Join our Canadian Community Christmas Every year members of CANCHAM, the Canadian community and guests gather together to take part in the festivities of the Christmas season. This year, CANCHAM Shanghai is going to celebrate the 2010 Yuletide season with a Christmas dinner on Saturday, December 11th, 2010 at Hilton Shanghai Hongqiao. Eagerly anticipated by both adults and children alike, the Canadian Christmas Dinner offers great entertainment, raffle prizes, fun activities for children and a special visitor from The North Pole! Not only that, this Christmas dinner is also an ideal way to thank your clients and employees. As a valued member of the Canadian business community, we invite you to take this opportunity to promote your company as a sponsor, corporate table benefactor or raffle prize contributor.
Sponsorship Category Benefits designed in collaboration with sponsoring company and may include the following: Presenting Sponsor ¥ 20,000 A) Sponsorship Benefits Before the Event 1. Logo and company name recognized as “Presented By:” on all event communications including electronic notices (at least 4 electronic notices sent to 3,000 recipients) and other promotional materials* 2. Logo of company , company description and link in a weekly event newsletter 3. Company name and logo as presenting sponsor on invitations sent out to key business leaders* *Depends on date of confirmation
B) At the event 1. Logo on welcome backdrop 2. Logo Recognition on screen 3. Company signage at event (to be provided by sponsor) 4. MC recognition and brief introduction of company as presenting sponsor 5. 1 Corporate Table 6. Logo and company name recognized as presenting sponsor integrated on your table centerpieces 7. 10 % discount on up to 10 extra tickets C) After the Event 1. 2 Company ads sent through electronic direct mailing 2. 1 half page ad in The Canadian Chamber of Commerce’s e-mag
3. 3 months of advertisement (large web banner + link) on CANCHAM’s new website 4. Sponsor recognition at one of CANCHAM’s big events
Gold Sponsor ¥ 15,000 A) Sponsorship Benefits Before the Event 1. Logo and company name on all event communications including electronic notices and other promotional materials 2. Mention of company and company description in a weekly event newsletter 3. Company name and logo on invitations sent out to key business leaders *Depends on date of confirmation
B) At the event 1. Logo on welcome backdrop 2. Logo recognition on screen 3. Company signage at event (to be provided by sponsor) 4. MC recognition 5. Logo integrated on table centerpieces 6. 5 Complimentary tickets 7. 10 % discount on up to 5 extra tickets C) After the Event 1. 1 Company ad sent through electronic direct mailing 2. 1 one-third page ad in The Canadian Chamber of Commerce’s e-mag 3. 3 months of advertisement (small icon + link) on CANCHAM’s new website
Silver Sponsor ¥ 10,000 A) Sponsorship Benefits Before the Event 1. Logo on all communications including electronic notices and other promotional materials 2. Mention of company & logo in 1 weekly event newsletter 3. Logo on invitations sent out to key business leaders B) At the event 1. Logo on welcome backdrop 2. Logo recognition on screen 3. MC recognition 4. Logo on centrepieces 5. 2 Complimentary Tickets
C) After the Event
1. Sponsor recognition in The Canadian Chamber of Commerce’s e-mag (Circulation of
3,000 potential readers) 2. 1 quarter page ad in The Canadian Chamber of Commerce’s e-mag (Value RMB 1,500 . Circulation 3,000 potential readers) 3. 1 month of advertisement (small icon+ link) on CANCHAM’s new website Raffle Prize Sponsor (minimum donation of ¥ 1,000) A) Sponsorship Benefits Before the Event 1. Listing of company in all event communications including electronic notices and other promotional materials B) At the event 1. Small Logo on welcome backdrop 2. Logo on raffle station and promotional boards 3. Logo Recognition on screen 4. MC recognition C) After the Event 1. Sponsor recognition in The e-mag Corporate Table ¥ 8,000 A) Sponsorship Benefits Before the Event 1. Mention of company in 1 weekly event newsletter B) At the event 1. Small Logo on welcome backdrop 2. Logo Recognition on screen 3. MC recognition 4. Corporate logo at the table 5. 10 tickets are included in the cost of corporate table sponsorship C) After the Event 1. Sponsor recognition in The e-mag Alumni Table ¥ 4,500 (Note: Must be an academy member) A) At the event 1. Logo Recognition on screen 2. MC recognition 3. School logo at the table 4. 10 tickets are included in the cost of alumni table sponsorship
B) After the Event 1. Sponsor recognition in The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai’s e-mag 2. 1 month of advertising (small web banner + link) on CANCHAM’s new website
Vicky Jin
Edmond Wang
Events/Fairs Officer Tel: (21) 6289 -8670 ext 103
Events/Fairs Assistant, Tel: (21) 6289-8670 ext. 102
Event Information
Date: Saturday, December 11th, 2010 Time: 17:30 pm – 21:30 pm Venue: Yuan Yi Grand Ballroom West Hilton Shanghai Hongqiao Cost: ¥400 CANCHAM Members and Consulate Employees ¥480 Non-members ¥180 Children 6-12 years old FREE Children 5 and under (registration is mandatory)
Sponsorship Confirmation Form Fax To: No:
Edmond Wang, Events/Fairs Assistant The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai (021) 6129-4605
Please submit your company logo (format .ai) by: December 8th Yes, we are interested in sponsoring the 2010 CANCHAM Christmas Dinner! Company Name: Contact Person: Tel.:
e-mail: Company Address: Please indicate the category of the sponsorship that your company is interested in: Presenting Sponsor
¥20,000 (one exclusive sponsor)
Gold Sponsor ¥15,000 Silver Sponsor ¥10,000 Corporate Table ¥8,000 Alumni Table ¥4,500 Raffle sponsor Minimum value of ¥1,000 By signing below, (insert company name) ______________________ agrees to the following terms and conditions as a sponsor for the 2010 CanCham Christmas Dinner. • • •
The above sponsored cash donation is non-refundable once sponsorship has been confirmed. CANCHAM Shanghai will refund the donation only if the event is cancelled. If cancellation occurs, CANCHAM Shanghai will not be committed to providing the above mentioned sponsorship exposure and acknowledgement.
Company Stamp:
Corporate Table Confirmation Form To:
Edmond Wang, Events/Fairs Assistant The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai
Fax No:
(021) 6129-4605
Corporate table is 8,000RMB including 10 tickets and corporate logo. th
In order to guarantee your corporate table, you need to pay the full amount by December 8 , 2010. Upon reception of your payment, we will send you the tickets. Tables are allocated on a first-come first served. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Edmond Wang at
Company Name:
Delivery Address:
Contact Person:
Will there be any children (between 0 – 12 years old) (If so, please provide name, age, gender)
Company Stamp:
Alumni Table Confirmation Form To:
Edmond Wang, Events/Fairs Assistant The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai
Fax No:
(021) 6129-4605
Alumni table is 4,500RMB including 10 tickets and alumni logo. th
In order to guarantee your corporate table, you need to pay the full amount by December 8 . Upon reception of your payment, we will send you the tickets. Tables are allocated on a first-come first served. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Edmond Wang at
Company Name:
Delivery Address:
Contact Person:
Will there be any children (between 0 – 12 years old) (If so, please provide name, age, gender)
Company Stamp: