04 April 2024

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Real estate P37 TRADES & SERVICES P50 FOCACCIA ART Local boxer’s quest for Olympic glory GOING FOR GOLD! HOLIDAY ACTIVITY GUIDE INSIDE estate
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4 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024 06 on the cover Queanbeyan boxer Monique Suraci is preparing to represent Australia at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games in July. Photo by Jordan Mirchevski. See cover story, page 06. thursday 04 april 2024 contents 06 ON THE COVER Monique to pack a punch in Paris 12 NEWS & COMMUNITY Greek minister visits Canberra 31 TIME OUT Seagull at ACT Hub 33 HEALTH & WELLBEING Tackling weight stigma Regulars WIN! 06 News & community 10 Fit the bill 17 Letters 18 Have you heard? 19 Puzzles & stars 28 Taste 29 Time out 55 Billy Elliot the Musical tickets 55 Back to Black film passes 30 Winners 32 What’s on 33 Health & wellbeing 34 The look 36 Home 37 Real estate 50 Trades & services 14 34 55 28 37 Discover the best of this week’s listings in the magazine, online and on social media. Find your dream home with Canberra Weekly Real Estate Your search starts here canberradaily.com.au @canberradailyrealestate

Going for gold, Queanbeyan’s Monique Suraci heads to the Olympics


very four years people from every stretch of the globe come together to watch highly trained and skilled athletes compete for the title of being the best in the world. At the top of her game, Queanbeyan’s Monique Suraci will represent Australia at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

“I can’t believe it; I don’t think it will kick in until the opening ceremony. I am very excited, but I am staying driven and just focused on the goal; I don’t just want a tracksuit, I want a gold medal,” says Monique.

Representing Australia in Boxing, the 50kg fighter has been preparing for this since childhood. Making the team in her first official tryout, Monique wanted to try for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics but an injury before the trial, followed by the pandemic, squashed any chance of making any other trials.

“I’ve had this dream for a very long time. I made a goal to qualify for the Olympics at 22 and I did that. I’m getting my ticket at 23, I am happy with that,” she says.

Every time the Games were televised, Monique was glued to the television. She says she enjoyed watching badminton, gymnastics and athletics but never missed the boxing. In July, Monique will be the one that people in homes, pubs and on phones watch compete. The number of fights Monique will compete in depends on the draw; she expects 4-6 for a gold medal.

“Every time I win a fight, go for a really hard run or have a really hard session and I’m just at that point where you want to give up, you just think about that gold medal and it pushes you over the line. That’s all I’ve ever wanted, an Olympic gold medal.”

If she were to leave without claiming that top spot, Monique would be happy she got there and proud of herself, but she wouldn’t be satisfied, her only goal is the gold.

Born in Canberra and raised in Queanbeyan, Monique first put the gloves on at six years old and trained for a few years before stepping into the ring for her first fight at ten. Her first training

ground was PCYC in Erindale, until her coach left. Faced with transitioning to another training centre, Monique didn’t want to train with anyone else.

“I trained at home. I trained myself for a whole year and then I said to my mum, ‘I need a gym’,” she says.

When she was around 14, Monique found Stockade Training Centre in Fyshwick, where she remains today. Under the guidance of coach Garry Hamilton, Monique has refined her skills into the talented, ferocious athlete she is.

“He’s up in the morning for me, there at 4:30 every afternoon for me. If I say ‘I need to train earlier today Garry’ he’s there, if I need to train later, he’s there. He has put a lot of time and effort into my preparation for the Olympics,” she says.

Giving her coach all the praise in the world, Monique says Garry has definitely shaped her as a boxer.

“He doesn’t claim the success. I would be in a different boat without him, it might have taken me a bit longer to get here but I would have gotten here, I was always determined.”

Along with the support of her dedicated coach, Monique says she couldn’t have got this far without the backing of her friends and family. Boxing can be a lonely sport, but knowing they were also in her corner makes it an easier load to carry.

From a strict Italian household, Monique and her five sisters have always been close, she says most of them will be supporting her from the crowds with their parents.

“My family from Italy is probably coming to see me [compete] in Paris and then we’ll go back to Italy,” Monique says.

While in Paris, the Olympic teams have access to free transport. Monique says when they aren’t competing or supporting one another, they could go explore.

“But we’re there to fight and we’re there to compete so we might not want to, we’ll see. All the fun can be after we win.”

Between now and when they set off in July, Monique says there is a lot of hard work ahead,

including multiple international camps and tournaments. She plans to face each challenge with the same unwavering determination and drive.

“We’re going to be traveling to America for a camp and then we come back and we go to the Netherlands and the UK. Then we come back to Australia and then we head off to Germany before Paris to settle into the heat and time zones.”

Along with a rigorous training regime, athletes in weighted categories have to keep a close eye on their weight, any fluctuation can see them disqualified.

“Combat sports where you have to be in a weight division, it’s extreme. You’ve got to train hard but you have to be fuelled to train and develop and grow. At the same time, you also have to make sure you’re on top of your weight,” says Monique.

One Olympic Games won’t be enough for Monique, she already has her sights on the 2028 LA Olympics. After celebrations and a rest time for her body to recuperate, Monique will be into training and getting back into competitions.

“We want to celebrate a bit and come back to work; we’ve got Nationals in December so you can’t let off too easy if you want to keep your spot.”

Monique’s advice for other budding athletes is to stay true to yourself, always, and to stay strong when things get hard.

“You’re gonna get the biggest highs and the lowest lows and if you can bounce back from those lows, you’ve got it. Don’t stop, there is always a high around the corner.”

Follow Monique Suraci on her Olympic journey; @monique_suraci

6 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024
Monique Suraci is preparing to represent Australia competing in boxing at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.
news cover story
Photo Jordan Mirchevski

Exit ACT, fighting for the right to die on our own terms

There are a lot of choices we make in life; where to live, what career path to take, whether to start a family, but who has the right to choose how your life ends? In February this year, the ACT Legislative Assembly released the Inquiry to the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023 with a list of suggested changes they recommend be implemented before the bill should be passed.

This battle over the right to end your own life isn’t a new one by any means, assisted dying has been lawfully practiced in Switzerland since 1937.

Here in Australia, Dr Philip Nitschke was the first doctor in the world to administer a legal lethal voluntary injection in the Northern Territory in 1996 under the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 1995 (NT). The doctor went to the home of his patient, a man in his 60s with advanced prostate cancer, and administered a lethal dose of barbiturates with the man’s wife present.

Another four of Dr Nitschke’s terminally ill patients were able to access the end-of-life option before the law was overturned in early 1997. The Federal Government enacted the Euthanasia Laws ACT 1997 which prevented territories from making laws about voluntary assisted dying. In response, Dr Nitschke founded the Voluntary Euthanasia Research Foundation, now known as Exit International.

The Swiss approach to assisted dying / assisted suicide / voluntary euthanasia is that anyone may assist another to die as long as their motives are altruistic. The safeguards in place are that the person must have the mental capacity to make the decision and they must do the action that will bring about death themselves.

“We are there to provide information and support people who are concerned about end-of-life issues. Here in the ACT, we provide

information and support to about 200 members and when Dr Nitschke comes to Canberra, people can ask questions,” says Dr David Swanton, Exit ACT Chapter Leader.

A Doctor of Science, Dr Swanton says it is great that the ACT has introduced the legislation however it is fiddling the margins. One of the recommendations put forth was clarification on terminology like ‘advanced’ and ‘last stages of life’. Currently, the bill states that a person must have a condition that is advanced, progressive and expected to cause death, with an advanced condition being a person in the last stages of life. Dr Swanton says this leaves many people out in the cold.

“What we are concerned about is the stipulation based on whether you’re terminally ill or not. People who have motor neurone disease, or locked-in syndrome or Huntington’s disease, you’ve got 20 years of suffering to go…If you have three months to go, that’s okay, but then you’re going to have to spend your last three months navigating the ACT’s regulatory system.” Full story online at canberradaily.com.au Find out more about Exit ACT; exitact.net

8 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024

Galilee School turns 25: A Canberra story

There’s no such thing as an overnight success. Galilee School is a Canberra success story 25 years in the making. Its 25th anniversary is more than a milestone; it is a testament to an unwavering commitment to giving every young person a chance to succeed.

Founded in 1999, Galilee School emerged from a community-driven desire to o er hope to disengaged and vulnerable youth. Its mission is simple: to inspire and support students to realise their full potential. Education is tailored to the individual. Success comes in many forms and every student’s journey is unique.

With a 5:1 sta -to-student ratio, the school provides a level of trauma-informed care uncommon in mainstream education. This is crucial for students who have faced more than their fair share of personal challenges. The school’s flexible learning program, alongside extracurricular support like transport and meals,


ensures everyone has the tools they need to thrive.

The importance of Galilee School’s work cannot be understated. In a time when educational challenges are mounting, from falling literacy rates to teacher shortages, Galilee o ers a glimmer of hope. It stands as a testament to what can be achieved when a community comes together to support its most vulnerable members.

As Galilee celebrates this significant anniversary, it’s also a call to action. The school’s success is heavily reliant on donations and community support. This is a perfect time for past students, local businesses, and philanthropists to contribute to a local cause with tangible results.

In reflecting on 25 years of service, Galilee School’s story is one of resilience. It’s a narrative about the power of second chances and the belief that it’s never too late to change a life’s trajectory. Financial support is vital in ensuring the

school flourishes and continues o ering hope and opportunity to those who need it most. Galilee School is indeed Canberra’s best-kept secret, but perhaps it’s time for the secret to be shared far and wide.

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feature Communities at Work
Food studies is a popular pathway to a Year 12 Certificate.

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Ambulances and the Attorney-General’s faux pas

Now this is second-hand, but my old friend Alan Tutt swears he was told about it by a tearful aged care worker. Last week, a 90-year-old bloke in an aged care facility in Scullin fell over and split his head open. There was lots of blood. The aged care staff called an ambulance, and it took about six goes to have the call answered. The ambos then apologetically said there were 15 jobs in front of it. An ambulance came nearly two hours later. Staff were distraught. I hope the old fellow is fine now, but that’s just not on.

The second-to-last time my late wife had to go by ambulance to the Canberra Hospital, we had to wait 40 minutes, as they just did not have any available. Canberra is meant to be a First World city, for goodness’ sake.

Attorney-General Shane Rattenbury managed a spectacular front page in The Australian last week. It was over his calling into his office the acting Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), the highly competent local boy Anthony Williamson SC, whom most people in the know were tipping to take the top job after Shane Drumgold resigned as a result of the Sofronoff enquiry. According to the paper, and confirmed by members of the DPP staff, Anthony was quizzed over why he had dropped several sexual assault prosecutions. Helpful hint, Shane: it’s his job to ensure cases with little or no hope of success are discontinued. It’s not

rocket science. No one wins if a charge is prosecuted through to its inevitable acquittal. That’s what you have an independent DPP for.

Maybe Shane really only wanted a chat about the difficulty in getting a conviction for these types of offences, but The Australian certainly saw it as pressuring the acting DPP. They said a number of people in the Office of the DPP saw it that way. Such conduct is certainly not usual.

Anthony Williamson is a very skilled, experienced prosecutor. He ticked all the boxes to be appointed the next DPP bar one. He was a local, highly competent Acting DPP who steadied the ship after Shane Drumgold resigned after the Sofronoff enquiry. He was well-regarded by police, the profession, and the judiciary, and very well-liked and respected by his office. He was, perhaps, the wrong sex, and diversity often triumphs over merit in government appointments these days.

It may not have been coincidental then that one week after this “chat” with the AG, the new DPP was announced. It was not Anthony, but very skilled female prosecutor from the NT, Victoria Engel SC.

I hope Anthony was not called in to answer questions about the discontinuance of several weak sexual assault cases and that this was then used as an excuse to deprive him of the top job. The timing does look a little suspicious. It is certainly not a good look.

The Liberal opposition needs to pursue this one further to get to the bottom of it.

10 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024
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Serhan Mackey Principal Adviser/Founder PSS, CSS, MSBS and DFRDB Specialist
Canberra Advice Pty Ltd ABN 63 649 537 904 trading as Canberra Advice Financial Planning is Corporate Authorized Representative 001288249 of MFG Advice Pty Ltd ABN 76 618 661 108, AFS License 499010. Serhan Mackey’s ASIC adviser number is 1006361. Information in this advertisement is general advice only and has not taken into account your personal circumstances, needs or objectives. You should seek personal advice before you make any changes to your investments. Always read the product disclosure statement before you acquire, vary or dispose of a nancial product.

MGI Joyce|Dickson: Success your way

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The members of MGI Joyce|Dickson super team are a dynamic group with a diverse range of experience. This diversity ensures you receive high-quality advice no matter your personal circumstances. Whether you are saving for retirement, looking to retire or planning how to

pass the wealth you have accumulated in super to the next generation, our experienced team can help.

Senior Managers of the SMSF team, Janelle Byrne and Lucy Boyd, have been assisting clients for longer than they care to admit. They observe ongoing growth in the sector and explain, “people have been attracted to the level of control and security they feel over their retirement. It puts them in charge of their own successful retirement without relying on fund managers. And the benefits of this increased involvement can be seen in the retirement outcomes. Recent ATO figures show members of SMSFs on average have higher balances throughout their lifetime than members of other

types of super funds.”

MGI Joyce|Dickson is equipped to support their clients from the beginning, including the initial setup of their SMSF and providing a tailored Statement of Advice (SoA) that takes into account each client’s specific situation and unique goals.

At a recent client seminar, Lucy and Janelle discussed how an SMSF can be a useful vehicle to turn a client’s aims and ambitions into a retirement strategy. SMSFs can be particularly beneficial for small business owners because of the ability to invest in business property, “it is rewarding to help educate a client on the possibilities around what they can do and how it can impact their retirement plans, both now and in the future.”

For many people, superannuation benefits and retirement planning are concepts that are not thought about until they are in their 50s. The team at MGI Joyce|Dickson advise their clients to start planning early to ensure a comfortable retirement, particularly with the government changes to contribution rules. Janelle added, “with all the super tax changes, estate planning has become an integral part of our client’s SMSF strategies.”

MGI Joyce|Dickson goes beyond the compliance of SMSF and pride themselves on fostering strong client relationships through building trust and collaboration. They learn about their client’s goals and help them achieve those goals, whether it be buying a high-end car, enjoying a cruise down the Riviera or leaving a little to the kids. It is this strong collaboration that ensures the team are able to assist their clients achieve “their” version of success.

If you would like a no-obligation consultation with MGI Joyce|Dickson to learn how the SMSF team can assist you, phone 02 6162 2600 today to arrange an appointment.

This editorial does not consider your personal circumstances and is general advice only.

feature MGI Joyce|Dickson
Janelle Byrne and Lucy Boyd advise clients to start planning early to ensure a comfortable retirement.
MGI Canberra Super Pty Ltd, Corporate Authorised Representative 1245116 | Merit Wealth Pty Ltd, ABN 89 125 557 002, AFSL: 409 361, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Count Limited (ABN: 111 26 990 832), an ASX listed company.

Minister’s visit to Canberra brings Greece closer to the diaspora

Earlier this year, Greece granted the postal vote to its citizens globally. Theodoros Livanios, alternate minister of the interior, visited Australia this week to encourage the diaspora to vote in the European elections in June, and to strengthen diplomatic ties between the two countries. Canberra Weekly met the minister at the Greek Embassy in Canberra.

“Australia is a magnificent country,” Mr Livanios said. “Not only do I feel like being in Greece, due to the Greek diaspora, but also I can see how warm the Australians are.”

After visiting Melbourne and Sydney, Mr Livanios came to Canberra on Wednesday; he was charmed by its trees and green fields, so different from  Athens.

The minister lunched with members of the Greek community at the Hellenic Club, which he said was one of the most magnificent buildings for the diaspora worldwide. Shortly before our interview, he visited the Australian War Memorial; the two nations had fought together during the two world wars. That

evening, he would meet Prime Minister Albanese and opposition leader Peter Dutton at Parliament House to celebrate Greek Independence Day with the Australian Parliamentary Friends of Greece.

“I’m delighted to find how strong are the bonds between Greece and Australia,” Mr Livanios said.

On 9 June, all Greek citizens, wherever they live, will have the right to vote for 21 Members of the European Parliament. As in Australia, voting is compulsory in Greece, but until recently, Greek citizens living abroad needed to prove that they had resided in Greece for at least two out of the last 35 years, and to have submitted a tax declaration for income in Greece within the last two years.

The centre-right New Democracy party – in power since 2019 – removed those barriers so the diaspora could vote easily.

Greek citizens who wish to vote in the EU elections must register online by 29 April. The process, Mr Livanios said, is simple and does not take more than five minutes.

The European Union might seem distant, and Australia is not a member, but Mr Livanios argues that it is still relevant to Australians. Over its five-year term, the European Parliament will make decisions on environmental policies and foreign affairs, as well as funding infrastructure works and social welfare in Greece.

“If we have a very strong voice in the European Parliament, then the outcome will be better for Greece,” Mr Livanios said.

After the European elections, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis will bring a new law to establish the postal vote for the next national elections, expected to be held in 2027.

Mr Livanios thanked the Greek community for their support for Greece, and for “keeping Greece in their hearts and their minds”.

The Greek president, Katerina Sakellaropoulou, will visit Australia in November, and Prime Minister Mitsotakis intends to come here at the beginning of 2025. The two governments are likely to discuss worldwide politics, including Ukraine; the environment; and issues affecting the diaspora, such as finalising a double tax treaty.

Full story online.

12 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024
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Sex and the city of Canberra

There’s a lot of love in Canberra –perhaps too much given the “bonk ban” introduced in 2018 (preventing MPs from having sexual relationships with their staff) – and a new tour called Love in the Capital is about to steam things up.

Rest assured dear readers, there aren’t any recent sex scandals about current MPs (it’s too soon) because the tour is part of Canberra Heritage Festival and focuses on historic political figures

If you’re a sucker for a romance novel or if you like a good scandal (and who doesn’t), She Shapes History is holding three Love in the Capital tours this month.

Founder of She Shapes History,

Sita Sargeant (a self-confessed romance novel reader), has fantasised about running these tours for three years but was unsure of the public’s appetite for passion.

“This tour gives such a different view of political figures and it’s amazing how much people don’t know when it comes to really iconic political figures,” Sita said. “Recent affairs aren’t in it because there are so many to choose from, we have too many, and because it’s only a twohour tour we had to be picky.”

The tour begins at Hyatt Hotel, where Harold Holt (known for his extra-marital affair) and his wife Zara lived for a period. The tour uncovers love at Old Parliament House, West


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The proposed facility consists of the addition of new equipment and associated works, including 5G, as follows:

• Removal of the existing headframe and installation of new headframe

• Installation of three (3) panel antennas, 2.7m long, on the new headframe

• Installation of three (3) panel antennas, 0.8m long, on the new headframe

• Installation of ancillary equipment associated with operation of the facility, including twelve (12) remote radio units (each measuring approximately 0.65m long), antenna mounts, cabling and works within the existing equipment shelter

1. Vodafone regards the proposed installations as Low-impact Facilities under the Telecommunications (Low-impact Facilities) Determination 2018 (“The Determination”), based on the description above.

2. In accordance with Section 7 of C564:2020 Mobile Phone Base Station Deployment Code, we invite you to provide feedback about the proposal. Should you require further information or wish to comment, please contact Phil Smith at Indara, 02 9495 9000, community@indara.com or Level 1, 110 Pacific Highway, St Leonards NSW 2065 by Monday 22 April 2024. Further information may also be obtained from www.rfnsa.com.au/2609004, and www.rfnsa.com.au/2602005.

Block, John Gorton Building, finishing at the Kurrajong Hotel, where two former Prime Ministers had affairs (Ben Chifley was there with his mistress when he had a heart attack and later died).

“John Curtin and Ben Chifley had affairs at the Kurrajong, these prime ministers were very respected,” Sita said. “It’s not part of either of their legacies - not like Bob Hawke. Both their biographers have written about these affairs and we’re only covering people that we have very hard evidence by official biographies. There’s nothing in this tour that is word-of-mouth gossip.”

Sita said the tour would challenge people’s perceptions of “people who we think we know”. There’s even a love story not unlike Romeo and Juliet, about two starcrossed lovers from opposite sides of the political spectrum.

Prime Minister John Gorton’s private secretary, Ainsley Gotto, had a relationship with her counterpart –opposition leader Gough Whitlam’s chief-of-staff, Race Mathews. She was a staunch Liberal and the youngest ever, first female, to be chief of staff at age 22.

But political love affairs are not always scandalous. There are wholesome, romantic love stories like Gough and Margaret Whitlam. The statuesque couple (she was six foot one, he was six foot four) were both members of a university drama society and met at a party when their eyes met across a room.

“There’s something really special about her experience of the dismissal,” Sita said. “Whitlam’s chief-of-staff at the time said that

he would not have survived the dismissal if not for Margaret. When he felt like he was being abandoned by everyone, she just loved him more and reminded him that he was still loved.”

Sita said that when people talk about the well-known affairs of Bob Hawke and Harold Holt (who was holidaying with his mistress when he famously vanished), noone considers what their wives were doing.

“Without us realising it, we paint women in a certain way. So many of us thought of Zara Holt as this scorned woman, treated poorly by Harold Holt, but she had a lot of agency and she did a lot in her own right.

“Zara Holt was a self-made millionaire - she saw that there was this gap in the market in Sydney for women like her who were short and plump and didn’t have suitable clothes for them. So she started one and it was this massive success. She’s this great clothing designer and she designed the Australian Olympic uniform in 1960s.”

This article is just a teaser for the tour - there are plenty more scandals that rocked our city and power couples that inspired a nation.

The Canberra Heritage Festival is on from 13-28 April. Love In The Capital tours: 13 April, 20 April and 27 April from 3 to 5pm. For bookings, head to; environment. act.gov.au/heritage/heritage-festival and search ‘Love in the Capital’.

14 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024
A saucy tour called Love in the Capital unveils sex scandals and love stories from Australian politics, as part of Canberra Heritage Festival. Photo supplied.
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Australia’s government-induced transition to a high-cost, unreliable electricity supply

Australian governments are forcing a “transition” in electricity supply from coal (and gas) to wind and solar. Though the ACT has virtually no electricity generation other than that from rooftops, it leads the way in terms of its purchasing contracts for gridsourced renewables.

Wind and solar have di erent operating characteristics than coal and gas electricity generators. Coal and gas (and nuclear) can operate pretty much continuously but weather and nightfall limit solar to generating only 20 per cent of the time and wind to about 30 per cent. And electricity supply from wind and solar generators is highly variable.

With wind/solar at their present market share of about 30 per cent, both coal and gas can fill their troughs in supply. However, it is the policy of all Australian government jurisdictions to force coal and most gas out of the market. Moreover coal (or, for that matter, nuclear) is ill-suited and costly as a backstop to variable wind and solar supplies.

Recognising the need to compensate for the intermittency of wind and solar energy, 15 months ago, Commonwealth Energy Minister, Chris Bowen, proposed a Capacity Investment Scheme to iron out the peaks and troughs of wind and solar generated electricity.

The idea was to induce a buildup of storage systems to enable an uninterrupted supply of electricity. This becomes increasingly necessary to

provide support as coal, which still supplies over 60 per cent of the nation’s electricity, is phased out.

Approved storage systems under the Capacity Investment Scheme are pumped hydro like Snowy 2 and batteries. Pumped hydro generates by releasing water when alternative supplies are short and uses electricity at other times, when it is in excess supply (and therefore cheap), to pump the water back uphill. Batteries supply and replenish on a similar basis.

Snowy 2, along with other pumped hydro, is projected to provide enough storage for about 9 hours supply as the market grows. The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) reckons we need to increase this to 12 hours by using batteries.

Mr Bowen’s Capacity Investment Scheme was earmarked to help do

that job. But, in the event, 23 of its planned 32 gigawatts of installed capacity is earmarked for additional wind and solar. Rather than capacity support for wind and solar, it has become just another subsidy scheme to induce additional supplies of this renewable energy. In passing, it is worth recalling that 20 years ago we were assured that all such schemes would be unnecessary, as wind and solar would by now have become lowercost technologies than the archaic coal plant they would replace!

