18 April 2024

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thursday 18 april 2024 canberradaily.com.au NEW STADIUM LOCATION DISPUTE ANZAC BISCUITS Getaway: Jamala Wildlife Lodge TRADES & SERVICES P58 BILL STEFANIAK SAYING NO TO CONSTITUENTS Leanne shares her inspiring journey HAVEN MOTHER’S DAY GIFT PACKS ERIC CLAPTON: A TRIBUTE TICKETS Win! Real estate P34 Make it a Classic Mother’s Day
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4 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024 Published by Newstime Media Pty Ltd (ACN 124 830 155). All content © 2016 Newstime Media Pty Ltd, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without prior written permission. All material sent to Newstime Media (whether solicited or not) will not be returned. Unless otherwise agreed beforehand, all rights including copyright in such material is assigned to Newstime Media upon receipt and Newstime Media may use or sell such material in perpetuity without further consent or payment. All prices and information are correct at time of printing. For full terms and conditions of competitions contact Canberra Weekly Magazine on 6175 8800. Editor Vincent Samaras news@canberraweekly.com.au Founder & Publisher Nick Samaras Newstime Media is a member of the Australian Press Council and abides by its guidelines and policies. Complaints about editorial matter should be emailed to editor@newstimemedia.com.au Suite 11, 285 Canberra Avenue, Fyshwick ACT 2609 Editorial & Advertising Enquiries T 02 6175 8800 www.canberradaily.com.au ISSN: 2652-9297 06 ON THE COVER Give the gift of hope this Mother’s Day 14 NEWS & COMMUNITY Barr seeks co-funding for stadium 20 TASTE Traditional Anzac biscuits 22 TIME OUT Staying at the stunning Jamala 31 HEALTH & WELLBEING Finding your friendship soulmate Regulars 06 News & community 08 Fit the bill 16 Letters 17 Have you heard? 18 Sport 19 Puzzles & stars 20 Taste 22 Time out 26 Winners 28 What’s on 30 The look 31 Health & wellbeing 33 Home 34 Real estate 58 Trades & services 63 Haven Mother’s Day gift packs 63 Eric Clapton: A Tribute tickets WIN! 34 14 63 06 on the cover
cover story,
06. 22 18 21 thursday 18 april 2024 contents
Leanne Coveney
is undertaking the Mother’s Day Classic around Lake Burley Gri n on Sunday
May. Photo by Jordan Mirchevski. See

The second Sunday of May is marked in Australian calendars as a day to celebrate important women - whether it be your own, a partner or a friend, everyone knows a special mother. Gifting more than flowers, thousands of Canberrans will join the Mother’s Day Classic on Sunday 12 May to show their support and raise funds for women facing breast cancer.

Since launching in 1998 with a goal of a world with zero deaths due to breast cancer, the five-year survival rate has increased from 84 percent to 92 percent. In contrast, over the past 30 years, there has been little advancement in the treatment of ovarian cancer, which still has a survival rate of 49 percent. Hoping to raise the same kind of awareness and research funds for ovarian cancer, this year the Mother’s Day Classic is supporting both cancers.

“There’s no early detection tests [for ovarian cancer], most people when they realise they’ve got it, they’re very advanced. Whereas with breast cancer, we’re detecting it a lot earlier which means it’s more treatable. A lot of women are dismissed with any symptoms as being just women’s cramps or cysts. They’re equally important, not one thing is more important than the other because women are dying,” Leanne Coveney, breast cancer survivor.

Events like the Classic help raise awareness and fund research to help with early detection, prevention, find better cures and treatments and

offer patients better support. These supports and the research funded can help save the lives of the 57 women who are diagnosed with breast cancer in Australia each day, women like Leanne.

However, Leanne’s journey isn’t like most. In 2019 after experiencing pains in her arm and headaches, doctors investigated and found no cause. In 2020, she found a lump in her breast. Two days into the first pandemic lockdown, Leanne received a call informing her that she had breast cancer.

“I had a bilateral mastectomy which was about three weeks into the lockdown. I was in hospital all on my own…Venturing out of the house was a bit of a scary place in the first few weeks of Covid, let alone to go to hospital and have that kind of extensive surgery.”

The cancer was more extensive than first thought, which led to additional treatments such as chemotherapy and numerous blood transfusions. Now in remission and continuing her five-year treatment plan, Leanne is grateful for the care she received, especially during such an uncertain time.

“All of those professionals coming to work in those early stages to look after people like me was just phenomenal. We were all living in fear of Covid and what that might mean for us and how bad it is going to get in the world,” she says.

As most of the world was shut down, Leanne didn’t have friends and family stopping by to check in and the breast care nurses couldn’t visit. She could only see friends via Zoom, so her support team really

was her medical team. One moment of kindness stood out for Leanne when her surgeon stopped by with a pot plant the day after surgery.

“To say ‘Look it’s not flowers but I’ve got this for you, I thought about you sitting here on your own over the weekend’. Often the medical profession are seen to be cold and treat people like a number but there’s a lot of wonderful people out there. It was just what I needed at the time,” smiles Leanne.

When the world began opening up more, Leanne was cautious. She says it took a while for her to feel confident to step back into the life she used to lead. Along with a long recovery thwarted by complications and side effects, the fear of cancer returning is ever present.

“It’s always front and centre in your mind but to the best of my ability I’m out trying to live a normal life again. I’ll take each day as it comes, one foot in front of the other, I’ve got a new appreciation for how fragile life can be.”

Last year was the first that Leanne felt well enough to participate in the Classic, she was glad she could share the event with her family. Although sombre at times as people remember those they have lost, Leanne says the Classic is also a great celebration of life and of the success rates thanks to charity support.

“Halfway round I was so exhausted, but I kept going. There’s wonderful support all around the lake, people with their streamers and cowbells, it encourages you to keep going.”

Leanne’s advice to other women is to know your body as it will tell you what you need and to be persistent when you know something is not quite right. Women also need to take the time to ensure they are caring for themselves and not just everyone around them, she says.

“We’re not good at doing it because we’re used to putting other people around us first…If your energy level is substantially different or you’ve got a pain that won’t go way, there are things we need to notice. It might turn out to be nothing but it might turn out to be something - and it might save your life.”

Suitable for all fitness levels and age groups, support mums and women everywhere by starting this Mother’s Day with a walk around our beautiful lake.

“It’s on in the morning so you’ve still got plenty of time in the day to go and have lunch or dinner or other things as well. Most importantly, it’s about fundraising so that we can continue to improve the chances of life for people like myself,” smiles Leanne.

Join the Mother’s Day Classic at Lake Burley Griffin on Sunday 12 May, register here; mothersdayclassic.com.au

6 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024
Leanne Coveney is undertaking the Mother’s Day Classic around Lake Burley Griffin on Sunday 12 May. Photo: Jordan Mirchevski.
the gift of
and hope
news cover story
research, support
this Mother’s Day
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Sometimes a Member of Parliament has

to say no to his or

I’m sure all our hearts go out to the families who lost loved ones in the dreadful attack at Bondi Junction by a crazed Queenslander on the weekend. The attack brought out the very best in many locals, who literally put their bodies on the line to save their fellow shoppers, and the female police officer behaved magnificently in taking out the offender.

I was left wondering what would have happened if he had a gun and not a knife.

We can all thank former PM John Howard and the guts he and his deputy Tim Fischer showed in 1996 after the Port Arthur massacre in banning semi-automatic firearms and thus ensuring that Australia did not go down the path of the US in relation to gun crime.

I have always owned and used firearms, but I was happy to support this legislation.

her constituents

I recall John attending some very vocal and hostile meetings of angry gunowners and facing angry voters who would normally support him. Tim Fischer was even braver. Tim was the National Party leader who stood to lose the most, as a lot of the gunowners were in National Party electorates. The angry gunowners got over it, and sensible gun legislation was passed. It was not easy, but it was the right thing to do.

Contrast this to the gutless display by some current senior Federal Labor luminaries – the PM, Chris Bowen, Tony Burke, Penny Wong, and others – who have started bashing Israel for a drone strike that killed an Australian aid worker Zomi Frankcom – accidentally, it seems. They were silent after Hamas terrorists deliberately murdered Galit Carbone, an elderly Australian citizen, when they invaded southern Israel on 7 October last year.

The PM and his comrades seem more concerned with keeping the Greens at bay in seats with large percentages of Muslim voters

than taking a principled stand of supporting the only democracy in the Middle East – despite that being unpopular in some sections of the community.

Contrast John Howard and Tim Fischer’s principled stand in 1996, despite the wishes of their gun-supporting constituents. If the PM took a strong stance, the Liberals should support him 100 per cent, and Labor and the Liberals could preference each other and put the anti-Semitic Greens last. Kim Beazley (the greatest ALP PM we never had) supported John and Tim to the hilt with the gun legislation – as it was the right thing to do.

To tacitly excuse Hamas is shocking, and to seek to appease one set of voters is not only gutless but does immense damage to our multicultural society.

Nearly all Jews and Muslims who migrated to Australia did so for a better life for themselves and their families. Most are appalled by what’s happening in the Middle East, and whilst many have strong views on the subject, I’m sure they would respect the PM and his colleagues more if he was not so obviously looking for some kind of cheap electoral advantage out of the Israel/ Gaza tragedy.

8 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024
the bill


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Debate over Albanese’s public sector investment in clean energy

Mr Albanese’s government has announced a new plan to have the public sector as ‘a participant, a partner, an investor and enabler’ in selecting areas for support, with the focus on ‘clean energy’ and new industries.

There is so much wrong with this.

In particular, the investment in clean energy is already destroying the low-cost electricity and gas that have underpinned our industry and agriculture. And it is doing so with subsidies extracted from consumers and taxpayers that amount to $15.5 billion a year.

Many new businesses collapse but, while the public service can claim a strong record of delivering services honestly and e ectively, its record in running or selecting business areas for support is one of unmitigated failure. Think the motor vehicle

industry nurtured and cosseted into extinction; Snowy 2’s tenfold cost increase compared with the price announced by Malcolm Turnbull; failed Victorian wind blade factories - to be replicated by government-sponsored green hydrogen facilities and an announced solar panel manufacturing plant.

Though arguably just an extension of the ‘winner picking’ policies long deployed in Australia, the Prime Minister’s plan has met with vehement criticism. An unanticipated one came from the Albanese-appointed head of the Productivity Commission, Danielle Wood. Ms Wood argued that the policy could divert investment from the most productive parts of the economy and risks entrenching subsidy-dependent industries. This was contested by another of the Labor Party’s royalty, former Treasurer and Deputy PM, Wayne Swan, who described Ms Wood as being “completely out of touch with the international ¬reality”.

Resources Minister Madeleine King, attempting

Success your way


to play the honest broker, declared that government will need to be very careful in any cooperation with business but could not just “stand by” while other countries got ahead of the game in critical minerals and rare earths.

Wayne Swan’s strongly held views are disturbing, since he is a major authority within the unioncontrolled superannuation funds as well as the head of CBUS, with assets that place it among the top 10 funds. He has previously defined “energy transition and housing as areas where super capital can be harnessed”.

While worker participation in Superannuation delivers most people with at least part of their retirement income, the nightmare is that the system will be distorted and use individuals’ nest eggs for political purposes, thereby undermining their value. Superannuation funds control $3.7 trillion of assets (Australia’s GDP is about $2.6 trillion). They can make and break individual businesses, but they can also lose their members’ savings.

Housing - one of Mr Swan’s picks - may well be a useful venue for super funds’ investment. But if the fund managers shift into ‘good hearted’ mode and target the money they control to those they deem worthy, the people whose money they are

(continued page 12)

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(from page 10)

using could become victims. Super funds should direct their policies at maximising the wealth of their members, leaving the members themselves to determine how much of that wealth should be redistributed to causes and people they wish to support.

In the case of Mr Swan’s other pick, the ‘energy transition’, governments already extend massive support to green energy. That support has largely insulated investors in these ventures from losses. Legendry investor Warren Bu et said, “We get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That’s the only reason to build them.” But this might not be sustainable – indeed, in the US, a Trump victory in the November elections would certainly bring an unwinding of the subsidies.

Wayne Swan, as the custodian of superannuation finances and also the National President of the Labor Party, has considerable clout to ensure

growing Australian government support for the renewable industry sector. He would expect that support to o set the intrinsically higher cost that wind and solar represents compared with coal and gas.

In the past five years, those super funds that adopt ‘Environment Social and Governance’ (ESG) principles (nowadays synonymous with avoiding fossil fuels) have on average performed almost as well as those funds with no such restrictions. Most union-controlled funds exclude or avoid fossil fuel investments. But the risks of investing heavily in ‘green energy’ – and not investing in fossil fuel businesses – are real, even with government subsidies.

