21 December 2023

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21 december 2023 03 january 2024

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Remember Ukraine


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Meet Canberra’s Young Citizen of the Year

Peachy keen on Peach Fuzz

World Basketball Day Taking shots and shaping futures


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From the editor Welcome to my final edition as editor of Canberra Weekly magazine. After 15 years, the time has come to pass the reins to a new generation – in this case, to my younger son, Vincent, who has worked in this family business in various capacities for more than a decade. It’s in excellent hands; Vincent has a robust news sense, brings a fresh perspective to the role (that of a millennial rather than a boomer), and possesses many admirable qualities I aspire to – capability, competence, intelligence (natural, learned, and emotional), empathy, equanimity, reliability, honesty and bonhomie. This has been the best job of my life so far. I’m keenly aware this role has placed me in the privileged position of receiving invitations to all manner of events and experiences that I otherwise would not have been able to attend. And I’ve relished every opportunity – from community club meetings, barbecues and walkathons to exhibition openings, live performances and extravagant galas – it’s been a ball! I’m grateful for every event I’ve attended and each person I’ve met along the way. Of course, it’s not all been smooth sailing. As in life, challenges arise, and it is through these that I am confronted by my shortcomings which I endeavour to overcome, and to continue evolving into a kinder, smarter, and more resilient and empathetic human being. While I don’t always enjoy facing challenges, the reward is growth, gratitude, and more wisdom, one challenge at a time (sometimes several at once)! As many regular readers will know, my weekly ode to gratitude is more than “a nice touch” – it’s based on scientific research that proves expressing gratitude enhances one’s overall feelings of wellbeing and satisfaction. Which is a good thing, right. And something I wish for all of us, at Christmas time and anytime. Thanks for reading our magazine and please keep doing so, for many years to come. I’m grateful for you, your feedback and support. Take care,

canberradaily.com.au ISSN: 2652-9297

21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024




on the cover

Founder and CEO of the Bruton Basketball Foundation, Cal Bruton OAM believes basketball helps young people develop skills and teamwork on and off the court. Photo: Kerrie Brewer. See cover feature, pages 6-7.


04 06 28 30 36


39 34

Meet Canberra’s top young citizen ON THE COVER

Cal Bruton takes a shot TASTE

No cooking required TIME OUT

2024 seasons guide THE LOOK

Regulars 04 08 22 24 26 28 30

News & community Fit the bill Letters Have you heard? Puzzles & stars Taste Time out

32 34 35 36 38 39 58

Winners What’s on Health & wellbeing The look Home Real estate Trades & services


Peachy keen on Peach Fuzz

Suite 11, 285 Canberra Avenue, Fyshwick ACT 2609 Editorial & Advertising Enquiries T 02 6175 8800 www.canberradaily.com.au


34 34

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Editor Julie Samaras news@newstimemedia.com.au Founder & Publisher Nick Samaras

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21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024


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Youth advocate overcomes adversity to win Young Canberra Citizen award “It’s not often that you see a young person go through the things that young people in the out-of-home care sector do, and come out the other end,” reflects Tayla Scarcella. Ms Scarcella has. A trauma survivor, and once disengaged from education, she was named Canberra’s Young Citizen of the Year on Friday night. An advocate for young people in the out-of-home care sector – many of whom have experienced poverty and neglect, and are disconnected from their families – Ms Scarcella is determined to help young people like her build better lives. She is a young consultant for the CREATE Foundation, the national peak consumer body representing the voices of children and young people in out-of-home care. She has volunteered with its Speak Up youth empowerment program, its Youth Advisory Group and CREATE Your Future programs, and the Youth Care Packages Committee. She is on the ACT Youth Advisory Council. “My main purpose for joining the council was to advocate for young people in the out-of-home care system, the youth homelessness system, young people that are disengaged within the education system,” Ms Scarcella said. Next year, she will be a youth advisor for the Children and Young People’s Commissioner. She is also studying a Certificate IV in community services and youth work so that she can help young people in the out-of-home care system. “When I was in the system, I had a worker who had her own lived experience. It was amazing for me as a young person to look at that worker, and think: ‘You’ve gone through so much, but you made something of yourself.’ I guess that’s the main thing 4

to me. I want to be that young person that’s like, yeah, all this has happened, and I used to be like this, but you can take what you’ve gone through, and run with it, and actually make something of yourself… “I’m just amazed at everything that happened – if I could go back and show younger me, younger teenage me, younger child me, a picture of myself today, I 100 per cent don’t think that she’d believe it. It’s just crazy to me. I’m still trying to realise I’m not in a dream!” The Young Canberra Citizen of the Year Award recognises a person aged 12 to 25 who has made an outstanding contribution to the local Canberra community. Ms Scarcella said the award took her by surprise. “It still hasn’t gone through my head properly. I wasn’t expecting to win at all. I actually didn’t even prepare a speech at all! “I was just sitting there throughout the whole awards – [thinking] it was nice being nominated, but I’m not actually going to get any, especially once the Personal Achievement Award got called out; because I thought if I was going to be nominated for anything, it would have been [that award]. And then obviously I was the very last award that they called out – and as soon as they said my name, I just burst into tears!” Ms Scarcella received the award because she is “a strong, passionate, capable community leader who provides a voice to those who may not be heard or receive representation,” the ACT Government stated. “She is a young person who has overcome adversity and become an incredible mentor who inspires, motivates, and positively impacts hundreds of other young people in the ACT. Tayla has also achieved great success in turning her life experiences into positive change

21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024

A trauma survivor, Tayla Scarcella has been named the Young Canberra Citizen of the Year 2023. Image supplied.

for herself and others. “Tayla has and continues to excel in everything she does, particularly in her work in the community to advocate for and improve outcomes for young people in the Out of Home Care System (OOHC), community, and young people who face disadvantage or disconnection from family, education, and those most vulnerable in our community. She uses her personal experiences to advocate for social change, inclusion, and a fairer community for all young people who live in the ACT. “Tayla has made significant contributions to the community through her volunteering, advocacy, and participation in community activities and groups to improve the lives of young people and the impact young people can have when they are fully included in our society.” As Young Citizen of the Year, Ms Scarcella said, she hopes to raise awareness of issues and challenges that young people face that often get missed, and that she has experienced herself.

“I guess it’s why I’m doing what I’m doing – it’s 100 per cent not my fault what happened to me, but I definitely feel that it’s my responsibility to do something about that – I’m just passionate about making sure that young people get treated better and get their voices heard.” The biggest issue, she says, is the lack of trauma-informed care. “Had people been trauma informed or had trauma training when I was younger and facing some challenges, I feel like I would have been supported a lot better… That’s something I really want to see changed.” Another is engagement with schooling. “I was also disengaged with the education system, because of some challenges that I was facing at the time. I feel like the education system could do better at supporting young people in trauma.” - Nick Fuller Read an extended version online at canberradaily.com.au canberradaily.com.au










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cover feature Bruton Basketball Foundation

Bruton Basketball Foundation taking shots and shaping


s more than 70 countries across the globe celebrate the UN’s inaugural World Basketball Day (WBD) on 21 December, National Basketball League (NBL) Hall of Famer legend, Calvin Thomas Bruton OAM, founder and CEO of the Bruton Basketball Foundation, reflects on the sport in Australia. “The culture has definitely changed since Australia has won an Olympic medal; that set the platform and the girls have won medals for a while at this point. We’re being recognised now as a basketball country, and a reputable one at that. We have players in the WNBA and the NBA and international competitions – the world is our oyster,” Bruton says. One of the first American imports to Australia for the NBL, Bruton played a pivotal role in promoting the game in Australia and cementing its place in our culture. Whilst supporting various charities around the country, which Bruton says was a gift, a close friend pointed out that he did everything for everyone else but nothing for himself. Considering the sentiment, Bruton thought of his six children and five grandchildren who all love basketball. “I thought, from a legacy point of view, this gives me a chance to not only do it for them, but for my sister back home. On the eve of World Basketball Day in collaboration with The Y Canberra, we are going to support RAID, Recreational Activity for the Intellectually Disabled basketball game. I have a sister who is albino and intellectually handicapped who has

worked at McDonalds for 43 years without missing a day. She won’t come to Australia because she said that the sun was too much but I told her I would get her a sombrero,” Bruton smiles. The Foundation threw its support behind the WBD with its Taking a Shot campaign. Bruton came up with the idea after studying young kids on the court taking their first shot. Even though the former coach suggests making 50 shots in the keyway before stepping up, many of them don’t listen and go straight for the three-pointer or half-court. “It changes the game if they make it, but more times than not, they Every don’t. I tried to encourage the socioeconomic, Taking a Shot men and women, campaign to camera disabled, intellectually the back yourself; about taking a disabled – anybody it’s not just a shot and in the world can go physical shot making a shot. play the game of but taking a He went shot at life – so through a little basketball." back yourself, dribble through take the shot his back legs and make the shot, and it gives you and shot a three-pointer that hit confidence for the next shot.” nothing but net. He got 5,000 views Bruton says he is thankful for the himself; now we are getting all sorts,” support of RD Consulting, the smiles Bruton. wonderful team gave BBF a platform to Winners will receive their title and reach the world. Inviting others to take prizes on 21 December, and although a shot of themselves taking a shot and the campaign draws to a close then, uploading it to social media to spread the sentiment of taking a shot remains. awareness, Bruton says the response “You have to keep the faith; you has been unbelievable. have to believe in yourself. It’s also the “We had one young First Nations way you want to represent not only kid about eight years old, looked like yourself but your family. You don’t have he weighed about 20kg, he talked to all these responsibilities, you can reach

Cal Bruton OAM, NBL Hall of Famer, former basketball player and coach, and founder and CEO of the Bruton Basketball Foundation.

out for help; it is about a collective effort of everyone to take your shot,” Bruton says. “People who don’t make their shot, don’t worry; there is a net that can help you through, don’t just go crash land and not get up. No, get up and continue on. There is help there to encourage you to take your next shot.” In his 60s and with no plans of slowing down, Bruton’s passion for basketball and helping youth remains ignited. He spoke with CW about his love of the sport and the way it can help people.

What draws people to basketball?

“It’s a sport where you can play it by yourself, first and foremost; you can develop your own skill set, understand

Bruton Basketball Foundation is keen for additional basketball facilities to be developed in the ACT to meet growing demand and to help keep kids off the street.

What about the players who won’t make it to the big stage, how does basketball help them? According to NBL Hall of Famer legend Cal Bruton, basketball helps young people develop skills and teamwork on and off the court.

the game by watching the top players, then go out and imitate them. Then, if someone walks up to you, you can have shots together and introduce yourselves and play one-on-one, and then another couple of guys come up and it’s two-on-two. Before you know it, it’s three-on-three, five-on-five, you’re running around the court and you want to meet again. It establishes a lot of different relationships and I think that is what makes the sport so popular.”

Are the team relationships important when playing?

“No ifs and/or buts about it. My coin phrase, the one I cherish the most is ‘Teamwork makes the dream work’. When you talk about people coming Together; everyone’s feeling Equal; you have the Attitude because that’s going to be your altitude how you grow; then you all have different skill sets and you try to Make them together.

I come from that environment, from New York City where there are two ways to go – to the streets or you can go to the courts, I chose the court."

“Once you have the T-E-A-M, you’ve got to go to work and it’s all about the we; being organised, a strong organisation; you’ve got a role to play, everyone has a role and each role is important; then at the end of teamwork, you’ve got the K and that’s all about kindred spirit.

Do you think people are drawn to the sport because there isn’t an a huge straight-out cost, you start with a ball?

“That’s correct. There are a lot of facilities, but I can tell you right now, we need a whole lot more. That’s the one downfall to being the fastest-growing sport in Australia, we don’t have the facilities for the young,

particularly when it comes to weather, difficulty or elements. Here in the ACT, we would love to have another facility that would help kids to have almost 24-hour access, so we can keep them off the streets and start thinking about the social impact that basketball can play. “It gave me a vehicle to travel throughout the United States and internationally to Brazil and South America and to Australia. Making the Australian team, I got a chance to travel the world. I believe that it’s a tremendous vehicle if you learn to play the game the right way, you can be unselfish, you don’t care who gets the credit for it, consistent with the game’s goals and values.

