26 October 2023

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thursday 26 october 2023


Trailblazing Navy helicopter pilot inspires others


P35 Wellbeing

3 healthy habits to start now

Fashion & beauty

Bra shopping after breast cancer Taste

Trick or treat?

Metaverse of MAGIC Step inside Ash Magic’s mind-blowing world



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From the editor

contents 07

As I type this column on a glorious Tuesday morning, I’m happily celebrating another trip around the sun. My birthday gives pause to reflect on the preciousness of life and the opportunity I’ve been given to experience another day, let alone another year. My heart is filled with gratitude for the sense of abundance in my life – of love, family, friendships and relationships that nourish my spirit and help me become a better person. (The L plates remain firmly attached as I continue this journey of lifetime learning and evolution.) Of a job that I relish every day, and have done so for the past 15 years, enhanced by the presence and contributions of trusted and valued colleagues. Of the gift of good health, which I do my best to honour by nurturing and exercising my body, mind and spirit. Reasons to be grateful this past week include experiencing Rockspeare Henry VI Part I at Mill Theatre with a fabulous friend, the Canberra Business Chamber’s State of the Territory address, Eli’s sound bath meditation, friendly hospitality and ABBA songs as the Embassy of Sweden opened their Windows to the World on Saturday, time spent in the garden, and generous helpings of birthday cake, cards, gifts and wishes. Thanks a million. Take care,

thursday 26 october 2023

35 04

on the cover

TikTok sensation Ash Magic leads audiences into the Metaverse of Magic at Canberra Theatre, 22 November – 3 December. Photo: Kerrie Brewer. Shot on location at the National Arboretum Canberra. See cover feature, page 7.

04 Navy helicopter pilot inspires 07 Enter the Metaverse of Magic 23 Trick or treat? 32 Bra shopping after surgery NEWS



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26 October 2023



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Canberra-based veteran Kate Munari served in Afghanistan three times as part of Commando Helicopter Force. Image supplied.

Trailblazing Navy helicopter pilot inspires others


anberra is home to many actively serving and past members of the Australian military, from the new recruits at Duntroon to the veterans in the community. Within the humble capital lie countless war stories and heroes, some immortalised in memorials and some standing next in line at the grocery store. Among them is Kate Munari, Australia’s only female Navy helicopter pilot to ever fly in Afghanistan. After 17 years of service and three tours in Afghanistan as part of the Royal Navy’s Commando Helicopter Force, Kate is now a motivational speaker sharing her story with workplaces that range from Spotify and Amazon to the Rural Fire Service. She first joined the Australian Defence Force (ADF) at 18 years old, a chain of events she says would never have occurred if not for a visit from Defence Force Recruiting in Year 11.


26 October 2023

“I really didn’t know what I was going to do when I finished school,” says Kate. As a child, her interests ranged from dirt bikes and horse riding to painting and tapestry. “I liked everything, but there was no one thing that really took my focus. I was very competitive – I loved beating other people in both sports and academics,” she smiles. “It was a lunchtime presentation,” Kate recalls. “I remember thinking, ‘Do I go, or do I sit with my friends?’ But something about it just sounded interesting.” In light of the ADF aiming to increase the enlistment and retention of female personnel, Kate notes that if she had chosen to sit with her friends that day, “I would never have joined the military and had the career and the amazing adventures because it just didn’t occur to me. Not because it’s maledominated, but because no one ever put it in front of

me as an option … It was as simple as that. “I’m forever grateful for my family because … if I wanted to play a sport, it didn’t matter if it was a stereotypically male sport. If I wanted to study certain subjects, they never said, ‘Oh, that’s a bit boyish.’ I just did it. “So, when it came to joining the military, the fact that there was only one female pilot in the whole Navy and the Navy was only about 10 per cent female, it didn’t even occur to me as an issue.” To an everyday Canberran, Kate’s career may seem completely foreign – even many Defence personnel never operate on the front lines. Flying day and night and in all types of weather, there were several “life or death moments” when Kate’s team came under enemy fire. “Maintaining your focus is a challenge because you’re away from your family, your friends, your normal life. And every day you’re getting up and flying over enemy territory,” says Kate. One of the most defining lessons she learnt when faced with enemy fire, systems failure, or the myriad of other things that can (and often did) go wrong, is one she shares today as a motivational speaker. “Have the confidence in yourself and all the moments that have led up to those high pressure decisions. And then, you actually have to decide. “It doesn’t matter how bad the situation is, or how crippled you may feel as the leader. You make the best decision you can at the time with all the information available, because if you don’t and it’s made for you – and it will be made for you – you are just as responsible for the outcome.” After years of working on military bases in Australia and overseas, it comes as no surprise that Kate has some knowledge when it comes to working in alpha-male industries. “Women, particularly when going into maledominated areas, let self-doubt get in the way of progressing their career or following their dreams. “Often people come up at the end of my speech and say, ‘Wow, I could never have done what you’ve done,’ but that’s why I’m here – to show you where I started as a normal high school student who had no idea what they wanted to do after school,” says Kate. “I say, don’t hold yourself back. If it’s what you want, go for it and make it happen, and if you’re not suitable for it, somebody else will tell you that you’re not suitable.” When facing self-doubt or “smart*rse comments”, Kate advises to challenge any of those head on. “Stop and look back through your career at all the training courses you’ve done, all the jobs you’ve had, all the decisions you had to make and problems you overcame, and realise that you are where you are because you deserve to be there and you are capable.” - Anja de Rozario canberradaily.com.au

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opinion fit the bill


Putting the Middle East conflict in context I am always pleased to see Letters to the Editor commenting on my articles, critical or otherwise. I was pleased to see two last week. As the Middle East continues to dominate the news, I thought I would answer some of the points raised in those letters, and put this conflict in context. A few facts first. The Jews actually were the first known inhabitants of the region known as Palestine/Israel, and have been there in one form or another for well over 3,000 years. Even after the diaspora after 70 AD, when they were largely banished by the Romans [following the siege of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Second Temple], a number still stayed. There have always been Jews in what is now Israel. The current Palestinians came sometime after Christ, and were the dominant group in the 19th century, when the region was part of the Ottoman Empire. In the late 19th century and early 20th century, many Jews arrived from the Pale of Settlement (western Russian Empire) to escape the regular pogroms they suffered under the Tsars. The new


26 October 2023

Zionist movement in Western Europe bought up quite a lot of land for Jewish settlement, and this continued under the mandate given to the British after WWI. The British promised Israel to the Jews in 1917, but also promised the Arabs a nation of their own. They effectively shafted both Jews and Arabs, and satisfied no one. After WWII, most surviving Jews from the Holocaust went to Israel. In 1948, Israel declared independence from Britain, but it’s been a neverending series of wars ever since. However, there are some bright spots. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has actually got on rather well with Israel, and it and Egypt made peace – Egypt in 1978 and Jordan in 1994. The Gulf states have also made peace recently. Saudi Arabia was going to, but this murderous outburst from Hamas has shelved that. The last thing Iran, which runs Hamas, wants is peace between Saudi Arabia, its main Arab rival, and Israel. So, it appears Iran has deliberately set Hamas loose to torpedo any accord between

Israel and the Saudis. Hamas, with its recent atrocities against women and children, has surpassed even the Nazis, and makes the old Fedayeen of the 1950s, and the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) of the 1970s/80s on the Arab side and the Stern Gang on the Israeli side (1946 to 1948) look like boy scouts. Golda Meir, when she was PM in the 1970s, said that you can’t make peace with someone who wants to kill you. That is the problem with Hamas and Hezbollah. They want to push all the Jews into the sea – which means killing them. After the monstrous crimes Hamas committed in southern Israel, Israel has no choice but to try to destroy Hamas. The Israel Defence Forces are trying to limit civilian casualties, but it’s hard to do when Hamas orders their people to stay put. Hamas wants as many civilian casualties as possible in Gaza so they can blame Israel. Next week, I will attempt to come up with a possible solution.


cover feature


TikTok sensation Ash Magic guides audiences on a journey into the Metaverse of Magic at Canberra Theatre from 22 November to 3 December. Photo: Kerrie Brewer.


n a world-first fusion of theatrical production, jaw-dropping magic, mind-bending illusions, stagecraft, gaming principles and technology that pushes the limits of imagination, audiences are invited into the Metaverse of Magic. More than a body in a seat, you can play an active role in the journey at Canberra Theatre later this month. Forget everything you think you know about magic shows – Metaverse of Magic has just rewritten the script as you’re invited to discover the secrets hidden in the inner realm of the Metaverse. TikTok sensation Ash Magic, aka Ash Hodgkinson, stars as Lenoxx, an I-Gen magician who sets out on a quest accompanied by all-knowing game master DIGI. Encountering the four Masters of Illusion, the audiences help guide Lenoxx to uncover their secrets in the hope of gaining access to the prestigious inner realm. “They’re coming along with me and we have to defeat these challenges and overcome obstacles and collect Easter eggs along the way. They’re doing that; they’re playing the challenges on their phone, collecting Easter eggs similar to a video game, they’re leveling up, they have a character,” Ash says. Using their smartphone, each audience member is invited to decide how much or how little they wish

to be involved. Those who want an elevated theatre experience might choose to interact a lot, while those who want to sit back, relax, and just take it all in will still have an incredible experience. “There’s a point in the show where the audiences get to choose what trick the magician does …The audience gets to choose what happens and how the show will play out, so every show will be different,” Ash says. The rise of virtual reality and continuing developments in technology are providing a plethora of untapped resources, according to Ash. He says we are all like cyborgs connected to our phones each day, and to incorporate that into a theatre experience changes what we have come to expect. “To take these essential elements that we’re so hooked on and build that into an experience has been untapped. No one’s done it before – to be able to have that theatre-going experience of all being one organism watching a show on stage, not only watch it but be a part of it and affect how that will play out and be moved by a beautiful story at the same time.” The stage becomes an epicentre of talent as some of the globe’s most renowned magicians come together. Jetting in are Taiwan’s sleight-ofhand master Horret Wu, Japan’s gravity-defying illusionist Hara Hiroki, and the Netherlands’ Sabine

van Dieman, who is strikingly beautiful and mindblowingly talented. From just across the ditch is New Zealand’s beloved comedian magician Jarred Fell, and NZ-born Aussie illusionist and classic magician Charli Ashby. “Not only is the show such a world-first in just the concept but their magic and the stuff that we’re bringing to the table and collaborating on is worldfirst magic in itself,” says Ash. Brought to the stage by JONES Theatrical Group, who is the team behind some of the most innovative and favourite performances of recent times including The Cher Show on West End, award-winning performances of The Wizard of Oz and more. Part of the script team is renowned writer, actor, and composer Eddie Perfect, a personal idol of Ash’s. He says if there is one magic show to see in your lifetime, this is it. “Even me as a magician or even a kid who loves magic or theatre lovers in general, this is the kind of show I would want to see. The mixture of tech and magic and futuristic elements, it’s going to be so cool they are going to have one hell of an experience,” smiles Ash. Experience Metaverse of Magic at Canberra Theatre Centre, 22 November–3 December. Tickets: canberratheatrecentre.com.au