This is shown in this chart illustrating ‘clean energy’ investment returns, as measured by the global investment manager VanEck.

While over the past five years the ‘clean energy’ index performed well, over the past three years it has been

the worst performing of the 38 indexes monitored by VanEck.

By contrast, an index of eight of the ten global coal stocks recently developed by Range has doubled over the past three years.

While Berkshire Hathaway’s Warren Bu et would never allow sentiment to play a role in the investment decisions he makes on behalf of his fund’s clients, we cannot have such confidence in the integrity of political appointees like Mr Swan, who campaign for particular policies.

Editor’s note: Dr Alan Moran was the Director of the Deregulation Unit at the Institute of Public A airs from 1996 until 2014 and was previously a senior o cial in Australia’s Productivity Commission and Director of the Commonwealth’s O ce of Regulation Review. He played a leading role in the development of energy policy and competition policy review as the Deputy Secretary (Energy) in the Victorian Government.

Tues 30 April

Thurs 2 May

12 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024 news
Supported Connected Informed davidsmith.org.au/retirees or call 6293 1344. Retiree and Seniors Forums David SMITH MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR BEAN
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ACT Chief Minister seeks stadium co-funding amid location dispute

hief Minister

Andrew Barr has asked the Prime Minister to co-fund the proposed new stadium in Bruce; but opposition leader Elizabeth Lee has urged the PM not to tie any federal funding commitment to any specific location, given the election is barely six months away.

“It is essential that any muchneeded funding by the Federal Government for a stadium in the ACT be available to be utilised at a location determined by the ACT government of the day,” Ms Lee wrote.

Once again, it seems, the stadium will be an election issue, as it has been for more than a decade.

Mr Barr wrote to the Prime Minister and cabinet ministers last month under the National Capital Investment Framework, requesting a 50/50 funding split on the progression of a sports, health and education precinct (including the stadium) in Bruce, linking the Australian Institute of Sport, CIT Bruce, the University of Canberra, and the Northside Hospital, a government spokesperson said.

The ACT Government has not granted Canberra Daily’s request to see a copy of the Chief Minister’s letter, or answered how much money the government wants.

Discussions between the two governments were ongoing, the spokesperson said, and the Commonwealth would announce its plans for the AIS precinct later this year.

The current GIO Stadium, built in 1977, is considered outdated and subpar. The ACT Government announced in 2012 that it would build a new stadium in Civic by the end of that decade; but paying off the Mr Fluffy loan delayed that project. In recent years, the government

has favoured a new stadium on the existing site, due to “challenges” with building a stadium on the Civic Pool site, such as amendments to the National Capital Plan to accommodate the roof.

Last year, the government and the Australian Sports Commission, the owner of the stadium, agreed to a $300,000 study to redevelop or replace Canberra Stadium at Bruce –the seventh such feasibility study, Ms Lee noted.

This study, due towards the end of this year, is seen as the first step towards building a modern 30,000seat stadium, expected to cost around $500 million, and to be completed by 2033 – a quarter of a century after the ACT Government first proposed the concept, in 2009.

“Canberrans have been taken for a ride for 15 years,” Ms Lee said, “and it looks like, under Andrew Barr’s plan, no matter where it’s built, the stadium, if it is built at all, is going to take yet another 10 years.”

‘Where it’s built’ is a bone of contention. While the ACT Government now prefers Bruce (with EPIC as a fallback position), the Canberra Liberals, Senator and ex-rugby star David Pocock, the Canberra Business Chamber, and the National Rugby League all favour the original proposal of Civic.

A stadium in the city would be costlier – Ms Lee said she had been told that a stadium in the city would be between $500 and $800 million; in 2021, it was estimated that a Civic stadium with a full façade and roof cover would cost $637 million if commenced in 2027, and $706 million in 2032 – but advocates expect it to produce more value.

“There is a reason why cities around the world place their stadiums in the heart of the city: it brings the best economic, social, cultural

Canberra’s GIO Stadium. File photo: Kerrie Brewer benefits for the city,” including tourism and world-class games and events, Ms Lee said.

Senator Pocock has argued that a National Multi-Use Arena in the city – suitable for both sports matches and music concerts – could “become the centrepiece of an entertainment precinct” in the city, re-energising Civic and realising Canberra’s potential as a global city. Bruce, on the other hand, is a substandard location for a stadium, in his opinion; the site should be used for housing to address the shortage.

“A stadium-hospital precinct out at Bruce is not the ideal solution, and seems inconsistent with what the vast majority of stakeholders want and will ultimately incur a huge lost opportunity cost for our city,” Senator Pocock said today.

The Canberra Business Chamber and 20 other organisations proposed in 2022 an “intergenerational” convention centre and sports stadium worthy of the national capital, on and around the Civic Pool on Constitution Avenue.

“The Canberra Business Chamber is supportive of a new stadium, and our preference has been for that stadium to be located in the city, as that will best help support business,” CEO Greg Harford said today.

“The Chamber thinks it is important that Canberra, as the National Capital, has a truly fit for purpose stadium. This, along with a new Convention Centre, will help our city play its role as the centre of the nation. They should be seen as national institutions. Given this, we

think it is really important that the Commonwealth Government comes to the party with significant funding to support their rapid construction.”

Last year, both the NRL and ex-Raiders player Jarrod Croker also called for a new stadium to be built in the city. While the NRL welcomes “the continued progress towards the realisation of a new stadium for Canberra”, Canberra Daily understands that their preferred solution remains Civic, rather than Bruce.

Canberra Daily asked the government why, despite such widespread support for Civic, redeveloping / replacing Canberra Stadium within the AIS precinct was the better option. The government did not answer.

The ACT Government would “work with the Australian Government to deliver the infrastructure our growing city needs”, a spokesperson said.

Ms Lee suggested that Mr Barr had written to the Prime Minister because of October’s election. She said she understood that this was the first time in 15 years that Mr Barr had formally requested federal government funding for the stadium.

The Canberra Liberals will have more to say about the stadium before the election.

“We will ensure that we actually take action, as opposed to undergoing feasibility studies, design work, and countless study tours to look at stadiums with no result,” Ms Lee said. Full story online.

14 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024
Discover the best of this week’s listings in the magazine, online and on social media. @canberradailyrealestate canberradaily.com.au Find your dream home with Canberra Weekly Real Estate Your search starts here

Sinister kangaroo classification

It would be a surprise to many Canberrans that the ACT Environment Directorate categorises Eastern Grey Kangaroos as an “invasive species” as noted in its recent State of the Environment Report. On the surface, this strange categorisation of kangaroos simply seems bizarre to the average Canberran who sees kangaroos as a muchloved national icon. However, this categorisation becomes much more sinister when you consider the implications of the classification. This includes the fact that kangaroos and their joeys have killed in their many thousands and thousands over 15 years in a row. Wildlife carers in Canberra are not allowed to treat and rehabilitate injured or sick kangaroos - they are simply euthanised. The Directorate’s assertion that

Canberra’s kangaroos are pests, is completely out of touch with community sentiment. The Directorate appears to be made up of nutty professors (or possibly psychopaths), who are divorced from reality and who never venture out from behind their desks and into the real world where people do not share their hideous views.

Massive plastic problem

Glad to see Bill Stefaniak (CW, 11 April) picking up on the CSIRO’s world-first report about the massive amount of plastics on the ocean floors – 100 times as much as there’s floating on the surface. We’re going to have to do more than just pick up stray bits of plastics though; for instance, disposing of it in a responsible way. We’ve all got recycling and waste bins now, so that’s a good starting place. It’s more basic,

of course, that we also begin purchasing goods, wherever possible, that aren’t packaged in non-biodegradable plastics, to say nothing of short-life or throwaway plastic products. We’ve become so dependent on plastics, that it won’t be easy or quick. We have a choice, however. Bite the plastics bullet, or simply add to a blindness to climate change and speed up the destruction of the planet. That is, unless we care anything at all for our children and grandchildren.

Bubble-O-Bill wraps up Bill was doing so nicely in his piece on plastic pollution (CW, 11 April). Civic minded, globally relevant, noble even. Up there with his support for koalas. But he couldn’t resist putting the gratuitous boot into the Labor government’s renewable energy initiatives. You can take the boy out of the Liberal Party but you can’t etc. And then a couple more PSs around the rumoured cutting of the defence budget. How are we to defend ourselves? Against whom Bill? Would that be our largest trading partner Bill? Whose standing army is at three million and rated third in the world for strongest. We got less than 60,000 Bill. We’re not in the top 10 Bill. Wouldn’t fill the MCG Bill. Seems to me if we don’t miss, we only need three million bullets. Or we could have New Zealand’s defence approach ‘meh, what happens, happens’. Still, no ‘large trading partner’ seen landing on its beaches. Have you heard their engines starting Bill? And then on to Gaza. Of course IDF figures can be trusted. What would they have to gain from

not telling the truth? Anyway those numbers still leave 9,000 civilians dead not to mention the land covered in rubble. A mere bagatelle Bill. I mean a totally proportionate response directed by a national leader who has no other personal agenda than peace in the region. Yes this will all soon be forgotten and everyone will move on to live harmoniously. I see that the Iranians are now looking to contribute to peace in the region. I recall a few editions ago that Bill was going to publish his plan for peace in the Middle East. I must have missed it. Was it anything like what’s happening now? Might be worth a reprint. I look forward to Bill’s column next week where I expect high praise for Penny Wong’s mentioning the two-state solution. Is that even going to ever now be possible?

Response to Bill

Bill Stefaniak’s column (CW, 11 April) was illuminating about the use of plastics but inaccurate in its closing comment on Gaza casualties. The Gaza Health Ministry casualty figures are within two percent of the UN’s figures and are probably an underestimate because of the number of people missing and unaccounted for. Since the 7 October attack on Israel, more than 33,000 people, mostly women and children, have been recorded killed in Gaza. It’s likely that another 2,000 are under building rubble. The 33,000 plus includes more than 12,000 Hamas fighters - according to IDF figures. That leaves a non-combatant deaths total of at least 21,000.

16 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024
to the editor Email news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘To the editor’ in the subject field; include your full name, phone number, street address (NFP) and suburb. Keep letters to 250 words maximum. Note, letters may be shortened if space restrictions dictate. Read more letters at canberradaily.com.au Want to share your opinion? CREATED BY YARON LIFSCHITZ AND THE CIRCA ENSEMBLE PHOTO: DAMIEN BREDBERG

have you heard?

View Club

Gungahlin Day View Club: Come and join us for our next lunch meeting at the Gungahlin Lakes Golf Club Nicholls on Wednesday 24 April at 11:45am. A two-course lunch will be provided for $35 per person. Raffle tickets will be available at the door. Our guest speaker will be Merryn Brown from Strength and Mobility/physical fitness. Please text or phone Helen on 0413 923 933 if you have not previously registered and would like to attend by 9pm Sunday 21 April.

Tuggeranong Evening View Club: Join us for dinner and to help raise money for disadvantaged children. Our next meeting (your choice of meal) is on 24 April at the Town Centre Vikings Club, 80 Athllon Drive, Greenway with a 6:30 for 7pm start. Guest speaker is Judy Mack, Legatee. Please contact us: tuggeven@gmail.com

Belconnen: The next meeting will be held Tuesday 14 May at Raiders Club, Hardwick Cres, Holt. Time 11.45am for 12noon. Cost $32. For bookings and cancellations, please contact Chris Colyer by text on 0438 878 120 by midday Thursday 9 May. Cancellations or no show after this date will be required to pay $32.

Yoga classes

Chair Yoga classes are commencing Term 2 at The Gathering Place in Dickson on Monday 28 April 9:30 – 10:30 am.

Chair Yoga classes foster a sense of community and support and are suitable for seniors, people experiencing mobility issues or complete beginners. Benefits include improved flexibility, strength, circulation, posture improvement and balance. Classes include breathing and relaxation practices to cultivate a state of calm and clarity. Fee: 8 Week Term $112. Further information and registration at simplymindful. com.au. Enquiries can be sent to gatheringplace@simplymindful.com.au

Kippax Uniting Church

Kippax Uniting Church, opposite Kippax Fair shopping centre, will hold its monthly indoor marketplace on Saturday 20 April, 9am-1pm. As usual, we will have our community stallholders, barbeque, and morning teafeaturing fresh scones and ANZAC biscuits. Our theme this month for our pre-loved sale is clothing, accessories and manchester. Community donations will be gratefully received on Friday 19 April.

Email: Kippax.Marketplace@gmail.com

HYH submissions

Submissions to our free Have You Heard community noticeboard are reserved for charity, not-for-profit and community organisations. Deadline for submissions is 10 days prior to the Thursday edition date. Email your submission with essential details – who, what, where, when, cost, contact details – to news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘HYH’ in the subject heading. Flyers and attachments not accepted. Due to space restrictions, please keep it brief. Please note: publication in print is not guaranteed.

GIVIT donation of the week: Pharmacy voucher

GIVIT is working with a not-for-profit organisation in the ACT that provides settlement and related services for migrants, refugees and humanitarian entrants. They are requesting pharmacy vouchers for a couple who fled a war-torn country and are seeking asylum in Australia. This couple arrived in the country by boat. Their three children were on another boat but never made it. Despite this painful experience, they are holding on to hope that they will see their kids again one day. Both of them suffer from health conditions, struggling to walk and find employment in Australia. Your donation of pharmacy vouchers can help alleviate their pain and provide comfort after what they have been through. Canberrans can donate pharmacy vouchers by visiting: GIVIT.org.au/what’s-needed, search Category: ‘pharmacy voucher’; Location: ‘ACT’.

Healthcare Consumers’ Association

Ready to take charge of your healthcare journey? Join the Healthcare Consumers’ Association for an empowering panel discussion packed with pro tips! Thursday 2 May 6 to 7:30pm on Zoom. Learn how to advocate for yourself and your loved ones like a pro in any healthcare setting. Here’s what you can expect: Learn effective communication skills in health care, discover your rights as a consumer and gain the confidence to steer your own health care journey. Join us for an empowering session that promises to leave you feeling confident and in control of your health experience. Register at https://events.humanitix.com/managing-your-health-self-advocacy-in-healthcare

17 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024
community noticeboard  email news@newstimemedia.com.au with ‘HYH’ in the subject field




Canberra product and GWS Giants star Tom Green answers a few quick questions.

eam you supported growing up: Richmond because of my grandfather

Who was your footy idol as a kid: Patrick Cripps

Who has had the biggest influence on your career: My family

Most underrated player at the Giants: We have a lot, maybe Harry Perryman

Most annoying teammate: A lot of guys, Jack Buckley is really annoying

Funniest teammate: Lachie Keefe

Coach’s favourite saying: Don’t be boring

Best player you’ve played against: All time Lance Franklin, but the best peak that I have played against is Marcus Bontempelli

Favourite team to beat: All of them

Favourite ground to play at: Manuka Oval

Apart from yourself, who wins the Brownlow this year: Don’t think I’ll win it, but it’s about time Bontempelli won one

Best thing about playing at Manuka Oval: Playing in front of family and friends

Career highlight to date: Winning finals last year

Favourite sport outside of AFL: Basketball easily

Hobbies you enjoy away from the game: Beach, reading, nice walks, history, geography and other cultures

Favourite musician: Future

Favourite movie: The Godfather or Oppenheimer

Best thing about Canberra: Seeing my mates and family

One thing about Canberra that’s better than Sydney: Easy to get everywhere

One thing about Sydney that’s better than Canberra: The weather and the beach

Who do the Giants beat in the 2024 Grand Final: All Sydney Derby, we’ll beat the Swans in the granny.

18 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024
feature company
giants player profile


1 Hiram Bingham III is famous for the modern rediscovery of which location?

2 What character did Elisabeth Moss play in Mad Men?

3 By what other name is the fruit Ananas comosus known?

4 Which two countries were involved in the Falklands War in 1982?

5 Who did John F. Kennedy defeat in the 1960 US presidential election?



Developments will catapult you into a fresh agreement with a business or personal partner as Wednesday’s full moon signifies a fresh chapter in an arrangement. You’ll feel passionate about this, so ensure you’re well-informed as impulsiveness could derail plans.


You’ll find out this week if you’ve under – or over – estimated your circumstances, especially regarding someone special and your work or well-being. Either way, you’ll feel motivated to improve your situation.


If you’d like to make changes in your life, this is the week to start. Exciting and unexpected news could change your circumstances at work, and even your profile, status or direction. You’ll enjoy socialising this weekend, so take the initiative.


Wednesday’s full moon suggests you’re ready for something new. A change of pace due to a visitor or a refreshing schedule will brighten up your week. It’s a good time to develop a new approach to your personal and family life.

LEO JUL 23 – AUG 23

There are many healing elements this week, so aim for an optimistic, therapeutic path forward. Developments will boost your understanding of someone. But if you feel a relationship has run its course, a new perspective will be ideal for moving forward.


You’ll enjoy a reunion or a fun event this weekend. Developments will spotlight where your priorities must lie this week, and therefore also what your values are. You may even be ready to alter course in a key venture or relationship.


You can make great headway health-wise and can boost your self-esteem and appearance, so be positive. A business or personal partner has news, and the more grounded your response, the better the outcome as a fresh agreement gets underway.


Get set to turn a corner in constructive ways. This may involve letting go of an idea, relationship or even work circumstance. The Scorpio full moon may release intense emotions which will motivate you to move ahead. You’ll enjoy a reunion.


Take time to invest in your personal life and creativity as a set idea you have of your life is about to change. You may benefit from altering a work or health schedule, or joining a fresh organisation, as new opportunities arise.


It’s time to turn a corner in your career, within your status or direction. All these areas are vital to your personal happiness, so open your eyes to new options. A surprise with family, news or a visit could be ideal.


A surprise at home or with family and property will kick-start a fresh phase. As changes are on the table, consider these carefully, as some could be perfect. Next Wednesday’s full moon will be powerful so be ready for strong emotions.


Be prepared to rearrange how you go about your shared responsibilities, especially financially. You may enjoy a change of scenery, or a chance encounter that opens your eyes to new opportunities. It’s a good week.


For personal readings, contact Patsy through her website to make an appointment, or call 0448 808 333.

Facebook: facebook.com/patsybennettpsychicastrology

Instagram: instagram.com/patsybennettastrology www.patsybennett.com

19 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024 1. Machu Picchu 2. Peggy Olson 3. Pineapple 4. Argentina and the United Kingdom 5. Richard Nixon DIFFICULTY RATING  897 56 53 86 28 316 8 2 715 39 74 39 82 647 3 4 No. 1668 189724536 915378642 298453167 726531498 832649715 563197824 354986271 647215389 471862953 ACROSS 1 Provided support for (9) 6 Electronic music player (4) 10 Providence (3) 11 Paid announcements (11) 12 Turtle’s relative (8) 13 Evades (6) 14 Memo (4) 15 Toiletry (7) 20 Accommodation (7) 21 Celebration (4) 25 Most senior (6) 26 Resembling silver (8) 28 Alliance (11) 29 Phone program (3) 30 Careen (4) 31 Device used to increase volume (9) DOWN 1 An instance of seeing something (8) 2 Unyielding (8) 3 Time of the year (6) 4 Alterations (9) 5 Mend hole in fabric (4) 7 Religious house (6) 8 Assimilate food (6) 9 Clock noise (7) 16 Legal possession (9) 17 O.K. (7) 18 Italian smoked beef (8) 19 Compass-like tool (8) 22 Religious truth (6) 23 Loves (6) 24 Greek oracle (6) 27 Zone (4) No. 2905 Puzzles and pagination © Pagemasters | pagemasters.com PLAY UNLIMITED PUZZLES ONLINE canberradaily.com.au/puzzles
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True blue snack: Anzac biscuits

History of Anzac Biscuits

Baking (or buying) Anzac biscuits is traditional come 25 April. Many Australian families have a favourite recipe and there are endless debates over whether they should be crunchy or soft.

Curiously enough, the biscuit that most of us know and love, made from rolled oats and golden syrup, is nothing like the historical Anzac biscuits that were a staple of soldiers’ rations at Gallipoli.

The hardtack biscuits were a nutritional reserve for bread, that unlike bread would not go mouldy. As the name suggests, hardtack biscuits were extremely tough. Hence, on Gallipoli where fresh food and water were scarce, the biscuits were a mainstay.

Soldiers were crafty in making them easier to swallow. An article by the Australian War Memorial describes a kind of porridge that could be made by shaving hardtack biscuits and adding water. They could also be soaked in water and mixed with jam, to bake over


Crunchy or chewy?

Whether you’re in the crunchy or chewy camp when it comes to homemade bikkies, there are a few foodie tips to observe to bake your best batch. MasterChef and Taste of Australia’s Hayden Quinn shares his wisdom on how to nail your Anzac biscuits, on either end of the spectrum.

a fire into “jam tarts”.

The Memorial has kept a number of hardtack biscuits in their collection, understandably, given how creative soldiers would get with non-culinary uses for the biscuits.

So durable were they, that soldiers would write messages on them to send back home across long distances. They used the biscuits as paint canvases, and even photo frames.

One biscuit in the Memorial’s collection shows a small coloured painting of an island scene on one side, and on the other side reads ‘XMAS cards are very scarce so we wrote it on a biscuit’.

The origin of the sweet Anzac biscuit is ultimately unknown, but from the 1920s onwards, they’ve held a special place in most Australian recipe books and households.

History sourced from the Australian War Memorial website, learn more at awm.gov.au

Traditional Anzac biscuits

Makes 15 biscuits | Prep 20 mins

Cook 12 mins

1 1/4 cups of plain flour, sifted

1 cup traditional rolled oats

1/2 cup caster sugar

3/4 cup desiccated coconut

150g unsalted butter, chopped

2 Tbsp golden syrup

1 1/2 Tbsp boiling water

1/2 tsp bicarb soda

Preheat oven to 170°C.

Place the flour, oats, sugar, and coconut in a large bowl and stir to combine.

In a small saucepan, place the golden syrup and butter and stir over low heat until the butter has fully melted.

Mix the bicarb soda with the boiling water and add to the golden syrup mixture. It will bubble whilst you are stirring together so remove from the heat.

Pour into the dry ingredients and mix together until fully combined. Roll tablespoonfuls of mixture into balls and place on baking trays lined with nonstick baking paper, pressing down on the tops to flatten slightly.

Bake for 12 minutes or until golden brown.

or chewy? MasterChef tips on how to nail Crunchy or Chewy Anzac biscuits for air to circulate all around the biscuit and cool/dry quickly, giving them a nice crunch!”

If you prefer your Anzac biscuits crunchy:

“Replace the caster sugar with brown sugar and bake for 12 to 15 minutes until very golden brown on the edges. Allow to firm up on the baking tray once removed from the oven.

“Once cooked, use a wire rack to cool your Anzac biscuits. This allows

If you prefer your Anzac biscuits chewy:

“Bake for 10-12 minutes until only lightly golden on the edges. They will be soft when removing from the oven, but firm up once cooled.

“Once cooked, keep your Anzac biscuits on their baking tray and allow them to cool there. This will give you that chewy texture!

“Another tip if you love chewy, like me, bake the Anzac biscuits ahead of time. Hopefully you can hold out on eating them! A day or two will give them some time to ‘chewify’.”

20 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024
Images and recipe courtesy of Uncle Tobys.

feature Donut Bouquet Canberra

The gift: donut bouquets for Mother’s Day in Canberra sweete

Surprise your mum with something delicious this Mother’s Day – a donut bouquet! Donut Bouquet Canberra o ers this sweet twist on the classic gift.

Imagine a beautiful arrangement of colourful, glazed donuts, elegantly displayed like a floral bouquet. Each donut is handcrafted with care, ensuring a variety of flavours and toppings to tantalise mum’s taste buds. From classic vanilla and chocolate to more adventurous flavours like salted caramel and Iced Vovo, there’s something for every sweet tooth.

Donut Bouquet Canberra has also teamed up with Bloomin’ Mad Flowers this Mother’s Day to combine the artistry of floristry with

the culinary delights of donut making. Together, they o er unique packages featuring both exquisite flowers and delicious donuts that are sure to please every mum.

What makes the donut bouquet even sweeter is the personal touch. We now o er a recorded personalised VIDEO message that mum will receive via a QR code inside a card. It’s a thoughtful and unique gift that shows just how much you care.

So, this Mother’s Day, why not treat your mum to something she’ll really love? The artists at Donut Bouquet Canberra are ready to help you make this Mother’s Day a truly memorable one with a gift that’s sure to sweeten her day.

Rosa’s at the Lawns: pizzas, paninis and plenty more

Located at the idyllic Lawns of the Lobby, Rosa’s offers pizza, paninis and drinks throughout the day, along with pastries and coffee for breakfast.

Open from 7am seven days a week, Rosa’s has already become a popular spot for public servants to grab their morning coffee. They also serve buns, banana bread and choc chip cookies in the mornings, along with a bacon and egg brekky roll.

From 11am, Rosa’s serves a range of paninis, including roast beef with pickles, eggplant

parmigiana and more. Their pizzas consist of house-made dough cooked in a large wood-fired oven and they have a number of options, such as the pepperoni, sausage time, mushroom field and prawn king. They also have a few other dishes you can grab, along with wines, spirits, soft drinks and several Capital Brewing Co beers and ciders on tap.