“The Bruton Basketball Foundation always brings hope. The social aspect of the sport, being involved in a team, being involved in a network of people, physicality – it helps you get fit jogging, walking; we have walking basketball, you can walk up and down the court,” Bruton says. “Then there’s the intellectual side that stimulates you, gets you involved in all facets of the game. The game is growing on the court with referees, off-court with statisticians, cameras, photography, you name it, the game is growing. I think when you have a mental capacity as well, you’re being mentally tough to compete at a level maybe above your capabilities. “Also, the emotional part; you’re gonna win, you’re gonna lose, you’re gonna learn how to deal with that as well and that’s important. In life, it’s definitely not about winning all the time. In the end, it’s all about the spirit. My mum told me once if you put sunshine in other people’s lives, you can’t keep it from yourself, and I’ve always tried to share that.” With more big plans on the horizon for 2024, stay up-to-date with the Bruton Basketball Foundation via brutonbasketballfoundation.com.au

opinion fit the bill


Don’t forget about Ukraine My thanks to Paul Daley of Gowrie for his letter (CW 14 December). I do like a can of VB, and being an old Narrabundah boy, I am also partial to the occasional schooner of Resch’s as well. The Gaza/Israeli war has bumped the longrunning Russian invasion of Ukraine off the front pages, but that deadly conflict continues, and a fickle West cannot lose sight of it. Last week, I saw a documentary on Channel 9 starring Canberra’s very own, much respected journalist Chris Uhlmann, who travelled to Ukraine with a number of ACT residents to highlight some great individual contributions that ordinary Canberra citizens are making to the Ukrainian war effort. Chris was personally thanked for his efforts by heroic Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and his documentary brought home the bitter unrelenting struggle by Ukrainians against Putin’s vicious invasion. The local Ukrainian community and supporters continue their vigil outside the Russian Embassy every Saturday and every


21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024

weekday at lunchtime. They have raised, and continue to raise, money for stretchers, mine detectors, and other desperately needed items. The biggest danger that Ukraine faces is the West losing interest. Putin is a very nasty but smart man, and he is banking on it. He is in this for the long haul. US President Joe Biden had to go into contortions to get his latest Ukrainian support package through the Congress and Senate. I have said before that Europe could do more – especially Germany. While Germany has been exemplary in apologising for Nazi atrocities in WWII and making amends, in my view it still owes a blood debt to Poland and Ukraine for all the Poles and Ukrainians it slaughtered in WWII. As the most powerful country in Western Europe, Germany could increase its arms production and supply Ukraine’s needs pretty much by itself if need be. It would be great for Germany’s image if it could be seen as the saviour of Ukraine. Britain and France could do more, and

whilst not owning a blood debt to Ukraine, they do to Poland. Helping Ukraine helps Poland. Britain and France did nothing to help Poland in September 1939, and Britain, along with the USA, betrayed Poland to Stalin from 1943 to 1945. Australia’s best contribution so far has been the Bushmaster armoured vehicle, beloved by Ukrainian troops, as Chris Uhlmann found out. We have about 1,050 of them, and there is no reason we can’t ship, say, 24 a week to Ukraine in our C17 transport aircraft. We have eight C17s, and they each can carry four Bushmasters. That’s six C17s going to Ukraine once a week. We could reopen production lines (if we have not already), and replace the Bushmasters going to Ukraine with new ones. I’d suggest we take the opportunity to build extras for ourselves (say a force of 1,200 or so). In a sixmonth period, we could send 500 Bushmasters to Ukraine – a great gesture to help a brave people. Slava Ukraini and a merry Christmas to you all!


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opinion down to business


Businesses in the ACT region appreciate your support It’s hard to believe that it’s already Christmas. I’m not sure where the year has gone, but it’s certainly flown by. It will be getting even more frantic out in businessland over the last few days before Christmas. Most hairdressers, dog groomers, mechanics and similar services will have been booked up for months. As the clock counts down this week, it will be getting pretty busy in the shops, bars and cafés as many people attend to their last-minute shopping and wind down for the break. Private businesses are a really important part of Canberra. Although we’re known as a public service town, the reality is that nearly twothirds of Canberrans actually work for a private business. Those businesses employ most of us, pay taxes here, keep our communities vibrant, and deliver goods and services for the people of our city. Although Canberra was established as a government centre, the broader business sector is now a critical part of delivering economic


21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024

activity and success. Ultimately, the growth and wellbeing of private firms is down to customers like the readers of this column. Unlike, say, public service departments, businesses rely on customers buying goods and services to generate a profit. If a business doesn’t have customers, it just won’t survive. It’s been a tough year for many businesses. Our most recent Canberra Business Beat survey, back in September, showed that fewer than half of all businesses were expecting to grow in the last three months of the year. Key challenges include the increased cost of doing business; challenges in attracting and retaining staff; and a lack of customer demand stemming from the economic downturn. Anecdotally, it’s been a difficult quarter, and things seem to be tightening up for many. Unfortunately, most pundits are now picking that there won’t be any cuts in interest rates until towards the end of next year. This means that there will continue to be pressure on consumer spending,

impacting many businesses across the Territory. Canberra is often a bit quieter over the Christmas period, as many people will be out of town for the holidays. This means we will probably see a bit of a lull in spending, particularly in retail and hospitality, although there will be some bright spots, notably around Boxing Day and New Year’s Eve. On behalf of the business community, thanks for supporting local businesses during 2023. Whether you’re staying here at home or heading further afield, and whether you’re shopping online or in-person, businesses that operate here really appreciate your support. I wish you a Merry Christmas, and all the best for the holidays.


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Donate goods to charities, don’t dump them Leaving goods outside op shops is a major problem for charities, says Lindsay Rae, St Vincent de Paul Canberra/Goulburn’s director of centres. “Goods left outside an op shop are not in a saleable condition by morning, and end up going to landfill.” Karen Thornbury, manager of the Salvation Army’s Fyshwick store, agrees. “Items that people donate in good faith outside the stores are often stolen or tipped out all over the ground. Most of these are sent to landfill as often bags just don’t contain soft donations. Quite often, bags have a variety of items, including glass. When tipped out, glass breaks and contaminates the other items. Weather (rain) also spoils the donations… “No dumping means we are helping reduce landfill.” Instead of dumping goods outside, donors can take their unwanted items to the charities’ stores. Vinnies’ larger shops are now open seven days a week, and many are open specifically to receive donations on the last day of a public holiday weekend, Mr Rae said. That has significantly reduced the problem of dumping, she believes. “People’s unwanted clothing and homewares

are valuable to Vinnies,” Mr Rae said. “We ask that donors look on our website to check what products we can sell, and then bring them in during opening hours.” Vinnies always needs men’s, women’s, and children’s clothing; manchester; shoes; handbags; hats; accessories; children’s toys and board games (complete); books; DVDs; homewares; bric-a-brac; and funky/retro items. Vinnies does not accept baby car seats, prams or cots; mattresses; electrical items; or damaged or broken items. The Salvation Army stores are open six days a week, so they can personally accept donations, Ms Thornbury said. “Donors can drop sellable items at the stores… These items are then processed and sold, which help fund the Salvation Army’s programs.” Clothing and accessories; toys, books, CDs, DVDs, and vinyl records; homewares; furniture; and electrical goods can be donated. However, the Salvos cannot accept broken, damaged, ripped, stained, or faulty items; computer monitors, printers, scanners, and other hardware; building materials; car parts; weapons (including replicas and martial

arts weapons); or taxidermy animals. Dumping has become less of a problem, Ms Thornbury believes. “We are educating our donors more in what are acceptable items, when and where they can donate. It is improving over time; dumping has reduced from past years with more education.”

Volunteers required

Vinnies is after volunteers, Mr Rae said. “During the Christmas holiday period, a lot of our valuable volunteers are on leave or looking after kids,” he said. “We really need help from our community in the form of short-term commitment volunteers, who can help us process the huge volume of donations that we will receive. If you can commit to a few hours for a few weeks over the holidays, it would make a big difference.” “We would like to say a big thank-you to all those who have donated to Vinnies this year,” Mr Rae said. “Your donations have turned into funds that have supported thousands of desperate people in Canberra who are going through a hard time.” - Nick Fuller

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21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024


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Tips to keep your pets safe this summer As the summer sun heats things up across the Canberra region, pet owners are being reminded to ensure the whole family remains cool in the hotter months. “Warm weather can be dangerous for pets, but the risks are very easy to avoid,” says Michelle Robertson, CEO of RSPCA ACT. Ms Robertson shares the RSPCA ACT’s top tips for summer safety.

Don’t leave pets in the car

It only takes six minutes for pets to be affected by being stuck in a hot car, resulting in heatstroke, dehydration or death. Planning and thinking ahead can prevent any unfortunate situations: plan rest stops, do shopping when you don’t have your pet in the car, and take them with you if you need to exit the vehicle.

Do checks before walks

All dogs love a walk, however, when the weather is hot, they are at risk of scalding their paws on hot concrete, ute trays – even the timber on your veranda. Place the back of your


21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024

hand on the surface you intend to walk on; if it is too hot for your hand, it’s too hot for your pet’s paws.

Avoiding heatstroke

The impacts of heatstroke on our pets are awful, and no owner would want to see their family pet suffer like that. When heading out, pack a water supply specifically for your pet (your leftovers aren’t enough), ensure there is shade, and use your best judgment. “If it’s a scorching hot day, bring your pets inside and ensure proper ventilation, especially for brachy breeds, geriatric, or pets with existing medical conditions.”

Fun in the sun

A bored animal on a hot day gets stressed quickly, and sunbathing in the backyard isn’t going to cut it. The RSPCA ACT team suggests keeping enrichment activities cool and engaging – try freezing some treats, placing ice cubes in water bowls and hiding food in cool rooms throughout the house to keep minds active.

Keeping your pets safe this summer is as simple as thinking ahead and being prepared, the RSPCA ACT says.

Holidaying with the whole family

Preparation is key when heading away. Ensure you pack all your pet’s bowls, bedding, toys and food. While on the road make sure there is food and water available, air flow in the vehicle and they aren’t in direct sunlight for prolonged periods. More tips on canberradaily.com.au RSPCA ACT is on the lookout for foster carers and volunteers over summer. To find out how you can help, head to rspca-act.org.au - Jessica Cordwell



Tips to avoid nasty shocks this summer Canberrans could be in for a nasty shock (literally) this Yuletide, if they are careless about overloaded power outlets or overheated Christmas lights. Over the 12 days of Christmas, Evoenergy, the ACT electricity and gas distributor, is running a safety campaign educating Canberrans on potential electric dangers during summer. In a serious situation, their advice could save a life. “It’s really important that our customers are aware of electricity-related issues,” Bronwen Butterfield, Assistant Group Manager Customer Delivery, said. “Some of them are issues that the customer will experience at their own home and not related to the network, and others have an impact on us and we can do our bit to help customers stay safe.” If you feel a shock, tingle, or zap when touching a tap, showerhead or appliance, it could relate to faulty lights or faulty wiring in the home. Call Evoenergy on 13 10 93 so they can investigate. Don’t touch the area again until it’s deemed safe. Read manufacturer’s instructions before using Christmas lights, as faulty wiring or damage can create safety hazards. Check them before putting them up; while they were in storage, they might have


21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024

kinked, or been eaten through by rats. Heat generated from Christmas lights can cause fires; do not clump them together. Keep cords neatly secured to avoid tripping over them. Outdoors, ensure any lights are weatherproof / suitable for outdoor use. Keep all electrical connections out of areas that may become wet. Check trees at least 1.5 metres from powerlines; if they are too close, they can cause power outages. Have an Evoenergy-accredited arborist complete the work. If your vehicle collides with a power pole, powerline or green pillar box, stay in your vehicle, call 000 for life-threatening situations, and wait. Treat all electrical equipment as live, and stay at least 10 metres away. Bystanders can also call Evoenergy on 13 10 93 to turn off the power remotely. Prepare for extreme weather events, such as bushfires and storms, by creating a survival plan and having alternative sources of power. Never leave gas cooktops or barbecues unattended. When using gas stoves, always keep the flame from extending past the side of the pot.

Sometimes issues with the gas network cause gas leaks. Report any hint of gas to Evoenergy on 13 19 09. Open windows and ventilate the home so that the gas doesn’t overwhelm you. Do not overload power boards or piggyback double adaptors. Running too many appliances off one power point can overload the circuit and lead to house fires. Secure Christmas lights and trees to prevent pets from getting into them and starting a fire. Secure your tree lights to the base of the tree, and secure the plug to the socket. Keep lighting and trees isolated from furniture so cats can’t climb them. Outside the home, be mindful that possums or rats and mice could get into lights or wires. While travelling, turn off / disconnect appliances and devices when not in use to reduce the risk of electricity-related accidents and to reduce energy consumption. Check your smoke alarm. Evoenergy’s on-call crews will work 24/7 over the holidays, including Christmas and New Year’s. Full story online.