Continual growth the secret to Alan’s centenary A soldier, minister, public servant, author, family man and upstanding member of the community, Alan Reeve North has spent his 100 years on earth leading a life well lived. He celebrates a century on Saturday 28 October. Already receiving letters from the King, Governor-General and Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, a momentous birthday deserves to be celebrated – and Alan has two parties planned. The first happens on the big day at the Yacht Club with family flying from Melbourne, Brisbane and more to celebrate together. Then friends and neighbours from the southside retirement village Alan has called home for the past eight years will celebrate with a morning tea on Tuesday 31 October. Living independently at the


26 October 2023

retirement village, Alan’s family says his mind is as sharp as ever and his interest in the world has not waned. This is part of Alan’s secret to long life; a little bit of genes and a never-ending curiosity about the world around us. “When you stop growing, you’re not learning, you’re not progressing. I think growth is the big word for continuing living,” says Alan. The second youngest of eight children, Alan was born and grew up in Northgate, Queensland. Alan’s mother was a homemaker, remembered for her amazing cooking, and his father was the local shopkeeper selling groceries, haberdashery and hardware. Alan says he sold everything because he was the only store around. “We always had our own cow, so we always had milk and cream and

Alan Reeve North celebrates his 100th birthday with family and friends in Canberra on Saturday 28 October. Photo: Kerrie Brewer.

butter, always had our chooks, we called them fowls – chickens, ducks. We grew our own vegetables, had our own little orchard, in some ways, we were quite self-sufficient,” he says. The family had a horse and cart, but the children travelled to school by train each day, hopping on for three stops. After school and on the weekends, Alan filled his days riding bikes with his friends, attending church

with the family and playing sport. “I did play cricket, a lot of cricket. One of my innings I made 147 not out, I was always an opening batsman. When I made over 100, I carried my bat from the beginning to the end, not out. They couldn’t get me out … I was hoping to play for Queensland, but the war came and that was an end to that.” Full story at canberradaily.com.au - Jessica Cordwell


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feature LiveUp If you’re ready to take control of your health ageing journey, LiveUp is on hand to provide guidance.

Healthy ageing encompasses a range of health and lifestyle factors including exercise, social connection, and using assistive technology.

Take control of your healthy ageing journey LiveUp s an occupational therapist with over 40 years of expertise in helping people age well, I am passionate about empowering people to take control of their ageing journey. A lot of people think you can’t control how you age, but it’s proven that when it comes to ageing – it’s in your hands. There are many myths and stereotypes when it comes to getting older, but the truth is up to 25 per cent of how we age is due to our genetics, which means the remaining 75 per cent can be attributed to the lifestyle choices we make each day. LiveUp is a healthy ageing initiative funded by the Department of Health and Aged Care that has been designed to help you take control of the way you age through healthy ageing approaches. What is healthy ageing? Healthy ageing is a term coined by


the World Health Organization and is an emerging concept aimed at helping people maintain their independence and social connection as they age. It encompasses several health and lifestyle factors that are within our control, such as physical exercise, social connection, and using assistive products. On LiveUp, people in Australia, their families, and those who care for them can find free impartial information and resources focused on these three areas of healthy ageing. Assistive products, like a sock aid or jar opener, are designed to make those everyday tasks you might struggle with easier, so you can keep doing the things you love. LiveUp is packed with low-cost assistive product suggestions from well-known retailers and reliable online stores such as Bunnings. People can also complete the quiz featured on the website for

personalised product suggestions. It’s common knowledge that exercise is good for you, but even modest amounts of low intensity exercise, like walking, yoga, and gardening, activate your brain, build bone mass, maintain muscle, and boost your mood. Studies show that social and mental activity is also crucial for health and longevity. Engaging in intellectual stimulation, like learning new things, having healthy relationships, and participating in a supportive community, are all just as important as diet and exercise. LiveUp features regularly updated healthy ageing articles written by allied health professionals, designed to provide information and downloadable resources for various age-related topics such as preventing falls, and getting a better night’s sleep. LiveUp also features a database of more than 4,500 activities across Australia. Once people enter their

With Hilary O’Connell, LiveUp’s Principal Advisor for Healthy Ageing

postcode on LiveUp, they will find locally relevant activities and networks based in their local area or online, focused on keeping them physically active and socially connected. It’s never too early or too late to make lifestyle changes. There are lots of things we can do now to help us continue to live our life to the fullest as we age. If you’re ready to throw out tired stereotypes and take control of your healthy ageing journey, visit liveup.org.au If you prefer to speak to someone over the phone, LiveUp provides a free and confidential navigation service to help you understand your healthy ageing options. The LiveUp Navigation team can be contacted on 1800 951 971 or support@liveup.org.au. Contact LiveUp T: 1800 951 971 E: support@liveup.org.au W: liveup.org.au

Welcome to the upside of ageing

Funded by the Department of Health and Aged Care, LiveUp is a free healthy ageing guide designed to help you maintain your independence and social connections as you get older. On LiveUp, you can find community connections, strength-based acitivities, and low-cost assistive products to help you take control of your ageing journey.

Talk to a Navigator for free on 1800 951 971 or discover more at liveup.org.au



Meet Gavin Smith, the man relocating Canberra’s snakes Facebook flocked when a video of a snake caught between a flyscreen and glass door at a Canberra residence was posted to a community page earlier this month. The video showed an Eastern Brown snake caught between the two doors and an experienced snake removalist safely extracting the reptile. That man is Australia National University Associate Professor Gavin Smith, owner and operator of ACT Snake Removals and primary investigator of the Canberra Snake Tracking Project. Not wanting to interact with the animal and worried for the safety of his dog, the property owner called ACT Snake Removals for help. Professor Smith is experienced in removing the legless creatures safely. “These animals are not aggressive, they are defensive – different variations and gradients of defensiveness in terms of the situation the snake is in. It’s going to try and survive,” says

Professor Smith. “But unfortunately, Canberra is getting bigger, more and more suburbs are emerging. We’re moving more into their habitat,” From the scene, Professor Smith took the snake, affectionately nicknamed Meshy, for data collection and a health check before being released. “Every single one all go into a special PVC tube. We collect biological data from each snake we catch, genetic data, biometrics, facial shots and injury observations and assessment,” he says. Meshy is the classic archetypal urban adapted brown snake, explains Professor Smith. Living a precarious and risky life, every moment he is above ground Meshy faces danger. At an estimated five years old, the snake measured 1.54 metres long, weighed 715 grams and his body told a tale of life under pressure. “That snake is heavily burdened by preexisting injuries. There is a whole chunk of him that has

Associate Professor Gavin Smith, owner and operator of ACT Snake Removals, invited CW to a release of an Eastern Brown snake.

folded in where the trauma has healed but it hasn’t healed properly,” says Professor Smith. Saddened by the fact that 80 per cent of the snakes they evaluate have preexisting injuries, Professor Smith says it is an indictment of our lives that snakes get so persecuted when they don’t have to be. “Some of these injuries are the result of interactions with different animals in the environment, but they are also from humans harming them deliberately.” Extended version online at canberradaily.com.au Follow the removal and releases of ACT Snake Removals via their Facebook page. - Jessica Cordwell

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26 October 2023


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Frights for smiles at Kambah’s Scarey Magarey Bringing a taste of home to Canberra, Americanborn Michael Whitesell, and his Australian wife Cathryn, started sitting outside with a bowl of lollies and a few small decorations on Halloween evenings. “I love Halloween,” says Michael. “Back then, we were able to go out and start trick or treating at 6.30–7 o’clock at night and we wouldn’t come back until 10 at night and we’d be struggling under the weight of the bag through all the candy we would pick up.” Over the past 20 years, their yearly celebration, known as Scarey Magarey in Magarey Street, Kambah has grown into one of Canberra’s must-visit fright night attractions. “Times have changed and there’s too many people you just can’t be sure of; a lot of the fun has been taken away from the kids. That’s why we do this,” says Michael. The couple’s front yard is transformed as brave visitors are invited to undertake a journey into the unknown, walking through a misty graveyard, and past the hangman’s arch where they chance running into the grim reaper. Motion and light-

activated frights are in store with talking headstones and ghoulish tricks. Each visitor is welcomed with the question of the day: trick or treat? While most youngsters are keen to get their hands on some tasty treats an occasional guest will choose a trick. The pair have a number of tricks up their sleeves including a water gun, a sleight of hand card trick, and more frightening options. “We have a severed finger in a box ... You have a box, cut a hole in it, put your finger up through it with some cotton wool and food colouring. They can lift the lid of the box and see the moving finger,” says Cathryn. Believing there aren’t enough activities kids can do without an added cost, the couple wanted to create a community event. There’s no entry fee or charity donations – the only payment they accept is a smile. “There’s always a bucket to hand over money, which is a good thing, but it does become awfully taxing at times on people’s wallets because we are living in tough times.,” says Michael. Dare to trick or treat at Scarey Magarey on

Pop in for a frighteningly good time at Scarey Magarey in Margarey Place, Kambah this Halloween. Images supplied.

Magarey Place, Kambah on Halloween, Tuesday 31 October; facebook.com/ScareyMagarey - Jessica Cordwell

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26 October 2023


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to the editor Crematorium an environmental issue

Canberrans might not be aware that the ACT Government has recently approved a crematorium to be built on the corner of Mugga and Narrabundah Lanes (opposite Domestic Dog Services), Symonston. Crematoria have been identified as sources of various environmental pollutants. Cremation releases harmful gases like mercury and dioxin. And the energy needed for one single cremation is the equivalent of the power an average person uses for an entire month. Nevertheless, the people who live in the surrounding suburbs can rest easy because ACT Health has raised no concerns about the bad odour of smoke that will be emitted from the furnace. In addition to the environmental issues, 15 trees used for foraging by the Swift Parrot may be removed or damaged during construction. As well as this, the development will further fragment the habitat of the wildlife who live in Callum Brae, Mt Mugga Mugga and Isaacs Ridge Nature Reserves.

