30 May 2024

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4 canberradaily.com.au 30 May 2024 Published by Newstime Media Pty Ltd (ACN 124 830 155). All content © 2016 Newstime Media Pty Ltd, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without prior written permission. All material sent to Newstime Media (whether solicited or not) will not be returned. Unless otherwise agreed beforehand, all rights including copyright in such material is assigned to Newstime Media upon receipt and Newstime Media may use or sell such material in perpetuity without further consent or payment. All prices and information are correct at time of printing. For full terms and conditions of competitions contact Canberra Weekly Magazine on 6175 8800. Editor Vincent Samaras news@newstimemedia.com.au Founder & Publisher Nick Samaras Newstime Media is a member of the Australian Press Council and abides by its guidelines and policies. Complaints about editorial matter should be emailed to editor@newstimemedia.com.au Suite 11, 285 Canberra Avenue, Fyshwick ACT 2609 Editorial & Advertising Enquiries T 02 6175 8800 www.canberradaily.com.au ISSN: 2652-9297 06 ON THE COVER Top quality life for Canberrans 08 NEWS & COMMUNITY Chilly dip in Lake George 16 TIME OUT Canberra dances rings around festival 24 HEALTH & WELLBEING Importance of celebrating birthdays 26 REAL ESTATE Charming in Chapman Regulars 06 News & community 09 Fit the bill 11 Letters 13 Have you heard? 13 Social scene 14 Puzzles & stars 15 Taste 16 Time out 18 Winners 21 What’s on 24 Health & wellbeing 26 Real estate 50 Trades & services 55 Capi Rib outdoor pots 55 42nd Street, The Musical double passes WIN! 26 13 06 55 on the cover Canberra has been ranked “the second-best city in the world for quality of life”,
15 12 thursday 30 may 2024 contents 55 18
according to
the latest report by the Oxford Economics Global Cities. Photo by Chu Chen/ Xinhua via Getty Images. See cover story, page 06.

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Canberra ranked second best city in the world for quality of life

anberra has a number of accolades – allergy capital of the world and number one in the world at Wordle to name a couple – but another feather in our cap is “the second-best city in the world for quality of life”, according to the latest report by the Oxford Economics Global Cities.

Our noise pollution is non-existent (bar the odd loud bang posted on Facebook Community Noticeboard) and our air quality is pristine (bar the poplar pollen blizzard in spring) so “second

best” comes as little surprise.

The “quality of life” measure encapsulates the wellbeing and satisfaction of a city’s residents (a bipartisan tally of both northside and southside). The indicators used to rank each city include life expectancy, income per person, income equality, housing expenditure, recreation and cultural sites, and internet speed.

Canberra was ranked behind Grenoble in France and was the only Australian city ranked in the top 10 for quality of life. While Sydney and Melbourne scratch their heads, let’s compare Canberra and Grenoble.

Grenoble sits at the foot of mountains (check, the Brindies), and lies between two rivers (check, the Molonglo and Murrumbidgee). Grenoble known as a base for winter sports (check, Phillip ice-skating rink) and for its museums (no contest), universities (Stone Week) and research centres (CSIRO gave us wi-fi ). Grenoble also has spherical cable cars called “Les Bulles” (Bubbles) (great fl ying foxes at Gungahlin) and a summit called La Bastille hill (La Black Mountain) plus an 18th-century fortress (20th century Telstra Tower). We are indeed sister cities.

The Oxford Economics Global Cities report uses an additional four categories to rank cities. These include economics, human capital, environment, and governance.

Despite the high ranking for quality of life, Canberra did not feature in the top 10 of any of the other categories and came in as the 44th best city in the world overall.

Canberra’s worst categories were environment (194th) and economics (179th), while Australia’s capital city cracked the top 100 for human capital (90th) and the top 20 for governance (18th).

Canberra was rated as the fi fth-best Australian city, behind Melbourne (9th), Sydney (16th), Perth (23rd) and Brisbane (27th). New York was ranked as the number one city in the world.

According to the report, Canberra’s strengths are high life expectancy, high educational attainment and lower income inequality.

The city’s weaknesses are listed as less economic diversity, more natural disasters and slower internet speed.

The report states that Canberra’s biggest weakness is the environment and uses the nickname ‘The Bush Capital’ against the city.

“Canberra’s biggest weakness is its environment. Indeed, the city is subjected to natural disasters such as bushfires and floods. Canberra’s nickname is ‘The Bush Capital,’ owing to its location in the middle of the Australian bush which makes it particularly vulnerable to wildfires. These wildfires also contribute to the air quality occasionally deteriorating during the fire season, a trend made worse by Canberra being in a valley as this causes smoke to be trapped over the city,” the report stated.

The report covered the 1,000 largest cities in the world. Head to oxfordeconomics.com/ global-cities-index/ to read more.

6 canberradaily.com.au 30 May 2024
news cover story

Maya’s Journey with Type 1 Diabetes

A LIFELONG BATTLE: and the Fight for a Cure

Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a relentless autoimmune condition where the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. Insulin is a crucial hormone necessary for life, and without it, individuals must rely on external insulin administration via injections or pumps. While insulin is a lifeline, it is not a cure. T1D is a chronic disease that can manifest at any age, is not preventable, and currently has no known cure. This condition affects over 130,000 Australians, with more than 2,900 new diagnoses each year. Those living with T1D, along with their carers, endure a perpetual struggle, managing the disease every moment of their lives.

Maya Konstantinou, a bright and spirited four-year-old, was diagnosed with T1D at just two years old. Her parents noticed the classic signs: excessive thirst, frequent urination, constant tiredness, and significant weight loss—the “four T’s.” Fortunately, Maya’s diagnosis was swift, sparing her from the severe complications that can arise if the condition is not caught early. SMaya has become a passionate

advocate for T1D awareness and research. As a Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) advocate, she has taken her cause to Parliament House, championing critical initiatives like the Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Research Network (CRN), which connects over 250 researchers dedicated to improving the lives of those with T1D. Her efforts were recognised when she was named the JDRF ACT Youth Volunteer of the Year for 2024.

For the Konstantinou family, T1D is deeply personal. Maya’s father, Angelo, also lives with the condition, and the family has a history of T1D spanning multiple generations. Maya’s future will involve constant vigilance—monitoring her levels, counting carbohydrates, administering insulin, and managing both the physical and mental health challenges associated with T1D. Despite the stigma, judgement, and exclusion she may face, Maya’s family is committed to supporting her and advocating for better treatments and, ultimately, a cure.

To further this cause, the Konstantinou family, along with three other committee members with

strong links to T1D, is organising a Type 1 Diabetes Gala on Saturday 22 June at the Hellenic Club in Woden. The event aims to raise funds for T1D research and increase awareness of the daily challenges faced by those living with the condition. The evening will feature auctions and entertainment, with all proceeds going to JDRF.

The Konstantinou family invites everyone to join them on this journey to raise awareness, drive change, and work towards turning type 1 diabetes into type none. With continued investment in research and community support, there is hope that Maya’s lifetime will see a cure for T1D.

feature JDRF
Angelo, Emma and Maya Konstantinou. Image supplied

Canberra man’s chilly dip in Lake George

As winter solstice approaches and daredevils prepare to skinny dip in Lake Burley Griffin, there’s one Canberran who wades into frigid waters every fortnight without fanfare.

Retired geology professor, 71-year-old Brad Pillans, wades out barefoot (not bare bum) into Lake George every fortnight to measure water levels in often freezing waters.

The dedicated professor from the ANU’s School of Earth Sciences, does this all in the name of science, all year round, to maintain a record of water levels that has been continuous since 1820.

“I can report that the water is very cold already,” Brad said, wearing shorts on a 12-degree day near the shores of Lake George. “It feels much colder when I was up to my upper thighs.”

As most Canberrans would notice on their way to Sydney along the Federal Highway, sometimes the lake’s there, sometimes it’s not. This is precisely why Brad studies Lake George so intently, to understand how the unreliable lake responds to varying rain events.

“At this time of year, the water level doesn’t drop a lot because there’s not much evaporation,” he said. “If we get reasonable rain this winter, we’ll have a full lake right through this year. It’s unusual because we haven’t seen three [consecutive] years of a full lake since the mid-90s.”

If you’re wondering why there isn’t technology to calculate water levels instead of barefoot Brad and his tape measure, there is.

There used to be an automatic measuring device - until it broke. Then ANU PhD student Michael Short, who was collecting the measurements, finished up so it fell to (semiretired) Brad, who uses an old fence line jutting into the water to take measurements.

“Michael developed a means of measuring water level using satellite imagery but it’s not as accurate as measuring it directly with a tape measure,” Brad said. “From satellite images you can measure water levels to plus or minus 15cm, whereas I can do it to the nearest centimetre.”

Officially, Brad is retired. However, he’s never missed a measurement since he started taking

manual recordings in 2022.

“When I finally hang up my tape measure, it’s pretty much citizen science. If there is someone who’s interested enough, they could do it. If someone who’d like to take it on after I’ve had enough, I’d love them to do it.”

8 canberradaily.com.au 30 May 2024
- Georgia Curry
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Even in the middle of winter, Emeritus professor Brad Pillans measures water levels every fortnight at Lake George. Photo: Georgia Cury

My assessment of likely/possible results for October ACT elections

Are we going to see a change of government in the ACT after 19 October? We need to, as the ALP has been in power for 23 years, the last 12 of which have been in a rock-solid coalition with the Greens.

The ACT once had the best education and health system in the country – not so now. We have a huge debt bill and are repaying over $2M a

day just on interest repayments. We have wasted a fortune on a tram that only 7.5 per cent of our population uses, and which the government threatens to now extend to Woden at a cost of possibly $10B. The age of criminal responsibility is being raised to 14, but the Greens are proposing allowing 14-year-olds to decide, without parental consent, to change their sex. Criminal drug groups from Sydney are now starting to reap the benefits of decriminalising hard drugs, and the Greens don’t seem to mind the regular cull (some would say slaughter) of kangaroos.

Despite all this, it will still be a hard job changing the government. Why is this so? There are still too many people benefiting from well-paid government jobs which enable

them to live well, despite the local government making life very hard for many others.

