
Hemp THC vs. Cannabis THC. You’ve been wondering and we’ve cleared the smoke. Though both derived from the same plant species, their distinct properties, concentrations, and legal statuses set them apart.
When June Blankin changed her career in the aviation industry to the cannabis field, she was all in. Having completed a Master’s Program in Medical Cannabis and Therapeutics, she wanted to educate on and advocate for the medicinal plant. And she is! Her message is loud and clear: “Education and cannabis need to be expanded and easily obtainable. We need easier ways to do business, so this industry doesn’t drown in high taxes, higher interest rates, and fees just to exist.”
“To smoke or not to smoke: that is the question. Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer …“ We don’t know how Bill Shakespeare would answer that question, but advice columnist Ellie Carr sure handles it with aplomb, once again proving that the pen is mightier than the sword. Plus she weaves in a little cannabis education and know-how.
Ken Pfeiffer captured this beautiful shot on the Carpinteria, California beach west of Ash Avenue and approaching the point that leads around to Franklin Creek on November 29, 2023 about 8 minutes after sunset. “This is a great stretch of beach to photograph sunsets, particularly at low tide when you can get reflections on the wet sand,” says Ken, who started taking pictures with a Kodak Brownie in childhood a far cry from the Canon EOS 90D he used to get this photo. See more of his work at 4
Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. 1072 Casitas Pass Rd., #286, Carpinteria, CA 93013 (805) 881-1218 |
Publisher — Bie & Bie Productions, Inc.
Editorial Director — Amy Marie Orozco
Creative Director — Melinda Bie
Contributors — Dianne Armitage, Peter Bie, Ellie Carr, Alonzo Orozco and Ken Pfeiffer
Published seasonally four times a year by Bie & Bie Productions, Inc., Cannabis by the Sea is a lifestyle magazine dedicated to information on the health and wellness properties of cannabis.
Cannabis by the Sea makes every effort to ensure the published information is correct, informative, and practical. Editorial content is not intended to replace the advice of medical professionals.
Cannabis by the Sea advertisements do not imply endorsement of products or services, nor do they influence editorial content.
We’d love to hear from you. Send your comments and questions to
Send product samples to Cannabis by the Sea, 1072 Castias Pass Rd., #286, Carpinteria, CA 93013. All submissions, editorial and otherwise, become the property of Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. is not responsible for unsolicited materials.
COPYRIGHT © 2024 Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form or any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the publisher.
Cannabis use is for adults 21 years of age or older. Consume responsibly. Keep out of reach of children.
Welcome to the Spring Issue of Cannabis by the Sea Magazine!
As we enter our 5th year of publication, we have to take a look back at all of the amazing people we have had the privilege of meeting and who have shared their story with us. It started with the inaugural issue on 4/20/20 when we were first introduced to Dr. Margaret Peterson — one of the most desired and respected physicians in the area of functional and integrated medicine.
In Issue 2 we met Dee Dee Kirkwood, aka the Pot Fairy, and her efforts to bring to light the number of people serving life sentences in prison for nonviolent cannabis crimes. Dee Dee later introduced us to Michael Thompson who spent 25 years in prison for selling three pounds of pot. Had it not been for the Last Prisoner Project as well as the continued efforts of Dee Dee and other individuals dedicated to getting him released, he could have spent the remainder of his life behind bars, since his conviction allowed for up to 60 years of confinement.
In our Spring 2021 issue we featured an interview with Todd Scattini — a West Point graduate, Global CEO of Harvest 360 LLC, and creator of the Athena Protocol, a strategy to mitigate and treat traumatic brain injury (TBI). Todd conceptualized using cannabis to treat TBI victims after the loss of a fellow Army officer and close friend, who sustained a TBI in combat.
Our Summer 2022 issue we introduced you to Sister Kate and the Sisters of the Valley — and speaking for us, we would never be the same! If you don't know about the Sisters of the Valley and their story, I highly encourage you to read the article. You'll find it on our website along with all of our past issues. In addition to great interviews, you'll also find amazing recipes, product recommendations, and helpful advice!
As always, thank you for your support of Cannabis by the Sea Magazine . . . just by reading, you are supporting. We look forward to continuing to introduce you to more amazing people, and, of course, providing you with more information on this amazing plant that we call cannabis.
Keep in touch!
- Melinda BieThis year's 4/20 celebration will coincide with a unique calendar occurrence, distinct from the April 8 solar eclipse. This year, cannabis enthusiasts are eagerly anticipating the festivities falling on a palindrome date, April 20, 2024 (04/20/24), which reads the same forwards and backwards.