Can Canberrans really accept the assurances of the ACT Government when they state, “the development is not considered to impact on the climate to warrant refusal …”. - Robyn Soxsmith, Kambah

World Kangaroo Day

Australians should be proud to celebrate World Kangaroo Day on Tuesday 24 October. The Kangaroo has inhabited the Australian continent for over 20 million years and has always been an integral part of our unique ecosystem. Kangaroos are often referred to as Australia’s gardeners as they have co-evolved with our native flora and fauna. Their light weighted bodies and sharp nails turn over the soil, keeping it aerated, while dispersing the seeds of native grasses and fertilising the land. Kangaroos help maintain open pastures, increase biodiversity and reduce fuel for fires. On World Kangaroo Day, I for one will be toasting this precious and invaluable native Australian animal. - Peter Johnson, Kingston

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26 October 2023

Bill Stefaniak congratulates “the No organisers” for the decisive defeat of the Yes case in the Voice to Parliament referendum (CW 19 October). He then proceeds to praise the “basically civilised campaign” and acknowledge that we need to listen to the concerns and ideas of First Nations people on how to improve their lot. So far so good. Mr Stefaniak then spoils it all by also praising Senator Jacinta Namapijinta Price, who showed that she was determined that the Voice will never be heard. He goes on to opine that the Senator “can go right to the top”, a fanciful idea if ever there was. Can any readers of Canberra Weekly see Jacinta Namapijinta Price as Australia’s prime minister? - Douglas Mackenzie, Deakin

Renewables not so good

Douglas Mackenzie (CW letters, 19 October) should have looked a bit longer and harder when he googled timeline of nuclear reactors. The first site he may have seen was the one he referred to when he paraphrased the line that modern plants last for 40 to 60 years. I know he will be disappointed but the next site to come up was the Department of Energy that stated 88 of America’s 92 reactors have received approval of their first 20-year extension. Twenty reactors, representing more than a fifth of the nation’s fleet, are planning to operate up to 80 years. More are expected to in the future. According to recent figures, the average human lifespan is around 80 years. This is an average “lifetime”. America has the largest fleet of reactors in the world and nuclear makes up more than half of the nation’s clean energy. It operates at full power more than 92

per cent of the time which is a lot more than I can say for renewables such as solar and wind that operate at around 30 per cent. With his statement that more birds are killed flying into vehicles and glass walled buildings, I am not sure what that has to do with his energy argument as the last time I checked these structures don’t produce any energy – kind of similar to those giant bird-killing structures he likes, wind turbines. Maybe Mr MacKenzie can come down off his high horse and check his several errors of fact. - Ian Pilsner, Weston

No peace in Middle East

Eric Hunter (CW letters, 19 October) is showcasing his lack of knowledge about the Middle East and its inhabitants. “Might is right” is their motto; that’s why there will never be peace in that part of the world. Some of the Arab States, when they are not ganging up against Israel, are kept busy fighting among themselves. As Israel is surrounded by its enemies, what other options do the Israelites have except to resort to retaliation in spades? How would Eric like to live in Tel Aviv or any of the settlements with rockets raining down on him on a daily basis without any provocation? As compromises and negotiations have to date failed miserably, what other steps are there left when you are dealing with Hamas, a murderous, fanatical, Islamic militant movement who are not interested in peace negotiations, as it is not in their interests to do so? As someone who has experienced living in that part of the world, I will echo the French President Emanuel Macron by saying, “I don’t think, I know”. - Mario Stivala, Belconnen

Want to share your opinion? CWM08384AM

• •

Price for PM a fanciful idea

Email news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘To the editor’ in the subject field; include your full name, phone number, street address (NFP) and suburb. Keep letters to 250 words maximum. Note, letters may be shortened if space restrictions dictate. Read more letters at canberradaily.com.au canberradaily.com.au



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Maria Ljubic, a Canberra treasure keeping the House in order I don’t know if anyone writes Christmas cards anymore, but former Prime Minister Julia Gillard does and each year she sends one to Maria Ljubic, head cleaner at Parliament House. This may seem odd but when you meet 71-year-old Maria, who’s worked at Parliament House since it opened in 1988, you understand why everyone has such affection for her. As we walk down the 300-metre-long corridors, every passerby says hello and one lady even shows Maria her new manicure of red and green nail polish (for the Senate and House of Representatives). Maria’s office wall is adorned with photos of her with former prime ministers. She’s not one to name drop but she once shook the hand of former US President Bill Clinton when he visited Parliament House and she’s also been in the presence of George W. Bush and Barack Obama. But it is the late Queen Elizabeth II that is the best story of all. When Maria first started her cleaning job at Parliament House in 1988, her boss asked her to dash outside and vacuum the red carpet – just minutes before the Queen was due to arrive. “It was last-minute,” Maria said. “My boss says, ‘Maria quick, there’s a storeroom here, grab a (vacuum) backpack and go out’. I’m like ‘oh my God’, everybody was outside waiting already. I was a bit nervous, yeah.” When she emerged out of the front doors, the young Maria, who was 36 years old at the time, was mistaken for the Queen and a crowd of thousands erupted. Then she started vacuuming. “All the crowd’s waiting outside and this lady’s coming out with a backpack,” Maria laughed. “Oh my God, it was very exciting.” Maria, a Croatian immigrant, came here when she was only 18 with very little English. And look at her now, rubbing shoulders with world leaders like nobody’s business. “We are privileged working in this house,” she said. “To see all the visitors coming from overseas is really exciting – but it’s more exciting to get everything ready making sure it’s really clean for the people.” Maria takes immense pride in overseeing the cleaning of Parliament House’s 4,500 rooms and 22 kilometres of corridors – the largest building in the southern hemisphere. Even as 18

26 October 2023

we walk, she stops to remove a dead bogong moth from the floor and give it to a waiting magpie outside in the courtyard. Maria’s high security clearance means she is one of only four people to have a swipe card to enter the prime minister’s office (and no, Anthony Albanese doesn’t leave a mess, in case you were wondering.) What’s most impressive about Maria is that she’s outlasted nine prime ministers (ten if you count Kevin Rudd twice during Labor’s revolving leadership period). The funny thing is, Maria is not interested in the political drama and gossip of the house she cleans. “That’s all exciting but we just keep to our jobs, not worry about what’s happening here,” she said. “My husband says to me sometimes, ‘I was watching TV, did you see this happen?’ I say, ‘I don’t have time to see what’s happening here, I’m busy’. I’m not too much into politics, they do their job, I do my job – I don’t have to deal with anything like that, thank God. It would not be an easy job.” Maria starts her day at 6am to clean the PM’s office and the chambers before the politicians arrive. When former Prime Minister Tony Abbott was in office, he had a habit of coming to his office early so Maria had to work quietly around him. Maria oversees a team of 20 cleaning staff and she knocks off at 2.30pm. The nightshift crew starts all over again at midnight. It’s never-ending. Maria’s domain is the floor – all 250,000 square kilometres of it. She superbly maintains the expensive parquetry (native hardwood) floors and the foyer’s white marble and 345-million-year-old black limestone (only distilled water is used to clean these expensive stones). Her work never goes unnoticed, and at the end of every year, her work is praised in the chamber. “Oh my God, that’s how special it is because it’s in the Hansard,” Maria said. “All our girls were invited last Christmas to the courtyard with the PM for afternoon tea, that was really nice. Julia sends me a Christmas card each year, she’s such a lovely person. In 2018, my mum passed away just before Christmas and I got her card, that made me really emotional

Maria Ljubic cleaning the red carpet before the arrival of Queen Elizabeth II. Image courtesy of the National Archives of Australia. NAA: A8172, PHCA35:05:88:861

Working at Parliament House since it opened in 1988, Maria Ljubic takes great pride in overseeing the cleaning of its 4,500 rooms and 22 kilometres of corridors. Photo: Georgia Curry

and I couldn’t believe it.” Parliament House is quite a family affair for the Ljubics because Maria’s husband worked on the construction of the building in the 1980s and her brother-in-law owned the company tasked with excavating the top half of Capital Hill. She says her favourite space is the Members’ Hall with its reflective pool and soothing sound of flowing water. There is no thought of retirement for the 71-year-old, however. With such friends in high places, why would she? “This is a most beautiful house,” Maria said. “I’m so humbled. Everyone’s looking at us like a part of the family here. I’m so happy, how can I finish this job. I have to keep coming.” - Georgia Curry canberradaily.com.au




Stage 2 Land Release Event. Saturday 28th October, 11am - 4pm At the award-winning South Jerrabomberra Display home. 16 Alpine Ash Way, Tralee NSW

Contact Vlada Piven 0404 891 155 | vpiven@villagebuilding.com.au

HAVE YOU HEARD? GIVIT donation of the week: Household goods

COGS Kambah Community Garden

GIVIT is working with a not-for-profit organisation in Canberra that is supporting a family who have been experiencing homelessness. This young couple and their child have been couch-surfing for most of the year and have finally secured a rental property. They need a crockery and cutlery set, kitchen starter set, kitchen appliances, a fridge/freezer and a washing machine. Generous Canberrans can donate these items or fund the purchase with 100% of money received by GIVIT used to purchase them. To donate, visit givit.org.au/whats-needed, search category: ‘kitchen starter’ or ‘kitchen appliance pack’ or ‘fridge/freezer’ or ‘washing machine’; Location: ‘ACT’.

The annual Kambah Community Garden open day and seedling sale is back on Saturday 4 November 10am-3pm, corner of Springbett Street and O’Halloran Circuit, Kambah. Entry is free. Visitors will have a chance to inspect over 40 individual plots, a common herb garden and a flower plot. Seedlings and other plants will be on sale. Other attractions include guest presentations at 11am, 12pm, 1pm and 2pm, a sausage sizzle, tea and coffee, kids’ treasure hunts, raffle and stalls including ACT for Bees, Seed Savers, Global Worming, See Change and the Southern ACT Catchment Group. More info: visit the SouthFest or COGS Kambah Facebook pages.

Celebrating Hackett’s 60th birthday

Conder Craft Group

The Hackett Community Association is partnering with local churches to celebrate Hackett’s 60th birthday in the grounds of the Holy Cross Anglican and St Margaret’s Uniting Churches, Antill St, Hackett on Saturday 28 October 3-8pm. There will be stalls, displays, music, food, attractions for children, and the Hackett Squares Artshow. A birthday cake will be cut at 4pm by some original residents who still live in Hackett. More info: hackett.asn.au

Our Group meets on the first Thursday of each month 1-3pm at YWCA Mura Lanyon Community Centre, Sydney Nolan Street, Conder. New members welcome. Come along with your sewing, knitting or those projects you have always wanted to complete. Cost: $3. More info: 6294 6201.

Canberra Brick Show Canberra LEGO User Group (CLUG) presents the Canberra Brick Show 2023 on 28-29 October at Thoroughbred Park. We are expecting over 250 tables of LEGO creations from over 125 local and interstate builders. CLUG is a voluntary organisation and the proceeds from the show will go to local charities and speciality schools. Tickets: canberra.brickshow.au

Photographic Collectors’ Fiesta Canberra Photographic Collectors’ Society will be holding their Fiesta at the Canberra Irish Club, Weston on Sunday 29 October 10.30am-1.30pm. Free entry. You can book a sale table for $20 or have your item sold for you from the Club Table. Bookings: contact Andre on 0422 981 778 or email photographic.collectors@gmail.com

Friends of ANBG Thursday Talks On 2 November 12.30-1.30pm at ANBG Theatrette, Dr Erin Hahn presents: ‘Conservation time machine harnessing degraded DNA for wildlife protection.’ Gold coin donation desirable.

Yarralumla Arts and Crafts Show Yarralumla Uniting Church will host its 42nd Arts and Crafts show at the Church Centre, Denman Street, Yarralumla on 3-5 November. Open Friday and Saturday 10am-5pm, Sunday 12-5pm. Featuring over 100 local artists, crafters and makers, there will be art, handmade wares, refreshments, and entertainment from local choirs and musicians. Funds raised will support the work of Spinal ACT, Canberra Refugee Support, Caring for Kiriwina and other community organisations. More info: email Lynne at yarracrafts@gmail.com


community noticeboard email news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘HYH’ in the subject field

Geranium & Fuchsia plant sale Canberra Geranium & Fuchsia Society plant sale and display with geranium specialist, Robyn Bible, on Saturday 4 November 1-4pm at Woden Valley Uniting Church Hall, Curtin. Entry: $2; members free. Cash sales only.

Canberra Festival of Nature Landcare ACT’s first Canberra Festival of Nature continues. Join our Wellbeing Program for a lunchtime Monday Meander on 6 November, or head to Sutton on 4 November for a grassland excursion. There are opportunities to learn from leading experts about their research on Thursdays at the ANBG, or attend a guided bird walk at the Pinnacle Nature Reserve on 12 November. More info: landcareact.org.au/festival

Red Dove preloved Last two openings for Red Dove preloved clothing for the year are 2-4 and 23-25 November 9am-1pm at Tuggeranong Uniting Church, Wanniassa. New summer stock for women, men and children, linen, shoes, bags, jewellery, books, bric-a-brac, and coffee and cake. More info: Jenny 0409 306 031.

Bungendore Lions Lap the Map challenge Come, join us, walk/run around the oval for diabetes awareness and raise money for Lions Diabetes Foundation at Mick Sherd Oval, Bungendore, Sunday 12 November 10am-1.30pm. Lots of family friendly activities, free medical and dietary advice, delicious healthy food. More info: email bungendore.nsw@lions.org.au

Canberra Jung Society At our next meeting on Friday 3 November 7.30pm, Rod Taylor will be giving a talk on ‘The Path to a Sustainable Civilisation’ at 8pm. We meet at McKillop House, Lyneham (and via zoom). Guests $15; seniors/concession $10. More info: 0406 375 670 or CanberraJungSociety.org.au

Charity Stall

Phone/computer security workshop

Relay for Life Team, the Bold Bandannas, are holding a stall at Bunnings Majura on Saturday 4 November 10am-4.30pm. We shall be selling jams, chutneys, marmalades, lemon butter, and Christmas fare. More info: Rosemary on 6288 7752.

Weston Creek Community Centre is running a free seminar to help you understand how to protect yourself from scams on your phone or computer, on Saturday 4 November 10.30am-12.30pm. Bookings: call 6288 1144 Monday to Friday 8.30am-5pm. Donations welcome.

26 October 2023


feature Ramada Diplomat Canberra

Diplomat Bar & Grill’s new set menu options culinary experience! An



raving a new dining experience that tantalises your taste buds? Look no further! Diplomat Bar & Grill is delighted to unveil our brand-new set menu options: a two-course delight for just $49 per person and a sumptuous three-course experience for only $59 per person. Complement your meal with quality wines, including local gems from Clonakilla and Nick Spencer wineries. If you prefer, allow our team to expertly pair each course with specially curated wines, just $18 per person for the two-course set menu, or $25 per person for the three-course menu.

More on offer

At Diplomat Bar & Grill, we’re all about elevating your dining experience, offering you a

mouthwatering selection of dishes that cater to every palate and preference. Whether you’re a meat lover, a veggie enthusiast, or require gluten-free options, we’ve got you covered from breakfast to dinner. Our friendly and dedicated team is here to ensure you have a fantastic dining experience every time you visit.

Small Bites, Big Flavours

In the mood for something smaller? Our bar menu features a delightful selection of snacks, including delicious beef sliders and mac and cheese croquettes. They’re perfect for those moments when you’re looking for a quick and tasty treat. Don’t forget! Happy Hour is a daily crowd-pleaser, with house wines, beers, and spirits at just $6, and a cocktail of the day for only $12.

Tis the season

Book Diplomat Bar & Grill for your Christmas party! Our versatile space is perfect for hosting. Our experienced team will take care of every detail, leaving you free to celebrate. For event bookings and enquiries, reach out to us at events@ramadacanberra.com.au. We can’t wait to welcome you and create memorable moments together.

Diplomat Bar & Grill at Ramada Diplomat Canberra, 2 Hely St, Griffith ACT T: 6295 2277 E: events@ramadacanberra.com.au W: diplomat.ramadacanberra.com.au Your unforgettable dining experience awaits at Diplomat Bar & Grill!

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26 October 2023


social scene

Emma Watson, Jen Ramirez, Sam Duffy-Yates

Leigh-Hoa Luu, Therese Flapper

Archie Tsirimokos, David Marshall, James Hawketts, Shane Martin, Greg Harford

Lily Qiao, Professor Ed Kruzins

Julia Pooley, Kirsty Myssonski Pittard

Louise Hegarty, Raffy Sgroi, Davina Brown

Keith Cantlie, Jo Whitfield, Khushwant Dhanoa, Karen Shaw

Mary Souter, Helena Cain

Sian Henshaw, Lewis Haskew

Canberra Business Chamber State of the Territory Address, Gandel Hall, National Gallery of Australia. Photos: Kerrie Brewer

SPREAD THE NEWS AND EARN EXTRA $$$ DELIVER THE ACT REGION’S LEADING FREE NEWS Suited for persons who are retired or semi-retired looking for additional income. Applicants need a driver’s licence and one tonne ute, van or equivalent. Must be available on Thursday mornings from 8am to commence deliveries.

Call Vincent Samaras 0418 182 664 22

26 October 2023


This is an edited extract from Kindred by Maria and Eva Konecsny, published by Plum, RRP $49.99, photography by Amy Whitfield.


or Treat

Halloween haunts us on a weekday this year, but fear not! Treat the little ghouls to a spooktacular breakfast, and for the grown-ups, indulge in a scary-movie snack so good, it’s love at first bite.

In a medium saucepan, heat the coconut oil over medium heat until hot and beginning to smoke slightly. Add the popcorn kernels and immediately sit a sieve on top to seal the top of the saucepan. As the kernels begin to pop, reduce the heat to low and shake the saucepan occasionally. As the popping subsides, add the sugar to the sieve and shake the saucepan until the sugar has sifted through. Continue to shake the pan until the sugar has caramelised – this will take a couple of minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and stir the popcorn to ensure it is completely coated in caramel. Transfer to a sheet of baking paper and quickly separate the popcorn using a spatula. Sprinkle the salt over the popcorn, then leave to cool completely at room temperature. Temper the chocolate by placing it in a microwave-safe plastic bowl and heating it in the microwave on high in 30-second increments, stirring in between. Once

Images and text from Chocolate All Day by Kirsten Tibballs, photography by Armelle Habib. Murdoch Books RRP $49.99.

you have 50 per cent solids and 50 per cent liquid, stir vigorously until the solids have completely melted. If you have some resistant buttons, you can gently heat the chocolate with a hair dryer while stirring to melt them. Place the cooled popcorn in a bowl. Pour the tempered chocolate over the popcorn and stir to coat. Create clusters by spooning tablespoons of the chocolate popcorn onto a sheet of baking paper. Leave to set at room temperature.


Spooky toasts with better Nutella Serves 2 2 slices sourdough bread, toasted and buttered 1 banana, peeled A handful of baked pretzels A pinch of black sesame seeds 6 edible eyeball decorations For the better Nutella 250 g hazelnut butter 2 tsp cold-pressed oil (macadamia oil is great) 50g dark chocolate (50–70% cocoa), coarsely chopped 2 tsp Dutch-processed cocoa* 1/4 tsp ground cassia* 1/4 tsp ground wattleseed* 1/2 tsp coconut sugar* 1/8 tsp fine Himalayan pink salt Spice shortcuts* 3 tsp Gewürzhaus Feel Good Hot Chocolate To make the better Nutella, combine all the ingredients in a saucepan (ideally with a spout) over medium–low heat canberradaily.com.au

and, stirring occasionally, heat until the chocolate is melted. Pour the warmed mixture into a 300 ml sterilised glass jar and spoon any excess into your mouth! Set aside. To assemble the spooky toasts, spread a layer of better Nutella on each. For the spider toast, place two slices of banana on the toast, then decorate with broken-off pieces of pretzels for the legs, sesame seeds for the mouths and eyeball decorations for the eyes. For the ghost toast, cut the banana in half and then again lengthways in half. Place on the toast and using a chopstick, poke a hole into the banana to make the mouth of the ghost. Decorate with eyeball decorations for the eyes and sesame seeds for eyebrows.

Chocolate-coated candied popcorn Makes 35 clusters 1 tbsp coconut oil or vegetable oil 50g plain popcorn kernels 150g caster (superfine) sugar 1 tsp sea salt 300g good-quality milk chocolate 26 October 2023



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4 1 3 6 5

8 1 9 2 2 4 6 9 7 8




1 5 7 4 6 4 7 9 8 No. 1643

3 4 3 2 1



Puzzles and pagination © Pagemasters | pagemasters.com


Susan Sarandon caught pneumonia while filming a swimming pool scene in which 1975 cult classic?


In Disney/Pixar's Toy Story franchise, which of Andy's toys is also a piggy bank?


The board game Settlers of Catan features tiles that are what in shape?


True or false: clouds are weightless?


Brain busters: 1. Bondi Beach 2. The Rocky Horror Picture Show 3. Hamm 4. Hexagonal 5. False

DOWN 1 Theoretical rather than concrete (8) 2 Feats (15) 3 South-West Pacific region (7) 4 Demanding (9) 5 Acquiesce (5) 7 Transformation (15) 8 Late-night flight (3-3) 9 Irrational fear (6) 15 Those who recount a story (9) 17 Fire-resistant fibre (8) 19 A fortified wine (6) 21 Concerning weddings (7) 22 Trade (6) 24 Partition (5)

On which beach was the world's first surf lifesaving club founded?

7 4 6 8 1 9 3 5 2 8 1 5 3 2 4 6 9 7 2 3 9 5 7 6 4 8 1 9 6 4 2 8 5 1 7 3 3 7 2 9 4 1 8 6 5 5 8 1 6 3 7 2 4 9 6 9 8 1 5 2 7 3 4 1 5 7 4 6 3 9 2 8 4 2 3 7 9 8 5 1 6

ACROSS 1 Relating to the body (10) 6 The sun is one (4) 10 Heir (9) 11 Cache (5) 12 Prompts (7) 13 Consulate (7) 14 Aggregation (9) 16 Between (4) 18 Enquires (4) 20 Garden plants (9) 23 Drifting (7) 25 Pacify (7) 26 Singing voice (5) 27 String musician (9) 28 Hurry (4) 29 Large open areas used for grazing (10)




The alignment of the sun, Mercury and Mars in Scorpio brings key developments. You’ll appreciate being able to review some of the arrangements in your daily health practices and personal life, bringing more balance to your everyday life.

Key work developments and ventures signal a busy time as Sunday’s lunar eclipse will kickstart a fresh chapter for you. You may make an important commitment. If you have undergone relationship difficulties, this is an excellent week to smooth out issues.



Get set to begin a fresh phase at work. You may be surprised by developments and could pick up a project where you left off. You’ll have the benefit of hindsight. Some Sagittarians will turn a corner in their personal life.

The lunar eclipse will help you to turn a corner in connection with a friend or an organisation. Romance could flourish this week, so be sure to plan a date if you haven’t already. You may be surprised by news or a meeting.



The lunar eclipse will spotlight your personal life and singles may be drawn to socialise more than usual. Family-minded Capricorns may receive news from a loved one, such as a partner or family member which could spell changes ahead.

Be constructive about changes at home or to do with a property. Fresh arrangements, especially at work and within your status, will be productive. Be sure to initiate talks, even if they involve delicate topics as you’re likely to be heard.


LEO JUL 23 – AUG 23

Sunday’s lunar eclipse will spotlight your home life or family. You may receive important news at work or will change direction in life in general, which will have an impact on your status or home life. A pleasant surprise will boost morale.

A lovely relationship or venture can flourish now, so be sure to take the initiative, especially if you’ve been holding back slightly. This is a positive week to invest in a favourite interest or collaboration if all your research adds up.