There are 10 ALP and six Green MLAs. It will be very hard for Labor to lose a seat. They have two in each electorate, and only need about 30 per cent of the vote to hold those seats. Similarly, in the central electorate, Shane Rattenbury will be returned.

All the government needs is for three of the Greens to get back, and bingo! The same old, same old continues.

The Liberals have nine seats. Whilst su ering from a cleverly encouraged perception that they are not a viable alternative, they have several things going for them. 1: They actually have some good MLAs who

would make reasonable Ministers. 2: They have some good candidates with real life experience. And 3: Whilst Canberra is a Labor town federally, if the Labor federal government is not doing well, the local Liberal vote increases. How do you think the local Libs got in in 1995? It wasn’t just Kate Carnell’s pretty face – it was Paul Keating being on the nose, too. So, they should keep their seats and pick up one. Indeed, it is quite possible they could pick up a seat in either Murrumbidgee, Tuggeranong or Yerrabi.

It is quite possible an independent could toss the Greens member in Yerrabi, Ginninderra, Tuggeranong and Murrumbidgee as well. There is also an outside chance we could get a “plague on both your houses” election, and we end up with Shane Rattenbury and eight Labor, eight Libs and eight independents, which might even o er the possibility of an independent becoming Chief Minister. Now that would be interesting, albeit unlikely.

9 canberradaily.com.au 30 May 2024
Experience the power of photography to shape perceptions, ignite conversation and preserve memories. AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT PHOTOGRAPHERS FREE EXHIBITION | CLOSING 10 JUNE Kings Ave, Parkes ACT naa.gov.au NAA: A6135, K27/2/87/48


Life insurance is not a ‘set-and-forget’ insurance product, it requires regular review. Your life is constantly evolving, and it is crucial to ensure that your insurance keeps up with these changes.

Important life moments

Marriage or divorce: When you are married or divorced, your financial responsibilities and beneficiaries may change. Reviewing your life insurance ensures that your cover adequately protects your family and any dependents you have.

Starting a family: Extending your family is a special event and comes with additional responsibilities. It is the ideal time to review your life insurance


coverage to ensure that your policy provides su cient funds to support your child’s upbringing, education, and other needs.

Change in employment or income:

As you progress in your profession, whether through a promotion, career transition, or a new job, it is important to assess your life insurance coverage. An increase in income may require an adjustment to your policy to maintain an appropriate level of protection for your loved ones.

Changes in your financial obligations

Life insurance should be able to cover your financial obligations adequately. Hence the reason it is important to review your policy when you make significant changes in your financial responsibilities, here are some examples:

Home ownership/Debt accumulation: If you recently purchased a new home or refinanced

your mortgage, your life insurance cover should account for the outstanding balance of your mortgage. This ensures that your family won’t face the burden of repaying the loan if something were to happen to you. Changing health conditions: On a positive note, if you have made significant beneficial lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking, losing weight, or improving your overall health, you may be eligible for lower premiums. Reviewing your policy can help you take advantage of potential savings.

Even if your life circumstances haven’t changed for some years, it can still be a good idea to check that your existing policy fits your current needs. Whether this means increasing your cover to account for personal or business debt, the impact of inflation, or changing your beneficiaries to include a new child, the goal is to have your life insurance in step with your life.

Please speak with us, together we

Heart to heart, Canberra’s new program keeps at-risk kids swimming

A local swim school has launched a new program to ensure all children have access to swimming lessons and live their lives to the fullest. After a successful trial run, Jump! Swim Schools Fyshwick is offering three 12-week swim scholarships for children with congenital heart disease (CHD).

Three-year-old Marcus, diagnosed with CHD before birth, has already undergone multiple surgeries. Typically, learning to swim would put him at risk of catching common illnesses, but this oneon-one scholarship allows him to learn safely.

Created in collaboration with HeartKids ACT, the idea originated from a spirit of festive giving. Last Christmas, swim teacher and manager Hetty Toze, a HeartKid herself, suggested supporting the organisation. Hetty reached out to Adele Jurd from HeartKids ACT, who helped find their first scholarship swimmer.

“He is the best little kid I’ve ever met. We started from basics, he is getting the hang of the safety skills as well, swimming to the side of the pool, and

is starting to swim out to me independently. He likes to splash Mum who sits up on the deck; he is a little superstar, an inspiration,” Hetty says.

Born with CHD, Hetty knows how beneficial swimming can be for someone who struggles with other cardio activities. “Swimming was a sport that was so easy for my heart. I played netball and everything, but I would notice the breathlessness a lot more, and swimming was always there for me.”

The one-on-one classes also protect children from common illnesses that can severely impact their health. “Our immune systems are lower, and when we get sick, it hits us harder, especially if it’s a respiratory illness,” Hetty explains.

To ensure safety, lessons are conducted during school closing hours with extra precautions. “We have a two-part cleaning system for the pool; the water goes through a sand filter first, then a UV light. My boss also vacuums the pool before our little HeartKid jumps in the water.”

The 12-week scholarships will be offered

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year-round, allowing more HeartKids to join or reapply. The low-impact nature of swimming is ideal for enhancing cardiovascular health, building muscle strength, and improving endurance while minimising strain on the heart.

The continuation of these scholarships brings Hetty closer to her dream of introducing new programs for HeartKids in the region. “It fills me with pride to know that we’re paving a new path for children with CHD that wasn’t available in previous years,” she adds.

Learn more about Jump! Swim School Fyshwick at jumpswimschools.com.au.

10 canberradaily.com.au 30 May 2024
Hetty Toze wants to see kids with Congenital Heart Defects thriving in the water. Photo: Jordan Mirchevski.
feature Canberra Advice Financial Planning
Serhan Mackey of Canberra Advice Financial Planning ensures your life insurance aligns with your current needs.

Response to letter about roos

Re letter from Frankie Seymour (CW 23 May). Frankie references my letter (CW 9 May) in which I was supporting a previous letter writer. I have to disagree with him in regard to Kangaroos. I do not want to see them killed, but contrary to what Frankie said, there are a lot in and around Canberra and this is why they are culling them. Foxes apparently, generally only go for the smaller animals and joeys. Also, would Frankie rather animals suffer being eaten alive rather than being shot? It does not matter which roads and where, whether near the Nature Park or elsewhere, some people do drive like lunatics and courtesy of Kangaroos, there have been many accidents. As to the vegetated overpasses, how does he intend to make sure the animals only use them and not cross the roads? And do they get put all over

Australia, because the roos cross the roads all over Australia? I do not believe for one moment they could or would be classed as a world-class tourist attraction.

- Vi Evans, MacGregor

Ultra-far-left bias

Douglas MacKenzie (CW, 23 May) bemoans the fact that most people agree with some of my views, as evident by recent letters supporting my views. If Douglas thinks that because he has recently come out and criticised the local far left local government in Canberra after 20 plus years of misery is some kind of balance, I will hold my breathe until he comes out and criticises the current far-left federal government with all their broken promises and lies. I won’t write them down as there is not enough room. To call my views ultra-conservative and far-right is laughable as it is in step with a

lot of other people who follow this publication. I haven’t seen too many people supporting Douglas’s far-left utopia, in fact, quite the opposite. I know this must disappoint people like Douglas who have free reign in our local, lefty ragtag newspaper. By the way, I think you would find many people would support the death penalty for murder with all the technology available today with DNA evidence proving 100 per cent reliability.

- Ian Pilsner, Weston

Moran makes no sense

I keep reading Alan Moran’s articles in Canberra Weekly in the hope that

Want to share your opinion?

he will write something that makes sense but haven’t found such a piece yet. In his latest comments about electricity production he argues that Australia should continue to meet these needs from coal as we are only a small user. That is like a speeding driver saying that he/she shouldn’t slow down as someone else will speed and potentially cause an accident! In previous articles he has criticised the current Government for not moving to nuclear power. This is despite many experts in this field demonstrating how expensive this would be and how long it would take to do.

- David Hobson, Spence

Email news@newstimemedia.com.au with ‘To the editor’ in the subject field; include your full name, phone number, street address (NFP) and suburb. Keep letters to 250 words maximum. Note, letters may be shortened if space restrictions dictate. Read more letters at canberradaily.com.au

11 canberradaily.com.au 30 May 2024
to the editor

Celebrate being a kid!

K i d s I n t h e S h e d

This is your chance to do what kids do best… have fun! Bring your kids, parents and grandparents to this super fun family day out with a lively atmosphere and buzzing energy all around.


St Clare’s College students shine at robotics competition in the US

St Clare’s College has announced the achievements of its students at the 2024 CREATE U.S. Open Robotics Championship held in Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Ten students from St Clare’s College embarked on a journey to the US; having qualified through regional ACT competitions. Two of the students were formal competitors while the remaining eight students, who undertake IT as a subject, were invited to attend as part of the support team.

These students played instrumental roles as volunteers, undertaking tasks such as Robot Inspection, Refereeing, Scoring, Announcement, and competition registration.

Their exceptional teamwork and dedication did not go unnoticed, as they were awarded the coveted “Sportsmanship Award” for their outstanding contribution throughout the competition.

Competing in the Middle School Section of the competition against approximately 50 schools, the St Clare’s students secured 20th place in their pool, ranking them at approximately 40th in the overall competition. Additionally, their participation in the “Super Mega Challenge” saw them finish in the top three, further highlighting their talent and determination.

Ms Juliette Major, a teacher and Acting Assistant Principal at St Clare’s, expressed her pride and privilege in accompanying the students on this adventure. She commended their conduct as competitors and ambassadors for the College, emphasising the role of St Clare’s in nurturing their talents and fostering a culture of excellence.

The St Clare’s community rallied behind the students, sending many uplifting messages on social media and expressing their admiration for their achievements. A community assembly provided an opportunity for the students to share their experiences, eliciting feelings of pride and admiration from their peers and teachers alike.

The students relished the experience of making friends with competitors from around the globe and were particularly thrilled by the opportunity to see an NBA game and receive a behind-the-scenes tour of NASA during their stay in Houston.