Drive better. Employed by the government? Novate an eligible EV and pay no Fringe Benefits Tax*. ACT

LEARN MORE SG Fleet is a salary packaging supplier to selected Federal Government of Australia Departments, and the ACT Government. You must be an employee of an SG Fleet client to access novated leasing. *Under the Treasury Laws Amendment (Electric Car Discount) Act 2022, certain new retail zero or low emission cars will be exempt from fringe benefits where provided by an employer to an employee and priced below the luxury car threshold for fuel efficient cars (currently $89,332). Further limited guidance on the application of the above exemption can be found on the ATO website. When considering entering into a novated lease for an electric car you should seek your own independent tax, financial and legal advice regarding any proposed arrangement including the impact of such an arrangement from a salary sacrifice and reportable fringe benefits perspective. SG Fleet Group is not providing legal, tax and financial advice regarding the purchase and financing of an electric car.


In the groove with the Grove Singers at Ngunnawal On a journey of excitement not boredom in retirement, the Grove Singers share their tunes with neighbours, friends and the broader community. “That helps our brains, we don’t just come to the retirement village to vegetate; it’s not village and vegetate, it’s village and activate,” says Renate Cvitanovic, conductress. A married couple who live at the Grove Ngunnawal retirement community had the idea of starting a singing group, and although neither knew how to play music, they saw the value in it. Forming in 2020, the group started practising with a hired pianist. Soon it was obvious the cost was unsustainable, so Renate offered to play, leaving the group without a conductor. Then Fay Sudweeks, a retired university lecturer came on board. Fay hadn’t played the piano for 40 years before accompanying the singing group. “It started off with really easy songs and a few scales then it got harder and harder and harder,” says Fay.

Since its inception, the group has acquired more than 300 songs in its repertoire, all of which were planned by Renate, who says the concert themes just come to her when she’s in bed. Originally practising for one hour once a week, the session gradually crept to two hours as the singers didn’t want it to end. Now, they get together in the village theatre every Wednesday and Sunday afternoon for two hours, perfecting the notes for their three major concerts a year and performances around the village. Celebrating the festive season, the Grove Singers hit the community to spread Christmas cheer with their neighbours recently. The group’s core 25 singers started the carolling by visiting the marked destinations they sent to residents ahead of the day, and their numbers grew with each stop. Led by people dressed as Santa, they handed out lyrics to the new recruits so everyone could join in. “By the time we got to the final spot we had easily 70 people following us and singing. Then we came in [to the clubhouse], some brought

family, some brought friends,” says Renate. Earlier in the year, they hosted an international concert with a food tasting covering 20 songs from 20 countries, like Around the World in 80 Days, she says. After the concerts are performed in their retirement community, the singers head to the Isabella Gardens Retirement Village to share their fun with residents there. The word about the singers is spreading; from next year they will also tour the concerts to Goodwin Village in Farrer. The group usually sits at around 25 performers, and varies depending on circumstances. Predominantly women, they have about five men, one of whom travels from the Isabella Gardens village twice a week to join. “All the medical research says that music is one of the best things for dementia because it brings back memories. They can relate to it, it has a lot of medical benefits,” says Renate. Extended version on canberradaily.com.au - Jessica Cordwell

Help make Christmas brighter for sick kids Your end-of-year contribution to our Christmas Appeal can help make a meaningful impact on the lives of those in hospital at Christmas time.




21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024


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Australian farms among most productive in the world Aside from farmers’ skills, a nation’s agricultural potential is dependent on three key variables: good rainfall, plentiful sunshine and secure rights over the land that is being used for farming purposes. While Australia has plenty of sunshine, it is the driest continent by a considerable distance. However, reasonably secure property rights and a have-a-go attitude have brought Australian farms to be among the most productive in the world. Australian farmers produce about twice as much agricultural output as the population consumes. “Riding on the sheep’s back” is a hackneyed but not inaccurate description of the Australian success story at least until the past 50 years when mining rose to prominence. An indispensable part of the

success of agriculture has been irrigation. This has severely reduced Australia’s disadvantage of low and highly irregular rainfall. The Murray Darling Basin is almost synonymous with irrigated agriculture in Australia. An annual, but highly variable 32,000 gigalitres of water flows into the Basin. Dams built over the past century or so have allowed about 11,000 gigalitres to be divertible for a range of urban, environmental and irrigation uses. These have created a working river responsible for 40 per cent of Australia’s agricultural output in an area comprising 14 per cent of the national land mass with lower-than-average Australian rainfall. But, starting 25 years ago, environmental activists made spurious claims that the river

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21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024

was in trouble. Among these claims were that it was facing salinisation and soil erosion. Even though these were fabrications, they were magnified by the media. Soon after, we saw politicians falling over each other in pandering to the counterfeit claims thereby demonstrating their own virtuousness. Politicians, especially on the left, sought to modify arrangements that have brought great increases in agricultural output while considerably improving the river basin’s recreation value and liveability. John Howard, as the Prime Minister in 2005, tried appeasing the environmental activists. He proposed a $500 million ‘rescue plan’ that would divert, to environmental uses, 500 of the 7,800 gigalitres of Murray Darling water that was used by irrigators. The then leader of the Opposition, Mark Latham, wanted 1,500 gigalitres diverted; the activists themselves considered this to be ambitious. Ambitious or not, in 2012, a new set of politicians led by then - Environment Minister, Tony Burke, with little regard for the effect of their actions on productivity, legislated for buybacks of over 1,700 gigalitres, with funding for additional savings by reducing evaporation etc. That program has been accelerated under the current Minister, Tanya Plibersek. The current position is that, in pursuit of vastly overstated environmental gains, 22 per cent of the Basin’s water that was previously used for irrigation is or will soon be no longer available. Based on estimates by Frontier Economics, by severely reducing the productivity of the land, the existing plan wipes out some $2

billion a year in the form of losses in agricultural output incurred by irrigators and their employees, contractors and customers. In addition, taxpayers have outlaid over $1.5 billion for engineering works to save water worth only a fraction of this. Government interventions in the Murray Darling have been introduced to pander to inner city greens whose mindset is that anything that modifies nature has to be combated. As a result, government action is now undermining what were prosperous, regional economies, comprising a key component of Australian agricultural greatness. The present government continually concocts claims of productivity benefits for its policies. The Treasurer claims, “To be clear, responsible economic management is the government’s defining feature.” While the government recognises people are “doing it tough” and inflation remains obstinately high, it fails to recognise the importance of its own policy settings in creating these unwanted outcomes. Water policy is just one area that, like that on energy, environmental approvals, labour relations and spending in general, is undermining efficiency and living standards. Water policy demonstrates the disconnect between words and actions in the government’s claims to be engaged in “responsible economic management”. A former senior official at the Productivity Commission and with the Victorian Government, Alan Moran is a well-known writer and commentator on energy and other regulatory matters. His website is: www.regulationeconomics.com


Local doctor spotlight: Adult ADHD takes centre stage in local healthcare

Dr Woon visiting his sister, Dr Sy Woon, in California as part of his Churchill Fellowship It’s been a whirlwind 18 months for Dr Wee-Sian Woon since joining Ochre Medical Centre Bruce last year. On top of settling into the practice, he spent six weeks undertaking research in Europe and the USA on a prestigious Churchill Fellowship from the Winston Churchill Trust as well as presenting a workshop at the recent WONCA (World Organisation of Family Doctors) Conference in Sydney – the largest conference of general practice ever held in Australia. Dr Woon’s recent activities have been focused on ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) in adults - investigating models of care to increase the accessibility of diagnosis and management. His interest in ADHD was piqued when he observed an increase in adult patients seeking his help with diagnosis and management of the condition a few years ago. “I was quite sceptical at first about the number of patients coming in for diagnosis and management,” he says. “I’d had no formal education in medical school or GP training about ADHD in adults and didn’t know much about it. Coincidentally, at around the same time, my sister who practises as a veterinarian in the US, was diagnosed with ADHD. I saw how the diagnosis allowed her to understand herself better. She was able to recognise how her brain works and what aspects might contribute to her daily challenges or her strengths. On the one hand, people with ADHD

may find day-to-day activities challenging, whereas when given the right environment, they can flourish and be notoriously entrepreneurial as well as able to intensely hyperfocus on creative endeavours or special interests. While they may lack impulse control in ordinary conversations, they can be very effective communicators and public speakers, as shown in prominent figures such as Emma Watson, Jamie Oliver, Michael Phelps and Simone Bile. Knowing these strengths and building on them can be so empowering.” During his travels, Dr Woon observed similar issues with increased demand for diagnosis and treatment around the world. “I was able to meet with health planners, clinicians, and advocacy organisations. It is apparent that there aren’t sufficient specialists to cater for the prevalence of 2-5% of the adult population, causing lengthy waits and issues with affordability. It was interesting to see the different models being devised in Europe and the USA to cater for the demand. I saw services that were led by nurses, GPs, and psychiatrists, as well as different ways of delivering education to patients about ADHD. I also appreciated the importance of patient-centred care and managing co-occurring conditions such as other mental health issues and neurodiverse conditions.” Lack of knowledge about adult ADHD remains a key challenge.

“At the recent WONCA conference in Sydney, casual conversations during the conference highlighted that there’s still a lot of scepticism, misinformation and lack of knowledge about adult ADHD among GPs,” he says. At the conference, Dr Woon also ran a workshop on Gay men’s health. “The workshop was very well-received,” he says, “we had participants from all the regions around the world. They particularly enjoyed being able to discuss the situation in their own countries, share experiences and learn from each other. The discussion included access to PReP, a medication taken by people who do not have HIV to lower their risk of acquiring HIV. In Australia, you can just see your GP and you won’t pay a significant amount for the medication, but

in some other countries that’s not the case: you might have to visit a specialist clinic and pay a lot of money, or even travel to another country, to access PrEP.” Dr Woon would like to express his gratitude to the Winston Churchill Trust for the opportunity offered by his Fellowship. He is currently preparing his Fellowship Report, which will be published on the Trust’s website. He also made a submission to the recent Australian Senate Inquiry into assessment and support services for people with ADHD, with its November 2023 report now available online. Dr Woon is accepting new patients at Ochre Medical Centre Bruce. Bookings can be made via ochrehealth.com.au or by calling the practice on 6180 8500.

ADHD: THE FACTS • Untreated Adult ADHD has significant social and economic impacts, including more lost workdays, unemployment, increased reliance on mental health services, increased substance use disorders, and over-representation in the prison population. Deloitte estimated the total social and economic cost of ADHD in Australia to be $20.4 billion in 2019. • People with ADHD can easily be distracted in carrying out everyday tasks - they have a neurodevelopmental condition that can be managed to help them function more effectively and decrease the impairments caused by the condition. • Psycho-stimulant medications can be effective in managing ADHD symptoms. When used correctly in the right doses, they are a safe first line of management for people with ADHD. • A common myth is that people with ADHD can’t do well at school. Some people with ADHD do very well at school or work, particularly if it is an area that they are very interested in, but they may struggle in other areas of their lives, finding it difficult to function at their full potential. • There are also non-stimulant medications and nonpharmaceutical approaches such as cognitive behaviour therapy, exercise, and proper sleep, which can also improve symptoms.

ADHD TIPS • The main symptoms of ADHD are inattention and/or impulsivity and hyperactivity that are usually persistent and pervasive since childhood, resulting in significant impairments in work, school, home, and relationships. If you are finding these issues impact different aspects of your life, the first step is to talk to a GP with interest and experience in ADHD. They may recommend you take a screening test. • There are many valuable sources of ADHD information online, such as the American magazine ADDitude and ADHD Experts podcasts, however, be cautious of random Google sources and social media. While they may raise awareness, they also propagate a lot of misinformation, and a skilled clinician is required to make a proper diagnosis.

to the editor Filthy stinking bins As I predicted, with the hot weather the red bin (which is loaded to the hilt with nappies, sanitary products, adult underwear, tissues with mucous, condoms - blood , faeces, puss - every bodily fluid) are stinking and buzzing with blowflies. Mr Barr, you have gone too far in your quest to save money for the tram. You are putting Canberrans at risk by creating a major health hazard. The bins are full of contaminated waste that should arguably be incinerated. This bin goes once a fortnight and it is often full to overflowing - a despicable plan. The green bin COULD go once a fortnight because it is plant derivative and not a foul noxious waste. Most people can’t fill this every fortnight let alone every

week. That is a waste of time and resources. Yet we have many vulnerable people which include many elderly, babies, women, in fact everyone needing the bin collection at least once a week. The rats will be rejoicing as do disease-carrying maggots and blowflies being attracted to the unwholesome odours emanating from the bins. It is taking us back to the dark ages when household garbage and contaminated waste was dumped in the streets outside the front door - and we all know how that ended. You did a good job keeping us safe and informed during Covid but you, Mr Barr, you, have dropped the ball with this critical public health issue. Waste no time in dealing with this contaminated waste disgrace.