You’ll gain insight into the best way forward in negotiations and talks. Legal, travel, spiritual and educational matters will progress, so be positive. Some Pisces will enter a fresh financial arrangement and so must be clear about their needs.

It’s time to make changes with some of your financial arrangements and agreements. Discussions and meetings will take you somewhere productive and exciting, so if you have fresh plans and ideas, this is the time to discuss your projects and investments.



This is a good week to renegotiate a shared situation such as a domestic circumstance or a financial agreement. A collaboration at work or a joint venture could progress. It’s an excellent time for socialising and networking, so enjoy.

This is a good week to consider how best to manage your personal commitments, to ensure you make room for that someone special. A relationship may feel more intense than usual, and making time to discuss important decisions will reap rewards.


For personal readings, contact Patsy through her website to make an appointment, or call 0448 808 333. Facebook: facebook.com/patsybennettpsychicastrology Instagram: instagram.com/patsybennettastrology www.patsybennett.com

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26 October 2023



3 1

2 4 6

3 9

2 6 5 6 9 2 9 5 3 4 5

5 7 1


7 2



- * 7 + 1 ( - 2 % 2 6 1 , $ ( 8 $ 4 $ 7 $ 5 5 * 6 1 * ( 5 < 0 % 0 - $ 3 $ 1 2 $ 1 + , 8 2 ) 2 $ $ 1 1 2 $ $ 5 7 $ + % 2 8 1 1 $ , & / / 6 0 = 1 8 $ % 0 ) 5 $ 1 & ( $ $ ( , $ 1 5 + $ , 3 ' & + $ ' 0 1 . % , , 8 & 6 / % 7 2 * 2 4 , ' ( , ( 7 $ & 6 ( % ( * $ , $ 1 1 1 $ $ 8 * 2 5 6 8 5 8 * 8 $ < 2 < 1 : $ + 0 , , 3 ( 5 8 6 < 5 , $ * 0 $ 8 2 7 2 % $ * 2 ( : 7 & 8 % , ' + 5 3 $ 5 $ * 8 $ < 8 $ , 7 $ / < 2 $ ) , - , < 6 % 0 $ , , 1 * / 6 1 ( 6 7 ( 3 $


The leftover letters will spell out a secret message.

WORDFIND SECRET MESSAGE: The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

2 7

8 3 6


9-LETTER SOLUTION: cession, coin, cone, cones, cons, cosine, cosiness, eosin, icon, nice, niece, noise, nose, once, oscine, scene, scion, scone, SECESSION, seen, seine, sense, senses, session, since, sine, sins, sonic



9-LETTER Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”. Reference: Macquarie Dictionary.


14 words: GOOD 21 words: VERY GOOD 28 words: EXCELLENT

5 8 3 1 9 2 4 7 6 4 6 1 7 8 5 2 3 9 2 9 7 6 3 4 1 8 5 7 3 9 8 2 6 5 4 1 1 5 6 3 4 7 9 2 8 8 4 2 9 5 1 3 6 7 6 7 5 4 1 3 8 9 2 3 1 8 2 7 9 6 5 4 9 2 4 5 6 8 7 1 3

- * 7 + 1 ( - 2 % 2 6 1 , $ ( 8 $ 4 $ 7 $ 5 5 * 6 1 * ( 5 < 0 % 0 - $ 3 $ 1 2 $ 1 + , 8 2 ) 2 $ $ 1 1 2 $ $ 5 7 $ + % 2 8 1 1 $ , & / / 6 0 = 1 8 $ % 0 ) 5 $ 1 & ( $ $ ( , $ 1 5 + $ , 3 ' & + $ ' 0 1 . % , , 8 & 6 / % 7 2 * 2 4 , ' ( , ( 7 $ & 6 ( % ( * $ , $ 1 1 1 $ $ 8 * 2 5 6 8 5 8 * 8 $ < 2 < 1 : $ + 0 , , 3 ( 5 8 6 < 5 , $ * 0 $ 8 2 7 2 % $ * 2 ( : 7 & 8 % , ' + 5 3 $ 5 $ * 8 $ < 8 $ , 7 $ / < 2 $ ) , - , < 6 % 0 $ , , 1 * / 6 1 ( 6 7 ( 3 $

Love Dogs? • Can you help a lovely dog to have a happy holiday in your own home when their owner is away? • Enjoy the company of your new doggy friends and the satisfaction that, while their owners are away, you’re giving them a great holiday too! • You tell us the size and breed of dog you would like to mind and how often - regularly or occasionally. • You’ll be rewarded by a wagging tail and a daily allowance.



Call us today on 1300 30 70 21 or visit www.dontfretpet.com.au 26 October 2023


Charming sculpture blooms in NGA Sculpture Garden The second work commissioned in the Art Makers X National Gallery series has been unveiled as Janet Fieldhouse becomes the first Torres Strait Islander person to be represented in the Sculpture Garden. A proud Kalaw Lagaw Ya/Meriam Mir woman, Ms Fieldhouse is a skilled ceramist known for incorporating natural elements and textiles into her works to create pieces that tell culturally rich stories. Sister Charm, the large bronze piece that has been placed at the Gallery, touches on many aspects that are important to the artist’s culture, marrying them in one eye-catching form. From an engraving of a sea turtle totem representing her great-grandmother to the inclusion of the male experience through a large feather, Ms Fieldhouse’s intricate details capture love and joy. “The form itself is looking at actual charms that were used but I’ve made it more

contemporary. The feathers that are on the figure itself are looking at the idea of a grass skirt as well as dance and celebration. The weaving basket is talking about the idea of memory, the carrying of food, the traditional weaving,” she says. Although the small charms or protector dolls hold great power, they are often hidden away and not spoken of. “There’s two ways of having it – you can have it a good way or a bad way. It is quite taboo, in the aspect of the projection of it, you don’t really see any of it, it is just there, and you don’t question it,” says Ms Fieldhouse. The driving force behind commissioning Ms Fieldhouse to create the sculpture was Tina Baum, Gulumirrgin (Larrakia)/Wardaman/Karajarri peoples, Curator of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art. The curator was drawn to the uniqueness of Ms Fieldhouse’s works in her

Photo Kerrie Brewer

time out

Tina Baum, Gulumirrgin (Larrakia)/Wardaman/Karajarri peoples, Curator of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art, with Sister Charm at the National Gallery of Australia.

Never The Same 2021 collection. “In this series, she made these charm dolls, which is completely different and is known through the Torres Straits. They can be used in so many different ways, whether it’s love charms or for bad purposes, but her charms that she has made are about goodness and love and positivity. I just really loved this direction she was going with them,” says Ms Baum. Full story online at canberradaily.com.au See Sister Charm at the National Gallery of Australia Sculpture Garden; nga.gov.au - Jessica Cordwell

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26 October 2023


Canberra teen dances to London competition Young Canberra dancer Gabrielle Krinas flew to London on Thursday 19 October after being invited to compete in The Margaret Fonteyn International Ballet Competition. Known as The Fonteyn, the prestigious event is the annual flagship event of the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD). The world’s finest young dancers who trained in the RAD syllabus and achieved a high distinction in their final Advanced 2 Ballet are offered a place in the competition. The competition allows dedicated and passionate dancers the opportunity to work with some of the leading ballet choreographers and professionals ahead of performing on an international stage. “I’m going to do a week of coaching and training with a bunch of teachers, like Darcey Bussell, who are famous ballerinas. They’ll coach me on my variations and solos, and then there’ll be the semi-finals, where I get to perform them and maybe be chosen for the finals,” says Gabrielle. Not only is it a chance to compete for awards and

Canberra’s Gabrielle Krinas has flown to London to compete in The Fonteyn Dance Competition. Photo supplied.

mind off anything I’m stressed about at school or anything really. It also just makes me happy when I’m there with my friends and we’re all enjoying it together,” she smiles. Extended story online at canberradaily.com.au - Jessica Cordwell

Ga r

o f r r m e s Ev P r r ery Sta t

the q queanbeyan performing arts centre

g hin


prize money, but making the finals can provide a vital boost to any young performer’s career. All of the finalists’ solo works are sent to artistic directors if globally leading dance companies. At just 17 years old, Gabrielle has already been dancing for over a decade, first joining Aria Dance Studio. “I started when I was about four just because my older sister did it, it was just easy for my mum to put me in as well. Then I started to really enjoy it and at about eight I started RAD and it just kept going from there,” she says. At 10 years old, Gabrielle moved to the Kim Harvey School of Dance where she continues to train up to 25 hours a week while juggling finishing her final year of high school. Throughout the years, the avid dancer has trained in tap, lyrical, contemporary, jazz and character, though her heart has always remained with classical ballet. “I just love it; I can go each day and it takes my

7.30pm 9 november 2023

Proudly sponsored by


26 October 2023


time out

Now showing Killers of the Flower Moon (M)

In Osage County, Oklahoma, Osage Native American elders bury a ceremonial pipe, mourning the assimilation of their descendants into white American society. Suddenly, oil starts to gush on the lands, causing the tribe to become some of the richest people in the world. Soon, Ernest Burkhart (Leonardo DiCaprio) returns from World War I to his rancher uncle William ‘King’ Hale (Robert Di Niro), who advises Ernest to pay special attention to Mollie Kyle (Lily Gladstone), an Osage whose family owns much of the oil land headrights. Based on David Grann’s 2017 book delving into the real-life mass murders of the Osage people, the movie shifts focus from the FBI’s investigation to the lead antagonists. DiCaprio’s Ernest is a simple snake, working for his duplicitous uncle while also falling for Mollie. Di Niro’s Hale is a

patriarch of his community, heavily involved with the town and its machinations as well as being a trusted friend to the Osage people. Throughout the 3.5-hour runtime, audiences can come to understand how the many crimes could have been carried out via insidious, gaslighting and reality-warping means. It is odd, however, that the narrative angle is skewed to understanding the antagonists’ point of view, as opposed to that of the central character of Mollie, the real heart of the story. The production design, cinematography and score are all solid, however, viscerally invoking the environment and period. Verdict: A solid exploration of the extortion, betrayal and murder of the Osage people from a questionable point of view. 3 stars. - Luke McWilliams themovieclub.net Viewed at Dendy Cinemas.

WIN! Run Like Hell tickets Run Like Hell return to wow audiences on 4 November, celebrating the 50th anniversary of Pink Floyd’s timeless classic Dark Side of the Moon. The album will be meticulously recreated in its entirety at the Canberra Southern Cross Club, Woden. In Floydian style, the band will return to the stage with a spirited encore of classics including Echoes, Comfortably Numb, Run Like Hell, and Another Brick in the Wall. The concert is complete with visceral animated backdrops, sassy sax and backing vocalists. Tickets are selling fast, which is testament to the band’s ability to satisfy the exacting standards of Floyd fans. Tickets via Ticketek. One lucky CW reader will win two tickets to the show on Saturday 4 November

Enter to win

To enter, scan the QR code or visit canberradaily.com.au and click on the ‘Entertainment’ tab to ‘Competitions’, find this competition and follow the entry instructions. Entries close 9am Thursday 2 November 2023 and winner drawn same day. One entry per person per giveaway. Entrants must be aged 18+.