Referred to as a "stoner eclipse" by Reddit users, this rare event won't repeat until April 20, 3024. The significance of 4/20 as a holiday stems from its informal origins in 1971, with no official federal recognition
Dianne Armitage grew up in a family that loved music, storytelling, and reading. This love translated to a life filled with work writing copy, blog pieces, articles, and short stories. Her current work as a restaurant hostess is providing endless fodder for future stories, as well as an avid appreciation for healthy knees and feet! “Thank goodness for CBD creams” is her new motto.
Editor Amy Marie Orozco is a stickler for the Oxford comma. That may date back to grammar school when commas reminded her of pollywogs, which she loved to catch along with lizards. Proud of the fact that she still can diagram sentences, Amy truly mourns the loss of the correct usage of between -vs- among and finish -vs- done. Nonetheless, Amy is surprisingly socially adept for someone who works in isolation behind a behind 30inch computer monitor.
Ellie Carr (her pen name) is a writer from San Diego, California. She received her MFA from Columbia University. Her work has been published in The Morningside Post, Toyon Literary Magazine, Columbia’s Thesis Anthology 2022, and others. Her short story, “Pocket Full of Posies,” was adapted by Dell'Arte theatre and performed at Stories in the Tent. Currently, she is working on a collection of vignettes that explores the female body and loneliness. Ellie has served as an editor for Toyon Literary Magazine, Columbia Journal, and The Line. She currently works as a digital marketing manager and copywriter. When she's not writing, Ellie enjoys a nice meal out, visiting old bookstores, and biking around the city. CS
Hemp THC and cannabis THC are two compounds derived from the cannabis plant that have garnered significant attention due to their distinct properties and applications. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is a psychoactive compound found in both hemp and cannabis, but the concentrations and effects of THC in each plant variety differ significantly.
while both hemp THC and cannabis THC are derived from the same plant species, their distinct properties, concentrations, and legal statuses set them apart
Hemp THC, also known as industrial hemp, is legally defined as cannabis plants containing 0.3% THC or less by dry weight. This low THC content makes hemp non-intoxicating, meaning it does not produce the euphoric "high" associated with cannabis use. Hemp has been utilized for centuries in various industries, including textiles, paper, biofuels, and skincare products. The recent surge in interest in hemp-derived products, such as CBD oil, has further highlighted the potential benefits of this versatile plant.
On the other hand, cannabis THC levels can vary widely, ranging from 5% to 30% or more, depending on the strain.
Cannabis with higher THC content is primarily sought after for its psychoactive effects, making it popular for recreational and medicinal use. The euphoria, relaxation, and altered sensory perception induced by cannabis THC have made it a subject of ongoing research and debate regarding its potential therapeutic applications.
The legal status of hemp and cannabis also differs significantly due to their THC content. Hemp, with its low THC levels, is legal in many countries and has been federally legalized in the United States under the 2018 Farm Bill. In contrast, cannabis remains a controlled substance in many jurisdictions due to its higher THC content and psychoactive effects.
So, while both hemp THC and cannabis THC are derived from the same plant species, their distinct properties, concentrations, and legal statuses set them apart. Understanding the differences between hemp and cannabis THC is essential for making informed decisions about their use and potential benefits.
Imagine sitting in a cell for years, decades, or even for life, convicted of an activity that is no longer a crime, while thousands of other people build intergenerational wealth doing exactly the same thing.
That is the situation that tens of thousands of cannabis prisoners face today in the United States alone, while countless others languish in jails and prisons worldwide.
The Last Prisoner Project has one singular mission: to set them free.
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After 34 years working for American Airlines, June Blankin knew it was time to move on and follow her passion. Having completed a Master's Program in Medical Cannabis and Therapeutics, she felt ready to use that knowledge to both help and educate people in ways that would enhance their lives.
By Dianne ArmitageIt may seem like a bit of a leap from one high-flying career to what many might kiddingly interpret as yet another type of high – but June knows better. When asked how her interest in cannabis began, she doesn’t hesitate, saying “Honestly, I don’t remember when I wasn’t interested in cannabis, although we weren’t using that nomenclature. Being a kid in the ’70s and ’80s, from a small town in the south, one might say we had more freedom than teens do now. No cell phones, no tracking devices. Where I was from, you had to create your own fun. Think of That 70s Show meets Dazed and Confused, as a sort of metaphor. There was always an older sibling who had the knowledge, the product, and the music to go along with it. I didn’t see it as any different than alcohol. The older, cool kids — some drank, others smoked weed. I was OK with it. I saw bad behavior more often with drinking than with someone getting high. I have to admit, I wasn’t a heavy user back then, but I definitely was familiar with pot.”