SPREAD THE NEWS AND EARN EXTRA $$$ DELIVER THE ACT REGION’S LEADING FREE NEWS Suited for persons who are retired or semi-retired looking for additional income. Applicants need a driver’s licence and one tonne ute, van or equivalent. Must be available on Thursday mornings from 8am to commence deliveries.

Call Vincent Samaras 0418 182 664 22

21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024

It is quite apparent that the trial of bins in Belconnen has been an abysmal, rotten, putrid failure. Please rectify immediately. - Margot Sirr, Gowrie

Make Canberra great again Have to agree with John Lawrence’s letter (CW 14 December) regarding having a pit-bull-type leader of the opposition to call out the current one from their bully boy, smug and arrogant style of government. Problem is I can’t see the present one, Elisabeth Lee making a dent on Barr and his cronies and getting rid of their best performed politician in Jeremy Hanson is political suicide. Leanne Castley might be a nice woman, but I don’t think she has what it takes to convince the rusted on, Liberal hating, died in the wool Labor, mainly public servants in this town from voting their usual stuck-in-their-way form. Under Labor, the ACT’s hospital and educational system has gone from one of the best in the country to one of the worst, we have lost our AAA credit rating, run down small business during the pandemic with unnecessary closing of schools, etc., and turned what was once a beautiful green city into a concrete jungle of high-rise apartments. The Liberal leader has to have an economic plan with a vision to restoring this place to what it once was, they need to preserve

Canberra’s once envied green spaces instead of transferring them into ugly high rises and build a stadium that is in the city. They need a tough, passionate person who is not afraid of what people think of them and not worried that they might be labelled right wing or conservative, because if they have the right ideas, it shouldn’t matter what side of politics they are on as long as they have a vision that will improve this city and make Canberra great again, dare I say Trump-like, without the baggage. - Ian Pilsner, Weston

A burning question on drugs Is Canberra’s local government starting to resemble a Murray Darling River fish extinction, or am I mis-reading the Nordic revolution of our social engineering politicians. Surely there is more to life than growing your own backyard narcotics and rejoicing in the absence of fear of being apprehended by the police or brought before by the court’s justice system and facing the consequences, as was the case previously. This is a worrying example of human failing and deprivation with dreadful social consequences which our government supports as a matter of policy – shame on the overpaid deep thinkers behind this – it must be reviewed and decency/order restored. - John Lawrence, Flynn

Want to share your opinion? Email news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘To the editor’ in the subject field; include your full name, phone number, street address (NFP) and suburb. Keep letters to 250 words maximum. Note, letters may be shortened if space restrictions dictate. Read more letters at canberradaily.com.au


feature MANIAX

Take a snap for your socials on the mighty warrior’s throne.

MANIAX offers a Viking experience perfectly catered for you.

MANIAX opens its

doors in Canberra


anberra, looking for a unique and thrilling experience? Get ready to unleash your inner Viking and push yourself beyond your limits. MANIAX Axe Throwing brings the ultimate axe throwing experience right to the heart of the city! This national sensation has set up shop upstairs at Level 1/202-208 City Walk and is destined to become the next big hot-spot for every social occasion. MANIAX are the champions of urban Axe Throwing, bringing communities together through craft beer, cocktails, food and immersive entertainment experiences. Established in Australia, the state-of-the-art venues have been creating fun and safe memories since 2014. Thrill-seekers are guaranteed to make stories that will absolutely last a lifetime. Discover a hidden talent, learn a badass new skill, and challenge your

friends to see who wins bragging rights as the ultimate axe-throwing champion. (C’mon, who doesn’t want that title?!) The immersive atmosphere has four group lanes (two targets) and eleven “Quick Chuck” lanes (single targets). So, no matter how big or small your tribe is, there is a Viking experience perfectly catered for you. Still unsure if you can cut it? Our AXE-pert coaches will guide you every step of the way and ensure you are prepared to unleash your axe-throwing skills and nailing bullseyes in no time! While throwing axes for an hour or two can make you work up quite the appetite, fear not! MANIAX features a fully-licensed bar and dining area, offering Viking-inspired cocktails in genuine drinking horns, a selection of local craft beers including their own Pale Ale and Lager, wine and non-alcoholic options. Piping hot pizzas and grazing boards including veggie options for vegetarian and vegan warriors are also

The fully licensed bar and dining area offers grazing boards, pizzas and a range of liquid refreshments.

cooked fresh on-site. And no visit is complete without taking a snap for your socials on the mighty warrior’s throne, surrounded by as many horns, shields, axes, helmets and fur-hides as you can imagine. So, whether you’re hosting team-building events, birthday celebrations, hen’s/buck’s parties, date nights with your partner or just epic get-togethers with a bunch of mates for any occasion, MANIAX has all the weapons to satisfy! With a choppin’ 15 million axes thrown across MANIAX Axe Throwing’s nine locations, there’s no denying that axe-throwing is becoming one of the most popular experiences out there. So, what are you waiting for? Step into MANIAX Canberra and discover the exhilaration of hurling axes at targets, eating glorious meals and sipping on cocktails made for the most daring of warriors. Gather your mates and book your session now at www.maniax.com.au. It’s going to be spect-AXE-ular! Open 7 days from 9am. MANIAX Axe Throwing, Level 1/202-208 City Walk, Canberra City W: maniax.com.au/locations/canberra


community noticeboard email news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘HYH’ in the subject field

OzHarvest donation appeal

GIVIT donation of the week: Big W voucher

Food rescue charity OzHarvest Canberra and the ACT Container Deposit Scheme are working hard to turn waste into resources that help the community and environment. When you return your empty drink containers through the ACT CDS, you can donate your refund to OzHarvest and support them as they save food from landfill and provide meals to people in need. 10 containers donated = $1 = 2 meals. This Christmas, simply place your containers in the OzHarvest bin next to the Christmas tree at Cash-Back Depots in Belconnen, Phillip, Mitchell or Fyshwick. Every can counts.

GIVIT is working with an organisation in the ACT that provides support to women, children and families who have been sleeping rough, escaping domestic violence, or are at risk of homelessness. The organisation is requesting assistance for an elderly lady in her 70s with cancer who has recently experienced homelessness and family violence. She finally has a property to move into before Christmas, however will need several household items before she will be settled again. GIVIT is requesting a Big W voucher to help her get what she needs for her new home. This voucher will allow us to streamline the help she is receiving and give her the freedom to choose the items she most needs, giving her back some control. We know that this very kind lady will be extremely grateful for any support she receives this Christmas. Generous Canberrans can donate Big W vouchers or fund the request directly on the GIVIT website. 100 per cent of the funds received by GIVIT will be used to purchase the vouchers needed. To donate or fund this request, visit GIVIT.org.au/what’s-needed, search Category: ‘Big W voucher’; Location: ‘ACT’.

Red Cross tips to survive summer heat Australian Red Cross offers tips for coping with heatwaves during summer: Drink regularly (even if you don’t feel thirsty. Water is the best option); Eat little and often, rather than large meals; Stay indoors in the coolest rooms of your house; Take cool showers and splash yourself with cold water several times a day; Make sure there is sufficient air flow, either from an air conditioner or by leaving a secured window or door open; If you must go out, stay in the shade, wear a hat, light-coloured, loosefitting clothes, and sunglasses, and apply sunscreen; Look out for your family, friends and neighbours. More info: visit redcross.org.au/prepare or download the Australian Red Cross ‘Get Prepared’ app.

St Ninian’s Christmas Eve Service St Ninian’s Uniting Church in Lyneham invites you to Carols & Christmas Eve Service on Sunday 24 December 6.30pm for 7pm start. BYO picnic for in the garden. Enjoy the Christmas story, carols, dressing the Christmas tree, cake, lemonade and ice cream.

Light a candle for peace Woden Valley Uniting Church invites you to a time of peace and reflection on Christmas Eve, Sunday 24 December, any time between 5pm and 6pm. Take some time out from the busyness of Christmas, despair or anger about the troubles of the world, or your own life challenges. Find a space to reflect, and light a candle for Peace, Hope and Love. Come for a few minutes or stay longer. Refreshments available. In the Brindabella Room at Woden Valley Uniting Church, 40 Gillies St, Curtin (opposite the shops). All welcome.

NYE bush dance Monaro Folk Society invites you to celebrate the end of the year with family and friends at the New Year’s Eve bush dance at the iconic Yarralumla Woolshed on Sunday 31 December 8pm until 12.15am. Live music by the Short Dented Potts, a versatile and accomplished band based in Sydney, and calling by the eclectic and exuberant David Potter. No dance experience needed. No need to book. The entry fee includes free, unlimited tea, coffee, water and cordial. Please bring a plate of food for a shared supper to be served about 10pm. BYO additional nibbles and drinks if you wish. More info: monarofolk.org.au or phone/text 0413 295 004. 24

21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024


HAPPY & Happy New Year HOLIDAYS from the team at

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No. 1651





You’ll appreciate a reunion or a return to an old haunt, although you may also experience something unusual. Romance could thrive, so be sure to organise a date. The full moon points to a fresh personal or financial chapter.

You may be surprised by news at work or a fresh routine, and will appreciate the chance to catch up with someone special. You’ll enjoy improving your status, appearance or wardrobe. Wednesday’s full moon brings the chance to improve relationships.



You’ll enjoy socialising and a trip or get-together. Simply enjoying your environment will raise morale. Wednesday’s full moon points to a fresh chapter in a personal relationship for December-born Capricorns, and at work for January Capricorns.

Wednesday’s Cancer full moon presents a new chapter in your personal life if you were born in June and, if you were born in July, with work or health. News from a friend or group may surprise you. You’ll enjoy romance or travel.


LEO JUL 23 – AUG 23

You’ll appreciate the chance to do what you love. A work or domestic matter may raise a smile, and if you focus on turning a corner in your personal life and the care you give others, you’ll sail through the week.

You’ll gain the chance to boost your love life, and this Thursday and next Tuesday are your best days to ask someone out or to organise a treat. Wednesday’s full moon will spotlight your past, such as via a reunion.



A change of environment will boost morale, so consider planning a trip or receiving visitors, if you haven’t already. A fresh chapter is about to begin at home or with family and property, and this could provide more security.

A change of pace or of place will bring adventure your way. It’s a good week to consider joining new groups. Some Virgos will begin a fresh cycle in your status or career, with altered domestic circumstances as a result.



You may be surprised by an impromptu message or get-together. The full moon next Wednesday will spotlight a secure way forward regarding financial, legal, study, travel or personal matters. Be prepared to collaborate and find out more about your options.

Wednesday’s full moon brings a fresh chapter in your career or direction and this will have an impact on your home life or family. Someone has a surprise for you, and this may be of a financial or a romantic nature.



A fresh phase will begin financially, and this may be connected with your career or shared finances. You’ll appreciate the chance to reconnect with a strong link with your past or a work connection. Avoid misunderstandings.

You may experience unexpected developments in your personal life such as an impromptu get-together, or out-of-the-ordinary news from a partner. Wednesday’s full moon points to a change of pace via a favourite activity, travel or study.



ACROSS 1 Plunder (7) 5 Eraser (7) 9 Neckwear (5) 10 Relating to a specific discipline (9) 11 Whiz (3) 12 Missiles (11) 13 Explanation under a photo (7) 15 Meagre (6) 18 Stature (6) 20 Deadlock (7) 22 Not practical (11) 24 Paintings (3) 25 Common chewing gum flavour (9) 26 Cicatrices (5) 27 Large stone tombs (7) 28 Prime cut of beef (7)

DOWN 1 Remoteness (8) 2 Frighten (5) 3 Scion (9) 4 Anticlimax (3-4) 5 Disease caused by a vitamin D deficiency (7) 6 French impressionist artist (5) 7 Singers (9) 8 Gusto (6) 14 Bit by bit (9) 16 Hors d’oeuvre (9) 17 Throw overboard (8) 19 Stuffed toy bears (7) 20 Thinks (7) 21 Unfair (6) 23 Analyse (5) 24 Famous US battle site (5)

Puzzles and pagination © Pagemasters | pagemasters.com


In The Chronicles of Narnia series, which Pevensie sibling is granted the regnal title of 'The Just'?