26 October 2023


Take 5 with 360, aka Matt Colwell After an extended break from performing, Matt Colwell, better known as 360, hit the road in June. He is about to embark on the Back To Life regional tour which stops in at The Basement Canberra on 24 November. CW’s Jessica Cordwell caught up with 360 ahead of the gig to discuss new music, comedowns and the future.


How does it feel to be back touring? Touring is quite taxing for me, just the travelling and the sleep aspect of it because I’m a bit of a grandpa now, my bedtime most nights is 9 o’clock, 9.30, and doing tours and stuff like that, it’s way past my bedtime.


Do you feel like you’re in a better place to handle the comedown after touring? Definitely, I’m in a much better position but

it still happens, which is unfortunate. I was thinking this time because I’m eating really healthy, I’m going to the gym all the time, maybe it would be different. After the last, I had a big kind of crash, usually I don’t handle it the best, I just go inwards and recluse from everyone and withdraw but this time I ended up going away to a retreat, a mental health and meditation retreat, and stayed there for a week. It was really, really, really good for me, so I’m going to start implementing that after every tour.


Favourite song to perform? I like doing ones the crowd really love – the favourites like Child and Run Alone. I also really love doing the new ones too, just to see how they go down in different spots.

CAPO 2023 Art Auction

See 360 in the Back To Life regional tour at The Basement Canberra, Friday 24 November. Photo: Blacklisted Visions.


What’s next? It’s pretty much more of the same of what I’ve been doing this year; I’m going to be releasing a mixtape of all the songs that I’ve been putting out with a bunch of stuff that has just been released as well. Answers condensed for publication. 360 brings his regional Back To Life tour to The Basement Canberra on Friday 24 November 7pm; tickets.oztix.com.au

Robert Boynes Heartbeat 2


Tell us about your current tour We’re doing everything; we’re bringing back a lot of old songs that haven’t been performed for a while, also stuff from the mixtape days, crowd favourites, stuff like that. Also, all the new stuff that I have been releasing this year.

Auction Gala Friday 10 November

Proudly exhibited at


100 Commonwealth Avenue, Yarralumla

CAPO Patron: Bree Pickering Director, National Portrait Gallery

Albert Hall


Luke Chiswell Good Luck


26 October 2023


time out

Book talk This week, Jeff Popple reviews three books of mystery and suspense. More of Jeff’s reviews can be found on his blog, murdermayhemandlongdogs.com Past Lying by Val McDermid

Your local, independent bookshop in Kingston Canberra’s newest independent bookshop stocking a large range of quality new books for readers of all ages.

We sell pages for all ages

Sphere, $32.99 Set in Edinburgh during the peak of the Covid lockdowns, Past Lying marks the welcomed return of Val McDermid’s popular detective, Karen Pire, in a new enthralling mystery. Featuring an interesting ‘story within a story’ plot, it finds Karen trying to untangle fact from fiction as she investigates an unpublished manuscript, which appears to hold the answer to a recent case. Karen is sceptical, but she cannot ignore the plot’s chilling similarities to the unsolved mystery of an Edinburgh University student who vanished. The only problem is that the author died before he finished the story. A fascinating, atmospheric crime story. Recommended.

Everyone On This Train Is A Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson Penguin, $32.99 Benjamin Stevenson’s Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone was the wittiest and most original crime novel of 2022. Now Stevenson has brought back the book’s central character, Ernest Cunningham, in a new novel featuring a locked room murder mystery on a train. In Everyone On This Train Is A Suspect, Cunningham finds himself investigating a new murder, when a crime writing festival on board the Ghan turns deadly. Featuring Stevenson’s trademark wit and humour, Everyone On This Train Is A Suspect rockets along at a good pace with plenty of twists and turns and some terrific surprises. A great read.

West Heart Kill by Dann McDorman Raven, $32.99 Much in the mould of the Stevenson book is Dann McDorman’s West Heart Kill. The basic story centres on the classic detective fiction trope of a group of wealthy people trapped in a secluded location. They share a sordid history of grievances and secrets, and eventually the mounting tension results in murder. In many ways, West Heart Kill is a love letter to the classic mystery, with an abundance of clues, and several ruminations on the history of the genre. The author frequently breaks down the fourth wall to directly address and involve the reader, and the ending defies convention in an interesting way.

Canberra Weekly competition winners The winners in Canberra Weekly’s latest round of competition draws are: Tesalate beach blanket: J Lamont, Wanniassa; D Hill, Kingston. Hush Puppies: M Low, Nicholls.


26 October 2023


time out what’s on

Gardens with Fleur presents the Spring Garden Event on 29 October, 10 and 19 November.

29 10 19


NOV DAMIEN LEITH Join award-winning singer Damien Leith and a 28-piece concert orchestra as he takes you on a nostalgic journey through the legendary music of Roy Orbison. The show will feature the big O’s hits including Oh, Pretty Woman, You Got It, Crying and so many more. Filled with emotion and world-class musicianship, Damien’s voice with a full orchestra is simply stunning! Canberra Theatre, Friday 3 November 8pm; canberratheatrecentre.com.au

UNTIL QUEENSLAND BALLET The first ballet company to perform at Canberra OCT Theatre since 2019, Queensland Ballet brings their lavish adaptation of William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream to the national capital for five performances only, 25-28 October 7.30pm, and 28 October 1.30pm.


Canberra Theatre, until 28 October; canberratheatrecentre.com.au THAT GLITTERS 29 ALL The CSO Chamber

OCT ensemble presents a concert that discovers one of fair Portia’s suitors in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. Albert Hall, 29 October 2pm; cso.org.au

Find more listings at canberradaily.com.au To advertise here, contact Samantha on 0423 355 563 or samantha@newstimemedia.com.au canberradaily.com.au

NOV You are invited to a free webinar talk on ‘Meaningful Change for Ourselves and the World’ by international speaker, Mark McCurties in the Sunday School building, corner of Macquarie and Bligh Streets, Barton. This is sponsored by the members of the Christian Science Church, Canberra. It can also be viewed online. The Iconics present the tunes from the classic film The Commitments at Clubhouse Kaleen on 4 November.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Canberra, Saturday 4 November 3-4pm; christiansciencecanberra.com

ICONICS 04 THE The Australian

NOV Commitments Tribute Show - Presented by The Iconics. All the soul-stealing, heart-thumping classics from the cult 1991 movie, The Commitments – authentic, passionate and live with The Iconics’ incredible 11-piece band. Tickets are available now and selling fast!


Would you like inspiration and tips for designing a multi-functional garden? Or just enjoy sweet treats with your friends in a beautiful garden? Events are hosted by a local landscape designer in her Braddon garden. Braddon, 29 October, 10 and 19 November; bookings and details: gardenswithfleur.com.au



Experience Roy Orbison Orchestrated Damien Leith at Canberra Theatre on Friday 3 November.

Clubhouse Kaleen, Saturday 4 November 8pm; trybooking.com/ events/landing/1121455

Mark McCurties speaks at First Church of Christ, Scientist, Canberra on 4 November.

UNTIL SPEAKING IN TONGUES Free-Rain Theatre presents this study of NOV love, marriage, infidelity and betrayal as nine lives interconnect and overlap.


ACT Hub, Kingston, until 4 November; acthub.com.au SUNDAY 05 VIKINGS FUNDAY

NOV A free come-and-try day for all the family. Try one of the sports on show and hop on the jumping castle. Viking Park, Wanniassa, 5 November 10am-2pm; vikings.com.au VISITORS 08-11 THE January 1788,

seven clan leaders NOV gather overlooking the harbour deciding whether to send the approaching strangers away or welcome them in this witty, awardwinning production. Canberra Theatre Centre, 8-11 November; canberratheatrecentre.com.au

WIN! Cunard British Film Festival passes

The 2023 Cunard British Film Festival presented by Palace will bring the finest British filmmaking, production and acting to Palace Electric Cinema on 2-29 November. Many of Britain’s most enduring and well-known faces feature in this year’s stunning selection including Anthony Hopkins, Timothy Spall, Olivia Colman, Helena Bonham Carter, Ian McKellen, Helen Mirren, Michael Caine and Glenda Jackson in her final film. The 2023 Festival will open with the premiere of One Life starring Sir Anthony Hopkins, direct from its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival. For the full program, visit britishfilmfestival.com.au CW has 5 x British Film Festival passes to be won (general sessions only).

Enter to win

To enter, scan the QR code or visit canberradaily.com.au and click on the ‘Entertainment’ tab to ‘Competitions’, find this competition and follow the entry instructions. Entries close 9am Thursday 2 November 2023 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person per giveaway. Entrants must be aged 18+. 26 October 2023


the look


bra and breast form fitting after my mastectomy in 2008. Even though I didn’t know what to expect and disappointed at the lack of bra choice, the fitting was so uplifting. I re-entered the world feeling much more like the “old” me.

Gillian from Colleen’s Lingerie and Swimwear in Garran offers first-hand advice for women facing the daunting task of bra shopping after breast cancer surgery.

Uplifting advice: Bras after breast cancer surgery Bras, the thought of shopping for one can fill women with dread. A necessary evil some might say and that’s before a woman hears the words “you have breast cancer”. Thrust into a new and frightening

experience of breast surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and hormone treatments, bra shopping for the right bra can suddenly become even more daunting and very emotional. I remember my first

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26 October 2023

Prior to surgery The best place to start is to ask your breast care nurse or surgeon which type of post-surgical bra you’ll need, often referred to as front opening comfort or compression bras. This will depend on the type of surgery – mastectomy, breast conserving surgery (lumpectomy), reconstruction with implant or using your own muscle and tissue. Bras designed for after breast surgery These usually have a pocket to fit a breast form – even if you don’t need to use the pocket, this type of bra is ideal for all breast surgeries as they have soft cups (wire free) to prevent discomfort or irritation on scar tissue, wider side bands to help hide surgery scars and offer greater support to the surgical site. In some cases, you may not be able to wear an underwire bra again due to the location of your surgical scar, effects of radiation or general discomfort. Which bra is right for you The bras you choose to wear after surgery is a personal choice and will depend on your lifestyle, the clothes you like to wear and what you feel comfortable wearing. I’m glad to say that the choice of these bras has greatly improved since my first fitting after surgery over 15 years ago.

234 CRAWFORD ST, QUEANBEYAN 02 6299 3335 @debbiemareesfashion

Wearing a breast form or balance shaper for uneven breasts For women who choose to have a mastectomy without reconstruction, there are many

For women bra shopping after breast surgery, Amoena offer a wide range of breast forms to match your lifestyle and personal comfort.

breast form options available to match your lifestyle and personal comfort. Amoena offer a wide range of forms – lightweight, ones with cooling technology, ones which adapt to changes in size using adapt air technology and ones which adhere to the chest. They also have balance shapers (partial breast forms) which are designed for uneven breasts. You can receive a rebate for the purchase of breast forms from Medicare as a result of breast cancer or for prophylactic mastectomies (preventative surgery). At Colleen’s, we are trained to support you in finding the right bra and breast form and to do so with sensitivity and understanding. Until COB Tuesday 31 October, when you buy an Amoena breast form or balance shaper and two Amoena bras, the third Amoena bra is free. canberradaily.com.au



3 key healthy habits you might be overlooking When it comes to the pillars of good health, quality sleep, a nourishing diet and regular movement or exercise usually spring to mind. Whilst these are all essential elements of a healthy lifestyle, there are, however, other tools that are less obvious but just as important.

