Cannabis by the Sea, Winter 2020

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CANNABIS By The Sea Magazine

Winter 2020 Vol 1 Issue 4

“Growing Relationships”

Robin Karlsson

Carpinteria Chamber of Commerce Large Business of The Year 2019

Greenleaf Landscapes | Tarpitz Gardening & Landscapes | 805.448.5381 P.O. Box 629 | Carpinteria | CA | 93014

Where Neighbors Help Their Neighbors All Year Long From January to August 2020, the Santa Barbara Unity Shoppe has helped 10,252 people and distributed $645,000 in food supplies to qualified clients.


NEW Cannabis-Infused Nourishing Muscle + Joint Salve Grown, manufactured, and packaged in Santa Barbara County. 400mg of full-spectrum, estate-grown cannabis (ratio 1:7 THC rich) offers lavish amounts of Terpenes and Cannabinoids.

As this pandemic continues and our community members suffer the economic fall out, we are in need of donations to continue our support services. To donate and for more information, please visit our website at

Anti-inflammatory CBD pairs with magnesium and arnica to reduce swelling, irritation, and bruising, while TCH offers targeted pain relief. Rich mineral magnesium also naturally helps to calm muscles, relieving stress for an improved sense of calm and rest. A proprietary blend of essential oils from Carpinteria’s The Grapeseed Company offers a light and refreshing scent to uplift.

Unity Shoppe | 1401 Chapala Street Santa Barbara, CA | 93101 Monday - Friday, 9:30 am to 5:30 pm

Table of Contents

Winter 2020

FEATURES MORE Act 8 The & What It Means The House of Representatives passed the Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act. What does this mean? And will the Senate follow suit?

12 The Blissful Canna-preneur Haven’t we all heard about the billions of dollars just waiting to be made in the emerging cannabis market? What about those foot soldier entrepreneurs, the ones without corporate backing or rich relatives, who are building their businesses step by step guided by passion, resourcefulness, and determination. May we introduce Annette Russell? 2

Cannabis by the Sea Winter 2020

Depression, 18 Anxiety, & a Pandemic, Oh My! Dr. Bonni Goldstein’s medical practice is dedicated to education on the medical uses of cannabis for serious and chronic conditions. She shares some of her thoughts and common sense approach to health with CBTS.

Winter 2020 Cannabis by the Sea




From the Publisher


and Here’s Why ...


Cannabis Cares

Welcome letter from the publisher

Attention: Parents. Talk to you children about cannabis.

Addressing the collateral damage from the War on Drugs


The Cannabis Lifestyle


We’d Recommend It


Pet Project


Resources & References




Last Look

Chocoholics, your prayers have been answered. In the form of a dairy-free/egg-free and easy to make pudding. Puff pastry optional. You’re welcome. Plus, we go behind the dispensary scene with a budtender. Then, a primer on terpenes — rudimentary but essential.

Products and services to enhance daily life

Researching CBD for furry family members

Where to learn more, how to do more

Drug Abuse . . . an education, circa the 1970s

Amy Steinfeld

Find it, Offer it, Sell it

Cover Shot MaryAnn Sweeney caught the purples and pinks of a Central Coast sunset with her iPhone 7. “The beach has always been a magical place to me whether I was playing beach volleyball, relaxing with friends, or walking my dogs. I love to take photographs of beach sunrises and sunsets as no two are alike,” says the photographer. “The tranquility of the water along with the majesty of the colorful clouds is mesmerizing.” She notes that photography always has been a fun hobby for her and is grateful to share what she loves. After growing up in Santa Barbara, MaryAnn moved to Carpinteria in 1990. You’ll often find her on the beach with her fur babies, Kona and Sierra, also pictured in Pet Project on page 22.