What is the national flower of the US?


Which act represented Finland in the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest with the song Cha Cha Cha?


What is the scientific term for the shoulder blade?


Who wrote the 2018 essay collection titled How to Write an Autobiographical Novel?


Brain busters: 1. Edmund 2. Rose 3. Käärijä 4. Scapula 5. Alexander Chee


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21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024








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7 1 3 6





5 4



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The leftover letters will spell out a secret message. 4 9 8 2 5 3 1 7 6 2 5 1 8 7 6 3 9 4 3 7 6 9 1 4 8 2 5 8 2 5 6 3 7 9 4 1 7 1 4 5 9 2 6 3 8 6 3 9 4 8 1 7 5 2 5 8 7 1 4 9 2 6 3 9 4 2 3 6 8 5 1 7 1 6 3 7 2 5 4 8 9

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WORDFIND SECRET MESSAGE: Adding another branch to the family tree

8 2


9-LETTER: enure, euro, hereunto, hour, hunt, hunter, hurt, neuter, nutter, outer, outre, rout, route, rune, runt, ruth, tenure, THEREUNTO, thou, tour, tout, trout, true, truth, tune, tuner, tureen, turn, tutor, unto, utter



9-LETTER Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”. Reference: Macquarie Dictionary.


15 words: GOOD 23 words: VERY GOOD 31 words: EXCELLENT

21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024



Recipes and images courtesy of Australian Mangoes.

Perfect pairing: Prawn & mango Prawns and mangoes are a food match made in paradise, perfect for summer entertaining. Here are some no-cook recipes for those times you don’t feel like turning up the heat yet still want to make a statement, without sacrificing flavour.

Prawn martini with mango salsa Makes 4 | Prep 15 mins 1-2 ripe mangoes, peeled and diced 1 large red chilli, finely diced Juice of 2 limes 9 Thai basil leaves, julienned 1kg Crystal Bay medium prawns, cooked, peeled, deveined 125ml (1/2 cup) coconut dressing 2 kaffir lime leaves, julienned Julienned red chilli for garnish Betel leaves for garnish

Prawn, mango, fennel wreath salad 2 medium fennel bulbs, trimmed 1 lemon, juiced 200ml crème fraîche ¼ cup mint leaves, shredded

Coconut dressing 150 ml (5 fl oz) coconut cream 2 tbsps lime juice 1 tbsp fish sauce

3 mangoes 100g baby rocket 4 green shallots, thinly sliced 3 Lebanese cucumbers, peeled into ribbons 1 bunch radish, washed, thinly sliced

Have four martini glasses ready. Mix the mango, chilli, lime juice and Thai basil together to make the salsa. Spoon 2 tablespoons of salsa into the bottom of each martini glass. Dress the prawns with the coconut dressing and place 4-6 prawns in each glass. Add a touch more salsa on top and finish with the kaffir lime strips and a garnish of red chilli and betel leaves.

1kg cooked medium prawns, peeled, deveined ¼ cup pistachio kernels, toasted, chopped Extra virgin olive oil & lemon wedges, to serve

Use a mandolin to thinly slice the fennel into a large bowl. Pour over the lemon juice, season with salt and pepper. Stir to coat. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Combine the crème fraiche and mint, season. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve. Remove the cheeks from the mango. Carefully scoop out the flesh, thinly slice. Drain the fennel. Combine the rocket and shallots, arrange in a wreath shape on a large board or platter. Top with fennel, cucumber, radish, prawns and mango. Sprinkle with pistachio. Drizzle with olive oil. Serve with mint crème fraiche and lemon wedges.

Mango poke bowl with zesty coriander dressing Here’s another no-cook recipe – this one pairing mango with sashimi tuna, not prawns. Serves 2 | Prep 15-20 mins 2 medium mangoes 150g sashimi quality tuna, cubed 1 spring onion, thinly sliced 1/4 cup coriander leaves, thinly sliced 2 cups pre-cooked brown rice and quinoa mix

dressing can be made ahead of time and stored in the fridge.

1 cucumber, sliced into ribbons

Slice the cheeks off the mango seed, cube one of the mangos and thinly slice the second mango. Using a large spoon, scoop out the slices and set them aside.

1/3 cup edamame 2 cups mixed lettuce leaves 2 tbsp seaweed 1 tbsp Nori rice seasoning (or nori flakes) Mango dressing 1 small mango, cubed 1/4 bunch coriander, rinsed 2 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp sherry vinegar To make the mango dressing, combine all ingredients into a food processor and pulse until combined, set aside. This 28

21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024

Combine the cubed mango, tuna, spring onion and coriander leaves in a small bowl, toss to combine. To fill the poke bowls, start with a base of the pre-cooked brown rice and quinoa mix, followed by the lettuce leaves, cucumber ribbons, the tuna and mango mix and the edamame. Finish it off with a fan of the sliced mango and a tablespoon of the seaweed. Serve with a good sprinkle of the Nori rice seasoning over the top and the mango dressing on the side. canberradaily.com.au


feature Donut Bouquet Canberra

Spreading and sweetness this Christmas


preading love and happiness through tasty and beautiful treats, Donut Bouquet Canberra (DBC) is delivering their signature gifts right up until Christmas Eve. With not even a sprinkle of the grinchy spirit, owner Kristy Leigh exudes cheerfulness all year round and wants to help spread joy this festive season.

What was the inspiration behind DBC?

The idea behind Donut Bouquet Canberra was born out of my passion for unique and delightful gift experiences. I wanted to create something that goes beyond traditional gift-giving, and the concept of combining the joy of receiving flowers with the indulgence of delicious donuts seemed like the perfect blend of creativity and sweetness.

Why donuts?

Donuts are universally loved, and I saw an opportunity to elevate the classic treat into a distinctive and memorable gift. They are not only delicious but also offer a playful and visually appealing aspect, making them an ideal choice for a unique bouquet concept.

What does a day at DBC look like?

A typical day at Donut Bouquet Canberra involves meticulous preparation of our donut bouquets, ensuring that each one is a delightful and visually stunning creation. From sourcing the finest ingredients to handcrafting each bouquet with care, our team is dedicated to delivering a sweet and memorable experience to our customers.


10% discount for CW readers. Code: CANBERRAWEEKLY

What is DBC offering this festive season?

The festive season is a special time, and we have exciting plans to bring holiday cheer to our customers. We have introduced festive-themed donut bouquets, exclusive holiday flavours and some limited-edition designs to make the season even more memorable for our customers. We have also put the call out for anyone doing it tough to reach out for a little treat this Christmas. We will be delivering until Christmas Eve. After Christmas, we are having a couple of weeks’ break before we re-open with a few surprises!

Kristy Leigh, owner of Donut Bouquet Canberra.

Are you a Christmas fan?

Absolutely! I am a big fan of the festive season. It’s a time for joy, giving, and creating wonderful memories with loved ones. I have a large family – both immediate and my extended DBC family – so Christmas is always such a joyous occasion with too much dessert! I believe our festive-themed donut bouquets will add an extra layer of sweetness to the holiday celebrations.

What sets DBC apart from other delivery services?

What sets us apart is the combination of creativity, quality, and attention to detail. Our donut bouquets are not just a treat for the taste buds but also a feast for the eyes. We take pride in using high-quality ingredients and personalised touches to create a truly unique and indulgent gift experience for our customers.

Will there be any donuts under your tree? Without a doubt! There will definitely be some specially crafted donut bouquets

Jolly and bright, Donut Bouquet Canberra offers the tastiest gift this Christmas.

under my tree, ready to be shared and enjoyed with friends and family during the festive season.

What is your vision for DBC?

Our vision is for Donut Bouquet Canberra to become a go-to destination for those seeking extraordinary and joyous gift options. We aim to expand our offerings, continually innovate, and spread happiness through our delicious and visually stunning donut bouquets and hampers. When we re-open in the new year, we will be offering a few more exciting gift options … Stay tuned!

Anything else?

I would like to express my gratitude to our customers and the community for their support and enthusiasm. We are committed to bringing joy and sweetness to every occasion and we look forward to continuing to delight our customers with our unique and delicious donut bouquets. Order your festive treats from Donut Bouquet Canberra to be delivered by 24 December via donutbouquetcanberra.com Any questions, email info@donutbouquetcanberra.com or call 0434 474 924.

time out

Akram Khan Company’s Jungle Book Reimagined comes to Canberra Theatre Centre on 2-3 February. Photo: Ambra Vernuccio

That’s art & entertainment: The 2024 season in Canberra CW Time Out editor Jessica Cordwell brings you the latest in arts and entertainment news from around the Canberra region. This time, we look ahead to the entertainment coming to our stages throughout the 2024 season.

Canberra Theatre The city central theatre, entertainment and music destination has a knock-out year in the works for 2024; here are just a few of the highlights that will be taking place on the three stages. On 1-3 February, The Very Hungry Caterpillar Show brings to life one of the most famous children’s books of all time featuring more than 75 striking puppets, which include the beloved bug and other favourite Eric Carle characters. On 2-3 February, one of the most celebrated international dance companies presents Akram Khan Company’s Jungle Book Reimagined with a new take on the classic story as Mowgli is a refugee in a world ravaged by climate change. On 1-2 March, audiences will be amazed by Afrique en Cirque, as they experience the colours, heart and soul of Guinea with gravity-defying acrobats, explosions of energy and contagious African rhythms. Stunt Double takes the stage on 14-16 March, an unmissable genre-bending experience, where you witness the makings of a 1970s action blockbuster from the perspective of the stunt men and women. Next is Dog Man: The Musical on 19-20 April, an adaption of the children’s book series by Dav Pilkey that is sure to have both children and adults laughing out loud. May offers Humans 2.0, an incredible exploration of the next level of circus in a symphony of acrobats, sound and light. 30

21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024

In an exciting move, CTC co-produces the Australian premiere season of Peter and the Starcatcher on 15-27 October. The smash hit Broadway production comes to Australia for the first time to share the untold story of Neverland before Peter, the island and Captain Hook, with puppetry, live music and an unforgettable story. Learn about these shows and more at canberratheatrecentre.com.au

The Q - Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre In 2024 The Q - Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre is sharing a big colourful mixtape of a season. From heartwarming tales to catchy tunes and the big and flashy, there is something for everyone. Opening the season on 16 February, Garry Starr returns for one night only to perform all of Greek mythology during a single sitting in Garry Starr Greece Lightning. Kicking off Q The Locals is Happy Meals, Happy Kids by Jade Breen on 7-9 March; set on the edge of the apocalypse, teenagers hold our fate in their hands. Next from the locals is the Eulogiser Bunny on 16 March; finding the fun in funerals, playwright Cameron Ribbons invites you to life’s final party. Then That Science Gang brings one for the kids in You are a Doughnut! on 22-23 March; learn about the body with song, dance, sketches and engaging science. On 27 March, Catapult Dance captures that odd-one-out feeling as a group of people who don’t know each other come together for a party in AWKWARD. Next on the kids’ roster is Whalebone on 11 May, a masterful blend of heart, humour in a journey to a fantastical realm of tech and storytelling. The third installment in A Slightly Isolated Dog’s

August: Osage County arrives at ACT HUB, Kingston on 4-14 September. Image supplied.

trilogy of sexy works, The Trojan War takes the stage on 14-15 May. Using the fall of Troy as a backdrop, the group explores questions around the current chaos of our times through songs, wit and storytelling. Matters of the heart come to the stage with a woman, a dog, a campervan and 4,500km of open road in Highway of Lost Hearts, a regional story with original live music. The next Q the Locals presents a powerful solo show by Mark Salvestro in The Will to Be on 13 June. Laced with the words of Shakespeare, the production tells of a junior university officer dismissed from his role in a time when being gay was illegal. Joy, drama, crisis, fear and revelation take the stage in Echo Theatre’s production of Bombshells on 18-27 July; the acclaimed play shares the innermost thoughts of a group of women. You are invited to a thought-provoking, energetic and entertaining night at the theatre with The Sunshine Club on 31 July-1 August; Aboriginal soldier Frank Doyle returns from WWII to find a changed world with the same prejudices. The final Q the Locals is Ordinary Days on 5-7 September, a funny life-affirming musical for those who need to take a breath now and then, set in the city that never sleeps. Three young people set off a series of events they couldn’t have imagined in SLAP. BANG. KISS on 11 September; overflowing with activism, community and hope, presented by some of the finest young performers. A comedy concert for all ages, Make Some Noise brings good times to the stage on 13-14 September. Closing out the 2024 season is a touch of Shakespeare with A Midsummer Night’s Dream in an exciting outdoor production at a TBC date. Find The Q - Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre 2024 season at theq.net.au canberradaily.com.au

ACT HUB The Kingston theatre gem ACT HUB is offering a year of ‘Colour and Light’ with its 2024 season featuring nine productions from three resident independent theatre companies. Everyman Theatre brings back Queers on 14-24 February. In a British ale house, The Prince’s Arms, a century of evolving social attitudes and political milestones in gay history is seen through the stories of seven individuals. On 10-21 April, Chaika Theatre presents a site-specific translation and adaption of Chekhov’s Seagull; the indoor-outdoor production showcases love triangles, quarrels and erupting egos. Five Women Wearing the Same Dress takes over the theatre on 8-18 May. Avoiding the celebrations for reasons to be revealed, five bridesmaids hide out in a room in this funny, cheeky exploration of women’s spirit. The Tennessee Williams staple, A Streetcar Named Desire takes the stage on 19-29 June. Presented by Free-Rain Theatre Company takes on the timeless story of former Southern belle, Blanche Dubois, her sister Stella, and brother-in-law Stanley Kowalski. Next up is Mary Stuart on 24 July-3 August; staged by Chaika Theatre, Friedrich Schiller’s tale of two queens at war gets an empathetic, insightful and feminist revision.