With the Capacity Investment Scheme and other measures, the Albanese Government has turbocharged the renewable energy subsidy programs from an annual cost of $9 billion under Scott Morrison, to over $15 billion. The various measures are summarised below.

So, we have seen a vast increase in subsidies (that is, costs to energy users and taxpayers) which has brought about a considerable increase in government outlays and in the price of energy to households and commercial users alike.

All this aside, AEMO’s planned half a day of storage is hopelessly inadequate in view of the high variability of wind and solar. Overseas estimates are that a

wind/solar system requires at least 20 days storage, while the highly regarded Australian consultancy, Global Roam, has estimated that Australia would need at least 10 days storage.

These are early days of the energy “transition”. But our politicians are plunging us into an electricity supply system with perilously higher costs and lower reliability than we are already experiencing.

16 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024

The government’s kangaroo shame This government must be out of its mind if it thinks it can get away with declaring kangaroos as invasive species in the latest State of the Environment Report. Canberrans are sick to death of this undemocratic, unresponsive and dismissive government. With political parties, such as the Animal Justice Party, the Belco party, some independents and the Liberal Party, all against killing kangaroos, this is now a political issue. The Labor/Greens coalition’s time in power is up. We are fed up with the dishonesty from Andrew Barr, Shane Rattenbury and Rebecca Vassarotti about kangaroos. Canberrans want and demand vegetated overpasses around our nature reserves to allow our precious wildlife to move around safely.

Katter champions cash

Re: Keep cash alive (CW letters 21 March), S. Morgan and others may be interested to know this. I saw on television recently; Bob Katter went into the café in Parliament House and went to pay in cash. The assistant told him they no longer accept cash, only credit card. Bob Katter stood his ground and told them that cash is legal tender and

they could not refuse it. The assistant initially was as insistent that they would not. Bob Katter asked to see the manager. The manager said that Bob Katter was right, it is legal tender and they had to accept it. So, all these places that refuse cash may have to change. Good on Bob Katter for standing his ground.

Kangaroos certainly not ‘invasive’

The recent ACT State of the Environment Report claims that kangaroos are an invasive species. This demonstrates an astonishing ignorance of the key facts about kangaroos, the nature of evidence, and the meaning of the word “invasive”. Kangaroos and their direct ancestral species have been providing keystone ecological services in almost every corner of the Australian continent for five to fifteen million years. Every aspect of their biology is perfectly adapted to Australian (including ACT) conditions, and essential to the wellbeing of the plants and other animals that share their environment: their teeth and grazing behaviour, metabolism, breeding biology, fur, feet and locomotion. Kangaroos are the antithesis of invasive.

The report also claims that kangaroos are

overabundant. Kangaroos might have once been abundant here, because of all the suburban lawns, but there has never been any evidence suggesting they were overabundant.

They are anything but abundant now, having been slaughtered en masse for 15 years far faster than they can replace themselves. Anyone with eyes, either expert or layperson, can see that the ACT reserves are currently suffering - as a result of the removal of the kangaroos - from devastating undergrazing and a staggering overabundance of biomass in the form of ridiculously tall and dense grass and weeds.

It should be noted that the Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment who produces the report is appointed and paid by the slaughterhappy ACT government. This is scarcely a recipe for independence.

17 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024
Email news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘To the editor’ in the subject field; include your full name, phone number, street address (NFP) and suburb. Keep letters to 250 words maximum. Note, letters may be shortened if space restrictions dictate. Read more letters at canberradaily.com.au Want to share your opinion? Orana Steiner School W: www.oranaschool.com P: 02 6288 4283 E: info@oranaschool.com Where creative artistry and practical experience meets academic excellence. Inspiring creative and flexible thinking, resilience, and an enthusiasm to engage in learning and life. Book a tour today! Enrolling now for 2025
to the editor

have you heard?

GIVIT donation of the week: Pool table, Carrom board

GIVIT is working with a not-for-profit community housing facility in the ACT that provides safe and secure housing for vulnerable people. They are requesting a pool table and a Carrrom board for over 25 fulltime student residents that they serve. These students have rigorous academic schedules and cannot afford accessible leisure activities. The organisation would like to help them by enhancing their recreational opportunities for relaxation and social interaction. Generous Canberrans can donate good quality items by visiting: GIVIT.org.au/what’s-needed, search Category: ‘pool board, Carrom board’; Location: ‘ACT’.

Turn back time

Daylight Saving Time ends in the ACT on Sunday 7 April at 3am when clocks are turned back one hour to 2am, Australian Eastern Standard Time. A handy mnemonic for remembering which way to turn the clock is: Spring forward, fall back.

ANBG Thursday Talks

On 11 April 12.30pm, Cormac Farrell, voluntary head beekeeper at Australian Parliament House and an environmental scientist whose specialty is management of native grassland and forest ecosystems, will talk about ‘City living for pollinators’. Venue is Australian National Botanic Gardens Theatrette opposite Visitor Centre. Bookings desirable at trybooking.com/COBIC. Donations are appreciated.

Dainere’s Rainbow Gala Dinner

Dainere’s Rainbow have our annual Gala Dinner coming up on 15 June, 6.30pm to 11.30pm, at the Ainslie Football & Social Club. It is a very special and meaningful event this year as we are celebrating ten years of the Dainere’s Rainbow Fund! We have launched a new logo which captures everything Dainere hoped and dreamed of to continue her legacy to bring hope and create change for children in Canberra and around Australia diagnosed with brain cancer. We are working to reach one million dollars raised and one hundred percent of funds raised or donated from the dinner go directly to the research programs and projects set up as a legacy to and in memory of Dainere at Sydney Children’s Hospital Kids Cancer Centre. Details can be found here; https://daineresrainbow.com.au/events/ daineres-rainbow-decades-gala-dinner-2024/

Survey on Church Commitment and Quality of Life in Canberra

We invite members of our community to participate in a survey aimed at exploring the commitment levels of church members in Canberra and how the comforts of modern life influence this commitment. This study, conducted as part of a postgraduate study in theology degree, seeks to understand the dynamics between individuals’ quality of life and their dedication to their local church. By participating in this survey, you will contribute valuable insights that can help us better support and strengthen our church communities. To participate, please visit bit.ly/ChristianSurvey2024.

Clothing sale at St Ninian’s

Pre-Loved Clothing – Good Autumn season men and woman’s clothing. Linen, bags, scarves, footwear and children’s clothing. Catering for all ages and sizes. Scones cooked on the premises for morning tea. St Ninian’s Uniting Church Hall, Lyneham. 12 and 13 April, 9am – 1pm.

Fearless Women – Speaker Series

Fearless Women is hosting a series of lunchtime talks throughout the year. Our ‘Big’ and ‘Little’ lunches will bring women (and men) together for networking, and for inspiration from interesting and notable speakers. Little Lunch, with guest speaker Dr Liz Allen: Thursday 11 April 12.30pm at Yellow Edge, Barton, cost: $55 per person, events.humanitix.com/little-lunch-1. Big Lunch, with guest speaker Helen McCabe: Thursday 2 May 12.30pm at National Press Club, Barton, cost: $150 per person, events.humanitix.com/big-lunch-1.

Belconnen Senior Singers

The club is in need of more singers with ages ranging from 50 and above. The style is mostly karaoke with some solo acts, and it is purely for a fun, social activity. Cost is $15 to join, $7 a session, and coffee after. On Wednesdays 10am at Belconnen Seniors Club, Chandler Street. Contact Roz at roz.saunders8@gmail.com.

HYH submissions

Submissions to our free Have You Heard community noticeboard are reserved for charity, not-for-profit and community organisations. Deadline for submissions is 10 days prior to the Thursday edition date. Email your submission with essential details – who, what, where, when, cost, contact details – to news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘HYH’ in the subject heading. Flyers and attachments not accepted. Due to space restrictions, please keep it brief. Please note: publication in print is not guaranteed.

18 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024
noticeboard  email news@newstimemedia.com.au with ‘HYH’ in the subject field



1 Misrepresent (7)

5 Scarcity of food (6)

8 Travel over snow on two long boards (3)

9 Involved (11)

11 Begin again (7)

12 Latter part of the day (7)

13 Armoured mammal (9)

16 Departure (4)

18 Refuse (4)

20 Having healing properties (9)

23 Induct into office (7)

24 Set apart (7)

26 Time-keeping device (11)

27 Employ (3)

28 In (6)

29 Wobbles (7)


1 Disorder (8)

2 Jumps rope (5)

3 Fruit grove (7)

4 Lure (5)

5 Lie (9)

6 Chopper (7)

7 Nourishment (9)

10 Hounds (4)

14 Powerful whirlpool (9)

15 Glare of publicity (9)

17 Ditzy (8)

19 Felt an intense longing (7)

21 Craft a garment using a hooked needle (7)

22 Bluish-white metal (4)

24 Unsuitable (5)

25 Sky blue (5)


1 In traditional lore, Santa’s sleigh is led by how many reindeer?

2 Who is Mount Everest named after?

3 Which chemical element is represented by the symbol Ne?

4 What is the subtitle of the awardwinning film Birdman?

5 The Big Captain Cook is in which Queensland city?



This is a romantic week, so be sure to organise a treat. Tuesday’s total solar eclipse will help revitalise your personal life if you were born before April 9; and improve your work or health schedule if you were born afterwards.


You’ll enjoy a sociable phase. Be super-careful with communications to avoid misunderstandings, especially at work. Tuesday’s solar eclipse will spotlight a transformative circumstance so be prepared to step into new territory at work or health-wise.


Mercury retrograde could slow things down, so be patient. Aim to review key matters to ensure you’re on track. Tuesday’s solar eclipse points to the need to take a fresh approach to a friendship, an organisation or to your status in general.


You’ll appreciate the opportunity to travel and to indulge your senses and romance. Tuesday’s solar eclipse will spotlight your status, direction, favourite projects and the value of having long-term goals. Aim to invest in these areas as your efforts will succeed.

LEO JUL 23 – AUG 23

This is a romantic phase which you’ll enjoy. You may discover if you have over or underestimated someone. Tuesday’s total solar eclipse will illuminate a key aspect of a shared situation. You may need to take someone’s vulnerabilities into account.


This is a wonderful time to improve all relationships. Tuesday’s solar eclipse may bring out your or someone else’s sensitivities, so maintain perspective. Be prepared to be adventurous now but keep an eye on the facts.


You’ll enjoy a change of routine at work or in your personal life and will appreciate the chance to improve your health and appearance. Tuesday’s solar eclipse will spotlight someone’s news, which will have an impact on your circumstances.


Romance is truly alive at the moment, and you’ll enjoy indulging in it. You may need to alter your usual routine to allow changes to settle. You must take a health circumstance or learning opportunity into account. Avoid rash decisions.


You’ll appreciate the chance both to travel and to enjoy a little romance and home improvement now.

Tuesday’s solar eclipse will kickstart a fresh phase in these areas or with a project, so be bold and step into the new.


Be sure to invest in your health and well-being as you can improve both now. You’re ready to turn a corner at home, with property or family. Look for expert advice and support that could help you to rearrange commitments.


This is a transformative phase for you, especially work-wise and financially. Tuesday’s solar eclipse will activate a sense of adventure including wanderlust. But you must be prepared to factor in your need for balance especially in your primary relationships.


You’ll appreciate the opportunity to meet like-minded people. It’s a good week for romance. Tuesday’s solar eclipse will spotlight both finances and self-esteem. You may be drawn to make a personal commitment so be sure to choose wisely.


For personal readings, contact Patsy through her website to make an appointment, or call 0448 808 333.