Connect with the ones you love

We know loneliness is linked to a range of adverse health conditions including high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, a weakened immune system, anxiety, depression and cognitive decline. Finding time to connect with those nearest and dearest is a simple act that can benefit both you and your loved ones. This might look like consciously choosing to take some time away from watching TV or being plugged into a

device and engage in a shared activity like a board game, an after-dinner walk, cooking or eating a meal together. For something different, what about volunteering at a local charity, building new connections and supporting people in need.

Do more of (or find out) what lights you up

Do you have a solid grasp of what fills you with delight and regularly make space for it in your life? What do you love to do? What makes time fly or fills you with happiness? Frequently making space for things that bring you joy is crucial to our wellbeing. It could be the case that you’ve lost touch with what lights you up. You can try thinking of things you used to love that have fallen by the wayside. If you’re still stumped, then don’t worry

THE HAIR INSTITUTE by the r clinic

– it just means it’s the perfect time to get out of your routine and try some new things. One of the most crucial steps of being responsible for your wellbeing is to keep discovering what nourishes your contentment and bliss and determinedly making the time and space for it.

Soak up some silence

Information and entertainment are so readily available that it’s become necessary to consciously make time to remove yourself from stimulation to let your mind and body rebalance. So, take a bath, go for a walk in nature or just sit in the garden with a cup of tea and let your nervous system recalibrate. Just don’t take your phone with you! If at first you feel agitated or

Take 10 minutes out of your day to just soak up some silence without any distractions.

unsettled when you unplug from stimulation, don’t worry; it’s a sign your nervous system is detoxing from the constant noise. It can take a while for silence to feel normal. Try starting the day with a bit of quiet, get up 10 minutes earlier in the morning and spend some time outside in your garden or your local park.


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It’s spooky season! We’re all about creating those cosy corners for cuddling up, awaiting trick or treaters, or indulging in our favourite scary films. WITH HOME EDITOR, ANJA DE ROZARIO


2 Ruby red wing chair, $495, Indian cabinet, $5500, Antique copper tea kettle, $780, Egret lamp with shade, $400, Antique temple prayer candle holders, $500, Chaya midnight cushion cover, $229, all from Dirty Janes.



Can’t seem to pull your home together? Access help for just the parts you need. We take your ideas and your style then pull it altogether so you can move forward. Avoid big ticket mistakes and achieve the stylish, timeless forever home you deserve.

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26 October 2023

1 Bamboo Mill, $990, Journey Home Interiors; 2 Halloween fetch pumpkin, $5.50, Kmart; 3 Black check with ruffle cushion cover, $129.95, Luxe & Beau; 4 Dragonfly steel wall ornament, $89, templeandwebster.com.au; 5 Nada black hurricane lantern, $305, Journey Home Interiors; 6 Velvet Euro cushion cover, $24.99, mocka.com.au; 7 Spikey Mug by Holly O’Meehan, $90, Belco Arts; 8 Ophelia salad servers, $69.95, Luxe & Beau canberradaily.com.au

real estate

property of the week

Classic family home in Dickson with endless possibilities Dickson 6 Randell Street Nestled in the heart of Dickson, this classic Inner North family home comes with a separate commercial grade kitchen at the back – a canvas of possibilities for the gourmet enthusiast or small business owner. Form continues to meet function seamlessly throughout the property. For agent Ryan Hedley, another favourite room in the house is the nursery/study off the master bedroom. “It helps this property grow with you,” he says. “Starting out as a nursery and growing with your family.” Situated in the “Goldilocks zone” of Dickson, with acclaimed educational institutions at your doorstep, the location can’t be beat when it comes to raising a family. canberradaily.com.au

“You have North Ainslie Primary, Lyneham Primary, Lyneham High, Daramalan College and more, all within walking distance,” says Ryan. “You never have to move. You also can’t overcapitalise here with RZ3 territory planning.” Families living here can rest easy with the assurance of a top-of-the-line security system and an electronic gate, elegantly blending modern technology to make safety a natural part of daily life. “This property has been loved and looked after,” says Ryan. “The high-quality finishes, security gate windows with 70 per cent noise reduction, and unbeatable location are what makes it a fantastic home.”



EER Auction View Agent Mob

6 0.0 $1,400,000+ Sat 28 Oct 2.30-3pm Ryan Hedley 0458 440 375

LJ Hooker Dickson | 6257 2111 26 October 2023


real estate recent sales 18 Kallaroo Road, Pialligo

$2,300,000 Blackshaw

205 Owen Dixon Drive, Spence


home by holly

15B Curlewis Crescent, Garran

$1,550,000 Hayman Partners

8 Burrai Place, Ngunnawal



57 Shackleton Circuit, Mawson

$1,450,000 Independent

60 Maribyrnong Avenue, Kaleen



$1,407,000 MARQ

4 Coolgardie Street, Dunlop


LJ Hooker

$1,368,000 LJ Hooker

38 Adventure Street, Harrison


Impact Properties

$1,340,000 LJ Hooker

21 Cricket Street, Throsby


Confidence Real Estate

15 Stan Davey Rise, Coombs

$1,270,000 Irwin Property

20 Swallow Street, Dunlop


LJ Hooker

52 Kalianna Street, Harrison

$1,265,000 MARQ

8 Loxton Place, Dunlop


LJ Hooker

7/43 Ijong Street, Braddon


Ray White

71 Barnard Ciruit, Florey

$1,251,000 Timothy Road

3 Snowgum Place, Jerrabomberra


The Property Collective

9 Wardill Close, Holt


LJ Hooker

290 Crawford Street, Queanbeyan

$1,250,000 Ward Estate Agents

14 Bromley Street, Wanniassa



11/80 Henty Street, Braddon


Ray White

4 Cleaver Street, Googong

$1,220,000 White Rhino

182a Atherton Street, Downer


home by holly

3/7 Loveday Crescent, Casey



27 Aston Crescent, Cook

$1,215,000 home by holly

45 Lionel Rose Street, Holt


Confidence Real Estate

81/43 Eastlake Parade, Kingston


Cream Residential

10 Seahorse Street, Throsby

$1,215,000 Confidence Real Estate

28/39 Chandler Street, Belconnen


Belle Property

13 Gatehouse Place, Belconnen


LJ Hooker

107/2 Grose Street, Deakin

$1,210,000 Belle Property

32/15 Wanderlight Avenue, Lawson


Catherine Halloran

43/43 Blackall Street, Barton



4 Nankervis Street, Casey

$1,200,000 MARQ

12 Duigan Street, Scullin


Ray White

1/329 Flemington Road, Franklin



5 Dobbie Place, Watson

$1,110,000 Ray White

36 Badimara Street, Waramanga


LJ Hooker

620/74 Northbourne Avenue



33 Archibald Street, Lyneham

$1,100,000 LJ Hooker

51 Bieundurry Street, Bonner


LJ Hooker

22/21 Eastlake Parade, Kingston



250 Beasley Street, Farrer

$1,100,000 Luton

25/14/16 New South Wales Crescent, Forrest $772,000


124/2 Hinder Street, Gungahlin



7/110 Eggleston Crescent, Chifley

$1,096,000 Ray White

114/39 McIntyre Street, Narrabundah $750,000


153/264 City Walk, City



21 Larkin Street, Googong

$1,092,500 PRD

5 Pajong Street, Ngunnawal


Ray White

6/4 Heard Street, Mawson


Ray White

$1,060,000 Ray White

42 Hanley Street, Casey


Town Residential

186/15 Irving Street, Phillip


LJ Hooker

$1,020,000 Stone

38/54 Forbes Street, Turner


Ray White

7/28 Mort Street, Braddon



$1,010,000 Independent

16/1 Flecker Place, Florey



1505/1 Grazier Lane, Belconnen




Michael Potter

135/77 Northbourne Avenue, Turner



171/1 Anthony Rolfe Avenue


Impact Properties



5/18 Broughton Place, Queanbeyan


LJ Hooker


LJ Hooker

21 Fingal Street, Crace 70 Marsden Street, Dickson 3 Souter Place, Weston

23 Grylls Crescent, Cook 5 Dickins Street, Forde 26 Gratwick Street, Gowrie 8 Grigg Place, Richardson

$990,000 8 Grigg Place Richardson Michael Potter Real Estate

36b Gallgher Street, Kambah


Ray White

4/10 Coolac Place, Braddon

44 Horsely Crescent, Melba


home by holly

10/21 Thunder Circuit, Harrison


LJ Hooker

46/40 Swain Street, Gungahlin

34 Chanter Terrace, Coombs



17/19 Howitt Street, Kingston



Data is provided by agents. Source: Realestate.com.au

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26 October 2023

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real estate on the market

Murrumbateman NSW Sunningdale Estate If you are looking at land in the Canberra region, this is an opportunity not to be missed. Nestled within the township of Murrumbateman before a brilliant backdrop of natural surrounds, Sunningdale Estate presents 37 large residential blocks ranging from

1,500sqm to 6,300sqm in size. Fully serviced with town water, electricity, sewerage and NBN, these are blocks ready to build your dream home on. The blocks are approved for multiple dwellings so you can build your dream home and someone else’s!

Planned to make the most of views, natural light, and the unique aspect of each block, land is for sale in a range of sizes, orientations and dimensions. Sunningdale Estate is your chance to unlock the gateway to a new and brighter life.

Price From $590,000 View Contact Agent Agent Troy Thompson Mob 0408 694 917 Agent Marcus Cataldo Mob 0401 744 964 LJ Hooker Country (02) 6213 3999


$500 donated to RSPCA ACT when a new landlord signs up for Property Manager in October 2023* *Terms and Conditions Apply


26 October 2023


Country Canberra

We've come to the country. Servicing Yass, Murrumbateman, Bungendore, Sutton, Braidwood, Royalla, Michaelgo & Land Marketing. Contact us today to find out the opportunity that exists when selling with us.

country@ljhookercountry.com.au (02) 6213 3999

Country Canberra

Local People. National Brand. Kim & Daniel Gilbert join LJ Hooker Country team Combined hands on experience spanning 50+ years. Same unrivaled track record of successful results. Same unmatched experience in the region. NOW backed by Australia’s No. 1 Real Estate brand. Contact us today to find out the opportunity that exists when selling with us.

Kim Gilbert | 0438 633 378 kgilbert@ljhookercountry.com.au

Daniel Gilbert | 0411 478 364 dgilbert@ljhookercountry.com.au



Nestled before a brilliant backdrop of natural surrounds, Sunningdale Estate presents 37 large residential blocks between 1,500–6,300sqm, now selling from $590,000.

Fully-serviced blocks with water, electricity, sewerage and nbn.™

Blocks approved for multiple dwellings.

20 minutes to Canberra.

DA Approved.

Residential sized blocks in the heart of Murrumbateman.

Build your dream home on a larger block for a third of the cost.

Troy Thompson 0408 694 917 troy.thompson@ljhooker.com.au

Marcus Cataldo 0401 744 964 marcus.cataldo@ljhooker.com.au

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Register your interest today. careers.canberracity@ljhooker.com.au


Townhouses from $749,900 Now selling, modern terrace style living in the heart of Gungahlin. Enjoy the lifestyle of inner-city connectivity in a townhouse you could call home. Designed for low-maintenance modern living, 2 & 3-bedroom on a variety of two or three-storeys. With front and rear private open spaces for entertaining and direct garage access. Walking proximity to Gungahlin Town Centre and adjacent to a nature reserve means you can truly have it all.


