1 minute read
Hillclimb honors Citizens

so they each were running write-in campaigns. Fiolek was running for a two-year term after being appointed to replace Wayne Wagner, who passed away while in office. Weston was running for another full, six-year term.
Judge Joseph Matika ordered the manual recount after an appeal by Skinner. “The election board told me the scanners they use to count votes didn’t recognize the pens, so 70-some votes were thrown out,” Skinner said. “Everybody used pens instead of marker so the names would fit on ballots.”
On May 12, the recount was completed, and both names were added to the ballot for the November general election.
Penn Lake OKs zoning ordinance changes
by Suzanne Winters
Joe Cyburt, president of the Weatherly Hillclimb Association, welcomes the Citizens Fire Co. No. 1, into the Hillclimb Hall of Fame Sunday at the Hillclimb’s 62nd Annual Spring Event. Pictured from the fire company are John Floyd, president, and Bill Hines, second assistant chief. Turn to page 11 for a photo page of Hillclimb cars. JH: James Hunter
Prior to the June monthly meeting, Penn Lake Borough Council held a public hearing regarding the adoption of its revised Zoning Ordinance. The revision corrects typographical errors and inconsistencies, and includes provisions for unattached structures. There were no residents present to offer any public comment.
The Zoning Ordinance change was adopted at See PENN LAKE, page 5
CHS GRADS: Crestwood High School graduation took place June 10 at Mohegan Sun Arena. Next week we will feature Crestwood, Weatherly and other graduations. Send pics to journalruth@ gmail.com no later than Monday to be included.

211 Main Street, White Haven, PA 18661
(JAY E. HOLDER, Co-Publisher 1954-1997; CLARA HOLDER, Co-Publisher 1954-2014) Seth Isenberg, Advertising Sales Ruth Isenberg, Editor Steve Stallone, Sports Editor