For more information about the St Clare’s robotics team’s journey, including an ABC Radio interview from Iowa, please visit: https:// www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/ canberra-mornings/roboticschampionship-usa/103610842

12 canberradaily.com.au 30 May 2024
S u n d ay 9 J u n e • 9 : 3 0 a m - 2 : 3 0 p m
Elaine (left) and Imogen from St Clare’s College. Image supplied
1 W e n t w o r t h A v e K i n g s t o n • 6 2 9 5 3 3 3 1 • o b d m c o m a u

have you heard?

GIVIT donation of the week: Heater

GIVIT is requesting the donation of a heater for a young woman who recently escaped domestic violence. She is being supported by an organisation in Canberra who have assisted her in finding safe, long-term accommodation. This woman also suffers from a mental illness and with the cold Canberra winter ahead, a donated heater will help her to feel comfortable to move forward with her life. Generous Canberrans can donate a good quality heater, or funds to purchase a new one. 100% of your financial donation will be used to purchase a heater. To help please visit: GIVIT.org.au/what’s-needed, search Category: ‘heater’; Location: ‘ACT’.

ANBG Thursday Talks

Australian National Botanic Gardens Thursday Talks, on 6 June, present Dr Roger Farrow discussing “Four years on from the 2020 mega-fires. The course of recovery of the vegetation in Morton and Tallagandra National Parks”. Talks are held at ANBG Theatrette, opposite ANBG Visitor Centre, 12:30 - 1:30pm. Bookings desirable at trybooking.com/COGMB. Gold coin donations welcome.

Braidwood Book Fair

Don’t miss the ever-popular Braidwood Book Fair this King’s Birthday long weekend. It’s open from Friday 7 June to Sunday 9 June from 9am to 4pm, and on Monday 10 June from 9am to 2pm. On at the National Theatre, Wallace St, Braidwood (opposite the Bakery & Bendigo Bank). Known for the huge variety of books for all ages as well as DVD’s, CD’s, records, puzzles, magazines and more.

social scene

community noticeboard  email news@newstimemedia.com.au with ‘HYH’ in the subject field

Nature in the Suburbs Festival

Explore nature in the suburbs at this free community event at Flynn Community Hub, Saturday 8 June, 11am-3pm, hosted by Ginninderra Catchment Group. Enjoy family-friendly activities including a frog habitat workshop, Waterwatch demo, planting, guided tours and nature talks. More info at tinyurl.com/naturesuburbs24 or email communications@ginninderralandcare.org.au.

Red Dove preloved clothing

Red Dove’s next monthly openings Thursday to Saturday, 9am-1pm on 6-8 June and 4-6 July at Tuggeranong Uniting Church, 17 Comrie Street, Wanniassa. An auditorium full of great winter bargains ready for a second life. Clothing for women, men, children plus linen, books, dads and bric-a-brac. Spacious car parking and coffee, cake and warming soup.

Conder Craft Group

Our group meets on the first Thursday of each month from 1-3pm at the YWCA Mura Lanyon Community Centre, Sydney Nolan Street, Conder. New members are always welcome. Ladies come along with your sewing, knitting or those projects you have always wanted to complete. Cost is $3. For further information please phone : 0406 380 508

CWA Winter Stall

Gungahlin Branch of CWA will hold its annual Winter Stall at Gungahlin Village (Coles complex) from 9am-1pm on Saturday 1 June. A lovely variety of things will be on offer: baked goods, relishes, chutneys, pickles, jams, lemon butter, knitted/crocheted items, jewellery, CWA merchandise - including cookbooks, aprons and tea towels. Payment by cash and card accepted. More info: cwagungahlin@gmail.com

13 canberradaily.com.au 30 May 2024
Coutney and Allie Furlong, James Ari and Kisa Erin and Tony Rogers with Letty and Buddy Hattie Huang, Will Zhang and Casper Josh Crombie, Dwi Underwood, Anna Bui and Daisy Marilyn, Jackson and Kieran Tomlinson with Charlie Yvette Berry MLA, Michelle Robertson and Nala Tania Rittie, Machelle Robertson, Jo Clay MLA, Laura Nuttall MLA and Indy



1 Wobbly (8)

5 Neglects, avoids (6)

10 Natives of Switzerland (5)

11 Solitary (9)

12 Citizen of Kabul (7)

13 Least pretty (7)

14 Significantly (9)

17 Wished (4)

19 Serving-boy (4)

20 Sharpness (9)

24 Overlook (7)

25 Hardy (7)

27 Brotherly (9)

28 Heat (bread) (5)

29 Prairie wolf (6)

30 Oblivious (8)


1 Arrogant social climber (7)

2 Playground equipment (5)

3 Rapturous (8)

4 Dear one

6 Every 60 minutes (6)

7 Repeat (9)

8 Emblem of kingship (7)

9 Fill (6)

15 Mythical (9)

16 Word that may precede dog, band or top (3)

18 Trembled (8)

19 Vast ocean (7)

20 Brown pigment (6)

21 Pamper (7)

22 Detectives (7)

23 Upright (6)

26 Burst into flame (5)

Puzzles and pagination © Pagemasters | pagemasters.com


1 The Shakespearean term ‘eye of newt’ refers to what food?

2 Who was prime minister when Don Bradman played his last cricket match, as part of the Prime Minister’s XI?

3 What is actress Rooney Mara’s given first name?

4 What is the most senior civil servant position in the UK?

5 Queen Anne’s Revenge was the flagship of which famous pirate?



Jupiter, the sun and Venus in your sign will point you in new directions, for some via travel and work; for others, via your personal life. You’ll enjoy a fresh pace, which may at first feel disruptive, but will be revitalising.


Your deepest desires could be hard to ignore, but if they contradict your long-term interests, avoid acting on them. A work project, interest or even your status could alter quickly. You’ll enjoy socialising or a trip, which could be transformational.

LEO JUL 23 – AUG 23

It’s a good week to be outgoing and to get in touch with people who can help you move forward, especially with your big-picture direction and your work life. Keep an eye on delicate financial negotiations to avoid mistakes.


An upbeat event involving romance, travel, family, music or creativity will certainly bring out your best side. Prove someone who tends to misunderstand you wrong by being sensitive to their feelings. You may be surprised by news this weekend.


Lucky Jupiter will align harmoniously with transformational Pluto this week, bringing the chance to turn a corner in your personal life. Plan ahead and think outside the box. A financial transaction may ring in key changes.


A reunion or a change in your domestic circumstances will involve effort, but it is likely to be beneficial long-term. Be tactful with communications, especially regarding health and work. You’ll enjoy a change of routine.


A healthy daily routine depends on smart investment in your wellbeing. This is a great weekend to consider ways to boost your circumstances, beginning with health and an upbeat schedule. You’ll enjoy a visit. Your help may be needed.


This is a transformative week. This is a good time to take the initiative if you have been considering improving your work, your finances or your personal life. You may even be surprised by some of the progress you make.


A positive step forward at work or with someone you love will add an upbeat atmosphere to your week. Be prepared to be spontaneous. Working Aquarians may gain financially and a domestic development could transform your usual routine.


You’ll be drawn to relax and socialise. A trip or event could be transformative. Someone you love – or a place you love – will catch your eye. Aim to keep finances on an even keel, as you may be prone to overspend.


Working Aries will find progress comes naturally, but this could also be a busy week, so ensure you treat yourself to breaks. Health and well-being will be a focus. You’ll enjoy doing something different and a lovely get-together will be memorable.


There are many reasons to be happy: your status may improve and your direction become clearer, or you may enjoy a trip. Your personal life can thrive, so be outgoing. Health and work matters can progress.


For personal readings, contact Patsy through her website to make an appointment, or call 0448 808 333.

Facebook: facebook.com/patsybennettpsychicastrology

Instagram: instagram.com/patsybennettastrology www.patsybennett.com

14 canberradaily.com.au 30 May 2024 1. Mustard seed 2. Robert Menzies 3. Patricia Cabinet4.  Secretary 5. Blackbeard DIFFICULTY RATING  462 3 8 354 68 14 9 296 7 74 5 26 1 7 145 59 31 2 No. 1674 814569237 152783694 283957416 367812549 438296175 741628953 925374861 679145382 596431728
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Azima to bring authentic Middle Eastern flavours to the city

Azima, a lively new Middle Eastern restaurant, is set to open its doors to the public this Friday, 31 May, in the space formerly home to Brunello on City Walk.

Azima – which loosely translates to “an invitation to feast” – will be a first-of-its-kind for the Canberra dining scene. Focusing exclusively on traditional Lebanese cuisine, the restaurant will centre around fresh, vibrant flavours and generous banquet menus at an affordable price point.

The new restaurant is the third venue in Canberra opened by long-time hospitality entrepreneur and operator Adam Elchakak, who also owns Inka, Koto, and formerly Soi Noodle Bar and Raku.

This project, developed in collaboration with co-owner and hospitality consultant George Khoury, marks a departure from the Asian-influenced concepts that Elchakak is known for.

At Azima, the emphasis will be on recreating the classic home-cooked dishes that Khoury and Elchakak grew up with, served

Ramiro Vasconez emigrated from Ecuador to Australia in 1977, successfully operating a tourist cruise service on Sydney Harbour for many years, before relocating to Canberra in 1998 and establishing Best Seafood City at the Belconnen Fresh Food Markets.

Ramiro has now established Wish4Fish on the southern side of Erindale Shopping Centre, o ering lovers of seafood a diverse and quality range of shellfish and fresh fish, sourced daily from the Sydney Fish Markets.

Phone 0475 749 998 or email wish4fish.info@gmail.com

share-style, with a warm sense of hospitality and a casual, come-as-you-are atmosphere.

At a time when many households are tightening their budgets, it marks a welcome addition to the Canberra dining scene.

“We wanted to create a place where people can still go out, spend time with family and friends and have a great meal any day of the week—without worrying about their bank balance,” says Khoury.

While the menu features traditional meat-based dishes such as shish tawook (marinated chicken breast skewers with chilli bread and garlic) and kibbeh (fried burghul wheat balls filled with mince and onion), it also celebrates the vegetarian and vegan dishes that are pivotal to Middle Eastern cuisine–including hommos and smoked eggplant dips, fattoush, falafel, tabouli and arnabeet makle (golden cauliflower with tahini sauce).

Azima will be open for lunch and dinner daily from Friday 31 May.