Cannabis by the Sea Winter 2020


TLF Consulting

Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. 1072 Casitas Pass Rd., Suite 286, Carpinteria, CA 93013 (805) 881-1218 |

Helping to build stellar community relationships

Publisher — Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. Editorial Director — Amy Marie Orozco Creative Director — Melinda Bie Contributors — Peter Bie, Peter Dugré, Amy Steinfeld, Justine Sutton, MaryAnn Sweeney, Patti Walters

Published seasonally four times a year by Bie & Bie Productions, Inc., Cannabis by the Sea is a lifestyle magazine dedicated to information on the health and wellness properties of cannabis. Cannabis by the Sea makes every effort to ensure the published information is correct, informative, and practical. Editorial content is not intended to replace the advice of medical professionals. Cannabis by the Sea advertisements do not imply endorsement of products or services. We’d love to hear from you. Send your comments and questions to Send product samples to Cannabis by the Sea, 1072 Castias Pass Rd., #286, Carpinteria, CA 93013. All submissions, editorial and otherwise, become the property Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. is not responsible for unsolicited materials. COPYRIGHT © 2020 Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form or any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the publisher.

Winter 2020 Cannabis by the Sea


From the Publisher

Welcome to Cannabis by the Sea

I saw a great meme on social media a few days ago, “I’m going to stay up this New Year’s Eve – not to celebrate the New Year, but to make sure this one goes away.” I couldn’t agree more! In addition to living under the stifling canopy of a pandemic, this year has been a ruthless one and I am happy to see it go. I am also grateful for those positive things that came to center stage this year: friendships, family, community. It has been so deeply touching to have friends and family reach out just to ask “How are you doing”? Which begs the question, why does it take a situation like this for us to do that for each other? I also have been so impressed with how my local community has banded together to support our small businesses, and how those businesses and entrepreneurs have made it so easy for us to shop with them. Over the past year, we have featured some great products in our “We’d Recommend It” sections. Most of which would make great gifts or stocking stuffers! You can find the suggestions on our website, many of them available at your local dispensary. As 2020 comes to a close, I hope you and your family are safe and healthy, physically and mentally. As I said, it’s been a tough one, and I’d be lying if I said that I wake up every morning or go to bed every night with a positive outlook. I have certainly increased my CBD intake for that ever present anxiety about “What the heck is going to happen THIS week”? In this issue, we have an insightful and informative interview with Dr. Bonni Goldstein (page 18) regarding anxiety and depression. This is a serious issue and the nationwide increase has been staggering. As this year passes into the history books, I hope you will join me in focusing on who and what you are most grateful for and doing our best to express that gratitude – just a simple “thank you” will suffice! We want you to keep in touch, so please let us know if you would like to see something featured in Cannabis by the Sea. You can email us at Oh, and subscribe to the digital copy via our new website! Thank you for your continued support. Stay safe. Be healthy. Please keep wearing your mask and above all, be kind. Looking forward to sharing our Spring issue with you on April 20, 2021!


- Melinda Bie

Cannabis by the Sea Winter 2020

and Here’s Why ...

Talking the C-word with the Kiddos By Peter Dugré Picture this. A billboard towers over the gridlock of Interstate 5 as a family in an SUV crawls toward Disneyland. It projects glowing imagery of cannabis with an ad for a chain of dispensaries. What do Mom and Dad say about this sales pitch to a curious pre-teen in the backseat? Parents might be more ready to recite a message from D.A.R.E. “We must educate parents and especially teens about that presumes the illegality and inherent harm of marijuana. the lasting effects and dangers regarding early use of That was then. marijuana,” says Wellen. Now, whether it’s a billboard or a storefront, cannabis is publicly portrayed as having healthful qualities along with producing a pleasant high. For many parents, the D.A.R.E. message becomes the knee jerk reaction to this type of advertising. Cannabis is bad—JUST SAY NO!

As a therapist, Wellen says the science on what cannabis can do to a developing brain is catching up to experience long observed in behavioral development. What has been evident is impaired young minds do not retain information or learn as they should. Cannabis use, particularly heavy use, by youth not only has the immediate effect of altering a youth’s mental state, but it disrupts the way one develops and learns to cope with the real world and adulthood. to youth, it is

We’ve long been comfortable with the hypocrisy of “mommy and daddy drink,” but adultWhen it comes use cannabis has left parents crystal clear that cannabis should That’s a “just say no” message longing for a little nuance. The not be used or taken lightly. plant was strictly forbidden just wrapped in critical thinking and a handful of years ago, but supported by science. What we today you can walk into a store now know about youth sensitivity to and choose between strains that offer relaxation, creativity, concussions in football also has a through-line to substances or even something on par with a spiritual awakening. like cannabis and alcohol. Developing brains are nothing to mess with. High teens and young adults are at a heightened When it comes to youth, it is crystal clear that cannabis risk for serious long-term behavioral wellness issues. should not be used or taken lightly. Science says that full cognitive maturity is not attained until the age of 25, so Give it to them straight, Mom and Dad. Wellen recommends even the 21-years-or-older restriction poses a risk to the reading, “Buzzed, The Straight Facts about the Most developing brain. Used and Abused Drugs” by doctors Cynthia Kuhn, Scott Swartzwelder, and Wilkie Wilson. CS According to Toni Wellen, a family and marriage counselor based in Carpinteria, Calif., honesty and clarity about Peter Dugré is co-owner of Two Trumpets cannabis is the best path for a parent discussing cannabis Communications and consults with CARP Growers, with kids. If young children consume edibles, there can be the cannabis farmers association in Carpinteria Valley. severe health consequences, and small children have even Peter & partner Lea Boyd manage both internal fallen into comas from THC. communications and public outreach for associations, public agencies and charitable organizations.

Winter 2020 Cannabis by the Sea


Cannabis Cares

Update And now for an update from DeeDee Kirkwood, aka the Pot Fairy, regarding her longtime advocacy for Michael Thompson. Readers may recall from the CBTS Summer issue, Michael is the longest held non-violent prisoner in the history of Michigan, where cannabis is now legal, serving the 25th year of a life sentence for possession of three pounds of pot.

DeeDee Kirwood

“The parole board hearing went extremely well,” said DeeDee. “December 11 they met to make their recommendation to the governor. So Michael could hear at any time now that he will be free! I speak with him several times a day and despite Covid, I will fly to Michigan to welcome him when the time comes.”

In his hometown of Flint, Michael had a successful career as a concert promoter. While incarcerated, he’s been planning a series of concerts to benefit anti-violence efforts and is ready to take action as soon as he gets out. For more information visit We look forward to your freedom, Michael—we need you working for justice from the outside. ­CS — Justine Sutton


On December 8, 71-year-old Richard DeLisi was released from prison after serving 31 years of a 90-year prison sentence for selling marijuana. According to the Last Prisoner Project, DeLisi is believed to be the longest-serving nonviolet cannabis prisoner, sentenced in 1989 at the age of 40.

While in prison, Richard’s wife, his 23-year old son, and both of his parents died. His daughter was in a car accident, subsequently suffering a paralyzing stroke as a result. DeLisi met his two granddaughters for the first time after his release. While we are so very happy that Richard is now a free man, he has lost a lifetime of memories as well as family - all for a nonviolent crime. CS — CBTS Staff Richard DeLisi

There are still more than 40,000 Americans in prison for activities now widely legal. For more information and to learn how you can help, visit 8

Cannabis by the Sea Winter 2020

More to Come...

The MORE Act & What it Means

By Justine Sutton On December 4, the House of Representatives approved Passage of the act also would save the federal prison legislation on the Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment and system about $1 billion. Expungement (MORE) Act. Passing the bill in the Senate, however, is still not likely, even with Vice President-elect What other changes would the MORE Act bring? Kamala Harris as its sponsor. • Cannabis would be completely removed from the But if Democrats win the runoff elections in Georgia on Controlled Substances Act. With cannabis off federal January 5, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will scheduling, individual states can decide how they’ll reform be stripped of his power to block such bills. That includes their marijuana laws. decriminalization or legalization, which he has blocked consistently despite the overwhelming popularity of • The MORE Act is the first federal legislation establishing legalization, even among Republican voters. social equity programs for cannabis entrepreneurs, and would ensure expungements of prior low-level marijuana Even if the Senate doesn’t flip, though, the House’s historic offenses, with sentences reduced for those serving time in move will prove powerful for a very tangible reason — the federal prisons for such violations Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report states if the MORE Act becomes law, the government would take in • The MORE Act will tax all cannabis sales at 5%, going about $13.7 billion in revenue by 2030. toward regulatory oversight, funding expungements and resentencing procedures, and researching how legal cannabis will affect the population at large. CS

Winter 2020 Cannabis by the Sea


Safety First!

Child-Proof Your Cannabis CANNABIS + KIDDOS = VERY SICK CHILDREN • Accidental consumption includes eating and inhaling. • Edibles look delicious and may be thought of as candy or everyday food. • Sleepiness, breathing irregularities, and loss of physical control, such as walking funny are symptoms of cannabis consumption in children.

LOCK IT UP • Cannabis needs to be stored in child-proof containers. • Keeping it out of sight keeps it out of mind. • Remember, child-proof doesn’t mean teenager-proof.

WHAT TO DO IF ... • Call Poison Control if you think your child has consumed cannabis. 1-800-222-1222. Calls are confidential. • Call 911 in case of an emergency or for immediate attention.

10 Cannabis by the Sea

Winter 2020

Beautifully rehabbed vintage furnishings...

Tobi Harlukowicz | Greenleaf Landscapes | Tarpitz Gardening & Landscapes | 805.448.5381 P.O. Box 629 | Carpinteria | CA | 93014

CANNABIS By The Sea Magazine

Advertise with us ... Spring Issue April 20, 2021 Visit for advertising rates and information Winter 2020 Cannabis by the Sea


The Blissful Canna-preneur

By Amy Marie Orozco

About 10 years ago, Annette Russell put into action the proverb “necessity is the mother of invention.” Her son’s severe eczema was winning against the prescribed steroidand-chemical-filled meds and over-the-counter cures, so she created a remedy for him. And her creation, a cream, proved very successful.

The everchanging twists and turns of legal and compliant canna-preneurship make it difficult for micro industries. Legal counsel doesn’t come cheaply, nor do permitting fees and business applications. Annette has kept at it, though. Handcrafting Thanks to a lifetime of dry skin, Annette was well acquainted her products in small batches and moving forward step by with just how important pure ingredients are. She had begun step, inch by inch. She took a year to find the right fit for a reading product labels as a teenager. That knowledge CBD source. coupled with an ailing son, 10-plus years in cosmetics, 20plus years exploring essential oils, a knack for the art, and lots “First, it was only isolates, and that was not effective at all,” of research had given her what she needed to begin. Annette says. She found a West Virginia hemp farm for her flowers, and she does her own extraction. The CBD is lab Next, she created Buddha Balm for pain relief from her own tested and the products only use pure botanical and arthritis and chronic pain. It worked. It worked for family and essential oils. friends, too, who told their friends, who told their friends, and so on. Today her merchandise line includes CBD Buddha Balm, CBD Cannabliss Body Oil, and CBD Lip Balm. Buddha Balm “A friend suggested I sell it at the dispensaries. I had been a is a topical pain reliever that can be used to treat many patient at Santa Barbara Care Center for many years. I left conditions from nerve pain to annoying itching. Cannabliss some samples with the manager one day, and they became Body Oil is a massage oil, bath oil, and/or body moisturizer my first and number one account,” explains Annette, who now that reduces arthritis and PMS symptoms. The Lip Balm is hemp works at Santa Barbara Care Center. and honey infused, keeping things soft and moisturized. For security and sanitary reasons, she had a production room built to health code standards where each order is made to order, without any additives, emulsifiers, preservatives, or toxins. The essential oils are chosen for their healing properties and are of the highest grade (ingestible).

It’s exciting to be part of the growing cannabis industry, Annette notes. Like any entrepreneur in any field, there are frustrations. There is never enough time and always a need for lots of capital. Facing these challenges, no doubt, will necessitate more inventions from her. CS

“Cannabis and hemp not only relieve pain and aid in healing 805 Buddha Bliss products are available at when applied topically but also help with skin elasticity, plus Follow 805 Buddha Bliss on wrinkle and scar reduction,” explains Annette. Instagram @805buddhabliss. 12

Cannabis by the Sea Winter 2020

Annette Russell holding the family dog, Charly, with her son Samuel, a senior at Santa Barbara High School.

Winter 2020 Cannabis by the Sea


The Cannabis Lifestyle

Recipe Satori Chocolate Pudding

Perfect for spreading some cannabis-infused cheer, these decadent chocolate indulgences are dairy-free/egg-free, dangerously tasty, and dead-simple to make. Just mix and heat an easy pudding base, whisk in delicious Satori chocolate, chill, then whip and serve unbelievably creamy, chocolaty enjoyment. Dense and rich, with optional puff pastry cups as a base, these minimal-effort treats are certain to delight and impress any chocolate and cannabis fan! Adapted from Chef Myra Kornfeld’s recipe. Serves 6, with approximately 6mgs of THC per serving. Ingredients 1 1/2 cups water 4 tbsp Agar agar (seaweed-based thickener, found at health food stores) 1/3 cup agave syrup or maple syrup 1 can coconut milk (full fat) 2 tsp arrowroot powder/starch 1/2 cup dark cocoa powder 1/4 tsp salt 1/2 cup shaved/chopped dark or milk Satori Chocolate (about four 17g bars)

For Coconut Whipped Topping: 1/2 tsp cream of tartar Solid cream from a chilled can of coconut cream 1/2 cup powdered sugar (granulated sugar, molasses, or agave syrup would work as well) Prep: If making coconut whipped topping, put a can of coconut milk in the fridge to chill overnight, and place a metal or glass mixing bowl and whisk attachment (or beaters) in the freezer.

14 Cannabis by the Sea Winter 2020

The Cannabis Lifestyle

Directions: For the pudding, you’ll need to mix the agar agar, water, and agave or maple syrup in a medium saucepan. Set aside. In a separate bowl, mix the arrowroot powder and 1/2 cup of the canned coconut milk. Mix together thoroughly. Heat the agar agar/water/syrup mixture over medium-high heat until boiling. Whisk in the arrowroot and coconut milk mixture, then the cocoa powder and salt, whisking until smooth. Turn the heat down to a simmer and stir frequently while the liquid thickens, about 5-10 minutes. Remove from heat, then add the shaved/finely chopped Satori chocolate. Let the chocolate melt slightly, then whisk the chocolate into the pudding until it is smooth. Scrape the pudding into a large bowl, let cool to the touch, then cover and put in the fridge for 45 or more minutes. After letting the pudding set and chill, scrape all of it into a food processor and blend until perfectly creamy and smooth (just a few seconds). Spatula servings into the pastry cups or ramekins or whatever bowl or cup you’re using, then continue to chill covered in the fridge until ready to serve. For the whipped coconut topping, take the chilled mixing bowl and whipping or beating attachments out of the freezer. Add the separated, solid cream from the top of the cold can of coconut cream. Add the cream of tartar and the powdered sugar (or other sweetener) to the cream, then whip with the mixer until a fluffy cream forms that holds stiff peaks. Chill covered in the fridge until ready to use, whipping up with a spoon before topping the pudding. Best when made and served fresh. CS Recipe and Photos by Satori Confections / Joanna O’Boyle

Winter 2020 Cannabis by the Sea


The Cannabis Lifestyle

Ask a Bud t end er Ann Owens

Hailing from Marin County, the birthplace of 420 and the modern beginnings of mountain biking, Ann Owens always has been an enthusiast of where cannabis and nature meet. After graduating from UCSB and fueled by an interest in working with people, Ann found a career in managing independent eyecare clinics where she was both a tech and a manager. The emergence of cannabis in the medical format as a successful control for glaucoma sparked her interest in merging patient care with alternative methods for treatment. CBTS interviewed Ann about her work at the dispensary Farmacy Santa Barbara.

Have you seen a change in product purchases (type, etc) since the pandemic? Flower has always been the star of the show at The Farmacy Santa Barbara. Since the pandemic began, however, we have noticed that other products have started to creep into the picture — and understandably so. More than ever, our customers are seeking to alleviate inordinate amounts of stress and boredom, cure sleeplessness, and even lose weight. As a result, we’ve seen an increase in the popularity of other cannabinoids, like CBD tinctures and CBN gummy treats for sleep. Similarly, as people spend more time indoors, strains that aid in suppressing appetite and increasing energy have been in demand. People are also looking to shake it up with new, unusual products that help kick boredom and keep things interesting! Do you field many questions regarding growing at home? Our customers are refreshingly curious about all things cannabis. Mostly, we’re asked if we sell seeds, and where to procure them, or if we carry clones (to all three questions: not at this time). We’ve fielded these queries ever since the store first opened, and their frequency hasn’t really waxed or waned since the beginning of the pandemic.