Facebook: facebook.com/patsybennettpsychicastrology

Instagram: instagram.com/patsybennettastrology www.patsybennett.com

19 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024 Brain busters: 1. Eight 2. Sir George Everest 3. Neon The4.  Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance 5. Cairns DIFFICULTY RATING  63 3 127 6 35 58 1 14 7 86 41 7 84 91 5 98 2 17 5 No. 1666 159742683 538127469 375891246 627583194 216439875 982364517 843916752 794658321 461275938
PLAY UNLIMITED PUZZLES ONLINE canberraweekly.com.au/puzzles
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4 APRIL – 10 APRIL PUZZLES & STARS PLAY UNLIMITED PUZZLES ONLINE canberradaily.com.au/puzzles 04 APRIL - 10 APRIL Having Difficulty on the Stairs? 1800 561 546 for your FREE Survey & Quote www.acornstairlifts.com.au • The only company to supply and install our own stairlifts • For straight or curved staircases • Indoor and outdoor lifts • Free home assessment • Fast installation • Safe and reliable Maintain your independence, let Acorn Stairlifts keep you safe to enjoy your freedom!

Escape to Fun: South.Point's School Holiday Wonderland + More!

These school holidays, transform the usual ‘what to do’ dilemma into an enchanting adventure at South.Point Shopping Centre. With a variety of activities for children and families, South.Point is set to be the ultimate entertainment hub, offering something new to do every day.

‘In Wonderland’ Kids Craft Zone: Step into a world of imagination and enchantment with the ‘In Wonderland’ craft program. Located in front of Big W, this magical setup is inspired by the whimsical world of Alice in Wonderland The Craft Zone runs from 13 to 27 April (excluding ANZAC Day), between 11am

and 2pm daily. Start with a thrilling mini maze adventure, leading into a realm of creativity with craft workshops. Each session, from Mini Mushroom Houses to Wonderland Paper Flowers, offers a unique dive into Alice's captivating world.

Metaphysica Virtual Reality: Venture up to The Point for Metaphysica's Virtual Reality Escape Rooms and Adventures. Offering an array of themes suitable for all ages, it's not just the kids who'll be thrilled; parents and teens can also join in on the excitement. Dive into jungles, solve puzzles, or explore mystical worlds in this virtual reality experience

that promises to transport you far from the ordinary.

Limelight Cinemas: Complete your visit with the latest family blockbusters at Limelight Cinemas. This season features titles like Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, Kung Fu Panda 4, and Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire With kids' tickets starting at $12 and enticing Family Pass deals, it's the


perfect way to unwind after a day full of adventures.

South.Point Shopping Centre is not just a shopping destination; it's a journey into fun, creativity, and imagination this school holidays. Make it your go-to for unforgettable family entertainment.

Find out more by visiting southpointcanberra.com.au

‘In Wonderland’ Kids Craft Zone New Family Movies at Limelight Virtual Reality Advernture at Metaphysica

This Alice in Wonderland Craft Zone, starts with a mini maze adventure, leading into the workshops. Free activitites will run from 13 - 27 April (excluding ANZAC Day), between 11am and 2pm.

These’s plenty of new family blockbusters at Limelight Cinemas these school holidays: Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, Kung Fu Panda 4, and Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire.

Dive into jungles, solve puzzles, or explore mystical worlds at Metaphysica Virtual Reality.

20 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024
school holiday feature

Treetops Adventure: Canberra’s Newest Outdoor Experience for the whole family

Nestled amidst the breathtaking towering pines of Majura, Treetops Adventure Canberra is your family's newest go-to spot for outdoor excitement in the ACT. Located in the beautiful pine plantation of Majura Pines, Treetops Canberra invites explorers to experience the city from a unique perspective. It is the first and only high ropes course in the ACT, offering over 90 thrilling treetop obstacles including 16 ziplines.

Majura Pines, once a vibrant pine plantation, serves as a popular mountain biking destination to the region and is now home to an exhilarating high ropes climbing experience. Just

a short 20-minute drive from the CBD, this hidden gem promises a fun day out for the whole family.

Choose from two Junior Courses, exclusively designed for ages 3 to 7, and five higher courses catering to adventurers aged 8 and above. Whether you're tackling the one-metre-high beginner levels or gearing up for the ultimate ninja warrior challenge on The Capital course, there's a challenge suitable for every age and skill level.

Treetops Adventure is not just about conquering heights, it's about sharing moments of laughter and creating memories together. You won’t be able to wipe the grin off your face after mastering

courses up to 15 metres above the ground or the rush of soaring across a 80-metre long zipline.

Treetops Adventure Canberra offers a kiosk with coffee, cold drinks and light snacks, all powered by the sun, and our friendly staff. Once you’ve finished your treetops adventure, you can visit our friends next door at Majura Pines Mountain Bike Trails and ride your mountain bike along some world-class tracks.

It is highly recommended to book online in advance to avoid disappointment and allow at least

three hours for your visit. Prices start from $32, and you can save 5% during the school holidays with a Family Pass. Open 7 days a week, 9am to 5pm.

*Adults accompanying climbers aged 8 to 10 will require a ticket to join the adventure. Visit the website for more information at treetopsadventure.com.au.

Off Lime Kiln Rd, Majura ACT 2609

T: (02) 6152 8208

E: canberra@treetopsadventure.com.au

W: treetopsadventure.com.au/location/ act-canberra

21 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024
CANBERRA NOW OPEN Canberra’s first outdoor high ropes course! Just 20 mins from the CBD From 3 yrs+ For 5% off use code TREETOPSACT5 treetopsadventure.com.au BOOK NOW SEE YOU AT THE TOP T&Cs: Offer valid for standard sessions until 30/4/2024. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.
Bounce, Slide, Conquer: Tuff Nutterz Canberra Unleashes Family Fun in the Capital school holiday feature PARKES PLACE EAST LAWNS, ACT EASTER FAMILY FUN! APRIL 13TH - 28TH BOOK NOW! WWW.TUFFNUTTERZ.COM

Ready for a flipping good time?!

Dreaming of something di erent to do these April school holidays? Flip Out Majura has an epic trampoline arena and a whole world of indoor fun to explore.

Active fun for all ages, Flip Out Majura is the place to come to move your body, learn new skills, and challenge yourselves in a safe, supportive environment. Get o the screens and jump into Flip Out!

Buy a 2-hour jump session and add a slushie for only $2. Excludes mandatory Flip Out grip socks, T&Cs apply.

Open 7 days a week. Book online to secure your spot.

13 Mustang Ave, Majura ACT W: flipout.com.au/majura/book-a-session

23 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024

Jamala Wildlife Lodge: A slice of Africa in the Heart of Canberra!

Jamala Wildlife Lodge in Canberra offers you the opportunity to experience close encounters with some of the world’s most exotic and endangered animals, as well as to relax in the atmosphere of its three individually designed five-star accommodation hubs: Giraffe Treehouses, Jungle Bungalows and uShaka Lodge. These African-inspired luxury suites lie in the heart of the National Zoo and Aquarium and are the epitome of style and comfort.

The cornerstone of Jamala Wildlife Lodge is uShaka Lodge, decorated with stylish, luxurious furniture, and adorned with African artefacts and artworks. While you are here, you can enjoy the company of the curious and captivating Colobus Monkeys and the graceful inhabitants of the 200,000-litre shark tank.

Guests can choose to spend the night within the habitat of some of the world’s most amazing animals. The Jungle Bungalows provide guests with the unique opportunity to bathe alongside Sun Bears, sleep next to a Lion, check out a Cheetah or admire a Tiger from the five-star

comfort of their African-inspired bungalow, as they get to know these beautiful creatures in the most personal and intimate way.

The six Giraffe Treehouse suites allow guests to mingle with the friendly animals that reside in a private garden setting. Guests can also soak in panoramic views of the Molonglo River from the balconies, while meeting and hand-feeding the resident giraffe!

Jamala Wildlife Lodge also offers five-star dining included in the price. You start your evening with pre-dinner drinks and canapes, where some special guests, including white lions or hyenas, may join you. To continue the African theme, you will be joined by other guests at large tables for a delectable, fun, four-course African gourmet dinner coupled with a selection of some of the best wines. The menu changes regularly and depends on the availability of fresh food at the time. These offerings perfectly complement this once-in-alifetime accommodation adventure.

A stay at Jamala allows guests to truly

immerse themselves in one of the most unique experiences in the world and take on the thrill of a wild African safari, making it a truly remarkable accommodation experience. During the included morning tour, guests encounter some of the zoo’s most popular residents, such as rhinos, lions, tigers, giraffes, monkeys and meerkats for a special opportunity to connect with and learn about these incredible animals.

Jamala Wildlife Lodge is a truly unforgettable experience.

999 Lady Denman Drive, Weston Creek ACT

T: (02) 6287 8444

E: info@jamalawildlifelodge.com.au

W: jamala.com.au

school holiday feature
TRAVEL AROUND THE CORNER... - Best Accommodation Restaurant - Best destination - selected worldwide! - Nestled in one of the Top 2 attractions in Australia! 02 6287 8444 | www.jamalawildlifelodgelcom.au info@namalawildlifelodgelcom.au Canberra | AUSTRALIA WINNER! Australia’s most unique accommodation, and many more! ...And see animals from around the world!

Northside Community Service: Lots of school-holiday fun

The Northside Community Service (NCS) engagement program for the autumn school holidays is filled with fun activities! The calendar will run from 15 – 26 April, offering a range of experiences across Canberra including the National Zoo and Aquarium, movies, bowling, trampoline parks, mini golf, and ice skating, catering for those aged 12-25 years old. “Our activities and events are a combination of qualification and skillbuilding with good old-fashioned fun!” says Maddison Cater, NCS engagement officer.

All information can be found on Northside’s website. Registration is required for most events and activities. Secure a spot by calling 6171 8000 or send an e-mail to engagement@northside.asn.au.

2 Rosevear Place, Dickson ACT

W: northside.asn.au

From class to glass: the Glassworks School Holiday Program has it all!

Fire up your Autumn School Holidays at Canberra Glassworks this April. Offering an array of glass-making activities, there's something for everyone. Teens aged 14 and up can create in the Hotshop in our 2-day Teen Glass Blowing. Kids aged 8 and above (with supervised options for 5–7-year-olds) can enjoy the popular Holiday Tiles and Holiday Bowls which will be running over the two weeks. Plus, don't miss out on our exciting NEW Tessellated Birds program, available Sundays for kids and teens aged 8 years and up. Book now before they book out!

11 Wentworth Ave, Kingston ACT

T: (02) 6260 7005

E: contactus@canberraglassworks.com

W: canberraglassworks.com

26 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024 SUMMER
- 26 JANUARY 2024 Northside provides free school holiday programs and events for people aged 12-25 Scan to find out more >> Fix N’ Ride Bicycle Workshop First Aid / CPR Course Gunners Place Youth Space
school holiday feature


Step into a world of imagination and enchantment this school holidays with “In Wonderland” Kids Zone!






Focaccia art

Get aboard the focaccia art trend with this simple but stunning no-knead recipe that’s perfect for any occasion.

No-Knead Focaccia Garden

Prep/cook time: 40 mins | Dough rest time: 15 hours | Serves: 8-10


540g (4 cups) bread flour

2 tsp flaky sea salt + more for baking

2 tsp (8g) instant yeast

450g (2 cups) lukewarm water (1/2 cup boiling water + 1 1/2 cups cold water)

1/4 cup olive oil

Focaccia garden decoration options

Spanish onions

French shallots

Spring onions


Fresh herbs


Cherry tomatoes




Rocket/Baby spinach

In a large bowl, combine flour, salt and yeast and whisk to combine. Add the

water in a slow stream while mixing with a rubber spatula until a sticky dough ball forms.

Pour 2 tbsp olive oil over the dough ball and rub it all over the surface of the dough.

Cover the bowl with cling film or a fabric bowl cover and transfer to the fridge for a least 12 hours (the dough can rest in the fridge for up to 48 hours but will need cling wrap if leaving it for that long).

Pour 2 tbsp olive oil into a Wiltshire Enamel Oblong Baking Dish 2.5L (25cm x 32cm) or a Wiltshire 1L/30cm Enamel Bake Tray and set aside.

Pour a little olive oil into your hands and rub them to coat, then release the dough in the bowl by scooping the sides into the middle with one hand turning the bowl a little each time until the dough has pulled away from the edge. Lift a 1/4 of the dough with one oiled hand and fold it back on top of the dough then turn the bowl a quarter turn and fold again repeating until all sides of the dough has been folded and it has

formed a rough ball.

Transfer the dough to the oiled baking dish and toss to coat in the oil then leave the dough to rise, uncovered on the kitchen bench for 3 hours.