June discovered there were college programs offering an education in cannabis by happenstance while working as a budtender in the Maryland Medical Cannabis market. She’d been there for about two years when the University of Maryland announced their Master’s of Medical Cannabis Science and Therapeutics program under their School of Pharmacy. One of her patients at the time asked if she had heard about it. After researching the program, June felt like it would be a good avenue to pursue in order to further her cannabis career.
Continued from Page 11
“My partner, Duane, was very much into advocacy with the state of Virginia’s chapter of NORML. I joined a small, but mighty group, which helped to guide the state into eventually creating a Virginia Medical Market. Since I had the advocacy and bud-tending experience, I thought this degree and program would help to reduce the stigma and legitimize cannabis. I wasn’t sure I’d be accepted but hoped I had at least a 50/50 chance since they wanted a diverse group of people to begin the inaugural class. Luckily, I got into the program!”
According to The 2022 Leafly Jobs Report, the cannabis industry is creating an average of 280 new jobs per day, which translates to new opportunities for growers, budtenders, sales reps, and everyone in between. June’s decision to seek higher education and become more involved in this industry couldn’t have happened at a better time. She truly is a pioneer creating not only her career path but forging the way for others in the future.
“ “
Education and cannabis need to be expanded and easily obtainable.
In her quest to educate, June’s role as a budtender (which she points out is also known as a patient care specialist), shares, “Whatever you call us, we are the frontline, customer-facing handlers of the bud. We are here to provide education and recommendations while answering almost all questions concerning cannabis. I believe we should be the best we can to serve the patient and adult consumer!
“I see the stigma melting ever so slowly in some ways, and remaining the same as it ever was in others. By all means, we are farther along, but more needs to be done. I get plenty of eye rolls, with lots of she can’t be serious or how crazy is that looks thrown my way. Having said that, I do get serious questions, and that’s why I’m here. My work is for those people who are genuinely curious, the ones who want to know more about what they have been consuming for years, and the newcomers who are seeking a plant-based, healthier alternative to prescription meds. It’s important to remember that a large majority of the stigma and bias against cannabis is steeped in racism, reefer madness, and politics. The history of the drug laws in the U.S., especially regarding cannabis, is based on fear and prejudice against people of color, and for political gain.” June feels the most misunderstood aspect of using cannabis is the negativity created over the years. “Cannabis is a plant, a very complex one, but there are so many wonderful components – and it truly is a medicine for everyone. A quick cannabis 101 here — we all have an endocannabinoid system, which regulates a lot in our bodies — think homeostasis. Cannabis isn’t only THC, but many other cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes. All these make up the smell, flavor, and effects of cannabis.”
As a budtender, June loved helping patients find an alternative to improve their health that actually worked for them. She relished in seeing results, even small ones, that made her patients happier on their return visits. She is particularly fond of LinkedIn because of the sense of community she has found. “I believe if we approach this new industry as a community, it will work and win over the masses. We, as a cannabis community, need to break the stigma about all of it. Regardless of what part of the industry we work in, everyone should want to help end the stigma.”
When asked what she feels is the best way for someone to explore whether a cannabis product may help with physical discomfort, June advises discussing this with their primary care physician. She points out that many arthritis patients do really well with topicals and ointments, especially if formulated to be transdermal so they sink into the deeper layers of the skin. Topicals, for the most part, don’t cause any euphoric feelings, so someone could start with an application two times a day and work up to more if needed. Arthritis causes inflammation, so helping reduce inflammation and swelling is a great relief. Those living in medical and adult-use states have many more options to explore to find out what works best.
Cannabis legalization across the United States? “That is the million-dollar question, right? Trying to define whether it will happen soon is difficult.
I do think there will be legalization one day, my gut says five years, and it may go in phases,” June answers. “The big wait is will there be a reschedule? A de-schedule? Which is better?
Our federal government doesn’t move at breakneck speed, so in my opinion, that is where a lot of waiting time will be. This will be a hot topic during this upcoming election cycle, that’s for sure.”