CW went along for lunch on Friday and the place was absolutely pumping with public servants from nearby buildings.

We tried two pizzas, the margherita and the pb&j (bacon, pineapple and jalapeno), and they went down a treat in the cooler autumn air. The pizzas and paninis were constantly coming out of the kitchen, while plenty of people were starting their weekend early with a drink or two on the lawns.

Opening hours: Sunday to Thursday, 7am–4pm. Friday to Saturday, 7am–12am. King George Terrace, Parkes.

21 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024

Getaway: Jamala Wildlife Lodge, a wild and luxurious adventure

ithout having to step a foot out of Canberra, you can travel across the world visiting the creatures that reside at the National Zoo and Aquarium. An experience like no other, Jamala Wildlife Lodge sees visitors spend the night with animals big and small, a Disneyland for the animal lover.

Entering the reception area in the uShaka Lodge echoes the feeling of walking into the home of an old friend: warm, welcoming and comforting. Perhaps the feeling of being at home comes from the fact that the lodge was once the residence of zoo owners Richard and Maureen Tindale.

In 1998, the Canberra couple purchased an aquarium and a native wildlife park. With dreams of owning a big cat sanctuary, they set about building a zoological facility that could house its inhabitants as comfortably as possible. Once the space was ready, the Tindale’s searched for

animals who had spent their days in circuses and private collections and offered them a place for retirement and the life they deserved.

Over the following decades, the zoo has grown and gained a reputation as a leading ethical animal facility in Australia. True animal lovers, the Tindale family is still at the core, with a residence on location and members working among the staff.

As part of their love for animals, the zoo takes part in breeding programs and raises funds for numerous conservational efforts, donating over $1 million in just the last three years.

The addition of Jamala Wildlife Lodge was launched in 2014, as a lavish way for visitors to help further the vision of the zoo.

Blending opulence and gourmet food with a hint of education and a whole lot of animals, the award-winning accommodation is worth the hype. Guests can choose to stay in the uShaka Lodge, the Giraffe Treehouses or one of the Jungle Bungalows that bunks you with tigers,

cheetahs, lions or bears.

CW’s entertainment editor Jessica Cordwell was invited to spend the night at Jamala Wildlife Lodge. As an avid animal lover and fan of the zoo, it was a dream come true.

The tour

Upstairs in the belly of the lodge, we were struck by the incredible attention to detail; the furnishing, adornments and artworks were amazing. Taking you right to the heart of Africa, the pieces have been collected by the owners over many years. Antiques and one-of-a-kind works have been gathered during trips to Africa, while other pieces have been carved to emulate animals who live/d at the zoo.

One wall opens to a large tank as mesmerising sharks and fish circle their enclosure; it would be easy to lose an afternoon watching the show. Turning around, you are met by a family of colobus monkeys; mum, dad and a young baby. Dad lazed about, unbothered by an audience, while Mum fed the baby before the pair engaged in a playful a game of cat and mouse.

Afternoon tea is served to all guests shortly after arrival at the uShaka lodge, a delightful offering of small morsels. A tasty introduction to the luxury you are about to experience.

Our tour guide for the afternoon, took us on a wonderful tour through the accommodation options and the zoo as she told us about its history and some facts about the animals who reside there. Friendly, bubbly and knowledgeable, Megan was an absolute pleasure and a great companion for the afternoon.

Animal encounters can be added on to your stay at Jamala, we were lucky enough to meet a

22 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024
A stay at Jamala Wildlife Lodge sees you bunking with tigers, lions, bears and cheetahs. Photos: Jordan Mirchevski.
time out
Ornaments and artworks have been collected over many years.

sweet and friendly family of meerkats, stroke the soft fur of a cheetah, feed a giraffe and get close to the king of the jungle.

Walking up the stairs to our bungalow for the evening, as we and pushed open the heavy intricately engraved door, we were greeted with a truly stunning room.

In the lounge area, large glass panels give you a clear, unobstructed view into the tiger enclosure. In the middle of two comfortable couches is the coffee table with a note about the markings of the tiger sisters, Mya and Melati.

At the opposite end of the room stands a four-poster bed draped with hanging mosquito netting, and a wardrobe. Inside a cupboard, a hidden fridge is stocked with drinks and treats. The bathroom is large and bright, equipped with luxury products and amenities. Cosy robes and slippers are provided so you can rest and relax while hanging out with your roomies.

We spent the rest of the afternoon glued to the windows watching the incredible animals roam their enclosure, interact with each other and dip their toes in the water.

The evening

Drinks are free-flowing at the pre-dinner get-together, choose from a range of wines, beers and Moet Champagne. The Jamala Terrace overlooks the lion enclosures and meets the boundaries of the hyena boys, an arguably overlooked and underappreciated species. Zookeepers threw snacks to Pinduli and Zuberi who eagerly snapped them up before calling the white lion siblings.

Responding to the calls, Jake and Mischka made their way to the entrance of the den and

happily accepted the offerings. As their powerful jaws and claws tear through the meat not even a couple of metres from you, it is easy to see why this mighty creature is donned the King of the Jungle.

The Rainforest Cave is set out like a traditional African dining hall with long tables in the center. The cool, dark space is filled with soft tunes, adorned in more incredible fixtures and looks into the lion’s den.

The long tables encouraged social interactions and casual conversations, especially when the food started to arrive.

An entrée of assorted canapes, a complex blend of African-inspired flavours and textures, was the highlight of the meal, with each option prepared flawlessly. The ricotta, pumpkin and spinach stuffed chicken breast was succulent with opulent accompaniments enhancing every bite while the steak main was hearty and rich.

Dessert was a delicate pavlova island in a sea of fresh fruit, the perfect combination of sweet, tart, smooth and crunchy and an indulgent triple chocolate and almond dome with ice cream and fresh seasonal berries.

Back at our bungalow, we could see one of our big cat roommates asleep near our window, so close you could see her chest rise and fall with each breath, a gentle giant. Next to the nesting area, is the bathroom with a huge tub looking out onto the tiger bedding.

We filled the tub with the complimentary scents and bubbles, hopped in and watched our sleeping companion, the ultimate in relaxation after a big day.

We decided to sleep while our companions did. The bed was like a firm cloud, comfortable

and enveloping with enough pillows to avoid any arguments. We woke up at 4am to see if the tiger ladies would be active in the early hours and it was absolutely the right choice.

Witnessing an apex predator less than an arm’s length from you play like a house cat is a surreal and wonderful experience. Wrestling, napping and eating roughage, the animals were completely unbothered by our presence in their space, the opportunity to see them as they are when they are alone, is breathtaking. An opportunity not to be missed for any big cat lover.

Stepping out onto our steps we were able to hear not only our tiger buddies, but many of the animal calls from across the zoo. If you are staying in one of the bungalows or treehouses, set your alarm early and take a moment to enjoy this taste of the wild in the heart of Canberra.

The next day

As the morning light broke, we made our way back to the Rainforest Cave for breakfast. Walking through an empty zoo in the early hours of the morning is like your own private oasis, the animals alert or waking up are completely at ease in their space. Without having to maneuver around crowds of people or the midday heat allows you to truly take in the movements and flashes of personality of the animals.

Highlights of our morning walk include seeing (continued page 24)

23 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024
The Rainforest Cave echoes traditional African dining halls and encourages interaction with fellow diners. Relaxation with a view.

feature canberra international music festival

J celebrati

Canberra International Music Festival: a

of global talent and cultural heritage

oin the Canberra International Music Festival from 1–5 May for an unmissable event that will leave audiences spoilt for choice!

Shows include Lior’s Compassion, Trio Karénine (from Paris), Dudok Quartet Amsterdam, Red Dirt Hymns, Beethoven’s Legacy, Bach’s six Brandenburg concertos and many, many more.

Don’t miss your chance to hear Belgian Jazz pianist Bram de Looze, guitarist Pavel Ralev and laugh at the deadpan antics of Buster Keaton accompanied by live music.

The final show, Mulanggari, has the very popular Sti Gins and William Barton joining Festival Artistic Director Roland Peelman AM and some of his closest musical collaborators. They will sing and play in a program that celebrates the oldest living culture on earth, and the end of an era as the curtain falls on Peelman’s decade-long

time out

tenure at the helm of the festival.

Join us over five days as a remarkable lineup of international, national and First Nations artists converge on the nation’s capital to bring vibrant life to an unmissable 2024 Festival program.

The world premiere of Andrew Ford’s Red Dirt Hymns resounds in the great cathedral of Australian stories, the National Museum of Australia.

Red Dirt Hymns featuring Canberra’s own Luminescence Chamber Singers is Andrew Ford’s songbook – four years in the making – that brings together the words of 16 contemporary Australian poets, essayists and folksingers. These songs of praise are dedicated not to a god, but to the land.

Beethoven’s Archduke Trio and Brahms’ last String Quintet are two milestones of the European musical canon. Performed by two outstanding international ensembles, these works exude confidence, optimism, and a profound belief in

(from page 23)

the elusive Tasmanian devils scurry around each other and the leopards prowling, stretching and coming right up to the barrier as if to say good morning.

There was a scheduled morning tour, we considered the fantastic tour we had the day before and decided to spend the extra morning time in our room with Mya and Melati.

By opting to remain in the bungalow and

mankind’s ability to create a better world. Don’t miss Beethoven’s Legacy only at the Canberra International Music Festival.

For tickets, visit: cimf.org.au/2024-festival/all-events/

spend that bit longer with our girls, we got to see them at their most playful. Jumping and fully immersed in water trying to retrieve a ball, chasing each other throughout the enclosure and using platform poles as scratching posts was the best kind of animal watching.

The service at Jamala goes above and beyond, no one needs to carry their bags back through the zoo as it is all collected before check-out. Just before 11, we bid a final farewell to the majestic creatures we had shared an evening with, took it all in one last time and closed the door.

If you have an animal bucket list, a Canberra bucket list or just a bucket list in general, I highly recommend adding a night at Jamala Wildlife Lodge. From the first moment walking through the uShaka Lodge doors to leaving the next day, the whole experience was, as they say in Swahili, kamili, perfect.

Jessica Cordwell stayed and dined at the Jamala Wildlife Lodge as a guest of the National Zoo and Aquarium.

Read the full experience at canberradaily.com.au

To find out more or to book your stay at Jamala Wildlife Lodge visit; jamalawildlifelodge.com.au

24 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024
The tigers were unbothered by visitors in the Jungle Bungalow. The Sti Gins.


theCBRwoman is THE community for Canberra women to connect and thrive together. They believe women need connection with other women and that small businesses can share more success by working together and leveraging shared networks.

theCBRwoman presents “The High Co ee” networking event for Canberra businesswomen. Taking a twist on the traditional High Tea events, the High Co ee event will be serving savoury & sweet artisan baked goods by Lepi Artisan Bakery, paired with a complimentary co ee or hot beverage from Ona Co ee. You’ll be greeted by theCBRwoman Founder and Director Gabrielle Owens at this unique event for our local business community of women. It o ers an opportunity to

Creat g High Impact Brands High Coffee to theCBRwoman –a community for every Canberra woman

10am -12pm

connect with others whilst learning how to create a high impact brand.


Amy Radunz

Amy is a transformational business and marketing consultant who has worked with major national and international brands over the last 12 years. Having worked with speakers and brands such as Ita Buttrose, Lola Berry, Jaguar, Loving Earth and many more, she knows all too well what it takes to create a credible brand, and for a brand to be seen and heard with great impact. Amy has started and sold numerous online and brick-and-mortar businesses across Australia, whilst also having coached clients across many industries to increase their business

exposure and their revenue.

Amy will be sharing her top tips you can apply to your business to create high impact.

Nick Samaras

Founder and Publisher of Newstime Media

Nick started Canberra Weekly in 2009 with a small team of just four, which has since grown considerably. The media landscape has changed dramatically over the past 15 years, so they’ve shifted to having a bigger online and social media presence through Canberra Daily. The magazine pick-up remains strong to this day, but there’s

no denying the need for daily updates on the website and social media platforms as the world continues to evolve.

Nick will be discussing how your own brand can make an e ective impact through the use of media.

This event is bought to you by theCBRwoman, Ona Co ee, Lepi Bakery and canberradaily.com.au and Canberra Weekly Magazine.