Preheat oven to 210°C and place an oven rack in the middle position.

Oil your hands and using your fingertips, press down into the dough to create dimples. While dimpling the dough, press the dough into any corners where it didn’t rise.

Use a combination of herbs and vegetables to create a garden scene on your focaccia. Gently press the toppings into the dough and brush the entire surface with olive oil.

Sprinkle with sea salt flakes and bake for 25-30 minutes until the focaccia base is golden.

Transfer the focaccia to a cooling rack and cool for 10 minutes before cutting and serving warm.

28 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024
No-Knead Focaccia Garden recipe and image courtesy of Wiltshire and recipe developer Amanda Dettrick (@letsmakestuff_au)

time out

Documentary shines the light on Canberra carers

Undertaking a vital role in helping others live their day-to-day lives, carers are often overlooked or go unrecognised. However, a new documentary, Unconditional, created by Canberra filmmaker Dalanglin Dkhar aims to showcase the love, sacrifice and dedication of those who care for their family members.

When Ms Dkhar’s son was diagnosed with autism 11 years ago, she became his primary carer. The young boy, now 13 and still non-speaking, is dependent on his mother to meet all his needs.

“Since then, I have not worked… During Covid I got onto this crazy idea of thinking ‘Why don’t I try and look at studying further?’, I completed my masters in documentary filmmaking years ago’” says Ms Dkhar.

Currently pursuing her PhD at Charles Sturt University (CSU) and with a history of making documentaries for TV and film, Ms Dkhar says it was a natural progression to blend her documentarymaking past with her present life.

“Having lived the life of a carer, it comes so

naturally to me to be passionate about it and to feel like I am a real insider if I want to make this my research topic,” says Ms Dkhar.

Supported by Carers ACT and CSU, the documentary was shaped around Ms Dkhar’s intimate knowledge of the carer’s life and academic research. Directing, producing and writing Unconditional meant there was no bandwidth for Ms Dkhar to share her own story, so they put a call out for local carers.

Through the lens of four Canberra region carers, the film captures the emotional and physical challenges that carers face each day. While all the carers are connected through their unwavering commitment to those they look after, they each have a di erent story as to how they came to be carers.

“They represent very di erent caring experiences and the people they cared for are all di erent in what that meant for the carer. They all had very di erent stories to tell which I hoped could encapsulate a little bit of the spectrum of what a carer’s journey is like.”

In talks with stakeholders and networks, Ms Dkhar

says they are planning to send Unconditional to film festivals and then want to make it accessible to a wide audience. The best way to help them along is to follow their social media and comment on the website that you are keen to watch this film.

Stay up to date with Unconditional; unconditionalfilm.com.au


Step into a starlit evening of culture and community at the National Museum of Australia. A special event in association with the Discovering Ancient Egypt exhibition.

29 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024
Dalanglin Dkhar created Unconditional to show viewers the world of those who care for others.
Exhibition ticket costs apply.


19 April

20 April

21 April

22 April

23 April

24 April

25 April

Book talk

This week, Michael Popple highlights three amazing books written by talented Australian authors. You can find more of Michael’s book reviews on his blog, unseenlibrary.com

Devil’s Kitchen by Candice Fox Bantam Australia, $34.99

Dates & Times: 7pm 3pm 11am 11am 11am 11am & 3pm 3pm 7pm

Location: Canberra College

Performing Arts

Centre, Launceston St, Phillip, ACT

26 April

Bookings: www.trybooking.com/ckdit

For years, the firefighters of New York’s Engine 99 have been heroes, bravely stopping fires and saving lives. However, in secret they are also a successful heist crew, using fires as cover for their crimes. As they prepare for their next job, the criminals find themselves unravelling as an undercover agent joins their firefighting team to take them down. Devil’s Kitchen is an intense, powerful, and clever thriller that might be Candice Fox’s best book yet. Mixing passionate protagonists with a deeply personal investigation, Devil’s Kitchen is guaranteed to keep you on your toes and is a mustread crime fiction book.

White Ash Ridge by S. R. White Headline, $32.99

In the heat of summer, the five core members of a high-profile charity meet at the White Ash Ridge Hotel in the Australian outback. When the body of one member is found dead outside, the four other guests are prime suspects in the murder. Assigned the case, Detective Dana Russo must use her unorthodox methods to solve the crime before public outrage shuts her down. White produces another outstanding and memorable Australian murder mystery that will have you hooked from the very beginning. Featuring the interrogation-focused investigation style that White is known for, this is an intriguing and impressive character-driven mystery.

The Winter Palace by Paul Morgan Penguin Books, $34.99

Poland, 1939. As the Nazi and Russian armies invade, Anton and his wife Elisabeth are separated by the tides of war. Anton is transported to Siberia as a POW, and Elisabeth is forced to become the mistress of a Nazi officer while working for the Polish resistance. As chaos and death engulf them, can Anton and Elisabeth survive and reunite at their home, the Winter Palace?This is an excellent historical drama from Morgan, that highlights the dark shadows that covered Poland. A compelling tale of love, sacrifice, and pain that you cannot help but be moved by.

30 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024
time out
The winners in Canberra Weekly’s latest round of competition draws are: Monopoly: J. Horne, Curtin; M. Conroy, Theodore; R. Goyne, Evatt; V. Ramasundara, Phillip; R. Thompson, Wanniassa Paw Patrol: K. McLoughlin, Weetangera; L. Chang, Curtin; Y. Anthoney, Gungahlin
Canberra Weekly competiton winners!

In small moments everything happens, Seagull at ACT Hub

On picnic blankets, audiences are invited to the grounds of ACT Hub for a site-specific rendition of a classic tale that will transport them to an idyllic countryside manor. Seagull flies into the Kingston location from 10-21 April.

Exploring the unfulfilled lives of artists, unrequited love and fame, the Anton Chekhov tragicomedy has been described as a play in which almost nothing happens, but everything happens. Through new introductions, homecomings, casual cruelties and lost love, Chekhov examines human nature and the impact we can have on one another.

“It’s about a bunch of people who know each other very well looking for love and being unable to find it or skipping love where it is,” says Caitlin Baker, director.

Ageing and beloved actress Irina returns to her family property with her lover Boris, a famous

writer, who is scandalously younger than her. The arrival of the pair sends the residents into a spin. Ms Baker describes it as the catalyst for those there to reflect on whether they are happy or not with how their lives turned out. For those who discover life isn’t what they expected are they brave enough to change it?

“It is the story of a bunch of people learning how to live together when they’ve known each other for a very long time and also not being able to live together because they’ve known each other for a very long time. It is about art as well and how art interacts with the people you love,” says Ms Baker.

Translated and adapted into English by Karen Vickery, who also serves as assistant director, producer and plays Irina in the production. She says that Chekov is known for focusing on a group of settled people. Away from the city and

big events of the world, these people are content until the outsiders cause a disruption. He then explores the crisis it creates and the dynamic within the group.

“How we operate as people within groups in which we are really familiar; families, extended families, closest friends and acquaintances.

Everyone finds their place and tries to make the best of it but there is always jockeying for position and to be noticed and to be understood,” says Ms Vickery.

Extended version at canberradaily.com.au

Catch Seagull on the stage and grounds of ACT HUB on 10-21 April; acthub.com.au

31 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024
See Seagull at ACT Hub on 10-21 April. Photo: Marc William Hetu.

time out

What’s on

04- 07

Potted Potter

Relive the seven Harry Potter books in 70 minutes as this funny, absurd whirlwind of a production makes its way back to Canberra Theatre Centre.


Canberra Theatre Centre, 4-7 April; canberratheatrecentre.com.au



Emma Donovan

The celebrated Indigenous singer/ songwriter shares her unique R&B, soul and country sounds with audiences including tracks from her upcoming album Til My Song is Done.

The Q- Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre, Friday 5 April 7:30pm; theq.net.au

Find more listings at canberradaily.com.au

To advertise here, contact Mohit on 0402 377 603 or mohit@newstimemedia.com.au

See The Michael Jackson History Show at Canberra Theatre Centre on 5 April. Image supplied.


The Michael Jackson History Show


Showtime presents this spectacular music tribute and fullscale stage production honouring the one and only King of Pop, Michael Jackson. Get the full Michael Jackson concert experience with Garth Field – electrifying in his role as Jackson – plus a live band, choreographed dancers, authentic costumes and state-of-the-art production.

Canberra Theatre Centre, Friday 5 April 8pm; canberratheatrecentre.com.au

Now showing

Godzilla X Kong:

The New Empire (M)

In the Hollow Earth, King Kong searches for family under the watchful eye of Dr. Ilene Andrews (Rebecca Hall). Kong discovers a deeper, uncharted region, home of a psychic signal that reaches topside, causing Skull Island local Jia (Kaylee Hottle) to experience odd hallucinations, while also waking up Godzilla!

After a few movies each under America’s Legendary Productions’ MonsterVerse, Godzilla and King Kong finally crossed paths in 2021’s Godzilla vs. Kong. Establishing a more Manga-inspired tone and look, the movie was atypical of the contemporary Western Kaiju genre; massive monsters battling each other while a handful of self-interested human characters explain what is going on. This time out, our adventure continues in a set world with its mechanics and whacky ‘80s glam-rock tone. Unlike Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, characters from

05 APR

Woden Seniors Big Book Fair

Something for everyone to love with more than 25,000 books up for grabs as well as puzzles, DVDs, CDs and games.

Woden Seniors Club, Friday 5 April 10am-4pm; wodenseniors.org.au



Brumbies vs Waratahs

The rivalry continues when the high-flying ACT Brumbies host the NSW Waratahs at GIO Stadium on Saturday night. It is also a double-header, with the Brumbies women’s team taking on Fijian Drua at 5.05pm.

GIO Stadium, Saturday 6 April 7:35pm; ticketek.com.au



The Road to Patagonia

Filmmaker Matty Hannon comes to this special Q&A screening of his world-first expedition to surf the west coast of the Americas by motorbike, from the top of Alaska to the tip of Patagonia.

Palace Electric Cinema Canberra, Saturday 6 April 6pm; garage.com. au/the-road-to-patagonia

06- 07


previous outings that do not serve the narrative are excised, moving the story forward and focusing on our beasties.

The emotive Kong is the main protagonist. A lonely soul yearning for community, the Frankenstein monster-like beast finds himself battling another alpha. Godzilla is more of an existential, natural threat here; a side character who may provide a precarious alliance.

Unlike Godzilla: Minus One (2023), the movie embraces its schlock B-movie origins, referencing Kong and Godzilla across all media throughout the decades. With whacky creature designs, anime tech, all bathed in sci-fi neon lighting against a retro soundtrack, the movie also includes nods to the kitsch Land of the Lost (1974), the Primal Rage (1994) arcade games and ‘80s Asian fantasy movies.

Verdict: A fantastical and fun escapist monster-mash.

- Luke McWilliams themovieclub.net Viewed at Dendy Cinemas

09- 05

Billy Elliot the Musical


Based on the 2000 film, Free-Rain Theatre presents the story of a young boy who finds his passion for dance amid the 1984 miners’ strike in northern England. This easy-tolove, not-to-be-missed musical has tunes by Elton John and lyrics and story by Lee Hall.

The Q- Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre, 9 April- 5 May; theq.net.au

Handmade Markets

The Autumn edition of the beloved markets brings a smorgasbord of handmade goods ready to go home with eager shoppers.

Exhibition Park, 6-7 April; visitcanberra.com.au

10 APR

The Shoe-Horn Sonata

Based on true events, the experiences of women imprisoned by the Japanese in WWII told through a pair that meets 50 years later.

Mill Theatre at Dairy Road, 3-27 April 7:30pm; humanitix.com

12 APR

Bang On Live

Myf Warhurst and Zan Rowe bring their podcast to audiences as they connect, laugh and share stories with those in attendance.

Canberra Theatre Centre, Friday 12 April 6:30pm; canberratheatrecentre.com.au

07 APR

Raiders vs Eels

The Raiders will be looking to bounce back when they take on the Eels at GIO Stadium on Sunday evening.

GIO Stadium, Sunday 7 April 6:15pm; ticketek.com.au



Canberra and Region Heritage Festival

The annual event returns with more than 120 events planned to share the rich history of our region featuring exhibitions, workshops and engaging activities.