Always looking for opportunities to share knowledge, she still spends considerable time furthering her education. Last November, she obtained a certificate from the University of California, Berkeley after completing their course in Psychedelics and the Mind.
Her takeaway message is loud and clear! June hopes to keep working on reducing the stigma attached to cannabis, saying, “It’s such a barrier to understanding, accepting, and trying to make a living in the industry. Education and cannabis need to be expanded and easily obtainable. We need easier ways to do business, so this industry doesn’t drown in high taxes, higher interest rates, and fees just to exist. The legacy farmers and their farms need to be an integral part of the emerging industry. Without them, this community will not thrive. Their knowledge is the plant, and their decades of risk just to cultivate it – they need to be at the table. The cannabis table needs to be diverse and have a seat for all of us. Let’s feel free to ask about, talk about, and mainstream this amazing plant. It will make the world a better place.” CS
The podcast dedicated to taking the mystery out of cannabis and hemp.
Hosted by Alex Robles, new shows drop on Sundays
Follow the the links below to watch the “In My Grow Show” podcast on YouTube or listen to it on all the major podcast platforms.
CBTS Staff Report
So, you want to get a cannabis degree huh? Well, believe it or not, US colleges have been quick to adapt to the changing landscape of the cannabis industry, offering a range of cannabis-related degrees to meet the growing demand for skilled professionals in this field. These degrees provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complex legal and regulatory frameworks surrounding cannabis, as well as the technical expertise needed to excel in various aspects of the industry.
One of the most popular cannabis degrees offered by colleges in the United States is the Bachelor of Science in Cannabis Studies. This degree program provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the science behind cannabis, including its chemical composition, cultivation techniques, and medicinal properties. Students also learn about the legal and ethical considerations surrounding cannabis use, as well as the business and marketing aspects of the industry.
In addition to the Bachelor of Science in Cannabis Studies, some colleges also offer specialized degrees in areas such as cannabis cultivation, cannabis business management, and cannabis law and policy. These programs provide students with a more focused education in specific aspects of the cannabis industry, allowing them to develop expertise in their chosen field.
Furthermore, colleges in the United States have recognized the need for hands-on training in the cannabis industry. As a result, many institutions have established partnerships with local cannabis businesses, allowing students to gain practical experience through internships and cooperative education programs. This real-world experience is invaluable for students looking to enter the industry upon graduation.
It is important to note that while cannabis is legal for recreational or medicinal use in some states, it remains illegal at the federal level. As a result, colleges offering cannabis degrees must navigate a complex legal landscape to ensure compliance with both state and federal laws. This includes implementing strict security measures, adhering to state licensing requirements, and providing education on responsible cannabis use.
U.S. colleges are at the forefront of providing education and training opportunities in the rapidly growing cannabis industry. These degrees offer students a comprehensive understanding of the science, business, and legal aspects of cannabis, preparing them for successful careers in this evolving field. With the industry projected to continue its growth trajectory, pursuing a cannabis degree can be a strategic choice for individuals looking to capitalize on the opportunities presented by this continually evolving market. CS
It’s always been easier for me to help others than to help myself
As a Veteran, when someone raises their hand for help, you’re often one of the first ones to respond. But it’s also okay to get help for yourself. Maybe you want or need assistance with employment, stress, finances, mental health or finding the right resources. No matter what it is, you earned it. And there’s no better time than right now to ask for it. Don’t wait. Reach out.
Is it just me, or has the term self-care been creeping into the same category as budget and diet? A dreaded have-to.
Gotta write in a journal, commit to a meditation practice, squeeze in a yoga class, forsake sugar, read some damn book that’s of no interest, haul your ass out of bed to drink something not even close to a coffee substitute in the morning sun, spend hours and hours of turmoil culling possessions to achieve minimalism … [Heavy sigh]
Was that your heavy sigh we just heard?
Uh-huh. OK then, how about this for self-care? Indulging and committing to a sustainable, intimate lifestyle. Thank you, Autumn Brands, for “now melt,” a line of products that sensually nurtures and nourishes. The idea is couples-centric, but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, the products require no specific order, nor are there detailed instructions. It’s simply all about your journey towards physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.
Here’s the line-up:
• Passion Primer for slathering on intimate areas as you desire.
• Body Butter that’s lickable (and vegan!)
• Bath Crystals for setting the mood
• Gummies in Pucker Me Peach
All with 100% full spectrum cannabis and other clean, green ingredients.
“now melt,” from Autumn Brands. Dispensary and delivery available. Now go take care of yourself.
Having been diagnosed with RA (rheumatoid arthritis) at an early age and later with fibromyalgia, Tennah Waters has become intimately familiar with pain management. Traditional pharmaceutical drugs offered some relief, but left her feeling lethargic and unable to perform basic daily activities. At 15 she discovered the healing properties of cannabis and its effectiveness in alleviating her pain was nothing short of miraculous. However, the societal stigma surrounding cannabis at the time made it challenging to further explore. As Tennah's passion for cooking grew over the years, she found herself naturally drawn to the idea of combining her two interests.
As smoking wasn't always feasible, she turned to crafting recipes that were simple, affordable, and used ingredients available at home. Granola bars emerged as the perfect go-to snack, allowing her to customize and experiment while being healthy or indulging her naughty side, depending on the day. Today, Tennah is excited to share a recipe she created for GangaGirlz Products called GG Granola Bars, that offer both a health and indulgent option for a perfectly balanced medicinal edible.
Visit to sign up for weekly recipes, and to peruse Tennah's many other recipes and products.
PREP TIME: 15 minutes
COOK TIME: 30 minutes
3/4 cup brown sugar, packed
2/3 cup peanut butter
1 tbls honey
1/2 cup corn syrup
6 tbls unsalted butter, melted
2 tbls canna butter, melted (THC)*
2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp cinnamon
3 cups old fashioned oats
1. Generously spray (2) 13' x 9' x 2' pans with nonstick cooking spray. Set aside.
2. In a large bowl, combine brown sugar, peanut butter, honey, corn syrup, melted butters and vanilla extract until well blended.
3. Add remaining ingredients (except chocolate chips and 2 tbls canna butter) and stir until combined.
4. Using gloves, press mixture evenly into the prepared pans and bake at 350ª for 15 minutes, turn pan around and bake another 15 minutes. Cool on racks. Cut into 12 bars.
5. In a small saucepan on low heat, melt chocolate chips with butter until melted, using a spoon or pastry bag, glaze bars.
The combination of THC and CBD creates the perfect
* You can find Tennah's recipe for Canna Butter on her
Dear Ellie,
I’ve explored nearly every method of cannabis consumption, including vapes, volcanoes, infused drinks, tinctures, topical ointments, CBD pills, and more. If there’s a way to consume cannabis, I’ve likely tried it. While I’ve always been eager to try what’s new, I can’t help but prefer smoking over any other method. Am I alone in this preference?
— Miss Cannabliss
Dear Miss Cannabliss,
You said it, and I was thinking it. There’s just something special about rolling up a joint and smoking it. If that’s your preferred method, no judgment here. But if you’re trying to explore new methods and get the most out of your bud, it’s important to ask yourself why you use cannabis in the first place. What are you hoping to get from the experience? If you’re looking to get high and relax, smoking a joint is not only efficient, but it’s one of the best ways to regulate your dose and get the most flavor out of your weed. It’s truly an amazing time to be a cannabis consumer. I’ve upgraded from smoking whatever mystery leaf was in my friend’s baggie to becoming a connoisseur of cannabinoids. Now, I carefully choose my method, like a cannabis sommelier, to ensure I get the best results for what I want. It’s like going from a leafy blind date to a sophisticated weed affair.
We’re all unique in our dance with cannabis, each with our own reasons for catching that sweet high. Some people light up for a good night’s sleep, others to unwind after a long day, and as a substitute for alcohol. Then there are the medical heroes using it to battle anxiety, inflammation, insomnia—you name it. Some blaze it up daily and in social scenes, while others prefer a cozy night in. The possibilities are endless. So, whether you’re sparking up for a chill vibe or a social outing, your choice of consumption method is your own cannabis signature move. When it comes to smoking weed, I like to know exactly what I’m getting into and how a strain will make me feel. That need for control is the reason I hung on to smoking for so long. Once I started using cannabis as a means for more than just getting high, the world of cannabis expanded, and I don’t think I could ever go back to solely smoking again. Here are some products that aren’t in the business of getting you high, but have some truly great benefits in the medical department. They are often mistaken for having the same psychoactive effects of smoking THC, but do not..
CBD : CBD is typically used to treat chronic pain, anxiety, inflammation, and insomnia. It serves as a popular and effective natural remedy for many ailments, offering benefits such as pain relief and relaxation without the psychoactive effects of potent THC. CBD is not psychoactive, so if you’re using CBD to get high, you’re doing it wrong.