The in Erindale Shopping Centre

Order with Ramiro and his team for all your seafood needs. Visit Wish4Fish now!

Phone: 0475 749 998 or Email: wish4 sh.info@gmail.com Shop 25/68 Comrie St Wanniassa

15 canberradaily.com.au 30 May 2024
Image: Shaun Quade taste
best catch feature
WISH4FISH the best catch in Erindale!

Canberra dances rings around international children’s fest

Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong is handling diplomacy at a federal level; however, a Canberra Dance Company is furthering international relations at a global level.

Twenty teenagers from Legs Dance Studio will represent Australia at the International Children’s Culture and Art Festival in China (the second largest in the Southern Hemisphere), alongside 40 other countries. Not only are they treated like superstars, but their five-day stay is also paid for by the local municipality.

Every year Legs Dance Studio receives an invitation and according to director Michelle Heine, the Australian delegates have become one of the most popular.

“Our kids are very animated, so we’ve become one of the popular delegations,” Michelle said. “Everyone wants photos with our kids, everyone wants to be with our kids, they want to know about what we do. They just love them and it’s such a

wonderful opportunity to share cultures.”

The Canberra teens, aged 13 to 17, are busy stocking up on Australian souvenirs to exchange with their international counterparts in China. Ironically, the vast majority of their souvenir Australian flags and clip-on kangaroos are made in China.

“All the kids who go say that their best memories of our dance studio is the China trip because they get elevated, they come back as superstars,” Michelle said. “I’ve got to then bring them back to reality back in Australia.”

Legs Dance Studio has also taken students to Disneyland and on cruises, but when they’re given the choice between China and America, they always choose China.

“What happens in China is that there’s the social interaction with the kids from all over the world,” Michell said. “They have an opening ceremony where all the groups parade with their traditional

dress and flag and we perform about five times during the festival. It’s the most phenomenal thing.”

Legs Dance Studio has an impressive alumnus, with one former student landing a 15-month contract performing at Universal Studios in Beijing (whom Michelle plans on visiting). Another former student has just landed a part in Hamilton, which opens in Sydney in July.

Michelle said that even though their hotel and food expenses are covered by Tianjin municipality, they still need to raise funds for international airfares, plus costumes and uniforms.

Legs fundraising golf day is being held on Friday 7 June at Burns Club Belconnen. Tickets: https:// www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1228683 - Georgia Curry

16 canberradaily.com.au
The Will To Be An award-winning solo show, laced with the words of Shakespeare. 13-14 June Q THE LOCALS & MARK SALVESTRO PRESENT Proudly sponsored by
Canberra students from Legs Dance Studio performing in China at the International Children’s Culture and Art Festival.
time out

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Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (MA15+)

A young Furiosa picks a ripe peach in a lush green forest. Raiders discover the area however, and kidnap Furiosa as proof of the place’s existence for their warlord Dementus (Chris Hemsworth). Soon, Furiosa’s mother Mary pursues the biker gang over a radioactive wasteland in an attempt to keep her people’s refuge a secret.

Furiosa was introduced in 2015’s Mad Max: Fury Road. More than a match for Tom Hardy’s Mad Max, Charlize Theron’s depiction of the character was world-weary, determined, and rageful. In this prequel, writer and director George Miller traces the character’s origin through a Dickens-like odyssey; stolen as a young girl to be a slave, and then raised through the ranks to exact her revenge.

Whereas Fury Road was a

perceptively simple chase movie, Furiosa is an epic ‘space’ opera-myth, spanning 20 years of Furiosa’s life while expanding the world established in Fury Road. A battle for resources rages across the wasteland, but it also hosts a crude capital trading system with warlords at the top. Furiosa (Anna Taylor-Joy) must navigate this structure and understand the power players before being able to be in a position to act.

Lachy Hulme does a solid job as cult leader Immortan Joe, but Chris Hemsworth’s Dementus is cartoony, even in this heightened, camp setting. The grindhouse, overly CG look also lends a comic-book tone away from its predecessor.

Verdict: Good background reading to the vastly superior Fury Road whose heavy hitters can’t be matched.

- Luke McWilliams themovieclub.net

Canberra’s best burgers

With National Burger Day earlier this week (28 May), CW decided to put together a list of some of the best burger joints in Canberra. Brodburger: Brodburger is a local favourite, known for their freshly ground beef patties, juicy perfection, and freshly baked buns with various toppings and sauces. If you love burgers and haven’t tried Brodburger yet, head there ASAP.

Grease Monkey: Now with several locations, Grease Monkey serves up a range of delicious burgers right across town. From the classic Greasy to creative options like The Parmy, their menu has something for everyone.

Wonderburger: Wonderburger in Kingston is quickly becoming a hit in Canberra’s food scene. Known for its creative take on the classic burger, Wonderburger features a retro-modern vibe. Their menu includes a variety of burgers, fried chicken, hotdogs, thick shakes, and more.

Little Theo’s: Little Theo’s offers a nostalgic touch with all your takeaway favorites made from scratch. Known for quality and flavour, Little Theo’s is home to the second-best burger in Canberra, the Papa McCheesy, according to local burger guru All About Burgers.

Fricken: Fricken is a family-owned chicken joint that brings you their family’s secret recipe for mouthwatering fried chicken. They offer a selection of fried chicken burgers featuring crispy tenders topped with house-made and specialty sauces.

Bad Bunny: Bad Bunny is a vibrant and trendy joint bringing a unique twist to Canberra’s food scene. The restaurant invites customers into the whimsical tale of a mischievous bunny, with top-quality food to match.

Did we miss any? Send you suggestions to @canberradaily on Instagram or email news@newstimemedia.com.au

18 canberradaily.com.au 30 May 2024



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19 canberradaily.com.au 30 May 2024 HIGHWAY OF LOST HEARTS BY

time out

Book talk

This week, Jeff Popple reviews three twisty crime novels from around the world. More of Jeff’s reviews can be found on his blog, murdermayhemandlongdogs.com

Col Lane & David Hobs


David Hobson and Colin Lane have been friends for 25 years.

Colin Lane, comedian/ professional show o , is best known as the Lano from ‘Lano and Woodley’, Australia’s most beloved comedy duo. David Hobson, tenor & composer, is one of Australia’s best-known Opera performers. From vastly di erent

backgrounds, they have observed one another’s worlds and always thought, “Gee, wouldn’t it be nice to have a go at what that other guy does?” So, here’s their chance to see whether the grass is a little greener.

It’s a unique and hilarious experiment that promises to enthral and entertain.



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The Instruments Of Darkness by John Connolly

Hodder & Stoughton, $32.99

In Maine, Colleen Clark stands accused of the worst crime a mother can commit: the abduction and possible murder of her child. There is little initial evidence, but the town is convinced that she is guilty. The only people on her side are her extravagant lawyer, Moxie Castin, and his haunted private investigator Charlie Parker, who also enlists the help of a disgraced psychic.

This is another beautifully written and darkly compelling crime novel by Connolly, which goes to the heart of contemporary America, while also providing the necessary thrills and twists expected of the genre. First class.

Think Twice by Harlan Coben

Century, $34.99

Harlan Coben can always be relied upon to provide good entertainment, whether it is a novel or one of his Netflix adaptations. Think Twice returns readers to the world of his popular hero, sports agent Myron Bolitar. The FBI have come to Myron looking for his former client Greg Downing, whose DNA has been found at a murder scene. The only problem is that Myron attended Greg’s funeral three years ago. The FBI are disbelieving, and he soon becomes caught up in the race to find Downing. This is a typically fast-paced, enjoyable tale by Coben, with plenty of twists and turns and unexpected detours. Recommended.

Return To Blood by Michael Bennett

Simon & Schuster, $34.99

Kiwi author Michael Bennett made an impressive entry into the world’s crime writing ranks with his first novel about Auckland police detective Hana Westerman, Better The Blood. His second book opens with Hana resigned from the police and living a quieter life in a small coastal town. The discovery in the sand dunes of the remains of a young Māori woman, however, raises questions about an earlier killing and sets Hana on a collision course with a killer. This is a very impressive piece of crime fiction. Well plotted, with sharp eyed observations on culture and New Zealand society, it is a ‘must read’.

Canberra Weekly competiton winners!

The winners in Canberra Weekly’s latest round of competition draws are:

20 canberradaily.com.au 30 May 2024
Doorables: C. Gladman, Kambah; R. Parker, Richardson; M. Tolley, Murrumbateman Thermos: H. Thorn, Rivett; T. Beaudean, Queanbeyan; L. Wynd; Jerrabomberra
BOOK NOW! canberratheatrecentre.com.au | 6275 2700 Hobson & Lane


The beloved TV personality and Gold Logie Winner puts down the question cards and returns to stand-up in Gear.

Canberra Theatre Centre, 30-31 May; canberratheatrecentre.com.au

30-01 MAY JUNE


Art of


Rebus Theatre

presents a show that steps behind the curtain of activist theatre where the struggles of everyday life collide with the magic of storytelling.

ACT Hub, 30 May- 1 June; acthub.com.au

Mother and Son

Act Up! 2024

30-31 MAY 07-15 JUNE 07-15 JUNE 26-29 JUNE

Find more listings at canberradaily.com.au

To advertise here, contact Mohit on 0402 377 603 or mohit@newstimemedia.com.au

Based on Geoffrey Atherden’s popular original and ABC television series. It centres around the relationship between Maggie and her younger son Arthur. Arthur finds a new girlfriend and plans to go on holiday with her. Will Maggie allow this to happen? Will the philandering older brother Robert step up to the plate to care for his mother?

Belconnen Community Centre, 23 Swanson Ct, Belconnen, until 1 June; tempotheatre.org.au

Secondary schools from ACT and regional NSW present original performances created in class.

Canberra Theatre Centre, Friday 31 May 6pm & 8pm; canberratheatrecentre.com.au

Cult Classics with Venus Mantrap: Rosemary’s Baby

A stylish and darkly comic exploration of an expectant mother’s grave fears around the unusual occupants in her apartment building.

National Film and Sound Archive, Friday 31 May 8pm; nfsa.gov.au/events


In the streets of New York City’s East Village, a group of friends must tackle their love lives and careers amidst the lingering effects AIDS epidemic.