On 4-14 September, Free-Rain Theatre Company present August: Osage County, a tragicomedy that explores some of the worst moments in life as a family comes together after the disappearance of the patriarch. Everyman Theatre presents an examination of survival healing, the class divide and the concept of home in The Inheritance on 12 October-2 November. The final production of 2024 promises to go out with a bang; Tick, Tick… Boom on 11-21 December is a tale of dreams, relationships and artistic struggles through the journey of a young composer. Find more information on ACT Hub’s 2024 season at acthub.com.au Mill Theatre at Dairy Road Known for bringing experimental and out-of-the-box theatre to our region, Mill Theatre at Dairy Road is promising even more excitement in 2024. The season opens with Nassim Soleimanpour’s BLANK on 3-24 February, a celebration of the human imagination as the performer and audience work together to fill in the blanks in the script. Then on 23 March, HELIOS brings a tale of the son of the god of the

sun to the stage, transporting the ancient story into the modern day. Next, The Show-Horn Sonata takes the stage on 3-27 April; brought back together by the filming of a documentary, Sheila and Bridie were freed from a Japanese POW camp 50 years earlier. The theatre turns into a courtroom for Terror on 29 May-15 June. A fighter pilot who shot down a plane and took 164 lives to save 70,000 is charged with murder with the audience left to decide if he is innocent or guilty. Regrouping three years after Reason to be Pretty, Reasons to be Happy follows the same four characters as they search for objects of desire and happiness at the Mill in August. October welcomes Rockspeare Henry Sixth Part Two; the audience returns to the Wars of the Roses as tensions continue to increase between the houses of York and Lancaster, accompanied by an original soundscape. The last offering of the 2024 season is Sarah Ruhl’s Eurydice on 20 November-14 December; the playwright reimages the myth of Orpheus through the heroine in this ever-enduring love story. More about Mill Theatre at Dairy Road’s 2024 season here: milltheatreatdairyroad.com

21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024


time out


Book talk This week, Jeff Popple recommends three enjoyable books for the holiday period. More of Jeff’s reviews can be found on his blog: murdermayhemandlongdogs.com Kennedy 35 by Charles Cumming

Great Christmas Gift!







Harper Collins, $32.99 Those after a good spy thriller for the beach or the pool this summer, will enjoy Charles Cumming’s atmospheric Kennedy 35. In 1995, 24-year-old spy Lachlan Kite is sent to Senegal on the trail of a war criminal responsible for hundreds of deaths during the Rwandan genocide. However, what should have been a reasonably routine snatch and grab job, goes terribly wrong. In 2023, an old friend of Kite’s contacts him with explosive information about what happened all those years ago in West Africa. When tragedy strikes, Kite finds himself once facing the consequences of that mission. A gripping read!

Mrs Winterbottom Takes a Gap Year by Joanna Nell Hachette, $32.99 Over the course of her first four books, Joanna Nell demonstrated a flair for long titled novels with sympathetic senior characters. It is a pattern that she continues with Mrs Winterbottom Takes a Gap Year. Doctors Alan and Heather Winterbottom have worked side by side in their rural practice for over 40 years, but in retirement they have different goals. Unwilling to be shackled to Alan’s vegetable patch, Heather decides to take a gap year from her old life and heads to Greece on an adventure. Brightly written with smart snappy dialogue and some nice servings of humour, this is a pleasant ‘feel good’ read.

A Woman I Know by Mary Haverstick Scribe, $36.99 Readers who are after something a little different will appreciate Mary Haverstick’s absorbing exploration of female spies and double identities in the early 1960s. Haverstick, an independent filmmaker, set out to do biopic of a little known female pilot, Jerrie Cobb, whose story seemed to embody the hopeful spirit of the dawn of the space age. A mysterious warning from a government agent, however, set her on a different course and she began to investigate what Jerrie Cobb was really up to. A journey which takes her from Cuba to Dallas on the day that President Kennedy was assassinated. Absolutely fascinating.

Canberra Weekly competition winners The winners in Canberra Weekly’s latest round of competition draws are: Cozze pizza oven: R Knox, Kaleen. Two Tickets to Greece film passes: M Watson, Macquarie; S Mellier, Phillip; S Mun Foong Ding, Holt; E Grigorieva, Macgregor; D Casey, Franklin.


21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024


Discovering Ancient Egypt at the National Museum Forever present in our pop culture, architecture, historical studies and scientific advances, Ancient Egypt has fascinated the world for centuries. Now, one of the greatest collections from the ancient civilization, Discovering Ancient Egypt, is on display at the National Museum of Australia until 8 September 2024. Visitors are transported several thousand years back in history as they’re invited to immerse themselves in this fascinating and rich culture. Making their way through more than 220 objects, visitors will witness artefacts from the lives of everyday people, right up to the burial rituals of the powerful. The display includes intricately decorated coffins, stunning jewellery, ornate sculptures, incredibly preserved scrolls from the Book of the Dead, and mummified humans and animals. Like many of us, an interest in the ancient Egyptian culture was sparked for Dr Daniel Soliman, curator of Egypt and Nubia collections at the Dutch National Museum of Antiquities (Rijksmuseum van


Oudhedenor RMO) as a young child. With Egyptian heritage, he often visited the country in his childhood and was in awe of what he saw. “My family would take me to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, which was breathtaking. That really planted the seed for me to get so interested, and throughout my youth, I kept that interest, that fascination, started to read more and eventually went on to study Egyptology in Leiden.” When putting together the exhibition, Dr Soliman says they first had to decide what story they wanted to tell. They ultimately decided to highlight some key areas like the daily lives of regular ancient Egyptians, the afterlife, religious and magical practices. “When you write out those storylines, you try to find objects that are suitable to tell that story. At the same time, we wanted show highlights from the collection, representative of the collection.” Preparing a travelling exhibition also allows the RMO to do conservation work on the pieces to ensure they are stable enough to travel.

Dr Daniel Soliman, curator of Egypt and Nubia collections at the Dutch National Museum of Antiquities.

The ancient Egyptians are known for their burial rituals for the powerful, nobles and rulers, the mummification process, and extravagant tombs filled with offerings and items to take to the next life. Behind a curtain lay five mummified bodies, three women and two men. “Within the bandages are precious amulets and, on the body, other precious objects are placed,” says Dr Soliman. Extended story at canberrdaily.com.au Discovering Ancient Egypt at the National Museum of Australia until 8 September; nma.gov.au - Jessica Cordwell

21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024


time out what’s on UNTIL A CHRISTMAS CAROL


The festive season classic by Charles Dickens sees DEC Scrooge and the Christmas spirits take the stage. Canberra Theatre Centre, until 24 December; canberratheatrecentre.com.au


DEC Canberra’s family-friendly

New Year’s Eve event has a different line-up this year, offering just one long fireworks show at 9pm. There will be music, food available for purchase, or bring a picnic. Lake Burley Griffin, Sunday 31 December from 6pm; nye.events.canberra.com.au

04-07 SUMMERNATS The annual car

JAN festival brings motor enthusiasts from across the nation to Canberra for a few days of fast cars, tricks, live music and good times. Exhibition Park, 4-7 January; summernats.com.au



The timeless art of the pre-eminent Anmatyerr APR artist who devoted her final years to painting and creating work capturing the experience of her extraordinary life. National Gallery of Australia, until 28 April; nga.gov.au



JUN Undertake a journey spanning six decades of Australian life with works from some of the government photographers who worked between 1939 and 1996. National Archives of Australia, until 10 June; naa.gov.au

Find more listings at canberradaily.com.au To advertise here, contact Mohit on 0406 378 673 or mohit@newstimemedia.com.au

Aspiring chocolatier, Willy Wonka (Timothée Chalamet), arrives in a European city to realise his dream of establishing his chocolate shop. Burning through his meagre savings, Wonka decides to stay at a boarding house run by Mrs Scrubitt (Olivia Colman). In doing so, Willy unfortunately neglects to read the fine print. Gene Wilder gave a generation the definitive portrayal of Willy Wonka in his 1971 adaption of Roald Dahl’s 1964 novel. In 2005, Johnny Depp committed to an awkward outsider inspired by Michael Jackson to a lesser extent. Here, Chalamet plays the lead role as a naïve hopeful, with nothing in his pocket but a hat full of ideas. The creative team behind Paddington 2 do it again, forcing our likeable protagonist to the depths of Britain’s social class, with nothing but 34

This glorious production features breathtaking costuming and puppetry, using ingenious stagecraft and limitless imagination, and will thrill children and adults alike. This is your chance to tumble down the rabbit hole and join Alice on her captivating and magical adventures with the White Rabbit, the eccentric Mad Hatter, the Cheshire Cat, the boisterous Queen of Hearts and a cast of brilliant actors bringing over 20 curious characters to life. You can WIN a family pass (4 tickets) to see Lewis Carroll’s timeless classic, Alice in Wonderland on Monday 8 January 2pm at Canberra Theatre.

Enter to win

Now showing Wonka (PG)

WIN! Alice in Wonderland family pass

his hopeful heart and talent to inspire those around him to assist his rise back to the top. Chalamet kicks things off with a song and a gravity-defying dance. The world from Wonka’s idealistic perspective is laced with magical realism, showcasing the potential of his grand ideas on this city, his potential customers, and the world. The colourful, comical and comedic forces against Wonka include parasitic exploiters, corrupt city officials and a mafia bent on maintaining the status quo at all costs. It is up to Wonka and his band of misfits to shake off their shackles and take on the giants of the chocolate industry! Verdict: A feelgood holiday classic, with designs, acting and singing that invoke the whimsical feeling of Christmas. 4 stars. - Luke McWilliams themovieclub.net Viewed at Dendy Cinemas

21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024

To enter, scan the QR code or visit canberradaily.com.au and click on the ‘Entertainment’ tab to ‘Competitions’, find the competition you wish to enter and follow the entry instructions. Entries close 9am Thursday 4 January 2024 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person per giveaway. Entrants must be aged 18+.

WIN! HQ Fiction book packs HQ Fiction has 4 x women’s fiction book packs to giveaway in this edition of Canberra Weekly. The pack includes the new releases The Milliner of Bendigo by Darry Fraser and Sunshine Through the Rain by Penelope Janu. Sunshine Through the Rain is a heartfelt and fresh rural romance about trust, hope and finding your place in life from an award winning and much - loved author. The Milliner of Bendigo is an exciting and twisty historical mystery and adventure from a bestselling Australian author. Enter for a chance to win this month’s most sought-after women’s fiction title. For more information on any of these titles, go to http://romance.com.au canberradaily.com.au

health+wellbeing The naughty and nice of festive dental care Dentists from the Australia-wide Dental Boutique share their list of dos and don’ts when it comes to our pearly whites this holiday season. Kick the crunch The candy canes will have to stay on the tree this Christmas as we’re advised to avoid crunchy, sticky or extra-hard sweets and treats that can potentially crack teeth. Don’t rush to brush After indulging in a sweet treat or something acidic, wait 30 minutes before picking up the toothbrush. Rushing to brush after sugary or acidic foods can damage enamel. Help Santa care for his teeth Tooth-friendly snacks to leave out for Santa include milk and proteins like turkey.

