Dry Creek Technologies Business Trains You and Your Staff Dry Creek Technologies 15307886392 Performance by Ted C. Thetford Jr. Founder of Dry Creek Technologies Business Dry Creek Technologies Business offers many related but different opportunities for professional contractors and consultants to have a real world professional business partnerships that operates on the basic premise that partnered clients desire to maximise their businesses succcess and profits and growth opportunities without Dry Creek Technologies Busines actually owning any part of your business or its profits. Overview: Dry Creek Technologies Business specializing in Operational Plans and a Service Software Programs developer that provides exclusive proprietary Real World Operational Plans and Service Software Programs to the Professional Services Industries. Dry Creek Business Real World Service Software Programs allow small to medium sized business owners, managers and field technical presonnel to increase a business’s success and profitablity while at the same time lower the day to day operational costing of operational plans, service scheduling, travel amd trip time costing for labor and service ticket processing and payroll while maximizing the billable labor hours that insures bottom line business profitablity.
Old vs New Concepts: Just imagine you are about to given a fresh start at business. Today you and your staff have oppurtunity to partnered with a proven team of business professionals that have the keys to success. These keys can and will insure that you and your business have the necessary business skills that will allow you to train your staff and field work forces to be professional in every way. Dry Creek Business Operational Plans and Servoce Software Programs insure that your entire business is making its maximum profits. Decision Making: As a business owner or potential business owner you may be fed up and tired of going it alone. Tire of
working 24 / 7 / 365 with outdated and ineffective Operational Plans and Service Software Programs that have led to your devastating hard luck knockouts punches. Continueing in the same direction will only allow you to discover week after week that at the end each week’s hard road your business practices and enviorment could have been so much different if you had only been able to meet and partnered with a business professionals like Dry Creek Technologies Business. Selecting the Right Keys: Dry Creek Technologies Business’s proprietary Operatonal Plans and Service Software
Progams will allow you, the business owner, to effectively manage your entire business. Our operational plans and service software programs have little or no learning curves. If you or your staff can locate the right key on a computer key board or on your smart phone then you will find our programs are efficent and well oiled like a ShermanTank. Selecting the right Dry Creek Business Plans and Programs are the KEYS you need to fulfill your first business wish. The fulfilled business wish shall be your very own profitable business as it should have been on your first business day Development Services: To Make the Dry Creek Technologies Business systems immediately more valuable for your
business. Small changes in Dry Creek Business systems can make dramatic improvements in your business responses and stability. Working with us, your dream plan for business improvement can be implemented quickly. Eliminate the cost of computer system maintenance as well as reduce your business operations workload with our proprietary Operational Plans and Service Software Programs. Dry Creek Technologies Business operational plans and service software programs utilities work to eliminate needless manual operations. We are able to provide a full range of development services. Dry Creek Technologies Business Staff Members do not have to be on site for your business to take advantage of the benefits of partnerships with Dry Creek Technologies Business’s Vast Professional Experience - ( As a general
concept comprises knowledge of or skill in or observation of some thing or some event gained through involvement in or exposure to that thing or event. The history of the word experience aligns it closely with the concept of experiment.)
How To Except The Dry Creeks Technologies Invitation: You Just Did – Believing in one’s self if the real first step to a profitable business. I do except the business invation of Dry Creek Business. I realize and recognize the undisputable facts that not every owner, staff employee or field representative share the same learned or developed strengths. I do declare that I am willing to be Busnesses partner with Dry Creek Business. I understand that my partnership will be allow me and my business to develope myown business manage team(s). I will insure that my business team(s) will have pride and respect in their entire teams. As a partnered business with Dry Creek Business, I can establish the pride and respect your staff desirvers and establish our business as profitable. I understand that I must uphold my part of the partnership and that my business shall have the necessary right toolsets coupled with the right no know how business profits are guaranteed and professional respect abounds.
I would like to purchase tickets For The Dry Creek Technologis Business Express
$29.00 each
Presentation 4 for $200.00 of “Alive at Five” (All ticket sales are finnal but may be present at any performane.)
