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Welcome back! 2022 saw the Canford Community calendar packed full of in-person events. From reunion lunches, OC London Drinks, Friends of Canford social and fundraising events, to our annual Careers Convention and so much more, it was a pleasure to welcome you back to Canford with no restrictions.
In my last two annual report articles I promised that we would continue to strive to gather the classes of 2020 and 2021 together for their Leavers’ Ball. After three attempts, we finally made it and what a joyous occasion it was to bring those two year groups together. Emma Large D20, former Head of School summed up the feeling in her email to myself and the Headmaster:
‘I wanted to email you to thank you on behalf of myself and my year for a truly wonderful ball last week.Everyone I have spoken to since had a fantastic time - it was amazing to see everyone again and spend the evening with people I hadn’t seen in two years,most of whom I never even had the chance to say goodbye to.I think it was very thoughtful and admirable that the Canford team honoured their promise of hosting a proper Leavers’ball for our two year groups.I have a number of friends from other schools who were less fortunate and have been let down,and are very envious of Canford’s commitment to us.You gave us the opportunity to create new memories with old teachers and peers in a place we look back on so fondly.We are all grateful.’
Amidst our busy calendar, it was time to really galvanise our plans for the Centenary celebrations. June and September saw the Development and Marketing departments collaborating closely and working with OC Will Holloway F99 and George Farthing C20 to produce the Centenary film featuring many aspects of Canford life and guest OCs. The launch of two of our major events, the Centenary Foundation Service (which is now fully booked) and the Proms in the Park Garden Party has been incredibly encouraging with many OCs and parents booking tickets.
We are so looking forward to these plus the Centenary OC London Drinks in October. There are many other projects and smaller events taking place throughout this year so do keep an eye on the centenary web page for updates.
Fundraising for the Martin Marriott Foundation for bursaries remains a big priority for us and this report provides me with the opportunity to thank those who support us so generously either with a one-off or regular donation. Finances are difficult for so many at present and the demand we are seeing for bursary support is greater than ever. Our aim is to continue to provide for as many pupils as we have done in the past with the hope of increasing this but we can only achieve this with help from the Canford Community. We are incredibly grateful for all that you do and sincerely hope that you will continue to support us in the year ahead.
We look forward to seeing more of the Canford Community this year for what will be some of our biggest attended events for a long while. HAPPY 100th BIRTHDAY CANFORD! Do come along and celebrate with us.
Be a part o f Canford’s history
Supporting The Martin Marriott Foundation For
Your name set in stone www.canford.com/lady-charlottes-walk
Lady Charlotte’s Walk leads up to the new library at Canford. It is edged with stones on both sides which are growing in number as more from our community set their names in stone and in doing so contribute to the Martin Marriott Foundation for bursaries.
Many leave a simple message with their name, house and year, some honour their parents and a few have quirky humorous messages.
Sponsor a stone and have your name engraved for a lifetime link to Canford.
If you would like further information, please contact community@canford.com
Lady Charlotte Guest
Lady Charlotte Guest was a woman before her time in so many ways. She had a genuine social conscience and a desire to improve the lives of her husband’s workforce both in Wales and more locally in Dorset. She stood for a degree of female equality in an age when such things were a distant dream.
She was highly educated, dynamic and deeply engaged with the running of Canford Manor and she was responsible for ensuring that the extraordinary collection of Assyrian friezes, now so inextricably linked to the history of our school, were brought to Canford by Sir Henry Layard.
Lady Charlotte’s translation of the Mabinogion became the standard for nearly a century. The first volume was published in 1838. She also wrote a Boys Mabinogion containing the earliest Welsh tales of King Arthur, and translated a number of medieval songs and poems. Charlotte’s translations were influential enough for Tennyson to base his Geraint and Enid in The Idylls of the King on her writings. As an accomplished linguist, and the wife of a foremost Welsh ironmaster, John Josiah Guest, she became a leading figure in the study of literature and the wider Welsh Renaissance of the 19th century.
Rowena Gaston Development Director
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