THC balms or ointments: While THC balms and ointments may be newcomers to the scene, they’ve quickly gained high regard for their effectiveness in treating inflammation, burns, anxiety, digestive issues, and more. However, the popular question remains: will they get you high? The answer is no. When you apply a THC product to the skin, it skips the bloodstream, never making it to your brain. This translates to a more holistic effect without the buzz, and the relief typically lasts for 1-2 hours.
Got a cannabis question? Send it to Ellie at
You gotta hand it to Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong. Not only have they kept themselves relevant in the post-legalization market, they serve as icons of the health and wellness benefits of cannabis in their still-going-strong way. Cheech & Chong’s Cruise Chews are precision-dosed CBD and THC (10: 1) for a mild and mellow ride. Interesting to note their website’s emphasis on 100 percent legality and safety of their products. It’s not easy to shake the draconian days of prelegalization — talk about PTSD.
You know it’s mainstream when Martha Stewart, the lifestyle guru of good things, creates a product line. Say hello to her wellness gummies, Martha CBD, whose wellness targets include recovery, sleep, and stress. Gummies are pure isolates and in varying doses and tastes such as Citrus Medley and Berry Medley. “I set out to create the most delicious CBD products on the market, drawing inspiration from some of my favorite recipes and flavor profiles from my greenhouse and gardens,” reports Martha from her website. Subscriptions available.
Rhetorical question: Do you have a neverending list of things you need to do plus things you want to do but the sheer overwhelming-ness of it all is enough to zap all your oomph? Uh huh, us too. There’s a gummy for that. Camino Sours Tropical Burst Energy from Kiva with 10 mg THC, 5 mg THCV, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and a titch of caffeine. Terpenes include alpha-pinene, beta-caryophyllene, limonene, and valencene. Get ready to start crossing things off your to-do list and adding new ones.
Celebrity cannabis chef Laurie Wolf dishes out 70 recipes in her groundbreaking cookbook, Cooking with Cannabis: Delicious Recipes for Edibles and Everyday Favorites, along with the health and wellness benefits of the plant. The recipes also are suitable for special occasions or anytime you want to make a good impression. After visiting her bookshelf, meander to Wolf’s pantry shelf at, where you’ll find edibles and more inspiration.
It’s not the first time CBTS Magazine has referred readers to Project CBD and probably not the last. This time it’s for the adaptation of The Cancer Connection: How to use cannabis and hemp to kill cancer cells by Joe D. Godstrich, MD, with Angels Bacca (Flower Valley Press, 2023). According to Project CBD, “… most of this research points to what lay healers and patients who make and use their own cannabis oil already know: the whole cannabis plant, including hemp varieties, every part of them, contain antineoplastic compounds that together kill cancer.”
The publisher of Dimensional Cannabis, Poposition Press, claims it is the world’s first po-up book about cannabis. We can’t vouch for that, but we can say that we love a publishing house devoted to pop-up books — with or without a cannabis one. The book’s pop-ups include paraphernalia, anatomy of cannabis, cannabis history, medical marijuana, cannabis cultivation, and cannabis culture. A perfect gift for oneself or a loved one. www.popositionpress.comxxxxxxx CS
Small acts of kindness can have a big impact in making people feel welcome. When we reach out and connect with others, we can build a stronger community where everyone – regardless of their background – feels like they belong.
Breathe • Sweat • Laugh • Heal
Bridget Watson-Favaro
RN(EC), NP-PHC, BScN, IIWCC, CEO Nurse Practitioner Cannabis Specialist
Sarah Colosanti
Peter Bie draws on over 30 years of media experience and 15 years of service in his church where he serves as Lay Pastor to bring out the very best in your ceremony. He will help to infuse your day with care, strong presentation skills and a warm, personal touch. Email
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CBTS Staff Report
American born Alice B. Toklas may be best known for The Alice B. Toklas Cook Book, published in England in 1954 and featuring a recipe for Haschich Fudge. According to, “Toklas had gotten the recipe from painter Brion Gysin and hadn’t realized the cannabis-laced confection would seem so controversial to an American audience. The recipe was omitted from the first U.S. edition of the book, though the publisher added it back in for a reprint in the 1960s.” The Americanization of Haschich Fudge is Alice B. Toklas brownie. It should be noted that the B. in the cookbook author’s name stands for Babette, not brownie.
Alice B. Toklas
April 30, 1877 — March 7, 1967