Canberra Theatre Centre, 7-15 June; canberratheatrecentre.com.au

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

One of Shakespeare’s most widely performed comedies; drama, intrigue, and young love encapsulate Athens.

Canberra Theatre Centre, 7-15 June; canberratheatrecentre.com.au

Australian Chamber Orchestra

World-renowned cellist and master storyteller

Nicolas Altstaedt makes his ACO debut in Altstaedt Plays Haydn & Tchaikovsky.

Llewellyn Hall, ANU, Friday 14 June 8pm; aco.com.au

James and the Giant Peach

A theatrical adaptation of the beloved children’s book by Author Roald Dahl. Join James on his giant adventure.

Canberra Theatre Centre, 26-29 June; canberratheatrecentre.com.au

21 canberradaily.com.au 30 May 2024

The R Clinic offers

lifel e to be er ve hea h

light in the dark for those experiencing problems with their vein health, Canberra Vein Care by The R Clinic is a doctor-led institution dedicated to ensuring patients receive personalised, expert care.

Located conveniently in Belconnen, Canberra Vein Care is here for the community and in tune with the unique challenges and concerns of Canberra residents when it comes to vein health. Led by Dr Melanie Sung, one of the only female doctors in Canberra with specialised qualifications in phlebology, the expert team o ers a welcoming space where every client is met with warmth, empathy and expertise.

“Achiness, leg heaviness, swelling, restless legs, or skin changes and itchiness — these are the symptoms that prompt people to seek treatment. But I believe even those without these symptoms should receive proper education, even if I am not going to intervene,” says Dr. Sung.

Many people with vein disease don’t seek

help until they have reached an advanced stage as it often goes unnoticed or is thought to be ‘just cosmetical’.

“I want to educate the public that spider veins aren’t just cosmetic. The majority of spider veins that we see are part of the spectrum of a condition called chronic venous insu ciency. It is a medical condition; the vein fails and will continue to fail and get worse over time… People don’t see what we see which is the end stage or the complications associated.”

Canberra Vein Care is hoping to turn the tide on this perception and encourage patients to seek help. Their state-of-the-art treatments can halt the disease in its tracks before it worsens.

good understanding of where your veins are and knowing the options if intervention becomes necessary.”

I want to educate the public that spider veins aren’t just cosmetic. The majority of spider veins that we see are part of the spectrum of a condition called chronic venous insufficiency."

“Early intervention is super important, and it doesn’t just mean treatment. It involves having a

This proactive approach ensures clients can avoid the complications that come with advanced vein disease and invasive corrective surgeries. Dr Sung says the body can give early signs, like spider veins, that something is happening deeper underneath the skin, that’s why every patient undergoes a full ultrasound assessment.

“A diagnostic ultrasound is performed on site by our vascular sonographers. Once completed, we obtain a clear baseline of what’s happening. We discuss with the patient the findings, the cause of the vein issues, and management considerations, including exercise and lifestyle. Not everyone requires procedural

feature The R Clinic

intervention. It’s not a ticked box; it’s customised because everyone’s veins are di erent.”

If the vein requires intervention or treatment, Canberra Vein Care o ers several options. We’ve all heard of vein stripping, a painful procedure with associated risks and long recovery times. Canberra Vein Care aims to eliminate the need for this harsh procedure. Specialising in non-surgical and minimally invasive treatments, the team of experts prioritises safety, e ectiveness, and innovation in their treatment plans.

“The clinic o ers everything from endovenous thermal ablations to radiofrequency ablations, ultrasound-guided Sclerotherapy and glue ablations. These are the main minimal invasive treatments, but we also o er a lot of education,” says Dr Sung.

“Minimally invasive treatments such as laser ablations are the first line of treatment, not surgery anymore. There has been a big change in how we manage veins and surgery is no longer first line.”

No hospital stay is required. The walk-in, walk-out clinic gets you home and on the road to recovery on the same day. It isn’t goodbye once you leave the clinic after receiving treatment, Canberra Vein Care values comprehensive aftercare support. Starting with follow-up appointments and moving on to ongoing monitoring with trained doctors, experienced

vascular sonographers, clinical nurses, and patient liaison specialists, patients receive unmatched support.

“Vein treatment is a chronic condition, you’re not going in once and then disappearing - it’s like going to the dentist, you don’t go just once.

I believe in working with the patient so they can make their own informed choices about what is best for their health..."

Aftercare is super important and involves follow-up with the doctors and sonographers and regular reviews to make sure any issues are picked up early enough,” says Dr Sung.

Sitting in the car or travelling long distances after receiving vein treatments can impact the e ectiveness and decrease optimal results. The northside location cuts down on this unnecessary risk by o ering specialised services for all Canberra region residents.

“Because we are here full-time, if you have a procedure done on Tuesday and experience issues on Wednesday, I’m available for you to call and come in for a quick visit. Even for a minor issue, it is important that we address it promptly,” says Dr Sung.

“We o er a one-stop shop for vein care, starting with assessments and continuing through to vein management, including extensive post-op maintenance programs that I don’t believe any other places provide.”

Establishing beneficial and meaningful

relationships with her patients is a core value of Dr Sung’s service, she strives to empower each client to know how to make the best medical decisions for themselves.

“I believe in working with the patient so they can make their own informed choices about what is best for their health… You have to educate the patient and spend the time discussing the options,” says Dr Sung.

Aiming to set a new benchmark for vein care across the local region, Canberra Vein Care goes beyond just a clinic. The team is passionate about helping those seeking relief from vein to disease to live their lives to the fullest. The path to healthy veins, supported by local experts, early intervention, innovative treatments, and tailored aftercare, is just one appointment away. Why not start now?

Take a step towards better vein health with Canberra Vein Care by The R Clinic; rclinic.com.au/vein

Led by Dr Melanie Sung, Canberra Vein Care by The R Clinic can help you embark on a journey towards better vein health.

The psychological importance of celebrating birthdays

Do you look forward to your birthday every year or is it filled with dread? Whether we’re excited by it or not has a lot to do with our personality, our age, our mental health and the people in our lives.

When we celebrate our birthday or the birthday of someone else, especially a child, we are essentially celebrating ourselves and our specialness. It is a day of a rmation for our existence in the world by, and with, those who care

about us. It’s about celebrating our uniqueness and contribution to the world. Acknowledgement and validation of our birthday, especially by others, can make us feel good about ourselves and loved by others, and help us feel purposeful and valued.

Children usually get very excited about their birthday, loving the special attention from others, the playing and gift-giving. Milestone birthdays for young people often signify changes in identity and have a special meaning such as turning 16 or 18 years old. The excitement over milestone birthdays can be the case at any age. Think of those turning 80 where the celebration reminds them of their social connections and reflections on achievements and memories over the years. However, research has shown that for some, birthdays can be accompanied by negative emotions

where a person may reflect on losses and perceptions of a life missing of achievements or not feeling one is where they should be for their age.

For some, they don’t want to celebrate their birthday or find that the social pressure to celebrate is overwhelming, especially for introverts. Sometimes there’s disappointment that someone forgot your special day or for children and young people, that their friends might be away or unable to come to their party. There can also be a lot of pressure to be ‘happy’ on your birthday, even though your life circumstances might not be so good at that time.

So as a loved one, what do I do for someone who doesn’t want to celebrate their birthday?

It’s important to acknowledge that it’s a person’s birthday and that you’re

thinking of them and you care about them. But you can keep your birthday wishes and planning low-key if it’s your partner and family member’s birthday for example. You could plan a very small gathering with the person’s very close friends and family and involve them in that planning so it’s not a surprise that overwhelms them. It’s best to avoid organising a surprise party for someone who is quite introverted or who gets socially overwhelmed easily. Maybe think about organising an activity for the person you know they would enjoy, that they can do alone or with just you. By understanding your needs and wants and of those around you, you can find a comfortable way to appreciate this special annual celebration. So, find your own, comfortable way to celebrate being uniquely you.

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xanthus HAIR: Beyond Borders

Step into the world of exquisite hair care at Xanthus Hair Canberra, where the team boasts over 40 years of combined experience from around the globe. With a focus on personalised service, they o er bespoke colour experiences, hair extensions, blonding, and colour correction to meet your needs and preferences.

As a salon that celebrates inclusivity, Xanthus warmly welcomes clients from all walks of life. e Wella salon’s shelves are stocked with premium products from esteemed brands such as Sebastion Pro, Haircandy Hair extensions, Olaplex, Fab Pro and Clever Curl, ensuring that your hair receives the utmost care and attention it deserves.

Head into Xanthus Hair Canberra and elevate your haircare routine to new heights or follow them

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th us

Charming in Chapman

Chapman 26 Bertel Crescent

Nestled on a quiet, elevated street, 26 Bertel Crescent, Chapman exudes elegance and o ers exceptional living. Situated on a spacious 1145m2 block at the base of Mt Arawang, this home blends architectural features with contemporary comfort.

The downstairs area boasts four separate living spaces, including a cosy living area with a stone feature slow combustion fireplace, a hidden media room behind a timber feature wall, and an expansive family room that opens to a covered alfresco area with a built-in BBQ, perfect for gatherings.

Positioned next to parkland, the home o ers peace and privacy. It’s close to quality local schools, shops, and provides easy access to town centres, the Parliamentary Triangle, Russell O ces, and the airport. With nature at your doorstep, you can enjoy

tranquillity while being conveniently close to essential amenities.

Renovated by a qualified owner-builder, the property has been meticulously planned and executed to the highest standards. The floorplan and features reflect thoughtful design and attention to detail, ensuring every modern convenience is at your fingertips. High-quality inclusions and finishes throughout the home speak to its high calibre.

From the moment you step inside, the grandeur of this home is evident. The entrance hall, with feature timber and soaring high ceilings, sets the tone for the rest of the property. Every inch of the home is designed on a grand scale, providing a sense of luxury and spaciousness that is rarely found.

Discover the unique charm and elegance of 26 Bertel Crescent, Chapman, and envision yourself living in this first-class home.