Pack your brush When travelling, be sure to take your toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, mouthwash and any special aligners or appliances in your rotation with you. Boozing Drinking alcohol can dry out your mouth, which leads to a higher risk of decay. Those delicious cocktails also tend to be high in sugar, something to keep in mind this season. Bye to bad breath Before jumping to a sugary mint, try some cinnamon, parsley, green tea, crunchy fruit and veg and lemon water to neutralise any odours. Care for already damaged teeth Take extra precautions if you have already cracked or previously

THE HAIR INSTITUTE by the r clinic

repaired teeth this holiday season. Addressing issues early can prevent any further damage. White, right now If you want to brighten your smile before heading on holiday or visiting family, do it sooner rather than later. At home whitening solutions need time to settle before eating dark-coloured foods. Red, red wine If you’re a red wine drinker, try rinsing your mouth straight away after a drink to avoid staining teeth. Retainers remain More people seem to misplace and lose their aligners and retainers over the holidays, so remain vigilant about where you left yours when taking them out.

Under the mistletoe If you’re hoping for a moment under the mistletoe or that midnight kiss on New Year’s Eve, keep your breath fresh. Scrape or brush your tongue, floss and brush your teeth daily for two to three minutes, stay hydrated, and consider chewing sugar-free gum. Gingerbread house is on the cards Good news, not all cookies are on the naughty list. Gingerbread, although full of sugar and carbs that feed plaque-producing bacteria, also contains molasses, which provides key minerals for healthy tooth enamel. Festive pain If you experience tooth pain over the holidays, call your dentist for an emergency appointment or look for an emergency dental clinic.


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www.thehairinstitute.com.au 21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024


the look



Pea y ke on colour of the year

Pantone’s pick for 2024, Peach Fuzz has us feeling warm and fuzzy on the inside. This gentle and calming colour lends itself perfectly to clothing and accessories. Just like the fruit, these peachy hues are complemented by creams.







9 8

DEBBIE MAREE’S Fashion Boutique


Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas! Thank you for all your support Christmas hours: December 23: 10am - 3pm 24: 9:30am - 2:30pm 25 - 27: Closed 28 - 30: 10am - 2pm 31: Closed

January 1: Closed 2 - 6: 10am – 2pm 7: Closed 8 Jan & onwards: Normal trading hours resume

234 CRAWFORD ST, QUEANBEYAN 02 6299 3335 @debbiemareesfashion 36

21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024


1 French linen zip-through crop, $129.95, Witchery; 2 Cotton Tee dress, $27.99, H&M; 3 Ray-Ban RB4395 Kiliane Bio-Based, $218, ray-ban.com/australia; 4 Pastel waves spray jacket, $120, bondiactive.com; 5 Mim-Mazing crossbody bag $279.95, Mimco; 6 Pastelicious Peachy wristwatch $190, swatch.com; 7 Isle & Tribe silver Caprioska tassel earrings, $39.95, Birdsnest; 8 Piper straw handle bag $119.95, olgaberg.com 9 Elanor Tie Strap Maxi Dress, $289, kachel.com.au; 10 Pleasure State Summer Love Chemise, $149.95 David Jones; 11 Ziera Delilah XF seashell, $249.95, Happy Fit Footwear. canberradaily.com.au

To all our valued Clients, June and the Team would like to wish all our clients a Happy and Safe Christmas and we look forward to styling you in 2024.

6251 2681 Bentleys of Canberra Jamison Plaza www.bentleysofcanberra.com.au



our guest

To make guests feel at home – and save you time when you want to be concentrating on entertaining – try providing your visitors with these essentials: •

Fresh sheets and towels

Blankets, doonas (sometimes guests from interstate will feel cold in cool Canberra summers)

Tissue box

Waste paper bin

Power point/board for charging devices

Wi-Fi password

Coasters, trays, placements to protect your furniture



For a more luxurious experience, treat your guests with: •

Scented candle

Hand cream

Tourist guide

Choice of pillows

Water glasses and jug

A tray of those cosmetic samples you never seem to use

Dressing gowns, robes and slippers (especially if you have a ‘no shoes in the house’ policy).







Can’t seem to pull your home together? Access help for just the parts you need. We take your ideas and your style then pull it altogether so you can move forward. Avoid big ticket mistakes and achieve the stylish, timeless forever home you deserve.



10 11

Scan to learn more about Choose your Own Adventure Decorating Services



21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024

1 Capri tumbler, $49.95 set of 4, Luxe & Beau, Fyshwick; 2 Aven Australian cotton robe, $169.99, Sheridan; 3 Deco cordless lamp $79.95, Luxe & Beau, Fyshwick; 4 White lily geo candle, $12, Kmart; 5 Scented candle jar Eau Florale, $5, Big W; 6 Hemp/organic cotton sheet set, from $385, South Pacific Hemp; 7 White rattan look waste bin, $12, Kmart; 8 Capri tray, $79.95, Pillow Talk; 9 Capri coasters, $49.95 set of 6, Pillow Talk; 10 Supersoft luxury towel collection, from $24.99, Sheridan; 11 Alby periwinkle wool blanket, $260, Journey Home Interiors, Manuka. canberradaily.com.au

real estate

property of the week

Resort-style luxury living Surf Beach NSW 1 Silverdell Place Located at beautiful Surf Beach on the NSW South Coast, 1 Silverdell Place offers stunning ocean views from its elevated 5048sqm block (more than an acre). According to agents Steven Mason and Terri Regent, a lifestyle of undeniable sophistication lies beyond the doors of this magnificent residence. A visual feast both inside and out, this four-bedroom home is cleverly engineered to facilitate exceptional living and entertaining. 1 Silverdell Place is “the ultimate Australian entertainer’s dream home,” the agents say. Outdoors is the perfect place for family canberradaily.com.au

gatherings, complete with a luxurious entertainer’s 11.5 x 6.5 metre alfresco area and a wood fire pizza oven. The swimming pool is the perfect place to spend endless summer days with family and friends. Inside, the striking kitchen hosts extensive cabinetry and bench space, catering to every occasion. Relax and enjoy family meals at the feature breakfast bar. The kitchen is complete with a gas cooktop and quality appliances – and even ocean views. The agents says this resort-style, architecturally-designed residence is one of Surf

Beach’s foremost examples of executive and luxury living. If you’re hankering for a sea change, check out 1 Silverdell Place this summer. 4


Price View Agent Agent Mob



By Negotiation By Appointment Steven Mason Terri Regent 0414 937 352

Ray White Batemans Bay | 02 4472 6565 21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024


real estate recent sales 117 Hopetoun Circuit, Yarralumla

$3,000,000 Blackshaw

9/28 Marie Little Crescent, Denman Prospect $860,000

33A Golden Grove, Red Hill

$2,755,000 belle property

18/15 Fitzroy Street, Forrest


Ray White VERV

24 Araba Place, Aranda

$2,260,000 belle property

22 Skardon Street, Kaleen


home by holly

40 Brereton Street, Garran

$1,950,000 LJ Hooker

3 Sarre Street, Gungahlin



82 Barada Crescent, Aranda

$1,690,000 Ray White

4/12 Marou Place, Ngunnawal



4 Barron Street, Deakin

$1,615,000 Luton

14 Hancock Street, Spence



6 Ponsford Place, Nicholls

$1,450,000 LJ Hooker

56/5 Kerridge Street, Kingston



6 Dennis Place, Jerrabomberra

$1,412,500 belle property

9 Mauger Place, Wanniassa


Ray White

73 Aprasia Avenue, Googong

$1,375,000 White Rhino

4 Taggart Terrace, Coombs



12 Bulloo Place, Kaleen

$1,302,500 Stone

9/110 Eggleston Crescent, Chifley


Cream Residential

7 Lawson Place, Jerrabomberra

$1,256,000 Independent

910/240 Bunda Street, City



18 Merfield Place, Giralang

$1,250,000 suburbia

32/27 Temperley Street, Nicholls


Ray White

10/29 Cunningham Street, Kingston

$1,230,000 Blackshaw

13 Balala Place, Isabella Plains


The Property Collective

83 Sherbrooke Street, Ainslie

$1,212,000 belle property

113 Eccles Circuit, MacGregor


LJ Hooker

19 Ulysses Circuit, Wright

$1,170,001 LJ Hooker

3/43 Stockdale Street, Dickson


home by holly

2/9 Oliver Street, Lyneham

$1,165,000 LJ Hooker

6 Gething Place, MacGregor


home by holly

187 Robin Boyd Crescent, Taylor

$1,150,000 Impact Properties

50 Alston Street, Chisholm



30 Myra Law Crescent, Moncrieff

$1,075,000 Impact Properties

11/6 Merri Place, Conder


Impact Properties

Lot 1229, 216 Glenrock Drive, Googong


New Door Properties

13 Sculptor Street, Giralang

$1,065,000 belle property

130 Learmonth Drive, Kambah


LJ Hooker

16/12 Wilkins Street, Mawson


Cream Residential

3/38 Ipima Street, Braddon

$1,060,000 Ray White

34 Gamban Square, Ngunnawal



9/63a Torrens Street, Braddon


Ray White

28 Atherton Street, Downer

$1,050,000 Ray White

5/2-4 Wedge Crescent, Turner


home by holly

9/29 State Circle, Deakin



9 Hayward Street, MacGregor

$1,006,000 LJ Hooker

2 Bews Place, Bonython


The Property Collective

10/14 McGowan Street, Dickson


LJ Hooker

14 Eric De Salis Street, MacGregor

$1,000,000 LJ Hooker

156 Darwinia Terrace, Chapman



58/22 Archibald Street, Lyneham


Ray White

8 Gudgenby Close, Palmerston


New Door Properties

93 Macfarlane Burnet Avenue, MacGregor$670,000


211/90 Swain Street, Gungahlin


The Property Collective

39 Lee-Steere Crescent, Kambah


home by holly

520/253 258 Northbourne Avenue, Lyneham $660,000


36/16 David Miller Crescent, Casey



22 Bardolph Street, Bonython


$3,000,000 117 Hopetoun Circuit Yarralumla Blackshaw Manuka


118 Bernard Heinze Avenue, Moncrieff $642,500


112/17 Dooring Street, Braddon


belle property

20 Russell Drysdale Crescent, Conder $962,500

The Property Collective

13 Leahy Place, Gordon


LJ Hooker

9/33 Moore Street, Turner


Ray White

7 Castles Place, Melba


Ray White

3/49 Dooland Court, Nicholls


belle property

66/41 Clare Burton Crescent, Franklin $415,000

home by holly

5 Morphy Place, Cook


Ray White

56/12 Oliver Street, Lyneham


home by holly

15/2 Serventy Street, Wright

Hayman Partners

41 Carter Crescent, Calwell


LJ Hooker

22/6 Antis Street, Phillip


LJ Hooker

48/75 Elizabeth Jolley Crescent, Franklin $410,000

La Casa

3 Bale Place, Richardson


LJ Hooker

11/68 Dalkin Crescent, Casey



30/4 Thadoona Street, Crace



63 Ashburton Circuit, Kaleen


LJ Hooker

64B/12 Albermarle Place, Phillip



84/179 Melrose Drive, Lyons



3 Goudie Place, Wanniassa



7 Imlay Place, Charnwood


Ray White

8/47 Abena Avenue, Crace



25 Hyndes Crescent, Holder



10/81 Box Hill Avenue, Conder


McIntryre Property

2/17 Broughton Place, Queanbeyan



33 Jefferis Street, Torrens



6/5 Harry Hopman Circuit, Gordon


McIntyre Property

72/1 Anthony Rolfe Avenue, Gungahlin $370,000


8 Wyola Place, Kaleen


LJ Hooker

279/7 Irving Street, Phillip


The Property Collective

53/179 Melrose Drive, Lyons


Hayman Partners

17 Adcock Place, Banks



405/53 Mort Street, Braddon


Town Residential

278/325 Anketell Street, Greenway


Ray White

22 Kowalski Street, Casey


home by holly

709/49 Furzer Street, Phillip



3/30 Chappell Street, Lyons



6/3 Phippard Court, Watson



34/21 Dawes Street, Kingston



51/2 Ranken Place, Belconnen


LJ Hooker

3 Bambridge Parade, Googong



5/10 Dominion Circuit, Forrest


Hayman Partners

2B/4 Beetaloo Street, Hawker


LJ Hooker

14 Kinchela Crescent, Latham


LJ Hooker

48/10 Burke Crescent, Kingston



16/39 Thurralilly Street, Queanbeyan East $200,000

LJ Hooker

16 Chirnside Circuit, Kambah


Irwin Property

69/2 Peter Cullen Way, Wright



Data is provided by agents. Source: Realestate.com.au


real estate property news

Canberra’s most affordable suburbs It’s probably no surprise to most Canberrans that Charnwood has been revealed as the most affordable suburb to purchase a property, according to new data from PropTrack. The latest PropTrack report showed that Charnwood’s median house price is $704,000, more than $40,000 lower than the ACT’s second most affordable suburb, Banks ($746,000). Rounding out the top five were Holt ($767,000), Richardson ($771,000), and Phillip ($775,000). 40

21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024

Belconnen and Tuggeranong combined for eight of the top 10 most affordable suburbs with four from each region, while the other two were in Gungahlin and Woden.