Various locations, 13- 28 April; environment.act.gov.au



A sensory deprivation experience that will challenge your realty, set in shipping containers choose between Flight and Séance

Canberra Theatre Centre, until 14 April; canberratheatrecentre.com.au

32 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024
Free-Rain Theatre presents Billy Elliot the Musical at The Q- Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre on 9 April-5 May. Photo: Janelle McMenamin.

Tackling weight stigma

As a clinical psychologist specialising in eating disorders and body dissatisfaction, I am a strong advocate for promoting respect for our bodies. Part of respecting our bodies involves being respectful of others’ bodies. Weight stigma, where we talk negatively about a person’s size and shape, is a common occurrence in our society. It leads many to develop poor self-esteem, anxiety around being in public, being judged and avoidance of eating in front of others.

There’s a misperception that we can tell how healthy a person is by their body size, shape and weight, this is false. I work with many people who would be classified, through their BMI, as overweight or obese - conditions we are taught to view negatively - and yet are incredibly healthy. In reverse, those who are seen as ‘thin’ must be healthy, which is not always the case. A person’s

health is defined as being absent from disease and in a state of wellbeing. This is measured by internal health including that of our brain, organs and heart, bone and skin, as well as how fit we are and many other ways. An important part of our health status is our mental health, where our state of wellbeing can be measured by stress and anxiety levels, mood, sleep quality, engagement in pleasure and enjoying our lives. We can have all this despite body size, weight or shape. Think of the most optimistic person you know or someone you would describe as happy - I bet their appearance has got nothing to do with this.

How do we reduce weight stigma?

Judgements about people’s appearance are made all the time, but even a so called ‘compliment’ can be received negatively. I see clients who have been told many times that they’re attractive or beautiful, yet they don’t feel that way or it makes them feel self-conscious or concerned that’s all people see them for. We need to stop commenting on people’s weight and

appearance and making this a source of value judgement, think about the whole person. What do you love about them in terms of their qualities, values and traits? Our appearance changes all the time, think about those you love and why you love them - it’s not about what they look like, is it?

Stop the diet talk. What a boring subject it is; talking about what diet we are on and what we are depriving ourselves of. What about talking about our experiences and interests? What we think about the issues of the world or holidays we might be planning. We can also talk about food for its function rather than making moral judgements about the marketing of ‘good’ foods and ‘bad’ foods. Where did we get these ideas from and are they actually true?

If you or someone you know is struggling with their relationship with their body, reach out for help; https://butterfly.org.au/get-support/helpline; Or you might find my book Eating Disorders: A Practitioner’s Guide to Psychological Care helpful; australianacademicpress.com.au

33 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024
health & wellbeing

What we’re talking about

All the latest in fashion, health, and beauty with fashion and beauty editor Jessica

Autumn Hair trends

As the season changes, many of us will be booking in with our hairdressers to change up our locks to match the shifting weather. Hair experts are predicting rich colours for the cooler season with hues of red.

Not everyone wants to switch to the dark side. For those looking to stay in the blonde spectrum, a buttercream tone mutes the summer blonde and gives you a rich creamy colour perfect for autumn. Achieve this look with a full highlight, slight shadow root and toning with a natural beige.

Looking for a touch of fun, why not try the cherry cola colour? Applying burgundy overtones to a rich chocolate-brown base will help you achieve this glossy look that has been thrown back in the spotlight thanks to Dua Lipa.

Looking for something low maintenance that could be natural but still has a touch of something different, then look no further than mushroom brown. The cool brown hue can be achieved by blending subtle highlights through a neutrally toned brown base.

Put just a toe in the pool of red hair with the cowboy copper trend, the brown and copper went

viral on TikTok last year and its popularity is set to continue, with a bit more emphasis on the brown undertones. To achieve this look, you want to keep your base firmly in the brown family while enhancing your locks with copper and golden toners.

With the focus on old-money aesthetics and the quiet luxury trend, the pricey look is here to stay, and the expensive brunette perfectly encapsulates it. This look relies more on hair quality than the actual dyeing process, ask your hairdresser for a rich brunette look with an all-over gloss on top. Then at home, ensure to keep your hair in top-quality condition, you might want to invest in masks, quality shampoo and heat protectants.

While some of these looks could be achieved at home, to minimise the damage done to your hair, it is always best to consult a professional.

Winter warmers

Affordable and loved for its simple staples, Uniqlo has turned the heat up and the bulk down with their new and improved HEATTECH range. The thin thermal clothing that claims to turn water vapor from the body into heat has sold over 1.5 billion items since launching 20 years ago. For this winter season, they have introduced new materials and colours, including a women’s turtleneck that has been crafted from their thinnest HEATTECH material ever. Other changes include an expansion of the skin tone colours for more inclusive base layering

and a new knitting technique added for the HEATTECH Extra Warm Seamless range to reduce piling. The French-born Princesse tam tam has collaborated with Uniqlo to bring colour and fun to the winter warmer collection. Shop the new range of HEATTECH apparel in store and online now.

From the aisle to the catwalk

Every Wednesday and Saturday the Aldi middle aisle is the place to be as the staff lay out the newest special buys. From furniture to pet wares, electronics and the much-desired snow collection, there is always something exciting hitting the baskets. On Saturday 13 April, there will be something Aldi has never offered before- a branded streetwear range. For less than $20 per item, you can show your devotion to the supermarket chain with clothing designed in homage to the store colours and logo. Grey and blue hoodies, sweatpants and trackpants are a bargain at just $14.99 while the Aldi print T-shirt will set you back a mere $8.99, but it is the $19.99 sneakers that we are excited about. Be sure to visit your nearest Aldi and like all special buys, these bad boys will only be there while stocks last.

34 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024
the look
Margot Robbie shows us how to do the buttercream blonde. Getty Images. Keep warm with the Uniqlo HEATTECH range available now. Aldi launches its first streetwear range on 13 April.
Bespoke, Hair Transformative specialists located in Jamison Centre, Canberra. Leaders in Colour Correction - Blonding Balayage Creative Colouring - Hair Extensions Chemical and Keratin Smoothing - Freestyle and Precision Cutting (02) 6162 2855 | SHOP A02, JAMISON CENTER, MACQUARIE 2614

The art of storytelling

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Scan to learn more about Choose your Own Adventure Decorating Services

Can’t seem to pull your home together? www.journey-home.com.au

4 5 6 7

36 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024
1 Elho Vibes round pot 22cm, $46, Bunnings; 2 Tully fluted side table, $199.95, Pillow Talk; 3 Surface wall art, from $300, Scott Leggo Gallery; 4 Pari glass vase, from $19.95, Pillow Talk; 5 Lexi Lighting Zehra floor lamp, $259.60, bunnings.com.au; 6 Stoense rug 130cm, $69, Ikea; 7 Boucle accent chair, $399.95, gigiandtom.com.au
Dulux Autumn Seasonal 2024 - Journey palette, featuring Dulux Swedish Blue in Dulux Wash&Wear® and in Dulux Aquanamel®.
Styling: Bree Leech. Photographer: Lisa Cohen. Rug, House of Orange; Chair, Cosh Living; Vase, Modern Times; Artwork ‘Floral Notes’ by Erica Gray, Studio Gallery; Side table, stylist’s own; Lamp and pot, homeowner’s. Image: Dulux

A spacious family property in Melba

Melba 177 Kingsford Smith Drive

Introducing 177 Kingsford Smith Drive, Melba: a beloved family residence poised for its next chapter. This home captures the spirit of family life, providing generous space and comfort for future generations.

This almost 1500sqm block o ers an expansive backyard that seems to stretch endlessly, providing a vast canvas for outdoor activities, gardening, or simply soaking in the tranquility of your own private escape.

Convenience meets serenity in this ideally located home. Just a stone’s throw away from local shops, everything you need is within easy reach. Yet, the property maintains a remarkable

sense of privacy. Tucked away from the main road, it o ers a secluded retreat without sacrificing accessibility.

The design and style of the property are quintessentially family oriented. It’s a home that welcomes you the moment you step inside, with its inviting living spaces and well-proportioned bedrooms. The layout is designed to accommodate the dynamics of family life, o ering spaces for togetherness and personal retreats for individual members.

With such a spacious block, the property also has endless potential, so you can turn it into you dream home, whatever that may look like.

4 2 2

EER 1.0

Auction Thursday, 11 April14 Wales Street, Belconnen at 5:00pm

View Saturday, 6 April 10:45 - 11:15am

Agent Jake Battenally

Mob 0413 313 676

Agent Robert Nepomuceno

Mob 0432 697 321

Ray White Canberra 02 6173 6300

37 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024
estate property of the week find more at canberradaily.com.au

2/72 Novar Street, Yarralumla $1,685,000 Home by Holly

61B Woollum Crescent, Rivett $1,480,000 Kalogris Property

14 Redpath Terrace, Whitlam $1,300,000 Hive

22 Alan Watt Crescent, Casey $1,125,000 Stone

38/11 Joy Cummings Place, Belconnen $1,075,000 Stone

6 Dobikin Street, Crace $941,000 Carter + Co

7/98 Aspinall Street, Watson $940,000 Home by Holly

17 Ulm Street, Scullin $920,000 Belle Property

6 Enfi eld Street, Casey $890,000 Belle Property

14 The Crescent, Queanbeyan $887,000 Ward

9/5 Wise Street, Braddon $850,000 Purnell

61 John Crawford Crescent, Casey $830,000 Stone

4 Rapke Place, Chisholm $821,000 LJ Hooker

19 Cameleer Lane, Strathnairn $795,000 The Property Collective

49 Outtrim Avenue, Calwell $765,000 The Property Collective

11 Cheeke Place, Latham $680,000 Belle Property

7/7 Sommers Street, Conder $620,000 Irwin Property

72/47 Kennedy Street, Kingston $600,000 Purnell

6/10 Vanzetti Crescent, Kambah $595,000 Cream Residential

4/25 Fawkner Street, Braddon $585,000 Belle Property

18/5 Howitt Street, Kingston $503,800 Belle Property

6/19 De Burgh Street, Lyneham $475,000 LJ Hooker

502/16 Moore Street, City $455,000 Purnell

3/135 Blamey Crescent, Campbell $455,000 Belle Property

110/116 Easty Street, Phillip $445,000 Independent

102/230 Flemington Road, Harrison $420,000 Stone

43 Miller Street, O'Connor $1,240,000 Belle Property

14 Weavers Crescent, Theodore $1,102,000 Ray White

54 Ashton Calvert Street, Casey $1,075,000 LJ Hooker

7 Hooley Place, Kambah $1,050,000 Francis

3 Larpent Street, Amaroo $853,000 Morrissey Property

139/45 West Row, City $749,000 Ray White

13/18 Batman Street, Braddon $720,000 Solely

59 Wolstenholme Street, Chisholm $655,000 Ray White

10 Packham Place, Charnwood $647,500 LJ Hooker

4/33 MacQuoid Street, Queanbeyan East $585,000 LJ Hooker

8/10 Tasman Place, Lyons $520,000 Home by Holly

109/311 Anketell Street, Greenway $496,600 LJ Hooker

313/42 Mort Street, Braddon $469,000 LJ Hooker

62/3 Nevertire Street, Lawson $415,000 Belle Property

1002/6 Gribble Street, Gungahlin $410,000 Impact Properties

27/7 Medley Street, Chifl ey $370,000 LJ Hooker

7 Pownall Street, Franklin $1,585,000 Impact Properties

70 Moynihan Street, Evatt $1,550,000 Home by Holly

30 Colebatch Place, Curtin $1,420,000 Ray White

9 Flos Greig Street, Watson $1,276,000 LJ Hooker

19 Kardang Street, Ngunnawal $1,100,000 Ray White

23 Hayley Crescent, Karabar $875,000 Ray White

28 Ancher Street, Taylor $795,000 Confi dence

57/7 Summerfield Close, Denman Prospect $749,000 Canberry

77/40 Philip Hodgins Street, Wright $715,000 Belle Property

7/69 Gilmore Road, Queanbeyan $707,000 Ward

22/67 Barraclough Crescent, Monash $705,000 Solely

39/15 Coranderrk Street, City $490,000 Suburbia

2/2 Cultivation Street, Harrison $453,000 Ray White

38 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024
$1,480,000 Rivett 61B Woollum Crescent, Kalogris Property real estate recent sales NEW LAND RELEASE Larger lots at lower prices less than 30mins to Canberra’s CBD. K i n g s H w y ELM GROVE ESTATE Kings Hwy Gibraltar Street Birchfield Drive 6238 0111 www.elmgroveestate.com.au land@corporation com au C on t ac t us t oda y f o r s i t e p l an s and p r i ces o r v i s i t E l m G r o v e t h i s S a t & S un 11 a m - 4 p m F o ll o w t he si gn s t o Ne ls on T e rr a c e , B u ngendo r e - Super-sized fully serviced lots ranging from 850m 2 to 1,547m2 - The largest lots at the lowest prices within 30 mins of Canberra ’s CBD - Spend less on your land leaving you more $$ to build your new home - Freehold Land - Less than 30 min s to Canberra ’s CBD and under 20 min s to Qbn - Choose your own builder to design and build your new dream home - Coming soon: New $70M High School and $2.5M Sports H ub Quea nbeyan 20mins NELSON TERRACE



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Choose from our remaining 1, 2, and 3-bedroom residences at Marigal Gardens, and live life your way. personalise.