The details:


Saturday 4 May

Ona Roasters Warehouse, 68 Wollongong St, Fyshwick

Cost: $55 for theCBRwoman members, $69 for non-members

Tickets: www.theCBRwoman.com.au/ eventhigh-co ee-creating-high-impactbrands

W: www.theCBRwoman.com.au

E: hello@theCBRwoman.com.au @TheCBRwoman

Saturday 4 May 2024

Ona Roasters Warehouse, 68 Wollongong Street, Fyshwick

feature theCBRwoman

This week, Michael Popple reviews three outstanding fantasy and science fiction releases. You can find more of Michael’s book reviews on his blog, unseenlibrary.com

The Gathering by C. J. Tudor

Michael Joseph, $34.99

In the small Alaskan town of Deadhart, a teenager has been murdered with the blood drained from his body. Suspicion falls on the Colony, the nearby community of vampyrs, and Detective Barbara Atkins is assigned to determine whether a vampyr cull is justified. However, the truth behind the murder lies in the town’s dark history, as a dangerous killer uncovers old wounds. Tudor produces a brilliant read that sets an excellent murder mystery in a cool, inventive horror world. Combining fascinating vampyr lore with a thrilling storyline, The Gathering is an exceptional book that you won’t be able to put down.

Play of Shadows by Sebastien de Castell

Jo Fletcher, $34.99

When talentless idealist Damelas Chademantaigne is forced into a duel against a merciless killer, his only escape is to join a troupe of actors. Protected by his city’s sacred laws, Damelas seeks to survive with his minor acting abilities. However, when he starts mystically challenging the spirit of a historical villain on stage, Damelas quickly discovers that the theatre can be a very dangerous place. This was a remarkably witty and entertaining book that readers will easily fall in love with. Set in de Castell’s Greatcoat universe and featuring a wonderful theatrical plot, this is an awesome fantasy novel. Highly recommended.


Last Murder at the End of the World by Stuart Turton Raven Books, $32.99

After a deadly mist covers the world, the only human survivors live an idyllic and passive existence on an isolated island. But when a murder occurs, their entire society is threatened as the island’s defences begin to fail. To survive, the murderer needs to be found, but with everyone’s memories of the night erased, this looks to be an impossible task. The latest book from rising literary star Stuart Turton is another impressive mixture of mystery and high-level science fiction concepts. Perfectly utilising a unique set-up, this book is a complex read that will have you guessing until the end.

The winners in Canberra Weekly’s latest round of competition draws are:

Billy Elliot: D. George, Narrabundah; S. Kong, Karabar


26 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024
Canberra Weekly competiton winners! time out
to Black: P. Wallis, Conder; N. Such, Griffith; T. Hourigan, Nicholls; M. Cartwright, Ngunnawal; D. Gray, Queanbeyan
us 1 - 5 May for the 30th Anniversary celebration of the Canberra International Music Festival.
five days, a remarkable lineup of international, national and First Nations artists will converge on the Nation’s Capital to bring vibrant life to an unmissable 2024 Festival program.
Book talk Join

Canberra author highlights creatures of the Ice Age

There is no denying that dinosaurs like the T-Rex are the superstars of ancient times, however between the times of dinosaurs and now, lived incredible Megafauna that don’t seem to get any credit. Local author Bronwyn Saunders shines the light on one of these overlooked Australian creatures in Diprotodon: A Megafauna Journey.

“We all know about the woolly mammoth but that’s in Europe. Our animals are unique now, but they were even more unique back then. We’re talking 60,000 to 1.1 million years ago, that’s just mind-blowing and these animals are predominantly marsupials as well,” says Ms Saunders.

Wanting to tell the story of the biggest marsupial that ever lived, the Diprotodon, which means two forward teeth, Ms Saunders and her story received 11 rejections before being picked up by CSIRO publishing. Connecting the author with illustrator Andrew Plant, the pair worked out their vision for

the creature, agreeing it had camel-like lips.

Released in October last year, Ms Saunders says the book is to correct the fact that she was part of two or three generations that were never taught about Megafauna growing up. The story follows a young Diprotodon who gets separated from his family.

“Without his herd even though he’s three metres long, two metres tall, the same size as a black rhino and weighs up to 2,700kg - which is equivalent to two rhinos - he is vulnerable. It’s the separation and the fact that he can’t depend on water sources. He is alone, so it’s about how he copes with the climate with the other animals and how he finds his way.”

Including facts in the story, such as the creature’s ability to run as fast as a camel and its need to eat 150kg of food every day, Ms. Saunders hopes to encourage a love of palaeontology.

“Tell everyone in Australia about these animals because we need to know. We need to know how precious their resources are and where they are and why they’re unique and why we should care,” she says.

Read the extended version at canberradaily.com.au

Get your copy of Diprotodon: A Megafauna

Journey from local booksellers or; publish.csiro.au and keep up to date with Bronwyn Saunders; bronwynsaunders.wixsite.com

27 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024
Canberra author Bronwyn Saunders shares a love of Megafauna in Diprotodon: A Megafauna Journey. Photo: Jordan Mirchevski.

time out

Now showing

Civil War (MA+15)

In the near future, a civil war has broken out between the American federal government and various secessionist movements. In a skirmish in New York, 23-year-old aspiring photojournalist Jessie (Cailee Spaeny) meets her hero, the battle-hardened and war-weary photographer Lee Smith (Kirsten Dunst). Jessie soon weasels her way into joining Lee and her colleague Joel (played Wagner Moura) and their ageing mentor Sammy (Stephen McKinley Henderson) on a journey into the Heart of Darkness (1899): the White House in Washington, D.C.!

Writer-director Alex Garland resurrected the zombie-horror genre with his script for 28 Days Later (2002), which explores man’s inhumanity to man in a dystopian landscape during a post-apocalyptic period. Here, Garland

jettisons any socio-political metaphors and allegories that may have enjoyed the relative safety of the horror genre, instead doubling down on his bare-bone concept: the end of a contemporary American civil war.

Avoiding any definitive political stances and causes for the conflict, Garland focuses on the madness of war through the lenses of his journalist characters. Writer Joel seeks a quote from the outgoing President; veteran Lee sees the hard path and its consequences laid out before young Jessie; and elderly mentor Sammy cannot live any other way. While the tag-a-longs may seem a hindrance to Lee and Joel’s mission, perhaps in ensuring their safety, the veterans can save what little soul they themselves have left.

Verdict: A minimalistic contemporary Apocalypse Now (1979) meets The Road (2009), which might be too close for comfort.

- Luke McWilliams, themovieclub.net. Viewed at Dendy Cinemas.

What’s on

19-20 APR

Dog Man: The Musical

A dog with the body of a policeman spends his days fighting crime and chewing furniture, this fun musical was adapted from the book series by Dav Pikey.

Canberra Theatre Centre, 19-20 April; canberratheatrecentre.com.au

20 APR

African Festival in the Park

An annual event that celebrates traditional African culture with music, dance, art, fashion and food.

Stage 88, Parkes, Saturday 20 April 10am- 8pm.

21 APR


An incredible night of magic and grand illusion as Anthony Street takes the stage to push the boundaries of reality with his tricks and escapes.

C anberra Theatre Centre, Sunday 21 April, 7:30 pm; canberratheatrecentre.com.au

25 APR

Giants vs Lions

The GWS Giants return to Canberra to take on the Brisbane Lions in an Anzac Day blockbuster.

Manuka Oval, Thursday 25 April, 7:30 pm; ticketek.com.au

26 APR

Ainslie Salon

Welcomes Ausecuma Beats as they celebrated the launch of Dakar Bamako, an album featuring artists from the music makers three home cities Melbourne, Australia; Dakar, Senegal; and Bamako, Mali.

Ainslie Arts Centre, 26 April 7pm; ainslieandgorman.com.au

27 APR

African Cultural Showcase

Experience the vibrant culture of Africa with free performances, free food and a BBQ.

Klaus Moje St, Whitlam, Saturday 27 April 12pm-4pm; eventbrite.com.au

Open Gardens Canberra presents Woowoolahra and Lavender Hill in Burra on 27-28 April.

27-28 APR

Woowoolahra and Lavender Hill, BURRA

Two very large gardens in rural settings near each other, with vistas, mature gardens, major water features, production, and refreshments. The Scenic London Bridge Arch is nearby. Free for members, $10 entry for those over 18 years.

Woowoolahra: 6 London Bridge Road & Lavender Hill; 155 London Bridge Road, Burra, 27-28 April, 10am-4pm; opengardenscanberra.org.au

27 APR

Kita Alexander

Brings the Young in Love Album Tour to town supported by Jem Cassar- Daley.

UC Hub, University of Canberra, Saturday 27 April 7:30pm; moshtix.com.au


Emily Kam Kngwarray

Celebrates the timeless art of the pre-eminent Anmatyerr artist who devoted her final years to painting and creating work capturing the experience of her extraordinary life.

National Gallery of Australia, until 28 April; nga.gov.au


Canberra and Region Heritage Festival

The annual event returns with more than 120 events planned to share the rich history of our region featuring exhibitions, workshops and engaging activities.

Various locations, until 28 April; environment.act.gov.au

Find more listings at canberradaily.com.au

To advertise here, contact Mohit on 0402 377 603 or mohit@newstimemedia.com.au

ᵗʰ - 26ᵗʰ ri 2 2
April 20 April 21 April 22 April 23 April 24 April 25 April 26 April Location: Canberra College Performing Arts Centre, Launceston St, Phillip, ACT ThTh
AquA H Air
Shop 4 Cook Shops

1. Band

80% of the support in a bra comes from a well-fitting underband.

An uneven shape, an unpleasant pinch - there are several tell-tale signs of an ill-fitting bra. Your perfect fit will come with no niggles, no annoyances, just all-day comfort and we’re here to help you find it.

The underband should sit firmly around your ribcage, level at the front and back and parallel to the ground.

When the centre front sits flat it should provide separation between the two breasts and sit firm.

Your underband should never ride up your back, this means it’s too big.

If your centre front sits on top of your breast tissue, it is a sign that your cup is too small.

The cups should fully encapsulate the full breast. The underwire should extend behind your breast tissue so there is no bulge or squashing under the arm.

If you’re spilling out of your cup a little or a lot, try a bigger cup size.

Did you know?

We recommend having a fitting every six months as various factors change the size and shape of your breasts. Weight loss or gain, breast-feeding and menopause can all have an e ect.

30 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024
committed to finding the right fit for every woman.
over. @The Garran Shops Call us 6285 1311 www.colleens.com.au
feature Colleen’s Lingerie and Swimwear
2. Centre Front 3. Cups We’re
of discomfort are
about fit
Let talk

How to spot your friendship soulmate

Notice I said friendship soulmate?

When we think of what a soulmate is we often think of it in a romantic sense, but I want to talk here about those friends we have that are our friendship soulmates.

Our soulmate friend is someone we feel connected to in a way that is more significant and profound than with any other person and we might have several. It can feel almost like something higher than ourselves has brought this person into our life. They’re that person who you might not have seen or spoken to in ages but as soon as you talk to them, it’s like you just spoke yesterday. They’re the person you can just talk about anything with including what’s relevant right here, right now, no need to re-cap since you last spoke. Despite how far away they might be, perhaps they’re an overseas friend, it never stops you from connecting. They’re that person who when you see something funny you want to tell them about it because you know they’ll find it funny too or at least they’ll join in with your enthusiasm.

Our soulmate friend is the one that may have known us for years and yet the connection is just as strong over the years. Despite changes in jobs, relationships, kids and mental health challenges, you’ve stayed just as close even if you might not have seen them in

years. You understand each other and you often know the right things to say to each other to cheer each other up and be supportive. They get your sense of humour and they know how you’ll respond to something.

Soulmates are often described as a friendship that is just simple and easy. Someone you don’t have to try hard with. It’s never a struggle with this person and you’re comfortable being silent in each other’s company when it’s needed. It’s no effort.

This person always supports you, no matter how crazy your ideas are. They help you grow as a person and are there in good times and bad. Perhaps you met them at just the right time in your life when you really needed them, or you met them at the strangest time like while travelling or at a party.

Your soulmate finds your quirkiness endearing and they can laugh with you when you tell them about things that irritate you.

You miss them when they’re not around and are so happy just to hear their voice or receive a message from them just to say hi or check in. They accept you unconditionally and you love them.

So, who’s yours? They might be a childhood friend, someone you used to work with, a family friend. If you haven’t found yours yet, they’re out there. Don’t stop looking as they’ll likely show up when you least expect them, and you’ll know instantly when you’ve found them.

A of fresh air across Australia breath

CPAP Direct is not just another supplier of CPAP gear – they’re dedicated to making your sleep journey smoother and they’ll be there with you every step of the way. No sneaky fees or fine print, just good old-fashioned customer care. Trust them to be your breath of fresh air in the world of CPAP. Because when it comes to better sleep, they’ve got you covered.

31 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024
health & wellbeing
feature CPAP Direct

Cuddle buddy, should you let pets in the bed?

How close is too close when it comes to how we share our lives with the furriest members of the family? A study conducted by YouGov in 2023 found that almost half of British pet owners shared their bed with their pets. While the Australian Bureau of Statistics found that more than half of Aussie owners invite their pets in for a nighttime cuddle.