Price $2,699,000+

View Saturday 1 June, 9 – 9:30am

Agent Jane Macken

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property of the week find more at canberradaily.com.au real estate @canberradailyrealestate canberradaily.com.au Your search starts here Find your dream home with Canberra Weekly Real Estate

21 Loch Street, Yarralumla

26 Moroak Street, Hawker

48 Duffy Street, Ainslie

36A Spafford Crescent, Farrer

7 Phillip Avenue, Queanbeyan East

8 Nell Edeson Street, Taylor

8 Les Edwards Street, Forde

4/70 Henty Street, Braddon

$2,610,000 Belle Property

$1,470,000 Blackshaw

$1,450,000 Home by Holly

$1,350,000 The Property Collective

$1,230,000 Belle Property

$1,140,000 New Door Properties

$1,130,000 LJ Hooker

$1,100,000 Ray White 216 Halloran Drive, Jerrabomberra

$1,040,000 Belle Property

21 Bandstand Street, Moncrieff

$1,030,000 Home by Holly 43 Hadleigh Circuit, Isabella Plains

$993,000 LJ Hooker 116B Eggleston Crescent, Chifley

8 Cataract Street, Kaleen

53 Johnstone Circuit, Calwell

$972,000 Belle Property

$965,000 LJ Hooker

$950,000 Solely

73 Shakespeare Crescent, Fraser $950,000 LJ Hooker 279/15 Irving Street, Phillip $940,000 Marq 65 Onkaparinga Crescent, Kaleen

$930,000 Home by

O'Keefe Avenue, Moncrieff $795,000 Luton

Data is provided by agents. Source: Realestate.com.au

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- C o m i ng s oon t o B ungendo r e : N e w $70 M H i gh S c hoo l and $2 5 M S po r t s H ub

27 canberradaily.com.au 30 May 2024
Holly 25
$927,000 The Property Collective 32/3 Howitt Street, Kingston $900,000 Purnell 24 Russell
Crescent, Conder $895,000 The Property Collective 12 Glow Worm Grove, Harrison $875,000 Home by Holly 19/4 Tauss Place, Bruce $860,000 Ray White 21/33 Eastlake Parade, Kingston $855,000 Blackshaw 34/17 Thynne Street, Bruce $840,000 Purnell
Lawrence Crescent, Kambah
2 Kaigas Street, Throsby
real estate recent sales N E W L A N D - N E W H O M E - N E W L I F E 6238 0111 www.elmgroveestate.com.au land@corporation.com.au VISIT THE NEW DISPLAY HOMES SAT & SUN 11am-4pm NELSON TERRACE BUNGENDORE Stage 1 - SOLD OUT Stage 2a - NOW SELLING (70% sold) Stage 2b - COMING SOON (register now) C on t a c t u s t oda y f o r s i t e p l an s and p r i c e s DISPLAY HOME ‘Bigger blocks Lower prices’ - S upe r - s i z ed p r e s t i ge r e s i den t i a l l o t s r ang i ng f r o m 85 0 m 2 to 1,5 4 7 m 2 - F u ll t o w n s e r vi c e s i n c l t o w n w a t e r , s e w e r , unde r g r ound po w e r , na t u r a l g a s and N B N - E v e r y b l o c k i s c l o s e t o pa r ks , pon d s and BB Q a r ea s w i t h f oo t pa t h s on e v e r y s t r ee t - F a v ou r ab l e pu r c h a s i ng t e r

Welcome to a magnificent family home, impeccably maintained by its owners since its construction in 2018 by Classic Constructions. Spanning an impressive 442sqm under roofline, the home has all the high end finishes you expect to see, in a home on one of Denman’s most sort after streets – known as the “Dress Circle of Denman”.


20 Temple Terrace

5 bed 3 bath 2 car FOR SALE


Saturday 1st June 10:00am - 10:30am

Sunday 2nd June 10:00am - 10:30am

Wednesday 5th June 5:30pm - 6:00pm

Justin Ingram 0431 116 399

Five generous bedrooms (all will fit a king size bed)

Three separate spacious living areas

Ducted heating and cooling

Entertaining area complete with outdoor kitchen

Inground heated pool

Gymnasium with sauna

Cubby house, fire pit and large grassed area for kids

Meticulously maintained gardens with matured plants

Oversized double garage with internal access

Abundance of storage

Blackbutt hardwood flooring throughout Security System

Expansive views

EER 5.5
#28 MARIO SANFRANCESCO REB TOP 100 AGENTS 0412 488 027 msanfrancesco@blackshaw.com.au Mario has just ranked 28 th in the Top 100 Agents Australia wide for 2024.

Welcome to MIŌ, where spacious living meets re ned design, inside and out. Discover a seamless blend of practicality and elegance within our townhouse residences, rede ning contemporary living to cater to a variety of preferences.

Visit the Display:  20 Edward Drive, Googong

Thurs & Fri: 4pm — 6pm  Sat & Sun: 11am — 4pm


• Positioned ideally, opposite the upcoming town centre

• Fibre-optic connectivity to every home

• Electric vehicle charging station

• Solar power for every home

• Ducted heating and cooling

• Engineered timber ooring

3 Bedroom
4 Bedroom
Keenan Veraar 0402
from $689,900
from $859,900
914 037 Find a home of your own.


2/25 Beach Road, Batemans Bay

Welcome to this bespoke 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment. This property boasts a spacious open plan living area, stunning chef’s kitchen and featured octagonal dining room with the most breathtaking water views.

Offering a stunning vista, of the Ocean, Clyde River and Batemans Bay Bridge.


Saturday 22nd June 2024 at 1pm onsite


Saturday’s prior to Auction at 12pm

Aristotle Stavros 0408 612 914


Terri Regent 0439 495 043


3 2 2


Shop 9, 8 Beltana Road, Pialligo ACT

Located in the bustling, attractive area of Pialligo, Outdoor Pialligo is pleased to offer Unit 9, 8 Beltana Road for lease.

The Outdoor Pialligo Complex stands out as a premier destination for businesses seeking prime positioning.

The office space presents a ready-to-go environment for your business to seamlessly transition into.

Shop 9 comprises a single level detached office building with 52 sqm of Gross Lettable Area (Retail).

The tenancy features office space with a separate reception area, along with a kitchen and amenities that include a shower and 2 x split system air conditioning units. On-site parking within the complex is also available.

Vaughans Road, Ando, NSW 2631

Rare rural lifestyle opportunity close to town!

“Wave Hill” is located in the highly regarded Southern Monaro region. The property features productive soils and quality infrastructure, that has been replaced in recent years with majority of the hard work done before it was offered to the market.

• 292.4ha/722.520ac* of heavy self-mulching basalt soils, 50%* of the property is highly productive flats, 95ac* currently under

crop (wheat & brassica) in a cleaning program to sow down to lucerne in the near future. Wave Hill has an excellent fertiliser history with a top dressing of gypsum.

• Water security is a major feature with frontage to Jincumbilly Creek and Native Dog Creek and permanent spring with solar pump that feeds to a 90,000 litre tank

and reticulates to trough system via 50mm high pressure pipe installed 3 years ago. Fencing in good to excellent condition.

• Improvements include 20x9m Colourbond shed with concrete floor, 2 shearing stands, machinery/workshop, new steel sheep yards, new semipermanent steel cattle yards

*Approximate values

For sale by auction online via Auctions plus 11am 20/06/2024 Inspections

By appointment with the agents Christine McIntosh M 0427 584 004


Matthew Green M 0429 991 241 matthew.green@nutrien.com.au Nutrien Harcourts Bombala

47 canberradaily.com.au 30 May 2024
Virtual Online Auction
nutrienharcourts.com.au 292.4ha FOR LEASE Inspection
appointment Naomi
0400 834 033

And, let someone else do the mowing and weeding.

Display Suite open Monday to Friday. Book a private tour or join us at our Open for Inspections every Wednesday, 10am to 2pm.

Plan to downsize second half of this year in one of our brand new 2 and 3-bedroom apartments. Thoughtfully designed to ensure your peace of mind in every way.

We understand that a home transcends mere bricks and mortar. At Marigal Gardens, you’ll be part of an already thriving over 55 community, where family and friends are always welcome.

Enjoy new friends or experience the ease and comfort of living in our low maintenance homes, many offering breathtaking views, and complete with:

• Spacious open-plan living areas designed for both functionality and warmth.

• Well-equipped kitchens featuring all the modern conveniences.

• Reverse cycle air-conditioning for your comfort.

• Double glazing to protect against the weather conditions.

• A sophisticated, timeless, neutral colour palette for you to personalise.

• Internal access to a secure parking.

• 24-hour emergency assistance at your fingertips.

Choose from our remaining 2 and 3-bedroom residences at Marigal Gardens, and live life your way.

21 Snodgrass Crescent, Kambah ACT 2902 www.marigalgardens.com.au | 1300 884 784 Renders are for illustrative purposes only. Details are correct at time of printing and subject to change. February 2024.
Hurry Over 80% Sold
Move in later this year

Available now, this modern light 2-bedroom home includes:

• Generous open plan living space opening onto balcony

• Modern kitchen with granite benchtops, user friendly appliances and dishwasher

• Large master bedroom with plenty of built-in storage and accessible ensuite

• Reverse cycle air-conditioning and heating for year-round comfort

• Plenty of storage

• Internal access to garage

• Smart metering and community solar power to reduce your energy footprint, and cost of living

• Emergency buttons connected to on site staff 24 hours a day

Our residents love calling Bellerive Village home – and you will too.

Our relaxed, contemporary retirement village makes it easy for you to make the most of every day. Ditch the mower and enjoy the social community, neighbours you know, and your own home without the time-consuming maintenance. We’ll even change the lightbulbs.

For your day-to-day needs, Bellerive’s conveniently located close to the Canberra Hospital and the heart of Woden, home to Westfield, the bus interchange and many of Canberra’s premier clubs.