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Unit 2, 5 Beechwood Court Sunshine Bay

Watch the Waves Roll In!!

No, it’s not a unit but a good-sized duplex, each side looks after its own, no strata involved. This duplex has been revamped, the kitchen and bathroom with separate toilet are fresh and modern. All three bedrooms feature built-in robes, and there is a decentsized front deck with wind-out shade awnings for protection on a hot day.

For Sale

$875,000 - $930,000


Saturday 6th April 1.00pm-1.30pm


Rob Routledge 0414 235 976 property.ljhooker.com.au/1234f8f

91 Heron Road Catalina

Lifestyle Acreage Close To Town!

Situated close to the heart of Batemans Bay is this 3.1-hectare parcel of R5 zoned land with a substantial 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom brick home including a massive 4-car shed with a bathroom. Boundaries are all fenced. Great potential for an easy subdivision (STCA). The property is close to a state forest across the road, with access to bike and horse trails. It’s only a 10-minute drive from the CBD of Batemans Bay, and close to local clubs, popular beaches, boat ramps and schools.

For Sale


View By Appointment


Rob Routledge 0414 235 976 property.ljhooker.com.au/11ztf8f


LJ Hooker Batemans Bay 02 4472 6455

17 Whale Cove Circuit Eden, SOUTH COAST NSW


Stunning 702m2 vacant allotment, elevated with a gentle grade and exquisitely positioned on a no through street in the ever popular Cocora Beach locality, with beach, lagoon and Bundian Way coastal walk just a roll down the hill away (500m). Spectacular big blue water views out across the pristine waters of Twofold Bay to National Park and beyond to the great expanse of the South Pacific. Fully serviced, concrete drive – never to be built out! Even preliminary plans for 3 bed 2 bath home available. Contact Chris Wilson Real Estate for more information.

48 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024 All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.
3 3 1 3 2 4 3.1ha
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Auction 5:15pm, Saturday 13 April Rural lifetsyle meets city convenience. 3 FENTON CLOSE, MURRUMBATEMAN NSW 2582 SAM M c GREGOR 0401 097 907 sam@windroseproperty.com.au TAKE A LOOK WINDROSEPROPERTY.COM.AU 4 4 5
50 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024 INDEX Air Conditioning/Heating 50 Arborist 50 Bathroom Renovations 50 Bathrooms & Kitchens 51 Builders 51 Car Detailing 51 Carpenters & Joiners 51 Cleaning Service 52 Commercial Cleaning 52 Concreting & Related 52 Decks 52 Electrical 52 Engineering Services 52 Fencing 52 Gardening 53 Gutter Cleaning 53 Handyperson 53 Locksmiths 53 Maintenance 53 Painting 53 Plastering & Painting 54 Plumbing & Gasfitting 54 Roofing 54 Solar 54 Solar Cleaning 54 Tiling 55 Upholstery 55 To get your business listed in the Trades & Services Guide, call Kate on 6175 8827 Up to 10 Year Interest-free A I R CO N D I T I O N I N G/H E AT I N G Replace your inefficient heating & replace it with efficient reverse cycle air-conditioning YOUR ONE STOP ENERGY SHOP ENERGYPEOPLE.COM.AU 02 6280 0994 ARC AU35206 INTEREST FREE LOAN UP TO 10 YEARS • 10 year interest FREE loan • Borrow up to $15,000 • Concession Card rebates available • Terms and conditions apply A I R CO N D I T I O N I N G/H E AT I N G • 50% Savings on energy cost per year • Google 4.9 star • 15 Years of Service • Brighte gov interest free finance available • Licensed and Insured • Lifetime Workmanship Warranty • Clean and Tidy every time • Pensioner discount available Putting Quality First For Over 15 Years 02 6140 3273 mark@blissaircon.com.au AU57432 General Airconditoning, Electrical Installation and Service CWM00085AA Enviro Trees Arboricultural Solutions 0488 009 293 • Tree Pruning • Tree Removals • Stump Grinding • Qualified Arborist • Full Insurance ARBORIS T COMPLETE TREE SERVICES Expertise in safety, pruning, form, function, and tidiness for advice and free quote HELPFUL . EXPERT . RELIABLE Call IAN 0412 028 245 • Bathroom & laundry renovations • Project management • plumbing • Installations • blocked drains • Leaking taps & toilets • gasfitting • Hot water units • drainage Mark Summerfield LICENSED PLUMBER 0431 882 229 mark@renewplumbingandbathrooms.com.au www.renewplumbingandbathrooms.com.au ABN 53 193 697 032 LIC NO 200015959 B AT H R O O M R E N O VATI O N S BATHROOM RENOVATIONS POOL RENOVATIONS AND GENERAL TILING Complete Project Management All Trades Free Quotes ABN: 62973049707 Rob: 0412 017 832 | Shane: 0412 942 041 email: downie100@ozemail.com.au www.dcbathrooms.net CWM0134 CANBERRA CITY MAINTENANCE For ALL your maintenance needs Specialising i n Bathroom Ren o vations If you’re looking for honesty, quality and friendly services Call Robert 0451 683 110 Quality renovations for your home Whether you are fully renovating your dream ensuite or adding a new bathroom, Chris brings two decades of industry experience and quality tradesmanship to your next personalised bathroom renovation Call Chris today on 0412 938 682 for an expert consultation. ABN 24 630 602 256 Barry Richards Ceramic Tiling Bathroom Renovations, Leaking Showers Small Jobs, For All Your Tiling Needs PROMPT RELIABLE SERVICE P: 0435 015 647 E: barric666@aol.com www.barryrichardsceramictiling.com.au ABN 609 0723 0907 Have your business listed here. Call Kate on 6175 8827 Contact the trades & services team 6175 8827 | kate@newstimemedia.com.au Trades & Services Guide
51 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024 Give your business a boost! Register today in the Trades & Services Guide, call Kate on 6175 8827 STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD 30+ years building experience No job Too Small Decks - Pergolas - General Maintenance Painting - Tiling - Plastering ABN: 98 240 579 704 rb.carpentry@iinet.net.au Richard Brennan 0412 161 312 CWM0009 B AT H R O O M R E N O VATI O N S • Tile & Grout cleaning experts • Detect/Fix leaking showers • Stone & Slate sealing • Pressure & Acid wash cleaning services • Grout/Colour matching & advice • All products used by us are Mould and mildew resistant • 12 years warranty • 10% pensioner discount DIRTY TILES/GROUT NEW IN NO TIME CALL BRENT FOR FREE QUOTES & INSPECTION 0416 910 119 • 0452 538 503 STOP LEAKING SHOWERS Our expertise in home renovations means we can guide you through the entire renovation process - from design to interior demolition, construction and completion Ph: 02 5112 2969 ABN: 75257 19677 www.tradewiserenovations.com.au B AT H R O O M S & K I TC H E N S B AT H R O O M S & K I TC H E N S Experienced and Licensed Builder CONTACT US WE WILL COME ON THE SAME DAY FOR A FREE QUOTE M: 0404 272 101 E: gamdognim@gmail.com ABN: 11 611 397 178 | Builder Licence Number: 20221356 Specialising in Bathroom, Balcony and Kitchen Renovations and Carpentry Work CWM00151AA LACHLAN WARD FOUNDER & BUILDER 0423 220 166 lachlan@highlandcraftrenovations.com.au www.highlandcraftrenovations.com.au BUIL D E R S EST. 25 YRS. ADVANCED CAR DETAILING CALL RICK TODAY ON (02) 6285 4145 Buff and Polishing Interior Detailing Pre-Sale Detailing All Work Guaranteed 1/17 Strangways St, Curtin ACT 2605 BEHIND SHELL SERVICE STATION C A R D E TAILI N G From Concept to Completion; Your Vision, Our Expert Touch 0417 400 245 0484 094 278 alphafitcarpentry@gmail.com • Entry Upgrades • Door Installation • Pergolas & Vergolas • Decks • Renovations & Extensions • Residential Structural Modifications C AR P EN T E R S & J O I N E R S Have your business listed here. Call Kate on 6175 8827 Contact the trades & services team 6175 8827 | kate@newstimemedia.com.au Trades & Services Guide
52 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024 Give your business a boost! Register today in the Trades & Services Guide, call Kate on 6175 8827 STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD 85% of our readers read the advertisements each week. Have your business listed here. Call Kate on 6175 8827 To get your business listed in the Trades & Services Guide, call Kate on 6175 8827 P 6259 3200 / 6241 0857 M 0407 263 812 www.monarchcleaningservices.com.au Monarch Window Cleaning Services ABN 29 073 101 768 Window Cleaning From Average 3 BR Home + Free Flyscreen & Tracks Clean$250 C L E ANI N G S ERVI C E P 6259 3200 / 0407263812 www.monarchcleaningservices.com.au Monarch Cleaning Services ABN 29 073 101 768 Value for money, Free Annual Cleaning To Approved Yearly Clients. Conditions apply. Corporate Offices • Childcare Centres • Aged Care Facilities • Clubs Pressure Cleaning: Commerical & Private Clients from $180 Covid Prevention Cleaning | Approved Australian Products Staff Security Clearances for Government Leased Buildings COMMERCIAL CLEANING Call DANIEL D CONCRE TING FAST EFFICIENT EXPERIENCED SERVICE! 0431 311 746 6292 2073 ‘The Concreting Specialist’ – ALL RESIDENTIAL & DOMESTIC WORK –Garage or Home Slabs · Driveways · Paths · Repairs FOR FRIENDLY SERVICE AND ADVICE YOU CAN TRUST GARDEN & LANDSCAPING CON C R E T I N G & RE LA T E D FREE QUOTE AUTUMN IS HERE Timber Decks & Pergolas METAL PERGOLAS has you covered! BH CARPENTRY ACT Call BrendAn 0407 763 597 D E C K S PHONE DANIEL ON 0418 419 383 OR EMAIL PRIME1Q@OUTLOOK.COM Phone Daniel on 0418 419 383 or email prime1q@outlook.com E L E C T R I C A L Your Local Electrical Service & Maintenance Experts Renovations - Switchboard Upgrades Domestic & Commercial Properties Lighting Upgrades - Powerpoints Appliance Installations - Smoke Alarms No Jobs Are Too Small! Call us for a free quote 6179 3992 econenergy.com.au Servicing the ACT & Surrounding Region Donald G Thomas BE MIE Aust CPEng NER 95978 0460 922 044 don@cebis.com.au www.cebis.com.au Canberra Engineering & Building Integrity Solutions ✓ Brick & Concrete Cracks | Solutions & Rectifications ✓ Engineering Design & Certification | Plans ✓ Reports incl Costings | Building | Structural | Civil ✓ Waterproofing | Assessment & Damage Control ✓ Retrospective Development & Building Applications E NGIN E ERI N G S E R VIC E S CWM10402AA Whether you need an old fence repaired, spruced up or if it’s time for a new fence… Call us today for an obligation-free quote. canfencecanberra@gmail.com • Colourbond fence • Aluminium Slats • Timber • Chainmesh • Security 0431 251 882 • Glass • Modular walls • Concrete sleeper walls • All fabricated works Fencing – colourbond, timber, tubular, chainwire, picket, rural, pool, security, horizontal slat, gates & fence hire. Retaining Walls –concrete sleeper, timber, block, rock. Landscaping – paving, concrete, decks, lawn, artificial turf Lindsay Hicks E: cqservices@hotmail.com M: 0432 039 682 PH: 0437 254 793 CQ Services Pty Ltd All Work Guaranteed Specialising in the supply and installation of all types: • Bobcat & Machine Hire • Core Drill & Concrete Cutting • Tree Surgery & Stump Grinding • Property Maintenance & Cleaning. F E NCI N G CANBERRA FENCING CONTRACTORS LIDO’S FENCING | ACT + Canberra Region Domestic, Rural & Commercial, Colourbond, Palings, Pool Fencing Fencing that’s Guaranteed 30 years of experience. Contact Jimmy Lidden to organise your free quote: www.lidosfencing.com.au info@lidosfencing.com.au 0408 645 832 Contact the trades & services team 6175 8827 | kate@newstimemedia.com.au Trades & Services Guide
53 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024 85% of our readers read the advertisements each week. Have your business listed here. Call Kate on 6175 8827 ATTENTION TRADIES 89% of readers will use a tradie in the next 12 months. Be seen when they look for you! Call Kate on 6175 8827 CWM0352 Al Gardner For ALL your gardening needs. Covering all suburbs. Lawn Mowing•Pruning•Trimming•Weeding•Rubbish removal Gutter cleaning•Mulching •All maintenance Fully equipped INSURED-Guaranteed. Well presented after completion. 10% Pensioner discounts 0449 898 527 G A R D EN I N G CWM0128 Baya’s Backyard Ph/Fax: 6241 9413 Mob: 0413 088 908 • Mowing / Edging • Pruning / Odd jobs • Rubbish Removal • Gutter Cleaning • Tree Services • Small landscaping Garden & Tree Services CG CULTURED GARDENS Garden Care and Maintenance Pruning / Garden Cleanups Lawn Mowing / Hedge Trimming High Pressure Cleaning Commercial/Domestic • Fully Insured • Horticulturalist GLENN@CULTUREDGARDENS.COM.AU 0438 477 462 www.culturedgardens.com.au CWM0116 EZY PROPERTY MAINTENANCE WE MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU Mowing & Edging Pruning & Mulching Hedge Trimming Weed Control Fertilisation A WELL MAINTAINED GARDEN ADDS VALUE TO A PROPERTY Kaushik Makwana Qualified Horticulturist CALL: 0430 582 821 Free no obligation quotes Fully insured Customer service from a company you can trust Garden Cleanup Rubbish Removal Gutter Cleaning Regular Maintenance Commercial or Domestic Gutter Clean The gutter vacuum specialist Pergola repairs 0421 193 553 All areas Free estimates gutter_clean@hotmail.com CWM0812 G U T T E R C L E AN I N G ABN 26 425 870 558 All Sorts General Yard & House Maintenance Gutter Solar Panel Cleaning Rubbish Removal Free Quotes Peter 0499 849 008 G U T T E R C L E AN I N G Quality Roo� Paintin� Paintin� � Plasterin� Flat Pack Furniture General Repairs �� �� �� �� �� Call Patrick Free Quote Work ... and more HAN DYPERSON Over 30 years experience securing the Canberra Community Locks changed & keyed the same ‘Locked out’ service Dead locks & window locks supplied & fitted Keys made to locks & locks repaired Screen door locks, repaired and replaced Servicing domestic & commercial clients Master licence #17501928 Seniors discounts CWM0231 Phone: 0458 786 727 www.highsecuritylocksmiths.com.au LO C K S M I T H S CWM0134 CANBERRA CITY MAINTENANCE For ALL your maintenance needs If you’re looking for honesty, quality and friendly services Call Robert 0451 683 110 MAINTENANCE DREW’S PAINTING SERVICES REFERENCES PROVIDED ON REQUEST PH: 0427 004 411 | E: drewburgin69@gmail.com HOUSE PAINTING INTERIORS & EXTERIORS OUTSIDE PRESSURE CLEANING RUST REMOVAL PAINT I N G CHOICE PAINTING AND DECORATING Contact: Ibrahim - Phone: 0411 837 788 Email: boutrosbob@hotmail.com ABN : 17 367 309 467 Full-Service Painting and Decorating 30 years of business experience Cover all aspects of paintingInterior / Exterior / Colour Consulting •Fully Insured •Free Quotes •Work Guaranteed CALL 0417 255 869 Exterior Painting from $1300 special! offer! Unbeatable (INCLUDES FASCIA, GUTTER, EVES AND DOWNPIPES) ALL HANDYMAN SERVICES ALL WORK GUARANTEED CEILINGS, WALLS & CORNICES (MIN 3 ROOMS) /ROOM ONLY 2 COAT APPLICATION QUALITY PAINTS Dulux $300 CANBERRA’S LEADING PAINTING EXPERTS FOR OVER 25 YEARS FOR A free ONTHESPOT QUOTE MONET PAINTING Contact the trades & services team 6175 8827 | kate@newstimemedia.com.au Trades & Services Guide
54 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024 Have your business listed here. Call Kate on 6175 8827 85% of our readers read the advertisements each week. Have your business listed here. Call Kate on 6175 8827 ATTENTION TRADIES 89% of readers will use a tradie in the next 12 months. Be seen when they look for you! Call Kate on 6175 8827 PAINT I N G LICENSED & INSURED INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING PLASTER & RENDER REPAIRS Contact Hayden on 0481 881 416 info@aprocanberrapainting.com.au www.aprocanberrapainting.com.au www.bonzapainting.com.au 0405 588 540 • Internal Paintings Services • External Paintings Services • Residential & Commercial Painting Service • House Paintings Services • Over 15 years experience • Fully Insured Lic No 358952c BONZA PAINTING Free Quotes Your one-stop destination for quality services with over 50 years of experience. ABN: 28645386054 ACN: 645386054 Sean Thompson Director 0431 403 465 cranky-and-sons@protonmail.com www.cranky-and-sons.com.au @crankynsons Contact Sean for a Free Quote Quality Plastering & Painting PLASTERING & PAINTING $80 OFF WHEN YOU QUOTE THIS AD ANY SERVICES *CONDITIONS APPLY Taps And Toilets Hot Water/Solar Blocked Drains Gas Fitting Burst Pipes Bathroom Renovations Roofing/Guttering • Local Professional Service • Seniors Discount • No Call Out Fee • All Work Guaranteed • Support Local Business • 24/7 Emergency service Phone 0421 038 243 Web capitalpd.com.au Email: admin@capitalpd.com.au Plumbing Lic 2013728 ABN: 53193588524 PLUMB I N G & GA S F ITT I N G CWM00445AA Call your local plumber Shane 0411 591 615 or email lucidplumbingandroofing@gmail.com Plumbing: • Installation • Repairs & Maintenance • Blocked drains • Water Heaters • Gas Fitting Roofing: • All aspects of Colourbond & Tiled • Repairs & Maintenance • Gutter & Roof Cleaning • Tiling & Sealing $100 terms and conditions apply OFF 24/7 emergency services TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR ROOF Call us for an obligation free quote: • Roof repairs • New roofs • Extensions • Re-roofs • Gutters cleaned • Ridge-capping IS YOUR ROOF LEAKING OR IN NEED OF REPAIR? 0407 789 258 TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR ROOF IS YOUR ROOF LEAKING OR IN NEED OF REPAIR? Call us for an obligation free quote: • Roof repairs • New roofs Extensions • Re-roofs • Gutters cleaned • Ridge-capping prideroofingcanberra.com.au 0407 789 258 YEARSFULLYEXPERIENCE INSURED Lic. No. 252440C CWM0353 www.prideroofingcanberra.com.au R O O F I N G • Roof maintenance both tile and colourbond • Roof leaks • Roof restorations • New roofs Ph: 0473 536 741 ALPHA ROOFING CANBERRA Our services for both Metal and Tiled roofs include but are not limited to: • Rebedding & Repointing • New Roofs • Roof Insulation • General ongoing roof maintenance • Leak Detection & Repair • Guttering • Gutterguards • Fascias • Full roof restoration ABN 156 905 615 00 CALL/TEXT: 0458 807 882 E: admin@alpharoofingact.com.au Your local roofing experts R O O F I N G Your Local Solar Experts Reduce energy costs by generating & storing your own power. New - Replacement & Additional Systems Battery Storage - EV Charger - Servicing Testing - Panel Cleaning Call us for a free quote 6179 3992 econenergy.com.au Servicing the ACT & Surrounding Region S O L A R PH: 0427 004 411 E: drewburgin69@gmail.com GENTLE & EFFECTIVE CLEANING TO REMOVE DIRT, RUST & BIRD DROPPINGS ON SUN SOLAR PANELS. DUST & BIRD S O L A R C L E ANI N G Contact the trades & services team 6175 8827 | kate@newstimemedia.com.au Trades & Services Guide

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WIN! Back to Black film passes

A celebration of the most iconic – and much missed – homegrown star of the 21st century, Back to Black tells the extraordinary tale of Amy Winehouse. Painting a vivid, vibrant picture of the Camden streets she called home and capturing the struggles of global fame, Back to Black honours Amy’s artistry, wit, and honesty, as well as trying to understand her demons. An unflinching look at the modern celebrity machine and a powerful tribute to a once-in-a-generation talent. In Cinemas April 11

CW has five double passes for Back to Black to be won.

WIN! Billy Elliot The Musical tickets

Free-Rain Theatre’s production of Billy Elliot The Musical, based on the 2000 film of the same name, is a breathtaking show that tells the story of a young boy who finds his passion for dance in the midst of the 1984 miners’ strike in northern England. With music by Elton John and book and lyrics by Lee Hall, it’s a musical that is easy to love, it has so much heart. It’s a touching coming-of-age musical that sweeps audiences o their feet with the impressive dance numbers, and heart-warming story. Don’t miss it!

Thanks to Free-Rain Theatre, CW has 2 x doubles passes to give away for the Tuesday 16 April show of Billy Elliot The Musical at The Q – Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre.

55 canberradaily.com.au 04 April 2024 ALL-TILE REGROUTING Family based business servicing Canberra & surrounds for over 25 years If you like your original tiles but have unsightly, discoloured grout line, Carl can provide a quick and affordable solution where no tiles are removed & seal leaking shower recesses. All Silicon is mould & mildew resistant! Looks like you have retiled, and at a fraction of the cost! Why retile, when you can regrout? Contact Carl or Tracie at All-Tile Regrouting for a free inspection & quote on 0427 617 365 | 0426 251 763 or email carle14@hotmail.com FIVE STAR RATING THAT’S TWO SERVICES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE 12 year Guarantee: Locally owned & operated CWM00011AA TIL I N G Brodie Antoniak Owner and contractor ABN 14724243822 Reference available on request Antoniak Tiling and Renovations Email: Bantoniak051@gmail.com | 0417 092 760 Tile and Adhesive removal Timber and Concrete subfloor leveling Concrete Grinding Troy 0410 242 923 | troy@tilebusters.com.au Canberra and Surrounds License number 190272C | ABN 91 605 427 816 LOCAL TILING ACT Call Alex today 0475 000 528 localtilingact@hotmail.com All suburbs For all your tiling needs: CWM0477 Bathroom, Laundry and Kitchen tiling Walls and oors tiling Bathroom Renovations No job too big or small Water proo ng shower leaks CWM00002AC
U P H O LST E RY Have your business listed here. Call Kate on 6175 8827
To enter, scan the QR code or visit canberradaily.com.au and click on the ‘Entertainment’ tab to ‘Competitions’, find the competition you wish to enter and follow the entry instructions. Entries close 9am Friday 12 April 2024 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person per giveaway. Entrants must be aged 18+. Enter to win! Contact the trades & services team 6175 8827 | kate@newstimemedia.com.au Trades & Services Guide
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