Could having our pets under the covers with us help us drift away or could it be having negative impacts that last more than just the nighttime hours? Ashley Hainsworth from UK based Bed Kingdom says there are both benefits and potential risks when it comes to bunking with our pets.

The ups

Helps with insomnia

Sleeping alongside a loved pet can increase endorphin levels which help reduce anxiety and stress, this can mean you fall asleep faster.

Comfort and security

Spending the night with a pet in bed can increase a sense of security and comfort, especially for those

who live alone. When we feel safe and relaxed our sleep quality can drastically improve.


The body’s temperature plays an important role in getting quality sleep, if you are prone to feeling cold, cuddling close to a furry water bottle (or pet) might be just what you need.


A loving and close relationship is what most of us strive to have with our pets and sharing the bed can strengthen that bond. You might discover that you can read your pet better and you are more in tune with each other’s needs, this can improve pet’s behaviour and increase their overall happiness.

The downs

Disturbed rest

Depending on the size of the bed you might be able to feel your pets every movement. Like all of us, animals will shift throughout the night and adjust their bodies to get comfortable, this may wake or disturb

you. If you ae finding your sleep constantly disturb either get a bigger bed or direct the pet to their own.


There is a reason for the saying dirty dog, pets carry dirt and unwanted pests like fleas, ticks and lice in their furry coats. Dirt could flare up allergies and mess up your bed, ensure your pet is clean after they have gone outside. If you do choose to have your pet in the bed, it is advised to wash your sheets every three to four days.

Bad behaviour

Some behaviourists believe that sleeping in the same bed as your pet can lead to separation anxiety. Signs of separation anxiety include destructive behaviour, extreme vocalising when you leave- howling, barking or wining and toilet trained dogs relieving themselves inside. Consult a trainer, vet or behaviourist if you notice any concerns.

Sharing the bed with pets is beneficial for people who suffer for loneliness or sleeping issues but for those who like their personal space it is best to sleep apart.

32 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024
health & wellbeing

Local folklore has it that winter in Canberra extends from Anzac Day to Remembrance Day – that’s quite a stretch! With the chillier weather on its way, now’s the time to make your living spaces cosy by adding warm layers and textures.

10 Week Program

3 May - 5 july 2024

Group class designed with specific strength, stability & flexibility exercises to get you fit to ski and snowboard

Focus on plyometrics & balance training to improve control, carving, angulation, efficiency, agility and prevent injuries

Program led by experienced (ski crazy) physios!


Snow Fit Assessment with a Physio 10 x Snow Fit Classes

Fridays 5:30pm - 6:30pm at

Higher Function Physio & Pilates 23 Petrie Plaza, Canberra City

Claim from HICAPS Contact us: 6262 9664


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33 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024
1 3 5 2 4 6 7
Gates wool rug 155 x 249cm, $4,500, Journey Home Interiors; 2 Leopard glass candle, $59, Journey Home Interiors; 3 Loft pink salt throw, $179.99, Linen House; 4 Lumi throw 130x180cm, $299.99, Sheridan; 5 Lumi cushion 45x45cm, $119.99, Sheridan; 6 Ivory velvet cushion with fringe, $129, Luxe & Beau, Fyshwick; 7 Imitation mohair throw, $39.95, Pillow Talk home
Get cosy

Property of the week

Ainslie 95 Du y Street

Nestled just across from the serene Mt Ainslie Nature Reserve and a short stroll from the bustling Ainslie Shops, 95 Du y Street in Ainslie stands out not only for its prime location but also for its unique architectural design. This property is perfectly suited for both outdoor enthusiasts and those who enjoy social outings, o ering a rare blend of urban convenience and close proximity to natural beauty.

For anyone seeking a unique, eco-friendly, and stylish home in a coveted location, 95 Du y Street is a property that deserves serious consideration. It o ers a perfect blend of form and function, enabling residents to enjoy the freedom of both urban conveniences and the outdoors. real

One of the most striking aspects of 95 Du y Street is its commitment to sustainable living, demonstrated through its solar passive qualities and design. The architect has skillfully used concrete form to create interesting shapes and structures throughout the home, giving each space its own unique character. However, the

design goes beyond mere aesthetics; it is deeply rooted in functionality and sustainability. Adhering to the principles of Passivehaus, the property is not only energy-e cient but also ensures a comfortable living environment all year round, filled with an abundance of natural light.

The innovative use of shapes and the thoughtful layout of the home contribute to a living space that is both beautiful and highly functional, challenging traditional “cookie-cutter” designs with a fresh and modern approach. Directly across from the nature reserve, residents enjoy unparalleled access to extensive bushwalking trails and mountain biking paths, allowing them to easily step into peaceful tranquility right from their front door.

5 3 2

Auction Saturday 20 April at 11:30am

View Saturday 20 April from 11-11:30am

Agent Stephen Bunday

Mob 0416 014 431 LJ

34 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024
Hooker Dickson | 6257 2111
more at canberradaily.com.au
property of the week find

8 Booth Street, Queanbeyan $1,706,000 Jonny Warren

71 McCaughey Street, Turner $1,580,000 Ray White

13 Laptz Close, Palmerston $891,257 Stone

22 Callabonna Street, Kaleen $890,000 LJ Hooker

118 Grayson Street, Hackett $882,500 LJ Hooker

35 Darwinia Terrace, Rivett $880,000 Marq

177 Kingsford Smith Drive, Melba $871,000 Ray White

39 Magenta Square, Amaroo $861,000 Stone

6 Henslowe Place, Melba $850,000 Jonny Warren

40 Larakia Street, Waramanga $845,000 LJ Hooker

2/39 Majura Avenue, Dickson $830,000 LJ Hooker

1 Gritten Street, Weston $830,000 Ray White

12 Jonsson Court, Dunlop $828,000 LJ Hooker

22 Meldrum Street, Weston $810,000 LJ Hooker

26/20 Greenwood Street, Denman Prospect $805,000 Blackshaw

4 Mo in Street, Chisholm $800,000 The Property Collective

Unit 8/178 Clive Steele Avenue, Monash $799,000 Independent

65 O'Halloran Circuit, Kambah $795,000 The Property Collective

38 Gouldsmith Street, Dunlop $791,000 LJ Hooker

38 Swanton Street,


Street, Gowrie $915,000 Ray White

218 Southern Cross Drive, Latham $899,000 LJ Hooker

Unit 7/178 Clive Steele Avenue, Monash $895,000 Independent

Street, City $740,000 Independent

48/20 Eyre Street, Kingston $725,000 Purnell

4 Toft Street, Dunlop $720,000 Hive

87/15 John Cleland Crescent, Florey $717,000 Solely

9/40 Florence Taylor Street, Greenway $710,000 Ward

33/8 Henry Kendall Street, Franklin $706,000 Belle Property

2/6 O'Neill Street, Queanbeyan East $700,000 LJ Hooker

12/50 Lowanna Street, Braddon $690,000 Ray White

28/1 Ho mann

35 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024
7 Laurence Close, Jerrabomberra $1,560,000 Ward 44 Henry Street, Cook $1,551,000 Ray White
54 Westbury Circuit, Nicholls $1,550,000 Blackshaw
Street, Lyneham
Street, Pearce
Cowper Street, Dickson $985,000 Home by Holly
A'beckett Street, Watson $980,000 Mick Barlow Property
Aspinall Street, Watson $970,000 Ray White
Hawker Street,
6/14 Portus Place, Bruce $1,520,000 Independent 39 Somerset Street, Du y $1,450,000 Blackshaw 4 Patkin Street, Whitlam $1,370,000 Belle Property 1 Farnell Place, Curtin $1,285,000 Belle Property 57 Delma View, Gungahlin $1,230,000 Ray White 28 Longsta Street, Lyneham $1,220,000 Ray White 60 Norman Fisher Circuit, Bruce $1,175,000 Marq 12 Blythe
Kaleen $1,150,000 Ray White 4/6 Hall
$1,147,000 Stone 2/30 Stockdale
Dickson $1,107,500 The Property
12 Charlton
$1,037,000 Independent 20 Burns Circuit,
$1,010,000 Suburbia 24/45
Street, Barton $990,000 Blackshaw 96
Torrens $950,000
Chisholm $780,000 Ray White 11 Mcgowen Close, Spence $780,000 The Property
8 Bryan Hudson Street, MacGregor $740,000 LJ Hooker 3/31 Lovely Close, Dunlop $740,000 LJ Hooker 410/240 Bunda
Street, Moncrie $677,500 LJ Hooker 1/12 Jalanga Crescent, Aranda $667,000 Ray White 351/325 Anketell Street, Greenway $655,000 The Property Collective 45/84 Kings Canyon Street, Harrison $645,000 Stone 12 De Mestre Place, Holt $618,000 LJ Hooker 44/27 Cromwell Circuit, Isabella Plains$590,000 Independent 4/13 Sherwood Circuit, Gordon $590,000 LJ Hooker 109/8 Veryard Lane, Belconnen $567,000 Ray White 1408/120 Eastern Valley Way, Belconnen $562,500 Canberry 10/141 Mapleton Avenue, Harrison $550,000 Stone 9/116 Henderson Road, Queanbeyan $533,000 Ward 111/1 Mouat Street, Lyneham $530,000 LJ Hooker 68/1 Mouat Street, Lyneham $525,000 Home by Holly 42/68 Hardwick Crescent, Holt $524,500 LJ Hooker Data is provided by agents. Source: Realestate.com.au $830,000 Dickson 2/39 Majura Avenue LJ Hooker recent sales NEW LAND - NEW HOME - NEW LIFE ‘Bigger blocks Lower prices’ 6238 0111 www.elmgroveestate.com.au land@corporation.com.au Contact us today for site plans and prices or visit Elm Grove this Sat & Sun 12pm - 4pm Follow the signs to Nelson Terrace, Bungendore - Super - sized prestige residential lots ranging from 850m 2 to 1,547m 2 - Full town services incl. town water, sewer, underground power, natural gas and NBN - Every block is close to parks, ponds and BBQ areas with footpaths on every street - Favourable purchasing terms including lower deposit and delayed settlement - Freehold Land with no time limit to build (save now, build later) - Less than 30 minutes to Canberra ’ s CBD and under 20 minutes to Queanbeyan - Less than 5 minutes to Supermarket, Shops, Cafes and Restaurants - Coming soon to Bungendore: New $70M High School and $2.5M Sports Hub Create a new beginning only minutes from the heart of Canberra VISIT THE NEW DISPLAY HOMES THIS WEEKEND Stage 1 (91 lots) - SOLD OUT Stage 2a (123 lots) - NOW SELLING (70% sold) Stage 2b (136 lots) - COMING SOON (register now)

Move in later this year


Over 80% Sold

And, let someone else do the mowing and weeding.

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Plan to downsize second half of this year in one of our brand new 2 and 3-bedroom apartments. Thoughtfully designed to ensure your peace of mind in every way.

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Choose from our remaining 2 and 3-bedroom residences at Marigal Gardens, and live life your way.

21 Snodgrass Crescent, Kambah ACT 2902

www.marigalgardens.com.au | 1300 884 784 Renders are for
purposes only. Details are
at time
printing and subject
change. February 2024.

Dickson Village Apartments

Discover why Build to Rent is the only way to rent

Studio, 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apartments now renting. Join Canberra’s premier Build to Rent community.

Set amid the buzz of one of the city’s favourite retail and dining destinations, Dickson Village Apartments takes the stress out of renting and gives you the freedom to make your apartment the home you want. Designed thoughtfully with contemporary, sustainable living in mind, Dickson Village Apartments offer highquality apartment living with the freedom to make your apartment truly the home you want. Dickson Village Apartments offers a variety of apartment layouts as well as flexible and secure leasing terms.

Open for inspection – Saturday 20 May

1 bedroom 9am – 9.30am

2 bedroom 10.30am – 11am

Or call to book at a time that suits you Book a tour today!

Dicksonvillageapartments.com.au | 0411 452 005
*Sign a 12-month lease, before 30 April on our spacious 2-bedroom apartments and receive 4 weeks rent-free as a warm welcome! Terms and conditions apply. Don’t miss out!
4 weeks rent-free* enquire today!

Ecologically sensitive living

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Only 20 minutes to Canberra’s CBD

Construction now complete


166 St Aidans Church Road, Rugby NSW

Located in the rural village of Rugby, 33km* from Boorowa.

Built in 1923-1924 and consecrated on 7th September 1924.

Constructed of local granite with timber ceilings and floorboards.

Situated on a block of 4985sqm*. Offers potential for creative modifications.

With some creative modifications, this lovely histo ric church would make a great project to create a rural retreat or quirky home!