Call Donna Blackwell on 02 6169 3669 to book a tour now 15 Burnie Street, Lyons ACT 2606 www.bellerivevillage.com.au North facing two bedroom home
It’s more than a home Open for inspection Thursday 10am to 12pm or book a private tour

Trades & Services Guide

50 canberradaily.com.au 30 May 2024 INDEX Air Conditioning/Heating 50 Arborist 50 Bathroom Renovations 50 Bathrooms & Kitchens 51 Builders 51 Car Detailing 51 Carpenters & Joiners 51 Cleaning Service 51 Concreting & Related 52 Decks 52 Electrical 52 Engineering Services 52 Fencing 52 Gardening 53 Gutter Cleaning 53 Handyperson 53 Locksmiths 53 Maintenance 53 Mechanics 53 Painting 53 Plastering & Painting 54 Plumbing & Gasfitting 54 Roofing 54 Solar 54 Solar Cleaning 54 Tiling 54 Call Kate on 6175 8827 to get your business listed. Replace your inefficient heating & replace it with efficient reverse cycle air-conditioning YOUR ONE STOP ENERGY SHOP ENERGYPEOPLE.COM.AU 02 6280 0994 ARC AU35206 INTEREST FREE LOAN UP TO 10 YEARS • 10 year interest FREE loan • Borrow up to $15,000 • Concession Card rebates available • Terms and conditions apply A I R CO N D I T I O N I N G/H E AT I N G • 50% Savings on energy cost per year • Google 4.9 star • 15 Years of Service • Brighte gov interest free finance available • Licensed and Insured • Lifetime Workmanship Warranty • Clean and Tidy every time • Pensioner discount available Putting Quality First For Over 15 Years 02 6140 3273 mark@blissaircon.com.au AU57432 General Airconditoning, Electrical Installation and Service A I R CO N D I T I O N I N G/H E AT I N G CWM00085AA Enviro Trees Arboricultural Solutions 0488 009 293 • Tree Pruning • Tree Removals • Stump Grinding • Qualified Arborist • Full Insurance ARBORIS T COMPLETE TREE SERVICES Expertise in safety, pruning, form, function, and tidiness for advice and free quote HELPFUL . EXPERT . RELIABLE Call IAN 0412 028 245 BATHROOM RENOVATIONS POOL RENOVATIONS AND GENERAL TILING Complete Project Management All Trades Free Quotes ABN: 62973049707 Rob: 0412 017 832 | Shane: 0412 942 041 email: downie100@ozemail.com.au www.dcbathrooms.net B AT H R O O M R E N O VATI O N S 30+ years building experience No job Too Small Decks - Pergolas - General Maintenance Painting - Tiling - Plastering ABN: 98 240 579 704 rb.carpentry@iinet.net.au Richard Brennan 0412 161 312 CWM0009 B AT H R O O M R E N O VATI O N S • Bathroom & laundry renovations • Project management • plumbing • Installations • blocked drains • Leaking taps & toilets • gasfitting • Hot water units • drainage Mark Summerfield LICENSED PLUMBER 0431 882 229 mark@renewplumbingandbathrooms.com.au www.renewplumbingandbathrooms.com.au ABN 53 193 697 032 LIC NO 200015959 Barry Richards Ceramic Tiling Bathroom Renovations, Leaking Showers Small Jobs, For All Your Tiling Needs PROMPT RELIABLE SERVICE P: 0435 015 647 E: barric666@aol.com www.barryrichardsceramictiling.com.au ABN 609 0723 0907 Quality renovations for your home Whether you are fully renovating your dream ensuite or adding a new bathroom, Chris brings two decades of industry experience and quality tradesmanship to your next personalised bathroom renovation Call Chris today on 0412 938 682 for an expert consultation. ABN 24 630 602 256 CWM0134 CANBERRA CITY MAINTENANCE For ALL your maintenance needs Specialising i n Bathroom Ren o vations If you’re looking for honesty, quality and friendly services Call Robert 0451 683 110 Contact the trades & services team 6175 8827 | kate@newstimemedia.com.au

Trades & Services Guide


51 canberradaily.com.au 30 May 2024 Have your business listed here. Call Kate on 6175 8827 85% of our readers read the advertisements each week. Have your business listed here. Call Kate on 6175 8827
89% of readers will use a tradie in the next 12 months. Be seen when they look for you! Call Kate on 6175 8827 Experienced and Licensed Builder CONTACT US WE WILL COME ON THE SAME DAY FOR A FREE QUOTE M: 0404 272 101 E: gamdognim@gmail.com ABN: 11 611 397 178 | Builder Licence Number: 20221356 Specialising in Bathroom, Balcony and Kitchen Renovations and Carpentry Work B AT H R O O M S & K I TC H E N S • Tile & Grout cleaning experts • Detect/Fix leaking showers • Stone & Slate sealing • Pressure & Acid wash cleaning services • Grout/Colour matching & advice • All products used by us are Mould and mildew resistant • 12 years warranty • 10% pensioner discount DIRTY TILES/GROUT NEW IN NO TIME CALL BRENT FOR FREE QUOTES & INSPECTION 0416 910 119 • 0452 538 503 STOP LEAKING SHOWERS B AT H R O O M S & K I TC H E N S Our expertise in home renovations means we can guide you through the entire renovation process - from design to interior demolition, construction and completion Ph: 02 5112 2969 ABN: 75257 19677 www.tradewiserenovations.com.au CWM00151AA LACHLAN WARD FOUNDER & BUILDER 0423 220 166 lachlan@highlandcraftrenovations.com.au www.highlandcraftrenovations.com.au BUIL D E R S EST. 25 YRS. ADVANCED CAR DETAILING CALL RICK TODAY ON (02) 6285 4145 Buff and Polishing Interior Detailing Pre-Sale Detailing All Work Guaranteed 1/17 Strangways St, Curtin ACT 2605 BEHIND SHELL SERVICE STATION C A R D E TAILI N G CARPENTER/ HANDYMAN Call Rob - 0438 307 796 Alterations, Repairs, Prompt Services CWM0681 C AR P EN T E R S & J O I N E R S Protective COVID Cleaning 0407 263 812 / 6259 3200 monarchservices@live.com.au Monarch Window Cleaning COMMERCIAL CLEANING, OFFICES, CLUBS, CHILDCARE. FREE QUOTES Average 3 BR Home Free Flyscreen & Tracks Clean $250 From Call today C L E ANI N G S ERVI C E Contact the trades & services team 6175 8827 | kate@newstimemedia.com.au

Trades & Services Guide

52 canberradaily.com.au 30 May 2024 85% of our readers read the advertisements each week. Have your business listed here. Call Kate on 6175 8827 To get your business listed in the Trades & Services Guide, call Kate on 6175 8827 ATTENTION TRADIES 89% of readers will use a tradie in the next 12 months. Be seen when they look for you! Call Kate on 6175 8827 I CAME, I SAW, I CONCRETED ABN: 45 163 588 458 Contractors Licence No: 1988 4459 ACT and NSW contractors lic available Call 0499 033 433 CON C R E T I N G & RE LA T E D Call DANIEL D CONCRE TING FAST EFFICIENT EXPERIENCED SERVICE! 0431 311 746 6292 2073 ‘The Concreting Specialist’ – ALL RESIDENTIAL & DOMESTIC WORK –Garage or Home Slabs Driveways Paths Repairs FOR FRIENDLY SERVICE AND ADVICE YOU CAN TRUST GARDEN & LANDSCAPING ✓ Decks & Pergolas • Staining/Painting • Minor Repairs ✓ Fly Screen Repairs ✓ Hedge Trimming ✓ High Pressure Water Cleaning • Paths/Driveways • Windows/Sliding Doors, etc. RENO DECKS 0499 934 357 renodecks1@gmail.com FRIENDLY | RELIABLE | LICENSED D E C K S FREE QUOTE AUTUMN IS HERE Timber Decks & Pergolas METAL PERGOLAS has you covered! BH CARPENTRY ACT Call BrendAn 0407 763 597 PHONE DANIEL ON 0418 419 383 OR EMAIL PRIME1Q@OUTLOOK.COM Phone Daniel on 0418 419 383 or email prime1q@outlook.com Your Local Electrical Service & Maintenance Experts Renovations - Switchboard Upgrades Domestic & Commercial Properties Lighting Upgrades - Powerpoints Appliance Installations - Smoke Alarms No Jobs Are Too Small! Call us for a free quote 6179 3992 econenergy.com.au Servicing the ACT & Surrounding Region E L E C T R I C A L Ace Asset Strategies Technicians | Electrical Contractors Hazardous Area Works Short Notice Isolations Small Asbestos Jobs Additional Power RCD Testing, C/B replacement Test & Tag Programs EV Charging Outlets Solar Testing aceassetsco.com.au aceassetsco@gmail.com 0403 827 591 Braddon ACT Licence No. EC 35913 Donald G Thomas BE MIE Aust CPEng NER 95978 0460 922 044 don@cebis.com.au www.cebis.com.au Canberra Engineering & Building Integrity Solutions ✓ Brick & Concrete Cracks | Solutions & Rectifications ✓ Engineering Design & Certification | Plans ✓ Reports incl Costings | Building | Structural | Civil ✓ Waterproofing | Assessment & Damage Control ✓ Retrospective Development & Building Applications E NGIN E ERI N G S E R VIC E S Fencing – colourbond, timber, tubular, chainwire, picket, rural, pool, security, horizontal slat, gates & fence hire. Retaining Walls –concrete sleeper, timber, block, rock. Landscaping – paving, concrete, decks, lawn, artificial turf Lindsay Hicks E: cqservices@hotmail.com M: 0432 039 682 PH: 0437 254 793 CQ Services Pty Ltd All Work Guaranteed Specialising in the supply and installation of all types: • Bobcat & Machine Hire • Core Drill & Concrete Cutting • Tree Surgery & Stump Grinding • Property Maintenance & Cleaning. F E NCI N G CWM10402AA Whether you need an old fence repaired, spruced up or if it’s time for a new fence… Call us today for an obligation-free quote. canfencecanberra@gmail.com • Colourbond fence • Aluminium Slats • Timber • Chainmesh • Security 0431 251 882 • Glass • Modular walls • Concrete sleeper walls • All fabricated works CANBERRA FENCING CONTRACTORS LIDO’S FENCING | ACT + Canberra Region Domestic, Rural & Commercial, Colourbond, Palings, Pool Fencing Fencing that’s Guaranteed 30 years of experience. Contact Jimmy Lidden to organise your free quote: www.lidosfencing.com.au info@lidosfencing.com.au 0408 645 832 Contact the trades & services team 6175 8827 | kate@newstimemedia.com.au