____ Dry Creek Technologies Business Express guarantees to every business owner attending that his own personal business shall be opportunity to develop the potential for success, profitablity and growth. ____ I understand that the Dry Creek Technologies Business has the necessary keys to unlock my business’sprofits potential. ____ I understand that Dry Creek Technologies Business is offering to initiate their business operational plans and service software programs in an effort to engagement my current business to be more profitable and to have a growth structure. ____ I understand that nine out of ten small business fail within the first year of operation and that 50% of the first year servivors will not last the first three years.
As an authorize representative of Dry Creek Technologies I declare that the Professional Contractor and or Consultant has attended a paid presentation of Alive at Five to develop a Partnerships with the appove professional Dry Creek Business you are gurarranteed to become a professional, inspiring and profitable business. Dry Creek Business has extending a partnership invation to you and your entire staff. Dry Creek Business will enjoy the oppurtunity of partnering with likeyou a minded professional. Dry Creek Business understands that profitable businesses hire and develop the right kind of employees, need the right toolsets and must provide their employee the right kind of knowledge to make their business profitable.
Official Seal:
The location of the “Alive and Five” Presentation must be Certified by a Offical Representative of Dry Creek Technologies Business:
History of Dry Creek In 1977 Mr. Ted Thetford retired from the United States Army and was extended the oppurtunity to purchase a very nonprofitable small water conditioning service business. The Business was actully lossing $1,000,000.00 per year in the installation and service departments. My Thetford married is wife and they had their first of two children over the next two years. In 1981 Mr. Thetfrord now owned and operated a small but profitable Water Conditioning Company. The company had twenty three (23) full time employees and eight (8) part time employees. In 1982 Mr. Tony Holden graduated from a small college in the Great State of Oklahoma and had married his high school sweet heart. Mr Holden and his wife moved to the Fort Worth area and Mr. Holden and Mrs Holden begain their family of three (3) Children. Mr. Holden obtained employement with Radio Shake in the newly formed Computer Support Center. In 1983 a happenstance meeting between Mr. Holden working for Radio Shake Computer Support Center and Mr. Thetford discussion to purchase a TRS 80 Model Number 16 Xenix - Multi-User system Manufactured and sold through Radio Shake Stores across the USA. This lonely insignificant Computer Purchase is how the “Two Orginals” meet. Shortly after their chance meeting Mr. Holden interviewed for his job with Ionicron Water Systems. During the hiring processes he was asked how he thought he could best help Mr. Thetford’s Company. To which he immedately replied: “I truly believe that when I am hired I can make Mr. Thetford Company operation run as simple and as smoothly as a roller coster.” The interviewer was Mr. Thetford’s business Banker that had just loaned Mr. Thetford $40,000.00 to purchase the company’s second computer system. The “Two Orginals” that day agreed to partnered together to design and develop the baseline concepts of the present day Dry Creek Technologies Business Operational Plans and Service Software Programs simply know as fpPUTTY™. The kindred spirts of the “Two Orginals” are the bases of the present day Dry Creek Technologies Business. Mr. Thetford and Mr. Holden together increase the effectiveness of profits for Mr. Thetford’s Business by over 500% their first year as a team. By 1984 the developed professional business model and skills developed by Mr. Thetford and Mr. Holden changed the entire makeup of the Mr. Thetford’s Water Business. Mr. Thetford could finally take some time off and enjoy his new found profits. Mr. Holden found that each day going to work actually meant less work for him and more income. So as you might have guessed by now the comradery between the “Two Orginals” still endures today. In 1985 Mr. Ted Thetford and Mr. Holden begain taking their programs to large service industry professional shows. Each year only a few personnal invitations were mailed to small to medium sized business requesting that the business ower and senior staff member join with them in a presentation of “Alive at Five”. The production explains how technology can be used in business today. The Presentation is a one man act with a dummy as his partner. Dry Creek Technologies Business staffers would like to take this driving opportunity to present to you and your senior staff members their insites into the operational workings of Dry Creek Technologies Business Operations and Service Software Programs. In 2001 the fpPUTTY™ Dry Creek Tecnologies Business products no longer were shipped with a printed user manual; however, there is a manual available online at. As well, there is a single third-party full reference book available, along with a single third-party quick-reference guide. In 2009 This very day you have a choice to stop building your own roller coster and partner with Dry Creek Technologies Business. The Operational Programs of Dry Creek Technologies Bussiness are time test and true. All you need to know today is on fact.