Secure off-the-plan terrace-style townhouses with only a 5% deposit.

James Herbert 0400 853 501

Construction has commenced with completion in early 2025.

Troy Thompson 0408 694 917


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Sat 4/11/2023, 11.30am onsite Sat 28/10/2023, 11.30-12.10pm Sun 29/10/2023, 11.30-12.10pm Wed 1/11/2023, 5.30-6pm Alisa Lawrence 0404 066 119

Feels like home Once in a while something special comes along and when you walk through the door of 15 Kallara Close, you’ll know this is one of those. Raked ceilings, exposed brick and a generous floorplan bring back a sense of another time. Light-filled with neutral tones throughout – live comfortably now while you imagine the possibilities. Come see for yourself! EER 2.5


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Justin Ingram



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Planning to downsize?


Brand new 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments selling now. We believe a home is more than just bricks and mortar. It’s a place where you feel you belong. At Marigal Gardens, you’ll enjoy access to great facilities and feel part of an already established and thriving community, exclusive to over 55s. Where family and friends are always welcome. When you’re ready to unwind or entertain in the privacy of your own home, you’ll enjoy: •

generous open plan living areas designed to be practical and inviting

well-appointed kitchens with all the modern conveniences

reverse cycle air-conditioning

double glazing

abundant light and ingenious use of space

sophisticated neutral palette and subtle textures create a timeless canvas to add your own personal touch

internal access to a secure car space

24-hour emergency assistance at the push of a button.

Experience convenient and comfortable living, many with breathtaking views, in your choice of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments at Marigal Gardens.

Display Suite open. Book a private tour or join us at our Open for Inspections every Wednesday, 10am to 2pm. 21 Snodgrass Crescent, Kambah ACT 2902 P: 1300 884 784 | www.marigalgardens.com.au Renders are for illustrative purposes only. Details are correct at time of printing and subject to change. August 2023.

real estate on the market


Surf Beach NSW 81 Eric Fenning


If today’s residential house blocks leave you feeling a little jammed in, this well-presented property on 1,266sqm gives you a bit of room to spread out. The home has a great layout, separating the master suite at one end of the home, while the semi-open plan living area sits in the centre. Surf Beach is a popular area with local shops and a great beach.

Price View Agent Mob



$895,000 By appointment Rob Routledge 0414 235 976

LJ Hooker Batemans Bay (02) 4472 6455



7 Lots for Auction, Cowra NSW

DATE: Friday 1st December 2023 TIME: 11:00am

Sizes ranging from 5 acres to 8.5 acres

LOCATION: Cowra Golf Club, Mees St, Cowra NSW 2794

Creek frontage Formed road access to each block Power available 3.5 hours to Sydney and 2 hours to Canberra. A very rare opportunity to purchase land in a rural setting. Willow Acres provides the perfect location to build your dream home with plenty of room for the family and maybe some sheep or a horse to ride.

AGENTS: David Fagan - 0418 208 021 Andrew Molloy - 0427 426 888


13-17 Mort Avenue, Dalmeny NSW 2546

Accommodation asset / 9 titles offered in-one-line (Receivers and Managers Appointed) • Site area - 2,164 sqm* on L1-9 SP89015 • Nine (9) individual titles offered in one line • Estimated fully leased gross income of $100,000 p.a.* • R2 Low Density Residential • 47m* street frontage • 7.6km* to Narooma town centre Expressions of Interest Closing Tuesday 21 November

Samuel Hadgelias 0480 010 341 Leslie (Yifu) Li 李一夫 0403 261 752

RWC SC raywhitecommercial.com

John Murray 0475 053 869 Locations and outline indicative only


26 October 2023



26 Bavarde Ave Batemans Bay


Executive Lifestyle – Latitude Three Six Two homes on offer are attached duplexes, one 319 sqm, and the other 312 sqm, offered on Torrens title. These are truly special properties with unhindered bay, ocean, and island views to complement the lifestyle you deserve. Interior designers have opted for open-plan living with high-pitched ceilings, luxury finishes, and fixtures of both modern quality and sustainable materials. Batemans Bay is coming of age and the demand for new high-end property is increasing. Estimated completion date is late 2024.

2 Cowper Street Nelligen River View! Nestled above the pristine Clyde River with its “to-die-for” views along the river as it makes its way to the sea, is this special residence. Recently renovated with all the hard work done.





For Sale $1,050,000 - $1,150,000 View By Appointment Agent Rob Routledge 0414 235 976 property.ljhooker.com.au/11p6f8f

26 Joseph Street Batehaven Plenty Of Options! Two attached residences on one title. Separately metered for both water and electricity. Batehaven shops, Corrigan’s Park and beach are close by. Price guide $750,000 - $800,000.

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided.Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.



For Sale $1,695,000 each duplex View Contact Agent Agent Rob Routledge 0414 235 976 batemansbay.ljhooker.com.au/11usf8f




For Sale Sale By Tender - closing 5pm on 31st October 2023 View By Appointment Agent Rob Routledge 0414 235 976 property.ljhooker.com.au/11vgf8f

batemansbay.ljhooker.com.au LJ Hooker Batemans Bay 02 4472 6455

Trades & Services Guide 73

Bathroom Renovations


Bathrooms & Kitchens


Car Detailing


Carpenters & Joiners


Cleaning Service


Commercial Cleaning


Concreting & Related






Engineering Services








Home Renovations


Landscaping & Design


Lawns & Turf








Plastering & Painting


Plumbing & Gasfitting




Rubbish Removals


Shed Builders




Solar Cleaning








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Contact the trades & services team 6175 8827 jen@newstimemedia.com.au

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Call Jen on 6175 8813 to get your business listed canberradaily.com.au

26 October 2023


Trades & Services Guide BATHROOM RENOVATIONS

Contact the trades & services team 6175 8827 jen@newstimemedia.com.au




Buff and Polishing Interior Detailing

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STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD Give your business a boost! Register today in the Trades & Services Guide, call Jen on 6175 8813 or email jen@newstimemedia.com.au

89% of readers will use a tradie in the next 12 months. Be seen when they look for you! Call Jen on 6175 8813 or email jen@newstimemedia.com.au

www.tradewiserenovations.com.au 26 October 2023


Trades & Services Guide CONCRETING & RELATED

Contact the trades & services team 6175 8827 jen@newstimemedia.com.au



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Have your business listed here. Call Jen on 6175 8813 26 October 2023


Trades & Services Guide

Contact the trades & services team 6175 8827 jen@newstimemedia.com.au


Flat Pack Furniture

General Repairs

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26 October 2023

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ATTENTION TRADIES 89% of readers will use a tradie in the next 12 months. Be seen when they look for you! Call Jen on 6175 8813 or email jen@newstimemedia.com.au canberradaily.com.au

Trades & Services Guide

Contact Sean for a Free Quote Sean Thompson Director 0431 403 465 cranky-and-sons@protonmail.com www.cranky-and-sons.com.au @crankynsons


6280 0994

energypeople.com.au Work performed by licensed contractors.

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Contact the trades & services team 6175 8827 jen@newstimemedia.com.au



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ATTENTION TRADIES 89% of readers will use a tradie in the next 12 months. Be seen when they look for you! Call Jen on 6175 8813 or email jen@newstimemedia.com.au canberradaily.com.au

Plumbing: • Installation • Repairs & Maintenance • Blocked drains • Water Heaters • Gas Fitting

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Phone: 0412 571 575 To get your business listed in the Trades & Services Guide, call Jen on 6175 8813

85% of our readers read the

advertisements each week. Have your business listed here. Call Jen on 6175 8813 26 October 2023


Trades & Services Guide SHED BUILDERS

Contact the trades & services team 6175 8827 jen@newstimemedia.com.au

WIN! Artichoke to Zucchini prize packs



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To enter, scan the QR code or visit canberradaily.com.au and click on the ‘Entertainment’ tab to ‘Competitions’, find the competition you wish to enter and follow the entry instructions. Entries close 9am Friday 3 November 2023 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person per giveaway. Entrants must be aged 18+.


26 October 2023

What letter is the yummiest? You’ll have to read through the foodie alphabet to find out. From apple pie to zeppole, and everything in between, Artichoke to Zucchini by Alice Oehr introduces little readers to fruit, vegetables, and dishes from around the globe. Complete with pops of neon pink, Alice’s art is as delicious as ever! This bold new picture book will be in shops on 31 October (Scribble, $24.99). Enter for your chance to win one of three prize packs of Alice’s books and a limited-edition tea towel featuring Alice’s art.


More than 3000+ successful Solar and Battery installations

Have your business listed here. Call Jen on 6175 8813


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WIN! Sesame Street prize packs To celebrate the release of the brand-new Sesame Street: G’Day Elmo book, we have two Sesame Street prize packs to give away, each consisting of a copy of Sesame Street: G’Day Elmo, a canvas bag, a pair of socks, a plush, and a water tumbler with lid. Each prize is valued at $107. In Sesame Street: G’Day Elmo, kids can join Elmo on an Australian adventure! Elmo is going on a holiday Down Under where he will meet all sorts of animals, see some amazing sights and learn his Aussie ABCs. Read along as Elmo travels through iconic Australian scenery and tries classic Aussie delicacies like fairy bread and Vegemite! Available at all Big W stores nationally. canberradaily.com.au

MY KITTENS Rosie and Misty are the most beautiful companions. They love to join in on any remote meeting that I have and give a lot of love to the whole household every hour of the day.

BABY BLUE GUMS After seeing the beautiful baby blue gums planted at the Arboretum, I had to get some in my garden. I’m passionate about gardening, and my baby blues are currently stunning.


My favourite things

Holly Trueman CEO, Screen Canberra Holly Trueman, an on-and-off resident of the ACT, is embarking on her new role as CEO of Screen Canberra. Holly’s journey into the TV/film industry began as a distraction while completing her PhD in malariology in London. Her recent producer credits include the feature documentary RIDE: A Brutal Fairytale (2022) and the TV series Makers of Modern Australia (2023), narrated by Shaun Micallef, both on ABC iView. Holly’s career path has been diverse, transitioning from science to TV and back to science on more than one occasion. Holly has witnessed Canberra evolve; she lived here in the late 1990s as an ANU student. In 2007, she returned to the bush capital for a post-doctoral career at CSIRO. In 2012, she left Hong Kong and Sydney behind, returning again to provide her daughters with top schools and clean air. canberradaily.com.au

One of my first grown-up jobs was at the Natural History Museum in London, it was such a magical place to work. I particularly loved Giraffe Corridor, a corridor in the basement where the giraffes would rest when they weren’t on display in the galleries.

FILM CAMERA This little camera was gifted to me by John Garrett, a master of black-andwhite photography. I began taking photos when I was at school in Armidale and did photography for my major work in year 12. I spent many hours locked in an old, converted broom cupboard developing my pictures.

BOOROOMBA ROCKS One of the things I love about Canberra is the mountains that surround it; the Brindabellas are so beautiful. One of my family’s favourite walks is the Booroomba Rocks Walk, where you have stunning views back across the capital region

26 October 2023


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