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Public Notices
Public Notice
GIVEN that the Dennison Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold a public hearing on Thursday, June 29, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the Dennison Township Municipal Building, 76 Walnut Street, Dennison Township (White Haven), PA 18661. The purpose of the public hearing shall be to consider an application by Kosta Duniakos for the proposed construction of an accessory structure (60′ x 70′) at 200 Middleburg Road for a home which is under construction. The PIN Number for this property is 01252 B001 L012 which is located in an R-A District. The applicant seeks a variance from Section 305
(A) which regulates the location of accessory structures upon a lot. This accessory structure will be located in the front yard of the property.
A copy of the full text of the application and supporting material are on file and available for public inspection by appointment at the Dennison Township Municipal Building by contacting Township Secretary, Kathleen Stortz at (570) 4438190 or an electronic copy may be obtained by contacting John Varaly at jvaraly@ptd.net
John R. Varaly, AICP Dennison Township Zoning Officer 6/22