10 most affordable suburbs in Canberra • Charnwood: $704,000 (Belconnen) • Banks: $746,000 (Tuggeranong) • Holt: $767,000 (Belconnen) • Richardson: $771,000 (Tuggeranong)

Charnwood’s median house price is $704,000, making it the ACT’s most affordable suburb in which to buy residential property.

• Phillip: $775,000 (Woden) • Ngunnawal: $782,000 (Gungahlin) • Strathnairn: $788,000 (Belconnen) • Isabella Plains: $789,000 (Tuggeranong) • Macgregor: $791,000 (Belconnen) • Greenway: $804,000 (Tuggeranong) canberradaily.com.au






Nestled before a brilliant backdrop of natural surrounds, Sunningdale Estate presents 37 large residential blocks between 1,500–6,300sqm, now selling from $590,000.

For inspection and further information, please contact one of our agents below.

Fully-serviced blocks with water, electricity, sewerage and nbn.™

Residential sized blocks in the heart of Murrumbateman.

Build your dream home on a larger block for a third of the cost.

20 minutes to Canberra.

Blocks approved for multiple dwellings.

DA Approved.

Troy Thompson • 0408 694 917 troy.thompson@ljhooker.com.au

Marcus Cataldo • 0401 744 964 marcus.cataldo@ljhooker.com.au

S U N N I N G D A L E E S TAT E . C O M . A U


39/20 Beissel St, Belconnen The sought-after Shores development offers buyers peace of mind with the history of low maintenance and quality body corporate. This 3 bedroom apartment provides the occupant easy and convenient access without having to use stairs or elevators, whilst enjoying the privacy of an benefit of an elevated position, looking out onto the glorious parkland and over towards Lake Ginninderra.

AUCTION Saturday 3 Feb 11:00am, onsite VIEW Saturday 6 January 2024

3 • Perfect location • Ground floor property • Spacious living area • Huge balcony


• Quality complex • EER: 6

Jeremy Maher M 0410 481 260




75 Richmond Street, Binalong With exposed timber raked ceilings, floating timber floorboards and a beautiful fireplace, the open plan living is great for entertaining, and flows seamlessly to the modern kitchen. The four bedrooms are well proportioned and all offer built in robes. Outside features 2,023m2 of family friendly grounds, a large verandah plus a huge working shed.

FOR SALE $699,000 VIEW Saturday 6 January 2024



• New timber look flooring • Marble look laminate kitchen bench • Three way bathroom with bath


2023 sqm

• Well nurtured garden and grounds • Fireplace

Jeremy Maher M 0410 481 260


It’s more than a home North facing two bedroom home Available now, this modern light 2-bedroom home includes: •

Generous open plan living space opening onto balcony

Modern kitchen with granite benchtops, user friendly appliances and dishwasher

Our residents love calling Bellerive Village home – and you will too.

Large master bedroom with plenty of built-in storage and accessible ensuite

Reverse cycle air-conditioning and heating for year-round comfort

Plenty of storage

Our relaxed, contemporary retirement village makes it easy for you to make the most of every day. Ditch the mower and enjoy the social community, neighbours you know, and your own home without the time-consuming maintenance. We’ll even change the lightbulbs.

Internal access to garage

Smart metering and community solar power to reduce your energy footprint, and cost of living

Emergency buttons connected to on site staff 24 hours a day

Note: photos are of a similar home

For your day-to-day needs, Bellerive’s conveniently located close to the Canberra Hospital and the heart of Woden, home to Westfield, the bus interchange and many of Canberra’s premier clubs.

Call Donna Blackwell on 02 6169 3669 to book a tour now

15 Burnie Street, Lyons ACT 2606 www.bellerivevillage.com.au

r y o uired t u p d e req m a st uranc o N ins ing d l i bu

Two Bedroom Home $675,000 It’s more than a home, it’s a community Located in the heart of Deakin, just 300m from the shops and close to medical facilities, The Grange retirement village offers you independent living in your own private home without the hassle of the building maintenance, and the security of knowing staff are onsite 24 hours a day in case of an emergency. Join the vibrant and welcoming community where you can live life your way. Enjoy lunch or dinner in the private dining room. Take part in the many social activities or interest groups in the village. Keep fit at one of the regular exercise classes, the indoor pool or the many walking tracks nearby including Red Hill. Indulge your passion for culture at the many museums and galleries close by.

Call 02 6282 1782 to book a private tour

This beautifully renovated 2-bedroom home in the heart of Deakin includes: •

Open plan living, dining and kitchen with granite benchtops room opening onto a good-sized balcony

Large master bedroom with plenty of storage

Bathroom with a 2-way toilet

Reverse cycle air-conditioning and heating

Good sized internal laundry with dryer

New paint and carpet throughout

Note: images are of a similar home

Call 02 6282 1782 to find out more www.thegrangedeakin.com.au

Take the plunge, and downsize next year Over 75% Sold

Move in mid year

Plan to downsize second half of next year in one of our brand new 1, 2, and 3-bedroom apartments. Thoughtfully designed to ensure your peace of mind in every way.

Enjoy new friends or experience the ease and comfort of living in our low maintenance homes, many offering breathtaking views, and complete with:

We understand that a home transcends mere bricks and mortar. At Marigal Gardens, you’ll be part of an already thriving over 55 community, where family and friends are always welcome.

Spacious open-plan living areas designed for both functionality and warmth.

Well-equipped kitchens featuring all the modern conveniences.

Reverse cycle air-conditioning for your comfort.

Double glazing to protect against the weather conditions.

A sophisticated, timeless, neutral colour palette for you to personalise.

Internal access to a secure parking.

24-hour emergency assistance at your fingertips.

Choose from our remaining 1, 2, and 3-bedroom residences at Marigal Gardens, and live life your way.

Call 1300 884 784 to find out more or to book a private tour 21 Snodgrass Crescent, Kambah ACT 2902 1300 884 784 | www.marigalgardens.com.au Renders are for illustrative purposes only. Details are correct at time of printing and subject to change. December 2023.



FOR SALE $780,000

4 Stevenson Street, Boorowa NSW 4 Bed, 2 Bath Fifth bedroom/study or office Timeless fixtures and features throughout 1900sqm* corner block 600m* Boorowa CBD: 600m* Boorowa Central School: 350m* Ex-Services Club Comfortable open plan living and dining Additional formal lounge and dining room Covered alfresco patio- the ideal private sanctuary for entertaining Evaporative heating and cooling

AGENTS: Justin Fleming - 0429 820 389 Amanda Serafin - 0421 459 157


4 Greenview Close, Ulladulla NSW 2539 From the moment you drive down this country lane and enter the property gates; you gain a sense that you are about to experience something special. Greeted by wide wrap-around verandahs and a welcoming stylish foyer, this stunning residence simply draws you in. Exuding country warmth and hospitality in a quiet secluded location the home features: Price Guide: $2,700,000 to $2,860,000 Contact Kate Wise on 0404 413 866 to arrange an inspection.

raywhiteulladulla.com.au 54

21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024

4 • Picturesque 2.471 acreage (1 hectare) • Beautiful Select Blackbutt flooring • Chef’s kitchen with double oven • Office with built-in cabinetry and separate entrance • Second living area with Sonos sound system



• DLUG with internal access • Freestanding brick garage ideal for trades or studio • Ducted vacuum system • 3km to Ulladulla Harbour • 5kms to Mollymook Beach • Short walk to Cupitt’s Restaurant and Winery

• Ducted air conditioning with 5 zones (2 constant)


real estate on the market

Mogo NSW 1109 Princes Highway


The property is fully cleared with select shade trees, split into six main paddocks with five dams. With 226 acres of rich alluvial soil, there is plenty of scope for your agricultural pursuits. Currently, it is carrying around 110 cattle and 120 sheep plus some goats and is well positioned for growing crops or flowers for the Canberra markets. With a large dam plus 4 smaller dams, water is not a problem.

Price guide $4.5m – $4.8m View By appointment Agent Rob Routledge Mob 0414 235 976

MALUA BAY 22 Mulgowrie Street

Holiday Heaven! Have you been dreaming of that cute holiday or permanent cottage near the beach? Well, your search may be over. With the feel of relaxed weekends letting your cares wash away on the covered front deck, perfect for those summer BBQs, offering filtered views of the water, this well-positioned home is in a great location.





LJ Hooker Batemans Bay 4472 6455



Auction Saturday 27th January at 12.00pm Onsite View By Appointment Agent Rob Routledge 0414 235 976 property.ljhooker.com.au/1214f8f

3 Narrawallee NSW 138 Matron Porter Drive

Acreage With Subdivision Potential! 30,351sqm of R5 (min lot size 5,000sqm) zoned land offers great potential, with town water and power available on a sealed road including a massive road frontage of 338m, with potential for an easy subdivision (STCA). The property is close to a state forest with access to bike and horse trails as well as being only a 10-minute drive from the CBD of Batemans Bay.

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.




Price guide $2.2m - $2.4m View By appointment Agent Ben Pryde Mob 0410 324 209

Immerse yourself in the coastal beauty of Narrawallee. Surrounded by landscaped gardens, this immaculate residence offers sensational views along Narrawallee Beach. Spacious living with high vaulted ceiling and a contemporary kitchen makes entertaining a dream. A choice of outdoor living spaces allows you to be out enjoying the coastal breeze and fabulous ocean and escarpment vistas.

Catalina 91 Heron Road


Raine & Horne Mollymook/Milton 4455 3800




For Sale $1,500,000 View By Appointment Agent Rob Routledge 0414 235 976 property.ljhooker.com.au/11ztf8f

batemansbay.ljhooker.com.au LJ Hooker Batemans Bay 02 4472 6455 21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024


Discover Serenity & Timeless Elegance at ‘Bentwood’ View

By appointment

For Sale Price by Negotiation

Ben Pryde 0410 324 209 bpryde@mollymook.rh.com.au




Sprawling across 126 acres of meticulously curated landscapes. An estate beyond compare, this resplendent property harmoniously blends the sophistication of a lodge with the grace of a refined resort. Offering 18 acres of manicured lawns, deciduous trees and ornamentals, horse paddocks, plus towering old growth forest, rainforest, and meandering creeks with access into National Park. In close proximity to the spectacular coastline of Bawley Point and the prestigious Willinga Park Equestrian Centre, ‘Bentwood’ embraces a privileged location that marries sophistication with the pristine beauty of nature. With sumptuous living spaces featuring high vaulted pine ceilings and fireplaces, providing an unforgettable ambience, you can indulge in grandeur within interiors adorned with premium finishes. A south coast premium lifestyle acreage, inspections available strictly by prior appointment.





ELEGANT BAYSIDE LIVING Kailani is a collection of 16 oversized apartments, with expansive views overlooking the bay and marina, in close proximity to the golf course and all amenities. These large units provide space to relax, while the high end inclusions will make it home.

Completion Late 2024

LUXURY 3 & 4 Bedroom Apartments Dene Lewthwaite 0412 635 019


Omania Terry 0438 918 680






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21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024


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85% of our readers read the

advertisements each week. Have your business listed here. Call Jen on 6175 8827 canberradaily.com.au

Trades & Services Guide BATHROOM RENOVATIONS

Contact the trades & services team 6175 8827 jen@newstimemedia.com.au


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21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024


Trades & Services Guide

Contact the trades & services team 6175 8827 jen@newstimemedia.com.au






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89% of readers will use a tradie in the next 12 months. Be seen when they look for you! Call Jen on 6175 8827 or email jen@newstimemedia.com.au

21 december 2023 - 03 january 2024


Trades & Services Guide HOME RENOVATIONS

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Contact the trades & services team 6175 8827 jen@newstimemedia.com.au



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