16 Cannabis by the Sea Winter 2020

What’s a special talent a budtender has that makes her/him perfect for the job? Budtenders are unique individuals with a specialized skillset. Some have worked in the industry before they joined The Farmacy team, but they all have an extensive understanding of cannabis strains, delivery methods, and effects. Our budtenders undergo rigorous training on topics from legal compliance to terpene profiles to the latest industry innovations. Although each budtender’s approach is personal and unique, they all share in common a passion for cannabis. They must be compassionate listeners, clever problem solvers, confident with people, and know how to have fun. Budtenders’ talents are eclectic: they produce remedies with the creativity and wisdom of healers, give the sound advice you’d seek from a grandparent, and provide the comfort of a trusted friend or beloved pet. Any special etiquette one should know about when visiting a dispensary? Good behavior at any dispensary is welcome. Come as you are: our customer base includes everyone from connoisseurs to curious first-time users, so please don’t worry if you’re new to cannabis! Please do bring cash we (Farmacy SB) don’t accept credit.

The Cannabis Lifestyle

What do you think is the biggest misconception about dispensaries? A lot of the misunderstandings we encounter here at the dispensary revolve around staff consumption at work. We have a notolerance policy regarding consumption on the premises or on the clock, in compliance with state law and as part of a high standard of service. Customers also occasionally express concerns about the disclosure of personal information to authorities. We take your privacy extremely seriously and follow confidentiality guidelines akin to the HIPAA guidelines used by a doctor’s office. These are beliefs and best practices to which we are very committed.

Farmacy Santa Barbara

Good behavior at any dispensary is welcome. Come as you are: our customer base includes everyone from connoisseurs to curious first-time users, so please don’t worry if you’re new to cannabis!

What is your average demographic and has that changed in the past 9 months? Our customer base has always been very diverse; we’re proud to welcome folks from all backgrounds, walks of life, and of many ages (21 and over, of course!) This has continued to be true throughout the pandemic. It’s an exceptionally difficult time, and regardless of who we are or where we come from, we all need solace and relief. CS

Courtesy Photo

Ann Owens is the Floor Manager at Farmacy Santa Barbara, located at 128 W. Mission St. in Santa Barbara. Visit for more info. ­— CBTS Staff

Winter 2020 Cannabis by the Sea


Anxiety, Depression & a Pandemic,

! y M Oh ,

Cannabis can help

Dr. Bonni Goldstein is the Medical Director and owner of Canna-Centers Wellness and Education. Her practice is dedicated to education on the medical uses of cannabis for serious and chronic conditions. Dr. Goldstein earned her medical degree at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. She became interested in medical cannabis in 2008 when she saw firsthand its healing effects on a friend. Dr. Goldstein recently released the book “Cannabis is Medicine: How Medical Cannabis and CBD are Healing Everything from Anxiety to Chronic Pain.” Cannabis by the Sea interviewed Dr. Goldstein on cannabis and mental health. Q: Are there any statistics or anecdotal evidence Q: Do patients typically start the discussion on cannabis as showing that more mental health professionals are willing medicine or do you? to recommend a cannabis treatment to their patients as opposed to a standard prescription? Dr: I am a cannabis specialist so when patients come to me, it is specifically because they want to use cannabis and Dr: I am not aware of any formal statistics about mental are asking for help in figuring out their cannabis regimen. health professionals’ willingness to recommend cannabis treatment, but, anecdotally, I Q What is a patient’s typical We cannot expect medical patients have patients who reported reaction? with serious conditions to get advice that their psychiatrist or from non-healthcare professionals therapist mentioned using Dr: In my talks with patients who who staff cannabis dispensaries. cannabis or CBD to treat report to me that their primary their condition. Unfortunately, care or specialist physician physicians still do not get education on the nuances of recommended that they come to see me, they are grateful the different cannabinoid medicines and how to use them, that their doctor mentioned it and was willing to discuss it leaving a large gap between just recommending the use with them. of cannabis and actually assisting a patient to find the correct cannabinoid medicines and dosing that will help Q: Are there pandemic-specific signs or indicators you look with their specific situation. for in patients with anxiety and/or depression?

