and children, about what people hide from themselves and each other, about the richness and di culties of community, and about becoming your own person.

Daisy and Kate is a compelling exploration of the waxing and waning of friendships; how precious they are, and the heartbreak that happens when it all comes undone.

Enter for a chance to win this month’s most sought-after women’s fiction titles. For more information on any of these titles, go to romance.com.au

103 canberraweekly.com.au 21 September 2023
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