Are you and your company A COMING or A GOING! You’re the Ower, You Decide!
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James O'Connor Sargent Major, Burma September 26, 1944 said to this to squad: Do you have what it take to Decide Better! For a much Better Life awaits you, as the owner of your Company.” Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. a U.S. registered 501(c)(3) tax-deductible nonprofit charity
Partnership Exchange of Information Sheet Dry Creek Technologies Business 5161 PLUMSTED DR. COLORADO SPRING, CO 80920 530 – 788-6392 Email: Support.DryCreekTechnologiesBusiness@gmail.com Owners Name:
Special Remarks Section
Business Name: Physical Address: Mailing Address:
Home Tele Phone: Business Phone: Cell Phone: Alternate Contact: Alternate Contact’s Date Business Est.: Number of Emp. Type Computer OS: Models of Computer:
Est. Annual Profits: Type of Business: Est. Hours W ork W k:
On a scale of 1-100 rate your company’s success!
Does Your Business depend on the mood of the Economy?
Signature Please!
Does Your Business depend on the daily stock Reports?
Has Your Business suffered a General Liability loss caused by employees? _____
Type Loss?
LIST FIVE NEEDS OF YOUR COMPANY (DO NOT LIST CASH, LOANS OR A NEW OW NER) Date: Is your business seasonal with peaks and valleys?
W orse Months? Jan-Mar
Oct-Dec T opic 1.
T opic 2.
T opic 3.
T opic 4.
T opic 5.
Special Consideration Notes:
General Knowledge Discussion Topics Do you own a cam era phone?
Yes / No
A question you would like to Ask
W hat is the make and model of your c-phone? Do you own a video camera?
Yes / No
W hat is the make and model of your v-cam era? Have ever operated a video editor?
Yes / No
Have you ever post a video on youtube.com? Have you ever set up an email acct?
Yes / no Yes / No
Have you ever post a picture on flickr?
Yes / No
Have you ever participated in a v-conf erence?
Yes / No
Have you been a m oderator for a v-conf erence?
Yes / No
Have you every used the sof tware of Jing?
Yes / No
General Informational Knowledge
Have you every used the sof tware f or Pro 9000?
Yes / No
Have you ever worked through ms outlook?
Have you every m ade a VOIP phone call?
Yes / No
Have you ever worked in jing?
Have you ever heard of the Magic Jack?
Yes / No
Have you ever made a V-Call of Any kind?
Have you operated the Magic Jack sof tware?
Yes / No
Have you ever made a training video?
Have you ever joined issui.com?
Yes / No
Do you know how to make a A-recording?
Have you ever joined yugm a?
Yes / No
Have you ever joined facebook?
Do you know how to made a V-recording?
Yes / No
Do you understand the A-recording law is?
Have you every use webex?
Yes / No
Do you understand the V-recording law is?
Have you ever used go to meetings?
Yes / No
Do you know what the plumbing code is?
Have you ever used log me on? Have you every used Issuu?
Yes / No Yes / No
Have you ever installed com puter sof tware? Yes / No Do you k now how to shut down your f irewall? Do you k now how to use emal of any k ind?
Do you k now how to backup your computer? Yes / No W hen was the last time you back ed up Mr. C?
Do you know H2O temp for
Do you know what a permit is for?
Yes / No
Yes / No
Do you know what OSSF is in the State?
Do you own rental property?
Do you have homeowners insurance? Do you f ile federal income tax?
Yes / No
Do know if you water is safe to drink?