Justin Fleming - 0429 820 389

Amanda Serafin - 0421 459 157



Giralang 41B Baracchi Crescent

The design features two separate living areas, a guest suite with a walk-in robe, and an attached bathroom located on the ground floor for privacy and convenience. Upstairs you will find two great-sized bedrooms as well as a master suite with a walk-through wardrobe with a stunning dual vanity ensuite. The floorplan was designed young family in mind keeping the kids’ rooms close together. Every detail has been meticulously planned, from the aesthetics, finishes, and final details.

4 3 2

EER 4.5

Price guide


View Sat 20 April

10.30 - 11am

Agent Maxwell Jensen

Mob 0402 778 603

Agent Tim Russell

Mob 0416 087 834

LJ Hooker Kaleen

6241 1922

56 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024
F O R S A L E F O R S A L E $ 1 , 7 5 0 , 0 0 0 C O U N T R Y L I V I N G - C L O S E T O T O W N L i f e s t y l e a n d p r o d u c t i v e h o l d i n g o f 5 3 h a * ( 1 3 1 * a c r e s ) t o t a l l a n d a r e a T h r e e b e d r o o m c o u n t r y h o m e G r e a t w a t e r s u p p l y B o u n d a r y f e n c i n g i n e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n H a y s h e d m a c h i n e r y s h e d a n d m e a t h o u s e S i l o a n d g r a i n s h e d C o n v e n i e n t l y l o c a t e d 3 5 k m * t o B o o r o w a C B D T h i s p r o p e r t y o f f e r s p u r c h a s e r s t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o s e c u r e a v e r y a p p e a l i n g l i f e s t y l e h o l d i n g w i t h p r o d u c t i v e s o i l s a n d g r a z i n g e n t e r p r i s e s 7 0 R u g b y R o a d B o o r o w a N S W F L E M I N G S P R O P E R T Y S E R V I C E S C O M A p p r o x i m a t e l y A G E N T S : J u s t i n F l e m i n g - 0 4 2 9 8 2 0 3 8 9 A m a n d a S e r a f i n - 0 4 2 1 4 5 9 1 5 7
SALE FOR SALE $360,000
real estate on the market

11371 Princes Highway

Eco Tourism Opportunity!

Suburb South Coast NSW For Sale $980,000 - $1,080,000 View

Around 3.5 km north of the Batemans Bay CBD is this interesting property with dualzoned land. R5 and E4 zoning offer an opportunity for those with a vision. There are various sheds and an old 3-bedroom home that would work for temporary accommodation whilst you build your new residence. Access for kayaking out to Long Beach and beyond, put in some tiny homes for holiday let, or maybe a hip camping setup.

Agent Rob Routledge 0414 235 976 ljhooker.com/1160f8f

10 Ascension Way


Think outside of the box!

This property sits at the end of a culde-sac in a new area, landscaped and securely fenced with extra side access. DA approval is in place for a single-level, 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom home with the colourbond shed already built offering a 5m x 6m lockup area, 5.3m x 4m accommodation area with bathroom, and BBQ outside kitchen.

For Sale

Offers Invited $535,000 - $575,000

View By Appointment


Rob Routledge 0414 235 976 ljhooker.com/11p4f8f

Lot 25 The River Road

Potential Plus!


Have you been searching for that special acreage block that ticks all the boxes? Well, this pretty 15-acre (6.07ha) might just be the one. Cleared elevated house site on the eastern side of the block with R5 zoning. On the lower portion of the block, fronting tidal Nelligen Creek is a large flat grassed area that would be perfect for Hip camping or a few Tiny Homes for holiday letting, a great little side earner!

• 100-acre parcel

• Well-designed home presents as new

• 10m x 15mShed

• Fully stand-alone Solar system with Abel diesel generator backup

• 100,000-litre in-ground concrete tank

• 2 x 23,500-litre tanks on the shed

Nelligen For Sale $849,000 View Contact Agent Agent Rob Routledge 0414 235 976 ljhooker.com/122sf8f 6.07ha
Private But Not Isolated!
Dwyers Creek Road Moruya For Sale $1,700,000 - $1, 800,000 View By Appointment Agent Rob Routledge 0414 235 976 ljhooker.com/1250f8f 40ha 4 2 6
By Appointment
14.07ha 3 1
All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided.Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries. batemansbay.ljhooker.com.au LJ Hooker Batemans Bay 02 4472 6455
58 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024 INDEX Air Conditioning/Heating 58 Arborist 58 Bathroom Renovations 58 Bathrooms & Kitchens 59 Builders 59 Car Detailing 59 Carpenters & Joiners 59 Cleaning Service 59 Commercial Cleaning 60 Concreting & Related 60 Decks 60 Electrical 60 Engineering Services 60 Fencing 60 Gardening 60 Gutter Cleaning 61 Handyperson 61 Locksmiths 61 Maintenance 61 Mechanics 61 Painting 61 Plastering & Painting 62 Plumbing & Gasfitting 62 Roofing 62 Solar 62 Solar Cleaning 62 Tiling 63 Upholstery 63 Call Kate on 6175 8827 to get your business listed. • 50% Savings on energy cost per year • Google 4.9 star • 15 Years of Service • Brighte gov interest free finance available • Licensed and Insured • Lifetime Workmanship Warranty • Clean and Tidy every time • Pensioner discount available Putting Quality First For Over 15 Years 02 6140 3273 mark@blissaircon.com.au AU57432 General Airconditoning, Electrical Installation and Service A I R CO N D I T I O N I N G/H E AT I N G Replace your inefficient heating & replace it with efficient reverse cycle air-conditioning YOUR ONE STOP ENERGY SHOP ENERGYPEOPLE.COM.AU 02 6280 0994 ARC AU35206 INTEREST FREE LOAN UP TO 10 YEARS • 10 year interest FREE loan • Borrow up to $15,000 • Concession Card rebates available • Terms and conditions apply A I R CO N D I T I O N I N G/H E AT I N G CWM00085AA Enviro Trees Arboricultural Solutions 0488 009 293 • Tree Pruning • Tree Removals • Stump Grinding • Qualified Arborist • Full Insurance ARBORIS T COMPLETE TREE SERVICES Expertise in safety, pruning, form, function, and tidiness for advice and free quote HELPFUL . EXPERT . RELIABLE Call IAN 0412 028 245 BATHROOM RENOVATIONS POOL RENOVATIONS AND GENERAL TILING Complete Project Management All Trades Free Quotes ABN: 62973049707 Rob: 0412 017 832 | Shane: 0412 942 041 email: downie100@ozemail.com.au www.dcbathrooms.net B AT H R O O M R E N O VATI O N S • Bathroom & laundry renovations • Project management • plumbing • Installations • blocked drains • Leaking taps & toilets • gasfitting • Hot water units • drainage Mark Summerfield LICENSED PLUMBER 0431 882 229 mark@renewplumbingandbathrooms.com.au www.renewplumbingandbathrooms.com.au ABN 53 193 697 032 LIC NO 200015959 B AT H R O O M R E N O VATI O N S 30+ years building experience No job Too Small Decks - Pergolas - General Maintenance Painting - Tiling - Plastering ABN: 98 240 579 704 rb.carpentry@iinet.net.au Richard Brennan 0412 161 312 CWM0009 Barry Richards Ceramic Tiling Bathroom Renovations, Leaking Showers Small Jobs, For All Your Tiling Needs PROMPT RELIABLE SERVICE P: 0435 015 647 E: barric666@aol.com www.barryrichardsceramictiling.com.au ABN 609 0723 0907 Quality renovations for your home Whether you are fully renovating your dream ensuite or adding a new bathroom, Chris brings two decades of industry experience and quality tradesmanship to your next personalised bathroom renovation Call Chris today on 0412 938 682 for an expert consultation. ABN 24 630 602 256 CWM0134 CANBERRA CITY MAINTENANCE For ALL your maintenance needs Specialising i n Bathroom Ren o vations If you’re looking for honesty, quality and friendly services Call Robert 0451 683 110 Contact the trades & services team 6175 8827 | kate@newstimemedia.com.au
& Services Guide
59 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024 Have your business listed here. Call Kate on 6175 8827 89% of readers will use a tradie in the next 12 months. Be seen when they look for you! Call Kate on 6175 8827 ATTENTION TRADIES Our expertise in home renovations means we can guide you through the entire renovation process - from design to interior demolition, construction and completion Ph: 02 5112 2969 ABN: 75257 19677 www.tradewiserenovations.com.au B AT H R O O M S & K I TC H E N S • Tile & Grout cleaning experts • Detect/Fix leaking showers • Stone & Slate sealing • Pressure & Acid wash cleaning services • Grout/Colour matching & advice • All products used by us are Mould and mildew resistant • 12 years warranty • 10% pensioner discount DIRTY TILES/GROUT NEW IN NO TIME CALL BRENT FOR FREE QUOTES & INSPECTION 0416 910 119 • 0452 538 503 STOP LEAKING SHOWERS B AT H R O O M S & K I TC H E N S CWM00151AA LACHLAN WARD FOUNDER & BUILDER 0423 220 166 lachlan@highlandcraftrenovations.com.au www.highlandcraftrenovations.com.au BUIL D E R S EST. 25 YRS. ADVANCED CAR DETAILING CALL RICK TODAY ON (02) 6285 4145 Buff and Polishing Interior Detailing Pre-Sale Detailing All Work Guaranteed 1/17 Strangways St, Curtin ACT 2605 BEHIND SHELL SERVICE STATION C A R D E TAILI N G From Concept to Completion; Your Vision, Our Expert Touch 0417 400 245 0484 094 278 alphafitcarpentry@gmail.com • Entry Upgrades • Door Installation • Pergolas & Vergolas • Decks • Renovations & Extensions • Residential Structural Modifications C AR P EN T E R S & J O I N E R S CARPENTER/ HANDYMAN Call Rob - 0438 307 796 Alterations, Repairs, Prompt Services CWM0681 P 6259 3200 / 6241 0857 M 0407 263 812 www.monarchcleaningservices.com.au Monarch Window Cleaning Services ABN 29 073 101 768 Window Cleaning From Average 3 BR Home + Free Flyscreen & Tracks Clean$250 C L E ANI N G S ERVI C E Experienced and Licensed Builder CONTACT US WE WILL COME ON THE SAME DAY FOR A FREE QUOTE M: 0404 272 101 E: gamdognim@gmail.com ABN: 11 611 397 178 | Builder Licence Number: 20221356 Specialising in Bathroom, Balcony and Kitchen Renovations and Carpentry Work Have your business listed here. Call Kate on 6175 8827 Contact the trades & services team 6175 8827 | kate@newstimemedia.com.au Trades & Services Guide

LIDO’S FENCING | ACT + Canberra Region

Domestic, Rural & Commercial, Colourbond, Palings, Pool Fencing Fencing that’s Guaranteed 30 years of experience.

Contact Jimmy Lidden to organise your free quote: www.lidosfencing.com.au info@lidosfencing.com.au

60 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024 Have your business listed here. Call Kate on 6175 8827 85% of our readers read the advertisements each week. Have your business listed here. Call Kate on 6175 8827 To get your business listed in the Trades & Services Guide, call Kate on 6175 8827 P 6259 3200 / 0407263812 www.monarchcleaningservices.com.au Monarch Cleaning Services ABN 29 073 101 768 Value for money, Free Annual Cleaning To Approved Yearly Clients. Conditions apply. Corporate Offices • Childcare Centres • Aged Care Facilities • Clubs Pressure Cleaning: Commerical & Private Clients from $180 Covid Prevention Cleaning | Approved Australian Products Staff Security Clearances for Government Leased Buildings COMMERCIAL CLEANING Call DANIEL D CONCRE TING FAST EFFICIENT EXPERIENCED SERVICE! 0431 311 746 6292 2073 ‘The Concreting Specialist’ – ALL RESIDENTIAL & DOMESTIC WORK –Garage or Home Slabs Driveways Paths Repairs FOR FRIENDLY SERVICE AND ADVICE YOU CAN TRUST GARDEN & LANDSCAPING CON C R E T I N G & RE LA T E D FREE QUOTE AUTUMN IS HERE Timber Decks & Pergolas METAL PERGOLAS has you covered! BH CARPENTRY ACT Call BrendAn 0407 763 597 D E C K S PHONE DANIEL ON 0418 419 383 OR EMAIL PRIME1Q@OUTLOOK.COM Phone Daniel on 0418 419 383 or email prime1q@outlook.com E L E C T R I C A L Your Local Electrical Service & Maintenance Experts Renovations - Switchboard Upgrades Domestic & Commercial Properties Lighting Upgrades - Powerpoints Appliance Installations - Smoke Alarms No Jobs Are Too Small! Call us for a free quote 6179 3992 econenergy.com.au Servicing the ACT & Surrounding Region E L E C T R I C A L Donald G Thomas BE MIE Aust CPEng NER 95978 0460 922 044 don@cebis.com.au www.cebis.com.au Canberra Engineering & Building Integrity Solutions ✓ Brick & Concrete Cracks | Solutions & Rectifications ✓ Engineering Design & Certification | Plans ✓ Reports incl Costings | Building | Structural | Civil ✓ Waterproofing | Assessment & Damage Control ✓ Retrospective Development & Building Applications E NGIN E ERI N G S E R VIC E S CWM10402AA
you need an old fence repaired, spruced up or if it’s time for a new fence… Call us today for an obligation-free quote. canfencecanberra@gmail.com
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0408 645 832 F E NCI N G Fencing – colourbond, timber, tubular, chainwire, picket, rural, pool, security, horizontal slat, gates & fence hire. Retaining Walls –concrete sleeper, timber, block, rock. Landscaping – paving, concrete, decks, lawn, artificial turf Lindsay Hicks E: cqservices@hotmail.com M: 0432 039 682 PH: 0437 254 793 CQ Services Pty Ltd All Work Guaranteed Specialising in the supply and installation of all types: • Bobcat & Machine Hire • Core Drill & Concrete Cutting • Tree Surgery & Stump Grinding • Property Maintenance & Cleaning. CWM0116 EZY PROPERTY MAINTENANCE WE MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU Mowing & Edging Pruning & Mulching Hedge Trimming Weed Control Fertilisation A WELL MAINTAINED GARDEN ADDS VALUE TO A PROPERTY Kaushik Makwana Qualified Horticulturist CALL: 0430 582 821 Free no obligation quotes Fully insured Customer service from a company you can trust Garden Cleanup Rubbish Removal Gutter Cleaning Regular Maintenance Commercial or Domestic G A R D EN I N G CWM0128 Baya’s Backyard Ph/Fax: 6241 9413 Mob: 0413 088 908 • Mowing / Edging • Pruning / Odd jobs • Rubbish Removal • Gutter Cleaning • Tree Services • Small landscaping Garden & Tree Services Contact the trades & services team 6175 8827 | kate@newstimemedia.com.au Trades & Services Guide
61 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024 To get your business listed in the Trades & Services Guide, call Kate on 6175 8827 ATTENTION TRADIES 89% of readers will use a tradie in the next 12 months. Be seen when they look for you! Call Kate on 6175 8827 CWM0352 Al Gardner For ALL your gardening needs. Covering all suburbs. Lawn Mowing•Pruning•Trimming•Weeding•Rubbish removal Gutter cleaning•Mulching •All maintenance Fully equipped INSURED-Guaranteed. Well presented after completion. 10% Pensioner discounts 0449 898 527 G A R D EN I N G CG CULTURED GARDENS Garden Care and Maintenance Pruning / Garden Cleanups Lawn Mowing / Hedge Trimming High Pressure Cleaning Commercial/Domestic • Fully Insured • Horticulturalist GLENN@CULTUREDGARDENS.COM.AU 0438 477 462 www.culturedgardens.com.au Gutter Clean The gutter vacuum specialist Pergola repairs 0421 193 553 All areas Free estimates gutter_clean@hotmail.com CWM0812 G U T T E R C L E AN I N G ABN 26 425 870 558 All Sorts General Yard & House Maintenance Gutter Solar Panel Cleaning Rubbish Removal Free Quotes Peter 0499 849 008 Quality Roo� Paintin� Paintin� � Plasterin� Flat Pack Furniture General Repairs �� �� �� �� �� Call Patrick Free Quote Work ... and more CWM0550 All Canberra areas 10% Pensioners discount Free Quotes | No job too big or too small Guarantee jobs done HANDY MAN & CONTRACTOR Painting & Plastering Tiling Fence Repairs Roofing & Gutters Cleaning Plumber Specialising in Private Home luis.painter@hotmail.com (02) 6140 1317 | 0404605687 or 0406525842 HAN DYPERSON Over 30 years experience securing the Canberra Community Locks changed & keyed the same ‘Locked out’ service Dead locks & window locks supplied & fitted Keys made to locks & locks repaired Screen door locks, repaired and replaced Servicing domestic & commercial clients Master licence #17501928 Seniors discounts CWM0231 Phone: 0458 786 727 www.highsecuritylocksmiths.com.au LO C K S M I T H S CWM0134 CANBERRA CITY MAINTENANCE For ALL your maintenance needs If you’re looking for honesty, quality and friendly services Call Robert 0451 683 110 MAINTENANCE Mechanical | Metal Fabrication | Mobile Welding Tyres | Brakes | ACT/NSW Regos | & more Monteleone Car Works & Metal Fabrication Ph: 02 6241 0222 Mobile: 0438 469 138 Unit 6, 91-93 Grimwade Street Mitchell CWM1051 M E CHAN I C S DREW’S PAINTING SERVICES REFERENCES PROVIDED ON REQUEST PH: 0427 004 411 | E: drewburgin69@gmail.com HOUSE PAINTING INTERIORS & EXTERIORS OUTSIDE PRESSURE CLEANING RUST REMOVAL PAINT I N G CALL 0417 255 869 Exterior Painting from $1300 special! offer! Unbeatable (INCLUDES FASCIA, GUTTER, EVES AND DOWNPIPES) ALL HANDYMAN SERVICES ALL WORK GUARANTEED CEILINGS, WALLS & CORNICES (MIN 3 ROOMS) /ROOM ONLY 2 COAT APPLICATION QUALITY PAINTS Dulux $300 CANBERRA’S LEADING PAINTING EXPERTS FOR OVER 25 YEARS FOR A free ONTHESPOT QUOTE MONET PAINTING LICENSED & INSURED INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING PLASTER & RENDER REPAIRS Contact Hayden on 0481 881 416 info@aprocanberrapainting.com.au www.aprocanberrapainting.com.au Contact the trades & services team 6175 8827 | kate@newstimemedia.com.au Trades & Services Guide
62 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024 Have your business listed here. Call Kate on 6175 8827 To get your business listed in the Trades & Services Guide, call Kate on 6175 8827 ATTENTION TRADIES 89% of readers will use a tradie in the next 12 months. Be seen when they look for you! Call Kate on 6175 8827 0405 588 540 • Internal Paintings Services • External Paintings Services • Residential & Commercial Painting Service • House Paintings Services • Over 15 years experience • Fully Insured Lic No 358952c BONZA PAINTING Free Quotes PAINT I N G CHOICE PAINTING AND DECORATING Contact: Ibrahim - Phone: 0411 837 788 Email: boutrosbob@hotmail.com ABN : 17 367 309 467 Full-Service Painting and Decorating 30 years of business experience Cover all aspects of paintingInterior / Exterior / Colour Consulting •Fully Insured •Free Quotes •Work Guaranteed Your one-stop destination for quality services with over 50 years of experience. ABN: 28645386054 ACN: 645386054 Sean Thompson Director 0431 403 465 cranky-and-sons@protonmail.com www.cranky-and-sons.com.au @crankynsons Contact Sean for a Free Quote Quality Plastering & Painting PLASTERING & PAINTING CWM00445AA Call your local plumber Shane 0411 591 615 or email lucidplumbingandroofing@gmail.com Plumbing: • Installation • Repairs & Maintenance • Blocked drains • Water Heaters • Gas Fitting Roofing: • All aspects of Colourbond & Tiled • Repairs & Maintenance • Gutter & Roof Cleaning • Tiling & Sealing $100 terms and conditions apply OFF 24/7 emergency services PLUMB I N G & GA S F ITT I N G $80 OFF WHEN YOU QUOTE THIS AD ANY SERVICES *CONDITIONS APPLY Taps And Toilets Hot Water/Solar Blocked Drains Gas Fitting Burst Pipes Bathroom Renovations Roofing/Guttering • Local Professional Service • Seniors Discount • No Call Out Fee • All Work Guaranteed • Support Local Business • 24/7 Emergency service Phone 0421 038 243 Web capitalpd.com.au Email: admin@capitalpd.com.au Plumbing Lic 2013728 ABN: 53193588524 • Roof maintenance both tile and colourbond • Roof leaks • Roof restorations • New roofs Ph: 0473 536 741 R O O F I N G ALPHA ROOFING CANBERRA Our services for both Metal and Tiled roofs include but are not limited to: • Rebedding & Repointing • New Roofs • Roof Insulation • General ongoing roof maintenance • Leak Detection & Repair • Guttering • Gutterguards • Fascias • Full roof restoration ABN 156 905 615 00 CALL/TEXT: 0458 807 882 E: admin@alpharoofingact.com.au Your local roofing experts R O O F I N G TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR ROOF Call us for an obligation free quote: • Roof repairs • New roofs • Extensions • Re-roofs • Gutters cleaned • Ridge-capping IS YOUR ROOF LEAKING OR IN NEED OF REPAIR? 0407 789 258 TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR ROOF IS YOUR ROOF LEAKING OR IN NEED OF REPAIR? Call us for an obligation free quote: • Roof repairs • New roofs Extensions • Re-roofs • Gutters cleaned • Ridge-capping prideroofingcanberra.com.au 0407 789 258 YEARSFULLYEXPERIENCE INSURED Lic. No. 252440C CWM0353 www.prideroofingcanberra.com.au Your Local Solar Experts Reduce energy costs by generating & storing your own power. New - Replacement & Additional Systems Battery Storage - EV Charger - Servicing Testing - Panel Cleaning Call us for a free quote 6179 3992 econenergy.com.au Servicing the ACT & Surrounding Region S O L A R PH: 0427 004 411 E: drewburgin69@gmail.com GENTLE & EFFECTIVE CLEANING TO REMOVE DIRT, RUST & BIRD DROPPINGS ON SUN SOLAR PANELS. DUST & BIRD S O L A R C L E ANI N G Contact the trades & services team 6175 8827 | kate@newstimemedia.com.au Trades & Services Guide

WIN! Haven Mother’s Day gift pack

Win a Mother’s Day gift pack! If you’re looking for a gift to show mum your appreciation, we have the perfect present that not only smells good but will look chic in the house.

CW has 4 x prize packs to be won, valued at $65 each.

4 prizes (worth $65 each, $260 in total)

• 1X Haven Island Escape Mango & Kiwi Soy Blend Candle (RRP $15)

• 1X Haven Fresh Cut Flowers Signature Soy Blend Candle (RRP $25)

• 1X elho Vibes Coupe Indoor Plant Pots (RRP $25) (either in pink or white)

Haven Candles are available at Woolworths while elho flower pots are sold at Bunnings Warehouse.

Have your business listed here. Call Kate on 6175 8827

Slowhand Australia presents Eric Clapton: A Tribute. 2 hours of timeless music performed by an 8-piece band featuring Chris Harland. Chris has performed at festivals around Australia and supported Eric Burdon and the Animals and guitar virtuoso Matt Schofield. “Close your eyes and you’d swear it was Eric Clapton playing” - John Spencer (Canberra Blues Society).

Friday 10 May 8pm at the Harmonie German Club.

CW has 2 tickets to be won. WIN!

To enter, scan the QR code or visit canberradaily.com.au and click on the ‘Entertainment’ tab to ‘Competitions’, find the competition you wish to enter and follow the entry instructions. Entries close 9am Friday 26 April 2024 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person per giveaway. Entrants must be aged 18+.

63 canberradaily.com.au 18 May 2024
Enter to win!
Family based business servicing Canberra & surrounds for over 25 years If you like your original tiles but have unsightly, discoloured grout line, Carl can provide a quick and affordable solution where no tiles are removed & seal leaking shower recesses. All Silicon is mould & mildew resistant! Looks like you have retiled, and at a fraction of the cost! Why retile, when you can regrout? Contact Carl or Tracie at All-Tile Regrouting for a free inspection & quote on 0427 617 365 | 0426 251 763 or email carle14@hotmail.com FIVE STAR RATING THAT’S TWO SERVICES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE 12 year Guarantee: Locally owned & operated CWM00011AA TIL I N G Brodie Antoniak Owner and contractor ABN 14724243822 Reference available on request Antoniak Tiling and Renovations Email: Bantoniak051@gmail.com | 0417 092 760 Tile and Adhesive removal Timber and Concrete subfloor leveling Concrete Grinding Troy 0410 242 923 | troy@tilebusters.com.au Canberra and Surrounds License number 190272C | ABN 91 605 427 816 LOCAL TILING ACT Call Alex today 0475 000 528 localtilingact@hotmail.com All suburbs For all your tiling needs: CWM0477 Bathroom, Laundry and Kitchen tiling Walls and oors tiling Bathroom Renovations No job too big or small Water proo ng shower leaks CWM00002AC
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Contact the trades & services team 6175 8827 | kate@newstimemedia.com.au Trades & Services Guide
Eric Clapton: A Tribute tickets
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