Dr: When I am assessing either new patients or established patients during an appointment, I ask how and if the current 18 Cannabis by the Sea Winter 2020

Courtesy Photo

situation is affecting their mood/sleep/ability to function and if there are issues, we make adjustments to the cannabis regimen. Q: What do people need to know about using cannabis as medicine? For example, dosing, tracking progress, side effects, etc. Dr: The answer to this question is so vast that I just published a book covering all of this! There are many variables involved in using cannabis as medicine. For instance, which cannabinoid to use (CBD, THC, CBG, THCA, CBDA, etc., all are now available to consumers), dosing, timing, method of use (inhaled, sublingual, edibles, topical, etc.), potential drug-drug interactions, potential risks and side effects. For anyone with a serious chronic medical condition, a consultation with a medical cannabis specialist, such as an MD, RN or nurse practitioner, is highly recommended. Q: What about those who want to explore on their own? Dr: Self-medicating can be effective but often patients, especially those new to the use of cannabis, give up because they do not understand dosing or the various effects of the different cannabinoids. We cannot expect medical patients with serious conditions to get advice from non-healthcare professionals who staff cannabis dispensaries. Q: If cannabis “cures” depression or anxiety, can the patient stop taking it? Dr: There is no evidence that cannabis cures anxiety or depression, however there is evidence that there is an endocannabinoid deficiency in these conditions. Cannabinoids from the cannabis plant can replace the deficiency and promote homeostasis of mood and emotions. Many patients report that once they start to feel better with a cannabis regimen, they can take less in order to maintain the good results.

Dr. Bonni Goldstein

fits all” with any medicine. Unfortunately, the conventional approach to treatment often ignores this. There are patients for whom cannabis gives extraordinary results, and there are others who don’t improve, and then there is everyone in between. The diagnosis itself is not what dictates response, it is the person’s individual response that is most important. Since cannabis has been shown over and over again to have an excellent safety profile, if a person is struggling with symptoms despite trying different treatments, cannabis is worth a try. Q: What is the most important question one needs to ask before beginning a cannabis regimen specific to anxiety and/or depression?

Dr: The best approach is to start off by getting credible scientific information on how cannabis might help certain symptoms or conditions. I have included all of this information in my book but patients can also go to reputable non-profit Q: Are there certain mental issues that should NOT be organizations dedicated to helping people with this type treated with cannabis? of treatment, namely, UnitedPatientsGroup. com, and CS Dr: Every condition should be approached in a caseby-case manner. Every one of us responds uniquely to all To learn more about Dr. Bonni Goldstein, medicines, including cannabis, and there is no “one size visit Winter 2020 Cannabis by the Sea


The Cannabis Lifestyle

Cananbis 101:

Terpene | 'tәr-,pēn | Noun

According to Oxford Languages, the definition of a terpene is: any of a large group of volatile unsaturated hydrocarbons found in the essential oils of plants, especially conifers and citrus trees. They are based on a cyclic molecule having the formula C10H16.

PINENE PAIN RELIEF* Arthritis & Cancer Rosemary, Pine needles






Cannabis by the Sea Winter 2020

We’d Recommend It

Products for you

Huckleberry Hybrid Enhanced Gummies Wyld is a Portland, Oregon-based cannabis company known for edibles in origami-styled boxes with gorgeous artwork. May we suggest you try the Huckleberry hybrid enhanced gummies? One CBTS staff member finds them “excellent, especially for sleeping at night.” They are mighty delish, too. If huckleberry is not your thing, there are a variety of other flavors from which to choose. Wyld products are widely available in dispensaries. Find the closest outlet to you at

Happy Dance Whipped Body Butter Saved by the Bell. Actress Kristen Bell’s new line of CBD skincare is called Happy Dance and the craze is sweeping the nation. We’re loving how the Whipped Body Butter, 200 mg of CBD from premium full spectrum hemp extract, moisturizes dry, cracked winter skin. Not to mention the COVID-inspired increase in handwashing creating even drier and cracked-er skin. Available online at Check out the subscription plans, too. Now, get dancin’.

Chili Lime Crackers Like manna from heaven, the Chili Lime Crackers are the perfect antidote for the sometimes overly sweet edible. This savory snack from Heavenly Sweet Co. is made with the best THC to ensure the best in adult mental recreation. A single 1-inch square cracker delivers a big punch, so go slowly. Kind of challenging with these tasty treats. Available at dispensaries. Learn which ones at CS

Winter 2020 Cannabis by the Sea


Pet Project


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To CBD By Amy Marie Orozco Cannabis as medicine may be making as big an inroad into veterinary science as it is human medical science. Touted as a cure-all wonder drug, CBD for pets requires as much thought, care, and discernment as does cannabis for people; maybe more, as pets are 100 percent reliant on hurting pets. By the way, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration their humans for care. does not approve any cannabis for any use in any animals. Research has indicated that cannabidiol has the following properties: anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic, antipsychotic, antiemetic, and anti-seizure. A cannabis-friendly veterinarian can guide you with diagnosis and dosing.

Pure versus impure CBD products aren’t the only concerns. Pets, particularly dogs, have been known to find and ingest edibles as well as cannabis flowers and leaves. They aren’t immune from second-hand smoke, either. Though rare, typical signs of marijuana toxicity in pet include vomiting, a high or But like most things, there are pros and cons. Yes, research low heart rate, lethargy, dilated pupils, and wobbly walking, and studies on CBD use with pets have shown very positive among other behaviors. If you are concerned about your results. On the other hand, the research is very new. Long pet and poison, call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control term effects can’t be known at this point, and there’s still a Center at (888) 426-4435. Their website,, has a lot of work to be done on dosing amounts and timing. A load of very useful information, too. Google search will yield an overwhelming amount of data illustrating that veterinarians agree that cannabis can be Keep pets and cannabis separated. Store cannabis goods beneficial for companion animals; yet CBD pet products are in a locked drawer or in an upper cabinet well out of reach. not regulated. The medicine may be tainted with pesticides If smoking, do so in a different area away from your pet. or come from poisonous soil. (The best place to buy CBD for your pet is at a licensed cannabis dispensary.) Though Is CBD right for your pet? The answer to that begins with your pet owners claim success with CBD, they could be missing or research and consulting your veterinarian. It could be the misinterpreting important signs in animals that could be perfect addition to your pet’s lifestyle. CS 22

Cannabis by the Sea Winter 2020

Resources and References

Resources and References

“Cannabis is Medicine” Authored by Dr. Bonni Goldstein, “Cannabis is Medicine: How Medical Cannabis and CBD are Healing Everything from Anxiety to Chronic Pain” offers readers the opportunity to see if cannabis could be effective for them. Dr. Goldstein explains how cannabis reacts with the human body to create balance. She also discusses 28 common conditions in which cannabis has proven effective. “Cannabis is Medicine” is filled with info, facts, and figures, and so is Dr. Goldstein’s website. We encourage a visit to

“Buzzed, the Straight Facts about the Most Used and Abused Drugs from Alcohol to Ecstacy” Originally published in 1998 — long before we heard about the opioid crisis — this what-you-need-to-know book was meant to help readers make educated decisions about what they are putting in their bodies.There is info on how drugs enter the body, what they do to the brain, their highs, and when they can be dangerous. By no means a comprehensive guide to cannabis, “Buzzed” is more of a survey course on what can and does affect the human body. The authors are doctors Cynthia Kuhn, Scott Swartzwelder, and Wilkie Wilson.

“Cannabis Medicine: A Guide to the Practice of Cannabinoid Medicine” Authors David Bearman M.D. and Maria Pettinato Ph.D., R.N. provide an introductory level course on the endocannabinoid systems, cannabinoids, and, of course, cannabis. It also covers dosing and how to ingest. Health care workers, cannabis-educated patients, and newcomers to cannabis will want this on their bookshelf. CS

Winter 2020 Cannabis by the Sea



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Cannabis by the Sea Winter 2020

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Last Look

Drug Abuse... an Education

It’s better to laugh than to cry, right? Especially when it comes to ludicrous anti-cannabis propaganda. In comic book form, no less. This page comes from a Drug Abuse comic book published in 1970. You can read the entire publication at Ethan Persoff’s website,, which offers “political ephemera, drug hysteria, vintage sex, and health items delivered to you in a timely, inappropriate manner since 2001.” Look under the Comics with a Problem tab and scroll to #18. Described as a “summary for parents and students on the subject of teenage drug abuse,” this comic book offers tips on how parents can recognize drug abuse in their children and how teenagers can avoid falling prey to drug users, among many other helpful hints. Fans of old-school drug hysteria definitely will want to check out Comics with a Problem #8 for the Archie comic book produced in cooperation with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. (Yes, the FBI!) Persoff’s website is well worth a visit. Be sure you have the time to stay a while as there is lots to see. CS

Winter 2020 Cannabis by the Sea



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