Trades & Services Guide

53 canberradaily.com.au 30 May 2024 ATTENTION TRADIES 89% of readers will use a tradie in the next 12 months. Be seen when they look for you! Call Kate on 6175 8827 CWM0128 Baya’s Backyard Ph/Fax: 6241 9413 Mob: 0413 088 908 • Mowing / Edging • Pruning / Odd jobs • Rubbish Removal • Gutter Cleaning • Tree Services • Small landscaping Garden & Tree Services G A R D EN I N G CWM0116 EZY PROPERTY MAINTENANCE WE MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU Mowing & Edging Pruning & Mulching Hedge Trimming Weed Control Fertilisation A WELL MAINTAINED GARDEN ADDS VALUE TO A PROPERTY Kaushik Makwana Qualified Horticulturist CALL: 0430 582 821 Free no obligation quotes Fully insured Customer service from a company you can trust Garden Cleanup Rubbish Removal Gutter Cleaning Regular Maintenance Commercial or Domestic CWM0352 Al Gardner For ALL your gardening needs. Covering all suburbs. Lawn Mowing•Pruning•Trimming•Weeding•Rubbish removal Gutter cleaning•Mulching •All maintenance Fully equipped INSURED-Guaranteed. Well presented after completion. 10% Pensioner discounts 0449 898 527 ABN 26 425 870 558 All Sorts General Yard & House Maintenance Gutter Solar Panel Cleaning Rubbish Removal Free Quotes Peter 0499 849 008 G U T T E R C L E AN I N G Gutter Clean The gutter vacuum specialist Pergola repairs 0421 193 553 All areas Free estimates gutter_clean@hotmail.com CWM0812 Quality Roo� Paintin� Paintin� � Plasterin� Flat Pack Furniture General Repairs �� �� �� �� �� Call Patrick Free Quote Work ... and more HAN DYPERSON CWM0550 All Canberra areas 10% Pensioners discount Free Quotes | No job too big or too small Guarantee jobs done HANDY MAN & CONTRACTOR Painting & Plastering Tiling Fence Repairs Roofing & Gutters Cleaning Plumber Specialising in Private Home luis.painter@hotmail.com (02) 6140 1317 | 0404605687 or 0406525842 Over 30 years experience securing the Canberra Community Locks changed & keyed the same ‘Locked out’ service Dead locks & window locks supplied & fitted Keys made to locks & locks repaired Screen door locks, repaired and replaced Servicing domestic & commercial clients Master licence #17501928 Seniors discounts CWM0231 Phone: 0458 786 727 www.highsecuritylocksmiths.com.au LO C K S M I T H S CWM0134 CANBERRA CITY MAINTENANCE For ALL your maintenance needs If you’re looking for honesty, quality and friendly services Call Robert 0451 683 110 MAINTENANCE Mechanical | Metal Fabrication | Mobile Welding Tyres | Brakes | ACT/NSW Regos | & more Monteleone Car Works & Metal Fabrication Ph: 02 6241 0222 Mobile: 0438 469 138 Unit 6, 91-93 Grimwade Street Mitchell CWM1051 M E CHAN I C S CALL 0417 255 869 Exterior Painting from $1300 special! offer! Unbeatable (INCLUDES FASCIA, GUTTER, EVES AND DOWNPIPES) ALL HANDYMAN SERVICES ALL WORK GUARANTEED CEILINGS, WALLS & CORNICES (MIN 3 ROOMS) /ROOM ONLY 2 COAT APPLICATION QUALITY PAINTS Dulux $300 CANBERRA’S LEADING PAINTING EXPERTS FOR OVER 25 YEARS FOR A free ONTHESPOT QUOTE MONET PAINTING PAINT I N G DREW’S PAINTING SERVICES REFERENCES PROVIDED ON REQUEST PH: 0427 004 411 | E: drewburgin69@gmail.com HOUSE PAINTING INTERIORS & EXTERIORS OUTSIDE PRESSURE CLEANING RUST REMOVAL CHOICE PAINTING AND DECORATING Contact: Ibrahim - Phone: 0411 837 788 Email: boutrosbob@hotmail.com ABN : 17 367 309 467 Full-Service Painting and Decorating 30 years of business experience Cover all aspects of paintingInterior / Exterior / Colour Consulting •Fully Insured •Free Quotes •Work Guaranteed Contact the trades & services team 6175 8827 | kate@newstimemedia.com.au

Trades & Services Guide

54 canberradaily.com.au 30 May 2024 Give your business a boost! Register today in the Trades & Services Guide, call Kate on 6175 8827 STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD Have your business listed here. Call Kate on 6175 8827 PLASTERING & PAINTING CWM00445AA Call your local plumber Shane 0411 591 615 or email lucidplumbingandroofing@gmail.com Plumbing: • Installation • Repairs & Maintenance • Blocked drains • Water Heaters • Gas Fitting Roofing: • All aspects of Colourbond & Tiled • Repairs & Maintenance • Gutter & Roof Cleaning • Tiling & Sealing $100 terms and conditions apply OFF 24/7 emergency services PLUMB I N G & GA S F ITT I N G $80 OFF WHEN YOU QUOTE THIS AD ANY SERVICES *CONDITIONS APPLY Taps And Toilets Hot Water/Solar Blocked Drains Gas Fitting Burst Pipes Bathroom Renovations Roofing/Guttering • Local Professional Service • Seniors Discount • No Call Out Fee • All Work Guaranteed • Support Local Business • 24/7 Emergency service Phone 0421 038 243 Web capitalpd.com.au Email: admin@capitalpd.com.au Plumbing Lic 2013728 ABN: 53193588524 ALPHA ROOFING CANBERRA Our services for both Metal and Tiled roofs include but are not limited to: • Rebedding & Repointing • New Roofs • Roof Insulation • General ongoing roof maintenance • Leak Detection & Repair • Guttering • Gutterguards • Fascias • Full roof restoration ABN 156 905 615 00 CALL/TEXT: 0458 807 882 E: admin@alpharoofingact.com.au Your local roofing experts R O O F I N G • Roof maintenance both tile and colourbond • Roof leaks • Roof restorations • New roofs Ph: 0473 536 741 Your Local Solar Experts Reduce energy costs by generating & storing your own power. New - Replacement & Additional Systems Battery Storage - EV Charger - Servicing Testing - Panel Cleaning Call us for a free quote 6179 3992 econenergy.com.au Servicing the ACT & Surrounding Region S O L A R PH: 0427 004 411 E: drewburgin69@gmail.com GENTLE & EFFECTIVE CLEANING TO REMOVE DIRT, RUST & BIRD DROPPINGS ON SUN SOLAR PANELS. DUST & BIRD S O L A R C L E ANI N G Tile and Adhesive removal Timber and Concrete subfloor leveling Concrete Grinding Troy 0410 242 923 | troy@tilebusters.com.au Canberra and Surrounds License number 190272C | ABN 91 605 427 816 TIL I N G Brodie Antoniak Owner and contractor ABN 14724243822 Reference available on request Antoniak Tiling and Renovations Email: Bantoniak051@gmail.com | 0417 092 760 Contact the trades & services team 6175 8827 | kate@newstimemedia.com.au

Trades & Services Guide


WIN! CinemaLive 42nd Street, The Musical double passes

42nd Street, the legendary Broadway musical theatre classic, is a ‘glorious’ (Sunday Express) and ‘utterly moreish extravaganza of glitz’ (The Times).

Telling the story of Peggy Sawyer, a talented young performer with stars in her eyes who gets her big break on Broadway, this is the largest ever staging of the Tony Award-winning musical and it was filmed live at the magnificent Theatre Royal Drury Lane in the heart of London’s West End. Starring national treasure Bonnie Langford as Dorothy Brock and featuring iconic songs 42nd Street, We’re In The Money and Lullaby Of Broadway, this is pure musical magic from the West End brought to the big screen.

In cinemas from 20 June. To find a screening near you, visit www.cinemalive.com

CW has 5 x CinemaLive 42nd Street, The Musical double passes to be won.

WIN! Capi Rib Outdoor Pots

Capi Europe’s Rib Outdoor Pots are crafted with a stunning ripple design in chic monochromic colours of ivory and anthracite and look at home in a cottage garden just as much as in a contemporary backyard. Durable and lightweight, these pots are sustainably produced from synthetic material and resemble natural stone to seamlessly integrate into your space.

Combining style and functionality, lightweight pots are tough and light enough to move, even when full of potting mix and plants. They are an ideal choice for city dwellers or renters, particularly those who like to chop and change their potted displays. Capi Europe’s Rib Outdoor Pots are available in egg and cylinder shapes allowing you to experiment with shapes, sizes and textures.

CW has three Capi Rib Outdoor Pots 35x34cm pots (valued at $81.98 each) to give away.

Enter to win!

To enter, scan the QR code or visit canberradaily.com.au and click on the ‘Entertainment’ tab to ‘Competitions’, find the competition you wish to enter and follow the entry instructions. Entries close 9am Friday 7 June 2024 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person per giveaway. Entrants must be aged 18+.

55 canberradaily.com.au 30 May 2024
Call Alex today 0475 000 528 localtilingact@hotmail.com All suburbs For all your tiling needs: CWM0477 Bathroom, Laundry and Kitchen tiling Walls and oors tiling Bathroom Renovations No job too big or small Water proo ng shower leaks
Contact the trades & services team 6175 8827 | kate@newstimemedia.com.au
Vlada Piven vpiven@villagebuilding.com.au 0404 891 155 David Shi david.shi@ljhooker.com.au 0417 668 668 *Price includes associated site costs, including design and approvals. Land must settle on or before 30 June 2024. SOUTH JERRABOMBERRA AT TRALEE 3 BEDROOM HOUSE & LAND PACKAGES FROM $883,900* 4 BEDROOM HOUSE & LAND PACKAGES FROM $908,900* *Price includes associated site costs, including design and approvals. Land must settle on or before 30 June 2024. SOUTHJERRA.COM.AU NEW! HOUSE & LAND LAND NOW SELLING FROM $454,900 BY THE VILLAGE BUILDING CO. END OF FINANCIAL YEAR SPECIAL PRICE OFFER!

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